Quotation Explorer - 'Sentimental'

We're a sentimental people. We like a few kind words better than millions of dollars given in a humiliating way. - Gamal Abdel Nasser
The conquest of the earth... is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much. What redeems it is the idea only... not a sentimental pretense but an idea. - Joseph Conrad
Beware of sentimental alliances where the consciousness of good deeds is the only compensation for noble sacrifices. - Otto von Bismarck
You'll want to read books - novels, because ladies are frivolous; poetry because ladies are sentimental; and sermons, because we are pious. If you must read essays, Mr. Emerson might be best. Your gentleman may have a nodding acquaintance with his works. - Donald McCaig
By handling each sentimental item and deciding what to discard, you process your past. If you just stow these things away in a drawer or cardboard box, before you realise it, your past will become a weight that holds you back and keeps you from living in the here and now. Pg.116-117 - Marie Kondō
When there is deep love the heart breathes sentimental sighs. - Bluenscottish
Commercial comedy's often set up to feature an ironist makingdevastating sport of someone who's naive or sentimental or pretentious orpompous. - David Foster Wallace
The world makes up for all its follies and injustices by being damnably sentimental. - Thomas H. Huxley
For my part, I prefer the ontological argument, the cosmological argument and the rest of the old stock-in-trade, to the sentimental illogicality that has sprung from Rousseau. - Bertrand Russell
Emotion resulting from a work of art is only of value when it is not obtained by sentimental blackmail. - Jean Cocteau
Anything you like; anything I like... No past to make us sentimental, no future to embarrass us - Jean Rhys
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