Others hide from being real by filling the air with words; the more words they throw out, the less actual communication happens and they are left with only an illusion of connection. This is the intimacy they so ardently seek but with these coping skills find so elusive. - David W. Earle
Sometimes coping with the difficulties success brings is much more difficult than coping with the difficulties failure brings! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Ultimately, culture, secular and otherwise, is a collection of survival strategies. The things that look like decoration—poetry, novels, music, dancing—if you strip away all the layers, are mechanisms for coping, surviving, understanding. - Ben Fountain
When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate. - Ann Landers
Once I finished reading a good book, it gives me a hard time coping up with reality. - Nathalie M. Llanto
Genius feels like an over extended Helium balloon about to burst, and everyone criticizes you for not having a conventional way of coping with it. - Solange nicole
Me with nothing left to lose, plotting my big revenge in the spotlight. Give me violent revenge fantasies as a coping mechanism. - Chuck Palahniuk
If we want to improve, first we have to recognize our own maladaptive coping skills, called codependency, then change. - David W. Earle
The self centred disregard for anything living outside of me , is pure solipsism. One may feel the world is pure evil but its " I " who filters the thought through "my "own un - coping mind, seeking complete annihilation of the world for my own self relief ! - BinYamin Gulzar
Disappearing can be quite the coping mechanism for those of us who fear abandonment the very most of all. If we disappear, you have to find us. You're the one who worries. We know where we are, but you can't leave me. I'm in charge and doing the leaving. Not the other way around. - Jennifer Neal
Though often scoffed at by serious writers, science fiction worms its way into our cultural psyche in interesting ways, and not just as predictors of technology. Many of these writers translate the –isms of our times into imagined futures populated with characters coping with the consequences. - Frank Daniels III