Quotation Explorer - 'Confronted'

A pessimist, confronted with two bad choices, chooses both. - Jewish Proverb
It is when we are confronted with...poignant reminders of mortality that we become most aware of the strangeness and wonder of our brief life on Earth. - Kathleen Basford
The immediate reactions of the two superpower leaders when confronted with the gravest international crisis of their careers were much the same, shock, wounded pride, grim determination, and barely repressed fear. - Michael Dobbs
A phased decision can avoid there being a key moment when the moral issue about killing civilians has to be confronted. - Jonathan Glover
The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it. - Edward R. Murrow
Scientists are in the strange position of being confronted daily by the indisputable fact of their own consciousness, yet with no way of explaining it. - Christian de Quincey
Confronted with the choice, the American people would choose the policeman's truncheon over the anarchist's bomb.
There is a thin line between confidence, and arrogance. Sadly those people who have no confidence often confuse the two when confronted with a person who possesses belief in themselves. - Sai Marie Johnson
I believe challenges are God's way of strengthening us mentally and spiritually, and yes, physically. After having won each challenge that confronted us, we are wiser and stronger. - Ellen J. Barrier
Misogyny… is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it. - Joss Whedon
The truth is that the world is full of dragons, and none of us are as powerful or cool as we’d like to be. And that sucks. But when you’re confronted with that fact, you can either crawl into a hole and quit, or you can get out there, take off your shoes, and Bilbo it up. - Patrick Rothfuss
Words are powerless when confronted by catastrophe; they're pitiable, wretched, and easily distorted - Aharon Appelfeld
I had never confronted my parents with the true feelings I had for them, and I had certainly never expressed the depth of my feeling for my mother, being too selfish to try when I should have. - Brooke Hayward
We are confronted with insurmountable opportunities. - Walt Kelly
Don’t be afraid of criticism; the tallest trees are always confronted by the strongest winds. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Confronted with such flagrant acts of intolerance—such abuses of the freedom of speech—a free society must surely do more. For intolerance is the one thing a free society cannot afford to tolerate. - Ayaan Hiri Ali
Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love. - Mahatma Gandhi
Most men claim to desire driven, independent and confident women. Yet when confronted with such a creature reverence often evolves into resent. For just like women, men need to be needed. - Tiffany Madison
Black Friday (AKA Zombie Apocalypse)Is an event of subset half-dead human like beings confronted with ravenous bloodthirsty monsters preparing to pummel down the doors mid-afternoon on Thanksgiving Day. - Sage R Fury
When a child is forced to prove himself as capable, results are often disastrous. A child needs love, acceptance, and understanding. He is devastated when confronted with rejection, doubts, and never ending testing. - Virginia M. Axline
Because the fact of not being understood by other people had become my only real source of pride, I was never confronted by any impulse to express things and to make others understand something that I knew. - Yukio Mishima
The passion of the collector when confronted with a rare item, the enthusiasm of a hunter who sees a fine, handsome beast, can give us no idea of the tremendous love of clothes in some women. - Benito Pérez Galdós
Most people are asleep and need to be confronted, like adults that are still behaving like they're 5 years old, and don't want to assume responsibility for their mistakes. - Robin Sacredfire
When confronted with fear, remember that your purpose is bigger than anything that may try to stop you. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
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