Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.
Beware of the man to whom you have done a good turn. - Lebanese Proverb
Beware to entertain strangers, thereby you may entertain an angel unawares...New Testament. - New Testament in English/Arabic
What you shun enduring yourself, attempt not to impose on others. You shun slavery- beware enslaving others! If you can endure to do that, one would think you had been once upon a time a slave yourself. For vice has nothing in common with virtue, nor Freedom with slavery. - Epictetus
By creating an intelligent thought, you open the road for many other intelligent thoughts! By producing a stupid thought, you open the path for many other stupid thoughts! Beware of your thoughts! Create pearl, and then pearls will increase! Create mud, and then mud will increase! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Lies are served like a fine delicacy. But beware, the truth of it all will sour, lodge in your throat, and choke your very existence if you continue to believe them. - Jason E. Hodges
Little things spell LOVE. Beware the spouse or marriage that places a premium on expensive gifts and 'toys. - David R. Wommack
I think there is a choice possible to us at any moment, as long as we live. But there is no sacrifice. There is a choice, and the rest falls away. Second choice does not exist. Beware of those who talk about sacrifice.
Beware of giggle grins; they are highly contagious. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Beware! Balance rules the cosmos. It is not concerned with good or bad. You can be struck by misfortune and be buried in grief if that is what it takes to restore the imbalance you have wrought unto the world. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Beware of crossing your arms in the sterile attitude of the spectator, because life is not a spectacle, because a a sea of sorrows is not a proscenium, because a man who screams is not a dancing bear. - Aimé Césaire
Beware of the man who won't be bothered with details. - William Feather
I say beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. - Henry David Thoreau
Beware of no man more than yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us. - G. K. Chesterton
Beware of telling an improbable truth. - Dr. Thomas Fuller
Beware of your thoughts, for they are not YOU! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Beware of speaking too much, for it increases mistakes and engenders boredom. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
Beware of anything to do with President Obama...I speak from experience. - Steven Magee
Your first appearance, he said to me, is the gauge by which you will be measured; try to manage that you may go beyond yourself in after times, but beware of ever doing less. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
Beware the fury of a patient man. - John Dryden
Beware of the man whose God is in the skies. - George Bernard Shaw
Beware the ides of March. - William Shakespeare
Everyone has a divine beauty. Beware, underneath there may be a hidden diabolical ego. - Debasish Mridha
Three types of people are there, those who smile, those who think and smile and those who smile and think. Beware of those in the last two category, because you don't know their thoughts!!! - G.S.Sreekiran
Beware of the man who knows the answer before he understands the question.
Beware of sentimental alliances where the consciousness of good deeds is the only compensation for noble sacrifices. - Otto von Bismarck
Beware of fascist feminism. - Hannah Wilke
Beware of following a train of thought. - Marty Rubin
This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy. - Charles Dickens
Trying to keep up appearances is a signal of decay on the inside. Beware shallow living—in yourself and in others. It is only in the depths that life can thrive. - Vironika Tugaleva
Beware of expectations, It really hurts. - Lokesh Tiwari
Beware the knowledge thou seek, for knowledge though oft light, can sow the seeds of night and reap from the darkness that ensues"- 1654 - Esmerelda Jane Forstine
Beware of what you teach your children in the womb. - Marty Rubin
Beware of altruism. It is based on self-deception, the root of all evil.
Beware the flatterer: he feeds you with an empty spoon. - Cosino DeGregrio
Beware of puny two-legged creatures claiming to be made in the image of god. - Marty Rubin
beware those quick to praise for they need praise in return beware those who are quick to censor they are afraid of what they do not know beware those who seek constant crowds for they are nothing alone - Charles Bukowski
OPPOSE, v. To assist with obstructions and objections. How lonely he who thinks to vex With bandinage the Solemn Sex! Of levity, Mere Man, beware; None but the Grave deserve the Unfair. Percy P. Orminder - Ambrose Bierce
O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on. - William Shakespeare
Beware of leaders who prefer controlling 100 % of nothing over sharing a fortune. - Julion Okram
Beware! Friends are like chameleons, for they can turn enemies overnight. - Auliq Ice
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. - Augustine of Hippo
Some people said beware of enemies. Some said beware of friends and some said beware of frenemies, but the most dangerous people are those that will hurt you and still play the victim. - Uzoma Nnadi
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before... He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. - Kurt Vonnegut
Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow. - Aesop
Beware of fame; for when they come for you, they come not to give, but for to gain.Whoever is needed, wields the most power.Whoever is needy, seeks to wield that power. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Beware of the compound adjective, beloved of the tyro and the 'poetess'. - Ambrose Bierce
Beware of worldliness—it can turn your heart away from God. - Jim George
We must beware the revenge of the starved senses, the embittered animal in its prison. - J.B. Priestley
Beware! devil occupies your soul with forbidden desires - Muhammad Anwar Jalil
Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing, for they will feed you delicious morsels that they may later feast upon your tender flesh. - Michele Faison
Scribblings of love are on your heartSo you think you can find it anywhere...Darling please beware not everyone has your heart. - Jasmine Sandozz
Beware lest in your anxiety to avoid war you obtain a master. - Demosthenes
Always beware of the fact, that the only thing hindering an all out revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you.--Twitter post, July 29, 2012 - Gore Vidal
Beware the unbelief of others. It's contagious! - Jim George
Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We must beware of trying to build a society in which nobody counts for anything except a politician or an official, a society where enterprise gains no reward and thrift no privileges. - Sir Winston Churchill
The present is the feed-back of your past, the future is always a feed-forward of your present. Beware and take note of what you feed your mind in your present-future and learn not to feed your mind ingredients of feed-backs. - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
Beware anger is contagious...Don't allow other's anger to become yours - Prabakaran Thirumalai
Well, once again, my friend we find that science is a two-headed beast. One head is nice, it gives us aspirin and other modern conveniences... but the other head of science is bad! Oh, beware the other head of science, Arthur, it bites! - The Tick
Beware the man of a single book. - Thomas Aquinas
Beware of those who love to give advice, but never want to receive it! - Mignon' Talise Padilla
Beware of the fury of the patient man. - John Dryden
A learned man is an idler who kills time with study. Beware of his false knowledge: it is more dangerous than ignorance. - George Bernard Shaw
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. - Kurt Vonnegut
Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it. - Voltaire
Beware of formulas. If there's a God, he's not a God of formulas. - Graham Greene
Beware of those who would pay you lip service but refuse to put their money where their mouths are. - Faydra D. Fields
Beware the faces that bare the most smiles.For they are the ones who hide the most sadness—. - A.R. Von
Beware of too much laughter, for it deadens the mind and produces oblivion. - The Talmud
Beware so long as you live, of judging people by appearances. - La Fontaine
Beware of the half truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half. - Unknown
Beware the pull on your heartstrings -- it's often the pursestrings that are actually being reached for. - Barbara Mikkelson
Beware of dissipating your powers; strive constantly to concentrate them. Genius thinks it can do whatever it sees others doing, but is sure to repent of every ill-judged outlay. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
fallen & broken, but not yet dead. Still breathing... Beware i will rise soon!!! - Balkrishn Sanmotra
Care about people; yes. Care about how people feel; yeah. Care about what people think; beware. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Only our imagination has the power to create the world you want and whatever gives you true joy. Beware of those who tell you to face reality and let go of your imagination. All they may truly ask for is that you shift your imagination from what you want to what they want. - Franco Santoro
An apology can be a wonderful thing so long as it is infrequent and from the heart. However, beware of the person who justifies bad behavior with apologies. For them it is a means to an end, and quite often at your expense. - Gary Hopkins
Some people say beware of enemies. Some say beware of friends and some say beware of frenemies, but the most dangerous people are those that will hurt you and still play the victim. - Uzoma Nnadi
Beware of what you let enter your heart. There will come a day when you'd give anything to remove it. - Yasmin Mogahed
Beware the man of one book. - Saint Thomas Aquinas
O, beware, my lord, of jealousy!It is the green-eyed monster which doth mockThe meat it feeds on. - William Shakespeare
Beware of the thief who is after your cash; but be more cautious of the thief in the mind that's after your kind, your promise - your dream, your future. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
If you are a terror to many, then beware of many. - Ausonius
Beware of the young doctor and the old barber. - Benjamin Franklin
Beware of him who hates the laugh of a child.
Beware of undertaking too much at the start. Be content with quite a little. Allow for accidents. Allow for human nature, especially your own. - Arnold Bennett
At the door is at the door. Beware, there are wolves. - A.E.H. Veenman
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes. - Henry David Thoreau
When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet. - Stanisław Jerzy Lec
Beware how you take away hope from another human being - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.