Quotation Explorer - 'Enough'

Instant gratification is not soon enough. - Meryl Streep
Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. - Richard Bach
You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation. - Marian Wright Edelman
Funny enough, I sit on my porch all day, wave and smile at everyone. Some of them aren't sure, some smiles right back, some come back later and say; "This morning you made my day, had the best day all week, thank you for that!" Smile and wave, that's all it takes :) - Martin R. Lemieux
Many would be cowards if they had courage enough. - Thomas Fuller
There are enough blessings for everyone. You need to reach out for yours. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required. - Winston S. Churchill
What you see is what you get. The island is imaginative enough. Creativity don’t need to be wasted on naming things. - Doug Cooper
You are never strong enough that you don't need help. - César Chávez
I'm old enough to remember when a social network was called a school playground. - Chris Geiger
He's a sweet man whose crime was that he didn't love me quite enough, and because this wasn't much of a crime I had to make up some bigger ones. - Nick Hornby
A single day is enough to make us a little larger. - Paul Klee
... the enemy will do anything to rob my joy of homeschooling and parenting. He wanted me to live in bondage and feel guilty and like I was never doing enough to have me miss the real joy of just being home with my children. - Tamara L. Chilver
It is my business as a Sunday school teacher to instill a divine discontent for the ordinary. Only the best possible is good enough for God. Can you say, 'God, I have done all that I can? - Henrietta C. Mears
If one reads enough books one has a fighting chance. Or better, one's chances of survival increase with each book one reads. - Sherman Alexie
The world may be against us, but this love we have is enough to put this world beneath us. - Jayson Engay
But what if you're wrong?What if there's more?What if there's hope you never dreamed of hoping for?What if you jump?And just close your eyes?What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise?What if He's more than enough?What if it's love? - Nichole Nordeman
Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him. - Oliver Oliver Reed
I am no more than a child, but my Father lives for ever and I have a Protector great enough to save me. - Augustine of Hippo
We never stop investigating. We are never satisfied that we know enough to get by. Every question we answer leads on to another question. This has become the greatest survival trick of our species. - Desmond Morris
That's why for you, you have the right to be cruel to me. No matter how much you make me worry or how much danger you put me in, just as much as you like. But these are not enough 'compensation.' Even if I have to sacrifice my left over life for you, I would not utter a word of complaint. - Matsuri Hino
When we are young we think our troubles a mighty business that the world is spread out expressly as a stage for the particular drama of our lives and that we have a right to rant and foam at the mouth if we are crossed. I have done enough of that in my time. - George Eliot
The Christian religion asks us to put our trust not in ideas, and certainly not in ideologies, but in a God Who was vulnerable enough to become human and die, and Who desires to be present to us in our ordinary circumstances. - Kathleen Norris
I sort of kind of said something a little like that but maybe not clearly enough to sound like that... But it's what I meant. - Mary Eva Swatek
And sometimes being in love is not enough to make it work. - Dominic Riccitello
The strongest is never strong enough to be always the master, unless he transforms strength into right, and obedience into duty. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. - J. K. Rowling
You have delighted us long enough. - Jane Austen
Sure my rose-colored glasses don't let me see the world for what it is NOW but what they allow is the chance to see what the world would look like if people cared enough to plant more roses - Matthew Goldfinger
If the only prayer you say throughout your life is "Thank You," then that will be enough. - Elie Wiesel
Some Memories are better be destroyed.. you never know when do you fall in love with someone, and when you're kicked out.. it's life, crazy enough! - Himmilicious
the more i love the less i talk, because no word in the world powerful enough to express how i feel. - Bilal
In my life, I have but one anchor and that anchor is my God. I think if you look closely enough, you can even see it in my eyes, you'll see a strong place, an anchor. That is God. - C. JoyBell C.
If you take all the experience and judgment of men over fifty out of the world, there wouldn't be enough left to run it. - Henry Ford
Special-interest publications should realize that if they are attracting enough advertising and readers to make a profit, the interest is not so special. - Fran Lebowitz
Loving yourself means caring enough to make the hard decisions in your life.
Well, they each seem to do one thing well enough, but fail to realize that literature depends on doing several things well at the same time. - Julian Barnes
Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing.... For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day. - Ernest Hemingway
When things are at their blackest, I say to myself, 'Cheer up, things could be worse.' And sure enough, they get worse. - Robert Asprin
A man likes his wife to be just clever enough to comprehend his cleverness, and just stupid enough to admire it.
The trouble with wedlock is that there's not enough wed and too much lock. - Christopher Morley
The passage is free for those who think you are not good enough for them: at your level, I think the best option is to sit back, relax and listen to a cool music, while watching them pack out of your life, and that's when you feel the intense release from the pit of hell. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Fight ever on: this earthly stuff If used God’s way will be enough. Face to the firing line o friendFight out life’s battle to the end. One soldier, when the fight was red,Threw down his broken sword and fled.Another snatched it, won the day, With what his comrade flung away. - Edwin Markham
The best fame is a writer's fame. It's enough to get a table at a good restaurant, but not enough to get you interrupted when you eat. - Fran Lebowitz
The mere sense of living is joy enough. - Emily Dickinson
Ten men in our country could buy the whole world and ten million can't buy enough to eat. - Will Rogers
I am growing old enough not to care much for the MANNER of doing things. - Abraham Lincoln
And then, the unspeakable purity and freshness of the air! There was just enough heat to enhance the value of the breeze, and just enough wind to keep the whole sea in motion, to make the waves come bounding to the shore, foaming and sparkling, as if wild with glee. - Anne Bronte
If I were born a woman, my clothes would be for any man with rough hands to tear down and my body to be made love to by any heart lost enough to love - Prabhukrishna M
A pumpkin lives but once a year when someone sets its soul afire and on that night it stirs up fear until its flame is snuffed.But e'en one night of eerie light is fright enough. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Life can only be filled with joys as we make our egos small enough to accept the fact that joy comes to those in whom there is only room for it to spill over. - S. Emmanuel Epps
When you go into court, you're putting your fate in the hands of 12 people not smart enough to get out of jury duty. - Norm Crosby
I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough. - M. C. Escher
That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed.
No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar. - Abraham Lincoln
Make sure you know the Bible well enough to figure out if what someone says is fact or their own opinions. If you don't it could lead you in the wrong direction. - Amanda Penland
The one thing the world will never have enough of is the outrageous. - Salvador Dalí
Anyone nit-picking enough to write a letter of correction to an editor doubtless deserves the error that provoked it. - Alvin Toffler
There comes a moment in life when you say to yourself enough. This is ENOUGH! Then you take a walk with your destiny. To change. To fulfill your purpose. We all have it. But are you willing to take that first step? - Besa Kosova
We've got everything we need right here, and everything we need is enough. - Jack Johnson
To keep any great nation up to a high standard of civilization there must be enough superior characters to hold the balance of power, but the very moment the balance of power gets into the hands of second-rate men and women, a decline of that nation is inevitable. - Christian D. Larson
It's not enough that you're doing your job. You must also do it with integrity and compassion. Failure to do so is failure to do your job right. - Jorge P. Guerrero
It seems to me, alas, that if you can so thoroughly dissect your children who are still to be born, you don’t get horny enough to actually to father them. - Gustave Flaubert
Living a happy life is more than enough. - Shrikant Rao
Imagination is reality in one's mind waiting to come out at right time with enough efforts. - Prerak Trivedi
Children have imagination enough to grasp any idea which you present to them with honesty and without patronage. - Armstrong Sperry
Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough. - George Bernard Shaw
I don't believe fine young ladies enjoy themselves a bit more than we do, in spite of our burned hair, old gowns, one glove apiece, and tight slippers that sprain our ankles when we are silly enough to wear them. - Louisa May Alcott
The greatest tribute one can give to a writer is that it is simply enough to read him. - Isaac Goldberg
I work hard to stay cynical enough! I keep my expectations of our culture and our leaders low, low, low, and I do it so I don't have to be let down. And yet again I am lowballed by the brokenness of the American cultural machine. - Vinnie Tesla
Thinking is not enough. Nothing is. There is no final enough of wisdom, experience--any fucking thing. No Holy Grail, No Final Satori, no final solution. Just conflict. - William S. Burroughs
Isn't it enough to be middle-aged and impeccably beautiful? Why must one be economically useful? - Pietros Maneos
Arguing that the only problem with a free market is lack of competition, is like arguing that that the only problem with prostitution is that there aren't enough pimps. - Quentin R. Bufogle
They told me, I am not good enough, not strong enough, not tall enough, not smart enough. They told me I can not win, but they did not tell me how to lose. They taught me a lot of things, but You can not teach courage. That is why I succeed. - Csaba Gabor - B
Vegetarianism is harmless enough, though it is apt to fill a man with wind and self-righteousness. - Sir Robert Hutchinson
I have seen enough of one war never to wish to see another. - Thomas Jefferson
Broken hearts, you can run, you can hide and perhaps the earth is big enough to believe you’re safe. So maybe for a moment you have escaped but hear me, hear me well. Love will find you and it will leave nothing behind. - Robert M. Drake
Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power. - Charles Caleb Colton
Will you love me enough? - Ana Monnar
First of all there is matter—and, remarkably enough, all matter is the same. The matter of which the stars are made is known to be the same as the matter on the earth...The same kinds of atoms appear to be in living creatures as in non-living creatures. - Richard Feynman
That which does not kill you ... probably isn't close enough, so just start running. - Matthew D. Ryan
And I was fairly certain that my strong-enough-for-King-Kong-but-made-for-a-woman deodorant had utterly failed. --Doom with a View - Victoria Laurie
You can change anything in your life if you want to badly enough. Excuses are for losers! - Anonymous
What a day! She had gotten fired, sat in God-knows-what, got rained on, got caught in a traffic jam, been rejected three times, and, as if that weren't enough sponged on by a mooch of an alien knight who claimed he was protecting her from household appliances.Knight of a Trillion stars - Dara Joy
If people aren't going to talk about your product, then it's not good enough. - Jeffrey Kalmikoff
There are more than enoughto fight and oppose;why waste good timefighting the people you like? - Morrissey
A person could read the Bible, not to become smart, but rather to feel that they are not alone, that somebody understands them and love them enough to speak to them, on purpose, in a way that makes a person feel human. - Donald Miller
What a funny old world, Thinking they could cage her, & make her fear her future; Apprently they didn't know her well enough, The cage, gave her wings to fly. - Nikki Rowe
We read deeply for varied reasons, most of them familiar: that we cannot know enough people profoundly enough; that we need to know ourselves better; that we require knowledge, not just of self and others, but of the way things are. - Harold Bloom
People don’t really have much of a choice when the heart falls. I’m lucky enough that mine just so happened to fall for you, Misty.—Dylan to Misty in, When the Heart Falls - Kimberly Lewis
It would take me a long time to understand how systems inflict pain and hardship in people's lives and to learn that being kind in an unjust system is not enough. - Helen Prejean
Unless you have great parents or some inspirational teacher from a movie that pushes you to follow your dreams, you can't expect a kid to be smart enough to realize they can do what they want with their life before they've been pushed through the school system into having an average life. - Dan Howell
were the last words that I wrote for you enough to tell youthat in my death the light that shone through my painful darknesswas a blinding vision of your eternal smile?cold scalpel's steel whispers tear at my very coreas I cling to my memories of you... - Xavier
It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail. - Gore Vidal
Contemporary American children, if they are old enough to grasp the concept of Santa Claus by Thanksgiving, are able to see through it by December 15th. - Roy Blount Jr.
If someone can enjoy marching to music in rank and file, I can feel only contempt for him; he has received his large brain by mistake, a spinal cord would have been enough. - Albert Einstein
Why do you believe in God?" the woman asked me in the busy corridor. I don't remember the answer I gave. It was probably too long and rattled in her ears. I wish I could go back and answer her again. "Because HE believes in me," I would say. Isn't that enough? - Donna VanLiere
The only friend to walk with is one who so exactly shares your taste for each mood of the countryside that a glance, a halt, or at most a nudge, is enough to assure us that the pleasure is shared. - C.S. Lewis
You sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve - J.K. Rowling
It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after. - William Shakespeare
The law is the anchor of our feelings. If the law holds our feelings well, it directs our feelings well. If however, the laws fails to hold our feelings well, our feelings become free enough for us to do what we feel freely - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Jesus never wrote a book; never went outside his country. His only legacy was to never compromise the good. And it was more than enough for the world. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
What was Dr. Mera's motive for murder? I don't need to tell that to a writer of detective novels such as yourself. You know well enough yourself that even without a motive, a murderer lives to kill. - Rampo Edogawa
This is how best to effect change. If you reiterate the same fears and the same sensible measures with proper augmentation enough times, even difficult decisions will begin to seem like the only justifiable solutions. - Olli Jalonen
Law enforcement is hired to enforce the law. You call them in to deal with situations you cannot deal with or do not want to deal with. When they arrive let them do their job. You know who you called them for before they got there. Enough said. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
When people don't tell you the truth what they really are saying is they don't value you or their relationship with you enough to be honest. - Shannon L. Alder
What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story, And the greatest good is little enough: for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.
Our span of life is brief, but is long enough for us to live well and honestly. - Cicero
That's enough crying about the problems, let's begin killing the problems. - Amit Kalantri
The end of a relationship is not always a failure. Sometimes all the love in the world is not enough to save something. In these cases, it is not a matter of fault from either person. Some things cannot be, it's as simple as that. - Ashly Lorenzana
Interest is never enough. If it doesn't haunt you, you'll never write it well. What haunts and obsesses you may, with luck and labour, interest your readers. What merely interests you is sure to bore them. (from Workbook) - Steven Heighton
No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.
I know that I’ve never been perfect. I think we determine what’s perfect to us. I think we understand perfect doesn’t come perfectly. If I was to be bare face or a face full of make up. I won’t be perfect until I determine what I see as perfect enough. - T.Taylor
Ideas aren't magical; the only tricky part is holding on to one long enough to get it written down. - Lynn Abbey
You have gone through enough theory, now it's time to take actions. - Amit Kalantri
On cheap tippers:"Don't take it personally; they were deprived somehow as children.On low-fat entrees: "They sell well enough, but nobody's too happy after the meal. - Joan Bauer
God will always deliver the truth when you have enough faith to believe in miracles. - Shannon L. Alder
No matter how slow the film, Spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer It has chosen. - Minor White
Don't let a thief into your house three times. The first time was enough. The second time was a chance. The third time means you're stupid. - C. JoyBell C.
It is not enough to speak but to speak truth - William Shakespeare
Tears of my Hard Work,are enough to fill the Ocean of my Dreams. - Shashank Rayal
Torches just blind you. On a clear night like this, the moon and the stars are enough. - George R.R. Martin
It is not enough to be wrong, one must also be polite. - Niels Bohr
I used to fear things like not having enough alcohol and drugs, or the money to get them. Now I fear someone holding me down and physically forcing me to take drugs and drink alcohol. I fear that for some reason I wouldn't be allowed or wouldn't be able to read anymore. - Phil Volatile
As jealousy entered, trust left... and their dream of a relationship began to wither into a nightmare... a nightmare in which love just wasn't enough. - Steve Maraboli
It is a common enough case, that of a man being suddenly captivated by a woman nearly the opposite of his ideal. - George Eliot
There's no system foolproof enough to defeat a sufficiently great fool. - Edward Teller
There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people. - Howard Zinn
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. ... These two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. - George Carlin
Point of view." I never got that phrase, point of view; doesn’t everyone have a point in their view? If not thenthey don’t have a view on a certain topic they are just indifferent. Anyone who has a view certainly cares enough to have apoint! - CV
If you do not get the chills when you set your goal you're not setting big enough goals. - Bob Proctor
Give your all to every experience, feel it breathe it appreciate it, nothing lasts forever, when it's gone you'll remember the feeling it once gave you and sometimes that's enough. - Nikki Rowe
You are not walking slow enough, when taking a walk, if you do not come across as bored or depressed (to the average sane person). - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If you only enjoy the journey of writing, that's reward enough. - Deray Ogden
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." - George Carlin
Create new daily choices to embrace that you are good enough and you are worthy enough, just as you are, right now. - Eileen Anglin
Kids who are good at traditional school—repeating rote concepts and facts on a test—can fall apart in a situation where that isn’t enough. Programming rewards the experimental, curious mind. - Ketil Moland Olsen
Hackers find more success with organizations where employees are under appreciated, over worked and under paid. Why would anyone in an organization like that care enough to think twice before clicking on a phishing email? - James Scott
You are never old enough to lose your mother. - Linda Kinnamon RN
I love foolish people because I am not enough of a fool to not love them. - Debasish Mridha
And sure enough, even waiting will end...if you can just wait long enough. - William Faulkner
A piece of art, when completed, encapsulates its own reality. As its architect, the artist’s task is to craft it well enough that the reader believes in its existence and is willing to enter, explore, and engage based on the artist’s version of the truth, even if that truth is artifice. - Kate Kearns
The great blessing and great cruelty of youth is that there seems to be time enough. - Catherynne M. Valente
Marriage is long enough to have plenty of room for time behind it. - William Faulkner
Humanity is a very interesting phenomenon. If you peel back the layers, if you're brave enough, you realize it's something that's not for the faint of heart-" - Angel M.B. Chadwick
Enough !! of the lion ruling the wild territory, time to vote the panther gentlemen. - Neymat Khan
Only when however we are becomes good enoughDo we ever become really freeTo be our best... - anynomous
Stuffed deer heads on walls are bad enough, but it's worse when they are wearing dark glasses and have streamers in their antlers because then you know they were enjoying themselves at a party when they were shot. - Ellen DeGeneres
It is the responsibility of scientists never to suppress knowledge, no matter how awkward that knowledge is, no matter how it may bother those in power; we are not smart enough to decide which pieces of knowledge are permissible, and which are not. - Carl Sagan
Kids born today will see us navigate past the first greatest test of humanity, which is: can we actually be smart enough to live on a planet without destroying it? - Alex Steffen
There is always a part of my mind that is preparing for the worst, and another part of my mind that believes if I prepare enough for it, the worst won’t happen. - Kay Redfield Jamison
You may need courage to say "NO", But you must be brave enough to say "YES" and not to do it - RD
The quickest way to run out of time is to think you have enough of it, - Stewart Stafford
Laugh and the world laughs with you; Weep and you weep alone; For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, but has trouble enough of its own.
You pile up enough tomorrows and you'll be left with nothing but a bunch of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering. - Meredith Willson
I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition. In fact, there are so few people this crazy that I feel like I know them all by first name. - Larry Page
I respect all the innocent souls because they are kind enough to forgive the selfish people around them. - Saurabh Sharma
I wrote "David" because it seemed to me that children, who can love a book more passionately than any grown person, got such a lot of harmless entertainment and not enough real, valuable literature. - Anne Holm
I have never known a novel that was good enough to be good in spite of its being adapted to the author's political views. - Edith Wharton
I’ve been lucky enough to cross paths with these angels who seem to brush the dust off my wings so effortlessly. These wonderful people I don’t and will never know. I want to be one of them. I want to be many of them. Radiating, resonating, finding lost souls and then exhaling magic. - Hillary Wen
In some ways, com­ing to terms with my­self and work­ing to­ward re­cov­ery has been like say­ing I love you to some­one but keep­ing a loaded gun hid­den in your back pocket, just in case that per­son pisses you off enough. - Kiera Van Gelder
The power of love is enough to reach a distant shore and to touch a heart. - Debasish Mridha
Fault always lies in the same place: with him weak enough to lay blame. - Stephen King
He studied my appearance carefully. You cut your hair. Yes. Do you like it? That depends. How long is it? I pulled a curl down and showed him it ended just past my shoulder. He grunted, That’s still long enough, so I like it. Long enough for what? Long enough for a man to run his hands through. - Colleen Houck
Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough. - Zig Ziglar
It is so many years before one can believe enough in what one feels even to know what the feeling is - W.B. Yeats
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. - Mae West
Be robust enough to work more than a robot! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
With enough hope, you can set a fire to find the way out of the darkness. - Serena Smith
What a glorious garden of wonders the lights of Broadway would be to anyone lucky enough to be unable to read.
As I empty my head, I feel wonderful and alive. Sometimes my creation is as beautiful as the feeling it produces, but most often it has to go through many changes before it is considered good enough for public consumption. - Faye E. Robinson
The downside of my celebrity is that I cannot go anywhere in the world without being recognized. It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The wheelchair gives me away. - Stephen Hawking
I fear liars, and I fear tricksters, and worst I fear the bitter truth. And so I rule my country well. Because only fear rules men. Nothing else works. Nothing else lasts long enough. - Ursula K. Le Guin
If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you can't accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through. - Rosalynn Carter
No man is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to. The only way in which anyone can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance. - Henry Miller
I have suffered through enough illnesses, trauma and heartbreak to finally understand that life will keep moving forward inexorably, if terribly at times. I am starting to realize that it can be delightful too, if I let it. My love is not diminished if I let go of sorrow. I almost believe that. - Jenny Qi
The God who loved us enough to die for us when we cared nothing for him is not about to shortchange us in life. - Paul E. Little
Easy enough to dismiss others' problems when you had none of your own. - Elizabeth Aston
We are given a great power, we should capable enough to handle it and use it fair and square. - Rhealyn
Sometimes, you can be more than enough for someone, but they choose not to be in your life. Always remember that Satan works hard to keep people miserable by feeding their fears, so they stay in their comfort zone. The truth is some people value what is predictable, more than chemistry. - Shannon L. Alder
You can never know enough about your characters - W. Somerset Maugham
Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important. - Eugene McCarthy
I have what I need. This is enough. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you truly wanted to Educate yourself, there are lots of possibilities to have it. Believing something you want will lead you to your dreams, just be patient enough and trust God in His plans. - Adoniemar
Maybe I hold on for too long, but maybe you don’t hold on for long enough? - Dominic Riccitello
Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough! - Karl Marx
By myself I am not large enough to call the whole man into activity; I want other lights than my own to show all his facets. - C.S. Lewis
Don't you oh well me,sir," Miss Maudie replied, recognizing Jem's fatalistic noises, "you are not old enough to appreciate what I said. - Harper Lee
The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them. - Louis C.K.
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy. - Edgar Bergen
Must be out-of-doors enough to get experience of wholesome reality, as a ballast to thought and sentiment. Health requires this relaxation, this aimless life - Henry David Thoreau
Couples are jigsaw puzzles that hang together by touching in just enough points. They're never total fits or misfits. - Diane Ackerman
You have to be wowed enough with your gift to wow the world with it. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
With enough courage, you can do without a reputation. - Margaret Mitchell
Love yourself enough to give what matters every chance of working by communicating as well as you possibly can, and trying for as long as you wish. - Jay Woodman
All it takes is an ideology seductive enough to convince you to discard common sense. - Cal Newport
Nothing is over our heads if we hold them high enough. - Johnny Rich
They believed that prediction was just a function of keeping track of things. If you knew enough, you could predict anything - Michael Crichton
I can't tell if a straw ever saved a drowning man, but I know that a mere glance is enough to make despair pause. For in truth we who are creatures of impulse are creatures of despair. - Joseph Conrad
To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid - one must also be polite. - Voltaire
People believe unbelievable things because it's self-flattering to think that you are intellectually daring enough to accept what others find preposterous. - Christopher Buckley
Procrastination at the start and sometimes during the project meant there wasn’t time to execute the plans well enough. - Graham Speechley
I don't know what's wrong with this world, but I do know what's right with it: Love. I have studied enough history to see that no matter how cruel the behavior of tyrants and no matter how dark the moments have been, Love has always prevailed. Always. - Steve Maraboli
Standardized state tests are a scam! The educational system is rigged. It is set up to where the wealthy schools, get all of the state funding. The poverty-stricken schools, don't get enough funding due to standardized tests scores. See my point? - Mary Sage Nguyen
We may not have the power to move mountains, but if we have the power to take someone's hand and named them loved and forgiven we have power enough. - Dianne Astle
One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away. - Stephen Hawking
But it isn’t a rough draft either. The one I turned in several months ago was rough. There were some bad plot holes, some logical inconsistencies, pacing problems, and not nearly enough lesbian unicorns. - Patrick Rothfuss
Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them, they will forgive us everything, even our intellects. - Oscar Wilde
It is a Blessed thing that in every age someone has had the individuality enough to stand by his own convictions - Robert Ingersoll
A fight is like the perfect storm. It is risky and dangerous. But, as the African proverb goes, Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. Fights are often learning opportunities—if we’re willing to dig deep enough past our own egos. - lauren klarfeld
A man who lives long enough will be a boy twice. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Greatness is great power, producing great effects. It is not enough that a man has great power in himself, he must shew it to all the world in a way that cannot be hid or gainsaid. - William Hazlitt
..the feeling that you felt something weird..then you just shut your mouth for tears keep falling from your eyes..sharp knives tearing your heart in pieces and it leaves you wondering...are you enough?? was your love enough?? or still...whatever you do..you can never replace someone's first love.. - Grace Tamio
I said I'm selfish, I'm a liar and I'm brokenShit runs through my head every day that I would never tell anyoneYou're just like meThe only difference is that I'm honest enough to scream my flaws in the lines of this song - Real Friends
And evolution wasn't even properly invented until the late 1800s. Is that enough time to get a Labrador retriever from a dire wolf? I think not. - Bobby Henderson
That you exist, is offense enough to arrest you. - Fakeer Ishavardas
If you're servant enough, you can shrink into the shadows, even in the bright morning sun and even if you're large enough to often block it. - Erica Eisdorfer
The American wage earner and the American housewife are a lot better economists than most economists care to admit. They know that a government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. - Gerald R. Ford
Reality is a dream that someone was brave enough to conquer. - Shannon L. Alder
If I ever get to go to the moon, I’ll probably just stand on the moon and go ‘Hmmm, yeah…fair enough…gotta go home now. - Noel Gallagher
Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough. Not only have I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little peanut they will give up their secrets, but I have found that when I silently commune with people they give up their secrets also - if you love them enough. - George Washington Carver
Children are bad enough--children are rude, selfish, greedy, and unthinking individuals who are unable to distinguish between their own selfish wants and needs and the wants and needs of others. And adults are children with money, alcohol, and power. - Ian Sansom
You think an Air Gap is a defense? Sofacy, Stuxnet, Uroburos, AirHopper, BitWhisperer and ProjectSauron…enough said! - James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology
The tongue hardly quarrels with the teeth even though they both live together. Let us as humans learn to live together because there is enough space for everyone to survive in life - Emmanuel Moore Abolo
Who said you weren't good enough? If it was you then pack up that thought and send it to Mars. If it wasn't you then pack up that thought and send it back to that person. - Diana Jaber
You are the grace of my life So tender, so undeserved Hard to believe you're my wife Even harder to put what I feel into words If I need evidence God is good Just looking at you is enough You are the grace of my life For you grace my life with your love - Brian Littrell
Single is not a status, it is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. - prixie
It took me twenty years of studied self-restraint, aided by the natural decay of my faculties, to make myself dull enough to be accepted as a serious person by the British public. - George Bernard Shaw
If you don't have a plan, you will never find enough time to finish a task. - Debasish Mridha
I need solitude for my writing; not 'like a hermit' - that wouldn't be enough - but like a dead man. - Franz Kafka
Men who fish at shallow waters can never have enough fish to feed their family talk less of a nation or a generation - Olojo Daniel Olatunji
Detroit is big enough to matter in the world and small enough for you to matter in it. - Jeanette Pierce
Not being a man of means, I knew that if I did not stay sober enough to earn money, I would run out of liquor. - Alcoholics Anonymous
If all the rich people in the world divided up their money among themselves there wouldn't be enough to go around. - Christina Stead
He understood the code of his social class enough to affect an air of indifference about life. - H.W. Brands
If you are not EXCITED enough at your present life its mean your future is not EXITING. Excitement will give you ENTHUSIASM and enthusiasm will give you a positive energetic LIFE STYLE which could give you a successful exiting life… - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
I think of how people can betray me simply by not caring enough to hide the fact of how little they care.I think of how the person who needs the other person the least in a relationship is the stronger member. - Douglas Coupland
No one here to count your Qualities, but everyone is good enough to point out your Mistakes. - Shashank Rayal
Being socialized female and spending my life "othered" by this world gives me a unique perspective. In the past, this has felt like shit. In the present, it feels pretty good. In the future I hope somebody loves me enough to watch me age ungracefully. - Harvey Katz
To accomplish our destiny it is not enough to merely guard prudently against road accidents. We must also cover before nightfall the distance assigned to each of us. - Alexis Carrel
No woman marries for money; they are all clever enough, before marrying a millionaire, to fall in love with him first. - Cesare Pavese
The world is a wonderous train stop on your soul's journey. You will not be here for long so enjoy as much as you can. There is peace in the smallest moments if you stop long enough to breathe them in. - Monika Zands
The truth is humble, only those intelligent enough are able to seek and understand it. - Auliq Ice
Just as a painter needs light in order to put the finishing touches to his picture, so I need an inner light, which I feel I never have enough of in the autumn. - Leo Tolstoy
One of the saddest things I hear as I travel is "I don't know enough to be a feminist." Or even "I'm not smart enough to be a feminist." It breaks my heart. - Gloria Steinem
No loss is big enough to lose hope for tommorrow. - Mandeep Singh Randhawa
Portia remembered her interview in the small office upstairs...in which she had been so shy, so terrified about not being good enough, not getting this thing, this chance, which she had only just discovered she wanted very badly. - Jean Hanff Korelitz
If you live long enough, the venerability factor creeps in; first, you get accused of things you never did, and later, credited for virtues you never had. - I. F. Stone
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin Williams
If you can't find what you're looking for, you're probably not looking hard and long enough. - Jay Mark Mateo Balmes
There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story. - Linda Hogan
I'm done. I don't need anything more out of life. I have you, and that's enough. - Alessandra Torre
I will write one book that will change entire humankind if only you have enough guts to read my previous ones. - Santosh Kalwar
When will women become civilized enough to stop mistreating men? When will they cease from training their lovers to become providers, merely because they have the power to do so?As long as they continue as they are, men have no alternative to polygamy. - Esther Vilar
Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools that don't have brains enough to be honest. - Benjamin Franklin
If everyone is against you, but God is for you. It is more than enough to keep moving. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I am eternally grateful.. for my knack of finding in great books, some of them very funny books, reason enough to feel honored to be alive, no matter what else might be going on. - Kurt Vonnegut
Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it. - Fyodor Dostoevsky
It's not enough to bash in heads. You've got to bash in minds.
We know the value of a blessing when we don't have it. But we only know the value of knowledge when we have enough of it. - Raheel Farooq
We owe God a "double debt" incurred by our passive receipt of Adam's debt but also by our active disobedience. The extent of our depravity is such that we also owe a "daring debt" because we challenge not only God's Law but His very grace as we blame Him that He has not done enough. - Foppe Vander Zwaag
I have come to recognize that being trustworthy does not demand that I be rigidly consistent but that I be dependably real...Can I be expressive enough as a person that what I am will be communicated unambiguously? - Carl Rogers
I think the bravest people are not the ones brave enough to die. But the ones brave enough to live.And living is different with surviving. - Audrey Celia
But I know somehow, that only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Let no man pull you low enough to hate him. - Martin Luther King Jr.
When several villages are united in a single complete community, large enough to nearly or quite self-sufficing, the state comes into existence, originating in the bare needs of life, and continuing in existence for the sake of a good life. - Aristotle
Good intentions and earnest effort are not enough. Only Jesus can make an otherwise futile life productive. - Charles R. Swindoll
If human life were long enough to find the ultimate theory, everything would have been solved by previous generations. Nothing would be left to be discovered. - Stephen Hawking
It’s not enough to hear or think about the truth, we must experience it for ourselves if we are to truly know it. - Mada Eliza Dalian
Whoever lives wins. Don't feel guilty about having survived. If you have time to be feeling guilty, work on living a day longer, a minute longer. And once in a while, remember the ones that died before you. That's good enough."Vol 1 Chap 4 - Atsuko Asano
May the light of your love have enough power to extinguish all the darkness from the world. - Debasish Mridha
Eternity is a mere moment, just long enough for a joke. - Hermann Hesse
There is enough mystery in human nature to keep the world stuck in a perpetual state of righteous speculation. Only the wise and compassionate will rise above it, with enough vision to see that inconsistency is a normal occurrence, during the spiritual battle of forgiveness and justice. - Shannon L. Alder
Vegetarianism is harmless enough, although it is apt to fill a man with wind and self-righteousness.
Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis. - Martha Beck
Is any man skillful enough to have fashioned himself? - Augustine of Hippo
Money is like your girlfriend/boyfriend; she/he will come running towards you and embrace you in her/his arms, only if you pay enough attention. - CK Arora
Nineteen twentieths of [mankind is] opaque and unenlightened. Intimacy with most people will make you acquainted with vices and errors and follies enough to make you despise them. - John Adams
Each of us visits this Earth involuntarily, and without an invitation. For me, it is enough to wonder at the secrets. - Albert Einstein
I thank God today she found the courage in her heart to love me enough so that someday I could tell you that even a black ex-con from Angola that stabbed a man could maybe someday do some good in the world if he gets a chance. - Ron Hall
Once people said: Give me liberty or give me death. Now they say: Make me a slave, just pay me enough. - Todd Garlington
Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents. - Marilyn Monroe
It is not enough that light shines on you; it must shine on others too! It is not enough that you are happy; others must be happy too! - Mehmet Murat ildan
People regret not achieving enough success in life, they should regret missing many opportunities in life. - Amit Kalantri
If you learn how to value time, you will have enough. If you don’t value time, then you will suffer from the lack of time. - Debasish Mridha
The only reason you continue to love someone who treats you poorly is because you don't value yourself enough. - Rob Liano
... too much brooding, not enough doing. - Timothy Findley
It's not enough to be nice in life. You've got to have nerve. - Georgia O'Keeffe
You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself. - Sam Levenson
Just living is not enough, said the Butterfly. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
If you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Whoever is not in his coffin and the dark grave, let him know he has enough. - Walt Whitman
A fine dress on a homely maiden is never enough of a distraction. It can convey a sense of wealth and its accompanying attractions, but it can never truly compensate for a plain face. - Laura Moncur
My whole thing was, if I can put in 5 percent of the effort of somebody getting an A, and I can get a C minus, that’s amazing, he explains. It’s certainly good enough, right? [Then] I can take the other 95 percent of the time and invest it in something I really care about. - David Heinemeier Hansson
Know how to choose. Most things in life depend on it. You need good taste and an upright judgement; intelligence and application are not enough. There is no perfection without discernment and selection. - Baltasar Gracián
Fiction is about everything human and we are made out of dust, and if you scorn getting yourself dusty, then you shouldn't try to write fiction. It's not a grand enough job for you. - Flannery O'Connor
Taking "Christ" out of "Christmas" just reads "Mas" which is Spanish for "More." Seems Americans just want "mas," "mas," "mas." But when is more ever enough without Christ in it? More Christ? - Kilburn Hall
You must love and respect yourself enough to never be a victim under any circumstance. - Gary Hopkins
Naturally, in the course of my life I have made lots of mistakes, large and small, for one reason or another, but at the heart of it all, every time I made a mistake it was because I was not radical enough. - Jean-Paul Sartre
I don't argue things being spiritual vs scientific, because I've never met anyone who knows enough about either to be convincing--including myself. - S. Kelley Harrell
What’s the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions if, in the end, all we’re willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true? - F. Sherwood Rowland
Money is still the root of all evilYet we tell our kids don't get that degreeThe jobs don't pay enough. - Prince Ea
Man is the only creature for whom being alive isn't enough. - Marty Rubin
To be free it is not enough to beat the system, one must beat the system every day. - Anonymous
Jews don't go camping. Life is hard enough as it is.
No, I don't like you, I just thought you were cute enough to kiss you. - Frank Ocean
Vulnerability is the essence of romance. It's the art of being uncalculated, the willingness to look foolish, the courage to say, 'This is me, and I'm interested in you enough to show you my flaws with the hope that you may embrace me for all that I am but, more important, all that I am not. - Ashton Kutcher
The size of a challenge should never be measured by what we have to offer. It will never be enough. Furthermore, provision is God's responsibility, not ours. We are merely called to commit what we have - even if it's no more than a sack lunch. - Charles R. Swindoll
I wonder if she’s infatuated enough to let me lock her in a box with me on a cool fall day and make love like America depends on us. - Darnell Lamont Walker
A person can do incredible things if he or she has enough hope. - Shannon K. Butcher
Can a man change the stars?" "Yes William. If he believes enough, a man can do anything! - A Knights Tale
Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough. - Abraham Lincoln
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti
An open Facebook page is simply a psychiatric dry erase board that screams, Look at me. I am insecure. I need your reaction to what I am doing, but you’re not cool enough to be my friend. Therefore, I will just pray you see this because the approval of God is not all I need. - Shannon L. Alder
We are all trying to find a path back to the present moment. And good enough reason to just be happy here... Mindfulness meditation is just a trick for doing that. It's a trick for setting aside your to-do list, if only for a few moments, and actually locate a feeling of fulfilment in the present - Sam Harris
I don't want to be a genius-I have enough problems just trying to be a man. - Albert Camus
When there's not enough time to do your best, do the best you can with the time you have. - Richelle E. Goodrich
But what am I to do? I must have some drug, and reading isn't a strong enough drug now. By writing it all down (all? - no: one thought in a hundred) I believe I get a little outside it. That's how I'd defend it to H. But ten to one she'd see a hole in the defence. - C.S. Lewis
Pornography won’t be enough. Because it never is. Sooner or later, all niggers want to touch the real thing. All dogs want to smell and taste the true information. All artists want to make their fantasies reality. And everyone with a cock wants to use it to fall in love. - Peter Sotos
You can have anything you want if you want it desperately enough. You must want it with an inner exuberance that erupts through the skin and joins the energy that created the world. - Sheila Graham
I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we're not wise enough to see it. - Oprah Winfrey
As a general rule, in the world of magic, the most successful magician is the one who has enough patience to keep the secrets of his original magic effects. - Amit Kalantri
Good enough may be an acceptable end, but it should never be an acceptable goal. - James Rozoff
Even when you are lazy and don't have the effort to learn something sit somewhere in public and try to observe the stupid people around you, that would be more than enough learning for the day. - Neymat Khan
He is rich enough that wants nothing. - Polish Proverb
Virtually everyone needs motivation of some sort, but when you are in love - that is motivation enough, it turns many into poets and painters, it spurs the creativity in you. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
We do not posses imagination enough to sense what we are missing. - Jean Toomer
It's not enough to listen to their words. You have to mine their silences for buried ore. It's often only in the lies that we refuse to speak that truth can be heard at all. - Karen Marie Moning
ONCE, adv. Enough. - Ambrose Bierce
It is enough to know, too much to see - the Lady of the Nail
Far from failing in its intended task, our educational system is in fact succeeding magnificently because its aim is to keep the American people thoughtless enough to go on supporting the system. - Richard Mitchell
Believe in your characters with all your heart, & they will believe in you. Only then will they trust you enough to reveal themselves. -RCSJR - Robert Clifton Storey Jr.
I used to only write poetry; now I live it. I finally matured enough to starve my hypocrisy to death. - Steve Maraboli
So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.
As you can see, I have memorized this utterly useless piece of information long enough to pass a test question. I now intend to forget it forever. You’ve taught me nothing except how to cynically manipulate the system. Congratulations. - Bill Watterson
If your thirst for knowledge is strong enough, you will find the waters to satisfy it. - Debasish Mridha
You're single not because you are not good enough for one, it's that you're too good for the wrong one. - Chris Burkmenn
If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. - Emmet Fox
Its been enough enjoying now, let's begin achieving. - Amit Kalantri
Behold divinity divine enough to abandon divinity. Behold majesty secure enough to proceed un-majestically. Behold strength strong enough to become weakness, goodness good enough to be unmindful of its reputation. Behold love plenteous enough to give and take not again. - Paul Ramsey
Terence, this is stupid stuff:You eat your victuals fast enough;There can't be much amiss, 'tis clear,To see the rate you drink your beer. - A.E. Housman
The way I look at it, it's not enough to be talented; you have to reach deep down within yourself and make that extra effort that will put you over the top.
People change,' Sara said.'True enough,' Tsukuru said. 'People do change. And no matter how close we once were, and how much we opened up to each other, maybe neither of us knew anything substantial about the other. - Haruki Murakami
I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas? - Jean Kerr
Tell them a lie big enough, they'll worship you as a sage. Tell them a truth big enough and they'll mock you. - Abhijit Naskar
If you stand back far enough, anything and everything is nothing. - Will Adolphy
‎Mark it down: God loves you with an unearthly love. You can't win it by being winsome. You can't lose it by being a loser. But you can be blind enough to resist it - Max Lucado
Most of the seven billion people in this world suffer from malnutrition. Half do not have enough to eat and the rest of us eat too much. - Earle Gray
Be wise enough to forgive; be kind enough to love. - Debasish Mridha
the shadows may come and engulf your world, but if you look hard enough you'll always see that spark in the abyss leading you back to the light and the next adventure waiting to be had - B.B. Taylor
Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left.(Interview, Time Magazine, February 20, 2005) - Clint Eastwood
Probe deeply enough, under the slickest façade of confidence, and you tapped a vein of self-doubt or a hidden fear. Irrational fears and baseless doubts, many of them, but that was precisely why constant reassurance was necessary to the human animal. - Barbara Michaels
Enough is not in the volume of money owned or size of one’s account. It is in the needs that can be consistently met without having to work for money anymore - Ola Barnabas
Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them - Walter Kerr
The only way you will ever be free is when you decide you have had enough of living up to the standards other people force upon you through shame. Never wear their chains of judgment when they can’t break free of their own. - Shannon L. Alder
it seems politicians projected the powerful brand called Ambedkar, rather than his ideologies. Like the ad says 'name is enough. - Anoop Raghav
We may stumble and fall, but shall rise again; it should be enough if we did not run away from the battle. - Mahatma Gandhi
You think I can't get it up anymore, maybe? Lemme tell you, you eat enough garlic and it stands up every time. - Alberto Vitale
It is not enough to profess the word of God; we must partake in good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Henry was now very annoyed; he had dug himself into a hole so deep that they didn’t make a rope long enough. - Andrew Barrett
She isn't the kind of girl that makes you wonder why she doesn't have someone, you just know that the kind of guy who is good enough for her is rare, and she projects the kind of strength that says she is perfectly happy to wait till he shows up. - Stacey Ballis
It's often just enough to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You're not alone. - Marilyn Monroe
When your life flashes through your eyes make sure there is enough to see, until then work hard on your ambitions and live life to the fullest. - Unarine Ramaru
Some people claim that it is okay to read trashy novels because sometimes you can find something valuable in them. You can also find a crust of bread in a garbage can, if you search long enough, but there is a better way. - Jim Rohn
There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. - Bill Watterson
f you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I'm the least confident person in so many ways. But I believed that if somebody gave me the chance to tell a story, I would tell a story [well enough] that the person who gave me the chance would get their money back. - Joss Whedon
Hundreds of wise men cannot make the world a heaven, but one idiot is enough to turn it into a hell. - Raheel Farooq
Read enough books. - Lailah Gifty Akita
My prayer is that God would continue to love me enough to refuse to answer the prayers I'm praying that I shouldn't be praying. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch ofundeserving people. - Charles T. Munger
I am not a fan of the magical quick fix in any fiction, including fantasy, scifi and comic books. Unless Dr. Who is involved, and then only because we get to use the phrase 'Timey-wimey wibbliness' which, I'm sure you'll agree, there are not enough occasions to drop into ordinary adult conversation. - Chris Dee
You don't find interesting stuff because you don't search enough, ... every book has it's own lesson. But sometimes it's difficult to get it! - Deyth Banger
My limits know me well enough to stay out of my way. - Ben Mitchell
Like everything else, we know the futility of money only when we have more than enough of it. - R. N. Prasher
Avoid selling to dumb customers, there aren't enough left! - Jasleen Kaur Gumber
If your needs are little, you are rich enough. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The facts of variability, of the struggle for existence, of adaptation to conditions, were notorious enough; but none of us had suspected that the road to the heart of the species problem lay through them, until Darwin and Wallace dispelled the darkness. - Thomas Henry Huxley
It is not enough to limit your love to your own nation, to your own group. You must respond with love even to those outside of it. . . . This concept enables people to live together not as nations, but as the human race.
A passionate look, touch or a hug on a plant is enough to open your inner eyes than going for a serious yoga and other therapies - Karthikeyan V
The moment you inject information, education, and an entrepreneurial spark in a community, it gets empowered enough to inspire, build, and uplift itself. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
A single note is enough to ruin the entire composition. - Shihab Kazi
We have enough religion to hate each other, but not enough to love each other. - Jonathan Swift
I have come to the conclusion never again to think of marrying, and for this reason, I can never be satisfied with anyone who would be blockhead enough to have me. - Abraham Lincoln
Find someone who loves you enough to forgive you for all of your mistakes. - Debasish Mridha
That is the one eternal education: to be sure enough that something is true that you dare to tell it to a child. - G.K. Chesterton
Love much. Earth has enough of bitter in it. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Distribution should undo excess, and each man have enough. - William Shakespeare
Our true nature is one of innocence and freedom to choose how we live. We need to be brave enough not to give that away. Don't give up on your right to, and sense of, TRUTH, Justice, and GRACE. - Jay Woodman
Imagine you saw a colour in your dream, which you have never seen before. It doesn't consist of any colours or shades that you know. Trying to describe that colour would be as difficult as trying to belive that there is enough love & compassion in the world so every human can feel happiness. - Egor Kraft
There is a way that the men speak to women that reminds me too much of Pa. They listen just long enough to issue instructions. They don’t even look at women when women are speaking. They look at the ground and bend their heads toward the ground. - Alice Walker
Be brave enough to listen to your heart, be bold enough to hope for the best. - Debasish Mridha
Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you. - Randy Pausch
It's not enough to have the feathers.You must dare to fly! - Cass van Krah
Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. - Mother Teresa
You can chase love. If you are lucky enough to catch it…is it really yours? - Brian MacLearn
Don’t try to be useful. Try to be yourself: that is enough, and that makes all the difference - Paulo Coelho
Love is enough. - A.D. Posey
Dreams alone aren't enough to make your belly full.
For the first time in human history, most people are doing things that could never interest a child enough to want to tag along. That says less about the child than about us. - Anthony Esolen
If you manage to live long enough, most of your greatest fears become fond memories to look back on. - Ashly Lorenzana
I killed the Google Alert I used to have on myself two years ago. I don’t need any more information about myself. I get more than enough of that just by being me. - Lev Grossman
There are no signboards in life; your inner voice and your inner knowledge are enough to lead you in the direction of your highest evolution. - Priya Kumar
He was alone in his wonderment,amoung creatures incapable of wonder--for them it was enough to exist and go their way. - Pope John Paul II
If your regime is not strong enough to handle a joke, then you have no regime. - Jon Stewart
To live without killing is a thought which could electrify the world, if men were only capable of staying awake long enough to let the idea soak in. - Henry Miller
When nobody will look at you, you can stare a hole in them. Picking out all the little details you'd never stare long enough to get if she'd ever just return your gaze, this, this is your revenge. - Chuck Palahniuk
The sad truth is,we are all grown ups and most of us arematured.However, not all of us are old enough toaccept that loving someone doesn'tguarantee you that they will love you inreturn. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
It's not about the extent to which something happened or did not happen; it's whether we choose to confront evil and call it what it is, or simply let it pass because it 'wasn't enough of a big deal. - Joyce Rachelle
The chaos in me is the chaos in you. Like the love in you is the love in me. So maybe we’re both a little crazy. Enough to believe we’re found where dreams are born and beneath our faults remain a science, where you and I will run away and leave nothing behind. - Robert M. Drake
It is, I think, a far lesser offense to blatantly ignore God’s directions for our lives rather than arrogantly think ourselves shrewd enough to be able to bend them to our liking without breaking them and therefore breaking ourselves. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A hundred times I must have thought of ways to take it back, but I wasn't smart enough to understand that an apology is a sign of strenght, not weakness (...) - Terry Hayes
It is still not enough for language to have clarity and content…it must also have a goal and an imperative. Otherwise from language we descend to chatter, from chatter to babble, and from babble to confusion. - René Daumal
The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough to those who have little.
Letting go is to love yourself enough to look at the past with a different perspective. It is to accept that you can't change the past, but that you can change whether your perspective poisons or nourishes you. - Steve Maraboli
If you work hard enough at something that doesn’t matter, you can forget for a while about the things that do. - Octavia E. Butler
Aren't I enough for you?' she asked.'No,' he said. 'You are enough for me, as far as a woman is concerned. You are all women to me. But I wanted a man friend, as eternal as you and I are eternal.'(Women in Love) - D.H. Lawrence
If everybody agrees with your point of view, you haven't thought hard enough. - Manoj Vaz
...unless you value yourself, you won't have the motivation to exercise, get enough sleep, eat healthfully, and care for yourself. - Doreen Virtue
We have invented the literature because the reality wasn’t imaginative enough and we also wanted to be alone, at least for a while! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A pregnant pause with enough gestation can give birth to a well formed idea. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.
Thought is power, as is desire, but neither is enough unless it is backed by faith, specificity, and the desire to see to it that it becomes. - Stephen Richards
You are human. You love who you love.You fuck who you fuck. That should be enough—no labels.— Connor Cobalt - Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie
It is not enough to be a man. - Compton Gage
He had scores to settle with the world, and she, at that moment, was world enough for him. - John Banville
Your clothes should be tight enough to show you're a woman but loose enough to show you're a lady - Marilyn Monroe
It might be well enough to wander if you've a place and people to come back to, but I tell you now there's no desolation like wanting to go home and truly not knowing where it is. - Elizabeth Kerner
The blues are intent and watchful. You’re trying to get me to change my mind, aren't you?Lilah, I constantly hope that you are going to change your mind, but I know you well enough to know that you won’t. I just nod at him. - Anna Bloom
If somebody never gets enough of you, they will always want more - Ashly Lorenzana
Why shouldn’t art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world. - Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education. Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both. - Abraham Flexner
I love me enough for All of us. - Andrea L'Artiste
The extent of God’s grace always eclipses the extent of my grotesqueness. Therefore, I can never be bad enough for God to tell me that He’s had enough. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
What torture, this life in society! Often someone is obliging enough to offer me a light, and in order to oblige him I have to fish a cigarette out of my pocket. - Karl Kraus
Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough. - T.S. Eliot
Maxim 6: If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries - Howard Tayler
Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it's enough. - Robert Heller
Parents need to fill a child’s bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t oke enough holes to drain it dry. - Alvin Price
Facts are like cows. If you look them in the face long enough, they generally run away. - Dorothy L. Sayers
Don’t just timidly swing at the problems in your life, swing hard enough to knock them out! Small efforts produce small results, big efforts produce big results! - DeWayne Owens
You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. . . . Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. - Aldous Huxley
We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love, one another. - Jonathan Swift
On a long enough timeline. The survival rate for everyone drops to zero. - Chuck Palahniuk
They'd taken everything. Everything, and people simply had let them. People had meekly surrendered the world to them in hopes those CEOs would finally have enough, finally have reason to leave them be. But Tom knew better. - S.J. Kincaid
Our work is not to become unique. We are unique. Our work is to unleash our sense of adventure and to allow the inner whisper that says come hither to be reason enough to go. - Vironika Tugaleva
But here, two thousand miles from home, there was a real shipwreck, a real hope. A choice big enough to change our lives forever. - Gordon Korman
Love was not enough to fight or I was not worth to fight. - Arzum Uzun
It's not enough merely to exist. Every man has to seek in his own way to make his own self more noble and to relize his own true worth. - Albert Schweitzer
I went to the school and put it to William, particularly, that if you find someone you love in life, you must hang onto it, and look after it, and if you were lucky enough to find someone who loved you, then you must protect it. - Diana Princess of Wales
When a goal matters enough to a person, that person will find a way to accomplish what at first seemed impossible. - Nido Qubein
And I would try and walk far enough away that people would not assume I was with him. - Neil Gaiman
It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required. - Sir Winston Churchill
Poor and content is rich, and rich enough; but riches fineless is as poor as winter to him that ever that ever fears he shall be poor. - William Shakespeare
There isn't a need to sugar coat life anymore, Cant we see we live through enough lies, deciet and painful realities to create more, by stagnating the growth of the ones your suppose to make an Impact on and more importantly yourself. Let life be funny, but never a joke. - Nikki Rowe
never ever say - it's enough ' .nothing is enough - litymunshi
A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller. - Paul Klee
It is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one's dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent. - W. Somerset Maugham
Anxiety is experiencing failure in advance. Tell yourself enough vivid stories about the worst possible outcome of your work and you’ll soon come to believe them. Worry is not preparation, and anxiety doesn’t make you better. - Seth Godin
We make choices every day, some of them good, some of them bad. And if we are strong enough, we live with the consequences. - David Gemmell
If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them. - Paul Wellstone
As you have seen the treachery of love because of me, I have seen my cruelty because of you. But you learned mercy from me, and from you I learned resilience. As you came to understand me enough to know the value I placed on selfless love, I understand your nature better. - D. Morgenstern
If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar
Young cat, if you keep your eyes open enough, oh, the stuff you would learn! The most wonderful stuff! - Dr. Seuss
I would be the most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. - Anna Quindlen
Madame, all stories, if continued far enough, end in death, and he is no true-story teller who would keep that from you. - Ernest Hemingway
The kind of gospel that our churches are preaching sometimes are not powerful enough to change the very street where these churches are located talk less of the nation where they are - Sunday Adelaja
Acquaintance, n. A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. - Ambrose Bierce
I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. - Thomas Jefferson
Teaching a man how to clean barnacles from a keel is an amazing useful talent, one any child should be fortunate to learn. Magochiro is our champion barnaclebully at present. String him under a keel, and he will bring back dinner enough for ten. - Michelle Franklin
I have enough of everything. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Pain is our salvation 'cos when it's dark enough, a star will reveal itself. - Sola Kosoko
The best executive is one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar
There are people whom one loves immediately and forever. Even to know they are alive in the world with one is quite enough. - Nancy Spain
What is love? As far as I can tell, is is passion, admiration, and respect. If you have two, you have enough. If you have all three, you dont have to die to go to heaven.
One day, my lady." said Mr. Keeper, stepping aside and allowing her to join them, "I should hope I would be fortunate enough to see such a graceful, unearthly curtsy from you again. - Heather Dixon
You have never done enough, so long as it is still possible that you have something of value to contribute - Dag Hammarskjold
I have no riches but my thoughts, Yet these are wealth enough for me - Sara Teasdale
To move the earth like Archimedes, one needs not a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it. There is an easier way: Give a genius a beautiful remote house in a green valley where he can think calmly, and he shall move the earth with ideas! - Mehmet Murat ildan
At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey. - Lemony Snicket
The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants. - Johnny Depp
ACQUAINTANCE, n. A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. A degree of friendship called slight when its object is poor or obscure, and intimate when he is rich or famous. - Ambrose Bierce
You have to want the book enough to read it. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I truly believe that if you have more friends than books, you have too many friends. Or not enough books. Probably both. - Zoë Marriott
Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others. - Edward Abbey
I'm afraid of time... I mean, I'm afraid of not having enough time. Not enough time to understand people, how they really are, or to be understood myself. I'm afraid of the quick judgements or mistakes everybody makes. You can't fix them without time. I'm afraid of seeing snapshots, not movies. - Ann Brashares
My heart isn't big enough to care for the oppressors. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Life is so short, transient, and beautiful that there is not enough time to get old. - Debasish Mridha
Confidence matters a lot than what you want to say, if you are not bold enough. - Auliq Ice
Some days I wake upand all I feelare the fracturesin the flesh that coversthe only meI've ever known.Some days,it's those exact fissuresthat let the lighthiding inside mepour outand coverin goldeveryonethat found enough beautyin the cracksto standclose. - Tyler Knott Gregson
Maybe the truth of it all is that we’re just too fearful to give our faith enough running room to realize that this precariously thin path that led us to the end of this life is dwarfed to obscurity by the infinitely vast byway that begins immediately on the other side. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
People ask, "Are you important enough for me to love you?" But they've got it all wrong. When you love someone, you make them important. And the same thing happens to you. You don't love them because they're important; they become important because you love them. - C. JoyBell C.
The strangest experiences in life are apt to lose their effect if dwelt upon long enough. ("Furze Hollow") - A.M. Burrage
I believe in only one thing: liberty; but I do not believe in liberty enough to want to force it upon anyone. - H.L. Mencken
She was wise enough to hold her tongue. As this is the only instance known of a Woman's ever having done so, it was judged worthy to be recorded here. - Matthew Lewis
Don't listen to anyone. Trust what gives you pleasure. Trust the emotions. If you love something but can't explain why, that's enough - Calice Becker
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. - Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight
If I had some of Jesus' tools, I'd build a big house that has no rules. And a bed that's big enough for 13 babies, and me & Miss Olivia Brown. - Kevin Dalton
Some people make enough, some people don’t, and it has nothing to do with their paycheck. - Janene Murphy
I always wanted to be somebody. If I made it, it's half because I was game enough to take a lot of punishment along the way and half because there were a lot of people who cared enough to help me. - Althea Gibson
A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. - Barry Goldwater
There are enough blessings for everyone. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I thought it was love, but it wasn't. It was a need to be the right girl for him. I just couldn't understand why I wasn't good enough, or how he could marry her. - Kate Stewart
There exists no politician in India daring enough to attempt to explain to the masses that cows can be eaten. - Indira Gandhi
A moment of brilliance is not good enough to pay for your mistakes, it's taking responsibility - Mohamed Mohamed Adel
Artists, especially writers, great writers, are the most honest people I know. There are deep confessions in their words. And if we're strong enough to expose the spaces between them, we find truths there also. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I love you enough to tell you the truth whether you want to hear it or not, but what you do afterward is your choice alone. - Ashley Ormon
God will never call you in a direction that would cause you to sin. However, he will call you to be creative enough to find a way to make what you want come true through honorable ways. - Shannon L. Alder
My faith is stong enough to endure, kind enough to feel, big enough to accommodate. - Debasish Mridha
We are not strong enough to stand up against endless grief, And yet pain is the constant drone of life. So if we are to have any happiness at all, it is only in the passing instant. - Charles Frazier
It's not enough to just do your best. You must continue to improve your best. - Kenneth Wayne Wood
Sometimes ideas flow from my mind in a raging river of stringed sentences; I can scarcely scribble on the page fast enough to keep up with the mental current. Sometimes, however, beavers move in and dam the whole thing up. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We do not fear death.We fear not having lived enough. - Manoj Vaz
Let today be the day you love yourself enough to no longer just dream of a better life; let it be the day you act upon it. - Steve Maraboli
I Write books for the little girl in the adult woman who some man told she was not good enough. Let us dismantle the notion that a woman cannot be free with her sexuality or that she needs a man to make her complete. This one is for the little girls with hearts on their sleeves. - Crystal Evans
I could have loved him with everything I had but he wasn't prepared for the depth i provided ~ had I been a woman of weakness I would have stayed, but he lost the chance when he said I wasn't enough that day. - Nikki Rowe
I write, as far as I can tell, because writing is a black sheep sibling of prayer, an urgent struggle against a bad connection, intent, hopeful, innocent, never quite good enough. - Kirk Wilson
The sense of alienation that inspires wonder, awe and fear in us is enough of a proof that life does not belong to the planet Earth. - Raheel Farooq
Cuppa of Tea and Just saying I love you .... is not enough - Ashwini Gopalkrishnan
It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business. - Mahatma Gandhi
I had no time to hate, becauseThe grave would hinder me,And life was not so ample ICould finish enmity.Nor had I time to love, but sinceSome industry must be,The little toil of love, I thought,Was large enough for me. - Emily Dickinson
In this abundant earth no doubtIs little room for things worn out:Disdain them, break them, throw them by!And if before the days grew roughWe once were lov'd, us'd -- well enough,I think, we've far'd, my heart and I. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others. - Roy Bennett
Trying to fit in will not change a society. To change it, you have to be brave, fearless, and strong enough to withstand societal criticism so that you may break the boundary and let light come in. - Debasish Mridha
Let us keep enough money to enjoy each breath we take, but definitely not too much, if we don’t want to spoil the fragrance of our dreams and the poem of life. - Erik Pevernagie
Just because a child doesn’t have both parents raising him or her, doesn’t mean that child becomes half the person they were meant to be. One wonderful parent can love enough for two, and love will always be the biggest influence in a child’s life. - Ron Baratono
the very day we get to know the enough is enough of our lives; the very day we get to know that enough is lacking enough - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Have you ever read a wonderful quote that you want to post on your twitter/facebook/blog/whatever but you feel like it may come off as not Christian enough or just a little theologically lacking? - Nick Rynerson
Well, if you live long enough, you lose a lot. Just as long as you don't throw them away. Whatever you loose, you'll find again, but what you throw away you never get back.-Oibore (Enishi's dad) to Yahiko and Misao - Nobuhiro Watsuki
The word Ilaah means something that deserves to be worshiped AND obeyed at the same time. It is not enough to worship Allah through rituals. We have to give His obedience precedence over our desires in every situation of our life. - Nouman Ali Khan
It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way. - John Viscount Morley
Trouble is part of your life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough. - Dinah Shore
Keep your expectations high, Not because you are better than anyone else, but because you have experienced enough pain; to realise, you won't settle anymore. - Nikki Rowe
Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do. - Steve Jobs
Best (male-female) friends hardly differ from lovers, but not too many lovers are best friends.It's just ironical that you are in love and want to spend the rest of your life with someone who is not good enough to be your best friend. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
If you posses enough courage to speak out what you are, you will find that you are not alone. - Richard Wright
I'll never have enough time to paint all the pictures I'd like to. - Norman Rockwell
Writers are sponges. They absorb life, then squeeze and ring it out onto a page. Sometimes, if they squeeze too hard, they dry up. Not hard enough and they remain saturated, heavy and unpredictable, as they carry around a volume of ideas too great for their capacity. - Sarah Colliver
Depression is a sign of strength because it means no matter how weak your mind might be to you, your heart is still strong enough to feel. - Emma Hart
It was bad enough not having a boyfriend for New Year's Eve. Now I had to cope with Valentine datelessness, feeling consummate social pressure from every retailer in America who stuck hearts and cupids on their windows by January second to rub it in. (Thwonk) - Joan Bauer
If you sweep a woman off of her feet, make sure your character is strong enough to keep her in the air. - Matshona Dhliwayo
(Exchange with Winston Churchill)Churchill explains that having a woman in Parliament was like having one intrude on him in the bathroom, to which the Lady Astor retorted, "Sir, you are not handsome enough to have such fears". - Nancy Astor the Viscountess Astor
A diamond doesn't start out polished and shining. It once was nothing special, but with enough pressure and time, becomes spectacular. I'm that diamond. - Solange nicole
Being single doesn't mean you're weak, it means that you're strong enough to wait for the right person. - Niall Horan
When you dig a well, there's no sign of water until you reach it, only rocks and dirt to move out of the way. You have removed enough; soon the pure water will flow," said Buddha. - Deepak Chopra
Thus, dear friends, I have said it clearly enough, and I believe you ought to understand it and not make liberty a law... - Martin Luther
When a falsehood is coveted long enough, it becomes the truth that sustains its own existence. - E.B. Hudspeth
All the money anyone needs is just enough to prevent one from being a burden to others. -Bishop Milton Wright - David McCullough
Never fear to make mistakes; be courageous enough not to repeat it. - Debasish Mridha
If we can predict, then we have observed enough to know that what we are observing does not just happen randomly; we have noted a pattern of regularities. - Hugh Coolican
Sometimes not much is just enough. - John O'Callaghan
Don’t live in the past you’ve already been there. And don’t live in the future, either. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. Live in this moment now it is sacred and unrepeatable. This moment alone holds valuable gifts that should not be missed. - Steve Goodier
A good many young writers make the mistake of enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope, big enough for the manuscript to come back in. This is too much of a temptation to the editor. - Ring Lardner
You are enough exactly as you are, whether you believe it or not. - Pooja Ruprell
It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! - Friedrich Nietzsche
A winner knows how much he still has to learn, even when he is considered an expert by others; a loser wants to be considered an expert by others before he has learned enough to know how little he knows. - Sydney J. Harris
Keep knocking with the hammer of your love. The door will open when the power is strong enough. - Debasish Mridha
Dangerous Are the ways of love ….Baby dangerous When you can’t get enough …Lonely nights are spent in vain - sami abouzid
...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough? - Vincent Van Gogh
If you feel like your life is under control, you're just not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti
You will never get everything in life but you will get enough. - Sanhita Baruah
We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another. - Jonathan Swift
Made you the subject of my dreams, I was always the first to hear your screams. Haven't you had enough of all these schemes? Re-run all the scenes...Haven't you noticed we're being a bit too extreme? I know not everything is as it seems, but aren't you tired of floating downstream? - Dalal Gebara
I've been toldThat it's not enough toWish for dreams, that IHave to work themInto reality. - Jordan Hoechlin
Your Dream is not a person when you feel broken and failure enough to say that your dream is dead .Revive it ! don't give up . it's the only thing that makes you not a robot , it's the only thing that makes your life got a meaning . - Amir Shalaby
So, the world is fine. We don’t have to save the world—the world is big enough to look after itself. What we have to be concerned about, is whether or not the world we live in, will be capable of sustaining us in it. That’s what we need to think about. - Douglas Adams
At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you have enough brute force. But you will not convince. For to convince you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack: Reason and Right - Miguel de Unamuno
ENOUGH, pro. All there is in the world if you like it. Enough is as good as a feast -- for that matter Enougher's as good as a feast for the platter. Arbely C. Strunk - Ambrose Bierce
Success = Wisdom + Courage + Discipline. KNOW what to do, be BRAVE enough to do it, and LEAD YOURSELF to doing it again and again. - Ryan Lilly
Foreign lands never yield their secrets to a traveller. The best they offer are tantalising snippets, just enough to inflame the imagination. The secrets they do reveal are your own - the ones you have kept from yourself. And this is reason enough to travel, to leave home. - Graeme Sparkes
Freedom of religion is not enough; we need the extinction of it, because no one has turned to be a religious by their own choice. - M.F. Moonzajer
If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play - John Cleese
It’s not enough to wish, dream, hope. Even children know this. We must set sail into the sea of uncertainty. We must meet fear face-to-face. We must take our dreams as maps for a greater journey. Dreams, to come true, need a good story. So go live one. - Vironika Tugaleva
To fall in love is easy, even to remain in it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But it is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes steadily the person one desires to be. - Anna Louise Strong
Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter. - Ernest Hemingway
There are questions I'm still not wise enough to answer, just wise enough to no longer ask. - George Jones
When you've been hurt enough as a kid (maybe at any age), it's like you have a trick knee. Most of your life, you can function like an adult, but add in the right portions of sleeplessness and stress and grief, and the hurt, defeated self can bloom into place. - Mary Karr
You will give to those whom don't appreciate you, until you've had enough of accepting less than you deserve - Nikki Rowe
The postgrad at least knew enough to know that he would never know enough, lying under the stars which hung from the inky sky like bunches of inconceivably heavy, lustrous grapes, dusted with the yeast of eternity. - Will Self
Personally, I think the "Potter" books have too many adverbs and not enough sex. - Lev Grossman
It was gratitude; gratitude, not merely for having once loved her, but for loving her still well enough to forgive all the petulance and acrimony of her manner in rejecting him, and all the unjust accusations accompanying her rejection. - Jane Austen
I just need enough to tide me over until I need more. - Bill Hoest
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them. - Sojourner Truth
If the government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take away everything you have. - Gerald R. Ford
One of the most exciting things in life is when you can’t get enough of learning something you love. - Ron Baratono
Global transformation can occur only when each individual has the courage to awaken from this amnesia to our true self and then make conscious choices true to our spirit. The human race is the only species on earth evolved enough to be capable of this privilege. - Patsie Smith
If you care about someone enough, you’ll always be there for them no matter what. - Roy T. Bennett
You can take all the sincerity in Hollywood, place it in the navel of a firefly and still have room enough for three caraway seeds and a producer's heart. - Fred Allen
a man in earnest finds means, or if he cannot find he creates them. A vigorous purpose makes much out of little, breathes power into weak instruments, disarms difficulties, and even turns them into assistances. Every condition has means of progress, if we have spirit enough to use them. - William Ellery Channing
It's pointless to hate anything. Just trick your conscience by pretending you like something and soon enough you will. - Gabriella Jording
Either blasphemy is a victimless crime or its victim is powerful enough to take care of himself without any help from you. - Richard Dawkins
Artists are never poor, they just don't get enough time to make money ! - Brahmananda Patra
I don't know and probably never will know enough about the true nature of the universe to tell anyone else what to believe, and I've come to distrust the words of those who have presumed to do so. - Pete Hautman
If you are strong enough to face Fear of Failure, Fear of Rejections, and Fear of Criticism, that's the sign of Success. - Sivaprakash Sidhu
A lie told often enough becomes the truth. - Lenin
Time is just something that we assign. You know, past, present, it's just all arbitrary. Most Native Americans, they don't think of time as linear; in time, out of time, I never have enough time, circular time, the Stevens wheel. All moments are happening all the time. - Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
When time passes, it's the people who knew you whom you want to see; they're the ones you can talk to. When enough time passes, what's it matter what they did to you? - John Irving
LearningTo believe you are magnificent. And gradually to discover that you are not magnificent. Enough labor for one human life. - Czesław Miłosz
I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. - J. R. R. Tolkien
If your motives aren't clean, money itself becomes evil. But When we don't have money enough evil, the world tells us we're losers. So what determines our place in society is not how much kindness is in our hearts but how much evil is in our wallet. - Todd McFarlane
I am sensible that to own an inclination for a man is to put one's self wholly in his power; but sure you have generosity enough not to abuse it. - Mary Pierrepont
I haven't bled enough to make me buoyant. - Sou Macmillan
It's easy to take the time to stop and smell the roses but one must be willing to give of themselves enough to also stop to admire and understand life's weeds. 10/2015 - Colleen Dougherty
When you leave New York, you are astonished at how clean the rest of the world is. Clean is not enough. - Fran Lebowitz
These days grief seems like walking on a frozen river; most of the time he feels safe enough, but there is always that danger he will plunge through. - David Nicholls
There are never enough 'I love you's. - Lenny Bruce
Coming to the END of MYSELF and all SELF effort...seems to be the very point that God steps in and shows HIMSELF to be more than ENOUGH. - John Paul Warren
To create a free society is not to accomplish the impossible task of convincing all people to abandon aggression, but to accomplish the essential task of convincing enough people to abandon the belief that aggression is ever legitimate. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
Corum knew that he was mad, in Vadhagh terms. But he supposed that he was sane enough in Mabden terms. And this was, after all, now a Mabden world. He must learn to accept its peculiar disorders as normal, if he were going to survive. - Michael Moorcock
Although the whole of this life were said to be nothing but a dream and the physical world nothing but a phantasm, I should call this dream or phatasm real enough, if, using reason well, we were never deceived by it.
You only live once -- but if you work it right, once is enough. - Joe E. Lewis
Redeemed humanity is still young, it has hardly come to its full strength. But already there is joy enough in the little finger of a great saint such as yonder lady to waken all the dead things of the universe into life. - C.S. Lewis
Get-rich-quick schemes are for the lazy & unambitious. Respect your dreams enough to pay the full price for them. - Steve Maraboli
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff. - George Carlin
[T]hat they may believe you, you must say it as obscurely as possible, just like that, simply in hints. You must only give them a peep of the truth, just enough to tantalize them. They'll tell a story better than ours, and of course they'll believe themselves more than they would us... - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
There is no man on this earth that has the right to tell you how beautiful you are, for no words we use has enough power to tell that truth. Your beauty can only be describe by the heavens above in a language none of us know. - Vincent Edwards
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it. - Stephen Leacock
With enough coffee anything is possible - Karen Salmansohn
Money isn't enough. Happiness takes more than a padded bank account. - Diana Palmer
There comes a moment in life when one must acknowledge that you just can't keep looking back into your past for reasons to keep someone in your present and future. Regardless of how much looking that cruel reality in the eye hurts...memories can't be enough. - Eiry Nieves
it’s not enough for Christians merely to recognize that the world isn’t what it ought to be and that people are suffering in ways they shouldn’t have to suffer. Instead, our sorrow and indignation should prompt us to act in ways that subvert that brokenness. - Ed Stetzer
Leave any problem alone for long enough and it will solve itself. - Nell Dixon
Nature is just enough; but men and women must comprehend and accept her suggestions. - Antoinette Brown Blackwell
Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, the cornerstone - but not the complete structure. It is much too pliable, too yielding. - Bette Davis
A hand is not enough...to never let go - Munia Khan
There is enough knowledge in the books to explain the existing, your knowledge must inspire what is possible. - Amit Kalantri
This funny thing we call love, how simple it may seem. To say it is sometimes enough but to feel it is a dream. - Raneem Kayyali
One win is not enough to rest on our oars especially where there is room and opportunity for other wins and successes. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
Apparently people don't like the truth, but I do like it; I like it because it upsets a lot of people. If you show them enough times that their arguments are bullshit, then maybe just once, one of them will say, 'Oh! Wait a minute - I was wrong.' I live for that happening. Rare, I assure you - Lemmy Kilmister
Love yourself enough to take care of your health of mind, body, and soul as a top priority, then you'lll be fit to face anything. - Jay Woodman
You may be old enough to marry, Matrim Cauthon, but in truth you shouldn't be off your mother's apron strings. - Robert Jordan
With regard to excellence, it is not enough to know, but we must try to have and use it. - Aristotle
Grace is not just enough, it is more than enough. - John Paul Warren
Gratitude transforms our mindset from enough to abundance and opens the window of limitless potentials. - Debasish Mridha
I am not a ‘wise man,’ nor . . . shall I ever be. And so require not from me that I should be equal to the best, but that I should be better than the wicked. It is enough for me if every day I reduce the number of my vices, and blame my mistakes. - Seneca
A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.
To succeed in life, doing your best is not enough, you should also improve your best. - Mohith Agadi
Books must be treated with respect, we feel that in our bones, because words have power. Bring enough words together they can bend space and time. - Terry Pratchett
Success makes me happy, but it doesn’t give me peace. Because I do believe that success is not enough for our cause. We are born to struggle and nothing must deceive us. - M.F. Moonzajer
Anger is the only antidote strong enough to counter grief. - Rauwolfia
Anything can become music if listened to long enough - Jeff Noon
...baby, it's never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows how poor that person is, it doesn't hurt you. So don't let Mrs Dubose get you down. She had enough troubles or her own. - Harper Lee
When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. - Norm Crosby
The point of living and of being an optimist, is to be foolish enough to believe the best is yet to come. - Peter Ustinov
Magic is not just for the entertainment, but to inspire people to be creative enough with their lives. - Amit Kalantri
If you are kind enough today, history will sing your song and be kind to you. - Debasish Mridha
Too many irons, not enough fire. - S. Kelley Harrell
That was when it became abundantly clear to me that simply eating in a way that avoided hurting others was never going to be enough if my eating habits were still hurting me. - Jasmin Singer
A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.[Alexander's tombstone epitaph] - Alexander the Great
I am crazy enough to think I owe the world a change. - Michael Davi
It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that. - G.H. Hardy
Time is powerless. An instant could be enough for us and eternity could be too short. We, and only we, decide what time is for us. - Rom Amor
After all, no one is stupid enough to prefer war to peace; in peace sons bury their fathers and in war fathers bury their sons. - Herodotus
If you have accomplished all that you planned for yourself, you have not planned enough. - Edward Everett Hale
The problem is, God gave man a brain and a penis and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin McLaurin Williams
A person feels the pain in judicious proportion to the sensitive nature cherished in own world; otherwise there is enough fun, happiness, enjoyment and pleasure in life. - Anuj Somany
It may well be that we talk about sex more than anything else; we set our minds to the task; we convince ourselves that were have never said enough on the subject...where sex is concerned the most long-winded, the most impatient of societies is our own. - Michel Foucault
It shouldn't be too much of a surprise that the Internet has evolved into a force strong enough to reflect the greatest hopes and fears of those who use it. After all, it was designed to withstand nuclear war, not just the puny huffs and puffs of politicians and religious fanatics. - Denise Caruso
You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God. - Eileen Anglin
The worst thing: to give yourself away in exchange for not enough love. - Joyce Carol Oates
Desire is craving enough to sacrifice for - Myles Munroe
Read the great books, gentlemen, Mr. Monte said one day. Just the great ones. Ignore the others. There’s not enough time. - Pat Conroy
A lot of people say, 'Well, I like a challenge.' I don't like challenges. Life is tough enough without any challenges. - Jackie Gleason
There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; no disease that enough love will not heal; no door that enough love will not open. - Emmet Fox
There’s only one power in the world great enough to help us rise above the difficult things we face: the power of God. - Stormie Omartian
I head a bitterness that hadn't been there before. Something was changing inside him. He'd had enough of following the rules. - Alice Hoffman
Having a head is not enough, you must get ahead - Saji Ijiyemi
I can’t… It’s not possible… I’m not good enough... ~ These are lies the demons of your past use to scare away the possibilities of the present. - Steve Maraboli
Five minutes are enough to dream a whole life, that is how relative time is. - Mario Benedetti
No man is rich enough to buy back his past. - Oscar Wilde
If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
One of the few times in a man's life when he is not full of shit!!The morning of a colonoscopy. Enough said! - Jim Lawrence
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace, that is enough for me. - Ignatius of Loyola
His life-experiences, and reflections upon them, led Y to believe that the most difficult challenge in life was how to be kind, yet strong. ‘To be kind is not enough,’ he would say. ‘You have to be strong to give to others, and strong to withstand life’s fluctuating fortunes. - Arnold Zable
God has enough blessings for every soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
We do not need such things to help us to see God, I countered. We have His Word, and that isenough. - Tracy Chevalier
A Parting GuestWhat delightful hosts are they—Life and Love!Lingeringly I turn away,This late hour, yet glad enoughThey have not withheld from meTheir high hospitality.So, with face lit with delightAnd all gratitude, I stayYet to press their hands and say,Thanks.—So fine a time! Good night. - James Whitcomb Riley
Graduating from college doesn't mean you're smart, said Mike Mussina who graduated from Stanford in 3 1/2 years, but it does mean you're smart enough to know that having a college degree would be a good thing. - John Feinstein
Love yourself enough to open your eyes, and open your eyes enough to love yourself. - Jay Woodman
I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown. - Woody Allen
I understood that it was time to quit postponing the embracing of my own potential. There was nothing more I needed to do to be worthy enough and any other excuse I could muster to explain why I couldn’t step up right away was simply that… an excuse. - Janet Louise Stephenson
Your imperfections should not stop you from moving towards your dreams. If you wait until you are perfect, or "good enough" your dreams will remain just a dream. - Eileen Anglin
You are everything you should be, and all that is enough. Be proud of who you are, and love who you will become. Lady Lalaigne to Nhakira, Chosen - Jeanine Henning Nhakira
Personally, I wouldn’t wait around for someone to tell you you’re good enough before you make your own comics. Just make them, always try to improve and care about what you’re doing. Be relentless and never give up. - Troy Little
Sometimes I feel that the wars in my country ended so early, we are still thirsty of bloodshed, murder and killing. We lost too many but not enough, the transformation from barbarian society to a human didn’t complete yet. - M.F. Moonzajer
It's not in the interests of the self-serving government to educate the masses to the point where they are smart enough to see through the bullshit - because then people will be too smart to vote for them again. - Christina Engela
Why is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person? - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it. - Harry Emerson Fosdick
Self-correction makes me check the ruler of my life against the yardstick of my inner voice. I acknowledge when I don’t measure up. Self-correction is an ongoing process. If done often enough, I can stop myself from straying off the path. - Stella Payton
I know, I'm not perfect, I'm not too good, I'm an average person in everything but I also know that I'm real. And really that's enough for me and I'm very happy with it. :) - Waleed Uz Zaman Khan
... it is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a big enough hammer.
Sometimes we are lucky enough to know our lives have been changed, to discard the old and embrace the new and run headlong down an immutable course. It happened to me... on that summer's day when my eyes were opened to the sea.
There is enough dough in the world to make bread for us all to eat together. - Habeeb Akande
When you know what you want, and you want it bad enough, you'll find a way to get it. - Jim Rohn
I say that my value is based on my accomplishments. Christmas is God saying that I am His accomplishment and that will forever be enough. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
It takes two to make a very great career: the man who is great, and the man--almost rarer--who is great enough to see greatness and say so. - Ayn Rand
It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace. - Aristotle
NIRVANA, n. In the Buddhist religion, a state of pleasurable annihilation awarded to the wise, particularly to those wise enough to understand it. - Ambrose Bierce
There is always something behind what is wrong and to change what is wrong, mind the things behind what is wrong! So many people are quick enough to see what is wrong only, and they criticize so blindly! When you see what is wrong, see why, who and what is behind what is wrong. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Learn from the ants- how a tiny heart is big enough to love, help and care about another living existence. - Munia Khan
Air, Food, Water, Shelter, Love and Godis what we all need to live.If one more thing is missing, it's being wise.WISE enough to consume them well. - Bradley B. Dalina
remember 's First Rule of Writers and Agents, learned by bitter personal experience: You don't need one until you're making enough for someone to steal ... and if you're making that much, you'll be able to take your pick of good agents. - Stephen King
Man is the only animal on earth intelligent enough to invent God and foolish enough to believe in Him. - Manoj Vaz
Be kind enough to love those who don't deserve your love. - Debasish Mridha
Let's live! Words have fooled us long enough. - Marty Rubin
Most people use less brains in selecting the person with whom they are to spend their lives than they do in choosing an automobile, a bicycle or a cut of steak. Love isn’t enough; there must also be understanding. - Elsie Lincoln Benedict
Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough. - Emily Dickinson
I have heard of your paintings too, well enough; God has given you one face, and you make yourselves another. - William Shakespeare
Trust in your story, it's powerful enough. Oftentimes, it is not the lack of power that is our struggle; but it is our unawareness of the power that we do have, which is our biggest hurdle to surmount. - C. JoyBell C.
There are few things better than losing yourself in a book. And if you're lucky enough to have that adventure continue in a series, it's like chocolate ganache on the icing on the cake. - Richelle E. Goodrich
A certain way to have financial security in life is not enough savings, but enough ability. - Amit Kalantri
Where would I find enough leatherTo cover the entire surface of the earth?But with leather soles beneath my feet,It’s as if the whole world has been covered. - Śāntideva
Being your age is hard enough without having to act it. - P.K. Shaw
When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough. - Maurice Maeterlinck
When life is forgiving enough to bless you with a minute, a second, of happiness, there's nothing to do but savor the moment, however odd or unexpected or foolish the source might be.Because who knows when those moments will grace us again. - Rebecca Harris - If It Kills Me
One day at a time- this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
The personal, if it is deep enough, becomes universal, mythical, symbolic. - Anais Nin
Leadership calls for both wisdom and courage; the wisdom to know what to do is only half the battle. We must be courageous enough to actually do it. - Kellen Roggenbuck
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, everyday, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity. - Christopher Morley
You have to be insane enough to live an insanely beautiful life. - Debasish Mridha
People mean well; they just aren't here enough to get what we are dealing with or what home means to my mother. Everyone thinks they know what should be done, and their suggestions make me suspect they must consider me an idiot who doesn't comprehend the situation. - George Hodgman
Being here to witness the beauty, to learn, to be astonished, to love - is enough. Being able to create in addition is a delightful honour. - Jay Woodman
Another vindication I had is the fact that I believed the Christian message and the gospel of the kingdom is good enough to fix the world’s problems - Sunday Adelaja
Anyone who is going to be a writer knows enough at fifteen to write several novels. - May Sarton
For some reason, when people meet me and find out I'm a writer they always ask if I write children's books. Um... please don't let your kids read my books. Well, unless your kids are in their 30s or something...then yeah, they're old enough. LOL - Michelle M. Pillow
Ya got cigarettes? she asks. Yes, I say,I got cigarettes. Matches? she asks.Enough to burn Rome. Whiskey?Enough whiskey for a Mississippi River of pain. You drunk? Not yet. - Charles Bukowski
By the pond, what whiffs, what sniffs?The residue of stag and duck,Heron and otter, murky frog.Money smells, but not enough. - Alan W Powers
Why do we need money beyond a point? If we are free of ill health, enmity, and debt, is that not enough? Too much money only leads to less peace. - Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
If you always do "just enough" you'll never have more than enough. - Rob Liano
Most laws only exist if people believe in them. That's why the mass media has to propagate them. If you are wise enough, join the police and ignore unfair laws. Be the friend and helper instead and thereby increase the reputation of the police. - L.H.
If you blink enough and relax a whole new world is opened to you. - Kris Harte
No one would be foolish enough to choose war over peace--in peace sons bury their fathers, but in war fathers bury their sons.
I look at you and I can't believe someone didn't think you were enough... you're my everything. - Steve Maraboli
I’m not sure if fate or destiny is real. But I can tell you that sometimes the very thing you’ve been hoping for will walk through the door, determined to fend you off. And still, somehow, you will find that you are enough. - Kiera Cass
I prefer the saddle to the streetcar and star-sprinkled sky to a roof, the obscure and difficult trail leading into the unknown to any paved highway, and the deep peace of the wild to the discontent bread by cities... it is enough that I am surrounded by beauty. - Everett Ruess
I have learned that to be with those I like is enough - Walt Whitman
People come and people go, but it's rare that one makes enough of an impact in life, that others will read as history. - Auliq Ice
My wife Mary and I have been married for forty-seven years and not once have we had an argument serious enough to consider divorce; murder, yes, but divorce, never. - Jack Benny
A sure way to go broke is to spend your outer riches before you have saved enough of your inner ones. - Charles F. Glassman
Letting go of who you're supposed to be and discovering who you really are is a journey of many experiences, but certainty is not one of them. No matter how long you wait, it'll never feel safe enough. Plunge in anyway. - Vironika Tugaleva
When we are courageous enough to begin exploring the ‘Why’s and the ‘Who’s' of life, the ‘How’s’ and ‘What’s’ of life start to come into focus as well. " - Mac MacKenzie
My own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line, and kiss my ass. - Christopher Hitchens
To love a man enough to help him, you have to forfeit the warm, self-righteous glow that comes from judging. - Ron Hall
Not so long ago we were all a tightly knit group of friends. Too bad someone had ripped apart the stitches that held us together, unraveling the cozy blanket of our friendship and leaving just enough strands to hang ourselves with. - E.J. Stevens
Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. - J. K. Rowling
The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough.
Winning is great, but if it's not enough then then you'll never have enough! - Stephen Richards
Hmm…now that I think about it, housecats are often coddled and petted. You don’t pet me nearly enough. You must be a lax owner. How selfish of you to deprive your cat of attention. - Colleen Houck
Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they're yours. - Richard Bach
For one human being instinctively feels respect and love for another human being so long as he does not know him well enough to judge him; and that he does not, the craving he feels is evidence. - Thomas Mann
I think people don't place a high enough value on how much they are nurtured by doing whatever it is that totally absorbs them. - Jean Shinoda Bolen
Words exist in the smile on your face, the life in your eyes, the passion in your soul, and those beautiful and open enough to recognize it. THAT is a writers haven - Dawn Garcia
Reality can be beaten with enough imagination. - Mark Twain
One stone is enough to break a glass, One sentence is enough to break a heart,One smile is enough to fall in love,& one God is enough to live a fulfilling life.. - KulsumAbdullah
People always say in the end you only regret the choices you didn't make but I really think you also regret the choices you were foolish enough to make. - Melizena
Half of the world population is dying from poverty and hunger and still you think you are not rich enough. - M.F. Moonzajer
If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough. - Muhammad Ali
Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius. - Josh Billings
I spent most of my life trying to specialize myself. I went to theater school, film school, music school, mime school ... Finally, I was able to gather enough knowledge to build the confidence to create my own work, that goes utterly against the sense of specialization. - Nuno Roque
I guess a little bit hero is enough. A little bit hero is all anyone really needs to be. - Alexander Gordon Smith
If you want to dance the dance then you better learn the steps, the world has enough pretenders. If you want to practice sex then you better find a partner, and to love you must surrender. - Carroll Bryant
Often subtle clues are not obvious enough for the stubborn or stupid. This is when God stops throwing crumbs and starts throwing the whole piece of bread. If you step on moldy bread then you know you have waited too long. - Shannon L. Alder
I'm a good enough person to forgive you, and you should be a good enough person to not do it again. - Annette Thomas
Getting older is no problem. You just have to live long enough. - Groucho Marx
When love is strong, a man and a woman can make their bed on a sword's blade. When love grows weak, a bed of 60 cubits is not large enough. - The Talmud
The only group large enough to handle," the world's biggest, "problems is the network of millions of local churches around the world. We have the widest distribution, largest group of volunteers, local credibility, the promises of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the inevitability of history. - Rick Warren
You are never to drive like that, I told them. Even if you are ever wealthy enough to own a Jaguar. - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
ENTHUSIASM, n. A distemper of youth, curable by small doses of repentance in connection with outward applications of experience. Byron, who recovered long enough to call it "entuzy-muzy," had a relapse, which carried him off -- to Missolonghi. - Ambrose Bierce
Getting enough sleep can be just as important as working out. - Ali Vincent
No man is good enough to govern any woman without her consent. - Susan B. Anthony
Forgiveness: It’s not because they deserve it; it’s because you do. Sometimes forgiveness is about loving yourself enough to move on. - Steve Maraboli
be patient enough to identify the real reasons why you meet people, situations and moments in time or else you would be patient enough to analyze the real reasons why you missed people, situations and moments in time in regret or in wonder - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Wisdom is knowing when you have enough. - Marty Rubin
Enthusiasm is that kindling spark which marks the difference between the leaders in every activity and the laggards who put in just enough to "get by."
Human Beings are just good enough to make democracy possible...just bad enough to make it neccessary. - Reinhold Niebuhr
Somebody waits for the time I know will never comeYou get yourself so highThen you come down feeling blueOne day you’ll wake up and realize you’ve had enoughThere’s a thousand shining momentsWaiting just to happen to you - Blue Rodeo
I am strong enough to forgive. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Our dreams wrapped in desire let us fly high enough to get the reward. - Kishore Bansal
Measurements "are never enough. The artist's eye and desire to breathe life into the subject must be the deciding factors. - David McCullough
Qualifications or not without gratitude you not qualified enough to be a leader. - Unarine Ramaru
If people say the world we perceive is a 'construct' of our brains, they are saying in effect, that it results from an inveterate habit of thought. Why does it never occur to them that a habit is something you can overcome, if you set about it with enough energy? - Owen Barfield
I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I don't know how it'll be between us Thiel. I don't know how we'll learn to trust each other again, and I know you're not well enough to help me with every matter I face. But I miss you and I'd like to try again. - Kristin Cashore
You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you're not passionate enough from the start, you'll never stick it out. - Steve Jobs
Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything... Love. - Lauren Kate
If you pray for rain long enough, it eventually does fall. If you pray for floodwaters to abate, they eventually do. The same happens in the absence of prayers. - Steve Allen
Even sheep should have brains enough not to follow the wolf. - Joseph Goodfield
Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life. - Brian Andreas
I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something. - Jackie Mason
Do you want it bad enough to get over being hurt? - Richard Castle
It takes courage to become authentic. So many talk about the light but not enough speak the truth about the struggles it takes to get there and the tools to overcome it all. - Nikki Rowe
24 hours a day, ain't enough anymore! But give some a Century a day and procrastination would still be their undoing. - Nike Thaddeus
Life is a series of lessons in which there is never enough learned. - Diamond Ryan
You can build your strength, If you read enough books! - Lailah Gifty Akita
Our economy is based on spending billions to persuade people that happiness is buying things, and then insisting that the only way to have a viable economy is to make things for people to buy so they’ll have jobs and get enough money to buy things. - Philip Slater
Hope doesn't require a massive chain where heavy links of logic hold it together. A thin wire will do...just strong enough to get us through the night until the winds die down. - Charles R. Swindoll
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals. - Brian Tracy
144461I know very little having to do with human beings that doesn't also have to do with connection. We want to be noticed, we want to be good enough, we want friends, and we want to be loved. We want our place to stand. - Chris Crutcher
I am not young enough to know everything. - Oscar Wilde
There is beauty laced within this day… be courageous enough to find it, be kind enough to share it, and at the end of the day, be wise enough to let it go. - Steve Maraboli
They know enough who know how to learn.
you need power only to do something harmful.otherwise love is enough,compassion is enough. - Osho
If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough. - Lorde
In art as in love, instinct is enough. - Anatole France
Perhaps the only way for a husband to know the true mind graph of his wife is to make her laugh wildly or annoy her enough deeply; else she can hide many secrets from him all throughout her life. - Anuj Somany
We wouldn't want to live in a world where no one believed in themselves enough to make their own dreams come true. - Chris Colfer
You don't have to go through someone's pain to understand it. Empathy is enough. - Saru Singhal
As for Fergus. He had a habit which Maud was not experienced enough to recognise as a common one in ex-lovers of giving little tugs at the carefully severed spider-threads or puppet-strings which had once tied her to him. - A.S. Byatt
There is enough work for every soul, if we use our specific gifts to meet the specific needs of the society. - Lailah Gifty Akita
One of the benefits of aligning yourself with an indistinct cluster of people is that claiming to feel their pain is often enough. - Charlie Brooker
The worst tragedy of sin isn't that it produced bad behavior, but that it produced the idea that bad behavior is strong enough to deflect love. - D.R. Silva
From the warmth of her fondness for her horse she constructed a fragile and changeable thing that almost resembled courage. She hoped it would be enough. - Kristin Cashore
She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes. That is always a sign of despair in a woman. - Oscar Wilde
If a person is not talented enough to be a novelist, not smart enough to be a lawyer, and his hands are too shaky to perform operations, he becomes a journalist. - Norman Mailer
I have nothing but a great head to offer.Is that enough? - Sola Kosoko
If you you write with enough assurance and confidence, you’re allowed to do whatever you like. So write your story as it needs to be written. Write it honestly, and tell it as best you can. - Neil Gaiman
...the passage of time, which transformed the volatile present into that finished, unalterable painting called the past, a canvas man always executed blindly, with erratic brushstrokes that only made sense when one stepped far enough away from it to be able to admire it as a whole. -pg. 19 - Félix J. Palma
It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about? - Henry David Thoreau
Choose a man who loves God more than he loves you. If he loves you more than he loves God you'll never be enough because no one and nothing can ever satisfy a man's soul but God himself. - Mei Jancorda
You are good. But it is not enough just to be good. You must be good for something. You must contribute good to the world. The world must be a better place for your presence. And the good that is in you must be spread to others.... - Gordon B. Hinckley
There ain't no free lunches in this country. And don't go spending your whole life commiserating that you got raw deals. You've got to say, 'I think that if I keep working at this and want it bad enough I can have it.' - Lee Iacocca
Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases. - Thomas Jefferson
If you know what to do to reach your goal, it's not a big enough goal." - - Bob Proctor
Actually, I jade very quickly. Once is usually enough. Either once only, or every day. If you do something once it’s exciting, and if you do it every day it’s exciting. But if you do it, say, twice or just almost every day, it’s not good any more. - Andy Warhol
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about, and she's got everything that I have to live without... He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar, the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart. He's the song in the car I keep singing; don't know why I do. - Taylor Swift
It has taken me years of struggle, hard work, and research to learn to make one simple gesture, and I know enough about the art of writing to realize that it would take as many years of concentrated effort to write one simple, beautiful sentence. - Isadora Duncan
Barring that natural expression of villainy which we all have, the man looked honest enough. - Mark Twain
Those who control their passions do so because their passions are weak enough to be controlled. - William Blake
Last words are for fools who haven't said enough. - Karl Marx
Be selfish enough to have self love, self worth and self respect. - Robin Dabhi
Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough - Oprah Winfrey
The fact of your heart's enfoldment in mine is evidence enough that there is, underneath it all, some hidden order to this world. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
When its dark enough you can see the stars. - Charles A. Beard
Maybe my time's running out, but at least I'm living. And if that's what it is for you, being here inside where nothing ever happens, where you think you're safe, then stay. Stay right here and you let me know how that works for you.Bacause I'm gessing it'll never be enough. - John Corey Whaley
No one that ever lived has ever had enough power, prestige, or knowledge to overcome the basic condition of all life - you win some and you lose some.
English was good enough for Jesus Christ and it's good enough for the children of Texas.
There are sufficient resources in the world for the needs of everybody, but not enough for the greed of even a significant minority. - Millard Fuller
Get better acquainted with yourself, and understand the burning ambitions that dwell within. Be brave enough to follow these. They're your dreams. Follow your dreams. They are your purpose - your purpose will fulfil you. Find it, pursue it, stop at nothing. A happier you makes a happier world. - Nicole Bonomi
It takes wisdom to know when you've had enough, strength to make the decision and determination to see it through. - Seraphine Abrams
We are parts of one universe, true enough. We stand within an almost infinite network of relationships. Yet each of us is a single point of consciousness, a unique event, a private, unrepeatable world. This is the essence of our aloneness. - Nathaniel Branden
I have an immense appetite for solitude, like an infant for sleep, and if I don't get enough for this year, I shall cry all the next. - Henry David Thoreau
I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man. - George Washington
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. - George Carlin
I had no male friends now, though I did have a strong community of intelligent, supportive, funny women and I felt confused as to why they weren't enough for me, - Charlotte Shane
Be kind to yourself, so you can be happy enough to be kind to the world. - Misha Collins
You only live once but if you work it right, once is enough. - Joe E. Lewis
We know enough to know that all of this is not quite right. And we know enough to know that settling for what’s not quite right is quite wrong. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I've seen enough family photos in enough homes to know that the term 'suitable for framing' should have a stricter definition. - Alex Bosworth
God hides treasure in dirt, so that only those humble enough to dig through it find it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I don't fear death, I fear I haven't done enough before it happens - Aryan Xebat‎
If you hear how wonderful you are often enough, you begin to believe it, no matter how you try to resist it. - Ben Carson
What grace I have is enough. - Theodore Roethke
I've often told people who ask if there is a God: Get around enough people with horses and see what happens. See how they survive in spite of all the things they do, and you'll become a believer! - Buck Brannaman
I have to hold that up as a metaphor for everything, being prepared and then being brave enough to just be there. Just listen and follow, maybe jump. Everyone leans in, it brings them into your emotional vicinity because, you said "Risk creates intimacy - Mary-Louise Parker
It's not enough to create magic. You have to create a price for magic, too. You have to create rules. - Eric A. Burns
We know the end is overrated, we'll become the walls we raise. We don't believe enough, but we still care. - Matchbox 20
God has put enough into the world to make faith in Him a most reasonable thing. But He has left enough out to make it impossible to live by sheer reason or observation alone. - Ravi Zacharias
How quickly one accepts the incredible if only one sees it enough! - Richard Matheson
Live your life as though there is great joy to be experienced... an abundance of goodness in each person you come in contact with, and the knowledge that you have enough inner wisdom to answer the mysteries that challenge you. - Meladee McCarty
Soon enough the tears came but of course nobody came down to see if she was all right, it was just the slut in the kitchen who'd ruined their lives, getting drunk of neat gin and howling for her lost lunatic offer. - Patrick McGrath
The world needs more anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough. - Bede Jarrett
In travel, as in many other experiences in life, once is usually enough. - Paul Theroux
it is when we don't believe we are enough for ourselvesthat we start looking for people to drown in. - Upile Chisala
Your false promises are dark enough to submerge even the sun. - Jawwad Zafar
.....if he’s not man enough to stand up to your father, and take the crap he has to dish out, then he’s not good enough to be with you. - Crescent, Sam
Once in a while i am struckall over again... by just how blue the sky appears .. on wind-played autumn mornings, blue enoughto bruise a heart. - Sanober Khan
I realized the world around me was fragmented and broken... I had to be gentle enough not to scrape against the jagged pieces. I would not be cut today. - Hubert Martin
Isn't there someone kind enough to come strangle me in my sleep? - Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
I exist as I am, that is enough,If no other in the world be aware I sit content,And if each and all be aware I sit content.One world is aware, and by the far the largest to me, and that is myself. - Walt Whitman
Told often enough that they are the source of sin, women may well begin feeling guilty as they accept the necessity for penance. Taught effectively enough that they are irrelevant to the important processes of society, women begin to feel they are living invisibly. - Sandra M. Gilbert Susan Gubar
That’s when I first learned that it wasn’t enough to just do your job, you had to have an interest in it, even a passion for it. - Charles Bukowski
That is how it is with lies. If you can have enough people believe your lies, before you know it, even the one you have lied against will be confused. The lie will make itself at home and the truth will be knocking outside its own door. - Yvette Christiansë
One day, I want enough money to be at the center of a corruption scandal. - Gil A. Waters
I love reading I know it’s very important and I respect anyone that is patient enough to do it. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Stop thinking that nobody is good enough. - Auliq Ice
Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius. - George Bernard Shaw
Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible. - Doug Larson
Jump every hurdle. If you feel like everything negative has happened to you, you were given these obstacles because the Universe knows that you are strong enough to handle it. - Karen A. Baquiran
Her date was pleasant enough, but she knew that if her life was a movie this guy would be buried in the credits as something like "Second Tall Man". - Russell Beland
A 'good job' can be both practically attractive while still not good enough to devote your entire life to. - Alain de Botton
Love yourself enough to have a meaningful life. - Millen Livis
It is not enough to knock on successes' door; you have to knock hard enough. And if no one answers,either go through a window, or break down the door. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true. - Niels Bohr
If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it. - Emerson Pugh
At the bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique human being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time. - Friedrich Nietzsche
If you care about something enough, you'll find a way to make it happen. - Roy T. Bennett
Bagaimana bisa sampai apabila kita tidak pernah berjalan untuk menggapainya.bagaimana bisa selesai apabila kita tidak pernah mengerjakannya,Get out and do something. be bold!dare to dream big is not enough! - Alfisy0107
When we get our spiritual house in order, we'll be dead. This goes on. You arrive at enough certainty to be able to make your way, but it is making it in darkness. Don't expect faith to clear things up for you. It is trust, not certainty. - Flannery O'Connor
To sit alone with my conscience will be judgment enough for me.
Being democratic is not enough, a majority cannot turn what is wrong into right. In order to be considered truly free, countries must also have a deep love of liberty and an abiding respect for the rule of law. - Margaret Thatcher
I was in the biggest breakdown of my life when I stopped crying long enough to let the words of my epiphany really sink in. That whore, karma, had finally made her way around, and had just bitch-slapped me right across the face. The realization only made me cry harder. - Jennifer Salaiz
We have had enough of the old men and the money-counters!" And people further off took up the cry: "Up Bowman, and down with the moneybags, - J.R.R. Tolkien
When you come up a bit short on excellence, you still win. When you strive for perfect, you’re just never quite good enough. - Dawn Gluskin
We spend lots of time in nurturing relationship,some person are lucky enough to do it for deserved ones but most of us are unlucky because when it seems we have nurtured very patiently and carefully, we end up with wrong person. That's Life... - Amit Aarav
I don’t believe he deserves the thousands of poems I’ve written about him, but life doesn’t follow rules. We do things for people who don’t necessarily deserve it. But we liked it, we loved it and fell in love enough to write about it. - Dominic Riccitello
I try to make my comments like a woman's skirt: long enough to be respectable and short enough to be interesting. - Adam Clayton Powell III
The great enemy of communication, we find, is the illusion of it. We have talked enough; but we have not listened. And by not listening we have failed to concede the immense complexity of our society—and thus the great gaps between ourselves and those with whom we seek understanding. - William H. Whyte
Protest long enough that you are right, and you will be wrong. It is easier to admire hard work if you don't do it.
If you don't make mistakes, you're not working on hard enough problems. And that's a big mistake. - Frank Wilczek
Accept where you are, accept what you have, accept who you are ~ do what you can with all of that and let it be enough. - Nikki Rowe
It’s funny, for all it took was a broken heart and that alone was enough, enough for her to do everything she ever dreamed of. - Robert M. Drake
Mostly good is enough. Mostly good produces healthy kids who know they are valued and either forget the other parts or turn them into funny stories. - Jen Hatmaker
If rape or arson, poison or the knifeHas wove no pleasing patterns in the stuffOf this drab canvas we accept as life -It is because we are not bold enough! - Charles Baudelaire
A big desire is not enough to meet the expectations of lost dreams. - Dejan Stojanovic
I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house tonight or never. - Jane Austen
No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. - Samuel Johnson
Be courageous enough to learn from failures and bold enough to begin anew. - Debasish Mridha
You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are not good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God. - Eileen Anglin
No matter how dark your night, my friend, may you always find enough light to take the next step. - John Mark Green
Being tired isn't the same as being rich, but most times it's close enough. - Chuck Palahniuk
[On school uniforms] Don't these schools do enough damage making all these kids think alike, now they have to make them look alike too? It's not a new idea, either. I first saw it in old newsreels from the 1930s, but it was hard to understand because the narration was in German. - George Carlin
No matter how much someone else loves you or you love other people, if you don’t love yourself then it can never be enough. - Shannon Kaiser
Life is short enough, there is nothing worth here to take your life, and those things we do gain can never be taken to our grave. - Anthony Liccione
I used to have a drug problem, now I make enough money. - David Lee Roth
It's possible to remain long in the state of deprivation if you are not aware you can escape it. Knowing what exists and who you are is enough to inform you to make ideal choices. - Israelmore Ayivor
...I fear that some of us understand just enough about the gospel to feel guilty--guilty that we are not measuring up to some undefinable standard--but not enough about the Atonement to feel the peace and strength, the power and mercy it affords us. - Sheri Dew
Everything falls into place if you trust yourself enough to jump. - Teresa Marie Garcia
You Christians look after a document containing enough dynamite to blow all civilisation to pieces, turn the world upside down and bring peace to a battle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing more than a piece of literature. - Mahatma Gandhi
This I do know beyond any reasonable doubt. Regardless of what you are doing, if you pump long enough, hard enough and enthusiastically enough, sooner or later the effort will bring forth the reward. - Zig Ziglar
I see a good deal of talk from Washington about lowering taxes. I hope they do get 'em lowered enough so people can afford to pay 'em. - Will Rogers
My father chose my name , and my last name was chosen by my ancestors . That’s enough, I myself choose my way - Ali Shariati - علی شریعتی
You aren't really old until nothing is fun enough to make you forget the weather. - Robert Quillen
To be a great warrior is not enough. Flesh and blood, however skilled, can be destroyed... you must be more than just a man in minds of your opponents. - Compton Gage
What do you do when your words aren't enough? What do you do when your actions have no effect? What do you do when all the fibers of your existence scream just to be heard? And yet, only the most deafening silence returns the echoes of your screams. Is there something beyond words and action? - Hubert Martin
So much has been done to my body, and still, somehow, not enough. - Jennifer Elisabeth
Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
For men, women are their ‘counter weights’ and when that is not enough, their daughters are their ‘counter weights.’ One can’t do without a counter weight. Otherwise, he will fall over. - Dada Bhagwan
You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough. - Frank Crane
The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on. - Ulysses S. Grant
Choose your friends with caution, plan your future with purpose, and frame your life with faith.If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it. - Michael A. Johnson
Whoever extolleth him as a God of love, doth not think highly enough of love itself. Did not that God want also to be judge? But the loving one loveth irrespective of reward and requital. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I am always thirsty for love; my longing for love is never enough. - Debasish Mridha
You are my beautiful forever... a connection so deep that even an eternity doesn't seem long enough to spend with you. - Steve Maraboli
However my mother had once said, ‘When you go to art school, you’ll find everybody sitting around practicing how to do their signature'; and sure enough, there they were, some of them doing just that. - Richard Williams
Sometimes it's not enough to know what things mean, sometimes you have to know what things don't mean. - Bob Dylan
She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake. - Margot Asquith
Sex is one's consolation when love is not enough
Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
All of us want to do well. But if we do not do good, too, then doing well will never be enough. - Anna Quindlen
Greed and Lust never say, "Enough! - Ron Brackin
blessed are those who can find light in dark places, courageous enough to feel when it's time to reflect & hopeful enough to believe when all seems impossible. We don't have enough pioneers like this, and I wonder if it's because they were afraid to live and afraid to learn? - Nikki Rowe
A failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough. - Christian Nestell Bovee
The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Life is a recipe book our words always cook enough. - Kishore Bansal
The signs of sociopathy are usually there before we are abused; most of us just don’t know enough to recognize them - P. A. Speers
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I ain’t the only old woman looking. I’m just the only one honest enough to admit it. The others just hire the boy to cut their grass so they can sit at the window and drool. - Abbi Glines
Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
You only live once - but if you work it right, once is enough. - Joe E. Lewis
Every single man who is too stupid enough to realize how beautiful is God's creation through WOMEN and continuously lay his hand on them, he is not man enough to be classified with the rest of us. - Unarine Ramaru
Nothing in life is stronger than perseverance; time only promotes it, failure is afraid of it, negative people hide from it, and disease is affected by it. Even rocks give way to perseverance: because if water perseveres its impacts on the surface of a rock long enough, the rock starts to wither. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
One day is not enough to green our earth. Planting caring and love is also expecting our earth from us. Do it, It will heal not only the land but also your body and mind. - Karthikeyan V
It is the honey which makes us cruel enough to ignore the death of a bee - Munia Khan
People who say, it is not my fault, continuously fail. People who say, I’ve done no wrong, have not done enough right. People who say, I am done! are never done repeating the cycle. Even in the privacy of our own thoughts, we can’t sow lies and reap truth. - Katina Ferguson
Acquiring of wisdom is a function of inquisitiveness for information and keenness for learning. Plenty of resource and the gravity of flow will ensure a momentum good enough for learning. - Priyavrat Thareja
It's not about the extent to which something happened or did not happen; it's whether we choose to confront evil and call it what it is, or simply let it pass because it 'wasn't enough of a big deal'. - Joyce Rachelle
It begins with a character, usually, and once he stands up on his feet and begins to move, all I can do is trot along behind him with a paper and pencil trying to keep up long enough to put down what he says and does. - William Faulkner
I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. - Albert Einstein
People will always have opinions about your decision because they're not courageous enough to take action on their opinion. - Steve Maraboli
Just EnoughSoil for legsAxe for handsFlower for eyesBird for earsMushrooms for noseSmile for mouthSongs for lungsSweat for skinWind for mind - Nanao Sakaki
what it is...is a place where I can return to myself. It's enough of a scramble to get to...that the energy expended is significant, and it translates into a change in my body chemistry and my psychological chemistry and my heart chemistry... - Jay Salter
Have you ever come out of a dramatic, chaotic situation and said, I did everything I could, and it wasn’t enough?That’s because everything we can isn’t enough. It’s only enough when our everything joins with Christ’s everything. - Toni Sorenson
Oh, I simply can’t think. When I really want to depress myself, I think of all the brilliant men I know, married to their stupid wives. Enough to break your heart, it really is - Doris Lessing
What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough to embrace the whole truth: life always spills over the rim of every cup. - Boris Pasternak
May a man live well-, and long-enough, to leave many joyful widows behind him. - Roman Payne
If you weren't built for this life, you'd be dead by now. i think the problem is people don't share enough of their pain with the world, so they never know who else is in pain, too, and what others are going through. we're never really alone in anything. - Darnell Lamont Walker
If I had to do all the things I wanted in my life the time I have alive wouldn't be enough, so I choose those that keeps me closer to my purpose and God. - Evans Biya
To survive is not enough. To simply exist... is not enough!' - Roga Danar - Emily St. John Mandel
IF you want to learn, there is enough to learn till the last breath!! - Harrish Sairaman
Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained. - William Blake
When we are honest about the limitations we are self imposing it becomes necessary to cry out with determination and state you’ve had enough of the mediocrity of stagnation. - Heidi Reagan
I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence. - Eugene V. Debs
Only a fool would be patient enough to stay in a totalitarian love affair, and only the insincere will use anarchy to commit the sin of unfaithfulness. - Michael Bassey Johnson
His eyes are covered by impermeable marble, a solidity that can never be breached. You think there is gold and warmth behind the facade of cold, but if only you could see your reflection in the marble. You would see how you burn, how brightly you glow, enough to incinerate anyone else whole. - Hubert Martin
Mere hope isn't enough to change destiny. One must act. - Ogwo David Emenike
Not having enough talent seemed almost worse than not having any, because having a little meant having just enough to know what you lacked - Kat Howard
If I read enough about one country I sometimes found that the intensity of the reading removed by desire to travel there. - Paul Theroux
Neither have they hearts to stay. Nor wit enough to run away. - Samuel Butler
My health is only just good enough for myself alone, not good enough for marriage, let alone fatherhood. Yet when I read your letter, I feel I could overlook even what cannot possibly be overlooked. - Franz Kafka
I would like to say that I’m sacrificial. But am I sacrificial enough to acknowledge the fact that I’m not? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The visual of Satan isn’t one of a big red devil with horns. Even worse, it’s the picture of something good, twisted enough to be compelling. - Todd Stocker
I guess you were not my friend then, that's okay. I can see my true self, I can see yours, now. I guess that you did not look hard enough at mine. Or you would never have let me go. - Tina J. Richardson
To be beautiful is a good thing, for which we should thank Nature—to be attractive, morally, rather than physically, is, however, a thing for which we should thank Nature even more, if she be good enough to have endowed us with that lasting quality. - Duchess
I never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
If you have a big destiny, you're going to have to meet and face some big demons. But the good news is that your strength and power is big enough to conquer them all. You are strong enough to overcome all obstacles in your way and to fulfill your Destiny. - Jeanette Coron
Just the sight of one another, just the sight of our smiles was enough to fill our hearts with the joy of seeing each other again. - Sawada Tsunayoshi
It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well. - Rene Descartes
No matter what is happening in the world, I continue to believe in humanity. The power of positive thinking is always enough. - Britt Skrabanek
Put your heart into even the smallest seemingly insignificant acts possible. Then be patient enough for the universe to give back to you what you reap. - Matthew Donnelly
My author role model is Kurata Misako. I want to be rich enough to drive from room to room in my home but also down to earth enough to let squirrels live in my hair. - Christy Leigh Stewart
Writing is the one thing I know I will never grow tired of in life; the one thing I could do until the day I die and still feel like I haven’t done enough. - Allison J. Kennedy
The consensus seemed to be that if really large numbers of men were sent to storm the mountain, then enough might survive the rocks to take the citadel. This is essentially the basis of all military thinking. - Terry Pratchett
We are not here to match and homogenize and agree on every point. One size of spirituality does not fit all. We are here to be our divine selves, boldly, passionately, respectfully, to the absolute best of our ability and this, this is more than enough. - sera break
The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough. - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Being strong isn't enough, being at limit is the real success. Why? 'cause the heaven is the only N' one limit to fly as away as you can. - Metamorphosis 1398
Amidst the swirling tides of frustration and overwhelm, there is always enough time to take a step back, gather your thoughts and say, I can do this! - Charles F. Glassman
I cannot imagine how much I must’ve suffered in my previous lives to be fortunate enough to have parents like you in this life. - Kamand Kojouri
You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. - C.S. Lewis
1887A lifetime isn't enough to know how a person will behave. - Jessie Burton
No drugs here, no manipulation of neurotransmitters that leaves our worldly problems unattended. And no talking cures because explicit insight is not needed. All that is required is courage: the courage to encounter discomfort and stay with it long enough to be changed by it, strengthened. - Jason Dias
One soul-mate is enough to face life's countless soul-enemies. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Is it not enough to dip your tongue into my soul and write poetry? - Evelyn Lielou Colon
Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music. - Sergei Rachmaninoff
If you're brave enough to get through the darkness then you shall shine in the light. - Matthew Donnelly
Difficult situations create exploitable opportunities for those strong enough to persevere. - Chad Bowen
When starting out, don’t worry about not having enough money. Limited funds are a blessing, not a curse. Nothing encourages creative thinking in quite the same way. - H. Jackson Brown
You'll never do a whole lot unless you're brave enough to try.
carry your wounds with pride, Believe in yourself; amongst greatest of catastrophe' You grew into the being you are And I think that in itself, is certainly enough. - Nikki Rowe
You don't need an army always to win battlesFew Warriors are enough to win ...... - Adil Adam Memon
There is never enough time, unless you're serving it. - Malcolm Forbes
A scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions, thus: 1. What am I trying to say? 2. What words will express it? 3. What image or idiom will make it clearer? 4. Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? - George Orwell
On Collateral Damage: "Every limb lost, every hovel burned, every wife left husbandless, and every child orphaned created ripples of anger and resentment. Create enough of them, and we'll one day wind up with a wave that will wash us off the map. - Chris Holm
If they're dumb enough to walk away be , strong enough to let them go - Various
To be clever enough to get all that money, one must be stupid enough to want it. - G.K. Chesterton
I forgive, but I also learn a lesson. I won’t hate you, but I’ll never get close enough for you to hurt me again. I can’t let my forgiveness become foolish. - Tony Gaskins
Have you failed today? If not, you might not be trying hard enough. Failure is a part of growth, a stepping stone towards success. In its own right it is a small victory and should be celebrated as such. So I ask you again, have you failed today? - Shane E. Bryan
Lay on, Macduff, And damn'd be him that first cries, "Hold, enough!" - William Shakespeare
If you think something is boring, try doing it for two minutes. If you still think it's boring, try it for four. If you still think it's boring, try it for eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two, and so on and so forth. Soon enough you'll find that it's really not boring at all. - John Cage
You only live life once; but if you live it right, once is enough.
Living life ONCE is enough...if you live life RIGHT. - John Paul Warren
Some feel lucky, if they haven't got to be happy, as they don’t like their frame of mind to be unravelled and prefer to be left well enough alone. ( "C’est quand le bonheur ?" ) - Erik Pevernagie
Writing fiction is one of the greatest forms of empathy. It's not enough to simply write from the perspective of your characters...you have to feel what they feel. - Melody Robinette
No matter how banal the contents, there is always something that touches me. For someone now dead once thought these words significant enough to write them down. - Diane Setterfield
I incessantly look for water in wells dug by men, and I have drunk enough sand to prove it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Air, Food, Water, Shelter, Love and Godis what we all need to live.If one more thing is missing, it's being wise.WISE enough to consume them wisely. - Bradley B. Dalina
Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for. - Dag Hammarskjold
What can I wish to the youth of my country who devote themselves to science? ...Thirdly, passion. Remember that science demands from a man all his life. If you had two lives that would not be enough for you. Be passionate in your work and in your searching. - Ivan Pavlov
Because ENOUGH is TOO MUCH!And look around ...can you blame us?! - Morrissey
One good thing about being young is that you are not experienced enough to know you cannot possibly do the things you are doing. - Gene Brown
The only path wide enough for us all is love. - Kamand Kojouri
If you wish to make good art, then you must believe you already do. Otherwise, you will never be good enough. - Luhraw
I shall never have a bath again," I said. "Just dont have one too often," my grandmother said. "Once a month is quite enough for a sensible child." It was at times like these that I loved my grandmother more than ever. - Roald Dahl
We are all crazy enough to hear the voices but not strong enough to listen - Saahil Prem
Just being honest is not enough. The essential ingredient is executive integrity.
The sharp knife of a short life, wellI've had, just enough time. - Kimberly Perry
Always think extra hard before crossing over to a bad side, if you were weak enough to cross over, you may not be strong enough to cross back! - Victoria Addino
It is not enough to hope for something to happen and throw it into the universe. You, too, must also work to make it happen. - M.B. Dallocchio
Thousands of reason are too less to make me sad but a single reason is enough to make me smile. - Raaz Ojha
If you're brave enough to love, and forgive, and call up the factofabulous memories... there's no curse in the world that has any power over you. - Natalie Lloyd
To all those women -- strong enough to be heroes; fair enough to be ladies. This song is for you. - Robert Fanney
When you’re given the gift of truth, you spend a lot of time trying to tone it down because it is already offensive enough. - Shannon L. Alder
Do not blame your parents for not working hard enough to birth you with silver spoon in your mouth because tomorrow you will be a parent and your children will in turn blame you for not giving birth to them with the desired silver spoon. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
The greatest mystery is not that we have been flung at random between the profusion of matter and of the stars, but that within this prison we can draw from ourselves images powerful enough to deny our nothingness. - Andre Malraux
If your child is constantly interrupting or doing other things to get your attention, he is not getting enough communication of the right kind. Just the fact that you are in the house with him all day does not mean that you are necessarily devoting any time to com- munication of his choice. - Ruth Minshull
One only knows the sins of democracy against virtue when one is worthy enough to suffer from them. - Raheel Farooq
A consequence may be the very thing that saves us because it was the only thing loud enough to get our attention. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
There's this big pie in show business, and you physically can't eat the whole pie. If you give everybody a slice of pie, you will still have more than enough. The real trick is not to try to get the whole pie, but to keep the biggest slice. - Jay Leno
We are in God’s hands. We can’t come up with a surprise big enough or a sin vile enough to thwart His plan. If we allow Him to refine us we will inevitably end up free from the impurities that separate us from Him. - Toni Sorenson
My vision is to change the world and paint it with a brush that is powerful enough to make us one. - Morgan Chabane
My experience of chaotic lessons has humbled me enough to know, I could have it worse than I do I now and positive enough to know I can be where I want to be, someday. - Nikki Rowe
It is not enough to aim; you must hit. - Italian Proverb
Trust each other again and again. When the trust level gets high enough, people transcend apparent limits, discovering new and awesome abilities for which they were previously unaware.
The best hope is that one of these days the ground will get disgusted enough just to walk away - leaving people with nothing more to stand on than what they have so bloody well stood for up to now.
Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known. - Garrison Keillor
Speechless is not even a good enough word to describe what I feel when I see the pictures of how we have transformed the world from the good to bad, from natural to artificial, physical appearance to daily makeup. I think I want to go with the word ENRAGED, DISGUSTED, or better yet INSULTED . - Auliq-Ice
We’re all ridiculous… all of us. It’s as though we use a lit torch to search for light. You are enough. Know this and proceed through life accordingly. - Steve Maraboli
When that light within begins to dim, fan the flame just enough to spark something! - Sanjo Jendayi
Our government needs the church, because only those humble enough to admit they're sinners can bring democracy the tolerance it requires to survive - Ronald Reagan
The secret to your purpose is to find what you feel is important, and not pursue what others would think is important. When you think highly of yourself, me thinking highly of you will never be enough! - Shannon L. Alder
To be a god can ultimately become boring and degrading. There'd be reason enough for the invention of free will! A god might wish to escape into sleep and be alive only in the unconscious projections of his dream-creatures. - Frank Herbert
Have a big enough heart to love unconditionally, and a broad enough mind to embrace the differences that make each of us unique. - D.B. Harrop
We do not have to dig deep into history to understand the reality. The examples of Saddam Hussain, who was executed after a sham trial and the case of Muammar Gaddafi, who killed after surrendering in broad daylight, have given enough factual reality to understand the painful truth. - Nilantha Ilangamuwa
Being assertive enough to avoid being coerced into sex sounds like a good skill to learn. But you have to wonder what the corresponding page on Challenges said: Try not to rape your girlfriend? - Moira Wegel
You can write any time people will leave you alone and not interrupt you. Or rather you can if you will be ruthless enough about it. But the best writing is certainly when you are in love. - Ernest Hemingway
Timing is only lack of enough emotions. - Shannon L. Alder
If we were rational enough to judge what we are fed based on what we are fed, those in the business of selling us hope (i.e., public speakers, presidents, priests, etc.) wouldn't wear suits. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Rules such as "Write what you know," and "Show, don't tell," while doubtlessly grounded in good sense, can be ignored with impunity by any novelist nimble enough to get away with it. There is, in fact, only one rule in writing fiction: Whatever works, works. - Tom Robbins
Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know better. - Anonymous
O my soul, is not this enough? Dost thou need more strength than the omnipotence of the United Trinity? Dost thou want more wisdom than exists in the Father, more love than displays itself in the Son, or more power than is manifest in the influences of the Spirit? - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The legacy I leave will be unimaginably enhanced by the legacies I received. Therefore, I must be wise enough to embrace the history of those who have gone before me so that I can shape the future of those who will go ahead of me. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I used to think that I could never lose anyone if I photographed them enough. In fact, my pictures show me how much I’ve lost. - Nan Goldin
There are enough reasons to live your life happily rather than sacrificing it for a lie. - M.F. Moonzajer
To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time. - Leonard Bernstein
I love people that read. I think it screams humility. When someone reads, they are essentially admitting they want more, that the world is not enough for them. They want more knowledge, more experience. Whatever this life is, they want more of it. - Nicholas Browne
Some people are constructive, if you like. Others are destructive. It's this diversity in humankind that results in some making positive contributions and some negative contributions. It's necessary to have enough to make positive contributions to overcome the problems of each age. - Jonas Salk
A word to the wise is enough. - Titus Maccius Plautus
There is more than enough for everyone. Any idea of lack and so its experience comes from fear. Fear powers greed, which encourages people to save for later just for themselves. - Raphael Zernoff
There are those that wonder which is worse: Not being able to reach out or not having anyone to reach for. There are some that ponder which is the greater ache: Not being able to tell or not having anyone that cares enough to ask. Perhaps it’s not one person that is to blame, but both. - Donna Lynn Hope
Love was not enough to fight or i was not worth for fight. - Arzum Uzun
When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. - Napoleon Hill
The actual confident man, the man truly sure of himself, is not he who esteems himself higher than others, but he who is sure enough that he can bear to esteem others higher than himself. - Criss Jami
What is she doing here? I wondered. Hasn't she had enough green-upping? - Lisa Papademetriou
Never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. People will take you very much at your own reckoning. - Anthony Trollope
We all have strength enough to endure the misfortunes of others. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough, You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. - James M. Barrie
In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks. - Bill Watterson
Most of the time, yesterday’s level of increase will not be enough to secure tomorrow"s increase - Sunday Adelaja
There was enough ice.So I thought. For my drink.When I used it all,I cut her heart out and used it instead.I never ran out of ice that night. - Mrinaal
If thy words be too luxuriant, confine them, lest they confine thee. He that thinks he can never speak enough, may easily speak too much. A full tongue and an empty brain are seldom parted. - Francis Quarles
My library Was dukedom large enough. - William Shakespeare
It is an illuminating sign of beauty's generation by desire, that when the object of desire is securely won, the sense of its beauty languishes; few men are philosopher enough to desire what they have, and fewer still can find beauty in what no longer stirs desire. - Will Durant
It's bad when they don't treat you right... but it's tragic that you continue to allow it. Let today be the day you love yourself enough to say, NEVER AGAIN! - Steve Maraboli
Stuffed deer heads on walls are bad enough, but it’s worse when you see them wearing dark glasses, having streamers around their necks and a hat on their antlers. Because then you know they were enjoying themselves at a party when they were shot. - Ellen DeGeneres
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself. - Groucho Marx
I try to make the music give people a chance to become engrossed with what they hear enough to possibly experience things they've probably experienced on their own but don't normally let themselves go so as to feel them fully. - Oliver
When two creatures meet, the one that is able to intimidate its opponent is recognized as socially superior, so that a social decision does not always depend on a fight; an encounter in some circumstances may be enough. - Hediger
Capitalism: Teach a man to fish, but the fish he catches aren't his. They belong to the person paying him to fish, and if he's lucky, he might get paid enough to buy a few fish for himself. - Karl Marx
Although we may wish for more or strive to do better than we have, in these times it is enough to keep your soul. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
The price for being intelligent enough to be the first species to be fully aware of the cosmos might just be a capacity to feel a whole universe’s worth of darkness. - Matt Haig
You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment unless you trust enough. - Frank Crane
I can't see the point in the theatre. All that sex and violence. I get enough of that at home. Apart from the sex, of course.
If you cannot find an element of Humour in something, your not taking it seriously enough. - Ilyas Kassam
A place that proves if you get enough talented people in a room, one or two are bound to offer some helpful advice. Kind if like monkeys with typewriters. - A. Lee Martinez
He loved her for almost everything she was & she decided that was enough to let him stay for a very long time. - Brian Andreas
Only a book is enough to change the course of your life. - Aman Jassal
Leave. Just leave while I am still strong enough to let you go. - Perky Peppermint
Even as a child, even as my blood-past was drained from me, I understood that if I were strong enough to accept it, I was being offered a second history. - Anne Michaels
An entrepreneur is someone who can make enough money to pay for their mistakes. - Jayson Gaignard
One Lifetime is not enough. - Maurice Northmore
Max: "You'll never be good enough to deserve her, you know."Ash: "God doesn't always give you what you deserve," Ash said quietly. "Sometimes he gives you what you can't live without. - Teresa Medeiros
Be bold enough to appreciate. Be strong enough not to criticize. - Debasish Mridha
Either you have dreams big enough to overcome your fears or you have fears big enough to overcome your dreams. - Orrin Woodward
We were still young enough to remember the cubist architecture of the piles of corpses we had seen during the war. - George Konrád
Trouble is part of your life -- if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough. - Dinah Shore
Life isn't long enough for love and art. - W. Somerset Maugham
Why did you leave? Am I not good enough? Where did you go? When did it happen? ..Who are you? - Ade Santi
Being inspired by a great personality is not enough. You have to take actions to succeed. - Debasish Mridha
Stop pretending to be something you're not. FREE YOURSELF. You are good enough just the way you are. - Karen A. Baquiran
I was drunk but not drunk enough to say what I wanted, that we don't live our lives so much as come to them, as different people and things collect mysteriously around us. - Michael Byer
Be humble to see your mistakes, courageous to admit them, and wise enough to correct them. - Amine A. Ayad
Praise in the beginning is agreeable enough; and we receive it as a favor; but when it comes in great quantities, we regard it only as a debt, which nothing but our merit could extort.
Some have half-baked ideas because their ideals are not heated up enough.
People come to me for the solution of their problem, if my knowledge and experience is not enough to solve the problem, I go to my library read the relevant book and provide the solution. - Amit Kalantri
If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems - Frank Wilczek
A year ago, you fell into my arms and I felt some crazy connection to you. I'm sure as hell not good enough for you, and I'm sure as hell not making any promises, but I'm damn sure you were worth waiting for. - Victoria James
acquaintance, n.: A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. - Ambrose Bierce
No house is big enough for the rule of two women. - Marion Zimmer Bradley
Eventually, there will not be enough prisons if there are not enough good homes.
It's hard enough bein' people as it is, without other people coming and messin' you around. - Terry Pratchett
It is not enough to be a man... you have to become an idea... a terrible thought... a wraith- indeed- Become one with the darkness. - Compton Gage
The way to achieve your goals is step by step, you just need to build enough track, to be ahead of the train." ~ - John Milton Lawrence
I am too much alien and not enough monkey to fit in here. - Melissa St. Hilaire
If your grip on coins of life is not strong enough than they will gradually slip away from your hands,for surely one day you will find that your hands are empty - Kiran
Loneliness is a state when you have not yet grown to love yourself enough. - Robert Black
The only real limitation on your abilities is the level of your desires. If you want it badly enough, there are no limits on what you can achieve. - Brian Tracy
Above all, never think you're not good enough. Never think that. In life people will take you at your own reckoning. - Isaac Asimov
Sadly enough, individual liberty remains the ideal of revolutionary thinkers even in the 21st Century. - A.E. Samaan
We attract what we're meant to because we're aware & self-empowered enough to choose most of the time. Other times we have lessons to learn - Jay Woodman
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. - Christopher Morley
The only way to last a really long time is to build something useful enough that people will want to keep it going after you die, and to cultivate a sense of ownership in other people. In short: make good shit and give it away as fast as you can. - Lisa Williams
If a girl is stupid enough to love you after you broke her heart, I guarantee you, she is the one. - Anonymous
The only thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give is enough love. - Henry Miller
If you play "I Don't Want To Know" by Fleetwood Mac loud enough -- you can hear Lindsey Buckingham's fingers sliding down the strings of his acoustic guitar. ...And we were convinced that this was the definitive illustration of what we both loved about music; we loved hearing the INSIDE of a song. - Chuck Klosterman
At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time. - Friedrich Nietzsche
With just enough of learning to misquote. - Lord Byron
To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it. - Osho
When you view your world exclusively through the lens of science, your prescription will never be strong enough. - Jay Nichols
She wondered why they didn't understand that their true selfs were good enough, and if they weren't, then the someones they weren't good enough for, were really the ones not good enough. - Lynsay Sands
If you are a kind person and love animals, you may be lucky enough to find the Magic Valley. There you will discover a land where snow leopards play and mountains smile. I should tell you, though, that it will be a very hard journey. But I should also tell you that it is well worth the effort. - Helen Freeman
Of course we need to accept ourselves as we are, but we can't stop there. We also need to value ourselves enough make needed changes. - Steve Goodier
She wore her pain like lingerie, only who loved her enough, got to see it. - Himanshu Chhabra
I don't care to be someone's first love, I care to be their second or third; after every heartbreak they had experienced, I was worthy enough for them to move forward and this to me is greater than any first's of someone's heart. - Nikki Rowe
Hope is like a piece of string when you're drowning; it just isn't enough to get you out by itself.
There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction. The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, the responsibility lies with you. - J. K. Rowling
We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders. - Walter Cronkite
Everyone loves it, everyone wants it, But someone who has enough guts to take it are considered as sluts...Why? Why does world has to be full of double-faced hypocrites? - Nirja
Why should I want to make anything up? Life's bad enough as it is without wanting to invent any more of it. - Douglas Adams
You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough. - William Blake
Instead of letting our emotions run amok with our minds, we can use our minds as tools that allow us to build realities that serve us better,and we attract what we are meant to attract because we are aware and self-empowered enough to choose most of the time. - Jay Woodman
If your love for your wife can be measured, it is not big enough. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When will you be brave enough to recognize your success story? - andrea T Goeglein
If time flies when you're having fun, it hits the afterburners when you don't think you're having enough. - Jef Mallett
I do not believe in any religion, I will have nothing to do with immortality. We are miserable enough in this life without speculating upon another. - George Gordon Byron
Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots. - Frank A. Clark
Enough organization, enough lists and we think we can control the uncontrollable. - John Mankiewicz
The whole of the world could be deduced from the smallest grain of sand, if one studied it closely enough. - Christopher Paolini
To be fulfilled and happy it is enough simply to exist. - Marty Rubin
If you want it enough, you find strength to work for its achievement. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The end of wisdom is to dream high enough to lose the dream in the seeking of it. - William Faulkner
Your dreams will be your reality if you don't fear them and have enough courage to act on them. - Debasish Mridha
No book can ever be finished. While working on it we learn just enough to find it immature the moment we turn away from it - Karl R. Popper
It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. - Winston S. Churchill
there is no action kind enough to express heartbreak. I am left shut, the quietest of blossoms. - Stella Padnos
If you give them enough of yourself, they might realize that you're bleeding out from the pieces of you you keep giving them, and maybe give you something back. But then they don't. So you sit there. Less than you were. - Danielle Jordan
Thanks God that he created me dumb and crazy enough to believe that I can create and invent in other than what i studied in and what they want me to be. - Hisham Fawzi
The Baptists' basic theology is that if you hold someone under water long enough, he'll come around to your way of thinking. It's a ritual known as 'Bobbing for Baptists.' - A. Whitney Brown
It is not enough to be good if you have the ability to be better.
I bet all I had on a thing called love; guess in the end it wasn't enough. And it's hard to watch you leave right now; I'm gonna have to learn to let you go somehow. - Carrie Underwood
I like not only to be loved, but also to be told that I am loved. I am not sure that you are of the same mind. But the realm of silence is large enough beyond the grave. This is the world of light and speech, and I shall take leave to tell you that you are very dear. - George Eliot
A simple enough pleasure, surely, to have breakfast alone with one's husband, but how seldom married people in the midst of life achieve it. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
If you feel like you're under control you're just not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti
Our culture is getting better and better at encouraging women to speak, but it’s not doing enough to listen to what they say when they do. - Lilit Marcus
Women, it is said, have a bad attitude toward sex. Women, it not said often enough, have a long-lived resentment against forced-sex and a longing for freedom. - Andrea Dworkin
I want to get enough [money] to take off the hardships of life and leave me free to follow the ideas that interest me the most. - Alexander Bell
Life is a battle of balance.Balance between attachment and detachment. Attach yourself enough, to feel the "Pain in others".Detach yourself enough, not to feel the "Paininflicted by others. - Wordions
Even if I told you what scares me, you wouldn't understand how it feels.So just so you know, I've travelled roads I had no idea where they'd take me to.And maybe I don't know much about life and its horrors but trust me, I know enough.And I can fix everything, like I always have. - Simran.M.Anthony
Anyone who isn't embarrassed of who they were last year probably isn't learning enough. - Alain de Botton
I believe that if a seven-year old kid has heard of Naked Lunch and is daring enough to want to read it, he’s old enough to read it. - John Waters
For a successful revolution it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity and importance of political and social rights. - B.R. Ambedkar
I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it. - Oprah Winfrey
Life is beautiful and this earth is heaven, but your mind is capable enough to create hell for you, on this very earth, if you go on living your life, without understanding. - Roshan Sharma
I write because, as wonderful as life is - and it is truly wonderful - it isn't enough. It does not, for example, contain dragons. I find this unsatisfactory. So I read. And I write. - Laini Taylor
We all believe that, we can’t buy love even if we are rich enough; but I think no one buys his own property. - M.F. Moonzajer
The mere ambition to write a poem is enough to kill it. - Henri Michaux
I read because one life isn't enough, and in the page of a book I can be anybody. - R. Peck
You really can change the world if you care enough. - Marian Wright Edelman
He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more. - P.G. Wodehouse
You only live once; but if you live it right, once is enough.
What's a cult? It just means not enough people to make a minority. - Robert Altman
I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think interior decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. - Anna Quindlen
Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been. - Alan Alda
Don't quit because it's hard. Quit because it's not hard enough - Yoan Alexandrov
Why the hell you have to feel bad! ... like " I am crazy"..... even if you are not !! many else out there .... feel the same in some point of time to be crazy enough, Hence.... let's just be practical and take light! "Be yourself to live the Life. - Praveen Chenna
There is sorrow enough in the natural wayFrom men and woman to fill our day;But when we are certain of sorrow in store,Why do we always arrange for more?Brothers & Sisters, I bid you bewareOf giving your heart to a dog to tear. - Rudyard Kipling
I fail enough and I beat myself up enough. I don't need anybody else to do it for me. - Jared Leto
I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird, and not enough the bad luck of the early worm. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
i loved him, every inch of his being, but i realised one day; if loving him meant losing me, than loving him was not enough anymore. - Nikki Rowe
I studied every page of this book, and I didn't find enough love to fill a salt shaker. God is not love in the Bible; God is vengeance, from Alpha to Omega. - Ruth Hurmence Green
[M]y grandmother...had always complained that our house didn't have a profile that was "significant enough. - Katie Crouch and Grady Hendrix, The White Glove War
Stay inside your head long enough and you may get trapped there. - Jayme K.
Your abilities are not enough to fulfill your wishes, so work considering your wishes and not your abilities. - Amit Kalantri
He didn't have to say much, It was all in his eyes ~ He didn't have to do much, It was enough, just to be at his side. - Nikki Rowe
If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti
I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. - Anna Quindlen
Only the best thoughts is good enough to carry you throughout today's journey. - Auliq-Ice
Be brave enough to never yearnFor that you cannot hold closeIn your heart forever.Tread lightly, cherish compassionAnd live in the moment without fear. - Scott Hastie
If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count. - Cynthia Stewart-Copier
Reality is not enough for us, that’s why we have invented art to create different realities! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Somebody once asked me if I made a lot of money, I said I made enough. He then asked why do it, if I'm only making enough. And I said I don't do what I do to be rich in my wallet, I do what I do to be rich in life. - Lisa Abu-Bakr
What moves men of genius, or rather, what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is not enough. - Edouard Delacroix
If you’re not far enough along to be able to decide, you’re not ready. - Auliq Ice
I can tell you I love you as many times as you can stand to hear it, but all it does is remind us that love is not enough. Not even close. - Mark Andrus
Her existence alone was excuse enough to justify the creation of the entire world. - Stephenie Meyer
I have every luxury imaginable, I own acres of land, and have enough money to buy the moon were it for sale. Though people think I have everything, it sometimes feels like my possessions own me; towering over me and reducing me into a small bundle of insignificance. - J. Matthew Nespoli
Fate lies in our hands, its just that we need to be brave enough to read it & desire enough to change it - Anamika Mishra
There is not enough religion in the world to destroy the world's religions. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Keep your goal challenging enough that you have to change to achieve it. - Debasish Mridha
There's enough of everything to go around for everybody but not without awareness and positive beliefs about abundance. - Mayra Mejia
Respect yourself enough to let go of someone who doesn’t see your worth. - Robert Tew
The ecstasy of wrath is not enough for vengeance! - anonyms
All their life, people work hard to earn money, and they never earn enough money to fulfill their dreams. Is this a paradox? - Saurabh Sharma
It seems that the necessary thing to do is not to fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from blunders to correct them eventually. - Abraham H. Maslow
Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win. - Jonathan Kozol
That's the difference between me and the rest of the world! Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!
You will have more fun on your vacation if you maintain a mental age of 18 or less. Act just old enough to make your travel connections and stay out of trouble.
Life is like this roller coaster you can’t wait to be tall enough and old enough to get on. But when you get on it you realize you’re afraid of roller coasters. - Evan Rauch
The worst thing about being unhappy is not being strong enough to leave the situation. - Ron Baratono
Oh, he was a decent-enough high school student, good grades and well-liked, but his test scores were nothing to write home about. He might as well have Christmas-treed the math test. - Thomas Christopher Greene
If you're not aiming at perfection, you're not trying hard enough. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
A mere love of wisdom is often enough to make oneself wiser. - Raheel Farooq
To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered. - Voltaire
Sometimes I don't have enough energy to be social. I need time alone to recover from the last time I went out. - Tina J. Richardson
I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough in me to confess my errors and to retrace my steps. - Mahatma Gandhi
Enough is never enough. - Debasish Mridha
Living is not enough; we must live an illuminated life. - Debasish Mridha
Maybe you yhink you're not perfect,not pretty enough,or smart enough,but for some guy,you're pefect just the way you are.that's your perfect man. - Yuchita Erayani
Everyone has the same amount of hours per day, it’s not that you don’t have enough time, it’s that you don’t have a clear focus - Bridget English
Just feel forgiveness in your heart. The universe will hear you and that will be enough. - Maria Erving
If you listened hard enough the first time, you might have heard what I meant to say. - Unknown
Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enought to know they were impossible. - Doug Larson
Both she and I have grief enough and trouble enough, but as for regrets neither of us have any. - Vincent Van Gogh
There are times when I think that the ideal library is composed solely of reference books. They are like understanding friends—always ready to meet your mood, always ready to change the subject when you have had enough of this or that. - J. Donald Adams
Never expect people to understand, respect or love you , they are just a bunch of dirty flesh and fake skins. Staring to eat you when you are fat enough. - M.F. Moonzajer
There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less. - G.K. Chesterton
Some of the world's biggest challenges can be solved by some of the world's most marginalized communities themselves. The moment you inject information, education, and an entrepreneurial spark in a community, it gets empowered enough to inspire, build, and uplift itself. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
Honesty pays, but it doesn't seem to pay enough to suit some people. - Kin Hubbard
Listening with the focus of actually understanding what the other person is trying to communicate is priceless, a talent that everyone possesses but not something that is practiced enough. - Christine Marie Bryant
If the brain was simple enough to be understood - we would be too simple to understand it! - Minsky M.A.
The world might not see it or think of it,But you are enough to have someonesacrificed for you.That should tell you that not every hardshipyou go through is permanent,It is just temporary.It's like a starter,You still have the dessert to enjoy. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
I really can't stress this enough. If you want to make an impact, don't simply sit idly by and 'hope' for courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the decision made in determining what is more important than fear. - M.B. Dallocchio
You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through. - Rosalynn Carter
It is well enough that the people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. - Henry Ford
A feeling of real need is always a good enough reason to pray. - Hannah Whitall Smith
You change for two reasons. Either you learn enough that you want to or you've been hurt enough that you have to. - Kate McGahan
It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.... - Nicole Richie
Your single not because you are not good enough for one, it's that you're too good for the wrong one. - Chris Burkmenn
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' But eating too many, is quite enough-plenty. And you'll have to go see the good doc anyway. - Solange nicole
You read enough books in which people like you are disposable, or are dirt, or are silent, absent, or worthless, and it makes an impact on you. Because art makes the world, because it matters, because it makes us. Or breaks us. - Rebecca Solnit
Those who doubt themselves will doubt you. Those who limit themselves will try to limit you. Do not fight them. Smile, go your own way, and trust that your example is enough. - Vironika Tugaleva
We are the choice elected fewLet all the rest be damnedThere is room enough in hell for youWe won’t have heaven crammed! - Roland H. Bainton
Be brave enough to be simple and humble. - Debasish Mridha
I can't even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there's a subway handy, or a record store or some other sign that people do not totally regret life. It's more important to confirm the least sincere. The clouds get enough attention as it is... - Frank O'Hara
Mistakes are a great educator when one is honest enough to admit them and willing to learn from them
Improvement is not enough, you also needs innovation. - Amit Kalantri
Whole worlds’ darkness is not enough to dark the blaze of a candle.. - Sarvesh Jain
Everywhere I go, I am asked if I think university stifles writers. My opinion is that it doesn't stifle enough of them. - Flannery O'Connor
told me I wasn't enough. it's funny how your weakness was blamed on how strong I am - -Shergill
No man is wise enough by himself. - Titus Maccius Plautus
See the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin Williams
Books are good enough in their own way, but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. - Robert Louis Stevenson
We know enough at this moment to say that the God of Abraham is not only unworthy of the immensity of creation; he is unworthy even of man. - Sam Harris
There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. - Ayn Rand
If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough. - Meister Eckhart
Giving up doesn't make you a quiter, a loser or a failure.It makes you wise enough to stop holding on to what refuses to be held.Hence i say, letting go hurts,but holding on to what is no longer therehurts even more. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche
A farm is an irregular patch of nettles bounded by short-term notes, containing a fool and his wife who didn't know enough to stay in the city.
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin Williams
Love, I find, is like singing. Everybody can do it enough to impress themselves, though it may not impress the neighbors as being very much. - Zora Neale Hurston
It doesn't matter how much his mother loves him; love is not enough to keep any of us alive. - Lauren DeStefano
Never chase a person that doesn't know your worth because the moment you catch him you will always feel you were never good enough. - Shannon L. Alder
You can do anything you want to do, if you want to do it bad enough. - Tim Carter my dad
If you talk enough, you don't feel you have to _do_ anything.
I think it's about time we voted for senators with breasts. After all, we've been voting for boobs long enough. - Claire Sargent
Book knowledge is not enough. Experiential knowledge is essential for success in life. - Debasish Mridha
A penny will hide the biggest star in the Universe if you hold it close enough to your eye.
Be courageous enough to forgive yourself; never forget to be compassionate to yourself. - Debasish Mridha
If you search enough, you will find. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Sometimes when you are sad enough , your soul becomes ghost for you. - Irfan ishaq
Again Creb grunted. It was the usual noncommittal comment used by men when responding to a woman. It carried only enough meaning to indicate the woman had been understood, without acknowledging too much significance in what she said. - Jean M. Auel
One should love oneself enough not to love oneself too much. - Marty Rubin
What have I to prove, and to whom, and why? I'm keen enough to want nothing more than to live a simple, humble, unfettered life. - Donna Lynn Hope
There’s a small window of opportunity to apologize sometimes after you’ve terribly wronged someone. It closes. Sometimes forever, but it never opens wide enough again for a good breeze. - Darnell Lamont Walker
If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not a poet enough to call forth its riches; for to the creator there is no poverty and no poor indifferent place. - Rainer Maria Rilke
If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by. - Japanese Proverb
Three failures denote uncommon strength. A weakling has not enough grit to fail thrice. - Minna Thomas Antrim
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. - Gerald R. Ford
Don't stop until you get enough. - Michael James Jackson
At your absolute best, you still won't be good enough for the wrong person. At your worst, you'll still be worth it to the right person. - Karen Salmansohn
[Speaking about writing her first novel] You have to be passionate enough about it and I was. - Kristyn Van Cleave
If You Are Not Getting Any Kind of Negative Feedback, Than You Probably Are Not Working Hard Enough. - Chris Mentillo
As to the causation, of the feeling of meaningless, one may say, albeit in an oversimplifying way, that people have enough to live by but nothing to live for; they have the means but no meaning. - Viktor E. Frankl
Give me just enough information so that I can lie convincingly. - Stephen King
All the inspiration that you need is already inside you. You just have to be determined enough to let it out. - Jason Landry
A tragedy need not have blood and death; it's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness that is the pleasure of tragedy. - Jean Racine
The ideal home: big enough for you to hear the children, but not very well. - Mignon McLaughlin
If you're not hated by many, you're not good enough yet, because God hates and always hated the majority for good reasons. - Daniel Marques
I am the only force strong enough to stop me. - Naya S. Wood
Success from the financial and from the prestige point of view . . . is not enough; what matters even more is . . . adherence to high moral and aesthetic standards." as quoted in "High Financier" by Niall Ferguson - Siegmund Warburg
Every problem can be solved, you just have to work hard enough, or sometimes be lucky enough to find the solution. - Laurie W.J.N.
You don't have to suffer to be a poet; adolescence is enough suffering for anyone. - John Ciardi
I exist as I am, that is enough. - Walt Whitman
If you are not big enough to lose, you are not big enough to win.
When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can't ever be voted out of existence. - Larken Rose
Knowing is not enough. You must accept My blessings in order to attain a better life. You must embrace a higher level of consciousness. - Mary B. Morrison
To be clever enough to get a great deal of money, one must be stupid enough to want it. - George Bernard Shaw
A modern U.S. Navy cruiser now requires 26 tons of manuals. This is enough to affect the vessel's performance.
Forgetting about our mistakes and our wounds isn't enough to make them disappear. - Ai Yazawa
To go and see one druidical temple is only to see that it is nothing, for there is neither art nor power in it; and seeing one is quite enough. - Samuel Johnson
Believe in yourself. Under-confidence leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy that you are not good enough for your work. - Roopleen
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. - Mahatma Gandhi
That single thought is enough. The impulse increases to a wish, the wish to a desire, the desire to an uncontrollable longing, and the longing (to the deep regret and mortification of the speaker, and in defiance of all consequences,) is indulged. - Edgar Allan Poe
I'll let you in on a secret ...How to avoid taking a wrong turn. I speak from experience. Don't blame the world around you. The world is very much larger ...than you realize. Large enough to embrace all of you. - Yellow Tanabe
True evil is unlikely to receive an invitation from us, so it clothes itself in just enough truth to make itself look appealing and then it looks to unpeel us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Maybe she would have done more good as a playwright than as a doctor, after all clichés were like plaque in the arteries of the imagination, they clogged the sense of what was possible. Maybe if enough people had worked to demolish clichés, the world wouldn't have ended. - Charlie Jane Anders
There is no wall strong enough that love and kindness can't reach through. - Debasish Mridha
If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough. - Ann Landers
THIS is why democracy doesn't work! Too much talking leads to not enough violence! - Maritza Campos
The shift in thought frequency of a single individual has enough energy to light up the world’s lighthouses—we hold that much power within us. - Pooja Ruprell
My life is never perfect, but life is always a beautiful thing. I choose to see the beauty out of it. I choose to make it wonderful. I choose to love life and it loves me back in return. I may only have one life to live, but if I do it right, once is enough. - Diana Rose Morcilla
: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. - Harvey Dent
The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. - George Bernard Shaw
When you make an embarrassing mistake, learn to let the memories be enough to let you laugh about it today. - Julieanne O'Conner
He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough. - Lao-Tzu
Life. Too much of it, and not enough. The fear that it will end some day, and the fear that tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. - John Updike
It’s not enough to hear someone else’s voice or to sing someone else’s song or to play the note that you heard someone else play. I had to tune into my sound and by doing so, I have recovered not only the sound of my voice but the sound of my life. - Suzette Hinton
I'll have enough books when they fill my room like the stars fill the sky. - E.V. Fairfall
There’s never enough time for all the naps you want. - Carolyn V. Hamilton
Anger is enough to destroy you - Noormohammad Bhuayan
Be impatient enough to start going after your dreams now but patient enough to watch them manifest. - Matthew Donnelly
O the joy of my spirit--it is uncaged--it darts like lightning!It is not enough to have this globe or a certain time,I will have thousands of globes and all time. - Walt Whitman
We would not be ashamed of doing some of the things we do in private, if the number of sane human beings who do them in public were large enough. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Men build too many walls and not enough bridges. - Joseph Fort Newton
Balancing your money is the key to having enough. - Elizabeth Warren
I'm sure, the highest capacity of storage device, will not enough to record all our stories; because, everytime with you is very valuable data - cG9sYXJhZGl0aWE=
It's not enough merely to believe there is a God. You must believe in the God who is there. - Charles R. Swindoll
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a best-seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. - Flannery O'Connor
The very thought of such people’s intolerant worldview, their inflated sense of self superiority, and their callous imposition of their own beliefs on others was enough to fill her with rage. - Haruki Murakami
One of the principles of increase that provide enough demand for growth is vision - Sunday Adelaja
One word of encouragement can be enough to spark someone’s motivation to continue with a difficult challenge. - Roy T. Bennett
Most people aren't appreciated enough, and the bravest things we do in our lives are usually known only to ourselves. No one throws ticker tape on the man who chose to be faithful to his wife, on the lawyer who didn't take the drug money - Peggy Noonan
It takes time to earn trust and it takes time to learn to be open enough to work in at team in an effective way so that every contribution is "valuable" regardless of your personal opinion. - Auliq Ice
It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race. - Mark Twain
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need... but not every man's greed.
Some say the world will end in fire,Some say in ice.From what I've tasted of desire,I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twiceI think I know enough of hateTo say that for destruction iceIs also greatAnd would suffice. - Robert Frost
What we think is more important in life, is just an excuse for not trying hard enough for what is right in front of us... - Donna M. Zadunajsky
Maybe that's just what happens; you start out wanting to change the world through language, and end up thinking it's enough to tell a few jokes. - David Nicholls
If there is a single factor that makes spiritual direction effective as a change agency for the soul, it is this: spiritual direction holds our shame at bay long enough for us to see ourselves as God sees us in Christ. - Gary W. Moon
I never can love you deep enough or long enough to satisfy me. - Debasish Mridha
Are you brave enough to live your DASH: birth year death year? - andrea T Goeglein
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. - C.S. Lewis
The signs are just not subtle enough to pass onto oversight in lieu of self preservation. - Daleen Van Tonder
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. - Adolf Hitler
There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we have met the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. - Walt Kelly
Getting even with the person that broke your heart will never give you peace. The only thing that will heal your wounds is believing that God loves you enough to bring someone else into your life to respect you and love you in the way you deserve! - Shannon L. Alder
Grace is not just enough, it is more than enough. 2 Peter 1:2 - John Paul Warren
Knowing it without understanding it is enough for one to be qualified a fool;Understanding without relative adherence, masters one in foolishness. - Caleb Ricketts
If I am brave enough to stand against those who have been groomed by fear, I will recognize that where I get knocked down is all about where life begins, and has nothing to do with where it ends. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
You say how much I love you, "I never let my mind interfere when I'm with you", isn't it enough sign of how much I trust and love you...my dear! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Why do all great men, live not long enough, to see their greatness? - Borgohain J.
ADVICE, n. The smallest current coin. "The man was in such deep distress," Said Tom, "that I could do no less Than give him good advice." Said Jim: "If less could have been done for him I know you well enough, my son, To know that's what you would have done." Jebel Jocordy - Ambrose Bierce
The cable TV sex channels don't expand our horizons, don't make us better people, and don't come in clearly enough.
Reading stories is bad enough but writing them is worse. - L. M. Montgomery
Fighting makes us feel alive, until it kills us. If it doesn’t kill us, the pain of sitting alone with ourselves, quietly, under constant assault by our own thoughts and memories of war can easily be enough to make us wish we’d died in battle instead. - Agnostic Zetetic
You are an unusual, brilliant child who has not seen enough of life to grasp the full measure of human stupidity. - Ayn Rand
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. - Albert Einstein
I do not want peoples to miss me, They just remember me; is more than enough. - Shashank Rayal
Writing is like a lump of coal. Put it under enough pressure and polish it enough and you might just end up with a diamond. Otherwise, you can burn it to keep warm. - A.J. Dalton
Though the ancient poet in Plutarch tells us we must not trouble the gods with our affairs because they take no heed of our angers and disputes, we can never enough decry the disorderly sallies of our minds. - Michel de Montaigne
It's hard to get enough of something that almost works. - Vincent Felitti, MD
The innocent-sounding words Yes, it’s close enough to walk can easily lure the unsuspecting tourist into an exhausting day-long climb, requiring supplemental oxygen, crampons, and a pickax. - Maryrose Wood (The Hidden Gallery)
You can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar
[Addiction's] not about placating the bad dog - it's about feeding the good dog. You still have to feed the bad dog, but only enough so that the ASPCA doesn't bring you up on charges. - Robert Downey Jr.
I have been loved enough, now I want to be respected. - Amit Kalantri
The more of those little light bulbs that can turn on the better. Eventually you’ll have enough to light up a movie screen. - A.D. Posey
You will never change a prospective customer’s mind, my boy. There is a chance that he might make a new decision if enough reliable evidence comes his way, but to do that he has to want to listen - to hear it - and that requires trust and respect. - Chris Murray
Some children were lucky enough to have their Potter novels banned by witch-hunting school boards and micromanaging ministers. Is there any greater job than a book you're not allowed to read, a book you could go to hell for reading? - Ann Patchett
Speed eliminates all doubt. Am I smart enough? Will people like me? Do I really look all right in this plastic jumpsuit? - David Sedaris
It is not enough just to believe in Christ. We have to believe that He believes in us so we can believe in ourselves. That’s a sentence that deserves a re-read. - Toni Sorenson
My strength: My enemies, they keep me strong enough to face the worst - MB - Bharath Mamidoju
It is not enough to protect the source of the light; the paths of the light must be protected as well so that either we may reach the light or the light may reach us! - Mehmet Murat ildan
No man with a man's heart in him, gets far on his way without some bitter, soul searching disappointment. Happy he who is brave enough to push on another stage of the journey, and rest where there are living springs of water, and three score and ten palms.
One dictum I had learned on the battlefields of France in a far distant war: You cannot save the world, but you might save the man in front of you, if you work fast enough. - Diana Gabaldon
A male-female close-friendship hardly differs from a relationship; it takes "relating" to be friends. But sadly, not every relationship has friendship in it. It's just ironical that two people who are not good enough to be best friends are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
Silence is for fools. Communication is for leaders. Justice is for those brave enough to not stand another moment dealing with people that feel the solution to any problem is through cold indifference because of their lack of courage and insecurities. - Shannon L. Alder
Tales of glory Baby Tales Of our love I can’t stopThinking of you I can’t tell enough ……………… - sami abouzid
Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them. - John C. Maxwell
I’ll take a shower.Want company?Enough, Blake. Ayden stood and backhanded the big guy’s chest.Just trying to do my Hexy Knight duty. How about we carpool tomorrow, babe? You could sit on my lap. I make a great seat belt.Shut up, Blake, Ayden and I said in unison. - A&E Kirk
This is the right timeThey are the right peopleWill it be enough for mankind?From "The Rishis: Book of Secrets. - Robert Delgado
The frontispiece of Mr. 's book is enough to throw a Wernerian into fits. George Poulett Scrope - Lyell
We sometimes fear to bring our troubles to God, because they must seem small to Him who sitteth on the circle of the earth. But if they are large enough to vex and endanger our welfare, they are large enough to touch His heart of love. - R.A. Torrey
Material wealth alone is not enough to build a great nation. - Sunday Adelaja
Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death. - Erik H. Erikson
Love is the only reason that is reason enough - Kamand Kojouri
Being strong-willed is not enough, however. You also have to be hard on yourself. Someone who was strong-willed but self-indulgent would not be called determined. Determination implies your willfulness is balanced by discipline. - Paul Graham
The young, free to act on their initiative, can lead their elders in the direction of the unknown... The children, the young, must ask the questions that we would never think to ask, but enough trust must be re-established so that the elders will be permitted to work with them on the answers. - Margaret Mead
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it. - Stephen Leacock
If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Never say never, for if you live long enough, chances are you will not be able to abide by its restrictions. Never is a long, undependable time, and life is too full of rich possibilities to have restrictions placed upon it. - Gloria Swanson
If you want to write you must have faith in yourself. Faith enough to believe that if a thing is true about you, it is likely true about many people. And if you can have faith in your integrity and your motives, then you can write about yourself without fear. - Gordon Atkinson
Waves are like women, you can never get enough of them, always want a better, more dangerous one, and occasionally you get dumped. - Robert Black
There are not enough jails, not enough policemen, not even enough courts too enforce a law not supported by the people. - Hubert H. Humphrey
The ones who are insane enough to think that they can rule the world are always the ones who do. - Stefan Molyneux
If you have enough book space, I don't want to talk to you. - Terry Pratchett
Some people have a handful of ideas, but not enough time to realize them. - Eraldo Banovac
Be simple enough to feel the true joy of life. - Debasish Mridha
Be soft enough not to break; be kind enough to not get angry. - Debasish Mridha
If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
A good novel tells us the truth about its hero, but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. It does much more than that, it tells us the truth about its readers; and, oddly enough, it tells us this all the more the more cynical and immoral be the motive of its manufacture. - G.K. Chesterton
In time of poverty, you alone face is your fate. If your spirit is stronger enough, you will survive. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Make your reality large enough for your dreams. - Elizabeth Vongsaravanh
Because it’s no longer enough to be a decent person. It’s no longer enough to shake our heads and make concerned grimaces at the news. True enlightened activism is the only thing that can save humanity from itself. - Joss Whedon
There's a whole category of people who miss out by not allowing themselves to be weird enough. - Alain de Botton
It is enough if God approves of me and all are against me. - Lailah Gifty Akita
So long as we are brave enough to accept the consequences of our actions, no one can take away our freedom of choice. - Mike Norton
I always felt it wouldpass.I listened to the charges against meknowing some of them to be truebut certainly notimportant enoughto become the target ofviolence, envy,vengeance.I thought it would surelypass. - Charles Bukowski
I believe I have no prejudices whatsoever. All I need to know is that a man is a member of the human race. That's bad enough for me. - Mark Twain
Too many locks, not enough keys. - Sarah Dessen
Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time. - Maya Angelou
Don’t say you don’t have enough time or enough money to change the world. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Gandhi, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci and Jesus Christ. - Shannon L. Alder
Just imagine, among 8.7 million species, only one has become smart enough to ponder over the meaning of life. This simple evolutionary fact itself implies the gravitas of human life. - Abhijit Naskar
Creativity is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Creativity encircles the world. I am enough of a painter to draw freely upon my creativity. - Ane Krstevska
Beautiful enough to lure in prey, he said. Strong enough to clamp down and destroy, he said. - Tahereh Mafi
If you've never mistyped your password, it isn't complex enough. - D. Clarence Snyder
Maybe if we just lay beneath the stars long enough, all our worries will dissipate into the cosmos. And we can lay there motionless, yet sailing across the stars. - Trevor Driggers
Isn't this enough? Just this world? Just THIS? - Tim Minchin
What makes men of genius, or rather, what they make, is not new ideas, it is that idea - possessing them - that what has been said has still not been said enough. - Eugene Delacroix
Many people will often say you are a Smart, you are a Genius, give them a chance and they will say it enough for you to start believe it. When you get to that realization, Nothing will ever hold you back - David Sikhosana
We have enough space in our hearts, but we are afraid of allowing animals shit and mess around with our feelings. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Some guys like to undermine a girl's self-esteem with little verbal jabs. Eventually it all adds up. One bee sting doesn't hurt a horse, but enough bee stings can kill a horse. - Oliver Gaspirtz
Just a single cord is enough to be tangled - Munia Khan
I’m not interested in blind optimism, but I’m very interested in optimism that is hard-won, that takes on darkness and then says, ‘This is not enough.’ But it takes time, more time than we can sometimes imagine, to get there. And sometimes we don’t. - Colum McCann
No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. - Abraham Lincoln
Improvement is not enough, you also need innovation. - Amit Kalantri
I believe, given enough time, all of engineering will move to paradigms based on the biological cell. - Brian Bennudriti
If you love and care enough, you will give a lot, you will forgive a lot. - Nurudeen Ushawu
A good speech is like a miniskirt--long enough to over all the vital parts, short enough to entice and captivate listeners. - Naa Shalman
Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough. - Groucho Marx
You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose. - Abraham Lincoln
If I stopped loving Him, I would cease to believe in His love. If I loved God, then I would believe in His love for me. It's not enough to need it. We have to love first, and I don't know how. But I need it, how I need it. - Graham Greene
It's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything. - Nick Vujicic
Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress. When you're pissed off at someone and you're angry at them, you just haven't given them enough time. Just give them a little more time and they almost always will impress you. - Randy Pausch
Your presence is enough to go through life. More and more you observe life, more and more you can let lose yourself with the free flow of life. - Roshan Sharma
I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed. - James Thurber
If you are GOOD enough to let go of what you think is BETTER, God will grant you what is BEST - D WordSmith
But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Man is so intelligent that he feels impelled to invent theories to account for what happens in the world. Unfortunately, he is not quite intelligent enough, in most cases, to find correct explanations. So that when he acts on his theories, he behaves very often like a lunatic. - Aldous Huxley
I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. - Albert Einstein
If you say one lie enough times, it becomes truth people start to believe. (That's how it works - Extracted) - Deyth Banger
By hook or by crook, I hope that you will possess yourselves of money enough to travel and to idle, to contemplate the future or the past of the world, to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream - Virginia Woolf
I don't have any idea of who or what God is. But I do believe in some great spiritual power. I feel it particularly when I'm out in nature. It's just something that's bigger and stronger than what I am or what anybody is. I feel it. And it's enough for me. - Jane Goodall
Those of us who are brave enough to venture out, find so many things that we never knew within. - Linda Poindexter
Read enough books to build your sacred soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living isn't complicated enough - Carlos Luiz Zafon
I prefer to suffer than repent because I stand by my decision and capable enough top pay for it Or reap the beauty later. - Ravindra Shukla
If you're selfish enough to kill yourself write your suicide note on the back of your will - Stanley Victor Paskavich
To say that war is madness is like saying that sex is madness: true enough, from the standpoint of a stateless eunuch, but merely a provocative epigram for those who must make their arrangements in the world as given. - John Updike
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. - Herm Albright
Mine is the poverty of angels. I just don't give a damn about possessions and the like... What need have I for objects and luxury? I write, and that's enough.
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
If you're bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things, you don't have enough goals. - Lou Holtz
The distance between you and the door when you have had enough of your spouse is love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you love someone...feel it, speak it, show it, be it.If you don't feel inspired to show your love in this multidimensional manner...be kind enough to let them go...so they can find someone who will. - Steve Maraboli
You've got to be smart enough to write and stupid enough not to think about all the things that might go wrong. - Sarah Gilbert
If I spend every moment, for the rest of my days, thanking God for all his goodness to us, that would still not be enough. - Johanna Spyri
My definition of an expert in any field is a person who knows enough about what's really going on to be scared. - P. J. Plauger
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. - Og Mandino
When you do a good job, you'll feel like people are bothering you. If you have a product that's interesting enough, then people will come to you. - Joanna Angel
We talked about all the decades to come and how they would never be enough. - C.J. English
Once you are born in this world you’re old enough to die. - Søren Kierkegaard
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