Quotation Explorer - 'Sucking'

It doesn't matter who started it or what it's really about...war usually ends up sucking most for women. Even when we're not fighting the battles ourselves, we somehow always end up with the lion's share of the suffering. - Brian K. Vaughan
If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking , they can make you laugh. - P.C. Cast
I crave the sweet surrender of sleep and my dreams' uncensored communication: no tiresome small talk, sucking up to impress, or tiptoeing around charged topics. Dreams are the naked truth; get ready for it. - Judith Orloff
Misogyny… is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it. - Joss Whedon
One day I might feel Mean,And squinched up inside,Like a mouth sucking on a Lemon.The next day I couldFeelWhole and happyAnd right,Like an unbitten apple. - Mary Neville
The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'. - Larry Hardiman
If blood can produce money through rituals or the so-called human sacrifice, then it is the basis on which we live, so it is very essential to save and protect it from the fiendish eyes of blood sucking predators. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Like a tenacious ivy, your presence clings onto the drab wall of my existence. Cling harder onto me love, like a blood sucking bed-bug who is never satiated. - Malak El Halabi
Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks. - Karl Marx
Secret 3963. It’s only a sucking chest wound if you’re not the shooter. - The Covert Comic
Poetry is not the most important thing in life... I'd much rather lie in a hot bath reading Agatha Christie and sucking sweets. - Dylan Thomas
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