Quotation Explorer - 'Lives'

Death gives people the courage to be honest, sometimes for the first time in their lives. - Elise Maybelle, Timecrest
Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith. - Nutan Bajracharya
Accepting necessary conflicts for the sake of improving the lives of children is the only fundamental moral crusade that matters. - Stefan Molyneux
I believe that we are living in an unprecedented time of change. The real danger for society is that people resist, ignore or run away from massive changes in their lives and consequently do themselves long-term damage. - Adele Theron
Neither the stone that made you stumble is your enemy, nor the stone that helped you cross the river is your friend! Universe just lives its own life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We can let the circumstances of our lives harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us, and make us kinder. You always have the choice. - Dalai Lama XIV
Children live in a world of dreams and imagination, a world of aliveness… There is a voice of wonder and amazement inside all of us; but we grow to realize we can no longer hear it, and we live in silence. It isn’t that God stopped speaking; it is that our lives became louder. - Mike Yaconelli
[A]ny ecstatic experience can be healing not just for you but for others. Therapy is good to help you think differently and break patterns of pessimistic thinking or negative self-talk. But we have to be joyful, dance, and bring pleasure into our lives deliberately. - Christiane Northrup
Politics isn't about big money or power games, it's about the improvement of people's lives. Paul Wellstone - Amy E. Black
The magic of each day lives in the unknown. It's waking up as one person, and accepting that when night falls, we may be someone else entirely. So, when you ask what my story is, forgive me----I'm not quite sure yet. - J. Raymond
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. - Abraham Lincoln
I cannot imagine how much I must’ve suffered in my previous lives to be fortunate enough to have parents like you in this life. - Kamand Kojouri
But bid life seize the present? It lives less in the present Than in the future always, And less in both together Than in the past. The present Is too much for the senses, Too crowding, too confusing— Too present to imagine. - Robert Frost
The world tells us that our pasts define us, trapping us, isolating us and giving us little hope for change or betterment. I say our pasts design us for what's to come and gives us a platform to be heroes in the lives of others. - Shawn M Mcnamara
Peace and unity in our lives - George Calleja
The human spirit lives on creativity and dies in conformity and routine. - Vilayat Inayat Khan
When you hear the right teaching about God your lives will be changed and then you can change the world. - Paul Silway
I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence. - Eugene V. Debs
General fiction is pretty much about ways that people get into problems and screw their lives up. Science fiction is about everything else. - Marvin Minsky
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death. - John F. Kennedy
For he lives twice who can at once employ,The present well, and e’en the past enjoy. - Alexander Pope
She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably. She lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others. She does not dare to be herself. - Anaïs Nin
We should learn from flowers, earthly stars which spend their entire lives shining, shining and growing despite all the difficulties they encounter. They know how to listen and understand the whispers of time, for it is an eternal friend that teaches the importance of friendship and sparkling hope. - Nur Bedeir
We are so busy with our everyday lives that we often forget how to live. - Debasish Mridha
Reclaiming the sacred in our lives naturally brings us close once more to the wellsprings of poetry. - Robert Bly
Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, these are they who live, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment. - Alban Goodier
People are all over the world telling their one dramatic story and how their life has turned into getting over this one event. Now their lives are more about the past than their future. - Chuck Palahniuk
Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is. - Barbara Bush
In God’s hands, the ingredients of our lives will always work out ultimately for our good and, even better, for His eternal purposes. - Elizabeth George
Some people die and you realize that the only mark they left on earth are the tomb stones under which they lie. The impacts you make on earth should be something worthy to improve lives. - Israelmore Ayivor
You just became the most interesting person at this party. I don't think anyone here has worked an honest day in their lives. - Minority Report (TV show)
Many books today suggest that the mass of women lead lives of noisy desperation.
Anyone who tries to improve the lives of animals invariably comes in for criticism from those who believe such efforts are misplaced in a world of suffering humanity. - Jane Goodall
There are plenty of people to whom the crucial problems of their lives never get presented in terms that they can understand. - Robert Chapman
The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them, even thought they countain most of our lives. - J. Green
There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by. - Annie Dillard
Sometimes old things need to go away. That way, we have room for the new things that come into our lives. - Randy K. Milholland
If there is another world, he lives in bliss. If there is none, he made the best of this. - Robert Burns
The one who lives solely with the many, solely with the best, lives only as briefly as that which he owns, passes his tests. The one living by his actions, and by his deeds, will live his full life owning the average, happily having them, filling his needs. - Fabian Gustafsson
We spend our lives waiting for our book and it never comes. - Jorge Luis Borges
Without archives many stories of real people would be lost, and along with those stories, vital clues that allow us to reflect and interpret our lives today. - Sara Sheridan
People at war with themselves will always cause collateral damage in the lives of those around them. - John Mark Green
Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners. - Edward Abbey
...a man may be a patriot without risking his own life or sacrificing his health. There are plenty of lives less valuable.
Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy. Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.and also my friend i learned this To believers, the bible is a holy book, to unbelievers like u it is a story book. - Sean Davz
Nothing is lost that we do not first see as lost. Visions born of fear give birth to our failing.Visions born of hope give birth to our success.What is possible lives within us, and it only remains for us to discover it. - Terry Brooks
Love lives in the humblest of places. It doesn't matter how big your house is, how nice your car is, how big your bank vault is...it only matters how much your heart can hold. - Kate McGahan
We spend half of our lives preparing to live-instead of just living. - Leah Newman Fredrichs
I love revisions…We can’t go back and revise our lives, but being allowed to go back and revise what we have written comes closest. - Katherine Paterson
What brings a real and lasting joy is our relationships with God, and our love for His other children He has put in our lives. It's people; friends and family that fulfil us. All else, fame, popularity, beauty, is so fleeting. - Lindsey Stirling
So many people live their lives not knowing the real and exact reasons why they live. They follow anything for something and they do something for anything. When you live life with a blurry vision, you live a blurry life. Vision is life, and a life without vision is a dead life - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
As each child looks at the world through innocent eyes all they can see, Is the worlds way of life and the way they think their lives should be.
Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives. - John Adams
Sometimes in the great soundtrack of our lives there are no words, there are only emotions; I believe this is why God gave us classical music. - Anonymous
A man generally lives up to what is expected of him. - Henrietta C. Mears
When men and women who God has created to make a difference in the world, abandon the mandate for their lives and instead, begin to pursue all nonentities of life, God cannot but be frustrated - Sunday Adelaja
It is only you, treading in the blessed path of peace and freedom, who can bring about the true regeneration of society, and with it the true happiness of your own lives. - Auberon Herbert
If it is sensible to believe that a person becomes who s/he dreams to be, then it is also reasonable to ponder if the beggars and buggers dreamt to be who they are like in their lives. - Anuj Somany
Civic participants don't aim to make life better merely for members of the group. They want to improve even the lives of people who never participate... - Clay Shirky
Sometimes our lives can change so fast that the change outpaces our minds and hearts. - Cassandra Clare
The Universe, is a woman - and she lives forever. 27.03.13 - VicDo
Love is there when one lives in the beauty and goodness of others. - Debasish Mridha
You want to go to a place where you never lose anything and you keep gaining many things? Go to the Land Of Literature where you gain new paths, new ideas, new lives, new goals, and new souls! - Mehmet Murat ildan
What a sad thing I thought-- to live in a world so concerned with the lives of others,we forget to live our own. - Anonymous
There is no such thing as destiny. We ourselves shape our lives. - Giacomo Casanova
Most people aren't appreciated enough, and the bravest things we do in our lives are usually known only to ourselves. No one throws ticker tape on the man who chose to be faithful to his wife, on the lawyer who didn't take the drug money - Peggy Noonan
Peace is an innocent child hated by some deviant and those who hate him will find no peace ever in their lives! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If seen from the outside, our lives are like leaves from the trees that seem to just feel the blows of the wind outside. But they have their life of their own so long as they are attached to the tree. An eye of introspection can make miracles happen for each one of us. - Taranpreet Singh
We put our lives on hold for people who so easily forget about us. - Trevor Driggers
The length of our lives are far shorter then we realise and half of the time when we become aware of such truth, we have lived most of it as someone else. - Nikki Rowe
Power is a curious thing. Who lives, Who dies. Power resides where men believe it resides. It is a trick, A shadow on the wall. - Lord Varys
The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die. - Edward M. Kennedy
In a real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read. It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.
Everyone dies. It is how one lives that matters. - R.A. Salvatore
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you wanna do with your life; the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives; some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t. - Baz Luhrmann
ONLY' having the Gift, people appreciate this madness as Art. Everybody wants to have Art in their lives, but no body wants to have what the Art came out from in their lives... - Hiroko Sakai
Life is like a speed limit, our lives have limit. - Miggy Villas
I don’t believe that young people today can live clean, pure lives without the help of God. The peer pressure is too great and the temptations they see in the movies and on television, and what they hear in their music is too much. Only Christ can give them the power to say no. - Billy Graham
Good spiritual habits and routines turn into better lives. - Amanda Penland
Everyone gets everything in their lives only as per an invisible God's plan called LUCK. - Anuj Somany
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.[Quoting Reverend Phillips Brooks, during Remarks at Presidential Prayer Breakfast, February 7 1963] - John F. Kennedy
As individuals, great writers from Villon to Diderot to Voltaire toRousseau to Byron or Shelley have often shown themselves to beirresponsible, selfish, mean or sometimes even cowardly people. Their lives were drab or self destructive or reckless.We read them for their Words, not for their deeds. - Max Vegaritter
Knowledge, ideas, and wisdom are the most powerful forces that we can use to improve lives while bringing peace to this beautiful world. - Debasish Mridha
If tragedy never entered our lives, we wouldn't appreciate the magic. - Nikki Rowe
While it is easy to get caught up in the beliefs and attitudes of others, it is easier still to make one’s self a victim of circumstance. Victims of circumstance believe they have no power over their lives, since they are merely the play-things of fate. Since they believe this, it is therefore so. - Stephen Richards
Only a demon would prevent a person from saving lives or fulfilling their life mission. There is no reasoning with the devil. Stand with pride because your heart is filled with the goodness of helping others, while theirs is filled with helping themselves. - Shannon L. Alder
This was the book I read over and over. I really felt so in tune with them- I knew all the dates of their lives, what they had been doing, whre they had been. They were always my heroes, creating something fantastic against all odds, and against their real life. - Christian Tetzlaff
Every man is a creature of the age in which he lives and few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time. - Voltaire
Misunderstanding and distrust—the predominant elements of a novel. Without them, everyone lives happily from beginning. - Carmen DeSousa
And in my novels I live many lives. Substitutes of spontaneity to replace a dreary reality. How I live for those inky black words and kaleidoscope colored experiences. - Hubert Martin
Because of poverty and ignorance, not everyman living on earth lives in the same epoch! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths. - James Madison
Life's only law is change. Everything is continuously changing, evolving and developing. Hindus say that it takes 840 million lives to become a human being, which emphasises the precious gift of being a human being. - Swami Dhyan Giten
The church is strong when she lives by divine understanding. - Sunday Adelaja
Things change, people change,change is the inevitable laws of nature exacting its toll on lives. - Nicholas Sparks
You belong with us, the lost of the lost, the tribe without a home, a tribe of orphans living our abandoned lives amid toys and trinkets, stuffed monkeys and bears. You’re one of us now—the Tribe of the Teddy Bear. From Tribe of the Teddy Bear - J. Joseph Wright
It is The Action That We are Taking NOWThat will Determine our FUTURE Lives - Thomas Arnalsteen
Money and material things may well sustain you physically. But it is only living life from/with love & compassion - and the hearts and lives that you touch - that will truly nourish you emotionally and in spirit. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Seals do not sit about and tell, the way people do, and their lives are not eventful in the way people's are, lines of story combed again and again, in the hope that they will yield more sense with every stroke. - Margo Lanagan
Our lives teach us who we are. - Salman Rushdie
We only understand the true love of our lives when we bound ourself within the boundries of right and wrong. - jitendra bhardwaj
In our hip-hop lives we make rhymes we make beats we go big or go home. - Esme from Sister Mischief - Laura Goode
And is not peace, in the last analysis, basically a matter of human rights -- the right to live out our lives without fear of devastation the right to breathe air as nature provided it -- the right of future generations to a healthy existence?" (, June 10, 1963, American University speech) - John F. Kennedy
Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. - William C. Dement
I have you and even if we never meet or ever see each other, we have left our thumbprints in the thick, moist clay of each other's lives. - Hugh Elliott
Happiness lives in every corner of your home and if you are homeless, it lives under the leaves of trees, hiding beneath the sky's cloudiness. All you need to do is to find it with patience. - Munia Khan
The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision. - William Arthur Ward
By reading quotes i realized that some of them containing simple words, but this simple words could change our lives.how if we read the holy Quran That has the best words , it will change our lives and Our death .Thank God that I was born Muslim - Abood Dweik
The strewn and tangled wreckage that litters our lives is the precious raw material from which great beginnings are forged. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people's lives. - Clint Eastwood
When dreams become more important than reality, you give up travel, building, creating; you even forget how to repair the machines left behind by your ancestors. You just sit living and reliving other lives left behind in the thought records.-- Vina, "The Menagerie" ("The Cage"), Star Trek, 1966 - Gene Roddenberry
It is by imitation, far more than by precept, that we learn everything; and what we learn thus, we acquire not only more efficiently, but more pleasantly. This forms our manners, our opinions, our lives. - Edmund Burke
We touch other peoples lives simply by existing. - J. K. Rowling
People can have the best of intentions when they tell their loved ones how they should be living their lives. But often times, when we are in struggle, we are seeking to be supported, not solved. - Jaeda DeWalt
We are both going to pray that we may live together all our lives and die the same day. - L.M. Montgomery
When we release all the negativity in our lives and notice the beauty all around us, we'll see what truly matters in life. - Imania Margria
If we allow our "high creativity" to remain alive, we will never be bored. We can pray, standing in line at the super market. Or we can be lost in awe at all the people around us, their lives full of glory and tragedy, and suddenly we will have the beginnings of a painting, a story, a song. - Madeleine L'Engle
Over the years your bodies become walking autobiographies, telling friends and strangers alike of the minor and major stresses of your lives. - Marilyn Ferguson
Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause; He noblest lives and noblest dies who makes and keeps his self-made laws. - Sir Richard Francis Burton
Any human act that gives rise to something new is referred to as a creative act, regardless of whether what is created is a physical object or some mental or emotional construct that lives within the person who created it and is known only to him. - Lev S. Vygotsky
The real duty of a motivational speaker and an inspirational writer must be to inspire lives to live and leave distinctive footprints which shall qualify such lives to eternal eternity in the Kingdom of God notwithstanding how minute or great the footprints might be - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The major work of the world is not done by geniuses. It is done by ordinary people, with balance in their lives, who have learned to work in an extraordinary manner. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Our ministry should be an overflowing of our lives, an overflowing of our walk with Jesus Christ! We aren’t our ministry, it’s an byproduct of our relationship with Jesus Christ! - Joe Joe Dawson
Have we raised the threshold of horror so high that nothing short of a nuclear strike qualifies as a 'real' war? Are we to spend the rest of our lives in this state of high alert with guns pointed at each other's heads and fingers trembling on the trigger? - Arundhati Roy
Dear my little children I work hard so as to make your lives better. so don't rest until you do thesame to your own children. - Hamzatribah
One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that the cat has only nine lives. - Mark Twain
Our lives are filled with meeting wonderful people. Make sure those that have become a part of your life hear your words of appreciation. - Ace Antonio Hall
If time and space, as sages say,Are things which cannot be,The sun which does not feel decayNo greater is than we.So why, Love, should we ever prayTo live a century?The butterfly that lives a dayHas lived eternity. - T.S. Eliot
But here, two thousand miles from home, there was a real shipwreck, a real hope. A choice big enough to change our lives forever. - Gordon Korman
Many of us seem to live our lives looking for happiness. That is not always a bad thing, but it can be if we continually believe that happiness is someplace else and not in the present. - Barbara Barrington Jones
Of all the possessions of this life fame is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives.
We do not have to see the beginning and the end of our lives, but we must close our eyes and live as if we didn't start or would never end. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Like flowers we grow, bloom, and whither - each day and each life. In our next life we'll grow, bloom, and whither even more beautifully. But although we blossom more grandiose in each new life, all our lives are perfect in their own way. - Stefan Emunds
A big hole in a poor child’s shoe is the simplest evidence to condemn the society he lives in. - Mehmet Murat ildan
There are two kinds of people: those who live their lives, and those who watch and talk about those living their lives. - Ali B. Moe
He who lacks imagination lives but half a life. He has his experiences, he has his facts, he has his learning. But do any of these really live unless touched by the magic of the imagination? - Paul Fenimore Cooper
When you join teams that changes lives, yours will be the first. - Todd Stocker
Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you can not bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain. - Kahlil Gibran
Everybody should read something. Otherwise we all fall down into the pit of ignorance. Many are down there. Some people fall in it forever. Their lives mean nothing. They should not exist. (From the short story, "Charity".) - Charles Baxter
I'm convinced that the world, more than ever, needs the music only you can make. And if it takes extra courage to keep playing in spite of your loss, many will applaud the effort. And who knows? Others may be inspired to pick up their broken instruments, their broken lives, and begin again. - Steve Goodier
In my errant life I roamedto learn the secrets of women and men,of gods and dreams.I lived in wealth and poverty, in fame and calamity.I saw every country of our world,I lived a thousand lives.Many lives I spent, other lives I squandered,for in my life I never traveled, all I did was wander. - Roman Payne
Like those in the valley behind us, most people stand in sight of the spiritual mountains all their lives and never enter them, being content to listen to others who have been there and thus avoid the hardships. - Robert M. Pirsig
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. - Anne Frank
No story lives unless someone wants to listen. So thank you, all of you. - J.K. Rowling
Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others. - Rosa Parks
Maybe we should live our lives in a constant state of expectation, always curious and excited about the possibilities that could unfold in front of us. Maybe it is our sense of vision that colors our reality. - Allison Fallon
The real value of money is never the value of money but the value money can acquire. The real value of our lives is not just the value of our lives but, the distinctive value our lives can build in the end! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The turtle lives 'twixt plated decksWhich practically conceal its sex.I think it clever of the turtleIn such a fix to be so fertile. - Ogden Nash
I know my redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand on the earth(Job 19:25). Thank you Jesus, You alone are worthy our prays. - Euginia Herlihy
We complicate our faith and lives in many ways, but at the core, our purpose is simple: We are called to love. - John Ortberg
Catholics have more extreme sex lives because they're taught that pleasure is bad for you. Who thinks it's normal to kneel down to a naked man who's nailed to a cross? It's like a bad leather bar. - John Waters
The quality of your life is directly proportional to the positive effect you have on others’ lives. - Chris Matakas
What's usual for us may not be the same for everyone. I'm inspired by lives and stories of all those amazing people who overcome extraordinary challenges each day to live what we see as an ordinary life. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
The shadow that comes with postmodernism is a profound self-involvement. We lose all perspective on the collective endeavors that have made the extraordinarily lives we live possible. - James M. Fallows
We exist to fully participate in the creation our own lives. - Toni Sorenson
On the surface, reality may appear the same each day, but in essence, we are new every moment of our lives. The potential for change and growth is unlimited if we allow ourselves to surrender to the flow. - Dorit Brauer
The only moment we need in our lives, is the moment right now as we don't know what tomorrow may bring or the destruction of your world. - Auliq Ice
We’re making decisions right now that shape our lives. Even indecision is a decision. What’s going on today is a result of the choices we’ve made in the past. - Toni Sorenson
The heart pointed to the brain and said with great disdain, Those who live their lives in here live the lives most full of fear. - Ryan Lilly
Our greatest limitation isn't the leader of the lives; it is the spirit within us. - John F. MacArthur Jr.
There is so much drama in most people’s lives that many persons, more often than not, do not even realize it; and one who is not like them will always have a tough time in going along with the others. - Anuj Somany
Nothing happens easily in our lives. To get something, you have to attract it with the power of your love. - Debasish Mridha
Sometimes the slightest things change the directions of our lives, the merest breath of a circumstance, a random moment that connects like a meteorite striking the earth. Lives have swiveled and changed direction on the strength of a chance remark. - Bryce Courtenay
we are prisoners of our own lives, until we find the courage to break free from the prison that we created ourselves. - Amanda Ashton-Booth
Every man has two lives: The first one is the one we are living now and the second one is our memories! Memories are our invisible lives. But you must know that it is your first life that creates your second life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Children make your lives a mess and set your priorities straight. - Adrianne Simeone
We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. - Harrison Ford
The Anxiety of Sunday afternoon: your unlived lives and infinite possibility pressing upon the constraints of reality. - Alain de Botton
A detective digs around in the garbage of people's lives. A novelist invents people and then digs around in their garbage. - Joe Gores
The inside and the outside of our lives are each the shell where we learn to live. - Jeanette Winterson
When you realize the awesome power of words, you can change lives. - Tammy Kling
The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated. - H. L. Mencken
Freedom, then, lies only in our innate human capacity to choose between different sorts of bondage, bondage to desire or self esteem, or bondage to the light that lightens all our lives. - Sri Madhava
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. - Annie Dillard
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. - Roger A. Caras
You may possibly become rich by just caring about yourself and what you want to gain from life but you cannot possibly enrich the lives of everyone you meet that way. The pathway to enlightenment and transformation and liberation is the heart not the mind. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
If we cannot be contented with our current lives and possessions, then we are feeding an appetite that no amount of money will ever satiate. - Breanna Sampson
Let's fall in love and screw up our lives even more? - Tamara Stamenkovic
Man lives his whole life trying to figure out the secrets of life only to realize in the end life was the secret. - Terry Blakeman
The pleasure of all reading is doubled when one lives with another who shares the same books. - Katherine Mansfield
We make a home for ourselves, every time we work on something: actors, writers, singers, building these little nests in our gypsy souls, in place of the ones we so seldom seem to make in our own lives. And then suddenly it's over, and we have to start again. - Alan Brennert
The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives. - Albert Einstein
These people were the first to master a new kind of late twentieth-century life. They thrived on the rapid turnover of acquaintances, the lack of involvement with others, and the total self-sufficiency of lives which, needing nothing, were never disappointed. - J.G. Ballard
Much of our lives involves the word ‘no.’ In school we are mostly told, ‘Don’t do it this way. Do it that way.’ But art is the big yes. In art, you get a chance to make something where there was nothing. - Marvin Bell
We myopically stare at the gaping hole left in our lives and see nothing but the hole, not realizing a hole is defined by everything around it that is not a hole. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
All people know the same truth. Our lives consist of how we choose to distort it. - Woody Allen
People who spend their lives like to go to parties and cinemas, sit at home and watch movies, TV Series, TV dramas, etc.They think this is life. But it is spending life not living life. - Sunday Adelaja
To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives. - . - Denis Waitley
As fathers, we should have a desire to be active participants in our children’s lives. - Asa Don Brown
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. - Thomas Jefferson
Humility is the greatest shaper of souls and crafter of character, for it wipes away all the grandiose things that we spend so much of our lives pretending to be, so that we can spend all of our lives being the exceptional person that we were actually created to be. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Books have a way of finding their way into our lives, usually, right when we need them the most. - Richard P. Denney
Being innovative is to allow yourself to expose your mind to something great that has potential to change lives and the world positively and you take action on it. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Isn't it ironic, The brilliant minds who've made the lives of others easier and enjoyable, are considered the "Crazy people". - Andrea L'Artiste
Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives. - C. S. Lewis
There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise. - Brian Andreas
Look for excuses to celebrate others, and life will find a way to celebrate you.Make your life a prayer and be the light that touches lives far, wide and beyond. - Pooja Ruprell
The magic of life is its imprecision, the multiple narratives constantly unfolding before us. Every step we take, every decision we make, reshuffles the deck of our lives and sets a new trajectory of possibility in motion. - Jamie Metzl
One who has hope lives differently. - Pope Benedict XVI
The good news is that every morning we have the choice; not to be controlled by circumstances nor our past but by purposely designing our day, hence our lives better. Not to react to life but to respond with love. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
To refresh our lives, let us forget and forgive and begin anew. - Debasish Mridha
A man who writes a story is forced to put into it the best of his knowledge and the best of his feeling. The discipline of the written word punishes stupidity and dishonesty. A writer lives in awe of words for they can be cruel or kind, and they can change their meanings right in front of you. - John Steinbeck
The animals known as human beings live in humongous condominium blocks, just going about their daily lives. I've come to realize that it's just a modern jungle. And I'm the girl who's wandered into the forest. - Inio Asano
love.love isn't having butterflies all the time, i think love is calm. love is comfortable. i could sit in silence with you for the rest of our lives and it would mean more than a thousand words with anyone else. - Instagram
Focus isn't about hammering one nail all our lives.It’s about hammering lots of nails, one way, all our lives. - Scott Ginsberg
You must not forget that when you think of yourself as special–you really are–you should think of the other people in a similar way. Everybody is special you meet during your life, everyone who has lived and lives on Earth. - Frank Wanderer
In order for a person to be able to turn our lives and our wills over requires something very difficult for a spiritually wounded person to accomplish - Trust. Yet, to accomplish this step, trust of the spirit must be present. - David W. Earle
The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of injuring their virtue. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their virtue complete. - Confucius
Give me a shot to rememberAnd you can take all the pain away from meA kiss and I will surrenderThe sharpest lives are the deadliest to leadA light to burn all the empiresSo bright the sun is ashamed to rise and beAnd I'm in love with all of those vampiresSo you can leave like the sane abandoned me - Gerard Way
Until a seed falls to the ground and dies, it does not become a tree that later yields many fruits and multitude of seeds. We must embrace the thought of death for us to have greater lives. - Sunday Adelaja
Love is begun by time; and that I see in passages of proof, time qualifies the spark and fire of it. There lives within the very flame of love a kind of wick or snuff that will abate it. - William Shakespeare
People should not have to sacrifice so much of their personal lives, hopes, dreams and goals just to keep up with corporate pressured morebetterfaster. And tomorrow’s workforce won’t. - Bill Jensen
As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. - Wilfred Arlan Peterson
When we let the energy of our existence flow freely, without being obstructed by fear, happiness finds its way into our daily lives. - Raphael Zernoff
The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives. - Daniel Willey
You don't choose your life; it chooses you. There's no point in asking why life has reserved certain joys or griefs, you just accept them and carry on. We can't shoos our lives, but we can decide what to do with the joys and griefs we're given. - Paul Coelho
Do not go for conformity that breeds mediocrity! Choose instead to stand for transformation that does not only transforms lives, but true purpose and living as well. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Forgive my grief for one removedThy creature whom I found so fairI trust he lives in Thee and thereI find him worthier to be loved. - Alfred Tennyson
Change is the process by which the future invades our lives. - Alvin Toffler
Most people see themselves a certain way their entire lives. When they go through a massive change, such as losing weight, they have to learn to see themselves in a new way. It is one of the biggest struggles her members deal with on their journey.
People pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it very simply; by the lives they lead. - James Baldwin
The most rewarding times are those spent in changing lives for the sake of humanity. - Gift Gugu Mona
Everybody says life is hard. I'm surprised nobody makes effort to not create any lives. - Orlyze Simons
More often than not, a statist's argument against Anarchism boils down to an unwillingness to take control and responsibility for their own lives, actions, and communities. The sad truth is that the human animal has been domesticated to the point where it actually fears Liberty. - Dane Whalen
We could all do with a bit more joy in our lives couldn't we? The wonderful thing is that when we start spreading joy, we begin to actually experience more joy in our lives too! - Steve Goodier
When we promote the well-being of others God has placed in our lives our service glorifies God. - Elizabeth George
I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even the enemy - Jessica Dovey
When a child reaches puberty, parents become so curious about their sex lives and whereabouts, put them behind bars to their own detriment. When such a child breaks free, don't be surprised to see him/her in porn movies. - Michael Bassey Johnson
There comes a moment in each of our lives when the control that keeps us sane slips through our fingers. Most of us aim to seize it back. The best way to fight chaos is with chaos. - Emily Thorne
The seasons are colliding together, storms are destroying lives, and love is a dangerous curse.-The Vangeretta Curse - Christina Mobley
Once people learned how to believe in something, that skill started spilling over to other parts of their lives, until they started believing they could change. Belief was the ingredient that made a reworked habit loop into a permanent behavior. - Charles Duhigg
Nobody is responsible for your sorrows and poverty, not even the devil. It is the work of the enemies of time that lives in some men, and their names are, 'Laziness and Procrastination'. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I pity the people who don't like to read, because then they spend their whole lives stuck in this one world and dont get to discover any others. - Richard P. Denney
Oh, Death was never enemy of ours!We laughed at him, we leagued with him, old chum.No soldier's paid to kick against His powers.We laughed, knowing that better men would come,And greater wars: when each proud fighter bragsHe wars on Death, for lives; not men, for flags. - Wilfred Owen
The God that humanity so keenly seeks, lives within the human biology, yet they wander hitherto searching for it. - Abhijit Naskar
My body is an ugly masterpiece that lives off the beauty of sound. - Chad Sugg
People are so busy lengthening their lives with exercise they don't have time to live them.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same - Flavia Weedn
We must remember that the test of our religious principles lies not just in what we say, not only in our prayers, not even in living blameless lives - but in what we do for others - Harry Truman
In this day and age, there is a special mandate for every one of us to be in-charge of our lives by sitting at the driver's seat of our lives. Rule your world! - Ifeanyi C.O. Obiakor
Nobody introduces us to inspiration…it glows in our thoughts, it lives in our heart,It is all around us in the form of sunshine, in the clouds. It changes our reality - choice lies with us. - Balroop Singh
When you look back at the painful and difficult events of your life, you find that they were the times of your greatest personal growth. The challenges of our lives provide us the opportunity to develop our highest potentials. - John Bruna
The good and wise lead quite lives - Euripides
As I see, 90%+ (and not less than that) of people go about their lives living 90%+ (and not less) of a lie. choose a different way and live the least truth you might be. - Mphezulu Xetho Dainamyk
Happy people know suffering more than anyone else, and that’s how they can see just how damn beautiful their lives are. It’s because they’ve seen the depths. - Brianna Wiest
Some men storm imaginary Alps all their lives and die in the foothills cursing difficulties which do not exist. - Edgar Watson Howe
Writing is about taking everyday observations, things which people see almost every day of their lives, and yet bringing it to their attention for the very first time. - Jamie L. Harding
You can’t change the past. You can’t even change the future, in the sense that you can only change the present one moment at a time, stubbornly, until the future unwinds itself into the stories of our lives. - Larry Wall
Art lives where absolute freedom is because when it is not, there can be no creativity. - Bruce Lee
Reading is the royal road to intellectual eminence...Truly good books are more than mines to those who can understand them. They are the breathings of the great souls of past times. Genius is not embalmed in them, but lives in them perpetually. - William Ellery Channing
We effect more than we can possibly know. With every mood, every thought, every word, every gesture, we change our lives and our universe. - Maharishi Sadasiva Isham
The thing is that when you find true love it lives on, No matter if you two seperate but the love stays alive, broken, gasping for breath, love and affection, but in agony, waiting for everything to end. - Alamvusha
One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. - Aldo Leopold
When female stories are muted, we are teaching our kids that their dignity is second class and the historical accounts of their lives [are] less relevant. This lowered value carries over when women face sexual objectification and systemic brutalization from inside and outside the community. - Aurin Squire
There is a stillness between us, a period of restlessness that ties my stomachin a hangman’s noose. It is this same lack in noise that lives, there! in thedarkness of the grave, how it frightens me beyond all things. - Nathan Reese Maher
I want to figure out how people can go on with their lives when mine has changed so much. I want to relearn how to breathe without carrying this big, empty cave inside me. - Edwidge Danticat
Greed is mistaken nobility. Instead of robbing all the pain and hardship from people's lives and rescuing them from danger, greed robs provisions from providers. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. - T. S. Eliot
Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their opressors. - Evelyn Cunningham
The mystery that surrounded how their souls were tied, would certainly make a great read in decades to come, but for the time being though, they had to surrender and observe, as destiny played chess with their lives, eager to prevent them from running away from it. - Pertunia Lehoka
Gratitude is a choice which can change our lives for the better. - Debasish Mridha
Self-knowledge is the great power by which we comprehend and control our lives - Vernon Howard
Even God would say"Finish the task you have undertaken". He would never recommend breaking her mother's heart, damaging her parents' lives. "Your mother and then your mother and then your mother," the Prophet had said, "and then your father." But what about her own life? What is to become of that? - Ahdaf Soueif
The more grateful we are, the more we practice this in our everyday lives, the more connected we become to the universe around us. - Stephen Richards
Self-importance is our greatest enemy. Think about it - what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellowmen. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone. - Carlos Castaneda
Secrets and lies… Everyone in the world deals with these every day of their lives. To protect themselves. To protect someone else. It is all in the way that you look at the situation. - Lacey Thorn
At times,trust is bound to be broken,promises are bound not to be kept,hearts are bound to be hurt,mistakes are bound to be make.You are also bound to meet a person at their worst in order for you to confirm that you want to be part of their lives. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
He is always on the brink of suicide... because he seeks salvation through the routine formulas suggested to him by the society in which he lives. - Umberto Eco
So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good. - Helen Keller
In matters of self-control as we shall see again and again, speed kills. But a little friction really can save lives. - Daniel Akst
Lifting lives, 140 characters at a time. - Germany Kent
Our lives are a divine expression no matter how messy and weird they may be. How much more meaningful can it get? The source is experiencing itself in form in a conscious, awake way. - Enza Vita
Those who love their lives too much eventually lose it. While those who are ready to sacrifice their lives for others gain it. - Sunday Adelaja
Some people walk into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts. Others walk into our lives and we want to leave footprints on their face! - Auliq Ice
Where ambition and achievement are overvalued, human lives will be undervalued, - Marty Rubin
Most people use less brains in selecting the person with whom they are to spend their lives than they do in choosing an automobile, a bicycle or a cut of steak. Love isn’t enough; there must also be understanding. - Elsie Lincoln Benedict
My father's love was always strongMy mother's glamour lives on and on.Yet still inside I felt alone, for reasones unknow to me. - Lana Del Rey
Prayer is not meant to be a burden or used as a badge of holiness. Instead, it is a gift of God that when used properly should yield great victory in our lives. - Paul Silway
You may possibly become rich by just caring about yourself and what you want to gain from your profession and your life but you cannot possibly enrich the lives of everyone you meet that way. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The cost to reconnect animals to live in natural settings without human support is a debt that many animals in transition must honor with their lives. - Young Tim
The hardest calling in our lives is to be truly ourselves. - J.R. Rim
In a world where very few people care if you live or die, there is a light that shines in the distance. It has a name that they call hope and it carries with it people that never stop caring. They learned long ago that extending mercy was not a choice, but a place where God lives. - Shannon L. Alder
All those things for which we have no words are lost. The mind—the culture—has two little tools, grammar and lexicon: a decorated sand bucket and a matching shovel. With these we bluster about the continents and do all the world's work. With these we try to save our very lives. - Annie Dillard
There are so many things that we learn in our lives most of which we can't learn without seeing the hearts of others. - Imania Margria
The little child learns to speak, though it has no learned teachers - because it lives with those who know how to speak. - Zhuangzi
The only true wisdom lives far from mankind, out in the great loneliness, and it can be reached only through suffering. Privation and suffering alone can open the mind of man to all that is hidden to others. - Igjugarjuk
To be scientifically illiterate is to remain essentially uncultured. And the chief virtue of a cultural activity--be it art, music, literature, or science--is the way it enriches our lives. - Lawrence M. Krauss
We are not built for mediocrity, but we build it into our lives nonetheless. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Don't judge the gentle; their gentleness is stronger than your fears and angers. Don't judge those who have lost their gentleness; you haven't lived their lives. In all people, hope for the gentleness to return and see gentleness for the beauty that it is. - C. JoyBell C.
Look, he said, the point is there’s no way to be a hundred percent sure about anyone or anything. So you’re left with a choice. Either hope for the best, or just expect the worst.If you expect the worst, you’re never disappointed, I pointed out.Yeah, but who lives like that? - Sarah Dessen
In order to improve our life for good always remember that regardless of what anyone else says and does, we are ultimately responsible for our own actions. This is the only way to experience victory, joy, and satisfaction every day of our lives. - Donald Pillai
By worrying about the future, We will convolute our present lives. - Mohith Agadi
I am more and more convinced that some people are put in our lives solely to try our patience and tamper with our tolerance levels. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Most people spend their entire lives just trying to live life; when all the time we should be trying to find the One Who Holds the Key to True Life (Jesus Christ). - Nicole C. Calhoun
To be in your children's memories tomorrow,You have to be in their lives today. - Barbara Johnson
There’s a reason we’ll all end up with just a handful of true friends in our life. These are the people that have taken the time to look at our heart, so despite any flaws they're forever in our lives. - Ron Baratono
The details of what we call our lives go sometimes to form patterns of meaning not unlike those to be found in our preferred sort of fiction. - Gerald Murnane
Life is a disease; and the only diference between one another is the stage of the disease at which he lives. - George Bernard Shaw
If the amount of times we get up is just one less than the amount of times that we've been knocked down, then we're spending our lives lying down. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
80There is no greater influence in the lives of your children than the words you speak over them. The blessing of the father is incredibly potent and powerful. Your words give your children potential. As their father, you are prophesying their future! - Neil Kennedy
The knowledge of God that a person has, influences not only his own life, but also the lives of his children. - Sunday Adelaja
We look to the accumulation of sensory pleasures to give our lives meaning. We have the ability now to consume anything we want and this capacity far exceeds our actual needs. With so much at our fingertips, a kind of gluttony pervades our mind-sets. - Mark Epstein
No two of us learn our language alike, nor, in a sense, does any finish learning it while he lives. - Willard Van Orman Quine
Not only do you become what you think about, but the world also becomes what you think about. Those who think that the world is a dark place are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives. Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light. - Wayne W. Dyer
Our lives are the Journey we take to find our true selves! - Alyssa Gonzalez
The only battle to win is the battle within, that place where we realize that we deserve to have and create all that we want in our lives. - Ali Vincent
All of us have moments in out lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them. - Erma Bombeck
One who loves lives a thousand years in one day; one who hates only lives one day in a thousand years. - Matshona Dhliwayo
People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living isn't complicated enough - Carlos Luiz Zafon
Death IS an illusion. The body dies. The soul/spirit lives forever. YOU are the sum total of ALL you survey. Who would know you and not know your name? __ - Kat Kaelin
God will bring people and events into our lives, and whatever we may think about them, they are designed for the evolution of His life in us. - Thomas Keating
Many people wait throughout their whole lives for the chance to be good in their own fashion. - Friedrich Nietzsche
When do you become a man? When you become your own man. When other men trust you to do a man's work. Trust you with their name, their reputation, their thoughts. Trust you to watch their backs and trust you with their lives. - Carew Papritz
Pregressive art can assist people to learn not only about the objective forces at work in the society in which they live, but also about the intensity social character of their interior lives. Ultimately, it can propel people toward social emancipation - Angela Y. Davis
If one evil thought, if one evil word, if one evil action, deserves eternal damnation, how many hells, my friends, do every one of us deserve, whose whole lives have been one continued rebellion against God! - George Whitefield
Let us be kind and compassionate to all beings. Everyone wants to enjoy their lives, everyone has sufferings, and everyone wants peace and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
A peaceful heart forgives, and forgiveness will transform our lives and our planet. - Eileen Anglin
I do not think one can assess a writer’s motives without knowing something of his early development. His subject matter will be determined by the age he lives in ... but before he ever begins to write he will have acquired an emotional attitude from which he will never completely escape. - George Orwell
Tragedy cleans the windows of the soul by washing away the bias of our lives in the detergent of pain. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
In every aspect of our lives, we are always asking ourselves, How am I of value? What is my worth? Yet I believe that worthiness is our birthright. - Oprah Winfrey
One dies the way he lives. - Alireza Salehi Nejad
In such a person, sadness breeds purpose; finding inspiration in the darkness and often times, I believe, they will impress a hell onto their own lives in order to re-create it, that others might suffer the experience from the comfort of their armchairs. - Quote from Her Past's Present. - Michael Poeltl
Be the positive impact on the lives of others. - Roy T. Bennett
If we deny the grief its right in our lives, then we must question the love for which the grief is supposedly rooted. God's grief is founded in His love for Himself and His love for us. Looking at God as our model is healthy. Facing the pain means honoring those with whom our love is rooted. - W. Scott Lineberry
You despise books; you whose lives are absorbed in the vanities of ambition, the pursuit of pleasure or indolence; but remember that all the known world, excepting only savage nations, is governed by books. - Voltaire
I imagine many of my fans share a similarly chaotic feeling in their own lives. This album 'ARTPOP was written to make sense of that chaos. - Lady Gaga
God’s road for us may not be one that appears successful from our human vantage point, yet serves as part of his divine plan to fulfill his purposes in our lives. - Dillon Burroughs
It's the time of our lives; let's make mistakes, not care. Let's make memories. - Sara Rak
A film that is a true work of art transcends theatre and heartwarmingly changes lives. - A.D. Posey
If we let the drama of others’ lives become our own, then we are no longer ourselves. - Stephen Richards
A Spiritual Samaritan lives knowing that if we were to leave this world tomorrow, we were the best humans we could be and we touched the lives of as many souls as possible. We are not asked to be perfect. We are asked to make a difference. - Molly Friedenfeld
We write or we are written upon. The whole of our lives is the clumsy attempt to wield the pen with grace. - Vincent Louis Carrella
We can all make a difference in the lives of others in need, because it is the most simple of gestures that make the most significant of differences. - Miya Yamanouchi
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. - Mark Twain
It is well known how the monks wrote silly lives of Catholic Saints over the manuscripts on which the classical works of ancient heathendom had been written. - Karl Marx
Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise, for the rest of our days till the end of our lives. - J. Lee Roberts
World is full of lost lives, full of unfortunate souls ruined in the name of unreasonable religious rules! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We spend the first half of our lives making ourselves sick, and the second half of our lives trying to make ourselves un-sick. - Kevin W. Reese
The wisdom of that moment of pure emotion resonates with me still: that the dearest and most enduring moments of our lives are sometimes the quietest ones. - Christine Montross
Hope doesn't disappoint. God is FAITHFUL to His promises. Being delayed is a part of God's plan for our lives. So don't lose hope everything will come forth at the appointed time. - Prophetess Dina Rolle
Right on the other side of our fears resides hope and happiness. We get stuck in our lives afraid to walk over there when it’s a much kinder place. - Ron Baratono
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals. - Brian Tracy
One of the major obstacles impeding any positive future change in our lives is that we are too busy with our current work or activity. Levi quit his tax-work, Peter stopped fishing at lake, Paul ceased being a priest. They all left their jobs because they thought it was necessary. - John Ruskin
This is a little secret that all writers share: We have two lives; the one we live on Earth and the one we live in our books. - Chrys Fey
Writers are vaccuum cleaners who suck up other people's lives and weave them into stories like a sparrow builds a nest from scraps. - Garrison Keillor
When you get right down to it, what we all need is a place to go... A place where we can escape the noise of our lives and just relax.
People are strange: They are constantly angered by trivial things, but on a major matter like totally wasting their lives, they hardly seem to notice. - Charles Bukowski
notable people do notable things for they take notice of the unnoticed.They think beyond our thinking. They look beyond what we all look. They try, fail, and try again.They dare unrelentingly. They don't die with their purpose. They die on their purpose. Though they die, their purpose ever lives. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
For years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone? - Anne Graham
If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater. - Unknown
He lives not long who battles with the immortals, nor do his children prattle about his knees when he has come back from battle and the dread fray. - Homer
As an artist, my talents are not mine alone to just keep. My creations have to touch lives, spread love and let my skills be used only in good things but should be selfless not through selfish motives. In this manner, I am giving the gift back to my Master Creator." - Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
Our lives are a novel being written. We are its author. Every action we encounter and every person we meet has a role and a place in our ultimate story. It is in our control to decide the level of how, who and what impacts us and how large a role we decide to assign each. - Mark W. Boyer
There’s a common misconception that work is necessary. You will meet people working at miserable jobs. They tell you they are making a living. No, they’re not. They’re dying, frittering away their fast-extinguishing lives doing things which are, at best, meaningless and, at worst, harmful. - Adrian Tan
Your attitude will either make or break you, we cannot change fate and the tragedies that enter our lives but we can choose how we want them to change us. - Nikki Rowe
Saying others the fools does not make one a wise unless and until the same person eschews own words of advice to others and displays the world of action that is nice to enrich only the good character people's lives. - Anuj Somany
Fruitfulness may be a better measurement for success than productivity because it is based more in the evaluations of others as to the meaningful role we have played in their lives then in our own importance determined according to the amount of accomplishments we can list. - Karen Burton Mains
Yet I am not more sure that my soul lives, than I am that perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heartone of the indivisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which give direction to the character of Man. - Edgar Allan Poe
It’s not what we do once—it’s what we do once a day…day in and day out…every day that brings lasting change into our lives. - Toni Sorenson
Fear pounds on the door to our heart demanding to be let in. Joy is modest and often comes into our lives like a shy person entering a room; it can take a while to even notice it’s there. - Jonathan Carroll
We desperately want to believe in something. To simply live out our lives believing in nothing is to live as if this thing we call life is filled with nothing but nothing. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We need to forgive the adolescent versions of ourselves, if only because we need the practice to forgive those who are maturing awkwardly in our lives. - Madam Secretary
I used to have this toy, a magic slate. You wrote or drew on it and then, just by pulling up the plastic cover, everything you did disappeared and you could start new. Maybe everyone feels that on New Year's Eve: They can pull up the magic sheet and rewrite their lives. - V.C. Andrews
Reading makes me feel like I've lived a thousand lives in addition to my own. - Arlaina Tibensky
Desire to impact lives! Change destinies and make dreams come true. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Love never lives on a one-way street, for it will always come back up the road bigger than how we had sent it down the road. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Are all of us the same, I wonder, navigating our lives by interpreting the silences between words spoken, analysing the returning echoes of our memory in order to chart the terrain, in order to make sense of the world around us? - Twang Eng Tan
All of us - we should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children's expectations. - Barack Obama
It is not that the child lives in a world of imagination, but that the child within us survives and starts into life only at rare moments of recollection, which makes us believe, and it is not true, that, as children, we were imaginative? - Cesare Pavese
Man lives only to learn. And if he learns it is because it is the nature of his lot, for good or bad. - Carlos Castaneda
It is, I think, a far lesser offense to blatantly ignore God’s directions for our lives rather than arrogantly think ourselves shrewd enough to be able to bend them to our liking without breaking them and therefore breaking ourselves. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The victims of Ankara peace rally sacrificed their lives for peace and their only wish was We Want Peace. - Widad Akreyi
The prime purposes of our lives is to help others, love others, and be kind to others. - Debasish Mridha
Marriage requires maturity. Marriage requires two people who, for the rest of their lives, are willing to listen, to really listen to each other. And that marriage requires the greatest of all things, compromise. - Coach Taylor
Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event. - Oscar Wilde
Many of us live the lives to follow others dreams, we rarely create and follow our own imaginations and dreams. - raja shakeel mushtaque
Every reader can live One Thousand and One Lives; every fiction author can have One Thousand and One Masks, and their talent can have One Thousand and One Facets. - Lara Biyuts
we tend to steer our lives in the direction of the lessons we need to learn - Don Campbell
Let us choose to live our lives with the joy of loving. - Debasish Mridha
Some things are worth believing in. That the little guy can make it. Every single life has value and is worth living. That honor and integrity do matter. That justice will prevail if not in this life then the next, and that God does exist. And what we do in our lives matters. - Glenn Beck
At the end of your lives you will not be judged by academic successes, the degrees or diplomas earned, the positions held, the material wealth acquired, or power and prestige, but rather on the basis of what you have become as persons and what you are in conduct and character. - Howard W. Hunter
Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond the pain.
A Muslim who meets with others and shares their burdens is better than one who lives a life of seclusion and contemplation.
Gratitude for all the beauty and blessings that we already enjoy fills our lives with abundance. - Debasish Mridha
...God is already out there in the world ahead of us. In our teaching, therefore, we must do more than merely help people learn how to be good church members. We are directors preparing people for roles in a drama that encompasses every part of their lives. - Richard Robert Osmer
Coachable leaders are ready and willing to make the needed changes and adjustments in their lives. - Gary Rohrmayer
He who lives without folly is not as wise as he may think. - François de La Rochefoucauld
When we aim for Holiness and a true fellowship of God in our own personal lives, then only we really understand what we actually stand for in our Christian life. - Santosh Thankachan
As any distance we take from things give us an outside perspective, so does taking a geographical distance—offering us a new vantage point over our lives. - lauren klarfeld
Some people live their lives being perpetual victims and finger pointers. To anyone who points a finger at someone else and lays all the blame at their feet instead of taking responsibility for their own behavior, I would say, "I see that finger and you know where you can put it? - Donna Lynn Hope
This much is true: When you are about to effect the lives of hundreds of people, Satan will do everything he can to prevent it from happening. Often pride and anger are his best assassins. - Shannon L. Alder
For books are more than books, they are the lifeThe very heart and core of ages past,The reason why men lived and worked and died,The essence and quintessence of their lives. - Amy Lowell
There is no time frame on living life, only the frame we place about ourselves to hinder our lives from living to its fullest. - Najeev Raj Nadarajah
The only legitimate purpose of government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens. - Mike Klepper
I know an alcoholic is the worse, but sometimes I wonder if it's better to have a drinking father that lives at home, or a drinking father, that never comes around. - Anthony Liccione
Every memory becomes a golden treasure to us when we have lived our lives with tragedy and triumphs, sadness and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
We learn to earn and to enhance the beauty of our lives. - Debasish Mridha
Aside from the inescapable realities of birth and death, we’re responsible for the paths our lives take. We each make our own choices. - Alissa Johnson
When we start rating each other’s lives and afflictions, we lose a bit of our humanity, compassion and perspective. - Ariana Carruth
Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. - H.L. Mencken
In our lives are special moments that live as their own, the rest is movement with the passage of time. - Donna Lynn Hope
Up ahead they's a thousan' lives we might live, but when it comes, it'll on'y be one. If I go ahead on all of 'em, it's too much. You got to live ahead 'cause you're so young, but—it's jus' the road goin' by for me. - John Steinbeck
What can I wish to the youth of my country who devote themselves to science? ...Thirdly, passion. Remember that science demands from a man all his life. If you had two lives that would not be enough for you. Be passionate in your work and in your searching. - Ivan Pavlov
We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly. . . spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.
The undoubtedly lives in belief in God. He recognises Christianity as the builder of Western culture.{Comments by Archbishop Michael von Faulhaber after a meeting with Adolf Hitler, as quoted in Ian Kershaw's biography} Michael von Faulhaber - Reich Chancellor
Yes, there's plenty of fish in the sea, but be gifted with a rare catch: that one which lives with "forever faithfulness." ~ , If I Could Tell You - Angelica Hopes
Good politicians need not be intellectuals, but they should have intellectual lives. - Gary Gutting
You may have noticed we have no sex lives. As a result there's lots of chocolate in this house. - Keryl Raist
All of our lives are a living, breathing story, and each heartbeat means a new page has been turned; chapters don't close, they continue. - Jeff Dixon - Storming the Kingdom
Most people who lose their lives because life might be down for them only refuse to know what a tuber of yam that is put into the soil goes through before it comes up as a fresh green creeping plant to bear yet another bigger tuber - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I am no more than a child, but my Father lives for ever and I have a Protector great enough to save me. - Augustine of Hippo
Everyone should free their mind and soul. Some are ready to free them now, and some will be ready to free them in the future. Some will never be ready and that is what makes their lives not worth living.
The adults said the only good food was the bacon, but the kids knew better. They had never had a more fun breakfast in their lives. Although they had to agree the bacon was very good. Then again, it was bacon. It was always good. - Ella Minster
I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reasonBringing something we must learnAnd we are led to those who help us most to grow If we let them and we help them in return. - Stephen Schwartz
When you are in love, your eyes see him only, your ears hear him only, your mouth speaks of him only, your mind thinks of him only, your heart desires him only, your soul lives for him only; your entire universe revolves around him only. - Matshona Dhliwayo
We're going to right the world and live. I mean live our lives the way lives were meant to be lived. With the throat and wrists. With rage and desire, and joy and grief, and love till it hurts, maybe. But goddamn, girl. Live. - Sandra Cisneros
The wars we haven't had saved many lives. - William Stafford
At the end of our lives, nothing remains except memories. - Debasish Mridha
DeYtH Banger is a character, who is famous because of me, who is created by me and who lives by me... - Deyth Banger
It is in the deconstruction of ourselves that we begin to build our lives. - Delora Argiro OBrien
Carpe diem.Seize the day, boys.Make your lives extraordinary - Tom Schulman
Virtue extends our days: he live two lives who relives his past with pleasure. - Marcus Valerius Martialis
Not knowing about the ultimate purpose of our lives causes tremendous amounts of suffering. - Debasish Mridha
None of us lives in isolation. We're in it together. And some conflict along the way is inevitable. But our highest priority, when all is said and done, has to be commitment to each other –- sticking together. - Steve Goodier
Man…who lives in three places in the past, in the present, and in the future can be unhappy if one of these three is worthless. Religion has even added a fourth eternity. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Du hast so viele Leben, wie du Sprachen sprichst. (You have as many lives as the number of languages you speak.) - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Other dancers weave through our lives, sometimes stirring our deep soul's fires. - Jay Woodman
Animals are here to live their lives. We are here to live ours. We can live well without eating them. How pathetic it is that we have to eat a life just to live our lives! - Debasish Mridha
A book series is never truly over. The story lives on, even when the final page has been turned. - Richard P. Denney
As if you were on fire from within.The moon lives in the lining of your skin. - Pablo Neruda
Maybe we feel empty because we spend so much of our own time watching other people live their lives, chase their dreams, express their love, and navigate their relationships. And when we turn off our TV or put down our phone... We've nourished nothing of our own. - Steve Maraboli
Education in the form of knowledge and wisdom are only as powerful as how we use them in our daily lives. - Matthew Donnelly
The most important decision that we can make in our lives is the decision to be happy. - Debasish Mridha
Real success is not rooted in positions, places or possessions, but in fulfilment of God's purposes for our lives. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently. - Anthony Robbins
Society has seldom considered the vicarious effects of domestic violence between partners on the lives of children. - Asa Don Brown
These demands of life are so universal that either we like it or not, we are going to come across them one way or another. The response we give determines what our lives become. - Sunday Adelaja
If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person. - Roderick Evans
Anyone who fights for the future, lives in it today. - Ayn Rand
Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! - Michael Landon
It is better to listen to a crow that lives in trees than to a learned man who lives only in ideas. - Kate Horsley
If literature does one thing, it makes you more empathetic by making you live other lives and feel the pain of others. Ideologues don't feel the pain of others because they haven't imaginatively got under their skins. - Yann Martel
It can be a beautiful experience to look for the magic that is hidden within the realm of our lives; but let's not let the process blind us to the majesty that is right in front of us. - Steve Maraboli
Too many people confuse real magic with magical thinking. Real magic isn't a trick and it transforms our lives. Magical thinking is denial.Real magic is what happens when we break old belief patterns and have the courage to employ the native laws of the Universe - Jacob Nordby
God made certain people part of your life because he knew his purpose for your lives will be achieved through your bond. - Unarine Ramaru
Where there is poverty and ignorance, there will be suffering, cruelty, corruption and intolerance.We must change everything and focus on education and empowering lives. Start in your own town and you will be a part of the changes you want to see happen in the world. - Eileen Anglin
At the beginning Earth was a hell; then it became a heaven! Hell is the road leading to heaven! Chestnut tastes good after roasted! When the sand lives through hell, it becomes a beautiful glass! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Perhaps we now need to engineer scarcity in our communications, in our interactions, and in the things we consume. Otherwise our lives become like a Morse code transmission that's lacking breaks - a swarm of noise blanketing the valuable data beneath. - Michael Harris
I know most people want others to have good lives, and, when they understand the situation, they will do what they can to steer the world back toward kindness. This is when human beings, I believe, are most admirable. - Daoud Hari
It is not blindly pushing your own agenda that will enrich the world. It’s is your ability and willingness to understand, appreciate, anticipate, address, serve and support the lives of others that will. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
We should live our lives as though Christ was coming this afternoon. - Jimmy Carter
I am convinced that it is not the fear of death, of our lives ending that haunts our sleep so much as the fear ... that as far as the world is concerned, we might as well never have lived. - Rabbi Harold Kushner
We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize that we only have one. - Tom Hiddleston
Reading a book is an intimate experience that can change people's lives in profound ways. It also changes the life of its author. - Mayra Mejia
God created us for this: to live our lives in a way that makes him look more like the greatness and the beauty and the infinite worth that he really is. This is what it means to be created in the image of God. - John Piper
We are, perhaps uniquely among the earth’s creatures, the worrying animal. We worry away our lives, fearing the future, discontent with the present, unable to take the idea of dying, unable to sit still. - Lewis Thomas
If the universe doesn't care about us and if we're an accident in a remote corner of the universe, in some sense it makes us more precious. The meaning in our lives is provided by us; we provide our own meaning. - Lawrence M. Krauss
Fate has put us in the same way for us to meet and unite our lives forever. - Auliq Ice
We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. - John F. Kennedy
who accompany ignorants, lives in misery. - Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib
All I ever think about day and night is-how can I make a difference in the lives of others, how can I provide an ounce of contentment and happiness? - Charmaine J Forde
Everyone lives by different life code... my life code was the odd one. - Deyth Banger
There are so many different ways lives work out, so many stories, and every one of them is precious: full of joy and heartbreak, and a fair amount of situation comedy. - Sean Stewart
If men could regard the events of their lives with more open minds they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the thing they failed to obtain. - Andre Maurois
There lives a man, who is too small for his own brain." ‪#‎iampm‬ - Pankaj Mishra (#iampm)
People interested in change and personal development need larger and larger environments in which to live. Their views expand. Their perspectives broaden. Their interests change. They seek bigger challenges. And they need people in their lives who will make room for their growth. - Steve Goodier
I move from dreamer to dreamer, from dream to dream, hunting for what I need. Slipping and sliding and flickering through the dreams; and the dreamer will wake, and wonder why this dream seemed different, wonder how real their lives can truly be. - Neil Gaiman
It had never occurred to me that our lives, which had been so closely interwoven, could unravel with such speed. - Kazuo Ishiguro
A time will come when a politician who has wilfully made war and promoted international dissension will be as sure of the dock and much surer of the noose than a private homicide. It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men's lives should not stake their own. - H.G. Wells
Our lives are destined by the determination of our own principles. - Saleem Durrani
We spend the first 12 months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next 12 months teaching them to sit down and shut up. - Phyllis Diller
Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins commited in previous lives. - James Joyce
We may be living past and future lives at the same time we are living this one. - Doug Dillon
Half of the world knows not how the other half lives. - George Herbert
A smile is a God given sun that lights up our lives in the midst of darkness - Evy Michaels
Shame control us and our lives, it makes the choices we just state in spec and watch what's doing... as far as now it goes like a bot... auto! - Deyth Banger
The ordinary stories of our ordinary lives have extraordinary gifts coded within them. . . - Christina Baldwin
Anyone can revolt. It is more difficult silently to obey our own inner promptings, and to spend our lives finding sincere and fitting means of expression for our temperament and our gifts. - Georges Rouault
He who binds to himself a joy, does the winged life destroy: But he who kisses the joy as it flies, lives in eternity's sun rise. - William Blake
After attainment of Supreme knowledge a man lives but he does not lead an ordinary man’s life. He lives, he eats, he sleeps and by God’s commandment he becomes a ‘man-catcher’ as Christ told Peter. - Jibankrishna
We can fill our lives with ‘stuff,’ but as we do we’re concurrently filling our lives with the obligation to maintain that ‘stuff. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We add value to our lives by giving without expectations; we add meaning to our lives by loving unconditionally. - Debasish Mridha
When our consciousness is open to the Love and Light of the SOUL, our lives gain a new perspective. The LIGHT illuminates all that may be still obscure and doubtful in our minds. The presence of LOVE dissolves fear and protects us, and at the same time it radiates to everyone around us! - Angie karan
True Christians are those who carry out Christ's doctrine in their lives. - Michael Sattler
What does it matter how one comes by the truth so long as one pounces upon it and lives by it? - Henry Miller
There are two types of people: those who just live their lives, and those who have nothing better to do but watch and talk about the first type. - Ali B. Moe
I hear the singing of the lives of women. The clear mystery, the offering, and the pride. - Muriel Rukeyser
If I were given a choice, I would stand by Eve and eat that forbidden apple once again. Why? I know there is beauty and meaning and significance in the complexity of our lives on earth. Otherwise, we are just animals. I prefer us to be human. - J.D. Radke
You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you. - Frederick Buechner
Those that have lost their lives to suicide were good people, who were in deep, deep pain. Keep speaking about mental illness and keep it out of the darkness. - Mariel Hemingway
What ever lives obeys . . . he who cannot obey himself is commanded. - Friedrich Nietzsche
A student whose life is filled with woes least had and understood the hands of a good teacher that shape lives in a distinctive way - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
What we gain in the world, we lose in the world, forgotten in death. We must rather fancy what we brought into the world, for therein lives our story, our legend. - Palle Oswald
Freedom of choice makes it possible to plan our lives and to make the most of ourselves. Yet if this freedom lacks noble goals or personal discipline, it degenerates into an inability to give oneself generously to others. - Pope Francis
It is said some lives are linked across time. Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages. Destiny. - Prince of Persia 1
The secret of happiness lies in the lifestyle of a child who lives in present; past and future are only the grammar thing for him. - Ankit Rawat
We learn to make a shell for ourselves when we are young and then spend the rest of our lives hoping for someone to reach inside and touch us. Just touch us—anything more than that would be too much for us to bear. - Bill Russell
Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows. - Michael Landon Jr.
My lips are fierce with passion. My heart spins fiery beats. A rhythm lives within my fingers and dances in my feet. - Coco J. Ginger
There is no nobler profession, nor no greater calling, than to be among those unheralded many who gave and give their lives to the preservation of human knowledge, passed with commitment and care from one generation to the next. - Laurence Overmire
Lives are a lot like money; there are a lot of people who want to spend yours. - Eve Clapham from Type 1 Sociopath
It's not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can't tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it, myself. - Joyce Maynard
Just like the devil is against God. I think the so called love is against success. Tryna slow people's lives. - Cyc Jouzy
So I believe in the redeeming power of stories, I believe that stories are incredibly important, possibly in ways we don't understand, in allowing us to make sense of our lives, in allowing us to escape our lives, in giving us empathy and in creating the world that we live in. - Neil Gaiman
So long as faith with freedom reigns And loyal hope survives, And gracious charity remains To leaven lowly lives; While there is one untrodden tract For intellect or will, And men are free to think and act, Life is worth living still.
We all live with the objective of being happy; yet our lives are all different and yet the same. - Anne Frank
Your heart is your life. What keeps you going and what gives you hope. So wherever it leads you, whatever or whoever it lives for. Keep the beat. - Robert Vanleeuwen
4. Real men are men who have devoted their lives to solving the problem of others and giving a helping hand to those they meet in their journey through life. These are the kind of men that history can never forget. - Dr. Bien Sufficient
If circumstances are always the rulers, the shallow existence of instant gratification will keep us as mere spectators of our lives. Get up! Clarify! Get in the game and live! - Claudia Simon
He who lives in the hearts of others never dies! Truly impacting and empowering people where you make a huge difference. - Samuel Nazer Walsh
Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us; like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul.
There are endearing people who come into our lives and leave a soul print. - Leta B.
Imagine if you were performing at your full potential, the lives you would change - including yours. Just imagine... - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
When you have a good romance, find ways to make their lives miserable and hellish...Do you think 'Titanic' would have been so popular if they had both lived? Not a prayer. - Orson Scott Card
there can be no failure to a human who has not lost his courage, unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, human does not lose his being in the society in which he lives - irak.ibrahim hussain didi
Those who indulge themselves in sense stimulation throughout their lives often end up exhausted, with an enfeebled will and little capacity to love others. - Eknath Easwaran
In the Belgian backwaters, south of Bruges, there lives a reclusive English composer, named Vyvyan Ayrs. You won’t have heard of him because you’re a musical oaf, but he’s one of the greats. - David Mitchell
I see a lot of people complaining about the things they can fix, and a lot of people being accepting of the things they cannot change. Maybe tragedy really is the catastrophic event, for the way people view their lives. I would rather be wise, than nieve. - Nikki Rowe
For all the things we do in our lives and the people that surround us, its family and those few loyal friends that God has blessed us with. - Ron Baratono
A dreamer lives for eternity. - Anonymous
We are such spendthrifts with our lives, the trick of living is to slip on and off the planet with the least fuss you can muster. I’m not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out. - Paul Newman
Write about small, self-contained incidents that are still vivid in your memory. If you remember them, it's because they contain a larger truth that your readers will recognize in their own lives. Think small and you'll wind up finding the big themes in your family saga. - William Zinsser
All attributes of the relative self (prakrut) in the world have arisen due to lack of understanding. All this has arisen due to not understanding the truth. One has been wandering around for countless lives and still one considers oneself so great! - Dada Bhagwan
Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same. - Flavia Weedn
The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. - Russel M. Nelson
real life nightmares kills me as an old man trying to escape from bad guilty memories who basically lives in the present. - Sil Vereecken
Private Benjamin lives next door but one to Bob Cryer from The Bill. I once saw him crouching down behind a sycamore tree and using his nose as an Allen Key to release a starving rat. - St John Morris
A girl who travels won’t need a saviour; she’ll need an accompanier. And she’ll need someone who lives that way too. - lauren klarfeld
Change begins with you. It only takes a moment to make a difference in the lives of others. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds. - Alfred Tennyson
In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently. - Anthony Robbins
The nearer a man lives to God, the more intensely has he to mourn over his own evil heart." -Charles Spurgeon - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Whoever lives wins. Don't feel guilty about having survived. If you have time to be feeling guilty, work on living a day longer, a minute longer. And once in a while, remember the ones that died before you. That's good enough."Vol 1 Chap 4 - Atsuko Asano
Then we have to pray for the light of the Holy Spirit to shine in people’s lives - Sunday Adelaja
The worst denial of all is being in denial that we’re in denial in the first place. And I would wonder if that’s not exactly where most of us live out most of our lives. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
How can we live without our lives? How will we know it's us without our past?" [...] How if you wake up in the night and know -and know the willow tree's not there? Can you live without the willow tree? Well, no, you can't. The willow tree is you - John Steinbeck
The Christian journey is truly an exciting endeavor be-cause we become eyewitnesses to the holy activity of a wonderful God in our lives on a daily basis. One of the great marvels of the faith is that we are transformed into testifiers of His strength and grace in the midst of major obstacles. - Malcolm Walls
What's the world's greatest lie?... It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. - Paulo Coelho
What sets humans apart from animals is that we have to walk around saying how smart we are, and animals just live their lives. - Chanctetinyea J.J. Ouellette
The most treasured and sacred moments of our lives are those filled with the spirit of love. The greater the measure of our love, the greater is our joy. In the end, the development of such love is the true measure of success in life. - Joseph B. Wirthlin
I considered the case and realized that if something can exist in opinion without existing in reality, or exist in reality without existing in opinion, the conclusion is that of the two parallel lives, only opinion is necessary not reality, which is only a secondary consideration. - Machado de Assis
Everyone dies. Not everyone really lives.
The ultimate winner in life is one who receives the grace given to us by Jesus Christ and lives life accordingly. - DeWayne Owens
Who lives inside your head? The hero of your story OR The victim of someone else's? - Tony Curl
We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path. - Paulo Coelho
Asking storytellers to be genuine is like, asking a chain smoker to quit smoking . Habit of lying isn't easy to fix. Pretend as believing is like selling cigarettes. What else we could do, if we want them to be in our lives... - Heshan Udunuwara
A true friend fills our lives with the aroma of love. - Debasish Mridha
We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...not looking for flaws, but for potential. - Ellen Goodman
I know my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth(Job 19:25). Thank you Jesus, You alone are worthy our praise. - Euginia Herlihy
We can all have plenty of lives, but there are limits. You never can tell what they are. - Colm Tóibín
One of the fascinating things about our lives - and minds - is that tend to spend years wishing and wanting others and the world around to see in us that which we ourselves do not appreciate fully. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different..." from Two or Three Things i Know For Sure - Dorothy Allison
The more we have, the more we realize can be taken from us, and that’s when our lives border on insanity. We live in fear of losing what we think we possess. Once we let go and let God, then we gain a peace that surpasses understanding. - Toni Sorenson
The proud cannot accept the authority of God giving direction to their lives. (See Helaman 12:6.) They pit their perceptions of truth against God’s great knowledge, their abilities versus God’s priesthood power, and their accomplishments against His mighty works. - Ezra Taft Benson
We are both a student and a teacher from birth. How eagerly we embrace these roles determines how fulfilled we are with our lives. - Simon Boylan
We can live out our lives, and in the end realize that we never really ‘lived’ a day in our lives. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Jesus teaches us to bless our enemies (Matthew 5:44) To bless those who curse us (Luke 6:28). To never avenge yourselves (Romans 12:19). When we truly forgive someone, we need to come to the place where we can bless them and desire God’s blessing also on their lives. - Greg Gordon
Ask anyone; possibly ninety-five percent of our wishes have come true. The unfortunate part is, we all overlook that, and regret all our lives and torment ourselves for not getting the other five percent. - Love, Life, and Logic
The battle for our lives, and the lives of our children, our husbands, our friends, our families, and our nation, is waged on our knees. - Stormie Omartian
The growth mindset also doesn't mean everything that CAN be changed SHOULD be changed. We all need to accept some of our imperfections, especially the ones that don't really harm our lives or the lives of others. - Carol S. Dweck
If men could regard the events of their own lives with more open minds, they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the things they failed to obtain. - André Maurois
The Gospel lives in conversation with culture, and if the Church holds back from the culture, the Gospel itself falls silent. Therefore, we must be fearless in crossing the threshold of the communication and information revolution now taking place. - Pope John Paul II
When people don't understand the meaning of freedom in their lives, they will continue to live as though they're still oppressed. - Gugu Mona
Dad? Dad, no. No. I can't. I can't. Why are you saying these things?""Because I can't stand watching all that loneliness that lives inside you. - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
I make no apologies for you. After all, each one of us is little more than the meager residue of the infinite unrealized possibilities of our lives. - Gregory Frost
Music is the soundtrack of our lives. - Dick Clark
If there is a religious agency in our lives, it has to appear in the manner of our times. Not from on high, but a revelation that hides itself in our culture, it will be ground-level, on the street, it'll be coming down the avenue in the traffic, hard to tell apart from anything else. - E. L. Doctorow, The City of God
The brevity of our lives breeds a kind of temporal parochialism—an ignorance of or an indifference to those planetary gears which turn more slowly than our own. - Kathryn Schulz
Beneath the uniformity that unites us in communication there is a chaotic personal diversity of connections, and, for each of us, the connections continue to evolve. No two of us learn our language alike, nor, in a sense, does any finish learning it while he lives. - Willard Van Orman Quine
Mary Fisher lives in a High Tower, on the edge of the sea: she writes a great deal about the nature of love. She tells lies. - Faye Weldon
We can't choose our blood, but we can choose those who run importance in our lives. - Alina Baker
There are several paths to success; We are given multiple opportunities to achieve our potential throughout our lives. Some get there a little faster than others. But one thing is for sure; NO ONE gets there without first having a goal then taking action and LOTS of it! - Rachael Bermingham
He who lives in love enjoys life. - Debasish Mridha
People can lose their lives in libraries. They ought to be warned. - Saul Bellow
Some waste away their lives by drinking, partying or by simply having fun and living for pleasure. - Sunday Adelaja
But instead of spending our lives running towards our dreams, we are often running away from a fear of failure or a fear of criticism. - Eric Wright
It can be sad how time may change things in our lives, yet let us not forget we always maintain the power to choose whether or not to be happy about the changes it brings. - Mark W. Boyer
Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I bid him look into the lives of men as though into a mirror, and from others to take an example for himself. - Terence
We should live our lives as though Christ were coming this afternoon. - Jimmy Carter
Horses change lives. They give out young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls, they give us hope. - Toni Robinson
We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. - Lana Del Rey
I think that one of the biggest flaws ofmankind is that we become complacent with our lives. - Daniel Willey
Think not of the fragility of life, but of the power of books, when mere words can change our lives simply by being next to each other. - Kamand Kojouri
the lost sense that we play out our lives as part of a greater story - David Whyte
Have we ever thought to consider that God allows things in our lives to die so that in that death we might come to the precious realization of how little we’ve actually lived in the first place? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
My goal is to write every day. I say it is my ideal. I am careful not to pass judgment or create anxiety if I do not do it. No one lives up to his ideal. - Natalie Goldberg
The sky can never be frozen because its vastness has chosenall warmth of our lives as we look abovewith unbreakable hearts armoured in love - Munia Khan
We live our lives with hope, intentions, and actions. Without hope, there will be no intention. Without intention, there will be no action. - Debasish Mridha
An androgynous mind was not a male mind. It was a mind attuned to the full range of human experience, including the invisible lives of women. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
And the wild regrets, and the bloody sweats, None knew so well as I: For he who lives more lives than one More deaths than one must die. - Oscar Wilde
Better the occasional faults of a government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Those who serve and those who ruleLepers, kings and mindless foolsEmpire leaders, tyrant's toolsAll will fade with timeHail the cowards, brave at heartThe ugly and the beautifulThose who never felt their soulsAll live transient lives - Kreator
Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead. - Charles Bukowski
The children of the 1960's that you call the 'Manson Family' wanted to stop a war and turn the government and world to peace. They gave their lives when they took lives and they knew it. - Charles Manson
A man who lives with his wife is safer and more venerable than a man who lives with a tramp. - Michael Bassey Johnson
People who truly live their lives don't have time to complain or judge others. They're too busy enjoying life and love and everything in between! - Charlotte Eriksson
Be ready. Be seated. See what courage sounds like. See how brave it is to reveal yourself in this way. But above all, see what it is to still live, to profoundly influence the lives of others after you are gone, by your words. - Abraham Verghese
When people are facing real hardships in their lives, they have no time to invent imaginary ones. - Marty Rubin
Life is defined by the lives you touch, and not by the mistakes you've made. - Chris Burkmenn
In our desire to impose form on the world and our lives we have lost the capacity to see the form that is already there; and in that lies not liberation but alienation, the cutting off of things as they really are. - Colin E. Gunton
I found God, he lives in an atom. - Debasish Mridha
He who has no dreams has no hope and thus lives in a hell of his own making - rjs - rassool jibraeel snyman
I watched the stars and thought of other lives. - David Mitchell
Justice is the insurance which we have on our lives and property. Obedience is the premium which we pay for it. - William Penn
I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open and put them on cholesterol lowering drugs for the rest of their lives. - Dean Ornish
I believe God intervenes in the lives of every one of us. He speaks to us in different ways and at different times so that we may know he is the author of our very personality. - Ravi Zacharias
It is not so much the major events as the small day-to-day decisions that map the course of our living. . . Our lives are, in reality, the sum total of our seemingly unimportant decisions and of our capacity to live by those decisions. - Gordon B. Hinckley
To fill our lives with joy, the morning sun touches our hearts with the warmth of her kindness and the light of her love. Let us be like the sun touch someone’s life with kindness every morning. - Debasish Mridha
For books are more than books, they are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Soon or late, every dog's master's memory becomes a graveyard; peopled by wistful little furry ghosts that creep back unbidden, at times, to a semblance of their olden lives. - Albert Payson Terhune
Wondering why a person who has made the most of the wealth in own life through LUCK only; says, most often, to the people the most about the importance of HARD WORK in their lives. - Anuj Somany
Our lives teach us who we are." I have learned the hard way that when you permit anyone else's description of reality to supplant your own ... then you might as well be dead. - Salman Rushdie
The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action. - Frank Herbert
One who lives with one’s own (Soul’s) support is the Absolute Supreme Soul (Parmatma). One who lives with the body complex (relative self’s) support is the embodied (mortal) self (Jeevatma). - Dada Bhagwan
When we are gone, the only essential thing we will leave behind are the memories we create in the lives of those we have touched and those we love. - Michael Hyatt
some people fall right through the hole in their lives. It's invisible, but they come to it after time, never knowing where. - Louise Erdrich
He who binds himself to joy Doth the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in Eternity's sunrise. - William Blake
Where words lose their meaning, people lose their lives. - Confucius
The modern human lives in a cesspool of man-made electromagnetic radiation. - Steven Magee
The positive effect music has in our lives is understated. It can influence mind-state and motivate us to reach for the stars. - Independent Zen
Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps, if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love or have babies or be who we are. - Michael Patrick King
At my core, I know this: God is God. All that lives and breathes flows from him in both original and ongoing states. - Nicole Nordeman
The one who can make full sense of love and lives within its narrow expections undresses no weeping face. - Darmie Orem
The ritual of marriage is not simply a social event; it is a crossing of threads in the fabric of fate. Many strands bring the couple and their families together and spin their lives into a fabric that is woven on their children.
Soon enough the tears came but of course nobody came down to see if she was all right, it was just the slut in the kitchen who'd ruined their lives, getting drunk of neat gin and howling for her lost lunatic offer. - Patrick McGrath
The world is like a giant Alcoholic whining day to day about what others are doing. Instead of of living harmoniously and individually for Good Orderly Direction. If we have faith in our God, than why should we care how others are living their lives? - B.L. Kennison
The day we get comfortable with our lives is the day we sacrifice adventure. - Marissa Haddlin
We are anointed for our assignment on earth because the anointed King lives in us--He is fulfilling His will through us. - E.N. Supen
Some people were just getting on with their lives, chatting, being young. It simply wouldn't do. - Russell Brand
Gratitude is the payment for what we have received. It also opens our hearts to fill our lives with abundance. - Debasish Mridha
We each carry with us unique gifts, recognized and unrecognized. We long to harness those gifts in a way that gives life significance and helps us to matter more in the lives of others. - Tom Hayes
America lives in the heart of every man everywhere who wishes to find a region where he will be free to work out his destiny as he chooses. - Woodrow Wilson
Fate and destiny are close woven within us and near them can be found the true genius of our lives. - Michael Meade
There is always a moment in our lives when we are destined to fall the way we ever feared of. - Annie Ali
No matter how "normal" people look, living "ordinary" lives, everyone has a story to tell. And may be, just like you, everyone else is a misfit too. - Sanhita Baruah
Our archives are treasure troves - a testament to many lives lived and the complexity of the way we move forward. They contain clues to the real concerns of day-to-day life that bring the past alive. - Sara Sheridan
Some people come to the edge of the cliff and they look over, then run away in fear. They never realize it's possible to fly, to soar, to be free. They spend their lives crawling along cliff tops without finding the courage. - Michael Dobbs
There is a history in all men's lives. - William Shakespeare
A light heart lives long. - Irish Proverb
The only part of you that hurts when you're given the truth is the part that lives on lies. - Stefan Molyneux
Life wants each of us to live on the 'A Team' - Wider, ever more intense Acceptance of good in our lives. Wider, ever more intense Awareness of good in our lives. Wider, ever more intense Action for good in our lives. Laura Teresa Marquez - www.upwardjoy.com
We have two alternatives: either we question our beliefs - or we don't. Either we accept our fixed versions of reality- or we begin to challenge them. In Buddha's opinion, to train in staying open and curious - to train in dissolving our assumptions and beliefs - is the best use of our human lives. - Pema Chödrön
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. - Patrick Henry
Time never changes—only we change. We measure the changes of our lives and think that we are measuring time. We are just measuring the movement of the earth. - Debasish Mridha
Even in our own lives, we often struggle with a God who is real, who created us, who cares for us, and desires to know us. Yet from the start, God has made clear that you and I are made in his image, on purpose and for a purpose. - Dillon Burroughs
We bury with many different emotions. Rarely with intimations of mortality. 'Buried' is the ultimate separation of them and us. As other's lives are often only dreams to us, so also others' deaths.
Unless one lives and loves in the trenches, it is difficult to remember that the war against dehumanization is ceaseless. - Audre Lorde
You don't need to be primary caregiver of your children to be of primary influence in their lives. What you do for them behind the scenes in your own unique way is what makes the true difference in the long run. - Miya Yamanouchi
If we fast forward through the journey, like Adam Sandler in the movie, Click, we’ll look up one day and see that we missed our lives. - Suzette Hinton
In the first years of our lives we learn how to shit, talk, walk, sleep, eat and, most importantly, how to royally piss off our parents. - A.G. Phillips
As the sun lives on when it sets in the warmth it has given to others, you too will live on in the hearts of those whose lives you have touched. - Matshona Dhliwayo
She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. He mouth was cold, her lips rough from the winter wind, and if the mystics are right and we are doomed to repeat our squalid lives ad infinitum, at least I will always return to that kiss - David Benioff
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. - Harry S Truman
Sometimes we are lucky enough to know our lives have been changed, to discard the old and embrace the new and run headlong down an immutable course. It happened to me... on that summer's day when my eyes were opened to the sea.
Let us express our deepest gratitude to those who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom. Wish you all a very joyful Independence Day! - Debasish Mridha
There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives. - Audre Lorde
People are just like the stars. Now, some of them are meant to stay in your lives forever. But the others are like shooting stars, they make it look beautiful. - Kunal Sareen
When a heart has set a course, let it navigate the laughter in failure and generosity in overcoming crisis. Love weaves lives and distills. - James Emlund
Only in youth does coincidence seem the same as fate. Later, we know that the real course of our lives is decided within us; our paths may seem to diverge from our wishes in a confused and pointless way, but in the end the way always leads us to our invisible destination. - Zweig, Stefan
My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We can't decide whether to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives. - Rita Rudner
Dead men make convenient heroes because they cannot rise to challenge the images we would fashion from their lives. And besides it’s easier to build a monument than to build a better world. - Rev. Dr. William Barber I
People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown. - Chuck Palahniuk
There are two kinds of people: those who live their lives, and those who watch and speak of those living their lives. - Ali B. Moe
Wake up with a purpose and make every effort to succeed. Many people spend their lives just going through the motions. They are satisfied with their daily routines or habitual lifestyles. Don't be complacent with those activities. Challenge yourself to be better, do greater things. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
People leave imprints on our lives, shaping who we become in much the same way that a symbol is pressed into the page of a book to tell you who it comes from. Dogs, however, leave paw prints on our lives and our souls, which are as unique as fingerprints in every way. - Ashly Lorenzana
Many a man lives a burden to the Earth, but a good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, imbalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton
In 1963, while my brothers were engaged in their lives, I call this period of my life 'my character-building years.' I adhered to the saying, 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going. - Marc Ashton
There is a certain part of all of us that lives outside of time. Perhaps we become aware of our age only at exceptional moments and most of the time we are ageless. - Milan Kundera
The only way to live several lives in one lifespan is to write stories. - Vishwas Mudagal
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle. - Phillips Brooks
It it not good to see people who have been pretending strength all their lives lose it even for a minute. - Lillian Hellman
The magic of love is available to us all; we have to learn how to align ourselves so we can connect to its source, doing so will allow magic an opening to manifest in our lives - Micheline Jean Louis
Much of our time is spent just maintaining our emotional lives and physical conditions. To move ahead, we often have to clear a trail as we go. Progress and development do not occur without change in our motivations and actions. - James H. Bae
If a god had made the world, might world always be right, that would be so wise, we'd be spared so much suffering. But we made the world - out of our smallness and weakness. Our lives are awkward and fragile... - Edward Bond
We are all goofs of ourselves no matter how perfect the lives of some may seem. But when we embrace our flaws and work with it, sometimes, just sometimes, we get it right. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Love is the most integral function of our lives. That is why LOVE is only one letter away from LIVE. - Kamand Kojouri
Every year, prejudice and injustice destroy lives and hurt the future of our nation. Now is the time to create a better tomorrow. Now is the time for change. - DaShanne Stokes
Pets bring vital energy to our homes and lives. Pets communicate many messages about love and connection. Care tenderly for all pets throughout their precious lives. The interspecies dance of love softens and expands the heart. - Laura Staley
Life shines where the light shines and our mind is our greatest light that can brighten our lives! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Everybody is too busy with their own lives to give a damn about your book, painting, screenplay etc, especially if you haven't sold it yet. And the ones that aren't, you don't want in your life anyway. - Hugh Macleod
The cross has two sides to it. One side is what Jesus did for us. He forgave us our sins. The other is the God side. God now lives in man! - John Paul Warren
We live our lives supposing things are as they appear to be when that is almost never the case. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Christians have the spiritual mandate to establish the Kingdom of God in their own lives and in their society. - Sunday Adelaja
This demonetization policy is not harsh, but farce played only on salaried, lower and lower-middle economic class people's lives. - Anuj Somany
Lack of culture equals to parallel lives, however through art, oneness, sanity and sense of belonging is restored. - Unarine Ramaru
Everyone lives bound by their own knowledge and awareness. They define that as reality; but knowledge and awareness are vage, and perhaps better called illusions. - Masashi Kishimoto
Our lives are like the course of the sun. At the darkest moment there is promise of daylight.
But wherever we are, we must all, in our daily lives, live up to the age-old faith that peace and freedom walk together. In too many of our cities today, the peace is not secure because freedom is incomplete." (, June 10, 1963, American University speech) - John F. Kennedy
Today, more than 23 million veterans walk among us. Nearly 3 million receive disability compensation, and many more owe their lives to an anonymous corpsman or medic. Millions of Americans and their families are profoundly grateful. - Scott McGaugh, Battlefield Angels: Saving Lives from Valley Forge to Afghanistan
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Martin Luther King Jr.
No one lives twice the same "now". - Javier Tinajero Rodríguez
Have you ever met someone for the first time but feel like you've known them all your life, a sense of déjàvu and synchronicity wrapped into one little motherf*cking mystery to untangle the way our lives are ruled by logic. I have and my life has never been the same since. - Nikki Rowe
I had spent many years living with a plain piece of canvas just right on my face as a headboard for my bed. As the years passed by, I watched it slowly transforming into a work of art which still lives above my head. And that my friend, is truly living art. - Shawn Lukas
Never in our silent moments of illusion do we sense the dark parallel that lives next to us. Nor do we suspect the carrier. - Kris Courtney
Leaderships about transforming lives and making a difference through innovation and purpose, grounded in values and integrity - Michael Harris
Hell says hallelujah when fools say amen without understanding or applying truth to their lives. - Eveth Colley
Commoditization is the enemy of meaning. In ages dominated by the forces of commoditization, individuals pay the price with devalued lives. by contrast, unique skills requiring mastery and expertise, like the skills of a brain surgeon, are safe from the threat of commoditization. - Tom Hayes
A woman's life can really be a succession of lives, each revolving around some emotionally compelling situation or challenge, and each marked off by some intense experience. - Wallis Duchess of Windsor
All hate is the result of people refusing to take responsibility for their own lives. - Marty Rubin
At nineteen, one lives in the utter idolatry, therefore the extreme superstition, of sex. Monstrously exaggerated tales about sexual feats, which we listen to greedily, determine our expectations. The disappointments are correspondingly great. - Gregor von Rezzori
A male-female close-friendship hardly differs from a relationship; it takes "relating" to be friends. But sadly, not every relationship has friendship in it. It's just ironical that two people who are not good enough to be best friends are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
My concern is to help people find out how they could best live their lives to hit the mark almost every single time. - Sunday Adelaja
Authentic joy is not a euphoric state or a feeling of being high. Rather, it is a state of appreciation that allows us to participate full in our lives. We train in the rejoicing in the good fortune of self and others. - Pema Chödrön
Who would've thought such a slight tilt in our earthly axis could make such a big difference in our lives? The big wheel keeps on turning and here we are again, looking in the sweet face of darkness. - Geoffrey Neighor
He who lives for nothing costs the lives of many, but he who lives for something greater than himself preserves those he loves. - Christopher Hopper
Reaching out and value other lives is the only way to be trusted and never forgotten. - Isabella koldras
It would take me a long time to understand how systems inflict pain and hardship in people's lives and to learn that being kind in an unjust system is not enough. - Helen Prejean
Independent radical women often live lonely lives if they expect equality. - Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
The devil lives in our mistakes, the lord lives in our rights. Who lives in our ignorance, and who wins after all? - Maya Angelou
It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The act of dying is not of importance, it lasts so short a time. - Samuel Johnson
Time remorselessly rambles down the corridors and streets of our lives. but it is not until autumn that most of us become aware that our tickets are stamped with a terminal destination. - Joe L. Wheeler
When good men die their goodness does not perish,But lives though they are gone. As for the bad,All that was theirs dies and is buried with them. - Euripides
Stagnant people tend to live stagnant lives. - Toni Sorenson
Man, as a form, bears within him the eternal principle of being, and by economic movement along his endless path his form is also transformed, just as everything that lives in nature was transformed in him. - Kazimir Malevich
Discipline is needed in our family lives. - Sunday Adelaja
In this lifetime you're nothing more than you appear to be: a stupid, selfish, ignorant, spoiled little girl who thinks the world lives or dies on whether she gets to go out with some good-looking boy at school...I'd still relish this moment...killing you. - Lauren Kate
Not everyone will like what you have to say. Not everyone will like what you do. Social networking is a garbage pile waiting for rats to feed. Pointless nothings of your everyday lives. Still the fumes rise. - Jerica Barsht
Reverend Ada Slaton Bonds' influence on the lives of many people in Louisiana and elsewhere has been immeasurable. Countless hundreds will rise up in the last day to call her 'blessed. - Reverend Dr. Thomas H. Campbell, Cumberland Presbyterian
Since the beginning, the Fates determined which souls would be born, what kinds of lives they would live, and for how many days. They did this out of duty, out of destiny, and without emotion. - Nicole Y. Walters
Just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives. - Dallin H. Oaks
If we give the supply of growth, self-improvement, self-education, into our lives, life would favour us - Sunday Adelaja
When I write fiction, I struggle to decide the fate of two people created by my mind and spend countless hours to give them a happy ending. God, the Almighty has created infinite human beings till date and runs all our lives with such ease. He is the BEST WRITER of all. - Shahla Khan
One who lives for himself chases after the wind;at the end he will have nothing in his hands. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It is in racists' best interest to maintain white supremacy at all costs. They will defend it with their lives, but ONLY after they've defended it with ours. - Darnell Lamont Walker
It’s is not just a question of doing what you love for a living. It is a matter of doing what you love with love. Then your life and all lives will be transformed. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
There are two types of people: those who just live their lives, and those who have nothing better to do than watch and talk about the first type. - Ali B. Moe
In everyone lives the person called "Monk" (From the Series), the families which are shown by Stephen King and many other people. But when people will understand this? - Deyth Banger
It is so simple: the choices we make in our everyday lives, the things we do (or not) for others, define the world we live in. - Bernard Jan
The Purpose of life is to thrive and save lives with passion! Save Yazidis today with love and compassion! - Widad Akreyi
We are all somebody to people, whose lives we do not touch. - Rajashree Patel
At the end of our lives, every moment is so priceless. - Debasish Mridha
Every moment in our lives brings the opportunity to love and appreciate this beautiful magical life. - Debasish Mridha
It is quite natural and inevitable that, if we spend sixteen hours daily of our waking lives in thinking about the affairs of the world and five minutes in thinking about God and our souls, this world will seem two hundred times more real to us than God. - William Ralph Inge
The only private sector industry where employees work with their lives on stake for the interest of common people is media industry. - Amit Kalantri
It is a poor wit who lives by borrowing the words, decisions, inventions and actions of others.
We all have sinned so far in our lives and might continue too but still we all love talking about others sins, Elaborating, exaggerating, laughing, commenting, cursing... And we all enjoy it hahaha - honeya
History, for better or worse, is 'us' on a grand scale full of secrets, beauty, fear, longing, and stifled love. Without history, our lives would not be complete, and we could not be, in the best sense, fully 'human. - Boria Sax
I believe the visionaries and true reflections of society will be rewarded after their lives. Those being rewarded now are giving the public what it needs now, usually applauding its current state and clearing consciences. - Hollace M. Metzger
There are ghosts of yourself scattered everywhere,Whispers of a moment suspended in time,Where every life that you've brushed up againstNow lives with a piece of you trapped in their mind. - Erin Hanson
The biggest insult to any parent is a child that lives up to society standards and not his or her full potential. - Unarine Ramaru
My love is for you lives after life, for infinite time even though I will never get you, but my love for you is forever. - Debasish Mridha
We meet lots of people in a lifetime and we lose some of them over a period of time . But every person who comes in lives has a purpose to serve.. NO MEETING IS AN ACCIDENT, EVERY PERSON THAT WE MEET PLAYS A ROLE IN OUR LIVES, WHETHER WE REALIZE IT OR NOT. - Raj Kiran Atagaraha
The greatest testament of a life lived is to be missed when you are gone. It is not something you can plan for or buy ahead of time. It is a sentiment that comes freely from the lives you touch in positive ways. - Brian MacLearn
You don't buy all the clothes in the market. You choose slowly and carefully, asking the prices for each before buying. The same way you choose your friends, by looking into their lives carefully, before taking any as a companion, then dropping those that are not relevant. - Michael Bassey Johnson
the very day we get to know the enough is enough of our lives; the very day we get to know that enough is lacking enough - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
To cheapen the lives of any group of men, cheapens the lives of all men, even our own. This is a law of human psychology, or human nature. And it will not be repealed by our wishes, nor will it be merciful to our blindness. - William Pickens
Looking back at our lives, the unbelievable thing is that despite all the times when things felt so wrong, we still managed to meet at the perfect moment. Almost as if by some plan which we were unaware of. - John Mark Green
There lives more faith in honest doubt, Believe me, than in half the creeds.
Gary Sherman has written a truly insightful and helpful book that will positively change the lives of its readers. Although many books have wise teachings, few have accessible, reliable and transformative practices like this one. I highly recommend this book. - Russell Delman
When we are in a foreign country we live with a fervor rooting from knowing that our days there are numbered, yet if the number of days in lives is numbered, are we not to live our everyday lives with that same zeal? - Forrest Curran
A great sage is like a tree, he lives just to help others, just to make this world beautiful. - Debasish Mridha
For no man lives long when his dreams are dead - Gene Wolfe
People may laugh at what I do but am not perturbed. My work is to add value to lives. I will keep living my dreams so that by the time my mortal body may stop working, I will remain immortally relevant to generations to come. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
When we appreciate and express gratitude for the abundance in our life our lives become more abundant. - Debasish Mridha
Music lives in three tenses at once. Developing what comes before it in the past, it engages us in the present, and inspires our hopes for its future. - Warren Benson
We all want to be happier, more financially secure and to experience more rewarding relationships. We all dream of making something more of our lives. A mountain trail is a terrific place to make our biggest, boldest, brightest dreams come true. - Toni Sorenson
In spite of where we were, how we had gotten here and why we had come, I felt that at this moment of our lives, this place was exactly where we belonged. We were not drifting but rising, rising toward something right and of significance. - Dean Koontz
At the moment that we persuade a child, any child, to cross that threshold, that magic threshold into a library, we change their lives forever, for the better. - Barack Obama
Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives. - A. Sachs
Is there a word for when you are young and pretending to have lived and loved a thousand lives? Is there a German word for that? Let's say its schaufenfrieglasploit. - Amy Poehler
What is the point of our lives? There isn't any. I can't seem to decide how much horror and how much joy lies within that simple truth, but I know it is both of those things at once. - Ashly Lorenzana
Love is the force that keeps every part of our lives in property alignment. - Toni Sorenson
The biggest mistake we could ever make in our lives is to think we work for anybody but ourselves. - Brian Tracy
We owe it to our husband or wife, our fellow workers, our children, our friends, indeed to everyone who comes into our lives, to be as happy as we can be. - Dennis Prager
God made you for a reason and your life has profound meaning! We discover that meaning and purpose only when we make God the reference point of our lives. - Rick Warren
We may not imagine how our lives could be more frustrating and complex--but Congress can. - Cullen Hightower
Books seem the most potent source: each one is the sum total of a life that can be inhaled in a single day. I read fast, so I'm hoovering up lives at a ferocious pace, six or seven or eight in a week. I particularly love autobiographies: I can eat a whole person by sundown. - Caitlin Moran
It is not a perception, but a person's good intention that makes a good difference in the people's lives. - Anuj Somany
A good story is always written with the tears of tragedies and triumphs, and the love and kindness of our lives. - Debasish Mridha
My job is to inspire others to live full lives. Whether I do that through my writing or my actions are one in the same. - Victoria Klein
the real essence of our lifetime lies in the time of our lives - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
A man with awareness lives in a world much prettier and much richer than the world a man without awareness lives in! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It is naive to think that self-assertiveness is easy. To live self-assertively--which means to live authentically--is an act of high courage. That is why so many people spend the better part of their lives in hiding--from others and also from themselves. - Nathaniel Branden
The denial of language is a suicidal one and we pay for it with our own lives. - Joyce Carol Oates
We never plant trees in other people's yard and hope them to grow. We plant them in ours, water them and take care of them. We should do the same with our lives. Never lay it on others. - Saru Singhal
Let us fill our lives with endless spring. Let us bloom with joy; let us dance and sing. - Debasish Mridha
I was drunk but not drunk enough to say what I wanted, that we don't live our lives so much as come to them, as different people and things collect mysteriously around us. - Michael Byer
AIDS would have claimed fewer lives if we had publicly recommended what I wish to call ‘The Presumption of Sickness,’ i.e., the principle that whomever we are about to sleep with is HIV-positive until proven HIV-negative. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Self-love is crucial for the betterment of our lives and for a higher quality of life. - Akiroq Brost
Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become. - C.S. Lewis
Using information about animal behavior to justify social or political ideology is wrong . . . People need to be able to make decisions about their lives without having to worry about keeping up with the bonobos. - Marlene Zuk
Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes. - Kenneth Hildebrand
When you hear the right teaching about God, your lives will be changed and then you can change the world. - Paul Silway
How many of us are swept away by what I have come to call an 'active laziness'?It consists of cramming our lives with compulsive activity, so that there is no time at all to confront the real issues. - Sogyal Rinpoche
Jesus is the antioxidant that terminates all the free radicals (sin) in our lives. Consume more of Jesus and watch your overall health rise! - Alisa Hope Wagner
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.
I never set out to write a book to change women's lives, to change history. It's like, 'Who, me?' Yes, me. I did it. And I'm not that different from other women. ... Maybe my power and glory was that I could speak my truth as a woman and it was the truth of every woman. - Betty Friedan
One thing is undeniably clear. We have all had bad experiences, we have all had tragedies in our lives which help to shape who we are. - J. Loren Norris
I envision a world in which the vast majority of us are actively striving toward our potential as human beings by spending our lives serving others through mediums we are most passionate. - Chris Matakas
Those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives, power to retell it, to rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change, truly are powerless. - Salman Rushdie
Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy. - Robert A. Heinlein
The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.
Dan P. McAdams argues that children develop a narrative tone which influences their stories for the rest of their lives. Children gradually adopt an enduring assumption that everything will turn out well, or badly, depending on their childhood. - David Brooks
If you deliberately and passionately grieve over the consolations of darkness and participate with your spirit in their annihilation, you would put yourself above other forms of life and lives of other people. - Ivo Žurić
Their voices meld into a cloudy rumble of their own, and I ponder Mira's and Aidan's secrets and imagine the injustice that threads through other lives, injustice that has no face because it is hidden away in a dark, shameful place, hidden for years in hopes of making it untrue. - Mary E. Pearson
What I'm asking you to entertain is that there is nothing we need to believe on insufficient evidence in order to have deeply ethical and spiritual lives. - Sam Harris
Some live in poverty but with their honor; some live in wealth but with no honor! Some lives are respectable, some are disgraceful! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Maybe it's easier to like someone else's life, and live vicariously through it, than take some responsiblity to change our lives into lives we might like. - Tish Grier
We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. - Chuck Palahniuk
We all have very different musical DNA, and we all follow different musical paths. Yet there is a unifying quality about rock'n'roll that helps instill confidence and hope in millions of fans at times in their lives when little else makes sense. - Robert Hilburn
There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else. I don't care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause. - George Matthew Adams
Thomas Jefferson still lives. - John Adams
There is no such thing as a perfect person in this world. We all must become the main characters or the stars of our lives. We are all different and start differently. But from whatever is our circumstances, it is very important that we find the opportunities to try out what we want to do. - Goo Hye Sun
We grow the aspects of our lives that we feed with energy and engagement and choke off those we deprive of fuel. Your life is what you agree to attend to. - Jim Loehr
A delightfully droll look at how the other half lives from a pet pooch's point of view. - Kam Williams
Are all of us the same, I wonder, navigating our lives by interpreting the silences between words spoken, analysing the returning echoes of our memory in order to chart the terrain, in order o make sense of the world around us? - Twang Eng Tan
Though your dream may be birth by you, it has eternal potential to impact lives and generations even after you. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
If there's anything unsettling to the stomach, it's watching actors on television talk about their personal lives. - Marlon Brando
People lead lives of quiet desperation because they are unaware of the power they possess to reinvent their lives. - Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
why can't we control our anger? because we love perfection. make a little room for imperfection in our lives. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Many men all their lives for the opportunity to be good in their way.wait all their lives for the - Frederick Niestzsche
I am more and more convinced that our happiness depends more on how we meet the events in our lives, than on those events themselves. - Alexander Humboldt
Throughout our lives, after all, we look for a story of our origins, to tell us why we were born and why we have lived. - Umberto Eco
Carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. - John Keating
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. - J.M. Barrie
Some people are born with tornadoes in their lives, but constellations in their eyes. Other people are born with stars at their feet, but their souls are lost at sea. - Nikita Gill
He alone is free who lives with free consent under the entire guidance of reason - Baruch Spinoza
The battle for our lives, and the lives of our children, our husbands, our friends, our families, & our nation, is waged on our knees. - Stormie Omartian
A cat may have nine lives, but a wise person has a hundred. - Matshona Dhliwayo
God lives in the place of praise. If we want to be where He is, we need to go to His address. - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices. But it isn't really our choices that distinguish who we are. It's our commitment to them. - Emily Thorne
A writer creates many lives, changes lives, and with that lives forever. - Jen Golembiewski
If, after all, men cannot always make history have a meaning, they can always act so that their own lives have one. - Albert Camus
Since we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our minds, it is our duty to furnish it well. - Peter Ustinov
A writer fills the paper with the pictures of perception, experience, and feeling of real and imaginative lives. - Debasish Mridha
The greatest challenges humans face throw-out their lives are two:1- the challenge of where to start2- the challenge of when to stop - Sameh Elsayed
In our lives, we need some hope to be able to proceed to the next ladder, without it, we're failures. - Auliq Ice
Life is a miracle and your most important goal in life is to protect this miracle. You have one more goal which is as important as this one and that is to protect the other miracles, the lives of others! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There comes a point in our lives where light bothers us more than darkness , we get used to bad happening around us than good , happiness makes us more anxious than sadness and at that moment , we don't mind our lives going chaotic as everything seems to be in order . - Rahul Kumar K.
When a leader has an attitude of gratitude, it can create great differences in the lives of others. - Debasish Mridha
Our lives can be compared to beautiful streams, which are destined to flow, grow in majesty to create wonderful features such as cascading waterfalls, and give nourishment and life to those in its path. - Inshan Meahjohn
Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better. - Sidney Sheldon
It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our lives that we must draw our strength to live and our reasons for living. - Simone de Beauvoir
Even the most impassioned devotee of the ghost story would admit that the taste for it is slightly abnormal, a survival, perhaps, from adolescence, a disease of deficiency suffered by those whose lives and imaginations do not react satisfactorily to normal experience and require an extra thrill - L.P. Hartley
she delighted in being of the same substance as them, and in knowing that when she died her flesh would nourish other lives as they had nourished her. - Philip Pullman
Self love is an oceanand your heart is a vessel. Make it full,and any excess will spill overinto the lives of the peopleyou hold dear. But you must come first. - Beau Taplin
Kindness is the sacred act to transform lives. - Lailah Gifty Akita
...Material goods have gained an increasing and finally inexorable power over the lives of men as at no previous period in history. - Max Weber
We all have two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one. - Confucius
It’s our decisions, not our conditions, that ultimately shape the quality of our lives. - Derric Yuh Ndim
All the bruised lives, searching hearts...Everyone wants a love story but few will risk what it takes to live one. - Donna Lynn Hope
Men heap together the mistakes of their lives and create a monster they call destiny.
Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.
Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination. - Oscar Wilde
Everyone is operating and running their lives at their current level of conscious awareness. - Carlos Marin
A man who lives long enough will be a boy twice. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The power of belief is that is should change lives not create chains. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
People come and go from our lives all the time. It's not our fault that people leave. The Universe is just making room for new people with new lessons. - Sue Fitzmaurice
The artist's world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep. - Paul Strand
In dreams and stories we rearrange our lives. - Marty Rubin
A Reader lives life (personal) within Life (social). - Harpy
We underestimate the power of our own mind for both good and bad. If we can learn to control our mindset and our responses to the adverse things in our lives, we can absolutely control our own destiny. - Rob R Morris
Our lives begin to end when we begin to forget to love. - Debasish Mridha
Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives. - Sue Murphy
Shine your light and make a positive impact on the world; there is nothing so honorable as helping improve the lives of others. - Roy T. Bennett
Like the morning sun, add sparkle, beauty, and warmth to the lives of others. - Debasish Mridha
In this day and age we care more about our pride than our lives. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
Discover how to visit the past and bring yesterday's stories into our lives today - Gillian Hovell, 'Visiting the Past'
I looked at the people, then, and I saw how busy they were - how much industry and energy described their lives. - Gregory David Roberts
One thing was certain: he was my one. Most people go on their whole lives and never find their one, but I found mine. I found him when I was twelve-years-old. - Jennifer Edlund
When you fill others lives with love and happiness,your life will be full with pleasant surprises. - Debasish Mridha
There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. - James E. Faust
How many men do you personally know whom you would typically classify as Kind, Gentle and Loving...I'm guessing the list is not very long. Now think of the women whose lives are characterized by those same virtues. I'm going to go with, that list is probably much longer. - Dennis James
Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided. - Bible
If you go to anybody and ask them, what is your dream life? They would say I want to sit by the TV all day. I want to play with my friends all day and they think that is the best way to spend their lives. They do not know that what they have just listed is not living life but wasting life. - Sunday Adelaja
Nothing comes to our lives without a purpose. Accept it with love and kindness and learn from it. - Debasish Mridha
Success is secondary to impact. Success is a list of what you win, gain and attain - it may pass it may remain. Impact is the test; the hearts, minds and lives you touch, enhance and forever change... - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Narratives are the primary way in which we make sense of our lives, as opposed to, for example schema,cognition, beliefs, constructs. Definition of narrative include the important element of giving meaning to events and experiences over time by connecting them as a developing, continuing story. - Jacqui Stedmon
In each of us, two natures are at war the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose what we want most to be we are. - Robert Louis Stevenson
With every sunrise our hearts sing with joy, our minds dance with love, and our lives get new meaning - Debasish Mridha
Human beings who leave behind them no great achievements, but only a series of small kindnesses, have not had wasted lives - Charlotte Gray
God raised Christ up to the highest position possible. Jesus is now our great high King, and we should not allow anyone to take His place in our lives, usurping His Throne room in our hearts, and minds! - brother Billy
A little holiday spirit lives forever in everyone. Test your own holiday spirit. Give away all of it you can. You'll see, it comes right back to you. - Ray Palla
I was one of Them: the Strange Ones. The Funny People. The Odd Tribes of autograph collectors and photographers. The Ones who waited through long days and nights, who used other people's dreams for their lives. - Ray Bradbury
Evil ethicists are the holocaust of humanity; if philosophy can be the instant sunlight to their endless vampirism, it will save more lives than all the doctors who have ever lived. - Stefan Molyneux
The book can produce an addiction as fierce as heroin or nicotine, forcing us to spend much of our lives, like junkies, in book shops and libraries, those literary counterparts to the opium den. - Phillip Adams
People spend their entire lives searching the world for the pieces that will make them whole, yet those pieces are only found within them. - Ken Poirot
Perfection exists no where, because we all live in fragments - mental, psychological, physical, spiritual. Being total is an art which takes many lives to master! - Ramana Pemmaraju
I would wish that people would accept people for who they are, not be judgmental, allow people to live their lives and enjoy themselves and that would be my wish for people. - John Barrowman
Knowledge is not the thing to boast or to brag! It's about how you can make influence on lives without uttering a single word. - Prerak Trivedi
This is our purpose: to make as meaningful as possible this life that has been bestowed upon us; to live in such a way that we may be proud of ourselves; to act in such a way that some part of us lives on. - Oswald Spengler
I muse with the greatest affection on every flower I have known from my infancy - their shapes and colours are as new to me as if I had just created them with a superhuman fancy - It is because they are connected with the most thoughtless and happiest moments of our lives. - John Keats
Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives. The English reading public explains the reason why. - James Joyce
They do horrible, unchildish things because they they have had very horrible, unchildish lives. - Edward Humes
What’s to become of us? We can’t go on like this.Yes, we can go on like this, said Cesare. We can go on exactly like this for the rest of our lives. - Penelope Fitzgerald
I was someone hungry for stories; more specifically, I was someone who craved after facts...I was, you see, at the start of this tale, a person with history. I had no story of my own. Lacking this, I developed a curiosity about other people's lives. - Arlene J. Chai
Remember that animals are born to live their own lives, not to serve you! Do not use them; do not exploit them. Let them live their own lives. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Our lives are not intelligible to us. - Marty Rubin
My greatest fear. is to have lived in such a way to miss the mark, not to be able to accomplish my assignment on earth; making meaning and impacting lives. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
God has make life simple for us but the choices we do at the end of each day, are the ones that make our lives complicated. - Nthabiseng Motjamela
I know not which lives more unnatural lives, obeying husbands, or commanding wives. - Benjamin Franklin
Fear plays an interesting role in our lives. How dare we let it motivate us? How dare we let it into our decision making; into our livelihoods; into our relationships? It's funny isn't it? We take a day a year to dress up, in costume and celebrate fear.
We can only bring about change in our lives when we clearly see two truths: that the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of fighting our toughest battles, and that by taking the biggest risks, we gain the most valuable rewards. - Elaine Moran
Yes, we can be assured that if we don't change and turn our lives around to become like a little child again we will definitely not get a look at the fulness of our purpose, let alone get in. - Donald Pillai
The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives. - Rob Liano
Our dreams will always tell us what we are missing in our lives. The smaller we make them tells God how little faith we have in him to make them come true. - Shannon L. Alder
When we stand up for what we believe in—for what’s right—there is always a chance that we risk the very things we fight for: our safety, our lives, our freedom. But if we stand down, the risk is definite. - Kelseyleigh Reber
Live your lives in such a way that you would be sure you are productive, effective and satisfied on all levels. - Sunday Adelaja
They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we’re gone. - Nehali Lalwani
A person who reads lives more than one life, but that means that they die more than once as well. - Deanna Vasquez
A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world: everyone you meet is your mirror. - Ken Keyes Jr.
Violence has settled more issues in history than any other factor; and contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms. - Robert Heinlein
I have lived a thousand lives and I’ve loved a thousand loves. I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read. - George R.R. Martin
Poetry may make us from time to time a little more aware of the deeper, unnamed feelings which form the substratum of our being, to which we rarely penetrate; for our lives are mostly a constant evasion of ourselves. - T.S. Eliot
Lovers are food for each other to sustain their lives - Munia Khan
Of course we're Christian. The very name of the church declares that. The more people see us and come to know us, the more I believe they will come to realize that we are trying to exemplify in our lives and in our living the great ideals which (Jesus Christ) taught. - Gordon B. Hinckley
In the end, history proved the Jews correct. Across time and place, memory lives on the tenacity of a people’s resolve never to forget—not just with words—but with an endless stream of concrete actions rushing every day, every hour, every minute, every second. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
How lucky we are! We are singing our songs, dancing our dances, and living our lives. - Debasish Mridha
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. - Henry David Thoreau
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. - James M. Barrie
There are those who live and die giving love, without receiving any. And those who live life just taking, never giving. So the universe gives a boon to a few lucky souls: Who they love will love them back—all their lives. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time? - Walter Scott
when the uncertainty is known, certainty is guaranteed. Until we unravel the uncertainties of our lives, we shall always be uncertain with the life we live - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
You can’t build rich lives simply by reading sermons or following abstract rules. Example is the best teacher. Moral improvement occurs most reliably when the heart is warmed, - David Brooks
The thing is that when you find true love.... it lives on.No matter if you two seperate but the love stays alive; broken, gasping for breath, love and affection, but in agony, waiting for everything to end. But Sadly, It lives on... in memories and thought's. - Alamvusha
You must remember that no one lives a life free from pain and suffering. - Sophocles
Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live. - Nora Roberts
What we do in every other area of our lives (other than religion), is, rather than respect somebody's beliefs, we evaluate their reasons. - Sam Harris
Our lives are the only meaningful expression of what we believe and in Whom we believe. And the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Now, I believe in life, and I believe in the joy of human existence, but these things cannot be experienced except as we also face the despair, also face the anxiety that every human being has to face if he lives with any creativity at all. - Rollo May
A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror. - Ken Keyes Jr.
Much of what I learned about forgiveness I learned by inhabiting the lives of my characters. Even villains act with reasonable intent. Mercy is easier with understanding. Still, it helps that on paper I can kill them off. - Joyce Rachelle
A great chunk of our lives is wasted on thoughts that bring nothing. We all think about something but, in the end, we only close the day thinking a lot and doing nothing but little. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The only way we can divorce fears in our lives is by marrying our desires. - Auliq-Ice
Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at twenty-six; we were of that disposition - Nick Hornby
But it bothers you. It pisse you off that I'm not crippled with debt or saddled with some moody bitch. Instead, you PR your lives and act like I'm supposed to ency you..... - Adam Neville
Most people neglect their lives and allow all kinds of accidents, mishaps and misfortunes to happen to them. - Sunday Adelaja
the tragedy of life is not that we die, but is rather, what dies inside a man while he lives. - Albert Schweitzer
Sometimes, when I'm alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread - Suzanne Collins
We will be remembered not by how much money we have left in the bank or by how many buildings and cars we owned, but by how many Lives we have touched and Transformed! - RVM
Our goodness is our wealth and when we close our eyes to the tragedies of the hard lives, we start losing our wealth! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Expositing. John 14, the speaker explains that the Holy Spirit making His home with us involves Him exposing other areas of our lives for repentance, regeneration, and renewal. - Matt Chandler
A novelist is a person who lives in other people's skins. - E.L. Doctorow
How a woman thinks is often how she lives. - Lysa TerKeurst
Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. - William James
What was Dr. Mera's motive for murder? I don't need to tell that to a writer of detective novels such as yourself. You know well enough yourself that even without a motive, a murderer lives to kill. - Rampo Edogawa
We’re conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one. - Kent Nurburn
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, we will never lose our value in God’s eyes. - Joyce Meyer
She lives the poetry she cannot write - Larry Wilde
The mature man lives quietly, does good privately, takes responsibility for his actions, treats others with friendliness and courtesy, finds mischief boring and avoids it. Without the hidden conspiracy of goodwill, society would not endure an hour. - Kenneth Rexroth
The only currency that we really have to spend during our lives is time. Everything else is just a sub-category. - Stephen R. Bown
And I got to thinking about the moral meaning of memory, per se. And what it means to forget, what it means to fail to find and preserve the connection with the dead whose lives you, or I, want or need to honor with our own. - June Jordan
A good book should leave you....slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it. - William Styron
He who lives by the sword, will eventually be wiped out by some bastard with a sawn off shotgun
He who lives without folly isn't so wise as he thinks. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Doing our best and doing it better everyday will help us lead our lives with peace of mind. - Mohith Agadi
Man perfected by society is the best of all animals; he is the most terrible of all when he lives without law, and without justice. - Aristotle
The evil men do lives after them, the good is often interred with their bones.
Major improvements don't happen over night. Their are many moments inching towards improvement. The difference between those who make major improvements in their lives are the ones who embrace patience and wait through the darkness as long as it takes. - Matthew Donnelly
When we bring it all back to 'Just Jesus' it is amazing how much grace God can work in and through our lives. - brother Mark
[Murder] doesn't concern the victim and the guilty only. It affects the innocent too. You and I are innocent, but the shadow of murder has touched us. We don't know how that shadow is going to affect our lives. - Agatha Christie
"One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives. - Mark Twain
I cannot marry the facts of William Shakespeare to his verse: Other men had led lives in some sort of keeping with their thought, but this man is in wide contrast. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I was a normal person, living in a rough area with a foreign mother, I endured it and came out of the other side to help hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to change their lives just like I had mine. - Stephen Richards
We cannot control all the circumstances of our lives, but we can control our attitudes and our actions. If we don’t, someone else will. - Toni Sorenson
The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them, even though they contain most of our lives.
Our sole purpose on this earth is to add value to others. It doesn’t make sense to just exist in people's lives or to be a drain on them, does it? - Rob Liano
Oh, how scary and wonderful it is that words can change our lives simply by being next to each other. - Kamand Kojouri
He is the Firstfruits of God's harvest, and millions have followed Him. The same power that raised Him from the dead lives in them, giving them life everlasting. - Ron Cantor
Bigotry lives not just in our words, but in our actions, thoughts, and institutions. - DaShanne Stokes
Don't forget, and don't let your reader forget, that the small world in which you have held him for the last hour or two hasn't ended. Be aware, and make him aware, that tomorrow all of its remaining inhabitants will pick up the broken fragments of their lives, and carry on. - Joseph Hansen
Those who devote their lives to earning a living are incapable of living a human existence. - Herbert Marcuse
A picture lives by companionship, expanding and quickening in the eyes of the sensitive observer. It dies by the same token. It is therefore risky to send it out into the world. How often it must be impaired by the eyes of the unfeeling and the cruelty of the impotent. - Mark Rothko
Kindness is a calling. Caring about people is powerful. Love changes lives. - Rachel Hamilton
Sometimes we dream of things that we've always wanted--of things that we have been searching for our whole lives without knowing it...and other times we wake up and know what we have to do. I have to write...so I do. - Cassandra Giovanni
To be allowed, no, invited into the private lives of strangers, and to share their joys and fears, was a chance to exchange the Southern bitter wormwood for a cup of mead with Beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with Oliver Twist. - Maya Angelou
Unless individuals have the power to defy commoditization and define their own lives, their potential is vulnerable to the crushing forces of objectification. - Tom Hayes
REVEILLE, n. A signal to sleeping soldiers to dream of battlefields no more, but get up and have their blue noses counted. In the American army it is ingeniously called "rev-e-lee," and to that pronunciation our countrymen have pledged their lives, their misfortunes and their sacred dishonor. - Ambrose Bierce
A popular Harvard business professor urged his students to read the obituaries in the New York Times before they read anything else, in order to learn from the lives of great men. - Georges F. Doriot
...capitalism does live by crises and booms, just as a human being lives by inhaling and exhaling. - Leon Trotsky
When we commit our lives to the Lord,He lives in us, He gives us grace and power to accomplish far greater things. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We have the power to shape our lives, by the way we think. Only that to have a progressive life, we must train ourselves into thinking in a certain way. - Ndiritu Wahome
A well-spun tale can transport listeners away from their humdrum lives and return them with an enlarged sense of the world. (Peter Nimble) - Jonathan Auxier
The man is happiest who lives from day to day and asks no more, garnering the simple goodness of life. - Euripides
Great people and great athletes realize early in their lives their destiny, and accept it. Even if they do not consciously realize the how, the where, the what. - Percy Cerutty
We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results. - Henry Melvill
Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don’t fool. - Robert Brault
Dreaming permits every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. - William Dement
When death is the ultimate destination for all of us, why are we not enjoying our lives? - Debasish Mridha
All those who try to unveil the mysteries always have tragic lives. At the end they are always punished. - Anaïs Nin
Before she can stop herself, she thinks about desire, how it lives within you and yet is separate, surfacing when it chooses, without permission, in the harsh afternoon light, at the moment when you least expect to find it. - Alice Hoffman
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. - John F. Kennedy
In a world so redolent with wonder, how can we allow ourselves to conduct our daily lives with so little insight, such absence of dignity? - Bruce Sterling
The mystic, identifying neither with his-her race-religion-gender nor with any mind-made blunder, lives and dies in One's splendor. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Humans are not a commodity, nor is our humanity. Fight to save the lives of those who can not save themselves, and in turn, you will have saved your soul. - L.M. Fields
...you'll find that being a friend is to like a person for who they are, even the parts you don't understand. You don't have to understand, or do the same, or live their lives for them. If you truly care for them, then you want them to be who they are; that was why you liked them in the first place. - Terry Goodkind
They are the ones who bring meaning to our lives, who happen to inspire, who spark a fire that we carry with us for the rest of our days, who are but pillars of hope and sometimes sacrifice, life-changers, life-savers, catalysts. - Chirag Tulsiani
One of the greatest disconnects for this generation is how life and work fit together. There is a need to talk about purpose in life, vocation, and calling. We need to provide a stronger theology of work to help them make integrated connections to their daily lives. - David Kinnaman
Please write again soon. Though my own life is filled with activity, letters encourage momentary escape into others lives and I come back to my own with greater contentment. - Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
War is the game played by old men with the lives of the young - Wilbur Smith
Literature is the safe and traditional vehicle through which we learn about the world and pass on values from on generation to the next. Books save lives. - Laurie Anderson
I just want my kids to love who they are, have happy lives and find something they want to do and make peace with that. Your job as a parent is to give your kids not only the instincts and talents to survive, but help them enjoy their lives."(The Power of One: Belief.net Interview; July 2005) - Susan Sarandon
If I lived a million lives, I would've felt a million feelings and I still would've fallen a million times for you. - Robert M. Drake
A man who lives everywhere lives nowhere. - Marcus Valerius Martialis
…one lives and analyses data within a frame, unaware that the solution is most often just outside of that frame. Never underestimate the depth of your subjectivity. - Darrell Calkins
The richest man is he who lives simply but has an abundance of love and kindness to give away. - Debasish Mridha
The nature of heaven is to provide a place there for all who lead good lives, no matter what their religion may be. - Emanuel Swedenborg
A man lives by believing something; not by debating and arguing about many things. - Thomas Carlyle
A single event can shape our lives or change the course of history. - Deepak Chopra
I think they're being cheap with their lives, that's why. So they seem ravenous for the worst thoughts I can have. - Gwendoline Riley
He who lives without folly is not so wise as he imagines. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
In God's economy, nothing is slag, nothing is wasted. Every relationship we build is a teacher, every experience we have is a coach. In every scar there is a lesson. In every memory there lives potential to make more. - Toni Sorenson
Nothing will be attained from actions of hundreds of thousands of lives. Moksha (liberation) is attained through ‘absolute humility’ (param vinaya). The ‘gates of understanding’ are opened with ‘absolute humility’. ‘Absolute humility’ arises only when the ego is dissolved. - Dada Bhagwan
Death takes in many people, but still lives alone. - Anthony Liccione
I feel lucky for my upbringing and tremendous adversity, which made me so successful, now I like to devote my life to improve lives of others, who are facing adversity every day. - Debasish Mridha
And so, it is always the case that the past is irreparably land-locked, and the future has yet to land. And here we are, living out our lives on the precariously thin line which separates the two. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Most are engaged in business the greater part of their lives, because the soul abhors a vacuum and they have not discovered any continuous employment for man's nobler faculties. - Henry David Thoreau
changing lives started with changing my own. - Alexandra Elle
Globally, millions of married men and women engage the servicesof sex workers each year. Despite growing health concerns aboutthe increased risk of STDs and HIV AIDS this trade continues toblossom, leading to the premature termination of several lives andthe dissolution of several marriages. - Oche Otorkpa
Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well. - Theodore Roosevelt
For Magic to happen in our lives, we need to be open minded about magical things happening - Steven Aitchison
Man is often the prisoner of the culture he lives in. Question your culture to break the prison doors! Question it so that you can be able to see the incredible stupidities in your culture! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The level of consciousness defines the beauty of our lives. - Debasish Mridha
We can spend our whole lives underachieving.
Morality is good when we use it to live our lives but not to hurt anyone. - Debasish Mridha
Aspire to decency. Practice civility toward one another. Admire and emulate ethical behavior wherever you find it. Apply a rigid standard of morality to your lives; and if, periodically, you fail ­ as you surely will ­ adjust your lives, not the standards. - Ted Koppel
Out of the cacophony of random suffering and chaos that can mark human life, the life artist sees or creates a symphony of meaning and order. A life of wholeness does not depend on what we experience. Wholeness depends on how we experience our lives. - Desmond Tutu
We are not defined by the adversities in our lives, we are defined by how we manage them. - Rob R Morris
Never curse a fall. The ground is where humility lives. - Yasmin Mogahed
There are two ways of thinking. One is living life based on fear. The other is trusting. Letting go and allowing trust to control our lives takes mental gymnastics. - David W. Earle
We all go through our entire lives not knowing. Wondering. Trying.Untile we sleep. - David Gaider
We cross paths with certain people in our tangled lives for a reason. It's not by chance, not an accident but it's on a purpose. You were made to be part of someone's life for it was written long before you were born."- Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
Cancer gave me an understanding of the point of all this. To survive. Most of our lives it is easy but for the moments when it becomes difficult, when accident or sickness or sadness strikes, it's just about remembering one thing. You must simply survive. - Shaun Hick
The most benevolent souls are the one's who have had to drink some of life's worst poisons, yet protected others in their lives from ever having to taste them. - José N. Harris
There is no separation between the gospel and culture, between how we live in society and how we live in our private lives, between the lordship of Jesus inside the four walls of a church building and outside that building. - Michael Brown
And may be between building and breaking we find our lives somewhere.Building dreams, each time, watching them break and then picking the broken pieces,building again with a new Hope more courage. ......And may be this effort is Life. - Wordions
We belong to the 'Stardust Family'. Thanks to those initial stars who sacrificed their precious lives for us! We're STARDUST! ~ UNIVERSE LOVES YOU & SO DO I ‪#‎StardustAK‬ - Abhishek Kumar
We make our lives complicated to prove that we are very intelligent. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
The verbal patterns and the patterns of behavior we present to children in these lighthearted confections are likely to influence them for the rest of their lives. These aesthetic impressions, just like the moral teachings of early childhood, remain indelible. - Esphyr Slobodkina
Stand up for who you are. Respect your Self and ignite the divine sparks in you. Access your powers. Choose your rights and work together with others to bring blessings into the lives. - Amit Ray
I am a tourist of the emotions, visiting only the most well-worn spots. It is romantic, that is, a distortion, to imagine whole lives from the barest observation. - Jean Thompson
People have two deaths: the first at the end of their lives, when they go away, and the second at the end of the memory of their lives, when all who remember them are gone. Then a person quits the world completely. - Raghu Karnad
I must write now and quickly, before I begin to prefer the perfect version that lives in my head. - Lettie Prell
That was the moment when Alice knew for sure that she and Charlie Erdling would be friends for the rest of their lives. - Sarah Weeks
Everything that happens in our lives has meaning even though we may not understand it or even pay attention to it. - Debasish Mridha
If the anti-abortion movement took a tenth of the energy they put into noisy theatrics and devoted it to improving the lives of children who have been born into lives of poverty, violence, and neglect, they could make a world shine. - Michael Jay Tucker
There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives - the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. Find them. Love them. - Mother Teresa
People are perfectly capable of ruining their own lives by very themselves without taking any wrong guidance from outside! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you're not making someone else's life better, then you're wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other lives better. - Will Smith
Our lives improve only when we take chances -- and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves. - Walter Anderson
Life is made of connections. Who knows why fate throws things in our direction, but one thing's for sure, new things are there to offer value to our lives and teach us something new about ourselves. It's what makes life exciting. - Serina Hartwell
But the basic structure of capitalism, in which a small number own most of the productive assets, guarantees that the vast majority of people will (at best) spend their lives earning wages, but never profits. - Michael A. McCarthy, ABC's of Socialism
When men do not know their assignment on earth they kill themselves psychologically and emotionally, wallowing in different careers and meddling in dreams of others. They become restless and engage in unhealthy competition - living unfulfilled lives - Bernard Kelvin Clive
This day and every other day, listen from within, GOD lives there. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Spending time to learn and to gather better information is what we do most in our lives. We go to school, spend time there, and learn things important in our life. We do this only for one reason, to be happy. - Auliq Ice
A child who does not think about what happens around him and is content with living without wondering whether he lives honestly is like a man who lives from a scoundrel's work and is on the road to being a scoundrel. - José Martí
Life could have been way easier if we can just use "Please, do not disturb" sign in our social lives! - Mohsen Sheha
Never go tapping into the lives of others like you know them and their story! Their story is not yours, tell yours, for that is all you know. - Auliq-Ice
I pledge to love Jesus more than anything or anyone. And you are next in line, God’s remarkable gift to me. I promise to protect, honor, and cherish you for the rest of our lives. - Robert Wolgemuth
The whole purpose of education is to transfer and transform knowledge for the future generations so that they can transcend their lives and humanity as a whole. - Debasish Mridha
We need dualities or opposites to appreciate, understandand recognize value and distinction in our lives. If we did not have bitter, we could not appreciate sweet.... - I. Alan Appt
We All hate our Daily Lives, That why We Fantasise About that one moment When Fantasy Becomes Our Reality, Then We Love Our Lives - Look Im A Cat
We are all born to fly. Instead, we sit on the branches afraid of the leap into the unknown. But the unknown is where enlightenment lives. Our true nature is the unknown. - Enza Vita
Many use the word Kingdom flippantly. Even though we sing about it in our praise songs, we talk about it in our sermons, yet we seem to still not understand its reality in our daily lives. - Sunday Adelaja
He that lives upon hope will die fasting. - Benjamin Franklin
In an age of rampant chronic disease, reconnecting with the Earth's energy beneath our very feet may provide a way back to better health and keeping our bodies in top condition throughout our lives. - Jed Diamond
We are all accountable for our actions; their affect and influence on our lives and the lives of others. Understanding the true meaning of accountability makes us strong and enables us to learn - Sameh Elsayed
Virtues are the internal qualities that allow us to be our best selves and enable us to lead complete and fulfilling lives. - Jonathan V. Last
Man lives in the house of nature. If he destroys the house, he shall be destroyed as well! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Death, is a beautiful conclusion to these short stories, that which we have so interestingly entitled, lives. - Kiar
Nowadays men lead lives of noisy desperation. - James Thurber
the important people in our lives leave imprints. they may die or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart - Jules Renard
Growing up watching friends grow, from friends to lovers. Opens the eyes of many every time. Proving in this lifetime, real love still lives. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
Things don't fall apart. Things hold. Lines connect in thin ways that last and last and lives become generations made out of pictures and words just kept. - Lucille Clifton
Friends come in and out of our lives, like busboys in a restaurant. - Stephen King
I'm more interested in arousing enthusiasm in kids than in teaching the facts. The facts may change, but that enthusiasm for exploring the world will remain with them the rest of their lives. - Seymour Simon
Let others lead small lives, but not you.. Let others argue over small things, but not you.. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you. - Jim Rohn
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
[I] never talk about gratitude and joy separately, for this reason. In 12 years, I've never interviewed a single person who would describe their lives as joyful, who would describe themselves as joyous, who was not actively practicing gratitude. - Brené Brown
Praying about everything in our lives and keeping quiet can keep us out of a lot of trouble. - Amanda Penland
When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. - Ezra Taft Benson
On the 25th anniversary of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, let us remember that we have a chance to save lives! If we don't take it, we may regret it! - Widad Akreyi
We do not owe any soul, except that which played the most vital role in our lives. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The life of the enemy . Whoever lives for the sake of combating an enemy has an interest in the enemy's staying alive. - Friedrich Nietzsche
If a child lives with approval, he learns to live with himself.
...But today it is the United States that lives in infamy, as its government adopts the foreign policies of Imperial Japan.
The United States Congress, like a lot of rich people, lives in two houses.
Only those of us live for centuries that decided not to live in their short lives. - M.F. Moonzajer
You have a chance to save lives! If you don't take it, you may regret it! - Widad Akreyi
It is always the simple things that change our lives. And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things. - Donald Miller
Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential. - Ayn Rand
A hero lives forever for the ones who carry on. - Heather Dale
Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in. - Amy Lowell
He that lives on hope will die fasting. - American Proverb
To maximize our lives we think that we should get up and join in the race. Yet, we rarely consider that maybe it’s less about joining a race and more about actually creating one. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Difficult times are pregnant with glory moments just waiting to be birthed in the lives of those willing to labor through the pain. - Sharon Jaynes
I know many lives worth living. - Mary Oliver
Whatever Jesus lays His hands upon, lives. If He lays is hands upon a marriage, it lives. If He is allowed to lay His hands on the family, it lives. - Howard W. Hunter
Most people do not take care of their lives, because they don’t value life - Sunday Adelaja
It is not the balance in your check book that makes life count. It is the investment one makes in the lives of others. - John Paul Warren
One lives in the hope of becoming a memory. - Antonio Porchia
When we are young we think our troubles a mighty business that the world is spread out expressly as a stage for the particular drama of our lives and that we have a right to rant and foam at the mouth if we are crossed. I have done enough of that in my time. - George Eliot
The closer we try to get to God, the more we will hate to sin in our own lives, the more we are saddened by the thoughts that runs through our minds. I also think that the more we draw closer to God, the more God will honour us and will open doors for the right things to happen in our life. - Patience Johnson
The images of Myth are reflections of Spiritual and Depth potentialities of every one of us. Through contemplating those we evoke those powers in our own lives to operate through ourselves. - Joseph Campbell
If the baser instinct of rampant self-preservation adamantly refuses to surrender itself to the infinitely greater call of self-sacrifice, in attempting to save our lives we will have in reality completely destroyed our lives. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Reproductive freedom is critical to a whole range of issues. If we can’t take charge of this most personal aspect of our lives, we can’t take care of anything. It should not be seen as a privilege or as a benefit, but a fundamental human right. - Faye Wattleton
Rape is a more heinous crime than murder since the rape victim dies throughout the period she lives. - Amit Abraham
Tomorrow, said the voice of fear in her head. It always said tomorrow, whether it talked about going to the grocery store or starting a new painting. Tomorrow you'll be brave, fear whispered. Tomorrow you'll be normal. Just give me today. That was how fear stole whole lives away. - Dana Morton
Most people who spend their lives are dreaming of having a summer house somewhere in the suburb of their city where they could lie in the hot sun all day long, drinking coffee and juice. They think they are enjoying life, but really they are spending life. - Sunday Adelaja
It doesn't cost anything to be a good person, but yet there are toxic people around us that will try to tax our lives. - Ron Baratono
Angels are showing up in our lives as friends. We just have to recognize them. - Debasish Mridha
Happiness is an art and the one who knows this art lives happily even if they don't have anything. - Raaz Ojha
I’ve realized the most effective writing and living are done when we are willing to be vulnerable. I think we spend most of our lives trying to cover up our insecurities. - Katie Kiesler
Some people live such boring lives; it’s Black & White, so dead! I choose to color my life with Fun, some Blue, some Green, some Red. - RVM
In the midst of our lives we must find the One who tends to our scars, mends our hearts, and heals our souls. - Aisha Mirza
Repression is not the way to virtue. When people restrain themselves out of fear, their lives are by necessity diminished. Only through freely chosen discipline can life be enjoyed and still kept within the bounds of reason. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Think not of the fragility of life, but of the power of books, when mere words have the ability to change our lives simply by being next to each other. - Kamand Kojouri
As we come marching, marching, we battle too for men,For they are women's children, and we mother them again.Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes;Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses! - James Oppenheim
I am still hoping to see an America that would gradually move beyond race, only in times when old ideas would no longer lives and the new will grow with the young generation. - Henry Johnson Jr
It is the beauty of life that makes our lives worth living. - Debasish Mridha
Death is more uni­ver­sal than life; everyone dies but not every­one lives. - Alan Sachs
Getting all emotionally wrapped up in made-up people's lives gives me a chance to take a break from my own life [...]. - Arlaina Tibensky
It is not possible to be 'incidentally a Christian.' The fact of Christianity must be overwhelmingly first or nothing. This suggests a reason for the dislike of Christians by nominal or non-Christians: their lives contain no overwhelming first but many balances. - Sheldon Vanauken
Don't resist the urge to burn down the stronghold, kill off the main love interest or otherwise foul up the lives of your characters. - Patricia Hamill
No...he lives to create art, but he loves to murder. - Mo'Dayvia La'Beija
Please don't ask me to remember things that are going on around me... I have a dozen other lives I do that for every day in my head. - Jennifer Byars
Sometimes things happen in our lives that wake us up to the truth, about how short life is. It’s then we wonder why we spent so much wasted time looking too far into the future. - Ron Baratono
Politics is not about big money or power games; it's about the improvement of people's lives - Paul Wellstone
Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk. - Joan Erickson
Kindness is an act to transform lives. - Lailah Gifty Akita
when at times to remind us of the blessings we have been giventhen we are more likely to understand how special our lives areit's not by chance as some would maybe believebut the grand design of love and fulfillment,... - levi paul taylor
With grace and gratitude, great lives evolve. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you ask what's your problem, most people won't be able to tell, yet they live miserable lives. - Saurabh Gupta Earth5R
We meet no ordinary people in our lives. - C.S. Lewis
Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future. - Brian Tracy
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
The love, loyalty, and dedication of Mary and Joseph are an example for all Christian couples, who are neither the friends nor masters of their children’s lives, but the guardians of this incomparable gift from God. - Pope Benedict XVI
It’s not words, but years we should be editing. Remember: time spent on bad art is a form of redundancy, doing the same thing twice is a form of tautology, and wasting precious moments complaining about life is a form of pleonasm. We should all learn to live our lives concisely. - Anthony Marais
Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. - Victor Hugo
Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks. - Karl Marx
Sometimes there are things in our lives that aren’t meant to stay. Sometimes the changes we don’t want are the changes we need to grow." - W.J. Dlor - Wilfred James Dolor
God is writing His story on the pages of our lives. - Rick Anderson
You are the enemy and a vessel through which the cure flows - if Christ lives in you, then you are an embodiment of the very shot this hostile and crying world needs as it, in every waking moment, struggles belligerently to resist. - Criss Jami
Sometimes the very things that we’re expending our lives to sustain are the very things that are killing our ability to live. And against our blind and frequently raging protests, these are the very things that God let’s die so that we can live. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I had rather that the human race, having a certain quality in their lives, should continue for only a few centuries than that, losing freedom, friendship, dignity, and mercy, and learning to be quite content without them, they should continue for millions of millennia. - C.S. Lewis
He lives who dies to win a lasting name. - Henry Drummond
The more things we accumulate, the more cluttered our lives become, and the more stressed we feel as we are compelled to think about them. Life is about people not about things. - Natalie Vellacott
Nothing changes more constantly than the past; for the past that influences our lives does not consist of what actually happened, but of what men believe happened. - Gerald White Johnson
Magic is not just for the entertainment, but to inspire people to be creative enough with their lives. - Amit Kalantri
There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. - Sophia Loren
Mindset fuels behavior... Great lives, great relationships, great businesses, and great love stories are cultivated from within. - Steve Maraboli
Every new book we read in our brief and busy lives means that a classic is left unread. - B.R. Myers
Think about it: Here you are, two ambitious, opinionated, stressed-out adults, trying to live in the same house together, prosper together, maybe raise kids together, and, with any luck, take pleasure in spending the rest of your natural-born lives together. This is not easy. - Paula Szuchman ; Jenny Anderson
It's paramount we take ownership of our lives. Sadness is greatly due to our having sacrificed ourselves over to a power outside of ourselves. We need to be proactive in creating positive thoughts and actions that will align ourselves with where we want to be and what we want to feel in life. - Kaiden Blake
The topics we learn from our four core subjects during our childhood and adolescent stage of our lives help us to understand the norms of common knowledge and take pride of our citizenship. - Saaif Alam
A doctor saves lives -- It's up to people to create lives that are worth saving. - Philip Gold
We shape our lives around words, words whose meanings are always changing. - Marty Rubin
The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others. - Robert Baden-Powell
We have become so politically correct in this society it is causing us to become more and more incorrect; this is costing us lives. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
We fill our lives with meaning by serving endlessly and by learning to transcend our consciousness to a higher consciousness. - Debasish Mridha
People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That’s how they define Reality. But what does it mean to be correct or true? Merely vague concepts… Their Reality may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs? - Masashi Kishimoto
Most often we forget to live our lives by being too busy passing the time. - Debasish Mridha
I think there are lots of ways of leading very good lives and growing spiritually. This process of growth goes on whether we believe it or not. - Jim Henson
The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. - Marilyn Ferguson
The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose - especially their lives. - Eugene V. Debs
It feels good not to think about anything that wears on me. We all need that kind of of room in our lives. - Ron Baratono
He lived decades ago,she lives at the moment.A very saddening reality for her. - S G
Some day soon," Lance said, "you'll walk out of here and have to decide how you're going to live the rest of your lives. Will you be defined by what other people see, or by the essence of your soul? - Andrew Davidson
The poor on the borderline of starvation live purposeful lives. To be engaged in a desperate struggle for food and shelter is to be wholly free from a sense of futility. - Eric Hoffer
The intrinsic and extrinsic heart is always at odds, so which heart is yours? For one will bask in true joy, while the other lives in self-loathing misery. - Joel T. McGrath
Hope, Glory and Victory over All the Lives of Life,Religious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansReligion of Blue CircleBabajiOctober 9, 2016 - Petra Hermans
PILLORY, n. A mechanical device for inflicting personal distinction -- prototype of the modern newspaper conducted by persons of austere virtues and blameless lives. - Ambrose Bierce
...for no man lives in the external truth among salts and acids, but in the warm, phantasmagoric chamber of his brain, with the painted windows and the storied wall. - Robert Louis Stevenson
There lives a weeperin each of us-a silent mourner honoring our despairwhen our willingness slain by helplessness continues to resurrect to be slaughtered again - Munia Khan
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children. - Clarence Darrow
If, after all, men cannot always make history have meaning, they can always act so that their own lives have one. - Albert Camus
For the hundreds of thousands of Californians in gay and lesbian households who are managing their day-to-day lives, this decision affirms the full legal protections and safeguards I believe everyone deserves. - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Every night I tell my children all of the things that I love about them. I tell them how proud I am of their accomplishments and how much better our lives have been since they were born. I hope they will always realize how much they are loved and valued. I feel so blessed that they are in my life. - Tom Giaquinto
We don't read novels to have an experience like life. Heck, we're living lives, complete with all the incompleteness. We turn to fiction to have an author assure us that it means something. - Orson Scott Card
We would not be who we are today if it had not been for the lives that we have lived. - Desmond Bournon
We try to grab pieces of our lives as they speed past us. Photographs freeze those pieces and help us remember how we were. We don't know these lost people but if you look around, you'll find someone just like them. - Gene McSweeney
There are some bad people on the rise;they're saving their own skins by ruining people's lives. - Morrissey
Maybe we ought to consider that sometimes the most destructive outcomes in our lives are the ones that we’ve created. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away. - Gene Roddenberry
May our lives reflect God's love and light. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It is tha action that we're taking NOWThat will determine our FUTURE lives. - Thomas Arnalsteen
The world is a better place to live in because it contains human beings who will give up ease and security and stake their own lives in order to do what they themselves think worth doing. - Walter Lippmann
And all Negroes at some period of their lives there is that yearning for a sense of group unity that is the yearning of men for a flag: for a unity that cannot be compromised, that cannot be bought; that is conscious of itself, of its strength, that is militant. - Ralph Ellison
While looking down memory lane, I realized that I have had an unusual and extraordinary life at times. Then it dawned on me, maybe it's because I'm supposed to help unusual and extraordinary lives. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
People can change their external lives with religion, but a lasting internal change only happens through a daily relationship with Jesus. - Alisa Hope Wagner
The purpose of our lives is to be happy-Dalai Lama - Dalai Lama XIV
Our lives reflect our inner image. If we think we’re worth it, that worth will manifest in our lives. If we think we’re not worthy, we’ll live in lack. Believe your worth it and you will become worth it. - Toni Sorenson
our life does not belong to us any more, it is now the life of Jesus Christ that lives in us. - Sunday Adelaja
He who loves, lives longer. - Debasish Mridha
On a daily basis, people lose their lives, they lose their health, they lose their families, and they lose their children, only because they refuse to have a corresponding knowledge to what they possess in hand. - Sunday Adelaja
Every one lives by selling something, whatever be his right to it. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishfull thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.
Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty... Were it otherwise he would never have been able to find those words. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Openness is also an acceptance that just as you have the inherent right to create your life as you see fit, so others have the same right with their own lives, even if their design differs from yours greatly. - Stephen Richards
May the knowledge of the Gospel, the power of salvation transform our lives to walk in the light. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Someone who lives meaningfully for 30 years has lived a much longer Life than one who drifted through Life for 60 years.- - RVM
Sometimes I live in the universe. Sometimes the universe lives in me. - Debasish Mridha
Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.
The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die. - Edward M. Kennedy
Failure comes into our lives not to fail us, but it comes to make us wiser and stronger through the lessons of life. - Debasish Mridha
The scriptures are the instruments and how to use these instruments is a science itself. One goes wandering around for infinite lives because he doesn’t have the knowledge of this science! - Dada Bhagwan
Hope is the whisper of our heart about the possibilities of our lives. - Debasish Mridha
A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. - Jackie Robinson
Life is pain and everyone dies, but true love lives forever. - J.T. Geissinger
Live as many lives as you can. - Sanober Khan
In our own lives, we will try something new and, finding that it isn't easy for us, we conclude we don't have a talent for it. - Geoff Colvin
I know it's the belief that women should never show daring in front of men. Never be bold when men hesitate. I know flight is not the answer; even to save our lives. - Empress Theodora
The real power of a leader is in the number of minds he can reach, hearts he can touch, souls he can move, and lives he can change. - Matshona Dhliwayo
We don't experience our professional and personal lives as separate worlds; they are intertwined and holistic. - Tom Hayes
When we have faith and discipline everything becomes easier. Patience is the mother of all virtues. With anxiety all our lives become worse. - Chico Xavier
We might not be able to change the entire world but we can surely leave a mark by positively touching people's lives one at a time. - Lyra Parish
If we live our lives looking for the excitement and exhilaration that change can bring, we will be much happier than when we are eventually forced to accept it anyways. - Daniel Willey
Philosophy has no value in a true sense, but it adds and defines value to our lives. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves. - Walter Anderson
He who lives little, changes little. - Anatole France
We really can’t afford to live our lives walking in some sort of introspective darkness as if the darkness is the only thing that we can walk in. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Without darkness, we may never know how bright the stars shine. Without battles, we could not know what victory feels like. Without adversity, we may never appreciate the abundance in our lives. Be thankful, not only for the easy times, but for every experience that has made you who you are. - Julie-Anne
Consider meekness as a character trait to develop and then you will leave a leagcy as a leader who influenced and touched lives. - -Shandel Slaten
History shapes the lives of all men, women and children ... sometimes unraveling humanity into an undesired mess. - Lynda I Fisher
The mathematician lives long and lives young; the wings of his soul do not early drop off, nor do its pores become clogged with the earthy particles blown from the dusty highways of vulgar life.
If I knew your thoughts, I would know what you are, for your thoughts make you who you are. By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. - Dale Carnnegie
Nothing comes to our lives without a reason; accept it with love and kindness. - Debasish Mridha
Young people: They care. They know that this is the world that they're going to grow up in, that they're going to spend the rest of their lives in. But, I think it's more idealistic than that. They actually believe that humanity, human species, has no right to destroy and despoil regardless. - David Attenborough
Blessed are those who encounter a mystery in their lives because they obtain a big opportunity to live the great joy of solving puzzles! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you and I are to live religious lives, it mustn't be that we talk a lot about religion, but that our manner of life is different. It is my belief that only if you try to be helpful to other people will you in the end find your way to God. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Every individual lives their life with some bitter past....!!So do I... - Gargi Pattanayak
A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted. You should live several lives while reading it." -- (born June 11 1925) - William Styron
When people view their lives as insignificant, they escape using pleasure. - Moxie Will
People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
We make time for what we truly value. We build habits and routines around the things that really matter to us. This is an important principle to understand as we seek to build our lives around the gospel. Do you want a cross centered life? A cross centered life is made up of cross centered days. - C.J. Mahaney
I am reminded that the children we birth do not belong to us. They belong to God. We are simply the vessel through which they arrive on this earth. We are appointed to care for and guide them; however, we must recognize when the time comes for them to govern their own lives. - Nancy B. Brewer
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. - William Shakespeare
Everyone enjoys being acknowledged and appreciated. Sometimes even the simplest act of gratitude can change someone's entire day. Take the time to recognize and value the people around you and appreciate those who make a difference in your lives. - Roy T. Bennett
When every woman goes within, nurtures her true self and lives her passion, the whole world shifts. - Tonya Sheridan
A pumpkin lives but once a year when someone sets its soul afire and on that night it stirs up fear until its flame is snuffed.But e'en one night of eerie light is fright enough. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Every man dies. Not every man really lives. - William Wallace
When we seek for connection, we restore the world to wholeness. Our seemingly separate lives become meaningful as we discover how truly necessary we are to each other. - Margaret Wheatley
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is unrelenting in seeking to convert every area of our hearts and lives. The Gospel is all-encompassing. It is in fact the only source of godliness. Search anywhere else, and you have nothing more than self-reform at best and idolatry at its worst. - Barbara Hughes
you live through . . . that little piece of time that is yours, but that piece of time is not only your own life, it is the summing-up of all the other lives that are simultaneous with yours. It is, in other words, History, and what you are is an expression of History. - Robert Penn Warren
With every sunrise, our hearts sing with joy, our minds dance with love, and our lives get energized with new life. - Debasish Mridha
Many women arrange their lives around the people they love. Unfortunately, that arrangement takes up most of our days. - Holly Robinson
It is in his pleasure that a man really lives; it is from his leisure that he constructs the true fabric of self. - Agnes Repplier
You know, I think that if parents would spend less time worrying about what their kids watch on TV and more time worrying about what's going on in their kids' lives, this world would be a much better place. - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
The most important lesson that we're supposed to be learning right now is how completely lost we are without God. If we don't learn this lesson, then our lives are going to have zero meaning. (Stronger: Forty Days of Metal and Spirituality) - Brian "Head" Welch
Tomorrow's world can not exist without morals, without faith and memory. Cynicism, narrow interests and cowardice must not occupy our lives. - King Michael of Romania
Fight on, brave knights! Man dies, but glory lives! Fight on; death is better than defeat! Fight on brave knights! for bright eyes behold your deeds! - Walter Scott
I would give up, but that will teach my kids that it's okay to be a failure and I refuse to ruin their lives like that! - Mignon' Talise Padilla
I read so I might live a thousand lives in a lifetime. I write to control the particulars in those lives. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Some of us find our lives abridged even before the paperback comes out. - Berkeley Breathed
Maybe I did hurt him, but I don’t think I could have hurt him much. He was one of the best-protected human beings who ever lives. People couldn’t get at him because he just wasn’t interested in people. - Kurt Vonnegut
People whose lives were determined for them by a group of politicians whose severing, dissecting and reattaching of their lands has turned their world into a monster that not even its creator can control. - Aysha Taryam
An author is a fool who, not content with boring those he lives with, insists on boring future generations. - Charles de Montesquieu
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents and the last half by our children. - Clarence Darrow
The only person who lives in the PRESENT is perhaps Daily Wage Earner with no bank balance and security amount, for he doesn't worry about the future. - Anuj Somany
The wisest use of these skills is to develop habits, lives, and loves, not to use them just occasionally in single interactions. - Ron McMillan
I'm the most important person in the lives of almost everyone I know and a good number of the people I've never even met. - David Sedaris
Something is significantly wrong with the creature that sacrifices its children's lives in order to settle its differences. - Suzanne Collins
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