Quotation Explorer - 'Male'

Era fermo, immobile su quel punto oscuro all'uomo, eppure esistente, da cui il nostro volere può scivolare su uno qualsiasi dei due lati e determinare l'evento; in bilico tra il e il no, tra l'agire e il non agire, tra il bene e il male. - Fabrizio Santi
A healthy male adult bore consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people's patience. - John Updike
HEBREW, n. A male Jew, as distinguished from the Shebrew, an altogether superior creation. - Ambrose Bierce
The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things. - Jilly Cooper
It would be ridiculous to talk of male and female atmospheres, male and female springs or rains, male and female sunshine....How much more ridiculous is it in relation to mind, to soul, to thought, where there is as undeniably no such thing as sex... - Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Two birds went for dating. The male bird was killed and the female bird is being murdered. - Santosh Kalwar
In other words, for purposes of sex discrimination law, to be a woman means either to be like a man or like a lady. We have to meet either the male standard for males or the male standard for females. - Catharine MacKinnon
Putting aside your blatant patriarchal biases in assuming the necessary presence of a male familial figurehead, yes, I had a nice brunch, thanks. - Julie James
And there above all of these shops hung a blood soaked sign: a red hand, the hand of a child that was neither male nor female and yet roused feelings of the most dejected and criminal love - Georges Limbour
Male and female represent the two sides of the great radical dualism. But in fact they are perpetually passing into one another. Fluid hardens to solid, solid rushes to fluid. There is no wholly masculine man, no purely feminine woman. - Margaret Fuller
Tonight I’ve been dealing with a known killer, a male whore, a scam artist and now I’ve graduated to talking to a mayor. Who’s next? The President of the National Association of Rodents? - V. Alexander
The female is, as it were, a mutilated male, and the catamenia are semen, only not pure; for there is only one thing they have not in them, the principle of soul. - Aristotle
don't make me throw my boot at you, because I will, you grumpy high testosterone driven male - Keisha Keenleyside
He cried when I left, which I find to be standard male behavior. - Emilie Autumn
I'm not a feminist. Many of those who carry its flag are as selfish as male chauvinists. They want privileges but not responsibilities. Bullies hiding under a fine cause. - Prince-Alex Iwu
One of the reasons for the failure of feminism to dislodge deeply held perceptions of male and female behavior was its insistence that women were victims, and men powerful patriarchs, which made a travesty of ordinary people's experience of the mutual interdependence of men and women. - Rosalind Coward
Noah must have taken into the Ark two taxes, one male and one female. And did they multiply bountifully! Next to guinea pigs, taxes must have been the most prolific animals. - Will Rogers
When the two become the oneAnd the inside outside, the outside inSo that the male be not male nor the female femaleThen will you see me. - Wesley Stace
The Beta Male is seldom the strongest or the fastest, but because he can anticipate danger, he far outnumbers his Alpha Male competition. The world is led by Alpha Males, but the machinery of the world turns on the bearings of the Beta Male. - Christopher Moore
Male domination is so rooted in our collective unconscious that we no longer even see it. - Pierre Bourdieu
You know men. We have delicate egos.""I wouldn't describe Jace's ego as delicate.""No, Jace is sort of the antiaircraft artillery tank of male egos," Simon admitted. - Cassandra Clare
When at 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of their beloved sports teams, because they didn’t want to appear muscle-y, when at 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings, I decided that I was a feminist. - Emma Watson
We must accept the idea that having a male child has a unique social and psychological meaning for a woman. Even women who led the movement to break out the passivity and sublimation of the female role were deeply influenced by the belief in superior masculine power. - Klein Carole
...as we are endowed. ...with rhetorics. ...none will deny. ...of innocence. ...towards scribbling. ...of love lines. ...and of lust. ...to what seems like male. ...to what seems like female. ...in those days. ...I mean nothing. ...but in high school.....even me. ...I can't deny. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male population. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the mason-dixon line and once you go southern may the good Lord help you - you never go back - Kenny Chesney
I thought about writing the character as male, but then I would be forced to portray him as a woman in a man's body. - Christopher Stocking
Must have a lot of male customers to let her dress like that. Nice view. - Dianne Harman Cornered Coyote
I only knew to treat the male asshole as if it had a grenade buried inside of it that could ignite a deadly explosion of anger, trauma, and sexual confusion. - Maggie Young
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. - Susan B. Anthony
How fickle is my young male heart as it avidly jumps from love to love - Ben Mitchell
ARTLESSNESS, n. A certain engaging quality to which women attain by long study and severe practice upon the admiring male, who is pleased to fancy it resembles the candid simplicity of his young. - Ambrose Bierce
Studies conducted in a city in Zimbabwe found that half of reported rape cases involve girls less than 15 years of age and that girls are most vulnerable to sexual abuse by male relatives, neighbors and school teachers. - Njovana Watts
I knew I was different. I thought that I might be gay or something because I couldn't identify with any of the guys at all. None of them liked art or music. They just wanted to fight and get laid. It was many years ago but it gave me this real hatred for the average American macho male. - Kurt Cobain
said that Michael Jackson's memorial service was a variety show with a coffin, that MJ transformed himself through surgery and perhaps female hormones from a brown-skinned African American male to a chalk-faced androgynous ghoul with no clear sexual identity. - Chris Hedges
101 Reason why its its great to be a woman : Since the advent of feminism, we can publicly ogle male bodies and not be called sexist. If a man indulges in this behavior over a picture of naked woman, he is a sexist pig, and recompense must be demanded for this slight on womankind. - Summersdale Publishers
He looked like a sexy ninja. Or a tiger ready to pounce on his prey. She just looked like she was sitting sideways on an invisible toilet. Curse the male species for making danger look so good! - Leia Shaw
Woman, especially her sexuality, provides the object of endless commentary , description, supposition. But the result of all the telling only deepens the enigma and makes woman's erotic force something that male storytelling can never quite explain or contain. - Peter Brooks
Beauty' is a currency system like the gold standard. Like any economy, it is determined by politics, and in the modern age in the West is is the last, best belief system that keeps male dominance intact. - Naomi Wolf
Usually when you see females in movies, they feel like they have these metallic structures around them, they are caged by male energy. - Björk
I write almost always in the third person, and I don't think the narrator is male or female anyway. They're both, and young and old, and wise and silly, and sceptical and credulous, and innocent and experienced, all at once. Narrators are not even human - they're sprites. - Philip Pullman
Being a woman is of special interest to aspiring male transexuals. To actual women it is simply a good excuse not to play football. - Fran Lebowitz
Everything in this world, as well as the world itself, strives for balance and harmony. Electron reaches proton, male tends to female, light replaces darkness, life is balanced by death, and vice versa. And evil on one scale will inevitably lead to the appearance of good on the other. - Alexandr Iscenco
Speak no evil of an absent friend. (Non male loquare absenti amico) - Titus Maccius Plautus
I dread success. To have succeeded is to have finished one's business on earth, like the male spider, who is killed by the female the moment he has succeeded in his courtship. I like a state of continual becoming, with a goal in front and not behind. - George Bernard Shaw
The male orientation of classical Athens was inseparable from its genius. Athens became great not despite but because of its misogyny. - Camille Paglia
I prefer male enemies to female ones; I can survive a dog’s bite better than a scorpion’s sting. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Stamp-collectors are a strange, silent fish-like breed, of all ages, but only of the male sex; women, apparently, fail to see the peculiar charm of gumming bits of coloured paper into albums. - George Orwell
Early to rise and early to bed Makes a male healthy, wealthy and dead - James Thurber
I had no male friends now, though I did have a strong community of intelligent, supportive, funny women and I felt confused as to why they weren't enough for me, - Charlotte Shane
PANTALOONS, n. A nether habiliment of the adult civilized male. The garment is tubular and unprovided with hinges at the points of flexion. Supposed to have been invented by a humorist. Called "trousers" by the enlightened and "pants" by the unworthy. - Ambrose Bierce
A 'good man' is a male creature that survives the endless episodes that its woman spends complaining about women who she hates, and, women who hate her. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I am neither male nor female, nor am I sexless. I am the Peaceful One, whose form is self-effulgent, powerful radiance. - Guru Nanak
Male is male. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Some people will bring up evolutionary biology and apes, how female apes bow to male apes - that sort of thing. But the point is this: we are not apes. Apes also live in trees and eat earthworms. We do not. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
An androgynous mind was not a male mind. It was a mind attuned to the full range of human experience, including the invisible lives of women. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
If I had succumbed to peer pressure I would still be trolloping about society as a male and probably have just offed myself by now. - Natalie de Clare
Early to rise and early to bed makes a male healthy and wealthy and dead. - James Thurber
I have become very aware how under-represented are the stories of the underprivileged and undervalued. Our records are, in general, very male and if not always the material of the rich, certainly (for obvious reasons) the material of the literate. - Sara Sheridan
A recent survey of 2,000 male graduates of Harvard Business Schoolfound that penis length & IQ were equally good predictors of annualincome. -- from "Eugene - Greg Egan
The kiss originated when the first male reptile licked the first female reptile, implying in a subtle way that she was as succulent as the small reptile he had for dinner the night before. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
If male homosexuals are called "gay," then female homosexuals should be called "ecstatic."
I refuse to consign the whole male sex to the nursery. I insist on believing that some men are my equals.
WEAKNESSES, n.pl. Certain primal powers of Tyrant Woman wherewith she holds dominion over the male of her species, binding him to the service of her will and paralyzing his rebellious energies. - Ambrose Bierce
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