Quotation Explorer - 'Succeeded'

The secret to success in life is known only to those who have not succeeded. - John Churton Collins
Failure doesn't mean you have failed. It means you haven't succeeded yet - Anamika Mishra
For god sake, don't put limits on your life. Do what you want, work on what you want and don't listen to people - which haven't succeeded what you want to succeed. - Deyth Banger
You have succeeded in life when all you really WANT is only what you really NEED. - Vernon Howard
Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once? - Henry David Thoreau
The Bible is the one book we’ve most succeeded in having them never read as a book. Keep it that way. - Geoffrey Wood
We have found a strange footprint on the shores of the unknown. We have devised profound theories, one after another, to account for its origins. At last, we have succeeded in reconstructing the creature that made the footprint. And lo! It is our own. - Sir Arthur Eddington
He possessed the logic of all good intentions and a knowledge of all the tricks of his trade, and yet he never succeeded at anything, because he believed too much in the impossible. Surprising? Why so? He was forever in the act of conceiving it! - Charles Baudelaire
Success means you have succeeded in overcoming the obstacles and finally realizing the goal. - Lailah Gifty Akita
To laugh often and much;to win the respect of intelligent peopleand the affection of children,to leave the world a better place,to know even one life has breathed easierbecause you have lived,this is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
When the artist finds himself he is lost. The fact that he has succeeded in never finding himself is regarded by as his only lasting achievement. - Max Ernst
Failure doesn't mean you are a failure...it just means you haven't succeeded yet. - Robert Schuller
Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena where I believed I truly belonged. - J.K. Rowling
Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions - Frantz Fanon
An educator should consider that he has failed in his job if he has not succeeded in instilling some trace of a divine dissatisfaction with our miserable social environment. - Anthony Standen
Every word that is spoken and sung here (the Cabaret Voltaire) represents at least this one thing: that this humiliating age has not succeeded in winning our respect. - Hugo Ball
Great men are true men, the men in whom nature has succeeded. They are not extraordinary - they are in the true order. It is the other species of men who are not what they ought to be. - Henri-Frederic Amiel
I dread success. To have succeeded is to have finished one's business on earth, like the male spider, who is killed by the female the moment he has succeeded in his courtship. I like a state of continual becoming, with a goal in front and not behind. - George Bernard Shaw
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
In our quest to know life, we have only succeeded in going farther away from our self! Fortunately, to come back home, only one way exists - BEING IN THE NOW!While there are numerous ways to escape life, fortunately, only one way to lead it - BEING IN THE NOW! - Ramana Pemmaraju
You might think that you're ruined. You might think you're defeated. If you love what you're doing you've already succeeded. - George Watsky
The patent system was established, I believe, to protect the lone inventor. In this it has not succeeded. The patent system protects the institutions which favor invention. - Ernst Alexanderson
I am in a profession that has succeeded because of its ability to fix. If your problem is fixable, we know just what to do. But if it’s not? The fact that we have had no adequate answers to this question is troubling and has caused callousness, inhumanity, and extraordinary suffering. - Atul Gawande
If a man can say ‘My life is more important than my country,’ that man has succeeded in freeing himself from the chains of society! - Mehmet Murat ildan
To know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
If it makes you happy, then you succeeded already. - Tyrolin Puxty
I succeeded by saying what everyone else is thinking. - Joan Rivers
To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's more real to me here than if I went up," he suddenly heard himself say; and the fear lest that last shadow of reality should lose its edge kept him rooted to his seat as the minutes succeeded each other. - Edith Wharton
Curious that we spend more time congratulating people who have succeeded than encouraging people who have not. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
If I had said that I didn’t want to know if Christianity was true, David would not have pursued our conversations any further. He had long before realized that people who want to avoid the truth usually succeeded. - Nabeel Qureshi
If I have succeeded better than many who surround me, it has been chiefly - may I say almost solely - from universal assiduity. - John Dalton
Many a man has finally succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat he would never have known any great victory. - Orison Swett Marden
When the actions of others no longer matter, then you will have succeeded within your own mind. - Jo De Raman
Failure Is Not Permanent, So Is The Success. So, Don't Look Down Upon People Who Are Failed While You're Succeeded. Table Can Turn Anytime. Be Gentle To Every Creation, It Ain't Cost A Thing.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
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