Quotation Explorer - 'Individuals'

You have to remember, rights don't come in groups we shouldn't have 'gay rights'; rights come as individuals, and we wouldn't have this major debate going on. It would be behavior that would count, not what person belongs to what group. - Ron Paul
Entre los individuos, como entre las naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz -- Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace. - Benito Juárez
In proportion as the mass of citizens who possess political rights increases, and the number of elected ruler’s increases, the actual power is concentrated and becomes the monopoly of a smaller and smaller group of individuals. - Paul Lafargue
if we want individuals to take responsibility for their actions we must first establish a rational, effective and empowering means of separating individual responsibility from that of the collective. - Daniel Waterman
For she could not really know how profound had become my mistrust of a world in which wars could still come into evil flower, and in which individuals could play with and brutally alter the myriad personal fates of whole nations of men and women. - Kenneth MacKenzie
I’ve had a lot of lieutenants over the years, and all the good ones were sick, sick individuals. You might be the best one yet. - Sergeant Berland in Orphan Brigade
Part of the strength of science is that it has tended to attract individuals who love knowledge and the creation of it. ... Thus, it is the communication process which is at the core of the vitality and integrity of science. - Philip Abelson
Individuals have rights and there are things no person or group may do to them (without violating their rights). - Robert Nozick
A healthy society begins with healthy individuals. - Sabina Nore
No amount of artificial reinforcement can offset the natural inequalities of human individuals. - Henry P. Fairchild
The process of grief and loss is as unique as your personal DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid); no two individuals will have the same experiences or relationship to grief. - Asa Don Brown
Societies are mediocre, individuals are excellent. - Amit Kalantri
High culture can never be obliterated as long as the species continues to produce individuals with the inclination and fortitude to pursue their interests and talents against the grain of the mass culture surrounding them. - Susan Jacoby
For some individuals, this life will be the only bit of heaven they will ever experience while for some it will be the only bit of hell they will ever experience... - Paddick Van Zyl Pr
Our uniqueness is what makes us common. It is the same fact that we are unique that we as individuals have in common. - Morena Baloyi
[He] was a brilliant man. People tend to become wary of individuals like him because their brilliance reminds them of their own mediocrity. Envy is a blind man who wants to pull out your eyes. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Never judge the othersfor each one wears a coverfor their version of the original.(talking about individuals in the stream of consciousness that gives rise to each one of us.) - Jay Woodman
Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Marriage was not the combination of two entities into one; it was instead the creation of a third entity whose sole purpose was to sooth and inspire the two individuals. - Christian Cantrell
The goal of education is to enable individuals to continue their education. - John Dewey
By fulfilling our divinely appointed jobs as parents, we can be God's tools that define and refine our children as they are sculpted into the individuals that He wants them to be. - Tamara L. Chilver
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Tenderness emerges from the fact that the two persons, longing, as all individuals do, to overcome the separateness and isolation to which we are all heir because we are individuals, can participate in a relationship that, for the moment, is not of two isolated selves but a union - Rollo May
If you treat your characters like people, they'll reward you by being fully developed individuals. - Don Roff
The art of being wise is the art of knowing that solutions don’t come from individuals, but rather experiences. - Shannon L. Alder
An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success. - Stephen Covey
Until our education system is repositioned to take care of the tripartite nature of a human being - head, heart and hand, we cannot make healthy progress as a nation or individuals. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
As the voices fall silent, the individuals who make up the amorphous and always changing community must decide for themselves, as they always have. I can’t write a coda because I can’t speak for others. I can only and ever speak for myself. - G.R. Reader
Everything has changed. . . except the way we think. The aim [of education] must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals, who, however, see in the service of community their highest life problems - Albert Einstein
Always have there been great numbers of individuals who were very much eager to fight for good causes. Always there were these, but then there were even greater numbers of trendies who would then become wholly and completely misguided in the efforts. - Criss Jami
If this planet is to be transformed for the better, then we as individuals must first transform ourselves. - Auliq Ice
The best way to understand life is to understand one’s own perspective towards life and rise above it. You have the higher intelligence in you, that allows you to perceive life, beyond an individuals perspective. - Roshan Sharma
A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love. - Pearl S. Buck
Among the individuals, as well as among nations, respecting the other people's rights leads to peace. (Entre los individuos, como entre las naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la Paz.) - Benito Juarez Garcia
If love wasn’t conditional, every single first encounter with individuals of your 'preferred' gender would result in *love at first sight.* - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. - Marie Curie
When there is confusion as who to select between the two individuals for the confidential work, it is apparently worth to put the confidence on a person who believes in Luck than one who doesn't. - Anuj Somany
Children are bad enough--children are rude, selfish, greedy, and unthinking individuals who are unable to distinguish between their own selfish wants and needs and the wants and needs of others. And adults are children with money, alcohol, and power. - Ian Sansom
I believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world. - The Dalai Lama
...Why the hell are we conditioned into the smooth strawberry-and-cream mother-goose, Alice-and- Wonderland fable, only to be broken on the wheel as we grow older and become aware of ourselves as individuals with a dull responsibility in life? - Sylvia Plath
I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious idea of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God. - Thomas A. Edison
We are alive in all our layers of self and selflessness - individuals becoming one. - Jay Woodman
College is the grinding machine of the Mathematical Establishment, a conveyor belt that takes individuals from one cookie cutter to another so that the product comes within tight control limits out of the assembly line. - Bill Gaede
The strength of a country derives from the educational levels of the individuals in that nation. - Debasish Mridha
I have just awoken, having dreamed of music. The final chord fades away within me while I try to focus on individuals amid the living, breathing mass packed into this vast waiting room, in this mixture of sleep and weariness. - Andreï Makine
I wonder why people so commonly suppose that if two individuals are both writers they must therefore be hugely congenial," said Anne, rather scornfully. "Nobody would expect two blacksmiths to be violently attracted toward each other merely because they were both blacksmiths. - L.M. Montgomery
I have always been impressed by the fact that there are a surprising number of individuals who never use their minds if they can avoid it, and an equal number who do use their minds, but in an amazingly stupid way. - Carl Jung
Society's institutions, like government, schools, the arts, and the media, corrupt naturally good individuals.
Individuals who are focused on becoming better are individuals not easily offended. You can only offend those who are not on a path of constant growth and enlightenment. - C. JoyBell C.
Thus, since an individual cannot lawfully use force against the person, liberty, or property of another individual, then the common force for the same reason cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individuals or groups. - Bastiat, Frederick
My mother belonged to that group of low IQ individuals who find everything alarming and believe that raising your voice is the most effective form of communication. - Annabelle R. Charbit
‎Civilization has been a continuous struggle of the individual or of groups of individuals against the State and even against "society," that is, against the majority subdued and hypnotized by the State and State worship. - Emma Goldman
A person who is not true to oneself can easily be misguided by the self-seeker people through mass propaganda to believe a right one as a wrong guy and the bad ones as the bright individuals. - Anuj Somany
The key to ultimate happiness and fulfillment lies within our own transformation. The more we learn and grow and evolve as individuals, the more we will find happiness and satisfaction in relationships, work and life. - Kristi Bowman
The aim (of education) must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who, however, can see in the service to the community their highest life achievement. - Albert Einstein
The things that are wrong with the country today are the sum total of all the things that are wrong with individuals. - Charles W. Tobey
Commoditization is the enemy of meaning. In ages dominated by the forces of commoditization, individuals pay the price with devalued lives. by contrast, unique skills requiring mastery and expertise, like the skills of a brain surgeon, are safe from the threat of commoditization. - Tom Hayes
Perfectionists are not all negative, miserable, unhappy and over controlling individuals - Asa Don Brown
To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals. - Michael Bassey Johnson
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The two most evangelical groups in the world are atheists and vegetarians, especially the least knowledgeable and least intelligent individuals within those groups.
There's a whiff of the lynch mob or the lemming migration about any overlarge concentration of like-thinking individuals, no matter how virtuous their cause. - P. J. O'Rourke
Most often a country is poor when its educational system is poor and individuals do not strive to become educated. - Debasish Mridha
Individuals who frequently read fiction seem to be better able to understand other people, empathize with them and see the world from their perspective. - Annie Murphy Paul
I don't hate Republicans as individuals. But I hate what the Republicans are doing to this country. I really do. - Howard Dean
Reason can never be popular. Passions and feelings may become popular, but reason will always remain the sole property of a few eminent individuals. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Now hear of the new judgement. You are judged many times more by what you do in groups than for what you do as individuals. - Compton Gage
The one thing in me more powerful than a general misanthropy is an inescapable compassion for individuals. - Jasper Sole
Now I think that a true liberal will always prioritize individuals over the group, will always prioritize heresy over orthodoxy, will always prioritize the dissenting voice over the status quo. - Maajid Nawaz
Human history is full of great men, great women, individuals, with the will for power - all of them with governesses like her. - Daniel Nayeri
Obviously, there must be some connection between the subordination of actual individuals and the grotesque exaltation of symbolic ones like Kim Il Sung. - Christopher Hitchens
I think that nothing is so important for freedom as recognizing in the law each individual’s natural right to property, and giving individuals a sense that they own something that they’re responsible for, that they have control over, and that they can dispose of. - Milton Friedman
What is freedom to a nation, but freedom to the individuals in it? - Harriett Beecher-Stowe
The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally. - Gordon B. Hinckley
As individuals, great writers from Villon to Diderot to Voltaire toRousseau to Byron or Shelley have often shown themselves to beirresponsible, selfish, mean or sometimes even cowardly people. Their lives were drab or self destructive or reckless.We read them for their Words, not for their deeds. - Max Vegaritter
Every civilization depends on the quality of the individuals it produces. If you over-organize humans, over-legalize them, suppress their urge to greatness-- they cannot work and their civilization collapses - Frank Herbert
Storytellers are individuals who enjoy creating a holiday for the mind. - Linda Daly
The way things are supposed to work is that we're supposed to know virtually everything about what they [the government] do: that's why they're called public servants. They're supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that's why we're called private individuals. - Glenn Greenwald
Intelligent individuals learn from every thing and every one; average people, from their experiences. The stupid already have all the answers. - Socrates
You are judged many times more by what you do in groups than for what you do as individuals. If one thousand of you participate in the murder of one child, then one thousand of you are a thousand times guilty. - Compton Gage
The only reason i love the courage of these individuals is that they take their family members as astray chicks, and the reason i don't want to belong to this category is because those chicks are far more important to me than trivial wealth and fame. - Michael Bassey Johnson
...These politically correct language initiatives are misguided and harmful. They create highly entitled professional victims who expect to be free from any offense, and they engender a stifling atmosphere where all individuals walk on eggshells lest they might commit a linguistic capital crime. - Gad Saad
Sometimes life holds more than people allow themselves to see. Such individuals may continue to live as though they are blind for eternities before realizing they were merely clamping their eyes shut. - Emily Herr
The same process that makes AA so effective—the power of a group to teach individuals how to believe—happens whenever people come together to help one another change. Belief is easier when it occurs within a community. - Charles Duhigg
Unless individuals have the power to defy commoditization and define their own lives, their potential is vulnerable to the crushing forces of objectification. - Tom Hayes
Listen to all the conversations of our world, between nations as well as between individuals. They are, for the most part, dialogues of the deaf. - Paul Tournier
Gregariousness is always the refuge of mediocrities, whether they swear by Soloviev or Kant or Marx. Only individuals seek the truth, and they shun those whose sole concern is not the truth. - Boris Pasternak
In every era, humanity produces demonic individuals and seductive ideas of repression. The task of statesmanship is to prevent their rise to power and sustain an international order capable of deterring them if they do achieve it. - Henry Kissinger
You are judged many times more by what you do in groups than for what you do as individuals. - Compton Gage
Peace between countries must rest on the solid foundation of love between individuals. - Mahatma Gandhi
Either we are adrift in chaos or we are individuals, created, loved, upheld and placed purposefully, exactly where we are. Can you believe that? Can you trust God for that? - Elisabeth Elliot
Surrounding people whom a person likes is not really getting ones who he or she is like character wise, as individuals of same nature befriend by default and not by design of own choice. - Anuj Somany
Individuals may form communities, but it is institutions alone that can create a nation. - Benjamin Disraeli
History plays for keeps; individuals play for time. - Gregory Maguire
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. - Martin Luther King Jr.
It may seem demeaning to the vanity of some individuals, but like all elements of the mind, God and all its correlated sensations of divinity are the majestic creations of neurobiology. - Abhijit Naskar
You are pitiful, isolated individuals! You are bankrupts. Your role is played out. Go where you belong from now on into the dustbin of history! - Leon Trotksy
If we can widen the range of experiences beyond what we as individuals have encountered, if we can draw upon the experiences of others who've had to confront comparable situations in the past, then - although there are no guarantees - our chances of acting wisely should increase proportionately. - Edward Hallett Carr
In the last analysis, the essential thing is the life of individual. This alone makes history, here alone do the great transformations take place, and the whole future, the whole history of the world, ultimately springs as a gigantic summation from these hidden source in individuals. - C.G. Jung
True ninjas are always outnumbered, because they are individuals. - Jarius Raphel
The few individuals who are capable of spontaneous and joyous effort stand out. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. - Ortega y Gasset José
Politics [is] the art of achieving the maximum amount of freedom for individuals that is consistent with the maintenance of social order. - Barry Goldwater
I’ve come to the conclusion that people who wear headphones while they walk, are much happier, more confident, and more beautiful individuals than someone making the solitary drudge to work without acknowledging their own interests and power. - Jason Mraz
Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, views about life. - Carl Rogers
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