Quotation Explorer - 'Sight'

If you want to know your true opinion of someone, watch the effect produced in you by the first sight of a letter from him. - Arthur Schopenhauer
In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. - Jalaluddin Rumi
I suppose it's unfair, tricks of argument that leave wounds, but with this sort of thing that (C.S.) Lewis does, what I feel is a craftsman's joy at the sight of a superior performance. - Joy Davidman
Too large a proportion of recent "mathematical" economics are mere concoctions, as imprecise as the initial assumptions they rest on, which allow the author to lose sight of the complexities and interdependencies of the real world in a maze of pretentious and unhelpful symbols. - John Maynard Keynes
And so people ask God for signs and wonders. Yet when signs are given and wonders are performed, most can't even see them! I therefore believe that it's not signs people should be asking God for; but you should be asking God for Sight! - C. JoyBell C.
I had sex with Jett because I was attracted to him. Jett hired me because he wanted me. It was lust at first sight. - J.C. Reed
In a heated argument we are apt to lose sight of the truth. - Publilius Syrus
After years in utter darkness, I force my eyes into the light. For I must retain my sight, that I might view the wholeness of the void, objectively. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. - André Gide
at first sight everyone seems like human. - Arzum Uzun
The process of falling in love at first sight is as final as it is swift in such a case, but the growth of true friendship may be a lifelong affair. - Sarah Orne Jewett
Time? Time freezesas they gazeinto each other's eyes.No beginning, no end,in sight, a deep vast ocean,a universe is reflected.Like a key to a lock,they are.All the days that have been,all the days to come;they stand in a placebeyondand within it all. - Nancy Navene
Our flag is red,white, and blue. But our nation is a rainbow-Red,Yellow,brown,black, and white-and we're all precious in God's sight.
Still, she stood looking fabulous like a princess should, licking her blood red lips the moment she laid her eyes on the beautiful prince. It was appetite on first sight. - Cameron Jace
No sight better expresses the politics of aid, the dynamics of the West and the developing countries, than the image of children, happy or in need. - Zia Haider Rahman
The most pathetic person in the world is some one who has sight but no vision. - Helen Keller
We are currently facing countless hurdles and obstacles, BUT will never lose the sight of infinite hope. - Widad Akreyi
The light shines in the soul, awaken the spirit and gives clearer sight. - Lailah Gifty Akita
But yield who will to their separation, My object in living is to uniteMy avocation and my vocationAs my two eyes make one in sight. - Robert Frost
dont harden your heart; because of the past, it'll block your sight, of a positive future. - Nikki Rowe
It was a sign of how worried and confused I was that I wasn’t completely distracted by the sight of his powerful thighs flexed in front of me. - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
Grab your pen! Grab your sword! Eviscerate small minds with pinpoint force of mental might. Victory is in horizon's sight! - A.H. Scott
Women have face-lifts in a society in which women without them appear to vanish from sight. - Naomi Wolf
You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. - William Faulkner
I was to discover that the quest for human understanding is a lifetime one that has no end in sight. - Margaret Bourke-White
There are many degrees of sight and many degrees of blindness. What senses do we lack that we cannot see another world all around us? - Frank Herbert
Don't tell me you're not beautiful. You're the kind of beautiful the blind would see if we could figure out some way to give them three seconds of sight. - Shane L. Koyczan
Never lose sight of this important truth, that no one can be truly great until he has gained a knowledge of himself, a knowledge which can only be acquired by occasional retirement. - Johann Georg von Zimmermann
I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing that it was all started by a mouse. - Walt Disney Company
All kinds of beauty do not inspire love; there is a kind which only pleases the sight, but does not captivate the affections. - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
For every person who rides with a moral high-horse, they also have a dead horse that they haven't fed lying somewhere out of sight. - Zack W. Van
For ages past the Genius of Literature and the Genius of Art have walked together hand in hand. For the Goddess of letters is blind, and only she of Art can lend her sight. - Howard Pyle
When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of Creation is completed inside us, the doors of our souls fly open, and love steps forth to heal everything in sight.
I fixed my eyes on the larget cloud, as if, when it passed out of my sight, I might have the good luck to pass with it. - Sylvia Plath
Without pleasure there is no sight or measure. - Dejan Stojanovic
Do not let the endless succession of small things crowd great ideals out of sight and out of mind. - Charlotte M. Mason
What then remains, but well our power to use,And keep good humour still whate’er we lose?And trust me, dear, good humour can prevail,When airs, and flights, and screams, and scolding fail.Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll;Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul - Alexander Pope
When you see no present advantage, walk by faith and not by sight. Do God the honor to trust Him when it comes to matters of loss for the sake of principle. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible to feelings as to sight? - William Shakespeare
As for Gussie Finknottle, many an experienced undertaker would have been deceived by his appearance and started embalming on sight. - P.G. Wodehouse
I am tired of the sickening sight of the battlefield with its mangled corpses & poor suffering wounded. Victory has no charms for men when purchased at such cost. - Civil War general George McClelland, quoted in Surgeon in Blue
My knees will not tremble at the sight of a King but I will kneel down before a man of humility. - Princess Maleiha Bajunaid Candao
It’s easy to get caught up in where the world is going and lose sight of the direction we were headed. - Terry A. O'Neal
I think sometimes we spend so much time trying to find out who we are we lose sight of who we want to be - Anonymous
Like those in the valley behind us, most people stand in sight of the spiritual mountains all their lives and never enter them, being content to listen to others who have been there and thus avoid the hardships. - Robert M. Pirsig
She was a phantom of delight When first she gleam'd upon my sight; A lovely apparition, sent To be a moment's ornament. - William Wordsworth
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. - Vincent Van Gogh
You can change any status quo, stand out, walk by faith and not by sight and things will definitely go well with you. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Take the high road. People will rise up to join you or fall out of sight. - Shannon L. Alder
How can you fall in love at first sight when you can't even see? - Melinda Cross
Most people have the blindness of new-born things - a not-incurable blindness, the sight being there but its use not known. - Josephine Johnson
A creative thought at first sight seems ridiculous and unimportant, an increase in those who cherish it reassures that hiding your creativity hides you for the rest of your life. - Michael Bassey Johnson
In your daily life, let your destined visions be farther than your gifted sight and your ultimate joy be vibrant than your demeaning worries. Think big, dream big. - Israelmore Ayivor
We feel a private thrill, admit it, at the sight of beauty in flames. We wish to blast all the fine old things to oblivion and replace them with tasteless identicalstructures. - Don DeLillo
Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. - Amy Bloom
You must know where you're and see what's ahead of you, by doing that you'll be able to achieve your dreams and goals. This sort of journey is called the power of sight and the power of imagination. Without the capacity of imagination the future is doomed. - Euginia Herlihy
Only when the lion is out of sight can you raise your fist at him. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things. - Miyamoto Musashi
I was planning a death, not a burglary, but in many ways that just made it easier. Taking a life was, in my experience, a damned sight less complicated than taking jewels from a hidden strongbox. - Michael McClung
It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but it was deeper than that. A sense of belonging to a place I never knew I wanted but somehow always needed. It was a home that carried a heartbeat. - Nikki Rowe
Worry adds no hours to a day, nor happiness to a smile, so it is not worth succumbing to, especially when it obscures the sight of potential. - Johnathan Jena
It gets you nowhere if the other person's tail is only just in sight for the second half of the conversation.
Who ever loved that loved not at first sight? - William Shakespeare
never sacrifice yourself for love, remember it should improve your vision not change your sight - Nikki Rowe
1 Corinthians 3:18-19Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become 'fools' so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. - Anonymous
Dear God, I am only what you made me and I appreciate everything that you gave me, but like, I don't want to do it any more, sort of lost sight of what I'm doing it for. - Nicki Minaj
With sight you can see things, andwith insight you can see through things.Sight is the voice of you telling yourself, and insight is the voice of God telling you. - Starlet Rice
The easiest mistake to make is to lose sight of your goal. Failure is temporary, but quitting is permanent. Choose wisely. - Kevin J. Donaldson
One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. - Andre Gide
Is there anything worse than being blind? Yes, a man with sight and no vision. - Helen Keller
We walk by faith, not by sight. - Bible
Eli: I walk by faith, not by sight. - Book of Eli Movie
In every story there is a silence, some sight concealed, some word unspoken, I believe. Till we have spoken the unspoken we have not come to the heart of the story. - J.M. Coetzee
It's not love at first sight, it's having the sight, to distinguish true love, from just mere beauty. - Anthony Liccione
There is a stream of things entering into being, and time is a raging torment; for no sooner does each thing enter our sight than it has been swept away, and another is passing in it's place, and that too will be swept away.
Friends are hard to find. In a lifetime you only get a few. And when you find them, you always know them by sight and heart alone, you always grow a little bit taller in your soul, and you know you have been blessed just to know them. - Ashley Rice
He smiled then, and that smile was like the sunset, stretching from one end of her existence to the other, lighting her way not by sight, but with a slow kindle inside she knew would never leave her bereft for the sun's warmth. - Joey W. Hill
Sentiment has never been unpopular except with a few sick persons who are made sicker by the sight of a child, a glimpse of a wedding, or the thought of a happy home. - Oscar Hammerstein II
We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a great distance, not by virtue of any sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.
I started concentrating so hard on my vision that I lost sight. - Robin Green
When two men are together, one of them may see some opportunity which the other has not caught sight of; if a man is alone he is less full of resource, and his wit is weaker. - Homer
A man in love is an awful sight. - Agatha Christie
Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God. - Thomas à Kempis
I am aware, of course, that many men do hate the sight of their wife and children. Doctors even have a name for these people: 'anglers'. - Jeremy Clarkson
Lords of spirit, Lords of breath,Lords of fireflies, stars, and light,Who will keep the world from death?Who will stop the coming night?Blue eyes, blue eyes, have the sight. - Madeleine L'Engle
While sitting in the darkness in complete silence, I never realized how much there was to see and hear. There is sight and sound in darkness and silence. Learn to look and listen. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many. - J.R.R. Tolkien
when the picture is too close to your face you lose the sight, when the future is too close to your face you see the light. - Mohlalefi j motsima
Let us feel love, in the sight of our foes.Let our hearts melt, of the sight of hungry ones.Let us sing the music of forgiveness,the melody of love. - M.Padua
We are currently facing many hurdles, BUT will never lose the sight of infinite hope. - Widad Akreyi
Just the sight of one another, just the sight of our smiles was enough to fill our hearts with the joy of seeing each other again. - Sawada Tsunayoshi
Writers should be read but not seen. Rarely are they a winsome sight. - Edna Ferber
There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist, except an old optimist. - Mark Twain
Like a sculptor, if necessary,carve a friend out of stone.Realize that your inner sight is blindand try to see a treasure in everyone. - Jalaluddin Rumi
You must learn to take a step back and visualize the whole piece. If you focus only on the thread given to you, you lose sight of what it can become. - Colleen Houck
As she walks through her problems, miseries and bad days, she couldn't help but notice how her gait has become more poised and elegant. Earlier - she tripped over at the sight of a problem. Now - she keeps her head high and wins over them.Her problems made a woman out of a girl! - Saru Singhal
For if you try to forget yourself, force your heart and thoughts to become indifferent to the sight before you and take share of that entity which seems like one of the courses of the meal. - Auliq Ice
When you don't fight your adversary, you become the coward in the sight of animalistic breeds, but they forget that your real strength stays in the whisper of your voice. - Michael Bassey Johnson
There is no person on earth so bad that he does not have something about him that is praiseworthy. Why is it, then, that we leave the good out of sight and feast our eyes on the unclean things? It is as though we enjoyed only looking at if you will pardon the expression a man's behind. - Martin Luther
Have a selective optimistic sight, transform the bitch glitch "in stitches. - Angelica Hopes
You cannot discover new oceans until you are willing to lose sight of the shore. - Sharon Leaf
Isn't it fascinating how long a few minutes seem when you are completely alone with not a familiar face in sight? - Kirby Larson
One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. - André Gide
If love wasn’t conditional, every single first encounter with individuals of your 'preferred' gender would result in *love at first sight.* - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain? - William Shakespeare
Beauty is where the beheld butterfly disappears from sight. - R.H. Peat
Do not allow the negative of the past to mask your sight. - Asa Don Brown
There is danger that we lose sight of what our friend is absolutely, while considering what she is to us alone. - Henry David Thoreau
The ability to see the future does not require sight just Vision and Passion to embrace Change for a better American future.-12-05-2013 - Michael E. McKinzy Sr.
I followed her into the library. The pale light from our chamber below dissipated in the room, but I could still make out my heart leapt at the sight row after row, shelf above shelf, floor to ceiling, a city of books. Speck turned to me and asked, Now, what shall we read first? - Keith Donohue
Perception is strong, sight is weak.
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore - Cristoforo Colombo
The incalculable winds of fantasy and music and poetry, the mere face of a girl, the song of a bird, or the sight of a horizon, are always blowing evil’s whole structure away. - C.S. Lewis
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision. - Helen Keller
I have seen soldiers panic at the first sight of battle, and a wounded squire pulling arrows out from his wound to fight and save his dying horse. Nobility is not a birth right but is defined by one's action.
I am reminded of that irregular preacher at home who was accused of wandering from his subject. He replied that, whether he stuck to his subject or not, he thanked God that he stuck to his object, which was to bring men to Christ. I hope I shall never lose sight of that. - Geraldine Taylor
The person of superior integrity does not insist upon his integrity.For this reason, he has integrity.The person of inferior integritynever loses sight of his integrity;For this reason, he lacks integrity. - Lao Tzu
When I had the dividing reason, I shrank from many things; after I had lost it in sight, I hunted through the world for the ugly and the repellant, but I could no longer find them. - Sri Aurobindo
don't let someone rearrange your path because they lost sight of their own. - Nikki Rowe
Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight. - Albert Schweitzer
for a soul condemned to Hell, the sight of an Angel is what is Heaven. - Devjeet Chawdhary
People so often loose sight of the magic in life once they understand how it works. - Thomas Rogal II
Maybe love at first sight isn’t what we think it is. Maybe it’s recognising a soul we loved in a past life and falling in love with them again. - Kamand Kojouri
You will never reach the stars without courage to lose sight of the ground. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Gene [Siskel] often mentioned something François Truffaut once told him: the most beautiful sight in a movie theater is to walk down to the front, turn around, and look at the light from the screen reflected on the upturned faces of the members of the audience. - Roger Ebert
Behind branches, my Moon shines''Distance we have, it defines''Down side as, it has a lake''Due to AUTUMN, the tree got naked''Which made my Moons appear''but after SPRING, the sight would be rare''After a circle, the Day will come again''You would be here, but I will gonna change' - Samar Sudha
Painting is concerned with all the 10 attributes of sight; which are: Darkness and Light, Solidity and Color, Form and Position, Distance and Propinquity, Motion and Rest. - Leonardo da Vinci
When a nation goes down, or a society perishes, one condition may always be found; they forgot where they came from. They lost sight of what had brought them along. - Carl Sandburg
It is when you lose sight of yourself, that you lose your way. To keep your truth in sight you must keep yourself in sight and the world to you should be a mirror to reflect to you your image; the world should be a mirror that you reflect upon. - C. JoyBell C.
Celestial light, shine inward...that I may see and tell of things invisible to mortal sight - John Milton
Emotional speculation is to deductive reasoning what weeds are to a garden at first sight they appear to belong, but eventually they obscure that which one hopes will come into bud. - Lord Patterson Coats
Manifestation is like a flower, you must put so much intent into its energy before you can sight its beauty. - Nikki Rowe
Titanic started a voyage through history when it sailed away. One century later, there is still no port at sight. - Marina Tavares Dias
For the sight of the angry weather saddens my soul and the sight of the town, sitting like a bereaved mother beneath layers of ice, oppresses my heart. - Kahlil Gibran
MORNINGTIDEThe wonderful works of morningtidebring the sight of luminous whiteness,a breathing whimsyamong wind-tossed sprigs of green. - Tara Estacaan
Magic and miracle they are nothing but manipulation of sight and heart. - M.F. Moonzajer
And when he is out of sight, quickly also is he out of mind. - Thomas a Kempis
It's not foresight or hindsight we need. We need sight, plain and simple. We need to see what is right in front of us. - Gordon Atkinson
We may run, walk, stumble. drive, or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way. - Gloria Gaither
Surely there is something in the unruffled calm of nature that overawes our little anxieties and doubts; the sight of the deep-blue sky and the clustering stars above seems to impart a quiet to the mind. - Jonathan Edwards
People are crying up the rich and variegated plumage of the peacock, and he is himself blushing at the sight of his ugly feet. - Saadi سعدی
Banning books gives us silence when we need speech. It closes our ears when we need to listen. It makes us blind when we need sight. - Stephen Chbosky
When you lost sight of your path, listen for the destination in your heart (Allen Walker, D-gray Man) - Katsura Hoshino
I don't believe in love at first sight because my mother started loving me before seeing me. - Luffina Lourduraj
What sort of future is coming up from behind I don't really know. But the past, spread out ahead, dominates everything in sight. - Robert Prisig
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