Quotation Explorer - 'Complicated'

The role of gender in society is the most complicated thing I’ve ever spent a lot of time learning about, and I’ve spent a lot of time learning about quantum mechanics. - Randall Munroe
Because you don't get to choose your parents, K, and at some point you realise that maybe your parents just aren't able to parent very well, but we exist, and the only choice we've got in the whole situation is whether we're gonna love them anyway. It's as simple and messy and complicated as that - Megan Jacobson
The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes—very rarely—impossible things just happen and we call them miracles. - Steven Moffat
Buying the right computer and getting it to work properly is no more complicated than building a nuclear reactor from wristwatch parts in a darkened room using only your teeth. - Dave Barry
Books—all books—are complicated things, muttering at us in different contradictory voices, refusing to stay the same when we go back to them. Tying them down too much robs of them of the magic. - Andrew Rilstone
God has make life simple for us but the choices we do at the end of each day, are the ones that make our lives complicated. - Nthabiseng Motjamela
Human interaction. The most complicated form of happiness I will never figure out. - Charlotte Eriksson
Either, you are in love with someone or you're not. Fear is complicated, not love. - Shannon L. Alder
Then, people expect women to be that easy to understand, and women are mad at themselves for not being that simple- When in actuality, women ARE complicated. Women are multifaceted. Not because women are crazy . But because people are crazy, and women happen to be people. - Tavi Gevinson
I like simple men and complicated women. - Don DeLillo
Relationships are never complicated. You’re either together or you’re not. If someone says it’s complicated, it really just means someone’s killing time until something better comes along. - Teresa Lo
To dive in the darkness, I should dive in the truth, then in images of the world..., then facts, then in books, then listening, then in short stories... that's how I write the horror. It's very complicated. - Deyth Banger
I like to use simple words, but in a complicated way. - Carol Ann Duffy
It does not take a million complicated words to call yourself a writer, it only takes a simple few when they have been placed in the right order. -- - Reed Abbitt Moore
Life is difficult and complicated and beyond anyone's total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes. - J. K. Rowling
Human nature is so complicated that it will never know the exact border between normality and abnormality them they.. - Monica Rus Carmen psychologyst
From listening and silence can be learn a lot of, but these skills to be learn that's the hard and complicated work... - Deyth Banger
Simple things make us Happy but we pursue the complicated. We get caught in a maze and Happiness remains a Distant Dream. - RVM
You cannot write for children. They're much too complicated. You can only write books that are of interest to them. - Maurice Sendak
The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make us wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them we are missing.
Prayer should not be a structured and complicated conversation. It should be a simply and spontaneous conversation between heavenly Father and His sons and daughters. - Euginia Herlihy
Being simple is the most complicated thing nowadays! - Ramana Pemmaraju
When we focus on winning the battle for material gains,we end up losing spiritual war.If we had a better self of ethics we would be better prepared to deal with the complicated world in which we find ourselves. - David V. Gaggin
Which is my favourite book??Very complicated question... so far... I think that the question should be "My favourite books...!". - Deyth Banger
I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated. - Poul Anderson
When he stood up, it was a very complicated motion. If the deck chairs on the Ship to the Sea of Night had opened up, they would have done so like that. It was like he was unfolding himself forever. - Neil Gaiman
People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living isn't complicated enough - Carlos Luiz Zafon
A mystery is an unknown puzzle to solve like lies and secrets that you need to know. Lies and secrets that are like a cancer in our soul. They eat away what is good and leave only DESTRUCTION behind. A mystery to discover which makes life more COMPLICATED as it seems to be. - Red Delachina
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
Getting straight with your money is as complicated as a trip to the grocery store:You need a comparison shop, add and subtract, stick with a plan, and ask questions- nothing more. - Elizabeth Warren
I only have one enemy in this world and she can be very complicated. After forty one years, I still haven't figured her out as yet, but I will -trust me- I am still working on a formula for you Algebra. - Charmaine J. Forde
The truth is sometimes a poor competitor in the market place of ideas complicated, unsatisfying, full of dilemmas, always vulnerable to misinterpretation and abuse. - George F. Kennan
The pencil sharpener is about as far as I have ever got in operating a complicated piece of machinery with any success. - Robert Benchley
We consciously decide whether to consider people; we fall in love despite ourselves; we entirely fail to fall in love with people who fall in love with us. It is a mightily complicated business. - Matt Ridley
The change starts when you start watching a video. You don't see it, you don't feel it but it starts at this moment, just by reading a complicated book or watching a film you again change... It's a fact! - Deyth Banger
A man who learns complicated things from animals is a clever man, but an animal who learns complicated things from men is a genius animal! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Love it's not supposed to be complicated. It must be easy. It should not need begging and imploring. Love must be simple, because it's just the beginning of a long journey. - kambiz shabankareh
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that. - Ben Goldacre
Love is simple, people are complicated. - علي الماجد
Grown ups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets. - Roald Dahl
The universe is big, its vast and complicated, and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles. And that's the theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet, but this would do me. - Steven Moffat
The older I get the more I realize how simple life is and how complicated we make it... - James A. Murphy
It is difficult to describe the peace that comes with giving yourself permission to know what you know. To have hard, complicated realities staring at you and be able to raise your head and look back at them with a steady gaze, scared maybe, grieved perhaps, but straight on and unwavering - Valerie Tarico
You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients. - Julia Child
Mathematics education is much more complicated than you expected, even though you expected it to be more complicated than you expected. - Edward Griffith Begle
If I thought that what I'm doing when I write is expressing myself, I'd junk the typewriter. Writing is a much more complicated activity that that. - Susan Sontag
The most complicated skill is to be simple. - Dejan Stojanovic
For being different, it’s easy. But to be unique, it’s a complicated thing. - Lady Gaga
Every Canadian has a complicated relationship with the United States, whereas Americans think of Canada as the place where the weather comes from. - Margaret Atwood
We make our lives complicated to prove that we are very intelligent. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas ... with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.
Unhappiness is complicated and has many different causes, but happiness is simple and has only one reason. - Debasish Mridha
When things get too complicated, it sometimes makes sense to stop and wonder: Have I asked the right question? - Enrico Bombieri
Modern civilisation is complicated and artificial. Simple folk live in a world of love and peace. Let no one hate another or harm another. - Sivananda Saraswati
10Sometimes life is getting so complicated; yet you have to STAND UP gallantly and SURVIVE your life. Allah has written your ENDING GOAL, and he wants you to do your BEST for getting His blessing. - itsnaini
Start here & go until you die, he said. What's so complicated about that? - Brian Andreas
What appears strange and complex becomes stranger and more complicated once you begin to investigate it. That's the true nature of the world. - Bilal Tanweer
I am living a simple life with a complicated mind and I have yet to find a state of mind where I feel safe with who I am, where I am, with what I do. - Charlotte Eriksson
Jesus kept it simple. The lesson wasn't complicated. 'I speak; you believe My word; your son will be fine.' We complicate what God has made simple by seeing the world through human eyes. We want to see in order to believe and presume that our limitations are His. - Charles R. Swindoll
I wish for you a more difficult life, somewhere in the complicated center, where the courage of your convictions blends with humility and respect for others. - Kenneth Patrick Ruscio
It is true that success is the most boring thing, it is tinny and brittle, failure runs deeper. Success is dangerous. I have a very complicated relationship with that word. - Arundhati Roy
I was planning a death, not a burglary, but in many ways that just made it easier. Taking a life was, in my experience, a damned sight less complicated than taking jewels from a hidden strongbox. - Michael McClung
Creativity is more than just being different. Anybody can play weird-- that's easy. What's hard is to be as simple as Bach. Making the simple complicated is commonplace--making the complicated simple, awesomely simple--that's creativity. - Charles Mingus
1. During civil disturbance adopt such an attitude that people do not attach any importance to you - they neither burden you with complicated affairs, nor try to derive any advantage out of you.
Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions, there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated. - Paul Rand
I am a complicated person with a simple life and I am the reason for everything that ever happened to me. - Charlotte Eriksson
A project is like love; it has clear intentions at the beginning, but it can get complicated. - Gerry Geek
Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated. - Paul Rand
Reality is complicated. There is no justification for all of the hasty conclusions. - Hideki Yukawa
Life is not complicated or finicky, it will gladly take you anywhere you choose to go. - Mark W. Boyer
Sometimes life may look complicated than it is, but you'll have to play it just the way it is and make it proper, the way you would wish it to be in your own words. - Auliq Ice
Women are complicated and messy and we are certainly not perfect, but we are funny and challenging and kind, and I wouldn't change a thing - Melissa McCarthy
Weird is my personality, Complicated are my words and Mystery I am but those what gets you to like me. - Red Delachina
there is one question on my head , its people complicated or life complicated or people make it complicated or me so complicated what complicated even mean ? - Jameel
A man is infinitely more complicated than his thoughts. - Paul Valery
There really is only one ending to any story. Human life ends in death. Until then, it keeps going and gets complicated and there's loss. Everything involves loss; every relationship ends in one way or another. - Charlie Kaufman
Problems are very complicated when you don't know the solutions. - Debasish Mridha
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. This is my simple religion. No need for temples. No need for complicated philosophy. Your own mind, your own heart, is the temple. Your philosophy is simple kindness. - Dalai Lama XIV
Life is so complicated that sometimes it is better to pass up. - Claudio Encarnacion Montero
Utopias bore me. I'm interested in constructing messy, complicated societies that are full of flaws and then saying, ooh, this is interesting, let's see what happens if I poke it here. And concurrently with this and the previous point, I'm interested in making up cultures that are different - Marie Brennan
This is my simple religion. No need for temples. No need for complicated philosophy. Your own mind, your own heart is the temple. Your philosophy is simple kindness. - Dalai Lama XIV
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. - Confucius
Silence can often be more disturbing than noise, it reveals the complicated mechanism of our thoughts - José Rodrigues Miguéis
Complicated things CHALLENGE us most,HURTS us most,and there, we LEARN the most. - Bradley B. Dalina
Simplicity make no mans great, but makes life easier and not complicated. - Bradley B. Dalina
The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves, which leave us to wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them that we are missing.
People are complicated. And messy. Seems too convenient that we’d all fit inside some multiple-choice question. - Riley Cavanaugh
Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.
She's SINGLE doesnt really mean she's AVAILABLE.She's IN A RELATIONSHIP doesnt really mean she's NOT INTERESTED.She's ENGAGED doesnt really mean IT'S OVER.IT'S JUST COMPLICATED untill she's MARRIED! - Emmanuel Aghado
He was the most complicated beautiful mess I'd ever seen and if this is what you feel, when you've met someone that is about to change your entire world; than I dare not hide myself away from it. - Nikki Rowe
Life is complicated. It's a form of joy to have no other choice. - M.O. Walsh
If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is. - John von Neumann
In football everything is complicated by the presence of the opposite team. - Jean-Paul Sartre
Lawyers are lubricants are complicated social intercourse. - Madam Secretary
Crime isn't that complicated. People steal because taking something gives them something. If they're not in it for the money, they're in it for the control. The act of taking, breaking the rules, makes them feel powerful. They're in it for the sheer defiance. - V.E. Schwab
Papa said that I should never be jealous of another's marriage. Whatever joys I imagine them having are just my imaginings. The reality is far more complicated and vast. - Laura Moncur
The crazy thing about poetry is how its simplicity makes it complicated. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I am a complicated person with a simple life. - Charlotte Eriksson
Like most hearts, it was complicated, shaded with dark and dappled with light. - Kate DiCamillo
My goal is to read as much as possible books, my dream is to meet the snow person, the storm person and to make something together. I will be the rain, Snowy will be the snow, Stormy will be the storm - it's not so complicated as far I see. - Deyth Banger
NGOs have a complicated space in neoliberal politics. They are supposed to mop up the anger. Even when they are doing good work, they are supposed to maintain the status quo. They are the missionaries of the corporate world. - Arundhati Roy
Four simple chambers.A thousand complicated doors.One of them is yours. - Jill Alexander Essbaum
When I tried to understand consciousness, I found out how simple it was, but we try to make it so complicated. - Debasish Mridha
it is all very well for you to write simply and the simpler the better. But do not start to think so damned simply. Know how complicated it is and then state it simply. - Ernest Hemingway
Life is too complicated not to be orderly. - Martha Stewart
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. - Dr. Seuss
They say if the love is true, then it’s easy. But that’s false. Love is complicated. It’s sticky. It’s bliss and it’s a mix of emotions. It’s not easy. - Dominic Riccitello
Life is too short to be complicated by rules, live it big - Yatin Patel
Nevertheless, I sought counsel from my leaders and obeyed, even when I knew their advice would make my life more complicated. I decided it was not for me to question and that if some advice caused temporary pain for me, it must be something I should experience. - Gordon B. Hinckley
The human being is so complicated in some ways, and yet so simple in others. Sometimes, we need complex medication regimens. Yet, sometimes, we just need a good cry. - Vironika Tugaleva
The most important thing in life is to dare. The most complicated thing in life is to be afraid. The smartest thing in the world is to try to be a moral person. - Shimon Peres
Don’t ever feel bad that someone couldn’t give you all of their heart. Be grateful that you can take the least complicated part of their soul with you, wherever you go. This is more than some people will ever have. - Shannon L. Alder
All you really need to know for the moment is that the universe is a lot more complicated than you might think, even if you start from a position of thinking it's pretty damn complicated in the first place. - Douglas Adams
In life things get complicated, but it works out eventuallyIt always does - Essa Alam
Another day another life Passes by just like mine It's not complicated Another mind Another soul Another body to grow old It's not complicated - Ed Sheeran
LIFE is simply COMPLICATED. - shaikh mustafa
The consequences of our actions are so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed. - J. K. Rowling
So, as a seventh grader,no, you weren't friends with people you didnt like. But sometimesyou also werent friends with people you did like, which was complicated, and which didnt make any sence if you tried to explain it. Sometimes things just changed. Thats where the sadness came in. - Lauren Myracle
A complicated idea is a confused idea. - Marty Rubin
There are two ways of constructing a piece of software: One is to make it so simple that there are obviously no errors, and the other is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious errors. - Tony Hoare
People are complicated ...you've to be straight forward with your words. - Nikhil Karke
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