Standardized state tests are a scam! The educational system is rigged. It is set up to where the wealthy schools, get all of the state funding. The poverty-stricken schools, don't get enough funding due to standardized tests scores. See my point? - Mary Sage Nguyen
Practice makes perfect, but it doesn’t make new. The gifted learn to play magnificent Mozart melodies and beautiful Beethoven symphonies, but never compose their own original scores. - Adam Grant
Everyone is an idiot, not just the people with low SAT scores. The only differences among us is that we're idiots about different things at different times. No matter how smart you are, you spend much of your day being an idiot. - Scott Adams
He leaned forward and opened his door, politely standing aside to let me by before following me in. There are some advantages to dating a guy from another era, I thought. Though I am a big believer in gender equality, chivalry scores high in my book. - Amy Plum
He had scores to settle with the world, and she, at that moment, was world enough for him. - John Banville
Oh, he was a decent-enough high school student, good grades and well-liked, but his test scores were nothing to write home about. He might as well have Christmas-treed the math test. - Thomas Christopher Greene
There are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our encouragement, who will need our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. - Leo Buscaglia
There are scores of thousands of human insects who are ready at a moment's notice to reveal the will of God on every possible subject. - George Bernard Shaw
The better the school library, the higher the reading scores. - Stephen D. Krashen
Keeping score of old scores and scars, getting even and one-upping, always make you less than you are. - Malcolm Forbes