Quotation Explorer - 'Unique'

The world is a marketplace. We all are in business and what we areselling is our unique selves. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
At the bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique human being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time. - Friedrich Nietzsche
We are all born with wonderful gifts. We use these gifts to express ourselves, to amuse, to strengthen, and to communicate. We begin as children to explore and develop our talents, often unaware that we are unique, that not everyone can do what we're doing! - Lynn Johnston
You are unique in the world, a friend like no other. It’s so amazing that we have so much in common so your happiness is also mine. - Auliq Ice
THoughts have unique beauties, you will never be able to express it in words. - Debasish Mridha
A unique human trait is that we try to find meaning in the things that happen to us. - Jason Haxton
Have a big enough heart to love unconditionally, and a broad enough mind to embrace the differences that make each of us unique. - D.B. Harrop
Be unique. Be different. Be yourself. - Debasish Mridha
Know your self package to the core. Never lose the strength of assets, your values, what identifies and separates you, what makes you unique. No, you or I are perfect but we are who we are now and we should continue to move towards that better person God sees us to be. - Eveth Colley
And though, indeed, it only happened once, it’s gone on happening, the way unique and momentous things do, for ever and ever, as long as there’s a memory for them to happen in - Graham Swift
Insist on yourself; never imitate... Every great man is unique. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only unique contribution you can offer the world is to be who you actually are and no one else. - Ashly Lorenzana
You were born into the world to fulfill a specific purpose in life. May you recognised your unique calling. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When all of this music sounds like you know what you want to say, then it will have been of all worth, ever. You will be something complete unto yourself, present and unique. - Jeff Buckley
You don't need to be primary caregiver of your children to be of primary influence in their lives. What you do for them behind the scenes in your own unique way is what makes the true difference in the long run. - Miya Yamanouchi
As part of humanity, each of us is called to develop and share the unique gifts we are given. - Mollie Marti
Find a unique path and make a successful journey over there! This is the way to have a unique place in the history! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Discover how wonderful you are. Love who you are, with all your faults. Focus on the unique gifts you bring to the people around you, to the world. Making this a daily practice will shift your life. - Eileen Anglin
He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed. - William James
Ripples of karmic events are best humbly done in an artistic, significant, unique karmic harvests without any forms of retaliation. - Angelica Hopes
The women of the South have brought into American literature a unique mixture of domesticity and grotesquerie. - James Dickey
Maybe the reason nothing seems to be "fixing you" is because you're not broken. Let today be the day you stop living within the confines of how others define or judge you. You have a unique beauty and purpose; live accordingly. - Steve Maraboli
My everlasting Summer fills heart with laughter like a blooming flower... Her diverse sounds is nature's symphony, sprinkle delight, with comfort of ocean breeze which needs no attest.. The unique every moment of soul's revival and its sun to shine... - Oksana Rus
The path you walk is unique and needed. There is no other like yours. On your path you experience love, joy and peace, as well as loneliness, sadness and torment. These all are specific lessons you choose to rediscover your divine identity. - Raphael Zernoff
Do not think you are important but unique. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are not good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God. - Eileen Anglin
An extreme passion of any human being is to be unique - Kunal Jajal
language is almost the most unique creation of humankind which defines itself; the alternative way of communication/comprehension/conception, yet overusing any invention, can cause Alienation. - Fereidoon Yazdi
I’ve learned that you cannot fulfill your destiny if you’re not being yourself; you can’t fulfill your destiny, trying to be somebody else. We are created unique not so that we can fit in, but so that we can stand out. - Jeanette Coron
To be yourself, be unique. - Debasish Mridha
You are powerful, you are unique, you are a gift to yourself and others. - Akiroq Brost
Use your youth to do something useful or unique or ultimate. - Amit Kalantri
Somewhere along the journey i lost myself; i learnt to be who they told me to be, i lived that girl for decades until their truth showed me; the words they were preaching didnt match the the steps they were walking, so i was done with their opinion and went on my unique way. - Nikki Rowe
THE 52ND is a unique entry in the YA and Paranormal genres. With a diverse cast of characters, thrilling mythology, and a potential series ahead, Dela knocks it out of the park with THE 52ND. - Indie Reader
We must accept the idea that having a male child has a unique social and psychological meaning for a woman. Even women who led the movement to break out the passivity and sublimation of the female role were deeply influenced by the belief in superior masculine power. - Klein Carole
The strongest person is not the one who is able to do something, but the one who is able not to do what he has the power to do. This self-denial is the unique way to usher in God's kingdom and to realize the kingdom life. - Witness Lee
Be unique! Be yourself! - Debasish Mridha
We can never be unique in expression -only the expression can be unique,and that uniqueness chooses us! - Drunken Mystic
There are people you wont miss, but wont forget either. Those people are unique - Ishak Zaaimia
We are born to unfold the beauty of life and to adorn the universe with unique thoughts. - Debasish Mridha
Woman! She's mother, she's daughter, she's sister; she's a unique creation of God; her womb is also root cause of mankind; her shadow provides gallantry; her affection heals life into the languid body; love her, worship her, you'll find paradise. - Tanmaya Guru
It was a momentary laughter, in which our souls united. But I think there comes a point in love, a unique moment which later on the soul seeks in vain to surpass, and that the effort to revive such happiness depletes it; that nothing thwarts happiness so much as the memory of happiness. - André Gide
Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud. - Shannon L. Alder
I never could understand why some writers treat women as helpless. Every woman I know is strong in her own unique way. - Terry Goodkind
The world in which you were born is just one model of reality. Other cultures are not failed attempts at being YOU: they are unique manifestations of the human spirit. - Wade Davis
To grow unique beauty, be wild and live in the wilderness of your mind. - Debasish Mridha
The pursuit of your life purpose is a unique journey. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Like it or not, we are all in business and the products we are selling is our unique selves. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
We are unique not by comparison but by compassion (the moral of my book The Cheetah and the Snail) - Shriram
Beliefs that are good promote your potential and enhance your unique special qualities. - Deborah Day
There is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. - Martha Graham
Books have a unique way of stopping time in a particular moment and saying: Let’s not forget this. - Dave Eggers
We each carry with us unique gifts, recognized and unrecognized. We long to harness those gifts in a way that gives life significance and helps us to matter more in the lives of others. - Tom Hayes
She was starmetal bones with kaleidoscope eyes. A cracked framework of unique beauty, a patchwork portrait filled with swirling brush strokes, an amalgamation of delicate light and detailed shatter. I could write a novel about the way she breathes. - Hubert Martin
Persistence is a unique mental strength; a strength that is essential to combat the fierce power of the repeated rejections and numerous other obstacles that sit in waiting and are all part of winning in a fast-moving, ever-changing world. - Bob Proctor
You are magnificent and unique. Love yourself and stay unique and you will beautify this world with your unique art of life. - Debasish Mridha
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams
Redheads. We’re a Limited Edition of Fascination. A Unique & Rare Blend of Awesomeness. - Stephanie Lahart
The heart is a rare, unique treasure because it is strong and vulnerable at the same time. It is strong in its persistence to sustain life, yet it is vulnerable to both emotional and physical wounds. - Imania Margria
Look at mirror! What do you see in you? Do you see someone who can't amount anything in life or do you see a unique human being that was born to dream and conquer the world. - Euginia Herlihy
Your journey is completely yours. It is unique. Others may try to steal part of it, tell it in their words or shape it to suit them. Reality is no one can live it or own it but you. Take charge of your journey, it's yours and yours alone! - Kemi Sogunle
The art of living... is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive. - Alan W. Watts
Every book is unique and it depends what you think, not others. - Emmiem
Experience has taught us that we have only one enduring weapon in our struggle against mental illness: the emotional discovery of our truth about the unique history of our childhood.-, author of The Drama of The Gifted Child - Alice Miller
America may be unique in being a country which has leapt from barbarism to decadence without touching civilization. - John O'Hara
I think that every reader on earth has a list of cherished books as unique as their fingerprints....I think that, as you age, you tend to gravitate towards the classics, but those aren't the books that give you the same sort of hope for the world that a cherished book does. - Douglas Coupland
Being different will always threaten the institution of understanding of a closed mind. However, evolution is built on difference, changing and the concept of thinking outside the box. Live to be your own unique brand, without apology. - Shannon L. Alder
The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold. - Glenn Doman
You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God. - Eileen Anglin
When this world is full of fashion, be unique by reflecting your own style. - Debasish Mridha
People leave imprints on our lives, shaping who we become in much the same way that a symbol is pressed into the page of a book to tell you who it comes from. Dogs, however, leave paw prints on our lives and our souls, which are as unique as fingerprints in every way. - Ashly Lorenzana
Perhaps what matters is not the human pain or joy at all but, rather, the play of shadow and light on a live body, the harmony of trifles assembled...in a unique and inimitable way. - Vladimir Nabokov
Harnessing the unique sex energy that can only arise through sexual expression can awaken multidimensional awareness and provide you with your desired goal. - Stephen Richards
You are unique sacred soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Unique among the nations, America recognized the source of our character as being godly and eternal, not being civic and temporal. And because we have understood that our source is eternal, America has been different. We have no king but Jesus. - John Ashcroft
Do not allow your resentment towards negative in this era to blind you into spiting yourself. We were made unique and should celebrate each other's life and the uniqueness that defines us. - Auliq-Ice
You are beautiful. You are unique. Your heart holds celestial love which flows like a mighty river through you to nourish the universe. - Debasish Mridha
Wisdom is merely the counter power used against on your unique talents to prevent them turning into your deadly curses. - Alper Mazun
Education opens our minds eye to see the world with our own unique vision and perception. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Learn Japanese FAST with our FREE Podcasts and Audio Lessons. Our unique methods make learning Japanese SUPER EASY! Download our MP3 files to listen and learn. - John Smithh
For being different, it’s easy. But to be unique, it’s a complicated thing. - Lady Gaga
No book can truly be original, but there are always way to make it unique. - Hiba Fatima Ahmad
At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you. - Oprah Winfrey
People can waste a large amount of their time trying to be accepted by people. Sometimes, God meant for you not to fit. You never know, you may hold the unique perspective that when voiced or demonstrated will change generations. - Shannon L. Alder
The human being is single, unique, and unrepeatable, someone thought of and chosen from eternity, someone called and identified by name - Pope John Paul II
Stop rejecting that unique pathway that was designed exclusively for you. Embrace your destiny, respect yourself and love others. - Auliq Ice
Life is about exercising your God-given dominion, loving and serving God, loving and serving mankind and fulfilling the unique and specific God-given purpose - EK Hammond
Those who with high self esteem makes deep and lasting connections with their own unique way to make all the difference in the world. - Kishore Bansal
This world has no option but will take you -as you are! Be different and be unique - Praveen Chenna
I sometimes shock the people around me with how I see things. I come up with very unique solutions to things. As I can picture things in my mind and move them around to design and understand them. - Tina J. Richardson
We are prisoners of our thoughts. We like to imprison everyone in the same prison and think that it will solve the problems of humanity. Yet everyone is unique; let them live freely and with harmony. - Debasish Mridha
Each child is a unique person, so raise your child taking this fact intoconsideration. - Eraldo Banovac
Imagination just wasn't up to the task of understanding unique and foreign sensations. It knew only how to dampen or augment what it already knew. - Juliette, Pg. 139 - Hugh Howey
Don't be a shadow of anyone,You are unique way or another - Mohammed Sekouty
When you walk in distinction, even the photocopying machine can’t replicate your unique quality. - Onyi Anyado
The best way to be unique and set ourselves apart from Society is to create. Use your imagination and apply action towards it. - Matthew Donnelly
Being socialized female and spending my life "othered" by this world gives me a unique perspective. In the past, this has felt like shit. In the present, it feels pretty good. In the future I hope somebody loves me enough to watch me age ungracefully. - Harvey Katz
Don’t fear to be unique and reveal your own color. - Debasish Mridha
If you never try, you'll never know. Don't condemn anything you have not experienced or encountered. Explore it to its fullest and then give your own thought and don't generalize it. Everything is unique in its own way and can vary from person to person or even, location. - Chidiebere Prosper Agbugba
Try to be like someone and you'll lose the beauty of being you; relish His unique workmanship in you. - Steven Chopade
There are things you do sometimes, actions that you take by obeying sudden impulses, without stopping for even a fraction of a second to think, and then you spend the rest of your life either lamenting it or thanking yourself for it. They are rare, unique, and perfect moments. - Irene Gonzalez Frei
And remember whatever discipline you're in, whether you're a musician or a photographer, fine artist or a cartoonist, writer, a dancer, a singer, a designer... whatever you do, you have a thing that's unique. You have the ability to make art. - Neil Gaiman
You are unique in this universe like everyone else so why is this competition it'll ruin your life .. start living here and now with just your own self nd make your life more and more beautiful - jagvirji
My beauty is my eccentricity, when I am out people stare at me and speak, look at that creative guy, unique guy, different guy. - Amit Kalantri
Every season has a reason. Summer cannot do the works of winter, nor winter the works of summer. Each season is unique yet so important, so cherish the seasons in your life. - Gugu Mona
Every body has a unique path to travel. - Lailah Gifty Akita
That’s what imperialism is all about, shoving your language, religion, culture, and race down others’ throats and telling them that they’re beneath you and it’s not unique to the West either. - M.B. Dallocchio
Treat yourself today! You are a unique, sparkling, spectacular soul. Celebrate you! - Amy Leigh Mercree
Every heart has a unique story to tell. We just need a mind to listen. - Debasish Mridha
You are amazing person with unique talents. Have faith in your abilities. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Artist, never explains his work, it’s the audience that explores it. Explain Vs Explore is what we should adopt in our personality- Be unique always. - Praveen Chenna
Passion makes you hungry for knowledge in your field, and knowledge fuels your confidence, which makes you unique in your field leading you to be successful. - Alahdal A. Hussein
The process of grief and loss is as unique as your personal DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid); no two individuals will have the same experiences or relationship to grief. - Asa Don Brown
Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that society must take the place of the victim, and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness. - W.H. Auden
Happiness is in all of us and it comes from progress. The root cause of a multiplier effect or a destroyer effect lies inside of us. The multiplication of the happiness in us on a daily basis makes us unique and powerful and gives us the reason for our existence." --. - Bimal Shah
We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning, justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific, concrete, individualized, unique. - John Dewey
Believe that you are unique with infinite love and beauty in your soul. - Debasish Mridha
What if the link or key to healing was through finding your unique personal creative outlet? - Michelle Dennis Evans
You are a unique person so get busy creating your unique position in this world. - Debasish Mridha
You’ve got to have confidence in the very thing that makes you unique then wait for the world to catch up - Lindsey Stirling
Think of yourself as a brand. You need to be remembered. What will they remember you for? What defines you? If you have it in you, do something that defines you. Invent something, develop a unique skill, get noticed for something it creates a talking point. - Chris Arnold
Our uniqueness is what makes us common. It is the same fact that we are unique that we as individuals have in common. - Morena Baloyi
Only number 1 is unique, rest is just numbers,fight to be no.1 - Mohammed Sekouty
Knowledge is borrowed; wisdom is unique. - Debasish Mridha
Be true to yourself to reveal your own unique beauties, feelings, and perceptions. - Debasish Mridha
Our work is not to become unique. We are unique. Our work is to unleash our sense of adventure and to allow the inner whisper that says come hither to be reason enough to go. - Vironika Tugaleva
I Love Myself No Matter who likes or Not I am Unique :) - Deepthi Shetty
Mathematics is a wonderful common sense,To understand the harmony in nature magnificent; The wondrous language, & popular in terms of @ financeIts’ unique, and abundantly rich in terms of substance, - Priyavrat Thareja
Thoughts have unique beauties you will never able to express it in words. - Debasish Mridha
No one in this room is identical. We all have something unique to offer. It is the responsibility of each of us to realize what that is to fulfill our destiny. Imagine the awesomeness the potential we would have if we worked together for a change. - Aaron B. Powell
Each creature is a unique piece of art to be respected and believed in. once we realise this, equality follows. - Sameh Elsayed
keep the relationship with your God private, special & unique... then ignore all the filters other Christians use to look at you... - Mwirigi LG
Every human is unique every spirit is engaging. - Tim Mann artist
With honesty and a little digging, we have the opportunity to identify our gifts and harness them in the service of our best self—our own unique noble purpose. - Tom Hayes
Relax. Cultivate your children's capabilities. Maximize their strengths. Do not handicap their unique skills by spending too much time on making them average in everything. Help them create their own style, and appreciate your children for who God created them to be. - Tamara L. Chilver
People can enjoy music everywhere. Therefore, music is more than a giftbecause it represents a unique form of human freedom. - Eraldo Banovac
The journey of life is unique for every one. - Lailah Gifty Akita
There are no two hours alike. Every hour is unique and the only one given at the moment, exclusive and endlessly precious. Judaism teaches us to be attached to holiness in time; to learn how to consecrate sanctuaries that emerge from the magnificent stream of a year. - Abraham Joshua Heschel
The Gospel worldview equips the artist with a unique combination of optimism and realism about life. - Timothy J. Keller
Be Unique and Different in Appearance , but have a good Attitude with Peaceful Love in our Heart. - Jan Jansen
Disruptive innovation is entrepreneurs changing their industry with unique creativity. - Onyi Anyado
if everyone criticizes you, silenced them by doing a unique act !.إذا انتقدك الجميع أسكتهم بفعلك لأمر إستثنائي - Hicham LM Kamelionaire
The value of things is not the time they last, but the intensity with which they occur. That is why there are unforgettable moments and unique people! - Fernando Pessoa
We are all unique, but we are also a part of the common body of humanity. With harmony, love, kindness, and compassion we can live together in joy and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
Truth is always a quest and if it looks anything like a destination, it is proof that we are on to illusion. Thus, unique is each quest! - R. N. Prasher
You are you. You are not a label. As an individual you have a unique place in my heart and mind. - Salil Jha
A person who faces unique miseries learns much. All time transports him rich insights. - Darmie Orem
The brand building process is a marathon that takes time with patience, persistence, consistence, and authenticity to deliver on your unique promise of value - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution. - Deepak Chopra
Create your own style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others. - Anna Wintour
The light of God's love makes us unique personalities - Sunday Adelaja
Love every version of yourself, they help create your own unique version of extraordinary. - Kaiden Blake
Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that society has to take the place of the victim and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness; it is the one crime in which society has a direct interest. - W. H. Auden
Time grants a unique perspective which allows us to see events through a filter of accumulated wisdom. - Christopher Earle
Unique feelings are so unique that they can not be popularized. Feelings without words in the dictionary disappear. Every year thousands of feelings disappear for lack of a concrete form. - Isidore Isou
Ransomware is unique among cybercrime because in order for the attack to be successful, it requires the victim to become a willing accomplice after the fact - James Scott, Sr. Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology
If only you could fully grasp how valuable, how limited and how unique every moment of your life is, you would never stand as still as a statue even a single moment because action is real living! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Our imperfections make us unique as surely as our strengths. - Toni Sorenson
The idea [passing the 17th amendment] benefited from a unique political and cultural atmosphere that consumed a nation during the late 19th and early 20th centuries-a progressive populism promoting simultaneously radical egalitarianism and centralized authoritarianism. - Mark Levin
I may be just an empty flesh terminal reliant on technology for all my ideas, memories and relationships, but I am confident that all of that everything that makes me a unique human being is still out there somewhere, safe in a theoretical storage space owned by giant, multinational corporations. - Stephen Colbert
Every idea is in the soul of its owner. No other power can shift it to another soul, that is why we have the telephone, aircraft, etc, each having its unique inventor. - Michael Bassey Johnson
PEACE OF MIND! Mr. Smith gave me peace of mind with a Living Trust. He took the time to tailor the trust for my unique needs and circumstances. Mr. Smith is an outstanding attorney and I greatly value his advice.Sandra R. Vicksta - mkrahman
All objects in the universe are unique. No two things that happen by chance ever happen in exactly the same way. No two things are ever constructed or manufactured in exactly the same way. No two things wear in exactly the same way. No two things ever break in exactly the same way. - Joe Nickell
One of the most unique aspects among many about the USA is that our transitions of 'power' have almost always been peaceful. This is very unique in all of history and in the world today". - R. Alan Woods
Your selling point is that unique quality like integrity,teachability, honesty, humility, skill, sagacity, love, self-confidence, vision, compassion and kindness which distinguishes you among your contemporaries. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
everybody say's that blue eyed is a freak,but i say that my blue is unique! - A.R.Maria
Poetry is a unique collage of Time, Place, Hue and Emotion. - Andrea L'Artiste
Appearances, beauty, value and life have their unique mysteries and essence. I prefer that essence to be breathing with humility, honesty, compassion, respect and a timeless love. - Angelica Hopes
To be unique calls for being unique in such a way that your uniqueness doesn't make others appear inferior, and a uniqueness that doesn't crave for anything apart from your own thing. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I'd rather be interesting, original, & unique then follow the pack. Revel in who you truly are & be liberated! - Amy Leigh Mercree
Be a poet and write your own unique poetry of life. - Debasish Mridha
Seize from every moment its unique novelty, and do not prepare your joys. - Andre Gide
Breathing is a lot like creativity. Like an inhale, you receive an inspiration, you let it run through the unique magnificence of who you are, and then you release it into the world, letting it go, unattached to the way it needs to look. - Jill Badonsky
Each person born into the world has a unique mission to fulfill.Discover your mission and seek grace to fulfill this purpose. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Every Woman is Special and Unique - Jan Jansen
Look, the thing that's going to make Disneyland unique and different,' he insisted, 'is the detail. If we loose the detail, we loose it all. - Neal Gabler
Commoditization is the enemy of meaning. In ages dominated by the forces of commoditization, individuals pay the price with devalued lives. by contrast, unique skills requiring mastery and expertise, like the skills of a brain surgeon, are safe from the threat of commoditization. - Tom Hayes
People are all diamonds. They are already valuable, brillant and unique in their own right. Sometimes a person can do with a buff, a fluff and a polish to bring out the natural brillance and clarity that has always existed within them. - Evette Rose
Ultimately what I like about reading together is that we all make it happen together. Of course even amid shared experience we’re still alone… each reading of each book is unique. But what a comfort it is to share readings and experiences. How lucky we are when we get to be alone together. - John Green
Developing your unique thought to the level of being appreciated and adopted by the world - that's genius. - Ogwo David Emenike
You say freak, I say unique. - Christian Baloga
And if ever you need encouragement, remember at least two sober facts which nobody can rationally deny: that you are a new and unique living force in nature, and that you can, by taking thought and pursuing it, become more and more intensely alive. - John Steeksma
She liked his unique smell, and it turned on all five of her senses, wanting to see him naked, touch him while naked, hear him as he moaned while he made love, taste his skin, and feel his naked body as she seduced him with the trailing of hungry fingers. - Keira D. Skye
The ultimate purpose of education is to learn how to reveal your own unique beauty. - Debasish Mridha
You are one of the most beautiful and unique flowers in the garden of humanity. - Debasish Mridha
Speaker calls the Christian counselor to look at each person as soul embodied with unique challenges that move us. This is not, he says, the first step before we get on to important business but vital in and of itself. - Edward T. Welch
I hate everyone because everyone's same as others; and everyone hates me because I'm unique. They hate me because I have a heart; which gets hurt every time but at the end of the day it gets heal in a hope that next day wont be same as this one. So don't worry guys you can still use me.. :) - Taimoor Madni
I believe that flowers are like people. Flowers come in different colours, shapes and sizes. Some extremely rare and some very common. They are all beautiful in their own unique way. - Alex Haditaghi
Writers are not narcissists. They simply acknowledge that what they find interesting is not unique to them. - M Chapman
A new baby is the beginning of a new universe—his own unique universe. - Debasish Mridha
Sometimes, we are unable to break free because we are held captive by divine assignment because in our problem God has given us a unique purpose. - Shannon L. Alder
Fortuitous, unexpected beauty is the best beauty because it is unique, and what is unique is remembered. - Donna Lynn Hope
Knowledge is a unique kind of property, indeed: you can share it with others, while still possessing it. - Eraldo Banovac
Let's assume that each person has an equal opportunity, not to become equal, but to become different. To realize whatever unique potential of body, mind and spirit he or she possesses. - John Fischer
If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom. - Sidney Madwed
My world view is somewhat unique. I have learned from many great philosophers including Plato, Socrates, Buddha, Jesus, Darwin, Tagore, Emerson, and many more. - Debasish Mridha
There are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our encouragement, who will need our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. - Leo Buscaglia
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. - Martha Graham
Dream your own dreams, achieve your own goals. Your journey is your own and unique. - Roy Bennett
No two stories are the same. They may seem the same at first glance, but, once you take a closer look, give the story some of your time, you realise its unique qualities. - S. A. Tawks
There is no human mind. There is only a universal mind. We borrow it for the time being and try to shape it in our own way to make it unique. It is like owning a plot of land. We borrow it from nature and call it our land. We try to shape it, build on it, and cultivate it. - Debasish Mridha
We all possess certain talents and gifts that are unique to only us. You already have everything that you need to start living an extraordinary life. It's up to you to turn on the switch and let your light shine. - Randa Manning-Johnson
We must trust that what we're doing has a purpose. We must realize that we're not here to make kids conform or perform, but that we're here to help them to develop their own unique skills and talents, not the ones we want them to have or the ones we think they should have. - Tom Walsh
The British nation is unique in this respect. They are the only people who like to be told how bad things are, who like to be told the worst. - Sir Winston Churchill
My bones are my unique home. - Laure Lacornette
Each city in the southeastern part of the United States has its own unique type of specialty food that can be only found in that city, and it all happens to be called 'barbecue'. - Jim Gaffigan
It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique. It's not easy, but if you accept your misfortune and handle it right your perceived failure can become a catalyst for profound re-invention. - Conan O'Brien
Most people believe that if you go in and try to micromanage a forest, it is possible to destroy the very thing that makes it a unique and special place. That's just as true of the Net. - Glen Raphael
Everyone is unique in every essence. Love binds us together in every sense. - Debasish Mridha
My work has been always presented to me in front of others by creating a unique individual. - Tanmaya Guru
If there is anything unique about the human animal, it is that it has the ability to grow knowledge at an accelerating rate while being chronically incapable of learning from experience. - John N. Gray
If there were ever such a thing as a unique opinion, history would probably be less inclined to repeat itself. - Gavin Mills
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. - Martha Graham
My life should be unique; it should be an alms, a battle, a conquest, a medicine. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are parts of one universe, true enough. We stand within an almost infinite network of relationships. Yet each of us is a single point of consciousness, a unique event, a private, unrepeatable world. This is the essence of our aloneness. - Nathaniel Branden
Age is a timeless beauty. At each mile in my life journey, I am a distinctive blend of what I've experienced and the unique talents I was given to share with others. - Jeanne McElvaney
There are no ordinary people. The blur or everyday reality has created a world in which most of us have forgotten our unique and sacred existence...it is [our] true self, once discovered, that enables us to understand more clearly the nature of our world, and our own existence. - Kim Chestney
America is the greatest, freest and most decent society in existence. It is an oasis of goodness in a desert of cynicism and barbarism. This country, once an experiment unique in the world, is now the last best hope for the world. - Dinesh D'Souza
Celebrate Yourself. You are Unique! - Izey Victoria Odiase
Dear YOU, don’t compare yourself to ANYONE. Your Unique Self is empowered, powerful, and unstoppable! Your uniqueness is what makes you incomparable! Don’t underestimate the beauty of just being YOU. - Stephanie Lahart
Everyone is unique in their own special way. - Jackson Taviri
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