Quotation Explorer - 'Actual'

Art (including literature) is the barometer of a culture. It reflects the sum of a society’s deepest philosophical values: not its professed notions and slogans, but its actual view of man and of existence. - Ayn Rand, The Romatic Manifesto
Every poet... finds himself born in the midst of prose. He has to struggle from the littleness and obstruction of an actual world into the freedom and infinitude of an ideal. - Thomas Carlyle
Who thinks to interview their own mother? As a self-fixated teen, I never imagined that she had an actual personal history. To my young eyes, she was Source of Cash Obsessed With De-Cluttering - Jancee Dunn
Others hide from being real by filling the air with words; the more words they throw out, the less actual communication happens and they are left with only an illusion of connection. This is the intimacy they so ardently seek but with these coping skills find so elusive. - David W. Earle
The problem is not religion or God. The actual problem is authoritarianism, mixed with the desire to angrily impose one’s personal apparently idealistic beliefs on others. - Abhijit Naskar
In actual life every great enterprise begins with and takes its first forward step in faith.
Being a woman is of special interest to aspiring male transexuals. To actual women it is simply a good excuse not to play football. - Fran Lebowitz
The actual God of many Americans... is simply the current of American life.
Belief creates the actual fact. - William James
The decision as to whether to risk one’s actual life or to surrender the ideal self-conception is a decision about who one is.(from The structure of desire and recognition) - Robert B. Brandom
The ‘doctrines’ we get out of the true myth are of course less true: they are translations into our concepts and ideas of that which God has already expressed in a language more adequate, namely the actual incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. - C.S. Lewis
and while he did all the actual dancing, I remember whirling around and around the porch those hot summer days so long ago and never wanting to stop. - Julie Reece Deaver
All actual life is encounter. - Martin Buber
All great lovers are articulate, and verbal seduction is the surest road to actual seduction. - Marya Mannes
We have come here together so that you might know, through virtue of your own pain, your own hopelessness, your own fear, your own darkness and the lie of powerlessness, the very actual power of your own will, of the will of your soul. - Jennifer DeLucy
Language exists less to record the actual than to liberate the imagination. - Anthony Burgess
I am, indeed, an absolute materialist so far as actual belief goes; with not a shred of credence in any form of supernaturalism—religion, spiritualism, transcendentalism, metempsychosis, or immortality. - H.P. Lovecraft
Knowledge exists potentially in the human soul like the seed in the soil; by learning the potential becomes actual. - أبو حامد الغزالي
All really great lovers are articulate, and verbal seduction is the surest road to actual seduction. - Marya Mannes
This life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been an actual life, you would have received further instructions as to what to do and where to go. - Unknown
One is obliged to do a great deal of kissing in my line of work: air kissing, [butt] kissing, kissing up, and of course actual kissing. Much like hookers, actors have to do it with people we may not like or even know. - Meryl Streep
The nature of the universe probably depends heavily on who is the actual protagonist. Lately I've been suspecting it's one of my cats. - Wil McCarthy
The details of life have a tendency to interfere with the actual living of life. - Richard Diaz
Realize your true strength when people reject you. In actual fact, they do not reject you. They only show you your real strength - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The anticipation of loss is much more frightening than the actual loss as anticipation leaves room for the imagination to create that which, in all likelihood, will never transpire. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The actual theme of corruption can condemn humanity and this conflict can be resolved when people are diligent to put an end to this catastrophe as a community." - Saaif Alam
MATERIAL, adj. Having an actual existence, as distinguished from an imaginary one. Important. Material things I know, or fell, or see; All else is immaterial to me. Jamrach Holobom - Ambrose Bierce
We writers are a crazy group. I can't think of any other profession where the actual work is deep within, uncomfortable, and wanting out. - C.J. Heck
Those who decide to live in the Present, must leave their past behind. Once past has been left behind, future also disappears! What is left then? The actual moment, the Present! Living in the here and now means that we are able to get rid of time and suffering! - Frank Wanderer
The actual confident man, the man truly sure of himself, is not he who esteems himself higher than others, but he who is sure enough that he can bear to esteem others higher than himself. - Criss Jami
Half the point in reading novels and seeing plays and films is to exercise the faculty of sympathy with our own kind, so often obliterated in the multifarious controls and compulsions of actual social existence. - Germaine Greer
I'm a novelist by trade and my job is to write a story rather than reconstruct actual events. - Sara Sheridan
To express nostalgia for a childhood we no longer share is to deny the actual significance and humanity of children. - Perry Nodelman
We tell ourselves stories in order to live. We live entirely by the impression of a narrative line upon disparate images, the shifting phantasmagoria, which is our actual experience. - Joan Didion
Of all the questions which can come before this nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us. - Theodore Roosevelt
All that we have achieved in life is creating a virtual reality for ourselves, while burying the actual reality! Our preference of technology over nature proves that Man is experiencing everything through the HEAD. What a pity! - Ramana Pemmaraju
In proportion as the mass of citizens who possess political rights increases, and the number of elected ruler’s increases, the actual power is concentrated and becomes the monopoly of a smaller and smaller group of individuals. - Paul Lafargue
What if the actual sin was that despite the fact of knowing how cruel and unfair this world is; we still bring children to life? - Sandra Chami Kassis
It has been acknowledged by many that an actor often plays the character in a reel life better than other contenders only if that projected picture role or image is opposite to his/her actual nature in a real life. It is usually a good method to know the true identity of a Cine and TV personality. - Anuj Somany
In a rational society we would want our presidents to be teachers. In our actual society we insist they be cheerleaders. - Steve Allen
Public Utility Commission (PUC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) complaints are rarely upheld. It is estimated that less than 5% of complaints are successful and that the actual number may be below 1% in some cases. - Steven Magee
My question was:How did I go from merely seeing the dirty French Santa in a bar to being in his hotel room the next morning? And this presented me with an actual equation. How did one plus one equal old French Santa? - Augusten Burroughs
By 30, we've almost completely replaced our actual childhood with a mythical one. - Marty Rubin
Truth has not special time of its own. Its hour is now -- always and indeed then most truly when it seems unsuitable to actual circumstances. - Albert Schweitzer
when potential greatness meets with actual greatness, the future is inspired with hope. - Chidi Prosper Agbugba
The actual truth has never written about any war, and this will be no exception. - George Lynch
Faith does not offer a strong link between our beliefs and actual states of the world. - Sam Harris
Leaders are not the ones with the right position or a proclaimed or given title, the actual leaders are the people who start acting, who step up, who do change, no matter in what way or how small! - Akilnathan Logeswaran
Standing in the middle between the idea of an event and the actual event, a strange kind of physical reality just in the middle between possibility and reality. - Heisenberg
Or what about the statue in California currently said to be crying bloody tears? Why worry about the alleged weeping of a plaster effigy when so many actual human beings have reason to cry? - Anna Quindlen
There is a system alright, but the actual element of education has long gone. - Abhijit Naskar
Familialism consists of magically denying social reality, and avoiding all connections with the actual flux. - Félix Guattari
If most people around a person make, more often than not, her/his life miserable for her/his thoughts being regularly factual, then only s/he is most likely to be an actual intellectual. - Anuj Somany
To take what there is in life and use it, without waiting forever in vain for the preconceived, to dig deep into the actual and get something out of that; this, doubtless, is the right way to live. - Henry James
You are a foreigner in an actual world, a human co-worker, a truth, a divine word, and a perfect mistake. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Stars are like animals in the wild. We may see the young but never the actual birth, which is a veiled and secret event. - Heinz R. Pagels
Obviously, there must be some connection between the subordination of actual individuals and the grotesque exaltation of symbolic ones like Kim Il Sung. - Christopher Hitchens
One of the most difficult tasks confronting philosophers is to descend from the world of thought to the actual world. Language is the immediate actuality of thought. Just as philosophers have given thought an independent existence, so they were bound to make language into an independent realm.
In Kolkata is a temple where the deity worshipped is Amitabh Bachchan. The daily aarti is performed to the chanting of the Amitabh Chaleesa. And people still ask, Could our mythological heroes be based on actual people who once lived? - Ashwin Sanghi
Rightness of limitation is essential for growth of reality.Unlimited possibility and abstract creativity can procure nothing. The limitation, and the basis arising from what is already actual, are both of them necessary and interconnected. - Alfred North Whitehead
We look to the accumulation of sensory pleasures to give our lives meaning. We have the ability now to consume anything we want and this capacity far exceeds our actual needs. With so much at our fingertips, a kind of gluttony pervades our mind-sets. - Mark Epstein
Victory, is like a boxer that hangs his gloves, after the consecutive losses; sometimes walking away is what builds character, than the actual fight. As humble fruit on a tree that falls to the ground and rots, never finding appreciation in the taste of mouths. - Anthony Liccione
Faith looks to God, hopes in God, and believes in His promises, regardless of our actual circumstances. - Wendy Blight
The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities...It is best to win without fighting. - Sun-tzu
The actual tragedies of life bear no relation to one's preconceived ideas. In the event, one is always bewildered by their simplicity, their grandeur of design, and by that element of the bizzare which seems inherent in them. - Jean Cocteau
There are three realities of life. The reality that you hold, as your individual’s perspective, the actual reality, and the ultimate truth, out of which your perspective and the actual reality take place. - Roshan Sharma
One recalls the literary writer who, after grasping a story of a Mars voyage as a metaphor for isolation and the precariousness of relationships, realized that at a deeper, more subtle level it might even be a story about an actual trip to Mars! - Michael Flynn
Life is like a box of chocolates: You get through what little actual good stuff there is right away, then you constantly fool yourself into believing there's still something good in whatever's left. - James Rozoff
An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world. - George Santayana
Here are my strong reservations about the wave of computer networks. They isolate us from one another and cheapen the meaning of actual experience. They work against literacy and creativity. They undercut our schools and libraries. - Clifford Stoll
Having writers block sucks more than my actual writing. And my writing would be astonishing if I could write how I feel. - Ally Spina
Anticipation is sometimes more exciting than actual events. - Ana Monnar
The concern of your brain is not to see the actual nature of reality, but to represent the reality to you in such a way that suits your needs. - Abhijit Naskar
Whereas the health of an individual depends on the ego's regular descent and return to and from the unconscious, a society's longevity depends on actual people journeying into the unknown and returning with ideas. - Dan Harmon
Raging over something that is invaluable can portray an individual's sense of immaturity and lack of understanding about his or her actual needs for survival. - Saaif Alam
was the first to envisage the idea of timeless existence and to emphasize it—against reason—as a reality, more [real] than our actual experience… Erwin Schrödinger - Plato
The advantage of being married a long time was that one could argue without the necessity of the other's actual, physical presence. - William Browning Spencer
Thinking about something is the surest way to miss out on the beauty of that actual something. - Bentinho Massaro
The purpose of Karate is to guide you out of trouble by any means necessary, both in actual combat and in life - Soke Behzad Ahmadi
I loved to read when I was a kid, and as soon as I realized that an actual person got to make up the books I loved so much, I decided that that was the job for me. - Margaret Peterson Haddix
Consistency in your interest is the actual reason behind every success, and inconsistency is the major cause of failure - Syed Shan Asif
The externalization of memory [via the use of external symbolic storage systems] has altered the actual memory architecture within which humans think, which is changing the role of biological memory, the way in which the human brain deploys its resources, and the form of modern culture. - Merlin Donald
Fear echoes your self-defined limitations, not your actual ones. To change your self-image, you must face what scares you. - Vironika Tugaleva
Worse than that, however, was the CFO, a dapper-suited, neat-haired new age carapace containing an uninhibited misogynistic bogan, whose actual words to me, in concert with my boss in the same room were: 'To be successful you have to accept that weekends are for families. - Annabel Crabb
If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing, then the desire must be not to write. - Hugh Prather
When we surrender to a purposeless existence, we are surrendering to death way ahead of death’s actual arrival. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
So in actual fact every human being is equally wealthy according to God’s divine Providence - Sunday Adelaja
The quality of your ideas 'your actual thoughts' determines your success more than you think. - Auliq Ice
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