Music is made for relax, let's don't move it... let's be clever and left it like this, shall we? - Deyth Banger
To get fruits from the tree branches, shake them with hands; to get fruits from men, shake them with clever ideas! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A man who learns complicated things from animals is a clever man, but an animal who learns complicated things from men is a genius animal! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It is a truth universally acknowledged that one only comes up with clever, cutting remarks long after the other party is happily slumbering away. - Lauren Willig
Clever wives are mostly silent ,alert and pay equal attention to limiting the kind and degree of emotions of family which creates and destroy HOMES. - Kishore Bansal
Justice fails because victims used to be too kind and criminals too clever. - M.F. Moonzajer
He was stupid, yes, in the particular way that very clever people can be stupid. - Terry Pratchett
Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them - Walter Kerr
Why to be in this room?If I was smart... I won't stay in this room and I will move in a room where people are more clever than me... but If it's easy as possibility... I want without a trouble to finish school. - Deyth Banger
You can be clumsy yet clever. You can be classy yet poor. It's not tearing a leaf off a calendar which will make you a better or a worse man but the attitude that you have from dusk till dawn every day. - Indeewara Jayawardane
They keep you doped with religion, and sex, and T.V.And you think you're so clever and classless and freeBut you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see - John Lennon
Some people are so clever there's just no hope for them. - Marty Rubin
The failure mode of clever is asshole. - John Scalzi
Stupid man produces noise; clever man produces silence! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A clever schoolboy's reaction to his reading is most naturally expressed by parody or imitation. - C.S. Lewis
A clever man commits no minor blunders. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The point that I think myself to be so terribly clever is the precise point at which I am beginning to think myself to be god-like, which causes me to become God-less. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Those who are clever, who have a Brain, never understand anything.
A technique succeeds in mathematical physics, not by a clever trick, or a happy accident, but because it expresses some aspect of a physical truth.
Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever. - Aristophanes
Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate... - Terry Pratchett
All the habits of Man are evil. And above all, no animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. No animal must ever kill any other animal. All animals are equal. - George Orwell
What can you expect from a stupid government? Anything good? Anything useful, anything clever? Anything just? No! You can expect nothing but stupidity, nothing but mistakes, nothing but injustices and tragedies! All a stupid government can do is to produce wrecks and debris! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Clever people enjoy saving gold and declares themselves as wealthy or very rich, but a wise person gives away and keep well away from it and declares themselves far richer than those people who saves it. - Darren Paul Thorn
A clever quote opens new paths in the minds of the clever! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I'm not a clever man, but I'm willing to listen to people who are, and I think you are. Just don't try poking me in the direction you want me to go. I don't like that Master Balwer. - Robert Jordan
People care more about being thought to have taste than about being thought either good, clever or amiable. - Samuel Butler
The worst part of an eminent man's conversation is, nine times out of ten, to be found in that part by which he means to be clever. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
While a rich man cannot have more than 1440 minutes a day, a clever man makes more time by using OPM or Other People's Minutes.- - RVM
Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile. - Albert Schweitzer
If you want to be clever, that's fine, but being wise is not about being right all the time, it is about acquiring understanding. - R.A.Delmonico
The physique of a Messiah. But too clever to believe in God or be convinced of his own mission. And too sensitive, even if he were convinced, to carry it out. His muscles would like to act and his feelings would like to believe; but his nerve-endings and his cleverness won't allow it. - Aldous Huxley
Off, end this lies it's not awesome. Please take this crap, second very clever and smart, but I want to add suffix (-ass), it's very suitable, isn't it? - Deyth Banger
A man likes his wife to be just clever enough to comprehend his cleverness, and just stupid enough to admire it.
You'll make bundle of blunders if you consider yourself too clever to look at anothers work. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I found awesome quotes here which are marvel, but the main problem is that from 10000000000000000000000000 people which is an endless result few of them read them. What happens with the other part?? To clever to read this? - Deyth Banger
Time will come and some people will be proud of themselves that they have never believed in any religion! This honour will be belonging to the clever people of the society only! For the others, merely the deep shame will remain! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Jack the Ripper – media myth arising when clever individual murderers concocted a monster so as to avoid suspicion. - Anthony North
So, rather than appear foolish afterward, I renounce seeming clever now.
My idea of good company is the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company. - Jane Austen
I believe our clever young man has intuited that while only the pursuit of happiness is promised to all Americans, unhappiness is guaranteed for many. - Viet Thanh Nguyen
Clever, smart and wise people have one in common that they read quotes, they are curious for knowledge and they have big libraries! - Deyth Banger
Here we are, the most clever species ever to have lived. So how is it we can destroy the only planet we have? - Jane Goodall
Yesterday, I was clever, I wanted to be rich. Today, I am wise, I want to be happy. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The right thoughts of the clever man are a ladder which takes you higher places. By climbing these ladders, one day you yourself become such a ladder itself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I have to tell you, Arty, a screw up this early in the proceedings doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence. I hope you’re as clever as you keep telling everyone you are. I never tell anybody exactly how clever I am. They would be too scared... - Eoin Colfer
One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. - Will Durant
People care more about being thought to have taste than about being good, clever, or amiable. - Samuel Butler
To be clever enough to get a great deal of money, one must be stupid enough to want it. - George Bernard Shaw
Your mind is your guide! With a clever mind, you will have a life full of light! Improve your mind, improve your real savior! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value. - Philip Kotler
Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. - C.S. Lewis
Passion often makes a madman of the cleverest man, and renders the greatest fools clever. - François de La Rochefoucauld
They say as brave as lion, they say as clever as fox, they say as friendly as dog but nobody says as something good as man. - Amit Kalantri
There is a world of difference between being clever and being right. - Ian Driscoll
How many stars can you count in the sky? How many mistakes can you count in your life? Stop counting! No clever man ever is stuck in the past! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Be Clever, Think Clever and Do Clever - Robin James
Wise people make trails and paths, clever walk on them - stupid people can't decide. - Deyth Banger
Yesterday I was clever and tried to change the world. Today I am wise and try to change myself. - Jalaluddin Rumi
WITTICISM, n. A sharp and clever remark, usually quoted, and seldom noted; what the Philistine is pleased to call a "joke." - Ambrose Bierce
Men are only clever at shifting blame from their own shoulders to those of others. - Titus Livius
Though the stupid have great capacity to direct the world because they are plentiful, the clever has a much greater capacity to prevent the stupid from halting the progression of humanity because - though they are rare - they are tactical and intelligent! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Her simplicity fathomed what clever people falsified. - Virginia Woolf
In a world full of clever people, it is the wise that that keep the peace, it is the wise that guide the future, and it is the wise that hold it together. - R.A.Delmonico
Some fool aims to go to heaven; some clever knows that there isn’t any; and some intelligent tries to create one with his own effort! Be intelligent! - Mehmet Murat ildan
To be clever enough to get all that money, one must be stupid enough to want it. - G.K. Chesterton
Creativity is when a stupid clever soul gets up from bed and does amazing things that makes the world think he is wise. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Fear wears so many clever disguises it is virtually impossible to always recognize it. Fear disguises itself as the need to be somewhere else, doing something else, not knowing how to do something or not needing to do something. - Iyanla Vanzant
Clever liars give details, but the cleverest don't.
A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. - Bertrand Russell
I like hearing myself talk. It is one of my greatest pleasures. I often have long conversations all by myself and I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a word of what I'm saying. - Oscar Wilde
I like hearing myself talk. It is one of my greatest pleasures. I often have long conversations all by myself, and I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying. - Oscar Wilde
Wild animals bite the hand that feeds them. Clever people consume the entire body. - Stefan Emunds
Killers are clever, victims are the people which are scare from the negativity. That's how it goes and it will go. - Deyth Banger
In Paris, where raillery is so quick to throw emotion out the window, silence, in a roomful of clever people after a story, is the most flattering of all marks of success - Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
The turtle lives 'twixt plated decksWhich practically conceal its sex.I think it clever of the turtleIn such a fix to be so fertile. - Ogden Nash
Chess is a foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever when they are only wasting their time. - George Bernard Shaw
No woman marries for money; they are all clever enough, before marrying a millionaire, to fall in love with him first. - Cesare Pavese
You learned something right? Make it part of your life right away! You heard something clever? Internalize it instantly! You heard something beautiful? Add it to your life philosophy at once! - Mehmet Murat ildan
My mind is so clever, but it does me no favors. - Anonymous
He loved her in spite of her unlovableness. Armande had many trying, thought not necessarily rare, traits, all of which he accepted as absurd clues in a clever puzzle. - Vladimir Nabokov
Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man. - Bertrand Russell
Opinions mean nothing; they may be beautiful or ugly, clever or foolish, anyone can embrace or reject them. - Hermann Hesse
Some stuff which I do aren't some kind a cheats or this kind a of stuff it's about thinking and it's about how clever am I! - Deyth Banger
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. - Jalaluddin Rumi
In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering among innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Clever people master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties.
Clever nations are the ones who keep changing their governments! Because power must change hands otherwise it will get spoiled and rot! - Mehmet Murat ildan
People want one book to read about the topic and to learn everything, unfortunately I was the same guy, the same person. Who wanted the same, but most stuff and for the most clever and intelligent people is mystery. - Deyth Banger
People should train their brain by watching films, by listening music, by playing games, by reading quotes. If people do this, I can said from this a big percent from here you can become clever. - Deyth Banger
Only elves and trolls had survived the coming of Man to the discworld: the elves because they were altogether too clever by half, and the trolley folk because they were at least as good as humans at being nasty, spiteful and greedy. - Terry Pratchett
To succeed in the world, it is much more necessary to possess the penetration to discern who is a fool, than to discover who is a clever man.
oh, oh GreenHollyWood says with a smile and even and angry sounds like devil who comes from hell... says not to lie and now he lies... so clever and such a smart ass. (Isn't he?!??!) - Deyth Banger
You'll be happy if you'll remember that men don't change much. Women do. Women adapt themselves, and if you think that means they lose their individuality, you're wrong. Show me a happy marriage and I'll show you a clever woman. - Elizabeth Cadell
It is one thing to be clever and another to be wise. - George R.R. Martin
From the port of ideas, not only the most clever ones put out to sea and conquer the world but also the most stupid ones do this! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Creativity is when a stupid clever soul gets up from bed and do amazing things that makes the world think he is wise. - Michael Bassey Johnson
It's Sunday, yesterday was Saturday, before Saturday was Friday 3.18.2016 - I'm 16 and soon I will be 17, the times flies. We can't stop it, but we can be wise and use it in clever way! - Deyth Banger
You must be clever, Tracey to do these forgeries.""She's not clever. I did them," yelled Frieda."You'll get five years.""She did them."From Halfpennies and Blue Vinyl - Robyn Quaker
I done something bad, it was to believe that to read a book you must be a stupid guy. No people which read they are clever - the guy who said this is stupid guy! - Deyth Banger