Quotation Explorer - 'Refuse'

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do. - Edward Everett Hale
I like people who refuse to speak until they are ready to speak. - Lillian Hellman
If we conservatives of color refuse to promote the welfare state, unfettered abortion, affirmative action, and massive immigration, we are guilty of selling out. - Michelle Malkin
It is dehumanizing, demeaning and humiliating when you fail or refuse to acknowledge or respond to a Good Morning greeting. #Mannerism - Adeagbo Caleb Adewumi
I have decided that suicide is completely out of the question. I refuse to end the suffering of others... No, I must contemplate homicide and end the suffering of one... ME!!! - Anonymous
I refuse to believe all men are pigs and women competing whores.-ANASTASIA - Anastasia
My parents and grandparents did not tolerate idle thoughts or behavior. If the action did not have a purpose or lead you in a positive direction, their feeling was why bother? This is how I was built. This is why I refuse to fail. - Carlos Wallace
Refuse to live a settle for it life. - Karen Salmansohn
I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. - Maya Angelou
I believe a Christian muffler shop owner should have the same right to refuse service to a gay couple, as a gay lifeguard has to refuse service to a drowning Christian. - Quentin R. Bufogle
To forgive is to refuse to contaminate the future with the errors of the past. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Things refuse to be mismanaged for long. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
It is always incomprehensible to a man that a woman should ever refuse an offer of marriage. - Jane Austen
In this remarkable time for the world, I refuse to believe it's time to stop believing in the possibilities of our remarkable country. I refuse to accept the downsizing of the American Dream. I refuse to bet against American entrepreneurial spirit and American ingenuity. - John Kerry
Respect, reverence, self-esteemAre my basic requisites I refuse to be a competitorWho struggles for personal rights - Balroop Singh
...since the order of the world is shaped by death, mightn't it be better for God if we refuse to believe in Him and struggle with all our might against death, without raising our eyes towards the heaven where He sits in silence? - Albert Camus
I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any. - Mahatma Gandhi
Whether they give or refuse, it delights women just the same to have been asked. - Ovid
I refuse to believe in three things: cash, clock, and calendar. You should never be enslaved by these three. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
Refuse to be called master, otherwise people will start thinking that whatever you say is right! Refuse to be called master! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
I refuse to be labeled immoral merely because I am godless.
I refuse to let fear subjugate all my freedoms & liberty; I refuse to let it be the guiding beacon in my life. - Mamur Mustapha
This poem has been called obscure. I refuse to believe that it is obscurer than pity, violence, or suffering. But being a poem, not a lifetime, it is more compressed. - Dylan Thomas
Good bye" is a good gift when you wave it at me because I refuse to follow a bad advice you gave. Wave it at me and I will show you the door. - Israelmore Ayivor
I refuse to suffer the torment of regret that comes from living a "what if" life. - Steve Maraboli
Prejudice is a disease. And when they come for you, or refuse your worth, I will be ready for their stones. I belong to you. - Lady Gaga
The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government is to live under the government of worse men. - Plato
When standing face to face with myself, I far too often refuse to look in the mirror. When standing face to face with God, there is no place where a mirror is not. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When we refuse to do what we are supposed to do at the right time, the consequence is that of pain and tragedy. - Sunday Adelaja
For a chic and an honorable full victory, you must make your own fight and win your own battle entirely by yourself! Try to refuse any help to get a pure victory, a victory which belongs merely to yourself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Life sure gives us serious lessons, but I refuse to sit down and take notes. I can pretty well do that walking! - Marie Abanga
To refuse ever to deny your youth, right up to extreme old age, to battle all life long to transubstantiate your adolescent flowering into a fruit-ladden tree - that, I belive, is the road of the fulfilled man. (Report to Greco) - N. Kazantzakis
I refuse to live life with unsettled differences. - John Paul Warren
Those who refuse to grow, those who only finish school and call it quits regret through life. - Sunday Adelaja
Forgiving others simply means that you refuse to be a prisoner of a past that you can't change, and shackled to decisions that you didn't make. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Today I will work when others procrastinate, I will confront my fears when others hide from theirs, and I will create solutions when others find excuses; today I refuse to allow my enemies to out work me. - Noel DeJesus
There's an old saying about those who cannot remember the past being condemned to repeat it. But those of us who refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it. - Emily Thorne
I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Groans that words cannot express are often prayers that God cannot refuse. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Certainly all virtues are very dear to God, but humility pleases Him above all the others, and it seems that He can refuse it nothing. - Francis de Sales
However often you may have done them a favour, if you once refuse they forget everything except your refusal. - Pliny the Younger
A writer must refuse to allow himself to be transformed into an institution. - Jean-Paul Sartre
I refuse to let the standards of evil people chip away at my capacity for integrity. - Stefan Molyneux
The old who refuse to die merely on principle live on forever, to hate life and complain of all the things they could have been spared had they the good sense to die young. - Michelle Franklin
If records refuse to be broken, shatter them. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Most people who lose their lives because life might be down for them only refuse to know what a tuber of yam that is put into the soil goes through before it comes up as a fresh green creeping plant to bear yet another bigger tuber - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If you believe in existence, you will refuse to be a hero! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Fight Is Excuse Love Not Refuse - Hemant Banswal
It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. - W. Somerset Maugham
We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse.
To refuse awards is another way of accepting them with more noise than is normal. - Peter Ustinov
If the reality is not ideal, resist and refuse the reality and change it no matter how strong it is! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign?" 'No, sir.' "Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. - Grand Admiral Thrawn
I don't trust humans that always go out to take calls, the way i don't trust humans that hang around bars and refuse to drink. - z.g.barwa
I can only see life as this most miserable accident that I have been forced to endure simply because I refuse to see it as the most astounding plan that I have been privileged to engage. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
It doesn't matter if most people refuse to understand nor support my efforts, not at all, it doesn't at all matter. What matters is, I am pioneering a revolution. - Sunday Adelaja
I refuse to hold the coats of this generation. - Rebecca McKinsey
I refuse to suffer the torment of regret that comes with living a what if life. - Steve Maraboli
In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create but by what we refuse to destroy.
People and institutions that refuse to admit error eventually discredit themselves. - Jeffrey Tucker
We are against ignorance. We feel that you have to educate yourself, no matter what the situation is. People who refuse to educate themselves - people who refuse to find out what something is about, that they're frightened of - find comfort in being ignorant.-- Interview for KJTV-1990 - Zeena Schreck
If you want to get positive results you have to refuse to think negative thoughts by substituting them with constructive ones. When you develop a positive attitude toward life, your life will start having a positive result. - Roy Bennett
So many people will tell you no, and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them watch me. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn. - Charlotte Eriksson
And you finally get there, you reach a point where you refuse to feel anymore pain and the desire to chase happiness out weighs any choice that gives you reason to question where you're headed. - Nikki Rowe
No sublime wisdom asks to be worshipped or served; the greatest and the most honourable masters are those who refuse to have slaves! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I refuse to lie to children. I refuse to cater to the bullshit of innocence. - Maurice Sendak
It is funny about life: if you refuse to accept anything but the very best you will very often get it. - W. Somerset Maugham
We are rich only through what we give; and poor only through we refuse and keep.
...tests are a gift. And great tests are a great gift. To fail the test is a misfortune. But to refuse the test is to refuse the gift, and something worse, more irrevocable, than misfortune. - Lois McMaster Bujold
To preach about sin, but refuse to integrate grace and mercy is a sermonic sin. - Rev. Corey M. Osborne
The world is so closed off to the inner beings of ourselves, I refuse to ever lower my energies to that. - Nikki Rowe
The power of positive thinking begins when you refuse to accept defeat, and start preparing yourself for future possibilities. The only thing standing in the way of your breakthrough, is you! - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Believe in yourself, refuse to waiver! Once you control your mind, you control your DESTINY here on earth. - Ron Barrow
the greatest evil perpetrated is the evil committed by nobodies, that is, by human beings who refuse to be persons - Hannah Arendt
Refuse to be ill. Never tell people you are ill; never own it to yourself. Illness is one of those things which a man should resist on principle. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice. - Magna Carta
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. - Edward Everett Hale
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. - Edward Everett Hale
What you love, you will love. What you undertake you will complete. You are a fulfiller of hope; you are to be relied on. But seventeen years give little armor against despair…Consider, Arren. To refuse death is to refuse life. - Ursula K. Le Guin
Be grateful to those who refuse your demands. They are your benefactors. - Marty Rubin
Thus I draw from the absurd three consequences, which are myrevolt, my freedom, and my passion. By the mere activity ofconsciousness I transform into a rule of life what was an invitationto death—and I refuse suicide. - Albert Camus
Impossible things happen. When they do happen, most people just deal with it. Today, like every day, roughly five thousand people on the face of the planet will experience one-chance-in-a-million things, and not one of them will refuse to believe the evidence of their senses. - Neil Gaiman
If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater. - Unknown
To read a newspaper is to refrain from reading something worthwhile. The first discipline of education must therefore be to refuse resolutely to feed the mind with canned chatter. - Aleister Crowley
I'm not talented or gifted. I'm a committed, meticulous workaholic. The only reason I succeed is because I refuse to fail. - Jessie Snow
For those in love with an illusion often refuse to accept reality - Sanal Edamaruku
If two people truly have feelings for one another then they don’t have an affair. They get a divorce and they sort out their feelings. You are accountable for the people you hold hostage in a marriage when your mind and heart refuse to fully commit to them. - Shannon L. Alder
Laws are partly formed for the sake of good men, in order to instruct them how they may live on friendly terms with one another, and partly for the sake of those who refuse to be instructed, whose spirit cannot be subdued, or softened, or hindered from plunging into evil. - Plato
The moment we refuse to hurt others because of our own pain, is the time we evolve as souls. - Aleksandra Ninkovic
You know your children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they're going. - P.J. O'Rourke
THE THINGS POETS & WRITERS DO THAT I LOVEListen to the AncestorsAcknowledge their influences Trust their gut-feelings and act on themMaintain openness. Play Dance with languagesBe bold Refuse servilityAvoid arroganceEmbrace the unknownLove the journey Respect one’s fellow journeyers - Billy Marshall Stoneking
I refuse to put God into a little box I can handle, for that would insult us both. - L.M. Fields
To reach greater heights, we must refuse the negative opinions of people and passionately pursue your destiny. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. - Martin Luther King Jr.
The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself. - Mark Cain
It's not enough to listen to their words. You have to mine their silences for buried ore. It's often only in the lies that we refuse to speak that truth can be heard at all. - Karen Marie Moning
Evil triumphs when good men refuse to call it evil - Dean Cavanagh
It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. - W. Somerset Maugham
I refuse to settle for what you call reality. - Solange nicole
You are my butterfly and refuse to set you free. - Shannon Hale
We have to cease to think, if we refuse to do it in the prison house of language; for we cannot reach further than the doubt which asks whether the limit we see is really a limit. - Friedrich Nietzsche
When the Lord makes it clear you're to follow Him in this new direction, focus fully on Him and refuse to be distracted by comparisons with others. - Charles R. Swindoll
Problems arise when people act as if their "boulders" are daily loads, and refuse help, or as if their "daily loads" are boulders they shouldn't have to carry. The results of these two instances are either perpetual pain or irresponsibility. - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Problems arise when people act as if their "borlders" are daily loads, and refuse help, or as if their "daily loads" are boulders they shouldn't have to carry. The results of these two instances are either perpetual pain or irresponsibility. - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Justice suffers when men refuse to stand firm for what is right. - Sunday Adelaja
Never refuse any advance of friendship, for if nine out of ten bring you nothing, one alone may repay you. - Madame de Tencin
I am only one, still I am one. I can not do everything, still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do - Helen Keller
People who ask our advice almost never take it. Yet we should never refuse to give it, upon request, for it often helps us to see our own way more clearly. - Brendan Francis Brown
Refuse to give up, your mistakes don't define youThey don't dictate where you're headed, they remind you - T.I. Harris
I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer - Douglas Adams
If you refuse to be made straight when you are green, you will not be made straight when you are dry. - African Proverb
Some forms of reality are so horrible we refuse to face them, unless we are trapped into it by comedy. To label any subject unsuitable for comedy is to admit defeat. - Peter Sellers
Oh, I know that she's disgusted,cause she's feeling so abused.She gets tired of the lust,but it's so hard to refuse. - Elvis Costello
It's awkward how some people refuse to be humans regarding their behaviours! Isn't that against God's will for he created them as humans? And yet, they at night hold hands up and ask God for forgiveness and to grant them their wishes; when he created animals sinless. - Mustafa SULTAN
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience. - John Cage
If you refuse where you have always granted you invite to theft. - Publilius Syrus
Tradition is the code that keeps change in lock. If you refuse change, you are likely to rust and guess the cause; that long held way of doing things. - Israelmore Ayivor
I refuse to believe that Hendrix had the last possessed hand,that Joplin had the last drunken throat,that Morrison had the last enlightened mind. - Patti Smith
I am irritated by my own writing. I am like a violinist whose ear is true, but whose fingers refuse to reproduce precisely the sound he hears within. - Gustave Flaubert
Beware of those who would pay you lip service but refuse to put their money where their mouths are. - Faydra D. Fields
If Congress refuse to listen to and grant what women ask, there is but one course left then to pursue. What is there left for women to do but to become the mothers of the future government? - Victoria Claflin Woodhull
Men who refuse to use condoms do not deserve to be fucked by anyone but other men who refuse to use condoms. - Inga Muscio
At moments when life is at its worst there are two things you can do: 1.) break down,lose hope and refuse to go on while lying face down on the ground banging your fists and kicking your legs, or 2.) laugh. Bobby and I did the latter. - Cecelia Ahern
You will never reach a place you're not willing to "work to". Life has a way of punishing us when we refuse to work. - Asuni LadyZeal
My prayer is that God would continue to love me enough to refuse to answer the prayers I'm praying that I shouldn't be praying. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Don't refuse to go on an occasional wild goose chase -- that's what wild geese are for. - Anonymous
I was admonished to adopt feminine clothes; I refused, and still refuse. As for other avocations of women, there are plenty of other women to perform them. - Jeanne d'Arc
There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. - Søren Kierkegaard
If we refuse to accept knowledge because it frightens us, we will never grow. If we give in to fear, we will never outgrow hatred - Christina Engela
We all feel that the opposite of our own highest principle must be purely destructive, deadly, and evil. We refuse to endow it with any positive life-force; hence we avoid and fear it. - C.G. Jung
If you refuse to accept nothing but the best you will often get it. - Lailah GiftyAkita
The best way to keep something bad from happening is to see it ahead of time... and you can't see it if you refuse to face the possibility. - William S. Burroughs
Justice suffers when men refuse to stand firm for what is right. If we don’t fight lawlessness, it prevails. If we don’t establish the truth in our nations, truth becomes foreign in the country. God says there is no man when there is nobody who stands for the truth. - Sunday Adelaja
I refuse to believe that trading recipes is silly. Tunafish casserole is at least as real as corporate stock.
I cannot find the perfect person, but I refuse to live my life living a tragic love story based on just sex, and selfish act. - Roxy Writer
You may not be happy with your life. All you have to do is to refuse to be unhappy! Because the worst thing is to get used to be unhappy! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I refuse to consign the whole male sex to the nursery. I insist on believing that some men are my equals.
I would give up, but that will teach my kids that it's okay to be a failure and I refuse to ruin their lives like that! - Mignon' Talise Padilla
Fate’ and ‘coincidence’ are the mythological derivatives authored by those who refuse to see a ‘greater purpose’, because such a conclusion would naturally suggest a ‘Greater Being’. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
He [the poet] brings out the inner part of things and presents them to men in such a way that they cannot refuse but must accept it. But how the mere choice and rhythm of words should produce so magical an effect no one has yet been able to comprehend, and least of all the poets themselves. - Hilaire Belloc
On a daily basis, people lose their lives, they lose their health, they lose their families, and they lose their children, only because they refuse to have a corresponding knowledge to what they possess in hand. - Sunday Adelaja
I think every woman in our culture is a feminist. They may refuse to articulate it, but if you were to take any woman back forty years and say, 'Is this a world you want to live in?' they would say, 'No. - Helen Mirren
Refuse to be content with the knowledge of God. Insist on experiencing His presence. - John Paul Warren
Every minute you are thinking of evil, you might have been thinking of good instead. Refuse to pander to a morbid interest in your own misdeeds. Pick yourself up, be sorry, shake yourself, and go on again. - Evelyn Underhill
I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.
Everyone including YOU suffers when you refuse to BE all & DO all you can - Fela Durotoye
When you refuse to entertain the possibility of a solution because you know it will not work, then you have successfully strengthened the problem at hand - Gary Hopkins
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