Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. - Bible
A wealth of experience and wisdom doesn't have to be a dead giveaway to your increasing years. The spin you put on it is what will keep you young. Don't let it make you bitter. Learn from it, and let it make you better. - Jayleigh Cape
Love makes the world go round, but sometimes you spin so much you end up dizzy. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Conversationally, we were Fred and Ginger -- spin, slide, shuffle, bend. - Marisa de los Santos
Cooler heads prevail while things spin completely out of control. - Clifford Cohen
No matter how much spin, effort, lunch or dinner you give the media, they will not fail to notice whether you have won or lost.
Sometimes the world puts a spin on life. When our equilibrium returns to us, we understand more because we've seen the whole picture.
I can’t sew, but I can spin one helluva yarn. - A.D. Posey
If you are a dreamer, come in,If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...If you're a pretender, come sit by my fireFor we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in!Come in! - Shel Silverstein
It is as if Quincey has replaced the sun in my universe and it is around him that I spin. - Kate Cary
The ritual of marriage is not simply a social event; it is a crossing of threads in the fabric of fate. Many strands bring the couple and their families together and spin their lives into a fabric that is woven on their children.
I happen to know that history is nothing but a spin and metaphor, which is what all yarns are made up of, when you strip them down to the underlay. And what makes a hit or a myth, of course, is how that story is told, and by whom. - Joanne Harris
I spin worlds where we could be together. I dream you. For me, imagination and desire are very close. - Jeanette Winterson
The mint from your breath, the milk from your breast, the best of your mind, now in its worst state of condition. From the womb to the tomb, as a mild flower, you break your petals upon blossom, and seize death openly. Leaving your fragrance to spin and dance, one last time before being blown away. - Anthony Liccione
With every morn my life afresh must breakThe crust of self, gathered about me fresh;That thy wind-spirit may rush in and shakeThe darkness out of me, and rend the meshThe spider-devils spin out of the flesh-Eager to net the soul before it wake,That it may slumberous lie, and listen to the snake. - George MacDonald
Savor every little bit of life and spin your own wonderfully beautiful web. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
If men stopped making fools of themselves in front of women, I'm 80% sure the planet would cease to spin on its axis. - Rhys
His harmonic words could weave the fabric of time or spin matter from nothingness if the mood suited him. - Lita Burke
...they needed someone to explain, to spin, the parts of the tale that couldn't be suppressed. Someone reputable and educated. Someone brilliant yet absolutely committed to the faith. Someone like my father. - Martha N. Beck
You make me smile like the sun, fall out bed, sing like a bird, dizzy in my head. Spin like a record crazy on a sunday night. You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breath, shine like the sun buzz like a bee, just the thought of you can drive me wild. Oh you make me smile. -- - Uncle Kracker
The idea is to spin the wheel of metaphors and images until sparks of associations begin to fly for the reader. - Charles Simic
If you are a dreamer, come sit by my fire. For we have some flax-golden tales to spin; come in! Come in! - Shel Silverstein