Quotation Explorer - 'Laura Marling'

I do so hate to be forced to be anything than other than what I am. - Laura Marling
I cannot love, I want to be aloneI will not love, I want to be alone - Laura Marling
I think I’ll feel out of place wherever I go on earth, forever. But that’s fine. I have to make my peace with that. - Laura Marling
I can’t do small talk really, and that’s fine. I've got old friends and family that love me, thank God. I’m grateful for what a city gives you access to, but I do feel that I’m only here until I figure out how to get out again. - Laura Marling
I tend to be drawn to people who are similar. Very independent. And the ones who aren't, it doesn't work. It doesn't last. I’m drawn to quiet people certainly I am now. - Laura Marling
People want to spend time together and I just couldn't pretend that I wanted to do that. But now I do get it. [..] Though I still don’t do that. - Laura Marling
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