Quotation Explorer - 'Fact'

All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable. - Fran Lebowitz
High ego makes you think that you are the king of the universe while you are in fact the king of nothing! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Peace and anger cannot coexist.in fact there is a high negative corelation , the higher the anger lesser the peace and lesser the anger higher the peace...Zero anger is probably bliss. - ketan r shah
Give form to your vision. Disregard the fact that it appears to entail efforts. Express what you have inside and communicate it everywhere. - Franco Santoro
Fact is fact; it is not true or false. - Debasish Mridha
The stupendous fact that we stand in the midst of reality will always be something far more wonderful than anything we do.
The thing about life is, you’ve got to somehow make it through the day. Don’t wait for the beautiful evening. Go on with your life. Of course, the beautiful evening will come. In fact, she’s on her way. And she’s coming to you as fast as she can. And dude, she’s beautiful. - Thisuri Wanniarachchi
I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot. - Bill Gates
Reason is in fact the path to faith, and faith takes over when reason can say no more. - Thomas Merton
Many people support, online or offline, a person not out of respect but because of the fact that if s/he does not remain in that high position, then they will also lose their chance of making livelihood. - Anuj Somany
I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favor of . In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language. Werner Heisenberg - Plato
The fact that social media has leveled the playing field doesn't offer you the right to disrespect the elderly - Bernard Kelvin Clive
A peculiar virtue in wildlife ethics is that the hunter ordinarily has no gallery to applaud or disapprove of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his own conscience, rather than by a mob of onlookers. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this fact. - Aldo Leopold
A mistake is not something to be determined after the fact, but in the light of the information until that point - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
One doesn’t have to operate with great malice to do great harm. The absence of empathy and understanding are sufficient. In fact, a man convinced of his virtue even in the midst of his vice is the worst kind of man. - Charles M. Blow
A "breakdown" is when you've exhausted every option and have no choice but to accept the fact that you are powerless to create the outcome you want. A "breakthrough" has the same definition. - Paul Colaianni
We grew up hearing stories about how he has been cheated - out of money, out of reputation, out of a grander fate. We had lost everything, he'd wail, and that was despite the fact that we had each other. - Alison Singh Gee
END is not the END, in fact, E.N.D means Effort Never Dies. - Jerhia
I finally faced the fact that it isn`t a crime not having friends. Being alone means you have fewer problems. - Whitney Houston
My feelings are a fact, not a personal delusion. They are valid for me. What business have you got trying to tell me how I ought to feel? - Elizabeth Peters
If "doctor" means "master teacher," then I think teaching in K-12 for 10 years deserves said title. Our practicum is potent and our expertise is in the service of children. In fact, I might start calling myself Dr. Vilson on principle. Fight me - Jose Luis Vilson
God give me strength to face a fact though it slay me. - Thomas H. Huxley
A man said to the Universe: "Sir, I exist!" "However," replied the Universe, "the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."
Statistically, the probability of any one of us being here is so small that the mere fact of our existence should keep us all in a state of contented dazzlement. - Lewis Thomas
I kept getting the odd sensation that I was in fact perfectly stationary, and that I was pushing the world around under my feet. - Robyn Davidson
End is not the End, in fact, E.N.D means "Effort Never Dies". - Jerhia
The very fact of having fixed conclusions to strive for in orthodox belief does not render the Christian philosopher dogmatic but rather intellectually fruitful, willing to take and follow reason further than the putatively undogmatic unbelieving philosopher - Gregory B. Sadler
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are. - Norman Vincent Peale
The fact that political ideologies are tangible realities is not a proof of their vitally necessary character. The bubonic plague was an extraordinarily powerful social reality, but no one would have regarded it as vitally necessary. - Wilhelm Reich
Do to others as you would've them do to you. scientific fact prove that action make some reaction. Don't fuck with me, & I won't fuck with you - E.G
I don't imagine you will dispute the fact that at present the stupid people are in an absolutely overwhelming majority all the world over. - Henrik Ibsen
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible. - Bertrand Russell
These, then are my last words to you: be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. - William James
The worst is not death but being blind, blind to the fact that everything about life is in the nature of the miraculous. - Henry Miller
The reason my life has wandered to nowhere is likely due to the fact that the focus of the moment has dictated the destination of my life, when the destination of my life should have been dictating the focus of the moment. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I can be alone without being lonely. In fact, those times of solitude are necessary respite for a beleaguered soul, set upon by the pressures of life. I need to take whatever moments I can to just be still. - Steve Goodier
To act on the belief that we possess the knowledge and the power which enable us to shape the processes of society entirely to our liking, knowledge which in fact we do not possess, is likely to make us do much harm. - Friedrich Hayek
I am far too often the author of terribly poor decisions. Yet I must rest in the unalterable fact that God says I am far better than what the sum total of those decisions would ever suggest. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armour to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he, by peddling second-rate technology, who led them into it in the first place. - Douglas Adams
Safe in the sovereignty of the Godhead, we can count on the fact that WE, rather than just our friends, enemies, or circumstances, will be transformed. - Brian Eshleman
Blaming others is an act of refusing to take responsibility. When a person can’t accept the fact or the reality, they blamed another person or the situation instead of taking accountability. - Dee Dee Artner
In fact a favourite problem of [John Tyndall] is—Given the molecular forces in a mutton chop, deduce Hamlet or Faust therefrom. He is confident that the Physics of the Future will solve this easily. - Thomas Henry Huxley
While what I write is always largely consistent with the records that remain I freely admit that where historical fact proves a barrier to invention, I simply move a detail a little one way or another. - Sara Sheridan
It’s like this…a starving man would gladly eat a radish, right? In fact, a radish would be a feast if that’s all he had. But if he had a buffet in front of him, the radish would never be chosen. - Colleen Houck
So in actual fact every human being is equally wealthy according to God’s divine Providence - Sunday Adelaja
What happens depends on our way of observing it or on the fact that we observe it.
I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition. In fact, there are so few people this crazy that I feel like I know them all by first name. - Larry Page
The sin both of men and of angels, was rendered possible by the fact that God gave us free will. - C.S. Lewis
A sad fact in life is that you cannot have winners without losers, no matter what you do, it's up to you to make out which one you are. - Auliq Ice
To be forced to endure something because you have no money to counter it ; this fact is totally unfair and I can't, personally, tolerate it. - Laure Lacornette
There is no fact which is not at least part fiction. - Marty Rubin
I'm not always the best at expressing myself to you, so I'm taking advantage of the fact that I will be completely unresponsive when you read this, and therefore incapable of messing things up - Amy Plum
Every writer must acknowledge and be able to handle the unalterable fact that he has, in effect, given himself a life sentence in solitary confinement. - Peter Straub
Earth travels in the space at the speed of 108,000 kilometres per hour. When you walk calmly in a forest, you must know that you are in fact flying in the space at that crazy speed! - Mehmet Murat ildan
In a society in which equality is a fact, not merely a word, words of racial or sexual assault and humiliation will be nonsense syllables. - Catharine A. MacKinnon
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. - ― Martin Luther King, Jr.
We find it hard to apply the knowledge of ourselves to our judgment of others. The fact that we are never of one kind, that we never love without reservations and never hate with all our being cannot prevent us from seeing others as wholly black or white. - Eric Hoffer
You can always be better than your master but you can never change the fact that you were his student and he was your master! The seed must always respect for his soil! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Whenever a person is the object of your activity, remember that you may not treat that person as only the means to an end, as in instrument, but must allow for the fact that he or she, too, has or at least should have, distinct personal ends. - Pope John Paul II
We do not want to be beginners [at prayer]. but let us be convinced of the fact that we will never be anything but beginners, all our life! - Thomas Merton
The fact is, it seems, that the most you can hope is to be a little less, in the end, the creature you were in the beginning, and the middle. - Samuel Beckett
Failure is not the end. In fact it is the beginning of a beautiful journey. - Jade Youssef
I simply would not accede to being forced into this, and would frequently be kept out of classes because of irreverent comments and mocking this religious stuff. Frankly, it stayed with me to this day. In fact, don't get me going. I'm almost as bad as Richard Dawkins on this issue. - Richard E. Leakey
The tribe often thinks the visionary has turned his back on them. When, in fact, the visionary has simply turned his face to the future. - Ray A. Davis
It is symptomatic of the constricting specialism and the oppressive burden of fact of our time that it has been left to the imagination of a novelist, Marguerite Yourcenar, to create the broadest, the most balanced and in many ways the most authentic interpretation of the affair. - Royston Lambert
Some say God exists outside creation if in fact he did breath in Adams nostrils he became part of humanity and creation. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When we plan our time, in fact, we plan our success. - Sunday Adelaja
The fact that we see something as evil may not necessarily make that thing evil. Evil cannot contest good; succeed and persist - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Talent does not search for the person, in fact the person needs to search for the talent inside him and take it out to show the world. - Unarine Ramaru
When our government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening foreign entity, it ignores the fact that, in our democracy, government is us. - Barack Obama
-Speaking about Vaccinations - "If you accept the truth after the fact, the pain will last a life time. - Richard Diaz
I always liked the unknown. Ironically I familiarized myself with the uncertainty of life. Life can change in any minute of the day. God can turn anything around in a speck of a moment. I know for a fact that everything changes. Nothing stays the same. This too shall pass. - Diana Rose Morcilla
We must also teach science not as the bare body of fact, but more as human endeavor in its historic context—in the context of the effects of scientific thought on every kind of thought. We must teach it as an intellectual pursuit rather than as a body of tricks. - Isidor Isaac Rabi
I have always been impressed by the fact that there are a surprising number of individuals who never use their minds if they can avoid it, and an equal number who do use their minds, but in an amazingly stupid way. - Carl Jung
Now there is one outstandingly important fact regarding Spaceship Earth, and that is that no instruction book came with it. - R. Buckminster Fuller
In this universe of ours, with its wealth of errors and legends, historical data and false information, one absolute truth is the fact that Superman is Clark Kent. All the rest is always open to debate. - Umberto Eco
I finished the [blog] post reflecting on the fact that, despite all the changes in my life, maybe I wasn't so different after all. If I typed it, maybe I could believe it, too. - Stephanie Nielson
Quotes ain’t all that useful. Fact is, there’s more concise ways to express what you’re feelin’, like screams and moans. - M.C. Humphreys
Other than the promise of life after death, nothing consoles the poor better than the fact that rich people are also subject to death. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Some of us are crèmes brûlées, unfortunately in the presence of those who would rather have corn dogs. We can try to degenerate into corn dogs to make them happy, or we can just accept the fact that we were made for Paris! - C. JoyBell C.
We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery. - H. G. Wells
The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealised past. - Robertson Davies
You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with. - George Carlin
If a person listens routinely to the sermon but doesn’t show the commensurate good change in own daily action, then the fact is s/he is actually not hearing anything of the spiritual master’s oration. - Anuj Somany
I do not believe that the present flowering of science is due in the least to a real appreciation of the beauty and intellectual discipline of the subject. It is due simply to the fact that power, wealth and prestige can only be obtained by the correct application of science. - Derek Barton
I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties. And quite frankly, I don't see much of a distinction beyond that. - Joe Biden
Sufism is, in fact, not a mystical system, not a religion, but a body of knowledge. - Idries Shah
The change starts when you start watching a video. You don't see it, you don't feel it but it starts at this moment, just by reading a complicated book or watching a film you again change... It's a fact! - Deyth Banger
When the artist finds himself he is lost. The fact that he has succeeded in never finding himself is regarded by as his only lasting achievement. - Max Ernst
It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that no one has heard before.
Our humanity consists in the fact that we do more than survive, that a great part of what we do confers no survival benefit in terms presumably salient from the Pleistocene point of view. - Marilynne Robinson
I'm still struggling with the fact that due to my own (selfish) desire to be a writer, my children probably won't have the same opportunities I had growning up. For most students, however, I genuinely think it's about the money. It's a factor, sure. But it just feels like a factor. - Marina Keegan
Banning the word bossy doesn’t promote anything, especially leadership. In fact, it would actually show that being bossy works. We don’t need to ban the word bossy, we need to get rid of bossiness. The best way to do that? Be a real leader. How poetic. - Darrell Cheney
Whatever they say about it, but being altruistic is not so simple for everyone. Not to look and sound like despotism, altruism must be learnt, and it’s a long way, which in fact begins from our egoism, for really, a human can’t love others if he doesn’t love himself first. - Lara Biyuts
What if the actual sin was that despite the fact of knowing how cruel and unfair this world is; we still bring children to life? - Sandra Chami Kassis
The hard fact of friendship is that you need to make time for new friends by first stripping out the people who are using your energy in an unsatisfying way. You have to take that risk of being friendless to make room in your life for others who will be your new best friends - Maggie Stiefvater
You broke me bodily.The heart ain't the half of it,And I'll never learn to laugh at itIn my good natured way.In fact, I'm laughing less in general,But I learned a lot at my own funeral.And I knew you'd be the death of me,So I guess that's the price I pay. - Ani DiFranco
One day you will just wake up and you will do not want to remember that it was a real fact, what has happened before you fell asleep. - Pēteris Bitāns
It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year. - Truman Capote
The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it.
More the makers tweak the real life's truth and fact, more they make the reel movie's content weak in fact. - Anuj Somany
There isn't any questioning the fact that some people enter your life, at the exact point of need, want or desire - it's sometimes a coincendence and most times fate, but whatever it is, I am certain it came to make me smile. - Nikki Rowe
Does the fact that I can no longer remember my own phone number indicate my growing feebleness? No, on the contrary, it unleashes the mind from the petty tyranny of tending to the trivial and allows it to concentrate on the important and the critical. - Don Norman
The places and people in the following stories have been represented accurately to the best of my ability; yet my writing is supposed to be a tale, and as in any historical novel, my own imagination has blended with fact to create poetical reality. - Eric Sloane
Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so. - Bertrand Russell
The most revolutionary aspect of the Protestant teaching however, is the fact that the Protestants began to look for ways and means to serve God better through inventions, discoveries, researches, sciences, factories, industries, etc. - Sunday Adelaja
Scientists are in the strange position of being confronted daily by the indisputable fact of their own consciousness, yet with no way of explaining it. - Christian de Quincey
The fact of God is necessary for the fact of man. Think God away and man has no ground of existence. - A.W. Tozer
The potential of controlling and living a successful life according to your terms depends on how you think. Your perception is your world. You can create the life you want and in fact, you can even shape the way you want it. - Dee Dee Artner
Love makes people beautiful, beautiful in the fact that those who are stricken by love become blind. Not being able to see the evils and pain in the world, that's the part that makes people beautiful on the inside. - Shannan Jacoby
work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it, because in fact everything in life does count on it. - Gordon B. Hinckley
To wait is to wisely resign myself to the fact that my ‘timetable’ is too often a ‘table’ with two legs that won’t stand up no matter how much ‘time’ I give it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If you are not in some way living your life like a Dr. Suess rhyme, than you may in fact be living it wrong. - Thurman P. Banks Jr.
I've been wondering if in fact ideal platonic love isn't just an intensely concentrated form of what inspires the best teachers. - Edmund Marlowe
What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed? - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Science has sometimes been said to be opposed to faith, and inconsistent with it. But all science, in fact, rests on a basis of faith, for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural laws - a thing which can never be demonstrated
Nothing reminds one of how shitty inequality is more often than the fact that there are companies who make and people who use 1-ply toilet papers. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I'd always liked her in a way I never had to think about, like the fact of my own hands. - Emma Cline
Everything here is edible; even I'm edible. But that, dear children, is cannibalism, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies. - Johnny Depp
Take a scientific fact or theory, add a futuristic or other-worldly setting, stir in an imaginative plot and fascinating characters, and a science fiction novel emerges from the cosmic mix. - Yvonne Coleman
Nothing will make you look like an idiot faster than the fact that you don't know what you doing. - Auliq Ice
Say what you will about the Ten Commandments, you must always come back to the pleasant fact that there are only ten of them. - H. L. Mencken
The fact is that my native land is a prey to barbarism, that in it men's only God is their belly, that they live only for the present, and that the richer a man is the holier he is held to be. - Saint Jerome
In fact, when I finally shuffle off this mortalcoil, you will have to pry a book out of my cold, dead hands. - Michael Cart
I spend a lot of time imagining things - in fact, you could say that imagining things is my job. - Sara Sheridan
Why is it that none of the things I construct ever make me feel safe? The answer lies in the fact that safety can’t be created. It can only be found. And the only thing I've found that’s never been created is God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wishes. The greater part of all mischief in the world arises from the fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims. They have undertaken to build a tower, and spend no more labor on the foundation than would be necessary to erect a hut. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Of course, our failures are a consequence of many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive thinking. - R. Buckminster Fuller
If your child is constantly interrupting or doing other things to get your attention, he is not getting enough communication of the right kind. Just the fact that you are in the house with him all day does not mean that you are necessarily devoting any time to com- munication of his choice. - Ruth Minshull
The paradox in Christian truth is invariably due to the fact that it is the truth that exists for God. The standard of measure and the end is superhuman; and there is only one relationship possible: faith. - Søren Kierkegaard
Doubt is a storm. We either ride it out, or we change our course. Neither is right or wrong--to stay or go. Twenty years ago, should you have really married X, or Y? This college, or that? A life-changing decision one makes becomes the right decision by the fact of simply having been made. - T.M. McNally
Good writers define reality; bad ones merely restate it. A good writer turns fact into truth; a bad writer will, more often than not, accomplish the opposite. - Edward Albee
Thanksgiving is a typically American holiday...The lavish meal is a symbol of the fact that abundant consumption is the result and reward of production. - Ayn Rand
I never minded the random scribblings of other readers, found them interesting in fact. It is a truth universally acknowledged that people write the darndest things in the margins of their books. - Tara Bray Smith
To grasp love, I must grasp the fact that it is a creation of God and therefore it is forever beyond me. But the very fact that it is forever beyond me is the very thing that prompts me to forever pursue it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The boring thing with taking a walk with someone is that your thoughts are then dictated by the subject or subjects of your conversation; and that is made worse by the fact that most sane people are terrified of silence whenever they are with or near someone. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
See, you think I give a shit. Wrong. In fact, while you talk, I'm thinking; How can I give less of shit? That's why I look interested. - Justin Halpern
The potential of controlling and living a successful life according to your terms depends on how you think. Your perception is your world. You can create the life you want and in fact, you can even shape it the way you want it. - Dee Dee Artner
Anyone who truly grasps the fact of limited time curses the patience blesses the hastiness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Relations are by product of Money(mostly), keep your finances in line and rest all is taken care" This is a fact, which would be rarely accepted by people, but inside everyone knows that...Those who've not yet experienced it would still say, money cannot buy love, respect bla bla bla... - honeya
...The fact that it's black transforms it. Has the same effect on women that black stockings have on men. - Daphne du Maurier
Most of the time, communication gets confused with conversation. In fact, the two are distinctly different. - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
The fact that we're all different is the one thing we all have in common. - Justin Young
Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it. - Ayn Rand
Call home at least once a week. It's a proven fact that we call home less the older we get. And that's wrong. It should be the other way around. As we get older, our parents get older. - Randy Pausch
What is more important to a library than anything else -- than everything else -- is the fact that it exists."[The Premise Of Meaning, American Scholar; Washington, DC, June 5, 1972] - Archibald MacLeish
Some people see scars, and it is wounding they remember. To me they are proof of the fact that there is healing. - Linda Hogan
It seems, in fact, as though the second half of a man's life is made up of nothing, but the habits he has accumulated during the first half. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
There are two things in particular that it [the computer industry] failed to foresee: one was the coming of the Internet(...); the other was the fact that the century would end. - Douglas Adams
But I can't help detesting my relations. I suppose it comes from the fact that none of us can stand other people having the same faults as ourselves. - Oscar Wilde
SMILE Is Not Just A Word.... It Means A Lot, Love, Trust, Warmth, Tenderness Etc, In Fact It Means WORLD.... So SMILE ALWAYS.... That Means, YOU Are Giving A WORLD To SOMEONE.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
We've got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you don't fight racism with racism. We're gonna fight racism with solidarity. - Fred Hampton
the fact about marriage is that it's never perfect, there is always struggle but you have to pick who you willing to struggle with - D WordSmith
Great art is always a way of concentrating, reinventing what is called fact, what we know of our existence- a reconcentration… tearing away the veils, the attitudes people acquire of their time and earlier time. Really good artists tear down those veils - Francis Bacon
Perfection is an opinion not a fact. - Julian Ross Quintero
Each recognized the fact that real commitment could be proven only through the passage of time. - Nicholas Sparks
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. - Socrates
We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn. - Peter Drucker
If I worship the fact that I don’t worship anything, amongst other things what I’m worshipping is denial. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The fact that most people do not understand and respect the very best things, such as Mozart's concertos, is what permits men like us to become famous. - Johannes Brahms
The secret of happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible, horrible, horrible. - Bertrand Russell
Let our road be long, let it be very long, let it be very very long and in fact let our road be infinite! Travel means flow, flow means life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
First of all is the fact that I have some rather good turns of phrase. I don't say that pridefully ... it's just that when a line I forgot about smacks me in the face and says, "Look at me! Aren't I lovely?" I have to notice. - Rachel Heffington
Music has touched me deeply, sometimes to tears. But at the same time it's been life-affirming, because I've been grateful for the fact that I'm alive and human and capable of being so moved. - Brian Molko
In fact, for a period stretching over seven hundred years, the international language of science was Arabic. For this was the language of the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, and thus the official language of the vast Islamic Empire that, by the early eighth century CE, stretched from India to Spain. - Jim Al-Khalili
The things said most confidently by advanced persons to crowded audiences are generally those opposite to the fact; it is actually our truisms that are untrue. - G.K. Chesterton
Many people over forty have at least one health condition that affects their ability to work a forty hour work week effectively. Human Resources (HR), doctors and governments have known this fact for decades. - Steven Magee
Advocacy of leaf protein as a human food is based on the undisputed fact that forage crops (such as lucerne) give a greater yield of protein than other types of crops. Even with conventional food crops there is more protein in the leafy parts than in the seeds or tubs that are usually harvested. - Norman Pirie
I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored. - Louis C.K.
That the military have the power to manipulate personal liberties while cocking a snook at justice and freedom in Balochistan is a fact. - Nilantha Ilangamuwa
As a matter of fact, confrontation could be a seed of peace. - Sunday Adelaja
The fact that people are in positions does not justify the means that they are leaders. A leader can be blind and to know this, check his sense of vision. - Israelmore Ayivor
I think of how people can betray me simply by not caring enough to hide the fact of how little they care.I think of how the person who needs the other person the least in a relationship is the stronger member. - Douglas Coupland
It’s a sad fact that some people are only remembered once they’re dead. - Kevin Focke
You love someone despite all their flaws. You love someone despite the fact that they have made mistakes. You love someone because you care about them - Aria from The Curse of Everwood by B. V. Taylor
The meaning of world is the separation of wish and fact. - Kurt Gödel
We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact. - Jean-Paul Sartre
Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion... or you shall learn nothing. - Thomas H. Huxley
The twinkling of an eye. That is the most wonderful expression. I've thought from time to time it was the best thing in life, that little incandescence you see in people when the charm of a thing strikes them, or the humor of it. 'The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart.' That's a fact. - Marilynne Robinson
The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact. - Malcolm Muggeridge
They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we’re gone. - Nehali Lalwani
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. - George Bernard Shaw
I would rather discover one scientific fact than become King of Persia. - Democritus
The fact of evolution is the backbone of biology, and biology is thus in the peculiar position of being a science founded on an improved theory, is it then a science or faith? - Charles Darwin
I asked her what a true story was because I thought that all stories were made up. She said a true story was called fact, and a made-up story was called ficton. Auntie May said a made-up story is a bit like telling lies, only the people who read them knew that already and so it didn’t matter - Rebecca Lloyd
I like the fact that kids are willing to be imaginative and go along with me when I'm telling strange tales. - Margaret Peterson Haddix
There is a need for promoting women's sexual agency in today's society, because if it wasn't an issue, terms such as 'female sexual empowerment' would be made redundant. The fact that we merely have this vocabulary is indicative of that. - Miya Yamanouchi
We are between the wild thoat of certainty and the mad zitidar of fact. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
What happens is fact, not truth. Truth is what we think about what happens. - Robert McKee
Freedom is essentially a condition of inequality, not equality. It recognizes as a fact of nature the structural differences inherent in man -in temperament, character, and capacity - and it respects those differences. We are not alike and no law can make us so. - Frank Chodorov
The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them, it is also a reflection on us. When the people want the impossible, only liars can satisfy. - Thomas Sowell
I have spent most of the time there and infect traveling is my passion as well memories always remind us the fact of our life - Joyful & precious journey of my life. - Avinash Advani
Every single important thing we do is something we didn't use to be good at, and in fact, might be something we used to fear. - Seth Godin
The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles. - Ayn Rand
What makes any life beautful is the simple fact of living it. - Marty Rubin
He felt something trickle down his face and he wiped it away irritably. When he looked at the back of his hand, he found trails of red. He had never cried in his life; in fact, he could not cry with no tear ducts. But now, at last, he was. He was crying tears of blood. For her. - Phillip W. Simpson
It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary. - Bert McCoy
The hallmark of great dreams is not their possibility but their impossibility, and the fact that it is the very notion of the ‘impossible’ that inspires us to go and accomplish them anyway. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Yes, he had made a good choice after all when he had chosen the God of the green pasture and the still waters! He was very powerful, and the fact that He expected you to think for yourself and do something in return for His help did not matter, as long as you could work things out. - Anne Holm
Let us make sure that the supreme fact of the 20th century is that they tread the same path. - Winston Churchill
In fact take my body who will, take it I say, it is not me. And therefore three cheers for Nantucket; and come a stove boat and stove body when they will, for stave my soul, Jove himself cannot. - Melville Herman
The clash is born of the fact that the child within me sees with undiluted clarity what the adult within me is incessantly working to deny. And in these most vexing moments, to be the adult is to defer to the child. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Live life while you have it; the fact that you have it is highly improbable, the fact that you will lose it is guaranteed. - Philip DeFranco
Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact. - George Eliot
When we look back at life we realize no true moment defined us, but in fact the events leading up to that moment. - Chris Burkmenn
The cruelest thing is love that leads us to deal with the parts of ourselves that we do not want to see, and this is what, in fact, we do not forgive each other. - Luigina Sgarro
I was hated, you know. I made no secret of the fact that I was an atheist. People told me there are no atheists in fox holes. That's nonsense. [interview promoting Marching as to War (2002)] - Pierre Berton
There could be nothing more scary scene in public relationship than the fact as how most people spend time together without having any liking for one another especially in the corridors of wealth power. - Anuj Somany
He wanted to take his love back from her so badly. The old techniques didn’t work anymore. In fact, they’d never worked. How do you stop loving someone? It was one of the world’s more brutal mysteries. The more you tried, the less it worked. - Ann Brashares
A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature; and as a firm and unalterable experience has established these laws, the proof against a miracle, from the very nature of the fact, is as entire as any argument from experience as can be imagined. - David Hume
Faith revels in the liberating fact that only a terribly miniscule part of life lies within the constricted confines of my reach, and that I am graciously invited out to live in a place beyond my grasp. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
She liked books more than anything else, and was, in fact, always inventing stories of beautiful things and telling them to herself. - Frances Hodgson Burnett
The fact that at the moment the distinction is being made, a young adult, as opposed to an adult, is the one reading it. In other words, I don’t entirely believe in the distinction. A great book is a great book, and it’s impossible to say what part of a person is going to connect to it. - Kristin Cashore
My worth is not based on the ‘work of my hands’ despite how feverishly I might work and how audaciously successful I might be. Rather, my worth is based exclusively on the astonishing fact that I am the ‘work of God’s hands. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The important thing is that man is lost in time, in the moment that immediately precedes him - which only attests, by reflection, to the fact that he is lost in the moment that follows - André Breton
oh love, doesn’t the fact that the world is so big,laid out like ripe fruitmake you want to stay? - Andrew McMillan
They support freedom for themselves and slavery for everyone else, and they use the freedom of the market to disguise this fact. Economic coercion is just a different form of force, which they couple with the fraud of calling it freedom. I was like them, but I will never be like them again. - Robert Peate
The problem that has no name - which is simply the fact that American women are kept from growing to their full human capacities - is taking a far greater toll on the physical and mental health of our country than any known disease. - Betty Friedan
The fact is very few men live harmoniously, while most of us survive miraculously! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Be not afraid of life believe that life is worth living and your belief will create the fact. - Henry James
Always beware of the fact, that the only thing hindering an all out revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you.--Twitter post, July 29, 2012 - Gore Vidal
Integrity is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake your consciousness, just as honesty is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake existence. - Ayn Rand
One is always alone in suffering; the fact is depressing when one happens to be the sufferer, but it makes pleasure possible for the rest of the world. - Aldous Huxley
At times we convince ourselves, we have something to lose but in fact, who you are and your being remains intact. - Unarine Ramaru
The fact that you are even here, alive, on this planet is a mathematical miracle, and you should not spend the time that you have being busy being miserable. - Philip DeFranco
I am not religious in any sense; in fact, I consider myself an atheist. - Subrahmanijan Chandrasekhar
Human emotions have deep evolutionary roots, a fact that may explain their complexity and provide tools for clinical practice.The Nature of Emotions (2001) - Robert Plutchik
I am in a profession that has succeeded because of its ability to fix. If your problem is fixable, we know just what to do. But if it’s not? The fact that we have had no adequate answers to this question is troubling and has caused callousness, inhumanity, and extraordinary suffering. - Atul Gawande
I love you Abang, so what? That is a human right. The fact that you do not love me, it is also human right. Abang ngga salah, tapi aku juga ngga salah, kan? - Jainar Berliana
They spent days, nights, weeks and months talking, never accepting the fact that, good or bad, an idea only exists when someone tries to put it into practice - Paulo Coelho
As a matter of fact, people erroneously think that life is about spending. - Sunday Adelaja
...the student of prehistoric man...cannot reject [the Castenedolo skull] as false without doing injury to his sense of truth, and he cannot accept it as fact without shattering his accepted beliefs. - Arthur Keith
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. - Henry David Thoreau
It is in fact nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curious of inquiry. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty. - Albert Einstein
Usually, we believe that our pain is a misfortune that needs to be fixed, but in fact, all pain (physical, mental, and emotional) is a necessary step towards becoming conscious. - Mada Eliza Dalian
A great deal of what many Americans hold dear is nowhere written on those four pages of parchment, or in any of the amendments. What has made the Constitution durable is the same as what makes it demanding: the fact that so much was left out. - Jill Lepore
Bob Dole revealed he is one of the test subjects for Viagra. He said on Larry King, 'I wish I had bought stock in it.' Only a Republican would think the best part of Viagra is the fact that you could make money off of it. - Jay Leno
If only [people] understood that every thought is both false and true! False by one-sidenedness resulting from man's inability to embrace the whole truth, and true as an expression of one fact of human endeavor. - Leo Tolstoy
The fact that he and she understood each other without a word seemed to bring them nearer than any explanation would have done. - Edith Wharton
What is important is to deeply understand things and their relations to each other. This is where intelligence lies. The fact of being quick or slow isn’t really relevant. - Laurent Schwartz
Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer. - Shunryu Suzuki
Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. - Bertrand Russell
Man is the master of Woman" - this statement may have been a glorious fact of primitive life in the wild, but it is nothing but an obnoxious stain on psyche of the thinking humanity. - Abhijit Naskar
Ransomware is unique among cybercrime because in order for the attack to be successful, it requires the victim to become a willing accomplice after the fact - James Scott, Sr. Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology
Each child is a unique person, so raise your child taking this fact intoconsideration. - Eraldo Banovac
That a work of creation struggles and insistently demands to be brought into being is a fact that no genuine artist would think of denying. - Dorothy L. Sayers
Dont Abuse The Fact That Nobody Is Perfect For Your Over Imperfection. - Cyc Jouzy
There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum. - Arthur C. Clarke
For what it's worth, I think perfect love stories have perfect disasters hidden somewhere. If a genuine relationship comes out of two people screwing before they saw the potential of the 'relationship'? Its perfect, beautiful, a work of art in fact.. Normal is overrated. - Nike Thaddeus
Children deprived of words become school dropouts; dropouts deprived of hope behave delinquently. Amateur censors blame delinquency on reading immoral books and magazines, when in fact, the inability to read anything is the basic trouble. - Peter S. Jennison
Civilization is in fact the longest story of all. Civilization can persist through a series of economies. - Fernand Braudel
I was amazed by the fact that I was not the only writer living, not the only young man "with a locomotive in his chest, and that's a fact," not the only youth with a million hungers and not one of them appeasable, not the only one who is lonely among multitudes, and does not know why. - Jack Kerouac
One of the symptoms of having a broken-heart is the fact that even ghosts will give up on the hope of scaring you as you have already lived through your worst fear. - Faraaz Kazi
What I can and cannot imagine is a psychological fact about me. It is not a deep metaphysical fact about the nature of the universe. - Patricia S. Churchland
In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business, but is in fact the very purpose of its existence. - Jamsetji Tata
The fact speak for themselves. - Demosthenes
The fact that you have access to the microphone doesn't mean you know everything. There are others listening to you, who know more things than you do, but do not have access to the platform to say it. - Israelmore Ayivor
There is not a single job ever got by running after it and never any client acquired by chasing a prospect, in fact everything in life happened by serendipity only so if it’s still not all LUCK then what? - Anuj Somany
A decision made in anger, however it was rationalized, was poisoned with bias from its origins. The very fact that I had thought of the option wrathfully rendered it unusable. - Game of Champions
When you have everything in life, you have friends, when you have nothing, you have true friends. The fact that somebody is close to you does mean they are your friend. Be wise! - Oscar Bimpong
I keep warning and warning, and nobody seems willing to listen. One of these days someone is going to wake up to the fact that I'm serious when I say never to attack my sister without looking over your shoulder for me. (Rhoan) - Keri Arthur
The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live --moreover, the only one. - Emil Cioran
True philosophy must start from the most immediate and comprehensive fact of consciousness: 'I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live - Albert Schweitzer
Mankind’s biggest flaw is the fact that he believes that something needs to change in order for him to feel good; it’s his biggest hurdle, his largest demon, his one and only true enemy. - D.S. Luca
When you are born as a man, you live as a man. When you born as a woman however, you have two choices; to live like a slave, or as a woman. I love the fact that I was born as a woman because I got to make my choices. Who did you chose to be? - Shahla Khan
The fact of your heart's enfoldment in mine is evidence enough that there is, underneath it all, some hidden order to this world. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
The element of craftsmanship in poetry is obscured by the fact that all men are taught to speak and most to read and write, while very few men are taught to draw or paint or write music. - W.H. Auden
Poverty is a mathematical proof of the fact that mankind is a big failure! - Mehmet Murat ildan
In our wildest aberrations we dream of an equilibrium we have left behind and which we naively expect to find at the end of our errors. Childish presumption which justifies the fact that child-nations, inheriting our follies, are now directing our history. - Albert Camus
The crux of whole problem of the world is that most people take most often an opinion as a fact and a fact as an opinion; and this is all usually done out of self-vested interest only. - Anuj Somany
The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot. - Mark Twain
Don't be afraid to write and share your story with the reading world! Find your courage! It is a fact that some will love it and some will hate it, but there will always be at least one reader who needed it and that's all that matters! - S.L. Morgan
It is a sad fact that 50 percent of marriages in this country end in divorce. But hey, the other half end in death. You could be one of the lucky ones!
You have to surrender to the fact that you are of too many in a highly competitive field where it is difficult to stand out. Over time, through your work, you will demonstrate who you are and what you bring to the field. Just stay with it and keep working. - Lisa Kudrow
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. - Maya Angelou
When you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer be reading numbers, any more than you read words when reading books. You will be reading meanings. - W.E.B. Du Bois
When you suffer and lose, that does not mean you are being disobedient to God. In fact, it might mean you're right in the center of His will. The path of obedience is often marked by times of suffering and loss. - Charles R. Swindoll
The difference between God and the historians consists above all in the fact that God cannot alter the past. - Samuel Butler
Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence. - Frank Zappa
You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.
If a fact does not modify your logic on being known, either you don't believe the fact or it is not a fact. - Raheel Farooq
We must cease once and for all to describe the effects of power in negative terms, it ‘excludes’, it ‘represses’... in fact power produces, it produces reality, it produces domains of objects and rituals of truth. - Michel Foucault
Whether most Muslims are peaceable is irrelevant. The fact is that fanatics rule Islam now & act-out what the Qur'an truly says ...maul, march, & murder every Infidel if they won't convert! - Gary Patton
Tenderness emerges from the fact that the two persons, longing, as all individuals do, to overcome the separateness and isolation to which we are all heir because we are individuals, can participate in a relationship that, for the moment, is not of two isolated selves but a union - Rollo May
I do have a religion; it’s just not an ordinary one. In fact it is an extraordinary one. My religion is Literature. - Stephan Attia
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. - William James
The fact that you made worse decisions in the past shouldn't be an excuse to make bad decisions in the present. - Sanhita Baruah
When I first tried a sensory deprivation tank, people thought I had lost my mind. In fact, I had found it. - Ryan Lilly
You must however pay attention to the fact that we don’t only lose time to lateness. We also lose time to jokes, gossip, empty talks, sleep on duty, social media etc. - Sunday Adelaja
An intelligence service is, in fact, a stupidity service.
The mere fact that I exist, means that I deserve to be here and to express myself any damn way I please. - Euphoria Godsent
Keep your relationship private but don't hide the fact you're in one. - Genereux Philip
Today, the theory of evolution is an accepted fact for everyone but a fundamentalist minority, whose objections are based not on reasoning but on doctrinaire adherence to religious principles. - James D. Watson
The fact regularly faced in telling people first the odd truths is that some don’t openly reflect, but most outrightly reject; and when it turns out to be correct publicly, they accept only to give often its credit to a person who desires but doesn’t deserve respect. - Anuj Somany
The fact that Iam writing to youin Englishalready falsifies what Iwanted to tell you.My subject:how to explain to youthat I don't belong to Englishthough I belong nowhere else,if not herein English. - Gustavo Perez Firmat
It is such a strange fact that memories of people are more loyal and more faithful than the people themselves! When a person dies or leaves us, his memories yet stay with us! - Mehmet Murat ildan
They'll come a time - in fact many times - when all the tools & techniques will fail you or desert you. Then - at last - is the moment to trust, use & follow your heart - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Faction is that hybrid of documented fact and novelistic elaboration. - Norman Mailer
Human knowledge is but a ripple on the water's surface. To go deeper, we must accept the fact that we don't know everything - Stewart Stafford
It's a well known fact that computing devices such as the abacus were invented thousands of years ago. But it's not well known that the first use of a common computer protocol occured in the Old Testament. This, of course, was when Moses aborted the Egyptians' process with a control-sea..."
Of all my accomplishments I may have achieved during the war, I am proudest of the fact that I never lost a wingman.
I am not perfect. Are you? Let us accept the fact that nobody is perfect. Let us learn to accept our imperfections as well as those of others. -RVM - R.v.m.
As every reader knows in his or her heart, there is much more to truth than mere fact. - Alison Croggon
Science fiction is a field of writing where, month after month, every printed word implies to hundreds of thousands of people: 'There is change. Look, today's fantastic story is tomorrow's fact. - A.E. van Vogt
There is no fact that is not at least part fiction. - Marty Rubin
Things always become obvious after the fact - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Wondering if this policy is demonetization or dehumanization given the fact it has created so much demoralization in the minds of the mass population. - Anuj Somany
namaste - it means, roughly translated, "I honor the Deity within you." that is precisely what we do when we open our hearts to another; we honor the fact that he or she, like us, is a child or the same loving Father, worthy of all respect and careful attention. - Virginia H. Pearce
I had to come to terms with the fact that I wouldn’t have peace with myself until I found a way to like myself. - Michael Barbarulo
People said experience is the best teacher. Until they found a fact that experience is the worst and most painful teacher. - Glad Munaiseche
At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey. - Lemony Snicket
Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it. - Ayn Rand
I Think The Fact That A Human Being Created "Dettol" ... A Product Which Protects You 99%You Should Learn That Nothing In This World Can Do It 100% Except God. - Cyc Jouzy
Death is not good. It’s just a fact. We don't need to give it so much importance. So I don't want to read anything that talks about it. - Aditi Bose
With all the fucked up things going on in the world, just the fact that we can wake up in the morning is kind of a miracle. - John Zorn
It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry. - Albert Einstein
Go boldly and honestly through the world. Learn to love the fact that there is nobody else quite like you. - Daniel Radcliffe
Depend upon it, after all, Thomas, Literature is the most noble of professions. In fact, it is about the only one fit for a man. For my own part, there is no seducing me from the path. - Edgar Allan Poe
Epictetus say that everything has two handles, one by which it can be borne and one which it cannot. If your brother sins against you, he says, don't take hold of it by the wrong he did you but by the fact that he's your brother. That's how it can be borne. - Anne Tyler
The fact that I was a girl never damaged my ambitions to be a pope or an emperor. - Willa Cather
Reaching beyond ourselves, exceeding our mind is not a simple thing. It is, in fact, impossible–one half of the Ego is trying to exceed the other. - Frank Wanderer
I hate what you represent."... "Power without conviction." Isana replied, her tone lifeless, matter of fact. "Ambition without conscience. Decent folk suffer at the hands of those like you. - Jim Butcher
Man does not live by words alone, despite the fact that he sometimes has to eat them. - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
No gasp at a miracle that is truly miraculous because the magic lies in the fact that you knew it was there for you all along. - Toni Morrison
So many sit around, waiting for superman, when in fact, Wonder Woman lies within. - Kristina Canady
You can tell the lowest class by their habit of always talking about persons; the next, by the fact that their habit is always to converse about things; the highest, by their preference for the discussion of ideas. - Henry Thomas Buckle
I'm sorry if any of you are catholic. I'm not sorry if you're offended, I'm actually just sorry by the fact that you're catholic - Bill Hicks
Science have proof that women talk more than men, it's a fact. - Deyth Banger
It is a well-documented fact that guys will not ask for directions. This is a biological thing. This is why it takes several million sperm cells... to locate a female egg, despite the fact that the egg is, relative to them, the size of Wisconsin. - Dave Barry
Once, power was considered a masculine attribute. In fact, power has no sex. - Katherine Graham
The light of love is the brightest, because it shines into those who contact it and purify their soul. It is also dangerous in the fact that when you come into contact with it just once, you can't truly live life if it is to leave. - Shannan Jacoby
I pack my trunk, embrace my friends, embark on the sea, and at last wake up in Naples, and there beside me is the Stern Fact, the Sad Self, unrelenting, identical, that I fled from. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I want to board a train, and leave my books behind. I want to be so caught up in writing about the journey, that I forget that fiction & fact are not the same. The destination does not signify. - Hannah Harding
We tend to perseverate on the fact that as far as we might have fallen, there’s always another bottom underneath the one we’re laying on. Yet, for every bottom underneath us, there’s always endless opportunity above us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Emancipation was a proclamation, but not a fact. - Lyndon B. Johnson
The fact that you can do something doesn't me you are called to do it - Bernard Kelvin Clive
But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. - Carl Sagan
If you have the creative urge, it isn't going to go away. But sometimes it takes a while before you accept the fact. - Hugh Macleod
I'm an atheist, and I don't have any belief in an afterlife. You could say that I'm resigned to the fact that this wonderful life that we get here is it. And having hit 60, it's a good time to get resigned to these things and not be too nervous or upset - and enjoy what great times one can have. - David Gilmour
Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall. - George Lucas
When our government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening, foreign entity, it ignores the fact that in our democracy, government is us. - Barack Obama
No Statue of Liberty ever greeted our arrival in this country...we did not, in fact, come to the United States at all. The United States came to us. - Luis Valdez
I am very proud of the fact that 20 years [sic] on people tell me they became a vegetarian as a result of 'Meat is Murder'. I think that is quite literally rock music changing someone's life - it's certainly changing the life of animals. It is one of the things I am most proud of. - Johnny Marr
What do you believe in ?""People's sufferings, and the fact that it is abominable. One should do everything to abolish it. To tell you the truth, nothing else seems to me of any importance. - Simone de Beauvoir
Unfortunately, fact checking has become a lost art - Gary Hopkins
How do you know yourself to be a son of God in fact as well as in name?Answer: Because I am baptized in the name of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. - (from his catechism) - John Calvin
The question is not what you look at, but what you see. It is only necessary to behold the least fact or phenomenon, however familiar, from a point a hair's breadth aside from our habitual path or routine, to be overcome, enchanted by its beauty and significance. - Henry David Thoreau
In America sex is an obsession, in other parts of the world it is a fact. - Marlene Dietrich
The fact is, sometimes it's hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun. - Jenny Bicks
It’s natural to die. The fact that we make such a big hullabaloo over it is all because we don’t see ourselves as part of nature. We think because we’re human we’re something above nature. - Morrie Schwartz
Just as our view of work affects our real experience of it, so too does our view of leisure. If our mindset conceives of free time, hobby time, or family time as non-productive, then we will, in fact, make it a waste of time. - Shawn Achor
Read at least one book a month. This is self-serving, obviously. It's a proven fact that people who read buy more books than people who don't read. In truth, I wish you'd read ten books a month, or at least buy that many. - Randy Pausch
The continuation of man’s life is more attributable to his fear of death than it is to his desire to live. As a matter of fact, in countless cases, it is attributable to only the former. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There's something terribly weird about the standard fantasy setting--not least of which the fact the phrase "standard fantasy setting" can be uttered without irony. - Yahtzee Croshaw
God, A Poem 'I didn't exist at Creation, I didn't exist at the Flood, And I won't be around for SalvationTo sort out the sheep from the cud-'Or whatever the phrase is. The fact isIn soteriological termsI'm a crude existential malpracticeAnd you are a diet of worms - James Fenton
Realize your true strength when people reject you. In actual fact, they do not reject you. They only show you your real strength - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Every intelligent individual wants to know what makes him tick, and yet is at once fascinated and frustrated by the fact that oneself is the most difficult of all things to know. - Alan W. Watts
The sadness inherent in any memory comes from the fact that its object is forgetting. - César Aira
Perception is reality in the absence of fact - Pieter BF Swart
Don't think about waht other's think of you. Matter of fact don't think at all,just be you. Do what you feel. No one else matters. - Emma Michelle
I am a storyteller, not a historian, and it's my ambition to create something compelling - something unputdownable and riveting - that chimes with the real history but is, in fact, fiction. - Sara Sheridan
The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past. - William Faulkner
The hard fact is that writing is available to readers because of market factors as much as particular writing talent. - Sara Sheridan
When your madness is creative and necessary, people will not notice the fact that you are crazy. - Michael Bassey Johnson
It takes a lot of effort for an obsessive mind to accept the fact that everything is in order except itself. - Moe Cidaly
Science has proven that subatomic particles can exist in two places at once. Since we are all made up of these particles, then this simple fact should drastically re-define every limitation that you think you have. - Gary Hopkins
When someone hurts you time and time again, accept the fact that they don't care about you. Its a tough pill to swallow, but its necessary medicine. - Melchor Lim
The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make 'good' citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens. - H.L. Mencken
And I realized, that the reason why good things were not happening to me as often as wanted them to, was because I in fact was a good thing that needed to happen. I needed to happen to me, to other people and to the world. And so I happened. - C. JoyBell C.
In fact the trick good shooters deploy is change of focus from long to short and vice versa. And that should happen fast.The modus operandi is an alignment of long Focus (long term vision) with due validation with respect to current status (short term goals). - Priyavrat Thareja
Rules such as "Write what you know," and "Show, don't tell," while doubtlessly grounded in good sense, can be ignored with impunity by any novelist nimble enough to get away with it. There is, in fact, only one rule in writing fiction: Whatever works, works. - Tom Robbins
If the first words out of your mouth are to cry ‘political correctness!’, chances are very, very high that you are in fact part of the problem. - N.K. Jemisin
The fact was I had the vision... I think everyone has... what we lack is the method. - Jack Kerouac
I think, your shadow don't leave in darkness. In fact, it gets as close as you that there is no difference between you and your shadow. At that time you both exists as one. Shadows never leave. Real love & friends are like shadows, they never leave you and always there. Not even in your dark days. - Qasim Chauhan
The only truly logical explanation that gives credence to the fact that information does not come from non-information, is that some outside force some uncaused cause existed before us and formed us in His image. If there is a creation there must be a creator. - J.W. Lord
The very fact that we now design and manufacture robot companions for the elderly marks a turning point. We ask technology to perform what used to be "love's labor": taking care of each other. - Alone Together Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. - Hippocrates
I never feel alone realizing the fact that my life is my only life partner - Munia Khan
Man acts as though he were the sharper and the master of language, while in fact language remains the master of man. - Heidegger, Martin
Little girls who hang around with vampires need to get used to dead things...In fact, little girls who hang around with vampires already are with dead things. - Vivian Vande Velde
To be matter of fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy -- and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful. - Robert Heinlein
The great tragedy of science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.
Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact. - Bertrand Russell
I couldn't tell fact from fiction, Or if the dream was true My only sure prediction In this world was you. I'd touch your features inchly. Beard love and dared the cost, The sented spiel reeled me unreal And I found my senses lost. - Maya Angelou
The fact that you have started a small business doesn't mean you should be thinking small. Think BIG! Start Small! Expand your territories! - Bernard Kelvin Clive
If there's a god, it knows exactly what it would take to convince me and has refused to provide it. In fact, it has gone to great lengths to hide any evidence of its existence. That doesn't seem like a deity that wants to be worshiped to me. - David G. McAfee
As it was, she always did whatever occurred to her, which was, admittedly, not difficult for someone in her position, coming from a background where rick of failure was minimal; in fact, you had to work hard to fail in her world. - Hanif Kureishi
We are not as important to most people as we are to ourselves. As a matter of fact, we are—to most people—not important at all. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The concept of maximum promotion of human rights to the expense of the majority of people in fact undermines the entire concept of the human community. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I accept the fact that there is always a way out in every situation we find ourselves but, until we begin to ponder, panacea will be very scarce - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Her genius derives from the fact that she was capable of the deepest feeling but also of the most discerning and disciplined thought. - David Brooks
It is a fact that the USA corporate government routinely lies to its mass population. - Steven Magee
Another vindication I had is the fact that I believed the Christian message and the gospel of the kingdom is good enough to fix the world’s problems - Sunday Adelaja
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than saying a drunken man is happier than a sober man. - George Bernard Shaw
If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact - not to be solved, but to be coped with over time. - Shimon Peres
You must learn to face the fact, always, that you choose to do what you do, and that everything you do affects not only you but others. - Holly Lisle
Unlike a fact, life can change at any time. - Stephen Richards
Word-banning seems to be a trend of late. It's become fashionable to try to ban words we're uncomfortable with, which you really can't do in the first place. You can no more ban a word than you can ban the air. In fact, language is a lot like air ban it all you want, it's still there. - Andrew Heller
I cannot bring myself to judge those who are defending their lands against an immoral violent foreign invader. The fact that the immoral violent foreign invader happens to be the U.S. government does not alter my view. - Dave Champion
Personal Responsibility is the acknowledgement of the fact that I am personally responsible for what is happening in my life, in my surrounding and in my nation. - Sunday Adelaja
Man does not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eat them. - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you desire from what you do. If you are in a job you hate, face the fact squarely and get out.
The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore.
I am a feminist, and what that means to me is much the same as the meaning of the fact that I am Black; it means that I must undertake to love myself and to respect myself as though my very life depends upon self-love and self-respect. - June Jordan
Despite a voluminous and often fervent literature on "income distribution," the cold fact is that most income is not distributed: It is earned. - Thomas Sowell
A successful presentation needs to be both buttoned up (orderly) and free-flowing (a conversation). The tension between the two, the fact that both things are happening at once, defines the process. - Dale Ludwig
What makes a life-any life-beautiful is the simple fact of living it. - Marty Rubin
When armies are mobilized and issues are joined,The man who is sorry over the fact will win. - Lao-tzu
Nothing remains the same.The only thing that never changesis the fact that everything changes. - A.J. Beirens
My life is music, and in some vague, mysterious and subconscious way, I have always been driven by a taut inner spring which has propelled me to almost compulsively reach for perfection in music, often - in fact, mostly - at the expense of everything else in my life. - Stan Getz
It is often said that it’s a man’s world! We must change this fact and create this: It’s a human’s world! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Now I have to say I'm a complete atheist, I have no religious views myself and no spiritual views, except very watered down humanistic spiritual views, and consciousness is just a fact of life, it's a natural fact of life. - David J. Chalmers
Make sure you know the Bible well enough to figure out if what someone says is fact or their own opinions. If you don't it could lead you in the wrong direction. - Amanda Penland
Dominicans are in fact, Haitians by default.Since the natives named the whole island named Haïti, stop being a dolt. - Ricardo Derose
A single fact can spoil a good argument. - Anonymous
For me, the consolation of history resides in the fact that hypothetically returning to any point in time feels like coming home. - Martha M. Moravec
I'm not going to limit myself just because people won't accept the fact that I can do something else. - Dolly Parton
If an education does not teach the person how to live right, then the fact is that it is also not teaching how to make the right living. - Anuj Somany
Perhaps not everything happens for a reason. That is, until you make it so; because for everything there is a season, which can, in fact, become beautiful. - Criss Jami
We have to endure the discordance between imagination and fact. It is better to say, I am suffering, than to say, This landscape is ugly. - Simone Weil
But it's a neurological fact that the scared self holds on while the reasoned one lets go. - Mary Karr
Theology starts with a crisis, the very crisis of reality itself. The crisis is the fact that you live, that you have a life to live. The crisis is the very mystery of our existence and the yearning for there to be some kind of meaning to it. - Andrew Root
"My life is a simple thing that would interest no one. It is a known fact that I was born and that is all that is necessary. - Albert Einstein
In fact, you"-he pointed his fork at me-"look like a fairy tale. - Isabel Gillies
Because the fact of not being understood by other people had become my only real source of pride, I was never confronted by any impulse to express things and to make others understand something that I knew. - Yukio Mishima
I constantly reminded myself with the fact that the world isn't about what's fair, but how you cope with what is unfair. - Hiro0911
People who say they don't have time, in fact have no plans to do anything. - Chandan Sharma
It's a tragic fact to die in an accident - Gabrielle Zevin
Is it a fact or have I dreamt it that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time? - Nathaniel Hawthorne
To a clear eye the smallest fact is a window through which the infinite may be seen. - Thomas Henry Huxley
The great virtue of my radicalism lies in the fact that I am perfectly ready, if necessary, to be radical on the conservative side. - Theodore Roosevelt
Let no one be fooled by the fact that we may write in English, for we intend to do unheard of things with it. - Chinua Achebe.
By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote. In fact, it is as difficult to appropriate the thoughts of others as it is to invent. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Music is well said to be the speech of angels; in fact, nothing among the utterances allowed to man is felt to be so divine. It brings us near to the infinite. - Thomas Carlyle
So many parents think they always need to teach their children about life, when in fact, if they listened once in a while, they would learn from their kids what life is truly about. - Martin R. Lemieux
The fact that you do not trust your spouse or lover doesn’t necessarily mean that they are cheating on you; and the fact that you do doesn’t necessarily mean that they aren’t. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The most beautiful, amazing and inevitable fact about life- Everything has a natural healing process. - Sanober Khan
Undoubtedly, our weariness is not based on the fact that we’re running. Rather, our weariness is all too frequently based on the fact that many of the things that we’re running from are the very things we should be running to. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Love is one of the strongest feelings one can ever have. It comes over you all of a sudden and totally absorbs before you manage to realize the fact. - Auliq Ice
No one rises above who he or she has been without first having fallen down. The best time - in fact, the only time - to make a real change in your life is in the moment of seeing the need for it. He who hesitates always gets lost in the hundred reasons why tomorrow is a better day to get started. - Guy Finley
The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated. - H. L. Mencken
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. - Henry David Thoreau
I am not a quitter. I will fight until I drop. It is just a matter of having some faith in the fact that as long as you are able to draw breath in the universe, you have a chance. - Cicely Tyson
Thinking it was easy to take a chance on things if you had nothing to lose -- politics, ideas, almost anything in fact; from the bottom of the ladder you could safely risk a fall, but the higher that you climbed the more cautious you must be. - Flavin, Martin
I would like to say that I’m sacrificial. But am I sacrificial enough to acknowledge the fact that I’m not? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Maybe a relationship is just two idiots who don’t know a damn thing except the fact that they’re willing to figure it out together. - Anonymous
Physics is becoming so unbelievably complex that it is taking longer and longer to train a physicist. It is taking so long, in fact, to train a physicist to the place where he understands the nature of physical problems that he is already too old to solve them. - Eugene Paul Wigner
The Fact That You Have The Ability To Stand On Stage And Sing While You’re Crying Is So Brave. - Demi Lovato
The line between fiction and fact is at times factual and at times fictional - Pushkar Ganesh Vaidya
When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art.’ I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw attention, and my initial concern is to get a hearing. - George Orwell
The simple fact is that neither an efficiently successful HOW nor a compelling persuasive WHY is sufficient on its own..without the other to bring about impactful sustainable improvement. - Robert M. Olsen
Enlightenment doesn’t make us a better person if we seek it just for us. It doesn’t erase our desires or put an end to even our own suffering. In fact it is the suffering that ennobles us. - Balroop Singh
The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.
Knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste. - Lucille Ball
Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. - Anonymous
What we often feel in ecstatic moments in this world - 'I don't ever want this to stop' - will be the constant thought of our hearts in that world. We shall think it, knowing that in fact it never WILL stop. - J.I. Packer
Have you ever noticed how statists are constantly reforming their own handiwork? Education reform. Health-care reform. Welfare reform. Tax reform. The very fact they’re always busy reforming is an implicit admission that they didn’t get it right the first 50 times. - Lawrence W. Reed
People who were genuinely dangerous might not need to exhibit the fact at all, and that the ability to conceal a threat made them even more dangerous. - William Gibson
Obstacles are weak walls without foundations; if you fear them, they will defeat you. But the fact is that they are even afraid of you. So why frightened? - Israelmore Ayivor
The pain of aloneness and pointlessness is piercing. It demands relief. That single fact that the pain of living apart from God is unbearable exposes our sinfulness as horribly grotesque and foolish. We insist on finding relief without coming to God on His terms. - Larry Crabb
When people say "you've changed", what they actually mean is that they don't like the fact at all that you've stopped tolerating their bullshit. - Ali. B. Moe
By repetition, each lie becomes an irreversible fact upon which other lies are constructed. - John le Carré
Bernice was fascinated by Trinket because she wore her sexuality as openly as a fragrant perfume. She was also amazed by the fact that Trinket found life so easy and satisfying. - K. Ford K.
It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self- conscious people in the world, and the most addicted to the belief that the other nations are in a conspiracy to under-value them. - Henry James
Every time I hold your hand in the night and look at that star, I remember the fact that it is millions of light years away from us, we are looking at its past and it doesn't exist anymore and I always end up feeling, what if we both are made up of the dust of the same star we are staring at. - Akshay Vasu
God has, in fact, written two books, not just one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, namely Scripture. But he has written a second book called creation. - Francis Bacon
Words have to make sense; facts don't. That life makes no sense is the most beautiful fact of all. - Marty Rubin
The fact that when we die we are nothing more than worm meat---I just don't think about it. - Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
The fact that you don't feel Him [God] holding you doesn't change the fact that He still is. - Wayne Jacobsen and Dave Coleman
For those who have true love, have no limits of expressing their love to one another yet it is a sad fact that those who are searching for love, fear expressing their love to even those who love them. - Auliq Ice
It is a rather lamentable fact that few can call upon courage with the expediency they can fear. - Gitty Daneshvari
There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact. - Mark Twain
Of course, it is very important to be sober when you take an exam. Many worthwhile careers in the street- cleansing, fruit-picking and subway-guitar-playing industries have been founded on a lack of understanding of this simple fact. - Terry Pratchett
Equally as therapeutic was the fact that disaster did not come. - Daniel Smith
Freedom is essentially a condition of inequality, not equality. It recognizes as a fact of nature the structural differences inherent in man in temperament, character, and capacity and it respects those differences. We are not alike and no law can make us so. - Frank Chodorov
Far from failing in its intended task, our educational system is in fact succeeding magnificently because its aim is to keep the American people thoughtless enough to go on supporting the system. - Richard Mitchell
Maybe being oneself is an acquired taste. For a writer it's a big deal to bow--or kneel or get knocked down--to the fact that you are going to write your own books and not somebody else's. Not even those books of the somebody else you thought it was your express business to spruce yourself up to be. - Patricia Hampl
To the moralist prostitution does not consist so much in the fact that the woman sells her body, but rather that she sells it out of wedlock. - Emma Goldman
A great sports car that goes from 0-60 in 3.9 seconds is just a fact. To the wrong audience, it’s irrelevant. But to the right audience, it’s a passion. - David Brier
One day you will just wake up and you will do not want to remember that it was real fact, what has happened before you fell asleep. - Pēteris Bitāns
A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes. It is innocent, unless found guilty. A hypothesis is a novel suggestion that no one wants to believe. It is guilty, until found effective. - Edward Teller
I am certainly not one of those who need to be prodded. In fact, if anything, I am the prod. - Sir Winston Churchill
Plainly it is not every error made by a witness which affects his credibility. In each case the trier of fact has to make an evaluation; taking into account such matters as the nature of the contradictions, their number and importance, and their bearing on other parts of the witness's evidence. - H.C. Nicholas
I am ashamed to say this, but as a child, neither my parents not my teachers pushed me to read. In fact, I did not read an entire book through until I was a grown man and had learned the awesome power of reading on my own. - Daniel Whyte III
By now I have come to feel that the fact of being a ‘child’, of being wholly subservient and dependent, of being seen by older people as a mixture of expensive nuisance, slave and super-pet, does most young people more harm than good - John Holt
The fact that you are alive is what matters most because no matter what your situation is, you still have a chance to change it. - Gugu Mona
So many people don't think seriously about the fact that Personal Responsibility is one of the most essential credentials in National transformation - Sunday Adelaja
One of the most valuable things one of my art teachers said to me was, ‘Don’t get upset by criticism. Value the fact that at least someone noticed what you did. - Chris Ware
Any genuine philosophy leads to action and from action back again to wonder, to enduring fact of mystery. - Henry Miller
The natural superiority of women is a biological fact, and a socially acknowledged reality.
Most people like to be rich, but they don’t know that the rich people are the unhappy bunch. Always marrying at least 3 times, always having drinking or drug problems and always think they are smartest one around, when in fact they can’t name 2 capitals from Europe without a Google search. - Mircea Popister
No state, no government exists. What does in fact exist is a man, or a few men, in power over many men. - Rose Wilder Lane
My reason for being an author? Because I love to write - it fulfills me. But the fact that I entertain others by doing it is a lovely bonus. - Chasta Schneider
What it leads to is the mischief of confusing liturgy with magic -- of imagining there are only a handful of properly effective formulas for conjuring up the mystery, when in fact the mystery is always at work, independent of any formula whatsoever. - Robert Farrar Capon
the ultimate aim of government is not to rule, or restrain by fear, nor to exact obedience, but to free every man from fear that he may live in all possible security... In fact the true aim of government is liberty. - Baruch Spinoza
Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us worthy evidence of the fact. - George Eliot
But as in ethics, evil is a consequence of good, so, in fact, out of joy is sorrow born. - Edgar Allan Poe
The fact that you have just buried your parent or parents and/or sibling or siblings does not make you less likely to die today. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I’m tired of ignorance held up as inspiration, where vicious anti-intellectualism is considered a positive trait, and where uninformed opinion is displayed as fact. - Philip Plait
If you can still write in spite of the fact that you're not getting paid, that nobody cares about what you're writing, that nobody wants to publish it, that everybody is telling you to do something else, and you still want to and you still enjoy it and you can't stop doing it...then you're a writer. - Joanne Harris
The aim here is not to separate fact from fantasy but to show how each embodies a distinct class of knowledge and how one is deeply implicated in the other. - Constance Penley
Look now how mortals are blaming the gods, for they say that evils come from us, but in fact they themselves have woes beyond their share because of their own follies. - Homer
Time is, in fact, a cross to bear, it passes on inexorably and remorselessly, destroying everything in its wake, save art and works of the intellect. - Jack Schmitt
The truth is that the world is full of dragons, and none of us are as powerful or cool as we’d like to be. And that sucks. But when you’re confronted with that fact, you can either crawl into a hole and quit, or you can get out there, take off your shoes, and Bilbo it up. - Patrick Rothfuss
Their gazes locked and held for a long beat, like maybe he was taking her pulse from across the room, absorbing the fact that she was drenched and breathless. The corners of his mouth twitched. She’d amused him again. - Jill Shalvis
Male and female represent the two sides of the great radical dualism. But in fact they are perpetually passing into one another. Fluid hardens to solid, solid rushes to fluid. There is no wholly masculine man, no purely feminine woman. - Margaret Fuller
It is in fact not our dream that makes us happy, but chasing that dream! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The meaning of life consists in the fact that it makes no sense to say that life has no meaning. - Niels Bohr
The fact that you can still stand for God even when some people try to push you to fall, is a proof that you were not DRAGGED Up, but you were BROUGHT Up! - Israelmore Ayivor
The fact is that a person has to not only often unwillingly retract from own right words, but also many times apologize for the same ,in fact, on telling the people the undeniable, altruistic fact. - Anuj Somany
I think that it is infinitely wiser to accept the fact that we’re afraid, for in accepting our fear we are in no way granting it the power to crush us. Rather we are finally empowering ourselves sufficiently so that we can crush it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Never forget you are the successful product of a harsh universe; the simple fact that you exist, whence trillions of other organisms do not, is a mathematical miracle. - Matt Parker
In the treatment of poverty nationally, one fact stands out: there are twice as many white poor as Negro poor in the United States. Therefore I will not dwell on the experiences of poverty that derive from racial discrimination, but will discuss the poverty that affects white and Negro alike. - Martin Luther King Jr.
We are all servants of some sort, and if the fact that we are faithful can be truthfully inscribed on our tombstones, nothing more need be added. - L.M. Montgomery
The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be. - Robert Fulghum
Just imagine, among 8.7 million species, only one has become smart enough to ponder over the meaning of life. This simple evolutionary fact itself implies the gravitas of human life. - Abhijit Naskar
I think Amy Winehouse's decision not to go to rehab was a bad one. In fact, I think it was the worst idea since Dodi Al Fayed said to Princess Diana, "Ooh, look! A tunnel! Whack that seat belt off and let's have a fuck. - Robert Clark
The common mistake that bullies make is assuming that because someone is nice that he or she is weak. Those traits have nothing to do with each other. In fact, it takes considerable strength and character to be a good person. - MaryElizabeth Williams
Maturity: knowing where you're crazy, trying to warn others of the fact and striving to keep yourself under control. - Alain de Botton
I started to be really proud of the fact I was gay even though I wasn't - Kurt Cobain
I'll tell you, too, that's starting to depress me about UFO's, about the fact that they cross galaxies, or wherever they come from to visit us, and always end up in places like Fife, Alabama. Maybe these are not super-intelligent beings, man. - Bill Hicks
Men write many fine and plausible arguments in support of monarchy, but the fact remains that where every man has a voice, brutal laws are impossible. - Mark Twain
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
It is an acknowledged fact that we perceive errors in the work of others more readily than in our own. - Leonardo da Vinci
No other work of man in any language even faintly resembles the intricate structure and design of the Bible. The fact remains only an infinite mind could have devised this Book of books. - Winkie Pratney
The pure playfulness of certain wholly whimsical portions of (Charles) Cros’s work should not obscure the fact that at the center of some of his most beautiful poems a revolver is leveled straight at us. - André Breton
There is no fact or fiction, reality or illusion, there is only the trick of perception. - Debasish Mridha
Life can only be filled with joys as we make our egos small enough to accept the fact that joy comes to those in whom there is only room for it to spill over. - S. Emmanuel Epps
To look at the work of your peers, and learn how to explain with kindness and precision, the nature of their mistakes is, in fact, how you learn to diagnose your own work. - Steve Almond
Belief creates the actual fact. - William James
There is, in fact, no safeword for chemical burns under one’s fingernails. - Agnostic Zetetic
One thing we entirely forget when making decisions is the fact that the results concern and throw back to the decision maker not the one it seeks to please. - Unarine Ramaru
Though the immediate impression of rebellion may obscure the fact, the task of authentic literature is nevertheless only conceivable in terms of a desire for fundamental communication with the reader. - Georges Bataille
If there is, in fact, a Heaven and a Hell, all we know for sure is that Hell will be a viciously overcrowded version of Phoenix... - Hunter S. Thompson
As long as the forest stood the Tchetchens were unconquerable... and it is literally the fact that they were beaten in the long run not by the sword but by the axe. - John F. Baddeley
The fact is I'm in a serious jam. - Katie Crouch and Grady Hendrix, The White Glove War
I used to think that I could never lose anyone if I photographed them enough. In fact, my pictures show me how much I’ve lost. - Nan Goldin
The fact that I know I'm a fool leaves me hope that I may not be, - C Mack Lewis
Sometimes a policeman must confront people about lying. No one likes to be called a liar. But it is what it is! A fact is a fact! If someone is a liar, put them on notice. You should not be punished for doing the right thing. It is the job of a good investigator to get the truth. - C. Snyder
this is the weakness of most 'edifying' or 'propaganda' literature. There is no diversity...You cannot, in fact, give God His due without giving the devil his due also. - Dorothy L. Sayers
Only children simply accept the fact that their parents have the right to make choices for them. Even disobedient children never question the fact that their parents have that right. They may choose to flout the rules, but they don't question their parents' right to make those rules. - The Mirror of Maybe
I couldn't tell fact from fiction,Or if the dream was trueMy only sure predictionIn this world was you.I'd touch your features inchly. Beard love and dared the cost, The sented spiel reeled me unreal And I found my senses lost. - Maya Angelou
And is often the case with faith, I thought I was being asked a favor, when in fact I was being given one". - Mitch Albom
The next time, you say that you want something, watch your behavior. If you try to cop out of doing what it takes, if you hide behind excuses, if you just don’t want to do what it takes then perhaps reconsider: Is what you think you want actually something that you do in fact want? - Akiroq Brost
The times are too difficult and the crisis too severe to indulge in schadenfreude. Looking at it in perspective, the fact that there would be a financial crisis was perfectly predictable: its general nature, if not its magnitude. Markets are always inefficient. - Noam Chomsky
The fundamental fact about all of us is that we’re alive for a while but will die before long. This fact is the real root cause of all our anger and pain and despair. And you can either run from this fact or, by way of love, you can embrace it. - Jonathan Franzen
I didn't do anything but sit quietly and pay attention to the fact that my hollow chest was still beating. I was still alive and could see that the new normal wasn't so bad. - Dee Williams
Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself victory. In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being. - Daisaku Ikeda
It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom. Without this it goes to wrack and ruin without fail. - Albert Einstein
In Kyudo philosophy, you don't aim--you become one with the target. Then, in fact, there's nothing to aim at. I find it works well with women, too. Give it a try. - Martin Sage and Sybil Adelman
What may be myth in one world may always be fact in some other. - C.S. Lewis
The mere fact that a very large number of people believe such a thing and that the world would be a better place if it were true, is no reason for believing that it is true. - Leonard Woolf
A truth should exist,it should not be usedlike this. If I love youis that a fact or a weapon? - Margaret Atwood
I am what I might term an unprejudiced sceptic. I am not given to either believing or disbelieving things 'on principle,' as I have found many idiots prone to be, and what is more, some of them not ashamed to boast of the insane fact. - William Hope Hodgson
There must be something wrong with those people who think doesn’t perspire, hiccup or sneeze, because they know that’s not true. I n fact, I hiccup more than most. - Audrey Hepburn
She was our guardian angel. Lucy saved us from mystery. Without her, our marriage would be ruined. Her disappearance created an open wound that we can't fix but the most devasting reality is probably the fact that her body will never be found. She is a living ghost in Wilmington, North Carolina. - Chloé Danielo
And yet, troublingly, there is one difference between 'labour' and other elements [raw materials, machinery] which conventional economics does not have a means to represent, or give weight to, but which is nevertheless unavoidably present in the world: the fact that labour feels pain. - Alain de Botton
Truth is what is true, and it's not necessarily factual. Truth and fact are not the same thing. Truth does not contradict or deny facts, but it goes through and beyond facts. This is something that it is very difficult for some people to understand. Truth can be dangerous. - Madeleine L'Engle
I am in fact a Hobbit, in all but size.
The real writer is one who really writes. Talent is an invention like phlogiston after the fact of fire. Work is its own cure. You have to like it better than being loved. - Marge Piercy
Truth, with a capital T, was swapped for Fact with a capital F, then both lower-cased —facts the new trues. - Geoffrey Wood
I smiled at him. America, I said quietly, just like that. What is it? The sweepings of every country including our own. Isn't that true? That's a fact. - James Joyce
While boasting of our noble deeds we're careful to concealthe ugly fact that by an iniquitous money system we havenationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined,is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery. - Horace Greeley
In fact, nothing is said that has not been said before. - Terence
The mere fact that a boxer covers his face never means that he is much afraid of his opponent. A good punch will give a better explanation for his action! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live-moreover, the only one. - Emil Cioran
In our family histories, the frontier between fact and fiction is vague, especially in the record of events that took place before we were born, or when we were too young to record them accurately; there are few maps to these remote regions, and only the occasional sign to guide the explorer. - Adam Sisman
How are poets able to unzip what they see around them, calling forth a truer essence from behind a common fact? Why, reading a verse about a pear, do you see past the fruit in so transcendent a way? - Elizabeth Berg
My concern is not the fact that other people don’t understand where I am coming from, even though Christians are supposed to be doing what I am doing - Sunday Adelaja
I pack my trunk, embrace my friends, embark on the sea and at last wake up in Naples, and there beside me is the stern fact, the sad self, unrelenting, identical, that I fled from. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet. - Victor Hugo
We have in fact, two kinds of morality, side by side: one which we preach, but do not practice, and another which we practice, but seldom preach. - Bertrand Russell
In America, sex is an obsession; in other parts of the world it's a fact. - Marlene Dietrich
The man who has received a benefit ought always to remember it, but he who has granted it ought to forget the fact at once. - Demosthenes
Yet if I was asked to do this again - in fact, if I was ever asked to repeat any of my experiences - I'd have to say, fuck it, bring them on. I've no regrets.This is what it means to be alive. - John Barrowman
AIM, n. The task we set our wishes to. "Cheer up! Have you no aim in life?" She tenderly inquired. "An aim? Well, no, I haven't, wife; The fact is -- I have fired." G.J. - Ambrose Bierce
She was broken, I think it’s because she loved too much and she was always blind to the fact that love too is sometimes broken. - Robert M. Drake
Livvy and me together in an elevator for four hours..and we're good. To some eyes the fact that we're both alive could be viewed as a minor miracle. - Michael D. Beil
We must achieve both security and solvency. In fact, the foundation of military strength is economic strength, - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Let’s be very clear about this, asshole: I’ve been a woman in Arkansas. I know damn well what it means when a man says to me 'Calm down.' Being raped comes next, and that’s a fact I’m never going to forget. - Agnostic Zetetic
Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact. - Honore de Balzac
We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side: one which we preach but do not practice, and another which we practice but seldom preach. - Bertrand Russell
I'm sure we would not have had men on the Moon if it had not been for Wells and Verne and the people who write about this and made people think about it. I'm rather proud of the fact that I know several astronauts who became astronauts through reading my books. - Arthur C. Clarke
The poet is a faker / Who's so good at his act / He even fakes the pain / Of pain he feels in fact. - Fernando Pessoa
Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking place. - Suzy Ross
As a matter of fact life itself is measured by time. - Sunday Adelaja
I sometimes think that the saving grace of America lies in the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans are possessed of two great qualities- a sense of humor and a sense of proportion. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Forming characters! Whose? Our own or others? Both. And in that momentous fact lies the peril and responsibility of our existence. - Elihu Burritt
Think you of the fact that a deaf person cannot hear. Then, what deafness may we not all possess? What senses do we lack that we cannot see and cannot hear another world all around us? - Frank Herbert
Peace is achieved when our conscience rests in the fact that we’ve engaged in ‘right’ living, verses believing that living is a ‘right. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is unrelenting in seeking to convert every area of our hearts and lives. The Gospel is all-encompassing. It is in fact the only source of godliness. Search anywhere else, and you have nothing more than self-reform at best and idolatry at its worst. - Barbara Hughes
It is not possible to be 'incidentally a Christian.' The fact of Christianity must be overwhelmingly first or nothing. This suggests a reason for the dislike of Christians by nominal or non-Christians: their lives contain no overwhelming first but many balances. - Sheldon Vanauken
The mere fact that I exist means that I deserve to be here and to express myself any damn why I please. - Euphoria Godsent
Do not just believe in God and neglect the fact that He has an unprecedented belief in you. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
...simple fact that any land looks like Eden after months at sea.
Honesty is the recognition of the fact that the unreal is unreal and can have no value, that neither love nor fame nor cash is a value if obtained by fraud. - Ayn Rand
Anger does not change the fact. The will to take control is everything. - Compton Gage
Well, the fact is that one cannot retrace one's steps, and the steps one has taken greatly influence the future. - Vincent van Gogh
The fact that a great many people believe something is no guarantee of its truth. - W. Somerset Maugham
In fact, it is more correct to say that Truth is God, than to say that God is Truth. - Mahatma Gandhi
Never be afraid to offer a smile; sure the risk is that a few foolish people may misinterpret your kindness as weakness, but the sweet reward is that as you make new friends and encourage others, the foolish have ignored the fact that you have already shown them your teeth. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
The fact differentiates the fake. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The great majority of people are wandering generalities rather than meaningful specifics. The fact is that you can't bit a target that you can't see. If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. You have to have goals. - Zig Ziglar
A revolution does not have to eat its children. In fact, it is those who are in power who could very well initiate revolutions. Let us not be old-fashioned and think only of armed uprisings of minorities as revolutions. Any movement that seeks to overhaul established attitudes is a revolution. - F. Sionil José
If you're really listening, if you're awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break; its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold evermore wonders. - Andrew Harvey
To understand Darwin's work, you have to distinguish between his theory of descent and his theory of natural selection. THe full name of the first is the theory of descent with modification. Some call it the fact of evolution, and some call it the doctrine of evolution. - Lee Spetner
If you are in a relationship and you care more about what people think or say rather than what you have, you don't deserve that relationship, in fact you don't deserve to be in any relationship at all. - Kambiz Shabankare
A painter paints the appearance of things, not their objective correctness. In fact, he creates new appearances of things. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Man (as he imagines himself to be), in general, is a possibility, not a fact. - Idries Shah
As you go through life's rich tapestry, you realize that most people you meet aren't fit to shine your shoes. It's a sad fact, but it's true. A good friend is someone who'd hide you if you were on the run for murder. How many of them do you know? - Lemmy Kilmister
Pro and con are opposites, that fact is clearly seen. If progress means to move forward, then what does congress mean? - Nipsey Russell
My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right. - Ashleigh Brilliant
The fact is that more people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, that my friends, that is true perversion! - Harvey Milk
In the old world, we tend to drift along, victims to our own ignorance of the fact, that we can have what we want in the New World. - David Lionel Lloyd
Perception is the reality in the absence of fact. - Pieter BF Swart
World is in a mess with widespread stress in life because of the fact that most people often try to impress those who have just put on a beautiful dress rather than truly appreciating a beautiful person. - Anuj Somany
The universal fact is that the majority do not have the affordability to buy the precious, so if a person is being liked often by most people found around, they might be considering him/her only meretricious. - Anuj Somany
What alarms me most is the fact that, even when God has now raised up a voice to speak on these issues, many sincerely believe that I am in error or at worst that I am doing something utterly wrong - Sunday Adelaja
It is not necessary to remind you of the fact that your voice, amplified to the degree where it reaches from one end of the country to the other, does not confer upon you greater wisdom than when your voice reached only from one end of the bar to the other. All of these things you know. - Edward R. Murrow
Do not fear, you mind may be criticizes for losing track. Enjoy the fact that most may not ride the same train of thought. - C. Jerry
Dogs are gonna take over the world. It's a known fact for those who believe it, kinda like the Bible. - Green Day
I know many versions of truth that explain one fact. - Toba Beta
You know that things aren't going well for you when you can't even tell people the simplest fact about your life, just because they'll presume you're asking them to feel sorry for you. - Nick Hornby
We are more ready to try the untried when what we do is inconsequential. Hence the fact that many inventions had their birth as toys. - Eric Hoffer
We are faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words ‘Too Late’. - Martin Luther King Jr.
The struggle of literature is in fact a struggle to escape from the confines of language; it stretches out from the utmost limits of what can be said; what stirs literature is the call and attraction of what is not in the dictionary. - Italo Calvino
I think it's incomparably sweet when someone writes something for you.. even if it doesn't rhyme or even if it isn't very amorous.. even two lines of hatred written for you acknowledges the fact that someone spent a little of his time thinking about you. - Sanhita Baruah
Destiny to some people is a preconceived notion as a design of blind faith, while in fact destiny is a constitution of endowed efforts in an attempt to steer toward a desired outcome. Create your destiny and reach for your dreams, you only live once. - Husam Wafaei
I can't help detesting my relations. I suppose it comes from the fact that none of us can stand other people having the same faults as ourselves. - Oscar Wilde
Despite my best effort to make myself as large as absolutely possible, life will always be larger than me. That simple fact makes God not only a likelihood, but a necessity. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I am a storyteller, spiraling fantasy and reality into mystical tales. That eerie space between fact and fiction, where only the brightest light can scare the shadows—you will find me there. - Sara Frost
The fact is, when people choose to be brave instead of smart, their courage is generally so threatening to those who are smart rather than brave that they end up being maligned, not congratulated. This is what the Bible says we can expect. - Gary Haugen
I know for an absolute fact that if I ate a meal at one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants, I would be able to taste his anger. - John Cheese
I loved Monty Python for the wordplay--this sense that you didn’t have to squash your intelligence to be funny. In fact, you could walk right into your intelligence and nerdiness and self-doubt, and that could be funny. - George Saunders
For the most part, people strenuously resist any redefinition of morality, because it shakes them to the very core of their being to think that in pursuing virtue they may have been feeding vice, or in fighting vice they may have in fact been fighting virtue. - Stefan Molyneux
A portrait is not a likeness. The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth. - Richard Avedon
To be a follower of the Crucified means, sooner or later, a personal encounter with the cross. And the cross always entails loss. The great symbol of Christianity means sacrifice and no one calls himself a Christian can evade this stark fact. - Elisabeth Elliot
In order to hold your faith intact Be sure it's kept unsullied by fact
The fact is, the old clich%uFFFDs work for us in abstract terms, but they never work out in real life quite the same way. Life is messy; clich%uFFFDs are clean and tidy. - Hugh Macleod
Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not other, it is your own mind. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
It is naively assumed that the fact that the majority of people share certain ideas and feelings proves the validity of these ideas and feelings. Nothing could be further from the truth. Consensual validation as such has no bearing on reason or mental health. - Erich Fromm
the fact that every people feel itself threatened by the others gives the state it's definite unifying powers; it depends upon the instinct of self-preservation of society itself; the latent external crisis enables it to get the upper hand in internal crises - Martin Buber
The pain is not about having cheap people around…. real pain is the fact that there are some people with a price to start with. - Sameh Elsayed
The complexity of your earthly array is not a guarantee for a truimphant eternity. The fact is that you need a simple life to go to heaven; not an excessively glittering body, shiny lips and charming face. - Israelmore Ayivor
The fact of the matter is that you should really stop concerning yourself with writing a book because anyone can write a book that totally sucks. There is nothing special about that. - Ashly Lorenzana
I am not perfect. Are you? Let us accept the fact that nobody is perfect. Let us learn to accept our imperfections as well as those of others. - RVM
Lying is not only saying what isn't true. It is also, in fact especially, saying more than is true, and, in the case of the human heart, saying more than one feels. - Albert Camus
Here is one fact to blow your mind, the fact it's "to blow your Mind"... - Deyth Banger
Well, I'm a painter, I was trained as a painter…I seem to have spent a little less time painting than I might've done…But it didn't transcend the feeling of playing at UFO and those sort of places with the lights and that, the fact that the group was getting bigger and bigger. - Syd Barrett
I pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value.
Misquotation is, in fact, the pride and privilege of the learned. A widely- read man never quotes accurately, for the rather obvious reason that he has read too widely. - Hesketh Pearson
It's amusing how people express the fact that they're speechless by speaking.
The West did not come to rule the world through its superiority of religion or ideas, but rather through its superior application of organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.
The couch and I were what I would describe as frenemies. I loved to hate it. It was too small for my frame. I had tried to tell my wife that fact when we bought it off of Craigslist, but she assured me that it went perfectly with our room decor and it was a good deal. - Anna M. Aquino
We are, in fact, a nation of evangelists; every third American devotes himself to improving and lifting up his fellow-citizens, usually by force; the messianic delusion is our national disease. - H.L. Mencken
Don't you ever waste a single second in your life to think that you're useless. God created you with a purpose. And the mere fact that you exist in this world is a benefit of those who actually know you. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
Amor Fati Love Your Fate, which is in fact your life. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Our uniqueness is what makes us common. It is the same fact that we are unique that we as individuals have in common. - Morena Baloyi
We have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions. - C.G. Jung
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