Quotation Explorer - 'Godwin Elendu Ph.D'

Do not wait, there will never be a right time, start from where you stand. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
Education entails the development of body and mind towards getting whatever you want without violating the rights of others. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
You should focus on those things that will lead you to succeed instead of wasting your time on trivial issues. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
If you want to be successful. You must pay the price in advance. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
The lesson of the ages have proved that success is more than just the accumulation of wealth and by contract no one can be a complete failure when you work towards goals and services of others, your goals must be fulfilled. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
A prosperous person programmes prosperous thinking into his or her mind. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
You have the power within you to make your world a reality. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
You have to really believe that you can move mountains. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
No person may enjoy outstanding success without good health. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
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