Quotation Explorer - 'George Hammond'

People who believe that justice is a pendulum are willing to swing it wildly. - George Hammond
Even if God had created us, He would never have admitted it. - George Hammond
It is hard for people to think clearly because their emotional needs keep getting in the way. The trick is to make thinking clearly an emotional need. - George Hammond
The easiest way to be inscrutable is to be completely straightforward and honest. Then no one will be able to figure out what you’re up to. - George Hammond
The world is mad, but let's not get angry about it. - George Hammond
Laws should act as the lower limits of acceptable behavior, not as a guide to noble action. - George Hammond
Revolutionary behavior and violence are usually only indulged in when people are at their wits’ end. So social stability depends a lot on how long their wits are. - George Hammond
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