"Do you know what a pessimist is?" "A man who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself, and hates them for it." - George Bernard Shaw
No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit. - Helen Keller
The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised. - George F. Will
The optimist sees the donut, the pessimist sees the hole. - Oscar Wilde
An optimist sees a failure as an opportunity to excel, but a pessimist sees a failure as an opportunity to quit. - Debasish Mridha
A pessimist is a person who has had to listen to too many optimist. - Don Marquis
A pessimist is a person who has to listen to too many optimists. - Don Marquis
One can be a pessimist in thought but not in action. - Marty Rubin
A pessimist finds the darkness around the light but an optimist becomes the light in the darkness. - Debasish Mridha
A pessimist sees the darkness around the light, but an optimist looks for the light in the darkness. - Debasish Mridha
No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit - Helen Keller
One can be a pessimist in thought, but not in action. - Marty Rubin
For an optimist life is beautiful, for a pessimist life is beautiful for the fool. - Debasish Mridha
A pessimist is a man who looks both ways before crossing a one way street. - Laurence J. Peter
The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.
The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious of the rose. - Kahlil Gibran
A pessimist is a man who tells the truth prematurely. - Cyrano de Bergerac
If a pessimist is always right, is he a realist? - Unknown
The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true.
There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist, except an old optimist. - Mark Twain
When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It's all a matter of perspective. - Harvey MacKay
A pessimist is a man who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself, and hates them for it. - George Bernard Shaw
When men have come to the edge of a precipice, it is the lover of life who has the spirit to leap backwards, and only the pessimist who continues to believe in progress. - G.K. Chesterton
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. - Winston S. Churchill
In the Soviet Union we have a saying, a pessimist is someone who believes things can't get any worse. An optimist thinks maybe they can. - Abel Aganbegyan
An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stoplight. . . The truly wise person is colorblind. - Albert Schweitzer
Do you know what a pessimist is? A person who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself and hates them for it. - George Bernard Shaw
A pessimist is a man who has been compelled to live with an optimist. - Elbert Hubbard
No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit. - Helen Keller
Many an optimist has become rich by buying out a pessimist. - Robert G. Allen
A pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun - and neither can stop the march of events.
The pessimist may call the optimist a fool; but who is more foolish, the happy individual who expects more happiness or the one who fills his life with bitterness and has only more despair to look forward to? - Wayne Gerard Trotman
The optimist thinks that this is the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist knows it. - J. Robert Oppenheimer
A pessimist, confronted with two bad choices, chooses both. - Jewish Proverb
I must be an optimist, because a pessimist is never disappointed. - Janis Joplin
An optimist stays up to see the New Year in. A pessimist waits to make sure the old one leaves. - Bill Vaughan
I am by nature an optimist and by intellectual conviction a pessimist. - William Golding
The man who is a pessimist before 48 knows too much; if he is an optimist after it he knows too little. - Mark Twain
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. - Harry S Truman
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. - Leonard Louis Levinson
A pessimist is someone who has forgotten the joy of beginning. - Marty Rubin
The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision. - William Arthur Ward
The optimist sees the glass as half full, the pessimist as half empty. What I see is water that can save someone's life. - Abhijit Naskar
The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true. - James Branch Cabell
A pessimist thinks everybody is as nasty as himself, and hates them for it. - George Bernard Shaw
A pessimist is never disappointed.
Believe. No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted island, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit. - Helen Keller
A pessimist says the glass is half empty, an optimist says the glass is half full, and an engineer says the glass is too big. - Scott Edward Shjefte