Quotation Explorer - 'Good'

Troubles are usually brooms and shovels that smooth the road to the good man's fortune; and many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away hunger.
Nature is not cruel, pitiless, indifferent. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn. We cannot admit that things might be neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor kind, but simply callous -- indifferent to all suffering, lacking all purpose. - Richard Dawkins
Money doesn't make a bad life good, it makes a good life great. - Bradley Wright
Too many people get credit for being good, when they are only being passive. They are too often praised for being broadminded when they are so broadminded they can never make up their minds about anything. - Fulton J. Sheen
Whatever you do, He [God] will make good of it. But not the good He had prepared for you if you had obeyed Him. - C. S. Lewis
The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof, shit detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers have had it. - Ernest Hemingway
The mature man lives quietly, does good privately, takes responsibility for his actions, treats others with friendliness and courtesy, finds mischief boring and avoids it. Without the hidden conspiracy of goodwill, society would not endure an hour. - Kenneth Rexroth
And whoever will take that motto and live by it will be likely to succeed. There's many a way to win, in this world, but none of them is worth much without good hard work back of it. - Mark Twain
We are precarious. Which is to say some good things (accumulation of diverseknowledges, skills and abilities through work and life experiences in permanentconstruction), and a lot of bad ones (vulnerability, insecurity, poverty, socialexposure). - Lisa Adkins
A good resolution is like an old horse, which is often saddled but rarely ridden. - Mexican Proverb
I can't decide whether I'm a good girl wrapped up in a bad girl, or if I'm a bad girl wrapped up in a good girl. And that's how I know I'm a woman! - C. JoyBell C.
The greatness comes not when things go always good for you. But the greatness comes when you're really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes. Because only if you've been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain. - Richard M. Nixon
The world is a bad place only then when you are not good. - S.M
Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time. - Tallulah Bankhead
It's not vanity to know your own good points. It would just be stupidity if you didn't; It's only vanity when you get puffed up about them. - L. M. Montgomery
Live on your good thoughts and they will manifest outwardly. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Notwithstanding how good you are, you shall be perceived as bad by the masses when you take the extraordinary steps that lead to distinctiveness which the masses may regard as bad - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The secret to being a good traveler is liking a place before you get there. - Marty Rubin
Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in. - Katherine Mansfield
Good and great are seldom in the same man. - Winston S. Churchill
I've got a theory, it could be bunnies...I've got a theor-Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposesThey've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses.And what's with all the carrots-?What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?Bunnies, bunnies it must be bunnies!...or maybe midgets... - Joss Whedon
No complete son of a bitch ever wrote a good sentence. - Malcolm Cowley
I saw the same dynamic in our family - a dysfunctional family - mirrored in the country in the 1980's. If you take this family, and you put them up there as the First Family - if you look at what the dynamic is in the family - you might have a pretty good sense of how it's going to trickle down.
All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses. - Friedrich Nietzsche
A book is good company. It is full of conversation without loquacity. It comes to your longing with full instruction, but pursues you never. - Henry Ward Beecher
An evil individual does not feel ever offended by the bad words of the wrong people ,but often by a right word of a good person. - Anuj Somany
To a wise and good man the whole earth is his fatherland. - Democritus
The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. - Socrates
Advice from a Romance Writer: Guys, make your woman feel pretty even on an 'off' day. Trust me, good things will come of it. - Michelle M. Pillow
No, I'm not a good shot, but I shoot often. - Theodore Roosevelt
Man is meant for good but designed for evil. - Raheel Farooq
88% of what we call good songs aren’t really good. They merely remind us of a good time we once had. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I challenge a man to a duel before allowing him near me, and then I take an arrow, dip it in poison, and drive it straight through his heart...But that's on a good day...when I purr and feel delightfully amorous. No need to mention what I'd do on a bad one. - Donna Lynn Hope
Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart. - from the movie " A beautiful mind"
Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P.J. O'Rourke
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. - Edith Sitwell
We must remember that science is a way of using empirical evidence to better understand our world. We are all scientists, just many of us are not very good ones. However, we are all capable of exercising our intellects in a purposeful, linear pursuit of knowledge. - Chris Matakas
There is a deep and undeniable sadness in all this: whenever we see the dawn of an eternal good that will never be overcome by evil an evil that is itself eternal but will never succeed in overcoming good whenever we see this dawn, the blood of old people and children is always shed. - Vasily Grossman
There is no person on earth so bad that he does not have something about him that is praiseworthy. Why is it, then, that we leave the good out of sight and feast our eyes on the unclean things? It is as though we enjoyed only looking at if you will pardon the expression a man's behind. - Martin Luther
Full spectrum lights should be used in all daytime offices for good health. - Steven Magee
I love books. If they are good books, I love them even more. But even if they are bad books, I still love them. - Hugo Chávez
Believe in yourself. Know you have what it takes, to make excellence a good habit. Focus on doing excellent work and use discipline to make it happen. - Mark F. LaMoure
Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Nothing heals better than saying good truthful words to oneself. If the heart feels them, everything else gets better. - Rola Mahmoud
Talking to strangers is very panic fear, to be fearless and good communicator in long term try talking to strangers with courage like you already know them. - Amit Kalantri
It feels good to know that if I died tomorrow I would have absolutely no regrets about things I wanted to do in life but did not try. - Karen E. Quinones Miller
I try to avoid having thoughts. They lead to other thoughts, and—if you’re not careful—those lead to actions. Actions make you tired. I have this on rather good authority from someone who once read it in a book. - Brandon Sanderson
Sex is always about emotions. Good sex is about free emotions; bad sex is about blocked emotions. - Deepak Chopra
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him. - Maya Angelou
Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place. - Abigail Van Buren
Communism is like prohibition, it's a good idea but it won't work. - Will Rogers
Good things don't end in 'eum,' they end in 'mania'...or 'teria'. - Matt Groening
Never test good people because they are like diamonds. when you hit them, they will not break but they will only slip away from your life - Moywaywa
Learn how to love a broke man to marry a good man. - Amen Muffler
Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male population. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the mason-dixon line and once you go southern may the good Lord help you - you never go back - Kenny Chesney
Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough. - Zig Ziglar
Good taste is the flower of good sense.
I've found that busting your ass on a daily basis to make your art good, clear, and meaningful creates the most luck. - Don Roff
If a person listens routinely to the sermon but doesn’t show the commensurate good change in own daily action, then the fact is s/he is actually not hearing anything of the spiritual master’s oration. - Anuj Somany
There is no limit to how good you can get in pursuit of perfection. - Sachin Kumar Puli
A bad book with a good cover is nothing but a wooden house with a golden door. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Creatives fail and the really good ones fail often. - Steven Kotler
There is no mistaking a good book when one meets it. It is like falling in love. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
To be Outstanding is to do the same thing others have done in a different way.But to STAND-OUT is to do what no one has ever done before.Being outstanding is good, but STANDING-OUT is better.So Dream, Explore, Discover, and Stand Out!!! - Olaotan Fawehinmi
Poetry is no rocket science, a good poet writes from his heart! - Saru Singhal
All humans are dead except those who have knowledge; and all those who have knowledge are asleep, except those who do good deeds;and those who do good deeds are deceived, except those who are sincere;and those who are sincere are always in a state of worry. (rahimullah) - Imam Shafi’i
It is good to focus, but never forget to look around. If you focus on the wrong target, you may miss seeing all of the beauty around you. - Debasish Mridha
Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Whatever story you create in your life, you deserve your own Karma be it good or bad…. - - - Cocoy McCoy
Just as evil communication and company corrupts good manners, good communication and company can correct bad manners - Chiolu Hope N.
The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination, consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that’s on a good day."[Academy Award ceremony, March 2, 2014] - Robert De Niro
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. - Marianne Williamson
Someone smells good, it automatically makes them more attractive. - Hannah Q. Mensah
Do not always expect good to happen, but do not let evil take you by surprise. - Czech Proverb
It is not that one is good; one is happy. - Xavier Forneret
Cut the connection between your clothes and your beliefs, because clothes will not make you something, it won’t make you honest or dishonest, good or bad! Your essence will not change because of what you wear! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Imagine what it would be like if TV actually were good. It would be the end of everything we know. - Marvin Minsky
A student whose life is filled with woes least had and understood the hands of a good teacher that shape lives in a distinctive way - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
When you consciously decide to be in a good mood every morning, you create an atmosphere of joy and peace. Practice mood control daily... it will then become a habit. Don't put the control of your emotions in the hands of others. - Randa Manning-Johnson
Nothing was better than good sex.Chubby Chaser, 11/21/14. Available for preorder on Amazon. - Kahoko Yamada
You are good. But it is not enough just to be good. You must be good for something. You must contribute good to the world. The world must be a better place for your presence. And the good that is in you must be spread to others.... - Gordon B. Hinckley
When evil men plot, good men must plan. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Live each day like you are celebrating your birthday—that is what life wants for you. Engage with family and friends. Indulge in good food, music and dance. You are precious to life. - Pooja Ruprell
He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebearers, but by diligent hard work, he overcame them. - James Reston Jr.
Good conduct arises out of good doctrine. - John R.W. Stott
However smart and determined you are, your life is always going to consist of light and darkness, joy and sadness, good or bad, up and down, yang and yin. - Gary Hayden
As you go through life's rich tapestry, you realize that most people you meet aren't fit to shine your shoes. It's a sad fact, but it's true. A good friend is someone who'd hide you if you were on the run for murder. How many of them do you know? - Lemmy Kilmister
Do good and don't worry to whom. - Mexican Proverb
It's hard to detect good luck - it looks so much like something you've earned.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. - Bible
Because I have ‘chosen’ to see something as impossible, there’s a good chance that it’s not. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. - Alexis de Tocqueville
What good is praying in public if you as an individual do not follow The Teachings of GOD'S Prophets in The Holy Bible ? Repent ! - Errol Anthony Smythe.
Everybody looks good in their own mirror! - Manoj Vaz
I appear at times merry and in good heart, talk, too, before others quite reasonably, and it looks as if I felt, too, God knows how well within my skin. Yet the soul maintains its deathly sleep and the heart bleeds from a thousand wounds. - Hugo Wolf
You know criticism when you get into this business. You accept the bad with the good, the tabloids and the positive side of it. - Carmen Electra
Nobody can tell you if what you're doing is good, meaningful or worthwhile. The more compelling the path, the more lonely it is. - Hugh Macleod
I used to think that your calling was about doing something good in this world. Now I understand it’s about becoming someone good—and letting that goodness impact the world around you. - Jeff Goins, The Art Of Work
If you want to be a successful runner, you have to consider everything. It's no good just thinking about endurance and not to develop fine speed. - Arthur Lydiard
Good friends are divine instruments. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Finding your bliss can make survival seem like a joyous journey. And a strange thing happens along the way when you love what you are doing: you become good at it. - Sharon Law Tucker
Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse. (What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.) - Friedrich Nietzsche
An unread book does nobody any good. Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page. - Brandon Mull
Anyone in this life is a good person - Kat Unda
That is ever the way. 'Tis all jealousy to the bride and good wishes to the corpse. - James M. Barrie
Look too on this poor planet of ours,Torn by the storms of mysterious powers,Evil contending with good from its birth,Wrenching in battle the heartstrings of earth,—Ah! what infinities circle us here,Strangeness and wonderment swathing the sphere! - Martin Farquhar Tupper
May life continue to inspire you for good works and an, inevitable, outcome. May wisdom never fail your endeavors . . . - King Davis
Life is like a cooking pot. If you cook something good, you well get something tasty. If you cook something bad, you will get something bad. - Debasish Mridha
The psychology shows that one can do GOOD things to the others, but not so much to make others look BETTER than oneself. So, a person who is being often liked by many or most people in his/her circle has to best and first understand their true intention behind admiration and adulation. - Anuj Somany
Just give me a comfortable couch, a dog, a good book, and a woman. Then if you can get the dog to go somewhere and read the book, I might have a little fun. - Groucho Marx
Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater. - Gail Godwin
I would rather think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to come together and make sense. - Rabbi Harold Kushner
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant. - Saadi
WHEAT, n. A cereal from which a tolerably good whisky can with some difficulty be made, and which is used also for bread. The French are said to eat more bread _per capita_ of population than any other people, which is natural, for only they know how to make the stuff palatable. - Ambrose Bierce
Our sins are more easily remembered than our good deeds. - Democritus
Nothing was so likely to do her good as a little quiet cheerfulness at home. - Jane Austen
Whoever lives wins. Don't feel guilty about having survived. If you have time to be feeling guilty, work on living a day longer, a minute longer. And once in a while, remember the ones that died before you. That's good enough."Vol 1 Chap 4 - Atsuko Asano
Every criminal has a good mind conquered by the devil - Munia Khan
The most part of all princes have more delight in warlike manners and feats of chivalry than in the good feats of peace. - Thomas More
The world's big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark. - John Muir
A good exercise for the heart is to bend down and help another up. - Anonymous
Cakes have such a terrible habit of turning out bad just when you especially want them to be good. - L. M. Montgomery
All we’ve got left to protect here is a system that’s set up to promote the meanest possibilities in human nature and make them look good. - William Gaddis
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. - Kate Moss
It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done. - Vincent Van Gogh
Catch your friends doing something good and tell them about it. - Glenn C. Stewart
A good story or a book is all about it's power to hold it's readers still till the very last word of it's climax - complexity in language, dialogues, descriptions, everything else is secondary! - Mehek Bassi
If from morning to night we just took care of one thing after another, thoroughly and completely and without accompanying thoughts, such as I’m a good person for doing this or Isn’t it wonderful, that I can take care of everything?, then that would be sufficient. - Charlotte Joko Beck
Try to relax. Sometimes the best offense is a good defense. - Becca Fitzpatrick
I just can't get with this idea that literature is a 12-step program. If someone wants to read a book to see good people get rewarded and the bad people get punished, essentially what they want is a fairy tale. - China Miéville
When it comes to politics, "the facts far exceed our curiosity.""...A few executives here and there read them. The rest of us ignore them for the good and sufficient reason that we have other things to do.... - Walter Lippmann
There is an evil tendency underlying all our technology - the tendency to do what is reasonable even when it isn't any good. - Robert Pirsig
People care more about being thought to have taste than about being thought either good, clever or amiable. - Samuel Butler
The good news is that you are alive. The essential thing is that you must live - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
A good man can become a nightmare if he continues to pay attention to wrong counsel. - Paul Bamikole
You should lead and serve by example without a title because people will and should remember you by and for your actions and accomplishments for doing good not by your title or positions. - George Stamatis
Allow yourself to see the good in people. Not every sinister face harbors a wicked heart. - Nike Thaddeus
The truly noble heart sacrifices itself for others’ good, to defend the weak and the good against evil. To a heart like this, a heart devoted to chivalry, courage is a matter of form. - J. Aaron Gruben
When we age we shed many skins: ego, arrognace, dominance, self-opionated, unreliable, pessimism, rudeness, selfish, uncaring ... Wow, it's good to be old! - Stephen Richards
Good heart does not produce science or even art, but knowledge does, intellect does and absolutely expertise does. - kambiz shabankareh
She got icing all over her face. I think that's why I like her. For the good stuff, she's willing to get icing all over her face. Who wouldn't want a girl like that? - Laura Ruby
Shall ignorance of good and ill Dare to direct the eternal will? Seek virtue, and of that possest, To Providence resign the rest.
When a leader is at their limit the last thing they want to hear is that they need to change even more. Maintaining good rhythms of rest, exercise and fun create more energy for a leader to be willing and open for change. - Gary Rohrmayer
You have to invest yourself as a reader to be a good writer. - Saru Singhal
Feeling lost, crazy and desperate belongs to a good life as much as optimism, certainty and reason. - Alain de Botton
There are few sorrows in which a good income is of no avail. - Logan Pearsall Smith
Do not think of your faults, still less of others' faults; look for what is good and strong, and try to imitate it. Your faults will drop off, like dead leaves, when their time comes. - John Ruskin
For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst? Verily, when good is hungry is seeks food even in dark caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters. - Kahlil Gibran
Our faith in freedom does not rest on the foreseeable results in particular circumstances but on the belief that it will, on balance, release more forces for the good than for the bad. - Friedrich Hayek
To me, making a tape is like writing a letter there's a lot of erasing and rethinking and starting again, and I wanted it to be a good one. - Nick Hornby
Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. - Guillaume Apollinaire
People do not have to be dreary to be good. - Sally Holmes
When writing a novel that's pretty much entirely what life turns into: 'House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day.' - Neil Gaiman
Do not be afraid of defeat. you are never so near victory as when defeated in a good cause - Henry Ward Beecher
Stop worrying about what tomorrow may bring. Focus on what you can control. Stay positive. Enjoy today. Expect good things to come. - Karen Salmansohn
Two easy steps to be a good writer:1. Don't write what everyone is writing.2. Write what everyone is trying to write. - Himanshu Chhabra
We're all vulnerable. Mix the wrong feelings together, the right kind of bad with the wrong kind of good, and you'll wind up with a total breakdown. - Caterpillar from Alice
I have taken all my good deeds and all my bad deeds, and cast them in a heap before the Lord, and fled from both, and betaken myself to the Lord Jesus Christ, and in him I have sweet peace! - David Dickson
All good that we do is just for you. - Debasish Mridha
Though a good motive cannot sanction a bad action, a bad motive will always vitiate a good action. In common and trivial matters we may act without motives, but in momentous ones the most careful deliberation is wisdom.
The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. - John Stuart Mill
Good ideas never require guns; and if an idea requires guns, it is not a good idea! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good writing should help us see the world in new ways, it should crack open our generosity towards each other. That's what I hope my work does anyway. I want someone to read it and know that they aren't alone in the universe. I want my words to act as connective tissue. - Patrick Hicks
Believe in human beings - not all are good, but deep down all can be. But that doesn't mean you need to hang around crappy people and try to turn them around. - Jonas Eriksson
Confession is good for the soul even after the soul has been claimed (p. 381). - Mona Rodriguez
All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened and after you are finished reading one you feel that it all happened to you and after which it all belongs to you. - Ernest Hemingway
Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good; its only necessary that, if they do fail, they do so in an interesting way. - Robert Rosen
And indeed if you think you're a genius at something what you achieve is very much according to your expectations; if you think you're no good, you're not going to get anywhere. - Diana Wynne Jones
Not everyone gets to do what they love, be good at it, and get paid for it. If you do, you're lucky. - Britt Holewinski
Be so good they can’t ignore you. - Steve Martin
Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day! - V Duwane Ledbetter
If you see only your coreligionists as your brothers, you aren’t only a good man but also you are very low in morality! Your brothers are the whole humanity! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Life is not so bad if you have plenty of luck, a good physique and not too much imagination.
A country is poor not because they have no wealth but because they have no good ideas. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Good people turn to love, courage and kindness in times of crisis, not hate, fear and cruelty. - Laurence Overmire
Any death prior to the heat death of the universe is premature if your life is good. - Nick Bostrom
Actually, there are countless ways to live upon this tremorous sphere in mirth and good health, and probably only one way - the industrial, urbanized, herding way - to live here stupidly, and man has hit upon that one way. - Tom Robbins
Hmmm.. We are like children in a bus with faulty brakes on a hill, eventually we will meet our collusion point. Well blindly some of us may think of sacking out all the good out of the bus before it meets it's end, but what is really there to sack out. Some places are hard to to get out of. - Allan Amanyire
The chief enemy of creativity is good sense. - Pablo Picasso
Promoting own good thought is entirely different from Praising oneself only a lot ,and a sensible netizen can easily make the difference between the two from the big photo that the quote poster has got. - Anuj Somany
Cannot you conceive that another man may wish well to the world and struggle for its good on some other plan than precisely that which you have laid down? - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists - that is why they invented hell. - Bertrand Russell
Sometimes you have to go on when you don't feel like it, and sometimes you're doing good work when if feels like all you're managing is to shovel shit from a sitting position. - Stephen King
He that speaketh against his own reason speaks against his own conscience, and therefore it is certain that no man serves God with a good conscience who serves him against his reason. - Jeremy Taylor
Good bye, proud world! I'm going home; Thou art not my friend, and I'm not thine - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you don’t think screenwriting is a work of art, good luck in your life without a soul. - A.D. Posey
A good leader is one who reveals to you your own potential and then inspires and shows you how to reach your potential. - Debasish Mridha
Just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives. - Dallin H. Oaks
Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life. - Mortimer J. Adler
Good at something necessarily doesn't means you are bad at all the other things - Nitin Yadav
I don't need a baby growing inside me for nine months. For one thing, there's morning sickness. If I'm going to feel nauseous and achy when I wake up, I want to achieve that state the old fashioned way: getting good and drunk the night before. - Ellen DeGeneres
To present a whole world that doesn’t exist and make it seem real, we have to more or less pretend we’re polymaths. That’s just the act of all good writing. - William Gibson
Good fortune often occurs when you stop expecting life to present opportunities to you and you start presenting opportunities to life. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
All is good. Don't worry, the pain will help you. You'll get into some trouble, but it will work out in the end. - James Franco
Good could become the enemy of the best. That best is possession. - Sunday Adelaja
KISS, n. A word invented by the poets as a rhyme for "bliss." It is supposed to signify, in a general way, some kind of rite or ceremony appertaining to a good understanding; but the manner of its performance is unknown to this lexicographer. - Ambrose Bierce
Its all about perspective, that is how you look at things. Your own thoughts and outlook defines whether an experience, event, situation whatever is good or bad. And your definition determines your response. - Stella Payton
Good to know we're all twelve years old mentally. Keeps things in perspective. - Alexander William Gaskarth
It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young. - Konrad Lorenz
Stop and say something good about yourself! Believe what you have just said! Pray for what you have just believed! Have faith for what you just prayed for! Work out that faith! ...and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you! - Israelmore Ayivor
never put all the good people in one plane, ship, train ..... - Jay Woodman
The soul of him who has education is whole and perfect and escapes the worst disease, but, if a man's education be neglected, he walks lamely through life and returns good for nothing to the world below. - Plato
A good reputation is more valuable than money. - Publilius Syrus
Must a name mean something?" Alice asked doubtfully.Of course it must," Humpty Dumpty said with a short laugh; "my name means the shape I am - and a good handsome shape it is, too. With a name like yours, you might be any shape, almost. - Lewis Carroll
I believe that writing is derivative. I think good writing comes from good reading. - Charles Kuralt
She had known it was bad, call it a mother’s instinct, but she’d known this was the knock that was going to scoop her insides out and leave her barely able to stand; merely a shell with nothing good inside anymore. - Andrew Barrett
To be a manager, one must be able to manage her own relationship with the people around her, as well as the relationships among his subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations does not make one a good manager. - Sophie Rose
Really good fiction could have as dark a worldview as it wished, but it'd find a way both to depict this world and to illuminate the possibilities for being alive and human in it."[Q&A with Larry McCaffery, Review of Contemporary Fiction, Summer 1993, Vol. 13.2] - David Foster Wallace
Bad is so bad, that we cannot but think good an accident; good is so good, that we feel certain that evil could be explained. - G.K. Chesterton
If [we] have a good, miserable day once in a while, or several in a row, stand steady and face them. Things will straighten out. There is great purpose in our struggle in life. - Boyd K. Packer
I am lost in the paradigm of life, death and time. The only thing I have learnt about this paradigm is that the time is running between life and death and with every passing day we are getting closer to the death and truth is that time is running for Good. - AnkitMishra
Good books make you ask questions. Bad readers want everything answered. - Scott Westerfeld
History is full of blank spaces, but good stories, invariably, are not. - Sara Sheridan
Good and evil are both within us. And when our primitive ancestors humanized these natural qualities of the mind, they got two completely opposite supernatural characters. One was the merciful lord almighty and the other was the wicked devil. - Abhijit Naskar
There are good books which are only for adults.There are no good books which are only for children. - W.H. Auden
A dog is the greatest gift a parent can give a child. OK, a good education, then a dog. - John Grogan
The test of any good fiction is that you should care something for the characters; the good to succeed, the bad to fail. The trouble with most fiction is that you want them all to land in hell together, as quickly as possible. - Mark Twain
ALLAH, n. The Mahometan Supreme Being, as distinguished from the Christian, Jewish, and so forth. Allah's good laws I faithfully have kept, And ever for the sins of man have wept; And sometimes kneeling in the temple I Have reverently crossed my hands and slept. Junker Barlow - Ambrose Bierce
Today you are lifted higher. Understand that you can go further and be better than you ever thought possible. Start by saying yes to all good things. Doors will open for you filled with unlimited opportunities. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
If ever a man and his wife, or a man and his mistress, who pass nights as well as days together, absolutely lay aside all good breeding, their intimacy will soon degenerate into a coarse familiarity, infallibly productive of contempt or disgust. - Philip Chesterfield
I realized that all my life, my values were based upon typical middle-class American values: hard work, doing good, living well, owning things, following the rules & being the best I can be... but God clearly says, "those are not MY values. I value justice, mercy & humility. - John Green
Affliction is a good man's shining time. - Edward Young
If it sounds good, it is good. - Louis Armstrong
Do not forget to be good to yourself. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Reading leads to good conduct - Lailah Gifty Akita
In choosing a mate, don't pick the tallest and most handsome or the most beautiful. Don't choose one just because that person raises your physical passions. Look for the person who is good from within, the one with substance and worth. - Helen Quist Milligan
If I wouldn't of spent so much time shooting spit wads at my English teacher I'd know how to punctuate good thing I normally write poetry. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Always do good for others because when people try to drag your name through the mud, God will always bring a storm to wash it away. - Shannon L. Alder
It's not always true that a person who speaks good words are good at their heart. - Sajil Chembil
Above all, never think you're not good enough. Never think that. In life people will take you at your own reckoning. - Isaac Asimov
Nothing deters a good man from doing what is honourable. - Seneca
Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained. - C.S. Lewis
The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But...the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him? - Martin Luther King Jr.
Read, read, read. Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it.Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window. - William Faulkner
Learn to accept things, learn to understand things that they're happening because it's for our own good. No matter what happen, just always remember that "If that thing didn't happen, I wouldn't be what I am now. - Jayson Engay
The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it? - Aldo Leopold
There are two souls in a body of a human these souls are GOD & DEVIL.if u r going to do any work it is good or ither it is bad always listen ur GOD's soul. - Hoshiyar
Show me a good and gracious loser and I'll show you a failure. - Knute Rockne
All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed.For after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dog. - Charles M. Schulz
Books are like blind dates; some good, some not, some leave you wanting more - Nanette L. Avery
Nothing in this world is Good or Bad. Our thinking makes it so. A knife is good when a surgeon uses it to save a life & bad when a terrorist uses it to kill. - RVM
Nothing in life is as good as the marriage of true minds between man and woman. As good? It is life itself. - Pearl S. Buck
Yes, rules are made to be broken -- but ONLY if you have a damn good reason for doing it. - Kevin Hosey
The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. - Thomas Paine
The absolute good is not a matter of opinion but of nature. - Cicero
Isn't it a good thing we don't know everything? If we did, we wouldn't have a reason to have curiosity, and curiosity is like imagination, taking us back to the time when we were just children in our own fantasylands. - Jule Warner
One mark of a good officer, he remembered, was the ability to make quick decisions. If they happen to be right, so much the better - Larry Niven
Life is like a camera... Focus on what's important capture the good times and develop from the negative. - Pravinee Hurbungs
I used to think meditation served the purpose of clearing my mind of dreams. Good and bad, dreams do affect us in our daily mood. Now I wonder if meditation unlocks them, utilizes the wisdom that has been sent to us by our subconscious. - Robert Black
Numbers are important to the life, you better stay good at arithmetics. - Ahtizaz Wani
A child develops best when, like a young plant, he is left undisturbed in the same soil. Too much travel, too much variety of impressions, are not good for the young, and cause them as they grow up to become incapable of enduring fruitful monotony. - Bertrand Russell
Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
Smartass Disciple: Master, I want to eradicate all corruptions in this world.Master of Stupidity: Let it be a bit! Otherwise you'll make us jobless for good. - Toba Beta
To safeguard democracy the people must have a keen sense of independence, self-respect and their oneness, and should insist upon choosing as their representatives only such persons as are good and true. - Mahatma Gandhi
Charlie dear, it is I who have to be proud of you. And I am very, very proud of you. You have called me pretty; and as long as I am pretty in your eyes, I am happy. You, dear old Charlie, are not handsome, but you are good, which is far more noble. - George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith
One wonders in the end if books don't do more harm than good. - Marty Rubin
Sometimes good is preventing us for being better".rbasequia.. - Regar Asequia
The bad fortune of the good turns their faces up to heaven; the good fortune of the bad bows their heads down to the earth. - Saadi
We often misunderstood between having good number of friends and having number of good friends. - Vijay Dhameliya
You say: 'Oh, please forgive'You say: 'Oh, live and let live.'But sorry doesn't help us.Sorry will not save us.Sorry is just a word you find so easy to say (so you say it anyway).Sorry doesn't help us.Sorry won't protect us.Sorry won't undo all the good gone wrong. - Morrissey
Be good to your work, your word, and your friend. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just as good and virtue, sin and evil can only be given in vigil. Who sleeps, sleeps; for the asleep there is no sin, just as there is no good, nor virtue. There is only sleep. - Judas Iscariot The Flight of the Feathered Serpent
Romance is like maintaining a car. If you do a good job of it, you will always have a dependable quiet ride. - T.R. Wallace
This is me figuring good behavior is for someone much younger." --Kestrel - Sarah Purdy Gilman
If Christ taught us anything it is this -- not to let our fear of death keep us from doing the good thing. - Robert Fanney
I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. - Augusten Burroughs
Each choice strengthens the magic you bring to the world, either for good or for evil. Those choices are yours alone.~Mab Atkinson - A.J. Benson
Most people are too silly to be truly interested in any thing. They herd together like cattle, and do not know what is good for them. - Frank R. Stockton
Don't make noise, rather give people good reasons to make noise about you. - Unarine Ramaru
As more good Knowledge you get as more quality life you can achieve. - Millie DeWitt
Where is the good memories ? Where is Love ? - Sara Keddar
Never underestimate a good sleep. - Zoe Kazan
Good luck beats early rising. - Irish Proverb
Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. - Stephen King
A good book will pull you in from the beginning and take you on a journey you'll never forget. - Lauren Hammond
When we’ve decided to tell the truth in a story, we should tell good, strong versions of it, proper versions that kids can do something with. - Celine Kiernan
God gives grace for good work. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I cannot think that man is meant to find happiness so easily! Happiness is like one of those palaces on an enchanted island, its gates guarded by dragons. One must fight to gain it; and, in truth, I do not know what I have done to deserve the good fortune of becoming Mercédès, husband. - Alexandre Dumas
I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them are trash. - Sigmund Freud
It's not about being good. It's about being brave. - Lana M. H. Wilder
Read. As much as you can. As deeply and widely and nourishingly and ­irritatingly as you can. And the good things will make you remember them, so you won't need to take notes. - A.L. Kennedy
A dog is grateful for what is, which I am finding to be the soundest kind of wisdom and very good theology. - Carrie Newcomer
We all carry around so much pain in our hearts. Love and pain and beauty. They all seem to go together like one little tidy confusing package. It's a messy business, life. It's hard to figure--full of surprises. Some good. Some bad. - Henry Bromel
When I'm good I'm great, when I'm bad I'm excellent. - Mae West
Friends with spiteful hearts and thousand eyes of evil, mock not my slumbering glory. I just might be the next in line to gain access to the secret fount of good riches. - Darmie Orem
Whoever has received knowledgeand eloquence in speech from Godshould not be silent or secretivebut demonstrate it willingly.When a great good is widely heard of,then, and only then, does it bloom,and when that good is praised by man,it has spread its blossoms. - Marie de France
Since graduating from HMS my greatest satisfaction has unequivocally been my family. My main disappointment is that I have wasted too much time in personal pursuits and been less of an influence for good than I might have been. - Norris B. Finlayson
Mankind's first sin gave us the ability to know both good and evil. Our subsequent sins make us increasingly unable to tell the difference. - Ron Brackin
And that was my homecoming. It was fine, I guess. Getting back feels like your first breath after nearly drowning. Even if it hurts, it's good. - Phil Klay
If a rat is a good model for your emotional life, you're in big trouble. - Robert M. Sapolsky
Don't mire up in self despair of your losses, learn from them and move on to other good things in life. Don't stop allowing the sunshine in because of the fear that winter will come and engulf the warmth. Hold it close to you to help you through those cold winter days. - Belinda Taylor on "Loss"
Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group—whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called the common good. - Ayn Rand
The essence of life: be good to all souls like you seek them to be good to your soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The Bible Belt is collapsing. The world of nominal, cultural Christianity that took the American dream and added Jesus to it in order to say, 'you can have everything you ever wanted and Heaven too,' is soon to be gone. Good riddance. - Russell D. Moore
Disregard for the past will never do us any good. Without it we cannot know truly who we are. - Syd Moore
I'm surrounded by nothing but great people. I've been blessed with that, so really, I've got no choice but to be an all-around good person. - Tim Duncan
A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell. - George Bernard Shaw
You're dealing with the demon of external validation. You can't beat external validation. You want to know why? Because it feels sooo good. - Barbara Hall
Satan is never your well-wisher. Get the pleasure of making him annoyed on you by doing good deeds - Munia Khan
If your mind can move mountainsand swallow gods,Why does it worry with helpless yesterdays and unborn tomorrows?If it can vomit starsand walk on split hairs,Why must it follow the samepath to despair?Everyone will tell you:'An orgasm here is just as good. - Kamand Kojouri
It feels good to read book. But it is grander to write book. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I am convinced that we as adults must constantly cling to, affirm, and celebrate with our children those things we love, sunsets, laughter, the taste of a good meal, the warmth of a hickory fire shared by real friends, the joy of discovery and accomplishment, the constant surprises of life. - Eliot Wigginton
Whenever evil befalls us, we ought to ask ourselves, after the first suffering, how we can turn it into good. So shall we take occasion, from one bitter root, to raise perhaps many flowers. - Leigh Hunt
A good presentation = Conviction + Story + Message. Subject does't matter. - Aayush Jain
The 'Wild West' is a good description of law enforcement in the desert southwest USA. - Steven Magee
It is rather whenWe gloriously forget ourselves, and plungeSoul-forward, headlong, into a book's profound,Impassioned for its beauty and salt of truth--'Tis then we get the right good from a book. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Jesus never wrote a book; never went outside his country. His only legacy was to never compromise the good. And it was more than enough for the world. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
I Write books for the little girl in the adult woman who some man told she was not good enough. Let us dismantle the notion that a woman cannot be free with her sexuality or that she needs a man to make her complete. This one is for the little girls with hearts on their sleeves. - Crystal Evans
The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good. - Catherine Ponder
My worlds on a Girl Mohi Uddin A girl,May be your good friend...Can be a enemy...Also be a fool...And can also be a lovely sweetheart...Even be a cute sister...But all of those depends on your behavior with her...So always try to be a good behavior with a Girl. - Answers Mode
Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there. - P. J. O'Rourke
What if today you gave yourself permission to be outrageously kind? What if you extended as much good will and kindness as you can possibly muster to every person you meet? And what if you did it with no thought of reward? I'm sure of one thing: it will be a day you will never regret. - Steve Goodier
be lawful for the Queen, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and House of Commons, to make Laws for the Peace, Order, and Good Government of Canada - The British North America Act, Article 91
Truth always prevails. Both divine and devil are two sides of the same coin. Rather, devil is in the divine and divine is in the devil. It is for us to make a conscious choice, whether we want to be devil or divine. Let us choose good over evil. - Vishwas Chavan
Heaven is a warm cat and a good book. - Christina Morris
A sales person who makes no or less sales gets often the verbal bashing, but other sales people who make good sales keeping long payment outstanding get usually the tacit pampering. Such is the understanding of most higher-ups in an organisation about the sales & marketing. - Anuj Somany
Everyone in your life gives you something. The bad ones give you experience, the worst ones a lesson; the good ones give you memories, the best ones, joy. - Jeffrey Fry
Bad is never good until worse happens. - Danish Proverb
That best portion of a good man's life, His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. - William Wordsworth
Note how good you feel after you have encouraged someone else. No other argument is necessary to suggest that never miss the opportunity to give encouragement. - George Burton Adams
Knowledge is good. It does not have to look good or sound good or even do good. It is good just by being knowledge. And the only thing that makes it knowledge is that it is true. You can't have too much of it and there is no little too little to be worth. - Tom Stoppard
A man, to be greatly good, must magine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and in many others; the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own. - Percy Bysshe Shelley
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy T. Bennett
A wise man once told me family don’t end in blood, but it doesn’t start there either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family’s there through the good, bad, all of it. They got your back even when it hurts. That’s family - Eric Kripke
Curiosity is good, but creativity is greater. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The old who refuse to die merely on principle live on forever, to hate life and complain of all the things they could have been spared had they the good sense to die young. - Michelle Franklin
A good human being can still be molded from bad clay - Levon Peter Poe
Enjoy good moments while they last, then make sure they're not the last - Constance Friday
Morality is good when we use it to live our lives but not to hurt anyone. - Debasish Mridha
I want more,' he says. 'I want more with you. I want to hold hands in public. I want to drive you home from work and give you a kiss good night. And talk on the phone so late we fall asleep. - Julie Murphy
How easily we get trapped in that which is not essential - in looking good, winning at competition, gathering power and wealth - when simply being alive is the gift beyond measure. - Parker J. Palmer
She's the original good time that was had by all. - Bette Davis
Though music oft hath such a charm to make bad good, and good provoke to harm. - William Shakespeare
The government cannot love you, and any politics that works on a different assumption is destined for no good. - Jonah Goldberg
A good character will be recognized by a goodcharacter.September 8, 2016 - Petra Hermans
Low self-confidence can be viewed as a good thing; it reminds us to be confident in Christ! - Stacy Navarro
Let's start with what we can be thankful for, and get our mind into that vibration, and then watch the good that starts to come, because one thought leads to another thought." - - Bob Proctor
It is good to work for your living. - Lailah Gifty Akita
He who spares the wicked injures the good. - Seneca
An industrious mother is an initiator of a good course; always charting new course for her loved ones. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Any writer of horror needs to at least have a good, solid love of the genre. Also, good horror writers need to have a slightly twisted sense of humor. Without humor, horror just isn’t as good. - Alistair Cross
I hate metaphors. That’s why my favorite book is Moby Dick. No frou-frou symbolism. Just a good, simple tale about a man who hates an animal. - Ron Swanson
A Muslim must not hate his wife and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with another that is good. - Anonymous
Be the good, kind, lovable person you want to see in the world. Every action counts and the more people who behave and act with love and caring the more the world becomes a better place. We can do this! - Deon Potgieter
When we see something different, we judge them either bad or good. But when see something similar we take it as a norm. So does it justify that morality is the epitome good or bad, or vice versa. - SYL
One good turn deserves another. - Gaius Petronius
I wanted to be bored to death, as good a way to go as any. - Peter De Vries
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience. - John Cage
I don’t even pretend to believe I know everything; I just believe in arguments God told me I had a pretty good chance of winning, while I was traveling through hell. - Shannon L. Alder
It's good to know there are people in the world much sicker then I am.
In this business (showbiz) it takes time to be really good and by that time, you're obsolete. - Cher
Religion was created for the goodness of the humanity, butreligious dogma converts a good person to an evil person. - Debasish Mridha
A good way to do econometrics is to look for good natural experiments and use statistical methods that can tidy up the confounding factors that Nature has not controlled for us. - Daniel McFadden
At the beginning Earth was a hell; then it became a heaven! Hell is the road leading to heaven! Chestnut tastes good after roasted! When the sand lives through hell, it becomes a beautiful glass! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It is for the good of states that men should be deluded by religion. - Publius Papinius Statius
There's no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. - Jill Churchill
A good reading strengthens the soul. - Toba Beta
To be beautiful is a good thing, for which we should thank Nature—to be attractive, morally, rather than physically, is, however, a thing for which we should thank Nature even more, if she be good enough to have endowed us with that lasting quality. - Duchess
It it not good to see people who have been pretending strength all their lives lose it even for a minute. - Lillian Hellman
One ought every day at least to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Good writing takes more than just time; it wants your best moments and the best of you. - Gordon Atkinson
In my youth, it was my good luck to have a few good teachers, men and women, who came into my head and lit a match. - Yann Martel
Don't act so callous to blank out good friends who failed on their way to success, just because something unusual hindered them, but you meandered out by a stroke of luck. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Always see the good in everyone...learn to see through God's eyes no matter what...remember, the tables may turn tomorrow. You just never know! - Kemi Sogunle
If it be the chief point of friendship to comply with a friend's notions and inclinations he possesses this is an eminent degree; he lies down when I sit, and walks when I walk, which is more that many good friends can pretend to do. - Alexander Pope
Believe in yourself. Under-confidence leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy that you are not good enough for your work. - Roopleen
God has said for us to know bad, as bad and good, as good. But while knowing the bad, there should not be the slightest abhorrence towards it and while knowing the good, there should not be slightest attachment towards it. Without knowing bad, as bad, the good cannot be known as good. - Dada Bhagwan
You have All it takes to be Great, See the unseen, Give the Good in your hand now to Activate that Great Grace for Greatness. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
I drank to drown my pain, but the damned pain learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good behavior. - Frida Kahlo
A Very Short Poem for Poor LoversYou’ve got nothing,I’ve got nothing,And it’s not a good thing. - Arzum Uzun
Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup. - Ludwig van Beethoven
What separates a great dream chaser from a good one is the volume of value that is given. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
Few people will understand that to love is like being able to select and read a good book. They don’t just stop at the title or the cover. They stop because...they wanted to read the content. The wanted to read each word, each sentence, each line, but most of all, what was in between the lines... - lauren klarfeld
Choosing the right career is the most difficult task for a person who is multi-talented and versatile. Because its hard to decide what field to go into, when you are good at too many things. - Saad Salman
How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the whole day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day. - Anne Frank
The world should have balance between evil and good, positive and negative. If one is missed there isn't balance. - Deyth Banger
You told me once that too much good in a person's life will stunt their growth. You said pain is necessary, because in order for a person to succeed, they must first learn to conquer adversity. And that's what you do... you deliver adversity where you see fit. - Colleen Hoover
If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the Muses, believing that technique alone will make him a good poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the performances of the inspired madman. - Socrates
Good things don't happen to "good people"; good things happen to happy people. - Vivian Amis
...A good book is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton
The Wild Wood is pretty well populated by now; with all the usual lot, good, bad, and indifferent - I name no names. It takes all sorts to make a world - Kenneth Grahame
Whether for good or for bad, the Iran that ultimately rises out of the ashes of last summer's uprising will be unlike the Iran we know today, and for that we can thank the Green Movement, not another round of useless sanctions. - Reza Aslan
Why is it that any time we speak of temptation we always speak of temptation as something that inclines us to wrong. We have more temptations to become good than we do to become bad. - Fulton J. Sheen
Start with your heart, and only good can follow! - Ocean
It's far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
Evil people rely on the acquiescence of naive good people to allow them to continue with their evil. - Stuart Aken
A true friend is a person that will shout at you when you’re wrong, hold your hand when you fall down, dance with you during the good times, and stay with you during your ups and downs. - Debasish Mridha
Any good marriage is secret territory, a necessary white space on society’s map. What others don’t know about it is what makes it yours. - Stephen King
The evil that is in the world always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence, if they lack understanding. On the whole, men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. But they are more or less ignorant, and it is this that we call vice or virtue; - Albert Camus
One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good, Than all the sages can. - William Wordsworth
Wisdom with an inheritance is good, but wisdom without an inheritance is better than an inheritance without wisdom. - Anne Bradstreet
Sometimes a fool makes a good suggestion. - Nicolas Boileau
A certain amount of impatience can be good to do the good works excessive patience delays to do, but sometimes, it is good to have a little amount of patience, for a little amount of patience can be a big antidote to a big woe of impatience - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
London is satisfied, Paris is resigned, but New York is always hopeful. Always it believes that something good is about to come off, and it must hurry to meet it. - Dorothy Parker
If you are the hero of your family, there is very good chance that one day you will be the hero of the world. - Amit Kalantri
Luxury life is good if everyman living on earth can benefit from it! Otherwise, it is injustice! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good health and happiness are life’s most precious treasures. Those who possess them are blessed. - Ellen J. Barrier
Authority is just and faithful in all matters of promise-keeping; it is also considerate, and that is why a good mother is the best home-ruler. - Charlotte M. Mason
For good or ill, your conversation is your advertisement. Every time you open your mouth you let men look into your mind. Do they see it well clothed, neat, busineswise?
What smells good may not always taste good, I leaned this the day I tried to eat a scented candle. - Kenny D. Eichenberg
And even if you cared what they had to say, would you act upon their opinions and create your life from it? No. Than stop replaying their toxic words in your head, it's no good for your being and start doing the things that once made you, you. - Nikki Rowe
Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out. - Michael Burke
Love is like a piece of chocalate. It looks and tastes good, but it's dark. What really matters is the inside. - Touaxia Vang
A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever. - Shigeru Miyamoto
There are three ingredients to the good life; learning, earning, and yearning. - Christopher Morley
Most people sell their souls, and live with a good conscience on the proceeds. - Logan Pearsall Smith
In a world of complete economic equality, you get and keep the affections you deserve. You can’t buy love with gifts or favors, you can’t hold love by raising an inadequate child, and you can’t be secure in love by serving as a good scrub woman or a good provider. - B.F. Skinner
Good Samaritan is only good when they think no one else will be the Good Samaritan. - Vann Chow
A man's value to the community depends primarily on how far his feelings, thoughts, and actions are directed towards promoting the good of his fellows. - Albert Einstein
A challenge to your bad luck is your confidence. Your confidence, you and your patience is your good luck. - Dhiraj Das
There are many good seeds in you. Therefore you must avoid every bad soil in the world. - Israelmore Ayivor
Always do at least one good deed a day for someone other then yourself. - kyo
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
You can’t make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good aboutyourself. - Robin S. Sharma
Dressing up is inevitably a substitute for good ideas. It is no coincidence that technically inept business types are known as "suits." - Paul Graham
The good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems. - Billy Joel
If you have a good friend, you don't need a mirror. - German Proverb
When you feel good about your life at all times, you feel like living in your dreams. But sometimes, people around you pull you out to see the face of reality. - Taranpreet Singh
Radical feminism is working for the eradication of domination and elitsim in all human relationships. This would make self-determination the ultimate good and require the downfall of society as we know it today. - Cellestine Ware
The most successful businessman is the man who holds onto the old just as long as it is good, and grabs the new just as soon as it is better.
Women forget all the past moments of the most intimate moments and the good sex when they have the next level of best sex with someone else. They just need someone to take out their hidden fantasies. - Himmilicious
There are few sorrows, however poignant, in which a good income is of no avail. - Logan Pearsall Smith
Original, in French: La bonne cuisine est la base du véritable bonheur. English: Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness. - Auguste Escoffier
The fate of the world depends on the triumph of the good people! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There is nothing like the razor sharp tongue of a good friend to cut through the lies we tell ourselves. - Laura Moncur
A good sense of humour combined withself-distance always make the world a better place. And my hundred-year-old, Allan Karlsson, would probably add a bottle of vodka to complete the picture. - Jonas Jonasson
It takes a good leader, with integrity, to enhance a leader with passion. - Steven Cuoco
Sometimes what we think is good for others... might be destructive for them... you never know - shivangi lavaniya
The good people sleep much better at night than the bad people. Of course, the bad people enjoy the waking hours much more. - Woody Allen
I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud
A good book is a good place to go..... to dream! - Donna Lee Comer
...luxury is the enemy of observation, a costly indulgence that induces such a good feeling that you notice nothing. Luxury spoils and infantilizes you and prevents you from knowing the world. That is its purpose... - Paul Theroux
Always accept good advices from others, they will help you out if you are facing any complications in life - Saaif Alam
Behind every drama is a good story...behind every tear is the person who wrote it. - Faye Hall
I'd never be where I am if more successful writers hadn't taken an interest in me and done me a good turn. - Sara Sheridan
The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy...neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. - John W. Gardner
Good food ends with good talk. - Geoffrey Neighor
Steady faith is stronger than destiny. Destiny is the result of causes, mostly accidental, and is therefore loosely woven. Confidence and good hope will overcome it easily. - Nisargadatta Maharaj
Perhaps these pages are more particularly addressed to poor students. As for the rest of my readers, they will accept such portions as apply to them. I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat, for it may do good service to him whom it fits. - Henry David Thoreau
The inquiry of truth, which is the love-making, or the wooing of it, the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it, and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it, is the sovereign good of human nature. - Francis Bacon
Even when the economy isn’t doing so well, people will still need good products and services. When you build a business around products and services that people will always need, then find innovative ways to let it run on autopilot while you grow it, then that’s a sure recipe for wealth. - Kevin J. Donaldson
What good the eyes without anything behind them ? (A quoi bon les yeux - Sans rien derrière eux ?) - Charles de Leusse
And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar. - Abraham Lincoln
Be Unique and Different in Appearance , but have a good Attitude with Peaceful Love in our Heart. - Jan Jansen
We should manage our fortunes as we do our health - enjoy it when good, be patient when it is bad, and never apply violent remedies except in an extreme necessity. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
The most #happy is he to whom #ALLAH has given a good #wife. - Ali R.A
You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are not good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God. - Eileen Anglin
To think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all - such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor. - James Allen
There is no such thing as a good call at 7 AM. It's been my experience that all calls between the hours of 11 PM and 9 AM are disaster calls. - Janet Evanovich
Only when however we are becomes good enoughDo we ever become really freeTo be our best... - anynomous
Man is seldom judged on the basis of his good deeds. If bad in past the good in present doesn’t matter ; if bad in present the good done in past is forgotten. That's human!! - Mehnaz Ansari
Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed: for every one thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else, do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess. - Rene Descartes
I was coming home from kindergarten--well they told me it was kindergarten. I found out later I had been working in a factory for ten years. It's good for a kid to know how to make gloves. - Ellen DeGeneres
If you'd like to be good at something, the first thing to out the window is the notion of perfection. - Scott Berkun
Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy Bennett
If you have good sex, you've done a lot right in life. - Rebecca Murphy
A smart model is a good model. - Tyra Banks
Conversation is the enemy of good wine and food. - Alfred Hitchcock
As an artist, my talents are not mine alone to just keep. My creations have to touch lives, spread love and let my skills be used only in good things but should be selfless not through selfish motives. In this manner, I am giving the gift back to my Master Creator." - Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
While having one’s assertions challenged might be bad for an unintelligent man’s ego; it sure is good for his intellect. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Thinking is good for your mind, but too much thinking leads to distraction. - Ehabib
The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything. - Walter Bagehot
Watch?? I'm gonna pray, man! Know any good religions?
A good story is always written with the tears of tragedies and triumphs, and the love and kindness of our lives. - Debasish Mridha
It is impossible to design a system so perfect that no one needs to be good. - T. S. Eliot
To reach something good it is very useful to have gone astray, and thus acquire experience. - Saint Teresa Of Avila
i know for sure,to be a leader i have to be a good reader - Faiz Triumph
Some of the worst things in History have been done with someone's good intentions - Taja Zenna
I know, I'm not perfect, I'm not too good, I'm an average person in everything but I also know that I'm real. And really that's enough for me and I'm very happy with it. :) - Waleed Uz Zaman Khan
O God! I ask You for the means to do good, to avoid evil and to love the poor.
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own. - Arthur Conan Doyle
i don't care about you dark secret all i want is you and its for a good reason - Marty
Minimise your time with those who make noises instead of speaking what is good for your ears, else, they'll attune you with balderbash. Maximise your time with those who will inject into your ears a soothing sound of wisdom, for they'll set your mind on a sound reasoning path. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The Gelaming regarded themselves as a force for good, and in many ways they were, but they were also inexorable and their compassion could often feel like oppression. - Storm Constantine
You broke me bodily.The heart ain't the half of it,And I'll never learn to laugh at itIn my good natured way.In fact, I'm laughing less in general,But I learned a lot at my own funeral.And I knew you'd be the death of me,So I guess that's the price I pay. - Ani DiFranco
Every good tree shall bear fruits in the sacred season. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You don't have to be good at something to be liked. - Stephen Richards
The first duty to children is to make them happy, If you have not made them so, you have wronged them, No other good they may get can make up for that. - Charles Buxton
There but for the... good choices I've made, genetics, psychological conditioning, and 10K random elements, go I. - Daniel Ionson
Make no mistake about it: Operation Desert Storm truly was a victory of good over evil, of freedom over tyranny, of peace over war. - Dan Quayle
It is always a silly thing to give advice, but to give good advice is fatal. - Oscar Wilde
A good character is not only about the good person people know you to be. Your ability to tell the truth about how bad you had been is also a good character. - Israelmore Ayivor
When our Journey of life is like a Train with Some Stops but Always can reach to a destination which can make ourselves and others happy, then we are on the good way. - Jan Jansen
Can a bad tree bears good fruits? - Lailah Gifty Akita
There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for. - J.R.R. Tolkien
I'm not going to bed after all. Somebody around here hath murdered sleep. Good for him.
Good man are those who we have neglected because of their life time. - Uche Daniel Oluwaseun
If you know the North, you know where the South is; if you know the darkness, you know where the light is! Evil is an excellent compass to find the good! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you do not sow good deeds, you fail to flourish your soul garden. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Have a good looking is not worthy if you don't act just like your appearances. - Shim Steward
Don't worry about meaning. If a story's any good, it can't help but have meaning. Let the PhDs tell you what your story means. - William Kittredge
A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means. - Sallust
We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good. - Carl Sagan
Good parents use the mistakes they did in the past when they were young to advice the children God gave to them to prevent them from repeating those mistakes again. However, bad parents always want to be seen as right and appear "angelic and saintly" as if they never had horrible youth days. - Israelmore Ayivor
Never does our good God leave us save to hold us better; never does He let go of us save to keep us better; never does He wrestle with us save to give Himself up to us and to bless us. - Francis de Sales
...God is already out there in the world ahead of us. In our teaching, therefore, we must do more than merely help people learn how to be good church members. We are directors preparing people for roles in a drama that encompasses every part of their lives. - Richard Robert Osmer
Hey, I write fiction. I just make this stuff up, unless I get my hands on some good juicy truth. You know the kind I'm talking about ... that stranger-than variety. - Dick Peterson
Maybe it’s not good trying to answer the question ‘What is my purpose in life?’ Maybe the better question is: ‘How can I make someone’s life better TODAY? - Steven Aitchison
Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. - Barry LePatner
[Addiction's] not about placating the bad dog - it's about feeding the good dog. You still have to feed the bad dog, but only enough so that the ASPCA doesn't bring you up on charges. - Robert Downey Jr.
Never regret losing time on reading good books - Kowtham Kumar K
Good fiction often gives us characters in extremity, which ironically gives us a clearer mirror in which to see ourselves. - Sarah Van Arsdale
Once I finished reading a good book, it gives me a hard time coping up with reality. - Nathalie M. Llanto
I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird, and not enough the bad luck of the early worm. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
You can stop a raging forest fire, a herd of stampeding buffalo or even a runaway freight train, but you can’t stop a good man". - John Paul Warren
... a good idea always attracts other good ideas. - Patrick Ness
Instead of being regarded as intelligent or knowledgeable, many a woman would rather be regarded as beautiful or good in the kitchen; many a man, as handsome or good in bed. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Don’t lose good opportunities waiting for better opportunities - Mohit Bansal
To be a good soldier, you must love the army. To be a good commander, you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love. - Robert E. Lee
If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
{Summertime she speaks of winter, she eats ham, but speaks of beef, got a good man but, flirts with another. She might as well go to hell, cause she ain't gonna be happy in heaven either!} - Nancy B. Brewer
He who wants to do good, knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gates open. - Rabindranath Tagore
Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.
Having a good connection with people is health and happiness itself. - Auliq Ice
We spend great sum of money to buy good books, so that we can satisfy our pleasure of reading. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A man who is good from docility, and not from stern self-control, has no character. - Henry Hazlitt
The people who can most successfully lose weight and maintain a healthy life style are foodies. When it comes to healthy eating, people who know how to cook and make ingredients taste good have a distinct advantage over those who can't. - Edward Ugel
Are you comfortable? That’s good. But there is somewhere at least someone is uncomfortable! And this should somehow make you uncomfortable too! The world can be a better place only through this way, through thinking others! - Mehmet Murat ildan
You cannot call a man as a good person just because he is treating you good! He should treat everyone good to be good! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I turn off the radio, listen to the quiet. Which has its own, rich sound. Which I knew, but had forgotten. And it is good to remember. - Elizabeth Berg
Let the love of the moon kiss you good night, let the morning sun wake you up with loving light. - Debasish Mridha
The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. - Anonymous
It is a good idea to be ambitious, to have goals, to want to be good at what you do, but it is a terrible mistake to let drive and ambition get in the way of treating people with kindness and decency. The point is no that they will then be nice to you. It is that you will feel better about yourself.
God created all people good. - Sunday Adelaja
You have to be careful who you let define your good. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Mark Twain said the difference between the right word and the almost right word is like the difference between lightning and the lightning bug, and people think he was good, right ? Didn't write any decent characters, as far as I can tell, but otherwise fine. - Adam Rex
Good soldiers never pass up a chance to eat or sleep. They never know how much they'll be called on to do before the next chance. - Lois McMaster Bujold
The power of our subconscious thoughts and desires attracts good luck. - Debasish Mridha
Emotions are good as long as you are in control of them. - www.kavikishor.com
Success is mesmerizing, and blinding. Sometimes you need good old fashion failure to open your eyes. - Noel DeJesus
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. - Bible
It is good to rub and polish our brain against that of others - Michel de Montaigne
Just because we’ve made poor or wrong choices in the past, does not limit us from making wise and good choices now. - Toni Sorenson
Nothing mitigates the throes of depression like a steaming plate of spaghetti and meatballs with marinara sauce and grated parmasan cheese, with a good fresh bread to wipe up. - Paul Clayton
You don’t make art out of good intentions. - Gustave Flaubert
People who produce good results feel good about themselves. - Kenneth H. Blanchard
An opportunity fordoing an injury happens a hundred times a day, hut for doing good not once a year," says Zoroaster. - Voltaire
I'm interested in the way in which the past affects the present and I think that if we understand a good deal more about history, we automatically understand a great more about contemporary life. - Toni Morrison
The only road to good shows is bad ones. Just go start having a bad time, and if you don't give up, you will get better. - Louis C. K.
Respect means: even in your absence people speak good of your person - Constance Friday
I’m going to break one of the rules of the trade here. I’m going to tell you some of the secrets of improvisation. Just remember—it’s always a good idea to follow the directions exactly the first time you try a recipe. But from then on, you’re on your own. - James Beard
Play a bigger part in doing more good in the world, it is good for you and for business. - Wesam Fawzi
I don't know a better preparation for life than a love of poetry and a good digestion.
If bye is meant to be separation, why do people say good bye. - Rushabh Patel
That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment. - Dorothy Parker
Portia remembered her interview in the small office upstairs...in which she had been so shy, so terrified about not being good enough, not getting this thing, this chance, which she had only just discovered she wanted very badly. - Jean Hanff Korelitz
I have been writing now for over a week. I find it cleansing, refreshing; it is good for me. (p.531) - Storm Constantine
Clear skies, cousin". Good luck, he means. There are never clear skies on Avon, no blue, no stars. But we don't give up hope, and we use those words to remind ourselves. Clear skies will come, one day. - Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
The only thing a closed book is good for is a table that wobbles. Be an open book. - A.D. Posey
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. - Bible
A good many young writers make the mistake of enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope, big enough for the manuscript to come back in. This is too much of a temptation to the editor. - Ring Lardner
A good story is a dream shared by the author and the reader. Anything that wakes the reader from the dream is a mortal sin. - Victor J. Banis
We need not take refuge in supernatural gods to explain our saints and sages and heroes and statesmen, as if to explain our disbelief that mere unaided human beings could be that good or wise. - Abraham H. Maslow
A good speech is like a miniskirt--long enough to over all the vital parts, short enough to entice and captivate listeners. - Naa Shalman
It is always the best policy to speak the truth--unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar. - Jerome K. Jerome
Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for .success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good. - Vaclav Havel
In a simple street you can find the whole world: You can find joy and sorrow; you can find good and evil, silence and noise; you can find all the comedies and all the tragedies! An ordinary simple street is the mirror of the whole world! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Enthusiasm is very good lubrication for the mind.
Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff. - Frank Zappa
You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. - Terence McKenna
Accept all of you, the good with the bad, the successes with the failures, the times you shone and the mistakes you made. It will bring into a place of peace. It will help you to move forward with your life. - Eileen Anglin
Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well. - Josh Billings
Every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes. We all, therefore, need the books that will correct the characteristic mistake of our own period. And that means the old books. - C.S. Lewis
Believe nothing against another but on good authority; and never report what may hurt another, unless it be a greater hurt to some other to conceal it. - William Penn
The is no greater pain than the one you cause yourself when you let yourself down when a good chance present itself for you to advance your life! - Stan The Man SA
What can you expect from a stupid government? Anything good? Anything useful, anything clever? Anything just? No! You can expect nothing but stupidity, nothing but mistakes, nothing but injustices and tragedies! All a stupid government can do is to produce wrecks and debris! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Life can take so many twists and turns. You can’t ever count yourself out. Even if you’re really afraid at some point, you can’t think that there’s no room for you to grow and do something good with your life. - Portia de Rossi
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. - Socrates
I want to change the pop world one sequin at a time. Artists tend to take themselves way too seriously and don't enjoy the fun of making an impact on culture. I just have a good time and sequins represent a good time. - Lady Gaga
Do what you do only for God's sake, start for God's sake, work for God's sake, and act within the sphere of God's good approval. - Said Nursî
Confidence is a life ingredient that is essential to success and wholeness. It is perhaps the single most important trait that enables seemingly average people to do and become all that they can. And the good news is it can be learned. No one has to suffer a lifetime of low confidence. - Steve Goodier
A man always has two reasons for what he does--a good one, and the real one. - J.P. Morgan
Anywhere , Anytime , Just Keep any thing good alive - Elhachemi Sabi
Relish what is good and expedient. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Live a good life. Love while you're at it. - Haley(fabulous/crazy/Daughter of the King of Kings
Eventually everything connects people, ideas, objects...the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se...I don't believe in this 'gifted few' concept, just in people doing things they are really interested in doing. They have a way of getting good at whatever it is. - Charles Eames
If you're going to do good work, the work has to scare you. - Anonymous
The really potent part of love is that it allows you to carry around beliefs about yourself that make you feel special, desirable, precious, innately good. Your lover couldn't have seen [these qualities] in you, even temporarily, if they weren't part of your essential being. - Martha Beck
You meet a new guy, analyze him, not good for marriage, not good for a relationship, not good for fucking, maybe excepting the very drunk mood, so, conclusion: this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. - Irina Bors
Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu'un long discours (A good sketch is better than a long speech) - Napoléon Bonaparte
Trust remains the coin of the realm in politics. A President who is trusted, by the people, by the congress, by the press, by foreign countries, is a President who can get a lot of good things done. - David Gergen
Stop wasting so much energy hating your body; it makes you weaker. Everything good in your life begins from the moment you begin accepting, understanding, respecting, and loving your true self. - Harry Papas
laughing is good. so long as you are not insulting anyone. - A Gentlemen
Every single important thing we do is something we didn't use to be good at, and in fact, might be something we used to fear. - Seth Godin
Good literature is a lifeboat! Every time you feel you are sinking, jump on it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
He who is deaf to wisdom is blind to good. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I wish you all the good and charm that life can offer. Think of me kindly, and rest assured that no one would more rejoice to hear of your happiness. - Ludwig van Beethoven
The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holders lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately. - Bertrand Russell
It's so difficult to express in word as how it feels bad to go to bed in the night after the whole day work, done sincerely, does not yield any good result. - Anuj Somany
Let's hope that for every time that we get hurt or break our heart, there is something somewhere being written to make up for it, to make the happiness due even bigger and laughters even merrier, for after all good things must happen to good people. - Mansi Soni
If your plan will do more harm than good, then God will not permit it - Aireen C. Pontillo
If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer. - Confucius
Politeness is half good manners and half good lying. - Mary Wilson Little
A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. - Terry Pratchett
Jan had always been a good pianist, and now he was the finest in the world. - Arthur C. Clarke
A person with his good writing can make some earning, but if he seems to be enjoying luxury living then probably it's time for all to see the intention of the people behind his promotion. - Anuj Somany
I’ll be blasted’, he said, ‘if I ever write another word, or try to write another word, to please Nick Greene or the Muse. Bad, good, or indifferent, I’ll write, from this day forward, to please myself - Virginia Woolf
Entrepreneurs persevere until it pays off. One good day can make up for an entire month, and one good month can make up for an entire year. Don't give up. The isn't over 'till it's over! - Farshad Asl
On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time. - George Orwell
Love is the key to the mystery. Love by its very nature is not selfish, but generous. It seeks not its own, but the good of others. The measure of love is not the pleasure it gives-that is the way the world judges it-but the joy and peace it can purchase for others. - Fulton J. Sheen
See a man as a good opportunity and that is what he becomes. See him as bad luck and he becomes your headache. - Paul Bamikole
Greed, one of the badliest capital sins, is not good, is not good for knolege, love, money. Greed "the capital sin" is necessary - S.M Camacho
The only way to last a really long time is to build something useful enough that people will want to keep it going after you die, and to cultivate a sense of ownership in other people. In short: make good shit and give it away as fast as you can. - Lisa Williams
As for what concerns me in particular I have only in my life carried to an extreme what you have not dared to carry halfway, and what's more, you have taken your cowardice for good sense, and have found comfort in deceiving yourselves. - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened. - Thomas Hardy
The best fame is a writer's fame. It's enough to get a table at a good restaurant, but not enough to get you interrupted when you eat. - Fran Lebowitz
Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. - William Saroyan
There is so much good in the worst of us, And so much bad in the best of us, That it hardly behooves any of us To talk about the rest of us. - Edward Wallis Hoch
No man likes to have his intelligence or good faith questioned, especially if he has doubts about himself. - Henry Adams
The good writing of any age has always been the product of someone's neurosis, and we'd have mighty dull literature if all the writers that came along were a happy bunch of chuckleheads. - William Styron
That place is happy over which a holy man builds a house, with fire, cattle, wife, children and good followers - The God
A year from today, it will be Good if your life is positively different, but GREAT if your life has made a positive difference on others - Fela Durotoye
Read a good book every day. Books help to educate the soul. The mere joy of learning something new will instill the will to live in you. - Sanchita Pandey
I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top. - An English Professor
"Luck" is a very good word if you put a P before it.
The future is as blank as a plane sheet if you don't have an eagle's eye, that's why you should climb to a vantage point to get a good perspective view at your future. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way. - Bertrand Russell
The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. - Jill Churchill
The best index to a person's character is (a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can't fight back. - Abigail van Buren
A good novel is an indivisible sum: every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. - Ayn Rand
If you can eat with mates or friends or family, I mean, it's such a brilliant thing isn't it? If you feel really rubbish and you have a nice bit of food it makes you feel good, you know? - Jamie Oliver
The truth is that you are innately good, wise, and powerful. You were created in and for good. - Deborah Day
If I had to sum up in one word what makes a good manager, I'd say decisiveness. You can use the fanciest computers to gather the numbers, but in the end you have to set a timetable and act. - Lee Iacocca
If you look good and dress well, you don't need a purpose in life.
Good philosophy is always hate speech to evil doers. - Stefan Molyneux
If you have a big destiny, you're going to have to meet and face some big demons. But the good news is that your strength and power is big enough to conquer them all. You are strong enough to overcome all obstacles in your way and to fulfill your Destiny. - Jeanette Coron
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. - H. L. Mencken
Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued. - Socrates
Good thoughts without actions are like a ship stuck in a port. - Debasish Mridha
Good books do not waste our time as most people do... collect a great quantity of books, build alibrary worthy of your noble soul, andspend without stint all the money necessary for it. - Cardinal Augustin Valier
Good government has to mean less government. - John Stossel No They can t
Good night! Good night!Far flies the light;But still God's loveShall shine above,Making all bright,Good night! Good night! - Victor Hugo
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra
What should a good children’s book be like? If you ask me, I can tell you after thinking long and hard: It must be good. - Astrid Lindgren
I don't understand why some kids git a good school and mother and father and some don't. But Rita say forgit the WHY ME shit and git on to what's next. - Sapphire
When one is too old for love, one finds great comfort in good dinners. - Zora Neale Hurston
Good books don't give up all their secrets at once. - Stephen King
He that can't endure the bad will not live to see the good. - Yiddish Proverb
pretending to be good might be the same with pretending to be right, its just you are selfish on your own because you think only for yourself.. - Jinnul Jr.
There's not one good thought in that place. There's nothing but waste and want. I can feel his selfish cravings and an abyss of secrets I hope to never know. - Steve V. Cypert
A full mind is unlucky if a good idea comes to enter inside; an empty mind is unlucky if a bad idea comes to enter inside! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Circumstances makes a thing poison or nectar. There is nothing absolute good or bad. - Amit Ray
The Bible is the greatest book ever written. It is absolutely amazing the tremendous amount of joy, peace, and success one will experience simply by applying its admonition. If you truly want the Good Life follow the Good Book. - DeWayne Owens
The perfect is the enemy of the good. - Voltaire
Anyone who loves money loves a good thing,but anyone who is in love with money is an evil man. - Crystal Wolf
Folly consists not in committing Folly, but in being incapable of concealing it. All men make mistakes, but the wise conceal the blunders they have made, while fools make them public. Reputation depends more on what is hidden than on what is seen. If you can’t be good, be careful. - Baltasar Gracián
About the most originality that any writer can hope to achieve honestly is to steal with good judgment. - Josh Billings
Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest. - Beatrix Potter
What happens when you get to the point where you don’t know where right begins and wrong ends, when you no longer care who the bad guys are and who the good guys are supposed to be? When the only person you can really trust is yourself? - R.K. Ryals
The good Lord gave me a brain that works so fast that in one moment I can worry as much as it would take others a whole year to achieve.
The Christmas spiritwhispers softly in my ear,"Go be of good cheer. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Saying honestly and making most people understand as what is good for them and who is good to them , is like banging head on the floor or wall and hurting oneself only. - Anuj Somany
Good values that are cherished,bind and attract both friends and enemies to greatness of life. - JOEL NYARANGI AKOYA
What you choose to do in this life will surely affect you in the next... Just do good, even when it's very hard to do so. It's your soul that's on the line. - R.D. Gennari
It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way. - John Viscount Morley
Girls, watch out for the bad guys!...there are those capable of showering their resources on you just to dance on top of you, and finally destroy your good image and reputation. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. - Desmond Tutu
Only God is good.""We can make good works,We can be called good folksWe can do good,but we cannot be good. - Mac Canoza
It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar.
Talkers are no good doers; be assur'd we come to use our hands and not our tongues. - William Shakespeare
We learn that there are in creation, Beings - perhaps very numerous - both good and evil. - Richard Whatley
To be a manager, one must be able to manage her own relationship with the people around her, as well as the relationships among her subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations does not make one a good manager. - Sophie L. Rose
I have always had the greatest respect for students. There is nothing I hate more than condescension—the attitude that they are inferior to you. I always assume they have good minds. - Mark Van Doren
Whatever you sow, you shall reap. It is better to sow good deeds; love, goodness and kindness. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don’t complain. Be a good person in this wrong world and transform it. - Debasish Mridha
Emotions and feelings don't come out of the blue they're always triggered by memories good or bad. Males and females must process both. - Mayra Mejia
To love, you close your eyes. To do good, you deceive oneself. To be honest, you ditch oneself. To be good, you have to transcend all the three ideas. - Harshit Walia
Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we can see the good in other people. - Roy T. Bennett
Nothing is more compelling than the power of choice. You can choose good over evil and right over wrong. Choose right! - DeWayne Owens
But family connections are weird. Even if your relatives aren't good to you, they're still your blood. You can't lose that connection completely. And believe me, I've got a few relatives on my dad's side I'd love to lose. - Rick Riordan
That's the difference between me and the rest of the world! Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!
But if they had learned anything together, it was that wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good - Gabriel García Márquez
I wish I had been born a storm. No heart, no tears, just a terrible gale'd been good. - Kohta Hirano
Anger always has a reason but there are no good reasons to be angry. - Debasish Mridha
If You have a good reading habit, then you become a good thinker - Muhammad Hassam
You are an unfinished work in progress. One of the good things about life's challenges: you get to find out that you're capable of being far more than you ever thought possible. - Karen Salmonsohn
Dreams are a good source for book ideas. - Mary Sage Nguyen
With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg
Kids who are good at traditional school—repeating rote concepts and facts on a test—can fall apart in a situation where that isn’t enough. Programming rewards the experimental, curious mind. - Ketil Moland Olsen
To obtain greatness and strength, a man must have a good character. He is honorable and respected by others. We define him as intelligent, and as one who God has blessed with wisdom - Ellen J. Barrier
Taking up marriage is a good excuse for taking up cursing."These is my words - Nancey E. Turner
We live in a vastly complex society which has been able to provide us with a multitude of material things, and this is good, but people are beginning to suspect we have paid a high spiritual price for our plenty.
I’m good when I’m alone. I’m comfortable when I’m alone. I can sit and do lots of things all by myself. Sex included. - Johnny Weir
Nothing revives hope and confidence like a good fantasy. - Marty Rubin
When you see a good man, try to emulate his example, and when you see a bad man, search yourself for his faults. - Confucius
Its all about perception, that is how you look at. Your own thoughts and outlook defines whether it is good or bad. And your definition determines your response. - Stella Payton
It is good for a student to be poor. Getting and spending, the typical American college student lays waste his powers. Work and contemplation don't mix, and university days ought to be days of contemplation. - Russell Kirk
In order to be really good as a librarian, everything counts towards your work, every play you go see, every concert you hear, every trip you take, everything you read, everything you know. I don’t know of another occupation like that. The more you know, the better you’re going to be. - Allen Smith
Be Good, but don't waste the time to proove it - Devesh Tamta
If I had to choose a companion to be at the return of eternal darkness with, I'd choose you.'No offence, but I'd choose someone massive and really good at magic. - J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Any regime or any government which motivates its own people to be different than one another is a good regime, is a good government! Encourage people to think differently, to act differently, and to believe in different things, otherwise you create just a herd of animals! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse. - Woody Allen
I think it is very good when people suffer. To me that is like the kiss of Jesus. - Mother Teresa
I believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and in honest competition. I believe there is something doing somewhere, for every man ready to do it. I believe I'm ready, RIGHT NOW. - Elbert Hubbard
Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you've lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that's good. - Elizabeth Edwards
Good laws lead to the making of better ones; bad ones bring about worse. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East -- you're as good as dead. - Elton John
Anything you're good at contributes to happiness. - Bertrand Russell
I admire those who do good and expect nothing in return. - Roy T. Bennett
Half the ingratitude and complacency in the world down to how slowly and imperceptibly most good and bad things unfold. - Alain de Botton
Evil triumphs when good men refuse to call it evil - Dean Cavanagh
México can have many historians, merchants, philosophers, and even including good high ranked people in the natural course, although it can get to have more; If in good. - Efrain Jimenez Vazquez
There is only one way to defeat the enemy, and that is to write as well as one can. The best argument is an undeniably good book. - Saul Bellow
I shall never be ashamed of citing a bad author if the line is good. - Seneca
All of us want to do well. But if we do not do good, too, then doing well will never be enough. - Anna Quindlen
Old art offers just as good a criticism of new art as new art offers of old. - Jasper Johns
Peace is normally a great good, and normally it coincides with righteousness, but it is righteousness and not peace which should bind the conscience of a nation as it should bind the conscience of an individual; and neither a nation nor an individual can surrender conscience to another's keeping. - Theodore Roosevelt
And from the look on his face I could see he was one of the lucky ones, one of those people who like doing what they're good at. That's rare. When you see that in a person, you can't miss it. - David Wroblewski
I think there are lots of ways of leading very good lives and growing spiritually. This process of growth goes on whether we believe it or not. - Jim Henson
When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy. - Oscar Wilde
Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at. - Jimmy Demaret
I'm half good and I'm half bad. My mama is a very good girl and my daddy is a very bad boy. And I guess that leaves me somewhere sort of...here. - C. JoyBell C.
The character of good men and women encourage others to want to be better people. - Ellen J. Barrier
In ambiguous situations, it's a good bet that the crowd will generally stick together and be wrong. - Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
I have made good judgements in the Past. I have made good judgements in the Future. - Dan Quayle
Take good care of your final word. If your final say will hunt you in day's ahead, then hold back the words, and let silence speak. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Everyone Regenerates, different ways one regenerates by watching horror and thinking of the good side. Other cry, but in the end all reliase that there isn't purpose of thinking this topic, there isn't purpose to cry. Somebody have died and that's all and It can't be changed! - Deyth Banger
Any belief which encourages you to use your own intellect, which motivates you to question everything and points out your own mind as the only road for your salvation is a good belief! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The evil that is in the world almost always comes from ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding. - Albert Camus
Be not simply good - be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau
In the worldly life, self-serving pride (swa-maan) is considered a good quality and arrogant pride (abhimaan) as a bad quality. - Dada Bhagwan
Good advice I always hated, but lookin back it made me greater. - Nicki Minaj
Just because you are a nice guy, doesn’t mean you are a good man. - Zyanya Torres
Smile puts a smile on all the good things in the world - Munia Khan
Hurried reading can never be good reading - Georg Joachim Goschen
Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to fill the roles given you by good people, by people who love you. - Orson Scott Card
Most good things have already been said far too many times and just need to be lived. - Shane Claiborne
For most folks, no news is good news; for the press, good news is not news. - Gloria Borger
None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license. - John Milton
[Bill] Clinton was a pretty good president for a Republican. - Michael Moore
The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. - Linus Pauling
Till tomorrow good sir one must but gaze at stars - Andrew Fisher
Laws are partly formed for the sake of good men, in order to instruct them how they may live on friendly terms with one another, and partly for the sake of those who refuse to be instructed, whose spirit cannot be subdued, or softened, or hindered from plunging into evil. - Plato
Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live. - Socrates
Where humor is concerned there are no standards - no one can say what is good or bad, although you can be sure that everyone will. - John Kenneth Galbraith
The happiest excitement in life is to be convinced that one is fighting for all one is worth on behalf of some clearly seen and deeply felt good. - Ruth Benedict
A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special. - Nelson Mandela
Feelings come and go, and when they come a good use can be made of them, but they cannot be our regular spiritual diet. - C.S. Lewis
TURKEY, n. A large bird whose flesh when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. Incidentally, it is pretty good eating. - Ambrose Bierce
The feelings is both the biggest poison and the greatest remedy. The wisdom and good sense define the best use. - Da Anunciação Marco
Confidence is good, but confidence with humility is far better. - Debasish Mridha
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
A writer's partner should be a good reader...otherwise she/he will get bored what's happening around. - Vikash Shrivastava
While it is good to apologize and ask forgiveness from God, it’s just as important (perhaps more so) to extend it towards the person you wronged. Becoming a better person or trying to make amends with the universe only works when you start with the one you owe it to. - Donna Lynn Hope
With tact, exit from the world I’ve created, and we never have to speak of those good times again. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Evil, let it never be mistaken, is real. But it is inferior. It is parasitic. It is incomplete. The moment we take counsel from it, become overwhelmed by it, or put it on an equal footing with the Good of God, it will have become something entirely more dangerous. It becomes an idol. - Tod Worner
Most people are trying to project themselves to be good rather than being actually good; but even more surprisingly or unfortunately, they are often only garnering the support of many or most. - Anuj Somany
To attempt to increase the wealth of any country, either by introducing or by detaining in it an unnecessary quantity of gold and silver, is as absurd as it would be to attempt to increase the good cheer of private families by obliging them to keep an unnecessary number of kitchen utensils. - Adam Smith
The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia. - Otto von Bismarck
Good is not a thing you are. It is a thing you do. - G. Willow Wilson
I have come to value liberated minds as the supreme good of life on earth. - J. Frank Dobie
A good writer is one that can see the goodness in others and helps them to be better. - Debasish Mridha
The next thing to saying a good thing yourself, is to quote one. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bad times wake us up to the good times we weren't paying attention to.
in order to do evil, must first believe that what they are doing is good, otherwise they can't do it. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The trouble with discarding bad memories was that evidently the good ones went with them - Anne Tyler
A good story defies the reader's expectations, and in doing so, brings them satisfaction. - Thomas Maltman
Every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment to moment on the razor edge of danger and must be fought for. - Thornton Wilder
a good idea is only good if thereis a well-thought-out plan tomake it a reality. - Norma Kamali
However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them? - Gautama Buddha
The best gifts anyone can give to themselves are good health habits. - Ellen J. Barrier
It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly. - Oscar Wilde
If we could only live on good food like that, he said to her somewhat loudly, we wouldn't have the country full of rotten teeth and rotten guts. Living in a bogswamp, eating cheap food and the streets paved with dust, horsedung and consumptives' spits. - James Joyce
There are two ways of knowing how good God is: one is never to lose Him, and the other is to lose Him and then to find Him. - Fulton J. Sheen
A good friend enjoys with you, a best friend cries with you. - Debasish Mridha
Write at a pace that doesn't surpass your creative flow. Don't be hasty; don't be sloppy. Don't forfeit impressive writing for an impressive word count. Because eventually it will all have to be edited, and you'll find that it is harder to make bad writing good than to make good writing better. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything good. - William Faulkner
What the hell is wrong with you?" Westin growled as they entered the house. Lia twirled a bit."I am in a good mood. Is that not allowed?""For most people, yes, it's preferred. On you, it's creepy. What's up? - Abbie Chandler
Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. - Jack Welch
At your absolute best, you still won't be good enough for the wrong person. At your worst, you'll still be worth it to the right person. - Karen Salmansohn
A good conscience is a continual Christmas. - Benjamin Franklin
Record what you can, pursue your passions, connect with the world, fight the good fight, defy evil, shine incandescently as best you can. And it doesn't matter what field it's in but, it does matter that we leave something that accumulates over time. - Stefan Molyneux
I was taught to deceive by a great deceiver. Jenny will embrace me as a good man. Just as you did...before tonight. - Ken Cruickshank
Religion has a good place and it has its good people. - Garry Marshall
No one feels good at four in the morning.If ants feel good at four in the morning—three cheers for the ants. - Wisława Szymborska
Great champions have an enormous sense of pride. The people who excel are those who are driven to show the world and prove to themselves just how good they are.
If you ask an introvert a question, wait until she thinks about it. Introverts think before speaking, not through speaking. If you want to get to the good stuff, you need to slow down. - Laurie Helgoe
And if that is the Foremast, what do you think that sail might be called, Mr. Wheeler?""The Foresail?""Very good, Mr. Wheeler, and the next one up would be called..."..."The Next Sail, Sir?""Alas, no, Mr. Wheeler. - L.A. Meyer
Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer. - Muhammad Ali
Remember that good poets too can write bad poems! Talent has also a talent to be untalented! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Luck, bad if not good, will always be with us. But it has a way of favoring the intelligent and showing its back to the stupid. - John Dewey
Throughout the house one could detect the good sense and care of a woman whose feet were planted firmly on the ground. - Gabriel García Márquez
A good book is the precious life-blood of the master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose for a life beyond. - John Milton
I say that good painters imitated nature; but that bad ones vomited it. - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
I can get on with someone really, really, really well… and if they’re no good at having sex with me, it really upsets me, because I think, oh God, this is someone I’d really like to spend the rest of my life with, but I cannot face having bad sex for the rest of my life. - Lily Allen
A good conscience is a continual feast. - Robert Burton
Have you ever found yourself saying, "There ought to be a law against this," or, "Somebody should do something"? Well, here’s the good news - you can be the one to do something. You can be the one to make the law. - Victoria Stoklasa MA
Ladies and gentlemen, let us hear the demand of life and adhere to it. It would do us good - Sunday Adelaja
Its sometimes important to not take life so seriously, so life could woo you by showing you some good time. - Rupali Rajopadhye Rotti
Well when my death is in front, I just want to turn back to my life, And say the last thing, looking in to its lens that, Life oh my life, Nobody would have ever painted this life as beautiful as i did. Good Bye- - Ravi
Writing is the only art form where a good number of the artists make a slice of their living criticizing one another in print, in public. - Christian Bauman
The wisest investments are made in good health intervention activities. - Ellen J. Barrier
My words are the kisses but many of the times they don't taste so good as the touch of your lips does to mine. - Santosh Kalwar
I have known the joy and pain of friendship. I have served and been served. I have made some good enemies for which I am not a bit sorry. I have loved unselfishly, and I have fondled hatred with the red-hot tongs of Hell. That's living. - Zora Neale Hurston
Good times make the bad times better. - Meghna Parihar
During the gold rush its a good time to be in the pick and shovel business - Mark Twain
Stop pretending to be something you're not. FREE YOURSELF. You are good enough just the way you are. - Karen A. Baquiran
No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks. - Mary Shelley
A young writer is easily tempted by the allusive and ethereal and ironic and reflective, but the declarative is at the bottom of most good writing. - Garrison Keillor
The recipe for great art has always been misery and a good bowel movement. - Don Roff
You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence. - Octavia E. Butler
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me. - Ralph Wreck-it-Ralph
I don't think you're a very good friend if you're always being supportive. You also have to add criticism. - Jason Kottke
If you don't change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news? - W. Somerset Maugham
Love in action puts a mind at ease. It creates wonders and good feelings. Such is the magic word that when you allow it to flow freely, it awakens every human heart, and uplifts every human spirit. - Rita Barnes
It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge. - Enrico Fermi
Dreams are like holding on to a good book in your hands; you have the full story in your palms, but no matter how much you want to get to the end of the story, you have to go through all the pages first; and you are the writer. - T.H Maloa
Good writers can't die. Their words live on forever. - Kensington Gore
I have always noticed in politics how often men are ruined by having too good a memory. - Alexis De Tocqueville
Laurie herself was more focused on the years when her kids were little, when she felt so necessary and purposeful, a battery all charged up with love. Every day she used it up and every night it got miraculously replenished. Nothing had ever been as good as that. - Tom Perrotta
Sanity is a madness put to good use. - George Santayana
There is nothing like good food, good wine, and a bad girl.
Beware! Balance rules the cosmos. It is not concerned with good or bad. You can be struck by misfortune and be buried in grief if that is what it takes to restore the imbalance you have wrought unto the world. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Talking about unpleasant things during a meal is not good for digestion, not good for health. - Betty Jamie Chung
Everything God created is good, with the possible exception of cats. - Michael Wittmer
If your intentions are good, nothing bad can happen. - Debasish Mridha
Truth leads to good deeds, and good deeds lead to Paradise. Falsehood leads to evil deeds, and evil deeds lead to the Fire. - Anonymous
A Good Leader Promotes Peace,Not War.A Good Leader Is For The People,Not For Himself.A Good Leader Does Not Watch His People Suffer. - Godfrey Orateng
War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children. - Jimmy Carter
What people are ashamed of usually makes a good story. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Dead, but not allowed to die. Alive, but as good as dead. - Suzanne Collins
I won't lie!Probably from books you have saw that I'm not good at English, probably because I don't live in such country which this language is important or let's say to be native. But as for now I can't do a lot of for that! - Deyth Banger
There’s something tightly woven throughout the fabric of our humanity that runs entirely opposite to the baser instinct of looking out for our own good. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Never criticize, complain or condemn. Never forget to appreciate with love what is good in a person. - Debasish Mridha
Ingratitude is a crime more despicable than revenge, which is only returning evil for evil, while ingratitude returns evil for good. - William George Jordan
A girl has to have a beautiful smile, Beautiful eyes and she should have a good sense of humor. She should be honest, loving and trustworthy. - Justin Bieber
Livvy and me together in an elevator for four hours..and we're good. To some eyes the fact that we're both alive could be viewed as a minor miracle. - Michael D. Beil
Siri, what is the meaning of life? She answers: To think about questions like this. Huh. Good one. - Kim Wright
Good sex is the basis of any truly civilized society. - Gil A. Waters
You can buy a pretty good dog with a lot of money, but you can't buy the wag of its tail. - Josh Billings
It is healthier to see the good points of others than to analyze our own bad ones. - Francoise Sagan
We did a variant of the intern thing. We hired people as consultants for a specific thing and then if they were good, offered them a job. - Joshua Schachter
It’s good to remember that success may be just beyond the next failure, and you’ll get there, not because you’re destined to, but because you’re determined to. - Steve Goodier
every good artist paints what he is - Jackson Pollock
There's the good girl leading a charmed life who secretly covets to be the rare and elusive femme fatale and the femme fatale who yearns to be good and then there is their nemesis - men who dream and desire both. - Donna Lynn Hope
I felt vaguely outraged that such a bad person had such a good car. Because the car was the culmination of a thousand-odd years of scientific advancement. But the guy was a dick. I wondered when that had happened; that we had started making better machines than people. - Max Barry
Every good writer I know needs to go into some deep, quiet place to do work that is fully imagined. And what the Internet brings is lots of vulgar data. It is the antithesis of the imagination. It leaves nothing to the imagination. - Jonathan Franzen
Remember that everything that is happening around you, good or bad, is in some way conspiring to help you. - Debasish Mridha
Others can't always define your true identity. They see what they 'want' to see but beyond your mess, God sees the beauty He created and still thinks it's good! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
You do not have to worhip god to be good and you certainly do not have to be good to worship god. - Chris Decker
We have a chance in the future only if we take our own responsibility. Not anyone else come to give us good. - King Michael of Romania
For wicked people to do evil requires money, and good people superstition. Combining these elements gives us organized religion, but to achieve the worst of all evil conflate politics to the compound and the tragedies are endless. - Sean Kamali
I had lots of good intentions but I wasted them on people who didn't deserve them... - Bellamkonda Avinash Babu
Being a writer is a good, good thing. - Shannon Hale
NEPOTISM, n. Appointing your grandmother to office for the good of the party. - Ambrose Bierce
Listen; there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go. - e e cummings
New ideas pass through three periods: It can't be done. It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing. I knew it was a good idea all along ! - Arthur C. Clarke
Touching your cap to the squire may be damn bad for the squire, but it's damn good for you. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Accepting that life is insane, that bad things happen to good people and that you can find the courage to be grateful for the good in every situation and still move forward is hard (even terrifying), but heroic. - Richie Norton
We are good souls with good heart for good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Anticipation tingled in my stomach: the kind of tingle that at first you don’t know if it’s a good tingle or a bad tingle just a tingle. - Terry Weible Murphy
Why bad people live in heaven??If there is heaven so do and hell exist??but why bad are heaven and good also??So you have done here something bad and you greeting saying "Bravo..., Bravo... well made!" - WTF??? - Deyth Banger
Since our fears are mostly imaginary denial makes good sense. - Marty Rubin
A good many things go around in the dark besides Santa Claus. - Herbert Hoover
Men love women who are courageous for it means they can go all the way with him in his pursuit of his good dreams and intentions. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Many existing top 20 Scottish writers have flourished in part because of good turns done by institutions, arts community, libraries and bookshops. - Sara Sheridan
I got my dad a great father's Day present. He called to say: 'Ach. Zis present is so good I now think it vas almost vorth having children. - Johann Hari
Tongues in trees, books in running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
A good woman is a pleasured treasure. - Habeeb Akande
A favorite song or tune may stay on your mind for hours. A good book will stay on your mind until you find another. - F. Haywood Glenn
Curiosity is always good if it is aimed at learning. - Unarine Ramaru
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more. - Woody Allen
All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest - never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle of equal partnership. - Ann Landers
You want to raise your child in such a way that you don%uFFFDt have to control him, so that he will be in full possession of himself at all times. Upon that depends his good behavior, his health, his sanity. - L. Ron Hubbard
My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher. - Socrates
I didn’t like how my body seemed to be intent on sabotaging my brain, especially since my brain was so good at sabotaging itself. - Penny Reid
At times, talent is gifted! But mostly, it comes with good practice. - Somya Kedia
A society must create lots of sunshine for its miners as they need the sun most! And ‘to be remembered, to be respected’ is a good sunshine; ‘safety in the mine’ is a good sunshine! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Surviving is a basic thing. Getting by. Staying alive in whatever way we can. It doesn't mean we make right choices or drive fine cars or have good jobs. It means we found a way not to die. I survived. - Carolyn Wall
You decide every moment of every day who you are and what you believe in.The good news is you get another chance to improve in another second. - JohnA Passaro
I got my wife a mood ring. It works real good! When shes in a good mood it turns blue, but when shes in a bad mood theres a red mark across my forehead - Jeff Foxworthy
The means and the results, the good and the bad, are within all of us who are aware and care. - Suman Jyoty Bhante
When the people of the world all know beauty as beauty,There arises the recognition of ugliness.When they all know the good as good,There arises the recognition of evil. - Lao-tzu
My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue [is] the pen of a ready writer. - Psalms 45 1
Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are a subject to a good many different ailments, but I have never heard of one who has suffered from insomnia. - Joseph Wood Krutch
When you've found another soul who see's in to your own...take good care of each other..and remember to be kind.. - Jackson Browne
It is easier to write an indifferent poem than to understand a good one. - Michel de Montaigne
Gospel music is nothing but singing of good tidings -- spreading the good news. It will last as long as any music because it is sung straight from the human heart. - Mahalia Jackson
Beliefs that are good promote your potential and enhance your unique special qualities. - Deborah Day
The hardest part is setting the camera on the tripod, or making the decision to bring the camera out of the car, or just raising the camera to your face, believing, by those actions, that whatever you find before you, whatever you find there, is going to be good. - Sally Mann
Good heart, good spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People forget that there's two sides to every story. Of course somebody is going to tell the side of it that makes them look good and exaggerate the rest to make everyone else look bad. - David Reeves
What good is a song that doesn't break your heart? - Marty Rubin
There is no book so bad it does not contain something good. - Pliny
When good men die their goodness does not perish,But lives though they are gone. As for the bad,All that was theirs dies and is buried with them. - Euripides
The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy - I mean that if you are happy you will be good. - Bertrand Russell
If you can get nothing better out of the world, get a good dinner out of it, at least. - Herman Melville
The truth is, I can choose to view tough times as growing times, I can choose to see aging as seasoning and I can choose to focus on whatever good there is to be found in living. I choose. After all, it’s my point of view. - Steve Goodier
The sign of a good conscience is for a man to be in support of basically everything that Westboro Baptist isn't. - Luke Myer
A good heart is better than all the heads in the world. - Edward L. Wheeler
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." - Vince Lombardi Jr.
Emotions tend to get in the way of a good argument. - Steve Hague
I’m a short woman with a pretty good body and large breasts that’s not what I think of as sexy. - Adrienne Barbeau
Politics is the art of persuasion. Good ideas die because due to a lack of charisma or character. - A.E. Samaan
Good dancers awaken the joy in our hearts, we have seen them ablaze on stage, videos, on our streets, in the theaters, in our homes, schools and they have successfully ignited the love of dancing in our soul. At least, this is the major reason why dancers are born and made. - Paul Bamikole
We underestimate the power of our own mind for both good and bad. If we can learn to control our mindset and our responses to the adverse things in our lives, we can absolutely control our own destiny. - Rob R Morris
The dogged determination and patience of one person to do what is Right and Necessary may not always win the day or even be noticed, but it will tip the balance just a little in the direction of good. - Terry Pratchett
A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. - Anonymous
A sales person who makes no or less sales gets often the verbal bashing, but other sales people who make good sales keeping long payment outstanding gets usually the pampering. Such is the understanding of most higher-ups in an organisation about the sales & marketing. - Anuj Somany
Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes - Sidney Howard
A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
If you wish to glimpse inside a human soul and get to know a man, don't bother analyzing his ways of being silent, of talking, of weeping, of seeing how much he is moved by noble ideas; you will get better results if you just watch him laugh. If he laughs well, he's a good man. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more to be than a good dancer. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Is there any pleasure on earth as great as the circle of Christian friends by a good fire? - J.R.R. Tolkien
Cleave to the common good. We are all responsible for bringing about the time of great suffering, for its continuing. - Compton Gage
The good times are killing me - Modest Mouse
Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
A friend is someone who will always be there for you, in good and hard times. - Lailah Gifty Akita
In fact the trick good shooters deploy is change of focus from long to short and vice versa. And that should happen fast.The modus operandi is an alignment of long Focus (long term vision) with due validation with respect to current status (short term goals). - Priyavrat Thareja
I think it would be a good idea. - Mahatma Gandhi
Dreaming is good, but actions are better. Actions are what transform dreams into reality. - Debasish Mridha
She isn't the kind of girl that makes you wonder why she doesn't have someone, you just know that the kind of guy who is good enough for her is rare, and she projects the kind of strength that says she is perfectly happy to wait till he shows up. - Stacey Ballis
Good questions outrank easy answers.
Only learn to seize good fortune, for good fortune is always here. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
God makes all things good; man meddles with them and they become evil. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
A 'good job' can be both practically attractive while still not good enough to devote your entire life to. - Alain de Botton
A good quote is a beautiful bird! Wherever you meet with it, you will start flying with it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A woman with good shoes i never ugly! - Coco Chanel
Words, with their multiple meanings and nuances are like trees and oral communication like a forest. Trees are good for hiding, forest for losing the path. When one is trying to contemplate the horizon of illusion and reality, trees and forests can offer no help. - R. N. Prasher
I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions. - George Carlin
Happiness comes in many forms in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It’s okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be. - Lucas Scott
Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted. - Fred Allen
In spite of everything that has happened, I still believe that people are really good at heart. - Anne Frank
You can’t write novels without a touch of paranoia. I’m paranoid as an act of good citizenship, concerned about what the powerful people are up to. - Kurt Vonnegut
I was good and bad, but never wicked. - Anne Rice
The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not - Charles Barkley
Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think you've lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time. - Asha Tyson
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. - Jane Austen
Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? - Bible
I’ve had a lot of lieutenants over the years, and all the good ones were sick, sick individuals. You might be the best one yet. - Sergeant Berland in Orphan Brigade
When a man strikes another man, he better have a good reason. There is never a good reason for a man to strike a woman. - Dixie Waters
Even being an artist isn't as good as being nothing. - Marty Rubin
Although it's good to have talent, character is so much important because bad character is an enemy for great talent. - Gugu Mona
It's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything. - Nick Vujicic
Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art. - Andy Warhol
Good writing takes place at intersections, at what you might call knots, at places where the society is snarled or knotted up. - Margaret Atwood
Morality is judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, and integrity to stand by it at any price. - Ayn Rand
Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time. - Terry Pratchett
She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind. - Toni Morrison
Some are born virtuous, some become virtuous. To be good by nature is indeed fortunate but to become good is like walking on a double-edged sword; it takes a longer time and is more painful. - Umera Ahmed
To be always thinking about your manners is not the way to make them good; the very perfection of manners is not to think about yourself.
A closed mind is a good thing to lose. - Anonymous
I've decided that I'm not going to try to squeeze myself into a friendship that hurts me anymore. I'm going to let her go and just be friends with people who make me feel good about myself. - Zoe Sugg
As we expand our knowledge of good books, we shrink the circle of men whose company we appreciate. - Ludwig Feuerbach
You're only as good as your last article, so make it memorable. - Morgan Amos
There’s not a single good thing about fear. Fear is a habitual liar and a destroyer of a purpose-filled life. Don’t entertain fear. You’ve got to protect your dreams, goals, and the desires of your heart. Be brave in all things! - Stephanie Lahart
Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinions in good men is but knowledge in the making. - John Milton
Junkies might be easy to knock down, but they're never fragile. They have souls like old leather shoes studded with steel, and they're about as much good as friends. - Scott Westerfeld
When beautiful woman attracts money , she can't achieve a good end. - Kishore Bansal
The contest is not between Us and Them, but between Good and Evil, and if those who would fight Evil adopt the ways of Evil, Evil wins. - Thomas Jefferson
It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones. - Calvin Coolidge
There are lots of ways of being miserable, but there's only one way of being comfortable, and that is to stop running round after happiness. If you make up your mind not to be happy there's no reason why you shouldn't have a fairly good time. - Edith Wharton
Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. - Charlotte Whitton
A good friend is a healing friend. - A.D. Posey
Good luck in a way is bad luck not occurring, but the world wants stories of how bad luck happened, and how good luck played a savior. - Daya Kudari
Without knowing every single detail in a man’s life, we cannot judge whether he is a good person or not! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do. - Jana Stanfield
He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled - Aristotle
If you are not good at innovating, be smart in investing. - Rifhi Siddiq
To Make Something Good, You Must first Make it Bad - Look Im A Cat
Sadly, we live in a world where if you do good things, there are no financial rewards. If you poison the earth, there is a fortune to be made. - June Stoyer
Good. Illegal is always faster. - Eoin Colfer
A change is as good as a rest. - Winston S. Churchill
But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. - Bible
Man lives only to learn. And if he learns it is because it is the nature of his lot, for good or bad. - Carlos Castaneda
Life gets so ridiculous, you just have to brush it off like sand and laugh. I think the laughter is good medicine for crap-itis. - Ace Antonio Hall
Bed is a good friend; book is a good friend; night is a good friend. Try to bring them all together. - Mehmet Murat ildan
It is not always good to be right, but it is always wonderful to be kind - Debasish Mridha
You never feel good when you lie. It doesn't matter how much you want something, if you lie to somebody you love, and they actually, sincerely believe you, you feel like a cockroach that needs some serious Raid action. - Randa Abdel-Fattah
Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. - Clarence Thomas
Laughter is good for the heart and mind. - Andrea L'Artiste
If you want to change something by Tuesday, theater is no good. Journalism is what does that.But, if you want to just alter the chemistry of the moral matrix, then theater has a longer half-life. - Tom Stoppard
It is easy to identify a shallow person by the attention he gives to what will do him absolutely no good. - Michael Bassey Johnson
With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides,flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from oneend to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terroristattacks, "Are we sure this is a good time to take God out ofthe Pledge of Allegiance? - Jay Leno
Good design can't fix broken business models. - Jeffrey Veen
...ism's are not good. A person should not believe in an ism. He should believe in himself. - Ferris Beuller
When Bad People start doing Good things with bad motives; bad people wont become Good people but the World will start doubting the Goodness of Good Things! - kundhan karunakar
Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. - Howard Aiken
A good name is seldom regained. When character is gone, all is gone, and one of the richest jewels of life is lost. - J. Hawes
If evil destroyed evil there would be no good left. - Vanshika Dhyani
Wrong decisions make a good stories, lies make a very good stories - Nourhan Mamdouh
Life always sucks. It's just that sometimes that feels very good.
When you’re dying, even your unhappiest memories can induce a sort of fondness, as if delight is not confined to the good times, but is woven through your days like a skein of gold thread. - Cory Taylor
Good thinking makes you more attractive to yourself and others. - Auliq Ice
Not every good thing in life will remain forever - kayser U
Good wins in the end because evil is a self-destructive, cannibalistic force that Inevitably engorges upon itself. - Ken Poirot
There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient. - Sivananda Saraswati
Reading a good book helps us to feel un-alone. - John Green
My first word for the New Year was "exsanguinate." This was probably not a good omen.
Netiquette starts at home. Family values are a good frame of reference for netiquette rules. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
Being assertive enough to avoid being coerced into sex sounds like a good skill to learn. But you have to wonder what the corresponding page on Challenges said: Try not to rape your girlfriend? - Moira Wegel
The only secrets that are good are the ones with an ending. Keep surprises instead of secrets in your home. - Carolyn Byers Ruch
Doing good makes you great. Bad things take away from good ones. Practicing Netiquette is all good. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
The irony of American history is the tendency of good white Americanas to presume racial innocence. Ignorance of how we are shaped racially is the first sign of privilege.In other words. It is a privilege to ignore the consequences of race in America. - Tim Wise
A good woman inspires a man; a brilliant woman interests him; a beautiful woman fascinates him; and a sympathetic woman gets him. - Helen Rowland
Only elves and trolls had survived the coming of Man to the discworld: the elves because they were altogether too clever by half, and the trolley folk because they were at least as good as humans at being nasty, spiteful and greedy. - Terry Pratchett
Must we do not know all the good that a simple smile can do - sandy Khoury
Grinning is something you do when you are entertained in some way, such as reading a good book or watching someone you don't care for spill orange soda all over themselves. - Lemony Snicket
Lord if this would be the right thing for Joannie and I, that I would see a bald eagle right here as confirmation from you that this will be a good thing for us. - Michael Richard Stosic
It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well. - Rene Descartes
Today we are afraid of simple words like goodness and mercy and kindness. We don't believe in the good old words because we don't believe in good old values anymore. And that's why the world is sick. - Lin Yutang
In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry or idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe. - Lydia Sigourney
All evil is good become cancerous. - Isaac Asimov
Whatever you are, be a good one. - Abraham Lincoln
A good pastor knows how to trust people and how to give them authority to fulfill all kinds of tasks. He tries to make himself unnoticed and unnecessary. Don’t be indispensable! - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us. - Henri Matisse
Nobody ever committed suicide while reading a good book, but many have while trying to write one. - Robert Byrne
It did occur to me that the effect of good literature may be as dizzying as that of alcohol. - Pamela Dean
To leave out beautiful sunsets is the secret of good taste. - Dejan Stojanovic
To be a good pastor one must have the wisdom of a Solomon, the intuition of a Newton, the patience of Job, the thinking faculties of an Einstein, and a compassion likened unto the Son of God. - Reverend Sidney E. Slaton, Cumberland Presbyterian
When you're part of a team, you stand up for your teammates. Your loyalty is to them. You protect them through good and bad, because they'd do the same for you. - Yogi Berra
A great book is a homing deviceFor navigating paradise.A good book somehow makes you careAbout the comfort of a chair.A bad book owes to many treesA forest of apologies. - J. Patrick Lewis
A good lecturer is shaped from a good researcher with good philosophy, but not vice verse. - Lecturing is a type of art.
I need to find out if I'm as good at peace as I am at war - Orson Scott Card
A good story will always outlive the truth. - Marty Rubin
A good intention but fixed and resolute - bent on high and holy ends, we shall find means to them on every side and at every moment; and even obstacles and opposition will but make us "like the fabled specter-ships," which sail the fastest in the very teeth of the wind. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
MESMERISM, n. Hypnotism before it wore good clothes, kept a carriage and asked Incredulity to dinner. - Ambrose Bierce
A good man never makes excuses, a smart man is never in a position to need one. - Kyle Barger
A good end cannot sanctify evil means; nor must we ever do evil that good may come of it. - William Penn
The physician must be able to tell the antecedents, know the present, and foretell the future must mediate these things, and have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely, to do good or to do no harm. - Hippocrates
As we change, our writing changes too. You cannot write the same poem twice. And that's a good thing. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
Artists are strange people. They make the world a beautiful place, and make others feel good, but they are a bunch of lonely people. Artists are people with unfulfilled, unrealistic dreams, lonely, and always searching for perfection. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best. - Margaret Thatcher
The strong man is not one who is good at wrestling, but the strong man is one who controls himself in a fit of rage. - Anonymous
We all have a voice of sorts and when put with others we make a good sound. - Stephen Richards
Growing a culture requires a good storyteller. Changing a culture requires a persuasive editor. - Ryan Lilly
The acquisition of knowledge is always of use to the intellect, because it may thus drive out useless things and retain the good. For nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known. - Leonardo da Vinci
The key to good listening isn't technique, it's desire. Until we truly want to understand the other person, we'll never listen well. - Steve Goodier
The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship. - Martin Luther
Magic!' cried an old man. 'Tis sorcery, and we are undone!' 'Not so,' I told him, 'Sorcery cannot harm good Christians.' 'But I am a miserable sinner,' he wailed. - Poul Anderson
The fundamental qualities for good execution of a plan is first; intelligence; then discernment and judgment, which enable one to recognize the best method as to attain it; the singleness of purpose; and, lastly, what is most essential of all, will-stubborn will. - Ferdinand Foch
When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion. - Abraham Lincoln
Good things have different colors, it’s like a rainbow or flowers and it’s more likely how I feel for my love ones that creates a joyous melody in my heart.How it makes me feel happy and alive - Bradley B. Dalina
A good book should make you laugh, cry or pee your pants. The best do all three! - G. Ernest Smith
All good things comes to those who wait. - Violet Fane
To relate oneself expectantly to the possibility of the good is to hope. To relate oneself expectantly to the possibility of evil is to fear. By the decision to choose hope one decides infinitely more than it seems, because it is an eternal decision - Søren Kierkegaard
To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy. - Hippocrates
You don’t have to worry about getting the attention of others when you’re good at what you do. - Adam Smith
Uninformed, America may succumb to bad ideas and leaders. In succumbing, we fail to fulfill our destiny. Well informed, America rises as far as the good ideas and leaders it proactively chooses. In so rising, we fulfill our destiny and offer to the world vacuum its last best hope. () - Scott L. Vanatter
If I left any good or planted any flowers among thorns, the credit goes to God and my many substantial friends. - Reverend Ada Caston Slaton Bonds
If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're more than lucky. - S.E. Hinton
Because a superior fried-chicken restaurant is often the institutional extension of a single chicken-obsessed woman, I realize that, like a good secondhand bookstore or a bad South American dictatorship, it is not easily passed down intact. - Calvin Trillin
In any event, we must remember that it's not the blinded wrongdoers who are primarily responsible for the triumph of evil in the world, but the spiritually sighted servants of the good. - Fyodor Stepun
The worst evil is not to commit crimes, but to fail to do the good one might have done. - Léon Bloy
Then I had to decide if I needed to wear shoes that kicked ass or were good for ass kicking, on account of there's a difference you know. ~ Finger Lickin' Fifteen - Janet Evanovich
If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
Whatever your situation might be, set your mind to whatever you want to do and put a good attitude in it, and I believe that you can succeed. - Bethany Hamilton
good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere - Helen Gurley Brown
One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. - Will Durant
There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. - Socrates
Envision in your mind what you expect from life, focus on your plan... whether good or bad you can anticipate its arrival. The choice is then yours to accept it. - Mark W. Boyer
Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I'm going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy. - Wayne W. Dyer
Find the thing you want to do most intensely, make sure that’s it, and do it with all your might. If you live, well and good. If you die, well and good. Your purpose is done - H.G. Wells
God is good all the time!! - Fikre Fikadu
No good can come from beating ourselves up for falling down—for feeling unhappy when we want to feel just the opposite. - Toni Sorenson
Good can exist without evil,but evil cannot exist without good.The former is eternal,the latter is temporal. - Matshona Dhliwayo
My life isn’t theories and formulae. It’s part instinct, part common sense. Logic is as good a word as any, and I’ve absorbed what logic I have from everything and everyone… from my mother, from training as a ballet dancer, from Vogue magazine, from the laws of life and health and nature. - Audrey Hepburn
It's good to be vanished and remembered than to remain and become forgetful. - Xainee
There is no good day or a bad day, but our perception makes it so. - Debasish Mridha
But the world hinges on good fathers and those who would be the merchants of confidence. - Michelle Franklin
Saying others the fools does not make one a wise unless and until the same person eschews own words of advice to others and displays the world of action that is nice to enrich only the good character people's lives. - Anuj Somany
No ornament can make a person look beautiful if the person has a bad heart! A good heart is the finest ornament, the best makeup, the best cloth, the best jewel, the best lipstick and the best earring! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Whereas I would argue that style is morality: morality detailed, configured, intensified. It’s not in the mere narrative arrangement of good and bad that morality makes itself felt. It can be there in every sentence - Martin Amis
Its our choice as to what type of day we will have good or bad. - Amanda Penland
We are what we allow ourselves to become. Never settle for less than what you deserve. Keep fighting the good fight! Keep giving your all to achieve, receive and succeed - Cecibel Contreras
Whether the vessel is a legal document or a rap song, language is often chosen ot exclude. To use a scholarly phrase, "discourse communities" are often gated,so it's the good writer's job to offer readers a set of keys. - Roy Peter Clark
He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader. - Aristotle
When you come up a bit short on excellence, you still win. When you strive for perfect, you’re just never quite good enough. - Dawn Gluskin
The best [man] is like water.Water is good; it benefits all things and does not compete with them.It dwells in [lowly] places that all disdain.This is why it is so near to Tao. - Lao-tzu
You’re saying you don’t want me?Aw hell. No, I’m saying this is a bad idea.You’re the king of bad ideas, he reminds me. At least this one ends with both of us feeling good. - Elle Kennedy & Sarina Bowen
To a good approximation, all species are insects. - Robert May
Melody is the essence of music. I compare a good melodist to a fine racer, and counterpointists to hack post-horses; therefore be advised, let well alone and remember the old Italian proverb: Chi sa più, meno sa—Who knows most, knows least. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The wild is where you find it, not in some distant world relegated to a nostalgic past or an idealized future; its presence is not black or white, bad or good, corrupted or innocent... We are of that nature, not apart from it. We survive because of it, not instead of it. - Renee Askins
Anger is a rough water; if you can canalize it into a watermill, you can benefit from it. Anything bad can be transformed into good. - Mehmet Murat ildan
An autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful. A man who gives a good account of himself is probably lying, since any life when viewed from the inside is simply a series of defeats. - George Orwell
An educator...a good one that is, inspires others to be even better than herself. - Jill Telford
He did not have anything on him except her thoughts, except the good times he had once shared and the bad times he so desperately wanted to forget. - Faraaz Kazi
An advanced human rights friendly Constitution is fine and well - but what good is it if it is not put into practice? The government says it cherishes the principles in the SA Constitution, and yet acts in a manner which cannot be reconciled with that very Constitution. - Christina Engela
There is no such thing as luck. It's a fancy name for being always at our duty, and so sure to be ready when good time comes. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Noble be man, Helpful and good! For that alone Sets him apart From every other creature On earth.
Damnnnnn. No need to be serious all the time, for we are only dust and to dust we shall return. Just enjoy life to the fullest. Take responsibility for your actions whether good or bad. Just keep moving forward, take a break if necessary but don't ever damn stop, you fool. - I am Night Owl
Honesty is a good thing, but it is not profitable to its possessor unless it is kept under control. - Don Marquis
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. - William Shakespeare
Media has the ability to make good seem evil and evil seem good. - Duncan William Gibbons
A great difference between May and Day is the M and D! Be a good Managing Director of your life each day in May. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
She felt about her zester the way some women do about a pair of spiky red shoes--a frivolous splurge, good only for parties, but oh so lovely. - Erica Bauermeister
Every good love story has a start and a finish. What matters is what happens in the middle. - Suzette R. Hinton
Modern man's loss of a sense of being sinful doesn't spring from a feeling that he is inherently good. Rather, it springs from his feeling of being inherently ineffectual. - Brendan Francis
Once you can laugh at your own weaknesses, you can move forward. Comedy breaks down walls. It opens up people. If you're good, you can fill up those openings with something positive. Maybe... combat some of the ugliness in the world. - Goldie Hawn
There is no good reason why we should not develop and change until the last day we live. - Karen Horney
Passion is good, but Pros have purpose and realism. - Gabriel Dibble
Life should be like a good Tweet - short, pithy, convey a message and inspire others to follow. - Ashok Kallarakkal
Hmmm, good isn’t fun, but I’ll try, he whispers to me. ~ The Light Tamer - Devyn Dawson
Good novels are not written by orthodoxy-sniffers, nor by people who are conscience-stricken about their own orthodoxy. Good novels are written by people who are not frightened. - George Orwell
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg
Do not be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
Every good and perfect gift comes from God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Graduating from college doesn't mean you're smart, said Mike Mussina who graduated from Stanford in 3 1/2 years, but it does mean you're smart enough to know that having a college degree would be a good thing. - John Feinstein
The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good. - William Shakespeare
There's something fundamental you have to understand about yourself before you can change your life for good. - Ali Vincent
Never stop acquiring the commonsense, it is as good as the knowledge. - Amit Kalantri
Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything... Love. - Lauren Kate
The more I write the more I learn about writing. It is easy to say what looks good or sound good on paper until you experience it for yourself. - Jeanette Michelle
There's an old saying about those who forget history. I don't remember it, but it's good. - Stephen Colbert
Good and quiet do not connote weakness. - Ogwo David Emenike
A good name, like good will, is got by many actions and lost by one. - Lord Jeffery
The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas [and] the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. - Louis D. Brandeis
be a dog, be a jerk, be a devil, be a worst imaginable creature, but never be a good man, for being civilized in chaos is itself a chaos. - Abdul Mueed
Be free, work hard, be brave, good luck will find you. - Auliq Ice
Every minute you are thinking of evil, you might have been thinking of good instead. Refuse to pander to a morbid interest in your own misdeeds. Pick yourself up, be sorry, shake yourself, and go on again. - Evelyn Underhill
Good taste is always an asset.
There are times when you have to choose between being a human and having good taste. - Bertolt Brecht
Maybe, long ago, we used to be good. Maybe all little girls are good in the beginning. - Nova Ren Suma
I've been asked a lot for my view on American health care. Well, 'it would be a good idea,' to quote Gandhi. - Paul Farmer
Perpetual optimism is good for the mind.Perpetual hope is good for the heart.Perpetual faith is good for the heart. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I didn't know how you'd get us out of that last one. But you did. You were good. - Orson Scott Card
Waves in an ocean remind us that just as they come and go, we too will. What matters is did we make a good splash before leaving? - RVM
Honor a good woman because she is virtuous and honorable. - Delano Johnson
A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. - Lao Tzu
Try to be "good", you'll be judged. Try to be yourself, you'll be criticized. Therefore, choose the second option. Evil uses the "nice good people" as puppets. It appears dressed as a poor guy, telling them that he needs help...When these people realize they have been used, it is already too late. - Paulo Coelho
There are so many people in this world to hate good guys rather than to love them. - M.F. Moonzajer
Good writing is remembering detail. Most people want to forget. Don't forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth. - Paula Danziger
We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh ? - The Doctor
The life of less, one bent on simplicity, and not needing or wanting anything other than what God has deemed good for you turns out to be all you could ever need or want. - Hayley DiMarco
Your single not because you are not good enough for one, it's that you're too good for the wrong one. - Chris Burkmenn
The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back. - Abigail Van Buren
Mintalah perlindungan hanya kepada-Nya.Because there will always be ways of Allah to stop the things that are not good for you. - ayawijaya
It takes a lot of courage to push through hard times. Never give up. Good things are coming your way. - Robert Tew
If you achieve good results using a poor method, isn't that a much greater achievement than starting from better methods. - Gen Urobuchi 虚淵 玄
Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune. - Walt Whitman
There is no better adviser than a good book. - Debasish Mridha
The good life doesn't knock on the door. Joy is a job. - Lionel Shriver
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke
It may be necessary temporarily to accept a lesser evil, but one must never label a necessary evil as good. - Margaret Mead
Teamwork is good netiquette. All good users can work together to accomplish goals. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
Good luck is just bad luck with its hair combed. - Stephen King
If you ever wanted to know how good life could be; start living it without the views and opinions of the world! - Mary Rodwell
Bouillabaisse is only good because cooked by the French, who, if they cared to try, could produce an excellent and nutritious substitute out of cigar stumps and empty matchboxes. - Norman Douglas
The thinnest thing in the world is the border between good and evil... my next The Opposite Of Magic. - Ivan Stoikov
Most bad people are good people that don’t know how to think critically. These people become the blind weapons of a society. - Debasish Mridha
Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating. - Simone Weil
A man with a finite life can only dream to have an infinite journey and the good news is that any dream has the potential to turn into a reality - Mehmet Murat ildan
A joke is a good camouflage. Next best comes sentiment... But the best camouflage of all - in my opinion - is the plain and simple truth. Because nobody ever believes it. - Max Frisch
Know you not that a good man does nothing for appearance sake, but for the sake of having done right? - Epictetus
Talking of Pleasure, this moment I was writing with one hand, and with the other holding to my Mouth a Nectarine -- how good how fine. It went down all pulpy, slushy, oozy, all its delicious embonpoint melted down my throat like a large, beautified Strawberry. - John Keats
Politics should be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage. - Lucille Ball
Good friends, very good what's the equation motherfucker??? - Deyth Banger
A feeling of real need is always a good enough reason to pray. - Hannah Whitall Smith
An informed buyer purchases the product for its good quality ,and not merely for its brand endorsed by a celebrity or even when lots of people are buying it for the big discount on its bulk quantity. - Anuj Somany
What a life we live. Full of questions, adventures, stories, mistakes, good, quests, bad, miracles, lessons, people, blessings, journeys, inventions, music, animals, history, cultures, religions, prophecies, planets, stars, careers, movies, plants, hate, love, and so much more. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
Keep in mind that the true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good. - Ann Landers
Death is not good. It’s just a fact. We don't need to give it so much importance. So I don't want to read anything that talks about it. - Aditi Bose
Virginity comes standard. A good head is earned. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There is nothing training cannot do. Nothing is above its reach. It can turn bad morals to good; it can destroy bad principles and recreate good ones; it can lift men to angelship. - Mark Twain
The captain was a good chess player, and the games were always interesting. Yossarian had stopped playing chess with him because the games were so interesting they were foolish. - Joseph Heller
It's good to vandalize one's own work. - John P. Sousa
It takes a great man to be a good listener. - Calvin Coolidge
Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just. - Victor Hugo
Money is not as good as power, but power is as good as money. - Amit Kalantri
Social ascendency, innocently disguised as high fashion, good taste or prestigious expenditure, was the same the world over. - John Keay
What will I do when you're gone?" said Alasdair, with a faltering voice.Bryeison placed a hand on his shoulder and said, with raging tranquility, "Do what is good and what is right. - Michelle Franklin
Nothing good happens after dark... -Daire in Betrayed - Lauree Waldrop
There's iron, they say, in all our blood, And a grain or two perhaps is good; But his, he makes me harshly feel, Has got a little too much of steel. - Anonymous
Oh judge! Your damn laws! The good people don't need them, and the bad people don't obey them. - Ammon Hennacy
One of the most beneficial and valuable gifts we can give to ourselves in this life: is allowing ourselves to be surprised! It is okay if life surprises you. Its a good thing! - C. JoyBell C.
The markets make a good servant but a bad master, and a worse religion. - Amory B. Lovins
A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good. - Colbie Caillat
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. - Bob Marley
The secret of all success is to know how to deny yourself. Prove that you can control yourself, and you are an educated man; and without this all other education is good for nothing. - R. D. Hitchcock
Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. - Mark Twain
Be a good guide, tell me what you see, are sure is that?Please try to describe the picture as much vocabulary as possible! - Deyth Banger
In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. - Ayn Rand
Sometimes Old Nan would tell the same story she'd told before, but we never minded, if it was a good story. Old stories are like old friends, she used to say. You have to visit them from time to time. - George R.R. Martin
We Greeks believe that a man who takes no part in public affairs is not merely lazy, but good for nothing - Thucydides
It is not good to have TOO MUCH of anything. - Andrew Clements
It is essential to know that to be a happy person, a happy family, a happy society, it is very crucial to have a good heart, that is very crucial. World peach must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just the absence of violence but the manifestation of human compassion.
Probably all laws are useless, for good men do not want laws at all, and bad men are made no better by them.
Being grateful does not mean that everything is necessarily good. It just means that you can accept it as a gift. - Roy T. Bennett
Trying too hard to be too good, even when trying to be bad, is too good for the bad, too bad for the good. - Dejan Stojanovic
Distrust won’t do good to you.But still if you ever do.Doubt you husband,Maybe doubt your wife.But never suspect,your kid’s father,or the mother of your child. - Jasleen Kaur Gumber
In art one idea is as good as another. - Willem De Kooning
it is good to have wealth. It is great to leave in comfort. It is awesome to obtain possessions but, don't be too eager for material possessions for the same material possessions that bring joy are the same possessions that bring sorrow and pain and also leave a big had I know on our minds - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
With good parody, you have to be smarter that the people you’re parodying. - Craig Ferguson
What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story, And the greatest good is little enough: for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.
So it is that the gods do not give all men gifts of grace - neither good looks nor intelligence nor eloquence. - Homer
(W)hat I write when I force myself is generally just as good as what I write when I'm feeling inspired. It's mainly a matter of forcing yourself to write. - Tom Wolfe
And the matron sighed over the destiny of ladies in good society, whose moral judgement led them to love unabashedly and whose depravity led them to pay for it. - Michelle Franklin
The masters and overseers were so good at employee development, in their absence, the employees still achieved the company's mission - Darnell Lamont Walker
The choice to make good choices is the best choice you can choose. Fail to make that choice and on most choices you will lose. - Ryan Lilly
The past is no good if you can't learn from it; therefore, no sense in dwelling on it. - Arians Karlovičs
There is an exuberance in good fantasy quite unlike the most exalted moments of realistic fiction. Both forms have similar goals; but realism walks where fantasy dances. - Lloyd Alexander
what? shall we receive good at the hand of God and shall we not receive evil? - Job 2:10
Everything that is good in the day is even better in the night. - Joe Hill
Be good to the people on your way up the ladder cause you'll ,meet them on your way down. - Robert Junior
No good poem, however confessional is may be, is just a self-expression. Who on earth would claim that the pearl expresses the oyster?
ADVICE, n. The smallest current coin. "The man was in such deep distress," Said Tom, "that I could do no less Than give him good advice." Said Jim: "If less could have been done for him I know you well enough, my son, To know that's what you would have done." Jebel Jocordy - Ambrose Bierce
The BEST is not to remind the people as what not GOOD to do, else then BETTER remain prepared to see most of them doing only what they ought not to do. - Anuj Somany
I am no longer afraid of becoming lost, because the journey back always reveals something new, and that is ultimately good for the artist. - Billy Joel
It’s hard to do a really good job on anything you don’t think about in the shower. - Paul Graham
The problems we face, did not come down from the heavens. They are made, they are made by bad human decisions, and good human decisions can change them. - Bernie Sanders
Bad people need a law to prove themselves but A good people don't need a law to prove themselves - Prerna Banswal
Your definition of a good life does not have to look like everyone else thinks it should. Whatever feels right for you, whatever aligns your inside with your outside, that's what you should spend your time doing. - G.G. Renee Hill
There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. - James E. Faust
I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I loveIf you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.You will hardly know who I am or what I meanBut I shall be good health to you nonethelessAnd filter and fibre your blood. - Walt Whitman
An artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have but that he - for some reason - thinks it would be a good idea to give them. - Andy Warhol
Do not let us mistake necessary evils for good. - C. S. Lewis
However many holy words you read, However many you speak, What good will they do you, If you do not act upon them?
Through their teachings they dignify even the most mundane professions. According to them any profession or work that adds to the common good of man must be respected and it is dignified - Sunday Adelaja
The main thing between you and God is not so much your sins; it's your damnable good works. - John H. Gerstner
Good talent needs a showcase to prove its worth.There are many cases across the world across arts where good and talented artists have disappeared bcz no one saw them. - Chetan katigar
The past is our definition. We may strive with good reason to escape it or to escape what is bad in it but we will escape it only by adding something better to it. - Wendell Berry
... People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds, people who possess strong feelings, even people with great minds and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls. - Lev S. Vygotsky
Sex and politics are a lot alike. You don't have to be good at them to enjoy them. - Barry M. Goldwater
It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party. - Nick Hornby
Our opportunities to do good are our talents.
Life is always good, if those who are living a round you are happy with what's going on. - Auliq Ice
It has been acknowledged by many that an actor often plays the character in a reel life better than other contenders only if that projected picture role or image is opposite to his/her actual nature in a real life. It is usually a good method to know the true identity of a Cine and TV personality. - Anuj Somany
Best (male-female) friends hardly differ from lovers, but not too many lovers are best friends.It's just ironical that you are in love and want to spend the rest of your life with someone who is not good enough to be your best friend. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
No matter how many losing seasons you might have had in the past with your marriage, the good thing is that all teams get a fresh start once September begins - Shon Hyneman Love And Football How to play on the same team with your spouse
Some steal, earn a lot of money, but lose their honour and become very poor; some work, earn a little money, but gain a good honour and become very rich! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. - Bible
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy Bennett
Life is like a box of chocolates: You get through what little actual good stuff there is right away, then you constantly fool yourself into believing there's still something good in whatever's left. - James Rozoff
If we accept the premise that we’re always wrong, it really removes the incentive to spend a lot of time trying to make good guesses because even the good guesses turn out to be wrong. So, make plausible guesses… and tell a good story. - James S.A. Corey
Feeling grateful is good; showing appreciation to those you feel grateful to is sublime. - Andy Lacroix
It is good for us to be here. - Bible
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. - Winston S. Churchill
Conflict and character are the heart of good fiction, and good mystery has both of those in spades. - Diana Gabaldon
There is nothing more gracious than genuinely embracing other people's good fortune. It will work for you when your time comes. - Margaux Bergen
The people's good is the highest law. - Cicero
The dripping blood our only drink,The bloody flesh our only food:In spite of which we like to thinkThat we are sound, substantial flesh and blood--Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good. - T.S. Eliot
The important thing is to know when to laugh, or since laughing is somewhat undignified to smile. But the smile must be of the right kind must have understanding in it, and friendliness, and a good deal of patience. - Roderic Owen
....it is of the very essence of Christianity to face suffering and death not because they are good, not because they have meaning, but because the resurrection of Jesus has robbed them of their meaning. - Thomas Merton
God said it is not good for a man to be alone and made woMAN . What was that specimen doing leaving the man alone that 2 @ red Light Area !! - Thomas Sam
the next time you hear someone in a workshop remarking on how good a particular free-verse line or passage sounds, scan it. The odds are that it will fall into a regular metrical pattern. - Annie Finch
Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors. - Dr. Jonas Salk
Each experience through which we pass operates ultimately for our good. This is a correct attitude to adopt and we must be able to see it in that light. - Raymond Holliwell
In a real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read. It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.
Bad news goes about in clogs, Good news in stockinged feet. - Welsh Proverb
Sleep is good, he said, and books are better. - George R.R. Martin
Are we being good ancestors? - Jonas Salk
Family connexions were always worth preserving, good company always worth seeking. - Jane Austen
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"Isaiah 52:7 - Bible Verses
Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good. - H.L. Mencken
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. - Jack Handy
When the chips are down, you are giventhe chance to find the strength you never knew you had and put it toward the greater good. Or go over to the dark side. You know, if that’s how you roll. - Jessica Lave
I think it is good that books still exist, but they make me sleepy. - Frank Zappa
Live is good! - Andreas
What's the point of opening yourself up to your friends if they don't notice your vulnerable state? The point of it all is to love friends completely and utterly, at their best and worst, and to love more than just the good things. - Arka Pain
If you drink the good wine of the noble countess, you have to entertain her less desirable friends. - Virginia Woolf
Good advice is not often served in our favorite flavor. - Tim Fargo
Good manners sometimes means simply putting up with other people's bad manners.
Life can get tough, but it's never impossible with a good attitude to your latitude. - Mary-Ellen Peters
If one can know how good a city is by its smell, one should know how good a society is by the women's status. - Santosh Kalwar
If only we'd stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time. - Edith Wharton
The thoughts that you think define your life that you live. So have good thoughts to have a great life. - Debasish Mridha
Beauty lies in the purity of Heart,looking good is just called prettiness. - Vansh Wadhwani
I'm the most important person in the lives of almost everyone I know and a good number of the people I've never even met. - David Sedaris
The good news is that the moment you decide that what you know is more important than what you have been taught to believe, you will have shifted gears in your quest for abundance. Success comes from within, not from without. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Creative work is often driven by pain. It may be that if you don't have something in the back of your head driving you nuts, you may not do anything. It's not a good arrangement. If I were God, I wouldn't have done it that way.[Interview, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 20, 2009] - Cormac McCarthy
When our embarrassment level is exceeded by our desperation level, we are a good candidate for God's grace. - Peter Lord
Seven of those days were pretty good. The eighth day was the bad one. - Dennis Hopper
You know, people can't fall in love with me just because I'm good at what I do. - Robert Plant
And like a good neighbor, Alpha Centauri is there.Touched by an Alien - Gini Koch
I see where we are starting to pay some attention to our neigbors to the south. We could never understand why Mexico wasn't just crazy about us; for we have always had their good will, and oil and minerals, at heart. - Will Rogers
There's nothing good about goodnight when it means goodbye. - Jeff Thomas
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us. - C.S. Lewis
Happiness is a good business these days, more you talk crap about happiness the large number of crowd you will gather. - Santosh Kalwar
Dreams, if they're any good, are always a little bit crazy. - Ray Charles
A good marriage is good because one or both of them have learned to overlook the other's faults, to love the other as they are and to not attempt to change them or bring them to repentance. - Debi Pearl
Statistics are like lampposts: they are good to lean on, but they don't shed much light.
Without memories,there can be no good or evil. It will exist only indifference! - N.M.
A silent street always welcome a good music! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Whoever feels pain in hearing a good character of his neighbor, will feel a pleasure in the reverse. And those who despair to rise in distinction by their virtues, are happy if others can be depressed to a level of themselves. - Benjamin Franklin
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and have the two as close together as possible. - George Burns
Roam abroad in the world, and take thy fill of its enjoyments before the day shall come when thou must quit it for good. - Saadi سعدی
Live! It's no good if you just think about it. - Marty Rubin
Do we ever have to abandon all hope? Is it not perhaps a good thing that by refusing to give in to the evidence, the dreams that lie half awake in us all may persist? - Théodore Monod
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
A book may be compared to your neighbor; if it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.
Pretense has created so many good men. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Let'sss just kill him," said the shorter Ra'zac. "He has caused us much grief." The taller one ran his finger down his sword. "A good plan. But remember, the king's instructions were to keep them alive."-from Eragon, Chapter Title: The Ra'zac's Revenge. - Christopher Paolini
Good writing is a mirror of the mind where readers can see themselves again and again. - Debasish Mridha
The habit of writing for my eye is good practice. It loosens the ligaments. - Virginia Woolf
I thought it was love, but it wasn't. It was a need to be the right girl for him. I just couldn't understand why I wasn't good enough, or how he could marry her. - Kate Stewart
Real joy, which comes from loving to do good things without wanting to be repaid, is the reward that lasts forever. - Emanuel Swedenborg
I can't help but feel, across oceans and vast fields we will connect again. What we share is too rare to let go of for good but sometimes we have to accept, the timing isn't right. - Nikki Rowe
There is absolutely no substitute for the best. Good food cannot be made of inferior ingredients masked with high flavor. It is true thrift to use the best ingredients available and to waste nothing. - James Beard
Learn to love and broke man to marry a good man. - Amen Muffler
Life is a chain of events; a journey. Tomorrow's opportunities are a reflection of today's decisions .The good thing is, tomorrow never ends. Every new day comes with a chance to secure tomorrow - Asuni LadyZeal
In modern fantasy (literary or governmental), killing people is the usual solution to the so-called war between good and evil. - Ursula K. Le Guin
No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.
Be good to attract good. - Debasish Mridha
Don't wreck a sublime chocolate experience by feeling guilty.Chocolate isn't like premarital sex. It will not make you pregnant.And it always feels good. - Lora Brody
your goals are as good as your actions.No action taken, no goals achieved - Derric Yuh Ndim
The task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity. - Maria Montessori
Your dream is to feel good; God’s dream is for you to do good. - Shannon L. Alder
For me, time does not seem to pass; rather, it surrounds me. Thus I do not feel removed from memories, nor do they lose their intensity. I have keen recollections not because I have a good memory—I simply retrieve them from the ether. When memories have no velocity, they are very much at hand. - Peter Ruperte Lighte
You can't help it but you were born without a heart. At least you tried to believe what the people with hearts believed so you were a good man just the same. - Kurt Vonnegut
A good teacher does something more than teaching; he makes you start learning. - Raheel Farooq
Life feels good if you don't know what it is. - Raheel Farooq
No matter how good you get you can always get better, and that's the exciting part. - Tiger Woods
A GOOD man values his INTEGRITY and CHARACTER. NEVER deal with one that has no SELF RESPECT! - L. Michelle
When the messenger arrives and says 'Don't shoot the messenger,' it's a good idea to be prepared to shoot the messenger, just in case. - Howard Tayler
Good luck' is like the shadow of a tree, for some time it gives comfort to a traveler but it doesn't go ahead with a traveler. - Amit Kalantri
People who cannot distinguish between good and bad language, or who regard the distinction as unimportant, are unlikely to think carefully about anything else. - B.R. Myers
I don't think it is a good mental health practice to fantasize that you know the infinite thoughts of imaginary entities. - Stefan Molyneux
Sometimes the truth feels good. - Carson Kressley
A true friend has a habit of talking behind your back good things about you. - Tareq ragheb
Be a good person but do not waste time to prove it. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
A good poem has rhyming but no ending, it continues to rhyme in our heart. - Debasish Mridha
A non-religious prison when awaken would make others sleep. Therefore his sleeping is good. A religious person when awaken will awaken others. Therefore his awakening is good. - Lord Mahavira
London is not a good place to be when you are sad: so crowded it makes you feel lonely. - Moe Cidaly
The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. - Tryon Edwards
OSTRICH, n. A large bird to which (for its sins, doubtless) nature has denied that hinder toe in which so many pious naturalists have seen a conspicuous evidence of design. The absence of a good working pair of wings is no defect, for, as has been ingeniously pointed out, the ostrich does not fly. - Ambrose Bierce
A poor original is better than a good imitation. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
There's always something coming. Good or bad, it's going to force you to grow. - Robert Tew
down with hell and heaven and all the religious fussinfinity pleased our parents one inch looks good to us - E.E. Cummings
Good means not merely not to do wrong, but rather not to desire to do wrong. - Democritus
New ideas pass through three periods: - It can't be done. - It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing. - I knew it was a good idea all along! - Arthur C. Clarke
Roots cannot grow into trees if there are no supernatural elements in the soil. Man cannot grow wealthy and famous if he doesn't contribute to either, the good or evil. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Travel does what good novelists also do to the life of everyday, placing it like a picture in a frame or a gem in its setting, so that the intrinsic qualities are made more clear. Travel does this with the very stuff that everyday life is made of, giving to it the sharp contour and meaning of art. - Freya Stark
Higher states of consciousness correlate strongly with attributes like compassion, forgiveness, generosity and kindness. The more one is self-aware and other-aware, and the greater one's connection with the spiritual, the more likely one will be a force for good in our world. - Philip Chard
We all are manufacturers in a way - making good, making trouble or making excuses. - H. V. Adolt
The supreme end of education is expert discernment in all things--the power to tell the good from the bad, the genuine from the counterfeit, and to prefer the good and the genuine to the bad and the counterfeit.
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue. - Buddha
Challenges lead to Growth,Grow matures ones daily living,Living a good life expedites....Wisdom - Vernetta Norman
one is good but ten is better. together is a powerful, beautiful, and peaceful. - B. Armynanta
Good ideas stay with you until you eventually write the story. - Brian Keene
If you are not good at speeches, be good at your actions. - Amit Kalantri
Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which can sometimes pay the rent. - Neil Gaiman
I don’t want anyone to hold back who they are. It’s not okay… it’s not a good thing - Connor Franta
Emotion triggers action, good or otherwise - Pieter BF Swart
Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble. - Frank Tyger
I feel very strongly that change is good because it stirs up the system. - Ann Richards
Good isn't obsessed to win ButBad is destined to lose - Hemdiva Dev
Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. - Woody Allen
Philip Roth is a good writer, but I wouldn't want to shake hands with him.
For a writer, I'm not sure that feeling of knowing you've just written something good and strong can be trumped. Not because it means I did something right. But because it proves how many wrongs I pushed through to get there. - Cara Rosalie Olsen
Being socialized female and spending my life "othered" by this world gives me a unique perspective. In the past, this has felt like shit. In the present, it feels pretty good. In the future I hope somebody loves me enough to watch me age ungracefully. - Harvey Katz
People may make fun of me because I’m wearing something odd, but it’s still good to be alive. - Natsume Soseki
I don't know how often opportunity knocks, but temptations to make foul decisions bang on my door all day long. And smelly decisions make for smelly problems later on. A few little decisions, good or bad, can make a big difference in a life. Better to run from those skunks than with them. - Steve Goodier
Nurture your relationships and all good things will come to you. - Malti Bhojwani
First, stop making formula films that people have already started rejecting.This year, several big budget films haven't been entertained by the audience.Still stars continue to dictate terms.The youth wants new good content.From htcafeSaturday,Dec.20,2014 - Anurag Kashyap
Writers, when they’re good, open windows to worlds held precious and priceless by the soul. It is a sad day when they leave the earth, like having the windows shut for good. Where will the world be without good writers? - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
People with evil ideas will think and do as they have learned, but those people with good ideas have the responsibility to show them the way of love, way of truth, and the way of peace. - Debasish Mridha
The glory of God is as destructive of evil as it is creative of good. - John G. Lake
Anything is good if it's made of chocolate. - Jo Brand
I was just trying to be a very good human, instead I became a hero. - Amit Kalantri
True...I hear voices in my head keep talking to me. The good thing for now is...I never answer them back. - Timothy Pina
There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit. - Ronald Reagan
You cannot teach creativity—how to become a good writer. But you can help a young writer discover within himself what kind of writer he would like to be. - Mario Vargas Llosa
The Blues ain't nothin' but a good woman on your mind.
Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society.
If you have a good light inside you, you will get a good light from outside! - Mehmet Murat ildan
To expect life to treat you good is foolish as hoping a bull won't hit you because you are a vegetarian. - Roseanne Barr
Focus on keeping faith and growing your roots of light so strong and deep that no one, not even yourself, can make you believe something about yourself that is not good for your soul. - Molly Friedenfeld
It’s not reality that makes people happy; good thoughts make people happy. - Debasish Mridha
Lots of little good things make you happier than a handful of big things. - Abdul'Rauf Hashmi
Good writing is more about graft and craft than inspiration and aspiration. - Johnny Rich
People must understand that science is inherently neither a potential for good nor for evil. It is a potential to be harnessed by man to do his bidding. - Glenn T. Seaborg
The American white relegates the black to the rank of shoeshine boy; and he concludes from this that the black is good for nothing but shining shoes. - George Bernard Shaw
Ultimately evil is done not so much by evil people, but by good people who do not know themselves and who do not probe deeply. - Reinhold Niebuhr
If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one. - Cavett Robert
If you don't have good storing to tell on your deathbed, what good was living?
Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! - Anne Frank
Dissolute conduct corrupts good character. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I have been the patient one. I have waited for the world to stop being silly. I have waited for it to stop wars. I have waited for politicians to be honest. I have waited for real estate men to be good citizens. But while I wait, I dance! - Ray Bradbury
Money is good for bribing yourself through the inconveniences of life.
Diligence is the mother of good luck. - American Proverb
A harbor, even if it is a little harbor, is a good thing... It takes something from the world, and has something to give in return. - Sarah Orne Jewett
You're like candy. People lick your knowledge to become wise, lick your words from your powerful mouth and say it even better than you. Lick each step you make and stay on a good track, and once you're dead, the lickers scavenge for another intellectual candy. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The biggest moment of your life when your enemy think for a second that you are a good person.. - Aditya Pandya
Where you come from is gone, where you thought you were going to was never there, and where you are is no good unless you can get away from it. Where is there a place for you to be? No place... Nothing outside you can give you any place... In yourself right now is all the place you've got. - Flannery O'Connor
When life is good do not take it for granted as it will pass. Be mindful, be compassionate and nurture the circumstances that find you in this good time so it will last longer. When life falls apart always remember that this too will pass. Life will have its unexpected turns. - Ajahn Brahm
There have been men before now who got so interested in proving the existence of God that they came to care nothing for God Himself. As if the Good Lord had nothing better to do than exist! - C.S. Lewis
Surprises are one of the secrets of a good relationship. Find someone who, out of the blue, will grab you, and a blanket, take you to a secluded spot and canoodle as the sun rises... - Virginia Alison
Showing respect for others when they don’t agree with you, and during the times when you don’t agree with them as well, helps to avoid arguments that serve no good purpose. This approach can lead to getting things accomplished peacefully. - Ellen J. Barrier
Being a good leader does not require you possessing a fancy title, no more than possessing a fancy title makes you a good leader. - Mark W. Boyer
I'm all in favor of the democratic principle that one idiot is as good as one genius, but I draw the line when someone takes the next step and concludes that two idiots are better than one genius. - Leo Szilard
The one surefire way to get me not to hire you is to send me your resume, especially if you've already got a good job. I won't be interested, because in a couple years, you'll be doing the same thing to me that you're doing to your current boss: looking for a better deal. - Bo Schembechler
The world is broken he said, how will you fix it? I don't think anyone can fix it but we can teach ourselves & eachother to focus on the good and the important and maybe little by little this place won't feel so heavy. - Nikki Rowe
and our few good times will be rare because we have the critical senseand are not easy to fool with laughter - Charles Bukowski
Spare minutes are the Gold-dust of time; the portions of life most fruitful in good and evil; the gaps through which temptations enter.
Bachelor's degrees make pretty good placemats if you get 'em laminated. - Jeph Jacques
The Lord gives a good many things twice over, but he don't give ye a mother but once. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
What if it becomes less about how we look and more about how much we care? What if it becomes less about how much money we earn and more about how much we share our good fortune? Imagine a world where who we are in our hearts is the ultimate status symbol. - Amy Leigh Mercree
It felt good to be the one holding the blade; the role reversal gave him a much desired feeling of control. - S.R. Ford
Love is like going fishing, you never know what size fish will be taken out of the water, but big or small you will be the one deciding to either kill it or keep it close to you under good care and nature it. But firstly you have to take the courage to go fishing. - Marcus L. Lukusa
No matter our sins or our sufferings, we are not isolated or abandoned. Christ is there for us, in good times and bad, and if we know how to follow Him, how to walk in His footsteps, then the road home doesn’t seem quite so treacherous or impossible to scale. - Toni Sorenson
A Happy Heart is a good medicine & a Positive mind works Healing - JoanneTarah
It's a lazy Saturday afternoon, there's a couple lying naked in bed reading Encyclopediea Brittannica to each other, and arguing about whether the Andromeda Galaxy is more 'numinous' than the Ressurection. Do they know how to have a good time, or don't they? - Carl Sagan
Don't waste too much time trying' to be a better man, ' cause you ain't never gonna be one without a good woman. - Mark Roberts
For nature does things in good order: And birds and butterflies recognizeNo man-made border - Ruskin Bond
Tis well to borrow from the good and the great; 'Tis wise to learn: 'tis God-like to create! - John Godfrey Saxe
One good product is better than many fake goods. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between. - C.S. Lewis
Parents need to be lucky to be good in parenting; children have to be lucky to have great parents! - Amit Chatterjee
Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt. - William Shakespeare
Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise. - Sigmund Freud
If you're in business, all the content in the world will do you no good unless it leads to a sale. - Richie Norton
I know most people want others to have good lives, and, when they understand the situation, they will do what they can to steer the world back toward kindness. This is when human beings, I believe, are most admirable. - Daoud Hari
It's okay to be proud of your good English. But don't be proud of being poor at your Mother tongue. Only the scum of the earth do that. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Any day above ground is a good day. - Robert Gerus
There is one type of gambling which should always be encouraged. It is betting on goodness. When a person has wronged you, be good to him. If he adds insult to injury, double the bet. And keep on doubling it. You will surely win! - J.P. Vaswani
Sadness is one of the best universities in life! Though bad things take good things from us, they do give us useful things as well! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Humor can make a serious difference. In the workplace, at home, in all areas of life looking for a reason to laugh is necessary. A sense of humor helps us to get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times. - Steve Goodier
You can tell a good friends in bad times - Beta Metani' Marashi
It is a common condition of being poor... you are always afraid that the good things in your life are temporary, that someone can take them away, because you have no power beyond your own brute strength to stop them. - Rick Bragg
Every time you do a good deed you shine the light a little farther into the dark. And the thing is, when you're gone that light is going to keep shining on, pushing the shadows back. - Charles de Lint
In the game of life it's a good idea to have a few early losses, which relieves you of the pressure of trying to maintain an undefeated season. - Bill Vaughan
My whole thing was, if I can put in 5 percent of the effort of somebody getting an A, and I can get a C minus, that’s amazing, he explains. It’s certainly good enough, right? [Then] I can take the other 95 percent of the time and invest it in something I really care about. - David Heinemeier Hansson
The more good ideas you have, the more good ideas you will get. - Audrey Moralez
It’s like I’m trying to keep the bad away with one hand while holding on to the good with the other, and it just doesn’t work. It’s stupid. I need both hands. So I guess I just have to spread out my arms and accept the bad with the good. - Andrea Lochen
Actually, I jade very quickly. Once is usually enough. Either once only, or every day. If you do something once it’s exciting, and if you do it every day it’s exciting. But if you do it, say, twice or just almost every day, it’s not good any more. - Andy Warhol
Good thing I'm aging, otherwise I'd be dead. - Ana Monnar
The bad, icky and stinky things that happen sometimes should never be allowed to have an adverse effect over the good, lovely and beautiful things happening everyday. - Azhar Ali
Life is like a Sunset and Sunrise, when sun goes down it will raise back again next day, life is also same way, sometimes we have to face good as well as bad situation which will help us to learn new things which we never excepted that will happen. - Madhu
Making new good memories -possible,Going back in your good memories -impossible,Do possible and don't think about impossible -happiness. - omer dar
You have made a mistake, well good, good this shows that you have to learn a lesson... I have also made a mistake, she also has made a mistake, all have made mistake, that's life. That's how everything works! - Deyth Banger
It's not that we have little time, but more that we waste a good deal of it. - Seneca
Flowers don't tell, they show. That's the way good books should be too."--. Author of Flotsam - Stephanie Skeem
As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. - Seneca
When fear meets fear nothing good ever happens. - Charles F. Glassman
No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.
They told me, I am not good enough, not strong enough, not tall enough, not smart enough. They told me I can not win, but they did not tell me how to lose. They taught me a lot of things, but You can not teach courage. That is why I succeed. - Csaba Gabor - B
In the arena of human life the honours and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities. - Aristotle
People want to know how I know so much. But trueth is .Inlife I have asked more questions than the answers I gave. Its good to ask when you dont know something. Than to assume you know to find you dont know anything. - De philosopher DJ Kyos
A killer on the payroll isn't good for business.' Devour - LA Larkin
That is one good thing about this world…there are always sure to be more springs. - L.M. Montgomery
Smile is a good reply to the dark world. - Mehmet Murat ildan
We cannot make good news out of bad practice. - Edward R. Murrow
Good novel are written by people who are not frightened. - George Orwell
I feel love is like a cigarette –you know it is not good for you but by the time you realize, you are so addicted to it that you can't leave it. - Shreya Gupta
I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life. - Jonathan Harnisch
Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
The pride of man hopes but to blame God for the evils of the world, and to praise himself for the good. - Criss Jami
We are all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can. - Will Rogers
Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies. - Voltaire
Advice, like medicine, should be given in small does; that a little is good doesn't mean more will be better.
I Grew Up In A Family With No Prejudices. My Father Always Believed There Were Good And Bad In Every Ethnic Background, And Nationality. - Chris Mentillo
A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night. - Marilyn Vos Savant
When I'm good, I'm very, very good. When I'm bad, I'm better. - Mae West
Who needs sleep when you have a good book? - Elizabeth Ann Patterson
Admire and adore the Author of the telescopic universe, love and esteem the work, do all in your power to lessen ill, and increase good, but never assume to comprehend. - John Adams
Trust, no amount of efforts in terms of a hard work will ever work to produce the desired results unless and until it is coupled with a good luck. - Anuj Somany
People tell me that Senator Edwards got picked for his good looks, his sex appeal, and his great hair. I say to them, 'How do you think I got the job? - Dick Cheney
Love is an illness which doesn't have good nor recompense. - Ali ibn Abi Talib
Never miss a good chance to shut up. - Will Rogers
Whatever is good to know is difficult to learn. - Greek Proverb
Everything bad in the Old Testament (and there's a lot) is there to point out our sin, while everything good in the Old Testament is there to point us to our Savior. - Martin Luther
As long as we respond predictably to what feels good and what feels bad, it is easy for others to exploit our preferences for their own ends. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
One may have good eyes and yet see nothing. - Italian Proverb
The discovery of what is true and the practice of that which is good are the two most important aims of philosophy. - Voltaire
Give up good to welcome great. - Debasish Mridha
A year ago, you fell into my arms and I felt some crazy connection to you. I'm sure as hell not good enough for you, and I'm sure as hell not making any promises, but I'm damn sure you were worth waiting for. - Victoria James
Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head; And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
God gives out good gifts of wisdom, talent, beauty, and skill 'graciously'--that is, in a completely unmerited way. He casts them across all humanity, regardless of religious conviction, race, gender, or any other attribute to enrich, brighten, and preserve the world. - Timothy J. Keller
There's that moment every day when you look in the mirror: Are you committed, or are you not? Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed you are to winning? How committed you are to being a good friend? To being successful? - Ebelsain Villegas
Good listening places us on an edifice of learning complex human behavior. - Balroop Singh
It is the nature of creation, no one cares how much you are good or bad, just get famous, they all will walk after you. - M.F. Moonzajer
We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know. - W. H. Auden
I wouldn't underrate the power of regret. It doesn't feel good... But it's hard to learn anything important without it. - Joe Hill
live the life you want to live. Your Gender is not important, it's not important who you love or who you don't. It's important if you're a good person or not - Conchita Wurst
Marriage is the union of two 'I's to form a 'V'. Both 'I's have to tilt equally to make a good 'V'. 'I's standing tall can never make a 'V'. - Ashok Kallarakkal
As I rolled over, stretching out, my only thought was to go back to the dream I'd been having, which I couldn't remember, other than that it had been good, in that distant, hopeful way unreal things can be. - Sarah Dessen
Good books get praised, bad books get praised. Good books get ignored, bad books get ignored - Vikram Seth
Even Karma rewards generosity. The good that you do must surely catch up with you! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Friendship will not stand the strain of very much good advice for very long. - Robert Lynd
Find the good. It's all around you. Find it, showcase it and you'll start believing in it. - Jesse Owens
My health is only just good enough for myself alone, not good enough for marriage, let alone fatherhood. Yet when I read your letter, I feel I could overlook even what cannot possibly be overlooked. - Franz Kafka
Jerks aren't heartbreakers there just fools with good taste. - Sarah Enchanted
Lord Perrin. He would never get used to that, but maybe that was a good thing. - Robert Jordan
If you see only goodness in people, then people will be good. - Debasish Mridha
That is a good book which is opened with expectation, and closed with delight and profit. - Amos Bronson Alcott
A picture might be worth a thousand words but a good sentence is worth a thousand windows - Mati Klarwein
Cyberspace is - or can be - a good, friendly and egalitarian place to meet. - Douglas Adams
I think it's always a good move to listen to that inner voice, if it doesn't lead to a crime. - Lisa Kudrow
Evil things you do to others show your personality and thus identify you, and the good ones come back to you too… - - - Cocoy McCoy
The best way to make children good is to make them happy. - Oscar Wilde
Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills. - Minna Thomas Antrim
The good thing about problems is that they all have solutions. - Tag Cavello
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. - Isaac Asimov
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. - Thomas Carlyle
A good son makes a good husband. - American Proverb
There's a whole segment of the population with a mentality that bases good times on where they can go and what they can buy. - Jeff Foxworthy
I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. - Frank Zappa
Like the hub of a wheel, the church’s corporate life is an extension of the good news that God was in Christ reconciling the whole world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. - Harold L. Senkbeil
There is some magic in wealth, which can thus make persons pay their court to it, when it does not even benefit themselves. How strange it is, that a fool or knave, with riches, should be treated with more respect by the world, than a good man, or a wise man in poverty! - Ann Radcliffe
No matter how many good deeds we preform, they aren’t the ticket to earning God’s favor. God graces us in spite of what we do in this life, not because of. - Bill Courtney
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: I was watching an old western and started thinking the Good, the Bad and the Ugly are present in all of us. What determines which one dominates is the one that is fed. Which one are you feeding? - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
To lead a blameless life you must curb your passions , and whatever misfortune may befall you cannot be ascribed by anyone to want of good luck, or attributed to fate; these words are devoid of sense, and all fault will rightly fall on your own head. - Giacomo Casanova
Look for something good in each person, even if for some people you have to look a little harder. - Matshona Dhliwayo
One should have expected some terrible enormities charged to those who are excluded from heaven, as the reason; but no,—they are condemned for not doing positive good, as if that included every possible harm. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
A person who does not read cannot think. He may have good mental processes, but he has nothing to think about. You can feel for people or natural phenomena and react to them, but they are not ideas. You cannot think about them."[Life magazine, December 10, 1965] - Rex Stout
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. - Sam Levenson
No one said parenting was easy,but NO good parent has any right to give up.It is one labyrinth you can never quit because it seems too hard. - Gillian Duce
Am better off with the bad news disclosed to me than the good news hidden from me - ABC
Good things you have to make happen. Bad things happen all by themselves. - Oliver Gaspirtz
If you are a good leader, you are a good listener. - Miggy Villas
Too much of a good thing is wonderful. - Mae West
Most countries have only few honest politicians and this is just like having a body with only few good organs functioning! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Every man has an ambition. Let it be a good one. Just drive toward it with enthusiasm. - Debasish Mridha
A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs. - Mark Twain
Biggest tragedy of life is when God ask us to glorify Him for our sakes but we choose to glorify self for satan's good. - indonesia123
Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. - William Lyon Phelps
If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all. - Anna Quindlen
Pizza tastes as good as being skinny feels. - Lauren Leto
The bad news is, our past defines us. However, the good news is, our future will someday be a part of that past. - Palle Oswald
When several villages are united in a single complete community, large enough to nearly or quite self-sufficing, the state comes into existence, originating in the bare needs of life, and continuing in existence for the sake of a good life. - Aristotle
My dear Scipio and Laelius. Men, of course, who have no resources in themselves for securing a good and happy life find every age burdensome. But those who look for all happiness from within can never think anything bad which Nature makes inevitable. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better. - William Shakespeare
Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do. - Voltaire
We don't love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we have done them - Laurence Sterne
The practice of forgiveness is very much like the practice of meditation. You have to do it often and persist at it in order to be any good. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
It is a sin to persue pleasure as a good and to avoid pain as a evil.
Catch the good point and appreciate it. - Debasish Mridha
No good ever came from not talking. - Ken Poirot
Humility is no substitute for a good personality. - Fran Lebowitz
He does not live in vain, who employs his wealth, his thought, his speech to advance the good of others.
It's not that I feel that school is a good idea gone wrong, but a wrong idea from the word go. It's a nutty notion that we can have a place where nothing but learning happens, cut off from the rest of life. - John Holt
In philosophy it is always good to put a question instead of an answer to a question. For an answer to the philosophical question may easily be unfair; disposing of it by means of another question is not. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
All good things are wild, and free. - Henry David Thoreau
A good story should provoke discussion, debate, argument...and the occasional bar fight. - J. Michael Straczynski
The best portions of a good man's life, his little, nameless acts of kindness and love. - William Wordsworth
I am no enemy of Nepal being a fully literate society. It is a good thing for society and the nation as a whole. - Santosh Kalwar
If for every well-intended prayer uttered in hopes of making the world a better place, there was instead a good deed accomplished, the world might look as though those prayers had been answered. - David G. McAfee
Life is here to teach us, so be a good student. Mistakes are the only way we learn. - Dannika Dark
I will blame no enemy that is a good man, nor yet praise a friend that is bad - Theognis
It doesn't matter are you good with the dice, you die. It really doesn't matter what are you doing everyone dies one moment, one way or other way. - Deyth Banger
The sin which makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah than the good deed which turns you arrogant.
There are people who Dream and there are people who Scream. There are people who Cry and there are people who Fly. The good news is that this is a CHOICE!- - RVM
A good novel tells us the truth about its hero, but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. It does much more than that, it tells us the truth about its readers; and, oddly enough, it tells us this all the more the more cynical and immoral be the motive of its manufacture. - G.K. Chesterton
I am neither good, nor bad, neither angel nor devil, I am a man, I am a vampire. - Michael Romkey
All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil. - Robert Louis Stevenson
I like to set my dreams high. That way, even if I only make it half way there, it's still pretty darned good. - Elizabeth O. Dulemba
Good science is always humanity’s best friend! - Mehmet Murat ildan
No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. - Leo Buscaglia
What can I say? I'm Irish, I love a good potato. - Sophia Tallon
The preparation of good food is merely another expression of art, one of the joys of civilized living… - Dione Lucas
Many a man lives a burden to the Earth, but a good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, imbalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton
You cannot be a good writer of serious fiction if you are not depressed. - Kurt Vonnegut
If you're are paralyzed with fear it's a good sign. It shows you what you have to do. - Steven Pressfield
Give up your relentless moralizing, the continual pinpricks which pierce the skin of your fellows. The distinction between good and evil is the sickness of the mind. Give up your morals, and the people will regain a love of their fellows.
Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Maker of the world, but degenerates once it gets into the hands of man - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Good intentions and earnest effort are not enough. Only Jesus can make an otherwise futile life productive. - Charles R. Swindoll
What good has impatience ever brought? It has only served as the mother of mistakes and the father of irritation. - Steve Maraboli
They say that only very good friends quarrel. But at the end of the day a quarrel is a fight between two people’s egos. Since people cannot understand each other by just being honest. May be its impossible to live your whole life without getting hurt but don’t hurt the people close to you. - Ai Yazawa
When People Say How Can you Watch that, I reply Saying It Seems Your Imagination is Not as Good as mine Then Leave. - Look Im A Cat
Positive emotions, such as the feelings of love, kindness, self-worth, confidence and optimism, produce a better person and a good destiny. - Auliq Ice
Every good story needs a good, bad and lost soul. A people to fight for, an item to turn the tide of battle, an enigmatic character, a motivator/mentor, and an unlikely reluctant hero. - Josh Rose
Change comes by substituting good habits for less desirable ones. You mold your character and future by good thoughts and acts. - Spencer W. Kimball
If you believe someone believe blindly either you get a good relation or a good lesson - Arun Kumar
Here is something good to remember. You were formed by God to become a beacon of light that shines brightly within the darkness of this world. You have a purpose! - DeWayne Owens
If you are unclear about what attitudes you adhere to, you will have a difficult time evaluation which ones are not serving your highest good. - Deborah Day
I don't understand why people care so much about showing that they are good; because I am rather comfortable with having badness, quite okay with being inexplicable. They tire themselves so. The light is beautiful; but light can't hide treasures like the darkness can. - C. JoyBell C.
The universe conspires to steer one in the direction where one can flourish. Bad or good the experience will be a lesson and a lesson learned is fortune measured by wisdom gained. - Sal Martinez
Create a good idea and leave it in the darkness; you will then see that people will come with the candles in their hands to find it, because just like the bad, the good has also a special scent! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Luxury is not a necessity to me, but beautiful and good things are. - Anaïs Nin
The only difference between May and Day is the M and D! Be a good Managing Director of your life each day in May. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
A good marriage winds up as a meeting of minds, which had better be pretty good to start with.
I am grateful to God for all the good and bad that has given me, Without reproach the past, without waiting in the future I continue, just living in the moment makes me completely happy! - Ebelsain Villegas
Screw you, I don't hate you I just don't find any good reason to like you. - Faith chrissabelle
It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are still alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them. - George Eliot
Change is neither good nor bad. It only creates a different situation. - Daniel Egger
Good poetry seems too simple and natural a thing that when we meet it we wonder that all men are not always poets. Poetry is nothing but healthy speech. - Henry David Thoreau
A country as such does not be good or bad, only the people are good or bad, that too change by generations and this scenario is same to any nations. what India really have is a rich legacy.. nothing else - Rajesh Nanoo
The days of life pass away like clouds, so do good while you are alive. - Hazrat Ali ibn Abu-Talib
Here is my first principle of foreign policy: good government at home. - William Ewart Gladstone
What good is money if it can't inspire terror in your fellow man? - Matt Groening
me ... no me .. gone is gone , and i'm gone .. alone is alone .. it's so bad to feel alone , but i'm alone .. me , no more .. no more exist , but i don't exist , not anymore ! Good morning - Mahdi Khmili
Tis the good reader that makes the good book. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
An orator is a good man who is skilled in speaking. - Cato the Elder
A good example is like a bell that calls many to church. - Danish Proverb
It is the custom on the stage in all good, murderous melodramas, to present the tragic and the comic scenes in as regular alternation as the layers of red and white in a side of streaky, well-cured bacon. - Charles Dickens
Some men can be good ' horse whisperers ' and many dogs can be wonderful ' man whisperers '. - Erik Pevernagie
You speak of the good conduct of your ancestors. As your own conduct is under discussion, and not theirs, I cannot see how their former good character can at all serve your present purpose. Fortunately for our country, every man stands upon his own merit. - Stephen Decatur
The arrival of a good clown exercises a more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than twenty asses laden with drugs. - Thomas Sydenham
Behold divinity divine enough to abandon divinity. Behold majesty secure enough to proceed un-majestically. Behold strength strong enough to become weakness, goodness good enough to be unmindful of its reputation. Behold love plenteous enough to give and take not again. - Paul Ramsey
EDIBLE, adj. Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. - Ambrose Bierce
I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and there is purpose and worth to each and every life. - Ronald Reagan
It takes many years to build good reputations, but it takes a few minutes for their destruction. - Debasish Mridha
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke
It's good to be contented but it's better to strive harder. - Mari Mar Manuel
Good is good and bad is bad, and nowhere is the difference between good and bad so wide and so fateful as in human character. For character makes destiny in the individual and in the race. - Edward O. Sisson
The various features and aspects of human life, such as longevity, good health, success, happiness, and so forth, which we consider desirable, are all dependent on kindness and a good heart. - Dalai Lama XIV
Maybe she would have done more good as a playwright than as a doctor, after all clichés were like plaque in the arteries of the imagination, they clogged the sense of what was possible. Maybe if enough people had worked to demolish clichés, the world wouldn't have ended. - Charlie Jane Anders
Life for dreamers may not be easy, but it beats drifting. You never know where you'll end up drifting, maybe someplace good, maybe not." - L. R. W. Lee - L.R.W. Lee
It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable. - L. M. Montgomery
There's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple: If the ill spirit have so fair a house, Good things will strive to dwell with 't. - William Shakespeare
Deliver me from writers who say the way they live doesn't matter. I'm not sure a bad person can write a good book. If art doesn't make us better, then what on earth is it for. - Alice Walker
On the Rolling Stones - You will walk out of the Amphitheatre after watching the Stones perform and suddenly the Chicago stockyards smell clean and good by comparison. - Tom Fitzpatrick
Good words alone does not make a person good, but good deeds makes a person great. - Gugu Mona
Everythings a choice. Nobody's born good. Nobody's born evil. It's always a choice. - Tom Hiddleston
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy. - George Horace Lorimer
‎Most of the times, we feel more enjoyment from just recalling good memories of the past rather from those moments we lived,not because we did not have a good time but because realization has come late. - Dionisis Agelakis
Many men all their lives for the opportunity to be good in their way.wait all their lives for the - Frederick Niestzsche
In every age 'the good old days' were a myth. No one ever thought they were good at the time. For every age has consisted of crises that seemed intolerable to the people who lived through them. - Brooks Atkinson
Sometimes a good exit is all you can ask for. - Sean Stewart
How could I feel something when... I always get screw up... good people get killed and bad people just make suicides. - Deyth Banger
Which comes first: Good or Evil? Usually evil. Good counters. - Steve Chapman
Sometimes things seem good at first . . . but we learn the hard way that they weren't as good as we thought. - Melody Carlson
That best portion of a good man's life, His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. - William Wordsworth
The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry. - Ernest Hemingway
If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow. - William McFee
Misery can be easily drown within a good tune. - Martin M Stupak
People who actually have good advice seldom give it voluntarily, instead others seek them out for it. They do not shove it down people's throats just to boost their exaggerated sense of importance. - JJ Matebesi
In a marshland amongst the crocodiles, there float beautiful water lilies! Even in the Hell, one can find the good and the beauty. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Has anybody ever seen a drama critic in the daytime? Of course not. They come out after dark, up to no good. - P. G. Wodehouse
Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings. - Publilius Syrus
Rain makes me feel less alone. All rain is, is a cloud- falling apart, and pouring its shattered pieces down on top of you. It makes me feel good to know I'm not the only thing that falls apart . It makes me feel better to know other things in nature can shatter. - Lone Alaskan Gypsy
The doctors cannot make the ignorant think, cannot hope to bring home the sufferings of millions; only one of ourselves can someday do that...It will need great courage but it will be done, because all things must work toward ultimate good; there is no real wastage and no destruction. - Radclyffe Hall
You are the grace of my life So tender, so undeserved Hard to believe you're my wife Even harder to put what I feel into words If I need evidence God is good Just looking at you is enough You are the grace of my life For you grace my life with your love - Brian Littrell
The couch and I were what I would describe as frenemies. I loved to hate it. It was too small for my frame. I had tried to tell my wife that fact when we bought it off of Craigslist, but she assured me that it went perfectly with our room decor and it was a good deal. - Anna M. Aquino
What you choose to do in this life will surely affect you in the next... Just do good, even when it's very hard to do so. It's your life that's on the line. - R.D. Gennari
Anything good has a magical power! Say something good; it travels around the world without legs; do something good, it flies around the world without wings! Everything good has a mystical power! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. - Samuel Johnson
If you are GOOD enough to let go of what you think is BETTER, God will grant you what is BEST - D WordSmith
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.
If you want a good friend, you need to be a good friend! - Elizabeth George
The human person finds his perfection "in seeking and loving what is true and good. - Pope Benedict XVI
Our enemy attacks the conscience little by little seeking to wear us down and then wears out a leader's resolve to fight the good fight. - Gary Rohrmayer
.......Is there any reward for good, other than good. - Farooq A. Shiekh
Self-love is a good thing but self-awareness is more important. You need to once in a while go ‘Uh, I’m kind of an asshole. - Louis C.K.
Sleep is good. - En
Yes, in all my research, the greatest leaders looked inward and were able to tell a good story with authenticity and passion. - Depak Chopras
I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will not ask, 'How many good things have you done in your life?' rather he will ask, 'How much love did you put into what you did? - Mother Teresa
Do not depend on good motivator!Find your words of self-motivation! - Toba Beta
Every day thousands of people bury good ideas because they are afraid to act on them.And afterwards, the ghosts of these ideas come back to haunt them. - David J. Schwartz
One time I actually cleaned out my closet so good I ended up on the cover of Time magazine. - Ellen DeGeneres
The fullness of God’s grace fills us with power for every good work. - Lailah Gifty Akita
This was not Aunt Dahlia, my good and kindly aunt, but my Aunt Agatha, the one who chews broken bottles and kills rats with her teeth. - P.G. Wodehouse
Good Friends Don't Let You Do Stupid Things.. Alone - Ain Eineziz
BOTANY, n. The science of vegetables -- those that are not good to eat, as well as those that are. It deals largely with their flowers, which are commonly badly designed, inartistic in color, and ill- smelling. - Ambrose Bierce
Men are good when they get lost in the beauty of love. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
[A]ny ecstatic experience can be healing not just for you but for others. Therapy is good to help you think differently and break patterns of pessimistic thinking or negative self-talk. But we have to be joyful, dance, and bring pleasure into our lives deliberately. - Christiane Northrup
An ordinary place turns into an extraordinary place when visited by a good music! Earthly place becomes celestial! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A good tree bears good fruits. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong. - Milton Berle
One of the best ways you can fight discrimination is by taking good care of yourself. Your survival is not just important; it's an act of revolution. - DaShanne Stokes
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling. - Arthur Brisbane
Keep dreaming is good sometimes- but don't dreaming too much cause its gonna make you stop dreaming suddenly - Dandelion Lover
Mustard's no good without roast beef. - Chico Marx
It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help. - Judith Martin
Never be too angry beyond repairs. Anger is nothing good to be part of your tributes. Are you angry with someone? The sun is sinking, just drop it now. - Israelmore Ayivor
Life's like the piano and the violin, it's about how smart you could play the melodies to make a good harmony. - Lucy 'Aisy
In the way this strange gentleman was going on, he would leave the world without having done any good to himself or anybody else. - Jules Verne
Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns--or dollars. Take your choice--there is no other. - Ayn Rand
Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse. - Thomas Szasz
She can feel her vanished talent like a phantom limb, the empty ache of its subtraction from the short list of her assets, and she knows with spiteful certainty that it is gone for good. - Christina Moracho
Good memories are meant to stay in our hearts forever... - - Geena L. Davis
Calamities are of two kinds: misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune to others. - Ambrose Bierce
Being a woman is of special interest to aspiring male transexuals. To actual women it is simply a good excuse not to play football. - Fran Lebowitz
Anyone can perform good deeds for an audience; the best among us do their greatest work when no one is present to bear witness. - Ken Poirot
They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason. - Ernest Hemingway
I think it's not particularly necessary to lead a religious life. People progress just as well in music, or art, or math or science or gardening or whatever. It all seems to work as well and the process is good. - Jim Henson
What people say about you, good or bad, is not nearly as important as what you are. - Orrin Woodward
A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away. - Eudora Welty
Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it. - John Adams
No matter what happens i choose to value the memories of the good times, grow from the lessons of the bad times because i don't regret a single moment of it, every detail made me who i am. - Tilicia Haridat
To write good poems is the secret of brevity. - Dejan Stojanovic
Life is like Book. Everyday you wake up and found new page with good or bad things.. If your one page is not good , don't be sad as you have more page to open. But if you found something good than don't be rude to others as page can be changed anytime. - Gargi Vyas
Be a good person but don’t waste time to prove it... - Manas Disoriya
The secret belongs only to the Maker of good and faithful dogs. - John Buchan
Treasure the love you have received above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. - Og Mandino
He forced himself into good spirits. - H.W. Brands
A Buddha is someone who finds freedom in good fortune and bad. - Bodhidharma
The only thing good about it is you're not dead. - Lillian Hellman
That which is good for the society is not necessarily good for the individual. That which is good for the individual is good for the society. - Richard Diaz
And life is a good thing for a writer. It's where we get our raw material, for a start. We quite like to stop and watch it. - Neil Gaiman
A good book is always on tap; it may be decanted and drunk a hundred times, and it is still there for further imbibement. - Holbrook Jackson
The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes. - Dave Barry
We must unceasingly ask for [perseverance] by making use of the means which God has taught us for obtaining it: prayer, fasting, almsgiving, frequenting the sacraments, association with good companions, and hearing and reading Holy Scripture. - Francis de Sales
Your RELIGION does not make you a good person. Your BEHAVIOR does. - Tanya Masse
He was fortified by a memory which kept only the good things and rejected the ill. Despite his sorrows, he had had a fair share of joys and these were ever fresh and accessible. - Evelyn Waugh
Good leaders make heroes of others. - Mark Sanborn
What's good about growth? Why is it intrinsically good? - Yahya Madra
Happiness is good health and a bad memory. - Ingrid Bergman
As no designation of good and evil can be absolute, neither can it be fixed; no law which is just now will be forever just, and no political institution designed to secure the good can remain the best means to that good. - Allen Wheelis
Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying or meditating or endeavoring something for the public good. - Thomas a Kempis
Your strength as a rationalist is your ability to be more confused by fiction than by reality. If you are equally good at explaining any outcome, you have zero knowledge. - Eliezer Yudkowsky
Though the road's been rocky it sure feels good to me. - Bob Marley
A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be. - Wayne Gretzky
The adults said the only good food was the bacon, but the kids knew better. They had never had a more fun breakfast in their lives. Although they had to agree the bacon was very good. Then again, it was bacon. It was always good. - Ella Minster
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. - William Arthur Ward
Mom, I feel good. This dress makes me feel like someone I didn't know I could be. I've never owned anything like it. But if when you see this - when you see me- you think it's a pity, that it's a shame I didn't lose a few, then screw you, Mom. Try harder. - Julie Murphy
Habits - the only reason they persist is that they are offering some satisfaction. You allow them to persist by not seeking any other, better form of satisfying the same needs. Every habit, good or bad, is acquired and learned in the same way - by finding that it is a means of satisfaction.
Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.
To overcome evil with good is good, to resist evil by evil is evil.
Besides, 'Chill out' is a lot more to the point than, 'never fear, Good Knight, thy fears are unfounded' - Percy - Nicola S Dorrington
Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. - J.K. Rowling
Thinking is a great joy for a good writer and a great torture for the bad one! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good laughter, or even a smile. It makes everything grow. It makes people Love you. - Angie karan
And that's the point; not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their week ones. - Jill Lepore
Every good thing in the Christian life grows in the soil of humility. Without humility, every virtue and every grace withers. That’s why Calvin said humility is first, second, and third in the Christian faith. - John Piper
Whenever you have good dreams never let it go , because dreams are tiny seeds which germinate result into fruitful tomorrow . - Osunsakin Adewale
PHOTOGRAPH, n. A picture painted by the sun without instruction in art. It is a little better than the work of an Apache, but not quite so good as that of a Cheyenne. - Ambrose Bierce
No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good. - C. S. Lewis
As I empty my head, I feel wonderful and alive. Sometimes my creation is as beautiful as the feeling it produces, but most often it has to go through many changes before it is considered good enough for public consumption. - Faye E. Robinson
It really sucks when good things are being hated over the bad one. - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
That's a good attitude. You should hate me more, curse me more, and detest me! Then you should take the power of that hatred and use it to survive this rotten world. - Hideaki Sorachi
No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong is what is against it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
You have to do stuff that average people don't understand because those are the only good things. - Andy Warhol
Those that are good manners at the court are as ridiculous in the country, as the behavior of the country is most mockable at the court. - William Shakespeare
Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations. - Paul Rand
If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
It is good to be imperfect so that we retain our joy to work hard to rise to perfection! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Falsehood of a good man is better than truth of a bad one. - Raheel Farooq
For a long time, I thought I was good at relationships because I was charming. - Donald Miller
Ten years from now, no one is going to care how quickly the books came out. The only thing that will matter, the only thing anyone will remember, is how good they were. That's my main concern, and always will be. - George R.R. Martin
If you laid all of the lawyers in the world, end to end, on the equator ---- It would be a good idea to just leave them there. - Unknown
Parker: She believed, absolutely, that each person, each heart, had a counterpart—had a mate. A rightness. She’d always believed it, and understood that unshakable belief was a reason she was good at what she did. - Nora Roberts
It's beautiful when you realise how kind, tender, warm and big-hearted a person is that has suffered too much for their own good. - Diana Jaber
The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
You will face hard times in life. Sometimes they are supposed to come, sometimes not. Get through them no matter what, 'cause the good life is always on the other side. - F.C.
It's a good day fro Kokomo - Michael Harris
It's a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. - Sir Winston Churchill
Isn't it good just to be alive on a day like this? I pity the people who aren't born yet for missing it. - L. M. Montgomery
I learnt to test the size of my brain..by trying this simple thought ! Look out for the good things, not the faults.It takes a good deal bigger sized brain to find out what is not wrong with people and things than to fins out what is wrong!!! - Abha Maryada Banerjee
If you can do something good for someone in need, I think you’ve gained something. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
Makin' it happen with Jesus! The good life. - Jolake Bivins
Live a good life. More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate. - Roy Bennett
Dreaming is good but implementation is success - Paballo Seipei
Do good and inspire others to do good - Bhupendra Pratap Singh
Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing.... For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day. - Ernest Hemingway
It only takes one minute to find a really good book, but it can give you a lifetime of memories when you read a really good book that leaves you with lasting impression. - Nahisha McCoy
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. - John Muir
I imagine good teaching as a circle of earnest people sitting down to ask each other meaningful questions. I don't see it as the handing down of answers. So much of what passes for teaching is merely a pointing out of what items to want. - Alice Walker
Learning the secret of flight from a bird was a good deal like learning the secret of magic from a magician. - Orville Wright
When the whole world starts behaving like a big family, protecting and caring each other, the world will become a good place to live! - Mehmet Murat ildan
You can be confident and secure and know that you do a good job at what you do. But you don't know to be arrogant about it. - Ruben Studdard
good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws - Plato
Say no only when it really matters. Wear a bright red shirt with bright orange shorts? Sure. Put water in the toy tea set? Okay. Sleep with your head at the foot of the bed? Fine. Samuel Johnson said, All severity that does not tend to increase good, or prevent evil, is idle. - Gretchen Rubin
Experts say you should never hit your children in anger. When is a good time? When you're feeling festive? - Roseanne Barr
A good relationship is like fireworks: loud, explosive, and liable to maim you if you hold on too long. - Jeph Jacques
A good mother does not live only for her children. She always has some bond with other mothers, no matter what class, nationality or race they may be. All mothers have the same joys, the same sorrows, the same anxieties. All mothers think first of their child and of children. - Werenfried Von Straaten
It looks all good until a person awakens to feel that the people around him/her are there in support only for cooking their own food. - Anuj Somany
A good story cannot be devised; it has to be distilled. - Raymond Chandler
Love is like a good cake; you never know when it's coming, but you'd better eat it when it does! - C. JoyBell C.
He has spent his life best who has enjoyed it most; God will take care that we do not enjoy it any more than is good for us. - Samuel Butler
What has a man's face to do with his character? Can a man of good character help having a disagreeable face? - Ann Radcliffe
Lord, open my ears to receive good counsel, allow my head to accept it and enable my person to carry it out. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Every day is a good day when you run. - Kevin Nelson
Do not go gentle into that good night. - Dylan Thomas
Someone else's vision will never be as good as your own vision of your self. Live and die with it 'cause in the end it’s all you have. Lose it and you lose yourself and everything else. I should have listened to myself. - Georgia O'Keeffe
no doubt that evil is more contagious than good, therefore, it's more powerful. - Anonymous
There is no beauty in sadness. No honor in suffering. No growth in fear. No relief in hate. It’s just a waste of perfectly good happiness. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
I said to my girl, 'Was it good for you too?' And she said, 'I don't think this was good for anybody.'
And since, in our passage through this world, painful circumstances occur more frequently than pleasing ones, and since our sense of evil is, I fear, more acute than our sense of good, we become the victims of our feelings, unless we can in some degree command them. - Ann Radcliffe
Evil is the starry sky of the Good. - Franz Kafka
Good music always defeats bad luck. - Jack Vance
Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness in another. - Eustace Budgell
When we see a lonely fisherman, we ask where the boat is; when we see a lonely boat, we ask where the fisherman is! We love to see the good friends always together! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes. - Stephen Richards
I'm a good enough person to forgive you, and you should be a good enough person to not do it again. - Annette Thomas
Write the ending first and then you'll know before the opening sentence that it's going to be a good book. - Richelle E. Goodrich
.....if he’s not man enough to stand up to your father, and take the crap he has to dish out, then he’s not good enough to be with you. - Crescent, Sam
The telephone is a good way to talk to people without having to offer them a drink. - Fran Lebowitz
One should go invited to a friend in good fortune, and uninvited in misfortune. - Swedish Proverb
Tomorrow may be hell, but today was a good writing day, and on the good writing days nothing else matters. - Neil Gaiman
A good leader is not elected, he is appointed. - Andrew-Knox B Kaniki
GOD is super intelligent - says GO & DO GOOD things, if not I may pick you as an ODD human & like a honest DOG knows what to do next! - Ningraj
A good End cannot sanctifie evil Means; nor must we ever do Evil, that Good may come of it. - William Penn
We are advised to meditate on things that are true, lovely, noble, gracious and bring good report. These should form the basis of our thought pattern. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Comfort without action is only discomfort and dissatisfaction in latent action. It always seems we shall have a good tomorrow until a bad tomorrow comes - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
A good woman keeps her mind right and her body tight. - Habeeb Akande
A good song should life your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good. - Colbie Caillat
...there is more good in contentment, than there is in the thing that you would fain have to cure your discontent... - Jeremiah Burroughs
Always do good when you're tempted to do evil. The reward in doing good is priceless. - Kemi Sogunle
Everyone has a gift for something, even if it is the gift of being a good friend. - Marian Anderson
Anybody who says they are a good liar obviously is not, because any legitimately savvy liar would always insist they're honest about everything. - Chuck Klosterman
I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life. - Ronald Reagan
To insure good health: Eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. - William Londen
Though the vicious can sometimes pour affliction upon the good, their power is transient and their punishment certain; and that innocence, though oppressed by injustice, shall, supported by patience, finally triumph over misfortune! - Ann Radcliffe
A good church is a Bible-centered church. Nothing is as important as this--not a large congregation, a witty pastor, or tangible experiences of the Holy Spirit. - Alistair Begg
A good man is called a man by his works - Tshikororo Raymond
Creative powers can just as easily turn out to be destructive. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. And if this is lacking, no teacher can supply it or take its place - Carl Jung
You can always tell you're in trouble when the good option involves a prosthetic leg. - Hugh Elliott
We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families. - Dallin H. Oaks
The attitude you pose is greatly influenced by the links of friendships you bookmark. Good friends, good attitudes; best friends, best attitudes. Guess what for toxic friends...! - Israelmore Ayivor
Is it a good idea or not?? Were we build for that or not??We know to much so let's remove us?? - Deyth Banger
You're not going to be immediately good at anything you do. You wouldn't quit on the first day of your new job, so why quit on the first try at doing something else? - Jennifer Megan Varnadore
The only good thing about that decision, Gatt, is that I'll get tea before you. - Graham Gooch
...I try to laugh at whatever life brings. Because when I look down, I just miss all the good stuff, but when I look up, I just trip over things.
I wanted to be good but I wasn't sure if I was prepared - Leila Aboulela
Money is like muck, not good except it be spread. - Sir Francis Bacon
It is good to be without vices, but it is not good to be without temptations. - Walter Bagehot
Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty... Were it otherwise he would never have been able to find those words. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Nothing ever invented provides such sustenance, such infinite reward for time spent, as a good book. - David McCullough
That is my rule of life. If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow. Do you remember Henley's magnificent lines? 'Under the bludgeonings of chanceMy head is bloody, but unbowed.' ? That is my gospel. What do you think of it? - William McFee
When something serious happens in your life, something bad comes out of it but also something good. You get to see who is real. Who your true friends are, and who truly loves you.  - Angie karan
Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person you're complaining about. - Lynn Johnston
At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year. - Thomas Tusser
What makes us brave isn't lacking the good sence to be afraid; it's looking back at what we've lived through and seeing if we've faced it well. - Caitlín R. Kiernan
And that's the point! Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force strength power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their week ones. - Jill Lepore
... walk in the footprints of his ancestors. This land is a museum of man's ancient history. The American has gone to the moon and found dust, he's going farther away to look for other planets, very good. But know thyself first. That is what I would tell my American friend. - tsegaye gebre medhin
What did the soup say to the tea plate? "You're too shallow for me. I like deep dish to dip right into!" I still keep my British humour in good taste. No room for egos or rumours. - Ana Claudia Antunes
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.
You must always see your loneliness as an opportunity to meet something good unexpected, something new unknown before, something interesting not happened yet! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Fear is an abortion of good thoughts - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
Kalo gue bener-bener mencintai lo, gue juga harus belajar melepaskan lo.... - Good Fight - Christian Simamora
I feel sorry for those who do not drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra
One thing that's good about procrastination is that you always have something planned for tomorrow - Gladys Bronwyn Stern
At the end of the day, you're only as good as the shadow that was left in the morning. - Aspen Copper
ليس الشديد بالصرعة؛ إنما الشديد الذي يملك نفسه عند الغضبThe strong person is not the good wrestler. Rather,the strong person is the one who controls himself when he is angry.(Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 73, #135) - Anonymous
Nevermore shall men make slaves of others! Not in Asgard--not on Earth--not any place where the hammer of Thor can be swung--or where men of good faith hold freedom dear! - Stan Lee
Like good reading skills, good writing skills require immersion and imaginative engagement. - Sara Sheridan
Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. - William Shakespeare
I'd rather work with someone who's good at their job but doesn't like me, than someone who likes me but is a ninny. - Sam Donaldson
You can be confident and secure and know that you do a good job at what you do but you don't have to be arrogant about it. - Ruben Studdard
where love n happiness makes us blind, pain n hurt helps to see truth. So, pain in good. - deepakgogna
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a best-seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. - Flannery O'Connor
I think a good book is a good book forever.I don't think they get less good because times change. - Megan Whalen Turner
We do good works, not in order to be saved, but because we are saved; not in order to earn God's favor, but with the favor of His help. - Alex Brett Harris
Even good opinions are worth very little unless we hold them in the broad, intelligent, and spacious way. - John Viscount Morley
I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. - Ettiene De Grellet
Hard work's a good distraction. - Scott Westerfeld
Home is not necessarily, where the heart is. It is also, where good food,people, and sanity resides.even if that accounts for a house, with no people in it. - anjali mukherjee
Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty? - Patrick Henry
Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing.
Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art of all. - Andy Warhol
It violates right order whenever capital so employees the working or wage-earning classes as to divert business and economic activity entirely to its own arbitrary will and advantage without, the social character of economic life, social justice, and the common good. - Pope Pius XI
A good book has no ending. - R. D. Cumming
A mistake from a good person always gets treated as crime. - Pratik Akkawar
Nothing else in all life is such a maker of joy and cheer as the privilege of doing good. - J.R. Miller
But sometimes all the stars in the entire universe conspire to make something good happen. - Nathan Filer
It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. - Oscar Wilde
DeWitt: Loneliness leads to nothing good, only detachment. And sometimes the people who most need to reach out are the people least capable of it. - Jane Espenson
It’s good to be here. I’m just trying to go through life without looking stupid. It’s not working out too well. - Brian Regan
Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good fucking life. - Chuck Palahniuk
I think a man's "wordplay" can be so fucking sexy!!! I love a good mind fuck!! - Junnita Jackson
The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. - Socrates
Freud was not entirely honest with himself when he said, Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise". - A. Cretan
Music is the soundtrack to every good and bad time we will ever have. - Alex Gaskarth
We've kept the good old vices and labored to invent a few, With cake in vulgar surplus we can have it, and eat it too
You have to learn that if you start making sure you feel good, everything will be okay. - Ruben Studdard
I thought we were going to take a 20-mule team out to the Grand Canyon and get a Bunsen burner and a bow and arrow, and whatever you can catch you cook. And it’s gotta be gourmet and it better look good. - The Creators of Top Chef
Experience life, pick up a good book and appreciate the moment, for the moment, not the replay. - Serina Hartwell
The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers. - Martin Luther King Jr.
You make choices that are good and sound, but the gods have other plans for you. - Lisa See
The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works. - Augustine of Hippo
Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it be exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
That which is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. - Friedrich Nietzsche
A dream is not needing anything. If it is a good one, it is waiting peaceably for ever until it is released and allowed to do its job. If it is a bad one, it is always fighting to get out. - Roald Dahl
Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. - George Washington
A good presentation = Conviction + Story + Message. Subject does not matter. - Aayush Jain
When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something, they'll tell you. - Walter Payton
Being there when things are easy is one of the benefits of being a good friend. Being there when things get difficult is one of the tests. - Nina Guilbeau
Love teaches a good person to do bad and a bad person to do good. - Heenashree Khandelwal
Do not imagine that the good you intend will balance the evil you perform - Norman Mac Donald
It's too good, she is. She wants to find the good in others, and sometimes her way of finding that is to trust them, hoping she'll not be disappointed but she sometimes is. - Claire Keegan
You are the only common denominator in everything that has happened to you in life, be it good or bad. To learn/grow from these experiences, you must accept the role you played in each of them. - A.C. Anderson
Lucretia Jane Price. A sweet name for a sweet lady that smelled of roses, spoke with a sweet drawl, and was surely made of all the sweet country things a man who hadn't eaten a good meal in a long time could imagine -- molasses, sweet peas, sweet corn, freshly churned butter. - Linda Leigh Hargrove
The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of past centuries. - René Descartes
Music is the heart of life." She speaks love; "without it, there is no possible good and with it everything is beautiful. - Franz Liszt
I remember every good thing about you. Every sweet and perfect thing. And nothing else. He touched her chin, tipped it up to look into her wet brown eyes. Even smudged, they were gorgeous. The dawning light in them filled his heart, and healed it. Nothing else. - V.S. Carnes
There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife. - Clare Booth Luce
Must, bid the Morn awake! Sad Winter now declines, Each bird doth choose a mate; This day's Saint Valentine's. For that good bishop's sake Get up and let us see What beauty it shall be That Fortune us assigns. - Michael Drayton
Good morning is such a beautiful song; it begins the magic of a wonderful day. - Debasish Mridha
Good music is a king or a queen; when it visits a place, all rise to their feet! - Mehmet Murat ildan
[When asked 'Given the chance, how would you change the world?']It's a big question. Getting rid of religion would be a good start, wouldn't it? It seems to be causing a lot of havoc. - Björk
By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity. - Vernon Howard
Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything good in the world. - Helen Keller
I lived what most people call the good life. I was happy, but deep inside I always felt that, with the short amount of time we are given to live and love in this world, we spend too much time loving things instead of people. - Antonia Brenner
you realize how good your network is when you try and use it for something - Alice Gray
Please give me some good advice in your next letter. I promise not to follow it. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
If you surround yourself with the good and righteous, they can only raise you up. If you surround yourself with the others, they will drag you down into the doldrums of mediocrity, and they will keep you there, but only as long as you permit it. - Mark Glamack
A true Seeker of Love Should find a good Keeper'' The man Seeks and woman Keeps - Bello Ahmd
A good attitude is the best attire. - Debasish Mridha
I like eating Tahu and Tempe. So what. I don't care what people said about them. They taste good in different way~! - Eka Prasetyani
To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self disciplined is to follow in a better way. - Corita Kent
Cheese, wine, and a friend must be old to be good. - Cuban Proverb
It does not always follow that good men are good fathers. - Kathryn L. Nelson
Everything that happens is always for goodAnd that happened to me is for very good - Shashank Rayal
To feel loved again feels good, but to know they don't love you make things worse. - Ishmael Emmanuel Balfour
A single fact can spoil a good argument. - Anonymous
Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good. - Thomas Sowell
Watch for good times to retreat into yourself. Frequently meditate on how good God is to you. - Thomas a Kempis
A good character not only sees but also says always all good things about a right person to the enormous people, and notably even speaks often about all wrong things of the bad people to a righteous person. - Anuj Somany
God isn't about making good things happen to you, or bad things happen to you. He's all about you making choices--exercising the gift of free will. God wants you to have good things and a good life, but He won't gift wrap them for you. You have to choose the actions that lead you to that life. - Jim Butcher
The conscience of children is formed by the influences that surround them; their notions of good and evil are the result of the moral atmosphere they breathe.
Far from idleness being the root of all evil, it is rather the only true good. - Soren Kierkegaard
An evil man is a saint of the future. See good in everything. Destroy the evil-finding quality. Develop the good-finding quality. Rise above good and evil. - Sivananda Saraswati
Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together. - Jessica Howell
The main message of Jesus, I believed, is that mercy trumps justice every time. Not only that, but maybe the basic message of original sin isn't "feel guilty all the time." Maybe it is more along these lines: "We all have a notion of what it means to be good, and we can't live up to it all the time. - Paul Kalanithi
Good bye" is a good gift when you wave it at me because I refuse to follow a bad advice you gave. Wave it at me and I will show you the door. - Israelmore Ayivor
Good Seeds! Gratitude is the Greatest Attitude that has no Substitute. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Humans and their wars. You call me monster, , but look what you've gone and done to one another! Good riddance to you now and, if I'm lucky, forever. Have your war. I'll have my radish stew. - Aaron Burdett
No matter what life throws at you, fight with your eyes wide open to fight a good fight. - Valencia Mackie
The world's theologyThe world's theology is easy to define. It is the view . . . that human beings are basically good, that no one is really lost, that belief in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation."Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." Romans 1:22 - James Montgomery Boice
ANOINT, v.t. To grease a king or other great functionary already sufficiently slippery. As sovereigns are anointed by the priesthood, So pigs to lead the populace are greased good. Judibras - Ambrose Bierce
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Good seamanship is recovering from an incident at sea. Great seamanship is avoiding an incident at sea. - unknown
A good quote: A timeless capsule of truth. - Garry Fitchett
In the joy of others lies our own,In the progress of others rests our own,In the good of others abides our own,Know this to be the key to peace and happiness - Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Humbleness, modest and down to earth that recognize the real power and true sense of values towards the achievement of good life and enduring everlasting qualities. - Chris Salamone
Every skill and every inquiry, and similarly every action and rational choice, is thought to aim at some good; and so the good had been aptly described as that at which everything aims. - Aristotle
Life is boring. People are vengeful. Good things always end. We do so many things and we don’t know why, and if we do find out why, it’s decades later and knowing why doesn’t matter any more. - Douglas Coupland
Never cheat on someone that is good to you ,Karma is a bitch. - Surgeo Bell
You're growing up. And rain sort of remains on the branches of a tree that will someday rule the Earth. And it's good that there is rain. It clears the month of your sorry rainbow expressions, and it clears the streets of the silent armies... so we can dance. - Jim Carroll
Your Life Doesn’t Need A Happily-Ever-After To Be A Damn Good Story - Goodhealthify.com
All that is really necessary for survival of the fittest, it seems, is an interest in life, good, bad, or peculiar.
There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare
The bad end unhappily, the good unluckily. That is what tragedy means. - Tom Stoppard
If some animals are good at hunting and others are suitable for hunting, then the Gods must clearly smile on hunting. - Aristotle
To think what is true, to sense what is beautiful and to want what is good, hereby the spirit finds purpose of a life in reason. - Johann Gottfried Herder
Happiness being surrounded by good friends and family at a BBQ. - Richie Norton
A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with.
PAIN, n. An uncomfortable frame of mind that may have a physical basis in something that is being done to the body, or may be purely mental, caused by the good fortune of another. - Ambrose Bierce
We rarely think people have good sense unless they agree with us. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish. - Robert Jackson
Nothing good can come from a crack of dawn meeting on a Monday morning. - Kathy Bryson - Fighting Mad
Intrinsic values and qualities are age-free. For example, social competencies or a good heart. - Rossana Condoleo
What would your good do if evil didn't exist, and what would the earth look like if all the shadows disappeared? - Mikhail Bulgakov
When I look back to where I come from, I realize it's for a good reason that God changed my life. - Gugu Mona
Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau
Gen-Ys are delusional; Most people are not special—otherwise special wouldn’t mean anything. Even right now, most of Gen-Ys reading this are thinking, Good point. But I actually am one of the few special ones—and this is the problem. - Tim Urban
If your leadership is truly grounded in love, you’ll always land in the category of a good leader. - Glenn C. Stewart
Good poetry reveals the beauty of joy and tragedy. - Debasish Mridha
Bad news is that you can control nothing but your thoughts. Good news is that with your thoughts you can control everything else. - Debasish Mridha
Success is like the most beautiful woman:pursued by many, loved by all, feared by few,courted by the patient and hardworking,and won over by good judgment. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The chip in your body, call it soul if you please, carries on its bad and good. And in this or next lifetime, your dues are paid in full. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The notion of making money by popular work, and then retiring to do good work, is the most familiar of all the devil's traps for artists. - Logan Pearsall Smith
Any good music must be an innovation. - Les Baxter
Copy cats may seem good at what they are doing, but they will never find a spot at the top. - Cyc Jouzy
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. Roy Bennett - Roy Bennett
When they throw the water on the witch, she says, Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness. That line inspired my life. I sometimes say it to myself before I go to sleep, like a prayer. - John Waters
I always tell my writing students that every good piece of writing begins with both a mystery and a love story. And that every single sentence must be a poem. And that economy is the key to all good writing. And that every character has to have a secret. - Silas House
Men have such a good opinion of themselves, of their mental superiority and intellectual depth; they believe themselves so skilled in discerning the true from the false, the path of safety from those of error, that they should be forbidden as much as possible the perusal of philosophic writings. - أبو حامد الغزالي
There are some people who may be good yet toxic for you, so be careful of who you surround yourself with. - Gugu Mona
The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large. - Confucius
Once more into the fray...Into the last good fight I'll ever know.Live and die on this day...Live and die on this day... - The Grey
Never blame anyone in life. The good people give you happiness. The worst people give you a lesson. The best people give you memories. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
Honesty is always good, except when it's better to lie. - James Patterson
If a man hasn't got plenty of good common sense, the more science he has the worse for his patient. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
What men call good fellowship is commonly but the virtue of pigs in a litter which lie close together to keep each other warm. - Henry David Thoreau
No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. - Plato
Good company requires only birth, education, and manners, and with regard to education is not very nice. Birth and good manners are essential; but a little learning is by no means a dangerous thing in good company; on the contrary, it will do very well. - Jane Austen
God’s grace is the strength for every good deed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I didn't want to kiss you goodbye that was the trouble I wanted to kiss you good night and there's a lot of difference. - Ernest Hemingway
Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts. - James Beard
When you encounter seemingly good advice that contradicts other seemingly good advice, ignore them both. - Al Franken
Every good product I've ever seen is because a group of people cared deeply about making something wonderful that they and their friends wanted. They wanted to use it themselves. - Steve Jobs
The world does not need more Christian literature. What it needs is more Christians writing good literature. - C.S. Lewis
Love everyone. Good people create an impression and not so good people teach you a lesson. - Debasish Mridha
I am not a fairy godmother or anything of that sort, but I hope to give you a happy home and a good education, and to send you out into the world true, brave, generous men, prepared to serve God truly all the days of your life."~Aunt Persis - Constance Savery
It seems it doesn't pay to be good anymore, when people are short-changing you for evil. - Anthony Liccione
Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult. - Charlotte Whitton
My righteousness is just as good as Jesus' righteousness, because it IS Jesus' righteousness! - E.W. Kenyon
The volume of your muscles doesn't make you a good husband. The way you treat her does. - Amen Muffler
Who says only long tedious novels are good to read when all that can be summed up in one line - Priyansh Shah
Children's reading and children's thinking are the rock-bottom base upon which this country will rise. Or not rise. In these days of tension and confusion, writers are beginning to realize that books for children have a greater potential for good or evil than any other form of literature on earth. - Dr. Seuss
Good preparation destroys all obstacles - Sunday Adelaja
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning. - Christopher Morley
OWE, v. To have (and to hold) a debt. The word formerly signified not indebtedness, but possession; it meant "own," and in the minds of debtors there is still a good deal of confusion between assets and liabilities. - Ambrose Bierce
You have the power to bring out the best or worst in people. Focus on the good in people and that is what you will get more of. Focus on peoples potential and you can bring out the best in them. The power is in your focus. - Jeanette Coron
There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component. ...But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind. - Deepak Chopra
Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.
A humanitarian seldom makes a good lover. For a lover’s world revolves around their lover, while a humanitarian’s world revolves around the world. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Action is the pulse of any good story, but the character is the heart. If the action has no consequence to the character, the story loses heart. - Linda W. Yezak
Good editorial writing has less to do with winning an argument, since the other side is mostly not listening, than with telling the guys on your side how they ought to sound when they're arguing. - Adam Gopnik
Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. - P.J. O'Rourke
If you don't smell good, then you don't look good. - Katy Elizabeth
Be sceptical, ask questions, demand proof. Demand evidence. Don't take anything for granted. But here's the thing: When you get proof, you need to accept the proof. And we're not that good at doing that. - Michael Specter
It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is, better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle words.
We are all capable of evil thoughts, but only very rarely of evil deeds: we can all do good deeds, but very few of us can think good thoughts. - Cesare Pavese
If your desire is for good, the people will be good. - Confucius
F.B.I and C.I.A use coded words.... Don't be stupid, remove everything which shows the location. Good Luck Killer :)! - Deyth Banger
A friend's eye is a good mirror. - Celtic Proverb
Sometimes a hero is unbelievably good for so many but terribly bad for someone else. - Amit Kalantri
I resent when I go out to dinner and they try to sell me the healthy food for the same price as the good food. - Jim Gaffigan
Be good, or be good at it. - Lil Wayne
We know too much and feel too little. At least, we feel too little of those creative emotions from which a good life springs. - Bertrand Russell
Only the best thoughts is good enough to carry you throughout today's journey. - Auliq-Ice
Make sure your business is creating a service experience so good that it demands loyalty. - Steve Maraboli
First of all is the fact that I have some rather good turns of phrase. I don't say that pridefully ... it's just that when a line I forgot about smacks me in the face and says, "Look at me! Aren't I lovely?" I have to notice. - Rachel Heffington
It is so good that you can love someone for how long you want and no one can arrest you for that crime. - M.F. Moonzajer
Whatever it will bring, it will be good to be there, in the Land of Future! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It takes a special ear to appreciate the many sounds of good music. - Xela Ffonrims
If after all your efforts you cannot succeed, you could not please our Lord more than by sacrificing to Him your will, and remaining in tranquility, humility, and devotion, entirely conformed and submissive to His divine will and good pleasure. - Francis de Sales
Does the word "ice cream" taste as good as ice cream? Not even the poets think so. - Marty Rubin
Everybody's got the potential for great good and great wrong in them, but it's thechoices we make that define who we really are. - Charles de Lint
A good book ought to have something simple about it. And, like Eve, it ought to come from somewhere near the third rib: there ought to be a heart beating in it. A story that's all forehead doesn't amount to much. - Christopher Morley
He who has not a good memory should never take upon himself the trade of lying. - Michel de Montaigne
What is life but being conscious? And good and evil are manifestations of consciousness. If you reject one, you're not getting the whole thing that's there to be had. - Jerry Garcia
Nature of Human is neither good nor bad, it is simply a fusion of primitive instinctual urges and modern humane conscience. - Abhijit Naskar
Good example of Love is forgiveness and to Love is to pray for ones soul not to perish - kaMajola Nhepera
While there may not be a book in every one of us, there is so often a damned good short story. - Jeffrey Archer
It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it. - G.K. Chesterton
Your life story would not make a good book. Don't even try. - Fran Lebowitz
Never chase a person that doesn't know your worth because the moment you catch him you will always feel you were never good enough. - Shannon L. Alder
From good to the better for the best!Sounds like taken from Advertisement, as for my works. If you are open person in being honest... rape/murder/killing... it's something which is around us. - Deyth Banger
Life is sacred"? Who said so? God? Hey, if you read history, you realize that God is one of the leading causes of death! Has been for thousands of years! Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Christians; all taking turns killing each other because God told 'em it was a good idea. - George Carlin
Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad. - Salvador Dali
Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age.Nothing does --- except wrinkles.It's true,some wines improves with age.But only if the grapes were good in the first place - Abigail Van Buren
The world has come to such a state that one can no longer find anyone who does good. - Girolamo Savonarola
If someone gives you so-called good advice, do the opposite; you can be sure it will be the right thing nine out of 10 times. - Anselm Feurbah
Civilization is built on a number of ultimate principles...respect for human life, the punishment of crimes against property and persons, the equality of all good citizens before the law...or, in a word justice. - Max Nordau
Democracy is good, but it is not good for an uneducated dogmatic society. Often, that society does not know how to choose wisely. - Debasish Mridha
A good friend loves you when the condition is better, a best friend holds your hand when you're in gutter. - Debasish Mridha
I have my good parts.I have my bad parts.But the broken ones?They are the best. - Vanshika Dhyani
When preparing a presentation, it’s never a good idea to begin with a rule. If you do, you’re focusing on the appearance of good delivery and not the effect of it. - Dale Ludwig
A committee is a thing which takes a week to do what one good man can do in an hour. - Elbert Hubbard
Don't ruin a good opportunity fixating on a bad one. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The good may lose; the bad may win! Remember this! Because knowing this increases the chance of the good to win! - Mehmet Murat ildan
You only have to do one good thing to be in somebody’s lifetime of prayers. - Sanober Khan
The power of the human mind is unstoppable. It can make bad things Great and good things Worst! Use it accordingly. - myselfRMD - Rose De Matta
When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons. - John Webster
The best thing a girl can be is a good wife and mother. It is a girl's highest calling. I hope I am ready. - Nancy E. Turner
All the good times evaporated like naphtha, the moment some air of misconceptions touched it. - Faraaz Kazi
If you’ve managed to do one good thing,the ocean doesn’t care.But when Newton’s applefell toward the earth,the earth, ever so slightly, felltoward the apple as well. - Ellen Bass
A rat is neither good nor evil. It just does what a rat is suppose to do. From Phantom - Jo Nesbø
We all care intensely for the narrative of our own life and very much want it to be a good story, with a decent hero. - Daniel Kahneman
You are only happy in life if you forget the bad things and focus on the good things - Jeroen Saey
Work hard, put maximum effort, and have a good attitude. Most importantly never give up. - Ana Monnar
When you lay your head on the pillow at the end of the night, can you think of three things you did during the day to make your life better? Did you nourish your body? Your spirit? Your mind? If not, get back up and do something that good for YOU. - Toni Sorenson
Working good brings me closer to the man in the mirror... - Brahmananda Patra
It is better, I think, to grab at the stars than to sit flustered because you know you cannot reach them... At least he who reaches will get a good stretch, a good view, and perhaps even a low-hanging apple for his efforts.
Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, a good mother, good-looking, good-tempered, well-dressed, well-groomed, and unaggressive. - Marya Mannes
An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. - Albert Einstein
All about the fucking money... money... money... thinking it's for the good for your generation... but so far it's neither and for that and neither and for that... It's mostly for the worst of your generation and other's generations. - Deyth Banger
People that have been consistently hurt by others in life will only see the one time you hurt them and be blinded to all the good your heart has to offer. They look no further than what they want to see. Unfortunately, most of them remain a victim throughout their life. - Shannon L. Alder
Getting more exercise isn’t only good for your waistline. It's a natural anti-depressant, that leaves you in a great mood. - Auliq Ice
A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice. - Thomas Paine
There are few things more discomfiting than a spontaneous outburst of genuine decency from someone you’re determined to dislike for no good reason. - Gregory David Roberts
The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It's the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and science. Whoever does not know it can no longer wander, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. - Albert Einstein
Protect your good image from the eyes of negative viewers, who may look at your good appearance with an ugly fiendish eye, and ruin your positive qualities with their chemical infested tongues. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Dating is like pushing your tray along in a cafeteria. Nothing looks good, but you know you have to pick something by the time you reach the cashier. - Caprice Crane
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. - Augustine of Hippo
Every evil begets some good. - Voltaire
To terrify children with the image of hell, to consider women an inferior creation—is that good for the world? - Christopher Hitchens
I shall be an autocrat, that's my trade; and that good Lord will forgive me, that's his.
The charity that hastens to proclaim its good deeds, ceases to be charity, and is only pride and ostentation. - William Hutton
Norwegian racism is always a kind of racism that is not prepared to accept it being qualified as such. Because we're the good guys, and racism is what bad people do. - Michael Booth
The good man, though a slave, is free; the wicked, though he reigns, is a slave, and not the slave of a single man, but - what is worse - the slave of as many masters as he has vices. - Rubianne Wood
Cultivate a spirit of joy and praise. Not only will you light up your own heart, but the hearts of those around you.Always look for the good in people. In most cases you will find it. - Loretta Livingstone
I need to say this you shouldn't trust any government, actually including this one. You should not trust government full stop. The natural inclination of government is to hoard power and information; to accrue power to itself in the name of the public good. - Nick Clegg
Science when well-digested is nothing but good sense and reason.
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. - Benjamin Franklin
In a democratic country everything is very simple: If you choose a good government, good things will happen; if you choose a bad government, bad things will happen! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It's considered good sportsmanship not to pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling. - Mark Twain
In a company of children and grown-ups, the latter are those who should demonstrate good manners and always let the children speak first. - Zoran Stojkovski
Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation. - Jane Austin
Religion + Good Works = Good WorksSolve for Religion. - Dan Barker
Good laws have their origins in bad morals. - Ambrosius Macrobius
Sometimes you know you've got a chance with a girl because she wants to fight with you. If the world wasn't so messed up, it wouldn't be like that. If the world was normal, a girl being nice to you would be a good sign, but in the real world, it isn't. - Nick Hornby
Life is like sex. It’s not always good, but its always worth trying. - Pamela Anderson
Though it be honest, it is never good to bring bad news: give to a gracious message an host of tongues; but let ill tidings tell themselves when they be felt. - William Shakespeare
When people see own advantage with a person who has a lot of money, they will say generally that he has a good attitude, but if not seeing own benefits then most of them are most likely to say he has an attitude that is a bad one. - Anuj Somany
Create a good work and get lost! Let your work walk by itself, run by itself, fly by itself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Read. Read anything. Read the things they say are good for you, and the things they claim are junk. You'll find what you need to find. Just read. - Neil Gaiman
You have to look in the mirror and do one of two things; love or hate who you see. So, be good to yourself - it's all the esteem you have. - Stacy Snapp-Killian aka StacyK
Be as good as you can be, there you will find happiness. - Cody McGuire
NGOs have a complicated space in neoliberal politics. They are supposed to mop up the anger. Even when they are doing good work, they are supposed to maintain the status quo. They are the missionaries of the corporate world. - Arundhati Roy
You really fucked me up this time for good, even though you didn't mean to - Real Friends
There are good fathers and bad fathers, good sons and bad sons, good husbands and bad ones, but great friends are all alike. We choose them and keep them. We aren’t bound to them by anything but love. - Sarah Manguso
A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good. - Anonymous
As you grow older, it becomes harder to feel 100 percent happy; you learn all the things that can go wrong, you become superstitious about tempting fate, about bringing disaster upon your life by accidentally feeling too good one day. - Douglas Coupland
It feels good not to think about anything that wears on me. We all need that kind of of room in our lives. - Ron Baratono
Learn good things from professionals but do not change like professional,it doesn't mean on what position they are.. - Raghava
It doesn't do any good to sit up and take notice if you keep on sitting.
People care more about being thought to have taste than about being good, clever, or amiable. - Samuel Butler
A father is only capable of giving what he has, and what he knows. A good father gives all of himself that is good. - Vincent Carrella
No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Be not ashamed of thy virtues; honor's a good brooch to wear in a man's hat at all times. - Ben Jonson
Live A Healthy Lifestyle By Creating Time For Good Nutrition - Dave Shepp
Money - you demolish cities, root men from their homes, you train and twist good minds and set them on to the most atrocious schemes. No limit, you make them adept at every kind of outrage, every godless crime - money - Sophocles (trans. Robert Fagles)
The value of surrounding yourself with positive people is not what you get from them, but how good a person you have become because of them. - Roy T. Bennett
Everything good starts with caring. - Shampa Sharma
Christianity might be a good thing if anyone ever tried it. - George Bernard Shaw
Did my good deed for the day. Still not close to heaven, but it's something. - April Mae Monterrosa
A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high virtues of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. - Thomas Jefferson
Thus, every entity, even if it is a defective one, in so far as it is an entity, is good. In so far as it is defective, it is evil. - Augustine of Hippo
its not a good idea to argue with ignorant people but sometime ignorance can't be ignored - Adnan Safi
A man is only as good as what he loves. - Saul Bellow
Accident, n.: A condition in which presence of mind is good, but absence of body is better. - Unknown
Only love of a good woman will make a man question every choice, every action. Only love makes a warrior hesitate for fear that his lady will find him cruel. Only love makes a man both the best he will ever be, and the weakest. Sometimes all in the same moment. -Wicked - Laurell K. Hamilton
Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book. - Malcolm Cowley
If I'm able to use my voice to do good in the world then I definitely want to do that. - Demi Lovato
Concern for someone else was a good remedy for taking the mind off one's own troubles. - Elizabeth Aston
Be good to yourself. If you don't take care of your body, where will you live? - Kobi Yamada
Sometimes good people do bad things. - Andrew Gilmore
You may not know what exactly is to come to you for your good deeds of gratitude in life; therefore, your thoughts must stay positive which equals positive results. This is the ultimate gift from within, which teaches you patience as you manifest your desires. - ~Author, Erika A. Garcia
The Good News of love must be a lifestyle, not a program for Christian - Sunday Adelaja
It's amazing how people can be so blind to what's good for them and what isn't, what's truth and what's not, or the difference between secrets and things just not yet known. - Eric Lindstrom
Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work. - Peter Drucker
There is no good arguing with the inevitible. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat. - James Russell Lowell
The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good. But nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity and until they do (and find the cure) all ideal plans will fall into quicksand. - Richard Feynman
My alone doesn't always feel good, but I'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude - Introvertly Bubbly
Ridicule is generally made use of to laugh men out of virtue and good sense, by attacking everything praiseworthy in human life. - Joseph Addison
If you make time for the nonsense, good or bad, it will continue to seek you out. - Gary Hopkins
On a good day, my style is librarian chic. On a bad day, it's frumpy mother. - Cassandra Page
we’re all a grab bag of good and eveil, and by and large can’t tell which is which - Madeleine L'Engle
Yes, a deep lesson from the postage stamp. It attaches itself to a moveable material, the envelope and gets going. A good relationship keeps you going forward; a bad one keeps you static. Attach yourself to someone who is also going forward and you will also get there. - Israelmore Ayivor
You will not be rewarded for your good nature. Your good nature is your reward. - Debasish Mridha
No man is good enough to govern any woman without her consent. - Susan B. Anthony
Good composition is like a suspension bridge; each line adds strength and takes none away... Making lines run into each other is not composition. There must be motive for the connection. Get the art of controlling the observer that is composition. - Robert Henri
Great art is always a way of concentrating, reinventing what is called fact, what we know of our existence- a reconcentration… tearing away the veils, the attitudes people acquire of their time and earlier time. Really good artists tear down those veils - Francis Bacon
Any good business person applies financial discipline to everything they do. The movie business is and should be no different; I don't believe you have to sacrifice creativity to have business success. To the contrary, great art requires discipline. - Paula Wagner
The more people have studied different methods of bringing up children the more they have come to the conclusion that what good mother and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is the best after all. - Benjamin Spock
Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' - Isaac Asimov
Good leadership consists in showing average people how to do the work of superior people. - John D. Rockefeller
I can live two months on a good compliment. - Mark Twain
The more grateful you are for everything good that comes into your life, the more closely you place your mind in contact with that power in life that can produce greater good. - Christian D. Larson
Life makes two promises, one, it promises to be good, and two, it promises to be bad. Cherish the good and be strong during the bad. - Meena Sarine
Kid's books should be just as good as any other books. No. They should be held to a *higher* standard than other literature for the same reason that we take extra care with children's food. - Patrick Rothfuss
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult. - E. B. White
Pride is a human nature and it's good for people to be proud of themselves, achievements, etc. but too much of anything is not healthy. Humble is pride exhibited through humility, so be humble and prideful about being humble. - Uzoma Nnadi
The good news is that as fragile as fearlessness may be, it is also a personal quality that we can foster in ourselves. - Gerhard Casper
Two good indicators of revealed preferences are things the people tend to value a lot: time and money. If you look at how they spend their time and how they spend their money, you can infer quite a lot about their real preferences. - Douglas W. Hubbard
"There are certainly moments," said Chad, "when you seem to me too good to be true. Yet if you are true," he added, "that seems to be all that need concern me." - Henry James
The writer's only responsibility is to his art. He will be completely ruthless if he is a good one... If a writer has to rob his mother, he will not hesitate; the Ode on a Grecian Urn is worth any number of old ladies. - William Faulkner
Let's start with what we can be thankful for & get our mind into that vibration and then watch the good that starts to come because one thought leads to another - Bob Proctor
A good friend is someone who is there for me when i'm glad or sad...who I can laugh madly with or cry badly with. - Karen Salmansohn
A good idea isn't good until you consider the idea as a good - Goitsemang Mvula
There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government. - Benjamin Franklin
It's not vanity, because if you look weird, it will distract from what your trying to do. If you look as good as you can, people will be able to pay attention to what your actually saying. - Tina Fey
Every child gets a good mother, but not every mother gets a good child. - Amit Kalantri
Edward leaned close and whispered in my ear so that Olaf would think he was whispering sweet nothings, but what he what he actually said, was, "We aren't the good guys, Anita. We're the necessary guys. - Laurell K. Hamilton
It is ignorance or at least lack of consideration of heavenly things that make the temporal things of this world, whether good or evil, greater than they really are. - Tom Patton
I try my best to create a good quote while sitting alone. But I can never create it. Only on talking to you I get lots of lines - Pawan Mehra
God is the creator of all good plot twists! - Shannon L. Alder
When you have something good to say, say it. When you have something ill to say, say something else. - Christian D. Larson
After writing a story I was always empty and both sad and happy, as though I had made love, and I was sure this was a very good story although I would not know truly how good until I read it over the next day. - Ernest Hemingway
A good book should leave you....slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it. - William Styron
The good man is the teacher of the bad, And the bad is the material from which the good may learn. He who does not value the teacher, Or greatly care for the material, Is greatly deluded although he may be learned. Such is the essential mystery. - Lao-Tzu
The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any. - Fred Astaire
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. - Bible
But sometimes the lies we let ourselves believe are for our own good. - Rob Thomas
A country where women are not free has no chance ever to be something good and respectable! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I have a duty to speak the truth as I see it and share not just my triumphs, not just the things that felt good, but the pain, the intense, often unmitigated pain. It is important to share how I know survival is survival and not just a walk throught the rain. - Audre Lorde
There are plenty of bad editors who try to impose their own vision on a book. (…)A good novel editor is invisible. - Terri Windling
The good befriend themselves. - Sophocles
The game of life is not much in holding a good hand, as in playing a poor hand well.
To begin to know ourselves we must have sincere conversations with ourselves as if with a good friend. We must answer without reserve, listen without judgement, and accept without condition. That is self-love. - Kamand Kojouri
God promises neither good life nor good health but live your life the way it is planned by you and fate. - Bashir F. Biodun
You can't be truly rude until you understand good manners. - Rita Mae Brown
A good Christian, never take advantage of other people - Beta Metani' Marashi
Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account. - Oscar Wilde
If he trips he must be sustained. If he makes mistakes they must be covered. If he sleeps he must not be wantonly disturbed. If he is no good he must be pole-axed - Winston S. Churchill
Every act has both good and evil results. Every act in life yields pairs of opposites in its results. The best we can do is lean toward the light, toward the harmonious relationships that come from compassion with suffering, from understanding the other person. - Joseph Campbell
When you have two people who love each other, are happy and gay and really good work is being done by one or both of them, people are drawn to them as surely as migrating birds are drawn at night to a powerful beacon. - Ernest Hemingway
You look back in time to when there was slavery and you think 'how did people even remotely believe that this was a good idea?'.It's incomprehensible for us to think of what the mindset was 100 or 200 years ago. I hope to make the present as incomprehensible to the future as the past is to us. - Stefan Molyneux
It is a kind of good deed to say well; and yet words are not deeds. - William Shakespeare
When writing a novel that's pretty much entirely what life turns into: "House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day." - Neil Gaiman
Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. - William Shakespeare
The care of human life and happiness, and their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of a good government. - Thomas Jefferson
Good deeds, good life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I'm blessed when someone who I loved and trusted dropped me off, because I have a good choice to think and great lesson to learn - Sivaprakash Sidhu
Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough. - Abraham Lincoln
Good QUOTES have been often used by the bad people better than the others, but to their own best advantage only. - Anuj Somany
...required for good fiction: character, conflict, change through time. And if you're really blessed, you get resolution. But life doesn't usually work out that way. - Ted Conover
If we seem to get no good by attempting to draw near to Him, we may be sure we will get none by keeping away from Him. - John Newton
Meat may taste good, but the guilt of eating it tastes far worse. - Evan Baldonado
Focus on faith and grow your roots strong and deep so no one can make you believe in something that is not good for your soul. - Molly Friedenfeld
Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg
If you want people to be Good to you then stop being Good to them. - honeya
Think good and positive thoughts and you will attract good and positive things, think bad and negative thoughts and you will attract bad and negative things. It’s as simple as that in theory, but it takes time to master it fully, it takes time, patience and practice. - Jeanette Coron
A recent survey of 2,000 male graduates of Harvard Business Schoolfound that penis length & IQ were equally good predictors of annualincome. -- from "Eugene - Greg Egan
Is there any reward?I'm beginning to doubt it.I am broken and bored,Is there any rewardReassure me, Good Lord,And inform me about it.Is there any reward?I'm beginning to doubt it. - Hilarie Belloc
Learning to read music in Braille & play by ear helped me develop a [very] good memory. - Ray Charles
You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return. - Robert Collier
Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good; A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly; A flower that dies when first it 'gins to bud; A brittle glass that's broken presently: A doubtful good, a gloss, a glass, a flower, Lost, vaded, broken, dead within the hour. - William Shakespeare
I think sometimes, despite our good intentions and wise choices, something's are up to fate and we learn to play our part the best we can. - Nikki Rowe
When good times turn out way bigger than you first expected, that's when you know you're on a roll! - Stephen Richards
She realized all at once that Doon, thin, dark eyed Doon, with his troublesome temper and his terrible brown jacket, and his good heart---- was the person she knew better than anyone now. He was her best friend.--City of Ember-- - Jeanne DuPrau
Setting a good example for children takes all the fun out of middle age. - William Feather
An idea is a feat of association, and the height of it is a good metaphor. - Robert Frost
Mad and sad is a good mix for poor decisions. - Hart of Dixie
I don't believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book. - J.K. Rowling
If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Anything or everything can happen. You determine how good or bad they are - Constancev Chuks Friday
Good spiritual habits and routines turn into better lives. - Amanda Penland
I know I fib a good deal. After all, a woman's charm is fifty percent illusion. - Tennessee Williams
A good Policeman/woman looks for crimes. A bad policeman/woman looks for opportunity. - Richard Diaz
But bad luck makes good stories. - Bernard Evslin
Lying in small doses makes a good storyteller great. - Bryan Way
It's Not How Good You Are... But How Good They Think You Are - That Matters! - Dan Blaze
I am good to everyone but i am more sweeter to the enemies. - Glenda B. Radores
There's no such thing as a mistake. There are only experiences. Some are good, and some are bad. Either way, it is an experience we learn from. - Jenna Alatari
The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own. - Benjamin Disraeli
Fantasy and drama appeal to us. They are socially acceptable and make you feel good about yourself. Moreover, you get rewarded for being cleverly ignorant. - Saurabh Sharma
Good habits, which bring our lower passions and appetites under automatic control, leave our natures free to explore the larger experiences of life. - Ralph W. Sockman
Do something: be it good or evil, if they ask why you did it, tell them you're different. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Take a good book to bed with you—books do not snore. - Thea Dorn
Nothing good ever comes out of hurry and frustration, only misery. - Auliq Ice
The best executive is one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
I am forever an advocate of books, both the reading of them and the writing. There is something sacred to me in that community. Because writing--and reading--is a solitary business. And it’s good to know I’m not alone. - Shannon Celebi
This is the theory… that anything that is art… is presumably about some certain thing, but is really always about something else, and it’s no good having one without the other, because if you just have the something it is boring and if you just have the something else it’s irritating. - Edward Gorey
We don’t ask any people to throw away any good they have got; we only ask them to come and get more. What if all the world should embrace this Gospel? They would then see eye to eye, and the blessings of God would be poured out upon the people, which is the desire of my whole soul. - Joseph Smith Jr.
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The most powerful factors in the world are clear ideas in the minds of energetic men of good will. - J. Arthur Thomson
Sad that there is books that are based on bad events that has happened. But there is books that has been based on really good events. I like to read the ones that are based on both. - Dawn Huntsman
War is the most evil kind of human approach; unless it is for good cause. - M.F. Moonzajer
...in order that a man may be happy, it is necessary that he should not only be capable of his work, but a good judge of his work. - John Ruskin
Somedays I ask myself why do I spend hours in the gym, then I look in the mirror and think "Damn I look good! - Augusta DeJuan Hathaway
Writing is the flip side of sex - it's only good when it's over. - Hunter S. Thompson
Let your life be a song. Let music be the background of whatever human things you will do for this blazing, spinning planet, and never let go of the good, never let go of the kindness. - Logan Keys
A good laugh is sunshine in a house.
There is a good side to every situation.
Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world. - J. K. Rowling
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! - Bible
Putting heart & soul & contributing to what you are good at... is only for that movement. All is forgotten & people sitting far a distance knowingly wouldn't accept the same. Ultimately we make no difference & ground zero reality is never taken into account. - Stephen Manoharan
Nowadays, the Internet decides if you're good, not the big man in the big office. No matter how important that man thinks he is, everyone else knows that he's not important anymore, and the Internet decides these things, here in the modern age. - Alexei Maxim Russell
A boddhisattva is someone who is on the way to becoming a buddha. All of us become boddhisattvas as soon as we start to take our Zen work seriously and the work we do contributes to creating a world in which all good actions become more efficacious. - David Brazier
In protesting for your rights in any form you may, but it's only good, If they can understand your problems and feelings and not only to judge you. - Auliq Ice
You are doing the best you can, and that best results in good to yourself and to others. Do not nag yourself with a sense of failure. Get on your knees and ask for the blessings of the Lord;then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do. - Gordon B. Hinckley
People who don't respect the time you spent with them, don't know they have lost the gift of good memories. - Aditya Bhaskara
If you ever start to feel too good about yourself, they have this thing called the Internet, and you can find a lot of people there who don't like you. - Tina Fey
I have never been against new art as such; some of it is good, much is crap, most is somewhere in between. - Robert Hughes
You can change your life or not change it. It really doesn’t matter in the end.Life as humans live it is too fleeting, too incidental, too minisculefor the universe to keep forever.So just do good to others; be good, allbecause it makes you happy,happy beyond fame, power, andeternity. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
There never yet have been, nor are there now, too many good books. - Martin Luther
Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics.
He wasn't that good looking, he had the social skills of a wet cat and the patience of a caffeinated hummingbird - Karen Chance
You will know who wants you to succeed by the way they see the good in you before they ever see your flaws. - Adam Smith
I hate reality but it's still the best place to get a good steak. - Woody Allen
The evil men do lives after them, the good is often interred with their bones.
A good relationship is with someone who knows all your insecurities and imperfections but still loves you for who you are - Anonymous
Guilt can be a good thing. It's the soul's call to action. The indication that... something is wrong. The only way... to rid your heart of it... is to correct your mistakes and keep going... until amends are made. - Father Lantom, Daredevil
‎"If there is no discipline, there is anarchy. Good citizenship demands attention to responsibilities as well as rights. - Joe Clark
You are what you post. Proper netiquette makes you a good user. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
The world, control phones, don't you think??? But not only phones everything, the world time and how is build make you angry and nerves. Good moments pass fast, bad pass slow, but WHY?? It's th right question? - Deyth Banger
Over time, we commit acts with intentions, either good or bad, that require forgiveness. - Emily Thorne
Engineering is an activity other than purely manual and physical work which brings about the utilization of the materials and laws of nature for the good of humanity. - R. E. Hellmund
I am for those means which will give the greatest good to the greatest number. - Abraham Lincoln
...And so we go and I meet his parents. And it's a very strange thing meeting your girlfriend's boyfriend's parents for the first time. Part of you is angry for obvious reasons and part of you still wants to make a good impression. On a side note, they seemed in perfect health. - Mike Birbiglia
Most people are good. They may not be saints, but they are good. - Jimmy Wales
Good things happen in your life when you surround yourself with positive people. - Roy Bennett
Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience. - Hymann Rickover
Once a man has some money, peace begins to sound good to him. - Clint Eastwood
Why is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person? - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
I've decided to be happy because it's good for my health. - Voltaire
I did leave something behind with you: my heart. Of course, you didn't know it at the time. Maybe I didn't either. What have you done with my heart, Leo? Have you taken good care of it? Have you misplaced it? - Jerry Spinelli
The very term ‘public utility’ is an absurd one. Every good is useful ‘to the public,’ and almost every good may be considered ‘necessary.’ Any designation of a few industries as ‘public utilities’ is completely arbitrary and unjustified. - Murray N. Rothbard
A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love. - Pearl S. Buck
When one is grateful for something too good for common thanks, writing is less unsatisfactory than speech-one does not, at least, hear how inadequate the words are. - George Eliot
A role model is a person whose roles can be modelled. If the roles you conceive and give birth to today cannot be adopted by anyone in your absence, you are no good model. - Israelmore Ayivor
Expectations ruin the pleasures of life. To overcome every bad and appreciate every good, consider every day your last and take no one for granted. - Nael Gharzeddine
Only be rebellious for good reasons. - Hannah B (Who is rebellious for everything)
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations is an admirable work, and I studied it intently. The quotations when engraved upon the memory give you good thoughts. They also make you anxious to read the authors and look for more. - Sir Winston Churchill
There's a hunger for stories in all of us, adults too. We need stories so much that we're even willing to read bad books to get them, if the good books won't supply them. - Philip Pullman
He is dripping such good feelings that he slides over. (Il dégouline de si bons - Sentiments qu'il glisse dessus) - Charles de Leusse
Intuition is a woman’s gift that comes packaged in responsibility. If we don’t change the world for good, who will? - Toni Sorenson
A sense of humor helps us to get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times. - Steve Goodier
I don’t care who you love, what you believe, how you look, where you’re from or what you do. If you are a good hearted person, you’re good in my books! - Tanya Masse
When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points. - Confucius
A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger. You don't have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial, and uninformed. - Nelson Mandela
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. - James Baldwin
I never thought I was a bad person. I just thought I was the one good person living in a world of bad people. - Dean Ambrose
The reading of all good books is indeed like a conversation with the noblest men of past centuries who were the authors of them, nay a carefully studied conversation, in which they reveal to us none but the best of their thoughts. - Rene Descartes
One never learns how the witch became wicked, or whether that was the right choice for her- is it ever the right choice? Does the devil ever struggle to be good again, or if so is he not a devil? - Gregory Maguire
There are two things I know about life... Only the good die young but the real jerks will live forever.
An event without a good presentation is like a pizza without cheese. - Aayush Jain
Good deeds are only done when there's a profit margin. - Prince Ea
Every time we mention God we become theologians, and the only question is whether we are going to be good ones or bad ones. - J.I. Packer
Happiness is like good health: when you have it, you don’t notice it. But as the years go by, oh, the memories, the memories of happiness past! - Mikhail Bulgakov
Promptitude is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners; it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness; a little attention and energy will form the habit, so as to make it easy and delightful. - Charles Simmons
They dispute not in order to find or even to seek Truth, but for victory, and to appear the more learned and strenuous upholders of a contrary opinion. Such persons should be avoided by all who have not a good breastplate of patience. - Giordano Bruno
Life is gassy you just have to blow through it to see clearly and if eventually you see through, don't be misleaded by what you see either good or bad. - Mark Abraham
Have a good day on purpose, then elevate your efforts towards other and enjoy a great day in purpose. - Toni Jenkins
What's the difference between the window manager and the computer club window manager? Well, one's supported software and the other isn't. Your guess is as good as mine.
(1)BEING A POETis like opening a car door& exposing yourself.(2)BEING A GOOD POETis like opening the door& exposing the passengeras well. - Chocolate Waters
Men, you'll never be a good groom to your wife unless you're first a good bride to Jesus. - Timothy J. Keller
God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Ignorant men don't know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away. - Sophocles
Experience is a good school, but the fees are high. - Heinrich Heine
You can't expect a boy to be vicious till he's been to a good school.
Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. - Mother Teresa
Appreciate the people & good fortune within everyday life, this, is the quality of life, experienced. - Bob Armstrong
For My people are foolish, They know Me not; They are stupid children And have no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil, But to do good they do not know. - Jeremiah 4 22
Your mission: feel good about who you are, what you do, how you think, and how you look--without needing anybody's approval! - Karen Salmansohn
A person who publishes a book willfully appears before the populace with his pants down. If it is a good book nothing can hurt him. If it is a bad book nothing can help him. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
He was good and then really good and then bad and then really bad, but since he was good I got lost in the thought that I could fix it. - Dominic Riccitello
Serving others means being willing to make sacrifices for their good. - Jim George
One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture and, if possible, speak a few reasonable words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Don't expect a good life, just expect to be good in life." - -Joseph Jiyun Yang
Loneliness is a good education. You learn the things no crowds can teach and you discover the things no crowds can give. - Mehmet Murat ildan
I am obsessed with good buying books - Lailah Gifty Akita
It's brutal out there. A bear will eat a lactating ewe alive, starting with her udders. as a rule, animals in the wild don't get good deaths surrounded by their loved ones. - Michael Pollan
He that is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else. - Benjamin Franklin
The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall. - Mitch Hedberg
The greatest obstacle to liberty is not the existence of evil rulers, but the belief in the existence of good rulers. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
On your journey to achievement, you should never be without good positive materials and people who will encourage you, excite you and give you a reason to move forward. - John Patrick Hickey
She wondered why they didn't understand that their true selfs were good enough, and if they weren't, then the someones they weren't good enough for, were really the ones not good enough. - Lynsay Sands
I was going to buy a copy of "The Power of Positive Thinking", and then I thought: What the hell good would that do? - Ronnie Shakes
The emotions that good hunters need to cultivate are love and service more than courage. The sentiments of the hunt then become translated into art. - James Swan
A male-female close-friendship hardly differs from a relationship; it takes "relating" to be friends. But sadly, not every relationship has friendship in it. It's just ironical that two people who are not good enough to be best friends are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
I shall keep my book on the table here, and read a little every morning as soon as I wake, for I know it will do me good, and help me through the day. - Louisa May Alcott
Try to see the good in all things... - M. Howson
A non-religious person when awaken would make others sleep. Therefore his sleeping is good. A religious person when awaken will awaken others. Therefore his awakening is good. - Lord Mahavira
The only good death is a life well lived. - C. R. Powers
Being a good person doesn't mean you fit the life of every person you meet. - Shannon L. Alder
And it did me no good to recall particular conversations (if indeed these were particular conversations I was remembering so vividly, rather than inventions of my uneasy brain). Remembering clarified nothing. - Emma Donoghue
That is what a book does. It introduces us to people and places we wouldn't ordinarily know. A good book is a magic gateway into a wider world of wonder, beauty, delight, and adventure. Books are experiences that make us grow, that add something to our inner stature. - Gladys M. Hunt
To write simply is as difficult as to be good. - W. Somerset Maugham
Air freshener is man’s pitiful attempt to have his food smell as good, after digestion, as they did, before ingestion. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
Like threads of silver seen through crystal beadsLet love through good deeds show.
When the tram has arrived at the stop, you have to be there! Calculate where a good opportunity will stop and be there! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Evil" is an inverted anagram of "live." As we live our life, learn to tame our own private demons and conquer evil with a good, pure, humble, courageous, patient heart. - Angelica Hopes
You can't get out of life alive, so you may as well have a good time. - Les Brown
Nietzche started a nonsensical idea that men had once sought as good what we now call evil; if it were so, we could not talk of surpassing or even falling short of them.
Dogs are always good and full of selfless love. They are undiluted vessels of joy who never, ever deserve anything bad that happens to them. - Steven Rowley
Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. - John D. Rockefeller
Compassion and kindness it turned out, was good for your health. - James R Doty
But I know something else, too: bad people are rare. Good people are everywhere. - Jeff Bauman
Don't overthink yourself out of something good! - Akosua Dardaine Edwards
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible. - George Burns
Evil is predicable; Good is paradoxical. - Lara Biyuts
How can you wonder your travels do you no good, when you carry yourself around with you? - Socrates
I don't feel good.
A Company of a good friend is worth thousand people around you or else you are Gathering a Crowd - irrfan ishaq
A good story conveys a message that strengthens our values. - Ronald R. Cooke
I am one of those who think, like , that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries. Marie Curie - Nobel
Each day is a good daybecause it's a day, not a night,each flight is a good flight. - Rohvannyn Shaw
There are as many violent women as men, but there's a lot of money in hating men, particularly in the United States -- millions of dollars. It isn't a politically good idea to threaten the huge budgets for women's refuges by saying that some of the women who go into them aren't total victims. - Erin Pizzey
Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince:And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! - William Shakespeare
It is not good that the man should be alone. - Bible
Whatever path we take, the first step is to acknowledge the complexity of the dilemma and to accept that simplistically dividing the past into good guys and bad guys leads nowhere. Unless, of course, we are willing to admit that we usually follow the lead of the bad guys. - Yuval Noah Harari
There is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. It is too good to waste on jokes. - C.S. Lewis
The nature of heaven is to provide a place there for all who lead good lives, no matter what their religion may be. - Emanuel Swedenborg
Prayer is good but unconditional love is better. - Debasish Mridha
A daughter will follow in her mom’s footsteps so make sure to set a good example. - Elizabeth George
I saw a few Sligo people at Mass in Gardiner Street this morning and the omens seem to be good for them, the priest was wearing the same colours as the Sligo jersey! 40 yards out on the Hogan Stand side of the field Ciarán Whelan goes on a rampage, it's a goal. So much for religion. - Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh
It is easy to do good, but it takes a lifetime to become human! - AainaA-Ridtz
You and I have been created with a DNA that drives us to want to live a life with good experiences, forces us to human growth and leads us to the contribution of something beyond our understanding. - Yovanny Alfonso
All good writing is persuasive writing; persuading the reader to buy what you're selling, to side with you, to believe the tales you tell. - Ramsey Isler
People can only be categorized into a good or bad person but not the human because being human is in itself a very coveted position which is not often possible to achieve by any individual. - Anuj Somany
Love is like a piece of chocalate. It's looks and tastes good, but it's dark. What really matters is the inside. - Touaxia Vang
Crows pooping in your neighbor's roof is not good news; one day they will be pooping in your roof too - Fazli Rrezja
(When asked what he thought of Western civilization): 'I think it would be a good idea. - Mahatma Gandhi
We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that allow us to put our mental strength to good use. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I'm looking forward to the noose. Nothing better than a good hanging. - Victoria Lamb
Why is it that good always has to fight an uphill battle?"I thought for a moment, then said, "I don't know. Maybe that's the point. Good things are higher up. - Richard Paul Evans
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. - George Burns
Good habits are formed; bad habits we fall into.
Of every ten persons who talk about you, nine will say something bad, and the tenth will say something good in a bad way. - Antoine de Rivarol
Good food warms the heart and feeds the soul. - A.D. Posey
One thing I will surely miss is that I couldn't read all the good books in this lifetime. - Amit Kalantri
Being passionate and doing good things for the community is always a good choice. - harry vested, harry s vested, harry s vested jr., harry vested lawsuit, harry vested gravity collect
We would frequently be ashamed of our good deeds if people saw all of the motives that produced them. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Aside God, you have just one boss! That is you. You choose to be a good boss or a bad boss with the business of your life! That is you! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Always have there been great numbers of individuals who were very much eager to fight for good causes. Always there were these, but then there were even greater numbers of trendies who would then become wholly and completely misguided in the efforts. - Criss Jami
A good novel begins with a small question and ends with a bigger one. - Paula Fox
We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better. - C. JoyBell C.
Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. - Thomas H. Huxley
Knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste. - Lucille Ball
The heart is a foreign country whose language none of us is good at. - Jack Gilbert
Instantly I regretted my decision. It was one of those times when you hear yourself saying something, and it seems like a good idea at the time, but once you blurt it out you can hardly believe it's you speaking. What was I thinking? - lisa shuler
144461I know very little having to do with human beings that doesn't also have to do with connection. We want to be noticed, we want to be good enough, we want friends, and we want to be loved. We want our place to stand. - Chris Crutcher
Are ALL men bad?Oh, all of them, my dear, all of them, without any exception. And they never grow any better. Men become old, but they never become good.. - Oscar Wilde
Gemini....You revere scientists and shamans alike, providing them with what they need to do their good work for the enhancement of the realm." (Rob Brezsny) - Lesley Thomas
Everything hurts until you become good at hurting everything around too. - Sarah Keddar
Reveal you soul only to God. Don’t judge other by their acts, good or bad; still learn from what you see. - VIRGIL PROFEANU
Society's institutions, like government, schools, the arts, and the media, corrupt naturally good individuals.
Good taste is the enemy of comedy. - Mel Brooks
You can’t get much done in life if you only work on days when you feel good. - Jerry West
Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. - Victoria Holt
To all, to each, a fair good night, And pleasing dreams, and slumbers light. - Sir Walter Scott
Remember, no human condition is ever permanent. Then you will not be overjoyed in good fortune, nor too sorrowful in misfortune. - Socrates
It is dehumanizing, demeaning and humiliating when you fail or refuse to acknowledge or respond to a Good Morning greeting. #Mannerism - Adeagbo Caleb Adewumi
When asked my advice as I stroll through the town,A good lady knows how to take a political assassin down. - Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
It is by continuing to put out good work that the artist best shows his gratitude. - Criss Jami
It is good that war is so terrible, or we should become too fond of itRobert E. Lee - Greg Seeley
To finish the moment, to find the journey's end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
A man isn't as good as his word, he's as good as his Actions. - James Miller
By the external appearance of your knowledge, you have attained (high) ranks and reverence with the people! So seek with Allah higher ranks and closeness by virtue of your hidden good deeds. And know that these two ranks, one cancels out the other. - Wuhayb ibn al-Wird
TO GROW OUR MIND- We must learn new things. We must CARE for more things. We must TEACH more things. We must SHARE more things. We must RETAIN more things. To grow our mind - We don't need education, We need a good memory. - Lorenzo Victory
Oh, he was a decent-enough high school student, good grades and well-liked, but his test scores were nothing to write home about. He might as well have Christmas-treed the math test. - Thomas Christopher Greene
Good Godfrey! - Joan Hiatt Harlow
Virtue is its own reward. There's a pleasure in doing good which sufficiently pays itself.
How good bad music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy! - Friedrich Nietzsche
Success come only through high ambition, good guidance, strong will, determining and effort. - Santonu Kumar Dhar
Love itself starts with the desire for something good. - Fulton J. Sheen
Never give up never give in to anything that does not seems worth it because good has a plan for every little thing. - Neiko Travis Burrowes
A man who smiles when he falls gives the Devil a good slap! - Mehmet Murat ildan
You know it makes one feel rather good deciding not to be a bitch.""Yes.""It's sort of what we have instead of God.""Some people have God," I said. "Quite a lot.""He never worked very well with me. - Ernest Hemingway
A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill, requires only our silence, which costs nothing. - John Tillotson
The hundred-year-old man had never let himself be irritated by people, even when there was a good reason to be, and he was not annoyed by the uncouth manner of this youth. - Jonas Jonasson
If there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love. - Michel de Montaigne
My congratulations to you, sir. Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good. - Samuel Johnson
To write good history is the noblest work of man. - John Dickson Carr
If you're not hated by many, you're not good enough yet, because God hates and always hated the majority for good reasons. - Daniel Marques
There is an old illusion. It is called good and evil. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Liberty, with all its drawbacks, is everywhere vastly more attractive to a noble soul than good social order without it than society like a flock of sheep, or a machine working like a watch. - Johann Schiller
Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to be controlled by good people, by people who love you. - Orson Scott Card
A good parent is not someone that knows how to be a good parent, but knows how to learn how to be a good parent. - Gary Edward Gedall
Good things are always appreciated, bad things deserve ignorance. - Ritesh Shrivastav
A bad job is drudgery; a good job is slavery. - Marty Rubin
The backbone of success is...hard work, determination, good planning, and perserverence. - Mia Hamm
Remember! When you tell a woman that she cooks something very good; you will be fucked by eating it three times a day. - M.F. Moonzajer
A good thing in one's ignorance is that one doesn't know that s/hedoesn't know. - Eraldo Banovac
A good teacher: one who lets you teach yourself. - Marty Rubin
Don't play dumb. You're not as good at it as I am.
Husbands never become good; they merely become proficient. - H. L. Mencken
But as in ethics, evil is a consequence of good, so, in fact, out of joy is sorrow born. - Edgar Allan Poe
Your future is dependent on your thought today, therefore think good and lovely thoughts now! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
She reads a lot of books. Good things, books. - Thorne Smith
[A]s military history reveals, a bad plan is often better than no plan, especially if the people on the other side think it’s a good plan. - Adam Gopnik
They say as brave as lion, they say as clever as fox, they say as friendly as dog but nobody says as something good as man. - Amit Kalantri
Good prose should be transparent, like a window pane. - George Orwell
At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey. - Lemony Snicket
When a person thinks you are too good for them, they create a wall without even taking a chance. The best life that God has in store for a person is often thrown away because of what he or she thinks they deserve. True love is not the life you had, but the life you never realized you could have. - Shannon L. Alder
We are paid for our daily labors by the pennies and dollars; we are paid in respect and gratitude when those labors consist of good deeds. - Charles Cross
What if our badness and mistakes are the very thing that set our fate and bring us round to good? What if, for some of us, we can't get there any other way? - Donna Tartt
We gave you a perfectly good language and you f***ed up. - Stephen Fry
But for the most part, people - of the right kind - are good. For them I put on my corset of cheerfulness, a solid serviceable garment. It holds in the bulgings and oozings of emotion, and soon I find they are, temporarily, stilled. - Anna Lyndsey
Good fantasy fiction: ... explores real human conditions through fantastic metaphors which universalize the characters' individual experiences to speak personally to us all. - Laura Resnick
The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or a new thing in an old way. - Richard Harding Davis
A good entrepreneur is a good teacher. - Edward D. Hess
I'm good at blowjob. - Lauren Baker
Your first love is like your first language. No matter how many other languages you learn to speak, you can never be as good as in your first. - Ahmed Alibage
I had the good fortune and opportunity to come home and to tell the truth; many soldiers, like Pat Tillman… did not have that opportunity. The truth of war is not always easy. The truth is always more heroic than the hype. - Jessica Lynch
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. - Oscar Wilde
Things which are accidentally the causes either of hope or fear are called good or evil omens. - Baruch Spinoza
Let your work speak for itself:If poor, it will remain silent.If average, it will whisper.If good, it will talk.If great, it will shout.If genius, it will sing. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Ignore the awful times, and concentrate on the good ones. - Kurt Vonnegut
Good and evil, reward and punishment, are the only motives to a rational creature: these are the spur and reins whereby all mankind are set on work, and guided. - John Locke
Be the character you want to be described as!(In a good way, of course!) - E.L. Tenenbaum
Do good deeds and serve people, because nobody is too unimportant not to be served by you. - Sunday Adelaja
A good word will brighten your day. Keep a list of good words. - Brenda J. Flinn
Lukewarm is no good - Oswald Dahl
You don't get to advertise all the good that your religion does without first scrupulously subtracting all the harm it does and considering seriously the question of whether some other religion, or no religion at all, does better. - Daniel C. Dennett
Regret is good. It proves you have a conscience. - J.R. Young
Giving is a necessary good - Chinonye J. Chidolue
A good book is a true friend who never betrays. - Debasish Mridha
Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is good for dandruff - it is a palliative rather than a remedy. - Peter De Vries
See how community is only a good thing when you're a part of it. - Sara Baume
Business is a good game - lots of competition and a minimum of rules. You keep score with money.
Don’t try to make life fair, instead, be on the side where life is extra good. - Sarvesh Jain
Great literature should do some good to the reader: must quicken his perception though dull, and sharpen his discrimination though blunt, and mellow the rawness of his personal opinions. - A.E. Housman
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' But eating too many, is quite enough-plenty. And you'll have to go see the good doc anyway. - Solange nicole
Everyday we can't connect but GOOD THINGS may be connected - Hitesh Chorada
Without books no one can be a good teacher nor even a good student of this art. - Fiore Dei Liberi
Try being an indie author, a minority author, a woman, and a person with health issues in the world of traditional - that's where you are clearly 'different' and marginalized. I am all of that, yet I am still here and smiling. Life is good! - Kailin Gow
The key to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate me away from those who are still undecided. - Casey Stengel
In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe.
Prayer indeed is good, but while calling on the gods a man should himself lend a hand. - Hippocrates
I got a good heart but my attitude gat people thinking I'm evil - Genereux Philip
All those who love Nature she loves in return, and will richly reward, not perhaps with the good things, as they are commonly called, but with the best things of this world-not with money and titles, horses and carriages, but with bright and happy thoughts, contentment and peace of mind. - John Lubbock
The definition of a good story is one that remains with you long after you've turned that last page. - T.A. Uner
I write because I always want good to win over evil - Anamika Mishra
A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. - G. K. Chesterton
Perhaps wisdom is simply a matter of waiting, and healing a question of time. And anything good you've ever been given is yours forever. - Rachel Naomi Remen
Howl said, I think we ought to live happily ever after, and she thought he meant it. Sophie knew that living happily ever after with Howl would be a good deal more eventful than any story made it sound, though she was determined to try. - Diana Wynne Jones
Sometimes being a good friend is a simple as making yourself available. - Donna Carter
All the higher values in life get redefined on a regular basis for good; there is no static meaning as such. - Harshit Walia
When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy. - Samuel Goldwyn
As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task.
Man has three friends on whose company he relies. First, wealth which goes with him only while good fortune lasts. Second, his relatives; they go only as far as the grave, leave him there. The third friend, his good deeds, go with him beyond the grave. - The Talmud
Every sweet has its sour; every evil its good. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Good humor is a paradox. The unexpected juxtaposition of the reasonable next to the unreasonable.
Children I implore youget out of the burning house nowthree carts wait outsideto save you from a homeless liferelax in the village squarebefore the sky everything's emptyno direction is better or worseeast is just as good as westthose who know the meaning of thisare free to go where they want - Han-shan
I guess staying up late is good preparation for sweet dreams.
People are attracted more towards bad things because being good has been turned into a boring duty. No adrenaline & dopamine rush, no rewards! - Saurabh Sharma
Always contend for the good! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Spread the good and it will return to you. Spread the bad and it will return to you. Choice is yours what you want to receive. - Ambreen Ali
My definition of good literature is that which can be read by an educated reader, and reread with increased pleasure. - Gene Wolfe
Damnation is eternal. That’s the whole point. Otherwise, what good would it do you? - Forrest Carr
Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good; try to use ordinary situations. - Jean Paul Richter
Unexpected and pleasant surprises occur every day...random kindnesses from a stranger; would-be tragic accidents narrowly avoided; sicknesses healed.... We will notice if we look. We will see good sprinkled liberally over every day if we are open. - Steve Goodier
Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can. - John Wesley
Usually after a good puke you feel better right away. We hugged each other and then said good-bye and went off to opposite ends of the hall to lie down in our own rooms. There is nothing like puking with somebody to make you into old friends. - Sylvia Plath
God never asked us to meet life's pressures and demands on our own terms or by relying upon our own strength. Nor did He demands that we win His favor by assembling an impressive portfolio of good deeds. Instead, He invites us to enter His rest. - Charles R. Swindoll
a good philosopher always have great reading ability. - Muhammad Hassam
I want to live like there's no tomorrow. Love like I'm on borrowed time. It's good to be alive. - Jason Gray
Who do you need to forgive? Letting go of what you have been holding onto will bring energy to everything good you want to bring into your life. - Eileen Anglin
One's writing is good only when the intelligence and the imagination are in equilibrium. As soon as one of them overbalances the other, it's all up; you may as well throw it away and begin afresh. - Leo Tolstoy
Each of us has a vulnerability like Edmund's that Satan is eager to exploit. It may be something addictive like drugs or alcohol, or it may be something seemingly harmless and perhaps even good like food, friendship, or work. - Discovery House Publishers
The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green.
I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best. - Walt Whitman
In stories like Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, they always say the heroine is 'as good as she is beautiful.' I wondered if people just wanted that to be true, wanted the beautiful to be good. I wondered if they wanted the ugly to be bad because then they wouldn't have to feel bad for them. - Alex Flinn
It was a slow fall, through warm experiences and good laughs. It didn't even feel like love until I got to the end. Even then, it was not the hard surface of rock, but the scorching embrace of more. - Hubert Martin
How often we fail to realize our good fortune in living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy. - Paul Sweeney
Many people wait throughout their whole lives for the chance to be good in their own fashion. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I want to do a good job living today. - Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
All religions are good except when they try to resist nature. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Every story is true and a lie. The true part of this one is: Love and the memory of love can't be drowned. The lie part is that this is a good thing. - Leigh Allison Wilson
The only good reason to have money is this: so that you can tell any SOB in the world to go to hell. - Humphrey Bogart
A product is only as good as the process it passed through. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
The good thing about science is that its true whether or not you believe in it - Waqas Bin Ehsan
Good writers define reality; bad ones merely restate it. A good writer turns fact into truth; a bad writer will, more often than not, accomplish the opposite. - Edward Albee
We are determined to answer evil with GOOD, slavery with FREEDOM, rape with hope!We are against slavery, rape, beheading, torture, violations of human rights, corruption and misuse of religion! - Widad Akreyi
MANICHEISM, n. The ancient Persian doctrine of an incessant warfare between Good and Evil. When Good gave up the fight the Persians joined the victorious Opposition. - Ambrose Bierce
We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following rules of good grooming. - Don Delillo
A good reputation is something that must be earned, yet can never be bought. - Stephen King
At the end of the day, it’s your life. If you turn out good, the world celebrates you and with you (not minding how you achieved it). If bad, they abandon you (even if they gave you the advice that led you to doom). Just be you and follow your heart. - Omoakhuana Anthonia
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. - Oscar Wilde
People do not deserve good writing, they are so pleased with bad. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Consistency is good, but progress is better. - Amit Kalantri
Good or bad, words have an impact on each of us. As a writer, I can only hope that the effects my words have on others are more often good than bad. - Jessica Lave
There is no good singing, there is only present and absent. - Jeff Buckley
Grateful thanks to good friends, who lifted us, when we fall. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The word "good" has many meanings. For example, if a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a good shot, but not necessarily a good man. - G.K. Chesterton
The time has come for all good men to rise above principle.
Well and good if all things change, O Lord God, provided I am rooted in You. - San Juan de la Cruz
I have never been good at saying goodbyes to people. What else can they offer rather than a reciprocal desolation? - Aishah Madadiy
I've found myself moved by letters and diaries in archives as well as trashy, summer blockbusters. It's possible to make a connection with any kind of writing - as long as the writing is good. - Sara Sheridan
In the part of this universe that we know there is great injustice, and often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying. - Bertrand Russell
Human desire is the criterion of all truth and all good. Truth does not lie beyond humanity, but is one of the products of the human mind and feeling. There is really nothing to fear. The motive of fear in religion is base... - D.H. Lawrence
If all the world were Christian, it might not matter if all the world were educated. But a cultural life will exist outside the Church whether it exists inside or not. Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered. - C.S. Lewis
Simplify and focus on the good. The beauty of the journey ahead will flourish on its own. - Erik Tomblin
The Sage was asked to define good manners? to which he replied, To bear patiently the rude ones. - Solomon ibn Gabirol
Now is the time for all good men to come to. - Walt Kelly
Everybody has. It wouldn't do for us to have all our dreams fulfilled. We would be as good as dead if we had nothing left to dream about. - L.M. Montgomery
If you are doing something good, never do it free - Nelson Nshekanabo
If you have nothing in life but a good friend, you're rich. - Michelle Kwan
You dont need a thousand dollars to do something good for someone, You just need the right intention for it - Narjit Singh
THE BEST people are the good old wrinkled people with a sparkle in their eye, a wink when you walk by or a toothless smile saying you are doing just fine ... - Robert Wesley Miller
The poet is a faker / Who's so good at his act / He even fakes the pain / Of pain he feels in fact. - Fernando Pessoa
A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. - Bruce Lee
It is good to collect things, but it is better to go on walks. - Anatole France
But remember, great Good will, more often than not, lead to great Evil. - Amish Tripathi
To be good, see goodness in everyone. - Debasish Mridha
Be of good cheer about death, and know this of a truth, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. - Socrates
A good listener is usually thinking about something else. - Kin Hubbard
Law is order, and good law is good order. - Aristotle
The bad chapters of your life lead to the good ones if you keep turning the pages. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Supposing is good, but finding out is better. - Mark Twain
Golf is a good walk, ruined. - Mark Twain
Good coaches teach respect for the opposition, love of competition, the value of trying your best, and how to win and lose graciously. - Brooks Clark
It is not a perception, but a person's good intention that makes a good difference in the people's lives. - Anuj Somany
Life of any real value or substance is not formed during good times merely enjoyed. - John Paul Warren
No fiction is worth reading except for entertainment. If it entertains and is clean, it is good literature, or its kind. If it forms the habit of reading, in people who might not read otherwise, it is the best literature. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
I thought I am kissing pain and pain belongs to You as happiness never does. I love You in Your pain. I could almost taste metal and salt in the skin, and I thought, How good you are. You might have killed us with happiness, but You let us be with You in pain. - Graham Greene
A real and admirable writer is the one who can write good books but can take criticisms better. - Nicholaa Spencer
The church I had loved so much was not a good place for me to hear the sound of my own voice. There was room for my talent but no room for my voice. The preacher’s voice was too loud. Teachings rooted in fear and condemnation were too loud. I had to get in a space where I could hear. - Suzette Hinton
You're good for the ones you love. You want to be good for the ones you love, because you know that your time with them will end up being too short, no matter how long it is. - Stephen King
How good would a Good Samaritan be, if a Good Samaritan would only intend to do good? - John Janzen
A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice. - Anonymous
Punk rock should mean freedom, liking and excepting anything that you like. Playing whatever you want. As sloppy as you want. As long as it's good and it has passion. - Kurt Cobain
A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite time in the future. - George S. Patton Jr.
True freedom allows us to do all the good we can under God’s law. - The Liberty Book
I have always recognized that the object of business is to make money in an honorable manner. I have endeavored to remember that the object of life is to do good.
Some things are too good to be true and truly are good and true. - Constance Friday
We all want to look good, but genuine goodness is in the heart. - Gugu Mona
Keep me heaven my soul has holes, leaking good morals, I once had control over dark matters of the world, give me courage and strength for my Lord, and sew the holes that hold you near. Keep me heaven my soul has holes. - Anthony Liccione
You're single not because you are not good enough for one, it's that you're too good for the wrong one. - Chris Burkmenn
Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. - George Washington
the loss is transformative, in good ways and bad, a tangle of change that cannot be threaded into the usual narrative spools...It's not an emergence from the cocoon, but a tree growing around an obstruction. - Meghan O'Rourke
What good literature can do and does do—far greater than any importation of morality—is touch the human soul. - Karen Swallow Prior
Good evening and good night. - Dracula Bela Lugosi 1931
There is hardly anybody good for everything, and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing. - Lord Chesterfield
It's easy to be a saint when all you've known is the good. - Donna Lynn Hope
Good books makes good life.Great books makes great life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I don't like good habits. They strike me as being so easily broken. - Linnea Gelland
An unfortunate thing about this world is that the good habits are much easier to give up than the bad ones. - W. Somerset Maugham
There is no good envy, except the one that motivates us to reach higher goals and be better than the person we were yesterday. - Ogwo David Emenike
Idolatry means turning a good thing into the ultimate thing. - Timothy J. Keller
It is impossible to imagine Goethe or Beethoven being good at billiards or golf. - H. L. Mencken
Mistrust the man who finds everything good, the man who finds everything evil and still more the man who is indifferent to everything. - Johann K. Lavater
A clear conscience is a good pillow. - American Proverb
Likewise, most of the world goes to bed at night under the assumption that if they were to die in their sleep, they would find themselves standing at the pearly gates. After all, good people go to heaven. And just about everybody thinks they are good. - Andy Stanley
Good and bad are illusions. What exists is either the presence of empathy or the lack of it. I think this should become the new, clear definition of how we see people. No more "good" and no more "bad". Those terms are highly subjective. - C. JoyBell C.
The interior joy we feel when we have done a good deed is the nourishment the soul requires. - Albert Schweitzer
You know what's just as powerful as a good cup of coffee in the morning? Starting your day with some good, loving thoughts. It can change how your whole day unfolds. - Karen Salmansohn
A mystery is an unknown puzzle to solve like lies and secrets that you need to know. Lies and secrets that are like a cancer in our soul. They eat away what is good and leave only DESTRUCTION behind. A mystery to discover which makes life more COMPLICATED as it seems to be. - Red Delachina
No good deed ever goes unrewarded - Chinonye J. Chidolue
I don't want to sound Pollyannaish, but I hope that out of a tragedy like this something good will come. I hope we understand we're one family. - Madeleine Albright
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
A good conscience is an epitome of good life and a true standard of living - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
...we will stand amazed to see the topside of the tapestry and how God beautifully embroidered each circumstance into a pattern for our good and His glory. - Joni Eareckson Tada
...no moment cares, and the ones you wish could stretch out like a hammock for you to lie in, well, those moments leave the quickest and take everything good with them, little burglars, those moments, those hours, those days you loved the most. - Catherine Lacey
The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination, consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that’s on a good day. - Robert De Niro
I celebrate myself, I paint and dance and sing myself, and what I assume you will assume, for every atom as of me as good belongs to dreamy You. I am a song. I am a poem. I am the soil and a gem. I am a stargate and a voyage. I am the ocean and your soul. - Oksana Rus
What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good on this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on? - J. R. R. Tolkien
You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with. - George Carlin
Men write Bibles. God doesn't. God writes in stars and worlds and seasons and Hudson Rivers and beautiful women. Creation is the good book. - Mark Siegel
Gratitude is not something idyllic that comes when all good things line up to be counted. Gratitude is there all the time waiting to be focused on. - Antonia Montoya
What's the good of a home, if you are never in it? - George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith
I have no doubt that the nation has suffered more from undue secrecy than from undue disclosure. The government takes good care of itself. - Daniel Schorr
Falsehoods, rob the good in the hood, of the good wood. The good wood, that the good in the hood are descended from, is their birthright. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
There are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers came to know eat better, and the givers sleep better. So I want to be both. Because I want to eat and sleep both for good health. ;-) - Prachi Parichita
There's only one thing in life more dangerous than a bad idea, and that's a good one. - Greg Curtis
It's a good thing I was born a girl, otherwise I'd be a drag queen.
Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prism, are all very good words for the lips. - Charles Dickens
I simply hate the people who have no good words for anyone, who is impolite & who don't respect anyone. - Prathima Bhandary
We all have our own road to walk. Whether rocky, curving, straight or smooth, what good is a lonely road? It’s when we run and intersect with other roads that defines our road. When road meets road do we get direction, and choices to cross into another life. - Anthony Liccione
Providence has nothing good or high in store for one who does not resolutely aim at something high or good. A purpose is the eternal condition of success.
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder. - Bible
It is better to sow good deeds; love, goodness and kindness. - Lailah Gifty Akita
How frequently are the honesty and integrity of a man disposed of by a smile or a shrug. How many good and generous actions have been sunk into oblivion by a distrustful look, or stamped with the imputation of bad motives, by a mysterious and seasonable whisper!
They fuck you up, your mum and dad', and if you're planning on writing that's probably a good thing. But if you are planning on writing and they haven't fucked you up, well, you've got nothing to go on, so then they've fucked you up good and proper. - Alan Bennett
Without grace, we can do no good deed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A good rest is half the work. - Yugoslav Proverb
A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week. - George S. Patton
You are good in countless ways, and you are not evil when you are not good, you are only loitering and sluggard. - Kahlil Gibran
When someone comes to you for some help it means Allah has chosen you for gaining some good deeds its upon us how we look at it..... - Adil Adam Memon
We have to have the money to do the work we want to do, as well as to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Fat commissions are good, but not always easy to come by, and each new painting takes its time. So we need to find every way possible to earn extra income from our work. - Elizabeth Aston
One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us. - Kurt Vonnegut
I hate pain, despite my ability to tolerate it beyond all known parameters, which is not necessarily a good thing. - Hunter S. Thompson
A good listener is one who always pays attention, not to gain, but to learn. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Coincidentally, a good age for a Japanese girl is younger than twenty five, because that's when she turns into a 'Christmas Cake'. Christmas cakes, as everyone knows, are desirable before the twenty fifth but afterward quickly become stale and are put on the shelf. - Andrew Davidson
Reading is the royal road to intellectual eminence...Truly good books are more than mines to those who can understand them. They are the breathings of the great souls of past times. Genius is not embalmed in them, but lives in them perpetually. - William Ellery Channing
A man without a good heart is like a roaring fire in a dry field.he damages wherever he sets foot and moves on. - Jackson Taviri
God is good, and I love Him. Right now, God is permitting a very hard thing. Why, I don't know, but I still trust Him. - Dee Henderson
Pass down the good that I do unto you when you are done with it - Amit Abraham
Of all knowledge, the wise and good seek mostly to know themselves. - William Shakespeare
There are no good or bad people in this world; only choices. - David Seller
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as Eternity; speech is shallow as Time. - Thomas Carlyle
The secret of good magic is another magic. - Amit Kalantri
Once a woman goes over 25, she prioritizes 'financial security' in a potential lover. Love and good looks are just a bonus. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Humanism is my Religion, Good is my adoption , Bad is my Elimination, Acceptance is my Decision, Love is My Gift , Relation is my Affection ,Truth is My Strength, Help Is My Credit , Knowledge is My Treasure - jagan kumar
All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field. - Albert Einstein
Every man ought to be supposed a knave, and to have no other end, in all his actions, but private interest. By this interest we must govern him, and by means of it, make him cooperate to public good, notwithstanding his unsatiable avarice and ambition. - Alexander Hamilton
Good art is always dangerous, always open-ended. Once you put it out in the world you lose control of it; people will fit it into their minds in all sorts of different ways. - Greil Marcus
It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle words - Anonymous
We are responsible for our own relationships, their successes, their failures, the good times, the bad times. Take responsibility for creating the relationships that you desire. - Sam Owen
I can tell how good a novel is by how it portrays Jesus. - A. Cretan
The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in reading a good novel, must be incredibly stupid - Jane Austen
Liberty don't work as good in practice as it does in speeches. - Will Rogers
Achieving your goals depends more on the way you manage to push through the bad days, than shine on the good ones. - Lorri Faye
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The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. - Ben Jonson
I am an atheist and I consider religions to be a form of collective neurosis. I am not an enemy of the Catholics, as I am not an enemy of the tuberculars, the myopic or the paralytics; you cannot be an enemy of the sick, only their good friend in order to help them cure themselves. - Diego Rivera
Do definite good; first of all to yourself, then to definite persons. - John Lancaster Spalding
All a good letter has to do is make you feel special.
If there is anything good about nobility it is that it enforces the necessity of avoiding degeneracy - Boethius
A preacher shouldn't preach just to make you feel good. Then it's about the money not about the teach. He should preach the truth because the truth shall set you free. - Alcurtis Turner
Be grateful for everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Our entire life is a precious gift. It’s all part of our path. - Dawn Gluskin
Intellect is a part of a good faith. Intellect is the light, the heart is the direction. - Tariq Ramadan
Sometimes being a good friend means being harsh.
Sometimes we forget how important it is just to show up and take care of the good friendships that we have, or might like to have. Good friendships are hard to come by. - Lik Hock Yap Ivan
We can't be afraid to change. You may fell secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know there is a such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, maybe the very reason you don't have something better. - C. JoyBell C.
Question me now about all other matters, but do not ask who I am, for fear you may increase in my heart it's burden of sorrow as I think back; I am very full of grief, and I should not sit in the house of somebody else with my lamentation and wailing. It is not good to go on mourning forever. - Homer
HOURI, n. A comely female inhabiting the Mohammedan Paradise to make things cheery for the good Mussulman, whose belief in her existence marks a noble discontent with his earthly spouse, whom he denies a soul. By that good lady the Houris are said to be held in deficient esteem. - Ambrose Bierce
There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse. - John Lubbock
When one does a thing, it appears good, otherwise one would not write it. Only later comes reflection, and one discards or accepts the thing. Time is the best censor, and patience a most excellent teacher. - Frédéric Chopin
For a long time now I have tried simply to write the best I can. Sometimes I have good luck and write better than I can. - Ernest Hemingway
On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good and not quite all the time. - George Orwell
I don't believe that life is supposed to make you feel good, or make you feel miserable either. Life is just supposed to make you feel. - Gloria Naylor
By now I have come to feel that the fact of being a ‘child’, of being wholly subservient and dependent, of being seen by older people as a mixture of expensive nuisance, slave and super-pet, does most young people more harm than good - John Holt
You gotta know that People will say a million negative things about you before they mention 1 good thing, don't be surprise if they never said that 1 good thing about you. - Werley Nortreus
Let a good man do good deeds with the same zeal that the evil man does bad ones. - The Belzer Rabbi
Good place to put things--cellars. - Doctor Who
Sow good services; sweet remembrances will grow them. - Madame de Stael
One can know a man from a laugh, and if you like a man's laugh before you know anything of him, you may confidently say that he is a good man.
You know it makes one feel rather good deciding not to be a bitch.""Yes.""It's sort of what we have instead of God.""Some people have God", I said. "Quite a lot.""He never worked very well with me. - Ernest Hemingway
A psychic reading is not just about career opportunities, good fortune or meeting tall, dark strangers. It is a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny. - Anthon St. Maarten
It is good for a man to eat thistles and to remember that he is an ass.
Good or bad is created by humans and pertains only to them. - Jeff Tikari
As more good comes your way, your belief will increase, until you move past it into the realm of conviction. - Stephen Richards
Sow good seeds for a good yield. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
I must say that acting was good training for the political life that lay ahead of us. - Anthony Burgess
A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him. - Lao-Tzu
Books are good enough in their own way, but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Life wants each of us to live on the 'A Team' - Wider, ever more intense Acceptance of good in our lives. Wider, ever more intense Awareness of good in our lives. Wider, ever more intense Action for good in our lives. Laura Teresa Marquez - www.upwardjoy.com
A bad magician never gets the good props. - Amit Kalantri
Dont waste time to hate fake people, they dont deserve to be a part of your memory...chill n get boozed in the joy of having good 1s "Happy Friendship Day".. - -sarvesh
The road to wealth is sown with false starts and failures that should in no way discourage the poor who make good or our neighbors with new found riches. We have to give it our all. - Roberto Bolaño
The best stories don't come from "good vs. bad" but "good vs. good. - Leo Tolstoy
Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. - Joseph Addison
It is not a lucky word, this name "impossible"; no good comes of those who have it so often in their mouths. - Thomas Carlyle
Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. - William Shakespeare
When you have shot one bird flying you have shot all birds flying. They are all different and they fly in different ways but the sensation is the same and the last one is as good as the first. - Ernest Hemingway
Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character. - Heraclitus
With the best of intentions you toss me a lifeline. Failing to see how a piece of rope will do me any good, I ignore it and drown. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We all want good friends - kind, respected, nice. The kind of people you want to introduce to your parents, other friends, pastor. But never underestimate the value of immoral friends - the ones that create the most precious memories you never will tell anyone else! - Jury Nel
Better fare hard with good men than feast it with bad. - Thomas Paine
English was good enough for Jesus Christ and it's good enough for the children of Texas.
From birth to age eighteen, a girl needs good parents. From eighteen to thirty-five, she needs good looks. From thirty-five to fifty-five, she needs a good personality. From fifty-five on, she needs good cash. - Sophie Tucker
There is no good lighting that is healthy and for our well being without proper darkness. - Roger van der Heide
Live happily thinking about those millions of good people god blessed you with not about the one person he took away from you. :)There is a reason behind every decision god makes. And in the end he plans to make you anything but happy :) - Chhavi Joshi
What I’ve learned is there’s a scientifically proven phenomenon that’s attached to gratitude, and that if you consciously take note of what is good in your life, quantifiable benefits happen. - Deborah Norville
Warm summer sun, shine brightly here, Warm Southern wind, blow softly here, Green sod above, lie light, lie light, Good night, dear heart; good night, good night. - Mark Twain
Yesterday was good, but let us dream and work hard to make tomorrow even better. - Debasish Mridha
When in pain and sorrow, you ask why God allows bad things to happen to good people, remember God allowed His Son, the best of us, to suffer the most so that Christ would have the ability to heal us. - Leslie G Nelson
If there's one thing I know it's God does love a good joke. - Hugh Elliott
We're neither pure; nor wise; nor good; we do the best we know. - Voltaire
Your advice seems a little ironical.""Oh, you may either follow it or reverse it—that is its chief beauty. It is equally good taken either way. - Thomas Henry Lister
Do not leave without saying good bye. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You don't have to be ashamed feel down, to have a good cry; we are human after all and it's the part of humanity. - Euginia Herlihy
The visual of Satan isn’t one of a big red devil with horns. Even worse, it’s the picture of something good, twisted enough to be compelling. - Todd Stocker
As a scientist, I can not help feeling that all religions are on a tottering foundation. None is perfect or inspired.The idea that a good God would send people to a burning hell is utterly damnable to me. I don't want to have anything to do with such a God. - Luther Burbank
I should probably get a stone. A stone would be good. A stone would save me, would salvage all the damage we had already done, all the things we had given up or lost. - Dave Eggers
A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam. - Frederik Pohl
Tonight go to sleep as though your whole past has been dropped. Die to the past. And in the morning wake up as a new man in a new morning. Don’t let the same one who went to bed get up. Let him go to sleep for good. - Osho
It is not important how much money you gave away. It is important what good it will do on the way. - Debasish Mridha
Life is hard. Find some really good people to walk through it with. It makes things a little easier. - Andrena Sawyer
Forget about raping her, do not even force her, verbally or even emotionally.I bet you will not enjoy the act for even a moment!You will feel good only when she feels good and enjoys the act with her consent! - honeya
Kindness is fate’s currency for good fortune. And like all currencies, it is without value when faked. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
No tear, is a wasted tear, if it spills out for love, whether in good times or bad. - Anthony Liccione
Better things will follow you when you do good things to others. - Gugu Mona
It feels good read but greater to write. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Science is good furniture for one's upper chamber, if there is common sense below. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Being a novice is safe. When you are learning how to do something, you do not have to worry about whether or not you are good at it. But when you have done something, have learned how to do it, you are not safe any more. Being an expert opens you up to judgement. - Helen Macdonald
Since when did Christians started fearing ghost, witches and wizards, demons, sicknesses and Death ? Don't you get it? these things are far below you. What did Jesus die for ? ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR YOUR GOOD - Mary Tornyenyor
There is one thing about time good or bad ; It always changes - Robin Dabhi
Do good or bad people will always have something to say; be happy or sad you will always have a reason to pray - Wrushank Sorte
Good intentions might sound nice, but it's positive actions that matter. - Tim Fargo
Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational. - Charles M. Schulz
Without trust and respect, only fear and distrust of others' motives and intentions are left. Without trust and respect between parties, it is nearly impossible to find good solutions to effective communication. - Deborah A. Beasley
Worries isn't good to your mental and physical health, so you better stay away from those things that keeps on bothering you, live peacefully and free.Always pray, and one day blessings will be on your way! - Bradley B. Dalina
Complements from your companion will do you no good, but if you get complements from your competitors it means you are really doing good. - Amit Kalantri
You said, 'They’re harmless dreamers and they’re loved by the people.' 'What,' I asked you, 'is harmless about a dreamer, and what,' I asked you, 'is harmless about the love of the people? Revolution only needs good dreamers who remember their dreams. - Tennessee Williams
Hatred of enemies is easier and more intense than love of friends. But from men who are more anxious to injure opponents than to benefit the world at large no great good is to be expected.
To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. - Buddha
Good people eat all their veggies and all the fruits, but they still have good grades. I call this, Freakonomics."- Pazandak - Adam
Good leaders come together to solve problems in order to make a peaceful coexistence, but just a single soul can become the leathery meat in the soup. - Michael Bassey Johnson
A good reputation is better than great riches. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You don't need my testimony to know God is Good. I pray u have a testimony for yourself. - Kingsley ofosu-Ampong
One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best. - Jane Austen
In the ignorant state, there is a ‘limit’ for good qualities, it is known as the self-pride. Self-serving pride (swa-maan) is the limit of virtues in the realm of ignorance. - Dada Bhagwan
You couldn't be that good and not know it, somewhere in your secret heart, however much you'd been abused into affecting public humility. - Lois McMaster Bujold
The good thing about being old is not being young. - Stephen Richards
I can be a better me than anyone can; I am me. Good or bad. I am myself. I'm no carbon copy of no one else. - Diana Ross
A good meal soothes the soul as it regenerates the body.From the abundance of it flows a benign benevolence. - Frederick W. Hackwood
Never forget the life experiences; Aloneness and companionship.Cold and warmth.Hard times and good times.Failure and success.Pain and healing.Planting and harvesting.Poverty and prosperity.Searching and finding.Sorrow and happiness.Tears and joy. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness. - Elsa Schiaparelli
A good businessman must have nose for business the same way a journalist has nose for news. In places where people see a lot of obstacles, I see a lot of opportunities. A good businessman sees where others don’t see. - Orji Uzor Kalu
The road to hell is paved in good intentions and apathy,What did you expect when common sense is your enemy?I'd rather burn alive than drown inside your reality - Of Mice & Men
Laughter is good for both the body and the soul. - Mike Meyer
I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. - Plato
It does not strike me as a good thing that the only person we can be so, so close to is the person we're dating. - Chris Damian
remember 's First Rule of Writers and Agents, learned by bitter personal experience: You don't need one until you're making enough for someone to steal ... and if you're making that much, you'll be able to take your pick of good agents. - Stephen King
I never wanted to run a company.To me a business is a good vehicle for getting stuff done. Mark Zuckerberg in The Facebook Effect written by - David Kirkpatrick
Since I am suffering with type 2 bipolar disorder mainly on the depressive side of the bipolar disorder.I am not afraid nor am I disappointed with it; if this is what God Almighty want me to have; I will make sure that I will make good use of this disorder; and, be the best person that I can be. - Temitope Owosela
Wars bring the best out of men, it can b good for some, bad for others but it is the best that man can offer - Nauman Khan
The good, the admirable reader identifies himself not with the boy or the girl in the book, but with the mind that conceived and composed that book. - Vladimir Nabokov
If women were as good as men they'd be a lot better! - Terry Pratchett
One can talk good and shower down roses, but it's the receiver that has to walk through the thorns, and all its false expectations. - Anthony Liccione
That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. - Noam Chomsky
Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory. - Franklin P. Adams
If the whole human race lay in one grave, the epitaph on its headstone might well be: "It seemed a good idea at the time."
THe soul of most conservatism is sentimentality, and sentimentality, and sentimentality preserves the good and the bad with indiscriminate relish.
I'm not naive or innocent, and neither are you, folks! We all know, to win in politics, you can't just be on the right team, fighting for the right thing and wanting to do a little bit of good for your fellow citizens. You've also got to be able to afford to compete. - Radwan Chowdhury
No good friends, no bad friends; only people you want,need to be with. People who build their houses in your heart . - Stephen King
Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue. - Izaak Walton
Nothing is more honorable than a man or woman with a good reputation. - DeWayne Owens
I guess each of us, at some time, finds one person with whom we are compelled toward absolute honesty, one person whose good opinion of us becomes a substitute for the broader opinion of the world.
For wicked people to do evil requires money, and good people superstition. Combining these elements and we get organized religion, but to achieve the worst of all evil conflate politics to the compound and the tragedies are endless. - Sean S. Kamali
It is called equanimity when one has no attachment with the good (the auspicious) and no abhorrence for the bad (the inauspicious). The one without duality is in equanimity-state. In worldly interactions, people identify tolerance as equanimity! - Dada Bhagwan
In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative original thinker unless you can also sell what you create. Management cannot be expected to recognize a good idea unless it is presented to them by a good salesman. - David M. Ogilvy
For a good cause, wrongdoing is virtuous. - Publilius Syrus
It is, of course, we who house poems as much as their words, and we ourselves must be the locus of poetry's depth of newness. Still, the permeability seems to travel both ways: a changed self will find new meanings in a good poem, but a good poem also changes the shape of the self. - Jane Hirshfield
It is good to be brave, it is better to be good; strive to be both. - Justin McCarthy
A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. - Bernard Meltzer
If I can give you any advice, it's this: every hour that you spend sat on the couch doing nothing, put it to good use, because when you have kids, an hour is like a lifetime. - Noel Gallagher
Courage comes from a surrendered heart,a prepared mind, and a good conscience. - Deborah J. Johnson
We must depend on God’s grace for every good deed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Luther looks at all the jobs that are out there and he says, These are the masks of God, behind which He wants to remain concealed, and do all things. Christians have to be profoundly appreciative of good work done on absolutely everything. - Timothy J. Keller
He that can't endure the bad, will not live to see the good. - Jewish Proverb
Good literacy skills can help children:-Be healthy and safe.-Do their homework to their best ability.-Get and keep a job one day.-Eventually participate in local committees or government - Soraya Diase Coffelt
Good heart, good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The things, good Lord, that we pray for, give us the grace to labour for’, as Sir Thomas More expressed it. The inner voice of prayer expresses itself naturally in action, just as the inner voice of my brain guides all my bodily actions. - Philip Yancey
Love is a dream. Dreams are good, but do not be surprised if you wake up in tears. - Jim Morrison
To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart. - Phyllis Theroux
Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. That is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil. - Albert Schweitzer
All good and evil, whether in the body or in human nature, originates in the soul, and overflows from thence, as if from the head into the eyes. - Plato
No single food will make or break good health. But the kinds of food you choose day in and day out have a major impact. - Walter Willet
If a person's mind is controlled by forces of revenge and jealousy, it cannot express love & sympathy. And even if they show love and sympathy to others it will yield no good result. The thought will not be reflected in love but in hate. - Virchand Gandhi
Religion is a good time pass, better than philosophy, and a million times better than love; love is a wastage of an era. - Aporva Kala
Art tends toward balance, order, judgment of relative values, the laws of growth, the economy of living very good things for anyone to be interested in. - Robert Henri
If books are not good company, where shall I find it? - Mark Twain
When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. - Mae West
Laughter is the sensation of feeling good all over, and showing it principally in one place. - Josh Billings
May you grace for good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You have to have time to be sorry for yourself to be a good Abstract Expressionist. - Robert Rauschenberg
The truth exists at the junction between good and bad. - Thiruman Archunan
I don't like the darkness but I want to live in it, I don't want to have pains but I always have it, I want to live in good way, happy and very normal life but I just can't. Because it's not that thing which some one gave me and I didn't took from anybody or anything that's just my destiny. - Shayne Azad
Our Beasts and our Thieves and our ChattelsHave weight for good or for ill;But the Poor are only His image,His presence, His word, His will; -And so Lazarus lies at our doorstepAnd Dives neglects him still. - Adelaide Anne Procter
Evil does not exist; once you have crossed the threshold, all is good. Once in another world, you must hold your tongue. - Franz Kafka
If you got a dream, you are good to go. The only extra luggage you will need is self-belief and perseverance. - Unarine Ramaru
A broken mirror is good luck if you want it to be. - Marty Rubin
Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. - Unknown
I Have Fought the Good Fight and Won - Carmen J. Viglucci
It's not the nineteenth century; I'm not meant to be judged on how good a housekeeper I am. Getting down on the floor with a lemon and a bucket of vinegar does not make me a better person. - Emily Matchar
There are two kinds of people in this world: givers and takers. I came to know that takers eat better, and the givers sleep better. So I want to be both. Because I want to eat and sleep both better for good health. - Prachi panda
We cannot control the evil tongues of others; but a good life enables us to disregard them. - Cato the Elder
A good book is like a stream, with which we can flow slowly, playfully, it lets us savor the joy of weaving the magic of lovely thoughts, revealing the secrets of life with beautiful words. - Balroop Singh
Champagne morning, sleepless grin, setting off and settling in. Today feels good. - Alex Gaskarth
We are born under circumstances that would be favorable if we did not abandon them. It was nature's intention that there should be no need of great equipment for a good life: every individual can make himself happy. - Seneca
A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest. - C.S. Lewis
My father always used to say, "Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument." Good sense does not always lie with the loudest shouters, nor can we say that a large, unruly crowd is always the best arbiter of what is right. - Desmond Tutu
Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday. - Fulton J. Sheen
Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards. - Diogenes of Sinope
That's the trouble with good writers. Only the bad ones make you want to do the human thing and look away. - Nick Hornby
Be undeniably good. - Steve Martin
If you have learned to be good by yourself you will always be. - M.F. Moonzajer
As I know more of mankind I expect less of them, and am ready now to call a man a good man upon easier terms than I was formerly. - Samuel Johnson
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. - Mahatma Gandhi
Say little, and love much; give all; judge no man; aspire to all that is pure and good. - White Eagle
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. - Thomas Paine
A Plan B life can be just as good or better than a Plan A life. You just have to let go of that first dream and realize that God has already written the first chapter of the new life that awaits you. All you have to do is start reading! - Shannon L. Alder
It is good to dress in fair clothes to dine with friends. It honors your host, if you are a guest; and your guest if you are a host. And both adorn the feast, and so celebrate the gifts of the world. - Alison Croggon
How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em. - Shel Silverstein
Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power. - Charles Caleb Colton
No matter how good you are to people, you will always have barriers and enemies on your way to success - Auliq Ice
What doesn't kill us makes a good story. - Marty Rubin
Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.
If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking , they can make you laugh. - P.C. Cast
Good things don’t happen in bulk, they take ample time. You have to have patience. - Evan Smith
All laws work for our good; therefore, we should know and observe them. - Sunday Adelaja
Good is not good, where better is expected. - Thomas Fuller
I think nothing is good, I really think it is. - Duop Chak Wuol
All sin is ultimately irrational. Though people persuade themselves that they have good reasons for sinning, when examined in the cold light of truth on the last day, it will be seen in every case that sin ultimately just does not make sense." Wayne g - Wayne A. Grudem
Good judgment comes from experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment. - Rita Mae Brown
As long as it comes from the heart, in the end, it will be good. - A.D. Posey
It is the nature of ambition to make men liars and cheats, to hide the truth in their breasts, and show, like jugglers, another thing in their mouths, to cut all friendships and enmities to the measure of their own interest, and to make a good countenance without the help of good will. - Sallust
We forget the good people do, but remember the not-so-good they might have intentionally or intentionally done !Be Brave and Forgive ! - Sham Hinduja
I maybe such a pain in the ass,But in a good way.I give you pleasure at the same time! - Arzum Uzun
If you have no good drive in you, your life will not be steered through a good direction. It will miss its destined station. Passion or drive is what moves the vehicle of a fulfilled life. - Israelmore Ayivor
I've known humans, and I know beasts. The beast is better. It is unpretentious. It kills for food. Humans do 'cause they're just not any good. - Fakeer Ishavardas
You can't judge a book by it's cover but you can sure sell a bunch of books if you have a good one. - Jayce O'Neal
Podcast is a good choice, start watching such stuff. - Deyth Banger
There aren't any GOOD guys. You realize that, don't you? I mean: there aren't EVIL guys, and INNOCENT guys. It's just - it's just... It's just a bunch of guys. - Jake Kasdan
Diligence is the mother of good fortune. - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Your traits are not good or bad. What you do or don't do with them is what determines the result. Give your traits a useful role. Recognize and utilize all parts that make up you. Love and empower yourself as you are. - Akiroq Brost
Good things happen to good people. - paul christian toquero
I work every day to live my life in such a way that when I take my last breath, I will be satisfied I made a difference and I was an inspiration; that I left something behind that will be meaningful to society; I did not shame my family, disappoint my friends or ruin my good name. - Carlos Wallace
Those with a moral deficit put on a good show, and sleep like a baby. - Paul Newman
Quote of the day:"You are not a bad person.You are just a good person, in a bad place. - Gary Edward Gedall
Money will make you more of what you already are. If you're not a nice person, money's going to make you a despicable individual. If you're a good person, money's going to make you a better person. - Bob Proctor
The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exaulted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy...neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. - John W. Gardner
Those who mistrust their own abilities are being too wicked to themselves, discouraging themselves from doing what they should have been excelling in. If you are good at discouraging yourself, you can't be a good leader because leadership is built on inspiring others to face challenges. - Israelmore Ayivor
Thank you God for helping me to overcome the bad to live the good. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
You don't have to be beautiful to be shallow. You needn't be small or weak to be a coward. Shitty personalities come in surprising packages and anybody can be an asshole. So value the good ones, whoever they are. Recognize them when you see them and don't let them go. - Jennifer DeLucy
Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions. - T.S. Eliot
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as eternity; speech is as shallow as time. - Thomas Carlyle
A good teacher is one, that never stops listening; a good listener is one, that never stops teaching. - Anthony Liccione
Sei: The Kudzu snacks were so good I had two and a half bowls but seeing you eat 16 and a half bowls was disgusting. I sriously considered killing you.Okita: You're horrible! Besides then I'd bleed Kudzu snacks!Sei: NOO! STOP!!! I CAN SEE IT!! I'LL HAVE NIGHTMARES!! - Taeko Watanabe
Yes, he had made a good choice after all when he had chosen the God of the green pasture and the still waters! He was very powerful, and the fact that He expected you to think for yourself and do something in return for His help did not matter, as long as you could work things out. - Anne Holm
Authentic joy is not a euphoric state or a feeling of being high. Rather, it is a state of appreciation that allows us to participate full in our lives. We train in the rejoicing in the good fortune of self and others. - Pema Chödrön
Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example. - Mark Twain
The dread of evil is a much more forcible principle of human actions than the prospect of good. - John Locke
If you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here by me. - Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:5 - Apostle Paul
Living a good life is like flipping pancakes. If you hesitate, it splatters all over the place. - Matt Simpson
There's nothing wrong with you, there are just more assholes in this world than good people. - Travis Simmons
There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend. - Katharine Butler Hathaway
This land of ours cannot be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in. - Richard M. Nixon
Anyone who claims good or evil isn't one or either, they're just a liar... the worst kind of liar... the liar that doesn't even know they're lying. We're human. We're good during the day and evil at night, half the time those roles are reversed, that's what it's all about. - Hubert Martin
Don't just listen to a good Advice, but also take it. - Mohith Agadi
It takes writing a billion bad words before you get to the good ones. - Ray Bradbury
Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life so. Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau
Screaming at children over their grades, especially to the point of the child's tears, is child abuse, pure and simple. It's not funny and it's not good parenting. It is a crushing, scarring, disastrous experience for the child. It isn't the least bit funny. - Ben Stein
What we consider too good to be true, is truth; all else is fallacy - Oshetha Shakoor
Your good character and attitude should be your message to the world. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion. - Abraham Lincoln
A wise doesn’t need advice or action of the people to know their true intention because a sane person can gauge it by mere observation of the attitude, good or bad, of their close companion towards others. - Anuj Somany
It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them. - P. G. Wodehouse
Make good choices and always do your best. - Yvonne Capitelli
When my horse is running good, I don't stop to give him sugar. - William Faulkner
Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat. - Fran Lebowitz
And he, like many jaded people, had few pleasures left in life save good food and drink. - Honoré de Balzac
Many are poets, but without the name;For what is Poesy but to createFrom overfeeling Good or Ill; and aimAt an external life beyond our fate,And be the new Prometheus of new men,Bestowing fire from Heaven, and then, too late,Finding the pleasure given repaid with pain - George Gordon Byron
Evil surrounding can destroy a Good soul. - Udayveer Singh
Some people say I raised a good child. I like to think of it as my child raised a good parent. - Clifford Cohen
Again, men in general desire the good, and not merely what their fathers had. - Aristotle
Obviously the most beautiful fate, the most wonderful good fortune that can happen to any human being, is to be paid for doing that which he passionately loves to do. - Abraham H. Maslow
A Good Relationship is like a neat and defined nail art. It requires a lot of concentration, time devotion and patience, to take it to perfection! - Mehek Bassi
Don’t settle for helping those who will help you in return or doing a good deed for others to see. Help others without expecting anything back. Even if nobody else cares, God will notice. - Dillon Burroughs
The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason. - Hunter S. Thompson
A father gives his child nothing better than a good education - Anonymous
Most people do a good deal of whatever they do motivated by love. For me, few stories are truly complete without it. - Sara Sheridan
To be good, just do good. - Debasish Mridha
In each of us, two natures are at war the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose what we want most to be we are. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Please do not become so hurt by life that when someone loving comes along, or something good happens, you resist allowing the love and joy in. - Karen Salmansohn
Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend - William Feather
He who wishes to exert a useful influence must be careful to insult nothing. Let him not be troubled by what seems absurd, but concentrate his energies to the creation of what is good. He must not demolish, but build. He must raise temples where mankind may come and partake of the purest pleasure. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A bad beginning does not keep you from a good ending. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When we passed a Catholic church, I recalled, he said, "You think your dad's a good chemist? They're turning soda crackers into meat in there. Can your dad do that? - Kurt Vonnegut
Have you ever wondered how your life would be if you will stop gossiping about people and using your words to bring people down? Try that today, speak only the good things you know about people and encourage others to do the same, - Ane Krstevska
I learned what research was all about as a research student [with] Stoppani ... Max Perutz, and ... Fred Sanger... From them, I always received an unspoken message which in my imagination I translated as 'Do good experiments, and don’t worry about the rest. - César Milstein
What's the rush? Recognise that with the time at our disposal, there is only a limited number of good books you can read, a few really good movies worth seeing, and a finite number of hours, days, years to enjoy them! - Ken Puddicombe
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - Doctor Who
The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow. - Bob Marley
Tis a good thing to laugh at any rate, and if a straw can tickle a man, it is an instrument of happiness.
Suffering just means you’re having a bad dream. Happiness means you’re having a good dream. Enlightenment means getting out of the dream altogether. - Jed McKenna
For excellent health and a good skin color, I recommend that people sit next to a shady ultraviolet transmitting window when indoors. - Steven Magee
My books have very few villains pretending to be righteous, but they are filled with good people who have pretended to be villains so well that they believe it themselves. This is how I like to view reality. - Kenneth Everett
Be good on terms with everyone but only keep a few close. - Moosa Rahat
Vile deeds like poison weeds bloom well in prison air, it is only what is good in man, that wastes and withers there. - Oscar Wilde
Hatred may be engendered by good deeds as well as bad ones. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back Wherein he puts alms for oblivion, A great-sized monster of ingratitudes: Those scraps are good deeds past, which are devour'd As fast as they are made, forgot as soon as done. - William Shakespeare
If you don't create a good message about your dreams, those who were created to pay for it can't find it. Speak them out and you will find those God created to finance it - Israelmore Ayivor
What is Poverty? A hateful good; a mother of health; a putting away of cares; a discoverer of wisdom; business without injury; ownership without calumny; happiness without anxiety. - Secundus the Silent
Every good act is like a seed that we sow. We don’t know what it will bear, but it will bear some fruit some day. - RVM
I’m feeling very thin and vulnerable, in a good way. - Amy Layne Litzelman
Good manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them. - Bill Kelly
The common mistake that bullies make is assuming that because someone is nice that he or she is weak. Those traits have nothing to do with each other. In fact, it takes considerable strength and character to be a good person. - MaryElizabeth Williams
When people talk about the good old days, I say to people, 'It's not the days that are old, it's you that's old.' I hate the good old days. What is important is that today is good. - Karl Lagerfeld
Never waste your precious time in discussing the good and bad qualities of others. - Abhijit Naskar
It doesn't cost anything to be a good person, but yet there are toxic people around us that will try to tax our lives. - Ron Baratono
The fact that we see something as evil may not necessarily make that thing evil. Evil cannot contest good; succeed and persist - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
A good half of the art of living is resilience. - Alain de Botton
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
Your job won't take care of you when you'll be sailing through loneliness or going though a tragedy in life. Your friends will. Make good friends and stay in touch. - Chanda Kaushik
I guess in this culture of ever-shortening attention spans, it's good if a song can lift us out of the madness, even if only for a few minutes. - Peter Bradley Adams
Make yourself feel good. Be enthusiastic about your day. - Tara Estacaan
It’s perfectly understandable, in my opinion, to find good things in the teachings of Jesus Christ or any other figure, mythical or otherwise. But to base your life on the teachings of Jesus as they are portrayed in the Bible and claim that you are not religious is disingenuous. - David G. McAfee
A good deed that follows upon another is the reward for the first one, and an evil deed that follows upon another is a punishment for the first one. - Junayd
Sometimes it's good to contrast what you like with something else. It makes you appreciate it even more. - Darby Conley
Don't marry a rich man. Marry a good man. He will spend his life trying to keep you happy. No rich man can buy that! - Staness Jonekos
Rules such as "Write what you know," and "Show, don't tell," while doubtlessly grounded in good sense, can be ignored with impunity by any novelist nimble enough to get away with it. There is, in fact, only one rule in writing fiction: Whatever works, works. - Tom Robbins
Producing laws is not an easier job than producing cars and food, so if the government is incompetent to produce cars or food, why do you expect it to do a good job producing the legal system within which you are then going to produce the cars and the food? - David D. Friedman
Government should be a floor upon which the good of the people flourishes, not a ceiling upon which people bump their heads! - Todd Stocker
As you begin to look deeply into the mystery of your own evolution, in place of good and evil you will find only stories, finished or unfinished. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
A good writer sees the world, not through his own eyes, but through his reader's mind. - Debasish Mridha
Human Beings are just good enough to make democracy possible...just bad enough to make it neccessary. - Reinhold Niebuhr
Evil has to exist along with good, in order that moral choice may operate. - Anthony Burgess
good people bring the good out of people - Turcois Ominek
Of course it would be hard. But I remembered what my nurseryman grandfather used to say when I didn’t want to go to school: half the work in the world was done by people who didn’t feel so good today. - Rollo Romig
If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. - Roald Dahl
Every good book should be entertaining. A good book will be more; it must not be less. Entertainment…is like a qualifying examination. If a fiction can’t provide that, we may be excused from inquiring into its higher qualities. - C.S. Lewis
A lot of good arguments are spoiled by some fool who knows what he is talking about.
The difference between intelligence and education is this: intelligence will make you a good living. - Charles F. Kettering
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher. - Socrates
Your life today and tomorrow is patterned alongside your thoughts. You are therefore advised to create good and wonderful thoughts today so they will deliver a beautiful tomorrow for you. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
To make an action honorable, it ought to be agreeable to the age, and other circumstances of the person; since it is circumstance and proper measure that give an action its character, and make it either good or bad. - Plutarch
If books are your good friends, then a conscious life will be your best comrade all your life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
You can't do a good deal with a bad guy. The dishonesty tax is too high and is not something you will factor into your side of the equation. - Chet Billingsley
You know what a storyteller is, don't you? It's a person that has a good memory who hopes other people don't. - Sandra Dallas
Most Girls think that the every boy they don't like is not good but they didn't see the inner soul of them. - Udayveer Singh
Criticism talks a good deal of nonsense, but even its nonsense is a useful force. It keeps the question of art before the world, insists upon its importance. - Henry James
Some people are more interested in making good on a promise—rather than in doing what they promised. - Clifford Cohen
...Don't insult readers by questioning the extent of their imaginations. Most need only to be nudged to solve a good mystery. - Peggy Kopman-Owens
for that men have been good does not suffice for them to continue being good, unless one cares about it to the end. - Xenphon Ephesius
A good home must be made, not bought. - Joyce Maynard
But why do people who are good at families have to be smug and assume it is the only way to live, as if everybody else is inadequate? Why can't they be blamed for being bad at promiscuity?
This is the key to life: To expect everything to be given to you from above, yet to be genuinely surprised and forever grateful, when they are. Expecting all good things to be yours, while not knowing how to take anything for granted. If there may be a key in life, this is the key. - C. JoyBell C.
If that which we have found is the corruption of solitude, then what can men wish for save corruption? If this is the great evil of being alone, than what is good and what is evil? - Ayn Rand
Have your one good cry, pick your chin up, smile, and move on to the positive. - Auliq Ice
To plan and talk is good but to plan and take action is even greater. - Euginia Herlihy
It is good to have a reason for every action you perform other than blaming others for your faults. - Auliq Ice
You never know when someone will come into your life and change things, for good or bad, let them in. They don’t have to always stay but, human interaction is the pinnacle of life’s lessons. - Ron Baratono
Haste is good only in catching fleas. - Alla Yaroshinskaya
There is one other reason for dressing well, namely that dogs respect it, and will not attack you in good clothes. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Active evil is better than passive good - William Blake
I do not concern myself with gods and spirits either good or evil nor do I serve any. - Lao Tzu
The good writing of any age has always been the product of someone's neurosis, and we'd have a mighty dull literature if all the writers that came along were a bunch of happy chuckleheads. - William Styron
To feel good, do good. - Debasish Mridha
When we are smitten, we await love to be remontant and to be blooming over and over again, like remontant roses, with blossoms scenting through all the seasons of life. Passion and patience are to be good allies, though. - Erik Pevernagie
I write, as far as I can tell, because writing is a black sheep sibling of prayer, an urgent struggle against a bad connection, intent, hopeful, innocent, never quite good enough. - Kirk Wilson
Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. - MORIARTY
Be entirely tolerant or not at all; follow the good path or the evil one. To stand at the crossroads requires more strength than you possess. - Heinrich Heine
Do what you feel is right and good. There will always be haters and naysayers..and their problem..is just that..their problem! - Akiroq Brost
a dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. a man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker. - Gautama Buddha
Ah, how good it feels! The hand of an old friend. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Every day solitude for a particular time period is a good way to refresh physically and is a great opportunity to rise spiritually! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Beware of the man to whom you have done a good turn. - Lebanese Proverb
Why did you leave? Am I not good enough? Where did you go? When did it happen? ..Who are you? - Ade Santi
Probably the worst time in a person's life is when they have to kill a family member because they are the devil. But otherwise it's been a pretty good day. - Emo Phillips
Every story has an ending, the only thing that matters is good or bad. - Rushabh Patel
A sign of a good leader is not his position but his vision. - Debasish Mridha
The human has no genetic adaptation to modern industrialized products and needs to be careful with prolonged exposure to these for good health. - Steven Magee
The future belongs to the competent. It belongs to those who are very, very good at what they do. It does not belong to the well-meaning. - Brian Tracy
The good thing about a self-help book is that if you misunderstand something then it won't mock you. - Stephen Richards
A good book is not the same as a successful one. - Johnny Rich
He that doth not as other men do, but endeavoureth that which ought to be done, shall thereby rather incur peril than preservation; for whoso laboureth to be sincerely perfect and good shall necessarily perish, living among men that are generally evil. - Walter Raleigh
There is no good or evil: only power and those too weak to seek it. - J. K. Rowling
We didn't have to talk, and it wasn't awkward. We were just two lonely, out of place people sharing a holiday with junk food from the vending machine and a Claymation classic on the television." oh and later "I guess its a good thing we found each other then. - J.M. Richards Tall Dark Streak of Lightning
A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. - Freeman Dyson
For those who sit on the stairs, a good quote is a strong invitation to stand up and to go up the stairs! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Justice requires that to lawfully constituted Authority there be given that respect and obedience which is its due; that the laws which are made shall be in wise conformity with the common good; and that, as a matter of conscience all men shall render obedience to these laws. - Pope Pius XI
If Spirituality is that you're humble in the face of forces greater than you and you believe those forces are more inclined toward being good than being bad, then I'm a spiritual person. - Michael J. Fox
Life was mostly made up of things you couldn't control, full of surprises, and they weren't always good. Life wasn't what you made it. You were what life made you. - Sara Zarr
Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. - Dr. Seuss
While thou livest keep a good tongue in thy head. - William Shakespeare
Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion - Steven Weinberg
Fear is never a good counselor and victory over fear is the first spiritual duty of man. - Nikolai A. Berdyaev
I knew you would do me good in some way, at some time--I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you. - Charlotte Brontë
The good poet sticks to his real loves, to see within the realm of possibility. He never tries to hold hands with God or the human race.
Can one desire too much of a good thing? - William Shakespeare
A good traveler leaves no tracks. Good speech lacks fault-finding. - Lao Tzu
Good news is, I'm still alive. Bad news is, Bitches be crazy. - Ksenia Solo as Kenzi
There are plenty of good reasons for fighting, but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you, too. - Kurt Vonnegut
All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying,losing, cheating, and mediocrity are easy. Stay away from easy.
No ceremony that to great ones 'longs, not the king's crown, nor the deputed sword, the marshal's truncheon, nor the judge's robe, become them with one half so good a grace as mercy does. - William Shakespeare
Everything can be taken from you in a second, but the human spirit is so strong. War can teach you so much about evil, and so much about good. - Zainab Salbi
Like sin itself, Satan appeals to the senses. He originated and perfected the art of disguising evil as good. - Charles R. Swindoll
The sacrifice ‘of’ self for the greater good is the greatest calling imaginable, and it is the bedrock of the greatest nations. The sacrifice ‘for’ self is the most pathetic calling imaginable, and it is the quicksand within which nations perish. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon... - Terry Pratchett
So doesn't that make the universe a giant lottery, then? You purchase a ticket when you're born. And it's all just random whether you get a good ticket or a bad ticket. It's all just luck. - R.J. Palacio
A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. - Paul Dudley White
If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time. - Edith Wharton
Husbands are chiefly good as lovers when they are betraying their wives. - Marilyn Monroe
True prayer does not seek God’s help, but it focuses on what is good for everyday life and all of humanity. - Debasish Mridha
When life gives you lemons, throw them back and grow your own, 'Organically'. Those are the good ones. - Andrea L'Artiste
A good mind is the mind which leaves no one on the ground when rising! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Focus is saying no to 1,000 good ideas. - Steve Jobs
It is not enough to profess the word of God; we must partake in good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Many people tell me that I should become a politician but I tell them no I want to do something good for the nation. - Amit Abraham
Hanging around people you’re smarter than is good for your ego. Hanging around people who are smarter than you is good for your intellect. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
You shouldn't say it is not good. You should say, you do not like it; and then, you know, you're perfectly safe.
Good fiction’s job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. - David Foster Wallace
God doesn't work on our timetable. He has a plan that He will execute perfectly and for the highest, greatest good of all, and for His ultimate glory. - Charles R. Swindoll
Never underestimate the power of good but never ignore evil lurking in the hearts of men.Rose of Life - Sonia Rumzi
Sex is good, but not as good as fresh sweet corn. - Garrison Keillor
And please return it. You may think this a strange request, but I find that although my friends are poor arithmeticians, they are nearly all of them good bookkeepers. - Walter Scott
What you are good at, you never do it free! - Deyth Banger
The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and hold them in the right scale of values. - Norman Thomas
Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two things better than these.
You can feel like he wants to own you,-not like an object but like a good dream he wants to keep having. - Melissa Bank
I recognized your good character.Because of my silence, H. Koper - Petra Hermans
I don't know," Jason said with a shrug. "Maybe it's too late for me. Maybe my heart is already too far good."With a smile she said softly, "It's never too late to be good. - Randall Arthur
One day people will come back. they won't be able to help themselves. People need music and dance and beautiful things. They forget sometimes, but not forever. You'll see. One day, this will be a magical place again. With music and dance and good times and people celebrating. - Nadia Aguiar
The wall between writing and painting is just good grammar. Moderation in moderation. Fun is scary with a happy ending. Just love. If love doesn’t transform that which annoys you, it will be easier to tolerate. - Emily Thornton Calvo
I have an inferiority complex, but it’s not a very good one. - Steven Wright
"Careful with fire" is good advice we know."Careful with words" is ten times doubly so. - William Carleton
There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so. - Hamlet
Explaining the unknown should be left to science, questions of good and bad behavior can be answered by ethics, and inspiration is often found in the arts. There’s no longer a need for the social construct of religion. - David G. McAfee
Nothing to me feels as good as laughing incredibly hard. - Steve Carell
A good tree never seizes to bear good fruits. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Good night - may you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you'll cry when you awake. - Michael Faudet
The writer has no responsibility other than to jack off in bed alone and write a good page. - Charles Bukowski
3310There are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers came to know eat better, but the givers sleep better. So I want to be both. Because I want to eat and sleep both better for good health. - Prachi Parichita
With or without God, good decisions can be made; But only with God will great decisions be made. - Damon Thueson
Self distrust is good, but only if it leads to trust in God. Otherwise it ends as spiritual paralysis, inability and unwillingness to undertake any course of action. - Alan Cole
Good enough may be an acceptable end, but it should never be an acceptable goal. - James Rozoff
There’s a small window of opportunity to apologize sometimes after you’ve terribly wronged someone. It closes. Sometimes forever, but it never opens wide enough again for a good breeze. - Darnell Lamont Walker
There are plenty of good five-cent cigars in the country. The trouble is they cost a quarter. What this country needs is a good five-cent nickel. - Franklin P. Adams
If you're good, you'll be recognized. Because people, even if they're prejudiced, are going to want the best. You just have to make being the best your goal in life. - Ben Carson
Creativity is contagious. And so is banality. Criticism is an art in itself. Don’t let the dullness around destroy the creativity within. T.S. Eliot said, honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry. Good to remember… - Elif Shafak
Liberty is the proper end and object of authority, and cannot subsist without it; and it is liberty to that which is good, just, and honest.
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. - Sir Winston Churchill
I feel sorry for people who do not drink. When they wake up in the morning it is as good as they are going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra
Good Morning! Wake up and smile like the morning sun. - Debasish Mridha
True thinking brings a good life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The good man is free, even if he is a slave. The evil man is a slave, even if he is a king. - Augustine of Hippo
Be careful which spirit you allow to dwell in your body. It is better to allow good spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A mind that tastes the grief obtains a good chance to travel to the Land of Wisdom! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you don't think too good, don't think too much. - Ted Williams
And the most extraordinary thing is that, in the end, as you grow older, you continue to go poop once a day if you are in good health, while it is not easy to make love every day. So finally, the pleasure is longer-lasting and more frequent than the other. - Guy Fournier
But, nevertheless, the generation that carried on the war has been set apart by its experience. Through our great good fortune, in our youth our hearts were touched with fire. It was given to us to learn at the outset that life is a profound and passionate thing. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
ENOUGH, pro. All there is in the world if you like it. Enough is as good as a feast -- for that matter Enougher's as good as a feast for the platter. Arbely C. Strunk - Ambrose Bierce
True Leaders possess good core values and will align themselves with like thinking people to grow their leadership and prosper in Integrity~bns - Bluenscottish
Best memories never hurt, with good memories an individual can pass his whole life without depending on others... - Ritesh Shrivastav
Helping a parent makes you their child, helping a sibling makes you a brother or a sister, helping a friend makes you a good friend, but helping a stranger; that is what makes you human - Evy Michaels
A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man; it is what he wants and must have to be good for anything. Hardship and opposition are the native soil of manhood and self-reliance. - John Neal
Maybe it's what's inside that counts, but being told you look good feels good!
A person who dreads flying, is usually one who has a good overstanding of life and death. - Andrea L'Artiste
Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. - Mae West
A good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. These men usually have jobs and bathe. - Rita Rudner
A good friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'damn, we fucked up'. - Rotten eCards
One Bagatelle, and I’ll raise you a novel, Megan had tweeted back.Writing for tea? Now that would have been a solution for the British empire, Laura returned.Writing for me, Megan had typed.I’ll write you a tea fortune.No deal. I want a novel. September sounds good. - L.L. Barkat
It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time. - Tallulah Bankhead
In God’s hands, the ingredients of our lives will always work out ultimately for our good and, even better, for His eternal purposes. - Elizabeth George
One becomes bad himself when he sees or calls others bad. When others appear good to him, he will become good himself. - Dada Bhagwan
Find the good, and praise it. - Alex Haley
Rituals are a good signal to your unconscious that it is time to kick in. - Anne Lamott
One act of beneficence, one act of real usefulness, is worth all the abstract sentiment in the world. Sentiment is a disgrace, instead of an ornament, unless it lead us to good actions. - Ann Radcliffe
The human being is so complicated in some ways, and yet so simple in others. Sometimes, we need complex medication regimens. Yet, sometimes, we just need a good cry. - Vironika Tugaleva
Leah: I want those gubs Mommy.Kate: They're not 'gubs' they're 'gloves'Aaden and Leah try and say glovesLeah: Gloves!Kate: Good job!Aaden: Gubs!Kate: No - Kate Gosselin
Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier. - Kathleen Norris
For the multiculturalist, white Anglo-Saxon Protestants are prohibited, Italians and Irish get a little respect, blacks are good, native Americans are even better. The further away we go, the more they deserve respect. This is a kind of inverted, patronising respect that puts everyone at a distance. - Slavoj Žižek
Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good. - Woody Allen
People don't need to know how good you are. Just smile, just slay and just show. - Janna Cachola
Another vindication I had is the fact that I believed the Christian message and the gospel of the kingdom is good enough to fix the world’s problems - Sunday Adelaja
One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Kamu bener-bener selalu ngedapetin apa yang kamu mau ya?" | "Nggak semuanya. Karena aku belum memiliki kamu lagi." - Good Fight - Christian Simamora
We are all trying to find a path back to the present moment. And good enough reason to just be happy here... Mindfulness meditation is just a trick for doing that. It's a trick for setting aside your to-do list, if only for a few moments, and actually locate a feeling of fulfilment in the present - Sam Harris
... just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul. - Pope John XXIII
The mere fact that a boxer covers his face never means that he is much afraid of his opponent. A good punch will give a better explanation for his action! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Habits are good if you have the habit of the best. - Amit Kalantri
That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. - Amos Bronson Alcott
You will certainly not be able to take the lead in all things yourself, for to one man a god has given deeds of war, and to another the dance, to another lyre and song, and in another wide-sounding Zeus puts a good mind. - Homer
Cheat your landlord if you can and must, but do not try to shortchange the Muse. It cannot be done. You can't fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal. - William S. Burroughs
You are looking at the world from your window, that’s good, but there is something missing here, something very big: You must also look at your window from the world to see yourself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It’s a race between your foolishness and your allotted days. Good luck. - Mark Slouka
Words -- so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
It's been said that people see what they want to see. For that exact reason, look for the good in people, rather than the bad. - Donald L. Hicks
Good heart, good soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I hate reality but it's still the best place to get a good steak. - Woody Allen
In Nature there are no good or bad outcomes -- only consequences. - Dr.Mani
I believe books should be like a prime rib steak ~ good and thick. - E.A. Bucchianeri
Regrets are a terrible thing to live with but, if we take a good look at them, some are not regrets at all, they’re situations that taught us a valuable lesson. Don’t be so hard on yourself it’s not a perfect world. - Ron Baratono
This is not a dirty little secret which was discovered just yesterday. But, if you follow the Golden Rule, good things happen to you and those around you. - Michael A. Contés II
Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Alli Condie
The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. - Francis Maitland Balfour
Life is all about looking for an opportunity to do something good. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. - Joseph Addison
The best way to get a good idea is to have a lot of ideas - Linus Pauling
The problem is good has a limit, bad none! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory. - Albert Schweitzer
Currently, the average age of exposure to hardcore pornography is 9 years old. None of this can be good for anyone... except the sex industry. - Guy Noland
A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals the secret of some hidden treasure. - Dalai Lama XIV
The society of women is the element of good manners. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It's doubtful that anyone with an internet connection at his workplace is writing good fiction. - Jonathan Franzen
There's very little authentic study of the humanities remaining. My research assistant came to me two years ago saying she'd been in a seminar in which the teacher spent two hours saying that Walt Whitman was a racist. This isn't even good nonsense. It's insufferable. - Harold Bloom
Your problem is how you are going to spend this one and precious life you have been issued. Whether you're going to spend it trying to look good and creating the illusion that you have power over circumstances, or whether you are going to taste it, enjoy it and find out the truth about who you are. - Anne Lamott
I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from The Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book. - Abraham Lincoln
Unfortunately, there seems to be far more opportunity out there than ability.... We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation. - Thomas A. Edison
To achieve self actualization, do good things for other people that you would want to be done onto yourself - Meg Cabot
To receive love is good, but to be loved unconditionally, I don’t know what’s greater than that. - Spirit Rain
Good. Coffee is good for you. It's the caffeine in it. Caffeine, we are here. Caffeine puts a man on her horse and a woman in his grave. - Ernest Hemingway
Good things quickly become habitual and we often stop valuing them. - Sunday Adelaja
Hanging out is good historical methodology. - Jean Pfaelzer
A witty vicar once said that a good marriage is like a pair of scissors with the couple inseparable joined, often moving in opposite directions, yet always destroying anyone who comes between them. The trick is for the blades to learn to work smoothly together, so as not to cut each other. - Mary Jo Putney
The irony of taking Anti Depressants: you take them to feel good but they also make you feel bad or worse because you worry about your purse. - Mico Monsalve
Be good to feel good and to attract good. - Debasish Mridha
Still, I could find no good reason for not going. So I decided to go. - Nicolette Milnes Walker
A good man cares about others. A good man has not only selfish desires. He is not only centered in himself. A bad man has no concern for others. He has only selfish concerns. He is centered in his own world. - Swami Dhyan Giten
The more we give, the more we reap the benefits of feeling good in helping others. We are all capable of giving and and as well receiving, from giving graciously The blessing about giving is that it always comes back to us! - Angie karan
I can critique the bad; I can take the good, and I can add whatever I want. - Justine Larbalestier
Leaving a good mark - Michael Mcguerty
It’s highly virtuous to say we’ll be good, but wecan’t do it all at once, and it takes a long pull, a strongpull, and a pull all together before some of us even get ourfeet set in the right way. - Louisa May Alcott
An attempt to achieve the good by force is like an attempt to provide a man with a picture gallery at the price of cutting out his eyes. - Ayn Rand
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. - Martin Fraquhar Tupper
It is not enough to be good if you have the ability to be better.
Good literature is one key to peace. When we stop reading each other, when we stop paying attention to each other's words and stories, we too easily oppose one another. - Dave DiGrazie
After all one break is good idea, some useful stuff should be done. Then the hard work should come it in the new hands! - Deyth Banger
If the good is not dependent on the bad and can be separated from it, one gives effect to the good that remains after the separation if it still gives effect to the main objective. - Johann Kriegler
The game of life is not so much in holding a good hand as playing a poor hand well.
The moment when you realize no one understands, no one ever did, no one ever will.You were alone, you always will be.But may be, just may be, someone will look up to you someday. And when they do, remember to hide those tearful eyes, to smile and to say - "look, life's so good. - Sanhita Baruah
Trying to be like me as a person is not a good idea. To have the same interest, to talk about the same and so on and so on... it's kind time waste! - Deyth Banger
A cap of good acid costs five dollars and for that you can hear the Universal Symphony with God singing solo and the Holy Ghost on drums. - Hunter S. Thompson
A good writer is a magician; she unfolds the dark secrets of mind. - Debasish Mridha
A good preview makes you can’t wait to see the whole movie. - A.D. Posey
When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'. - Groucho Marx
To be good, we must do good; and by doing good we take a sure means of being good, as the use and exercise of the muscles increase their power. - Tryon Edwards
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. - Linus Pauling
I think that at a certain age, say fifteen or sixteen, poetry is like masturbation. But later in life good poets burn their early poetry, and bad poets publish it. Thankfully I gave up rather quickly. - Umberto Eco
A good question is the shortcut to a good answer. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Evil spawns mayhem while benevolence repairs; doing good comforts the living while prayers are extended to the one who attends to the dead. - Donna Lynn Hope
Everyday we can't connect but good things connected... - Hitesh Chorada
Everybody is born so that they can learn to live a good life-like loving everybody and being nice, right? Well animals already know how to do that, so they don't have to live so long - Robin Downing
EVANGELIST, n. A bearer of good tidings, particularly (in a religious sense) such as assure us of our own salvation and the damnation of our neighbors. - Ambrose Bierce
Property may be destroyed and money may lose it's purchasing power; but, character, health, knowledge, and good judgement will always be in demand under all conditions.
It's said that if you can't say something good about a dead person, don't say it. Well, I consider him dead. - Thurgood Marshall
Reading stimulates the imagination and a good imagination can change the world in the most splendid of ways. - Meredith Wood
Speechless is not even a good enough word to describe what I feel when I see the pictures of how we have transformed the world from the good to bad, from natural to artificial, physical appearance to daily makeup. I think I want to go with the word ENRAGED, DISGUSTED, or better yet INSULTED . - Auliq-Ice
Be happy you are alive and be good. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Do you feel that? It is a calm shift in the wind. Do you hear that? It is a soft whisper of hope. Do you see that? It is the divine hand of guidance, mercifully extended to aid our good fight. - Richelle E. Goodrich
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never learned to walk. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Perhaps better we not obscure the idea that happiness and misery, kindness and greed, and good works and bad deeds are within the capacities of us all, not merely a select few. - David P. Mikkelson
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. - Albert Einstein
When you have a good romance, find ways to make their lives miserable and hellish...Do you think 'Titanic' would have been so popular if they had both lived? Not a prayer. - Orson Scott Card
Have faith in 'What Is'. You will get your due, good or not so good, to your liking or not, but in time, as it is meant to be. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Who gives fuck... does one die or one win... both in the end are in the graveyard... as for now I will focus on if you don't understand me probably is for good. - Deyth Banger
You be good. That's your business. The rest, leave to God. That's his business. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Lex Rex has become Rex Lex. Arbitrary judgment concerning current sociological good is king - Francis A. Schaeffer
Keep flowing even its good or bad. Stilness is ultimate result of flow, path of yoga is to keep flowing. - Yogi Vini
Reap your harvest. (Benefits) You have been sowing seeds on good soil. (Working Hard) Your garden is overflowing abundantly.(Successful) Now is the time for you to fill your basket with the fruits of your labor. (Savings). Prepare your soil for new seeds. (Investments) - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. - Mark Twain
No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. - Abraham Lincoln
He wasn’t a good person, but I painted him to be and since I painted it, I believed it. - Dominic Riccitello
I have good reason to be content,for thank God I can read andperhaps understand Shakespeare to his depths. - John Keats
Words are fossilized butterfly wings,pretty to look at sometimes,but only good for Museums.I want to miserably burn down the Museums. - Jeremiah Walton
I never just dreamed of success, I worked for it. Dreaming is good, but working is what gets you results. - Archana Chaurasia Kapoor
Success is waking up in the morning and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at - something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again. - Whit Hobbs
Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful - Stephen King
In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you. - Mortimer J. Adler
We have been shown how to fight hate without becoming hate ourselves. We have been given a Companion and a Friend and not just a good idea. We have been given joy in the midst of failure, and not just a way of winning or being right. - Richard Rohr
I believe we have an obligation to read for pleasure, in private and in public places. If we read for pleasure, if others see us reading, then we learn, we exercise our imaginations. We show others that reading is a good thing."[The Guardian, 15 October 2013] - Neil Gaiman
Relaxation is good, holidays are necessary, but there is nothing as rewarding and healthy as doing what you love and loving what you do. Our honest toil should inspire and satisfy us. - Ogwo David Emenike
A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world. - Lois Wyse
See no good, hear no good, speak no good; and the people will eventually find you good! - Huseyn Raza
A writer needs to ingest love to be passionate. Passion is a metabolite of love, and good writing is an active metabolite of passion. - Roman Payne
Do good, reap good; do evil, reap evil. - Chinese Proverb
We have to remember that not every action taken to solve a problem will be free of unforeseen consequences. No matter how good our intentions. - Rachel Fischer
Also, SKULLS. Gosh you love SKULLS. There is a good SKULL at the heart of any mystery, haunting its EVERY PAGE. That is what you always say. Or at least, it is what you always HOPE. - Andrew Hussie
Be determined to do good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Had I known that coffee could taste so good, I would have gotten drunk on it every day. - Rabih Alameddine
Don't spread negativity, that stuff is contagious and ruins us. The good news is, positivity can also be contagious and it lifts us. - Joshua Neik
A good shepherd always gives people freedom to choose; he doesn’t lay down conditions or use any kind of pretext to restrict people. This shepherd resembles Jesus and people will not even want to leave him. - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
Though wrong gratifies in the moment, good yields its gifts over a lifetime. - Desmond Tutu
To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Just the omission of Jane Austen's books alone would make a fairly good library out of a library that hadn't a book in it. - Mark Twain
He possessed the logic of all good intentions and a knowledge of all the tricks of his trade, and yet he never succeeded at anything, because he believed too much in the impossible. Surprising? Why so? He was forever in the act of conceiving it! - Charles Baudelaire
Worth is not something you can buy for $39.99, nor something you can lose with 10 extra pounds. Self-judging people make good consumers. Start a revolution. Love yourself. - Vironika Tugaleva
My music is the spiritual expression of what I am my faith, my knowledge, my being...When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something really good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hangups...I want to speak to their souls. - John Coltrane
Good work, like good talk or any other form of worthwhile human relationship, depends upon being able to assume an extended shared world. - Stefan Collini
All good that you have done for the humanity, keep it like a secret; do your goodness in the shadow! Let one day others find this secret, preferably long after you have passed away! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The good news is that every morning we have the choice; not to be controlled by circumstances nor our past but by purposely designing our day, hence our lives better. Not to react to life but to respond with love. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Mostly good is enough. Mostly good produces healthy kids who know they are valued and either forget the other parts or turn them into funny stories. - Jen Hatmaker
Change is good, but dollars are better. - Anonymous
To value riches is not to be covetous. They are the gift of God, and, like every gift of his, good in themselves, and capable of a good use. But to overvalue riches, to give them a place in the heart which God did not design them to fill, this is covetousness.
This isn't good or bad. It's just the way of things. Nothing stays the same. - Gordon Atkinson
Night becomes day only when the sun appears; dark man becomes good man only when the compassion appears! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The same sun that rises over castles and welcomes the daySpills over buildings into the streets where orphans playAnd only You can see the good in broken thingsYou took my heart of stone, and You made it homeAnd set this prisoner free - Bethany Dillon
Many of us live that life where we are only happy when there's a good day passing by, instead of being sad when there's one bad day passing leaving us confused. - Auliq Ice
This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers.... There is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance, or death. - William Shakespeare
Anarchy - it's not the law, it's just a good idea. - Unknown
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. - H. L. Mencken
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good health has vanished. - Og Mandino
Good and Bad shape your soul like the Light and Shadow shape the tree's - Urbanky Aurel Petru
No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism. - Annie Besant
Something good about love: if you fall in it, you will not feel any pain. - Debasish Mridha
It is good to know that every single title/rank you hold is earned in a high cost of hard work, not some random self given title/rank. - Euginia Herlihy
There is new research showing that our creative potential increases with age. Our creativity is a product of our inner and outer experience, and as we get older, we have all kinds of experience to draw on. Also, research tells us that creativity brings energy, vitality and good health. - Sandra A. Cusack
...At least, a bit of plus at different things would be a lot of plus together.We just need to hold onto the goods and trust in each other. Good will hunt and bad will starve... - Prashant Pushkar
Stephanie had no problem doing what shewas told, just so long as she was given a good reason why sheshould. - Derek Landy
Sometimes trials...Bring out the hard-hearted nature of a good person and make him unforgiving.And, sometimes trials...Help a socially snubbed person to live a humane life and make him appreciable!Its called TIME that exposes people truly. - Salsabeel
Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson
The secret of good cooking is, first, having a love of it… If you’re convinced that cooking is drudgery, you’re never going to be good at it, and you might as well warm up something frozen. - James Beard
Laughing is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one spot. - Josh Billings
She said that my good qualities were my bad qualities -- this I have come to realize is true of everyone. On the one hand, I was game, eager and perfectly ready to see what was in front of me. On the other hand, I had no sense of direction or destiny. - Laurie Colwin
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength - Jake Bible
The most important thing is to read as much as you can, like I did. It will give you an understanding of what makes good writing and it will enlarge your vocabulary. - J.K. Rowling
We are not good because of the good we do but we are good and so we do good. - Newton Gatambia
One good thing about love, when it touches you, time stands still. - Debasish Mridha
Some way some how i'm going to be happy i'm going to laugh i'm going to prosper,i feel good that i remain positive thru these mess up times!!! - jojo1980
Know how to choose. Most things in life depend on it. You need good taste and an upright judgement; intelligence and application are not enough. There is no perfection without discernment and selection. - Baltasar Gracián
2274Humanity has ability to find good in as many things as possible and respond them with kindness - Kishore Bansal
Racism does not have a good track record. It's been tried out for a long time and you'd think by now we'd want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management. - Thomas Sowell
It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad. - Jimmy Buffett
Content thyself to be obscurely good. When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, the post of honor is a private station. - Joseph Addison
The good die young - because they see it's no use living if you've got to be good. - John Barrymore
My constant prayer for myself is to be used in service for the greater good. - Oprah Winfrey
Pragmatism is good prevention for problems. - Amit Kalantri
Intentions, whether good or bad, that don’t reflect the words and actions are only meant to fulfill personal goals. - Ashish Patel
Sometimes being a good parent is admitting that you weren't a perfect parent. - Colleen Ferrary Bader
Don't gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it. - Will Rogers
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. - George Jean Nathan
To manage to smile and have a good laugh in the midst of difficult times makes you look younger. - Euginia Herlihy
And every good artist knows that the gift comes from somewhere else, and it's there for a reason, and that's to make the world a better place. - James Lee Burke
The good news is that God gave us imaginations because he wanted us to take a tour into our future, see what’s there for us and then we prepare to relocate into it! - Israelmore Ayivor
A thrilling story can be dull if told badly, but even the most mundane event can be elevated into a tale of epic scale by a good storyteller. - Johnny Rich
I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. - Oprah Winfrey
Sometimes a slow gradual approach does more good than a large gesture. - Craig Newmark
People are of two types of breed. One who is known for their good deeds & such folks’ need is very high as they care; other who is known for their greed & such persons grow like weed everywhere. - Anuj Somany
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. - William Shakespeare
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. - Vince Lombardi
Sleep is not on good terms with broken hearts. It will have nothing to do with them. - Christopher Pike
Maybe this is a second doctoral program: advanced learning about life, death, marriage, mothering, family, faith, patience, prayer. My degree will be 'Doctor of Life,' and I will be in good company. So many of us earn our 'Doctor of Life' degrees. - Christina G. Hibbert Psy.D.
I was going to buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and then I thought: What the hell good would that do? - Ronnie Shanks
Making money is good, but there's no pockets in a shroud. - Terry Pratchett
History is a better guide than good intentions. - Jeane Kirkpatrick
Look for strengths in people, not weakness; for good, not evil. Most of us find what we search for.
Good deeds may not lead to heaven...still do deeds that make you feel like you are in there already. - Palle Oswald
I live for those who love me, for those who know me true; for the heaven that smiles above me and awaits my spirit too. For the cause that lacks assistance, for the wrong that needs resistance, for the future in the distance, and the good that I can do. - George Linnaeus Banks
I know he's a good person. And he said he was sorry. And I love him. And when you love a person, you have to forgive him sometimes. - Gabrielle Zevin
Instead of giving money to found colleges to promote learning, why don't they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as good as the Prohibition one did, why, in five years we would have the smartest race of people on earth. - Will Rogers
Good ideas alter the power balance in relationships, that is why good ideas are always initially resisted. Good ideas come with a heavy burden. Which is why so few people have them. So few people can handle it. - Hugh Macleod
Overcome evil with good and hate with love. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, anew continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to bereleased and channeled toward some great good. - Brian Tracy
I have faith that all is well, that all good things come to me in Divine timing. I can relax and surrender to the truth that I am divinely guided and cared for. - Eileen Anglin
Be good to those who are good,and just to those who are not;this is true wisdom.Do good unto others,not expecting them to do good unto you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The most valuable gift you can give to humanity is a good example. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Do you suffer when you write? I don't at all. Suffer like a bastard when don't write, or just before, and feel empty and fucked out afterwards. But never feel as good as while writing. - Ernest Hemingway
How many good ideas have you let go because you didn't believe in yourself? You have to believe to achieve! - Tony Curl
It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others. - Cornelius Tacitus
You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God. - Eileen Anglin
When I was in my twenties and broke, I'd buy books before food. A meal will sustain you for a few hours, a good book will sustain you for life. - Gabrielle Zevin
For a scientist, this is a good way to live and die, maybe the ideal way for any of us - excitedly finding we were wrong and excitedly waiting for tomorrow to come so we can start over. - Norman Maclean
If you want people to do a good job, give them a good job to do. - Frederick Herzberg
Wouldn’t this old world be better If the folks we meet would say: ‘I know something good about you,’ And then treat us that way? - N. Eldon Tanner
Part of the fruit of the Spirit is self-control. Once you get married, however, a good defense is frequency and freedom. - Mark Driscoll
The good man is the friend of all living things. - Mahatma Gandhi
To be claimed as a good, though in an improper style, is at least better than being rejected as no good at all. - Jane Austen
Good improvisers seem telepathic; everything looks pre-arranged, This is because they accept all offers made—which is something no ‘normal’ person would do. - Keith Johnstone
How did you-"Fool your guards? They're not very good, the forgot to check the ceiling for spiders."Valek grinned. His angular face softened. - Maria V. Snyder
An ethics of desire is good news for those of us who have become allergic to an ethics of law. - Jean Vanier
When religion becomes so involved in a future good "over yonder" that it forgets the present evils over here it is as dry as dust religion and needs to be condemned. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Good order is the foundation of all things. - Edmund Burke
Never squander money, opportunity or a good wife. They all tend to end up in the hands of someone who won't. - Sotero M Lopez II
You’re a fool, Quinhelm accused. Any man who would allow himself to be bewitched by a woman needs a good dunking in a cold barrel of water. (Quinhelm, the wizard, from BRIGGEN) - Ann B. Keller
To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future. - Plutarch
A good writer is not necessarily a good book critic. No more so than a good drunk is automatically a good bartender. - Jim Bishop
You can't expect a boy to be depraved until he has been to a good school.
"The Good Book" - one of the most remarkable euphemisms ever coined. - Ashley Montague
Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
For me, it's that I contributed, ... That I'm on this planet doing some good and making people happy. That's to me the most important thing, that my hour of television is positive and upbeat and an antidote for all the negative stuff going on in life. - Ellen DeGeneres
Let us never be afraid of innocent joy; God is good and what he does is well done; resign yourself to everything, even happiness; ask for the spirit of sacrifice, of detachment, of renunciation, and above all, for the spirit of joy and gratitude. - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
Feeling good about yourself is not the same thing as doing good. Good policy is more important than good feelings. - Theodore Dalrymple
a good friendship is beneficial to both, a bought friend is a free enemy that no one can afford. - Antwine Huffman
Do not consider painful what is good for you. - Euripides
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that money cannot buy; therefore value it, and be thankful for it. - Izaak Walton
As people do better, they start voting like Republicans- unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.
I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show for any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life’s richness doesn’t consist of not making mistakes, or never taking the wrong path but of growing stronger from each decision made, good or bad. - Elle Sommer
Better a good journalist than a poor assassin. - Jean-Paul Sartre
They sit there shouting "Don't do it." Someone told them revolution looked like the Cosby Show. A slight tug with a good lesson. Revolution is a tough struggle between what was and what needs to be. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Your primary goal should be to have a great life. You can still have a good day, enjoy your child, and ultimately find happiness, whether your ex is acting like a jerk or a responsible person. Your happiness is not dependent upon someone else.
In order to improve our life for good always remember that regardless of what anyone else says and does, we are ultimately responsible for our own actions. This is the only way to experience victory, joy, and satisfaction every day of our lives. - Donald Pillai
A flag is supposed to represent everything that a country does. It doesn't only represent the good things. If you burn the flag, you're burning the flag for what you perceive to be the bad things the country has done. it's only a symbol. It's only a piece of cloth. - George Carlin
I love money. I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $300 pair of socks. Got a fur sink. An electric dog polisher. A gasoline powered turtleneck sweater. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too. - Steve Martin
Actions reveal… If you have to TELL me you’re honest, caring, generous, spiritual, kind, loving, and a good person... you’re doing it wrong. - Steve Maraboli
If you don't know when your good, how can you know when your bad? - Will Adolphy
It is good to know; it is better to do; it is best to be. To be pure and strong, to be honest and earnest, to be kindly and thoughtful, and in all to be true,... - S.D. Gordon
If you aren't hurting after a good workout then obviously you haven't done something right - Mark W. Boyer
Enjoy what you have, cherish the good times and savour everything life presents you. We can’t change the past…However, the future is a blank canvas, waiting for the paint, go create a masterpiece. - The Hypnotherapy Guy
Dreaming is good, but without taking actions, a dream is just hope. - Debasish Mridha
Nothing and no one is perfect. It just takes a good eye to find those hidden imperfections. - Daphne Delacroix
You're a good example of why some animals eat their young. - Jim Samuels
Children are natural mimics; they act like their parents in spite of every effort to teach them good manners.
If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good! - Dr. Seuss
A free press can of course be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom it will never be anything but bad. . . . Freedom is nothing else but a chance to bet better, whereas enslavement is a certainty of the worse. - Albert Camus
If men were born free, they would, so long as they remained free, form no conception of good and evil. - Baruch Spinoza
Things are neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare
The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid. - Jane Austen
But give thanks, at least, that you still have Frost's poems; and when you feel the need of solitude, retreat to the companionship of moon, water, hills and trees. Retreat, he reminds us, should not be confused with escape. And take these poems along for good luck! - Robert Graves
I'm happy here, and why change when you love the club and the club's in a really good position right now. - Frank Lampard
A good motto to live by: 'Always try not to get killed. - George Carlin
There is no bad.. nor good.. there just is.. and that is the present moment. How does that look.. depends on where you are along the journey.. Blink.. and the perception can change. - Jonathan Bailey
Hardly a competent workman can be found who does not devote a considerable amount of time to studying just how slowly he can work and still convince his employer that he is going at a good pace.
It always feels good and comforting to relax whilst there is work to be done but, it feels fulfilling to work hard, overcome slothfulness and challenges with tenacity and achieve your aim when you should have relaxed - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The ceiling is not a good limit;it prevents you from reaching the sky.The sky is not a favorable limit;it hinders you from reaching the stars.The stars are not an acceptable limit;they impede you from reaching the edge of the universe. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Good science fiction starts with a question "what if...? - Franklin Clermont
Knowledge is nothing without good attitude. - Pinky Chocolatte
In life there are good and bad situations. But when you are down in the valley looking up at the mountain, sometimes you realize that you can see the stars a little clearer. You realize what's truly important and you know exactly what must be done to keep it just like it is. - Jennifer Megan Varnadore
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. - John Stuart Mill
Be so good they can't ignore you. - Steve Martin
They call good evil and evil good. There are those who are so easily offended that they lose their ability to ever discern any truth, and this is often derived from a sort of frenzy by way of their own masked prejudice. - Criss Jami
I'm the biggest critic of my own work, but sometimes you nail a chapter so good that you have to take a step back and admire that bitch. - R.D. Ronald
A good book is enjoyable. A great book sets off a bomb inside of you. - Ned Hepburn
An apparent misfortune of man is that neither good nor evil is an agency itself; both are equally passive choices. Man himself is the ultimate agency. He has the power to realize and activate the dead options. Only then, that is, by the action of Will, good results in good and evil in evil. - Raheel Farooq
A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing. - Laura Ingalls Wilder
A dream can be remarkable and alluring, that is why I chase it hoping that one day something good would happen! - Maddy
Ironically, girls who don't think so much about their family and are a little bit self-centred are not only happier themselves but also maintain good relationships with their families. - Farahad Zama
Teaching kids is like a 5 year old box of chocolates: You never know what you're gonna get, but you can bet your ass it ain't gonna be good. - Zany Madcap
Additions like to enter without knocking, you just have to close the door for good... - Alen Sargsyan
If you wish to make good art, then you must believe you already do. Otherwise, you will never be good enough. - Luhraw
Stop thinking that nobody is good enough. - Auliq Ice
it’s that sense of powerlessness that destroyed my soul. i cannot be as good as i would like to be.nor as bad as i think i need to be.i think you have the same doubts that your goodness was not rewarded - Paulo Coelho
He who carries out one good deed acquires one advocate in his own behalf, and he who commits one transgression acquires one accuser against himself. Repentance and good works are like a shield against calamity. - The Talmud
In the United States, doing good has come to be, like patriotism, a favorite device of persons with something to sell. - H. L. Mencken
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress. - Mahatma Gandhi
A good friend of my son's is a son to me. - Lois McMaster Bujold
I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like that when I got here. - Matt Groening
Life is boring. People are vengeful. Good things always end. We do so many things and we don't know why, and if we do find out why, it's decades later and knowing why doesn't matter any more. - Douglas Coupland
Wearing fake happiness is as good as smearing foundation. A bit of moisture drains it all. - Aniruddha Sastikar
Heart can keep a secret, but face is not a good secret keeper! So what heart knows, face will expose it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinctions. No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good wit. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The lover knows much more about absolute good and universal beauty than any logician or theologian, unless the latter, too, be lovers in disguise. - George Santayana
There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed. - Woodrow Wilson
If half the onion is black with rot it is a rotten onion. A man is good, or he is evil. - George R. R. Martin, Clash of Kings
Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. - Baltasar Gracián
Fear less, hope more;eat less, chew more;whine less, breathe more;talk less, say more;hate less, love more;and all good things are yours. - Swedish Proverb
An awakened mind sees something good in everything - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Perfection is the enemy of the good. - Gustave Flaubert
Self-criticism is the secret weapon of democracy, and candor and confession are good for the public soul - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
If librarianship is the connecting of people to ideas and I believe that is the truest definition of what we do it is crucial to remember that we must keep and make available, not just good ideas and noble ideas, but bad ideas, silly ideas, and yes, even dangerous or wicked ideas. - Graceanne A. Decandido
It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. - Mark Twain
The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education. - Plutarch
Do you want a good advice on your path? Here it is: Don’t be sure of your path! Don’t ever be sure of it! Do you want more advice? Here it is: Doubt your path! And examine the other paths, know the other paths! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It must feel good to have someone trying so hard to keep you in any circumstances. I wish I have one too, at least I know how does it feels to have someone wanting you more than anything, other than making you cry alone in despair. - Lee NR
As I like to put it, we have hit pay dirt. The effort to cure the resource curse is a good example of what private foundations working with NGOs can accomplish. - George Soros
Nonviolence is power, but it is the right and good use of power. - Martin Luther King Jr.
When we see goodness in everything and everyone, we become good. - Debasish Mridha
Happiness is 'happening' in the good souls, those God loves. That love is mirrored in terms of Happiness. - Priyavrat Thareja
There is good to be found within anything bad. Even within the death of your own father. - Jellis Vaes
In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; these follow you as the shadow follows the body. - Bhikkhu Bodhi
Work and Pray always been a good combination. - Amen Muffler
I pursued education not instead of being a good mother, but because being a good mother required that I build a better life for my family. - Wendy Davis
That girl will rain destruction down on you and your ship. She is an albatross, Captain. Way I remember it, albatross was a ship's good luck, 'til some idiot killed it. (to Inara) Yes, I've read a poem. Try not to faint. - Joss Whedon
Good conversation is the equivalent of shared emotion. - Marty Rubin
Innocence more often than not is a piece of good fortune rather than a virtue. - Anatole France
All the good things a man can do for a woman is against her religion - M.F. Moonzajer
I've learned a lot this year...I've learned that some people will wrong you, forgive them anyway.I've learned that things might not work out as you thought they should, do them anyway.But what struck me the most isno matter how good or bad things are, life goes on, so live it anyway. - Zane Baker
I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival if we accommodated ourselves to this planet and viewed it appreciatively, instead of skeptically and dictatorially. - E.B. White
Never reject your dark side for it is part of you. Accept it and learn how to use it for good deeds, then you will be able to find inner peace. - Vitali Zverev
Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good. - Samuel Johnson
The stream is as good as at first; the little rubbish it collects in the turnings is easily moved away. - Jane Austen
, when asked how to strike a better balance between family, work and self-realisation says: "You need the intention, good scheduling, and you have to be creative. If you don't find time to practice, one of the three is missing. - Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel
Never live in the past; were it good to do so, butterflies would crawl back into their cocoons. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Necessity never made a good bargain. - Benjamin Franklin
Surviving is good, but overcoming is better. - Shelley Hendrix
Good girl doesn’t exist; you just have to choose between bad and worse. - M.F. Moonzajer
It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen. - Aristotle
Good music is good music, and everything else can go to hell. - Dave Matthews
There are a lot of myths which make the human race cruel and barbarous and unkind. Good and Evil, Sin and Crime, Free Will and the like delusions made to excuse God for damning men and to excuse men for crucifying each other. - Clarence Darrow
Every woman is as bitter as gall. But she has two good moments: one in bed, the other at her death. - Palladas
If you are a student you should always get a good nights sleep unless you have come to the good part of your book, and then you should stay up all night and let your schoolwork fall by the wayside, a phrase which means 'flunk'. - Lemony Snicket
The law of war is harsh. If there's anything good at all in a war, it's that it brings the best and the worst out of people: some people try to use the lawlessness to hurt others, and some try to reduce the suffering to minimum. - Mohamedou Ould Slahi
I am Chandubhai’ is good or bad focused applied awareness (shubha-ashubha upyoga). ‘I am Pure Soul’, is the focused pure applied awareness of the Self (shuddha upayog). With good-bad focused applied awareness (shubha-ashubha upayog) instillation in the worldly life occured. - Dada Bhagwan
You will find it a very good practice always to verify your references sir. - Martin Routh
Eventually, there will not be enough prisons if there are not enough good homes.
People lack morals, good moral character is important in every aspect of your life. Honesty and Integrity opens the door. Your character allows others to see you for who you truly are. Make your first impression a lasting impression. Ironically it may be your last impression - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Before comparing yourself or your life to others, take a good look at your fingers. - Peprah Boasiako
It is my business as a Sunday school teacher to instill a divine discontent for the ordinary. Only the best possible is good enough for God. Can you say, 'God, I have done all that I can? - Henrietta C. Mears
I keep going;I keep writing because I know something good will happen, and I want to see it when it happens. - Millicent Ashby
Individual effort is good but collective effort is better. We need a NETWORK of nation builders - Fela Durotoye
What you do is your choice. You can make good or bad choices, but there will never be any right or wrong to who you are. - Imania Margria
If you have firm trust in God, the success that comes to you will always be that which is most useful for you whether it appears good or bad in your private judgment. - Francis de Sales
Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. - Francis Bacon
You boys going to get somewhere, or just going?" We didn't understand his question, and it was a damned good question. - Jack Kerouac
Exactly what good are our eyes if they are not willing to see what's right before us? - Mark W. Boyer
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. - Anne Frank
Mary wasn't brilliant.She was a good woman who let her emotions guide her politics. She just couldn't help being for anybody who was agin something. - Murray Morgan
I see a good deal of talk from Washington about lowering taxes. I hope they do get 'em lowered enough so people can afford to pay 'em. - Will Rogers
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . Then he said, "Let there be light." Which means he made the entire universe in the dark! How fucking good is that? He's brilliant. - Ricky Gervais
What's the point of worshipping a forgiving god if you're just gonna be good anyway? - Matt Milby
The glory of a good tale is that it is limitless and fluid; a good tale belongs to each reader in its own particular way. - Stephen King
Courtesy and kindness cultivate confidence with good Netiquette. Doing things right makes you feel good. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
A good writer refuses to be socialized. He insists on his own version of things, his own consciousness. And by doing so he draws the reader's eye from its usual groove into a new way of seeing things. - Bill Barich
No good will remain unrewarded, if not by men, then by God. - Sunday Adelaja
Life is a Business, by Worship of Human being, we Earn good Deeds'' - - Samar Sudha
It is GOOD to cherish your yesterdays; It is BETTER to dream your tomorrows; but it is BEST to live your today's! Remember to hold fast to your dreams, for if your dreams die, then your life is like a bird with broken wings that cannot fly. - Donald Pillai
When you help people, don't wait around to hear them say, "Thank you." A lot of times we do good things, but in the back of our mind we're hoping to get some appreciation. But if you make your intentions pure, and you expect only from Allah, He will take more care of you than you could ever imagine. - Nouman Ali Khan
Politeness is one half good nature and the other half good lying. - Mary Wilson Little
In the hearts of men lies both good and evil. The two coexist. Some men become good, and others become evil. It is the way of this world.-Kikyo - Rumiko Takahashi
Avoid working in windowless environments for good health. - Steven Magee
Actors are good liars, writers are good liars with good memories. - Daniel Keys Moran
You are going to die like a dog for no good reason - Ernest Hemingway
A good listener is a good talker with a sore throat. - Katharine Whitehorn
Why, then 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so: to me it [Denmark] is a prison.
Learn to be true to yourself, and everything good will follow. - Abhijit Naskar
My idea of good company is the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company. - Jane Austen
How far you go in life and in your career is dependent on how far you can think good thoughts! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
If we thought more for ourselves we would have very many more bad books and very many more good ones. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
this is the rough part, okay? so just stay tuned for the good part. i promise it'll come soon. - John Green
Soli Deo Gloria’ should be ascribed to every good work. - Duane Hewitt
Marmee: Oh, Jo. Jo, you have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life? You’re ready to go out and and find a good use for your talent. Tho’ I don’t know what I shall do without my Jo. Go, and embrace your liberty. And see what wonderful things come of it. - Louisa May Alcott
A man always has two reasons for what he does-a good one and the real one. - J. Pierpont Morgan
A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar. - H.L. Mencken
If you want good luck; you must go out there and search for that luck!! Because luck is waiting for you to look for it. - Temitope Owosela
There are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers came to know eat better, but the givers sleep better. So I want to be both. Because I want to eat and sleep both better for good health. - Prachi Parichita
Good times bad times...part of life...its like a meandering... river...flowing...going through crevices...gorges...caverns...mountains...hills hillocks...and finally meeting it's destiny.... - rahul kushwaha
Life is good. Even when it isn't. Because there's always HOPE beckoning you from ahead. - Anusha Atukorala
Change can never be good until you face it head-on. - Unarine Ramaru
May be its a good idea to write something about you in my book... At least then, there will be a place where we will meet everyday... and be together forever! - Anamika Mishra
Start the good job today by your self and let the generation end it tomorrow by them selves. - Issah Awal
I've always felt that good writing does not have to be literary. - Sara Sheridan
Behold, we know not anything;I can but trust that good shall fallAt last -- far off -- at last, to all,And every winter change to spring. - Alfred Tennyson
But I don't believe that life is supposed to make you feel good, or to make you feel miserable either. Life is just supposed to make you feel. - Gloria Naylor
When we can say "no" not only to things that are wrong and sinful, but also to things pleasant, profitable, and good which would hinder and clog our grand duties and our chief work, we shall understand more fully what life is worth, and how to make the most of it.
If a man has ten good qualities and one bad one, to look at the ten and forget the one, and if a man has ten bad qualities and one good one, to look at the one and forget the ten.
One of the greatest feelings in life is the conviction that you have lived the life you wanted to live-with the rough and the smooth, the good and the bad-but yours, shaped by your own choices, and not someone else's. - Michael Ignatieff
I fixed my eyes on the larget cloud, as if, when it passed out of my sight, I might have the good luck to pass with it. - Sylvia Plath
She knew now that no one could be neutral - not anymore - and as afraid as she was of risking Sophie's life, she was suddenly more afraid of letting her daughter grow up in a world where good people did nothing to stop evil, where a good woman could turn her back on a friend in need. - Kristin Hannah
Leadership always benefits the greater good. - Mark Sanborn
Focus is the ability to say no to the GOOD so you can fulfill the yes you said to the GREAT. - Orrin Woodward
Unless you have a very good reason, never wake up anybody or anything! Let the sleeper sleep in peace. - Mehmet Murat ildan
GOOD, adj. Sensible, madam, to the worth of this present writer. Alive, sir, to the advantages of letting him alone. - Ambrose Bierce
There is nothing more practical than a good theory.
Knock-offs may look good, but they never last as long as the real thing. - N.M. Silber
The height of humanity should give birth to greater good. We should be in desperation of "CHANGE" but not in spawning evil, because by doing so, humanity remains shackled. - Henry Johnson Jr
It's a good thing I'm not the president, because I would prosecute everybody who was involved in that torture, I would prosecute the people who did it, I would prosecute the people who ordered it and they would all go to jail! Because Torture is against the law! - Jesse Ventura
Perfect is the enemy of good. - Voltaire
When you know the inside stories, no matter how good looks the cover, you just cannot appreciate it... - Sanhita Baruah
A leader inspires others to dream more. The actions of a really good leader will show how to achieve that dream. - Debasish Mridha
We were fair game but we have kept out of the cesspool. We are strong. We are the good ones. Do not discover us for we lie together all in green like pond weeds. Hold me, my young dear, hold me. - Anne Sexton
5 rules to live a happier life: 1) Love yourself. 2) Do good. 3) Always forgive. 4) Harm no one. 5) Be positive. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
All our good is apparently from God, because we are first naked and holy without any good, and afterwards enriched with all good. - Jonathan Edwards
I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book. - Groucho Marx
The amount of money you owe doesn't matter; as long as you use it for good - Sandra Chami Kassis
When I was earning, saving, and spending, I felt poor. When I started to give away some of my earning for good purposes, abundance filled my heart. - Debasish Mridha
If you are searching for sacred knowledge and not just a palliative for your fears, then you will train yourself to be a good skeptic. - Ann Druyan
A song should stand on its own and on what a singer does with it. It shouldn't need a lot of extra help to be good. - Oliver
sometimes is good to be in patience, it can be mean understand, sometimes patience can describe as sacrifice , but everytime it hurting ourself - Tun Teja
The noble man is chiefly concerned with wisdom and friendship; of these, the former is a mortal good, the latter and immortal one. - Epicurus
You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. - Paul Sweeney
Good Person, Good Words and Good Action are independent, wisdom lies in recognizing each of this good irrespective of other one or two being not Good. - Venkat Gandhi
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. - Winston Churchill
With a modest amount of looks and talent and more than a modicum of serendipity, I've managed to stretch my 15 minutes of fame into more than half a century of good fortune. - Robert Vaughn
If a quote changes your life in a good way, keep it in your mind and in your heart to give it to someone else too! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It's good to have an end in mind but in the end what counts is how you travel. - Orna Ross
Mistakes have been always the path of learning, but to close something because of mistakes and to start it again maybe it's good idea, maybe not! - Deyth Banger
Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow. - Arthur Stringer
That eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it! - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
How good something is should never be determined by its cost, designer, origin, or its perceived value by others. - Ashly Lorenzana
I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own. - Woody Allen
Now here is the good news: while it's true that none of us can know everything, we can all know more tomorrow than we do today - Pat Williams
If you write to impress it will always be bad, but if you write to express it will be good - Thornton Wilder
Okay, we didn’t work, and allmemories to tell you the truth aren’t good.But sometimes there were good times.Love was good. I loved your crooked sleepbeside me and never dreamed afraid.There should be stars for great warslike ours. - Sandra Cisneros
What we have to learn, in both meditation and in life, is to be free ofattachment to the good experiences, and free of aversion to the negative ones. - Sogyal Rinpoche
Good politicians need not be intellectuals, but they should have intellectual lives. - Gary Gutting
I don’t wish to be successful but I definitely wish to be successful in helping someone, sometime for something good. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see -- to see correctly -- and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye.
For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth - Bo Bennett
Good is never accomplished except at the cost of those who do it, truth never breaks through except through the sacrifice of those who spread it. - John Henry Newman
A return to first principles in a republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example. - Niccolò Machiavelli
Few people know how to take a walk. The qualifications are endurance, plain clothes, old shoes, an eye for nature, good humor, vast curiosity, good speech, good silence and nothing too much. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What amazes me is that most days feel useless. I don't seem to accomplish anything-just a few pages, most of which don't seem very good. Yet, when I put all those wasted days together, I somehow end up with a book of which I'm very proud. - Louis Sachar
I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value. - Hermann Hesse
A good listener is not someone with nothing to say. A good listener is a good talker with a sore throat. - Katharine Whitehorn
Obscurity is a good thing. You can fail in obscurity. It removes the fear of failure. - Jason Fried
I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book - J.K. Rowling
Some say the bible teaches that with our tongues we can speak, set things into motion both good and bad, life and death. What we bind and loose on earth will be bound and loosed in heaven. - William Elias
Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you? - Terence McKenna
Because the horror of Communism, Stalinism, is not that bad people do bad things they always do. It's that good people do horrible things thinking they are doing something great."[Six Questions for , Harper's Magazine, November 11, 2011] - Slavoj Žižek
Wherever you see an empty life, or an empty page or an empty mind, add something good to it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience. - Albert Camus
A kiss without a moustache, they said then, is like an egg without salt; I will add to it: and it is like Good without Evil. - Jean-Paul Sartre
I am not fake, I am just too good to be true (-: - Mahsati Abdul
Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all - Johnny Depp
Nothing is so good as it seems beforehand. - George Eliot
It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You need less imagination to be a painter because you can invent things. But in photography everything is so ordinary; it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the extraordinary.
You are a good leader when your actions inspire others to do good for themselves and for others. - Debasish Mridha
All our good deeds cannot save us.We are saved by grace and faith in Jesus Christ. - Lailah GiftyAkita
Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity I mean the true simplicity of a rightly and nobly ordered mind and character, not that other simplicity which is only a euphemism for folly. - Plato
Art is a positive "FORCE" that bring beings together for the common good. Only the people who had lost a piece of themselves can create the unimaginary. - Henry Johnson Jr
It is not good for man to cherish a solitary ambition. Unless there be those around him, by whose example he may regulate himself, his thoughts, desires, and hopes will become extravagant, and he the semblance, perhaps the reality, of a madman - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The good or ill of a man lies within his own will. - Epictetus
What a good thing Adam had. When he said a good thing he knew nobody had said it before. - Mark Twain
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-- victorious. - Vince Lombardi
Dean Koontz is good in the silence makes silence... then he just attacks!- WOW - Deyth Banger
Gratitude leads to a good attitude - Habeeb Akande
A good novel is an indivisible sum; every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. - Ayn Rand
One kind of good book should leave you asking: how did the author know that about me? - Alain de Botton
When people tell you that you are good for nothing, remember that God made the world from nothing and nothing can change into something anytime. - Luffina Lourduraj
There is nothing quite so sexy as good old fashioned enthusiasm. - R.A.Delmonico
When kings the sword of justice first lay down; They art no kings, though they posess the crown; Titles are shadows, crowns are empty things, The good of subjects is the end of kings.
Anger is never without Reason, but seldom with a good One. - Benjamin Franklin
That's the scent of dude! When you get a good stink on, you are at one with the cosmos!
Learning from your mistake is good, but learning from others mistake is better. - Japson
I want you to grab hold of the brass spindles and don’t let go. When she did as he required, he spread her legs wider. Hold tight, baby. This is going to feel so good. - Maggie Adams
whatever you are be a good one - N/A
If the Good Lord meant men to use percussion caps, he wouldn't have strung flint all over the ground. - Taylor Anderson
Much of what we call evil can often be converted into a bracing and tonic good by a simple change of the sufferer's inner attitude from one of fear to one of fight - William James
My alma mater was books, a good library.... I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity. - Malcolm X
its not about their good or bad habits, its about which one you inculcate - Hrishikesh J C
Love all, trust all, and do good to all; you will not lose. - Debasish Mridha
Such things as are good simply because they have been commanded or instituted, or as being symbols of something good, are mere shadows which cannot be reckoned among actions that are the offspring, as it were, or fruit of a sound mind and of intellect. - Baruch Spinoza
Never give up on your dreams! When you’re good at something, and there’s love in what you do, passion will always bring success. - Ron Baratono
I can’t… It’s not possible… I’m not good enough... ~ These are lies the demons of your past use to scare away the possibilities of the present. - Steve Maraboli
There are no good girls gone wrong - just bad girls found out. - Mae West
If you are a good hacker everybody knows you, But if you are a great hacker nobody knows you. - Rishabh Surya
For every good deed done, a blessing is waiting to be born! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
A good country song takes a page out of someone's life, and puts it into music. - Conway Twitty
I didn't try to be everything but finally found something I am good at. - Auliq Ice
The true voice is a good spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A good judge is not one who is impartial, but one who has prejudice for good. - Raheel Farooq
If you’re dating a writer and they don’t write about you whether it’s good or bad then they don’t love you. They just don’t. Writers fall in love with the people we find inspiring. - Jamie Anne Royce
Good leaders have vision and inspire others to help them turn vision into reality. Great leaders have vision, share vision, and inspire others to create their own. - Roy Bennett
Bad art has the power to deform a people just as good art generates new reflection, growth, vision, and hope. - Michel O'Brien
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.
When we see a good-looking woman with a not-so-good-looking man, we assume that the man must have a good bank balance. When we see a good-looking man with a not-so-good-looking woman, we assume that she must be good in bed. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
See yourself as you really are.Accept the good and the bad.Only then can you truly share yourself with another. - Velyn Cooper
We need to make a game out of earning money. There is so much good we can do with money. Without it, we are bound and shackled and our choices become limited. - Bob Proctor
Mankind’s biggest flaw is the fact that he believes that something needs to change in order for him to feel good; it’s his biggest hurdle, his largest demon, his one and only true enemy. - D.S. Luca
If you want to know the truth, he says, leaning forward like he’s getting ready to tell a really good story, it has to do with Kelsey. And the biggest lie of all.And that’s when I realize the thing about the truth. It always comes out, no matter what you do. - Lauren Barnholdt
Majority of people prefer a good name to a bad name, but to me, anyone can call me anything, as long as it is not written on my face. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Everyone is good if you see from good side. - Sushil Singh
Moreover, if great men are the only hope of the Evolutionary Process, they are morally bound to rule over the masses for their own good -- we are all here on earth to help others: what on earth the others are here for, I don't know -- and the masses have no right whatsoever to resist them. - W.H. Auden
When I intentionally thank God for the good gifts that come from being his child, I find it almost impossible to maintain my sour disposition. - Lori Hatcher
It really hurts when I see two good friends arenot talking to each other from long ago. Life isjust for once. There are so many arguments youcan win with but you are gonna lose the person - Pawan Mehra
When someone says you can't do something because of XYZ, is that true? Or are they playing with your life with their good intentions to keep you safe? - Richie Norton
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - too sad story. This book is very good and sad - John Boyne, El niño con el pijama de rayas
It's takin' whatever comes your way, the good AND the bad, that give life flavor. It's all the stuff rolled together that makes life worth livin'.
[Hobbits] love peace and quiet and a good tilled earth. - J.R.R. Tolkien
listen: there’s a hellof a good universe next door; let’s go - E.E. Cummings
We have lost all sense of other considerations, because they are artificial. Only the facts are real and important to us. And good boots are hard to come by." - All Quiet On The Western Front, Ch. 2 - Erich Maria Remarque
To be good, according to the vulgar standard of goodness, is obviously quite easy. It merely requires a certain amount of sordid terror, a certain lack of imaginative thought, and a certain low passion for middle-class respectability. - Oscar Wilde
Always give your resume of good deeds when you run into someone that you wronged many years ago. They simply need to know today's version of you, before they judge you on yesterday's news. - Shannon L. Alder
One shouldn't envy another person's Destiny!As the fate written for everyone is not the same but surely a good one. - raja shakeel mushtaque
For a moment David was tempted to think that perhaps there were no good people at all outside concentration camps, but then he reminded himself of the sailor and Angelo and the English people who might have been ignorant but were certainly not bad. - Anne Holm
Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. - Alan Cohen
Learn to recognize good luck when it's waving at you, hoping to get your attention. - Sally Koslow
I don't really know them, but I know this: they're just like your kids were. Or are. Sweet, trusting, good in ways we adults hardly even remember. We have to look out for them. Not because of the tattoos, or in spite of them, but because they're kids and we're supposed to look out for kids. - Sabrina Vourvoulias
A good writer is an excellent reader. - Cyci Cade
Bob's Words:Nobody knows what tomorrow bringsBy loving, giving, caringAnd sharing todayLets one know that if tomorrowDoes not comeToday is a good day to be the last - Greg Noack
Mr. Jennings is the one who trapped the fairies here to begin with. If they’re back and wandering around, if they’re loose, then, well, it’s not good. - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
Can we just stop pretending that skinny jeans are a good look on anyone? Can we just band together and go for a boot cut, please? Ladies? - Jennifer Garner
The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself. - Oscar Wilde
It seems that bad advice that's fun will always be better known than than good advice that's dull-no matter how useless that fun advice is. - Scott Berkun
One of my favorite things: good conversation with good friends. - Karen Salmansohn
There isn't a soul in this universe with the same gifts, strength, level of intelligence and as good as yourself! - Unarine Ramaru
Evil and good are God's right hand and left.
Marriage is a full time job; a good one comes with full benefits. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It is incorrect to assume that you cannot find any good in the point of view directly opposite yours. - Daniel Willey
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. - Og Mandino
There is always a choice. Always. So do not say, you had no choice. Good or bad, doing it or not, is about you, not choices. Always. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Remember the good hours when the words are flowing well. And never mind the bad hours; there is no life without them. - Herman Wouk
I don't guarantee you to be a good man,I promise you will be a better man - Unbekannt
Vice...Virtue...It's not good to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality.
I have come to differentiate not at all between what is spiritual and the rest of life. There is only Life, all of it is good and the more I am aware of this in every moment, the more my spirit comes alive. - Jacob Nordby
Just as you began to feel that you could make good use of time, there was no time left to you. - Lisa Alther
Words cannot do justice to the pleasures of a good bookshop. Ironically.( Trafalgar Square) - Waterstones
Remember! A wish is tomorrow's daughter...and a good wish should always change the future! Never the past! - K. I. Zachopoulos
A good man measures his life not in the number of his years but in the quality of his friends. - Todd Stocker
A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. - Stephen King
She got her good looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon. - Groucho Marx
Sometimes I think of rebuilding my friendship with old friends. But at the same time, there's a reason why we fell off. Shit happens, but life's good. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
No more apologies! So we're poor! All right, we're poor! This is America! And America is one place in this sorry world where people Shouldn't have to apologize for being poor. The question in America should be, 'Is this guy a good citizen? Is he honest? Does he pull his own weight? - Kurt Vonnegut
Good horror offers a sense of an upended, lawless world and that’s appealing to anyone who grew up feeling like an outsider. - Christopher Rice
Here were we wretched creatures of men making for each other's throats, and outraging the good earth which God had made so fair a habitation. - John Buchan
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. - Paul Hawken
An economist's guess is liable to be as good as anybody else's. - Will Rogers
Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents.
Child, you’ve been trying to drown your sorrows for some time now. And the problem with that plan is, you can’t drown sorrows. They’re good swimmers. They’re gonna float back up to the top and be bobbing right where you left them last night. - Terri Lee
A good short definition of grace is "one-way love. - Justin S. Holcomb & Lindsey A. Holcomb
Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act. - Truman Capote
In battling evil, excess is good; for he who is moderate in announcing the truth is presenting half-truth. He conceals the other half out of fear of the people's wrath. - Kahlil Gibran
The taste of your life depends on the spices you used to brew it. Add laziness to it and it becomes bitter as the bile; put a cube of good attitudes into it and you will lick your lips more and more due to its sweet taste. - Israelmore Ayivor
Maybe a good goal would be to just at least always try to create something good. Like something that is connected to love in some way. Like the [musical] equivalent of…you can make a decision to be kind. You can make a decision to greet people kindly and make jokes with people and connect. - Joanna Newsom
The number of those who have nothing to recommend them and of those in whom nothing but good can be found is probably equal - Murasaki Shikibu
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. - Bible
Cream always rises to the top...so do good leaders". - John Paul Warren
Smile wide to receive many smiles in return. But if you want a good laugh, smirk like a wicked, little imp and watch the range of expressions you're flashed. - Richelle E. Goodrich
There are many fish in the sea, but never let a good one swim away. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You know you’re writing well when you’re throwing good stuff into the wastebasket. - Ernest Hemingway
Golf is a good walk spoiled. - Mark Twain
A spirit without an outlet for its passion, is as good as dead. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light. - Vera Nazarian
A piece of benevolence, a shard of good will is sometimes all that is needed to raise a truly loyal army. - LordBloodySoul
Never plant a seed that seems good to eyes despite plant a seed that will be a shed in the sunlight. - merlin8thomas
There's a war between two wolves inside everybody. One is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other's good. It's love, peace, beauty, happiness, truth, hope, joy, humility, kindness, and empathy. "Who wins...?""The one you feed". - MK Asante
Marriage is a very good thing, but I think it’s a mistake to make a habit of it. - W. Somerset Maugham
Because introverts are typically good listeners and, at least, have the appearance of calmness, we are attractive to emotionally needy people. Introverts, gratified that other people are initiating with them, can easily get caught in these exhausting and unsatisfying relationships. - Adam S. McHugh
Prosbly is for good that you can't understand me. - Deyth Banger
Wealth of good manners is what no one can steal from you. You can keep it with you wherever you go. - Moazzam Shaikh
I came into this world, not chiefly to make this a good place to live in, but to live in it, be it good or bad. - Henry David Thoreau
The difference between a good man and a bad man is the choice of cause. - William James
A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism. - Carl Sagan
Any good thing will be ruined by talking negatively about it; similarly bad thing will improve by speaking positive about it. - Dada Bhagwan
I say, "You a kind girl," and she nod, repeat it back to me. But before I can do another one, she get up and chase that poor dog around the yard and laugh and that's when I get to wondering, what would happen if I told her she something good, ever day? - Kathyrn Stockett
He that cannot endure the bad will not live to see the good. - Greek Proverb
Improvements are invented only by those who can feel that something is not good. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Friendship, like the immortality of the soul, is too good to be believed. When friendships are real, they are not glass threads or frost work but the solidest things we know. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The feeling is the voice of the words, so the people speak out loud their intention, good or bad, even when they try to keep it under wrap in their said or shared thoughts. - Anuj Somany
I saw no way out but to dive right in, to a good book. - Genesis Quihuis
Saat memutuskan buat jatuh cinta, lo juga membuka kemungkinan cinta kelak akan berbalik nyakitin lo. - Good Fight - Christian Simamora
I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property and to respect order, and I equally decry the appeal to the passions of the many or the prejudices of the few. - Benjamin Disraeli
What good is having an imagination if you don't use it? - Miss Lore
Every challenge presents a good chance for learning something new. - Gift Gugu Mona
Writers: read books. Read good books. Read bad books. Learn what does and does not work. - Kira Hawke
A good [short story] would take me out of myself and then stuff me back in, outsized, now, and uneasy with the fit. - David Sedaris
Despise no new accident in your body, but ask opinion of it… There is a wisdom in this beyond the rules of physic. A man’s observation, what he finds good and of what he finds hurt of, is the best physic to preserve health. - Francis Bacon
The presence of a good friend brings big smiles. - Debasish Mridha
The good psychic would pick up the phone before it rang. Of course it is possible there was noone on the other line. Once she said "God Bless you" I said, "I didn't sneeze" She looked deep into my eyes and said, "You will, eventually." And damn it if she wasn't right. Two days later I sneezed. - Ellen DeGeneres
Pay attention… How a person handles poor cell service, traffic, and spotty wifi is a good indicator of how they’ll behave during relationship challenges. - Steve Maraboli
Courage creates and makes more wounds, but its good for the brave and not the strong ones without wisdom. - Auliq Ice
When I was young and I was forced to watch Disney films, I would fast forward the good guys, wasn't interested in princes and princesses, only by the villains. - Nuno Roque
Why not just live in the moment, especially if it has a good beat? - Goldie Hawn
Of course, errors are not good for a chess game, but errors are unavoidable and in any case, a game without errors, or as they say 'flawless game' is colorless. - Mikhail Tal
In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them. - Mark Twain
You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients. - Julia Child
A good life is a series of joyful meetings and joyful moments.
I need just be a bayonet, a bayonet named Diving Punishment. I wish I'd been born a storm. Or a menace. Or a single grenade. No heart, no tears, just as a terrible gale'd have been good. If [by doing this] I become that, then so be it. - Kohta Hirano
Hey, Hank, I notice all the women around your place lately ... good looking stuff; you're doing all right.""Sam," I say, "that's not true; I am one of God's most lonely men. - Charles Bukowski
Everything in this world, as well as the world itself, strives for balance and harmony. Electron reaches proton, male tends to female, light replaces darkness, life is balanced by death, and vice versa. And evil on one scale will inevitably lead to the appearance of good on the other. - Alexandr Iscenco
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good. - Confucius
I'm an atheist, and I don't have any belief in an afterlife. You could say that I'm resigned to the fact that this wonderful life that we get here is it. And having hit 60, it's a good time to get resigned to these things and not be too nervous or upset - and enjoy what great times one can have. - David Gilmour
Good deeds must be rewarded by the system and crimes be punished - this is the essence of meritocracy. - Imran Khan
Success is really about being ready for the good opportunities that come before you. It's not to have a detailed plan of everything that you're going to do. You can't plan innovation or inspiration, but you can be ready for it, and when you see it, you can jump on it. - Eric Schmidt
Good sex is about knowing each other's deepest and kinkiest desires. - Abhijit Naskar
Lending war equipment is a good deal like lending chewing gum. You don't want it back. - Robert A. Taft
A Parting GuestWhat delightful hosts are they—Life and Love!Lingeringly I turn away,This late hour, yet glad enoughThey have not withheld from meTheir high hospitality.So, with face lit with delightAnd all gratitude, I stayYet to press their hands and say,Thanks.—So fine a time! Good night. - James Whitcomb Riley
A person usually has two reasons for doing something: a good reason and the real reason. - Thomas Carlyle
The healthy should be reminded that we are all dying because it is through our own reminder of mortality that we accelerate our good intentions, into actions people can see. - Shannon L. Alder
Tears and grief are good for reflection, moving on is still the best solution. - Mat Luthfi
Over time, your actions betray your heart - for good or for evil. - Todd Stocker
The truth is ladies...Good men are an endangered specie. So if you have a good man dont shuffle your KING for a JOKER. - Crystal Evans
Sometimes a policeman must confront people about lying. No one likes to be called a liar. But it is what it is! A fact is a fact! If someone is a liar, put them on notice. You should not be punished for doing the right thing. It is the job of a good investigator to get the truth. - C. Snyder
good things only happen to yourselfwhen you look for your own self - litymunshi
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. - Thomas A. Edison
Be good, or good at it. - Belo Miguel Cipriani
Man had created God in his own image, not the other way around. He had done it through sheer terror, and who could blame him? Unfortunately he had made too good a job. The god he had invented was just as cruel and careless as man himself. Not a deity to whom one should seriously address a prayer. - Richard Herley
The choice of life is not between fame and fortune, nor wealth and poverty, but between good and evil. - Boyd K. Packer
A good garden may have some weeds. - Thomas Fuller
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. - Ursula K. LeGuin
That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw. - Hesiod
Most good things have been said far too many times and just need to be lived. - Shane Claiborne
People wish for good dreams I wish people don't dream of me. - Amit Abraham
Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction. - Anne Frank
In all things it is a good idea to hang a question mark now and then on the things we have taken for granted. - Bertrand Russell
Do not let your good ideas to spend your brain energy, do it with all the effort because the shadow of the success can become a reality only with hard work. - Isra
No nice men are good at getting taxis. - Katharine Whitehorn
Think a thousand times when you get a bad though, but not once when you get a good one. - Dreamer
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy T. Bennett
Candle needs darkness to show its talents. Good shines only beside the bad; it disappears when the bad disappears. Where there is no darkness, candle is forgotten. - Mehmet Murat ildan
To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost. - Gustave Flaubert
If you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It's harder to make something good when you can't curse all the time. - Tina Fey
I've always believed in spreading the gospel of good books. - S. Evan Townsend
Looking for a good book to read and a great teacher to listen to? Here is a good book and here is a great teacher: Other cultures! To read this book and to listen to this teacher, all you need is to travel! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The villagers marked the time in two ways: before the swamp and after. What came before was good. And all that came after was not. - Melanie Crowder
want to live like there's no tomorrow. Love like I'm on borrowed time. It's good to be alive." ~ Musician Jason Gray - Jason Gray
God always knows our conscious, if it's bad He will stricken it, if it's good He will keep it clear, if you have no conscious then you're dead to God. - Anthony Liccione
Cultivate and nurture being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. Remembering that In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy. - Angie karan
The crack in your heart allows light in. ~ GOOD FORTUNE page 238 - Leslie Bratspis
Living appears good, long, and tiresome, but it is way too short than a single stroke of lightning. - Aniruddha Sastikar
May the Father be gracious according to your needs.Dear Father preserve their life,relieve them of pain,restore them to good health and strengh.Put them in your fatherly care.Forgive them all their sins. So they may be at peace with you. - Shelley E Williams
It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters. - Aesop
Indifference to ideas is a sign of good health. - Marty Rubin
Good fortune comes with many fears. It is always threatened by tragedies. But misfortune always tends to hope and peace. Hope is the heart of life. Flowers have fear of being withered while Thorns have not fear of being withered. - M.K. Bhutta
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws - - Plato
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, and snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. - John Ruskin
Whenever the press quits abusing me I know I'm in the wrong pew. I don't mind it because when they throw bricks at me-I'm a pretty good shot myself and I usually throw 'em back at 'em. - Harry S Truman
I am a practical person. Always believed in multi purpose tools, good education and limited conversations .... and then I saw her! - Soban Arif
How soon you overcome each incident, good or bad happening with you revealshow deeply you understand life. - Deep Trivedi
Our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. - John Stuart Mill
There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more. - Woody Allen
No more good must be attempted than the nation can bear - Solon
Whenever you looked forward to anything pleasant you were sure to be more or less disappointed . . . perhaps that is true. But there is a good side to it too. The bad things don't always come up to your expectations either . . . they nearly always turn out ever so much better than you think. - L. M. Montgomery
Sometimes it's good to let people swim in ocean of ignorance and let them struggle to the shores of enlightenment. - Uzoma Nnadi
Who said you weren't good enough? If it was you then pack up that thought and send it to Mars. If it wasn't you then pack up that thought and send it back to that person. - Diana Jaber
I just there for two days and that thought of what last words I could say to the firing squad. As good a pastime as any. - Ayn Rand
The forces of good and evil are working within and around me, I must choose, and in a free will universe I do have a choice.
I don't drink; I don't like it - it makes me feel good. - Oscar Levant
A good friend will fit you like ring to finger. - Venezuelan Proverb
One good thing about lovers is that they don't take up much room on public transport. - P.K. Shaw
When writing a novel, that's pretty much entirely what life turns into: 'House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day. - Neil Gaiman
Who was it who said something about the Indians being argumentative, good soul, let him come to Haridwar and meet this bunch. Good for him too, if he adapts with age; for if after fifty you don't live the aspirations of the young, go away. Who needs spectacle snails salivating on the Soma of youth? - Aporva Kala
Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor. - Edmund Spenser
The brain is like a muscle. When it is in use we feel very good. Understanding is joyous. - Carl Sagan
notwithstanding how good a seed my be, it's proper germination,growth and fruit bearing may be mutilated if not planted in a good soil - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Sometimes the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them. - Fulton J. Sheen
Look upon good books; they are true friends, that will neither flatter nor dissemble: be you but true to yourself...and you shall need no other comfort nor counsel. - Francis Bacon
They say life is a highway and we all travel our own roads, some good, some bad, yet each is a blessing of its own. - Jess "Chief" Brynjulson
One does not need to be a good fighter to put up a good fight. - P.K. Shaw
I guess it’s also not a good thing when you start relating yourself to a late nineteenth century nut bag who shot himself, but hey, you’ve got to relate to something if you ever want to feel relevant. - Molli Fields
Economics has made good on its promise to deliver prosperity and democratic freedom to much of the world, but in doing away with the age-old problems of humanity, it has opened up a crisis of an entirely new variety. - Philip Roscoe
If you don't know when you're good, how can you know when you're bad? - Will Adolphy
Good taste is the enemy of creativity - Pablo Picasso
A dream is just as good, and will go as far as an action. - Anthony Liccione
Give your big smile, and bring some good energy wherever you go for a change. The world could always use some of that uplifting energy. - Angie karan
In life; good behavior is more worthy much money. - Auliq Ice
With the need for the self in the time of another / I left my seaport grim and dear / knowing good work could be made / in the state governed by both Hope and Despair. - Roman Payne
The good and wise lead quite lives - Euripides
If your words touch the hearts, that’s good; if your words touch the minds, that’s better and if your words touch both the hearts and the minds, that is the best! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Every day one should at least hear one little song, read one good poem, see one fine painting and -- if at all possible -- speak a few sensible words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A good person always find the goodness in a bad person. - Debasish Mridha
A good conscience is to the soul what health is to the body; it preserves constant ease and serenity within us; and more than countervails all the calamities and afflictions which can befall us from without. - Joseph Addison
One enjoys the good things more to the extent that one goes to them after having labored in advance, for labors are a sauce for good things - Xenphon Ephesius
Good tells us that our agenda is the agenda of the person next to us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Look its very simple: You're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. You dare to be bad, I've got good reflex. Can go to bad bitch mode in no time. - Shreya Gupta
The key to good writing is to leave Boo Radley in the house until the end of the story. - Michael P. Naughton
Once I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: "No good in a bed, but fine up against a wall. - Eleanor Roosevelt
It may be that no religious reconciliation with the absolute totality of things is possible. Some evils, indeed, are ministerial to higher forms of good; but it may be that there are forms of evil so extreme as to enter into no good system whatsoever… - William James
Good People bring out the good in other people. - Anonymous
Every morning is a reason to begin living again… in case if you have had a good sleep. If not, then begin living again, anyway, and take care of yourself! - Lara Biyuts
Riley was... a really good kisser - Julie Kagawa
Anyway, it's a good thing we're human. We design business spreadsheets, paint programs, and word processing equipment. So that tells you where we're at as a species. What is the search for the next great compelling application but a search for the human identity? - Douglas Coupland
Too much good will lead you to bad - Herbern Lebumfacil
If we have need of a strong will in order to do good, it is still more necessary for us in order not to do evil.
Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Never underestimate the value of good friends. - Todd Stocker
Your good deeds is an act of love. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We are living in a time when flowers are trying to live on flowers, instead of on good rain and black loam. - Ray Bradbury
The purpose of the gospel is to make bad men good and good men better, and to change human nature. - David O. McKay
To guess is no good, but to anticipate is GREAT. - Filipe Alou
Good men do the most harm. - Henry Adams
Those who claim to be on the side of good yet do nothing to fight evil are on the side of evil. - Joyce Rachelle
Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, their lack of good fortunes or the quirks of fate. Everyone has within them the power to say, "This I am today, that I shall become tomorrow." The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds. - Louis L'Amour
It's good to feel attractive on the outside, but being smart and confident on the inside is what counts. - Olivia Culpo
There is no better Eraser for the past than a good use of the present. - Seun Ayilara
There is a place called ‘heaven’ where the good here unfinished is completed; and where the stories unwritten, and the hopes unfulfilled, are continued. We may laugh together yet. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Be patient, you are in good company. Our Lord Himself, our Lady, the apostles, and countless saints, both men and women, have been poor. - Francis de Sales
Have you heard that it was good to gain the day? I also say it is good to fall, battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won. - Walt Whitman
Too much of anything is not good. But I love her too much. - Raaz Ojha
Oppose vigorously any tendency to sadness ... You must persevere. By means of sorrow the enemy tries to make us weary of good works, but if he sees that we don't give them up and that being done in spite of his opposition they have become very meritorious, he will stop troubling us. - Francis de Sales
A glass of water with peace is better than several glasses of wine with trouble. Here's a glass of water . . . Cheers to the good life - Constance Friday
I always like a good math solution to any love problem. - Michael Patrick King
Comparison between bad and good _one should taste both. - litymunshi
Nightmares are not dreams. A good dream does not leave the dreamer in darkness, confusion and terror. Start having dreams, not nightmares! - Michael Bassey Johnson
The institutions of Churchianity are not Christianity. An institution is a good thing if it is second; immediately an institution recognizes itself it becomes the dominating factor. - Oswald Chambers
Man is better off without the confusion and fear of psychic experience and his progress will be faster.' If telepathy ever becomes a possibility he was not sure it would be a good thing, '...for it may put us back in contact with the spirits of the dead and progress does not lie in that direction. - H.R. Wakefield
A good editor can make a respectable writer remarkable, just like a good parent helps a child become amazing. - Justin Alcala
Because," I said, "the japanese were as responsible as the Germans for turning Americans into a bunch of bankrupt militaristic fuckups - after we'd done such a good job of being sincere war-haters after the First World War. - Kurt Vonnegut
Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or evil---the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is simply the radiation of what man really is, not what he pretends to be. - William George Jordan
The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. - William Wordsworth
How good bad music and bad reasons sound when we march against an enemy. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones. - Bertrand Russell
Hope doesn't come from calculating whether the good news is winning out over the bad. It's simply a choice to take action. - Anna Lappe
All good things that happen today are a part of golden memories in future. - Saravana Kumar Murugan
For good health, watch what you eat. For a good head, watch what you watch. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Leave me alone", is not a good news! "Let's be together" is not a bad news. We were made to be each others keepers. Let love lead - Israelmore Ayivor
We often do good in order that we may do evil with impunity. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Anybody can be good in the country. There are no temptations there. - Oscar Wilde
Blessed are the weak who think that they are good because they have no claws. - Baruch Spinoza
Sex is like pizza. Even when it is bad it is good. - Mel Brooks
If I have done anything, even a little, to help small children enjoy honest, simple pleasures, I have done a bit of good. - Beatrix Potter
You are a good counter...T-Man (......You used the F word 31 times.......) - Deyth Banger
Teachers don't just teach; they can be vital personalities who help young people to mature, to understand the world, and to understand themselves. A good education consists of much more than useful facts and marketable skills. - Charles Platt
What's the good of living if you don't try a few things? - Charles M. Schulz
believe you can, believe you are eligible,and try,because its all gonna be good only when u take a first step to reach the last - sambalme
There appears to be value in getting past a mentality that good things can only rest in good things. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Her mindset will raise your children not her body or good looks - claris mary
There's nothing like good and bad; It depends on the one who defines it. - Deepak Sunil
You can't be a good writer in the States anymore because to be a good one you have to have a country where you can be poor and still eat, and still make your living standard secondary to your writing. Thoreau himself couldn't do that in the States today. - Nelson Algren
Just because a poet said something didn't mean it was true, only that it sounded good.
If you dreamed to have a tranquil life then do not bother either exasperate or infuriate other's life. Dreaming a tranquil life is good but you cannot surmount it if you have a lot of foes indeed. - Albert Subrado
Since in the world you imagines, a world without power and money, with no prohibitions, with no pain or death, each man would be God, and God therefore would not be possible. He would be a lie, because His attributes would be those of every man, woman and child: grace, immortality and supreme good. - Carlos Fuentes
Change is not always easy, but with patience and perseverance, we can find the good in change. - Kim Yannayon
Karma, simply put, is an action for an action ... good or bad. - Stephen Richards
Madame Kovarian: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules.The Doctor: Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many. - Steven Moffat
So of cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more it remains. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
By evil report and good report. - Bible
Life—the way it really is—is a battle not between good and bad, but between bad and worse - Joseph Brodsky
If truth is not objective, there is no good or evil. There is only what people do and how people feel about it. - Rebecca McKinsey
Respect, Love, and Value yourself. Always remember to be good to yourself by taking care of yourself. Make yourself a priority and know that it’s okay. Don’t feel guilty for loving yourself, first! You’re just as important as anybody else. - Stephanie Lahart
Screw chocolate. A good steak is where it’s at. - A.D. Posey
Honesty, vulnerability and a good amount of courageous faith allows you to cry out in your bewilderment and not lose your belief in the process. These things allow you to wrestle your faith rather than lose it. - Bono
If people aren't going to talk about your product, then it's not good enough. - Jeffrey Kalmikoff
If no signal ever awakens any smoldering desire or seething passion in the wasteland of our mental universe, only a third eye may throw inspiriting light on the path to good vibrations. (A thousand times) - Erik Pevernagie
Sometimes you will do good and not get an acknowledgement for it. Don't let that dishearten you, the world is a better place with your good deeds. - Gugu Mona
What then remains, but well our power to use,And keep good humour still whate’er we lose?And trust me, dear, good humour can prevail,When airs, and flights, and screams, and scolding fail.Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll;Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul - Alexander Pope
Acquiring of wisdom is a function of inquisitiveness for information and keenness for learning. Plenty of resource and the gravity of flow will ensure a momentum good enough for learning. - Priyavrat Thareja
It hurts because He is treating your spiritual disease, just as a good medical practitioner does for his patients. - Steven Chopade
The world's a stage and I'm on it. Better make a good impression out there! - Shannon Mayhew
Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings, they're your best link to your past. And the people most likely to stick with you in the future. - Baz Luhrmann
If I let her in I'm doomed. It's like inviting a vampire into your house. Once you've invite them in, that's it, you're good as dead! - Janet Evanovich
Sir, I am a true laborer. I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness, glad of other men's good, content with my harm and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck. - William Shakespeare
NEVER EVER STAY IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR CHILDREN. That is the worst thing one can ever do. It is better for a child to live with one Good Parent than two frustrated,screwed up ones. - Rachitha Cabral
Good lovers are not good fuckers; because they cannot bear hurting their beloved. - M.F. Moonzajer
If you want good laws, burn those you have and make new ones. - Voltaire
There is nothing so nice as doing good by stealth and being found out by accident. - Charles Lamb
What power has love but forgiveness?In other wordsby its interventionwhat has been donecan be undone.What good is it otherwise? - William Carlos Williams
There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice. - Mark Twain
Peace has in it trust in the Lord, that He governs all things, provides all things, and leads to a good end. - Emanuel Swedenborg
One needs to be either more brave or more good, because if courage is lacking goodness can substitute, while cowardice is the deficiency of both. - Neel Burton
Good manners have much to do with the emotions. To make them ring true, one must feel them, not merely exhibit them. - Amy Vanderbilt
be a lessons what have you experienced that not good in your past and make it a starting point to change your life into be a better today than yesterday - Kennard Setubal
A broken mirror means good luck if you want it to. - Marty Rubin
Before a diamond shows its brilliancy and prismatic colors it has to stand a good deal of cutting and smoothing.
A bad neighbor is a misfortune, as much as a good one is a great blessing. - Hesiod
When times are good, be happy, but when time are bad consider; God has made the one as well as the other. - Bible
A child's imagination can be found in the heart of a good book. - K. Lamb
Good advice is something a man gives when he is too old to set a bad example. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
There will always be a part, and always a very large part of every community, that have no care but for themselves, and whose care for themselves reaches little further than impatience of immediate pain, and eagerness for the nearest good. - Samuel Johnson
I wish I could fall asleep. But with a good book in my hands, I stay awake to finish reading. - Lailah Gifty Akita
And He watched over me before I knew Him and before I learned sense or even distinguished between good and evil. - St. Patrick
I saw that all things I feared, and which feared me, had nothing good or bad in them save insofar as the mind was affected by them. - Baruch Spinoza
ROAD, n. A strip of land along which one may pass from where it is too tiresome to be to where it is futile to go. All roads, howsoe'er they diverge, lead to Rome, Whence, thank the good Lord, at least one leads back home. Borey the Bald - Ambrose Bierce
There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good life is to live. - Alexandre Dumas
This is the world. Half of it is lit by the sun and the other half remains in darkness. It is the same with life. There is good and bad and it's our duty to remain in the light, be good. - Anita Nair
We do things because we want it, not because they’re good for us. - Dominic Riccitello
I have really good instincts about friends. - Nicole Richie
A little more moderation would be good. Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation. - Donald Trump
A new star shines bright.Angels herald the good news.The Christ child is born. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Just understand that the good that you want is already here. All you have to do is get in harmony with it. And you do that through your own thinking. - Bob Proctor
Those who consider themselves good teachers probably aren't. - Joseph Epstein
Personally, I wouldn’t wait around for someone to tell you you’re good enough before you make your own comics. Just make them, always try to improve and care about what you’re doing. Be relentless and never give up. - Troy Little
A good inclination is but the first rude draught of virtue, but the finishing strokes are from the will, which, if well disposed, will by degrees perfect it, as if all disposed will quickly deface it.
Whatever God permits to happen in your life is a gift to you. God has two goals...His Glory and Your Good! - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
The better we become, the higher we climb. The higher we climb, the bigger our ego. The bigger the ego, the harder it is for us to look at others the same way we did before as we can get so full of ourselves we lose our true self. Always be humble. Even if you're good. Always. - Lik Hock Yap Ivan
The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life. - Jane Addams
No matter how good it is, your book will not sell itself. - Elinor Florence
Do not confuse reasons which sound good with good, sound reasons. - Anonymous
The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope. - Barack Obama
...aim to look good naked...and more often than not, everything will fall in place - fitness, health, you name it! - The Fitness Doc
It is very good, Wisehammer, it's very well written, but it's too-too-political. It will be considered provocative.""You don't want me to say it.""Not tonight. We have many people against us.""I could tone it down. I could omit 'We left our country for our country's good.'""That's the best line. - Timberlake Wertenbaker
It’s often mistaken for good advice, but wisdom cannot be imparted to someone. Wisdom can only be earned; it’s a by-product of experience, not necessarily knowledge, otherwise I would be stalking Oprah right now, begging for a transfusion. - Renee Carlino
Seek ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will either be supplied or its loss will not be felt. - Sir Francis Bacon
No person may enjoy outstanding success without good health. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
There are new words now that excuse everybody. Give me the good old days of heroes and villains. the people you can bravo or hiss. There was a truth to them that all the slick credulity of today cannot touch. - Bette Davis
A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. - George S. Patton
Very often we sit back thinking good things will happen, knowing that good things take time and hoping that someone else will do it. The world needs us! - Sharad Vivek Sagar
Money is not the result, but the BYPRODUCT, of your good leadership. - Kevin J. Donaldson
Paradoxically, however, a story ceases to be like life on its last page. Life goes on, but the story does not. Its characters have no vitality outside the first page and after the last is only good as the next reader's. - Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren
We make choices every day, some of them good, some of them bad. And if we are strong enough, we live with the consequences. - David Gemmell
Don't ever let your day end in "could haves" and "should haves." Life is meant to be one experience after another. Say yes to everything that is good for you. - Toni Sorenson
Religion grants its adherents malign, intoxicating and morally corrosive sensations. Destroying intellectual freedom is always evil, but only religion makes doing evil feel quite so good. - Philip Pullman
In a culture that relentlessly promotes avarice and excess as the good life, a person happy doing his own work is usually considered an eccentric, if not a subversive. - Bill Watterson
When we first met, I didn't want to get involved with anyone. I didn't have the time or energy, and I wasn't sure that I was ready for it. But you were so good to me, and I got swept up in that. And little by little, I found myself falling in love with you. - Nicholas Sparks
What is a man, if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more. - William Shakespeare
The Bible has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies. - Mark Twain
The most dangerous madmen are those created by religion, and ... people whose aim is to disrupt society always know how to make good use of them on occasion. - Denis Diderot
It's a good idea to obey all the rules when you're young just so you'll have the strength to break them when you're old. - Mark Twain
Bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāya:For the good of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world. - Gautama Buddha
Thanksgiving is not only being aware of the abundance of good in the world but embracing it. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Good deeds are the highest notes in life's symphony. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A deceitful tongue will always be good at twisting the truth. - Dennis Adonis
Good intentions are not good at all. - Fritz Chery
Others are not born bad or good... and neither are people, by the way. - Sergei Lukyanenko
Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
A good accountant is someone who told you yesterday what the economists forcast for tomorrow - Miles Thomas
The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good. - Baltasar Gracian
And speak to people good [words] - Quran 2 83
A leader must be a good listener. He must be willing to take counsel. He must show a genuine concern and love for those under his stewardship. - James Faust
Nothing hurts a good soul and a kind heart more than to live amongst people who cannot understand it. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
One good thing about being young is that you are not experienced enough to know you cannot possibly do the things you are doing. - Gene Brown
It feels good to read book. But it is grander to write a book. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived. - Margaret Mitchell
Whenever you have good dreams never let it go , because dreams are seed which germinates result into fruitful tomorrow . - Osunsakin Adewale
The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and to hold them in the right scale of values. - Norman Thomas
If a man isn't willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he's no good - Ezra Pound
Max: "You'll never be good enough to deserve her, you know."Ash: "God doesn't always give you what you deserve," Ash said quietly. "Sometimes he gives you what you can't live without. - Teresa Medeiros
He's not safe, but he's good (referring to Aslan, the Lion, in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) - C.S. Lewis
Jesus was a good guy, he didn't need this shit. - John Prine
A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends. - Friedrich Nietzsche
If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time. - Edith Wharton
Have no regrets in life because of the choices you make. Good or bad, they are a learning experience, to help you grow. The only regret in life, is to never make a choice at all. - James Hauenstein
Pride, cowardice, and miserliness are bad for me but good for women - Ali R.A
It's like this, I think: the excellence of a good body doesn't make the soul good, but the other way around: the excellence of a good soul makes the body as good as it can be. - Plato
CUI BONO? [Latin] What good would that do _me_? - Ambrose Bierce
...a revolution of government is the strongest proof that can be given by a people of their virtue and good sense. - John Adams
Loving passionately, loving fiercely, loving and taking both good and bad, and at times, the damn near impossible, provides sweet chaos, fueling the pitter patter of the heart... - Virginia Alison
A moment of brilliance is not good enough to pay for your mistakes, it's taking responsibility - Mohamed Mohamed Adel
Let go of a need for personal recognition. Heap kudos on others and they’ll perform even better next time. Leaders are only as good as those who follow them and followers are at their best when leaders are quick to give credit for successes. - Steve Goodier
When we think we're multitasking we're actually multiswitching. That is what the brain is very good at doing - quickly diverting its attention from one place to the next. We think we're being productive. We are, indeed, being busy. But in reality we're simply giving ourselves extra work. - Michael Harris
Mia: I was sixteen when I first realized my mom was more concerned about my appearance than I was… I’ll be talking to my mom and realize she hasn’t heard a word because she’s studying my face to see if the foundation I’m using is a good match for my skin tone. - Mia Fontaine
Do all the work you can; that is the whole philosophy of the good way of life. - Eugene Delacroix
Someday Louisiana is going to get good government. And they ain't gunna like it.
Criminal court is where bad pople are on their best behavior. It's much more dangerous for lawyers and judges In family court, where good people are at their worst.
Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Properly understood, then, the scriptures counsel us to be virtuous not because romantic love is bad, but precisely because romantic love is so good. It is not only good; it is pure, precious, even sacred and holy. - Bruce C. Hafen
The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good. - Robert Graves
A liar should have a good memory. - Quintilian
We're only as good as our word. - Sunanda J. Chatterjee
If we could follow the slogan that says,"Turn off the TV and open a good book" we would do something of substance for a future generation. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Some of us go full circle. Some of us blindly go nowhere. The circle doesn’t have to be very large to make a point, kick your ass and/or be entertaining. Remember that and stay light. Even the deaf know good music when they hear it. - Jason Mraz
It doesn't pay to be good at something unless you are the absolute best at it. - Josh Lieb
Today I am so grateful that God knows my heart.Others may misunderstand my good intentions, judge my words or deeds, find fault,or blame what they truly do not understand.But God knows my heart. He knows I am learning, trying, endeavoring,to be all He created me to be. - Lori Nawyn
Writers don't have bad life days; they just have good research days. - Julie Wright
None of this is to deny that the Niger Delta has made mistakes. It has, and a good number at that. But then, mistakes are made to make wiser and therefore help in better decision making. - Emi Iyalla
In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. - Anne Frank
Good Things Never Stay ..This what People Say..So,When I met you I knew That Oneday ,You Will just Go Away !STILL...I'll pray & prayThat we walk The Same WAY ( : - Mohammed Abdel-Mohsen
One must have a good memory to be able to keep the promises one makes. - Friedrich Nietzsche
There is nothing to write about, you say. Well then, write and let me know just this - that there is nothing to write about; or tell me in the good old style if you are well. That's right. I am quite well. - Pliny the Younger
Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful. - Rashida Jones
Copywriters, journalists, mainstream authors, ghostwriters, bloggers and advertising creatives have as much right to think of themselves as good writers as academics, poets, or literary novelists. - Sara Sheridan
Get correct views of life, and learn to see the world in its true light. It will enable you to live pleasantly, to do good, and, when summoned away, to leave without regret. - Robert E. Lee
We are ready to despair too soon, we are ready to say, ‘What’s the good of doing anything?’ Hope is the virtue we should cultivate most in this present day and age. - Agatha Christie
No matter how full a reservoir of maxims one may possess, and no matter how good one's sentiments may be, if one has not taken advantage of every concrete opportunity to act, one's character may retain entirely unaffected for the better. With mere good intentions, hell is proverbially paved. - William James
We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the crimes of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value. - David Sarnoff
You will die like a dog for no good reason. - Ernest Hemingway
A good relationship is a contest of love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more.
Too many writers are trying to write with too shallow an education. Whether they go to college or not is immaterial...a good writer needs a sense of the history of literature to be successful as a writer. - James Kisner
Nothing can do with PAST, but if you seriously thinking some good thing at PRESENT, then you can achieve anything in FUTURE. - Sivaprakash Sidhu
Oh for a book and a shady nook,Either indoors or out,with the green leaves whispering overhead,or the street cries all about.Where I may read at all my easeboth of the new and old,For a jolly good book whereon to lookis better to me than gold - John Wilson
...she knew, with all her heart that running away from the country’s top relationship coach was as good as saying, 'there’s no hope for me, ever'! - Diane Hall
People who work in an environment where doing their best is recognized have a better chance of feeling good about their work. - Marilyn Suttle
Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau
Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.
There are more than enoughto fight and oppose;why waste good timefighting the people you like? - Morrissey
Kylie flopped back against the seat again, enjoying the look of disbelief on the vampire’s face a littletoo much. Would you like a name of a good doctor who will schedule your little snip-snip operation?she bit out. - C.C. Hunter
He is not great who is not greatly good. - William Shakespeare
My meaning in saying he is a good man, is to have you understand me that he is sufficient. - William Shakespeare
f you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I think mixed women from interracial marriages are beautiful, and for many reasons, all of them good. - Daniel Marques
The passage is free for those who think you are not good enough for them: at your level, I think the best option is to sit back, relax and listen to a cool music, while watching them pack out of your life, and that's when you feel the intense release from the pit of hell. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Variability is one of the virtues of a woman. It avoids the crude requirement of polygamy. So long as you have one good wife you are sure to have a spiritual harem". - G.K. Chesterton
One thing work givesis the joy of not working,a minute here or therewhen I stand and only breathe,receiving the good of the air.It comes back. Good work donecomes back into the mind,a free breath drawn. - Wendell Berry
There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by. - Annie Dillard
The mark of a good action is that it appears inevitable in retrospect. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Life is good, if you like that sort of thing.
My feeling is that a good teacher can get results using any method, and that a bad teacher can wreck any method. - Keith Johnstone
I thank God today she found the courage in her heart to love me enough so that someday I could tell you that even a black ex-con from Angola that stabbed a man could maybe someday do some good in the world if he gets a chance. - Ron Hall
A parents wishes for their children shouldn't be to be as good as them but to surpass their own abilities and hopefully lead to a better world. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day. - John Wooden
The grace of God transforms the good soul into great soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
To do no evil is good, to intend none better. - Claudius, Roman Emperor
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. - William Shakespeare
One binds the worldly life with bad thoughts; one binds the worldly life with good thoughts. With the absence of thoughts (avichaar) there is moksha [liberation]. - Dada Bhagwan
I wouldn’t have minded school if they taught you important things like how to have good sex and what brand of wine is the best… But for some reason they were hell bent on teaching me algebra - Ben Mitchell
It’s your action that reflects on the others’ reaction. If you expect good you are forced to be good. - Mohd Riyaz Ali
One of the most important qualities of a president is the ability to inspire, to bring people together for the common good. - DaShanne Stokes
He who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself. - John Milton
A good relationship is not a refuge from your problems, but an oasis where you can grow better as a person. - Shon Mehta
Those that have lost their lives to suicide were good people, who were in deep, deep pain. Keep speaking about mental illness and keep it out of the darkness. - Mariel Hemingway
If I have done good for someone I have done bad for the conservative society. - Amit Abraham
But if government is in the business of promoting what is good and suppressing the bad, that is a license for it to stick it’s nose into virtually every human activity. - John Stossel No They can t Pg 32 Threshold Editions New York New York 2012
Libraries are not made; they grow. Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one. - Augustine Birrell
Every sorrow and every pain is a good reminding to us to be serious because we are living in a dangerous universe! - Mehmet Murat ildan
And he writhed inside at what seemed the cruelty and unfairness of the demand. He had not yet learned that if you do one good deed your reward usually is to do another and harder and better one. - C.S. Lewis
Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It's good to be silly at the right moment. - Horace
Even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons can be a wrong decision.
Good is equal to Order While,Evil is equal to FreedomDoes it make sense to you? It does for me. - James Eugeñio
A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself. - Arthur Miller
I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. - Thomas Jefferson
A good friend will help you to discover the potentials you haven't uncovered. A bad friend will help you to cover up the potentials you have already recovered. Make your choice! - Israelmore Ayivor
It is brutal. Only I never could see the sense in having folks look at your tombstone and say, 'He was a man who didn't believe in violence, He's a good man... and dead. - Louis L'Amour
I try to keep the happy memories. If that's what you call selective memories, I'm good with that. - Nicole Williams
What are you good at?" asked the owner."Going after what I believe in." That was the only possible reply; she had spent her life in pursuit of what she believed in. The only problem was that she believed in something different everyday. - Paulo Coelho
Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good. - Alice May Brock
On having a backup plan: "Always a good plan anytime you want to follow your dream - I love writing, acting, and psychiatry - there are crazy people everywhere which means I can take my career anywhere my dream needs to go. - Samantha Steele
We are at the dawn of a technological arms race, an arms race between people who are using technology for good and those who are using it for ill. - Marc Goodman
To recap: it is possible to put decent information into a Government Machine, have ordinary, good people running the thing, and a reasonable system in place, and still get utter idiocy out of the dispenser?""More than possible. Likely. - Nick Harkaway
It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not to skin it. - Latin Proverb
Character is the line in the sand between the worst of the good people and the best of the bad ones - Johnny Flora
Do the Good to Bad then Bad will do Good to you - shashidhar sa
Music is a discipline, and a mistress of order and good manners, she makes the people milder and gentler, more moral and more reasonable. - Martin Luther
There is a good things to those who wait.. - Noriel Espanol Neo
Twists, turns, virgins and bad boys. I love a good YA read. Do you? - Jennifer Bardsley
I can last two months on a good compliment. - Mark Twain
Good Relationship Always Want Equality - pravinbh
Remember, nothing that's good works by itself, just to please you. You have to make the damn thing work. - Thomas A. Edison
If you don't have anything good to say to yourself, don't say anything at all - Eric Nwachukwu
Try to put well into practice what you already know. In so doing, you will, in good time, discover the hidden things you now inquire about. - Rembrandt
Beauty fades and the body becomes old, but nothing can dull the shine of a woman with a good heart. - Shannon L. Alder
So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good. - Helen Keller
I suspect that in every good marriage there are times when love seems to be over. Sometimes these desert lines are simply the only way to the next oasis, which is far more lush and beautiful after the desert crossing than it could possibly have been without it. - Madeleine L'Engle
Each moment is just that... a moment. Whether good or bad it will pass to the next. Forward to the next and create a wonderful life. - Gillian Duce
A good conscience fears no witness, but a guilty conscience is solicitous even in solitude. If we do nothing but what is honest, let all the world know it. But if otherwise, what does it signify to have nobody else know it, so long as I know it myself? Miserable is he who slights that witness. - Seneca
I feel good about taking things to Goodwill and actually, I do like shopping at Goodwill. It's so cheap that it feels like a library where I am just checking things out for awhile until I decide to take them back. - April Foiles
With luck and resolution and good guidance.. the human mind can survive not only poverty, nut even wealth.
Deep feeling doesn't make for good poetry. A way with language would be a bit of help. - Thom Gunn
One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation. - Oscar Wilde
I would have made a good Pope. - Richard M. Nixon
Hate is strewn like confetti by the fear-fueled, specious, tiny- dicked (or un-tender) vacuous dictators, of any gender, whom never knew true love, only sadism. They ALL need some good pharma. - Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
I just know Maycomb. I'm not in the least sensitive about it, but good Lord, I'm certainly aware of it. - Harper Lee
There’s only one way to assure consistently good work. That is consistently thorough preparation. - Andrew Loomis
Having sex is like bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. - Woody Allen
The older you get, the more you realize you need a handful of good, close, tight friends. - Nicole Richie
The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man, and never fails to see a bad one. He is a human owl, vigilant in darkness, and blind to light, mousing for vermin, and never seeing noble game. - Henry Ward Beecher
There is no good or bad author; there is only one kind of an author, that who connects with the readers. - Saru Singhal
If you want to be a good writer, internalize the good writers; absorb them; integrate with their souls; embrace their minds; mingle with their life stories; in short, merge with them, lose yourself in them! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A man with a good story is practically a king. - José Eduardo Agualusa
And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the defective [of your own] for the good [of theirs]. And do not consume their properties into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin. The Women 4 :2 - Quran
If nations could overcome the mutual fear and distrust whose somber shadow is now thrown over the world, and could meet with confidence and good will to settle their possible differences, they would easily be able to establish a lasting peace.
Grief is a good thing. It's the way we get through the transitions of life. - Rick Warren
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare
Laughter is a good way to hide pain"- Leo Valdez - Rick Riordan
No one here to count your Qualities, but everyone is good enough to point out your Mistakes. - Shashank Rayal
The dumbest thing you could ever do is lose a good person - Stoney G
ELYSIUM, n. An imaginary delightful country which the ancients foolishly believed to be inhabited by the spirits of the good. This ridiculous and mischievous fable was swept off the face of the earth by the early Christians -- may their souls be happy in Heaven! - Ambrose Bierce
Good to see you too, Otto." -Sydney Rose - Monet Polny The Lincoln Spy
Good things happen, bad things are done... - Ramana Pemmaraju
We are lost, but we're making good time. - Star Trek V
When fear meets fear nothing good every happens. - Charles F. Glassman
All true leaders have learned to say no to the good in order to say yes to the best. - John Maxwell
Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. - Og Mandino
End the eternal battle of beliefs once and for all. If you are a believer, love your fellow non-believer for all the good things he or she has to offer. And if you are an atheist, then love your fellow believer for all the positivity he or she possesses. - Abhijit Naskar
There are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, and the third is useless. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Of course, a single verse of the Holy Qur'an or a hadith moves the faithful to good actions, but volumes of books would not move an unwilling person who is like an ass carrying a load of books. - Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalvi
Thanks to my solid academic training, today I can write hundreds of words on virtually any topic without possessing a shred of information, which is how I got a good job in journalism. - Dave Barry
Beware of sentimental alliances where the consciousness of good deeds is the only compensation for noble sacrifices. - Otto von Bismarck
Brothers and sisters, if your spouse doesn’t feel good about something, show respect for those feelings. When you take the easy way out by saying and doing nothing, you may be enabling destructive behavior. - Larry R. Lawrence
Joy is a deeply felt contentment that transcends difficult circumstances and derives maximum enjoyment from every good experience. - Charles R. Swindoll
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person good night. - Andy Warhol
It is good to stay in a peaceful poverty than to stay in a painful wealth. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Reading leads to good character development. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Life is all about experiencing the good and the bad part of life. Good part gives you good memories and bad part teaches you good lessons in your life. - Sujish Kandampully
A good novel, one which entices the author as much as it beckons the reader. - W.J. Raymond
Don’t know if it’s good or bad that a Google search on Big Bang Theory lists the sitcom before the origin of the Universe - Neil deGrasse Tyson
It’s not enough to wish, dream, hope. Even children know this. We must set sail into the sea of uncertainty. We must meet fear face-to-face. We must take our dreams as maps for a greater journey. Dreams, to come true, need a good story. So go live one. - Vironika Tugaleva
If I had to make a general rule for living and working with children, it might be this: be wary of saying or doing anything to a child that you would not do to another adult, whose good opinion and affection you valued. - John Holt
Reading a good book keeps me awake all night. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Good things come to those who love; better things come to those who act with love. - Debasish Mridha
It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration. - E. W. Dijkstra
I have never known a novel that was good enough to be good in spite of its being adapted to the author's political views. - Edith Wharton
Love is treating yourself at least as well as you treat others, understanding when someone isn't good for you and knowing when it's time to walk away... - BJ Morin
I think there is something beautiful in reveling in sadness. The proof is how beautiful sad songs can be. So I don’t think being sad is to be avoided. It’s apathy and boredom you want to avoid. But feeling anything is good, I think. Maybe that’s sadistic of me. - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
He who takes his eyes off the goal has a good chance of not scoring!" - -learningcentre (dot)transformationcoach(dot)help/wp - Allan Rufus
There is no use trying to do Church work without love. A doctor, a lawyer, may do good work without love, but God's work cannot be done without love. - D.L. Moody
A large part of virtue consists in good habits. - William Paley
Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. - Bible
Create new daily choices to embrace that you are good enough and you are worthy enough, just as you are, right now. - Eileen Anglin
Hide your good actions as you would your bad. - Zarina Bibi
She was learning that being with Slade was like riding a roller coaster. Good news one minute and bad news the next. She could only imagine what this restaurant must be like. - Dianne Harman Coyote in Provence
They spent days, nights, weeks and months talking, never accepting the fact that, good or bad, an idea only exists when someone tries to put it into practice - Paulo Coelho
When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him. - Euripides
A multitude of rulers is not a good thing. Let there be one ruler, one king. - Homer
Integrity, undivided loyalty, love. The pure in heart have a special blessing. Because there is no limit to how good life can become. - Angie karan
Hold on to anything you find that's good and workable for you. Drop anything negative where you find it. - Germany Kent
The way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. - Linus Pauling
Whenever you feel your light dimming, you can snap yourself back into feeling good with the simple mantra, ‘I’m getting brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter! - Molly Friedenfeld
It wasn't until I started reading and found books they wouldn't let us read in school that I discovered you could be insane and happy and have a good life without being like everybody else. - John Waters
Everything good is good because of the love it contains. - John K. Brown
Success is less about getting good, and more about letting good. - Alan Cohen
In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil - Robert S. McNamara
No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.
Where do you go with your broken heart in tow? What do you do with the left over you? And how do you know, when to let go? Where does the good go, where does the good go? - Tegan Quin
The qualities required to be a good leader are usually incompatible with the qualities required to become a leader. - Francis Mont
You only get one shot in this life. So let me do all the good I can for my fellow man. For I will not pass this way again. - Anonymous
Learn from Bad and Understand from Good. - Sandip Thapa
I was going into shock. The pain wasn’t getting any better, and I thought that I would probably black out before I found out how this was going to end. Just as well—I was never particularly good at finishing things. - Joe Schreiber
It takes ten good decisions to make up for one disastrous one. This is why it is better not to make nine good decisions than to make one bad one—which is what happens most of the time. - Neel Burton
Be nice, feel good; be mean, feel pain. - Maximus Freeman
I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are good people and bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides. - Terry Pratchett
Good habits result from resisting temptation. - Ancient Proverb
A good friend is someone who can love you like a dog and talk to you like a human. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Never use the word cheap. Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes (the rich buy them too). There is good clothing design on every level today. You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans it’s up to you. - Karl Lagerfeld
If only I had used my powers for good instead of for trivia! - Hermester Barrington
Like a sneeze, sin feels good at first, but it leaves a huge mess. - Craig Groeschel
Now is the dramatic moment of fate, Watson, when you hear a step upon the stair which is walking into your life, and you know not whether for good or ill. - Arthur Conan Doyle
If you don't interfere with me, I'll always do something really good. - John Malkovich
Gratitude means to recognize the good in your life, be thankful for whatever you have, some people may not even have one of those things you consider precious to you (love, family, friends etc). Each day give thanks for the gift of life.You are blessed - Pablo
Government should be a place where people can come together, and no one gets left behind. No one…gets left behind. An instrument of good. - Aaron Sorkin
Positive self-esteem must be preceded by self-respect. To get self-respect you have to do something good. - Louis Zamperini
When you do a good job, you'll feel like people are bothering you. If you have a product that's interesting enough, then people will come to you. - Joanna Angel
Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter. - Max Beerbohm
Do not pursue a life that looks good. Pursue a life that is good. - DeWayne Owens
The law says do good be right. Grace says Jesus made you right so now you are good. - John Paul Warren
To learn to get along without, to realize that what the world is going to demand of us may be a good deal more important than what we are entitled to demand of it - this is a hard lesson.
You're never as good as everyone tells you when you win, and you're never as bad as they say when you lose. - Lou Holtz
The good company counts in your life, make a right choice because bad company will eat you alive. - Euginia Herlihy
What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Good judgment comes from experience, and experience - well, that comes from poor judgment. - A.A. Milne
Faith changes us - faith in something intrinsically good, something other than ourselves, something bigger than ourselves. - Donna Goddard
To become successful online, you only need to remember the following : Good Heart + Passion + Web Design + SEO + Digital Marketing + Dedication + Positiveness + Patience = Success - Dr. Christopher Dayagdag
I haven't had that one great love, which is good. I don't want that to be in the past, I want it to be in the future. - Taylor Swift
When you look good, you feel good. - Auliq Ice
Failure is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit. - Michael Eisner
To have mercy and truth requires love, good understanding and respect. - Auliq Ice
I plan to be a sinner tonight. Could've been something else, but looked way too good in my red dress to be anything Christian. - Alysia Harris
The kosmos works by harmony of tensions, like lyre and bow. Good and evil are one. On the one hand God sees all as well, fair, and good; on the other hand a human being sees injustice here, justice there. Justice in our minds is strife. We cannot help but see war makes us as we are. - Heraclitus
Could it be that desire for a good thing has become a bad thing because that desire has become a ruling thing? - Paul David Tripp
Electricians that like good health avoid the known biologically toxic very high powered electrical utility jobs. - Steven Magee
Have good sense, smell the scents, and you will have more cents - Sonya Withrow
Are people innately altruistic?" is the wrong kind of question to ask. People are people, and they respond to incentives. They can nearly always be manipulated--for good or ill--if only you find the right levers. ~ Levitt & Dubner, "Superfreakonomics - Steven D. Levitt
One good wish changes nothing. But one good decision changes everything. Your power to choose, to make a good decision, spells the difference between wishing and making real life changes. - Steve Goodier
All things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. - Anne-Marie Pol
I don't take good pictures 'cause I have the kind of beauty that moves. - Ani DiFranco
No matter how old you are, there's always something good to look forward to. - Lynn Johnston
You can go a long way with bad legs and a good head. - Gavin McDonald
Children know perfectly well that unicorns aren’t real, but they also know that books about unicorns, if they are good books, are true books. - Ursula K. Le Guin
The problem with setting goals is that they can be limiting. Perhaps we're asking for something good when God's will is that we be given something great. - Marianne Williamson
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something. - Wilson Mizner
I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense. - Harold S. Kushner
A philosopher is a mathematician, who might not be good at solving mathematical problems but knows 'which one' to solve and 'why' to solve it... - Victor Ghoshe
Thoughts Become Things... Choose The Good Ones! - Mike Dooley
My job as a leader is to make sure everybody in the company has great opportunities, and that they feel they're having a meaningful impact and are contributing to the good of society. As a world, we're doing a better job of that. My goal is for Google to lead, not follow that. - Larry Page
Just remember, the difference between being good versus being great is just a few points, inches, or seconds. - Bruce H. Jackson
There is grace for every good action. - Lailah Gifty Akita
One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time. - Nancy Astor
It's good netiquette to get to know someone in social media before giving out your phone number. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
A heart has its multiple facets of daily music. Respect a genuine good heart. - Angelica Hopes
He looked like a sexy ninja. Or a tiger ready to pounce on his prey. She just looked like she was sitting sideways on an invisible toilet. Curse the male species for making danger look so good! - Leia Shaw
Good manners and good morals are sworn friends and fast allies.
If someone is Jealous of you, That's a good sign! Keep up the good work. - Mohith Agadi
For students of every ability and background, it is the simply miraculous act of reading a good book that turns them into readers. The job of adults who care about reading is to move heaven and earth to put that book into a child's hands. - Nancy Atwell
But try to remember that a good man can never die. You will see your brother many times again-in the streets, at home, in all the places of the town. The person of a man may go, but the best part of him stays. It stays forever. - William Saroyan
Funny how things work themselves out. Things happen that split up family and friends, then things happen that bring them back together. Everyone is in your life for a reason. My hope is for all the reasons to be good. Those who love you never lose touch, are always consistent, and unquestionable. - April Mae Monterrosa
A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself. - David M. Ogilvy
One of the great things about travel is you find out how many good, kind people there are. - Edith Wharton
Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand - Hayley Williams
The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time. - Friedrich Nietzsche
A good writer must be like the birds of a dark forest; you can’t see them, but you can hear their mysterious and wise voices! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A good name, like good will, is attained by many actions and may be lost by one.
The day is always good, you just have to ignore the bad and look for the good. Remember it takes more muscle to frown then it does to smile, so smile for another day. - James Jean-Pierre
The secret to good writing is to use small words for big ideas, not to use big words for small ideas. - Oliver Markus
The world is like a giant Alcoholic whining day to day about what others are doing. Instead of of living harmoniously and individually for Good Orderly Direction. If we have faith in our God, than why should we care how others are living their lives? - B.L. Kennison
Enjoy losing weight. Enjoy eating healthy, delicious food. Do not wait until you reach your destination to feel good. Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey. - Harry Papas
Do not act as if you were going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over you. While you live, while it is in your power, be good. - Marcus Aurelius
Every good gift and every perfect present comes from God. He is out Father who will always love His children. - Pazaria Smith
It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get. - Confucius
People are ready to take the good things into their minds! Give them good and right ideas; they will immediately take them as if they are taking beautiful flowers! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There comes a point in our lives where light bothers us more than darkness , we get used to bad happening around us than good , happiness makes us more anxious than sadness and at that moment , we don't mind our lives going chaotic as everything seems to be in order . - Rahul Kumar K.
Be good to people only if you like anal sex.That's how kind people are. - honeya
Look for the good in every person and every situation. You'll almost always find it. - Brian Tracy
Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present.
For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest, whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame, if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline: think on these things. - Anonymous
A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape of the universe, helps to extend everyone's knowledge of himself and the world around him. - Dylan Thomas
I'm tired of hurting from the people who leave me. I'm tired of getting comfortable with others. I tell you everything and you leave. It's like you're take what is good in me and all that is left in me is an empty shitty feeling. - Shailee J-N
The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood. - Voltaire
A good story feels both surprising and inevitable, fresh and familiar. - Adam Johnson
Marketing is what you do when your product is no good. - Edwin H. Land
The only good ideas are the ones I can take credit for. - R. Stevens
We yearn for opportunities, we pray for opportunities and we seek for opportunities. The good news is that we meet opportunities. The bad news is that we miss the opportunities only to come to a later realization of missed opportunities. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
No matter how good you are at planning, the pressure never goes away. So I don't fight it. I feed off it. I turn pressure into motivation to do my best. - Benjamin Carson
No animals needs to die in order for me to live. And that makes me feel good. - Howard Lyman
Misperceiving that there is one correct choice is a common mistake. Coming to understand that there are usually a few good choices--and then there's the one you pick, commit to, and make great--is the best way to make flexible, optimal, good decisions in life. - Katie Couric
Trust is always a good idea. For someone else. - Sherrilyn Kenyon
A good orator must be a good listener - Aman Srivastava
Fiction has been maligned for centuries as being "false," "untrue," yet good fiction provides more truth about the world, about life, and even about the reader, than can be found in non-fiction. - Clark Zlotchew
they say it's like true love, good help. you only get one in a lifetime.....there is so much you don't know about a person. i wonder if i could've made her days a little bit easier, if I'd tried. if i'd treated her a little nicer..... - Kathryn Stockett
Sow the right words! Think the good thought. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life. - Scott Corbett
In activity we must find our joy as well as glory; and labor, like everything else that is good, is its own reward. - Edwin P. Whipple
Your thoughts are your truth, so make them good, be good, do good. - Akiroq Brost
What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I'm a fan of laundry: the smell of fabric softener, the warm clothes in your hands. It's so good.
Tomorrow go out and do one good deed something you would'nt normally do, then make it a habit and add another each and every time you've owned and mastered the one before and then even you can turn Iron into Gold - Lateef Abader
Oh! you are a great deal too apt, you know, to like people in general. You never see fault in any body. All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes. I never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life.""I would wish not to be hasty in censuring any one; but I always speak what I think. - Jane Austen
Good friends laugh at you, laugh with you, but never laugh behind your back. - Saru Singhal
If you can't be as best as you dreamed of,Least be a good man in reality. - Bradley B. Dalina
It doesn't matter if people doesn't know that you do a good thing nor the right thing. But he nor she must know your expression of love. - Olivia Sinaga
You know the horrible life of the alarm clock it’s a monster that has always appalled me because of the number of things its eyes project, and the way that good fellow stares at me when I enter a room. - Jacques Vaché
Good men must be affectionate men. - Samuel Richardson
As good surgical doctor works on a patient in the theater with varied kinds of surgical instruments, so a true leader also needs a clean bag of leadership characters that vary from task to task. One-way leaders are obvious failures! - Israelmore Ayivor
Good authors worry about genres great authors don't. - Frank X. Gaspar
No good deed goes unpunished. - Oscar Wilde
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
The unfortunate thing about this word is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones.
You can seek out good fortune, authority (power), and even a righteous life-partner...and find them all. But when all of this is gone...which it will be eventually, I wish you Peace, which is only found through Christ our Lord. - Joe Campos
The truth of the world is that in every group you will find some good and some bad people - which is why i am keenly aware that no group is ALL bad, just as no group is ALL good. - Christina Engela
Think of your mother and smile for all of the good precious moments. - Ana Monnar
Live, share and learn the art of true deep listening. The main keys are honesty and humility.Cultivate good filters in the mind. Conquer and tame the ego. If words and actions pass from your lips, sights and tapping words in the keyboard, don't forget to ask first, "Is it true, necessary and kind? - Angelica Hopes
As with companions so with books. We may choose those which will make us better, more intelligent, more appreciative of the good and the beautiful in the world, or we may choose the trashy, the vulgar, the obscene, which will make us feel as though we've been 'wallowing in the mire. - David O. McKay
What makes a good book? Simply put, a good book is one that you enjoy reading. - Carmela Dutra
To a lot of children, school is currently mostly a place to learn what you aren’t any good at. - Danny Mekić
Yes I am weird, weird is good. Normal is overrated. - Mad-D
Your first love is like your first language. No matter how many other languages you speak, you can never be as good as in your first. - Ahmed Alibage
And I realized, that the reason why good things were not happening to me as often as wanted them to, was because I in fact was a good thing that needed to happen. I needed to happen to me, to other people and to the world. And so I happened. - C. JoyBell C.
Anything that feels good couldn't possibly be bad. - Angelina Jolie
Never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. People will take you very much at your own reckoning. - Anthony Trollope
A tapping foot isn’t the best a listener can get from a song: A good song makes a listener dance. A great song makes him think. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Work hard,and you will earn good rewards.Work smart,and you will earn great rewards.Work hard and work smart,and you will earn extraordinary rewards. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I like performing because it's direct contact with live people. I write a good deal of the time but that's introspective creation rather than interaction. - Oliver
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