Quotation Explorer - 'L.R. Knost'

It is time for a return to childhood, to simplicity, to running and climbing and laughing in the sunshine, to experiencing happiness instead of being trained for a lifetime of pursuing happiness. It is time to let children be children again. - L.R. Knost
Forgiving ourselves and learning from our inevitable mistakes transforms failure from a stumbling block into a stepping stone. - L.R. Knost
Forgiveness empties the past of its power to empty the present of its peace. - L.R. Knost
When you're lying in bed at night and regrets from the day come to steal your sleep... "I should have" "If only I'd" "I wish I'd"...grab one of them and turn it into an "I will" and sleep peacefully knowing tomorrow will be a better day. - L.R. Knost
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