Stop rejecting that unique pathway that was designed exclusively for you. Embrace your destiny, respect yourself and love others. - Auliq Ice
When you view your world exclusively through the lens of science, your prescription will never be strong enough. - Jay Nichols
Personally I think there is no doubt that sub-atomic energy is available all around us, and that one day man will release and control its almost infinite power. We cannot prevent him from doing so and can only hope that he will not use it exclusively in blowing up his next door neighbour. (1936) - Francis William Aston
These two beings, who had loved each other so exclusively, and with so touching a love, and who had lived so long for each other, were now suffering beside one another and through one another; without speaking of it, without harsh feeling, and smiling all the while. - Victor Hugo
On a planet where for thousands of years, even today, a woman's worth has been judged exclusively by the productivity of her womb, what the hell is the point of a barren woman? - Elissa Stein and Susan Kim
Belief is exclusively a matter of personal domain. It has nothing to do with reality. - Abhijit Naskar
I am increasingly persuaded that the earth belongs exclusively to the living and that one generation has no more right to bind another to it's laws and judgments than one independent nation has the right to command another. - Thomas Jefferson
Let's be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading. - Lena Dunham
The praise and glorification of God doesn't exclusively spring from deep and untroubled understanding; it is in spite of – and even because of – deep and troubled circumstance. - Joyce Rachelle
My worth is not based on the ‘work of my hands’ despite how feverishly I might work and how audaciously successful I might be. Rather, my worth is based exclusively on the astonishing fact that I am the ‘work of God’s hands. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit des AndersdenkendenFreedom is always, and exclusively, freedom for the one who thinks differently. - Rosa Luxemburg
In inventing [General Juan Manuel de] Rosas’ self-justification, I have taken the liberty of drawing almost exclusively on the words of Tony Blair, and the various self-justifications he produced to defend his foreign policy adventures with George Bush in the Middle East and the Central Asia. - Harry Thompson
If one believes in a god, one is a Theist. If one does not believe in a god, then one is an A-theist — he is without that belief. The distinction between atheism and theism is entirely, exclusively, that of whether one has or has not a belief in God. - Chapman Cohen
I do not believe in the immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern without any superhuman authority behind it. - Albert Einstein
A sensibility that wails almost exclusively over the enemies of liberty seems suspect to me. Stop shaking the tyrant's bloody robe in my face, or I will believe that you wish to put Rome in chains. - Maximilien de Robespierre