Quotation Explorer - 'Wait'

Everyone wants to be wanted and if all people wait for someone else to invest in them, the world will be stuck in an eternal stalemate: nobody moves and nobody wins. - Laura L.
I’m sure there are people who are content to run errands and report for work on time and wait, with an enlivening eagerness, for the lunch bell. I wish them well. They have, however, never been the subjects of novels, and in all likelihood, will never be. - Michael Cunningham
Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is timing. It wait on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way. - Fulton J. Sheen
Learn everything you can learn now while you are young. If you think you are old now, well let me remind you that NOTHING IS TOO LATE. If you will start it now, you are never too old to do it! Don't wait for another year older for you to learn something new. JUST DO IT. (You listen to Nike!) - Diana Rose Morcilla
You don't have to wait for things to happen to live your life. - Zach Sobiech
We wait upon finite minds to validate infinite things— this is evidence of human stupidity. - C. JoyBell C.
You must not wait to be elected into office, before you begin to serve. Begin to serve every where you are; in the home, community, school, university, work, hospital, church, market, society, nation and among many other places. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I will wait for you as long as it takes. I will love you every moment across time. - Lauren Kate
If we all want the peace and flooded the world with love, peace will wait for us at the shore. - Debasish Mridha
Find a calm lake and wait for the twilight in silence! There, existence will visit you with all its magnificence! The existence of the Existence can best be felt in the presence of dimness and in the absence of crowds and noises! - Mehmet Murat ildan
School is about learning to wait your turn, however long it takes to come, if ever. And how to submit with a show of enthusiasm to the judgment of strangers, even if they are wrong, even if your enthusiasm is phony. - John Taylor Gatto
My own personal position is that it's much more special to wait for the person who you're married to.
Life is like this roller coaster you can’t wait to be tall enough and old enough to get on. But when you get on it you realize you’re afraid of roller coasters. - Evan Rauch
Death does not wait for you to be ready. - Compton Gage
If we don't learn from each others experience, we are forced to listen to people who have economic reasons to withhold critical information from us all. The other option is to wait for the government to tell us what their financial supporters want us to know. - Richard Diaz
If you want something to happen, you must make it happen, because if you really don't want it, it's not going to happen without you. You can't make other people do things for you. You can't wait for people to come and give it to you. You must go out and get it. - Olga Custodio
Never sit back and wait for a opportunity to find you, get up and search for one, it exists find it! - Victoria Addino
Sincerity is nothing to express, it appears over the period. Just try to hold and wait.... - Muhammad Danish Adeel
Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, water systems, subdue the power of the ocean thereby give glory to God almighty - Sunday Adelaja
Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. - Barack Obama
Don't wait for a miracle. Make one happen. - K.J. Mecklenfeld
You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet. - Franz Kafka
Time is: Too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear. - Henry van Dyke
But aside from a few migraines, you can't possibly imagine any OBEY drawbacks that CEASE REPRODUCTION could come with SUBMIT merging CONSUME your thoughts with EMBRACE YOUR CULLING experimental technology CONFORM TO SOCIAL ORDER from an STAY ASLEEP extremely powerful DIE corporation, wait what? - Andrew Hussie
Do not wait to know you are dying before you start living. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved. - Maurice Chevalier
The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready. - Henry David Thoreau
Learn to labour and to wait. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. - Henry Van Dyke
For those suggesting criticisms of drone kills should wait until the election: that'd be reasonable if he stops killing until the election. - Glenn Greenwald
When a mad man found some certain way to express his insanity in original way, he would get promoted to be called an Artist.... Wait, are you talking about me? - Hiroko Sakai
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank
If you believe getting close to being 50 is bad... wait to see how one feels when getting far crom that age - Luispa
Learn to wait on the Lord! That will help you to walk your pathway in life in the power and glory of God. - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
Live your life, take chances, be crazy. Dont wait 'cause right now is the oldest you've ever been & the youngest you'll be ever again - Suzanne Collins
Restlessness and impatience change nothing except our peace and joy. Peace does not dwell in outward things, but in the heart prepared to wait trustfully and quietly on Him who has all things safely in His hands. - Elisabeth Elliot
It's called entrepreneurSHIP, not entrepreneurSIT. Don't wait. Just ship. - Richie Norton
I will wait for youNo matter where you areI won't get lostEven if something happensI'll be here loving youAs long as you're thereAs long as you still don't have... Someone else - Joshua Pallarca
Leaders don't wait. They shape their own frontiers. The bigger the challenge, the greater the opportunity. - Carlos Wallace
You may slowdown, but time will not wait for you. - Debasish Mridha
Don't wait, just sweat. - Amit Kalantri
When it comes to morals & principles, a man in the 'real' world has two options; compromise or wait for sometime and then compromise. - Mohammad Rafiq Teli
When I'm inspired, I get excited because I can't wait to see what I'll come up with next.
Do not be in a hurry, wait for the harvest. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don't wait for the opportunity, create it. - Debasish Mridha
You can wait your whole life for the right moment and it might never come, so I'm a big believer in making now the right moment. - Logan Henderson
Apathetic people sit back and wait for things to get better before they move. Radical people make things get better, by how they move. - Shannon L. Alder
Do not wait for someone to Motivate you; Consider it as a self service and do it yourself. - Mohith Agadi
Time and tide wait for no man. - Stephen King
I rather now strive to reach rather than wait to receive! - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
All dreams are possible, if we work and wait for the manifest. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The sum of all human wisdom is contained in these two words: Wait and Hope.
When you lose someone you love, you die too, and you wait around for your body to catch up. - John Scalzi
I am not a dog who needs a bitch to satisfy the life , i m here to build an empire and for that i will wait for my queen - surya pratap
Don’t wait for a perfect person to love. Love a person and make him or her perfect with your power of love. - Debasish Mridha
It is worth to not waste time in chasing a prospect who makes the vendor wait for a long time in the first meeting, as perhaps he could never be converted into a loyal client/good customer. - Anuj Somany
Patience comes when you wait. - Natalie Hush
Wait here, Audrey. This is between me and the vegetable.
Enjoy losing weight. Enjoy eating healthy, delicious food. Do not wait until you reach your destination to feel good. Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey. - Harry Papas
I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work. - Pearl S. Buck
If you are a boat and your lake is frozen, what can you do? You will wait for the spring! We are lucky that we are humans, we don’t have to wait for the spring; we can break the ice if necessary, we can use fire to open our way! Nothing can stop the mind if the mind decides to move to his target! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Love, just to love. Don't wait for a reason to love. That is selfishness. - Debasish Mridha
Don’t wait until your energy runs out before you take a much needed step back to assess the situation. - Auliq Ice
I've heard many say "I'll sell my soul to the Devil"in hopes of gaining money, power or fame.Why do they think that they have that much worth over any other person?And the Devil if there is one wouldn't simply wait for them to condemn themselves on their own - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Wait for the man who will do anything to be your everything. And will continue to do it after he has your heart. - Alessandra Torre
Every moment of existence is a volcano full of truth! Every single moment is ready to explode, may be now, may be two minutes or may be two years later! Truths are ready to erupt! Every single moment is ready to erupt! Be silent; wait for the eruptions! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When the future is fogged and ahead lays opportunity but risk, it is better to tread a careful path through the uncertainty than to wait for the mist to clear, if it ever does. - Anonymous
One must wait until the evening to see how splendid the day has been. - Sophocles
Unsuccessful people think the end justifies the means. Successful people understand that the means justifies the end; if the means isn't available, the end can wait. Successful people simply cut their coat according to their size, then grow by increasing their size. - Asuni LadyZeal
Well, history isn't ever going to end, happily or unhappily. And history is ending every second - happily for some of us, unhappily for others, happily one second, unhappily the next. History is always ending and always not ending, and both ways there is nothing to wait for - Tom Robbins
I needed to do my current job well, keep preparing, and wait on God’s timing. I needed to trust His leadership rather than try to force an outcome I wanted. - Tony Dungy
He who makes his needs known to God gains for immediate answer "the peace of God which passeth understanding," and can wait God’s time for the rest. - Alexander MacLaren
You can't wait for the race to start to get ready. That's a loss. You must get your mind right before you get to the starting line. Mindset is everything! - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Don't wait for a reason to feel the joy. Life is for joy. - Debasish Mridha
The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men. - George Eliot
If I die, I will wait for you, do you understand? No matter how long. I will watch from beyond to make sure you live every year you have to its fullest, and then we’ll have so much to talk about when I see you again… (Bones) - Jeaniene Frost
If you wait until you are ready, you will keep waiting forever. - Mohith Agadi
She knew that nothing was ever as overwhelming or final as he seemed to think - that if he would wait, instead of shouting, there'd be less to shout over in the end. - Josephine Johnson
Now your burnt ashes float to mingle with others And as I wait for another day I keep singing another song How did I go astray! - Lindiwe Mabuza
I took a breath and let it go and suddenly the air was crisper and my lungs lighter and suddenly there was him saying my name in different ways and I catch myself throwing glances in the mirror, seeing someone I don’t know quite yet but I can’t wait to, and that is the start of everything. - Charlotte Eriksson
Why wait to forgive and let go only after you have sufficiently wallowed in your despair? Why not forgive and let go now? - Kamand Kojouri
Zo, I'm not a damn pussy!'Erik, looking very tall and full-grown, kick-your-butt vampyre-like, snorted sarcastically and then said, 'No, you're a damn human. Wait, that does make you a pussy! - P.C. Cast
Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gateAnd though I oft have passed them by A day will come at last when IShall take the hidden paths that run West of the Moon, East of the Sun. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Your imperfections should not stop you from moving towards your dreams. If you wait until you are perfect, or "good enough" your dreams will remain just a dream. - Eileen Anglin
If you want to wait till your black hairs turn grey and your teeth start pulling out before you become a leader, you are either too fast to prove your ignorance, or you are too late to know who you are made of. - Israelmore Ayivor
Life's a one way road, Don't just stand next to it and wait to get a pick-up back. - Wouter Van Gastel
Don't wait to forgive until you feel like forgiving; you will never get there. Feelings take time to heal after the choice to forgive is made. - Neil T. Anderson
By always thinking unto them. I keep the subject constantly before me and wait till the first dawnings open little by little into the full light.
Why do we have to wait for special moments to say nice things or tell people we care about them? - Randy K. Milholland
Never allow yourself to become a choice in any relationship. The moment you do is when you have reduced your loved one's affections to a daily biological question: Should I take a dump here or wait till I get home? - Shannon L. Alder
Goals doesn't leave you like men, goals wait, they wait for their achievers. - Amit Kalantri
It takes the trust of God for things that exist, to wait on him for the evidence of things that do not exist. Faith and hope make you to thank God for the invisible things by looking at the visible things which were once invisible too. - Israelmore Ayivor
wait until god call u , but don't wait forone's helping hand because god given utwo hands - yakoobkhan
The beauty of a morning glory, is that of its patient wait for the sun to rise in the morning! - Mary Kate
Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen - Horace Mann
There will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self destruct. It never fails. - Richard Rybolt
I thought I told you to wait in the car. - Tallulah Bankhead
Don't wait until you become rich to help somebody, kindness doesn't always require money - Charmaine J. Forde
It is truly time to inspire your mind, whatever your dreams may be! Don’t wait for tomorrow, whatever your sorrows. Today is the day to ‘believe’. Jump to it! written by , c2011. - Lee Bice-Matheson
What’s the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions if, in the end, all we’re willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true? - F. Sherwood Rowland
I have been the patient one. I have waited for the world to stop being silly. I have waited for it to stop wars. I have waited for politicians to be honest. I have waited for real estate men to be good citizens. But while I wait, I dance! - Ray Bradbury
Don't wait for what you don't have. Use what you have, begin now and what you don't even expect will come alongside with excess of what you expect. Go, make it happen. - Israelmore Ayivor
No gift unrecognized as coming from God is at its own best: therefore many things that God would gladly give us, things even that we need because we are, must wait until we ask for them, that we may know whence they come: when in all gifts we find Him, then in Him we shall find all things. - George MacDonald
Work hard and wait for the fulfillment of future events. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You polluted my air. I will pollute your. Just Wait... Revenge is not the solution - Talees Rizvi
Hearts aren't handcuffs and people aren't prisons. When you feel it's time for you to leave, you leave. You neither need to wait to be released, nor ask for permission. - Beau Taplin
What are you wearing?" "Coveralls. Shit-kickers. Long, latex gloves." He blinked. "can't wait to see you take them off. - Roxanne Snopek
Remember it is your choice; you can either wait for someone or end someone’s waiting. - M.F. Moonzajer
Can I quote myself...? Oh wait, I think I just did. - Scarlett Finn
I couldn’t wait for success so I went ahead without it. - Jonathan Winters
For blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds, And though a late, a sure reward succeeds. - William Congreve
When we get impatient because something is taking too long, we should remember that Life waits on us a thousand times more than we wait on Life. - Laura Teresa Marquez
We can wait for that inner inspiration to come or we can actively cultivate it. The choice is ours. Choosing to actively cultivate the inner inspiration of the heart is Heartfulness. - Daaji
Don’t wait for a vacation to enjoy life. Start to enjoy it now, today, wherever you are. - Debasish Mridha
My father hated radio and could not wait for television to be invented so he could hate that too. - Peter De Vries
Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for the rest of the time... The wait is simply too long. - Leonard Bernstein
If you wait to live you will never succeed. Living begins today and it begins within you. - Asa Don Brown
Enjoy what you have this moment. Don't wait around for something that might not happen. - Xena Thornton
Associate with noblest people you can find; read the best books; live with the mighty. But learn to be happy alone. Rely upon your own energies, and so not wait for, or depend on other people. - Thomas Davidson
Just go on reading, as well as you can, and be sure that when the children get the thrill of the story, for which you wait, they will be asking more questions, and pertinent ones, than you are able to answer. - Arthur Quiller-Couch
Loneliness gave me things that no one did. It gave me pain, It gave me strength to gather myself and stand again. It gave me strength to wait for you. - Srinivas Shenoy
People usually feel funny, smile and laugh when I tell them about my strong belief in the very existence of prehistoric advanced technology and great civilizations of wilier races. I just can't wait to see their faces at time the truth is revealed. - Toba Beta
Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. - Abraham Lincoln
succes is quest that will take me a life time to for fill but it is worth the wait
For others do I wait... for higher ones, stronger ones, more triumphant ones, merrier ones, for such as are built squarely in body and soul: laughing lions must come. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Don’t wait for things to happen. Make them happen. - Roy T. Bennett
What a more beautiful world this would be if we didn't wait til people were dead before we honored their spirit. - Kellie Elmore
Letting go of who you're supposed to be and discovering who you really are is a journey of many experiences, but certainty is not one of them. No matter how long you wait, it'll never feel safe enough. Plunge in anyway. - Vironika Tugaleva
Do not wait for the last judgment. It takes place every day. - Albert Camus
The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. - Unknown
Some days you just get lucky… Other days you wait patiently for luck to happen - Destin Sparks
Do not wait for an opportunity to be all that you want to be. - Wallace D. Wattles
To reveal your greatness, don’t wait for a great opportunity. Find a simple opportunity to care and share your great love. - Debasish Mridha
don't take a multiple shots to have a master piece one, instead wait for a time which will give you a masterpiece at once. - kurbhatt
Sometimes we wait too long for the forgiveness of our fathers. - Harley King
How much longer will you wait until you take a chance on yourself? - Richie Norton
I am insane, does that surprise you? Ha! I think my mind is crumbling, just like crackers. If I had written five minutes earlier I would have wept, if I had written ten minutes earlier I would have told you to leave me alone, if I wait any longer I won’t write at all. - @ neuroticdream Tumblr
I was made and meant to look for you and wait for you and become yours forever. - Robert Browning
Keep going even when the going is slow and uncertain.Make your dream your prayer and your service.Don’t wait for recognition. Let it find you working. Romanticize authenticity instead of perfection. - G.G. Renee Hill
A golden opportunity may turn into silver if you wait too long to take advantage of it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Better to get off the train at this station. Than to do it later, when it's too late. Remember Time doesn't wait! - Deyth Banger
Spend your time with family and people you love. Don't wait for festivals be with them, each moment you're with them, that's a festival. - Sarvesh Jain
I whispered to him, You'll regret it if you let me go. I don't wait for a man, if he's not willing to grow' He didn't believe me, he made his choice & That was the last time, he ever heard my voice. - Nikki Rowe
You can dance in the storm. Don't wait for the rain to be over before because it might take too long. You can can do it now. Wherever you are, right now, you can start, right now; this very moment. - Israelmore Ayivor
Why wait to get old and dream about the things you could have done, when you can start now and dream about the things you will do. - Allan Walsh
We don’t need to wait for Heaven. Heaven is with us now. - Mark Andrew Poe
I no longer have the energy for meaningless friendships, forced interactions or unnecessary conversations. If we don’t vibrate on the same frequency there’s just no reason for us to waste our time. I’d rather have no one and wait for substance than to not feel someone and fake the funk. - Joquesse Eugenia
Life is all about being in the labyrinth just to seek happiness but the only way to escape it is to stop and wait what's next in this line - Bianca Agoncillo
Silence is where my demons lurk, taunting me endlessly day after day until the end of time...yet still I wait, revelling in their company... - Virginia Alison
Do not wait for someone else to validate your existence; it is your own responsibility. - Jasz Gill
In life one has a choice to take one of two paths: to wait for some special day - or to celebrate each special day. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
If you wait, all that happens is that you get older. - Mario Andretti
My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hate on ice, and wait for the sun to show. - Gabriel García Márquez
I could hardly wait for following chapters, which arrived in dribs and drabs, and I began to feel for all the world like the young T.B. Macaulay walking from London to meet the Cambridge coach bearing the next installment of Waverley novels. - Vernon Sproxton
Don't wait for wisdom to come and rescue you, seek it daily. - Matshona Dhliwayo
This is as true in everyday life as it is in battle: we are given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind, or whether to act, and in acting, to live.
While we wait for the promise, we keep working. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you. - Randy Pausch
You are the magical fairy that makes things happen in your life. Don't wait for someone else to make your dreams come true. - Natalie Rivener
Some people can never understand that you have to wait, even for the best of things, until the right time comes. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Why wait? So precious is this life—this gift—this temporary blindness. Burn and drown and embrace the false dark, then grasp the unthinkable height of resulting joy. For in the end, in the light of truth when the flesh is cast off, there is nothing but this. - Jennifer DeLucy
Don't wait for the right conditions. All you need for your growth is available to you in this moment - Radhe Maa
A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. - Tom Stoppard
Don't wait for people to dress your bed for you, do it yourself and you'll be glad to sleep and feel relaxed. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Time does not wait for you , you wait for the time - Bavia Dinesh
Success is waking up in the morning and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at - something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again. - Whit Hobbs
I wait, you play. You speak, I cave. I promise, you break. You game me, daily, you play me. - Coco J. Ginger
But wait ooo ....Alcohol(Outings & Fashion), Women/Men, Money, Thats all about it.you call this fun ? These don't satisfy ME and you both know how you feel when you are alone. IT STINKSJESUS SATISFIES, NOT CHURCH. - Mary Tornyenyor
I will never abandon one opportunity and wait for another. We have not reached the goal we are striving for. What you see now is nothing compared to our vision…just tiny parts of what lies ahead. - Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
You don’t have to wait for a storm to pass to paint your own rainbow. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress. When you're pissed off at someone and you're angry at them, you just haven't given them enough time. Just give them a little more time and they almost always will impress you. - Randy Pausch
People don't like to wait for words, they want the words to wait for them. - Therese May
The thing about life is, you’ve got to somehow make it through the day. Don’t wait for the beautiful evening. Go on with your life. Of course, the beautiful evening will come. In fact, she’s on her way. And she’s coming to you as fast as she can. And dude, she’s beautiful. - Thisuri Wanniarachchi
The Dreamfencekittens wait to jump into my dreamseach time I visit heaventhey jump over a dreamfencered clouds are ready for lovingas I lovemy love paints my catsour minds are somehow stuck togetheras we dream togetherof our own heavenamd after tjeu cir; i[inside my sweaterwe knit our own heavens. - Akiane Kramarik
Apparently people don't like the truth, but I do like it; I like it because it upsets a lot of people. If you show them enough times that their arguments are bullshit, then maybe just once, one of them will say, 'Oh! Wait a minute - I was wrong.' I live for that happening. Rare, I assure you - Lemmy Kilmister
When you don't find a way... don't wait every time for others, Sometimes you have to be yourown angel. - Chandni Maurya
The matter came up for judicial investigation, but as might have been expected, the white people concluded it was unnecessary to wait the result of the investigation—that it was preferable to hang the accused first and try him afterward. - Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Time is too swift for those who fear, too long for those who wait, too short for those who finally find peace, but for those who love, time is eternal. For nothing is ever lost that God wants you to find. - Shannon L. Alder
Don’t wait on perfect conditions for success to happen; just go ahead and do something. - Dan Miller
Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong. - George Carlin
Don’t wait for opportunity in front of a closed door—wander until you find the open one. - Debasish Mridha
Never wait people to thank you , God is the only one who would reward you - Ibnoulkhatib Yahya
I cannot wait to stare into the face of my children and be in love. - Rachel Walden
Dreams must be chased, for if we wait for them to chase us we will live a life of waiting. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If you can wait for success for days,you want it.If you can wait for success for weeks,you desire it.If you can wait for success for years,you need it.If you can wait for success for decades,you deserve it.If you can wait for success for a lifetime,it is already yours. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When a woman didn't enjoy it, she leaves early in the morning. Those who had a nice time will wait until the sun comes out, requests breakfast and taxi money. In the morning that lady requested breakfast and taxi money. You don't ask for taxi money from somebody who raped you. - Julius Malema
Don't wait for a perfect husband, love a man endlessly to make him perfect. - Debasish Mridha
Thank you so much for everything, i will never ever forget you o last Sun of the year~I am little sad on your setting, but i have a hope,i have a believe that you will again rise tomorrow for me…i will wait for you…!"SEE YOU - zia
Why can't peace be a single overriding common purpose: why do we wait for a crisis to pull us together? Let's pull together for peace. - Rita Mae Brown
Create a wisdom and share it with others; in return, don’t wait for anything, not even a simple thanks, because expecting something in return does not belong to the wisdom! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Don't wait for the perfect thought, or the perfect moment; because perfection only occurs after action. - Archana Chaurasia Kapoor
The world’s most successful people didn’t wait for someone else to pick them, but instead, they picked themselves. - Adam Smith
If you wait for a cake to be given to you so you will be happy- then you will be happy when someone gives you a cake. But if you buy a cake (or bake one) for yourself so you will be happy, you have found the way of happiness. - C. JoyBell C.
When you're working, some people relax and wait for the invisible right time, but when they see your fortune, they wake up and strategize an envious attack. - Michael Bassey Johnson
t wait until you become rich to help somebody, kindness doesn't always require money - Charmaine J. Forde
Don’t allow yourself to become disheartened when the thread doesn’t suit or seems unsightly to you. Wait and watch. Be patient and devoted. As the threads twist and turn, you will begin to understand, and you will see the pattern finally materialize in all its splendor. - Colleen Houck
Just you wait till I’m a vampire! I’m not going to be sitting on the sidelines next time. - Stephenie Meyer
In the beginning of a movie, they don't tell you what's going to happen. You just have to wait and go on the adventure with them - Katie Douglas
In all controversies, it is better to wait the decisions of time, which are slow and sure, than to take those of synods, which are often hasty and injudicious - Joseph Priestley
Don't make rash decisions while the world is dark. Wait for the light to make all things clear. - Bryan Davis
Whoever you are. Where ever you are. With whom so ever you are & were. Whatever may be your past. What so ever may be the truth. I will wait for you & I will fade away just like a daffodil when storm comes. - Srinivas Shenoy
We wait, starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is full of common enchantment waiting for our alchemists eyes to notice. - Jacob Nordby
Some part of me can't wait to see what life's going to come up with next! Anticipation without the usual anxiety. And underneath it all is the feeling that we both belong here, just as we are, right now. - Alexander Shulgin
For me, it's always a little sad getting out of bed. Every morning after I get up, I always gaze longingly at my bed and lament, 'You were wonderful last night. I didn't want it to end. I can't wait to see you again. - Jim Gaffigan
Don’t wait to receive until you feel worthy. Your self-esteem will go up as a result of receiving. ~ - Amanda Owen
Ranting about her being hard to understand? Wait until you lose her. You will clearly understand, what an effortless power a woman has! - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day. - Albert Camus
teach your brain now .. don't wait until life teach you ! - Hamadene Aziz
Major improvements don't happen over night. Their are many moments inching towards improvement. The difference between those who make major improvements in their lives are the ones who embrace patience and wait through the darkness as long as it takes. - Matthew Donnelly
When you don't find a way... don't wait every time for others, Sometimes you have to be your own angel. - Chandni Maurya
Don’t make a feller wait too long. A feller waiting on a gal can get ornery’er than a huntin’ dog that’s tree’d it’s squirrel. - Colleen Houck
You don’t need to wait for God to show up, in order to be rescued from your bad situation. God has been trying to get your attention for a really long time. - Shannon L. Alder
Do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now. - Roy T. Bennett
I hate the sound of the world outside. Because everybody here can't wait to come and say goodbye... - Dulara Perera
From our solitudewe shall create,forge songs ,pour in the reflectionof the stars and refresh the mindabout the silk-ridden roads that wait for them who have forgotten to feel. - Tara Estacaan
Time doesn't wait for anyone, but you always have to wait for time. - Anonymous
And sure enough, even waiting will end...if you can just wait long enough. - William Faulkner
While you wait for your dream job, you can engage yourself with the available job. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The most successful people started from NOTHING... they didn't wait for the opportunity to knock but created the opportunity on their own... worked hard and made history. - Hyacil Han
Don’t wait for the miracle; be the miracle. - Debasish Mridha
Time has its own secrets, so it is best to wait upon it untill it tells. - Morgan Chabane
Life's too short to lay in wait. A soul is meant to love and love is all there is. - Kate McGahan
She isn't the kind of girl that makes you wonder why she doesn't have someone, you just know that the kind of guy who is good enough for her is rare, and she projects the kind of strength that says she is perfectly happy to wait till he shows up. - Stacey Ballis
Many people wait throughout their whole lives for the chance to be good in their own fashion. - Friedrich Nietzsche
In darkness, don’t cry, wait for the star to appear. - Debasish Mridha
Remember, you're the most loving child of this universe. Universe has to wait billions of years to get impregnated with you. You are the joy and creator of your universe. - Debasish Mridha
Dreams are fulfilled at the right.Be patient and wait for the fulfillment of your dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The only thing I have to wait for to change my life is my attitude. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Personally, I wouldn’t wait around for someone to tell you you’re good enough before you make your own comics. Just make them, always try to improve and care about what you’re doing. Be relentless and never give up. - Troy Little
Life is an activity with which we kill time while we wait for something, someone, or the mere passage of time to kill us. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Ha! Kids! You have no idea what you put your parents through, either. Wait till you have your own, you'll see. That's when you'll know what it really feels like." .. "What what feels like?"..."Love," said Angela. - Tess Gerritsen
My work is done, why wait?
Until divinity decides to reveal the future to human kind, the sum of all human wisdom is contained in these two words: Wait and Hope. - Alexandre Dumas
Life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air. - Sarah Kay
You don't have to wait until something or someone is gone to appreciate the true value; you can start today! - Mary Rodwell
‎"We shouldn't wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available--all the time! - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Being single doesn't mean you're weak, it means that you're strong enough to wait for the right person. - Niall Horan
I don't visit my parents often because Delta Airlines won't wait in the yard while I run in.
You wake me up early in the morning to tell me I am right? Please wait until I am wrong.
Even in the running away from hurting, there is hurting. In opening unprotected to the experiencethat is enslaving you with its torment,there is the willingness to be free.Are you willing? Or do yo just want to wait until the world finally gets it and does it your way? - Gangaji
Those who write are writers. Those who wait are waiters. - A. Lee Martinez
Truth, after all, wears a different face to everybody, and it would be too tedious to wait till all were agreed. - James Russell Lowell
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. - Frank Tibolt
Don't wait for inspiration. It comes while working. - Henri Matisse
To wait is to wisely resign myself to the fact that my ‘timetable’ is too often a ‘table’ with two legs that won’t stand up no matter how much ‘time’ I give it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The longer you wait for the future, the shorter it will be. - Loesje
With acting, you gotta wait until someone gives you a role in a play or movie. With writing, you're not dependent on others, you don't have to wait. You can sit down and just create. - Donal Logue
Wait until it is night before saying that it has been a fine day. - French Proverb
You must thrive to flood the nose and mouth of those who hate you and can't wait to see you fail. - John Yang aka Private83
Kyo Sohma: angrily pointing at Yuki Just like I'll beat you one of these days Yuki: looking bored Wait wait I think I've heard this one before - Natsuki Takaya
All good things comes to those who wait. - Violet Fane
Pound it out, get it done, write every day. No excuses. Kerouac said you can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club. Damn straight. You’ll sleep a lot better getting your word count in than another quick Twitter check or keeping up to date on the Kardashians. - Dan Alatorre
You don't have to wait for an inspiration to fulfil your dream because a dream is an inspiration itself. - Euginia Herlihy
- had a million things to do today; death would have to wait, -(The Tin Star) - J.L. Langley
It is better to stay single and wait for the one that makes sense then to marry someone that makes absolutely no sense. The moment you settle is when the one person that makes all the sense in the world shows up and Satan sits back and enjoys your spiritual meltdown. - Shannon L. Alder
Hey, hey wait... wait... try again.... It works does it?? (What?? YOu are asking a question did you?? I'm talking about the problem which you had and something didn't work as well as far as I can see... So I will wait... wait... try now!) - Deyth Banger
Every idea is my last. I feel sure of it. So, I try to do the best with each as it comes and that's where my responsibility ends. But I just don't wait for ideas. I look for them. Constantly. And if I don't use the ideas that I find, they're going to quit showing up. - Peg Bracken
The world, I think, will wait a long time for Nikola Tesla's equal in achievement and imagination. - Edwin Howard Armstrong
...still, I’m lucky: I feast on solitude, I will never miss the crowd. I could read the great books but the great books don’t interest me. I sit in bed and wait for the whole thing to go one way or the other. just like everybody else. - Charles Bukowski
Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer. - Ed Cunningham
Reprimand not a child immediately on the offence. Wait till the irritation has been replaced by serenity. - Moses Hasid
Oh my beloved life, wait a bit at my window, go slowly, and let me enjoy it to the fullest. - Debasish Mridha
Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible - Mandy Hale
In a timepiece, a sweep of a second hand is so slim in a way that it doesn't wait for no man, and that's why we choose to conceive things from the heart. - Shawn Lukas
Fate lies in wait like a fucking time bomb, rearranging and aligning the stars to its own satisfaction. Then, one day, it detonates right in your face and all you want to do is not exist. But it’s what you do to dislodge Fate’s teeth from your ass that matters. - Cecilia Robert
Change like a treeWhen it is winterDon’t complain or fearJust wait for the spring To bloom and sing - Debasish Mridha
Although you and I have crossed each other, we two are destined by the heavens to be together. There will come a day when the two of us will join together to do great things. But until then, you must wait and endure any hardship and danger that may come your way. - Auliq Ice
Children I implore youget out of the burning house nowthree carts wait outsideto save you from a homeless liferelax in the village squarebefore the sky everything's emptyno direction is better or worseeast is just as good as westthose who know the meaning of thisare free to go where they want - Han-shan
You’ve got to have confidence in the very thing that makes you unique then wait for the world to catch up - Lindsey Stirling
Patience is not the ability to wait but how you act while you are waiting. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
Move on. Life won't wait for you. - Angela Glowacki
Some stories wait their turn to be told, others just tap you on the shoulder and insist you tell them. - Michael Scott
Faith without action is delusion. Faith does not wait for miracles but produces them. If you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right. - Henry Ford
I keep the subject of my inquiry constantly before me, and wait till the first dawning opens gradually, by little and little, into a full and clear light. - Isaac Newton
Life will just not wait for us to live it:We are in it, now, and Now is the time to Live - Michelle Geaney
We could have bought a small yacht with what we spent on our dog an dall the things he destroyed. Then again, how many yachts wait by the door all day for your return? - John Grogan
Lust likes to rush, while love hates to wait. - Anthony Liccione
Because choices need time, the fulness of time, time being the horizontal axis of morality - you make a decision and then you wait and see, wait and see. - White Teeth - Zadie Smith
I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day. - Stanley Kunitz
No time to see, in broad daylight,Streams full of stars, like skies at night.No time to turn at Beauty's glance,And watch her feet, how they can dance.No time to wait till her mouth canEnrich that smile her eyes began. - W.H. Davies
Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate. - J. R. R. Tolkien
Teach us, O Lord, the disciplines of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work. - Peter Marshall
A good preview makes you can’t wait to see the whole movie. - A.D. Posey
Can you wait until I'm gone to be her boyfriend? Cause right now, I like to think of you as my boyfriend. - Sean Waller
When a girl is beautiful, she gets to pick - she never has to wait for someone to choose her. - Adriana Trigiani
I'm killing time while I wait for life to shower me with meaning and happiness. - Bill Watterson
A perfect method for adding drama to life is to wait until the deadline looms large.
It is men who wait to be selected, and not those who seek, from whom we may expect the most efficient service. - Ulysses S. Grant
There is a good things to those who wait.. - Noriel Espanol Neo
We cannot wait for the other shoe to drop, when the road becomes unendurably bumpy. If the aura of truth starts to wane and the light of the sky begins to splinter, only resilience can settle things. (Steaming ahead) - Erik Pevernagie
On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died - George W. Cecil
You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. - Jack London
You have to recognize when the right place and the right time fuse and take advantage of that opportunity. There are plenty of opportunities out there. You can't sit back and wait. - Ellen Metcalf
Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good; try to use ordinary situations. - Jean Paul Richter
i didn't wait to see her ship go off, because partings are stupid things and best got over quickly - Nevil Shute
You are correct in saying that desires often come from things we cannot easily gain - mine, being that of your love. By all accounts, I do wish I could steal it. But I am not that sort of man. I will wait. Forever and a day...I will wait. - Renee Vincent
We must not wait for favours from Nature; our task is to wrest them from her. - Ivan Michurin
If you wait until the next upgrade, you will never upgrade. - Wilson Alvarez
While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it. - Samuel Johnson
We often wait for that knock of opportunity, though I've found it's better to just grab a chainsaw and cut open your own fucking door. - Don Roff
Some seek and find peace in life; some have to wait for peace in the afterlife. - Debasish Mridha
Patience is to wait for the ice to melt instead of breaking it. - Munia Khan
It's called entrepreneurSHIP, not entrepreneurSTAY. Don't wait. Just ship. - Richie Norton
No matter how long we wait, God’s promise shall be fulfilled. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, develop water systems, subdue the power of the ocean and thereby give glory to God almighty. - Sunday Adelaja
...I can't wait to see what the future holds for me. - Kathy Hapka
Happiness, honor, and great estate,For those who patiently work and wait. - John Townsend Trowbridge
For me the experience of writing is really an experience of losing control.… I think it’s very much like dreaming or like surfing. You go out there and wait for a wave, and when it comes it takes you somewhere and you don’t know where it’ll go. - Margaret Atwood
Don’t wait for the world to change. Change your mind about the world. - Alan Cohen
Waiting with hope is very difficult, but true patience is expressed when we must even wait for hope. I will have reached the point of greatest strength once I have learned to wait for hope." - George Matheson
The state can't give you freedom, and the state can't take it away. You'reborn with it, like your eyes, like your ears. Freedom is something youassume, then you wait for someone to try to take it away. The degree towhich you resist is the degree to which you are free... - Utah Phillips
People wait around too long for love. I'm happy with all of my lusts! - C. JoyBell C.
How Long We Should Wait? - Behnam Rajabpoor
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it. - Cathy Hopkins
Within the eye, mysteries of the soul burn deeply beneath the fiery chasms of love and patiently wait for an awakening ... - Virginia Alison
She's Devine.She's Magic. And she didn't have to wait for anyone to tell her in order for her to believe that about herself. And that's what made her so magically beautiful. - C.R. Bittar
A writer should never wait for inspiration but be the inspiration. - Debasish Mridha
How I wished after all the hardships, you will immediately attain your reward. But it's not that easy. You need to wait for the right time to come in your life. Always bear in mind that diligence is nothing without perseverance. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
So you’ll have to wait for approval from your grandchildren. I wonder what our grandchildren will be like! Are you suggesting by that ‘our’ that you and I will have mutual grandchildren? Fie, Mrs. Kennedy! - Margaret Mitchell
Artists shouldn't wait until they are told what their art should be, they shouldn't follow trends or allow other people to influence their work, an artist should only create from the strongest emotions within their heart - Andrew James Pritchard
Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. - Auliq Ice
...the waiting was torture, the worst Ka had ever known. It was this pain, this deadly wait, he now remembered, that had made him afraid to fall in love. - Orhan Pamuk
Why wait for later when there might not be a later? Why wait for next time when there might not be a next time? We all have just today to express our love. If no one ever told you they loved you, then now’s the perfect time liberate yourself, break that cycle and express yourself. - Ron Baratono
Don't settle for anyone just to have a someone. Be patient. Have faith and wait for the right one. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
There'll be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover,Tomorrow, just you wait and see. - Nat Burton
I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place every day. - Albert Camus
The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope. - Barack Obama
Don’t wait for anything, just live your life today. - Vivek Thangaswamy
If you've found meaning in your life, you don't want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more. You can't wait until you're sixty-five. - Morrie Schwartz
Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate. - J.R.R. Tolkien
You don't wait for your dreams to happen, you MAKE them happen. - Kendall Schmidt
I love books where I can't wait to turn every page, songs that grab me the first time I hear them, and films that make me totally forget about the craft because I am totally engaged in the story. - John Grooters
I'd rather get my brains blown out in the wild than wait in terror at the slaughterhouse. - Craig Volk
Patience is something I can’t wait to have! - Todd Stocker
In the darkest sky, stars hang on high; showing us the light of hope and telling us that dreams never die, don’t see the darkness, wait for the morning sun. - Debasish Mridha
For we have been socialized to respect fear more than our own needs for language and definition, and while we wait in silence for that final luxury of fearlessness, the weight of that silence will choke us. - Audre Lorde
Be bold. Don’t wait. Go ahead. - Debasish Mridha
You have to wait for your mind to catch up with whatever it is it’s working on; then you can write a novel. - James M. Cain
Some people feel the coolness of winter and complain. Some people endure, enjoy, and wait for spring. - Debasish Mridha
You may not need to try to change. Just wait and it will happen. - Debasish Mridha
If the cherry trees had to wait for understanding they'd never blossom. - Marty Rubin
i can wait wait wait..to go to the other side of life..but dis wait seems like d rainbow in the night..so dat u have to wonder about the presence of sun in no light - Sunil Sharma
It’s not possible for a person who has one to one fellowship with God, someone who breaks through in prayer and who knows how to wait for God not to have open success. It’s just not possible! - Sunday Adelaja
Let us, then be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labour and to wait. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Don’t settle… wait for the one who treats you like an investment; not a test drive. Someone who inspires you to be at your best… One who looks beyond your outer beauty and falls in love with your soul. - Steve Maraboli
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up. - Anne Lamott
He who waits for a chance may wait for a long time. - Nigerian Proverb
Keep the faith. The vision is always for the appointed time. Be patient, prayerful and wait for the fulfillment of your visions. - Lailah Gifty Akita
She would only let you know her, little by little ~ never giving too much away but willing to share the small parts that make up her life, she falls slowly like that ~ love isn't a maybe thing in her eyes & her heart is the prize, she knows her worth and she will withstand the wait. - Nikki Rowe
Seek to learn constantly while you live; do not wait in the faith that old age by itself will bring wisdom. - Solon
He wants to give you the best. Wait until the fruit gets ripened to relish completeness forever. - Steven Chopade
When we hear news we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation. - Voltaire
The individual must not merely wait and criticize, he must defend the cause the best he can. The fate of the world will be such as the world deserves. - Albert Einstein
The French have a new president, the British will soon have a new P.M., and we envy them as we endure the endless wait for this small dim man to go back to Texas and resume his life. - Garrison Keillor
Do you wait for things to happen, or do you make them happen yourself? I believe in writing your own story. - Charlotte Eriksson
Your expectations of other people should never be greater than what you expect of God. Why is it that you can patiently wait for him to make your life better, but you won't consider he is patiently waiting for you to be better? - Shannon L. Alder
Do not wait, there will never be a right time, start from where you stand. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
I must change my life so that I can live it, not wait for it. - Susan Sontag
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones - Cher
If you ask an introvert a question, wait until she thinks about it. Introverts think before speaking, not through speaking. If you want to get to the good stuff, you need to slow down. - Laurie Helgoe
I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them. - Edward Verrall Lucas
If you’re going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow. - Louis L’Amour
Waiting accentuates our helplessness, ant that is what God seems committed to revealing. Only when we know ourselves to be helpless do we fully experience his grace and glory. We have to wait for it. - Marcia Lebhar
Wait for that wisest of all counselors, Time. - Pericles
If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. If you don't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. - Unknown
Wake up, it's your time to shine. You are the gift the world is waiting for. Stop being so selfish by hiding it. How much longer do we have to wait for your magnificence to shine light on our darkness? - Monika Zands
I love Written in Red can't wait until next month when the next one comes out!!! - Ann Bishop
When you help people, don't wait around to hear them say, "Thank you." A lot of times we do good things, but in the back of our mind we're hoping to get some appreciation. But if you make your intentions pure, and you expect only from Allah, He will take more care of you than you could ever imagine. - Nouman Ali Khan
doesn't wait to be told there's a need, it sees. never justifies a wrong, it repents. cannot retire, it has much to much work to do. - Pazaria Smith
You don’t have to wait until you get to the top of a mountain, to enjoy the view. - Eleanor Brownn
One chance, One life. Make it or screw it up, it's your choice. Don't wait to long or your time will be up. - Stephen Burt
Don't wait for a future moment; the time is NOW! The life of your dreams awaits... UN-ASS the couch and go get it! - Steve Maraboli
Courage comes with action. The minute you step forward, the minute you declare your decision, the minute you say, "This is how it's going to go," courage comes. It floods through you and energizes every single fiber of your being. You don't have to wait for it. It'll be there. - Gail Blanke
If at first you don't succeed, try to eat a big lunch and take a nap...er wait, no... #badadvice - Jayce O'Neal
IF you wish to be a writer then don't wait until you write the "great American novel" for they aren't written they are created. If you don't write at all you won't know how "great" that simple book can be. - Shiree McCarver
Time and Tide wait for no Man; what about woman ? How Sexist ! - gaurav rao
Trolls must continually feed their bottomless need, so be strong and patiently wait out their fires of hatred for eventually they eat their own. - L.M. Fields
It takes patience to make a man - the patience to listen, watch and wait. - Ogwo David Emenike
Earth is sad, Moon is shy, Sun is happy but wait a moment, I just forgot to tell you that I am the child of open sky. - Santosh Kalwar
I'm not a big fan of inspiration. I'm too old to sit and wait for the muse to give me a little kiss... I write a lot, and I'm not afraid to make mistakes or to write badly. I can alsways fix something weak and dull. But I can't fix a blank page. - Ron Koertge
If you have a definite purpose, if you have a driving desire to achieve it and if you go with passion, then don't wait for success because you are already a success. - Debasish Mridha
Give your Friends Roses while they are still alive; don't wait until their funeral.-Robert L. Biehl (my dad) - Bobb Biehl
We teachers can only help the work going on, as servants wait upon a master. - Maria Montessori
Don’t wait for a perfect day. To make it a perfect day, dance the whole day, sing every hour, and love every moment - Debasish Mridha
Don't wait for the world to change, be the change you wish to see in the world. - Ishwar Akash Balloo
Wait for that wisest of all counselores, Time. - Pericles
During the night we must wait for the light. - Francis de Sales
Whatever you search for will either meet you halfway or wait for you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The beauty of a morning glory, is that of its patient wait for the sun to bloom in the morning! - Mary Kate
Writing became such a process of discovery that I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning: I wanted to know what I was going to say. ~ - Sharon O'Brien
When people complain me that, they suffer a lot my answer will be the same forget your past, live with present and don't wait for your future. - Piyush Paudyal
Live today with joy. Don't wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Love does not wait for the right person and the right time. It happens with anyone when the heart plays the rhyme. - Debasish Mridha
You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait, just learn to become quiet, still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet. - Franz Kafka
Wait for it to rain and then go out into the street. - Gwen Calvo
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