Quotation Explorer - 'Nothingness'

Each word seemed to me an unnecessary stain on silence of nothingness. - Samuel Beckett
My wisdom is as spurned as chaos. What is my nothingness, compared to the amazement that awaits you? - Arthur Rimbaud
This was the problem with having walls so hard and high and unscalable, she supposed. When they came down, they crumbled completely, shattering into nothingness. She felt utterly defenseless right now. - L.J. Smith
LENIN = "Revolutionary Social Democracy"American Socialists = "Democratic Socialism". What is the difference? The USSR held democratic referendums too; all of which increased the power of the central planners and reduced the individual to nothingness. - A.E. Samaan
Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child. - Waiter Rant
Sometimes the emptiness in a room becomes palpable as if you could reach out and touch it real, hear its silence, feel its black nothingness. It invades your spirit, your soul like a stealthy misperception; a liquid lie that whispers and will not die, and makes you fight to stay alive. - Gloria Smith
God made everything out of nothing. But the nothingness shows through. - Paul Valéry
Man is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness from which he emerges and the infinity in which he is engulfed. - Blaise Pascal
Love is not an idea, not a feeling, not a sensation, not a sentiment, not a passion, not even an emotion. It is becoming and being not... Ultimate nothingness! Complete self-annihilation! - Raheel Farooq
Life can only be experienced in myriad of intricate forms, but can be understood only in abstract.Here/Now/Present is the doorway to abstract - the divine nothingness - Rashmit Kalra
and the idea of nothingness the most terrifying of all ideas, when thought of with feeling has, in my dear master’s work and in my memories of him, something as high and luminous as sunlight upon snowy, unscalable peaks. - Álvaro de Campos
Everything science has taught me strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. I believe in an immortal soul. Science has proved that nothing disintegrates into nothingness. Life and soul, therefore, cannot disintegrate into nothingness, and so are immortal. - Werner Von Braun
God had brought me to my knees and made me acknowledge my own nothingness, and out of that knowledge I had been reborn. I was no longer the centre of my life and therefore I could see God in everything. - Bede Griffiths
The greatest mystery is not that we have been flung at random between the profusion of matter and of the stars, but that within this prison we can draw from ourselves images powerful enough to deny our nothingness. - Andre Malraux
Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness. - Samuel Beckett
We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust. - Jalaluddin Rumi
There is a distinct difference between Darkness and Satan. Darkness is silence, the void, Zen; nothingness. Satan was a pig-headed being who fought to get his way. Wake up! Don't let him have his way anymore. - Solange nicole
The writer doesn’t write for the reader. He doesn’t write for himself, either. He writes to serve…something. Somethingness. The somethingness that is sheltered by the wings of nothingness those exquisite, enveloping, protecting wings. - Joy Williams
His harmonic words could weave the fabric of time or spin matter from nothingness if the mood suited him. - Lita Burke
The writer… begins in confusion and nothingness and writes his way into clarity. - Phyllis Rose
Before man ventures into daydreams about his futuristic society, he shouldfirst immerse himself in the nothingness of his being, and finally restore life to what it is all about: a working hypothesis. - Tomislav Sunić
Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it. - Woody Allen
We can regard our life as a uselessly disturbing episode in the blissful repose of nothingness. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Most of the time it may seem like I'm staring into nothingness, but there's a whole world playing out in my head. - Aneta Cruz
What am I to do on this earth? The choice rests with me: suffer or enjoy. Whither will suffering lead me? To nothingness; but I shall have suffered. Whither will enjoyment lead me? To nothingness; but I shall have enjoyed myself. - Victor Hugo
It hurts, doesn't it? Giving someone everything you can think of. The wings to fly and roots to stay and yet watch them choose none of those, leaving you hanging in the middle of void and nothingness. - Akshay Vasu
In order that love be fully satisfied, It is necessary that It lower Itself and that It lower Itself to nothingness and transform this nothingness into fire. - Teresa of Ávila
Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. But all other pleasures and possessions pale into nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy. - Mahatma Gandhi
A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death - the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders we are not going to be judged. - Czesław Miłosz
Absolute equals nothingness. - Dejan Stojanovic
Nothingness is the basis of everything that exists today. It's the mother of creation & consciousness! - Vishwanath S J
Just the perfect peace of nothingness. That's what I believed. - Shaun David Hutchinson
The wise man is one who knows, the significance and nothingness of his life. - Aditya Ajmera
I was desperate to discover what nothing felt like. It was the absence of something that attracted me. It was the start. Everything important originated with nothingness. - Augusten Burroughs
And I keep wandering in search of a nothingness... - Avijeet Das
There is something beautiful about a blank canvas, the nothingness of the beginning that is so simple and breathtakingly pure. It’s the paint that changes its meaning and the hand that creates the story. Every piece begins the same, but in the end they are all uniquely different. - Piper Payne
A thing of beauty is a joy forever:Its loveliness increases;It will neverPass into nothingness. - John Keats
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness; but still will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. - John Keats
Eternal nothingness is okay if you are dressed for it. - David Krumholtz
Nihilists embrace life's existence by the acceptance of nothingness - Martijn Budel
If it is nothingness that awaits us, let us make an injustice of it, let us fight against destiny, even without hope of victory. - Miguel de Unamuno
Even the faded flower refutes nothingness. - Marty Rubin
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