Quotation Explorer - 'Gathered'

As a HARD ROCK hit the wolf, he crawled back to his favorite beach to gathered sources from his 3S of happiness , sea, sand and sun to refresh his battle faced body ... A triangle with the SHE wolf inside, the ONE that combined all the above to rejuvenate his soul - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Churchill kept perspective on the crowds that gathered to hear him speak by conceding they would be twice as big if gathered to see him hanged. - Winston S. Churchill
... and thereof do I repent: I only plucked an occasional flower when I might have gathered an ample harvest of fruit -- such are the just grounds for the regrets I have ...
With every morn my life afresh must breakThe crust of self, gathered about me fresh;That thy wind-spirit may rush in and shakeThe darkness out of me, and rend the meshThe spider-devils spin out of the flesh-Eager to net the soul before it wake,That it may slumberous lie, and listen to the snake. - George MacDonald
As a HARD ROCK hit the wolf, he crawled back to his favorite beach to gathered sources from his 3S of happiness, sea, sand and sun... A triangle with HER inside - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
He easily gathered her in his arms; Gramma was made up of skin and bones and hate and crazy - and hate and crazy don't weigh anything. - Barry Lyga
Our worst can become our best if mistakes are gathered like twigs of a bird's nest, giving one true foundation, a spiritual home to build their life upon. - Ace Antonio Hall
You will never know just how thrilled my heart is to behold such a throng of people; especially as they have gathered to pay tribute and love's greatest honor to loved ones who, today, are basking in the sunshine of God's heaven. - Reverend Ada Slaton Bonds
When a man is in love how can he use old words? Should a woman desiring her lover lie down with grammarians and linguists? I said nothing to the woman I loved but gathered love's adjectives into a suitcase and fled from all languages. - Nizar Qabbani
Happiness is like manna; it is to be gathered in grains, and enjoyed every day. It will not keep; it cannot be accumulated; nor have we got to go out of ourselves or into remote places to gather it, since it has rained down from a Heaven, at our very door.
In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration. - Ansel Adams
In our day heaven and earth are on tiptoe waiting for the emerging of a Spirit-led, Spirit-empowered people. All of creation watches expectantly for the springing up of a disciplined, freely gathered, martyr people who know in this life the power of the kingdom of God. - Richard Foster
The room flashed brighter still and then gasps filled the room. They were all gathered around Roxy and she was unsure why. She didn’t feel any different, Hadn’t the spell worked ? Roxy opened her mouth to speak and then she heard it…… a purr. - Amanda Turner
The only people I am aware of who don’t have troubles are gathered in peaceful, little neighborhoods. There is never a care, never a moment of stress and never an obstacle to ruin a day. All is calm. All is serene. Most towns have at least one such worry-free zone. We call them cemeteries. - Steve Goodier
The flowers left thick at nightfall in the woodThis Eastertide call into mind the men,Now far from home, who, with their sweethearts, shouldHave gathered them and will do never again. - Edward Thomas
Genius is a bend in the creek where bright water has gathered, and which mirrors the trees, the sky and the banks. It just does that because it is there and the scenery is there. Talent is a fine mirror with a silver frame, with the name of the owner engraved on the back.
... each of us describes our existence by means of objects which are indifferent to us, which survive us, and which are then thrown back into the common stock from which they are soon gathered again and ascribed other roles in other circumstances. - Andrew Motion
I love the friends I have gathered together on this thin raft... - Jim Morrison
That it should be the questions and shape of a life, its total complexity gathered, arranged, and considered, which matters in the end, not some stamp of salvation or damnation that disperses all the complexity into some unsatisfying little decision - the balancing of scales... - Tony Kushner
My passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist. Drive is considered aggression today; I knew it then as purpose. - Bette Davis
In the South of California has gathered the larges and most miscellaneous assortment of Messiahs, Sorcerers, Saints and Seers known to the history of aberrations.
There I lay staring upward, while the stars wheeled over... Faint to my ears came the gathered rumour of all lands: the springing and the dying, the song and the weeping, and the slow everlasting groan of overburdened stone. - J. R. R. Tolkien
Where two or more are gathered in the name of Man; that is civilization; that is Order; and that is the beginnings of brutality and suffering. - Christopher Dutton
For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. - Bible
Our Father Who Art in Heaven gathered more meaning for me as my own father joined the Maker when I was still in school. - Andy Paula
The host took care to produce one or another of these whenever the current subjects seemed about used up, so that the conversation gathered new life and at the same time steered clear of political arguments, which are hindersome to both ingestion and digestion. - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
I walk into so many places where Christians are gathered and I get all excited, only to find that the fellowship among these Believers is dead! There is no openness, no authenticity. - Alan de Jager
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