Quotation Explorer - 'W.S. Merwin'

I offer you what I have myPoverty - W.S. Merwin
What you remember saves you. - W.S. Merwin
So this is what I amPondering his eyes that could notConceive that I was a creature to run fromI who have always believed too much in words - W.S. Merwin
Through all of youth I was looking for youwithout knowing what I was looking for - W.S. Merwin
We keep asking where they have gonethose years we remember and wereach for them like hands in the night - W.S. Merwin
UtteranceSitting over wordsVery late I have heard a kind of whispered sighingNot farLike a night wind in pines or like the sea in the darkThe echo of everything that has everBeen spokenStill spinning its one syllableBetween the earth and silence - W.S. Merwin
Separation Your absence has gone through me Like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color. - W.S. Merwin
Modern poetry, for me, began not in English at all but in Spanish, in the poems of Lorca. - W.S. Merwin
from what we cannot hold the stars are made - W.S. Merwin
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