Quotation Explorer - 'Europe'

YANKEE, n. In Europe, an American. In the Northern States of our Union, a New Englander. In the Southern States the word is unknown. (See DAMNYANK.) - Ambrose Bierce
Every time Europe looks across the Atlantic to see the American eagle, it observes only the rear end of an ostrich. - Ambrose Bierce
Europe, the land of easy mathematics where he who works adds up and he who retires subtracts. The land where the economy gets to stagger all over the continent. - Núria Añó
What was achieved under Nazi-fascism through bloody terror against the organized workers’ movement and the people is to be achieved again today in West Europe through the information society - Red Army Faction
When I consider the teachings, doctrines and what happens generally in the body of Christ both here in Europe, America and in Africa, I sometimes feel that I am living in my own reality. Either the whole world is getting it wrong or I am just running crazy - Sunday Adelaja
We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a *part* of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a *part* of Europe. - Dan Quayle
If the riches of the Indies, or the crowns of all the kingdom of Europe, were laid at my feet in exchange for my love of reading, I would spurn them all. - Francois de Fenelon
HARMONISTS, n. A sect of Protestants, now extinct, who came from Europe in the beginning of the last century and were distinguished for the bitterness of their internal controversies and dissensions. - Ambrose Bierce
Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy. - Margaret Thatcher
If the teachings of the Protestants in Europe gave birth to the Protestant ethics and the modern civilization, it becomes alarming that most of our charismatic teachings today mainly concentrate on individual aggrandizement - Sunday Adelaja
America has never quite forgiven Europe for having been discovered somewhat earlier in history than itself. - Oscar Wilde
The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that people began to understand that wealth and success is not a matter of luck. - Sunday Adelaja
I felt like the Islamic scholar Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905), who said on his return from a trip to Europe to his homeland Egypt 'I saw no Muslims in Europe but I saw a lot of Islam,' and of his homeland 'There are a lot of Muslims here but no Islam. - Imran Khan
History is not always pessimistic for if World War II Europe has taught us anything it is that the rebuilding of cities is possible and the mending of a nation’s spirit can be achieved. - Aysha Taryam
Slavery ended in medieval Europe only because the church extended its sacraments to all slaves and then managed to impose a ban on the enslavement of Christians (and of Jews). Within the context of medieval Europe, that prohibition was effectively a rule of universal abolition. - Rodney Stark
If the Communists win Europe and a large part of the world, it will not be because they know how to stir up discontent or how to infect people with hatred, but because they know how to preach hope. - Eric Hoffer
The best coffee in Europe is Vienna coffee, compared to which all other coffee is fluid poverty. - Mark Twain
Europe will never be like America. Europe is a product of history. America is a product of philosophy. - Margaret Thatcher
I grew up in Europe, where the history comes from. - Eddie Izzard
The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that Superstition regarding work and wealth was broken. Everybody now knows that wealth comes only from hard work, not from some superstitious beliefs. - Sunday Adelaja
And this man, who had sailed round Europe and navigated the Great Northern Route, leaned happily over half a ladleful of thin oatmeal kasha, cooked entirely without fat - just oats and water. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Courtly love-poetry may first have been written during long periods of abstinence on the Crusades, but it would not have flourished in the cold of northern Europe without some help from the chimney.
I cherish the Franco-German cooperation as one of the most important developments in post-war Europe. But I will not accept is as being so sacrosanct that the rest of us shall simply adapt to what is decided between Paris and Berlin.
Most people like to be rich, but they don’t know that the rich people are the unhappy bunch. Always marrying at least 3 times, always having drinking or drug problems and always think they are smartest one around, when in fact they can’t name 2 capitals from Europe without a Google search. - Mircea Popister
19. The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that the society was taught to respect all workers. - Sunday Adelaja
Yankee Stadium, it’s like everything else in this country. In Europe, they save all their old buildings for history. Here, we just tear them all down. - Bob Feller
The worst thing about Europe is that you can't go out in the middle of the night and get a Slurpee. - Tellis Frank
You're thinking of Europe as Germany and France, I don't. I think that's old Europe. You look at vast numbers of other countries in Europe. They're not with France and Germany on this. They're with the United States.
Whatever else may divide us, Europe is our common home; a common fate has linked us through the centuries, and it continues to link us today.
think of the condition of Europe for twenty years before, where people were fighting, not by thousands, but by millions; each one of whom as he struck his enemy wounded horribly some other innocent heart far away. - William Makepeace Thackeray
Asia is an entertainment, Europe is a dream, America is an imprisonment and Rest is a nightmare. - Santosh Kalwar
The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that each worker no matter the level, knows he is participating in the process of creation with God hence the dignity. - Sunday Adelaja
The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries.[Letter objecting to the use of government land for churches, 1803] - James Madison
[As a very young man, I thought] of Europe as a place that could not exist except in the imagination, in glorious dreams, and through the careful lies of the silver screen. - Roman Payne
In America everything goes and nothing matters, while in Europe nothing goes and everything matters. - Philip Roth
It always amazes me how people in Europe and the United States can be so indifferent to the speeches of their chancellor or president, for these worlds from the top can be a wind sock for what might happen next. - Paul Rusesabagina
PILGRIM, n. A traveler that is taken seriously. A Pilgrim Father was one who, leaving Europe in 1620 because not permitted to sing psalms through his nose, followed it to Massachusetts, where he could personate God according to the dictates of his conscience. - Ambrose Bierce
Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe. - Jackie Mason
Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions - Frantz Fanon
America's health care system is second only to Japan, Canada, Sweden, Great Britain, well ... all of Europe. But you can thank your lucky starts we don't live in Paraguay! - Matt Groening
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