Quotation Explorer - 'Storage'

In New York City, one suicide in ten is attributed to a lack of storage space.
The externalization of memory [via the use of external symbolic storage systems] has altered the actual memory architecture within which humans think, which is changing the role of biological memory, the way in which the human brain deploys its resources, and the form of modern culture. - Merlin Donald
The White Hand did not fry all the brain. He fried somefrom the right hemisphere and some from the left. Theremaining brain, The White Hand wrapped in tin foil,carefully. Tomorrow is, after all, another day, and food should be keptin storage so it won’t go bad. - Siberian Hellhole by Michael Mulvihill
As our country increasingly relies on electronic information storage and communication, it is imperative that our Government amend our information security laws accordingly - Jo Ann Davis
Libraries are more than just a storage place for books, they are treasure troves filled with creativity and knowledge. And that knowledge can be empowering. - R.L. Hemlock
Imagine that the world had created a new 'dream product' to feed and immunize everyone born on earth. Imagine also that it was available everywhere, required no storage or delivery, and helped mothers plan their families and reduce the risk of cancer. Then imagine that the world refused to use it. - Frank A. Oski
OBLIVION, n. The state or condition in which the wicked cease from struggling and the dreary are at rest. Fame's eternal dumping ground. Cold storage for high hopes. A place where ambitious authors meet their works without pride and their betters without envy. A dormitory without an alarm clock. - Ambrose Bierce
A self-balancing, 28-jointed adaptor-based biped; an electro-chemical reduction plant, integral with segregated stowages of special energy extracts in storage batteries, for subsequent actuation of thousands of hydraulic and pneumatic pumps, with motors attached; 62,000 miles of capillaries.... - R. Buckminster Fuller
Fifteen cents of every twenty-cent stamp goes to storage. - Louis Rukeyser
I'm sure, the highest capacity of storage device, will not enough to record all our stories; because, everytime with you is very valuable data - cG9sYXJhZGl0aWE=
Your home is living space, not storage space. - Francine Jay
I may be just an empty flesh terminal reliant on technology for all my ideas, memories and relationships, but I am confident that all of that everything that makes me a unique human being is still out there somewhere, safe in a theoretical storage space owned by giant, multinational corporations. - Stephen Colbert
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