Quotation Explorer - 'Bleeding'

You cannot drink the nectar of love without bleeding for its thorns. - Amit Howard
I see your bleeding dark side. I feel your angry heart. Reveals forbidden places. More monster yet alive... - Static-X
Everything bleeds into everything and fiction is just this funny desperate little attempt to staunch the bleeding. - Meghan Lamb
The blues was bleeding the same blood as me. - B.B. King
Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings. - Robert Benchley
Happiness comes more from loving than being loved; and often when our affection seems wounded it is only our vanity bleeding. To love, and to be hurt often, and to love again - this is the brave and happy life. - J. E. Buchrose
Licking your wounds will not stop the bleeding, but applying pressure will. - Orrin Woodward
My heart may be bruised and scarred, bleeding slow drip-drip with every thump and every other thump-thump that widens unsealable wounds. My heart is the strongest part of me. It's survived everything I've thrown at it and much more than it should. - Hubert Martin
I bruise easily and sometimes I can’t stop bleeding. - Jennifer Elisabeth
You're badly wounded.You're bleeding but not cut.You feel like dying but you're not.It’s a Love accident an emotional injury.You are not going to the hospital, aren't you?You don't need medicines and first aides, don't you?You just need to move on. Accept it, forgive and forget it. - Bradley B. Dalina
To stop the bleeding i pushed back the blood that was bleeding out of the hole in my heart. It kept overflowing when i missed you and im dying, not literally, but my heart is. - Nicole
If you give them enough of yourself, they might realize that you're bleeding out from the pieces of you you keep giving them, and maybe give you something back. But then they don't. So you sit there. Less than you were. - Danielle Jordan
We wear the mask that grins and lies.It shades our cheeks and hides our eyes.This debt we pay to human guileWith torn and bleeding hearts…We smile and mouth the myriad subtleties.Why should the world think otherwiseIn counting all our tears and sighs.Nay let them only see us whileWe wear the mask. - Maya Angelou
He's exasperated. "I'm saying I'm in love with you! I've been in love with you this whole bleeding year! - Stephanie Perkins
If they tell you that she died of sleeping pills you must know that she died of a wasting grief, of a slow bleeding at the soul. - Clifford Odets
A star shoots bleeding across the skyline, a companion to the black wind. Silence comes sweeping across everything. - Joë Bousquet
There is evil hidden in everyone, mine came out left me bleeding and hurts people around me. - Sammy Toora
Girls at war opt for a quieter cruelty than fistfights and drive-by shootings. Girls circumvent the corporeal and go straight for each other's souls. The bleeding is harder to stanch. - Jillian Lauren
The power of the bleeding love of God is stronger than the power of Caesar, of the law, of Mars, Mammon, Aphrodite and the rest. This is the point that Paul grasped. And that is the reason for the Colossians' gratitude. The battle has been won. - N.T. Wright
If only i could get that under control then i feel like i could stay here a long time, watching the days leaking into the nights, swilling over the buildings, bleeding back again. I could lie and not think of anything but ways to describe the sky, the clouds, the light. - Gwendoline Riley
... I have waited for this day, and grief faded with time.Or did it? Perhaps grief never leaves us but is merely drowned out by a flood of life overwhelming it. Perhaps the wound that bled once is bleeding still, and I did not notice it until now. - Claire North
At least if you were ignorant, you could do what you wanted, you had no idea what had been achieved in the past. You were free, instead of chewed at by bleeding impotence, dissolved away like a pearl in acid. - Hamza wolf
Women's regular bleeding engenders phantoms. - Paracelsus
In the middle of the night, I saw chaos bleeding out of darkness and peace. Everything that was said and seen before seemed like a paradox. I saw the graves of lies breaking open and the truth crawling out silently into the cold hearts. - Akshay Vasu
Poets, with no sponsors, no agenda, are the truest form of freedom today, bleeding out every drop of themselves for the world to either hate or devour. - Jason E. Hodges
I would prefer to live with bleeding heart where desire see darkness of uncertainty because I need to know the existence of love - Seema Gupta
Stop holding on to the broken pieces of that mirror even after you are bleeding so badly, I agree that the reflections you had imagined or saw once before were beautiful but sometimes holding on to them with a hope will just continue to hurt you even more and it will never get any better. - Akshay Vasu
The violence between women is unbelievable...women try to make each other crawl so that their knees are bleeding. - Tori Amos
Making the ungrateful grateful will bring tears to your eyes, tears of blood bleeding from the heart. - Ana Monnar
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