Quotation Explorer - 'James M. Barrie'

Everytime a child says 'I don't believe in fairies' there is a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead. - James M. Barrie
We are all failures - at least the best of us are. - James M. Barrie
If you have love you don't need to have anything else. If you don't have it it doesn't matter much what else you do have. - James M. Barrie
Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough, You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. - James M. Barrie
His lordship may compel us to be equal upstairs, but there will never be equality in the servants hall. - James M. Barrie
That is ever the way. 'Tis all jealousy to the bride and good wishes to the corpse. - James M. Barrie
There are few more impressive sights in the world than a Scotsman on the make. - James M. Barrie
The secret of happiness in not in what one likes to do, but in what one has to do. - James M. Barrie
Let no one who loves be unhappy, even love unreturned has its rainbow. - James M. Barrie
Strength instead of being the lusty child of passions, grows by grappling with and subduing them. - James M. Barrie
Temper is a weapon that we hold by the blade. - James M. Barrie
The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it. - James M. Barrie
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. - James M. Barrie
We are all of us failures, at least, the best of us are. - James M. Barrie
Always be a little kinder than necessary. - James M. Barrie
For several days after my first book was published, I carried it about in my pocket and took surreptitious peeps at it to make sure the ink had not faded. - James M. Barrie
The most useless are those who never change through the years. - James M. Barrie
The praise that comes from love does not make us vain, but more humble. - James M. Barrie
Life is a long lesson in humility. - James M. Barrie
Never ascribe to an opponent motives meaner than your own. - James M. Barrie
Ambition - it is the last infirmity of noble minds. - James M. Barrie
We never understand how little we need in this world until we know the loss of it. - James M. Barrie
I know not, sir whether Bacon wrote the works of Shakespeare, but if he did not it seems to me that he missed the opportunity of his life. - James M. Barrie
God gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December. - James M. Barrie
A safe but sometimes chilly way of recalling the past is to force open a crammed drawer. If you are searching for anything in particular you don't find it, but something falls out at the back that is often more interesting. - James M. Barrie
I'm youth, I'm joy, I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg. - James M. Barrie
The best place a person can die, is where they die for others. - James M. Barrie
You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by. - James M. Barrie
I know not, sir, whether Bacon wrote the works of Shakespeare, but if he did not it seems to me that he missed the opportunity of his life. - James M. Barrie
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