Quotation Explorer - 'Condemned'

There is no possible line of conduct which has art some time and place been condemned, and which has not at some other time and place been enjoined as a duty. - William Lecky
The resentment I felt inside was not hatred for being imprisoned or for Victor who had betrayed me but something deeper: a rebellion against the very way of things that condemned men to be imprisoned inside their own identities. - MacDonald Harris
148. One who does not realize his own value is condemned to utter failure. (Every kind of complex, superiority or inferiority is harmful to man).
Where any one body of educated men, of whatever denomination, are condemned indiscriminately, there must be a deficiency of information, or...of something else. - Jane Austen
We are all doomed to seek our own happiness; we can't help ourselves. We are all, the cruel and the gentle alike, condemned to seeking that happiness in the dark. We use our need as the blind use a walking stick, to determine the safety of every forward step. - Jesse Browner
When religion becomes so involved in a future good "over yonder" that it forgets the present evils over here it is as dry as dust religion and needs to be condemned. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayana
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)I've got news for Mr. Santayana: we're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive. - Kurt Vonnegut
You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. We were created to be victorious. - Joel Osteen
The past, which as always did not know the future, acted in ways that ask tobe imagined before they are condemned. Or even simplified. - Paul Fussell
Aspirations; be careful with those, if noble they will emancipate you, if corrupt you will be condemned - Rohit Omar
I felt condemned to obscurity and to celibacy. But when one is driven by passion, one can live on almost nothing, and I was driven by passion for writing. One does not starve in modern, Western societies, and one can do without such amenities as the telephone, a car, entertainment. - Alain Robbe-Grillet
Every man is condemned to freedom. - Jean-Paul Sartre
Man is condemned to be free. - Jean-Paul Sartre
I have just read a long novel by Henry James. Much of it made me think of the priest condemned for a long space to confess nuns. - W.B. Yeats
It is supposed to be true that those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it. I dont believe knowing can save us. What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood and this is a thing that even God - who knows all that can be known - seems powerless to change. - Cormac McCarthy
for a soul condemned to Hell, the sight of an Angel is what is Heaven. - Devjeet Chawdhary
Those who understand history are condemned to watch other idiots repeat it. - Peter Lamborn Wilson
The judge is condemned when the criminal is absolved. - Publilius Syrus
People who label erotica writers as sluts/men-whores remind me of the mob that once condemned smart women as witches. Mankind has not evolved much. - Anna Bayes
There's an old saying about those who cannot remember the past being condemned to repeat it. But those of us who refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it. - Emily Thorne
Those who waste bread will be condemned to as many years in purgatory as the number of crumbs wasted and will have to pick those crumbs up, one by one, with their eyelids. - Paula Pettini
The condemned man’s voice is laced with dark promise as he continues. Remember Father, evil is simply ‘live’ spelt backwards." Hellbound - David McCaffrey
If God were suddenly condemned to live the life which He has inflicted upon men, He would kill Himself. - Alexandre Dumas
Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it -- badly.
That new technologies and techniques would be forthcoming was a fundamental article of Christian faith. Hence, no bishops or theologians denounced clocks or sailing ships--although both were condemned on religious grounds in various non-Western societies. - Rodney Stark
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. It is up to you to give [life] a meaning. - Jean-Paul Sartre
One should have expected some terrible enormities charged to those who are excluded from heaven, as the reason; but no,—they are condemned for not doing positive good, as if that included every possible harm. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
QUOTATION, n. The act of repeating erroneously the words of another. The words erroneously repeated. Intent on making his quotation truer, He sought the page infallible of Brewer, Then made a solemn vow that we would be Condemned eternally. Ah, me, ah, me! Stumpo Gaker - Ambrose Bierce
An old adage warns: If you don't know your history, you will be forever condemned to repeat it. Likewise, if you don't know your science fiction, and heed its warnings, you could condemn the Earth to future catastrophe. - Kelly Steed
Maybe you who condemn me are in greater fear than I who am condemned. - Giordano Bruno
Create a world within the world and be happy inside it! Don’t forget, you are not condemned to live the world as is! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. - Jean-Paul Sartre
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