In your spare time, google the ingredients in all the foods you are eating. If you care about yourself, you may change your menu - Sahndra Fon Dufe
In the Italian kitchen, ingredients are not treated as promising but untutored elements that need to be corrected through long and intricate manipulation and refined by the ultimate polish of a sauce. - Marcella Hazan
This kind of mixing of ingredients happens all the time at fast-food places... You know when you order french fries and there's a rogue onion ring at the bottom. You know, at first you're alarmed but you eat it. It all comes from the same place! You just have to go for it. - Chelsea Handler
A bowl of diligence and perseverance, a cup of faith and a pinch of inspiration mixed with a spoon of contentment are the ingredients of a delicious success. Cook yours well. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
Leading people is like cookingDon’t stir too much It annoys the ingredients And spoils the food - Rick Julian
Black and white thinking limits understanding and feedback, two necessary ingredients for successful resolution in creative conflict and successful understanding. - David W. Earle
True Islam taught me that it takes all of the religious, political, economic, psychological, and racial ingredients, or characteristics, to make the Human Family and the Human Society complete. - Malcolm X
You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients. - Julia Child
The people who can most successfully lose weight and maintain a healthy life style are foodies. When it comes to healthy eating, people who know how to cook and make ingredients taste good have a distinct advantage over those who can't. - Edward Ugel
Persistence, perseverance, and continuous improvement are the ingredients for forming a successful person. - Debasish Mridha
Enthusiasm and passions are the fundamental ingredients of all success. - Debasish Mridha
A private organisation may not have sufficient apple or other essential ingredients in its monthly stock, but its top brass will only talk about individual’s performance pie i.e. achievement vs target of apple-pie sales in the meeting. - Anuj Somany
Ingredients for a terrific Christmas: Christ. Love for one another. Forgiveness. Generosity. Time. Music. Children’s laughter. Reminising with loved ones. Remembering those who are alone. The making of new memories. - Toni Sorenson
The secret ingredients to true happiness? Decisive optimism and personal responsibility. - Amy Leigh Mercree
One is happy as a result of one's own efforts once one knows the necessary ingredients of happiness: simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience. - George Sand
The idea is to make the ingredients sing, not a grand opera, but a jolly chanson. - Marie-Pierre Moine
Forgiveness, compassion, and kindness are the fundamental ingredients of our beloved humanity. - Debasish Mridha
Courage is one of the best ingredients of success. - K.C Seepane
The present is the feed-back of your past, the future is always a feed-forward of your present. Beware and take note of what you feed your mind in your present-future and learn not to feed your mind ingredients of feed-backs. - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
Eating a burrito is like eating a living, breathing organism - you can feel the burrito's ingredients sigh inside with each bite, each squeeze. - Gustavo Arellano
There is absolutely no substitute for the best. Good food cannot be made of inferior ingredients masked with high flavor. It is true thrift to use the best ingredients available and to waste nothing. - James Beard
The ingredients of health and long life, are great temperance, open air, easy labor, and little care. - Sir Philip Sidney
The human comedy is always tragic, but since its ingredients are always the same—dupe, fox, straight, like burlesque skits—the repetition through the ages is comedy. - Dawn Powell
In God’s hands, the ingredients of our lives will always work out ultimately for our good and, even better, for His eternal purposes. - Elizabeth George
There are three ingredients to the good life; learning, earning, and yearning. - Christopher Morley
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning. - Christopher Morley
We are not creators; only combiners of the created. Invention isn't about new ingredients, but new recipes. And innovations taste the best. - Ryan Lilly
Love, positivity and gratitude are the most essential ingredients to a happy and fulfilled life. - Eileen Anglin