Quotation Explorer - 'Michael Levy'

☺☺ When a man gets you 99, he starts to think, he may only have another 10 years of sexy lovemaking left... Still Smiling At 99. ☺☺ - Michael Levy
☺☺ When a man gets to 99, he starts to think, he may only have another 10 years of sexy lovemaking left... Still Smiling At 99. ☺☺ - Michael Levy
New Year, new month, new day, new moment, all places we have never been before. Enjoy each experience with relish & spice... tasty times ahead. - Michael Levy
A person's Acts of #Kindness far outlives their lifespan,for they leave behind a true, meaningful legacy. - Michael Levy
My 11 #books come without pomp n frills, for all seeking #true #meaning & unafraid of overcoming past conditioning. #Rewards are infinite - Michael Levy
A person cannot tell the truth, if they don't live the truth & they can't live the truth, if they don't know the truth_ Cutting Truths - Michael Levy
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