Quotation Explorer - 'Impress'

Ol, ol you have learnt something new, didn't you??So you are saying it again and again with smile like we are an idiots, but my question is did you understand it? Do you know what did you said, so you big peace of shit say something more to impress us, because this doesn't impress us. - Deyth Banger
Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like. - Will Rogers
Ordinary will please, but never impress. - Avinash Rao
Three things to give up to be happier: 1. Never complain, condemn, or criticize. 2. Give up anger, fear, and resentment. 3. Give up the desire to impress and control others. - Debasish Mridha
what we do and what we want do are not the same things sometimes sometimes what we do, doesn't really depend on us, sometimes its is just out of ourcontrol and driven by the desire to impress the others - xSan
Employees go to school for 12 18 years merely to impress prospect employers in a 12 18 minutes interview. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress. When you're pissed off at someone and you're angry at them, you just haven't given them enough time. Just give them a little more time and they almost always will impress you. - Randy Pausch
Don't reserve your best behavior for special occasions. You can't have two sets of manners, two social codes - one for those you admire and want to impress, another for those whom you consider unimportant. You must be the same to all people. - Lillian Eichler Watson
We all do things in a certain individual way, according to our temperaments. Every human act no matter how large or how small— is a direct expression of a man's personality, and bears the inevitable impress of his nature. - S.S. Van Dine
Empty words and long praises do not impress God. Show Him your faith by your deeds - Abdul Sattar Edhi
His priority did not seem to be to teach them what he knew, but rather to impress upon them that nothing, not even... knowledge, was foolproof. - J. K. Rowling
I am among those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena which impress him like a fairy tale. - Marie Curie
All normal people love meat. If I went to a barbeque and there was no meat, I would say 'Yo Goober! Where's the meat!?' I'm trying to impress people here, Lisa. You don't win friends with salad. - Matt Groening
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people that they don't like. - Will Rogers
Let's go old school to impress people. Wear a smile, rather than a branded dress. Crease out our differences with understanding. And, use empathy, care, and patience as accessories. Then, let's make a conversation, not talk. Ah, what a fine world it would be! Fine, pure and minus artifice. - Saru Singhal
If you want to impress someone, simply make up a vocation and preface it with the words molecular or theoretical (as in molecular biologist or theoretical physicist). After you do this no one will question the veracity of anything you say—whether it is related to your putative vocation or not. - Clifford Cohen
I’ve been firmly grounded in reality since I was a child, and I’m still waiting for it to impress me. - Jessica Conoley
We sometimes try to impress people we just met by not trying to impress them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Who would you impress if the world was blind? - Shannon L. Alder
Before you do anything, think. If you do something to try and impress someone, to be loved, accepted or even to get someone's attention, stop and think. So many people are busy trying to create an image, they die in the process. - Salma Hayek
Common will please, but never impress. - Avinash Rao
There are authors who write to communicate, there are authors who write to impress themselves. - Mark S. Hertzog
My father said this to me: "Israelmore, if you don't make any impact on earth, you will die before you die. But if you impress hearts with what you do, you still live even after you are gone - Israelmore Ayivor
I crave the sweet surrender of sleep and my dreams' uncensored communication: no tiresome small talk, sucking up to impress, or tiptoeing around charged topics. Dreams are the naked truth; get ready for it. - Judith Orloff
Only by maintaining positive thoughts, by dispelling doubt and negativity, will you impress your desires upon the universe, making it bend to your will. - Stephen Richards
To impress others we must be earnest; to amuse them, it is only necessary to be kindly and fanciful.
whats the point to spend money you haven’t earned, to buy thingsyou don’t need,to impress people you don’t like - Derric Yuh Ndim
The body impress, yet the soul express". Inner beauty has no expiry date, embrace it. - Rhouveyzz
In that moment, Dan was reminded why he wanted to write in the first place. It was the same reason anybody does anything -- to impress women.(Jeremy Goodwin, Sports Night) - Aaron Sorkin
A man who withstands all stress given by his spouse and keeps mum on all major matters of his house, often stays long at the workplace because the training imparted by a wife comes handy in the service life to either endure the undue job pressure or release it on others to impress the boss. - Anuj Somany
We spend money that we do not have, on things we do not need, to impress people who do not care. - Will Smith
I've been writing poems since I was sixteen. Back then, poems were an obvious release for all the frustrations and anxieties associated with adolescence. Mostly, they were a way for me to impress girls, even though I never remember any girls being impressed. - Tony Magistrale
Change the world, I know I won’t,Enthralling as always I hope it remains,A kaleidoscope of joy, sorrow and pain.But my only wish as I take this jaunt,Is for my words on you to impress upon,A smile, a tear or even an angry frown. - Anurag Anand
When I was a child, it was a matter of pride that I could plow through a Nancy Drew story in one afternoon, and begin another in the evening. . . . I was probably trying to impress the librarians who kept me supplied with books. - Kathleen Norris
To feel the joy of presence, do not try to express or impress. - Debasish Mridha
Once you start impressing yourself you will impress the world. - Casey King, Fingerlike
To protect one’s own statement is the greatest form of violence. To impress upon others that his statement is correct is a form of violence itself. - Dada Bhagwan
In such a person, sadness breeds purpose; finding inspiration in the darkness and often times, I believe, they will impress a hell onto their own lives in order to re-create it, that others might suffer the experience from the comfort of their armchairs. - Quote from Her Past's Present. - Michael Poeltl
-"you dress to impress"-"No Angel,I undress to impress - Becca Fitzpatrick Finale
You make yourself happy while talking to someone. You will cease to talk when you lose the desire to impress that person. - Debasish Mridha
Mostly, we talk to impress. And sometimes we shut up to impress, too. - Nema Al-Araby
Did you ever see an unhappy horse? Did you ever see bird that had the blues? One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses. - Dale Carnegie
True leaders are willing to die for their dreams. They don't oppress with ignorance; they impress with visions". They live like Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela... - Israelmore Ayivor
If you write to impress it will always be bad, but if you write to express it will be good - Thornton Wilder
Love, I find, is like singing. Everybody can do it enough to impress themselves, though it may not impress the neighbors as being very much. - Zora Neale Hurston
To impress the idea of power on others, they must be made in some way to feel it. - William Hazlitt
Work for a cause,Not for applause.Live life to express,Not to impress. - Unknown
The vain man buys to impress, but the REAL man buys to fulfil a need. - Auliq-Ice
Forming Holiness with filthy hands and heart which leads to a disastrous future is like trying to impress or form when your life is without formation. - Peter Isekiigbe DE Rock
When the mind has once begun to yield to the weakness of superstition, trifles impress it with the force of conviction. - Ann Radcliffe
I will not impress you with words, I will prove to you their definition. It’s a genuine vocabulary. - Soar
Live life to express, not impress. - Pravinee Hurbungs
Don't try to impress a loser because If one is not happy about the things happening in their life, one cannot be happy about the things happening in someone else's life. - Michael Bassey Johnson
World is in a mess with widespread stress in life because of the fact that most people often try to impress those who have just put on a beautiful dress rather than truly appreciating a beautiful person. - Anuj Somany
Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you. - Randy Pausch
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