Quotation Explorer - 'Mirrors'

There's nothing we fear more than our own Reflection. We scream at the monsters within us, hidden deep within our hearts. We run and hide from the terrors all around us- the different mirrors that we see. - Solange nicole
Most people like mirrors; what they do not like, is people, who are mirrors. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. ‪#‎ThoughtOfTheDay‬ ‪#‎author‬ ‪#‎writer‬ ‪#‎thinking‬ ‪#‎Happiness‬ ‪#‎motivation‬ ‪#‎positivity‬ ‪#‎humanities‬ #RT @roshan_b - Roshan Bhondekar
It's hard to decide if TV makes morons out of everyone or if it mirrors Americans who really are morons to begin with. - Martin Mull
Education will turn mirrors into windows but it is revelation that will turn cowards into heros - Dr Lloyd Magangeni
Mirrors are useless for reflecting who you are. - Fernando A. Torres
I tear at the air with glass nailsthat have learned to scalemountains of mirrors. - Valentina Cano
Children are not a zoo of entertainingly exotic creatures, but an array of mirrors in which the human predicament leaps out at us. - John Updike
A big group of daily friends or a white painted house with bills and mirrors, are not a necessity to me—but an intelligent conversation while sharing another coffee, is. - Charlotte Eriksson
Our basic relationship to sex mirrors our whole relationship to life. - Swami Dhyan Giten
Because no one has more thirst for earth, for blood, and for ferocious sexuality than the creatures who inhabit cold mirrors - Alejandra Pizarnik
Mirrors lie. - Meghan Blistinsky
Genius is a bend in the creek where bright water has gathered, and which mirrors the trees, the sky and the banks. It just does that because it is there and the scenery is there. Talent is a fine mirror with a silver frame, with the name of the owner engraved on the back.
Life is like facing two mirrors at each other: There is no beginning... no end.Just the beauty within the reflected infinity - Michael Biondi
Attitudes are like mirrors, they reflect towards anyone that's looking. - Karl Kloppenborg
You have always understood and accepted my most genuine, most intimate impulses and responded to them with surprising accuracy. I wish all people turned into such mirrors for each other. - Igor Eliseev
To forgive others, in order to forgive ourselves, because in their roles as our mirrors, they have been nothing other than a tool to our lack of self-love, a lack of self-recognition, and a lack of self-respect. - Human Angels
Mirrors should think longer before they reflect. - Jean Cocteau
Ingenuousness is skewed by the cracks in the mirrors of the eye caused by the blunders of the insincere - T-anne Constable
I put tape on the mirrors in my house so I don't accidentally walk through into another dimension. - Steven Wright
It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors. - Oscar Wilde
The earth and sky are like two mirrors facing each other. - Marty Rubin
In the heart of appeasement there's the fear of rejection, and in acts of fear there are mirrors of oppression. - Criss Jami
Most people are mirrors, reflecting the moods and emotions of the times; few are windows, bringing light to bear on the dark corners where troubles fester. The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. - Sydney Harris
I find great happiness in my relationships with old friends, living mirrors that reflect histories of laughter and sorrow, triumphs and failures, births and deaths, on both sides. - Diane Von Furstenberg
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. - Sydney J. Harris
Love others to make them feel better and so that you see yourself in the mirrors of their eyes. - Debasish Mridha
Pets reflect you like mirrors. When you are happy, you can see your dog smiling and when you are sad, your cat cries. - Munia Khan
And thou shalt smite thine enemy even unto the wall, gnashing thy teeth, and he shall grow small in thy mirrors.
Sometimes the clearest mirrors come from those who are outside looking in. - Jennifer Neal
The purpose of writing is to hold a mirror to nature, but too much today is written from small mirrors in vanity cases. - John Mason Brown
This is the only real revelation that God is only a trick with mirrors, our dark reflection in a glass. - Philip Appleman
There is in each person, in every animal, bird and plant a star which mirrors, matches or is in some sense the same as a star in the heavens. - Paracelsus
Life is like facing two mirrors at each other: There is no beginning, no end. Just the beauty within the reflected infinity - Michael Biondi
Books are not distractions. Rather, they are, and have been, the most profound and accurate mirrors man has ever crafted. - RJ Arkhipov
The Road to success is a pattern that mirrors your behavior for the next halfway - Jinzo Sloatch
You must take these poems as mirrors; for you know that the mirror has no form of itself, but rather reflects the face of anyone who looks in it. Just so a poem has no one particular meaning of itself , but presents to each reader his state of the moment and the completeness of his case - Ayn al-Qazat Hamadani Persian Mystic
True friends are not mirrors where we can always see ourselves reflected in a positive light. - Shannon L. Alder
The written word is all that stands between memory and oblivion. Without books as our anchors, we are cast adrift, neither teaching nor learning. They are windows on the past, mirrors on the present, and prisms reflected all possible futures. Books are lighthouses erected on the dark sea of time. - Greg Weisman
It was an earthquake, tearing at the sons of America, trying to swallow them up. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful sons, that women had reared, had kissed and screamed at, and that fathers had stared intently in their cots, to see themselves in the wondrous mirrors of their babies. - Sebastian Barry
Mirrors that hide nothing hurt me. But this is the hurt of purging and precious renewal - and these are the mirrors of dangerous grace. - Walter Wangerin Jr.
Your words are like mirrors. They may cut, but they also reflect. - Timothy Joshua
When you know yourself, mirrors turn to glass. - Girish Kohli
Life is just mirrors and misunderstandings. - Caedem Marquez
There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors. - Tennessee Williams
Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes. - Edward Gibbon
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