My world view is somewhat unique. I have learned from many great philosophers including Plato, Socrates, Buddha, Jesus, Darwin, Tagore, Emerson, and many more. - Debasish Mridha
We look wishfully to emergencies, to eventful, revolutionary times...and think how easy to have taken our part when the drum was rolling and the house was burning over our heads. -Ralph Waldo Emerson - Mitch Kynock
You can learn more by going to the opera than you ever can by reading Emerson. Like that there are two sexes. - David Markson
Even a Menno sheltered from the world knows not to stick her tongue into the mouth of a boy who owns an Air Supply record. You might stick your tongue into the mouth of a boy who owned some Emerson, Lake and Palmer, but you would not date him on a regular basis, or openly. - Miriam Toews
I was too much of a Bronx kid to read Emerson or Hawthorne. - Don DeLillo
Liz Emerson held so much darkness within her that closing her eyes didn't make much a difference at all. - Amy Zhang
إننا نتحول إلى ما نفكر فيه طوال اليوم - Emerson
You'll want to read books - novels, because ladies are frivolous; poetry because ladies are sentimental; and sermons, because we are pious. If you must read essays, Mr. Emerson might be best. Your gentleman may have a nodding acquaintance with his works. - Donald McCaig