Quotation Explorer - 'Envy'

Envy will merit, as its shade, pursue, But, like the shadow, proves the substance true. - Alexander Pope
I have found much in people to love but nothing to envy. - Marty Rubin
I wish to live without hate, whim, jealousy, envy, and fear. I wish to be simple, honest, frank, natural . . to face any obstacle and meet every difficulty unabashed and unafraid. - Elbert Hubbard
To make my body a temple pureWherein I dwell serene;To care for the things that shall endure,The simple, sweet and clean.To oust out envy and hate and rage,To breathe with no alarm;For Nature shall be my anchorage,And none shall do me harm. - Robert Service
It is only if the primary or only reason you do what you do is to make money that you will envy every random person who made or makes a lot of money (or money that exceeds what you made or make). - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
What is evil? Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil, envy is evil, hatred is evil, to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things are evil. And what is the root of evil? Desire is the root of evil, illusion is the root of evil. - Gautama Buddha
They all behaved as if they were absolutely disgusted by this, and amid the ribbing and hilarity that this elaborate performance of disgust and envy produced they were able to hide their true feelings of disgust and envy. - Jonathan Lynn
If we did but know how little some enjoy of the great things that they possess, there would not be much envy in the world.
The only person worth envying is he person who doesn't envy.
ILLUSTRIOUS, adj. Suitably placed for the shafts of malice, envy and detraction. - Ambrose Bierce
The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy, to invade his possessions. - Adam Smith
There is no worse discriminator than envy. No worse traitor than envy. Even those who are seemingly righteous, are brought down low by their envy. A true man will be known by his absence of envy. An evil man will be known by the presence of envy within him. - C. JoyBell C.
They envy the distinction I have won; let them therefore, envy my toils, my honesty, and the methods by which I gained it. - Sallust
She's in trouble, but I envy her. - Denice Envall
The only difference between man and man all the world over is one of degree, and not of kind, even as there is between trees of the same species.Where in is the cause for anger, envy or discrimination? - Mahatma Gandhi
The bold display of our unattractive parts is an effective substitute for beauty since it duplicates beauty's principal effects, namely the excitation of admiration, charm, and envy in the beholder, who is moved to wish that they too could carry their own defects with the same ease. - Agona Apell
Patience strengthens the spirit, sweetens the temper, stifles anger, extinguishes envy, subdues pride, bridles the tongue. - George Horne
Envy won't make you a better poet. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
Avarice, envy, pride, Three fatal sparks, have set the hearts of all On Fire. - Dante Alighieri
Envy was just the tax you paid on success. - David Nicholls
Most complain about dried up lawns; others envy a neighbor's green lawn, but winners learn from all lawns while cultivating their own. - Orrin Woodward
Sir, I am a true laborer. I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness, glad of other men's good, content with my harm and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck. - William Shakespeare
Measure your success by the number of people who envy you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
التصالح مع الذات يزيل الحقد والحسد فيمتليء القلب محبة وسلاماreconciliation with oneself removes hate & envy so the heart is filled with love and peace - Wafaa Nowaihed
The reason death sticks so closely to life isn't biological necessity- its envy. Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can. - Yann Martel
Whoever cultivates the golden mean avoids both the poverty of a hovel and the envy of a palace. - Horace
In this world one must be like everybody else if he doesn't want to provoke scorn or envy or jealousy. - Mark Twain
Envy comes from people’s ignorance of, or lack of belief, in their own gifts. - Jean Vanier
What was beauty unless you intended to use it, like a hammer, or a key? It was just something for other people to use and admire, or envy, despise. To nail their dreams onto like a picture hanger on a blank wall. And so many girls saying, use me, dream me. - Janet Fitch
Stay close 2 those who r by ur side in happy times, because they do not harbor jealousy or envy in their hearts, only joy 2 c u happy... - Paulo Coelho
Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope. - Josh Billings
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Envy, is Pride's greatest Fear. - Anthony Liccione
If roses were not special weeds would not envy them. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Do not trust everyone who smiles at you;some admire your achievements,but some misunderstand them,and many more envy them.Jealousy is like the sky:everywhere on everyone. - Matshona Dhliwayo
So many birds sitting around, on a dead wire, a bare branch, a cold ground, a drifting seashore; never realizing the glory in their wings and where it can take them, nor the envy as we look on them. - Anthony Liccione
Glamour cannot exist without personal social envy being a common and widespread emotion. - John Berger
There is no good envy, except the one that motivates us to reach higher goals and be better than the person we were yesterday. - Ogwo David Emenike
Here at lastWe shall be free;the Almighty hath not builtHere for his envy, will not drive us hence:Here we may reign secure, and in my choiceTo reign is worth ambition though in Hell:Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven. - John Milton
The Wit of Cheats, the Courage of a Whore,Are what ten thousand envy and adore:All, all look up, with reverential Awe,At crimes that 'scape, or triumph o'er the Law:While Truth, Worth, Wisdom, daily they decry-`'Nothing is sacred now but Villainy'- Epilogue to the Satires, Dialogue I - Alexander Pope
The wise will admire you. The wishful will envy you. The weak will hate you. This is the reality for those who dare to be epic. - Steve Maraboli
This is neither the time nor the place, however, to ponder how often the soul, in order to be able to boast of a clean body, has burdened itself with sadness, envy, and impurity. - José Saramago
Do not envy a sinner; you don't know what disaster awaits him. - Bible
Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If necessity is the mother of invention, then surely greed must be the father. Children of this odd couple are named: Laziness, Envy, Greed, Jr., Gluttony, Lust, Anger and Pride. - John R. Dallas Jr.
Most people throw away their personal power... If you want to know where, look at who and what you hate, blame, resent, and envy. - Steve Maraboli
She had a voice so husky it could have pulled a dogsled, and the gun she was holding gave me a bad case of barrel envy. - Patrick Major Dallas OR
Do not envy the success of any person. But set your goal on a successful guy. Then this will make you succeed. - Fahim Khan
Those who envy the success of others are normally ignorant to the sacrifices, failures, and dedication that it took for them to get there. - Noel DeJesus
Fear of nature led to society; hatred among men lead to culture; envy among women led to virtue. - Thiruman Archunan
It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered. - Aeschylus
[He] was a brilliant man. People tend to become wary of individuals like him because their brilliance reminds them of their own mediocrity. Envy is a blind man who wants to pull out your eyes. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
ENVY, n. Emulation adapted to the meanest capacity. - Ambrose Bierce
I do not envy those who live a comfortable life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I Have Learned Why People Work So Hard To Succeed: It Is Because They Envy The Things Their Neighbors Have. But It Is Useless. It Is Like Chasing The Wind....It Is Better To Have Only A Little, With Peace Of Mind, Than Be Busy All The Time With Both Hands, Trying To Catch The Wind - Anonymous
There is no such thing as senility when it comes to envy, greed laziness, wrath and pride. It's her destructive character from childhood." ~ , If I Could Tell You - Angelica Hopes
I envy people who know how to talk to her, my heart begins to pound whenever I see her and she forces me to forget all what I have had rehearsed in my mind. For me, not being able to tame my heart is the one failure I cherish the most. - Baseer Khan
Deep rooted envy is the main cause why people put you down, blame, shame, misjudge, maltreat and malign you; abusing your goodness and generosity." from the book, Odyssey of a Heart, Home of a Soul - Angelica Hopes
You are special individual. Never envy others.You never know what they go through.Seek and be inspired by the works of others. Learn their secrets for success. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The price of success is to bear the criticism of envy. - Denis Waitley
I’ve learnt to gather simplicity from grasshoppers. I like their naive indecisive minds never knowing exactly when to stop chirping, and I envy their ability to be able to mingle with the green… - Munia Khan
Virtue on earth is persecuted ever; the envious die, but envy never. - Moliere
The French have a new president, the British will soon have a new P.M., and we envy them as we endure the endless wait for this small dim man to go back to Texas and resume his life. - Garrison Keillor
I’m just being me… Success is more than just a wish or desire; it’s a behavior. A byproduct of living this way is that I consistently draw the envy of haters while also disappointing those who have bet against me. But that’s just me… Unapologetically driven. - Steve Maraboli
I have no respect for the passion of equality, which seems to me merely idealizing envy. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
The truest mark of being born with great qualities, is being born without envy. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
I envy people who drink - at least they know what to blame everything on. - Oscar Levant
Envy is the ulcer of the soul. - Socrates
Envy is what makes you, when an aquaintance is lustily telling you that she's dating a Greek god of a guy, ask, "Which one, Hades?"
One shouldn't envy another person's Destiny!As the fate written for everyone is not the same but surely a good one. - raja shakeel mushtaque
Smile, just to infuriate those who envy you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Because thankfulness is the tonic that always cures the cancers of greed, envy and jealously, it should be taken in liberal doses daily. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I crave for knowledge. I envy tolerant, peaceful folks. I am frightened by ignorance. I loathe violence. - tsegaye gebre medhin
Sex does not thrive on monotony. Without feeling, inventions, moods,no surprises in bed. Sex must be mixed with tears, laughter, words, promises, scenes, jealousy, envy, all the spices of fear, foreign travel, new faces, novels, stories, dreams, fantasies, music, dancing, opium, wine. - Anaïs Nin
OBLIVION, n. The state or condition in which the wicked cease from struggling and the dreary are at rest. Fame's eternal dumping ground. Cold storage for high hopes. A place where ambitious authors meet their works without pride and their betters without envy. A dormitory without an alarm clock. - Ambrose Bierce
We study biology, physics, movements of glaciers... Where are the classes on envy, feeling wronged, despair, bitterness... - Alain de Botton
Adults envy the open-hearted and open-minded explorations of children; seeing their joy and curiosity, we pine for our own capacity for wide-eyed wonder. - Gabor Maté
Envy, as distasteful as it is, has seeped into my mind on rare occasions, and those I've envied, although few in number, have only been those that live a life of leisure with peace of mind and time to do such wonderful things as read. - Donna Lynn Hope
I am prone to envy. It is one of my three default emotions, the others being greed and rage. I have also experienced compassion and generosity, but only fleetingly and usually while drunk, so I have little memory. - Augusten Burroughs
Where can we find a worshiper who envy a sparrow or a swallow just because of their uninterrupted access to God's altar (Psalm 84:3). Our Genuineness in worship is not revealed by our physical presence in the church but by our desire of being in His Presence always and behold Him (Psalm 84:10). - Santosh Thankachan
Envy is like a fly that passes all the body's sounder parts, and dwells upon the sores.
Envy can be a positive motivator. Let it inspire you to work harder for what you want. - Robert Bringle
Julie's cookery is actually improving," Paul wrote Charlie [his twin]. "I didn't quite believe it would, just between us, but it really is. It's simpler, more classical.... I envy her this chance. It would be such fun to be doing it at the same time with her. - Julia Child
the only difference between you and someone you envy is you settled for less - Philip C. McGraw
Don't envy my smile because it took me a lot of tears to get it. So when you see the glory, ask for the story. - Olawale Daniel
Envy is the consuming desire to have everybody else as unsuccessful as you are.
Jealousy is not there to encourage you to make someone fail, but there to encourage one to do more than the one they envy. - Unarine Ramaru
An envy of that one consummate partSwept me, who mock. Whether I laugh or weep, Some inner silences are at my heart. - Léonie Adams
Poverty advances discrimination and corruption because society classifies the rich and poor. Poverty augments anger, selfishness, hatred and envy among the people.Poverty entwined with desperation ends up in violence." - , an excerpt from If I Could Tell You - Angelica Hopes
Don't envy what people have, emulate what they did to have it. - Tim Fargo
Birds have wings; they're free; they can fly where they want when they want. They have the kind of mobility many people envy. - Roger Tory Peterson
Our envy of others devours us most of all. - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
We were designed to love and to be loved, to reach our dreams to unleash our potentials but not live in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. - Auliq Ice
Envy is the slow poison that finally slaughters peace. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
Today you will envy the blessings of another, or you will bask in the wonder of the amazing grace you have been given. - Paul David Tripp
We need to get rid of hate, envy, jealousy, discord in ourselves, so we can reach a solution in terms of peace in order to feel that time has come for human happiness. - Chico Xavier
I envy people who drink. At least they have something to blame everything on. - Oscar Levant
There are many roads to hate, but envy is the shortest of them all.
I'd the upbringing a nun would envy and that's the truth. Until I was fifteen I was more familiar with Africa than my own body. - Joe Orton
Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is -- where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge. - Robert C. Shannon
Guard your heart against anger, bitterness, envy, jealousy….! - Lailah Gifty Akita
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