Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is... the highway to success. - Og Mandino
Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded. - Friedrich Hayek
Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have eroded. - Friedrich Hayek
We look wishfully to emergencies, to eventful, revolutionary times...and think how easy to have taken our part when the drum was rolling and the house was burning over our heads. -Ralph Waldo Emerson - Mitch Kynock
Emergencies have always been necessary to progress. It was darkness which produced the lamp. It was fog that produced the compass. It was hunger that drove us to exploration. And it took a depression to teach us the real value of a job. - Victor Hugo