Quotation Explorer - 'Systems'

It would take me a long time to understand how systems inflict pain and hardship in people's lives and to learn that being kind in an unjust system is not enough. - Helen Prejean
Early violence and early abandonment damages people and family systems, and can persist for decades if not healed. - Christine Mason
From the systems point of view, it is evident that one of the main obstacles to organizational change is the largely unconscious embrace by business leaders of the mechanistic approach to management. - Fritjof Capra
I’m not advocating a competition for who has it toughest. The caste systems of sex and race are interdependent and can only be uprooted together. It’s time to take equal pride in breaking all the barriers. - Gloria Steinem
We intend to destroy all dogmatic verbal systems. - William S. Burroughs
Systems, whether educational or political, are not changed mysteriously; they are transformed when there is a fundamental change in ourselves. - Krishnamurti
When value systems are embraced by a nation, when the citizens of a country are truly rich in virtues, then material wealth is a matter of time. - Sunday Adelaja
The era of biologically toxic wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation and harmonic electronic power generation from wind and solar systems with their adverse brain modifying effects that can bring on irritable and aggressive behaviors has made it a bad time to be a police officer. - Steven Magee
Very few of the common people realize that the political and legal systems have been corrupted by decades of corporate lobbying. - Steven Magee
Our systems, perhaps, are nothing more than an unconscious apology for our faults, a gigantic scaffolding whose object is to hide from us our favorite sin - Henri Frédéric Amiel
Life was simple before World War II. After that, we had systems.
But the greatest menace to our civilization today is the conflict between giant organized systems of self-righteousness-each system only too delighted to find that the other is wicked-each only too glad that the sins give it the pretext for still deeper hatred and animosity. - Herbert Butterfield
Freedom is what's left when the belief systems deconstruct. - Dana Gore
The task of teaching has never been more complex and the expectations that burden teachers are carried out in antiquated systems that offer little support—and yet, teachers are finding success every day. - Tucker Elliot
Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, water systems, subdue the power of the ocean thereby give glory to God almighty - Sunday Adelaja
Once machines performed all the servile functions formerly performed by the lower classes, the population immediately achieved equality, ending over ten thousand years of class systems. - Charles Edward Stoll
What it takes to do a job will not be learned from management courses. It is principally a matter of experience, the proper attitude, and common sense none of which can be taught in a classroom... Human experience shows that people, not organizations or management systems, get things done. - Hyman G. Rickover
A limited state with free economic systems is the soil where the liberty tree blossoms. - Orrin Woodward
Nothing speeds brain atrophy more than being immobilized in the same environment: the monotony undermines our dopamine and attentional systems crucial to our brain plasticity. - Norman Doidge
Our choices are always in accordance to the prevailing value systems of our environment. - Sunday Adelaja
We can allow satellites, planets, suns, universe, nay whole systems of universes, to be governed by laws, but the smallest insect, we wish to be created at once by special act. - Charles Darwin
The collaboration between secretaries of state, election officials and the voting system manufacturers on the matter of enforcing this black box proprietary code secrecy with election systems, is nothing less than the commoditization and monetization of American Democracy - James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology
Our daily endeavours and activities should be about or around these value systems. They reflect love. They reflect care. They reflect kindness. They are qualities of heaven. - Sunday Adelaja
The K-T impact had no evident long-lasting effect on the redwoods. It's possible that, after the impact, the redwoods sprouted up from the remains of their root systems, rising up in fairy rings in a ruined world ... - Richard Preston
Human cultures construct an enormous variety of environments through language, technology, and institutions. We are born in and die in these systems of symbols and imagination. - William E. Paden
In pioneer days they used oxen for heavy pulling, and when one ox couldn't budge a log, they didn't try to grow a larger ox. We shouldn't be trying for bigger computers, but for more systems of computers.
Muhammad introduced the concept of such Glorious and Omnipotent God in Whose eyes all worldly systems are pieces of straw. Islamic equality of mankind is no fiction as it is in Christianity. No human mind has ever thought of such total freedom as established by Muhammad. - Mawde Royden
Attempts to control complex systems tend to be pointless at best or destructive at worst. - Stanley McChrystal
The woman of my dreams knows how to break into systems.
Our teaching systems mostly teach us how to conform but not how to reform. - Debasish Mridha
Real religion begins where the tiny cocoons of belief systems end. - Abhijit Naskar
A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society. - Ludwig von Mises
Everyone understands the pain that accompanies death,but genuine pain doesn't live in the spirit,nor in the air, nor in our lives,nor on these terraces of billowing smoke.The genuine pain that keeps everything awakeis a tiny, infinite burnon the innocent eyes of other systems. - Federico García Lorca
We didn't install the [Code Red] patch on those DMZ systems because they were only used for development and testing. Anonymous client, shortly after spending 48 continuous hours removing 2001's Code Red worm from internal corporate servers - Mark G. Graff
In a nutshell, the difference between Christianity and all other belief systems is who you're putting your trust in: in Christ, or in yourself? - Ibrahim Emile
In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering among innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Doubt 'til thou canst doubt no more...doubt is thought and thought is life. Systems which end doubt are devices for drugging thought. - Albert Guerard
Domestic abusers and the abused need to develop healthy support systems... - Asa Don Brown
For a nation to be truly great, she must first identify her national values, enumerate her virtues and formulate her value system. But the most tasking of all these is to develop a culture in her people, that will best represent the proclaimed value systems of the nation. - Sunday Adelaja
Knowledge is the essence of organized information systems. Wisdom is the essence of knowledge and experience. - Debasish Mridha
Nature already uses the language of mathematics, so why not work with the environment instead of against it. We need to start mimicking the mathematical logic that occurs in the landscape, identify existing systems, and out of those concepts create new ones. - Yafreisy Carrero
Collision avoidance systems are the next big radio frequency (RF) toxin to hit the USA general population as they become standard safety equipment in most new cars. - Steven Magee
Engineers participate in the activities which make the resources of nature available in a form beneficial to man and provide systems which will perform optimally and economically. - L. M. K. Boelter
Love corrupts and absolute love corrupts absolutely. The unreasonable systems of men, that is. - Silvia Hartmann
Dr. John Nash Ott had discovered by 1987 that glass, artificial light sources, electricity and electronic systems were having extensive detrimental effects on plants, animals and humans. - Steven Magee
When value systems are embraced by a nation, when the citizens of a country are truly rich in virtues, then material wealth is a matter of time. Moreover, these material wealth don’t just come and go, they come to stay as long as the virtues remain in the fabric of the nation - Sunday Adelaja
You've got be careful about getting locked into open systems.
All systems of the society are meant to serve the mind, not the mind to serve the systems. - Abhijit Naskar
Most USA citizens never realize that the systems of public protection are essentially useless until they try to use them. At that point they learn the hard way that government agencies like OSHA, FCC, FDA, police internal affairs, disability, and the like do not work for them. - Steven Magee
It is interesting that we know how the world and the planetary systems work, but we don’t know how we think and why we are conscious. - Debasish Mridha
They (who) seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers. . . call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order.
Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, develop water systems, subdue the power of the ocean and thereby give glory to God almighty. - Sunday Adelaja
The technology is the independent variable, the social system the dependent variable. Social, systems are therefore determined by systems of technology; as the latter change, so do the former. - Leslie White
I am confident of my ability to demonstrate that one can sometimes believe in something and yet not believe in it. Nothing is less fathomable than the systems that motivate our actions. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Leaders of all systems (Capitalism, Communism, etc.) in History claimed to serve the people. All Systems would work if the leaders meant it! - Francis Mont
This little boy playing next to me is an intellectual mass of cells - better yet, he's a clockwork of subatomic movements, a strange electrical conglomeration of millions of solar systems in minature. [58, Zenith trans.] - Fernando Pessoa
Distributed file systems are a cruel hoax.
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