Quotation Explorer - 'Girish Kohli'

Only the Fearless are truly Free. - Girish Kohli
Creativity finds its own creator. - Girish Kohli
My idea of working for a living is not going to office and earning a salary. It is to build a log house and catch my own fish and till some soil. - Girish Kohli
Only a self-learnt man can teach others - Girish Kohli
Only a self-learnt man can reach others. - Girish Kohli
Creativity is the only way a man can ever experience motherhood. - Girish Kohli
When you know yourself, mirrors turn to glass. - Girish Kohli
Enlightenment is when a laptop comes to know that it is a laptop. - Girish Kohli
Only a self-taught man can teach others - Girish Kohli
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