Quotation Explorer - 'Uncomfortable'

That's the problem with revealing true truths. They make people uncomfortable. The truth should be grand and exotic, but mostly it isn't. Mostly it's uncomfortable. - Leslie Pietrzyk
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable! - Jillian Michaels
True success is achieved by stretching oneself, learning to feel comfortable being uncomfortable. - Ken Poirot
Love should not cause suffocation and death if it is truly love. Don't bundle someone into an uncomfortable cage just because you want to ensure their safety in your life. The bird knows where it belongs, and will never fly to a wrong nest. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Milk is very nice, especially with a drop of brandy in it, but the domestic cow is only too glad to be rid of it. A swollen udder is very uncomfortable - W. Somerset Maugham
You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation. - Marian Wright Edelman
Life is terribly awkward and uncomfortable, so we spend our time searching for those who make it all a little less unpleasant. - Elizabeth Brooks
Feelings are not as uncomfortable to experience as they are to express. - Lindsay Corse
I simply cannot understand the passion that some people have for making themselves thoroughly uncomfortable and then boasting about it afterwards. - Patricia Moyes
The guilty are uncomfortable with silence. - David J. Lieberman
It is never easy to endure pain nor uncomfortable situation. It is seems easy to quit to avoid the pain.If you quit you will suffer later. It is far better to endure the pain now and enjoy later. Life is all about endurance. - Lailah Gifty Akita
America...just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable - Hunter S. Thompson
The whole thing could have been uncomfortable if all your wishes were to be drowned in to the sea or passed through a heart of a lion that shed not the innocent blood. - Auliq Ice
In the Bible, one often confronts real antinomies (equal but opposing truths). But in life one never does and always has options in difficult situations ...however uncomfortable may be their consequences. Satisfice in the circumstances and get on with your life! ~ © gfp '42™ - Gary Patton
We spend so much of our life in activity…we almost feel uncomfortable just being but that is huge restorative break in the wild swirl of activity around us it’s like pulling back the bow in archery like taking that big deep breath in before you dive into your day. - davidji
Every uncomfortable experience in life gives you the choice of growing bitter or better. - Orrin Woodward
An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only uncomfortable. - George Bernard Shaw
Do not worry when situations get bitter. A bitter situation is a better teacher. The greatest lessons in life can least be found in comfort and much more in uncomfortable situations of life. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Some mistakes are worse than others: wearing your underwear inside out isn’t as uncomfortable as wearing it back to front. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Most uncomfortable situations brings at times most precious memories.... - Adil Adam Memon
I’m turned on by women who are comfortable in their own skin; and I’m turned off by those who are uncomfortable in their own shoes. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If you are uncomfortable with any law or procedure, propose a motion for its amendment. Until it is amended, going against it for whatever purpose automatically makes one a rebel - OMOSOHWOFA CASEY
Gender is not an easy conversation to have. It makes people uncomfortable, sometimes even irritable. Both men and women are resistant to talk about gender, or are quick to dismiss the problems of gender. Because thinking of changing the status quo is always uncomfortable. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I believe almost every author have gone through the terribly uncomfortable period between the time of shedding the seeds of a story and waiting to see it flourish as a published book, spending hours watering and fertilizing it. This is a dreadful period, frustrating and depressing. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
It is difficult to call myself a writer, even when I stand at a podium to receive a prize, I feel uncomfortable calling myself a writer—I am merely a word criminal. - Murong Xuecun
We writers are a crazy group. I can't think of any other profession where the actual work is deep within, uncomfortable, and wanting out. - C.J. Heck
If you always lived in comfort you would miss the adventure that is uncomfortable, but of great reward. - Chris Burkmenn
I leave the outdoors to you. It is too warm out there to read comfortable, and summer, like many uncomfortable things, is as welcome as a dim woman. It is tolerable to look at, but after being made to interact with it, nobody wants anything to do with it. - Michelle Franklin
People have said, ‘Don’t cry’ to other people for years and years, and all it has ever meant is, ‘I’m too uncomfortable when you show your feelings. Don’t cry.’ I’d rather have them say, ‘Go ahead and cry. I’m here to be with you. - Mr Rogers
You have to be uncomfortable in order to be successful, in some ways. If you stay in your comfort zone! You would never do the things that you need to do. - Lights Poxlietner
At my lowest point, when things were at their most desperate and uncomfortable, I always found myself in the company of Australians, who were like a reminder that I'd touched bottom. - Paul Theroux
Word-banning seems to be a trend of late. It's become fashionable to try to ban words we're uncomfortable with, which you really can't do in the first place. You can no more ban a word than you can ban the air. In fact, language is a lot like air ban it all you want, it's still there. - Andrew Heller
And at once he sacrificed everything to it, if it can be said we ever sacrifice anything save what we know we can never attain, or what some secret wisdom tells us it would be uncomfortable or saddening to possess. - Thornton Wilder
The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering. - Doctor Who
You should never let a word control you, intimidate you, or make you uncomfortable, and that applies to people of all races. Intent is where insult lies, and hate. Not in language. - Felix Clay
The hardest thing about depression is that it is addictive. It begins to feel uncomfortable not to be depressed. You feel guilty for feeling happy. - Pete Wentz
I am willing to make people uncomfortable so that my daughter doesn't have to! - Kelly Sue DeConnick
The idea that you have to be protected from any kind of uncomfortable emotion is what I absolutely do not subscribe to. - John Cleese
The suppression of uncomfortable ideasmay be common in religion and politics, but it is not the path to knowledge; it has no placein the endeavor of science. - Carl Sagan
Are you comfortable? That’s good. But there is somewhere at least someone is uncomfortable! And this should somehow make you uncomfortable too! The world can be a better place only through this way, through thinking others! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When you get to a certain age you find that other people’s opinions don’t really matter anymore, and you get kind of uncomfortable with your place in modern life. - Noel Gallagher
PAIN, n. An uncomfortable frame of mind that may have a physical basis in something that is being done to the body, or may be purely mental, caused by the good fortune of another. - Ambrose Bierce
In order to fulfill our wants we get busy to make our living comfortable and we forget about our needs, and we make our life uncomfortable. So, add " life " in our living. - Dev Samudre
When God is ready for you to move, He will make your situation uncomfortable. - Germany Kent
In the pursuit of goals, you cannot give up anytime you feel uncomfortable. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you haven’t been made uncomfortable by the teachings of Jesus, you probably haven’t understood them. - David M. Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy
When a situation becomes too uncomfortable for you, it's either it's way bigger than you can handle or you've become too big for it. The catch, though, is that you decide which is - To outgrow it or let it grow all over you. - Ufuoma Apoki
The job of the writer is to take a close and uncomfortable look at the world they inhabit, the world we all inhabit, and the job of the novel is to make the corpse stink. - Walter Mosley
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