Quotation Explorer - 'Powerful'

Everything I do is going to contain the message that men who are going to be comfortable with powerful women are going to be more powerful men - Joss Whedon
Love is the most powerful catalyst. It can change a heart and the world. - Debasish Mridha
If you have realized how powerful a simple act of kindness is, you will never be rude. - Debasish Mridha
Many people can easily make out if a person is working or just enjoying by misusing his powerful position and s/he does not need to give any explanation or clarification for his action. - Anuj Somany
Positive Attitude is a great mental strength and powerful winning tool. Success is an attitude. Even if you dont have it, you can develop it - Peter Isekiigbe DE Rock
The two most powerful forces in the world,Love and Money !People will kill for both. - Lou Silluzio
All powerful and lasting change, whether in your personal life or your business, comes from the heart, not the mind. - Tonya Sheridan
Be united like a rain; be powerful like an ocean. - Abed Rahmani
Most powerful is he who has himself in his power. - Seneca
In critical moments even the very powerful have need of the weakest. - Aesop
Pride is a powerful narcotic, but it doesn't do much for the auto-immune system. - Stuart Stevens
It’s because our friendships female friendships are just a hop to our sisterhood, and sisterhood can be a very powerful force, to give the world the things that humans desperately need - Tanja Taaljard
Love is a passionate powerful emotion; how could it follow any reason? - Debasish Mridha
The most powerful force ever known on this planet is human cooperation a force for construction and destruction. - Jonathan Haidt
Capitalism is the most powerful tool for positive social change. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
Disruption is, at its core, a really powerful idea. - Clayton M. Christensen
If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. - Emmet Fox
The mind is more powerful than ever, and you have more control over it than you ever think. - David Lionel Lloyd
Each of you are a voice. Together we are a choir, a powerful choir of change that circles the globe with love. - Lynda Cheldelin Fell
A divine falsehood is more powerful than any human truth. - Mikhail Bakunin
When your position is one of peace, then you're truly powerful. - Sue Fitzmaurice
The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely. - David Cuschieri
Powerful words, a soft embrace, & facial expression that can warm your heart. Growth shows you to appreciate what you didn't before. - April Mae Monterrosa
The will to be stupid is a very powerful force, but there are always alternatives. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Integrity combined with faithfulness is a powerful force and worthy of great respect. - Gordon Atkinson
Knowledge, ideas, and wisdom are the most powerful forces that we can use to improve lives while bringing peace to this beautiful world. - Debasish Mridha
Love is more resourceful. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe. - Debasish Mridha
Imagination is tapping into the subconscious in a form of open play. That is why art or music therapy, which encourages a person to take up brushes and paint or an instrument, and just express themselves, is so powerful. - Phil 'Philosofree' Cheney
Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela
What I find powerful is a person withthe confidence to be her own self. - Oprah Winfrey
Thoughts are powerful beyond measure. - Lailah Gifty Akita
More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin. - Orrin Woodward
Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love.
Do not hide your weakness for they grow and become powerful demons in the dark. - Paul Bamikole
religion, the most powerful of the elements which have entered into the formation of moral feeling, having almost always been governed either by the ambition of a hierarchy, seeking control over every department of human conduct, or by the spirit of Puritanism. - John Stuart Mill
. . . there is a wish in the heart of mankind to be distracted and confused. Truth is but one attraction, and not always the most powerful. - Joyce Carol Oates
Strength, courage and power do not exclude kindness, understanding and consideration. You can be strong and kind; you can be courageous and understanding; you can be powerful and considerate.
Experts are by definition the servants of those in power: they don't really THINK, they just apply their knowledge to problems defined by the powerful. - Slavoj Žižek
If women had power, what would men be but women who can't bear children? And what would women be but men who can?...I mean, men give her [a queen] power. They let her use their power. But it isn't hers, is it? It isn't because she's a woman that she's powerful, but despite it. - Ursula K. Le Guin
In the spirit realm, whatever is said becomes a reality, then, it can be same in the abode of the living, for powerful species, to say whatever they like for an immediate manifestation, it is the law in the astral planes, and we don't care about the destination of the acting forces. - Michael Bassey Johnson
He who fears alcohol MUST also fear ANGER, for anger is more powerful and dangerous than the alcohol. - Oppong Amankwaa
Music is the language of the universe. Music was there even before the concept of life. Music is one of the most powerful catalysts of evolution. - Debasish Mridha
Art is a product of the intuitive—the most powerful instrument within us. The intuitive is the most accurate sense we have. - Louis I. Kahn
Surrendering is intentionally laying down the power I possess. And have I considered that the power I lay down is often more powerful than that which I’m laying it down in front of? Therefore, I would be wise to recognize that surrender is less the absence of power and more the presence of fear. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The most powerful and strongest part in your body is your 'brain'. It can fetch u anything.. Use it and Use it wisely. - honeya
You'll never understand how powerful your choices have been or are until the day you ask yourself why you made them. - Mduduzi Risimati Mbiza
Through powerful and heartfelt communication with the universe, you can create a new world everyday-you can be proud of. - Pooja Ruprell
The eyes are one of the most powerful tools a woman can have. With one look, she can relay the most intimate message. After the connection is made, words cease to exist. - Jennifer Salaiz
One of the most powerful lessons silence teach us is to ponder - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
God is not just intensely personal. He is infinitely powerful. - Matt Chandler
It is the curse of the powerful to be blind to their own faults. - Robert Fanney
The great achievements of western capitalism have rebounded primarily to the benefit of the ordinary person. These achievements have made available to the masses conveniences and amenities that were previously the exclusive prerogative of the rich and powerful. - Milton Friedman
One of the most powerful lessons in life is to recognize that no one can give you power, and many people don’t want you to have it. You have to find the courage to seize it, own it and hold on! - Shannon L. Alder
Words are powerful, so use every word wisely to create a better world. - Gugu Mona
The heart is what is important." There is nothing more vulnerable, nothing more corruptible than the human mind; nor is there anything as powerful, steadfast and ennobling. - Daisaku Ikeda
Materialist deny God because they can't smell a rose with a powerful telescope. - Adriano Bulla
The idea of atomic energy is illusionary but it has taken so powerful a hold on the minds, that although I have preached against it for twenty-five years, there are still some who believe it to be realizable. - Nikola Tesla
The past is always with us. It echoes through every living moment, giving it depth and meaning beyond itself. Sometimes the past is so powerful, those echoes threaten to overwhelm the present. - Trish Feehan
WAKE UP NOW...You will become a history one day...Even if you are most important, most powerful, most wanted or most influential individual on the planet. THAT’S IT! - Aditya Ajmera
Compassion is even more powerful than courage. Sure, with courage you can conquer a world - but only with compassion can you heal and build it. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The kind of gospel that our churches are preaching sometimes are not powerful enough to change the very street where these churches are located talk less of the nation where they are - Sunday Adelaja
Who is wise? He that learns from everyone. Who is powerful? He that governs his passions. Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody. - Benjamin Franklin
Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo
Everything is going well "Day One" book up to page 137, planning som new movies to watch in the near future, close to awesome and powerful quotes. Some new and awesome events... - And that's life, that's how it must be! - Deyth Banger
Be an advocate for the people and causes important to you, using the most powerful tool only you have—your personal stories. - John Capecci and Timothy Cage
It's not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you. - Tyler Perry
There is nothing more powerful than this moment your living, now, more powerful than your convictions and truths, spend time with what your heart desires and souls screams for. Life ends a day before we know it, it's so important to chase everything that matters to you. - Nikki Rowe
Mammon is still the god of the world's largest and most powerful religion. - Marty Rubin
The most powerful tools of revolution through intention are humility and consciousness. - Bryant McGill
Resistance is a powerful motivator precisely because it enables us to fulfill our longing to achieve our goals while letting us boldly recognize and name the obstacles to those achievements. - Derrick A. Bell
We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. - Albert Einstein
Refrain from doing ill; for one all powerful reason, lest our children should copy our misdeeds; we are all too prone to imitate whatever is base and depraved. - Juvenal
Customs are more powerful than laws. - The Talmud
Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything... Love. - Lauren Kate
No matter how powerful, countries cannot rule the whole world. The world is ruled by brains, by justice, by morals and by fairness. - Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Marketing is so powerful that it can make even an extremely untalented musician a one-hundred-hits wonder. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination. - Albert Einstein
If you try to make something just to fit your uninformed view of some hypothetical market, you will fail. If you make something special and powerful and honest and true, you will succeed. - Hugh Macleod
An enlightened life can be so powerful that it can illuminate the whole world. - Debasish Mridha
Victories are won while on your knees! Keep praying for those who rise up against you. Fear not. The Lord has rectified the problem. Prayer is POWERFUL!! - Anita R. Sneed-Carter
Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't. - Margaret Thatcher
I didn't want to be an immigrant. I was forced to be an immigrant. Alexis de Tocqueville, the French writer, said that the powerful and the happy never go into exile. He was right. - Jorge Ramos
There is nothing in the world more powerful than an idea. No weapon can destroy it; no power can conquer it except the power of another idea.
Love not only transform your mental and emotional character/attitude, it also shifts your physical being, which goes thru subtle changes also. Love is POWERFUL! God is love. - Pazaria Smith
Many of the most powerful things in life are not tangible. All it takes is for you to close your eyes to see. - Shannon L. Alder
Your mornings are very powerful. Be careful with them. - Matthew Donnelly
The most important doctrine I can declare, and the most powerful testimony I can bear, is of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. His atonement is the most transcendent event that ever has or ever will occur from Creation’s dawn through all the ages of a never-ending eternity. - Bruce R. McConkie
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. - Marianne Williamson
The three most powerful seasonings are hunger, variety, and gratitude. - Neel Burton
Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power. - Seneca
Childhood is the time and children's books are the place for powerful emotions, powerful language, powerful art... There is no room for cutesy books, dull books, or books that talk down. Children are not inferior. They may be small in stature but not in what they feel, think, listen, and see. - Betsy Hearne
Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young. - W. Somerset Maugham
Power is a delicate thing. The most powerful storms on earth intensify rapidly, but dissipate just as fast if not faster. - Anonymous
The mind is powerful, but it needs something to hold on to so it doesn't wander. - Eknath Easwaran
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. - Rudyard Kipling
When you feel big and powerful, stand before a mountain; when you feel small and weak, stand before an ant. - Vinita Kinra
Smiling is powerful. Smiling at your problems make you a powerful person. - K.R. Loreto
When you send out a powerful thought into the universe, you send out ripples to all parts of it which come back to you, reflecting what it is you sent out. - Stephen Richards
Prayer may just be the most powerful tool mankind has.~Blink - Ted Dekker
The difference between punishment and discipline is a powerful child. - Danny Silk
The 3 most powerful resources you have available to you : love, prayer and forgiveness. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
What are humans meant to do; why are we here? Are we a mutation on the earth destroying its host? Are we a cancer destined to kill what supports us? I think not. So exploring this question is a powerful exercise in meaning; what is the meaning of human existence? - David W. Earle
At the innermost core of all loneliness is a deep and powerful yearning for union with one's lost self. - Brendan Francis
Love is a dramatic driving force, the most powerful potion that we drink willingly. - Balroop Singh
Some capitalism suffers from cronyism. All of socialism is perverted by the crony statism of the powerful few. - A.E. Samaan
The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. - Matt Taibbi
We must remember that the most powerful medicine we can offer for suffering of any kind is simply kindness. It says, "You're not alone. I see you; I hear you; I'm with you. - Ponlop
Fear is a powerful beast, if it is allowed the mastery. - Mary Balogh
Names are powerful and so is destiny, but a person's will is more powerful than both put together. - Liesl Shurtliff
Thatcher set ordinary people free, but into a landscape that her other policies had already shaped to suit other, more powerful interests, such as large corporations or Britons with inherited wealth. - Andy Beckett
Music is powerful. It sets the mind and body and soul free in a way that I've never fully been able to understand. Maybe because it's not meant to be understood. It's simply meant to be experienced. - Jacqueline E. Smith
The greatest mystery is not that we have been flung at random between the profusion of matter and of the stars, but that within this prison we can draw from ourselves images powerful enough to deny our nothingness. - Andre Malraux
Whoever has the power takes the noun while the less powerful get an adjective. No one wants her achievements modified.We all just want to be the noun. - Sheryl Sandberg
Teaching is the most powerful force that changes our world one student at a time. - Debasish Mridha
Traditions are the guideposts driven deep in our subconscious minds. The most powerful ones are those we can't even describe, aren't even aware of. - Ellen Goodman
Thought is the most powerful creative energy in this universe. - Debasish Mridha
The fault lies with us, and only us. It's not fate, not genetics, not bad luck, and it's definitely not Mom and Dad. Ultimately it's us and our choices...but the most powerful spectacular thing is that the solution rests with us as well. - Louise Penny
Man is not the creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of men. We are free agents, and man is more powerful than matter. - Benjamin Disraeli
It is better to have a fair intellect that is well used, than a powerful one that is idle. - Bryant McGill
The most powerful forces in the universe are infinite. Love, imagination, intuition, stillness. Then why should we define our soul? - Matthew Donnelly
The language of sword is less powerful than the language of word, but most ofthe people understand the language of sword with greater power than thelanguage of word. - Kedar Joshi
the more i love the less i talk, because no word in the world powerful enough to express how i feel. - Bilal
(Life) it was a little bit nearer than God, but no less powerful and terrible. Yes, it was something, perhaps, that one did not wish to understand because one feared it, something to which one paid tribute lest it should feel offended and seize one, body and soul. - Arthur Holitscher
When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. - Audre Lorde
Perspective is a powerful attitude, providing the ability to see circumstances, no matter how challenging, as an opportunity. - Chris Vonada
Who is wise? He that learns from every One. Who is powerful? He that governs his Passions. Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody. - Benjamin Franklin
Humility is more powerful than egoistic pride. Water is more powerful than the strongest cliff and Love is more powerful than might. - Radhe Maa
The last thing I ever wanted was to be alive when the three most powerful people on the whole planet would be named Bush, Dick and Colon. - Kurt Vonnegut
I was born a strong, powerful woman, but was raised to be a victim. - Sharon Law Tucker
As someone who grew up in the Bronx, I certainly learned my share of four-letter words, but none are more powerful than nice. - Linda Kaplan Thaler
No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by experience. Whenever I have prayed earnestly, I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes. - Martin Luther
Life is a powerful force, it either make you or break you. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
We are powerful beyond imagination. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Either blasphemy is a victimless crime or its victim is powerful enough to take care of himself without any help from you. - Richard Dawkins
Love is more powerful than prettiness or wittiness. - Debasish Mridha
The two important things I did learn were that you are as powerful and strong as you allow yourself to be, and that the most difficult part of an endeavor is taking the first step, making the first decision.
The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. - Ann Wigmore
You are the owner and controller of the most powerful engine with the potential to win all wars of life—it is your ever changing mind. - Debasish Mridha
Art does not imitate life. Art is much more powerful than that. Art brings life back. And it does it by exposing the secrets we all carry inside.
Art has the ability to change minds. Passion is what changes the world. When both collide, it's as powerful as a bomb. Art isn't pretty and poised fluff. Art is brutal and snarling. Artists growl. This is the roar of change that beats within them. - 8/29/11 - A.H. Scott
He had a powerful kind of ache inside of him, half joy, half terrible sadness. - J.K. Rowling
If the nation had strong willpower people as party in opposition, then no person in ruling party could ever misuse own powerful position to cause pain to general population. - Anuj Somany
Leaders are more powerful role models when they learn than when they teach. - Rosabeth Moss Kantor
But aside from a few migraines, you can't possibly imagine any OBEY drawbacks that CEASE REPRODUCTION could come with SUBMIT merging CONSUME your thoughts with EMBRACE YOUR CULLING experimental technology CONFORM TO SOCIAL ORDER from an STAY ASLEEP extremely powerful DIE corporation, wait what? - Andrew Hussie
The most powerful factors in the world are clear ideas in the minds of energetic men of good will. - J. Arthur Thomson
The most powerful control we can ever attain, is to be in control of ourselves. - Chris Page
No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the weather. - Michael Pritchard
Measured with magnetic field meters, the electromagnetic field that the heart produces is some 5,000 times more powerful than that created by the brain. - Stephen Harrod Buhner
The only thing more dangerous then your enemy knowing how powerful you are, is your enemy not knowing how powerful you are. - Joshua Teya
Money is very powerful inspiration. - Amit Kalantri
Words are a powerful aphrodisiac. They have the ability to awaken emotion, to excite the minds and senses. The right words entice, creep and crawl along the skin like the sensuous touch of a skilled lover. THAT my friends, is truly magical indeed... - Shan O' Connor
The special virtue of freedom is not that it makes you richer and more powerful but that it gives you more time to understand what it means to be alive. - Adam Gopnik
You're like candy. People lick your knowledge to become wise, lick your words from your powerful mouth and say it even better than you. Lick each step you make and stay on a good track, and once you're dead, the lickers scavenge for another intellectual candy. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience. The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. - Leo Tolstoy
The artists are the most powerful ones, the creators, first are the painters, working without words, second are the music composers, and third are the writers. - Robert Black
If the militarily most powerful and least threatened states need nuclear weapons for their security, how can one deny such security to countries that are truly insecure? The present nuclear policy is a recipe for proliferation. It is a policy for disaster. - Joseph Rotblat
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. - Marianne Williamson
Love, Imagination and Intuition are the most powerful forces on the planet earth. - Matthew Donnelly
The religion that empowers you to lie on god's behest is the most powerful weapon one can ever find. - Vishwanath S J
The merging of characteristics between different species creates a very powerful language, one that I love to explore through my art, enabling me to tap into the unconscious. - Virginia Lee
YOU are your own guru. YOU are your own soul mate. YOU are powerful. Take the reigns and drive your carriage home to love. - Amy Leigh Mercree
Big houses are not build by big or powerful men but rather by ambitious and determined men. Their achievements make them big/powerful men - Amen Muffler
Be humble and kind. Kindness has power in it. Look at Mother Teresa, the truest example of kindness. She was humble, kind, and fragile yet she was also a symbol of power. I have never heard of a woman more powerful than her. When we hear name, we must bow our heads with deep respect. - Debasish Mridha
Curiosity is the most powerful thing you own. Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality. - James Cameron
The truth is that the world is full of dragons, and none of us are as powerful or cool as we’d like to be. And that sucks. But when you’re confronted with that fact, you can either crawl into a hole and quit, or you can get out there, take off your shoes, and Bilbo it up. - Patrick Rothfuss
Crime isn't that complicated. People steal because taking something gives them something. If they're not in it for the money, they're in it for the control. The act of taking, breaking the rules, makes them feel powerful. They're in it for the sheer defiance. - V.E. Schwab
We often use strong language not to express a powerful emotion but to evoke it in us. - Eric Hoffer
If you were born with the ability to change someone’s perspective or emotions, never waste that gift. It is one of the most powerful gifts God can give—the ability to influence. - Shannon L. Alder
Money is the most powerful and popular god because everybody is praying for money. - Debasish Mridha
Our thoughts are so powerful! Be careful what you think!If people only realized how powerful this concept is, they would never allow a negative thought to take space inside their minds. - Zane Baker
I am neither male nor female, nor am I sexless. I am the Peaceful One, whose form is self-effulgent, powerful radiance. - Guru Nanak
Prayer is a connection from your heart with a force that is powerful beyond measure, loves unconditionally and impartially, and embraces you whenever you turn to it. - Pooja Ruprell
Powerful words come with powerful intent. Where you have passion, strength, courage, and determination you can accomplish anything! - K.L. Toth
You are nature. You are already perfect, peaceful, and powerful. You don’t need to become anything. You simply need to remember yourself. - Vironika Tugaleva
You have no idea how powerful it can be the truth.""No tienes ni idea de lo poderosa que puede ser la verdad. - Arrow
i believed that imagination is stronger than knowledge, sometimes that dreams are more powerful than fact,stronger dreams may seized peoples heart with full of amore/love - irak.ibrahim hussain didi
Any country where there is no freedom of speech is no more than a Kingdom of Animals where only the powerful speaks! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. - Peace Pilgrim
As a woman when you determine your self-worth, you also determine how powerful you are. - Micheline Jean Louis
I’m convinced that one of the most powerful forces on earth is the prayer of a child. - Wess Stafford
The most powerful channel of communicationis still, "The Heart" ! - Wordions
The human is the only animal on earth that pays a thousand times for the same mistake. The rest of the animals pay only once for every mistake they make. But not us. We have a powerful memory. We make a mistake, we judge ourselves, we find ourselves guilty, and we punish ourselves. - Miguel Ruiz
Dear YOU, don’t compare yourself to ANYONE. Your Unique Self is empowered, powerful, and unstoppable! Your uniqueness is what makes you incomparable! Don’t underestimate the beauty of just being YOU. - Stephanie Lahart
Love is the most powerful force on this world. You can't touch it but feel it. You can bind together the whole world with it, you can win the war with it. It is faster than light, sharper than laser knife. It is softer than puffer candy but can melt your heart. - Debasish Mridha
It was a sign of how worried and confused I was that I wasn’t completely distracted by the sight of his powerful thighs flexed in front of me. - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
Prayer is the most powerful resource we have in this life; yet, many only turn to it as a last resort. When unbelievers pray for repentance of sin and ask for God’s forgiveness, prayer is the spiritual dynamite that obliterates the darkness and despair of a sin-soaked soul. - Franklin Graham
The ABC's success by Bob Proctor is one powerful book, such books are rare. Even sometimes it's hard to find a book which is based on somebody's experience... fantasy??For god sake, one drop truth which is about from 10% up to 20% and the other from 80% up to 90% it's a lie. - Deyth Banger
I Am Female. Empowered, powerful, and greatness! - Stephanie Lahart
When the rich and the powerful rise they leave the powerless and the poor without possibility. - Auliq Ice
A pure heart is a powerful heart." ~ - Dr. MaryAnn Diorio
Stories are one of the most powerful ways in which we communicate ideas among ourselves. They are the stuff that brings us together, the things we celebrate, the things we share with one another. - Robert Stephen Parry
Whether you are trying to finish a race or a book or that hard conversation you've been avoiding, the training leading up to that event is what makes it possible to face the fear & walk forward anyway. Quit complaining about discipline & start seeing it as a powerful tool for courageous living. - Annie F. Downs
Your mind is the most incredible gift! A powerful mind is the reserve for all that is physical in stamina. - James C. Emlund
Education in the form of knowledge and wisdom are only as powerful as how we use them in our daily lives. - Matthew Donnelly
What is greater than painIs a greater brainMore powerful than anything. - Ricardo Derose
Knowledge empowers people with our most powerful tool: the ability to think and decide. There is no power for change greater than a child discovering what he or she cares about. (Speech about Global Warming read on the National Mall for the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, 2010) - Seymour Simon
Rage whether in reaction to social injustice, or to our leaders’ insanity, or to those who threaten or harm us is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into fierce compassion. - Bonnie Myotai Treace
Absolution is the most powerful form of forgiveness. A full pardon from suspicion and accountability. It's the liberation of a stolen future. A future my father never lived to see. Absolution is a mercy the people who killed him will never know. - Emily Thorne
Praying for your children is the most powerful way you can care for them. - Elizabeth George
The food you eat can be either the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison - Ann Wigmore
one is good but ten is better. together is a powerful, beautiful, and peaceful. - B. Armynanta
One of the only things more powerful than the human heart is the that it takes to heal one that has been broken - Tommy Cotton
Being powerful or powerless is a habit. - Krishna Sagar
You know what's just as powerful as a good cup of coffee in the morning? Starting your day with some good, loving thoughts. It can change how your whole day unfolds. - Karen Salmansohn
Hate is a powerful emotion. It can take over a sane man's mind and cloud it with insanity. - James Hauenstein
No matter how rich, powerful or handsome he is, he is still just a man. - Rebecca Warner
Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change. - Bob Kerrey
When you become the image of your own imagination, it's the most powerful thing you could ever do. - RuPaul
Sometimes what we don't wish for is more powerful than what we do. - Tis the Season
You are whole today, looking back at fragments of the past. Such a hollow foundation for such a powerful person. - Hubert Martin
Powerful women always interpret hostility as unrequited love. - Tina Brown
Your mind is the most powerful magnet. What you think, you attract. - Debasish Mridha
Some positive thinkers get consistent powerful results almost deserving of a scientific formula - Victor Manan Nyambala
Spooky things, people, places, scents and sounds together or alone can create a powerful adrenalin rush and it floods the senses. - StorySmitten
To receive children’s love and to come home to a child who runs to you with a hug, among the most powerful emotional experiences available. - Dennis Prager
The Divine has created this moment in time. It is a very powerful moment, where there is only one way and that way is that you completely let go. Completely let go of what is known, what is safe, and move into the space of beauty. - Tony Samara
You are a light born to shine. You are not who the world thinks you are. You are not what you think you are. You are as God created you. Never see yourself less than that. You are powerful than you know! - Kemi Sogunle
... the Wisdom of God ... rules all things, because it is infinitely more powerful and more loving and, above all, more merciful than ours. - Father Jacques Philippe
Let's not become too busy to keep in touch with those who really matter most and need us. Life's short but let's make an indelible purposeful and powerful impact with it - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Hair on a man's chest is thought to denote strength. The gorilla is the most powerful of bipeds and has hair on every place on his body except for his chest. - Anton Szandor LaVey
You are great in Christ and you are powerful beyond measure! - Deaquelynn Williams
Saying 'I don’t know' is one of the most powerful things you can say because it creates the potential to find out. - Kyle Schmalenberg
Sometimes I struggled to say something meaningful only to learn that silence is just as powerful as words. - Alredo Quinones-Hinojosa
One of the most powerful lessons silence teaches us is to ponder - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If you learn to use the power of love then you're the most powerful person. - Debasish Mridha
There are only two kinds of freedom in the world; the freedom of the rich and powerful, and the freedom of the artist and the monk who renounces possessions. - Anais Nin
True greatness consists in the use of a powerful understanding to enlighten oneself and others. - Voltaire
When you understand the mechanincs of stress and master the techniques to manipulate someone's fears and dreams, you will be powerful. - Gregory Hartley
Love and trust are so powerful. They can literally change the fate of a person. - Tasha Hoggatt
There is no transparency, Marus. It can’t exist. Surveillance doesn’t go both ways. There are those who watch, and those who are watched; the powerful, and the powerless. - Celeste Chaney
A dream is only as powerful as the dreamer. - Bianca Frazier
The mind is so powerful that is can suddenly grow wings of imagination and fly in the open sky. - Debasish Mridha
Nothing is so powerful as love and simple kindness. - Debasish Mridha
Love is as abundant and powerful as sunlight. It can enlighten the whole world. Clouds of doubt can hide it temporarily, but it is always there. It can heal you as sunlight, but it can also burn you. - Debasish Mridha
Our thoughts and imaginations are much more powerful than our feelings or actions. - Debasish Mridha
My utterance is mighty, I am more powerful than the ghosts; may they have no power over me.
There's something amazing about the passion of youth and its power to sustain. If there's a more powerful energy source, I don't know about it.
There are only two most powerful situations- being so small that you have nothing to lose and being so big that you don't care what you lose! - Jasleen Kaur Gumber
Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for .success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good. - Vaclav Havel
Desire is a powerful boat herding anchors and chains in the middle of the night. - Rosabetty Muñoz
We were not born into this life knowingthat we were going to becomerich or poor, striving or with a celeb status, sick or healthy.But one thing that I know is thatthe human mind is a powerful tool to achieve success. No matter the circumstances,greatness is when you pushyourself above the odds. - Henry Johnson Jr
Role models are only of limited use. For no-one is as important, potentially powerful and as key in your life and world as you. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
You are powerful, you are unique, you are a gift to yourself and others. - Akiroq Brost
Money is a powerful aphrodisiac. But flowers work almost as well. - Robert Heinlein
Technical term is narcissism. You can't believe everything is your fault unless you also believe you're all powerful. - Matt Witten
Your words are very powerful and what you say matters; keep them positive and powerful. - Farshad Asl
A tongue is about the size of a bullet, but much more fierce and powerful. - Anthony Liccione
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push - a smile. A word of optimism and hope, a 'you can do it!' when things are tough - Richard M DeVos
When you step up to being excellent, use hard work and determination as the powerful force they are. By using these ideas, over time they will reward you with sparkling success. - Mark F. LaMoure
Most powerful is he who never cared for power. - Debasish Mridha
Personal discipline is a most powerful character quality and one worthy of dedicating your life to nurturing. - Elizabeth George
Use the powerful tool of thought and develop your mindset to believing and knowing you can change anything to your favour; yes, you have God`s Word so fashion your thought according to God`s Word. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Those with knowledge crave to become wiser, not powerful. - Kiady Diaz
The most powerful creative state to bring your desires into reality is by bring the conscious and subconscious into unison then keeping your heart and mind in perfect sync. - Steven Redhead
True education is more powerful than money or weapons. It is the key to a magical land where nothing is impossible. - Debasish Mridha
Courage is most powerful thing inside us, It won't let us run away from any problem. - Salman Mansuri
Kindness is a calling. Caring about people is powerful. Love changes lives. - Rachel Hamilton
Being powerful is a lot like being a woman: If you have to tell someone that you are, invariably, you are not. - Margaret Thatcher
Denial and rejection is one of the most powerful weapons that can turn a man into an evil. - M.F. Moonzajer
Words are one of the most powerful things given to human beings. In the hands of artists who can use them properly they are like weapons of mass construction. - Eric T. Benoit
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. A "you can do it" when things are tough.
Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish. - Ovid
Great is truth, and all powerful. - Vulgate
We have to believe that our prayers, if pure and powerful can transform any catastrophic situation, regardless of its magnitude. - Pooja Ruprell
One of the reasons for the failure of feminism to dislodge deeply held perceptions of male and female behavior was its insistence that women were victims, and men powerful patriarchs, which made a travesty of ordinary people's experience of the mutual interdependence of men and women. - Rosalind Coward
The only thing more dangerous than your enemy knowing how powerful you are, is your enemy not knowing how powerful you are - Joshua Teya
A great leader acknowledges his or her finitude, and depends fully on the mighty powerful arm of strength of a Great God, to execute equity and justice for all. - Josephine Akhagbeme
Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know He is. - Jean Anouilh
Powerful words that penetrate the psyche are not forgotten while silence is. - Donna Lynn Hope
He wanted to be respectable rather than powerful; he did not want the controversy that went with power. - David Halberstam
Knowledge makes you powerful and proud; wisdom makes you simple and humble. - Debasish Mridha
When you have two people who love each other, are happy and gay and really good work is being done by one or both of them, people are drawn to them as surely as migrating birds are drawn at night to a powerful beacon. - Ernest Hemingway
While knowledge is powerful it should be approached with the utmost respect and caution. - Abdulkadir Abdullahi Mohamed Mirre
Powerful leaders use their position of power to empower others. - Gugu Mona
In the difficult moments believe in yourself.Believe that you are whole, perfect, powerful, and blessed. - Debasish Mridha
I think the most powerful thing a woman can have is confidence. - Rowan Blanchard
The religion or pulpit of a nation is the most powerful source of value formation in any country. Followed by the family, the educational system and the media. - Sunday Adelaja
Angriness is one the powerful weapon to stand up again. - viral panchal
We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature. - Edmund Burke
In most people, the term consciousness identifies with that socially conditioned Ego. At a number of people this identification is so powerful that they are unaware that their life is governed by a socially conditioned mind. - Frank Wanderer
Few of us are aware that the act of eating can be a powerful statement of commitment to our own well-being, and at the same time the creation of a healthier habitat. Your health, happiness, and the future of life on earth are rarely so much in your own hands as when you sit down to eat. - John Robbins
Remember that the evil which is now in the world will only get more powerful, and that it is not evil which conquers evil, but only love.
For we both alike know that into the discussion of human affairs the question of justice enters only where the pressure of necessity is equal, and that the powerful exact when they can, and the weak grant what they must. - Thucydides
We are at our most powerful the moment we no longer need to be powerful. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Be careful because brazen behavior and a powerful mind can hide a delicate heart. - Imania Margria
Junior huffed. "The point is, this rope is even better! I call it Andskoti. It is woven with the most powerful paradoxes in the Nine Worlds-.Wi-Fi with no lag, a politician's sincerity, a printer that prints, health deep-fried food, and an interesting grammar lecture! - Rick Riordan
We were learning to struggle. And we were learning how powerful we are when we speak. - Malala Yousafzai
Silence is the most powerful scream. - Anonymous
When I dare to be powerful to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. - Audre Lorde
An attitude of GRATITUDE, is life's most powerful affirmation - Angie karan
Aging in women is 'unbeautiful' since women grow more powerful with time, and since the links between generations of women must always be broken. - Naomi Wolf
Once you start recognizing the truth of your story, finish the story. It happened but you’re still here, you're still capable, powerful, you're not your circumstance. It happened and you made it through. You're still fully equipped with every single tool you need to fulfill your purpose. - Steve Maraboli
A moment in time is the strangest and most powerful object in the known universe. - Khalid Masood
The coward says in his heart There is no love. Because, standing in the shadows of the big, grand, and powerful existence of love, his small spirit is left feeling even smaller and less significant. And so he chooses to deny the existence of love altogether. Because he is too small to have it. - C. JoyBell C.
Touch is a more powerful communicator than words. - Marty Rubin
Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. - Paulo Freire
You are as powerful as your thoughts. - Lailah Gifty Akita
An imagination is a powerful tool. It can tint memories of the past, shade perceptions of the present, or paint a future so vivid that it can entice... or terrify, all depending upon how we conduct ourselves today. - Jim Davis
When you step up to being excellent, use hard work and commitment as the two powerful forces they are. By being persistent, over time you will earn gleaming success. - Mark F. LaMoure
The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart; the most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace. - Carlos Santana
Ignoring somebody’s mistakes in life from a powerful position makes you a saint, but the same act (whose intentiondoes not matter), if carried out from a weak position, will make you a coward or helpless. - Ravindra Shukla
They don't know your heart. Don't let them tell you who you are, what you can do. Heart cannot be put on a piece of paper... They can see you as short, thin, black or white, but they can not see your heart. The most powerful engine...The most important think you have to have is heart. - Csaba Gabor-B.
I think that everything should be made available to everybody, and I mean LSD, cocaine, codeine, grass, opium, the works. Nothing on earth available to any man should be confiscated and made unlawful by other men in more seemingly powerful and advantageous positions. - Charles Bukowski
Anybody who says "I know how to get to God and you don't, do this and do that and go here and go there" is going to become 1. very powerful and 2. very rich. The simple truth is, if I am with God, no less can you be with God at the same time as I am. - C. JoyBell C.
The more loving we can be, the more powerful we become. - Silvia Hartmann
When you are down to nothing, God and the universe are always up to something!!! Be strong in your faith, that place within you where love is found. Those powerful forces within you and with out are working it out for you! Be encouraged and know everything will be okay again soon - Angie karan
Receptive prayer is one of the most powerful weapons against spiritual u-turns. - Glenn C. Stewart
The fact that political ideologies are tangible realities is not a proof of their vitally necessary character. The bubonic plague was an extraordinarily powerful social reality, but no one would have regarded it as vitally necessary. - Wilhelm Reich
The one thing in me more powerful than a general misanthropy is an inescapable compassion for individuals. - Jasper Sole
Love doesn’t conquer all; it’s a powerful tool to overcome everything because it means you’re not alone. - Stephanie Witter
You have to have funny faces and words, you can't just have words. It is a powerful thing, and I think that's why it's hard for people to imagine that women can do that, be that powerful. - Ellen DeGeneres
Your position may be highly powerful, but you will be a hero only when you are highly respected. - Amit Kalantri
I like talking about people who don't have any power and it seems like some of the least powerful people in the United States are the migrant workers who come and do our work and don't have any rights as a result. And yet we still invite them to come here, and at the same time ask them to leave. - Stephen Colbert
When every piece falls into place, it's like a dance, a delicate but powerful balancing act. The art of holding on and letting go at the same time. - Kristin Bartley Lenz
Forgiveness is a powerful cure. - Sue Fitzmaurice
I am drawn mostly, insistently to the human voice. How powerful and necessary the solo voice, the experience of being someone, something else for a little while. This is and will remain literature’s killer app, the thing most impervious to threat by everything that’s not the word. - Ander Monson
The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude. - Aldous Huxley
There’s nothing more powerful in Your Moment of Truth than people owning their truth, their part in a situation. - Lou Bergholz
The sub-conscious mind is so powerful in such a way that even if you empty your mind of all its components, there will be a little thought; it is synonymous to a well informed person who can never be deformed. - Michael Bassey Johnson
A lie with confidence is more powerful than a truth without it. - M.F. Moonzajer
Nature is powerful and beautiful,Nature is destructive and creative,Nature is amazing and wonderful,Nature is loving and graceful. - Debasish Mridha
There's a powerful transformative effect when you surround yourself with like-minded people. Peer pressure is a great thing when it helps you accomplish your goals instead of distracting you from them. - Po Bronson
If we spark a student's passion, we unleash a powerful force upon the world. - Tim Fargo
You've no doubt heard the saying 'knowledge is power.' I disagree. Knowledge is only powerful if you use it, if you act on it. - Brian Moran
The most powerful of words are the one seldom spoken - Kaelo Setogang
A religion is a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing those conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic. - Clifford Geertz
If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee -- that will do them in. - Bradley's Bromide
The biggest thing [Frida] brought into my life was this peacefulness. I still get passionate about things, but my passion is not so scattered and it's not needy. It's a lot more powerful because it comes with this groundedness and peacefulness. That it's about the process, not about the results. - Salma Hayek
Your mind is a powerful tool. Learn how to harness this power and your life will be filled with great things. - Teresa Garcia
Your heart is a powerful force. Use it consciously. - Amy Leigh Mercree
The most powerful element in this Universe is love. If you think it does not exist, then you are not sure about your own existence too. - Aishwarya Shiva Pareek
By now the crusaders had christened the most powerful French catapult 'Mal Voisine', or 'Bad Neighbour', while nicknaming the Muslim stone-thrower that targeted it for conter-bombardment 'Mal Cousine', or 'Bad Relation'. - Thomas Asbridge
The most powerful force on earth is residing in your heart; it is your power of love. - Debasish Mridha
You are not your thoughts!! This simple yet powerful statement can greatly change the quality of your life. - Dawn Gluskin
I Can’t Live without You. expresses the full meaning of true love. It is a beautiful and powerful emotion, words can never express, nor can the mind comprehend its connection within two souls. - Ellen J. Barrier
Physics is the science of all the tremendously powerful invisibilities - of magnetism, electricity, gravity, light, sound, cosmic rays. Physics is the science of the mysteries of the universe. How could anyone think it dull?
Storytellers are the most powerful people on earth. They might not be the best paid-- but they are the most powerful. Storytellers have the power to move the human heart-- and there is no greater power on earth. - Laurie H. Hutzler
Does the person you're throwing those words at have as much strength to catch catch them as you did to throw them? Would you be able to get the pass back just a powerful? - Audrey Regan
History will judge societies and governments and their institutions not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor and the helpless. - César Chávez
Reading Is Very Powerful.... It Gives You The Illusion To See The Past, Present, Future And Even Seeing The Invisible.... So READ.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
There is nothing more powerful than truth. It is undeniable and should always be appreciated. The truth gives you unlimited freedom to be who you are and express how you feel. The truth offers you peace of mind which is something we all love. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Peace and happiness are powerful weapons against the Egos. - Belsebuub
Satan will tempt you with many things in life, but the most powerful is the temptation to be grateful for what you have, when it is not the best life God had to offer you. - Shannon L. Alder
Tying the little folks with the older folks is a great and powerful tool to preserve and to protect the family and the individual. - Alex Haley
The rich and powerful always seem to prefer the tops of buildings. Hasn't anyone ever explained to them that higher just means you have farther to fall? -- Anita Blake - Laurell K. Hamilton
A war on cops? Then the question becomes who are they warring with? Because if you look at the prison system you can tell who the Prisoners of War are. The Black Man. Words are powerful and we must stop these divisive words that tare our country further apart instead of bringing us together. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Imagination grows by exercise and contrary to common belief is more powerful in the mature than in the young. - Ursula K. Le Guin
As the most powerful people in history, we have climbed to the top of the world food chain, so to speak. Facing not one single enemy or predator who poses to us any danger of consequence, we've found the only prey left: ourselves. - Gavin de Becker
When two people respect each other, the ability to be vulnerable and to reveal hurt feelings can create a powerful emotional connection that is the source of real intimacy and friendship. - David D. Burns
Don't Have The Power To Stare At The Sun. I Can Only Try Even I Know I'll Fail. At Least I Have The Courage To Do That. I Know My Power And I Know My Shortcomings Which Most of The People Cannot Even Realize About Their Own. I'm Powerful In My Own Little Innocent World.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
LOVE is the most powerful human force!! Let's practice it to improve the fate of humanity!First self love,then love to others and our environment.LOVE is humble,patient,humble patient,charming,it's wonderful feeling! - S.Remolina
Innovation is deviance which means that the rebellious personality is a natural resource for practical creativity. As an innovator, you need to reject the old to establish a new, better, status quo. And one of the most powerful sources of newness is the rebel or maverick, mind. - Max McKeown
The thing about being powerful is that it may be a limited edition... as the source of the power goes you go; but becoming empowered will last a lifetime. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Yawns are not the only infectious things out there besides germs.Giggles can spread from person to person.So can blushing.But maybe the most powerful infectious thing is the act of speaking the truth. - Vera Nazarian
This country has been strip-mined by rich and powerful interests. If you dont like what they're doing, don't just sit there. Vote them out. - Ralph Nader
A cheerful music is a powerful light for the shadows of sorrow! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Bardur and the boy had leaned back a bit and looked at the sparkling sky that makes us humble and powerful at once and seems sometimes to speak to us. What is says carefully cleanses old wounds. - Jón Kalman Stefánsson
Stephen King is a powerful guy, will powerful vocabulary. - Deyth Banger
Prayer is not itself powerful; it is not magic. But its power is unlimited in that the child of God calls on a Father of unlimited goodness and ability. - Peter H. Davids
If there is a powerful light within you, it will be clearly visible to others! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Self awareness is only powerful when knowledge is understood and applied, only then can it manifest into true wisdom! - Martin R. Lemieux
Integrity is a powerful force, keeping you alive to others long after you’ve left their presence. - Mollie Marti
Napoleon Hill said "The Imagination is the most powerful most miraculous inconceivably powerful force that the world's ever known - Bob Proctor
The most powerful force that can transform an enemy into a friend is simple kindness. - Debasish Mridha
Our powerful hunger for myth is a hunger for community. The person without a myth is a person without a home...To be a member of one's community is to share in its myths... - Rollo May
When you step up to being excellent, use hard work and determination as the powerful force they are. By also being devoted and persistent, over time it will reward you with sparkling success. - Mark F. LaMoure
There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow. - Orison Swett Marden
A smaller government reflecting the needs of the middle class and poor is superior to a big government reflecting the needs of the privileged and powerful. - Robert B. Reich
My entire life, I saw myself as the beautiful damsel or the graceful maiden. I was the princess searching for her knight. But with my newfound abilities, I finally discovered that, after all this time, I was the powerful witch. - Christina L. Barr
Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast, that however high we reach we are never satisfied. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Thoughts are powerful; before you were born, you were one. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Wish' is the most powerful thing in the world. Higher than God. - G.I. Gurdjieff
Develop a vision, not a goal. Visions are much more powerful. 98% of what’s going on in your brain is subconscious. Developing a vision requires the use of more of your brain than just developing a thought, which suggests we are tapping into subconscious brain power. - Josh Bezoni
80There is no greater influence in the lives of your children than the words you speak over them. The blessing of the father is incredibly potent and powerful. Your words give your children potential. As their father, you are prophesying their future! - Neil Kennedy
The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer. - Mahatma Gandhi
There is a force more powerful than steam and electricity: the will. - Fernán Caballero
You will feel powerful only when you learn to use the power of love. - Debasish Mridha
There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time. That's true of all types of consumer electronics. - Trip Hawkins
It is hard to look at the tumor and not come away with the feeling that one has encountered a powerful monster in its infancy - Siddhartha Mukherjee
Happiness is in all of us and it comes from progress. The root cause of a multiplier effect or a destroyer effect lies inside of us. The multiplication of the happiness in us on a daily basis makes us unique and powerful and gives us the reason for our existence." --. - Bimal Shah
Maybe iT Goes Sometimes not so fast in nature, but it show us every time again that it never will give up and how powerful it is. - Jan Jansen
When everything seems too far away from you, don’t despair, return to yourself because you are the nearest thing to yourself! Accumulate energy with yourself! Then you will feel powerful to reach even beyond the far things! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Love is the most powerful thing in this World. - Brahmkumari
Since the beginning of physics, symmetry considerations have provided us with an extremely powerful and useful tool in our effort to understand nature. Gradually they have become the backbone of our theoretical formulation of physical laws. - Tsung-Dao Lee
As I feel into a darker sleep, I understood that I had learned something. Now that I knew fear, I also knew that it was not permanent. As powerful as it was, its grip on me would loosen. It would pass. - Louise Erdrich
The will to believe is perhaps the most powerful, but certainly the most dangerous human attribute.
Holy Prophet PBUH promulgated a justice system regardless of status of people, yet in Pak the powerful easily escapes. - Imran Khan
There are not many things that are more powerful than love. - Debasish Mridha
Love is an all powerful, endless, mysterious, miraculous, primordial, attractive force that flows from one heart to another to unfold the beauty of life. - Debasish Mridha
It doesn't matter how you grew up, or what you've struggled with in life - your mind is unscathed by any circumstance you've yet to live and it's phenomenally powerful. - Bob Proctor
Your VISION and your self-willingness is the MOST powerful elements to conquer your goal - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
If you do build a great experience,clients tell each other about that.World of mouth is very powerful. - ravi chauhan
Powerful and Positive thoughts create Pure and Transcendental emotions that can instantly connect two individual soul in different part of this world or universe through the medium of love - Indy Bissessur
It is destruction to the weak man to attempt to imitate the powerful. - Phaedrus
Hate is strong, fear is mighty, jealousy is powerful, but love is invincible. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The way to fight a woman is with your hat. Grab it and run.The guy who said that was a wise man. He knew what most men don't - Women are powerful creatures who should be handled with care, or they can become very, very dangerous. - Christina Dodd
Prayer is a powerful weapon. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When distrust is so profound that it makes you wary of every word dripping from honeyed lips...It sharpens your instincts...Now for a woman, THAT is a powerful weapon... - Virginia Alison
Increase your personal power through positive and powerful communication. Recognize and eliminate negative self talk.
I don’t think there is any mystery to understanding the passionate feelings people have for guns. Nobody really believes it’s about maintaining a militia. It’s about having possession of a tool that makes a person feel powerful nearly to the point of exaltation. - Alec Wilkinson
Money is not only the motivating factor, most of the time powerful positive words do - Sivaprakash Sidhu
I really like the topic about time is an Illusion and also this quote "#Time Physical things are merely the collapse of psychic things into physical reality." - it's powerful. As much you repeat it as much powerful it gets. - Deyth Banger
The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering. - Doctor Who
It had been horrible, yes, and he'd never want to do it again - but it truly was his most powerful experience. - Shane Stadler
Love begins when two souls meet together. A soul attracted by another soul. They feel like bind by each other. It’s a powerful addiction. It’s truly said, first love is last love. But it does not said anywhere to stop love if you betrayed by your lover. - Kusum Manjeshri
If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War. - George Washington
Benjy's greatest wish was for a place where the echelon was clear to all, where the powerful cared for the weak and the weak gave their respect without being coerced. He longed for balance, order, right and pleasure. - André Alexis
While the lecture itself was not bold, because my relationships were bold and intimate and risky, the lecture had impact. This experience taught me a powerful lesson about evangelism: the integrity of our relationships matters more than the boldness of our words. - Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
Color is powerful. It is almost physiologically impossible to be in a bad mood when you're wearing bright red pants. - Jessi Arrington
Truth and honesty are some of the most powerful principles to developing a nation. - Sunday Adelaja
People pay a dear price when not dealing with the powerful emotions. - David W. Earle
In today's world, no State, however powerful, can protect itself on its own. Likewise, no country, weak or strong, can realize prosperity in a vacuum.
Trust in your story, it's powerful enough. Oftentimes, it is not the lack of power that is our struggle; but it is our unawareness of the power that we do have, which is our biggest hurdle to surmount. - C. JoyBell C.
Besides your mouth, your mind is a powerful tool given to you by God. Use your mind; control your mind, don't let it control you! Your imaginative power is your creative ability. - Paul Silway
Don't you notice that there are particular moments when you are naturally inspired to introspection? Work with them gently, for these are the moments when you can go through a powerful experience, and your whole worldview can change quickly. - Sogyal Rinpoche
I've a very simple yet powerful present for you the one reading this. - I LOVE YOU. - Nurudeen Ushawu
Walking the walk is one thing, but it is so much more powerful if you can talk it as well. - Robin Hoyle
Even the most powerful enemies who threaten or oppress God’s children will one day fall. - Jim George
He who knows how to use the power of love is the most powerful. - Debasish Mridha
Prayer elevates and transforms you. Nourish your soul using this powerful communication tool every day, and you will never be the same again. - Pooja Ruprell
There is nothing so powerful as truth - and often nothing so strange. - Daniel Webster
Because we are a globally connected village, we need to remember that our choices are not isolated. They have a powerful ripple effect, and that ripple is global. - Linda Fisher Thornton
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. - William Wordsworth
Once you start recognizing the truth of your story, finish the story. It happened but you're still here, you're still capable, powerful, you're not your circumstance. It happened and you made it through. You're still fully equipped with every single tool you need to fulfill your purpose. - Steve Maraboli
Personal growth is the most powerful force for change on earth. I believe that personal growth can help anyone change anything. - Derric Yuh Ndim
Our spirit is universal, all powerful, and limitless. Why do we put societal boundaries around us? They are not boundless. - Debasish Mridha
More powerful than the mighty armies is an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo
Stories are the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal - Howard Gardner
The truth is that you are innately good, wise, and powerful. You were created in and for good. - Deborah Day
The fractured self is not something that needs to be rectified fixed and made whole; by freeing thought of the blinkers of representation, the space of fracture, of multiplicity (as opposed to unity) becomes a powerful place and one from which the most radical ideas can emerge. - Ria Banerjee
Men need to be needed. When we are needed, we feel powerful. We thrive on helping a woman who needs us. - C.T.
It is not about how much money we make or how big and powerful our work appears to others, it is about the love with which we put into each act of kindness toward another human being. - Joyce Vissell
In this world no one rules by love; if you are but amiable, you are no hero; to be powerful, you must be strong, and to have dominion you must have a genius for organizing. - John Henry Cardinal Newman
Shame is a powerful feeling. There is a tremendous difference between making a mistake and believing you are a mistake...If I don’t see myself as being a mistake then it is I who must take responsibility and I am not ready to accept that. - David W. Earle
The word of God is more powerful when put into action than when only spoken. - Gugu Mona
Smiling is the most powerful exercise to build a joyful mind and a blissful heart. - Debasish Mridha
it seems politicians projected the powerful brand called Ambedkar, rather than his ideologies. Like the ad says 'name is enough. - Anoop Raghav
I have been called the most powerful woman in the world, but I have on occasion lacked even the power of speech, because although we have crossed the threshold into a new century, there are still too many questions for which we have no answers.
Perspective is an incredibly powerful tool. It tempers how we receive information, and guides what we choose do with it. - T. A. Sorensen
We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly. - Margaret Atwood
My vision is to change the world and paint it with a brush that is powerful enough to make us one. - Morgan Chabane
A war of ideas can no more be won without books than a naval war can be won without ships. Books, like ships, have the toughest armor, the longest cruising range, and mount the most powerful guns. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
The universe seems wondrous to me, with or without God. It has powerful lines and uncompromising ways. Patience and time sit like sages on the planets, strong and impersonal. There is a stark beauty to all of this. - Gordon Atkinson
When one is down due to trials on earth evil sees an opening to attack. You with God are more powerful than satan ~ every time. - Paula Dickerson
Yes, he had made a good choice after all when he had chosen the God of the green pasture and the still waters! He was very powerful, and the fact that He expected you to think for yourself and do something in return for His help did not matter, as long as you could work things out. - Anne Holm
Every instance of heartbreak can teach us powerful lessons about creating the kind of love we really want. - Martha Beck
Practice silence and you will acquire silent knowledge. In this silent knowledge is a computing system that is far more precise and far more accurate and far more powerful than anything that is contained in the boundaries of rational thought. - Deepak Chopra
There are two excellent challengers against darkness in this universe: Powerful lights and great ideas! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There is no bigger weapon than brain, yet the time is more powerful in the World. - Sam pen
You call it thought. I call it a mind manufactured invisible powerful product. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Art serves to confront that which is outside order, to give form to the obscene. In the process, it opens it to transformations that can not only make it safe for public consumption, not a powerful vehicle through which to address the public imagination. - Jennifer Birkett
Deliver your message with simplicity and see how powerful impact it has on the audience. - Sujish Kandampully
I, the great and powerful D.S. will create a harem for all the women in the world!!!! For a woman, no greater joy exists in the entire universe than to fuck me, the ultimate sex symbol!!! - Kazushi Hagiwara
Better to rely on one powerful king than on many little princes. - Jean de La Fontaine
Our minds are incredibly powerful things. - Daniel Willey
Love is such a powerful subject matter because it comes in so many different shapes and sizes. It's about timing, fate, failure, redemption. - Jim Sturgess
may be you are successful ,powerful ,still you are looking for her, there must be something in her what you do not have - litymunshi
Love is one of the most powerful healing tools in the universe. Most people forget to use it to build rapport, to deepen their relatedness, and to mend the upset that underlies disagreement and expectation. Sprinkle more love and you will heal only 100% of the time. - Monika Zands
Big dreams and perseverance are a powerful duo. - J.P. Stonestreet
Water is soft and humble, but it is the most powerful and is the most endurable. - Debasish Mridha
Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas? - Joseph Stalin
Concentration is a powerful force, it is the mark of seriousness that attracts certain energies to complete your half-done work. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Love is powerful. If you want more of it in your life be grateful for what you have and love whenever you can. Positive mind-state essential. - Independent Zen
But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful! - Friedrich Nietzsche
no doubt that evil is more contagious than good, therefore, it's more powerful. - Anonymous
Curiosity is the most powerful thing you own. - James Cameron
You can’t write novels without a touch of paranoia. I’m paranoid as an act of good citizenship, concerned about what the powerful people are up to. - Kurt Vonnegut
Everything teeters between pathos and bathos: here you are, violating society's most fundamental taboos and yet formaldehyde is a powerful appetite stimulant, so you also crave a burrito. - Paul Kalanithi
The anger from jealousy makes you powerful and full of energy. - anthony grime
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