Quotation Explorer - 'Grasped'

One day I hope you understand when you reached out your hand, I grasped it, I never let it go. - Kaitlin D.S. Cammie
Some day the road that you choose will be your destiny The hope and the anxiety you grasped tightly Will surely move you and me, because it will become a light - Anonymous
You learn more from your mistakes and failures than from any degree of success. Success can only be grasped for a moment before it becomes a distant oasis not to be found again unless you thirst for the knowledge found in the well fed by your mistakes and failures. - Brian Michael Good
Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of a meaning of our life." - Paul Tillich
I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love. - Viktor Frankl
One sticks to an opinion because he prides himself on having come to it on his own, and another because he has taken great pains to learn it and is proud to have grasped it: and so both do so out of vanity. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The power of the bleeding love of God is stronger than the power of Caesar, of the law, of Mars, Mammon, Aphrodite and the rest. This is the point that Paul grasped. And that is the reason for the Colossians' gratitude. The battle has been won. - N.T. Wright
The Second Amendment is timeless for our Founders grasped that self-defense is three-fold: every free individual must protect themselves against the evil will of the man, the mob and the state. - Tiffany Madison
What a large volume of adventures may be grasped within the span of his little life by him who interests his heart in everything. - Laurence Sterne
It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time. - Sir Winston Churchill
Nothing is beautiful except the abnormal; and nothing is abnormal until we have grasped the norm. - C. S. Lewis
Woody Allen once said that ‘I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.’ This is certainly a very wise wish! Whoever grasped the triviality of anything besides the existence is a wise man indeed! There is no substitute for life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount. - Omar Nelson Bradley
It wasn't until I was 37 that I grasped the great truth that you've got to write your own books and nobody else's, and then everything followed from there. - William Golding
mYou learn more from your mistakes and failures than from any degree of success. Success can only be grasped for a moment before it becomes a distant oasis not to be found again unless you thirst for the knowledge found in the well fed by your mistakes and failures. - Brian Michael Good
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