Quotation Explorer - 'Go'

La mentira es el único privilegio del hombre sobre todos los animales" - Crimen y Castigo - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The squeaking wheel doesn't always get the grease. Sometimes it gets replaced. - Vic Gold
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
All of us are pilgrims on this earth. I have even heard it said that the earth itself is a pilgrim in the heavens. - Maxim Gorky
Mungu ndiye aliyetengeneza ubongo. Ni vizuri kuamini kwamba Yeye ndiye anayetupa maarifa, kupitia malaika wema, kuhusu maisha yetu na kuhusu siri ya uumbaji wake. - Enock Maregesi
Either I've been missing something or nothing has been going on. - Karen Elizabeth Gordon
Good ideas stay with you until you eventually write the story. - Brian Keene
See, an ugly person who goes after a pretty person gets nothing but trouble. But a pretty person who goes after an ugly person gets at least cab-fare. - Harvey Firestein
When we lift our hands in praise and worship, we break spiritual jars of perfume over Jesus. The fragrance of our praise fills the whole earth and touches the heart of God. - Dennis Ignatius
God tells you where to look; love tells you what to see. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Don't follow your heart as it can lead you astray, but instead, open your heart and allow God to lead you. - Pauline Seaport
A mere motivator sees potentials in people and tells them to take actions. A true leader sees the same potentials in the same people and influences them to optimize them under his God-lead inspirations. - Israelmore Ayivor
Of all knowledge, the wise and good seek mostly to know themselves. - William Shakespeare
But remember, great Good will, more often than not, lead to great Evil. - Amish Tripathi
God works in mysterious, inefficient, and breathtakingly cruel ways. - Penn Jillette
The good may lose; the bad may win! Remember this! Because knowing this increases the chance of the good to win! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. - Paul Hawken
You're the only one that can put pressure on yourself... No one else can put pressure on you. It's self-inflicted. For me, I just want to go out and play football. - Maurice Jones-Drew
No excuses will lead to no regrets which will give you no limits to your potential. - James Gordon
It is not easy to let go, but when you do; not only do you realize the strength that lies within you, you also create an opportunity to see God perform the best of miracles in your life. - Gugu Mona
Mercy and favor are miracles of God that give a man something he could not even dare to dream of. - Sunday Adelaja
And here's the surprising truth: As you gaze at yourself in the mirror held by another, you will see far more than your flaws. You also will see the beauty that is uniquely you; beauty that others see clearly and you may hardly know exists. That is also part of the truth about you. - Steve Goodier
What if she'd sought God's Word for her pain? What if she'd resolved to forgive Rees for hurting her and trusted God to work that forgiveness out in her heart, so that she would have arrived in London with an attitude of humility and trust in God to lead her to the right person? - Axtell Ruth
And when suddenlythe god stopped her and, with anguish in his cry,uttered the words: ‘He has turned round’ –she comprehended nothing and said softly: ‘Who? - Rainer Maria Rilke
Behind branches, my Moon shines''Distance we have, it defines''Down side as, it has a lake''Due to AUTUMN, the tree got naked''Which made my Moons appear''but after SPRING, the sight would be rare''After a circle, the Day will come again''You would be here, but I will gonna change' - Samar Sudha
A good country song takes a page out of someone's life, and puts it into music. - Conway Twitty
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
There's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple: If the ill spirit have so fair a house, Good things will strive to dwell with 't. - William Shakespeare
El Sueno de la razon produce monstrous. (The sleep of reason breeds monsters) - Francisco de Goya
Life is a circus: you go in, bow, run around, bow again and leave. - Storm Petersen
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. - Albert Einstein
something must go within to bring what is within out. Oh yes! You need something within to bring what is within out! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I'm now a bit anti-Jewish since my last visit to the synagogue, but my atheism does not necessarily reject religion. - Jack Steinberger
What use is of an eye to be open if it's not there to see! Shouldn't it rather be gauged or closed for it deceives? - Mapogo Chuene
Work hard, put maximum effort, and have a good attitude. Most importantly never give up. - Ana Monnar
Take for instance, a society where the prevailing value system is that you only go into politics and leadership to serve and not to make money. In such a nation, people know that those who go into politics and leadership come out of it poorer than they went in. - Sunday Adelaja
I try not to judge people. It's wrong and unfair and a terrible way to go about being a human. - Joselyn Hughes
Fear God, yes, but don't be afraid of Him. - J. A. Spender
I saw with my eyes people with and without purpose, people with the purpose know where they are going and the others follow the flow!? - Deyth Banger
In the old days feminists would mock women who depended so much on a man. Today if the man is the government, not so much. A man who opens the door for you is a Neanderthal; a bureaucrat who pays for your pills? A hero. - Greg Gutfeld
God stipulates in the Bible that Jesus Followers are to love and serve everyone regardless of their faith or lack of it. But, this does not require us to honour and respect their Biblically-heinous cultural practises like multiculturalism does! - Gary Patton
I said, but I have to go, there are so many places calling my name. - Nikki Rowe
You’ve got the best of me - sami abouzid
The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on. - Joseph Heller
Larry: She doesn't want to be happy.Dan: Everybody wants to be happy.Larry: Depressives don't. They want to be unhappy to confirm they're depressed. If they were happy they couldn't be depressed anymore. They'd have to go out into the world and live. Which can be depressing. - Patrick Marber
There is no such thing as 'God given scripture', 'the messenger of God' or 'the Last Prophet'. - Abhijit Naskar
I'm like the Pythagorean theorem. Not too many people know the answer to my game.
A person with a large tuber of self-pride remains engrossed in the fear of, ‘Someone is going to insult me…someone is going to insult me’ or ‘From where can I get respect? From where can I get the respect? - Dada Bhagwan
There are people who Dream and there are people who Scream. There are people who Cry and there are people who Fly. The good news is that this is a CHOICE!- - RVM
Take love and kindness with you, wherever you go. - Debasish Mridha
Ego bir trampettir ve trampet orada olduğunu herkese söylemek için gürültü yapmalıdır! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There is a place called ‘heaven’ where the good here unfinished is completed; and where the stories unwritten, and the hopes unfulfilled, are continued. We may laugh together yet. - J.R.R. Tolkien
If one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things. - Vincent van Gogh
A good conscience fears no witness, but a guilty conscience is solicitous even in solitude. If we do nothing but what is honest, let all the world know it. But if otherwise, what does it signify to have nobody else know it, so long as I know it myself? Miserable is he who slights that witness. - Seneca
In anger we should refrain both from speech and action. - Pythagoras
Attending a funeral would leave the average person insane, if they truly believed that sooner or later they are also going to die. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me. - Sigmund Freud
Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns--or dollars. Take your choice--there is no other. - Ayn Rand
He wasn't that good looking, he had the social skills of a wet cat and the patience of a caffeinated hummingbird - Karen Chance
And finally, I've always drawn a great deal of moral comfort from Humpty Dumpty. The part I like the best? 'All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.' That's because there is no Humpty Dumpty, and there is no God. None, not one, no God, never was. - George Carlin
God is on top of His own league and he doesn't need anyone's vote to fulfill His promises. - Euginia Herlihy
always see the goodness in others for it will sent you to righteousness,.. Amen - Jinnul Jr.
If we could only live on good food like that, he said to her somewhat loudly, we wouldn't have the country full of rotten teeth and rotten guts. Living in a bogswamp, eating cheap food and the streets paved with dust, horsedung and consumptives' spits. - James Joyce
I am that woman...A woman with compassion and empathyAn alluring woman whose beauty emanates from the insideA woman of courage and perseveranceA woman gifted with many talentsA woman who has so much to give and know where she is goingA woman who is everything but lost without you. - Julie Cox
The way you make use of your brain, heart, and body, any consequence out of it, has to be faced by you. God or creator never interferes with your action or its consequence. Everything happens out of the process. - Roshan Sharma
Beware of formulas. If there's a God, he's not a God of formulas. - Graham Greene
How am I going to explain to my kids one day that I can't buy them a happy meal because the toy will make them fat? - Carroll Bryant
God’s ways are not our ways. They are beyond our understanding. - Jim George
Only God is in a position to look down upon someone. - Habeeb Akande
-I got the conch!" --Piggy (in Lord of the Flies), attempting Democracy - William Golding
We know accurately only when we know little; with knowledge doubt increases. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We can't decide whether to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives. - Rita Rudner
I have heard of your paintings too, well enough; God has given you one face, and you make yourselves another. - William Shakespeare
Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared. a - George S. Clason
People are talking about immigration, emigration and the rest of the fucking thing. It's all fucking crap. We're all human beings, we're all mammals, we're all rocks, plants, rivers. Fucking borders are just such a pain in the fucking arse. - Shane MacGowan
Go to your bosom; Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know. - William Shakespeare
Never give up and never face the facts. - Ruth Gordon
An event without a good presentation is like a pizza without cheese. - Aayush Jain
If there were something that Mother Nature or God could do with money, She or He would have sold immortality to the rich a long time ago. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Trata a este mundo como yo; como un caminante, un jinete que se detiene a la sombra de un árbol por un tiempo, y luego prosigue su camino. - Idries Shah
Evil forges a tornado.But goodness battles in a straight line. - Caris Roane
Nostalgia tells it like it wasn't. - Emily Hunter McGowi
How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? - Dr. Seuss
Nietzche started a nonsensical idea that men had once sought as good what we now call evil; if it were so, we could not talk of surpassing or even falling short of them.
Part of me was afraid that if I raised my fist to the sky and demanded an answer now, I would hear a thundering and calloused, 'Because I said so," from God in heaven. And I may not ever want to speak to Him again. - Sarah Thebarge
For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction. - George Gordon Byron
We do things because we want it, not because they’re good for us. - Dominic Riccitello
The biggest payoff in achieving a goal is not what you get, but who you've become. - Joan Posivy
when you courageously believe in the power of doubt instead of the power of God, you much see the works of doubt and least see the works of God - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Why does it matter what I own,how I look, what I wear,if I don't help out a friend in need,if I've forgotten to love and care. - Abhishek Sainani
When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama
When you paint late at night, drinking beer or wine or both, you gotta be very careful to watch what you are doing... - Hiroko Sakai
Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about. - God, The Bible
I set out on a narrow way many years ago, hoping I would find true love along the broken road - Rascal Flatts
Never ever allow your present predicament to alter your goals in life. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering. - winnie the pooh
If liberty and equality, as is thought by some are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost. - Aristotle
There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go. - Tennessee Williams
We cannot make good news out of bad practice. - Edward R. Murrow
Open the curtains of your mind! If there is light outside, it will come in; if there is light inside, it will go out! Keep the curtains open! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Every evil begets some good. - Voltaire
God can bless you wherever you are. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Just because as human beings, what we can't have is what we reply in our head over and over again before we go to sleep. - Taylor Swift
I know the police cause you troubleThey cause trouble everywhereBut when you die and go to heavenYou find no policeman there - Woody Guthrie
You don't like your job, you don't strike. You go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way. - Matt Groening
Black Girls… Naturally resilient! We persevere, stand tall, and fight to the end. We don’t give up! We make moves and succeed. We’re go-getters by nature. We are stronger than most. We are unstoppable! Fearless and confident in our capabilities. WE are Black Girl Strong! #Incomparable - Stephanie Lahart
When I started this business I had nothing, I was at the bottom. What I really had was my self confidence that got me here today. The thing about this self confidence is that it can't be bought. You either have it or you have to build it on your own. - Batya Maman Sabag
Letting go of who you're supposed to be and discovering who you really are is a journey of many experiences, but certainty is not one of them. No matter how long you wait, it'll never feel safe enough. Plunge in anyway. - Vironika Tugaleva
You are a child of mine,Born of my own design,And you bear the hard of life.No matter where you go,Oh, you will always know,That you've been made free in Christ,And you are a child of mine! - Mark Schultz
The human heart cannot love the whole world. And if you try to put the whole world into your heart, you will eventually lose touch with your own humanity. - Gordon Atkinson
A burdened heart doesn't equate to a lack of faith. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can heal with a simple command. The burden comes from wondering if that's His will and may it be done. - Donna Lynn Hope
...but the future is a teenage crackhead who makes shit up as he goes along. - Chuck Klosterman
Hard work and determination-that is what will get you closer towards accomplishing your goal. - Steven Cuoco
There is no better adviser than a good book. - Debasish Mridha
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. - Thomas Jefferson
My anger is like some rudimentary, single-celled beast, an exploding virus of fury that paralyses rational thought and blinds me to everything except one single goal... - Candace Bushnell
I write because I love it, not because I excel at it. But because I write, I shall slowly excel at it. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Don't gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it. - Will Rogers
Whenever I get married I start buying Gourmet Magazine. - Nora Ephron
He was a wise man who invented God. - Plato
My God, these folks don't know how to love -- that's why they love so easily. - D.H. Lawrence
So you're gone and i'm hauntedAnd i bet you are just fineDid i make it that easy to walkRight in and out of my life - A Fine Frenzy
says 'End your ego, think of nation - Imran Khan
In your goals to go the extra mile, prepare to pay an extra cost. Excellence is to be exceptional, surpassing, more competent and a step ahead with what is in your hands. - Israelmore Ayivor
If you are without contention and still have the ability to make people think, their ego is going to take a hit and as a result they're not going to like you. They don't want to think. They want to be right, unrivaled or entertained. - Donna Lynn Hope
The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.
The difference between God an I is that everyday, I too deal with people who don't love but I have no desire to kill them or wish them to suffer for all of eternity for it - Anonymous
It’s weird for people who still have feelings to be around depressed people. They try to help you have feelings again so things can go back to normal, and it’s frustrating for them when that doesn’t happen. - Allie Brosh
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.- - Thomas Jefferson
It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error. - Robert H. Jackson
God will never call you in a direction that would cause you to sin. However, he will call you to be creative enough to find a way to make what you want come true through honorable ways. - Shannon L. Alder
God doesn’t put that much prep into something that is insignificant. - Shannon L. Alder
Failure is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit. - Michael Eisner
There is no accountability in the public school system - except for coaches. You know what happens to a losing coach. You fire him. A losing teacher can go on losing for 30 years and then go to glory.
Make it dark, make it grim, make it tough, but then, for the love of God, tell a joke. - Joss Whedon
Everything can be taken from you in a second, but the human spirit is so strong. War can teach you so much about evil, and so much about good. - Zainab Salbi
most of us, as we undergo the growing up process, do not get what we want or even what we should. We get what we have, and no more, and we find out how to make what we have work for us. - Lilith Saintcrow
Every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes. We all, therefore, need the books that will correct the characteristic mistake of our own period. And that means the old books. - C.S. Lewis
No one feels good at four in the morning.If ants feel good at four in the morning—three cheers for the ants. - Wisława Szymborska
If everything must have a cause, of course, this also applies to God; if God can exist in isolation, then why not the universe? - Etienne Vermeersch
Subconsciously, we all want to be nebula... In the end, we’re all connected. We’re all going to become one cloud of light whether you like it or not. We’re all made of the same star dust. - Jason Daniel Chaplin
If you opened the dictionary and searched for the meaning of a Goddess, you would find the reflection of a dancing lady. - Shah Asad Rizvi
If people say They don't Believe on God or Jesus then answer me this! who's name do they call out when they get hurt?and on the other side of the spectrum who's name do they call out when making love? well? there's your answer think about - Lawrence A Bergeron
No matter how good you get you can always get better, and that's the exciting part. - Tiger Woods
Cease endlessly striving for what you would like to do and learn to love what must be done. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A friend once said, and I found to be true,That everyday people, they lie to God too,So what makes you think, that they won't lie to you. - Lauryn Hill
Good leaders have vision and inspire others to help them turn vision into reality. Great leaders have vision, share vision, and inspire others to create their own. - Roy Bennett
FLOP, v. Suddenly to change one's opinions and go over to another party. The most notable flop on record was that of Saul of Tarsus, who has been severely criticised as a turn-coat by some of our partisan journals. - Ambrose Bierce
More powerful than the mighty armies is an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo
It is never wise to run any race but your own. - Tim Fargo
We can’t really explain what the goal of mentoring is, until we understand what the church is for. - Rhys Bezzant
Never put a single thought of weakness in the flourishing minds of the children. Fill them up with vigour and compassion, for their character will define the future of the entire human species. - Abhijit Naskar
I guess the lesson is you can’t go everywhere. You should still go everywhere you can. - Charles Finch
To sustain the belief that there is no God, atheism has to demonstrate infinite knowledge, which is tantamount to saying, I have infinite knowledge that there is no being in existence with infinite knowledge - Ravi Zacharias
Of course we can keep this going, in principle, forever. In practice we will keel over from exhaustion, boredom, or death.
What I spent, is gone; what I kept, I lost; but what I gave away will be mine forever. - Ethel Percy Andrus
Committing your goals to paper increases the likelihood of your achieving them by one thousand percent. - Brian Tracy
Obviously the most beautiful fate, the most wonderful good fortune that can happen to any human being, is to be paid for doing that which he passionately loves to do. - Abraham H. Maslow
The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them. - Will Rogers
Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still. - Chinese Proverb
Yvette had never talked about her marriage - she was a smart girl, and she knew you had no right to complain about someone you got all the way to the altar with. You made that choice, even if you were a child when you did it, and the marriage vow was sacred. - Maile Meloy
Go through the proper motions each day and you'll soon begin to feel the corresponding emotions! - George W. Crane
The cross has two sides to it. One side is what Jesus did for us. He forgave us our sins. The other is the God side. God now lives in man! - John Paul Warren
No if's, but's or maybe's. It's all or nothing. You're either going to soar to new heights or crash and burn. Why live by any other philosophy. - M. James Airey
Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein
Empowered Women 101: If he has to destroy other people to raise your self esteem and level of trust then he is not a son of God and guess what your not a daughter of God for letting him do it. - Shannon L. Alder
Marriage is the union of two 'I's to form a 'V'. Both 'I's have to tilt equally to make a good 'V'. 'I's standing tall can never make a 'V'. - Ashok Kallarakkal
Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed by man and woman in the working out of our civilization were assigned long ago by a higher intelligence than ours. - Grover Cleveland
God, come down, if you're really there -Well, you're the one who claims to care! - Morrissey
I got married because I fell in love with this woman. I had a baby with her because we wanted to have children. But that's not because of some philosophical ideal at all, no. - Ewan McGregor
Artists think along the edges of the box, because that's where things get done. That's where the audience is, that's where the means of production are available, and that's where you can make an impact. - Seth Godin
Love God, Love people, and thoroughly hate sin. - Andy Mineo
One time I actually cleaned out my closet so good I ended up on the cover of Time magazine. - Ellen DeGeneres
It's good to vandalize one's own work. - John P. Sousa
There are things you do sometimes, actions that you take by obeying sudden impulses, without stopping for even a fraction of a second to think, and then you spend the rest of your life either lamenting it or thanking yourself for it. They are rare, unique, and perfect moments. - Irene Gonzalez Frei
Let us go singing as far as we go: the road will be less tedious. - Virgil
...What I depend on is a vigorous audience that can discover sweetness and light, beauty and truth, beyond the ability of the artist, on his own, to create them. - Orson Scott Card
When you put on a new cloth with the same attitude, you are only changing the diet that goes into the same stomach! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
There's the good girl leading a charmed life who secretly covets to be the rare and elusive femme fatale and the femme fatale who yearns to be good and then there is their nemesis - men who dream and desire both. - Donna Lynn Hope
In a culture that relentlessly promotes avarice and excess as the good life, a person happy doing his own work is usually considered an eccentric, if not a subversive. - Bill Watterson
To tell others thatIt is a rumor Will not do. When your own heart asks How will you respond? - Gosen Wakashū
Most Kids Are Confused Whether School Is More Important Than God Or God Is More Important. - Cyc Jouzy
[For the genuine believer] There are moments in life when God's pursuit of us seems like that of a persistent mosquito, constantly buzzing around our heads and causing us pain, and we are utterly powerless to shake him off. - Ian M. Duguid
This world is a favourite movie to God, made by God and life is the main character of that movie. - iqra iqbal
Man is a gregarious creature, more so in mind than in body. He may like to go alone for a walk but he hates to stand alone in his opinion. - Unknown
People with low self-confidence and self-esteem often feel nervous about antagonizing others and tend to rate others’ needs more highly than their own. - Auliq Ice
My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go. - Oscar Wilde
What is the purpose of writing? For me personally, it is really to explain the mystery of life, and the mystery of life includes, of course, the personal, the political, the forces that make us what we are while there's another force from inside battling to make us something else. - Nadine Gordimer
Sometimes I feel like God…when I order someone killed they die the same day. - Pablo Escobar
Let go yesterday and hold out for tomorrow, the future is in the palm of your hand. - L.L. Caulton
The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest possible amount of feathers with the smallest amount of hissing.
I might walk vast expansesof earth and always be beginningand I love beginningor could learnto love it. - S. Jane Sloat
If you want nothing to do with god then why do you say his name all the time - Emily Reimer
To resist the social pressure now put even on one's leisure time, requires a tougher upbringing and a more obstinate willfulness about going one's own way, than ever before. - Robert Graves
Let's go with what you have to get what you want. - Debasish Mridha
She was so scared that she forgot to be a contralto. - Dodie Smith
Dignity comes not from control, but from understanding who you are and taking your rightful place in the world. - Gordon Atkinson
Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. - Martin Luther King Jr.
God has provided us with a mind and logical thinking, but He also has placed into each of us a spirit. With the help of the human spirit we can perceive the Spirit of God and learn to know our Creator. - Eve Juurik
The biggest changes in a women's nature are brought by love; in man, by ambition - Rabindranath Tagore
GOD is so clear, He is invisible. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
If the mountain remains standing, it is useless to pray endlessly. God is waiting for you to do something yourself. - Sunday Adelaja
We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families. - Dallin H. Oaks
Science has made us gods even before we are worthy of being men. - Jean Rostand
Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out. - Christina Baldwin
This isn't Hamlet, you know, It's not meant to go into the bloody ear.
Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest. - Beatrix Potter
Good deeds are only done when there's a profit margin. - Prince Ea
If you are not good at speeches, be good at your actions. - Amit Kalantri
You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony but your internet activity is fair game for data collecting. - E.A. Bucchianeri
he imagined fate as a goddess, capricious and fickle, or as a river, which could flood at any moment - Takashi Hiraide
A good [short story] would take me out of myself and then stuff me back in, outsized, now, and uneasy with the fit. - David Sedaris
To resist the frigidity of old age one must combine the body, the mind and the heart - and to keep them in parallel vigor one must exercise, study and love. - Karl von Bonstetten
The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf. - Will Rogers
I sat near a window in our little synagogue and looked out at the large church and wondered how a statue whose face was so full of love could be worshipped by someone whose heart was so full of hate. - Chaim Potok
For my success I am immensely grateful to God, my parents, my family, my friends, my teachers and to the books I read. - Amit Kalantri
Thank God even crazy dreams come true - Carrie Underwood
Going to trial with a lawyer who considers your whole life-style a Crime in Progress is not a happy prospect. - Hunter S. Thompson
Mistakes have been always the path of learning, but to close something because of mistakes and to start it again maybe it's good idea, maybe not! - Deyth Banger
To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition. - Woody Allen
We know that we can do what men can do, but we still don't know that men can do what women can do. That's absolutely crucial. We can't go on doing two jobs. - Gertrude Stein
On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time. - George Orwell
You are only happy in life if you forget the bad things and focus on the good things - Jeroen Saey
I don’t want anyone to hold back who they are. It’s not okay… it’s not a good thing - Connor Franta
Optimistic curiosity and persistent goal oriented action bring more success than anything else. - Debasish Mridha
You cannot find what God has hidden;you cannot hide what God has revealed.The world deserves the light that’s within you;you deserve the light that you give to others. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A dog is the greatest gift a parent can give a child. OK, a good education, then a dog. - John Grogan
When I die,' I said to my friend, 'I'm not going to be embalmed. I'm going to be dipped.' Milk chocolate or bittersweet was the immediate concern. - Adrianne Marcus
Jesus’ command to love our neighbours is a command to love all strangers precisely because we too have been strangers to God and welcomed in. - Kester Brewin
The perfection of yoga, therefore, does not terminate in voidness or impersonalism; on the contrary, the perfection of yoga is attained when one actually sees the Personality of Godhead in His eternal form. - A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Everything God does—past, present, or future, whether in grace or in judgment—is to reveal His glory. - Jim George
Government is a gun that shoots money at your enemy and blows up in your face. - Stefan Molyneux
There are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers came to know eat better, but the givers sleep better. So I want to be both. Because I want to eat and sleep both better for good health. - Prachi Parichita
Things happened to the worst, I've lost many things and I've got many things but the precious thing I have with me right now is "having me still". I love myself. I love myself unconditionally. I feel proud about myself. Now I'm living without limited because "I have me". - Sivaprakash Sidhu
The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is besides the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech. - Justice Anthony Kennedy
Fixed stars govern a life - Sylvia Plath
And then I saw what I was to see so many times on the journey--a look of longing. "Lord! I wish I could go. - John Steinbeck
I have been caged, and now I have been set free! - Susan Segovia Munoz
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody come sit next to me. - Alice Roosevelt Longworth
I knew it was going to hurt. No one sends such a long text, using so many words just to say "I love you. - Katherine Intac
Set goals and accomplish them. - Sharfaraz Ahmed
The best and biggest gold mine is in between your ears. To find the gold, think deeply and think better. - Debasish Mridha
I can breathe easier now that the appointments are behind me.I missed them all, through deliberate negligence,Having waited for the urge to go, which I knew wouldn’t come.I’m free, and against organized, clothed society.I’m naked and plunge into the water of my imagination. - Fernando Pessoa
The terrible thing about the quest for truth is that you find it. - Rémy de Gourmont
Food is everything we are. It's an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It's inseparable from those from the get-go. - Anthony Bourdain
Predictability is not how things will go, but how they can go. - Raheel Farooq
That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. - Thomas Jefferson
Prayer at its highest is a two-way conversation-and for me the most important part is listening to God's replies. - Frank C. Laubach
Plato worries our thinking might become too reflexive and comfortable with itself. - Rebecca Goldstein
A good way to do econometrics is to look for good natural experiments and use statistical methods that can tidy up the confounding factors that Nature has not controlled for us. - Daniel McFadden
He who challenges the God in his dying bed is indisputably the most courageous man, but not the cleverest one! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We got so much food in America we're allergic to food. Allergic to food! Hungry people ain't allergic to shit. You think anyone in Rwanda's got a fucking lactose intolerance?! - Chris Rock
With change from within, you'll get the same results, even if the world around you shifts. - Andrea Goeglein
The pattern's laid out on the bedWith dozens of colors of threadBut you've got the needleI guess that's the point in the end - Amanda Palmer
grows like a seed in the dark out of the leaf-mould of the mind: out of all that has been seen or thought or read, that has long ago been forgotten, descending into the deeps. - J.R.R. Tolkien
The passage is free for those who think you are not good enough for them: at your level, I think the best option is to sit back, relax and listen to a cool music, while watching them pack out of your life, and that's when you feel the intense release from the pit of hell. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Forgetting takes space./Forgotten matters displace/as much anything else as/anything else. We must/skirt unlabeled crates/as thought it made sense/and take them when we go/to other states. - Kay Ryan
Know that you will eventually have to leave everything behind; the writing will demand it of you. - Natalie Goldberg
Time doesn’t heal emotional pain, you need to learn how to let go. - Roy Bennett
Nature's voice and Nature's beauty---God's soothing and purifying angels of the soul---speak to me most tenderly and most happily, at such times as these. - Wilkie Collins
Be kind! Go and burn the world with the fire of your love. - Debasish Mridha
Every act of goodness is born from our desire to be happy. - Udai Yadla
Expectations paint illusions Experience paints a pictureOptical Illusions manufacture confused expectations and experiences. - Goitsemang Mvula
God is at the helm even when you think your ship is sinking. Just keep trusting that the captain knows more about where you're heading than you do, and eventually you'll get where you need to be. - Kevin Alan Milne
Honor a good woman because she is virtuous and honorable. - Delano Johnson
Live with the current day, otherwise someday you'll wake up and realise that all remarkable and gorgeous moments have passed towards your eyes, while you're waiting for the best shot to reveal yourself - Alexander Zalan
Love is a shortcut to God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I am not behind success.I have done.Found GOD. - Deshwal Sachin
I’ll be blasted’, he said, ‘if I ever write another word, or try to write another word, to please Nick Greene or the Muse. Bad, good, or indifferent, I’ll write, from this day forward, to please myself - Virginia Woolf
Don’t think for a moment that you’ve gotta be perfect to be paid. - Clifford Cohen
Money is not the result, but the BYPRODUCT, of your good leadership. - Kevin J. Donaldson
The Napoles scandal showed that some politicians are the same all over the country. They promise to build bridges when there are no rivers. - Miriam Defensor-Santiago
It's the hardest thing in the world to go on being aware of someone else's pain. - Pat Barker
War is a seed of bigger war, but Peace is the seed of God. - Iisakki Totuudentalo
Good man are those who we have neglected because of their life time. - Uche Daniel Oluwaseun
One man can not wage a war alone. Therefore if humanity stops agreeing to go to war; there will be only peace. - Robert F. Hartley
Half the ingratitude and complacency in the world down to how slowly and imperceptibly most good and bad things unfold. - Alain de Botton
Aren’t you going to ask me if I’m all right? I say.No, I’m pretty sure you’re not all right.He shakes his head. I’m going to ask you not to make any decisions until we’ve talkedabout it. - Veronica Roth
I ruthlessly expend my time and my energies seeking many random things, none of which will bless me in the way that I suppose they will, for despite my frequently stubborn resistance to the thought, the single and sole blessing that I can be utterly confident in is found in seeking God alone. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
It is a convenient truth: You go into the humanities to pursue your intellectual passion; and it just so happens, as a by-product, that you emerge as a desired commodity for industry. - Damon Horowitz
Past, I am letting you go; future, I will see you tomorrow; present, I love you, live in you, use you and never let you go. - Debasish Mridha
I don’t go back and look at my early work, because the last time I did, many years ago, it left me cringing. If one publishes, then one is creating a public record of Learning to Write. - Lorrie Moore
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too. - Will Smith
The chip in your body, call it soul if you please, carries on its bad and good. And in this or next lifetime, your dues are paid in full. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Don't just Recognize him.he don't need your recognition. he created you, not you created him. Understand the GOD. - Aakash Sharma
Some patient dogs had waited a long time for the fatest bone to come, but the impatient had gone to scavenge for the little it could see. - Michael Bassey Johnson
A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy. - Edward P. Morgan
I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter. - T.S. Eliot
Life is offering you infinite paths! To get stuck in one path is nothing but shallowness! Go deep, discover other lanes! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Some people take offense like it's a limited time offer. - Tim Fargo
He who moves not forward, goes backward. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
May I forget what ought to be forgotten; and recall, unfailing, all that ought to be recalled, each kindly thing, forgetting what might sting. - Mary Caroline Davies
Once upon a time I thought I could change stories, make them go the way I wanted, instead of where they actually went. - April Genevieve Tucholke
Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God, your functional savior. - Martin Luther
I melted into the dream as if I had always been there. I knew where I had come from; I knew where I was going. - Chelsie Shakespeare
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. - Henry Ford
Life without dreams or goals such as life without vision. - Launa Rissadia
Truth is non-negotiable and its promise is love. - Maria Erving
Sydney, look at me.' He rested his hands on the car roof and leaned in. 'No one is going to hurt you. Do you know why?' She shook her head, and Victor smiled. 'Because I'll hurt them first. - V.E. Schwab
Only God would adore his own death. - Floriano Martins
If knowing something got you where you needed to go, you'd already be there. Put your hand to your heart. Take a deep breath in. It knows. - Eileen Anglin
The goal of parenting is to create self-sufficient virtues in children. Applying external pressure and punishments tends to teach them fear-based compliance rather than the internalization of moral standards. - Stefan Molyneux
Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything good. - William Faulkner
nothing puts me so completely out of patience as the utterance of a wretched commonplace when I am talking from my inmost heart. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You should focus on those things that will lead you to succeed instead of wasting your time on trivial issues. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own. - Benjamin Disraeli
Toa msaada katika jamii iliyosaidia kukulea ulipokuwa mdogo. - Enock Maregesi
I can say.. that I never said that... we never met and this never happen... How?(Good question, the answer I will leave it for later) - Deyth Banger
She wore her pain like lingerie, only who loved her enough, got to see it. - Himanshu Chhabra
I rather fight for light then to go blind in night. - Nadair Desmar
Spirituality is conversation with God, everything else is just religious custom. - Stefan Emunds
Anyone who says failure is not an option has also ruled out innovation. - Seth Godin
Wherever you go, find your adventure by looking for the unknown - there you might find yourself. - Brandon Scott
The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away. - Ronald Reagan
You learn more quickly under the guidance of experienced teachers. You waste a lot of time going down blind alleys if you have no one to lead you. - W. Somerset Maugham
London is satisfied, Paris is resigned, but New York is always hopeful. Always it believes that something good is about to come off, and it must hurry to meet it. - Dorothy Parker
We want to avoid suffering, death, sin, ashes. But we live in a world crushed and broken and torn, a world God Himself visited to redeem. We receive his poured-out life, and being allowed the high privilege of suffering with Him, may then pour ourselves out for others. - Elisabeth Elliot
I pitty people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's the best they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra
The instant that any government obtains a monetary printing press, it becomes a deeply dishonest government, empowered to rob people by stealth. A government with the power to print money knows no limits. - Jeffrey Tucker
Mtu yoyote anayedanganya ni Shetani, kwani Shetani ni baba wa uongo. Tusikubali kudanganywa ovyo, hasa watoto wetu, katika kipindi hiki cha utandawazi na teknolojia. - Enock Maregesi
One day, I decided I was going to write books forever. - Carla H. Krueger
Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold -- but so does a hard-boiled egg. - Unknown
In the midst of your struggles, you WILL find a reason to keep going. Don’t give up! - Robert Tew
So that others can live in peace, talk about love and peace wherever you go. - Debasish Mridha
People forget to understand your goodness, teach them something new. - M.F. Moonzajer
If you want good laws, burn those you have and make new ones. - Voltaire
At the end of the day, you're only as good as the shadow that was left in the morning. - Aspen Copper
A good tree never seizes to bear good fruits. - Lailah Gifty Akita
In 1963, while my brothers were engaged in their lives, I call this period of my life 'my character-building years.' I adhered to the saying, 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going. - Marc Ashton
Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I'm going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy. - Wayne W. Dyer
Here will be an old abusing of God's patience and the king's English. - William Shakespeare
I don't want to talk as much. It's nicer to think dear, pretty thoughts and keep them in one's heart, like treasures. I don't like to have them laughed at or wondered over. - L. M. Montgomery
When you get to the junction of double mindedness in purposefulness, remember the will of God. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
It's Up to You To Get Your Dreams and Goals Moving - Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Believe in things impossible, love the magic of a place, mystery in a person, passion in a relationship and seek adventures in life.. Live the life don't go through it.. - Anubhav Mishra
The visual of Satan isn’t one of a big red devil with horns. Even worse, it’s the picture of something good, twisted enough to be compelling. - Todd Stocker
When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The rain out again, hammering the puddles full of holes, pocking the black-and-silver world with shining darkness. Rain soaks each leaf and blade of grass, bloating the lawns until they seem to roll and swell. Houses recede. The wind rises. The eyes and ears of God come down for the walk". - Mary Gatskill
True patriotism is not worship of our nation but rather, in the light of our worship of the God of justice, to conform our nation's ways of justice. - Robert McAfee Brown
The fires of hell may be made of the very love of God, experienced as torture by those who hate him: the very light of God's truth, hated and fled from in vain by those who love darkness. - Peter Kreeft
Worship is the marriage of two Spirits - the Spirit of God and the Spirit of man. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. - Benjamin Franklin
All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier. - Walt Whitman
i know for sure,to be a leader i have to be a good reader - Faiz Triumph
I fight cynicism. It`s too easy. It`s really boring. It`s much harder to be positive and see the wonder of everything. Cynicism is a bunch of people who aren`t as talented as other people, knocking them because they make them feel even more untalented. - Ewan McGregor
Do you suffer when you write? I don't at all. Suffer like a bastard when don't write, or just before, and feel empty and fucked out afterwards. But never feel as good as while writing. - Ernest Hemingway
The truth is this: People that give you focus, energy and anger do care. If you were nothing then you wouldn't be able to affect them. Behind every over reaction was first the thought that your opinion mattered and your respect was once of value or you wouldn't get the response you got. - Shannon L. Alder
So you’re going to horrible places and meeting horrible people and you’re complaining about it? Live your life like a decent person. Go to the grocery store, buy your own food, take care of yourself. If you live a responsible life, you’ll run into responsible people, he said. - Aziz Ansari
Cultivate and nurture being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. Remembering that In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy. - Angie karan
Catch your friends doing something good and tell them about it. - Glenn C. Stewart
I don't profess any religion; I don't think it’s possible that there is a God; I have the greatest difficulty in understanding what is meant by the words ‘spiritual’ or ‘spirituality.'[Interview, The New Yorker, Dec. 26, 2005] - Philip Pullman
(From chapter on Getting Started at Stanford).Go ahead, go to all your parties. Go ahead and go home to your families and friends every weekend. You are probably smarter than me. But it doesn't matter. While you are goofing around, I'm gonna be studying, and I'm gonna catch you. - Peter Rogers
Why do you believe in God?" the woman asked me in the busy corridor. I don't remember the answer I gave. It was probably too long and rattled in her ears. I wish I could go back and answer her again. "Because HE believes in me," I would say. Isn't that enough? - Donna VanLiere
Some people would never forget certain people, a few people would remember everyone, and most of us would mostly be forgotten. - Joshua Ferris
If you count sheep before you go to sleep, are you barrrrr'd from dreams? - Benny Bellamacina
If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. - Lewis Carroll
Thrill me, chill me I went in search of money and success, all I got was a bellyful of excess! Now that I've realigned myself I’m on my tip-toes because life is sweet! I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for all the blessings that are manifesting in my life neat! - Stephen Richards
A good book is like a stream, with which we can flow slowly, playfully, it lets us savor the joy of weaving the magic of lovely thoughts, revealing the secrets of life with beautiful words. - Balroop Singh
Let me tell your something. I'm from Chicago. I don't break. - Barack Obama
Kada god daš prednost Allahovom zadovoljstvu, znaj da će se na tebe okomiti ljudi. - Hajrudin Ahmetović
Probably went swimming and got eaten by a pineapple. - Terry Pratchett
No one here to count your Qualities, but everyone is good enough to point out your Mistakes. - Shashank Rayal
You look back in time to when there was slavery and you think 'how did people even remotely believe that this was a good idea?'.It's incomprehensible for us to think of what the mindset was 100 or 200 years ago. I hope to make the present as incomprehensible to the future as the past is to us. - Stefan Molyneux
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best. - Will Rogers
your smile.is the ultimategolden dream.all the poemsin the worldare waking up from. - Sanober Khan
Everything that is going to kill you is extremely appetizing. - Doug Stanhope
Great restaurants are, of course, nothing but mouth-brothels. There is no point in going to them if one intends to keep one's belt buckled. - Frederic Raphael
Take a daily action towards the achievement of your desired goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A girl’s got to use what she’s given and I’m not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don’t say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It’s meant to make guys think: ‘I don’t know if this is sexy or just weird. - Lady Gaga
I am enjoying my life because things aren't going the way I planned. - Rohit Pandita
God is not all that interested in your grammar. He is interested in the meaning of your grammar! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Why is it that any time we speak of temptation we always speak of temptation as something that inclines us to wrong. We have more temptations to become good than we do to become bad. - Fulton J. Sheen
Read books when you are free, read minds when you are'nt....but do read... - Rabindranath Tagore
It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done. - Vincent Van Gogh
Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. - Desmond Tutu
The good company counts in your life, make a right choice because bad company will eat you alive. - Euginia Herlihy
Seeing a murder on television... can help work off one's antagonisms. And if you haven't any antagonisms, the commercials will give you some. - Alfred Hitchcock
America is not a pile of goods, more luxury, more comforts, a better telephone system, a greater number of cars. America is a dream of greater justice and opportunity for the average man and, if we can not obtain it, all our otherachievements amount to nothing. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Sometimes thinking isn't thinking, it's dreaming with eyes wide open. - Goitsemang Mvula
Be Unique and Different in Appearance , but have a good Attitude with Peaceful Love in our Heart. - Jan Jansen
In life, the first thing you must do is decide what you really want. Weigh the costs and the results. Are the results worthy of the costs? Then make up your mind completely and go after your goal with all your might. - Alfred A. Montapert
Life is not so bad if you have plenty of luck, a good physique and not too much imagination.
For me [video blogging] is like a scrapbook. You have all these video tapes sitting around and have no way to watch them. It's like an archive. It's so much easier than going through the video tapes. - Mike B. Slone
It takes great courage when you are suffering to see beyond your suffering to the clear relations between things, to the laws that cause and govern your suffering; it takes great courage to be ruthless with one's griefs. - Andre Harvey
And now -- now it only remains for me to light a cigarette and go home. Dear God, only now am I remembering that people die. Does that include me?Don't forget, in the meantime, that this is the season for strawberries. Yes. - Clarice Lispector
To be free of insistence [free of forcing one's own opinion] is the path of Vitragta [attachment-free state, the enlightened one]. Quit insisting at all places. To even insist on the truth, God has considered it as ignorance. There is no insistence in ‘Us’ whatsoever! - Dada Bhagwan
I had to start new, my ego told me that if past ever wanted me, I won't be calling it by that name. - Garima Mittal
The New World Order is established by degrees. The first degree is truth of the one subject, which follows from the existence and the oneness of the universe, and from the ancient belief that God is all-knowing. - Compton Gage
A dream is a seed.Vision plants it.Imagination nurtures growth.Opportunities create blooms.Thoughts become things! - Donna McGoff
The trouble with discarding bad memories was that evidently the good ones went with them - Anne Tyler
If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide. - Mahatma Gandhi
I think there are innumerable gods. What we here on earth call God is a little tribal God who has made an awful mess. Certainly forces operating trough human conciousness control events.
Having a low opinion of yourself is not 'modesty.' It's self-destruction. Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not 'egotism.' It's a necessary precondition to happiness and success. - Bobbe Sommer
The evil that is in the world always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence, if they lack understanding. On the whole, men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. But they are more or less ignorant, and it is this that we call vice or virtue; - Albert Camus
One day I have to wake up and realize that you are gone. - Liv-Christine Hoem
If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God? - George Deacon
Luxury is not a necessity to me, but beautiful and good things are. - Anaïs Nin
People get so caught in how they don’t like one part of themselves; nose, thighs, tummy, whatever.Things like flour and baking powder go into cakes and those things are gross alone, but the cake is pretty damn delicious. - Todd El Holley
God doesn't stop crisis from coming, as He didn't stop Christ from coming. Things have their reasons for happening, we need not to faint, but rather have faith that we are never alone. - Anthony Liccione
God himself and Jesus relied upon light to function on the earth - Sunday Adelaja
Pave the path. Inspire. Make sure you are missed by the people who matter long after you have gone. - Pooja Ruprell
I don't throttle and smother people in my life.. Not because I don't have my own fair share of doubts and sometimes, yes, insecurities.. But I have a great deal of confidence in my instincts that I've chosen the right one to trust.. When I trust, I do so with my whole heart.. - Laarni Venus Marie Giango
I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest. - Venus Williams
Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. - B. F. Skinner
They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse. - Emily Dickinson
I wish there could have been an invention that bottled up a memory, like perfume, and it never faded, never got stale. Then whenever I wanted to, I could uncork that bottle and live the memory all over again.
[A]nd you may know how little God thinks of money by observing on what bad and contemptible characters he often bestows it."[Man and the Gospel (1865)] - Thomas Guthrie
If you can successfully embrace the Anti-Matter version of yourself, Time would cease to exist for You. You are God! - Vishwanath S J
By the time a man gets to be presidential material, he's been bought ten times over. - Gore Vidal
Government is necessary, not because man is naturally bad... but because man is by nature more individualistic than social. - Thomas Hobbes
It is not the best for us to lay embago on the industries that produce temptations. What we need to do is to compete, overcome and dominate the market with the products of our endurance. No battles we face, no crown will we win. No temptations exist, no conquerors are known. - Israelmore Ayivor
One must work and dare if one really wants to live. - Vincent Van Gogh
Everything goes and happens fast. That's how the world is build! (Pet Semetary 1 by Stephen King) - Deyth Banger
The pure products of Americago crazy......[] No one to witnessand adjust, no one to drive the car - William Carlos Williams
God does not give money. He gives the power to get wealth. - Sunday Adelaja
He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebearers, but by diligent hard work, he overcame them. - James Reston Jr.
It doesn't matter what you did, all what matters is what you want to do, when, where and how you are going to do it. - Auliq Ice
Gentility is what is left over from rich ancestors after the money is gone. - John Ciardi
You will never know how much progress you’ve made in life until you go back and start from the very beginning. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
You are a success when you are going for your goal with passion and conviction. - Debasish Mridha
Kids who are good at traditional school—repeating rote concepts and facts on a test—can fall apart in a situation where that isn’t enough. Programming rewards the experimental, curious mind. - Ketil Moland Olsen
The point of simple living, for me has got to be:A soft place to landA wide margin of errorRoom to breatheLots of places to find baseline happiness in each and every day - Leo Babauta
Don’t resist. Accept it to create memories, and then let it go. - Debasish Mridha
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. - Albert Einstein
If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to. - Dorothy Parker
Sometimes you want to quit, but I want you to remember this one thing. When you quit, you lose! Just fight throw, and when you don't quit, and you practice and fight for what you want everyday single day eventually you will win, and exceeded your goal. - Cliff Hannold
After supper they saw Kaluka to the boardwalk, and then strolled back along the beach to Asbury. The evening sea was a new sensation, for all its color and mellow age was gone, and it seemed the bleak waste that made the Norse sagas sad. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Good people turn to love, courage and kindness in times of crisis, not hate, fear and cruelty. - Laurence Overmire
You can't be afraid of stepping on toes if you want to go dancing. - Lew Freedman
If it turns out that there is a God, I don't think that he's evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever. - Woody Allen
What God predetermine proves true! - Lailah Gifty Akita
It doesn't need to be happy so to be interesting, there are outside sad stories which are also interesting... if you know what's about overall..., know the ending... don't you want to understand why??? By going deeper and deeper!? - Deyth Banger
Patience is a skill that brings beauty. Patience brings strength. Patience brings happiness - Practice patience and you will achieve your goals! - Angie karan
Don’t complain. Be a good person in this wrong world and transform it. - Debasish Mridha
God always gives grace to the person who knows how to humble himself before Him and who sets his hopes on Him. God only gives grace to humble people. - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
The wisest investments are made in good health intervention activities. - Ellen J. Barrier
Never allow the ill-thoughts of people stop you from pursuing your goals and dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Stop writing caption. Go action! - Lenang Manggala
It’s clearly a budget. It’s got lots of numbers in it. - George W. Bush
Governments don't spy on you for your protection, they spy on you to see if you're planning a revolt. - Lori Goodwin
Let me go where love is abundant, peace is plentiful, and joy is in the air. - Debasish Mridha
Have a good day on purpose, then elevate your efforts towards other and enjoy a great day in purpose. - Toni Jenkins
be-careful for what you wish for it may be seeking you as well... - Master Golden Wizard "Luxas Aureaum"
My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here. - Jim Henson
Good bye, proud world! I'm going home; Thou art not my friend, and I'm not thine - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Part of me suspects that I'm a loser, and the other part of me thinks I'm God Almighty. - John Lennon
Our greatest challenge today...is to couple conviction with doubt. By conviction, I mean some pragmatically developed faith, trust, or centeredness; and by doubt I mean openness to the ongoing changeability, mystery, and fallibility of the conviction. - Kirk J. Schneider
The nature of the universe probably depends heavily on who is the actual protagonist. Lately I've been suspecting it's one of my cats. - Wil McCarthy
So many problems, however infinitely varied they first appear, turn out to be matters of money. I can't tell you how much this offends me. The value of money is a scam perpetrated by those who have it over those who dont; it's the Emperor's New Clothes gone global. - Karen Joy Fowler
The gods do not protect fools. Fools are protected by more capable fools.
Stop asking God to bless what you're doing. Find out what God's doing. It's already blessed. - Bono
At the crossroad in my life, I didn't know which way to go. I just mindlessly choose a random direction... then, after regretting my decision I tried to retrace my steps. However, without even realizing it the sun had already set. - Nobuyuki Fukumoto
Maybe this is a second doctoral program: advanced learning about life, death, marriage, mothering, family, faith, patience, prayer. My degree will be 'Doctor of Life,' and I will be in good company. So many of us earn our 'Doctor of Life' degrees. - Christina G. Hibbert Psy.D.
The word "rights", is something that governments need to provide you and protect you from but, the governments are the basic violators of all human rights. - Stefan Molyneux
Fun? Katrina, I didn’t request to be set up on a date. I can’t go meet a complete stranger and…. he scanned the email again. …and spend the night with her? - Lia Davis
We must cease striving and trust God to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available. But this kind of trusting doesn't come naturally. It's a spiritual crisis of the will in which we must choose to exercise faith. - Charles R. Swindoll
I think fitting in is highly overrated. I’d rather just fit out... Fitting out means being who you are, even when people insist that you have to change. Fitting out means taking up space, not apologizing for yourself, and not agreeing with those who seek to label you with stereotypes. - Golda Poretsky
Has anybody ever seen a drama critic in the daytime? Of course not. They come out after dark, up to no good. - P. G. Wodehouse
I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like that when I got here. - Matt Groening
I have watched a lot of films... about war... but still I can't understand what's the purpose of war???Killing inocent people??About religion... so my god says that killing other people isn't acceptable... but your is acceptable???WTF - Deyth Banger
I'm of the opinion and quite certain that our 'personal histories' with God are meant to be well informed by the Scriptures - R. Alan Woods 2007
You are successful when you accomplish the goals and dreams you set for yourself. - Brenda Johnson Padgitt
I just can't get with this idea that literature is a 12-step program. If someone wants to read a book to see good people get rewarded and the bad people get punished, essentially what they want is a fairy tale. - China Miéville
I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them at least five years. - Samuel Goldwyn
Progress might have been all right once, but it has gone on too long. - Ogden Nash
Love does as it undoes. It goes after with equal tenacity: joy and heartbreak. Her happiness was his unhappiness and that's the unfair way it was. - Jandy Nelson
The key is putting into practice what God has taught you through His Word. - Elizabeth George
When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'. - Groucho Marx
from 1960-2015 Nigerians live under the rules of those who are above the law, but from 2015 we hope for a little change, and if there is no change in 2015, only God knows what will happened. - Hamzatribah
Sir, it is not God who will assemble us on the battlefield, nor position our troops, nor place the cannon, and it is not God who will aim the musket.
Do what supports your long-term goals not what is easier. - Debasish Mridha
You are mistaken; he is not a gentleman but a sir. Just a sir. For a gentleman is grander and a rare acquaintance. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The Prophet's character was termed tremendous because his concern was for God alone. - Imam Junayd al-Baghdadi
God always provides a pleasant memory to help ease the pain of a bad experience. - Peggy Toney Horton
My Alma mater is the Chicago Public Library. - David Mamet
You gotta be careful: don't say a word to nobody about nothing anytime ever. - Johnny Depp
...habían sido objeto de revueltas políticas, violentas disputas con sus vecinos y finalmente de invasión por una de las nuevas superpotencias mundiales. En medio de todo esto, odiar a un adversario se convirtió en algo completamente natural. - Keith Lowe
God gave you the sea, but you still have to fish for yourself. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You don't have to be beautiful to be shallow. You needn't be small or weak to be a coward. Shitty personalities come in surprising packages and anybody can be an asshole. So value the good ones, whoever they are. Recognize them when you see them and don't let them go. - Jennifer DeLucy
If an infant had the capacity to think hard about this world, it would have wanted to go back to its mother's womb again - Munia Khan
In order for you to live life like its golden. You have to love the life that your living. - De philosopher DJ Kyos
God will never forsake you. - Lailah Gifty Akita
They hadn't much faith in travel, nor a great belief in a change of scene as a panacea for spiritual ills; they were simply glad to be going. - Zelda Fitzgerald
Government, is the last analysis, is organized opinion. Where there is little or no public opinion, there is likely to be bad government. - MacKenzie King
We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government. - William O. Douglas
None of us lives in isolation. We're in it together. And some conflict along the way is inevitable. But our highest priority, when all is said and done, has to be commitment to each other –- sticking together. - Steve Goodier
I am a queen because I know how to govern myself. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It's beautiful when you realise how kind, tender, warm and big-hearted a person is that has suffered too much for their own good. - Diana Jaber
It is good to know; it is better to do; it is best to be. To be pure and strong, to be honest and earnest, to be kindly and thoughtful, and in all to be true,... - S.D. Gordon
Having been here before and lost, to be here and win, I've got to tell you, winning is really a lot better than losing. Really a lot better. - Kate Winslet
God is love, at times we forget that we're human perhaps with common frailties and flaws. Love is the ability to accept this without judgement. - Monica Chrisandtras Hines
Every day thousands of people bury good ideas because they are afraid to act on them.And afterwards, the ghosts of these ideas come back to haunt them. - David J. Schwartz
One day we will be free. And we become free by living despite what they do to us. We live by working, and we work for God. - Kristy Cambron
Joy comes from knowing that God is at work in your life in spite of your circumstances. - Jim George
Encourage your children to read more and watch television less. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence. - Og Mandino
The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy. - Kalu Ndukwe Kalu
All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town. - Leo Tolstoy
Porque o silêncio é certo. - José Saramago
The more the world commits to programs for poverty and education, the greater the gap for those with intellectual disabilities. That’s because money goes where results are quick and quantifiable, which is not likely for people with intellectual disabilities. - LAWRENCE DOWNES
It seems The Adversary needs neither their guilt nor their request, but simply their return. In other words, since repentance is the process whereby guilt is turned into gratitude, He doesn’t mind if they skip a step and go directly to gratitude. - Geoffrey Wood
what? shall we receive good at the hand of God and shall we not receive evil? - Job 2:10
The most important thing for everyone in Gringolandia is to have ambition and become 'somebody,' and frankly, I don't have the least ambition to become anybody. - Frida Kahlo
Hope, like the gleaming taper's light, Adorns and cheers our way; And still, as darker grows the night, Emits a brighter ray. - Oliver Goldsmith
The strong man is not one who is good at wrestling, but the strong man is one who controls himself in a fit of rage. - Anonymous
Morning, Bill,' said Lord Tidmouth agreeably.'Go to hell!' said Bill.'Right-ho,' said his lordship. - P.G. Wodehouse
If I stopped loving Him, I would cease to believe in His love. If I loved God, then I would believe in His love for me. It's not enough to need it. We have to love first, and I don't know how. But I need it, how I need it. - Graham Greene
A rat in its stealing behavior may manage to steal gold jewelry and to make a nest with it but that does not in anyway qualify the rat to be a millionaire though it's gold pieces be worth that much. - Newton Gatambia
Never pass up a chance to have sex or appear on television. - Gore Vidal
A wise doesn’t need advice or action of the people to know their true intention because a sane person can gauge it by mere observation of the attitude, good or bad, of their close companion towards others. - Anuj Somany
Sometimes in life, we need to be pushed to conquer our fears, challenge our nightmares, realized our dreams and achieved our goals, in order to be the best we can be. - CG Murphy - Courtney Murphy
A good book will pull you in from the beginning and take you on a journey you'll never forget. - Lauren Hammond
I let go of all that I had thought was wounded, for there is no ego to wound, no ego to hold on with; there is only love & freedom to love. - Jay Woodman
I get up at seven yeah and I go to work at nine. I got no time for livin'. Yes I'm workin' all the time. It seems to me I could live my life a lot better than I think I am. I guess that's why they call me they call me the workin' man. - Rush
The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with joy are goodness, beauty, and truth. - Albert Einstein
It is no use saying, "We are doing our best." You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. - Sir Winston Churchill
Question me now about all other matters, but do not ask who I am, for fear you may increase in my heart it's burden of sorrow as I think back; I am very full of grief, and I should not sit in the house of somebody else with my lamentation and wailing. It is not good to go on mourning forever. - Homer
Though the word ‘I’ signifies ‘Ego’, yet wondering why it has been easier often to relatively believe more a person speaking with many ‘I’ than the people who talk too much with ‘YOU’ in their voice. - Anuj Somany
I was taught to follow the light, but the light got me lost, I was taught to see the light, but the light blinded my sight.It was the light who gave me judgment, and the judge was cruel and sick,I was taught to love the light, but darkness woke me up, and I was free. - Quetzal
Always maintain the attitude of a student. When a person thinks they have finished learning, that is when bitterness and disappointment can set in, as that person will wake up everyday wondering when someone is going to throw a parade in their honour for being so smart. - Nick Offerman
The slightest awareness of ‘my-ness’ is indeed egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
You should be kissed and often and by someone who knows how. -Rhett Bulter, Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell - Cathy Brockman
ANOINT, v.t. To grease a king or other great functionary already sufficiently slippery. As sovereigns are anointed by the priesthood, So pigs to lead the populace are greased good. Judibras - Ambrose Bierce
LITIGATION, n. A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage. - Ambrose Bierce
The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach. - C.G. Jung
Till tomorrow good sir one must but gaze at stars - Andrew Fisher
One day at a time- this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
While hunting in Africa, I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How an elephant got into my pajamas I'll never know. - Groucho Marx
Money is good for bribing yourself through the inconveniences of life.
Too often, many people choose goals that are not inspiring and empowering to them - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Sexuality, like creativity, is a gift from God. - Lauryn Doll
God gave you brain so that you can give him rest. - Wheto Joseph Seyon
Whoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well. - Vincent Van Gogh
Nothing is impossible, you only have to believe that it is possible, and then go for it. - Gary Edward Gedall
The best way to obtain truth and wisdom is not to ask from books, but to go to God in prayer, and obtain divine teaching. - Joseph Smith Jr.
All our good deeds cannot save us.We are saved by grace and faith in Jesus Christ. - Lailah GiftyAkita
Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.I have bought this wonderful machine a computer ... it seems to me to be an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy. - Joseph Campbell
If you let loose a law, it willdo as a dog does. It will obey its own nature, not yours. Suchsense as you have put into the law (or the dog) will be fulfilled.But you will not be able to fulfil a fragment of anything you haveforgotten to put into it. - G.K. Chesterton
30 cents, two transfers, loveThinking hard about you I got on the bus and paid 30 cents car fare and asked the driver for two transfers before discovering that I was alone. - Richard Brautigan
I believe in living in the moment. To keep working hard in all that I’m doing. Achieve my goals and leave the rest to God. - Shallu Jindal
It takes a heck of a lot of courage to stay true to yourself when the world has forgotten it's way. - Nikki Rowe
We yearn for opportunities, we pray for opportunities and we seek for opportunities. The good news is that we meet opportunities. The bad news is that we miss the opportunities only to come to a later realization of missed opportunities. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Maybe a good goal would be to just at least always try to create something good. Like something that is connected to love in some way. Like the [musical] equivalent of…you can make a decision to be kind. You can make a decision to greet people kindly and make jokes with people and connect. - Joanna Newsom
Only if God IS ultimate reality, can he be our unconditional concern; only then can he be the object of surrender, obedience, and assent. Faith in anything which has only preliminary reality is idolatrous. - Paul Tillich
Statt so zu leben, wie es die Natur uns heißt, haben wir begonnen, diese Natur zu vernichten. - Andrzej Sapkowski
Keep going forward. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A kiss without a moustache, they said then, is like an egg without salt; I will add to it: and it is like Good without Evil. - Jean-Paul Sartre
It is easier to hold on to a dream than it is to let it go. - Tanja Kobasic
Death is not good. It’s just a fact. We don't need to give it so much importance. So I don't want to read anything that talks about it. - Aditi Bose
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion. - Abraham Lincoln
Communicating with the federal government is like talking to a computer that's crashing. - Steve Kluger
This kind of mixing of ingredients happens all the time at fast-food places... You know when you order french fries and there's a rogue onion ring at the bottom. You know, at first you're alarmed but you eat it. It all comes from the same place! You just have to go for it. - Chelsea Handler
What good is praying in public if you as an individual do not follow The Teachings of GOD'S Prophets in The Holy Bible ? Repent ! - Errol Anthony Smythe.
As long one is not able to let go of the insistence on a certain opinion [faith, sect], he has not earned the right for Moksha [Ultimate Liberation]. He is not worthy of Moksha if he is in the sect. He is only worthy of material happiness; he is worthy of a celestial life. - Dada Bhagwan
A Company of a good friend is worth thousand people around you or else you are Gathering a Crowd - irrfan ishaq
People are not lazy, they simply have impotent goals..that is..goals that do not inspire them. - Anthony Robbins
Human on human crimes should never be forgotten, or dismissed by time. We are all related here and are linked by spirit. - Gayle Wray
Raise and Praise; it keeps the devil away!Feeling down? Start praising even if it is a sacrifice of praise. You will soon start feeling better because the devil will not stick around & praise God with you! - Sandra Lott
When in trouble, run to God. When in pain, dwell in His presence. When you don't know what to say or do, ask God and for every moment praise God. He is always by your side! - Gift Gugu Mona
You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott
I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music. - George Eliot
Abuse really is its own alphabet. Those who have not gone through it cannot understand it fully. The echos of violence hang in subconscious long after the threat is gone. - Michelle Franklin
There is nothing more gracious than genuinely embracing other people's good fortune. It will work for you when your time comes. - Margaux Bergen
Nothing and no one is perfect. It just takes a good eye to find those hidden imperfections. - Daphne Delacroix
Remember how far you've come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be. - Rick Warren
Sometimes spiritual blessings are much more important than most material goals we pursue in life. - Sunday Adelaja
My definition of good literature is that which can be read by an educated reader, and reread with increased pleasure. - Gene Wolfe
If ever any beauty I did see,Which I desired, and got, 'twas but a dream of thee. - John Donne
Welcome the righteous,avoid the wicked,and yet open both arms to the repentant.Whoever receives them receives God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Good taste is the enemy of creativity - Pablo Picasso
I did leave something behind with you: my heart. Of course, you didn't know it at the time. Maybe I didn't either. What have you done with my heart, Leo? Have you taken good care of it? Have you misplaced it? - Jerry Spinelli
Parents often ask - how do I get my child interested in books and reading? One tried and true way that my late husband and I used was paying them to read. For each book that my sons read, we paid them $1. They soon developed a love for reading and forgot all about the money. Amazing but true! - Soraya Diase Coffelt
Everything that has ever happened to me that has been important has not been something that I've hoped for, or looked for, or manipulated -- it's all been predicated on my ability to take a new road when it presented itself and to go with it."(On Beauty: , Vogue, January 8, 2016) - Susan Sarandon
Only a demon would prevent a person from saving lives or fulfilling their life mission. There is no reasoning with the devil. Stand with pride because your heart is filled with the goodness of helping others, while theirs is filled with helping themselves. - Shannon L. Alder
mYou learn more from your mistakes and failures than from any degree of success. Success can only be grasped for a moment before it becomes a distant oasis not to be found again unless you thirst for the knowledge found in the well fed by your mistakes and failures. - Brian Michael Good
Don’t wait on perfect conditions for success to happen; just go ahead and do something. - Dan Miller
All of us want to do well. But if we do not do good, too, then doing well will never be enough. - Anna Quindlen
Good is equal to Order While,Evil is equal to FreedomDoes it make sense to you? It does for me. - James Eugeñio
If you see only your coreligionists as your brothers, you aren’t only a good man but also you are very low in morality! Your brothers are the whole humanity! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Thoughts Become Things... Choose The Good Ones! - Mike Dooley
Why do you give way to your ego and pride. Where does it stand in the ocean of time. - Naveen Rajeev
To be a saint is the exception; to be upright is the rule. Err, falter, sin, but be upright. To commit the least possible sin is the law for man. Sin is a gravitation. - Victor Hugo
Roam abroad in the world, and take thy fill of its enjoyments before the day shall come when thou must quit it for good. - Saadi سعدی
Directing praise to oneself is to cash in on the ego in order to bankrupt the soul. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf. - Rabindranath Tagore
I just realized that there's going to be a lot of painful times in life, so I better learn to deal with it the right way. - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
When all hopes are lost then the desire to believe in God is our belief. - Het Desai
We tell ourselves stories in order to live. We live entirely by the impression of a narrative line upon disparate images, the shifting phantasmagoria, which is our actual experience. - Joan Didion
My ego drives me nuts. It asks me to be competitive, creative, and smart. - Debasish Mridha
The dogged determination and patience of one person to do what is Right and Necessary may not always win the day or even be noticed, but it will tip the balance just a little in the direction of good. - Terry Pratchett
The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything. - Walter Bagehot
You don’t need to wait for God to show up, in order to be rescued from your bad situation. God has been trying to get your attention for a really long time. - Shannon L. Alder
We need people who push boundaries rather than retreat inside them. - Tim Fargo
Be believing, be happy, don't get discouraged. Things will work out. - Gordon B. Hinckley
By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet. - Thomas Merton
Legalism says God will love us if we change. The gospel says God will change us because He loves us. - Tullian Tchividjian
The teacher must adopt the role of facilitator not content provider. - Lev S. Vygotsky
We have an opportunity to correct ourselves when God does not punish us immediately. - Sunday Adelaja
We all learn by experience but some of us have to go to summer school. - Peter De Vries
Keep dreaming is good sometimes- but don't dreaming too much cause its gonna make you stop dreaming suddenly - Dandelion Lover
Dont waste time to hate fake people, they dont deserve to be a part of your memory...chill n get boozed in the joy of having good 1s "Happy Friendship Day".. - -sarvesh
Stephanie had no problem doing what shewas told, just so long as she was given a good reason why sheshould. - Derek Landy
I'm sorry I hurt your hand...with my face."-Bobby Pendragon - D.J. MacHale
When I stand before thee at the day's end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing. - Rabindranath Tagore
Let it go and live in the moment with joy. - Debasish Mridha
Dead, but not allowed to die. Alive, but as good as dead. - Suzanne Collins
Made as we were in the image of God we scarcely find it strange to take again our God as our All. God was our original habitat and our hearts cannot but feel at home when they enter again that ancient and beautiful abode. - A.W. Tozer
Every country has the government it deserves. - Joseph de Maistre
That's when it hit me. I had to go through a lot of bad relationships first, but I'd finally found him. My very own Prince Charming. Turns out they do exist.Touché, Cinderella. Touché. - Cindi Madsen
I have fooled life and life has fooled me. We are quits. I say good-bye. Think sometimes in the hour of happiness of your poor, comical fool who loved you truly and so well. - Richard von Krafft-Ebing
I want to put on the table, not why 85% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences reject God, I want to know why 15% of the National Academy don’t. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Any good business person applies financial discipline to everything they do. The movie business is and should be no different; I don't believe you have to sacrifice creativity to have business success. To the contrary, great art requires discipline. - Paula Wagner
Lady Godiva costume is the most suitable clothes for young red ladies. - Bryanna Reid
The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But...the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him? - Martin Luther King Jr.
Life is full of hurts, and it always will be. As long as you live, people are going to offend you, hurt you, and disappoint you.But you needn't let their actions control your response and out-look on life. You can learn to rise above life's disappointments. - Prince Akwarandu
As for me, God forbid that I should boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world died long ago, and the world's interest in me is also long dead. - Galations 6 14
One day I asked God to move the mountain ahead of me, but he said no because he wanted me to experience the joy of being on a mountain top. - Gugu Mona
I suddenly saw that all the time it was not I who had been seeking God, but God who had been seeking me. I had made myself the centre of my own existence and had my back turned to God. - Bede Griffiths
We're called to be faithful, to take those first difficult steps--and to leave the results up to God. - Alex Harris
I am ready for whatever's coming. I expect nothing but to be let down or turned away. I am alone. Goddamn. The shit hurts sometimes, but I realize what I am, what I have become. - Henry Rollins
If you are not good at innovating, be smart in investing. - Rifhi Siddiq
Dare to live by letting go. - Tom Althouse
Teachers don't just teach; they can be vital personalities who help young people to mature, to understand the world, and to understand themselves. A good education consists of much more than useful facts and marketable skills. - Charles Platt
Spike (to Giles) : Oh, poor Watcher. Did your life pass before your eyes 'Cuppa tea, cuppa tea... almost got shagged... cuppa tea'? - Marti Noxon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Be true to your real self; you are all you’ve got - Ane Krstevska
Yes, Max, you are going to die. Just like everybody else.Thank you, Confucious. - James Patterson
Every so often a reader tells me, somewhat disappointedly, that their family doesn't have any secrets. To which I always reply that of course it does, they just don't know them yet. For where there are people living in close proximity, there will always be secrets. - Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden
Friends are the artists who paint happy lips on your face. - Richelle E. Goodrich
JUST SHUT UP talking about what you're going to do and JUST DO IT! Then you can talk. - Sotero M Lopez II
Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears. - Thomas S. Monson
Memories are fool's gold. - Marty Rubin
The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye...until we meet again - Jimi Hendrix
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. - G.K. Chesterton
We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. , Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixtags: black, choices, harry-potter, inside-us, light, sirius, sirius-black - J.K. Rowling
She thinks of her mother, sitting cross-legged, sewing marigolds into garlands for the gods, telling her: "The biggest mistake we make is thinking we are powerless - Isha Karki
No one gossips about other people's secret virtues. - Bertrand Russell
A book is good company. It is full of conversation without loquacity. It comes to your longing with full instruction, but pursues you never. - Henry Ward Beecher
You hid in my ink and guided my hand. You stained the pages with your silence as God wrote the words, "Be still." Yet, my heart's blindness could only write in loud hues of red, "I love you. - Shannon L. Alder
The institutions of Churchianity are not Christianity. An institution is a good thing if it is second; immediately an institution recognizes itself it becomes the dominating factor. - Oswald Chambers
Work is the gift of God to man for him to discover himself. It is only through work that a man can discover the hidden abilities, power, potential, talents, gifts and knowledge that are in him. - Sunday Adelaja
MESMERISM, n. Hypnotism before it wore good clothes, kept a carriage and asked Incredulity to dinner. - Ambrose Bierce
Democracy is a form of government in which it is permitted to wonder aloud what the country could do under first-class management.
In order to know who you are you need to know God is. - Annette Hoggs-Jackson
Be careful not to think that just because you know what a person is going to say, you know what that person is going to do.Be careful not to think that just because you know what a person is going to do to others, you know what that person is going to do (or not do) to you. - Clifford Cohen
And I knowThe scariest part is letting goCause love is a ghost you can’t control - Christina Perri
Never have children, only grandchildren. - Gore Vidal
God's gift to his sorrowing creatures is a joy worthy of their destiny. - Johann Sebastian Bach
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair. - Douglas Adams
When you feel like giving up, you feel like your at the end of the road, you feel defeated, look up. When you look up there is almost always a light somewhere however faint, go for it, never give in, never give up, you are not truly defeated until you die. - Satuin Segi
Take a step of faith. And leave fate to the faithful God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Everyone has a divine beauty. Beware, underneath there may be a hidden diabolical ego. - Debasish Mridha
We all want good friends - kind, respected, nice. The kind of people you want to introduce to your parents, other friends, pastor. But never underestimate the value of immoral friends - the ones that create the most precious memories you never will tell anyone else! - Jury Nel
They will only care when you're gone. - Marilyn Monroe
Live, share and learn the art of true deep listening. The main keys are honesty and humility.Cultivate good filters in the mind. Conquer and tame the ego. If words and actions pass from your lips, sights and tapping words in the keyboard, don't forget to ask first, "Is it true, necessary and kind? - Angelica Hopes
Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. - Joe Gores
The light is all around, but to find it, we need to look inside our hearts. We can go through life and search in all the wrong places. But one day we’ll look within and we’ll find the entire universe. - Dorit Brauer
Invest in the future because that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life. - Habeeb Akande
The act of prayer present an opportunity to communicate and connect to the Supreme being,God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Life is to be enjoyed, not endured - Gordon B. Hinckley
SCRIBBLER, n. A professional writer whose views are antagonistic to one's own. - Ambrose Bierce
When you're part of a team, you stand up for your teammates. Your loyalty is to them. You protect them through good and bad, because they'd do the same for you. - Yogi Berra
No one knows, and few conceive, the agony of mind that I have suffered from the time that I was made by circumstances, and not by my volition, a candidate for the Presidency till I was dismissed from that station by the failure of my election. - John Quincy Adams
Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone,All just supply, and all relation;Prince, subject, father, son, are things forgot,For every man alone thinks he hath gotTo be a phoenix, and that then can beNone of that kind, of which he is, but he. - John Donne
When our government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening foreign entity, it ignores the fact that, in our democracy, government is us. - Barack Obama
It is substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of free government. - George Washington
We could all do with a bit more joy in our lives couldn't we? The wonderful thing is that when we start spreading joy, we begin to actually experience more joy in our lives too! - Steve Goodier
Our natural, inalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation from government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment. - Ronald Reagan
Wisdom is worth more than gold. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A good name, like good will, is attained by many actions and may be lost by one.
Nothing is as far away as one minute ago. - Jim Bishop
Freud was not entirely honest with himself when he said, Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise". - A. Cretan
I can't help but feel, across oceans and vast fields we will connect again. What we share is too rare to let go of for good but sometimes we have to accept, the timing isn't right. - Nikki Rowe
The action or inaction of any government does not negate the Personal Responsibility of the citizens. - Sunday Adelaja
Hath not one God created us? Have we not all one Father? - Malachi 2 10
I think sometimes, despite our good intentions and wise choices, something's are up to fate and we learn to play our part the best we can. - Nikki Rowe
The White Hand did not fry all the brain. He fried somefrom the right hemisphere and some from the left. Theremaining brain, The White Hand wrapped in tin foil,carefully. Tomorrow is, after all, another day, and food should be keptin storage so it won’t go bad. - Siberian Hellhole by Michael Mulvihill
To paraphrase Muggeridge: Everything is a parable that God is speaking to us, the art of life is to get the message. - Chester Elijah Branch
God always has an angel of help for those who are willing to do their duty.
I feel bad for people who don't drink because when they wake up in the morning and get out of bed...Thats the best they are gonna feel. - Frank Sinatra
I did this so well’- one says this and tastes the sweetness of subtle pride of doership. One enjoys the sweetness of this subtle pride. There is pain [suffering] with projection of doer-ship. God is eternal bliss and that indeed is the nature of the Self! - Dada Bhagwan
There's enough of everything to go around for everybody but not without awareness and positive beliefs about abundance. - Mayra Mejia
All that is gold does not glitter.Not all those who wander are lost:The old that is strong does not wither.Deep roots are not reached by the frost. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Radio Wave Sickness and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity are easily preventable and one can only wonder how much longer the insanity of modern governments is going to be allowed to continue in this area. - Steven Magee
To understand the mysteries of God we must move past the logic of men. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Emotions are good as long as you are in control of them. - www.kavikishor.com
What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Ամբողջ մարմնի կենդանութիւնը հոգին է, իսկ մարմինն ու հոգին կառավարողը՝ միտքն է:The whole essence of the body is the spirit, while the governor of both spirit and body is the mind. - Saint Vardapet Eghishē
Ogni alba è un invito a sorgere ed illuminare la giornata di qualcuno. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We are not defined by belief or by faith nor religion.We are the family of God. - Ellen J. Barrier
Good friends laugh at you, laugh with you, but never laugh behind your back. - Saru Singhal
Questions about her feelings, about what has been or might be going on in her soul are non of my business; they are the business of her conscience and belong to religion. - Leo Tolstoy
Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the general progress of the human mind. - Thomas Jefferson
The hardest part about walking away from someone is the part where you realize that, no matter how slowly you go, they will never run after you. - Genereux Philip
These are the attributes of Bullshit people; they will...blur your imagination, take your endowments for a piece of debris, make you ridiculous, and most importantly, you got to send them to the recycle bin. - Michael Bassey Johnson
It is not a lucky word, this name "impossible"; no good comes of those who have it so often in their mouths. - Thomas Carlyle
Bravery never goes out of fashion. - William Makepeace Thackeray
Sometimes, we need to accept that life doesn’t always go the way we planned. - Karon Waddell
To be thrown upon one's own resources, is to be cast into the very lap of fortune; for our faculties then undergo a development and display an energy of which they were previously unsusceptible. - Benjamin Franklin
Consider the weak point in your private life and make a resolution for it, you will be stronger than what you thought and you'll start to achieve your goals easily. - Auliq Ice
The most important job in life is to find out the purpose of your life, and go for it wholeheartedly. - Debasish Mridha
If you ever start to feel too good about yourself, they have this thing called the Internet, and you can find a lot of people there who don't like you. - Tina Fey
Our prayer should address our Father with the complete understanding of God’s fatherhood - Sunday Adelaja
I write, as far as I can tell, because writing is a black sheep sibling of prayer, an urgent struggle against a bad connection, intent, hopeful, innocent, never quite good enough. - Kirk Wilson
A craftsman pulled a reed from the reedbed,cut holes in it, and called it a human being.Since then, it's been wailing a tender agonyof parting, never mentioning the skillthat gave it life as a flute - Jalaluddin Rumi
We would go out and play these songs and people could interpret them however the hell they wanted. - Carrie Brownstein
When I say altitude, I'm not referring to my jet. It's my own interpretation of the word attitude. I like flying because it gets me where I'm going, fast. Likewise, if you have the right attitude, you can get where you're going, fast. - Donald Trump
The objection to fairy stories is that they tell children there are dragons, but children have always known there are dragons. Fairy stories tell children that dragons can be killed. - G.K. Chesterton
What drives innovation is abundance and ease, not the pressure of scarcity. - Adam Gopnik
Perhaps even atheism versus theism is an example of this principle that an apparent either/or can really be a both/and. For I suspect that the God you insist does not exist is probably a God I also insist does not exist; and perhaps the God I maintain does exist is a God you have never denied. - Peter Kreeft
All good that we do is just for you. - Debasish Mridha
You cannot sodomize a Sacrament and expect God to say, 'Well done. - E.A. Bucchianeri
It's not the law of religion nor the principles of morality that define our highways and pathways to God; only by the Grace of God are we led and drawn, to God. It is His grace that conquers a multitude of flaws and in that grace, there is only favor. Favor is not achieved; favor is received. - C. JoyBell C.
God can use the jawbone of an ass! - Winkie Pratney
Rough palms cradled my face while my fingers gripped the pillow on either side of his. Lips, teeth, tongue, mingled together. I ate him up and didn’t let go until I had to come up for air. - Priya Ardis
An educated man believing in a this-that vile sky-god rewarding him-her, but punishing your enemies with hell and fire, is uneducated. - Fakeer Ishavardas
I think there is a puritanical wind that is blowing. I have never seen such a lack of separation between church and state in America, I don’t believe in God, but if I did I would say that sex is a Godgiven right. Otherwise it’s the end of our species. - Kevin Bacon
It is good to have a reason for every action you perform other than blaming others for your faults. - Auliq Ice
There is only one rule for writing and that is go ahead and start writing. - Debasish Mridha
The idea of God, infinity, or spirit stands for the possible attempt at an impossible conception. - Edgar Allan Poe
The scriptures are the instruments and how to use these instruments is a science itself. One goes wandering around for infinite lives because he doesn’t have the knowledge of this science! - Dada Bhagwan
Living the life I wanted was my ultimate responsibility. Learning to forgive was my ultimate act of self-love. - Andrea T. Goeglein
It's the end of the summer. It's the end of it all. Those days are gone, it's over now, we're moving on. - Theory of a Deadman
We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success. - Henry David Thoreau
Was walking aimlessly towards the endUntil I saw a glimmer of hopeA light so brightThought it would change my life And show me where to go - Nirab karki
Cultural analysis is intrinsically incomplete. And, worse than that, the more deeply it goes the less complete it is. - Clifford Geertz
Religious people claim that it's just the fundamentalists of each religion that cause problems. But there's got to be something wrong with the religion itself if those who strictly adhere to its most fundamental principles are violent bigots and sexists. - David G. McAfee
Screaming at children over their grades, especially to the point of the child's tears, is child abuse, pure and simple. It's not funny and it's not good parenting. It is a crushing, scarring, disastrous experience for the child. It isn't the least bit funny. - Ben Stein
Set the goal to get - Sivaprakash Sidhu
Personal growth is the only thing which is going to remain with you forever. Therefore, your basic goal in life should be continuously grow physically, mentally and spiritually irrespective of whatever circumstances might be. - www.kavikishor.com
It is looking at things for a long time that ripens you and gives you a deeper meaning. - Vincent Van Gogh
Those who attempt to search into the majesty of God will be overwhelmed with His Glory! - Thomas à Kempis
If a player won’t shoulder responsibility, he won’t work on his weaknesses, which means he won’t improve. He’ll be constantly on the prowl for a fall guy or a scapegoat, and his teammates becomes epidemic. - Bill Parcels
Sometimes you just gotta hope for the hope of having hope some day. - Jeffery Thompson
God is only where you let Him in - Menachem Mendel
La vida es huida... Y el hombre ciego al desenlace... - Almo
An ardent supporter of the hometown team should go to a game prepared to take offense, no matter what happens. - Robert Benchley
A step towards love is a mile towards God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. - Corrie ten Boom
I tucked the feather into my bra, then glanced up at the sudden heavy silence. What?Blake grinned. What else you got in there? Can I see?Shut up, Blake! said the rest of the boys. - A&E Kirk
The road to success is never easy; You're going to get dirty on the way. - Andrea L'Artiste
I pledge to love Jesus more than anything or anyone. And you are next in line, God’s remarkable gift to me. I promise to protect, honor, and cherish you for the rest of our lives. - Robert Wolgemuth
Be happy you are alive and be good. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The menopause of Sarah became her menostart; this is feminine beauty! The death plot against Mordecai became his life spring; this is masculine beauty! A kind of life lived in God's word is a life of miraculous beauty! - Israelmore Ayivor
Do not hold as gold all that shines as gold. - Alain de Lille
Good values that are cherished,bind and attract both friends and enemies to greatness of life. - JOEL NYARANGI AKOYA
I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. - Susan B. Anthony
They want explanation, not faith; God gives them faith as the explanation. - Geoffrey Wood
In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; these follow you as the shadow follows the body. - Bhikkhu Bodhi
Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends,for it is one of God's best gifts. - Thomas Hughes
There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice. - Mark Twain
If people are going to be allowed to say "we love you" and "I love you", they'd better have the backbone to prove it. Love isn't just a word. - C. JoyBell C.
All is as if the world did cease to exist. The city's monuments go unseen, its past unheard, and its culture slowly fading in the dismal sea. - Nathan Reese Maher
A Christian telling an atheist they're going to hell is as scary as a child telling an adult they're not getting any presents from Santa. - Ricky Gervais
I shall never be ashamed of citing a bad author if the line is good. - Seneca
One thing is clear to me. You can't know everything you'd like to know. You can't do everything you'd like to do. You can't read everything you'd like to read. You must hold onto some things and let go of others. Learning to make that choice is one of the big lessons of this life. - Gordon Atkinson
Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed. - Terry Goodkind
It was almost pleasant, in a life-sucks-but-at-least-there's-good-music sort of way. - Lauren Myracle
Poppy said. Because I was always telling him, ‘Look,’ I said. ‘Face it,’ I said. ‘There is no true life. Your true life is the one you end up with, whatever it may be. You just do the best you can with what you’ve got,’ I said. - Ann Tyler
A man, to be greatly good, must magine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and in many others; the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own. - Percy Bysshe Shelley
I think that at a certain age, say fifteen or sixteen, poetry is like masturbation. But later in life good poets burn their early poetry, and bad poets publish it. Thankfully I gave up rather quickly. - Umberto Eco
Dikteta ni kiongozi anayetawala nchi kwa amri yake peke yake bila ya kushauriwa na mtu, hasa yule aliyeingia madarakani kwa mtutu wa bunduki. Dikteta uchwara si dikteta, ni dikteta nusu. - Enock Maregesi
Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you've got any guts. Some of you like Pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read. - Frank Zappa
Babylon violated diminishes Alexander; Rome enslaved diminishes Caesar; massacred Jerusalem diminishes Titus. Tyranny follows the tyrant. Woe to the man who leaves behind a shadow that bears his form. - Victor Hugo
It is true greatness to have in one the frailty of a man and the security of a god. - Seneca
Trust is a gossamer thread, and it takes only a breath of suspicion to break it. - Jason Worthley
My nights are flying Only when you’re around My days are crying Gotta have you by my side Forever girl……………………… - sami abouzid
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person good night. - Andy Warhol
Danger past, God forgotten. - Scottish Proverb
I don’t care who you love, what you believe, how you look, where you’re from or what you do. If you are a good hearted person, you’re good in my books! - Tanya Masse
Age does not mean wisdom, Do not follow the old man off the cliff. - James Pedigo
If you walk on sunlight, bathe in moonlight, breathe in a golden air and exhale a Midas' touch; mark my words, those who exist in the shadows will try to pull you into the darkness with them. The last thing that they want is for you to see the wonder of your life because they can't see theirs. - C. JoyBell C.
Sometimes you will do good and not get an acknowledgement for it. Don't let that dishearten you, the world is a better place with your good deeds. - Gugu Mona
But bad luck makes good stories. - Bernard Evslin
There is also a third blessing that comes from spending time alone with God. When we spend time alone with Him, this releases all God’s potential, His power, grace and anointing, all of which are so essential for doing work for the Kingdom of God. - Sunday Adelaja
What is all wisdom save a collection of platitudes? But the man who orders his life according to their teachings cannot go far wrong. - Norman Douglas
Write the ending first and then you'll know before the opening sentence that it's going to be a good book. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If a man has ten good qualities and one bad one, to look at the ten and forget the one, and if a man has ten bad qualities and one good one, to look at the one and forget the ten.
All these words we use, anybody can be a genius now. It used to be you had to have a thought no one ever had before or you had to invent a number. Now, it's like, "Hey, I've got a cup in case we need another cup." "Dude, you're a genius!" - Louis C. K.
... a good idea always attracts other good ideas. - Patrick Ness
The history of liberty is the history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it. - Woodrow Wilson
God's grace does not come to people who morally outperform others, but to those who admit their failure to perform and who acknowledge their need for a Savior - Timothy J. Keller
When a bumptious person can’t satiate oneself with an empty praise from others, s/he may go a step further to organize a get-together to bring all people of own nature under a single roof to meet, deliberate, celebrate, collaborate, greet, treat , appreciate or even felicitate one another. - Anuj Somany
Sometimes I think, What a man gonna do with all this media publicity, Photos in newspapers, photography in and among the industry, references and contacts when he cannot help a friend, when he has no family life, and not Even a dog to welcome him after work hours! - Himmilicious
Believe you me, I am all for you; and wish you well - for you to go to hell. - Fakeer Ishavardas
I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts. - Bill Watterson
Humans and their wars. You call me monster, , but look what you've gone and done to one another! Good riddance to you now and, if I'm lucky, forever. Have your war. I'll have my radish stew. - Aaron Burdett
To begin to know ourselves we must have sincere conversations with ourselves as if with a good friend. We must answer without reserve, listen without judgement, and accept without condition. That is self-love. - Kamand Kojouri
Think about your own life. Are there foods or drinks that call your name in your weakest moments—like maybe at night in front of the TV? Are there certain treats you can hardly resist when they’re in your presence? Are there goodies that you continue to eat even after you’re full? - Josh Bezoni
I wear the universe backwards. I imagine putting stars in my coffee, and sugar in the sky. I imagine going fishing in clouds, and watching the sun hide behind lakes. I'm too busy dancing with my imagination to even tip toe with reality for a second. They say I'm going mad. They're right. - D. Antoinette Foy
Take good care of your final word. If your final say will hunt you in day's ahead, then hold back the words, and let silence speak. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Sometimes, God doesn’t send you into a battle to win it; he sends you to end it. - Shannon L. Alder
Only a writer who has the sense of evil can make goodness readable. - E.M. Forster
Love me until Venus gasps with envy.Love me again until Eros swears celibacy. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesman and philosophers and divines. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I studied every page of this book, and I didn't find enough love to fill a salt shaker. God is not love in the Bible; God is vengeance, from Alpha to Omega. - Ruth Hurmence Green
Rigid traditions capture soulsprisons of spiritual thoughtman’s religion has captured a god grown too small and very weak. - David W. Earle
Just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives. - Dallin H. Oaks
A good leader is not elected, he is appointed. - Andrew-Knox B Kaniki
The phenomenon of economic ignorance is so widespread, and its consequences so frightening, that the objective of reducing that ignorance becomes a goal invested with independent moral worth. - Israel M. Kirzner
He that doth not as other men do, but endeavoureth that which ought to be done, shall thereby rather incur peril than preservation; for whoso laboureth to be sincerely perfect and good shall necessarily perish, living among men that are generally evil. - Walter Raleigh
There's a hunger for stories in all of us, adults too. We need stories so much that we're even willing to read bad books to get them, if the good books won't supply them. - Philip Pullman
Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Maker of the world, but degenerates once it gets into the hands of man - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The world's big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark. - John Muir
I see the glass half full and thank God for what I have. - Ana Monnar
To work hard, to live hard, to die hard, and then go to hell after all would be too damn hard. - Carl Sandburg
Humor keeps us alive. Humor and food. Don't forget food. You can go a week without laughing. - Joss Whedon
Establishing the Word of God defeats our spiritual enemies and protects our prosperity. - Sunday Adelaja
The most precious gifts you can think of are not ends in themselves. They all lead to God. Ultimately, that is what all His gifts are for. - John Piper
Who says only long tedious novels are good to read when all that can be summed up in one line - Priyansh Shah
When children are given spiritual guidance, they grow-up learning to know how to pray and praise God. Even though they might not be a religious person in their later years, those values they were taught are the things they remember in their times of need. - Ellen J. Barrier
​"But you can thank God the Lord for His inconceivable goodness, which can be recognized daily and hourly throughout your entire existence, if only you honestly try! Your whole life shall therefore become a thanksgiving! - Abd-Ru-Shin
In a marshland amongst the crocodiles, there float beautiful water lilies! Even in the Hell, one can find the good and the beauty. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Society is going to judge you no matter what you do. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
When does God turn a want into a need? When you feel the same way almost every day. Your thoughts can be distracted for a short period of time, but your mind will always take you back to the one place that feels like home. - Shannon L. Alder
Don’t know if it’s good or bad that a Google search on Big Bang Theory lists the sitcom before the origin of the Universe - Neil deGrasse Tyson
At the end to death I must go,Finishing a real tragic and funny show. - Mohit K. Misra
Some are born virtuous, some become virtuous. To be good by nature is indeed fortunate but to become good is like walking on a double-edged sword; it takes a longer time and is more painful. - Umera Ahmed
There are two souls in a body of a human these souls are GOD & DEVIL.if u r going to do any work it is good or ither it is bad always listen ur GOD's soul. - Hoshiyar
Our awareness of God starts where self-sufficiency ends. - Harold S. Kushner
Just remember, the difference between being good versus being great is just a few points, inches, or seconds. - Bruce H. Jackson
Go ahead, make my day.
Take your time.Stay away from the easy going.Never take the same way twice.Gunny Arndt's rules for successful reconnaissance; Guadalcanal 1942 - GYSGT Charles C. Arndt
Never take your loved ones for granted. You might lose them in a split of second and never got a chance to say good-bye. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
Dean Koontz is good in the silence makes silence... then he just attacks!- WOW - Deyth Banger
Wherever you go, warm that place and people with love and kindness. - Debasish Mridha
Mia: I was sixteen when I first realized my mom was more concerned about my appearance than I was… I’ll be talking to my mom and realize she hasn’t heard a word because she’s studying my face to see if the foundation I’m using is a good match for my skin tone. - Mia Fontaine
Failures do what is tension relieving while winners do what is goal achieving. - Dennis Waitley
Conversation is an exercise of the mind; gossip is merely an exercise of the tongue.
God will help you do it if you trust and lean on Him for guidance and strength. - Tamara L. Chilver
Instead of a feeling, think of love as an action. The feeling of love comes and goes on a whim; you can’t control it. But the action of love is something you can do, regardless of how you are feeling. - Russ Harris
They say time will make all this go away. But it's time that's taken my tomorrow, and turned them into yesterday. - Ben Harper
I am betrayed and played but right now im feeling nothing pain but to forgive, it's because I love God too much that I can't hate. - AKA
Art invites us to become explorers and excavators of our vast internal landscapes, discovering new terrain and digging deep into the past to unearth forgotten experiences and emotion. - Jaeda DeWalt
When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.
A moment of brilliance is not good enough to pay for your mistakes, it's taking responsibility - Mohamed Mohamed Adel
We Libertarians believe in "Limited Government" precisely because we believe in unlimited liberty. Reduce one, and you decrease the other. - A.E. Samaan
It was a haunting tune, unresigned, a cry of heartache for all in the world that fell apart. As ash rose black against the brilliant sky, Fire's fiddle cried out for the dead, and for the living who stay behind and say goodbye. - Kristin Cashore
When you go into court, you're putting your fate in the hands of 12 people not smart enough to get out of jury duty. - Norm Crosby
I just got out of the hospital. I was in a speed reading accident. I hit a book mark and flew across the room. - Steven Wright
Take you example by this thing,/ And yield to each his right,/ Lest God with such like miserye/ Your wicked minds requite - Various
Mr Judge, Jury & Executioner of Micah Xavier Johnson‬ needs to go to jail as soon as possible he is a danger to civilized society. - Steven Magee
A good garden may have some weeds. - Thomas Fuller
Man is not defiled by his impurities. It is the other man pointing out his impurities to him, whom he is defiled by. Is there anything anyone can do, to become righteous, anyway? God made us impure. If he had a problem with that, He would have made us gods, instead. - C. JoyBell C.
It has been acknowledged by many that an actor often plays the character in a reel life better than other contenders only if that projected picture role or image is opposite to his/her actual nature in a real life. It is usually a good method to know the true identity of a Cine and TV personality. - Anuj Somany
Human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they're not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves. - Ken Robinson
It’s a race between your foolishness and your allotted days. Good luck. - Mark Slouka
Hard work always pays off in the eyes of a God that never sleeps. . . . Who's always near and never far - Edna Stewart
I believe that the power to make money is a gift from God. - John D. Rockefeller
We preach revolution but whine about the oppression in the name of change. - Goitsemang Mvula
I wonder if my first breath was as soul-stirring to my mother as her last breath was to me. From 14 Days: A Mother, A Daughter, A Two-Week Goodbye - Lisa Goich
When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. - Ezra Taft Benson
it turns out we were some peoplewhich has been chosen by God to be happy in a different way# beggars - ys sroyer
Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there. - P. J. O'Rourke
For me, time does not seem to pass; rather, it surrounds me. Thus I do not feel removed from memories, nor do they lose their intensity. I have keen recollections not because I have a good memory—I simply retrieve them from the ether. When memories have no velocity, they are very much at hand. - Peter Ruperte Lighte
The glory of age is a gorgeous soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Shunning evil is wisdom; loving God is the highest wisdom. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Growing a culture requires a good storyteller. Changing a culture requires a persuasive editor. - Ryan Lilly
Through dreams, God awakened me; through prayers, God directed me. - Teresa Odden
Most of the people don't see a big success in life, because small successes ignites ego issues in them. - Amit Kalantri
Beware of dissipating your powers; strive constantly to concentrate them. Genius thinks it can do whatever it sees others doing, but is sure to repent of every ill-judged outlay. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again may god hold you in the palm of his hand - unknown
After reading some of my stories, I once had a friend say to me, "I'd love to spend five minutes in your head to see what's going on in there." I warned them, "If you spent five seconds in my mind you'd probably run out screaming and never speak to me again. - Mark W. Boyer
Blessed are the weak who think that they are good because they have no claws. - Baruch Spinoza
And, therefore, indifference is always the friend of the enemy, for it benefits the aggressor -- never its victim, whose pain is magnified when he or she feels forgotten. - Elie Wiesel
This is a bitter adventure, if it must end so; and not a mountain of gold can amend it. Yet I am glad that I have shared in your perils -- that has been more than any baggins deserves. - J.R.R. Tolkien
If you go too fast you might not notice everything. On the other hand, you don't want to be late. - Maira Kalman
I think people who truly can live a life in music are telling the world, ‘You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don’t need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it’s the very best, and it’s the part I give most willingly - George Harrison
A good man never makes excuses, a smart man is never in a position to need one. - Kyle Barger
Giving is a necessary good - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Sometimes being a good parent is admitting that you weren't a perfect parent. - Colleen Ferrary Bader
A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. - William S. Burroughs
I held my breath tightly against the shivers coursing through my body. Darkness ate away the edges of my vision and numbness stole away my fingers. I kept holding though. Watching the last bubble of precious air escape my lips. Then it became all black. But I never let go. - Hubert Martin
Ego is a drum and the drum has to make a noise to tell everyone that that it is there! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The beauty of your soul depends on your thoughts more than what is going on around you. - Debasish Mridha
Once you reach the brink of your will power, you have two options - either give up, or keep going. That decision decides whether you'll reach your goal. - Abhijit Naskar
Discussions should always be held just before going to bed, your rear protected by sleep. How painful, after an intellectual conversation, to have to go about with your mind so stirred up. - Thomas Mann
Progressive feminists have shown nothing but the most reflexive, regressive contempt for women on the other side of the ideological aisle. It doesn’t matter if you’re a conservative stay at home mom, work at home mom, or work outside the home mom. If you’re Right, the Left is gonna hate. - Michelle Malkin
God never asked us to meet life's pressures and demands on our own terms or by relying upon our own strength. Nor did He demands that we win His favor by assembling an impressive portfolio of good deeds. Instead, He invites us to enter His rest. - Charles R. Swindoll
Synchronicity occurs at the intersection of your awareness, response, perspective, and action. - Andrea Goeglein
A billion stars go spinning through the night, / glittering above your head, / But in you is the presence that will be / when all the stars are dead. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Leave me, and go to another, but never stand alone - Oliwier Ernest Brzezinski
Hearing God’s voice is indispensable to moving through or around closed doors. - Gary Rohrmayer
You know the look: genius gone to pot, and ready to join the Communist Party - William Saroyan
If you know that God may soon be entrusting you with a particular ministry, then it's important that you look ahead to what may be awaiting you in the future and see how you can prepare yourself for it - Sunday Adelaja
Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim. - George Santayana
I want to change the pop world one sequin at a time. Artists tend to take themselves way too seriously and don't enjoy the fun of making an impact on culture. I just have a good time and sequins represent a good time. - Lady Gaga
We live in a strange world where people don’t try to know who we are, rather they go by, what they think we are! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Don’t go to pieces. Go to peace. - Alan Cohen
It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him. - Abraham Lincoln
Behold divinity divine enough to abandon divinity. Behold majesty secure enough to proceed un-majestically. Behold strength strong enough to become weakness, goodness good enough to be unmindful of its reputation. Behold love plenteous enough to give and take not again. - Paul Ramsey
Other than the love of God; the greatest love is self love. You have to love yourself more than you love someone else in order to succeed in a prosperous life. - Barbara Hart
In the end, no one can seek God unless he has already begun to find him. - Thomas Merton
Advice, like medicine, should be given in small does; that a little is good doesn't mean more will be better.
The one who has suffered has the right to decide the course of action....Punishment or Let Go is purely the call of the sufferer. - Adil Adam Memon
Knowing God is like listening to beautiful music. His words have power. He lifts me up & soothes my soul. He makes me dance. He gives me joy. - Germany Kent
Letting go facilitates the evolution of the soul. - Jodi Livon
Ego finds no God. - Fakeer Ishavardas
I liked making people laugh, and I decided I was an atheist early on. My Dad was all right with that. We argued about it all the time, but it was good-natured. He was the most open-minded human being I've ever known. - Dave Barry
When someone is giving you their theology, their God words, you should listen hard and be very gentle. The time to deliver your God words is when you are asked. - Gordon Atkinson
The Word of God is my life's manual. - Jane Bulos
Minimise your time with those who make noises instead of speaking what is good for your ears, else, they'll attune you with balderbash. Maximise your time with those who will inject into your ears a soothing sound of wisdom, for they'll set your mind on a sound reasoning path. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Modern science gives lectures on botany, to show there is no such thing as a flower; on humanity, to show there is no such thing as a man; and on theology, to show there is no such thing as a God. No such thing as a man, but only a mechanism, No such thing as a God, but only a series of forces. - John Ruskin
All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest - never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle of equal partnership. - Ann Landers
Whatever your situation might be, set your mind to whatever you want to do and put a good attitude in it, and I believe that you can succeed. - Bethany Hamilton
Jasper! Casey shouts, startling the young woman. My cargo is talking to me! - Nathan Reese Maher
People rely too much on their lifelong instincts. Their perception is divided by necessary obedience, which they themselves have become too weak to liberate themselves from. I'd let the Devil read me the bible, before I trusted the Words of God or the Mind of Man. - Lionel Suggs
Even when everything's going your way you can still be sad. Or anxious. Or uncomfortably numb. Because you can't always control your brain or your emotions even when things are perfect. - Jenny Lawson
To achieve great things we must live as though we were never going to die. - Marquis de Vauvenargues
If god is the root cause for our degradation destroy that god. If it is religion destroy it. If it is Manu Darma, Gita, or any other Mythology (Purana), burn them to ashes. If it is temple, tank, or festival, boycott them. Finally if it is our politics, come forward to declare it openly. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
Money is God’s seed and Christians should learn how to properly sew it. - Sunday Adelaja
I love men. I also hate men; I wouldn't want to be in a world without them but I have to say, it's not a compliment to know a man wants to sleep with you. It's only a compliment when he will go to great lengths for you. - Donna Lynn Hope
God gave laws to His people to bless them, not to burden them. Every rule either elevates the quality of human life or restores one's relationship with God after a breach. He makes no extraneous demands and He is never capricious. - Charles R. Swindoll
Every winter, When the great sun has turned his face away, The earth goes down into a vale of grief, And fasts, and weeps, and shrouds herself in sables, Leaving her wedding-garlands to decay-- Then leaps in spring to his returning kisses. - Charles Kingsley
Never go into venture capital if you want a peaceful life. - Georges F. Doriot
If you really want to be happy, don't just go for the money. Go for the relationship that lasts. Go for things of greater value. - Tony Meloto (Your First Job by: N. Dy)
No money can buy back the moment that is gone - Debasish Mridha
Go inside you, feel the silence, use the eternal now that rules the past and the future. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
For strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination. - Arthur Conan Doyle
To be good, see goodness in everyone. - Debasish Mridha
If you are a dreamer, come in,If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...If you're a pretender, come sit by my fireFor we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in!Come in! - Shel Silverstein
Saying 'Love you' never creates a story, its the beginning of trouble. - Sumanta Goswami
Bless God, he went as soldiers,His musket on his breast—Grant God, he charge the bravestOf all the martial blest!Please God, might I behold himIn epauletted white—I should not fear the foe then—I should not fear the fight! - Emily Dickinson
I long ago developed a very practical smile, which I call my "Noh smile" because it resembles a Noh mask whose features are frozen. Its advantage is that men can interpret it however they want; you can imagine how often I've relied on it. - Arthur Golden
The Who got paid 4000 pounds during those days, but we always smashed our equipment that cost more than 5000 pounds. - Pete Townshend
This is the night to go to the theatre, like Abraham Lincoln. - John F. Kennedy
I sat in a boxWith walls on each side.Not too tall.Not too wide.To think.To ponder.To pray.To hide.I sat in a box and cried. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I dream my painting and I paint my dream. - Vincent Van Gogh
Opportunity doesn't make appointments, you have to be ready when it arrives. - Tim Fargo
Self-regulation will always be a challenge, but if somebody's going to be in charge, it might as well be me. - Daniel Akst
Make thought a whirlwind. - Victor Hugo
Your ego is everything man about yourself - Jeremy Aldana
It is good to rub and polish our brain against that of others - Michel de Montaigne
It is the devotee's job to chant God's name. It is God's business to keep count. - Radhe Maa
He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God. - Isaac Newton
In god's eyes we are fucking naked... did you know that??- God is fucked screw up person! - Deyth Banger
The earth therefore is not Gods jurisdiction. It is man’ jurisdiction. - Sunday Adelaja
God can allow you to pass through storms and get to your success. But what the devil loves to do is to make you not to realize it that the storm is over. He wishes to keep you in condemnation even at the time you have to feel liberated. - Israelmore Ayivor
There are many fish in the sea, but never let a good one swim away. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Beware of puny two-legged creatures claiming to be made in the image of god. - Marty Rubin
It is always possible that society you live in might go backwards, towards the land of ignorance and darkness! While this tragedy and stupidity happening, you must move forward! You must walk forward, towards the light and wisdom, to the land of reason! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Howl said, I think we ought to live happily ever after, and she thought he meant it. Sophie knew that living happily ever after with Howl would be a good deal more eventful than any story made it sound, though she was determined to try. - Diana Wynne Jones
Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing.... For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day. - Ernest Hemingway
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. - George Bernard Shaw
The only excuse for God is that he doesn't exist.
Chi sogna di giorno conosce molte cose che sfuggono a chi sogna solo di notte. - Edgar Allan Poe
If freedom isn't free and people's rights are being violated and suppressed, then Governments have NO need to exist. - ELW-Reta Barnes
Who’d have thought your screwball brother could have gone so serial-killer fucktwat insane? - Larissa Ione
If you tell a person about paradise,It becomes a dream.If you show a person paradise,It becomes a goal! - Gabriel Madison
I am obsessed with good buying books - Lailah Gifty Akita
I believe love is primarily a choice and only sometimes a feeling. If you want to feel love, choose to love and be patient. - Gordon Atkinson
Rebellion is when you look society in the face and say I understand who you want me to be, but I’m going to show you who I actually am. - Anthony Anaxagorou
How shall a man judge what to do in such times?''As he ever has judged,' said Aragorn. 'Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear...It is a man's part to discern them, as much in th Golden Wood as in his own house. - J.R.R. Tolkien
All great men face challenges in the pursuit of their goals. However, the challenges did not deter them for pushing forward and realizing their goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We are all pencils in the hand of God. - Mother Teresa
I live my life in widening circlesthat reach out across the world.I may not complete this last onebut I give myself to it.I circle around God, around the primordial tower.I've been circling for thousands of yearsand I still don't know: am I a falcon,a storm, or a great song? - Rilke, Rainer Maria
I have loved to the point of madness; that which is called madness, that which to me, is the only sensible way to love. - Francois Sagon
Hurl yourself at goals above your head and bear the lacerations that come when you slip and make a fool of yourself. Try always, as long as you have breath in your body, to take the hard way–and work, work, work to build yourself into a rich, continually evolving entity. - Sylvia Plath
Enforcement isn’t about big government or small government. It’s about whether government works and who it works for. - Elizabeth Warren
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you set aside your ego. - Christopher Morris
To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom. - Horace
The goal is essential to getting what you would like." ## - Harry S. Vested Jr.
A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be. - Rosalynn Carter
Health is the great blessing of God. - Muhammad Zain
A Hospital is no place to be sick. - Samuel Goldwyn
Governments derive their just power from the consent of the governed - Harriet Beecher Stowe
First time I ever put pen to paper, I had one goal to build something no one had ever thought of before. - Carla H. Krueger
Good books do not waste our time as most people do... collect a great quantity of books, build alibrary worthy of your noble soul, andspend without stint all the money necessary for it. - Cardinal Augustin Valier
I am going through transformation. I enjoy the different transitions. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The Sun was smiling hundred years ago and the sun is laughing today. - Santosh Kalwar
Where others saw gloom, I saw light or lit a candle. - G.R. Gopinath
Enthusiasm is very good lubrication for the mind.
God is trying to tell us that there is a shift taking place in the body of Christ especially in the way we do church - Sunday Adelaja
Podcast is a good choice, start watching such stuff. - Deyth Banger
We need to be careful not to fall into the victim mindset. This usually happens because we have a dis-empowering perspective of the circumstance. We forget about who we are in Christ and that God is in control. - Michael Barbarulo
Peace, love and beauty are goals shared by every human heart. The question is whether our minds recognize them as such. - Raheel Farooq
It always strikes me, and it is very peculiar, that, whenever we see the image of indescribable and unutterable desolation—of loneliness, poverty, and misery, the end and extreme of things—the thought of God comes into one's mind. - Vincent Van Gogh
To live safely within the realm of possibility is to know nothing other than that which is possible. To live boldly within the realm of God is to experience everything that’s impossible. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Just because someone has been in your life for many years, doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a point at which you finally decide to let go. - Wilfred James Dolor
She's got feet like boats, whiskers like an American, and her undies are filthy. - Marcel Proust
You really fucked me up this time for good, even though you didn't mean to - Real Friends
To step into God’s will is a step into a different realm, even though your feet remain on firma terra. - Toni Sorenson
Go where the pain is, go where the pleasure is. - Anne Rice
Asthmatic spewer of filth gasps, but clean air does not sufficeTo fuel fires fueled by thoughts got rottenLest we all be forgotten thingsThat sit like dust upon the mantel of her mind - Neil Leckman
When you have a dream you've got to grab it and never let go. - Carol Burnett
He who stands by his heart has God in him. Our conscience is what unites us with God. - Suzy Kassem
You won't know how much you’ll miss someone until they’re gone. Go give them a big hug while you have the chance. - Kevin Focke
Past is always afraid of being forgotten because being forgotten means being never-existed in a way! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Let go of all expectations, and you shall never be disappointed. I find that rather disappointing to never be disappointed is very expected. Therefore let's only let go of those expectations we know will disappoint us and let's expect to be disappointed sometimes. Life is beautiful that way. - Nicole Haslam
Believe in yourself. Determined to pursue your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The greatest danger to our future is apathy. - Jane Goodall
Let's go old school to impress people. Wear a smile, rather than a branded dress. Crease out our differences with understanding. And, use empathy, care, and patience as accessories. Then, let's make a conversation, not talk. Ah, what a fine world it would be! Fine, pure and minus artifice. - Saru Singhal
By small and simple sentences, great books come to pass. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Conversation with God leads to an encounter with God. Prayer turns theology into experience. - Tim Keller
Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
Una pesadilla es algo de lo que puedes despertar...pero los pensamientos y las ideas que permanecen después de que tus terrores hayan desaparecido son algo bastante peor. - John Katzenbach
We need to understand the more government spends, the more freedom is lost...Instead of simply debating spending levels, we ought to be debating whether the departments, agencies, and programs funded by the budget should exist at all. - Ron Paul
Oh thee! Lets ignite the fire of love in my heart to purify me. Let my heart feel the joy,see the beauty, all around me.Still it may be in pure agony. - Debasish Mridha
One of the best ways you can fight discrimination is by taking good care of yourself. Your survival is not just important; it's an act of revolution. - DaShanne Stokes
GOUT, n. A physician's name for the rheumatism of a rich patient. - Ambrose Bierce
The way to final freedom is within thy self. - The Book of the Golden Precepts
What spreads the stench of bad conduct? It is the egoism and other ‘flaws’. - Dada Bhagwan
My heart is broken; my spirit’s gone,I broke my lover’s heart, I made promises, I broke them all.The end was near, I’ve crossed to the other side,My heart is broken, my spirit’s gone,I made promises, I broke them all. - Quetzal
fear in sooth holds so in check all mortals, because they see many operations go on in earth and heaven, the causes of which they can in no way understand, believing them therefore to be done by power divine. - Titus Lucretius Carus
The taste of your life depends on the spices you used to brew it. Add laziness to it and it becomes bitter as the bile; put a cube of good attitudes into it and you will lick your lips more and more due to its sweet taste. - Israelmore Ayivor
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand. - Psalms 139
Look out how you use proud words.When you let proud words go, it is not easy to call them back.They wear long boots, hard boots; they walk off proud; they can’t hear you calling -Look out how you use proud words. - Carl Sandburg
Probably the worst time in a person's life is when they have to kill a family member because they are the devil. But otherwise it's been a pretty good day. - Emo Phillips
Repentance is the gateway through which the Gospel can come to us. Repentance is the gateway to a joy-filled life with Christ, for it is the prerequisite for attaining forgiveness, and wherever forgiveness is received, there is salvation and joy. - M. Basilea Schlink
A return to first principles in a republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example. - Niccolò Machiavelli
The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Only your faith can make your fears go away. - Farshad Asl
They'll talk to ya and talk to ya and talk to ya about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, its gonna scare 'em.
For me, that emotional payoff is what it’s all about. I want you to laugh or cry when you read a story...or do both at the same time. I want your heart, in other words. If you want to learn something, go to school. - Stephen King
Writing is like making jewelry -jeweler doesn't make a diamond, he polishes and cuts it, but the gem is from God. - Bela Abel
The good befriend themselves. - Sophocles
What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good on this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on? - J. R. R. Tolkien
Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering - Ida Scott Taylor McKinney
Raising teenage sons and daughters is a long and tiresome journey. With God's help the final outcome will be worthwhile. - Ana Monnar
Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
If kindness is beauty, patience is disarming elegance. - Richelle E. Goodrich
What you seek you shall never find. For when the Gods made man, They kept immortality to themselves.Fill your belly.Day and night make merry.Let Days be full of joy.Love the child who holds your hand.Let your wife delight in your embrace.For these alone are the concerns of man. - The Epic of Gilgamesh
No worries and no goodbyes, just give me a smile. - David Rangel
Live dangerously and you live right. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To even begin to embrace the magnitude of God’s vision, we must first embrace our vision as being nothing more than vision by definition. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Anything beyond the limits and grasp of the human mind is either illusion or futility; and because your god having to be one or the other of the two, in the first instance I should be mad to believe in him, and in the second a fool. - Marquis de Sade
This assignment could damn well project all the words across my face and the ink stain my hands a gory mess before I finished it. - Jazz Feylynn
This is the wonder of Christmas, that in the solitary form of an impoverished infant God has handed me everything that I could never create so that I can be everything that I could never be. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I could have gone on flying through space forever.
Walk in the rain,smell flowers,stop along the way,build sandcastles,go on field trips,find out how things work,tell stories,say the magic words,trust the universe. - Bruce Williamson
A person ought to be always cautious of what s/he asks for from God because everyone has to invariably pay the price in proportion to the preciousness of the prize from HIM. - Anuj Somany
The word "good" has many meanings. For example, if a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a good shot, but not necessarily a good man. - G.K. Chesterton
Anyone who tries to improve the lives of animals invariably comes in for criticism from those who believe such efforts are misplaced in a world of suffering humanity. - Jane Goodall
The way we talk and our behavior should reflect positively on God. - Jim George
Whoever possesses God in their being has Him in a divine manner, and He shines out to them in all things; for them all things taste of God and in all things it is God's image that they see. - Meister Eckhart
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost. - J.R.R. Tolkien
and while he did all the actual dancing, I remember whirling around and around the porch those hot summer days so long ago and never wanting to stop. - Julie Reece Deaver
You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live. - George Bernard Shaw
The is no greater pain than the one you cause yourself when you let yourself down when a good chance present itself for you to advance your life! - Stan The Man SA
Good things happen to good people. - paul christian toquero
The fuse is lit. You can run all you want to but you leave a trail of gunpowder in your wake. There’s going to be a reckoning eventually. - Colleen Houck
You read something which you thought only happened to you, and you discovered it happened 100 years ago to Dostoyevsky. - James Baldwin
You know that when ex-military personnel start assassinating their own government's agents that something funky is going on. - Steven Magee
Voglio vedere chi può superarmi nel talento di amare. In verità è un talento pieno di dolore, di sofferenza, di lacrime; ma mi è così congeniale, così adatto, che difficilmente vi rinuncerò mai. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If you look good and dress well, you don't need a purpose in life.
A desire presupposes the possibility of action to achieve it; action presupposes a goal that is worth achieving. - Ayn Rand
Live each day like you are celebrating your birthday—that is what life wants for you. Engage with family and friends. Indulge in good food, music and dance. You are precious to life. - Pooja Ruprell
The greatest testament of a life lived is to be missed when you are gone. It is not something you can plan for or buy ahead of time. It is a sentiment that comes freely from the lives you touch in positive ways. - Brian MacLearn
I think bravery is a lot less formal than it sounds. Bravery is being able to have a conversation with a stranger. It's going back to school even after years of being away. It's being you even when it's easier to be someone else. - Marquita Burke-DeJesus
The world is charged with the grandeur of God. - Gerard Manley Hopkins
The heart of the Pharisee is within us all, to redefine God's law so it doesn't apply to me anymore. It applies to my neighbor but not to me. - Ron Pearce
It's better to be friends with someone that is willing to be your friend than someone that doesn't. - PureDragonWolf
When will I realize that without God my world is draped in shadows between which there is not a single ray of light? And when will I recognize that with God, my world is deluged in light between which there is not a single thread of darkness? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Wherever in the world a country is governed by spiritually ill, politically empty, ethically rotten and mentally stupid people, over there you can find nothing but chaos, tears and fire! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Don't just listen to a good Advice, but also take it. - Mohith Agadi
Dreaming is good, but actions are better. Actions are what transform dreams into reality. - Debasish Mridha
Remember, never to fear the power of evil more than your trust in the power and love of God. - Hermas one of the Seventy
i am learning that when love wants to stay it will stay.i am learning that when love wants to go it will go. - Ava
It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement. - Isocrates
Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God. - Jeff Valdez
A good name, like good will, is got by many actions and lost by one. - Lord Jeffery
Gods have become like us, ergo, we have become like gods. And to you, my unknown planetary readers, we will come to you, to make your life as divinely rational and exact as ours. - Yavgeny Zamyatin -We
The Bible is the greatest of all books; to study it is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals. - Charles C. Ryrie
The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell, and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Vida simple y tranquila mente, son amigos muy cercanos. - Mehmet Murat ildan
religion, the most powerful of the elements which have entered into the formation of moral feeling, having almost always been governed either by the ambition of a hierarchy, seeking control over every department of human conduct, or by the spirit of Puritanism. - John Stuart Mill
Oh God, I'm miss­ing the gene which makes you grow up and buy a flat in Streatham and start visiting Homebase every weekend. Everyone's moving on without me, into a world I don't understand. - Sophie Kinsella
Variability is one of the virtues of a woman. It avoids the crude requirement of polygamy. So long as you have one good wife you are sure to have a spiritual harem". - G.K. Chesterton
A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. - G. K. Chesterton
The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices make instruments to plague us. - William Shakespeare
The rich man cannot enter the kingdom of heaven because he is already there. - David P. Gontar
Everything hurts until you become good at hurting everything around too. - Sarah Keddar
...for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works. - Frédéric Bastiat
Prayer makes your heart bigger, until it is capable of containing the gift of God himself. Prayer begets faith, faith begets love, and love begets service on behalf of the poor. - Mother Teresa
To have respect for ourselves guides our morals; and to have a deference for others governs our manners. - Lawrence Sterne
Live in the present, learn from the past, and prepare yourself for an exciting future! - Susan Segovia Munoz
See a man as a good opportunity and that is what he becomes. See him as bad luck and he becomes your headache. - Paul Bamikole
when you are surrendering your all to God and if God is taking you somewhere, focus less where He is taking you to, For He will definitely take you somewhere. Only surrender - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
We know the people with techno-fear. They're there, on the computer, going; What... oh... oh... I... I've wiped the file? Oh damn. What... I've wiped all the files?? I've wiped the internet?!? Oh no... I don't even have a modem! - Eddie Izzard
All true leaders have learned to say no to the good in order to say yes to the best. - John Maxwell
If you turn your nose up to people, God will turn down your prayers. - Matshona Dhliwayo
God is God. He knows what he is doing. When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart. - Max Lucado
People who work in an environment where doing their best is recognized have a better chance of feeling good about their work. - Marilyn Suttle
Worries go down better with soup than without. - Jewish Proverb
Buy a stock, if it goes up, sell it, if it goes down, don't buy it. - Yogi Berra
You don't get to pick your own nickname. They've gotta give you one. It's like we're all tryin' to make pets out of each other and we're not comfortable unless we get to name 'em. - Laura Moncur
Smile and thank God, that you are alive today! - John Steinbeck
The friends who met here and embraced are gone,Each to his own mistake; - W.H. Auden
Para quien entiende, una señal es suficientePara el necio, sin embargo, mil exposiciones no son suficientes. - Idries Shah
The 'peace' the gospel brings is never the absence of conflict, but an ineffable divine reassurance within the heart of conflict; a peace that surpasses understanding. - Walter Wink
You'll walk with me out on the wire, cuz baby, I'm just a scared and lonely rider, but I gotta know how it feels... I want to know love is wild, babe, I want to know love is real. - Bruce Springsteen
The first duty to children is to make them happy, If you have not made them so, you have wronged them, No other good they may get can make up for that. - Charles Buxton
All art is a form of vulnerability because at least part of the artist goes into the piece. - A.D. Posey
All things acceptable to God the Father must come from God the Son, whether us or our works. - paul viggiono
For us, the playground of fiction is just as important as reality - Ryohgo Narita
An egotist is a man who thinks that if he hadn't been born, people would have wondered why.
The goal of education is to enable individuals to continue their education. - John Dewey
All writers should be put in a box and thrown in the sea. - Gordon B. Hinckley
When we passed a Catholic church, I recalled, he said, "You think your dad's a good chemist? They're turning soda crackers into meat in there. Can your dad do that? - Kurt Vonnegut
It's not the nineteenth century; I'm not meant to be judged on how good a housekeeper I am. Getting down on the floor with a lemon and a bucket of vinegar does not make me a better person. - Emily Matchar
Knock-offs may look good, but they never last as long as the real thing. - N.M. Silber
When you want to believe in something, you also have to believe in everything that's necessary for believing in it. - Ugo Betti
We don't know Where God is, Who God is or What God is… BUT GOD IS! - - RVM
Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart. - from the movie " A beautiful mind"
To heal, love.To understand, feel.To let go, forgive.To care, be kind. - Debasish Mridha
Dragons were a problem sometimes, but they only came on Tuesdays, so you could work around them. - Mike Carey
Time is too swift for those who fear, too long for those who wait, too short for those who finally find peace, but for those who love, time is eternal. For nothing is ever lost that God wants you to find. - Shannon L. Alder
Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods. - Socrates
Poverty is not a circumstance, it's an attitude. - Rita Gonzalez
Today's youth will determine if we're going to fail or succeed in ending global poverty by 2030 - Desmond Oshifeso
Being a superhero is hard work. You have to save the world. But going to school is even harder. You have to save yourself. - Lenore Look
No government can be long secure without formidable opposition. - Benjamin Disraeli
God gives grace for good work. - Lailah Gifty Akita
In every area of politics, the goal is control. - R. A. Delmonico
But family connections are weird. Even if your relatives aren't good to you, they're still your blood. You can't lose that connection completely. And believe me, I've got a few relatives on my dad's side I'd love to lose. - Rick Riordan
Sometimes to stay alive, you gotta kill your mind. - Twenty one pilots
Be ready. Be seated. See what courage sounds like. See how brave it is to reveal yourself in this way. But above all, see what it is to still live, to profoundly influence the lives of others after you are gone, by your words. - Abraham Verghese
This human body is the perpetual home of God’, what does it mean? Where God is visualized this body, not anywhere. So this human body is the perpetual home of God. What is happening for this reason? This human body is infinite and the world is also infinite. - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
God would never place a dream in your heart that He didn't have the ability to fulfill. - Chris Burkmenn
The Word of God I think of as a straight edge, which shows up our own crookedness. We can't really tell how crooked our thinking is until we line it up with the straight edge of Scripture. - Elisabeth Elliot
To die is nothing; but it is terrible not to live. - Victor Hugo
A poor original is better than a good imitation. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye Who cheer when soldier lads march by, Sneak home and pray you'll never know The hell where youth and laughter go." "The War Poems - Siegfried Sassoon
Falsehood of a good man is better than truth of a bad one. - Raheel Farooq
I like Aristotle, but I don’t agree with his cosmological argument about god. - Debasish Mridha
Oh Gott, mache meine schlechten Taten zu den schlechten Taten von jenen, die Du liebst. Und mache nicht meine guten Taten zu den guten Taten von jenen, mit denen Du unzufrieden bist. - Imam Abu l-Hasan al-Shadhili
The Son of Man is the Mediator of God and humanity. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green.
The absolute good is not a matter of opinion but of nature. - Cicero
I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East -- you're as good as dead. - Elton John
When we are unable to change an event that has already been written in the stars, we are always presented the opportunity to surrender to the heart and find a new pathway to peace. Understanding Divine Reason allows us to honor God’s Divine Plan. - Molly Friedenfeld
Religious discrimination is not like racial discrimination. One you chose for yourself, the other God chose for you. - Habeeb Akande
For good-intentioned people making decisions, there's no such thing as a bad choice. So it doesn't matter what you choose. Choose something, then deliberately line up with the choice you make. This is the art of alignment and allowing. (paraphrased) - Abraham Hicks
Ego is the most important aspect of our life in the sense if we use it against the spaces between our hearts. - Mohsin Ali Shaukat
Anarchy is a state of society where the only government is reason. - Michael Schwab
Always, there are some goodness in bad and something bad in goodness. It is the balance of life. - Pradeepa Pandiyan
She looked from the hilt protruding between her breasts into the eyes of the boy she loved. The golden light in them enfolded her and her heart stopped beating, leaving the ghost of her smile on her mouth. Her vacant eyes mirrored something infinitely close to peace. - Farrah Naseem
The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof, shit detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers have had it. - Ernest Hemingway
In Patience there is GOD - Samar Sudha
Everything that God created is potentially holy, and our task as humans is to find that holiness in seemingly unholy situations. When we can do this, we will have learned to nurture our souls. - Rabbi Harold Kushner
The most important lesson that we're supposed to be learning right now is how completely lost we are without God. If we don't learn this lesson, then our lives are going to have zero meaning. (Stronger: Forty Days of Metal and Spirituality) - Brian "Head" Welch
Past, I am letting you go. Future, I will see you tomorrow. Present, I love you, live in you, celebrate you, and will never let you go. - Debasish Mridha
As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live. - Pope John Paul II
Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first. - Shannon L. Alder
The highest prize we can receive for creative work is the joy of being creative. Creative effort spent for any other reason than the joy of being in that light filled space, love, god, whatever we want to call it, is lacking in integrity. . . - Marianne Williamson
The fact of God is necessary for the fact of man. Think God away and man has no ground of existence. - A.W. Tozer
You probably have the ability to get what you want. And you likely have everything you need to be completely satisfied. But do you also have the ability to want what you've got? That just may be one of the most important questions you will ever answer. - Steve Goodier
You aren't perfect. You aren't glass. You're not gold. You're not right. But you are precious. Remember that. - Nashi
Deep rooted envy is the main cause why people put you down, blame, shame, misjudge, maltreat and malign you; abusing your goodness and generosity." from the book, Odyssey of a Heart, Home of a Soul - Angelica Hopes
Catch the good point and appreciate it. - Debasish Mridha
People say - popular culture advocates - government demands that we sell our souls, for nothing but the cheapest of baubles and bling, if even that. If you do sell, the result is a gray, cheerless, and dreary existence. - Mike Klepper
Those who would renegotiate the boundaries between church and state must therefore answer a difficult question: why would we trade a system that has served us so well for one that has served others so poorly? - Sandra Day O'Connor
A moralist will be unsuccessful in trying to displace his love of the world by reviewing the ills of the world. Misplaced affections need to be replaced by the far greater power of the affection of the Gospel. - Thomas Chulmers
notwithstanding how good a seed my be, it's proper germination,growth and fruit bearing may be mutilated if not planted in a good soil - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
You are not made happy by the true things you believe from your faith, but by the goodness which comes from your faith. - Emanuel Swedenborg
Books don't need batteries. - Nadine Gordimer
At your absolute best, you still won't be good enough for the wrong person. At your worst, you'll still be worth it to the right person. - Karen Salmansohn
I have no doubt that the nation has suffered more from undue secrecy than from undue disclosure. The government takes good care of itself. - Daniel Schorr
Now then, let's come right down in here and put some nice big strong arms on these trees. Tree needs an arm too. It'll hold up the weight of the forest. Little bird has to have a place to set there. There he goes... - Bob Ross
No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar. - Abraham Lincoln
God sees us differently. We see where we are but God sees where we can be. - Jamie Larbi
Listen, the next revolution is gonna be a revolution of ideas. - Bill Hicks
Some things have a natural way of solving themselves. Sometimes you just have to let it go and observe it get solved. - Jackson Taviri
Imagination is God's gift to the dreamers. - T.R. Wallace
You are guaranteed failure if you accept it. Victory is almost in your hands if you are willing to die for it. Success is already yours if God has ordained it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I say to mankind, Be not curious about God. For I, who am curious about each, am not curious about God - I hear and behold God in every object, yet understand God not in the least. - Walt Whitman
At moments when life is at its worst there are two things you can do: 1.) break down,lose hope and refuse to go on while lying face down on the ground banging your fists and kicking your legs, or 2.) laugh. Bobby and I did the latter. - Cecelia Ahern
The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced - Albert Einstein
Some say Twitter is overrated.Some love it, others hate it.I guess it depends on what you've got,If you have guts to write a funny plot! - Ana Claudia Antunes
Carved deep into my veins but didn't bleedOverdosed on sleeping pills but didn't sleepWhen your heart is heavy, it gets increasingly harder to breatheClearly there's a GodBut why has he forsaken me? - Nomzamo Nhlumayo
Eat before shopping. If you go to the store hungry, you are likely to make unnecessary purchases. - American Heart Association Cookbook
Every time the sky cries, it is because an angel has died... Lucifer started a war in Heaven, and it persists even now. So if God cannot keep his angels under control, what makes you believe that he can keep humanity under control? - Lionel Suggs
Jesus never spoke of truth in abstraction, as something that stands alone. Jesus always spoke of truth in relation to God being revealed through himself. - Tim McConnell
Time is redeemed when you make the most of your life by fulfilling God’s purposes. - Elizabeth George
No truer word, save God's, was ever spoken,Than that the largest heart is soonest broken. - Walter Savage Landor
Society is produced by our wants and government by our wickedness. - Thomas Paine
If I do depart this world out here, let it be known that I went out grinning will you, and loving it. LOVING IT.Steve, are you listening ? I FEEL GREAT. Life’s so joyous, so sad, so ephemeral, so crazy, so meaningless, so goddamn funny. This is paradise, and I wish I could give you some. - Robyn Davidson
The couch and I were what I would describe as frenemies. I loved to hate it. It was too small for my frame. I had tried to tell my wife that fact when we bought it off of Craigslist, but she assured me that it went perfectly with our room decor and it was a good deal. - Anna M. Aquino
the ultimate aim of government is not to rule, or restrain by fear, nor to exact obedience, but to free every man from fear that he may live in all possible security... In fact the true aim of government is liberty. - Baruch Spinoza
I'm tired of hurting from the people who leave me. I'm tired of getting comfortable with others. I tell you everything and you leave. It's like you're take what is good in me and all that is left in me is an empty shitty feeling. - Shailee J-N
A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill, requires only our silence, which costs nothing. - John Tillotson
For even if we have the sensation of being always surrounded by our own soul, it is not as though by a motionless prison: rather, we are in some sense borne along with it in a perpetual leap to go beyond it. - Marcel Proust
To last, a marriage and family must be built on love—love for God, and love for one another. - Elizabeth George
The sun and the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago . . . had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands. - Henry Ellis
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. - Sir Winston Churchill
Safe in the sovereignty of the Godhead, we can count on the fact that WE, rather than just our friends, enemies, or circumstances, will be transformed. - Brian Eshleman
Love left us long back,we just got better.You at pretending,Me at hiding. - Anjum Choudhary
You control whether you are happy. It's all your narrative and you can change it if you choose to." - L. R. W. Lee Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury - L.R.W. Lee
But it's a neurological fact that the scared self holds on while the reasoned one lets go. - Mary Karr
One thing was certain: he was my one. Most people go on their whole lives and never find their one, but I found mine. I found him when I was twelve-years-old. - Jennifer Edlund
But still, he reflected, I ought to wash my pajamas more often. Life is so uncertain: you never know what could happen. One way to deal with that is to keep your pajamas washed. --Tengo, IQ84 - Haruki Murakami
Lawsuit n. A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage. - Ambrose Bierce
O God, I'm merely thinking you're thoughts after you. - Johann Kepler
I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed, without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today my own government. - Martin Luther King Jr.
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these. - George Washington
God is dead. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't. - John Piper
eres la única que está cerca de aunque no esté conmigo. - Daniel Glattauer
Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
There was a footpath leading across fields to New Southgate, and I used to go there alone to watch the sunset and contemplate suicide. I did not, however, commit suicide, because I wished to know more of mathematics. - Bertrand Russell
Even though we know we have to let you go, our hearts are singing the song no- no- no. We can’t let you go. - Debasish Mridha
Keep busy with survival. Imitate the trees. Learn to lose in order to recover, and remember nothing stays the same for long, not even pain. Sit it out. Let it all pass. Let it go. - May Sarton
I see the world in very fluid, contradictory, emerging, interconnected terms, and with that kind of circuitry I just don't feel the need to say what is going to happen or will not happen.
It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable. - L. M. Montgomery
holding a tiny dixie cup in my hand makes me feel like a giant human being that can crush things - Brandon Scott Gorrell
We are in a mutually dependent society, called civilization, and government is the oil that keeps it running and the lifeblood that carries oxygen to the various parts of the civic body. - Jack Lessenberry
Yesterday-GoneToday-Working on itTomorrow-Coming - Shauna Vanderhorst
Se tens um coração de ferro, bom proveito. O meu, fizeram-no de carne, e sangra todo o dia. - José Saramago
Kwa nini watu wana kawaida ya kuona thamani ya mtu baada ya mtu kufariki? Kwa nini watu wana kawaida ya kuona thamani ya pumzi katika kipindi ambacho mtu hana uwezo tena wa kuvuta hewa? Nini thamani ya pumzi? Thamani ya pumzi ni kukufanya uwe wewe na si udongo. - Enock Maregesi
You said move on, where do I go? - Katy Perry
Wisdom comes easy to me today. The Universal Intelligence and the Cosmic Power, Empower me with wisdom each day of my life. Thanks BE to God. _nickc - nick catricala
If you can not give it your all, you have nothing to give. - Susan Segovia Munoz
Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see further. - Thomas Carlyle
I believe that if that vision or dream comes from God, He will also give you the strategy to bring it to pass. - JA Perez
El amor no es más que el deseo furioso de algo que huye de nosotros... - Michel de Montaigne
We are going to the moon that is not very far. Man has so much farther to go within himself. - Anaïs Nin
Mercy is a contingency plan, devised by the guilty in the eventuality that they are caught. Justice is the domain of the just. - Richard Rahl - Terry Goodkind
I am not an angry girlBut it seems like I’ve got everyone fooledEvery time I say something they find hard to hearThey chalk it up to my anger, and never to their own fear - Ani DiFranco
I thought love was more or less a giving thing. Seems the more I gave, the less I got. - Neil Diamond
People which can't choose, should die... So far I don't see where can they go if they are lock in maze?They will search exit with hours! - Deyth Banger
Black holes are where God divided by zero. - Albert Einstein
Gee, I'm sorry I didn't hear you in all this rain. Go ahead in, please."Anthony Perkin's Norman BatesTalking To Janet Leigh's Marion Crane. - Alfred Hitchcock
To relate oneself expectantly to the possibility of the good is to hope. To relate oneself expectantly to the possibility of evil is to fear. By the decision to choose hope one decides infinitely more than it seems, because it is an eternal decision - Søren Kierkegaard
Once the game is over, the King and the pawn go back in the same box. - Italian proverb
Mental slavery is a cheap & easy to find addiction. Knowledge stimulates mental faculties immune system. - Freedom Goodbird
ultimately, the long-term goal is to have a critically informed public vote out of office representatives that are sacrificing children to the corporate bottom line with prepackaged teacher-proof curricula, standardized tests, and accountability schemes. - Pepi Leistyna
If I could do it all again, I would start three hundred years ago, and write twice as fast. - Peter James West
No good deed goes unpunished. - Oscar Wilde
To paraphrase Paul, God often uses the cheesy to confound the sophisticated. He regularly honors those who are confused about his leading as if they have nailed it. - Mark Galli
It is for the good of states that men should be deluded by religion. - Publius Papinius Statius
SURE-FIRE SINGLES AD: Famous Writer needs woman to organize his life and spend his money. Loves to turn off Sunday football and go to the Botanical Gardens with that special someone. Will obtain plastic surgery if necessary.
You'll contact with me by the pressure, the need or by the interest ". - Fernando González y Lozano
A woman is a blissful mother, a wonderful sister, a gorgeous daughter, and a friend with a kind heart who really cares. Wishing you a wonderful International Women’s Day - Debasish Mridha
You know, When does a girl asks you for a selfie ?When she got the solution to the biggest mathematical equation of this Society. - Balakoteswara Panchakshari
Materialists deny God because they can't smell a rose with a telescope. - Adriano Bulla
Amor es gozar mucho y llorar luego mucho más. - Sappho
I am having the most wonderful time sorting myself out! - Nina Montgomery
Look upon good books; they are true friends, that will neither flatter nor dissemble: be you but true to yourself...and you shall need no other comfort nor counsel. - Francis Bacon
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
Love words, agonize over sentences. And pay attention to the world. - Susan Sontag
I say, "You a kind girl," and she nod, repeat it back to me. But before I can do another one, she get up and chase that poor dog around the yard and laugh and that's when I get to wondering, what would happen if I told her she something good, ever day? - Kathyrn Stockett
Life is a great gift from God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Going into business without a business plan is like going on a mountain trek without a map or GPS support you’ll eventually get lost and starve! - Kevin J. Donaldson
No language about God will ever be fully adequate to the burning mystery which it signifies. - Elizabeth Johnston
The last we heard of him was a picture postcard from Mazatlan, on the Pacific coast of Mexico, containing a message of two words: "Hello - Goodbye!" and no address. - Tennessee Williams
Don't worry about the future, sooner or later it's the past. If they say the feeling's gone then it's time to take it back. - Meat Loaf
The goal for most people should not be to feel better, but to get better at feeling. - Shannon L. Alder
Reality is what we tell to go screw itself every time we write or read a book, shoot or watch a movie. - Garrett Robinson
A childhood without books that would be no childhood. That would be like being shut out from the enchanted place where you can go and find the rarest kind of joy. - Astrid Lindgren
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The evil men do lives after them, the good is often interred with their bones.
What really alarms me about President Bush's 'War on Terrorism' is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? How is 'Terrorism' going to surrender? It's well known, in philological circles, that it's very hard for abstract nouns to surrender. - Terry Jones
To ease the loneliness of the bridges, visit them sometimes! The forgotten ones must be remembered! Create some memories with them so that they will feel themselves less lonely! Memories are the enemies of solitude. - Mehmet Murat ildan
In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative original thinker unless you can also sell what you create. Management cannot be expected to recognize a good idea unless it is presented to them by a good salesman. - David M. Ogilvy
If you're not gonna tell the truth, then why start talking? - Gene Wilder
[D]oing nothing meant leaving things exactly the way they were, and that was unacceptable. - Caroline Goode
We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties. - Oswald Chambers
Witchcraft is the attempt to gain special knowledge or power outside God. What do we mean by "special?" We mean power or knowledge that is not found or allowed by God in the natural order. - Thiessen, Sarah
You must give him time,' said her grandmother;'and you must be content not to be believed for a while. It is very hard to bear; but I have had to bear it, and shall have to bear it yet. I will take care of what Curdie thinks of you in the end. You must let him go now. - George MacDonald
God save us from religion. - David Eddings
The past is finished. There is nothing to b gained by going over it. Whatever it gave us in the experiences it brought us was something we had to know. - Rebecca Beard
The secret to life is to have no fear. When you can let go of what others think about you, how something is going to turn out, or how your past will affect your future, then you are finally living life free. - Shannon L. Alder
If I'm going to sing like someone else, then I don't need to sing at all. - Billie Holiday
My plan is to continue teaching many more years than the 32 years I've already enjoyed and continue writing, and promoting my books and websites if it's God will. - Ana Monnar
Last night I dreamed I ate a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone. - Tommy Cooper
Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks. - Thomas Goodwin
The minute we run away from reality, we become our own fears for a lifetime - Goitsemang Mvula
Facetiously is the only English word that has all six vowels in order, James Thurber declared. "Oh," replied copy editor Miss Gould, "What about abstemiously?"
Lying is not a sin, since there has never been a law-maker or philosopher who could determine what truth is. I lie for the fun of it. I lie for the fear of the gravity of life. I lie out of boredom. How can anyone who has more fantasy than the Catholic evening paper get by without lying? - Iwan Goll
I rather choose to go through what will make me humble than to go for what will increase my pride to a level without limit - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
A true friend has a habit of talking behind your back good things about you. - Tareq ragheb
I wanted to be good but I wasn't sure if I was prepared - Leila Aboulela
Mr. Speaker, I once again find myself compelled to vote against the annual budget resolution for a very simple reason: it makes government bigger. - Ron Paul
I hope we can continue to find ways to encourage integrity in all aspects of government operations - Ben Carson, M.D.
We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we all take a little of each other everywhere.
Woman is the light of God. - Jalaluddin Rumi
The Father is truly the only Promise Maker who is in earnest a Promise Keeper. A promise from God is a promise kept. - Sheila Walsh
Women may be better than men but not not even God can beat a Real Man - Swapnil Kumar
Dear Nettie, I don't write to God no more, I write to you. - Alice Walker
The art of statemanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite its occurrence. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
I'm never going to be famous. I don't do anything, not one single thing. I used to bite my nails, but I don't even do that any more. - Dorothy Parker
The imagination is truly the enemy of bigotry and dogma. - Ursula K. Le Guin
I once saw a small child go to an electric light switch as say, "Mamma, can I open the light?" She was using the age-old language of exploration, the language of art. It was a sort of metaphor, but she was not using it as ornamentation. - Ezra Pound
Stay humble and inherit greatness, wise and inherit eternal life - Kgosietsile Martin Timothy
The 'Good News' is, the messiah cometh. The bad news is, he never does. - Fakeer Ishavardas
ENVELOPE, n. The coffin of a document; the scabbard of a bill; the husk of a remittance; the bed-gown of a love-letter. - Ambrose Bierce
Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong-these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history. - Sir Winston Churchill
God changes His time because His goals and tasks change. - Sunday Adelaja
You have to work harder to achieve your goals - Lailah Gifty Akita
Love teaches a good person to do bad and a bad person to do good. - Heenashree Khandelwal
Luck, bad if not good, will always be with us. But it has a way of favoring the intelligent and showing its back to the stupid. - John Dewey
The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man's. - Mark Twain
The more we have, the more we realize can be taken from us, and that’s when our lives border on insanity. We live in fear of losing what we think we possess. Once we let go and let God, then we gain a peace that surpasses understanding. - Toni Sorenson
There are things that go bump in the night - Anonymous
You are my white angel of hope at the golden gate of glory. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Trust GOD with the life He gave you; follow His lead. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. - Eddie Cantor
Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip. - Will Rogers
If you can get nothing better out of the world, get a good dinner out of it, at least. - Herman Melville
We hold on so tightly, because we’re terrified of loss. We hold on till our hands bleed. And in that self-shattering persistence, we fail to see the answer: Just let go. - Yasmin Mogahed
A tale spinner's goal is entertainment. - John H. Alexander
EVANGELIST, n. A bearer of good tidings, particularly (in a religious sense) such as assure us of our own salvation and the damnation of our neighbors. - Ambrose Bierce
The promises of God hold up long after the promises of the world have blown up. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The wind has many lovers and I am one of them, I move freely in her armsI know no chains, nor bound to anyone’s truth, you can call me a harlot of the wind, I take no offense, because I know at the end of my days, my face will show that I have been kissed by the breath of GOD.~Micheline Jean louis - Micheline Jean Louis
Living a good life is like flipping pancakes. If you hesitate, it splatters all over the place. - Matt Simpson
Talking to the Divine is possible when you have your knowledge, thoughts, mind & body in line, remembering God with every breath. In Sufism, it is called ‘Sama’. But in reality, it should be called ‘Self realization’, I think. - Taranpreet Singh
Work harder to become better person. There is no guarantee how long we are going to be here. Enjoy life. - Independentzen
Coincidentally, a good age for a Japanese girl is younger than twenty five, because that's when she turns into a 'Christmas Cake'. Christmas cakes, as everyone knows, are desirable before the twenty fifth but afterward quickly become stale and are put on the shelf. - Andrew Davidson
Sometimes it's better for a struggling writer to stay single, than to keep hearing, "Oh, your a writer, and you need to spend time in writing? Then go marry your writing! - Anthony Liccione
All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable. - Fran Lebowitz
Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them they translate into their own language, and forthwith it is something entirely different. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Courage is God's way of testing the virtues you profess to have and your level of commitment to everything you think you are. - Shannon L. Alder
As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is up to us.
The rainbow is the pot of gold to those who observe. - Thomas F. Shubnell
Every person will become three time child in their life.One when they are child, Second when they become parents and third when they become grandparents.It's never be gone. - Savan Solanki
Good could become the enemy of the best. That best is possession. - Sunday Adelaja
Experience is a good school, but the fees are high. - Heinrich Heine
Notwithstanding how good you are, you shall be perceived as bad by the masses when you take the extraordinary steps that lead to distinctiveness which the masses may regard as bad - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Life is all about looking for an opportunity to do something good. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
It is easy to identify a shallow person by the attention he gives to what will do him absolutely no good. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The Lord gives a good many things twice over, but he don't give ye a mother but once. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
I have said that the soul is not more than the body,And I have said that the body is not more than the soul,And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one's-self is, - Walt Whitman
The Lord God is sacred helper - Lailah Gifty Akita
The best stories are about a character who has a goal or noble quest and goes through hell to get it. Do you have a goal or quest like that in real life? Why not? - Kenneth Wayne Wood
Going through life regretting your past decisions is like being a repeat offender in jail. You never break free because you won't allow your mentality to move on".~The Roadblock is You - Demia Avery
Wait for it to rain and then go out into the street. - Gwen Calvo
Josh: So, Toby, it’s election night. What do you say about a country that goes out of its way to protect even those citizens that try to destroy it?Toby: God bless America. - Aaron Sorkin
To find out how much we can do or how far we can go, we have to challenge ourselves constantly. - Debasish Mridha
Some of the toughest ayaat in the Quran have Allah's name "ar-Rahman" in them to make it clear that just because Allah is the Most Merciful, it doesn't mean He's not going to carry out justice. - Nouman Ali Khan
And yet, my girl, we weep in vain,In vain our fate in sighs deplore;Remembrance only can remain,But that, will make us weep the more. - George Gordon Byron
And please return it. You may think this a strange request, but I find that although my friends are poor arithmeticians, they are nearly all of them good bookkeepers. - Walter Scott
Don't spread negativity, that stuff is contagious and ruins us. The good news is, positivity can also be contagious and it lifts us. - Joshua Neik
Find the good. It's all around you. Find it, showcase it and you'll start believing in it. - Jesse Owens
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy Bennett
I'm gonna take all my sadness, frustration, anger and energy and channel it into becoming the best possible student.I AM GOING TO BECOME A LEARNING MACHINE. - Peter Rogers
Sex is good, but not as good as fresh sweet corn. - Garrison Keillor
An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. - Albert Einstein
says Semtex goes BOOM! Handle his books with care. - Jimmy Boom Semtex
Les bras d'une mère sont faits de tendresse et un doux sommeil benit l'enfant qui s'y abandonne. - Victor Hugo
Without memories,there can be no good or evil. It will exist only indifference! - N.M.
If I let the past and my goals be the only thing that drives me in life, I will never know the meaning of being happy. - Unarine Ramaru
It's easier to runReplacing this pain with something numbIt's so much easier to goThan face all this pain here all alone. - Linkin Park
Good writers define reality; bad ones merely restate it. A good writer turns fact into truth; a bad writer will, more often than not, accomplish the opposite. - Edward Albee
Is not the true respect and worship of God the exercising of our power in such a way that we are also respected? - Shannon L. Alder
Anyone can perform good deeds for an audience; the best among us do their greatest work when no one is present to bear witness. - Ken Poirot
...I am not, however, militant in my atheism. The great English theoretical physicist is a militant atheist. I suppose he is interested in arguing about the existence of God. I am not. It was once quipped that there is no God and Dirac is his prophet. Linus Pauling - Paul Dirac
Peace is not only the goal, it is the game itself. - Debasish Mridha
This poetry. I never know what I'm going to say. - Jalaluddin Rumi
You have to be careful who you let define your good. - Lois McMaster Bujold
This is the only real revelation that God is only a trick with mirrors, our dark reflection in a glass. - Philip Appleman
Perhaps Fate laid out your life for you like a dress on a bed, and you could either wear it or go naked. - Laini Taylor
We are ready to despair too soon, we are ready to say, ‘What’s the good of doing anything?’ Hope is the virtue we should cultivate most in this present day and age. - Agatha Christie
Good leaders make heroes of others. - Mark Sanborn
A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong. - Milton Berle
Don't expect anything except yourself. - Goitsemang Mvula
I would rather think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to come together and make sense. - Rabbi Harold Kushner
When troubles come into my life which burden my heart and my mind,I know that God will guide me by making his presence shine. - Liz Liaw
This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet. - Jalaluddin Rumi
People don't need to know how good you are. Just smile, just slay and just show. - Janna Cachola
Unfortunately, there seems to be far more opportunity out there than ability.... We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation. - Thomas A. Edison
Most people who lose their lives because life might be down for them only refuse to know what a tuber of yam that is put into the soil goes through before it comes up as a fresh green creeping plant to bear yet another bigger tuber - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Grace is divine power of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Time cannot put anything in your hands until you let go off the time. - Vishwanath S J
If it does not make me strong, we do not go along. - Luimar Silva
As a scientist, I can not help feeling that all religions are on a tottering foundation. None is perfect or inspired.The idea that a good God would send people to a burning hell is utterly damnable to me. I don't want to have anything to do with such a God. - Luther Burbank
You will find your true spirit when you lose your egocentric, self-centered desires and fill your mind with pure love and non-judgmental thoughts. - Debasish Mridha
My trials may not be as hard as yours or as painful as yours but hey, I've gone through tough times as well! And yes God's love may be invisible, but I know the wonder of invisible Love... God is the Greatest! - Aireen C. Pontillo
Our mission is not to impose our peculiar institutions upon other nations by physical force or diplomatic treachery but rather by internal peace and prosperity to solve the problem of self-government and reconcile democratic freedom with national stability. - Benjamin Harrison
Everywhere you walk, every place you go is full of art, explicit or hidden! If you can see them, you will be the richest art collector and your memory will be the richest art gallery! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you aren't going out for business, you may go out of business. - Robert J. Braathe
Non sense discussions, have you ever thought that most discussions which you have are useless, pointess?? It's true and that's why I never go out. - Deyth Banger
There is a time in a boy’s life when the sweetness is pounded out of him; and tenderness, and the ability to show what he feels, is gone. - Norah Vincent
They deem me mad for I will not sell my days for gold; I deem them mad for they think my days have a price. - Kahlil Gibran
Yesterday was good, but let us dream and work hard to make tomorrow even better. - Debasish Mridha
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about, and she's got everything that I have to live without... He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar, the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart. He's the song in the car I keep singing; don't know why I do. - Taylor Swift
Anything is good if it's made of chocolate. - Jo Brand
I gotta be me.
I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is fucked up. - George Carlin
I sold my first short story to Pyramid Press, where it was chiseled onto fifteen slabs of granite, and for which I was paid nine goats. - Frank Tuttle
The older you get, the more you realize you need a handful of good, close, tight friends. - Nicole Richie
We were not born into this life knowingthat we were going to becomerich or poor, striving or with a celeb status, sick or healthy.But one thing that I know is thatthe human mind is a powerful tool to achieve success. No matter the circumstances,greatness is when you pushyourself above the odds. - Henry Johnson Jr
MAGNIFICENT, adj. Having a grandeur or splendor superior to that to which the spectator is accustomed, as the ears of an ass, to a rabbit, or the glory of a glowworm, to a maggot. - Ambrose Bierce
Time is precious, so use it wisely in every area of your life including having a relationship with God through"The Door", Jesus Christ! No one knows how much time that they have to live, so don't allow time to run out on you! - Anita R. Sneed-Carter
I’m going inside of myself and never coming out. - Jennifer Elisabeth
In Business, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. - Anonymous
I could never understand what was going on in my dreams I couldn’t control the happenings, it’s like I just stood there glued to the ground watching everything around me move and evolve into different scenarios. I was a ghost of myself watching life unravel before my own eyes... - JaszCab.
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it."(Letter to Étienne Noël Damilaville, May 16, 1767) - Voltaire
(On being in a position of leadership) Even if it's your dog, you've got authority over somebody. Start treating him better. - Joyce Meyer
Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
My idea of working for a living is not going to office and earning a salary. It is to build a log house and catch my own fish and till some soil. - Girish Kohli
I couldn't live a week without a private library - indeed, I'd part with all my furniture and squat and sleep on the floor before I'd let go of the 1500 or so books I possess. - H.P. Lovecraft
She got inside me with her story. I could feel her flowing in me and far, faraway I related in parallel. Her smile was a reflection of my own brokenness. It defined buried feelings that I could never ignore. - Robert M. Drake
Never allow your desires to lead you away from God; allow nothing else to control you other than God and His Word. No matter what you see or pass through, don’t allow them to define you. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
You may be suffering in silence, BUT GOD desires that you OVERCOME OUT LOUD - Ladye Lindsey
Contrary to general belief, I do not believe that friends are necessarily the people you like best, they are merely the people who got there first. - Peter Ustinov
Ranger locked eyes with me. "Please," he said.Tank and Hal were goggle-eyed. They weren't used to "please." I wasn't used to it either. But I liked it. Okay," I said. "Be careful. He's insane. - Janet Evanovich
live life like its going out of style - Andrew Robert Burn
Let go of how you perceive others and how others perceive you. - Avis J. Williams
People with evil ideas will think and do as they have learned, but those people with good ideas have the responsibility to show them the way of love, way of truth, and the way of peace. - Debasish Mridha
Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live. - Socrates
Everything around you will vanish and go away.Only your expressed love will live forever in the Milky Way. - Debasish Mridha
Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality. - Beatrix Potter
Don't regret; just celebrate your knowledge and wisdom. Life isn't about an easygoing sheltered heaven; it's about living. - Rola Mahmoud
We’re making our decisions or so we think. Yet in truth, ignorance, greed, and the scourge of immediate gratification are often the things that are making them. So if we’re going to truly live well, maybe the first thing we need to decide is who’s deciding. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I feign fullness, but in reality I am achingly empty. And it is because I too often sit at the table of the world instead of the feet of God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If you got a dream, you are good to go. The only extra luggage you will need is self-belief and perseverance. - Unarine Ramaru
I'm a man of few words, most of them end in off! - Kensington Gore
A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. - Terry Pratchett
A country is poor not because they have no wealth but because they have no good ideas. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
It wouldn't do to go mixing up the present and the past, and cutting bits out of one to fit into the other. - E. Nesbit
If you take any activity, any art, any discipline, any skill, take it andpush it as far as it will go, push it beyond where it has ever been before,push it to the wildest edge of edges, then you force it into the realm ofmagic. - Tom Robbins
Attempts to wake before our time are often punished, especially by those who love us most. Because they, bless them, are asleep. They think anyone who wakes up, or who, still asleep, realizes that what is taken to be real is a ‘dream’ is going crazy. - R.D. Laing
The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. - Anonymous
She called herself Europa, and wandered the world from girlhood till death. She believed only in her life and in her dreams. She called herself Europa, and her god was Beauty. - Roman Payne
Eternity ended ten years ago. - Brandon Sanderson
This twisted cat and mouse game always starts the sameFirst we're both down to play and somehow you go astray - Iggy Azalea
I'm not praying for an easy life,but for God to give me strength to overcome life's circumstances - Amanda Penland
I want to understand the strings that are tied between me and certain other people and if they really can stretch through infinite time and space without ever breaking. Are soul mates real, and is my life ever going to make sense? - Jennifer Elisabeth
Gods don't like people not doing much work. People who aren't busy all the time might start to think. - Terry Pratchett
My mouth could say goodbye, but not with my heart - Restu Ilahi
Humility is not a one time lesson that comes when you have lost everything. It is a daily reminder of how far we have come, yet still short of who we can be through HIS guidance. Blessed is the soul that can recognize that he isn’t moving mountains, but God is for him. - Shannon L. Alder
No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern; no idea is so modern that it will not someday be antiquated. - Ellen Glasgow
Death would not surprise us as often as it does, if we let go of the misbelief that newborns are less mortal than the elderly. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
As the sailor locates his position on the sea by "shooting" the sun, so we may get our moral bearings by looking at God. We must begin with God. - A.W. Tozer
Give us what belongs to us in peace, and if you don't give it to us in peace, we will take it by force. - Emma Goldman
Holy fu-" he starts then catches himself."Yes,this tithe will be most pleasing to her Goodness." Me and Magnus exchange amused glances. - Mari Mancusi
If you don't like Cinderella because she seems so "naive" and "weak," listen to this quote from the Walt himself: "She believed in dreams, all right, but she also believed in doing something about them. When Prince Charming didn't come along, she went over to the palace and got him. - Walt Disney Company
I am fated to journey hand in hand with my strange heroes and to survey the surging immensity of life, to survey it through the laughter that all can see and through the tears unseen and unknown by anyone. - Nikolai Gogol
Find what makes you happy and go for it with all your heart. It will be hard, but I promise it will be worth it. - Charlotte Eriksson
The best executive is one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. - Albert Einstein
Sto bene da solo ma non sono un solitario. Cerco gli altri per scelta, non per timore della solitudine. E scelgo con chi stare. Perché siamo fatti per stare con pochi. - A. Degas
Children don't understand, when things aren't given. The single parent struggling to provide; how they sacrifice themselves, by sweeping their dreams and goals under the table, just to bring bread and beans on the table. - Anthony Liccione
It might be well enough to wander if you've a place and people to come back to, but I tell you now there's no desolation like wanting to go home and truly not knowing where it is. - Elizabeth Kerner
God depends on us. It is through us that God is achieved. - André Gide
I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business. - Michael J. Fox
No nice men are good at getting taxis. - Katharine Whitehorn
You can go a long way with bad legs and a good head. - Gavin McDonald
Hate is strewn like confetti by the fear-fueled, specious, tiny- dicked (or un-tender) vacuous dictators, of any gender, whom never knew true love, only sadism. They ALL need some good pharma. - Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
Forced connections are the worst. Stop tryna force people to love you, to like you, to be in ya life etc. You just gon end up emotionally exhausted. If they not putting in the same effort as you, leave em alone. - Amal Fh
Merlin, do you mind?' It was the King who asked me, a man as old and wise as myself; a man who could see past his own crowding problems, and guess what it might men to me, to walk in dead air where once the world had been a god-filled garden. - Mary Stewart
Positive self-esteem must be preceded by self-respect. To get self-respect you have to do something good. - Louis Zamperini
Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.
I think mixed women from interracial marriages are beautiful, and for many reasons, all of them good. - Daniel Marques
Not everyone takes action to harvest the experiences of the seasons of life in order to enjoy their bounty. - Andrea Goeglein
Fight ever on: this earthly stuff If used God’s way will be enough. Face to the firing line o friendFight out life’s battle to the end. One soldier, when the fight was red,Threw down his broken sword and fled.Another snatched it, won the day, With what his comrade flung away. - Edwin Markham
Prayer is the most powerful resource we have in this life; yet, many only turn to it as a last resort. When unbelievers pray for repentance of sin and ask for God’s forgiveness, prayer is the spiritual dynamite that obliterates the darkness and despair of a sin-soaked soul. - Franklin Graham
Don’t underestimate your tears. They have the power to strengthen your commitment to your life’s purpose and to direct you towards your goal. So, when you cry because of the people who mock or taunt you, be positive and make promises with yourself that you will prove them wrong. - Saad Salman
If someone is Jealous of you, That's a good sign! Keep up the good work. - Mohith Agadi
Everything comes at the right time, but if the right time is too late to be patient, go earlier before it becomes too late. - Michael Bassey Johnson
In time the earth will be inhabited by almost god-like beings who shall analyze and discuss the remnants of humanity as we now discuss the chimpanzee. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Take me to unexplored paradise & one of your best islands, I want to cross the pacific ocean and make a great memory. Let's go to the eastern coast of the Philippines where the waves meet the sky. You know where it is! - El Fuego
I don't remember anybody's name. How do you think the ``dahling'' thing got started? - Zsa Zsa Gabor
A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man; it is what he wants and must have to be good for anything. Hardship and opposition are the native soil of manhood and self-reliance. - John Neal
A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism. - Carl Sagan
Pray, and let God worry. - Martin Luther
Life is rather a short walk through eternity. Be they seeds, pups or infants, on the trek they all pick up weight, sensitivity and awareness. Then, much before the end of the run, they deteriorate, lead, legs and lungs. The tragicomedy of existence: the long walk of slow decay. - Dagobert D. Runes
I read the bible every day and the one thing I have noticed is that those characters that are closest to God seem to be the ones who question and wonder and think more than others. - J.W. Lord
One day the people of the world will want peaceso much that the governments will have to get outof their way and give it to them. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
You know some minutes warn you they're going to be mighty short and you'd better take a snapshot of 'em while you can. ("Golden Baby") - Alice Brown
Quiet and sincere sympathy is often the most welcome and efficient consolation to the afflicted. Said a wise man to one in deep sorrow, "I did not come to comfort you; God only can do that; but I did come to say how deeply and tenderly I feel for you in your affliction". - Tryon Edwards
See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. - George W. Bush
Men are private. This I have learned. They are whole continents of privacy; you can only go to the borders; you can look in but you cannot enter. - Niall Williams
The things a man sees when he ain't got a gun.--Watson the Caretaker - Stephen King
Like life, revenge can be a messy business... And both would be much simpler if only our heads could figure out which way our hearts will go. But the heart has its reasons, of which reason cannot know. - Emily Thorne
Leadership is going for right purpose, doing right things in a right way for a right reason, with a right vision in a right time. - Debasish Mridha
I'm Blunt because God rolled me that way - Kalon Jackson
He who takes his eyes off the goal has a good chance of not scoring!" - -learningcentre (dot)transformationcoach(dot)help/wp - Allan Rufus
I am praying that the issues from the last 12 generations go into the ground with me so I have NEW issue is to pass on to my son. - Matt Chandler
I'm the way the truth and the life. Only through me you will go to the father. - Yaqub khan
With good parody, you have to be smarter that the people you’re parodying. - Craig Ferguson
Women need not always keep their mouths shut and their wombs open. - Emma Goldman
The face of God shines as a light on our path - Lailah Gifty Akita
Make the goal huge and you cannot miss! - Stephen Richards
If I love you, what business is it of yours? - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
why should I die and loose you to tell god how much I love you... - Prathamesh Patil
Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others...By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves. - Gordon B. Hinckley
We mustn’t just simply pray, but rather ask God about His desires and plans. This is the prayer of enquiry - Sunday Adelaja
All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last. - Marcel Proust
If you cannot see where you are going, ask someone who has been there before. - J. Loren Norris
Gratitude is not something idyllic that comes when all good things line up to be counted. Gratitude is there all the time waiting to be focused on. - Antonia Montoya
Don't stretch a season out to a lifetime. Know when to let go. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
In a time when I need a little hope I look at a photo of where I call home and think of the moment I'll have when I go back with my trials and struggles carried in a box able to be let free and turn into achievements and happiness. - Cassandra Shea
A man's shortcomings are taken from his epoch; his virtues and greatness belong to himself. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Do what you do only for God's sake, start for God's sake, work for God's sake, and act within the sphere of God's good approval. - Said Nursî
We must talk and reach for common understandings, precisely because all of us are imperfect and can never act with the certainty that God is on our side; and yet at times we must act nonetheless, as if we are certain, protected from error only by providence. - Barack Obama
Dr. Enoch Ngo'ma, said, "Your spiritual battle that has nothing to define your capabilities. May the favour of the Lord overshadow you at this time. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God has make life simple for us but the choices we do at the end of each day, are the ones that make our lives complicated. - Nthabiseng Motjamela
Man Thinking must not be subdued by his instruments. Books are for the scholar's idle times. When he can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in other men's transcripts of their readings. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Death is God when love is mine.Prayer preys when we’re divine - Munia Khan
Poetry, playing with your words until you breathe life into them. - Morgan Dragonwillow
God made everything out of nothing. But the nothingness shows through. - Paul Valéry
Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans. - John F. Kennedy
But let me offer a word of caution. If you choose to give from your heart, be careful. The most incredible feeling might just overwhelm you. And if you continue in this behavior, that feeling may become permanent. - Steve Goodier
Success is like sausage, you'd be surprised what goes into it. - Tim Fargo
The first rule of self control is never to put yourself in a position where you have to practice self control - Venancio Cadle Gomani Jr.
God works in mysterious ways but at least he works, he's never on welfare in a mysterious way. - Stephen Colbert
Acts of men are better than acts of God. - Misato Katsuragi
People don't deserve the restraint we show by not going into delirium in front of them. - Louis-Ferdinand Céline
No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks. - Mary Shelley
Pour yourself completely into you and what brings you joy and moves you toward your goals. No one deserves your beautiful love and attention more than you! - Sheri Fink
Myths tell us what those like us have done, can do, should do. Without myths to lead the way, we hesitate to leap forward. Listen to the wrong myths, and we might even go back a few steps. - N.K. Jemisin
Success and perseverance are Siamese twins: where one goes the other follows. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The greatest happiness of life it the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. - Victor Hugo
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, and snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. - John Ruskin
Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age.Nothing does --- except wrinkles.It's true,some wines improves with age.But only if the grapes were good in the first place - Abigail Van Buren
I hate to be wrong. It makes me feel like a failure. Being wrong has the same affect on me as a lack of food or sleep. It lowers my entire mood. But, I need to be proved wrong sometimes, as it restores humility, and doesn't allow my ego to swell to stupidly big sizes. - Paul Kelly
To be a member of such a crowd ... is not much to be far removed from solitude; the freedom of everyone is assured by the freedom to which everyone else lays claim. - Rémy de Gourmont
Exactly what good are our eyes if they are not willing to see what's right before us? - Mark W. Boyer
What is the basic difference between saying 'I know that God exists' and saying 'I know that love exists'? - Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh
Lex Rex has become Rex Lex. Arbitrary judgment concerning current sociological good is king - Francis A. Schaeffer
For whether a place is a heaven or a hell rests in yourself, and those who go with courage may find themselves in paradise. - Eva Ibbotson
Cast all your cares on God; that anchor holds. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
I let go so you could grab on. - Dominic Riccitello
Develop a vision, not a goal. Visions are much more powerful. 98% of what’s going on in your brain is subconscious. Developing a vision requires the use of more of your brain than just developing a thought, which suggests we are tapping into subconscious brain power. - Josh Bezoni
And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear. - Paulo Coelho
Additions like to enter without knocking, you just have to close the door for good... - Alen Sargsyan
Historic unforgotten moments made by those who broke the rules..اللحظات التاريخية التي لا تنسى صنعت من قبل أولئك الذين كسروا القوانين - Hicham LM Kamelionaire
Only once in my lifetime , I truly believe I find someone who can turn my world around , I share dreams that I never achieved and goals that were achieved , but there was always a part of me that hoped for more , and so there was a part of me that was always a fool , - Sikhwetha maanda stanley
What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God. - Monica Baldwin
When you see a good man, try to emulate his example, and when you see a bad man, search yourself for his faults. - Confucius
When someone allows you to bear his burdens, you have found deep friendship. - Gordon Atkinson
I think so muchmay be it never endswhen this night endsthere's another at handI sleep with oneand wake with onewith everything else onthis life goes on. - Jyoti Mishra
Mr. McGregor's a nasty piece of work, isn't he? Quite the Darth Vader of children's literature. - Jasper Fforde
Speak the truth do not become angered and give when asked, even be it a little. By these three conditions one goes to the presence of the gods. - Gautama Buddha
Mind is the only reason for human bondage and relief. Whenever mind is free from all physical attachment it is relieved and finds its way to the god. - Prajwalit
I just wish that God or my parents or Sam or my sister or someone would just tell me what's wrong with me. Just tell me how to be different in a way that makes sense. - Stephen Chbosky
It's Halloween, you can tell everyone you're going as your favorite Steampunck character.""I don't even know what that is!""Because your generation has no taste in speculative science fiction. - Girl vs Monster
Poetry in the dark of the night you are my torch.Poetry makes you believe in the freedom in your own home.Poetry causes the increase of the human race.Poetry ennobles the spirit of man.Poetry is like a noble fragrance that caresses your soul.Poetry is the royal essence of beauty. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did. - Taylor Swift
Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet. - Victor Hugo
Dreams are one treasure that God has bestowed on everyone without any discrimination. - Jyoti Arora
Almost none of the poetries I admire stick to their labels, native or adopted ones. Rather, they are vagrant in their identifications. Tramp poets, there you go, a new label for those with unstable allegiances. - C.D. Wright
Science when well-digested is nothing but good sense and reason.
I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day because that means it's going to be up all night. - Steven Wright
That's the key to having it all: stop expecting it to look like what you thought it was going to look like. - Cindy Chupack
The only reason that people 'Choose' to go backwards is because they let their mind take control. Their mind points them in that direction because it's convenient. If we learn to quiet the mind the soul has a way of painting the bigger picture for taking the right action into growth. - Matthew Donnelly
The gods have become our diseases. - C.G. Jung
If the whole human race lay in one grave, the epitaph on its headstone might well be: "It seemed a good idea at the time."
Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself, And trust no agent. - William Shakespeare
Our kingdom is our life, and our life is our kingdom. We are all meant to rule from a glorious place. When God is on the throne, then so are we. When God is in exile, our lands are at war and our kingdoms are in chaos. - Marianne Williamson
You have the love and support of God and the angels, but only you can take responsibility for your life, for your dreams. Only you can make the daily choices needed that create the life you want to live. - Eileen Anglin
I have been writing now for over a week. I find it cleansing, refreshing; it is good for me. (p.531) - Storm Constantine
To explain God after merely reading the scriptures is like explaining the city of New York after seeing it only in a map. - Abhijit Naskar
maybe in some cases, people see us fall and crack, see us as a failure. We gotta live with it, i live by our own code we shouldn't be ashamed if we fall, for every fall we get up and pick up ourselves a larger chance we win the next time because we learned. - jinnuljr.
Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night. God said, "Let Newton be!" and all was light. - Alexander Pope
One of the highest honours you can receive from God , is when He pays you when you have helped the one who is genuinely poor.(Proverbs 19:17) - JOEL NYARANGI AKOYA
There is one type of gambling which should always be encouraged. It is betting on goodness. When a person has wronged you, be good to him. If he adds insult to injury, double the bet. And keep on doubling it. You will surely win! - J.P. Vaswani
Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god's purpose. Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and that of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family at home. - Gore Vidal
Too much of anything is not good. But I love her too much. - Raaz Ojha
Besides, 'Chill out' is a lot more to the point than, 'never fear, Good Knight, thy fears are unfounded' - Percy - Nicola S Dorrington
Love is a dream. Dreams are good, but do not be surprised if you wake up in tears. - Jim Morrison
Jesus Christ is my savior, not the government. - Joseph P. Sekula
The closer we are to God, the richer we are - Radhe Maa
God will give you more than you can handle because it is in your surrender that He gives you your victory! - Todd Stocker
The noble man is chiefly concerned with wisdom and friendship; of these, the former is a mortal good, the latter and immortal one. - Epicurus
Everyone gets everything in their lives only as per an invisible God's plan called LUCK. - Anuj Somany
People imagine that missing a loved one works kind of like missing cigarettes. The first day is really hard but the next day is less hard and so forth, easier and easier the longer you go on. But instead it’s like missing water. Every day, you notice the person’s absence more. - Anne Tyler
Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination. - Roy M. Goodman
If heartache was a physical pain I could face, I could faceBut your hurting me from inside of my headAnd I can't take it, I can't take itI'm going to lose my mind - The Wanted
If a country is not governed well, all sort of disasters will become a routine of that country! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The natural ambition of woman is through marriage to climb up, leaning upon a man; but those days are gone. You shall be great without the help of any man, just as you are. - Swami Vivekananda
We call ourselves Protestants, but we have totally departed from the teachings of the early Protestants. Martin Luther, John Wesley and John Calvin would turn in their graves, if they hear the kind of teachings we are now feeding the people of God with. - Sunday Adelaja
Light of life.The power of lifeGod is life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Instead of others, ask yourself, Are you really okay? Check on yourself like this and do a warm Goodnight to yourself. - Jang Jae Yeol, Its Okay That’s Love
Let your heart shine even more than your face. The beautiful contents of your heart can never be forgotten, but your face will be a history. - Michael Bassey Johnson
i feel in love then i got borken - sereana crowley
O, that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world! - William Shakespeare
oh, my God," I whispered. "But how did they get my photo?Alex tapped his mouth with his thumb. "That ...book with everyone's picture in it, that you have in high school.""Yearbook," I said. Was he trying to be funny? But of course he was right; that's exactly where it was from. - L.A. Weatherly
The mere fact that I exist, means that I deserve to be here and to express myself any damn way I please. - Euphoria Godsent
Humility is a virtue that one can find, in which God in heaven rejoices ,and in His love he enfolds you, close to his heart He does bind. - Henrietta Newton Martin
The things you have are a shared effort, Gods blessings and human strength. Give thanks for the blessings in all situations. - Unarine Ramaru
You don't have to be ashamed feel down, to have a good cry; we are human after all and it's the part of humanity. - Euginia Herlihy
Perfection is an everlasting goal to pursue. It reminds us that we are mortal beings capable of making mistakes. When we correct them, it gives us an opportunity to become better people. - Ellen J. Barrier
Leave some room in your theology for God to be bigger than you can explain - Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
Have good sense, smell the scents, and you will have more cents - Sonya Withrow
You can go from seeking to seeker when you stop bouncing. Set a plan for change and take the risks you need to take without worrying about failing. - Andrea Goeglein
God is all that exists. Every stone, flower, tree, animal and human being are on a spiritual journey to recognize their true self, their divine essence. - Swami Dhyan Giten
You never know when someone will come into your life and change things, for good or bad, let them in. They don’t have to always stay but, human interaction is the pinnacle of life’s lessons. - Ron Baratono
How good bad music and bad reasons sound when we march against an enemy. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Either I’ve got a wart on my nose they find curious, or I’ve grown a tail, Albie Merani muttered to himself. Just then he thought. I’d better get a move on, got work to do. He hurried across to some stairs, heading down deeper into station, then followed the signs to the pod station. - R.W. Rivers
(W)hat I write when I force myself is generally just as good as what I write when I'm feeling inspired. It's mainly a matter of forcing yourself to write. - Tom Wolfe
Live on your good thoughts and they will manifest outwardly. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
I would prefer to die than to be depressed for depression can hurt you everyday and it'll last for a lifetime while on dying, you can only feel pain the moment you'll die. - Cedric Go
How is it more for the glory of God to save man irresistibly, than to save him as a free agent, by such grace as he may either concur or resist? - John Wesley
What would your good do if evil didn't exist, and what would the earth look like if all the shadows disappeared? - Mikhail Bulgakov
Go broke for what you love. It's only money; only stuff. - John Mayer
Life is about exercising your God-given dominion, loving and serving God, loving and serving mankind and fulfilling the unique and specific God-given purpose - EK Hammond
Error is human,perfection is divine!You are not God! Your mistake is normal.So forgive yourself. - Paul Gitwaza
Don't you dare feel guilty for letting those who dim your light, go. Not everyone you meet deserves to be a character in your story. - Nikki Rowe
If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all. - Anna Quindlen
A good intention but fixed and resolute - bent on high and holy ends, we shall find means to them on every side and at every moment; and even obstacles and opposition will but make us "like the fabled specter-ships," which sail the fastest in the very teeth of the wind. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just five minutes, God, I chant like some hostage negotiator on the brink of a resolution. Five minutes alone. Please, please. Please. - Shannon Celebi
May life continue to inspire you for good works and an, inevitable, outcome. May wisdom never fail your endeavors . . . - King Davis
Your love brought me closer to God. - Kamand Kojouri
Who said that the sailing is going to be smooth?Though, isn't it worth when you're someone's number one? - Vaishnavi Vatsyayan
The mind has the ability to trick the body into believing it is happy and that all is well - the heart however, feels it. And as the saying goes, 'The heart wants what the heart wants'. Anything else just wouldn't do... - Charles R. Mackriel
I am with you always. You just have to find me by opening your inner eyes and closing your egocentric mind. - Debasish Mridha
All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed.For after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dog. - Charles M. Schulz
It is not your beauty, success or money that should define you; neither should your church calling, your charitable contributions or talents. Humility is the cornerstone of character, by which God judges our truth worth, and wisdom is the door he opens when we use it. - Shannon L. Alder
Perfect is the enemy of good. - Voltaire
And of course, when you see your brother in the toilet bowl...there's a little voice that say, 'I wonder where he would go...'...if it hadn't been for his head... - Bill Cosby
He sent Jesus to come and to talk to us and then allowed him to be killed so that the spirit that lived in Jesus could go out into all the earth and speak to you right where you are in your heart. Right now. - Lacey Sturm
My books have very few villains pretending to be righteous, but they are filled with good people who have pretended to be villains so well that they believe it themselves. This is how I like to view reality. - Kenneth Everett
Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock. - Ben Hecht
Moments come & go, but special moments last a lifetime. Make them count! - Mark Hewer
Everything is hard before it is easy - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I'm made mute by the virtue of decisionAnd I choose most of your life goes on without meOh the fear I've knownThat I might reap the praise of strangers and end up on my ownAll I've sown was a songBut maybe I was wrong - Emily Saliers
All evil is good become cancerous. - Isaac Asimov
It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. - Oscar Wilde
Life wants each of us to live on the 'A Team' - Wider, ever more intense Acceptance of good in our lives. Wider, ever more intense Awareness of good in our lives. Wider, ever more intense Action for good in our lives. Laura Teresa Marquez - www.upwardjoy.com
All dreams of empire end because day breaks in the hearts of the slaves used to build it. - Luke Montgomery
Love melts. Love heals. Love unites. Love forgives. A Divine Union that goes beyond time and space, that’s what I’m looking for— - Nityananda Das
Jesus didn't die on the cross so we can do something epic. He died so we can have a relationship with an epic God who moves in epic ways! - Alisa Hope Wagner
I'm trying to go viral, but so far I'm just a sniffle - J.L. Madore
Unconditional Love has conditions. - Goitsemang Mvula
Watu wanapokuwa katika migogoro maisha yao hutakiwa kurahisishwa. Kuna ukingo mwembamba kati ya uzima na wazimu. - Enock Maregesi
You be good. That's your business. The rest, leave to God. That's his business. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Go write win! - A.D. Posey
I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink.
The more loving, kind and simple we are, the more we resemble the God. - Debasish Mridha
Before you ever clasped your hands to pray God was already within your heart to stay. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
For those who sit on the stairs, a good quote is a strong invitation to stand up and to go up the stairs! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I want to help you to grow as beautiful as God meant you to be when He thought of you first. - George MacDonald
Eu incomodava. Por quê? Simplesmente porque não ficava em casa, como todas as outras... Tinha um restaurante, trabalhava com homens, tratava-os de igual para igual e: estava ganhando dinheiro. - Ugo bertotti
Nothing good can come from a crack of dawn meeting on a Monday morning. - Kathy Bryson - Fighting Mad
How good would a Good Samaritan be, if a Good Samaritan would only intend to do good? - John Janzen
You think you're paying your dollar for a chance at the $6.2 million jackpot on Saturday, but really you're paying for the pleasure of the car ride home, deciding which credit card to pay off first and where your kid will suddenly be able to go to college. - Kelly Braffet
There are two types of people in this world- those who pull out of bed each morning at the thought of breakfast and those who are driven by ambition. The former succeed in satisfying hunger pangs and the latter accomplish their life goals. - Roopleen
Night was spreading slowly around the spinning Earth. It should have been full of pinpricks of light. It was not. There were five billion people down there. What was going to happen soon would make barbarism look like a picnic - hot, nasty, and eventually given over to the ants. - Neil Gaiman
God is all in all. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The only priceless institution that can make you succeed is your mind - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
Mostly, all book-told gods are as little as the little men who wrote them idiots into existence. - Fakeer Ishavardas
I was bored stiff while reading this. I got so bored I wanted to slit my wrists to see how my flatmate would react. - Zaki
A permanent pathThat, once illuminated,Goes ever onward a way home… - Scott Hastie
No matter what life throws at you, fight with your eyes wide open to fight a good fight. - Valencia Mackie
I wonder either their God has turned old, sick or died, because even the religious people no more believe in shit. - M.F. Moonzajer
I believe we have an obligation to read for pleasure, in private and in public places. If we read for pleasure, if others see us reading, then we learn, we exercise our imaginations. We show others that reading is a good thing."[The Guardian, 15 October 2013] - Neil Gaiman
DISOBEY, v.t. To celebrate with an appropriate ceremony the maturity of a command. His right to govern me is clear as day, My duty manifest to disobey; And if that fit observance e'er I shut May I and duty be alike undone. Israfel Brown - Ambrose Bierce
If knowing something got you where you needed to go, you'd be there already. Put your hand to your heart, take a deep breath in...listen to your heart. It knows. - Eileen Anglin
People are gonna leave anyway, because those who stay are not people, they are family. - Himanshu Chhabra
You're going to find the people that make it work NEVER quit, quitting is NOT an option. - Bob Proctor
I am forever grateful for not knowing—What would have been. WHAT WILL BE holds none of those bittersweet pangs and it is lit w joy. - Erica Goros
Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God. - A.W. Tozer
An honorable man has a heart for the poor and vulnerable in our society. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
If you are facing problems in your life,be strong you will going to make better future. - noor-alam
If God can work through me, he can work through anyone. - Saint Francis of Assisi
God can bless you, wherever you are. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. - Elbert Hubbard
... parents naturally want their children to excel in every area of academics and extra-curricular activities, but the reality is- God made each child differently for His purpose. He never intended for our children to excel in everything. - Tamara L. Chilver
Sort of' is such a harmless thing to say... sort of. It's just a filler. Sort of... it doesn't really mean anything. But after certain things, sort of means everything. Like... after "I love you"... or "You're going to live"... or "It's a boy! - Demetri Martin
The paradox in Christian truth is invariably due to the fact that it is the truth that exists for God. The standard of measure and the end is superhuman; and there is only one relationship possible: faith. - Søren Kierkegaard
How much of the national news that you report to the public each night consists of information you've actually gone out and dug up on your own?
You can absolutely do anything if you have the belief and the desire. You're going to have setbacks, but it's important to get back up and keep going. It's a journey.
Ye cannot serve God and Mammon. - Bible
Concern for someone else was a good remedy for taking the mind off one's own troubles. - Elizabeth Aston
But every day I go to work I'm making a bet that the universe is simple, symmetric, and aesthetically pleasing—a universe that we humans, with our limited perspective, will someday understand. - George Smoot
Education entails the development of body and mind towards getting whatever you want without violating the rights of others. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
Double one mistake?Seriously?Sounds like something is going on...! - Deyth Banger
In his mind he was always leaving, always going somewhere, always doing something else. - James Dickey
Marriage is more about work than about divine luck, more about finding someone to love than about finding someone to meet your own laundry list of personal needs. - Mark Gungor
Since the end of human action, as distinct from the end products of fabrication, can never be reliably predicted, the means used to achieve political goals are more often than not of greater relevance to the future world than the intended goals. - Hannah Arendt
In those vernal seasons of the year, when the air is calm and pleasant, it were an injury and sullenness against Nature not to go out, and see her riches, and partake in her rejoicing with heaven and earth. - John Milton
God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. - Voltaire
He says gods like to see an atheist around. Gives them something to aim at. - Terry Pratchett
He: I have this crazy yearning in my heart, to make you mine.She: Sure, go ahead and make me your bad habit! - Avijeet Das
When people say they're too busy, ask them If they'll have time to die, and see If dead's gonna give a damn. - Michael Bassey Johnson
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
We freed ourselves from gods and kings, now we have to free ourselves from ourselves. - Marty Rubin
I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived. - Margaret Mitchell
A man that hoards up riches and enjoys them not, is like an ass that carries gold and eats thistles.
A good home must be made, not bought. - Joyce Maynard
Sometimes you want to change the past by going from the future in the past. But sometimes you find that everything which you have done, it's not better but it becomes worst but why?(11.22.63 - Better Check it out!) - Deyth Banger
We all want to look good, but genuine goodness is in the heart. - Gugu Mona
When God became lonelyhe created man,or was itwhen man became lonelyhe created God. - Melanie Exler
If we agree that God did not create poverty, then in my opinion, poverty came in to being as a consequence of human rights violations. - Q. M. Sidd
People differ to such a degree they agree on nothing,Except death that is, and even on that they disagree.Some say the soul goes on after the death of the bodyWhile others claim the soul, with the body, dies too. - Mutannabi
You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend. - Richard Jeni
In ancient times, determinism rested on a belief in an omniscient God. Today, it is not old-time religion, but, rather, our culture's newfound faith - science - that challenges the belief in free will. - Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Sometimes good people do bad things. - Andrew Gilmore
If you are looking for a friend that will never change, go to the shelves, you'll find it there. It will never change and will stay the same today and forever. - Wency June Z. Libot
The details of what we call our lives go sometimes to form patterns of meaning not unlike those to be found in our preferred sort of fiction. - Gerald Murnane
The things we hate about ourselves aren't more real than things we like about ourselves. - Ellen Goodman
If one Godfather offers you an opportunity and another Godfather offers you an advantage, go with the former. - Amit Kalantri
If you’re a writer, your first duty, a duty you owe to yourself and your readers, and to your writing itself, is to become wonderful. To become the best writer you can possibly be. - Theodora Goss
What's the point of opening yourself up to your friends if they don't notice your vulnerable state? The point of it all is to love friends completely and utterly, at their best and worst, and to love more than just the good things. - Arka Pain
I think how hope may be the thing that pulls you forward, may be the thing that keeps you going, but that it's dangerous, too, that it's painful and risky, that it's making a dare into the world and when has the world ever let us win a dare? - Patrick Ness
If one has not been able to experience God by himself, one should allow himself to be guided by the experiences of others who have experienced Him - Muhammad Asad
You will never get the same from people you expect, Better ask to god he will give you more than that, Because in his world ego and attitude doesn't mean anything - Paul karan
I have seen the hippopotamus, both asleep and awake; and I can assure you that, awake or asleep, he is the ugliest of the works of God. - Thomas Babington Macaulay
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum -- I think I think, therefore, I think I am. - Ambrose Bierce
Reading stories is bad enough but writing them is worse. - L. M. Montgomery
Still, he couldn’t reconcile with the way he felt every time their eyes met, a feeling he had never forgotten that resonated with his very being. - Jennifer Silverwood
Education was the new god, and educated men the new plantation masters. - Charles Bukowski
The fact that at the moment the distinction is being made, a young adult, as opposed to an adult, is the one reading it. In other words, I don’t entirely believe in the distinction. A great book is a great book, and it’s impossible to say what part of a person is going to connect to it. - Kristin Cashore
When my heart bleeds, it needs no stab with the dagger. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
My thoughts are limitless. Social conditioning creates the limits. I like to overtake those and like to go where my thoughts take me. - Debasish Mridha
One good turn deserves another. - Gaius Petronius
Winter is come and gone, But grief returns with the revolving year. - Percy Bysshe Shelley
We don't beat the Grim Reaper by living longer, we beat the Reaper by living well and living fully, for the Reaper will come for all of us. The question is what do we do between the time we are born and the time he shows up. It's too late to do all the things that you're gonna kinda get around to. - Randy Pausch
Wealth is not money. Wealth lies in men. This is where true power lies, the power we value. This is what has convinced us to direct all our resources to building the individual, and to using the wealth which God has provided us in the service of the nation. - Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan
Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever. - Thomas Jefferson
Feel within, the pure and unconditional Love and embrace all. - Grigoris Deoudis
Everybody's got their own fight in different ring. - Innasafa
In a world where very few people care if you live or die, there is a light that shines in the distance. It has a name that they call hope and it carries with it people that never stop caring. They learned long ago that extending mercy was not a choice, but a place where God lives. - Shannon L. Alder
Just start off with the same goals in mind. If you have the same values, same goals then you'll be on track for the same future. - Angelina Jolie
Possession is the motivation that has hang up / the god-damn nation. - Eugene McDaniels
Life is a God-damned, stinking, treacherous game and nine hundred and ninety-nine men out of a thousand are bastards.
A spirit without an outlet for its passion, is as good as dead. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
To write good poems is the secret of brevity. - Dejan Stojanovic
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If youwant to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. - Dale Carnegia
Too many pieces of music finish too long after the end. - Igor Stravinsky
The one indispensable requirement for producing godly, mature Christians is godly, mature Christians. - Kevin DeYoung
Fearlessness is better than a faint heart for any man who puts his nose out of doors. The length of my life and the day of my death were fated long ago. - Kevin Crossley-Holland
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. - Bible
Inspiration comes and goes, creativity is the result of practice. - Phil Cousineau
....I'd rather travel in Cargo-nanoships than a Bullet-train to reach my target. - Farooq A. Shiekh
Meditation is not just blissing out under a mango tree. It completely changes your brain and therefore changes what you are. - Matthieu Ricard
God makes the harvest to grow. But we choose the kind of seed we sow. - Benjamin Lotter
Forget about raping her, do not even force her, verbally or even emotionally.I bet you will not enjoy the act for even a moment!You will feel good only when she feels good and enjoys the act with her consent! - honeya
That's the nature of any kind of rot. If you don't stop it, it keeps going. It will keep going until it destroys the very organism that feeds it. - F. H. Batacan
All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God. - Voltaire
If God wanted humans to play chess, he would have made us black or white. - Zenna Henderson
Light is the shadow of god - Plato
To leave out beautiful sunsets is the secret of good taste. - Dejan Stojanovic
Words are fossilized butterfly wings,pretty to look at sometimes,but only good for Museums.I want to miserably burn down the Museums. - Jeremiah Walton
Education is the lifeblood of museums. - Monica O Montgomery
Beauty holds more worth than gold.
Love is like a piece of chocalate. It's looks and tastes good, but it's dark. What really matters is the inside. - Touaxia Vang
What You Get Is What You Got Because Only One Who Gives You That And That Is God. - Aveanne Mae DS. Tugano
Faith looks to God, hopes in God, and believes in His promises, regardless of our actual circumstances. - Wendy Blight
Woe to us if we get our satisfaction from the food in the kitchen and the TV in the den and the sex in the bedroom with an occasional tribute to the cement blocks in the basement! God wills to be displayed and known and loved and cherished and worshiped. - John Piper
Cogito ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am.) - René Descartes
What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome. - Friedrich Nietzsche
A Very Short Poem for Poor LoversYou’ve got nothing,I’ve got nothing,And it’s not a good thing. - Arzum Uzun
Have no regrets in life because of the choices you make. Good or bad, they are a learning experience, to help you grow. The only regret in life, is to never make a choice at all. - James Hauenstein
The legal system has been designed by governments and corporations to protect them from the common people. - Steven Magee
Cultivate a spirit of joy and praise. Not only will you light up your own heart, but the hearts of those around you.Always look for the good in people. In most cases you will find it. - Loretta Livingstone
Supongo que coincidimos en el momento perfecto: yo buscando amar, y tratando de alejar los fantasmas de la soledad. - Alejandro Ordóñez Perales
A good friend of my son's is a son to me. - Lois McMaster Bujold
We are all the fools of time and terror: DaysSteal on us and steal from us; yet we live,Loathing our life, and dreading still to die. - George Gordon Byron
Enjoy the vacation without going; enjoy the conversation without talking. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Pessimism is the key to see what really goes on within our world, the lies and manipulation that circles us all is exposed - Zachary Kroonenburg
You get a confident: "Can Do Attitude," by practicing to be excellent. Since you earn success by being determined, higher willpower is also earned, too. Raise yourself to excellence by writing your goals and working hard on them. Drive yourself to success. - Mark F. LaMoure
We liked to believe there is an alternate world, a better world, populated entirely by characters created by the yearnings of humanity--governing and inspiring themselves with all the lucidity wit which we rendered them. - Miguel Syjuco
All about the fucking money... money... money... thinking it's for the good for your generation... but so far it's neither and for that and neither and for that... It's mostly for the worst of your generation and other's generations. - Deyth Banger
I always liked the unknown. Ironically I familiarized myself with the uncertainty of life. Life can change in any minute of the day. God can turn anything around in a speck of a moment. I know for a fact that everything changes. Nothing stays the same. This too shall pass. - Diana Rose Morcilla
Another day.How long are you gonna scroll down?SemicolonSmile - Sanhita Baruah
When no power is vested in a turbulent man, he behaves sorrowfully like a nearly killed christmas goat, but when fully endorsed, without considering his level of insanity and evil gestures, he cuts everyone in the society into pieces. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The exaltation and happiness of any community, goes hand in hand with the knowledge possessed by the people, when applied to laudable ends; whereupon we can exclaim like the wise man; righteousness exalteth a nation; for righteousness embraces knowledge and knowledge is power. - Joseph Smith Jr.
I believe that God opens doors but closes them if you don’t act when given the opportunity. - Shellie M. Saunders
Modesty has, and will remain, an alluring trait because where egoism falters, humility conquers. - Andy Paula
How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing? - John Lennon
Did you feel it? Did you feel the darkness in their souls and their countless evil deeds? Their fate was to die in my grasp, beneath the sting of my bite. - Demetri Bithanos from the Dragon Queen Series
remember 's First Rule of Writers and Agents, learned by bitter personal experience: You don't need one until you're making enough for someone to steal ... and if you're making that much, you'll be able to take your pick of good agents. - Stephen King
In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination. - Mark Twain
Life without God is a long and fruitless search for enjoyment, meaning, and fulfillment. - Jim George
Someday we're going to look back on every shared smile and smile some more. It's moments like this that make life worth enduring. - Nadège Richards
The presence of a good friend brings big smiles. - Debasish Mridha
Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
It is important to be aware, who you are now than who you are going to be.? - Aditya Ajmera
Clearly, naming the major figures in the tradition had become a tradition in itself. - Gregory Woods
Strange star-like object over Oslo right before Obama arrives. A gift of a golden medal given by a group of wise men... Nah. - Craig Ferguson
Corporations turned the human into a robot a long time ago. - Steven Magee
We have no rational evidence that there exits another world, but we have a clear feeling that man does not exist only to produce and to consume. - Alija Izetbegović
If you're horrible to me, I'm going to write a song about it, and you won't like it. That's how I operate. - Taylor Swift
Sure there are dishonest men in local government. But there are dishonest men in national government too. - Richard M. Nixon
Technologies that change society are technologies that change interactions between people - César Hidalgo
Something was nagging at me that I was trying to resist. Was it then or was it later that the thought came to me: if God really does exist, and is not just a myth, it must have a consequence for the whole of life. It was not a comfortable thought. - Jennifer Worth
The kingdom of God is within the Self, for there is no God besides the Self. - Abhijit Naskar
Live to seek to draw close to God in all ways and seek His transforming love - Elizabeth George
The human has no genetic adaptation to modern industrialized products and needs to be careful with prolonged exposure to these for good health. - Steven Magee
It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. - Robert H. Goddard
Good habits result from resisting temptation. - Ancient Proverb
The great secret about goals and visions is not the future they describe but the change in the present they engender. - David Allen
You don't have to wait until something or someone is gone to appreciate the true value; you can start today! - Mary Rodwell
My world view is somewhat unique. I have learned from many great philosophers including Plato, Socrates, Buddha, Jesus, Darwin, Tagore, Emerson, and many more. - Debasish Mridha
To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy. - Hippocrates
Not going home is already like death. - E. Catherine Tobler
They were untouched by modern education, but their government was striving with might and main to procure this inestimable benefit for them; anticlericalism and American bustle would soon free them from belief in miracles and holy likenesses. - Robertson Davies
God loves you more than you love yourself,loves you more than you love Him,loves you more than you love others,and He loves you more than others love you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When God looks in the mirror He sees love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Authorship of anything apart from God is nothing more than a tragedy in the making. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Trying to become something in a world where everyone wants to become something is a thing that needs God's programming. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Our life is a one way journey; we can never go back. - Debasish Mridha
Jiu Jitsu is a vehicle for self-discovery and growth. It reminds me of my ego, of my insecurities, and of my shortcomings. - Chris Matakas
Good writers can't die. Their words live on forever. - Kensington Gore
It is not enough to knock on successes' door; you have to knock hard enough. And if no one answers,either go through a window, or break down the door. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird, and not enough the bad luck of the early worm. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Create like a god. Command like a king. Work like a slave!
There are many rivers that we cross in our lifetime, unfortunately some of those rivers just don't have bridges. - John R. Gouin
I am forced to conclude that God made Texas on his day off, for pure entertainment, just to prove that all that diversity could be crammed into one section of earth by a really top hand. - Mary Lasswell
The real opposition is that between the ego-bound man, whose existence is structured by the principle of having, and the free man, who has overcome his egocentricity. - Erich Fromm
It is the nature of creation, no one cares how much you are good or bad, just get famous, they all will walk after you. - M.F. Moonzajer
If you are searching for sacred knowledge and not just a palliative for your fears, then you will train yourself to be a good skeptic. - Ann Druyan
One should never go dancing with a broken foot, but one should with a broken heart. - Marty Rubin
If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to a library. - Frank Zappa
The only time anyone has ever gotten into serious trouble was when he decided he could do nothing about something. - L. Ron Hubbard
Let my heart feel the joy,see the beauty, all around me.Still it may be in pure agony. - Debasish Mridha
It was a year ago today your daughter went missing.’ Bagg had closed his eyes, feeling the death going on inside. - Cole Alpaugh
He that is down needs fear no fall, he that is low no pride, he that is humble ever shall have God to be his guide. - Nanor
In one important respect a man is fortunate in being poor. His responsibility to God is so much the less.
Solara: I didn't think you'd ever give up the book, I thought it was too important to youEli: It was, I was carrying and reading it everyday, got so caught up in protecting it, I forgot to live by what I'd learnt from itSolara: And what's that?Eli: To do more for others than you do for yourself - Book of Eli Movie
The doctrine of eternal punishment is in perfect harmony with the savagery of the men who made the orthodox creeds. It is in harmony with torture, with flaying alive, and with burnings. The men who burned their fellow-men for a moment, believed that God would burn his enemies forever. - Robert G. Ingersoll
To obtain greatness and strength, a man must have a good character. He is honorable and respected by others. We define him as intelligent, and as one who God has blessed with wisdom - Ellen J. Barrier
Love is scary; it changes; it can go away. That's part of the risk. - Jenny Han
Do the Good to Bad then Bad will do Good to you - shashidhar sa
Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace. - Steve Goodier
He felt a furious sense of powerlessness, because he played no part in Alice's life, but by god she did in his, like a daughter whose name he hadn't been able to choose. - Paolo Giordano
Dignity has no price, when someone starts making small concessions, in the end, life loses all meaning. - José Saramago
Be crazy about your goal and do not stop till time you do not hit the bulls eye. - Rajesh Walecha
Democracy is a system were ignorants choose a government, comunism is a system where ignorants govern themselves. - Daniel Delgado F
Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. - Barry LePatner
With thousands of roads before us that lead nowhere, going in circles. There really are only two roads we will either travel, one going to heaven, or the other to hell. - Anthony Liccione
I wouldn't give a tinker's damn for a man who isn't sometimes afraid. Fear's the spice that makes it interesting to go ahead. - Daniel Boone
‎"What does it mean if i'm afraid? Does it mean something bad is going to happen?" "No, it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen. It just means that you have the chance to be brave. - C. JoyBell C.
Sometimes you just gotta wear the tinfoil hat. - Gary Hopkins
Junkies might be easy to knock down, but they're never fragile. They have souls like old leather shoes studded with steel, and they're about as much good as friends. - Scott Westerfeld
A person who dreads flying, is usually one who has a good overstanding of life and death. - Andrea L'Artiste
It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it. - G.K. Chesterton
More focus has been placed on these subjects through human history than on anything else—mystery and mysticism, God, imagination, intuition, the nature of relationships, human purpose, happiness and salvation… - Darrell Calkins
Hear about the hidden time. Some think the hidden time is yet to come. The Kingdom of God does not come by Observation. It is hidden in the inner dimension. - Compton Gage
When they were in school, Peter used to say that everything you do is a self-portrait. It might look like 'Saint George and the Dragon' or 'The Rape of the Sabine Women,' but the angle you use, the lighting, the composition, the technique, they're all you. You are every color and brushstroke. - Chuck Palahniuk
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that. - Ben Goldacre
The Sussex lanes were very lovely in the autumn . . . spendthrift gold and glory of the year-end . . . earth scents and the sky winds and all the magic of the countryside which is ordained for the healing of the soul. - Monica Baldwin
Our spirit is always in peace but our ego is looking for war, so calm the ego and love the spirit forever. - Debasish Mridha
Relationships take up energy; letting go of them, psychiatrists theorize, entails mental work. When you lose someone you were close to, you have to reassess your picture of the world and your place in it. The more your identity was wrapped up with the deceased, the more difficult the loss. - Meghan O'Rourke
A man has to have goals - for a day, for a lifetime - and that was mine, to have people say, 'There goes Ted Williams, the greatest hitter who ever lived. - Ted Willams
Women are aroused by the strangest things, like a rock going through their bedroom window - Josh Stern
A man by his sin may waste himself, which is to waste that which on earth is most like God. This is man's greatest tragedy and God's heaviest grief. - A.W. Tozer
In case you're worried about what's going to become of the younger generation, it's going to grow up and start worrying about the younger generation. - Roger Allen
‎"Well, It's just painful to see them without nothing to eat and at the same time no God. So let's share our food and our God. - Jestoni Revealed
It is not good to have TOO MUCH of anything. - Andrew Clements
I don't know what you have thought of. Everyone thinks to the extent of his depravity..." #HenriettaLedyanova. #ItalianPassion - OlgaGOA
Hell is a hell of a lie! God is not a torturer! - Mehmet Murat ildan
And that's the point! Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force strength power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their week ones. - Jill Lepore
Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot see physically with his eyes....Abstract art enables the artist to perceive beyond the tangible, to extract the infinite out of the finite. It is the emancipation of the mind. It is an exploration into unknown areas. - Arshile Gorky
Before a diamond shows its brilliancy and prismatic colors it has to stand a good deal of cutting and smoothing.
I have searched the Kingdom of God, and I found love - Maylanie Citra Liem
Autumn is a momentum of the natures golden beauty…, so the same it’s time to find your momentum of life - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
I don't like the word 'allegorical', I don't like the word 'symbolic' - the word I really like is 'mythic', and people always think that means 'full of lies', whereas of course what it really means is 'full of truth which cannot be told in any other way but a story'. - William Golding
There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go. - Frederick William Faber
Heaven is a warm cat and a good book. - Christina Morris
Accept the ego of extraordinary people as they have achieved something but don't accept the ego of ordinary people. - Amit Kalantri
We all have our own road to walk. Whether rocky, curving, straight or smooth, what good is a lonely road? It’s when we run and intersect with other roads that defines our road. When road meets road do we get direction, and choices to cross into another life. - Anthony Liccione
If I assume the ‘truth’ to be negotiable based on whether or not it serves my agenda, then my agenda has become my ‘truth.’ And the ‘truth’ of the matter is, when I do this I’ve chosen to take a treacherous path through some very deep woods where neither path nor woods exist. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough. - Abraham Lincoln
To forgive' is divine they say, and 'to forget', attracts blessings, but to go a step further, and learn a lesson from a bad encounter/ experience is an act of wisdom;and promise oneself that you will never allow yourself to be exposed to such a thing or a person or even an idea again. - Henrietta Newton Martin
If I went on a killing spree that left thousands of people dead, I'd be branded as the worst kind of criminal. So why it is okay for the government to do exactly that? - Michel Templet
Enjoy what you have, cherish the good times and savour everything life presents you. We can’t change the past…However, the future is a blank canvas, waiting for the paint, go create a masterpiece. - The Hypnotherapy Guy
Marital sex is a divine sympony between two people , and God is leading the orchestra . - Osunsakin Adewale
Not being able to govern events, I govern myself. - Michel de Montaigne
No, she wasn't losing language. She was choking on it. - Gregory Maguire
There is life and there is death, but on the border, where one shades into the other, there is the In Between. "...[M]ost people go through life without even knowing that it's there. - Katie Crouch and Grady Hendrix, The White Glove War
Hope-that unshakable golden belief that things can get better- is why I'm here talking to you now. Without it, we are nothing. - Alexander Gordon Smith
I was quite depressed two weeks ago when I spent an afternoon at Brentano's Bookshop in New York and was looking at the kind of books most people read. Once you see that you lose all hope. - Friedrich Hayek
Law enforcement is hired to enforce the law. You call them in to deal with situations you cannot deal with or do not want to deal with. When they arrive let them do their job. You know who you called them for before they got there. Enough said. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
I don't believe in God, I only believe in Al Pacino, and that's the truth. - Javier Bardem
Words, with their multiple meanings and nuances are like trees and oral communication like a forest. Trees are good for hiding, forest for losing the path. When one is trying to contemplate the horizon of illusion and reality, trees and forests can offer no help. - R. N. Prasher
If you sought to leave the world, don’t go alone. Since there are too many bad people you can take them too. - M.F. Moonzajer
I make the most of all that comes, And the least of all that goes. - Sara Teasdale
My question was:How did I go from merely seeing the dirty French Santa in a bar to being in his hotel room the next morning? And this presented me with an actual equation. How did one plus one equal old French Santa? - Augusten Burroughs
The teachings of ECK define the nature of Soul. You are Soul, a particle of God sent into this world to gain spiritual experience. - Paul Twitchell - The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Book One, pix
As a leader, I am there to make the best decisions possible with the evidence at hand and to be able to justify that decision. If it goes wrong, we add to the evidence for making the next decision, but there is no reason for regretting failure, as failure is just the production of evidence. - Michael A. Wood Jr.
You can be the ugliest man in the world but once you got money, you can have all the women in the world. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
Love- the infatuation kind- 'he's so handsome, she's so beautiful'- that can shrivel. As soon as something goes wrong, that kind of love can fly out the window. - Mitch Albom
If you're going to do something wrong, at least enjoy it. - Leo Rosten
What is evil? Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil, envy is evil, hatred is evil, to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things are evil. And what is the root of evil? Desire is the root of evil, illusion is the root of evil. - Gautama Buddha
Be gone, before you do. - Fakeer Ishavardas
God Only Knows the Issue. - Deborah Heiligman
I understand why King Solomon asked for wisdom from God. For wisdom is like oil to a lamp, what would be the essence of having a lamp without oil in darkness?. - Gugu Mona
The happiness is a simple algorithm coded by the crowd or by one or two people! - Deyth Banger
De mens bedrijft het kwaad nooit zo hartstochtig en vol overgave als wanneer hij dat doet uit godsdienstige overtuiging. - Umberto Eco
There are three ingredients to the good life; learning, earning, and yearning. - Christopher Morley
Never give up your right to be wrong, and be sure to give others that right too. - Tim Fargo
2274Humanity has ability to find good in as many things as possible and respond them with kindness - Kishore Bansal
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. - Og Mandino
Gnani (The Enlightened one) means without Ego. - Dada Bhagwan
It's like this, I think: the excellence of a good body doesn't make the soul good, but the other way around: the excellence of a good soul makes the body as good as it can be. - Plato
Like threads of silver seen through crystal beadsLet love through good deeds show.
For forms of Government let fools contest. Whate'er is best administered is best. - Alexander Pope
Maybe I don't really want to know what's going on. Maybe I'd rather not know. Maybe I couldn't bear to know. The Fall was a fall from innocence to knowledge. - Margaret Atwood
i can not go through the ocean. i can not drive the streets at night. i can not wake up in the morning without you on my mind. and so your gone and im haunted i bet you are just fine. did i make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life. - A Fine Frenzy
Beware of the man to whom you have done a good turn. - Lebanese Proverb
I know I won't live long. So I'm going to stand strong and not sit down in disbelief, hold my head up high and not waste my time wondering why my life has to be so rough and unfair. I'm going to strive and live everyday for the better until that day arrives. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
I, too, have to end up worshipping at the altar where God’s name is truth. - Philip Novak
We got one life to live so lets live it tothe fullestthere is nothing to lose just take off shoes and test the water - Peter Luther
They say as brave as lion, they say as clever as fox, they say as friendly as dog but nobody says as something good as man. - Amit Kalantri
Hmmm.. We are like children in a bus with faulty brakes on a hill, eventually we will meet our collusion point. Well blindly some of us may think of sacking out all the good out of the bus before it meets it's end, but what is really there to sack out. Some places are hard to to get out of. - Allan Amanyire
This kiss was hello.It was I've missed you, I've craved you, I've never forgotten you. It was love. - E. S. Carter
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (8:32) - The Gospel According to John
It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.
For the only slavery is desire, and he who learns to let go, to climb the wind-swept hills of self-becoming, naked of all possessions and desire, will drink the mountain air of freedom, and find the peace that lies not in the satisfaction but in the controlling of desire. - Christmas Humphreys
Some people experience rare moments when everything they believe is challenged. Or at least shaken up. Those moments stay with them. Surprise, real surprise, is an exotic thing not soon forgotten. - Gregory Miller
To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep. - Joan Klempner
It is very good, Wisehammer, it's very well written, but it's too-too-political. It will be considered provocative.""You don't want me to say it.""Not tonight. We have many people against us.""I could tone it down. I could omit 'We left our country for our country's good.'""That's the best line. - Timberlake Wertenbaker
God always visit two times in our life first on our birth he is the one who take out from mother's womb second to take back home. - Kishore Bansal
Most people on the ledge of a tall building were not afraid they'd fall; they were afraid they'd jump. - Lauren Alego
Nevermore shall men make slaves of others! Not in Asgard--not on Earth--not any place where the hammer of Thor can be swung--or where men of good faith hold freedom dear! - Stan Lee
The human soul has still greater need of the ideal than of the real. It is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live. - Victor Hugo
If you ever wanted to know how good life could be; start living it without the views and opinions of the world! - Mary Rodwell
The walls you put between yourself and other people doesn't just keep them away, it also keeps God away. - Shannon L. Alder
How do you define God? Like this. A God I could understand, at least potentially, was infinitely more interesting and relevant than one that defied comprehension. - Robert J. Sawyer
Without ambition, no goal can be met. - Kya Aliana
We often over value what we can do on our own, and under value what God can do through us. - Jayce O'Neal
Nowadays people have forgotten about morality and virtue, but they know how to resolve arguments. Look, what’s happening. We lead wars with measurements, dafters and calculations. We do not speak to inspire, we endeavour to create massacre and engulf as many people as we can. Where did we miss? - Alexander Zalan
Using love as a bait and replacing respect with ego-pampering makes you a skillful social animal; unfortunately, all kinds of animals are less evolved than human beings. Would you like to evolve? - Saurabh Sharma
It would be infinitely more prudent to be a single David standing with God, than a million Goliath’s standing without Him. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
People come and go. - Cecelia Ahern
The fundamental qualities for good execution of a plan is first; intelligence; then discernment and judgment, which enable one to recognize the best method as to attain it; the singleness of purpose; and, lastly, what is most essential of all, will-stubborn will. - Ferdinand Foch
"Careful with fire" is good advice we know."Careful with words" is ten times doubly so. - William Carleton
Not surprisingly, there's nothing to do at the Pentagon except start a war. - Paul Beatty
God’s justice in the one, and his goodness in the other, is exercised for evermore, as the everlasting subjects of his reward and punishment. - Sir Walter Raleigh.
How could a state be governed, or protected in its foreign relations if every individual remained free to obey or not to obey the law according to his private opinion. - Thomas Hobbes
Sometimes the best families are the ones God builds using unexpected pieces of our hearts. - Melanie Shankle
Music and comedy are so linked. The rhythm of comedy is con­nected to the rhythm of music. They’re both about creating tension and knowing when to let it go. I’m always surprised when somebody funny is not musical. - Conan O'Brien
Everything on earth has a purpose to fulfill, though it may look worthless, but time will tell if god did a mistake in creating them. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Start a rumor aboutpeace taking over,love being the new black,and compassion going viral. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
gosto do teu zeloquando deitas meu nomena palavra amor - Márcia Abath
You can bind my body, tie my hands, govern my actions: you are the strongest, and society adds to your power; but with my will, sir, you can do nothing. - George Sand
But, oh, when gloomy doubts prevail,I fear to call thee mine;The springs of comfort seem to fail,And all my hopes decline.Yet, gracious God, where shall I flee?Thou art my only trust;And still my soul would cleave to thee,Though prostrate in the dust. - Anne Steele
There has always been, and there is now, a profound conflict of interest between the people and the government of the United States. - Howard Zinn
We're more popular than Jesus now; I dont know which will go first; rock 'n' roll or Christianity. - John Lennon
Watch?? I'm gonna pray, man! Know any good religions?
In 2008, when almost every other investor got crushed, and even the Wall Street "experts" were down by almost half, I was up 17 percent - beating the S&P Average by over 50 percent.Reminiscences of a Stock Market Flea - James J. Houts
Dont forget to pray today, because God didn't forget to wake you up this morning. - SalemIsaac
Everywhere I go, it's me and me. Half of me living my life, the other half watching me live it. - Sandra Cisneros
Archaeology is the peeping Tom of the sciences. It is the sandbox of men who care not where they are going; they merely want to know where everyone else has been. - Jim Bishop
A Christian’s heart for God should be like a teakettle on a flaming stove burner—hot to touch, visibly steaming, and audible. - Elizabeth George
It is not in our interest, I suppose, to let South Sudan fall under the category of the burdened societies. We must be critical about our own actions if we want to move forward as a nation proud of its immense diversity. - Duop Chak Wuol
For this is Wisdom; to love, to liveTo take what fate, or the Gods may give.To ask no question, to make no prayer,To kiss the lips and caress the hair,Speed passion's ebb as you greet its flowTo have, -to hold -and -in time, -let go! - Laurence Hope
The crisis of physical hunger is essentially a crisis of faith. What or whom will you trust to meet your most basic needs? Will you trust the God who made human bodies, or will you seek your own way? (Deuteronomy 8:1-3) - Charles R. Swindoll
Any writer of horror needs to at least have a good, solid love of the genre. Also, good horror writers need to have a slightly twisted sense of humor. Without humor, horror just isn’t as good. - Alistair Cross
A man without a good heart is like a roaring fire in a dry field.he damages wherever he sets foot and moves on. - Jackson Taviri
Another name for destiny is opportunity, once you miss it, your destiny is gone. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Show me a good and gracious loser and I'll show you a failure. - Knute Rockne
If you truly love film, I think the healthiest thing to do is not read books on the subject. I prefer the glossy film magazines with their big color photos and gossip columns, or the National Enquirer. Such vulgarity is healthy and safe. - Werner Herzog
You can't achieve major goals with minimal work. - Rob Liano
It is better to seek the glory of God than human beings. - Lailah Gifty Akita
One night I was layin' down,I heard Papa talkin' to Mama,I heard Papa say to let that boy boogie-woogie.'Cause it's in him and it's got to come out. - John Lee Hooker
Are you going to cater to the whims and prejudices of people who have no intelligent knowledge of what they condemn? - Susan B Anthony Collection
Achieving a goal is important, but what is more important is the distance that you have to travel with its ups and downs, fears and failures. - Debasish Mridha
It is not so much the major events as the small day-to-day decisions that map the course of our living. . . Our lives are, in reality, the sum total of our seemingly unimportant decisions and of our capacity to live by those decisions. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten? - Sigmund Freud
I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators. - Gerald R. Ford
I loved Verti. Until she jumped. That is when I felt Vertigo. - James Hauenstein
Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. - George Bernard Shaw
Those who love dogs, know something about God. - Fakeer Ishavardas
May it be a postive or a negative emotions, they are all needed in every person's well being. Like, there is sadness in every joy, disgust in every anger or fear in every surprise. - Karl Gornal
If you make time for the nonsense, good or bad, it will continue to seek you out. - Gary Hopkins
There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act. - Truman Capote
Take away the right to say "fuck" and you take away the right to say "fuck the government." - Lenny Bruce
You couldn't be that good and not know it, somewhere in your secret heart, however much you'd been abused into affecting public humility. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Resurrection hope turned those who believed it into a counter-empire, an alternative society that knew the worst that tyrants could do and knew that the true God had the answer. - Bible Review
Once in jail or you just go in prison for a reason you don't have rights... So be wise, think twice and don't go there! - Deyth Banger
I finally realized that being a role model doesn't mean people are encouraged to be like me -- they're encouraged to go out and be more of themselves.
We have to teach the young that no one is out to do them any favours, even NGOs are formed for some motives, either to steal or to promote a particular person's image or that of an organisation etc.If you must get anything out of anyone, you must come with a bargaining chip. - Magnus Nwagu Amudi
Everything is going to be all right. Miracles happen every day. - A.D. Posey
Fashion is everything that goes out of fashion. - Jean Cocteau
We should set our goals; then learn to control our appetites. Otherwise, we will lose ourselves in the confusion of the world. - Hark Herald Sarmiento
Live a good life. More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate. - Roy Bennett
Life without meaningcannot be borne.We find a missionto which we're sworn--or answer the callof Death's dark horn.Without a gleaningof purpose in life,we have no vision,we live in strife,--or let blood fallon a suicide knife. - Dean Koontz
In any event, we must remember that it's not the blinded wrongdoers who are primarily responsible for the triumph of evil in the world, but the spiritually sighted servants of the good. - Fyodor Stepun
Pull the string and it will follow wherever you wish. Push it, and it will go nowhere at all. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Mother is the dead heart of the family, spending father's earnings on consumer goods to enhance the environment in which he eats, sleeps, and watches television. - Germaine Greer
A library implies an act of faith which generations, still in darkness hid, sign in their night in witness of the dawn."À qui la faute? (1872) - Victor Hugo
The Christmas story is penmanship of the most brilliant sort, where God crafted a beginning that would never be subject to an ending. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Kavita’s arms are still outstretched, but they hold nothing. After the metal gate clangs shut behind them, Kavita can still hear Usha’s piercing wail echoing inside. - Shilpi Somaya Gowda
I give you the end of a golden string,Only wind it into a ball,It will lead you in at Heaven's gateBuilt in Jerusalem's wall. - William Blake
The problem for me is that I can't ever really see who Gregory is, any more than I can see what a mirror by itself looks like, because he reflects whoever's around him. - Elizabeth Chandler
When I listen to you, Godwhen I do what you ask me to,I am like a treeplanted by a river,a tree full of fruitwith leaves that are always green. Ps 1(paraphrased) - Marie-Hélène Delval
Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll love it up here. - Donald J. Trump
I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way. - Robert Frost
Life is like that, full of words that are not worth saying or that were worth saying once but not any more, each word that we utter will take up the space of another more deserving word, not deserving in its own right, but because of the possible consequences of saying it. - José Saramago
God is the only one that won't disappoint you. Everyone else is percentages of your peace. - Shannon L. Alder
I possess a gorgeous world.I created it and painted it like a fiveyears old, where the sky is wovenwith golden threads and the sun ispearl white.But alas! You can't observe it as theyare positioned inside my mind myimaginations... - Rohan Nath
Many might go to heaven with half the labor they go to hell. - Ben Jonson
I am not afraid to die; I am only afraid of saying goodbye to you forever. - Shannon L. Alder
Obedience to God will bring blessings to you and others. - Jim George
It was easy to imagine he’d just rolled out of bed and then it was easy to imagine him in bed and I wasn’t going there. - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. - George Eliot
There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by. - Annie Dillard
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.
Mintalah perlindungan hanya kepada-Nya.Because there will always be ways of Allah to stop the things that are not good for you. - ayawijaya
Thank goodness you're a failure-- it's why I so distinguish you! Anything else to-day is too hideous. Look about you--look at the successes. Would you BE one, on your honour? - Henry James
It’s just amazing how long this country has been going to hell without ever having got there. - Andy Rooney
Being assertive enough to avoid being coerced into sex sounds like a good skill to learn. But you have to wonder what the corresponding page on Challenges said: Try not to rape your girlfriend? - Moira Wegel
You don’t have to worry about getting the attention of others when you’re good at what you do. - Adam Smith
Anyway, it's a good thing we're human. We design business spreadsheets, paint programs, and word processing equipment. So that tells you where we're at as a species. What is the search for the next great compelling application but a search for the human identity? - Douglas Coupland
I was born at a very early age. As I grew up, I got older... So far though, this is the oldest I've ever been. - Rebecca Hurley
When a person realizes he has been deeply heard, his eyes moisten. I think in some real sense he is weeping for joy. It is as though he were saying, "Thank God, somebody heard me. Someone knows what it's like to be me - Carl R. Rogers
So long as governments set the example of killing their enemies, private citizens will occasionally kill their.s - Elbert Hubbard
If any religion allows you to torture animals or sacrifice an animal for the sake of procuring god’s favor, then that is not a religion. It is an absurd practice of inhumanity. - Debasish Mridha
When at work, be diligent because there are many people who wish they had your job, but they couldn't since you are the one who got. - Gugu Mona
Friends are the real superheroes. They battle our worst enemies—loneliness, grief, anxiety, depression, fear, and doubt—every time they come around. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Don't entrust your future on others' hands. Rather make decisions by yourself with the help of God's guidance. Hold your beliefs so tight and never let go of them! - Hark Herald Sarmiento
It takes writing a billion bad words before you get to the good ones. - Ray Bradbury
Goodnight, moon. Goodnight, stars. Goodnight planets, comets and... Mars. Yes, even you, Mars. And not only for the sake of the rhyme. - Paul The Astronaut
A human being has so many skins inside, covering the depths of the heart. We know so many things, but we don't know ourselves! Why, thirty or forty skins or hides, as thick and hard as an ox's or bear's, cover the soul. Go into your own ground and learn to know yourself there. - Meister Eckhart
I make a fortune from criticizing the policy of the government, and then hand it over to the government in taxes to keep it going. - George Bernard Shaw
If some animals are good at hunting and others are suitable for hunting, then the Gods must clearly smile on hunting. - Aristotle
Knowledge is learning something new everyday. Wisdom is letting go of some bad habits everyday. - Farshad Asl
God takes us through life`s journey. Always nudging our Spirits to go for plus and shun the minus. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Dreams are a good source for book ideas. - Mary Sage Nguyen
Spontaneous and natural (sahajik) speech means there is not an iota of ego in it. - Dada Bhagwan
everything thing in life goes really really very very deep and ally you have to show the world is ,its just on the SURFACE - Sambal Chaulagain
Truth always prevails. Both divine and devil are two sides of the same coin. Rather, devil is in the divine and divine is in the devil. It is for us to make a conscious choice, whether we want to be devil or divine. Let us choose good over evil. - Vishwas Chavan
I would rather see the portrait of a dog that I know, than all the allegorical paintings they can show me in the world. - Samuel Johnson
When I pass, speak freely of my shortcomings and my flaws. Learn from them, for I'll have no ego to injure. - Aaron McGruder
Friends, in my experience, are like ladies' fashions. They come and go with the seasons, and are rarely of such stout stuff as bears repeated wearing. - Stephanie Barron
It's interesting, on your second day of existence, to realize that your father is going to blame all the future failures of his life on you. - Josh Lieb
Good. Coffee is good for you. It's the caffeine in it. Caffeine, we are here. Caffeine puts a man on her horse and a woman in his grave. - Ernest Hemingway
Only the ego resists egos. The spirit may notice egos, but sees beyond them and does not engage with them. - Alan Cohen
Every once in a while, large cities have narrow streets, silent passageways that allow your footsteps to echo in the stillness of the night, and it seems like everything is going back to the way it was, when there were only a few of us and we all knew each other and greeted each other on the street. - Jaume Cabré
In the ignorant state, there is a ‘limit’ for good qualities, it is known as the self-pride. Self-serving pride (swa-maan) is the limit of virtues in the realm of ignorance. - Dada Bhagwan
Hope is a mistake. If you cant fix what's broken, you will go insane. - Mad Max Fury Road
Nobody ever reaches to God, God comes to you when you are open and receptive, when you are ready. - Swami Dhyan Giten
If I want to dress up like Princess Leia and lightsaber fight the clone army in my living room, well the Han Solo in my life is just going to have to accept it. - Michelle M. Pillow
The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.
Aim deliberately at goal and stay focus to fulfill it. - Lailah Gifty Akita
What you feed in yourself that grows. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Anything you're good at contributes to happiness. - Bertrand Russell
God and devotee are bound for ever in ropes of love - Radhe Maa
Around the circle eyes began to glisten as Carol's awe of the Gospel laid bare the shame of those of us whose senses had been dulled to its wonder. - Barbara Hughes
A miracle is when you take action on your goals, and create the visible from the invisible. Transform your thoughts and dreams into the material world, from planning, hard work and determination. - Mark LaMoure
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is a pity because this week the National Association of Beholders wrote to tell me that I've got a face like a rucksack full of dented bells. - Charlie Brooker
Looking at your day from a golden day perspective helps you prioritize. - Elizabeth George
Justice suffers when men refuse to stand firm for what is right. If we don’t fight lawlessness, it prevails. If we don’t establish the truth in our nations, truth becomes foreign in the country. God says there is no man when there is nobody who stands for the truth. - Sunday Adelaja
Our sins are more easily remembered than our good deeds. - Democritus
Actions reveal… If you have to TELL me you’re honest, caring, generous, spiritual, kind, loving, and a good person... you’re doing it wrong. - Steve Maraboli
Where does a thought go when it's forgotten? - Sigmund Freud
Simplify and focus on the good. The beauty of the journey ahead will flourish on its own. - Erik Tomblin
Having sex is like bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. - Woody Allen
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. - T.S. Eliot
Darkness and light. Black and white. But which is death, and which is life? - Ramona Govender
The smile of lovers is gondola of their desire. (Des amoureux le sourire - Est gondole de leur désir.) - Charles de Leusse
My words fly up, my thoughts remain below:Words without thoughts never to heaven go. - William Shakespeare
When people tell you that you are good for nothing, remember that God made the world from nothing and nothing can change into something anytime. - Luffina Lourduraj
Enlightenment isn’t when you go there; it’s when there comes here. - Jed McKenna
Because I have forgiven my past, and God has forgiven my past, no person on earth can make me denounce my past. It's what made me who I am today. - Julie-Anne
Hmmm, good isn’t fun, but I’ll try, he whispers to me. ~ The Light Tamer - Devyn Dawson
Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day. - Bertrand Russell
Music replays the past memories, awaken our forgotten worlds and make our minds travel. - Michael Bassey Johnson
You can go as far as God takes you. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If God brings people to build your relationship, it's up to you to maintain that relationship! - Bruce Mbanzabugabo
We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell
You are an unfinished work in progress. One of the good things about life's challenges: you get to find out that you're capable of being far more than you ever thought possible. - Karen Salmonsohn
[When it comes to God] We can't run out of second chances...only time. - Robin Jones Gunn
Some memories seems to be so far away .. however it was just yesterday !! Others seem to be so clear ,, however it was years ago !! Actually it depends on how far we are from those who shared us those moments !! - Gehad Badr
Adversity gives you the opportunity to exhibit godly character. - Jim George
Be a peacemaker but never at the expense of your character or God’s standards. - Jim George
Electrical earth (ground) cables are all energized with radio frequencies (RF). Generally the further away from the ground rod you go, the more RF that you will find. - Steven Magee
So as I shivered, naked and damp, in front of the bathroom mirror, I raised my eyes skyward. "I hope we're still okay."I got no answer, but then, I didn't really expect one. Answer or not, it didn't matter. That's the thing about faith, I guess. - Chloe Neill
Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism.
Forse il freddo era la risposta…Non sarebbe meglio il gelo di questa ustionante agonia che non mi lascia mai? Che non mi fa respirare? Che mi uccide mentre mi mantiene in vita? - L. D. Blooms, Gelo dentro
It's not God who doesn't care, it's us - Frank Warren
Great people have great egos; maybe that's what makes them great. - Paul Arden
There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they're necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go.... - Richard Bach
Narrative secrets are not the same as human mysteries, a lesson that novelists seem fates to forget, again and again; the former quickly confess themselves, and fall silent, while the true mysteries go on speaking. - James Wood
The only day you should never write and achieve your goals is when the day ends with the letter y. - Onyi Anyado
May God give us much more grace to eagerly devote ourselves for the Great Commission. - Lailah Gifty Akita
What doesn't kill us makes a good story. - Marty Rubin
What is the own self of God? Where is the existence of God? He is within a human body. If any man achieves the Godhood, then his form will be manifested within others and transform them into his own form in the spiritual world. And that transformation does not occur after death - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
I measure my friends not by being there with me when everything is going well, but embracing me when I'm criticized and when I endure tough times. - Terraine Francois
The Show Must Go On! - Queen
Za njih, nas nema. Ćutimo.Kada govorimo, sebe isključujemo iz zajednice i poretka.Kada čovek misli, on ćuti. - Sreten Ugričić
A girl's gotta get her glam on when the world turns its back on her. - Melissa Landers
God desires to use you to the best of your to the best of your potentials. - Sunday Adelaja
You benefit at a different time, from when you planted seeds for success. Learn patience. But be persistent. It’s important for success. Use perseverance and dedicate yourself to your top goals. - Mark F. LaMoure
I see where we are starting to pay some attention to our neigbors to the south. We could never understand why Mexico wasn't just crazy about us; for we have always had their good will, and oil and minerals, at heart. - Will Rogers
"There are certainly moments," said Chad, "when you seem to me too good to be true. Yet if you are true," he added, "that seems to be all that need concern me." - Henry James
Denying God is admitting our ignorance, our spiritual limitation and blindness - Jacqueline Job
Good philosophy is always hate speech to evil doers. - Stefan Molyneux
True...I hear voices in my head keep talking to me. The good thing for now is...I never answer them back. - Timothy Pina
Five hundred years ago the notoriously savvy Henry VIII discovered an elegant way to solve both his theological problems and his personal liquidity crisis —he dissolved the monasteries and nicked all their land. - Ben Aaronovitch
Quote from FUTURE GONE:…I set the house on fire. It’s dark outside. The fire tears down the darkness. I turn my back to the place and leave, not knowing where. And suddenly I understand…All dreams are dead now. - Alexandar Tomov
When the tough get going, the going gets easier. - Joe Siciliano Sr.
Ayn Rand's 'philosophy' is nearly perfect in its immorality, which makes the size of her audience all the more ominous and symptomatic as we enter a curious new phase in our society.... To justify and extol human greed and egotism is to my mind not only immoral, but evil. - Gore Vidal
The only currency that we really have to spend during our lives is time. Everything else is just a sub-category. - Stephen R. Bown
When a man strikes another man, he better have a good reason. There is never a good reason for a man to strike a woman. - Dixie Waters
Just as at sea those who are carried away from the direction of the harbor bring themselves back on course by a clear sign, on seeing a tall beacon light or some mountain peak coming into view, so Scripture may guide those adrift on the sea of the life back into the harbor of the divine will. - Gregory of Nyssa
God has always been hard on the poor. - Jean-Paul Marat
One of the consequences of sin is that it makes the sinner pity himself instead of causing him to turn to God. One of the first signs of new life is that the individual takes sides with God against himself. - Donald Grey Barnhouse
Please DO waste art materials. Use paper. Empty paint jars. Deplete pens. if it's teaching you stuff, it's not being wasted. - Danny Gregory
The ultimate goal of technology, the telos of techne, is to replace a natural world that’s indifferent to our wishes a world of hurricanes and hardships and breakable hearts, a world of resistance with a world so responsive to our wishes as to be, effectively, a mere extension of the self. - Jonathan Franzen
Makin' it happen with Jesus! The good life. - Jolake Bivins
Stairs to climb are difficult it takes time and effort and going down is easies job... what do I mean with that?(I think that... once upon a time.... .you had something in your head more than a candy!) - Deyth Banger
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. - Sir Winston Churchill
God is really only another artist, he made the elephant, giraffe and cat. He has no real style but keeps trying new ideas. - Pablo Picasso
Life is a long agonized illness only curable by death. - Spike Milligan
Writing is a manual labor of the mind: a job, like laying pipe. - John Gregory Dunne
I don't really know them, but I know this: they're just like your kids were. Or are. Sweet, trusting, good in ways we adults hardly even remember. We have to look out for them. Not because of the tattoos, or in spite of them, but because they're kids and we're supposed to look out for kids. - Sabrina Vourvoulias
In the distant golden sunset sky, a magnificent rainbow is opening wings to fly. - Debasish Mridha
Finn smiled and blew half her brain cells. You going to teach me how to have fun, Pru? he asked in that low, husky voice. - Jill Shalvis
Evil is always possible. Goodness is a difficulty. - Anne Rice
Awaken your mind from the deep sleep of ancient mysticism and make it self-conscious - power will come, glory will come, goodness will come and everything that is excellent will come. - Abhijit Naskar
News invented the modern world as much as the modern world invented news. Finding out what was going on elsewhere in the world change people's minds about what was possible or tolerable. - Lawrence Kleep
Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them. - Immanuel Kant
Who hurt you?" she asked, slicing through the two other conversations going on at the table. "He's dead," said Charles, his hand sliding up Anna's back reassuringly. "I killed him. If I could, I would bring him back to life so I could kill him again. - Patricia Briggs
The Lord God knows exact when to act. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The very essence of leadership is that you have a vision. It's got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion.Whatever you value, be committed to it and let nothing distract you from this goal. The uncommitted life, like Plato's unexamined life, is not worth living. - Theodore M. Hesburgh
QUOTIENT, n. A number showing how many times a sum of money belonging to one person is contained in the pocket of another -- usually about as many times as it can be got there. - Ambrose Bierce
Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not. - Oprah Winfrey
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue. - Buddha
Where were you when I undressed and told the tales of my day?Where were youwhenI was silent with God in prandial pray?Where were youwhen I recited love poems as I lay?Where were you? - Kamand Kojouri
Augustine taught that true freedom is not choice or lack of constraint, but being what you are meant to be. Humans were created in the image of God. True freedom, then, is not found in moving away from that image but only in living it out. - Augustine of Hippo
I don't know why it is that the religious never ascribe common sense to God.
Some people won't love you, no matter what you do. Some people won't STOP loving you, no matter what you do. Go where the love is. ©2011 - Eleanor Brownn
If you keep people down so they dont become better than you, you gotta stay there to keep them down so you dont progress yourself.What kind of wahala (Suffering) is that ?Leave them to progress so you can expand. - Myles Munroe
The greatest sin is doubting God’s truth - Sunday Adelaja
No single food will make or break good health. But the kinds of food you choose day in and day out have a major impact. - Walter Willet
mi intencion de hacerte reir es totalmente egoista , solo hago para ver tu sonrisa - matias silva
México can have many historians, merchants, philosophers, and even including good high ranked people in the natural course, although it can get to have more; If in good. - Efrain Jimenez Vazquez
The weight of God's love for humanity cannot be determined. But felt with a grateful heart. - David Nii Sowah Kobbina Adjei
God give me strength to face a fact though it slay me. - Thomas H. Huxley
I am thankful to God for the grace of being alive. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Every scripture, no matter how ancient, must go through rigorous human scrutiny. - Abhijit Naskar
God is omniscient; He knows precisely what He is doing and what He will accomplish. He doesn't need our help. God is Sovereign. Our duty is to be careful, eager and faithful to enter into God’s rest, not our own rest. - Pazaria Smith
When the well's nearly dry and you're not sure you have the strength to persevere, fill up on love and friendship, then take another step, and then another, until you reach your goal. - Liza M. Wiemer
The key of success is knowing that each man you see, think you'll never make it, are the ones who definitely never score on whatever which lifegoal. - Sil Vereecken
If you go very deeper you will see that you are not in freedom you are in cage made by chemistry and science. - Deyth Banger
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild' is a snivelling modern invention, with no warrant in the gospels. - George Bernard Shaw
You are free to go, Father," she whispered. "We are all of us free." Olivia finally understood what Mr Tugwell had tried to tell her. This was how it was for every fallen crteature. Christ bore the penalty we each deserve, to purchase our freedom. - Julie Klassen
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb
A good novel, one which entices the author as much as it beckons the reader. - W.J. Raymond
I've always believed in spreading the gospel of good books. - S. Evan Townsend
What goes in the mind is forgotten, what goes in the stomach just passes through, but that which goes in the heart is locked, like a keepsake diary, that never leaves you. - Anthony Liccione
Do we really want to be rid of our resentments, our anger, our fear? Many of us cling to our fears, doubts, self-loathing or hatred because there is a certain distorted security in familiar pain. It seems safer to embrace what we know than to let go of it for fear of the unknown. ( Book/page 33) - Narcotics Anonymous
You cannot warfare successfully if your hobby is watching T.V. Remember deep calleth unto deep - Charleen Goombs
It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help. - Judith Martin
Do not partner with fear to help you make decisions - Jeannette Gregory
I am now a faded image of my former being,I let that persona go.I like myself for who I am and I choose to be, me. - Tina J. Richardson
Our success depends on goal-oriented, focused actions, not on distractions. - Debasish Mridha
God, change the burden of my heart to be like a gentle rain which falls equally on all - AbdulAziz Mohammed
A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest. - C.S. Lewis
One more soldier of the Cross has taken up his crown; one more beloved member of our church has gone to the great assembly above; one more Christian has triumphed in the living Faith; one more flower is planted and harvested in the garden of God's Kingdom. - Reverend Ada Slaton Bonds, Cumberland Presbyterian
Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it. - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends. - Addison Mizner
Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods. - Aristotle
God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things. - Pablo Picasso
Achieving your goals depends more on the way you manage to push through the bad days, than shine on the good ones. - Lorri Faye
This is how I disappear in pieces.This is how I leave while not moving from my seat.This is how I dance away.This is how I'm gone before you wake. - Sarah Kay
Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. - Victor Hugo
decision is of the mind not of the mouth also determination is of the heart not of the head- Golden Life Foundation - Chris C. Nwakanma
Every divine promise is built upon four pillars; God's justice or holiness, which will not suffer Him to deceive; His grace or goodness, which will not suffer Him to forget; His truth, which will not suffer Him to change; and His power, which makes Him able to accomplish.
We've all been blessed with God-given talents. Mine just happens to be beating people up.
Everything I do has a purpose, all of God's beings have a purpose. Others may know pleasure, but pleasure is not happiness. It has no more importance than a shadow following a man. - Muhammad Ali
Malick to Jacin: "There is no trade anymore, you're not nothing, you didn't kill Caidi, you're going to be the most beautiful-dangerous Incendiary the gods have ever seen, and I fucking love you. Deal with it. - Carole Cummings
I won't lie—I don't care.And you should quit trying to deceive yourself because I can tell by the way you show no desire to do anything but complain about the issue that you don't honestly care either. - Richelle E. Goodrich
It's not about what we go through in life, but how we come out shining on the other side that makes us who we are. - Samuel B Watson
I am an atheist, but as far as blowing up the world in a nuclear war goes, I tell them not to worry. - Fred Hoyle
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has. - Will Rogers
When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. - Norm Crosby
I think that maybe in every company today there is always at least one person who is going crazy slowly. - Joseph Heller
With God’s help in the grasp of addiction you’ll find the truth. When we understand this and its purity, then true healing can begin. - Ron Baratono
The Almighty God is perfect and patient. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The trouble with most of our prayers is that we give them as if we were picking up the phone and ordering groceries - we place our order and hang up. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Everything that is good in the day is even better in the night. - Joe Hill
If you don’t take the time to get really clear about exactly what it is you’re trying to accomplish, then you’re forever doomed to spend your life achieving the goals of those who do. - Steve Pavlina
If you don't have good storing to tell on your deathbed, what good was living?
God is a book I can no longer read. - Floriano Martins
They don’t know I only speak in runaway train stationsand everybody is always a few minutes too late to the platform.No one has ever gotten the chance to get too closebecause it is never romantic to fuck the girl who makes love to her own sadness every single night. - Katelin Wagner
Everything good starts with caring. - Shampa Sharma
There a lot of numbers you are going to pass for your life, Zero- is a born number One- is a lonely number Two- is a number of love Three- is a number of incomplete family Four- is a number of Family - Federico Lomibao
You cannot rush God’s timing.When the Lord speaks a word into your life, it is like a seed. Is your confidence in God’s seed? - T.D. Jakes
A good reputation is more valuable than money. - Publilius Syrus
We spend too much time keeping up with celebrities. They're living their dreams, what about you? Are you where you want to be in life. Get off the couch, turn off the tv and start achieving your goals. - Bianca Frazier
We returned to our palaces, these Kingdoms, but no longer at ease here in the old dispensation, with an alien people clutching their gods. I should be glad of another death. - T.S. Eliot
We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the crimes of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value. - David Sarnoff
Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content. - Louis L'Amour
People laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas you have to use big words to express them, haven't you? - L. M. Montgomery
And I go home having lost her love. And write this book. - Jack Kerouac
I’ve traveled this road for many decades and I still don’t know how to go. I am a wanderer, traversing mountains of time. There is no fault, only fault lines that tremor and quake, barring me, no warning. Aftershocks. -Broken Places - Rachel Thompson
6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days,and I still don’t know which month it was thenor what day it is now.Blurred out linesfrom hangovers to coffeeanother vagabond lost to love. - Charlotte Eriksson
Man is seldom judged on the basis of his good deeds. If bad in past the good in present doesn’t matter ; if bad in present the good done in past is forgotten. That's human!! - Mehnaz Ansari
Don't say you miss me when it's your fault I'm gone - Candy Lyn
The forgiveness of God flows through me and because I am forgiven, I can forgive. - Patience Johnson
The thing you are passionate about is not random; it stems from an inner yearning. Don’t ignore it or allow others to talk you out of it. Go get it! - Steve Maraboli
Well you found us strength and solutions but I liked the tensionAnd not always knowing the answers when you're gonna lose it, you're gonna lose it. - Hayley Williams
Being an actor is easy, just picture someone in a room and you outside waiting for your cue to go in. Elliot Gould's been trying that for forty years. - George Burns
I'm a sucker for curiosity's whims.Does that make me a cat person? - Richelle E. Goodrich
I am sure of God's hand and guidance... You must never doubt that I am thankful and glad to go the way which I am being led. My past life is abundantly full of God's mercy and, above all sin, stands the forgiving love of the Crucified. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
It is doubtful that real personal change can occur without the conscious and painful process of self-criticism that is required to reject power and ego. - Janis Birkeland
Happiness is like good health: when you have it, you don’t notice it. But as the years go by, oh, the memories, the memories of happiness past! - Mikhail Bulgakov
Democracy is not a form of government. It is a tool of government. Case in point, Stalinist USSR was a "democracy". - A.E. Samaan
I detest audiences - not in their individual components, but en masse I detest audiences. I think they're a force of evil. It seems to me rule of mob law. - Glenn Gould
My righteousness is just as good as Jesus' righteousness, because it IS Jesus' righteousness! - E.W. Kenyon
We have done with Hope and Honour, we are lost to Love and Truth,We are dropping down the ladder rung by rung,And the measure of our torment is the measure of our youth.God help us, for we knew the worst too young!from "Gentleman Rankers - Rudyard Kipling
Things are always darkest just before they go pitch black.
I am going to knock the slut out of you. And that should take some doing, you uppity English tramp! - Jeaniene Frost
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. - Victor Hugo
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. - Beverly Sills
Only a meditator is able to die consciously as life is an opportunity to prepare for death. Meditation is a death, a death of the ego. - Swami Dhyan Giten
We talk relationship but we live religion, with unsatisfying results. Christianity defines itself, first and foremost, as a relationship with God. Even though this is true, our human nature tends toward living a relationship with God as if it were a religion - Mark Cowper-Smith
‎Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning... Anyone can start over and make a new ending. - Chico Xavier
Maybe we are all broken pieces from God, trying to become whole once more. - Urbanky Aurel Petru
Again, men in general desire the good, and not merely what their fathers had. - Aristotle
You can't be angry with God and not believe in him at the same time. - Sara B. Cooper
Never go anywhere without a book in your hands. - JBeartheBW
To find your own way in life, start going with all of your heart to find the beauty of life. - Debasish Mridha
If you don't know when your good, how can you know when your bad? - Will Adolphy
Wealth is a gift from God, and pride is bequeathed to us from the devil. - Douglas Wilson
Beware of worldliness—it can turn your heart away from God. - Jim George
The only reason i love the courage of these individuals is that they take their family members as astray chicks, and the reason i don't want to belong to this category is because those chicks are far more important to me than trivial wealth and fame. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The important thing when you are going to do something brave is to have someone on hand to witness it.
It is good for us to be here. - Bible
good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws - Plato
Breathing is a lot like creativity. Like an inhale, you receive an inspiration, you let it run through the unique magnificence of who you are, and then you release it into the world, letting it go, unattached to the way it needs to look. - Jill Badonsky
It may be necessary temporarily to accept a lesser evil, but one must never label a necessary evil as good. - Margaret Mead
Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you, all things are passing, God is unchanging. Patience gains all; nothing is lacking to those who have God: God alone is sufficient. - Teresa of Ávila
You've already got everything you need to succeed right in-front of your tits - Runa Magnus
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
It is not important how much money you gave away. It is important what good it will do on the way. - Debasish Mridha
In every religion; a true love is the love for the God, in mine it is for you. - M.F. Moonzajer
If not us, then who? Who's going to stand when everyone else kneels? Who's going to argue for the law even when there's no justice to be had? Who's going to try even when the trying is too damn hard? - Sebastien de Castell
To be an American is to be accosted by bigotry and enmity for the rights that you were told to appreciate. - Tennessee West
It is when we experience God most closely that our hearts burn most passionately to show his compassion to others. - Dillon Burroughs
A good woman inspires a man; a brilliant woman interests him; a beautiful woman fascinates him; and a sympathetic woman gets him. - Helen Rowland
A good novel is an indivisible sum; every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. - Ayn Rand
As he came from his mother's wombNaked shall he return to go as he cameNothing from his labor will he carry away in his hand Ecclesiastes - Anonymous
The doctors cannot make the ignorant think, cannot hope to bring home the sufferings of millions; only one of ourselves can someday do that...It will need great courage but it will be done, because all things must work toward ultimate good; there is no real wastage and no destruction. - Radclyffe Hall
It’s easy to get caught up in where the world is going and lose sight of the direction we were headed. - Terry A. O'Neal
A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions.
You have to remember one thing about the will of the people: it wasn't that long ago that we were swept away by the Macarena. - Jon Stewart
God doesn't always bring you the entire truth. He sometimes gives it to you in pieces, in order to learn. Regardless, it is the piece that you got today that will renew your faith for tomorrow. - Shannon L. Alder
The forces of good and evil are working within and around me, I must choose, and in a free will universe I do have a choice.
Not all dreamers are winners, but all winners are dreamers. Your dream is the key to your future. The Bible says that, "without a vision (dream), a people perish." You need a dream, if you're going to succeed in anything you do. - Mark Gorman
He has a magic touch. He can turn a G into a C. My heart was made of gold; now it's all cold. - Natalya Vorobyova
Smile. Give Earth the biggest smile you've got. See every glimmer of light in the scariest, darkest sky. And when people think you're crazy, then you know you've accomplished something very few dare to try. - Lana M. H. Wilder
There are times when God asks nothing of his children except silence, patience and tears.
All those who love Nature she loves in return, and will richly reward, not perhaps with the good things, as they are commonly called, but with the best things of this world-not with money and titles, horses and carriages, but with bright and happy thoughts, contentment and peace of mind. - John Lubbock
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. - Mother Teresa
Jesus said when you pray say "Our Father which art in heaven." He did not say "Our Judge which art in heaven". #grace #gospel - John Paul Warren
Before getting upset, always ask yourself: Will this even matter in six months, in a year, or in five years? if the answer is no, then let it go. - Robin Dabhi
Imagination is like a muscle. I found out that the more I wrote, the bigger it got. - Philip José Farmer
I bought a cactus. A week later it died. And I got depressed, because I thought, Damn. I am less nurturing than a desert. - Demetri Martin
Because a superior fried-chicken restaurant is often the institutional extension of a single chicken-obsessed woman, I realize that, like a good secondhand bookstore or a bad South American dictatorship, it is not easily passed down intact. - Calvin Trillin
You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state. - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Remember meditation is an active, deep remembrance, and that is discernment. Wherever you go, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, remember to utilize discernment so that you can hear and sense and feel the vibration of love rather than the vibration of illusion. - Tony Samara
If we are to have real faith, we must study the Word of God and discover what is promised. Then, we must simply believe the promises of God. Trying to believe something that you want to believe is not faith. Believing what God says in His Word is faith. - R.A. Torrey
I'm Godless. And so I've had to make my God, and my God is narrative filmmaking, which is -- ultimately what my God becomes, which is what my mantra becomes, is the theme. - Darren Aronofsky
You leave home, I have learned, counting the trip day by day. If you ever get to return, you count the trip miracle by miracle. - Gregory Maguire
The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.
It's always been about the experience of life and of not being passive. If something so excites my curiosty, I want to go there, be a part of whatever it is that's either pushing me or pulling me toward it. That desire for experience has made me very rich in life experience. - Tish Grier
You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going. Babies don't walk the first time they try, but eventually they get it right - Jack Canfield
What a kid I got, I told him about the birds and the bees and he told me about the butcher and my wife. - Rodney Dangerfield
In God's eyes all children are beautiful but here on earth we have higher standards. - Stephen Colbert
Bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāya:For the good of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world. - Gautama Buddha
Because introverts are typically good listeners and, at least, have the appearance of calmness, we are attractive to emotionally needy people. Introverts, gratified that other people are initiating with them, can easily get caught in these exhausting and unsatisfying relationships. - Adam S. McHugh
Oh, he was a decent-enough high school student, good grades and well-liked, but his test scores were nothing to write home about. He might as well have Christmas-treed the math test. - Thomas Christopher Greene
They sit there shouting "Don't do it." Someone told them revolution looked like the Cosby Show. A slight tug with a good lesson. Revolution is a tough struggle between what was and what needs to be. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Read. As much as you can. As deeply and widely and nourishingly and ­irritatingly as you can. And the good things will make you remember them, so you won't need to take notes. - A.L. Kennedy
Elegance; it lacks the intellect -he is not a dancer who dances to the beat of love - on the other hand, the heart, can not solve mathematical problems. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
If God could run out of grace, He would’ve for me by now. And yet every morning I wake up, He says, There is more, there is still more. - Genereux Philip
Love goes through all times - Kerstin Gier
Religion (dharma) is decrease in kashay (anger, pride, deceit and greed) and increase of kashay is irreligion (adharma). When Kashay goes away (completely) is the religion of the Self (Soul). - Dada Bhagwan
Music is a calculation which the soul makes unconsciously in secret. - Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibnitz
Train yourself to let go of the things you fear to lose. - George Lucas
When you are lonely for a while don't get restless, if you had born alone, you are going to die alone then for sometime you can certainly live alone. - Amit Kalantri
The goal of a life purpose is not what you will create, but what it will make you into for creating it. - Shannon L. Alder
Our friend has a creed; and the main tenet of that creed is: There is no God, and is his prophet. Wolfgang Pauli - Dirac
The secret of real prosperity in the church is to teach God’s people principles of economic empowerment - Sunday Adelaja
True leaders fail fast and often in order to learn what's necessary to reach the next level of growth and advancement - Lillian Gregory
Ego's time is limited. Let us not go behind that. Patience is eternal. Let us celebrate it. - Premchand Shetty
Why do we have to die to got to heaven? The earth is already in space. - Prince Ea
God always has a reason for what you are asked to endure. - Jim George
So there’s a freeing up that happens when I can go into that storytelling mode...It isn’t about how much sense you make, it is about how compelling you are. (interview) - Nalo Hopkinson
Believe in yourself. Determine to pursue your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Be careful who you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime. - Ugo Eze
your life mustn't be a closet for dirty laundry coz you will have a smelly and messy life...Yeah no matter how much you trying to clean up,the smell won't go away until you put away the "dirty laundry - Duinkie Tracey Ncitha
Change is not change without changing Your Self first by changing the external factors of yourself, for darkness cannot glow in the light - Goitsemang Mvula
The French have a new president, the British will soon have a new P.M., and we envy them as we endure the endless wait for this small dim man to go back to Texas and resume his life. - Garrison Keillor
Saying others the fools does not make one a wise unless and until the same person eschews own words of advice to others and displays the world of action that is nice to enrich only the good character people's lives. - Anuj Somany
We have a natural and supernatural identity. Our spirituality should be relevant to daily life; our calling is to influence the world through right living, the Truth and the power of God. - E.N. Supen, The Victorious Kingdom Quotes
God predetermines plan and path of life for every sacred-soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Government is a gang, but not merely as meritorious as a private gang because it claims legal legitimacy. It pillages and uses violence but under the cover of law, and seeks legitimacy not through competition but through the myth of the social contract. - Jeffrey Tucker
Cuando el Hombre Superior hace algo digno de admiración, es una prueba de su Maestría, no el objeto de ella. - Idries Shah
The best stories don't come from "good vs. bad" but "good vs. good. - Leo Tolstoy
Goodness is the only investment that never fails. - Henry David Thoreau
Be true to yourself, be positive, always keep a clear mind and don’t stress. Be goal driven and with a strong will power, your career will surely kick off. Relationship wise be faithful and love your man, and the rest is self explanatory because it’s not rocket science. - Jenelle Joanne Ramsami
God seems to have left the receiver off the hook and time is running out. - Arthur Koestler
Life goes on within you and without you. - George Harrison
"Just as I shall select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage, or my house when I propose to take a residence, so I shall choose my death when I am about to depart from life. " - Seneca
A book holds a house of gold. - Chinese Proverb
Jazz is the assassination, the murdering, the slaying of syncopation. I would even go so far as to confess that we are musical anarchists. - Nick La Rocca
the exclusive worship of the bitch-goddess sucess is our national disease - William James
I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own. - Woody Allen
No, I'm not a good shot, but I shoot often. - Theodore Roosevelt
Any other iron on you? he asked impatiently.Just my tongue stud.His look was a mixture of curiosity and horror.I’m kidding, you idiot. Let’s go. - Kiersten White
A winner smiles and a looser cries. The God looks at them and says,'Sorry, guys! - Santosh Kalwar
If got chance, 90% of married women in this world possess the power to manage home, child and career simultaneously, and many are still doing it. The challenge here is that what percent of married men has the will to say - I will help you out. - Shayana K.
Love if mishandled spreads hatred and creates agony and chaos. - raja shakeel mushtaque
To have a real and long lasting relation partners should either have mutual goal or possess the same capabilities. - khoshdast
Fascism is when corporations become the government. - Bill Maher
The great souls distinguish with two things; their greater needs and their greater agony. - Alireza Salehi Nejad
I live on shameless flattery...and vodka...but the two usually go hand in hand. - Vicktor Alexander
Doing good makes you great. Bad things take away from good ones. Practicing Netiquette is all good. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
Only when you go beyond Mind, will you be able to respect the energy that inhabits us; until then you will either exploit others with your energy or will deplete your energy, leading a purposeless life! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Children are happy because they don't have a file in their minds called "All the Things That Could Go Wrong. - Marianne Williamson
Hope keeps dreams alive through the prayers of those who never give up. They are able to pursue their dreams with confidence and reach their goals.For every one that asks receives, and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks, it shall be opened. Matthew 7:8 words of Jesus Christ - Ellen Jean Barrier
Only a few of us are going to be willing to break our own hearts by trading in the living beauty of imagination for the stark disappointment of words. - Ann Patchett
Deep, contended joy comes from a place of complete security and confidence [in God] - even in the midst of trial. - Charles R. Swindoll
Don’t worry, I’m the business expert here, and when I make my first million, I’m going to sue those werewolves’ asses off, Priscilla said cheerfully. They’ll have no ass left. They’ll be ass-less. They’ll look ridiculous. - St. Clair, Georgette
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I hope you love birds too. It is economical. It saves going to heaven. - Emily Dickinson
If you ever start feeling like you have the goofiest, craziest, most dysfunctional family in the world, all you have to do is go to a state fair. Because five minutes at the fair, you'll be going, 'you know, we're alright. We are dang near royalty.' - Jeff Foxworthy
Give me a chance, Gracie. I’m not a monster. I’m not going to hurt you. All I want to do is to make you scream with pleasure. To know each and every inch of your body. I will make you forget the pain you’ve been through and create beautiful memories for you with me. - Luke Bryce, Be Mine - Isobelle Cate
Life can only be filled with joys as we make our egos small enough to accept the fact that joy comes to those in whom there is only room for it to spill over. - S. Emmanuel Epps
It's gonna hurt, now," said Amy. "anything dead coming back to life hurts. - Toni Morrison
If living conditions don't stop improving in this country, we're going to run out of humble beginnings for our great men. - Russell P. Askue
To be who you are, let go of what you were. - Jennifer Sodini
The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love. That's the message we're brought up with, isn't it? Believe or die! Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options. - Bill Hicks
There is a night school where you shall meet great teachers: The sky! When the night falls, the shining stars in the school will teach you how small you are and how comical to own an ego! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When religious people take the stance that they don’t owe anyone that is hurting closure or answers then God is not winning. Conflict continues because of lack of communication, fear and indifference. - Shannon L. Alder
One Bagatelle, and I’ll raise you a novel, Megan had tweeted back.Writing for tea? Now that would have been a solution for the British empire, Laura returned.Writing for me, Megan had typed.I’ll write you a tea fortune.No deal. I want a novel. September sounds good. - L.L. Barkat
The audience knows the truth, the world is simple. It's miserable, solid all the way through. But if you could fool them, even for a second, then you can make them wonder, and then you got to see something really special. - Christopher Nolan
Humans are naturally social; civilization causes us to be antisocial."From my next book: The Five Forgotten Truths - Kirk D. Sinclair
When you’re dying, even your unhappiest memories can induce a sort of fondness, as if delight is not confined to the good times, but is woven through your days like a skein of gold thread. - Cory Taylor
Oh, dead man, you're dead wrong, I tell him. The world goes on stupid and brutal, but I do not. Can't you see? I do not. - Jennifer Donelly
The amount of money you owe doesn't matter; as long as you use it for good - Sandra Chami Kassis
I am slowly coming to the conclusion that it’s more important to learn to work with what you’ve got, under the circumstances you’ve been given, than wishing for different ones. - Charlotte Eriksson
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! - Bible
Your work is what you were born to do. No kind of educational system can teach you your true work, because it is your life purpose, and it is revealed by your God-given gifts. - Dr. Myles Munroe
Stop telling God what to do with his dice. - Niels Bohr
No one makes a lock without a key. That's why God won't give you difficulties without a solution!Your current situation may look Horrorful but don't worry your future will be colourful. - Emmanuel Eliason-Armstrong
Pies pa' que los quiero, si tengo alas pa' volar - Frida Kahlo
But the world hinges on good fathers and those who would be the merchants of confidence. - Michelle Franklin
There is no God besides the Self. One who knows the Self, knows God. - Abhijit Naskar
I am not fake, I am just too good to be true (-: - Mahsati Abdul
For a writer, I'm not sure that feeling of knowing you've just written something good and strong can be trumped. Not because it means I did something right. But because it proves how many wrongs I pushed through to get there. - Cara Rosalie Olsen
Life is good. Even when it isn't. Because there's always HOPE beckoning you from ahead. - Anusha Atukorala
It is no longer a question of a Christian going about to convert others to the faith, but of each one being ready to listen to the other and so to grow together in mutual understanding. - Bede Griffiths
Go relentlessly in the direction of your ultimate purpose of life and that which makes you happy. - Debasish Mridha
We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...not looking for flaws, but for potential. - Ellen Goodman
Words were sometimes like ammo. They could strike you with fear worse than an arrow. And worse was sometimes knowing ahead a time what the words were. - Cyndi Goodgame
Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. - George Washington
In old days, instead of asking a teacher, people looked at the dictionary to know the complete definition of teacher. Now Google becomes our teacher and to know about Google, people Google it. - Munia Khan
If you take on the martyr/entitlement role, two things are definitely going to happen: you’ll be a lot less happier with your life, and you will have a husband not exactly wanting to come home to you. - Laura Schlessinger
Quit hating and trying to be like the next man. Get on your own grind & be better than the next man, whether you gotta hustle, work a job or whatever just do you. - Surgeo Bell
Have faith in 'What Is'. You will get your due, good or not so good, to your liking or not, but in time, as it is meant to be. - Fakeer Ishavardas
I'm happy here, and why change when you love the club and the club's in a really good position right now. - Frank Lampard
Christians should use their prosperity for the glory of the Kingdom of God. - Sunday Adelaja
The problem with any unwritten law is that you don't know where to go to erase it. - Glaser and Way
The worshiper is the father of the gods. - H. L. Mencken
Your obsession with being in control of your mind makes you so stiff all the times; that is why our egos are growing, and our sense of humor is shrinking. - Jasz Gill
In each painting, I think, it’s as if God were giving up on finishing the world. - Yves Bonnefoy
When you help people, don't wait around to hear them say, "Thank you." A lot of times we do good things, but in the back of our mind we're hoping to get some appreciation. But if you make your intentions pure, and you expect only from Allah, He will take more care of you than you could ever imagine. - Nouman Ali Khan
Do not only believe, affirm and act the sacred words of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Give me the Black Death over a Victorian prude any day. At least the dying screw like it's their last day on earth."Paradise Lot: GoneGodsWorld - Episode 1 - R. E. Vance
A miracle is when you take action on your written goal, and make it reality by working hard to create it. Transform your dreams into the real world, by writing your goals, taking action and making them happen. This is the short recipe for personal success. - Mark F. LaMoure
Nature is a word, an allegory, a mold, an embossing, if you will. - Charles Baudelaire
Who am i? I'm the one you won't be able to handle. I'm the one who is the other side of the picture. I'm the one who is going to make you question everything you believe. I'm the one whom you can never understand. - Ashbeel Roy
Sometimes a strong wind blows suddenly and you leave your beloved tree without saying even goodbye, like a pale autumn leaf! This uncertainty of life makes every moment in life infinitely precious. - Mehmet Murat ildan
People care more about being thought to have taste than about being good, clever, or amiable. - Samuel Butler
Children are very nice observers, and they will often perceive our slightest defects. It general those who govern children forgive nothing in them, but everything in themselves. - François Fénelon
God has no religion. - Mahatma Gandhi
Religion imprisons God. By its own accord, if we are made in the image and likeness of God, then His condemnation of the sinner is an act of hypocrisy. I believe God to be greater than that. - Steve Maraboli
Leadership: Converting dreams into goals and goals into success. - T Jay Taylor
A man who is intimate with God is not intimidated by man. - Leonard Ravenhill
Now your burnt ashes float to mingle with others And as I wait for another day I keep singing another song How did I go astray! - Lindiwe Mabuza
Gardener, for telling me these news of woe, pray God the plants thou graft'st may never grow. - William Shakespeare
Record what you can, pursue your passions, connect with the world, fight the good fight, defy evil, shine incandescently as best you can. And it doesn't matter what field it's in but, it does matter that we leave something that accumulates over time. - Stefan Molyneux
Learn how to love a broke man to marry a good man. - Amen Muffler
Evil things you do to others show your personality and thus identify you, and the good ones come back to you too… - - - Cocoy McCoy
All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, until they take root in our personal experience. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Dreaming is good but implementation is success - Paballo Seipei
God forgive me for what I've done. God forgive me for what I will do, and forgive me for what I can't do because my religion won't let me. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I am good to everyone but i am more sweeter to the enemies. - Glenda B. Radores
When of a gossiping circle it was asked, "What are they doing?" The answer was, "Swapping lies." - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Go through your phone book, call people and ask them to drive you to the airport. The ones who will drive you are your true friends. The rest aren't bad people; they're just acquaintances. - Jay Leno
A sure way to go broke is to spend your outer riches before you have saved enough of your inner ones. - Charles F. Glassman
God will let you into the battlefield so you can understand the meaning of victory. - Gugu Mona
Waiting accentuates our helplessness, ant that is what God seems committed to revealing. Only when we know ourselves to be helpless do we fully experience his grace and glory. We have to wait for it. - Marcia Lebhar
You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. - Rabindranath Tagore
I, too, chose to go out...to the mountains' resort for a long weekend of Buddists' Om mantra sound...hunting the eternal wise words...have a time in silence to contemplate the profound concepts of universal creation and see what it does to my sense of identity... - Isabella Koldras, Om=Amen.
He only earns his freedom and existence who daily conquers them anew. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The child psychologist's clinic: where imaginary friends go to die, where dreams go to burn, where creativity goes to drown. - Rebecca McNutt
If silver is used and gold is hoarded than how can gold be of higher monetary value. - Willi Way
It's doubtful that anyone with an internet connection at his workplace is writing good fiction. - Jonathan Franzen
make only your trust in God; His author must surely finish his work. Hold on! - oladosu feyikogbon
One might think one is loving God; the real test is whether it leads to a love of people - Michael Eaton
How sad it was to realize that sometimes you never got there. That sometimes you lived a whole life skittering across the surface as the years passed, unblessed. - Emma Cline
Did You wrap yourself inside the unexpected so we might know that Love would go that far? - Francesca Battistelli
The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.
There are men running governments who shouldn't be allowed to play with matches. - Will Rogers
Man, free thinker!Do you imagine you alone think in this world where life is blazing forth in all things?You are free to avail yourself of the forces you command, but the universe has gone missing from your prescriptions. - Gérard de Nerval
There are often two sets of goals in life: those that we establish, and those that really matter. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Il nous faut partir d'une conception d'ensemble de l'organisme en tant qu'une entité fondamentale de la biologie, puis comprendre comment celui-ci se divise en parties qui respectent son ordre intrinsèque - pour donner un organisme harmonieusement intégré en dépit de sa complexité. - Brian Goodwin
If we go to war, it must only be with right on our side. - Aleksandra Layland
It’s not the art, it’s the heart. What [God] reads during our worship is the inner attitude. Worship is spiritual; it’s organic; it’s relational. - LaMar Boschman
If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. - Woody Allen
...in addition to feeling sick and tired and feverish and nauseated, I also felt forgotten. And there was no easy cure for that. - Sarah Thebarge
Stories matter. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I am just going outside and may be some time." Reportedly the last words of Lawrence Oates according to Captain Robert Falcon Scott, who commanded the ill-fated expedition to the South Pole 1911/12. - Captain Lawrence Edward Grace Oates
The best promises forever seem to be made by amnesiacs. - Chris Gould
I therefore submit to you that what qualifies a person to be called a man according to God, is the ability of the individual to live by the right standard and values that heaven values. Standards like, justice, judgement, truth and equity. - Sunday Adelaja
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. - Jane Goodall
To please God, live a godly life and nurture kindness, compassion, justice, and humility. - Jim George
Social entrepreneurship represents the opportunity to redefine the role of government. - Robert Hacker
If one believes in a god, one is a Theist. If one does not believe in a god, then one is an A-theist he is without that belief. The distinction between atheism and theism is entirely, exclusively, that of whether one has or has not a belief in God. - Chapman Cohen
If this election had gone down in another country we'd be invading them right now to install a democracy.
I would rather be an opportunist and float than go to the bottom with my principles around my neck. - Stanley Baldwin
More times than I can remember I look around and I ask why the hole I’m in looks so strangely familiar. Probably because it looks a whole lot like all the other ones I dug before I got around to digging this one. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I am no longer afraid of becoming lost, because the journey back always reveals something new, and that is ultimately good for the artist. - Billy Joel
In a company of children and grown-ups, the latter are those who should demonstrate good manners and always let the children speak first. - Zoran Stojkovski
Fathers are the future's keepers, as it was in the beginning when the only begotten Son became Father to Man and the Great Circle of Father to Son; Son to Father began. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Stop what you are doing. Go outside and breathe. The world will not end if you take ten minutes for yourself. - Fawn Germer
Recognizing that God exists in all of us is the first step toward genuine kindness. - Charles F. Glassman
Passion is the desire to do something with fervor. It is the certainty that one is going to accomplish their dreams. - Subhan Zein
I thank God I am not a woman, to be touched in so many giddy offences as He hath generally taxed their whole their whole sex withal. - William Shakespeare
Love it the way it is. - Thaddeus Golas
The good man is free, even if he is a slave. The evil man is a slave, even if he is a king. - Augustine of Hippo
If you are going through hell, why the heck are you stopping to worry? - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
Wisdom is obtained by the revere of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If ever a man and his wife, or a man and his mistress, who pass nights as well as days together, absolutely lay aside all good breeding, their intimacy will soon degenerate into a coarse familiarity, infallibly productive of contempt or disgust. - Philip Chesterfield
God gives much grace for great work. - Lailah Gifty Akita
So long as this struggle known as life goes on, there will always be the music to fit the mood and make it better. - Patrick James Balthazor
People who reach the top of the tree are only those who haven't got the qualifications to detain them at the bottom. - Peter Ustinov
A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high virtues of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. - Thomas Jefferson
Don’t waste your precious time in worrying about someone taking your place. You know God has already planned something for you. Focus on your job and you will reach the place you deserve! - Syed Mustafa Faraz Ahmad
Considering what is at stake politically, economically and technically for most organizations; usually justifying IT governance deployment based on one viewpoint narrows suitability and expected benefits. - Robert E. Davis
What men call good fellowship is commonly but the virtue of pigs in a litter which lie close together to keep each other warm. - Henry David Thoreau
Mungu alikupa vipaji ili uwanufaishe wengine na si kujinufaisha mwenyewe, na aliwapa wengine vipaji ili kukunufaisha wewe na si kujinufaisha wenyewe, kwa lengo la kuleta mabadiliko chanya katika dunia yetu. - Enock Maregesi
As you grow older, it becomes harder to feel 100 percent happy; you learn all the things that can go wrong, you become superstitious about tempting fate, about bringing disaster upon your life by accidentally feeling too good one day. - Douglas Coupland
Is, then, the crown too heavy that I wear? Yet it is bright with many a gem; I, the wearer, see not its far flashings; but darkly feel that I wear that, that dazzling confounds. ’Tis Iron that I know not gold. - Herman Melville
Pride rises above and against the knowledge of God, acting as if He is unworthy to be retained in our thoughts. - James MacDonald
nothing is more opaque than absolute transparency. Look--my feet don't hit the marble! Like breath or a balloon, I'm rising, I hover six inches in the air in my blazing swan-egg of light. You think I'm not a goddess? Try me. This is a torch song. Touch me and you'll burn. - Margaret Atwood
Do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few. - Pythagoras
Comfort controls us. Fear scares us. To grow you have to overcome fear and go out of your comfort zone to be what you always wanted to be. - Debasish Mridha
God wants you to face the reasons why you separate yourself from Him. He will show you what you fear, what you need, and what you desire. He will inventory your beliefs and values, and help you line them up with His truth. - Michael Barbarulo
I don't usually play games. I got added to one and was played.When I realize the creator I will be the coach, now that I've mastered the game. - Rohan B Rebello
You know it makes one feel rather good deciding not to be a bitch.""Yes.""It's sort of what we have instead of God.""Some people have God," I said. "Quite a lot.""He never worked very well with me. - Ernest Hemingway
Perhaps the most important use of money - It saves time. Life is so short, and there's so much to do, one can't afford to waste a minute; and just think how much you waste, for instance, in walking from place to place instead of going by bus and in going by bus instead of by taxi. - W. Somerset Maugham
God sends someone for each and every one of us to help with our loss. We just have to accept it. - Saim .A. Cheeda
You can go a hundred miles a second Don't have to drive no lousy cab Got everything you want and more man And the King picks up the tab You walk around on streets of gold all day And you never have to listen To what these customers say and I know... - Marc Cohn
An intelligent woman is a goldmine! She has the ability to learn, reason and understand things better and faster than her contemporaries. She is competent, alert and can reason out stuffs easily. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
God can be addressed, but not expressed.
It sucks. I used to be governor of New York. - Eliot Spitzer
You are God’s masterpiece; and as long as you answer to His purpose for you, with faith and in prayer, He can never fail you. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Rain is Nature's way of telling us to go slowly because the roads will soon be wet. - Hermester Barrington
When the last dime is gone, I'll sit on the curb outside with a pencil and a ten cent notebook and start the whole thing over again. - Preston Sturges
The thing is that when you find true love it lives on, No matter if you two seperate but the love stays alive, broken, gasping for breath, love and affection, but in agony, waiting for everything to end. - Alamvusha
Algo del escéptico que carga bajo la piel le dice que prolongar algo no es sinónimo de salvarlo - Eduardo Sacheri
Because the golden egg gleamedin my basket once, though my childhoodbecame an immense sheet of darkening waterI was Noah, and I was his ark,and there were two of every animal inside me - Mark Doty
A good preview makes you can’t wait to see the whole movie. - A.D. Posey
History furnishes scant evidence of the goodwill of the people. - Marty Rubin
After writing a story I was always empty and both sad and happy, as though I had made love, and I was sure this was a very good story although I would not know truly how good until I read it over the next day. - Ernest Hemingway
There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke. - Vincent Van Gogh
Admire and adore the Author of the telescopic universe, love and esteem the work, do all in your power to lessen ill, and increase good, but never assume to comprehend. - John Adams
I don't think someone's worth can be measured by the number of cities he visited, the number of countries he traveled to or the number of seas and oceans he crossed.One can be a traveler even by simply going to the end of the street. - Laure Lacornette
Ego=1/Knowledge" More the knowledge lesser the ego, lesser the knowledge more the ego. - Albert Einstein
Know most of the rooms of thy native country before thou goest over the threshold thereof. - Thomas Fuller
Death is the greatest goal of anyone. It is something no other living human can achieve - Davis Carlson
I will say further, as an officer of an enormous international conglomerate, that nobody who is doing well in this economy ever even wonders waht is really going on.We are chimpanzees. We are orangutans. - Kurt Vonnegut
Doing things God’s way is always a matter of the heart. - Elizabeth George
Good can exist without evil,but evil cannot exist without good.The former is eternal,the latter is temporal. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff… and I want in.. - Homer Simpson
Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean. - Christopher Reeve
The problem is, there is no geographical cure. No matter where we (Black American Folk) go, we are still too plugged into this place. Our cousins, grandmothers, aunts, nieces will be in this place. And the second we start looking at it as a "them" problem, we become another problem. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I would suggest that our imagination is a tiny shard of God’s infinite genius that we have within us simply because we were created in God’s image. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The Bible talks primarily of two kinds of angels- Cherubim and Seraphim. But there is a third kind of angel. If you ever find yourself troubled, suffering or in despair, God may send you this third type of angel. These angels are called...'friends. - José N. Harris
If the ego rules you then the love fails you. - Akash B Chandran
(Life) it was a little bit nearer than God, but no less powerful and terrible. Yes, it was something, perhaps, that one did not wish to understand because one feared it, something to which one paid tribute lest it should feel offended and seize one, body and soul. - Arthur Holitscher
Holding a grudge hurts the one holding it more than the one it's held against... All that wasted time and energy... Let it go." L. R. W. Lee Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury - L.R.W. Lee
Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see -- to see correctly -- and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box. - Italian Proverb
The physician must be able to tell the antecedents, know the present, and foretell the future must mediate these things, and have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely, to do good or to do no harm. - Hippocrates
Go where the situation takes you, but never forget where you came from, where you belong and the direction of where you entered in. - Auliq Ice
The sad truth of the matter is that when it comes to appearance, we start off with men as the standard, the norm. - chimamamanda Ngozie Adichie
Go make your mark on the world. Be a world changer! Live bold for Christ no matter the cost. - Crystal Woodman Miller
That's God's will - Lunatic - Deyth Banger
All we must do is take small steps. Steps with the belief that someday, all those small steps will culminate into a giant leap, a fitting finale. - karan godara
More so God didn’t choose to resolve the problem of the earth by sending PRAYERS but by sending his son - Sunday Adelaja
We need writers who fear nothing. ("Our Goal") - Yevgeny Zamyatin
It is not bigotry to be certain we are right; but it is bigotry to be unable to imagine how we might possibly have gone wrong. - G. K. Chesterton
She is the crescendo, the final, astonishing work of God. Woman. In one last flourish creation comes to a finish with Eve. She is the Master's finishing touch. - John Eldredge
Remember, you are training your mind. You are either training it to look for things to go wrong or you are training it to look for things to go right. Train yourself to think only positive thoughts - Karon Waddell
Ukisema ukweli utapata uhuru wa nafsi. Ukisema uongo utapata uhuru wa umma. Heri uhuru wa nafsi kuliko wa umma. - Enock Maregesi
With grace, we can obey God’s commands. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you have good sex, you've done a lot right in life. - Rebecca Murphy
Love is an illness which doesn't have good nor recompense. - Ali ibn Abi Talib
Good at something necessarily doesn't means you are bad at all the other things - Nitin Yadav
When you know truly know that God loves you it won't matter when others don't. And when you know truly know that God accepts you it won't matter when others won't. - Julie Chapus
A hundred years ago, an average teenager knew countless authors, and, a sex position or two. Today, an average teenager knows countless sex positions, and, an author or two. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Don’t even try to count all the colors of spring. God’s pallet keeps generating new hues. - Toni Sorenson
Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God. - John Piper
We live this life, full of agony, despair,and pain. Living day by day, having no clue of what will happen, after a second, a minute, an hour, and a year.. Will we die of despair? Or will we find that person who completes our life and enlightens our hearts? - Junior Isaac
If I am more alive because love burns and chars me,as a fire, given wood or wind, feels new elation,it's that he who lays me low is my salvation,and invigorates the more, the more he scars me. - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Dream your own dreams, achieve your own goals. Your journey is your own and unique. - Roy Bennett
A smile is a God given sun that lights up our lives in the midst of darkness - Evy Michaels
While the bible is GOD because the word of GOD is GOD, please understand that GOD cannot be contained in the bible. To believe otherwise is to make an infinite GOD finite. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
All I really want to do today is go to the book store, drink coffee and read. - Ann Marie Frohoff
It is not who you are NOW, it is what GOD says you are that matter. - Olawale Daniel
To look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is to me impossible. - John Glenn
Faith in God is a promise that we’re never alone, that there’s a higher power that will look over us in times of despair. If people would just grasp this, even as an idea, they’ll soon find that it’s not just an idea, but the truth to a more meaningful life. - Ron Baratono
There would be no salvaging this. I was going to die a spinster with cobwebs feasting on my vagina, I just knew it. - R. J. Lewis
If you follow the will of God, you know that in spite of all the terrible things that happen to you, you will never lose a final refuge. You know that the foundation of the world is love, so that even when no human being can or will help you, you may go on, trusting in the One that loves you. - Pope Benedict XVI
For anyone God is like as one depicts or expects HIM to be. - raja shakeel mushtaque
Never was a blind person blinded by the light that overwhelms his skin but blinded by the darkness within - Goitsemang Mvula
At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end. - Christine Mason Miller
Active evil is better than passive good - William Blake
Without doubt, it is a delightful harmony when doing and saying go together. - Michel de Montaigne
Thirty-five things have to go wrong for the best thing to happen in your career - Conan O'Brien
Religion is the biggest drama, the man has ever written and the God is the best character, the man has ever played that people are still applauding for _Idiotneil - Neil Jain
You are good. But it is not enough just to be good. You must be good for something. You must contribute good to the world. The world must be a better place for your presence. And the good that is in you must be spread to others.... - Gordon B. Hinckley
Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. - George Bernard Shaw
If love makes the world go around, then money greases the axles. - Grant McLachlan
Whatever we think or do,whenever we express love for you.It will stay, will never go away.It will touch your heart, when we go on our way. - Debasish Mridha
The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are going. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Don’t settle for helping those who will help you in return or doing a good deed for others to see. Help others without expecting anything back. Even if nobody else cares, God will notice. - Dillon Burroughs
The numbness will go away, he thought. It'll take time, but I'll do it, or Faber will do it for me. Someone somewhere will give me back the old face and the old hands the way they were. Even the smile, he thought, the old burnt-in smile, that's gone. I'm lost without it - Ray Bradbury
Evil is always possible, and goodness is eternally difficult. - Anne Rice
You wanna start a fire I've got the coal, that's what history is to me. And it attracts the right person to do something with it to create the next fire. And fires are fuel and food and energy and life. - Nora Guthrie
Anything you want can come true if you cast it in the form of a "golden goal" and apply EFT-Matrix Reimprinting to get clear and activate it "in the matrix". - Caryl Westmore
In truth, I am nothing but a plodding mediocrity please observe, a plodding mediocrity for a mere mediocrity does not go very far, but a plodding one gets quite a distance. There is joy in that success, and a distinction can come from courage, fidelity and industry. - Benjamin N. Cardozo
The knowledge of God gives a person the opportunity to not be a slave to wealth. - Sunday Adelaja
To say that, I will not agree (will not accept) is great egoism! - Dada Bhagwan
The things, good Lord, that we pray for, give us the grace to labour for’, as Sir Thomas More expressed it. The inner voice of prayer expresses itself naturally in action, just as the inner voice of my brain guides all my bodily actions. - Philip Yancey
I encourage anyone who has gone through hardships to look back through their life’s chapters and see what can be turned into a book. For you never know what heartache God, one day, can turn into a redemptive story. - Jolina Petersheim
Time to get a go on this drop-dead-gorgeous morning. - Coco J. Ginger
Religion was created for the goodness of the humanity, butreligious dogma converts a good person to an evil person. - Debasish Mridha
The greatest purveyor of violence in the world : My own Government, I can not be Silent. - Martin Luther King Jr.
When someone tells you something defies description, you can be pretty sure he's going to have a go at it anyway. - Clyde B. Aster
To be always thinking about your manners is not the way to make them good; the very perfection of manners is not to think about yourself.
Television is now so desperately hungry for material that they're scraping the top of the barrel. - Gore Vidal
God is not on the side of any nation, yet we know He is on the side of justice. Our finest moments [as a nation] have come when we faithfully served the cause of justice for our own citizens, and for the people of other lands. - George W. Bush
We must be happy with what we got when we are in pursuit of what we want. - Jim Rohn
One good thing about lovers is that they don't take up much room on public transport. - P.K. Shaw
Wisdom gives us the understanding that God has given us commandments for our benefit. - Sunday Adelaja
They say if you're a better person today than you were yesterday you're well on the road to perfection. So I figure if I'm a real snot today, tomorrow I should make huge progress. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We are the offspring of history, and must establish our own paths in this most diverse and interesting of conceivable universes—one indifferent to our suffering, and therefore offering us maximum freedom to thrive, or to fail, in our own chosen way. - Stephen Jay Gould
God loves 'stuff;' after all He made it - Michael S. Horton
Civilization is built on a number of ultimate principles...respect for human life, the punishment of crimes against property and persons, the equality of all good citizens before the law...or, in a word justice. - Max Nordau
Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere, wholeheartedly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation. - William H. Sheldon
Turn over the rudder in God's name, and sail with the wind heaven sends us. - Catherine of Siena
Everyday 25,000 people die from poverty and hunger. And we have forgotten that they are also human. - M.F. Moonzajer
I want to believe that memories, even sad and painful ones, should not be forgotten forever. - Natsuki Takaya
It is quite natural and inevitable that, if we spend sixteen hours daily of our waking lives in thinking about the affairs of the world and five minutes in thinking about God and our souls, this world will seem two hundred times more real to us than God. - William Ralph Inge
Ya got cigarettes? she asks. Yes, I say,I got cigarettes. Matches? she asks.Enough to burn Rome. Whiskey?Enough whiskey for a Mississippi River of pain. You drunk? Not yet. - Charles Bukowski
Creative powers can just as easily turn out to be destructive. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. And if this is lacking, no teacher can supply it or take its place - Carl Jung
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.Sold my soul and yeah, the truth hurts. - Marina Diamandis Marina and the Diamonds
Warm summer sun, shine brightly here, Warm Southern wind, blow softly here, Green sod above, lie light, lie light, Good night, dear heart; good night, good night. - Mark Twain
The coldest day in fallis at the Hallows Evening ballwhere ghoulish funavoids the sunas monsters mingle wall to wall. - Richelle E. Goodrich
These poems, with all their crudities, doubts and confusions, are written for the love of man and in Praise of God, and I'd be a damn fool if they weren't. - Dylan Thomas
You will never achieve a goal by definition unless you try. - Auliq Ice
Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go. - James Baldwin
You've got to take the bitter with the sour. - Samuel Goldwyn
As writers, we should remind ourselves, and each other, that Jane Austen and JK Rowling got rejected by publishers, too. - Joanne Van Leerdam
I Respect A Man Who Reads More Books Than I Do In A Day. - Godfrey Orateng
in prayer, God does want your words, he wants your heart. He doesn’t track your eloquence, he treasures your soul. - Todd Stocker
If thou desire to purchase honor with thy wealth, consider first how that wealth became thine; if thy labor got it, let thy wisdom keep it; if oppression found it, let repentance restore it; if thy parent left it, let thy virtues deserve it; so shall thy honor be safer, better and cheaper. - Francis Quarles
The wall between writing and painting is just good grammar. Moderation in moderation. Fun is scary with a happy ending. Just love. If love doesn’t transform that which annoys you, it will be easier to tolerate. - Emily Thornton Calvo
As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else. - Maya Angelou
So the American government lied to the Native Americans for many, many years, and then President Clinton lied about a relationship, and everyone was surprised! A little naïve, I feel! - Eddie Izzard
God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Go within every day and find the inner strengthso that the world will not blow your candle out. - Katherine Dunham
Destiny is but a phrase of the weak human heart - the dark apology for every error. The strong and virtuous admit no destiny. On earth conscience guides; in heaven God watches. And destiny is but the phantom we invoke to silence the one and dethrone the other. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Bouillabaisse is only good because cooked by the French, who, if they cared to try, could produce an excellent and nutritious substitute out of cigar stumps and empty matchboxes. - Norman Douglas
It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement.Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs, therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity or undue depression in adversity. - Isocrates
I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. - Thomas Jefferson
That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment. - Dorothy Parker
A good book has no ending. - R. D. Cumming
A diamond is proof that you sometimes have to go through a great deal of pressure before you can shine. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Lorsque tu verras une bonneD'enfants, et non autre personne,Assise au milieu d'un tenderOu wagon de chemin de fer,Découvres-toi sur son passage,Salut à son noble visage !MoralitéA bonne en tender, salut. "(Fables de Joinville) - Alphonse Allais
Rincewind had been told that death was just like going into another room. The difference is, when you shout, 'Where's my clean socks?' no-one answers. - Terry Pratchett
I suggest that the only books that influence us are those for which we are ready, and which have gone a little farther down our own particular path than we have yet got ourselves. - E. M. Forster
There are three paradoxes of the Christian life: You must give in order to receive, you must let go in order to possess, and you must die in order to live. - B.G. Lavastida Los Pinos Nuevos
I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored. - Louis C.K.
I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas: they've gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind.
A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death - the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders we are not going to be judged. - Czesław Miłosz
Every goal has a road block; that is our fear of failure. - Debasish Mridha
Don't let a stranger that comes to you leave empty handed without food, water, shelter, or word of encouragement. Whether you believe in God or s**t, it's a bad omen when you let a stranger that came to you left empty handed. - Uzoma Nnadi
I will go further, and assert that nature without culture can often do more to deserve praise than culture without nature. - Cicero
A mind that tastes the grief obtains a good chance to travel to the Land of Wisdom! - Mehmet Murat ildan
No matter where you are involved with, your increase must have a purpose.multiplication of his children, He goes ahead to expatiate on his blessings to us - Sunday Adelaja
Bazı küçük kum taneleri o kadar egoyla doludurlar ki kendilerini dev bir kaya gibi görürler! Fakat sonra rüzgâr eser, büyük ego havada uçar! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Pray to God, but row towards shore. - Lee Ezell
Truth is what is true, and it's not necessarily factual. Truth and fact are not the same thing. Truth does not contradict or deny facts, but it goes through and beyond facts. This is something that it is very difficult for some people to understand. Truth can be dangerous. - Madeleine L'Engle
Nothing in life is a foregone conclusion unless and until it is foregone and concluded - Rasheed Ogunlaru
"Luck" is a very good word if you put a P before it.
Live in the present moment, you can't go back to yesterday, you can't leap into tomorrow, Today is your second, minute, hour! Embrace It! - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Isn't it good just to be alive on a day like this? I pity the people who aren't born yet for missing it. - L. M. Montgomery
The opportunity to see the future was placed in us by God through dreams and visions. - Sunday Adelaja
The search for Jesus is about reconciling loss and tragedy to God and us. - W. Scott Lineberry
Punk is about being an individual and going against the grain and standing up and saying 'This is who I am. - Joey Ramone
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - too sad story. This book is very good and sad - John Boyne, El niño con el pijama de rayas
Where friendship blooms, life is reborn. - Vincent Van Gogh
Good questions outrank easy answers.
When we go for the battle, the burning flames of fire, light will consume the darkness. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I've known humans, and I know beasts. The beast is better. It is unpretentious. It kills for food. Humans do 'cause they're just not any good. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Affliction is a good man's shining time. - Edward Young
World Peace will be achieved the day Humans, embrace The Power of Love and forgo their Love of Power. - Ali Fissam
If I stop to kick every barking dog, I am not going to get where I’m going. - Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Choose to see the 'good' in a person rather than pondering over the 'bad' ;human beings are but fallible.... - Henrietta Newton Martin
Eu poderia rimar e utilizar as mais belas palavras, porém nenhuma seria capaz de descrever o que sinto. Por isso desejo que minhas atitudes demonstrem e lhe deem toda a certeza que você precisa para se sentir amada. - Leandro Goulart - BRAZIL
the ego likes to emphasize the 'otherness' of others - Eckhart Tolle
Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is good for dandruff - it is a palliative rather than a remedy. - Peter De Vries
National Health Insurance: The compassion of the IRS The efficiency of the Postal Service All at Pentagon prices!!!!
There is No Pleasure without Pain - A. Dragonblood
One stone is enough to break a glass, One sentence is enough to break a heart,One smile is enough to fall in love,& one God is enough to live a fulfilling life.. - KulsumAbdullah
The day came when she discovered sex, sensuality, and literature; she said, 'I submit! Let my life be henceforth ruled by poetry. Let me reign as the queen of my dreams until I become nothing less than the heroine of God. - Roman Payne
If you were born with the ability to change someone’s perspective or emotions, never waste that gift. It is one of the most powerful gifts God can give—the ability to influence. - Shannon L. Alder
Life is given to everyone as a demonstration of God’s trust. - Sunday Adelaja
If you kick a lion when it is down, God help you when it gets up. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Two words. Three vowels. Four constenants. Seven letters. It can either cut you open to the core and leave you in ungodly pain or it can free your soul and lift a tremendous weight off you shoulders. The phrase is: It's over. - Maggi Richard
Kylie flopped back against the seat again, enjoying the look of disbelief on the vampire’s face a littletoo much. Would you like a name of a good doctor who will schedule your little snip-snip operation?she bit out. - C.C. Hunter
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. - George Burns
There are two ways of thinking. One is living life based on fear. The other is trusting. Letting go and allowing trust to control our lives takes mental gymnastics. - David W. Earle
Virtue is its own reward. There's a pleasure in doing good which sufficiently pays itself.
How much longer are we going to think it necessary to be ''American'' before (or in contradistinction to) being cultivated, being enlightened, being humane, and having the same intellectual discipline as other civilized countries? - Edith Wharton
Don't be so humble - you are not that great. - Golda Meir
The law of nature is alternation for evermore. Each electrical state superinduces the opposite. The soul environs itself with friends, that it may enter into a grander self-acquaintance or solitude; and it goes alone for a season, that it may exalt its conversation or society. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
When the poverty comes in the room automatically love go out from room windows. - AbdulNasir
God is a concept by which we measure our pain. - John Lennon
Ignorance of certain subjects is a great part of wisdom. - Hugo De Groot
It is through the institution of families that children are brought up in an orderly manner; and that the knowledge of God and of His laws is handed down from generation to generation. - Henry Thornton
Before my term has ended, we shall have to test anew whether a nation organized and governed such as ours can endure. The outcome is by no means certain. - John F. Kennedy
My whole thing was, if I can put in 5 percent of the effort of somebody getting an A, and I can get a C minus, that’s amazing, he explains. It’s certainly good enough, right? [Then] I can take the other 95 percent of the time and invest it in something I really care about. - David Heinemeier Hansson
Maybe the moon just lost herself gazing too long at the brilliance of the sun and that’s how she got her glow. And maybe we’re made of the same mysterious sort of magic that makes us magnify and mirror whatever we look at the most. - Cristen Rodgers
A good heart is better than all the heads in the world. - Edward L. Wheeler
Sve je to maska.Toliko povrsno, toliko nezrelo od nas.Ali sta cemo, ne mozemo se izboriti sami sa sobom, pa se borimo jedan protiv drugog.Uzivamo u tome, uzivamo u obostranom gubitku. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Smartass Disciple: Master, I’m going to change the whole world.Master of Stupidity: It changes within you. It changes without you. - Toba Beta
My brain as the engine, with thoughts trailing to the caboose, on a one-track mind we keep going forward. - Anthony Liccione
Knowledge (Gnan) is not attained first; first the ego departs. - Dada Bhagwan
I strongly believe in all crisis is just an opportunity to make miracles - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal, sivaprakash sidhu, sivaprakash, sivaprakash, sidh
The Gelaming regarded themselves as a force for good, and in many ways they were, but they were also inexorable and their compassion could often feel like oppression. - Storm Constantine
Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten - Lilo and stitch
All things considered, the happiest epitaph to have etched on one's headstone is this: 'He never knew what hit him'. - Thomas Ligotti
The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf. - Bertrand Russell
Never forget why you should win or achieve your goals and dreams. Once you feel you are losing purpose in the process, remind yourself why you saw the need to begin in the first place, let that drive you. - Unarine Ramaru
How can you tell whether the ego is there or not? You will know when someone insults you. If someone insults you, swallow (accept) it with understanding. - Dada Bhagwan
I always tell my writing students that every good piece of writing begins with both a mystery and a love story. And that every single sentence must be a poem. And that economy is the key to all good writing. And that every character has to have a secret. - Silas House
Very often we sit back thinking good things will happen, knowing that good things take time and hoping that someone else will do it. The world needs us! - Sharad Vivek Sagar
Nothing is more compelling than the power of choice. You can choose good over evil and right over wrong. Choose right! - DeWayne Owens
You've been told that you're broken, that you're damaged goods and should be labeled victims. I don't buy it. The truth, instead, is that you are the only folks with the skills, determination, and values to ensure American dominance in this chaotic world. - James Mattis
Sometimes it's easy to walk by because we know we can't change someone's whole life in a single afternoon. But what we fail to realize it that simple kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone who is stuck in a desolate place. - Mike Yankoski
Never let anyone tell you that you can't achieve your goals. - Arwa Stone
One good thing about being young is that you are not experienced enough to know you cannot possibly do the things you are doing. - Gene Brown
We're only as good as our word. - Sunanda J. Chatterjee
Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. - Colin Powell
It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle words - Anonymous
Some people will try to talk you out of chasing your goals; not because they think you’ll fail, but because they are scared you’ll succeed. - Steve Maraboli
Man was made at the end of the week's work when God was tired. - Mark Twain
The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays. - Søren Kierkegaard
What we’re searching for will determine where we arrive, or if we arrive. And right in the middle of such risky choices, Christmas is God perfectly solving the problem by showing us what to search for and then bringing it to us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking the tartar sauce with you. - Zig Ziglar
New Zealand has the cheapest government money can buy. - Grant McLachlan
People are mystery as far you go deeper as more mystery you can find. New generation, new tricks, new misteries, new problems... people are hard to be understand as deeper you go as more missunderstand the stuff. - Deyth Banger
Stop wasting so much energy hating your body; it makes you weaker. Everything good in your life begins from the moment you begin accepting, understanding, respecting, and loving your true self. - Harry Papas
How often do we talk just to fill up the quiet space? How often do we waste our breath talking about nonsense? - Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
Good night - may you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you'll cry when you awake. - Michael Faudet
When People Say How Can you Watch that, I reply Saying It Seems Your Imagination is Not as Good as mine Then Leave. - Look Im A Cat
When the ego is in the driver’s seat, we judge. When our spirit, our authentic self, is in control, we practice listening (without judging), compassion, and love. - Sheila Burke
In science, 'fact' can only mean 'confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent.' I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms. - Stephen Jay Gould
People often speak of hell, not wanting to go there, avoiding it..etc. I never had that problem because hell is a state of mind. Look around you; rape, murder, wars, hatred, envy...my friend; you're already there!! - Sandra Chami Kassis
Before comparing yourself or your life to others, take a good look at your fingers. - Peprah Boasiako
Reason is intelligence taking exercise. Imagination is intelligence with an erection. - Victor Hugo
Instantly I regretted my decision. It was one of those times when you hear yourself saying something, and it seems like a good idea at the time, but once you blurt it out you can hardly believe it's you speaking. What was I thinking? - lisa shuler
Keep focusing on God and all things will work out. - Ray S. Jones
Never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. People will take you very much at your own reckoning. - Anthony Trollope
I'm going to a special place when I die, but I want to make sure my life is special while I'm here. - Payne Stewart
As soon as reality breaks, as soon as we're separated from the phsical world, the cracks begin to appear in our minds. And through them seeps the madness that has always been there, flowing into your skull like a liquid nightmare .. - Alexander Gordon Smith
To Tengo, sexual desire was fundamentally an extension of a means of communication. And so, to look for sexual desire in a place where there was no possibility of communication seemed inappropriate to him. - Haruki Murakami
In order to grasp the principles of spiritual growth, you need to be filled with understanding and the wisdom of God. - Sunday Adelaja
We can't look to the world to restore our worth; we're here to restore our worth to the world. The world outside us can reflect our glory, but it cannot create it. It cannot crown us. Only God can crown us, and he already has. - Marianne Williamson
I decided with this new awareness to dedicate my day to moving at my own natural, calm pace, and not pressuring myself to get going, get moving, or hurry up at all, something quite different from what I otherwise did. - Sonia Choquette
The good or ill of a man lies within his own will. - Epictetus
Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
So, a word to all you Femin-Idi-Amins: Stop liberating moms by trying tomake them join the workforce. They’re already doing the job that God putthem here to do: Everything. - Stephen Colbert
Her taste still teased my tongue, and her touch tipped my fingers. Her smile licked my lips, and her heart beat my own. So I tugged on her sheets, like it was a cape. To me, she was a God damned super hero, and underneath, was everything I need. Her super powers on top of me. - J. Raymond
I could go crazy on a night like tonightWhen summer's beginning to give up her fightAnd every thought's a possiblilityAnd the voices are heard but nothing is seenWhy do you spend this time with meMaybe an equal mystery - Emily Saliers
When love is gone, there's always justice. And when justice is gone, there's always force. And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi, Mom! - Laurie Anderson
It's so difficult to express in word as how it feels bad to go to bed in the night after the whole day work, done sincerely, does not yield any good result. - Anuj Somany
When the lights suddenly go out, hold onto your diamonds for dear life. - Nancy Drew, The Mystery of Lilac Inn - Carolyn Keene
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. - C.S. Lewis
We have to remember that not every action taken to solve a problem will be free of unforeseen consequences. No matter how good our intentions. - Rachel Fischer
If I facepalm myself too much, maybe the pimples will go away. - Sam Mamaril
Technology - with all its promise and potential - has gotten so far beyond human control that its threatening the future of humankind. - Kim J. Vicente
That by the decrees and volitions, and consequently the providence of God, Scripture (as I will prove by Scriptural examples) means nothing but Nature's order following necessarily from her eternal laws. - Baruch Spinoza
Who can go beyond the mind? The one who has conquered the mind. - Dada Bhagwan
When a child studies hard, it seems that he is going to be an industrious and in service; but if a child studies hardly, then wondering why it seems that he is going to be a big industrialist on growing up. - Anuj Somany
If you weren't built for this life, you'd be dead by now. i think the problem is people don't share enough of their pain with the world, so they never know who else is in pain, too, and what others are going through. we're never really alone in anything. - Darnell Lamont Walker
If you are not vegan, please consider going vegan. It’s a matter of nonviolence. Being vegan is your statement that you reject violence to other sentient beings, to yourself, and to the environment, on which all sentient beings depend. - Gary L. Francione
Some do magic, some are god. Most seems a lie, yet most is true. It all depends on the definitions of words within ones illusion of the world. - L.H.
Keep it simple and keep it real. The more basic we see our connection to God and Spirit, the easier it is to feel like you're a part of it. - Jim Fargiano
Waiting for God to give you want He has ALREADY decided for you and waiting for someone to decide on you--is NOT the same. - Adrianne D. Pless
The power of belief of an atheist towards God is proportional to the chances of worse unfortunate events. - Shihab Kazi
Let go of temporary pleasures for a permanent joy. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I'm not going to die. Because I'm the one who will protect you! - Asuna
Life is going on even if you are not on the train. - Debasish Mridha
Everybody told me this 'girl on the piano' thing was never going to work. - Tori Amos
Sashimi is velvet dust, verging on silk, or a bit of both, and the extraordinary alchemy of its gossamer essence allows it to preserve a milky density unknown even by clouds.... my cheeks recalled the effects of its profound caress. - Muriel Barbery
God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours. - David Livingstone
PILGRIM, n. A traveler that is taken seriously. A Pilgrim Father was one who, leaving Europe in 1620 because not permitted to sing psalms through his nose, followed it to Massachusetts, where he could personate God according to the dictates of his conscience. - Ambrose Bierce
There is nothing like the razor sharp tongue of a good friend to cut through the lies we tell ourselves. - Laura Moncur
The writer's only responsibility is to his art. He will be completely ruthless if he is a good one... If a writer has to rob his mother, he will not hesitate; the Ode on a Grecian Urn is worth any number of old ladies. - William Faulkner
Fifth and finally, do nothing impulsively. Give God an opportunity to speak. Until He does, stall for time and concentrate on the first four approaches. - James C. Dobson
Nothing can stop you from achieving your goal-all true success depends on you- The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen - Frank Loyd Wright
Yesterday is gone, live for today and leave a legacy for tomorrow. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
There were more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs! - Captain America - The Avengers...The Age of Ultron
Nothing better than this moments of new year, to say : goodbye last day, last month, last year. Do i confused to say goodbye facebook? goodbye virtual world? - Nabil TOUSSI
I think nothing is good, I really think it is. - Duop Chak Wuol
Du hast so viele Leben, wie du Sprachen sprichst. (You have as many lives as the number of languages you speak.) - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Do not confuse reasons which sound good with good, sound reasons. - Anonymous
Lion, lion golden spunin savannahs of the sun,What immortal eye, or handweaves beasts from dreams,sews sky to land? - Christyl Rivers
Our imagination is God’s ingenious gift that hands us the privilege of romping and playing in realities that we can’t see only because we’ve yet to create them. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
What am I to do on this earth? The choice rests with me: suffer or enjoy. Whither will suffering lead me? To nothingness; but I shall have suffered. Whither will enjoyment lead me? To nothingness; but I shall have enjoyed myself. - Victor Hugo
I do not concern myself with gods and spirits either good or evil nor do I serve any. - Lao Tzu
Wherever you go, wherever you stay - there is eternity. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Mistrust the man who finds everything good, the man who finds everything evil and still more the man who is indifferent to everything. - Johann K. Lavater
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. - Winston Churchill
Historians are great gossips at a high level. - Marian Schlesinger
Your life is a war between what is right and what is evil. Everyday you have to make the choice to be beaten down by the devil, or stand on your feet for God. - Shannon L. Alder
When you pray to God asking for something, make sure you are asking for the things that are driven by love and passion rather than the ones that are pushed by hate and anger. - Sameh Elsayed
If you suffer, thank God! -- it is a sure sign that you are alive. - Elbert Hubbard
I wrestled through many sleepless nights after God became real to me. I can only describe this period of my life as 2 years of mental agony. - C.L. Cagan
Adversity is not a bad thing~It's a God thing! - Prophetess Dina Rolle
The world will be brighter and wiser without religions, but it will surely be darker and more hopeless without God! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The Holy Spirit is saying that no authority or authoritative being exists that was not created by Jesus Christ. This is a statement beyond creation. It is a statement of Godhead. - Todd Coburn
Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure. - D.L. Moody
A passport, as I'm sure you know, is a document that one shows to government officials whenever one reaches a border between two countries, so that the official can learn who you are, where you were born, and how you look when photographed unflatteringly. - Lemony Snicket
A person who goes for the morning walk in sleepers is likely to grasp the insightful things better on a sensitive-cum-sensible matter than one who goes for the walk with the shoes put on. - Anuj Somany
You don't need to change who you are to praise God. - Unarine Ramaru
Start dream building. Create your goals in the real world. Imagine yourself at your best. Transform yourself with inspiration and work to achieve excellence for success. - Mark F. LaMoure
Seeds are proof that God sometimes packages miracles in small things. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The death of God left the angels in a strange position. - Donald Barthelme
That's what you want to do? Then nothing beats a trial but a failure. Give it everything you've got. I've told you many times, 'Cant do is like Dont Care.' Neither of them have a home. - Maya Angelou
Make a list of goals for every year, tick them off & reward yourself when you achieve each one. Will give much discipline in your life. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
There is always a choice. Always. So do not say, you had no choice. Good or bad, doing it or not, is about you, not choices. Always. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Parents need to be lucky to be good in parenting; children have to be lucky to have great parents! - Amit Chatterjee
I've taken care of it," I saidMy father looked at me, shocked.Then I realized "taken care of" had a very specific meaning in his line of work."No, no, I mean he's gone. - Gordon Korman
Qualities too elevated often unfit a man for society. We don't bring ingots with us to market; we take silver or small change. - Chamfort
He wrote as a young man that God's noblest gift was the gift of an inquiring mind. - John Adams
Dont you know if you keap getting a head of your self youwl jus only fall over your self when you get to where you are going? - Russell Hoban
God will answer you prayers better than you think. Of course, one will not always get exactly what he has asked for....We all have sorrows and disappointments, but one must never forget that, if commended to God, they will issue in good....His own solution is far better than any we could conceive. - Fanny J. Crosby
If you invest nothing, the reward is worth little. - Richelle E. Goodrich
People ask, "Are you important enough for me to love you?" But they've got it all wrong. When you love someone, you make them important. And the same thing happens to you. You don't love them because they're important; they become important because you love them. - C. JoyBell C.
The cold and crystal clear water, it falls gently on the sleeper, cleansing the mind and soothing the soul... - El Fuego
Before and after you do your best, know it that you must rely on God. Your best - no matter how great - is nothing if you minus God from the equation. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
ONE WORDOne word— one stonein a cold river.One more stone—I'll need many stonesif I'm going to get over. - Olav H. Hauge
A lot of good arguments are spoiled by some fool who knows what he is talking about.
Pretense has created so many good men. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Faith in God includes Faith in God's timing. - Neal A. Maxwell
You are the same today that you are going to be five years from now except for two things: the people with whom you associate and the books you read. - Charles Jones
Here’s a simple test to check and see if you have surrendered or if you are still struggling with control. When you are miserable, stressed, doubtful, and fearful, you are in control. When you are happy, peaceful, confident, and faithful, God is in control. - Toni Sorenson
So lately, been wonderingWho will be there to take my placeWhen I'm gone, you'll need love To light the shadows on your face. - The Calling
Seasoned digital daters are like lions who have had their prey killed, butchered, and served to them on a tray in their artificial habitat for so long that they’ve forgotten how to hunt. - Maggie Young
. . .how he had loved Christine more than he had understood, that sometimes one forgot what it meant, really, to love, the way the tide of a marriage advances and retreats, . . - Kalotay
There is no good arguing with the inevitible. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat. - James Russell Lowell
the body is wiser than its inhabitants. the body is the soul. the body is god’s messenger. - Erica Jong
If you do not worship God, you worship something, and nine times out of ten it will be yourself. You have a duty to worship God, not because He will be imperfect and unhappy if you do not, but because you will be imperfect and unhappy. - Fulton J. Sheen
If you can't be an author, be a book - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal, sivaprakash sidhu, sivaprakash, sivaprakash, sidh
Trust what you know; have faith in where you go; if there's no wind, row; or go with the flow. - Ed Parrish III
When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. - Mark Twain
Most people do not consider dawn to be an attractive experience, unless they are still up. - Ellen Goodman
Literalness, however, is not the substance from which human culture is made. - Begoña Aretxaga
When you're a mayor and you have a problem you blame the provincial government. If you are provincial government and you have a problem you blame the federal government. We don't blame the Queen any more, so once in a while we might blame the Americans. - Jean Chretien
Self-criticism is the secret weapon of democracy, and candor and confession are good for the public soul - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
Relationships aren’t meant to be based upon example. If you go with the flow all will come. - Dominic Riccitello
Last time I was down South I walked into this restaurant, and this white waitress came up to me and said: 'We don't serve colored people here.' "I said: 'that's all right, I don't eat colored people. Bring me a whole fried chicken. - Dick Gregory
Character is what God and the angels know of us; reputation is what men and women think of us. - Horace Mann
People interested in change and personal development need larger and larger environments in which to live. Their views expand. Their perspectives broaden. Their interests change. They seek bigger challenges. And they need people in their lives who will make room for their growth. - Steve Goodier
It is a sin to persue pleasure as a good and to avoid pain as a evil.
If the government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take away everything you have. - Gerald R. Ford
Every day you should up with the excitement in knowing that God’s plans for you are far greater than your dreams for yourself. The best is yet to come! - DeWayne Owens
The wise man in the storm prays God not for safety from danger but for deliverance from fear. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don't believe in imagining things different from what they really are. When the Lord puts us in certain circumstances He doesn't mean for us to imagine them away. - L. M. Montgomery
BELIVE - Goitsemang Mvula
A person who doesn't have a structured way of writing their goals will experience disorder, even in the comfort zone. - Onyi Anyado
Self distrust is good, but only if it leads to trust in God. Otherwise it ends as spiritual paralysis, inability and unwillingness to undertake any course of action. - Alan Cole
Everybody says that I have a lot of power. But what does that power consist of?... Can I influence governments? I am beginning to be able to..." (1995) - George Soros
The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is not virtuous. And it doesn't deliver the goods. - John Maynard Keynes
I get this buzz every time I'm quoted online. The ego high... yes... but also a Google Alert. - Ryan Lilly
History is a better guide than good intentions. - Jeane Kirkpatrick
In that wounded place,buried betweenmy ribs and letting go,I miss you. - Jessica Kristie
Rarely do I truly understand the disease which ails me. Therefore, rarely do I truly understand the fix that would cure me. And so maybe I should truly contemplate how rarely I recognize that God understands both. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Boys did not go to work on the railroad simply because their fathers did. What fetched them were sights and sounds of moving trains, and above all the whistle of a locomotive. I've heard of the call of the wild, the call of the law, the call of the church. There is also the call of the railroad. - Gary Krist
Be determined to live a pure, holy and godly life; decide to honor, love and value other people, and to live a life that reflects Christ to others - Sunday Adelaja
[When asked 'Given the chance, how would you change the world?']It's a big question. Getting rid of religion would be a good start, wouldn't it? It seems to be causing a lot of havoc. - Björk
What people say about you, good or bad, is not nearly as important as what you are. - Orrin Woodward
Be Happy: Be you want to be. If other dont like it, let them be As the saying goes. Happiness is a choice. Life is not about pleasing everybody ! - wah quotes
Go for the love that sets you free, not the love that destroys you from inside. - Pradeepa Pandiyan
All concerns of men go wrong when they wish to cure evil with evil. - Sophocles
A good story defies the reader's expectations, and in doing so, brings them satisfaction. - Thomas Maltman
Bakit mo sinasagot ng tanong ang tanong ko? - Bob Ong
By evil report and good report. - Bible
When you really want something, and you couple that with an understanding of your nature, of your spiritual being, and the law that govern you, you will keep going, regardless of what's happened. Nothing will stop you. - Bob Proctor
Every artist joins a conversation that's been going on for generations, even millennia, before he or she joins the scene. - John Barth
I have to tell you hon, I don't mind a little teasing now and then, but I'm no masochist and I'm sure as hell no saint...here lately, being around you is agony. - Jackson Broussard
Reason can never be popular. Passions and feelings may become popular, but reason will always remain the sole property of a few eminent individuals. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It’s not reality that makes people happy; good thoughts make people happy. - Debasish Mridha
We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward. - Dan Quayle
Fighting the Traditional Marriage is provoking God;Beheading Jesus is to lead the church without His rulership or Counsel.Woe to theme who - Paul Gitwaza
NEVER EVER STAY IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR CHILDREN. That is the worst thing one can ever do. It is better for a child to live with one Good Parent than two frustrated,screwed up ones. - Rachitha Cabral
Today, women have as much of a place as protagonists and antagonist as men. - JP Wolfe
Soli Deo Gloria’ should be ascribed to every good work. - Duane Hewitt
you can't just tell someone to trust you..you gotta show them that they can trust you.... - Michael J Herbert
I watched you try on suits in Hugo Boss.‘For the big job,’ you said. And I laughed, because I knew I would never see it. I’d never get up and watch you put it on and walk out of the door. I would never be the one that you came home to. - Kate Chisman
Life for dreamers may not be easy, but it beats drifting. You never know where you'll end up drifting, maybe someplace good, maybe not." - L. R. W. Lee - L.R.W. Lee
Everything is temporary. Well, except government programs. - Brooke Bida
God gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December. - James M. Barrie
When is bliss of the self (Samadhi) experienced? It is when one does not want anything, when all the tubers of one’s greed goes away, then the bliss of the self (Samadhi) is experienced. Give away, how much you give (your things to others), that much (happiness) will be yours ! - Dada Bhagwan
One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don't invest any energy in them, because I know who I am. - Michelle Obama
Faith is confident trust in God and the salvation He provides in His Son Jesus Christ. - Jim George
This is a celebration of individual freedom, not of homosexuality. No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love. The only queer people are those who don't love anybody. - Rita Mae Brown
You are loved, and you are worthy! Remember your wholeness. Within you is the spark of the Divine. Let go of negative self-talk and let LOVE heal you. - Angie karan
Whatever it will bring, it will be good to be there, in the Land of Future! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Seals do not sit about and tell, the way people do, and their lives are not eventful in the way people's are, lines of story combed again and again, in the hope that they will yield more sense with every stroke. - Margo Lanagan
If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good! - Dr. Seuss
Sometimes it's good to contrast what you like with something else. It makes you appreciate it even more. - Darby Conley
Sleep is good. - En
When I look back now, I realize what a trial I must have been to my friends and relatives. It was one frenzy after one elation after one enthusiasm after one hysteria after another. I was always yelling and running somewhere, because I was afraid life was going to be over that very afternoon. - Ray Bradbury
When good men die their goodness does not perish,But lives though they are gone. As for the bad,All that was theirs dies and is buried with them. - Euripides
I was good and bad, but never wicked. - Anne Rice
Do we find ourself or does our self get demolished? - Donna Goddard
The power of the Will in a man, is favoured by the Heavens. The man who sets his Heart and Word onto something, and says "I will" no matter what obstacle is placed in his way— joins the ranks of the demi-gods. All else remain in mortality and are soon forgotten. - C. JoyBell C.
There's gon' be some stuff you gon' seethat's gon' make it hard to smile in the future.But through whatever you see,through all the rain and the pain,you gotta keep your sense of humor.You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit.Remember that. - Tupac Shakur
The only antidote to the unnerving effects of such incoherence is integrity. People and organizations with integrity are wholly themselves. No aspect of self stands different or apart. At their center is clarity, not conflict. When they go inside to find themselves, there is only one self there. - Margaret Wheatley
God is a supernatural being, and a paranormal experience. - Jenna Alatari
The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic in it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
France is like a great compass, which ever way they point to, go the complete opposite direction and you'll be fine. - P. J. O'Rourke
Writing is making sense of life. You work your whole life and perhaps you've made sense of one small area. - Nadine Gordimer
Our religious faith gives us the answer to the false beliefs of Communism... I have the feeling that God has created us and brought us to our present position of power and strength for some great purpose.
Living in a democratic society means that I can express my opinion,Having a democratic government means that they don't have to listen. - Anthony Hincks
Money doesn't make a bad life good, it makes a good life great. - Bradley Wright
traditions with class and worth, never go out of style....whether you live here or or over thereremember and always instill to that next generationotherwise it is only to be a memory that can only fade and be forgotten - levi paul taylor
You've got to capture as much of the room sound as possible. That's the very essence of it. - Jimmy Page
Uninformed, America may succumb to bad ideas and leaders. In succumbing, we fail to fulfill our destiny. Well informed, America rises as far as the good ideas and leaders it proactively chooses. In so rising, we fulfill our destiny and offer to the world vacuum its last best hope. () - Scott L. Vanatter
God has given eyes to see, not to look beautiful - ramita
Over the river and through the wood, To grandfather's house we go; The horse knows the way To carry the sleigh, Through the white and drifted snow. - Lydia M. Child
When we actually refer to God’s blueprint, we gladly work in fascinated conjunction with it, suddenly realizing that any other action outside of that blueprint is foolhardiness and lunacy of the worst sort. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A healthy nation is measured by its level of reconciliation. ‎Reconciliation‬ between people with God and people among themselves! - Paul Gitwaza
A miracle is when you take action on your written goal, and work hard to create it. Transform your dreams into reality, by writing your goals, taking action and making them happen. This is the short recipe for top success. - Mark F. LaMoure
I don't drink; I don't like it - it makes me feel good. - Oscar Levant
An ounce of wisdom can earn you a ton of gold. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth. - Henry David Thoreau
Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.[Inaugural Address, January 20 1961] - John F. Kennedy
I never feel really comfortable unless I am either actually writing or have a story going. I could not stop writing. - P.G. Wodehouse
With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides,flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from oneend to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terroristattacks, "Are we sure this is a good time to take God out ofthe Pledge of Allegiance? - Jay Leno
One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be open and ready for it. - Henry Moore
All will be redeemed in God's fullness of time, all, not just the small portion of the population who have been given the grace to know and accept Christ. All the strayed and stolen sheep. All the little lost ones. - Madeleine L'Engle
Have a good looking is not worthy if you don't act just like your appearances. - Shim Steward
Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. - Mark Twain
This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it. - William Goldman
Why hasn't someone lassoed a few teenagers and had them sit down and write out all the supposed answers they have so we can solve the world's problems already? - Richelle E. Goodrich
An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo
Every time you go in, it's like starting over. You don't know how you did the other records. You're learning all over. It's some weird musician amnesia, or maybe the road wipes it out. - Beck
I went to watch the Buzkasgu game taking place on a series of fields - some fallow, some plowed and planted- just to the east of the empty Buddha niches. Buzkashi is a form of polo played with a dead goat instead of a ball. - Rory Stewart
Peace is a new father Searching for a jobWith courage and vigorWith a smile and rigorBut with a great need for money. - Debasish Mridha
Your life may not have gone the way you planned it, but it will go the way it's supposed to. - Jeanette Coron
You have to do stuff that average people don't understand because those are the only good things. - Andy Warhol
Be good to feel good and to attract good. - Debasish Mridha
It feels good to read book. But it is grander to write a book. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages. - H. L. Mencken
If people aren't going to talk about your product, then it's not good enough. - Jeffrey Kalmikoff
Remember God loves you, even when its hard to love yourself. - Todd Stocker
Jewish vampires: Crosses & holy water won’t hurt me whatcha gonna try next? - Tasha Turner
Much of our understanding of God's action in outlying is achieved in hindsight. When a particular crisis or event in our life has passed we cry out in astonishment like Jacob, "The Lord is in this place and I never knew it. - Sheila Cassidy
Marriage is based on the theory that when man discovers a brand of beer exactly to his taste he should at once throw up his job and go work in the brewery. - George Jean Nathan
I breathed in the memory of his lips, the softness of them, and how they felt tracing across my skin, leaving ripples of goosebumps in their wake. - Sarah Alderson
To be a writer you have to write -- and no academic degree is going to do the writing for you. - Michelle Richmond
The same rightists who decades ago were shouting, 'Better dead than red!' are now often heard mumbling, 'Better red than eating hamburgers. - Slavoj Žižek
No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience. - John Locke
Maybe is wasn't love so much as a fear of losing everything I'd accomplished. I was afraid to let go. - Dee Williams
Productivity is about looking forward. Looking back too much, or trying to be too much of a perfectionist, can destroy that productivity. So keep going. Keep creating. Keep building. - Audrey Moralez
When someone speaks against a person its gossip; until the person isn't heard it's still a hearsay. - Joey Lawsin
If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart. - Oswald Chambers
She had missed him so long now, that the feeling had become a part of her. As each day passed, the missing distanced itself from her heart. One day she woke, and realized the missing was there but the pain was gone. Missing without pain is tolerable. Pain linked to heartache is intolerable. - Coco J. Ginger
Your success can’t be measured by anyone else. You have to set your own goals and do what gives you a sense of fulfillment. - Rhondra O. Willis
And it's good-bye, good-bye, good-bye. Good-bye, my friends, I love you; good-bye, I'm sorry I didn't know you better; good-bye, I'm sorry you'll die soon, too; good-bye, maybe there's hope for you; good-bye, good-bye, good-bye. - Chris Weitz
Be forever young in the flesh, it makes the mind flash light low, until the spotlight follows your shadow. - Goitsemang Mvula
Good Seeds! Gratitude is the Greatest Attitude that has no Substitute. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
What if I told you, that consciousness is not in the body, body is embedded in the consciousness. - Prana Gogia
somehow people forget that there is God....what more to us we're just individuals,,to forget is part of imperfections.. - Orosa Nakpil Malate
Good books don't give up all their secrets at once. - Stephen King
If you do believe in God, and your first instinct in all things must be gratitude: for creation, or love, for mercy. - Jonathan V. Last
Missionaries are going to reform the world whether it wants to or not. - Oscar Wilde
When you go in search of honey, you must expect to be stung by bees. - Joseph Joubert
Relax. Cultivate your children's capabilities. Maximize their strengths. Do not handicap their unique skills by spending too much time on making them average in everything. Help them create their own style, and appreciate your children for who God created them to be. - Tamara L. Chilver
I have never understood why people who can swallow the enormous improbability of a personal God boggle at a personal Devil. - Graham Greene
If I were to kiss you then go to hell, I would. So then I can brag with the devils I saw heaven without ever entering it. - William Shakespeare
To most, being locked away in solitary with nothing but pen and paper would prove a hard punishment. What a strange creature who views this as heaven. - Richelle E. Goodrich
God gave you life to live happily not to suffer heavily. I felt sufferment. - Nadair Desmar
To assume that I can even begin to chart a ‘straight’ path is probably the best way I can take myself ‘straight’ to the very place I don’t want to go. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The worst of me is the raw material from which God molds the best of me. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Bullies will knock you to your knees then tell you to get up and fight. Stay on your knees because God is there with you and is preparing an army to fight for your right to live. - Shannon L. Alder
Trust GOD with the life He gave you. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
I must look at the 'nature' of God, not the 'nature' of the challenge. For the former means everything and the latter means nothing. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Focus forward, not around you.In the moment;Not behind you.Don't grimace in the whys, Reslish in the Yes's. Be Positive...When you amplify the goods, you'll see bads as infinitesimally minuscule.Glorify and Cleanse... first and foremost , YOUR perception. #levitate - Tiffany Luard
The light that doesn't see its darkness but that of others is the darkness in the light of the light - Goitsemang Mvula
Visualize yourself at your best. Be determined to earn the proud badge of excellence. By working hard and practicing, one day you will earn its golden title. - Mark F. LaMoure
You have to have time to be sorry for yourself to be a good Abstract Expressionist. - Robert Rauschenberg
Pay attention… How a person handles poor cell service, traffic, and spotty wifi is a good indicator of how they’ll behave during relationship challenges. - Steve Maraboli
A piercing screech from above caught my attention. However, it was the arm landing beside me with teeth marks that let me know what was going on. Can you be a little more careful where you let body parts fall?- Faith, Witch Devotions - Elizabeth J. Kolodziej
Sin is what is new, strong, surprising, strange. The theatre must take an interest in sin if the young are to be able to go there. - Bertolt Brecht
I'm good at blowjob. - Lauren Baker
Bodies have their own light which they consume to live: they burn, they are not lit from the outside. - Egon Schiele
A church that does not provoke any crisis, preach a gospel that does not unsettle, proclaim a word of Godthat does not get under anyone's skin or a word of God that does not touch the real sin of the society in whichit is being proclaimed: what kind of gospel is that? - Oscar A. Romero
Egotism is nature's compensation for mediocrity.
A diplomat who says yes means maybe", a diplomat who says maybe" means no, and a diplomat who says no is no diplomat. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. - Westminster Shorter Catechism
God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere. - Voltaire
Good company requires only birth, education, and manners, and with regard to education is not very nice. Birth and good manners are essential; but a little learning is by no means a dangerous thing in good company; on the contrary, it will do very well. - Jane Austen
Wake up with a purpose and make every effort to succeed. Many people spend their lives just going through the motions. They are satisfied with their daily routines or habitual lifestyles. Don't be complacent with those activities. Challenge yourself to be better, do greater things. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
The weak are dominated by their ego, the wise dominate their ego, and the intelligent are in a constant struggle against their ego. - Hamza Yusuf
There are days when writing is within my power and a story unfolds along a course I've already chosen. And then there are days when the words breathe on their own and take me by the hand, leading me along unfathomed paths. Either way, the end result is this author's fairytale. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I really hope that the Japanese are going to stop demonstrating to the world what man-made radiation does to people. - Steven Magee
Whoever lives wins. Don't feel guilty about having survived. If you have time to be feeling guilty, work on living a day longer, a minute longer. And once in a while, remember the ones that died before you. That's good enough."Vol 1 Chap 4 - Atsuko Asano
I feel about my dogs now, and all the dogs I had prior to this, the way I feel about children—they are that important to me. When I have lost a dog I have gone into a mourning period that lasted for months. - Mary Tyler Moore
If it is believed that these elementary schools will be better managed by the governor and council or any other general authority of the government, than by the parents within each ward, it is a belief against all experience. - Thomas Jefferson
Practical wisdom is only to be learned in the school of experience. Precepts and instruction are useful so far as they go, but, without the discipline of real life, they remain of the nature of theory only. - Samuel Smiles
Someday Louisiana is going to get good government. And they ain't gunna like it.
There is nothing to write about, you say. Well then, write and let me know just this - that there is nothing to write about; or tell me in the good old style if you are well. That's right. I am quite well. - Pliny the Younger
When I count my blessings, I find you in every one. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Find someone who has a life that you want and figure out how they got it. Read books, pick your role models wisely. Find out what they did and do it. - Lana Del Rey
Aim for happiness because if you keep looking to reach perfection, you're never going to appreciate anything. - Karen A. Baquiran
If she stays she stays if she goes jst let her go,making her pregnant won't stop her from leaving - Cornelius Mashilane
The reason most people are bad is because they do not try to be good." , The Emerald City of Oz, 1910 - L. Frank Baum
The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor. - Hubert H. Humphrey
Wherever you may go; Life is a beautiful thing. Life is like a passing season. It comes and go. Whatever may come, it's better to enjoy the changing seasons. - Diana Rose Morcilla
We ought to walk with God and not for God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
To experience spiritual victory, you must depend on God's resources. - Jim George
Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art. - Andy Warhol
When a nation goes down, or a society perishes, one condition may always be found; they forgot where they came from. They lost sight of what had brought them along. - Carl Sandburg
God gives us relatives; thank God we can choose our friends. - Ethel Mumford
Good things don't end in 'eum,' they end in 'mania'...or 'teria'. - Matt Groening
Only exceptional rational men can afford to be absurd. - Allan Goldfein
If at first you don't succeed, why go on and make a fool of yourself?
The Theist tells us that the truth is god exists,the Atheist tells us that the truth is there is no god,while the truth tells us we don't know. - Kodai Okuda
Just let go of the oars. Whenyou‘re no longer paddling against the Current, when you release your oars and relax into your ownnatural Well-Being, the Current, which is ever moving in the direction of that which you havebecome and all that you want, will carry you toward your desires. - Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Come on, let’s go meet the guy who thinks he’s my better half . And dear God, I apologize ahead of time if he starts talking to you about how many eight-point bucks he’s planning to hunt this weekend. - J. Lynn
A change is as good as a rest. - Winston S. Churchill
A good story conveys a message that strengthens our values. - Ronald R. Cooke
To many people fall short of their goals because they mistakenly believe that losing is just another comfortable place to sit. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
May our lives reflect God's love and light. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We didn't have to talk, and it wasn't awkward. We were just two lonely, out of place people sharing a holiday with junk food from the vending machine and a Claymation classic on the television." oh and later "I guess its a good thing we found each other then. - J.M. Richards Tall Dark Streak of Lightning
Our existence has always and everywhere been tragic, but man has converted these numberless tragedies into works of art. I know of nothing more astonishing or more wonderful than this transformation. - Maxim Gorky
Sometimes we think the hardest part of life is letting go, but what we fail to realize is that learning to start over makes it hard for us to let go." - W.J. Dolor - Wilfred James Dolor
You're never going to be ready"..."Don't you see that? You have to forget about ready. If you don't, you're always going to run away - Nina LaCour, David Levithan
God’s desire is to reveal Himself to everyone, yet He will manifest Himself only to those who love Him. - Sunday Adelaja
The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.
...we are singing today of the WIPE-OUT GANG - the WIPE-OUT GANG buys, owns & operates the Insanity Factory - if you do not know where the Insanity Factory is located, you should hereby take two steps to the right, paint your teeth & go to sleep.... - Bob Dylan
Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value only to its scarcity. - Samuel Johnson
If you don’t think screenwriting is a work of art, good luck in your life without a soul. - A.D. Posey
Virginity comes standard. A good head is earned. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Everybody lies - Dr. Gregory House
It really hurts when I see two good friends arenot talking to each other from long ago. Life isjust for once. There are so many arguments youcan win with but you are gonna lose the person - Pawan Mehra
A group of politicians deciding to dump a President because his morals are bad is like the Mafia getting together to bump off the Godfather for not going to church on Sunday. - Russell Baker
Like the hub of a wheel, the church’s corporate life is an extension of the good news that God was in Christ reconciling the whole world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. - Harold L. Senkbeil
The definition of a good story is one that remains with you long after you've turned that last page. - T.A. Uner
You are blessed today not because God loves you most but, God just want to bless someone through you. so just be careful you might probably be holding onto someones blessings. Remember you are just servant/messenger of God. - wisdom kavi
All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field. - Albert Einstein
The ability to go anywhere in our imagination is a pure expression of individual freedom. It is a creative force that can help us transcend reality. - Esther Perel
All good things that happen today are a part of golden memories in future. - Saravana Kumar Murugan
You're all so busy trying to be tough that you've forgotten how to be brave. - K. Towne Jr.
Pass down the good that I do unto you when you are done with it - Amit Abraham
We all have to feed the greed of other people until we find people to feed our greed and life goes on. - Neymat Khan
I am from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me. - William Duncan Vandiver
God can inject hope into a absolutely hopeless situation. - Mark Evans
I knew that something profound was coming my way and I was just treading water, waiting for it. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know where it was. I didn't know if it was coming next year or next month. But I knew I was different from my friends in where I was going. - Diana Princess of Wales
A great book is a homing deviceFor navigating paradise.A good book somehow makes you careAbout the comfort of a chair.A bad book owes to many treesA forest of apologies. - J. Patrick Lewis
There are people who think they can dance out of slavery. I’m going to do escapist drugs and hop from one party or festival to another. I will dance my out of the harsh realities of Planet Earth - Mark Passio
If you’re going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow. - Louis L’Amour
There is no such existence of Atma or Soul separately. That is a doctrine. In Vedas they are saying God’s light and then and there they are saying ‘He is the best man.’ So why do you call this best man as Atma? - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Writing keeps me sane. - Shelly Goodman-Wright
I must admit that I feel that the best form of government is benevolent despotism. - Jeff Grubb
When we are smitten, we await love to be remontant and to be blooming over and over again, like remontant roses, with blossoms scenting through all the seasons of life. Passion and patience are to be good allies, though. - Erik Pevernagie
Unforgiveness is so much stress, I tell you. You just keep going round in circles instead of taking a straight path which forgiveness offers. - Omoakhuana Anthonia
When can one attain samadhi (eternal blissful continuous peace)? It comes when one lets go of the things that he loves the most. - Dada Bhagwan
You've got something that I don't have. Innocence. Ur eyes express it, & I can read everything in them". #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion - Olga GOA
Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence. - Maria Montessori
To grasp love, I must grasp the fact that it is a creation of God and therefore it is forever beyond me. But the very fact that it is forever beyond me is the very thing that prompts me to forever pursue it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God is constantly Creating, Experiencing, Witnessing, De-constructing, and Expanding. God is everything and everyone that’s the realm where we don’t exist at all. That’s the realm where there’s none, but One - Manprit Kaur
Even with all the Lace, you can't be an Ace without God's grace.- - RVM
It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity. - César Chávez
That's how my life is now: I'm walking without fear, and if there are mistakes to be made, I'll make them, learn from them, and keep going.
People are governed by the head; a kind heart is of little value in chess. - Nicholas Chamfort
If everyone in the world sat quietly at the same time, closed their eyes and concentrated as hard as they could on peace and goodwill, all the killing and cruelty in the world would continue. And probably increase. - George Carlin
As good surgical doctor works on a patient in the theater with varied kinds of surgical instruments, so a true leader also needs a clean bag of leadership characters that vary from task to task. One-way leaders are obvious failures! - Israelmore Ayivor
I never trust a man unless I've got his pecker in my pocket.
Look at you! You look like Rangeman Barbie. You got a gun and everything.-Lula - Janet Evanovich
The great god Ra whose shrine once covered acres Is filler now for crossword-puzzle makers.
Success seems to be largely a matterof hanging on after others have let go. - William Feather
The character of good men and women encourage others to want to be better people. - Ellen J. Barrier
The problem of vindicating an omnipotent and omniscient God in the face of evil is insurmountable. Those who claim to have surmounted it, by recourse to notions of free will and other incoherencies, have merely heaped bad philosophy onto bad ethics. - Sam Harris
I cannot bring myself to judge those who are defending their lands against an immoral violent foreign invader. The fact that the immoral violent foreign invader happens to be the U.S. government does not alter my view. - Dave Champion
Trust God To Do Things It His Way... Not Your Way. - Cyc Jouzy
Daughters go into analysis hating their fathers and come out hating their mothers. They never come out hating themselves.
With the greatest force within, you can go farther. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People are always telling me that i'm not like other girls...that i dont dress like other girls...that i dont act like other girls. But i'm my OWN person...i go to the beat of my own drum. - Miley Cyrus
One play down and 497 to Go! - Ray S. Jones
Sometimes losses in life are not losses at all. They are simply the evidence God provides, in order to build a story so profound, that it will cause social change. - Shannon L. Alder
love the people God gave you because He will need them back one day. - Becky Kinder
Thou shalt not search with desire; because the real treasures, they, will remain forever hidden from you. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex? - Art Hoppe
If you want to feel the truest spirit of Christmas, go out and find someone sadder than you, lonelier than you, poorer than you and give what you can in a smile, in time, in compassion. The best Christmases always require the gift of self. - Toni Sorenson
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our separate ways, I to die, and you to live. Which of these two is better only God knows. - Socrates
He is the Firstfruits of God's harvest, and millions have followed Him. The same power that raised Him from the dead lives in them, giving them life everlasting. - Ron Cantor
God help those who do not help themselves. - Wilson Mizner
Forgiveness has nothing to do with absolving a criminal of his crime. It has everything to do with relieving oneself of the burden of being a victim--letting go of the pain and transforming oneself from victim to survivor. - C.R. Strahan
If I should go before the rest of youBreak not a flower nor inscribe a stone, Nor when I'm gone speak in a Sunday voice But be the usual selves that I have known. Weep if you must, Parting is hell, But life goes on, So sing as well. - Joyce Grenfell
A silent idea is louder than a spoken words - Agostinho Neto
Beauty is truth's smile,when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror. - Shaynee Gokool
When you begin a new story, your job is to envision, to try to glimpse stuff that doesn't as yet exist. That's what writing is, going out to meet the ghosts of the future. Not out of the past, not the ones that are dead and buried. Ghosts of the future, those who don't exist yet. - Cédric Klapisch (screenplay writer); spoken by Xavier Rousseau in Casse-tête Chinois (Chinese Puzzle
I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more to be than a good dancer. - Friedrich Nietzsche
legal declaration by God through Jesus Christ! - John Paul Warren
Moonlight flooded in the windows and silvered the room, turning it into a lagoon of dreams - Stephen King
Hell means torture; torture means badness. Goodness cannot create or produce badness. Hell does not belong to God; it has been invented by the horrific and sick minded people. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Be true to the writer within you; tell the story you're dying to tell in exactly the way you wish to tell it, and don't trust anyone who tries to sway you otherwise. - Richelle E. Goodrich
High ego makes you think that you are the king of the universe while you are in fact the king of nothing! - Mehmet Murat ildan
With God, all things are possible - Matthew 19:26
If [we] have a good, miserable day once in a while, or several in a row, stand steady and face them. Things will straighten out. There is great purpose in our struggle in life. - Boyd K. Packer
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him. - Maya Angelou
If You Are Feeling Blue, Try To Paint The Sky With It. When Its Done, Look At It And Then Definitely The Golden Sun Will Come Out From You To Brighten Up Your Entire Day.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The extent of God’s grace always eclipses the extent of my grotesqueness. Therefore, I can never be bad enough for God to tell me that He’s had enough. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When life is good do not take it for granted as it will pass. Be mindful, be compassionate and nurture the circumstances that find you in this good time so it will last longer. When life falls apart always remember that this too will pass. Life will have its unexpected turns. - Ajahn Brahm
We are precarious. Which is to say some good things (accumulation of diverseknowledges, skills and abilities through work and life experiences in permanentconstruction), and a lot of bad ones (vulnerability, insecurity, poverty, socialexposure). - Lisa Adkins
Memories are sweet, cherish it... - El Fuego
If no signal ever awakens any smoldering desire or seething passion in the wasteland of our mental universe, only a third eye may throw inspiriting light on the path to good vibrations. (A thousand times) - Erik Pevernagie
The mind is a lifelong consolidation of experiences and inner dialogue that was invented by self-perception - our ego. - Renee Cefalu
To leave a man's ego bigger, retweet him. To leave his faculty of reasoning better, challenge his tweet. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
God's gifts put men's best dreams to shame. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Yesterday is done. Today has just begun. I am not going let anyone's negative issues do anything to me other than inspire me to do better. - Gillian Duce
There are a lot of myths which make the human race cruel and barbarous and unkind. Good and Evil, Sin and Crime, Free Will and the like delusions made to excuse God for damning men and to excuse men for crucifying each other. - Clarence Darrow
I've got a theory, it could be bunnies...I've got a theor-Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposesThey've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses.And what's with all the carrots-?What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?Bunnies, bunnies it must be bunnies!...or maybe midgets... - Joss Whedon
Don't get discouraged. Things will work out. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Real success is not rooted in positions, places or possessions, but in fulfilment of God's purposes for our lives. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
I have always recognized that the object of business is to make money in an honorable manner. I have endeavored to remember that the object of life is to do good.
It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time. - Tallulah Bankhead
The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and to hold them in the right scale of values. - Norman Thomas
To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. - Buddha
God is also born again and again on this earth to enjoy the childhood. - Tanmaya Guru
I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her. - Ellen DeGeneres
It was only much later that he was made flesh and blood [in the Gospels] on paper. Thus Christ was created as a literary creation. - Paul Louis Couchoud
We haven't got the power to destroy the planet -- or to save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves.
A society must create lots of sunshine for its miners as they need the sun most! And ‘to be remembered, to be respected’ is a good sunshine; ‘safety in the mine’ is a good sunshine! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Behind every person who’s committed an unimaginable crime is an adult who committed unimaginable violence against them as a child. All of them, as if it was plotted that way. Violence begets violence, and that violence begets even more violence. - Ji-young Gong
Treat other people's home as you want them to respect yours because what goes around comes around. - Ana Monnar
The maxim of illusory religion runs: 'Fear not; trust in God and he will see that none of the things you fear will happen to you'; that of real religion, on the contrary, is: 'Fear not, the things that you are afraid of are quite likely to happen to you, but they are nothing to be afraid of. - Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola
True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings; Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings. - William Shakespeare
Another year older, but am I wiser? Wisdom comes from learning and changing for the better. Sometimes we just go through life living the same day over and over and never gaining true wisdom. Let that never be me. - Richie Norton
Start the good job today by your self and let the generation end it tomorrow by them selves. - Issah Awal
I wish for you a goodnight of sleep, sweet dreams, and a smiling morning. - Debasish Mridha
In zazen, leave your front door and your back door open. Let thoughts come and go. Just don't serve them tea. - Shunryu Suzuki
If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. - Laurence J. Peter
Trumpet in a herd of elephants; crow in the company of cocks; bleat in a flock of goats. - Malayan Proverb
Today, some chess games can't go in 40 minutes. One game not every time can finish fast, sometimes it's difficult to win and the ways are odd. - Deyth Banger
In order to be a teacher you've got to be a student first - Gary L. Francione
I just wanted silence, not rage, not anger, not going trouble... One simple thing silence! - Deyth Banger
The good thing about a self-help book is that if you misunderstand something then it won't mock you. - Stephen Richards
A good relationship is a contest of love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Good preparation destroys all obstacles - Sunday Adelaja
word is like a sword; you should be wise when to use it or it'll kill and ruin everything you did in your past, you're doing at this time, and you're gonna do in the future - A. Vaidyanathan
The more we express thanks, the more gratitude we feel. The more gratitude we feel, the more we express thanks. It's circular, and it leads to a happier life. - Steve Goodier
Only until all human beings begin to recognize themselves as human beings will prejudice be gone forever. People ask me what race I am, but there is no such thing as race. I just answer: "I’m a member of the human race. - Amelia Boynton Robinson
For My people are foolish, They know Me not; They are stupid children And have no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil, But to do good they do not know. - Jeremiah 4 22
Artists are strange people. They make the world a beautiful place, and make others feel good, but they are a bunch of lonely people. Artists are people with unfulfilled, unrealistic dreams, lonely, and always searching for perfection. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
As the Epic Film, Noah, debuts this weekend, those of you who have read Samrajni of Pemako know about the Noah subplot in the novel.Yes, Safiya, the protagonist is distantly related to Noah... - Roy C. Marien
We're all vulnerable. Mix the wrong feelings together, the right kind of bad with the wrong kind of good, and you'll wind up with a total breakdown. - Caterpillar from Alice
Society's institutions, like government, schools, the arts, and the media, corrupt naturally good individuals.
He who is wise is steps away from riches.He who is loving is steps away from God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. - Alan Cohen
When I thought everything was impossible to achieve, my spirit defied my thoughts and did the impossible. My ego sees limitations, but my spirit sees opportunities. - Karen A. Baquiran
Along with individual responsibility goes some societal responsibility to enable young people and their parents to do what they need to do. Otherwise, what is a society? - Robert B. Reich
At any given moment you have power to decide how your story is going to end - Robin Dabhi
...And so we go and I meet his parents. And it's a very strange thing meeting your girlfriend's boyfriend's parents for the first time. Part of you is angry for obvious reasons and part of you still wants to make a good impression. On a side note, they seemed in perfect health. - Mike Birbiglia
Sin may have the power to kill and destroy, but God is the Creator of life. He can create it from nothing, and He can restore it from death.(John 11:25-26) - Charles R. Swindoll
Feminists who accept the claim made in The Book of Genesis, and, that God is a he, need to make their minds up. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Ask yourself at least once a week: "Am I on the right track to achieve my goals at this time? Am I doing the right things that I need to be doing? - Mark F. LaMoure
Why should we think upon things that are lovely Because thinking determines life. It is a common habit to blame life upon the environment. Environment modifies life but does not govern life. The soul is stronger than its surroundings. - William James
Anything that lights your world leaves it dark once it's gone. - Ashly Lorenzana
It is good to be without vices, but it is not good to be without temptations. - Walter Bagehot
The best Revenge is to take revenge on yourself, kill the ego in you !..أفضل إنتقام هو أن تنتقم من نفسك، أقتل قرينك - Hicham LM Kamelionaire
People’s love for us may change, depending on what we do or don’t do to please them. But God’s does not—it’s everlasting. - Stormie Omartian
Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. - William Lyon Phelps
Great obstacles are no match for a great God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. - Ursula K. LeGuin
Happiness and success are not something that we can attain or possibly loose, but rather inside qualities that we have forgotten about during the very process of reaching them. - G. Gyarmati
If you wish to glimpse inside a human soul and get to know a man, don't bother analyzing his ways of being silent, of talking, of weeping, of seeing how much he is moved by noble ideas; you will get better results if you just watch him laugh. If he laughs well, he's a good man. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex, Jell-O and all the other things I can prove and that make this life the best life I will ever have. - Penn Jillette
Pay equality is not going to happen because we scream and yell about it, it's going to happen when we start demanding it."(On Beauty: , Vogue, January 8, 2016) - Susan Sarandon
Are you afraid of the future? That is funny because future does not exist yet! Future is not even a shadow, because shadow exists! Let go your fear and concentrate on the present time! - Mehmet Murat ildan
God given potential minus excuses equals performance for success. - Farshad Asl
Work and Pray always been a good combination. - Amen Muffler
Seek first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added to you. Don't worry about the things. Seek Him first and watch Him work in you. - Andrena Sawyer
Suffering just means you’re having a bad dream. Happiness means you’re having a good dream. Enlightenment means getting out of the dream altogether. - Jed McKenna
I am convinced that the jealous, the angry, the bitter and the egotistical are the first to race to the top of mountains. A confident person enjoys the journey, the people they meet along the way and sees life not as a competition. - Shannon L. Alder
Optimism: things will go my way. Positivism: everything is perfect right here and now, whether I like it or not. - Stefan Emunds
माणस असलेल्या घरात राहू नका, माणसाच्या घरात रहा... - Navnath Godse
All normal people love meat. If I went to a barbeque and there was no meat, I would say 'Yo Goober! Where's the meat!?' I'm trying to impress people here, Lisa. You don't win friends with salad. - Matt Groening
Love loves unto purity. Love has ever in view the absolute loveliness of that which it beholds. Therefore all that is not beautiful in the beloved, all that comes between and is not of love's kind, must be destroyed. And our God is a consuming fire. - George MacDonald
It is a fact that the USA corporate government routinely lies to its mass population. - Steven Magee
Sometimes we go along, thinking"Ah, this is it - this is what true peace feels like…" Then, in a moment of grace, something shifts in our hearts, and in awestruck wonder, we whisper, "oh my, I just didn't know there could more... - Kate Mullane Robertson
Good things quickly become habitual and we often stop valuing them. - Sunday Adelaja
No matter what’s going on in your life, remember that salvation isn’t only something Jesus did for you; it’s Jesus living in you. - Stormie Omartian
Life can take so many twists and turns. You can’t ever count yourself out. Even if you’re really afraid at some point, you can’t think that there’s no room for you to grow and do something good with your life. - Portia de Rossi
Without books no one can be a good teacher nor even a good student of this art. - Fiore Dei Liberi
Nothing can be more notorious than the calumnies and invectives with which the wisest measures and most virtuous characters of The United States have been pursued and traduced [By American Newspapers] - Thurgood Marshall
You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. - Jack London
Always accept good advices from others, they will help you out if you are facing any complications in life - Saaif Alam
Going through life is trudging through the possibility of pain and bliss, of hurt and mirth, of thrills and chills. - Boniface Sagini
Now I had my goals,I made my plansAnd things I ought to achieve.I thought success was the lock, And hard work was the key. - Nirab karki
The only way to know the answer is by asking questions. Religion tries to suppress the questions asking (curiosity) because it can threaten its own existence. The truth is out there, go ask for it! - Saurabh Gupta Earth5R
The volume of your muscles doesn't make you a good husband. The way you treat her does. - Amen Muffler
Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself secure. - Bertrand Russell
Damien has died and gone straight to gay boy heaven,' Shaunee said... - P.C. Cast
the sever pain and the great trials we go through teach us the real essence of great joy - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Find yourself, and once you do never let go - Coach Cassandra
Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song, A medley of extemporanea; And love is a thing that can never go wrong; And I am Marie of Romania. - Dorothy Parker
Men should not trust in God as if God did all, and yet labor earnestly as is he himself did all.
If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal. - Norman Vincent Peale
Other people's stories may become part of your own, the foundation of it, the ground it goes on. - Ursula K. Le Guin
I think Superman should go on the Larry King show and announce that he would come back to life if people in all 50 states wanted him to. - Dave Barry
Before I go out to take a picture of someone, I just stop at the city desk and say, 'Do you want him gazing out toward the sunset or picking his nose?' - Calvin Trillin
The mere fact that I exist means that I deserve to be here and to express myself any damn why I please. - Euphoria Godsent
God be thanked for books! they are the voices of the distant and the dead, and make us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages. - w.e. channing
There are two main strategies we can adopt to improve the quality of life. The first is to try making external conditions match our goals. The second is to change how we experience external conditions to make them fit our goals better. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
My worlds on a Girl Mohi Uddin A girl,May be your good friend...Can be a enemy...Also be a fool...And can also be a lovely sweetheart...Even be a cute sister...But all of those depends on your behavior with her...So always try to be a good behavior with a Girl. - Answers Mode
Music is the truth that everyone do listen, feels, believes and loves. - Navnath Godse
To guess is no good, but to anticipate is GREAT. - Filipe Alou
Engage in no pursuit in which you cannot look up unto God, and say, 'Bless me in this, my Father! - Legh Richmond
Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it. - Gordon R. Dickson
Today I’m going… but one day I’ll back to prove myself, who I’m... - Adeel Ahmed
Television news is like a lightning flash. It makes a loud noise, lights up everything around it, leaves everything else in darkness and then is suddenly gone. - Hodding Carter
You go to movies to see people you love suffer - that's why you go to the movies. You don't go to see a movie about a guy who already knows he has a wonderful life. - Joss Whedon
One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us. - Kurt Vonnegut
If you give a man a hammer, he thinks he can solve all problems by pounding. Well, God gave men penises.... - Jacob M. Appel
If you leave the pool you have dug for yourself and go out into the river of life then life has an astonishing way of taking care of you, because then there is no taking care on your part. - Krishnamurti
I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge. - Igor Stravinsky
The minds of the everlasting gods are not changed suddenly. - Homer
A conservative government is an organized hypocrisy. - Benjamin Disraeli
For the birds that cannot soar, God has provided low branches. - Turkish Proverb
God is a sound frequency, and we can all tune in if we just listen. Some find The Rhythm through different melodies, but it's all music. - Jennifer Sodini
Ah, when to the heart of man Was it ever less than a treason To go with the drift of things, To yield with a grace to reason, And bow and accept the end Of a love or a season? - Robert Frost
Hope is steel covered in velvet. It can seem soft and cuddly, but hope is at the core of what makes people become what God designed them to be. Hope and its sister, faith, always create action. - Dave Ramsey
Didn't anyone tell you that size doesn't matter?""Yes, but I told him to put his pants back on and go home. - Christine Warren
At any moment we can demonstrate our faith by taking action that shows our belief in God's promises! - Alisa Hope Wagner
The one surefire way to get me not to hire you is to send me your resume, especially if you've already got a good job. I won't be interested, because in a couple years, you'll be doing the same thing to me that you're doing to your current boss: looking for a better deal. - Bo Schembechler
Like an old gold-panning prospector, you must resign yourself to digging up a lot of sand from which you will later patiently wash out a few minute particles of gold ore. - Dorothy Bryant
God does not patch up the old life,or make certain repairs on the old life;He gives a new life, through the new birth. - Kathryn Kuhlman
Good fortune comes with many fears. It is always threatened by tragedies. But misfortune always tends to hope and peace. Hope is the heart of life. Flowers have fear of being withered while Thorns have not fear of being withered. - M.K. Bhutta
Life... a labyrinth... an agony... an ecstasy. - A.B.
The faster way to capture the dream is getting started what you believe - Tagor Manroo
I shall be an autocrat, that's my trade; and that good Lord will forgive me, that's his.
Dressing up is inevitably a substitute for good ideas. It is no coincidence that technically inept business types are known as "suits." - Paul Graham
DeWitt: Loneliness leads to nothing good, only detachment. And sometimes the people who most need to reach out are the people least capable of it. - Jane Espenson
Love? Love…what is love? These emotions… are to confusing This pain… won't go away That kiss you gave me… That's what stole me away~omg i wrote this 4 years ago... XPi found it in a old post i made on a different site - Leticia Sanchez me
Real joy, which comes from loving to do good things without wanting to be repaid, is the reward that lasts forever. - Emanuel Swedenborg
If you have kindness in your heart, you offer acts of kindness to touch the hearts of others wherever you go—whether they are random or planned. Kindness becomes a way of life. - Roy T. Bennett
I learn by going where I have to go - Theodore Roethke
The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return. - Gore Vidal
Experience is pure gold. Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted. - Ann Landers
When we see a good-looking woman with a not-so-good-looking man, we assume that the man must have a good bank balance. When we see a good-looking man with a not-so-good-looking woman, we assume that she must be good in bed. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
By letting go we become free to accept what is new. - Debasish Mridha
What more does one need than what is offered by the present moment? Once you have learnt how to dissolve in the present moment, and you are able to enjoy it, you will have no problem in disregarding the empty chit-chat of the Ego, the mind! - Frank Wanderer
Since Cleopatra died, I have liv'd in such dishonour that the gods Detest my baseness. - William Shakespeare
We have to go into the despair and go beyond it, by working and doing for somebody else, by using it for something else. - Elie Wiesel
But I can no longer ready any faith's Napoleonic saber rattling without picturing smoking rubble on cable news. I guess if I had to pick a spiritual figurehead to possess the deed to the entirety of Earth, I'd go with Buddha, but only because he wouldn't want it. - Sarah Vowell
What goes on in our head solely determines the level at which we function in society, our physical health, and the degree of our mental and emotional stability and maturity. - Renee Cefalu
Pour God's love out of you in pitcher fulls, not thimbles. - Shannon L. Alder
If we dare to ask, GOD will dare to answer. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
There is so much drama in most people’s lives that many persons, more often than not, do not even realize it; and one who is not like them will always have a tough time in going along with the others. - Anuj Somany
If you have to slog your ass everyday to achieve your goals, you are not doing something RIGHT!!! - Harrish Sairaman
To be a manager, one must be able to manage her own relationship with the people around her, as well as the relationships among her subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations does not make one a good manager. - Sophie L. Rose
Do not compromise yourself and put your goodness in the same impermanent category as whatever circumstance happening. Be the best you in every circumstance. - Steve Maraboli
When you go through a bad relationship and finally dust yourself off, there's a vulnerability that goes along with that. - Redzel Romulo
The life of less, one bent on simplicity, and not needing or wanting anything other than what God has deemed good for you turns out to be all you could ever need or want. - Hayley DiMarco
You see, the world is as big as an elephant or small as a grain of sand, depending on you. You can let it stomp you, gore you, swallow you up. Or you can let it slip into your shell and turn into a pearl. -- Benjamin East - Jonathan Freedman
If love isn't there, nothing will grow. If it is, there is always hope and it will win in the end. Love is vital and sacrosanct. - Donna Goddard
And indeed if you think you're a genius at something what you achieve is very much according to your expectations; if you think you're no good, you're not going to get anywhere. - Diana Wynne Jones
Peter was a superb swordsman, and parried with dazzling rapidity; ever and anon he followed up a feint with a lunge that got past his foe's defense, but his shorter reach stood him in ill stead, and he could not drive the steel home - J.M. Barrie
A goal without a plan is just a wish. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Our ultimate goal is to be fully present for life. It takes practice - Janet Gallagher Nestor
When the world says you can't God always says; you can do all thing through himd who empowers you. - Adisa Ade
Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. - John F. Kennedy
Those not chasing their dreams should stay out of the way of those who are. - Tim Fargo
Algo procedente del exterior no puede restañar lo que está herido en nuestro interior. - Laurent Gounelle
If life is a song, and God is the divine conductor, I must consider these trials and troubles as the harmony of my song, for every song needs more than a melody! - Evinda Lepins
What can you give God but bhakti bhava? He owns it all anyway. - Radhe Maa
I was its skin, its movement, its shape, its god, its creator, its destroyer. And you thought Dexter was bad. The Bridgeman arrives soon. - Catherine Astolfo
Your food stamps will be stopped effective March, 1992, because we received notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances.
I never understood why when you died, you didn't just vanish, everything should just keep going on the way it was only you just wouldn't be there. I always thought I'd like my own tombstone to be blank. No epitaph, and no name. Well, actually, I'd like it to say 'figment'. - Andy Warhol
You may be ableto fly to heaven with my love.But for real, my love is onlya cheap wine.Seriously,Only God’s love is the precious wine.And She evengives it to everyone.For free! - Subhan Zein
When haters start to rear their ugly head, just play around with them and throw them a bone so they can go away and chew on it. - Richie Norton
There's always farther to go and more to do and mountains to climb; that's what I look forward to. - Jennifer Aniston
To fight discouragement, remind yourself of the basics: I can write.I have the opportunity to do so. I love what I write. Now smile and be thankful. - Richelle E. Goodrich
It's not whether you got knocked down; it's whether you get back up. - Vince Lombardi Jr.
The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest. - Martin Luther
What if we chose the wrong religion? Each week we just make God madder and madder. - Matt Groening
I feel love is like a cigarette –you know it is not good for you but by the time you realize, you are so addicted to it that you can't leave it. - Shreya Gupta
Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that. - George Carlin
Have your one good cry, pick your chin up, smile, and move on to the positive. - Auliq Ice
Deep to me connotes intellectual rigor, not fashionable obscurity or the unnecessarily academic. - Alex Payne
An ordinary place turns into an extraordinary place when visited by a good music! Earthly place becomes celestial! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Just because we're fictional characters doesn't mean you can pick us up and move us anywhere you want.--the people of Lake Woebegon - Garrison Keillor
Merkabah is translated as either meaning the throne of god or chariot. Both definitions imply a means of spiritual ascension, not a physical one. They only have it partly right. - L.Z.Marie
Knowledge is good. It does not have to look good or sound good or even do good. It is good just by being knowledge. And the only thing that makes it knowledge is that it is true. You can't have too much of it and there is no little too little to be worth. - Tom Stoppard
No man will say, "There is no God" 'till he is so hardened in sin that it hasbecome his interest that there should be none to call him to account. - Matthew Henry
Freedom is within.Only God can give it to you. - Ocean Crisstopher Poet
Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us. - Henri Matisse
Creating a better futureRequires creativity in the present. - Matthew Goldfinger
It’s like I’m trying to keep the bad away with one hand while holding on to the good with the other, and it just doesn’t work. It’s stupid. I need both hands. So I guess I just have to spread out my arms and accept the bad with the good. - Andrea Lochen
Peace is not the absence of war,but the presence of love and care.Peace is not the absence of agony,but the presence of joy of harmony.Peace is not the absence of poverty,but the presence of love for beauty.Peace is not the absence of intolerance. Peace is a way of life with joy of tolerance. - Debasish Mridha
Read!... - The God
The [Interstate Commerce] commission, as its functions have now been limited by the courts is, or can be made, of great use to the railroads. It satisfies the public clamor for a government supervision of railroads, at the same time that that supervision is almost entirely nominal.
Sow good seeds for a good yield. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Government leaders are amazing. So often it seems they are the last to know what the people want. - Aung San Suu Kyi
My mom, God love her, she was one of those Bible people. She thought it was wrong to bother anybody, regardless of race, color or religion. It just wasn't a Christian thing to look down on anybody, and that's what she taught us. - Levon Helm
Every day people are straying away from the church and going back to God. - Lenny Bruce
Maybe being oneself is an acquired taste. For a writer it's a big deal to bow--or kneel or get knocked down--to the fact that you are going to write your own books and not somebody else's. Not even those books of the somebody else you thought it was your express business to spruce yourself up to be. - Patricia Hampl
If you can't win by reason, go for volume. - Bill Watterson
She walked among the stars,The princess of the heavens,Looking for the one who caught her crystal tearsThat spilled out from liquid ice blue eyes-Rolling down pale cheeks-Then sealed up tenderly...In pearl alabaster jars... - Kallista Pendragon
The mark of a good action is that it appears inevitable in retrospect. - Robert Louis Stevenson
So really…what is war? A senseless battle between men's inflated ego. - Kathy McClary
CHANGE: Don’t just talk about it, go out there and do it. Don’t just meditate about it, go out there and create it. Don’t just pray about it go out there and take action; participate in the answering of your own prayer. If you want change, get out there and live it. - - Steve Maraboli
You are going to get over it sooner or later so get over it now. - William James Moore
I think it is good that books still exist, but they make me sleepy. - Frank Zappa
God begins to paint the clouds in the eastern sky when the mountains butterflies come flying home - Srinidhi.R
I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The conscience of children is formed by the influences that surround them; their notions of good and evil are the result of the moral atmosphere they breathe.
New Golden Rule of Fractional Reserve Banking: He who creates the "fool's gold" controls the fools. - Orrin Woodward
Let it be then let it go. - Debasish Mridha
A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians. - Frank Zappa
America is a country that doesn't know where it is going but is determined to set a speed record getting there. - Laurence J. Peter
We only knew then that there was always the war, but that we were not going to it anymore. - Ernest Hemingway
Unless people are convinced about what you are asking them to do, they are not going to make it happen. - Ravi Kant
I’ve always wondered though, Orn mused aloud, what does God need with a starship?Are you going to make that stupid quip every time we pass a missionary ship?Until they learn a new position. - Sabrina Zbasnik
The fog may seem thick but the sun will surely pierce through and brighten up the sky. Allow yourself to continue to rest on the wings of God's love and watch yourself learn to soar high. - Kemi Sogunle
Amateurs look for inspiration; the rest of us just get up and go to work. - Chuck Close
Without religion or God, what is the meaning of life?" Is like asking, 'Without shoes, what is the meaning of feet'. - Andrea L'Artiste
I don't believe war is a way to solve problems. I think it's wrong. I don't have respect for the people that made the decisions to go on with war. I don't have that much respect for Bush. He's about war, I'm not about war - a lot of people aren't about war. - Avril Lavigne
Thank God she doesn't have to be confirmed by the Senate.(on the birth of his granddaughter) - Herbert Hoover
Om is that God of love. Like a loving mother Om cleans us of our clutters collected through many incarnations. - Banani Ray
We feel that in the future, groups are going to have to offer much more than just a pop show. They'll have to offer a well-presented theatre show. - Syd Barrett
They prefer a God of an altogether softer flavor. Nothing too extreme. Complaisance, not magnanimity. They do not think upon the God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God. They prefer to think in terms of God liking them. That’s the God they’ve conjured for themselves. - Geoffrey Wood
She forces me to endure this ridiculous therapy, when the so-called counselors are little better than misguided do-gooders with degrees.-Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
The sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism and love of country. - Robert F. Kennedy
Remember the generational battles twenty years ago? Remember all the screaming at the dinner table about haircuts, getting jobs and the American dream? Well, our parents won. They're out living the American dream on some damned golf course in Vero Beach, and we're stuck with the jobs and haircuts. - P. J. O'Rourke
How can you make light of it? I says. What should I do? She says. Cry fer the rest of my life? Molly of the Many Sorrows?...You got battle scars. This is mine, she says. You know what it tells me? I'm a survivor. - Moira Young
don't look back, you are not going that way - Anonymous
You want to make sure that your purpose is something people can benefit from long after you're gone. - Bob Proctor
They say a witch-doctor can't heal himself but I beg to differ. I have been in deep end but somehow Managed to keep my head high....all by myself. Self belief, self efficacy.....and leaning to God each time you sense imbalances - you will definitely make it. - Kwanele Booi
Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work. - Thomas A. Edison
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows. - Socrates
There must be a limit to the mistakes one person can make, and when I get to the end of them, then I'll be through with them. That's a very comforting thought. - L. M. Montgomery
Know this for sure: When you get the chance, go for it. - Oprah Winfrey
For those who talks about the perfection of god in making human.....Its his success after billion years of experiments out of millions of other useless creatures - er.teji
It's not the endings that will haunt youBut the space where they should lie,The things that simply fadedWithout one final wave goodbye. - Erin Hanson
It's not in the interests of the self-serving government to educate the masses to the point where they are smart enough to see through the bullshit - because then people will be too smart to vote for them again. - Christina Engela
I wish you all the good and charm that life can offer. Think of me kindly, and rest assured that no one would more rejoice to hear of your happiness. - Ludwig van Beethoven
A good relationship is not a refuge from your problems, but an oasis where you can grow better as a person. - Shon Mehta
Because we are the only women who are mothers of men." Gorgo: when asked by a woman from Attica why Spartan women were the only women in the world who could rule men. - Gorgos
Good men do the most harm. - Henry Adams
To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self disciplined is to follow in a better way. - Corita Kent
And since, in our passage through this world, painful circumstances occur more frequently than pleasing ones, and since our sense of evil is, I fear, more acute than our sense of good, we become the victims of our feelings, unless we can in some degree command them. - Ann Radcliffe
God has called 'chit prasannta' (blissful state of chit) as happiness. Even when someone swears at you, picks your pocket; the 'chit prasannta' doesn’t go away! Even at two o’clock in the morning, the 'chit prasannta' does not go away. - Dada Bhagwan
The only good reason to have money is this: so that you can tell any SOB in the world to go to hell. - Humphrey Bogart
You are pitiful, isolated individuals! You are bankrupts. Your role is played out. Go where you belong from now on into the dustbin of history! - Leon Trotksy
it is easier to induce national governments to discriminate against foreign producers than to defend the interests of domestic consumers - George W. Stocking
The most important thing is to read as much as you can, like I did. It will give you an understanding of what makes good writing and it will enlarge your vocabulary. - J.K. Rowling
Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It’s quite possible to do anything, but not if you put it on the leaders and the parking meters. Don’t expect Carter or Reagan or or Yoko Ono or Bob Dylan or Jesus Christ to come and do it for you. You have to do it yourself. - John Lennon
For a moment David was tempted to think that perhaps there were no good people at all outside concentration camps, but then he reminded himself of the sailor and Angelo and the English people who might have been ignorant but were certainly not bad. - Anne Holm
You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by. - James M. Barrie
A terrorist is the most foolish and naïve. He is drunk with fixed false beliefs that killing his neighbors will result in going to heaven. - Debasish Mridha
We are like the moon. The moon shines anyway, but it does not produce its own light. It reflects the light illuminated onto its surface by the Sun and is never proud to say "I am the source of light". God shines through us, hence He deserves the glory; not us. - Israelmore Ayivor
Quit questioning God and start trusting Him! - Joel Osteen
A Horse Lover's Guide To Music: Rock = Hoof Beats, Blues = Nostrils Flaring, Country = Pawing & Neighing, And You Could Keep Going... - Emma Bullington
Eventually,we would mean nothing to each other and become strangers again. What I want you to do, either become someone to me or stay nothing at all because when we go strangers to each other, I don't wanna see another me by your side waiting to be nothing.. - Himmilicious
I will go to my grave in a state of abject endless fascination that we all have the capacity to become emotionally involved with a personality that doesn't exist. - Berkeley Breathed
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. - Rabindranath Tagore
Only the very greatest art invigorates without consoling. - Iris Murdoch
It is still not enough for language to have clarity and content…it must also have a goal and an imperative. Otherwise from language we descend to chatter, from chatter to babble, and from babble to confusion. - René Daumal
Spiritual growth is the gradual, I would say, transition from a God of tradition to a God of experience. - Neville Goddard
This is not about going back. This is about life being ahead of you and you run at it! Because you never know how far you can run unless you run. - Penny Chenery Secretariat
The road to success is through commitment, and through the strength to drive through that commitment when it gets hard. And it is gonna get hard and you're gonna wanna quit sometimes, but it'll be colored by who you are, and more who you want to be. - Will Smith
I think we often hold heroines to an absurd standard. Be brave! Be wise! Always know what's in your heart and speak the truth of it! No and no and no. We fight to be brave. We learn to be wise. We struggle to know ourselves and voice what we want. - Leigh Bardugo
You are free to travel on the road you pave for yourself but you have to pay penalty if you do not go in the right direction. - Amit Abraham
Wealth of good manners is what no one can steal from you. You can keep it with you wherever you go. - Moazzam Shaikh
There are roads where people go, and where they should arrive is their mission. - Eraldo Banovac
Saints cannot exist without a community, as they require, like all of us, nurturance by a people who, while often unfaithful, preserve the habits necessary to learn the story of God. - Stanley Hauerwas
Those who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either. - Golda Meir
Feed yourself with the food of wisdom.Wisdom is recognised by joy and peace.When you allow your ways to be light you go high.When your path supports heaviness it weighs you down. - Raphael Zernoff
When I was young and I was forced to watch Disney films, I would fast forward the good guys, wasn't interested in princes and princesses, only by the villains. - Nuno Roque
Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Man is better off without the confusion and fear of psychic experience and his progress will be faster.' If telepathy ever becomes a possibility he was not sure it would be a good thing, '...for it may put us back in contact with the spirits of the dead and progress does not lie in that direction. - H.R. Wakefield
The attitude of the city on his action was of no importance to him, not because he was going to leave the city, but because any outside attitude on the situation seemed superficial. He was completely indifferent to popular opinion. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Responsive Classroom approach creates an ideal environment for learning--every teacher should know about it. - Daniel Goleman, PhD
The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. - H.L. Mencken
Let it rain on some days,Let yourself shiver on some cold nights, So when it's Spring you'll know why it was all worth going through. - Sanhita Baruah
We need words from heaven. Too many words come from the human heart and not from heaven. God wants prophets who will bring words from heaven that will change things on earth. - Terry Collins
Passion is good, but Pros have purpose and realism. - Gabriel Dibble
A good writer is an excellent reader. - Cyci Cade
Good night! Good night!Far flies the light;But still God's loveShall shine above,Making all bright,Good night! Good night! - Victor Hugo
I know that our world is going through a very difficult time right now, but I will never lose my faith in humanity, and our incredible ability to overcome just about anything. - Yanni
The true traveler is he who goes on foot, and even then, he sits down a lot of the time. - Colette
We know enough at this moment to say that the God of Abraham is not only unworthy of the immensity of creation; he is unworthy even of man. - Sam Harris
I thought it was love, but it wasn't. It was a need to be the right girl for him. I just couldn't understand why I wasn't good enough, or how he could marry her. - Kate Stewart
All your Western theologies, the whole mythology of them, are based on the concept of God as a senile delinquent - Tennessee Williams
sometimes is good to be in patience, it can be mean understand, sometimes patience can describe as sacrifice , but everytime it hurting ourself - Tun Teja
Our possessions are not ours- God has given them to us to cultivate, that we may make them fruitful and profitable in His Service, and so doing we shall please Him. - Francis de Sales
You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.
A rude man tells a women to stop talking too much because she is making noise. A polite man will tell this same woman that she looks so beautiful when her lip are closed. Compare and choose one! Speak politely; but be sure you get to where you are going with your words. - Israelmore Ayivor
To inspire is revealing the unpolished bits before perfection. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
Oh God, Oh God! that it were possibleTo undo things done; to call back yesterday!That time could turn up her swift and sandy glass,To untell days, and to redeem these hours. - Thomas D. Heywood
If you're in business, all the content in the world will do you no good unless it leads to a sale. - Richie Norton
A half-dead thing in a stark dead world, clean mad for the muck called gold. - Robert W. Service
Wadsworth MoorWhere the millstone of skyGrinds light and shadow so purple-fineAnd has ground it so longGrinding the skin off the earthEarth bleeds her raw true darknessA land naked now as a woundThat the sun swabs and dabsWhere the miles of agony are numbnessAnd harebell and heather a euphoria - Ted Hughes
When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
I like my human experience served up with a little silence and restraint. Silence makes experience go further and, when it does die, gives it that dignity common to a thing one had touched and not ravished. - Djuna Barnes
When you are born as a man, you live as a man. When you born as a woman however, you have two choices; to live like a slave, or as a woman. I love the fact that I was born as a woman because I got to make my choices. Who did you chose to be? - Shahla Khan
A good man can become a nightmare if he continues to pay attention to wrong counsel. - Paul Bamikole
And from the look on his face I could see he was one of the lucky ones, one of those people who like doing what they're good at. That's rare. When you see that in a person, you can't miss it. - David Wroblewski
Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves. - Ronald Reagan
I find that I keep offering God my service when what He wants is my fellowship - John Paul Warren
Your heart’s strength is measured by how hard it holds on. Your self worth and faith is measured by finally letting go. However, your peace is measured by how long you don’t look back. - Shannon L. Alder
We owe a huge debt to Galileo for emancipating us all from the stupid belief in an Earth-centered or man-centered (let alone God-centered) system. He quite literally taught us our place and allowed us to go on to make extraordinary advances in knowledge. - Christopher Hitchens
If God is truth, that truth must reign supreme on the earth even as he reigns over the universe - Sunday Adelaja
Embrace the god of love to keep away the evils of hatred. - Debasish Mridha
women at their 40 are more fulfilled because they knows,social customs are not going to restrict her freedom - litymunshi
You can choose to say, "Good Morning God" or "Good God, morning! - Timothy Parker
If you think that you are living in a stupid country, you can be sure that you are being governed by the most stupid people! - Mehmet Murat ildan
But no one can rid himself of the preaching clergyman. He is the bore of the age, the old man whom we Sinbads cannot shake off, the nightmare that disturbs our Sunday's rest, the incubus that overloads our religion and makes God's service distasteful. - Trollope Anthony 1815-1882
What a day! She had gotten fired, sat in God-knows-what, got rained on, got caught in a traffic jam, been rejected three times, and, as if that weren't enough sponged on by a mooch of an alien knight who claimed he was protecting her from household appliances.Knight of a Trillion stars - Dara Joy
Draw a circle, not a heart, around the one you love because a heart can break but a circle goes on forever. - Danny Kaye
If we have need of a strong will in order to do good, it is still more necessary for us in order not to do evil.
I used to go missing a lot... Miss Canada, Miss United Kingdom, Miss World. - George Best
Are we going to be stupid? she whispered.Define stupid.Anything that involves either one of us exposing our favorite body parts. Or their hearts…I want to hear about your favorite body part, he said. In great detail. - Jill Shalvis
People who live according to the pure code of honor are not governed by the profit motive; they are governed by the thymotic urge, the quest for recognition. They seek the sort of glory that can be won only by showing strength in confrontation with death. - David Brooks
Jika kosakata yang Anda kuasai sangat banyak, akan menghemat waktu dalam membuka kamus. Walaupun kosakata yang terbatas bisa dipecahkan dengan mencari arti kata dalam kamus, ini akan sangat merepotkan dan bisa membuat proses penerjemahan tersendat-sendat. - Silvester Goridus Sukur
How would your life be different if you celebrated the things in your life that you do have instead of lamenting things that you don't? Let today be the day you embrace gratitude and appreciation and let go of entitlement and expectation. - Steve Maraboli
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.
A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one. - Mary Kay Ash
In a relationship with God, our most secret places once thickly cloaked and meticulously hidden away now stand before us utterly and entirely exposed. And it may be that this dreaded fear is the single thing that keeps us an arm’s length from God, and forever a single step away from His blessings. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos. - Edward O. Wilson
Beware of sentimental alliances where the consciousness of good deeds is the only compensation for noble sacrifices. - Otto von Bismarck
When the going gets tough, people bail. When the going gets easy, people get lazy. Honest, smart, hard work is the way to get results. - Richie Norton
Sometimes letting go is the best solution - Mahsati Abdul
You will know if you are on the right path when God directs your choices, not your spouse or significant other. - Shannon L. Alder
In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth, women are not merely tolerated but valued."(From a speech read on video on August 31, 1995 before the NGO Forum on Women, Beijing, China) - Aung San Suu Kyi
You have merories?Lost somebody, which will mean he has died or something is going and you can't stop it the time eats so he dies...You lost a lot of choices??Did you...As far as I can tell, I think that I'm rich. I have one treasure and that's it, it's fill with such stuff. - Deyth Banger
Where does your security lie? Is God your refuge, your hiding place, your stronghold, your shepherd, your counselor, your friend, your redeemer, your saviour, your guide? If He is, you don't need to search any further for security. - Elisabeth Elliot
Reality is such a pain. Those of us who were fed up with that kind of reality decided to remake it. We’d set up a partition, separate what’s important to us from what was trash, put only the things we loved on our side, and got rid of the rest. - Ryohgo Narita
2 Timothy 3:16 ALL Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. - Bible Verses
Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male population. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the mason-dixon line and once you go southern may the good Lord help you - you never go back - Kenny Chesney
Stop putting off today madam; you'll find that all those forgotten tomorrows have piled up into a bunch of old yesterdays. - Georg
A little rebellion now and then...is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government. - Thomas Jefferson
Letting go of someone we love is the hardest thing we will ever do. Some people never surrender to love for the fear of being hurt. But to not have loved, to not have felt the immense joy it brings, would have been a far worse kind of death. - Goldie Hawn
I would surmise that we must cherish the resources that God has given us to achieve a goal more than we cherish the goal itself. For if we fall victim to the pursuit of the goal alone, then the goal has suddenly become our god. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The death of any man will not remove God's throne. - Olawale Daniel
A good marriage winds up as a meeting of minds, which had better be pretty good to start with.
Ignorance of Scripture is the root of every error in religion, and the source of ever heresy. To be allowed to remove a few grains of ignorance, and to throw a few rays of light on God's precious word, is, in my opinion, the greatest honor that can be put on a Christian. - J.C. Ryle
Good is never accomplished except at the cost of those who do it, truth never breaks through except through the sacrifice of those who spread it. - John Henry Newman
Don't seek love externally, it's fleeting. Go beyond the ego and awaken thelove that already exists within; it will encompass everyone andeverything in your life; it will permeate your very being. - Danielle Pierre
Having money will make you look enticing to women even if you are not a good-looking dude. Don’t believe me, go ask Mick Jagger, Donald Trump, Jay-Z and the rest of the fugly men who have all the money and get all the fine women. - Rebecca Scott
If I could drop dead right now, I'd be the happiest man alive. - Samuel Goldwyn
You can never reach to the truth if you don’t even look for it, and the bigger dilemma with the truth is, that you don’t have to go too far, but simply have to, turn your attention inward. - Roshan Sharma
I can forgo my lunch to get the book, I love to read. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Success is waking up in the morning and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at - something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again. - Whit Hobbs
Despair has been called the unforgivable sin--not presumably because God refuses to forgive it but because it despairs of the possibility of being forgiven.
The secret of good magic is another magic. - Amit Kalantri
Ang mga sagot ngayo'y baon-baon mo na sa kung saan ka man papunta. Sa paglisan mo ngayon, hindi ka na talaga babalik. Babalik ka man sa aking isip, nakaapak pa rin ako sa lupa kung saan bawat buhos ng ulan ay magsisimula akong mangarap muli. Ako na lang, mag-isa. - Don Vittorio C. Villasin
I'm sorry for my inability to let unimportant things go, for my inability to hold on to the important things. - Jonathan Safran Foer
Every poem I write falls short in some important way. But I go on trying to write the one that won’t. - Dorianne Laux
I like you so much I don't know what to do with it. My heart beats so fast when I know I'm going to see you again. - Jenny Han
Being strong doesn't mean that you never break! Being strong means that even if you break into a million pieces, you still have the courage to pick those pieces up, put them back together, and keep going on. - Manprit Kaur
We are either going to have a future where women lead the way to make peace with the Earth or we are not going to have a human future at all. - Vandana Shiva
I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book - J.K. Rowling
Be fervent in God, and let nothing grieve you, whatever you encounter. - Hadewijch
Our Beasts and our Thieves and our ChattelsHave weight for good or for ill;But the Poor are only His image,His presence, His word, His will; -And so Lazarus lies at our doorstepAnd Dives neglects him still. - Adelaide Anne Procter
The greatest untold story is the evolution of God. - G.I. Gurdjieff
God's beauty is better by far than anything that comes out of a jar.. - Nanette L. Avery
Price and Cost. Sometimes we pay more. Sometimes we pay less. You've got to determine what you are willing to pay for success. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
you have to be the prude or the slut, and if you pick one, other people hate you for it, and you can’t trust anyone anymore, because they’re all after the same thing, and you see that you can never go back to how was before… - Ned Vizzini
Most good things have been said far too many times and just need to be lived. - Shane Claiborne
Goals are dreams with a deadline. - Napoleon Hill
Creativity could be described as letting go of certainties. - Gail Sheehy
The day had begun to feel tinny: a pretend day, a dream day, that for some unaccountable reason she had to go on and on with as if it were real. - Sarah Waters
He wanted revenge and I knew he would not stop until he got it. I had to hope he would run out of fuel. - Brenda Perlin
Don't care about *new* mistakes you are going to make, take care that you don't just repeat older ones. - Prerak Trivedi
You are the God. You are the embodiment of God. The moment you start to love everyone and everything, you are doing your divine duty. - Debasish Mridha
I pride myself in being a technology innovator, so our specialty at Veeam is our laser-focused commitment to R&D, but you cannot build solid solutions without knowing what the goals are for your customers. - Ratmir Timashev, CEO Veeam
There is a dangerous willful ignorance in governments to the adverse health effects of the various forms of electromagnetic radiation. - Steven Magee
Thanks to my solid academic training, today I can write hundreds of words on virtually any topic without possessing a shred of information, which is how I got a good job in journalism. - Dave Barry
Let'sss just kill him," said the shorter Ra'zac. "He has caused us much grief." The taller one ran his finger down his sword. "A good plan. But remember, the king's instructions were to keep them alive."-from Eragon, Chapter Title: The Ra'zac's Revenge. - Christopher Paolini
I once shot an elephant in my pajamas, how he got in my pajamas I'll never know. - Groucho Marx
I am what no one else is, and in the hands of God I can do what no one else does. And if I dare set such a truth in motion I will change my world. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
‎You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott
There is a special sadness in achievement, in the knowledge that a long-desired goal has been attained at last, and that life must now be shaped towards new ends. - Arthur C. Clarke
We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. - Will Rogers
We have come to love darkness of religion more than seeking for the knowledge of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Never allow the opinions and criticisms of people deter you in the pursuit of your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The codfish lays ten thousand eggs.The homely hen lays one.Codfish never cackles to tell you what she has done.And so we scorn the codfish,while the humble hen we prize,which only goes to show you that it pays to advertise! - Nikhil Sharda
It's good to feel attractive on the outside, but being smart and confident on the inside is what counts. - Olivia Culpo
Yet human intelligence has another force, too: the sense of urgency that gives human smarts their drive. Perhaps our intelligence is not just ended by our mortality; to a great degree, it is our mortality. - Adam Gopnik
I'm gonna enjoy being old I think I'll be awesome at it. - Craig Ferguson
All these people moving through life, all around me, and no one, not a single person, knows what I'm going through. - Lee Thompson
Number rules the universe. - Pythagoras
What do people fear most about death? I asked the reb."Fear?" he thought for a moment. 'Well, for one thing, what happens next? Where do we go? Is it what we imagined?"That's big."Yes. But there's something else."What else?He leaned forward."Being forgotten," he whispered. - Mitch Albom
God didn’t call you to be a failure. He called you to be a success - Sunday Adelaja
How good something is should never be determined by its cost, designer, origin, or its perceived value by others. - Ashly Lorenzana
At a time India was known as golden bird because of its huge amount of gold assets. Let's make India once again the same golden bird full of innovation and technology. - Prakhar Srivastav
Make peace with silence, and remind yourself that it is in this space that you'll come to remember your spirit. When you're able to transcend an aversion to silence, you'll also transcend many other miseries. And it is in this silence that the remembrance of God will be activated. - Wayne W. Dyer
Never look to other couples to measure your worth; look to God to fulfill your call. Don't compare yourself with other couples to measure your happiness; compare your obedience with God's design on your life to measure your faithfulness. - Gary Thomas
It's a good idea to obey all the rules when you're young just so you'll have the strength to break them when you're old. - Mark Twain
A man should never put on his best trousers when he goes out to battle for freedom and truth. - Henrik Ibsen
Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad. - Salvador Dali
I wanted to go to him to save me, but he was the one who broke me this time. - Nikki Rowe
Laughter is the sensation of feeling good all over, and showing it principally in one place. - Josh Billings
Go where people sleep and see if they are safe - Jenny Holzer
He who seeks knowledge is wise;he who obeys God is wisest. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you are not satisfied with the things you have got then stop crying and start working and go get those things that will satisfy you. - Amit Kalantri
I've got daughters. Nine years old and six years old. First of all, I'm gonna teach them about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them PUNISHED with a baby. - Barack Obama
An honest god's the noblest work of man. - Samuel Butler
Government should never be able to do anything you can't do. If you can't steal from your neighbor, you can't send the government to steal for you. - Ron Paul
I was kind of excited to go to jail for the first time and I learnt some great dialogue. - Quentin Tarantino
We may propose many plans, let's but remember that God can dispose our plans, propose a new and better ones and impose them on us! - Israelmore Ayivor
Like your tastebuds, desires and goals are ever-changing. What used to work, might not do it for you anymore. The question is: Do you have the guts to do something about it? - C. Nzingha Smith
You can change the place you live, your clothes, your interests, your friends, your religion and even your partner. However, if you forgot to change your mind, attitude, beliefs about the world, how you treat people and how you plan to be different this time around, why did you even bother? - Shannon L. Alder
There is not a man in the country that can't make a living for himself and family. But he can't make a living for them and his government, too, the way his government is living. What the government has got to do is live as cheap as the people. - Will Rogers
All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer.
I am charting a course that will become a seed which may fall to the ground and die. But out of it shall arise many seeds and trees that shall become a plantation of light, which would usher in a new dawn of Gods righteousness to the church, Nigeria, and to Africa. - Sunday Adelaja
God approves our life if we attain His goals. - Sunday Adelaja
Life is not profound without its own tragedy. It humbles us. Sets the bar for our introspection. Keeps us from believing we are gods. Puts our egos in check. - Crystal Evans
And make no mistake, my friend, your pointless life will end; but before you go, can you look at the truth? - Morrissey
Life is a journey, so go on your way. Be a messenger of peace. - Debasish Mridha
If a person's mind is controlled by forces of revenge and jealousy, it cannot express love & sympathy. And even if they show love and sympathy to others it will yield no good result. The thought will not be reflected in love but in hate. - Virchand Gandhi
The purpose of education is to create a purpose for life. Go for it with the utmost sincerity. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Healthy people know not to gorge on anger. At the end of the day, they walk away. They choose to end it. And it’s an easier choice the next time. - Steve Goodier
Do not expect much from humans. Expect much more from God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
144461I know very little having to do with human beings that doesn't also have to do with connection. We want to be noticed, we want to be good enough, we want friends, and we want to be loved. We want our place to stand. - Chris Crutcher
I think God is a callous bitch not making me a lesbian. I'm deeply disappointed by my sexual interest in men. - Diamanda Galás
One kind of good book should leave you asking: how did the author know that about me? - Alain de Botton
I see myself..in those pages as she goes back and forth, enjoying simply enjoying the beauties of the moments then chastising herself for having ‘no edge’ being simple and worse, harmless. - Michael Cunningham
We are now forced to actively pursue our struggles. If we do not go out of our way to stretch our comfort zones and grow, no one nor nature will do it for us. - Chris Matakas
God is the soul of the universe. - Swami Dhyan Giten
When we heed God's Word, we are rejecting how the world tries to disciple us. - Matt Chandler
Leaders live by choice, not by accident. - Mark Gorman
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum (I think that I think, therefore I think that I am.) - Ambrose Bierce
For certain people after fifty, litigation takes the place of sex. - Gore Vidal
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong -- because someday you will have been all of these. - George Washington Carver
Loyalty, respect for authority and some degree of sanctification create a more binding social order that places some limits on individualism and egoism. - Jonathan Haidt
The Church is not called to overthrow government but to influence culture. - John Paul Warren
If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God. - D.L. Moody
It’s time to begin to believe that with God on our side we can build a prosperous nation and continent. - Sunday Adelaja
I don't believe in the goodness of disagreeable people.
I would put myself in the attitude to look in the eye an abstract truth, and I cannot. I blench and withdraw on this side and on that. I seem to know what he meant who said, No man can see God face to face and live. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
To manage to smile and have a good laugh in the midst of difficult times makes you look younger. - Euginia Herlihy
(Emerson's) aphorisms tend to be chicken soup for the academic soul or gobledygook of a man who prefers the sounds of words to their meanings. - Micah Mattix
It is a far, far better thing that I do now, then I have ever done before... it is a far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known before. - Charles Dickens
God gave you purpose, the devil can’t stop it, so the person in the mirror must choose success or failure. Choose success! - DeWayne Owens
That anybody white could take your whole self for anything that came to mind. Not just work, kill, or maim you, but dirty you so bad you forgot who you were and couldn't think it up. And though she and others lived through and got over it, she could never let it happen to her own. - Toni Morrison
Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build up hope, but failure’s all you’ve known Remember all the sadness and frustration And let it go. Let it go - Linkin Park
It's hard to imagine, seeing all of us breathing yet one day each of us shall be gone, leaving memories. - Auliq Ice
Such is the power of truth that even the slightest whisper of it can handily drown out the most boisterous of lies, which may explain why in many instances God only needs to whisper. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
...ism's are not good. A person should not believe in an ism. He should believe in himself. - Ferris Beuller
Love never could be overdone or go out of style. - Debasish Mridha
Kusaliti nchi, ambayo majeshi ya ulinzi na usalama yameundwa kuilinda, ni miongoni mwa makosa makubwa kabisa kuweza kufanywa na mtu! Adhabu yake ni kifungo cha maisha jela, au kunyongwa hadi kufa. - Enock Maregesi
Dont let them go, but just remember,some come, some go, keep trying, hold on and always, always believe in yourself, so keep your head high, keep your chin up and smile in every situation : - irak.ibrahim hussain didi
If we defy the odds and ask, GOD will defy the odds and answer. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature. - Marilyn Monroe
The law says do good be right. Grace says Jesus made you right so now you are good. - John Paul Warren
It would be great if a person could state with indisputable facts & figures as how many people have ever got a job or a business opportunity by liking an online thought/post of a rich businessperson. - Anuj Somany
Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever. - Horace Mann
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, we will never lose our value in God’s eyes. - Joyce Meyer
Today, no matter where I'm going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see. - Abraham
He that can't endure the bad, will not live to see the good. - Jewish Proverb
It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge. - Enrico Fermi
And then this happened. And then this other thing happened. Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you about the time this happened. I should've had this book over for a cup of coffee and a chat. - Nick Stewart
True Prayer is the work of relationship, where He moves them from mere information about Him to a one-on-one experience with Him, so that now when they talk about knowing God, they mean more than, I understand what you’re saying about God, but also, It fits my experience of Him. - Geoffrey Wood
The Word of God gives birth to thoughts about God and about the knowledge of God. - Sunday Adelaja
God has, in fact, written two books, not just one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, namely Scripture. But he has written a second book called creation. - Francis Bacon
To some extent a life of celibacy is a picture of how all of us are to live, containing our passions for God’s purposes. - Eric Metaxas
Tomorrow is a memory best forgotten. - Harley King
I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free. - Georgia O'Keeffe
Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves. - Max Lucado
There is always a comma to check whether are we going to do the same mistake which we have done before?" But proble is that we never use this comma. - Vaibhav Soni
Writing and achieving your goals is not failure, not having a goal to write in the first place is the start of failure. - Onyi Anyado
And the pine trees that smell so wonderfully of spicy power. Shall I never see a mountain pine again? Really that would be no misfortune. To forgo something: that also has its fragrance and its power. - Robert Walser
I am not a day dreamer, I am a believer, that after every painful love I have gone through, it is just an experience to crack open the deepest parts of my core and allow to me to delve into a passion so rare, that I will find a love that was almost, never meant to be. - Nikki Rowe
Storytelling? God started that. Discovery. Lust. Murder. Revenge. Power. Sin. Redemption. Forgiveness. Miracles. We simply retell the stories in the language of our generation. - Dennis R. Miller
It often is better to ask an ancient Hebrew goatherd, instead of a so-called expert like myself, about the meaning of a particular, biblical story. - Richard Gist
They are not true as a thought but they are going in mind and are screwing everthing in mind - Fuck them! - Deyth Banger
God is well able to turn your tragedies into triumphs. - Jim George
One could not be a successful scientist without realizing that, in contrast to the popular conception supported by newspapers and mothers of scientists, a goodly number of scientists are not only narrow-minded and dull, but also just stupid.
I think it would be worse to expect nothing than to be disappointed. - L. M. Montgomery
The only strategy to protect and preserve a nation is to establish the golden rules and principles of the Kingdom of God in the society. - Sunday Adelaja
The good thing about being old is not being young. - Stephen Richards
...A good book is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton
It is your vibrational thoughts that give life to the goals you wish for. - Stephen Richards
She reads a lot of books. Good things, books. - Thorne Smith
If we were to behave half as well as we believe others ought to behave, we might prove ourselves as grand in character as excuses and justifications prevent us from being. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Beneath her curls, I forget the world,With a mere gaze she raises my hopes of gold. Love is as much in her heart as in mine,But she doesn’t say it, her punishment so divine. - Faraaz Kazi
Learning to think rigorously, so as to act rightly and to serve humanity better. - Pope John Paul II
Unique among the nations, America recognized the source of our character as being godly and eternal, not being civic and temporal. And because we have understood that our source is eternal, America has been different. We have no king but Jesus. - John Ashcroft
Developing better people should be the number one goal for any coach when dealing with kids. In trying to develop better people, we are going to develop more and better pros. - Bobby Orr
Smile, my beloved, like the gold smiles from my father's coffers. - Kahlil Gibran
Yes, I am proud; I must be proud to seeMen not afraid of God afraid of me. - Alexander Pope
Reason in man is rather like God in the world. - Thomas Aquinas
...[I] put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
When women go wrong, men go right after them. - Mae West
One must pray first, but afterwards one must help oneself. God does not care for cowards.--"Wanda - Ouida
As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests. - Gore Vidal
The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one. - Erma Bombeck
If I am to have faith when I pray, I must find some promise in the Word of God to rest my faith on - R.A. Torrey
If merely 'feeling good' could decide, drunkenness would be the supremely valid human experience. - William James
Many marriages would have been laid to rest a long time ago, if they were not on a life-support machine called other people’s opinions and/or expectations. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The thing about perspective-changing events is that they usually don't announce themselves as such. - Andrea Goeglein
You must be Independent, Independent, Independent - don't talk so much but do more - go your own way and let your neighbour go his... Shake off all the props - the props tradition and authority give you - and go alone - crawl - stumble - stagger - but go alone. - Charles Rennie Mackintosh
I admire those who do good and expect nothing in return. - Roy T. Bennett
God might not be dead, but he's sure as hell missing in action. - Quentin R. Bufogle
The essence of government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse. - James Madison
A good character not only sees but also says always all good things about a right person to the enormous people, and notably even speaks often about all wrong things of the bad people to a righteous person. - Anuj Somany
The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination, consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that’s on a good day."[Academy Award ceremony, March 2, 2014] - Robert De Niro
If my decisions constantly heed the voice of the world, I can be completely assured that I’m going to end up in a ‘world of hurt.’ If my decisions heed the word of God, I can be completely assured that this ‘world of hurt’ isn’t anywhere near my solar system. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
For you the guy should be the one who will look like the God among the guys. - Amit Kalantri
I must go down to the sea again, for the call of the running tide, is a wild call and a clear call, that cannot be denied! - John Masefield
There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise. - Gore Vidal
do what you like and like what you do. - Life is good.
Of course, a single verse of the Holy Qur'an or a hadith moves the faithful to good actions, but volumes of books would not move an unwilling person who is like an ass carrying a load of books. - Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalvi
God wants to use His Church to establish His Kingdom on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
Once you change the way you see the world, you can never go back to not seeing it that way. - Leila Summers
Ahh the 90's I hated ye when I was in it, but I love it now that it's gone... - Allison B. Levine
Adolescence is like a heavy rain. Even though you catch a cold from it, you still look forward to experiencing it once again.(From 'In Those Bygone Years, The Girl We All Went After' the novel) - Giddens Ko
Power is the near neighbour of necessity. - Pythagoras
I may be going nowhere, but what a ride. - Shaun Hick
A good writer must be like the birds of a dark forest; you can’t see them, but you can hear their mysterious and wise voices! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Finn?Yeah?Remember how you said the ball was in my court?He pressed his forehead to hers for a beat, like he was working on control. She knew she should be as well but she didn’t want him to leave, didn’t want to be alone in this. Don’t go, she whispered softly. - Jill Shalvis
I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid. - John Gotti
Sometimes you want to quit, but I want you to remember this one thing. When you quit, you lose! Just fight through and when you don't quit, and you practice and fight for what you want every single day then eventually you will win, and exceed your goals. - Cliff Hannold
With sight you can see things, andwith insight you can see through things.Sight is the voice of you telling yourself, and insight is the voice of God telling you. - Starlet Rice
Success equals goals; all else is commentary. - Brian Tracy
God softens harden heart into tender loving heart. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don’t ever rule out the option of U-turn in your life, because one day you will need it! The moment you realize that you are going to the wrong direction, turn to the right direction instantly, with a beautiful U-turn! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When you lay down with neglect & sleep around with excuses, you wake up with failure...When you marry your goals & remain intimate with your vision, you'll give birth to your dreams. - Jay Danzie
The key to good writing is to leave Boo Radley in the house until the end of the story. - Michael P. Naughton
Bad is so bad, that we cannot but think good an accident; good is so good, that we feel certain that evil could be explained. - G.K. Chesterton
Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too--even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling. - Morrie Schwartz
Your sweet thank-you touches my heart, take my breath away, my only love. This day is only I have got. - Santosh Kalwar
Unless you change who you are now, you'll never get what you want. If you change who you are and how you are, then you’ll get what you want. - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash Gopal sivaprakash sidhu
I may have not done History in high school but War cannot be ended by endless talks, only Cold War. - Goitsemang Mvula
The ultimate goal of education is to gain wisdom from experiences. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
There is an intentional disregard for human health and safety in many government agencies that are tasked with protecting it. - Steven Magee
God will judge us by what we did to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings. I don't think God cares what doctrine we embrace. - Abraham Verghese
People will come and go as they are scheduled to. Let them. Holding on does not affect them, only you. - Brianna Wiest
You must know everything that God has forbidden you so as to be able to avoid it, for the one who does not recognize evil falls into it. - Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi Al-Haddad
These marranos go wherever there is money to be made. - Voltaire
Everybody's got the potential for great good and great wrong in them, but it's thechoices we make that define who we really are. - Charles de Lint
If you love somebody, go get them. Deal with the mess later. They are important more than anything.... You don't know what tomorrow will bring.......... and sometimes tomorrow never come ........ - Bharat
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare
88% of what we call good songs aren’t really good. They merely remind us of a good time we once had. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Writer’s block is only a failure of the ego. - Norman Mailer
It is always the simple things that change our lives. And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things. - Donald Miller
If there is a god maybe it rewards those who don't believe on the basis of insufficient evidence--and punishes those who do. - Peter Boghossian
a good idea is only good if thereis a well-thought-out plan tomake it a reality. - Norma Kamali
A Broken Record can still play the best soundtrack. Broken can be beautiful when you allow God work on you. - Kemi Sogunle
When I get to Heaven I just know I'm going to forget my toothbrush. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Most people sell their souls, and live with a good conscience on the proceeds. - Logan Pearsall Smith
I cannot perceive that you're still a girl. Ur kisses don't seem so innocent. They just drive me crazy!" #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion - Olga GOA
Your smile is a gift of the gods. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Am I as spontaneously kind to God as I used to be, or am I only expecting God to be kind to me? Am I full of the little things that cheer His heart over me, or am I whimpering because things are going hardly with me? There is no joy in the soul that has forgotten what God prizes. - Oswald Chambers
[Who are the artists you admire, Surrealist or otherwise?]Remedios Varo, Max Ernst, Charlotte Salomon, Goya, Aubrey Beardsley. Beardsley is not so much about the impossible as he is about freaks and deformities, but those are interesting to me too. - Audrey Niffenegger
All of us are seeking a home, and I don't mean where we were born, or where we now live and have things, but where we can do the big things, the right things. Where we belong, where we fit, where we're loved."--Tennessee Williams, "Follies of God: Tennessee Williams and the Women of the Fog - James Grissom
If you want a good friend, you need to be a good friend! - Elizabeth George
It doesn't matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going. - Brian Tracy
As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed. - Vincent Van Gogh
Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing gonna be all right. - Bob Marley
There is a pain so utter It swallows substance up Then covers the Abyss with Trance So Memory can step Around across opon it As one within a Swoon Goes safely where an open eye Would drop Him Bone by Bone. - Emily Dickinson
You’re a fool, Quinhelm accused. Any man who would allow himself to be bewitched by a woman needs a good dunking in a cold barrel of water. (Quinhelm, the wizard, from BRIGGEN) - Ann B. Keller
When I think I can’t go anymore, I go anyway. - Michael Treanor
We can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown. - Claude Bernard
We belong to a nation, whose fate is to shoot at the enemy with diamonds. - Stanisław Pigoń
It has been my personal experience that the government engages in a wide range of frauds with the common people. - Steven Magee
God is simply a magnificent state of the mind, where the finite turns infinite. - Abhijit Naskar
So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence. - Bertrand Russell
Raising your children to love and serve Jesus is fulfilling one of God’s highest callings upon your life. - Elizabeth George
...When a choice will make a real difference in our lives—obvious or not—and when we are living in tune with the Spirit and seeking his guidance, we can be sure we will receive the guidance we need to attain our goal. - Dallin H. Oaks
Understand that nothing happensunless it is God's will anddo what you like.What can be simpler than that? - Ramesh S. Balsekar
Theory of public goods. Theory that if I take you euro (as an elected state government) and give fifty cents back... you will be happier and I will be satisfied. - Radovan Kavický
It is a commonplace of all religious thought, even the most primitive, that the man seeking visions and insight must go apart from his fellows and love for a time in the wilderness. - Loren Eiseley
I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash. - Sigmund Freud
Mature Christians daily recognize how short they fall in keeping God's law and realizes how desperately they needs God's grace. - Ibrahim Emile
Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
God is a necessary evil. - Manoj Vaz
He who is deaf to wisdom is blind to good. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you can see the vision of your goal clearly, you can plan and map effectively, and navigate efficiently. - Steve Maraboli
I really do think that if for one week in the United States we saw the true face of war, we saw people's limbs sheared off, we saw kids blown apart, for one week, war would be eradicated. Instead, what we see in the U.S. media is the video war game. - Amy Goodman
If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time. - Edith Wharton
Go to church to learn about forgiveness; come back to become a forgiver! Go to church and learn about kindness; come back to become a kind person! If things go like that, you will be a true image of Christ after going to church only 10 times on 10 Sundays! - Israelmore Ayivor
God does not bless religious efforts—He blesses heart-felt obedience. - Jim George
In other words, all the highest aims of language are decisively the work of God. They are decisively supernatural. And no amount of poetic effort or expertise in the use of words can bring about the great aims of life if God withholds his saving power. - John Piper
When you ask God for a gift, Be thankful if he sends, Not diamonds, pearls or riches, but the love of real true friends. - Helen Steiner Rice
I'm not sure why the saying goes..."be careful what you wish for"...it should be, "prepare yourself for your wishes". We need to know ahead of time to prepare for what we wish for, so that when our wishes come true, we don't regret the wish or have them turn into nightmares. - C. Nzingha Smith
Friendship is not a remedy for loneliness. Loneliness is part of our experience, and if we are looking for relief from loneliness in friendship, we are only going to frustrate the friendship. Friendship, camaraderie, intimacy, all those things, and loneliness lived together in the same experience. - Rich Mullins
We're fragile things, Harb. It doesn't look like it but we are. We're here one minute, and just like that, we're gone. The Peacemakers (The Nemesis Engines) - Olivier A. Blanchard
So in actual fact every human being is equally wealthy according to God’s divine Providence - Sunday Adelaja
An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books. - Samuel Butler
Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills. - Minna Thomas Antrim
I've decided to be happy because it's good for my health. - Voltaire
The real spiritual leader is focused on the service he and she can render to God and other people, not on the residuals and perks of high office or holy title. We must aim to put more into life than we take out. - J. Oswald Sanders
If you don't have a goal, you will score zero even if you run with the fastest speed. - Israelmore Ayivor
A well hit golf shot is a feeling that goes up the shaft, right through your hands and into your heart. - Ben Hogan
Laws are partly formed for the sake of good men, in order to instruct them how they may live on friendly terms with one another, and partly for the sake of those who refuse to be instructed, whose spirit cannot be subdued, or softened, or hindered from plunging into evil. - Plato
To choose Norm Coleman over Walter Mondale is like going to a great steakhouse and ordering the tuna sandwich. - Garrison Keillor
There is no joy in a life that is all information. There is no 'juice' to that kind of life. No sweetness, no color. Like trading a beautiful golden-ripe orange for a stalk of whithered broccoli. - Tish Grier
Even when the economy isn’t doing so well, people will still need good products and services. When you build a business around products and services that people will always need, then find innovative ways to let it run on autopilot while you grow it, then that’s a sure recipe for wealth. - Kevin J. Donaldson
Experience is the byproduct of agony. - Joel T. McGrath
People should not confuse opinions and rules with egocentric interests. - Duop Chak Wuol
Screw chocolate. A good steak is where it’s at. - A.D. Posey
Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P.J. O'Rourke
Everything in the world may be endured, except continual prosperity. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I don't have to take this abuse from you -- I've got hundreds of people waiting to abuse me.
The idea of perfect closes your mind to new standards. When you drive hard toward one ideal, you miss opportunities and paths, not to mention hurting your confidence. Believe in your potential and then go out and explore it; don't limit it. - John Eliot, Ph.D.
I am more and more convinced that some people are put in our lives solely to try our patience and tamper with our tolerance levels. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I have my good parts.I have my bad parts.But the broken ones?They are the best. - Vanshika Dhyani
Be careful! If the opinion of others is your gauge, then it is also your goal. If you concern yourself with what others think, then you can only go as far as others think. You're better than that! - Steve Maraboli
Keep flowing even its good or bad. Stilness is ultimate result of flow, path of yoga is to keep flowing. - Yogi Vini
Any human act that gives rise to something new is referred to as a creative act, regardless of whether what is created is a physical object or some mental or emotional construct that lives within the person who created it and is known only to him. - Lev S. Vygotsky
No one knows if I'm dying to laugh or to crySo my verse hasthis almost imperceptible thrillLife is sad, the world is crazy!Not worth killing yourself for itNot for anyoneFor no loveLife goes on, indifferently! - Mario Quintana
I did so many bad things to your god; if he or she exists; would have been pregnant now. - M.F. Moonzajer
It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way. - John Viscount Morley
It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration. - E. W. Dijkstra
Men go abroad to wonder the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.
Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back Wherein he puts alms for oblivion, A great-sized monster of ingratitudes: Those scraps are good deeds past, which are devour'd As fast as they are made, forgot as soon as done. - William Shakespeare
Allow yourself to be possessed by God by receiving Jesus, and you will never be possessed by anything else. - Stormie Omartian
I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of the way and let them have it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears. - Criss Jami
I've always been crazy, but it's kept me from going insane.
Peace is normally a great good, and normally it coincides with righteousness, but it is righteousness and not peace which should bind the conscience of a nation as it should bind the conscience of an individual; and neither a nation nor an individual can surrender conscience to another's keeping. - Theodore Roosevelt
The first step towards obtaining wisdom is to acknowledge the sovereignty and authority of God and to be subject wholly to His will. - Sunday Adelaja
If I didn't work on the assumption that people were mostly telling me the truth, I think I'd go mad... And I'd rather be mistaken about others than mistrustful of them. - Una McCormack
People can be animals. They will use you, take you for a ride, abuse you and take all your precious light away from you. Rise above their manipulation and egotistical bullshit because they are NOTHING without you. No one deserves your light but yourself. - Karen A. Baquiran
Believe it or not each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die - Tom Schulman
You speak of the good conduct of your ancestors. As your own conduct is under discussion, and not theirs, I cannot see how their former good character can at all serve your present purpose. Fortunately for our country, every man stands upon his own merit. - Stephen Decatur
My goal in life is to survive. Everything else is just a bonus.
It is the creative potential itself in human beings that is the image of God. - Mary Daly
And he howled in agony, in a pain that would never cease as long as he lived. His tortured voice echoed in those mountains for a long long time... - Farrah Naseem
Ministry is when the people who hear you, don't want more of you; they want more of Him because of what you've said. When you point them to God's fire instead of trying to get attention for yourself-that's ministry. - Priscilla Shirer
A time is coming when the whole round world will know that God reigns and that God is Love, when hell and heaven, life and death, sin and salvation, will be read and understood aright at last. - Oswald Chambers
Together, we overcome the drought of happiness and goodness, by seeing our glasses half full and helping fill others’ glasses back up with love. - Emilyann Girdner
God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever. - Vance Havner
All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Sometimes, when we pray for miracles what we are really praying for is God to do the work that we are too afraid to take action about. Often, the miracle resides in us and we need to simply "be all in", rather than standing on the fence waiting. - Shannon L. Alder
«Celui qui n'a pas le goût de l'absolu se contente d'une médiocrité tranquille» - Paul Cézanne
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. - Jane Goodall
So long as you are going in the right direction then the speed of your travel is unimportant. - Stephen Richards
If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. - Thomas Jefferson
Thus Carol hit upon the tragedy of old age, which is not that it is less vigorous than youth, but that it is not needed by youth... - Sinclair Lewis
Good music is a king or a queen; when it visits a place, all rise to their feet! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It's good to be contented but it's better to strive harder. - Mari Mar Manuel
Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force. - George Orwell
More times than I’m willing to admit I am my own worst enemy, which suggests that more times than I’m willing to admit I should allow God to be my own best friend. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
There's a war between two wolves inside everybody. One is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other's good. It's love, peace, beauty, happiness, truth, hope, joy, humility, kindness, and empathy. "Who wins...?""The one you feed". - MK Asante
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd; - Alexander Pope
It was her eyes. Soft, meadow-shade eyes with frostbitten edges. Every glance casually held gossamer infinity. Every stare revealed inky black abyss with a hint of divinity. - Hubert Martin
Be optimistic. Always put on clean underwear if you're going on a date. - Jacob M. Appel
Anything under God's control is never out of control. - Charles R. Swindoll
You are like the winged goddess from Greek mythology. As beautiful and soaring like an angel as her". #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion - Olga GOA
You have to rise above the squabbling and chaos, and keep believing. You have to always keep your goals in mind. -Hera, goddess of marriage - Rick Riordan
God is neither just nor unjust. ‘No one be hurt in the slightest’; that is God’s language. Justice and injustice is people’s language. - Dada Bhagwan
Communication land lines are going to be around for a long time, the internet runs on them, as do the wireless cell phone towers. - Steven Magee
The greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more will it be seen to the glory of God how much can be done by prayer and faith. - George Müller
Mary, we met in a pub. As you weren’t banging a tambourine, I understand you weren’t selling the word of God. - Luggs
Let us hope for the best, let us dream and go for the quest. - Debasish Mridha
Love cost its like working a full time job you got to put work and effort into it,and that's why it fails with a lot of people because they on the job part time !!! #GeminiStatus - jojo1980
One of the ways I know I shouldn't be online is when I'm looking to get something that I already have in abundance as a child of God. - Sammy Rhodes
A friend told me that each morning when we get up we have to decide whether we are going to save or savor the world. I don't think that is the decision. It's not an either-or, save or savor. We have to do both, save and savor the world. - Kate Clinton
When any man is more stupidly vain and outrageously egotistic than his fellows, he will hide his hideousness in humanitarianism. - George Moore
It's not what you got, but what you gave. - Richie Norton
We shouldn't go to the Bible to back up what we believe. We should look to the Bible to determine what we believe. - Jayce O'Neal
If my mind was in your body going through the same circumstances. I would act differently, and likewise. Judging in nature is separation. - Matthew Donnelly
Pavlov’s dogs will drool at the site of any food,So go ahead and ring the bell, Sing a classical song about it and Then advertises what sells - Charmaine J Forde
Each of us has a finite reservoir of energy in any given day. Whatever amount of energy we spend obsessing about missteps we have made, decisions that do not go our way or the belief we have been treated unfairly is energy no longer available to add value in the world. - Tony Schwartz
S'il n'existait pas Dieu il faudrait l'inventer." (If God did not exist he would have to be invented.) - Voltaire
When you encourage others, you boost their self-esteem, enhance their self-confidence, make them work harder, lift their spirits and make them successful in their endeavors. Encouragement goes straight to the heart and is always available. Be an encourager. Always. - Roy Bennett
The years, the months, the days, and the hours have flown by my open window. Here and there an incident, a towering moment, a naked memory, an etched countenance, a whisper in the dark, a golden glow these and much more are the woven fabric of the time I have lived. - Howard Thurman
If we walk steadily and faithfully...God will lift us up to greater things. - Francis de Sales
To love and admire anything outside yourself is to take one step away from utter spiritual ruin; though we shall not be well so long as we love and admire anything more than we love and admire God. - C.S. Lewis
Resistance is never the agent of change. You have to embrace the actions that are going to get you closer to your goal. - Ali Vincent
We want to bring light into media, we always keep that into mind... the message of love and goodness that still exists in the world... - Isabel Ruiz Lucero
Whatever GOD creates, GOD sustains. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
I don’t want to be the product of my environment, of the perks of this generation. I want to see the bigger picture, take it into account and make the choices that go beyond what’s right in front of me.I want to be timeless. - Selin Kuscu
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath for one last time and let his hand go. She saw his boat drifting away they both looked at each other and waved one last time before she could not see him anymore. - Akshay Vasu
To lust for something is desire turned selfish and gone mad. To embrace God’s passion is desire turned selfless and gone mindful. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Las palabras nunca desaparecen, sino que hacen eco para la eternidad. Deja que tu eco suene dulce. - Richelle E. Goodrich
They spent days, nights, weeks and months talking, never accepting the fact that, good or bad, an idea only exists when someone tries to put it into practice - Paulo Coelho
A good friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'damn, we fucked up'. - Rotten eCards
Even gods are following trends. They are afraid to be forgotten by their creators - Bangambiki Habyarimana
God pays, but not weekly wages. - Polish Proverb
Reese, your books might not tell you this, so I will. Every heart has two parts, the part that pumps and the part that loves. If you’re going to spend your life fixing broken hearts, then learn about both. You can’t just fix one with no concern for the other. - Charles Martin
Tu sei altezzoso, sarcastico, egocentrico e presuntuoso, e per quanto non ci sia nulla di positivo in tutto ciò, è quello che ti rende così affascinante. - I.M. Another
I know where I come from, where I am now and where the wish to go. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you talk to God, you are praying. If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. - Thomas Szasz
No one's ever going to shag you if you cry all the time. - Richard Kelly
There are great roads, beautiful bridges, lovely parks, gorgeous gardens and wonderful buildings in a big city. But there is something missing, something very important: The spirit of nature! - Mehmet Murat ildan
To annoy or piss off are light offences. I'd say if you abuse the goodness of a novelist or a writer, the truth is, he or she can kill you multiple times or cannibalise you in many antagonist characters. - Angelica Hopes
When every woman goes within, nurtures her true self and lives her passion, the whole world shifts. - Tonya Sheridan
She persisted when I resisted. And thank God for that. Because the number of storms I needed to go through before appreciating the way the wind whipped through her hair was one to many. Now, I'd move mountains to make her mine. Rain or shine. - J. Raymond
As long as the egoism is alive, ‘my-ness’ remains within the self. - Dada Bhagwan
She didn't want to have anything to do with the party. She was tired of feeling like she didn't fit in, but she didn't want to go home, either, because she was a tired of being lonely and she was a little drunk. - Candace Bushnell
If our identity is in our work, rather than Christ, success will go to our heads, and failure will go to our hearts. - Timothy J. Keller
Gossip: a weed watered by wayward words. - Soul Dancer
Generally speaking, I resolve to change my life on average maybe thirty to forty times a week, usually at about two a.m, drunk, ore early the next morning, hungover. - David Nicholls
A good relationship is like fireworks: loud, explosive, and liable to maim you if you hold on too long. - Jeph Jacques
God has made the provision for every man on earth to be equally endowed with the currency time - Sunday Adelaja
Old art offers just as good a criticism of new art as new art offers of old. - Jasper Johns
Stay focus on the goal. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A wise woman invests her time and doesn’t squander it in gossip, judgment or idleness. She knows every moment gone is one that she will not get back. - Toni Sorenson
The days of life pass away like clouds, so do good while you are alive. - Hazrat Ali ibn Abu-Talib
There is no such thing as pure pleasure; some anxiety always goes with it. - Ovid
When the people of the world all know beauty as beauty,There arises the recognition of ugliness.When they all know the good as good,There arises the recognition of evil. - Lao-tzu
Nature is not cruel, pitiless, indifferent. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn. We cannot admit that things might be neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor kind, but simply callous -- indifferent to all suffering, lacking all purpose. - Richard Dawkins
There was a disturbance in my heart, a voice that spoke there and said, I want, I want, I want! It happened every afternoon, and when I tried to suppress it it got even stronger. - Saul Bellow
You may have done mistakes, you may have fail couple of times. But isn't the end of your career. Shit happens but LIFE goes on - Ace Biskwit
Do what is right and what is good." -- Bryeison to Alasdair before going to his death on the battlefield. - Michelle Franklin
I suppose that's the secret. If you're ever wishing for things to go back to the way they were, you just have to look up. - Lauren Oliver
Daily Reminders1) Never compare myself to other people. It is comparing my behind the scenes to their highlight reel.2) Stay here, now. I will not think to far forward or back.3) It's okay to not be fine.4) Taylor need's me so I'm going to take care of myself. - Taylor Swift
God and Jesus are supernatural beings and a paranormal experience. - Jenna Alatari
If there is no God,Not everything is permitted to man.He is still his brother's keeperAnd he is not permitted to sadden his brother,By saying there is no God. - Czesław Miłosz
If you want something more in life, you have to become someone who is capable of getting more - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash Gopal sivaprakash sidhu
Set a goal. A personal goal. Then achieve it. Forget about what others say. Their opinion does not count. Just do it. - Denise Mansfield Bradberry
Hurry up! Do it get it done. You got work to do. Don’t put this off and don’t take the long view. Life is today and tomorrow, and if you are lucky, may be next week. - Garrison Keillor
Art is a journey of excellence not a goal of perfection. - Jacqueline Patricks
Please give me some good advice in your next letter. I promise not to follow it. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
O God, that man should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! - William Shakespeare
Consumers are what’s going to change the world, not necessarily industries or governments, - Horace Luke
There is nothing in which people more betray their character than in what they laugh at. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I dwell on God's blessings. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Time is going really faster than you think. That second just passed now, get up, pack the bag, get lost… - Jerril Thomas Abraham
Whatever enables us to go to war, secures our peace - Thomas Jefferson
You can’t get much done in life if you only work on days when you feel good. - Jerry West
Art is a positive "FORCE" that bring beings together for the common good. Only the people who had lost a piece of themselves can create the unimaginary. - Henry Johnson Jr
Getting caught up in someone else's dream is like a drug. Sometimes you have to go cold turkey. - Susan McIntire
In the days ahead, you will either be a mystic (one who has experienced God for real) or nothing at all. - Karl Rahner
DATARY, n. A high ecclesiastic official of the Roman Catholic Church, whose important function is to brand the Pope's bulls with the words _Datum Romae_. He enjoys a princely revenue and the friendship of God. - Ambrose Bierce
Husbands are like fires - they go out when unattended. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short. - Confucius
Once freedom lights is beacon in a man's heart, the gods are powerless against him. - Jean-Paul Sartre
As soon as we start putting our thoughts into words and sentences everything gets distorted, language is just no damn good—I use it because I have to, but I don’t put any trust in it. We never understand each other. - Marcel Duchamp
Reading and writing, like everything else, improve with practice. And, of course, if there are no young readers and writers, there will shortly be no older ones. Literacy will be dead, and democracy - which many believe goes hand in hand with it - will be dead as well. - Margaret Atwood
The more challenges life deals us, the more scars experiences give us, the higher we go, the better we get. - Vinita Kinra
You are going to die like a dog for no good reason - Ernest Hemingway
Many crores of rupees are squandered in this country by way offering gratitude to God and bribing Him to gain greater and greater wealth. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
[Tolstoy] does not necessarily get rid of [his angry] temperament by undergoing religious conversion, and indeed it is obvious that the illusion of having been reborn may allow one's native vices to flourish more freely than ever, though perhaps in subtler forms. - George Orwell
GOOD, adj. Sensible, madam, to the worth of this present writer. Alive, sir, to the advantages of letting him alone. - Ambrose Bierce
Before embarking on important undertakings, sit quietly, calm your senses and thoughts, and meditate deeply. You will then be guided by the great creative power of Spirit. After that you should utilize all necessary material means to achieve your goal. - Paramahansa Yogananda
And speak to people good [words] - Quran 2 83
Good times make the bad times better. - Meghna Parihar
Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. - Gloria Naylor
Doing what is right to GOD gives you peace not regret - Rudzani Ralph
If you are uncomfortable with any law or procedure, propose a motion for its amendment. Until it is amended, going against it for whatever purpose automatically makes one a rebel - OMOSOHWOFA CASEY
If you like Girl with Dragon Tattoo and Vampires, this is for you! ( (Design) on 'ORPHANS - Time is running out' by Ian Dewar) - Kathi Humphries
Sometime reality is too complex. Stories give it form. - Jean-Luc Godard
The sex, it automatically becomes amazing when you own the person, you know he is loyal and no matter what he is not going to leave you. - Himmilicious
Yes, in all my research, the greatest leaders looked inward and were able to tell a good story with authenticity and passion. - Depak Chopras
He forgave you though,' said Claire. 'He never held it against you, ever. All he cared about was that you lived, and that you got better. He would have given everything for that. Everything. Nothing else mattered. - S.J. Watson
you got one life so dont stop living it! - Hedley
We are not living in the land of the living and going to the land of the dying, but rather, we are living in the land of the dying and going to the land of the living. - William Zemba
Why should we think upon things that are lovely? Because thinking determines life. It is a common habit to blame life upon the environment. Environment modifies life but does not govern life. The soul is stronger than its surroundings. - William James
If you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license. - John Milton
I try to keep the happy memories. If that's what you call selective memories, I'm good with that. - Nicole Williams
Overcoming challenges purifies you like gold to become bold. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Do your best, then put your feet on the table, and to God leave the rest. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Good editorial writing has less to do with winning an argument, since the other side is mostly not listening, than with telling the guys on your side how they ought to sound when they're arguing. - Adam Gopnik
The phrase "we (I) (you) simply must..." designates something that need not be done. "That goes without saying" is a red warning. "Of course" means you had best check it yourself. These small-change cliches and others like them, when read correctly, are reliable channel markers.
La vie n'est qu'une longue perte de tout ce qu'on aime. - Victor Hugo
Must a name mean something?" Alice asked doubtfully.Of course it must," Humpty Dumpty said with a short laugh; "my name means the shape I am - and a good handsome shape it is, too. With a name like yours, you might be any shape, almost. - Lewis Carroll
In fact, it is more correct to say that Truth is God, than to say that God is Truth. - Mahatma Gandhi
Know how to choose. Most things in life depend on it. You need good taste and an upright judgement; intelligence and application are not enough. There is no perfection without discernment and selection. - Baltasar Gracián
When men and women who God has created to make a difference in the world, abandon the mandate for their lives and instead, begin to pursue all nonentities of life, God cannot but be frustrated - Sunday Adelaja
What a good thing Adam had. When he said a good thing he knew nobody had said it before. - Mark Twain
There is no such thing as making the miracle happen spontaneously and on the spot. You've got to work.
But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. - Raymond Chandler
God is going to send you someone that will rescue you. Then one day you will rescue them in return and together your story will rescue others. He has always been a God of rescues and a maker of warriors for his grace. You only need to believe that you are part of something greater than you know. - Shannon L. Alder
I should probably get a stone. A stone would be good. A stone would save me, would salvage all the damage we had already done, all the things we had given up or lost. - Dave Eggers
Set a goal to be happy; now do only what makes you happy. - Debasish Mridha
It was entirely possible I would sexually assault him if I got too close. - Caroline Hanson
The reason God exists is because ignorance is bliss, and God is true bliss. - Lionel Suggs
I think solitude is a really positive thing. I cherish solitude immensely. In today’s society, there’s so much pressure to communicate, eat out, be friends with people. Why can’t you read a book on your own? Why have you got to have a book club? - Nicky Wire
Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. - Theodore Roosevelt
Even God cannot change the past. - Agathon
God did not create you to fail! - Tommy Coletta
Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings, they're your best link to your past. And the people most likely to stick with you in the future. - Baz Luhrmann
Nowhere near the driver's seat, and I love this journey God's got me on! - Dolls Bowman
I appreciate the gratitude every day. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
It is a shame that the Legal Aid Commission and the Aboriginal Legal Service are so poorly funded ....... State and federal governments should be addressing this issueThe Daily Telegraph, Sydney, 30 March 2014 - Abdullah Reslan Lawyer
Be bold. If you're going to make an error, make it a doozy.
whatever you are be a good one - N/A
- Daddy won’t buy me a new pony, so I’m gonna burn my old one so he will have to buy me a new one. - Will a horse do? I'm a horse. I'm a horse. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. (That's a little children's poem.).-Jarod Kintz and - Stefan D
If you really want to understand God then remove everything that is common between God and humans like mind, heart, body, emotions etc. Because if you are thinking like that for him then you underestimated him to a great extent. - Aishwarya Shiva Pareek
Adrijene, nemoj da se duriš!Vrati se!U redu grešila samduge godine nisam se vracala kuci,ali sam ti uvek krilada je to zato što sam bila u zatvoru!Grešila sam priznajemcesto sam tukla psa,ali sam te volela!Adrijene, nemoj da se duriš!Vrati se! - Jacques Prévert
Create a goal and a purpose to live for, work for, and die for. - Debasish Mridha
Talking to strangers is very panic fear, to be fearless and good communicator in long term try talking to strangers with courage like you already know them. - Amit Kalantri
Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. - Terry Pratchett
Roads go ever ever onUnder cloud and under starYet feet that wandering have goneTurn at last to home afar.Eyes that fire and sword have seenAnd horror in the halls of stoneLook at last on meadows greenAnd trees and hills they long have known. - J.R.R. Tolkien
There's a rule in acting called, "Don't play the result." If you have a character who's going to end up in a certain place, don't play that until you get there. Play each scene and each beat as it comes. And that's what you do in life: You don't play the result. - Michael J. Fox
Today is my last day as a human, tomorrow I am going to be a hero. - Amit Kalantri
It is good to focus, but never forget to look around. If you focus on the wrong target, you may miss seeing all of the beauty around you. - Debasish Mridha
For the grace of bearing life's inevitable evils is itself agood, and makes goodness arise even from evils byopposing them or enduring them with courage. - A.C. Grayling
Good Friends Don't Let You Do Stupid Things.. Alone - Ain Eineziz
ARISTOCRACY, n. Government by the best men. (In this sense the word is obsolete; so is that kind of government.) Fellows that wear downy hats and clean shirts -- guilty of education and suspected of bank accounts. - Ambrose Bierce
Life is divided up into the horrible and the miserable. The horrible would be terminal cases, blind people, criples. The miserable is everyone else. When you go through life you should be thankful that you're miserable. - Woody Allen
God is a philosophical black hole the point where reason breaks down. - Kedar Joshi
Why? How had this otherwise sensible woman who had only met Beamabeth as a screaming purple blob fallen under her spell? Or had Beamabeth slipped immaculate into the world, petal-cheeked and smiling amidst gleaming golden curls? - Frances Hardinge
If we deny the grief its right in our lives, then we must question the love for which the grief is supposedly rooted. God's grief is founded in His love for Himself and His love for us. Looking at God as our model is healthy. Facing the pain means honoring those with whom our love is rooted. - W. Scott Lineberry
One’s story isn’t a skin to be shed— it’s inescapable, one’s body and blood. You go on pumping it out till you die, the story veined with the themes of your life, the ever-recurring story that’s at once your invention and the invention of you. - Philip Roth
It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly. - Oscar Wilde
I feel about airplanes the way I feel about diets. It seems to me they are wonderful things for other people to go on. - Jean Kerr
So, you’ve failed many times at many things. That’s okay! Learn, grow, and move forward. With the right attitude and mindset, you can learn a lot from failure. Pay attention and keep on striving! You’ve got this! - Stephanie Lahart
Your purpose is why you you're living, your vision is how you're going to execute it. - Bob Proctor
one is good but ten is better. together is a powerful, beautiful, and peaceful. - B. Armynanta
Today I am so grateful that God knows my heart.Others may misunderstand my good intentions, judge my words or deeds, find fault,or blame what they truly do not understand.But God knows my heart. He knows I am learning, trying, endeavoring,to be all He created me to be. - Lori Nawyn
Education has multiple purposes, but learning how to ask essential questions and how to challenge dogma,tradition, and injustice in appropriate and constructive ways is its highest purposes. - Gregory S. Prince, Jr.
Don't cry my sonDon't cry, because life is a redeemed fightLife is a fight that will demean the weak personAnd will always exalt the strong ones - Gonçalves Dias
Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God. - Heywood Broun
Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man's? - Friedrich Nietzsche
Sometimes I think of rebuilding my friendship with old friends. But at the same time, there's a reason why we fell off. Shit happens, but life's good. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
By seeking and blundering we learn. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
No one presumes to teach an art that he has not first mastered through study. How foolish therefore for the inexperienced to assume pastoral authority when the care of souls is the art of arts. - St. Gregory Dialogos
Every good and perfect gift comes from God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Ingratitude to God does not rely only on our refusal to give the verbal thanksgiving due to Him, but also recides in our inability to appreciate his gifts and potentials in us by leaving them untapped. - Israelmore Ayivor
Beauty should be the goal of your communication. Learn to speak with godly wisdom. - Elizabeth George
Government should be a floor upon which the good of the people flourishes, not a ceiling upon which people bump their heads! - Todd Stocker
Be bold. If you're going to make an error, make a doozy, and don't be afraid to hit the ball.
Tough topics are only tough for those who don't want to approach conversation, who don't like problematizing the status quo and nuancing the narrative. - Monica O Montgomery
How far you go in life depends onyour being tender with the young,compassionate with the aged,sympathetic with the striving andtolerant of the weak and strong.Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. - George Washington Carver
It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad. - Jimmy Buffett
A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could - Zig Ziglar
Let us always be reminded, that it did not take us yesterday to get here and it should not take us tomorrow to get there. But rather it was the Grace of God that brought us here and it is the grace of God that will also take us there. - Lawrence Sankar
I feel like somebody just punched me in the stomach and knocked all my wind out. I'm only 30 years old and I want to have a chance to continue creating things. I know I've got at least one more great computer in me. And Apple is not going to give me a chance to do that. - Steve Jobs
Anarcho-capitalism: the realization that the only way to effectively govern the market is to have an effective market in governance. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
It is possible for you to be paid your worth and at the same time be passionate about what you do. - Bonnie Gortler
He possessed the logic of all good intentions and a knowledge of all the tricks of his trade, and yet he never succeeded at anything, because he believed too much in the impossible. Surprising? Why so? He was forever in the act of conceiving it! - Charles Baudelaire
The sky's gone blue: azure, the ocean bluer: cerulean, the trees are swirls of every hella freaking green on earth and bright thick eggy yellow is spilling over everything. Awesome. Doomsday's most definitely been cancelled. Landscape: When God Paints Outside The Lines - Jandy Nelson
On a good day, my style is librarian chic. On a bad day, it's frumpy mother. - Cassandra Page
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do what we gotta do, to survive.
The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself. - Oscar Wilde
The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work. - Harry Golden
Sanity is not about confrontation. It's about filtering. Having a stable and happy life is about saying "no" to crazy people, not about inviting them in and then hoping that confrontations are going to make them sane. - Stefan Molyneux
Destiny waits in the hand of god, shaping the still unshapen.. - T.S. Eliot
If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the Muses, believing that technique alone will make him a good poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the performances of the inspired madman. - Socrates
Media has the ability to make good seem evil and evil seem good. - Duncan William Gibbons
We keep asking where they have gonethose years we remember and wereach for them like hands in the night - W.S. Merwin
COMMERCE, n. A kind of transaction in which A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D of money belonging to E. - Ambrose Bierce
Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on. - Samuel Butler
Despite my best effort to make myself as large as absolutely possible, life will always be larger than me. That simple fact makes God not only a likelihood, but a necessity. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Our Heavenly Father did not form us and place us on this planet so that we would manage on our own. Neither does the popular saying, God helps those who help themselves, hold any water. The Truth is we all need help. Those who look strong and contained on the outside may not be so on the inside. - Eve Juurik
The task of the theologian is to explain everything through God, and to explain God as unexplainable. - Karl Rahner
If there's hell below, we're all gonna go. - Curtis Mayfield
We gave ourselves for lost men, and prepared for death. Yet we did lift up our hearts and voices to God above, who "showeth His wonders in the deep". - Francis Bacon
If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. - Anthony Robbins
Darkness should never be an excuse to quit, for with God, darkness is the exact stuff that light was built for. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
You've got to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old - whatever 'the old' means for you. - Sarah Ban Breathnach
Walk through life eager and open to self-improvement and that which is going to best help you evolve, because that's really why were here: to evolve as human beings. - Oprah Winfrey
She called herself an angel, and wandered the world from girlhood till death. She lived every kind of life and dreamt every kind of dream. She was wild in her wandering, a drop of free water. She believed only in her life, and only in her dreams. She called herself an angel, and her god was Beauty. - Roman Payne
Fiction has been maligned for centuries as being "false," "untrue," yet good fiction provides more truth about the world, about life, and even about the reader, than can be found in non-fiction. - Clark Zlotchew
Fire. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and the scholars. I will not forget thy word. Amen. - Blaise Pascal
At two o'clock in the morning, if you open your window and listen,You will hear the feet of the Wind that is going to call the sun.And the trees in the Shadow rustle and the trees in the moonlight glisten,And though it is deep, dark night, you feel that the night is done. - Rudyard Kipling
Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. - Albert Schweitzer
God is love, but get it in writing. - Gypsy Rose Lee
You know criticism when you get into this business. You accept the bad with the good, the tabloids and the positive side of it. - Carmen Electra
The beauty and gift of truth, is that it is not dependent upon your belief in order to remain true - A. Dragonblood
What writing practice, like Zen practice does is bring you back to the natural state of mind…The mind is raw, full of energy, alive and hungry. It does not think in the way we were brought up to think-well-mannered, congenial. - Natalie Goldberg
If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic? - Sam Harris
A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness. - Elsa Schiaparelli
Good Godfrey! - Joan Hiatt Harlow
Live your life as though there is great joy to be experienced... an abundance of goodness in each person you come in contact with, and the knowledge that you have enough inner wisdom to answer the mysteries that challenge you. - Meladee McCarty
God has said for us to know bad, as bad and good, as good. But while knowing the bad, there should not be the slightest abhorrence towards it and while knowing the good, there should not be slightest attachment towards it. Without knowing bad, as bad, the good cannot be known as good. - Dada Bhagwan
All wisdom comes from God. - Kinoti J.C.
The first direction of a prayer: believe that God is able to manage your problem and appeal to Him. - Sunday Adelaja
Great art is an escape from the agony of why. - Robert A. Kearse
It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. - Sir Winston Churchill
We are all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can. - Will Rogers
College isn't the place to go for ideas. - Helen Keller
To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement. - Augustine of Hippo
The main characteristic which is the proof of the indwelling Spirit is an amazing tenderness in personal dealing, and a blazing truthfulness with regard to God’s Word. - Oswald Chambers
Respect yourself enough to let go of someone who doesn’t see your worth. - Robert Tew
MOTHERSMeasuringOutTheirHighestEffortsRearingSouls - Richelle E. Goodrich
Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain
Stacks on deckPatrone on iceAnd we can pop bottles all nightAnd baby you could have whatever you likeLate night sex so wet so tightI'll gas up a jet for you tonightAnd baby you could go where ever you like - T.I.
Life is a Business, by Worship of Human being, we Earn good Deeds'' - - Samar Sudha
Complements from your companion will do you no good, but if you get complements from your competitors it means you are really doing good. - Amit Kalantri
The proud cannot accept the authority of God giving direction to their lives. (See Helaman 12:6.) They pit their perceptions of truth against God’s great knowledge, their abilities versus God’s priesthood power, and their accomplishments against His mighty works. - Ezra Taft Benson
Morir de nostalgia por algo que no vivirás jamás. - Alessandro Baricco
I used to think of all the billions of people in the world, and of all those people, how was I going to meet the right ones? The right ones to be my friends, the right one to be my husband. Now I just believe you meet the people you're supposed to meet. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
The God I believe in believes in me and won’t silence my heart or others based on a paycheck at the end of the day. - Shannon L. Alder
The better you become as each day goes by, the more you heap dust upon you past until you completely bury it. No matter how obnoxious it was - Constance Chuks Friday
To a wise and good man the whole earth is his fatherland. - Democritus
Socialism, or communism as it is sometimes called, is merely a secular religion, where the State becomes a god. - Stefan Molyneux
When I'm out of politics I'm going to run a business, it'll be called rent-a-spine - Margaret Thatcher
Perhaps wisdom is simply a matter of waiting, and healing a question of time. And anything good you've ever been given is yours forever. - Rachel Naomi Remen
You are the perfect creation of God. Don't allow you to be down. God is experiencing through you. - Amit Ray
What makes you different us what makes you stronger. You are a masterpiece uniquely designed by God. You can have tremendous victories, love, and abundance. - Farshad Asl
To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life story, the light side and the dark. In admitting my shadow side I learn who I am and what God's grace means. - Brennan Manning
Going to the opera, like getting drunk, is a sin that carries its own punishment with it. - Hannah More
Experience life, pick up a good book and appreciate the moment, for the moment, not the replay. - Serina Hartwell
El amor soporta mejor la muerte que la traición. - Grégoire Delacourt
Remove the letter 'I'(EGO) and word 'WANT'(DESIRE) from the statement "I WANT HAPPINESS" and you will be remained with 'HAPPINESS - Gauthama Buddha
Justice requires that to lawfully constituted Authority there be given that respect and obedience which is its due; that the laws which are made shall be in wise conformity with the common good; and that, as a matter of conscience all men shall render obedience to these laws. - Pope Pius XI
The older he got, the less he believed and then the less he believed the more capable he was of believing. "Such a cool paradox." He said. - Jill McCorkle
The awakening process is not about 'finding who you are' but more about finding out about the ego, about who you are not. - Maria Erving
I'm sure I've had my phone tapped for years, I don't think it's a crime against humanity they just ought to quit doing it, god damn it. - Cornel West
Whom the gods love dies young. - Menander
When a lie makes a soft bed for everyone, may the truth lie low. God as commonly understood appears to be one such lie. God as non-existence is not everyone's cup of tea and He better remain so. - R. N. Prasher
Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to fill the roles given you by good people, by people who love you. - Orson Scott Card
Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them. - Leo Tolstoy
There's a whole segment of the population with a mentality that bases good times on where they can go and what they can buy. - Jeff Foxworthy
i feel lonely, it never goes away;the crowd makes me feel lonely - anth
If ours is an examined faith, we should be unafraid to doubt. If doubt is eventually justified, we were believing what clearly was not worth believing. But if doubt is answered, our faith has grown stronger. It knows God more certainly and it can enjoy God more deeply. - Os Guinness
Here's my advice: don't put all your hope and faith into something that could suddenly and easily disappear. And honestly, that's almost anything. The only thing that will never go away, that will never fail you, is your faith in God. - Bethany Hamilton
Don't expect a good life, just expect to be good in life." - -Joseph Jiyun Yang
Praise is declaration, a victory cry, proclaiming faith to stand firm in the place God has given you. Praise is a proclamation that the enemy's intent to plunder you will not rock you. Praise declares that you will not be moved by the enemy's attempt to snatch you away. - Darlene Zschech
It's a lazy Saturday afternoon, there's a couple lying naked in bed reading Encyclopediea Brittannica to each other, and arguing about whether the Andromeda Galaxy is more 'numinous' than the Ressurection. Do they know how to have a good time, or don't they? - Carl Sagan
I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That's the thing. You can't just visualize and go eat a sandwich. - Jim Carrey
Maybe if I could slip into Sylvia's mind, sort out the spices in her rack, alphabetize them and dust them off. Maybe then I'd understand how it's the little things that pull you under. - Kelli Russell Agodon
Don't Let Yesterday's Pain Destroy Today's Joy. - Godfrey Orateng
Brown paper represents the primal twilight of the first toil of creation, and with a bright-coloured chalk or two you can pick out points of fire in it, sparks of gold, and blood-red, and sea-green, like the first fierce stars that sprang out of divine darkness. - G.K. Chesterton
It's not where your from, it's where your going. It's not what you did it's how you do it. -C.H - Clarissa Hodge
It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either. - Mark Twain
The enemy came. He was beaten. I am tired. Goodnight.
Life is your biggest Treasure. Enjoy it. If you forget to, it will soon be gone, never to return. - RVM
Because of you my golden childhood is lost in the corridors of wastes. - Tanmaya Guru
This Sarah Palin phenomenon is very curious. I think somebody watching us from Mars—they would think the country has gone insane. - Noam Chomsky
UGLINESS, n. A gift of the gods to certain women, entailing virtue without humility. - Ambrose Bierce
Let go of everything that you hold onto, which does not serve you anymore. Be light, walk faster. - Raphael Zernoff
Every day solitude for a particular time period is a good way to refresh physically and is a great opportunity to rise spiritually! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Feeling LOW? Go on mountains. - Prajakta Mhadnak
The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them. - Denis Watley
When I create a masterpiece I feel alive! When my creation is revered I feel immortal. - Euphoria Godsent
Common sense is in spite of, not the result of, education. - Victor Hugo
My recipe for dealing with anger and frustration: set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual. - Phyllis Diller
May the gods ignore you. - Lynda Williams
You’ve got that smile,That only heaven can make.I pray to God everyday,That you keep that smile.Yeah, you are my dream,There’s not a thing I won’t do.I'd give my life up for you,'Cause you are my dream. - Justin Bieber
Since I got rid of syndicated and indoctrinated media my life is a product of what I seek and not what I am told. I recommend everyone in the age of information to demand more of what they seek rather simply pushing the favorite list on their remote control. - James Emlund
A good story should provoke discussion, debate, argument...and the occasional bar fight. - J. Michael Straczynski
Where you come from is gone, where you thought you were going to was never there, and where you are is no good unless you can get away from it. Where is there a place for you to be? No place... Nothing outside you can give you any place... In yourself right now is all the place you've got. - Flannery O'Connor
When an evil masochist dies, does he go to hell, or would heaven be a better punishment? - Steven Wright
There is no point in burying the hatchet if you're going to put up a marker on the site. - Sydney Harris
I believe in the goodness of imagination. - Sue Monk Kidd
Don't compete with other girls, complete goals. - Janna Cachola
Love is photogenic, it develops in the dark. - Lorraine Gokul
People survived by being cautious, but they got ahead by being bold. - V.E. Schwab
I will let you live, I will let you fly but you have my attention at all times... my kingdom needs me , I rule the slides but now see that dragons do have hearts ...and to fairies they cannot lie - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
GNOSTICS, n. A sect of philosophers who tried to engineer a fusion between the early Christians and the Platonists. The former would not go into the caucus and the combination failed, greatly to the chagrin of the fusion managers. - Ambrose Bierce
The true, prescriptive artist strives after artistic truth; the lawless artist, following blind instinct, after an appearance of naturalness. The one leads to the highest peaks of art, the other to its lowest depths. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
One may have good eyes and yet see nothing. - Italian Proverb
Slap a mask on a drunk and you're going to have trouble. It's like having a live reenactment of anonymous forum comments. - Randy K. Milholland
When the government puts its imprimatur on a particular religion it conveys a message of exclusion to all those who do not adhere to the favored beliefs. A government cannot be premised on the belief that all persons are created equal when it asserts that God prefers some. - Harry A. Blackmun
Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends. - Woody Allen
Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well. - Josh Billings
The hurt, resentment, the revenge, the pride, and regret are thrown hard and fast like snowballs in the winter. Some major ones hit hard; some minor ones just roll off, while others stick for an elongated time…as long as we stay in the cold frosty air of not letting go. - Wes Adamson
A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. - Stephen King
I don't believe in God but I'm very interested in her. - Arthur C. Clarke
Being a fool for God was not merely alright but liberating. - Joy Davidman
Criminal court is where bad pople are on their best behavior. It's much more dangerous for lawyers and judges In family court, where good people are at their worst.
Idolatry is committed, not merely by setting up false gods, but also by setting up false devils; by making men afraid of war or alcohol, or economic law, when they should be afraid of spiritual corruption and cowardice.
If God didn't want you to be a dreamer, He wouldn't go around handing out dreams! That's a clue! - Mark Gorman
Whenever you have good dreams never let it go , because dreams are tiny seeds which germinate result into fruitful tomorrow . - Osunsakin Adewale
God is not a being but an atom where all the power, attraction, information, and beauty resides. - Debasish Mridha
Thank God For Writing, As Now I Can Work Until My Last Breath! - Latif Mercado
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money. - G. Gordon Liddy
All the taxes paid over a lifetime by the average American are spent by the government in less than a second.
I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best. - Walt Whitman
A republican government is slow to move, yet once in motion it's momentum becomes irresistible. - Thomas Jefferson
Do not expect anything from any one. Always look to God - Lailah Gifty Akita
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. - Samuel Johnson
Any nation that wishes to enjoy the fruits of development and civilization, must follow the golden rules of this scripture as a national policy and culture. - Sunday Adelaja
The eyes of the Armenians speak long before the lips move and long after they cease to. - Arshile Gorky
No one can go back and correct his mistakes, but everyone can go forward and change their thoughts and perceptions. - Debasish Mridha
I must exchange whispers with God before shouts with the world. - Lysa TerKeurst
If you want people to be Good to you then stop being Good to them. - honeya
Is there plenty of celebration in your life? How about your spiritual life? Is it an exercise in following rules and practices? Or does it look more like a joyous celebration? - Steve Goodier
The goal is to be rich, not to look rich. - Moosa Rahat
The golden moments of your life blend in fulfilment with the deepest joy and love you share with your love ones. - Angelica Hopes
There's no such thing as a limit on being the best. You can always go for more. That's what it means to be human. No... That's what it means to be me. - Claire Stanfield - Narita Ryohgo
Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that this Nature he’s destroying is this God he’s worshiping. - Hubert Reeves
Always watch where you are going. Otherwise, you may step on a piece of the Forest that was left out by mistake. - A.A. Milne
I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are good people and bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides. - Terry Pratchett
The only difference between a human and animal is that a Human can worship God but Animal can't. Fulfill the purpose for which actually you have taken birth. - Aakash Sharma
Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. For love which hath ends, will have an end; whereas that which is founded on true virtue, will always continue. - John Dryden
People care more about being thought to have taste than about being thought either good, clever or amiable. - Samuel Butler
I'm on a roller coaster which only goes up my friend - Augustus Waters The Fault in Our Stars
To be a good pastor one must have the wisdom of a Solomon, the intuition of a Newton, the patience of Job, the thinking faculties of an Einstein, and a compassion likened unto the Son of God. - Reverend Sidney E. Slaton, Cumberland Presbyterian
There is no God, Nature sufficeth unto herself; in no wise hath she need of an author. - Marquis de Sade
Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is about jobs and employment, education, the environment, and all of those things that go into making us healthy. - Joycelyn Elders
We make time for what we truly value. We build habits and routines around the things that really matter to us. This is an important principle to understand as we seek to build our lives around the gospel. Do you want a cross centered life? A cross centered life is made up of cross centered days. - C.J. Mahaney
A writer's goal is to weave the ordinary into fine silk and the truly extraordinary into diaphanous clarity ... - C.J. Heck
A friendship between a man and a woman was what you called it when one had been pursuing the other for a long time and never gotten anywhere. - Joe Abercrombie
If there be light, then there is darkness; if cold, heat; if height, depth; if solid, fluid; if hard, soft; if rough, smooth; if calm, tempest; if prosperity, adversity; if life, death. - Pythagoras
A few years ago I started an online flirtation with a high school flame, Andy. Things got weird and I called it off and two months later...Versace was dead...dead. - Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Ian Brennan
Don't envy what people have, emulate what they did to have it. - Tim Fargo
Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you've lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that's good. - Elizabeth Edwards
The truth exists at the junction between good and bad. - Thiruman Archunan
God will cause you to prosper, even when man says you won't. - Chris Burkmenn
When writing, I uncage KAT: Keep Adding Tension. Even if I don't know where the story's going, petting the KAT keeps it purring. - Don Roff
Compassion and kindness it turned out, was good for your health. - James R Doty
There is no bad.. nor good.. there just is.. and that is the present moment. How does that look.. depends on where you are along the journey.. Blink.. and the perception can change. - Jonathan Bailey
Do you have any idea who Erin was kissing?""Yeah, so we'll brush out teeth really, really thoroughly afterwards," I said, bumping her nose with mine gently. I wasn't going to let anyone spoil this moment. - Stacey Kade
Kill a man and you're a murderer. Kill many and you're a conqueror. Kill them all, you're a god. - Jean Rostand
Where the Self [Soul] is forgotten; that place is not ours. - Dada Bhagwan
A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, and gifted with an egotistical imagination that can at all times command an interminable and inconsistent series of arguments to malign an opponent and to glorify himself. - Maurice Edelman
Time goes through multiple times. - Khalid Masood
In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it. - Robert Heinlein
When we treat man as he is, we make him worse than he is; when we treat him as if he already were what he potentially could be, we make him what he should be. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We need an infinite wisdom so that we do not continue tackling problems that were solved centuries ago. - Gugu Mona
It is necessary for the future scientists interested in the field of Neurotheology, to have a bit naïve approach towards the whole idea of God and religion beyond the conventional labels of religion and atheism. - Abhijit Naskar
He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch. - Jean-Luc Godard
Nature has created countless number of wonders, we got a long way to go as man have created only seven wonders. - Amit Kalantri
There's not a day that goes by, without me thinking of you, dying, in someone else's arms. - Anthony Liccione
We wonder why we get credits only to be indebted - Goitsemang Mvula
A writer is like a stick of rock - the words go right through. - Sara Sheridan
Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. - Thomas A. Edison
Just be focus, and continue on the path way of life. What goes around will surely come around. - Shola Azeez Oyeyinka
An important part of deciding where we want to go, as a society and culture, is knowing where we have come from, and indeed, how far we have come. - Sara Sheridan
Mature adults gravitate toward new values and understandings, not just rehashing and blind acceptance of past patterns and previous learning. This is an ongoing process and maturity demands lifelong learners. - David W. Earle
The number of your antagonists are far more greater than that of your companions, so you have to keep a stone of awareness to mark the boundary line. - Michael Bassey Johnson
For wicked people to do evil requires money, and good people superstition. Combining these elements gives us organized religion, but to achieve the worst of all evil conflate politics to the compound and the tragedies are endless. - Sean Kamali
I tell you before God, and as an honest man, your son (W A Mozart)is the greatest composer known to me by person and repute, he has taste and what is more the greatest skill in composition. - Joseph Haydn
I started creating;Myself From The Inside Out & My God I WishIHadDoneItSooner. - Nikki Rowe
There is only one all pervading God. It has only one message - Love all, encompass all and transcend the limits of the selfish gene. - Amit Ray
when you're going through hell, keep going. - Winston S. Churchill
No matter how many losing seasons you might have had in the past with your marriage, the good thing is that all teams get a fresh start once September begins - Shon Hyneman Love And Football How to play on the same team with your spouse
It doesn't cost anything to be a good person, but yet there are toxic people around us that will try to tax our lives. - Ron Baratono
Oh sweetheart, do you really think if youseal it up, that the pain's gonna go away? - Alice Sebold
Be of good cheer about death, and know this of a truth, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. - Socrates
Don’t underestimate the importance of reading and understanding God’s Word. - Jim George
Treat people as if they were what they should be, and you help them become what they are capable of becoming. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Man may fail you. But God will never forsake you. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If I had to give you a proper description, I would say a camel cricket is basically a cross between a grasshopper and a dragon and that its natural habitat is the nightmares of men. - Chris Gethard
Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy Bennett
The book is a film that takes place in the mind of the reader. That's why we go to movies and say, "Oh, the book is better. - Paulo Coelho
Existing is going through the motions of life with no zeal and feeling you have no control; living means embracing all that this large world has to offer and not being afraid to take chances. The beauty of living is knowing you can always start over and there's always a chance for something better. - J'son M. Lee
There's a beauty about her which, has emerged from the confidence of her experience. - Shaynee Gokool
Amen,' I exclaim, accidentally spitting out a Raisinet. I pick up the chocolate with a Kleenex and stuff it in my purse. Ten bucks says a month from now I'll have forgotten about it and will finally have said heart attack when I assume a rat shat in there. - Jen Lancaster
It isn't important who is going to hurt me, but its important who is going to love me. - Debasish Mridha
The most valuable function performed by the federal government is entertainment. - Dave Barry
It is for us to make the effort. The result is always in God's hands.
The devil can get you through your flesh. He knows the button to press on your flesh and have a way into your mind. The flesh becomes a transport medium for evil things if not killed for God. If Christ makes a home in your mind, satan can't get there. - Israelmore Ayivor
Coming into your powers can be a very confusing time. Perhaps there is a book on the subject. If you like, we can go see Marian."Yeah, right. Choices and Changes. A Modern Girl's Guide to Casting. My Mom Wants to Kill Me: A Self-Help Book For Teens. - Kami Garcia
Las lágrimas no son simples gotas de agua... Vienen del alma, del dolor que siente tu alma y tu corazon cuando tu amor se cansa de luchar. - Dulce María
In Ethiopia during the famine, I saw stuff there that reorganized how I saw the world. I didn't quite know what to do about it. At a certain point, I felt God is not looking for alms. God is looking for action. - Bono
Fear is unnecessary cargo when sailing to success. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Leggo my Eggo! - Kellogg
Big egos have little ears. - Robert Schuller
Guilt can be a good thing. It's the soul's call to action. The indication that... something is wrong. The only way... to rid your heart of it... is to correct your mistakes and keep going... until amends are made. - Father Lantom, Daredevil
If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution. - Emma Goldman
The most important thing I have learned over the years is the difference between taking one's work seriously and taking one's self seriously. The first is imperative, and the second disastrous. - Margot Fonteyn
Oneness with God is not a dream, it is the only reality. Everything else is an illusion. - E'yen A. Gardner
Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first call promising. - Cyril Connolly
Whether it was in the maze of my fantastical mind or the allure of her gossamer eyes, they took me to undiscovered worlds of azure and metamorphosis. The air shimmered with every breath, the water tightened with every sound. - Hubert Martin
To say that my existence is entirely inconsequential is to utterly ignore the amazing reality that life is a masterful story penned by a brilliant God who wrote me into the story in such a way that my absence would literally diminish the whole of the story. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I was ecstatic when they re-named "French fries" as "freedom fries." Grown men and women in positions of power in the U.S. government showing themselves as idiots. - Johnny Depp
Put no limit to your thinking or you can never go far and never find the truth! - Mehmet Murat ildan
How far can you go in life if you don't love yourself? - Sean King
We can all become God`s agent of change by the power of God`s truth. - Sunday Adelaja
When you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship. - Harry S Truman
The golden rule of cats that governs all relationships we have with people: you scratch my back, you scratch my back.
As for what concerns me in particular I have only in my life carried to an extreme what you have not dared to carry halfway, and what's more, you have taken your cowardice for good sense, and have found comfort in deceiving yourselves. - Fyodor Dostoevsky
There is no good singing, there is only present and absent. - Jeff Buckley
Most of what makes a book 'good' is that we are reading it at the right moment for us. - Alain de Botton
Good horror offers a sense of an upended, lawless world and that’s appealing to anyone who grew up feeling like an outsider. - Christopher Rice
Since in the world you imagines, a world without power and money, with no prohibitions, with no pain or death, each man would be God, and God therefore would not be possible. He would be a lie, because His attributes would be those of every man, woman and child: grace, immortality and supreme good. - Carlos Fuentes
To welcome the present with an open hand and heart, let your past go with appreciation. - Debasish Mridha
Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens 'till parents stop clenching their fists around precious things and people, let go, & trust God! - Gary Patton
The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God. - Tom Krause
In the final analysis it is between you and God, it was never between you and them anyway. - Mother Teresa
Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. - William Shakespeare
Sometimes I think about dying. And then I wonder about going to hell. And then I think that if and when I go there, the place will be completely organized and run by lost souls, with a council and a works committee and an ethics panel, and I'll feel right at home. - Charles Sheffield
Higher states of consciousness correlate strongly with attributes like compassion, forgiveness, generosity and kindness. The more one is self-aware and other-aware, and the greater one's connection with the spiritual, the more likely one will be a force for good in our world. - Philip Chard
Let's start with what we can be thankful for, and get our mind into that vibration, and then watch the good that starts to come, because one thought leads to another thought." - - Bob Proctor
But government in which the majority rule in all cases can not be based on justice, even as far as men understand it. - Henry David Thoreau
Now hollow fires burn out to black,And lights are fluttering low:Square your shoulders, lift your packAnd leave your friends and go.O never fear, lads, naught’s to dread,Look not left nor right: In all the endless road you treadThere’s nothing but the night. - A.E. Housman
Forgiveness is given to us from God not because we deserve it. Forgiveness is given to us by the grace of God.(Paraphrased message from the Bible.) - Dortha Jackson
Yes, the long memory is the most radical idea in this country. It is the loss of that long memory which deprives our people of that connective flow of thoughts and events that clarifies our vision, not of where we're going, but where we want to go. - Utah Phillips
A promising young man should go into politics so that he can go on promising for the rest of his life. - Robert Byrne
God's love for others does not stop at the border; neither should ours. - Dillon Burroughs
The Sage was asked to define good manners? to which he replied, To bear patiently the rude ones. - Solomon ibn Gabirol
To get inspiration, go to the nature; for silence, go to the nature; to question the meaning of life, go to the nature; to feel the existence, go to the nature; to protect your mind, to reach the truth, to think about the universe go to the nature! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Be entirely tolerant or not at all; follow the good path or the evil one. To stand at the crossroads requires more strength than you possess. - Heinrich Heine
I will govern my life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one and read the other, for what does it signify to make anything a secret to my neighbor, when to God, who is the searcher of our hearts, all our privacies are open? - Seneca
Flower is always a flower. No matter the color, shape, or aroma. It will always be welcome even with thorns. - Maria Goto
I'm not going to limit myself just because people won't accept the fact that I can do something else. - Dolly Parton
Inspirations never go in for long engagements; they demand immediate marriage to action. - Brendan Francis Brown
I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass. - Maya Angelou
You can either hold onto your dream by letting go of your excuses or hold onto your excuses by letting go of your dream. - Orrin Woodward
It's takin' whatever comes your way, the good AND the bad, that give life flavor. It's all the stuff rolled together that makes life worth livin'.
We are all capable of evil thoughts, but only very rarely of evil deeds: we can all do good deeds, but very few of us can think good thoughts. - Cesare Pavese
The best one can hope for is a government favorable to certain claims and demands from the Left. - Gilles Deleuze
Despite my incessant desperation, I simply cannot paint the perfect picture within which I would wish to live out my life. And because I cannot, God picked up the brush of love, positioned the canvas of history and painted a manger. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Children I implore youget out of the burning house nowthree carts wait outsideto save you from a homeless liferelax in the village squarebefore the sky everything's emptyno direction is better or worseeast is just as good as westthose who know the meaning of thisare free to go where they want - Han-shan
There are 2 versions of Self Image. Inner and Outer.Get in touch with the inner self image and dispose of any concept of the outer world. Feel the energy that comes from this image and start being true from source of this energy. The source of god. - Matthew Donnelly
At times, talent is gifted! But mostly, it comes with good practice. - Somya Kedia
keep in mind what choices you make because one day your going to have to face you loved ones and hear what they have to say. - Keydia Marie
The more I write the more I learn about writing. It is easy to say what looks good or sound good on paper until you experience it for yourself. - Jeanette Michelle
All fiction boils down to two plots: Either a stranger comes to town or someone goes on a trip. - Parker Bauer
If I didn't know the ending of a story, I wouldn't begin. I always write my last lines, my last paragraph first, and then I go back and work towards it. I know where I'm going. I know what my goal is. And how I get there is God's grace. - Katherine Anne Porter
God created Universe and gave credit to science. - Sandeep Kakkar
We come this way but once. We can either tiptoe through life and hope that we get to death without being too badly bruised or we can live a full, complete life achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams. - Bob Proctor
Life is full of beauty, notice it and live your life to the fullest potential. Go after your dreams. - Sesan Kareem
You've got to be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for? - Bernadette Peters
Sometimes we want something so bad, but when we get it, there is still an emptiness inside. The real secret is to enjoy the journey to the goal and learn from all the experiences. - Inshan Meahjohn
Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. - Dr. Seuss
God has allowed us to live in this time to do His works on earth. - Sunday Adelaja
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. - Mark Twain
Earth should suspect a man who has no tears of compassion and eject into the outer space until he learns humility. Outer space and death might be of the same origin, where one chances upon egolessness just before lifelessness. Earth only asks for egolessness. - Adam Kovacevic
No occupation in this world is more trying to soul and body than the care of young children. What patience and wisdom, skill and unlimited love it calls for. God gave the work to mothers and furnished them for it, and they cannot shirk it and be guiltless. - Isabella MacDonald Alden
He tells me to hold back the tears and winds me up like a toy, telling me that men don’t cry. He tells me no more because he’s gone and off with his own kids. I see him in the distance, proud and enlivened. He taught me how to cry and how to be strong at the same time. For others. - Joe Cao
A deceitful man will go as far as to trample all over a woman’s reputation and spirit, in order to prove to his ex-love that he was faithful. The irony, is he is still in love with his ex and the new woman in his life doesn’t even realize it. - Shannon L. Alder
[...] nonstate conflicts kill far fewer people than conflicts that involve a government, perhaps a quarter as many. Again, this is not surprising, since goverments almost by definition are in the violence business. - Steven Pinker
It is called equanimity when one has no attachment with the good (the auspicious) and no abhorrence for the bad (the inauspicious). The one without duality is in equanimity-state. In worldly interactions, people identify tolerance as equanimity! - Dada Bhagwan
The road to hell is paved in good intentions and apathy,What did you expect when common sense is your enemy?I'd rather burn alive than drown inside your reality - Of Mice & Men
There is no greater love than the love of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A good question is the shortcut to a good answer. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Computers are one of the products in the USA that appear to be unregulated by the government which leaves consumers unprotected from flawed devices. - Steven Magee
Don't ask me who's influenced me. A lion is made up of all the lambs he's digested, and I've been reading all my life. - Giorgos Seferis
Nothing is impossible, Everything should be possible when we trying for achieve the goal - Sanjeev Murukan
Look in Kego’s defense he was only Nine and a half when he took command of the ship and she had been put way off course by her captain and you lot would all be dead if it wasn’t for him.Jenny Smith In The Navigator by - Steve Merrick
Be determined to do good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you do not sow good deeds, you fail to flourish your soul garden. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I've learned to stay the course. There are no shortcuts. No detours. They take you further away from your goal. - irene fantopoulos
Resistance is a sign that shows you're going the right way - Constance Friday
Today's my birthday On mans scale 53 is a life more than 1/2 over. On the infinite scale of an eternal being I am just a cell of life that has forever to go! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I just wanted your time and it was the only thing i never got... - shivangi lavaniya
All writers are different, each have their own artist way they go about telling a story. The only thing they have in common, is they write. - Lori Lesko
Whoever honoured the word of God shall be blessed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. - Ringo Starr
Just a simple prayer today, for those who are sick or going through darkness of any kind. Dear God, we ask that you place your healing hands on the shoulders of our friends and loved ones, who are suffering and relieve them of these hardships, in Jesus name. Amen. - Ron Baratono
My father used to say that when hunting a shark, we should either kill it or let it go. To cage a shark is sheer cruelty, and I cannot live like a shark in a cage any longer. - Micheal Joseph Murano
The church is God's remnant in a country, able to change the life of the nation - Sunday Adelaja
i won't be happy until i'm famous like God - Madonna
Have faith in God and in yourself; that will cure all. Hope for the best, expect the best, toil for the best and everything will come right for you in the end. - Ramana Maharshi
Oh! you are a great deal too apt, you know, to like people in general. You never see fault in any body. All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes. I never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life.""I would wish not to be hasty in censuring any one; but I always speak what I think. - Jane Austen
The BEST is not to remind the people as what not GOOD to do, else then BETTER remain prepared to see most of them doing only what they ought not to do. - Anuj Somany
We can not say for the memories "go away", we can only protect us as they hit. - Davi Oliveira
historical arguments; traditional apologetics breaks down here. Since man is here dealing with God and this by definition means with the invisible, impalpable, uncontrollable, only one attitude is appropriate and required : believing trust, trusting faith. - Hans Küng
Be contented when you have got all you want. - Holbrook Jackson
I think people want their illusions and writers are mostly illusion. When you read their words, you read a flattened, incomplete version of the writer. - Gordon Atkinson
I drank to drown my pain, but the damned pain learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good behavior. - Frida Kahlo
Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength. - Napoléon Bonaparte
If the good is not dependent on the bad and can be separated from it, one gives effect to the good that remains after the separation if it still gives effect to the main objective. - Johann Kriegler
When value systems are embraced by a nation, when the citizens of a country are truly rich in virtues, then material wealth is a matter of time. Moreover, these material wealth don’t just come and go, they come to stay as long as the virtues remain in the fabric of the nation - Sunday Adelaja
Love all, trust all, and do good to all; you will not lose. - Debasish Mridha
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. - William Arthur Ward
A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls. - Anonymous
An answer gone unanswered will be answered in a parallel universe. Existence is classified in unrecorded dimensions. - Vishwanath S J
Children are a gift from God. -Psalm 127:3 - Psalm 127 3
The new world with more technology, more connectivity, more innovation, and more advantages is less forgiving than the one we left behind - Lillian Gregory
GOD Doesn't Follow Your Timetable... And You Will Never Know His Timetable. - Cyc Jouzy
If you want me to believe in God, you must make me touch him. - Denis Diderot
An ounce of love is greater than a tonne of gold. - Matshona Dhliwayo
No more good must be attempted than the nation can bear - Solon
If you forget where you came from, you've gone too far. - Tanya Masse
Deus ex machina [A god from the machine] - Menander
If you think that American Capitalism is the most dangerous Institution in the World, it just goes to show, that you haven't partied like there is no tomorrow with the fun loving posse of The Islamic Republic of Iran, North Korea, The Taliban, or ISIS. They all party off the hook! - James Hauenstein
Music is for souls & hearts to dance & sing.Art is for expressing your visionary being.Words are tools for exploring & celebrating.Time is a pool to swim & dream & create in.Waste not one jot of what you are given!Use everything you've got to maximise living. - Jay Woodman
Living in the shadows is cold... know this before you go living there. - Deyth Banger
A child that has a quick temper, just blaze up and cool down, ain't never likely to be sly or deceitful. - L. M. Montgomery
He looked at me, that first day, like he had just found something he’d lost a thousand years ago. - Jennifer Elisabeth
this is the weakness of most 'edifying' or 'propaganda' literature. There is no diversity...You cannot, in fact, give God His due without giving the devil his due also. - Dorothy L. Sayers
If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? - Joan Baez
Most people are trying to project themselves to be good rather than being actually good; but even more surprisingly or unfortunately, they are often only garnering the support of many or most. - Anuj Somany
And even if you cared what they had to say, would you act upon their opinions and create your life from it? No. Than stop replaying their toxic words in your head, it's no good for your being and start doing the things that once made you, you. - Nikki Rowe
I do not know why sorrows come and burning teardrops fall;I only know God still is GodAnd watches over all. - John Gilbert
Go where your best prayers take you. - Frederick Buechner
We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When a man takes one step toward God, God takes more steps toward that man than there are sands in the worlds of time. - The Work of the Chariot
Jennifer where are you going, dear? Dinner will be ready in a minute. Your brothers found a few unattended five year olds. - Shakuita Johnson
Just because we’ve made poor or wrong choices in the past, does not limit us from making wise and good choices now. - Toni Sorenson
The excellence of the soul is understanding; for the man who understands is conscious, devoted, and already godlike. - Hermes Trismegistus
The government is a giant logjam in the eternal river of human potential. - Stefan Molyneux
¡Qué animal tan interesante el hombre, amigo Ojeda!... Como bestia de razón, conoce la enormidad del peligro mejor que las otras bestias; pero vive alegre, porque dispone del olvido, y tiene además la certeza de que existe una Providencia sin otra ocupación que vivir por él. - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
If achieving a desired goal was easy why would anyone bother. There'd be no fun. - Veronica Purcell
Lying increases the creative faculties, expands the ego, and lessens the frictions of social contacts. - Clare Booth Luce
Where do you go with your broken heart in tow? What do you do with the left over you? And how do you know, when to let go? Where does the good go, where does the good go? - Tegan Quin
Responding to the 'great good' within us causes us to be 'great people. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Comparison between bad and good _one should taste both. - litymunshi
God works on earth only through the prayers of believers and based on this basis, the destiny of this world is not in the hands of earthly kings and rulers but in the hands of prayer warriors. - Sunday Adelaja
Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.
People think someone's going to come from outside and cure the problem. People think a messiah will come. No. They key to success is to strengthen what's local. - Julián Leyzaola
We are not to be occupied with our feelings or symptoms,or our faith or lack of faith,but only with what God has said - Gordon Lindsay
When I finally find that one willing agent, I'll have found my prize in the Cracker Jack box. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Without ‘Gnan’ (True Knowledge of the Self), desire(s) will not go away. - Dada Bhagwan
You must go to bed with the mentality and thought of how to change yourself the next day. - Sunday Adelaja
Every kindness we have done is a monument built in our name in the heart of God! - Mehmet Murat ildan
First of all is the fact that I have some rather good turns of phrase. I don't say that pridefully ... it's just that when a line I forgot about smacks me in the face and says, "Look at me! Aren't I lovely?" I have to notice. - Rachel Heffington
This is the most unprofessional production I've ever worked on! Nobody knows where they're going, or what they're doing, except, of course, for *ME*
Let life go with love and joy. - Debasish Mridha
To you, I'm an atheist.To God, I'm the loyal opposition. - Woody Allen
Imagination runs through the places where we live like water. We need both things-a living knowledge of the land and a live imagination of it and our place in it- if we are going to preserve it. - Robert Hass
YOU are YOU! Know YOU can! YOU must not be afraid because God has a prosperous future plan for YOU! YOU got to know YOU! Guess who you are? YOU are a blessing to all others especially me! - Israelmore Ayivor
You wake up oneday and it's different, not so much in a physical way but in the way you look at things. I think when you reach that primary moment in your life, you finally have the courage to let go of the human attachments and start to live in a way that compliments your heart and soul. - Nikki Rowe
I killed the Google Alert I used to have on myself two years ago. I don’t need any more information about myself. I get more than enough of that just by being me. - Lev Grossman
Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. - William Saroyan
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. - Voltaire
A good book is a good place to go..... to dream! - Donna Lee Comer
If you’re treating people poorly then you're not emulating God’s love. God always resides with the broken hearted. - Shannon L. Alder
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into. - Henry Ward Beecher
Public confidence in the integrity of the Government is indispensable to faith in democracy; and when we lose faith in the system, we have lost faith in everything we fight and spend for. - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
Yes, God and the politicians willing, the United States can declare peace upon the world, and win it. - Ely Culbertson
I was going all well and then suddenly struck by this devil just out of the blue and i got paralyzed... - affan Riz
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. - Louis D. Brandeis
From darkness; take me unto Light.O God! Help me today, make my maiden flight.From sorrow; give me the strength to break. And help me to love and to care.From darkness take me unto Light.O God! Hear my prayers and let in the sunlight. (excerpts of my poem from my book 'From the Silence Within') - Madhavi Sood
Mistakes are like bad loves, the more you learn from them, the more you wish they’d never happened. - Gregory David Roberts
Though the gospel amnesty which grace proclaims makes no exceptions, for Divine grace has no limits, there are limits to the time within which the amnesty avails. And if sinners despise grace there is nothing for them but judgment, stern and inexorable. - Robert Anderson
In the story of life, the prologue and epilogue are written by God. Yet the plot has been given to us; therefore we should write the best prose we can. - James D. Maxon
If you are lucky, there is a moment in your life when you have some say as to what your currency is going to be. I decided early on it was not going to be my looks. - Amy Poehler
Pray the largest prayers. You cannot think a prayer so large that God, in answering it, will not wish you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches but for wings. - Phillips Brooks
ROAD, n. A strip of land along which one may pass from where it is too tiresome to be to where it is futile to go. All roads, howsoe'er they diverge, lead to Rome, Whence, thank the good Lord, at least one leads back home. Borey the Bald - Ambrose Bierce
What God has for you, is for you. We can move forward with peace and confidence in that. - Andrena Sawyer
They never fail who die in a great cause. - George Gordon Byron
In art one idea is as good as another. - Willem De Kooning
Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. - William Shakespeare
To quit religion is to start walking in the space! Don’t be afraid, you don’t fall into the void, because you can hold onto God and science! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Humanity goes to stupidy, this part is hard to be changed it's like paradox. You can't fight with paradox....Oh, you are genius, so genius with this stupidity! - Deyth Banger
Good books make you ask questions. Bad readers want everything answered. - Scott Westerfeld
My father always used to say, "Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument." Good sense does not always lie with the loudest shouters, nor can we say that a large, unruly crowd is always the best arbiter of what is right. - Desmond Tutu
If I let her in I'm doomed. It's like inviting a vampire into your house. Once you've invite them in, that's it, you're good as dead! - Janet Evanovich
There aren't any differences... God sees all people the same! - Deyth Banger
Profits don't always prove that you're doing it, passion does. - Goitsemang Mvula
I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time. - Charles M. Schulz
Aunt Elspeth and Auntie Grace stood in their doorway, ceremoniously, to watch me go, and I felt as if I were a ship with their hope on it, dropping down over the horizon. - Alice Munro
Where there are no God, we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts and no one to thank. - Christina Rossetti
There are many men whose tongues might govern multitudes if they could govern their tongues.
When a small group of people come together to relive the Salem witch hunts, God cries. For if anything is sorrowful to God, it is evil done in his name. When you find out you were not given the truth, how will you live with yourself? - Shannon L. Alder
For all of my life, I am digging deep in my heart to find the liquid gold of love to share. - Debasish Mridha
When God gets us alone through suffering, heartbreak, temptation, disappointment, sickness, or by thwarted friendship - when He gets us absolutely alone, and we are totally speechless, unable to ask even one question, then He begins to teach us. - Oswald Chambers
God's love preceded His washing us. He washed us from sin because He first loved us. - Joseph Sayibu
Folly consists not in committing Folly, but in being incapable of concealing it. All men make mistakes, but the wise conceal the blunders they have made, while fools make them public. Reputation depends more on what is hidden than on what is seen. If you can’t be good, be careful. - Baltasar Gracián
Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine. Ain't nowhere else in the world where you can go from driving a truck to cadillac overnight - Elvis Presley
Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all - Johnny Depp
The exaltation of human reason and its capabilities, a commitment to rigorous and rational debate, a promotion of intellectual inquiry and scholarly exchange--all sponsored by the Church--provided the framework for the Scientific Revolution. - Thomas E. Woods Jr.
Why must ignorance be destroyed? Because it is the number one destroyer of the people of God - Sunday Adelaja
A person who knows spiritual principles will walk confidently in God’s path, to fulfil what God has already planned to do - Sunday Adelaja
The gold you have to dig for is not the real gold. - Marty Rubin
Man can live far from God -- not outside God. God is wherever we are. Even in suffering? Even in suffering. - Elie Wiesel
When we rely on our own strength, God’s opportunities become inaccessible to us - Sunday Adelaja
When good times turn out way bigger than you first expected, that's when you know you're on a roll! - Stephen Richards
If you don’t know exactly where you are going (and why),that is exactly where you will end up. - Christopher Babson
The best way to handle life, is to put your life in God's hands. - Anthony Liccione
Only as high as I reach can I growOnly as far as I seek can I goOnly as deep as I look can I seeOnly as much as I dream can I be - Karen Ravn
I think part of my purpose in this life is to talk about magic, and to make it. - Theodora Goss
Your world is made of your memories, and your memories are given to you by your world. The whispering voice of happenstance is always in our ears. 'This is the world. This is the way things are. Look. Pay attention. Remember.' - Gordon Atkinson
Making God a man is the consolation prize that our forefathers gave themselves for not being the ones who were each blessed with a vagina. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Every memory becomes a golden treasure to us when we have lived our lives with tragedy and triumphs, sadness and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
Doubt treats God’s Word as human advice—but we should see doubt as a reminder of our need to pray. - Jim George
The irony of sensory deprivation tanks is that in order to think outside the box, you must first go inside one. - Ryan Lilly
- Ne treba se bojati ljudi.- Pa ja se i ne bojim ljudi, nego onog što je neljudsko u njma. - Ivo Andrić
I had a dream about you; I’ve had multiple dreams about you. If I had to choose between the real you and the dream you then…Goodnight. - Rodney Jenkins
I do not fear failure. I only fear the "slowing up" of the engine inside of me which is pounding, saying, "Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you? - George S. Patton Jr.
Repentance is words, God forgives the kind. - Sixeye
Whatever God's dream about man may be, it seems certain it cannot come true unless man cooperates. - Stella Terrill Mann
God leaves footprints wherever He goes;love alone uncovers them. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When we live in the ego, we are human. When we live in the Awareness of the Oneness, we are - Human Angels
My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there. - Charles Kettering
Resentment is like a drug. Once you pick it up, it will only get worse and worse until you surrender and do the work to let it go. - Samantha Leahy
Writers: read books. Read good books. Read bad books. Learn what does and does not work. - Kira Hawke
Gratitude leads to a good attitude - Habeeb Akande
It makes no difference where you go, there you are. And it makes no difference what you have, there’s always more to want. Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have. - Zig Ziglar
Als ik Hem in geloof zie, zie ik eigenlijk zo goed dat ik soms zeg: 'Ik geloof niet meer! Ik zie! - Brother Lawrence
An elephant: A mouse built to government specifications.
we’re all a grab bag of good and eveil, and by and large can’t tell which is which - Madeleine L'Engle
Increase is God’s blessing to us all and at the same time it is his commandment that we should increase - Sunday Adelaja
When the momentum of mindfulness is well developed, it works like a boomerang; even if we want to distract ourselves, the mind naturally rebounds to a state of awareness. - Joseph Goldstein
Cheer up, make every endeavor worthwhile and never get tempted to take away the privilege to smile because life deserves joy and laughter. - Cesar Gealogo
Don't go on sharing your secret's with everyone, you have the best safe for your secrets - Your Mind. - Alamvusha
To be silent the whole day long, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent to the fate of the world is the finest medicine a man can give himself. - Henry Miller
My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can. - Cary Grant
There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves. - Albert Guinon
Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid. - Walter Winchell
There is an evil tendency underlying all our technology - the tendency to do what is reasonable even when it isn't any good. - Robert Pirsig
Do not be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten. - Aesop
The most chronic heart disease is caused by having greediness in your heart. Go for check ups regularly and learn how to swallow those lumpy pills of generousity. Be kind and be healthy - Israelmore Ayivor
The most revolutionary aspect of the Protestant teaching however, is the fact that the Protestants began to look for ways and means to serve God better through inventions, discoveries, researches, sciences, factories, industries, etc. - Sunday Adelaja
It gets harder as times go by, because memory is the first casualty of manic depression. When I'm manic, all I remember is the moment. When I'm depressed, all I remember is the pain. The surrounding details are lost to me. - Terry Cheney
Do you want a good advice on your path? Here it is: Don’t be sure of your path! Don’t ever be sure of it! Do you want more advice? Here it is: Doubt your path! And examine the other paths, know the other paths! - Mehmet Murat ildan
While your ego is always trying to figure out its place in the world, your true self knows that your place is always right here, right now. - Elaine Moran
Erinnerungen sind aus wundersamen Stoff gemacht trügerisch und dennoch zwingend, mächtig und schattenhaft. Es ist kein Verlaß auf die Erinnerung, und dennoch gibt es keine Wirklichkeit außer der, die wir im Gedächtnis tragen. - Golo Mann
Saying sorry doesn't mean there isn't guilt & forgiving doesn't mean that the pain is gone. - Harriet Morgan
Spiritual awakening is an identity shift. You are God! - Erin Fall Haskell
Apollinaire said a poet should be 'of his time.' I say objects of the Digital Age belong in newspapers, not literature. When I read a novel, I don’t want credit cards; I want cash in ducats and gold doubloons. - Roman Payne
That which we want less of in society should rarely be privatized and that which we want more of often should be. - William MacGregor Robson
Egotism fears its own self. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Faith isn't hearing the voice of God. It's listening and hearing nothing, but moving toward the miracle anyway. God hears us even when we don't hear him. Knowing that requires real faith. - Toni Sorenson
We are all mistaken sometimes; sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward. - Alison Croggon
Like never before the trajectories of wealth, business, and poverty can be altered in unexpected ways by women. The field of dreams is being reconstructed by technology and the knowledge economy so that the gates, ceilings, doors, and portals are wide open for all who want to play. - Lillian Gregory
We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh ? - The Doctor
Don't be afraid of failure because failure can help you achieve your goals. - Evan Ricafort
Midlife is the time to let go of an overdominant ego and to contemplate the deeper significance of human existence. - C.G. Jung
Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. - Bible
No matter how much we try to keep things in order, life seems determined to scatter Legos under our bare feet. - Sammy Rhodes
All laws work for our good; therefore, we should know and observe them. - Sunday Adelaja
Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. - Woody Allen
It's about what YOU are going to do with the short time you have left on this earth. - Hugh Macleod
Too many people are endowed with a feeling of entitlement, but born without God-given empathy. - C. JoyBell C.
Inside the museums, | Infinity goes up on trial | Voices echo this is what salvation must be like after a while - Bob Dylan
Good leaders come together to solve problems in order to make a peaceful coexistence, but just a single soul can become the leathery meat in the soup. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I do not know what is going to happen to us. I am frightened but I feel strong. I have the strength of a woman who has everything to loose. - Erin Kelly Bartelma
He's not safe, but he's good (referring to Aslan, the Lion, in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) - C.S. Lewis
O coração de um homem não está apenas dentro do seu peito, está também dentro das pessoas que ama, dentro da família, dentro dos amigos. O seu sangue não corre apenas dentro do seu corpo. - Afonso Cruz
noone knows and noone seeswe lovers doing what we pleasebut people stop and point at theseten milk bottles a-turning into cheese - Roger McGough
In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe.
Once a newspaper touches a story, the facts are lost forever, even to the protagonists. - Norman Mailer
Scripture assumes that we will be afraid and anxious sometimes. What is important is where we turn, or to whom we turn when we are afraid. The God who calls you to trust in Him when you are afraid will spend a great deal of time showing you that you can trust Him. - Edward T. Welch
I do not speak as I think, I do not think as I should, and so it all goes on in helpless darkness. - Franz Kafka
God desires to use every believer to spread his kingdom everywhere in a grand manner. - Sunday Adelaja
The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever. - Herb Caen
Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. Goodness, remembrance and love have no end. - George W. Bush
The human heart has a way of thinking that it is always in the right and has no need to weep over its sins. By nature, we are self-confident and impenitent. We blame others or even accuse God when we do not understand His ways. - M. Basilea Schlink
You were not born to just go to school and work, Discover the world and enjoy your life while you're still young - El Fuego
If the present world go astray, the cause is in you, in you it is to be sought. - Dante Alighieri
If having problems feels like a problem to you, it may not be the problems themselves, but the way you think about them that is the problem. - Steve Goodier
Who is an elected government in a constitutional democracy to decide it will not tolerate dissent - Christina Engela
God answers all prayers, but sometimes his answer is 'no'! And you may become upset because he said no. But open up your eyes and look around at the things he said yes to. - Jerome D. Williams
With the glorious flames of compassion in your heart, embrace the goodness from all religions. - Abhijit Naskar
When every piece falls into place, it's like a dance, a delicate but powerful balancing act. The art of holding on and letting go at the same time. - Kristin Bartley Lenz
God has always heard and answered the prayers of all who cry on Him and call His name. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don't trouble yourself. God didn't make us to abandon us. - Michelangelo Buonarrotigelo
You claim to love God, and yet you disobey GodThis is a bizarre way of reasoningSurely, the lover, if his love is true,Is most obedient to the one he loves. - Poet
Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little. - Gore Vidal
The art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of the citizens to give to the other. - Voltaire
Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think you've lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time. - Asha Tyson
The fate of the world depends on the triumph of the good people! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When hope turns dark, I will bring the sun to light it, I shall guide, protect thee, For I am the human spirit.Poem: God’s Dream, in ‘Chameleon Lights - Ayushman Jamwal
Good listening places us on an edifice of learning complex human behavior. - Balroop Singh
I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. - Ettiene De Grellet
I go into ecstasies every time I see the naked figure of a woman, such as Venus, for example. It strikes me as so wonderful and exquisite that I have difficulty in stopping the tears rolling down my cheeks. - Anne Frank
Let the people think they govern, and they will be governed. - William Penn
And thus we all are nighingThe truth we fear to know:Death will end our cryingFor friends that come and go. - Edwin Arlington Robinson
Darkness is going into the Unknown as we are ignorant of this place, until we understand and go and learn of the light, which is the truth bringing knowledge .. - Fredg Morales
And I'm ill with the thought of your kiss, coffee-laced intoxicating on her lips... shut it out, I've got no claim on you now, I'm not allowed to wear you freedom down - A Fine Frenzy
So I let her go, too. And I'm sorry. I know you loved her. It was hard not to.Takumi - John Green
To die for a cause is easy, to live, to be steady day after day doing the small things, taking care of the details, knowing you will be forgotten by history and still choosing to do so, that is real courage - Anonymous
A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is not our fame or wealth that puts us in danger; it is our arrogance and egotism - M.F. Moonzajer
If you are very valiant, it is a god, I think, who gave you this gift. - Homer
When there is injustice someone should speak. When there is unfairness someone should act.We cannot have liberty and justice for all if we only want it only for ourselves. We must serve God in humble righteousness. - Tom Krause
Through action anti-advocates are made believers, even though that isn’t a goal, Right! Your goal is and should always be to fulfill your own expectations and exceed them. - Through action anti-advocates are made believers even though that isn t a goal Right Your goal is an
You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul - Christina Perri
Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time. - Tallulah Bankhead
Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow. - Arthur Stringer
So many Gods, so many creeds So many ways that wind and wind, While just the art of being kind is all this sad world needs. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Were not the gods forms created like me and you, mortal, transient? - Hermann Hesse
I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all. - Sigmund Freud
Success is working with enthusiasm and ambition, living with joy and kindness, and going toward a life of ultimate service and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
That we live in a godless universe is a reason to celebrate not despair. - Marty Rubin
Focus on the highest, clearest, and most meaningful teaching you can find, and let all else go. - Alan Cohen
Divlja srca se ne lome. Divlja srca gore. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Loneliness is the human condition. No one is ever going to fill that space. The best thing you can do it to know yourself... know what you want.
Life as time passes may become stale that’s why we have got to believe that the best things are yet to come. - Roxcy Joy Afable
Life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience that primordial shamanism is based on is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego. - Terence McKenna
Let it go with love, you will never lose anything. - Debasish Mridha
To improve quality of life, to evolve into a better version of ourselves, to pause in recognition of blessings with only our name on the tag, to dance in graitutde, to embrance with abandon, to give without receiving, to seek the face of God ... all this and more is why we exisit. - Toni Sorenson
First of all, I wish you love, and that by loving you may also be loved.But if it’s not like that, be brief in forgettingAnd after you’ve forgotten, don’t keep anything. - Victor Hugo
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as Eternity; speech is shallow as Time. - Thomas Carlyle
A wind starts to blow, without feelings,A song falls in love, without singing,A life will begin in melodies of the strings,May you find all pleasure of the light,God bless, Warrior of Light! - Santosh Kalwar
People come and go from our lives all the time. It's not our fault that people leave. The Universe is just making room for new people with new lessons. - Sue Fitzmaurice
A clever man commits no minor blunders. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Am better off with the bad news disclosed to me than the good news hidden from me - ABC
It is astonishing with how little wisdom mankind can be governed, when that little wisdom is its own.
God always knows our conscious, if it's bad He will stricken it, if it's good He will keep it clear, if you have no conscious then you're dead to God. - Anthony Liccione
It's a fathers job to spoil his daughters shamelessly, it's their husbands job to tame them. Prince Zehava-The Dragon Prince - Melanie Rawn
Faithfulness to God requires your obedience, even when it’s difficult. - Jim George
Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for .success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good. - Vaclav Havel
It is with our judgments as with our watches; no two go just alike, yet each believes his own. - Alexander Pope
"I, on the other hand, have a degree from the University of Life, a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks, and three gold stars from the Kindergarten of Getting the Shit Kicked Out of Me.
We have mainly been taught to just stay in the church, be faithful, serve the church, and serve the man of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Jesus is God is the unified field theory of Christianity". - R. Alan Woods
Hurting the person who hurt you won't heal your pain. Let them go. Karma will deal with them you don't have to write the script for the universe. - Paula Heller Garland
All humans are dead except those who have knowledge; and all those who have knowledge are asleep, except those who do good deeds;and those who do good deeds are deceived, except those who are sincere;and those who are sincere are always in a state of worry. (rahimullah) - Imam Shafi’i
Supongo que en una mujer, hasta el odio es una forma del amor. - Yasunari Kawata
Some things are too good to be true and truly are good and true. - Constance Friday
Life is at its best when everything has fallen out of place, and you decide that you're going to fight to get them right, not when everything is going your way and everyone is praising you. - Thisuri Wanniarachchi
Examine your heart and put away any distraction so you can worship God freely. - Jim George
Humanity is a spectator sport. God is the spectator. - Forrest Carr
If you aren't hurting after a good workout then obviously you haven't done something right - Mark W. Boyer
I've only got forever and forever is fine - Ashton Irwin
INSURRECTION, n. An unsuccessful revolution. Disaffection's failure to substitute misrule for bad government. - Ambrose Bierce
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.... - Dr. Seuss
Do not leave without saying good bye. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence. - Pythagoras
Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it. - Ellen Goodman
Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful. - Gautama Buddha
It's a big world for the idiots. If you're a writer, there are not many cities where you can go and feel normal. - Daniel Marques
Let go of a need for personal recognition. Heap kudos on others and they’ll perform even better next time. Leaders are only as good as those who follow them and followers are at their best when leaders are quick to give credit for successes. - Steve Goodier
Government should be a place where people can come together, and no one gets left behind. No one…gets left behind. An instrument of good. - Aaron Sorkin
human eyes know to converse well in all languages & human smiles know to conceal well many a things !!! - pro moods pramodh govindan
Letting go is hard, but always worth your efforts. - Anamika Mishra
Imagination is a gift given to us from God and each one of us use it differently. - Brian Jacques
God wants you to always have a hunger in your heart to learn something new. - Sunday Adelaja
Night becomes day only when the sun appears; dark man becomes good man only when the compassion appears! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A prosperous person programmes prosperous thinking into his or her mind. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
You can't be a good writer in the States anymore because to be a good one you have to have a country where you can be poor and still eat, and still make your living standard secondary to your writing. Thoreau himself couldn't do that in the States today. - Nelson Algren
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. - Patrick Henry
The greatest need of our age and of every age, the greatest need of every human heart, is to know the resources and sufficiency of God. - A.B. Simpson
The most common of all antagonisms arises from a man's taking a seat beside you on the train, a seat to which he is completely entitled. - Robert Benchley
I want all hellions to quit puffing that hell fume in God's clean air.
Most of the basic truths of life sound absurd at first hearing. - Elizabeth Goudge
Nothing was better than good sex.Chubby Chaser, 11/21/14. Available for preorder on Amazon. - Kahoko Yamada
[WASHINGTON]It’s alright, you want to fight, you’ve got a hungerI was just like you when I was youngerHead full of fantasies of dyin’ like a martyr?[HAMILTON]Yes[WASHINGTON]Dying is easy, young man. Living is harder - Lin-Manuel Miranda
The poor want to be rich, the rich want to be God. - Marty Rubin
Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Alli Condie
The Soviet Union is going to have a human-rights explosion. You'll have hundreds of thousands of dissidents.
Whenever you have an efficient government you have a dictatorship. - Harry S Truman
All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it! - Bob Newhart
Dreams are another slice of reality, not different from where we are now—they just tell about it in a different way. They also can open up your reality. They don’t have the constraints of conscious logic. - Natalie Goldberg
My heart feels not so much in my chest as in my hands. I am carrying it along swiftly, as though I have become the messenger for what is going on inside me. - Claire Keegan
Prayer is beyond any question the highest activity of the human soul. Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face to face with God. - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Let's have some new cliches. - Samuel Goldwyn
Worries isn't good to your mental and physical health, so you better stay away from those things that keeps on bothering you, live peacefully and free.Always pray, and one day blessings will be on your way! - Bradley B. Dalina
What is inner peace but a deeply held belief that your current situation is exactly as it should be." - L. R. W. Lee, Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury - L.R.W. Lee
In those days, he said the following: I can only give you a little; but that little, I give to you with love. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Always see the good in everyone...learn to see through God's eyes no matter what...remember, the tables may turn tomorrow. You just never know! - Kemi Sogunle
When you lay your head on the pillow at the end of the night, can you think of three things you did during the day to make your life better? Did you nourish your body? Your spirit? Your mind? If not, get back up and do something that good for YOU. - Toni Sorenson
I don't mind what Congress does, as long as they don't do it in the streets and frighten the horses. - Victor Hugo
You've got your Brain, Google, and most importantly, you've got Youtube. Use'em! - Olawale Daniel
When God's favour and Godly flavour is in you, your haters will taste wisdom and the only thing they can do is to regret ever tasting a sweet thing. - Israelmore Ayivor
One of the most stupid things in life is not to enter the door which is wide open just because of the fear that this door will be shut and going back will be impossible! Have some courage, because even a harvest mouse leaves his hole to discover new places! - Mehmet Murat ildan
God wants to lead you to places you cannot get to without Him, and He does that by the power of His Spirit. He can bring you into the realm of the miraculous—not as a show, but as a demonstration of His love and compassion for the lost, hurting, or needy. Who among us doesn’t want or need that? - Stormie Omartian
Steady faith is stronger than destiny. Destiny is the result of causes, mostly accidental, and is therefore loosely woven. Confidence and good hope will overcome it easily. - Nisargadatta Maharaj
Writers, when they’re good, open windows to worlds held precious and priceless by the soul. It is a sad day when they leave the earth, like having the windows shut for good. Where will the world be without good writers? - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Desire is inspired by motivation, which gives us hope to believe in ourselves that we can set goals and pursue them successfully. - Ellen J. Barrier
In simplest terms, a leader is one who knows where he wants to go, and gets up, and goes.
God's Will is what we would choose if we knew what God knows. - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
They do not discover anything new after that, they only learn how to understand better and better the secret entrusted to them at the outset; their creative effort goes into an unending exegesis, a commentary on that one couplet of poetry assigned to them. - Bruno Schulz
God is always trying to give blessings to us, but our minds are usually too full to receive them. - Shannon L. Alder
ولكن حتى قبل الجبال ، كانت هناك حيوانات مختلفة تمامًا عن حيوانات الحاضر. - E.H. Gombrich
Most of the things youfind yourself wantingwill have little or no bearingon the happiness in your life. - Domonique Bertolucci
To obtain wealth beyond measure, seek to make more friends than money. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I am constantly torn between the will to be seen and still hidden so god damn well, a contradiction I never figured out. - Charlotte Eriksson
(The Purge),... A lot of movies say that the silence is a deadly weapon yeah.... it's true!You, never know from where somebody is going to came out and how is going to came out. - Deyth Banger
The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready. - Henry David Thoreau
America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. - John Quincy Adams
What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. - Friedrich Nietzsche
It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You need less imagination to be a painter because you can invent things. But in photography everything is so ordinary; it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the extraordinary.
Every tear drop makes deep feelings, dont let them go, but just remember,some come, some go, keep trying, hold on and always, always believe in yourself, so keep your head high, keep your chin up and smile in every situation : - irak.ibrahim hussain didi
A country as such does not be good or bad, only the people are good or bad, that too change by generations and this scenario is same to any nations. what India really have is a rich legacy.. nothing else - Rajesh Nanoo
Your walk with God does not depend on people,places,things or events. - Henry Brandt
The emotions that good hunters need to cultivate are love and service more than courage. The sentiments of the hunt then become translated into art. - James Swan
God is as real as a station wagon. - Peggy Payne
Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. - Rabindranath Tagore
In marriage, everyday you love,and everyday you forgive.It is an ongoing sacrament, love and forgiveness - Bill Moyers
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. - Joseph Addison
For a good cause, wrongdoing is virtuous. - Publilius Syrus
Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents.
I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man. - Che Guevara
Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer. - Padre Pio
Work is given to us by God as an instrument to multiply resources. - Sunday Adelaja
I'm simply interested in what is going to happen next. I don't think I can control my life or my writing. Every other writer I know feels he is steering himself, and I don't have that feeling. I don't have that sort of control. I'm simply becoming. I'm startled that I became a writer. - Kurt Vonnegut
For my part, i travel not to go anywhere but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move - Robert Davis Stevenson
The main message of Jesus, I believed, is that mercy trumps justice every time. Not only that, but maybe the basic message of original sin isn't "feel guilty all the time." Maybe it is more along these lines: "We all have a notion of what it means to be good, and we can't live up to it all the time. - Paul Kalanithi
El universo escucha y luego manifiesta. - Ismael Cael
An unfortunate thing about this world is that the good habits are much easier to give up than the bad ones. - W. Somerset Maugham
I believe with all my heart that one cannot be America's president without a belief in God, without the strength that your faith gives you. - George Bush
There's something intrinsically therapeutic about choosing to spend your time in a wide, open park- like setting that non-golfers can never truly understand. - Charles Rosin
My health is only just good enough for myself alone, not good enough for marriage, let alone fatherhood. Yet when I read your letter, I feel I could overlook even what cannot possibly be overlooked. - Franz Kafka
Have a ray of sunshine and light with you everywhere you may go. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Go where imagination takes you-- not where others have gone before. - Debasish Mridha
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. - George Jean Nathan
The moral of the story is even though that seemed like the end of the world back then, right now I can look back on it and laugh. And if anyone is going through something similar right now just know it will get better. - Phil Lester
You can never learn to be strong if you have not fallen and got up by yourself. - Auliq Ice
Although we, as Christians, are living in Sodom, we are not to become citizens of Sodom. . The story of Sodom is God's reminder to the modern world - Sunday Adelaja
Dieu me pardonnera. C'est son metier. (God will forgive me. It's his job.) - Heinrich Heine
The 6 greatest detriments to our health, happiness, and ultimate success: Regret, Worry, Guilt, Blame, Gossip, & ResentmentRemoving just one can change your life. - Charles F. Glassman
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxieseach with two hundred billion starsthen rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh? - Ron Patterson
I think I’ll feel out of place wherever I go on earth, forever. But that’s fine. I have to make my peace with that. - Laura Marling
It did occur to me that the effect of good literature may be as dizzying as that of alcohol. - Pamela Dean
By the external appearance of your knowledge, you have attained (high) ranks and reverence with the people! So seek with Allah higher ranks and closeness by virtue of your hidden good deeds. And know that these two ranks, one cancels out the other. - Wuhayb ibn al-Wird
The heart is a foreign country whose language none of us is good at. - Jack Gilbert
The gift of being able to speak with a holy God because of the righteousness we gain through Jesus on the cross is an indescribable miracle! - Alisa Hope Wagner
The only difference between May and Day is the M and D! Be a good Managing Director of your life each day in May. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Bob's Words:Nobody knows what tomorrow bringsBy loving, giving, caringAnd sharing todayLets one know that if tomorrowDoes not comeToday is a good day to be the last - Greg Noack
When you close your doors, and make darkness within, remember never to say that you are alone, for you are not alone; nay, God is within, and your genius is within. And what need have they of light to see what you are doing? - Epictetus
In our hip-hop lives we make rhymes we make beats we go big or go home. - Esme from Sister Mischief - Laura Goode
Some steal, earn a lot of money, but lose their honour and become very poor; some work, earn a little money, but gain a good honour and become very rich! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The good people sleep much better at night than the bad people. Of course, the bad people enjoy the waking hours much more. - Woody Allen
Spend time understanding who you are, after all the only person your ever going to truly live with; is yourself. - Nikki Rowe
Mnie Bóg, w życiu moim, nigdy nie był potrzebny - od najwcześniejszego dzieciństwa, ani przez pięć minut - byłem zawsze samowystarczalny. / I have never in my life needed God - from the infancy, since I was 5, I was self-sufficient. (Dziennik 1956, XVIII Niedziela) - Witold Gombrowicz
Body awareness not only anchors you in the present moment. It is a doorway out of the prison that is the ego. - Eckhart Tolle
I treat winning and losing exactly the same. I see them both as necessary steps to get us where we are going. Big failures big lessons little failures little lessons. - Bob Proctor
It wasn't necessary to know your own demons in order to find God. - Paulo Coelho
Government expands to absorb revenue - and then some.
Men are jerks. Women are psychotic. - Kilgore Trout
People search the world over looking for someone to love them, when they should be searching for someone to love. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Why so eager to jump in and direct someone else's life when you can't stick to your own goals and resolutions? - Richelle E. Goodrich
History and beauty lie in the baroque wrinkles of old cathedrals. mosques, synagogues, temples and faces whose stories are told without a single word. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. - Guillaume Apollinaire
Let mental culture go on advancing, let the natural sciences progress in even greater extent and depth, and the human mind widen itself as much as it desires: beyond the elevation and moral culture of Christianity, as it shines forth in the Gospels, it will not go. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Nothing to me feels as good as laughing incredibly hard. - Steve Carell
When I was earning, saving, and spending, I felt poor. When I started to give away some of my earning for good purposes, abundance filled my heart. - Debasish Mridha
A good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. These men usually have jobs and bathe. - Rita Rudner
No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
There is a good side to every situation.
Not only does God play dice with the Universe - he sometimes casts them where they can't be seen. - Stephen Hawking
Guy of Gisborne: I understand the king is winning, thanks be to God. Robin Hood: He’s killing more people.Gisborne: Is that not winning?Robin: Show me an argument ever settled with bloodshed, and then I’ll call it winning. - BBC Robin Hood
And the most extraordinary thing is that, in the end, as you grow older, you continue to go poop once a day if you are in good health, while it is not easy to make love every day. So finally, the pleasure is longer-lasting and more frequent than the other. - Guy Fournier
Some won’t appreciate you no matter how much you do for them. Release yourself. Go where you’re appreciated and understood. - Robert Tew
Theology is speaking about God while in the very presence of God. We are intimately engaged with the subject of our study. - Michael F. Bird
Reveal you soul only to God. Don’t judge other by their acts, good or bad; still learn from what you see. - VIRGIL PROFEANU
It hurts because He is treating your spiritual disease, just as a good medical practitioner does for his patients. - Steven Chopade
Why live unless you live large? Death is a reality, always present, waiting, with that in mind, live today, it is everything you own. - Jason Goodman
If there is a single factor that makes spiritual direction effective as a change agency for the soul, it is this: spiritual direction holds our shame at bay long enough for us to see ourselves as God sees us in Christ. - Gary W. Moon
I was looking down the road of "life gone by" and I realized this road of life is not as long as it looks. Travel with caution and maximize every mile. It can be a beautiful journey. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Happiness is like those palaces in fairytales whose gates are guarded by dragons: We must fight in order to conquer it. - Alexandre Dumas
One of the realities we're all called to go through is to move from repulsion to compassion and from compassion to wonderment. - Mother Teresa
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back. - Maya Angelou
It is not good that the man should be alone. - Bible
God is not only something metaphysical, but also the physical world, the plants and animals, the mountains and rivers, the air and the sun and the earth. - Jeffrey R. Anderson
It is good to collect things, but it is better to go on walks. - Anatole France
Amazingly, if God calls us to do something, He will help us accomplish it. We may doubt or we may simply believe. God chooses us for a particular reason. He is STRETCHING us from the inside out....to reach the lost, to provide hope, to be like Jesus on earth. - Dana Arcuri
If we don't chase things--sometimes the things following us can catch up. - L. M. Montgomery
Are the choices you are making going to really make you happy NOW or happy eventually? - Robert Holden
If you could blow the brain up to the size of a mill and walk about inside, you would not find consciousness. - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
I fear it is my lot, to bide my days in hunchbacked thought, to find what I forgot. - Roman Payne
You want to go to a place where you never lose anything and you keep gaining many things? Go to the Land Of Literature where you gain new paths, new ideas, new lives, new goals, and new souls! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Anything or everything can happen. You determine how good or bad they are - Constancev Chuks Friday
When I capture my thoughts and compare them to the truth of God’s Word, I often find they are false, deceptive, or destructive. - Lori Hatcher
Where do you go when you're lonely?Where do you go when you're blue?Where do you go when you're lonely?I'll follow youWhen the stars go blue. - Ryan Adams
By reading quotes i realized that some of them containing simple words, but this simple words could change our lives.how if we read the holy Quran That has the best words , it will change our lives and Our death .Thank God that I was born Muslim - Abood Dweik
Packed up the Dylan and the Man Ray and the JoyceI left a note that said well I guess I got no choiceScuse me girl while I'm kicking it to the curbLeaving with all I need but less than I deserve - Walter Becker
The most common lie you will ever tell God is your opportunity to do the right thing was taken from you. - Shannon L. Alder
Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it. - Mark Twain
Josie is a Pye, said Marilla sharply, so she can’t help being disagreeable. I suppose people of that kind serve some useful purpose in society, but I must say I don’t know what it is any more than I know the use of thistles. - L.M. Montgomery
God invites us to start and continue each day with Him. I have found it wise to accept His request. - Eric Samuel Timm
How can a God who said, Love your enemies spend so much time killing His own? - D.R. Silva
this is the rough part, okay? so just stay tuned for the good part. i promise it'll come soon. - John Green
With patience and perseverance my day will come! - Susan Segovia Munoz
How focused you are, defines the intensity of success you are going to get. - Harsh Malik
Life is not complicated or finicky, it will gladly take you anywhere you choose to go. - Mark W. Boyer
Bad friends are those who make you cry.Good friends are those who understand why you're crying.Best friends are those who do everything to stop you from crying. - Asi Wudu
It is not in our forming battlements or bristling seacoasts, or our Army and Navy that makes America great - but rather our reliance in the law of liberty and the religious law God has planted in us. - Abraham Lincoln
Every choice you make is have an end result and you are the only one who responsible for whatever the result is. - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal, sivaprakash sidhu, sivaprakash
I know perfectly well he's a god, too. But what I think is he'll be much godlier after he's dead. - Ursula K. Le Guin
Books themselves need no defense. Their spokesmen come and go, their readers live and die, they remain constant. - Lawrence Clark Powell
I ought to grow up successfully, and I'm sure it will be my own fault if I don't. I feel it's a great responsibility because I have only one chance. If I don't grow up right I can't go back and begin over again. - L.M Montgomery
Faith is trusting, that no matter what plan you had, God has a better one. - Chris Burkmenn
Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God. - Bob Pierce
Murphy's law inverted: What can go right, will go right. (Works if you're an optimist.) - Saloma Miller Furlong
So Jesus in the throes of his Passion is an image of hope: God is on the side of those who suffer. - Pope Benedict XVI
Begin to trust God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People don't start wars, governments do. - Ronald Reagan
She was asked, What do you see in him?Taken aback, she replied, What does he see in me?Others too wondered why she chose him not as handsome as the others, not one with a lot of possessions or even status, but little did they know, as little minds go, that she chose the one who wanted her most. - Donna Lynn Hope
Mankind's first sin gave us the ability to know both good and evil. Our subsequent sins make us increasingly unable to tell the difference. - Ron Brackin
A lot of parents tell their children that if they want to be an actor, that's fine, but they should do something else first, so they've got something to fall back on. It doesn't work like that, as far as I'm concerned. - Ewan McGregor
An unread book does nobody any good. Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page. - Brandon Mull
Let us never be afraid of innocent joy; God is good and what he does is well done; resign yourself to everything, even happiness; ask for the spirit of sacrifice, of detachment, of renunciation, and above all, for the spirit of joy and gratitude. - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
Qui-gon shook his head. 'No,' he said firmly. 'I'm not testing you, Obi-wan. Life tests you! Every day it brings you new chances for triumph or defeat. And if you pass the test, it doesn't make you a Jedi. It makes you human. - Dave Wolverton
Because," I said, "the japanese were as responsible as the Germans for turning Americans into a bunch of bankrupt militaristic fuckups - after we'd done such a good job of being sincere war-haters after the First World War. - Kurt Vonnegut
If I had my way, any man guilty of golf would be ineligible for any office of trust in the United States. - H. L. Mencken
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Hunter S. Thompson
But for us the road unfurls itself, we don't stop walking, we know there is far to go. - Denise Levertov
Love is greater than marriage, love is the greater thing while marriage, though noble and honorable, is questionable in its origins. I question the creations of man, I do not question the masterpieces of God. - C. JoyBell C.
Question how much freedom your path affords you. Be utterly ruthless about it. It's your freedom that will get you to where you want to go. - Hugh Macleod
Go ragged then, but pride makes a poor covers; once one man laughs you're naked. - Geraldine Harris
Such things as are good simply because they have been commanded or instituted, or as being symbols of something good, are mere shadows which cannot be reckoned among actions that are the offspring, as it were, or fruit of a sound mind and of intellect. - Baruch Spinoza
Courage comes with action. The minute you step forward, the minute you declare your decision, the minute you say, "This is how it's going to go," courage comes. It floods through you and energizes every single fiber of your being. You don't have to wait for it. It'll be there. - Gail Blanke
Hard times refine us like gold. - Lailah Gifty Akita
America has begun a spiritual reawakening. Faith and hope are being restored. Americans are turning back to God. Church attendance is up. Audiences for religious books and broadcasts are growing. And I do believe that he has begun to heal our blessed land.
Any new venture goes through the following stages: enthusiasm, complication, disillusionment, search for the guilty, punishment of the innocent, and decoration of those who did nothing. - Unknown
God gave men a heart but he gave certain hearts to other men. - Robert Kodingo
Luxury life is good if everyman living on earth can benefit from it! Otherwise, it is injustice! - Mehmet Murat ildan
In spite of everything that has happened, I still believe that people are really good at heart. - Anne Frank
Treat your clients with high professionalism and they will no more negotiate with you. - Amit Kalantri
Accept me for who iam or leave me the way iam, for a true image of God needs no Photoshop and the core of who i really am has no settings - Morgan Chabane
Never mourn the loss of innocence, because it always brings the much greater gain of wisdom. - Erica Goros
Passion is the fuel that keeps your venture going,even when income is no where to be found. - Auliq Ice
Even good opinions are worth very little unless we hold them in the broad, intelligent, and spacious way. - John Viscount Morley
Don't play dumb. You're not as good at it as I am.
When we got into office, the thing that surprised me the most was that things were as bad as we'd been saying they were. - John F. Kennedy
So It's Gonna Be Forever or It's Gonna Go Down In FlamesYou Can Tell Me When It's Over, If the High Was Worth the Pain. - Taylor Swift
A good book is always on tap; it may be decanted and drunk a hundred times, and it is still there for further imbibement. - Holbrook Jackson
God is a comedian playing to an audience that is too afraid to laugh. - Voltaire
Sooner or later, we all learn that our immortality is rooted not in our professional involvements and achievements, but in our families. In time, all of our wins and losses in the workplace will be forgotten. If our memories endure, it will be because of the people we have known and touched. - Harold S. Kushner
Learn to accept things, learn to understand things that they're happening because it's for our own good. No matter what happen, just always remember that "If that thing didn't happen, I wouldn't be what I am now. - Jayson Engay
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. - Winston S. Churchill
During my mental illness, thank God, my grandma was my human rescuer and angel, she ask me to stop taking the medication, leading to the recovering. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master. - George Washington
Knowing that there is worse pain doesn't make present pain hurt any less. - Gordon Atkinson
One does not go to Moscow to get fat. - John Updike
Why do all great men, live not long enough, to see their greatness? - Borgohain J.
Every child gets a good mother, but not every mother gets a good child. - Amit Kalantri
Those that are good manners at the court are as ridiculous in the country, as the behavior of the country is most mockable at the court. - William Shakespeare
God can only work through those who have totally identified themselves with His will and purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
For every good deed done, a blessing is waiting to be born! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more. - Woody Allen
Trust, no amount of efforts in terms of a hard work will ever work to produce the desired results unless and until it is coupled with a good luck. - Anuj Somany
To judge someone is to say that I have the right to define who they are, verses understanding that God has handed me the priceless privilege of discovering who they are. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Let your work speak for itself:If poor, it will remain silent.If average, it will whisper.If good, it will talk.If great, it will shout.If genius, it will sing. - Matshona Dhliwayo
To be forgotten by the one to whom you never forget is the worst thing ever happens. - Na
Colonialism. The enforced spread of the rule of reason. But who is going to spread it among the colonizers? - Anthony Burgess
An old house with its windows gone always makes me think of something dead with its eyes picked out. - L. M. Montgomery
Arrange your life in such a way that you don't make choices based on fear of God, instead of love of God. - Shannon L. Alder
My alma mater was books, a good library.... I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity. - Malcolm X
Art makes murder into the supreme image of Beauty and in doing so sets free the vengeful God. (referring to Jean Lorrain's LE VICE ERRANT) - Jennifer Birkett
Her two outstanding characteristics were self-confidence and candor. The latter sometimes got her into hot water Durrance later told Charlotte, but the former kept it from scalding her. - Olive Higgins Prouty
A great difference between May and Day is the M and D! Be a good Managing Director of your life each day in May. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
There is only one way to defeat the enemy, and that is to write as well as one can. The best argument is an undeniably good book. - Saul Bellow
Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them! - Albert Einstein
There are as many violent women as men, but there's a lot of money in hating men, particularly in the United States -- millions of dollars. It isn't a politically good idea to threaten the huge budgets for women's refuges by saying that some of the women who go into them aren't total victims. - Erin Pizzey
Oh, oh, oh I can't do that and that... Okay I will do that,... I gonna read this book, I will check out this film and in the end few of them have read the book or the books and the film or the films. - Deyth Banger
Judge of thine improvement, not by what thou speakest or writest, but by the firmness of thy mind, and the government of thy passions and affections. - Thomas Fuller
You may have the greatest vision, plans or goals as you may term it. You can call it Vison 2020, Vision 2045 or whatever. But remember, not work is done unless a distance is covered! - Israelmore Ayivor
Everything is an appreciation, even an insult provided you look at it with that angle. - Vipin Behari Goyal
Life is simple:We lose and regain; and the wheel keeps spinning and the wheel keeps spinning. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Going after what I believe in. - Paulo Coelho
The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy - I mean that if you are happy you will be good. - Bertrand Russell
She thought little of her ordeal. Cruelty was part of nature, like a winter frost; something to be survived and then forgotten (p.689) - Tim Willocks
The only good death is a life well lived. - C. R. Powers
In the non-dual state, God, soul and universe are essentially one absolute system which is all-pervading, uncreated, self-luminous and eternal. - Abhijit Naskar
Religion + Good Works = Good WorksSolve for Religion. - Dan Barker
Those who are so eager for women and girls to go back to the kitchen might think again about just what it is we might be up to in there. You can plan a lot of damage from a kitchen. It’s also where the knives are kept. - Laurie Penny
I’m going to break one of the rules of the trade here. I’m going to tell you some of the secrets of improvisation. Just remember—it’s always a good idea to follow the directions exactly the first time you try a recipe. But from then on, you’re on your own. - James Beard
Only he who asks the question, will be able to hear the answer. - Ali Ezzat Bigovich
Time can heal and time can help forgive and forget because in time the memories fade. The time will go so slow so fast and love will stay if it's right. - Kate McGahan
Although there are several 'schools of thought' relating to why God allows mental, emotional, and physical afflictions, it essentially remains a mystery"~ [2012] - R. Alan Woods
They tell us the greatest love story is how water fell in love with fire. Or how satan fell in love with God. But the greatest love story to me is how I didn’t notice myself falling, when I fell in love with you - Kamand Kojouri
If you want to determine if your thoughts are from the enemy or from God, ask yourself, 'Are these thoughts I’d choose to have? - Stormie Omartian
Sometimes I think the world has gone completely mad. And then I think, "Aw, who cares?" And then I think, "Hey, what's for supper? - Jack Handy
Then indecision brings its own delays, And days are lost lamenting over lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Your soul smiles; when your heart beats in harmony. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
[Religious belief is] outmoded and ridiculous. [Belief in gods was a] worn out but once useful crutch in mankind's journey towards truth. We consider the time has come for that crutch to be abandoned. - Peter Atkins
It seemed like an unachievable goal for one person to bring sunshine to one hundred little faces when what they need is a mother apiece. - Jean Webster
Youth is gone -- gone -- and will never come back: can't help it. - Charlotte Brontë
I'd never be where I am if more successful writers hadn't taken an interest in me and done me a good turn. - Sara Sheridan
I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Sometimes the greatest storms bring out the greatest beauty… Life can be a storm, but your hope is a rainbow and your friends and family are the gold. - Steve Maraboli
a penny for my thoughts oh no i'll sell em for a dollar their worth so much more after im a goner and then maybe you'll hear the words ive been singing funny when your dead how people start listening - The Band Perry
God is not interested in your art but, your heart. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
You must know where you're and see what's ahead of you, by doing that you'll be able to achieve your dreams and goals. This sort of journey is called the power of sight and the power of imagination. Without the capacity of imagination the future is doomed. - Euginia Herlihy
Go to other people's funerals or they won't come to yours. - Yogi Berra
I was behind, but now I'm below. Hopefully, they'll have books wherever I go... - Carmen DeSousa
The world opens up to you when you pour out goodness. The universe opens up to you when you pour out love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
God, there must be a meaning. Fiercely he was certain that there must be a meaning.Surely, while we live we are not lost.Oh Janos, Janos my brother!Surely we are not lost--while we live. - John Hepworth
I am living in hell from one day to the next. But there is nothing I can do to escape. I don't know where I would go if I did. I feel utterly powerless, and that feeling is my prision. I entered of my own free will, I locked the door, and I threw away the key. - Haruki Murakami
I say that my value is based on my accomplishments. Christmas is God saying that I am His accomplishment and that will forever be enough. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I think women are sexy when they got some clothes on. And if later they take them off then you've triumphed. Somebody once said it's what you dont see you're interested in, and this is true. - Groucho Marx
Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you? - Terence McKenna
The Protestants believe in the higher power through the truth they derive from the word of God. They got to know the truth and that truth set them free and they took the truth to the society and set their whole generation free. - Sunday Adelaja
Be like the sun; it does not look for the spotlight; the limelight travels with it wherever it goes. - Matshona Dhliwayo
God takes great joy in the passionate romantic love between a husband and wife. - Jim George
The more good ideas you have, the more good ideas you will get. - Audrey Moralez
Girls, watch out for the bad guys!...there are those capable of showering their resources on you just to dance on top of you, and finally destroy your good image and reputation. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Az idő mindent meggyógyít, csak épp igazságot nem szolgáltat. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate. - Thomas Jefferson
Of all the unexpected things in contemporary literature, this is among the oddest: that kids have an inordinate appetite for very long, very tricky, very strange books about places that don’t exist. - Adam Gopnik
If you want to change something by Tuesday, theater is no good. Journalism is what does that.But, if you want to just alter the chemistry of the moral matrix, then theater has a longer half-life. - Tom Stoppard
You haven't lived a full life until you have been in a very tough situation when you thought you were going to die. War does that to you. - William E. Peterson
Oh! love!... That is to be two and to be but one. A man and a woman mingled into one angel. It is heaven. - Victor Hugo
Gratitude was never meant to be an excuse for giving up on the obstacles God has put before you. Some of the most magical things he can bring us require faith and a lot of planning. - Shannon L. Alder
I wasn't born to cook or clean,but to read and write,if you don't like me the way I am,then go fly a kite. - Besa Kosova
The vibrations on the air are the breath of God speaking to man's soul. Music is the language of God. We musicians are as close to God as man can be. We hear his voice, we read his lips, we give birth to the children of God, who sing his praise. That's what musicians are. - Stephen J. Rivele
God can turn your weaknesses into your strength. - Sunday Adelaja
I believe great things are ahead for each of us. Now we just have to go ahead and create them. - Tom Althouse
Math is a hard subject.... - no silence from you and skipping this and going to the next quote, didn't you done this? - Deyth Banger
The only love you have to prove in life is your love of God and helping others. Anyone that can't see that has proven themselves to be unworthy of your time because why would you spend your life with someone that can't tell the difference between a diamond and dirt? - Shannon L. Alder
The devil is busytrying to take from uswhat we get from God,and so God bids us hold fast. - C. Nuzum
when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth- that hero lies in you. - Mariah Carey
Creativity and artistic endeavors have a mission that goes far beyond just making music for the sake of music - Herbie Hancock
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something. - Wilson Mizner
If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
understanding why you are not reaching your goals is as equally as important as setting the path to obtain them. - Eric Zaccone
To lose a problem, do not oppose, let go of any need to control, perhaps it's all an illusion we project, more like a game we play than real? - Jay Woodman
It doesn't mean I'm not thinking it. I always feel a bit defeated when I have to follow up with "I love you too". It's like the sequel to a film: I Love You and I Love You Too. You know the second one's always going to be a predictable reworking of the first. - James Hannah
I've often thought that the process of aging could be slowed down if it had to go through Congress.
Black literature is taught as sociology, as tolerance, not as a serious, rigorous art form. - Toni Morrison
I never wanted but your heart--that gone, you have nothing more to give. - Mary Wollstonecraft
The Gospel worldview equips the artist with a unique combination of optimism and realism about life. - Timothy J. Keller
I didn't want to kiss you goodbye that was the trouble I wanted to kiss you good night and there's a lot of difference. - Ernest Hemingway
We both have no home to go back to... so we can go anywhere at all. - Kazuya Minekura
All the good times evaporated like naphtha, the moment some air of misconceptions touched it. - Faraaz Kazi
The more people have studied different methods of bringing up children the more they have come to the conclusion that what good mother and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is the best after all. - Benjamin Spock
Go and wake up your luck. - Persian Proverb
If you'd like to be good at something, the first thing to out the window is the notion of perfection. - Scott Berkun
Do you really need permission? Still waiting for that invitation to your life? No one is going to give it to you...only you can do that. - Jennifer Ho-Dougatz
I don't want Church to be like all those dead pets! she burst out, suddenly tearful and furious. I don't want Church to ever be dead! He's my cat! He's not God's cat! Let God have all the damn old cats He wants, and kill them all! Church is mine! - Stephen King
Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. - J. K. Rowling
If you go deeper into the details of your calling, finding out new things about it, seeking wisdom and understanding from God on it, this in itself will cause you to be successful. He that tills his land will be satisfied with bread. - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
And in despair I bowed my head;"There is no peace on earth," I said;"For hate is strong,And mocks the songOf peace on earth, good-will to men!"Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:"God is not dead, nor doth he sleep!The Wrong shall fail,the Right prevail,With peace on earth, good-will to men! - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
That God does not exist, I cannot deny, That my whole being cries out for God I cannot forget. - Jean-Paul Sartre
The goals directs you in a place that you never been before, Create one. - Dariush Youkhaneh
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side. - Aristotle
Fools follow foolishly their imaginary lookalikes as god. Such silly follies exist not. Seek 'What Is'. And is not. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Ellos, los escritores, eran pródigos como reyes y estaban llenos de ideales ambiciosos y fantásticos delirios. Era una existencia entre el cielo y la tierra, metida en las tormentas, algo sublime - Gustave Flaubert
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I put the sexy in dyslexia. - Mariah Gonzales
The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. - Thomas Paine
Literature is the ditch I'm going to die in. It's still the thing I care most about. - Thomas McGuane
Go in the direction of where your peace is coming from. - C. JoyBell C.
When people hurt it is because they feel they are going to lose something. The questions to ask is: What? - Shannon L. Alder
We are never alone God will always be with us. - Edwin Medina
Destiny is like a Horizon, You reach one and find that you are yet to reach one... - Sagar Gosavi
To set goals and pursue them, we must have a desire to dream of things some would think to be impossible. - Ellen J. Barrier
Nevertheless, I sought counsel from my leaders and obeyed, even when I knew their advice would make my life more complicated. I decided it was not for me to question and that if some advice caused temporary pain for me, it must be something I should experience. - Gordon B. Hinckley
My favorite thing about the Internet is that you get to go into the private world of real creeps without having to smell them. - Penn Jillette
"Do you consider yourself a disciplined guy? Do you get up every day and `go to work'?" "Well, yeah. I try to get up every day."
A child who was born with a silver spoon is likely to not appreciate all he is provided with.And it is likely that a child who grew up from the dust to look down on others once the floods gate of success opens up for him.It is NOT where you come FROM that matters,But where you are GOING. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
One of the greatest pieces of advice I’ve ever gotten in my life was from my mom. When I was a little kid there was a kid who was bugging me at school and she said Okay, I’m gonna tell you what to do. If the kid’s bugging you and puts his hands on you; you pick up the nearest rock... - Johnny Depp
But even then I knew it wasn’t me that saved her life. It wasn’t about me. I was just there while she was maybe going to die and maybe not, and then she just didn’t. - Lucy Corin
Life is like a camera... Focus on what's important capture the good times and develop from the negative. - Pravinee Hurbungs
May God grant children who will fear and revered Him. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Integrity combined with faithfulness is a powerful force and worthy of great respect. - Gordon Atkinson
This is the great world, and I am only Kim. Who is Kim?' He considered his own identity, a thing he had never done before, till his head swam. He was one insignificant person in all this roaring whirl of India, going southward to he knew not what fate. - Rudyard Kipling
It’s not enough to wish, dream, hope. Even children know this. We must set sail into the sea of uncertainty. We must meet fear face-to-face. We must take our dreams as maps for a greater journey. Dreams, to come true, need a good story. So go live one. - Vironika Tugaleva
Want to come one step closer to wisdom? Then you have to train yourself unconditionally in forbearance. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Reach high, for the stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.
Every day you should wake up with the excitement in knowing that God’s plans for you are far greater than your dreams for yourself. The best is yet to come! - DeWayne Owens
Sales is my Religion and Customer is my God and I Worship Him, The only thing is that my God is not very happy n generous always. - honeya
The truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is. - Nadine Gordimer
Good or bad, words have an impact on each of us. As a writer, I can only hope that the effects my words have on others are more often good than bad. - Jessica Lave
Whether God exists or does not exist, He has come to rank among the most sublime and useless truths. - Denis Diderot
The world is your canvas and your teacher.Take a day to reflect, measure and adjust on your goals; progress is essential to continued success. - Bob Proctor
Bargaining with God is pointless. He already has a thousand followers that will do what you bargained to do for free. - Shannon L. Alder
Your friends drag you down, Gordie. Don't you know that? [...] Your friends do. They're like drowning guys that are holding onto your legs. You can't save them. You can only drown with them. - Stephen King
I learnt my best lessons from some of the worst people & I look back now and think thank fuck I let you go, I deserved to grow. - Nikki Rowe
The God who is human in his divinity is the precise opposite of an essence which in ill-willed fashion closes itself to all human thought and knowledge... As love, rather, God is thinkable, without a distinction capable of made between essence and existence. Love is essentially existing lovingly. - Eberhard Jüngel
The written word can make one pause and contemplate. It can make a reader sigh to dream or question a belief in considerable depth. But all of that is nothing if those words fail to touch the heart and make one feel. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If you have the power to change the world for the better, you should do it. That's why people who do nothing are idiots, but idiots who do nothing are life-savers. - James McGregor
Most people believe the mind to be a mirror, more or less accurately reflecting the world outside them, not realizing on the contrary that the mind is itself the principal element of creation. - Rabindranath Tagore
To achieve all of your goals, focus on one goal at a time. - Debasish Mridha
We know what we should do. Age is no excuse. Do we go to others for permission or for discipline? - Donna Lynn Hope
Only love of a good woman will make a man question every choice, every action. Only love makes a warrior hesitate for fear that his lady will find him cruel. Only love makes a man both the best he will ever be, and the weakest. Sometimes all in the same moment. -Wicked - Laurell K. Hamilton
Follow the urge of the spirit of God into the next destination in our journey of faith as a Nation. - Sunday Adelaja
For a scientist, this is a good way to live and die, maybe the ideal way for any of us - excitedly finding we were wrong and excitedly waiting for tomorrow to come so we can start over. - Norman Maclean
-a superb moon, round as a pumpkin and golden as honey, filling the rooftop world with light, and deep, mysterious shadow. - Barbara Sleigh
GRACEGRACE is the GIFT of God's Riches' the PEACE of God, The LOVE of God, The HOPE of God. - Max Lucado
No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. - Abraham Lincoln
Let a crown be placed thereon, by which the world may know, that so far as we approve of monarcy, that in America the law is King. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to be no other. - Thomas Paine
A good entrepreneur is a good teacher. - Edward D. Hess
Whatever mistakes her son might make in life, Cindy was sure God would have mercy on him. The church, she feared, might not. - Justin Lee
A young writer is easily tempted by the allusive and ethereal and ironic and reflective, but the declarative is at the bottom of most good writing. - Garrison Keillor
If God exists, he exists for all of us - Sandesh Hukpachongbang
Ko se igra sa grijesima, igra se sa svojom uputom. - Dževad Gološ
We're here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark. - Whoopi Goldberg
When I sit down to write I actually ask myself, 'Who do you want to be today?' - Richelle E. Goodrich
Never leave a situation unless you know what you needed and what you were never going to get. - Shannon L. Alder
The destiny of every country is in the hands of the people who know God. - Sunday Adelaja
Those who know you, don’t know you. Those who don’t know you, want to know you; and the cycle goes on. - Vinita Kinra
If God dropped acid, would he see people? - Steven Wright
Hey, maybe instead of going to college, you should drop out and I could quit my job and we can form an all-girl band with Lane, you know, like Bananarama. We could call it Tangerinarama or Banana-fana-fo-fana-rama…or something. - Daniel Palladino
Be above it! Make the world serve your purpose, but do not serve it! - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The most disgusting human trait is bias, because it typically leads to propaganda, hate and violence. - Lori Goodwin
Those who, while they disapprove of the character and measures of a government, yield to it their allegiance and support are undoubtedly its most conscientious supporters, and so frequently the most serious obstacles to reform. - Henry David Thoreau
Whatever we may say about the soul going to the sky... we know there is no sky but only an atmosphere. - Leo Tolstoy
I read part of it all the way through. - Samuel Goldwyn
Opinions are made to be changed - or how is the truth to be got at. - Lord Byron
People are ready to take the good things into their minds! Give them good and right ideas; they will immediately take them as if they are taking beautiful flowers! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Your definition of a good life does not have to look like everyone else thinks it should. Whatever feels right for you, whatever aligns your inside with your outside, that's what you should spend your time doing. - G.G. Renee Hill
I am hearing a more resounding voice in the spirit saying,God is changing the guard in the Nigerian church. - Sunday Adelaja
I want to commune with Christ and live in His fullness or I don't want anything to do with Christianity. I want all God has to offer. - Alan de Jager
He's not a safe safe or a tame God, securely lodged behind the bars of a distant Heaven; He has the most annoying manner of showing up when we least want Him; of confronting us in the strangest ways. - Thomas Merton
We were talking of DRAGONS, Tolkien and I In a Berkshire bar. The big workman Who had sat silent and sucked his pipe All the evening, from his empty mug With gleaming eye glanced towards us: "I seen 'em myself!" he said fiercely. - C.S. Lewis
If you cry "Forward!" you must without fail make plain in what direction to go. Don't you see that if, without doing so, you call out the word to both a monk and revolutionary, they will go in directions precisely opposite? - Anton Chekhov
I feel sure that no girl would go to the altar if she knew all.
Golf isn't a game, it's a choice that one makes with one's life. - Charles Rosin
The touch of your fingersgrazing minedelicate asa single drop of winein a crystal goblet.Rolling it round,I savor it on my tongue,try tomake it lastforever.The words Iloveyouform in the airand melt. Your palm againstmy cheek,light asa snowflake. - Eve Merriam
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. - Steve Jobs
I have the most ill-regulated memory. It does those things which it ought not to do and leaves undone the things it ought to have done. But it has not yet gone on strike altogether. - Dorothy L. Sayers
For success, have a laser-like, purpose-oriented focus, and persistently go toward it. - Debasish Mridha
Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it. - Thaddeus Golas
I've learned a lot this year...I've learned that some people will wrong you, forgive them anyway.I've learned that things might not work out as you thought they should, do them anyway.But what struck me the most isno matter how good or bad things are, life goes on, so live it anyway. - Zane Baker
Never squander money, opportunity or a good wife. They all tend to end up in the hands of someone who won't. - Sotero M Lopez II
God dwells within you, as you. - Elizabeth Gilbert
Seek a man that doesn't ask you to prove your love. Seek a man that will prove God's love. - Shannon L. Alder
On my honor, I will do my bestTo do my duty To God and my country - Boy Scouts of America
The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large. - Confucius
it is possible to fool all of the people all of the time--when government and press cooperate.
I walk. I talk. I shop. I sneeze. I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out, and I don't sleep on a bed of bones. - Joss Whedon
No one wants to die with vacation time on the books. - Andrea Goeglein
If somebody is going to kill me or hurt me..., let's be the enemy not my friends! - Deyth Banger
Self glory makes life meaningless, glorify God fulfills it - indonesia123
A man may say, "From now on I'm going to speak the truth." But the truth hears him and runs away and hides before he's even done speaking. - Saul Bellow
TALENT will go so far...but your GIFT will make room for you!!! - Angela Triplett
But I'd be in big trouble if Karma was going to finally be my judge. I'd be in deep shit. It doesn't excuse my mistakes, but I'm holding out for Grace. I'm holding out that Jesus took my sins onto the Cross, because I know who I am, and I hope I don't have to depend on my own religiosity. - Michka Assayas
A brother is like gold and a friend is like diamond. If gold cracks you can melt it and make it just like it was before. If a diamond cracks, it can never be like it was before. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
They are not going to believe in you and that's okay. All you need is to believe in yourself. - Sharfaraz Ahmed
As to the roaming of sages,They move in utter emptiness,Let their minds meander in the great nothingness;They run beyond conventionAnd go through where there is no gateway.They listen to the soundlessAnd look at the formless,They are not constrained by societyAnd not bound to its customs.- Lao-tzu - Lao Tzu
Our love is God. Lets go grab a slushie.
Cesto cujemo kako smo puni sebe.Pa bolje da smo puni sebe, nego prazni. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Sometimes all you've got is yourself. - Abdul Manan
Man can only feel the forest when the forest cannot feel man. - GonzoBilly
Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinions in good men is but knowledge in the making. - John Milton
He looked out of the window to think, because without a window he couldn’t think. Or maybe it was the other way around: When there was a window, he automatically started to think. Then he wrote, When I grow up, I am going to be happy. - Guus Koijer
Species evolve exactly as if they were adapting as best they could to a changing world, and not at all as if they were moving toward a set goal. - George Gaylord Simpson
I sing the song of my heartstrings, alone in the eternal muteness, in the face of God. - Yone Noguchi
Don't Just go to Office and do your Job. Look for Light that can Enlighten your Future. - Md.Ashraful Nobi
The universe falls in love with you; that's why you got invitation to come here to make the universe joyful and beautiful with your intention and love. - Debasish Mridha
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. - Will Rogers
A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week. - George S. Patton
Unless you are willing to do the ridiculous, God will not do the miraculous. When you have God, you don’t have to know everything about it; you just do it. - Mother Angelica
I can ruthlessly press my imagination out beyond its very edges, and even in such a remote place I have not begun to touch the barest periphery of God’s imagination. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God beckons me to exhilarating adventures that are without number, beyond all conceivable boundaries, and effortlessly eclipse the furthest reaches of my imagination, all while I sit languishing in stifling adventures of my own limited creation. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. - Tryon Edwards
It is better, I think, to grab at the stars than to sit flustered because you know you cannot reach them... At least he who reaches will get a good stretch, a good view, and perhaps even a low-hanging apple for his efforts.
Those who doubt themselves will doubt you. Those who limit themselves will try to limit you. Do not fight them. Smile, go your own way, and trust that your example is enough. - Vironika Tugaleva
Never had she let herself go in this way with another body, and never had another body let itself go with her in this way. Her lover could play with her belly, but he had never lived in there; he could touch her breast, but he never drunk from it. - Milan Kundera
Talk about insanity. Being attracted to deVries was like a moth saying, "Hey, let's go check out that awesome bonfire". - Cherise Sinclair
Esistono poi degli individui nati mercenari che non fanno alcun bene agli amici o ai parenti per il fatto che è dovuto; mentre dal fare un piacere a sconosciuti, traggono un pizzico d'amor proprio: più il cerchio dei loro affetti è vicino, meno amano; più si allarga, più diventano premurosi. - Honoré de Balzac
The wealth God has given to everyman is the wealth of TIME. - Sunday Adelaja
Go chase your dreams. Give it a try. And see how far you can go. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If I ask you, are you conscious right now? You'd go right ahead and tell me - yes. That's because your conscious mind is constructing an awareness in you about everything around you. And underneath that operation of your conscious mind, there are billions of neurons working in proper harmony. - Abhijit Naskar
Gender is not an easy conversation to have. It makes people uncomfortable, sometimes even irritable. Both men and women are resistant to talk about gender, or are quick to dismiss the problems of gender. Because thinking of changing the status quo is always uncomfortable. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
It's not about where you're going, but who you're going with, and having faith along the way. - Richard Bunnell
I learned the first rule of repentance: that repentance requires greater intimacy with God than with our sin. - Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
At that moment, beauty itself struck me as a kind of painful melancholy. - Arthur Golden
God will always deliver the truth when you have enough faith to believe in miracles. - Shannon L. Alder
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. - John Muir
OYSTER, n. A slimy, gobby shellfish which civilization gives men the hardihood to eat without removing its entrails! The shells are sometimes given to the poor. - Ambrose Bierce
Happiness is 'happening' in the good souls, those God loves. That love is mirrored in terms of Happiness. - Priyavrat Thareja
The principal goal of education in schools is to teach students basic knowledge and kindle mindsets that know how to think better and to understand the world in which they live. - Debasish Mridha
Mean people suck - Jim Goad
Perhaps these pages are more particularly addressed to poor students. As for the rest of my readers, they will accept such portions as apply to them. I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat, for it may do good service to him whom it fits. - Henry David Thoreau
God, what a ghastly enterprise to be in, though--and what an odd way to achieve success. I'm an exhibitionist who wants to hide, but is unsuccessful at hiding; therefore, somehow I succeed. - David Foster Wallace
You tend to become like that, what you like and respect. Write down your goals and take action to make them happen. Expect the best and work for the best. Devote yourself to making your life blossom for success. - Mark F. LaMoure
I spent most of my life trying to specialize myself. I went to theater school, film school, music school, mime school ... Finally, I was able to gather enough knowledge to build the confidence to create my own work, that goes utterly against the sense of specialization. - Nuno Roque
Doing anything worthwhile will present challenges, but everyone who achieves their goal is an ordinary person who becomes extraordinary. - Joanne Van Leerdam
We can't talk about it, or I know she won't so I don't even try, but it's what goes unsaid between people tat builds up like masonry. You have to either knock the bricks out with other things, or let them keep stacking until eventually you are alone in a room. - Justin Taylor
I don't think it is a good mental health practice to fantasize that you know the infinite thoughts of imaginary entities. - Stefan Molyneux
The more time you spend with God, the more you will resemble Him. - Elizabeth George
Poetry is an act of peace. Peace goes into the making of a poet as flour goes into the making of bread. - Pablo Neruda
The whole thing was like a divorce. When we divided everything up, Courtney got my dignity, and I got the heartache. - Alex Flinn
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! It is a dangerous servant and a terrible master. - George Washington
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? - George Carlin
All of a sudden, we’ve lost a lot of control,’ he said. ‘We can’t turn off our internet; we can’t turn off our smartphones; we can’t turn off our computers. You used to ask a smart person a question. Now, who do you ask? It starts with g-o, and it’s not God… - Steve Wozniak
Yet, no matter how deeply I go down into myself, my God is dark, and like a webbing made of a hundred roots that drink in silence. I know that my trunk rose from his warmth, but that's all, because my branches hardly move at all near the ground, and just wave a little in the wind. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Content thyself to be obscurely good. When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, the post of honor is a private station. - Joseph Addison
The discipline of the Gospel is coming to God on His terms. - Barbara Hughes
I believe that there is potential in everyone, and that everyone is capable of reaching their goals and dreams with the right focus, dedication and discipline. - Dave Shepp
Focus on relationships in your communities and God will come up spiritual conversations will emerge and real needs will come to light. - Matt Smay
I resent when I go out to dinner and they try to sell me the healthy food for the same price as the good food. - Jim Gaffigan
Enjoyment is not a goal, it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity. - Paul Goodman
I talk to God, but the sky is empty. - Sylvia Plath
Choose rather to be strong of soul than strong of body. - Pythagoras
Muhammad introduced the concept of such Glorious and Omnipotent God in Whose eyes all worldly systems are pieces of straw. Islamic equality of mankind is no fiction as it is in Christianity. No human mind has ever thought of such total freedom as established by Muhammad. - Mawde Royden
Three things at least they [good politicians] must require; the first is back-bone; the second is back-bone; and the third is back-bone. - Charles Sumner
That is one good thing about this world…there are always sure to be more springs. - L.M. Montgomery
Bicyclist's Philosophy of Life..."It's a matter of faith. You can keep upright only by moving forward. You have to have your eyes on the goal, not the ground. - Susan Vreeland
People like Nicholas are always gonna be around, roots of disaster. But if we fail to rescue them (Zach and Chanel), that is when they actually win. - Hamsa Priya Selvam
What I hate??? You ask me??? Go and fuck off... You are asking from what am I afraid??? ... For cry it on loud... - Deyth Banger
Law is order, and good law is good order. - Aristotle
I have ugly hands, but I'm grateful 'coz they work beautifully! - Margo Vader
Mom, I feel good. This dress makes me feel like someone I didn't know I could be. I've never owned anything like it. But if when you see this - when you see me- you think it's a pity, that it's a shame I didn't lose a few, then screw you, Mom. Try harder. - Julie Murphy
Nothing in this world is Good or Bad. Our thinking makes it so. A knife is good when a surgeon uses it to save a life & bad when a terrorist uses it to kill. - RVM
You can't learn in school what the world is going to do next year. - Henry Ford
Personally, I wouldn’t wait around for someone to tell you you’re good enough before you make your own comics. Just make them, always try to improve and care about what you’re doing. Be relentless and never give up. - Troy Little
I have something that I call my Golden Rule. It goes something like this: 'Do unto others twenty-five percent better than you expect them to do unto you.' The twenty-five percent is for error. - Linus Pauling
Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully consecrated to Him - D.L. Moody
Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children; and here was one who was worshipping a stone! - William Makepeace Thackeray
Why is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person? - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Our challenges will probably always be with us but, as we go on our journey of development, we become more aware of them, we come to accept them more, and they have less power over us. - Rebecca O'Dwyer - Centred Woman
These people live in many lands, speak different languages, practice different religions, may even hate one another- yet none of these differences prevented them from cooperating to produce a pencil. How did it happen? Adam Smith gave us the answer two hundred years ago. - Milton Friedman
God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive. Because what is negative about going home? - Shannon L. Alder
Something good about love: if you fall in it, you will not feel any pain. - Debasish Mridha
God has a plan for your life and so does the devil. Whose plan will you choose to live out? - Joe Joe Dawson
All truly wise thoughts have been thoughts already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take root in our personal experience. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. - Vince Lombardi
Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury. - Edwin Hubbell Chapin
A good pastor knows how to trust people and how to give them authority to fulfill all kinds of tasks. He tries to make himself unnoticed and unnecessary. Don’t be indispensable! - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
Always write to change society for the better. You will go, but it will live forever as a treasure. - Debasish Mridha
Getting more exercise isn’t only good for your waistline. It's a natural anti-depressant, that leaves you in a great mood. - Auliq Ice
Everything can be solved through civilized dialogue and implied agony. - Maritza Campos
I am so scared of what will kill me in the end for I am not prepared, I hope i'll get the chance to be someone, to be human, look what we've done - Ellie Goulding
I got my heart checked, report says it's perfectly normal, there is no trace of love in it - Rushabh Patel
Blessing come to you when you are obedient to God’s commands. - Jim George
We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world. - Dan Quayle
Love is about dreams, don't go to sleep expecting them, make them a reality. - Dixie Waters
Real life is the days we are going to live, not the days we lived. - Ahmed Mahrous.
You are a good leader when your actions inspire others to do good for themselves and for others. - Debasish Mridha
People will buy from you consistently for two reasons because you have cultivated a relationship and because you have gotten them results. - Audrey Moralez
As government expands, liberty contracts. - Ronald Reagan
What the soul hardly realizes is that, unbeliever or not, his loneliness is really a homesickness for God. - Dom Hubert Van Zeller
When you allow God to change your heart, He will also change your story. - Gugu Mona
Most of what you do to fulfill God’s purposes will require acts of faith. - Jim George
Opposition should never keep you from the work God has called you to do. - Jim George
I've still got the bible, I stole that night from my revival. From some hotel on 35. - Kevin Dalton
And yet if I drew my thoughts back from him, what life would I have? I would be like a dancer who had practiced since childhood for a performance she would never give. - Arthur Golden
Sadhana means the practice to closest to the GOD (Baba) and a Shivir means an environment in which the sadhakas get the opportunity and guidance to do sadhana in a perfect manner................ i think. - shailendra kumar Lal
One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone? - Bertolt Brecht
I have no words to express my sadness, grief, and frustration. I never thought Bengali people could do such a heinous and atrocious thing. My heart goes out to those innocent victims and their families. - Debasish Mridha
When you find yourself wanting to turn your children, or pupils, or even your neighbours, into people exactly like yourself, remember that God probably never meant them to be that. You and they are different organs, intended to do different things. - C.S. Lewis
When life is tough or even unbearable and we want to give up, God will send us a partner to help us make the journey - 1 Kings 19 & Luke 1:39 - 56 - John Nix-McReynolds
If you don't trust a novelist, who are you going to trust? - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office."(Washington DC, 12 May, 2008) - George W. Bush
Words are the litmus paper of the minds. If you find yourself in the power of someone who will use the word "commence" in cold blood, go somewhere else very quickly. But if they say "Enter", don't stop to pack. - Terry Pratchett
Learning to let go is not giving up! It is simply passing the burden to a better fighter, so you can fight another day. (God) - Shannon L. Alder
Every government is run by liars. Nothing they say should be believed. - I.F. Stone
Gossip is always a personal confession of malice or imbecility; it is a low, frivolous, and too often a dirty business. There are neighborhoods where it rages like a pest; churches are split in pieces by it, and neighbor made enemies for life. Let the young avoid or cure it while they may.
I see you're a man with ideals. I better be going before you've still got them. - Mae West
The less you obey the Word of God, the more you distance yourself from God in the spiritual realm - Sunday Adelaja
The only thing worth thinking about, when I write a story, is whether I like it, whether I want to write it, whether it excites me. - Theodora Goss
Write at a pace that doesn't surpass your creative flow. Don't be hasty; don't be sloppy. Don't forfeit impressive writing for an impressive word count. Because eventually it will all have to be edited, and you'll find that it is harder to make bad writing good than to make good writing better. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Shyness is just egoism out of its depth. - Penelope Keith
In life there are good and bad situations. But when you are down in the valley looking up at the mountain, sometimes you realize that you can see the stars a little clearer. You realize what's truly important and you know exactly what must be done to keep it just like it is. - Jennifer Megan Varnadore
True luck consists not in holding the best of the cards at the table; luckiest is he who knows just when to rise and go home. - John Hay
The best thing about being eighty-eight is knowing I'm not going to die young.
Sometimes, God puts you in a position where you have no option but to trust Him. - Steven Chopade
Gold authenticity can only be tested under maximum fire. The same holds true with regard to manhood. - Moutasem Algharati
May the Father be gracious according to your needs.Dear Father preserve their life,relieve them of pain,restore them to good health and strengh.Put them in your fatherly care.Forgive them all their sins. So they may be at peace with you. - Shelley E Williams
No government ought to be without censors & where the press is free, no one ever will. - Thomas Jefferson
Love is like a tree, it grows of its own accord, it puts down deep roots into our whole being. - Victor Hugo
Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort. - Deborah Day
Words of Wisdom (wow): Be Still. Let Go.Flow.Breathe.Believe.Allow.Grow.Align.Be the Light.Be Awake.Be Aware.Anticipate.Participate.Embrace Change.Take that...Chance.Love.You Are Loved.Rise to the Occasion.Fuel your Motivation & make the world become a better place - Pablo
Sometimes, we want what we want. Even if we know it's going to kill us. - Trevor Driggers
The best way is not to fight it, just go. Don't be trying all the time to fix things. What you run from only stays with you longer. When you fight something, you only make it stronger. - Chuck Palahniuk
I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how a man could look up into the heavens and say there is no God. - Abraham Lincoln
Grace is the power of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
What comes from the heart will go to the heart - Renae Lucas-Hall
In order to reach our goals we sometimes need a plan B. Other times we go all the way through to plan Z. - Jo Linsdell
We are not the ones who will achieve success and put this world to shame, but God will do thisthrough us. - Sunday Adelaja
By simple common sense I don't believe in God, in none. - Charlie Chaplin
To learn to get along without, to realize that what the world is going to demand of us may be a good deal more important than what we are entitled to demand of it - this is a hard lesson.
I've no interest in being thought provoking. Who needs more thoughts. I'd rather go down as one who is thought disposing. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
God will win every contest in life, so stop trying to beat Him at his own game. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Nothing brings to life again a forgotten memory like a fragrance. - Christopher Poindexter
With a little heartache; Gone with the time, Are certain memories, Intricately designed.To call & narrate A story of blissful sunshine. - Somya Kedia
EDIBLE, adj. Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. - Ambrose Bierce
There are no trifles in the human story, no trifling leaves on the tree. - Victor Hugo
I am firmly convinced that I can show anyone how to become a millionaire simply by shifting their paradigm and if you're going to shift your paradigm you're going to have to learn how to use your higher faculties. - Bob Proctor
The best thing a girl can be is a good wife and mother. It is a girl's highest calling. I hope I am ready. - Nancy E. Turner
Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have the strength. - Theodore Roosevelt
Life is boring. People are vengeful. Good things always end. We do so many things and we don’t know why, and if we do find out why, it’s decades later and knowing why doesn’t matter any more. - Douglas Coupland
Love is God inside out. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Then Joshua warned the people, "You are not able to serve the LORD, for he is a holy and jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins. - Anonymous
They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason. - Ernest Hemingway
I was going into shock. The pain wasn’t getting any better, and I thought that I would probably black out before I found out how this was going to end. Just as well—I was never particularly good at finishing things. - Joe Schreiber
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and think critically. Intelligence plus character; that is the goal of a true education. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing... - Redd Foxx
The acquisition of knowledge is always of use to the intellect, because it may thus drive out useless things and retain the good. For nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known. - Leonardo da Vinci
God bless our journey on earth. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If the path set before her feet was to be narrow she knew that flowers of quiet happiness would bloom along it. The joy of sincere work and worthy aspiration and congenial friendship were to be hers; nothing could rob her of her birthright of fancy or her ideal world of dreams. - L. M. Montgomery
The word 'God' is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can (for me) change this. - Albert Einstein
If you have to cut corners to get it, without allowing yourself go through the process, you will not be able to keep it. - Kemi Sogunle
You must go to the school or to the books or on the field because knowledge doesn't come to you, you must go to the knowledge. - Amit Kalantri
So many things I had thought forgottenReturn to my mind with stranger pain:Like letters that arrive addressed to someoneWho left the house so many years ago. - Philip Larkin
May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies. - Voltaire
That is the true season of love, when we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will love in the same way after us. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish Him. - Mikhail Bakunin
Now is your time. Make excellence your goal. Let success be your destiny. - Mark F. LaMoure
Progress might have been all right once but it has gone on too long. - Ogden Nash
Fear only one person that is God, listen to only one voice that is your conscience. - Amit Abraham
Unless you are rich and can convalesce in a sanatorium estate (where visitors came down a tiered, oceanside lawn to find you at your easel) you have to keep going when you're depressed. That means phone calls, appointments, errands, holidays, family, friends, and colleagues. - Virginia Heffernan
No one goes there nowadays, it's too crowded. - Yogi Berra
I never wanted to run a company.To me a business is a good vehicle for getting stuff done. Mark Zuckerberg in The Facebook Effect written by - David Kirkpatrick
Only 8% of our worry will come to pass. 92% of our worry is wasted. DON'T PANIC - Mark Gorman
To be a success, let go of the past and accept the beauty of change. - Debasish Mridha
A joke is a good camouflage. Next best comes sentiment... But the best camouflage of all - in my opinion - is the plain and simple truth. Because nobody ever believes it. - Max Frisch
Some day people will ask me what is the key to my success...and I will simply say, "good Karma. - K. Crumley
Many a man fails to become a thinker for the sole reason that his memory is too good.-F. Nietzsche - F, Nietzsche
At the end of the day, if you’re wasting your time by not investing in yourself, you’re going to waste away—and that would be the greatest waste of all. - Richie Norton
He had golden-brown hair, the most vivid baby-blue eyes, and a body that belonged on the cover of Men’s Health magazine. Her gaze roamed over his broad shoulders and down his chest. - Lia Davis
As it is for a person, so it is for a company: having a sense of purpose is invigorating and motivating. - Jon Miller
Weh I was a kid I prayed every night for a bike until I figured out that that's not the way that God works, so I stole a bike and then asked him for forgiveness. - Emo Phillips
God conceals himself from the mind of man, but reveals himself to his heart. - African Proverb
Flowers don't tell, they show. That's the way good books should be too."--. Author of Flotsam - Stephanie Skeem
Satan is never your well-wisher. Get the pleasure of making him annoyed on you by doing good deeds - Munia Khan
Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love. - George Eliot
If you love something, let it go. If it does not come back it was not yours to began with. - Anna Napper
Just as evil communication and company corrupts good manners, good communication and company can correct bad manners - Chiolu Hope N.
Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life so. Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau
But I give best when I give from that deeper place; when I give simply, freely and generously, and sometimes for no particular reason. I give best when I give from my heart. - Steve Goodier
I read so I might live a thousand lives in a lifetime. I write to control the particulars in those lives. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I never hear about dear Mike. I wrote Ellen Greene and asked about him and she replyed and never mentioned Mike but told me all about her roomatism. As if I cared about her roomatism. - L.M. Montgomery
Because I have forgiven my past, and God has forgiven my past, no person can make me denounce my past. It made me who I am today, and the choices I make from this moment on are what will ultimately define me. - Julie-Anne
You can put off your dreams, your desires, your careers, your farms. You can avoid your responsibilities, obligations, promises, and sovereign rights. But any person who wants to make music, and doesn't, is a goddamned fool. - Jenna Woginrich
If there was no free will in men, then there is no sins. When sins happened, it was 'free will' that made them doable. This is true, unless God has predestined human to do and to have sins. - Toba Beta
Simple natural food is far better than sophisticated food with artificial flavors. - Dr Sivakumar Gowder
Demons are like obedient dogs; they come when they are called. - Rémy de Gourmont
Either I can go back to my childhood or my childhood can come forth to me. This is what I'm desperately wishes... - Hira Shahid Kazim
Bedtime is fraught with fear and disappointment. When it is just me alone with my restless body and mind, I feel like the whole world is asleep and gone. It's very lonely. I am tired of being tired and talking about how tired I am. - Amy Poehler
Continue to be bold, courageous. Try to chose the wisest thing and once you’ve chosen the wisest thing go out and try to achieve it. Be it. - Maya Angelou
Having the critics praise you is like having the hangman say you've got a pretty neck.
My guess is that well over 80 percent of the human race goes without having a single original thought. - H. L. Mencken
I will say nothing... against the course of my existence. But at bottom it has been nothing but pain and burden, and I can affirm that during the whole of my 75 years, I have not had four weeks of genuine well-being. It is but the perpetual rolling of a rock that must be raised up again forever. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
God does not deal with denomination, He deals with nomination and conformation for a higher life. - vincent ameh
Without Psychological Evolution there cannot be any form of revolution. The self is constantly changing. Be involved, be evolved, be revolutionized as lucent and fresh as the new wave hitting at the shore. Become the Sea of Changes. It starts from within. - Grigoris Deoudis
To live only for some future goal is shallow. It's the sides of the mountain that sustain life, not the top. - Robert M. Pirsig
We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito. - C.S. Lewis
A match as a penBlood on the floor as inkThe forgotten gauze cover as paperBut what should I write?I might just manage my addressThis ink is strange; it clotsI write you from a prisonin Greece - Alexanderos Panagoulis
Teaching a man how to clean barnacles from a keel is an amazing useful talent, one any child should be fortunate to learn. Magochiro is our champion barnaclebully at present. String him under a keel, and he will bring back dinner enough for ten. - Michelle Franklin
The grace of God transforms the sinner into saint. - Lailah Gifty Akita
And if our book consumption remains as low as it has been, at least let us admit that it is because reading is a less exciting pastime than going to the dogs, the pictures or the pub, and not because books, whether bought or borrowed, are too expensive. - George Orwell
In the end,The treasure of life is missed by those who hold on and gained by those who let go. - Lao Tzu
If you can't appreciate what you've got, then you had better get what you can appreciate. - George Bernard Shaw
There is one other reason for dressing well, namely that dogs respect it, and will not attack you in good clothes. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
5 steps to happiness: Don't speak badly about yourself. Trust your instincts. Let go of what you can't control. Don't be afraid to say no. Don't be afraid to say yes. - Karen Salmansohn
If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they are very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere. - Zig Ziglar
No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories. - Haruki Murakami
Glittering tinsel,lights, glass balls, and candy canesdangle from pine trees. - Richelle E. Goodrich
our love likestepping on to a planesitting down in a carwalking on unknown land will either take us to where we belongor throw us into darkness - scott mcgoldrick
The only wolves we got to fear are the ones wear manskin, - George R.R. Martin
One cannot speak about love for God and neighbor without having a standard of communication, respect, honor, and without understanding how precious every human being is. - Sunday Adelaja
Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear. - Thomas Jefferson
The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers. - Rabindranath Tagore
God is the world's oldest poet; love is the world's oldest poem. - Matshona Dhliwayo
No human can be preceptor. Only God can be the preceptor. God is one. He is within this human body, and He teaches, guides the man from within. He shows His sportive forms through dreams. - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Inventors make something out of anything, but God makes something out of nothing. Elohim needs no raw materials. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Apologizing is different from begging, it doesn't change your status, go ahead and get on your knees, spill tears if you got it, for the person you offended, if at all you had a place in their hearts, you'll be totally forgiven and accepted. - Michael Bassey Johnson
If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going. - Professor Irwin Corey
What does the world teach you? It teaches you (to do) egoism. Then, from that egoism, arise many many phases! - Dada Bhagwan
Copywriters, journalists, mainstream authors, ghostwriters, bloggers and advertising creatives have as much right to think of themselves as good writers as academics, poets, or literary novelists. - Sara Sheridan
Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together. - Jessica Howell
SilenceIt has a sound, a fullness.It's heavy with sigh of tree,and space between breaths.It's ripe with pause between birdsongand crash of surf. It's golden they say.But no one tells us it's addictive. - Angela Long
If somebody asks you where you are going, tell him you are going to everywhere, because future is a path going to everywhere! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself. - Mickey Mantle
Small streams of hatred can quickly lead to unstoppable, horrific things, so [people] should stand up to any type of persecution or discrimination, whether bullying or malicious gossip. - Susan Pollack
The more the Word of God abides in a person, the more strength and wisdom he will have. - Sunday Adelaja
I'm an atheist, and I don't have any belief in an afterlife. You could say that I'm resigned to the fact that this wonderful life that we get here is it. And having hit 60, it's a good time to get resigned to these things and not be too nervous or upset - and enjoy what great times one can have. - David Gilmour
Sorry, but at first yeah all lie, but you forgot to say that the truth comes from the lies. (Especially for GreenHollyWood) - Deyth Banger
If there is any god, then love is his religion and love is his prayer. - Debasish Mridha
Thank God you have got a Father that can be angry, but that loves you as much when He is angry as when He smiles upon you. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
...aim to look good naked...and more often than not, everything will fall in place - fitness, health, you name it! - The Fitness Doc
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. - Hannah More
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. - Bible
Here is your most profound "why": to display and prove GOD - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Believe in yourself. Under-confidence leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy that you are not good enough for your work. - Roopleen
Don’t break a neck looking up for God. Try looking down at inspiring human deeds. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
Now here is the good news: while it's true that none of us can know everything, we can all know more tomorrow than we do today - Pat Williams
Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg
Each one sees what he carries in his heart. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If it's your greatest dream, you wouldn't give up so easily.. So do yourself a favour, find it again & start focusing on anything that will help you materialise it, it's not going to be a walk in the park, but it will help you sleep at night; 10 years from now. - Nikki Rowe
A book is never, ever finished. You simply get to a point where you and your editor are reasonably happy with how it is and you go with that. Left to our own devices, a writer would endlessly fiddle with a book, changing little thing after little thing. - Kimberly Pauley
My yearly goal is a closer walk with the Creator and a spiritual awaken of my soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever. - Samuel Smiles
I see black light (his last words) - Victor Hugo
it is an ocean of burning oil I am cast adrift upon, no sea’s repose; I pass from waking agonies… to the semiconscious trance of torment in which the smaller, earlier, deeper rings of the brain know only that the nerves scream, the body aches, and there is no one to turn crying to for comfort. - Iain Banks
Maybe we weren't at the Last Supper, but we're certainly going to be at the next one. - Bella Abzug
What force is more potent than love? - Igor Stravinsky
The cold is lonely person's way of feeling alone and death - PureDragonWolf
In matters of the heart as well, a certain level of negativity and suspicion is universally recommended. You may try to project a thoroughly positive outlook in order to attract a potential boyfriend, but you are also advised to Google him. - Barbara Ehrenreich
The thinnest thing in the world is the border between good and evil... my next The Opposite Of Magic. - Ivan Stoikov
It's not about the language, it's about the message - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
Most startups actually start down and only go up if they catch the winds of market demand. - Ryan Lilly
Could it be that desire for a good thing has become a bad thing because that desire has become a ruling thing? - Paul David Tripp
I'm interested in the way in which the past affects the present and I think that if we understand a good deal more about history, we automatically understand a great more about contemporary life. - Toni Morrison
Let the ruins come to lifeIn the beauty of Your nameRising up from the ashesGod forever You reign - Hillsong
Memories haunting her,laughters chasing her,sweet talks stalking her.Everywhere she go,everything she does,it all leads back to him. - S G
What happens when you get to the point where you don’t know where right begins and wrong ends, when you no longer care who the bad guys are and who the good guys are supposed to be? When the only person you can really trust is yourself? - R.K. Ryals
When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion. - Abraham Lincoln
Hatred may be engendered by good deeds as well as bad ones. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Every man should care (be concerned) about these three things: Which station have I come from? Which station did I get off? Which station am I going to? - Dada Bhagwan
The world as it is is the world as God sees it, not as we see it. Our vision is distorted, not so much by the limits of finitude as by sin and ignorance. But the more we raise ourselves in the scale of being, the more will our ideas about God and the world correspond to reality. - William R. Inge
It is of no consequence what others think of you. What matters is what you think of them. That is how you live your life. - Gore Vidal
Netiquette makes being a 'goody goody' online cool for everyone because we all have to get along. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
It all comes down to that one person you always think about before you fall asleep at night. And text "Good Morning" as soon as you wake up. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
I believe almost every author have gone through the terribly uncomfortable period between the time of shedding the seeds of a story and waiting to see it flourish as a published book, spending hours watering and fertilizing it. This is a dreadful period, frustrating and depressing. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
And that's the point; not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their week ones. - Jill Lepore
Mayhap it was not wise to question God's plans; mayhap he had been meant to live, to seek this justice, to serve some purpose. The past was the past. And the future... - Shelly Thacker
I possess a gorgeous world.I created it and painted it like a fiveyears old, where the sky is wovenwith golden threads and the sun ispearl white.But alas! You can't observe it as theyare positioned inside my mind myimaginations...- - Rohan Nath
Who would deduce the dragonfly from the larva, the iris from the bud, the lawyer from the infant? ...We are all shape-shifters and magical reinventors. Life is really a plural noun, a caravan of selves. - Diane Ackerman
Society reproduces itself antagonistically. - Rudolf J. Siebert
Find the gold in every moment. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Marmee: Oh, Jo. Jo, you have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life? You’re ready to go out and and find a good use for your talent. Tho’ I don’t know what I shall do without my Jo. Go, and embrace your liberty. And see what wonderful things come of it. - Louisa May Alcott
The first mistake in public business is the going into it. - Benjamin Franklin
Who do you love more, your thoughts or God? - Bert McCoy
Some of us fast so that we can have less discomfort in life. The reason is not far-fetched God is not interested in your comfort. He is more interested in your purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
It’s the law, Jack. When the government breaks the law, they have to toe the line. - Kenneth Eade
Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything... Love. - Lauren Kate
The gods too are fond of a joke. - Aristotle
In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, 'Let there be Light.' And there was still nothing. But, you could see it.
Where would we have been without the discoveries of our predecessors, and where are we going without your discoveries? - Ogwo David Emenike
Peace is not the absence of agonyBut the presence of joy of harmony - Debasish Mridha
She said that my good qualities were my bad qualities -- this I have come to realize is true of everyone. On the one hand, I was game, eager and perfectly ready to see what was in front of me. On the other hand, I had no sense of direction or destiny. - Laurie Colwin
Friendships don't last forever, but make sure you make the most of them before it's gone. - Crystal
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life. - Joel Osteen
I like strangers, they say the nicest things - Sol Goode
Writing is how I process the cacophony of each day. Prayer is how God makes sense out of my scribbles. - Donna Pyle
He wasn't aware of it but when he smiled he looked like an amiable bear. When he didn't smile he didn't look amiable - Emma Goldrick
The problem is, God gave man a brain and a penis and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin McLaurin Williams
If you want to be a successful runner, you have to consider everything. It's no good just thinking about endurance and not to develop fine speed. - Arthur Lydiard
If you are looking for the way by which you should go, take Christ, because he himself is the way. - Thomas Aquinas
I am as sure as I live that nothing is so near to me as God. God is nearer to me than I am to myself; my existence depends on the nearness and the presence of God. - Meister Eckhart
Don't let anyone charge you for what God has freely given. - Paul Ellis
The goal of life is living in agreement with nature. - Zeno
Don't think money does everything or you are going to end up doing everything for money. - Voltaire
Everything that happens is always for goodAnd that happened to me is for very good - Shashank Rayal
Not everyone gets to do what they love, be good at it, and get paid for it. If you do, you're lucky. - Britt Holewinski
Nu cumva dragostea ține de un proces material, chimic, de un amestec de molecule care poată fi reprodus științific? Sau e un miracol spiritual?, ,,Elixirul dragostei - Eric Emmanuel-Schmitt
If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write something worth reading or do things worth the writing. - Benjamin Franklin
Z is for Zillah who drank too much gin. - Edward Gorey
God has taken you from something in order to you to something. - Chris Burkmenn
My mind is a collection of truths that I have extracted from greatest thinkers throughout human history - Diego Belmonte
If we burn ourselves out with drugs or alcohol, we won't have long to go in this business.
be a lessons what have you experienced that not good in your past and make it a starting point to change your life into be a better today than yesterday - Kennard Setubal
If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual. - Frank Herbert
[On doors of opportunity] If that door doesnt open, Dont worry. It was probably best you got locked out than be locked in. Move on the next door. - Janna Cachola
i'm too lazy to go find happiness,but i'm sure it will swing by sometime - Amal Sagheer
Practicing the Golden Rule is not a sacrifice; it is an investment.
Prayer does not change God, but changes him who prays. - Soren Kierkegaard
If you're going to do something tonight that you'll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep late. - Henny Youngman
Learn to set the pace for your relationship as a couple...not how the world thinks but how God designed it to be. - Kemi Sogunle
Only a writer would slap a bumper sticker on her car that read, 'Seriously, I'd rather be working'. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Where the mind goes the man follows. - Joyce Meyer
In this world there is no bigger constructive & destructive power than desire .Everything you can change & can give up a new direction to your life.It depends on you in which direction you go. - Saurabh Deoli
All men have need of the gods. - Homer
When there's not enough time to do your best, do the best you can with the time you have. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We look upon prayer simply as a means of getting things for ourselves, but the biblical purpose of prayer is that we may get to know God Himself. - Oswald Chambers
I keep warning and warning, and nobody seems willing to listen. One of these days someone is going to wake up to the fact that I'm serious when I say never to attack my sister without looking over your shoulder for me. (Rhoan) - Keri Arthur
Adoration drives obedience, but throughout history people are prone to forget the faithfulness of God yesterday. - Matt Chandler
Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. - P.J. O'Rourke
Maxim 36: When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support.-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries - Howard Tayler
In modern times, beauty is more trusted than goodness. - Amit Kalantri
Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going. - Phyllis Diller
Ni dieu ni maître!(Neither God nor master)[Feminist and labour slogan translated to 'No gods, no masters'] - Louis-Auguste Blanqui
I am a person before I am anything else. I never say I am a writer. I never say I am an artist...I am a person who does those things. - Edward Gorey
Good Samaritan is only good when they think no one else will be the Good Samaritan. - Vann Chow
When flash of hope scans through your dreams. When news of goodness skims the surface of your expectations and bravery abates, break not, keep pressing less the dreams of your fingers suffer extinction. - Darmie Orem
It is dehumanizing, demeaning and humiliating when you fail or refuse to acknowledge or respond to a Good Morning greeting. #Mannerism - Adeagbo Caleb Adewumi
OK, so you've got a Ph.D. Now, don't touch anything. - Anonymous
Maybe it's what's inside that counts, but being told you look good feels good!
We believe more readily in the abstract application of God's promises than we do in their application to us personally. - Matt Chandler
It is pretty simple - mind is a part of life - consciousness is a part of mind - God is a part of consciousness. - Abhijit Naskar
If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even less. - David F. Jakielo
God raised Christ up to the highest position possible. Jesus is now our great high King, and we should not allow anyone to take His place in our lives, usurping His Throne room in our hearts, and minds! - brother Billy
Always think of what is useful and not what is beautiful. Beauty will come of its own accord. - Nikolai Gogol
How starved you must have been that my heart became a meal for your ego. - Amanda Torroni
Talking to God should be part of every aspect of life, in times of peace as well as in every battle. - Stormie Omartian
She had a weird, fleeting thought that she wanted to eat her sister, like a sorceress in a storybook gobble her down into her belly, keep her safe. - Leslie Parry
'T is better to be lowly born, And range with humble livers in content, Than to be perked up in a glistering grief, And wear a golden sorrow. - William Shakespeare
The only man who can change his mind is a man that's got one. - Edward Noyes Westscott
Blake gave Selena a nudge "Remember what I taught you, itsy-bitsy-babe-ette"She flashed him a mischievous grin and raise the hose." Boom goes the dynamite!"-Demons In Disguise - A&E Kirk
When you pursue your goals with passion, you will attract people who love you; but you’ll also attract haters. I’m okay with that; I welcome it. I don’t want to live life as a spectator. I’ve learned that if no one is cheering you on and/or booing you; it means you're not in the game. - Steve Maraboli
Whoever has received knowledgeand eloquence in speech from Godshould not be silent or secretivebut demonstrate it willingly.When a great good is widely heard of,then, and only then, does it bloom,and when that good is praised by man,it has spread its blossoms. - Marie de France
Responsible parenting is NOT a crime. Responsible parenting is most valuable tool of our society. - Mick Karabegovic
It would be advisable to think of progress in the crudest, most basic terms: that no one should go hungry anymore, that there should be no more torture, no more Auschwitz. Only then will the idea of progress be free from lies. - Theodor W. Adorno
The sad truth about bigotry is that most bigots either don't realize that they are bigots, or they convince themselves that their bigotry is perfectly justified. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
This Bible of Mine? It is the breath of God spoken into my weary bones. It is the armor I need to walk the roads He has chosen for me, and it's the confirmation of promises that withstand the test of hours and adversity. It's a love letter, and it has my name on it. It has your name on it. - Angie Smith
If you truly want LOVE to enter your Heart, you HAVE to give a DAMN about what's going on around you!! - AainaA-Ridtz
Marriage is a cooperation between two adults holding God's hands - Farid F. Ibrahim
There's no such thing as having something to fall back on in life, there's passion, talent, skills, compassion and purpose. Choice is a prerequisite - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
It is but knowledge, putting it into practice, circumspection, fear of God, and sincerity with Him, August and Majestic is He. - Ahmad ibn Zayn al-Habashi
The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination, consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that’s on a good day. - Robert De Niro
I hate reality but it's still the best place to get a good steak. - Woody Allen
There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so. - Hamlet
When our heart wants to live in purity & do the right thing, God will keep us from falling into sin. - Stormie Omartian
There will come a timewhen the space will compress itself,and the body shall go.But, till that day I'll live ebullientlyand grow. - Shahan Sud
The fire of God comes where ever there is a sacrifice. - John Paul Warren
The kind of gospel that our churches are preaching sometimes are not powerful enough to change the very street where these churches are located talk less of the nation where they are - Sunday Adelaja
There are no environments where you're only going to win, because life just isn't like that. - Bobby Orr
To speak of mystery in a Christian sense means that the human mind is finite and not fully able to understand, deduce or even contain the deep structures of God's reality. - Tobin Wilson
Let us reflect, if we wish to be brilliant. Too much improvisation empties the mind in a stupid way. Running beer gathers no froth. No haste, gentlemen. - Victor Hugo
Accurate scholarship can unearth the whole offence from luther untill noe that has driven a culture mad. From what occured at linz what huge imago made a psychopathic god. i and the public know what all schoolchildren learn those to whom evil is done do evil in return. - W. H. Auden
If a man seeks you to understand him; listen closely, for what is really going on is nothing more that you manifesting your desire to seek yourself on a plateau of awareness that is not tangible - Jeremy Aldana
Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. - Stephen King
Cogito ergo spud. - I think, therefore I yam - Graffito
I've got to follow them - I am their leader. - Alexandre Rollin
You are the grace of my life So tender, so undeserved Hard to believe you're my wife Even harder to put what I feel into words If I need evidence God is good Just looking at you is enough You are the grace of my life For you grace my life with your love - Brian Littrell
A good story or a book is all about it's power to hold it's readers still till the very last word of it's climax - complexity in language, dialogues, descriptions, everything else is secondary! - Mehek Bassi
Just understand that the good that you want is already here. All you have to do is get in harmony with it. And you do that through your own thinking. - Bob Proctor
Yo ya no si tu amor duele más cuando te tengo o cuando no estás. - Dulce María
By practicing the virtues we cultivate the soil from which healthy emotions sprout; by letting go of our character defects we drain the swamp in which diseased emotions breed. p. 52 - Ray A
Mathematics transfigures the fortuitous concourse of atoms into the tracery of the finger of God.
Be not simply good - be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau
People are not measured by their accomplishments, but by how many times they screw up trying to achieve them. - James McGregor
Because it happened in the past , doesn't mean it forgotten ...!! - Doha Asrir
Nature is in the process of shutting down corrupt corporations and their government minions. - Steven Magee
Trust is always a good idea. For someone else. - Sherrilyn Kenyon
The best way to create a future is to set a goal and take action. - Debasish Mridha
Nothing ever goes away. - Barry Commoner
We are all born with genius. It's like our fairy godmother. But what happens in life is that we stop listening to our inner voices, and we no longer have access to this extraordinary ability to create poetry. - Milton Glaser
Like money used wisely, awareness comes & we let it go. Like life, it arises infinitely, to tease & to soothe, to flow through us. - Jay Woodman
Life is but a memory Happened long ago. Theatre full of sadness For a long forgotten show. - Nick Drake
A responsible citizen is the one that sees something wrong in the society, something he is not satisfied with or that he cannot agree with and responds not by blaming the government or leaders. But by designing ways and means of bringing a lasting solution to the issues at hand - Sunday Adelaja
Migogoro inatokea kwa sababu watu wameshindwa kuheshimiana. Ukijiheshimu na ukaheshimu wengine; utaacha dunia katika hali nzuri kuliko ulivyoikuta, wakati ukiingia. - Enock Maregesi
Here is something good to remember. You were formed by God to become a beacon of light that shines brightly within the darkness of this world. You have a purpose! - DeWayne Owens
Those who recite prayers do not pray from their heart but are heard to say the words of the prayers that someone wrote down some time ago. - Errol Anthony Smythe
Just consider how terrible the day of your death will beOthers will go on speaking and you will not be able to argue back - Ram Mohan Roy
The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder - waif, a nothing, a no man. Have a purpose in life, and, having it, throw such strength of mind and muscle into your work as God has given you. - Thomas Carlyle
DEAD, adj. Done with the work of breathing; done With all the world; the mad race run Though to the end; the golden goal Attained and found to be a hole! Squatol Johnes - Ambrose Bierce
The less government we have the better. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I confess I do not know why, but looking at the stars always makes me dream. - Vincent Van Gogh
But here is the thing about the stars and all of it's faults: We don't understand everything about it, but we still love it's beauty and wonder. We know of all the dangers, but we would still go there just because we wanted to touch the stars. - Shannon L. Alder
Mediocrity is ‘purpose’ left to rot in minds ensnared in the deluded rationalization that vision is nothing more than a collection of fanciful dreams constructed by an imaginary God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn. - Michael Caine
Producing laws is not an easier job than producing cars and food, so if the government is incompetent to produce cars or food, why do you expect it to do a good job producing the legal system within which you are then going to produce the cars and the food? - David D. Friedman
The God of the universe--the creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor--loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. - Francis Chan
Above all things, reverence yourself. - Pythagoras
As we expand our knowledge of good books, we shrink the circle of men whose company we appreciate. - Ludwig Feuerbach
If man is man and God is God, to live without prayer is not merely an awful thing: it is an infinitely foolish thing. - Phillips Brooks
To have more peace, as well as more time, start by letting go of the notion that time can be manipulated. Then, let go of the idea that it confines you. Instead, set out to use the time that is there for its true and best purpose as the space within which you can live your life to the fullest. - Michelle Passoff
The biggest problem occurswhen i try to forget you are nights,cuz i ain't got control on my dreams... - Abhishek Kumar Singh
God says only one thing if you want to have attachment towards worldly life; go ahead and get attached to it; or else, get attached to Me. If you get attached to Me, you will get permanent happiness and if you get attached to the worldly life, you will not find contentment! - Dada Bhagwan
Love can leap over the highest mountain,go around the widest fortress,go under the deepest ocean,and go through the thickest wall. - Matshona Dhliwayo
No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.
It's a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. - Sir Winston Churchill
Thank heavens the sun has gone in, and I don't have to go out and enjoy it. - Logan Pearsall Smith
Go tell the Spartans, Passerby, That here, obedient to their laws, We lie. - Simonides
If you love people, you have no desire to judge them. - Steve Goodier
If a man does not work passionately - even furiously - at being the best in the world at what he does, he fails his talent, his destiny, and his God. - George Lois
A good inclination is but the first rude draught of virtue, but the finishing strokes are from the will, which, if well disposed, will by degrees perfect it, as if all disposed will quickly deface it.
The mystic sees God in everything; the scientist, atoms; the poet, poetry. - Marty Rubin
Two easy steps to be a good writer:1. Don't write what everyone is writing.2. Write what everyone is trying to write. - Himanshu Chhabra
For ages past the Genius of Literature and the Genius of Art have walked together hand in hand. For the Goddess of letters is blind, and only she of Art can lend her sight. - Howard Pyle
There are new words now that excuse everybody. Give me the good old days of heroes and villains. the people you can bravo or hiss. There was a truth to them that all the slick credulity of today cannot touch. - Bette Davis
Just because things are not going the way as they should, doesn't mean they are going wrong, sometimes things are setting up in a new way & taking us towards better things. So never give up..! - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
When asked my advice as I stroll through the town,A good lady knows how to take a political assassin down. - Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
He can heal me. I believe He will. I believe I'm going to be an old surely Baptist preacher. And even if He doesn't...that's the thing: I've read Philippians 1. I know what Paul says. I'm here let's work, if I go home? That's better. I understand that. - Matt Chandler
Happiness. It comes onunexpectedly. And goes beyond, really,any early morning talk about it. - Raymond Carver
The stream is as good as at first; the little rubbish it collects in the turnings is easily moved away. - Jane Austen
Goal-oriented actions bring success but actions with love and kindness bring happiness. - Debasish Mridha
Dating is about finding out who you are and who others are. If you show up in a masquerade outfit, neither is going to happen"bestxdatingsites.blogspot.com - Felicia Vine
God has provided food for every bird, but He doesn't throw it in their nests - Mizan Chaudhury
When our internal reference point is the ego or self-image, we feel cut off from our source, and the uncertainty of events creates fear and doubt. - Deepak Chopra
Y todavía los que no murieron bajo las chozas ni se rajaron los huesos bajo los árboles ni se desangraron bajo las cuevas, ciegos de miedo y de ira acabaron despedazándose entre sí. Los pocos que no sufrieron quebranto, como recuerdo de la simpleza de sus corazones, se transformaron en monos. - Popol Vuh
When we all are already Traveling In Meridian of Earth \↑/ .... then how it could be possible for us, going back to the previous Meridian without stopping next Meridians !! ... - \↑/ - Tanveer Hossain Mullick
Presidents have absolutely gone against the will of Congress. Congress hasn't declared a war since December 7, 1941, and yet we've been at war ever since with somebody or other in order to justify the war machine. Now we have alienated almost the entire earth - Gore Vidal
Business is a good game - lots of competition and a minimum of rules. You keep score with money.
Oh my beloved life, wait a bit at my window, go slowly, and let me enjoy it to the fullest. - Debasish Mridha
Love the animals: God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
If everyone is against you, but God is for you. It is more than enough to keep moving. - Lailah Gifty Akita
But let us not forget that human love and compassion are equally deeply rooted in our primate heritage, and in this sphere too our sensibilities are of a higher order of magnitude than those of chimpanzees. - Jane Goodall
God loves the world through us.
Thank God for today’s grace. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The eye is to light as the soul is to God. - Geoffrey Wood
For god sake, don't put limits on your life. Do what you want, work on what you want and don't listen to people - which haven't succeeded what you want to succeed. - Deyth Banger
A human being is only interesting if he's in contact with himself. I learned you have to trust yourself, be what you are, and do what you ought to do the way you should do it. You have got to discover you, what you do, and trust it. - Barbra Streisand
I love the deep quiet in which I live and grow against the world and harvest what they cannot take from me by fire or sword. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Anticipating God's blessings is a great way to begin a new week! When we look for the things that could go wrong, we just may find what we had been looking for. - Diane K. Chamberlain
The person who doesn't value you is blocking you from the one who will. Let them go. - Robert Tew
You don’t go on bended-knee to petition the official culture for your rights. You have to take them. - Terence McKenna
Hombre pequeñito que jaula me das. Digo pequeñito porque no me entiendes, ni me entenderás. Tampoco te entiendo, pero mientras tanto ábreme la jaula que quiero escapar. Hombre pequeñito, te amé media hora, no me pidas más. - Alfonsina Storni
Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Sun challenges us to Shine, the Clouds remind us to Move, the Birds tell us we too can Fly and the Sky tells us that there is no limit to our Dreams and Goals. - RVM
Za vjernika je problem dobar znak kretnje ka svome Gospodaru i lijepa najava napretka. Za njega je to, još jedna prilika u nizu, da pokaže sve ljepote i vještine koje je stekao na tom putu. - Sulejman Bugari
I was taught to deceive by a great deceiver. Jenny will embrace me as a good man. Just as you did...before tonight. - Ken Cruickshank
God gave you a gift of 84,600 seconds today. Have you used one of them to say thank you? - William Arthur Ward
As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes. - Mel Brooks
The world is so exquisite, with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little goodevidence. - Carl Sagan
Of course I’ve gone mad with power! Have you ever tried going mad without power? It’s boring and no one listens to you!— Russ Cargill - Matt Groening
A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Conscience has nothing to do as lawgiver or judge; but is a witness against me if I do wrong, and which approves if I do right. To act against conscience is to act against reason and God's Law.
You are believing not in your god but in yourself if your god knows no better than you do...and yet, in this alone, I am afraid, you have already been fooling yourself. - Criss Jami
Your goals and dreams will never happen if you don't Sow Labor Into Time - Brenda Johnson Padgitt
You can worship God twenty four hours a day but your destiny depends on the cards he lets you play - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When GOD opens a door and it looks dark on the inside. Don't fret. You are forgetting one thing: you are light and only when you go in does it light up. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
In essence, Satan doesn't want you to believe what God thinks of Himself and what God thinks about you. - Ralph Harris
I believe God intervenes in the lives of every one of us. He speaks to us in different ways and at different times so that we may know he is the author of our very personality. - Ravi Zacharias
Before God does anything, before he makes anything for us to be sustained by, God says, "More than food, more than water, more than shelter, more than other people, they are going to need me. - Wesley Miller
God always keeps His promises. - Jim George
The central feature of pride is enmity—enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowmen. Enmity means hatred toward, hostility to, or a state of opposition. It is the power by which Satan wishes to reign over us. - Ezra Taft Benson
Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. - Marilyn Monroe
These demands of life are so universal that either we like it or not, we are going to come across them one way or another. The response we give determines what our lives become. - Sunday Adelaja
Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.This means the when you go to sleep you close your eyes and you are and look like you are dead but then when you wake up it looks like you are reborn because you are up and ready. - Mahatma Gandhi
Be fearless in pursuit of your goal. - Harsh Malik
Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards. - Fred Hoyle
Next to theology I give to music the highest place and honor. And we see how David and all the saints have wrought their godly thoughts into verse, rhyme, and song.
Photography is like exploring a new dimension, only I can go there but I can show you where I've been. - Destin Sparks
What’s the use of writing poetry for your peers? I don’t think I should sell my poetry to other poets. If that’s who my audience is, I’m dead, I’m not going to make any money. - Harley King
A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on. - Samuel Goldwyn
Writing gives you the illusion of control, and then you realize it's just an illusion, that people are going to bring their own stuff into it. - David Sedaris
A great sports car that goes from 0-60 in 3.9 seconds is just a fact. To the wrong audience, it’s irrelevant. But to the right audience, it’s a passion. - David Brier
The word of God is a fountain of life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
...The existence or non-existence of an undefined 'god' are quite pointless.[From 'Why I am a Secular Humanist'] - Herman Bondi
Perfection is the enemy of the good. - Gustave Flaubert
Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile. - Shannon L. Alder
Ten years from now, no one is going to care how quickly the books came out. The only thing that will matter, the only thing anyone will remember, is how good they were. That's my main concern, and always will be. - George R.R. Martin
I can't go outside, I know to much to be out there and I had never liked people. - Deyth Banger
Time is something that cannot be bought, it cannot be wagered with God, and it is not in endless supply. Time is simply how you live your life. - Craig Sager
The acts of daily forbearance, the headache, or toothache, or heavy cold; the tiresome peculiarities of husband or wife, the broken glass...all of these sufferings, small as they are, if accepted lovingly, are most pleasing to God's Goodness. - Francis de Sales
The choice of life is not between fame and fortune, nor wealth and poverty, but between good and evil. - Boyd K. Packer
Everybody's got their opinion on who they think you are or how strong or how weak you are, but at the end of the day all that matters is who you know you are, don't ever forget that. - Tilicia Haridat
Gemini....You revere scientists and shamans alike, providing them with what they need to do their good work for the enhancement of the realm." (Rob Brezsny) - Lesley Thomas
The governments and their policies have failed, the church is the last hope of the common man, I value a church that is a home for all. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Live your life in such a way that it is going to be the favorite story of your generation and generations to come. - Amit Kalantri
In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry or idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe. - Lydia Sigourney
The Great Commission is a devotion to study of Scriptures, preaching and teaching of the gospel of salvation. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The old who refuse to die merely on principle live on forever, to hate life and complain of all the things they could have been spared had they the good sense to die young. - Michelle Franklin
I felt vaguely outraged that such a bad person had such a good car. Because the car was the culmination of a thousand-odd years of scientific advancement. But the guy was a dick. I wondered when that had happened; that we had started making better machines than people. - Max Barry
For whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. - Bible
He forced himself into good spirits. - H.W. Brands
The spirit of rejection finds its support in the consciousness of separateness; the spirit of acceptance finds its base in the consciousness of unity. - Rabindranath Tagore
The argument is made that naming God is never really naming God but only naming our understanding of God. To take our ideas of the divine and hold them as if they correspond to the reality of God is thus to construct a conceptual idol built from the materials of our mind. - Peter Rollins
You can't go home again - Thomas Wolfe
Wherever you go, never forget to be the messenger and cause of happiness. - Debasish Mridha
I plan to be a sinner tonight. Could've been something else, but looked way too good in my red dress to be anything Christian. - Alysia Harris
The only good ideas are the ones I can take credit for. - R. Stevens
He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. - Aeschylus
Personally I like going places where I don't speak the language, don't know anybody, don't know my way around and don't have any delusions that I'm in control. Disoriented, even frightened, I feel alive, awake in ways I never am at home. - Michael Mewshaw
Set a goal when you’re ready for it, make a plan, and stick with it. - Auliq Ice
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. - George Washington Carver
My dull brain was wrought with things forgotten. - William Shakespeare
If your desire is for good, the people will be good. - Confucius
Twango's hospitality, though largely symbolic, does him credit. - Jack Vance
Katika umoja hakuna 'umimi', kuna 'sisi kwa pamoja'; na lengo la umoja ni kutengeneza nguvu, ya ziada. - Enock Maregesi
God, unlike His creation, is always proactive and never reactive. - Andrena Sawyer
You are not broken. You are not a problem to be solved. Solving your problem, whatever you perceive your problem or problems to be, is not the key to happiness. - Golda Poretsky
My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue [is] the pen of a ready writer. - Psalms 45 1
You're badly wounded.You're bleeding but not cut.You feel like dying but you're not.It’s a Love accident an emotional injury.You are not going to the hospital, aren't you?You don't need medicines and first aides, don't you?You just need to move on. Accept it, forgive and forget it. - Bradley B. Dalina
If the whole universe can be found in our own body and mind, this is where we need to make our inquires. We all have the answers within ourselves, we just have not got in touch with them yet. The potential of finding the truth within requires faith in ourselves. - Ayya Khema
You did not invent marriage. God did. - Ken Ham
If bye is meant to be separation, why do people say good bye. - Rushabh Patel
That is what a book does. It introduces us to people and places we wouldn't ordinarily know. A good book is a magic gateway into a wider world of wonder, beauty, delight, and adventure. Books are experiences that make us grow, that add something to our inner stature. - Gladys M. Hunt
Women divided by ego and united by gossip ,Men divided by women and united by beer - Yash Gupta
I knew, as soon as I woke up, that the dream had come from God and it was about the reality of Jesus. The truth of Him. The He was a person whose pronouns you had to capitalize. That He was God. - Lauren F. Winner
The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues. - Elizabeth Taylor
God picked me to be his punching bag...so who am I suposed to pray to for mercy? - S.L.J. Shortt
There are good books which are only for adults.There are no good books which are only for children. - W.H. Auden
Your busyness cannot stop God's business to save his children. - tirumala
No reason to feel depressed about being depressed. A depression can be a golden opportunity to collect the pieces and build ourselves anew. Global Souls are always on the move, nomads at heart, connected to various cities, commuters between cultures, both from here and everywhere. - Elif Shafak
It is the vice of the journalist, I once wrote, to think that history can always be reduced to experience, and of the scholar to think that experience can always be reduced to history. History and experience are far more frequently out of sync, or running on parallel tracks. - Adam Gopnik
God does not showers blessings, he showers opportunities. - Amit Kalantri
Money is only a means to serve God. - Sunday Adelaja
God is the leader of your team. As you follow Him with all your heart, you will be leading your team in Jesus’ steps. - Jim George
Courage is the counterpoint of fear. Courage appears when in war or business, one is indeed scared. - G.R. Gopinath
Being a 'good' parent is more about the parent, and, less about the 'supposedly-could-have-been-bad' child. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
But I know something else, too: bad people are rare. Good people are everywhere. - Jeff Bauman
Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher. - Oprah Winfrey
Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way of selling goods, particularly if the goods are worthless. - Sinclair Lewis
Before we find world peace, we gotta find peace in the war on the streets. - Tupac Shakur
-- So this is the measure of your God's Mercy.-- No. This is the measure of Pharaoh's soul. - The NT Translation (Moses)
The problem with social media is that it's great for your ego, but terrible for your sanity. - Andrena Sawyer
Vigorous writing is concise. - William Strunk Jr.
you must never blame other people for what you Going through because it will teach you a lesson and that time you have to be gratefull - siphesihle manzini
I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. - Steven Wright
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. - Mark Twain
Approval is overrated...Approval and disapproval alike satisfy those who deliver it more than those who receive it. I don't care for approval, and I don't mind doing without. - Gregory Maguire
For prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God. - Saint Teresa of Avila
I think God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability. - Oscar Wilde
Don't you ever waste a single second in your life to think that you're useless. God created you with a purpose. And the mere fact that you exist in this world is a benefit of those who actually know you. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
Some things are worth believing in. That the little guy can make it. Every single life has value and is worth living. That honor and integrity do matter. That justice will prevail if not in this life then the next, and that God does exist. And what we do in our lives matters. - Glenn Beck
A dreamer is a gifted man ,who, plucks out his dreams of sparkling stars. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
If you really know how great a competition it is to enter into the Kingdom of God is, you would have increased your competitive power greatly in your pursuit for the Kingdom of God - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Your imaginations are not beyond creation, only God's imaginations exceeds all creation. - Ujay Neme
There's a way, a way way too long but reachable, not for everyone a way but possible... Go and don't lose your way! - Rossana Condoleo
The ancient saying is no heresy, hanging and wiving goes by destiny. - William Shakespeare
If your outer world is shaky, go within. - Nikki Rowe
Anyone who objects to any government whatsoever as a form of socialism ought not to pull that socialist lever in their home, the one that makes their waste disappear in a whirlpool into the socialized sewage treatment plant. - John Médaille
Ignorance and prejudice are the handmaidens of propaganda. Our mission, therefore, is to confront ignorance with knowledge, bigotry with tolerance, and isolation with the outstretched hand of generosity. Racism can, will, and must be defeated. - Kofi Annan
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. - Maya Angelou
A dead thing goes with the stream. Only a living thing can go against it. - G. K. Chesterton
Have you ever considered that you shouldn't pray for God to deliver you from your enemies, rather deliver you from yourself so you can not hate them? - Shannon L. Alder
We are not even going to throw the challenge of changing a whole generation before the modern day church. This generation of believers don’t even know what that means - Sunday Adelaja
A golden opportunity may turn into silver if you wait too long to take advantage of it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It's frightening to think that you might not know something, but more frightening to think that, by and large, the world is run by people who have faith that they know exactly what is going on. - Amos Tversky
Duty is ours, results are God's. - John Quincy Adams
Good improvisers seem telepathic; everything looks pre-arranged, This is because they accept all offers made—which is something no ‘normal’ person would do. - Keith Johnstone
The hand of God is wonderfully evident at those times when He pens stories whose lines we ourselves are far too fearful to pen or whose imaginations are far too limited to envision. And I would unashamedly suggest that the Christmas story is that very story. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The writer has no responsibility other than to jack off in bed alone and write a good page. - Charles Bukowski
The moment after being let go, when we can finally let it go, is the moment when love once again has hope. - Brian MacLearn
LOVE grows within the soul and when you are filled with this divine source you will shine like a STAR* you will radiate with the profound love within. Like a river you will gather all small rivers and make them reach their ultimate goal (SEA). HER heart only knows to LOVE. Love and LOVE. - Angie karan
Don't get caught in the trap of "Waiting". When I retire....When I get off work When I go that party this weekendWhen this happens then I can live.People miss the present and then wonder where time went. Allow life unfold in its divine sequence by being utterly present. - Matthew Donnelly
The bad news is, our past defines us. However, the good news is, our future will someday be a part of that past. - Palle Oswald
Only the writers can change or fix the past by going back to edit old works - Munia Khan
Your problem is how you are going to spend this one and precious life you have been issued. Whether you're going to spend it trying to look good and creating the illusion that you have power over circumstances, or whether you are going to taste it, enjoy it and find out the truth about who you are. - Anne Lamott
Ego doesn't kill you. It makes you lonely, which is even worse. - Saru Singhal
Eventually, all that one has learnt will have to be forgotten. - Ramana Maharshi
The good news is that as fragile as fearlessness may be, it is also a personal quality that we can foster in ourselves. - Gerhard Casper
Long dormant feelings poured through my dried-up limbs and wound through me, slowly filling the emptiness. Like an irrigated field, I felt myself blossom and grow with new vigor. He was the sun, and the tenderness he showed me was life-giving water. - Colleen Houck
It's hard to tell where reality ends and illusions begins. They blend - then they separate - Lind Goodman
Well may we say God save the Queen, because nothing will save the Governor-General.
The people who are the most bigoted are the people who have no convictions at all. - G. K. Chesterton
Religion has always been an irrelevant aspect if my life. The people here are either pissed of atheists, or religious freaks waiting for God to save them. - Alina Baker
Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. I see paintings or drawings in the poorest cottages, in the dirtiest corners. And my mind is driven towards these things with an irresistible momentum. - Vincent Van Gogh
Leadership is a mindset in which one is unapologetically driven towards their goals and in behaving accordingly, inspires those around them to join in. - Steve Maraboli
They say (she had read somewhere) that no one ever disappears, up in the atmosphere, stratosphere, whatever you call space--atoms infinitely minute, beyond conception of existence, are up there forever, from the whole world, from all time. - Nadine Gordimer
Life Consists Of Many Things But You Have To Do One Thing... And That Thing Is Living For God.Remember You Cant Do Many Things At Once. - Cyc Jouzy
Whoever cultivates the golden mean avoids both the poverty of a hovel and the envy of a palace. - Horace
You're never as good as everyone tells you when you win, and you're never as bad as they say when you lose. - Lou Holtz
Hell is repetition, you go over and over and over. That's hell, so I will eat your eyes in hell, I will be waiting you in hell, I will repeat that over and over and over... - Deyth Banger
It may be that we’re not seeing the wonder in life because all we’re doing is wondering how we’re going to survive life. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
You shouldnt try too hard to be happy, if you find yourself doing this know that you are with the wrong people, at the wrong times and in the wrong places and that is not in line with God's plan for you. - Lorato Mosimakoko
I'm a reading addict. I can't live without it, like someone who is addicted to drugs. - Hugo Chávez
No good will remain unrewarded, if not by men, then by God. - Sunday Adelaja
I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places. - Henny Youngman
God is a verb. - R. Buckminster Fuller
Happiness in this world, when it comes, comes incidentally. Make it the object of pursuit, and it leads us a wild-goose chase, and is never attained. Follow some other object, and very possibly we may find that we have caught happiness without dreaming of it. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Sin is nothing more than a most extreme form of amnesia. It is forgetting who were when we were created as a spirit that came forth from the heart of God the Father—as a spirit made in His sinless image. - Praying Medic
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. - George Bernard Shaw
This nation will never go back to the false comforts of the world before 911. We are engaging the enemy as we must, in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, so we will not have to face them here at home.
If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning 'Good morning' at total strangers. - Maya Angelou
You have your God, I have my guts. - Amit Kalantri
Perhaps, thought Nanny, little green Elphaba chose her own sex, and her own color, and to hell with her parents. - Gregory Maguire
Given a thimbleful of [dramatic] facts we rush to make generalizations as large as a tub. - Gordon W. Allport
You've captured my flag but I captured your imagination. It's true you regulate what I grow, regulate what i know, and to pray or to play I got to pay you a fee, pero we both know that you wish you could dance like me. - Vincent Torres
If you ever expect to write fairytales, you've got to get your head in the clouds. - Richelle E. Goodrich
When my prayers are answered, I am happy because it was my wish. When my prayers are not answered, I am even more happy because that was gods wish. - Ali ibn Abi Talib
In the planning stage of a book, don't plan the ending. It has to be earned by all that will go before it. - Rose Tremain
In this passionately social world, loneliness dogged the spirit. People were constantly getting together, but they never really got there…For everyone searched his neighbor’s eyes for the image of himself, and never saw anything else. Or if he did, he was outraged and terrified. - Olaf Stapledon
Find the thing you want to do most intensely, make sure that’s it, and do it with all your might. If you live, well and good. If you die, well and good. Your purpose is done - H.G. Wells
A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger. You don't have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial, and uninformed. - Nelson Mandela
Everyone realized that Computervision stock was the golden goose. But one grabbed the leg, another grabbed a wing, another got the neck, all pulling hard, and they realize now they could kill the goose if they keep this up.
Death is only final when you know you're not going to see them again! - Evinda Lepins
Jahan mein ehle-e-imaan soorat-e-khursheed jeetay hain,Idhar doobey, udhar nikley; udhar doobey, idhar nikleyIn this world, men of faith and self-confidence are like the sun,They go down on one side to come up on the other. - Allama Iqbal
Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and ablities were used in a way that served others. - Marianne Williamson
Friendship is love without wings. - George Gordon Byron
Bad governments always lie because telling the truth requires honour and courage! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. - Charles Mackay
Ego speaks from a place of pride.Judgement comes from a place of pain.Courage speaks from a place of humility.Correction comes from a place of love.Where are you operating from? - Kemi Sogunle
Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away. - Elvis Presley
Thou doth not know the tragedy of a tale between two hearts till the tears of a forgotten love dissolve into the scars of yearning and seep through the cracks of the broken, leaving behind a trail of crimson for all but one to see. - Raneem Kayyali
If you're going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now.
Great champions have an enormous sense of pride. The people who excel are those who are driven to show the world and prove to themselves just how good they are.
Are you living up to your potential? God made you with potential - potential for greatness! If you do what you can do, and trust Him to do what you can't, you will grow into the person He gave you the potential to be! - Joyce Meyer
Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos - Pablo Neruda
We are all born sexual creatures,thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift. - Marilyn Monroe
Homelessness is not the result of not having a house, it's lack of a soul in a body. - Goitsemang Mvula
You can rely on a stick, but not on a faithless friend. - Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Dictatorial government is more dangerous than lions! - Enock Maregesi
Forgiving is not about forgetting, it's letting go of the hurt - Mary McLeod Bethune
The first step to going somewhere is to begin. - Debasish Mridha
When I was in my twenties and broke, I'd buy books before food. A meal will sustain you for a few hours, a good book will sustain you for life. - Gabrielle Zevin
When you are at a loss of words then go with your feelings. If you feel nothing you must rely on your thinking. If your thinking is not clear then lean on the spirit. With Spirit you cannot go wrong! - James Brown
Home is not where you have to go but where you want to go; nor is it a place where you are sullenly admitted, but rather where you are welcomed by the people, the walls, the tiles on the floor, the followers beside the door, the play of life, the very grass. - Scott Russell Sanders
Aim deliberately at goal. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Electricity should not be banned, it just needs much better government regulation and understanding by the medical profession of the full range of toxicity that it presents to the human. - Steven Magee
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. - Maya Angelou
Egotism is the anesthetic given by a kindly nature to relieve the pain of being a damned fool.
I thank God I am as honest as any man living that is an old man and no honester than I. - William Shakespeare
A person has three choices in life. You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can tread water and let the tide sweep you away, or you can swim with the tide, and let it take you where it wants you to go. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Unless you are rich, and can con vales center in a sanatorium estate (where visitors came down a tiered, oceanside lawn to found you ato your easel) you have to keep going when you're depressed. That means phone calls, appointments errands, holidays, family, friends, and colleagues. - Virginia Heffernan
Najdragocenija emocija je kad uspete da zagrlite nekoga srcem. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Every time we mention God we become theologians, and the only question is whether we are going to be good ones or bad ones. - J.I. Packer
Friends need not agree in everything or go always together, or have no comparable other friendships of the same intimacy. On the contrary, in friendship union is more about ideal things: and in that sense it is more ideal and less subject to trouble than marriage is. - George Santayana
At first are moving tombs on the surface of the surface of the earth; then we become static tombs in the brims of the cemetary soil; waiting to become eternal people in fellowship for God. I know there is another fellowship in heaven! - Israelmore Ayivor
For a flicker of a moment I imagined a world completely different from the one I'd always known, a world in which I was treated with fairness, even kindness-- a world in which fathers didn't sell their daughters. - Arthur Golden
Never miss a good chance to shut up. - Will Rogers
One wonders in the end if books don't do more harm than good. - Marty Rubin
A religion without a goddess is halfway to atheism. - Dion Fortune
God is in desperate search for those sons he could send to the world of sports to rule and manage it for him - Sunday Adelaja
Be good to people only if you like anal sex.That's how kind people are. - honeya
Affirmation 4 us: I appreciate myself, and I am honored to be me because I am a perfect extension of God. - Katina Marshell Cotton-Sliwa
Beauty' is a currency system like the gold standard. Like any economy, it is determined by politics, and in the modern age in the West is is the last, best belief system that keeps male dominance intact. - Naomi Wolf
There is no truth beyond perception. How you look at things is the truth for you. - Venugopal Gupta
Should-haves are the devil’s greatest tool against our personal progress. He shouts in our ears that they are failures, while God calmly whispers they are lessons. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We got places to go, people to meet, and things to blow up!That needs to be cross-stiched on a pillow - Ezekiel Carsella
Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example. - Mark Twain
Do all the work you can; that is the whole philosophy of the good way of life. - Eugene Delacroix
Life's lessons aren't always new. Often they're the same old worn-out truths offering us greater depths of wisdom and understanding. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Every sacred soul must walk and keep the way of God in the wilderness for years, to begin the sacred writings. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Good deeds are the highest notes in life's symphony. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Your treasure chest is your mind; not your gold mine. - Debasish Mridha
It is impossible to discourage the real writers - they don't give a damn what you say, they're going to write. - Sinclair Lewis
God's help is available for us to achieve great things. We must put our hope and trust in the Lord. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Troubles are often the tools God fashions us for better things. - Henry Ward Beecher
Advice from a Romance Writer: Guys, make your woman feel pretty even on an 'off' day. Trust me, good things will come of it. - Michelle M. Pillow
The minute we look away, the minute we stop fighting back, that's the minute bigotry wins. - DaShanne Stokes
You'll drive yourself crazy trying to control something that isn't yours to control. Let go. Free yourself. Allow your mind and energy to focus on something positive... to build something beautiful. - Steve Maraboli
Over the last fifteen months we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been to fifty-seven states. I think, one left to go. - Barack Obama
A good book ought to have something simple about it. And, like Eve, it ought to come from somewhere near the third rib: there ought to be a heart beating in it. A story that's all forehead doesn't amount to much. - Christopher Morley
A new vision of development is emerging. Development is becoming a people-centered process, whose ultimate goal must be the improvement of the human condition.
Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god. - Jean Rostand
I love to go the library to borrow books. But I also enjoyed buying books to create my sacred library. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You were never born to make money. You were born to enjoy life and be happy. Instead you learned to make money and forgot how to be happy. - Debasish Mridha
Anybody can be good in the country. There are no temptations there. - Oscar Wilde
That means, in turn, that this is an experience which shatters time and liberates people from the confinement of time by at once recalling all that has gone before and anticipating all that is to come. - William Stringfellow
Everything else, every thought, goes fore and forever fades away into the recesses of time, and therein what remains is my soul's love for you. - Francesco Petrarca
A statue stands in a shaded placeAn angel girl with an upturned faceA name is written on a polished rockA broken heart that the world forgot - Martina Mcbride
Seek God's inspiration first, then you will become an inspiration to someone else. - James Tamara
My father said this to me: "Israelmore, if you don't make any impact on earth, you will die before you die. But if you impress hearts with what you do, you still live even after you are gone - Israelmore Ayivor
Epicurus's old questions are still unanswered: Is he (God) willing to prevent evil, but not able? then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? then whence evil? - David Hume
In life; don't go chasing after everything, or if you go for something, never doubt and miss the step, Or else you will miss a trick of the tail and lose everything. - Auliq Ice
When the going gets tough, the tough get going - Billy Joel
I tell you before God, and as an honest man, your son is the greatest composer known to me by person and repute, he has taste and what is more the greatest skill in composition." (Said to Leopold Mozart) - Joseph Haydn
If you're going to put yourself out there, you just have to let the criticism roll off your shoulders". - Cliff Hannold
The mystery was gone but the amazement was just starting. - Andy Warhol
Since our yesterdays are gone and our tomorrows are never promised, TODAY I want to thank all my amazing friends and family for being in my life. - Steven Aitchison
From our solitudewe shall create,forge songs ,pour in the reflectionof the stars and refresh the mindabout the silk-ridden roads that wait for them who have forgotten to feel. - Tara Estacaan
And please God, grant me the wisdom to remember that I am writing for children, not golden stickers. - Rick Riordan
There are two sides to every question. - Protagoras
You may pray to God to remove the hills on your way and fill every pothole on your path; but don’t be surprised if God gives you a shovel to do so! - Israelmore Ayivor
A male-female close-friendship hardly differs from a relationship; it takes "relating" to be friends. But sadly, not every relationship has friendship in it. It's just ironical that two people who are not good enough to be best friends are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
Life is a fragile and awesome gift. - Steve Goodier
Oh God, how do the world and heavens confine themselves, when our hearts tremble in their own barriers! - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If he is a God of justice, people must see his justice on earth - Sunday Adelaja
If you know, you are smart then never try to negotiate your intelligence for the inept. - Anas Khan
If God is really my Father, I have rights, and He has responsibilities. I hereby claim my birthright to be protected, educated, and provided for! - Stefan Emunds
I raised my three teens with love, perseverance, tenacity, sweat, tears, prayers, lighting candles, and the list could go on. - Ana Monnar
All of them are gone except for me; and for me nothing is gone. - Randall Jarrell
I will only add, God bless you. - Jane Austen
One should as a rule respect public opinion in so far as is necessary to avoid starvation and to keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny, and is likely to interfere with happiness in all kinds of ways. - Bertrand Russell
When God speaks about equity, that choice of word, makes us understand that God is not referring to the leaders of the land or the elite this time around. He is actually talking about how ordinary citizens of the land relate to each other in fairness and impartiality. - Sunday Adelaja
If a person listens routinely to the sermon but doesn’t show the commensurate good change in own daily action, then the fact is s/he is actually not hearing anything of the spiritual master’s oration. - Anuj Somany
The challenge has always been that "good people" don't know how to win elections - Fela Durotoye
God will bring you a gift. However, it is up to you to stop shaking the same box and expecting something wonderful will fall out of it again. After a while, you are going to break that box and it won't remind you of that moment when it meant everything to you. - Shannon L. Alder
Crazy got nothin on us" Neesa - C.T. Todd
I have never known the mind of a wolf hunting a deer, but I imagine it must feel a little like this: the twisted excitement of seeing the weak and wounded cowering before you, the knowledge that, in this instant, you have the power to end its life or grant it mercy. In this moment, I am a god. - Marie Lu
I imagined I was God for a millisecond And became speechless for a long time. - Dejan Stojanovic
The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye. The story of love is Hello and Goodbye.Until we meet again....... - Jimi Hendrix
There is madness in youth, but sometimes a god inspires it. - Mary Renault
People thank God when God no longer sits on the throne. The angels descend down to deliver miracles because they are trying to maintain the face of God. In the end, you must place your hopes and prayers with the angels. It has become quite sad in Heaven without its puppet master. - Lionel Suggs
Being poor in the Spirit means you are humble, gentle, meek, God-fearing,kind and exhibit the fruits of the Spirit but being Spiritually poor is lacking in every thing that pertains to life and godliness. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Failure is not an end, if you have it then don't burry it, let them inspires you with a new beginning. - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal, sivaprakash sidhu, sivaprakash, sivaprakash, sidh
Capitalism is not a form of government. Capitalism is but one thing only: Buy Low - Sell High. Capitalism is what happens when a government allows free association and respects property rights. It is a symptom of liberty. - A.E. Samaan
Love is blind and now he prove that to me. He left me alone . But when she left me I now realizee that my true love is God. - Marlo Rayon Hallasgo
WORSHIP LEADERSHIP.Mere talents does not give glory to God but a humble heart. - Mac Canoza
No wonder of it: sheer plod makes plough down sillionShine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear, Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. - Gerard Manley Hopkins
One must be careful not to allow himself fall into the trap of hero worship; we are to take counsel from men, emulate their courage, and godliness, but we are not allowed to worship them. Heroes are men, and men make mistakes. - Paul Bamikole
The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world, nothing is left to chance... logic can be happily tossed out the window. - Stephen King
Our liberty will not be secured at the sword's point... We must secure it by making ourselves worthy of it. And when the people reaches that height, God will provide a weapon, the idols will be shattered, tyranny will crumble like a house of cards, and liberty will shine out like the first dawn. - José Rizal
If you trust Google more than your doctor then maybe it's time to switch doctors. - Jadelr and Cristina Cordova
The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. - Jill Churchill
People with looks are lovely. People with brains are witty. People with cash are wealthy. But people with God are truly happy. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
Sometimes we fail to see what others see and emphasise on what they lack to see. The I of a different eye. - Goitsemang Mvula
There are so many people put there who will tell you that you can't. What you've got to do is turn around and say "Watch me. - Layne Beachley
Look for the good in every person and every situation. You'll almost always find it. - Brian Tracy
The biggest mistake that you will make in life is believing that governments act in the public interest. - Steven Magee
Original, in French: La bonne cuisine est la base du véritable bonheur. English: Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness. - Auguste Escoffier
I am unable to believe in a God susceptible to prayer. I simply haven't the nerve to imagine a being, a force, a cause which keeps the planets revolving in their orbits, and then suddenly stops in order to give me a bicycle with three speeds. - Quentin Crisp
God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way. - C.S. Lewis
Follow your dreams. I am not saying it’s going to be easy, but I am saying it’s going to be worth it. - Moffat Machingura
God made man, and then said I can do better than that and made woman.
A daughter will follow in her mom’s footsteps so make sure to set a good example. - Elizabeth George
If the whole world followed you, Followed to the letter,Tell me if it followed you,Would the world be better? - Unknown from Apples of Gold
If only people valued people and not money…. I've been on a journey of truth and realization. I wonder how many lessons I got to learn. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Bad people need a law to prove themselves but A good people don't need a law to prove themselves - Prerna Banswal
Excessive praise arises from the same bigotry matrix as excessive criticism. - Stefan Molyneux
Its not the content nor context,rather, its the character that masses heed to. - Arap yegon chitabkoret
...Where we got to know eachother. Not just with words, it was how we observed eachother's movements. The way your smile only effected the lower half of your face. How our hands moved when they were close: as if they had minds of their own. - Elaine Turnbo
We’re going to make a tunnel for that ship. We’re going to make sure that little lady has every chance in the world to survive. If I get any trouble out of any of ya… he paused. I’ll handle it myself, do you understand? Johan… Vital Perception - D.L. Given
It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is, better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle words.
It is only man's egoism that wants to keep woman like some buried treasure. - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Mistakes are like bad loves; the more you learn from them the more you wish they'd never happened. - Gregory David Roberts
God has privileged us, in Christ Jesus, to live above the "Ordinary" human plane of life. We are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath! - Pazaria Smith
Stop waiting for the permission to do your life's greatest work, the earth isn't getting any younger. Jump into action knowing that you are either running by God's side or God is running with you in his arms towards your goals, your dreams, and your destiny. - Monika Zands
Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God when he does not wish to sign his work. - Anatole France
Grace means God gives. Faith means I receive. - Dr. Lewis W Gregory
Friends with benefits? More than friends? Don't sample the goodies unless you're willing to risk addiction and withdrawal. - Ann Landers
In the circle of successful living, prayer is the hub that holds the wheel together. Without our contact with God we are nothing. With it, we are 'a little lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honor. - Conrad Hilton
Once you connect with your mind, you are who you are and you’re free. - Natalie Goldberg
In our quest to know life, we have only succeeded in going farther away from our self! Fortunately, to come back home, only one way exists - BEING IN THE NOW!While there are numerous ways to escape life, fortunately, only one way to lead it - BEING IN THE NOW! - Ramana Pemmaraju
The phrases that men hear or repeat continually, end by becoming convictions and ossify the organs of intelligence. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it's just as well; and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome. - Joseph Conrad
Have you heard that it was good to gain the day? I also say it is good to fall, battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won. - Walt Whitman
Democracy is good, but it is not good for an uneducated dogmatic society. Often, that society does not know how to choose wisely. - Debasish Mridha
In my opinion, there are two things that can absolutely not be carried to the screen: the realistic presentation of the sexual act and praying to God. - Orson Welles
Such grave matters as sin and forgiveness should remain between man and God - Stephen King
And then they bid their final goodbye which marked the end of their story. And beginning of two new stories. - Crestless Wave
God cannot be realized through the intellect. Intellect can lead one to a certain extent and no further. It is a matter of faith and experience derived from that faith. - Mahatma Gandhi
We live in the hearts of others, where no noisy words are throbbing at the entrance door. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Ego means being afraid. - Maria Erving
If all the world were Christian, it might not matter if all the world were educated. But a cultural life will exist outside the Church whether it exists inside or not. Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered. - C.S. Lewis
Here is little habit that can make a big difference. Send sunbeams. Intentionally send a word of encouragement or appreciation every day to one person. - Steve Goodier
When a blind man says, 'God is good,' this should be an eye-opener to those who can see. - Anthony Liccione
To only see ‘death’ in death is to somehow assume that death itself is a barrier so abrupt that God Himself is halted by it. To see ‘life’ in death is to understand that death is a sprawling horizon to a new beginning that God created long before death ever thought to show up. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If you know the North, you know where the South is; if you know the darkness, you know where the light is! Evil is an excellent compass to find the good! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Leaving a good mark - Michael Mcguerty
You make choices that are good and sound, but the gods have other plans for you. - Lisa See
is dedicated to serves the unfortunate, regardless of a person's religion, race, ethnicity, or gender, as a demonstration of God's unconditional love for all people, helping communities worldwide.Ethical junction making choices easy. - Paul Chehade
We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks. - Woodrow Wilson
Yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me... Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me throughout the rest of my life and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. - Bible
We never understand what we're praying; and God, in His mercy, does not answer our prayers according to our understanding, but according to His wisdom.
The land's fruitfulness is the "natural" consequence of covenant faithfulness enacted on both sides, Israel's and God's. A productive land is a gift something like a child to a healthy marriage; in each case, thriving results from and witnesses to long-sustained faithfulness between two partners. - Ellen F. Davis
These Hoes Just Gon Fuck Who Ever Poppin , You Better Be Careful, When you fuck em' Raw! - Genereux Philip
in the name of a god who was always a ghost - Carl-John X Veraja
The most frustrating thing about our doctrine in the modern church is that the unbelievers who have never been to church, the agnostics, those who are out rightly atheist, don’t have to fight with whether they are supposed to dominate the earth or not, they just go ahead and do it - Sunday Adelaja
People come and go in our life but memories stays for ever. - Debasish Mridha
The cost of living is going up while the chances of living are going down. - Flip Wilson
A bird in a nest is secure, but that is not why God gave it wings. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The greatness comes not when things go always good for you. But the greatness comes when you're really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes. Because only if you've been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain. - Richard M. Nixon
We learn and experience ourselves only through suffering; everything else is humbug. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Sometimes all we have to do is to trust. Let go of things is an easy job but to stay with a strong heart full of trust is even much more important then all . - Arfa Zainab
Make no mistake about it: Operation Desert Storm truly was a victory of good over evil, of freedom over tyranny, of peace over war. - Dan Quayle
You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. - J. K. Rowling
By God a man is afraid more of himself than anything else; every day he is struggling to construct a God first to suit him, only then to others. - Thiruman Archunan
And now I see the face of god, and I raise this god over the earth, this god whom men have sought since men came into being, this god who will grant them joy and peace and pride. This god, this one word: 'I. - Ayn Rand
A good teacher: one who lets you teach yourself. - Marty Rubin
I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do. - Jana Stanfield
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads. - Lord Chesterfield
As I quietly stare off into space, eyes glazed over and brow thoughtfully taut, know that I am going about my business. I am a storyteller. Daydreaming is the best part of my job. - Richelle E. Goodrich
You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be. I had a mother who read to me. - Strickland Gillian
Killers are clever, victims are the people which are scare from the negativity. That's how it goes and it will go. - Deyth Banger
Ah, how good it feels! The hand of an old friend. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Give me the Love that leads the wayThe Faith that nothing can dismayThe Hope no disappointments tireThe Passion that'll burn like fireLet me not sink to be a clodMake me Thy fuel, Flame of God - Amy Carmichael
Pursue your goal. Opinions be damned. - Stacy Verdick Case
Dear Optimism, nice to see you. I've got an extra room, how about you stay for a while. - Antonia Perdu
If sickness brought glory God, Jesus would have spread disease, not healed it. - D.R. Silva
Love everyone. Good people create an impression and not so good people teach you a lesson. - Debasish Mridha
Life is sacred"? Who said so? God? Hey, if you read history, you realize that God is one of the leading causes of death! Has been for thousands of years! Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Christians; all taking turns killing each other because God told 'em it was a good idea. - George Carlin
Men are conservatives when they are least vigorous, or when they are most luxurious. They are conservatives after dinner. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, their lack of good fortunes or the quirks of fate. Everyone has within them the power to say, "This I am today, that I shall become tomorrow." The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds. - Louis L'Amour
I can see God in a daisy. I can see God at night in the wind and rain. I see Creation just about everywhere. The highest form of song is prayer. King David's, Solomon's, the wailing of a coyote, the rumble of the Earth. - Bob Dylan
They are the efforts of someone who, overarced by stars that are human handiwork, and who, shelterless in this till now undreamt of sense and thus most uncannily in the open, goes with his very being into language, reality-wounded and reality-seeking. - Paul Celan
I wrote "David" because it seemed to me that children, who can love a book more passionately than any grown person, got such a lot of harmless entertainment and not enough real, valuable literature. - Anne Holm
Once people get hung up on theology, they've lost sanity forever. More people have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ than any other name in the history of the world. - Gore Vidal
We have gold because we cannot trust governments - Herbert Hoover
Pyjamas are endless... - Philippa Goodwin
Your life today and tomorrow is patterned alongside your thoughts. You are therefore advised to create good and wonderful thoughts today so they will deliver a beautiful tomorrow for you. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
I don’t want to go to heaven. I want to transform the earth to be heaven. - Debasish Mridha
I'm always in Awe of God's Greatness, His M. O. (Method of Operation), His timing, His Might and His Power. He's God all by Himself!!! Abba, I love You. - Pazaria Smith
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it. - Arnold H. Glasgow
God help us to live slowly:To move simply:To look softly:To allow emptiness:To let the heart create for us.Amen. - Michael Leunig
It is very rare for a child of God to find gold and crude oil on the floor to fetch. He/she must dig and dig deeply well!!! - Israelmore Ayivor
I'm impressed when men go the distance to show they give a damn. That says nothing about the woman and everything about the man. - Donna Lynn Hope
love can make the world go around - Jassi Soni J.S.
Men always talk about the most important things to perfect strangers. In the perfect stranger we perceive man himself; the image of a God is not disguised by resemblances to an uncle or doubts of wisdom of a mustache. - G. K. Chesterton
He who wishes to exert a useful influence must be careful to insult nothing. Let him not be troubled by what seems absurd, but concentrate his energies to the creation of what is good. He must not demolish, but build. He must raise temples where mankind may come and partake of the purest pleasure. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
That best portion of a good man's life, His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. - William Wordsworth
The unfortunate thing about this word is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones.
If God grace can only come through slaughtering animals, then their is no need of god.No one is above t humanity. - Vikram Singh Slathia
Material wealth don’t just come and go, they come to stay as long as the virtues remain in the fabric of a nation - Sunday Adelaja
Isn't that funny, that deity is passe but the attributes and implications of deity linger-- - Gregory Maguire
Spominjanjem Gospodara u srcu se rahmet stvara. - Sulejman Bugari
If you could talk to God, He wouldn't be God. - J. Richard Singleton
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me; give me liberty or give me death! - Patrick Henry
One can dream so much better in a room where there are pretty things. - L. M. Montgomery
Could it be that God is so intensely personal that He would burn down your world in hopes of building it back? - Matt Chandler
I'm not going to die, I'm going home like a shooting star. - Sojourner Truth
It doesn't matter if a million people tell you what you can't do, or if ten million tell you no. If you get one yes from God that's all you need. - Tyler Perry
Before you become too entranced with gorgeous gadgets and mesmerizing video displays, let me remind you that information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, and wisdom is not foresight. Each grows out of the other, and we need them all. - Arthur C. Clarke
Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers and boys used to dress like their fathers. Now girls drink like their fathers and boys dress like their mothers. - Habeeb Akande
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves, and, under a just God cannot retain it. - Abraham Lincoln
And I, Nephi, took one of the daughters of Ishmael to wife.' Well Mr. Go-And-Do just went and did! - John Bytheway
In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. - Gordon B. Hinckley
It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of His presence. - C.S. Lewis
Novels for me are how I find out what's going on in my own head. And so that's a really useful and indeed critical thing to do when you do as many of these other things as I do. - Cory Doctorow
It hurts to let go. Sometimes it seems the harder you try to hold on to something or someone the more it wants to get away. You feel like some kind of criminal for having felt, for having wanted. For having wanted to be wanted. - Henry Rollins
The closer we try to get to God, the more we will hate to sin in our own lives, the more we are saddened by the thoughts that runs through our minds. I also think that the more we draw closer to God, the more God will honour us and will open doors for the right things to happen in our life. - Patience Johnson
I like the chase, scavenging and how we unravel. Standing naked with all my pores at the door. Waiting for a response, a love, someone to call my home. Where my emotions graze the air and I’m lying half past gone. - Dominic Riccitello
FORGETFULNESS, n. A gift of God bestowed upon doctors in compensation for their destitution of conscience. - Ambrose Bierce
He has spent his life best who has enjoyed it most; God will take care that we do not enjoy it any more than is good for us. - Samuel Butler
Listen; there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go. - e e cummings
Reading Gives Us Some Place To Go, When We Have To Stay Where We Are. - Anonymous
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? - Vincent Van Gogh
she would have got a gold medal in social climbing if it was an Olympic sport - Marlene Perez
Going to the opera, like getting drunk, is a sin that carries its own punishment with it, and that a very severe one.
The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
the best of" show was completely gone and we were in big trouble, except we didn't really care. - Tina Fey
Can you imagine how many people got laid in here?" Abby said, walking to the other side of the Jacuzzi. - J.C. Joranco
Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation and the more solid your concepts, the more likely they are going to sink you, sooner or later. - Enza Vita
...you have to be godly to be wise ... - Derek Kidner
Sorrow and self-pity consume enormous quantities of energy. If you only can desist from feeling victimized by fate and look for a new solution instead, not only would you conserve old energies but at the same time also feel the surge of the new. New hope is kindled in the process. - G.R. Gopinath
God is God. Because he is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what he is up to. - Elisabeth Elliot
May God grant his grace for all people. - Lailah Gifty Akita
No one can attain to truth by himself. Only by laying stone on stone with the cooperation of all, by the millions of generations from our forefather Adam to our own times, is that temple reared which is to be a worthy dwelling place of the Great God. - Leo Tolstoy
Travelling the road will tell you more about the road than the google will tell you about the road. - Amit Kalantri
God is a supreme-being.God is all powerful.God is the creator of all things.God is great.God is mighty. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again. - Og Mandino
Sometimes wisdom dictates that you take a few steps backwards to be able to go much further - TemitOpe Ibrahim
A pumpkin lives but once a year when someone sets its soul afire and on that night it stirs up fear until its flame is snuffed.But e'en one night of eerie light is fright enough. - Richelle E. Goodrich
What corrupt corporate governments call a terrorist is what many common people call a resistance fighter. - Steven Magee
Sometimes it’s about knowing people, all of the time, it’s about knowing God! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Non puoi metterti a fare il padre quando vuoi tu. Io sono tua figlia,ma sono cresciuta in un modo diverso da quello che vuoi. Non intendo sottostare alle tue regole di corte, non intendo sposarmi con chi vuoi tu, e intendo fare della mia vita ciò che voglio!, "Angelica - Elena Lucia Zumerle
If you're going to put yourself out there, you just have to let the criticism roll off your shoulders. - Cliff Hannold
A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education he may steal the whole railroad. - Theodore Roosevelt
Rags-to-riches story? I've heard that gospel before, no thanks. I find no greater inspiration than the riches-to-rags story of redemption, the story of God leaving His golden throne to pursue a wretch like me. - T. William Watts
Only God understands how incredibly far we’ve fallen, and only God understands how incredibly far we can rise. And only we can determine if we’re going to wallow in the mediocrity that is born of the refusal to understand either. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
What have you done for science today? Stop doing things for God! He doesn't need anything. Do something for science, for God's sake! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Character is the line in the sand between the worst of the good people and the best of the bad ones - Johnny Flora
Our government, media houses, schools, must focus on creating a new culture in our society. A culture of work. A culture of labour. A culture of diligence. A culture of hard work. A culture of perseverance. A culture of persistence. A culture of DIGNITY OF LABOUR. - Sunday Adelaja
Your own positive future begins in this moment. All you have is right now. Every goal is possible from here. - Lao Tzu
Seemingly from the dawn of man all nations have had governments; and all nations have been ashamed of them. - G. K. Chesterton
True children of God experience pleasure in giving. - Sunday Adelaja
Only be rebellious for good reasons. - Hannah B (Who is rebellious for everything)
God never gives you more than you can handle. It's your choice on how you deal with what he gives you. You can either grow from it, or you can lie down and give up. - Kendra Sedgwick
You will not be rewarded for your good nature. Your good nature is your reward. - Debasish Mridha
If you go up HUMBLED, you'll come down PROUD. But if you go up PROUDLY you'll come down HUMBLED. - Eli Evans
It is the nature of ambition to make men liars and cheats, to hide the truth in their breasts, and show, like jugglers, another thing in their mouths, to cut all friendships and enmities to the measure of their own interest, and to make a good countenance without the help of good will. - Sallust
I guess it’s also not a good thing when you start relating yourself to a late nineteenth century nut bag who shot himself, but hey, you’ve got to relate to something if you ever want to feel relevant. - Molli Fields
God instituted prayer to communicate to creatures the dignity of causality. - Blaise Pascal
Go according to your curiosity. - Debasish Mridha
It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry. - Nikolai Gogol
If you do not get the chills when you set your goal you're not setting big enough goals. - Bob Proctor
Do your best, and be a little better than you are. - Gordon B. Hinckley
You cannot sensibly expect a starving 'God-fearing' man to honor the 8th commandment. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A mystery is an unknown puzzle to solve like lies and secrets that you need to know. Lies and secrets that are like a cancer in our soul. They eat away what is good and leave only DESTRUCTION behind. A mystery to discover which makes life more COMPLICATED as it seems to be. - Red Delachina
Gifts are temporary and often forgotten; love is forever and always remembered. - Ken Poirot
When everything seems worse, impossible to achieve, thinking about giving up, quitting? Remember why started first? Trust yourself, tap yourself and say if you cannot make it, no one is going to. Look back, the whole team believes in you, go for it and be a CHAMPION. - Vivek Thangaswamy
Never get tired of dreaming no matter how failed you got. the more you fails the more it gets you wiser the more you will achieve what you're hoping for ...... Be positive - rahul kushwaha
Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. - Franklin P. Jones
Home is not necessarily, where the heart is. It is also, where good food,people, and sanity resides.even if that accounts for a house, with no people in it. - anjali mukherjee
The test of any good fiction is that you should care something for the characters; the good to succeed, the bad to fail. The trouble with most fiction is that you want them all to land in hell together, as quickly as possible. - Mark Twain
Why is it that beautiful women never seem to have curiosity? Is it because they know they're classical? With classical things the Lord finished the job. Ordinary ugly people know they're deficient and they go on looking for the pieces. - Penelope Gilliatt
But he who never sins can little boast Compared to him who goes and sins no more.
KEEP, v.t. He willed away his whole estate, And then in death he fell asleep, Murmuring: "Well, at any rate, My name unblemished I shall keep." But when upon the tomb 'twas wrought Whose was it? -- for the dead keep naught. Durang Gophel Arn - Ambrose Bierce
A key to the brighter future is to reassess goals, priorities and do best to make things happen. - Martin M Stupak
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon... - Terry Pratchett
Can we just stop pretending that skinny jeans are a good look on anyone? Can we just band together and go for a boot cut, please? Ladies? - Jennifer Garner
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. - Bible
What have I become?My sweetest friend; everyone I know goes away in the end.And you could have it all:my empire of dirt.I will let you down.I will make you hurt. - Nine Inch Nails
You broke me bodily.The heart ain't the half of it,And I'll never learn to laugh at itIn my good natured way.In fact, I'm laughing less in general,But I learned a lot at my own funeral.And I knew you'd be the death of me,So I guess that's the price I pay. - Ani DiFranco
If you walk through a door with dead locks,bolts and chains don't betray or turn your back on that trust.The privilege of knowing all that goes on behind that door should be treated as an extraordinary gift.For many people will only ever see half of the real person they've known for years. - Anonymous
True Christianity is NOT a religion, to be a christian, you don't have to be a christian - Fabulous Godwin
Success comes from doing the hard part. When the hard part is all you've got, you're more likely to do it.And this is precisely why it's difficult to focus. Because focusing means acknowledging that you just signed up for the hard part. - Seth Godin
If we could stop thinking of 'meaning' and 'purpose' as artifacts of some divine creative act and see them instead as the yield of our own creative future, they become goals, intentions and processes very much in reach rather than the shadows of childlike, superstitious mythology. - Douglas Rushkoff
Be not so bigoted to any custom as to worship it at the expense of truth. - Johann Georg Zimmermann
what IF ? we never met? you never got to know having all is not having Everything - litymunshi
Sometimes the simplest solution out of conflict is becoming someone’s friend, instead of saying goodbye forever. - Shannon L. Alder
don't try to hate me or even judging my attitude anyway you are gonna fall in love. - Rahul Bodkhe
A girl has to have a beautiful smile, Beautiful eyes and she should have a good sense of humor. She should be honest, loving and trustworthy. - Justin Bieber
I like a look of agony, because I know it's true - Emily Dickinson
Let the minor genius go his light way and enjoy his life - the great nature cannot so live, he is never really in holiday mood, even though he often plucks flowers by the wayside and ties them into knots and garlands like little children and lays out on a sunny morning.
Humility is truth, therefore in all sincerity we must be able to look up and say, "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me." By yourself you can do nothing, have nothing but sin, weakness and misery. All the gifts of nature and grace you have them from God. - Mother Teresa
The feelings is both the biggest poison and the greatest remedy. The wisdom and good sense define the best use. - Da Anunciação Marco
Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained. - C.S. Lewis
When God closes a door He does not always open a window. Sometimes He wants you to sit in the quiet darkness while He transforms your fear into trust. How long that takes, is often up to you! - William Branks
If you can read, you can go anywhere. - Ruth Burke
Happiness is good health and a bad memory. - Ingrid Bergman
Much of the Kama Sutra is like origami; I don’t quite understand all the bending that needs to happen. - Erica Goros
Speechless is not even a good enough word to describe what I feel when I see the pictures of how we have transformed the world from the good to bad, from natural to artificial, physical appearance to daily makeup. I think I want to go with the word ENRAGED, DISGUSTED, or better yet INSULTED . - Auliq-Ice
You have to let go better to embrace the best. - Debasish Mridha
I will lose the habit of stars in the heavens, as frozen water loses the habit of snowflakes. I will take my frozen body, and give it to the young goats that they might graze it. - Nichita Stănescu
1715Whatever, however anybody leaves you alone and you think its your fault, its wrong, you are not alone because.... God is always with you, its not your fault the person who gone is just not perfect for you..! - Irfa Rahat
Immortals are constrained by ancient rules. But a hero can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as he has the nerve.-Chiron - Rick Riordan
The more we give, the more we reap the benefits of feeling good in helping others. We are all capable of giving and and as well receiving, from giving graciously The blessing about giving is that it always comes back to us! - Angie karan
The main goal of the future is to stop violence. The world is addicted to it. - Bill Cosby
What deep wounds ever closed without a scar?The hearts bleed longest, and heals but to wear That which disfigures it. - George Gordon Byron
Good seamanship is recovering from an incident at sea. Great seamanship is avoiding an incident at sea. - unknown
Unless you have a very good reason, never wake up anybody or anything! Let the sleeper sleep in peace. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Like vanishing dew,a passing apparitionor the sudden flashof lightning -- already gone --thus should one regard one's self. - Ikkyu
Only when I fall do I get up again. - Vincent Van Gogh
The author of true, real and rare wisdom is God; ask Him! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Our kindness may be the most persuasive argument for that which we believe. - Gordon B. Hinckley
I'm not a clever man, but I'm willing to listen to people who are, and I think you are. Just don't try poking me in the direction you want me to go. I don't like that Master Balwer. - Robert Jordan
Daily meditation promotes self confidence, peace of mind and strong faith in God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
They say you just stand over there, he'll say thank you and you walk back off and that's what I thought was gonna happen, but in my head, I had for five or six years known that he was gonna call me over. - Ellen DeGeneres
I have a great mind to believe in Christianity for the mere pleasure of fancying I may be damned. - George Gordon Byron
What a time experiences as evil, is usually an untimely echo of what was formerly experienced as good--the atavism of a more ancient ideal. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I used to think that your calling was about doing something good in this world. Now I understand it’s about becoming someone good—and letting that goodness impact the world around you. - Jeff Goins, The Art Of Work
Speed to fail should be every entrepreneur's motto. When you finally find the one idea that can't be killed, go with it. - Jay Samit
If you have goals and procrastination, you have nothing. If you have goals and you take action, you will have anything you want. - Thomas J. Vilord
When people see own advantage with a person who has a lot of money, they will say generally that he has a good attitude, but if not seeing own benefits then most of them are most likely to say he has an attitude that is a bad one. - Anuj Somany
How do I recognize a real saint? Whom I shall see within me whether it is in dreams or trances or meditations, He will be the Saint to me. Because God is the only Saint in this world. He is within our bodies. When He will manifest within my body in the form of a person, he will be saint to me. - Jibankrishna
Be Good, but don't waste the time to proove it - Devesh Tamta
How had they met? By chance, like everybody else. What were there names? What's it to you? Where were they coming from? From the nearest place. Where were they going? Does anyone really know where they're going? - Denis Diderot
Who was it who said something about the Indians being argumentative, good soul, let him come to Haridwar and meet this bunch. Good for him too, if he adapts with age; for if after fifty you don't live the aspirations of the young, go away. Who needs spectacle snails salivating on the Soma of youth? - Aporva Kala
Some people say the rain with no purpose and others say with memories and wishes - Tagor Manroo
Intotdeauna ajungem acolo unde suntem asteptati. - José Saramago
Write it as a dream, read it as a goal. - Sakurai Sho
I'm alive with love in my heart.. I'm grateful for each moment.. With a little patience and god's grace I know everything in my life will work out on its own time! - Nehali Lalwani
School means work and work means death. Let's all go take a nap. - Emma Shannon
Men after the heart of God become the moral conscience, the guidance and custodians of justice, not simply in the security of the four walls of their church - Sunday Adelaja
If evil destroyed evil there would be no good left. - Vanshika Dhyani
You are like the winged goddess from Greek mythology. As beautiful and soaring like an angel as her". #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion: - Olga GOA
Music is power, literally. You hear a certain note, or a rhythm that really clicks, and boom! You’ve got a song. Maybe only in your head. But when you’ve got the idea, the song flows out through your fingers. Nothing else does that. - Caleb Longbons
Many men all their lives for the opportunity to be good in their way.wait all their lives for the - Frederick Niestzsche
God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, thehelpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos; He will set them above their betters. - H. L. Mencken
Energy will go into what you love, and what you love will grow. Go for a walk and watch it bloom. - A.D. Posey
God is peace, bliss, beauty and truth. Focus your energy on that, life will be like that. - Amit Ray
Every occasion is an opportunity to glorify God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later. - Mitch Hedberg
Your relationship with God has to be alive: Learn to be His child - Sunday Adelaja
Most governments strive to keep the masses from thinking; if the masses began to think the government would not be in power - rjs - rassool jibraeel snyman
Sometimes what we think is good for others... might be destructive for them... you never know - shivangi lavaniya
The hallmark of great dreams is not their possibility but their impossibility, and the fact that it is the very notion of the ‘impossible’ that inspires us to go and accomplish them anyway. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A woman who focuses on worshiping God will consider carefully how she is dressed, because her heart will dictate her wardrobe and appearance. - Elizabeth George
It is your ego that needs to explain itself. The self just is. - Kamand Kojouri
When we learn to read the story of Jesus and see it as the story of the love of God, doing for us what we could not do for ourselves--that insight produces, again and again, a sense of astonished gratitude which is very near the heart of authentic Christian experience. - N.T. Wright
...Don't insult readers by questioning the extent of their imaginations. Most need only to be nudged to solve a good mystery. - Peggy Kopman-Owens
In the end, what will you fight for-- what got there first, what got there last or what has been there all along? - Shannon L. Alder
Our workforce is our most valuable asset, but it seems the engine fuel is going to be empty and shut down. - irak.ibrahim hussain didi
Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness. - Meister Eckhart
Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out. - Gordon B. Hinckley
To middle-class Americans who have paid a great deal for the last 12 years and from whom I ask a contribution tonight, I will say again... you're not going at it alone anymore - you're certainly not going first, and you're not going to pay more for less as you have too often in the past.
It is always a silly thing to give advice, but to give good advice is fatal. - Oscar Wilde
Electricians that like good health avoid the known biologically toxic very high powered electrical utility jobs. - Steven Magee
...I believe in a God of scandalous grace. I have pledged allegiance to a King who loved evildoers so much he died for them, teaching us that there is something worth dying for but nothing worth killing for. - Shane Claiborne
Remind me to thank God I don’t have a sister.Caine eyed him critically. He was a filthy heap of blood and soot and sand stuck to the gun oil on his face. Yeah, without much enthusiasm. I’ll thank Him for ya. - V.S. Carnes
God Give Us PeaceWithout Peace We Are Without Freedom - Ellen J. Barrier
When faced with a problem, don't keep on discussing it. Go beyond the mental barrier to resolve it. - Z Vally
ELYSIUM, n. An imaginary delightful country which the ancients foolishly believed to be inhabited by the spirits of the good. This ridiculous and mischievous fable was swept off the face of the earth by the early Christians -- may their souls be happy in Heaven! - Ambrose Bierce
We may not know where we are or where we are going, but we have to go. - Debasish Mridha
Giving up on a purposeful journey of life is as deadly as death! When you pursue with tenacity, and strive through the adversities and the vicissitudes of life with a mind of fortitude and get to the end of the journey, you shall surely see life. Awake! Arise and go! Never ever give up!!! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
We're all made of stories. When they finally put us underground, the stories are what will go on. Not forever, perhaps, but for a time. It's a kind of immortality, I suppose, bounded by limits, it's true, but then so's everything. - Charles de Lint
A book is simply a snap shot of the full story. - Erica Goros
Improve yourself. Raise your attitude up to excellence for success. Get going now and create the reality. - Mark LaMoure
God had conceived humans’ heterosexuals; until they start making initiatives. - M.F. Moonzajer
Woman! She's mother, she's daughter, she's sister; she's a unique creation of God; her womb is also root cause of mankind; her shadow provides gallantry; her affection heals life into the languid body; love her, worship her, you'll find paradise. - Tanmaya Guru
They (who) seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers. . . call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order.
God the Father and the Son don’t wish you to remain blind. It is men that put blindness upon other people for the purpose of control and manipulation. - Sunday Adelaja
Faith moves mountains, but only knowledge moves them to the right place... - Joseph Goebbels
What I'm trying to do is make impressions. I think of myself as a colourist, adding different colours and shades by using different techniques and touching the guitar in different ways. I'd like to play sounds you can see if you've got your eyes closed. - Lenny Breau
Don't be discouraged when people leave your life because you can still fulfill your God given purpose without them. Remember that your destiny is not tied to any human being, but in line with God's purpose. - Gugu Mona
Anyone in this life is a good person - Kat Unda
I was compared to Charles Bukowski yesterday. It was the best and worst compliment I've ever gotten. - Rosa Sophia
It's not vanity to know your own good points. It would just be stupidity if you didn't; It's only vanity when you get puffed up about them. - L. M. Montgomery
Since the future is unknown, nobody can really know where he is going! When asked, tell them you know not where you are going! You can only say where you wish to go! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Black(people) hold onto their God just as the drunken man holds on to the street lamp post—for physical support only. - Tai Solarin
But for the most part, people - of the right kind - are good. For them I put on my corset of cheerfulness, a solid serviceable garment. It holds in the bulgings and oozings of emotion, and soon I find they are, temporarily, stilled. - Anna Lyndsey
Crows pooping in your neighbor's roof is not good news; one day they will be pooping in your roof too - Fazli Rrezja
If you would be unloved and forgotten, be reasonable. - Kurt Vonnegut
Time does have a way of softening most things. Anger, hate, and even loss are often diluted by the passage of time. And memories, well they become more precious as days go by . . . until one day the cup that seemed half-empty, incredibly, becomes half-full. - Cynthia Mock Burroughs
A blank piece of paper is God's way of telling us how hard it is to be God. - Sidney Sheldon
This isn’t like a job we have while we go to college. This is what we like feed ourselves with. - Annie Baker
It's better to find success through God, than finding it on one's own merits; some who usually find their own success become boastful, where through God it's with gratitude. - Anthony Liccione
And that's why books are never going to die. It's impossible. It's the only time we really go into the mind of a stranger, and we find our common humanity doing this. So the book doesn't only belong to the writer, it belongs to the reader as well, and then together you make it what it is. - Paul Auster
But even though there´s no more hope, again there´s no need to harm yourself, despite your feeling as if there´s no ground beneath you and no choice in any direction. But when we do let go, how wonderful. We discover that the darkness is actually full of light. - Jakusho Kwong
I believe in miracles.I believe in God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
i been paid for My Music;not My body;iF you want to see an Naked ;U in the wrong place,;Go jungle ; There's a lot Animal's waiting for you; - anne idris
If you don't know what to do next take the oath that will enhance your soul and erase your ego, & from the quiet space inside yourself, you will know what to do. - Nikki Rowe
If you want a new tomorrow, then make new choices today. - Tim Fargo
The bee is domesticated but not tamed. - William Longgood
The term "work" is getting thrown around as though everyone seems to be doing so. The question is, working for what? Every time I am at work, it means I am getting closer to my goal. Once you have the vision, you work towards it. - J.R. Rim
1052The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God. - Tom Krause
He whom the gods love dies young. - Menander
Laurie herself was more focused on the years when her kids were little, when she felt so necessary and purposeful, a battery all charged up with love. Every day she used it up and every night it got miraculously replenished. Nothing had ever been as good as that. - Tom Perrotta
Hardships scorch as sun burns each entity to glow it golden. - raja shakeel mushtaque
I can't believe I spent 13 years at school and never got taught cooking, gardening, conversation, massage, Latin, or philosophy. What were they thinking? That I would somehow live off inorganic chemistry? - Neel Burton
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Anger... agony... so familiar emotions. - Deyth Banger
God preordained, for his own glory and the display of His attributes of mercy and justice, a part of the human race, without any merit of their own, to eternal salvation, and another part, in just punishment of their sin, to eternal damnation. - John Calvin
You are not yourself in autobiography. It is never going to be you, it is only words on a page. Memories are unreliable, so adding the magic of imagination will make your story come alive. - K.H. Rennie
There is an apparent need to save the earth and the means God chose to do this is not by sending POWER but by sending his Son - Sunday Adelaja
If typos are God's way of keeping a writer humble, plot holes certainly keeps one on their knees. - E.A. Bucchianeri
You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice. - Steven D. Woodhull
One does not go near the sun without feeling its warmth. - Matshona Dhliwayo
That little man in black over there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him. - Sojourner Truth
God has the flashlight, let Him LIGHT the way! - Mary Kate
At times it is so enjoyable to mire your neighbor into the filth you already got stuck in long ago! - Igor Eliseev
If you want to understand UFOs, reincarnation and God, do not study UFOs, reincarnation and God. Study people. - Scott Adams
Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse. (What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.) - Friedrich Nietzsche
Sometimes the truth feels good. - Carson Kressley
Now I've gone for too longLiving like I'm not aliveSo I'm going to start over tonightBeginning with you and I - Hayley Williams
A father is only capable of giving what he has, and what he knows. A good father gives all of himself that is good. - Vincent Carrella
A Christian sits in his or her well and thinks that the whole world is his or her well. The Jew sits in his or her little well and thinks that it is the whole world. A Muslim sits cooped up in his or her tiny well and believes it to be the whole universe. The same goes for a Hindu and all others. - Abhijit Naskar
from my chair i can see the street and it seems depressing - Brandon Scott Gorrell
You're good for the ones you love. You want to be good for the ones you love, because you know that your time with them will end up being too short, no matter how long it is. - Stephen King
There are passions that it is not for man to choose. - Nikolai Gogol
I must govern the clock, not be governed by it. - Golda Meir
We have to be ready for the blessings God tosses at us. In order to catch your blessing, you have to let go of your burden. - Raylene Roybal
You’re never going to learn something as profoundly as when it’s purely out of curiosity. - Christopher Nolan
In it's purest form, an act of retribution provides symmetry. The rendering payment of crimes against the innocent. But a danger on retaliation lies on the furthering cycle of violence. Still, it's a risk that must be met; and the greater offense is to allow the guilty go unpunished. - Emily Thorne
In modern society the term "no" have changed meaning. It now seems to be an abbreviation for "Negotiations Open". - Jury Nel
We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. - Pope Benedict XVI
Is it a time for you, you I say, to dwell in your roofed-in houses?' (Haggai 1:4). The reply might have been that it was unreasonable to expect anyone to live in a roofless house, but the question made its point. What worth did they set on their God, when they left His Temple in ruins? - Joyce G. Baldwin
Love isn't always a physical emotion. Sometimes it's the ones who never got to actually hold you in their arms that appreciate you for who you are - Sarah Sprague
We must depend on God’s grace for every good deed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don't. - Earl Wilson
Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls. - Ingmar Bergman
Above all we have to go beyond words and images and concepts. No imaginative vision or conceptual framework is adequate to the great reality. - Bede Griffiths
Forget Gods, Religion, Caste, Sex, Species, Everything like every single thing - Sense it, Feel it and just be Human ! - Alamvusha
Remember, what goes around comes around, if you give out venom, sooner or later it will come back to poison you - TheEmoQueen
the glory of the protagonist is always paid for by a lot of secondary characters - Tony Hoagland
What the United States call democracy is actually a vertical model of remote governance by oligarchs—economic barons and their political representatives. The result is that citizens in the United States have little control over what the U.S. government does. - S. Brian Willson
I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions. - George Carlin
A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. - Bernard Meltzer
The music at a wedding procession always reminds me of the music of soldiers going into battle. - Heinrich Heine
I suppose that it is not so easy to go home and it takes a bit of time to make a son out of a stranger. - Albert Camus
I don't understand why some kids git a good school and mother and father and some don't. But Rita say forgit the WHY ME shit and git on to what's next. - Sapphire
Everythings a choice. Nobody's born good. Nobody's born evil. It's always a choice. - Tom Hiddleston
Only God is awesome. - Shane Claiborne
If love becomes too painful, then it's time to let that love go and save yourself. You have to keep this in mind because you'll be able to find another love but not another self. - Robert Tew
Each handicap is like a hurdle in a steeplechase, and when you ride up to it, if you throw your heart over, the horse will go along, too. - Lawrence Bixby
You have to be deviant if you're going to do anything new.
Only exceptionally rational men can afford to be absurd. - Allan Goldfein
Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go. - Sylvia Robinson
If reality is as equally valuable as fiction, then you should just chalk up the parts of the past you don’t need to your imagination - Ryohgo Narita
Our lives are the only meaningful expression of what we believe and in Whom we believe. And the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith. - Gordon B. Hinckley
As a Priest got a calling to preach, you also got a calling to do whatever you do, so do it with passion and only God can stop your calling. - Unarine Ramaru
Once you’re on the negative side of the house, you're more accessible to the rooms where other negative moods hang out—irritability, frustration and anger. You're not directly there, but it's a short walk. - Simon Rego
Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose. - Robin Williams
Satan rejected my soul; as low as he goes,he never quite goes this low. - Morrissey
Wherever I am, if I've got a book with me, I have a place I can go and be happy."[Harry Potter Beyond the Page: A Virtual Author Visit with (Scholastic / Stacks webcast, October 11, 2012)] - J.K. Rowling
The createst trick the ego has ever pulled of was to convince you that you need it. - Can Arel
All life is only allegory and the real story is not here... - Richard Flanagan
Look for God, suggests my Guru. Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water. - Elizabeth Gilbert
It is generally agreed that "Hello" is an appropriate greeting because if you entered a room and said "Goodbye," it could confuse a lot of people.
It should be some kind of goal to be absolutely clear about your past experiences and have let them all go and accepted them in full. - Auliq Ice
A goal gives you the lens to see the future with clearer vision. - J.R. Rim
Know thyself, presume not God to scan;The proper study of mankind is man. - Alexander Pope
Apa yang kita lakukan dan tidak kita lakukan hari ini akan menentukan masa depan anak cucu kita, generasi penerus kita selanjutnya; we simply cannot afford the price of inaction and egotism. - Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono
He who abandons the field is beaten. - Victor Hugo
...free time is an illusion. It's what you get when you die and the gods reward you for a life spent working from dawn until midnight. - Tamora Pierce
With wisdom in your mind,you can perform great deeds.With faith in your heart,you can perform extraordinary deeds.With love in your soul,you can perform remarkable deeds.With God in your life,you can perform supernatural deeds. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Live well, Ichigo. Live well, age well, go bald well, and die after me. And... if you can, die smiling.(Isshin Kurosaki) - Tite Kubo
Write a lot and hit the streets. A writer who doesn't keep up with what's out there ain't gonna be out there. - Toni Cade Bambara
You get lonely, is what it is. A person's not supposed to go through life with absolutely nobody. It's not normal. The longer you go by yourself the weirder you get, and the weirder you get the longer you go by yourself. It's a loop and you gotta do something to get out of it. - Jim Shepard
Anyone who has no need of anybody but himself is either a beast or a God."Aristotle - Bruce Wayne Sullivan
Thus, every entity, even if it is a defective one, in so far as it is an entity, is good. In so far as it is defective, it is evil. - Augustine of Hippo
I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite. - G. K. Chesterton
God is in the details.
When you understand that what you're telling is just a story. It isn't happening anymore. When you realize the story you're telling is just words, when you can just crumble it up and throw your past in the trashcan, then we'll figure out who you're going to be. - Chuck Palahniuk
Anyone who goes through life trusting people without making sure they are worthy of trust is a fool. Yet there are people who may be trusted, men as well as women. There are are as many difference in their natures as there are flowers in these meadows. - Elizabeth Aston
Go away. I hate everyone right now, and I'm pretty sure that includes you. - Jill Shalvis
One: I am proud to say that my vampires do not sparkle.Two: I feel like in literature that we've gone [this way] towards the kissing vampires side of the needle. I think it's time we go back towards the killing vampires side of the needle. - Seth Grahame-Smith
Say my goal , don't say my dreamقُـل هدفى , ولا تقُـل حلمى - Ajmed Abo Lila
Many people tell me that I should become a politician but I tell them no I want to do something good for the nation. - Amit Abraham
Believe and faith in God makes all things possible. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Nigeria has divided itself into PDP and APC.The PDP is to go on making mistakes while APC is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. - Saminu Kanti
Great truths can only be forgotten and can never be falsified. - G.K. Chesterton
It is one thing to have the gift of seeing the spirits and hearing the Gods who move about us as we come and go; but it is a gift of darkness as well as light. - Mary Stewart
Back of every creation, supporting it like an arch, is faith. Enthusiasm is nothing: It comes and goes. But if one believes, then miracles occur. - Henry Miller
Control is never achieved when sought after directly; it is the surprising result of letting go. - James Arthur Ray
Stories are where memories go when they're forgotten... - The 13th Doctor
One of the most important qualities of a president is the ability to inspire, to bring people together for the common good. - DaShanne Stokes
Create a good work and get lost! Let your work walk by itself, run by itself, fly by itself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Today is the future of yesterday.Today is the foundation of tomorrow.Today is going to be the past of future. - Bina
People tell me that Senator Edwards got picked for his good looks, his sex appeal, and his great hair. I say to them, 'How do you think I got the job? - Dick Cheney
God has given me a lifeboat and said... 'Moody save all you can - D.L. Moody
When something serious happens in your life, something bad comes out of it but also something good. You get to see who is real. Who your true friends are, and who truly loves you.  - Angie karan
Good coaches teach respect for the opposition, love of competition, the value of trying your best, and how to win and lose graciously. - Brooks Clark
The thing about life is, you’ve got to somehow make it through the day. Don’t wait for the beautiful evening. Go on with your life. Of course, the beautiful evening will come. In fact, she’s on her way. And she’s coming to you as fast as she can. And dude, she’s beautiful. - Thisuri Wanniarachchi
It's better to have a gay life of it than to commit suicide. - Vincent Van Gogh
I feel like i am parked diagonally in a parallel universe - Anonymous
There's a sin, a fearful sin, resting on this nation, that will not go unpunished forever. There will be a reckoning yet. . . there's a day coming that will burn as an oven. It may be sooner or it may be later, but it's a coming as sure as the Lord is just. - Solomon Northup
A good novel begins with a small question and ends with a bigger one. - Paula Fox
Can a dream be wrong? Aren't dreams God's way of telling you things? - Ellen Hopkins
Don't hold on too long, but don't let go to soon. Find a balance.
The height of humanity should give birth to greater good. We should be in desperation of "CHANGE" but not in spawning evil, because by doing so, humanity remains shackled. - Henry Johnson Jr
Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is the history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it. - Woodrow Wilson
Only by focusing on God can we reach our goal. - Sunday Adelaja
Your advice seems a little ironical.""Oh, you may either follow it or reverse it—that is its chief beauty. It is equally good taken either way. - Thomas Henry Lister
Be impatient enough to start going after your dreams now but patient enough to watch them manifest. - Matthew Donnelly
To be a follower of Christ and not just a fan means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. - Shannon L. Alder
I find that I spend a tremendous amount of time chasing the praises of men rather than sitting with the praises of God. The former is something I attempt to catch, the latter catches me. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Your ego is laughing at you behind your back. - John Martin Shepherd
The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exaulted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy...neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. - John W. Gardner
The qualities required to be a good leader are usually incompatible with the qualities required to become a leader. - Francis Mont
The path to enlightenment is when you allow presence, love and gratitude to overlap your ego. - Matthew Donnelly
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. -John, Apostle (and brother?) of Jesus, The Bible (RSV, non-Catholic), 3:16 - John Apostle
Who but the Christian, among the religions of the world and throughout time, worships a God who loves him so much that he died an agonizing and wretched death to pay for his sins? - Ron Brackin
Were there no God, we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts, and no one thank. - Christina Rossetti
Each man takes care that his neighbor shall not cheat him. But a day comes when he begins to care that he does not cheat his neighbor. Then all goes well -- he has changed his market-cart into a chariot of the sun. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Remember, nothing that's good works by itself, just to please you. You have to make the damn thing work. - Thomas A. Edison
If you can't go over, you must go under. - Yiddish Proverb
I'm unpredictable, I never know where I'm going until I get there, I'm so random, I'm always growing, learning, changing, I'm never the same person twice. But one thing you can be sure of about me; is I will always do exactly what I want to do. - C. JoyBell C.
If we have received a precious gift from God, it is our imagination. When we tap into our powers of imagination, we are bombs of possibilities. - Hiroko Sakai
Kindness is fate’s currency for good fortune. And like all currencies, it is without value when faked. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Still, I could find no good reason for not going. So I decided to go. - Nicolette Milnes Walker
When the souls rise up in glory, yours shall not be shunned nor sunderered, but shall be the prize of the gods' gardens. Even your darkness shall be treasured then, and all your pain made holy. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves. - George Gordon Byron
Success is never an accident; it is always a result of goal-oriented, diligent actions. - Debasish Mridha
If God had created celery, it would only have two stalks, because that's the most that almost any recipe ever calls for. - skint foodie
Most people are good. They may not be saints, but they are good. - Jimmy Wales
Don't marry a rich man. Marry a good man. He will spend his life trying to keep you happy. No rich man can buy that! - Staness Jonekos
I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. - Emma Goldman
I closed my eyes, but that didn't blur the images his words had evoked. "Oh, God," I murmured. "God," he said, "had nothing to do with it at all. - Jeannette de Beauvoir
When I'm good I'm great, when I'm bad I'm excellent. - Mae West
When you read a holy book, you emphasize that God exists.When you see people, you sympathize their existence. - Mustafa SULTAN
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action. - George Washington
I'm all in favor of the democratic principle that one idiot is as good as one genius, but I draw the line when someone takes the next step and concludes that two idiots are better than one genius. - Leo Szilard
To abandon language is to stop/creating a place other than your own life/in which to live. It is to enter/the terrible certainty of the flesh. Even god/is only possible through language. - Jude Nutter
He (Kris Medlin) has a communication with a force in pitching that most of us can’t talk to. It’s an awareness; it’s a sixth sense. When he steps in and stares in to that catcher, that little man on his shoulder’s going to take over and tell him what to do. And he’s done it well. - Don Sutton
Laughter is like a windshield wiper, it doesn't stop the rain but allows us to keep going. - Auliq Ice
People won't respect you until you achieve the respectable goals. - Amit Kalantri
Give thanks for what you are today and go on fighting for what you gone be tomorrow - William Shakespeare
Not truly living in the present moment & later regretting is like closing your eyes when a peacock is dancing, only to want to see it dance once it is gone. - RVM
If we abide by the principles taught by the Bible, our country will go on prospering. - Daniel Webster
God made Truth with many doors to welcome every believer who knocks on them. - Kahlil Gibran
There is a good things to those who wait.. - Noriel Espanol Neo
Beautiful Oneyou'll graspone dayjust how sufficientand goodyou are as you are. Title: SUFFICIENT, - Tara Estacaan
God gives us opportunity to serve him by serving humanity. - Radhe Maa
You know how it is when you go to be the subject of a psychology experiment, and nobody else shows up, and you think maybe that's part of the experiment? I'm like that all the time. - Steven Wright
In life, you will always be faced with a series of God-ordained opportunities brilliantly disguised as problems and challenges. - Charles Udall
Excellence is a high quality, that delivers the gold nugget of success. - Mark LaMoure
Every woman is a gift when she becomes a daughter, Every woman is beautiful when she becomes a lover, Every woman is special when she becomes a wife, Every woman is a god when she becomes a Mother - Vivek Thangaswamy
Protect the future by living and fulfilling your God-given dreams. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Majority of people prefer a good name to a bad name, but to me, anyone can call me anything, as long as it is not written on my face. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Eye Amost Evr Spel Ah Werd Wong Annymoe, sinc eye goat alto pel - James Hauenstein
I tried to tell myself that you’re gone but it just wont sink in. No matter what I do, i’m still missing and thinking about you. - unknowen
See first that the design is wise and just: that ascertained, pursue it resolutely; do not for one repulse forego the purpose that you resolved to effect. - William Shakespeare
To live more for God and others one must die more to self and sin. - Orrin Woodward
Marrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get home, but it doesn't always go with everything in the house. - Jean Kerr
God only commits when you do. - Bery Dov
What a grim feeling it is to come across a written line so exceptionally inspiring that your first reaction is, 'Criminy, why didn't I ever think to write that!' - Richelle E. Goodrich
Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. - Dave Barry
God made the world like a knife. We have the choice to take it by the handle or the blade. - C.J. Langenhoven
I have to be honest he was more than a friend to me, I don't know why, but I found myself having feelings for him.~once again...life goes on~ - Rim Ibrahim
In the pursuit of goals, you cannot give up anytime you feel un-comfortable. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Sherry Carroll is a real life Penny Lane and one wonders if she hasn't got Cameron Crowe or Lester Bangs hidden somewhere in her suburban basement. - Maria Waters
My attraction to heavy church-goers has more to do with me wanting to see who'd win the fight; me or god - Darnell Lamont Walker
Letting go takes a lot of courage sometimes. But once you let go, happiness comes very quickly. You won't have to go around search for it. - Thich Nhat Hanh
Life....Isn't a roller coaster, it isn't unexpected or surprising. It's not a free ticket to go along for the ride... Simply put, Life is life. Its who you are, what you do that defines you and your life, so choose ... but choose wisely, because life is here to stay... - Bilal Hussain
Anybody who thinks of going to bed before 12 o'clock is a scoundrel. - Samuel Johnson
Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. - Leonardo da Vinci
i can't go back to yesterday, because I was a different person then. - Lewis Carroll
To understand God, is to Love Him. You can't say you love God if you don't know Him. First you must know yourself, to experience God, then you will know Him for who He really is. - ELW-Reta Barnes
Not even a hand-stitched suit could hide a body gone ruinously to seed. I was tempted to offer some fashion advice, but I didn't think he'd welcome the news that this year, bellies are being worn inside the trousers - Val McDermid
We teach them proper principles and let them govern themselves.
Dreams, goals, ambitions - these are the stuff man uses for fuel. - L. Ron Hubbard
Be good to attract good. - Debasish Mridha
No animals needs to die in order for me to live. And that makes me feel good. - Howard Lyman
For some reason I was reluctant to ask anybody what had happened. I hate being the person who always doesn't know what's going on and has to ask somebody; it always seems like everybody else knows what's going on. This is a clear low-status marker, and I resisted it. - David Foster Wallace
The grace and blessing of God is sufficient to carry us through the storms of life. With persistence and determination, victory awaits us at end of the journey. - Lailah Gifty Akita
From a rat hole you can go to the stars or from the stars you can go to a rat hole! Your destiny is open to every possibility! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge… is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding. - Bill Bullard
I dun knw things get trappedIn my mindThen itss smethin That I wanna find I dun get the answer Is there anyone listenin to me No one there to seeTo see the pain and the agony Inside ur beautiful heartTo see that u kissed the painAnd kicked everythin apart - B. Bhardwaz
Vision is the secret behind a life of passion, it motivates people to go through life with force - George Ifeanyi
Too much good will lead you to bad - Herbern Lebumfacil
One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation. - Oscar Wilde
Tolerance is an attribute of egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
The least I can do is speak out for the hundreds of chimpanzees who, right now, sit hunched, miserable and without hope, staring out with dead eyes from their metal prisons. They cannot speak for themselves. - Jane Goodall
Let us have wine and women, mirth and laughter, sermons and soda water the day after. - George Gordon Byron
New ideas pass through three periods: - It can't be done. - It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing. - I knew it was a good idea all along! - Arthur C. Clarke
Sure my rose-colored glasses don't let me see the world for what it is NOW but what they allow is the chance to see what the world would look like if people cared enough to plant more roses - Matthew Goldfinger
I started living when I learnt to be patient with myself and others, I have learnt to forgive myself and others and I have learnt to continually cheer myself when the going gets tough. - Stan The Man SA
Time is money, money is power, power is pizza, and pizza is knowledge, let's go! - Aubrey Plaza
All life is bound to a simple truth... that time goes on, that in each person's life begins a tale, a tale that will either end in memory or in legend. - M.J. Chrisman
A true work of art is shaped by the hands of another, and if in shaping us that ‘other’ is anything other than God, the piece will never touch the remotest periphery of its potential. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If you and I are to live religious lives, it mustn't be that we talk a lot about religion, but that our manner of life is different. It is my belief that only if you try to be helpful to other people will you in the end find your way to God. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
There's no correlation between creativity and equipment ownership. None. Zilch. Nada. Actually, as the artist gets more into his thing, and as he gets more successful, his number of tools tends to go down. He knows what works for him. Expending mental energy on stuff wastes time. - Hugh Macleod
There's a whole category of people who miss out by not allowing themselves to be weird enough. - Alain de Botton
I used to think meditation served the purpose of clearing my mind of dreams. Good and bad, dreams do affect us in our daily mood. Now I wonder if meditation unlocks them, utilizes the wisdom that has been sent to us by our subconscious. - Robert Black
When you feel good about your life at all times, you feel like living in your dreams. But sometimes, people around you pull you out to see the face of reality. - Taranpreet Singh
Some couples go over their budgets very carefully every month, other just go over them.
A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs. - Mark Twain
Let's be real. Like I would date someone who didn't go out of their way to be my nemesis." - Shane Carver (The Carver's Magic) - B.L. Brooklyn
I just wrote a book. But don't go and buy it yet, because I don't think it's finished. - Lawrence Welk
When you dread getting up in the morning to go somewhere, you are going to the wrong place. - Karen Larson-Reuter
Be patient and pray for God will make a way. - Chris Burkmenn
God, A Poem 'I didn't exist at Creation, I didn't exist at the Flood, And I won't be around for SalvationTo sort out the sheep from the cud-'Or whatever the phrase is. The fact isIn soteriological termsI'm a crude existential malpracticeAnd you are a diet of worms - James Fenton
Misunderstanding of divine truths or lack of understanding are the only things that mayprevent a man from becoming God’s representative on earth - Sunday Adelaja
We are going to have that thing everyone talks about, that indescribable, indefinable thing that everybody wants to find...Here's to endless stargazing. - Ella Harper
Dreaming is good—especially if you dream when you are awake. Remember dreams will remain a dream if you don’t act on them. - Debasish Mridha
All you need is 5min or even less.....Go outside, look up the clear sky and thank the HEAVENS above you for the life you have and the blessings you receive on a daily basis. Why do we make it a mission to simply say thank you? NB: I double dare you to do it! - Katlego Semusa
Only in God can you find true fulfillment. - Jim George
Live is good! - Andreas
God may not give us what we want but He surely blesses us with what we need. - Ashbeel Roy
Trying too hard to be too good, even when trying to be bad, is too good for the bad, too bad for the good. - Dejan Stojanovic
MAGNETISM, n. Something acting upon a magnet. The two definitions immediately foregoing are condensed from the works of one thousand eminent scientists, who have illuminated the subject with a great white light, to the inexpressible advancement of human knowledge. - Ambrose Bierce
I've had people say to me, 'Can't you be more feminine?' I would go, 'Feminine? Why do I have to be feminine?' Does that mean I have to put a little apron on and bake some cookies or something?
If there are difficulties on your way, be thankful for them because they will test and refine you as fire does to gold and if you will overcome, you will come out a winner, wizard and overcomer. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Whenever a friend succeeds a little something in me dies. - Gore Vidal
O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains!
Science arose from poetry--when times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
4. God reveals to humanity, through His Word, the shortest route to success, prosperity andwell-being. - Sunday Adelaja
Your Dream is not a person when you feel broken and failure enough to say that your dream is dead .Revive it ! don't give up . it's the only thing that makes you not a robot , it's the only thing that makes your life got a meaning . - Amir Shalaby
Good writing is a mirror of the mind where readers can see themselves again and again. - Debasish Mridha
The world should have balance between evil and good, positive and negative. If one is missed there isn't balance. - Deyth Banger
God would not have brought you to this place to leave you here without the archangel's help. - Eileen Anglin
The image of God infused in us never sees the light of day in the service of self, but it becomes the light of day in the service of others. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. - George Washington
Currently, the average age of exposure to hardcore pornography is 9 years old. None of this can be good for anyone... except the sex industry. - Guy Noland
No business can continue to shrink. That can only go on for so long before irrelevancy sets in. - Jeff Bezos
Pastors are starting to get wily. When people tell my friend, 'I'm not being fed,' he replies, 'I'm prefectly happy to spoon feed my one-year-old. But if I'm still spoon-feeding him when he's five, we've got a problem. Here's a fork. Feed yourself. - Jon Acuff
In California everyone goes to a therapist, is a therapist, or is a therapist going to a therapist. - Truman Capote
A good friend will fit you like ring to finger. - Venezuelan Proverb
I’ve spent awhile trying to figure out where I’m going and the only thing I’ve come to realize is it doesn’t matter where, it’s how I get there. - Dominic Riccitello
My family of friends has kept me alive through lovers who have left, enterprises that have failed, and all too many stories that never got finished. That family has been part of remaking the world for me. - Dorothy Allison
No one like the Incomplete Stories, so does the God :-) - Raj Vanjara
As I’m beginning to find out, parenting is no child’s play, it couldSometimes determine whether couples continue to live together orgo their separate ways. - Oche Otorkpa
Listen closely... the eternal hush of silence goes on and on throughout all this, and has been going on, and will go on and on. This is because the world is nothing but a dream and is just thought of and the everlasting eternity pays no attention to it. - Jack Kerouac
There is no little sin, because no little God to sin against. - Thomas Brooks
Repentance is a result of God's kindness, not a prerequisite to it. - D.R. Silva
If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.
Women have babies and men provide the support. If you don't like the way we're made you've got to take it up with God.
I could not conceive that [fans] actually wanted me to sign something. It took a long time for me to figure out (a) just say 'Thank you' and sign the thing, and (b) smile in the picture, because if you try to just half-smile you're going to look constipated. - Joss Whedon
Worship is an inward reverence, the bowing down of the soul in the presence of God. - Elizabeth George
In books I meet the dead as if they were alive,in books I see what is yet to come...All things decay and pass with time...all fame would fall victim to oblivionif God had not given mortal men the book to aid them. - Richard de Bury
If there's a god, it knows exactly what it would take to convince me and has refused to provide it. In fact, it has gone to great lengths to hide any evidence of its existence. That doesn't seem like a deity that wants to be worshiped to me. - David G. McAfee
What are you going to do with all that dark?Find a way to glow in it. - Amanda Torroni
When you allow God to be manifested through you, you will experience a great joy. - Sunday Adelaja
Whoever feels pain in hearing a good character of his neighbor, will feel a pleasure in the reverse. And those who despair to rise in distinction by their virtues, are happy if others can be depressed to a level of themselves. - Benjamin Franklin
Your most important task as a leader is to teach people how to think and ask the right questions so that the world doesn't go to hell if you take a day off. - Jeffrey Pfeffer
I will not say, as the beggars at our door used to do, ‘I’ll never ask anything of Him again;’ but, on the contrary, ‘He shall hear oftener from me than ever,’ and I will love God the better, and love prayer the better, as long as I live. - Philip Henry
A life without a VISION is a like a man who can see but does not know where he is going. That is what I call psychological blindness. Eyes wide open but does not know his destination. - Oscar Bimpong
As a scientist, I am not sure anymore that life can be reduced to a class struggle, to dialectical materialism, or any set of formulas. Life is spontaneous and it is unpredictable, it is magical. I think that we have struggled so hard with the tangible that we have forgotten the intangible. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
A quote is a quote, and a boat is a boat. What is a dream forgotten? - Susan Segovia Munoz
That which is good for the society is not necessarily good for the individual. That which is good for the individual is good for the society. - Richard Diaz
Be beautiful if you can, wise if you want to, but be respected - that is essential. - Anna Gould
lack of judgment frustrates the heart of God - Sunday Adelaja
You can be freak of the week, critical thinker & a domestic goddess all in one. There is a beauty in your layers, never dumb yourself down. - Ella December
Silence is golden...but in times of tyranny it is blood red - Parag Tipnis
Entrepreneurs persevere until it pays off. One good day can make up for an entire month, and one good month can make up for an entire year. Don't give up. The isn't over 'till it's over! - Farshad Asl
so convincing were those dreams of being awake that he woke from them in a state of complete exhaustion, and had to go straight back to sleep again. - Joseph Heller
Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world! - Bible
Any purpose will be entirely purposeless unless it completely exceeds my ability to achieve it for only then is there room for God, and without God purpose of even the most magnificent sort remains utterly and abjectly purposeless. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The mob mentality may keep you safe, but your soul will pay for it in the end. - Lori Goodwin
I can be tolerant of traffic jams and disorganization, faulty technology, miserable weather, and bland foods. People, however, require more than the cold, grudging favor of being tolerated. They require love. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Enjoy losing weight. Enjoy eating healthy, delicious food. Do not wait until you reach your destination to feel good. Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey. - Harry Papas
Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men. - Seneca
Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see -egoism, arrogance, conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping and slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then you will be read to fight the enemy you can see. - أبو حامد الغزالي
If by some bizarre chance there turns out to be a god [...], I'm willing to bet he's an atheist too. - Salman Rushdie
Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws off redundancies, and helps nature in those secret distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul act with cheerfulness. - Joseph Addison
One enjoys the good things more to the extent that one goes to them after having labored in advance, for labors are a sauce for good things - Xenphon Ephesius
If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... The people who give you their food give you their heart.
They say your hardcore's not yours, and it's not fate. Nobody's gonna tell you what shit like that means. - Noah Wareness
The greatest work you will ever do is charity; the most divine work you will ever do will be changing people’s perception of God, while you’re doing charity. - Shannon L. Alder
far far away, on d moon;a promise was written;seasons will come n go,but i wont change, i will be the same,and I am on the way.But while counting the stars she lost the moon. - Harihar D. Naik
These earthenware bowls are fragile and easily broken, they are only made of a little clay on which fortune has precariously bestowed a shape, and the same could be said of mankind. - José Saramago
People take different roads seeking fullfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
Whoever uses the spirit that isin him creatively is an artist. Tomake living itself an art, that isthe goal. - Henry Miller
I believe in God, because he believes in me. - Diane Goold
Electing a bigot enables further bigotry. - DaShanne Stokes
Progress, You can see how well you are doing on achieving your goals, after you start something. - Auliq Ice
You are letting this feeling get cold, I cant blame you, you must know you are free to go... Don't you ever look back... If you wonder why it is because I wont be there. - Andres Oliver
Smrt postoji ne kao suprotnost života već kao njegov deo. - Haruki Murakami
The good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems. - Billy Joel
Home is the nesting ground for goodness to spring forth. Schools, churches and society influences but home is essential in the development and growth process. - Eveth Colley
If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. - Anonymous
We have taught this generation how to "market" the Gospel but we have neglected to encourage them to "preach" the Gospel. - John Paul Warren
All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Conscience is God's presence in man. - Emanuel Swedenborg
We tend to think that God doesn’t struggle with mundane things like frustrations and anger. But one of his major points of frustrations is WHEN there is no man to stand for justice, fairness and equity - Sunday Adelaja
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - Patrick Henry
(on learning Westlife had beaten Oasis, U2 and The Beatles in an album chart battle in November 2006): There is no God. - Noel Gallagher
God doesn't want to be a mystery to us, God wants to be known. - Roxanna Aliba Kazibwe
The goal of retirement is to live off your assets-not on them - Frank Eberhart
A successful individual typically sets his next goal somewhat but not too much above his last achievement. In this way he steadily raises his level of aspiration. - Kurt Lewin
You can talk about anything if you go about it the right way, which is never malicious. - Rodney Carrington
He`s quite extraordinary with his moves and spins. I think he was a baton girl in a past life [on his co-star Hayden Christensen]. - Ewan McGregor
Büyük öğretmenlerle buluşacağın bir gece okulu var: Gökyüzü! Gece olunca, okuldaki parlayan yıldızlar sana senin ne kadar küçük olduğunu ve bir egoya sahip olmanın ne denli gülünç olduğunu öğreteceklerdir! - Mehmet Murat ildan
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. - Albert Schweitzer
You must have goals for your life. Do not fear take a bold step to realize your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I was my own boss, but that all changed the day I got married. - Matshona Dhliwayo
After your daily bread, if you ask God for anything, ask 'him' to make you right in the head. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it. - Thucydides
I'd go out with women my age, but there are no women my age. - George Burns
Sanity for anyone is pretty much out of the question, as both the saint and the sinner appear only equally insane: the saint appears it for actually believing in a place of eternal torment; the sinner, for deciding to risk going to that place of eternal torment. - Criss Jami
The most disgusting human trait is bias because it ends of leading to propaganda, hate and violence. - Lori Goodwin
I know he's a good person. And he said he was sorry. And I love him. And when you love a person, you have to forgive him sometimes. - Gabrielle Zevin
A person who can think differently and truly on his feet will always find it difficult to sit and fit as an employee in a workplace, for his attitude & approach towards the work will often hit the ego of most co-workers who can’t compete with him on his level of wisdom and wit. - Anuj Somany
.......Is there any reward for good, other than good. - Farooq A. Shiekh
Humor distorts nothing, and only false gods are laughed off their pedestals. - Agnes Repplier
God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son. - Hebrews 1 12
Theology, philosophy, metaphysics, and quantum physics are merely ways for God to have his smart people believe in him - Jeremy Aldana
Be inquisitive. Open your eyes, open your minds to things you don't necessarily know even exist. I think that's an important part of learning and growing. The more [you]'re willing to ask, the more {you}'re going to get out of it. - Jay Rinaldi
It isn't what you will do for your children that makes you a great mother or father. It is what you do for God that isn't self serving, which sets the stage for children to learn to care about something other than what is expected. - Shannon L. Alder
... If I wanna shit I am going to buy it from the shop... what I need now is a friend on which I can count on... you know the drill. - Deyth Banger
Your first love is like your first language. No matter how many other languages you speak, you can never be as good as in your first. - Ahmed Alibage
Loose not humanity in pursuit of wealth. - Mapogo Chuene
And now, like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career, and just fade away...an old soldier who tried to do his duty, as God gave him the light to see that duty. Good-bye. - General Douglas MacArthur
Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad. - Norm Papernick
If you don't know where you are going,you'll end up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
Religion is still useful among the herd - that it helps their orderly conduct as nothing else could. The crude human animal is in-eradicably superstitious, and there is every biological reason why they should be. Take away his Christian god and saints, and he will worship something else... - H.P. Lovecraft
It is certain that an atom of goodness on the path of faith is never lost. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government. - Edward L. Bernays
I'm a fan of laundry: the smell of fabric softener, the warm clothes in your hands. It's so good.
Dreams are the inner perceptions and realizations that require goal oriented actions and persistence. - Debasish Mridha
While God, for the most part, allows this cosmos [creation] to work according to the laws of nature, there is never a time when He is not actively involved in every detail of life. - Charles R. Swindoll
Bed is a good friend; book is a good friend; night is a good friend. Try to bring them all together. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Stay focus. Stay focus. Stay focus on the goal. - Lailah Gifty Akita
All, I find is Google. ‪#‎iampm‬ - Pankaj Mishra (#iampm)
IF it's money, sex, stupidy everyone is one the ride fast going without thinking. - Deyth Banger
I got food poisoning today. I don't know when I'll use it. - Steven Wright
Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes - Sidney Howard
I know now, just quite howMy life and love might still go onIn your heart, in your mindI'll stay with you for all of time. - The Calling
Can you wait until I'm gone to be her boyfriend? Cause right now, I like to think of you as my boyfriend. - Sean Waller
There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Where the telescope ends the microscope begins, and who can say which has the wider vision? - Victor Hugo
Live in the moment... where everything is just right, take your time and limit your bad memories and you'll get wherever it is you're going a lot faster and with less bumps in the road along the way. - J.A. Redmerski
A time past is an essence gone - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Say no only when it really matters. Wear a bright red shirt with bright orange shorts? Sure. Put water in the toy tea set? Okay. Sleep with your head at the foot of the bed? Fine. Samuel Johnson said, All severity that does not tend to increase good, or prevent evil, is idle. - Gretchen Rubin
Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. - Steve Jobs
We are responsible for our own relationships, their successes, their failures, the good times, the bad times. Take responsibility for creating the relationships that you desire. - Sam Owen
I think of these desert years of mine, not of my choosing. Maybe if it were all smooth and comfortable, if my pride and professionalism were defining life for me, God's steel-quiet, penetrating word would have been lost in the babble and sheen of success. - Luci Shaw
Go to bed smarter than when you woke up. - Charles T. Munger
If we love unconditionally just like our Creator, we will awaken of the goodness in souls. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Wherever you decide to go, proceed with your mind. - Amitav Chowdhury
So often we focus on finding answers to life's mysteries...when in reality, a wiser approach is to start asking better questions, and more of them. - Dana Gore
My congratulations to you, sir. Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good. - Samuel Johnson
People, most especially those who have known ease in this life, care more about being prospered than refined. It's always about what they can get from God, not what they can do for others, unless they can call attention to it for others to see. - Donna Lynn Hope
The main purpose of our time is to establish God’s Kingdom on this earth. - Sunday Adelaja
GRACE means God does the work. FAITH means I let Him. - Dr. Lewis W Gregory
Giving up doesn't make you a quiter, a loser or a failure.It makes you wise enough to stop holding on to what refuses to be held.Hence i say, letting go hurts,but holding on to what is no longer therehurts even more. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
Never compromise yourself. You are all you've got. - Janis Joplin
There's no such thing as a perfect relationship. It's about finding someone who matches you and will go through everything without giving up. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
People of success are not going to settle for the average. - Sunday Adelaja
Let these men sing out their songs,they've been walking all day long,all their fortune's spent and gone...silver dollar in the subway station;quarters for the papers for the jobs. - Roman Payne
I think that if God forgives us we must forgive ourselves. Otherwise, it is almost like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than Him. - C.S. Lewis
The cost of living is going up and the chance of living is going down. - Flip Wilson
I wanted to stay like that forever, letting the kiss linger. I was left standing there in awe as he gently pulled away and gave me a warm smile. Let’s go, the others will be wondering where we are, he said playfully. - Andrea Heltsley
Even if the path seems blurry, stay focused on your GOAL. - Harsh Malik
Faith is where the kingdom of God and you unite! - Gary Zamora
The "self," it seems today, is at the core of the nation's worldview rather than others (the common good), or God. - Martha MacCullough
Successful business people became successful because they took risks. The biggest risk is that once successful, they stop taking risks. - G.R. Gopinath
And you came to Finland to build a station?""No I came here on vacation to visit a friend.""That's good," the driver said. "Vacations and friends are the two best things in life. - Haruki Murakami
As I travel around the country, I'm finding a common denominator - people are hurting and going through regardless of race and creed. The common denominators are people HURTING people. The cure also has a common denominator - people start HELPING people. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
A preacher shouldn't preach just to make you feel good. Then it's about the money not about the teach. He should preach the truth because the truth shall set you free. - Alcurtis Turner
I imagine good teaching as a circle of earnest people sitting down to ask each other meaningful questions. I don't see it as the handing down of answers. So much of what passes for teaching is merely a pointing out of what items to want. - Alice Walker
Death doesn't happen instantly. For a little while, you hover around your body, confused. What you want more than anything is to go home, to be safe, to know you're okay. But my life was over. - Caroline Flohr
...the state of perfection is an elusive goal; demanding something so obscure as almost unattainable and can become a compulsive, crazy making squirrel-on-a-wheel way of living. - David W. Earle
...God is already out there in the world ahead of us. In our teaching, therefore, we must do more than merely help people learn how to be good church members. We are directors preparing people for roles in a drama that encompasses every part of their lives. - Richard Robert Osmer
The habit of writing for my eye is good practice. It loosens the ligaments. - Virginia Woolf
I've always felt that good writing does not have to be literary. - Sara Sheridan
good things only happen to yourselfwhen you look for your own self - litymunshi
I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me. - Robert Heinlein
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. - Bible
I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. - Edgar Allan Poe
The desert shatters the soul's arrogance and leaves body and soul crying out in thirst and hunger. In the desert we trust God or die. - Dan B. Allender, The Healing Path
Wer nicht von dreitausend Jahren sich weiß Rechenschaft zu geben, bleib im Dunkeln unerfahren, mag von Tag zu Tage leben. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Though wrong gratifies in the moment, good yields its gifts over a lifetime. - Desmond Tutu
Even when the odds are overwhelming, you can believe in God and His promises. - Jim George
Courage creates and makes more wounds, but its good for the brave and not the strong ones without wisdom. - Auliq Ice
Well, the fact is that one cannot retrace one's steps, and the steps one has taken greatly influence the future. - Vincent van Gogh
God is faithful even when we are unfaithful. - Jim George
Anarchists have taken over (the GOP). - Harry Reid
Prosperity cannot be experienced by living detached from Nature. Everything else is only a gradation of materialistic, earthly ambitions. We came from the stars and there lies the path to our substantive evolution. - Grigoris Deoudis
You win a few, you lose a few. Some get rained out. But you got to dress for all of them. - Satchel Paige
Faith is an act whereby they learn their God. - Geoffrey Wood
If your plan will do more harm than good, then God will not permit it - Aireen C. Pontillo
Google, Facebook helps people than people helps people, in today's world - Jeevagan Nagarajan
Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable. - Wendy Wasserstein
After much prayer, careful study and reliance on the Holy Spirit, I have concluded this about Christ’s intercession for us. Jesus died on the cross to purchase peace with God for me and He is in heaven now to maintain that peace, for me and in me. - David Wilkerson
I wish I could find MY books listed on GOODREADS - DODGING JOE, THE WOMAN WHO WOULDN'T EXPLAIN, THE BITTER GRAPES - ll available through Amazon and Createspace - - Saaskia Aark-Bennett
A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett
I'd rather look ridiculous when everybody else does than plain and sensible all by myself. - L. M. Montgomery
The best things are never arrived at in haste. God is in no hurry; His plans are never rushed. - Michael R. Phillips
A good novel is an indivisible sum: every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. - Ayn Rand
An egoist is always intelligent, never wise. - Raheel Farooq
I was told that Ganesha sat between Lakshmi and Saraswati. My quest to attain the blessings of both goddesses explains my physique. - Ashwin Sanghi
When I was on "StarSearch", one of the producers told the other contestants, "She'll never be famous; she's too tough, she's too New York, and she's too heavy." And I remember thinking, "Gosh, he's gonna feel like a jerk when I'm famous. Through the negativity I learned to hear myself quite loudly. - Rosie O'Donnell
And people who don’t dream, who don’t have any kind of imaginative life, they must… they must go nuts. I can’t imagine that. - Stephen King
Thoughts, like water, will stay on course if we make a place for them to go. As you learn to control your thoughts, you can gain courage, conquer fear and have a happy life. - Boyd K. Packer
Charlie dear, it is I who have to be proud of you. And I am very, very proud of you. You have called me pretty; and as long as I am pretty in your eyes, I am happy. You, dear old Charlie, are not handsome, but you are good, which is far more noble. - George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith
When the silence of the night becomes the chanting of poetry, the departure of con-cavity - Goitsemang Mvula
Contradictions are the impossible chasms that create forever separations. God is the forever bridge that creates impossible reunions. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sisyphus, I. I cling to my rock, you don’t have to chain me. Stand back! I roll it up—up, up. And down we go. I knew that would happen. See, I’m on my feet again. See, I’m starting to roll it up again. Don’t try to talk me out of it. Nothing, nothing could tear me away from this rock. - Susan Sontag
A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be. - Wayne Gretzky
I write to believe in goodness. - Red Haircrow
1I smiled bitterly, a defeated man pitifully begging a God in whom he had never trusted. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
God is a giver of life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
As for diet, there is no biblical diet that is required for God’s people today as there was in the Old Testament. - David Cloud
1. Do what you say you're gonna do 2. Show up! 3. Give genuine praise whenever you can 4. Never say sorry when you don't mean it 5. Never use sarcasm in email (and use the corny ass emoticons) - Matthew Lasar
She used to wander through the past as often as it beckoned her, bemoaning the loss of nostalgia. Then, for a while, she turned from it, blissfully free of its noxious clutch, and now it's back, taunting her with what she left behind, knowing she can never recapture what's gone. - Donna Lynn Hope
Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. - Bible
There is no other way to determine the difference between the will of God and the crafts of satan... Jesus is the way, the truth and the life... The Holy Spirit of God is the Comforter... - Israelmore Ayivor
I also did some jail time a few years ago. Spent a whole summer in jail reading books. I pumped a ton of new knowledge and new thinking into myself. - Tommy Lee
Ambition strives. At first for goals, until it reaches them. Then for more, because it's insatiable. - Renzo Dante (Saligiare)
Writing is a delicious agony. - Gwendolyn Brooks
When a woman is full of cockiness, I wonder what makes her so insecure. When a man is full of ego, I wonder what he's holding onto. - Nikki Rowe
Tell Hugh," she whispered.Tell Hugh your freaking self! He's right here! And you're not going anywhere. - L.J. Smith
To go through hurt, you have to stumble on the rocks in order to walk on solid ground. - Alyssa Tillmon
I invite all brats to throw their cookies at the baker’s head if they’re not sweet, winos to chuck their wine if it’s bad, the dying to shuck their souls when they croak, and men to throw their existence in God’s face when it’s bitter - Gustave Flaubert
I'm not going to be hardened by these people, to these things, I'm not going to let them destroy my feelings or my emotions. - Pete Doherty
You have to recognize your inability to love before you can love the way God loves. His version of love is unfamiliar to the natural world; It is sacrificial and selfless and the most beautiful love you could experience. - Shannon L. Alder
God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time. - Rick Warren
The sum of the particular intentions of God is the universe itself. - Simone Weil
I do not know everything; still many things I understand. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Ya gotta live somewhere, but also you GET to live somewhere.
The noble spirit grows from the bareness of thoughts. - Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
The world does not need more Christian literature. What it needs is more Christians writing good literature. - C.S. Lewis
No offense, Jaron, but I don't want your life. Even locked away behind closed doors I got a taste for how awful it can be.""Did anyone try to kill you while I was gone?""No.""Then you didn't even get a taste. - Jennifer A. Nielsen
People go through life blindly, ignoring death like revellers at a party feasting on fine foods. They ignore that later they will have to go to the toilet, so they do not bother to find out where there is one. When nature finally calls, they have no idea where to go and are in a mess. - Ajahn Chah
Its all about perspective, that is how you look at things. Your own thoughts and outlook defines whether an experience, event, situation whatever is good or bad. And your definition determines your response. - Stella Payton
Few people will understand that to love is like being able to select and read a good book. They don’t just stop at the title or the cover. They stop because...they wanted to read the content. The wanted to read each word, each sentence, each line, but most of all, what was in between the lines... - lauren klarfeld
I like people who can keep the conversation going no matter how random the topic gets. - Turcois Ominek
God has made relationships His chosen delivery system for the gospel of hope. - Ed Stetzer
May I live to see the day when I long for the agony I feel now. /ながらへば またこのごろや しのばれむ 憂しと見し世ぞ いまは恋しき - Fujiwara no Kiyosuke
What is it that doesn’t allow you to go to moksha? Obstinacy! - Dada Bhagwan
A challenge to your bad luck is your confidence. Your confidence, you and your patience is your good luck. - Dhiraj Das
They're simply seeking an interlude from emotional pain and searing mental agony, a sleep from which they'll awaken to discover they're the person they always wanted to be. - Gillibran Brown
God unconditionally loves us. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Another vindication I had is the fact that I believed the Christian message and the gospel of the kingdom is good enough to fix the world’s problems - Sunday Adelaja
Television has raised writing to a new low. - Samuel Goldwyn
Beauty lies in the purity of Heart,looking good is just called prettiness. - Vansh Wadhwani
If God created great things with a point of vulnerability, it would lie in the reality that great things die in the hands of great ignorance. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Not only did Jesus purposefully enter the wilderness on a regular basis but historically, God seems to prefer meeting with man in these desert regions. - Amy Layne Litzelman
Hold on to anything you find that's good and workable for you. Drop anything negative where you find it. - Germany Kent
Earth is a homicide victim. We lose our children. There are wars. Disease. And God comes strolling by like a cosmic Billie Burke. - William Peter Blatty
Fundamentalists offer us a "loving" God who is some kind of divine stalker. - Robert M. Price
No man is exempted from the subtle deception of doctrinal drift the man of God expects this temptation. - Gary Rohrmayer
It's not only the politician that can govern and lead a nation - Goitsemang Mvula
Carthago delenda est - Marcus Porcius Cato
when i started i had to start no excuses and even without knowing what i am gonna to do just had to do "something" . this fire is needed to do any work otherwise people exist nd die . - jagvir ji
The fastest way to get lost is to go on a guilt trip! - Stephen Richards
Cut the connection between your clothes and your beliefs, because clothes will not make you something, it won’t make you honest or dishonest, good or bad! Your essence will not change because of what you wear! - Mehmet Murat ildan
One of these days, the people are going to demand peace of the government, and the government is going to have to give it to them.
Then we got into a labyrinth, and, when we thought we were at the end,came out again at the beginning, having still to see as much as ever. - Plato
Luther looks at all the jobs that are out there and he says, These are the masks of God, behind which He wants to remain concealed, and do all things. Christians have to be profoundly appreciative of good work done on absolutely everything. - Timothy J. Keller
I have done nothing but open windows-God has done all the rest. - Frank C. Laubach
A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special. - Nelson Mandela
Our actions in the present build the staircase to the future. The question is whether that staircase is going up or down. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth to be used in that proportion - Anonymous
Do you have a personal mantra? Mine comes from a childhood song. "Wherever I go the grass grows greener. - Richie Norton
Funny how people despise platitudes, when they are usually the truest thing going. A thing has to be pretty true before it gets to be a platitude.
Women are like cars: we all want a Ferrari, sometimes want a pickup truck, and end up with a stationwagon.
When the world says that values are different nowadays - under the definition of freedom, it tries to convince you that GOD doesn't know what he is talking about - Farid F. Ibrahim
(Media question to Beatles during first U.S. tour 1964)"How do you find America?""Turn left at Greenland. - Ringo Starr
Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist. - Kenneth E. Boulding
I think a good book is a good book forever.I don't think they get less good because times change. - Megan Whalen Turner
Tomorrow, said the voice of fear in her head. It always said tomorrow, whether it talked about going to the grocery store or starting a new painting. Tomorrow you'll be brave, fear whispered. Tomorrow you'll be normal. Just give me today. That was how fear stole whole lives away. - Dana Morton
For whereas the mind works in possibilities, the intuitions work in actualities, and what you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. Whereas what you mentally or "consciously" desire is nine times out of ten impossible; hitch your wagon to star, or you will just stay where you are. - D. H. Lawrence
God gives every bird his worm, but he does not throw it into the nest. - Swedish Proverb
I would rather go swimming with great white sharks than wade in romance 'cause I can never find the courage to ask her to dinner or even to dance. - Adam Young (Owl City), The Yacht Club
The awakening is finally realizing that you are a part of God, like a single cell that finally sees it is a part of you. - L.J. Vanier
I have deeper journeys to take. Metaphysical journeys to see Christ. Shaman journeys. It's what I have been elected by God to do. - Clive Barker
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate. - Thomas Jones
Everything existed at God’s command. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Bad peoples often hunts past un-resolve haunted projection in other people's life and great peoples forgives haunted instinct nature of bad peoples let go and save the society but this war cycle will never ends. Human forgiveness will have limit. - Atif Iqbal Khan
Going down in history is a dead end pursuit - Benny Bellamacina
Todo en la vida debería ser así. Primero caerse y luego caminar. - Albert Espinosa - Si tu me dices ven lo dejo todo... Pero dime ven
I love books. If they are good books, I love them even more. But even if they are bad books, I still love them. - Hugo Chávez
I am who I am', said God to Moses regarding His name,because none was worth to be compared to His godhead. - Toba Beta
I personally cannot discern a shred of evidence for ‘[intelligent] design.’ If 97% of all creatures have gone extinct, some plan isn't working very well! - Irven Devore
TURKEY, n. A large bird whose flesh when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. Incidentally, it is pretty good eating. - Ambrose Bierce
It seems that bad advice that's fun will always be better known than than good advice that's dull-no matter how useless that fun advice is. - Scott Berkun
Estragon: They're too bigVladimir: Perhaps you'll have socks some day - Samuel Beckett
(When asked what he thought of Western civilization): 'I think it would be a good idea. - Mahatma Gandhi
Never allow your ego to diminish your ability to listen. - Gary Hopkins
God always gives his best to those who leave the choice with him - Jim Elliot
The government is not your salvation. The government is not your road to prosperity. Hard work, education will take you far beyond what any government program can ever promise. - Mia Love
Motherhood is a constant battle of wanting to go to bed early so you can catch up on sleep and wanting to stay awake so you can enjoy some peace and sanity! - Tanya Masse
Thank God kids never mean well - Lily Tomlin
Beauty is not only a terrible thing, it is also a mysterious thing. There God and the Devil strive for mastery, and the battleground is the heart of men.
Decline is also a form of voluptuousness, just like growth. Autumn is just as sensual as springtime. There is as much greatness in dying as in procreation. - Iwan Goll
When twilight drops her curtain down And pins it with a star Remember that you have a friend Though she may wander far. - L.M. Montgomery
We are a spectacular, splendid manifestation of life. We have language. . . . We have affection We have genes for usefulness, and usefulness is about as close to a "common goal" of nature as I can guess at. And finally, and perhaps best of all, we have music. - Lewis Thomas
If someone is going to kill me, they are going to kill me. -- John F. Kennedy (to Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.), 1962.
You will never forgive anyone more than God has already forgiven you. - Max Lucado
God owns the truth. The issue is our ability to derive truth apart from God's sufficient Word. - James MacDonald
A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it. - Rabindranath Tagore
A harbor, even if it is a little harbor, is a good thing... It takes something from the world, and has something to give in return. - Sarah Orne Jewett
I felt sure that [Oyarsa] was what we call "good," but I wasn't sure whether I liked "goodness" so much as I had supposed. - C.S. Lewis
I have yet to go through a struggle I didn't smile at later. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I’d volunteer to go to prison, as long as there are books. Because with books I am free. - Mohammad Hatta
Michael Powell knows what I am going to say even before I say it maybe even before I have thought it and that is very rare. You are lucky if you meet someone like that once in your life. - Emeric Pressburger
Sometimes things do not go the way one wanted them to go... At times like this, one would wish that one had not dreamt so much. Just hang in there... destination is just a mile away. - Hari Kumar K
I might’ve found a way to cure them. Crystal said in a jumble of words. Cure them? Permanently? Yes sir. He thought about this a moment before speaking, You’ve got two weeks, can you do it by then? That’s plenty of time sir, thank you. - Julia Barkey
If we don't remember where we came from, we'll go back there. - David McGee
Don't refuse to go on an occasional wild goose chase -- that's what wild geese are for. - Anonymous
Sometimes people have been stepping so long, they have forgotten what it's like to be stepped on. - Lauren Lilly Conrad
If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse. - Woody Allen
That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. - Noam Chomsky
You are special individual. Never envy others.You never know what they go through.Seek and be inspired by the works of others. Learn their secrets for success. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Durante centenares de miles de años, el hombre luchó para abrirse un lugar en la naturaleza. Por primera vez en la historia de nuestra especie, la situación se ha invertido y hoy es indispensable hacerle un lugar a la naturaleza en el mundo del hombre. - Santiago Kovadloff
if due to ego you think:i shall not fight; this resolve of yours is vain. your own nature will compel you. - Anonymous
I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. - E.E. Cummings
Sometimes being a good friend is a simple as making yourself available. - Donna Carter
I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me. Amen. - Martin Luther
If only I had used my powers for good instead of for trivia! - Hermester Barrington
Imagine you saw a colour in your dream, which you have never seen before. It doesn't consist of any colours or shades that you know. Trying to describe that colour would be as difficult as trying to belive that there is enough love & compassion in the world so every human can feel happiness. - Egor Kraft
The stone has no uncertainties, no urge to communicate, and is eternally the same for thousands of years, while I am only a passing phenomenon which bursts into all kinds of emotions, like a flame that flares up quickly and then goes out. - C.G. Jung
God is not ecstatic about the lack you are experiencing; He is not delightful over your failures, He is not happy about your stagnancy. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
One thing that needs to carry in your pocket, all the time, by going through all the different experiences of life, either on spiritual or religious path or with your daily life is that, unless you experience yourself as God, there are more steps to cover ahead, on the journey called life. - Roshan Sharma
Everybody has got to die, but I have always believed an exception would be made in my case. - William Saroyan
Young people: They care. They know that this is the world that they're going to grow up in, that they're going to spend the rest of their lives in. But, I think it's more idealistic than that. They actually believe that humanity, human species, has no right to destroy and despoil regardless. - David Attenborough
Sometimes ideas flow from my mind in a raging river of stringed sentences; I can scarcely scribble on the page fast enough to keep up with the mental current. Sometimes, however, beavers move in and dam the whole thing up. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I applied at Tower Records on Sunset Boulevard after my band broke up. I really wanted to work there because it involved the love of my life, music. It was also located on the world famous Sunset Strip, a place I dreamed of going to ever since I was a teenager in the 80's to become a rock star. - K.D. Sanders
Train up a fig tree in the way it should go, and when you are old sit under the shade of it. - Charles Dickens
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first then seek to win.
Stories are like islands, go out exploring and you're bound to get lost fantastically. - M. Robert Randolph
When you walk,go different roads that take you nowhere,and see your world. - Jerril Thomas Abraham
God said: you must teach, as I taught, without a fee. - The Talmud
Roots cannot grow into trees if there are no supernatural elements in the soil. Man cannot grow wealthy and famous if he doesn't contribute to either, the good or evil. - Michael Bassey Johnson
If there is no personal God,everything is permissablel, and if God exists,everthing is possible. - Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
What is hope? nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of. - Lord Byron
Your father is the only God. You can also become god but you must follow a simple rule and let that rule be made up of love. - Santosh Kalwar
The best ‘apologia’ (defense) of Jesus Following is your life ...not talking religion! ~ gfp '42© Gary F. Patton - http://diigo.com/0odk2
God, don't they teach you how to spell these days?""No," I answer. "They teach us to use spell-check. - Jodi Picoult
To live so that you would not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip, is to have lived well
It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor. - Edmund Spenser
At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religous or political ideas. - Aldous Huxley
For the sun to shine, you gotta have some rain. You need the damn rain. - Khali Raymond
Water doesn't know where it's going to flow, it just flows. - Bert McCoy
If you cannot give God glory for something, you should not do it. If a person is not fully persuaded that an activity is pleasing to God, then it is a sin: "whatsoever is not of faith is sin" (Romans 14:23) - Alan de Jager
It only takes one minute to find a really good book, but it can give you a lifetime of memories when you read a really good book that leaves you with lasting impression. - Nahisha McCoy
Don't waste today by talking about yesterday until it's finally tomorrow. - Tim Fargo
FAMOUS, adj. Conspicuously miserable. Done to a turn on the iron, behold Him who to be famous aspired. Content? Well, his grill has a plating of gold, And his twistings are greatly admired. Hassan Brubuddy - Ambrose Bierce
What men call gallantry and gods adultery Is much more common where the climate's sultry. - Lord Byron
Finding the stewardess, Bly asked her about the monkey. The stewardess replied drily, "We have met." Bly was now alarmed to see that the stewardess's arm was bandaged from wrist to shoulder."What did you do?" she asked. "I did nothing but scream," the stewardess replied; "the monkey did the rest. - Matthew Goodman
Whenever God allows a mass blindness to cover his church, it is not out of stupidity, it is out of divine providence - Sunday Adelaja
The opinions of men are not the object of civil government, nor under its jurisdiction. - Thomas Jefferson
He who wants to do good, knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gates open. - Rabindranath Tagore
Every minute you are thinking of evil, you might have been thinking of good instead. Refuse to pander to a morbid interest in your own misdeeds. Pick yourself up, be sorry, shake yourself, and go on again. - Evelyn Underhill
Wisdom is a teacher,God is its professor.The wise are His students,life is His rod,and eternal life is our reward. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I've decided that I'm not going to try to squeeze myself into a friendship that hurts me anymore. I'm going to let her go and just be friends with people who make me feel good about myself. - Zoe Sugg
Whatever God does today will be as significant as the parting of the Red Sea. - Rebecca VanDeMark
Wherever you are, be there. If you can be fully present now, you’ll know what it means to live. - Steve Goodier
I never just dreamed of success, I worked for it. Dreaming is good, but working is what gets you results. - Archana Chaurasia Kapoor
People can't change. We're pre-programmed robots going through the motions. We're the same at death as we are at birth. - J. Matthew Nespoli
Just give me a comfortable couch, a dog, a good book, and a woman. Then if you can get the dog to go somewhere and read the book, I might have a little fun. - Groucho Marx
War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children. - Jimmy Carter
If you're going to be working, you might as well work with passion and give it all you've got. - Farshad Asl
There is a very great difference is there not? between the temporal and the eternal judgments, a very great difference between a man's reputation and a man's character, for reputation is what men think and say of us, while character is what God and the angels know of us. - Price Collier
The worst evil is not to commit crimes, but to fail to do the good one might have done. - Léon Bloy
If it is true, if it is beautiful, if it is honorable, if it is right, then claim it. Because it is from God. And you belong to God. - Rob Bell
Be in something for a reason for seasons weather. - Goitsemang Mvula
A good book should make you laugh, cry or pee your pants. The best do all three! - G. Ernest Smith
Don't tell me where the time goes; I don't want to know. - Marty Rubin
Having rebound sex to cure a heartbreak is like drinking alcohol to cure a hangover. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
I've always followed my father's advice: he told me, first to always keep my word and, second, to never insult anybody unintentionally. If I insult you, you can be goddamn sure I intend to. And, third, he told me not to go around looking for trouble. - John Wayne
The reason sex is fun is not to cater to the desire for individual human pleasure, but because hunanity would have ceased to exist a long time ago if it were drudgery. - Joe Beaton
Meditation... disolves the mind. It erases itself. Throws the ego out on its big brittle ass. - Tom Robbins
Above all, trust in the slow work of God. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pray within. Stay within. Seek, find the Within. For, there's no heaven or hell or god anywhere but herein. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Life gets so ridiculous, you just have to brush it off like sand and laugh. I think the laughter is good medicine for crap-itis. - Ace Antonio Hall
All that old road of the past unreeling dizzily as if the cup of life had been overturned and everything gone mad. My eyes ached in nightmare day (235). - Jack Kerouac
My goal is simple—to live simply and to be kind to all. - Debasish Mridha
I can see, and that is why I can be happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God-made world, not a manmade world. - Helen Keller
Every good story needs a good, bad and lost soul. A people to fight for, an item to turn the tide of battle, an enigmatic character, a motivator/mentor, and an unlikely reluctant hero. - Josh Rose
I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wishes. The greater part of all mischief in the world arises from the fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims. They have undertaken to build a tower, and spend no more labor on the foundation than would be necessary to erect a hut. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Kuwa makini na kila kitu unachofanya kwa maana ubongo ni kitu cha ajabu, ubongo una uwezo wa kukupotosha. - Enock Maregesi
Love of God and people will pave roads where there once were none. - Shannon L. Alder
I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. - Oprah Winfrey
It’s not right because it just isn’t. You can’t go round making up evidence just because you’re convinced someone is guilty. You can’t be judge and jury; that’s not your job. (Liz) - Stella Rimington
Let this little book be thy friend, if, owing to fortune or through thine own fault, thou canst not find a dearer companion. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Never tell yourself that it's going to be okay. Because more times than you know, it wont be okay. You'll crash and burn and your dreams will turn to ashes. - Amber Pollard
Nobody sees anybody truly but all through the flaws of their own egos. That is the way we all see each other in life."[As quoted in Elia Kazan's autobiography, A Life (1988)] - Tennessee Williams
It's a difficult truth to face that some people choose to define themselves by the pain they feel or the wrongs they've suffered. They're not going through hard times so much as making all times hard. - Dani Harper
You're the only one I ever believe in, the answer that could never be found. - Goo Goo Dolls
I didn't have all the answers, but at least I had a goal. Revenge. Who cared if it would eat me up inside and leave me hollow? - Brandon Sanderson
Hey, Hank, I notice all the women around your place lately ... good looking stuff; you're doing all right.""Sam," I say, "that's not true; I am one of God's most lonely men. - Charles Bukowski
People should avoid hatred at all costs, because not only does it affect the haters health; it also prevents them from enjoying the goodness of love. - Gugu Mona
Surviving is a basic thing. Getting by. Staying alive in whatever way we can. It doesn't mean we make right choices or drive fine cars or have good jobs. It means we found a way not to die. I survived. - Carolyn Wall
My past takes no hostages, no prisoners. I've let go of yesterday and am free to receive the beautiful gift of the present. - Jaeda DeWalt
One ought every day at least to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers came to know eat better, and the givers sleep better. So I want to be both. Because I want to eat and sleep both for good health. ;-) - Prachi Parichita
For excellent health and a good skin color, I recommend that people sit next to a shady ultraviolet transmitting window when indoors. - Steven Magee
Every time you do a good deed you shine the light a little farther into the dark. And the thing is, when you're gone that light is going to keep shining on, pushing the shadows back. - Charles de Lint
Ah, don't let us undo what you've done!' she cried. 'I can't go back now to that other way of thinking. I can't love you unless I give you up. - Edith Wharton
Difficulties show men what they are. In case of any difficulty remember that God has pitted you against a rough antagonist that you may be a conqueror, and this cannot be without toil. - Epictetus
I believe that truth is the glue that holds government together , not only our government but civilization itself. That bond, though strained, is unbroken at home and abroad. - Gerald R. Ford
Someone who expresses a view that is contrary to the view of the overwhelming majority should be allowed to stand undisturbed as a monument to our commitment to free speech. - Albert Gore, Jr.
Distance sometimes lets you know who is worth keeping, and who is worth letting go. - Lana Del Rey
A single fact can spoil a good argument. - Anonymous
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...
Therefore, a search for God's will should begin on your knees. He will meet you there. Remember that Jesus promised, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). - James C. Dobson
Cuidado con el hombre de acción que por fin desea progresar por medio del pensamiento. Un poco de pensamiento es algo peligroso. - Salman Rushdie
In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you. - Mortimer J. Adler
If you work your hardest, and you do your best, then the rest is not in your control, but in God's Hands. - Chrostoph Morris
God condemns those who oppress and take advantage of others. - Jim George
I could never be your godAnd I don't even think I want the job anymore - Stone Sour
You can only greet success when you are ready to say goodbye to failure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
With tact, exit from the world I’ve created, and we never have to speak of those good times again. - Darnell Lamont Walker
God is the name given by theologians to something they know nothing about. There is no God; the whole existence is made of the stuff called love. - Osho
If there is a religious agency in our lives, it has to appear in the manner of our times. Not from on high, but a revelation that hides itself in our culture, it will be ground-level, on the street, it'll be coming down the avenue in the traffic, hard to tell apart from anything else. - E. L. Doctorow, The City of God
I'm convinced that the greatest lover of freedom & liberty is God almighty himself. He gave us free will, the greatest liberty of all. - Justin Steckbauer
And Lot's wife, of course, was told not to look back where all those people and their homes had been. But she did look back, and I love her for that, because it was so human. So she was turned to a pillar of salt. So it goes. - Kurt Vonnegut
You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors. You know, eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard. - Hillary Rodham Clinton
Since our fears are mostly imaginary denial makes good sense. - Marty Rubin
A man becomes God. This is the culture of life power of a human being. This is such a culture of unimaginable life power.The term God is the self -prejudiced word. This is used to explain the thing. But whatever happens is encircling a man. - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
He's the thrilling, scary Boyfriend who's going to dare you to do things you'd never dreamed of, shower you with unreasonable presents, and show up uninvited at the most embarrassing times. Then he's going to stick with you, refusing to take the hint when you don't answer his calls. - Sara Miles
Sometimes, to protect a secret we will say it so openly that most will not suspect the truth of what we are saying. - Donna Goddard
Have more than one idea on the go at any one time. If it's a choice between writing a book and doing nothing I will always choose the latter. It's only if I have an idea for two books that I choose one rather than the other. I ­always have to feel that I'm bunking off from something. - Geoff Dyer
Meat may taste good, but the guilt of eating it tastes far worse. - Evan Baldonado
Life is not fair; you do what it takes and at the end, you are the only person going home with empty hands. - M.F. Moonzajer
Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this counrty is closely related with this. - Albert Einstein
The right man in your life will fly across the world to say hello, instead of saying goodbye. - Shannon L. Alder
Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. - Erich Fromm
Officer, I know I was going faster than 55MPH, but I wasn't going to be on theroad an hour. - Steven Wright
{Summertime she speaks of winter, she eats ham, but speaks of beef, got a good man but, flirts with another. She might as well go to hell, cause she ain't gonna be happy in heaven either!} - Nancy B. Brewer
I awoke one morning to find myself famous. - George Gordon Byron
Alchemy: In times of recession it's not wise to argue about the price of gold. - Robin Sacredfire
Kindness went out to play all on a summer's day. With her about many smiles came out and joined in sweet array., "Mother Goose Move Over or you're gonna love poetry - Sara Loo
be a dog, be a jerk, be a devil, be a worst imaginable creature, but never be a good man, for being civilized in chaos is itself a chaos. - Abdul Mueed
At any rate, I am convinced that He [God] does not play dice. - Albert Einstein
Obscurity is a good thing. You can fail in obscurity. It removes the fear of failure. - Jason Fried
I can no more understand the totality of God than the pancake I made for breakfast understands the complexity of me - Donald Miller
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. - James Baldwin
It's not time will change you but God, who will change you as the time goes by. - Vidya
You never know when one seemingly unrelated event may become the catalyst that sets off a chain of synchronistic events. Though you may not know for sure when something important will happen, you can always be ready to take action. - Andrea Goeglein
When you learn to read you will be born again...and you will never be quite so alone again. - Rumer Godden
God would light the way. Faith would keep them on the right path. - Francine Rivers
Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train - Are you going sixty miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you're just sitting still? - J. Paul Getty
Let us weigh the gain and the loss, in wagering that God is. Consider these alternatives: if you win, you win all, if you lose you lose nothing. Do not hesitate, then, to wager that he is. - Blaise Pascal
Mine is to chew on the appropriate texts and make them delectable. - Gregory of Nyssa
I'm so cool that the kids come to my bedroom and go, 'Mom! Turn the music down! - Melissa Etheridge
I suppose that it goes to show that you have to be very careful what you pretend to be . . . because, one day, you may wake up to find that's what you are.
You have got to own your days and live them, each one of them, every one of them, or else the years go by and none of them belong to you. - Herb Gardner
Don't look back you're not going that way. - Anonymous
I pray, before I die, that I receive the power to believe in fairytales again, Oh' how I would love to laugh and know that God laughed with me. - Tonny K. Brown
Knowledge only becomes wisdom, when it is utilized and produces fruit that makes it possibleto reach the goals that God has set. - Sunday Adelaja
Your imperfections should not stop you from moving towards your dreams. If you wait until you are perfect, or "good enough" your dreams will remain just a dream. - Eileen Anglin
I don't need new boots I got bluchers back down home. Eff the effing bluchers I'll buy you new adjectival effing elastic sided boots. - Peter Carey
I use the word mystery,rather than magic.I love magic.something magic was always going to happen. When it did, it never did anything but land me in trouble. MYSTERY is the depth of the sacred.Page 33 coming home to my self - Marion Woodman
Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble. - Frank Tyger
I no longer hated the whining, menacing dragonfly we rode in, but admired its grace as we surged towards the clouds, the lights of Edinburgh twinkling below us like the starry constellations of a world upside down. - Rosie Pugh
The people who can most successfully lose weight and maintain a healthy life style are foodies. When it comes to healthy eating, people who know how to cook and make ingredients taste good have a distinct advantage over those who can't. - Edward Ugel
Your job won't take care of you when you'll be sailing through loneliness or going though a tragedy in life. Your friends will. Make good friends and stay in touch. - Chanda Kaushik
You will never let go of the one thing that God keeps prompting you to fix. - Shannon L. Alder
Today i am feeling proud that i have a greatest teacher. My encouragement my motivation and my leader is only one that is my teacher. From silent to talkative from dread to cheer all credit goes to teacher for their such a encouragement. - Avinash Advani
Certainly all virtues are very dear to God, but humility pleases Him above all the others, and it seems that He can refuse it nothing. - Francis de Sales
You're growing up. And rain sort of remains on the branches of a tree that will someday rule the Earth. And it's good that there is rain. It clears the month of your sorry rainbow expressions, and it clears the streets of the silent armies... so we can dance. - Jim Carroll
Once a man has some money, peace begins to sound good to him. - Clint Eastwood
Some people will bring up evolutionary biology and apes, how female apes bow to male apes - that sort of thing. But the point is this: we are not apes. Apes also live in trees and eat earthworms. We do not. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
If you're "one in a million", and the world is full of seven billion people, that means there are seven thousand people just like you. - Jeff Goins
Trabalhe como se você não precisasse do dinheiro, ame como se você nunca tivesse sido magoado, e dance como se ninguém estivesse te observando. - Martha Medeiros
If you don't create a good message about your dreams, those who were created to pay for it can't find it. Speak them out and you will find those God created to finance it - Israelmore Ayivor
You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you’d experience. You have rejection and you have learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it. - Taylor Swift
People say we are playing God. My answer is: If we don't play God, who will? - James D. Watson
Do definite good; first of all to yourself, then to definite persons. - John Lancaster Spalding
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods, you'll understand why I dismiss yours.
Noah got a word from God then built upon that word. Then when the storm came he stood on what he built according to the word of God! - Joe Joe Dawson
Expect God's miracle power everyday! - Phyliss Todd
As you cannot have a sweet and wholesome abode unless you admit the air and sunshine freely into your rooms, so a strong body and a bright, happy, or serene countenance can only result from the free admittance into the mind of thoughts of joy and goodwill and serenity.
When God calls you to build 100 castles on earth and you built 98, take the 99th as if it's the begining of your work and work hard to finish the race with all excellence. Go the extra mile! - Israelmore Ayivor
The world is a bad place only then when you are not good. - S.M
Be simple, don't carry the baggage the past, open your hands, and let it go. - Debasish Mridha
A me ha tocado no estar contigo; no tengo miradas para encontrarteni hay cosa en que pueda reconocerte. - Rubén Bonifaz Nuño
She realized all at once that Doon, thin, dark eyed Doon, with his troublesome temper and his terrible brown jacket, and his good heart---- was the person she knew better than anyone now. He was her best friend.--City of Ember-- - Jeanne DuPrau
We cannot move forward if we allow the past to pull us back. - Rodrigo Duterte
We must primarily become seekers of God instead of founders of works, for work will not sustain us through the traumas of incarnation. - Viv Grigg
You can either be god of certain areas of your life, or let Me be God of your whole life. - The Skit Guys
Just as all things speak about God to those that know Him, and reveal Him to those that love Him, they also hide Him from all those that neither seek nor know Him. - Blaise Pascal
The whole hard work in achieving any goal is not in the means of achieving greater heights, but in the courage in fulfilling the simple yet daunting tasks. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
I wore black because I liked it. I still do, and wearing it still means something to me. It's still my symbol of rebellion -- against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others' ideas. - Johnny Cash
Your first appearance, he said to me, is the gauge by which you will be measured; try to manage that you may go beyond yourself in after times, but beware of ever doing less. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
God has two dwellings: one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. - Izaak Walton
In order to grow you have to let go of all that you are and all that you know. - Maureen Rose Muldoon
Because of racism, he can't govern effectively' is not a great argument for re-election. - James Taranto
Something had lubricated us. Something had washed us clean. I understood, and at the same minute I understood that that they all understood, too. Hate had passed away, and in its place was the other word that's just as big. ("Golden Baby") - Alice Brown
When you’re a teenager - How do you determine what being a Christian looks like, if you’re not willing to be as transparent as the realty TV world we live in? If we are to make it easy for others to find God, we must be more diligent about sharing our stories, openly and honestly. - Sarah Jakes
Unhealthy gossiping is one way that divides heaven and hell. - Deeksha Mittal
we deceive ourselves if we believe we can hold on to old models as "ideologies whimper off to a shallow grave in prolonged agony of people, institutions and cultures. - Said E. Dawlabani
Everybody dies. Including your messiahs. And gods. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Traveling is all very well if you can get home at night. I would be willing to go around the world if I could be back in time to light the candles and set the table for dinner. . - Gladys Taber
Questions are places in your mind where answers fit. If you haven't asked the question, the answer has nowhere to go. - Clay Christensen
Mindfulness is the awareness of what is going on in us and around us in the present moment. It requires stopping, looking deeply, and recognizing both the uniqueness of the moment and its connection to everything that has gone on before and will go on in the future. - Thich Nhat Hanh
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same - Flavia Weedn
A government that kills its own citizens is like a parent that kills their own kids aka filicide or like a mother that kills her unborn by abortion . - Youns Hussein
The Bible's message is that you matter to God. Our response is that God should matter to us. - Dillon Burroughs
if God spared not His own Son, how much less will He spare you! - C.H.SPURGEON
The peasants of the Asturias believe that in every litter of wolves there is one pup that is killed by the mother for fear that on growing up it would devour the other little ones. - Victor Hugo
I'm convinced that the world, more than ever, needs the music only you can make. And if it takes extra courage to keep playing in spite of your loss, many will applaud the effort. And who knows? Others may be inspired to pick up their broken instruments, their broken lives, and begin again. - Steve Goodier
It might behoove us to realize that isolation is the absence of all the senseless clutter, and all the incessant racket that would keep God from having ample room to show up and sufficient silence to be heard. Therefore, isolation may actually be the place where we are least isolated. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Introverts living under the Extroversion Ideal are like women in a man’s world, discounted because of a trait that goes to the core of who they are. Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we’ve turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform - Susan Cain
All authors go to heaven; we have paid our dues on earth by choosing to the hellish career of writing - Carl Henegan
A dream is just as good, and will go as far as an action. - Anthony Liccione
But it's like no matter how much energy you pour into getting to the station on time, or getting on the right train, there's still no guarantee that anybody's gonna be there for you to pick you up when you get there. - Nancy Oliver
Now is the dramatic moment of fate, Watson, when you hear a step upon the stair which is walking into your life, and you know not whether for good or ill. - Arthur Conan Doyle
As every reader knows in his or her heart, there is much more to truth than mere fact. - Alison Croggon
But pain... seems to me an insufficient reason not to embrace life. Being dead is quite painless. Pain, like time, is going to come on regardless. Question is, what glorious moments can you win from life in addition to the pain? - Lois McMaster Bujold
I believe that religion is the belief in future life and in God. I don't believe in either. I don't believe in God as I don’t believe in Mother Goose. - Clarence Darrow
God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die. - Bill Watterson
Mammon is still the god of the world's largest and most powerful religion. - Marty Rubin
...I long to be known as an extravagant worshiper...that God would discover the song in my heart to be elaborate, overgenerous, and wasteful in my pursuit of Him. - Darlene Zschech
The very old and the very young have something in common that makes it right that they should be left alone together. Dawn and sunset see stars shining in a blue sky; but morning and midday and afternoon do not, poor things. - Elizabeth Goudge
When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, "There's just something about you that pisses me off. - Stephen King
If you are in a bad mood go for a walk.If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk. - Hippocrates
Now is the time for all good men to come to. - Walt Kelly
There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend. - Katharine Butler Hathaway
Everyone who achieves success in a great venture, solved each problem as they came to it. They helped themselves. And they were helped through powers known and unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They kept going regardless of the obstacles they met.
Dreams, books, are each a world; and books, we know,Are a substantial world, both pure and good:Round these, with tendrils strong as flesh and blood,Our pastime and our happiness will grow. - William Wordsworth
When the Bible itself becomes irksome, inquire whether you have not been spoiling your appetite by sweetmeats and renounce them; and believe that the Word is the wire along which the voice of God will certainly come to you if the heart is hushed and the attention fixed. - F.B. Meyer
The difference between intelligence and education is this: intelligence will make you a good living. - Charles F. Kettering
Love is you. Love is calling you. Life is awaiting you. Go forth and live fully. Be whomever you are. Define you. - Sereda Aleta Dailey
Do not forget to tell your daughters God made them beautiful. - Habeeb Akande
I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house tonight or never. - Jane Austen
A good accountant is someone who told you yesterday what the economists forcast for tomorrow - Miles Thomas
The best advice comes from the one who has made more mistakes– they have learned great lessons! The one who always got it right has surely not lived through the entire experience. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors. - Joel Osteen
God has a hundred percent success rate in all that He does. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Outlines are the last resource of bad fiction writers who wish to God they were writing masters' theses. - Stephen King
My job as a leader is to make sure everybody in the company has great opportunities, and that they feel they're having a meaningful impact and are contributing to the good of society. As a world, we're doing a better job of that. My goal is for Google to lead, not follow that. - Larry Page
The power to reach our goal is always in the moment. When the moment arrives, be ready to perform the action that will help you reach your goal, and be aware when the moment is now. - Russell Eric Dobda
The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. - Socrates
Even as one heat another heat expels, or as one nail by strength drives out another, so the remembrance of my former love is by a newer object quite forgotten. - William Shakespeare
You decide every moment of every day who you are and what you believe in.The good news is you get another chance to improve in another second. - JohnA Passaro
Let love without conditions help us to attain the supreme peace and tranquility. Love is god. His benevolence make us more pretty. - Acharyasri Rajesh
Alma: ¿Dónde está el oro aquel que viste? Todo ha cambiado cuando estuvo enfrente; mis ojos tocan realidad tan triste que digo: es el presente. - Alfonsina Storni
God has an amazing plan for your life and what you're going through now is a part of it! Whether you're suffering with depression, anxiety or just going through a difficult time, it's for the best! God will use your past to help people in the future! - Jacob Bowen
If your mind can move mountainsand swallow gods,Why does it worry with helpless yesterdays and unborn tomorrows?If it can vomit starsand walk on split hairs,Why must it follow the samepath to despair?Everyone will tell you:'An orgasm here is just as good. - Kamand Kojouri
If you let go and let God than you will never have to worry about God letting Go - Brynelle K Brown
In this universe the night was falling; the shadows were lengthening towards an east that would not know another dawn. But elsewhere the stars were still young and the light of morning lingered; and along the path he once had followed, Man would one day go again. - Arthur C. Clarke
You've got to know thyself, date thyself and most importantly be thyself. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Life is your biggest Treasure. Enjoy it. If you forget to, it will soon be gone, never to return.- - RVM
If you want to write a negative review, don't tickle me gently with your aesthetic displeasure about my work. Unleash the goddamn Kraken."[on Twitter, July 17, 2012] - Scott Lynch
You can seek out good fortune, authority (power), and even a righteous life-partner...and find them all. But when all of this is gone...which it will be eventually, I wish you Peace, which is only found through Christ our Lord. - Joe Campos
It's not always true that a person who speaks good words are good at their heart. - Sajil Chembil
Take what you can use and let the rest go by. - Ken Kesey
Have regard for your name, since it will remain for you longer than a great store of gold. - Ecclesiasticus
The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going. - Unknown
We are not good because of the good we do but we are good and so we do good. - Newton Gatambia
No one can destroy the love God has for you. When you abide in truth, you also abide in love. And truth is evidence of love. Nothing can destroy the power of trusting and loving unconditionally. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
In my own book-signings, I find humility. It’s always humbling when people go out of their way to come visit with me and by some of my books. - Nicholas Trandahl
And sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try, how persuasive you can be, how much skill you have... you can't have everything. Sometimes you just can't win.""No. Sometimes you don't win." He gets to his feet, and Red stands beside him. "But I'll be damned if that's going to stop me from trying. - daystar721
Be good to those who are good,and just to those who are not;this is true wisdom.Do good unto others,not expecting them to do good unto you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England.
Life is hard at times. But when I overcome more challenges, I become much stronger then. So I’m going to embrace them - SornaSundaram
Curiosity is good, but creativity is greater. - Lailah Gifty Akita
At the end of the day, it isn’t where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I’m going and never have been before. - Warsan Shire
Secret thoughts and open countenance will go safely over the whole world. - Scipione Alberti
There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction. - Salvador Dali
All things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. - Elias Canetti
If you go to anybody and ask them, what is your dream life? They would say I want to sit by the TV all day. I want to play with my friends all day and they think that is the best way to spend their lives. They do not know that what they have just listed is not living life but wasting life. - Sunday Adelaja
Nothing goes with you except the love that you gave away. - Debasish Mridha
... here's what I believe - sometimes God has a Plan B... - John Geddes
Success needs you to give yourself goals to aim for. - Auliq Ice
Marriage isn't about Winning - It's about Lasting - Mark Gorman
To be a good soldier, you must love the army. To be a good commander, you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love. - Robert E. Lee
Roses are red violets are blue, God made me pretty, what happened to you? - rocky quicksilver
I see Atheists are fighting and killing each other again, over who doesn't believe in any God the most. Oh, no..wait.. that never happens. - Ricky Gervais
Some days I wake upand all I feelare the fracturesin the flesh that coversthe only meI've ever known.Some days,it's those exact fissuresthat let the lighthiding inside mepour outand coverin goldeveryonethat found enough beautyin the cracksto standclose. - Tyler Knott Gregson
When you are in peace with you, you will find the peace everywhere you go. - Debasish Mridha
I need to say this you shouldn't trust any government, actually including this one. You should not trust government full stop. The natural inclination of government is to hoard power and information; to accrue power to itself in the name of the public good. - Nick Clegg
You don't need to change who you are to praise the God. - Unarine Ramaru
I think only an idiot can be an atheist. We must admit that there exists an incomprehensible power or force with limitless foresight and knowledge that started the whole universe going in the first place. - Christian B. Anfinsen
We don't want to eliminate the ego completely. Otherwise we'd be wandering around the house each morning, drinking coffee for hours, saying, 'Who the hell am I?' We need the ego to sustain a sense of identity. - Stuart Wilde
Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. - Will Rogers
In fact the trick good shooters deploy is change of focus from long to short and vice versa. And that should happen fast.The modus operandi is an alignment of long Focus (long term vision) with due validation with respect to current status (short term goals). - Priyavrat Thareja
You are a gift. You are the only one of you on this planet and God made you specifically to deliver that gift to mankind. I request that you stop waiting to remember what you are here for and start sharing you gift with the world. - Monika Zands
When our Journey of life is like a Train with Some Stops but Always can reach to a destination which can make ourselves and others happy, then we are on the good way. - Jan Jansen
Prayer is meeting with God. It's checking in, saying I am here, You are here. It is the present moment. - J.R. Rim
Love not only transform your mental and emotional character/attitude, it also shifts your physical being, which goes thru subtle changes also. Love is POWERFUL! God is love. - Pazaria Smith
A good church is a Bible-centered church. Nothing is as important as this--not a large congregation, a witty pastor, or tangible experiences of the Holy Spirit. - Alistair Begg
To terrify children with the image of hell, to consider women an inferior creation—is that good for the world? - Christopher Hitchens
Life is good, if you like that sort of thing.
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. - Mahatma Gandhi
No synonym for God is so perfect as Beauty. Whether as seen carving the lines of the mountains with glaciers, or gathering matter into stars, or planning the movements of water, or gardening - still all is Beauty! - John Muir
The bad, icky and stinky things that happen sometimes should never be allowed to have an adverse effect over the good, lovely and beautiful things happening everyday. - Azhar Ali
I've been playing in the field of life on my own for a while now and it's fair to say I have gained myself along the way, I gotta admit though, after all this time I am damn well excited to fall insanely inLove with someone who knows how to take my breath away. - Nikki Rowe
Truth in her dress finds facts too tight. In fiction she moves with ease. - Rabindranath Tagore
Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can. - John Wesley
We Greeks believe that a man who takes no part in public affairs is not merely lazy, but good for nothing - Thucydides
It takes two to tango but It takes "ONE" to Love - Syed Sharukh
How soon you overcome each incident, good or bad happening with you revealshow deeply you understand life. - Deep Trivedi
Training was all I could think about. One Sunday when I found the stadium locked, I broke in and worked out in the freezing cold. Every painful set, every extra rep, was a step toward my goal of winning. - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three major categories - those that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost. - Russell Baker
We must accept that this creative pulse within us is God's creative pulse itself. - Joseph Chilton Pearce
Be warned against all 'good' advice because 'good' advice is necessarily 'safe' advice, and though it will undoubtedly follow a sane pattern, it will very likely lead one into total sterility--one of the crushing problems of our time. - Jules Feiffer
She is truly beautiful, but she doesn't have a beautiful face to match her beautiful heart. True beauty lies in the HEART. - Fabulous Godwin
An agnostic is a creature that is religiously skeptical whenever it is told that God exists or that He doesn’t. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Life is a journey from God to God. - Moosa Rahat
Humanity will survive; if they will renew their thinking. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
London is not a good place to be when you are sad: so crowded it makes you feel lonely. - Moe Cidaly
When looking at your reserve when going through trials and you see a glass over half empty, remember to look at the one who gives the water. Our focus is what is important, not our struggle. - Gail Davis
The promise of a dreamer’s future will always remain greater than their present ability. God will always give them dreams that are further along than their current level of maturity. - Wayne Cordeiro
As death, when we come to consider it closely, is the true goal of our existence, I have formed during the last few years such close relationships with this best and truest friend of mankind that death's image is not only no longer terrifying to me, but is indeed very soothing and consoling. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
If you are willing to go out on a limb, the tree of life holds endless possibilities. - Angel Sharum
I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without paying the price. It takes an attitude of hard work, commitment and purpose. - Farshad Asl
Give as much as importance to your goal as you give it to your first girlfriend, with that much importance your girlfriend might still leave you but your goal will definitely come to you. - Amit Kalantri
Dad got furious when we lied to him. No, Dad got furious then we lied to him. - Brian Spellman
Good example of Love is forgiveness and to Love is to pray for ones soul not to perish - kaMajola Nhepera
No matter what you're going through, have faith and have love. - Debasish Mridha
In serving the poor,one serves humanity.In serving mankind,one serves equity.In serving goodness,one serves God.In serving the Creator,one serves himself. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I think that God in creating Man somewhat overestimated his ability. - Oscar Wilde
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. - Barry Goldwater
Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal.
The best portions of a good man's life, his little, nameless acts of kindness and love. - William Wordsworth
Don't compare your story to a movie or a book because it is written by a script writer and yours by God - Anonymous
Every talent you have is not wasted. It is there because of a reason and God will open that door when the right time comes along to use it. - Shannon L. Alder
We belong far less to where we've come from than where we want to go. - Franz Werfel
The poems are all wrong. It's a bang, a really big bang. Not a whimper. And sometimes gold can stay. - Kami Garcia
In the arena of human life the honours and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities. - Aristotle
Allt stort som skedde i världen skedde först i någon människas fantasi. - Astrid Lindgren
And here I am. God and I, ever One, and Alone. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The school of suffering never graduates any students, so ask God to teach to you the lessons He wants you to learn. - Warren W. Wiersbe
If truth is not objective, there is no good or evil. There is only what people do and how people feel about it. - Rebecca McKinsey
The better we become, the higher we climb. The higher we climb, the bigger our ego. The bigger the ego, the harder it is for us to look at others the same way we did before as we can get so full of ourselves we lose our true self. Always be humble. Even if you're good. Always. - Lik Hock Yap Ivan
Forgiveness comes more readily when, we have faith in God and trust in His word. Such faith enables people to withstand the worst of humanity. It also enables people to look beyond themselves. More importantly, it enables them to forgive. - James E. Faust
The sense that everything is going wrong has existed in every era, and rightly so since men have found no greater pleasure than in inventing new ways to make each other miserable. - Emil Cioran
If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking , they can make you laugh. - P.C. Cast
This is me figuring good behavior is for someone much younger." --Kestrel - Sarah Purdy Gilman
As a writer, the main skill you need is curiosity. As a reader, the main tool you need is open-mindedness. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
the grandeur of God reveals itself through simple things - Paulo Coelho
I am eternally grateful.. for my knack of finding in great books, some of them very funny books, reason enough to feel honored to be alive, no matter what else might be going on. - Kurt Vonnegut
The best is the deep quiet in which I live and grow against the world, and harvest what they cannot take from me by fire and sword. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Many people consider the things government does for them to be social progress but they regard the things government does for others as socialism."[Address to National Press Club in Washington DC, as quoted in Freedom and Union (April 1952)] - Earl Warren
Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave. - G.I. Gurdjieff
The triumph of the philosophy of Atheism is to free man from the nightmare of gods; it means the dissolution of the phantoms of the beyond. - Emma Goldman
Children are very nice observers, and will often perceive your slightest defects. In general, those who govern children, forgive nothing in them, but everything in themselves. - Francois de Fenelon
If we are going to teach creation science as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction. - Judith Hayes
The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score. - Bill Copeland
Nurture your relationships and all good things will come to you. - Malti Bhojwani
To commit the least possible sin is the law for man. To live without sin is the dream of an angel. Everything terrestrial is subject to sin. Sin is a gravitation. - Victor Hugo
I will never abandon one opportunity and wait for another. We have not reached the goal we are striving for. What you see now is nothing compared to our vision…just tiny parts of what lies ahead. - Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Man is the measure of all things. - Protagoras
To change yourself, let go of what you are and accept what you want to be. - Debasish Mridha
Just as you began to feel that you could make good use of time, there was no time left to you. - Lisa Alther
I don't need a baby growing inside me for nine months. For one thing, there's morning sickness. If I'm going to feel nauseous and achy when I wake up, I want to achieve that state the old fashioned way: getting good and drunk the night before. - Ellen DeGeneres
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke
The idea that Love Must Be Tough dictates that we be willing to set another person free- even if it causes us great pain to let go. When we do this, we maximize the chances that that loved one will not leave, because the cage door has been opened and self-respect has been affirmed. - James Dobson
Yes, life is full of awkward moments! For example, that time you keep dazing off while staring at the same person you found yourself staring at five minutes ago. *gulp* So glad staring is still not illegal. Or, at least I'm glad for my own benefit. - Mary Kate
Morality cannot replace goodness.Knowledge cannot replace wisdom.Fame cannot replace honor.Pleasure cannot replace contentment.Passion cannot replace love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There are things known—things experienced, felt, and understood—that words hold no power to convey. Attempting to do so only dilutes their substance and does them injustice. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If you want to move on, you actually have to make the decision to move on. It won't happen automatically. You have to say, "I deserve better than this and no longer am I going to let this get the better of me", and then take the necessary action to move on with your life. - Karon Waddell
Every man has an ambition. Let it be a good one. Just drive toward it with enthusiasm. - Debasish Mridha
Optimism is denial for chumps with no life experience"."What's pessimism?" I said."Religion without God. - Jonathan Kellerman
Hope keeps us alive. Life is interesting because of egocentric hope and love full sprit. - Debasish Mridha
The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. - William Wordsworth
In rivers and bad governments, the lightest things swim at the top. - Benjamin Franklin
Some people would not be dead if they have not gotten the things or people they had prayed for. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
..the senses do not give us a picture of the world directly; rather they provide evidence for checking hypotheses about what lies before us. Indeed we may say that a perceived object is a hypothesis, suggested and tested by sensory data. - Richard Langton Gregory
Me And Ocean -- Two Deep Dreams Of God - Prince
God is Love......so how you define love is how you see God... - Vasquez Pia
Sin is really an extreme form of amnesia. It is forgetting who you were when you were created as a spirit which came forth from the heart of God—a spirit made in His perfect, sinless image. - Praying Medic
Worrying and Stressing is useless simply because whatever GOD has for you is for you. Let GOD happen. - Sabrina Newby
We are all servants of some sort, and if the fact that we are faithful can be truthfully inscribed on our tombstones, nothing more need be added. - L.M. Montgomery
Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.
Good poetry seems too simple and natural a thing that when we meet it we wonder that all men are not always poets. Poetry is nothing but healthy speech. - Henry David Thoreau
It is, I think, a far lesser offense to blatantly ignore God’s directions for our lives rather than arrogantly think ourselves shrewd enough to be able to bend them to our liking without breaking them and therefore breaking ourselves. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Surprises are one of the secrets of a good relationship. Find someone who, out of the blue, will grab you, and a blanket, take you to a secluded spot and canoodle as the sun rises... - Virginia Alison
He's an artist in London. We don't see him much."Tom gave him one of his quick, considering glances and asked, "Doesn't he live with you?""No," said Indigo, finally saying out loud what he had known now for a long, long time. "Not really. Not anymore. - Hilary McKay
A good woman is a pleasured treasure. - Habeeb Akande
Not having a recognised brand & trying to stand out in the market is like going to the market without any goods. - Onyi Anyado
The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry. - Ernest Hemingway
Was ever book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? O, that deceit should dwell in such a gorgeous palace! - William Shakespeare
Why does a government agency that has no connection with my community have the right to dictate what is appropriate for it? - Simon S. Tam
A year ago I came here without a nickle in my pocket, now, I've got a nickle in my pocket. - Groucho Marx
Before thinking about what you are going to say, think about what I am saying. - Alireza Salehi Nejad
I like Kindness it's something the Government can't tax and it's free to give away that will return to you some day - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A Parent's insecurity is a Child's nightmare - Goitsemang Mvula
I know for an absolute fact that if I ate a meal at one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants, I would be able to taste his anger. - John Cheese
Always contend for the good! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Even amazing states of bliss, peace, clarity and spaciousness have nothing to do with awakening as these are just experiences coming and going in the impersonal awareness that you are. - Enza Vita
The point that I think myself to be so terribly clever is the precise point at which I am beginning to think myself to be god-like, which causes me to become God-less. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing. - Aldous Huxley
One must have a good memory to be able to keep the promises one makes. - Friedrich Nietzsche
It is a kind of good deed to say well; and yet words are not deeds. - William Shakespeare
When you encounter seemingly good advice that contradicts other seemingly good advice, ignore them both. - Al Franken
As mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality. - President George Washington
It is by the goodness of god that in our country we have those 3 unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. - Mark Twain
it is the people who control the Government, not the Government the people. - Winston S. Churchill
Make money your god and it will plague you like the devil. - Henry Fielding
Yesterday has gone, never to return. It is the past and over; learn from its mistakes and look to the future with optimism. - Marilyn L Rice
I say if it's going to be done, let's do it. Let's not put it in the hands of fate. Let's not put it in the hands of someone who doesn't know me. I know me best. Then take a breath and go ahead. - Anita Baker
It's compassion that makes gods of us. - Dorothy Gilman
I have given my word that only death will take me from you. - Philippa Gregory
A drop of ink may make a million think. - George Gordon Byron
If the shining sun blinds the eye,it makes sense. But to be blinded by gold and silver! - I.R. Shankar
God lives in the place of praise. If we want to be where He is, we need to go to His address. - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
ADAMANT, n. A mineral frequently found beneath a corset. Soluble in solicitate of gold. - Ambrose Bierce
Nothing is worth more than this day. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it. Those who are not in love with God will see only their own faces in it. - Jalaluddin Rumi
In regards to life goals, you need to think about where you are now, and plot out where you want to be a year from now, two years from now, and then five years from now. - Auliq Ice
His love is like an unquenchable fire and He refreshes with living waters. I thirst daily and go to the well to drink and be consumed - Lori McPherson
Money is our servant not our God. Let it serve you not the other way around. - Debasish Mridha
I meet people and they enforce me their culture and then I choose to fly away and I meet other people and these people force me their religion and I wanna fly away. I meet other people, these people are silent, we begin to sing the song of the ocean and then we fly away together ~ - Grigoris Deoudis
Very soon nations will understand that in reality Water is the most expensive natural resource for their survivals. Not Middle East oil neither African gold. - M.F. Moonzajer
Don't give a gift with expectation to get but if you have got a gift always try to give. - Debasish Mridha
No tear, is a wasted tear, if it spills out for love, whether in good times or bad. - Anthony Liccione
I'm looking at you through the glassDon't know how much time has pastOh God it feels like foreverBut no one tells that forever feels like homeSitting all alone in your head - Stone Sour
Go higher and higher, until it becomes impossible to bring you down, I wanna use a microscope to locate you, don't even dream of coming down. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Just like the devil is against God. I think the so called love is against success. Tryna slow people's lives. - Cyc Jouzy
If your paramount concern in life is to make sure everyone likes and approves of you, I’m sorry to say you’re going to find yourself running in circles for the rest of your life. - Ali B. Moe
We make Idols of our concepts, but Wisdom is born of wonder - Gregory the Great
Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. - Baltasar Gracián
I wish to walk and keep the ways of God - Lailah Gifty Akita
I bet you've seen the fundamentalist bumper sticker that says, "God said it! I believe it! That settles it!" It must be a typo because what the driver really means is, "I said it! God believes it! That settles it! - Robert M. Price
You've got be careful about getting locked into open systems.
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. - Thomas Jefferson
What "wasting time" means? At the time we glorify self instead of glorify God, at that time we are wasting our time as... God is Time. - indonesia123
I was just trying to be a very good human, instead I became a hero. - Amit Kalantri
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. - Bob Marley
I write because I always want good to win over evil - Anamika Mishra
English was good enough for Jesus Christ and it's good enough for the children of Texas.
Never try to hide the real you. Be yourself and stand up for what you believe in. Question what other people tell you, think things though. Never regret your mistakes as there's a reason for everything.Grudges are toxic and heavy to bear. Let them go, learn from everything and continue to grow. - Karen Gibbs
A story just isn't a story without a dragon. - H.B. Bolton
Never pray for life to be easier, but pray for courage to go on and still enjoy every moment of beauty. - Debasish Mridha
We learn that there are in creation, Beings - perhaps very numerous - both good and evil. - Richard Whatley
We underestimate the power of our own mind for both good and bad. If we can learn to control our mindset and our responses to the adverse things in our lives, we can absolutely control our own destiny. - Rob R Morris
I don't like to go anywhere. I just like to go. - Marty Rubin
justice is not only the way we punish those who do wrong. It is also the way we try to save them. - Gregory David Roberts
Whoever obeys the gods, to him they particularly listen. - Homer
Do not talk a little on many subjects, but much on a few. - Pythagoras
An old, tired man. That is what I am. What became of the old fire, drive, ambition? There were dreams once upon a time, dreams now all but forgotten. On sad days I dust them off and fondle them nostalgically, with a patronising wonder at the naivete of the youth who dreamed them. - Glen Cook
I'm not insecure. I've been through way too much f**king sh*t to be insecure. I've got huge balls. But I've been humbled. That makes you grateful for every day you have. - Drew Barrymore
Viewed from the summit of reason, all life looks like a malignant disease and the world like a madhouse. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Dating's like going on a job interview. You don't know if you'll get the job, but if you do, you get to see the interviewee naked. - Waiter Rant
Nobody think about that broken heart... life goes on, broken heart never join together but it tries very hard to get joined again. That;swhy may be it said "Heart is like a mirror, if its broken can never be joined. - Shahid Islam
If you want to go to moksha (attain ultimate liberation), you will have to become simple and straightforward. Being obstinate won’t work there. You will have to remove all the tubers; become totally free from intellect (abudh). - Dada Bhagwan
Government can easily exist without laws, but law cannot exist without government. - Bertrand Russell
Either God is real or he isn't; I'm ok with that. - Anonymous
When he followed the instincts which God had transmitted to him from his ancestry of beasts of prey, he called it sin and asked God to forgive him. - Bertrand Russell
The mystery of grace is the power of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Time is just going on and on .But I still here Idle just Waiting for someone and nothing else - Amardeep Singh
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. - Edward Abbey
Bring it up, make amends, forgive yourself. It sounds simple, but don’t think for a second that it is easy. Getting free from the tyranny of past mistakes can be hard work, but definitely worth the effort. And the payoff is health, wholeness and inner peace. In other words, you get your life back. - Steve Goodier
[O]nce demagogy and falsehoods become routine, there isn’t much for the political journalist to do except handicap the race and report on the candidate’s mood. - George Packer
Some females are so "pretty", that all they have are their looks. Don't allow your attitude and ego to deduct from your pretty ladies. No matter how cute you think you are... your attitude can make you ugly real quick. - Randa Manning-Johnson
God is closer to you than you think. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I want to go and write music that announces to you that you can feel something. I don’t want to tell you what to feel, but I just want you to have the possibility of feeling something. - Hans Zimmer
If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer. - Confucius
The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reaches us. So it is with great men who died centuries ago, but still reach us with the radiations of their personalities. - Kahlil Gibran
Poor people do not go on holiday; they go home. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Also, SKULLS. Gosh you love SKULLS. There is a good SKULL at the heart of any mystery, haunting its EVERY PAGE. That is what you always say. Or at least, it is what you always HOPE. - Andrew Hussie
Goals are only ever a guide; a winding, changing path. It's your heart that will really keep you on tack... and nourished along the way. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
With age, gone are the forevers of youth. Gone is the willingness to procrastinate, delay, to play the waiting game. Now each day is a treasure beyond compare . . . because there are so few such diadems left. - Joe L. Wheeler
It's every American's duty to support his government but not necessarily in the style to which it has become accustomed. - Thomas C. Mann
There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists. - E.H. Gombrich
The great would not think themselves demigods if the little did not worship them. - Pierre-Claude-Victor Boiste
Mothers may still want their sons to grow up to be President, but according to a famous Gallup poll of some years ago, some 73 percent do not want them to become politicians in the process. - John F. Kennedy
He said he was going to fix everything and I believed him. But I believed him before and again some. And I guess I got lost in the resentment of disbelief. - Dominic Riccitello
If you've gone through pain now, learned your lesson, chances are, you'll probably experience MINOR pain later in life. If you haven't witnessed any pain now, you might suffer greatly later in life. In the end, everyone is equal. - Amrita Ramanathan
If any human concious able to define the God then he exactly don't know about the God. If willing to describe then he is beliver of the God. Because The God is unable to describe, if described then not about God. Because God is unable to describe, thats why there is God. The supreme power. - Kunal Jajal
No doubt I shall go on writing, stumbling across tundras of unmeaning, planting words like bloody flags in my wake.... - Alexander Trocchi
Good sex is about knowing each other's deepest and kinkiest desires. - Abhijit Naskar
I can’t do small talk really, and that’s fine. I've got old friends and family that love me, thank God. I’m grateful for what a city gives you access to, but I do feel that I’m only here until I figure out how to get out again. - Laura Marling
After all, he thought he was God.
Grief is the agony of an instant, the indulgence of grief the blunder of a life. - Benjamin Disraeli
The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time. - Friedrich Nietzsche
On our Journey, we should not dwell on the guilt emerging because of dropping back to Ego-dominated state; instead, we should celebrate that we are in the state of the Presence!! - Frank Wanderer
Some of the most valued things we have in life come from changes or mistakes. Don't be afraid if you failed or if you lose someone you love, there is always the rainbow after the rain. And remember that all change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. - Angie karan
Don't underestimate the power of being underestimated. - Tim Fargo
Make sure your business is creating a service experience so good that it demands loyalty. - Steve Maraboli
You must however pay attention to the fact that we don’t only lose time to lateness. We also lose time to jokes, gossip, empty talks, sleep on duty, social media etc. - Sunday Adelaja
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws - - Plato
The wondrous wise God! - Lailah Gifty Akita
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal that will make this world a better place for future generations. - Debasish Mridha
Any good thing will be ruined by talking negatively about it; similarly bad thing will improve by speaking positive about it. - Dada Bhagwan
If you forgo your plan, you also have to forgo fear. - Eric Schmidt
Life is there to attain Liberation while going through the experience of it. It should not be ‘above normal’ or ‘below normal,’ it should be ‘normal’. - Dada Bhagwan
Don't Give Up On Your Dreams,One Day They Will Become Reality And One Day Might Be Today. - Godfrey Orateng
Men of God are not just born, they are formed - John Paul Warren
For true love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have. And if you go to draw at the true fountainhead, the more water you draw, the more abundant is its flow. - Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve
Feel so fucking angry; don't want to be reminded of you, But when I left my shit in your kitchen, I said goodbye to your bedroom it smelled of you - Amy Winehouse
The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it. - Jordan Belfort
Call on God, but row away from the rocks. - Hunter S. Thompson
To live for some future goal is shallow. It's the sides of the mountain that sustain life, not the top. - Unknown
But why do people who are good at families have to be smug and assume it is the only way to live, as if everybody else is inadequate? Why can't they be blamed for being bad at promiscuity?
A friend's eye is a good mirror. - Celtic Proverb
Acquiring of wisdom is a function of inquisitiveness for information and keenness for learning. Plenty of resource and the gravity of flow will ensure a momentum good enough for learning. - Priyavrat Thareja
You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients. - Julia Child
In the midst of trouble,mankind will get many redemptions to God but never has he rendered to the fallen angels. - Efrain Jimenez Vazquez
it would hurt him to know she had felt that way for a while, that her relationship with him was like being content in a house but always sitting by the window and looking out. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Ninja Mom's know that God has never left them! - Anna M. Aquino
There is no transparency, Marus. It can’t exist. Surveillance doesn’t go both ways. There are those who watch, and those who are watched; the powerful, and the powerless. - Celeste Chaney
God is looking for prepared men to send to the world of education to manage the place for him. - Sunday Adelaja
There is new research showing that our creative potential increases with age. Our creativity is a product of our inner and outer experience, and as we get older, we have all kinds of experience to draw on. Also, research tells us that creativity brings energy, vitality and good health. - Sandra A. Cusack
He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader. - Aristotle
People will think while you can do, go and do it - Kamal Khanzada
Are you willing to walk with God? - Lailah Gifty Akita
5 rules to live a happier life: 1) Love yourself. 2) Do good. 3) Always forgive. 4) Harm no one. 5) Be positive. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
My fear is not death. I only fear GOD so as all of you should. - Nadair Desmar
The power of your prayer lies in your knowing that God is there right beside you. - Sunday Adelaja
Trump victory makes me realized, That you don't really need people option to be come a winner. - Goals Rider
It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors - Arthur W. Pink
If God would concede me His omnipotence for 24 hours, you would see how many changes I would make in the world. But if He gave me His wisdom too, I would leave things as they are. - J.M.L. Monsabre
Ego depletion comes from American psychologist Roy Baumeister, who believes that enduring something stressful exhausts our capacity for willpower to the extent that we give in to our temptations that we would rather avoid. - Bruce Hood
Strong SPIRITS are usually liberated from the burden of their pain through forgiveness and letting go. EGO usually holds onto grudges and is the source of destruction by acting on impulse. - Karen A. Baquiran
Don't seek, let go & what you are searching for will find you. - Shilpa Menon
You're the way, you are the light. Let's go to illuminate the world. - Debasish Mridha
Doubt is a storm. We either ride it out, or we change our course. Neither is right or wrong--to stay or go. Twenty years ago, should you have really married X, or Y? This college, or that? A life-changing decision one makes becomes the right decision by the fact of simply having been made. - T.M. McNally
Only God is good.""We can make good works,We can be called good folksWe can do good,but we cannot be good. - Mac Canoza
I see in Jesus not only the supreme act of humility in God, but the supreme act of humanity in God. - William Porcher Dubose
The person who makes a success of living is the one who see his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. - Cecil B. DeMille
The government in a revolution is the despotism of liberty against tyranny - Maximilien Robespierre
On what grounds would God be told that He can bring death to millions of people at the end of a normal life span, but that He may not do it in any other way? - Donald Grey Barnhouse
It’s important to understand that at every point of opposition to who we are or to what God has called us to do, we are presented with the options of either conforming and giving in, or standing our ground and becoming stronger in who God has made us to be - Gabriel Wilson
To get the best out of a man go to what is best in him. - Daniel Considine
We Neuroscientists have come a long way in proving that God is neither a Delusion nor an Almighty Being watching over life on Earth. God is the Event Horizon of Human Consciousness. I termed this state of attaining God, as 'Absolute Unity Qualia'. - Abhijit Naskar
Nothing mitigates the throes of depression like a steaming plate of spaghetti and meatballs with marinara sauce and grated parmasan cheese, with a good fresh bread to wipe up. - Paul Clayton
I love rainstorms...the thunder, lightning, wind, all of it. So much going on at once, so many emotions...just like me. - April Mae Monterrosa
Time determines the occurrence of possibilities and impossibilities, but God determines the time for the occurrence of possibilities and impossibilities. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Though a good motive cannot sanction a bad action, a bad motive will always vitiate a good action. In common and trivial matters we may act without motives, but in momentous ones the most careful deliberation is wisdom.
What really keeps me going is the constant belief that it could all disappear tomorrow.
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. - Victor Hugo
You’re repulsive, Mike.Huh?I said, you’re impulsive. Such a fun, impulsive guy. When Leah looked into her date’s little eyes, she couldn’t help picturing Mavis Fletcher’s prize sow Gertie in a two-thousand-dollar silk suit and a gold Tag Heuer watch. - Pamela Burford, Snowed
On I’ll pass,dragging my huge love behind me.On whatfeverish night, deliria-ridden,by what Goliaths was I begot I, so bigand by no one needed? - Vladimir Mayakovsky
Freedom of choice makes it possible to plan our lives and to make the most of ourselves. Yet if this freedom lacks noble goals or personal discipline, it degenerates into an inability to give oneself generously to others. - Pope Francis
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. - Dale Carnegie
Jesus never wrote a book; never went outside his country. His only legacy was to never compromise the good. And it was more than enough for the world. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
A good woman keeps her mind right and her body tight. - Habeeb Akande
A good man measures his life not in the number of his years but in the quality of his friends. - Todd Stocker
Life is a stage, that we all have to go through! - Ari Joseph
If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under. - Ronald Reagan
A sales person who makes no or less sales gets often the verbal bashing, but other sales people who make good sales keeping long payment outstanding get usually the tacit pampering. Such is the understanding of most higher-ups in an organisation about the sales & marketing. - Anuj Somany
Life is gassy you just have to blow through it to see clearly and if eventually you see through, don't be misleaded by what you see either good or bad. - Mark Abraham
Democracy is a brawl settled in advance by counting heads. - David P. Gontar
Look now how mortals are blaming the gods, for they say that evils come from us, but in fact they themselves have woes beyond their share because of their own follies. - Homer
Quran‬, ‪Bible‬, ‪BhagwadGita‬ are your (as an follower) way of life and not everyone's way of life, so don't force people to change. These Holy books teach you to change yourself (for good) and not others. - honeya
Looks like I'm going to have to kill him with kindness. That's the way Gran always taught me to treat people who were mean to me. - Michelle A. Valentine
Sound.Noisethe air employs.Melodies sweet.Tweet, tweet, tweet.Soft. Loud.A roaring crowd.Cluck. Caw. Crow.Tet, tet. Tis, tis.Guttural growl.Harrowing howl.Drip, drip, drip.Tap, tap, tap.Moan and groan.Endless drone.Ding, dang, dong.A church bell song.Vibrations in my earto hear.Sound. - Richelle E. Goodrich
In you is a formidable force that can bring the desired change you want in the world. Stop waiting for the perfect time, go to work now! - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
If God has really done something in Christ on which the salvation of the world depends, and if He has made it known, then it is a Christian duty to be intolerant of everything which ignores, denies, or explains it away. - James Denney
If people say They don't Believe there's a God or his son Jesus then answer me this! who's name do they call out when they get hurt? also on the other side of the spectrum who's name do they call out when making love? well? there's your answer think about it - Lawrence A Bergeron
I came into this world, not chiefly to make this a good place to live in, but to live in it, be it good or bad. - Henry David Thoreau
Separation Your absence has gone through me Like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color. - W.S. Merwin
Wherever you go, go with all your heart. - Confucius
Heeft god de man dan volmaakt gemaaktdat men er zo nodig een stuk moet van afsnijden?Over 'besnijdenis' in "Gesels van een imaginaire god - A.J. Beirens
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,There is a rapture on the lonely shore,There is society, where none intrudes,By the deep sea, and music in its roar:I love not man the less, but Nature more - George Gordon Byron
Where you stumble and fall, there you will find gold. - Joseph Campbell
Reaching out and value other lives is the only way to be trusted and never forgotten. - Isabella koldras
Always give your resume of good deeds when you run into someone that you wronged many years ago. They simply need to know today's version of you, before they judge you on yesterday's news. - Shannon L. Alder
The Christian should work as if all depended upon him, and pray as if it all depended upon God. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I don't discuss evolution, to believe the theory is to deny many known evidences about the existence of a supreme creator (God) those who hold on to that view are in denials of reality and are by so doing ignorant - Oluseyi Akinbami
A lot of people come up here and they thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. He didn't help me a bit. If it was up to him, Cesar Millan would be up here with that damn dog. So all I can say is, 'suck it, Jesus! This award is my God now'! - Kathy Griffin
They told me, I am not good enough, not strong enough, not tall enough, not smart enough. They told me I can not win, but they did not tell me how to lose. They taught me a lot of things, but You can not teach courage. That is why I succeed. - Csaba Gabor - B
God doesn't hand you an easy life because you will grow in it. He hands you a dream with hurdles, obstacles, setbacks, battles and challenges because he knows the real you is at the finishing line. - Shannon L. Alder
Time crumbles things; everything grows old under the power of Time and is forgotten through the lapse of Time. - Aristotle
But you have to realize that it doesn't matter how your films are going to stack up against other people's. You have to stop whining about it and just get to work. Just do it. Because in the work is your existence. That's what you're here for.
People are attracted more towards bad things because being good has been turned into a boring duty. No adrenaline & dopamine rush, no rewards! - Saurabh Sharma
To let something go is to participate in a much greater dance that we call life. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
There is no god but Road Runner and Chuck Jones is his prophet. - John Steiner
Any healthy man can go without food for two days--but not without poetry. - Charles Baudelaire
You got to like your work. You have got to like what you are doing, you have got to be doing something worthwhile so you can like it - because it is worthwhile, that it makes a difference, don't you see?
I know this--a man got to do what he got to do. - John Steinbeck
I know I have a long way to go but for now I am taking my life one day at a time. Enjoying every minute of my youth as far as I could. I know I am still young but no one is ever too young to have a dream so big to inspire many people. - Diana Rose Morcilla
Our efforts make the world go around. - Sunday Adelaja
If nothing excites you and nothing makes you wonder, you are going to miss all of the wonderful things that life can offer. - Debasish Mridha
Beauty, then, is not mere decoration, but rather an essential element of the liturgical action, since it is an attribute of God himself and his revelation. These considerations should make us realize the care which is needed, if the liturgical action is to reflect its innate splendour. - Pope Benedict XVI
Thought is the toil of the intelligence, revery its voluptuousness. To replace thought with revery is to confound a poison with a food. - Victor Hugo
Believe in yourself the way God believes in you. - yel
Set priorities for your goals. A major part of successful living lies in the ability to put first things first. Indeed, the reason most major goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first.
Nothing hurts a good soul and a kind heart more than to live amongst people who cannot understand it. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
Always remember to smile and look up at what you got in life. - Marilyn Monroe
i had a dream when i was 22 that someday i would go to the region of ice and snow and go on and on till i came to one of the poles of the earth - Ernest Shackleton
Everyday we can't connect but GOOD THINGS may be connected - Hitesh Chorada
God does not bring two people together for the benefit of just one - Rosemary West
Rockabye Baby, in the treetopDont you know a treetopis no safe place to rock?And who put you up there,and your cradle too?Baby,I think someone down herehas got it in for you! - Shel Silverstein
Not everybody has a talent for painting, or for the piano, or for dance. But we can write our way into the artist's head and into his problems and solutions. Or we can go there with another writer. - William Zinsser
Kelly closed his eyes and began to bargain with God. - Z.A. Maxfield
Numbers are important to the life, you better stay good at arithmetics. - Ahtizaz Wani
Young Arab men are not going to walk away from extremism because they can suddenly afford a Slurpee. They will walk away when they can devote themselves to a some call to serve a cause that connects nationalism to dignity and democracy and transcends a lifetime. - David Brooks
If you get all tangled up, just tango on. - Al Pacino in Scent of Woman
Dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true. - Samuel Johnson
I now watch porn, but I don't have the feeling to go to the bath and start to jerk off. It's the world bad idea ever came. I have quite jerk off and I will quit it's not the way I should live, the same is for you! - Deyth Banger
Don't compromise yourself, you are all you've got. - Janis Joplin
Don't let other people's limitations limit you. Go for what you really want ... You just might get it! - Sheri Fink
If peace is our ultimate goal, love should be our only weapon. - Debasish Mridha
He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. - Aeschylus
The strongest person is not the one who is able to do something, but the one who is able not to do what he has the power to do. This self-denial is the unique way to usher in God's kingdom and to realize the kingdom life. - Witness Lee
Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prism, are all very good words for the lips. - Charles Dickens
Dear Teens at Starbucks wearing 'Abstain from Sex 2 Attain Ur Goals' t-shirts: Doesn't it depend on what my goals are? - John Green
Let us thank God for valour in abstractionFor those who go their own way, will not kissThe arse of law and order nor compoundFor physical comfort at the price of pride - Louis MacNeice
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. - A.W. Tozer
proved to the world that even a woman can accomplish something in the most rigorous and abstract of sciences and for that reason would well have deserved an honorary degree. Carl Friedrich Gauß - Sophie Germain
If government could create jobs and raise children, socialism would have worked. - George Gilder
Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that who cares? He's a mile away and you've got his shoes! - Billy Connolly
Give your mind permission to travel where the body cannot go and be open to all the wisdom that the universe has to offer. - Janet Autherine
You can't judge a book by it's cover but you can sure sell a bunch of books if you have a good one. - Jayce O'Neal
Experts say you should never hit your children in anger. When is a good time? When you're feeling festive? - Roseanne Barr
There either is a god or there is not; there is a 'design' or not. - Christopher Hitchens
I need you because I know I deserve you but let me fall in love with you one last time before I let go. So I can remember the beautiful imperfection that rattled my bones. - Robert M. Drake
Be specific in your prayers. Carefully craft what you speak. What you say should be in accordance with the word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You will find that this will resolve attacks or issues that arise. - Dr. Glen A. Staples
Anyone in this world can have the power of life and death over someone else. It's horrible, but true. All you need to do is take it. And once you have -- there is no going back. (The Killer's Cousin) - Nancy Werlin
First opportunity is the golden opportunity. - Amit Kalantri
Good luck beats early rising. - Irish Proverb
A Good Relationship is like a neat and defined nail art. It requires a lot of concentration, time devotion and patience, to take it to perfection! - Mehek Bassi
You may not want to hear that or think of it as writing, but I’m telling you that the moving of information is a literary act in and of itself. Even when people aren’t reading it. - Kenneth Goldsmith
Anger always has a reason but there are no good reasons to be angry. - Debasish Mridha
I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq. - Sarah Palin
From hence, ye beauties, undeceived Know one false step is ne'er retrieved And be with caution bold. Not all that tempts your wandering eyes And heedless hearts is lawful prize, Not all that glisters gold.
Misunderstood! It is a right fool's word. Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
God wanted us to do something, and we went the bad way. Then he said "No!, I am not going to lose what I want done!, So I'm gonna save this people and restore their dreams back to them"! - Israelmore Ayivor
Eu que me aguente comigo e com os comigos de mim. - Fernando Pessoa
Laws of nature have no physical properties of mass /energy. They are platonic truths in transcendent realm that create & govern the Universe. - Deepak Chopra
When words are too heavy for the mouth, the soul weeps in agony - Ikechukwu Izuakor
God's and beasts, that is what our world is made of. - Adolf Hitler
We betray our modern arrogance and forget the place of mystery in God's dealing with us. - Os Guinness
Take egotism out and you would castrate the benefactors. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Not nail a great star to its track, . . . Tell when to go and when come back;. . . But open up thy heart to know What rainbows teach and sunsets show. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I had a standing arrangement with God: I'd agree to believe in Him -barely- as long as He let me sleep in on Sundays. - Richelle Mead
Continuous understanding goes with love, courage, respect, discovery and acceptance of mistakes. - Auliq Ice
God has given every man incomparably great power to reach the highest calling in life. - Lailah GiftyAkita
As more good Knowledge you get as more quality life you can achieve. - Millie DeWitt
To be profitable, practice diligence.To be successful, practice excellence.To be influential, practice intelligence.To be honorable, practice prudence.To be blissful, practice kindness.To be joyful, practice goodness. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits. - Robert Louis Stevenson
I can tell how good a novel is by how it portrays Jesus. - A. Cretan
I wanted to be a politician and a movie star. But I was born a writer. If you're born that, you can't change it. You're going to do it whether you want to or not. - Gore Vidal
Oh for a book and a shady nook,Either indoors or out,with the green leaves whispering overhead,or the street cries all about.Where I may read at all my easeboth of the new and old,For a jolly good book whereon to lookis better to me than gold - John Wilson
Fire tests gold, suffering tests brave men. - Seneca
If they're dumb enough to walk away be , strong enough to let them go - Various
As I stood behind you, I sensed that God was telling me to pay for your groceries, so I did. Simple as that. - Clare De Graaf
What is the charm in dying when we fully well know that we are not going to get another chance at living? - Geetha TG
Time has become quiet flexible inside the library. (This is true of most places with interesting books. Sit down to read for twenty minutes, and suddenly it's dark, with no clue as to where the hours have gone.) - Ellen Klages
She had known it was bad, call it a mother’s instinct, but she’d known this was the knock that was going to scoop her insides out and leave her barely able to stand; merely a shell with nothing good inside anymore. - Andrew Barrett
Love is the greatest magician in the universe; it can turn pain into pleasure, agony into power, sorrow into joy, and gloom into laughter. - Matshona Dhliwayo
For the first time, I understand that, as much as one might desire change, one has to be willing to take a risk, to free-fall, to fail, and that you've got to let go of the past. - A.M. Homes
You can't just know about God. You have to KNOW God! - Carman Licciardello
We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know. - W. H. Auden
When I say I believe in a square deal i do not mean ... to give every man the best hand. If the cards do not come to any man, or if they do come, and he has not got the power to play them, that is his affair. All I mean is that there shall be no crookedness in the dealing. - Theodore Roosevelt
Do you what you fear to do.Go where you fear to go. - Debasish Mridha
True knowledge of God is born out of obedience. - John Calvin
In the evenings she got on her knees and inflicted her piety on her sister: - David Brooks
It's okay, we can go back from this." It comes out of his mouth so kind - he means it - and it just makes me feel worse. That he can kiss me like this and change everything, but still promise me nothing has to change because I can't promise him anything. - Courtney Summers
No matter how full a reservoir of maxims one may possess, and no matter how good one's sentiments may be, if one has not taken advantage of every concrete opportunity to act, one's character may retain entirely unaffected for the better. With mere good intentions, hell is proverbially paved. - William James
A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air. - Eric Sloane
I could feel a deep connection to Spirit in every glorious sunset and awesome wonder in every uncurling flower, but I couldn’t feel anything like that in the hollow words of men gone by. - Patricia Robin Woodruff, The Call of the Spectacled Owl
Being dead is highly overrated. It’s no fun at all." -- Mythe: A Fairy Tale - P.J. Gordon
Refuse to be content with the knowledge of God. Insist on experiencing His presence. - John Paul Warren
The acquiring of intelligence doesn't require an institution if you got the heart to seek knowledge, and the balls to use it as wisely as those who came before you. - James Emlund
The eyes of such a nation (living godly) shall view a land that stretches afar. Talking about global influence, authority, dignity and respect. - Sunday Adelaja
Gratitude means to recognize the good in your life, be thankful for whatever you have, some people may not even have one of those things you consider precious to you (love, family, friends etc). Each day give thanks for the gift of life.You are blessed - Pablo
The primary purpose of reading the Bible is not to know the Bible but to know God. - James Merritt
I don't like romance, I don't like sadness. The sadness motion is negative one... as much you are sad as more deeper you go and you want to return the thing which you can't. - Deyth Banger
The basis of all animal rights should be the Golden Rule: we should treat them as we would wish them to treat us, were any other species in our dominant position - Christine Stevens
I got my dad a great father's Day present. He called to say: 'Ach. Zis present is so good I now think it vas almost vorth having children. - Johann Hari
I cannot think that man is meant to find happiness so easily! Happiness is like one of those palaces on an enchanted island, its gates guarded by dragons. One must fight to gain it; and, in truth, I do not know what I have done to deserve the good fortune of becoming Mercédès, husband. - Alexandre Dumas
No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong is what is against it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'm really scared now, from choosing, from thinking and from taking risks and going out of the comfort zone. But what can it be done??Time goes and goes, it eats people and it gives new people life... - Deyth Banger
Grace is the seed of all goodness. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Obsolescence is a fate devoutly to be wished, lest science stagnate and die. - Stephen Jay Gould
Novels are just very, very, very long lies. That is to say, you’ve got to get your story straight! - Blair Thornburgh
We've kept the good old vices and labored to invent a few, With cake in vulgar surplus we can have it, and eat it too
Laughter is good for the heart and mind. - Andrea L'Artiste
You've learned the lessons well. You first learned to live on less than you earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who are competent. Lastly, you've learned to make gold work for you. - George S. Clason
The act of praising and giving thanks to God brings untold blessing. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Love the ones you can. Touch the ones you can reach. Let the others go. - Gordon Atkinson
Talkers are no good doers; be assur'd we come to use our hands and not our tongues. - William Shakespeare
There is nothing I like better than conversing with aged men. For I regard them as travelers who have gone a journey which I too may have to go, and of whom I ought to inquire whether the way is smooth and easy or rugged and difficult. Is life harder toward the end, or what report do you give it? - Plato
Imagination governs the world. - Napoléon Bonaparte
My integrity refuses to be altered to fit in with what I'm expected or intimidated to believe. - Lori Goodwin
The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man, and never fails to see a bad one. He is a human owl, vigilant in darkness, and blind to light, mousing for vermin, and never seeing noble game. - Henry Ward Beecher
To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the paredón [execution wall]. - Ernesto Che Guevara
Smile is a good reply to the dark world. - Mehmet Murat ildan
There is no good day or a bad day, but our perception makes it so. - Debasish Mridha
I have read a lot about God and soul, but I have no experience of it; my name is Mind. - Saurabh Sharma
A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true. - Greg Reid
What matter it how far we go?" his scaly friend replied."There is another shore, you know, upon the other side. - Lewis Carroll
It’s just as hard to go back to a place you once left, as it is to leave it again. - Charlotte Eriksson
4. If you don’t know the Word of God concerning your problem, then worship Him. - Sunday Adelaja
Every Adventure Has a Back Story. When we look at our past relationships, often there are one or two we may tend to go back to in our minds, and we see them through the magic of the seven veils. - Barbara Becker Holstein
The glory of God is as destructive of evil as it is creative of good. - John G. Lake
Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain. - Mark Twain
God is not in need of anything, but all things are in need of him.
Christ died not so that you could freely go on sinning, and therefore, continue dying; He died rather so that you could freely grow in obedience, and therefore, start living. - Criss Jami
God and other artists are always a little obscure..... - Oscar Wilde
Growth is the sum of small efforts repeated daily. Commit yourself to take 5 DAILY ACTIONS that would move your goal towards completion. - Farshad Asl
Perspective-changing events can have many parts. One part can be a tense, laughter-filled promise. Another part can have no laughter at all. - Andrea Goeglein
The sadness will last forever. - Vincent Van Gogh
God grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface and say: "This is my country." - Benjamin Franklin
She always did feel sharp for things that was done wrong to her. I think she felt hurts more, say, than me. It's cause she's smarter; she got more person to hurt. - Joann Greenberg
My mind is like clay, but thank goodness God knows how to mold it! - Mary Kate
We are individually responsible for our own happiness and destiny - Margo Vader
The emancipation of the working class can only be achieved by the working class itself without the assistance of governments. - pierre-jospeh proudhon
Pleasures are cheap to find, if you find the roots of true pain, you're going to achieve the fruits of true glory. - Ashutosh Naliapara
By its definition, sound is interactive. It is you connecting with the frequency of something greater or richer through hearing. Likewise, when your sound goes out, you can no longer hear the sound of your voice. And if you cannot hear your voice, you don’t know who you are. - Suzette Hinton
Conceit is God's gift to little men. - Bruce Barton
[A]lways get to the dialogue as soon as possible. I always feel the thing to go for is speed. Nothing puts the reader off more than a big slab of prose at the start."(Interview, The Paris Review, Issue 64, Winter 1975) - P.G. Wodehouse
Whatever path we take, the first step is to acknowledge the complexity of the dilemma and to accept that simplistically dividing the past into good guys and bad guys leads nowhere. Unless, of course, we are willing to admit that we usually follow the lead of the bad guys. - Yuval Noah Harari
Your good deeds is an act of love. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It is impossible to design a system so perfect that no one needs to be good. - T. S. Eliot
Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two things better than these.
i'm not a dreamerI Just believe in Allah (God) - Ammar Saifaddin @3mmar02
In America, disagreement with the policies of the government does not necessitate a lack of patriotism! - Senator Mitchell
But only in mad people fear goes on constant night and day, wearing one ditch in the mind that all thoughts must travel in. - Josephine Johnson
Like good reading skills, good writing skills require immersion and imaginative engagement. - Sara Sheridan
I don't know whether I believe in God or not. I think, really, I'm some kind of a Buddhist. But the essential thing is to put oneself in a frame of mind which is close to that of prayer. - Henri Matisse
Hurried reading can never be good reading - Georg Joachim Goschen
Sometimes God doesn't deny, he delays. - Shannon L. Alder
Angry obsessive thoughts about another weaken your state of mind and well being. If you must have revenge, then take it by choosing to be happy and let them go forever. - Gary Hopkins
Mathematics brought rigor to economics. Unfortunately it also brought mortis. - Kenneth E. Boulding
down unlit ,unmarked & forgotten roads of REASON & PURPOSE - L V HALL
Money makes the world go round; however, happiness greases the axle. Without this lubricant, life will seize. - Paul Van Der Merwe
Over time, we commit acts with intentions, either good or bad, that require forgiveness. - Emily Thorne
My alone doesn't always feel good, but I'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude - Introvertly Bubbly
The soul is like an uninhabited worldthat comes to life only whenGod lays His headagainst us. - Thomas Aquinas
Make sure you spend time learning how to think and learning how to learn. It’s okay to have fun, but try to cultivate interests that might actually be useful. And whatever you do, if you are going to spend time on it, do it well. - Rohvannyn Shaw
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. - Galatians 5:22-23
Knowledge’ may be there but ‘correctness’ is required along with it. If you have ‘knowledge’ but don’t have the ‘correctness’; you will go to moksha, but others will not gain any benefit! - Dada Bhagwan
they say it's like true love, good help. you only get one in a lifetime.....there is so much you don't know about a person. i wonder if i could've made her days a little bit easier, if I'd tried. if i'd treated her a little nicer..... - Kathryn Stockett
When you lose your ego, you win. It really is that simple. - Shannon L. Alder
I said to my professor, "Why mourn the death of presidents, or anyone for that matter? The dead can't hear us." And he asked me if I believed in heaven. I said no. And then he asked if I had no faith in God. I said, "You have it wrong. It's God who has no faith in us. - Francis Underwood (Kevin Spacey)
i also say you can tell your true friends, by the ones who put a bucket by your bed when your drunk and going to be sick - (my quote - so proud) - J. Yates
I haven't had that one great love, which is good. I don't want that to be in the past, I want it to be in the future. - Taylor Swift
Si en el goce hasta el triste desconfíaen el escalón de la tristezano hay tristeza mayor que la alegría. - Mario Benedetti
He does not live in vain, who employs his wealth, his thought, his speech to advance the good of others.
Fantasy and drama appeal to us. They are socially acceptable and make you feel good about yourself. Moreover, you get rewarded for being cleverly ignorant. - Saurabh Sharma
Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful. - Rashida Jones
Lifes like a game of cards, sometimes you get delt a shit hand, Work with what you got, and never show your weaknesses. Keep a poker face no matter what. - Logan Zane Hessefort
When fear meets fear nothing good every happens. - Charles F. Glassman
Allow yourself to see the good in people. Not every sinister face harbors a wicked heart. - Nike Thaddeus
My specific goal is to revolutionize the future of the species. Mathematics is just another way of predicting the future.
Life tells you many stories... but allows you to write your own.Its your job to make it good" - Victor Ghoshe
In order to make the egoism non-existent [zero], the Gnani Purush [the enlightened one] establishes the awareness of the Pure Soul within. - Dada Bhagwan
Arts degrees are awesome. And they help you find meaning where there is none. And let me assure you, there is none. Don’t go looking for it. Searching for meaning is like searching for a rhyme scheme in a cookbook: you won’t find it and you’ll bugger up your soufflé. - Tim Minchin
Folks in Irihs might not be as welcoming as they were here. Resentment lingers.''So we're going to be in danger.''No more than any other day of your life. - Ashley Capes, The Lost Mask
Politicians are like bad horsemen who are so preoccupied with staying in the saddle that they can’t bother about where they’re going. - Joseph Alois Schumpeter
#ToTheGirls2016 Value yourself, your voice, your body, your opinions, your dreams, your pride, your ego. You have a RIGHT to take up space. - Abigail Tarttelin
When we bring it all back to 'Just Jesus' it is amazing how much grace God can work in and through our lives. - brother Mark
Do you want to know what you think about most of the time? Take a look at the results you're getting. That will tell you exactly what's going on inside. - Bob Proctor
If a media is not criticizing the government, then that media is not a media but just a clown of the government! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I have nothing but contempt for the kind of governor who is afraid, for whatever reason, to follow the course that he knows is best for the State; and as for the man who sets private friendship above the public welfare - I have no use for him either. - Sophocles
Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are revolutionaries for peace and freedom not violence. And we are going to fight through creativity rather than aggression. - Nurudeen Ushawu
Go ahead. Enjoy the hills and valleys, days and nights, and all the beauty of life. - Debasish Mridha
If you actively serve God where He places you, you will never have to be sorry for lost time. - Sunday Adelaja
They need only to look at him, hear his name, and the last of reason goes up in smoke. They sink into a state of befuddlement. - Anna von der Goltz
It's not your end goal that gives life to your required actions, it's your required actions that give life to your end goal. - Anonymous
Oft in the stilly night,Ere Slumber's chain has bound me,Fond memory brings the lightOf other days around me; The smiles, the tears, Of boyhood years,The words of love then spoken; The eyes that shown Now dimmed and gone,The cheerful hearts now broken.(from When the Splendor Falls by Laurie McBain) - Thomas Moore
Man can be categorized into three levels on social strata: One who are Consciously Unconscious, second who are Unconsciously Conscious - while both are inter-dependent for their survival; the third by and large a rare breed, Consciously Conscious sect who don’t ever relate to this world! - Ramana Pemmaraju
And the fox said to the little prince: men have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Boys keep working over your goals these girls ain't going anywhere. - Moosa Rahat
A touch less ego and dash more humility will improve the quality of anything you turn your hand to. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
...the goodness of the will depends on the intention of the end. - Saint Thomas Aquinas
We testify about wonders of Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The Bible is the greatest book ever written. It is absolutely amazing the tremendous amount of joy, peace, and success one will experience simply by applying its admonition. If you truly want the Good Life follow the Good Book. - DeWayne Owens
When you dive into your past, remember to go back up quickly. - Samer Chidiac
If anybody tells says you have to follow his or her #religion or you're going to hell, tell that silly ass to go to hell. Be well. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Prayer is the key that opens heaven; the favors we ask descend upon us the very instant our prayers ascend to God. - Augustine of Hippo
Your heart is the roots to God.Your heart is nourished by truth, by God, but you have forgotten the heart.Come back to the heart, and you will be able to know the truth.You will be able to know the truth as the truth and the false as the false. - Swami Dhyan Giten
Die Ruhe der Leidenschaften in einem song… . / La serenità delle passioni in una canzone… . / El sosiego de las pasiones en una canción… .Saludos,Fernando.Look & Discover,...Enjoy it :" Daniel Barenboim : Part 4 - F. Chopin's 'Nocturne in D flat Major'. - Fernando González y Lozano
The good news is that you are alive. The essential thing is that you must live - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The less theorizing you do about God, the more receptive you are to His inpouring. - Meister Eckhart
...I swear Dev your cock is going to be the death of us all.'Dev just sat back and smiled unrepentantly. 'I beg to differ. My cock is like a finely tuned homing device. He led me straight to the person I needed to see. His judgement is infallible... - Lanie Malone
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.
There ain't no free lunches in this country. And don't go spending your whole life commiserating that you got raw deals. You've got to say, 'I think that if I keep working at this and want it bad enough I can have it.' - Lee Iacocca
[Hobbits] love peace and quiet and a good tilled earth. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Learn to love and broke man to marry a good man. - Amen Muffler
Is there any reward?I'm beginning to doubt it.I am broken and bored,Is there any rewardReassure me, Good Lord,And inform me about it.Is there any reward?I'm beginning to doubt it. - Hilarie Belloc
When our government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening, foreign entity, it ignores the fact that in our democracy, government is us. - Barack Obama
The best way to not die with vacation time on the books is to stop worrying about what you shoulda done. Stop worrying about what you woulda done. Stop worrying about what you coulda done. - Andrea Goeglein
U najtežim trenucima, vjernik je poput planine, planina ne bi izdržala ono što vjernik i vjernica mogu izdržati. Zašto? Zato što oni kada god Allaha spomenu, njihovo srce se smiri. - Kenan Musić
There are two kinds of people in this world: givers and takers. I came to know that takers eat better, and the givers sleep better. So I want to be both. Because I want to eat and sleep both better for good health. - Prachi panda
If studidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out? - Will Rogers
The things that challenge our trust in God also, challenge our confidence within ourselves. - Ellen J. Barrier
Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which can sometimes pay the rent. - Neil Gaiman
Psychology is sometimes called a new science. This is quite wrong. Psychology is, perhaps, the oldest science, and, unfortunately, in its most essential features a forgotten science. - P.D. Ouspensky
..the women's movement never left the father Dick's side....We got a share of genocide profits and we love it...If we're Dick's sister and want what he has gotten, then in the end we support that system that he got it all from. - Mary Barfoot
You Hang on to your pain like it means something; like it's worth something. Well, let me tell you, it's not worth shit, so let it go. Infinite Possibilities and all you can do is whine.""Well, what am I supposed to do?""What do you think? You can do anything, you lucky bastard; You're alive! - Nancy Oliver
All is good. Don't worry, the pain will help you. You'll get into some trouble, but it will work out in the end. - James Franco
Nobody said it was going to be easy, and nobody was right.
Pride is pride not because it hates being wrong, but because it loves being wrong: To hate being wrong is to change your opinion when you are proven wrong; whereas pride, even when proven wrong, decides to go on being wrong. - Criss Jami
Some of us will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime... I rather have depression that can be treated with a pill and my free will to conquer it; than have a physical illness that results in my demise because no matter what I did I could not conquer it. - Brian Michael Good
Your values create your internal compass that can navigate how you make decisions in your life. If you compromise your core values, you go nowhere. - Roy T. Bennett
Two sodium atoms are walking along the street when one stops and says, "Oh my God, I think I've lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" asks the other sodium atom. "Yes," replies the first sodium atom, "I'm positive." - Anonymous
I feel the healinghands of Godtouch my heartand kiss my soul. - Harley King
I just needed time alone with my own thoughtsGot treasures in my mind but couldn’t open up my own vault - Kanye West
Only with absolute fearlessness can we slay the dragons of mediocrity that invade our gardens. - George Lois
Wow! It's like magic! she exclaimed.Simon shook his head. "It's God's love. That's stronger than any magic." - The Demon Trapper's Daughter - Jana Oliver
Let go, let go, let go,Just let it go,Let the tears come out,Stop fighting the tears back,Stop wearing different masks,Let yourself be seen,Let yourself be the real you, - Julie Jewels Smoot
I'm either going to be a writer or a bum. - Carl Sandburg
Why is there never a headline that says "Government program ends as its intended goal has been achieved"? - Oleg Atbashian
Keep your goal challenging enough that you have to change to achieve it. - Debasish Mridha
Money should never be the goal. It should only be the means of attaining the goal. - Sunday Adelaja
I think that Gnosticism is about discovering the way that God has turned into you, and then realizing that if you can describe how it is that God turned into you, you can reverse the process. - Stevan L. Davies
A good lecturer is shaped from a good researcher with good philosophy, but not vice verse. - Lecturing is a type of art.
I should never make anything of a fisherman. I had not got sufficient imagination - Jerome K. Jerome
The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter-he's got to just know. - Will Rogers
I was coming home from kindergarten--well they told me it was kindergarten. I found out later I had been working in a factory for ten years. It's good for a kid to know how to make gloves. - Ellen DeGeneres
Money is not as good as power, but power is as good as money. - Amit Kalantri
Those who believe that where great personages are concerned new favors cause old injuries to be forgotten deceive themselves. - Niccolò Machiavelli
If you had started doing anything two weeks ago, by today you would have been two weeks better at it. - John Mayer
I’m not going, he said. He held up the Third key like a weapon. Sensing his mood, it grew longer and sharper, till he was holding a trident as long as he was tall... And anyone who tries to make me is going to suffer. Twice, added the voice under the table. - Garth Nix
To live entirely without a goal! I have glimpsed this state, and have often attained it, without managing to remain there: I am too weak for such happiness. - Emil Cioran
Sometimes I get bored riding down the beautiful streets of L.A. I know it sounds crazy, but I just want to go to New York and see people suffer.
Loving is misery for women always. I shall never forgive God for making me a woman and dearly am I beginning to pay for the honour of owning a pretty face. - Thomas Hardy
If I wanted to go crazy I would do it in Washington because it would not be noticed. - Irwin S. Cobb
Stocks may come and stocks may go, but food goes on forever. - Beatrice Fairfax
Human excellence means nothing unless it works with the consent of God. - Euripides
Going back to legalistic roots contaminates the blood of Jesus. - Sherry K. White
To go against the grain is the secret of bravery. - Dejan Stojanovic
Inner positivity requires when you are trying to achieve your goal!! - Gargi Vyas
Gov. Christie says 'New Jersey First.' State-based Isolationism! - Jonah Goldberg
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds. - Abraham Lincoln
It matters not what goal you seek Its secret here reposesYou've got to dig from week to week To get Results or Roses. - Edgar A. Guest
It is a very sobering feeling to be up in space and realize that one's safety factor was determined by the lowest bidder on a government contract. - Alan Shepard
If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDEDFOR THE EXISTENCE OF GODWAS MUSIC - Kurt Vonnegut
It's music rage, which is like road rage, only more righteous. When you get road rage, a tiny part of you knows you're being a jerk, but when you get music rage, you're carrying out the will of God, and God wants these people dead - Nick Hornby
Netiquette: The social code of network communication. Internet code of conduct based on the Golden Rule. Ethical philosophy of common rules. - David Chiles
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. - Anonymous
A wise man once told me family don’t end in blood, but it doesn’t start there either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family’s there through the good, bad, all of it. They got your back even when it hurts. That’s family - Eric Kripke
All of us need to be in touch with a mysterious, tantalizing source of inspiration that teases our sense of wonder and goads us on to life’s next adventure. - Rob Brezsny
You can't develop the world but you can develop your world because the world will one day fall but your world will always walk with you where ever you go. - Issah Awal
f you wish to put off all worry, assume that what you fear may happen is certainly going to happen. - Seneca
She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake. - Margot Asquith
Love is like gold, you may strike a vein with less effort, or may have to go through tons of rocks to find it - Habyarimana Bangambiki
Through adversity, not only are we given an opportunity to discover our inner strength, we are also given the gift of foresight so we can shine a light for others who go through the experience after us. - Rachael Bermingham
If you have trouble getting motivated always remember that time is going to pass either way and that eventually regret is going to make its way around. - Matthew Donnelly
Each day, the goal is to receive knowledge and remove ignorance. This reveals what we all search for. Wisdom. - J.R. Rim
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight. - Andy Warhol
...there is more good in contentment, than there is in the thing that you would fain have to cure your discontent... - Jeremiah Burroughs
Face it―nobody cares.But so what? Their apathy doesn't diminish your worth. Learn from it. Make it your job to care for those around you so they can't say the same thing. - Richelle E. Goodrich
You may not know what exactly is to come to you for your good deeds of gratitude in life; therefore, your thoughts must stay positive which equals positive results. This is the ultimate gift from within, which teaches you patience as you manifest your desires. - ~Author, Erika A. Garcia
You have to teach 'em not to mess with you. You gotta be the big guy don't let him hurt you. If he hits you stand back up and beat the shit out of him. - Skye Perez
Find the small goals within your large goals, and work on them. - Kevin J. Donaldson
The more a person is selfish, the more s/he is going to be shameless. - Anuj Somany
You try moving things with nothing but willpower. It's about as easy as trying to lasso a bull with a licorice whip."—from "Phantom's Veil - Richelle E. Goodrich
Everything is going to be fine now because heroes are here. - Amit Kalantri
No good can come from beating ourselves up for falling down—for feeling unhappy when we want to feel just the opposite. - Toni Sorenson
CAT, n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle. This is a dog, This is a cat. This is a frog, This is a rat. Run, dog, mew, cat. Jump, frog, gnaw, rat. Elevenson - Ambrose Bierce
Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it. - Rabindranath Tagore
Whoever it was who searched the heavens with a telescope and found no God would not have found the human mind if he had searched the brain with a microscope. - George Santayana
The universe seems wondrous to me, with or without God. It has powerful lines and uncompromising ways. Patience and time sit like sages on the planets, strong and impersonal. There is a stark beauty to all of this. - Gordon Atkinson
Punk rock should mean freedom, liking and excepting anything that you like. Playing whatever you want. As sloppy as you want. As long as it's good and it has passion. - Kurt Cobain
Religion does not belong to God; it belongs to the human reaction against mortality! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Time is standing still. We are measuring ourselves by how far we are going. - Debasish Mridha
Great literature should do some good to the reader: must quicken his perception though dull, and sharpen his discrimination though blunt, and mellow the rawness of his personal opinions. - A.E. Housman
My dad told me that God allows people to make their own choices and doesn’t override their free will. That is why bad things happen. People don’t do the things they should. - J.W. Lord
On the canvas of life,with the brushes of goodness, love and passion, paint your randomness, dynamism & desire to show your "art of living" to the world. - raja shakeel mushtaque
I think I have many spenglerian moods about the country, and that some day people will look back and think 'this was a really goofy, unadmirable stupid time. - Dick Cavett
The easy assumption that we have remembered the most important people and events and have preserved the most valuable evidence is immediately trumped by our inability to know what we have forgotten. - Wendell Berry
Writers are in many ways like demi-gods. With one stroke of a pen they can give life to a character, or strike them from existence, with nary a twinge of grief at their passing. - Steven Lake
A person usually has two reasons for doing something: a good reason and the real reason. - Thomas Carlyle
It is not that one is good; one is happy. - Xavier Forneret
People forget the smallest things in life bring the simplest happiness into one's heart. It is the unfound treasure that is found within the smallest light that shines on the face of the simplest of pleasure, a forgotten smile." Amy Masella - Kittie Blessed-Known as Amy Masella
God’s Word is a map you can safely follow as you travel through life. - Elizabeth George
The past is finished. There is nothing to be gained by going over it. Whatever it gave us in the experiences it brought us was something we had to know. - Rebecca Beard
Everything's going to be okay', because that's what I wanted him to say and it's what he wanted to say and that's what you do when the curtain is falling you give the line that the audience wants to hear. - Rick Yancey
You're gonna have to serve somebody; well, it may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody... - Bob Dylan
I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart. - Vincent Van Gogh
The bold display of our unattractive parts is an effective substitute for beauty since it duplicates beauty's principal effects, namely the excitation of admiration, charm, and envy in the beholder, who is moved to wish that they too could carry their own defects with the same ease. - Agona Apell
You're single not because you are not good enough for one, it's that you're too good for the wrong one. - Chris Burkmenn
Dreams, if they're any good, are always a little bit crazy. - Ray Charles
There you stand like a duck in a thunderstorm again - aren't you ever going to understand?
One who knows the Self, knows God. - Abhijit Naskar
God’s various blessings are not always obvious. - Jim George
Forget UNIX - it will be gone in 5 years. - Tom Jermoluk
Perhaps this is why one reads fiction to begin with - to live a more interesting reality than one's daily life. - Steven Rigolosi
Nah, Mike’s gonna stop by. He had to work late and he workswith this really cute chick and I just know he…. Alycia folded her armson her chest and pouted. She better be a blonde bimbo with a huge rackand no personality if he’s gonna cheat on me. - J.M. Colail
What is God's part and what is man's part? God's part is grace. Man's part is faith. - Dr. Lewis W Gregory
I believe challenges are God's way of strengthening us mentally and spiritually, and yes, physically. After having won each challenge that confronted us, we are wiser and stronger. - Ellen J. Barrier
When you cry out against a God who punishes people in a place like hell, you cry out against the God who has revealed Himself in the pages of Scripture. You cry out against His goodness, holiness, and justice; and all the while you minimize your own sinfulness or the sinfulness of others. - Tim Challies
Peace has in it trust in the Lord, that He governs all things, provides all things, and leads to a good end. - Emanuel Swedenborg
Okay, we didn’t work, and allmemories to tell you the truth aren’t good.But sometimes there were good times.Love was good. I loved your crooked sleepbeside me and never dreamed afraid.There should be stars for great warslike ours. - Sandra Cisneros
Man lives only to learn. And if he learns it is because it is the nature of his lot, for good or bad. - Carlos Castaneda
How sweet all at once it was for me to be rid of those fruitless joys which I had once feared to lose..! You drove them from me, you who are the true, the sovereign joy. You drove them from me and took their place.... O Lord my God, my Light, my Wealth, and my Salvation. - Augustine of Hippo
Life is ephemeral; each moment passes quickly, a blur of color on a fast moving subway car. There and gone and all we are left with is the imprint of what once was. - Jacqueline Simon Gunn
The common mistake that bullies make is assuming that because someone is nice that he or she is weak. Those traits have nothing to do with each other. In fact, it takes considerable strength and character to be a good person. - MaryElizabeth Williams
In the way this strange gentleman was going on, he would leave the world without having done any good to himself or anybody else. - Jules Verne
PeterSwirling dreamsDragons knewTouching life to winDeep inside many other worldsWhere should we begin? - William O'Brien
We stand before a burning bush whenever other human beings share with us something of their relationship with God or something of the movements of their hearts. In such moments may we always realize that we stand on holy ground - Margaret Silf
the severe pain and the great trials we go through teach us the real essence of great joy - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Once a woman goes over 25, she prioritizes 'financial security' in a potential lover. Love and good looks are just a bonus. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A vacation frequently means that the family goes away for a rest, accompanied by mother, who sees that the others get it.
The true instrument is that, with the help of which, the egoism and my-ness goes away. - Dada Bhagwan
It is not right to walk alone on the golden road of truth! Enlighten as many people as you can and walk with them! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good deeds may not lead to heaven...still do deeds that make you feel like you are in there already. - Palle Oswald
Laughter is a good way to hide pain"- Leo Valdez - Rick Riordan
Every morning is a reason to begin living again… in case if you have had a good sleep. If not, then begin living again, anyway, and take care of yourself! - Lara Biyuts
Hidup ini ibarat batu giling. Perlu ada alu dan alas. Kedua-duanya perlu berganding bagi menggiling lada kering. Air pula peranannya bagi menjadikan gilingan lada ini lebih lembut dan halus. Lada pula mudah hancur. Tengok, Allah jadikan sesuatu itu ada gunanya (Travelog cinta abadi) - Rosa Roslan
Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such. - Henry Miller
Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. - William Shakespeare
My favourite thing is when my mother goes in the other to go and to talk to the phone, I use that moment for wisdom. - Deyth Banger
Love is an endless mystery, because there is no reasonable cause that could explain it. - Rabindranath Tagore
There is nothing more practical than a good theory.
...there is something which impresses the mind with awe in the shade and silence of these vast forests. In the deep solitude, alone with nature, we converse with God. - Thaddeus Mason Harris
The world just goes along. Nothing much matters, you know? I mean really matters. but then sometimes, just for a second, you get this grace, this belief that it does matter, a whole lot. - Lucia Berlin
The ledger of my life can lean heavy with a prolific array of stellar investments, yet in the tallying I would be wise to remember that an investment that is not of God will leave a zero balance on the ledger of my life no matter how many different ways I try to add it up. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Know that blank pages feel the urge of the ink as much as tears paint a different pain, changes - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
I should rip your eyes out, Newt said, spraying Thomas with spit. Teach you a lesson in stupidity.Why’d you come over here? You expected a bloody hug? Huh? A nice sit-down to talk about the goodtimes in the Glade? - James Dashner
God is so much bigger than our ‘what ifs’ that he can turn them into ‘why nots - Gary Rohrmayer
What God knows about me is more important than what others think about me. - Surgeo Bell
Unlike humanity, my mind isn't so frail as to simply climb under gravity and submit to God. - Lionel Suggs
You know," Daddy said, "it's some that can live their whole life out without asking about it and it's others has to know why it is, and this boy is one of the latters. He's going to be into everything! - Flannery O'Connor
Rituals are a good signal to your unconscious that it is time to kick in. - Anne Lamott
Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgment of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you're going to do about it. - Kathleen Casey Theisen
After spending all of his resources to create all of us, not just one or two people, but in millions and billions and yet, God cannot find a man who will stand for him - Sunday Adelaja
For the greater good":the phrase that always precedesthe greatest evil. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
Once bygones, always bygones. - Bernard Jan
It doesn't matter when, how old am I and how. When the first robot is build and it can be like a human which will mean can think, and communicate I will go and buy it. Because this will be the best friend ever will have and ever had! - Deyth Banger
NOMINATE, v. To designate for the heaviest political assessment. To put forward a suitable person to incur the mudgobbling and deadcatting of the opposition. - Ambrose Bierce
Do not think of your faults, still less of others' faults; look for what is good and strong, and try to imitate it. Your faults will drop off, like dead leaves, when their time comes. - John Ruskin
Without education what is man but a splendid slave, a reasoning savage vacillating between the dignity of an intelligence derived from God and the degradation of passion participated with brutes… - Chukwudifu Oputa
Sheep and goats and cowsgather 'round a manger bedto awe at a babe. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Thou art a Man, God is no more. Thy own humanity learn to adore. - William Blake
A good friend is a healing friend. - A.D. Posey
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. - Victor Hugo
Sometimes, when it's going badly, she wonders if what she believes to be a love of the written word is really just a fetish for stationary. The true writer, the born writer, will scribble words on scraps of litter, the back of a bus ticket, on the wall of a cell. - David Nicholls
Free will? Either you follow the word of God, or you'll be punished with eternal hellfire. That's the same kind of "choice" an abuse boyfriend gives you: 'Either you do exactly what I say, or I'll beat the shit out of you. - Oliver Gaspirtz
Do not trust and depend on someone as a godfather but accept God the father of all fathers. - Osunsakin Adewale
If god meant for people to talk into cellphones, he would've put our mouths on the side of our heads. - Devon Sampson
When you are in troubled and worried and sick at heartAnd your plans are upset and your world falls apart,Remember God's ready and waiting to shareThe burden you find much to heavy to bear--So with faith, "Let Go and Let GOD" lead your wayInto a brighter and less troubled day - Helen Steiner Rice
God doesn't work on our timetable. He has a plan that He will execute perfectly and for the highest, greatest good of all, and for His ultimate glory. - Charles R. Swindoll
Does one really have to fretAbout enlightenment?No matter what road I travel,I’m going home. - Shinsho
We are chasing happiness, and don't care about happiness of people who matter. Probably, we got our priorities right, but failed to set an order. We created a chaos hoping the world would fall in place itself.. - Crestless Wave
Accident, n.: A condition in which presence of mind is good, but absence of body is better. - Unknown
Everything in Scripture is either preparation for the Gospel, presentation of the Gospel, or participation in the Gospel. - Dave Harvey
Good ideas never require guns; and if an idea requires guns, it is not a good idea! - Mehmet Murat ildan
To transform a grimace into a sound sounds impossible, yet it is possible to transform a vision into music, to go outside an enslaved personality, to become impersonal by transforming into sand, into water, into light. - Dejan Stojanovic
God is The Reasonable One, therefore reason & faith are not antithetical" ~ [2007] - R. Alan Woods
We are dealing with God's thoughts: we are obligated to take the greatest pains to understand them truly and to explain them clearly. - D.A. Carson
Life itself is a rickety building - William Golding
If God hadn't rested on Sunday, He would have had time to finish the world. - Gabriel García Márquez
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, as you teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. - Bible
As believers, our reaction to crisis reveals our heart toward God. - Andrena Sawyer
Niemand ist hoffnungsloser versklavt als jene, die fälschlicherweise glauben, frei zu sein. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Accept all of you, the good with the bad, the successes with the failures, the times you shone and the mistakes you made. It will bring into a place of peace. It will help you to move forward with your life. - Eileen Anglin
When one is grateful for something too good for common thanks, writing is less unsatisfactory than speech-one does not, at least, hear how inadequate the words are. - George Eliot
As long as this belief, ‘I am the doer’ is not gone, one has not yet attained an iota of exact religion. He is still in the auspicious-inauspicious [shubh-ashubh] state. - Dada Bhagwan
You do not have to worhip god to be good and you certainly do not have to be good to worship god. - Chris Decker
It was a subtle refinement of God to learn Greek when he wished to write a book and that he did not learn it better. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Sex can lead to nasty things like herpes, gonorrhea, and something called relationships. - Sacha Baron Cohen
His ego was as big as an elephant - Charmaine J. Forde
Sólo hay una Razón para negar la Obviedad : Resistirse a admitirla ". - Fernando González y Lozano
But here, two thousand miles from home, there was a real shipwreck, a real hope. A choice big enough to change our lives forever. - Gordon Korman
The most powerful factors in the world are clear ideas in the minds of energetic men of good will. - J. Arthur Thomson
An expert gossiper knows how much to leave out of a conversation
When you are angry try your best to go to sleep, it keeps you away from speaking, writing and thinking while you are angry. - Amit Kalantri
On your journey to achievement, you should never be without good positive materials and people who will encourage you, excite you and give you a reason to move forward. - John Patrick Hickey
To incessantly blame others for my shortcomings is cowardice borne of fear, fed by fear, and haunted by fear. To be steadfastly accountable for my shortcomings is bravery borne of God, fed by God, and blessed by God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
God's love and His gift of salvation are given to you by God’s grace—not earned by your works. - Jim George
Go boldly and honestly through the world. Learn to love the fact that there is nobody else quite like you. - Daniel Radcliffe
Because of the power that we have given money: The government would rather have taxpayers who do not vote, than voters who do not pay tax. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal. - E. Joseph Cossman
Let us go beyond the boundaries of right and wrong. Let us vanish in the beauty of love. - Debasish Mridha
Whenever the literary German dives into a sentence, that is the last you are going to see of him until he emerges on the other side of his atlantic with his verb in his mouth. - Mark Twain
Many people wait throughout their whole lives for the chance to be good in their own fashion. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Intuition is given only to him who has undergone long preparation to receive it.-Louis Pasteur - Mitch Kynock
We’re doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That’s what it is to be alive. It’s pretty dense kids who haven’t figured that out by the time they’re 10. ... Most kids can’t afford to go to Harvard and be misinformed. - Kurt Vonnegut
But when she finally got the wings to fly she realized she had nowhere else to go to... - Sanhita Baruah
science is one , gods are manyscience allows change and accept new tested things but religion notscience laws are same all over earth but religions have different - er.teji
As a child i was nothing short of a genius, as a man i got used to stupidity. - Paul Bamikole
When one has attained a state of mind from which the evil passions of the present world have been so utterly winnowed, fear too is forgotten. Thus it was that the priest no longer could understand why Hell should exist. - Yukio Mishima
Mediocrity is not allowed to poets, either by the gods or man. - Horace
My mother said to me, if you go into the military, you will become a general. If you go into the clergy, you will become Pope. Instead, I became an artist, and I am Piccaso.
The great thing about writing fiction is that you can do whatever the fuck you want, go as far as you are willing to go, and laugh at the people who take it seriously. - Richard P. Denney
Throw out an alarming alarm clock. If the ring is loud and strident, you're waking up to instant stress. You shouldn't be bullied out of bed, just reminded that it's time to start your day. - Sharon Gold
If we spark a student's passion, we unleash a powerful force upon the world. - Tim Fargo
Where is truth??Somewhere in the story... somewhere around the facts.- There should be a truth some kind of feature, if there isn't... it goes interesting how in the hell is build a story with a truth... It's pretty interesting journey! - Deyth Banger
We do not just risk repeating history if we sweep it under the carpet, we also risk being myopic about our present. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
‎All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. - Havelock Ellis
When you get lost in the flow of life, find yourself in the fortress of God! - Mary Kate
Do not act as if you were going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over you. While you live, while it is in your power, be good. - Marcus Aurelius
I've got a King His name is JESUS! I've got a Lord His name is JESUS! I've got a Savior His name is JESUS! I'm gonna praise Him! Praise Your name Lord! Glory to Your name! Hallelujah JESUS! - Dave Moore
The true value of a man is not determined by his possession, supposed or real, of Truth, but rather by his sincere exertion to get to the Truth. - Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
...I fear that some of us understand just enough about the gospel to feel guilty--guilty that we are not measuring up to some undefinable standard--but not enough about the Atonement to feel the peace and strength, the power and mercy it affords us. - Sheri Dew
People can waste a large amount of their time trying to be accepted by people. Sometimes, God meant for you not to fit. You never know, you may hold the unique perspective that when voiced or demonstrated will change generations. - Shannon L. Alder
Whereas the health of an individual depends on the ego's regular descent and return to and from the unconscious, a society's longevity depends on actual people journeying into the unknown and returning with ideas. - Dan Harmon
The life mission God gave you was only appointed to you. If you are faithful, God will send someone into your life to support it. If your are blessed, he will send someone who shares your passion. If you are chosen, he will unlock every door that stands in your way. - Shannon L. Alder
For certain people after 50, litigation takes the place of sex. - Gore Vidal
There are a terrible lot of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is half of them are true. - Sir Winston Churchill
It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters. - Aesop
You realize you've forgiven people, your past and yourself when you don't speak bad about them anymore, even if you're encouraged to do so, even if you remember you were once brutally broken because of them... you just move on, let go, let them be and let yourself be... - Sanhita Baruah
Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got. - Janis Joplin
My feeling is that a good teacher can get results using any method, and that a bad teacher can wreck any method. - Keith Johnstone
The show must go on, and so must The Book. - E.A. Bucchianeri
I’ve always had a vivid imagination in terms of storytelling, but thankfully I learned early on that imagination can be stifled or enhanced by one’s writing ability—what I call word work. My goal from then on was to make sure my writing skills were up to speed with my imagination. - Marvin Brown
The chances of finding out what’s really going on in the universe are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied. - Douglas Adams
Now how can anybody look at that and not believe in God? I mean, how can anybody look at this and not believe there is some higher power, some divine force at work in the universe greater than Man, some god that created it, that created all this, that created us? - Katharine Hepburn
God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it. - Daniel Webster
Madness in great ones must not unwatch'd go. - William Shakespeare
God is subtle but he is not malicious. - Albert Einstein
But if government is in the business of promoting what is good and suppressing the bad, that is a license for it to stick it’s nose into virtually every human activity. - John Stossel No They can t Pg 32 Threshold Editions New York New York 2012
God's favor floats as it were over all this and finds joy in turning all those miseries to the greater profit of those who love Him. From toil He makes patience spring forth. - Francis de Sales
Again, "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17), and here the word to pray does not mean to beg or to plead as if God were unwilling to give--but simply to expose by faith every situation as it arises, to the all-sufficiency of the One who indwells you by His life. - W. Ian Thomas
I don't like good habits. They strike me as being so easily broken. - Linnea Gelland
If you are a special intelligent one expect that God or people from "relatives or from strangers or friends,..." to get you down and your reply is must to absorb problems and try to alleviate and diminish from its sad effects - Ramy Mohamed Sabry
The best index to a person's character is (a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can't fight back. - Abigail van Buren
Forget seizing the moment. Seize the opportunity. - Tim Fargo
God has put enough into the world to make faith in Him a most reasonable thing. But He has left enough out to make it impossible to live by sheer reason or observation alone. - Ravi Zacharias
A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam. - Frederik Pohl
In the Valley of healing dreams; beyond human imagination - there was a long quiet river. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
What is right is often forgotten by what is convenient. - Bodie Thoene
I now view life as a complex and unpredictable affair that cannot be mastered. It can be embraced. It can be negotiated more or less skillfully. But mastered? Not a chance. - Gary Hayden
Today, with the way things are in all circles, in soccer, in society, in politics, where it seems anything goes, a gesture of honesty goes down well. - Iván Fernández Anaya
The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best - and therefore never scrutinize or question. - Stephen Jay Gould
i know i can't do much, but i can do a little and i'm going to do as much of that as i can.but if we all do that--we can make a big difference. - AVA.
Mother Dear, one day I'm going to turn this world upside down."--From My Brother Martin, by Christine King Farris - Martin Luther King Jr.
MY GOD!' read Monte Cristo, 'LET ME KEEP MY MEMORY! - Alexandre Dumas
You can do anything and smash anything in the world with a kopeck. - Nikolai Gogol
God is my happy place - Izey Victoria Odiase
And the next time I reach for my pen,it won’t be to write about you again.The sun will feel warm on my skin once more,and I will get drunk on the colors of the skyinstead of tasting hangovers dripping from strangers’ lips. - Sade Andria Zabala
Joy is God's smile; love is God's laughter. - Matshona Dhliwayo
And then the turbines generate electricity that goes into the whole town.""You mean they aren't powered by giant hamsters on wheels? I was misinformed. - Michael Grant
Mourning never really ends, only as time goes on, as we do our work, it may erupt less frequently. - Ruth Davis Konigsberg
And there you sit, gloating over what you have done, as if you were a martyr or a public benefactor -- as complacent and smug and misunderstood as a princess from the moon forced to herd goats! - Hope Mirrlees
Because I feel as if I let it down. As if it needed something from me, I was its only hope, and now that hope is gone.''What penis doesn’t try to make you feel that way? - R.J. Silver
God created all people good. - Sunday Adelaja
Your journey into the future can only begin when you are able to let go of the past. - Debasish Mridha
There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component. ...But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind. - Deepak Chopra
What is a woman that you forsake herAnd the hearth fire and the home acreTo go with that old grey widow-maker? - Rudyard Kipling
Work is the divine provision God has given to every man through which we can all provide for our needs, for the needs of our families and others. - Sunday Adelaja
My MOTIVATION was struggling..I got Tired of it! - Kalon Jackson
The journey towards God has to be travel on your own. All the fear, setbacks, motivation, inspiration has to be pulled from inside. - Roshan Sharma
Cansado,sobre todo,de estar siempre conmigo,de hallarme cada día,cuando termina el sueño,allí, donde me encuentre,con las mismas naricesy con las mismas piernas... - Oliverio Girondo
Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking place. - Suzy Ross
To reach something good it is very useful to have gone astray, and thus acquire experience. - Saint Teresa Of Avila
Religion is for people who're afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who've already been there. - Vine Deloria Jr.
Life is never a static journey. Life goes on! Life is about step taking. For everything I need to know about life, I need to take a step - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If God does not exist, everything is permitted. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong. - John Lennon
All the whispering, glaring, pointing and judging makes them no better than whoever or whatever it is they're gossiping about. - Tiffany King
Doing the things you hate is living in a world of sin. Hell is staying in the place Jesus saved you from. That is, to live on your own, without God. - J.R. Rim
Religion is the servant of the vanishing; science, of the existence! Disappearance belongs to the chaos and the Devil; existence, to the God! - Mehmet Murat ildan
To Become what you Believe, You must first Believe in what you have yet to Become - Joe Goodrich
The best place to succeed is where you are with what you've got.
An informed buyer purchases the product for its good quality ,and not merely for its brand endorsed by a celebrity or even when lots of people are buying it for the big discount on its bulk quantity. - Anuj Somany
In the middle of nowhere, a trunk heavy with gold is a burden, not treasure. - A. J. Gallant
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. - Victor Hugo
Don Bradman will bat no more against England, and two contrary feelings dispute within us: relief, that our bowlers will no longer be oppressed by this phenomenon; regret, that a miracle has been removed from among us. So must ancient Italy have felt when she heard of the death of Hannibal. - R.C. Robertson-Glasgow
If you make any money, the government shoves you in the creek once a year with it in your pockets, and all that don't get wet you can keep. - Will Rogers
There are times when I'm doing QI and I'm going, 'Ha ha, yeah, yeah,' and inside I'm going 'I want to fucking die. I want to fucking die.'(Source : RHLSTP #18 - @87min32s) - Stephen Fry
The ultimate goal of humanity is knowledge. - Abhijit Naskar
That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Despite its dark veins, the transparency of dragonfly’s wings assures me of a pure, innocent world - Munia Khan
You’ve got sadness in you, I’ve got sadness in me and my works of art are places where the two sadnesses can meet, and therefore both of us need to feel less sad. - Mark Rothko
For success, focus on your goal, not an obstacle. - Debasish Mridha
For each new morning with its light,For rest and shelter of the night,For health and food, for love and friends,For everything Thy goodness sends. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is a goddess of Memory, Mnemosyne; but none of Forgetting. Yet there should be, as they are twin sisters, twin powers, and walk on either side of us, disputing for sovereignty over us and who we are, all the way until death. - Richard Holmes
What matters most with any regimen, whether it's to lose weight or stop drinking or smoking, is your willingness to seek help and your desire to say 'no more. - Ewan McGregor
Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left.(Interview, Time Magazine, February 20, 2005) - Clint Eastwood
There was only one option left, and it was letting go. - Veronica Roth
Golf is a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into a even smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill- designed for the purpose.
Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it and the imagination to improvise. - Sylvia Plath
I can't set my hopes too high,'Cause every hello ends with a goodbye. - Demi Lovato
Stupidity is letting your pride rob you of God’s blessings. - Shannon L. Alder
The really potent part of love is that it allows you to carry around beliefs about yourself that make you feel special, desirable, precious, innately good. Your lover couldn't have seen [these qualities] in you, even temporarily, if they weren't part of your essential being. - Martha Beck
All levels of ascension involve letting go of things that hold you back. - Lenon Honor
In a world filled with liars, some still seem surprised at the lengths to which some will go-yet we fear our own truth & so become numb to our own senses. - Selva Millheiser
Some little pieces of sand are so full of ego that they see themselves as a giant rock! But then the wind blows, the big ego flies in the air! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It wasn't until I started reading and found books they wouldn't let us read in school that I discovered you could be insane and happy and have a good life without being like everybody else. - John Waters
Teddy Roosevelt "had relished "every hour" of every day as president. Indeed, (he was) fearing the "dull thud" he would experience upon returning to private life. - Doris Kearns Goodwin
And if that is the Foremast, what do you think that sail might be called, Mr. Wheeler?""The Foresail?""Very good, Mr. Wheeler, and the next one up would be called..."..."The Next Sail, Sir?""Alas, no, Mr. Wheeler. - L.A. Meyer
Do not let your divorce define you and the rest of your life. Let go of anger and embrace the future possibilities of infinitesimal happiness - Divorce Goddess
The ultimate goal of writing is forgiveness. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
You will never get the same from people as you expect, Better ask to god he will give you more than that, Because in his world ego and attitude doesn't mean anything - Paul karan
Without speaking, one can win the trust of a person by one's conduct - Ravi Ranjan Goswami
And remember, no matter where you go, there you are. - Earl Mac Rauch
When the five senses and the mind are still, and the reasoning intellect rests in silence, then begins the highest path. This calm steadiness of the senses is called yoga. Then one should become watchful, because yoga comes and goes.
And it never failed that during the dry years the people forgot about the rich years, and during the wet years they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way. - John Steinbeck
Horror is a curiousity, it's used we to go over on real horror it just prepare us for the hard battles. To laugh at somebody's harm... there is even and scientific explanation. - Deyth Banger
History is gossip that's been legitimized, and that's really the case when you get into some of the Roman historians. Wow! They'd be right at home on reality tv. - Esther M. Friesner
As with companions so with books. We may choose those which will make us better, more intelligent, more appreciative of the good and the beautiful in the world, or we may choose the trashy, the vulgar, the obscene, which will make us feel as though we've been 'wallowing in the mire. - David O. McKay
The Good News of love must be a lifestyle, not a program for Christian - Sunday Adelaja
Never underestimate the value of advice from anyone, whether they are younger or older than you. Wisdom is not categorised under age - Unarine Ramaru
If you've got a religious belief that withers in the face of observations of the natural world, you ought to rethink your beliefs - rethinking the world isn't an option. - P.Z. Myers
God has a way of picking a nobody and turning their world upside down, in order to create a somebody that will remove the obstacles they encountered out of the pathway for others. - Shannon L. Alder
Write where you want to go. - A.D. Posey
They say that every snowflake is different. If that were true, how could the world go on? How could we ever get up off our knees? How could we ever recover from the wonder of it? - Jeanette Winterson
Classicism is health, romanticisim is sickness. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I have on my table a violin string. It is free to move in any direction I like. If I twist one end, it responds; it is free.But it is not free to sing. So I take it and fix it into my violin. I bind it and when it is bound, it is free for the first time to sing. - Rabindranath Tagore
The smaller the government, the less the need to manipulate politicians. - John Stossel No They can t
If I could always read I should never feel the want of company. - George Gordon Byron
But I will not repine. It cannot last long. He will be forgot, and we shall all be as we were before. - Jane Austen
It is easier to move mountains using God's hands. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Her touch is like doing simple mathWhen she sleeps in the bed, subtracting clothesThere is a red ink, like a sparkling red wine, adding colorsDividing body, remembering gods, without multiplying - Santosh Kalwar
Don't just write a strong female protagonist. Be one. - A.D. Posey
An evil man is a saint of the future. See good in everything. Destroy the evil-finding quality. Develop the good-finding quality. Rise above good and evil. - Sivananda Saraswati
An ordinary woman who makes herself available to an extraordinary God can do amazing things for God. - Elizabeth George
Awful first drafts are fine—Agree with this.If you don’t finish something, you’ll never get in the game. Just quell the voice in your head that says Are you kidding? No one is going to want to read this drivel and keep on going. You’re going to revise and revise and then revise again anyway. - Jamie Freveletti
Sometimes good is preventing us for being better".rbasequia.. - Regar Asequia
The reading of all good books is indeed like a conversation with the noblest men of past centuries who were the authors of them, nay a carefully studied conversation, in which they reveal to us none but the best of their thoughts. - Rene Descartes
What we now call "morality" was evolved as nearly all social and physical human attributes were to aid us in survival and, ultimately, reproduction. This morality requires only that we be guided by our developed conscience (or "moral sense") and not a God or gods. - David G. McAfee
ليس الشديد بالصرعة؛ إنما الشديد الذي يملك نفسه عند الغضبThe strong person is not the good wrestler. Rather,the strong person is the one who controls himself when he is angry.(Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 73, #135) - Anonymous
The good news is that the moment you decide that what you know is more important than what you have been taught to believe, you will have shifted gears in your quest for abundance. Success comes from within, not from without. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Set a goal to achieve something that's so big so exhilarating that excites you & scares you at the same time. - Bob Proctor
you can find all the gold and silver you will ever need at - christhebusman
Focus less on goals and more on the action needed to reach them - Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
Set goals that make your heart sing. Then achieving them is an experience of uplifting joy. - Amy Leigh Mercree
You cannot create experience. You must undergo it. - Albert Camus
The Bible has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies. - Mark Twain
Your life isn't determined by your mistakes, but by your determination to keep going despite of them. - Chris Burkmenn
If God wanted us in the ocean, he wouldn’t have made the land. - Lauren Child
Dreams has no limitations.Never give up on your dreams.Dream your dreams and ask God's help.Anything is possible. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I have always considered the right to 'goof off' an inalienable right. - Marty Rubin
From space this Earth is incandescent with abominations - the gods write their signature in our entrails - Steve Aylett
You can't be truly rude until you understand good manners. - Rita Mae Brown
Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, these are they who live, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment. - Alban Goodier
Letting go looks different for everyone, I think. Sometimes it's as simple as waking up one day and deciding not to let your past rule you. Other times it's a process; slow moving and painful, like trudging through a forest of thorny vines in hopes that you'll find freedom on the other side. - Allison J. Kennedy
A woman with good shoes i never ugly! - Coco Chanel
The ruler attains wholeness in the correct governance of the people. - Lao Tzu
Do have a mind of your own. This is not just a spiritual matter only, but one which concerns ordinary manliness. I would do many things to please my friends, but to go to hell to please them is more than I would venture. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
How can the thoughts be stopped? Tell the thoughts, ‘You take care of your own issues; I am not on your side.’ That way you will sit on God’s side. - Dada Bhagwan
The way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. - Linus Pauling
What is grace? It is the inspiration from on high: it is love; it is liberty. Grace is the spirit of law. This discovery of the spirit of law belongs to Saint Paul; and what he calls "grace" from a heavenly point of view, we, from an earthly point, call "rigtheousness." - Victor Hugo
Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past can be changed. - Oprah Winfrey
Truly, it is by the grace of God That the knowledge of Unity arises within.
I'm not against God, I'm against the misuse of God. - Marilyn Manson
I don't know anything anymore. Is that normal? Is it normal to notice the enormity of everything and just go blank? - A.M. Homes
What we see in a democracy governed by representatives is not a government for the people but an organized conflict of interests that only results in the setting up of unstable balances of power. - Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
If you’ve managed to do one good thing,the ocean doesn’t care.But when Newton’s applefell toward the earth,the earth, ever so slightly, felltoward the apple as well. - Ellen Bass
Atheists determine there is no God based on their own intellect. I've determined there is a God based on His intellect. - William Branks
am a creative beingA Being that You createdYou have unselfishly given me talentAnd I am here to showcase itAll in praise of YouYou are the spirit within meYou are the driving forceI, Thank YouO, GodI, Thank You - Sandra Proto
If you're being bombarded with information, the act of looking for patterns not necessarily finding them is what going to give you psychic refuge, a sense of sanctuary. - Douglas Copeland
I like performing because it's direct contact with live people. I write a good deal of the time but that's introspective creation rather than interaction. - Oliver
Calamities are of two kinds: misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune to others. - Ambrose Bierce
If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. - Vincent Van Gogh
It's hard to detect good luck - it looks so much like something you've earned.
The Christians and the world have totally different goals. - Sunday Adelaja
History will judge societies and governments and their institutions not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor and the helpless. - César Chávez
Our crucifixes exhibit the pain, but they veil, perhaps necessarily, the obscenity: but the death of the God-Man was both. - Charles Williams
It's brutal out there. A bear will eat a lactating ewe alive, starting with her udders. as a rule, animals in the wild don't get good deaths surrounded by their loved ones. - Michael Pollan
Either You see GOD in all or You don't see GOD at all. - Jaspreet Jhoja
The bad chapters of your life lead to the good ones if you keep turning the pages. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The goal of libertarianism is not to permit people to be free, but to make them realize that they don't need anyone's permission to be free. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
She cries cuz shes lost and she doesn't even know what she wants. Her eyes grow cold as she begs the world to just let her go.lines from Love Vs Destiny... - Atul Purohit
Ma már nem gondolom, hogy út, szenvedés, fáradtság nélkül célba lehet jutni. - Tolvaly Ferenc
Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. - Unknown
In scriptures, there is knowledge about the different methods; the knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul] is not there. ‘Gnani’ has the knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul]. Knowledge about the goal, which is the Soul, is obtained as a result of the ‘Gnani’s’ grace. - Dada Bhagwan
Good advice I always hated, but lookin back it made me greater. - Nicki Minaj
Of course it would be hard. But I remembered what my nurseryman grandfather used to say when I didn’t want to go to school: half the work in the world was done by people who didn’t feel so good today. - Rollo Romig
People think - Rebel, Adamant, Egoistic, Impractical, ProudMy answer - Unconventional, Fighter, Uncompromising, Dreamer, God's Masterpiece Perception Matters - Henna Sohail
Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong - these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history. - Winston S. Churchill
When you're threatened, or something hard hits you, acknowledge it, embrace it. Don't pretend that you didn't get hurt - hurt, cry, think about it. And then you let it go and try something else. - Teresa Heinz Kerry
A white cloth falls on your heart; How beautiful you are - The winter loves us, because only lovers have a pure heart. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
1484Hi Goodreads. My first day. I read all of the time but I must promote my own 2 books - Vulnerabilia and Legacy.VULNERABILIA - James Dalton
Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because dawn has come. - Rabindranath Tagore
God indeed has given the earth under to the control of man. - Sunday Adelaja
Every skill and every inquiry, and similarly every action and rational choice, is thought to aim at some good; and so the good had been aptly described as that at which everything aims. - Aristotle
The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. - Matt Taibbi
Money is like muck, not good except it be spread. - Sir Francis Bacon
Just like waves in the ocean come and go, no challenge is permanent. Problems will come and go too. We must enjoy the Challenges just like we enjoy the Waves. - RVM. - R.v.m.
Why do I go outside at one a.m.and search the stars as though I'd numbered them? - Gail White
Best fabulous flamingo friends forever. - Aisha Cat
For everything there is a reason. Just go and search it in the big mess! - Deyth Banger
#Note: There is a wonder to life. Pursue it. Hunt for it. Your goal is not to live long…it’s to live! - Milan Jed
Facing my mistakes from years ago has been one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with. - Justin Bieber
Whoever is open, loyal, true; of humane and affable demeanour; honourable himself, and in his judgement of others; faithful to his word as to law, and faithful alike to God and man....such a man is a true gentleman. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Champagne morning, sleepless grin, setting off and settling in. Today feels good. - Alex Gaskarth
The power you give others belongs to you. Take it back and take yourself where you would go. - Alan Cohen
Of course, fashions come and go but metrosexuality isn’t a fashion it’s an epoch. It represents a fundamental shift in what men are allowed to be and to want. Men are now permitted to be ‘passive’ inviting our gaze. - Mark Simpson
When you etch your moral code in stone, you have no room for editing. You leave open the possibility that, as our ethical views evolve, your code becomes less relevant. You could find yourself with four of ten divine moral laws describing how to treat God and zero that prohibit rape or slavery. - David G. McAfee
Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating. - Simone Weil
It’s not possible for a person who has one to one fellowship with God, someone who breaks through in prayer and who knows how to wait for God not to have open success. It’s just not possible! - Sunday Adelaja
Sometimes, what’s so right turns out to be wrong. And sometimes what’s so wrong turns out to be right. Did you ever think it may be time to just go with the flow? - Charles F. Glassman
I rather have you win, because in God even those who are in second place are first. - Auliq Ice
I believe that religion can make a well-rounded person, or it can make an idiot. What we've go going on here is an idiot.
Live! It's no good if you just think about it. - Marty Rubin
To go from mortal to Buddha, you have to put an end to karma, nurture your awareness, and accept what life brings. - Bodhidharma
It's okay to be proud of your good English. But don't be proud of being poor at your Mother tongue. Only the scum of the earth do that. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Your life story would not make a good book. Don't even try. - Fran Lebowitz
Life—the way it really is—is a battle not between good and bad, but between bad and worse - Joseph Brodsky
I am grateful to God for all the good and bad that has given me, Without reproach the past, without waiting in the future I continue, just living in the moment makes me completely happy! - Ebelsain Villegas
No two countries that both had McDonald's had fought a war against each other since each got its McDonald's - Thomas L. Friedman
Some fail to bear in mind that everyone is sentenced to death. Death is a treacherous virus that strikes randomly. The only truth is that nobody is going to make it out alive. We are all living on probation and our expiry date is indefinite. ( Living on probation ) - Erik Pevernagie
Here we are, the most clever species ever to have lived. So how is it we can destroy the only planet we have? - Jane Goodall
Prayer is in essence rebellion—rebellion against the world in its fallenness. Prayer is the undying refusal to accept as normal what is pervasively abnormal. It is the refusal of every agenda, every scheme, every interpretation that is at odds with the norm as originally established by God. - David G. Wells
The purpose of salt is to change the nature of what it invades without calling attention to itself. Attracting attention to yourself in the Kingdom of God is like seducing the bride because you are the best man of the groom. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god. - Sir Francis Bacon
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. - Arthur C. Clarke
There comes a time when one suddenly discovers that there will never be a time for the coming of the perfect person, or believe that God sends people from heaven, so one finds a random fellow, either righteous or unrighteous, excellent or Impaired, and in no time become what God had ordained. - Michael Bassey Johnson
When he smiles like that, there's a single dimple. It was the thing that got me the very first time I saw him. - Jennifer Niven, All The Bright Places
It lies here deep in the heart, the small chest of painSharp words like daggers placed it hereTo fill with hurtIn filling it grew heavy and drug me downFor to not feel is not to liveUntil I rest at last in dirtThe worst of you got the best of me… - Neil Leckman
We are all the authors of our own fates; but we have gotten so lost in the technicalities of forming letters and stringing words together that we've forgotten what it really means to write. - Cristen Rodgers
The good life doesn't knock on the door. Joy is a job. - Lionel Shriver
In your spare time, google the ingredients in all the foods you are eating. If you care about yourself, you may change your menu - Sahndra Fon Dufe
When it comes to worry, our problem is we fear an invisible future that a timeless God has seen. Perhaps you should talk to Him about it. - Eddie Capparucci, LPC
When I need some striking inspiration about deep depression for my new painting, I just need to go to check my bank account... - Hiroko Sakai
The beauty of traveling solo is that you wonder unexpectedly, but almost certainly into the direction you were meant to go. - Shannon Ables
We could have been the greatest love story ever told.If only you'd stayed in character. - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ahora sabemos que las cosas buenas ocurren, que los sueños a veces se cumplen, que los deseos pueden hacerse realidad y de nosotros depende no olvidarlo para poder meterle un gol a esa portería invisible del día a día. - Eugenia Rico
Love is my Sword, Goodness my Armor, And Humor my Shield. - Unknown
Hanging around people you’re smarter than is good for your ego. Hanging around people who are smarter than you is good for your intellect. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The best time to seek God is when it's really hard to find the time because that's when we probably need Him the most. - Alisa Hope Wagner
Nothing against the music, it's awesome... but going deeper and deeper in Super Genes... it's kind of dry... isn't it???So I need something bloody!- Crime is a great choice! - Deyth Banger
Anecdotes and maxims are rich treasures to the man of the world, for he knows how to introduce the former at fit place in conversation. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Biggest tragedy of life is when God ask us to glorify Him for our sakes but we choose to glorify self for satan's good. - indonesia123
God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are none so like him as ourselves. - Anne Rice
Thus I, gone forth, as spiders do,In spider’s web a truth discerning,Attach one silken strand to youFor my returning. - E.B. White
In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards. - Mark Twain
As I see, 90%+ (and not less than that) of people go about their lives living 90%+ (and not less) of a lie. choose a different way and live the least truth you might be. - Mphezulu Xetho Dainamyk
You can't just say there is a god because the world is beautiful. You have to account for bone cancer in children. - Stephen Fry
I often wonder if we were all characters in one of God's dreams. - Muriel Spark
Writing- the profession in which you stare at a computer screen, stare out the window, type a few words, then curse repeatedly. - Drew Goodman
When you are at your lowest God is getting ready to take you to your highest. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Good luck is just bad luck with its hair combed. - Stephen King
I seemed to hear God saying, "Put down your gun and we'll talk. - C.S. Lewis
To enjoy beauty in the company of myself is to experience beauty bound by the limits of the sole person that I am. But, to experience beauty in the company of God is to experience beauty bound by the limits of Who God is, which is to experience beauty without limits. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing.
A journey of 1000 miles starts with asking God for guidance & protection... 'a single step' is secondary! - Mwirigi LG
...there is no map of the soul because we make it up as we go... - John Geddes
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. - Gerald R. Ford
Ask yourself: 'Do I feel the need to laminate?' Then teaching is for you. - Gordon Korman
Live a good life. Love while you're at it. - Haley(fabulous/crazy/Daughter of the King of Kings
A rat is neither good nor evil. It just does what a rat is suppose to do. From Phantom - Jo Nesbø
It's hard, omigod remember? Being a kid. - Erica Lorraine Scheidt
Un archeologo è il miglior marito che una donna possa avere: più lei diventa vecchia, più lui s'interessa a lei. - Agatha Christie
No flower of art ever fully blossomed save it was nourished by tears of agony.
God is love,and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
In America the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs for ever and ever. - Oscar Wilde
We are born under circumstances that would be favorable if we did not abandon them. It was nature's intention that there should be no need of great equipment for a good life: every individual can make himself happy. - Seneca
Keep going; your destination is getting closer. - Debasish Mridha
Every story has an ending, the only thing that matters is good or bad. - Rushabh Patel
I want to feel what I feel. What's mine. Even if it's not happiness, whatever that means. Because you're all you've got. - Toni Morrison
The reverence of God is grace to act right. - Lailah Gfty Akita
Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it. - Steve Prefontaine
We speak, but it is God who teaches. - Augustine of Hippo
We don't know Where God is, Who God is or What God is… BUT GOD IS! - RVM
Right now I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before. - Steven Wright
God is good all the time!! - Fikre Fikadu
i am my religion. my belief is love. god is within [self]. - The Nyghtlie Poet
Life is not a dress rehearsal, you don't get another go. - Lawrence T. Holman
Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed: for every one thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else, do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess. - Rene Descartes
I fixed my eyes on the larget cloud, as if, when it passed out of my sight, I might have the good luck to pass with it. - Sylvia Plath
We should ask God to increase our hope when it is small, awaken it when it is dormant, confirm it when it is wavering, strengthen it when it is weak, and raise it up when it is overthrown. - John Calvin
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Illusion (maya) cannot enter where there is ‘light’ (enlightenment, awareness). Once darkness falls, illusion will enter there. The Gnani Purush can arrange for your illusion to go away permanently. - Dada Bhagwan
A good friend loves you when the condition is better, a best friend holds your hand when you're in gutter. - Debasish Mridha
Can you imagine what will happen if just for one day the sun forgot to rise? - Debasish Mridha
That just goes to show, remarked Pearlie, that you must never judge a woman in a kimono or a bathing suit. - Edna Ferber
Anyone who has gumption knows what it is, and anyone who hasn't can never know what it is. So there is no need of defining it. - L. M. Montgomery
The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered... deeply, ...finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people. - George Washington
I used to think that I could never lose anyone if I photographed them enough. In fact, my pictures show me how much I’ve lost. - Nan Goldin
I have Social Disease. I have to go out every night. If I stay home one night I start spreading rumours to my dogs. - Andy Warhol
To love, you close your eyes. To do good, you deceive oneself. To be honest, you ditch oneself. To be good, you have to transcend all the three ideas. - Harshit Walia
Reading leads to good character development. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Humility is more powerful than egoistic pride. Water is more powerful than the strongest cliff and Love is more powerful than might. - Radhe Maa
No matter how far you have gone down the road its never too late to stop and reinvent yourself - rassool jibraeel snyman
2 to 12 hearts 1 beat2 lips will meet2 birds 1 stone2 never b alone2 wills 1 goal2 haves 1 whole2 be in love2 be as One***©Clarissa O. ClemensThe Poetic Diary of Love and Change - Volume 1 - Clarissa Clemens
Now that I’ve reached the ripe old age of retirement, I feel it my duty to teach you everything I’ve learnt about love, so listen closely. Love is like… That’s as far as I’ve gotten I’m afraid. - Ben Mitchell
During any experience placed before us, we can stay in alignment with positivity, truth, and goodness by asking the question: What would honor and love do here? - Molly Friedenfeld
In ambiguous situations, it's a good bet that the crowd will generally stick together and be wrong. - Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
Nixon is a shifty-eyed goddamn liar....He's one of the few in the history of this country to run for high office talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time and lying out of both sides. - Harry S Truman
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. - Henry David Thoreau
While the people retain their virtue, and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government, in the short space of four years. - Abraham Lincoln
Here today, may be gone tomorrow! Never take anyone or nothing for granted! Be sure to count your blessing daily because tomorrow isn't promised. - Surgeo Bell
Love goes out the door when money comes innuendo. - Groucho Marx
I don’t need to go to heaven or hell. I have been both places and always wanted more. I will settle for somewhere in between, so eternity never becomes dull and every miracle is something I never take for granted. - Shannon L. Alder
...I wanna a break from this corrupted humanity what more to say??? Going in so down level, that the stupidy is going in the paradox of stupidity. The cleverness is lost in the black hole, for god sake! - Deyth Banger
God is not someone you meet when you die. His smiling face will be the first and the most familiar to greet you on the other side of mortality. You’ll recognize Him and know in your heart of hearts that you’re not entering a new sphere, but returning home to the place you’ve always belonged. - Toni Sorenson
When you go to buy, use your eyes, not your ears. - Czech Proverb
The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. - Socrates
Where we go and what we do advertises what we are.
The best [man] is like water.Water is good; it benefits all things and does not compete with them.It dwells in [lowly] places that all disdain.This is why it is so near to Tao. - Lao-tzu
Everything you want lies on the other side of learning to trust yourself. Take a chance. Have faith. You already know who you are, what you want, and where you want to go. - Vironika Tugaleva
Aunt Elizabeth said, 'Do you expect to attend many balls, if I may ask?' and I said, 'Yes, when I am rich and famous.' and Aunt Elizabeth said, 'Yes, when the moon is made of green cheese. - L.M. Montgomery
There are just two directions in life, the one which is safe but boring, and the other which is delicate but exciting. Now ask yourself, which path will you go? - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
Enlightenment is not like a Big Bang - it is an ongoing process. - Sadghuru
But in general, take my advice, when you meet anything that's going to be human and isn't yet, or used to be human once and isn't now, or ought to be human and isn't, you keep your eyes on it and feel for your hatchet. - C.S. Lewis
A full mind is unlucky if a good idea comes to enter inside; an empty mind is unlucky if a bad idea comes to enter inside! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Your unstoppable nature is becoming and blooming you simply, are. Go easy. - Bryant McGill
A Buddha is someone who finds freedom in good fortune and bad. - Bodhidharma
Contrary to popular belief, there are peaks higher than Mount Everest. These are the hurdles that lie within each of us. Thank you Stephen Hawking for showing us that they are not insurmountable - karan godara
Jan had always been a good pianist, and now he was the finest in the world. - Arthur C. Clarke
And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge, so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth. - Kahlil Gibran
God’s Word is written for you and to you, but it won’t help unless you read it. - Elizabeth George
Half of the American people never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half. - Gore Vidal
All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman; and however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince. - Plato
It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God-but to create him. - Arthur C. Clarke
Everyone has that turning point in their life, whether you are going to make it or not it will come into your life nevertheless. - Manula Withanage
There's many ways to be wealthy, and there's many wealthy people that are very poor. Success is not about money, it's happiness, inner peace, and loving yourself. Happiness and inner peace can come from your faith in God, and loving yourself is part of His plan. - Ron Baratono
The cloud-capp'd towers,the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on; and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. - William Shakespeare
Opportunities are like night owls. They like to streak naked and howl at the moon. A lot of success in life comes down to luck. So put yourself in a position to get lucky. Because you know what happens if you don't go out? Nothing. - Ari Gold
For a long time now I have tried simply to write the best I can. Sometimes I have good luck and write better than I can. - Ernest Hemingway
When you wake up to kingdom realities, you find that you are tracing the steps of both the Israelites and Jesus himself into the wilderness. . . . The wilderness is the place where God meets his people, Satan attacks, and kingdom allegiances are revealed. [Ed Welch, Running Scared, 118] - Edward T. Welch
The mere fact that a boxer covers his face never means that he is much afraid of his opponent. A good punch will give a better explanation for his action! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Misery can be easily drown within a good tune. - Martin M Stupak
Did you know that each day that dawns, you are in "TODAY?" Stay in "Today" and you will never have to worry about tomorrow. God will take care of tomorrow. - Pazaria Smith
I wanna hang a map of the world in my house. Then I'm gonna put pins into all the locations that I've traveled to. But first, I'm gonna have to travel to the top two corners of the map so it won't fall down. - Mitch Hedberg
...I try to laugh at whatever life brings. Because when I look down, I just miss all the good stuff, but when I look up, I just trip over things.
I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul. - Elizabeth of the Trinity
A smaller government reflecting the needs of the middle class and poor is superior to a big government reflecting the needs of the privileged and powerful. - Robert B. Reich
Pro-crasinaton kills the dream. Let it go - Nikki Rowe
Good judgment comes from experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment. - Rita Mae Brown
Besides anarchy, the worst thing in this world is government. - Henry Ward Beecher
Judge not; the workings of his brainAnd of his heart thou canst not see;What looks to thy dim eyes a stain,In God's pure light may only beA scar, brought from some well-won field,Where thou wouldst only faint and yield. - Adelaide Anne Procter
I wake up and tear drops, they fall down like rain. I put on that old song we danced to and then, I head off to my job cause not much has changed. Punch the clock, head for home, check the phone. Just in case. Go to bed, dream of you. That's what I am doing these days. - Rascal Flatts
God never calls His people to accomplish anything without promising to supply their every need. - Charles R. Swindoll
Ego is the world's worst narcotic - Mekael Shane
Yesterday’s gone, let it go, It’s not possible to bring it back. Renew, release, let go. Yesterday’s gone. There’s nothing you can do to bring it back. Today is a new day! make the best of it, tomorrow is not promised. - Ane Krstevska
Always do good when you're tempted to do evil. The reward in doing good is priceless. - Kemi Sogunle
He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it. - Confucius
Es tan corto el amor, y tan largo el olvido. (Love is so short, and forgetting is so long.) - Pablo Neruda
I have seen flowers come in stony places And kind things done by men with ugly faces And the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races, So I trust too. - John Masefield
According to an original reading of the Constitution and Declaration, the intrusiveness that is an inevitable part of big government is an offense against its people. - A.E. Samaan
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. - Jane Austen
She is a writer, what the fuck do you expect from her other than passion, truth and goddam soul? - Nikki Rowe
1 Corinthians 2:7 (CEB)We talk about God's Wisdom, which has been hidden as a secret. God determined this wisdom in advance, before time began for our glory. - Anonymous
God’s Word changes the way you think, feel, and live. - Elizabeth George
When you delete impossible from your thinking, you give yourself permission to imagine, to believe, to try, and to accomplish phenomenal things. - Richelle E. Goodrich
You are being fashioned into one of two images, either God's or the worlds. Make a choice! - Jim George
My prayer is to seek, find and serve God. - Gift Gugu Mona
There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty. - John Adams
The 'Wild West' is a good description of law enforcement in the desert southwest USA. - Steven Magee
We lose in order to find. We forget in order to remember. We die a death in the ego in order to be reborn in the Oneness, until the end of all our duality, until we become : aware, compassionate messengers of Love in service to the Oneness. - Human Angels
Women, churchgoers, and conservative were more likely than men, nonchurch goers, and liberals to disagree with the reductionist (neural) account of human life. - Andrew Ferguson
De toutes les passions, la seule vraiment respectable me paraît être la gourmandise. - Guy de Maupassant
We may run into many downfalls in life, but with a mighty God on our side those downfalls have already been defeated. - Pauline Seaport
They didn’t change; they just got tired of pretending. - Steve Maraboli
You win some, you lose some. And then there's that little-known third category.
You can love everyone, but you can never hurt anyone else without hurting yourself. You will burn yourself for the rest of your life with this fire and agony. - Debasish Mridha
NOTHING IS STRONGER THAN THE RESILIENCE OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT. (found in an ad at Goodreads, but similar to the following quote by ) : Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit. - Bern Williams
My God! The English language is a form of communication! Conversation isn't just crossfire where you shoot and get shot at! Where you've got to duck for your life and aim to kill! Words aren't only bombs and bullets —no, they're little gifts, containing meanings! - Philip Roth
We cannot control the evil tongues of others; but a good life enables us to disregard them. - Cato the Elder
Dost thou not know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?
Scripture is one of many instruments to attain the Goal (experience of pure Soul). How can it be discarded? - Dada Bhagwan
Freedom is what's left when the belief systems deconstruct. - Dana Gore
The roses, the lovely notes, the dining and dancing are all welcome and splendid. But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who'll go the distance with you. Someone who, when the wedding day limo breaks down, is willing to share a seat on the bus. - Oprah Winfrey
A Godly mother`s seed of faith yields a bounty of faithfulness. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Determination goes a long way when pursuing dreams. - Mary Sage Nguyen
If you ask me what remains to be known in the future, I’ll say, ‘Memorize all the world’s encyclopedias.’ Once you do that, forget all that fancy junk and rake the leaves else I’m gonna take a stick to you, boy. - M.C. Humphreys
Gaining control over your health and well-being is one of those times in your life that you get to be completely selfish and not feel bad about it. If you want to meet your goals, you have to make it about you. You have to make it work for you and you alone. Anything less is a setup for failure.
We are stronger than we think. We have emotional, spiritual and even physical resources at our disposal. We may get knocked down, but we don’t have to stay down. - Steve Goodier
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. - Anaïs Nin
There was no respect for youth when I was young, and now that I am old, there is no respect for age. I missed it coming and going. - J.B. Priestley
Which comes first: Good or Evil? Usually evil. Good counters. - Steve Chapman
The worst thing that I can do is humanize God. The second worst thing that I can do is deify myself. And the best thing that I can do is to avoid both. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
How extraordinary the ordinary really is, a tool we all use to keep going, a template for sanity. - Cecelia Ahern
(About the magic bathroom).If knowledge is money, and money is gold, then this is modern day Alchemy. Feces (wasted time) is turned into gold (knowledge). - Peter Rogers
There is a courtesy of the heart; it is allied to love. From its springs the purest courtesy in the outward behavior. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
God is either everything, or He is nothing.
The visual arts will one day be king. The pop stars and celebrities soon to be forgotten. - Luhraw
Every violent storm will eventually give way to sunshine; every dark night will finally fade into dawn. - Steve Goodier
Friend' is sometimes a word devoid of meaning; enemy, never. - Victor Hugo
Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go. - Pravinee Hurbungs
Era un pintor tan viejo que se le habían quedado calvos los pinceles.(He was such an old painter that his brushes had gone bald.) - Ramón Gómez de la Serna
Love me, even if it’s a lie. Leave me yet never say goodbye. - Faraaz Kazi
Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people. - Carl Sagan
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld
God is God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
To lift up the hands in prayer gives God glory, but a man with a dungfork in his hand, a woman with a slop pail, give Him glory, too. God is so great that all things give Him glory if you mean that they should. - Gerard Manley Hopkins
You have to really believe that you can move mountains. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
The fact that you can still stand for God even when some people try to push you to fall, is a proof that you were not DRAGGED Up, but you were BROUGHT Up! - Israelmore Ayivor
I am getting by doing just the bare minimum and it takes up so many hours of my waking day. - Nina Montgomery
i can wait wait wait..to go to the other side of life..but dis wait seems like d rainbow in the night..so dat u have to wonder about the presence of sun in no light - Sunil Sharma
The bible divides mankind, god will decide our fate. - Sixeye
Love; something takes place in your heart without visible words. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Suddenly the reader's eyes were filled with tears, and a loving voice whispered in his ear: -Why are you crying if everything in that book isn't true?- And the reader replied: -I know; but what I feel is real. - Ángel González
When I touched her body,I believed she was God.In the curves of her formI found the birth of Man,the creation of the world,and the origin of all life. - Roman Payne
The eyes of a nation (living godly) like this shall see the King of kings and the Lord of lords in all his beauty. Meaning salvation and redemption shall be readily available in abundance for the people of that land. - Sunday Adelaja
Wwhat the hell? Weve all got to die sometime! - Agatha Christie
Learning how to forgive helps us grow spiritually because it acknowledges only God truly controls our destiny. - Karim Camara
This is what youth must figure out:Girls, love, and living.The having, the not having,The spending and giving,And the meloncholy time of not knowing.This is what age must learn about:The ABC of dying.The going, yet not going,The loving and leaving,And the unbearable knowing and knowing - E.B. White
Sin is incompatible with the glory, beauty and holiness of God. - Sunday Adelaja
You are the Golden Witnessing Screen. Meditation is the effortless effort to keep that screen clean, clear and perfect. - Sri - Amit Ray
Well and good if all things change, O Lord God, provided I am rooted in You. - San Juan de la Cruz
On the canvas of life we often go off colour, but as long as there are special people to add the right shades.. Life goes on to be a rainbow. - Pravinee Hurbungs
The moment you start to fear God is the moment demons begin to fear you. - Cyc Jouzy
Good thing I'm aging, otherwise I'd be dead. - Ana Monnar
The worst thing about Europe is that you can't go out in the middle of the night and get a Slurpee. - Tellis Frank
Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have, Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship. - Oswald Chambers
Together with God you can successfully handle any difficulty. - Jim George
I was brought up in a Christian environment where, because God had to be given pre-eminence, nothing else was allowed to be important. I have broken through to the position that because God exists, everything has significance. - Evangeline Paterson
While I see many hoof marks going in, I see none coming out. It is easier to get into the enemy's toils than out again. - Aesop
I see you in the grass,Running through the snow,But where you have gone,I cannot go. - Helen Pearson
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I was going to be a memory when I grew up. - Alejandro Zambra
Among the attributes of God, although they are all equal, mercy shines with even more brilliancy than justice. - Miguel De Cervantes
Love is a mirror; God is the reflection. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Whatever you see you gotta keep a sense of humor; you gotta be able to smile through all the bullshit. - Tupac Shakur
I wish I could say that racism and prejudice were only distant memories. We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust…We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better. - Thurgood Marshall
Love is treating yourself at least as well as you treat others, understanding when someone isn't good for you and knowing when it's time to walk away... - BJ Morin
No, I'm not going to explain it. If you can't figure it out, you didn't want to know anyway... :-)
A writer’s primary goal is to make sense. The bookstore’s is to make cents. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em! - John Waters
If I have done good for someone I have done bad for the conservative society. - Amit Abraham
Jesus never says to the poor: ‘come find the church’, but he says to those of us in the church: ‘go into the world and find the poor, hungry, homeless, imprisoned. - Tony Campolo
Some part of me can't wait to see what life's going to come up with next! Anticipation without the usual anxiety. And underneath it all is the feeling that we both belong here, just as we are, right now. - Alexander Shulgin
The most beautiful thing about the most beautiful roads is that the destination is forgotten and the journey becomes the destination itself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Life is all about focusing on the goal, not on the donut hole. - Debasish Mridha
You know men. We have delicate egos.""I wouldn't describe Jace's ego as delicate.""No, Jace is sort of the antiaircraft artillery tank of male egos," Simon admitted. - Cassandra Clare
Not every problem can be solved. Some are okay simply to avoid. Go around the, go under them, whatever it takes to reach your higher goal. Sometimes you have to fail your way to success. - Anna Mitchael, michelle sassa
Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. - Francis Bacon
Repeatedly I have been impressed to learn that to reach a goal never before attained, one must do things never before done. - Richard G. Scott
Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow grow, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. - George Washington
If you say ‘we’re in this together,’ I’m going to hurl. - Kelley Armstrong
Life goes on... with or without you. - Faraaz Kazi
Give up good to welcome great. - Debasish Mridha
A child's imagination can be found in the heart of a good book. - K. Lamb
The only group large enough to handle," the world's biggest, "problems is the network of millions of local churches around the world. We have the widest distribution, largest group of volunteers, local credibility, the promises of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the inevitability of history. - Rick Warren
Dating is like a game. If someone feels like they have won us over too easily, they won’t see our value and will go elsewhere to find something they have to work a little bit harder for. - Daniel Willey
…is postmodernity the pastime of an old man who scrounges in the garbage-heap of finality looking for leftovers, who brandishes unconsciousnesses, lapses, limits, confines, goulags, parataxes, non-senses, or paradoxes, and who turns this into the glory of his novelty, into his promise of change? - Jean-François Lyotard
In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. - Albert Schweitzer
To live a happy life. Learn to let go of all that stresses you. You were never in control anyway. - Ane Krstevska
Never pray for just a beautiful and sexy partner, but pray for that who fear God. That he/she will not sin against his God. - Nana cwame Aboagye
I have been the patient one. I have waited for the world to stop being silly. I have waited for it to stop wars. I have waited for politicians to be honest. I have waited for real estate men to be good citizens. But while I wait, I dance! - Ray Bradbury
A prayer in its simplest definition is merely a wish turned Godward. - Phillips Brooks
When faced with a hurdle then give it all you've got to jump over it because it can't be done in two stages. - Stephen Richards
Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book. - Malcolm Cowley
Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway. - Mary Kay Ash
Regardless of the religious tradition, spiritual path, or personal perspective we choose to embrace, the potential exists for it to encourage and uplift every aspect of our being and to affect the types of goals we may choose to set for ourselves. - Laurie Buchanan, PhD
Most people assume the fights are going to be the left versus the right, but it always is the reasonable versus the jerks. - Jimmy Wales
If you've got nothing to dance about, find a reason to sing. - Melody Carstairs
True thinking brings a good life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Jews were expelled to Israel, Protestants were expelled to the USA and where should the Muslims go? - Daniel Marques
I love the way that each book—any book—is its own journey. You open it, and off you go…. - Sharon Creech
What you do is your choice. You can make good or bad choices, but there will never be any right or wrong to who you are. - Imania Margria
If you want government to intervene domestically, you’re a liberal. If you want government to intervene overseas, you’re a conservative. If you want government to intervene everywhere, you’re a moderate. If you don’t want government to intervene anywhere, you’re an extremist. - Joseph Sobran
I've been to Canada, and I've always gotten the impression that I could take the country over in about two days. - Jon Stewart
I can critique the bad; I can take the good, and I can add whatever I want. - Justine Larbalestier
The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way. - Samuel Butler
People are fond of spouting out the old clich%uFFFD about how Van Gogh never sold a painting in his lifetime. Somehow his example serves to justify to us, decades later, that there is somehow merit in utter failure. Perhaps, but the man did commit suicide. - Hugh Macleod
If the day ever comes that it (Deep Space Nine) isn't safe for kids to run around this station we all need to pack up and go home. - Una McCormack
Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it. - John Adams
Digo-vos: praticai o bem. Porquê? O que ganhais com isso? Nada, não ganhais nada. Nem dinheiro, nem amor, nem respeito, nem talvez paz de espírito. Talvez não ganheis nada disso. Então por que vos digo: Praticai o bem? Porque não ganhais nada com isso. Vale a pena praticá-lo por isto mesmo. - Fernando Pessoa
Wake up and live your life on your own terms, you are a king in your own kingdom, a god in your own universe - Habyarimana Bangambiki
MONARCHICAL GOVERNMENT, n. Government. - Ambrose Bierce
Do not let your good ideas to spend your brain energy, do it with all the effort because the shadow of the success can become a reality only with hard work. - Isra
There is some awe mixed with the joy of our surprise, when this poet, who lived in some past world, two or three hundred years ago, says that which lies close to my own soul, that which I also had wellnigh thought and said. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
i didn't wait to see her ship go off, because partings are stupid things and best got over quickly - Nevil Shute
Are you setting business goals? Try this:Step 1: Add a "0" to your revenue goal.Step 2: Take away a "0" from your expense goal.Step 3: Let your mind go to work.Thank me later. - Richie Norton
Get to know who you are not, because when you know your ego the Truth of who you are will also become clear. - Maria Erving
Don't compete with your friends to win a date with few beautiful girls, but compete to win few beautiful goals. - Amit Kalantri
Did my good deed for the day. Still not close to heaven, but it's something. - April Mae Monterrosa
Wearing fake happiness is as good as smearing foundation. A bit of moisture drains it all. - Aniruddha Sastikar
Each day a day goes by. - Carlo Goldoni
The poor complain that they are governed badly. The rich complain that they are governed at all. - G. K. Chesterton
The praise and glorification of God doesn't exclusively spring from deep and untroubled understanding; it is in spite of and even because of deep and troubled circumstance. - Joyce Rachelle
One mark of a good officer, he remembered, was the ability to make quick decisions. If they happen to be right, so much the better - Larry Niven
Good writing takes place at intersections, at what you might call knots, at places where the society is snarled or knotted up. - Margaret Atwood
Our imagination goes ahead of us, bringing our yesterday's imagings into present realities. - Ogwo David Emenike
Some say God exists outside creation if in fact he did breath in Adams nostrils he became part of humanity and creation. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
It doesn't matter are you good with the dice, you die. It really doesn't matter what are you doing everyone dies one moment, one way or other way. - Deyth Banger
You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. You cannot create experience. You must undergo it. - Albert Camus
All things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. - Anne-Marie Pol
A good idea isn't good until you consider the idea as a good - Goitsemang Mvula
MakeNew FrNdS But Keep D oLd , One iS silVerThe Other is Gold. - Chetan Bhagat
The value of consistent prayer is not that [God] will hear us, but that we will hear Him. - William McGill
It takes a good leader, with integrity, to enhance a leader with passion. - Steven Cuoco
And what went wrong when other alchemists tried to make gold and were unable to do so?""They were looking only for gold his companion answered. They were seeking the treasure of their personal legend, without wanting actually to live out the personal legend. - Paulo Coelho
And these are the sametype of people who killthe innocent andjustify it by sayingThey’ve gone to bewith Jesus nowBut we won’t talkabout how theycrucified Him, too - Phil Volatile
But words are things, and a small drop of ink,Falling, like dew, upon a thought producesThat which makes thousands, perhaps millions think. - George Gordon Byron
Every word that is spoken and sung here (the Cabaret Voltaire) represents at least this one thing: that this humiliating age has not succeeded in winning our respect. - Hugo Ball
Allah-U-Akbar (God is great) is the most frightening word, because it always reminds me that someone is committing crime;specifically murder. - M.F. Moonzajer
There are two gods in this universe: God and Imagination. Both of them can design and create infinite creations. - Mehmet Murat ildan
We don’t need self-confidence we need God-confidence - Joyce Meyer
Wealth of time is actually of more value than natural resources (petroleum, gold, diamond, gas etc.) and more valuable than human resources. - Sunday Adelaja
God didn’t design your life so you would constantly fall down, but he does hope that you will be brought to your knees. - Shannon L. Alder
God knows some days we all feel like losers. - Thomas Lynch
You go to school everyday. Folks who think they've learned everything they need to know are usually dumber than chickens. - Jodi Thomas
Hail to you gods, on that day of the great reckoning. Behold me, I have come to you, without sin, without guilt, without evil, without a witness against me, without one whom I have wronged. I am one pure of mouth, pure of hands. - The Book of the Dead
for that men have been good does not suffice for them to continue being good, unless one cares about it to the end. - Xenphon Ephesius
Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations. - Paul Rand
Religion is more beautiful when it brings out the goodness in a person. - Gugu Mona
Tears and grief are good for reflection, moving on is still the best solution. - Mat Luthfi
Who told these people with dreams, goals and ambitions they could take time off? - Darnell Lamont Walker
A person who does not read cannot think. He may have good mental processes, but he has nothing to think about. You can feel for people or natural phenomena and react to them, but they are not ideas. You cannot think about them."[Life magazine, December 10, 1965] - Rex Stout
I think are foolish to pretend they are equal to men,they are far superior and always have been. - - William Golding
I try to avoid having thoughts. They lead to other thoughts, and—if you’re not careful—those lead to actions. Actions make you tired. I have this on rather good authority from someone who once read it in a book. - Brandon Sanderson
All girls who seemed to have everything going for them. And decided they had nothing. - Sasha Grey
I don't believe in angels and I have trouble with the whole God thing. I don't want to say I don't believe in God but I don't think I do. But I believe in people who do. - Billy Connolly
Current utility and historical origin are different subjects. - Stephen Jay Gould
I think God is as much a basic ingredient in the universe as neutrons and positrons. This is the prime force, when we look around the universe.
That goddam stunted, red-faced, big-cheeked, apple-cheeked, curlyheaded, midget assed, , google-eyed, undersized, grinning, buck-toothed rat!!" Yossarian sputtered.~ Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars. - Elbert Hubbard
There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. - Mahatma Gandhi
You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you have to overcome to reach your goals. - Booker T. Washington
It matters not what goal you seek Its secret here reposes: You've got to dig from week to week To get Results or Roses.
The actual God of many Americans... is simply the current of American life.
We are identified and known by the sort of fruit, the quantity of fruit, and the quality of fruit borne out in our daily conversation, conduct, and character. There is no greater criterion for Christians. It is the paramount gauge of God's people. - W. Phillip Keller
When you only focus on your goals you never see any obstacles. - Stephen Richards
I do not believe in any religion, I will have nothing to do with immortality. We are miserable enough in this life without speculating upon another. - George Gordon Byron
Thank God I have done my duty.
The excursion is the same when you go looking for your sorrow as when you go looking for your joy. - Eudora Welty
Individual effort is good but collective effort is better. We need a NETWORK of nation builders - Fela Durotoye
I crave intimate love. Words that make my soul dance, a touch that gives me goosebumps, eye contact that electrifies my entire body, a kiss that could have me questioning whose air I am breathing. - Nikki Rowe
A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world. - Lois Wyse
Get a grip on yourself. there's only one god here on earth, and that's you. If you don't like the world, make one you like better. - Yasmina Khadra
We spend great sum of money to buy good books, so that we can satisfy our pleasure of reading. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The ego hurts you like this: you become obsessed with the one person who does not love you. blind to the rest who do. - Warsan Shire
Attitude is that little thing that will make the most difference in the accomplishment of your goals. - Roopleen
God is a mean-spirited, pugnacious bully bent on revenge against His children for failing to live up to his impossible standards. - Walt Whitman
Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
When did the world begin and how?"I asked a lamb, a goat, a cow:"What's it all about and why?"I asked a hog as he went by:"Where will the whole thing end, and when?"I asked a duck, a goose, a hen:And I copied all the answers too,A quack, a honk, an oink, a moo. - Robert Clairmont
If you’re gonna go broke, go for broke. - Clifford Cohen
Play a bigger part in doing more good in the world, it is good for you and for business. - Wesam Fawzi
The assumption of no God cannot be proven by science." - Scientific Faith"Under the Thelián Sky: Beyond the Great Unknown" (c) 2012 - Frank Olvera
Google can give you all the knowledge, but God gives all the wisdom. - Jaco Snoek
this terror then and drakness of mind must be dispelled not by the rays of the sun and glittering shafts of day, but by the aspect and the law of nature; the warp whose design we shall begin with this first principle, nothing is ever gotten out of nothing by divine power. - Titus Lucretius Carus
What sort of a god are you, my Lord? Your punishments seem barbaric to me. Either that or we are more god-like and you’re merely human-like. - theguywiththebrokenpromise
She ain't my mother, so I ain't gonna get her nothin'.
The ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas-a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish and the ideals to which we are dedicated. - Ronald Reagan
it's all right", he said in a clear voice as if explaining something to a child. "It's quite all right. She's having a rest. We'll be going soon. There's no hurry. You see -" Bond's head sank down against hers and he whispered into her hair - "you see, we've got all the time in the world". - Ian Fleming, On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Three carefully stringed words are worth more than a book of gibberish. It's not the word count but the impact of those words that counts. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Dream is like an Art.Faith is like a Color.Failure is like a Water.If u drop a water on a art,it will affect the art not the color.Never lose it.Life has to go on - Saravanan
If you love someone...feel it, speak it, show it, be it.If you don't feel inspired to show your love in this multidimensional manner...be kind enough to let them go...so they can find someone who will. - Steve Maraboli
You have the power to bring out the best or worst in people. Focus on the good in people and that is what you will get more of. Focus on peoples potential and you can bring out the best in them. The power is in your focus. - Jeanette Coron
Every human being has the same right of achieving this Supreme knowledge (Brahmagyan). When this will be same with each man then only it will carry true value. Each and every man is tied with the same wire. Unless this communism of God is established this will not get its fulfillment. - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Do not think me a maiden who needs saving from a dragon. I am the dragon, and I will set the world aflame. - Sydney Marie Hughes
The Ego is a veil between humans and God’.In prayer all are equal. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Smartass Disciple: Master, I want to eradicate all corruptions in this world.Master of Stupidity: Let it be a bit! Otherwise you'll make us jobless for good. - Toba Beta
When my problems seem overwhelming and impossible to solve, I hold fast to these facts: God is real, He is right, and He cares. - Richelle E. Goodrich
When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over. - Tony McCollum
The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. - H. L. Mencken
Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world. - J. K. Rowling
The singular reason for calamities, destructions, failures and devastations is seen in ignorance of Gods people. - Sunday Adelaja
Make a journey in such a way that it becomes the dream of others even long after you have gone! - Mehmet Murat ildan
God had brought me to my knees and made me acknowledge my own nothingness, and out of that knowledge I had been reborn. I was no longer the centre of my life and therefore I could see God in everything. - Bede Griffiths
Let me love; I will be kind.Let me seek; I will find.Let me try; I will attain.Let me go; I will come again. - Debasish Mridha
I admire some people for their brilliance and I respect others for their strength. But I am indebted to those who can rekindle my spirit. - Steve Goodier
If you are a good leader, you are a good listener. - Miggy Villas
Someone may have a broken heart or someone may have a broken ego. Such people will have to suffer tremendously because of that. - Dada Bhagwan
Stop thinking. I've stopped some 15 years ago. Otherwise, if you will be thinking you won't want to live. Everyone who thinks is unhappy. - Sergei Dovlatov
Good health and happiness are life’s most precious treasures. Those who possess them are blessed. - Ellen J. Barrier
RITUALISM, n. A Dutch Garden of God where He may walk in rectilinear freedom, keeping off the grass. - Ambrose Bierce
Worth is not something you can buy for $39.99, nor something you can lose with 10 extra pounds. Self-judging people make good consumers. Start a revolution. Love yourself. - Vironika Tugaleva
What's the good of a home, if you are never in it? - George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith
Victory occurs when you let God fight your battles. - Jim George
Be good, or be good at it. - Lil Wayne
There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you. - Will Rogers
The good man is the teacher of the bad, And the bad is the material from which the good may learn. He who does not value the teacher, Or greatly care for the material, Is greatly deluded although he may be learned. Such is the essential mystery. - Lao-Tzu
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good health has vanished. - Og Mandino
Ik ben niet bevreesd, noch voor de ouderdom noch voor de dood, maar berusting is me schrikbeeld. Nooit zou ik aan de oevers waar braafheid en gezapigheid wonen, willen aanleggen. Ik ben nu vijfentachtig, ik schrijf nog steeds en ik zou nog tot liefhebben in staat zijn. - Claire Goll
A mother is an irreplaceable gift that God has given every mankind. Your (a child's) duty is to honour, adore, respect and serve her. Your blessings are tied in how honour she felt. - Wisdom Kwashie Mensah
You're not going to hear me singing songs about Wall Street because I don't know anything about that. - Jason Aldean
In the first play, the crisis is Thomas More. In the second it’s Anne Boleyn. In the third book, and the third play, it’s crisis every day, an overlapping series of only just negotiable horrors. It’s climbing and climbing. Then a sudden abrupt fall - within days. - Hilary Mantel
It's entirely possible to base an entire book on a long-forgotten letter. - Sara Sheridan
If you want to Success in your life,Just remember two things1) Your God2) Your Death - Fahad Rashiq
I’ve memorized the best angles in the bathroom mirror from which to see how badly I’ve disintegrated. I truly do go from sixty to zero. - Kris Kidd
I have always derived indescribable pleasure from leading a decent woman to the edge of sin and leaving her there to live between the temptation and the fear of that sin. - Edmond de Goncourt
No, I`m putting it away, trying to buy a house for my family. The goal is to use the money to move into a big house, so my daughter can have a garden. - Ewan McGregor
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, ransom His life to save us all. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People who produce good results feel good about themselves. - Kenneth H. Blanchard
Prayer is not meant to be a burden or used as a badge of holiness. Instead, it is a gift of God that when used properly should yield great victory in our lives. - Paul Silway
The irony of taking Anti Depressants: you take them to feel good but they also make you feel bad or worse because you worry about your purse. - Mico Monsalve
Isso é bem outra coisa", replicou Alberto, "porque um homem que se deixa arrastar por uma paixão violenta perde a faculdade de refletir e deve ser considerado como um ébrio, como um demente. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If you go in thinking that you're smarter than everyone else, you want in a learning very much. If you go in thinking, "I'd sure like to understand this better," you end up doing precisely that. - Alex Gibney
God promised you to give you dreams and visions, see Him as your great dream/vision giver. - Euginia Herlihy
What's the difference between the window manager and the computer club window manager? Well, one's supported software and the other isn't. Your guess is as good as mine.
The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people. - Lucille S. Harper
A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing.She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself - Maya Angelou
Art tends toward balance, order, judgment of relative values, the laws of growth, the economy of living very good things for anyone to be interested in. - Robert Henri
I'm always sorry when pleasant things end. Something still pleasanter may come after, but you can never be sure. - L. M. Montgomery
The expenses of government, having for their object the interests of all, should be borne by every one, and the more a man enjoys the advantages of society, the more he ought to hold himself honoured in contributing to these expenses. - Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot
America is a land where men govern, but women rule. - John Mason Brown
I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles - Audrey Hepburn
God must have a weird sense of values, and if there’s a Judgment Day, as some folks think, He’s going to have a lot to answer for. - Philip Appleman
... I wrote about ... my childhood, when dreams were small and attainable for all. When sweets were a penny and god was a rabbit. - Sarah Winman
What we have to learn, in both meditation and in life, is to be free ofattachment to the good experiences, and free of aversion to the negative ones. - Sogyal Rinpoche
Let it go to let it be. - Debasish Mridha
Let God grow in you. Hear his voice in your need. Let Jesus resurrect you right now, in this life, even before you’re done dying. Let him put your spirit back in your hungry body. - Adam S. Miller
Reason is immortal, all else mortal. - Pythagoras
Health isn’t about being perfect with food or exercise or herbs. Health is about balancing those things with your desires. It’s about nourishing your spirit as well as your body. - Golda Poretsky
Men always makes gods in their own image. - Xenophanes
Rules such as "Write what you know," and "Show, don't tell," while doubtlessly grounded in good sense, can be ignored with impunity by any novelist nimble enough to get away with it. There is, in fact, only one rule in writing fiction: Whatever works, works. - Tom Robbins
There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub. - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Human being may fail you, but God will never forsake thee. - Lailah Gifty Akita
There's a lot going on in Marquis' book, as the author smartly builds off a solid premise...A fresh concept and protagonist that breathe life into a conventional but exciting actioner."-- - Kirkus Reviews
I want to do a good job living today. - Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
Too often my solution is to let something die because I can’t keep it alive, when God’s solution is to let something live because His Son already died for it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I will keep no further journal of that same hesternal torch‐light ; and, to prevent me from returning, like a dog, to the vomit of memory, I tear out the remaining leaves of this volume... - George Gordon Byron
Nightmares are not dreams. A good dream does not leave the dreamer in darkness, confusion and terror. Start having dreams, not nightmares! - Michael Bassey Johnson
Never be too angry beyond repairs. Anger is nothing good to be part of your tributes. Are you angry with someone? The sun is sinking, just drop it now. - Israelmore Ayivor
I am persuaded that normal human beings are biologically built for an activity that is aimed toward a goal and that idleness, or aimless work (like Auschwitz's Arbeit), gives rise to suffering and to atrophy. - Primo Levi
The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close-up. The shortcut to closing a door is to bury yourself in the details. This is how we must look to God. As if everything's just fine. - Chuck Palahniuk
I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose.
I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within. - Lillian E. Smith
In the history of a soul’s evolution there is a critical point of the human incarnation that decides for us whether we stay there, go down or progress upwards. There is a knot of worldly desires impeding us; cut the knot by mastering desires and go forward. This done, progress is assured. - Virchand Gandhi
The thing is that when you find true love.... it lives on.No matter if you two seperate but the love stays alive; broken, gasping for breath, love and affection, but in agony, waiting for everything to end. But Sadly, It lives on... in memories and thought's. - Alamvusha
The most important lesson that I have learned is to trust God in every circumstance. Lots of times we go through different trials and following God's plan seems like it doesn't make sense at all. God is always in control and he will never leave us. - Allyson Felix
you keep me going when i feel like a flat tyreyou do my head right, like a hair dryercan i call you my machanic since you change my mood and get me feeling like i have got a spare tyre. - Mohlalefi j motsima
No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. - Alfred Tennyson
Someone else's vision will never be as good as your own vision of your self. Live and die with it 'cause in the end it’s all you have. Lose it and you lose yourself and everything else. I should have listened to myself. - Georgia O'Keeffe
Religion is for those who don't want to go to Hell. Spirituality is for those of us who have already been through it. - Anonymous
there is something magical and addicting about going somewhere, being alone, and finding yourself in parts of the world you never knew existed, finding parts of yourself you never knew you would find. - Ava
With God, a mountain before me is soon to be a memory behind me. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
So, we eat again. Well, perhaps the relationship wouldn’t go anywhere, but I would certainly put on a few pounds. - Max Gordon
During the first few minutes of your presentation, your job is to assure the audience members that you are not going to waste their time and attention. - Dale Ludwig
Perhaps we all have a face behind a face…Good and the bad, happy and sad, sane and insane. We all have an angel and the stranger and we all have the choice! - Nino Varsimashvili
people are too quick to give their hearts away, i mean, be fearless; run wild into their arms, but for goodness sake know your worth. A being of wisdom knows their heart is the breath of their existence and only a honorable love deserves to feel it at its purest form. - Nikki Rowe
The concept of virginity is a social construct. If you’re wondering if my commercial value, self-respect, and/or quality of my immortal soul has been affected by things that have gone in or out of my vagina the answer is no. - Christy Leigh Stewart
Selfishness, control, and fear will break almost any relationship. Generosity, freedom, and love will create the most beautiful relationship: an ongoing romance. - Don Miguel Ruiz
To the ego, love is poison. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
I think one of the things you and I have to learn is that we have to live without the consolation of belonging to a Church....Of one thing I am certain. The religion of the future will have to be extremely ascetic, and by that I don't mean just going without food and drink. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
A day will come when there will be no battlefields, but markets opening to commerce and minds opening to ideas. - Victor Hugo
We ask God to forgive us for our evil thoughts and evil temper, but rarely, if ever ask Him to forgive us for our sadness.
Music is a discipline, and a mistress of order and good manners, she makes the people milder and gentler, more moral and more reasonable. - Martin Luther
Souls woven together by the gods can never be unraveled.
Everyone gets forgotten because of Alzheimer's, ignored because of ignorance about oneself and replaced because of trying to stay in the same place. - Amit Abraham
If you cannot teach others what you have learned, then you have learned nothing. - Balan Gothandaraman
I like feeling like I'm something , That I'm some ones. i never had this be fore . its really pretty all light and pink and green like a spring day but with a few grey clouds that come and go and help the flowers grow . This feeling it's love. - Lizzy Blue
Learning to read music in Braille & play by ear helped me develop a [very] good memory. - Ray Charles
Writing a novel is like going a great distance to take a small shit. - Harlan Ellison
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more. - Woody Allen
Even God would say"Finish the task you have undertaken". He would never recommend breaking her mother's heart, damaging her parents' lives. "Your mother and then your mother and then your mother," the Prophet had said, "and then your father." But what about her own life? What is to become of that? - Ahdaf Soueif
The sin which makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah than the good deed which turns you arrogant.
Blake's song isn't really a song for England alone," said Dym. "It's a song for every land. We're all building the unseen Jerusalem together. But the powers of darkness don't want to see a time when the earth shall be filled with the glory of the God as the waters cover the sea. - Constance Savery
Reading is accumulating knowledge. But not only that. Reading offers us every day what religion promises us for a posthumous and improbable future: the possibility of living beyond what our lifetime allows us to. - Camilo Gomes Jr.
For example, it is only by work we extract gold from the soil. It takes work to discover the oil that is already deposited in the ground. It is work that turns a hill of coal into karats of diamond. - Sunday Adelaja
Libraries are not made; they grow. Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one. - Augustine Birrell
Almost everything: all external expectations, all pride all fear of embarrassment or failure. These tings just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. - Steve Jobs
I'd forgotten not all victories are about saving the universe. - Steven Moffat
I may be Anti-Big Government, but only because I am Pro-Human. - Gary Hopkins
Every time you understand something, religion becomes less likely. Only with the discovery of the double helix and the ensuing genetic revolution have we had grounds for thinking that the powers held traditionally to be the exclusive property of the gods might one day be ours. . . . - James D. Watson
To know God and to live is one and the same thing. God is life. - Leo Tolstoy
You put a new heart in Emma a long time ago, it just wasn’t the kind you were thinking of. He laughed to himself. Hope is an amazing thing. I saw it in Emma, saw it with my own eyes. - Charles Martin
But God is the God of the waves and the billows, and they are still His when they come over us; and again and again we have proved that the overwhelming thing does not overwhelm. Once more by His interposition deliverance came. We were cast down, but not destroyed. - Amy Carmichael
It isn't where you came from; it's where you're going that counts. - Ella Fitzgerald
A long time ago, I gave up trying to understand how other people think. - Dr Margaret Aranda
A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm,waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm likeworship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, theirsongs never cease. -, naturalist, explorer, and writer (1838-1914) - John Muir
Your soul is a paradise. Where gods fell in love with the demons. Where darkness and light fought, for each other's place creating an unending chaos. You are the beginning of everything, that my mind failed to incarnate. - Akshay Vasu
Spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served; deny it food and it will gobble poison.
Sometimes in the great soundtrack of our lives there are no words, there are only emotions; I believe this is why God gave us classical music. - Anonymous
Serious literature does not exist to make life easy but to complicate it. - Witold Gombrowicz
Jim: By the way Artie. How are you going to escape?Artie: Oh, the usual way. Guile.. cunning...trickery.Wild Wild West Season 3Night of the Arrow - Wild Wild West TV
People living godly will dwell on high. Meaning wealth, honour, prosperity, fame, elevation, joy etc. - Sunday Adelaja
What God hath joined together no man shall put asunder: God will take care of that. - George Bernard Shaw
The future will never bend to the fleeting hopes of the man."From "Lucifer's Ladder: God of the Fallen, Book One - W.D. Frank
Belief, Faith, and God do not ask you to follow them blindly. Choose it with all your heart! - Nikita Dudani
Everyone who got to where they are had to begin where they were. - Richard Paul Evans
Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze. - Elinor Glyn
You can hear my dreams? God, you must never get any quiet. I'd be shooting myself in the head if I were you. - Jeaniene Frost
Be a goal-setter, a go-getter, all the while, moving, in humility and kindness. - Kamini Arichandran
Usually when your imagination is bigger then one's comprehension, this normally means you've out grown the small circle. Get with like-mined people and go after your vision.By T-cupp - Takina Cupp
The secret to being a good traveler is liking a place before you get there. - Marty Rubin
Is apathy not the nature of God? - Lionel Suggs
I don't want to sound Pollyannaish, but I hope that out of a tragedy like this something good will come. I hope we understand we're one family. - Madeleine Albright
Just because all your friends are doing it, doesn't mean you have to follow suit. Don't be a blind follower, you don't know where you're going. - Lik Hock Yap
An author in his book must be like God in the universe, present everywhere and visible nowhere. - Gustave Flaubert
Difficulties & Challenges become our strength when we focus the goal. - Gaurav GRV Sharma
Good sex is the basis of any truly civilized society. - Gil A. Waters
Some books are undeservedly forgotten; none are undeservedly remembered. - W. H. Auden
Good or bad is created by humans and pertains only to them. - Jeff Tikari
My god, they're everywhere. - Kellie Thacker
Copy cats may seem good at what they are doing, but they will never find a spot at the top. - Cyc Jouzy
The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals. - Rensis Likert
Can we share my eyes so you can see what I see?Can we share my ears so you can hear what I hear?Can you perch on my shouldersso you can go where I go?Always in my heart, I don’t experience anything separate from you.This shared wonderment becomes doubled.This shared love becomes infinite. - Kamand Kojouri
Only the faithful God knows the future. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People are naturally born as Libertarians till governments and oppressive societies force them to adopt their ideologies and their ways. - Hany Ghoraba
Don't pray that God's on our side, pray that we're on his side. - Abraham Lincoln
Listen.Do you see that you can’t hear snowfall?Look.Do you sensethat you can’t see love?Touch.Do you graspthat you can’t catch poems?Try.Smell this glass. Go on taste this cloud.These material senses won’t get you far untilyou feelthe velvet glove caress your soul. - Kamand Kojouri
No fiction is worth reading except for entertainment. If it entertains and is clean, it is good literature, or its kind. If it forms the habit of reading, in people who might not read otherwise, it is the best literature. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
Sometimes you have to go a little crazy before you can find sanity. I think I'm close. - Tawny Lara
Making our worst decisions in life, can destroy us, but God is trying to Rebuild us - Gary Louis
No one should have to go through life without forgiveness. It's essential - C. Kennedy Omorphi
A high hope for a low heaven: God grant us patience! - William Shakespeare
Grounding is taking a conscious effort to retract oneself from the world’s distractions, and then focusing on listening to isolate the voice of God within from the voice of the ego. The voice of God within is where all the answers lie. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
You can't do a good deal with a bad guy. The dishonesty tax is too high and is not something you will factor into your side of the equation. - Chet Billingsley
I NEVER KNEW YOU."Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God. - Mac Canoza
No matter how bad you think this day is going, affirm: "I'm alive, I'm growing, I'm learning, and it is only temporary. - Karen A. Baquiran
The purpose of learning is not to give exams in class and forget about it, but to increase the knowledge until they possess an area of the earth for God almighty - Sunday Adelaja
We can allow satellites, planets, suns, universe, nay whole systems of universes, to be governed by laws, but the smallest insect, we wish to be created at once by special act. - Charles Darwin
That was the crux. You. Only you could work on you. Nobody could force you, and if you weren't ready, then you weren't ready, and no amount of open-armed encouragement was going to change that. - Norah Vincent
Our sacred duty is to proclaim and preach the gospel of salvation to all people from every nation. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You have the itch for writing born in you. It's quite incurable. What are you going to do with it? - L.M. Montgomery
We unfortunately identify people by their religion, but my question is that, how can you say that we got different religious when we all smile in a same language..! - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
She wasn't scared of going deep, deep down in a world of no air and little light - Katherine Paterson
I don’t want to look. I’ve got to look. Vance... "Vital Perception - D.L. Given
When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things. - Gordon Atkinson
Much better stay in company!To love you must have someone else,Giving requires a legatee,Good neighbours need whole parishfulsOf folk to do it on - in short,Our virtues are all social; if,Deprived of solitude, you chafe,It's clear you're not the virtuous sort. - Philip Larkin
Two good indicators of revealed preferences are things the people tend to value a lot: time and money. If you look at how they spend their time and how they spend their money, you can infer quite a lot about their real preferences. - Douglas W. Hubbard
Music is the only truth that everyone do listen, feels, believes and loves. - Navnath Godse
It doesn't do any good to sit up and take notice if you keep on sitting.
To grow mature is to separate more distinctly, to connect more closely. - Hugo Von Hofmannsthal
Act with God's compassion, mercy and forgiveness in mind and you will always be right. Act with revenge in your heart and you will always be wrong. - Shannon L. Alder
I started out with nothing and I've still got most of it left. - Seasick Steve
The best cure for worry, depression, melancholy, brooding, is to go deliberately forth and try to lift with one's sympathy the gloom of somebody else. - Arnold Bennett
I celebrate myself, I paint and dance and sing myself, and what I assume you will assume, for every atom as of me as good belongs to dreamy You. I am a song. I am a poem. I am the soil and a gem. I am a stargate and a voyage. I am the ocean and your soul. - Oksana Rus
But already it is time to depart, for me to die, for you to go on living; which of us takes the better course, is concealed from anyone except God. - Socrates
You can be gorgeous at thirty, charmimg at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life. - Coco Chanel
War doesn't have heroes, it only has the men who lost so many things in their life that they just keep going and do the most unthinkable things, just because they don't care anymore. - Wouter Van Gastel
I'm going to write a book about an intelligent woman who does stupid things when it comes to men. I'll call it, "My Memoirs. - N.M. Silber
Open your eyes that you might see that all things are possible through you (with God's help) - Robert A. Schuller
Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and adventures are the shadow truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes and forgotten. - Neil Gaiman
Praying is not telling God what to do. It’s trusting that God knows what to do. - Stormie Omartian
Only when we pay attention and notice small moments, do we make the connections that lead to a change in our perspective. - Andrea Goeglein
You've got to make an effort to get the details right, because even through someone picks it up and knows it's a novel, they know someone's made it up and they know it's not real, if you make a small mistake they will cease to imaginatively engage with the story. - Sara Sheridan
The Church is going to have to recognise that secularisation is not the cause of their decline, it is the result of it. - Keith Porteous Wood
A GOOD man values his INTEGRITY and CHARACTER. NEVER deal with one that has no SELF RESPECT! - L. Michelle
If you want to have the time of your life, change how you use the time in your life. - Tim Fargo
If you banish the dragons, you banish the heroes... - Andrew Solomon
I write because, as wonderful as life is - and it is truly wonderful - it isn't enough. It does not, for example, contain dragons. I find this unsatisfactory. So I read. And I write. - Laini Taylor
Be so good they can’t ignore you. - Steve Martin
I don't want that boy to fall over for just a bird that forgot that her wings are broken. - Ade Santi
Prayer is not about asking what you want, but what God wants. - Shannon L. Alder
With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown. - Chinese proverb
The lessons this life has planted in my heart pertain more to caring than crops, more to Golden Rule than gold, more to the proper choice than to the popular choice. - Kirby Larson
The problem Christians have isn’t our belief in what God could do, but on what God should do. - Todd Stocker
Nostalgia is the intimate refuge of every man and every woman in a world seemingly gone mad. - John Larkins
When you can't escape your mind then God is telling your heart to catch up. Fight for the balance you need. - Shannon L. Alder
If Jesus came back and saw what was going on in his name, he'd never stop throwing-up. - Woody Allen
HIPPOGRIFF, n. An animal (now extinct) which was half horse and half griffin. The griffin was itself a compound creature, half lion and half eagle. The hippogriff was actually, therefore, a one-quarter eagle, which is two dollars and fifty cents in gold. The study of zoology is full of surprises. - Ambrose Bierce
My ego is the wall between you and me. - Debasish Mridha
If the Socialism is Authoritarian; if there are Governments armed with economic power as they are now with political power; if, in a word, we are to have Industrial Tyrannies, then the last state of man will be worse than the first. - Oscar Wilde
I love God, Jesus Christ, my three children, mother, father, brother, sisters, family in general, my pets, my students, and true friends. - Ana Monnar
I am convinced that we as adults must constantly cling to, affirm, and celebrate with our children those things we love, sunsets, laughter, the taste of a good meal, the warmth of a hickory fire shared by real friends, the joy of discovery and accomplishment, the constant surprises of life. - Eliot Wigginton
Its sometimes important to not take life so seriously, so life could woo you by showing you some good time. - Rupali Rajopadhye Rotti
If you allow it, [suffering] can be the means by which God brings you His greatest blessings. - Charles R. Swindoll
If we truly believe that we are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ, our actions would begin to reflect that belief. - Alisa Hope Wagner
For the love of God, unless you’re prepping for Rigoletto at the Met, go easy on the eyeliner. - Cheryl Cory
You’re saying you don’t want me?Aw hell. No, I’m saying this is a bad idea.You’re the king of bad ideas, he reminds me. At least this one ends with both of us feeling good. - Elle Kennedy & Sarina Bowen
Sometimes a girl's gotta be bad to be good.Murder in the Dog Park - Jill Yesko
One shouldn't forget his goal ever, whether he has to lose his personality on way to get it. Because to recognize aim and to achieve it, is the real life. - M.H. Rakib
About the most originality that any writer can hope to achieve honestly is to steal with good judgment. - Josh Billings
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Being a good person doesn't mean you fit the life of every person you meet. - Shannon L. Alder
Exageras tudo e, por certo, cometes pelo menos o erro de aceitar o suicídio, que é do que estamos falando agora, como se fosse uma grande ação, quando não é nada mais do que simplesmente fraqueza. Pois, para ser sincero, é mais fácil morrer do que suportar com firmeza uma vida de tormentos. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy...neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. - John W. Gardner
What is love? As far as I can tell, is is passion, admiration, and respect. If you have two, you have enough. If you have all three, you dont have to die to go to heaven.
To take control of your life ... just let go! - Stephen Richards
I got my wife a mood ring. It works real good! When shes in a good mood it turns blue, but when shes in a bad mood theres a red mark across my forehead - Jeff Foxworthy
God's plan will never look easy when you are sitting in hell. KEEP MOVING! - Shannon L. Alder
You may have tangible wealth untold. Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be -I had a mother who read to me - Strickland W. Gillilan
Actors are good liars, writers are good liars with good memories. - Daniel Keys Moran
Goo can't be return from dead person, revive him and you will see an evil thing. WHich isn't really that the person... (Pet Semetary 1 by Stephen King) - Deyth Banger
Everybody is standing, but you must stand out.Everybody is breaking grounds; but you must breakthrough!Everybody scratching it; but you must scratch it hard!Everybody is going, but you must keep going extra miles!Dare to be exceptionally excellent and why not? - Israelmore Ayivor
The blessings of God are inexhaustible. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People are so fucking dumb. Nobody reads anymore, nobody goes out and looks and explores the society and culture they were brought up in. People have attention spans of five seconds and as much depth as a glass of water. - David Bowie
Why would we want fame, when God promises us glory? Why would we be seeking the wealth of the world when the wealth of heaven is ours? Why would we run for a crown that will perish with time, when we're called to win a crown that is imperishable? - Paul David Washer
Is your country under great dangers? Light is gone and the darkness is everywhere? You don’t know whom to trust and what to do? Read the history of your country! There you will find out the best map for the way out! - Mehmet Murat ildan
His eyes are covered by impermeable marble, a solidity that can never be breached. You think there is gold and warmth behind the facade of cold, but if only you could see your reflection in the marble. You would see how you burn, how brightly you glow, enough to incinerate anyone else whole. - Hubert Martin
Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun. - Alan W. Watts
In a world of complete economic equality, you get and keep the affections you deserve. You can’t buy love with gifts or favors, you can’t hold love by raising an inadequate child, and you can’t be secure in love by serving as a good scrub woman or a good provider. - B.F. Skinner
In between saying something and achieving it, there is some pothole to fill; that’s doing it. Goals are pursued with the word GO and visions with the word VENTURE. You can’t be living always in the promise of the cloud; it must rain now! - Israelmore Ayivor
Courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes."[The Rectorial Address Delivered by James M. Barrie at St. Andrew's University May 3, 1922, to the Red Gowns of St. Andrews, Canada, 1922] - J.M. Barrie
The bad fortune of the good turns their faces up to heaven; the good fortune of the bad bows their heads down to the earth. - Saadi
If something is too hard to do, then it's not worth doing. You just stick that guitar in the closet next to your shortwave radio, your karate outfit and your unicycle and we'll go inside and watch TV. - Matt Groening
Only God can judge me so I'm gone, either love me or leave me alone. - Jay-Z
Smile even when you're going through some hard times. - Alcurtis Turner
It seems to me that people have vast potential. Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever. - Philip Adams
Be content to love, to dazzle in the light,If only for moments…And then be gone,With gladness in your heart,Before the creeping shadowsClaim too much your sadness at leaving. - Scott Hastie
There Is Only One Gospel... But The Preaching Is Different. - Cyc Jouzy
If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. - George Gordon Byron
Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it s amazing what they can accomplish. - Sam Walton
We(Pakistan) will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own (Atom bomb).... We have no other choice! - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Ironically, girls who don't think so much about their family and are a little bit self-centred are not only happier themselves but also maintain good relationships with their families. - Farahad Zama
When I told the people of Northern Ireland that I was an atheist, a woman in the audience stood up and said, "Yes, but is it the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants in whom you don't believe?" - Quentin Crisp
I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower - the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence. - Helen Keller
Don't go a-hunting for a moose where there ain't no moose to hunt. - Richard E McCallum
Valkyrie, if there was ever a cradle to be robbed ... Gods, just look at him." ...... "Face it, Nat, this is one tiger who will never be jumping through your flaming hoop-- - Kresley Cole
It is not a perception, but a person's good intention that makes a good difference in the people's lives. - Anuj Somany
The days go by, through the brief silence of winter, when the sunshine is so still and pure, like iced wine, and the dead leaves gleam brown, and water sounds hoarse in the ravines. - D.H. Lawrence
In a democratic country everything is very simple: If you choose a good government, good things will happen; if you choose a bad government, bad things will happen! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul. - Johann Sebastian Bach
Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just. - Victor Hugo
Imagination is a place where a rational mind travels in time to meet it's god, "The Infinite Mind"! - Vishwanath S J
People do not deserve good writing, they are so pleased with bad. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
When the Black Camel comes for me, I'm not going to go kicking and screaming. I am, however, going to try to talk my way out of it. "No, no, you want the other Walter Slovotsky."
Those who wish to sit, shut their eyes,and meditate to know if the world's true or lies,may do so. It's their choice. But I meanwhilewith hungry eyes that can't be satisfiedshall take a look at the world in broad daylight. - Rabindranath Tagore
Travel does what good novelists also do to the life of everyday, placing it like a picture in a frame or a gem in its setting, so that the intrinsic qualities are made more clear. Travel does this with the very stuff that everyday life is made of, giving to it the sharp contour and meaning of art. - Freya Stark
Writing is like sausage making in my view; you'll all be happier in the end if you just eat the final product without knowing what's gone into it. - George R.R. Martin
Everyone is as God has made him, and oftentimes a great deal worse. - Miguel de Cervantes
There are few qualities more vital than a strong yearning. That desire to reach a little farther, to be a little more, yearning...for a piece of something greater, can often make all the difference. - Steve Goodier
It is no accident that the words discipline and disciple resemble each other in the English language. The most common word in the Gospels for a Christian is disciple. - Billy Graham
All that I've learned, I've forgotten. The little that I still know, I've guessed. - Nicolas Chamfort
Reading the scriptures through the lenses of the Law you see God as unapproachable, through the lenses of Grace you see the outstretched arms of Jesus saying "come". - John Paul Warren
whatsoever is, is in God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived - Baruch Spinoza
We pray because of that, to have less discomfort in life. This prayer is left unanswered for some reasons. The reason is not far-fetched God is not interested in your comfort. He is more interested in your purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
Science gives an exact photograph of the world, but it lacks an essential dimension of reality. - Alija Izetbegović
To be real is to be who you are according to the purpose which God wants you to accomplish but not to be who people want you to be according to what they think you should be. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our goodness is our wealth and when we close our eyes to the tragedies of the hard lives, we start losing our wealth! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When I’m depressed, I read Caeiro he’s my fresh air. I become very calm, content, faithful yes, I find faith in God, and in the soul’s transcendent living smallness, after reading the poems by that ungodly anti-humanist who goes unsurpassed on earth. - Álvaro de Campos
A definite recipe for success is when you take persistent action on a strong definite goal. - Debasish Mridha
Evolution is a part of nature. The world has strayed away from God, and now interprets its conception for the benefit of blissful ignorance. - Lionel Suggs
Though it be honest, it is never good to bring bad news: give to a gracious message an host of tongues; but let ill tidings tell themselves when they be felt. - William Shakespeare
For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest, whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame, if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline: think on these things. - Anonymous
It is good for a student to be poor. Getting and spending, the typical American college student lays waste his powers. Work and contemplation don't mix, and university days ought to be days of contemplation. - Russell Kirk
Yo no soy mexicano. Yo no soy gringo. Yo no soy chicano. No soy gringo en USA y mexicano en Mexico. Soy chicano en todas partes. No tengo que asimilarme a nada. Tengo mi propia historia. - Carlos Fuentes
Alas! Charles made the promise glibly, and forgot all about it. - Whipplesnaith
The adversaries main goal is to confuse & discourage the great. - Auliq-Ice
If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. - George Harrison
Letting go is to love yourself enough to look at the past with a different perspective. It is to accept that you can't change the past, but that you can change whether your perspective poisons or nourishes you. - Steve Maraboli
It takes courage to let go of the past and all the mechanisms you have put in place, in order to ease your pain, regret and fear through avoiding responsibility for it. - Shannon L. Alder
Good tells us that our agenda is the agenda of the person next to us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God must hate common people, because he made them so common.
I’m floating. I’m flowing. I’m loving, but I’m going. - Dominic Riccitello
weather you scream or mime , im going going to those lips with cream. - Albert malete
Dear Homeschool Mom, You've got this! God called you to it, and He will see you through it. Inhale Grace. Exhale Doubt. - Tamara L. Chilver
I hate it when I go into a Snack Shack and they're out of Blue Ice. The other slushie flavors taste like cheap candy. - Daven Anderson
When it comes to taking chances, some people like to play poker or shoot dice; other people prefer to parachute jump, go rhino hunting, or climb ice floes, while still others engage in crime or marriage. But I like to get drunk and drive like a fool. - P. J. O'Rourke
You have to forget about what other people say; when you're supposed to die, when you're supposed to be lovin'. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven. - Jimi Hendrix
She makes me love her and I like people who make me love them. It saves me so much trouble in making myself love them. - L. M. Montgomery
You were saved not by work, but for work. Do it till all is done. By your Inventions, Innovations, Initiatives, Improvements, Involvements, Imaginations, Information, Interventions and Inspirations... Go the extra mile and dare to do it. - Israelmore Ayivor
When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points. - Confucius
Like a fountain of refreshing water in the dusty, dry desert streets, a heart God fills with His love ministers life and health. - Elizabeth George
The older I grow, the more I am convinced that there is no education which one can get from books and costly apparatus that is equal to that which can be gotten from contact with great men and women. - Booker T. Washington
Self Respect " respects boundaries, yours or other's,"Ego" is so full of self, it sees no boundaries. - Wordions
I tell you, I'm half tempted to break into CIA custody just so I can break Joe Solomon out of CIA custody just so I can break Joe Solomon - Ally Carter Only the Good Spy Young
When we see something different, we judge them either bad or good. But when see something similar we take it as a norm. So does it justify that morality is the epitome good or bad, or vice versa. - SYL
Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more.
A merry heart goes all the day, your sad tires in a mile-a. - William Shakespeare
Some people don't care if they live or they die.Some people want to know what it feels like to fly.They gather their courage and they give it a tryAnd fall under the wheels of time going by. - Patty Griffin
You don't know how you got there or how it's going to end, but how you deal when you´re in it is what makes you a man - J.M. Bardsley
Achieving your goal is greatExceeding your goal is exceptionalExceeding your goal and teaching others is Leadership - Joseph Swenson
It drives on with a courage which is stronger than the storm. It drives on with a mercy which does not quail in the presence of death. It drives on as proof, a symbol, a testimony that man is created in the image of God and that valour and virtue have not perished in the British race.
They (the French) have taken genius instead of reason for their guide, adopted experiment instead of experience, and wander in the dark because they prefer lightning to light. - Gouverneur Morris
What you saw is what I showed you. What you are seeing is what I'm showing you. What you are going to see, you can't even imagine the future me. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
You can’t live your life thinking death is going to come all the time. You have to live life and if it comes, then we can only hope we were able to do all the things we wanted. He has to want to do something. Everyone does. - Shelena Shorts
I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half. - Jay Gould
Love in its essence is unconditional. When conditions, exceptions, and ultimatums are cast into the mix, its purity changes. It is no longer love and should be referred to by a less-desirable name. - Richelle E. Goodrich
She can feel her vanished talent like a phantom limb, the empty ache of its subtraction from the short list of her assets, and she knows with spiteful certainty that it is gone for good. - Christina Moracho
Talent develops in tranquility, character in the full current of human life. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Friend," replied Michael Strogoff, "Heaven reward thee for all thou hast done for me!""Only fools expect reward on earth," replied the mujik. - Jules Verne
Mythology is like a game of Chinese Whispers. What goes in at one end of the human circle is rarely what emerges at the other end. - Ashwin Sanghi
BIG books are better. There, I said it and it's true. - Richelle E. Goodrich
....I've got to get to the top of the hill..
Fashion is about going ahead, not about memory. - Karl Lagerfeld
Materialist deny God because they can't smell a rose with a powerful telescope. - Adriano Bulla
Go beyond the sky! - Lailah Gifty Akita
The leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it.
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult. - E. B. White
As I rolled over, stretching out, my only thought was to go back to the dream I'd been having, which I couldn't remember, other than that it had been good, in that distant, hopeful way unreal things can be. - Sarah Dessen
I've become too responsible since I met you..." #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion - OlgaGOA
This is the true measure of love: when we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will ever love in the same way after us. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane. - Jimmy Buffett
Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It's good to be silly at the right moment. - Horace
The reason God never fails is because he fears to fail - adelaja precious
The tears of God are the meaning of history. - Nicholas Wolterstorff
Be careful which spirit you allow to dwell in your body. It is better to allow good spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
What good literature can do and does do—far greater than any importation of morality—is touch the human soul. - Karen Swallow Prior
If you're going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it or else you're going to be locked up. - Hunter S. Thompson
Only those who sow seeds of change can hope to grow and reap a harvest. - Andrea Goeglein
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. - Vincent Van Gogh
I don't like being called Elvis The Pelvis. That's gotta be one of the most childish expressions I've ever heard coming from an adult. - Elvis Presley
Most Girls think that the every boy they don't like is not good but they didn't see the inner soul of them. - Udayveer Singh
There is nothing that is going to make people hate you more, and love you more, than telling the truth. - Stefan Molyneux
Write what should not be forgotten. - Isabel Allende
For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible… everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. Colossians 1:16 (MSG) - Rick Warren
It no longer makes me cry and die and tear myself to see her go because everything goes away from me like that now girls, visions, anything, just in the same way and forever and I accept lostness forever. - Jack Kerouac
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment - Jim Rohn
Even as I hold you, I am letting you go. - Alice Walker
You can not go on forever stealing what you need without regard to those who come after. - Frank Herbert
Many people over forty have at least one health condition that affects their ability to work a forty hour work week effectively. Human Resources (HR), doctors and governments have known this fact for decades. - Steven Magee
Gods tender mercies are over all His creatures. - Psalm 145 9
We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all: Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love. The freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us! - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
It's not what you've got, it's what you use that makes a difference. - Zig Ziglar
Wander, and leave a trail of freedom wherever you go. - Marty Rubin
I do believe that characters in novels belong to their writers and their readers pretty equally. I've learned a lot of things about the characters I write from people who read about them. Readers expand them in ways I don't think of and take them to places I can't go. - Ann Brashares
I wonder why people so commonly suppose that if two individuals are both writers they must therefore be hugely congenial," said Anne, rather scornfully. "Nobody would expect two blacksmiths to be violently attracted toward each other merely because they were both blacksmiths. - L.M. Montgomery
The powers that be are ordained of God, - Bible
A good relationship is with someone who knows all your insecurities and imperfections but still loves you for who you are - Anonymous
Good art is always dangerous, always open-ended. Once you put it out in the world you lose control of it; people will fit it into their minds in all sorts of different ways. - Greil Marcus
Where'd the days go, when all we did was play? And the stress that we were under wasn't stress at all just a run and a jump into a harmless fall - Paolo Nutini
When I’ve lost my way or when I am confused about a path to take, I remember that most answers I need I already possess deep inside. I am naturally creative, resourceful and whole. If I consult my invisible compass, I’ll know what to do. - Steve Goodier
Those who can truly be accounted brave are those who best know the meaning of what is sweet in life and what is terrible, and then go out, undeterred, to meet what is to come. - Pericles
But God has set no traps for us. Quite the contrary. He has summoned us to the only true and full freedom. - Elisabeth Elliot
The world is not worthless but one should know how to get work done from it, because everyone is God, they all have different work to do. Therefore do not have dislike for anything in this world. - Dada Bhagwan
Talvez nosso amor seja feito de borboletas. Em meu estômago carrego um cemitério nosso - Ben Oliveira
Good is not a thing you are. It is a thing you do. - G. Willow Wilson
And though, indeed, it only happened once, it’s gone on happening, the way unique and momentous things do, for ever and ever, as long as there’s a memory for them to happen in - Graham Swift
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is god, just, and beautiful, of which it is the invisible, but never less, dazzaling, passionate, and eternal form. - Plato
I've got nothing to do today but smile. - Paul Simon
Characters who simply have goals opposed by others do not create the effects of a story. - Bill Johnson
Poetry is no rocket science, a good poet writes from his heart! - Saru Singhal
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
People see God every day; they just don't recognize Him. - Pearl Bailey
Usually after a good puke you feel better right away. We hugged each other and then said good-bye and went off to opposite ends of the hall to lie down in our own rooms. There is nothing like puking with somebody to make you into old friends. - Sylvia Plath
He that is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else. - Benjamin Franklin
Dunia Mfumo wa Jua wa Sol Solar Interstellar Neighborhood Njiamaziwa Local Galactic Group Virgo Supecluster Local Supercluster Ulimwengu unaoonekana Ulimwengu. Huu ndiyo ukoo wa dunia yetu. Chochote alichokifanya Yoshua kilitokea katika ukoo huu. - Enock Maregesi
We both know... that soon everything is going to end......This chat will be in the past... but what to do on that riddle or puzzle or mystery...???? - Deyth Banger
I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life. - Scott Corbett
Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wednesday had come and gone in a single breath. As I dreamt of divine love, Picasso, and a vast field of gold, a new dawn had already begun. - Terry A. O'Neal
Science was born, when religion failed to find the God! - Vishwanath S J
I hate pain, despite my ability to tolerate it beyond all known parameters, which is not necessarily a good thing. - Hunter S. Thompson
Ciertos toques aquí y allá eran vagos indicios de símbolos y estímulos latentes que, si hubiésemos tenido otro trasfondo mental y emocional y un sistema sensorial totalmente diferente, habrían tenido un profundo significado para nosotros. - H.P. Lovecraft
I won't say ours was a tough school, but we had our own coroner. We used to write essays like "What I'm Going to be If I Grow Up - Lenny Bruce
Nothing lasts longer than a temporary government program. - Ronald Reagan
You can do anything you think you can. This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods, for through it you can solve every human problem. It should make of you an incurable optimist. It is the open door. - Robert Collier
I do not know who God is; but I have witnessed the Healing Power of Love, the Beauty of Nature, and the Wisdom of my Soul. If God can be understood in those terms, then don't you think, we all have already found the truth? I feel humanity needs to Stop Searching and Start Living the Truth. - Manprit Kaur
May be its a good idea to write something about you in my book... At least then, there will be a place where we will meet everyday... and be together forever! - Anamika Mishra
we must bringour own lightto thedarkness. - Charles Bukowski
I Believe When People Go To Hell, They Relive Their Worst Life Experience, Over And Over Again. - Chris Mentillo
I shall give life here my best, and I believe it will give its best to me in return. - L. M. Montgomery
Face everyday with positive thoughts & God will do the rest for you. :) - Kyrell Pena
Esta es una revolución que ningún poder logrará controlar porque biopoder y comunismo, cooperación y revolución, permanecen juntos, en amor, simplicidad y también inocencia. Esta es la irreprimible alegría y gozo de ser comunistas. - Antonio Negri; Michael Hardt
Perfection itself is not the ultimate goalbut the ultimate condition of life. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Grant me the wisdom to know when to keep trying and when to stop wasting time, the patience to keep going with the 1st, and the courage & serenity to let go of the 2nd. - Jay Woodman
I realize how depraved it was to instill false guilt in an innocent child's conscience, causing a distorted image of life, God, & self, leaving little if any feeling of personal worth. - Mary Griffith
The habits of a vigorous mind are born in contending with difficulties. - Abigail Adams
To truly strip a man of everything, one must take away his community, money, and corrode the core of his beliefs until he is left bathed in the agony of isolation. - Leinad Eibam, Published Poet
You cannot stay the way you are and go with God. - Henry T. Blackaby
Human pain does not let go of its grip at one point in time. Rather, it works its way out of our consciousness over time. There is a season of sadness. A season of anger. A season of tranquility. A season of hope. - Robert Veninga
Seeds are proof that God puts within you what is supposed to enrich the world around you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Doubt never brings anything better; Doubt only gets the goodies of doubt! Shake your doubt! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
It does not take a man to stand with the strong, it takes a man to stand with the weak and oppose the strong. - GonzoBilly
When we first met, I didn't want to get involved with anyone. I didn't have the time or energy, and I wasn't sure that I was ready for it. But you were so good to me, and I got swept up in that. And little by little, I found myself falling in love with you. - Nicholas Sparks
If the world got any smaller, we'd all have to go on a diet. - Tom Robbins
People are simply incapable of prolonged, sustained goodness. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
While people pray in temples, God sends prophets with unacceptable appearances and by doing so easily selects the elect - Daniel Marques
Last night I did things my mother told me not to with the people I shouldn't see in the places that I should not go.. - Nick Santino
What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive? - Irv Kupcinet
I don't know what's more tragic, knowing how to read and choosing not to, or not knowing how to read and refusing to learn. - Patricia Goldbach
Gewalt! Gewalt! wer kann der Gewalt nicht trotzen? Was Gewalt heisst, ist nichts: Verführung ist die wahre Gewalt. - Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
You have first flown with your mind to every goal you have ever achieved. - Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
INDIFFERENT, adj. Imperfectly sensible to distinctions among things. "You tiresome man!" cried Indolentio's wife, "You've grown indifferent to all in life." "Indifferent?" he drawled with a slow smile; "I would be, dear, but it is not worth while." Apuleius M. Gokul - Ambrose Bierce
It is my conviction that when events are forgotten, buried in the cellar of the page, they are no longer even history. - Katherine Ann Porter
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost
Worries are wasted energies.You can have a joyful life when you let go of your worries. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Proverbs are all very fine when there's nothing to worry you, but when you're in real trouble, they're not a bit of help. - L. M. Montgomery
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. - Stephen Roberts
What a pity, when Christopher Colombus discovered America, that he ever mentioned it. - Margot Asquith
In the bleak midwinter Frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, Water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on snow, Snow on snow, In the bleak midwinter, Long ago. - Christina Rossetti
Sometimes you’re the protagonist and someone else is the hero. - A.D. Posey
Humans are, as Sartre put it, ‘condemned to be free’. To insist that science, or God, objectively defines moral values is to abandon our responsibility as human beings to make such judgments. - Kenan Malik
Baldrick: Have you got a plan, my lord?Blackadder: Yes I have, and it's so cunning you can brush your teeth with it! - Richard Curtis
Create a massive drawing of what God has promised you. - Euginia Herlihy
All that you touchYou Change.All that you ChangeChanges you.The only lasting truthis Change.Godis Change. - Octavia E. Butler
Where God is like the sun, the Devil is like a raindrop. There is no 'God vs. Satan' because they aren't even that close in power and authority. The former is very patient; the latter is at mercy. - Criss Jami
We live in a society where interacting with government agents is apotentially hazardous activity - Steven Magee
Would I serve you or (Prince) Jon stolen goods? he asked. "No, don't answer me. - Tamora Pierce
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. - Aldous Huxley
By a curious perversity, the human mind refuses to behave itself on the occasions when it should be intensely dramatic. It was so now; the climber suddenly forgot his fears in a smile. The choir had chosen this precise moment to start the Nunc Dimittis. - Whipplesnaith
The hardest thing in the world is to let go of who you once thought you were and to manifest your true self, at the risk of being unloved. This is self-actualization. - Kamand Kojouri
Sadness is one of the best universities in life! Though bad things take good things from us, they do give us useful things as well! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Hoy un tipo se me quedó viendo raro por la calle, pensé que era por mi peinado y me lo acomodé. Luego seguí arrastrando el cadáver. - Anonymous
To steel yourself against mangoes showed a degree of iciness that was almost inhuman. - Vikram Seth
Photograph speaks every language; wisdom speaks every language; goodness speaks every language; love speaks every language! Always try to do the things that speak every language so that all will understand you! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Strange, how the name Israel, God's own chosen nation, who don't believe Jesus to be the Messiah, sounds almost the same as saying "is He real? - Anthony Liccione
God is willing! God will save! God will rescue! God will restore! God will revive! God will empower! God willing and He will do it! - Israelmore Ayivor
The pressures of business relationships: so I tell the guy I usually have my tea time at 10 o’clock every morning. He calls me at noon (very upset) because I didn’t meet him on the golf course. - Eric Christopher Jackson
Ego seeks the domination by war, but spirit seeks the peace through love. - Debasish Mridha
Strange new problems are being reported in the growing generations of children whose mothers were always there, driving them around, helping them with their homework - an inability to endure pain or discipline or pursue any self-sustained goal of any sort, a devastating boredom with life. - Betty Friedan
Beautiful on the Inside...I've got Self-Love. - Stephanie Lahart
With all the fucked up things going on in the world, just the fact that we can wake up in the morning is kind of a miracle. - John Zorn
Living a life without setting goals is like sailing a ship without a planned course. You are likely to end up somewhere you didn’t intend to go! - Derric Yuh Ndim
I've known how to control my anger, but that doesn't mean I don't feel it. Page 190 - Sonia Sotomayor Goodreads is over capacity. You can never have too many books but Goodreads can some
when god creat the world,first he must think abour architects - Ashok Sharma
Who lose courage; lose everything. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
True friends are always together in spirit." Lucy Maud Montgomery - Dianna Bellerose
I don't entirely approve of some of the things I have done, or am, or have been. But I'm me. God knows, I'm me. - Elizabeth Taylor
I have caressed a small child’s hair, and in doing so, know there is a God. - Lewis Bryan
Programming your mind with positive thoughts each day will go a long way to keep you from allowing external criticism to detail your dreams. - Ken Poirot
Almighty God, thee only have I; thou steerest my fate, I must give myself up to thee! Give me a livelihood! Give me a bride! My blood wants love, as my heart does! - Hans Christian Andersen
Humanity isn't just a work, but it's a divine nature which makes you God. - Tanmaya Guru
God is not partial. All His children have His total Love, and all His gifts are freely given to everyone alike. - Helen Schucman
The only god visible to my eyes is "My Mother - sarav
If by the last quarter of the twentiesth century godliness wasn't next to something a little more interesting than cleanliness, it might be time to reevaluate our notions of godliness. - Tom Robbins
Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile. - Mother Teresa
Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light. - Vera Nazarian
Creation exists to be a place for the covenant that God wants to make with man. The goal of creation is the covenant, the love story of God and man. - Pope Benedict XVI
Make a time to enjoy, to celebrate the life that's given to you by God. - Euginia Herlihy
You can be as miserable or angry about anything as much as you want, end of the day getting emotional will not solve any of your problems. The only thing you can do is keep moving forward because whether or not you are ready, life will always go on with or without you. - Anonymous
I have just lost my reason for fighting so hard. How do I go on now, without my thing to fight for?' And he whispered into my ear, he said: 'Maybe it's time to stop fighting. - C. JoyBell C.
Billions of years before twelve step groups, God committed shotgun suicide. Today wall scrapings share His gratitude stories. - Brian Spellman
PASSPORT, n. A document treacherously inflicted upon a citizen going abroad, exposing him as an alien and pointing him out for special reprobation and outrage. - Ambrose Bierce
Wherever you go, be the thunder of joy and the wind of optimism. - Debasish Mridha
Viņudien skatos - govs norāvusies un iebridusi bietēs. Es saku: "Vaidav, izlīdziet!" Un ko jūs domājat! Aizskrēja. Vienreiz iekoda kājā un tūdaļ atpakaļ. Ausis nolaidis, aste kājstarpē. Viņš jutās neērti. Es arī. Govs tāpat. Visiem trim kauns. - Ēriks Hānbergs
If there so many hurdles in your life to achieve something, you have to believe God firmly.Because He is creating a wonderful story to inspire people through you, that couldn't be done with a single stroke of success. - raja shakeel mushtaque
Really good fiction could have as dark a worldview as it wished, but it'd find a way both to depict this world and to illuminate the possibilities for being alive and human in it."[Q&A with Larry McCaffery, Review of Contemporary Fiction, Summer 1993, Vol. 13.2] - David Foster Wallace
I am a messenger who will bring back word from the men who are fighting (WWI) to those who want the war to go on forever. Feeble, inarticulate will be my message, but it will have a bitter truth and may it burn their lousy souls. - Paul Nash
Sex is always about emotions. Good sex is about free emotions; bad sex is about blocked emotions. - Deepak Chopra
Whatever life takes away from you, let it go. - Miguel Ruiz
The wilderness is a test, whether we will walk in the ways of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
For some soldiers, there is a greater war going on behind the gun's shadow of family and friends, than in front of the gun pointing at strange enemies. - Anthony Liccione
Sex always sells-always has, always will. - Bruce Golden, Better Than Chocolate
You can spend the rest of your life fighting to be respected, accepted and understood by the people you have created a life with or you can start living a life where that isn't a daily goal and ambition in your relationship. - Shannon L. Alder
Ask God for what you desire. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Thinking makes man to be god & GOD to dwell in Man. - Auliq-Ice
Someday you're gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You'll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing... - Elizabeth Gilbert
God uses the flawed, the failures, and the imperfect to accomplish His perfect will. - Elizabeth George
Always take a picture for everywhere you go; if you don't, then all you just lost was the precious memories and moments - Inspiracreatiflife
We're going to right the world and live. I mean live our lives the way lives were meant to be lived. With the throat and wrists. With rage and desire, and joy and grief, and love till it hurts, maybe. But goddamn, girl. Live. - Sandra Cisneros
The free expression of the hopes and aspirations of a people is the greatest and only safety in a sane society. - Emma Goldman
Melancholy is the happiness of being sad. - Victor Hugo
I have learned that the first step to letting go is to accept the facts. - Abeer Allan
True spirituality respects the vessel of creation we call human and intuits that because this vessel was created by God, it could only ever be perfect—even if it does need some fine-tuning from time to time. - Tehya Sky
The paintings of Francis Bacon to my eye are very beautiful. The paintings of Bosch or Goya are to my eye very beautiful. I've also stood in front of those same paintings with people who've said, 'let's get on to the Botticellis as soon as possible.' I have lingered, of course. - Clive Barker
As long as you have goals to accomplish in this life, you will not truly be complete. - kamar brown
Off... my mom is again home, it's really fucked up I can't talk... however I finished watching Limitless the series so now I'm going on "Lie to Me"! - Deyth Banger
The dog was created especially for children. He is the god of frolic. - Henry Ward Beecher
No egoism is so insufferable as the Christian with regard to his soul. - W. Somerset Maugham
I will say nothing against the course of my existence. But at bottom it has been nothing but pain and burden, and I can affirm that during the whole of my 75 years, I have not had four weeks of genuine well-being. It is but the perpetual rolling of a rock that must be raised up again forever. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If I am disobeying orders, I'd rather be with God against men than with men against God. - Aristides de Souza Mendes do Amaral e Abranches
The songs of our ancestors are also the songs of our children - Philip Carr-Gomm
You like the comfort, don't ya?You wanna be there... wanna and gonna aren't nigga words so far... you are very bad at judging so far all people will be in prison because of you.... No matter...>!~ - Deyth Banger
A private individual may do anything except that which is legally forbidden; A government individual may do nothing except that which is legally permitted. - Ayn Rand
Don't grieve over the past, It's all gone!Don't worry about the future, It may never come! Live in the present, And enjoy every moment. - Mouloud Benzadi
A good mother does not live only for her children. She always has some bond with other mothers, no matter what class, nationality or race they may be. All mothers have the same joys, the same sorrows, the same anxieties. All mothers think first of their child and of children. - Werenfried Von Straaten
If you can do something good for someone in need, I think you’ve gained something. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
In this world, there are instruments to acquire instruments; ‘here’, there is the instrument to attain the Final Goal (Self Realization). - Dada Bhagwan
You cannot go back and start a brand new beginning, but today is a new day and you can start a brand new thing. - Debasish Mridha
Smiling face of every little girl is the signature of God’s presence. - Amit Ray
Living appears good, long, and tiresome, but it is way too short than a single stroke of lightning. - Aniruddha Sastikar
Our goal can only be reached through a vehicle of a pain, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
Whis is it, is man one of God's blunders or is God one of man's? - Friedrich Nietzsche
If you live to be one hundred, you've got it made. Very few people die past that age. - George Burns
I do not believe in God. It seems to me that theists of all kinds have very largely failed to make their concept of a deity intelligible; and to the extent that they have made it intelligible, they have given us no reason to think that anything answers to it. - A.J. Ayer
Long standing hatred between a man and a woman is just unspoken attraction that has bruised egos. - Shannon L. Alder
Beholdthe azure sea in front of you,the turquoise sky above you,the amber mountain beneath your feet,and the golden daisy in your hands.How are you not the richest person on earth? - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
I sometimes think that writing is like driving a sheep down the road. If there's any gate open to the left or the right the reader will most certainly go into it. - C.S. Lewis
Whatever God permits to happen in your life is a gift to you. God has two goals...His Glory and Your Good! - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Ethan: "Abstaining definitely doesn't work."Beth: "what do you suggest?"Ethan: "We're obviously going to have to make love often, but keep the encounters from getting too intense." He sounded perfectly serious, like he really believed what he was saying. - Lucy Monroe
The proud person always wants to do the right thing, the great thing. But because he wants to do it in his own strength, he is fighting not with man, but with God. - Søren Kierkegaard
The best fame is a writer's fame. It's enough to get a table at a good restaurant, but not enough to get you interrupted when you eat. - Fran Lebowitz
Behind every drama is a good story...behind every tear is the person who wrote it. - Faye Hall
See more than your eyes can see.Hear more than your ears can hear.Do more than your hands can do.Go further than your feet can go. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The use of force alone is but temporary. It may subdue for a moment; but it does not remove the necessity of subduing again: and a nation is not governed, which is perpetually to be conquered. - Gelett Burgess
What the new government of Nigeria and other African governments must do, is to start a massive reorientation campaign in the culture of the dignity of labour. - Sunday Adelaja
To my own demise, I rarely ask why I’m hungry because I’m focusing all of my energies on getting fed. And if I persist in such a diminishing cycle, in all probability I will eventually starve to death because I have chosen to gorge myself on the very things that will keep me empty. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The equilibrium of power between God and Human is getting so close; God has built the planet in 6 days and today we can destroy it within half a day. - M.F. Moonzajer
The dreams of a pure life,The dreams of a loving wife,Find pleasure in a Godly life. - The Wife S.R.
When the tram has arrived at the stop, you have to be there! Calculate where a good opportunity will stop and be there! - Mehmet Murat ildan
My business is to forgive others. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
The word of God, softens every harden heart. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work. - Peter Drucker
UNIVERSALIST, n. One who forgoes the advantage of a Hell for persons of another faith. - Ambrose Bierce
Hermano, nadie muere en verdad. Lo digo en serio. Cuando quieres a alguien como yo te quiero a ti la muerte es una situación inconveniente y dolorosa, pero no es lo suficientemente fuerte como para romper el lazo que nos une. - John Burkitt, David Morris
When is the last time you got angry at someone treating you with respect? - Joseph Shrand MD
Man in his usual perversity turns the footstool into a throne from whence he would feign direct the Almighty as to what He ought to do, giving the onlooker the impression that if God had half the compassion that those who pray (?) have, all would quickly be right - Arthur W. Pink
It is not enough to be good if you have the ability to be better.
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. - Sam Levenson
Leaders..should influence others..in such a way that it builds people up, encourages and edifies them so they can duplicate this attitude in others. - Bob Goshen
God is not a Christian. - Desmond Tutu
With God, anything that stands against you will always be inferior to what resides within you. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Success is like the most beautiful woman:pursued by many, loved by all, feared by few,courted by the patient and hardworking,and won over by good judgment. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The difference between going where you are needed and going where you are called is purely based upon diligent prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit. - M.J. Stoddard
You only get one shot in this life. So let me do all the good I can for my fellow man. For I will not pass this way again. - Anonymous
God isn't looking for perfect people. He is looking to perfect people. - John Hileman
Literature decays only as men become more and more corrupt. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
God`s laws are God`s blessings to humanity. - Sunday Adelaja
People says you are not going to take anything with you at the end but people, mind that you are going to leave a lot behind you.So be precise for your deeds n trail you left. :) - Nikunj shukla
The organized church sometimes puts boundaries on us the Bible doesn't. So I'm living my life for an audience of one. I live my life to please God. Some people won't understand, but I don't give an account to some people. - Anne Graham Lotz
No more apologies! So we're poor! All right, we're poor! This is America! And America is one place in this sorry world where people Shouldn't have to apologize for being poor. The question in America should be, 'Is this guy a good citizen? Is he honest? Does he pull his own weight? - Kurt Vonnegut
Silence in the face of evil is evil itself: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. - Anonymous
If there's going to be pain anyway, I'd rather it be the pain of growth than the pain of staying stuck. - Suzette Hinton
I know, I'm not perfect, I'm not too good, I'm an average person in everything but I also know that I'm real. And really that's enough for me and I'm very happy with it. :) - Waleed Uz Zaman Khan
There is nothing new except what has been forgotten. - Marie Antoinette
The key to failure is, lack of self discipline. - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal, sivaprakash sidhu, sivaprakash
I would rather try to persuade a man to go along, because once I have persuaded him he will stick. If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared, and then he is gone. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
By definition, a government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more. - Albert Camus
The first secret of success: Believe in Yourself. Nothing changes in your life until you believe you can do things that are important to you. And if you have a low opinion of yourself, nobody else is likely to raise it. - Steve Goodier
If God fairness, impartiality, equity, are his essence, that should become dominant in any society - Sunday Adelaja
It was just a job. It wasn't any special interest in consumer affairs. I needed a paycheck and the Attorney General said that I would be best to go down there, because he knew I was anti-consumer. - Dan Quayle
There must be room in our world for eccentricity, even if it offends the prudes, and room for the vague other-worldliness that often goes with genius. - Boris Johnson
In God's eyes, we're all the same. - Mark Willis
I find that all my thoughts circle around God like the planets around the sun, and are as irresistibly attracted by Him. I would feel it to be the grossest sin if I were to oppose any resistance to this force. - C.G. Jung
أتكلم أربع لغات بطلاقة، أفضلها عندي هي العربية، لغة القرآن والحديث، التي أعتز بها وأتمسك بحروفها مهما قيل عني - Mouad Gouzrou
One of the great things about travel is you find out how many good, kind people there are. - Edith Wharton
Success doesn't come to you; you go to it. - T. Scott McLeod
When God broke his deal with me, I turned to the Devil. In the end, I wasn't happy. I realized that the imagination of a perfect being was more limited than that of the imperfect one. Color me unimpressed by the Actus Purus. - Lionel Suggs
Your whole life people tell you to do what you love. But if you gotta do something else to pay the bills, you don't automatically have to be miserable. - Jeph Jacques
Each of us has empty spaces in our heart that go through life being filled temporarily, by the various people we meet along the way. The trick is to find what needs to remain permanently filled in our soul and what needs to be filled occasionally through encounters. - Shannon L. Alder
Science says the first word on everything, and the last word on nothing. - Victor Hugo
The characteristic common to God and man is apparently that: the desire and the ability to make things. - Dorothy Sayers
It's hard to imagine a more biblical definition of devil worship than an exaltation of the self, an exaltation of the ego, and a tearing down of that countercultural sign of the cross," Moore argued. This pride doing things our way instead of following God's plan - Russell D. Moore
When everything has gone down, God wants youto look up - Richmond Akhigbe
That which isn’t love, isn’t god. - John K. Brown
..........books are yours, Within whose silent chambers treasure lies Preserved from age to age; more precious far Than that accumulated store of gold And orient gems, which, for a day of need, The Sultan hides deep in ancestral tombs. These hoards of truth you can unlock at will: - William Wordsworth
Things don't always go as planned, but it's when you make a plan out of the unplanned and make the best of the unlikely things In life. - Auliq Ice
Never underestimate the value of good friends. - Todd Stocker
A Christian who rebels against God’s Word is not a Christian at all - Fritz Chery
Those who fight against God's people are fighting against God, and fighters against God will not prevail. - Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
She rides as a man, goes unveiled as a man, fights as a man. Let her prove herself worthy as a man, worthy of her weapons and of our friendship. - Tamora Pierce
The ‘doctrines’ we get out of the true myth are of course less true: they are translations into our concepts and ideas of that which God has already expressed in a language more adequate, namely the actual incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. - C.S. Lewis
Often, we melt into our ecstasies as though they were jams, as though we were sinking into syrupy bowls of gooseberries, of raspberries, of bilberries. - Violette Leduc
The Christmas spiritwhispers softly in my ear,"Go be of good cheer. - Richelle E. Goodrich
During childhood, it’s about trying to help develop who your kid’s going to be. During adolescence, it’s about responding to who your kid wants to be. - Jennifer Senior
Life is full of lessons for the success-minded person who keeps his/her eyes open to what is going on. - John Patrick Hickey
Plot twist: everything goes exactly as planned. - Criss Jami
That's the thing about Mother Nature, she really doesn't care what economic bracket you're in. - Whoopi Goldberg
The Dreamer awakesThe shadow goes byThe tale I have told you,That tale is a lie.But listen to me,Bright maiden, proud youthThe tale is a lie;What it tells is the truth. - Traditional folktale ending
God is awe-spirit. - Lailah Gfty Akita
Resist the short term temptation of procrastination; the immediate pleasure and relief that it brings does not fair in comparison to the long lasting damage it does to your dreams and goals. - Noel DeJesus
Thinking is a great joy for a good writer and a great torture for the bad one! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Pure has become impure,Impure has now become pure.Good has now become bad,Bad has become evil.For one to live is to die,for one to die is to live.-Kikyo - Rumiko Takahashi
If you let go something today In Shaa Allah Allah will also let go something for you.... - Adil Adam Memon
Point of view." I never got that phrase, point of view; doesn’t everyone have a point in their view? If not thenthey don’t have a view on a certain topic they are just indifferent. Anyone who has a view certainly cares enough to have apoint! - CV
A bad neighbor is a misfortune, as much as a good one is a great blessing. - Hesiod
God creates men, but they choose each other. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Never laugh at live dragons. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Institutions are not pretty. Show me a pretty government. Healing is wonderful, but the American Medical Association? Learning is wonderful, but universities? The same is true for religion... religion is institutionalized spirituality. Mother Jones November/December 1997. - Huston Smith
One thing that struck me early is that you don’t put into a photograph what’s going to come out. Or, vice versa, what comes out is not what you put in. - Diane Arbus
A friend is someone who will always be there for you, in good and hard times. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When you go with first principles, a giant light goes off in what you think is a city and turns out to be an insane asylum. - Stefan Molyneux
You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope. - Thomas Merton
If God were not willing to forgive sin, heaven would be empty - German Proverb
You can tell a good friends in bad times - Beta Metani' Marashi
God wishes to see people happy. - shivani lal
The human spirit is a magnificent entity. Just when we think we can stand no more, something significant touches our soul... and life goes on. - Peggy Toney Horton
Some of us go full circle. Some of us blindly go nowhere. The circle doesn’t have to be very large to make a point, kick your ass and/or be entertaining. Remember that and stay light. Even the deaf know good music when they hear it. - Jason Mraz
The central thought of the Scriptures is that God intends to work Himself in Christ through the Spirit into us, that God and we, we and God, might be really one in life, in nature, and in the Spirit. To show this God uses several figures or symbols in the Bible. - Witness Lee
Tears are God's way of cleansing the heart. - Rebecca Barlow Jordan
My message for all my readers is: Don't believe in those who claim that youth is a passing disease you just have to get rid of. Don't believe, that maturity is a goal and an asset to go after. Nothing will ever be ready, that is what makes life interesting. Read! - Tuula Kallioniemi
Hope doesn't come from calculating whether the good news is winning out over the bad. It's simply a choice to take action. - Anna Lappe
Life ain't like books. Books got somebody writin' 'em and tryin' to entertain ya. Life is more like a set of Legos. Unless you take care of 'em, you lose a few pieces and you end up steppin' on 'em with bare feet. You gotta take care of your life. - Laura Moncur
May the knowledge of the Gospel, the power of salvation transform our lives to walk in the light. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It’s called an inner voice for a reason. It’s the gnawing feeling inside your stomach telling you yes or no. It’s the one voice in your life that isn’t tampered by other’s biased opinions, scars, feelings or thoughts. Go with it, you know yourself better than anyone ever does. - Hope Alcocer
An enemy can partly ruin a man, but it takes a good-natured injudicious friend to complete the thing and make it perfect. - Mark Twain
It is the custom on the stage in all good, murderous melodramas, to present the tragic and the comic scenes in as regular alternation as the layers of red and white in a side of streaky, well-cured bacon. - Charles Dickens
Don't join the book burners. Don't think you're going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book... - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Always do good for others because when people try to drag your name through the mud, God will always bring a storm to wash it away. - Shannon L. Alder
Mark 12:34When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, 'You are not far from the Kingdom of God. - Anonymous
A butterfly has landed on a patch of milk parsley. Wings held vertically so it’s not going anywhere - for the time being. Once he would have leant across and seized it. Now he’ll let it fly. - Lucille Turner
In human relations a little language goes farther than a little of almost anything else. Whereas one language now often makes a wall, two can make a gate.
And there never was an apple, in Adam's opinion, that wasn't worth the trouble you got into for eating it. - Neil Gaiman
WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH."Only those who obey the word of truth can truly worship God in spirit. - Mac Canoza
The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers & cities; but to know someone who thinks & feels with us, & who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It was only one man who had gone, but it felt like forever, something so permanent and unstoppable that it blasted her. If she were a tree, she would drop all her leaves. - Jenny Downham
éramos suficientemente uma família. De dois. O elefante e a formiga. (…) semelhantes por dentro dos medos e dos sonhos, o lado mais difícil de coincidir com alguém. - Valter Hugo Mãe
The greatest enemy of any person is his own ego. - Sunday Adelaja
Sketch what you got, it will determine what you will be. - Sakin Maharjan
Until you have experienced the true love of God, you will continue to accept his or her version of love and call it faith. #ChooseToWin - A.H. Carlisle III
Nowadays, the Internet decides if you're good, not the big man in the big office. No matter how important that man thinks he is, everyone else knows that he's not important anymore, and the Internet decides these things, here in the modern age. - Alexei Maxim Russell
May God give us much more grace eagerly devote ourselves for the Great Commission. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It is blasphemy to call tyrants and oppressors, God’s ministers. They are more properly the messengers of Satan to buffet us. No rulers are properly God’s ministers, but such as are just, ruling in the fear of God - Jonathan Mayhew
The Hills Have EYes... so be careful where you step and where you go so far one family has went there and few of them have came back! - Deyth Banger
When you look good, you feel good. - Auliq Ice
It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young. - Konrad Lorenz
The work of internal government has become the task of controlling the thousands of fifth-rate men
Whatever happened to you yesterday no longer matters. Be present. Today is going to be a great day. - Karen A. Baquiran
To the people of EarthI see mercy in my lovers eyesI feel Heaven in her armsAnd i have found God dwells in her soul When i watch the full MoonThe moon mimics and whisper her name - saqib abraham
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
I am with the Hot Sexy Banking Corporation. As all the other banks are going bust, they are just getting bustier. - Robert Clark
Here now in his triumph where all things falter, Stretched out on the spoils that his own hand spread,As a god self-slain on his own strange altar, Death lies dead. - Algernon Charles Swinburne
When you come up a bit short on excellence, you still win. When you strive for perfect, you’re just never quite good enough. - Dawn Gluskin
Silence is the highest form of meditation. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Life is a movie. You are the director in it. The choices you make, are the things that you will see. After you make a choice, there will be no going back, only simple things that will erase it. - Victoriya Anissimova
I was trying to keep God's pain at arms length. - Mike Weaver
Owning a book is a third of the goal. The others are actually reading it and applying it. - Israel Wayne
A wise man once found peace in the practice of saying nothing, leaving the gossiper with no other choice but to fabricate gossip about a wise man saying nothing - Herbert Maurice Brunner
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity. - Louis Pasteur
What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. - Bob Dylan
In 2008, when almost every other investor got crushed, and even the Wall Street 'experts' were down by almost half, I was up 17 percent - beating the S&P Average by over 50 percent.Reminiscences of a Stock Market Flea - James J. Houts
It was his knowledge of his own willful stupidity that had brought on his irritation - Keigo Higashino
That government is best which governs the least because its people discipline themselves. - Thomas Jefferson
Me paso media vida pidiéndote disculpas. Pero merece la pena por el solo hecho de estar contigo y ver tu cara cuando me perdonas. - Megan Maxwell Pídeme lo que quieras.
If your going to put yourself out there, you just have to let the criticism roll off your back". - Cliff Hannold
The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall. - Mitch Hedberg
The healing is my working out my salvation. The need constant because my desire for seperateness constantly wrestles with my need for oneness with Jesus. The search for Jesus is bigger, deeper and agonizing. - W. Scott Lineberry
No si soy una persona triste con vocación de alegre, o viceversa, o al revés. Lo que es que siempre hay algo de tristeza en mis momentos más felices, al igual que siempre hay un poco de alegría en mis peores días. - Mario Benedetti
If I go a little over the top sometimes, don’t worry; That’s where all the sunshine is. - Michael Treanor
Metagapism is the belief that love is the ultimate reality, literally god and the one shared soul, and the source, nature and destiny of all. - John K. Brown
Past experience doesn't go away, so the secret is to accept, embrace and learn from it. However the key to the secret, is to keep it at bay and be open minded about the future from the second after the experience and never let the experience be the bar or commission of anything thereafter. - Unarine Ramaru
God said it is not good for a man to be alone and made woMAN . What was that specimen doing leaving the man alone that 2 @ red Light Area !! - Thomas Sam
A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world. - Edmond de Goncourt
The USA legal system is designed to enrich lawyers, protect the government and corporations, and shaft the general public. - Steven Magee
It's considered good sportsmanship not to pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling. - Mark Twain
If Congress refuse to listen to and grant what women ask, there is but one course left then to pursue. What is there left for women to do but to become the mothers of the future government? - Victoria Claflin Woodhull
Hoaxes are nothing new. News media isn't hard to fool. It's fun to fool and people like to mess with people. It all goes to show you that we're not all that hard to fool. I think we should just accept that and trust people anyway. - Hank Green
One day of happiness is worth more than a lifetime of sorrow .... Under ordinary circumstances, jealousy is a suspicion to the person who excites it and degrading to the person who indulges it. - Victor Hugo
Sometimes you need to go through many small doors, to get to that big door of opportunity. - Anthony Liccione
Forgive me, my sons. I've been defeated by this despicable idiot. This is as far as I go.I leave everything to you.You have my gratitude. Farewell, my sons. - Whitebeard
In prayer, God doesn’t want your words, he wants your heart. He doesn’t track your eloquence, he treasures your soul. - Todd Stocker
God doesn't make junk - Ethel Waters
My feelings are a fact, not a personal delusion. They are valid for me. What business have you got trying to tell me how I ought to feel? - Elizabeth Peters
Humility, gratitude, and generosity three things you can never go wrong with. - Kevin J. Donaldson
Some things you do because you want to. Some things you do because of the needs of others in your family. - Gordon Atkinson
He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled - Aristotle
Men are all the same, they think that because they came out of the belly of a woman they know all there is to know about women. - José Saramago
There is absolutely no substitute for the best. Good food cannot be made of inferior ingredients masked with high flavor. It is true thrift to use the best ingredients available and to waste nothing. - James Beard
Management: An art of handling conflicting Egos to meet a common objective, be it political, organisational or societal in nature. - Ramana Pemmaraju
But, nevertheless, the generation that carried on the war has been set apart by its experience. Through our great good fortune, in our youth our hearts were touched with fire. It was given to us to learn at the outset that life is a profound and passionate thing. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
People have two deaths: the first at the end of their lives, when they go away, and the second at the end of the memory of their lives, when all who remember them are gone. Then a person quits the world completely. - Raghu Karnad
How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive? - Matt Groening
The American wage earner and the American housewife are a lot better economists than most economists care to admit. They know that a government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. - Gerald R. Ford
You're not broken beyond repair there is hope. There is a God who knows all the pain you endure and will heal, protect and rejuvenate you. - Pauline Seaport
True happiness is knowing that the world is terrible, but the goodness inside you will overcome it - Bisher Zumot
We are all the gods and devils, hiding under the human skin. - Akshay Vasu
When love speaks it is about us or we. When ego speaks it is about I or me. - Kemi Sogunle
Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes. - Stephen Richards
The problem that I think I have with God is often not a problem at all. Rather, it is most frequently a tired misperception where I have made God what I need Him to be in order to justify my rejection of Him. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I believe not myself, how do you expect me to believe you, God is the One I believe. - Boakye Opoku Agyemang
Is there a war on cops? Is there a war on the Black man? Who is going to call a cease fire? - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
You can't create experience, you undergo it. - Albert Camus
Ego, Identity and Self - the 3 concepts of one's creation that defines them entirely. Have an Ego, for without one, there is nothing but self-doubt. Have an Identity, for without one, there is nothing but an empty shell. Understand your 'Self,' for if you don't, then who or what are you? - Lionel Suggs
Dicen que si tienes un amor lo dejes libre y si regresa es tuyo, pero qué pasa cuando nunca lo fue... Y se llevó algo tuyo, tu corazón, como regresa... - Dulce María
A visionary company is one which is seen growing in a consistent pattern by being goal oriented driven by a vision and a mission - Henrietta Newton Martin
I found my God in music and the arts, with writers like Hermann Hesse, and musicians like Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, and Little Walter. In some way, in some form, my God was always there, but now I have learned to talk to him. - Eric Clapton
Children are natural mimics; they act like their parents in spite of every effort to teach them good manners.
You know what it's like to wake up in the middle of the night with a vivid dream? And you know that if you don't have a pencil and pad by the bed, it will be completely gone by the next morning. Sometimes it's important to wake up and stop dreaming. When a really great dream shows up, grab it. - Larry Page
A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself. - Arthur Miller
When you have shot one bird flying you have shot all birds flying. They are all different and they fly in different ways but the sensation is the same and the last one is as good as the first. - Ernest Hemingway
A minute later the steam stopped. By then, I was soaking wet and, no doubt, my pores were open. Some people pay a fortune for this kind of beauty treatment. I got mine for free, if you disregard the bruises, headache and all those dead people."- Corin Hayes, Silent City (working title) - G.R. Matthews
If you truly wanted to Educate yourself, there are lots of possibilities to have it. Believing something you want will lead you to your dreams, just be patient enough and trust God in His plans. - Adoniemar
War is the most evil kind of human approach; unless it is for good cause. - M.F. Moonzajer
When men allow other people to ridicule, laugh and jeer at the truth, that cannot but bring sorrow to the heart of God - Sunday Adelaja
Whatever you are, be a good one. - Abraham Lincoln
If God had a flower for each moment He thought of you, the whole universe would be a garden. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Tonight go to sleep as though your whole past has been dropped. Die to the past. And in the morning wake up as a new man in a new morning. Don’t let the same one who went to bed get up. Let him go to sleep for good. - Osho
A good life is a series of joyful meetings and joyful moments.
For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. - Bible
When things go wrong, don't go with them. - Elvis Presley
If you Looking for Perfection ,Perfect yourself by Looking Withinby isolating the Rule of Ego and Handing over the Reins of Karma Chariot to the Soul !No one can do The Perfect Act for You but your Soul in the Presence of The Supreme Soul ! - Ashok Khurana
Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. - Brian Tracy
I haven't forgottenThat I have to grow upAnd someday live withoutYour voice, your opinion--Making my own decisions. - Jordan Hoechlin
R.I.P. A careless abbreviation of _requiescat in pace_, attesting to indolent goodwill to the dead. According to the learned Dr. Drigge, however, the letters originally meant nothing more than _reductus in pulvis_. - Ambrose Bierce
When times are good, be happy, but when time are bad consider; God has made the one as well as the other. - Bible
Our work is not to become unique. We are unique. Our work is to unleash our sense of adventure and to allow the inner whisper that says come hither to be reason enough to go. - Vironika Tugaleva
How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the whole day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day. - Anne Frank
Don't disregard your so-called "stupid ideas." They may be inspired thoughts and high-potential opportunities. Whatcha gonna do? - Richie Norton
Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction. - Anne Frank
With grace you can realise your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you ask an introvert a question, wait until she thinks about it. Introverts think before speaking, not through speaking. If you want to get to the good stuff, you need to slow down. - Laurie Helgoe
If you love something so much let it go. If it comes back it was meant to be; if it doesn't it never was - Albert Schweitzer
Any good marriage is secret territory, a necessary white space on society’s map. What others don’t know about it is what makes it yours. - Stephen King
...all that we do is governed by the law of opposites in which every so-called positive act is exactly and equally balanced by its opposite.; - Tony Parsons
Holiness consists simply in doing God's will, and being just what God wants us to be. - Thérèse de Lisieux
Only that 'holy' book which teaches you to love all beings - animals or human things - read. Another one, idiots do, You let go, God speed. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Nonconformists travel as a rule in bunches. You rarely find a nonconformist who goes it alone. And woe to him inside a nonconformist clique who does not conform with nonconformity - Eric Hoffer
In our family we don't divorce our men - we bury them. - Ruth Gordon
I do not have silver nor gold to give you, but i have a heart of gold to keep you. - Fabulous Godwin
A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing. - Laura Ingalls Wilder
Nothing is worse than active ignorance. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When you are on the air, there is no land you need to call home. - Grigoris Deoudis
We don’t want to limit what God can do in our children by trying to parent them alone—Trust God to take care of them. - Stormie Omartian
I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time. - Friedrich Nietzsche
You can learn more by going to the opera than you ever can by reading Emerson. Like that there are two sexes. - David Markson
Don’t jump on the bandwagon just because everyone’s doing so. - Auliq Ice
Writers have two main problems. One is writer's block, when the words won't come at all and the other is logorrhea, when the words come so fast that they can hardly get to the wastebasket in time.
Don't write in to ask whether I would prefer Gingrich to Clinton. Ask, rather, whether Clinton prefers Gingrich to you. Go triangulate yourself. - Christopher Hitchens
I live for those who love me, for those who know me true; for the heaven that smiles above me and awaits my spirit too. For the cause that lacks assistance, for the wrong that needs resistance, for the future in the distance, and the good that I can do. - George Linnaeus Banks
When you fight with God, your warring against your pride. - Anthony Liccione
Why not just live in the moment, especially if it has a good beat? - Goldie Hawn
You gotta want it. - Bill Murray
I just want to say this. I want to say it gently but I want to say it firmly: There is a tendency for the world to say to America, "the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out," and then to worry when America wants to sort them out. - Tony Blair
The gospel that has been preached in our churches has not been fair to the African continent. It has left us in a beggarly state, waiting on God for things we could produce by and for ourselves. - Sunday Adelaja
Making excuses is not going to get me any closer to my goals. - Ali Vincent
Don't let someone keep putting out the flame God keeps re-lighting, we all have a purpose. As a wing to a bird. As wind that goes the destiny over the sea. - Anthony Liccione
Never give up too quickly, but know when to let go. - Vanny Lee
No matter what kind of circumstances come together, if one’s stillness is not shaken and his goal does not change; he is known to have attained religion. - Dada Bhagwan
Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person you're complaining about. - Lynn Johnston
How to make God laugh: Tell him your future plans. - Woody Allen
If you want to improve your self-worth, stop giving other people the calculator. - Tim Fargo
One day, you muster the courage and let go of the fear. In a brief moment of insanity, you give wings to the stories you had wanted to tell; some you didn't even know were in you. In that instant, something about you changes. You are born again. - K.J. Kilton
The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments. - William H. Borah
Must, bid the Morn awake! Sad Winter now declines, Each bird doth choose a mate; This day's Saint Valentine's. For that good bishop's sake Get up and let us see What beauty it shall be That Fortune us assigns. - Michael Drayton
Islam is going to rise, Once again. - Waseem Latif
God wants you to begin to strategise, plan, draw out tactics, methodologies of how your business would take over that particular sphere of business where you are - Sunday Adelaja
The best way to get a drink out of a Vogon is to stick your finger down his throat. - Douglas Adams
Sometimes the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them. - Fulton J. Sheen
Only God can take our failures and turn them into victories. - Evinda Lepins
Americans worship creativity the way they worship physical beauty - as a way of enjoying elitism without guilt: God did it. - Florence King
No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo
Muscles come and go; flab lasts. - Bill Vaughan
God is gracious to always give a warning before He sends judgment. - Jim George
One day I hope you understand when you reached out your hand, I grasped it, I never let it go. - Kaitlin D.S. Cammie
To be free to roam our own consciousness and be responsible for ourselves, a letting go process is required. We have to let go of how others define us; what damaging messages remain from childhood; how others define our relationship with the creator; and what expectations they may have for us. - David W. Earle
You're either on the Merry go round or you're not. - Lou Silluzio
When hope is gone, life is done.Keep hope alive to have a happy life. - Debasish Mridha
Give your big smile, and bring some good energy wherever you go for a change. The world could always use some of that uplifting energy. - Angie karan
Most good things have already been said far too many times and just need to be lived. - Shane Claiborne
We have been God-like in our planned breeding of our domesticated plants and animals, but we have been rabbit-like in our unplanned breeding of ourselves. - Arnold Toynbee
If you stop fighting for what you want, what you don't want will automatically take over - Gordon Attard
If you are not pleased with what you see with your eyes, close your eyes and learn to see from your heart, this is where the true beauty lies. - Fabulous Godwin
The Almost Forgotten Human Language is ‘Feeling. - Jasz Gill
Everything is in the root. If you pick the weed without getting the root out of the soil, be assured, it is going to grow back. - Sheila Burke
The stupidity of gossips is that they become frightened when they see your face, and a little word from your mouth makes them vibrate like an electrocuted criminal. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Sadly, we live in a world where if you do good things, there are no financial rewards. If you poison the earth, there is a fortune to be made. - June Stoyer
The problem in todays world is that people lack trust in goodness. - Amit Abraham
I always like a good math solution to any love problem. - Michael Patrick King
Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight. - Phyllis Diller
If books are your good friends, then a conscious life will be your best comrade all your life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
This wasn't a legalistic play. He simply wanted more and more of God. - Matt Chandler
You don’t stop planting corn because weeds are going to grow beside it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
God comes when your broken; not when you believe but he works when you believe. - tirumala
So doesn't that make the universe a giant lottery, then? You purchase a ticket when you're born. And it's all just random whether you get a good ticket or a bad ticket. It's all just luck. - R.J. Palacio
When will you be brave enough to recognize your success story? - andrea T Goeglein
You are your own leader. Where are you driving yourself to now? You can't afford to go wayward! Rise up and break new territories and live life so well. - Israelmore Ayivor
A tiny company, ‘the aware’, we have taken up civilization’s fiercest weapons to fight against the dark army of the masses whose leaders are hunger and stupidity. These weapons are the smile and the lie. - Iwan Goll
Only meditation on God's word is capable of changing our way of thinking. - Sunday Adelaja
Some feel lucky, if they haven't got to be happy, as they don’t like their frame of mind to be unravelled and prefer to be left well enough alone. ( "C’est quand le bonheur ?" ) - Erik Pevernagie
Estamos confundiendo las imágenes de la realidad con la realidad; la propia realidad se convierte en espectáculo. - José Saramago
Read a good book every day. Books help to educate the soul. The mere joy of learning something new will instill the will to live in you. - Sanchita Pandey
Remember, no matter where you go, there you are. - Earl Mac Rauch
Man has been evolved and created the gods. Evolved more and decided to destroy all of them. - Emil A. Zafirov
What power has love but forgiveness?In other wordsby its interventionwhat has been donecan be undone.What good is it otherwise? - William Carlos Williams
God chose to introduce Himself to us in the first verse of Genesis as a Creator. And yet so few Christians really understand the power of creativity to influence the culture. - Phil Cooke
Intentions, whether good or bad, that don’t reflect the words and actions are only meant to fulfill personal goals. - Ashish Patel
Truths are immortal, my dear friend; they are immortal like God! What we call a falsity is like a fruit; it has a certain number of days; it is bound to decay. Whereas, what we call truth is like gold; days, months, even centuries can hide gold, can overlook it but they can never make it decay. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Right is of no sex, Truth is of no color, God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren - Frederick Douglass
If you have nothing in life but a good friend, you're rich. - Michelle Kwan
When all the teachers are gone, who will be your teacher?The student replied: Everything!Kobun, paused, then said: No, you". - Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi
All truly toxic thoughts are expelled while moving. Gotta move to stay alive. - Toni Sorenson
Life never goes according to plan. That's okay, because often our plans are much smaller than life intends. Probably EASIER, but smaller. - Stacey T. Hunt
The undoubtedly lives in belief in God. He recognises Christianity as the builder of Western culture.{Comments by Archbishop Michael von Faulhaber after a meeting with Adolf Hitler, as quoted in Ian Kershaw's biography} Michael von Faulhaber - Reich Chancellor
When God says He got you, you're got. And you can't be un-got. - Lana M. H. Wilder
Shall I faint, now that I have poured out the spirit of my mind to the world, and treated many subjects with truth, with freedom, with power, because I have been followed with one cry of abuse ever since for not being a Government tool? - William Hazlitt
Tantas veces he querido hablar contigo, tantas como veces he fallado en mi intento de no volver a quebrarme en dos y gritar tu nombre al vacío de la soledad a la que me has condenado. - Alejandro Ordóñez Perales
Poetry is the royal essence of beauty. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
I can feelThat time is slippingBy me, that itWill be gone if I justStand still. - Jordan Hoechlin
If you can't see the sun then too many things stand in your way. Sometimes, you have to climb to the top of all your fears to see any horizon, such is life. God needs to you rise higher before you will ever "see" something different. - Shannon L. Alder
Life is like a box of chocolates: You get through what little actual good stuff there is right away, then you constantly fool yourself into believing there's still something good in whatever's left. - James Rozoff
Do not accept whatever comes. Do not accept whatever goes. You have infinite power. Exercise your choice. - Amit Ray
I didn't try to be everything but finally found something I am good at. - Auliq Ice
One of the golden rules of success is to treat everything like a competition. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes. - Gene Roddenberry
Norwegian racism is always a kind of racism that is not prepared to accept it being qualified as such. Because we're the good guys, and racism is what bad people do. - Michael Booth
In a real love, mistakes are not consider because they are forgiven and forgotten. - Daouda Dolley
The people you love become ghosts inside of you, and like this you keep them alive. - Rob Montgomery
We are a god- fearing nation of forgivers. You may have bombed our hotels & killed our people, we will still not hang you. If we cannot give life, who are we to take one? No matter how heinous the crime, we do not judge. We live & let live. - Andy Paula
I should and can play better. That is going to be the challenge for me. - Andrew Strauss
Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.
Marriage is a full time job; a good one comes with full benefits. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Google brooklyn writer and you’ll get, Did you mean: the future of literature as we know it? - Colson Whitehead
There are few things more ungodly than fake joy when you should be mourning. - Matt Chandler
Your primary goal should be to have a great life. You can still have a good day, enjoy your child, and ultimately find happiness, whether your ex is acting like a jerk or a responsible person. Your happiness is not dependent upon someone else.
Gratitude opens our eyes… We are often praying for something God has already given us. - Steve Maraboli
Peace and love, peace and love! - Ringo Starr
Thank goodness my education was neglected. - Beatrix Potter
Know who you are, and be it. Know what you want, and go out and get it! - Carroll Bryant
God grant, if we must have two eyes, that they may be both clear ones, one the eye of faith wholly fixed on Christ, the other the eye of obedience equally and wholly fixed on the same objective! - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
You want money... Okay... Now few dollars... then few... then few... and poof everything is gone. That's call failure! - Deyth Banger
You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine. - Jason Mraz
There's no God higher than truth. - Mahatma Gandhi
Since I am suffering with type 2 bipolar disorder mainly on the depressive side of the bipolar disorder.I am not afraid nor am I disappointed with it; if this is what God Almighty want me to have; I will make sure that I will make good use of this disorder; and, be the best person that I can be. - Temitope Owosela
Because I have ‘chosen’ to see something as impossible, there’s a good chance that it’s not. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try and feel okay about them. - Stephen Chbosky
We are humans first and the law always protects our basic human rights, but survival always remains a chance for any of us to go through hard times and make it through the day. - Auliq-Ice
You're not going to be immediately good at anything you do. You wouldn't quit on the first day of your new job, so why quit on the first try at doing something else? - Jennifer Megan Varnadore
(Of Jesus): "A parish demogogue."
One is alone when the last one who remembers is gone. I have nephews and nieces and kind friends---but there's no one who knew me as a young girl---non one who belongs to the old days. I've been alone for quite a long time now. - Agatha Christie
A fortress built long ago,Walls made timeless by historic glory.The small girl in the boat slows,To listen to its story. - Rachel Lewis
Friendship will not stand the strain of very much good advice for very long. - Robert Lynd
We have been shown how to fight hate without becoming hate ourselves. We have been given a Companion and a Friend and not just a good idea. We have been given joy in the midst of failure, and not just a way of winning or being right. - Richard Rohr
There are plenty of bad editors who try to impose their own vision on a book. (…)A good novel editor is invisible. - Terri Windling
Low and grovelling thoughts of God must be given up; doubting and despairing must be removed; and self-seeking and carnal delights must be forsaken. Across these deep valleys a glorious causeway of grace must be raised. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I love to help children's souls shine. - Bracha Goetz
Adrian Mole's father was so angry that so many pepole got divorced nowadays. HE had been unhappilly married for 30 years, why should everybody else get away? - Sue Townsend
He that can't endure the bad will not live to see the good. - Yiddish Proverb
When you go beyond your limitations, that is called success. - Debasish Mridha
Nature of Human is neither good nor bad, it is simply a fusion of primitive instinctual urges and modern humane conscience. - Abhijit Naskar
We hate each other by race, color, tribe, wealth, gender etc because everyone wants to feel special and different than the other. I do not however have a solution on how people can stop having an ego that makes them specially superior than the other. - Robert Kodingo
How you spend your time is more important than how you spend your money. Money mistakes can be corrected, but time is gone forever. - David Norris
Today is all you have.Pursue your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are - Mason Cooley
Wearing of the greenOn March seventeen.Shamrocks and Irish folkTake o'er the scene! - Richelle E. Goodrich
Quit beating yourself up, beat your goals up instead. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Prayer is not mere wishing. It is asking with a will. . . . It is energy. We turn to an active Giver; therefore we go into action. - P.T. Forsyth
Empty words and long praises do not impress God. Show Him your faith by your deeds - Abdul Sattar Edhi
"The Good Book" - one of the most remarkable euphemisms ever coined. - Ashley Montague
First, I have not minded so much leaving the Garden because God, blessed be his holy name, has never abandoned us. - Katerina Whitley
I often think of you all, one cannot do what one wants in life. The more you feel attached to a spot, the more ruthlessly you are compelled to leave it, but the memories remain, and one remembers - as in a looking glass, darkly - one's absent friends. - Vincent Van Gogh
Some say the bible teaches that with our tongues we can speak, set things into motion both good and bad, life and death. What we bind and loose on earth will be bound and loosed in heaven. - William Elias
Sadness is an invitation to God. - Kamand Kojouri
Spirituality is not about being God, but about being your self. God is an imagination. Self is already that - one with all and within all. Self is the essence l, the source and the manifestation too. What else is God? - Rashmit Kalra
USA corporations are legally regulated by laws which their managers know are rarely enforced. This criminal activity is what the USA government calls: Deregulation. - Steven Magee
Your mind can imagine what others cannot.Your heart can sense what others cannot.Your soul can receive what others cannot.Your feet can go where others cannot.Your hands can do what others cannot. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Because you thought love was just gonna be there. You weren't taught that it had to be made, it had to be mixed, kneaded, recycled. Over and over, you have to keep creating it. Over and over with everyone you love. Over and over. - Darnell Lamont Walker
The leadings of the Holy Spirit will help you to achieve your goals in the quickest way. - Sunday Adelaja
When I'm on stage, I'm trying to do one thing: bring people joy. Just like church does. People don't go to church to find trouble, they go there to lose it. - James Brown
Les révolutions sont de magnifiques improvisatrices. Un peu échevelées quelquefois. - Victor Hugo
There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife. - Clare Booth Luce
Poor Mexico - so far from God and so close to the United States.
A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them. - P. J. O'Rourke
May the Blessingof Allah keep yoursHeart and HomeHappy and Joyous!!to get Bright Futurewish U Happy New Year !!! - Baset
A writer who can't follow submission guidelines is like a pilot without a plane... ain't gonna get very far! - Jo Linsdell
Being on the edge is always worse than going through. - Joseph Brown
A smart model is a good model. - Tyra Banks
He studied with the guru of rock n’ roll, Baba Oom Mow Mow, who taught his own version of the Golden Rule: "Do wop unto others as you would have them do wop unto you. - Swami Beyondananda
Sometimes the reason God doesn't show up to win your battles is because he already put inside of you the power to end it. - Shannon L. Alder
The bastards had done their job well. - Stephen Charles Gould
The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. - Linus Pauling
Unfortunately...I missed out on the California Gold Rush a century before...I'll be dammed if I miss out on this one. - Timothy Pina
Go, lovely rose! Tell her that wastes her time and me That now she knows, When I resemble her to thee, How sweet and fair she seems to be.
I've made so many mistakes, so many corrections. I'm so far from perfect so many imperfections. But I'm a go getta I get up and go get it, so if you preaching prosperity, i wanna hit it.... - 50 Cent
Stories are epically important to how we view and interact in the world around us. We define ourselves, our abilities and even our goals by the stories we believe and share. These stories become part of our personal view of our world. - Lyssa Danehy deHart
Argue not concerning God,…re-examine all that you have been told at church or school or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your soul… - Walt Whitman
Don't exercise your freedom of speech until you have exercised your freedom of thought. - Tim Fargo
My heart's made of goldMy soul is pure steelLoved ones shall riseEnemies will kneelI soothe with water, attack with fireFor I am the master of my own empire. - Sarah Brownlee
A person who is too goody-goody only in own words with most of the people and most of the time is most likely to be not a trustworthy buddy. - Anuj Somany
You have to be vulnerable and open to experience the new, as nothing else gonna substitute it.. - Jayesh Varma
I was going to have cosmetic surgery until I noticed that the doctor's office was full of portraits by Picasso. - Rita Rudner
If God had a wife, He would be in trouble too if He dodged His chores. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Showing your true self sometimes don't give you any benefit, but at least you do honest to your self and God. - Olivia Sinaga
Never go down to the darkest room. Stay far away from the rotting coffin. If you want to live through the night, let the devil sleep. - John Verdon
The way you see people is the way you treat them and the way you treat them is what they become. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Don’t carry your mistakes around with you, place them on the floor and use them as stepping stones to where you want to go. - Karon Waddell
There is always more misery among the lower classes than there is humanity in the higher. - Victor Hugo
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. - Victor Hugo
Death is only going to happen to you once; I don't want to miss it. - Jim Morrison
My intent is simply to know my material so well that I'm very comfortable with it. Confidence, not perfection, is the goal. - Scott Berkun
God is the best makeup Artist I have ever seen however, you may get an honorable mention for sprucing. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
God can deliver you so well that some people won’t believe your testimony. - Shannon L. Alder
your goals are as good as your actions.No action taken, no goals achieved - Derric Yuh Ndim
I just thought: Oh goodness, you can wear nice clothes and get your hair done and still be a feminist and a serious intellectual. - Jacqueline Rose
If you have no good drive in you, your life will not be steered through a good direction. It will miss its destined station. Passion or drive is what moves the vehicle of a fulfilled life. - Israelmore Ayivor
Destroy yourself. Be on the edge of it all, and right before that weird place tells you to let it go completely; let the energy go in all directions. Falling on your face will never be fun, or purposeful. You don't own energy; you own the inertia! - James Emlund
Dont regret that it just got over, but instead Move on for More! - Steven Singh Babbar
There is no nonsense so arrant that it cannot be made the creed of the vast majority by adequate governmental action. - Bertrand Russell
Nobody can tell you if what you're doing is good, meaningful or worthwhile. The more compelling the path, the more lonely it is. - Hugh Macleod
What is a goal without a purpose? - J.R. Rim
Is it possible we love and rely on food more than we love and rely on God? - Lysa TerKeurst
Kroz zivot nas ne oblikuju godine, vec iskustva. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Don't let anyone take your power by influencing what you do.... sure ask for advice when you are still deciding, but once you are sure what you want to go for, don't let anyone deflect you. It is YOUR choice to make and to follow through. - Jay Woodman
Everything is going well "Day One" book up to page 137, planning som new movies to watch in the near future, close to awesome and powerful quotes. Some new and awesome events... - And that's life, that's how it must be! - Deyth Banger
Most people are scumbags. Accept it. Let go. Chill out, douchebags. - Fakeer Ishavardas
From birth to age eighteen, a girl needs good parents. From eighteen to thirty-five, she needs good looks. From thirty-five to fifty-five, she needs a good personality. From fifty-five on, she needs good cash. - Sophie Tucker
Shallow understanding accompanies poor compassion, great understanding goes with great compassion.
Representative government is artifice, a political myth, designed to conceal from the masses the dominance of a self-selected, self-perpetuating, and self-serving traditional ruling class. - Giuseppe Prezzolini
Life is all about Re-Inventing Yourself, so that you can rejoice every moment, just un-learn and let-go of the past and no sooner you do it, you stay afresh and are born again! - Ramana Pemmaraju
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us. - C.S. Lewis
I'm two days away from day after tomorrowCounting the hours to my upcoming sorrow Suddenly I lookinto the eyes of my childThen all sadness goneas I smile the way she smiled - Munia Khan
God Provides by divine Power through knowledge of His Promises so that we Participate in divine nature in godliness. - Corey M.K. Hughes
Luck is the way the dust settles when God passes by. - Christopher Presz
Stop smiling as if we'd been acquainted with you for ages!" #VeronicaLedyanova. #ItalianPassion - OlgaGOA
The evil that is in the world almost always comes from ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding. - Albert Camus
A new star shines bright.Angels herald the good news.The Christ child is born. - Richelle E. Goodrich
While the gods remained more human, the men were more divine. - Friedrich Schiller
Go to hell, I'm reading! - Archie Goodwin
After all one break is good idea, some useful stuff should be done. Then the hard work should come it in the new hands! - Deyth Banger
Now, nature, as I am only too aware, has her enthusiasts, but on the whole, I am not to be counted among them. To put it bluntly, I am not the type who wants to go back to the land; I am the type who wants to go back to the hotel. - Fran Lebowitz
Nothing leaves a scar upon an Authors heart more than a book they've written with purpose going unread. - Mark W. Boyer
If I wouldn't of spent so much time shooting spit wads at my English teacher I'd know how to punctuate good thing I normally write poetry. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
No matter what genre of Author you are, the true merit of your work lies not within what dreams you inspire in others with your work, but who you help to to achieve their dreams. Author Jude Ouvrard has gone over and beyond, as had Author Anna Othitis in that department. - Books On Fire Tour
The good die young - because they see it's no use living if you've got to be good. - John Barrymore
Does anybody know how I feel?Sometimes I'm numb...Sometimes I'm overcome...Does anybody care what's going on?Do I have to wear my scarsLike a badge on my arm?For you to see meI need to release - ZOEgirl
History is full of blank spaces, but good stories, invariably, are not. - Sara Sheridan
I wish I could fall asleep. But with a good book in my hands, I stay awake to finish reading. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Learn to recognize good luck when it's waving at you, hoping to get your attention. - Sally Koslow
Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. - Robert Frost
‎"I look upon this world as a wrecked vessel. God has given me a lifeboat and said, 'Moody, save all you can. - D.L. Moody
And malt does more than Milton can To justify God's ways to man. - A. E. Housman
Be not too hasty either with praise or blame; speak always as though you were giving evidence before the judgement-seat of the Gods. - Seneca
Time plays no favorites and will pass whether you act or not. Take control of your life. Dare to dream and take risks...Compete! If you aren't willing to work for you goals, don't expect others to! Believe in yourself. - Anonymous
If you can see it, you can achieve it. God helps those who helps themselves. Power is in the act of humility. - Patricia Amis
The deeper I go into myself the more I realize that I am my own enemy. - Floriano Martins
An artist must be passionately in love with her art. Obsessed or possessed go mad for what you believe in. - Charlotte Eriksson
One good thing about love, when it touches you, time stands still. - Debasish Mridha
The fear of loving a dog, is knowing one day they’ll be gone and you could never find eyes that express all that you feel. - Robert M. Drake
I don't know a better preparation for life than a love of poetry and a good digestion.
Sometimes a good exit is all you can ask for. - Sean Stewart
Life’s richness doesn’t consist of not making mistakes, or never taking the wrong path but of growing stronger from each decision made, good or bad. - Elle Sommer
Being liked or not, having company or not, being understood or not, being acknowledged or not are not issues of concern on the spiritual path. - Donna Goddard
I am going to open myself up to all that is superior in the world and beyond and I am going to spend time trying to take delight in things! Not finding ruin in them! If the ruin of you is what you look for, the ruin of you is what you are going to find! - C. JoyBell C.
Standing on a street corner waiting for no one is power. - Gregory Corso
There is grace for every good action. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Make good choices and always do your best. - Yvonne Capitelli
My brothers and sisters prayers and faith in God does not negate professionalism and dignity of labour. - Sunday Adelaja
Atheism is more than just the knowledge that gods do not exist, and that religion is either a mistake or a fraud. Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand all things as a part of nature. - Emmett F. Fields
If you keep your eye on the profit, you’re going to skimp on the product. But if you focus on making really great products, then the profits will follow. - Steve Jobs
God's only excuse is that he does not exist - Stendhal
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Let us each take up our flaming torches and mount as the blazing fireballs of light that we are and let's burn the skies and leave it with deep scars and let them be our signatures upon eternity as we go forth! - C. JoyBell C.
A sign of a good leader is not his position but his vision. - Debasish Mridha
When I interviewed at Yale, the admissions committee asked me why they should let me into the program. I looked at them unblinking and said, 'Because I'm going to change the world some day. And I'm giving you the chance to say, We knew her when. - Sarah Thebarge
We’ve yet to comprehend the impervious reality that to gain ‘life’ we have to do the most scandalous thing imaginable, and that is to work ‘against’ the whole of our humanity and give everything away. And yet to give everything away is to work ‘with’ the whole of God’s character. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We are not what we might be; what we are / Outlaws all extrapolation / Beyond the interval of now and here: / White whales are gone with the white ocean. - Sylvia Plath
Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. - Thomas Jefferson
If you are going to do something wrong at least enjoy it. - Leo Rosten
To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last--but eat you he will. - Ronald Reagan
Your actions will always be what the world sees, but people who choose to see through God's eyes will always have the compassion to understand why. - Shannon L. Alder
Toby: All right. It couldn't have gone far, right?Sam: No.Toby: Somewhere in this building...is our talent. - Aaron Sorkin
O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the marketplace. - William Shakespeare
Hay pecado supongo, pero el castigo fue del todo desproporcionado. Te han convertido en algo que ya no es una criatura humana. Ya no estás en condiciones de elegir. Estás obligado a tener una conducta que la sociedad considera aceptable, y eres una máquina que sólo puede hacer bien". - Anthony Burgess
Love's gift cannot be given, it waits to be accepted. - Rabindranath Tagore
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.
When you get into a tight place and it seems that you can't go on, hold on--for that's just the place and the time that the tide will turn. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Think, my friend, think millions of things! Thinking is the Art of God! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Whoever created the world went to a lot of trouble. It would be downright rude not to go out and see as much of it as possible. - Edward Readicker-Henderson
We are often so worried about what is going to happen that we can't enjoy what is happening NOW. - Tanya Masse
i didnt come to this world just to win , but i come to shock the world on how im gonna win !..لم آت لهذا العالم من أجل النجاح وفقط ، بل أتيت لأصدم هذا العالم بكيفية نجاحي - Hicham LM Kamelionaire
they say life goes on long after the thrill of living - John Mellencamp
God will create the best opportunity for you. To find those opportunities is your responsibility. - Debasish Mridha
After you've seen behind the facade of a stage set you can't take the play seriously any more. You can't go backwards and regain your ignorance; you have to move forward. - Zeena Schreck
Gossip is an idle talk that makes you look worse than the person you are talking about, and people tend to have more confidence in the person you talked about when they get tired of your gossip. Speak with love and kindness or don't speak at all. - Uzoma Nnadi
There are pearls in the deepest fathoms of the Self, but to get them you will have to go through unimaginable perils. - Abhijit Naskar
There is one thing about time good or bad ; It always changes - Robin Dabhi
The weapon of life is the word of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The proud wish God would agree with them. They are not interested in changing their opinions to agree with God's. - Ezra Taft Benson
Visible goodwill is the strongest negotiation strategy. Don't let somebody else determine your behavior.
Romance is like maintaining a car. If you do a good job of it, you will always have a dependable quiet ride. - T.R. Wallace
There was no world, no land, no god or heaven or earth outside of their two bodies naked and trembling in the act of love. - Roman Payne
This only is denied to God: the power to undo the past. - Agathon
Love! What a searing, torturing, intolerably sweet thing it was - this possession of body, soul and mind! With something at its core as fine and remote and purely spiritual as the tiny blue spark in the heart of the unbreakable diamond. - L.M. Montgomery
Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we've got 24 hours each. - Christopher Rice
Logos and branding are so important. In a big part of the world, people cannot read French or English--but are great in remembering signs - Karl Lagerfeld
The pleasure of sin is soon gone, but the sting remains. - Thomas Watson
I am despised by an army of undiscerning academic highbrows, and ridiculed by semi-educated and vengeful "China-experts" whose era of translating Chinese into Western categories has now come to an end. The public is ready for non-European vocabularies. - Thorsten J. Pattberg
I saw no way out but to dive right in, to a good book. - Genesis Quihuis
It makes you feel very virtuous when you forgive people, doesn't it? - L. M. Montgomery
I gives birth to mind; Mind gives birth to ego,Ego gives birth to sense of separation,From where originates suffering and sorrow. - Gian Kumar
…love is by definition freeand if he choose to gowhen I would have him stayperhaps I'll die a bitbut I'd rather sothan taste his absent minded kissand lie uneasy in a masked embrace - Lenore Kandel
There are people in the world that believe in God and those who don't. I wonder how the ones without God can live. - Gigi
You will never know just how thrilled my heart is to behold such a throng of people; especially as they have gathered to pay tribute and love's greatest honor to loved ones who, today, are basking in the sunshine of God's heaven. - Reverend Ada Slaton Bonds
Our goodness, our badness all develop from social experience, the company we keep, the things we're taught when we're young. We start with a clean slate. It's everyone else who fucks us up. - S. Walden
Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. - Howard Aiken
Our idea of God tells us more about ourselves than about Him. - Thomas Merton
Good and bad are illusions. What exists is either the presence of empathy or the lack of it. I think this should become the new, clear definition of how we see people. No more "good" and no more "bad". Those terms are highly subjective. - C. JoyBell C.
For crying out loud, absurd things can happen, none of us is spared. He reached out and gave her a soft pat on the back. So screw it, lovey. Enjoy every second you’ve got and stop moping around. - Intomesee - Maha Erwin
To be Outstanding is to do the same thing others have done in a different way.But to STAND-OUT is to do what no one has ever done before.Being outstanding is good, but STANDING-OUT is better.So Dream, Explore, Discover, and Stand Out!!! - Olaotan Fawehinmi
Good-bye. I am leaving because I am bored. - George Saunders
Few of us ever live in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone. - Louis L'Amour
What's the good of living if you don't try a few things? - Charles M. Schulz
Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:5 - Apostle Paul
As everyone applauds and sips champagne, I smile back at Rachel, thinking she got it just right. Love and friendship. They are what makes us who we are and what can change us, if we let them. - Emily Giffin
That amount of time is to be converted into some products, benefits, goods, services, welfare, ministry, but most of us actually truncate this amount of wealth on daily basis. - Sunday Adelaja
A man who is good from docility, and not from stern self-control, has no character. - Henry Hazlitt
Humility and shame have been confused. Humility is knowing that you know nothing for sure and shame is someone having to tell you. - Erica Goros
For good health, watch what you eat. For a good head, watch what you watch. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A Good Leader Promotes Peace,Not War.A Good Leader Is For The People,Not For Himself.A Good Leader Does Not Watch His People Suffer. - Godfrey Orateng
We could call order by the name of God, but it would be an impersonal God. There's not much personal about the laws of physics. - Stephen Hawking
The Christian God seemed the most offensive to people precisely because he was the most godlike. He was too perfect even to be coaxed by human efforts, and therefore sent his son to do the job. - Criss Jami
Often times we allow ourselves to become impatient, by viewing God’s promises based on our human knowledge. Our thoughts and ways are irrelevant in his judgment to grant any of our requests. We need to have patience and trust in God for answers to our requests. - Ellen J. Barrier
Would we not do well to have the pleasing of God as our motive rather than to try to elevate ourselves above our brother and outdo another? - Ezra Taft Benson
Practice is the golden bullet for hitting the target of excellence. - Mark F. LaMoure
Don't whine to your spouse about your daily troubles. He's had a harder day providing for you and your children. This is what you're aspiring to? - Lindsey Leavitt-Going Vintage
Sin is that God said something and i don't think so. Sin is to be conceived with my own ideas. Sin is that i see it my way and not God's way.Sin is my own Ideas. Sin is Unbelieve - Mary Tornyenyor
We're neither pure; nor wise; nor good; we do the best we know. - Voltaire
Prof McGonagall : ... bravery doesn't forgive stupidity. ... - J.K. Rowling
Some way some how i'm going to be happy i'm going to laugh i'm going to prosper,i feel good that i remain positive thru these mess up times!!! - jojo1980
You should have a kind heart because you are not just a so and so person,you are also an identity who is part of the almighty god,who above all likes kindness because,he is the bestower of all desired attributes but is benevolently looking for kindness from his creation - Jaspreet Kaur
That is ever the way. 'Tis all jealousy to the bride and good wishes to the corpse. - James M. Barrie
You say: 'Oh, please forgive'You say: 'Oh, live and let live.'But sorry doesn't help us.Sorry will not save us.Sorry is just a word you find so easy to say (so you say it anyway).Sorry doesn't help us.Sorry won't protect us.Sorry won't undo all the good gone wrong. - Morrissey
Music is, to me, proof of the existence of God. It is so extraordinarily full of magic, and in tough times of my life I can listen to music and it makes such a difference. - Kurt Vonnegut
Sacrificing a part of yourself so others can go on to fafill there greatness, their destiny. Is greatness in itself but in a much smaller way that won't be written about or put in history books. But it is far more great in many ways. - Thomas Brodie Sangster
No man is good enough to govern any woman without her consent. - Susan B. Anthony
Free your life from the fangs of gossips by not associating yourself with them. Anyone who helps you to gossip about someone can also help someone to gossip about you. - Israelmore Ayivor
Of all God’s creatures, only man kills with malice. Only man kills out of vengeance. - R.H.Dickinson
Your environment will eat your goals and plans for breakfast. - Steve Pavlina
Try a little harder to be a little better. - Gordon B. Hinckley
God' is an excuse to justify hate. - Anonymous
The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going. - David Starr Jordan
Let us find someone who will never break our heart, who will always be there for us, who will make us happy all the time, who will respect, love and cherish us in everything, and we can't go far in the search because such personality is within us, not in the world we are living now! - Michael Bassey Johnson
I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from The Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book. - Abraham Lincoln
I've got to tell you that my vocation, my true calling, is serving others. Medicine is my avocation; it's part of how I answer my calling, but it's not all of it. I minister to bodies, but I also minister to hearts and souls. - Doc, Finding Normal
He left not knowing where he was going, he got there not knowing where he was, and he came back not knowing where he had been. But history books will point out Columbus as the person who made the Americas available for exploitation. I guess I can make the same kind of ridiculous claim. - Herschell Gordon Lewis
Perfect God, Prince of Peace. - Lailah Gifty Akita
One thing work givesis the joy of not working,a minute here or therewhen I stand and only breathe,receiving the good of the air.It comes back. Good work donecomes back into the mind,a free breath drawn. - Wendell Berry
Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water. - W. C. Fields
When you want something really bad and you close your eyes and wish for it-- God's the guy who ignores you. - Caspian Tredwell-Owen
When she fucked up all those years ago, just a little girl terrified into paralysis, she fell onto the enigma of herself. - John Green
...But first appearances are often deceptive. Not everything monstrous looking is evil, and not everything fair is good...and in every fairytale, there is a grain of truth. - Andrzej Sapkowski
Obviously no country can claim a special place in God's heart, yet we are better as a people because He has a special place in ours...I want to thank you for helping America, as Christ ordained, to be a light unto the world...
In all tests of character, when two viewpoints are pitted against one another, in the final analysis the thing that will strike you the most, is not who was right or wrong, strong or weak, wise or foolish.... but who would go to the greatest lengths in considering the other's perspective. - Mike Dooley
I think there needs to be a meeting to set an agenda for more meetings about meetings. - Jonah Goldberg
Let your life be a song. Let music be the background of whatever human things you will do for this blazing, spinning planet, and never let go of the good, never let go of the kindness. - Logan Keys
Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world. - John Evelyn
I am who I am and that's who I am - Nikolai Gogol
We are what we allow ourselves to become. Never settle for less than what you deserve. Keep fighting the good fight! Keep giving your all to achieve, receive and succeed - Cecibel Contreras
When both you and your spouse actively focus on developing godly character qualities, the foundation of your marriage will be twice as strong. - Elizabeth George
It is brutal. Only I never could see the sense in having folks look at your tombstone and say, 'He was a man who didn't believe in violence, He's a good man... and dead. - Louis L'Amour
Love makes you stupid. Love makes you weak. Love will kill you all one day, and it’s going to kill you today. - J.X. Burros
3310There are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers came to know eat better, but the givers sleep better. So I want to be both. Because I want to eat and sleep both better for good health. - Prachi Parichita
Bygone troubles are a pleasure to talk about. - Yiddish Proverb
Happiness is the goal of all goals and ultimate purpose of our life. - Debasish Mridha
Let nothing disturb you,Let nothing frighten you,All things are passing away:God never changes.Patience obtains all things.Whoever has God lacks nothing;God alone suffices. - Teresa of Ávila
May God us keepFrom Single vision and Newton's sleep. - William Blake
Anyone - your daddy or mine, your ancestor or mine, your god or mine - who bays for blood of "infidels" is an a***ole. And non-divine. - Fakeer Ishavardas
With the need for the self in the time of another / I left my seaport grim and dear / knowing good work could be made / in the state governed by both Hope and Despair. - Roman Payne
Contrary to popular belief: Knowing where you are from will not really tell you where you are going. It will merely tell you why you are where you are. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Leave your pride, ego, and narcissism somewhere else. Reactions from those parts of you will reinforce your children's most primitive fears. - Henry Cloud
Sometimes you have to go on when you don't feel like it, and sometimes you're doing good work when if feels like all you're managing is to shovel shit from a sitting position. - Stephen King
Great! I’m addressing the King of Altoln…about who knows what, but I’m at the centre of it and everyone’s looking at me now, oh for all the gods’ sake Falchion, swallow it down and say something damn you. - J.P.Ashman
To say that 'prayer changes things' is not as close to the truth as saying, 'prayer changes me and then I change things.' God has established things so that prayer, on the basis of redemption, changes the way a person looks at things. - Oswald Chambers
It's disheartening that most Christians will still miss Heaven because Christians today have forgotten that Heaven is meant for those who declare Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, then confirm that declaration with action. - Gugu Mona
It is good to be brave, it is better to be good; strive to be both. - Justin McCarthy
The plan, a memory of the future, tries on reality to see if it fits. - Laurence Gonzales
Men must be decided on what they will not do, and then they are able to act with vigor in what they ought to do. - Mencius
No matter how righteous you are, no matter how carefully youcultivate the companionship of the Holy Ghost, there are vast amounts of knowledge which you need to acquireand which you are not going to receive through revelation. - Rex E. Lee
I bleed words.I dream in narrative. I live in infinite worlds.I befriend figmental characters.I wish on stars in other galaxies.I harvest stories from a brooding muse.I bloom under moonlight in hushed seclusion.I am a writer. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, anew continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to bereleased and channeled toward some great good. - Brian Tracy
Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you, and make you happy. If you know people who do none of these things, let them go. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
We love our dear ones a lot but God love them more and take them from us,Worst feeling is that we can't meet or talk with them ever and this feeling kill us from inside. - Jaiendra Puri
There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect. - G.K. Chesterton
I have spent my life going from mania to mania. Somehow it has all paid off. - Ray Bradbury
The communists may not have done very well in the end, but I can't help thinking of capitalism as merely the go-to religion of the greedy and selfish. - Pansy Schneider-Horst
I watched the Indy 500, and I was thinking that if they left earlier theywouldn't have to go so fast. - Steven Wright
Evil triumphs when good men refuse to call it evil - Dean Cavanagh
I’m not going to die because I failed as someone else. I’m going to succeed as myself. - Margaret Cho
He wanted more, as did I, but we still had a ways to go. I wasn’t a tease and my demands seemed pretty reasonable: always be honest and try not to eat me. ~ Sam, Living Violet - Jaime Reed
Facts & figures go to the brain. And, the brain tends to forget . Stories go straight to the heart. They make us feel. And, the heart remembers. - Dawn Gluskin
Sa ngalan ng nagpangalan sa kanilang lahat. Sa ngalan ng mga hindi napangalanan at sa mga hindi mapangalanan. Sa ngalan ng tinatawag sa maraming pangalan : Orus, Onus, Defles, Burgos... - Allan Derain
It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. - Ansel Adams
How many men do you personally know whom you would typically classify as Kind, Gentle and Loving...I'm guessing the list is not very long. Now think of the women whose lives are characterized by those same virtues. I'm going to go with, that list is probably much longer. - Dennis James
Don't call me an egoist.; let an egoist name me so! - Raheel Farooq
To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us always give the devil his due. - Neil Gaiman
When the machine of a human being is turned on, it seems to produce a protagonist, just as a television produces an image. I think this protagonist, this self, often recognizes that it is a fictional construct, but it also recognizes that thinking of itself as such might cause it to disintegrate. - Mohsin Hamid
If God is anonymous, let it be. - Santosh Kalwar
A miracle is when you take action on your written goal, and work hard to create it. Transform your dreams into the reality, by writing your goals, taking action and making them happen. This is the short recipe for top success. - Mark F. LaMoure
Religion is the world's label for following God. But, it is a one-on-one, daily and personal relationship that God seeks from all of us. - Elizabeth Salamanca-Brosig
I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead. - Samuel Goldwyn
Every time we compromise, push the limits, or forego Biblical boundaries, we cheat on God…we hurt Him. - Jayce O'Neal
There is nothing in this world that you cannot do. Every goal is achievable. You just need to focus on your objectives, be persistent in your efforts and work hard to make it happen. There can be no hurdle uncrossable, no obstacle invincible and no stumbling block insurmountable. - Roopleen
Every time you give up on your dreams, you compromise the size and magnitude of what God has called you to do. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
Sink, suffer, self-destruct Rise stronger, reconstruct - Lamb of God
Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world. - C.S. Lewis
How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to? - Anthony Robbins
Stop looking for a partner. Focus on your goals and rebuilding your life. The right person will eventually find their way to you. - Robert Tew
One good product is better than many fake goods. - Lailah Gifty Akita
There is not the slightest analogy between playing games and the conduct of business within a market society. The card player wins money by outsmarting his antagonist. The businessman makes money by supplying customers with goods they want to acquire. - Ludwig von Mises
Everybody has. It wouldn't do for us to have all our dreams fulfilled. We would be as good as dead if we had nothing left to dream about. - L.M. Montgomery
God always has fresh ideas - Sunday Adelaja
God created us all with his love, to be equally treated.No human being is superior over another. - Ellen J. Barrier
Human desire is the criterion of all truth and all good. Truth does not lie beyond humanity, but is one of the products of the human mind and feeling. There is really nothing to fear. The motive of fear in religion is base... - D.H. Lawrence
God Please help Man find his lost Freedom faster. So that the rest of the creatures on earth who deserve it more can have theirs back. - Surabhi Dhar
Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me? You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am, like I am made of glass, like I am made of paper.Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground like a Skyscraper... - Demi Lovato
I had lots of good intentions but I wasted them on people who didn't deserve them... - Bellamkonda Avinash Babu
what it is is the memory of a dance a song you heard long ago to hear it is to be young again and for once for once you are happy - Julio Alexi Genao
Vampires are slicker than goose shit on a glass window. Suave. Sultry. I'm neither of those things - Chuck Wendig
The man of integrity who is true to self and to God will choose the right whether or not anyone is looking because he is self-driven, not externally controlled. - Tad R. Callister
The greatest delight is to mark one's enemy, prepare everything, avenge oneself thoroughly, and then go to sleep. - Joseph Stalin
Sometimes ya gotta do stuff 'cause it's expected of ya, not 'cause of anything else. - Laura Moncur
I've found that busting your ass on a daily basis to make your art good, clear, and meaningful creates the most luck. - Don Roff
Once I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: "No good in a bed, but fine up against a wall. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Even the most kindest person in the world, can be the most cruelest person. - PureDragonWolf
I get angry about things, then go on and work. - Toni Morrison
God performs miracles, but even for a man to walk on water, action is required. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Be the fire when they feel cold, you go out, they are without - Goitsemang Mvula
LAST, n. A shoemaker's implement, named by a frowning Providence as opportunity to the maker of puns. Ah, punster, would my lot were cast, Where the cobbler is unknown, So that I might forget his last And hear your own. Gargo Repsky - Ambrose Bierce
See yourself as you really are.Accept the good and the bad.Only then can you truly share yourself with another. - Velyn Cooper
GOD doesn't love you until, He loves you yet still - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Devil and God two sides of the same face. - Dejan Stojanovic
I said school starts tomorrow. I didn’t say I was going to be there. - Kim Harrison
life is like golf game , Hole after hole - Zakaria Chidmi
To believe in yourself and to follow your dreams, to have goals in life and a drive to succeed, and to surround yourself with the things and the people that make you happy - this is success!
'But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked. 'Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: 'We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.' - Lewis Carroll
Whatever time mother goes to heaven, it is always too soon. Fortunately, she is forever. - R. N. Prasher
Are you comfortable? That’s good. But there is somewhere at least someone is uncomfortable! And this should somehow make you uncomfortable too! The world can be a better place only through this way, through thinking others! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Os sentimentos mais genuinamente humanos logo se desumanizam na cidade. - Eça de Queirós
And so people ask God for signs and wonders. Yet when signs are given and wonders are performed, most can't even see them! I therefore believe that it's not signs people should be asking God for; but you should be asking God for Sight! - C. JoyBell C.
...she knew, with all her heart that running away from the country’s top relationship coach was as good as saying, 'there’s no hope for me, ever'! - Diane Hall
As the legend goes, when the Phoenix resurrects from the flames, she is even more beautiful than before. - Danielle LaPorte
You can always tell you're in trouble when the good option involves a prosthetic leg. - Hugh Elliott
Death is not extinguishing the light It is simply putting out the lamp Because the dawn has come - Rabindranath Tagore
Life is about finding yourself. Finding yourself is about finding your ultimate goal, ultimate passion. - Debasish Mridha
La cultura no hace a la gente. La gente hace la cultura. Si es verdad que no forma parte de nuestra cultural el hecho de que las mujeres sean seres humanos de pleno derecho, entonces podemos y debemos cambiar nuestra cultura. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Adult librarians are like lazy bakers: their patrons want a jelly doughnut, so they give them a jelly doughnut. Children’s librarians are ambitious bakers: 'You like the jelly doughnut? I’ll get you a jelly doughnut. But you should try my cruller, too. My cruller is gonna blow your mind, kid. - John Green
Whether the vessel is a legal document or a rap song, language is often chosen ot exclude. To use a scholarly phrase, "discourse communities" are often gated,so it's the good writer's job to offer readers a set of keys. - Roy Peter Clark
A defining factor of team success is trust in God. - Sunday Adelaja
She isn't the kind of girl that makes you wonder why she doesn't have someone, you just know that the kind of guy who is good enough for her is rare, and she projects the kind of strength that says she is perfectly happy to wait till he shows up. - Stacey Ballis
Good men must be affectionate men. - Samuel Richardson
Never think that you need to protect God. Because anytime you think you need to protect God, you can be sure that you are worshipping an idol. - Stanley Hauerwas
The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship. - Martin Luther
The Chinese did not admire a bent back; goddesses and warriors stood straight. Still there must have been a marvelous freeing of beauty when a worker laid down her burden and stretched and arched. - Maxine Hong Kingston
A Dream is a seed.Vision plants it.Imagination nurtures growth.Opportunities create blooms.Reflection becomes Reality! - Donna McGoff
Portia remembered her interview in the small office upstairs...in which she had been so shy, so terrified about not being good enough, not getting this thing, this chance, which she had only just discovered she wanted very badly. - Jean Hanff Korelitz
As private parts to the gods are we! They play with us for their sport. (Lord Melchett, Blackadder.) - Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
I think there are writers who take a quieter approach to their work one that is just about respectfully showing up for your vocation day after day, steadily doing your best, and letting go of the results. Not going to war against anyone else, or against their talents, or against themselves. - Elizabeth Gilbert
The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die. - Edward M. Kennedy
Go, and do thou likewise. - Bible
O que digo é que é pela beleza em si que as coisas belas são belas. - Plato
The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount…If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State. - Harry Truman
Good music always defeats bad luck. - Jack Vance
Questions... I question that... and than... soona I am going to question and my existence. - Deyth Banger
Is that your reason for fighting?! We're different!!! We fight for the sake of our injured friends!!! No matter if our opponents are humans, demons, or even gods!!! - Hiro Mashima
If we were always given a choice as to every path presented us in life, a multitude of roads leading to priceless treasures would forever go untraveled.Be grateful for your adversities. From toil and triumph evolves a life worth living."—from "Brahna A'Mahr - Richelle E. Goodrich
Because you’re a creation of God, you reflect the Divine qualities of creativity, wisdom, and love. - Doreen Virtue
Do Re MiCalifornia is a garden of Eden, a paradise to live in or see,But believe it or not, you won't find it so hotIf you ain't got the do re mi - Woody Guthrie
To achieve your goals, just focus on your target and explore. - Evan Ricafort
Usifanye kazi peke yako wala usiwe mbinafsi! Washirikishe wenzako kukamilisha malengo madhukura ya kadari ya maisha yako. - Enock Maregesi
Choose well. Your choice is brief, and yet endless. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Henry James would have been vastly improved as a novelist by a few whiffs of the Chicago stockyard. - H. L. Mencken
Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason there of until all of the events transpire. - Joseph Smith Jr.
Okay, Jesus, give us your eyes. Give us childlike faith. Give us the eyes of faith so that we can begin to see the way Christ does and get used to looking for God's glory in each other. - Kevin Paterson
Is the ash in trees, babies, flowers, and visions of Godbetter than the visions themselves? Then you think,none of this is tangible or concrete. So you have another cigaretteand think about the (not one) but many ghosts you keep tucked away,under sheets, under beds, in notes, within other ghosts. - Derek Keck
The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul. - Johann Sebastian Bach
Our government, media houses, schools, must focus on creating a new culture in our society. - Sunday Adelaja
Everything in Life that Comes-Goes - Jeffrey Hill
Being a writer is a good, good thing. - Shannon Hale
Sve sam u životu kupila dovom. Sve. Ja nisam nista zaradila...Došli goli na ovaj dunjaluk. I odosmo goli. Bez džepova. Ćefin nema džepove. Ništa ponijet nećemo. Naše je samo ono što damo. I onoliko koliko sebe damo. - Ammara Šabić
Everything in this world, as well as the world itself, strives for balance and harmony. Electron reaches proton, male tends to female, light replaces darkness, life is balanced by death, and vice versa. And evil on one scale will inevitably lead to the appearance of good on the other. - Alexandr Iscenco
I also think you should take care of yourself. You can crack up a little when these things go on for so long. You've got to bring a healthy self in here. That will help him most. He needs to feel your strength. And you need to do what you have to keep it. - Elizabeth Berg
Arvid reste sig för att gå. —Nej, sitt! –sitt!, sitt!—. Om någon hund varit närvarande, skulle han genast suttit. // Arvid se levantó para irse. —¡No, siéntate! –¡siéntate!, ¡siéntate!—. Si hubiera habido algún perro presente, éste se hubiera sentado de inmediato. - August Strindberg
People were never meant to be idols. We aren't supposed to be worshipped. Only God deserves that kind of praise. - Karen Kingsbury
Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Things are neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare
The free market punishes irresponsibility. Government rewards it. - Harry Browne
What’s the point of having beliefs and values if we don't stand up for the former and live by the latter? - Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
I wasn't ready for goodbye, not now, not yet. Stay with me tonight, please don't go just yet. - Anya
Παλιά ξύλα καίγε, παλιό κρασί πίνε, παλιούς φίλους κράτα, παλιά βιβλία διάβαζε. - Louis Aragon
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations is an admirable work, and I studied it intently. The quotations when engraved upon the memory give you good thoughts. They also make you anxious to read the authors and look for more. - Sir Winston Churchill
All the good things a man can do for a woman is against her religion - M.F. Moonzajer
Be contented with the things of the world. Develop greed for God. - Radhe Maa
I thought I would be understood without words. - Vincent Van Gogh
The fact is that my native land is a prey to barbarism, that in it men's only God is their belly, that they live only for the present, and that the richer a man is the holier he is held to be. - Saint Jerome
He is your friend who pushes you nearer to God. - Abraham Kuyper
Sex is part of nature, I go with nature.
The things we earnestly chased like they are inevitable; now we see them and pass by....that's what i call GROWTH. Some will take 20 yrs to know this growth but those that feed on the Word have instant growth and prosperity. God be praised - Kingsley ofosu-Ampong
Choice of justice is better than injustice if even you got hold of the injustice it from any since that since is nonsense. - M.Rishad Sakhi
Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. - Will Rogers
Tyler rounded the hood and opened the door. 'What?' he asked when she grinned at him. 'You've got a slide-over-here-honey seat!' His eyes crinkled with laughter. 'Well, what are you doing all the way over there? - C.H. Admirand
To ‘let go’ sometimes makes us feel like losers because it means giving up what truly we felt we had a right to. But true strength lies in resisting the urge to hold onto things and people that bring us down. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
-Cristianno, mírame...-Prefirió besarme.-Ya lo hago,amor -repuso sin alejarse de mi boca-, solo que de otra forma. - Alessandra Neymar
Why bad people live in heaven??If there is heaven so do and hell exist??but why bad are heaven and good also??So you have done here something bad and you greeting saying "Bravo..., Bravo... well made!" - WTF??? - Deyth Banger
Este Mundo es demasiado pequeño para contener mis Sueños, mis Pasiones y mis Aspiraciones ". - Fernando González y Lozano
If you are a special intelligent expect that God or people from "relatives or from strangers or friends,..." to get you down and your reply is must to absorb problems and try to alleviate and diminish from its sad effects - Ramy Mohamed Sabry
Anyone who has got a book collection and a garden wants for nothing. - Cicero
A venturesome minority will always be eager to get off on their own... let them take risks, for Godsake, let them get lost, sunburnt, stranded, drowned, eaten by bears, buried alive under avalanches- that is the right and privilege of any free American.
The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any. - Fred Astaire
What has a man's face to do with his character? Can a man of good character help having a disagreeable face? - Ann Radcliffe
There is only one religion and that is to love unconditionally. Those who kill in the name of religion are the bigot and biggest nonbeliever. - Debasish Mridha
Stop pretending to be something you're not. FREE YOURSELF. You are good enough just the way you are. - Karen A. Baquiran
We’re not crazy. We’re just not in the dark anymore. And my goodness, we can see you so clearly now. - Saeed Jones
If librarianship is the connecting of people to ideas and I believe that is the truest definition of what we do it is crucial to remember that we must keep and make available, not just good ideas and noble ideas, but bad ideas, silly ideas, and yes, even dangerous or wicked ideas. - Graceanne A. Decandido
Clearly he had his own strange way of judging things. I suspect he acquired it from the gospels. - Victor Hugo
I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance - Jon Stewart
Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you. Amen. - Thomas Aquinas
If you wish to see God; look people in the eye, listen to them, and see how they treat other people. - stacy snapp killian: StacyK
where some god pissed a rain of reason to make things grow only to die, - Charles Bukowski
The blessings and grace of God is my greatest wealth. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Well, normally I’m against big things. I think the world is going to be saved by millions of small things. Too many things can go wrong when they get big. (on how he felt about attending his big 90th birthday bash last year) - Pete Seeger
Being in relationship with Jesus, "God, The One and Only", is the single cure for hatred ...the only guarantee of salam or shalom! - Gary Patton
Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.
Goodbye cruel world. - Gloria Shayne
My job is not to get between YOU and God. My job is to put your hand IN God's hand. - David McGee
Whether for good or for bad, the Iran that ultimately rises out of the ashes of last summer's uprising will be unlike the Iran we know today, and for that we can thank the Green Movement, not another round of useless sanctions. - Reza Aslan
you need to be happy with who you are and never compare yourself to people who dont give a shit about you. - Gofaone Motlogelwa
life is not about how fast you start,but how the end is going to be ,so don't worry when others are ahead of you.just keep on doing what you have been doing. - lexis smigz
There is little pride in writers. They know they are human and shall some day die and be forgotten. Knowing all this a writer is gentle and kindly where another man is severe and unkind. - William Saroyan
God knows the motives of every man. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Good writing is remembering detail. Most people want to forget. Don't forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth. - Paula Danziger
Without knowing every single detail in a man’s life, we cannot judge whether he is a good person or not! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you are walking with Jesus, in the Spirit, you need not fear going too far. No believer has gone as far as God wants him to go. - A.A. Allen
There's an old saying about those who forget history. I don't remember it, but it's good. - Stephen Colbert
If you can trust God and yourself, anything is possible. - Lailah Gifty Akita
To grow—overcome and go beyond your barrier. - Debasish Mridha
truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. - Leo Tolstoy
Wherever you go, go with love. - Debasish Mridha
A friend doesn't go on a diet because you are fat. - Erma Bombeck
Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few. - Pythagoras
Each moment is just that... a moment. Whether good or bad it will pass to the next. Forward to the next and create a wonderful life. - Gillian Duce
It's not my Goddamn planet! Understand, Monkey-Boy?
God always brings someone into your life that has traveled the same path and knows the rocks you climbed to get to the end of the trail. - Shannon L. Alder
If you like fantasy and you want to be the next Tolkien, don’t read big Tolkienesque fantasies Tolkien didn’t read big Tolkienesque fantasies, he read books on Finnish philology. Go and read outside of your comfort zone, go and learn stuff. - Neil Gaiman
Always smile , make everyone happy , It can change the way a day is going , even deep in your heart you are sad . - BoRio
There’s only one way to assure consistently good work. That is consistently thorough preparation. - Andrew Loomis
Honesty will guide you to goodness, and goodness will invite you to heaven. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
In our day heaven and earth are on tiptoe waiting for the emerging of a Spirit-led, Spirit-empowered people. All of creation watches expectantly for the springing up of a disciplined, freely gathered, martyr people who know in this life the power of the kingdom of God. - Richard Foster
When God speaks faith has to connect to His Word because if you allow only your feelings to connect no root can be formed. - Mz Liz
Donde no hay mujeres no existen los buenos modales - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
God not only loves the obedient - He enlightens them. - Henry B. Eyring
Don't stand unmoving outside the door of a crying baby whose only desire is to touch you. Go to your baby. Go to your baby a million times. Demonstrate that people can be trusted, that the environment can be trusted, that we live in a benign universe. - Peggy O'Mara
I didn't lose anyone, for everyone that I lost was never really a loss, unless it was death well then I had to have words with God. - Nikki Rowe
However, the primary job of a servant of God is to speak or to write words to convict people of God's truth. So, in the speaking or in the writing of words, he witnesses for God. - Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Husbands are chiefly good as lovers when they are betraying their wives. - Marilyn Monroe
The rich will make temples for Siva. What shall I, a poor man, do? My legs are pillars, the body the shrine, the head the cupola of gold. - Basava
If you don't know when you're good, how can you know when you're bad? - Will Adolphy
Where slightest of conflict exists, there is neither God nor Religion. - Dada Bhagwan
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them. - Sojourner Truth
I grew up in an era that was a golden age of the blockbuster, when something we might call a family film could have universal appeal. That's something I want to see again. In terms of the tone of the film, it looks at where we are as a people and has a universality about human experience. - Christopher J. Nolan
You will always find me behind the line of the Horizon - Fernando González y Lozano
Make choices in life that don't leave people bitter, worse off or confused. Any choice that leads you to do this is a choice that didn't include God in the decision making process. - Shannon L. Alder
A 'good man' is a male creature that survives the endless episodes that its woman spends complaining about women who she hates, and, women who hate her. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Jealousy: that Dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive. - Havelock Ellis
Do not be afraid to enter the cloud that is settling down on your life. God is in it. The other side is radiant with His glory. - L.B. Cowman
God exists. He has one wicked sense of humor, and right now he’s having a grand old time punking the planet. - Forrest Carr
There’s not a single good thing about fear. Fear is a habitual liar and a destroyer of a purpose-filled life. Don’t entertain fear. You’ve got to protect your dreams, goals, and the desires of your heart. Be brave in all things! - Stephanie Lahart
Good manners and good morals are sworn friends and fast allies.
Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions - Frantz Fanon
Being afraid of things going wrong, doesn't help them go right. - Sue Fitzmaurice
If you focus on the ultimate goal, you will find strength to overcome the hurdles on the path to success - Lailah Gifty Akita
To have had fame, even very minor fame, and to have lost it, got older and maybe put on a little weight is a kind of living death. - David Nicholls
High heels are a short (theist) woman's (subconscious) way of telling God to go to hell in public. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
They dispute not in order to find or even to seek Truth, but for victory, and to appear the more learned and strenuous upholders of a contrary opinion. Such persons should be avoided by all who have not a good breastplate of patience. - Giordano Bruno
We don not think, in the holy places; we think in bed, afterwards, when the glare, and the the noise, and the confusion are gone, and in fancy we revisit alone, the solemn monuments of the past, and summon the phantom pageants of an age that has passed away. - Mark Twain
It is wrong to become absorbed in the divine law to such a degree as not to perceive human law. Death belongs to God alone. By what right do men touch that unknown thing? - Victor Hugo
I was the son of an immigrant. I experienced bigotry, intolerance and prejudice, even as so many of you have. Instead of allowing these thing to embitter me, I took them as spurs to more strenuous effort.
It is good to stay in a peaceful poverty than to stay in a painful wealth. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Let's get one thing clear, there may be few or many successful people in your profession, but there is going to be only one hero in that profession. - Amit Kalantri
I’m not interested in external ego but internal satisfaction. I’m not interested just in easy glory but in constructing something….together we are trying to build a project that is not just short term - manuel pellegrini
Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue. - Izaak Walton
Your traditional EDUCATION is not going to CHANGE your life but the life you are experiencing that can change you. Choose a POSITIVE life STYLE with positive ATTITUDE which could bring you a life with HAPPINESS and WISDOM - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write. - Saul Bellow
The world only goes round by misunderstanding. - Charles Baudelaire
We get a little further from perfection, each year on the road,I guess that's what they call character,I guess that's just the way it goes,better to be dusty than polished,like some store window mannequin,why don't you touch me where i'm rusty,let me stain your hands - Ani DiFranco
The surest way to suppress our ability to understand the meaning of God and the importance of worship is to take things for granted...Indifference to the sublime wonder of living is the root of sin. - Abraham Joshua Heschel
YOU are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, I am the smaller one on its upper side,'said the dewdrop to the lake. - Rabindranath Tagore
Sometimes being a good friend means being harsh.
I needed to do my current job well, keep preparing, and wait on God’s timing. I needed to trust His leadership rather than try to force an outcome I wanted. - Tony Dungy
Peace and happiness are powerful weapons against the Egos. - Belsebuub
It's spider season. Every year, right about now, thousands of the godless eight-legged bastards emerge from the bowels of hell (or the garden, whichever's nearest) with the sole intention of tormenting humankind. - Charlie Brooker
Those who kow-towed to the prosecution and denounced the Nazi regime got it in the neck just the same. It serves them right. - Herman Goering
Nilijitolea sehemu ya maisha yangu ya kijamii na kifamilia kuweza kuchapisha Kolonia Santita katika kiwango nilichokitaka. - Enock Maregesi
Harnessing the unique sex energy that can only arise through sexual expression can awaken multidimensional awareness and provide you with your desired goal. - Stephen Richards
Morality is the foundation of sadhana. Morality is the base, intuition is the way and Life Divine is the goal - Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
I'm an idealist: I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way. - Carl Sandburg
Shetani angekuwa na uwezo wa kuona ndani ya ufahamu wa mtu, binadamu angeshatengeneza ubongo. - Enock Maregesi
make the most of the day, by determining to spend it on two sorts of acquaintances only - those by whom something may be got, and those from whom something may be learned. - Colton - Colton Robinsmith
Who cares what time you wake up and go to bed? What matters most is what you do with your life in between. - J.R. Rim
Today she’s walking down the driveway to get on the school bus. Tomorrow she’s going off to college. Don’t blink. - levi paul taylor
The spirit of Christmas abides in harmonious carols like those sung by angels on the day of Christ’s birth. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Love is like going fishing, you never know what size fish will be taken out of the water, but big or small you will be the one deciding to either kill it or keep it close to you under good care and nature it. But firstly you have to take the courage to go fishing. - Marcus L. Lukusa
The children of God are His instruments on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will inevitably come. And then - I go on to the next thing, whatever it is. One doesn't luckily have to bother about that. - Agatha Christie
The wise man does not permit himself to set up even in his own mind any comparisons of his friends. His friendship is capable of going to extremes with many people, evoked as it is by many qualities. - Charles Dudley Warner
Nature's Laws are the invisible government of the earth. - Alfred A. Montapert
New Atheism simplicity is the byproduct of collective groupthink, and the internalization of self-congratulatory jingoistic clichés and generalizations. They know because they know, and there's no reasoning with someone who knows."- The New Atheist Threat: The Dangerous Rise of Secular Extremists - CJ Werleman
One of my greatest lessons of growth was to stop dwelling in the past and forgive myself and others from all the pain and hurt that was caused. When I finally let go and released, I was free with glee. - Jason Micheal Ratliff
Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good; A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly; A flower that dies when first it 'gins to bud; A brittle glass that's broken presently: A doubtful good, a gloss, a glass, a flower, Lost, vaded, broken, dead within the hour. - William Shakespeare
However my mother had once said, ‘When you go to art school, you’ll find everybody sitting around practicing how to do their signature'; and sure enough, there they were, some of them doing just that. - Richard Williams
The way you make love is the way God will be with you. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Valuing a writer only for their diversity, but not their humanity or talent that’s tokenism. - Sunili Govinnage
God created all living things to bring forth seed, not reproduce shrines. - Amy Layne Litzelman
The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell youDon't go back to sleep!You must ask for what you really want.Don't go back to sleep!People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,The door is round and openDon't go back to sleep! - Jalaluddin Rumi
Reap your harvest. (Benefits) You have been sowing seeds on good soil. (Working Hard) Your garden is overflowing abundantly.(Successful) Now is the time for you to fill your basket with the fruits of your labor. (Savings). Prepare your soil for new seeds. (Investments) - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Society has traditionally always tried to find scapegoats for its problems. Well, here I am. - Marilyn Manson
He was fortified by a memory which kept only the good things and rejected the ill. Despite his sorrows, he had had a fair share of joys and these were ever fresh and accessible. - Evelyn Waugh
People who spend their lives like to go to parties and cinemas, sit at home and watch movies, TV Series, TV dramas, etc.They think this is life. But it is spending life not living life. - Sunday Adelaja
And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost
I hate the sound of the world outside. Because everybody here can't wait to come and say goodbye... - Dulara Perera
Respect people who never afraid of failure and working hard to achieve goal. But I respect more those who support them in this situation. - Gargi Vyas
Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God." -"I NEVER KNEW YOU - Mac Canoza
To pray is to say that there is more than I can see, and more than I can do. There is more going on than meets the eye. - Shauna Niequist
I think about and consider God's feelings before the people's or even my own. - Delano Johnson
When I was outside, you were saying why you are comming home, why you won't go home??When now I'm home why I'm not going outside... wtf???????? - Deyth Banger
The word of God is more powerful when put into action than when only spoken. - Gugu Mona
I've gone into hundreds of [fortune-teller's parlors], and have been told thousands of things, but nobody ever told me I was a policewoman getting ready to arrest her. - New York City detective
Her heart unfolded in her chest, took in all of him, and closed tightly, unwilling to let him go - Justine Dell
Good luck in a way is bad luck not occurring, but the world wants stories of how bad luck happened, and how good luck played a savior. - Daya Kudari
We can’t turn our true selves off and on situationally and expect them to carry and sustain us. Rationing creativity results in bipolarism of the spirit. Our creativity is also our life force. When we turn it off and on like a spigot, we start to become less and less able to control the valve. - S. Kelley Harrell
The night is Ours. Rejoicing in the ethereal realms where We are kings. Blessed souls of forgotten immortality. They fear Us in every grasp. - Luis Marques
It's OK to glance in the rear-view to see where you've been, but stay focused on where you are going! - Mark Hewer
A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar. - H.L. Mencken
Have you heard of the most evil things done by people in their lifetime? They have coveted men's wives, killed hundreds of Christians and sold their best friend's life away for just a few coins. Isn't it interesting that they were God's chosen in the bible? ---Saul, Judas & King David - Shannon L. Alder
I am a knight riding from tower to tower seeking a princess to rescue but all the dragons are slain, the towers are empty and the princesses taken. - Pieter Niemand
Today is the first day of the rest of your life! AND I DECLARE THAT 'THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IS GONNA BE THE BEST OF YOUR LIFE'. NO STRINGS ATTACHED. ~ UNIVERSE LOVES YOU & SO DO I ‪#‎StardustAK‬ - Abhishek Kumar
I forgive, I always do. My type of love goes on with or without you. - Efrat Cybulkiewicz
Everything I do is going to contain the message that men who are going to be comfortable with powerful women are going to be more powerful men - Joss Whedon
A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. - Freeman Dyson
God sometimes moves mountains one pebble at a time. - Rebecca Barlow Jordan
he who will not economize will have to agonize - Confucius
You have made a mistake, well good, good this shows that you have to learn a lesson... I have also made a mistake, she also has made a mistake, all have made mistake, that's life. That's how everything works! - Deyth Banger
I must die. Must I then die lamenting? I must be put in chains. Must I then also lament? I must go into exile. Does any man then hinder me from going with smiles and cheerfulness and contentment? - Epictetus
Live in such a way that when you die you leave God in your will for your children. - Shannon L. Alder
Anybody who has doubts about the ingenuity or the resourcefulness of a plumber never got a bill from one. - George Meany
Ain't no sense worryin' about the things you got control over, 'cause if you got control over 'em, ain't no sense worryin'. And ain't no sense worryin' about the things you don't got control over, 'cause if you don't got control over 'em, ain't no sense worryin'. - Mickey Rivers
When you manage your expectations, you let yourself soak in the joy of what is actually happening around you. - Andrea Goeglein
Coming to the END of MYSELF and all SELF effort...seems to be the very point that God steps in and shows HIMSELF to be more than ENOUGH. - John Paul Warren
At the fall, we became alienated not only from God and other people but also from ourselves. - R.C. Sproul
You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed? - Kevin Jarre
Life goes on, brah! - The Beatles
If i cannot smoke in heaven, then i shall not go. - Groucho Marx
Go for your dreams and get lost to find yourself again and again. - Debasish Mridha
We all have a voice of sorts and when put with others we make a good sound. - Stephen Richards
No matter where you go, there you are! - Coleen Singer
Yes, he had made a good choice after all when he had chosen the God of the green pasture and the still waters! He was very powerful, and the fact that He expected you to think for yourself and do something in return for His help did not matter, as long as you could work things out. - Anne Holm
You should lead and serve by example without a title because people will and should remember you by and for your actions and accomplishments for doing good not by your title or positions. - George Stamatis
It's strange that we print 'In God We Trust' on the back of his leading competitor. - James W. Miller
While thou livest keep a good tongue in thy head. - William Shakespeare
Human race don't go extinct but only if we treat each other as a human regardless of gender, color, class, and ethnicity. - Mohith Agadi
Sin, in its simplest definition, is the misuse or abuse of anything GOD created. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
I am going to read... but from where to start - is the biggest question in the world. - Deyth Banger
The Lord God is a sacred helper. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If people see the Capitol going on, it is a sign we intend the Union shall go on - Abraham Lincoln
So it's off with the shellsuit and on with the Armanis,Bring out the champagne and the caviar sarnies - Roger McGough
From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven, and when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, the streams of light flow together and a single brighter light goes forth from that united being. - Baal Shem Tov
If you don't change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news? - W. Somerset Maugham
It is wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago. - Dan Quayle
Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.
The Christian who loves his Master needs not fear any longer for himself. For it is then completely irrational, as it is written thus: 'Perfect love casts out fear.' However, it is very much rational for one to instead fear for the enemies of God. - Criss Jami
Each writer is born with a repertory company in his head. - Gore Vidal
We live, move, breathe, and having our being in the Love-Light of God - Gary Eby
Let’s have a life with momentum and action. Set a goal for every day and every season. - Debasish Mridha
Man's ultimate destiny is to become one with the Divine Power which governs and sustains the creation and its creatures. - Alfred A. Montapert
Slow but sure moves the might of the gods. - Euripides
If you don't interfere with me, I'll always do something really good. - John Malkovich
Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. - Charles F. Stanley
The sacred soul knows the sacred voice of the Great God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Self-denial is indulgence of a propensity to forego. - Ambrose Bierce
We have to abandon the conceit that isolated personal actions are going to solve this crisis. Our policies have to shift. - Al Gore
Writing is not a profession, occupation or job; it is not a way of life: it is a comprehensive response to life. - Gregory McDonald
I know the moment you died,Jesus' face was smiling on you,Welcoming you into His glorious city of gold. I know you are enjoying the incredible light and peace of His presence right now - Lisa Bedrick
We are so fearful that almost all of humanity has to depend on an invisible person with the name of God. - Debasish Mridha
My shower doesn't make everything go away. The world doesn't feel like a bigger, brighter place because my hair smells like coconuts. - Jolene Perry
It is not possible to know ‘Who am I?’ by ‘doing’. ‘Doing’ (anything), requires egoism, and where there is egoism, ‘Who am I’ cannot be known. - Dada Bhagwan
Museum education has the power and the responsibility to do the challenging inner work of tackling tough topics and turning them into teachable moments. - Monica O Montgomery
When I go up there, which is my intention, the Big Judge will say to me, Where are your wounds? and if I say I haven’t any, he will say, Was there nothing to fight for? I couldn’t face that question. - Alan Paton
Unless you are rich and can convalesce in a sanatorium estate (where visitors came down a tiered, oceanside lawn to found you at your easel) you have to keep going when you're depressed. That means phone calls, appointments errands, holidays, family, friends, and colleagues. - Virginia Heffernan
The wind of God is always blowing... but you must hoist your sail. - François Fénelon
You will find it a very good practice always to verify your references sir. - Martin Routh
The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world, nothing is left to chance...logic can be happily tossed out the window. - Stephen King
I don't beleive in peoples .I don't think it's always true.I believe Buddha knowledge and I believe in god ,I beleive in goodness.I think different from others it is the way I am - Chunyanuch
What you choose today will determine who you are tomorrow. - Tim Fargo
We could do ourselves a tremendous favor by letting go of the people who poison our spirit. - Steve Maraboli
And of all the rooms in my childhood,God was the largestand most empty. - Li-Young Lee
I left that church with rich and royal hatred of the priest as a person, and a loathing for the church as an institution, and I vowed that I would never go inside a church again.[, describing his teenage reaction to a hellfire lecture by a priest] - Eugene V. Debs
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. - Lao Tzu
You got to think a musical instrument is human or, anyway, alive....You take a fiddle now, we say it has a neck, and in the human neck what do you find? Vocal cords like strings, where the sound comes from. - Annie Proulx
It is hard to focus on going forwards when you are looking backwards. - Gillian Duce
If your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people grant your requests when those requests appeal to their self-interest, you can have practically anything you go after. - Napoleon Hill
I know I fib a good deal. After all, a woman's charm is fifty percent illusion. - Tennessee Williams
I'm not an Emontional, but how???I live with the thought that "Nothing can be returned, it has happen and it can't be changed", "..But probably it is for good". - Deyth Banger
The best thing about this journey is I know I have it in me to keep going. Battle-tested, you know? Now, my heart laughs at the word 'quit'. - Ace Antonio Hall
At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey. - Lemony Snicket
She knew now that no one could be neutral - not anymore - and as afraid as she was of risking Sophie's life, she was suddenly more afraid of letting her daughter grow up in a world where good people did nothing to stop evil, where a good woman could turn her back on a friend in need. - Kristin Hannah
If you'd combat bigotry, use honest language and call things out for what they really are. - DaShanne Stokes
To receive love is good, but to be loved unconditionally, I don’t know what’s greater than that. - Spirit Rain
Science is interesting... Albert Eistein has said that he believe in religion, and he has said "Science without a religion is nothing and the reverse...", but now some people say that he has said and that he doesn't believe in religion and in god!? (That's call reverse...) - Deyth Banger
Providence has nothing good or high in store for one who does not resolutely aim at something high or good. A purpose is the eternal condition of success.
It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop. - Confucius
For [a product] to surprise me, it must be satisfying expectations I didn't know I had. No focus group is going to discover those. Only a great designer can. - Paul Graham
To fall is not to fail. To fail is to never fall because I never got up in the first place. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
My mind is the only sanctuary that has not been stolen from me. Men have tried to breach it before, but I've learned to defend it vigorously, for I am only safe with my innermost thoughts. - Christopher Paolini
Anxiety is experiencing failure in advance. Tell yourself enough vivid stories about the worst possible outcome of your work and you’ll soon come to believe them. Worry is not preparation, and anxiety doesn’t make you better. - Seth Godin
GOD in not just in the details, He is the detail. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
You don't have to go out your way to validate or prove your worth to anyone who doesn't see YOUR reflection when they look in the mirror. - ebrahim aseem
I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it. - Vincent Van Gogh
Belief in God, without belief in the Prophet (SAWW), would still be unbelief. - Wasif Ali Wasif
A good mind is the mind which leaves no one on the ground when rising! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When you take time to study and practice the word of God, you become like a barrel of great beauty, filled with the energy drink of love with which you inspire people to inspire other people! - Israelmore Ayivor
Wish' is the most powerful thing in the world. Higher than God. - G.I. Gurdjieff
How often we fail to realize our good fortune in living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy. - Paul Sweeney
The scenery in the play was beautiful, but the actors got in front of it. - Alexander Woollcott
The Knowledge of God is very far from the love of Him. - Blaise Pascal
Instead of allowing a situation to alter your attitude negatively. Let your positive attitude alter the situation. - karan godara
Its true that love doesn't come easily. Its equally hard to just let it go. Ironically, its just not in your hand. - Heenashree Khandelwal
The notion of making money by popular work, and then retiring to do good work, is the most familiar of all the devil's traps for artists. - Logan Pearsall Smith
However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them? - Gautama Buddha
I haven't believed in magic because I don't believe in anything that I haven't seen with my own eyes. Therefore, I must go to Paelsia as soon as I can and learn the truth for myself - Morgan Rhodes
The power of God’s grace is a transformed life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Contrary to popular belief, English women do not wear tweed nightgowns.
I love it," I say. "So I learned it." It's an explanation that leaves a lot out. But I learned a long time ago that people don't really want explanations. - Jael McHenry
To know what's in my food means to prepare a gun, to know what I drink means to go and put ammo in the gun after cleaning it and finding it and to as last just to push the trigger and look... I'm dead. I'm now just watching my body! - Deyth Banger
Sometimes when I'm faced with an atheist, I am tempted to invite him to the greatest gourmet dinner that one could ever serve, and when we have finished eating that magnificent dinner, to ask him if he believes there's a cook. - Ronald Reagan
You have to know where you are going to reach your destination. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We've all got the power to kill in our hands, but most of us are afraid to use it. Those who aren't, control life itself. - Richard Ramirez
He built a fort around, making it impossible for anyone to go near him. And he sat near the window watching her dance in the rain, with someone else. - Akshay Vasu
I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about. - Henry Ford
God heals, and the doctor takes the fee. - Benjamin Franklin
New ideas pass through three periods: It can't be done. It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing. I knew it was a good idea all along ! - Arthur C. Clarke
Competition is not about fighting, it is all about helping each other to achieve a common goal. - Joey Lawsin
The man is happiest who lives from day to day and asks no more, garnering the simple goodness of life. - Euripides
God put me on Earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind I will never die! - Unknown
Asking in prayer helps you to see your problem in the light of God’s power. - Elizabeth George
In 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever. 2030 is a dream and a goal. - FM-2030
The meaning of life. The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word: 'grace. - Max Lucado
Do not gossip about monks and speak ill of spiritual teachers - Radhe Maa
Where I am, I don't know, I'll never know, in the silence you don't know, you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on. - Samuel Beckett
Sorry I'm late, I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life - Kakashi Sensei
Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not. - Deepak Chopra
Más que sus ojos, su mirada. Miraba como queriendo decir algo y no diciéndolo. - Mario Benedetti
God allows us to have a personal relationship with himself and he forgives and loves us as children. If God forgives our such great sins against his Son should we not forgive such little sins against ourselves? - Greg Gordon
Anywhere we go, we will have our self with us; we cannot escape ourselves. - Thich Nhat Hanh
Sometimes I feel like one of those sliding tile puzzles. I just get so dang close to what I want to see in the mirror and who I want to be... but then I have to completely jumble up the pieces to try to get even closer. - Erica Goros
Once, poets were magicians. Poets were strong, stronger than warriors or kings stronger than old hapless gods. And they will be strong once again. - Greg Bear
Yes, God has given us desire. But we are the ones that stoke it. What sort of kindling will we be using to make our fire? - Keturah Lamb
Do you know that pain of leaving when you look back expecting to see a face waving goodbye at you but all you see is a dark abandoned corner?There won't be any reason to return then.All you can do is look ahead and not to stumble and fall on the pit ahead waiting for you. - Sanhita Baruah
nothing would be more fatal than for the Government of States to get in the hands of experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge, and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows where it hurts is a safer guide than any rigorous direction of a specialized character. - Winston S. Churchill
Women have got to make the world safe for men since men have made it so darned unsafe for women. - Nancy Astor the Viscountess Astor
Never test good people because they are like diamonds. when you hit them, they will not break but they will only slip away from your life - Moywaywa
I'm fairly convinced that the Kingdom of God is for the broken-hearted. You write of 'powerlessness.' Join the club, we are not in control. God is. - Fred Rogers
To truly strip a man of everything, one must take away his money, community, and the core of his beliefs until he is bathed in the agony of isolation. - Leinad Eibam, Published Poet
Every great scientific truth goes through three stages. First, people say it conflicts with the Bible. Next they say it has been discovered before. Lastly they say they always believed it. - Louis Agassiz
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. - Mark Twain
Our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
The preparation of good food is merely another expression of art, one of the joys of civilized living… - Dione Lucas
In spring, the snow must go; in fall, the leaves can't stay. - Marty Rubin
Tunc enim robustius contra vitia erigitur, cum subdita rationi famulatur. - Gregory the Great
Let’s be very clear about this, asshole: I’ve been a woman in Arkansas. I know damn well what it means when a man says to me 'Calm down.' Being raped comes next, and that’s a fact I’m never going to forget. - Agnostic Zetetic
College is the best time of your life. When else are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night? - David Wood
I never believed I will be the Breadwinner in my family, But I give Lord God Almighty Thanks! - Genereux Philip
जष्न वो नहीं जो मैखानेके प्याले में डुबोके पिया जाये, जष्न तो वो है जो यारों की यारी में जिया जाये. - Navnath Godse
I don't know where we should take this company, but I do know that if I start with the right people, ask them the right questions, and engage them in vigorous debate, we will find a way to make this company great. - James C. Collins
The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender your will to change and experience life. But options are before you; choose one and dedicate yourself to it. The deeds will give you a new hope and purpose. ~ Eragon - Christopher Paolini
Wagging tongues from prejudiced, sophisticated facade of show-off people can never blemish any honest, genuine, golden heart. - Angelica Hopes
You are perfectly cast in your life. I can't imagine anyone but you in the role. Go play. - Lin-Manuel Miranda
I am Chandubhai’ is good or bad focused applied awareness (shubha-ashubha upyoga). ‘I am Pure Soul’, is the focused pure applied awareness of the Self (shuddha upayog). With good-bad focused applied awareness (shubha-ashubha upayog) instillation in the worldly life occured. - Dada Bhagwan
In a tough situation, don't avoid acting just because it's easier or comfortable. Don't lapse into a passive state. People who give up, die. - Gregory Benford
A song should stand on its own and on what a singer does with it. It shouldn't need a lot of extra help to be good. - Oliver
We move in response to our conversation partner’s face, and our brain also fires as we move those muscles and stirs the passions. Paralyzing the face is idiotic. - John M. Gottman
I am neither good, nor bad, neither angel nor devil, I am a man, I am a vampire. - Michael Romkey
People come and people go, but it's rare that one makes enough of an impact in life, that others will read as history. - Auliq Ice
Do you really think all angels are sweet and gentle? You must have forgot that the front lines of the War in Heaven were littered with bold women that had something to say. - Shannon L. Alder
The longer the trial to which God subjects you, the greater the goodness in comforting you during the time of the trial and in the exaltation after the combat. - Padre Pio
Gostava de sonhar contigo todos os dias para poder ter uma vida cem por cento de sonho. - Pedro Chagas Freitas
Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
.....if he’s not man enough to stand up to your father, and take the crap he has to dish out, then he’s not good enough to be with you. - Crescent, Sam
There should be no tenacity of insistence or obstinate insistence of any kind. If there is any tenacity, it should be the kind that will go away if you tell it to! - Dada Bhagwan
You cannot live a nonviolent life as long as you are consuming violence. Please consider going vegan. - Gary L. Francione
If he trips he must be sustained. If he makes mistakes they must be covered. If he sleeps he must not be wantonly disturbed. If he is no good he must be pole-axed - Winston S. Churchill
When you become worthy of people’s worship, you will be able to attain moksha (liberation), you cannot go to moksha just like that. Reproach (criticism) by people is the cause of a life in the lower realms. - Dada Bhagwan
I thought it was a novel.It is.What’s it about??You’ll have to buy it to find out, but it’s got everything: love, death and an amusing dog.This one’s got a recipe for apple crumble, I said.Don’t you love that about the novel? The capaciousness? he said. - Marcel Theroux
sThank god, we all are human being, god gifted us everything and feeling is one of the most beautiful thing then love to them whatever made by God search here for new year wishes: happynewyear2015.in.net - Devesh Tamta
You can serve God and man in no more effective way than by getting rich; that is, if you get rich by the creative method and not by the competitive one. - Wallace D. Wattles
Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, a good mother, good-looking, good-tempered, well-dressed, well-groomed, and unaggressive. - Marya Mannes
You have to invest yourself as a reader to be a good writer. - Saru Singhal
Thou art God, and I am God and all that groks is God. - Robert Heinlein
Sometimes things seem good at first . . . but we learn the hard way that they weren't as good as we thought. - Melody Carlson
We must adjust our plans to succeed in light of the changes that have occurred. - Andrea Goeglein
The world was a bad joke dreamed up by the Almighty on an off-day. I've always felt myself that he probably had a hangover that morning. - Jack Higgins
Only when however we are becomes good enoughDo we ever become really freeTo be our best... - anynomous
Never despise fashion. It's what we have instead of God.
The scary thing about life is how far people will go to keep it.
In God's wildness lies the hope of the world - the great fresh unblighted, unredeemed wilderness. The galling harness of civilization drops off, and wounds heal ere we are aware. - John Muir
A gold tooth is to some blacks, what braces are to all whites. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
In times of solitude, we are still to hear the voice of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
One of the most beneficial and valuable gifts we can give to ourselves in this life: is allowing ourselves to be surprised! It is okay if life surprises you. Its a good thing! - C. JoyBell C.
I mean, I think even God would agree with this at this point. God’s existence isn’t important. It’s what we do with what we’ve got that counts. - Michael Ruse
Be able to go shopping for a bathing suit and not become depressed afterward. - Marilyn Vos Savant
There are lots of ways of being miserable, but there's only one way of being comfortable, and that is to stop running round after happiness. If you make up your mind not to be happy there's no reason why you shouldn't have a fairly good time. - Edith Wharton
We find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve. - Maxwell Maltz
Flirting with the dark side has always had it's fascination. Because you learn, and there's wisdom there. Escpecially with the post-Freudian era with the young, the shadow is ninety percent gold. You hold treasures there that you need to learn about yourself to be a whole person. - Edward Herrmann
God gives strength to the weak.God grace is the power for godly living. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Sure, some of us humans might be angry at a sovereign God about Hell, but know that that is about as meaningful as a few germs being angry at humans about bleach. - Criss Jami
I have no God to hold me up. And I believe that when they shatter the body they shatter everything, and I knew that all of us—Christians, Muslims, atheists—lived in this fear of this truth. - Ta-Nahisi Coates
A celebrity starts being a cele-crazy when he's seen often, he's just like the ordinary man in the streets. Without much ado to shout his name, i go my way. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Sometimes a woman will look back on what she had, not because she wants to go there but to motivate her to do better. - Reuben " Mulah Truth " Holmes II
The dream giver [God] will remove mountains, He'll fill valleys, He'll straighten crocket ways for you to fulfil your dreams. And His timing is the best. - Euginia Herlihy
We got a fightin' side a mile wide, but we pray for peace 'cause it's mostly us that end up servin' overseas. - Josh Thompson
The chakras in your body are as to galaxies on the body of God. - L.J. Vanier
Much of history is fragmentary and essentially anachronistic condemning the past for not being more like the present. It has no real interest in the pastness of the past. - Gordon S. Wood
For good or ill, your conversation is your advertisement. Every time you open your mouth you let men look into your mind. Do they see it well clothed, neat, busineswise?
Men and women believed and proclaimed God was firmly on their side and easy and shallow assertion that reduced God to a sort of house deity. - Gustav Niebuhr
If the novels are still being read in 50 years, no one is ever going to say: ‘What’s great about that sixth book is that he met his deadline!’ It will be about how the whole thing stands up. - George R.R. Martin
It felt good to be the one holding the blade; the role reversal gave him a much desired feeling of control. - S.R. Ford
In battling evil, excess is good; for he who is moderate in announcing the truth is presenting half-truth. He conceals the other half out of fear of the people's wrath. - Kahlil Gibran
A new type of superstition has got hold of people's minds, the worship of the state. People demand the exercise of the methods of coercion and compulsion, of violence and threat. Woe to anybody who does not bend his knee to the fashionable idols! - Ludwig von Mises
Koliko reci ste u stanju da zadrzite u sebi u toku razgovora sa voljenom osobom? - Tamara Stamenkovic
Don't go through life with a closed mind. Allow innovations and creativity to flow. We should always challenge ourselves to excel in more ways than one. Be open to ideas or suggestions on how to improve. And, the chances of reaching your goals will increase enormously. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Protecting our kids from sexual abuse is not accomplished in a single conversation, but in ongoing conversations grounded in honesty and trust. - Carolyn Byers Ruch
In displaying the psychology of your characters, minute particulars are essential. God save us from vague generalizations!"(Letter to Alexander Chekhov, May 10, 1886) - Anton Chekhov
People can only be categorized into a good or bad person but not the human because being human is in itself a very coveted position which is not often possible to achieve by any individual. - Anuj Somany
Every morning is bright, beautiful, and gorgeous like the sun, but we can't see it because we are blinded by day to day tasks. - Debasish Mridha
You gotta make it a priority to make your priorities a priority. - Richie Norton
There's a big difference on being wise and being crafty. The former is the attribute of God, and the latter is that of Satan. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I believe that it should be the blessing of every child to be born into a home where that child is welcomed, nurtured, loved, and blessed with parents, a father and a mother, who live with loyalty to one another and to their children. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Democracy is the process to elect government of the upper-class people, by the poor people and for the corporate people. - Nilesh (Neil) jain
If you do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals to live the life you desire, It will be worth it. I promise! But if you find some excuse to justify quitting your journey, you will regret it. This is also a promise!" -gbb - Glenn Brandon Burke
The spiritual meaning of love is measured by what it can do. Love is meant to heal. Love is meant to renew. Love is meant to bring us closer to God. - Deepak Chopra
God made man because He loves stories. - Elie Wiesel
God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December. - J.M. Barrie
The thing that grieves the heart of the Lord is when truth is ridiculed. When God doesn’t see men who stand in defense of the truth. - Sunday Adelaja
How many millions there are who don't want to go to Hell, but they don't want to get off the road to Hell. - Alan Cairns
Good girl doesn’t exist; you just have to choose between bad and worse. - M.F. Moonzajer
Damnation is eternal. That’s the whole point. Otherwise, what good would it do you? - Forrest Carr
Be real. Be authentic. Be yourself, whatever the emotional cost. Pain goes away, while regret over a life lived trying to be a plastic version of yourself does not. - Vironika Tugaleva
Writing is storytelling and all of us are authors, not just of words but of reality. You are the author of your life, so go out and live! Then never quit writing about it! - Ben Mikaelsen
How you handle Failure, determines your success. How you rise after a fall is going to define you. I don’t care how dedicated you are, I want to know how OBSESSED can you be. I don’t LOVE what I do, I LIVE it. - Harsh Malik
No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by experience. Whenever I have prayed earnestly, I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes. - Martin Luther
The only way to take command of your life is to realize that you are never going to be in control of it. - Toni Sorenson
Harrogate saw them going along Blount Avenue Sunday morning. They wore outfits all cut from the same bolt of cloth and in the church pew standing six across they looked like a strip of gaudy wallpaper cut into those linked dolls madfolk pass their time in fashioning. - Cormac McCarthy
You cannot pursue all your goals simultaneously or satisfy all your desires at once. And it's an emotional drain to think you can. Instead, you must focus on long-term fulfillment rather than short-term success and, at various points in your life, think carefully about your priorities. - Eric C. Sinoway
No is a false perception. Yes is a positive conception.Go with reality and reason. - Debasish Mridha
I turn off the radio, listen to the quiet. Which has its own, rich sound. Which I knew, but had forgotten. And it is good to remember. - Elizabeth Berg
Good times bad times...part of life...its like a meandering... river...flowing...going through crevices...gorges...caverns...mountains...hills hillocks...and finally meeting it's destiny.... - rahul kushwaha
Religion holds the solution to all problems of human relationship, whether they are between parents and children or nation and nation. Sooner or later, man has always had to decide whether he worships his own power or the power of God.
You want a great life? Well, greatness is on the other side of that fu**ing wall... don't just go over it, go through it! What are you waiting for? - Steve Maraboli
If an artist wants to use his mind for creative work, cutting oneself off from society is a necessary thing - Glenn Gould
A 'good job' can be both practically attractive while still not good enough to devote your entire life to. - Alain de Botton
I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind. - John G. Diefenbaker
Man is meant for good but designed for evil. - Raheel Farooq
I care not that this moment’s lot was thin and sparsely dealt; all pleasures sweet can be forgot the instant they are felt. - Roman Payne
Your good character and attitude should be your message to the world. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
Inherent rights are from God, and the tragedies of the world originate in their attempted denial. - Warren G. Harding
Give your all to every experience, feel it breathe it appreciate it, nothing lasts forever, when it's gone you'll remember the feeling it once gave you and sometimes that's enough. - Nikki Rowe
If you can't say "Fuck" you can't say, "Fuck the government. - Lenny Bruce
Everything that is experienced through the five senses is all ‘discharge’. It is due to one’s merit karmas that everything works according to one’s wishes, but he claims, ‘I did it’ and when one faces losses, he will say, ‘God did it’ or ‘my horoscope is unfavorable’. - Dada Bhagwan
I have seen flowers come in stony placesAnd kind things done by men with ugly faces,And the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races,So I trust, too. - John Masefield
There is nothing more dreadful than imagination without taste. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die. - Edward M. Kennedy
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. - William Shakespeare
The sweat of hard work is not to be displayed. It is much more graceful to appear favored by the gods. - Maxine Hong Kingston
If you are doing something good, never do it free - Nelson Nshekanabo
Motivation does not mean to keep going 24/7. If you get tired, it's normal. Relax, take some rest, it may be your preventive maintenance time. Even machines are turned off some times for their preventive maintenance. - Nassef D
You are born to shine.Carry your light everywhere you go. - Lailah GiftyAkita
Modern man's loss of a sense of being sinful doesn't spring from a feeling that he is inherently good. Rather, it springs from his feeling of being inherently ineffectual. - Brendan Francis
God predestined His chosen people. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I thought if only we could go onand meet again, shy as strangers. - Lisel Mueller
Humility is never about being small, unseen and unnoticed. Humility is really about expressing all the wonder you are in a way that all people see is the awesomeness and greatness of GOD. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
We need not fear God as we fear all other suffering, which burns and maims and kills. For God's fire, though it will perfect us, will not destroy, for 'the bush was not consumed. - Thomas Cahill
You realize your true identity as consciousness itself, rather than what consciousness has identified with. That's the peace of God. The ultimate truth of who you are is not I am this or I am that, but I Am. - Eckhart Tolle
All the great feelings like goodness, love or compassion eliminate the gravity and thus the wingless man rises like a bird. - Mehmet Murat ildan
I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest. - Marilyn Monroe
God is not dead but alive and well and working on a much less ambitious project. - Anonymous
Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,--'Wait and hope'. - Alexandre Dumas
Be rooted in the word of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Ukila kiapo fanya kile ulichoahidi katika kiapo, si kinyume chake hata kidogo, hata kama dunia haitakubaliana na wewe. - Enock Maregesi
The captain was a good chess player, and the games were always interesting. Yossarian had stopped playing chess with him because the games were so interesting they were foolish. - Joseph Heller
Corrupt governments are run by corrupt politicians that run corrupt law enforcement agencies. - Steven Magee
At this rate, I'm still going to be aspiring by the time I'm expiring. - Scott Cherney
We pay a tax to succeed at anything worthwhile. That tax is called dedication, and here's the most wonderful part. Once you pay it, once you truly dedicate yourself to something important, you'll find the price was worth it. - Steve Goodier
I hate today, today is everyday.- I think something is going on most cases I'm wrong others I'm right... - Deyth Banger
God rewards those who put Him first and seek to do His will. - Jim George
It doesn't matter if people doesn't know that you do a good thing nor the right thing. But he nor she must know your expression of love. - Olivia Sinaga
Não estatize meus sentimentos. Pra seu governo, o meu estado é independente. - Renato Russo
The cause of most of man's unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Many go fishing without knowing it is fish they are after. - Henry David Thoreau
Those who mistrust their own abilities are being too wicked to themselves, discouraging themselves from doing what they should have been excelling in. If you are good at discouraging yourself, you can't be a good leader because leadership is built on inspiring others to face challenges. - Israelmore Ayivor
You do not become outstanding by working on your weaknesses You become outstanding by focusing on your strenghts. - Gordana Biernat
i DO NOT WHY BUT i KEEP THINKING OF YOU, WHAT DID YOU EVER DO TO ME?I have tried na nikashindwa kukudelete from my system, IMEKATAA.i KNOW YOU HAVE TRIED TOO, IT LEAVES ME WONDERING WHAT IS THESE.It can only be explained by the gods. - Hanimoz Obey
I am free to go wherever I want for the rest of my life. - Faith Ringgold
I believe in love. I believe it transforms, transports, and transcends. I believe it fine-tunes goodness, solidifies strength, ripens resolve, eradicates rage, alleviates stress, and elevates empathy. - Lisa Kogan
I will alway catch you when you fallDaniel Grigori.Fallen - Lauren Kate
To protect themselves, the weak focus on the "bad" in people. Conversely, the strong, who fear little, focus on the "good". - Iimani David
I Have Fought the Good Fight and Won - Carmen J. Viglucci
Keeping objects from your past comes with memories of your past. Let go of both to move on. - Faydra D. Fields
Those who have the FREEDOM to Row can get to where they want to Go!- - RVM
Cheat your landlord if you can and must, but do not try to shortchange the Muse. It cannot be done. You can't fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal. - William S. Burroughs
Some people come and go and are forgotten. But there are other people who share a part in our destinies. They come, they go, but they are never forgotten. They come, they go, but even after they go... they're still here. They never really went anywhere. - C. JoyBell C.
I always look towards the light of my desires, so I never forget where I'm going. - Imania Margria
An intelligent man [doesn’t] know everything, he simply [knows] how to look everything up quickly and efficiently." - , Songs of the Dancing Gods - Jack Chalker
Alas! must it ever be so? Do we stand in our own light, wherever we go, And fight our own shadows forever? - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
People say to me so often, 'Jane how can you be so peaceful when everywhere around you people want books signed, people are asking these questions and yet you seem peaceful,' and I always answer that it is the peace of the forest that I carry inside. - Jane Goodall
Choosing to Let Go crashes the pity party thrown by all the What ifs and If onlys. - Justin Young
A parents wishes for their children shouldn't be to be as good as them but to surpass their own abilities and hopefully lead to a better world. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Cut off from the land that bore us,Betrayed by the land we find,Where the brightest have gone before us,And the dullest are most behind - Stand, stand to your glasses, steady!'T is all we have left to prize:One cup to the dead already - Hurrah for the next that dies! Bartholomew Dowling - http://www.charlieipcar.com/lyrics/re...
For Orpheus' lute was strung with poets' sinews, Whose golden touch could soften steel and stones, Make tigers tame, and huge leviathans Forsake unsounded deeps to dance on sands. - William Shakespeare
Your power to choose can never be taken from you. It can be neglected and it can be ignored. But if used, it can make all the difference. - Steve Goodier
Serving others means being willing to make sacrifices for their good. - Jim George
When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him. - Euripides
The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next. - Abraham Lincoln
We're all golden sunflowers inside. - Allen Ginsberg
The power of the human mind is unstoppable. It can make bad things Great and good things Worst! Use it accordingly. - myselfRMD - Rose De Matta
A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice. - Anonymous
There is nothing quite so sexy as good old fashioned enthusiasm. - R.A.Delmonico
Men are not naturally faithful creatures. They have an ego that is in constant need of stroking and usually anything in a skirt fits that need. I never feel the need to make a man jealous in retribution for his infidelity. I simply pick up the wine and find a new taster... - Virginia Alison
In the case of sand as in that of woman, there is a fineness which is treacherous. - Victor Hugo
It appears that the paradigm of the modern Church has mainly been based on some fragments of the truth rather than the comprehensive totality of understanding God and His Kingdom - Sunday Adelaja
Your best - no matter how great - isnothing if you minus God from theequation. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Remember, if you're heading in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns! - Allison Gappa Bottke
America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization. - Georges Clemenceau
Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the governing of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question. - Thomas Jefferson
pretending to be good might be the same with pretending to be right, its just you are selfish on your own because you think only for yourself.. - Jinnul Jr.
Believe me, You will surely see the light. even if you are in a darkest room though, It will go in through small holes in your room. - Chandra Bobby
Managing a goal is the best way to guarantee reaching it. - Asuni LadyZeal
I won't compete with anybody. I love to compete with my own body. When God closes a door against me, I should not attempt to bang on it. And if God gives me a key to open a door, I should not misuse that key! - Israelmore Ayivor
The whales do not sing because they have an answer, they sing because they have a song. - Gregory Colbert
Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today? - Peter Maher
Dear God, give bread to those who are hungry and a hunger and thirst for justice to those who have plenty. Amen. - Benedictine prayer
Doing what is right, and standing for what is right, is ALWAYS the right way to go. - Manuela George-Izunwa
It doesn't matter if anyone reads it, buys it, sponsors it or shares it. It matters that you show up. - Seth Godin
Why is it that when we talk to God we’re said to be praying, but when God talks to us we’re schizophrenic? - Lily Tomlin
Do we ever have to abandon all hope? Is it not perhaps a good thing that by refusing to give in to the evidence, the dreams that lie half awake in us all may persist? - Théodore Monod
Television is the first truly democratic culture -- the first culture available to everybody and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what people do want. - Clive Barnes
ALL things great are wound up with all things little. - L. M. Montgomery
When one experiences truth, the madness of finding fault with others disappears. - S.N. Goenka
The word of God is a light unto my path. - Lailah Gifty Akita
All truth starts out as a wish; hence, reality is born from fairytale."from—"My Aquarius - Richelle E. Goodrich
I am willing to walk with God - Lailah Gifty Akita
Well, now,if little by little you stop loving meI shall stop loving you little by little.If suddenlyyou forget medo not look for me,for I shall already have forgotten you. - Pable Neruda
If you would know the value of money, go try to borrow some; for he that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing. - Benjamin Franklin
My words are the kisses but many of the times they don't taste so good as the touch of your lips does to mine. - Santosh Kalwar
Knowledge comes naturally with studying, and with God's touch, instantly. Wisdom comes naturally with age, and with God's touch, immediately. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If lightning is the anger of the gods, then the gods are concerned mostly about trees. - Lao Tzu
The existence of true religion is predicated on the practice of goodness. Goodness is Godliness. There is nothing else. Religion lies in practice, not in bookish theories. - Abhijit Naskar
At the cross, Jesus subjects himself to disability, and his resurrected body continues to bear his scars as a sign of God's solidarity with humanity. - Thomas E. Reynolds
God made you for a reason and your life has profound meaning! We discover that meaning and purpose only when we make God the reference point of our lives. - Rick Warren
God doesn't want meerly action but hearts driving action. - Matt Chandler
Anyone can fail at something they really don’t want. What really takes courage is going after something you want and then failing. There is more fulfillment in life knowing that you tried, rather than settled without a fight. - Shannon L. Alder
A good quote: A timeless capsule of truth. - Garry Fitchett
F.B.I and C.I.A use coded words.... Don't be stupid, remove everything which shows the location. Good Luck Killer :)! - Deyth Banger
The chief value in going to college is that it's the only way to learn it really doesn't matter.
You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Power came the way a child came -- with agony. - Octavia E. Butler
Mind is greedy. When you sense the benefits with people who previously thought rubbish about you, the mind forgoes those thoughts and inclines toward those people only to gain optimal benefits. - Ashish Patel
No matter our sins or our sufferings, we are not isolated or abandoned. Christ is there for us, in good times and bad, and if we know how to follow Him, how to walk in His footsteps, then the road home doesn’t seem quite so treacherous or impossible to scale. - Toni Sorenson
If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti
How to get rid of ego as dictator and turn it into messenger and servant and scout, to be in your service, is the trick. - Joseph Campbell
Sometimes Old Nan would tell the same story she'd told before, but we never minded, if it was a good story. Old stories are like old friends, she used to say. You have to visit them from time to time. - George R.R. Martin
A piece of benevolence, a shard of good will is sometimes all that is needed to raise a truly loyal army. - LordBloodySoul
The word of God is a light that penetrates the human spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Who doesn't want to know that we notice them and value them? And who might respond to us better when they feel that they matter? It probably cannot be overstated it matters...that people matter. - Steve Goodier
Hope transcends everything. It goes beyond all doubts. It silences fear. It quiets despair. - Nikki Rosen
I think I'm going through a bit of ADD. I'm reading 3 books simultaneously and it's something that I don't recommend. It's like watching TV with two others who keep changing the channels... - S.J. Romero
Money comes to those who act intelligently, and God to those who hunger for his grace - Radhe Maa
Yeah, well, what are you going to teach me next...how to take over the world? I asked sarcastically.Good idea! Sampson exclaimed a little too enthusiastically.No, bad idea! I stressed.See? You are learning, Sampson said. - Jennifer Priester
Be not ashamed of thy virtues; honor's a good brooch to wear in a man's hat at all times. - Ben Jonson
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. - Martin Fraquhar Tupper
I know that I don't knowAll that I think I know.I know I won't see all ofThe places I wish to go.I know I'm not readyFor all that the world demands,You don't have to always hold me,Just let me see your hands. - Jordan Hoechlin
We all have to go. Let us create something which will stay longer or forever. - Debasish Mridha
Not everything is a love story. - Ale Meza-Santiago
Always live in the moment but plan and enjoy the journey ahead - Margo Vader
Good heart, good soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Remember. The way you make love is the way God will be with you. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Tear your heart out of your chest. And hand it to God. There is no other healing. I swear, there is no other healing. - Yasmin Mogahed
No expensive car can keep life going except, strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
To love someone means to see them as God intended them. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Soroya:Where are we going? I need to know what to wear.Graham: Wear whatever you’re wearing right now.I looked down. Soraya: A hot pink lace bra and G-string? Where are you taking me, a strip club? - vi kieland penelope ward
And if you think you're alone. Put on my music. Because I'm going to be there for you. - Demi Lovato
We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy - but because they are hard! Because that challenge is one we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone and one we intend to win! - John F. Kennedy
You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose. - Mario Cuomo
Be a good person but don’t waste time to prove it... - Manas Disoriya
A second on the tongue is a lifetime in the heart. What you say can be forgiven, but never forgotten. - Stacey Strobel
A committee is a thing which takes a week to do what one good man can do in an hour. - Elbert Hubbard
Don't waste too much time trying' to be a better man, ' cause you ain't never gonna be one without a good woman. - Mark Roberts
There are two things that govern life.It is Positivity and Negativity.You can see life with a Positive eye or drag yourself into a Negative Action. - Jackson Taviri
Islam teaches that one can only find peace in one's life by submitting to Almighty God (Allah) in heart, soul and deed. - Raad
Storytellers are the keepers - we are the time keepers, the continuity keepers. We are the people who tell us who we are, where we've come from, and maybe even where we're going. - Bryce Courtenay
Children are God’s way of letting us know His work will continue, even long after we are gone. - J.W. Lord
When you engage in people pleasing you are out of integrity with yourself, your goals, your dreams and your life’s mission. - Eileen Anglin
Your highness, when I said that you are like a stream of bat's piss, I only mean that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around it is dark - Graham Chapman
Eternity's a terrible thought. I mean, where's it all going to end? - Tom Stoppard
Money makes the world go round, but love makes the universe go in every direction. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The government is us; WE are the government, you and I."- - Theodore Roosevelt
[God] deposits a dream of what we can be for Him, a dream that acts as our internal honing device. - Wayne Cordeiro
When does complete awareness occur? When the ego departs. - Dada Bhagwan
Escape.. escape.. escape by God. Never mind hunger pains, discomfort, or any other agony. Let escape become your passion, your one and only obsession until you finally reach home. - Richard Pape
Success comes from a thousand little things done well, rarely from a silver bullet, even though we'd all like to believe that as our actions betray." - L. R. W. Lee, Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury - L.R.W. Lee
The law of war is harsh. If there's anything good at all in a war, it's that it brings the best and the worst out of people: some people try to use the lawlessness to hurt others, and some try to reduce the suffering to minimum. - Mohamedou Ould Slahi
I am, indeed, an absolute materialist so far as actual belief goes; with not a shred of credence in any form of supernaturalism—religion, spiritualism, transcendentalism, metempsychosis, or immortality. - H.P. Lovecraft
It doesn't matter where you go in life it's who you have beside you - Jeroen Saey
The only thing we don't have a god for is premature ejaculation... but I hear that it's coming quickly. - Mel Brooks
Are you a dreamer or a doer? Hopefully you are both because a dream with no action is just a dream and a plan with no ending goal is senseless direction. Follow and accomplish your dreams with a plan of action! - Augusta DeJuan Hathaway
Let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. - John F. Kennedy
Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle - Werner Herzog
When everything is at its worst, your mind just throws it all into the wastebasket and goes to Florida for a little while. There is a sudden electric what-the-hell glow as you stand there looking back over your shoulder at the bridge you just burnt down. - Richard Bachman
In the deepest darkness God tenderly grasps my hand and whispers that darkness is nothing more than a place that He is preparing for the arrival of light. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God comes when your broken; not you believe but he works when you believe.. - tirumala
God gives strength for every spiritual adventure. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Ever since childhood, when I lived within earshot of the Boston and Maine, I have seldom heard a train go by and not wished I was on it. Those whistles sing bewitchment: railways are irresistible bazaars... Anything is possible on a train... - Paul Theroux
If books are not good company, where shall I find it? - Mark Twain
I cannot choose but adhere to the word of God, which has possession of my conscience; nor can I possibly, nor will I even make any recantation, since it is neither safe nor honest to act contrary to conscience! Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise, so help me God! Amen. - Martin Luther
She never got a chance to fall out of love, to do it properly, slowly and thoroughly, and the result was he was like a phantom limb. Gone but still there. And like a true phantom limb, the preponderance of feelings associated with him were painful. - Sarah Dunn
If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way. - Jane Goodall
When man comes into the presence of God he will find, whether he wishes it or not, that all those things which seemed to make him so different from the men of other times, or even from his earlier self, have fallen off. He is back where he always was, where every man always is. - C.S. Lewis
In dream, delusion, and fantasy, exist man’s next best reality: that place where he is the creator of his own worlds; where he builds, learns, discovers and entertains; is master of all outcomes, his own god of destiny, and thus the student of his own evolving and ever uncertain truth. - Duane Hewitt
You can’t make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good aboutyourself. - Robin S. Sharma
I am still searching for a popular prayer which doesn’t seek materialistic or other benefits from God and is a simple prayer which simply expresses gratitude in Him and believes what He does will be for our best… - Neelam Saxena Chandra
The greatest legacy a father can leave for his children before he departs is PEACE, otherwise his properties will go in PIECES sooner that he dies. - Israelmore Ayivor
God has a plan for the future and, because He is sovereign, it will come to pass. You can count on it! - Jim George
A man who has never gone to school may steal a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. - Theodore Roosevelt
Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character. - Heraclitus
We come into this world alone. You’re going to die alone. That’s the way it is.I think a really great interpretation of love is: feeling alone with someone else. The times in my life, if you want to qualify as being in love, when you feel almost like being alone with company. - Chris Evans
This was my first real lesson in politics… If you are cast on a desert island with only a screwdriver, hatchet, and the chisel to make a boat with, why, go and make the best one you can. It would be better if you had a saw, but you haven't, so with men. - Theodore Roosevelt
a good philosopher always have great reading ability. - Muhammad Hassam
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Miami Beach is where neon goes to die. - Lenny Bruce
He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god. - Aristotle
If Christians are all loving and full of God's grace (like some of us really are), do they truly love their neighbor? Would they catch a grenade for one of us (like some of us would for them because we truly have love in our hearts)? - Solange nicole
One of the things that has helped me as much as any other, is not how long I am going to live, but how much I can do while living. - George Washington Carver
If you compromise your core values, you go nowhere. - Roy T. Bennett
A good many young writers make the mistake of enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope, big enough for the manuscript to come back in. This is too much of a temptation to the editor. - Ring Lardner
When we forgive someone, it doesn’t justify what they’ve done. It releases them into God’s hands so He can deal with them. - Stormie Omartian
Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there is one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded faith. - Thomas Jefferson
Give up your relentless moralizing, the continual pinpricks which pierce the skin of your fellows. The distinction between good and evil is the sickness of the mind. Give up your morals, and the people will regain a love of their fellows.
The excessive desire of pleasing goes along almost always with the apprehension of not being liked.
You need that pride in yourself, as well as a sense, when you are sitting on Page 297 of a book, that the book is going to be read, that somebody is going to care. You can't ever be sure about that, but you need the sense that it's important, that it's not typing; it's writing. - Roger Kahn
To hide away from the world whose loveless heart has gone astrayand its inhabitants what could be a safer place than my imagination? - Anna Jae
If you want to be a good writer, internalize the good writers; absorb them; integrate with their souls; embrace their minds; mingle with their life stories; in short, merge with them, lose yourself in them! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Don't behave like your heart and mind are strangers to you; they are yours, don't depend on others to understand them, you got to understand them. - Amit Kalantri
...Tolstoy said, happiness is an allegory, unhappiness a story - then what does that make us?... - John Geddes
Oh, wearisome condition of humanity,Born under one law, to another bound;Vainly begot, and yet forbidden vanity,Created sick, commanded to be sound. - Fulke Greville
I am lost in the paradigm of life, death and time. The only thing I have learnt about this paradigm is that the time is running between life and death and with every passing day we are getting closer to the death and truth is that time is running for Good. - AnkitMishra
I prefer Nature's indifference to God's love. - Marty Rubin
I miss the way you got me high by that deadly hypnotizing smile. - Maram J. Rimawi
What a pity, when Christopher Columbus discovered America, that he ever mentioned it. - Margot Asquith
God will bring the right person into your life at the right time. Always believe that! If they are not there, God isn't finished yet! - Shannon L. Alder
Religion is not a bridge between God and Man; it is the Great Wall of China between them! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A tapping foot isn’t the best a listener can get from a song: A good song makes a listener dance. A great song makes him think. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Tomorrow may be hell, but today was a good writing day, and on the good writing days nothing else matters. - Neil Gaiman
Scars prove that you're still here. That you can move on. Maybe missing a chunk of yourself, but here, goddamn it, surviving. - Ash Parsons
If you don't know what it is you're looking for you're NEVER going to find it. You have to be clear on what it is you're seeking. - Germany Kent
Don't let success go to your heads and don't let failure into your hearts. - Will Smith
It is good to dress in fair clothes to dine with friends. It honors your host, if you are a guest; and your guest if you are a host. And both adorn the feast, and so celebrate the gifts of the world. - Alison Croggon
Printing currency for foreigners to buy is the best racket a government can get into. - Lee Child
Years ago my mother said to me, 'In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.' For years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. - Mary Chase
Sometimes a fool makes a good suggestion. - Nicolas Boileau
Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy, the whores are us. - P. J. O'Rourke
Innocence more often than not is a piece of good fortune rather than a virtue. - Anatole France
Don't act so callous to blank out good friends who failed on their way to success, just because something unusual hindered them, but you meandered out by a stroke of luck. - Michael Bassey Johnson
In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be wrong. God cannot be for, and against the same thing at the same time. - Abraham Lincoln
When humor goes, there goes civilization. - Erma Bombeck
It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport. - Fridtjof Nansen
A writer writes knowing that nothing else will elicit the same kind of satisfaction and personal triumph as molding the written word into a reader's great experience. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I am so glad that God miraculously save my life at near-death. - Lailah Gifty Akita
My heart is suffering from reality,so I go to sleep and dream I'm on a fairy tale - Johncen-k.m.f Vergara
In the thoughtlessness of my incessant hurry, I have made God an ‘addendum in’ my life verses the ‘agenda of’ my life. And what I need to hurry up and realize is that with these priorities positioned as such, what I am hurrying to is my own demise. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When the Church tries to embody the rule of God in the forms of earthly power it may achieve that power, but it is no longer a sign of the kingdom. - Lesslie Newbigin
You are never far removed from God’s love and mercy. - Jim George
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. - Anonymous
The Christian journey is truly an exciting endeavor be-cause we become eyewitnesses to the holy activity of a wonderful God in our lives on a daily basis. One of the great marvels of the faith is that we are transformed into testifiers of His strength and grace in the midst of major obstacles. - Malcolm Walls
A sin is nothing more than regret. Not for doing it once, but doing it again when you know you’re going to regret it. - Carroll Bryant
An opportunity, no matter how small it is, is still worth a golden chance. So take it or have regrets for the rest of your life. - Francisca Olivia
Never go for a shortcut to success and never feel lazy to go a longer way. - Ravi Ranjan Goswami
Let there be light,let there be life. - Shaynee Gokool
GOD Forgave you and GOD forgave me so you and I need to always forgive those who offend us and curse us and speak and write lies about us. - Errol Anthony Smythe.
You are good in countless ways, and you are not evil when you are not good, you are only loitering and sluggard. - Kahlil Gibran
God works through angels, people, nature and animals. - Eileen Anglin
You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream. - C.S. Lewis
Prayer is not itself powerful; it is not magic. But its power is unlimited in that the child of God calls on a Father of unlimited goodness and ability. - Peter H. Davids
Nothing shows a man's character more than what he laughs at. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Be a good person but do not waste time to prove it. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
Pru had gotten under his skin, and like her, he wanted more. So much more. He wanted to know her secrets, the ones that sometimes put those shadows in her eyes. He wanted to know what made her tick. And more than anything, he wanted to taste her again.Every inch of her. - Jill Shalvis
He was good and then really good and then bad and then really bad, but since he was good I got lost in the thought that I could fix it. - Dominic Riccitello
On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does. - Will Rogers
One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture and, if possible, speak a few reasonable words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In America you can go on the air and kid the politicians, and the politicians can go on the air and kid the people. - Groucho Marx
If I ever get to go to the moon, I’ll probably just stand on the moon and go ‘Hmmm, yeah…fair enough…gotta go home now. - Noel Gallagher
It is a rare goal that has only one path. - Carma Spence
Try to relax. Sometimes the best offense is a good defense. - Becca Fitzpatrick
To be honest, i know noting about religion, since the world was created thousand of years ago, am just 30 years of age, and have stopped asking questions about how things came to being, but the truth about what i know is that the truth does not exit because i know noting - lanre efizie
Greatest irony of life is living in self glory while glorifying God which is the ultimate joy is left behind. - indonesia123
You cannot go back to your past and erase or do alterations, but today you can have a new start - Zamreen Zarook
What amazes me is that most days feel useless. I don't seem to accomplish anything-just a few pages, most of which don't seem very good. Yet, when I put all those wasted days together, I somehow end up with a book of which I'm very proud. - Louis Sachar
If God meant for people to fly, He would have given them brains. - Robert A. Heinlein
Are we being good ancestors? - Jonas Salk
God so much desires to use you that he isn't thinking of using you just anyhow or somehow. - Sunday Adelaja
Religious discrimination is not like racial discrimination. One you choose for yourself, the other God chose for you. - Habeeb Akande
Your Life Doesn’t Need A Happily-Ever-After To Be A Damn Good Story - Goodhealthify.com
God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages. - Jacques Deval
Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head; And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
By the grace of God, I will finish what I have started. - Lailah Gifty Akita
, when asked how to strike a better balance between family, work and self-realisation says: "You need the intention, good scheduling, and you have to be creative. If you don't find time to practice, one of the three is missing. - Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel
Every good product I've ever seen is because a group of people cared deeply about making something wonderful that they and their friends wanted. They wanted to use it themselves. - Steve Jobs
The person I am today would like to thank the person I was 5 years ago for not giving up. You're awesome! - Iva Ursano
Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste. - Saadi سعدی
Life is like a novel. It's filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page. - Sidney Sheldon
Each day you live is a loan from God; earn interest. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursing his own education. This will not be a widely shared pursuit until we get over our odd conviction that education is what goes on in school buildings and nowhere else. - John W. Gardner
Have you ever thought your friend or loved one had issues and you kept praying for God to change them? Have you ever thought it could be you just need to change your attitude? - Amanda Penland
As you go through life's rich tapestry, you realize that most people you meet aren't fit to shine your shoes. It's a sad fact, but it's true. A good friend is someone who'd hide you if you were on the run for murder. How many of them do you know? - Lemmy Kilmister
As for the fear, you'll have to put up with that like the rest of us. - William Golding
People who truly serve God embrace light, they fall in love with light, and they proclaim light, they fight with light. - Sunday Adelaja
Until ignorance, of one’s own Self (the Soul), is removed, illusory attachment (moha) will not go away. - Dada Bhagwan
A thought can be cast down by speaking out loud words of resistance and words of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Life goes on it doesen't matter people stay with you are not. - Sher E Yazdan
He who has not a good memory should never take upon himself the trade of lying. - Michel de Montaigne
Jerks aren't heartbreakers there just fools with good taste. - Sarah Enchanted
No one can stop you from having great moments with your kids because they believe the hero inside of you. A kiss and warm hug are sure the best treat and possibly the sweetest but simple form of them saying how much they love you. - Karl Gornal
Every single important thing we do is something we didn't use to be good at, and in fact, might be something we used to fear. - Seth Godin
Life,disassembled andreassembled into a thing of beauty,reflect GOD love in a manifestation of unlimited grace. - Peter Adejimi
Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. - Robert Frost
We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. - Dejan Stojanovic
i don't care about you dark secret all i want is you and its for a good reason - Marty
Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinctions. No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good wit. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Feeling good about yourself is not the same thing as doing good. Good policy is more important than good feelings. - Theodore Dalrymple
The only way for God to conquer the world is through the human flesh and through His Spirit. - Sunday Adelaja
Be free, work hard, be brave, good luck will find you. - Auliq Ice
If a writer is not an opponent of the government, he cannot be called as a writer, but just a disreputable lickspittle! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The injured captain, lying in the bow, was at this time buried in that profound dejection and indifference which comes, temporarily at least, toeven the bravest and most enduring when, willy nilly, the firm fails, the army loses, the ship goes down. - Stephen Crane
I took a test in Existentialism. I left all the answers blank and got 100. - Woody Allen
If you're funny, if there's something that makes you laugh, then every day's going to be okay. - Tom Hanks
Keep in mind that the true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good. - Ann Landers
How can you come to know yourself? Never by thinking, always by doing. Try to do your duty, and you'll know right away what you amount to. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Any writer who puts his words and thoughts out into the public is going to be criticized. - Thomas Moore
I don't want prizes. I turned down the National Institute of Arts and Letters when I was elected to it in 1976 on the grounds that I already belonged to the Diner's Club. - Gore Vidal
I believe that writing is derivative. I think good writing comes from good reading. - Charles Kuralt
Have an intrinsic sense of direction of life. Have a goal-oriented conviction and trust. - Debasish Mridha
Avoid working in windowless environments for good health. - Steven Magee
For God’s sake, take the religion out of your life or all kind of absurdities will take the reason out of your life! Keep God, get rid of religion! God, Love and Science; the Magnificent Trinity! All you need is these three things! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A conversation in which the two parties have different beliefs should never begin with the intention of converting the other party to your own beliefs. Every worthwhile conversation's goal should be to understand the other person's opinions and help them understand your own. - Emily Eskowich
To recap: it is possible to put decent information into a Government Machine, have ordinary, good people running the thing, and a reasonable system in place, and still get utter idiocy out of the dispenser?""More than possible. Likely. - Nick Harkaway
Reading is very creative - it's not just a passive thing. I write a story; it goes out into the world; somebody reads it and, by reading it, completes it. - Margaret Mahy
Good conversation is the equivalent of shared emotion. - Marty Rubin
We must judge of a form of government by its general tendency, not by happy accidents. - Thomas Babington Macaulay
When we are anxious about what is going to happen next, we are not staying in our now! - Evinda Lepins
Travel is fatal to narrowmindedness, prejudice and bigotry. - Mark Twain
We have never heard the devil's side of the story, God wrote all the book. - Anatole France
Daphne’s thought in Nation: This was no time to go totally mad. You had to maintain standards. - Terry Pratchett
Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. - William Shakespeare
Law does, "because God said so!"; Grace does because it understands the reason God said so. - D.R. Silva
I've never done acid, finding it hard to go willingly to a place that could be frightening, hellish, and totally beyond my control. A place much like high school. - Libba Bray
Why do people value most the things they haven't got? - Marty Rubin
A cannonball travels only two thousand miles an hour; light travels two hundred thousand miles a second. Such is the superiority of Jesus Christ over Napoleon. - Victor Hugo
Furious and wild with fear, the potatoes flailed the air with their leaves and stamped their roots, but obviously this got them nowhere. - Stanisław Lem
Word of God is the light for sacred path. - Lailah Gifty Akita
What keeps you confident in a healthy way is knowing that everyone else around you is going to support you and teach you and you're going to learn from them. I just feel open to learning from people. - Elizabeth Olsen
The main thing between you and God is not so much your sins; it's your damnable good works. - John H. Gerstner
You could have died later on, you could have died after peace had been declared. But, in any case, you were going to die. - Paulo Coelho
Love is the line that draws the shape of God. --Bleeding Hearts (Demimonde #1) - Ash Krafton
[We're] going to change the world. One day they'll write about us. You'll see. - Viola Gregg Liuzzo
I am not so sure I should like the facts of life, but I have got over the bitter disappointment I felt when I first heard about them,... - Dodie Smith
Arguments should always be held in private. Audiences inflate the ego. - L.J Vanier
The being called God...bears every mark of a veil woven by philosophical conceit, to hide the ignorance of philosophers even from themselves. They borrow the threads of its texture from the anthropomorphism of the vulgar. - Percy Bysshe Shelley
Your culture is your limit; if you can’t go beyond it, you will remain as a frog of your little lake! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Obedience is the virtue that determines whether a person is either a servant or a rebel. Life of integrity is built on obedience of God's statutes and nothing else. - Israelmore Ayivor
Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry. - Spanish Proverb
Better things will follow you when you do good things to others. - Gugu Mona
To be or not to be. That's not really a question. - Jean-Luc Godard
Danger past, God is forgotten. - Thomas Fuller
The laughter of a man is the contentment of God.
How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live is an excellent book...very transformative and empowering..lot of practical advise for people struggling to overcome any problem in their life - Nandita Keshavan
To be God's people, to love Him fervently with whole hearts, is our sole desire. - Elizabeth George
The call to take the land ...is not a call to a new political, cultural or geographical dominance. It is Kingdom of God territory. It is the will of the Eternal God being done on earth, as it is in heaven. - Ken Baker
Even if you are having a nightmare day during which nothing will go right, never cease looking for the ball. In the end everything will come right, for football is a game that rewards those who show courage. - Duncan Edwards
If you're here for four more years or four more weeks, you're here right now. I think when you're somewhere, you ought to be there. It's not about how long you stay in a place, it's about what you do while you're there, and when you go, is that place any better for your having been there? - Karen Hall and Jerry Stahl
There's something fundamental you have to understand about yourself before you can change your life for good. - Ali Vincent
Gather the stars if you wish it soGather the songs and keep them.Gather the faces of women.Gather for keeping years and years.And then...Loosen your hands, let go and say good-bye.Let the stars and songs go.Let the faces and years go.Loosen your hands and say good-bye. - Carl Sandburg
God’s secrets are revealed to us through the inter-communication of the spirit of man withthe Spirit of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Opportunity is being in God's place, at God's time, following God's instructions, to obtain God's results. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
They say women have no conscience about laws, don't they?" Mrs MacAvelly suggested. "Why should we?" answered her friend. "We don't make 'em– nor God– nor nature. Why on earth should we respect a set of silly rules made by some men one day and changed by some more the next? - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my savior; my God, my strength. - amy abarca
Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau
Not even the gods fight against necessity. - Simonides
Good literacy skills can help children:-Be healthy and safe.-Do their homework to their best ability.-Get and keep a job one day.-Eventually participate in local committees or government - Soraya Diase Coffelt
Prayer is communication. You talk, God listens. You listen when God talks. - Omoakhuana Anthonia
They shared the chores of living as some couples do --she did most of the work and he appreciated it. - Paula Gosling
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is unrelenting in seeking to convert every area of our hearts and lives. The Gospel is all-encompassing. It is in fact the only source of godliness. Search anywhere else, and you have nothing more than self-reform at best and idolatry at its worst. - Barbara Hughes
Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality. No matter what you going through don't give up. - Adedayo Olabamiji
Let it go and learn from the process. - Nash
Who is wise? He that learns from everyone. Who is powerful? He that governs his passions. Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody. - Benjamin Franklin
I'm not going to raise taxes on middle-class Americans to pay for the programs I've recommended. - Bill Clinton
Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything good in the world. - Helen Keller
I am always trying to figure God out so that I can figure Him in. But after a while I figure that I should just let God be God, and figure that He’ll figure it all out anyway. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Eddie would go. - Hawaiian surfing community
Life is Like Earth,revolve with it !Life is cool, take a chill with it !!Life is like a Sky Explore with it !!!Life is beautiful love it !!!!Life is for GOD pray with it !!!!! - SufiImran
Gossip is only the lack of a worthy memory. - Elbert Hubbard
The existence of the writer is an argument against the existence of the soul, for the soul has obviously taken flight from the real ego, but not improved itself, only become a writer. - Franz Kafka
I have to save the world tomorrow, and I don't even know what I'm going to wear yet.--Rachel Morgan - Kim Harrison
There are three kinds of people in this world. One say I believe in God. Another say, I don’t believe in God, it doesn’t exist. Third one says, I have my life to live; I don’t want to believe in imaginary stuff in life and I am not here to prove your theory on imagination is wrong or right. - Vivek Thangaswamy
The soft, fluttering cry of a barn owl rose over the churchyard. Silent men flowed out of the dark. - Parke Godwin
If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. - Joseph Campbell
It doesn’t matter how many times you leave, it will always hurt to come back and remember what you once had and who you once were. Then it will hurt just as much to leave again, and so it goes over and over again. Once you’ve started to leave, you will run your whole life. - Charlotte Eriksson
This is my depressed stance. When you're depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you'll start to feel better. If you're going to get any joy out of being depressed, you've got to stand like this. - Charles M. Schulz
Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier. - Kathleen Norris
It is only a poor sort of happiness that could ever come by caring very much about our own pleasures. We can only have the highest happiness such as goes along with being a great man, by having wide thoughts and much feeling for the rest of the world as well as ourselves. - George Eliot
Study the situation thoroughly, go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you and the consequences which can and may follow from each course. Pick out the course which gives the most promise and go ahead.
Hanging out is good historical methodology. - Jean Pfaelzer
Neither boost about your own strength nor dignity but the sacred grace of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
if you know your goal and work for it you will reach the peak - Jounayet Rahman
You must go on adventures to find out where you belong. - Sue Fitzmaurice
A bad book with a good cover is nothing but a wooden house with a golden door. - Mehmet Murat ildan
There are but few saints amongst scientists, as among other men, but truth itself is a goal comparable with sanctity.
Breakfast isn't breakfast without breakfast. - Laura C Goodwin
And while a brand is so much more than a company’s logo, the logo is one of the key ambassadors to any brand. - David Brier
Injustice coupled with racism is a highly explosive mixture, in which the world, threatens to suffocate. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
My youth is like a scab: under it there is a wound that every day leaks blood. It disfigures me. - Gottfried Benn
When life seems chaotic, you don't need people giving you easy answers or cheap promises. There might not be any answers to your problems. What you need is a safe place where you can bounce with people who have taken some bad hops of their own. - Gordon Atkinson
God gives to every man virtue, temper, and understanding. - William Cooper
He comes, he sleeps, he goes. So the plot thickens. - Shadowlands
Every idea is my last. I feel sure of it. So, I try to do the best with each as it comes and that's where my responsibility ends. But I just don't wait for ideas. I look for them. Constantly. And if I don't use the ideas that I find, they're going to quit showing up. - Peg Bracken
A good laugh is sunshine in a house.
Good manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them. - Bill Kelly
No one’s life ever goes as they planned. That truth alone should bring a sense of relief to everyone. - Andrena Sawyer
Reading is like diving into an ocean of an alternate world, away from your real world, where in spite of going though the pain and pleasure of the characters, you remain a witness, unscathed. - Anirudha Lakshminarasimhan
If you're looking to get silly, you better go back to from where you came. because the cops don't need you and man they expect the same. - Bob Dylan
An average person with average talent, ambition and education can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals. - Brian Tracy
The good writing of any age has always been the product of someone's neurosis, and we'd have a mighty dull literature if all the writers that came along were a bunch of happy chuckleheads. - William Styron
Trust in God, but trust yourself first. - Debasish Mridha
True happiness is impossible without solitude. The fallen angel probably betrayed God because he longed for solitude, which angels do not know. - Anton Chekhov
Instead of being regarded as intelligent or knowledgeable, many a woman would rather be regarded as beautiful or good in the kitchen; many a man, as handsome or good in bed. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Golf may be played on Sunday, not being a game within the view of the law, but being a form of moral effort. - Stephen Leacock
When you get up in the morning, you select what you want to wear, however you do not realise you can also select what thoughts you are going to have. Your clothe leaves an impression on other people, your thoughts leaves an impression on you, choose wisely - - - Carsten Ostergaard Pedersen
When you choose to let go, you discover more about who you are and what you want out of life, and then you go for it! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Hope is the Word which God has written on the brow of every man. - Victor Hugo
Meet everyone with utmost respect and heartfelt love. Sir , POET 2013– Sir - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Abignades or abegnadesA term used in te department of the Landes for the intestines of a goose cooked in its blood. Abegnades are found almost solely in the chalosse region, where they are eaten on bread fried in goose fat, with slices of lemon. - Escoffier, Auguste
One of the greatest feelings in life is the conviction that you have lived the life you wanted to live-with the rough and the smooth, the good and the bad-but yours, shaped by your own choices, and not someone else's. - Michael Ignatieff
Badness is only spoiled goodness. - C. S. Lewis
What you are trying to let go of...is already gone. - Sanober Khan
Self-love is often equated with self-esteem but when it makes you blind to your own faults and gives you an inflated ego, it is time to introspect. - Balroop Singh
It's easy to be a saint when all you've known is the good. - Donna Lynn Hope
I guess I just don't get the point. It's like, why should you bother getting attached to anything if,A: It's never gonna last, andB: It hurts like hell when it's over? - Alyson Noel
As long as we respond predictably to what feels good and what feels bad, it is easy for others to exploit our preferences for their own ends. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
There is nothing wrong withdeciding that you don’t wantsomething, but if you do want it,go out and get it! - Domonique Bertolucci
God made man stronger but not necessarily more intelligent. He gave women intuition and femininity. And, used properly, that combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I’ve ever met. - Farrah Fawcett
I AM NOT about making movies that would be forgotten. I want to make ONLY timeless classics. I don't care if it takes me ten years - Sahndra Fon Dufe
A good leader is one who reveals to you your own potential and then inspires and shows you how to reach your potential. - Debasish Mridha
Every time I go look for God amidst sorrow, I always find Jesus at the cross, in death and resurrection. This is our God. - Nadia Bolz-Weber
Bono has commented often that U2 did everything the wrong way around. Other bands started singing about girls and then found the issues in the cosmos and started singing about God; U2 started singing about God and eventually ended up doing a love album. - Steve Stockman
An advanced human rights friendly Constitution is fine and well - but what good is it if it is not put into practice? The government says it cherishes the principles in the SA Constitution, and yet acts in a manner which cannot be reconciled with that very Constitution. - Christina Engela
It is well, I die hard, but I am not afraid to go. - George Washington
We all have a revolution inside us. For one thing or another!! It is a nature for us to be like this, we want things to be like God created them to be, and when it doesn't go that way, we fight for our Lord as warriors and soldiers. God is alive and we need him to change this world. Elena~ - Elena Toledo
We were given the Scriptures to humble us into realizing that God is right, and the rest of us are just guessing. - Rich Mullins
Every wonderful quality "in" someone is waiting to be recognized in all of life's great symphony. - Donna Goddard
(...) é assim, salvo seja, como uma invalidez da linguagem, não é querer dizer amor e não chegar a língua, é ter língua e não chegar ao amor. - José Saramago
Sometimes it's the princess who kills the dragon and saves the prince. - Samuel E. Lowe
What will I do if I find myself with a heart?" "Lose it constantly, I imagine. - Gregory Maguire
LIGHTHOUSE, n. A tall building on the seashore in which the government maintains a lamp and the friend of a politician. - Ambrose Bierce
People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge. - Lao-tzu
When I make up my mind to do a thing it stays made up. - L. M. Montgomery
Competition and rivalry between the members of a group are the antithesis of the cooperation and team play needed in an effective management group. This is why team building is an empty abstraction for a group whose leader controls with power. - Thomas Gordon
Learning, learned people knew, was a multilingual enterprise ["Absolute English," Aeon, February 4, 2015]. - Michael Gordin
A college education never hurt anybody who was willing to learn after he got it.
I'm not sure I've even got the brains to be President.
When you're trapped in a prison, and your heart is broken, and you can't move a finger because you don't know what to do, that's when you wake up. - Robin Gregory
I've got mixed feelings about poetry cause done well poetry is fantastic. But not many people are capable of doing it well. I think you should have some kind of license to perform poetry. A poetic license perhaps. - Craig Ferguson
I don't need to be tame, because dragons choose their partner by themselves. - Olivia Sinaga
Where I am at, is not actually where I am at. Where I am at is merely a point on the path to where I am going. - Tony Cleaver
I read this on the gates to a village cemetery: What you are, we used to be. What we are, you’re going to be. It puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? - Ivana Hruba
I hate reality but it's still the best place to get a good steak. - Woody Allen
You are a seed; that is why God plants you in adversity when He wants you to grow. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Have the wild things no moral or legal rights? What right has man to inflict such long and fearful agony on a fellow creature, simply because that creature does not speak his language?
In 1487 alone, two hundred heretics had-in one of the greatest euphemisms in the history of language-"relaxed," that is, burned at the stake. Dogs of God, Columbus, the Inquisition, and the Defeat of the Moors - James Reston Jr.
God gifted a Zoo; with a paralyzed care taker. - Durgesh Satpathy
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. - Oprah Winfrey
Sometimes it's better to pretend as if you know nothing. The vast majority of people can't be trusted, but in God I trust. - S.Z.J. Mtshali
The world is fast becoming a corporate caliphate - Agona Apell
The truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time but it ain't goin' away. - Elvis Presley
I'm not saying it's going to be easy; I'm saying it's going to be worth it. If it was easy, you would've done it by now - B. Dave Walters
There are greater goals in life than material and sensual pleasures - Imran Khan
The communication with God is very important, because the communication is one of our greatest needs, and God is the most important one we need. - Marieta Maglas
Aim high to achieve excellence. Be determined to succeed. Use self-discipline to achieve golden excellence. - Mark F. LaMoure
God’s road for us may not be one that appears successful from our human vantage point, yet serves as part of his divine plan to fulfill his purposes in our lives. - Dillon Burroughs
Material things may satisfy your temporal desires, but none can be taken with you when you're gone. Build your hopes on things eternal ! - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Heaven's currency is friendship. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Reckless behavior, particularly in young boys, may be the uncontrolled expression of a legitimate, even Godly, desire to strive after great and noble deeds. And when the desire for adventure follows a God-honoring course, exciting things can happen. - Hal and Melanie Young
When we disrespect a person, we disrespect God - Radhe Maa
It's not my credentials that qualify me to teach my child. It's my God who made me qualified when I became a mom. - Tamara L. Chilver
The heart overflows with gladness, and leaps and dances for the joy it has found in God. In this experience the Holy Spirit is active, and has taught us in the flash of a moment the deep secret of joy. You will have as much joy and laughter in life as you have faith in God. - Martin Luther
We are living in a process of pursuit. But sometimes we get so focused on trying to get where we're going and we forget that this is life, too. We're living it right now. - Alison Sudol
Bad is never good until worse happens. - Danish Proverb
If you are going to write a book,Make sure it is going to be worth reading . - Book Editor Angelina
Letting go doesn't have to mean walking away. It means the things that hurt you don't hurt you anymore. - Sue Fitzmaurice
Failure isn't bad if it doesn't attack the heart. Success is all right if it doesn't go to the head. - Grantland Rice
A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. - Barry Goldwater
We only see what we know. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I dedicate this to all those who did not live to tell it. And may they please forgive me for not having seen it all nor remembered it all, for not having divined all of it - from The Gulag Archipelago - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Goals are dreams with deadlines. - Diana Scharf
What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce. - Karl Lagerfeld
I balance you on the end of my pen.Teetering between loveand letting go. - Jessica Kristie
Don't feed your ego with my soul. - Arzum Uzun
Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. - Og Mandino
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin Williams
I have no need of your God-damned sympathy. I only wish to be entertained by some of your grosser reminiscences. - Alexander Woollcott
What I write is different from what I say, what I say is different from what I think, what I think is different from what I ought to think and so it goes further into the deepest darkness. - Franz Kafka
Let us go where skins are rainbowsEnhanced by every hue.Where genders are cloudsWeightless and formless through.Let us go where creeds are starsIlluminating our view.Where men and women are oneAnd the in-between are true.Let us go where I am free to loveFor I cannot unlove you. - Kamand Kojouri
God hasn't called us to be successful, just faithful. - Mother Teresa
With the best of intentions you toss me a lifeline. Failing to see how a piece of rope will do me any good, I ignore it and drown. - Richelle E. Goodrich
There is no beauty in sadness. No honor in suffering. No growth in fear. No relief in hate. It’s just a waste of perfectly good happiness. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
Learning the difference between God's intervention, the devil's mischief, and PMS can lead to increased happiness. - J.P. Galuska
Q. How soon do you expect Argentina to be returned to democratic government?A. We believe we are already within a democratic system. Some factors are still missing, like the expression of the people's will, but nevertheless we still think we are within a democracy. - Roberto Eduardo Viola
Tu n’es plus tu étais, mais tu es partout je suis. - Victor Hugo
Going to sleep is an adventure: you never know where your dreams will take you. - T.L. Rese
Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition. - Jeremiah Burroughs
When God blesses you, the highest form of gratitude is open-handedness. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Once you tell a man he's pretty, there's no taking it back. They think they're pretty all the time, and I suppose, in a way, they are. It's got to do with believing it. - Sandra Cisneros
A goal is important, but what you become to achieve that goal is much more important. - Debasish Mridha
.....I believe in you and me. I believe in nature, in the birds, the sea, the sky, in everything I can see or that there is real evidence for. If these things are what you mean by God, then I believe in God. ... - Francis Albert Sinatra
Note how good you feel after you have encouraged someone else. No other argument is necessary to suggest that never miss the opportunity to give encouragement. - George Burton Adams
It was once stated that God didn't play with dice, but then I discovered that most of the Gods did play with dice. However, they didn't see Destiny playing chess the entire time behind them. They never stood a chance, seeing that Destiny was on both sides of the board. - Lionel Suggs
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. - Arthur C. Clarke
Proverbs are in the world of thought what gold coin is in the world of business - great value in small compass, and equally current among all people. Sometimes the proverb may be false, the coin counterfeit, but in both cases the false proves the value of the true.
A good writer is not necessarily a good book critic. No more so than a good drunk is automatically a good bartender. - Jim Bishop
As you become more aligned with the truth of who you are, the question of liking yourself goes away. It is a natural state of being. - Rachel Archelaus
Like a forgotten old photograph, this dream will stay pressed, between the pages of a book you don’t feel like reading anymore. - Khadija Rupa
Motivation will keep you going forwards, Hesitation will only drag you backwards. - Mouloud Benzadi
Always strive to aim for the highest peak of the goals in life you have set, this way if you manage to reach even half way toward a goal, landing in the middle is not such a bad place to end up. - Victoria Addino
You can change your life or not change it. It really doesn’t matter in the end.Life as humans live it is too fleeting, too incidental, too minisculefor the universe to keep forever.So just do good to others; be good, allbecause it makes you happy,happy beyond fame, power, andeternity. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
We are lost, but we're making good time. - Star Trek V
Stay focus on your ultimate sacred goal. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You are the grim, goal-oriented ones who will not believe that the joy is in the journey rather than the destination no matter how many times it has been proven to you. - Stephen King
Sometimes I arrive just when God's ready to have somone click the shutter. - Ansel Adams
He who makes his needs known to God gains for immediate answer "the peace of God which passeth understanding," and can wait God’s time for the rest. - Alexander MacLaren
Ordinary folk prefer familiar tastes - they'd sooner eat the same things all the time - but a gourmet would sample a fried park bench just to know how it tastes. - Walter Moers
If you act like you've only got fifteen minutes, it will take all day. Act like you've got all day, it will take fifteen minutes. - Monty Roberts
I love money. I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $300 pair of socks. Got a fur sink. An electric dog polisher. A gasoline powered turtleneck sweater. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too. - Steve Martin
It is better to have God over your shoulder, than carry the world alone on your back. - Anthony Liccione
Be patient, you are in good company. Our Lord Himself, our Lady, the apostles, and countless saints, both men and women, have been poor. - Francis de Sales
Good Person, Good Words and Good Action are independent, wisdom lies in recognizing each of this good irrespective of other one or two being not Good. - Venkat Gandhi
If you go in for argument, take care of your temper. Your logic, if you have any, will take care of itself. - Joseph Farrell
My religious beliefs teach me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time of my death. I do not concern myself with that, but to be always ready whenever it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and all men would be equally brave. - Stonewall Jackson
If you want to be successful. You must pay the price in advance. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be. - C.S. Lewis
No matter what we do, we are always going to have Us versus Them moments. We can separate, yell or talk to each other and draw a truce. You won't agree with everybody. It doesn't mean the other person is an idiot. - Jimmy Bise Jr.
The difference between greed and goals is what you are prepared to handle... - Garrett McCoy
The problem is good has a limit, bad none! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Since I am I, I must make an act of self-surrender, however small or however easy, in living to God rather than to my self. - C.S. Lewis
The past and the future are tools of the ego that render us finite. Without our judgments about the past (memories) and without our judgments about the future (expectations), there is only the Here and Now, the eternal present, the timeless time of the Oneness. - Human Angels
I’d never seen anything like it. First a trial, then a few murders, then dancing. Life goes on. Or, in this case, death continues. - Charlaine Harris
Spending time to learn and to gather better information is what we do most in our lives. We go to school, spend time there, and learn things important in our life. We do this only for one reason, to be happy. - Auliq Ice
True worship can only take place when we agree to God sitting not only on His throne in the center of the universe, but on the throne that stands in the center of our heart. - Robert Colman
The grass is always green if God is watering it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Yes, it is God who works in you. And, yes, there is work for you to do.Yes, the Spirit empowers you to do the work. And, yes, you do the work. - Francis Chan
Learn as if you were not reaching your goal and as though you were scared of missing it - Confucius
In framing a government, which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty is this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself. - James Madison
I love you sounds best spoken in quiet acts of kindness. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Ora, se me permitem, gostaria de exprimir aqui um voto: o de que chegue a este país o dia em que todos os seus habitantes sejam intelectuais, o dia em que o exercício continuado da inteligência seja, não um privilégio de poucos mas a natural realização de todos. - José Saramago
Gold is worse poison to a man's soul, doing more murders in this loathsome world, than any mortal drug. - William Shakespeare
Often we can't reach what is in front of us until we let go what is behind. Don't let your struggle become your identity. - Chris Vonada
You don't have to make something that people call art. Living is an artistic activity, there is an art to getting through the day. - Viggo Mortensen
Keep God within His and anothers' arm's reach. - Annette Schrab Clark
Thank you God for helping me to overcome the bad to live the good. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
Oh hell. They've got Mrs B in a bag! - L.J. Smith
Freedom is not having everything we crave, it's being able to go without the things we crave and being OK with it. - Rob Bell
I definitely believe in God. How can you look at anything and not be overwhelmed by the miraculousness of it?
If God had wanted us to judge other people, we'd all have been born with silly wigs. - Adriano Bulla
Perhaps it was Rudy who kept her sane, with the stupidity of his talk, his lemon-soaked hair, and his cockiness. He seemed to resonate with a kind of confidence that life was still nothing but a joke - an endless succession of soccer goals, trickery, and a constant repertoire of meaningless chatter. - Markus Zusak
Find something you love and go for it with all your heart. No excuses, no plan B. Never settle for anything less than you know you can do.It will be hard, but I promise it will be worth it. - Charlotte Eriksson
I dread success. To have succeeded is to have finished one's business on earth, like the male spider, who is killed by the female the moment he has succeeded in his courtship. I like a state of continual becoming, with a goal in front and not behind. - George Bernard Shaw
It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will. - L. M. Montgomery
If you are going to worry, don't do it. If you do it, don't worry. - Michael Nolan
The church I had loved so much was not a good place for me to hear the sound of my own voice. There was room for my talent but no room for my voice. The preacher’s voice was too loud. Teachings rooted in fear and condemnation were too loud. I had to get in a space where I could hear. - Suzette Hinton
No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.
To think about your life is to create it. You have to take ownership of where you are right now and know where you want to go before you can get there. Keep collecting evidence for your success. You can believe it, and you can be it. - Ali Vincent
You can't go back and I think that's the point of all to grow and grow until you don't want to anymore. - Nikki Rowe
Grief is a good thing. It's the way we get through the transitions of life. - Rick Warren
The light of God is in you. Let your light shine! - Eleazar
When we all pass from this life and gather on the other side, the only thing each of us will have is his own story to tell. - Richelle E. Goodrich
That's typically what writers do; we just sit around complaining most of the time. And the better things are going, the more they complain. - Markus Zusak
Our Lord took on a body like ours and lived as a man in order that those who had refused to recognize Him in His superintendence and capacity of the whole universe might come to recognize from the works He did here below in the body that what dwelled in this body was the Word of God. - Athanasius of Alexandria
A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country? - George Washington
Integrity never goes out of style. - Jim George
It rained today. You sat with me. We listened to the pit-patter, felt the cold breeze and got drenched in countless emotions. We didn't say a word to each other. Today, 'words' were mute spectators of our growing love. - Saru Singhal
A lot of people say there's a fine line between genius and insanity. I don't think there's a fine line, I actually think there's a yawning gulf. You see some poor bugger scuffling up the road with balloons tied to his ears, he's not going home to invent a rocket, is he? - Bill Bailey
When ideas fail, words come in very handy. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future, and impossible to live in the past. Nothing is as far away as one minute ago. - Jim Bishop
Hay is more acceptable to an ass than gold. - Latin Proverb
Something must be done when you find an opposing set of desires of this kind well to the fore in your category of strong desires. You must set in operation a process of competition, from which one must emerge a victor and the other set be defeated. - Robert Collier
Rejecting God's truth b/c of mankind's hypocrisy is like rejecting mathematical truth b/c mankind's incompetence. - Orrin Woodward
You always had it in you to create miracles, but you forgot that it required you to do the opposite of what you are doing now. - Shannon L. Alder
Employees go to school for 12 18 years merely to impress prospect employers in a 12 18 minutes interview. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Don’t go to sleep to dream. Wake up and dream. - Debasish Mridha
The villagers marked the time in two ways: before the swamp and after. What came before was good. And all that came after was not. - Melanie Crowder
Just remember - when you think all is lost, the future remains. - Robert H. Goddard
The best antidote I have found is to yearn for something. As long as you yearn, you can't congeal: there is a forward motion to yearning. - Gail Godwin
Bitterness: anger that forgot where it came from. - Alain de Botton
My God had not spoken to me again. But neither had He forsaken me. I knew that. For damned sure, I knew that. - Marcus Luttrell
I feel thankful to the faithful God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
True freedom allows us to do all the good we can under God’s law. - The Liberty Book
I've accepted that I'm not going to die of natural causes, [but] getting killed 'cuz you're naturally a dick seems like natural causes to me. - Randy K. Milholland
Forgiveness means letting go of the hope for a better past. - Lama Surya Das
In my view, the novelist has no right to express his opinions on the things of this world. In creating, he must imitate God: do his job and then shut up. - Gustave Flaubert
By fully experiencing and going beyond an emotional block - through the layers of doubt and fear - you experience the emotion of who you truly are. - Stephen Richards
Hate gets no god. - Fakeer Ishavardas
If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes. - Corrie ten Boom
We must leave this terrifying place to-morrow and go searching for sunshine. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. - Euripides
Touching your cap to the squire may be damn bad for the squire, but it's damn good for you. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Every moment, every breath, is a new opportunity. An opportunity to let go of the past and to become the person you choose to be. - John Bruna
Freedom for the Church comes from the necessity of the Word of God. Otherwise, it becomes arbitrariness and ends in a great many new ties. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
gray hair is gods graffiti - Bill Cosby
The ferocity of Santiago Nasar's fate, which had collected twenty years of happiness from him not only with his death but also with the dismemberment of his body and its dispersion and extermination. - Gabriel García Márquez
The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. - Victor Hugo
It's so much easier to pray for a bore than to go and see one. - C. S. Lewis
So the paradox goes: No man who is really ignorant is ever aware that he is ignorant. That is its finest, most faulty manifestation; there can be no true ignorance without first some claim of intelligence or consciousness, or superiority or enlightenment. - Criss Jami
I believe in God like I believe in the sun, not because I can see it, but because of it all things are seen. - C. S. Lewis
Music is the last true voice of the human spirit. It can go beyond language, beyond age, and beyond color straight to the mind and heart of all people.
Rethink Your Success Mindset: Times are getting tougher. We need tougher mindsets to ensure that we go beyond survive to thrive. - Tony Dovale
A forest fire was making its way along the tinderbox ridges above them, flaring and shimmering against the overcast like the northern lights. Cold as it was he stood there a long time. The color of it moved something in him long forgotten. Make a list. Recite a litany. Remember. - Cormac McCarthy
Perhaps these are inward irritations always produced by love: the acutely sensitive nerves of intimacy: the haunting fear that all may not go well. - Anthony Powell
Despite our battered exterior and in spite of the festering scars and rank filth that overlays it, there is underneath it all the pristine likeness of God Himself. And we would be wise to cast an eye not on the marred exterior, but to be fixed on the glorious interior. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When I asked him the meaning of life, Dr. Webb got very quit and then told me that life has no one meaning, it only has whatever meaning each of us puts on our own life. - John Corey Whaley
Because the horror of Communism, Stalinism, is not that bad people do bad things they always do. It's that good people do horrible things thinking they are doing something great."[Six Questions for , Harper's Magazine, November 11, 2011] - Slavoj Žižek
There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before. - Willa Cather
If that which we have found is the corruption of solitude, then what can men wish for save corruption? If this is the great evil of being alone, than what is good and what is evil? - Ayn Rand
The importance of friends few people would be able to recognize some friend comes in our life readily and consequently they goes but life doesn't stop for anyone but only one thing remains that is their memories which cannot be wipe out as you guys always remain in my heart and we are the best - Avinash Advani
Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young. - Fred Astaire
God love's in the dark. - John Paul Warren
A deceitful tongue will always be good at twisting the truth. - Dennis Adonis
My God and your God don’t fight. Why do we? - Vinita Kinra
good people bring the good out of people - Turcois Ominek
Good things come to those who love; better things come to those who act with love. - Debasish Mridha
This I think I have learned: where there is love, the form does not matter, and the gods are pleased. This I have observed: what occurs in nature, comes by the hand of nature, and if the gods did not approve, it would not be there~ Moondance k'Treva (Magic's Pawn) - Mercedes Lackey
Fools do not acknowledge God,the proud reject Him,the wise embrace Him,and the righteous worship Him. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Collectivists see the world the way Mr. Magoo did—as one big blur. They homogenize people in a communal blender, sacrificing the discrete features that make us who we are. - Lawrence W. Reed
Play is an essential function of the passage from immaturity to emotional maturity. Any individual without the opportunities for adequate play in early life will go on seeking them in the stuff of adult life.
When a jar is broken, the space that was inside Merges into the space outside. In the same way, my mind has merged in God; To me, there appears no duality. Avadhuta Gita
You can’t write novels without a touch of paranoia. I’m paranoid as an act of good citizenship, concerned about what the powerful people are up to. - Kurt Vonnegut
If we had a penny for each time God smiled at us, we would all be billionaires. - Matshona Dhliwayo
An atheist's response to a creationist asking 'what if' there was a God,That would be quite an unsettling thought. - Anonymous
Though the vicious can sometimes pour affliction upon the good, their power is transient and their punishment certain; and that innocence, though oppressed by injustice, shall, supported by patience, finally triumph over misfortune! - Ann Radcliffe
The nearest thing we have to a defence against [the gods] (but there is no real defence) is to be very wide awake and sober and hard at work, to hear no music, never to look at earth or sky, and (above all) to love no one. - C.S. Lewis
Lo que yo quiero, corazón cobarde,es que mueras por mí.Y morirme contigo si te matasy matarme contigo si te mueresporque el amor cuando no muere mataporque amores que matan nunca mueren. - Joaquín Sabina
There is nothing like being told to go fuck yourself by the same person who was, only days before, praying on your behalf. - Henry Rollins
You go back. You search for what made you happy when you were smaller. We are all grown up children, really... So one should go back and search for what was loved and found to be real.
I was just four when a hired teenage field hand attempted to molest me. Miraculously, I got away, and I told my dad. My father made three important choices that day: He listened to me, he believed me, and he took action. I was one of the fortunate ones--I had a childhood. - Carolyn Byers Ruch
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. - Zig Ziglar
I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem,Adore to weeping,Love to laughing,Desire to praising.Tickle, giggle, kiss!Adonai my God,For one moment in love,Let alone a thousand,Let alone my life,For the honor of raising and lovingChildren in love,Praise of You is ever upon my lips. - Zoe Klein
We gave you a perfectly good language and you f***ed up. - Stephen Fry
When you gain maximum knowledge in any area of work and put it into practice, no powerwill be able to hinder you achieving your set goals. - Sunday Adelaja
Any accomplishment is possible with God’s grace. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We have come to love darkness in the church rather than finding God in creation. - Sunday Adelaja
Be Good-Do Good-Be One - Kirpal Singh
Have a dream or vision? Keep striving toward it, never give up on it, pray about it and ask God to bless it. And no matter who doesn't believe or understand it, it's because it’s not for them, it's for YOU. - Pauline Seaport
Reality is that which refuses to go away when I stop believing in it.
God has enough blessings for every soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A bad magician never gets the good props. - Amit Kalantri
God can turn the impossibile into possibilities. Possibilities become opportunities. Opportunities leads us one step closer to our dreams! - Anasia Nicole Hixon
Anybody body can be a Church goer, but there is a difference of "GOD" being in them then they being in the WORLD. - Henry Johnson Jr
Praise excites my ego; love touches my heart.I am in love with the universe and I praise nature’s art. - Debasish Mridha
I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didn't like it. - Samuel Goldwyn
Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Government today is growing too strong to be safe. There are no longer any citizens in the world there are only subjects. They work day in and day out for their masters they are bound to die for their masters at call. Out of this working and dying they tend to get less and less. - H.L. Mencken
Start focusing your attention on the people that God puts you with, even if they hate you, even if they persecute you and speak bad things about you. Work with them and pray for them! - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
If after all your efforts you cannot succeed, you could not please our Lord more than by sacrificing to Him your will, and remaining in tranquility, humility, and devotion, entirely conformed and submissive to His divine will and good pleasure. - Francis de Sales
If Columbus had an advisory committee he would probably still be at the dock. - Arthur Goldberg
Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing. - L. M. Montgomery
Be as good as you can be, there you will find happiness. - Cody McGuire
The divine light of our hearts will brighten the days of darkness. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. - Philip K. Dick
Magic is not doing the impossible. It's about doing what seems impossible. - Mandar Gogate
Forgiveness means letting go of the past. - Gerald G. Jampolsky
The value of surrounding yourself with positive people is not what you get from them, but how good a person you have become because of them. - Roy T. Bennett
If you work you will never go hungry. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If we can just let go and trust that things will work out they way they're supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself. - Goldie Hawn
Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
No amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by God's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from you it cannot flee. - Umar ibn Al-Khattab
Its embarrassing, you try to overthrow the government and you wind up on a Best Sellers List. - Abbie Hoffman
Live near to God, and so all things will appear to you little In comparison to eternal realities.-- - Robert Murray McCheyne
What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder. - Bible
At Learning's fountain it is sweet to drink, But 'tis a nobler privilege to think. - John Godfrey Saxe
Evil is predicable; Good is paradoxical. - Lara Biyuts
Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men's souls, and a beautiful image it is. - Blaise Pascal
Politics is the art of persuasion. Good ideas die because due to a lack of charisma or character. - A.E. Samaan
God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
A present reality, experienced in this life that begins in you, is known as; the kingdom of God. - Stacy Snapp-Killian aka StacyK
Jesus teaches us to bless our enemies (Matthew 5:44) To bless those who curse us (Luke 6:28). To never avenge yourselves (Romans 12:19). When we truly forgive someone, we need to come to the place where we can bless them and desire God’s blessing also on their lives. - Greg Gordon
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.― - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The love of books is among the choicest gifts of the gods. - Arthur Conan Doyle
With confident, courage and commitment, the God-given goals will be achieve. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The simplified form of life is your Master, follow him without hesitation. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Gossip is sometimes referred to as halitosis of the mind
To pity distress is but human; to relieve it is Godlike. - Horace Mann
Grandparents are extremely rich folks with silver in their hair and gold in their hearts. - Mamur Mustapha
Replace a goal of obedience with one of connection and trust instead. Children are drawn to follow those to whom they are emotionally connected. By parenting not for obedience but for relationship, kids are naturally inclined to follow your lead. - Kelly Bartlett
Depend on it. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for lack of funds, and He can just as easily supply them ahead of time as afterwards, and He much prefers doing so. - James Hudson Taylor
We always search for the signature of God to prove His existence. And now I say unto you that Art is His very signature! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf. - - Rabindranath Tagore
Some Christians say god is the source of morality, these people have clearly never read the bible. - Gabriel Neil
Practicing the Presence of God is bringing our heart body, soul, and mind to God, to be in His Presence to love Him, to worship Him, to lay our troubles and triumphs with Him, to rest in Him. What a glorious idea….but few of us ever find that rest! - David Paul Kikrpatrick
God’s grace gives you strength to overcome any situation. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If the international community is not ready to defend the principles which it itself has proclaimed as its foundations, let it say so openly, both to the people of Bosnia and to the people of the world. Let it proclaim a new code of behavior in which force will be the first and the last argument. - Alija Izetbegović
Fools, their wisdom weak,are their own enemiesas they go through life,doing evilthat bearsbitter fruit. - Juan Mascaró
God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. - Voltaire
External signs of wealth and success are often cheap storefronts that hide internal mediocrity or even incompetence. - Gordon Atkinson
One of the mitigating benefits of children is that they make a Lego habit more respectable. - Jonathan V. Last
Dou comigo a pensar se figuras de estilo não serão, afinal, as silhuetas dos corpos humanos que tão ardentemente desejamos ou abominamos.I find myself wondering if figures of speech are not, after all, the silhouettes of human bodies which we so ardently desire or abhor. - Victor Eustáquio
Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer. - Muhammad Ali
The world might not see it or think of it,But you are enough to have someonesacrificed for you.That should tell you that not every hardshipyou go through is permanent,It is just temporary.It's like a starter,You still have the dessert to enjoy. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
A man's value to the community depends primarily on how far his feelings, thoughts, and actions are directed towards promoting the good of his fellows. - Albert Einstein
sometimes you gotta Run before you can Walk. - Tony Stark
Take most people, they're crazy about cars. I'd rather have a goddamn horse. A horse is at least human, for God's sake. - J. D. Salinger
When you are truly stunning, gorgeous and beautiful, you won’t have to prove that to anyone visually. - Alexandra Elle
It's been said that people see what they want to see. For that exact reason, look for the good in people, rather than the bad. - Donald L. Hicks
The path to wisdom is paved with humility. - Tim Fargo
Never think you can convince God through prayer for a blessing. Praying for prosperity is a wrong weapon for war. If prayer could bring money, all intercessors would be billionaires. - Apostle T. Vutabwashe
Will any of those men under you ever really understand all this? They're professional cynics, and it's too late for them. Why do you want to go back with them? So you can keep up with the Joneses? To buy a gyro just like the Smith has? To listen to music with your pocketbook instead of your glands? - Ray Bradbury
P.S. It's not schizophrenia, it's creativity, there is a difference. My voices go away after I let them tell their stories. - Ashley Newell
Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny.
It violates right order whenever capital so employees the working or wage-earning classes as to divert business and economic activity entirely to its own arbitrary will and advantage without, the social character of economic life, social justice, and the common good. - Pope Pius XI
Be the good, kind, lovable person you want to see in the world. Every action counts and the more people who behave and act with love and caring the more the world becomes a better place. We can do this! - Deon Potgieter
I’m in a band. I don’t go to church every Sunday. I love punk rock music. Sometimes I use swear words a lot. I respect and admire gay men and women. I’m obsessed with horror films. I know what shame feels like. And guess what old man? Jesus is still my Savior. - Hayley Williams
Your minds PERCEPTION of the past will change your future vision, and either prevent or propel forward progress in life. - Joe Goodrich
God’s supernatural self-control is available to us when we walk by the Spirit. - Elizabeth George
It is the final proof of God's omnipotence that he need not exist in order to save us. - Peter De Vries
We would frequently be ashamed of our good deeds if people saw all of the motives that produced them. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
If you're trying to take a roomful of people by surprise, it's a lot easier to hit your targets if you don't yell going through the door. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Don't throw away your old shoes until you have got new ones. - Dutch Proverb
There are things we all know about but we don't think they are important.Like hurting while seeing your share of love and attention going to someone else but smiling at it because you tell yourself that maybe they deserved it more.No. You deserved it.What makes you think you don't? - Simran.M.Anthony
Time may be defined as " dimension governed by activity." Dimension diminishes with inactivity so does the value of time. - Moutasem Algharati
The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you’re going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins. - I.F. Stone
One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time. - Nancy Astor
More often than not, the foolishness of our humanity drives us to destroy the very things that we need to keep ourselves from destroying ourselves. And because that’s the case, God will never allow us to destroy Christmas. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If you do not like how things are going, think in new ways, create new solutions and do not even think about giving up! - Da Anunciação Marco
Oh Lass, I’m not going full out R rated for Alex, trust me, he emphasized and rolled his eyes. No, no. I’m doing this for you, so you feel luscious, and if it should jolt Raf out of his comfort zone, bonus! - Melanie Bennett, Only For Makayla
What I wanted to express very clearly and intensely was that the reason these people had to invent or imagine heroes and gods is pure fear. Fear of life and fear of death. - Frida Kahlo
Happiness is what you choose, what you follow, not what follows you. These are the things I have seen, these are the things I now know, these are the things I will carry with me as I go. - Allison Winn Scotch
If a writer wrote merely for his time, I would have to break my pen and throw it away. - Victor Hugo
The first and last thing required of genius is the love of truth. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Geometry has two great treasures; one is the Theorem of ; the other, the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold; the second we may name a precious jewel. Johannes Kepler - Pythagoras
I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. - Frank Zappa
In the game of life it's a good idea to have a few early losses, which relieves you of the pressure of trying to maintain an undefeated season. - Bill Vaughan
But in the desert, in the pure clean atmosphere, in the silence there you can find yourself. And unless you begin to know yourself, how can you even begin to search for God? - Father Dioscuros
Thinking is good for your mind, but too much thinking leads to distraction. - Ehabib
Any regime or any government which motivates its own people to be different than one another is a good regime, is a good government! Encourage people to think differently, to act differently, and to believe in different things, otherwise you create just a herd of animals! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The church has never been asked to explain anything, our speciality, along with ballistics, has always been the neutralisation of the overly curious mind through faith. - José Saramago
Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with GOD, that is the state of meditation. - Sathya Sai Baba
God presents the Sabbath rest as a shelter we can enter. (Hebrews 4:1-11) - Charles R. Swindoll
Change your awareness and your perspective changes. - Andrea Goeglein
Here’s the solution. We need a CO2 tax, revenue-neutral, to replace taxation on employment, which was invented by Bismarck and some things have changed since the 19th Century. - Al Gore
Anger is a super weapon given by god...with a catch...the more you use it the less effective it becomes. - ketan r shah
Ya sólo me siento real cuando te escribo o cuando miro tus dibujos. Cuando te cuento, cuando me cuentas. Sólo estoy aquí. Sólo soy yo contigo. - Begoña Oro
Poetry is –raw feelings as sunny summer,fiery turmoil as vibrant autumn,daunting revelation as stormy winter,intrepid hope as blooming spring. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
You shouldn't change your mind, your heart. Go get happy. - Ariel Seraphino
If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. - Samuel Adams
When in pain and sorrow, you ask why God allows bad things to happen to good people, remember God allowed His Son, the best of us, to suffer the most so that Christ would have the ability to heal us. - Leslie G Nelson
He who opens a school door, closes a prison. - Victor Hugo
Compromise is only comfortable to the man who is outside the presence of God. - Joe Joe Dawson
Politeness is one half good nature and the other half good lying. - Mary Wilson Little
The Pope! How many divisions has _he_ got ? - Joseph Stalin
Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good. - Samuel Johnson
I thought we were going to take a 20-mule team out to the Grand Canyon and get a Bunsen burner and a bow and arrow, and whatever you can catch you cook. And it’s gotta be gourmet and it better look good. - The Creators of Top Chef
Inventions reached their limit long ago, and I see no hope for further development.
The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason. - Hunter S. Thompson
Author: A person who's best friends are imaginary,and who's most exciting adventures take place on the written page. - Theodore Volgoff
Her complexity is a glorious fire that consumes, while her simplicity goes unapproachable. But if one takes time to understand her, there is something beautiful to find, something simple to be loved. But she goes unloved, for being misunderstood. - Anthony Liccione
Kill one man and you are a murderer. Kill millions and you are a conqueror. Kill all and you are a God. - Jean Rostand
This is not suitable for me- to say this is indeed madness, it is nothing but egoism. To say ‘will not suit’ is an offense. - Dada Bhagwan
Looking for a good book to read and a great teacher to listen to? Here is a good book and here is a great teacher: Other cultures! To read this book and to listen to this teacher, all you need is to travel! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Having sex with her had been a catalyst, new flesh for the virus to feed on. No matter how hard he tried to block her out, she was always there at the back of his mind. Calling him. Begging him to go to her. - Jacqueline Francis - The Journal
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H. L. Mencken
Love is sweet even when what you go through is bitter. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I try not to make plans. God always laughs at your plans. I’m going to keep the door open, and keep the page blank, and see what gets painted upon it. - Tom Hiddleston
Adversity relieves people of vanity and egotism. It discourages selfishness by proving that no one can succeed without the cooperation of others. - Napoleon Hill
Achievable goals are the first step to self improvement. - J. K. Rowling
You cannot exalt God and yourself at the same time. - Rick Warren
The moon seems unawareof night's dark hittingon the damp warm rain misguiding owl's spitting A thunder light of loveraising hearts beatingwhile weather learns morefrom rain lovers meeting - Munia Khan
The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience. - Albert Camus
I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world. - Mother Teresa
Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves. - Anne Rice
If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it. - Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Everyone isn't going to embrace your value, but that doesn't mean you need to go and change your price. - Stephan Labossiere
We came out of nothing and we will go back to nothing. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Ô, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth. - Roman Payne
Courage is not beating up the bully or letting the bully beat you up, it is standing strong before the bully and seeing him for what he truly is: a child of God in need of an attitude adjustment. - Toni Sorenson
The minute you start compromising for the sake of massaging somebody's ego, that's it, game over. - Gordon Ramsay
Talent develops in tranquillity, character in the full current of human life. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Early morning hath gold in its mouth. - Benjamin Franklin
A good motto to live by: 'Always try not to get killed. - George Carlin
What we call spirit is our universal consciousness. We can also call it atomic consciousness. Every atom is conscious and knows everything that is going on around it at every moment. - Debasish Mridha
I am, a shadowthat grows longer as the sunmoves, drawn outon a thread of wonder.If I bear burdensthey begin to be rememberedas gifts, goods, a basketof bread that hurtsmy shoulders but closes mein fragrance. I caneat as I go. ("Stepping Westward") - Denise Levertov
You'll drive yourself crazy trying to control something that isn't yours to control. Let go. Free yourself. Allow your mind and energy to focus on something positive… to build something beautiful. - Steve Maraboli
At the fork in every road, choose the road that brings you nearer to God. - Elizabeth George
If I’m not showing grace . . . have I forgotten the grace I’ve been shown? - John F. MacArthur Jr.
We have to have the money to do the work we want to do, as well as to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Fat commissions are good, but not always easy to come by, and each new painting takes its time. So we need to find every way possible to earn extra income from our work. - Elizabeth Aston
The cup is both half full and half empty; it has never been one or the other. Stop obsessing over a trivial point and be thankful you have something to drink. - Richelle E. Goodrich
God is represented as infinite, eternal, incomprehensible; he is contained under every predicate in non that the logic of ignorance could fabricate. - Percy Bysshe Shelley
Love is God's shadow as He strolls through the universe. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You can be confident and secure and know that you do a good job at what you do. But you don't know to be arrogant about it. - Ruben Studdard
I admit it's tempting to wish for the perfect boss, or the perfect parent, or the perfect outfit, but maybe the best any of us can do is not quit. Play the hand we've been given and accessorize the outfit we've got. - Allan Heinberg
God's dream is interwoven into reality by humans. - Santosh Kalwar
Language comes first. It's not that language grows out of consciousness, if you haven't got language, you can't be conscious. - Alan Moore
I don't want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs. - Samuel Goldwyn
Some people will leave you soon no matter how, but it's not the ending of your story, it's just the ending of their role in your story. cause life goes on, and you should just expect damage from others. - Marouane LAASSAFAR
We don’t truly appreciate what we have until it’s gone… We don’t really appreciate something until we have experienced some events; we don't really appreciate our parents until we ourselves have become parents. Be grateful for what you have now, and nothing should be taken for granted. - Roy T. Bennett
The greatest requirement placed on fallen humanity was not one of responsibility but one of relationship. (The Lonesome God) - Jonathan R. Walton
If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
We are at the dawn of a technological arms race, an arms race between people who are using technology for good and those who are using it for ill. - Marc Goodman
A good end cannot sanctify evil means; nor must we ever do evil that good may come of it. - William Penn
Torah is not merely a collection of prohibitions, rigid strictures and boring observances. Rather, it is a narrative of the blessings and promises of God initially offered to one person and family, but through which the whole world will ultimately be blessed. - Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
I would rather have my ignorance than another man's knowledge, because I have got so much more of it. - Mark Twain
Good and evil are both within us. And when our primitive ancestors humanized these natural qualities of the mind, they got two completely opposite supernatural characters. One was the merciful lord almighty and the other was the wicked devil. - Abhijit Naskar
Start here & go until you die, he said. What's so complicated about that? - Brian Andreas
The best gifts anyone can give to themselves are good health habits. - Ellen J. Barrier
In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control, and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely.[Pournelle's law of Bureaucracy] - Jerry Pournelle
The cinema is truth 24 frames-per-second - Jean-Luc Godard
I want to do something splendid… Something heroic or wonderful that won’t be forgotten after I’m dead… I think I shall write books. - Louisa May Alcott
It is not money that makes a person free, but it is the knowledge of God’s truths. - Sunday Adelaja
I’m surrounding by beautiful sounds, my son singing in his room and a gentle rain. There are so many simple pleasures God gives us we just have to listen for them. - Ron Baratono
When you become complacent with someone lying, whether it is a close friend, the media, or your government, then you have essentially given them permission to continue to do so and most often at your expense. - Gary Hopkins
Words can be like X-rays, if you use them properly- they'll go through anything. You read and you're pierced. - Aldous Huxley
I guess we speak pretty loosely, don't we, about looking forward to the Ashes and all that—and we are, but it's not with both eyes. We've got one eye on that and one eye on what we need to get in place to make sure we're the best team we can be for November. - Ricky Ponting
Life is going to give you things that you deserve instead of what you plan or want. Always thank God for your profits and losses. Because God plans best for us. - Syed Mustafa Faraz Ahmad
If you aren't constantly focused on your goals, you can easily waste all of the time, energy and money you invest in pursuing them. - Rob Liano
Siri, what is the meaning of life? She answers: To think about questions like this. Huh. Good one. - Kim Wright
It doesn’t matter what you’ve got in your pants if there is nothing in your brain to connect it to. - Paul Joannides Psy.D.
The sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise, and of all the exercises walking is the best. - Thomas Jefferson
We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?
When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art.’ I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw attention, and my initial concern is to get a hearing. - George Orwell
We must have within ourselves some consciousness of this impelling power that may lead us to travel deliberately through our ages, realizing that the most wonderful adventures are not those which we go forth to seek. - Frances Chesterton
May we each find in ourselves the courage we forgot we have, to see the beauty we forgot is inside us, while battling the demons we forgot we can slay, on a battlefield we forgot we can win. - Agnostic Zetetic
Christians have the spiritual mandate to establish the Kingdom of God in their own lives and in their society. - Sunday Adelaja
A good half of the art of living is resilience. - Alain de Botton
Good Relationship Always Want Equality - pravinbh
Taking up marriage is a good excuse for taking up cursing."These is my words - Nancey E. Turner
You have to have a talent for having talent. - Ruth Gordon
Intimacy with God is not experienced through monolog prayers but through reflective listening as well as earnest petitioning. - Gary Rohrmayer
Grace is God's acceptance of us. Faith is our acceptance of God accepting us. - Adrian Rogers
In the most intimate, hidden and innermost ground of the soul, God is always essentially, actively, and substantially present. Here the soul possesses everything by grace which God possesses by nature. - John Tauler
I have my own ego, greed, love and a passion but sometime that same greed and ego kneels me down. In that moment I don't kneel and cry for my ego but I will clear a dirt over my pant and run for my passion. Ego can kill us but not your passion not your love. Move On!!! - Sakin Maharjan
Tragically we’ve forgotten the reason we’re even here at all.Worst still, we remember it’s just that we feel so comfortable.Do we notice, do we even careAll the people that are lost out there?Don’t you remember how it felt ‘til someone showed you the way? - Anthem Lights
If you're going to do good work, the work has to scare you. - Anonymous
Democracy means government by discussion, but it is only effective if you can stop people talking. - Clement Atlee
That's the worst of growing up, and I'm beginning to realize it. The things you wanted so much when you were a child don't seem half so wonderful to you when you get them. - L. M. Montgomery
Everyone Regenerates, different ways one regenerates by watching horror and thinking of the good side. Other cry, but in the end all reliase that there isn't purpose of thinking this topic, there isn't purpose to cry. Somebody have died and that's all and It can't be changed! - Deyth Banger
Man confesses God forgives - ABC
I like Dancing of Indian girls more than my parents’ prayers . Because they dance with love and passion . But my parents just say their prayers because they got used to it . - Ali Shariati - علی شریعتی
The secret to good writing is to use small words for big ideas, not to use big words for small ideas. - Oliver Markus
Treats and tricks.Witch broomsticks.Jack-o-lanternsLick their lips.Crows and cats.Vampire bats.Capes and fangsAnd pointed hats.Werewolves howl.Phantoms prowl.Halloween’s Upon us now. - Richelle E. Goodrich
A good Policeman/woman looks for crimes. A bad policeman/woman looks for opportunity. - Richard Diaz
Marketing is what you do when your product is no good. - Edwin H. Land
Lovers have no primary needs; they are close to the gods. - Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Good taste is always an asset.
And if you couldn't be loved, the next best thing was to be let alone. - L.M. Montgomery
The steady soul and the ego pretender / walk with their arms round each other's shoulders / through the mirage. - Jay Woodman
Love is the ultimate no-calorie sweetener. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Always remember: When government accepts responsibility for people, then people no longer take responsibility for themselves. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
They think they’re runnin’ the country but all they’re doin’ is writin’ the reports. From Homesteader; Finding Sharon by D.M. McGowan - D. M. McGowan
It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply. - A.W. Tozer
To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today. - Isaac Asimov
When the sun shines you cannot see the moon," he said. "But when the sun is gone ah,when the sun is gone. - Agatha Christie
Cyberspace is - or can be - a good, friendly and egalitarian place to meet. - Douglas Adams
Follow your heart and go with the flow". - Kunal Karan Kapoor
Let your cares drive you to God. I shall not mind if you have many of them if each one leads you to prayer. If every fret makes you lean more on the Beloved, it will be a benefit. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
It is important for all of us to understand that free people are not governed by rules. Here at Hillsdale we are governed by goals, and then the rules are very broad. - Larry P. Arnn
Being HIV positive doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to die before each and every person who is HIV negative. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Decisions of character come from understanding that they are accountable to God only, not to family, spouses, religious leaders, corporations, public opinion or your own ego. - Shannon L. Alder
Our learned egocentric and judgmental consciousness is the source of unhappiness; however, universal consciousness is always blissful. - Debasish Mridha
Never get married while you're going to college; it's hard to get a start if a prospective employer finds you've already made one mistake. - Kin Hubbard
The gods, likening themselves to all kinds of strangers, go in various disguises from city to city, observing the wrongdoing and the righteousness of men. - Homer
The magic of reading happens when an author’s written work strings you along until your imagination, aware of your wants, molds the tale into an extraordinary world to be visited frequently—perhaps dwelt in for years. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Death, so called, is a thing which makes men weep, And yet a third of life is passed in sleep. - George Gordon Byron
Tu eras também uma pequena folha que tremia no meu peito. O vento da vida pôs-te ali. A princípio não te vi: não soube que ias comigo, até que as tuas raízes atravessaram o meu peito, se uniram aos fios do meu sangue, falaram pela minha boca, floresceram comigo. - Pablo Neruda
I don't want to go on being a root in the dark,vacillating, stretched out, shivering with sleep,downward, in the soaked guts of the earth,absorbing and thinking, eating each day. - Pablo Neruda
Remember that when God calls us to leave behind something, it means He has something better in store for us. Allow Him to replace the old with the new today! - Paige Omartian
Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' - Isaac Asimov
The efficient management of organizations is key to generating wealth, for the development of a country, for the preservation of natural resources and the enhancement of the human being. - Vinicius Montgomery
Do not always expect good to happen, but do not let evil take you by surprise. - Czech Proverb
In the hearts of men lies both good and evil. The two coexist. Some men become good, and others become evil. It is the way of this world.-Kikyo - Rumiko Takahashi
There is always something beautiful to hope for. Always have a goal to shoot for. - Debasish Mridha
Respect, Love, and Value yourself. Always remember to be good to yourself by taking care of yourself. Make yourself a priority and know that it’s okay. Don’t feel guilty for loving yourself, first! You’re just as important as anybody else. - Stephanie Lahart
I didn't have a catharsis for my childhood pain, most of us don't, and until I learned how to forgive those people and let it go, I was unhappy. - Tyler Perry
To succeed in life you must believe and take first step in working towards realizing your goals. - Lailah Gfty Akita
Egotism -- usually just a case of mistaken nonentity.
Confidence is what we get when we take fear, face it and replace it. - Tim Fargo
Good manners have much to do with the emotions. To make them ring true, one must feel them, not merely exhibit them. - Amy Vanderbilt
never put off until tomorrow what can be done today - ninjago
Good friends, very good what's the equation motherfucker??? - Deyth Banger
Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away. - Robert Orben
It is not that men become too intelligent for God,' says the Apologist, 'but rather they become too arrogant for intelligence. - Criss Jami
It's your living room, it's your life, go nuts. You like Home Improvement? Tape it and go over it like it's the Zapruder film. - Dennis Miller
I never could understand why some writers treat women as helpless. Every woman I know is strong in her own unique way. - Terry Goodkind
The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education. - Plutarch
The serious people have gone, I build my team again and again I just the un-sirious people if this is sirious let's see a bus which can be handled in the air by the weakest person on the Earth. - Deyth Banger
If you celebrate Independence Day on just one day of the year, it only goes on to show that you are not truly Free…. Learn to celebrate your Freedom every day! - RVM
People of God are always people who care about other people and it always comes at some cost. - D'Andre Lampkin
Why is it when we talk to God we're praying -- but when God talks to us, we're schizophrenic? - Lily Tomlin
Nothing is more fun than fucking and drinking, I don’t know what is your God offering in heaven. - M.F. Moonzajer
A culture finds the gods it needs. - Crossley-Holland David
God wonderfully made you different; you must make a wonderful difference ! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty... Were it otherwise he would never have been able to find those words. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Dogs are gonna take over the world. It's a known fact for those who believe it, kinda like the Bible. - Green Day
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good. - Confucius
I'm not afraid of being dead. I'm just afraid of what you might have to go through to get there. - Pamela Bone
We all have a grain of god in us. We do get opportunities to realize it, when moments in life demand selfless deeds of compassion from us. But we often squander them. - Ashok Kallarakkal
When one person of whole nation fails to achieve his set goals, it influence the whole country.. That is why most of the countries are victim of terrorism, theft, snatching and etcetera - Faisal Nawaz Maitlo
All the stories and poems and letters and oracles and wisdom verses of God's Word, like individual instruments in a great orchestra, serve THE WHOLE story. - James MacDonald
When Bad People start doing Good things with bad motives; bad people wont become Good people but the World will start doubting the Goodness of Good Things! - kundhan karunakar
The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore. - Dale Carnegie
War is God's way of teaching Americans geography. - Ambrose Bierce
It is the ordinary woman who knows something about love; the gorgeous ones are too busy being gorgeous.
If there is a God, He is a malign thug. - Mark Twain
You got a gun, you don't have to work out. - Chris Rock
The happiest excitement in life is to be convinced that one is fighting for all one is worth on behalf of some clearly seen and deeply felt good. - Ruth Benedict
To be creative, first we must be generous. Then we must have a quiet, indomitable belief in our own worth. - Donna Goddard
I'm not sure why I've decided to do this. I'm not any stronger than I was, and nothing else has changed. But all the same, this time I'm not going to run away. It's okay to feel weak sometimes. It's okay to be afraid. The important thing is that we face our fears. That's what makes us strong."-Yuki - Natsuki Takaya
Initiative + Progress = Success. - Miena Fiagome
I think that true horror is accomplished by slowly getting into your brain. The old way is much more scary. - Sergio Aragonés
I am thankful that sacrifice is non-negotiable, and that counting the cost in giving to another is foolishly assuming that we can put a price on sacrifice. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Life is like Book. Everyday you wake up and found new page with good or bad things.. If your one page is not good , don't be sad as you have more page to open. But if you found something good than don't be rude to others as page can be changed anytime. - Gargi Vyas
God withholds Himself from no one who perseveres. - Teresa of Ávila
Trade and money, which go together in a stream of energy, inevitably wash away the enclosing walls of a society of status. - Isabel Paterson
Egoism’s nature is not Moha (Illusory attachment). Moha’s (Illusory attachment’s) nature is egoism. Moha is the origin of egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
Everybody looks good in their own mirror! - Manoj Vaz
This is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A speeding bullet from a speeding car could not penetrate his heart - Gregory C. Warner
If we believe the Canon is closed and Scripture is sufficient, then we believe God is not speaking new words apart from Scripture. - Dan Phillips
Your dreams give you inspiration.Your goals give you a mission.Your failures give you direction.Your successes give you satisfaction. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Basically there can be no categories such as 'religious' art and 'secular' art, because all true art is incarnational, and therefore 'religious. - Madeleine L'Engle
Have the wisdom to perceive all there is to be thankful for, and then be thankful for the wisdom to perceive things so clearly. - Richelle E. Goodrich
You have always known they exist. Everyone feels their presence. Few know the truth. The world of Real Immortals is about to be revealed! - John T. Montgomery
Do I make up some ‘god’ in my mind, or do I make up my mind to know God? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
What I like most about the process of literary creation is gathering mundane facts and concepts, then clothing them with the ornate jewels and fine garments of imagination and fantasy, weaving a tale on the glittering edge of possibility. - Gregory Hamilton
Reality lies in the greatest enchantment you have ever experienced. - Hugo von Hofmannsthal
The purpose of this life is to worship Allah the only God who has no partners or associates.And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)Quran Chapter 51 verse 56 - Mahair Ashaboon
I tried to abandon my tenacity, but I just couldn't let it go. - Tim Fargo
Falling in love in a Christian way is to say,'I am excited about your future and I want to be part of getting you there. I'm signing up for the journey with you. Would you sign up for the journey to my true self with me? It's going to be hard but I want to get there. - Timothy J. Keller
The key to happiness is loving yourself. For years I have struggled to reach this point and even now at the age of 20 I will be honest in saying I am not 100% there yet. However, I will say I am much closer to that 100 than I was 5 years ago. - Gabriela M. Sanchez
If you can eat with mates or friends or family, I mean, it's such a brilliant thing isn't it? If you feel really rubbish and you have a nice bit of food it makes you feel good, you know? - Jamie Oliver
In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who says there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University, page 214) - Albert Einstein
The Soul’s doership has arisen due to ignorance. Because of this, the inner working components of antaskaran [mind, intellect, chitta and ego] have arisen, and so has the relative-self [prakruti]. - Dada Bhagwan
God steals my soul. - Harley King
I love science, and it pains me to think that so many are terrified of the subject or feel that choosing science means you cannot also choose compassion, or the arts, or be awed by nature. Science is not meant to cure us of mystery, but to reinvent and reinvigorate it. - Robert M. Sapolsky
Years ago there was an old man I knew that told me he didn't trust me, because people with beards were hiding from something. I told him, "That's true, I'm hiding from the barber!! - Neil Leckman
If you know what to do to reach your goal, it's not a big enough goal." - - Bob Proctor
Anything that feels good couldn't possibly be bad. - Angelina Jolie
God give grace for obedience to His commandments. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Nothing quite has reality for me till I write it all down--revising and embellishing as I go. I'm always waiting for things to be over so I can get home and commit them to paper. - Erica Jong
Cause they say home is where your heart is set in stone, it's where you go when're you're alone, its were you go to rest your bones. It's not just where you lay your head, it's not just where you make your bead. As long as we're together does it matter where we go? - Gabrielle Aplin
I think I have a kind of Tourette's syndrome where if you're not supposed to say something, it becomes very attractive to do so. You're in a rock band what can't you talk about? God? Okay, here we go. You're supposed to write songs about sex and drugs. Well, no I won't. - Bono
Honey, the sun rises and sets with that Bill of hers. Everything he says is Gospel. She loves her man.""Is that what loving your man is?""Has a lot to do with it."Jean Louise said, "You mean losing your own identity, don't you?""In a way, yes," said Henry. "Then I doubt if I shall ever marry. - Harper Lee
The mandate is clear, God's nature must be reflected on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
God will shout during your storms, whisper during your sunshine and sing during the rarest rainbows you will encounter. - Shannon L. Alder
If you keep going with a definite purpose, you will find the way and reach the destination. - Debasish Mridha
One thing I had learned from watching chimpanzees with their infants is that having a child should be fun. - Jane Goodall
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. - Jim Ryun
Some people go to honeymoon, other like honey. As far I can tell you I like to eat honey! - Deyth Banger
I'm still an atheist, thank God. - Luis Bunuel
The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good. - Catherine Ponder
If you would create something,you must be something. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Good heart, good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God has unlimited resources for every great work. Are you a willing spirit? - Lailah Gifty Akita
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. - George Bernard Shaw
Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving. - William Shakespeare
That's the great thing about being in the third grade. If you've got one polysyllabic adjective, everyone thinks you're a genius.
There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God. - Paul David Washer
I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I loveIf you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.You will hardly know who I am or what I meanBut I shall be good health to you nonethelessAnd filter and fibre your blood. - Walt Whitman
Prepare yourself for some bad news: Ronald Reagan’s library just burned down. Both books were destroyed. But the real horror: He hadn’t finished coloring either one of them. - Gore Vidal
To let a sad thought or a bad one get into your mind is as dangerous as letting a scarlet fever germ get into your body. If you let it stay there after it has got in you may never get over it as long as you live. - Frances Hodgson Burnett
I'm never going to be famous. My name will never be writ large on the roster of Those Who Do Things. I don't do any thing. Not one single thing. I used to bite my nails, but I don't even do that any more. - Dorothy Parker
During the gold rush its a good time to be in the pick and shovel business - Mark Twain
Un instante en presencia de los Amigos (Sufis) es mejor que cien años de dedicación sincera y obediente - Idries Shah
Good composition is like a suspension bridge; each line adds strength and takes none away... Making lines run into each other is not composition. There must be motive for the connection. Get the art of controlling the observer that is composition. - Robert Henri
It is a good idea to be ambitious, to have goals, to want to be good at what you do, but it is a terrible mistake to let drive and ambition get in the way of treating people with kindness and decency. The point is no that they will then be nice to you. It is that you will feel better about yourself.
We have become, by the power of a glorious evolutionary accident called intelligence, the steward of life's continutity on earth. We did not ask for this role, but we cannot abjure it. We may not be suited to to it, but here we are. - Stephen Jay Gould
Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu'un long discours (A good sketch is better than a long speech) - Napoléon Bonaparte
In the sky, far above - Where my words - Written in the Clouds; I've borrowed from the sun, A gentle smile. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Sometimes reputations outlive their applications. Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playing with them.
God created philosophy for all the intellects that got bored of hearing the same bible stories every Sunday. - Shannon L. Alder
The only real battle in life is between hanging on and letting go. - Shannon L. Alder
True prayer is pleading with God for that which He wants to do anyway. - Todd Stocker
Books open and broaden our minds allowing us to challenge ourselves to become more than we are, by setting positive goals for ourselves, and overcoming doubts about our ability to receive the education we want to achieve. - Ellen J. Barrier
God is also need money to sustain his existence on this earth. - Tanmaya Guru
I'm God. I will give you love and never hate you. I'll give you all the comforts you've ever imagined. Because I'm the God. - nugas
Creo que todo sueño que se repite tiene algo de misterioso, pues nos hace percatarnos de que el inconsciente está cavando obsesivamente para desenterrar un objeto que se niega a salir. - Stephen King
Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated. - Robert S. McNamara
Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes his aid against the other.... The prayers of both could not be answered--that of neither has been answered fully. - Abraham Lincoln
If an ancient man saw planes two thousand years ago He would've thought they were birds Or angels from another world Or messengers from other planets. - Dejan Stojanovic
A killer on the payroll isn't good for business.' Devour - LA Larkin
I try to cherish the moments I have, for I dread the day I get out of the tub and the wrinkles won't go away... - Gabe A. Lopez
Learning the secret of flight from a bird was a good deal like learning the secret of magic from a magician. - Orville Wright
To give value to others, you have to begin by valuing yourself. - Tim Fargo
You are a light born to shine. You are not who the world thinks you are. You are not what you think you are. You are as God created you. Never see yourself less than that. You are powerful than you know! - Kemi Sogunle
People go to church for the same reasons they go to a tavern: to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy.-- Circular Letter to My Friends in Italy - Mikhail Bakunin
To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasures, we must go to those who are seeking it. - Charles Caleb Colton
Right now I'm a freshman in my fourth year at U.C.L.A., but my goal is to become a veternarian, 'cause I love children.
When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy. - Oscar Wilde
My first day of teaching, I got hit in the head with a bandstand & needed 4 stitches. Welcome to #NYCity teaching in the 90s. - Ace Antonio Hall
Humor can make a serious difference. In the workplace, at home, in all areas of life looking for a reason to laugh is necessary. A sense of humor helps us to get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times. - Steve Goodier
You have to remember, rights don't come in groups we shouldn't have 'gay rights'; rights come as individuals, and we wouldn't have this major debate going on. It would be behavior that would count, not what person belongs to what group. - Ron Paul
On account of us being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does. - Will Rogers
Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. - Victoria Holt
Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day. - John Wooden
HOBBES:If you don't get a goodnight kiss you get Kafka dreams. - Bill Watterson
Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.
Since graduating from HMS my greatest satisfaction has unequivocally been my family. My main disappointment is that I have wasted too much time in personal pursuits and been less of an influence for good than I might have been. - Norris B. Finlayson
When there is no Personal Responsibility in any society, there cannot be a responsible government. Responsible government is an off shoot of a culture of Personal Responsibility. - Sunday Adelaja
Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity. - Frank Leahy
I gave in, and admitted that God was God. - C.S. Lewis
The smaller you get—the smaller life makes you—the easier it is to see the grandeur of grace. While I am far more incapable than I may have initially thought, God is infinitely more capable than I ever hoped. - Tullian Tchividjian
Coz life, you see, is not a fairy tell. Just have faith in yourself and God. Let the life take you where it wants to. - Saumyaa Suneja
The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. - Cecil B. DeMille
I am not your average girl. That isn't me. I want you to notice when I'm not around. I want you to remember the little things. I want you to see me for who I am. I don't want to be like everybody else. I follow my heart and never look back. I'll go on shining no matter what... Always shine. - Anonymous
Music, that is the science or the sense of proper modulation, is likewise given by God's generosity to mortals having rational souls in order to lead them to higher things. - St. Augustine
What’s it like being a writer? Mostly it’s like being a child surrounded by adults. My friends have grown-up careers. They balance spreadsheets, analyze data, negotiate deals. They build things, heal patients, teach children. Meanwhile, I’m over here saying Let’s pretend. - Jennifer Froelich
Secrets are generally terrible. Beauty is not hidden--only ugliness and deformity. - L.M. Montgomery
The last word of love is ... goodbye. - Carroll Bryant
In the frank expression of conflicting opinions lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental action. - Louis D. Brandeis
God’s genius is as wide as the cosmos, while by comparison our intelligence can find room on the head of a pin. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors. But they are part of you. And they will never go away. - Loki, Marvel's The Avengers
I believe in the cosmos. All of us are linked to the cosmos. - Mikhail Gorbachev
We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self-denial, anxiety and discouragement. - L. M. Montgomery
I know that sometimes a lie is used in kindness. I don't believe it ever works kindly. The quick pain of the truth can pass away, but the slow, eating agonyof a lie is neverlost. That's a running sore - John Steinbeck
Unswerving devotion to your goals is success. - Matshona Dhliwayo
To achieve self actualization, do good things for other people that you would want to be done onto yourself - Meg Cabot
Don’t just hope the big idea is going to come, make it happen - Simon Dunn
Life has always been about God winning. He will send you a miracle that will take you through the conflict in your life into a better situation that will create the most peace in the world--- if you only believe. - Shannon L. Alder
There is no God but God, and his name is William Shakespeare. - Harold Bloom
The truth of the world is that in every group you will find some good and some bad people - which is why i am keenly aware that no group is ALL bad, just as no group is ALL good. - Christina Engela
Get correct views of life, and learn to see the world in its true light. It will enable you to live pleasantly, to do good, and, when summoned away, to leave without regret. - Robert E. Lee
Cheech and Chong Vs. HAL"I can't do that Dave.""Dave's not here, man""That does not compute. Dave""No man, Dave isn't here!!"..."I'm sorry Dave but that is incorrect""No man, Dave's not here!!""Daisy, daisy,.... I'm self terminating now Dave....""No man, dave's not.....Is he gone? - Neil Leckman
It takes a special ear to appreciate the many sounds of good music. - Xela Ffonrims
God's will is your deepest desires. - Dan Brown
Government spending? I don't know what it's all about. I don't know any more about this thing than an economist does, and, God knows, he doesn't know much. - Will Rogers
No one forgives with more grace and love than a child. - Gordon Atkinson
God himself is referring to Jesus as light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom - Sunday Adelaja
If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to all others, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism. - Erich Fromm
We must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Trust remains the coin of the realm in politics. A President who is trusted, by the people, by the congress, by the press, by foreign countries, is a President who can get a lot of good things done. - David Gergen
Save the trees! Return to the gold standard! - Ron Brackin
When someone comes to you for some help it means Allah has chosen you for gaining some good deeds its upon us how we look at it..... - Adil Adam Memon
A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself. - David M. Ogilvy
Earth is crammed with heaven, and every bush is aflame with the glory of God. But only those who see take of their shoes; the rest just pick the berries. - Elizabeth Browning
I ordered a coffee and a little something to eat and savored the warmth and dryness. Somewhere in the background Nat King Cole sang a perky tune. I watched the rain beat down on the road outside and told myself that one day this would be twenty years ago. - Bill Bryson
Why worry about minor little details like clean air, clean water, safe ports and the safety net when Jesus is going to give the world an "Extreme Makeover: Planet Edition" right after he finishes putting Satan in his place once and for all? - Arianna Huffington
Life is a journey. It's up to you where you go. - Jianna M.
Sometimes poets expect me to think far deeper than I'm willing to dig. - Richelle E. Goodrich
No matter what happens or what we go through, there is always a miracle waiting for us. The miracle is you. - Takatsu
If you believe someone believe blindly either you get a good relation or a good lesson - Arun Kumar
Only learn to seize good fortune, for good fortune is always here. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
People become followers of the God because of his fear, but they become a fan of a hero because of his work. - Amit Kalantri
The mind that does inner intentions (bhaav-mann) is the ‘charge’ mind. The mind that is getting exhausted (dravya-mann) is the ‘discharge’ mind. Bhaav-mann creates the worldly life. Dravya-mann brings an end to the worldly life. When egoism goes away, bhaav-mann vanishes. - Dada Bhagwan
When the egoism becomes zero; that is indeed spirituality. - Dada Bhagwan
Rain makes me feel less alone. All rain is, is a cloud- falling apart, and pouring its shattered pieces down on top of you. It makes me feel good to know I'm not the only thing that falls apart . It makes me feel better to know other things in nature can shatter. - Lone Alaskan Gypsy
Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand - Hayley Williams
When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing. - Enrique Jardiel Poncela
How do you know yourself to be a son of God in fact as well as in name?Answer: Because I am baptized in the name of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. - (from his catechism) - John Calvin
When we do not succeed to be ourselves, we finally realize that is was completely useless to exist... - Hugo Pratt
There is no legitimacy on earth but in a government which is the choice of the nation.
Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone. Its evidence before the world is to be sought in my life: if it has been honest and dutiful to society the religion which has regulated it cannot be a bad one. - Thomas Jefferson
If you never learned to hold onto someone, how could it possibly hurt now to let them go? - Shannon L. Alder
Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time. - Terry Pratchett
The Llama is a woolly sort of fleecy hairy goat, with an indolent expression and an undulating throat; like an unsuccessful literary man. - Hilaire Belloc
A hand held tightly, never to really let go.Fills up life around you, for the comforts within our soul. - Patty Smith
Let our voices be heard. I hope they will not be shrill voices, but, I hope we shall speak with such conviction that those to whom we speak shall know of the strength of our feeling and the sincerity of our efforts. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Sharks are as tough as those football fans who take their shirts off during games in Chicago in January, only more intelligent. - Dave Barry
The thing that bound us together at Apple was the ability to make things that were going to change the world. That was very important. - Steve Jobs
If you are not dead, then there is hope. get up and go conquer the world. - Fenley Douglas
The physique of a Messiah. But too clever to believe in God or be convinced of his own mission. And too sensitive, even if he were convinced, to carry it out. His muscles would like to act and his feelings would like to believe; but his nerve-endings and his cleverness won't allow it. - Aldous Huxley
You stupid fool, you know very well it's not a short novel, but something longer...A piece of work you've got to buckle down to, that needs peace and concentration. Being able to wake up in the morning and lie in bed for a while. - Iván Mándy
He was alone in his wonderment,amoung creatures incapable of wonder--for them it was enough to exist and go their way. - Pope John Paul II
Before all else, we seek, upon our common labor as a nation, the blessings of Almighty God. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Nothing is going to work out unless you step up and make it happen. - Auliq-Ice
Quit hating and trying be like the next man. Get on your own grind & be better than the next man, whether you gotta hustle, work a job or whatever just do you. - Surgeo Bell
Every morning do not go to work, but go to actualize your desire filled dreams. - Debasish Mridha
We are living in a time where the hearing from God is bombarded by many frequencies and voices. This noise, corrosive in nature, makes it difficult to hear God’s voice...living with more noise means we live less like a disciple. We need a prism. Eric Samuel Timm is a prism. - Mark Batterson
From good to the better for the best!Sounds like taken from Advertisement, as for my works. If you are open person in being honest... rape/murder/killing... it's something which is around us. - Deyth Banger
Once you have flown, your eyes will ever gaze skyward. For once you have been there ... There you will go again! - Leonardo Da Vinci
America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success. - Sigmund Freud
If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? - RuPaul
Lots of little good things make you happier than a handful of big things. - Abdul'Rauf Hashmi
A good friend will help you to discover the potentials you haven't uncovered. A bad friend will help you to cover up the potentials you have already recovered. Make your choice! - Israelmore Ayivor
The goal is not simply to 'work hard, play hard.' The goal is to make our work and our play indistinguishable. - Simon Sinek
Today you can go to a gas station and find the cash register open and the toilets locked. They must think toilet paper is worth more than money. - Joey Bishop
Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. - Henry David Thoreau
Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than what you think. - Benjamin Disraeli
It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived. - George S. Patton Jr.
For all the things we do in our lives and the people that surround us, its family and those few loyal friends that God has blessed us with. - Ron Baratono
Let it go with love to let it be yours forever. - Debasish Mridha
With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg
Some people say you pick up the Dirty Boogie where you left it off. Others say you pick it up where you would have been had you never gotten off it. - James Lee Burke
Let the haters’ hate push you to go further instead of tear you down, your accomplishments will be your best revenge. - Auliq Ice
Sometimes it's good to let people swim in ocean of ignorance and let them struggle to the shores of enlightenment. - Uzoma Nnadi
Si realmente quieren saber sobre el futuro, no le pregunten a un técnico, a un científico o a un físico. ¡No! No le pregunten a quien escriba en código. No, si quieren saber cómo va a ser la sociedad en 20 años, pregúntenle a la maestra de un jardín de niños. - Clifford Stoll
GOOD: is when those values that we rate desirable are pertainingBAD: is when those same values are wanting. - Jeff Tikari
God gave us ground we created a city, God gave us time we need to create a future. - Amit Kalantri
The sin and guilt of the human race was imputed to the spotless lamb of God, Jesus Christ when He became the sin offering for the world. - John Paul Warren
A great paradox which should God make us understand, we will weep, laugh, wonder and ponder is the paradox of human ignorance - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
No individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving behind him distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it. - George Washington Carver
There is no force in Earth or Heaven above,No, not even the damned of Hell can stop relentless Love. ---Kari, The Valkyrie, Chapter Sixteen,Valley of the Damned Epic Martial Poem/Allegory - Douglas M. Laurent
Pursuit of God, passion for life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
All this twaddle, the existence of God, atheism, determinism, liberation, societies, death, etc., are pieces of a chess game called language, and they are amusing only if one does not preoccupy oneself with 'winning or losing this game of chess. - Marcel Duchamp
I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top. - An English Professor
There is no such thing as luck. It's a fancy name for being always at our duty, and so sure to be ready when good time comes. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
If government played by the same rules as the rest of us, it would cease to be government. - Sheldon Richman
Justice is the only worship.Love is the only priest.Ignorance is the only slavery.Happiness is the only good.The time to be happy is now,The place to be happy is here,The way to be happy is to make others so.Wisdom is the science of happiness. - Robert G. Ingersoll
I would like to live for some time yet, as I am curious how it all is going to end. - Federico Fellini
Silence is the invisible door to God. Silence is the inner door to become one with God. - Swami Dhyan Giten
The power of the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God & the name of Jesus are the believers weapons of defense against the Devil. - Pazaria Smith
Prayer does not alter that which God has determined; it never changes anything. It merely achieves what He has already foreordained. - Watchman Nee
I think Amy Winehouse's decision not to go to rehab was a bad one. In fact, I think it was the worst idea since Dodi Al Fayed said to Princess Diana, "Ooh, look! A tunnel! Whack that seat belt off and let's have a fuck. - Robert Clark
You know that things aren't going well for you when you can't even tell people the simplest fact about your life, just because they'll presume you're asking them to feel sorry for you. - Nick Hornby
Comfortable? Don't be. I believe in those moments where we grow comfortable is where we stop growing, and in order to keep evolving, God slips the rug from beneath our feet and makes us look up. - Christy Aldridge
In a world of violence; Humanity needs more moments of confidence. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Map out lofty goals… include reasonable checkpoints along the way... refine, improve, and enhance your behavior in alignment with your goals…. that is the dynamic of true leadership and the formula for success. - Steve Maraboli
And life goes on like this,an uncomplete poem. - Arzum Uzun
Every good gift and every perfect present comes from God. He is out Father who will always love His children. - Pazaria Smith
I don’t want my ‘part’ taken! I haven’t ‘got’ a part! I hate the stupid geometrical figures by which people try to understand the emotions of others, imposing hard straight lines - or ‘sides’ as they call them - onto tender curvaceous human beings who have none. - Frances Partridge
Not sorry, not calling, not cryingAll will pass like smoke of white apple treesSeized by the gold of autumn,I will no longer be young. - Sergei Yesenin
I believe music is a place everyone of us can go to. I don’t care who you are, where you were born, what you do with your life. Everyone can come here in music and be equal. - Hayley Williams
The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. - H.L. Hunt
God has given me both the right and privilege to outrun Him if I so choose. Yet, if I do so, I will have lost the race. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Instead of seeing how much pain I can dish out towards those I disagree with, or who I believe have done me wrong, I seek to follow the golden rule and use my words and behavior to create more of what the world needs love, compassion, and connection. - Aspen Baker
The great successful men of the world have used their imaginations, they think ahead and create their mental picture, and then go to work materializing that picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that bit, but steadily building, steadily building. - Robert Collier
Prayer is not a court hearing, so when you pray don't aim to prove before God how others wronged you; because He knows every heart already. - Gugu Mona
The Blues ain't nothin' but a good woman on your mind.
If you feel that you are going without go within - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Sometimes you gotta listen your brain to save your heart. - Stephen Rayment
Life is a chain of events; a journey. Tomorrow's opportunities are a reflection of today's decisions .The good thing is, tomorrow never ends. Every new day comes with a chance to secure tomorrow - Asuni LadyZeal
Great is the glory of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You will never know love's depth, until it is gone. - Shannon L. Alder
My yesterdays walk with me. They keep step, they are gray faces that peer over my shoulder. - William Golding
You can't get out of life alive, so you may as well have a good time. - Les Brown
its not a good idea to argue with ignorant people but sometime ignorance can't be ignored - Adnan Safi
Always set small, realistic goals that you know you can achieve first. But don't give up on the bigger ones that may seem too far from your reach. - W.D. Lady
and every day I thank [God] that I am alive, not because I fear death, but because my wife has a husband and my son is not an orphan. - Khaled Hosseini
Forgiveness is kindness regardless. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Good intentions might sound nice, but it's positive actions that matter. - Tim Fargo
God blesses you when you stand up for what you believe in despite opposition. - Jim George
God is like a mirror, consistent, stable, unchanging; reflecting His image of us, that is always changing. - Anthony Liccione
When preparing a presentation, it’s never a good idea to begin with a rule. If you do, you’re focusing on the appearance of good delivery and not the effect of it. - Dale Ludwig
If you're not going to use your free speech to criticize your own government, then what the hell is the point of having it? - Michel Templet
Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck. - George Carlin
Control's a funny thing. It comes and goes. Some days I had it, some days I didn't. It felt like every time I did something healthy, I had this in satiable need to counterbalance it by doing something unhealthy. - Edward Ugel
Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance. It is laying hold of His willingness. - Martin Luther
God created us for this: to live our lives in a way that makes him look more like the greatness and the beauty and the infinite worth that he really is. This is what it means to be created in the image of God. - John Piper
Air, Food, Water, Shelter, Love and Godis what we all need to live.If one more thing is missing, it's being wise.WISE enough to consume them wisely. - Bradley B. Dalina
There are so many people out there that will tell you that you can't. What you've got to do is turn around and say "Watch me! - Ashley Purdy
Never criticize, complain or condemn. Never forget to appreciate with love what is good in a person. - Debasish Mridha
Never waste your precious time in discussing the good and bad qualities of others. - Abhijit Naskar
How often do I stand in abject terror and raw trepidation before the impossible peaks that soar to impossible heights in front me, when God turns to me and calmly says what mountains? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Some people get an education without going to college. The rest get it after they get out. - Mark Twain
Beware! Balance rules the cosmos. It is not concerned with good or bad. You can be struck by misfortune and be buried in grief if that is what it takes to restore the imbalance you have wrought unto the world. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Our government needs the church, because only those humble enough to admit they're sinners can bring democracy the tolerance it requires to survive - Ronald Reagan
A good book is the precious life-blood of the master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose for a life beyond. - John Milton
When you get right down to it, what we all need is a place to go... A place where we can escape the noise of our lives and just relax.
There was one thing the experience had taught him. He said he'd learned that when millions of people, a whole political system, countless numbers of citizens who believed in God, said they were going to kill you - just listen to them. - Terry Hayes
Today is a gift from God. Don't waste it! - Ruth Kyser
I shall keep my book on the table here, and read a little every morning as soon as I wake, for I know it will do me good, and help me through the day. - Louisa May Alcott
She turned around to look at me with her enchanting gaze that further pierced my heart; a look I would never forget and I would retain till perpetuity and think of it always whenever she came to my mind. And that is not going to be a few times, if my heart is to have its way. - Faraaz Kazi
Wherever I have gone in this country, I have found Americans.
But society has now fairly got the better of individuality; and the danger which threatens human nature is not the excess, but the deficiency, of personal impulses and preferences. - John Stuart Mill
Make your ego porous. Will is of little importance, complaining is nothing, fame is nothing. Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything. - Rainer Maria Rilke
The moment you begin to see yourself as GOD sees you, it gives you permission, authority and the audacity to become what you see through His eyes. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
True wisdom consists in two things: Knowledge of God and Knowledge of Self. - John Calvin
The dread of evil is a much more forcible principle of human actions than the prospect of good. - John Locke
When I pray for another person, I am praying for God to open my eyes so that I can see that person as God does, and then enter into the stream of love that God already directs toward that person. - Philip Yancey
Walk in the light so you can see where you're going - Eleazar
When you've found another soul who see's in to your own...take good care of each other..and remember to be kind.. - Jackson Browne
Yes, you are right! I am your leftover trash. I hope you know a bum got to eat too. I believe you were one when I met you. - Touaxia Vang
One thing I will surely miss is that I couldn't read all the good books in this lifetime. - Amit Kalantri
God's in His Heaven, all's right with the world - Robert Browning
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 - Wendy Goerl
The King had advertised the old magic tea set, but for some reason, no one wanted sugar teeth that could gouge their eyes out. - Heather Dixon
You're like candy. People lick your knowledge to become wise, lick your words from your powerful mouth and say it even better than you. Lick each step you make and stay on a good track, and once you're dead, the lickers scavenge for another intellectual candy. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Quote from FUTURE GONE: "…I wonder what actually this hospital is, why I am in it and who I am. I have no time to find out. I die, with my arms stretched towards the spotlights.Then whiteness.My body is still there somewhere…Buried in the extremely bright lights of empty hope". - Alexandar Tomov
My goal is to read as much as possible books, my dream is to meet the snow person, the storm person and to make something together. I will be the rain, Snowy will be the snow, Stormy will be the storm - it's not so complicated as far I see. - Deyth Banger
There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed. - Woodrow Wilson
You cannot score a goal when you are sitting on the bench. To do so, you have to dress up and enter the game. - Israelmore Ayivor
The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you. - Frederick Buechner
George Orwell famously described international sport as 'war minus the shooting'. But for all Orwell's greatness as a thinker, this was one of his least felicitous lines, analogous to 'murder minus the death' or 'life minus the breathing'. - Gideon Haigh
God gives, but man must open his hand. - German Proverb
A good reputation is something that must be earned, yet can never be bought. - Stephen King
In God we Believe And god believes in love. - Ujas Soni
Tough times don't last, tough people do, remember? - Gregory Peck
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. - H. L. Mencken
It is rather whenWe gloriously forget ourselves, and plungeSoul-forward, headlong, into a book's profound,Impassioned for its beauty and salt of truth--'Tis then we get the right good from a book. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I prefer that these reserves be spent in arguing whether Mary conceived without sin, whether Christ was God or man, rather than discussing whether my power is of divine origin and if, in short, I am deserving of it. Heresy, then, is tolerable as long as it is not employed directly against power. - Carlos Fuentes
If education is in your heart, it becomes your light. You will be able to find success and beauty wherever you go in life. - Debasish Mridha
Worship means respecting all of God’s creation. - Lamees Alhassar
Age does not make us childish, as some say; it finds us true children. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is impossible to imagine Goethe or Beethoven being good at billiards or golf. - H. L. Mencken
The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way. - Bertrand Russell
I once said, "We will bury you," and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you. - Nikita Khrushchev
<<... People with 'a vision for betterment',cannot afford to have "hope", as "hope" is only usedfor the passification of the masses.~ People with 'vision', KNOW it is going to be betterbeCAUSE it is an inevitability, in fact....>>~ Ale3ia - Chevalieuse de Faeinoterre Helia
Mother nature pushes you back the faster you go, same way people will full you back, the faster you succeed. - Arlin Sailesh Kapadia
We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. - Albert Einstein
I'm not going to climb into the ring with Tolstoy. - Ernest Hemingway
Nada é para sempre, dizemos, mas momentos que parecem ficar suspensos, pairando sobre o fluir inexorável do tempo. - José Saramago
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way - Khayal Abbas Akhtar
Share Love and happiness!! Beauty, money, Ego, Property, Materials will matter nothing - Paul karan
Each man must grant himself the emotions that he needs and the morality that suits him. - Rémy de Gourmont
Worries come and worries go…They challenge us and make us Grow! - - RVM
Take Care Of Your Tongue Like The Way You Take Care Of Gold & Silver. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
Bailarás conmigo, y dirás lo que realmente sientes por mí, pasaremos una noche mágica, y me podrás odiar por la mañana. - Lolo Mayaya
You are not what others think you are. You are what God knows you are. - Shannon L. Alder
Chris enjoys spending quality time while cooking, wine tasting, attending opera, playing golf, and practicing martial arts JiuJitsu. - Chris Salamone
Yesterday is gone forever.Tomorrow is always in the future.So live for today, live with passion, live with joy, live with all encompassing love. - Debasish Mridha
Congratulations, to the people which made gotham series, still need some more and extra work! - Deyth Banger
See no good, hear no good, speak no good; and the people will eventually find you good! - Huseyn Raza
I've got one word for the eighties. One word. Handguns. Disposable Handguns.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds. . . to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations. - Abraham Lincoln
Loads of children read books about dinosaurs, underwater monsters, dragons, witches, aliens, and robots. Essentially, the people who read SF, fantasy and horror haven't grown out of enjoying the strange and weird. - China Miéville
The wise will hide your follies and help you learn, but the wicked ones will gossip about it with scoundrels. - Aniruddha Sastikar
Reaching beyond ourselves, exceeding our mind is not a simple thing. It is, in fact, impossible–one half of the Ego is trying to exceed the other. - Frank Wanderer
What do I care about the universe? It's people who will miss me when I'm gone. - Marty Rubin
Better fare hard with good men than feast it with bad. - Thomas Paine
God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.
The future is as blank as a plane sheet if you don't have an eagle's eye, that's why you should climb to a vantage point to get a good perspective view at your future. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice, without constraint. - Alexander Hamilton
Choosing the right people to surround you, and letting go of the wrong ones, takes courage.Be courageous! - Tony Curl
Humility and brokenness before God is the key for Him to dwell in us. - Sunday Adelaja
...use design as a secret disguise to infiltrate whatever world you want to go into. If you do that over and over again, and then translate that interest and curiosity into the work that you’re doing, you’ll do great. - Michael Bierut
A poet's work . . . to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and stop it from going to sleep. - Salman Rushdie
Do good, reap good; do evil, reap evil. - Chinese Proverb
A man always has two reasons for what he does-a good one and the real one. - J. Pierpont Morgan
Focus on faith and grow your roots strong and deep so no one can make you believe in something that is not good for your soul. - Molly Friedenfeld
God said to accept whatever circumstances that come along. Circumstance is a natural thing. In it, ‘Do this and don’t do that’- should not be there. Circumstances are a ‘scientific circumstantial evidence’ [‘Vyavasthit’]. You should ‘settle them with equanimity’. - Dada Bhagwan
I look up to as God every person, thing or thought that makes life worth living one day longer - Prabhukrishna M
A nanny state is hostile to liberty. Any attempt to institute or continue it should be opposed, root and branch. Government intervention is never the solution; it is always part of the problem. - Laurence M. Vance
Allow me to tell you, Mr Taylor," said I, but quietly as the occasion demanded, "that one gentleman does not rejoice at the misfortune of another in public". - William Golding
It is the person who is blind to what goes on around him that is most surprised when the same things happen to him.
I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book. - Groucho Marx
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.
Don't worry about not doing "it" perfectly right now. It's ok, just keep at it, you will soon settle in it and then you'll be glad you didn't give up. All you need is to be sure that GOD's hand is in it. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
The various features and aspects of human life, such as longevity, good health, success, happiness, and so forth, which we consider desirable, are all dependent on kindness and a good heart. - Dalai Lama XIV
I would rather fail doing God's work than have a pseudo-victory being co-opted by someone else. - Otis Moss III
Don’t lose good opportunities waiting for better opportunities - Mohit Bansal
Humor is a universal lanuage. - Joel Goodman
It’s good to remember that success may be just beyond the next failure, and you’ll get there, not because you’re destined to, but because you’re determined to. - Steve Goodier
If I do not write to empty my mind, I go mad. - George Gordon Byron
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. God bless those who see beyond our flaws painted in bold strokes. - Nike Thaddeus
I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival if we accommodated ourselves to this planet and viewed it appreciatively, instead of skeptically and dictatorially. - E.B. White
I don't have any idea of who or what God is. But I do believe in some great spiritual power. I feel it particularly when I'm out in nature. It's just something that's bigger and stronger than what I am or what anybody is. I feel it. And it's enough for me. - Jane Goodall
Wherever you are, wherever you go, be sure to spread the light. - A.D. Posey
On going to war over religion: You're basically killing each other to prove who's got the better imaginary friend.
You don't have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shoot straight. - Barry Goldwater
A good writer is a magician; she unfolds the dark secrets of mind. - Debasish Mridha
God is a thing that thinks. - Baruch Spinoza
You've got to keep looking for them, even after you find them. Otherwise, you'll lose them. - pleasefindthis
People who don't respect the time you spent with them, don't know they have lost the gift of good memories. - Aditya Bhaskara
Each one of us has a fire in our heart for something.It is our goal in life to find it and to keep it lit - Gackt
Ego is this this higher conscious concept that we have of ourselves and we feel that we must live by it with a closed mind. We can be Self Aware of this concept or purely just blinded. I think the answer to this problem is being Self Aware and changing our current perception for the better. - Matthew Donnelly
Make sure to be in with your equals if you're going to fall out with your superiors. - Jewish Proverb
The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision.
Atheism and agnosticism signify the rejection of certain images and concepts of God or of truth, which are historically conditioned and therefore inadequate. Atheism is a challenge to religion to purifiy its images and concepts and come nearer to the truth of divine mystery. - Bede Griffiths
I will not hate you, of course i will not say : goodbye.But I will not forgive you, so i forget better. - Nabil TOUSSI
Only when we are truly lost are we free to choose our own path. - Hugo Embleton-Black
A recent survey of 2,000 male graduates of Harvard Business Schoolfound that penis length & IQ were equally good predictors of annualincome. -- from "Eugene - Greg Egan
Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart. - Roy T. Bennett
Simple the life, simpler will be your instincts, the laws that govern universe will obey your simplicity. - Santosh Kalwar
Too many people get credit for being good, when they are only being passive. They are too often praised for being broadminded when they are so broadminded they can never make up their minds about anything. - Fulton J. Sheen
Respect for self is the beginning of cultivating virtue in men and women. - Gordon B. Hinckley
God clearly communicates His will for us through His Word. - Jim George
My non American viewers. Who understand that the world does not consist solely of a single nation sailing across an infinite sea of migrant workers. Will no doubt have heard that the waters surrounding Brisbane got tired of waiting for people to hit the beach and decided to bring the party to us. - Yahtzee Croshaw
I have always heard the sacred voice. Now I know it is the voice of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When you forget about the how, go back to the why. - Charlotte Eriksson
We must get beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths... and tell the world the glories of our journey. - John Hope Franklin
A small ego equals A BIG HEART - - Manprit Kaur
Mary wasn't brilliant.She was a good woman who let her emotions guide her politics. She just couldn't help being for anybody who was agin something. - Murray Morgan
Experience God, don't raise a wall of dogmas between you and Him. - Stefan Emunds
Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher. - Oprah Winfrey
It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple. - Rabindranath Tagore
Physical existence is finite.- . - Sagar Gorijala
In a human development sense, our understanding of leadership has essentially grown up and moved past personal ego and a self-centered view of things. - Linda Fisher Thornton
There's a war on. We don't know how anything's going to end. We just have to grasp each fleeting moment of joy as it whizzes by. - Rosamunde Pilcher
God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain. - C.S. Lewis
How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese? - Charles de Gaulle
The highest form of prayer is to the goodness of God. . . . God only desires that our soul cling to him with all of its strength, in particular, that it clings to his goodness. - Ann Voskamp
We know too much and feel too little. At least, we feel too little of those creative emotions from which a good life springs. - Bertrand Russell
A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government - Spurious quote attributed to George Washington but never said by him .
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. - Winston S. Churchill
He often paused before he spoke. She thought this exquisite; it was as though he had such regard for his listener that he wanted his words strung together in the best possible way. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Courage can't see around corners, but goes around them anyway. - Mignon McLaughlin
I wake up every morning thinking about all the great things I am going to accomplish that day, and I go to bed every night thinking about all the even greater things I’m going to have to accomplish tomorrow to make up for the nothing I did today. - John A. Ashley
In simple, the past is a time gone by and no longer exists in the present moment, but we choose to allow this past to occupy our minds, our bodies and our very existence. - Asa Don Brown
When we see goodness in everything and everyone, we become good. - Debasish Mridha
The love of God is a hard love. It demands total self-surrender, disdain of our human personality. And yet it alone can reconcile us to suffering and the deaths of children, it alone can justify them, since we cannot understand them, and we can only make God's will ours. - Albert Camus
What is not fully understood is not possessed. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To divinise is human, to humanise is divine. - Victor Hugo
I am amazed about the greatness of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
All the prophecy of Israel turns on one simple but extremely effective idea: namely that all Israel, living and dead, from Sinai to the present hour, stands in its relation to God as a single immortal individual. - Herman Wouk
Give me golf clubs, fresh air and a beautiful partner, and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air. - Jack Benny
Every poem should remind the reader that they are going to die. - Edgar Allan Poe
Latter-day scepticism is fond of calling itself progressive; but scepticism is really reactionary. Scepticism goes back; it attempts to unsettle what has already been settled. Instead of trying to break up new fields with its plough, it simply tries to break up the plough. - G.K. Chesterton
While money is like honey, then hard earned money is like raw honey and corrupt money is like fake honey. Fake honey also has adverse effects. - Dr Sivakumar Gowder
Golf is the most fun I've ever had, with my clothes on.
Mimi ni mwana wa Mungu. Sisi sote ni watoto wa Mungu. Lengo la kuzaliwa kwangu ni kufanya kazi pamoja na Roho Mtakatifu na malaika kumtumikia Bwana, na kueneza injili ya Yesu Kristo duniani kote, kupitia vitabu. - Enock Maregesi
The power of our subconscious thoughts and desires attracts good luck. - Debasish Mridha
I am the love.I am drowning in your love.I am drunk with your love.I am a dumb for your love.I am crazy about your love. I dream at night about love.I know that you're my love, but I forgot how to lovebecause I become the love. - Debasish Mridha
To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost. - Gustave Flaubert
There is a difference between Confidence and Arrogance..Both look alike but stem from two very different sources..One comes from Self Belief and the other comes from Ego.. - Abha Maryada Banerjee
i have known yousince the beginningof timethe one i have loved alwaysin spirit.only just discoveredin person. - Sanober Khan
If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself. - Augustine of Hippo
Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. - C.S. Lewis
God's mill grinds slow but sure.
God be between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk.
Good music is good music, and everything else can go to hell. - Dave Matthews
Maybe, if I had lied all those years ago, my life could have followed a very different path. But as it is I faithfully follow the long, long thread the Fates have woven for me. - Rosie Pugh
Wherever we go we do harm, forgivingourselves as wheels do cement for wearingeach other out. We set this houseon fire, forgetting that we live within.(from "To a Meadowlark," for M.L. Smoker) - Jim Harrison
Every Republican's voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they're proposing. Romney wants to let the - he said in the first 100 days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules - unchain Wall Street. They're gonna put y'all back in chains. - Joe Biden
I didn't want to fight with him. And yet I could not promise him what I most wanted to give - my love, the promise that I would stay with him in the Winter Court, that I would throw caution aside and be with him. - Kailin Gow
It does not strike me as a good thing that the only person we can be so, so close to is the person we're dating. - Chris Damian
Anarchy - it's not the law, it's just a good idea. - Unknown
When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something, they'll tell you. - Walter Payton
And yonder sits a maiden, The fairest of the fair, With gold in her garment glittering, And she combs her golden hair. - Heinrich Heine
It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get. - Confucius
There is so much good in the worst of us, And so much bad in the best of us, That it hardly behooves any of us To talk about the rest of us. - Edward Wallis Hoch
There are few sorrows, however poignant, in which a good income is of no avail. - Logan Pearsall Smith
So divinely is the world organized that every one of us, in our place and time, is in balance with everything else. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
My brain tends to take the scenic route. Things come to the forefront of my mind sooner or later, it just takes time. - Richelle E. Goodrich
When bad things happen or you don't get your own way, if you can open your heart to compassion instead of shunting it down in anger, you're going to create more light. - Barrie Dolnick
The sin of fornication hinders a person from enjoying God's blessings - Sunday Adelaja
You are looking at the world from your window, that’s good, but there is something missing here, something very big: You must also look at your window from the world to see yourself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
All women are a reflection, a mirror of the Goddess. Remember… you are the Universe figuring itself out. So of course you are identical to the female aspect of divinity. - Robin Rumi
When a man finds this kind of woman, he will go all out for her knowing that she will not be a letdown. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Conversation is the enemy of good wine and food. - Alfred Hitchcock
It is easy to hold on, but it is difficult to let it go. - Debasish Mridha
A true Seeker of Love Should find a good Keeper'' The man Seeks and woman Keeps - Bello Ahmd
And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the defective [of your own] for the good [of theirs]. And do not consume their properties into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin. The Women 4 :2 - Quran
I will not hesitate.I will not hang back.I will go and offer my heart, for it is what I have to give... - Kate Mullane Robertson
Evolutionary biology is imperialistic, overtaking entire fields of endeavor simply by attaching the prefix bio or neuro -- to their names: bioethics, no comics, even, God help us, neurotheology. Its logic is deployed against helpless laymen as a bully's truncheon or an argument stopper. - Andrew Ferguson
To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart and to sing it to them when they have forgotten. - Arne Garborg
A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him. - Lao-Tzu
God forbid that any book should be banned. The practice is as indefensible as infanticide. - Rebecca West
Passion makes the world go round. Love just makes it a safer place. - Ice T
Never go out to meet trouble. If you will just sit still, nine cases out of ten someone will intercept it before it reaches you. - Calvin Coolidge
There are all sorts of kisses... from the sticky confection to the kiss of death. Of them all, the kiss of an actress is the most unnerving. How can we tell is she means it or if she's just practicing? - Ruth Gordon
Copyright: a system of monopoly privilege over the expression of ideas that enables government to stop consumer-friendly economic development and reward uncompetitive and legally privileged elites to fleece the public through surreptitious use of coercion. - Jeffrey Tucker
Breaking up is a natural evolution when you try to figure out what you want in life. If you’re with an individual who isn’t moving in the same direction and at the same rate that you are, it ain’t going to work. - Usher Raymond
A God less than sovereign could not bestow moral freedom upon His creatures. He would be afraid to do so. - A.W. Tozer
Kiedy się spieszysz, nic nie widzisz, nic nie przeżywasz, niczego nie doświadczasz, nie myślisz! Szybkie tempo wysusza najgłębsze warstwy twojej duszy, stępia twoją wrażliwość, wyjaławia cię i odczłowiecza. - Ryszard Kapuściński
There are good fathers and bad fathers, good sons and bad sons, good husbands and bad ones, but great friends are all alike. We choose them and keep them. We aren’t bound to them by anything but love. - Sarah Manguso
God enters by a private door into every individual. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sometimes the only way to move forward is to revisit the things in your past that were holding you back. You have to deal with them head on, no matter how scary they may be. Because once we do, you will see that you can go further than you ever imagined. - Barry Allen "The Flash"
July 4th fireworks exhale over the Hudson sadly.It is beautiful that they have to disappear.It's like the time you said I love you madly.That was an hour ago. It's been a fervent year. - Frederick Seidel
As the years go by, it’s our relationships that will leave us the best memories to celebrate endlessly. - Wes Adamson
Wrong decisions make a good stories, lies make a very good stories - Nourhan Mamdouh
I could be whatever I wanted to be if I trusted that music, that song, that vibration of God that was inside of ME. - Shirley MacLaine
God made me blind and unable to walk. Big deal! - Patrick Henry Hughes
You can get a thousand no's from people, and only one "yes" from God. - Tyler Perry
Psalm 91My Refuge and My Fortress91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. - LaNina King
Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you. - John Muir
The fishing is best where the fewest go and the collective insecurity of the world makes it easy for people to hit home runs while everyone is aiming for base hits. - Timothy Ferriss
...I have test... "I wanna to make a screenshot of this... on the board..."..."Can I go to the toilet?"...Hahaha... this fucking people... I'm going to cheat and nobody can do anything about that! - Deyth Banger
Whatever you do in your life, always go the distance. - Ken Norton
Trifles go to make perfection,And perfection is no trifle. - Michelangelo Buonarroti
The trouble with this country is that there are too many people going about saying, "The trouble with this country is...." - Sinclair Lewis
As I know more of mankind I expect less of them, and am ready now to call a man a good man upon easier terms than I was formerly. - Samuel Johnson
Nothing discernable to the eye of the spirit is more brilliant or obscure than man; nothing is more formidible, complex, mysterious, and infinite. There is a prospect greater than the sea, and it is the sky; there is a prospect greater than the sky, and it is the human soul. - Victor Hugo
The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted. - Auliq Ice
The unfolding of a Spermatic Aura like a sheet in the Universe. That we are ~ - Grigoris Deoudis
The impotence of God is infinite. - Anatole France
i love you then i hate you,i wanna throw you from a cliff and the go at the bottom to catch you - shafrin chowdhury
A good story is a dream shared by the author and the reader. Anything that wakes the reader from the dream is a mortal sin. - Victor J. Banis
The ugliest government is the one which is spreading fear to its own people! The finest government is the one which encourages its own people to criticize the government harshly. - Mehmet Murat ildan
People are incredibly rude about it sometimes. Like, `What? You`re married?` Strange reaction to have. Proves what people`s ideas about marriage are. `We`re having a baby.` `What?` As if it`s the end of the world. Of course, it`s the start of a brilliant world. - Ewan McGregor
Don't let God be the co-author of your life. - Stephanie Faith
If you love deeply, you're going to get hurt badly. But it's still worth it. - C.S. Lewis
Jesus sets the boundaries of God's will. If it doesn't look like Christ, then it's outside the will of God. Jesus iS the will of God for us. - David D. Flowers
The ideal conditionWould be, I admit, that men should be right by instinct;But since we are all likely to go astray,The reasonable thing is to learn from those who can teach. - Sophocles
Forgiveness does not always lead to a healed relationship. Some people are not capable of love, and it might be wise to let them go along with your anger. Wish them well, and let them go their way. - Gordon Atkinson
You may fall many times, but you must keep going. - Debasish Mridha
The Grace of God and the human will are co-operant, but not on equal terms. Grace has the pre-eminence. - William Burton Pope
You can’t fix who you are on your own, but God is in the business of transforming broken girls into beautiful trophies of His grace. - Paula Hendricks
Norge er ikke noe godt land å ha til fedreland, navnlig ikke om vinteren. - Henrik Ibsen
When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness' sake! - Harper Lee
God of the impossible, maker of all miracles, I stand in awe of You, I'm so amazed by how You reach into my brokenness, make me beautiful again, I believe yes, I believe nothing is impossible with You. - Sarah Reeves
We live our lives supposing things are as they appear to be when that is almost never the case. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We are quick to surrender that which we deem as long dead, when God is quick to restore that which He deems as never really having lived. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Wind has no home in the world,and therefore wanders everywhere.Light has no home in the universe,and therefore returns to God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Earth is sad, Moon is shy, Sun is happy but wait a moment, I just forgot to tell you that I am the child of open sky. - Santosh Kalwar
Because a spoon is made of gold does not change the soup’s taste. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you scatter thorns, don't go barefoot. - Italian Proverb
To value riches is not to be covetous. They are the gift of God, and, like every gift of his, good in themselves, and capable of a good use. But to overvalue riches, to give them a place in the heart which God did not design them to fill, this is covetousness.
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting. - Buddha
Spread the good and it will return to you. Spread the bad and it will return to you. Choice is yours what you want to receive. - Ambreen Ali
Be brave to fight for change no matter how hard it might be, first step you take will bring you closer to your goal - Regillio Hardjopawiro
No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism. - Annie Besant
It would be interesting to find out what goes on in that moment when someone looks at you and comes to all sorts of conclusions. - Malcolm Gladwell
...the restaurant itself is weird especially because of a big raunch mad thicklipped sloppy young Fillipino woman sitting alone at the end of the restaurant gobbling up her food obscenely and looking at us insolently as tho to say "Fuck you, I eat the way I like splashing gravy everywhere (p. 156) - Jack Kerouac
Whenever I lose my mind in God's word, I find my heart. - Jane Bulos
It’s ego the false self that exalts the guru and declares the teaching sacred, but nothing is exalted or sacred, only true or not true. - Jed McKenna
God is A.W.E.S.O.M.E! HE is Always Working Extraordinary Supernatural On-time Miracles Everyday - Sommer Ellison
As I grow older and older, And totter toward the tomb, I find that I care less and less Who goes to bed with whom.
As long as we consider failure as an option, success is not going to be the only one choice. - Ahmed Alibage
The only side God chooses is one of commonsense. If it doesn’t make sense; it is not God. - Shannon L. Alder
The gold of life is for those bold and brave in life. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Much of what we call evil can often be converted into a bracing and tonic good by a simple change of the sufferer's inner attitude from one of fear to one of fight - William James
Soy un poeta sin ningún preceptopero digo, sin lástima y sin pena:no hay asesino bueno en mi concepto. - Pablo Neruda
In modern fantasy (literary or governmental), killing people is the usual solution to the so-called war between good and evil. - Ursula K. Le Guin
The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself. - Will Rogers
All we have of freedom -- all we use or know -- This our fathers bought for us, long and long ago.
If women want rights more than they got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it. - Sojourner Truth
What smells good may not always taste good, I leaned this the day I tried to eat a scented candle. - Kenny D. Eichenberg
Just as God, above all, is free of every need and self-interest, the spiritual man who has the Spirit struggles and becomes perfected in the love according to Christ, love that is delivered of all need and self-interest. - John Romanides
If I spend every moment, for the rest of my days, thanking God for all his goodness to us, that would still not be enough. - Johanna Spyri
Our God is an awesome God, he reigns from Heaven above, the most high God of all time. - Werley Nortreus
Insect life was so loud that when you parked the car and got out it sounded as if you had suddenly tuned into a radio frequency from another planet. - David Samuels
No good poem, however confessional is may be, is just a self-expression. Who on earth would claim that the pearl expresses the oyster?
The unconscious self is the real genius. Your breathing goes wrong the moment your conscious self meddles with it.
It is not the rich man you should properly call happy, but him who knows how to use with wisdom the blessings of the gods, to endure hard poverty, and who fears dishonor worse than death, and is not afraid to die for cherished friends or fatherland. - Horace
We need heroes, however outlandish, because although we might not be slaying real dragons, we all have our quests. - Russ Thorne
A man of vision cannot question his potentials. He does not doubt his capabilities. He keeps going because he had seen himself gone already in his visions. - Israelmore Ayivor
The phrase, "American Dream", a lifestyle approach that doesn't require God's power, just ours, was coined in 1931 by James T. Adams. - Gary Patton
The pupil of a goat's eye is elongate like a cat's, but if you look closely you'll see that it's in the horizontal position, and if you look closer still you'll see that it's less gracefully shaped, more of a ragged slot, dirty yellow. And you'll see that the white of a goat's eye is all black. - Eugene Marten
Most people believe that if you go in and try to micromanage a forest, it is possible to destroy the very thing that makes it a unique and special place. That's just as true of the Net. - Glen Raphael
The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Most people see themselves a certain way their entire lives. When they go through a massive change, such as losing weight, they have to learn to see themselves in a new way. It is one of the biggest struggles her members deal with on their journey.
Yet when books have been read and reread, it boils down to the horse, his human companion, and what goes on between them. - Walter Farley
God is the source of my supply. His riches flow to me freely, copiously, and abundantly. All my financial and other needs are met at every moment of time and point of space; there is always a divine surplus. - Joseph Murphy
We often do good in order that we may do evil with impunity. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
That is a good book which is opened with expectation, and closed with delight and profit. - Amos Bronson Alcott
We are all daughters of God in various stages of construction. - Shannon L. Alder
If all the Christians- I mean all of 'em- got outta the pews on Sundays and into the streets, we'd shut the city down.We'd shut down hunger.We'd shut down loneliness.We'd shut down the notion that there is any such of a thing as a person that don't deserve a kind word and a second chance. - Ron Hall
Repentance restores your relationship with God. - Jim George
A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends. - Friedrich Nietzsche
If your actions don’t reflect your goals… and your behavior doesn’t reflect your company’s vision… then you’re not a leader; regardless of what your title indicates. - Steve Maraboli
In a simple street you can find the whole world: You can find joy and sorrow; you can find good and evil, silence and noise; you can find all the comedies and all the tragedies! An ordinary simple street is the mirror of the whole world! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I've never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down. - Virgil Thomson
Do you have to do murder?Do we have to do murder? Sure we have to do murder. There are only two subjects--a woman's chastity, and murder. Nobody's interested in chastity any more. Murder's all we got to write stories about. - Leslie Ford
Everyone deserves what they choose to tolerate. - GonzoBilly
Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. Transcendence! Very few have it in them. - Andres Heinz, Mark Heyman, John J. McLaughlin
I think my thinking with my heartI act with my thinking from my heartbut I'm just a human being with a heart and not a rational thinker - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Restoration and hope is available each time you return to God. - Jim George
God gives strength to the weak. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The easiest mistake to make is to lose sight of your goal. Failure is temporary, but quitting is permanent. Choose wisely. - Kevin J. Donaldson
Live happily thinking about those millions of good people god blessed you with not about the one person he took away from you. :)There is a reason behind every decision god makes. And in the end he plans to make you anything but happy :) - Chhavi Joshi
Work on your goals, one step at a time. Remain focused and do not stop. You will be amazed how much you can accomplish over the years. In most things in life, it is not the speed but the consistency that matters. - Roopleen
Displacement of 'What goes around, comes around' is Zero. - gaurav rao
It's a good day fro Kokomo - Michael Harris
Por tanto el sufismo no es Haz como digo y no como hago, o incluso Haz como hago, sino Experiméntalo y conocerás - Idries Shah
I like life, it's wonderous and chaotic and somewhere in the middle I've created a safe place to do my thing in the world ~ I can't ask for much more & I am already so thankful when everything I got - Nikki Rowe
The bare knowledge of God's will is inefficacious, it doth not better the heart. Knowledge alone is like a winter sun, which hath no heat or influence; it doth not warm the affections, or purify the conscience. Judas was a great luminary, he knew God's will, but he was a traitor. - Thomas Watson
The achievement gap between children from high income and low income families is roughly 30-40% larger among children born in 2001 than among those born 25 years ago. The class gap among students entering kindergarten was two to three times higher than the racial gap. - Robert D. Putnam
It's far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
No dream, no journey planed, no goals to dream for and achieve - Hisham Fawzi
Many of us have allowed well-meaning parents,teachers, religious leaders and peers to tell us that there issomething fundamentally wrong with us if we don’t believe as they do. Simply put, we have forgotten how to think for ourselves. - Derric Yuh Ndim
The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia. - Otto von Bismarck
As no designation of good and evil can be absolute, neither can it be fixed; no law which is just now will be forever just, and no political institution designed to secure the good can remain the best means to that good. - Allen Wheelis
Tao. Some of us look for the Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither. - W. Somerset Maugham
If a person starts somewhere understanding God's plan, then HE will either immediately change it or instantly challenge him/her. - Anuj Somany
We must rip the foundations out from under all the bastions of human reasoning that say, "I don't need God!" We must demolish every non-God story of life. We must pulverize every God-is-not-good life narrative. - James MacDonald
When you do what someone else wants you to do, you are wasting your time. Don’t get tricked by other people’s thinking. The life is yours and so are goals. Believe in your own intuitions, speak your own voice, and follow what your heart says. The rest is secondary. - Ashish Patel
They be like what's the formula? I be like kiss the Son, kiss your worries goodbye. - Steven Chopade
I cannot read God's mind, however I can read God's Word. - R.C. Sproul
Wherever you go, go with love, but never leave hope behind. - Debasish Mridha
I work every day to live my life in such a way that when I take my last breath, I will be satisfied I made a difference and I was an inspiration; that I left something behind that will be meaningful to society; I did not shame my family, disappoint my friends or ruin my good name. - Carlos Wallace
You can keep pondering on which thing to do first or which path to take or by simply taking action now of most any kind, you may just find yourself on the way to where you most needed to go. - April Bryan
It could have been so beautiful.The way I learned and got free and swore to never love another person ever againand it could have been so beautiful,the way I actually did. - Charlotte Eriksson
Nothing heals better than saying good truthful words to oneself. If the heart feels them, everything else gets better. - Rola Mahmoud
I miss him for all the things he forgot to see in himself & if im lucky fate will help us rekindle a flame that never got set alight in the first place. - Nikki Rowe
You will know it is love when the need can't be met by yourself or God. - Shannon L. Alder
Is this a kissing book? - William Goldman
Don't force it, if there isn't flow let it go. - Nikki Rowe
They say the silence is the language of God, but so is music. This is why we dance, we become loud in our silence. - Aleksandra Ninkovic
Some of the worst things in History have been done with someone's good intentions - Taja Zenna
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a best-seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. - Flannery O'Connor
I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property and to respect order, and I equally decry the appeal to the passions of the many or the prejudices of the few. - Benjamin Disraeli
When you work under the cloud of anxiety, the best strategy is to play it safe, because if (when!) it fails, you’ll be blameless. - Seth Godin
Athletes need to enjoy their training. They don't enjoy going down to the track with a coach making them do repetitions until they're exhausted. From enjoyment comes the will to win. - Arthur Lydiard
Though the ancient poet in Plutarch tells us we must not trouble the gods with our affairs because they take no heed of our angers and disputes, we can never enough decry the disorderly sallies of our minds. - Michel de Montaigne
...At least, a bit of plus at different things would be a lot of plus together.We just need to hold onto the goods and trust in each other. Good will hunt and bad will starve... - Prashant Pushkar
Oneness is God. - Abhijit Naskar
I don't believe in colleges and universities. I believe in libraries because most students don't have any money. When I graduated from high school, it was during the Depression and we had no money. I couldn't go to college, so I went to the library three days a week for 10 years. - Ray Bradbury
How easily we get trapped in that which is not essential - in looking good, winning at competition, gathering power and wealth - when simply being alive is the gift beyond measure. - Parker J. Palmer
To be a success, dare to go beyond your fear and doubts. - Debasish Mridha
Well it's fairly straightforward: there isn't one [a god]. And there's no evidence for one, no reason to believe that there is one, and so I don't believe that there is one. And I think that it is rather foolish that people do think that there is one. - Peter Atkins
Resistance is a powerful motivator precisely because it enables us to fulfill our longing to achieve our goals while letting us boldly recognize and name the obstacles to those achievements. - Derrick A. Bell
Broken GlassI watched herBeardlessWith little ego,FightingOn top ofThe ceiling,Like CinderellaIn high heelsLooking forHer glass slippersNo ties required!! - Charmaine J Forde
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. - H. L. Mencken
I read the book of Job last night - I don't think God comes out well in it. - Virginia Woolf
I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of people who are convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by those who struggle to make one small difference after another. - Ellen Goodman
Every person has a life mission to fulfill. Never attempt to destroy what God has put in another person to do. You don't know God's plans, but Satan will most certainly use you to stop his plans. - Shannon L. Alder
Sometimes I guess it just feels better to know that you have someone to help you when you can’t even help yourself. ~ Willow Mosby (Exposing ELE) - Rebecca Gober
There is no great discoveries and advances, as long as there is an unhappy child on earth. / Ne možemo govoriti o napretku čovječanstva, dok na svijetu ima nesretne djece. - Albert Einstein
If you live by the grace of God and you constantly recognise His grace in your life, then your weakness turns into strength - Sunday Adelaja
It looks as if British democracy died a few years ago, and nobody noticed. - Steve Merrick
Those with a moral deficit put on a good show, and sleep like a baby. - Paul Newman
If we could follow the slogan that says,"Turn off the TV and open a good book" we would do something of substance for a future generation. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Don't let your 'bad pride' prevent you from moving forward on an opportunity that will allow you to showcase your 'good pride'. - Bobby Darnell
Know thyself? If I knew myself, I'd run away. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. - Victor Hugo
I started writing a story twenty years ago..yet remain unfinished until this time..'.couldn't not think how I end this story because it covers entirely pain, grief, and sorrow... If one story like this, how should it end...? - J.B. AC
The thing that breaks the heart of God and makes him to cry out of frustration for his men and their whereabouts is when equity has been squeezed out of the public square - Sunday Adelaja
Being a parent is like being a catcher. You gotta handle whatever is thrown your way. - Tom Swyers
What we should be asking is not whether we need a big government or small government, but how we can create a smarter and better government. - Barack Obama
Didn't know where I was going. Didn't care where I ended up. I knew I'd be okay though. - Darnell Lamont Walker
What do you mean by sound government?'Good public order, no corruption in high places, freedom from fear and war and crime, a reasonably equitable distribution of wealth and resources, concern for the individual life.'Then we haven't got sound government. - P.D. James
Many a man lives a burden to the Earth, but a good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, imbalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton
The Bible is God's chart for you to steer by, to keep you from the bottom of the sea, and to show you where the harbor is, and how to reach it without running on rocks or bars. - Henry Ward Beecher
American foreign policy must be more than the management of crisis. It must have a great and guiding goal: to turn this time of American influence into generations of democratic peace. - George W. Bush
A writer is a writer not because she writes well and easily, because she has amazing talent, because everything she does is golden. In my view, a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway. - Junot Diaz
What might be your current goal can motivate you in some situations. For like when you priority something and you have loose ends on it, it will make your back itch. - Alberto D. Bautista
If you blame gravity for falling in love, even God has the right to laugh at you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you want good luck; you must go out there and search for that luck!! Because luck is waiting for you to look for it. - Temitope Owosela
God did create a world without sin. We just screwed it up. - Wesley Miller
I'm not the kind of faggot who wants to put a rainbow sticker on a machine gun. - CA Conrad
There are now two great nations in the world, which starting from different points, seem to be advancing toward the same goal: the Russians and the Anglo-Americans...Each seems called by some secret design of Providence one day to hold in its hands the destinies of half the world. - Alexis de Tocqueville
I am going to Spain to fight an army without a general, and thence to the East to fight a general without an army. - Julius Caesar
A husband is like a fire, he goes out when unattended. - Evan Esar
We who are born into this age of freedom and independence and the self must undergo this loneliness. It is the price we pay for these times of ours. - Natsume Soseki
want to live like there's no tomorrow. Love like I'm on borrowed time. It's good to be alive." ~ Musician Jason Gray - Jason Gray
A good presentation = Conviction + Story + Message. Subject does not matter. - Aayush Jain
Zivot je jedan i zelim da iscedim njegovu poslednju kap. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Cierra las puertas de tu rostro para que no digan luego que aquella mujer enamorada fuiste tú. - Alejandra Pizarnik
Knowledge is merely brilliance in organization of ideas and not wisdom. The truly wise person goes beyond knowledge. - Confucius
A father gives his child nothing better than a good education - Anonymous
Past boldness is no assurance of future boldness. Boldness demands continual reliance on God's spirit. - Andy Stanley
If you look into the face of evil, evil's gonna look right back at you - American Horror Story
Nothing is hurt unless you are negative thinker - Tagor Manroo
We cannot be judge and jury, the hardest thing is to understand the unknown and in knowing the hidden all things are revealed giving truth.God is watcher during all moments and at the end the real Judge. - Zarina Bibi
Try to put well into practice what you already know. In so doing, you will, in good time, discover the hidden things you now inquire about. - Rembrandt
If your gonna screw up, do it while you're young. Older you get, the harder it is to bounce back. - Winston Groom
I count myself lucky, having long ago won a lottery paid to me in seven sunrises a week for life. - Robert Brault
If it was raining soup, the Irish would go out with forks. - Brendan Behan
I expect God to use me, not because of who I am but because of who Jesus is. Not because of what I've done, but because of what Jesus has done. - Rick Warren
Satan will tempt you with many things in life, but the most powerful is the temptation to be grateful for what you have, when it is not the best life God had to offer you. - Shannon L. Alder
There will always be a part, and always a very large part of every community, that have no care but for themselves, and whose care for themselves reaches little further than impatience of immediate pain, and eagerness for the nearest good. - Samuel Johnson
God is not merely interestd in the freedom of brown men, yellow men, red men and black men.He is interested in the freedom of the whole human race. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Dreams never die. Sometimes you think they are dead, but they are just hibernating lie some old bear. And, if the dream has been hibernating for a long time, that bear is going to wake up grumpy and hungry - Harlan Coben
Going beyond thoughts is merely to reduce the multiplicity of your thought.Thoughts lead to words, words to language, language to action. Action to realization, and back again to thoughts.For the mind is made up of words, language and logic, until it dissolves into consciousness. - Gian Kumar
Every little or big problem has a reason,Every year there is a winter season,Every trouble goes away with time,After winter spring comes with rhyme. - Debasish Mridha
You can go as far as you believe it, but through prayer you can exceed it. - DeWayne Owens
Egotorial: An editorial in broadcasting or print media where the subject matter is secondary to the superficial, pretentious, or materialist ego of the author. - Grant McLachlan
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. - Nelson Mandela
Don't trust children with edge tools. Don't trust man, great God, with more power than he has until he has learned to use that little better. What a hell we should make of the world if we could do what we would! - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that... I believe in what I do, and I'll say it. - John Lennon
Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either - Golda Meir
Agony is not something that happens to you.To agonize is a choice. - Alan Cohen
Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. - Mahatma Gandhi
An artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have but that he - for some reason - thinks it would be a good idea to give them. - Andy Warhol
Anyone who truly loves God travels securely. - Saint Teresa of Avila
Beating drums while doing a kindness to someone is a very ugly show of ego! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere. - Carl Sagan
I am convinced the greatest act of love we can ever perform for people is to tell them about God’s love for them in Christ. - Billy Graham
The gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the children. - Euripides
Cannot you conceive that another man may wish well to the world and struggle for its good on some other plan than precisely that which you have laid down? - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Sometimes you go do the opposite things anyway because in actuality... The whole time you've been wanting to hear the right thing from a person that will stop you. - Shailee J-N
Life is all about being in the labyrinth just to seek happiness but the only way to escape it is to stop and wait what's next in this line - Bianca Agoncillo
To worship means to go higher. If you join the one who has gone higher, you will go higher and if you speak ill of that person, you will fall down. - Dada Bhagwan
You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God. - Eileen Anglin
The days passed, the weeks. But everything seemed to have fused, gone into a conglomerated mass. He could not tell one day from another, hardly one place from another. Nothing was distinct or distinguishable. Often he lost himself for an hour at a time, could not remember what he had done. - D.H. Lawrence
The goal in life is not to try and live forever, but to create something that will forever live in people’s hearts. - Karon Waddell
Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees. - Victor Hugo
Statistics are like lampposts: they are good to lean on, but they don't shed much light.
Art is something greater and higher than our own skill or knowledge or learning. That art is something which, though produced by human hands, is now wrought by hands alone, but wells up from a deeper source, from a man's soul. - Vincent van Gogh
I’ve had a lot of lieutenants over the years, and all the good ones were sick, sick individuals. You might be the best one yet. - Sergeant Berland in Orphan Brigade
Too many writers are trying to write with too shallow an education. Whether they go to college or not is immaterial...a good writer needs a sense of the history of literature to be successful as a writer. - James Kisner
A half-open window.Morning-fresh air carriescurious sunlight into a bedroom.Flecks of dust shimmer yellow-gold.Four feet, entwined under white sheets.Joni's Blue, on the player.Delicate curtains slow-danceto Sunday's tune.Laughter.Talk of: what for breakfast?Anything. Anything at all. - Nick Miller
Sometimes when we find love we pretend it away, or ignore it, or tell ourselves we're imagining it. Because it's the most painful kind of hope there is. By indifference . By death. - Leigh Bardugo
Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods. - H.L. Mencken
The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back. - Abigail Van Buren
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists - that is why they invented hell. - Bertrand Russell
You have to be able to center yourself, to let all of your emotions go. Don’t ever forget that you play with your soul as well as your body. - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
A leftist government doesn't exist because being on the left has nothing to do with governments. - Gilles Deleuze
There are only two things: love, all sorts of love, with pretty girls, and the music of New Orleans or Duke Ellington. Everything else ought to go, because everything else is ugly. - Boris Vian
Your NAME and your REPUTATION is ALL that you have, so GUARD them. They are worth more than money or gold. - L. Michelle
Any belief which encourages you to use your own intellect, which motivates you to question everything and points out your own mind as the only road for your salvation is a good belief! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I never failed to convince an audience that the best thing they could do was to go away. - Thomas Love Peacock
It is, of course, we who house poems as much as their words, and we ourselves must be the locus of poetry's depth of newness. Still, the permeability seems to travel both ways: a changed self will find new meanings in a good poem, but a good poem also changes the shape of the self. - Jane Hirshfield
We are spiritual beings - indestructible, immaterial and safe. - Donna Goddard
Making and thinking about somebody is special... you go in the tracks of saying that you are horrible and not anymore special. - Deyth Banger
Communism is like prohibition, it's a good idea but it won't work. - Will Rogers
There be three things which make a nation great and prosperous: a fertile soil, busy workshops, easy conveyance for men and goods from place to place. - Sir Francis Bacon
In this theater of man's life, it is reserved only for God and for angels to be lookers-on. - Sir Francis Bacon
With luck and resolution and good guidance.. the human mind can survive not only poverty, nut even wealth.
Our body is the temple. Our soul is the God or Goddess within. - Simran Kapoor
If you cannot insult a god, you yet do not "get" God. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The true hero trains himself in silence. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want. - Joseph Wood Krutch
What we once did 'for the sake of God' we now do for the sake of money. - Friedrich Nietzsche
If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates. - Jay Leno
God may not give that instant dollar bill your seeking, but it's in the little change He brings, that will add to a dollar. - Anthony Liccione
Sometimes trials...Bring out the hard-hearted nature of a good person and make him unforgiving.And, sometimes trials...Help a socially snubbed person to live a humane life and make him appreciable!Its called TIME that exposes people truly. - Salsabeel
It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far far better rest that I go to than I have ever known. - Charles Dickens
In life, you got two objectives. Make money and make a change. - Khali Raymond
Your ego decides the humanity in you...Higher the ego lesser the humanity.... - Adil Adam Memon
We are all pilgrims who seek Italy. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We could talk about the retraction of re-productive rights in North Carolina and Texas and Ohio, or we could conjure up a lot of statistics about domestic and sexual violence or women living in poverty. If the patriarchy is dead, the numbers have not gotten the memo. - Roxanne Gay
If there were no God, there would be no Atheists. - G. K. Chesterton
A leader inspires others to dream more. The actions of a really good leader will show how to achieve that dream. - Debasish Mridha
If you are going to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite. - Winston S. Churchill
Decades of corporate government deregulation and reduced funding of important government departments has the country well along the path to a lawless society. - Steven Magee
Good intentions are not good at all. - Fritz Chery
Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth. - Henrik Ibsen
The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally. - Gordon B. Hinckley
The thing about memories wasn't that many of them inevitably faded, but that repeated recall of the ones you remembered burnished them into shining, gorgeous lies. - Dexter Palmer
I’ve worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals. I will not let my teammates down, and I will not let myself down. - Mia Hamm
Något av det viktigaste i all konst: att överlåta en anständig del åt läsaren, betraktaren, den medverkande. Det ska finnas en tom plats vid det dukade bordet. Den är hans. - Gunnar Ekelöf
Prayer lets God do what he does best. Take a pebble & kill a Goliath. Take the common, make it spectacular! Pray & see what He can do. - Max Lucado
Virtue is harder to be got than knowledge of the world; and, if lost in a young man, is seldom recovered. - John Locke
For most folks, no news is good news; for the press, good news is not news. - Gloria Borger
Whenever I get that sad, depressed feeling, I go out and kill a policeman. - P.G. Wodehouse
Emotions are like muscles. Most of them go highly unattended, it's usually the weaker, undefined ones that cause injury to the rest, and there is most certainly memory response in play. - Erica Goros
God is light.God is knowledge. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Your friends will believe in your potential, your enemies will make you live up to it. - Tim Fargo
If anything normal were useful it would have been done already. That's why my motto is "Dare to Differ." Who know's what you'll find ? - Matthew Goldfinger
Have faith in your abilities and stay committed to your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If thou desire the love of God and man, be humble, for the proud heart, as it loves none but itself, is beloved of none but itself. Humility enforces where neither virtue, nor strength, nor reason can prevail. - Francis Quarles
If you are any kind of an artist, then validation can be a result, but you’re going to do the work anyway. Because you’re just wired that way. It’s so engrained, it’s such a part of your personality that you don’t just stop doing it. - David Sedaris
I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it. - Cyrus Ching
Gregory: "Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?" Holmes: "To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time." Gregory: "The dog did nothing in the night-time." Holmes: "That was the curious incident." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
You cannot give up. We are Gargoyle, and we are strong. - Faith Gibson
Fear is an abortion of good thoughts - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
It is incorrect to assume that you cannot find any good in the point of view directly opposite yours. - Daniel Willey
Change can never be good until you face it head-on. - Unarine Ramaru
Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go... And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. - Gloria Naylor
Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? - Bible
Don't follow the crowd. This is YOUR life. You have once chance at this- go, make use of it. - Shakar Omar
Why Is It That When You Wash Two Socks You Only End Up With One? Is There Life After Death? and Where Did The Other Sock Go? - Margaret Weis
The only fear that builds character, is the fear of God. - Anthony Liccione
Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it. - Pope John Paul II
Thank God men cannot as yet fly and lay waste the sky as well as the earth! - Henry David Thoreau
Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? - L.M. Montgomery
I spilled spot remover on my dog; now he's gone. - Steven Wright
Smart people have the brains, but stupid people have the balls - Ana Sáez González
I think grief and fear are going to come to him suddenly. They'll be undiluted and words won't work. We're all going to get hit and won't know how to hit back. I wish I knew the answers, how to help myself and the people who will hurt all around me. - Kaui Hart Hemmings
[A]ny ecstatic experience can be healing not just for you but for others. Therapy is good to help you think differently and break patterns of pessimistic thinking or negative self-talk. But we have to be joyful, dance, and bring pleasure into our lives deliberately. - Christiane Northrup
There is freedom in stepping out and taking risks when you know at any given moment, you can always begin again. - Eva Gregory
I think that wherever your journey takes you, there are new gods waiting there, with divine patience -- and laughter.
Put your sunglasses on, because you ain't going home till the morning comes. - Frank Sinatra
Choose to view life through God's eyes. - Charles R. Swindoll
Let go of your pain and heal your wounds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God cares about those in need, and so should His people. - Jim George
Determine your destination, choose a path, now with all your heart start going there. - Debasish Mridha
I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams. - Madonna
Dreaming is good, but without taking actions, a dream is just hope. - Debasish Mridha
I'm a born-again atheist. - Gore Vidal
Worshiping the Devil is no more insane than worshiping God...It is precisely at the moment when positivism is at its high-water mark that mysticism stirs into life and the follies of occultism begin. - Joris-Karl Huysmans
Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. 'Immortality' may be a silly word, but probably a mathematician has the best chance of whatever it may mean. - G. H. Hardy
We must unceasingly ask for [perseverance] by making use of the means which God has taught us for obtaining it: prayer, fasting, almsgiving, frequenting the sacraments, association with good companions, and hearing and reading Holy Scripture. - Francis de Sales
Obsession and desperation for your goal, gets you the goal. - Amit Kalantri
When your mother asks, "Do you want a piece of advice?" it's a mere formality. It doesn't matter if you answer yes or no. You're going to get it anyway. - Erma Bombeck
And I'm not going to get any thinner or any younger, my ass is going to hit the ground, if it hasn't already--and I want to be with somebody who can still see me in here. I'm still in here. And I don't want to be resented or despised for changing...I'd rather be alone. - Zadie Smith
Honesty, vulnerability and a good amount of courageous faith allows you to cry out in your bewilderment and not lose your belief in the process. These things allow you to wrestle your faith rather than lose it. - Bono
Quote of the day:"You are not a bad person.You are just a good person, in a bad place. - Gary Edward Gedall
We can ast for comfort and hope and patience and courage . . . and we’ll git what we ast for. They ain’t no gar’ntee thet we ain’t go’n have no troubles and ain’t go’n die. But shore as frogs croak and cows bellow, God’ll forgive us if’n we ast Him to. - Olive Ann Burns
Focus is the ability to say no to the GOOD so you can fulfill the yes you said to the GREAT. - Orrin Woodward
The good thing about science is that its true whether or not you believe in it - Waqas Bin Ehsan
There are two types of people in this world: Those who make it their life's work to rid themselves of all pain and suffering... and Artists. - Gregor Collins
Thank god he's holding me because if he weren't, I'd float away. - Jade Goodmore
We are paid for our daily labors by the pennies and dollars; we are paid in respect and gratitude when those labors consist of good deeds. - Charles Cross
Keep going even when the going is slow and uncertain.Make your dream your prayer and your service.Don’t wait for recognition. Let it find you working. Romanticize authenticity instead of perfection. - G.G. Renee Hill
The mystery of seeking God is that HE is the One who finds you. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
No dream is too big to come true.You are born to manifest the glory of God on earth. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I was a poet. I had no expectations other than creating a world of art with words that would live on long after I was gone. - Jason E. Hodges
It's better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a lamb. - John Gotti
There is no use in loving things if you have to be torn from them, is there? And it's so hard to keep from loving things, isn't it? - L. M. Montgomery
Edward leaned close and whispered in my ear so that Olaf would think he was whispering sweet nothings, but what he what he actually said, was, "We aren't the good guys, Anita. We're the necessary guys. - Laurell K. Hamilton
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. Roy Bennett - Roy Bennett
Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Assassination is almost always unthinkable to moral, thinking men until after a holocaust has come and gone. - Caitlín R. Kiernan
And that was my homecoming. It was fine, I guess. Getting back feels like your first breath after nearly drowning. Even if it hurts, it's good. - Phil Klay
Are you willing to self -sacrifice to achieve your goals? - Lailah Gifty Akita
You don’t go to church to find God; you bring him with you—attitude. - Shannon L. Alder
Be good on terms with everyone but only keep a few close. - Moosa Rahat
The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern. - Lord Acton
For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst? Verily, when good is hungry is seeks food even in dark caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters. - Kahlil Gibran
When there is silence, Give your voice. When there is darkness, Shine your light. When there is desperation, Offer hope. - Tim Fargo
Be not wishing and pining but thankfully content. For it is a short bridge between wanting and regret."- from "Dimpellumpzki - Richelle E. Goodrich
May God break my heart so completely that the whole world falls in. - Mother Teresa
The world was made by God's Word...make your own world with your words. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
When a million little things go right, that’s called success. Failure functions as the great leveler. When things don’t go as planned, it’s humbling. It’s important to make mistakes along the way, or we would be impossible to live with. - Judy Frankel
Mis queridos ojos de seda ya han sonado las campanas que claman el final,¡Oh! mis pequeños ojos tiernos yo ya no puedo esperar másY si hay algo que quiero, siempre es recordar... - Ivonne Yáñez Saba
My stomach rumbles.Plates of cookies, cake, and fudge.Christmastime is here. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If you want to go to a far and difficult place, firstly send your mind to that far place, then your mind will meet with your body over there! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We've all had our moments of weakness, and if we manage to get through today without any, we'll be sure to have some tomorrow. - José Saramago
È meglio godere della ricchezza dei sentimenti che del lusso dei vestiti. Non temo io, no davvero, il disprezzo di nessuno. - Honoré de Balzac
This is the key to life: To expect everything to be given to you from above, yet to be genuinely surprised and forever grateful, when they are. Expecting all good things to be yours, while not knowing how to take anything for granted. If there may be a key in life, this is the key. - C. JoyBell C.
We are human, and we suffer, and unlike the animals on the farm, we are self-aware, and we know that we suffer, and it doesn't hurt more or less if God caused it or could stop it, at least for me. I am definitely of the school that believes God has bigger stuff to worry about than me. - Jon Katz
...the government in Beijing continues to define itself as Marxist-Leninist, though 'Market-Leninist' would be rather more apt. - Francis Wheen
People tell you that you cannot, because they do not. - Tim Fargo
When we’ve decided to tell the truth in a story, we should tell good, strong versions of it, proper versions that kids can do something with. - Celine Kiernan
I'm not going to quit. Why should I quit? This country is worth fighting for. - Hillary Rodham Clinton
If you are the hero of your family, there is very good chance that one day you will be the hero of the world. - Amit Kalantri
Those who want to power know no mercy. - Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
How did you-"Fool your guards? They're not very good, the forgot to check the ceiling for spiders."Valek grinned. His angular face softened. - Maria V. Snyder
To be a woman is not a weakness. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
No national political party is going to nominate another right-wing candidate for a long time.
Though life may not always go the way you please, remember to always see the forest through the trees. - Jennifer Sodini
Every exceptional writer holds a Master of Arts in Daydreaming. - Richelle E. Goodrich
You can demand courtesy but you have to earn respect. - Lawrence Goldstone
Treat your heart like a turnstile. Open it to only those who got valid tickets. - Stef Harder
The superstitious man wishes he did not believe in gods, as the atheist does not, but fears to disbelieve in them. - Plutarch
Hide your good actions as you would your bad. - Zarina Bibi
If the Sun and Moon should ever doubt, they'd immediately go out. - William Blake
I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show for any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The people reign over the American political world as God rules over the universe. It is the cause and the end of all things; everything rises out of it and is absorbed back into it. - Alexis De Tocqueville
For their holidays: the rich go see the world; the poor go see their parents. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Till we recognize what’s sick and messed up about ourselves this world is gonna stay sick and messed up. - Lacey Sturm
Goodness, armed with power, is corrupted; and pure love without power is destroyed. - Reinhold Niebuhr
You want to know how I got these scars? I ripped every last piece of you out of my smile. - Rudy Francisco
Just because Jimmy Swaggart believes in God doesn't mean that God does not exist. - Walker Percy
If you're going to play the game properly you'd better know every rule. - Barbara Jordan
You have to let go to better embrace the best. - Debasish Mridha
How did pretty little Anna go from Westchester suburb brat to New York hooker? Now that’s a story. - Stacey Trombley
But sometimes all the stars in the entire universe conspire to make something good happen. - Nathan Filer
I love to read books. I love to read anything really, even the back of the cereal box.But there is nothing that will ignite your soul like reading God’s Word. - Rachel Wojnarowski
Science is good furniture for one's upper chamber, if there is common sense below. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
It was built against the will of the immortal gods, and so it did not last for long. - Homer
I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile. - Goldie Hawn
Protect your good image from the eyes of negative viewers, who may look at your good appearance with an ugly fiendish eye, and ruin your positive qualities with their chemical infested tongues. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I don't believe in a government that protects us from ourselves. - Ronald Reagan
Others can't always define your true identity. They see what they 'want' to see but beyond your mess, God sees the beauty He created and still thinks it's good! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
If government half a century ago had provided us with all our dinners and breakfasts, it would be the practice of our orators today to assume the impossibility of our providing for ourselves. - Auberon Herbert
The non-violent resistor not only avoids external, physical violence, but he avoids internal violence of spirit. He not only refuses to shoot his opponent, but he refuses to hate him. And he stands with understanding, goodwill at all times. - Martin Luther King Jr.
It isn't my teaching credentials that qualify me to teach my child. It is my God who qualifies me. - Tamara L. Chilver
10Sometimes life is getting so complicated; yet you have to STAND UP gallantly and SURVIVE your life. Allah has written your ENDING GOAL, and he wants you to do your BEST for getting His blessing. - itsnaini
You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with. - George Carlin
To be a god can ultimately become boring and degrading. There'd be reason enough for the invention of free will! A god might wish to escape into sleep and be alive only in the unconscious projections of his dream-creatures. - Frank Herbert
Everyone has a story. I don't believer anyone can go through life without encountering at least one amazing thing. - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
En France, que de gens à longues oreilles : ânes en littérature, lièvres en politique ! - Victor Hugo
The world we see is a painting colored by our fears and desires. - Tim Fargo
The urge to make art or contemplate philosophy does not go away when you are sick. Those urges just become transfigured by illness.
Never wait people to thank you , God is the only one who would reward you - Ibnoulkhatib Yahya
For aeons past, there were many gods who descended to be humans, yet there were not many humans who ascended back to their divinity. - Raphael Zernoff
I got lost In your ocean-green eyesAnd I drownedIn the sweetest desireOf your warm gazeWave after waveWith no chanceTo survive. - Veronika Jensen
Die Welt ist voller Torheit, Dumpfheit, Inkonsequenz und Ungerechtigkeit. Es gehört viel Mut dazu, diesen nicht das Feld zu räumen. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I have tried to express the idea that the café is a place where one can ruin oneself, go mad, or commit a crime. - Vincent Van Gogh
getting over it/ just means getting around it/ and sometimes/ you gotta go through it/ leave it torn and blasted apart - Shane L. Koyczan
The one bonus of not lifting the ban on gays in the military is that the next time the government mandates a draft, we can all declare we are homosexual instead of running off to Canada.
I don't know," Jason said with a shrug. "Maybe it's too late for me. Maybe my heart is already too far good."With a smile she said softly, "It's never too late to be good. - Randall Arthur
Time and Patience they both test each other. One fails other takes over.... - Sagar Gosavi
When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons. - John Webster
To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasures, we must go to those who are seeking it. The pains of power are real; its pleasures imaginary.
The people's good is the highest law. - Cicero
You have to learn that if you start making sure you feel good, everything will be okay. - Ruben Studdard
There really is only one ending to any story. Human life ends in death. Until then, it keeps going and gets complicated and there's loss. Everything involves loss; every relationship ends in one way or another. - Charlie Kaufman
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory. - Albert Schweitzer
Your purpose should not be above God in your life. - Sunday Adelaja
I am a person who is unhappy with things as they stand. We cannot accept the world as it is. Each day we should wake up foaming at the mouth because of the injustice of things. - Hugo Claus
We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move.We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness insidethat holds whatever we want.We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner spacethat makes it livable.We work with being, but non-being is what we use. - Lao Tzu
When you begin to do what matters most to you, you let go of preconceived notions of who you are which have been fostered by others and start creating the person you most want to be. - Roy T. Bennett
God has given you the opportunity to make a difference. Plan purposefully, Prepare Prayerfully, Proceed Positively & Pursue Persistently! - Pazaria Smith
It was hard and sour, but, as Poushkin said, the illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths. I saw a happy man, one whose dearest dream had come true, who had attained his goal in life, who had got what he wanted, and was pleased with his destiny and with himself. - Anton Chekhov
True giving is not what goes on when the cameras are rolling-but what goes on in the heart. - Charmaine J. Forde
the skies frighten you when they fill up with dragons,but you know they’re being chased by dreams! - Marianthi Devaki
The imagination is the goal of history. I see culture as an effort to literally realize our collective dreams. - Terence McKenna
The favour of God, forfeits the failure of men. - Gift Gugu Mona
This is neither the time nor the place, however, to ponder how often the soul, in order to be able to boast of a clean body, has burdened itself with sadness, envy, and impurity. - José Saramago
Religion is a defense against the experience of God. - Carl Jung
Good laws have their origins in bad morals. - Ambrosius Macrobius
Inner joy enables you to choose to look beyond your pain and make your praise a sacrifice to God. - Jim George
Don't aim at success - the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue... as the unintended side-effect of one's personal dedication to a course greater than oneself. - Viktor Frankl
I try hard to hold fast to the truth that a full and thankful heart cannot entertain great conceits. When brimming with gratitude, one’s heartbeat must surely result in outgoing love, the finest emotion we can ever know. - Bill W.
To fear man's judgment more than God's judgment is to fear man more than God. - Criss Jami
It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. - Thomas Jefferson
Don't agonize. Organize. - Florynce Kennedy
Despite our disapproval with what God allows us to endure, he still remains the same God that is not interested in our convenience, as much as our character. - Shannon L. Alder
Tame that fascinated monster ego when it roars ~ Become infinite Kind Beautiful ~ Be happy ~ smile - Angie karan
My music is the spiritual expression of what I am my faith, my knowledge, my being...When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something really good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hangups...I want to speak to their souls. - John Coltrane
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. - Thomas Jefferson
God plans every sacred purpose for a sacred time. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Mind makes a man of God. - Emmanuel Diogu
I’m feeling very thin and vulnerable, in a good way. - Amy Layne Litzelman
It does pain a lot for not able to say a different & caring thought being felt inside, but it feels even more agony by saying out the same and then seeing the indifferent attitude of the people towards it. - Anuj Somany
Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in. - Napoléon Bonaparte
I’ve long believed that the gods give us the music we’re supposed to hear at the times we’re supposed to hear it, because all music, even lyrical and regardless of language performed in, is in and of itself an inherently magical language that can, at proper times, speak to the soul. - Ruadhán J. McElroy
The end of life is to be like God, and the soul following God will be like Him. - Socrates
Children, like God, see only our actions. - Marty Rubin
An industrious mother is an initiator of a good course; always charting new course for her loved ones. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
No good friends, no bad friends; only people you want,need to be with. People who build their houses in your heart . - Stephen King
Ujasusi ni kitu cha muhimu kwa maendeleo ya nchi yoyote. Watu wanaoshughulika na ujasusi wanapaswa kuwa makini mno kwani kazi yao ni nyeti sana kulinganisha na kazi za watu wengine. Kosa dogo la kiusalama linaweza kubadili mwelekeo wa historia ya nchi. - Enock Maregesi
A non-religious prison when awaken would make others sleep. Therefore his sleeping is good. A religious person when awaken will awaken others. Therefore his awakening is good. - Lord Mahavira
To me, Hell isn’t a place; it’s a state of mind. It is a psychological self-imprisonment in which fear is the warden. It is a result of not living in alignment with your goals, dreams, and purpose. It is to find yourself in the endless emotional agony of, What if? - Steve Maraboli
Every good love story has a start and a finish. What matters is what happens in the middle. - Suzette R. Hinton
This body is the house of God. - Kamand Kojouri
If you're going to fall in love with anyone, fall in love with a writer. Allow yourself to become immortalised in words. - Jamie L. Harding
I love when I finish reading a chapter that I wrote and my cheeks hurt from smiling and all I can utter is, 'Wow.' - Richelle E. Goodrich
A year of life spent with someone you love feels like a lifetime. Someone destroys that love it feels like a lifetime is gone. Why do people want to take lifetimes away? - Kensley Hagan
Delicacy in shaping desires of any kind will help to reach excellence, but failure will bring disaster. - William Gomes
We are temporarily immortal, until we have fulfilled God's plans for our lives...then we become temporarily mortal, waiting to become permanently immortal at last - Israelmore Ayivor
I stopped living a long time ago, in order to simply exist. Now I am trying to leave existence, in order to step into nihility. - Lionel Suggs
Some people say I raised a good child. I like to think of it as my child raised a good parent. - Clifford Cohen
Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. - Terry Lynn Taylor
Why this is hell, nor am I out of it. Think'st thou that I, who saw the face of God and tasted the eternal joy of heaven, am not tormented with ten thousand hells in being deprived of everlasting bliss? - Christopher Marlowe
Good things are always appreciated, bad things deserve ignorance. - Ritesh Shrivastav
You can find Calcutta anywhere in the world. You only need two eyes to see. Everywhere in the world there are people that are not loved, people that are not wanted nor desired, people that no one will help, people that are pushed away or forgotten. And this is the greatest poverty. - Mother Teresa
People will laugh at your age over your Mind and Essence - Goitsemang Mvula
It's good to be vanished and remembered than to remain and become forgetful. - Xainee
Every culture has its distinctive and normal system of government. Yours is democracy, moderated by corruption. Ours is totalitarianism, moderated by assassination. - Unknown Russian
[Your] search for meaning in the world... can only really be fulfilled by the greater purpose that has sent [you] here in the first place. - The New Message from God
Each day we hold things in our heart, sometimes these things are heavy. Carrying God's grace with us each and every day lightens life's load. - Ron Baratono
For God hates utterlyThe bray of bragging tongues. - Sophocles
Jacen reflected bitterly that a large part of growing up seemed to involve watching everything change, and discovering that all changes are permanent. That nothing ever changes back. That you can’t go home again. - Matthew Woodring Stover
You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. - Terence McKenna
The appeal by twentieth-century pluralists to scientific method was also ideologically—and even messianically—driven. It ignored scientific data that interfered with environmentalist assumptions and misrepresented socialist faith as scientific planning. - Paul Edward Gottfried
Then Anu and Bel called by name me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak. - Code of Hammurabi 1772 B.C.
The good and wise lead quite lives - Euripides
Happy the man who, like Ulysses, has made a fine voyage, or has won the Golden Fleece, and then returns, experienced and knowledgeable, to spend the rest of his life among his family!
One can't stay sad very long in such an interesting world, can one? - L. M. Montgomery
The special virtue of freedom is not that it makes you richer and more powerful but that it gives you more time to understand what it means to be alive. - Adam Gopnik
The crazy thing about poetry is how its simplicity makes it complicated. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Some people get angry because God put thorns on roses, while others praise him for putting roses among thorns. - Anonymous
Sure I'm for helping the elderly. I'm going to be old myself some day. - Lillian Carter
The leader must be focused on the goal. - Sunday Adelaja
Don’t become bigoted about bigots. - Scott Ross
I thought I am kissing pain and pain belongs to You as happiness never does. I love You in Your pain. I could almost taste metal and salt in the skin, and I thought, How good you are. You might have killed us with happiness, but You let us be with You in pain. - Graham Greene
Our thoughts and emotions strain our life force, drain our energy, carrying us away, cutting us from the people we are with and the beauty of places we are in. - Canny Gogia
The most beautiful girl on earth is the one with a golden heart - moolesh.k.dindoyal
A woman has got to be able to say, and not feel guilty, 'Who am I, and what do I want out of life?' She mustn't feel selfish and neurotic if she wants goals of her own, outside of husband and children. - Betty Friedan
Without a beginning I am pouring the whole of my existence into the building of endings, while the cross and the resurrection declare that God is incessantly building beginnings from the collapse of endings. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Whenever you feel your light dimming, you can snap yourself back into feeling good with the simple mantra, ‘I’m getting brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter! - Molly Friedenfeld
Even the simplest poemMay destroy your immunity to human emotions.All poems must carry a Government warning. WordsCan seriously affect your heart. - Elma Mitchell
Egoism has arisen due to circumstances and circumstances have survived due to egoism. The one whose egoism is gone, for him circumstances are gone. Everything has come into existence because of wrong belief. - Dada Bhagwan
What I’ve learned is there’s a scientifically proven phenomenon that’s attached to gratitude, and that if you consciously take note of what is good in your life, quantifiable benefits happen. - Deborah Norville
I only need 1 thing: Everything" - Sengoku Nadeko - NisiOisiN
Prayer creates a bridge from your heart to God. - Eileen Anglin
Man is a dog's idea of what God should be. - Holbrook Jackson
I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values. What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time.
The Godless would deny and destroy human rights .... the liberties of a nation cannot be secure when belief in God is abandoned.
Go is the first part of the word Gospel.It should be the watchword of every true follower of Christ.It should be emblazoned on the banners of the church. - Billy Graham
Three types of people are there, those who smile, those who think and smile and those who smile and think. Beware of those in the last two category, because you don't know their thoughts!!! - G.S.Sreekiran
It's a phenomenal experience jumping from the devious mind of a sorceress bent on conquering the world to the compassionate musing of a queen capable of healing life with a touch—all in a flicker of thought. That's why I love writing. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Morality divorced from the doctrines of the gospel is not that holiness which the gospel requires. - John Owen
One of the simplest ways to stay happy is letting go of the things that makes you sad. - daily dose
He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign. - Victor Hugo
It is well, when judging a friend, to remember that he is judging you with the same godlike and superior imapartiality. - Arnold Bennett
Our goal of all goals and ultimate purpose of life is happiness. - Debasish Mridha
…Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I don't know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Christianity. We're more popular than Jesus now. Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me. - John Lennon
When the world seems against you then your own confident and willpower will lead you till you reach your goal.. - Mradul Srivastava
God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering. - Augustine of Hippo
The muse is fickle; ergo, when she knocks, ANSWER! It may take a while, but trust me, she WILL knock. In the meantime, keep your ear pressed firmly to the door. - Quentin R. Bufogle
In a surreal gift from the universe, time both stands still and flies past you in that singular moment when you find out someone you once loved is gone. - Rachel Thompson
God only knows the torment of the suffering soul and only he can take away the pain. - Timothy W. Tron
And once the ripples still and the water returns to its unwavering calm, even the pebble that broke its surface will be forgotten. And the world will go on. - Hubert Martin
Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. - Anonymous
The impact of your life will go beyond your imagination. Live your life to be a blessing. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Create a good idea and leave it in the darkness; you will then see that people will come with the candles in their hands to find it, because just like the bad, the good has also a special scent! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Your identity & life passion/purpose in the context of your beliefs determine your vision, your vision determines your mission, your mission determines your KRAs, your KRAs determine your goals, your goals determine your thoughts, and your thoughts determine your life! ~ gfp '42© - Gary Patton
All of a sudden, we've lost a lot of control. We can't turn off our internet; we can't turn off our smartphones; we can't turn off our computers. You used to ask a smart person a question. Now, who do you ask? It starts with g-o, and it's not God.[CNN interview (December 8, 2010)] - Steve Wozniak
Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge. - Roy T. Bennett
If we don’t change direction soon, we’ll end up where we’re going. - Irwin Corey
Unexpected and pleasant surprises occur every day...random kindnesses from a stranger; would-be tragic accidents narrowly avoided; sicknesses healed.... We will notice if we look. We will see good sprinkled liberally over every day if we are open. - Steve Goodier
After character becomes imbued with conscious principles of love, integrity, and faith, it opens the door for purity and holiness to converge at the portals of the soul like sentinels guarding against any counter attacks from the ego. - Garey Gordon
A Beautiful Woman Is A Baggage. Thank God Yours Is A Suit Case - Maurys Gaucho
Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. - Bible
Whoever isn’t in a cage is free,You can stroll, fly or go deep down in the sea,Being in limits is never a choice,Curtailment never made moments of joys. - Sahil Sachdeva
The speaker says one of the blessings of the family of God is that the enthusiasm of children influences their elders while experience seasons the younger members. - Matt Chandler
If men were angels, no government would be necessary. - James Madison
Book sense makes sense because someone has gone through it before and able to share it with you. Your job is to listen and discern. - Germany Kent
If it takes lots of patience,sacrifice and devotion to achieve the thing you've desired, for sure you have set your targets high and you're going through immense pain to reach there.Just don't quit. - Himmilicious
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. - Lily Tomlin
It's not enough to bash in heads. You've got to bash in minds.
The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude. - Julia Child
We have taken a loan from God, fortunately or unfortunately we don't know how much he has sanctioned it. - Jerrin Mathew
To feel the joy of life go where your heart is taking you. - Debasish Mridha
How you think and create your inner world that you gonna become in your outer world. Your inner believe manifest you in the outside - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
The psychology shows that one can do GOOD things to the others, but not so much to make others look BETTER than oneself. So, a person who is being often liked by many or most people in his/her circle has to best and first understand their true intention behind admiration and adulation. - Anuj Somany
HOURI, n. A comely female inhabiting the Mohammedan Paradise to make things cheery for the good Mussulman, whose belief in her existence marks a noble discontent with his earthly spouse, whom he denies a soul. By that good lady the Houris are said to be held in deficient esteem. - Ambrose Bierce
The great and invigorating influences in American life have been the unorthodox: the people who challenge an existing institution or way of life, or say and do things that make people think. - William O. Douglas
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Gospel of Mark ~ Mark 8:36 - Jesus Christ
God only gives men power to make wealth, meaning God does not give wealth, he gives the power to work for it. (Deut. 8:18) - Sunday Adelaja
If you ask God for love,He may give you someone to forgive.If you ask God for patience,He may give you someone to bear. - Matshona Dhliwayo
In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil - Robert S. McNamara
...and that this country shall have a new birth of freedom, and that this government, of the people, for the people, by the people, shall not perish from the Earth. - Abraham Lincoln
It's only when the tide goes out that you discover who's been swimming naked. - Warren Buffett
Far from failing in its intended task, our educational system is in fact succeeding magnificently because its aim is to keep the American people thoughtless enough to go on supporting the system. - Richard Mitchell
When God throws something your way, catch it! - Chriscinthia Blount
You can't do it alone. Two things joined to a third thing are joined to each other. A is united to B and C is united to B. Therefore, A and C are united. - Maria Gregory
When two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, God is the electricity that surges between them. - Martin Buber
This transformationbegins in the spinningof the soul,hanged upside down,massively re-arranged,motion light.By inch the radicaltakes place the old is decomposed, the gruesome has been destroyed melting into something beautiful.What has seemed to harm youbrought you to life.- CHANGE, A Poem - Tara Estacaan
There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. - Ayn Rand
I’d like to propose to you that revelation is not the product of laborious study, but it is the fruit of friendship with God. - Kris Vallotton
God is not supposed to fix the earth, he created man for that. - Sunday Adelaja
Is this an ego high or a peaceful high? - Guatama Buddha
I never cut my neighbor's throat;My neighbor's gold I never stole;I never spoiled his house and land;But God have mercy on my soul!For I am haunted night and dayBy all the deeds I have not done;O unattempted loveliness!O costly valor never won! - Marguerite Ogden Bigelow Wilkinson
This morning do something different: When you wake up in the morning, wake your forgotten and forsaken dreams up as well, wake them up like an insisting rooster! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Each new day begins with a meditation, and ends with a purifying catharsis. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Does it, does it—I'm flailing here—does it have a name? What you've done?If it had a name, he says, what would that change, exactly? Would it be more acceptable to you? Would it be a thing people do? Would it have a category unto itself? - Jess Row
The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success. - Irving Berlin
La tristesse durera toujours.[The sadness will last forever.] - Vincent Van Gogh
Sitting makes us think of standingOur current stance keeps on demanding We wish to fly without the wings Puppets move before pulling the strings - Munia Khan
Thank God for all of your short comings because it gives the people who don’t belong in your life something to hang their insecurities on as they drift away in a cloud of delusional perfection. - Carl Henegan
You have to be realistic about terrorism. Certain groups of people, certain groups, Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana, are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time. - George Carlin
Every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment to moment on the razor edge of danger and must be fought for. - Thornton Wilder
Invisible God might have apprehension at the time of world creation that if HE does not show deception often through women, then men may mistake HIS made hell on earth as heaven. - Anuj Somany
The train brings out some of the best and the worst memories of my life. I like to watch the train. It makes me sad but gives hope as well. It connects me to my family, which I abandoned many years ago. I fled away from my family and home by a train only. - Ravi Ranjan Goswami
When you understand what you’re truly worth, who is going to be able to make you feel worthless? No one. - Toni Sorenson
Happiness is like manna; it is to be gathered in grains, and enjoyed every day. It will not keep; it cannot be accumulated; nor have we got to go out of ourselves or into remote places to gather it, since it has rained down from a Heaven, at our very door.
Memory is a giggling sprite and will not be tamed. She takes flight the moment the present becomes the past. - Gordon Atkinson
Never use the word cheap. Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes (the rich buy them too). There is good clothing design on every level today. You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans it’s up to you. - Karl Lagerfeld
What a life we live. Full of questions, adventures, stories, mistakes, good, quests, bad, miracles, lessons, people, blessings, journeys, inventions, music, animals, history, cultures, religions, prophecies, planets, stars, careers, movies, plants, hate, love, and so much more. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
we are all like poems. some of us rhyme. some don’t. some are Pulitzer prizessome are just scribblesand yet, we all possessa special kind of beautythat can either heal or cut to the boneone that can never quitebe fathomed, nor forgotten. - Sanober Khan
To know God’s laws and abide by them is a privilege. - Sunday Adelaja
Tell your friend that in his death, a part of you dies and goes with him. Wherever he goes, you also go. He will not be alone. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
Now, a plain word here about the Christian church trying to carry on in its own power: That kind of Christianity makes God sick, for it is trying to run a heavenly institution after an earthly manner. - A.W. Tozer
Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears, not to oust them. - Vincent McNabb
Show me somebody who is always smiling, always cheerful, always optimistic, and I will show you somebody who hasn't the faintest idea what the heck is really going on. - Mike Royko
Be the character you want to be described as!(In a good way, of course!) - E.L. Tenenbaum
When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads. - Ron Paul
Politics should be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage. - Lucille Ball
The government cannot love you, and any politics that works on a different assumption is destined for no good. - Jonah Goldberg
Whenever you have good dreams never let it go , because dreams are seed which germinates result into fruitful tomorrow . - Osunsakin Adewale
You have immense power. You are a god. You are a silent sun hiding in the earth as a human. - Debasish Mridha
Never count calories, never go hungry, only exercise if you want to! - Thor Olafson
When you're one with being you're one with god. - Matthew Donnelly
Screenwriting is like poker; in the end, you have to go all in. - A.D. Posey
I have always noticed in politics how often men are ruined by having too good a memory. - Alexis De Tocqueville
Do not worry about your needs. God knows your every need. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Want to go really fast? Slow down and focus. - Tim Fargo
As a young father it's important to remember that, when you're at the beach, there's a BIG difference between telling your five year old son to just go pee in the ocean and telling him to get in the water at least waist deep and then pee in the ocean. - Spuds Crawford
Sometimes when reading Goethe I have a paralyzing suspicion that he is trying to be funny.
A worshipper perceives that he is near to God because he is awake all night worshipping God. But after worship, your prayers are for health, long life, wealth, and for the damsels and slaves of the Paradise. Ponder! Did you ever pray to God, ‘O’ God, I desire from Thee nothing but Thee’? - Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi
Often a woman that doesn’t have any business being in a fight is there because their ego thinks it can mend what other people can’t. It’s either superiority or a second chance to heal a wound they have, by meddling on your battlefield. - Shannon L. Alder
When a man goes silent on his ways and plans, you must ponder! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
A Plan B life can be just as good or better than a Plan A life. You just have to let go of that first dream and realize that God has already written the first chapter of the new life that awaits you. All you have to do is start reading! - Shannon L. Alder
If death shows up before my last breathe, I swear I'll kill death. - Uchenna Durugo
An awakened mind sees something good in everything - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Nothing can get spoilt as long the mind is steady, and when it becomes restless, it will spoil. God doesn’t give or take from anyone, but because God is in the permanent blissful state, all external actions will go well when one’s mind is steadied in Him. - Dada Bhagwan
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-- victorious. - Vince Lombardi
A person who forgoes the use of his symbolic skills is never really free. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
I have dedicated my life to fight against the heinous rottenness of modern capitalism because it robs the laborer of this world's goods. But blow for blow I shall strike against Communism, because it robs us of the next world's happiness. - Charles E. Coughlin
Reading stimulates the imagination and a good imagination can change the world in the most splendid of ways. - Meredith Wood
There's really no fun in being sensible all the time.... - L. M. Montgomery
He was the safe place I would go when the world became shaky, he would either guide me through the dark or awaken my sense to appreciate my light. - Nikki Rowe
Don't let people get the best of you they say what they want but don't let that distract you from accomplishing your goals. - Alcurtis Turner
You’ve got one life; do all you can to fulfill your passion. Everybody is gifted with a special talent. - Vinita Kinra
The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good. - Baltasar Gracian
In the realm of ideas, everything depends on enthusiasm. ... In the real world, all rests on perseverance. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I have yet to learn that I am not designed to carry the burden of men. Rather, I am designed to carry the love of God so that I might soothe the burden of men. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Actually, I jade very quickly. Once is usually enough. Either once only, or every day. If you do something once it’s exciting, and if you do it every day it’s exciting. But if you do it, say, twice or just almost every day, it’s not good any more. - Andy Warhol
To be or not to be, that is the question: to go on living, fighting against this sea of troubles, or to die and end everything? Why be afraid of death? To die is to sleep, no more. Perhaps to dream? Yes, that's the problem: in that sleep of death, what dreams will come? - Isaac Marion
Perhaps better we not obscure the idea that happiness and misery, kindness and greed, and good works and bad deeds are within the capacities of us all, not merely a select few. - David P. Mikkelson
A good shepherd always gives people freedom to choose; he doesn’t lay down conditions or use any kind of pretext to restrict people. This shepherd resembles Jesus and people will not even want to leave him. - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
If you go through the hot furnace of hardships, you will be refined like gold. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God’s principles work whether we believe them or not. - Sunday Adelaja
Memory of the knife will be gone when the flesh is gone. - John Steinbeck
Love and Trust God, It's a life time commitment!!! - John Dye
Sometimes you have to let go of a career you love, a beloved home, or a loved one. Take time to grieve a loss of this nature. If you find yourself disoriented, consider surrounding yourself with people who see your strengths, goodness, gifts, and talents. They will help you find your way. - Laura Staley
The process of creating new, democratic organs of government power is beginning, and, as never before, the greatest responsibility rests with the broadcast media.
I lived what most people call the good life. I was happy, but deep inside I always felt that, with the short amount of time we are given to live and love in this world, we spend too much time loving things instead of people. - Antonia Brenner
I'm gonna love you Till the heavens Stop the rain.I'm gonna Love you Till the stars Fall from the sky For you and I - Jim Morrison
If you are a good hacker everybody knows you, But if you are a great hacker nobody knows you. - Rishabh Surya
O God, thy sea is so great and my boat is so small. - Old Breton fisherman s prayer
We have been so busy perfecting the means of travel that we have forgotten where we wanted to go. - Arthur M. Young
I'm not afraid to dieno today . . . maybe tomorrow.But I'll not dieno today . . . maybe tomorrow.Tomorrow I will go awayfrom this life that I've just borrowed! - John Zea
Übermaß des Schmerzes und Übermaß der Freude dauern nur kurze Zeit. Alle Extreme widerstreben dem menschlichen Herzen. - Victor Hugo
Time is a terrible thing because it can erase both joys and pains. - Gosho Aoyama
All we have is "One Life", so go for IT! - Shannon L. Alder
I've heard it said that God made all men, but Samuel Colt made all men equal.We'd see what Mr. Colt could do for a woman. - Cherie Priest
I do not go to the reunions though because it make me feel old - Dr Jenan Alatrakchi by Aleksandr Orlov A Simples Life
The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain! - Dolly Parton
Razmenjujemo tek poneke poglede u prolazu,providne osmehe, skrivajuci bol,nagovestavajuci nastavak zivota, jedno bez drugog. - Tamara Stamenkovic
When you show compassion instead of being judgemental. You will not undergo your own judgement, but you will receive your own love - Guus Gelsing
Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Do not run away; let go. Do not seek, for it will come when least expected. - Bruce Lee
You're dealing with the demon of external validation. You can't beat external validation. You want to know why? Because it feels sooo good. - Barbara Hall
You know it's funny when it rains it pours They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor. - Tupac Shakur
Gone are the days when women were attracted by a man's hansomeness. Today, we are talking about cash, and your compromise to become a tiger in bed. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Each time a star twinkles, God is winking at the universe. - Matshona Dhiliwayo
Ignorant men don't know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away. - Sophocles
...if only the comfortable prosperity of the Victorian age hadn't lulled us into a false conviction of individual security and made us believe that what was going on outside our homes didn't matter to us, the Great War might never have happened. - Vera Brittain
We don’t need a list of rights and wrongs, tables of dos and don’ts: we need books, time, and silence. Thou shalt not is soon forgotten, but Once upon a time lasts forever. - Philip Pullman
Success is most often a matter of competing with yourself for what is important to you as an individual. - Anita Waggoner
I keep following this sort of hidden river of my life, you know, whatever the topic or impulse which comes, I follow it along trustingly. And I don't have any sense of its coming to a kind of crescendo, or of its petering out either. It is just going steadily along. - William Stafford
To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk. - Edward Weston
Nie uderzyło cię, jak wiele zdarzyło się tylko dlatego, że coś się popsuło w czyimś mózgu? To tak jakby racjonalny świat, twój świat, był spokojnym stawem, a mózg Pettera stał się rzuconym w sam jego środek kamieniem o ostrych krawędziach, który zmarszczył powierzchnię wody. - Ronson Jon
You need a team for war, not for negotiation. - Amit Kalantri
[...] rationalism is a form of intellectual bigotry which, in thinking about reality, tries to take it into account as little as possible. - José Ortega y Gasset
There is a gap between what we know and what we want to experience. Either, fear will keep us tethered to the familiar or plung us into the sea. The bridge is either God or ourselves, and with each big decision we must choose who we trust the most. - Shannon L. Alder
A good poem has rhyming but no ending, it continues to rhyme in our heart. - Debasish Mridha
The real train of knowledge isn't a static entity that can be stopped and subdivided. Its always going somewhere.
God is perceived by the heart, not by your reason. But what is reason? Your heart simplifying God’s guidance to fit your own needs. - Shannon L. Alder
Most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do.
Friends are great and always seem to work by the appropriate will of God.
Successful people go through fear to get to where they are. - Saji Ijiyemi
There will always be one or two things bothering the person next to you. And if that person happens to be looking heavenward, it’s because it helps us to remind ourselves that God is bigger than our problems. - Joyce Rachelle
Great experiences are built on a foundation of bad experiences. - Tim Fargo
Democracy is the process to elect the Government of the Upper class or caste people, by the poor people and for the corporate people - Idiotneil - Neil Jain
All too often, we are pleasing the enemy MORE than we are pleasing God by living defeated. Jesus did not die for us to walk around defeated. You have the POWER to turn any situation around that you want to. - Sandra M. Michelle
If you're are paralyzed with fear it's a good sign. It shows you what you have to do. - Steven Pressfield
As palavras proferidas pelo coração não tem língua que as articule, retém-nas um na garganta e nos olhos é que se podem ler - José Saramago
The ministry of prayer, if it be anything worthy of the name, is a ministry of ardor, a ministry of unwearied and intense longing after God and after his holiness. - E.M.Bounds
They got a manure machine in there, Keller said. He went up to the barn and peeked through a hole between tow boards. On wheels. It’s fun to ride sometimes, when you don’t care how you smell. - Sandra Neil Wallace
Many men, One CryOne Woman, a Pleasant Pride. - Goitsemang Mvula
We Christians are bound hands and feet, sitting down in the pews instead of going out to explore the earth for the Son of God, king of kings and the Lord of Lords - Sunday Adelaja
Life is like a cooking pot. If you cook something good, you well get something tasty. If you cook something bad, you will get something bad. - Debasish Mridha
God has a plan for you (Jer. 29:11) and you will make it through this time of testing. Keep on believing and moving forward and you will see Him working out the details. God is never early or late but His timing is always perfect. You will see, I promise. - Tamara L. Chilver
Never live in the past; were it good to do so, butterflies would crawl back into their cocoons. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The awareness is not part of the darkness or the pain; it holds the pain, and knows it, so it has to be more fundamental, and closer to what is healthy and strong and golden within you. - Jon Kabat-Zinn
Vamos buscando algo de equilibrio.En estos tiempos incluso el misterio ha perdido peso. Todo aquél que busque pasar por misterioso sólo debe limitar el número de publicaciones que agrega a su perfil.Atrapado por la red social. - Darbo Scalante
In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs.
If your social consciousness seems stuck in 1975, 2014 is gonna be a rough ride. - John Scalzi
You exist because the universe exists. You owe your existence to the universe. You may call the universe as god or something else, it doesn’t matter. What matters is this: Thank to it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Winning has a value for ego, but participation has a value for life. - Debasish Mridha
I got one foot in the golden life, one foot in the gutter. So close to the other side, so far from the wonder. I got one foot in the golden life, one foot in the gutter. So sick of the tug of war, that keeps pulling me under - 5 Seconds of Summer
Explaining the unknown should be left to science, questions of good and bad behavior can be answered by ethics, and inspiration is often found in the arts. There’s no longer a need for the social construct of religion. - David G. McAfee
In my lifetime I have witnessed far too many miracles to believe in impossibilities, and so I am officially modifying the definition. im·pos·si·ble [im-pos-uh-buhl]Old definition: Unable to be done.New definition: Unable to be ignored until done. - Richelle E. Goodrich
To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The only good thing about that decision, Gatt, is that I'll get tea before you. - Graham Gooch
He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting 'All the Gods are bastards. - Sir Terry Pratchett
Stand somewhere on the character of God, and you will see the impossibles becoming possibles - JOEL NYARANGI AKOYA
Hard work's a good distraction. - Scott Westerfeld
Your tears for others will float you closer toward God. - Shannon L. Alder
You must always see your loneliness as an opportunity to meet something good unexpected, something new unknown before, something interesting not happened yet! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Also, always encourage 'being good' over 'doing good.' Acts of goodness are the difficulty for us and should, of course, be avoided. 'Being good' is far less problematic, largely because it lacks definition and can be solely a state of mind completely unattached to reality. - Geoffrey Wood
The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself. - Alan Alda
The only way to last a really long time is to build something useful enough that people will want to keep it going after you die, and to cultivate a sense of ownership in other people. In short: make good shit and give it away as fast as you can. - Lisa Williams
So if the ties that bind ever do come looseTie them in a knot like a hangman's nooseCause I'll go to heaven or I'll go to hellBefore I'll see you with someone else. - The Band Perry
Be vibrant, vital, vivacious, vigorous, and victorious with adventure and love. - Debasish Mridha
You don’t make art out of good intentions. - Gustave Flaubert
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. - Voltaire
When you enable bigotry against some people, you enable bigotry against us all. - DaShanne Stokes
Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping. - Oscar Wilde
God is changing the guard indeed in the body of Christ worldwide. This I cannot be quiet about! - Sunday Adelaja
If living Life is an art, then Only You can be the artist to make it colorful. - Sagar Gosavi
We assure you there is no separateness between you and God/Goddess/The All That Is other than your perception. - Réné Gaudette
I wish Goodreads was also a dating site. - Laine
There are three laws that govern our universe - laws of physics, laws of nature, and spiritual laws. Like the laws of physics and nature, spiritual laws are just as precise as any mathematics equation. - Truman Massey
With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street. - Dr. Seuss
Whoever extolleth him as a God of love, doth not think highly enough of love itself. Did not that God want also to be judge? But the loving one loveth irrespective of reward and requital. - Friedrich Nietzsche
God is only as strong as your belief in him. - Sachin Kumar Puli
its not about their good or bad habits, its about which one you inculcate - Hrishikesh J C
Mark Twain said the difference between the right word and the almost right word is like the difference between lightning and the lightning bug, and people think he was good, right ? Didn't write any decent characters, as far as I can tell, but otherwise fine. - Adam Rex
Some people simply seem to know how to live. They know when to seize the day, when to go with the flow, and when to row for dear life. - Nel Newman
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me. - Erma Bombeck
You can pray for someone even if you don't think God exists. - Gordon Atkinson
Progress is the product of human agency. Things get better because we make them better. Things go wrong when we get too comfortable, when we fail to take risks or seize opportunities. - Susan Rice
A true friend is a person that will shout at you when you’re wrong, hold your hand when you fall down, dance with you during the good times, and stay with you during your ups and downs. - Debasish Mridha
Is it not shameful to accept God's blessings as though they were our due without thinking of the heart of the Giver, who planned them all in love for us, and giving Him the response of love and gratitude? - M. Basilea Schlink
Your first love is like your first language. No matter how many other languages you learn to speak, you can never be as good as in your first. - Ahmed Alibage
Primarily, God is not bound to punish sin; he is bound to destroy sin.The only vengeance worth having on sinis to make the sinner himself its executioner. - George MacDonald
No matter how many good deeds we preform, they aren’t the ticket to earning God’s favor. God graces us in spite of what we do in this life, not because of. - Bill Courtney
There is no person on earth so bad that he does not have something about him that is praiseworthy. Why is it, then, that we leave the good out of sight and feast our eyes on the unclean things? It is as though we enjoyed only looking at if you will pardon the expression a man's behind. - Martin Luther
Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Marriage is a long conversation, someone once said, and maybe so is a rock band's life. A few minutes later, both were done. - Kim Gordon
I don’t know what to do with my future. - Igor Henrique
The reason why God doesn't show his face is because he stands behind a wall that can be broken. - Lionel Suggs
oh God! what am I to do if I love nothing but fame and men's esteem? - Leo Tolstoy
Every sorrow and every pain is a good reminding to us to be serious because we are living in a dangerous universe! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Have the courage to let some go, and sacrifice for some to stay; thus, live and make life your own way. - Mohammed Ali Bapir
You have to believe what you're saying if you're going to convince me. I just can't break that rule, even if I want to. - Ashly Lorenzana
A woman who walks with God honors Him in the way she manages her home. - Elizabeth George
The one who has found inner silence, stops pondering over the meaning of life and starts living it. That's the journey from "going with the flow" to "being the flow. - Rashmit Kalra
Go on vacation. You're turning into an itchB! - Demi's BFF-- Vicky
Working good brings me closer to the man in the mirror... - Brahmananda Patra
Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Glasgow
A cheerful mind is a vigorous mind. - Jean De la Fontaine
The significance of a revolution will be known after the days have gone past us. When the children of the coming years wake up and like the albatross glide across the azure sky.The freedom to live a life of meaning and joy. - Avijeet Das
Gwynned lies two days westwards; still further south, the weregeld calls. Mayhap with All-Father Woden's favour, my deeds may yet inspire the skalds. - George Gordon Byron
End the eternal battle of beliefs once and for all. If you are a believer, love your fellow non-believer for all the good things he or she has to offer. And if you are an atheist, then love your fellow believer for all the positivity he or she possesses. - Abhijit Naskar
God didn't create the fear, fear created the God.God didn't create humans, Humans created the God because of their fear. - John Art
Friend, be not afraid of thy office, thou sendest me to God.
The slaves didn’t get out of slavery by first figuring out how to get out. They got out by first knowing they needed to get out. - Rev. Dr. William Barber I
Wie das Wasser nahm auch ichin mich alle Farben -Gott der Herr der Färber ist,Sein sind alle Farben! - Qadi Qadan
God created us so that His love, beauty, perfection, and harmony would be seen through us. - Sunday Adelaja
Confession is good for the soul even after the soul has been claimed (p. 381). - Mona Rodriguez
Good advice is something a man gives when he is too old to set a bad example. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
I go from stool to stool in singles bars hoping to get lucky, but there's never any gum under any of them.
I guess a little bit hero is enough. A little bit hero is all anyone really needs to be. - Alexander Gordon Smith
When poverty declines, the need for government declines, which is why expecting government to solve poverty is like expecting a tobacco company to mount an aggressive anti-smoking campaign. - Stefan Molyneux
God gave us feelings to feel them, not to judge them. He is the Judge. - Jason Gray
A timid mind is apt to mistake every scratch for a mortal wound. - George Gordon Byron
It was strange how fear had gone,now that we knew the worst and had a fighting man by our side. - John Buchan
Feelings come and go, and when they come a good use can be made of them, but they cannot be our regular spiritual diet. - C.S. Lewis
My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more intelligent and more educated than college professors. - Maya Angelou
Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away. - Paul Terry
It may not be an easy thing to live in sweet fellowship with all those with whom we come in contact; but that is what the grace of God is given to us for. - D.L. Moody
He who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I am willing to go anywhere," said Mary, "provided it be forward among the cannibals. - Mary Slessor
I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time. - H. L. Mencken
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - Doctor Who
Just a thought for all you God-fearin', gun-lovin', Bible-thumpin' 2nd Amendment patriots. If it turns out Heaven's a gun-free zone, what's plan B??? - Quentin R. Bufogle
A real and admirable writer is the one who can write good books but can take criticisms better. - Nicholaa Spencer
The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total of the education and the character of our people. - Claiborne Pell
One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too. - Friedrich Nietzsche
To the people who are upset about their hard-earned tax money going to things they don’t like: welcome to the f*cking club. Reimburse me for the Iraq war and oil subsidies, and diaphragms are on me! - Jon Stewart
I got to bed later than mostPeople to see the moon in the night sky.And wake up earlier than most people to watch the Sunrise. - Bed,sleep,dreams,goodnight,Goodmorning,sunrise,sunset.
Secrets are lies by another name. - Michael Morpurgo
The core of your true self is never lost. Let go of all the pretending and the becoming you've done just to belong.Curl up with your rawness and come home. You don't have to find yourself; you just have to let yourself in. - D. Antoinette Foy
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, a blessing money can't buy. - Izaak Walton
Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt. - William Shakespeare
The neurotic and the artist - since both live out the unconscious of the race - reveal to us what is going to emerge endemically in the society later on.
We are equal, we re all Humans, we are all related in some way. It doesn't matter what colour our skins is, our race, beliefs, gender, age, we are all equal. I say now is the right time to unite, if we do not unite soon something bads gonna happen - Anon1467
Go after a man's weakness, and never, ever, threaten unless you're going to follow through, because if you don't, the next time you won't be taken seriously. - Roy M. Cohn
Whatever you can do or dream, begin it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Everything is going to be all right. Miracles happen everyday. - A.D. Posey
The Rest of Our Life Is Going To Be The Best of Our Life! - Darrell Yarbrough
An encounter with God demands a response. An encounter with Satan demands your God's response. - Shannon L. Alder
...my novels are like life - I never know where they're going until I get to the end... - John Geddes
Good. Illegal is always faster. - Eoin Colfer
Good is not good, where better is expected. - Thomas Fuller
You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. - Irish Proverb
Gone are the summer daysand my mind along with them.No longer will I indulgein hopes of getting you back.It is hope that makes these chains heavierand autumnal nights longer.I will merely serve as a memory to you:the lover that recited love poems.I must go nowand I urge you not to look back. - Kamand Kojouri
Honesty makes stories real and characters memorable. From there, taking them to where they need to go will be all the development they need. - Dan Alatorre
To limit the ways our daughters can legitimately function as stewards/rulers further devalues the image of God in them and continues the imbalance and distortion of God's plan. - Lisa Graham McMinn
No matter how good it is, your book will not sell itself. - Elinor Florence
Yes, rules are made to be broken -- but ONLY if you have a damn good reason for doing it. - Kevin Hosey
To talk about God, except in the context of prayer, is to take His name in vain.One may, indeed, talk to a child about God, but this is on a par with telling him that he was brought to his mother by a stork. - Ferdinand Ebner
Joy is not a commodity to be hoarded and protected. It is like a muscle. It must be used daily to keep strong and vigorous. For all my hardships, I have been able to remain quite joyful, for my muscles are strong. - Laura Moncur
The care of human life and happiness, and their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of a good government. - Thomas Jefferson
A dog has got human eyes. - Karl Pilkington
I am an autismo, GOML M9 - Autismo GIsmo
The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30. - Lorne Michaels
I've always been admired as a musician and painter but not spiritual writer, and that's why God's an artist, not priest. - Robin Sacredfire
It's a very old idea that patience leads to skills, of course - but it seems urgent now that we go further than this and think about patience itself as the skill to be learned. - Jennifer L. Roberts
God covers United people with His glory - Paul Gitwaza
If we assume that man actually does resemble God, then we are forced into the impossible theory that God is a coward, an idiot and a bounder. - H.L. Mencken
Fairy Tales give you more than just smile. They give you Hope. Hope that at the end true love conquers all odds and slays every dragon. - Ameya Agrawal
The greatest tribute one can give to a writer is that it is simply enough to read him. - Isaac Goldberg
If becoming "religious" has made you more judgmental, rude, harsh, a backbiter, you need to check if you are worshiping God or your ego. - Moosa Rahat
RUSSIAN, n. A person with a Caucasian body and a Mongolian soul. A Tartar Emetic. - Ambrose Bierce
Christianity might be a good thing if anyone ever tried it. - George Bernard Shaw
Creationist critics often charge that evolution cannot be tested, and therefore cannot be viewed as a properly scientific subject at all. This claim is rhetorical nonsense. - Stephen Jay Gould
A lot we have in our head,But things of heart are not yet dead,They have done none, but just fled,Out of us, Forgotten, just been bled.. - Numey
Embrace your dreams ... If you wanna be a hero, you gotta have dreams. - Zack Fair
Love is God.Love is divine.Love is an act of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
They don't remember me even when i'm here, i don't think they'll do when i'm gone - Roumaissa
Emergencies have always been necessary to progress. It was darkness which produced the lamp. It was fog that produced the compass. It was hunger that drove us to exploration. And it took a depression to teach us the real value of a job. - Victor Hugo
We have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions. - C.G. Jung
When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes. - Thomas S. Monson
I lost my sense of trust, honesty and compassion. I crashed down and became what I consider an emotional mess. I've never been so miserable in my whole life. I just wanted to go to bed and never get up. - Shania Twain
Memory's got nothing to do with years. You remember what you remember. - Ian McEwan
Do one thing today to move yourself towards a big goal. Repeat tomorrow, and the next day. You'll be surprised at how fast you'll attain it! - Lorraine Reguly
Ego is like an antivirus which eventually takes unwanted control of the computer itself. - Saurabh Sharma
Prayer is one action where I lay aside my abilities to immerse myself wholly in God’s capabilities. And the liberation found in such an action is less about being engaged with God and more about being freed from myself. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Exactly when will you give up?When things will seem out of your hands ?When situations will seem out of your control?Will you try to control them? Or will you let go?Will you give up then? Or will you keep holding on?Don't tell me that I gave up; I didn't.Because I didn't let go; I just let it be. - Sanhita Baruah
The Gospel lives in conversation with culture, and if the Church holds back from the culture, the Gospel itself falls silent. Therefore, we must be fearless in crossing the threshold of the communication and information revolution now taking place. - Pope John Paul II
Three great lessons for my children; love God, love yourself and love your neighbour as yourself. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Good and great are seldom in the same man. - Winston S. Churchill
Hay, por mucho, demasiadas víctimas silentes. No porque no anhelen hacer contacto, sino porque lo han intentado y no han encontrado alguien a quien le importe. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Like some wondrous birds out of fairy tales, books sang their songs to me and spoke to me as though communing with one languishing in prison; they sang of the variety and richness of life, of man’s audacity in his strivings towards goodness and beauty. - Maxim Gorky
Between cold war and hot peace, our love got sterilized to death. - Natalya Vorobyova
Where there is mystery, it is generally supposed there must be evil. - George Gordon Byron
Choose a man who loves God more than he loves you. If he loves you more than he loves God you'll never be enough because no one and nothing can ever satisfy a man's soul but God himself. - Mei Jancorda
Any goal, no matter what size, can be achieved if it is tackled with courage, initiative, perseverance, and integrity. - Angie Morgan
Three golden keys that unlock the door to excellence are determination, hard work and practice. - Mark F. LaMoure
The true saint goes in and out amongst the people and eats and sleeps with them and buys and sells in the market and marries and takes part in social intercourse, and never forgets God for a single moment. - Shaikh Abu-Saeed Abil-Kheir
We thought it was nice of you to let him have a go, because, in England, he wouldn't be trusted with a pair of scissors. - Russell Brand
Thought I couldn't live without youIt's gonna hurt when it heals tooEven though I really love youI'm gonna smile cause I deserve toQuickly I'm learning to love againAll I know is I'mma be ok - Leona Lewis
precious moments are collectible and high price goes hell low - Rokas Patakovas
The Saviour is the Son of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Police internal affairs is amongst the most corrupt departments that you will find in governments. - Steven Magee
God gave you a gift of 86 400 seconds today. Have you used one to say thank you - William Arthur Ward
Many men know the recipes of life, but only few go into the kitchen to cook it. Go make it happen! - Bernard Kelvin Clive
So it is that the gods do not give all men gifts of grace - neither good looks nor intelligence nor eloquence. - Homer
It takes many years to build good reputations, but it takes a few minutes for their destruction. - Debasish Mridha
Everyone loves a goddamned trainwreck, after all. - Carolyn Drake, "Pill Pusher" Songs of my Selfie
Going to the woods is going home. - John Muir
Good habits, which bring our lower passions and appetites under automatic control, leave our natures free to explore the larger experiences of life. - Ralph W. Sockman
Sex is like pizza. Even when it is bad it is good. - Mel Brooks
He arches his back because when you forgive, the body says, "Thank God. - Edmond Manning
If you want to catch beasts you don't see every day,You have to go places quite out of the way,You have to go places no others can get to.You have to get cold and you have too get wet, too. - Dr. Seuss
I talk to God but the sky is empty. - Sylvia Plath
We cannot afford to let the ideas of our young generation go untapped or unbacked. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
You're not aloneTogether we standI'll be by your side, you know I'll take your handWhen it gets coldAnd it feels like the endThere's no place to goYou know I won't give in - Avril Lavigne
Change almost never fails because it's too early. It almost always fails because it's too late. - Seth Godin
If your repentance and God's forgiveness of your sin does not lead to total surrender to God, you should wonder if you truly repented. - Gail Davis
Respect means: even in your absence people speak good of your person - Constance Friday
If your intentions are good, nothing bad can happen. - Debasish Mridha
The bottom line is that you have to choose who you are going to commit to-- that's the foundation of true love, not the lack of other options - Stephenie Meyer
I must be really ugly or something, because nobody wants me. Not even God wants me. That's why he makes me stand out here in the cold. - excerpt from: freefalling - Darlenne Susan Girard
Everyone ought to worship God according to his own inclinations, and not to be constrained by force. - Flavius Josephus
Grace is an empowerment to be above and beyond reproach, to live your life at a standard that pleases God. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
You can't copy anybody and end with anything. If you copy, it means you're working without any real feeling. No two people on earth are alike, and it's got to be that way in music or it isn't music. - Billie Holiday
If you have the choice between humble and cocky, go with cocky. There's always time to be humble later, once you've been proven horrendously, irrevocably wrong. - Kinky Friedman
Three simple rules in life: If you do not go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place. - Anonymous
I guess I was sad that love was not real? Or not all that real, anyway? I guess I was sad that love could feel so real and the next minute be gone, and all because of something Abnesti was doing. - George Saunders
Lord, open my ears to receive good counsel, allow my head to accept it and enable my person to carry it out. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
An average man is egoistic, proud and has strong self esteem. They always require partners who massage their ego not those who will drag their ego to the mud. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
If you drink the good wine of the noble countess, you have to entertain her less desirable friends. - Virginia Woolf
Feeling lost, crazy and desperate belongs to a good life as much as optimism, certainty and reason. - Alain de Botton
My definition of an expert in any field is a person who knows enough about what's really going on to be scared. - P. J. Plauger
I got a good heart but my attitude gat people thinking I'm evil - Genereux Philip
Though poor in this world's goods, though grieving the loss of loved ones, though suffering pain of body, though harassed by sin and Satan, though hated and persecuted by worldlings, whatever be the case and lot of the Christian, it is both his privilege and duty to rejoice in the Lord. - Arthur W. Pink
At the end of the day, he continued, although many believe in fate, it’s those who go through life with independent thought alone who are the strongest. - Adele Rose
Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so. - Gore Vidal
That best portion of a good man's life, His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. - William Wordsworth
Feelings should never supersede rational thought... so, if you feel that you've got the answer, you should think some more. - Julie Ann Elliott-Morton
Believe in human beings - not all are good, but deep down all can be. But that doesn't mean you need to hang around crappy people and try to turn them around. - Jonas Eriksson
You may appreciate positivity when you accept and understand negativity.Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans September 17, 2016AmenGod - Petra Hermans
She got her looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon. - Groucho Marx
And he, like many jaded people, had few pleasures left in life save good food and drink. - Honoré de Balzac
The hundred-year-old man had never let himself be irritated by people, even when there was a good reason to be, and he was not annoyed by the uncouth manner of this youth. - Jonas Jonasson
I don't belive in God. I believe in...Al Pacino. - Javier Bardem
Stop praying that God should make you a leader if you are not ready to do hard work. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all - Yogi Bhajan
Be gorgeous. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You've got to S-M-I-L-ETo be H-A-Double-P-Y - Shirley Temple Black
A scattered mind will produce scattered results. - Dana Gore
He said I'm gonna buy a gun and start a war, if you can tell me something worth fighting for. Oh and I'm gonna buy this place, that's what I said.Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head - Chris Martin
The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is. - Joss Whedon
Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe. - Galileo Galilei
I declare that The Beatles are mutants. Prototypes of evolutionary agents sent by God, endowed with a mysterious power to create a new human species, a young race of laughing freemen. - Timothy Leary
For the real writers, every decision is either write or wrong. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I HOLDIf I could have had him,I could have let himgo.But withoutthe having there was nothing—so to the nothingIhold. - Coco J. Ginger
Be Still My Heart while God is Healing me inside - Marcia Bundalian-Stephen
The sun's gone dim, and the moon's gone black. For I loved him, and he didn't love back. - Dorothy Parker
What then am I? In the end, all we have is simply what we find, and what we can usefully say to each other about what we find is all that needs to be said. And perhaps, in the end, it's best just to sit quietly and let go of that thought too. - Murray Shanahan
God loves His people despite their sins and faults. - Jim George
Without a goal or an obstacle you're just running through a green cricket pitch for the rest of your life. - Chloe-Jasmine Whichello
If your words touch the hearts, that’s good; if your words touch the minds, that’s better and if your words touch both the hearts and the minds, that is the best! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good politicians need not be intellectuals, but they should have intellectual lives. - Gary Gutting
Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. Take time with them, teach them to have faith in God. Be a person in whom they can have faith. When you are old, nothing else you've done will have mattered as much. - Lisa Wingate
‎Civilization has been a continuous struggle of the individual or of groups of individuals against the State and even against "society," that is, against the majority subdued and hypnotized by the State and State worship. - Emma Goldman
He looked at his watch and knew he had to get going. He wished he could spend forever staring at her, but he was not meant to have that much happiness; he never thought he deserved it. Not after spending centuries as he did. - Daniele Lanzarotta
God loves us. He's watching us, he wants us to succeed, and we'll know someday that he has not left one thing undone for the eternal welfare of each of us. If we only knew it, there are heavenly hosts pulling for us -- friends in heaven that we can't rememer now, who yearn for our victory. - Ezra Taft Benson
If you don't think too good, don't think too much. - Ted Williams
Behind every Plagiarism there is Google - Vikash Shrivastava
Receptionist: How do you write women so well?Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability. - Melvin Udall played by Jack Nicholson in AS GOOD AS IT GETS.
heavily tattooed women can be said to control and subvert the ever-present 'male gaze' by forcing men (and women) to look at their bodies in a manner that exerts control. - Margo Demello
In the last analysis, my fellow country men, as we in America would be the first to claim, a people are responsible for the acts of their government. - Woodrow Wilson
If I throw out a boathook from the boat and catch hold of the shore and pull, do I pull the shore to me, or do I pull myself to the shore? Prayer is not pulling God to my will, but the aligning of my will to the will of God. - E. Stanley Jones
Evil people rely on the acquiescence of naive good people to allow them to continue with their evil. - Stuart Aken
A good parent is not someone that knows how to be a good parent, but knows how to learn how to be a good parent. - Gary Edward Gedall
The only way you can pray with absolute faith is to be confident that your prayers are in line with the revealed will of God, His Word. - Sunday Adelaja
I never go into the country for a change of air and a holiday. I always go instead into the eighteenth century. - Anatole France
Sometimes we forego things not because we do not want them but because we can't afford to raise them at the moment - Ludiah Mong'are
It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. - Mark Twain
A government is the only known vessel that leaks from the top. - James Reston
We fail to prevail with unconverted men because of our more fundamental failure to prevail with God in prayer. - John R. Mott
Sail Forth- Steer for the deep waters only. Reckless O soul, exploring. I with thee and thou with me. For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared go. And we will risk the ship, ourselves, and all. - Walt Whitman
Even in our own lives, we often struggle with a God who is real, who created us, who cares for us, and desires to know us. Yet from the start, God has made clear that you and I are made in his image, on purpose and for a purpose. - Dillon Burroughs
If you stand a Yard away from God Today, you will see your kids standing a Mile away from God Tomorrow. - Santosh Thankachan
Friends, are you a man according to Gods definition? Have you ever placed yourself under God’s microscopic eyes? Have you examined yourself according to his standards of judgment? Does he call you a man - Sunday Adelaja
The life wont follow your path. You're not God. - shivani lal
The world might stop in ten minutes; meanwhile, we are to go on doing our duty. The great thing is to be found at one's post as a child of God, living each day as though it were our last, but planning as though our world might last a hundred years. - C.S. Lewis
It’s often mistaken for good advice, but wisdom cannot be imparted to someone. Wisdom can only be earned; it’s a by-product of experience, not necessarily knowledge, otherwise I would be stalking Oprah right now, begging for a transfusion. - Renee Carlino
If a country can't save itself through the volunteer service of its own free people, then I say: Let the damned thing go down the drain! - Robert Heinlein
The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you shine on it, the more it will contract. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
There is no pain greater than this; not the cut of a jagged-edged dagger nor the fire of a dragon's breath. Nothing burns in your heart like the emptiness of losing something, someone, before you truly have learned of its value.
The day I understood everything, was the day I stopped trying to figure everything out. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go. - C. JoyBell C.
Typing is the future of talking and to don't forgot and brother of feature. - Deyth Banger
Kate was never going to understand the extent to which men were stupid. - Chris Pavone
When I look into your eyes I see everything I want in this world and that is never going to change. - Stephen F. Campbell
To hear the faint sound of oars in the silence as a rowboatcomes slowly out and then goes back is truly worthall the years of sorrow that are to come. - Jack Gilbert
From beginning to end, our Christian lives— highs and lows, fasting and fornication— are a tapestry of grace.Charis: God's Scandalous Grace for Us (p. 31). - Preston Sprinkle
I don't understand this irony - valuable things like cars, gold, diamond are made up of hard materials but most valuable things like money, contracts and books are made up of soft paper. - Amit Kalantri
Work hard,and you will earn good rewards.Work smart,and you will earn great rewards.Work hard and work smart,and you will earn extraordinary rewards. - Matshona Dhliwayo
God's kingdom is not the most exciting thing to seek, but the most rewarding thing to find. - ELW-Reta Barnes
There is good to be found within anything bad. Even within the death of your own father. - Jellis Vaes
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. - Joseph Addison
While having one’s assertions challenged might be bad for an unintelligent man’s ego; it sure is good for his intellect. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Showing respect for others when they don’t agree with you, and during the times when you don’t agree with them as well, helps to avoid arguments that serve no good purpose. This approach can lead to getting things accomplished peacefully. - Ellen J. Barrier
They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad to realize that I'm going to miss mine by just a few days. - Garrison Keillor
Diligence is the mother of good fortune. - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Life has no happy endings, actually, no endings at all, just an ongoing series of beginnings. A story—whether it’s happy or sad, whether it makes sense or not, what its meaning is—depends entirely on where you start it and where you end it. - Judith Ryan Hendricks
A people are as healthy and confident as the stories they tell themselves. Sick storytellers can make nations sick. Without stories we would go mad. Life would lose it’s moorings or orientation... Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart larger. - Ben Okri
A writer is like a gossiper who reveal secrets in a professional way. - Janice Valencia Capulso
The more I pursue God, the more I realize that he is inherently different from us. He does not protect his possessions and hoard his toys. He does not look forways to make us jealous of him, though he, the God Most High, is jealous for us. - John D. Richardson
God has hidden in each and every one of us so many abilities, gifts and resources that could only be activated by work. - Sunday Adelaja
Muhammad has always been standing higher than the Christianity. He does not consider god as a human being and never makes himself equal to God. Muslims worship nothing except God and Muhammad is his Messenger. There is no any mystery and secret in it. - Leo Tolstoy
God knows what is in my heart,In my life still i don't have the people whom i want. - Neymat Khan
Aside God, you have just one boss! That is you. You choose to be a good boss or a bad boss with the business of your life! That is you! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value. - Hermann Hesse
Mathematics has given economics rigor, but alas, also mortis.
Let it go and be free to feel the joy of life. - Debasish Mridha
In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you. - Leo Tolstoy
Sometimes, some of you speak about god, and I mistake him for an abusive lover you're trying to escape. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Bad times wake us up to the good times we weren't paying attention to.
Mankind has created many religions; most of them are long gone now and finally all will long gone! This truth is an irreversible truth! - Mehmet Murat ildan
GOD will never disregard or turn away sincere prayers from those who diligently seek Him and humbly call upon His Name. - Errol Anthony Smythe
Even though death is the worst thing to go through, Heaven is still the best place to go to. - Gugu Mona
I believe in God, Mozart, and Beethoven. - Richard Wagner
I never thought I was a bad person. I just thought I was the one good person living in a world of bad people. - Dean Ambrose
Please take note that any and all dragon petting will be at your own peril. We are not liable for any injuries sustained while petting. - Love The Stacks Bookstore
"At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional. - Robert Godden
If we've deluded ourselves into thinking that our angry mass emails or conversation-stopping talking points serve as a ministry or carry out the purposes of God, we need to slow down and take a breath. - David Dark
The goal of life isn't to make lots of money. Its to make a life that means EXCLUSIVE. - Mohit Manke
The Holiness of God is something more and other than moral perfection: His claim upon us is something more and other than the claim of moral duty. - C.S. Lewis
A good story will always outlive the truth. - Marty Rubin
Positiveness is not a god gift. Things are negative when you realize that frog inside you is not able to jump high. - Tanmay Patange
When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose? - Don Marquis
A smart wife is one who makes sure she spends so much that her husband can't afford another woman. - Miriam Defensor Santiago
With the word "Repent" He was beckoning to us as the Savior, offering us His love and salvation. But behind this word we can also see the grief of God that His children have turned away from Him. - M. Basilea Schlink
Whatever story you create in your life, you deserve your own Karma be it good or bad…. - - - Cocoy McCoy
He was just so gorgeous, erotic, and intimidating at the same time, she said, grinning. - Beth Bares
It's so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn't it? - L. M. Montgomery
I love not man the less, but nature more - George Gordon Byron
Sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis imago" [Without learning, life is but the image of death] - Dionysius Cato
News is how the government delivers propaganda to the masses and it is an essential requirement of the television broadcasting job to be emotionless to this. - Steven Magee
Most High God, let your servant see but a little ahead. Or, if not give me the hope that drives out fear - Stephen Lawhead
Today we're younger than we're ever gonna be - Regina Spektor
Just because life is full of craziness doesn't mean you must go crazy. You can experience outer chaos and still find inner peace. Nothing even needs to change outside of you for you to find calm inside of you. This inner calm is available at all times. Just breathe. - Karen Salmansohn
The only difference between sex and death is, with death you can do it alone and nobody's going to make fun of you. - Woody Allen
It doesn't matter who you are, or where you come from, or how much money you've got in your pocket. You have your own destiny and your own life ahead of you. - Lady Gaga
Once you go silent everyone starts misinterpreting what your silence says. - Jasmine Sandozz
You should always be trying to write a poem you are unable to write, a poem you lack the technique, the language, the courage to achieve. Otherwise you're merely imitating yourself, going nowhere, because that's always easiest. - John Berryman
The further you go, the more you're going to need the people you started with. - Code Black
An autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful. A man who gives a good account of himself is probably lying, since any life when viewed from the inside is simply a series of defeats. - George Orwell
Eternity is not something that begins after you are dead. It is going on all the time. We are in it now.
Music expresses that which cannot remain silent and that which cannot be put into words. - Victor Hugo
When you're finally up at the moon looking back on earth,all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and you're going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell can't we live together like decent people? - Frank Borman
... if one hasn't been through, as our people mercifully did not go through, the horrors of an occupation by a foreign power, you have no right to pronounce upon what a country does, which has been through all that. - Anthony Eden
We all humans are seed and gods are trees..and every seed have capacity to be tree - Arya vidhan
¡Y sin embargo, se mueve! (Eppur si muove) - Galileo Galilei
A Halloween flower,if ever there was one,would smell like an onion,have thorns like a rose.With charcoal black petalsand vines that entangle,t'would grow under moonlightin mud, I suppose. - Richelle E. Goodrich
It's strange, isn't it. You stand in the middle of a library and go 'aaaaagghhhh' and everyone just stares at you. But you do the same thing on an aeroplane, and everyone joins in. - Tommy Cooper
At 30 a man should know himself like the palm of his hand, know the exact number of his defects and qualities, know how far he can go, foretell his failures - be what he is. And, above all, accept these things. - Albert Camus
An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with. - Thomas Fuller
Ideas are the invisible Gods of our universe! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Okay. Chase paused for a beat. But can I give you a word of advice? No. Chase grinned and went on. If you make Bridget unhappy, you’re gonna make Maddie unhappy. And that’s going to make me very unhappy. - J. Lynn
I Write books for the little girl in the adult woman who some man told she was not good enough. Let us dismantle the notion that a woman cannot be free with her sexuality or that she needs a man to make her complete. This one is for the little girls with hearts on their sleeves. - Crystal Evans
Most people are too silly to be truly interested in any thing. They herd together like cattle, and do not know what is good for them. - Frank R. Stockton
At this age, all we need to do is to "WAIT" in our love life.Set your priorities, Endeavor your goals! - Marielle Arias Cleofe
God is not a person, God is the underlying consciousness in Existence. - Swami Dhyan Giten
They say the best laid plans often go a lie, Because no matter how detailed the preparation, A plan will always have a weak point and there will always be those looking to exploit it. To do into the plan failure and the perpetrator along with it. - Emily Thorne
I've found myself moved by letters and diaries in archives as well as trashy, summer blockbusters. It's possible to make a connection with any kind of writing - as long as the writing is good. - Sara Sheridan
Success is steady progress toward one's personal goals. - Jim Rohn
I don't feel any shame I won't apologize if there ain't nowhere you can go running away from pain when you've been victimized tales from another broken home. - Green Day
God is able to give you the power to endure that which cannot be changed... Why be anxious? Come what may, God is able. - Martin Luther King Jr.
the next time you hear someone in a workshop remarking on how good a particular free-verse line or passage sounds, scan it. The odds are that it will fall into a regular metrical pattern. - Annie Finch
One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - Plato
Ah youth, youth! That's what happens when you go steeping your soul into Shakespeare - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
See how community is only a good thing when you're a part of it. - Sara Baume
God is the source of life. Life without God is hopeless. But life with God is an endless hope - Lailah Gifty Akita
What you are good at, you never do it free! - Deyth Banger
Nuclear Weapons aren't much of a threat, today; compared to Families of the world, going Nuclear. - Aniruddha Sastikar
I refuse to be labeled immoral merely because I am godless.
The goal is to learn to be nurturing with yourself so you can feel free. - Deborah Day
Sometimes people gone but the memories stay in our memories . . . . . . - Awais Waleed Ismail
Panic bells, it's red alertThere's something hereFrom somewhere elseThe war machine springs to lifeOpens up one eager eyeFocusing it on the skyWhere 99 red balloons go by - Nena
One can know a man from a laugh, and if you like a man's laugh before you know anything of him, you may confidently say that he is a good man.
Dogs are always good and full of selfless love. They are undiluted vessels of joy who never, ever deserve anything bad that happens to them. - Steven Rowley
I guess when I feel something, then I just feel it and I go for it. I make my decisions about what’s going to make me happy, what I think is right and what I want to do and I don’t worry too much outside of that. - Liam Hemsworth
Your trials equal the power of God that works in you. If your battles are intense, then what God has deposited in you is deep. - Paul Gitwaza
If Christ taught us anything it is this -- not to let our fear of death keep us from doing the good thing. - Robert Fanney
I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life. - George Burns
If you want to know how a man stands, go among the people who are in his same business. - Will Rogers
The thing has already taken form in my mind before I start it. The first attempts are absolutely unbearable. I say this because I want you to know that if you see something worthwhile in what I am doing, it is not by accident but because of real direction and purpose. - Vincent van Gogh
Your strength as a rationalist is your ability to be more confused by fiction than by reality. If you are equally good at explaining any outcome, you have zero knowledge. - Eliezer Yudkowsky
Like the bees, we are - only looking for sweet honey in the flowers, we are -sensitive and at the same time carefully;but we never destroy them. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
The USA government sure do like their propaganda feeds! Unfortunately, too much propaganda does create the scenario where no one believes anything that they say. It's just like Pinocchio. - Steven Magee
I feel very strongly that change is good because it stirs up the system. - Ann Richards
Unless government appropriately regulates oil developments and holds oil executives accountable, the public will not trust them to drill, baby, drill. And we must! - Sarah Palin
Most girls if you hold hands with them, their goddamn hand dies on you - J. D. Salinger
Are you going to spank me, daddy? I'm a very bad girl! (bending over naked)"Oh yeah daddy - spank my ass harder!!! - Alanah Skye
Don’t take life too seriously! Nobody gets out alive anyway. Smile. Be goofy. Take chances. Have fun. Inspire. - Dawn Gluskin
Sometimes religion gets in the way of God. - Bono
I mean, whatWhat if no one's watchingWhat if when we're deadWe are just deadI mean, whatWhat if it's just us down hereWhat if God is just an ideaSomeone put in your head - Ani DiFranco
When Malingeau drew himself from his long sleep, the music was still droning in his head. Christelle was already gone. She had taken care to scribble a line on a scrap of paper."I drank your body until my thirst was worn. - Fiston Mwanza Mujila
They took my booksbecause my message was love.They took my penbecause my words were love.Then they took my voicebecause my song was love.Soon they’ll take myselfso nothing remains.But they don’t know that when I'm gonemy love will stay. - Kamand Kojouri
I do not know the American gentleman, god forgive me for putting two such words together. - Charles Dickens
Bachelor's degrees make pretty good placemats if you get 'em laminated. - Jeph Jacques
When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge every adversity contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. - Roy T. Bennett
Is there any conflict between science and religion? There is no conflict in the mind of God, but often there is conflict in the minds of men. - Henry B. Eyring
We can’t always control what happens in our lives- things will go well, things will go poorly-but what we can control is our response to those events. - Kenneth H. Blanchard
Life can be awful. Life can be ugly.And still there are those who smile at the darkness, anticipating the beauty of an eventual sunrise. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I think it is because I have a habit, when I am bored or disgusted with people of stepping suddenly into my own world and shutting the door. People resent this -- I suppose it is only natural to resent a door being shut in your face. They call it slyness when it is only self-defense. - L.M. Montgomery
To keep your sanity, when everything seems like it's going wrong, focus on the one thing that's going right! - Diamante Lavendar
I wish for all who look for Gold,Shall find one letter less,A world where trying always wins,And leaves the loser blessed. - Frederic M. Perrin
Americans are a free people, who know that freedom is the right of every person and the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world; it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush
Thou art a manGod is no moreThy own humanityLearn to adore - William Blake
Good things don’t happen in bulk, they take ample time. You have to have patience. - Evan Smith
In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director. - Alfred Hitchcock
If God created shadows it was to better emphasise the light. - Pope John XXIII
Writers don't have bad life days; they just have good research days. - Julie Wright
Marginal gains is not about making small changes and hoping they fly. Rather, it is about breaking down a big problem into small parts in order to rigorously establish what works and what doesn't. - Matthew Syed
People wish for good dreams I wish people don't dream of me. - Amit Abraham
I have no more goals, all I'm gonna do is deal with the days Nature will give me along. I have lost too much strength on futile things until then ! - Laure Lacornette
Believe nothing against another but on good authority; and never report what may hurt another, unless it be a greater hurt to some other to conceal it. - William Penn
I try--without success--to stop finding reasons for vanity in anything. When I happen to manage it nonetheless, I feel that I no longer belong to the mortal gang. I am above everything then, above the gods themselves. Perhaps that is what death is: a sensation of great, of extreme superiority. - Emil Cioran
El recipiente recibe, acepta, contiene. Es así como el alma se expande. El ego adquiere forma, acumula, se aferra, delimita, pone fronteras, se defiende, siempre quiere algo. Intenta manipular a los demás egos. - Alfonso Colodrón
Given a choice between goose egg and heartache, I would choose heartache. - Santosh Kalwar
I am just going outside and may be some time. - Captain Lawrence Oates
God’s grace set me free from fear. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Good isn't obsessed to win ButBad is destined to lose - Hemdiva Dev
As time goes on, new and remoter aspects of truth are discovered which can seldom be fitted into creeds that are changeless. - Clarence Day Jr.
There's a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go. - Tennessee Williams
The best way to turn the earth into hell is to turn the state into a god. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
The moment you stand by an abuser and choose to remain silent you become an abuser also. In essence, you are telling God that your comfort is more important that speaking out for what is right and true. - Shannon L. Alder
All I Ever Loved And TransformedBy My Loving Soul ... God,I Really Do Hope ... No One Is Ever GoingTo Love, It.P.C.M. Hermans - Petra Hermans
I have found so many angels trapped inside undisputed jargon that I find myself digging at the words, in order to release them, from the books that unfairly captured their soul. - Shannon L. Alder
When we are gone, the only essential thing we will leave behind are the memories we create in the lives of those we have touched and those we love. - Michael Hyatt
Its our choice as to what type of day we will have good or bad. - Amanda Penland
It’s absolutely stupid that we live without an ozone layer. We have men, we’ve got rockets, we’ve got saran wrap FIX IT!!! - Lewis Black
God predetermine the path for each sacred soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Air freshener is man’s pitiful attempt to have his food smell as good, after digestion, as they did, before ingestion. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
God’s approval should be your standard for success. - Jim George
Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn. - Gore Vidal
To study the phenomenon of disease without books is to sail an uncharted sea, while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all. - Sir William Osler
When you're depressed you retreat and you go into a smaller world. This is why Brighton worked well for the story, because it's a smaller world than London. - Sara Sheridan
We give thanks to God, who delivers us, from great distress. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God want to make you like boneless fish. - Dariush Youkhaneh
The Real Success is helping others to get Succeed - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal
If you have sacrificed my nation to preserve the peace of the world, I will be the first to applaud you. But if not, gentlemen, God help your souls." Czechoslovakian foreign minister to Lord Halifax as reaction to announcement of allies' betrayal in 1938. - Jan Masaryk
It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, (protecting its sanity), covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But, it is never gone.
Maybe I should have gone into politics. If you were a political activist, election season brought moments of intensity, whichever side you were on, and meanwhile here I was inarguably withering away, - Michel Houellebecq
My ego is my employee and I, the witness, am its employer. - Dana Gore
The God I believe in isn't short on cash, mister. - Bono
The great thing about fantasy is that you can drag dreams and longings and hopes and fears and strivings out of your subconscious and call them 'magic' or 'dragons' or 'faeries' and get to know them better. But then I write the stuff. Obviously I'm prejudiced. - Robin McKinley
So many people from my past taught me that it's not everyone that's in my life wants to see me achieve my goals and be great, but I thank God they're no longer in my life because I moved on a long time ago, welcome to my present. - Werley Nortreus
I never thought I am going to be so followed and to see my stuff and on some other places... so I want to say big Thanks to all. - Deyth Banger
my problem is that my body acts before my brain thinks... it sometimes brings me huge trouble, or also huge success. recently, my body and brain got come to an agreement. it may be far better to live this gambling life than living in boring average ...they at least make my art more interesting - Hiroko Sakai
I whispered to him, You'll regret it if you let me go. I don't wait for a man, if he's not willing to grow' He didn't believe me, he made his choice & That was the last time, he ever heard my voice. - Nikki Rowe
Cuppa of Tea and Just saying I love you .... is not enough - Ashwini Gopalkrishnan
Periods are a period when nature forces prostitutes to go on leave. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. - Steven Wright
Someone smells good, it automatically makes them more attractive. - Hannah Q. Mensah
Its all about perception, that is how you look at. Your own thoughts and outlook defines whether it is good or bad. And your definition determines your response. - Stella Payton
Through the eyes of men an utterly irrational birth followed by a terribly improbable execution are miscues of the most pathetic sort. And all I can say is that I’m immeasurably thankful that I’ve been given access to the eyes of God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
i want to go to the gymand pretend the weight machines are drumsand play the longest drum solo on them - Megan Boyle
Start going—you will find the way. - Debasish Mridha
I'm surrounded by nothing but great people. I've been blessed with that, so really, I've got no choice but to be an all-around good person. - Tim Duncan
My idea of good company is the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company. - Jane Austen
In the matter of spirit follow the Gods, in the matter of work follow the heroes. - Amit Kalantri
You've got nothing that lasts, you know. That's not the first town that ever stood there. There was one before that, and one before that, and one before that one, on back for 900 years. But this tree has stood here all along. What do you make of that, boy? - Natalie Babbitt
Sometimes, you have to shot block a friend's prayer because she's asking God to bless an obviously bad dating relationship. - jonathon acuff
Everybody wants to be somebody; nobody wants to grow. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Knowledge is nothing without good attitude. - Pinky Chocolatte
...trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back. A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. - Allie Hyperbole and a Half
The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist. - Winston S. Churchill
It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between. - C.S. Lewis
Michael: "Thing is, I'd like to go out with you. What are you doing on Saturday?"Siobhan: "Committing suicide."Michael: "Alright then, what are you doing on Friday?"(from Stormling, 2014) - John Hennessy
What if our badness and mistakes are the very thing that set our fate and bring us round to good? What if, for some of us, we can't get there any other way? - Donna Tartt
What separates people who made their dreams come true is not setting goals to achieve a life the way they expect it to be, but how they expect to be, in order to achieve it. - Shannon L. Alder
In the beginning of a movie, they don't tell you what's going to happen. You just have to wait and go on the adventure with them - Katie Douglas
Creatives fail and the really good ones fail often. - Steven Kotler
When man will return to nature, nature will return to him. - Grigoris Deoudis
My workplace is wherever I'm making something, which could be in a field in gold country, or in an abandoned warehouse on a military base. - Adam Savage
So they [the Government] go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent. - Sir Winston Churchill
Marx made theory... Lenin applied it with his sense of large-scale social organization... And Henry Ford made the work of the socialist state possible. - Diego Rivera
An inch of time cannot be bought with an inch of gold. - Chinese Proverb
Creating life as I go and editing when needed in order to move forward. Always under construction to do and be better than yesterday. - Donal O'Callaghan
Just as Man developed morals and ethical behavior over thousands of years of evolution; so, too, did he invent an authority figure to enforce these behaviors - God. - Lex Allen
La paternidad, en medio de sus calvarios, proporcionan goces generosos que no comprendemos los que vivimos acorazados en nuestra prudente abstención. - Emilia Pardo Bazán
Bow your head down and SEE, Your Ego will vanish.Shed your EYES a little, Your heart will MELT. Resten your Teeth and SEE, Your health will improve. Stop your Tongue and SEE, Conflicts will be passed away.Shorten your desires and SEE, There will be a world of Happiness. - Sandy Raman
The odds of finding the one you truly love above all else, is about 1 in 4 billion. The odds that the person you love, loves you back... don't even dream about it, it's not going to happen. Most couples today do not revolve around real love. - Dylan West
Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either. - Gore Vidal
All that is really necessary for survival of the fittest, it seems, is an interest in life, good, bad, or peculiar.
Life is not all golf.
be happy, to the things we got even some things we dont got... - - soma shodjaipoor
No doubt the foregoing litany of obstacles in the path of success stands out more sharply in retrospect than it did at the time. Hindsight can distort; prophets become prophets only in time. - Fredrik Logevall
Change comes by substituting good habits for less desirable ones. You mold your character and future by good thoughts and acts. - Spencer W. Kimball
It's not foresight or hindsight we need. We need sight, plain and simple. We need to see what is right in front of us. - Gordon Atkinson
You have a masterpiece inside you, you know. One unlike any that has ever been created, or ever will be. If you go to your grave without painting your masterpiece, it will not get painted. No one else can paint it. Only you. - Gordon MacKenzie
I went to the West and saw Islam, but no Muslims; I got back to the East and saw Muslims, but not Islam. - Muhammad Abduh
God gave me the life and created the world to know what it is actually. - Rahul Bodkhe
No other thing or no other person is going to make me happy in life, I just have to do that myself. - Greg Page
A government run by billionaires for billionaires is an affront to freedom, morality, and humanity. - Michael Moore
It's not that some people have willpower and some don't... It's that some people are ready to change and others are not. - James Gordon
I am a fading phantasmagoria. Time has left me in partial glory. - Fidelis O. Mkparu
A hand is not enough...to never let go - Munia Khan
An Amazing God + Amazing Faith = An Amazing Life! - DeWayne Owens
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. - Isaac Asimov
May your dreams be gifts from the gods and may you open them with excitement and pleasure. - Harley King
Wondering what gives them confidence that they are not going to be caught of their drama or they don't care even if people understand their acting as they hold high position and none can do anything against them. - Anuj Somany
The perfect journey is never finished, the goal is always just across the next river, round the shoulder of the next mountain. There is always one more track to follow, one more mirage to explore. - Rosita Forbes
Celebrate life as it is, let it go to find out what it could be. - Debasish Mridha
This is how I disappear in pieces.This is how I leave without moving from my place.This is how I dance away.This is how I'm gone before you wake. - Emma Brynstein
A heartbreak is a blessing from God. It's just His way of letting you realize, He saved you from the wrong one - Anonymous
Stop thinking of the past, and stop worrying about the future. Just win the day. Achieve the goals you set for every single day, and you’ll rebuild your life in a few short years. - Kevin J. Donaldson
I have learned its the most difficult thing to become financially free from earning the minimum wage. So even if employees increase the minimum wage its the same thing. But once employees improve on their skills and personal value their wages go up and then financial freedom is posible. - Derric Yuh Ndim
Somewhere along the way we all go a bit mad. So burn, let go and dive into the horror, because maybe it’s the chaos which helps us find where we belong. - Robert M. Drake
God’s existence is reaffirmed once we fall in with another. - Kamand Kojouri
Those who care about me will forget me but, those who love me will never let go of me. - Oceangirlie14
Exercise care with what it is you do when you hold my heart in your hands. For it is my love that makes you special. When it is gone, you shall soon know it and you shall be special no more.Shane KP O'Neill - The Gates Of Babylon - Shane K.P. O'Neill
I have a decision to go, but I am not sure to choose which other prison on the earth. - Ali Rezavand Zayeri
An opportunity fordoing an injury happens a hundred times a day, hut for doing good not once a year," says Zoroaster. - Voltaire
arise,awake,stop not until your goal is achieved. - Swami Vivekananda
Sometimes, we are unable to break free because we are held captive by divine assignment because in our problem God has given us a unique purpose. - Shannon L. Alder
If you remain in a positive spiral, you will always learn something new to reach your goals. - MR.Smith
The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth. To make a goal of comfort or happiness has never appealed to me; a system of ethics built on this basis would be sufficient only for a herd of cattle. - Albert Einstein
What are politicians going to tell people when the Constitution is gone and we still have a drug problem?
Einstein said God doesn't play dice with the universe, but I don't know--maybe not as a whole, but I think he gets a pretty big kick out of messing in peoples' back yards. - Dennis Koenig and Jordan Budde
The question our century puts before us is: is it possible to regain the lost dimension, the encounter with the Holy, the dimension which cuts through the world of subjectivity and objectivity and goes down to that which is not world but is the Mystery of the Ground of Being. - Paul Tillich
Go without the latest iPhone, explore the world and discover... - El Fuego
Sometimes God asks us to take a step before he confirms the course. - Todd Stocker
A book may be compared to your neighbor; if it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.
The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. - Jane Goodall
When evil men plot, good men must plan. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Just as I had to go through a transition period, I guess [my friends and family] did, too.
Livvy and me together in an elevator for four hours..and we're good. To some eyes the fact that we're both alive could be viewed as a minor miracle. - Michael D. Beil
Love makes the world go round, but sometimes you spin so much you end up dizzy. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Government itself does no harm, because it is a fictional entity. But the belief in government the notion that some people actually have the moral right to rule over others has caused immeasurable pain and suffering, injustice and oppression, enslavement and death. - - Larken Rose
You stole my story and something's got to be done about it. - Stephen King
A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice. - Thomas Paine
On a supra human level, yeah, I got That Which Is. Yet on a simple human level, rare are times when either my left or my right foot is not in some kind of shit. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Every day one should at least hear one little song, read one good poem, see one fine painting and -- if at all possible -- speak a few sensible words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? - John Lennon
The universe conspires to steer one in the direction where one can flourish. Bad or good the experience will be a lesson and a lesson learned is fortune measured by wisdom gained. - Sal Martinez
A fanatic is someone who redoubles his efforts when he has forgotten his aim.
There are two atheisms of which one is a purification of the notion of God. - Simone Weil
You gotta look out for number one, but don't step in number two! - Rodney Dangerfield
Did god make man too perfect,So that a piece has to be removedthrough circumcision? - A.J. Beirens
Good writing is more about graft and craft than inspiration and aspiration. - Johnny Rich
Never accuse God. He doesn't buy that. - Elias Tan JS
Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit. Give everything you got today for tomorrow may never come.
The general instrument by which God interferes in the affairs of men is by the weapon of LIGHT - Sunday Adelaja
Egotorial: An editorial in broadcasting or print media where the subject matter is secondary to the superficial, pretentious, antagonistic, or materialistic ego of the author. - Grant McLachlan
Clearly articulated goals aligned with your vision and mission statements motivate you and galvanize your efforts to move forward towards your dream. - Julie Connor
Truly creative people in all fields can temporarily suspend their ego and simply experience what they are seeing, without the need to assert a judgment, for as long as possible. They are more than ready to find their most cherished opinions contradicted by reality. - Robert Greene (Author) Joost Elffers (Author)
In order to get where you want to go in life, you have to Geeet! - DeWayne Owens
Unless I am convinced by proofs from Scriptures or by plain and clear reasons and arguments, I can and will not retract, for it is neither safe nor wise to do anything against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen. - Martin Luther
I am just mystified by these people telling me I would think Obama was doing a great job if his skin contained less melanin. - Jonah Goldberg
Timetick tocksays the clockwhirrling bynever shyquietly passlayer upon grassuntil time has gone.than you die. - Kayla Dunn
GRACES, n. Three beautiful goddesses, Aglaia, Thalia and Euphrosyne, who attended upon Venus, serving without salary. They were at no expense for board and clothing, for they ate nothing to speak of and dressed according to the weather, wearing whatever breeze happened to be blowing. - Ambrose Bierce
I love her, but every hug leaves bullet holes in my chest. Every kiss is another scar upon my flesh. Every thrust, every touch, every moan that escapes her lips...they are famine to my soul, and I still can't let her go. - Hubert Martin
But give thanks, at least, that you still have Frost's poems; and when you feel the need of solitude, retreat to the companionship of moon, water, hills and trees. Retreat, he reminds us, should not be confused with escape. And take these poems along for good luck! - Robert Graves
You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are not good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God. - Eileen Anglin
I've been asked a lot for my view on American health care. Well, 'it would be a good idea,' to quote Gandhi. - Paul Farmer
If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it. - Stephen Colbert
Going to the seaside in winter is like seeing your partner first thing in the morning. Ugly, depressing and troubled by wind. - Andy Leeks
People who go broke in a big way never miss any meals. It is the poor jerk who is shy a half slug who must tighten his belt. - Robert Heinlein
You can't expect a boy to be vicious till he's been to a good school.
Flacks for both war-obsessed governments immediately blamed the other side for the deaths of the civilians. - Colman McCarthy
I think the best evenings are when we have messages, things that make us think, but we can also laugh and enjoy each other's company. - Jane Goodall
While it is good to apologize and ask forgiveness from God, it’s just as important (perhaps more so) to extend it towards the person you wronged. Becoming a better person or trying to make amends with the universe only works when you start with the one you owe it to. - Donna Lynn Hope
Just goes to show you. You can kill a guy, fold him up, stuff him in your trunk, and still you don't *really* know him.
Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved. - Jane Goodall
To be of no church is dangerous. Religion, of which the rewards are distant, and which is animated only by faith and hope, will glide by degrees out of the mind unless it be invigorated and reimpressed by external ordinances, by stated calls to worship, and the salutary influence of example. - Samuel Johnson
Gossip is the sound of jealously. - Anton Rubaclini
There is diversity of belief but it is the same God at work. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you can find no one to become your ideal to aspire to, no one to be your ultimate example, your idol, your motivation— don't fret! You can and you must become your own ultimate aspiration, your own example, your own idol, ideal, motivation! You go and be what you haven't found yet! - C. JoyBell C.
The gods are just, and of our pleasant vicesMake instruments to plague us. - William Shakespeare
Whenever people see birds flying through the sky, it's said that they get the urge to go on a journey. - Kino no Tabi
Revolution, n. In politics, an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment. - Ambrose Bierce
Seven of those days were pretty good. The eighth day was the bad one. - Dennis Hopper
To eat, drink, arise, awake etc. are all religion (dharma) of the body. One has not come into one’s own Self Religion (atma dharma) even for a second. Had he done so, he would never ever leave God. - Dada Bhagwan
Yesterday, I got lost.You did too.So what?People get lost all the time.It's just a matter of finding yourself, and treasuring that. - Maddie Hample
Trust God’s process and timing~ He’s got you covered! - Prophetess Dina Rolle
Parts of my 20s and 30s have gone by in a flash but my childhood is with me all the time. - Sara Sheridan
I am pleased God made my skin black. I only wish He had to made it thicker. - Curt Flood
I take the view, and always have, that if you cannot say what you are going to say in twenty minutes you ought to go away and write a book about it. - Lord Brabazon
None of this is to deny that the Niger Delta has made mistakes. It has, and a good number at that. But then, mistakes are made to make wiser and therefore help in better decision making. - Emi Iyalla
The level of our responsibility in things of God determines our level of prosperity. - Sunday Adelaja
Let your work show off for you and not your ego. - Unarine Ramaru
If you don't value yourself, you're not going to draw valuable things into your life. - Robert Tew
Be wiser than most, be a child in your heart, be a sage in your mind and a mage with your hands. Feel hearts beating, hear the flapping of birds' wings. Heal the broken, embrace the vulnerable. Speak to the living trees. Be pulled down by no one, and by nothing. This is how to be a Goddess. - C. JoyBell C.
The only thing I'm afraid of about this country is that its government will someday become so monstrous that the smallest person in it will be trampled underfoot, and then it wouldn't be worth living in - Harper Lee
[Government]is cancerous in head and limbs;only its belly is sound, and the laws it excretes are the most strightforward shit in the world. - Otto von Bismarck
Your mind can help you do the unimaginable.Your hands can help you get the unattainable.Your heart can help you accomplish the unachievable.Your soul can help you create the inconceivable.Your God can help you achieve the unthinkable. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats? - Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
No matter what you write, no matter how meticulous and painstaking the creation process, someone is going to laugh, scorn, and dissect your work with criticism while another quietly falls in love with it. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Truth may be stranger than fiction, goes the old saw, but it is never as strange as lies. - John Hodgman
God created all things. It's men who decide which ones are mistakes. - Beautiful Creatures
What I had to face, the very bitter lesson that everyone who wants to write has got to learn, was that a thing may in itself be the finest piece of writing one has ever done, and yet have absolutely no place in the manuscript one hopes to publish. - Thomas Wolfe
They be marching hand in hand, like going to war. - Alice Walker
A glass of water with peace is better than several glasses of wine with trouble. Here's a glass of water . . . Cheers to the good life - Constance Friday
It is inevitable plunge into your lookwithout falling in love - Leandro Goualrt
Friends with spiteful hearts and thousand eyes of evil, mock not my slumbering glory. I just might be the next in line to gain access to the secret fount of good riches. - Darmie Orem
A witty vicar once said that a good marriage is like a pair of scissors with the couple inseparable joined, often moving in opposite directions, yet always destroying anyone who comes between them. The trick is for the blades to learn to work smoothly together, so as not to cut each other. - Mary Jo Putney
माणसं ओळखायला चुकणारी माणसं; स्वताः माणूस बनताना का चुकतात ते काही कळत नाही. - Navnath Godse
MIGHT, something God only has. - A Gentlemen
It doesn't matter how many friends I have because my best friend is God. And, he is a Super Friend. People come and people go, but God's love for you will remain the same. Embrace it, Cherish it, and Spread it everywhere you go. Let your light shine brightly for all the world to see. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
I'm bad and I'm going to hell, and I don't care. I'd rather be in hell than anywhere where you are. - William Faulkner
If you're suddenly doing something you don't want to do for four years, just so you've got something to fall back on, by the time you come out you don't have that 16-year-old drive any more and you'll spend your life doing something you never wanted to do in the first place. - Ewan McGregor
When the first book out my sister-in-law read it and we were chatting at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and she said, "Oh my God, chapter six, sex and a murder," and her five year old wandered into the kitchen and said, "Sixty hamburgers? - Sara Sheridan
If you wish to be a writer– then write, and don’t allow anyone to tell you that you’re on the ‘wrong’ path. You know where you’re going, and each word you write gets you a step closer. - M. Kirin
I come from a long line of body snatchers, probably the top-notch body snatchers in America. No make that the world. Some people might think it's gross digging up bones or corpses, but who asked them? It's no big deal, but then I've been doing it since I got out of diapers. - Minda Webber
The instant you take the lead in the tug-of-war with your ego, enlightenment becomes your state of being. - Pooja Ruprell
If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it. - Herodotus
The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan
When you accept discomfort of whatever moment that you are in. The power of that surrender, that letting go of desiring to be in a different situation than the one your in.........will set you free from the hell of your unconscious. - Matthew Donnelly
God desires to free our country from darkness through our active civil position. - Sunday Adelaja
Crime is naught but misdirected energy. - Emma Goldman
Recommend to your children virtue; that alone can make them happy, not gold. - Ludwig van Beethoven
Good place to put things--cellars. - Doctor Who
Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known. - Garrison Keillor
Everyone is guilty at one time or another of throwing out questions that beg to be ignored, but mothers seem to have a market on the supply. "Do you want a spanking or do you want to go to bed?" Don't you want to save some of the pizza for your brother?" Wasn't there any change? - Erma Bombeck
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. - Philip K. Dick
A cap of good acid costs five dollars and for that you can hear the Universal Symphony with God singing solo and the Holy Ghost on drums. - Hunter S. Thompson
So-called intellectuals conceptualize love; fools just love.Fools breathe air; intellectuals (so called) breathe ego. - Saurabh Sharma
Whatever you abuse will return to hunt you. Cultivate the self discipline to use everything within the environment God created them for. - Paul Bamikole
Countless as the sands of the sea are human passions. - Nikolai Gogol
Love makes the world go round? Not at all. Whiskey makes it go round twice as fast. - Compton Mackenzie
Today I introduced myself to my very own Heart,In silent agony, after all these years it bled apart. - Ankita Singhal
I like to set my dreams high. That way, even if I only make it half way there, it's still pretty darned good. - Elizabeth O. Dulemba
No war is ever a war without the loss of a life of a solider - PureDragonWolf
I don't hold Travis anymore, of course- not to read to him, or for any other reason, either. I wish I'd known that the last time was going to be the last time. - Elizabeth Berg
The more he needs God, the more deeply he comprehends he is in need of God, and then the more he in his need presses forward to God, the more perfect he is... To need God is nothing to be ashamed of but is perfection itself. - Søren Kierkegaard
The problem with the prosperity gospel is that it makes prosperity the Gospel. God's word is flawless, however if your interpretation of the word is wrong, your application will be wrong also. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Instead of one-way interruption, Web marketing is about delivering useful content at just the precise moment that a buyer needs it.Search, a marketing method that didn't exist a decade ago, provides the most efficient and inexpensive way for businesses to find leads. - David Honegger
Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday. - Steve Jobs
If you're bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things, you don't have enough goals. - Lou Holtz
In order to improve our life for good always remember that regardless of what anyone else says and does, we are ultimately responsible for our own actions. This is the only way to experience victory, joy, and satisfaction every day of our lives. - Donald Pillai
The power of positive thinking is vital for maintaining happiness, goodhealth and longevity. - Eraldo Banovac
No ornament can make a person look beautiful if the person has a bad heart! A good heart is the finest ornament, the best makeup, the best cloth, the best jewel, the best lipstick and the best earring! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I spent a lot of time vacillating between wanting to be seen as attractive, being terrified by too much attention, and wanting to succeed and fit in without anyone's noticing me. - Kim Gordon
Darling, don't be silly, your whole future is ahead of you. All you have to do is go out there and ask for a part- something small and reasonable just to start with. From there, no one can stop you. Don't feel bad about anything you've done, and for God's sake, have fun. - Anna Godbersen
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own. - Arthur Conan Doyle
I perceive God everywhere in His works. I sense Him in me; I see Him all around me. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
It's not vanity, because if you look weird, it will distract from what your trying to do. If you look as good as you can, people will be able to pay attention to what your actually saying. - Tina Fey
When you hear the right teaching about God, your lives will be changed and then you can change the world. - Paul Silway
I hope to have one more boxing match at the age of 55. Given that demographic at the age of 55 to 65, you've got to make a statement with your life. Otherwise, you are just existing. - George Foreman
A word Gorgeous is much sexier than a word Beautiful - Rahul
Anyone could see that this woman is living a nightmare. Except that she goes through her daily life wide awake, knowing that she could make a mistake at any moment. - Núria Añó
Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another. You choose to let go of a past wrong and no longer be hurt by it. Forgiveness is a strong move to make, like turning your shoulders sideways to walk quickly on a crowded sidewalk. It's your move. - Gordon Atkinson
Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore. - Lady Gaga
Every act of goodness it's born from our desire to be happy. - Udai Yadla
I am no enemy of Nepal being a fully literate society. It is a good thing for society and the nation as a whole. - Santosh Kalwar
Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God. - Cicero
You've gotta hit as hard as life. It isn't about how hard you hit,It's about how hard you can gethit and keep moving forward. How much can you take and keep moving forward? That's how winning is done. - Rocky Balboa Slyvester Stallone
Never plant a seed that seems good to eyes despite plant a seed that will be a shed in the sunlight. - merlin8thomas
The greatest pleasure is not - say - sex or geometry. It is just understanding. And if you can get people to understand their own humanity - well, that's the job of the writer. - William Golding
Learn from Bad and Understand from Good. - Sandip Thapa
You need to set and have goals for your life. - Lailah GiftyAkita
Habits - the only reason they persist is that they are offering some satisfaction. You allow them to persist by not seeking any other, better form of satisfying the same needs. Every habit, good or bad, is acquired and learned in the same way - by finding that it is a means of satisfaction.
God your love is so precious! You protect people in the shadow of your wings. Psalms 36:7 - Anonymous
To go somewhere, start going. - Debasish Mridha
Is God satisfied with you or could it be that God looks at you and fails to see a man, only a bunch of flesh Full of self, and missing out on the purpose for his or her creation? What does God see, think and feel when he looks at you? - Sunday Adelaja
The God of Christianity never claims to be fair. He goes beyond fair. The Bible teaches that he decided not to give us what we deserve--that's mercy. In addition, God decided to give us what we don't deserve--we call that grace. - Andy Stanley
Whenever the press quits abusing me I know I'm in the wrong pew. I don't mind it because when they throw bricks at me-I'm a pretty good shot myself and I usually throw 'em back at 'em. - Harry S Truman
Every good act is like a seed that we sow. We don’t know what it will bear, but it will bear some fruit some day. - RVM
Tis the good reader that makes the good book. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
America Is a Time to think about where you think and where you believe in what you got to live for in life - Damien Blanchard
The only expenditure, and all its outworkings, for which God can be held to be responsible is that which He directs. - Amy Carmichael
Spend sixteen weeks in the jungle and you being to question your own sanity, especially when you are the one goading everyone else ahead. - Tahir Shah
A good conscience is a continual feast. - Robert Burton
A good conscience is a continual Christmas. - Benjamin Franklin
Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question. - Thomas Jefferson
To know God is to know yourself! - Tice Davids aka David T. Parker
Oh God, let me not be cured of love, but let my passion grow! Let me love for love's sake! - Diane Wolkstein
The perfect is the enemy of the good. - Voltaire
...we will stand amazed to see the topside of the tapestry and how God beautifully embroidered each circumstance into a pattern for our good and His glory. - Joni Eareckson Tada
There isn't a soul in this universe with the same gifts, strength, level of intelligence and as good as yourself! - Unarine Ramaru
Honesty is always good, except when it's better to lie. - James Patterson
God gives grace. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I'm sure you think that I don't understand what you're going through, but I do. It's just that sometimes, our future is dictated by what we are, opposed to what we want. - Nicholas Sparks
We want more than there is. - Jonathan Goldstein
You can either have individual liberty, or dependence on the government. One is designed to undo the other. - A.E. Samaan
There are scores of thousands of human insects who are ready at a moment's notice to reveal the will of God on every possible subject. - George Bernard Shaw
Books are good enough in their own way, but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Who that prohibits two people who have different views about God to love each other? - cG9sYXJhZGl0aWE=
...definitely believe that, there's got to be a spark to a place...to make it feel like a home... - Isabella koldras, poem My Home.
Una sociedad enferma en la medida en que, de forma aguda, original e inusitada, piensa hasta sus últimas consecuencias el estado en que se encuentra una sociedad que ha elevado al rango de racionalidad su delirio nuclear - Günther Anders
What you choose to do in this life will surely affect you in the next... Just do good, even when it's very hard to do so. It's your life that's on the line. - R.D. Gennari
It's frustrating when our best efforts to help people fail. But if we could see life through their weary eyes and experience their trials with the same frayed emotions, we might understand why. - Richelle E. Goodrich
No man is poor who has a Godly mother. - Abraham Lincoln
Yet it isn't the gold that I'm wantingSo much as just finding the gold.It's the great, big, broad land 'way up yonder,It's the forests where silence has lease;It's the beauty that thrills me with wonder,It's the stillness that fills me with peace. - Robert W. Service
All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. - Frank Herbert
Let go of consistency, let go of certainty. Learn to live with the waves of change and uncertainty. - Debasish Mridha
Don't just bring people to church; bring them to Christ. Churches are filled with church goers but not Christ followers. - Ramon M. Torres
Eventually, somebody is going to be a hero, and somebody's going to be president. Not necessarily the same person.
Governments, after all, do not last forever. Even those so frightened of the truth that they get rid of anyone who speaks it.
We can honor our emotions after any traumatic event by moving through the experience centered in the heart with the goal of reaching the light on the other side. - Molly Friedenfeld
I was connected to God like that, and because he was there, I was connected to the whole of his creation. - Philip Pullman
presidents, when not outright telling lies, feel obliged to shade the truth most of the time. This is called politics; when a president lies successfully, he is called a statesman. - Gore Vidal
Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. - Natalie Goldberg
Rail longer than train cars ; and the hope than our reasons. (Rail plus long que les wagons ; - Et l'espoir que nos raisons.) - Charles de Leusse
The Golds have everything, yet they demand sacrifices even from their own. This place is sick. This empire broken. It eats its kings, its queens, as hungrily as it does the paupers who mill its earth. - Pierce Brown
To greet each day ossified;Like fossil remains forgotten beneath the feet of something more lively. - Taylor Patton
We all go through our entire lives not knowing. Wondering. Trying.Untile we sleep. - David Gaider
The only way you can become brave is, going through the fear but not going away from it. - tirumala
Never forget the life experiences; Aloneness and companionship.Cold and warmth.Hard times and good times.Failure and success.Pain and healing.Planting and harvesting.Poverty and prosperity.Searching and finding.Sorrow and happiness.Tears and joy. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Black is beautiful .Black isn’t power. Knowledge is power. You can be black as a crow or white as snow but if you don’t know and you ain’t got no dough, you can’t go and that’s for sho’. - Lewis H. Michaux
It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten. - Anna Wintour
As to the gods, I have no means of knowing either that they exist or do not exist. For many are the obstacles that impede knowledge, both the obscurity of the question and the shortness of human life. - Diogenes Laërtius
Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good. - Woody Allen
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it. - Terry Pratchett
If you're good, you'll be recognized. Because people, even if they're prejudiced, are going to want the best. You just have to make being the best your goal in life. - Ben Carson
But it isn’t a rough draft either. The one I turned in several months ago was rough. There were some bad plot holes, some logical inconsistencies, pacing problems, and not nearly enough lesbian unicorns. - Patrick Rothfuss
If you can't be as best as you dreamed of,Least be a good man in reality. - Bradley B. Dalina
It is not you as the ego who moves through life, but that life flows before you, and you are the immutable awareness containing it all. - Enza Vita
The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other going in opposite directions. - George Carlin
Of course I've got lawyers. They are like nuclear weapons: I've got em coz everyone else has. But as soon as you use them they screw everything up.
'Tis beauty that doth oft make women proud; but, God He knows, thy share thereof is small. - William Shakespeare
You need only claim the events of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly possess all you have been and done, which may take some time, you are fierce with reality. When at last age has assembled you together, will it not be easy to let it all go, lived, balanced, over? - Florida Scott-Maxwell
Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out. - Michael Burke
Religion suits everyone’s needs, believers, agnostics, atheists and god, just in case it exists - Daya Kudari
A writer needs to ingest love to be passionate. Passion is a metabolite of love, and good writing is an active metabolite of passion. - Roman Payne
I bet all I had on a thing called love; guess in the end it wasn't enough. And it's hard to watch you leave right now; I'm gonna have to learn to let you go somehow. - Carrie Underwood
If your children know who God is they will know who they are, regardless of where you or they call home. - Shannon L. Alder
If God give you strength and courage, don't use it to intimidate people or overpower them, rather use your gift to help others find their own way to strength. - Anthony Liccione
And if an increasingly pluralistic America ever decides to commission a new motto, I’m open for business, because I’ve got a better one than E pluribus unum. Tu dormis, tu perdis . . . You snooze, you lose. - Paul Beatty
The fact that you don't feel Him [God] holding you doesn't change the fact that He still is. - Wayne Jacobsen and Dave Coleman
We couldn’t believe our luck, and for a little while it felt like we were on some big train rolling down a hill, and all we cared about was how great it felt to be going fast. - Meg Rosoff
Dans les sociétés vernaculaires, l'éducation est homéotélique vis-à-vis de Gaïa - Edouard Goldsmith
We need to decide that we will not go to war, whatever reason is conjured up by the politicians or the media, because war in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war against children - Howard Zinn
It is beautiful to discover our wings and learn how to fly; flight is a beautiful process. But then to rest on the wings of God as He flies: this is divine. - C. JoyBell C.
What are you gonna help us with? That very tiny used condom? - Booth
You just have to go after what you want and if it doesn't want you back then so be it; it doesn't deserve you anyways. - Nicole Richie
My meaning in saying he is a good man, is to have you understand me that he is sufficient. - William Shakespeare
Life is not about chances, thinkings or probabilities, life is about atitudes - Rodrigo Mortara Almeida
If you are unclear about what attitudes you adhere to, you will have a difficult time evaluation which ones are not serving your highest good. - Deborah Day
When knowledge and education reach you, you have a whole new world of opportunities to be free, happy and healthy. - Vinicius Montgomery
A good man is called a man by his works - Tshikororo Raymond
Living Life God's way is living the Beautiful Life. - Phebe Olaniran
[Books are] vital to learning. Half the population don't go to football matches but that doesn't make football any less important. - John Sutherland
In Jesus the full meaning of peace is revealed: he gave peace, made peace and is our peace (Jn. 14:27; Eph. 2:14f.). - Gordon J. Wenham
Are ALL men bad?Oh, all of them, my dear, all of them, without any exception. And they never grow any better. Men become old, but they never become good.. - Oscar Wilde
No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn't in submission to God! - T.D. Jakes
Goth was sort of the melancholy cousin of punk that says: there's a lot of evil in this world, there's a lot of very mean spirited people and that makes me sad. - Aurelio Voltaire Hernández
Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever doesn't have, even what he has will be taken from him - Gospel of Matthew Matthew 5:4348
And life is a good thing for a writer. It's where we get our raw material, for a start. We quite like to stop and watch it. - Neil Gaiman
Change is inevitable. Progression is a choice. We all move, but are you going to move forward? - Ricky Maye
Avoid falsehoods like the plague except in matters of taxation, which do not count, since here your are not lying to take someone else's goods, but to prevent your own from being unjustly seized.
Kind and lovely thought originate from God while evil and revengeful thoughts are initiated by the devil. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
A sales person who makes no or less sales gets often the verbal bashing, but other sales people who make good sales keeping long payment outstanding gets usually the pampering. Such is the understanding of most higher-ups in an organisation about the sales & marketing. - Anuj Somany
What we really need is only a heart of surrender & always trust what God has plan for our life. So we do our best, God shall take the rest. That's what I called FAITH. - Olivia Sinaga
The darkness, the rage. One allows you to see the stars, the other gives you a false strength. But in the end both of which bring great torment. - Rodrigo Oliveski
Leprechauns are not twee beings dreamed up by the tourist board, but warriors of legend. That name comes from the Celtic god of commerce and war, Lugh. Their mission, their life’s work, is to protect the gold. What better way to hide it than to become a joke, a story nobody takes seriously? - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
If we write our dreams and goals down, we dramatically increase our odds of realization. If we share them with others, they become potent and alive. - Kristin Armstrong
Government should do a few things, and do them right - George W. Bush
What is reality today was but a dream and an imagination not that long ago. - Debasish Mridha
You have to go through the spiritual fires to know the strength of your faith. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I've got dreams and goals waiting for me to catch up to them - Teresa Marie Garcia
When you are posessed by evil spirits, it is crafty manipulations that you follow; but when you are posessed by the Holy Spirit of God, it is wise discretions you pursue! - Israelmore Ayivor
If we take care of our neighbors,our neighbors will take care of us.If we take care of our friends,our friends will take care of us.If we take care of our family,our family will take care of us.If we take care of others,our God will take care of us. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Riley was... a really good kisser - Julie Kagawa
There is nothing like good food, good wine, and a bad girl.
Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because the Dawn has come. - Rabindranath Tagore
Go for the life you dream and desire with boldness but without fear. - Debasish Mridha
We cannot totally understand God but we can totally love God. Embrace God. - Maria Gregory
Every criminal has a good mind conquered by the devil - Munia Khan
The only way to go back in time is by moving into the future - Waqas Bin Ehsan
Life’s value is lost when the pursuit of money becomes the goal as opposed to the pursuit of true happiness. - Steven Redhead
And keep them thinking in terms of 'being good' as this is not an end so much as a means to something else —happiness, respect, self-esteem, etc… And whatever their true end is, take it away, and so goes their goodness. - Geoffrey Wood
Mistakes should be examined, learned from, and discarded; not dwelled upon and stored. - Tim Fargo
Falling in love, making love, having baby, if all sprinkled with the love, you will know how to be a man; how give love and how to receive it. Taham said. You learn the rules of love so you can love people, love yourself and reach the true love without austerity.from "Goddess of Passion", book one - F.J. Namini
There is no mistaking a good book when one meets it. It is like falling in love. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
We may go to the moon, but that's not very far. The greatest distance we have to cover still lies within us. - Charles de Gaulle
When we pray, we pray according God's word which helps us to grow in faith. - Euginia Herlihy
Holding on and getting attached is sadness. Letting go with love opens the heart to fill it with happiness. - Debasish Mridha
To be beautiful is a good thing, for which we should thank Nature—to be attractive, morally, rather than physically, is, however, a thing for which we should thank Nature even more, if she be good enough to have endowed us with that lasting quality. - Duchess
Wherever the plan of God takes you, the grace of God will sustain you. - John Paul Warren
Self-correction makes me check the ruler of my life against the yardstick of my inner voice. I acknowledge when I don’t measure up. Self-correction is an ongoing process. If done often enough, I can stop myself from straying off the path. - Stella Payton
Dorothea: "What the fuck are you?"Nix: "A man who wanted to be a God...then changed his mind. - Clive Barker
Moral stories are always imaginary , but these stories induce real moral values in a human society . - Usama Gondal
The Chilcot report is a revelation of injustice under the cloak of Aid. The Chilcot report is a sorry report on the current state of humanity. So the ultimate question here is what are we going to achieve out of the sorry reports when sorry has no meaning in action? - Nilantha Ilangamuwa
I don't feel good.
You gotta dream? You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it, period. - Steven Conrad
I am reminded of that irregular preacher at home who was accused of wandering from his subject. He replied that, whether he stuck to his subject or not, he thanked God that he stuck to his object, which was to bring men to Christ. I hope I shall never lose sight of that. - Geraldine Taylor
I didn't know how you'd get us out of that last one. But you did. You were good. - Orson Scott Card
Sometimes the best goal you can set is just to get out of bed every day. If you can succeed at this, then other things become possible. - Cynthia Patterson
Sometimes the things we loose sleep over are the parameters we set for ourselves, not the ones that God has set for us. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
The life-tree of practice is single-minded application. - Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye
Winning and Loosing is a part of game,Arrogance is the animal you need to tame,Conscience is the thing which can get you fame,Oh GOD !! please help me to do the same. - Rajinder Singh Gill
I have been truthful all along the way. The truth is more interesting, and if you tell the truth you never have to cover your tracks. - Gordon Atkinson
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. - William Shakespeare
Of course we need to accept ourselves as we are, but we can't stop there. We also need to value ourselves enough make needed changes. - Steve Goodier
I recognized your good character.Because of my silence, H. Koper - Petra Hermans
God is in the business of shattering our dreams...God wants to shatter every dream we have that is not of Him. God wants us to have the very best, and the very best happens to be Himself. - Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robison
The good news is that God gave us imaginations because he wanted us to take a tour into our future, see what’s there for us and then we prepare to relocate into it! - Israelmore Ayivor
It doesn't matter what women wear. No matter what, someone's going to have a problem with it. - Meghan Blistinsky
All religions are good except when they try to resist nature. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Turns out that once you kill a god, people want to talk to you. Paranormal insurance salesmen with special "godslayer" term life policies. Charlatan's with "godproof" armor and extraplanar safe houses for rent. But most notably, other gods... - Kevin Hearne
Jorge siempre viviría a la sombra de su privilegio, entre algodones y fracasos. Penélope, la preciosa Penélope, era mujer y por tanto tesoro, no tesorero. Julián, que tenía alma de poeta, y por tanto de asesino, reunía las cualidades. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
The light of love, the purity of grace,The mind, the Music breathing from her face, The heart whose softness harmonised the whole —And, oh! that eye was in itself a Soul! - George Gordon Byron
The nature of heaven is to provide a place there for all who lead good lives, no matter what their religion may be. - Emanuel Swedenborg
These two beings, who had loved each other so exclusively, and with so touching a love, and who had lived so long for each other, were now suffering beside one another and through one another; without speaking of it, without harsh feeling, and smiling all the while. - Victor Hugo
When you consciously decide to be in a good mood every morning, you create an atmosphere of joy and peace. Practice mood control daily... it will then become a habit. Don't put the control of your emotions in the hands of others. - Randa Manning-Johnson
I guess I'm pretty much of a lone wolf. I don't say I don't like people at all but, to tell you the truth I only like it then if I have a chance to look deep into their hearts and their minds. - Bela Lugosi
You can let go of all that stuff you thought was real when you know it's just a game. What a relief, what a state of grace that brings. - Jay Woodman
It's one thing to stick to your guns. It's quite another to hold those guns to the heads of your citizens. - Lori Goodwin
She wasn't where she had been. She wasn't where she was going, but she was on her way. - Jodi Hills
The best thing you can give a person is the courage and the desire to go beyond his culture, that little limited world of his! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It’s your action that reflects on the others’ reaction. If you expect good you are forced to be good. - Mohd Riyaz Ali
When it comes to mental illness most of the diagnoses are similar or the same yet they can never display how we individually go through our pain. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Morality is judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, and integrity to stand by it at any price. - Ayn Rand
Like anybody, I would like to have a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. - Martin Luther King Jr.
A person who values their goals actually values their achievements. - Onyi Anyado
How good bad music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy! - Friedrich Nietzsche
Good design can't fix broken business models. - Jeffrey Veen
Isn't it a good thing we don't know everything? If we did, we wouldn't have a reason to have curiosity, and curiosity is like imagination, taking us back to the time when we were just children in our own fantasylands. - Jule Warner
When someone you love makes compassion, kindness, forgiveness, respect and God an option, you can be sure they have made you an option, as well. - Shannon L. Alder
If a goal is only success oriented and not happiness oriented, then it will fill your life with stress, anxiety, and frustration. - Debasish Mridha
It is hard sometimes to look into the future, you never know what twist and turn the school of life is going to take. - Susan Lucci
The chief reason for going to school is to get the impression fixed for life that there is a book side for everything. - Robert Frost
All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I'd sooner go to my dentist any day. - Evelyn Waugh
Good words alone does not make a person good, but good deeds makes a person great. - Gugu Mona
The love of God is the first love. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A negative person vociferously retaliates to defend their own vested interest only whereas a positive person vigorously substantiate own valid points to show the bright aspect, but surprisingly often both appears to be arguing with others only and they can be differentiated in the said respect. - Anuj Somany
You Got to know when to hold em' , Know when to fold em' , know when to walk away, know when to run. - Nikki Turner
Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish. - Albert Einstein
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. - Harry S Truman
A child comes from God, a child is a gift from God, but a child is not our possession. Give the child unconditional love and freedom. Respect the child, the child has its own soul. The child has its own way. - Swami Dhyan Giten
The more golden the opportunity, the less likely you will see it. - Murad S. Shah
America is the greatest, freest and most decent society in existence. It is an oasis of goodness in a desert of cynicism and barbarism. This country, once an experiment unique in the world, is now the last best hope for the world. - Dinesh D'Souza
...I got to chase my dream for a while, see what it's like, but this—" He stood and swept his arms wide. "This, and my family, is worth any price. - J.L. Langley
Whatever became of the moment when one first knew about death? There must have been one. A moment. In childhood. When it first occured to you that you don't go on forever. It must have been shattering, stamped into one's memory. And yet, I can't remember it.
God doesn't send atheists to Hell -- there's no room with all the Christians down there. - Quentin R. Bufogle
Maybe God created the rain to remind us that life isn't always a sunny day. - Val Irvin Mabayo
God performs His promises. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I wish every day could be Halloween. We could all wear masks all the time. Then we could walk around and get to know each other before we got to see what we looked like under the masks. - R.J. Palacio
It's not that we have little time, but more that we waste a good deal of it. - Seneca
His ideas assumed a kind of stupefied and mechanical quality which is peculiar to despair. - Victor Hugo
Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. - Jane Goodall
But the worst of imagining things is that the time comes when you have to stop and that hurts. - L. M. Montgomery
The last I knew you were going to a party. just a few friends at the McEvoys' you told me. The science club, you told me. What happened? You got into a fight about the theory of relativity? Did creationists crash the party and start a rumble? - Tami Hoag
We owe something to extravagance, for thrift and adventure seldom go hand in hand. - Jennie Jerome Churchill
Success, like happiness, is a by-product, not a goal. - Roy Bennett
I committed mistakes many times, fall short, tempted and diverted but able to reconfigure my direction because of God's loving mercy. - Nathaniel E. Quimada
CUI BONO? [Latin] What good would that do _me_? - Ambrose Bierce
In search of Truth the hopeful zealot goes,But all the sadder tums, the more he knows! - H.P. Lovecraft
After attainment of Supreme knowledge a man lives but he does not lead an ordinary man’s life. He lives, he eats, he sleeps and by God’s commandment he becomes a ‘man-catcher’ as Christ told Peter. - Jibankrishna
When people talk about the good old days, I say to people, 'It's not the days that are old, it's you that's old.' I hate the good old days. What is important is that today is good. - Karl Lagerfeld
A humanitarian seldom makes a good lover. For a lover’s world revolves around their lover, while a humanitarian’s world revolves around the world. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Zanimljivo da je nekada bilo jako malo onih koji su tumačili snove a danas ih ima izuzetno mnogo. U ummetu se poveća broj snova jer mi, današnji muslimani, spavamo. - Mithad Ćeman
You'll never be alone if you’ve got a book. - Al Pacino
I pursued education not instead of being a good mother, but because being a good mother required that I build a better life for my family. - Wendy Davis
Try to be "good", you'll be judged. Try to be yourself, you'll be criticized. Therefore, choose the second option. Evil uses the "nice good people" as puppets. It appears dressed as a poor guy, telling them that he needs help...When these people realize they have been used, it is already too late. - Paulo Coelho
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there. - Meister Eckhart
I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts. - Ronald Reagan
If men will not be governed by God, they will be ruled by tyrants. - William Penn
It is not possible to conceive gods inhabiting a land which is made hideous by the smoke and din of mill chimneys and factories and whose roadways are traversed by rushing engines dragging numerous cars crowded with men mostly who know not what they are after. - Mahatma Gandhi
We often prefer love for humans to love for God. - Sunday Adelaja
To plan and talk is good but to plan and take action is even greater. - Euginia Herlihy
I take the opportunity each day offers. - Andy Goldsworthy
Always remember, Son, the best boss is the one who bosses the least. Whether it's cattle, or horses, or men; the least government is the best government. - Ralph Moody
We often blame our government for their lack of responsibility, socially and politically. We forget that that is only a result of the societal irresponsibility in general. - Sunday Adelaja
If you Succeed you will LEAD, if you Failed you will become WISE. - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal, sivaprakash sidhu, sivaprakash, sivaprakash, sidh
A true writer is someone the gods have called to the task. - Robert Louis Stevenson
If your heart is not in God, you are not in Him.Our heart is the issue of life; Affliction is God's last card through which your supernatural eyes can connect to access divine agenda as it relates to your life. - Prince Akwarandu
To know one's self, one must go all the way to horror. - Jacques Bossuet
The pride of man hopes but to blame God for the evils of the world, and to praise himself for the good. - Criss Jami
The black clouds and the white clouds,Black means rain White means no rainToday it was different,It rained despite of white clouds.And nobody got wet. - Bikash Chaurasiya
Some churches, sects, cults, or religious movements are basically collective egoic entities, as rigidly identified with their mental positions as the followers of any political ideology that is closed to any alternative interpretation of reality. - Eckhart Tolle
Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. - Vincent Van Gogh
Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, God's Sunrise will break in upon us, Shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death, Then showing us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace. - Anonymous
There is no god out there but Oneness of All That Is. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Most people are not really scared of death. They are merely terrified of being taken to a mortuary and/or being buried or cremated and/or being forgotten. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life. - Jonathan Harnisch
A Happy Heart is a good medicine & a Positive mind works Healing - JoanneTarah
Luck is only important insofar as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you've got to have talent and know how to use it. - Frank Sinatra
Looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them. You mayn't get the things themselves; but nothing can prevent you from having the fun of looking forward to them. - L. M. Montgomery
God will never delay His promise.You have delayed Him. - Mac Canoza
Joy is based on the spiritual knowledge that, while the world in which we live is shrouded in darkness, God has overcome the world. - Henri J.M. Nouwen
The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. - Francis Maitland Balfour
God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met. - Farrah Fawcett
We all have a dual nature,some of us are just better able to control the energy we expend on each part of it." Lessons for an Urban Goddess - Laney Zukerman
Life without dreaming is like living without meaning. - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal, sivaprakash sidhu, sivaprakash, sivaprakash, sidh
Sexually,we are all competing for the same seat on the bus and the thing that holds it together is the tightly held conceit that we are all sexual gods. How can I believe in my own uniqueness when there's a cat out there exactly the same as me? - Jeff Melvoin
There are two things I know about life... Only the good die young but the real jerks will live forever.
The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work. - Oprah Winfrey
Believe in yourself. Know you have what it takes, to make excellence a good habit. Focus on doing excellent work and use discipline to make it happen. - Mark F. LaMoure
The worst disease which can afflict executives in their work is not, as popularly supposed, alcoholism; it's egotism. - Robert Frost
It is good to know that every single title/rank you hold is earned in a high cost of hard work, not some random self given title/rank. - Euginia Herlihy
It costs a man just as much or even more to go to hell than to come to heaven. Narrow, exceedingly narrow is the way to perdition! - Søren Kierkegaard
Dissolute conduct corrupts good character. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If I had a dream or a goal… then maybe I would be able to overcome the obstacles in my way. - Paradise Kiss
Ништа не изнурује тела и душе толико колико их изнурују тужне мисли. - Maxim Gorky
God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board - Mark Twain
A faith is a necessity to a man. Woe to him who believes in nothing. - Victor Hugo
Dominance is only for GOD. - Syed Islam
Evil, let it never be mistaken, is real. But it is inferior. It is parasitic. It is incomplete. The moment we take counsel from it, become overwhelmed by it, or put it on an equal footing with the Good of God, it will have become something entirely more dangerous. It becomes an idol. - Tod Worner
I don’t want to be labeled as one thing or another. In the past I’ve had successful relationships with men, and now I’m in this successful relationship with a woman. When it comes to love I am totally open. I don’t want to be put into a category, as in ‘I’m this’ or ‘I’m that. - Amber Heard
This is God's beauty!The Elegant nature of Esther,The Meek nature of Moses,The Pius nature of Paul,The Passionate nature of Peter,The Just nature of Jesus and thenThe wise nature of you! - Israelmore Ayivor
The one who doesn't travel, does not live. - Petar II Petrović Njegoš
ICHOR, n. A fluid that serves the gods and goddesses in place of blood. Fair Venus, speared by Diomed, Restrained the raging chief and said: "Behold, rash mortal, whom you've bled -- Your soul's stained white with ichorshed!" Mary Doke - Ambrose Bierce
An honest man is the noblest work of God. - Alexander Pope
I've never understood the desire for books with matched bindings. You don't go through life looking for sets of matched people, and books are just as individual. - Susan Lendroth
When some things go wrong; do not shout! - Lailah Gifty Akita
And when all of the flourless chocolate cakes & chocolate mousse or ganache cakes have come and gone, there will still be nothing like a fudgy brownie, dry & crackled on top, moist & dense within, with a glass of cold milk. - Richard Sax
In the worldly life, self-serving pride (swa-maan) is considered a good quality and arrogant pride (abhimaan) as a bad quality. - Dada Bhagwan
Going to the extreme of inviting and welcoming people into your church in order to hear you condemn them or to know from your policy that you condemn them is not much better than bullying. - Christina Engela
No matter how dire a situation may be, I can always find the humor in it somewhere. If I was ever in a horror movie I would be the goofy one who doesn't seem to know quite what's going on but survives to the end with witty one-liners. - A.J. Rose
Know your self package to the core. Never lose the strength of assets, your values, what identifies and separates you, what makes you unique. No, you or I are perfect but we are who we are now and we should continue to move towards that better person God sees us to be. - Eveth Colley
The imagination goes where it will, you can be set aloft by it, or you can cage it with reason. - R.A.Delmonico
Find out what you're afraid of and go live there. - Chuck Palahniuk
ARREST, v.t. Formally to detain one accused of unusualness. God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh. _The Unauthorized Version_ - Ambrose Bierce
God makes all things good; man meddles with them and they become evil. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered? - Kahlil Gibran
Legacy is not what's left tomorrow when you're gone. It's what you give, create, impact and contribute today while you're here that then happens to live on. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Our intimacy with God broadens our influence on earth. - Sunday Adelaja
So you want to succeed?!! Then, do what you got to do!!! make an effort!!!, effort is not between you and someone else, effort is between you! and you! so do what you got to do!!! IT'S ALL UP TO YOU!!! - Lateef Abader
They were going to die. They knew it, and their last words were I love you. Even in great pain, their last words were of love... People who could have saved themselves and they ran back in to save others instead. If humanity is capable of that, how can I lose hope in humanity? - Elie Wiesel
Remember, no human condition is ever permanent. Then you will not be overjoyed in good fortune, nor too sorrowful in misfortune. - Socrates
A thrilling story can be dull if told badly, but even the most mundane event can be elevated into a tale of epic scale by a good storyteller. - Johnny Rich
This, then, was Jango Fett's greatest reward, right here, sitting with his son, his young replica, sharing quiet moments. - R.A. Salvatore
People should avoid hatred at all costs, because not only does it affect the hater’s health; it also prevents them from enjoying the goodness of love. - Gugu Mona
I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that. - Ellen DeGeneres
Unconditional love is one of the greatest God's greatest gifts to mankind. - mukasa ronald
Cheese, wine, and a friend must be old to be good. - Cuban Proverb
The more grateful you are for everything good that comes into your life, the more closely you place your mind in contact with that power in life that can produce greater good. - Christian D. Larson
If there ever comes a time that you forget where you came from, you've gone too far. - Tanya Masse
When humanity stops confusing the construct with the Kingdom - we'll begin to recognize the Truth. - Dana Gore
I wish the government would put a tax on pianos for the incompetent. - Edith Sitwell
Great God of wonders:God has always acted in my point of need. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I’m not beholden to the confirmation of your prejudices; to be perfectly frank, the prospect of confining the female characters in my story to placid, helpless secondary places in the narrative is so goddamn boring that I would rather not write at all. - Scott Lynch
An orator is a good man who is skilled in speaking. - Cato the Elder
First rule of cleavage: it's not how low you go, but where and when you show. - Elisabeth Dale
When you don't know where you are going in life (No Clear Destination), you don't need direction... you need Divine Revelation - Fela Durotoye
The practice of forgiveness is very much like the practice of meditation. You have to do it often and persist at it in order to be any good. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
I wouldn’t have minded school if they taught you important things like how to have good sex and what brand of wine is the best… But for some reason they were hell bent on teaching me algebra - Ben Mitchell
I also don't trust Caribou anymore. They're out there, on the tundra, waiting... Something's going down. I'm right about this. - Joss Whedon
Those who consider themselves good teachers probably aren't. - Joseph Epstein
If God had wanted us to think just with our wombs, why did He give us a brain?
I used to [have regrets]. But I forgave myself. When God forgave me, I figured I'd better do it, too.
Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics.
If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. - Gordon A. Eadie
It is so good that you can love someone for how long you want and no one can arrest you for that crime. - M.F. Moonzajer
Nothing else in all life is such a maker of joy and cheer as the privilege of doing good. - J.R. Miller
A wise man is closer to God than a fool will ever be to himself. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Your youth is certainly finished and old age has definitely arrived if you feel that you are losing enthusiasm, excitement and energy towards your dreams and goals. - Amit Kalantri
Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present.
If you're going through hell, keep going. - Winston S. Churchill
You have 100% control over yourself, and your life. It is up to you to stop giving your power away, and to decide what you want to be, do, or have...and go after it. - B. Dave Walters
Prophecy is True and Sacred and should never be mishandled by people who have no business speaking about Sacred Things in GOD'S Name. - Errol Anthony Smythe.
Private property and free trade stand on exactly the same footing, both being essential and indivisible parts of liberty, both depending upon rights, which no body of men, whether called governments or anything else, can justly take from the individual. - Auberon Herbert
Being a novice is safe. When you are learning how to do something, you do not have to worry about whether or not you are good at it. But when you have done something, have learned how to do it, you are not safe any more. Being an expert opens you up to judgement. - Helen Macdonald
If God wanted us to bend over he'd put diamonds on the floor. - Joan Rivers
First of all, no messiahs are sent. Secondly, no messiah got it. Lastly, no messiah is. And if there ever was or is, maybe I too am it. As too is every dimwit. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Every moment is a crossroad in time. Consider that, as above so below and as inside so outside and live accordingly. - Grigoris Deoudis
A lie is the most sacred private property on Earth. Governments claim it is not theirs, and that their critics are the rightful owners. - Gustavo Gus Larsen
And every good artist knows that the gift comes from somewhere else, and it's there for a reason, and that's to make the world a better place. - James Lee Burke
Think good and positive thoughts and you will attract good and positive things, think bad and negative thoughts and you will attract bad and negative things. It’s as simple as that in theory, but it takes time to master it fully, it takes time, patience and practice. - Jeanette Coron
Your power depends on how much time you spend fellowshipping with God. - Sunday Adelaja
Fight for your life, it's the only one you've go - T.A.Z
The reason sex is fun is not to cater to the desire for individual human pleasure, but because humanity would have ceased to exist a long time ago if it were drudgery. - Joe Beaton
I'm going out to find her, to make things right, or atleast properly wrong. - Neal Shusterman
The best government rests on the people, and not on the few, on persons and not on property, on the free development of public opinion and not on authority.
MAMMON, n. The god of the world's leading religion. The chief temple is in the holy city of New York. He swore that all other religions were gammon, And wore out his knees in the worship of Mammon. Jared Oopf - Ambrose Bierce
If bad things are happening in your country, remember, the first responsible person is your stupid government! But if you have supported that government, now, you are the first responsible person! So sit down and shut up! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We can't be afraid to change. You may fell secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know there is a such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, maybe the very reason you don't have something better. - C. JoyBell C.
Experience the gift of life as its gods most precious gift of all with time as it passes in everywake of life there is experience to be gained and shared dvk - d vinod kumar
The greatest evil that can befall man is that he should come to think ill of himself. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
My past life is abundantly full of God’s mercy, and, above all sin, stands the forgiving love of the Crucified. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Always do your best in whatever you do; set goals and seek challenges; become a role model for those coming behind you; and always have God in your heart. - Charles F. Bolden
I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.
People are of two types of breed. One who is known for their good deeds & such folks’ need is very high as they care; other who is known for their greed & such persons grow like weed everywhere. - Anuj Somany
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. - André Gide
Smartass Disciple: Master, why God let human did sins in the beginning?Master of Stupidity: If the saviour must come, why should He prevent that? - Toba Beta
Literature is a mountain made of gold in this poor world! - Mehmet Murat ildan
That which is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The poet, the artist, the sleuth - whoever sharpens our perception tends to be antisocial... he cannot go along with currents and trends. - Alfred North Whitehead
My life isn’t theories and formulae. It’s part instinct, part common sense. Logic is as good a word as any, and I’ve absorbed what logic I have from everything and everyone… from my mother, from training as a ballet dancer, from Vogue magazine, from the laws of life and health and nature. - Audrey Hepburn
Creative work is often driven by pain. It may be that if you don't have something in the back of your head driving you nuts, you may not do anything. It's not a good arrangement. If I were God, I wouldn't have done it that way.[Interview, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 20, 2009] - Cormac McCarthy
Oooh you think I'm cute when I'm angry?? Well get ready, cause I'm about to get GORGEOUS! - Hazim Bangwar
Success is less about getting good, and more about letting good. - Alan Cohen
At least when I was govenor, cocaine was expensive.
November comesAnd November goes,With the last red berriesAnd the first white snows.With night coming early,And dawn coming late,And ice in the bucketAnd frost by the gate.The fires burnAnd the kettles sing,And earth sinks to restUntil next spring. - Clyde Watson
Jesus' death & resurrection on behalf of everyone gives his true Followers blamelessness when we believe (Romans 10:8-12 at ) ...not faultlessness! ~ © gfp '42™ http://ow.ly/i/4RJcX Gary Patton - http://diigo.com/0lk6j
Communication with God should not be a one-way traffic. - Sunday Adelaja
In activity we must find our joy as well as glory; and labor, like everything else that is good, is its own reward. - Edwin P. Whipple
To let the gospel of Jesus shape how we work means to heed the influence of both the psychological idols within our hearts as well as the sociological idols in our culture and profession. - Timothy J. Keller
Like many others before him, Abbott discovers, once married, that marriage is a battle—clinically, a negotiation—over the possession of the Bad Mood. - Chris Bachelder
The world is like a giant Alcoholic whining day to day about what others are doing. Instead of of living harmoniously and individually for Good Orderly Direction. If we have faith in our God, than why should we care how others are living their lives? - B.L. Kennison
When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there. - Zig Ziglar
Scars are the medals of success, not the glitters or the gold. - Debasish Mridha
When you don't have the words to say He hears your heart. When you feel like no one understands He carries your pain. When hope seems lost God whispers "Joy is coming. - Rachel Hamilton
Not God, but man-made gods kill, by self-will. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The more rigid and exclusive one makes the border between philosophy and theology, the more that distinction itself has to fall on the side of theology, and the more inaccessible that very distinction becomes to philosophy - Gregory B. Sadler
The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. - G.K. Chesterton
Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy —the joy of being and I ask myself in rapture: What wonderful things is this going to accomplish today? - Salvador Dalí
At times, look back towards your ancient days, drink deep from the eternal fountain of wisdom long gone, and then look ahead. - Abhijit Naskar
Talking of Pleasure, this moment I was writing with one hand, and with the other holding to my Mouth a Nectarine -- how good how fine. It went down all pulpy, slushy, oozy, all its delicious embonpoint melted down my throat like a large, beautified Strawberry. - John Keats
There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse. - John Lubbock
Sex appeal is fifty percent what you've got and fifty percent what people think you've got. - Sophia Loren
And be aware that people fall under one of two categories: they are either your brother and sister in faith, or they are your counterpart in humanity. - Imam Ali bin abi Taleb
The problems we face, did not come down from the heavens. They are made, they are made by bad human decisions, and good human decisions can change them. - Bernie Sanders
The good man is the friend of all living things. - Mahatma Gandhi
For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son [Stalin], so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. - Austin 3:16
A hangover is the wrath of grapes. - Dorothy Parker
There comes a day in life, when you have said all that you ever wanted to say to someone. But that someone is still waiting. Waiting for words to come out. And that’s when you know there is nothing much left. It is time to say goodbye. - Anushka Bhartiya
Breaking up is like unsticking your fingers after you've Superglued them. Love's the glue and no matter how slow and carefully you separate, you're going to lose a little bit of yourself in the process. You're also going to retain a little DNA from the one you lost. - Toni Sorenson
To me, making a tape is like writing a letter there's a lot of erasing and rethinking and starting again, and I wanted it to be a good one. - Nick Hornby
As the age of television progresses the Reagans will be the rule, not the exception. To be perfect for television is all a President has to be these days. - Gore Vidal
Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less. - Rabbi Julius Gordon
Better stop short than fill to the brim. Oversharpen the blade, and the edge will soon blunt. Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it. Claim wealth and titles, and disaster will follow. Retire when the work is done. This is the way of heaven.
Work is the law of life, and to reject it as boredom is to submit to it as torment. - Victor Hugo
The farther you go, however, the harder it is to return. The world has many edges, and it's easy to fall off. - Anderson Cooper
With or without God, good decisions can be made; But only with God will great decisions be made. - Damon Thueson
If I knew what I know today, years ago, I wouldn’t change a thing about anything. I would not have appreciated what I know today if it hadn’t been for what I didn’t know. - E. Obeng-Amoako Edmonds
Heaven is by favor; if it were by merit your dog would go in and you would stay out. Of all the creatures ever made (man) is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only one... that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. - Mark Twain
Skepticism is the agent of reason against organized irrationalism--and is therefore one of the keys to human social and civic decency. - Stephen Jay Gould
I don’t believe that young people today can live clean, pure lives without the help of God. The peer pressure is too great and the temptations they see in the movies and on television, and what they hear in their music is too much. Only Christ can give them the power to say no. - Billy Graham
I may be a living legend, but that sure don't help when I've got to change a flat tire. - Roy Orbison
See the golden beach sands and blue skyin a cool breezemy mind flys high - Debasish Mridha
In the beginning of his sleep, he cried out, "Flag!"It was not his own voice that called. It was a boy's voice. Somewhere beyond the sink-hole, past the magnolia, under the live oaks, a boy and a yearling ran side by side, and were gone forever. - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights and keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose. To that high concept there can be no end save victory. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
He's (God's) always preparing you for that glorious life, even in your tough times. - Steven Chopade
Do good deeds and serve people, because nobody is too unimportant not to be served by you. - Sunday Adelaja
It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God--but to create him. - Arthur C. Clarke
Doubting God's existence is okay and perfectly acceptable within Christianity as long as the person doubting remains obedient and committed to the Christian path. - Gordon Atkinson
I'm looking forward to the noose. Nothing better than a good hanging. - Victoria Lamb
Whenever He answers prayers, God usually prioritizes those by people who, instead of their mouths, have prayed with their hands and/or feet. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three - Elayne Boosler
Lengo la jina la kitabu ni kuishawishi hadhira kusoma dibaji, na lengo la dibaji ni kuishawishi hadhira kusoma salio la kitabu kizima. - Enock Maregesi
One can pay back the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind. - Malayan Proverb
God is not an Almighty Being watching over life on earth. God is the Event Horizon of Human Consciousness. - Abhijit Naskar
For a free PALESTINEYour tears,I want to dry it.If I could make a deal with God.Your freedom,I would like to return it to you.If I could make a deal with God. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Ability to think is the first step towards self-dependent. - Dim Godswill
I hate the word housewife; I don't like the word home-maker either. I want to be called Domestic Goddess. - Roseanne Barr
Common sense tells us that the government's attempts to solve large problems more often create new ones. Common sense also tells us that a top-down, one-size-fits-all plan will not improve the workings of a nationwide health-care system that accounts for one-sixth of our economy. - Sarah Palin
A carpenter is hired- a roof repaired, a porch built. Everything that can be fixed. June, July, August. Everyday we hear their laughter. I think of the painting by van Gogh, the man in the chair. Everything wrong, and nowhere to go. His hands over his eyes. - Mary Oliver
Van Gogh became a painter because he had no ear for music.
I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. - Augusten Burroughs
Don’t just GO through life, GROW through it. For Life comes to you only once, never to return! Climb the Ladder of Life, step by step.- - RVM
Little deeds that proceed from charity please God and have their place among meritorious acts. - Francis de Sales
God does not want anything from usHe just want us - Stephano
Dicen que soy un mafioso, porque mi sentido de la amistad es tal que resulta un poco el de los gánsteres: por un lado mis amigos y por el otro el resto del mundo, con el cual tengo muy poco contacto - Gabriel García Márquez
The key to good listening isn't technique, it's desire. Until we truly want to understand the other person, we'll never listen well. - Steve Goodier
Word warfare is going on, which is not less destructive than any War. Words can be more destructive than any type of destructive weapons. Violence of any form starts in human mind and manifests in emotions, behaviors and finally in actions. - William Gomes
What is more likely? That tomorrow will be called 'Thursday' or that Maxine Waters will play the race card in her ethics investigation? - Jonah Goldberg
And the matron sighed over the destiny of ladies in good society, whose moral judgement led them to love unabashedly and whose depravity led them to pay for it. - Michelle Franklin
Man's love is of man's life a thing apart,'Tis woman's whole existence. - George Gordon Byron
Her brain is like a filing cabinet everything neatly stored in categories. My brain is more like soup everything all blended and mushed together. - Cat Clarke
The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we ´should' be rather than recognizing how we are. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Evil surrounding can destroy a Good soul. - Udayveer Singh
God’s grace is the strength for every good deed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you cannot find yourself on the page very early in life, you will go looking for yourself in all the wrong places. - Richard Peck
It’s just the love for her in my heart that is morphing into this madness and how can I run away from it? Sometimes I want to when I can’t bear it anymore, but where will I go? - Faraaz Kazi
My Zombie apocalypse plan is simple but effective; I fully intend to die in the very first wave.Seems more logical than undergoing all kinds of hardships only to die eventually anyway (through bites/malnutrition/or terminally chapped lips) - Graham Parke
Even if God had created us, He would never have admitted it. - George Hammond
The problem with gender is that is prescribes how we ´should' be rather than recognizing how we are. - chimamamanda Ngozie Adichie
The complexity of your earthly array is not a guarantee for a truimphant eternity. The fact is that you need a simple life to go to heaven; not an excessively glittering body, shiny lips and charming face. - Israelmore Ayivor
Confidence is a life ingredient that is essential to success and wholeness. It is perhaps the single most important trait that enables seemingly average people to do and become all that they can. And the good news is it can be learned. No one has to suffer a lifetime of low confidence. - Steve Goodier
I know many people who believe in God, and I expected to find Him on my way to the South Pole if he exists. My religious experiences were very different however, [only] involving myself, nature and the universe. - Liv Arnesen
Most of our so-called thinking processes are devoted to finding excuses for going on believing as we already do. - Herbert M. Shelton
If naturalists go to heaven (about which there is considerable ecclesiastical doubt), I hope that I will be furnished with a troop of kakapo to amuse me in the evening instead of television. - Gerald Durrell
Remember that we're living in a place that is temporary. No matter what you believe in the end of time I don't care about it. As of now.. live your life, cut those negative thoughts and actions, reach your dreams and goals. - Jayson Engay
Assassins: they got sass and live on sin. - Natalya Vorobyova
The Kingdom of God does not come by Observation. It is hidden in the inner dimension. - Compton Gage
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has. Even when you make a tax form out on the level, you don't know when it's through if you are a crook or a martyr. - Will Rogers
Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God. - Joseph Smith Jr.
I could’ve quit long ago, but there wouldn’t be nothing to quit to, unless I was ready to commit suicide. - James Jean-Pierre
Nobody knows what God's plan is for your life, but a whole lot of people will guess for you if you let them. - Shannon L. Alder
I told myself a thousand times every single day I needed to forget you. I forgot to forget, and I forgot what I told myself" From "The Jasmine Tree: Love in the time of revolutions - Maha Khlaid
The practice of giving thanks...eucharisteo...this is the way we practice the presence of God, stay present to His presence, and it is always a practice of the eyes. We don't have to change what we see. Only the way we see. - Ann Voskamp
I carry the Sun in a Golden Cup, the Moon in a Silver Bag. - W.B. Yeats
God does not regret saving you. There is no sin which you commit which is beyond the cross of Christ. - Matt Chandler
The society of women is the element of good manners. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There is not a single job ever got by running after it and never any client acquired by chasing a prospect, in fact everything in life happened by serendipity only so if it’s still not all LUCK then what? - Anuj Somany
Between goal and success, there is one critical thing - perseverance: it is the fundamental belief to always succeed, the determination to turn goal to gold, the greatness to never give up, the foresight to dream that enables you to make it happen. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
It's not about being good. It's about being brave. - Lana M. H. Wilder
All I want is someone I can't resist ...I will know all I need to know by the way that I got kissed - Aerosmith
God desires that man should be. God does not wish to be alone. The meaning of existence is the conquest of loneliness, the acquisition of kinship and nearness. - Nikolai A. Berdyaev
When you suffer and lose, that does not mean you are being disobedient to God. In fact, it might mean you're right in the center of His will. The path of obedience is often marked by times of suffering and loss. - Charles R. Swindoll
The suicide committed by Sampson was partly determined by the craftiness of Delilah and partly decided by the disobedience of Sampson. Satan uses crafty means to set traps for us, but by our obedience of the laws of God, the traps remain functionless. - Israelmore Ayivor
God sees in you what you can't see in yourself. Remember to keep the faith and never give up! - Prophetess Dina Rolle
Give joy, smiles, happiness, goodness and kindness to every person you meet. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If my God damns people for love but saves them for brutle warfare, then that is not the God I know or wish to worship. - Cristina Marrero
Good parents use the mistakes they did in the past when they were young to advice the children God gave to them to prevent them from repeating those mistakes again. However, bad parents always want to be seen as right and appear "angelic and saintly" as if they never had horrible youth days. - Israelmore Ayivor
Every challenge presents a good chance for learning something new. - Gift Gugu Mona
She was learning that being with Slade was like riding a roller coaster. Good news one minute and bad news the next. She could only imagine what this restaurant must be like. - Dianne Harman Coyote in Provence
Emotion triggers action, good or otherwise - Pieter BF Swart
Evil spawns mayhem while benevolence repairs; doing good comforts the living while prayers are extended to the one who attends to the dead. - Donna Lynn Hope
If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate. - C. JoyBell C.
There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good life is to live. - Alexandre Dumas
Don't let things go, if you truly don't want them to go, trying again is far better than regret. - Magith Noohukhan
We need not take refuge in supernatural gods to explain our saints and sages and heroes and statesmen, as if to explain our disbelief that mere unaided human beings could be that good or wise. - Abraham H. Maslow
If life was fair ... one third of the people would comprise of judges and lawyers ... one third of police and prison officials ... and one third of legislators ... and one third more to make the other three thirds make any sense at all .... Thank goodness for no fair. - Brian Spellman
Strip yourself naked, of your fancied ideas about What Is. Then, seek "It". That Which Is. Otherwise, all you're going to find is dick. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The stars will go out before I forget you, Mark Blackthorn. - Cassandra Clare
To model the path of love, is to model the representation of God in your life. - Wayne Chirisa
Start dream building. Bring your goals into the real world. Imagine yourself at your best. Transform yourself with dedication and work to achieve excellence. - Mark F. LaMoure
laughing is good. so long as you are not insulting anyone. - A Gentlemen
As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. - Seneca
The body, I had been taught, wants only to live. Suicide, I had understood, is an act not of the body against itself but of the will against the body. Yet here I beheld a body that was going to die rather than change its nature. - J.M. Coetzee
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers
I wish I could say that everything I do is for God’s glory but I can’t. And neither can you. What I can say is Jesus’ blood covers all my efforts to glorify myself. - Tullian Tchividjian
The world's theologyThe world's theology is easy to define. It is the view . . . that human beings are basically good, that no one is really lost, that belief in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation."Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." Romans 1:22 - James Montgomery Boice
Politics are a lousy way for a free man to get things done. Politics are, like God's infinite mercy, a last resort. - P. J. O'Rourke
When you love someone, you don’t care that she ate your sandwich. You only hope she found it delicious. - Richelle E. Goodrich
So was I once myself a swinger of birches.And so I dream of going back to be. - Robert Frost
Success goes with you when you go an extra mile. - Nazim Ambalath
It's amazing how people can be so blind to what's good for them and what isn't, what's truth and what's not, or the difference between secrets and things just not yet known. - Eric Lindstrom
Music is the heart of life." She speaks love; "without it, there is no possible good and with it everything is beautiful. - Franz Liszt
The biggest moment of your life when your enemy think for a second that you are a good person.. - Aditya Pandya
It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well. - Rene Descartes
What you cant forget... God cant remember! - John F. MacArthur Jr.
Every good writer I know needs to go into some deep, quiet place to do work that is fully imagined. And what the Internet brings is lots of vulgar data. It is the antithesis of the imagination. It leaves nothing to the imagination. - Jonathan Franzen
It is reasonable to reason with God because when you only rely on human reasoning, you will be diverted from your purpose. - Gugu Mona
The god of Victory is said to be one-handed, but Peace gives victory to both sides. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Trace was just one of those guys who caught your attention no matter if you had a ring on your finger. He would be hot 'til the day he died. Seriously. - Chelsea Lynn Charters The Gossip Web
If you've found meaning in your life, you don't want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more. You can't wait until you're sixty-five. - Morrie Schwartz
Each time, before you intercede, be quiet first, and worship God in His glory. Think of what He can do, and how He delights to hear the prayers of His redeemed people. Think of your place and privilege in Christ, and expect great things! - Andrew Murray
I want more,' he says. 'I want more with you. I want to hold hands in public. I want to drive you home from work and give you a kiss good night. And talk on the phone so late we fall asleep. - Julie Murphy
The battle is not with the human flesh, but the mind. - Goitsemang Mvula
When kings the sword of justice first lay down; They art no kings, though they posess the crown; Titles are shadows, crowns are empty things, The good of subjects is the end of kings.
When you are growing up there are two institutional places that affect you most powerfully: the church, which belongs to God, and the public library, which belongs to you. The public library is a great equaliser. - Keith Richards
When people talk about how fast children forget, how fast they forgive, how sensitive they are, I let it go in one ear and out the other. Children can remember and forget and totally freeze to death the people they don't like. - Peter Hoeg Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow
The government is merely a servant―merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them. - Mark Twain
But if you're gonna dine with them cannibalsSooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . . - Nick Cave
Golf is a good walk spoiled. - Mark Twain
However many holy words you read, However many you speak, What good will they do you, If you do not act upon them?
Never stop depending on God. - Genereux Philip
You will never glory in God till first of all God has killed your glorying in yourself. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Respect should be found in your own heart and never demanded, sacraficed, begged for or negotiated. If you have to explain why you deserve it then you never had it. - Shannon L. Alder
What good has impatience ever brought? It has only served as the mother of mistakes and the father of irritation. - Steve Maraboli
Don't cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won't let you see the stars. - Violeta Parra
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
My art is an attempt to reach beyond the surface appearance. I want to see growth in wood, time in stone, nature in a city, and I do not mean its parks but a deeper understanding that a city is nature too-the ground upon which it is built, the stone with which it is made. - Andy Goldsworthy
Longed for him. Got him. Shit. - Margaret Atwood
Dreams like a podcast,Downloading truth in my ears.They tell me cool stuff.""Apollo?" I guess, because I figured nobody else could make a haiku that bad.He put his finger to his lips. "I'm incognito. Call me Fred.""A god named Fred? - Rick Riordan
Go find yourself first so you can also find me. - Jalaluddin Rumi
It will make a weak man mighty. it will make a mighty man fall. It will fill your heart and hands or leave you with nothing at all. It's the eyes for the blind and legs for the lame. It is the love for hate and pride for shame. That's the power of the gospel. - Ben Harper
When they throw the water on the witch, she says, Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness. That line inspired my life. I sometimes say it to myself before I go to sleep, like a prayer. - John Waters
Loving passionately, loving fiercely, loving and taking both good and bad, and at times, the damn near impossible, provides sweet chaos, fueling the pitter patter of the heart... - Virginia Alison
To become the best terrorists of your kind, it will take about 30,000 hours on focused practice. How you think of achieving a goal is not the same as how you want to achieve a goal. Not everything you think about is done the right way it should be done. - Prince Akwarandu
There are so many people in this world to hate good guys rather than to love them. - M.F. Moonzajer
I don't understand why people care so much about showing that they are good; because I am rather comfortable with having badness, quite okay with being inexplicable. They tire themselves so. The light is beautiful; but light can't hide treasures like the darkness can. - C. JoyBell C.
Music praises God. Music is well or better able to praise him than the building of the church and all its decoration; it is the Church's greatest ornament. - Igor Stravinsky
That's it baby, when you got it, flaunt it. - Mel Brooks
Keep in mind, Eragon, that no one thinks himself a villain, and few make decisions they think are wrong. A person may dislike his choice, but he will stand by it because, even in the worst circumstances, he believes that it was the best option available to him at the time. - Christopher Paolini
God created war so that Americans would learn geography. - Mark Twain
On GOALSETTING: "I don't enjoy talking about what I am GOING to DO. I prefer to let folks find out what I've DONE. - Nanci McGraw
That eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it! - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
If you wish to make good art, then you must believe you already do. Otherwise, you will never be good enough. - Luhraw
—And you completely blow me away and rip my world up and everything else, and then you go back to ignoring me. I blew you away? I squeak out before I can stop myself. He stares at me steadily. You blew everything away. - Lauren Oliver
May God grant you godly children. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting. - Bible
All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff. - Frank Zappa
If we thought more for ourselves we would have very many more bad books and very many more good ones. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
In a classroom, when it’s silent, they’re thinking. You’ve got to give them time to think. - Harry Gilbert
Miracle is going to WORK with you ,only if you are going to do same with Miracle..!! - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
God don't call the qualified, He qualifies the called - D WordSmith
The knowledge of the past stays with us. To let go is simply to release any images and emotions. - Alan W. Watts
If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God. - G.K. Chesterton
My cat mocks me frequently. It's the universe's way of keeping me from getting too big of an ego. - Michelle M. Pillow
Prayer is an acknowledgement of your dependence on God and His direction for your life. - Jim George
If fate doesn't make you laugh, you just don't get the joke. - Gregory David Roberts
(Quoted by ) The rude man requires only to see something going on. The man of more refinement must be made to feel. The man of complete refinement must be made to reflect. - Thomas Carlyle
Justice has a right to protest against injustice. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
God still speaks to all living sacred souls. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A nation aimlessly drifting away from God is a nation for which prayer is a rudder and praise is a sail. And it is the man or woman on their knees that builds the former and gives wind to the latter. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When a human awakens to a great dream and throws the full force of his soul over it, all the universe conspires in your favor. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Likewise, most of the world goes to bed at night under the assumption that if they were to die in their sleep, they would find themselves standing at the pearly gates. After all, good people go to heaven. And just about everybody thinks they are good. - Andy Stanley
I don't believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book. - J.K. Rowling
If you want control, loosen your grip. You're strangling your employees. Letting go is actually holding on. - Richie Norton
It is easier to seize wealth than to produce it, and as long as the State makes the seizure of wealth a matter of legalized privilege, so long will the squabble for that privilege go on. - Albert Jay Nock
He has Van Gogh’s ear for music. - Billy Wilder
We have a chance in the future only if we take our own responsibility. Not anyone else come to give us good. - King Michael of Romania
If you are a believer you are not supposed to begin to convince God to use you. God already desires to use you. - Sunday Adelaja
Some people have such a talent for making the best of a bad situation that they go around creating bad situations so they can make the best of them. - Jean Kerr
God’s favor in its fullness is that which allows strength to overcome with weakness, love to overcome hatred, God’s goodness to defeat Satan’s evil nature. - Sunday Adelaja
You cannot live a political life, you cannot live a moral life if you're not willing to open your eyes and see the world more clearly. See some of the injustice that's going on. Try to make yourself aware of what's happening in the world. And when you are aware, you have a responsibility to act. - Bill Ayers
I'm half good and I'm half bad. My mama is a very good girl and my daddy is a very bad boy. And I guess that leaves me somewhere sort of...here. - C. JoyBell C.
You can change any status quo, stand out, walk by faith and not by sight and things will definitely go well with you. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Intrinsic values and qualities are age-free. For example, social competencies or a good heart. - Rossana Condoleo
Fear of living onNatives getting restless nowMutiny in the airGot some death to doMirror stares back hardKill, it's such a friendly wordSeems the only wayFor reaching out again. - Metallica Welcome Home Sanitarium
Oh yeah, "God is great!" Well, why an't you, mate? - Fakeer Ishavardas
Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. - Sir Winston Churchill
A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory. - Arthur Golden
If a man does not die in the womb or perish at birth, God has a great purpose for him. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Revelation is God's way of telling humanity that he is afraid of their possibility; the possibility of one day being able to surpass even him. - Lionel Suggs
Overcome evil with good and hate with love. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Shame on you. Don't tell me you've been married for an hour and you've already got eyes for another woman. - Mordecai Richler
If there was a god, I'd still have both nuts. - Lance Armstrong
you don't need to go that far in the future, you just have to go 2000 years ago, - Paulo Coelho
I see love as a force of nature. No matter how much you want to, you cannot control or demand love. No one can. It cannot be bought, bartered, or sold. It is priceless. - Anna Agoncillo
Who said you weren't good enough? If it was you then pack up that thought and send it to Mars. If it wasn't you then pack up that thought and send it back to that person. - Diana Jaber
You can't expect so much from love, otherwise you'll feel utterly disappointed when things don't go your way. - Auliq Ice
Creativity is contagious. And so is banality. Criticism is an art in itself. Don’t let the dullness around destroy the creativity within. T.S. Eliot said, honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry. Good to remember… - Elif Shafak
Our opportunities to do good are our talents.
Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.
Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent - Victor Hugo
If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. - J.R.R. Tolkien
When you see people only as personalities, rather than souls with life missions to fulfill, you forever limit the growth and possibilities of what God has in store for another person. - Shannon L. Alder
Dear God,I asked that you clear my mind of any negative thoughts so my heart can run free; so I may look at the world with a clearer understanding of your beautiful creation. Cleanse my heart dear God so I may always look through the wonder light you shine upon us. In Jesus name Amen. - Ron Baratono
Someday i'm gonna say i used to be myself. - Ribecca
Joy is our native conditionLet go all non-joy and there is joy - Ulf Wolf
Through their teachings they dignify even the most mundane professions. According to them any profession or work that adds to the common good of man must be respected and it is dignified - Sunday Adelaja
Writing might never be an easy act, but with TBL, writers don’t have to go at it alone. - Tethered by Letters
Having been raised in a poor family makes part of who i am, but it determines not my future nor my destiny,it doesn't define who i will become, i am a rich man, i am a winner, i am the author of my own success or failure-God forbid failure, i shall prosper-so help me God. - Kgosietsile Martin Timothy
The only legitimate purpose of government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens. - Mike Klepper
The best place to find God is not in the temple, but your heart, where kindness and love reside. - Debasish Mridha
All good things comes to those who wait. - Violet Fane
good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere - Helen Gurley Brown
Love requires trust, and trust requires honesty that is only got through love. - Auliq Ice
Bigotry is based on deception, of oneself and of others. - DaShanne Stokes
The peace of the celestial city is the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God, and of one another in God. (City of God, Book 19) - Augustine of Hippo
Lo que sabemos es una gota de agua; lo que ignoramos es un océano. - Isaac Newton
Conflict is going to happen whether you want it or not. People will butt heads. Sometimes when you least expect it. - Jimmy Bise Jr.
And like that, I said goodbye to my grandmother like we were two people who met in a coffee shop, shared a lifetime of stories and left wanting more, but knowing we’d meet there again. - Darnell Lamont Walker
A person with his good writing can make some earning, but if he seems to be enjoying luxury living then probably it's time for all to see the intention of the people behind his promotion. - Anuj Somany
I can be alone without being lonely. In fact, those times of solitude are necessary respite for a beleaguered soul, set upon by the pressures of life. I need to take whatever moments I can to just be still. - Steve Goodier
If you have a definite purpose, if you have a driving desire to achieve it and if you go with passion, then don't wait for success because you are already a success. - Debasish Mridha
Spirit of God never do evilNever backbiting and hurtIts always penetrate toWhere sensitive enduranceLay on and obedience. - Uche Daniel Oluwaseun
A sportsman is a man who, every now and then, simply has to go out and kill something. - Stephen Leacock
If children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
live the life you want to live. Your Gender is not important, it's not important who you love or who you don't. It's important if you're a good person or not - Conchita Wurst
You meet a new guy, analyze him, not good for marriage, not good for a relationship, not good for fucking, maybe excepting the very drunk mood, so, conclusion: this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. - Irina Bors
What to say if I was wise and on your age I will take the chances and take Reddit Collection #1 and #2... But if you are hungry... go and buy one sandwich! - Deyth Banger
I didn’t intend the book as anything therapeutic and I don't think that’s a novel’s goal or responsibility. - Hanya Yanagihara
You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return. - Robert Collier
Happy is the person who not only sings, but feels God's eye is on the sparrow, and knows He watches over me. To be simply ensconced in God is true joy. - Alfred A. Montapert
Man is the highest essence of man, hence with the categorical imperative to overthrow all relations in which man is a debased, enslaved, abandoned, despicable essence. - Karl Marx
My life got happier when I trusted my gut to tell me when to open the door or close the door. There is joy to be found in keeping away from people & situations which could harm my self-respect my peace my worth. - Karen Salmansohn
History plays for keeps; individuals play for time. - Gregory Maguire
Absolute money (gold) makes limited-states and localized-wars (Pre-1913); Substitute money (fiat) makes Absolute States & Wars (Post-1913) - Orrin Woodward
Screw you, I don't hate you I just don't find any good reason to like you. - Faith chrissabelle
I go to de One who says silver n gold is Mine - Kingsley ofosu-Ampong
In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them. - Mark Twain
Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. - Ronald Reagan
You have told me, O God, to believe in hell. But you have forbidden me to think...of any man as damned - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Life is a question asked by God about the way he exists. - Kedar Joshi
...I gotta burn these scales... sigh* - Hiroko Sakai
To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action till the goal is reached. The key is action. - Michael Hanson
Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work. - Robert Orben
Great men are not always idiots - Karen Elizabeth Gordon
Melody is the essence of music. I compare a good melodist to a fine racer, and counterpointists to hack post-horses; therefore be advised, let well alone and remember the old Italian proverb: Chi sa più, meno sa—Who knows most, knows least. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Who upholds the gorsedd if not You? Who counts the ages of the world if not You? Who commands the Wheel of Heaven if not You? Who quickens life in the womb if not You? Therefore, God of All Virtue and Power, sain us and shield us with Your Swift Sure Hand. - Stephen R. Lawhead
Life is here to teach us, so be a good student. Mistakes are the only way we learn. - Dannika Dark
Entrepreneur, if you're going to start up, make sure you start up with excellence in mind - Onyi Anyado
Her mindset will raise your children not her body or good looks - claris mary
God honors you when you take a stand for what is right. - Jim George
Hope is oxygen to the soul, and God is the oxygen of hope. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide. - Mickey Mantle
I wish you the wisdom to know you’re better than what you've settled for, the desire for something greater, and the courage to go get it. - Steve Maraboli
Man is certainly stark mad; he cannot make a flea, yet he makes gods by the dozens. - Michel de Montaigne
I go to bed with knowledge to dream, then dreams wake me up with the lights of wisdom. - Debasish Mridha
Through others we become ourselves. - Lev S. Vygotsky
But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles - Anna Nalick
Jesus was crucified for doing nothingAnd God is worshiped for even less. - Porcupine Tree
...we can never attain a maximum love of God with only a minimum knowledge of God - Frank Sheed
Art and life are subjective. Not everybody's gonna dig what I dig, but I reserve the right to dig it. - Whoopi Goldberg
Words I write... go through my mind, like tasting fine wine on the lips. - Jennifer Webb
HOUSELESS, adj. Having paid all taxes on household goods. - Ambrose Bierce
People love high ideals, but they got to be about 33-percent plausible. - Will Rogers
A bad beginning does not keep you from a good ending. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Growth is ugly, it's hideous, it's all the things we don't like but my god, once you walk through the fire of confusion you will feel burning passion within your flame. - Nikki Rowe
Life had broken her; just as it had broken him. But when they got together, their pieces became whole. And they continued on their journey, together, mended as one. - Steve Maraboli
Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. - Mark Twain
When life's got you down, keep your head up... you can't see the ground anyway - Nicole Rae
It was his home now. But it could not be his home till he had gone from it and returned to it. Now he was the Prodigal Son. - G.K. Chesterton
God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even though I think it is hopeless. - Chester Nimitz
...the presence of each other and a lusty love of being, of living and knowing there was tomorrow and God knows how many more tomorrows and each a life and sufficient in itself... - Josephine Johnson
Go away. I'm all right.
If I do the right kind of a job, I don't know whether I am going to be here four years from now. -- John F. Kennedy (to Richard M. Nixon, right after the Bay of Pigs invasion, 1961). - John F. Kennedy
I can't decide whether I'm a good girl wrapped up in a bad girl, or if I'm a bad girl wrapped up in a good girl. And that's how I know I'm a woman! - C. JoyBell C.
Good dancers awaken the joy in our hearts, we have seen them ablaze on stage, videos, on our streets, in the theaters, in our homes, schools and they have successfully ignited the love of dancing in our soul. At least, this is the major reason why dancers are born and made. - Paul Bamikole
The American government is premised on the theory that if the individual man is to be free, his ideas, his beliefs, his ideology, his philosophy, must be placed beyond the reach of government. - William O. Douglas
More than any other attribute of Jesus, his humility is the key to a healthy marriage. If two people make it their goal to imitate the humility of Christ, everything else will take care of itself. - Francis Chan
God can only send the greater light when men's hearts are able to bear it. - Richard Okorie
No matter what it is that you want to do, you should dream as big as you can and go for it. Don't let anyone tell you that it can't be done because that's the worst advice. Do whatever you want to do and hard work will make it pay off. - Logan Henderson
No matter how hard we try, we can never understand everything that another person has gone through or why they might believe a certain way. It is possible for something to be right for you and something completely opposite be right for someone else. - Daniel Willey
A detective digs around in the garbage of people's lives. A novelist invents people and then digs around in their garbage. - Joe Gores
I might have made a tactical error not going to a physician for 20 years. It was one of those phobias that didn't pay off.
If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
Letting your customers set your standards is a dangerous game, because the race to the bottom is pretty easy to win. Setting your own standards--and living up to them--is a better way to profit. Not to mention a better way to make your day worth all the effort you put into it. - Seth Godin
Mourn, cry, be sad god doesn't give a fuck. The life has been taken in one or other way and it can't be done anything that's all, it's not big philosophy - it's short and it can't be more longer than this! - Deyth Banger
i found god in myselfand i loved heri loved her fiercely - Ntozake Shange
It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government. - Thomas Paine
Everyone is good if you see from good side. - Sushil Singh
Go out of societal conformity to see and create uplifting beauty. - Debasish Mridha
The adults said the only good food was the bacon, but the kids knew better. They had never had a more fun breakfast in their lives. Although they had to agree the bacon was very good. Then again, it was bacon. It was always good. - Ella Minster
We always want to hold on tight to those we love; but if we intend to keep those we love, we must let go every once in awhile. - Imania Margria
When we promote the well-being of others God has placed in our lives our service glorifies God. - Elizabeth George
Have you ever wondered how your life would be if you will stop gossiping about people and using your words to bring people down? Try that today, speak only the good things you know about people and encourage others to do the same, - Ane Krstevska
We entertain God's Truth not as a guest but as master of the house. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Got dreams in my mind that got me hustling all the time. - Osama Al-Hasan
A first kiss is the demarcation line: the same information that a moment ago felt private, all of a suddens seems unfair to withhold. And with that exchange came more. - Francesca Marciano
Only the foolish, blinded by language's conventions, think of fire as red or gold. Fire is blue at it's melancholy rim, green in it's envious heart. It may burn white, or even, in it's greatest rages, black. - Salman Rushdie
Be more prompt to go to a friend in adversity than in prosperity. - Chilo
It is absurd to expect the inclinations and wishes of two human beings to coincide, through any long period of time. To oblige them to act and live together is to subject them to some inevitable potion of thwarting, bickering, and unhappiness. - William Godwin
The difference between sex and death is that with death you can do it alone and no one is going to make fun of you. - Woody Allen
God created man to care for the earth. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I have become my own version of an optimist. If I can't makeit through one door, I'll go through another door -- or I'llmake a door. Something terrific will come no matter how darkthe present. - Joan Rivers
You know, memories. They're all I've got. - Charlie Pace
Biblical spirituality means powerlessness, living without embellishment or pretense, free to be faithful in the gospel, and free from anxiety about effectiveness or similar illusions of success. - William Stringfellow
To be successful in reaching goals, the right attitude is to never quit. Confidence is to keep the vision alive, by seeing a victory ahead that is worth fighting for. - Ellen J. Barrier
It’s important that you keep asking God to show you what He wants you to do. If you don’t ask, you won’t know. - Stormie Omartian
The true religion is to be posited not in the knowledge or confession of what God allegedly does or has done for our salvation, but in what we must do to become worthy of this. - Immanuel Kant
At the core of the heart of an atheist is a heart that doesn't deny the existence, sovereignty and power of God but it chooses deliberately not to believe it for a long while. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
You can do more than pray after you have prayed but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed. - A.J. Gordon
I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard. - William F. Buckley Jr.
Atheists are my brothers and sisters of a different faith, and every word they speak speaks of faith. Like me, they go as far as the legs of reason will carry them -- and then they leap. - Yann Martel
Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.
Marketing is a fashionable term. The sales manager becomes a marketing vice president. But a gravedigger is still a gravedigger even when it is called a mortician - only the price of the burial goes up. - Peter Drucker
Joy is distinctly a Christian word and a Christian thing. It is the reverse of happiness. Happiness is the result of what happens of an agreeable sort. Joy has its spring deep down inside. And that spring never runs dry, no matter what happens. Only Jesus gives that joy. - Samuel Gordon
Truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. Your goodness must have some edge to it--else it is none. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are no traffic jams when you go the extra mile. - Anonymous
The kingdom of God or nothing.
Lasting change is a series of compromises. And compromise is all right, as long your values don't change. - Jane Goodall
Racism and religious bigotry are two essential pieces of baggage mankind carries as it moves from one century to the next. - R. N. Prasher
Revolution does have to be violent precisely because the Pharaoh won't let you go. If the Pharaoh would let you go, the revolution won't have to be violent. - Michael Hardt
A year from today, it will be Good if your life is positively different, but GREAT if your life has made a positive difference on others - Fela Durotoye
Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not. - Ana Monnar
It's often a matter of sitting in front of the computer and worrying. It's what writing comes down to--worrying that things aren't going to work out. - Khaled Hosseini
The simple act of praying and petitioning for prayers is in itself a blessing of God's grace and yet another step toward peace, forgiveness, healing, and salvation, regardless of the initial outcome of the prayer. - Joe Campos
The power of a corrupt government is located in the ignorance and indifference of its people - rjs - rassool jibraeel snyman
I see a good deal of talk from Washington about lowering taxes. I hope they do get 'em lowered enough so people can afford to pay 'em. - Will Rogers
From today onwards, I am going to strive for the greatest purity of soul, that the rays of God's grace may be reflected in all their brilliance. - St. Faustina Kowalska
...as the old saying goes: if you teach a man to fish, he will feed himself for a lifetime. But if you just give him a fishing pole, he’ll have to teach himself. - Zechariah Barrett
Graduating from college doesn't mean you're smart, said Mike Mussina who graduated from Stanford in 3 1/2 years, but it does mean you're smart enough to know that having a college degree would be a good thing. - John Feinstein
It has nothing to do with who I am as compared to everyone else. It has everything to do with who I am in companionship with God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A Man can Live two Weeks without Food,go two days without Water,and two minutes without Air,and apparently,an entire lifetime without a BRAIN. - Walter Thomas Jr
People should not have to sacrifice so much of their personal lives, hopes, dreams and goals just to keep up with corporate pressured morebetterfaster. And tomorrow’s workforce won’t. - Bill Jensen
If the clients can be shown the saving in money on the purchase of a product, they themselves give often multiple reasons to the seller as why his goods or services offer a value for money. - Anuj Somany
Let's be honest. Sometimes art is dangerous, though. And that's why governments sometimes get nervous about art. But one of the things I truly believe is if you try to suppress the arts, then I think you are suppressing the deepest dreams and aspirations of the people. - Barack Obama
If you are reading this then you have wasted another day of your life day dreaming, rather than planning the life God intended you to live. - Shannon L. Alder
Maybe the real miracle in any miracle is our ability to believe that despite our own depravity, in the eyes of God we are worthy of a miracle. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road. - Karen Blixen
Gratitude is continuous stream of goodness. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I can’t go down without a fight. Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to… to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games. - Suzanne Collins
Love is when unknowingly I am moving to a world of no return, Where my desire and your fragrance together burnall your thoughts in canvas of my mind and soulturns in to a masterpiece as my life's aim and goal looks I am taken over and over away by you showering in me as a rain of you and only you - Seema Gupta
Silence is better than unmeaning words. - Pythagoras
In life you’ll face difficulties that postpone some of your dreams. Regardless, life goes fast by reminding us youth is finite and old age is stable. So you mustn’t stop dreaming and running while your strength is yet tough. - Darmie Orem
God is the truth. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We must stop seeing our anointed men and women of God as Seers, magic workers, Herbalist and native doctors. - Sunday Adelaja
When I was young there was no respect for the young, and now that I am old there is no respect for the old. I missed out coming and going.
A dead atheist is someone who's all dressed up with no place to go.
The length of the fall is dictated by how far we had climbed. The outcome of the fall is dictated by whether we’re holding on to that which we’re climbing, or we’re letting God hold onto us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite time in the future. - George S. Patton Jr.
Sometimes you have to let go in order to receive; after all the universe naturally acquires balance. - Turcois Ominek
The first time Enokizu met me, the first words he said were: "You look like an ape."When someone is that outrageously rude, it's hard to be angry. - Natsuhiko Kyogoku
If women were as good as men they'd be a lot better! - Terry Pratchett
Good bye" is a good gift when you wave it at me because I refuse to follow a bad advice you gave. Wave it at me and I will show you the door. - Israelmore Ayivor
Never chase a person that doesn't know your worth because the moment you catch him you will always feel you were never good enough. - Shannon L. Alder
The only idea they have ever manifested as to what is a government of consent, is this--that it is one to which everybody must consent, or be shot. - Lysander Spooner
I think that you’ve got to make something that pleases you and hope that other people feel the same way. - Thomas Keller
The irony of American history is the tendency of good white Americanas to presume racial innocence. Ignorance of how we are shaped racially is the first sign of privilege.In other words. It is a privilege to ignore the consequences of race in America. - Tim Wise
I often wonder if my imagination is one of God’s choicest gifts bestowed upon me to deliberately break me free from the frequent doldrums of my humanity. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Knowing that the brain is predisposed to religion and spirituality, then might it be that God is a creation of the brain? - Stephen Richards
If what you have done yesterday still looks big to you, you haven't done much today. - Mikhail Gorbachev
I don't care how poor and inefficient a little country is; they like to run their own business. I know men that would make my wife a better husband than I am; but, darn it, I'm not going to give her to 'em. - Will Rogers
Each generation of the church in each setting has the responsibility of communicating the gospel in understandable terms, considering the language and thought-forms of that setting. - Francis A. Schaeffer
A great fire burns within me, but no one stops to warm themselves at it, and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke - Vincent Van Gogh
It is said that you can't write without a reader. The opposite holds true as well; you can't read without a writer. But if as a single, creative person you are one in the same, then, well.....problem solved! Great writing is born from that which we personally long to read. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Is it not the disparity of wealth that consumes the willing soul. Rather, the golden keys of opportunity clamor softly with fraught anxiety of things which may never come. - Joel T. McGrath
Keep focus to realize the goal. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Students of the heavens are separable into astronomers and astrologers as readily as are the minor domestic ruminants into sheep and goats, but the separation of philosophers into sages and cranks seems to be more sensitive to frames of reference. - Willard Van Orman Quine
In the process of letting go, we create abundance. - Debasish Mridha
I often warn people: "Somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you, 'There is no "I" in team.' What you should tell them is, 'Maybe not. But there is an "I" in independence, individuality and integrity. - George Carlin
Be careful not to laugh at the Phoenix when she goes up in flames, or you'll be left in the dust when she grows her new wings and flies swiftly away. - Cristen Rodgers
Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it be exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
It sure does, Ben, it definitely does...this is definite...it specifically clearly, unequivocally says that Russia and other countries will enter into war and God will destroy Russia through earthquakes, volcanoes... - Pat Robertson
If this is going to be my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward. - Dean Winchester Supernatural
People who don't exercise their freedom of voting (choosing their leaders) are irresponsible. Such people have no right to complain or want more than what they are receiving from the government. Intentional failure to vote is cowardly, irresponsible and a sign of ignorance. - Allan Amanyire
Thank God,my name isn’t in the list of thosewho died or werekilled yesterday! - Suman Pokhrel
Wouldn’t this old world be better If the folks we meet would say: ‘I know something good about you,’ And then treat us that way? - N. Eldon Tanner
When my horse is running good, I don't stop to give him sugar. - William Faulkner
Good fortune often occurs when you stop expecting life to present opportunities to you and you start presenting opportunities to life. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Why are we here? We're here to go! - William S. Burroughs
[Paul] has no intention to instruct the Christian community about the task and responsibility of government. His entire concern is with the responsibility of the Christian community towards the State. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
If we accept the premise that we’re always wrong, it really removes the incentive to spend a lot of time trying to make good guesses because even the good guesses turn out to be wrong. So, make plausible guesses… and tell a good story. - James S.A. Corey
At nineteen, one lives in the utter idolatry, therefore the extreme superstition, of sex. Monstrously exaggerated tales about sexual feats, which we listen to greedily, determine our expectations. The disappointments are correspondingly great. - Gregor von Rezzori
The sacred duty of every soul is to fear God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Jesus fühlte rein und dachteNur den Einen Gott im stillen;Wer ihn selbst zum Gotte machte,Kränkte seinen heiligen Willen. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
World trends are changing at an increasing pace.Does that mean you need to move faster to achieve your goals? No...you don't have to match the speed of your prey. You just need to stop chasing and start anticipating. Don't aim for where your target is...focus on where it will be. - Sola Kosoko
Oppose vigorously any tendency to sadness ... You must persevere. By means of sorrow the enemy tries to make us weary of good works, but if he sees that we don't give them up and that being done in spite of his opposition they have become very meritorious, he will stop troubling us. - Francis de Sales
Anywhere is walking distance, if you've got the time. - Steven Wright
I have good reason to be content,for thank God I can read andperhaps understand Shakespeare to his depths. - John Keats
A mistake from a good person always gets treated as crime. - Pratik Akkawar
Oh, mercy, there is nothing monstrously ugly about you. Ruth may be unpleasing, but you are merely plain. If anything, it's my beauty that's monstrous, for it sweeps away any other aspect of my character. - Gregory Maguire
When you’re called to Revival & Awakening you walk closer to God and most people won't understand your calling so save your breathe you don’t have to explain yourself - Joe Joe Dawson
There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Social responsibility becomes an aspect not of Christian mission only, but also of Christian conversion. It is impossible to be truly converted to God without being thereby converted to our neighbor. - John R.W. Stott
Government is a system of morality developed by philosophers and refined by mercenaries. - Alex Stein
I know something you do not know. I am not left-handed either. - William Goldman
Until you go and grow ‎MAD‬ with and in your true passion and purpose, you cannot enter the realm of meteority which is enemical to mediocrity. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
It is by continuing to put out good work that the artist best shows his gratitude. - Criss Jami
Goodness without wisdom always accomplishes evil. - Robert A. Heinlein
All ways will lead and take you there as long as you know where you want to go. - Auliq Ice
You don't have to go through someone's pain to understand it. Empathy is enough. - Saru Singhal
Sooner or later on this journey, every traveller faces the same question: Are you a human intending to be a god, or a god pretending to be human? - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
To think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all - such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor. - James Allen
Your path should be lighted with love and trust, your purpose should be clear, and your goal should be the light post. - Debasish Mridha
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never learned to walk. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
What makes the engine go? Desire, desire, desire. - Stanley Kunitz
The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow. - Bob Marley
Fifteen cents of every twenty-cent stamp goes to storage. - Louis Rukeyser
How can you forgive someone when they can't give a reason why? - PureDragonWolf
Letting go of resentment or hurt allows you to take your power back. Forgiveness isn't about saying what happened to you is okay. It is about living your life in the present and letting go of the past. - Renee D. Cefalu
To create emptiness in your heart, let it go with love and fill it with infinite love. - Debasish Mridha
Our thoughts and perceptions are our god.Our true inner awareness is the purest temple,where I worship every day for the divine. - Debasish Mridha
The only people who experience no resistance are the unambitious and the dead. If you feel no resistance in your life, you need greater goals or you need to check your pulse. Life and movement come with resistance. Don’t be discouraged by it, be strengthened by it. - Steve Maraboli
Achieving a goal is nothing. The getting there is everything. - Jules Michelet
My love for you reaches beyond the borders of continents, so vast in scope that I would cross oceans to be with you.Yes, but does that same love penetrate so deep as to dare thee to sink to the oceans' depths to find me?"-from "My Aquarius - Richelle E. Goodrich
If you can’t believe then you can’t achieve and belief is intrinsic to every human; so what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get what you believe to achieve. - Mumtaz Kazmi
All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire, but my heart is all my own. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The love, loyalty, and dedication of Mary and Joseph are an example for all Christian couples, who are neither the friends nor masters of their children’s lives, but the guardians of this incomparable gift from God. - Pope Benedict XVI
I'm going home." - Celeste"To never return?" - Uway"Yes, show me the way to never return." - CelesteALL LIGHT WILL FALL - Almney King
Nothing gold can stay. - Robert Frost
Don't be fooled...If they gossip to you, they'll gossip about you. - Steve Maraboli
To remain indifferent to the challenges we face is indefensible. If the goal is noble, whether or not it is realized within our lifetime is largely irrelevant. What we must do therefore is to strive and persevere and never give up. - Dalai Lama XIV
A good son makes a good husband. - American Proverb
At the end of the day, it’s your life. If you turn out good, the world celebrates you and with you (not minding how you achieved it). If bad, they abandon you (even if they gave you the advice that led you to doom). Just be you and follow your heart. - Omoakhuana Anthonia
For when we cease to worship God, we do not worship nothing, we worship anything. - G.K. Chesterton
I regard golf as an expensive way of playing marbles.
gosto do teu zeloquando deitas nosso nomena palavra amor - Márcia Abath
I love words. I crave descriptions that overwhelm my imagination with vivid detail. I dwell on phrases that make my heart thrum. I cherish expressions that pierce my emotions and force the tears to spill over. In essence, I long for a writer's soul sealed in ink on the page. - Richelle E. Goodrich
This man has talent, that man geniusAnd here's the strange and cruel difference:Talent gives pence and his reward is gold,Genius gives gold and gets no more than pence. - W.H. Davies
When i look to my past i'm not believe in god but for future god is hope. - Kjiva
I had the good fortune and opportunity to come home and to tell the truth; many soldiers, like Pat Tillman… did not have that opportunity. The truth of war is not always easy. The truth is always more heroic than the hype. - Jessica Lynch
England has two books, the Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare,but the Bible made England. - Victor Hugo
The more wild and incredible your desire, the more willing and prompt God is in fulfilling it, if you will have it so. - Coventry Patmore
As things are now going, the peace we will make, the peace we seem to be making, will be a peace of oil, a peace of gold, a peace of shipping, a peace, in brief... without moral purpose or human interest. - Archibald MacLeish
The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope. - Barack Obama
In Kilanga, people knew nothing of things they might have had - a Frigidaire? a washer-dryer combination? Really, they'd sooner imagine a tree that could pull up its feet and go bake bread. It didn't occur to them to feel sorry for themselves. - Barbara Kingsolver
The four most beautiful words in our common language: I told you so. - Gore Vidal
... dançava para si mesmo, um homem nu entre cegos... - Christopher Rice
What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on? - Henry David Thoreau
Where there is no property, or at least none that exceeds the value of two or three days' labour, civil government is not so necessary. - Adam Smith
You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now. - Joan Baez
This is the world. Half of it is lit by the sun and the other half remains in darkness. It is the same with life. There is good and bad and it's our duty to remain in the light, be good. - Anita Nair
He laid the foundation of a universal government. His law was one for all. Equal justice and love for everyone. - George Rivorie
When you understand the mechanincs of stress and master the techniques to manipulate someone's fears and dreams, you will be powerful. - Gregory Hartley
Whenever i see someone fighting me for no reason, I'm always highly impressed that God has instigated his anger against me, just as he did to pharoah against the Israelites, so as to cast me away into my promise land of fulfilment. - Michael Bassey Johnson
No one understands now. Those who couldhear a song this deeply vanished long ago. - Li Bai
I thought you wanted to catch a camel," you tried again."No.""I want to.""Well, you go then."You laughed. "I want your beautiful face where I can see it - Lucy Christopher
How frequently are the honesty and integrity of a man disposed of by a smile or a shrug. How many good and generous actions have been sunk into oblivion by a distrustful look, or stamped with the imputation of bad motives, by a mysterious and seasonable whisper!
Always ask yourself the question "Is this going to help get me to my goal or not? - Bob Proctor
The only way to move from your reality to God’s reality is through people who love you. - Shannon L. Alder
Time is like a thief in the night. Don't be caught sleeping on it; One day you'll wake up and everything is gone. - Andrea L'Artiste
After all, what could you expect from a pig but a grunt? - L.M. Montgomery
If we don't learn from each others experience, we are forced to listen to people who have economic reasons to withhold critical information from us all. The other option is to wait for the government to tell us what their financial supporters want us to know. - Richard Diaz
There is no expedient to which a man will not go to avoid the labor of thinking. - Thomas A. Edison
It's the possibility that when you're dead you might still go on hurting that bothers me. - Keri Hulme
Life is a loan;you are a debtor,and God is your creditor.Pay Him back by obeying Him - Matshona Dhliwayo
Oh external worshiper, know that worship without heart is motions. Oh seeker of knowledge, know that knowledge without purification is a dangerous weapon of the ego. Oh activist, know that work without orientation of heart is fruitless. Oh lover, know that love without God is pain. - Yasmin Mogahed
Good means not merely not to do wrong, but rather not to desire to do wrong. - Democritus
Pleasure is our force for living. Without it we go mad or kill ourselves. - Marty Rubin
No person is 100% faithful. It is only when we see the depth of our own unfaithfulness that we can truly begin to understand the faithfulness of Jesus. He is faithful even when we are not. Thankfully, we have a perfect God who loves us imperfect people. - Jayce O'Neal
The Bible Belt is collapsing. The world of nominal, cultural Christianity that took the American dream and added Jesus to it in order to say, 'you can have everything you ever wanted and Heaven too,' is soon to be gone. Good riddance. - Russell D. Moore
If there's something you really want in life - especially if it's something that scares you, or you think you don't deserve - you have to go after it and do it now. Or in not very long you'll be right: you won't deserve it. - Alena Graedon
God's greatest desire is for you to come to Him. - Jim George
Man survives earthquakes, epidemics, the horrors of disease, and agonies of the soul, but all the time his most tormenting tragedy has been, is, and will always be, the tragedy of the bedroom. - Leo Tolstoy
El único magno crimen del Gobierno esta en el hecho de que gobierne. El pecado imperdonable del poder supremo está en que es supremo - G.K. Chesterton
Do not go gentle into that good night. - Dylan Thomas
down with hell and heaven and all the religious fussinfinity pleased our parents one inch looks good to us - E.E. Cummings
the more the tree goes up in the air, the more it goes down into the earth. Remember humility in greatness. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I have confidence that my prayers are answered because I sought God's will before I asked. - Davin Whitehurst
Those who are men in God’s eyes would live and die for the promotion of equity, fairness and impartiality - Sunday Adelaja
Human security depends on a system where each rational individual calculates that it is more profitable not to rebel. - Mark Gough
It is not ‘Have I got a chance?’ It is more often: ‘Have I seen my chance? - Idries Shah, Reflections
Stay focus on what God has assigned me to do. Keep my mind on what I am doing/ - John C. Maxwell
The deeper you go into the Word of God, the more light you will receive for your life and the wiser you will be in your actions. - Sunday Adelaja
Mary and Josephhuddle snugly together.They cradle God's son. - Richelle E. Goodrich
With God, being lost is nothing more than an idea that never has and never will be anything more than an idea. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.David - Jeana Kendrick
Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life. Your vision explains how you are living your purpose. Your goals enable you to realize your vision." - - Bob Proctor
Naturally, people especially in America live in the moment and, given the crisis orientation of cable news, think that [the 2000s are] the worst period the country has ever gone through. Not really. - Ivan Eland
Far away soul in a dreamy stateForgotten slumber seemingly latePure rhythmic love now rising higherUnclad passion our only attire - Munia Khan
Knowledge (curriculum) and behavior (pedagogy) are embedded in everyone’s core beliefs about the nature of God, humanity, and the world. - Abraham Kuyper
Where is the good memories ? Where is Love ? - Sara Keddar
...in order that a man may be happy, it is necessary that he should not only be capable of his work, but a good judge of his work. - John Ruskin
If we are going to stick to this damned quantum-jumping, then I regret that I ever had anything to do with quantum theory.
Evil has to exist along with good, in order that moral choice may operate. - Anthony Burgess
I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense. - Harold S. Kushner
I didn’t know what to spend it on, ’cause my mum said she didn’t want me to buy her nothing. So I was going to buy Larry something, but he said I should spend it on something I always wanted. So I bought a cat. - J.L. Merrow
When fear meets fear nothing good ever happens. - Charles F. Glassman
We got where we are because our choices mapped the route and paved the road. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Life is a flowing river. We came from earth and water. We will go back there after the magic of life. - Debasish Mridha
I couldn't be better at ANYTHING until I got to know who I was. That is the beauty of answering the question, 'Who am I? - Divine K. Kpe, Educator, Social Entrepreneur, Corporate Writer, Speaker
Good literature is a lifeboat! Every time you feel you are sinking, jump on it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Men are my hobby, if I ever got married I'd have to give it up. - Mae West
My feeling is, quite simply, that if there is a God, He has done such a bad jobthat he isn't worth discussing. - Isaac Asimov
It is my business as a Sunday school teacher to instill a divine discontent for the ordinary. Only the best possible is good enough for God. Can you say, 'God, I have done all that I can? - Henrietta C. Mears
All good that you have done for the humanity, keep it like a secret; do your goodness in the shadow! Let one day others find this secret, preferably long after you have passed away! - Mehmet Murat ildan
To become successful online, you only need to remember the following : Good Heart + Passion + Web Design + SEO + Digital Marketing + Dedication + Positiveness + Patience = Success - Dr. Christopher Dayagdag
Man in his spiritual pride has exchanged God’s method of self-denial for Satan’s plan of self–improvement. - Daniel W. Blair
The world knows of Rosa Parks because of a single, simple act of dignity and courage that struck a lethal blow to the foundations of legal bigotry. - Bill Clinton
Don't ever let your day end in "could haves" and "should haves." Life is meant to be one experience after another. Say yes to everything that is good for you. - Toni Sorenson
You have an inbuilt goodness. Why should you allow some poisonous elements to destroy that goodness? Protect your goodness by any means. Stay away from the toxic people. - Anjan Dey
I always said I'm just an instrument; I'm transparent, like a medium, the language passes through me. Which is a bit like saying I'm a recording device, I start and I go. I had a real connection to ongoing, language production in real time. - Constance Dejong
The positive emotions that arise in...unpromising circumstances demonstrate that social ties and meaningful work are deeply desired, readily improvised, and intensely rewarding. The very structure of our economy and society prevent these goals from being achieved. - Rebecca Solnit
Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children - William Makepeace Thackeray
Work, which makes a man free, and thought, which makes him worthy of freedom. - Victor Hugo
Wherever your thoughts and beliefs can take you, you can go there. - Debasish Mridha
Am dat cu trandafiri în oameni,Dar unii fiind de soare goi,Oprindu-și florile luminiiMi-au întors spinii înapoi. - Virgil Carianopol
There's no safety outside of God. - Beth Nimmo
True success is there when a person has the ability to lose himself or herself in the search of knowledge and wisdom by using love, joy, and gratitude. On the other hand, societal success comes from the progressive realizations of worthy goals. - Debasish Mridha
Instead of being proud that you led someone to God, be more concerned with the person you pushed away from Him. - Donna Lynn Hope
Be nice, feel good; be mean, feel pain. - Maximus Freeman
I am going to hurt you.You are going to hurt me.But we will do it with practiced fingersand passionate mouthsand I swear to godit will be worth something. - Trista Mateer
When someone you love says goodbye you can stare long and hard at the door they closed and forget to see all the doors God has open in front of you. - Shannon L. Alder
A genuine Christian with a heart empty of all wickedness and filled with Christ's Love should be able to achieve any spiritual goals for the Glory of God. - Santosh Thankachan
It's all about the people. It's all for the people. It's all to the people. That's our ultimate goal. - Nurudeen Ushawu
It is a great paradox and a great injustice that writers write because we fear death and want to leave something indestructible in our wake and, at the same time, are drawn to all the things that kill: whiskey and cigarettes, unprotected sex, and deep-fried burritos. - Ariel Gore
Create new daily choices to embrace that you are good enough and you are worthy enough, just as you are, right now. - Eileen Anglin
Frances was not only grieving her sister's loss, but also striving to reconcile in her mind the tragedy with the idea of a loving God. Restless and aching, Frances climbed mountains in the Swiss Alps, where their hotel had a view of beautiful Mount Rigi. - Nancy Carpentier Brown
It was beautiful in a harsh I'm-going-to-gut-you-like-a-fish kind of way. - Rick Riordan
What goes up must come down. - Isaac Newton
If it be well weighed, to say that a man lieth, is as much to say, as that he is brave towards God and a coward towards men. - Michel de Montaigne
God has provided you with many avenues for obtaining wisdom and averting failure. Resist your inclination to accept advice with easy solutions and to reject help that requires a more difficult path. - Jim George
The limits of my language are the limits of my universe. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I don't think it was pain that made [Vincent Van Gogh] great - I think his painting brought him whatever happiness he had. - David Lynch
Happiness is like a cat. If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing up against your legs and jumping into your lap. - William J. Bennett
Every path we take in life, we make the decision to pursue a dream. We travel the path of our dreams on a mental path of a narrow bridge; we must stay focused on our goal and not fear, lest we lose our balance of purpose and fall. - Ellen J. Barrier
If you know you're going to lose something so bad, let it go with your own hand. - Amir Sheykhi
People fear nothing as much as boredom and they will do unimaginable things to make it go away. - Amit Kalantri
COMPROMISE, n. Such an adjustment of conflicting interests as gives each adversary the satisfaction of thinking he has got what he ought not to have, and is deprived of nothing except what was justly his due. - Ambrose Bierce
As we balance and become more and more identified with our spiritual nature, and the ego returns to its designated place, we again are led by the Spirit, but now in a conscious way. - Gerry Boylan
I've got to keep breathing. It'll be my worst business mistake if I don't. - Steve Martin
Every time you drink a glass of milk or eat a piece of cheese, you harm a mother. Please go vegan. - Gary L. Francione
One can talk good and shower down roses, but it's the receiver that has to walk through the thorns, and all its false expectations. - Anthony Liccione
Despite what you think you know, sometimes your plans may be interrupted. Because you were designed for a purpose. You are on a mission to achieve greatness. No matter what obstacles lie in your path, you will reach your destination. Remember God's grace is sufficient. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Knowledge is a destination. Truth, the journey. - Terry Goodkind
You (God) have not only commanded continence, that is, from what things we are to restrain our love, but also justice, that is, on what we are to bestow our love. - Saint Augustine
What keeps me going is goals. - Muhammad Ali
How you react doesn’t tell a person about your character, as much as it does your fear or God's fire. Which is it? - Shannon L. Alder
The Spirit of God breathes inspiration, while the carnal mind breeds vanity. - Fred C. White
The separation of sexuality from procreation in Greek culture helps explain the terrible demographic decay that Greece would suffer during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. - Daniel P. Goldman
A perfectly evil Devil makes even less sense than a perfect God. - Anne Rice
Perfect… is a moment. Not a life. You don’t get to perfect with long conversations and a shitty job and a high school sweet heart. Perfect comes, and it goes. Perfect is a moment. It comes, you make the most of it, and then you let it go. - J.D. Hawkins
If you don't have the right support form the right people you are always going to be the best choice and not the preferred choice. - Richmond Akhigbe
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. - Bible
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods. - Albert Einstein
Pray for good.Pray for happy.And always pray for Mom. - Richelle E. Goodrich
That's the whole problem with science. You've got a bunch of empiricists trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder. - Bill Watterson
Many are poets, but without the name;For what is Poesy but to createFrom overfeeling Good or Ill; and aimAt an external life beyond our fate,And be the new Prometheus of new men,Bestowing fire from Heaven, and then, too late,Finding the pleasure given repaid with pain - George Gordon Byron
The mountains are calling and I must go. - John Muir
There ain't no devil, only God when he's drunk. - Tom Waits
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. - Bible
It was by faith, nothing wavering, that Joseph saw God our Eternal Father and Jesus Christ, His Son. - Thomas S. Monson
We are God chosen-souls. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Science Fiction: Any scientific acclaim that omits God. - Johnny Hart
I believe, and I say it is true Democratic feeling, that all the measures of the government are directed to the purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer. - William Henry Harrison
If I were to construct a God I would furnish Him with some way and qualities and characteristics which the Present lacks. - Mark Twain
God never said that we wouldn’t have unfair situations, that we wouldn’t experience loss. But He promised if we would stay in faith, He would restore everything that was stolen. - Joel Osteen
From my experience with God, and what I read from his Holy Book. I sometimes think that he is more interested in our discomfort than in our comfort. - Sunday Adelaja
It's good to have an end in mind but in the end what counts is how you travel. - Orna Ross
All the electronic devices are powered by white smoke. When smoke goes out, device is dead. - Milan Nikolić
In order to keep liking Nick (as opposed to loving him which was completely non-negotiable) Alice sometimes had to look at him obliquely or with her eyes half closed or through a pin hole on a piece of cardboard. Straight on would burn her retinas. - Carol Anshow
A life which has never been laid open in penitence and faith before God has little permanence in eternity. - R.K. Harrison
All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptable. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted. - Frank Herbert
Jewelry of the clouds on the horizon; Seven circles are intertwined. A voice follows you without words; Soft footsteps, in the water of transience. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
I'm blessed when someone who I loved and trusted dropped me off, because I have a good choice to think and great lesson to learn - Sivaprakash Sidhu
There is no such thing as a good call at 7 AM. It's been my experience that all calls between the hours of 11 PM and 9 AM are disaster calls. - Janet Evanovich
My goal has been willing to kiss my feet. - Tanmaya Guru
I may be small, but I've got friends that make me ten feet tall. - Mickey Mouse
The thought of never crossing your path again is to enormous to bare, so for now I'll make dreams in my heart and remind myself to go and sit & remember them every once in a while. - Nikki Rowe
It places value on experience versus intellectual understanding. I saw a lot of people contemplating things but it didn't seem to lead to too many places. I got very interested in people who had discovered something more significant than an intellectual, abstract understanding. - Steve Jobs
This was not Aunt Dahlia, my good and kindly aunt, but my Aunt Agatha, the one who chews broken bottles and kills rats with her teeth. - P.G. Wodehouse
There are no good girls gone wrong - just bad girls found out. - Mae West
The surest antidote for anxiety is to always do your best and have complete trust in God. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Negotiation is permissible for mediocrity not for excellence. - Amit Kalantri
The Bible makes it clear that every time that there is a story of faith, it is completely original. God's creative genius is endless. - Eugene H. Peterson
Some will wear masks their entire life because they care about what other people think, while others remove the mask to be who they truly are. The difference between the two is not the ability to trust others, but to trust in God. - Shannon L. Alder
I stole you, among others, from the streets of God’s birthplace. I forced you to work as a slave. Imprisoned, mistreated and starved you and your companion. To top it off, I am in the process of selling your life to the highest bidder. Why would you trust me? - V.S. Carnes
Just be, right now, here; & breathe. Stop questioning every little thing, stop analysing how it should be and let go of the control, you hold so tightly onto; and beging to trust the magic of yourself. - Nikki Rowe
What is Poverty? A hateful good; a mother of health; a putting away of cares; a discoverer of wisdom; business without injury; ownership without calumny; happiness without anxiety. - Secundus the Silent
Preach the gospel to yourself, because as you consider who you are in light of God's perfect goodness, holiness and peace, you must soften toward others. - Thomas Brooks
Rights" are something made up by governments to make you feel like you're buying something with your taxes. - Stefan Molyneux
For me, boviscopophobia (=the morbid fear of being seen as bovine) is an even stronger motive than semi-agoraphobia for staying on the ship when we're in port. - David Foster Wallace
The great act of faith is when a man decides he is not God. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Vice...Virtue...It's not good to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. - Thomas Jefferson
Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
You've got to be smart enough to write and stupid enough not to think about all the things that might go wrong. - Sarah Gilbert
The pop star, "Michael Jackson" was believed by some to be a member of the illuminati cult sect and a paedophile, but i'm totally indifferent about this rumor, and i truly love him for his magnanimity towards humanity, and if i was God, i will not hesitate to let him into heaven. - Michael Bassey Johnson
It always feels good and comforting to relax whilst there is work to be done but, it feels fulfilling to work hard, overcome slothfulness and challenges with tenacity and achieve your aim when you should have relaxed - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Nothing good ever comes out of hurry and frustration, only misery. - Auliq Ice
Each choice strengthens the magic you bring to the world, either for good or for evil. Those choices are yours alone.~Mab Atkinson - A.J. Benson
She Accepted Him The Way He Is , A Broke Guy , with a broken heart, it was not material she aimed for but love she got ! - rochdi rais
I have learned to be happy by calming my ego. - Debasish Mridha
You have always understood and accepted my most genuine, most intimate impulses and responded to them with surprising accuracy. I wish all people turned into such mirrors for each other. - Igor Eliseev
With warning hand I mark time's rapid flightFrom life's glad morning to its solemn nightYet through God's love, I also showThere's light above me by the shade below. - Ralph Greenleaf Whittier
For four centuries now, the American people have resigned themselves to natural disasters and acts of God: floods, prairie fires, blizzards, tornados, hurricanes, dust bowls, epidemics, academics, lawyers, and politicians. - Markham Shaw Pyle
That government is best which governs least. - Thomas Paine
Sometimes old things need to go away. That way, we have room for the new things that come into our lives. - Randy K. Milholland
Beauty isn't something on the outside. It's your insides that count! You gotta eat green stuff to make sure you're pretty on the inside.
Can't you see? Before you knew the truth, we were happy. What's the god in ferreting out the truth all that time? It's always unpleasant.""Is it only lies that are Pleasant?""Usually. That's why people tell them. To make life bearable. - Penelope Mortimer
All the blogs Christian,Military, Christian,Military, Operations Christians,Christ,Jesus,God,Prophecy and Ministry around the world.Warriors following Christ. - Martine Roddigase
Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus. - Oprah Winfrey
An evolved and balanced Ego can be a valuable tool for the Self. But a blinding one is always among the first footsteps into Oblivion. - Luis Marques
Your most important task is not to achieve a goal but it is to improve yourself every day. - Debasish Mridha
If you seek creative ideas go walking.Angels whisper to a man when he goes fora walk. - Raymond I. Myers
It's a pretty amazing to wake up every morning, knowing that every decision I make is to cause as little harm as possible. It's a pretty fantastic way to live. - Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
and the creation, in the world and above the world, that once was at variance with itself, is knit together in friendship: and we ... are made to join in the angels' song, offering the worship of their praise. - Gregory of Nyssa
We have to let go of mistakes we can no longer do anything about and move forward with clarity, focus on positivity. - Jay Woodman
Can a bad tree bears good fruits? - Lailah Gifty Akita
Good people eat all their veggies and all the fruits, but they still have good grades. I call this, Freakonomics."- Pazandak - Adam
It washed all over me and through me, into the floor and then it was gone. I never cried for my Da again after that, and God's presence has been with me ever since. - Adien MacRae, BETWEEN - Cyndi Tefft
There is no check-box for ethical leadership. It is an ongoing individual and organizational journey. We will never know everything that there is to know. - Linda Fisher Thornton
You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it. - Neville Goddard
We must search the scriptures, accepting them as the mind and will and voice of the Lord and the very power of God unto salvation. - Bruce R. McConkie
God will not allow you to add the words "next time" to now faith. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
I almost always urge people to write in the first person. Writing is an act of ego and you might as well admit it. - William Zinsser
The saying goes that for a wound caused by dog bite to heal you have to eat that same dog, and I did scoop up a mouthful for myself - Han Kang, The Vegetarian
Not, how much of my money will I give to God, but, how much of God’s money will I keep for myself? - John Wesley
If you're working out in front of a mirror and watching your muscles grow, your ego has reached a point where it is now eating itself. That's why I believe there should be a psychiatrist at every health club, so that when they see you doing this, they will take you away for a little chat. - Lewis Black
Future demands a grand mix of everything - Freedom Goodbird
Everybody is born so that they can learn to live a good life-like loving everybody and being nice, right? Well animals already know how to do that, so they don't have to live so long - Robin Downing
Your trials and difficulties are a golden opportunity to illustrate your faith in God. - Elizabeth George
You can stop a raging forest fire, a herd of stampeding buffalo or even a runaway freight train, but you can’t stop a good man". - John Paul Warren
To cut 1930s jobless, FDR taxed corps and rich. Govt used money to hire many millions. Worked then; would now again. Why no debate on that? - Richard D. Wolff
You've got to know what your magic is. How else will you fully share your gifts with others and enrich the world for these precious years that you live? - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Sei: The Kudzu snacks were so good I had two and a half bowls but seeing you eat 16 and a half bowls was disgusting. I sriously considered killing you.Okita: You're horrible! Besides then I'd bleed Kudzu snacks!Sei: NOO! STOP!!! I CAN SEE IT!! I'LL HAVE NIGHTMARES!! - Taeko Watanabe
Learning from your mistake is good, but learning from others mistake is better. - Japson
Serenity is when you get above all this, when it doesn't matter what they think, say or want, but when you do as you are, and see God and Devil as one. - Henry Miller
I always secretly looked forward to nothing going as planned. That way, I wasn't limited by my imagination. That way, anything can, and always did, happen. - CrimethInc.
If you lead with your heart, you will go to the most amazing places. - Cindy McDonald
...still, I’m lucky: I feast on solitude, I will never miss the crowd. I could read the great books but the great books don’t interest me. I sit in bed and wait for the whole thing to go one way or the other. just like everybody else. - Charles Bukowski
In order to achieve stable success, you must be focused on God and not on success itself. - Sunday Adelaja
I have spent my days stringing and unstringing my instrument, while the song I came to sing remains unsung. - Rabindranath Tagore
People don't believe what you tell them.They rarely believe what you show them.They often believe what their friends tell them.They always believe what they tell themselves. - Seth Godin
Never knew the word Goodbye could scatter my heart into pieces. Just 1 word, could made me cry over you. - Fi.Z
If you've never eaten while crying you don t know what life tastes like. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A good conscience is to the soul what health is to the body; it preserves constant ease and serenity within us; and more than countervails all the calamities and afflictions which can befall us from without. - Joseph Addison
Getting even with the person that broke your heart will never give you peace. The only thing that will heal your wounds is believing that God loves you enough to bring someone else into your life to respect you and love you in the way you deserve! - Shannon L. Alder
Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster is a maniac? - George Carlin
The lazy man always does twice the work. (El bago siempre pasa double trabajo) - Spanish Proverb
Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored. - Patricia A. McKillip
These stories are important to me, not because they happen to be about South Asians, but because they’re circling around a certain strain of loneliness that goes deeper than cultural dissonance, that has to do with the yearning to connect with someone else, or with some unreachable vision of home. - Tania James
We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following rules of good grooming. - Don Delillo
Black Girls… Beautiful in EVERY shade and size. We’ve got that special something! Our melanin is exquisitely beautiful! Love & embrace the skin that you’re in. Our skin tones represent beauty. Light, brown, and dark skinned girls are equally gorgeous! - Stephanie Lahart
By all means, learn beyond the classroom. In the end, thats all that will matter - Gossy Ukanwoke
Wherever you go, whenever you meet someone, enlighten every mind, brighten their life with love and kindness, it will make your world so delightful and so beautiful. - Debasish Mridha
One should not be obstinate even in worldly interaction. If you are obstinate with a ‘collector’, what will he do? He will throw you in jail. So then what will happen if you are obstinate with God? God won’t put you in jail, but his happiness upon you will break (will go away). - Dada Bhagwan
A criminal remains a criminal whether he uses a convict's suit or a monarch's crown. - Victor Hugo
C: What do you get when a giant sneezes?Out of the way. - Marigold - Jean Ferris
Everything has got a moral if you can only find it. - Lewis Carroll
War is one of the scourges with which it has pleased God to afflict men.
Your willingness to serve God is as important as your service to God. - Jim George
Christians don't tell lies they just go to church and sing them. - A.W. Tozer
the one thing we owe absolutely to God is never to be afraid of anything. - Charles de Foucauld
When you have the courage to follow your talents into the dark unknown places they lead, often God will send angels to light your way. - Shannon L. Alder
God determines the goals of the prosperity before giving prosperity to His children. - Sunday Adelaja
If god exists, he exists for all of us.Religion is such a fatuous ideology. - Sandesh limbu
The longer and more carefully we look at a funny story, the sadder it becomes. - Nikolai Gogol
But the witness of the substitutionary atonement of Jesus is that God's most difficult promise has been kept. - Sheila Walsh
Life brings darkness so many times, and we feel down in this phase of darkness. But the true value of darkness only realizes when we face the darkness, until we look some sunshine within the darkness. - John Magoss
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke
Maxim 30: A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries - Howard Tayler
The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life the sick, the needy, and the handicapped. - Hubert H. Humphrey
A struggle with infuriated foes is always bearable, but God preserve us from the terrible battle with one's friends. Everything that is in us gets broken by it. - Nikolai Gogol
Although Jesus Christ was Himself the Creative Deity, by whom all things were made, as man He humbled Himself--set aside His divine prerogatives and walked this earth as man -- a perfect demonstration of what God intended man to be--the whole personality yielded to and occupied by God for Himself. - W. Ian Thomas
Thinking about going to the balcony and jumping off. - JJM
Fear is only the enemy if you let it keep you from moving forward.Put fear on your side and let it motivate you.This is the definition of an alchemist. To turn base metal into gold. Fear into Motivation. - Matthew Donnelly
The soul is never wholly assembled, except in delight. - Hugo von Hofmannsthal
You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long. - Rabindranath Tagore
Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's; and unto human beings, what? - Stanislaw J. Lec
Lord, the money we do spend on Government and it's not one bit better than the government we got for one-third the money twenty years ago. - Will Rogers
No matter how long we wait, God’s promise shall be fulfilled. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Leave me alone", is not a good news! "Let's be together" is not a bad news. We were made to be each others keepers. Let love lead - Israelmore Ayivor
Stop thinking that nobody is good enough. - Auliq Ice
Quien planta un árbol tampoco sabe si acabará ahorcándose en él - José Saramago
People may make fun of me because I’m wearing something odd, but it’s still good to be alive. - Natsume Soseki
A good rest is half the work. - Yugoslav Proverb
An elephant is a mouse, built to government specifications.
Noble be man, Helpful and good! For that alone Sets him apart From every other creature On earth.
Jazz is the refuge of the untalented. When you go to a jazz club, you may notice that no one is enjoying themselves half as much as the people on stage. Jazz is like the theatre, it's what you do when you can't get a real gig.
My Ancestor Series of adventure-thrillers run like a raging river. I'm now in the editing process with my next thriller, "The Apothecary." Please go to my website for excerpts, synopses, and book trailers of all my works: . Marshall Chamberlain - http://www.gracepublisihing.org
My worth is not based on the ‘work of my hands’ despite how feverishly I might work and how audaciously successful I might be. Rather, my worth is based exclusively on the astonishing fact that I am the ‘work of God’s hands. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Where the people fear the government you have tyranny; where the government fears the people, you have liberty. - William Feather
A long time ago, there was a man as misunderstood as we are and they nailed him to a fucking cross!
A doctor saves lives -- It's up to people to create lives that are worth saving. - Philip Gold
A good quote is a beautiful bird! Wherever you meet with it, you will start flying with it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I think there are lots of ways of leading very good lives and growing spiritually. This process of growth goes on whether we believe it or not. - Jim Henson
Heart can keep a secret, but face is not a good secret keeper! So what heart knows, face will expose it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Ci sono molti che non vogliono dormire per paura degli incubi. Purtroppo, ci sono molti che non vogliono svegliarsi per la stessa paura. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We never know how God will answer our prayers, but we can expect that He will get us involved in His plan for the answer. If we are true intercessors, we must be ready to take part in God’s work on behalf of the people for whom we pray. - Corrie ten Boom
Start small and keep going. - Abhijit Naskar
...since the order of the world is shaped by death, mightn't it be better for God if we refuse to believe in Him and struggle with all our might against death, without raising our eyes towards the heaven where He sits in silence? - Albert Camus
The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and hold them in the right scale of values. - Norman Thomas
Some people are angels sent to you by God at your weakest moments. - Megan Wilson
Faith" will help put us together on the same direction. Faith is building a relationship with God where he is in control. It is about believing although we do not always see. Do we love God with all our heart, mind, and soul? Can we follow his voice? - Phil Mitchell
Goodness is richer than greatness. It consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward thing we are. - Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Some of us read the Bible to quote God’s words back to Him so as to get Him to make us live a discomfort free life. The reason is not far-fetched God is not interested in your comfort. He is more interested in your purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
No wonder Sleeping Beauty looked so good...she took long naps, never got old, and didn't have to do anything but snore to get her Prince Charming. - Olive Green
God provides something to you through somebody. Thats same God can give something to somebody through you. If you make yourself a greedy traffic on the way and deprive the final destined owner of what you supposed to keep provisionally, you make God upset. - Israelmore Ayivor
Gray hair is God's graffiti. - Bill Cosby
Men would live exceedingly quiet if these two words, mine and thine, were taken away. - Anaxagoras
There is no art without artist, try to paint your future under God's control. - Bruce Mbanzabugabo
Worrying is the greatest egoism! - Dada Bhagwan
One can overcome fear by acknowledging it and then choosing not to heed it." - L. R. W. Lee, Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury - L.R.W. Lee
You must believe in God in spite of what the clergy say.
However, in this city (San Francisco) that prides itself in being so progressive, it feels like we need to go back and master something both simple as well as incredibly complex each other. We can learn to embrace our differences without making them a joke or a spectacle. - Crystal Sykes
Of course, I rationalize the fear. I realize it’s not real, that my house isn’t burning down, that the deer aren’t going to kill me. - Shannon Celebi
A goose flies by a chart the Royal Geographic Society could not improve. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Attracting musicians is rather like inviting flies over to tea: they are tolerable for half an hour, but when they begin to touch the food, you either wish they would go home or die. - Michelle Franklin
She walks in beauty, like the nightOf cloudless climes and starry skies;And all that's best of dark and brightMeet in her aspect and her eyes... - George Gordon Byron
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. - Thomas Paine
Odnos prema ljudima je vjera i dug! Vjera je zato što će te Uzvišeni pitati za odnos prema njima, a dug je koji će ti se vratiti tako što će se drugi odnositi prema tebi onako kako si se ti odnosio prema njima. - Dževad Gološ
Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead. - Charles Bukowski
God is looking for sons to send to the world of business to manage it for him. - Sunday Adelaja
One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny. - Bertrand Russell
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. - William Shakespeare
If a `religion' is defined to be a system of ideas that contains unprovable statements, then Godel taught us that mathematics is not only a religion, it is the only religion that can prove itself to be one. - John D. Barrow
It is not always good to be right, but it is always wonderful to be kind - Debasish Mridha
The banks can, and do, create money... And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.
If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you'll spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living, that is to go on doing thing you don't like doing, which is stupid. - Alan W. Watts
A goal is not just an object on a pitch; it is also a milestone on your journey of excellence. - Onyi Anyado
God knows the motive of every man. - Lailah Gifty Akita
In every city you go, you will come across men of different kinds and you are the one to choose where your to belong. - Auliq Ice
Seems like everything lead up to this dayand it's just like every day that's ever been.Sun goin' up and then the sunit goin' down. - Jerry Garcia
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
if you can't take a nap, if you can't take a day off, heaven's going to drive you nuts. - Mark Driscoll
Wisdom is the understanding that God exist, and that he is the creator of all life and things in the universe and upon Earth. This is truth. When we realize mistakes we have made, we should make serious efforts to correct them. This also, is truth. - Ellen J. Barrier
When you're already going through a rough patch of life; a slight wave from past thrash you down so gracefully that journey bcms an unending shore ! - Monika Arora
Pride is a hard thing to let go but is it really worth your all - Joyce Guo
The 'Big Bang' idea of pseudo armchair pundits, too is as much a theory as a human-like big buffoon, that your so-called 'holy' books call god. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan values and ends is... the source of all religious fanaticism. - Reinhold Niebuhr
Sometimes Füsun yawned so beautifully that I would think that she had forgotten the entire world and that she was drawing from the depths of her soul a more peaceful life, as one might draw cold water from a well on a hot summer day. - Orhan Pamuk
It's always too soon to quit! Believe in the goodness of God practically speaking. - Eric C. Maynard
It's something that this country hasn't had to deal with. But there's going to be a whole new generation that doesn't know their father. It's almost selfish of us to die. They train us as warriors. But they don't teach us how to take the pain away. - Jim Sheeler
Civilization is very much an immature and ongoing experiment, the success of which is by no means yet proven.
God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try. - Mother Teresa
Anyone who claims good or evil isn't one or either, they're just a liar... the worst kind of liar... the liar that doesn't even know they're lying. We're human. We're good during the day and evil at night, half the time those roles are reversed, that's what it's all about. - Hubert Martin
God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically. - Albert Einstein
I have no ambition to govern men; it is a painful and thankless office. - Thomas Jefferson
Children are living beings - more living than grown-up people who have built shells of habit around themselves. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for their mental health and development that they should not have mere schools for their lessons, but a world whose guiding spirit is personal love. - Rabindranath Tagore
Atheist’s denial of God’s existence needs just as much substantiation as does the theist’s claim; the atheist must give plausible reasons for rejecting God’s existence. - Paul Copan
And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence - Bertrand Russell
Nature is not affected by finance. If someone offered you ten thousand dollars to let them touch your eyeball without blinking, you would never collect the money. At the very last moment, Nature would force you to blink your eye. Nature will protect her own. - Dick Gregory
The quality of American life must keep pace with the quantity of American goods. This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor. - John F. Kennedy
Temptation is a strong weapon that Satan uses against the children of God - Sunday Adelaja
We are both going to pray that we may live together all our lives and die the same day. - L.M. Montgomery
Science does not know its debt to imagination. Goethe did not believe that a great naturalist could exist without this faculty. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
You can never go further than your own thoughts. - Debasish Mridha
For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth - Bo Bennett
No question, no problem, no concern, is too big or too small for God to handle! - Elizabeth George
The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off. - Anonymous
YOU are important. You are special. You are loved. GOD has a plan for your life! Find out what it is and you'll experience a depth of fulfillment you never thought possible. - J.E.B. Spredemann
You can try to please everyone and risk accomplishing nothing, or go for your dreams and risk pissing a few people off. - Lauren DeStefano
They told me adventures were over, so I got off the internet and got on a plane. They told me kindness was a thing of the past, so I spent a year helping others in need. They told me love was dead, so I fell into it. Head over heels. - Abby Lass
In order to be really good as a librarian, everything counts towards your work, every play you go see, every concert you hear, every trip you take, everything you read, everything you know. I don’t know of another occupation like that. The more you know, the better you’re going to be. - Allen Smith
KISS, n. A word invented by the poets as a rhyme for "bliss." It is supposed to signify, in a general way, some kind of rite or ceremony appertaining to a good understanding; but the manner of its performance is unknown to this lexicographer. - Ambrose Bierce
It's not about saving humanity. It never has been." Mantrella, THE WAKING GOD TRILOGY - Philip F. Harris
Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give time, we can give our expertise, we can give our love or simply give a smile. What does that cost? The point is, none of us can ever run out of something worthwhile to give. - Steve Goodier
Criticism talks a good deal of nonsense, but even its nonsense is a useful force. It keeps the question of art before the world, insists upon its importance. - Henry James
Once you talk to your brain and emotions, thus how is going to respond. - Mikidady Selungwi
The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams. - Og Mandino
Both she and I have grief enough and trouble enough, but as for regrets neither of us have any. - Vincent Van Gogh
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes
There will always be more questions. Every answer leads to more questions. The only way to survive is to let some of them go. - David Levithan
Sometimes you know you've got a chance with a girl because she wants to fight with you. If the world wasn't so messed up, it wouldn't be like that. If the world was normal, a girl being nice to you would be a good sign, but in the real world, it isn't. - Nick Hornby
It is in deep waters that God teaches us to swim. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Careful practical work is the best expression of our freedom and safeguard of our sanity. In a healthy society, such work is the means most consistently available for people to practice holiness of life, to imitate God's enabling and sustaining care for the world. - Ellen F. Davis
To shame our sins He blushed in blood;He closed His eyes to show us God;Let all the world fall down and knowThat none but God such love can show - Bernard of Clairvaux
Whatever happens, we have gotThe Maxim gun, and they have not. - Hilaire Belloc
Go where thou wilt, thou canst not go out of thy Father's ground. - Thomas Boston
Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases. - Thomas Jefferson
I will never give up on what I love. I will never back down. I will never let go of anything that is important to me. I will hold my course steady and my God will help me see it through. This is my promise, my anthem and my path. This is my future and I own it. - Shannon L. Alder
Stars are God’s way of showing us that light can survive the darkness and shine through that there is hope; even in dark times. That the darkness isn’t all there is. - J.W. Lord
Only when we can accept God as he is can we give up the desire for spiritual experiences that we can feel. - Thomas Keating
It must feel good to have someone trying so hard to keep you in any circumstances. I wish I have one too, at least I know how does it feels to have someone wanting you more than anything, other than making you cry alone in despair. - Lee NR
When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep good?' I said 'No, I made a few mistakes.' - Steven Wright
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. - Bible
When several villages are united in a single complete community, large enough to nearly or quite self-sufficing, the state comes into existence, originating in the bare needs of life, and continuing in existence for the sake of a good life. - Aristotle
if you love someone so much and they love you as the same dont let go of them fite for them showem how you true feel no lies no bs but if they are not worth it then leave and find your happiness - Mike Radcliff Jr
This isn't good or bad. It's just the way of things. Nothing stays the same. - Gordon Atkinson
Asking questions is what brains were born to do, at least when we were young children. For young children, quite literally, seeking explanations is as deeply rooted a drive as seeking food or water. - Alison Gopnik
When God becomes routine rather than revival, it's time to switch things up. - Lysa TerKeurst
Could dump two Chinee down in one of our maria and they would get rich selling rocks to each other while raising twelve kids. Then a Hindu would sell retail stuff he got from them wholesale--below cost at a fat profit. We got along. - Robert A. Heinlein
Good Things Never Stay ..This what People Say..So,When I met you I knew That Oneday ,You Will just Go Away !STILL...I'll pray & prayThat we walk The Same WAY ( : - Mohammed Abdel-Mohsen
Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble...for the Lord, your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. - Bible
So walk in love as Christ loved us, and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. - Ephesians 5 2
Choose to believe the promise of God over the obstacles of man. - Chris Burkmenn
Now I am going to fly toward the unknown with the wings of my love. - Debasish Mridha
When life's adversities overwhelm you, look beyond your circumstances with an absolute trust that God is in control. - Mamur Mustapha
Just think how happy you'd be if you lost everything you have right now & then got it back. - Ronald Reagan
Men of honor, men of God in a healthy society, stand in defense of justice - Sunday Adelaja
Never be hurried in anything. Do all things calmly and in a spirit of repose. Do not lose your inward peace even if everything seems to be going wrong. What is anything in life compared to peace of soul? - Francis de Sales
A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves. - Bertrand de Jouvenal
The god of fools is a fool just like them. - Fakeer Ishavardas
I was with a friend of mine recently who was dying and while he was lying there with his family around his bed, I just knew that was it, that was the best you can hope for in life - to have your family and the people who love you around you at the end. - Ewan McGregor
For the multiculturalist, white Anglo-Saxon Protestants are prohibited, Italians and Irish get a little respect, blacks are good, native Americans are even better. The further away we go, the more they deserve respect. This is a kind of inverted, patronising respect that puts everyone at a distance. - Slavoj Žižek
Without space, there could not have been God. Likewise, without chit the other three elements, manas, buddhi and ahankar cannot manifest. - Daaji
It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them. - P. G. Wodehouse
Ideas are easy. It's the execution of ideas that really separates the sheep from the goats. - Sue Grafton
believe you can, believe you are eligible,and try,because its all gonna be good only when u take a first step to reach the last - sambalme
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good. - Anonymous
A man with a good story is practically a king. - José Eduardo Agualusa
Evil" is an inverted anagram of "live." As we live our life, learn to tame our own private demons and conquer evil with a good, pure, humble, courageous, patient heart. - Angelica Hopes
To resist the frigidity of old age, one must combine the body, the mind, and the heart. And to keep these in parallel vigor one must exercise, study, and love. - Charles-Victor De Bonstettin
Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history. - Susan Sontag
A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in his love than in your weakness. - Mother Teresa
A good thing in one's ignorance is that one doesn't know that s/hedoesn't know. - Eraldo Banovac
Gingerbread houseswith gumdrops and peppermintand marshmallow snow. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I have taken all my good deeds and all my bad deeds, and cast them in a heap before the Lord, and fled from both, and betaken myself to the Lord Jesus Christ, and in him I have sweet peace! - David Dickson
If you are looking for answers for your life, know that the answers are within you. When you close your eyes, and focus on your inner God (meditate), you will know what to do. Trust yourself! - Camilla Dorand
Jesus was a good guy, he didn't need this shit. - John Prine
The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them right away. - Ronald Reagan
Someone has to be stoic, for the sake of, in spite of, and in the face of all those who are, not. Someone, has to be serious. Someone has to choose to forgo choice, so that there is an option left for others to consider. Everyone can't be, someone. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
O God, help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is. - Macrina Wiederkehr
A reputation is like a shadow; it hides when you go to sleep, but always returns with the sun… - Nanette L. Avery
There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. - James E. Faust
There are times when you have to choose between being a human and having good taste. - Bertolt Brecht
Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. - Oscar Wilde
God’s forgiveness is greater than the devil’s hate. - DeWayne Owens
i would've done anything to make you happy.i think you knew that.i think this is why you knew you had to let me go. - Ava
God’s eyes readily see beyond our actions, for our actions are simply fear and selfishness pretending to be us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Why can't everyone be treated equally? Forgotten of what they did wrong, but remember their rights? Why can't the whole world just get along? - Fei loves Meng
One Smile makes two Smiles and two makes many Smiles so keep Smiling :) :). - Bhago
Men of ill judgment oft ignore the goodThat lies within their hands, till they have lost it. - Sophocles
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. - Sun-tzu
The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries.[Letter objecting to the use of government land for churches, 1803] - James Madison
If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated."(Notebooks) - Voltaire
Ego will always conduct itself to make sure that it does not appear bad. - Dada Bhagwan
We fought back with our music; it was the only weapon we had. - Michael Morpurgo
Humans are intelligent and resourceful. If we've been around a million or more years, why are we so disinclined to believe that we could have built cities 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 or even more years ago? - Christina Engela
A free press can of course be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom it will never be anything but bad. . . . Freedom is nothing else but a chance to bet better, whereas enslavement is a certainty of the worse. - Albert Camus
listen, God is not some little genie or a vending machine. And is not just worth it because he makes your life all better, but He's with you. God wants so much more for your life than fine - Jim Britts
Strength has two arms to reach for success.Skill has ten arms to reach for success.Wisdom has a hundred arms to reach for success.Faith has a thousand arms to reach for success.God has infinite arms to reach for success. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Truth leads to good deeds, and good deeds lead to Paradise. Falsehood leads to evil deeds, and evil deeds lead to the Fire. - Anonymous
I’m not a fighter. I usually smile and then go into my room and cry my eyes out. - Suman Bhattacharya
The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke
Christopher McCandless:"I will miss you too, but you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. God's place is all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience. People just need to change the way they look at things. - Shunryu Suzuki
Nothing can do with PAST, but if you seriously thinking some good thing at PRESENT, then you can achieve anything in FUTURE. - Sivaprakash Sidhu
Even amongst fierce flames/ The golden lotus can be planted. - Bhagavid-Gita
An anarchist government somehow creates an impression in the hearts of citizens that no one cares. - Amit Kalantri
Only those few who are able to surpass their fear of death completely can fully experience the highest forms of life; not the mundane life of the mortal, but the godly life of the resurrected. - Zeena Schreck
Gods were preserved but languages were exterminated: thus was the conqueror’s will - Belcampo
Every book is its own black hole. Don’t fight the pull; find out where it takes you. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If God didn't want me to cross boundaries, then he wouldn't have made me a writer. - Shannon L. Alder
In the space which thought creates around itself there is no love. This space divides man from man, and in it is all the becoming, the battle of life, the agony and fear. Meditation is the ending of this space, the ending of the me. - Krishnamurti
If I can give you any advice, it's this: every hour that you spend sat on the couch doing nothing, put it to good use, because when you have kids, an hour is like a lifetime. - Noel Gallagher
Don’t let anyone sell you on the idea that anything (apart from the Lord Himself) is more important than your marriage. God means for your life and your marriage to be filled with passion and purpose. - Elizabeth George
A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away. - Eudora Welty
​Soul neither comes from somewhere, nor does it go somewhere. - Abhijit Naskar
No, this trick won't work... How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? - Albert Einstein
The secret of good cooking is, first, having a love of it… If you’re convinced that cooking is drudgery, you’re never going to be good at it, and you might as well warm up something frozen. - James Beard
Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend - William Feather
Unlike the world that points out your flaws to ridicule you, when GOD points out your flaws, it's because He want to walk you out of it. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
To have with somebody relationship or to be friends or something, you must make him nerves to feel nerves, then you should make him to feel comfortable - I got you, you just believed in this, you don't need to make him nerves. That's a joke!You must make him vulnerable so to possess him. - Deyth Banger
...it is far more important to know who you are than where you are going, for where you are going will certainly change as the world about you changes. - James C. Collins
Those who were known as sultans and emperors are gone to dust. Their palaces are now known as ruins. This is ultimate power and commands of nature. - Aditya Ajmera
Dear God, that man has a magnificent body.' ............. 'It’s like having a cupcake thrust in front of your face and not being allowed to have a lick of the icing. - J.L. McCoy
Can't you see that it's just raining?There ain't no need to go outside. - Jack Johnson
Is there any real purpose in being alive if all we are going to do is get up every day and live only for ourselves?Live your life to help others. Give & live selflessly. - Joyce Meyer
The burdens I carry on my back are in direct correlation to the weight of my ego. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Success is not for everyone, but if everyone had a phobia of failure, success was going to be a common thing. - Unarine Ramaru
Work is a form of service to God. - Sunday Adelaja
Good luck' is like the shadow of a tree, for some time it gives comfort to a traveler but it doesn't go ahead with a traveler. - Amit Kalantri
Non fiction? Non fiction?! Listen, reality is what got me into this mess in the first place. - Justin Alcala
Great goals make great people. People cannot hit what they do not aim for. - Roy Bennett
I got tired of feeling like Dracula. I wanted to see some daylight, and not just at six o’clock in the morning. - Kate Moss
When I intentionally thank God for the good gifts that come from being his child, I find it almost impossible to maintain my sour disposition. - Lori Hatcher
It is good for a man to eat thistles and to remember that he is an ass.
I am a religious man! The only thing is, that in my religion, I am the God! - Tunk
You are a gold mine of potential power. You have to dig to find it and make it real. - Debasish Mridha
Don't let people intimidate you into downgrading your goals. They intimidate only because they are intimidated by your goals. - Janna Cachola
Sometimes you need to let 'em think things through even though you can't decipher what is in their minds. This way, you prepare 'em to be emotionally healthy with what life may brings ahead of 'em. - Karl Gornal
I wanted to become the seeker, the aroused and passionate explorer, and it was better going at it knowing nothing at all, always choosing the unmarked bottle, always choosing your own unproven method, armed with nothing but faith and a belief in astonishment. - Pat Conroy
I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night, 'There must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest.' - Marilyn Monroe
If worries begin, then realize that the task at hand is going to be disturbed and if worries do not occur, then know that the task will not be disturbed. Worries are obstacles to the work. - Dada Bhagwan
He wasn’t a good person, but I painted him to be and since I painted it, I believed it. - Dominic Riccitello
When you have read the Bible, you will know it is the word of God, because you will have found it the key to your own heart, your own happiness, and your own duty. - Woodrow Wilson
Nothing will be attained from actions of hundreds of thousands of lives. Moksha (liberation) is attained through ‘absolute humility’ (param vinaya). The ‘gates of understanding’ are opened with ‘absolute humility’. ‘Absolute humility’ arises only when the ego is dissolved. - Dada Bhagwan
I don't need authority.....I've got a screwdriver - The War Doctor; Infernal Devices
Zahvalnost ne menja pejzaž oko nas. Ona samo pere prozor kroz koji ga posmatramo, pa jasno vidimo boje. - Richelle E. Goodrich
In choosing a hypothesis there is no virtue in being timid. I clearly would have been burned at the stake in another age. - Thomas Gold
Dream for life; dream for love; dream for a better world. The purpose of life should not be only to achieve silver and gold. - Debasish Mridha
If I had wanted children of my own, I would have gotten married. If I had wanted to get married, I would have fallen in love. If I had wanted to fall in love, I would have met the right girl. If I had wanted to meet the right girl, I would have drank a whole lot less. - Carroll Bryant
I am The Dragon And I have come! - Kehinde Sonola
When we forgive we are telling God that we have faith in him to fight our injustices. It might not seem possible when you are standing in a storm, but when you take the high road you can see farther than you can now. - Shannon L. Alder
Focus forward, not around you.In the moment;Not behind you.Don't grimace in the whys, Relish in 'Yes-es;' - Be Positive...When you amplify the goods, you'll see bads as infinitesimally minuscule.Glorify and Cleanse... first and foremost , YOUR perception. #levitate - Tiffany Luard
I don't take good pictures 'cause I have the kind of beauty that moves. - Ani DiFranco
What we gain in the world, we lose in the world, forgotten in death. We must rather fancy what we brought into the world, for therein lives our story, our legend. - Palle Oswald
Entrust your dreams and goals to people who will cheer you on and inspire you, who will tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear so you can move forward and fast track. - Rachael Bermingham
Being truly happy in life involves you feeling more in control of the direction your life is going. - Deborah Day
Everything you go through grows you. - Robert Tew
A man always has two reasons for what he does--a good one, and the real one. - J.P. Morgan
Academics have given up trying to recover an honest picture of the past and have decided that their history-writing should be simply an instrument of moral hand-wringing. - Gordon S. Wood
Each experience through which we pass operates ultimately for our good. This is a correct attitude to adopt and we must be able to see it in that light. - Raymond Holliwell
You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence. - Octavia E. Butler
The knowledge you acquire in an area of study is accompanied by an incalculable ignorance. The farther we get into anything, we learn that we have even farther to go. - Chris Matakas
Now, go, wirte it before them in a table and note it in a book, that it may be fore the time to come for ever and ever. Isiah 30:8 - Isiah from the bible
They say that only very good friends quarrel. But at the end of the day a quarrel is a fight between two people’s egos. Since people cannot understand each other by just being honest. May be its impossible to live your whole life without getting hurt but don’t hurt the people close to you. - Ai Yazawa
You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun. - Al Capone
Lending war equipment is a good deal like lending chewing gum. You don't want it back. - Robert A. Taft
I think there is something beautiful in reveling in sadness. The proof is how beautiful sad songs can be. So I don’t think being sad is to be avoided. It’s apathy and boredom you want to avoid. But feeling anything is good, I think. Maybe that’s sadistic of me. - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible. - George Burns
You don't get to advertise all the good that your religion does without first scrupulously subtracting all the harm it does and considering seriously the question of whether some other religion, or no religion at all, does better. - Daniel C. Dennett
Hold on. Keep trying. God loves you. Things will improve. - Jeffrey R. Holland
where love n happiness makes us blind, pain n hurt helps to see truth. So, pain in good. - deepakgogna
It's not about the storms we go through, it's about the umbrella that gets us through. - Chris Burkmenn
Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.--Ray Bradbury - T.K. Thorne
Conflict and character are the heart of good fiction, and good mystery has both of those in spades. - Diana Gabaldon
the value of a man increases only when he has a consistent relationship with God - D WordSmith
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it. - Voltaire
Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I know you have come to kill me. Shoot, coward! You are only going to kill a man. - Che Guevara
When you have the world on your shoulders, God alone can help you carry it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you ever wanna be motivated, go try and be homeless for a day and that will just light a fire under your butt like none other. - Ronda Rousey
Where humor is concerned there are no standards - no one can say what is good or bad, although you can be sure that everyone will. - John Kenneth Galbraith
When you have something good to say, say it. When you have something ill to say, say something else. - Christian D. Larson
Beauty fades and the body becomes old, but nothing can dull the shine of a woman with a good heart. - Shannon L. Alder
An avalanche is just a snowflake that got pissed off. - Andi James Chamberlain
The American white relegates the black to the rank of shoeshine boy; and he concludes from this that the black is good for nothing but shining shoes. - George Bernard Shaw
That is my rule of life. If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow. Do you remember Henley's magnificent lines? 'Under the bludgeonings of chanceMy head is bloody, but unbowed.' ? That is my gospel. What do you think of it? - William McFee
Humans to ashes,People to dust,Its all because in God we trust. - Sanjay Singh
God's leaders believe the impossible and move in the eternal. - Sherry K. White
Once your heart overflows with love, another heart will follow. And so it goes. Yeshua: One Hundred Meaningful Messages for Messengers - Janet G. Nestor
Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I'm a good enough person to forgive you, and you should be a good enough person to not do it again. - Annette Thomas
If you would cure anger, do not feed it. Say to yourself: 'I used to be angry every day; then every other day; now only every third or fourth day.' When you reach thirty days offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the gods. - Epictetus
There is a homely old adage which runs: "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." If the American nation will speak softly, and yet build and keep at a pitch of the highest training a thoroughly efficient navy, the Monroe Doctrine will go far. - Theodore Roosevelt
It's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything. - Nick Vujicic
The sky has turned blue for my son. It is never going to be pink. I wish the sky color does not discriminate us. - Jayashan Adhikari
A Muslim must not hate his wife and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with another that is good. - Anonymous
Read everything. Read fiction and non-fiction, read hot best sellers and the classics you never got around to in college. - Jennifer Weiner
I remember having an argument with Alan, I said the Queen's not just going to call the guy up and send him out to do it. And Alan says, well, how would a monarch give orders to her assassin. - Eddie Campbell
Your mind is the biggest uninvented gold mine. Dig it; you will find the gold. - Debasish Mridha
Life is made of peaks & troughs. If you don’t like going up and down then you must live your life standing in one spot. - Alex Zar
Anyone who can see will see you beautiful. - Kekla Magoon
They who reach down into the depths of life where, in the stillness, the voice of God is heard, have the stabilizing power which carries them poised and serene through the hurricane of difficulties. - Spencer W. Kimball
We resent the thought that anything can please us when someone we love is no longer here to share the pleasure with us, and we almost feel as if we were unfaithful to our sorrow when we find our interest in life returning to us. - L. M. Montgomery
Feeble is the character, that bows to inflated ego, arrogance, and whines of affluent, whilst raising itself mercilessly on the humble and underprivileged. - Aniruddha Sastikar
Those who believe that they believe in God, but without passion in their hearts, without anguish in mind, without uncertainty, without doubt, without an element of despair even in their consolation, believe only in the God idea, not God Himself. - Miguel de Unamuno
There is no one who takes care of us as lovingly as our mother does. She is our living God. - Mohtasham Usmani
We cannot afford merely to sit down and deplore the evils of city life as inevitable, when cities are constantly growing, both absolutely and relatively. We must set ourselves vigorously about the task of improving them; and this task is now well begun. - Theodore Roosevelt
Bad news is that you can control nothing but your thoughts. Good news is that with your thoughts you can control everything else. - Debasish Mridha
Is it really you this time, Kells?Well, I’m no maggoty corpse, if that’s what you mean.He grinned. That’s a relief. No maggoty corpse would be that sarcastic. - Colleen Houck
Just because you are a nice guy, doesn’t mean you are a good man. - Zyanya Torres
How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter? - Woody Allen
finding peace will help pave your path.you have to be [fully] present to experienceand understand what you need to keep going. - Alexandra Elle
God is going to lift you up higher, day by day and from prayer to prayer. - Sunday Adelaja
Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat. - Fran Lebowitz
Evil and good are God's right hand and left.
There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient. - Sivananda Saraswati
I will not send you [Raimondo], they might murder you, but I do not think they will do anything to Catherine - she is a woman and they have great respect for her. - Pope Gregory XI
Forgotten hero was never the real hero, real hero can not be forgotten. - Amit Kalantri
Anybody who says they are a good liar obviously is not, because any legitimately savvy liar would always insist they're honest about everything. - Chuck Klosterman
Complain to one who can help you. - Yugoslav Proverb
Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated. - Nelson Mandela
Doesn't matter what a person's name is as long as he behaves himself. - L. M. Montgomery
A team goes through stages of birth, childhood, puberty, adolescence, maturity, and aging in its development. - Sunday Adelaja
A fight is like the perfect storm. It is risky and dangerous. But, as the African proverb goes, Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. Fights are often learning opportunities—if we’re willing to dig deep enough past our own egos. - lauren klarfeld
Every day's a negotiation and sometimes it's done with guns. - Joss Whedon
God cares only for what is his, busies himself with only himself, thinks only of himself, and has only himself before his eyes...He serves no higher person, and satisfies only himself. His cause is--A purely egoistic cause. - Max Stirner
I have written in my life many critical poems, but viewed in retrospect, they were merely a human harmless reflection, and not a true likeness of the real society of today. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Trees are green gold - William Sansom
All government -- indeed, every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue and every prudent act -- is founded on compromise and barter. - Edmund Burke
Shouldn’t we respect that fewer women want to go into some areas of study than other areas of study? - Chris Sardegna
Leadership is a process where a leader has a purpose oriented destination and lets the followers find the best way to get there with a common vision and goal. - Debasish Mridha
You will never truly realize God is all you need until He becomes all you have. - Mother Teresa
Estragon: You see, you feel worse when I'm with you. I feel better alone, too.Vladmir: Then why do you always come crawling back?Estragon: I don't know. - Samuel Beckett
Ali sigurno razumije. Sigurno zna da se dogodilo nezamislivo, i da će preživljavanje iziskivati nekad nezamislive poteze. Jer više sati kasnije, kad se probudim u svom krevetu, na mjesečini vidim da je i on ondje. Šćućurio se pokraj mene, žute oči su mu na oprezu. Čuva me od noći. - Suzanne Collins
The world is governed more by appearance than realities so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it.
I love writing poetry because it's pretty. I love writing pretty. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If you are GOOD enough to let go of what you think is BETTER, God will grant you what is BEST - D WordSmith
Sin has invaded God's creation, and we live now in a fallen world. - James C. Dobson
We have the ability to write the blueprint for our own goals, and decide how we want to pursue them. If we allow others to do it for us, we won’t achieve our full potential to be the best we can be. - Ellen J. Barrier
The affair between Margot Asquith and Margot Asquith will live as one of the prettiest love stories in all literature. - Dorothy Parker
God’s power is the grace of prayer. - Lailah Gifty Akita
An attempt to achieve the good by force is like an attempt to provide a man with a picture gallery at the price of cutting out his eyes. - Ayn Rand
Good authors worry about genres great authors don't. - Frank X. Gaspar
You must dare, and dare again, and then dare a little bit more, and go on daring. - Justin Cotillard
If the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then the love of GOD is the apex of it! - TemitOpe Ibrahim
The media—stenographers to power. - Amy Goodman
God is always on the side of the big battalions. - Voltaire
The truth is, I can choose to view tough times as growing times, I can choose to see aging as seasoning and I can choose to focus on whatever good there is to be found in living. I choose. After all, it’s my point of view. - Steve Goodier
The future of mankind is going to be decided within the next two generations, and there are two absolute requisites: We must aim at a stable-state society [with limited population growth] and the destruction of nuclear stockpiles. Otherwise I don't see how we can survive much later than 2050. - Jacques Monod
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"Isaiah 52:7 - Bible Verses
Show me good,i show you better, show me bad, i show you worse... - phoxgrimm9
Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them. - George Eliot
What good is a song that doesn't break your heart? - Marty Rubin
For me the experience of writing is really an experience of losing control.… I think it’s very much like dreaming or like surfing. You go out there and wait for a wave, and when it comes it takes you somewhere and you don’t know where it’ll go. - Margaret Atwood
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. - Bible
Dear God, if one day I lose my hope and purpose, give me confidence that your destiny is better than anything I ever dreamed. - Daniel Friday Danzor
No one said parenting was easy,but NO good parent has any right to give up.It is one labyrinth you can never quit because it seems too hard. - Gillian Duce
Kamu bener-bener selalu ngedapetin apa yang kamu mau ya?" | "Nggak semuanya. Karena aku belum memiliki kamu lagi." - Good Fight - Christian Simamora
What you don't think about when you're planning for children is when you're going to teach them how not to be killed - Darnell Lamont Walker
When you are offered a miracle take it. Otherwise, show God your tail so he can move on and give it to someone who doesn't want to be in hell any more. - Shannon L. Alder
Forgiveness is the process of dropping off your emotional baggage. - Tim Fargo
Making money is good, but there's no pockets in a shroud. - Terry Pratchett
A God that can be understood is no God. Who can explain the Infinite in words? - W. Somerset Maugham
Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it. - Ray Bradbury
Loving you was like going to war; I never came back the same. - Warsan Shire
I was lost yesterday, I am found today and I will be forgotten tomorrow. - Santosh Kalwar
If God wanted us to fly, He would have given us tickets. - Mel Brooks
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. - Henry Ford
When you assess your own life, consider it with the eye of a gardener. Underneath the surface lies rich, fertile soil waiting to nurture the seeds you sow. Even more than you can imagine will grow there if given a chance. - Steve Goodier
All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired. - Martin Luther
To expect life to treat you good is foolish as hoping a bull won't hit you because you are a vegetarian. - Roseanne Barr
It is said that God is always on the side of the big battalions. - Voltaire
It was like being in a car with the gas pedal slammed down to the floor and nothing to do but hold on and pretend to have some semblance of control. But control was something I'd lost a long time ago. - Nic Sheff
Giving, goodness and generosity expresses love. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers. - Martin Luther King Jr.
I have gotten a lot more attention than...other women that I find incredibly beautiful. And this has happened to me ever since I was a girl, when I was flat, had no teeth, was skinny and small as I could be. I always got more attention than anyone else. If I hadn't, I would have made sure I did. - Salma Hayek
Making it happen, It's just something you gotta do. - Auliq Ice
When the whirlpool of thoughts is going on; that is known as the mind. At that time, the mind is functioning independently. That and the vrutis (tendencies of the chit) have no relationship. The tendencies arise later on, and then they go back and forth. - Dada Bhagwan
Focussing on Karma than on the lessons needed to be learned is setting a trap for "what goes around comes around." Never wish for others what you will not wish for yourself. Do to others as you want done to you. That's what love is about! - Kemi Sogunle
It is a common condition of being poor... you are always afraid that the good things in your life are temporary, that someone can take them away, because you have no power beyond your own brute strength to stop them. - Rick Bragg
Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got. - Janis Joplin
Envy is what makes you, when an aquaintance is lustily telling you that she's dating a Greek god of a guy, ask, "Which one, Hades?"
There's nothing good about goodnight when it means goodbye. - Jeff Thomas
POLONIUS : My Lord, I will use them according to their desert.HAMLET : God's bodykins man, better. Use every man after his desert, and who should 'scape whipping? Use them after your own honour and dignity. The less they deserve, the more merit is in your bounty. - William Shakespeare
Man had created God in his own image, not the other way around. He had done it through sheer terror, and who could blame him? Unfortunately he had made too good a job. The god he had invented was just as cruel and careless as man himself. Not a deity to whom one should seriously address a prayer. - Richard Herley
Not all days are same... Not all people remains same... Time and Ego shall deemed guilty for the same.... - Kartik Mehta
Traveling solo is an incredible life changing journey, which I can recommend anyone to undertake. It’s the fear of being alone that prevents many people from daring to take the step to go on that journey. But as with many things, within that fear you’ll discover the greatest triumphs. - Jellis Vaes
I'd have been queen of all England, but Massachusetts haunted me and wouldn't let me go. - C.F. Joyce
So much drama off and online...Be kind and respect others.Follow the golden rule. Always.Don't step on others.Chase your dreams the right way.Keep your head up. Then, everything else will take care of itself. - K.J. Kilton
Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough! - Karl Marx
Your mind can go ahead and imagine what it wants to imagine, but a true friend will always remain true, in spite of the false messages running through your mind. - Michael Bassey Johnson
It’s a bizarre act of self-mutilation to say that ‘I don’t get on with science fiction and fantasy, therefore I’m never going to read any’. What a shame. All those great books that you’re cutting yourself off from. - David Mitchell
Sapete bene che per interpretare la Bibbia ci sono molte chaivi di lettura", cominciò il religioso. "Quella che tutti conosciamo, è la chiave teologica. Ma non è la chiave sola: ci sono le chiavi allegoriche, esoteriche, metaforiche, esoteriche-iniziatiche. - G.L. Barone
Don't let us make imaginary evils, when you know we have so many real ones to encounter. - Oliver Goldsmith
Laughter is good for both the body and the soul. - Mike Meyer
Good enough may be an acceptable end, but it should never be an acceptable goal. - James Rozoff
Keep one goal only and that is ‘to know thy Self [Soul]’. Do not be insistent about ‘I want to do this and do that’. Whatever happens, at whatever time, is correct. - Dada Bhagwan
Action seems to follow feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not. - William James
In a corrupt country, if you want to succeed in politics, you must keep your conscience under control. - Miriam Defensor Santiago
A child develops best when, like a young plant, he is left undisturbed in the same soil. Too much travel, too much variety of impressions, are not good for the young, and cause them as they grow up to become incapable of enduring fruitful monotony. - Bertrand Russell
Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art of all. - Andy Warhol
As Americans, we go forward, in the service of our country, by the will of God. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
If you want to write you must have faith in yourself. Faith enough to believe that if a thing is true about you, it is likely true about many people. And if you can have faith in your integrity and your motives, then you can write about yourself without fear. - Gordon Atkinson
I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do, but we've got to do it right. We've got to give those animals a decent life and we've got to give them a painless death. We owe the animal respect. - Temple Grandin
Try to get as much as possible knowledge about the Universe in your life. Because after your death it will decide whether you will become God or reborn as a human to learn remaining knowledge. - Aishwarya Shiva Pareek
The sad reality of Mankind: Faith is the currency people trade in, through their ego and selfish ways. - Unarine Ramaru
There are 10,000 books in my library, and it will keep growing until I die. This has exasperated my daughters, amused my friends and baffled my accountant. If I had not picked up this habit in the library long ago, I would have more money in the bank today; I would not be richer. - Pete Hamill
Until that afternoon in October four years ago, I hadn't known dogs could scream. - Stephen King
There comes a point in our lives where light bothers us more than darkness , we get used to bad happening around us than good , happiness makes us more anxious than sadness and at that moment , we don't mind our lives going chaotic as everything seems to be in order . - Rahul Kumar K.
He that takes truth for his guide, and duty for his end, may safely trust to God's providence to lead him aright - Blaise Pascal
If I wholly unleash my imagination and forcefully stretch it out beyond its own edges, even at such a point I can only imagine a thin shard of this most immense God. And even though it is but a thin shard, it will nonetheless be mesmerizingly colossal. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Remember! Reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Byeeee! - Bill Cipher Gravity Falls tv show
if a man runs with man is called as "Race" but if a man runs towards God is called as "Grace". - grace of God
She got her good looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon. - Groucho Marx
Capote I truly loathed. The way you might loathe an animal. A filthy animal that has found its way into the house. - Gore Vidal
That’s a stupid name! Whirly-gig is much better, I think. Who in their rightmind would point at this thing and say, ‘I’m going to fly in my Model-A1’.People would much rather say, ‘Get in my whirly-gig’. And that’s what youshould name it. - Nathan Reese Maher
Since my money is God's money, every spending decision I make is a spiritual decision. - John Hagee
Nature is the most thrifty thing in the world; she never wastes anything; she undergoes change, but there is no annihilation, the essence remains - matter is eternal.
Gossip till the cows come home. - John le Carré
Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago. - Bernard Berenson
She told herself that she longed greatly to go back to those dear merry days when life was seen through a rosy mist of hope and illusion, and possessed an indefinable something that had passed away forever. Where was it now--the glory and the dream? - L.M. Montgomery
When a goal matters enough to a person, that person will find a way to accomplish what at first seemed impossible. - Nido Qubein
When you have experienced the depth of your inner self, the idea of enlightenment is no longer a goal to strive towards, but rather an attitude to maintain. - Gary Hopkins
We have lost all sense of other considerations, because they are artificial. Only the facts are real and important to us. And good boots are hard to come by." - All Quiet On The Western Front, Ch. 2 - Erich Maria Remarque
The next thing to saying a good thing yourself, is to quote one. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s good to be here. I’m just trying to go through life without looking stupid. It’s not working out too well. - Brian Regan
Every story is true and a lie. The true part of this one is: Love and the memory of love can't be drowned. The lie part is that this is a good thing. - Leigh Allison Wilson
The path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell. - Imagine Dragons
Annabelle, I'm going to kill you!" I cried, frowning at the mess. Then I glanced down the stairway and gasped.It looked like someone had beaten me to it. - Cleo Coyle
Always look to God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If your government keep making big mistakes and in return you keep supporting your government, then you are the biggest mistake for your country! - Mehmet Murat ildan
My formula for life is very simple: in the morning, wake up; at night, go to sleep. In between I try and occupy myself as best I can. - Cary Grant
If you understood him, it would not be God. - Augustine of Hippo
Man created God in his image: intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent. - George Weinberg
What does it matter where my body happens to be?' he said. 'My mind goes on working all the same. - Lewis Carroll
I just got into the Beatles a couple of years ago, you know, I like it. - Ziggy Marley
Dictators long ago found out it is easier to unite people in common hatred than common love.
Clever nations are the ones who keep changing their governments! Because power must change hands otherwise it will get spoiled and rot! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Child, you’ve been trying to drown your sorrows for some time now. And the problem with that plan is, you can’t drown sorrows. They’re good swimmers. They’re gonna float back up to the top and be bobbing right where you left them last night. - Terri Lee
Memories are fragile; they can be broken and forgotten or preserved like a tomb. - Tony Conte
You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches. - Dita Von Teese
Even God does not call every human a man. There are some who have not managed to attain the height of those who God refers to as men. They might be giving birth, eating and drinking, having fun, but yet, when they don’t live for what they were created for, they remain biomasses. - Sunday Adelaja
Death is just a door that only love can come and go through. - T.L. Moffitt
I do not know myself, and God forbid that I should. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I wanted to talk to the animals like Dr. Doolittle. - Jane Goodall
work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it, because in fact everything in life does count on it. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Distrust won’t do good to you.But still if you ever do.Doubt you husband,Maybe doubt your wife.But never suspect,your kid’s father,or the mother of your child. - Jasleen Kaur Gumber
A fool and water will go the way they are diverted. - African Proverb
I think the world’s a better place because Bill realized that his goal isn’t to be the richest guy in the cemetery, right? - Steve Jobs
Doctor Sleep - book (By Stephen King) is the best choice before going to bed! - Deyth Banger
My parents won’t let me have a motorcycle, but they give me all the guns I want. I asked them for a motorcycle last Christmas and they told me I’d only kill myself. They got me this twelve-gauge instead. - Scott Thompson
Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse.
The journey to the light starts with a candle. Once it's lit, darkness has gone forever. - Adriano Bulla
One never learns how the witch became wicked, or whether that was the right choice for her- is it ever the right choice? Does the devil ever struggle to be good again, or if so is he not a devil? - Gregory Maguire
When majority is insane, sane must go to asylum. - Mark Twain
You were born into this life equipped to succeed. You are a part of God’s perfect plan. Yes, you. The plan would not be perfect if you were missing. Think about that. You matter more than you know. - Toni Sorenson
Abundant evidence exists to prove that we are continually creating excuses to explain why we do not reach our goals. - Andrea Goeglein
Struggle is the meaning of life; defeat or victory is in the hands of God. But struggle itself is man’s duty and should be his joy. - Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III
The time has come for all good men to rise above principle.
Spring gives hope that God believes in second chances. - Toni Sorenson
Inch by inch it's all a cinch, by the yard it's hard. Go for it -- no matter how slow or long the process seems at first. - Mardi Ballou
Stories are invented as you go along... - Orson Scott Card
Saying goodbye to a lover is like giving them the last wine drop in a glass about to break. - Farid F. Ibrahim
I believe in giving kindness, regardless of how unreasonable and self-centered a person is. Kindness is a gift of sanctity for a person. It has the goal of making the soul smile. - Lionel Suggs
Intellect is a part of a good faith. Intellect is the light, the heart is the direction. - Tariq Ramadan
Never blame anyone in life. The good people give you happiness. The worst people give you a lesson. The best people give you memories. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best. - Margaret Thatcher
God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you"? - William Arthur Ward
Don't be fooled... If they gossip to you, they'll gossip about you. - Steve Maraboli
Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams. - Ray A. Davis
It is equally wrong to speed a guest who does not want to go, and to keep one back who is eager. You ought to make welcome the present guest, and send forth the one who wishes to go. - Homer
Do you know what friendship is... it is to be brother and sister; two souls which touch without mingling, two fingers on one hand. - Victor Hugo
What’s to become of us? We can’t go on like this.Yes, we can go on like this, said Cesare. We can go on exactly like this for the rest of our lives. - Penelope Fitzgerald
Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.
Apologizing does not always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego. - Mark Matthews
Every morning, appreciate the golden glowing sun for giving you life. Every evening, appreciate yourself for making the world a little more joyful with your lovely presence. - Debasish Mridha
The heights charm us, but the steps do not; with the mountain in our view we love to walk the plains. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not to skin it. - Latin Proverb
I am an atheist but I promise whenever there is complete freedom of religion I would worship you as my private and individual God. - M.F. Moonzajer
No one can stop you from having great moments with your kids because they believe the hero inside of you. A kiss and warm hug are sure the best treat and possibly the sweetest but simplest form of them saying how much they love you. - Karl Gornal
If Nigeria must advance, we have to steak to work. There is no success that is easy on every body though some success candidate may claim to have gotten there through an easy route. It isn’t always true and unfair to hear that. Minds need to be broken to assemble with others. - Prince Akwarandu
America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance it is not. It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded. - Fulton J. Sheen
If you were going to give a medal to the least delightful person on Earth, you would have to give that medal to a person named Carmelita Spats, and if you didn't give it to her, Carmelita Spats was the sort of person who would snatch it from your hands anyway.
You can feel like he wants to own you,-not like an object but like a good dream he wants to keep having. - Melissa Bank
Over time, your actions betray your heart - for good or for evil. - Todd Stocker
Whenever you touch a poem that caresses your soul, breathe it gently for it might be the wind that perfects your life's goal. - A. Saleh
If a soul is not honoring his or her journey by dimming his or her own light, a Guardian of Light steps forward on behalf of that soul and states, I am going to honor you, for I know you hold immense value in the eyes of the Universe and I can still see your light. - Molly Friedenfeld
I flew into sky, yet I could not leave home. I wanted to stay while I wanted to go. - Ramya and Abby
Very soon the world too will see what GOD sees in you. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong. - Laura Ingalls Wilder
I have been resurrected into the present time because the past is dead. - Susan Segovia Munoz
I've grown more OK with mystery as I've gotten older. - Matt Chandler
True Leaders possess good core values and will align themselves with like thinking people to grow their leadership and prosper in Integrity~bns - Bluenscottish
Though this child came in with nothing but excess baby fat, chemical brain waves, and mother and son bodily toxins on his legs, he had a fate fit for a modern day demigod. - David Scheier
If I had known they were going to do this, I would have become a shoemaker. - Albert Einstein
Fall makes me think that if I fail horribly at this art thing, and then fail horribly with this writing thing, I'll go run a pumpkin patch. - Tyler Hojberg
Acting is all about honesty. If you can fake that, you've got it made. - George Burns
My vigour, vitality, and cheek repel me. I am the kind of woman I would run from. - Nancy Astor the Viscountess Astor
Government scientists are commonly as corrupt as the corporate government that employs them. - Steven Magee
One of the greatest of human follies is that we think we know ourselves so well, that we know how we would act under any conditions, that we would under any circumstance 'do the right thing.' Well, as many have discovered, you don't really know what you'll do in the dark till the lights go out. - James Carlos Blake
We come this way but once. We can either tiptoe through life and hope that we get to death without being too badly bruised or we can live a full, complete life achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams." - - Bob Proctor
Both joy and gratitude go hand in hand together. More grateful you are more joyful you will be. - Vishwas Chavan
Either this wallpaper goes, or I do. - Oscar Wilde
God put us here, on this carnival ride. We close our eyes never knowing where it'll take us next. - Carrie Underwood
Life's like the piano and the violin, it's about how smart you could play the melodies to make a good harmony. - Lucy 'Aisy
It's all very well to read about sorrows and imagine yourself living through them heroically, but it's not so nice when you really come to have them, is it? - L. M. Montgomery
Although I think the word "pleasure" is unknown to you. More precisely, its practical meaning". #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion - Olga GOA
Only a prostitute will trade her valuables for money, so you shouldn't sell your God given ideas and talents for money, because you don't own it in any way but should be by a divine authority. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are. (in Bill Moyers' Healing and the Mind) - Rachel Naomi Remen
You know your children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they're going. - P.J. O'Rourke
Never give up on your goals or dreams, no matter how hard the challenges might seem". - Cliff Hannold
An evil individual does not feel ever offended by the bad words of the wrong people ,but often by a right word of a good person. - Anuj Somany
God is looking for sincere men he could send to politics to manage politics for him. - Sunday Adelaja
Try being an indie author, a minority author, a woman, and a person with health issues in the world of traditional - that's where you are clearly 'different' and marginalized. I am all of that, yet I am still here and smiling. Life is good! - Kailin Gow
The interior joy we feel when we have done a good deed is the nourishment the soul requires. - Albert Schweitzer
A beautiful country is a dream-like an illusion. It is senseless to cling to it. Unless the inner forces of negative emotions are conquered, strife with outer enemies will never end. - Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Often subtle clues are not obvious enough for the stubborn or stupid. This is when God stops throwing crumbs and starts throwing the whole piece of bread. If you step on moldy bread then you know you have waited too long. - Shannon L. Alder
In a country where people are afraid of criticizing the government, many things must be going horrible! In such countries people must know that a society of cowards will always be remembered as a society of honourless people! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The goodness of life is the gratitude of existence. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It isn't discomfort, or dis-ease as he put it. It's this aching, throbbing, god-awful incurable pain - and it's known as life. When will the doctors learn: It isn't death that's the disease. - Wendy Law-Yone
Agora que se ouviu tudo, aqui está a conclusão: Tema a Deus e guarde os seus mandamentos, pois isso é o essencial para o homem.Pois Deus trará a julgamento tudo o que foi feito, inclusive tudo o que está escondido, seja bom, seja mal."Eclesiastes 12:13,14 - Bible Verses
Improve yourself. You can become what you admire most in life. By admiring the quality of excellence in other people, and practicing that same quality, you too can become exceptional. Get going now and push yourself to create the reality. - Mark F. LaMoure
I do not know which to prefer,The beauty of inflectionsOr the beauty of innuendosThe blackbird whistlingOr just after. - Wallace Stevens
At the time we glorify self instead of glorify God, at that time we are wasting our time as... God is Time. - indonesia123
In this atmosphere Where you have to go perennially crazy only to survive, Which auspicious moment should I choose to become mad? - Suman Pokhrel
Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told, 'I'm with you kid. Let's go.' - Maya Angelou
God never promised life would be fair, but He did promise He would be there. - Danny L Deaubé
I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. - George S. McGovern
Goodreads.com is actually about fiction not dreading goo. But I have a profile there, anyway... - Michael A. Arnzen
The legacy I leave will be unimaginably enhanced by the legacies I received. Therefore, I must be wise enough to embrace the history of those who have gone before me so that I can shape the future of those who will go ahead of me. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity. - Maria Montessori
If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone. - John C. Maxwell
I'm not in pursuit of happiness, I'm happiness in pursuit; ready to happen everywhere I go. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
What's the point of worshipping a forgiving god if you're just gonna be good anyway? - Matt Milby
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther
Governments never learn. Only people learn. - Milton Friedman
Love is Beauty... Love is Divine... Love is God. - Santonu Kumar Dhar
I find myself enjoying being alone a lot of the time, people come and people go and you have to find a way to be ok with both. - Nikki Rowe
To lead a blameless life you must curb your passions , and whatever misfortune may befall you cannot be ascribed by anyone to want of good luck, or attributed to fate; these words are devoid of sense, and all fault will rightly fall on your own head. - Giacomo Casanova
I much prefer not to fall, unless of course I am falling into the hands of God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Everything that goes into my mouth seems to make me fat, everything that comes out of my mouth embarrasses me. - Gabriel García Márquez
For success, be focused, be goal oriented, and be persistent. - Debasish Mridha
You can put all your eggs in one basket if God has told you to. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you're right & I'm not, I'm going to be hell to live with, she said. So, you better think about that next time you want to be right. - Brian Andreas
Have courage to let go of the matter which doesn't matter! - Riya Pallavi Biren
Can you be alone without being lonely? Can you spend time by yourself without craving noise or company of other people? Have you discovered the glory of quiet time spent alone, time spent listening to your soul? Solitude brings with it gifts that come from nowhere else. - Steve Goodier
Run to meet the future or it's going to run you down.
There is no good or bad author; there is only one kind of an author, that who connects with the readers. - Saru Singhal
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. - Oscar Wilde
Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is in prison. - Henry David Thoreau
Even being an artist isn't as good as being nothing. - Marty Rubin
Children and dogs are the messengers of God some of us do not deserve them - Ginnetta Correli
Lengo la kuabudu ni kumtukuza, kumheshimu, kumsifia, kumfurahia, na kumpendeza Mungu. Ibada yetu lazima ionyeshe mapenzi ya kweli na uaminifu mkubwa kwa Mungu kwa ajili ya wema na rehema ambavyo ametupa kupitia Mwanaye wa Pekee aliyekufa msalabani, ili kutuokoa kutoka ubinafsini. - Enock Maregesi
Life is boring. People are vengeful. Good things always end. We do so many things and we don't know why, and if we do find out why, it's decades later and knowing why doesn't matter any more. - Douglas Coupland
...But today it is the United States that lives in infamy, as its government adopts the foreign policies of Imperial Japan.
Making decisions about whether to keep and how to organize objects requires categorization skills, confidence in one's ability to remember, and sustained attention. To maintain order, one also needs the ability to efficiently assess the value or utility of an object.
May God continue to give you much more grace for every great deed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Unhappy people do the oddest, most terrible things, just trying to keep despair at bay. All you have to do is accept them...go around them...take evasive action. - Geraldine McCaughrean
I remember friends from wars all but we forgot. All of them distilled into each wound we caught. Those wounds are all painful places where we fought. Battles never left behind, ones we never sought. What is it that we spent and what was it we bought? - Frank Herbert
I long ago came to the conclusion that all life is six to five against.
After a while you learn the difference between holding a hand and falling in love.. You begin to learn that kisses don't always mean something, Promises can be broken just as quickly as they are made, and goodbyes sometime really are forever! - Atul Purohit
Money - you demolish cities, root men from their homes, you train and twist good minds and set them on to the most atrocious schemes. No limit, you make them adept at every kind of outrage, every godless crime - money - Sophocles (trans. Robert Fagles)
And I realized, that the reason why good things were not happening to me as often as wanted them to, was because I in fact was a good thing that needed to happen. I needed to happen to me, to other people and to the world. And so I happened. - C. JoyBell C.
Racism does not have a good track record. It's been tried out for a long time and you'd think by now we'd want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management. - Thomas Sowell
In philosophy it is always good to put a question instead of an answer to a question. For an answer to the philosophical question may easily be unfair; disposing of it by means of another question is not. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
God is up to something, but you will never know unless you figure out the difference between who is the messenger carrying your future and who is the person holding you back. - Shannon L. Alder
...for no man lives in the external truth among salts and acids, but in the warm, phantasmagoric chamber of his brain, with the painted windows and the storied wall. - Robert Louis Stevenson
I do know that when I am 60, I should be attempting to achieve different personal goals than those which had priority at age 20. - Warren Buffett
Everything big, once started little. Discipline yourself and work to become an excellent person at what you want. Stretch yourself daily and go a little further than yesterday. Growth is the key to winning success. - Mark LaMoure
Every good book should be entertaining. A good book will be more; it must not be less. Entertainment…is like a qualifying examination. If a fiction can’t provide that, we may be excused from inquiring into its higher qualities. - C.S. Lewis
I wanted to be bored to death, as good a way to go as any. - Peter De Vries
Do you keep silent to keep a friendship or do you try to lend your support unconditionally, even if what they are doing goes against everything you believe in? Will it be principles over friendship, morality over love? - Donna Lynn Hope
You dont need a thousand dollars to do something good for someone, You just need the right intention for it - Narjit Singh
Though one believes in nothing, there are moments in life when one accepts the religion of the temple nearest at hand. - Victor Hugo
We go through life and don't pay attention to God even when he's yelling. Then there are the moments you never expect and can't avoid. It is at those times when you can hear him ever so clearly; even when he's whispering. - Benjamin J. Carey
Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop. - Lewis Carroll
Mom, how come you never go outside?""I told you, I'm a vampire. - Alison Bechdel
Good news is, I'm still alive. Bad news is, Bitches be crazy. - Ksenia Solo as Kenzi
At our core there is silence and stillness…that is truly who we are when you peel away the titles, the ego, the thoughts, the beliefs, the intellect….once you get REALLY naked –you will see that who you are has nothing to do with all that we have given meaning to. - davidji
It is the duty of every citizen /resident of any country , nationals as well as expatriates to know the basics of the governing laws of the country one resides.Ignorance of the law or unawareness cannot be pleaded to escape liability. - Henrietta Newton Martin
The means and the results, the good and the bad, are within all of us who are aware and care. - Suman Jyoty Bhante
When I found God forgiveness found me. - Ron Baratono
I used to be free spirited, now I'm just free of sleep. I got a burning passion in my throat. I got a burning passion inside me. - Tegan Quin
A man without life purpose is not in any way different from a wondering goat. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
If we put our money where our mouth is, arguments will become less egocentric and more reasonable. - Sola Kosoko
Stay off the bandwagon. More likely than not, your own way of getting there makes for a better journey. - Faydra D. Fields
I maybe such a pain in the ass,But in a good way.I give you pleasure at the same time! - Arzum Uzun
If I had to do all the things I wanted in my life the time I have alive wouldn't be enough, so I choose those that keeps me closer to my purpose and God. - Evans Biya
I have come to differentiate not at all between what is spiritual and the rest of life. There is only Life, all of it is good and the more I am aware of this in every moment, the more my spirit comes alive. - Jacob Nordby
If you have a good friend, you don't need a mirror. - German Proverb
Working with women is such a rewarding experience because as you interact with them, you realize that although they face various struggles, women have one goal, to see the world change for the better. - Gugu Mona
Prietenia desenează calea dreaptă a iubirii. - Eric Emmanuel Schmitt, Elixirul dragostei
We must tell the world that even though we elected a bigot, bigotry will not prevail. - DaShanne Stokes
Because you don't get to choose your parents, K, and at some point you realise that maybe your parents just aren't able to parent very well, but we exist, and the only choice we've got in the whole situation is whether we're gonna love them anyway. It's as simple and messy and complicated as that - Megan Jacobson
The choice to make good choices is the best choice you can choose. Fail to make that choice and on most choices you will lose. - Ryan Lilly
Don't wait for what you don't have. Use what you have, begin now and what you don't even expect will come alongside with excess of what you expect. Go, make it happen. - Israelmore Ayivor
Invisible God sends His messenger in the form of a stranger to a kind passenger to guide him to the true path through the mirage of a life's journey. - Anuj Somany
keep the relationship with your God private, special & unique... then ignore all the filters other Christians use to look at you... - Mwirigi LG
God Hates divorce.""He hates cruelty even more."Caring For Eleanor - Sonia Rumzi
You must dare to disassociate yourself from those who would delay your journey... Leave, depart, if not physically, then mentally. Go your own way, quietly, undramatically, and venture toward trueness at last. - Vernon Howard
In the long-run every Government is the exact symbol of its People, with their wisdom and unwisdom; we have to say, Like People like Government. - Thomas Carlyle
Sometimes letting go is not about a lack of faith in God, but a lack in faith that you have it in yourself to pull off the greatest plan he has in store for you. - Shannon L. Alder
- How about flipping a coin; she made a pretty remark and the two women turned around andlooked at her irritated.- That's right, go ahead, jock about it. You are not the one trying to change her heart, I am, and youknow damn well how painful that can be!Sand of Passion - Georgia Kakalopoulou
Your love GrowingIn my heart We’re readyFor a brand-new startDon’t tell me You’ve to go Away tonight ……………… - sami abouzid
It is easy to do good, but it takes a lifetime to become human! - AainaA-Ridtz
Bad art has the power to deform a people just as good art generates new reflection, growth, vision, and hope. - Michel O'Brien
Most times problems are not solved with more money. It usually takes innovation." - L. R. W. Lee, Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury - L.R.W. Lee
Prejudice is the conjurer of imaginary wrongs, strangling truth, overpowering reason, making strong men weak and weak men weaker. God give us the large hearted charity which "bearth all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things," which "thinks no evil."
I always wrote with the idea that what I put out there is going to stay there. Once I publish something, it has been published. I've never deleted more than one or two posts from my site. I don't think that there are takebacks. I don't feel right about it. - Alison Headley
If it be the chief point of friendship to comply with a friend's notions and inclinations he possesses this is an eminent degree; he lies down when I sit, and walks when I walk, which is more that many good friends can pretend to do. - Alexander Pope
On the Rolling Stones - You will walk out of the Amphitheatre after watching the Stones perform and suddenly the Chicago stockyards smell clean and good by comparison. - Tom Fitzpatrick
Dating is like pushing your tray along in a cafeteria. Nothing looks good, but you know you have to pick something by the time you reach the cashier. - Caprice Crane
Let's go together and go to different places and see different things. It'll be fun!- Gon Freaks - Togashi, Yoshihiro
Sleep is a daily reminder from God that we are not God. Once a day God sends us to bed like patients with a sickness. The sickness is a chronic tendency to think we are in control and that our work is indispensable. To cure us of this disease God turns us into helpless sacks of sand once a day. - John Piper
To go and see one druidical temple is only to see that it is nothing, for there is neither art nor power in it; and seeing one is quite enough. - Samuel Johnson
What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. - Eleanor Powell
After you are gone, people may forget most of what you have said and done. But they will remember that you loved them. - Steve Goodier
When I finally applied logic to Religion that was when I quit paying after life insurance and quit going - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth. - John Wesley
It is a waste of energy to be angry with a man who behaves badly, just as it is to be angry with a car that won't go. - Bertrand Russell
History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap. - Ronald Reagan
And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. - Bible
You are A MAN, not just a man; don't be diminished. Live up to your grand potential. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I don’t always do what I say but if you want to follow my actions, be my guest. You can do what I do and fail, or you can do what I say and move on with your life. It’s your choice. - Nicketa Gomes
Because so many people use goodreads, it is an amazingly good—and amazingly underutilized—resource for understanding what people read, why, and how they feel about their reading experiences. - John Green
Take a chance. Don’t fear change. Life won’t hand you your dreams. Every time a door closes or you let go of something, you will find that there is room for new possibilities to enter. You aren’t saying goodbye. You are saying hello. - Brittany Burgunder
We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness. - Ellen Goodman
There is always a beautiful light around the compassionate people: The shining light of goodness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Money is the most powerful and popular god because everybody is praying for money. - Debasish Mridha
I often think myself to be so ingenious that I don’t even realize that my own plans may actually be my own undoing. Therefore, I might be wise to realize that God’s plans undo what I’ve done that’s undoing me. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Success is a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired. - Robert Strauss
If mankind had wished for what is right, they might have had it long ago. - William Hazlitt
The telephone is a good way to talk to people without having to offer them a drink. - Fran Lebowitz
Oh God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! - William Shakespeare
God gives us memory so that we may have roses in December.
A person who publishes a book willfully appears before the populace with his pants down. If it is a good book nothing can hurt him. If it is a bad book nothing can help him. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
En el Caribe cuando alguien habla bien tiene el respeto de la gente y de pequeño yo veía eso y me encantaba. Supongo que como a nosotros nos impusieron ese idioma colonial [el español] la resistencia consistió en eso: Ok, tengo que aprenderlo, pero lo voy a convertir en oportunidad. - Junot Díaz
Organize your life the way God wants it to be. When you pray, ask God for counsel on matters and you will get the wisest advice directly from heaven - Sunday Adelaja
The three great acts are love, goodness and self-sacrifice. - Lailah Gifty Akita
the poor dog, in life the firmest friend, the first to welcome, the foremost to defend. - George Gordon Byron
I believe my success is what I'm going to achieve today and tomorrow not what I did yesterday. - Sivaprakash Sidhu
All that glisters is not gold;Often have you heard that told.Many a man his life hath soldBut my outside to behold - Gilded tombs do worms infold;Had you been as wise as bold,Young in limbs, in judgement old,Your answer had not been inscrolled - Fare you well; your suit is cold. - William Skakespeare
As the caterpillar undergoes transformation and emerges as a butterfly; likewise, character undergoes transformation through experiences, aspirations and beliefs. How will you emerge? - Lorna Jackie Wilson
Thank God, I have done my duty. Kiss me, Hardy.
When a wise woman speaks, her words are gracious. Ask God to help you find words that speak life to those around you. - Stormie Omartian
We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low. - Desmond Tutu
No matter how many sins you make or how slow you travel back toward God's valley, you are still way ahead of a person who never made a mistake and doesn't know what it is like to climb out of a pit of shame and rise above their temptations. - Shannon L. Alder
God is Love but He also is the Lawgiver - Habeeb Akande
Man has not forgotten to be man because man has not yet learned to be man! You can’t forget the thing you haven’t learned yet! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Pound it out, get it done, write every day. No excuses. Kerouac said you can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club. Damn straight. You’ll sleep a lot better getting your word count in than another quick Twitter check or keeping up to date on the Kardashians. - Dan Alatorre
Beliefs that are good promote your potential and enhance your unique special qualities. - Deborah Day
Opera?" Trelon asked tiredly, "What the hell is opera?" "I'll tell you what it is! It is the screeching of the death birds, that 's what it is!Capturing Cara (Dragon Lords of Valdier, #2) - S.E. Smith
Do not, for one repulse, forego the purpose that you resolved to effect. - William Shakespeare
What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! - William Shakespeare
[Addiction's] not about placating the bad dog - it's about feeding the good dog. You still have to feed the bad dog, but only enough so that the ASPCA doesn't bring you up on charges. - Robert Downey Jr.
There's very little authentic study of the humanities remaining. My research assistant came to me two years ago saying she'd been in a seminar in which the teacher spent two hours saying that Walt Whitman was a racist. This isn't even good nonsense. It's insufferable. - Harold Bloom
Islam is not the greatest threat facing Christianity in the west. The biggest threat facing Christianity in the west is Scripture illiterate believers who are asleep while a world waits to here the Gospel... - Pastor Steve Bainbridge
The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It's the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and science. Whoever does not know it can no longer wander, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. - Albert Einstein
I can't criticize what I don't understand. If you want to call this art, you've got the benefit of all my doubts. - Charles Rosin
I need just be a bayonet, a bayonet named Diving Punishment. I wish I'd been born a storm. Or a menace. Or a single grenade. No heart, no tears, just as a terrible gale'd have been good. If [by doing this] I become that, then so be it. - Kohta Hirano
God Made Nature, Nature Need Friends. - Rocky13
Now get going. You'll find a way of calm through.""And you, Mael?""I'll drop in later. I've things for you to do, Withal. But for now," he faced inland, "I'm going to beat a god senseless. - Steven Erikson
It is unrealistic to assume that if all goes well in a child's life, he or she will be happy. Happiness is not something one can ask of a child. Children suffer in a way that adults don't always realize under the pressure their parents put on them to be happy. - Adam Phillips
You can, and you will. If you’re going to carry any belief, carry one that empowers you. Believe in your unlimited potential. - Akiroq Brost
Don’t try to live to make an impression on anyone. Accept God’s provision for your life. Don’t live or act beyond the measure of the Grace of Christ upon your life. - Benjamin Suulola
We don't know that we don't own or owe Anything (In mathematical terms we are sifar), so keep walking as long as your legs are moving towards the infinite. Your own Ego is the only obstacle in this journey, earlier you get rid of it sooner will you find the infinite peace. - AnkitMishra
You are always going to love him, she said " You're stuck with that. - Leslie Connor
Ladies and gentlemen, when you paint your lips, eyes, nails, hair, side-beards, or whatever, to look beautiful or handsome, don't forget your up stairs, if you don't go up there to put things in order, then, consider the former attributes null and void. - Michael Bassey Johnson
What we can and should change is ourselves: our impatience, our egoism (including intellectual egoism), our sense of injury, our lack of love and forbearance. I regard every other attempt to change the world, even if it springs from the best intentions, as futile. - Hermann Hesse
What I discovered I liked best about striking out on my bicycle was that the farther I got from home, the more interesting and unusual my thoughts became. - Richard Russo
Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is go where they can find you.
I want to live like there's no tomorrow. Love like I'm on borrowed time. It's good to be alive. - Jason Gray
(2) goes like this that the one part is up to this time goes bright and it's a day and in other it's night. Just thinking on this, it's not so simple... it's not the magic, everything has gone and can't be changed, just thinking on this everything is devastated... - Deyth Banger
I woke with sweat beading across my forehead and my hands balled into fists clutching the sheet over my eyes. The dreams. They were back. Haunting me relentlessly. I thought they were gone... I should've known better. (Rayne) - Kimberly Brockman
The road to success is longer than you'd like, but shorter than you imagine. - Tim Fargo
McGough: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I've caught poetry. Mr Bones: Oh really? Well, don't worry, sir - I used to suffer from short stories.McGough: Really? When?Mr Bones: Oh, once upon a time ... - Graham Chapman
Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their virtues. - Napoléon Bonaparte
You can't win the race without God's grace - Ojo Michael E.
Don't expect people to understand your purpose when God didn't give them your vision. - Turcois Ominek
Imagine how much happier we would be, how much freer to be our true individual selves, if we didn't have the weight of gender expectations. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
No one whose steps are truly ordered by God will ever attempt to walk over another human being. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Life is beautiful and this earth is heaven, but your mind is capable enough to create hell for you, on this very earth, if you go on living your life, without understanding. - Roshan Sharma
I sincerely hope that President Barack Obama’s government will be remembered as the peak of deregulated corporate corruption and not the ongoing rise of it. - Steven Magee
Do not compromise on the quality and your customers will not negotiate on the price. - Amit Kalantri
Children know perfectly well that unicorns aren’t real, but they also know that books about unicorns, if they are good books, are true books. - Ursula K. Le Guin
Strip back the beliefs pasted on by governesses, schools, and states, you find indelible truths at one's core. - David Mitchell
If you look through all the different cultures. Right from the earliest, earliest days with the animistic religions, we have sought to have some kind of explanation for our life, for our being, that is outside of our humanity. - Jane Goodall
To feel good, do good. - Debasish Mridha
Old people think young people haven't learned about love. Young people think old people have forgotten about love. - Isaac Asimov
In my hands I held gold dust and tarnished rust, but looking further in, I saw the few diamonds I've come to know as soul mates in my life. They sparkled a little brighter and I'd notice the lack of weight if they were gone. They would leave not as a loss, but as a hole in my palm. - Hubert Martin
Life is pain, anyone who says differently is selling something. - William Goldman
Yes, a deep lesson from the postage stamp. It attaches itself to a moveable material, the envelope and gets going. A good relationship keeps you going forward; a bad one keeps you static. Attach yourself to someone who is also going forward and you will also get there. - Israelmore Ayivor
Accepting that life is insane, that bad things happen to good people and that you can find the courage to be grateful for the good in every situation and still move forward is hard (even terrifying), but heroic. - Richie Norton
... And these childrenthat you spit onas they try to change their worldsare immune to your consultations.They're quite awareof what they're going through... - David Bowie
I am accountable for every lie that I tell, but I am also accountable for the effects of every harsh truth I deliver. - Richelle E. Goodrich
At the end of the day the only thing that stays are your words. They linger while you disappear. Hanging in the air like they're on a clothesline, oh how I wish I could let them go. - Jasmine Sandozz
Remember! A wish is tomorrow's daughter...and a good wish should always change the future! Never the past! - K. I. Zachopoulos
Happiness grows best in the soil of contentment. - Tim Fargo
Make friends not best friends,Make a crush not a lover,Because not everyone are meant to be with you always and when they leave or when they make you leave ,you are the one going to suffer the most.. - Akash B Chandran
Who are you, Hockenberry, to thwart Fate and defy the Will of the Gods?I am me, Thomas Hockenberry. I am fed up with these power-addled thugs who call themselves gods. - Dan Simmons
The immense distance between God and humanity is the indispensable backdrop to a Christian idea of revelation. To reduce God to the level of human thought and human imagination, so that we can comprehend God, is to lose a sense of the very thing that distinguishes God as God. - A.J. Conyers
Perhaps the god who had made the Cat People intended them as a joke. They had schools, but no education; politicians but no government; people, but no personal integrity; faces, but no concept of face. One had to admit that their god had gone a little too far with his little joke. - Lao She
There’s a land—oh, it beckons and beckons, And I want to go back—and I will. - Robert Service
Flowing egoism is not objectionable but if it is caught-up even a little-bit; it is known as obstinacy. Flowing egoism is dramatic egoism. It is not problematic. - Dada Bhagwan
God has placed no limits to the exercise of the intellect he has given us, on this side of the grave. - Sir Francis Bacon
Gossip needs no carriage. - Russian Proverb
Go forth my sex beast...to his virginity - shinba rize
There's a major fault in Western society. It makes room for only one god, and in only one gender. There's no balance, no co-existence, no partnership. - Tomson Highway
L'universo esprimerà se stesso fin tanto che qualcuno potrà dire "io leggo dunque esso scrive - Italo Calvino
Set goals,pursue them,achieve them,and then surpass them. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There are pauses amidst study, and even pauses of seeming idleness, in which a process goes on which may be likened to the digestion of food. In those seasons of repose, the powers are gathering their strength for new efforts; as land which lies fallow recovers itself for tillage.
I get so sad that sad gets to be.So scared that all my feelings they up and leave me. I got so city girl on you. I go so crazy I don't know what to do. - Tegan Quin
If you don't know the exact moment when the lights will go out, you might as well read until they do. - Clive James
If it's not for Him, I guess I'd be dead few years ago. - Jestoni Revealed
Well, you only need the light when it's burning low. Only miss the sun when it starts to snow. Only know your lover when you let her go. Only know you've been high when you're feeling low, only hate the road when you're missing home. Only know your lover when you let her go. - Passenger
The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make 'good' citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens. - H.L. Mencken
Greed, one of the badliest capital sins, is not good, is not good for knolege, love, money. Greed "the capital sin" is necessary - S.M Camacho
One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. - Will Durant
If someone tells you he is going to make ``a realistic decision,' you immediately understand that he is going to do something bad.
A dream with a deadline is a goal. - Jay Samit
A brief note on the legend of Pandora's Box: Ever wondered why bundled in with all the torrents, and suffering of man kind the Gods put hope down there at the bottom, answer because in certain circumstances hope can be the worst torment of them all. - Tom Holt
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No good ever came from not talking. - Ken Poirot
Every worker should know that by working, he is releasing the nature of God in him. He is becoming creative just like God is creative. - Sunday Adelaja
Having a child isn't a deal you strike with life. As I said: a child is a gift. And what remains after a child is gone is the memory of the years it was allowed to live. Not its death - Carsten Jensen
PRELATE, n. A church officer having a superior degree of holiness and a fat preferment. One of Heaven's aristocracy. A gentleman of God. - Ambrose Bierce
I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping...I hear it in the deep heart's core. - W.B. Yeats
Make yourself feel good. Be enthusiastic about your day. - Tara Estacaan
The knowledge of God is beginning of all knowledge. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don't be afraid to go after what you want to do and what you want to be, and don't be afraid to pay the price to get it. - Anonymous
[I]n my own case at least I feel my professional need for freedom of speech and expression prejudices me toward a government whose constitution guarantees it. - John Updike
There are joys which long to be ours. God sends ten thousands truths, which come about us like birds seeking inlet; but we are shut up to them, and so they bring us nothing, but sit and sing awhile upon the roof, and then fly away. - Henry Ward Beecher
I never lecture, not because I am shy or a bad speaker, but simply because I detest the sort of people who go to lectures and don't want to meet them. - H. L. Mencken
Reverence: the spiritual attitude of a man to a god and a dog to a man. - Ambrose Bierce
‎Most of the times, we feel more enjoyment from just recalling good memories of the past rather from those moments we lived,not because we did not have a good time but because realization has come late. - Dionisis Agelakis
Who is wise? He that learns from every One. Who is powerful? He that governs his Passions. Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody. - Benjamin Franklin
For me, working onstage is much more exhausting than all the other mediums, but it's also much more thrilling...There's nothing like spending an evening with an audience every night. - John Lithgow
The freedom of speech is worthless without the freedom of offensive speech. Goebbels and Himmler were for freedom of speech that was inoffensive to the state. - Noam Chomsky
The truth is ladies...Good men are an endangered specie. So if you have a good man dont shuffle your KING for a JOKER. - Crystal Evans
Pray as though everything depends on God. And work as if everything depends on you. - Augustine of Hippo
Pessimists never go on a voyage of discovery, equally so they never leave the shoreline in search of new horizons. - Stephen Richards
We do fall away from faith. God’s grace gives us strength to rise again. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I scared a little porcupineand caught a quill in my behind.It hurt so badly in my tail,but tugging on it made me yell.The porcupine was still around,so I complained. He simply frownedand said, "Stop whining! Look and seehow many quills are stuck on me! - Richelle E. Goodrich
Imagination is the faculty of the mind that God has given us to make the communication of his beauty beautiful. - John Piper
If you can't suck a carrot, go suck a potato! - Crying Unknown
For ye will know not love, if ye knoweth not your God. - Henrietta Newton Martin -Senior Legal Consultant & Author in law. (B.Com,LLB-goldmedalist, LLM-GoldM
Success means you have succeeded in overcoming the obstacles and finally realizing the goal. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Certainly, I approve of political opinions, but there are people who do not know where to stop. - Victor Hugo
I don't have any relationship with God and I've never wanted it. I don't believe in fate or in any superior entity; if a plane crashes and people die, it's not because Heaven said so. - Fernando Alonso Díaz
God reveals your destiny through synchronicity. - Rabia Noorstani
Look at your life like a blank canvas and you're the artist, now go ahead and paint your masterpiece." . - Ray Mancini
My hope is that tomorrow will be fine, but, if tomorrow doesn't go well, I shall still hope to be fine tomorrow! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Excuse me if I have/some place in my mind/where I go time to time. - Tom Petty
The people who are regarded as moral luminaries are those who forego ordinary pleasures themselves and find compensation in interfering with the pleasures of others. - Bertrand Russell
Find what is beautiful in a person and appreciate it. Ignore what is wrong. Everyone has divine beauty but underneath can be a hidden diabolical ego. - Debasish Mridha
If karma doesn't catch up, God will surely pick up the slack. - Anthony Liccione
Ohne Hast, aber ohne Rast. - Without haste, but without rest. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There can only be two basic loves... the love of God unto the forgetfulness of self, or the love of self unto the forgetfulness and denial of God. - Augustine of Hippo
To aspire is to go back to the start of the journey when you're one lap away from the finish line, we have to begin with the end in mind and dig for for the opium goals. - Goitsemang Mvula
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business. - Tom Robbins
Love and fantasy, go hand in hand. - Marc Chagall
Love is like a piece of chocalate. It looks and tastes good, but it's dark. What really matters is the inside. - Touaxia Vang
I lovehow grown childrenwill still nametheir mothersthe mostbeautiful.It isas though,their eyeshave met the cascadingcurvesand goldensilhouettesof every woman.Yettheir soulsstilldrumto the beat of theirmother'swarmth and care. - A Starry Eyed April
In each of us, two natures are at war the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose what we want most to be we are. - Robert Louis Stevenson
If you want to know the truth, he says, leaning forward like he’s getting ready to tell a really good story, it has to do with Kelsey. And the biggest lie of all.And that’s when I realize the thing about the truth. It always comes out, no matter what you do. - Lauren Barnholdt
Philosophy has forgotten about children - Bernhard Schlink
It's excellence in leadership when everyone wants to manufacture a black shoe and you manufacture a designer black shoe with gold medal on top. Do something new; do something better! - Israelmore Ayivor
...Every word an author writes causes ripples, like tossing a stone into a pond. And you don't know where they'll go, or who they'll touch, or when they might come back to you. I think everything you do is kind of like that, too. - Ellen Hopkins
Never compromise the glorious Gospel. It is the Gospel "from" Christ and not merely a Gospel "about" Christ. Gal 1:6-12 - John Paul Warren
If someone believes in god, is he a liar? He never saw god or any proof or evidence of god. He only heard about god. - Debasish Mridha
After you've been in a place for a while, everything starts to look... I won't say better, there's no need to go to extremes...but your everyday life does start to become...familiar. - David Assael
Every morning the sun rises with a golden glow to reveal the ineffable magnificence of life. - Debasish Mridha
Man is not born to solve the problem of the universe, but to find out what he has to do; and to restrain himself within the limits of his comprehension. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If one is destined to go wrong, he will not believe the truth but will believe something else altogether. - Dada Bhagwan
There is just one thing I can promise you about the outer-space program: your dollar will go further. - Wernher Von Braun
You learn something valuable from all of the significant events and people, but you never touch your true potential until you challenge yourself to go beyond imposed limitations. - Roy T. Bennett
Until pains are endured, depressions surmounted, mockeries ignored and goliaths conquered, destiny might not be achieved - Ikechukwu Izuakor
Everything meaningful encounters resistance, don't get scared of whatever comes your way, just go with the right strategy and plan, their you'll overcome it at last. - Auliq Ice
Starting a new way is never easy so...keep starting until the start sticks. - Tim Fargo
Building a trust to a friend or to anyone else is like sewing an elegant gown, once betrayed the string or needle breaks and you gonna need to replace them.The relationship will go on but it will never have the same treatment. - Bradley B. Dalina
So many of us have believed that we need to labor and perform for God so that we can gain an identity, so that we might be accepted. But in the Kingdom, we start off accepted. - Beni Johnson
It will be awesome audiobooks to go like films, but more longer! - Deyth Banger
La suprema felicità della vita è essere amati per quello che si è, o meglio, essere amati a dispetto di quello che si è. - Victor Hugo
People who are always making allowances for themselves soon go bankrupt. - Mary Pettibone Poole
I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane. - Ray Bradbury
The one whose concern is with thatwhich enters the belly will discover that his value is found in thatwhich goes out of it. - أبو حامد الغزالي
He was gorgeous. Every feature on his face perfect, dark and inviting. The boy could be his own photo shoot." Kasey Reese - Men of the Cave - Marisette Burgess
History is a set of repeating circles, like the tide. The wind does blow through the ruins of tomorrow. But it is more a question of two steps forward, one step back. Humans and dragons make the same mistakes, again and again, but things do get better over time - Cressida Cowell
A dream is not needing anything. If it is a good one, it is waiting peaceably for ever until it is released and allowed to do its job. If it is a bad one, it is always fighting to get out. - Roald Dahl
A good listener is a good talker with a sore throat. - Katharine Whitehorn
For people to judge a man's worth and his very manhood according to the way he feels about sport, and not to recognize it for the piddly, inconsequential goings on that it really is... - Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
I am not what you see.I am what time and effort and interaction slowly unveil. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I have never been against new art as such; some of it is good, much is crap, most is somewhere in between. - Robert Hughes
I dreamt -- marvellous error! -- that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden bees were making white combs and sweet honey from my old failures. - Antonio Machado
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. - Oscar Wilde
The leading research in the adverse human health effects of electromagnetic radiation is not being done by well funded governments or corporations, it is coming from a few self funded independent researchers. - Steven Magee
Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to? - Clarence Darrow
I am responsible only to God and history.
To gild refined gold, to paint the lily... is wasteful and ridiculous excess - William Shakespeare
One binds the worldly life with bad thoughts; one binds the worldly life with good thoughts. With the absence of thoughts (avichaar) there is moksha [liberation]. - Dada Bhagwan
The artist, like the God of creation, remains within or behind or beyond or above his handiwork, invisible, refined out of existence, indifferent, paring his fingernails - James Joyce
I can last two months on a good compliment. - Mark Twain
A good friend is someone who is there for me when i'm glad or sad...who I can laugh madly with or cry badly with. - Karen Salmansohn
When we make mistakes they call it evil. When God makes mistakes they call it Nature!
Never keep score in marriage; your wife is going to win anyway. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Don't ruin a good opportunity fixating on a bad one. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Science has given us a great lie. It is this lie that ends the current age of faith in God. - Compton Gage
Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned. - Dick Gregory
I do not understand those who take little or no interest in the subject of religion. If religion embodies a truth, it is certainly the most important truth of human existence. If it is largely error, then it is one of monumentally tragic proportions—and should be vigorously opposed. - Steve Allen
Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In my reality all the mosquitoes are vampires and all fireflies are dragons. - Munia Khan
Bear in mind, if you are going to amount to anything, that your success does not depend upon the brilliancy and the impetuosity with which you take hold, but upon the ever lasting and sanctified bulldoggedness with which you hang on after you have taken hold.
The brain is like a muscle. When it is in use we feel very good. Understanding is joyous. - Carl Sagan
FRACTURED FACTIONSMany cults are created by the uncontrollable egos of religious zealots - Kamil Ali
Civilisation and the life of nations are governed by the same laws as prevail throughout nature and organic life. - Ernst Haeckel
Be a hungry, passionate go-getter and together we will accomplish wonders. - Robert J. Braathe
Want and need are not the same things either. A want can be foregone. It is voluntary, a nice-to-have. A need is required, a necessity. If he needed me, I’d be essential for his success, for his happiness. - Sax, Cynthia
Always do at least one good deed a day for someone other then yourself. - kyo
We learn to love imperfect people by serving them out of reverence for a perfect God... - Gary Thomas
Is the goal I’ve set been determined by a desire to avoid the goal I should have set? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A Godly Person Is Living Simple And Yet Happy An Ungodly Person Is Living Luxuriously And Yet So Sad - Baba Tunde Ojo-Olubiyo
Dreams are but interludes that fancy makes... Sometimes forgotten things, long cast behind Rush forward in the brain, and come to mind. - John Dryden
It is time to recognize the past and ongoing genocides to prevent new ones. Together we can build a better world! - Widad Akreyi
A student whose life is filled with woes least had and understood the hands of a good teacher that shape lives in a distinctive way - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
We sometimes fear to bring our troubles to God, because they must seem small to Him who sitteth on the circle of the earth. But if they are large enough to vex and endanger our welfare, they are large enough to touch His heart of love. - R.A. Torrey
Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time. - Oswald Chambers
With lack of sleep and too much understanding I grow a little crazy, I think, like all men at sea who live too close to each other and too close thereby to all that is monstrous under the sun and moon. - William Golding
The government - Arm Milkins
curling leaves and twining branches outside my bay window look like a Van Gogh in the starlight - there is a river out there somewhere - Jeffrey Rasley
The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. - Vincent Van Gogh
We look around us and we find ourselves confused as to why the world has fallen into such deep darkness. And standing in this descending darkness, what we need to realize is that the farther we move from God, the darker everything gets. And no light of man can illuminate that kind of darkness. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
You know, sometimes kids get bad grades in school because the class moves too slow for them. Einstein got D's in school. Well guess what, I get F's!!! - Bill Watterson
The saddest thing about love, Joe, is that not only the love cannot last forever, but even the heartbreak is soon forgotten. - William Faulkner
and I ask myself and you, which of our visions will claim uswhich will we claimhow will we go on livinghow will we touch, what will we knowwhat will we say to each other. - Adrienne Rich
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the starsDid wander darkling in the eternal space. - George Gordon Byron
I don’t know What else To say I’ve said it Many times Oh you’re your gorgeous eyes Are my greatest prize …………………Your love GrowingIn my heart We’re readyFor a brand-new startDon’t tell me You’ve to go Away tonight ……………… - sami abouzid
A large part of virtue consists in good habits. - William Paley
The most fortunate are those who have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder and even ecstasy. - Abraham H. Maslow
We shouldn't teach great books; we should teach a love of reading. Knowing the contents of a few works of literature is a trivial achievement. Being inclined to go on reading is a great achievement. - B.F. Skinner
Grinning is something you do when you are entertained in some way, such as reading a good book or watching someone you don't care for spill orange soda all over themselves. - Lemony Snicket
Soul is the invisible part of a living being that is immortal and breath is the evidence that the soul exists. The soul is what goes to Heaven when we no longer need our body here. We may be dogs, but we breathe, we bleed, and we love just like anybody else. - Kate McGahan
Life is full of unexpected. The grace of God is available to everyone to stand the test of time. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Of every ten persons who talk about you, nine will say something bad, and the tenth will say something good in a bad way. - Antoine de Rivarol
Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. - Confucius
Why do people always expect you to trust them? With all the shit that goes on in this world, I don't know why anyone expects my trust just because they are unverifiably, according to themselves, a nice guy. Who the hell defaults to trust? - Malka Older
How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said. - Victor Hugo
Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved. - Victor Hugo
I think the hardest part of being a teenage, or any age really, is the misconception that you're alone. You're not alone. You're not the only one going through what you're going through, and life does get better if you want it to. - Ellie Elisabeth
At this the Wart's eyes grew rounder and rounder, until they were about as big as the owl's who was sitting on his shoulder, and his face got redder and redder, and a breath seemed to gather itself beneath his heart. - T.H. White
It's said that there's three sides to a story: yours, mine, and the truth. Check out God in Wingtip Shoes and The Prison Plumb Line to explore all three. - Yvonne J. Medley
[A]s military history reveals, a bad plan is often better than no plan, especially if the people on the other side think it’s a good plan. - Adam Gopnik
The truth, for me, is I do accept everyone. I believe people are going to be who they are going to be. Moreover, I strongly disagree that it is my place in life to judge who they are. Or to attempt to mold them into whom I believe they should become. - Paula Heller Garland
When i dated someone, my goal is to marry her, i date to get married one day, i don't date a girl just to have sex and leave her, why wasting your time if the goal is not to get married? - Werley Nortreus
God is not a cosmic bellboy for whom we can press a button to get things done. - Harry Emerson F.
Leave the talking for others and live by walking. Go, go and go extra mile and you will be a true owner of what belongs to you - Israelmore Ayivor
Remember darlings when your enemies are great God is greater. - Coleen Innis
Focus is saying no to 1,000 good ideas. - Steve Jobs
We have got to have a dream if we are going to make a dream come true.
Don't be preoccupied with something that drags your mind downhill. Be someone who could be destined to shine and can have the ability reach ultimate goals for the future." - Saaif Alam
Good things have different colors, it’s like a rainbow or flowers and it’s more likely how I feel for my love ones that creates a joyous melody in my heart.How it makes me feel happy and alive - Bradley B. Dalina
Appreciation and enjoyment of the creatures are the hallmark of God's dominion and therefore the standard by which our own attempt to exercise dominion must be judged. - Ellen F. Davis
Passion governs, and she never governs wisely. - Benjamin Franklin
...and now over to our foriegn allegory correspondant, Barv Tweezman." ~The Shielding of Mortimer Townes - Montgomery Thompson
there's a blessing ;even when you lose That ; There's always stay inside Your Heart, Memories That You'll never Been Forgotten Until the Rest Of Your Life ; mine?; There's inside My Heaven "Miquel Andre" . - anne idris
Be aware that how you feel has a direct impact on your thinking process. When we set standards for ourselves they seem objective, but standards and goal-setting are totally subjective and personal." From The Biology of Success. - Robert Arnot
God desires to use you to the best of your capacity, to the best of your ability. - Sunday Adelaja
Don't fear opening a Gift God gives you simply because the packaging isn't 't what you expected..we can't know what's in a gift given until it's unwrapped - Kalon Jackson
I am for those means which will give the greatest good to the greatest number. - Abraham Lincoln
One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making a mistake. - Anton Chekhov
Men had no purpose on earth whereas women were gods walking unrecognized among them. - Kate Atkinson
It seems so simple now, but it took me a long time to figure out that happiness is experienced when we finally give ourselves permission to let go of the things that make us sad. - Steve Maraboli
Nihil est sine ratione.[There is nothing without a reason.] - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
God is not just intensely personal. He is infinitely powerful. - Matt Chandler
Are your convictions so fragile that mine cannot stand in opposition to them? Is your God so illusory that the presence of my Devil reveals his insufficiency? - Marquis de Sade
I won't lie!Probably from books you have saw that I'm not good at English, probably because I don't live in such country which this language is important or let's say to be native. But as for now I can't do a lot of for that! - Deyth Banger
Life feels good if you don't know what it is. - Raheel Farooq
I think it would be well, and proper, and obedient, and pure, to grasp your one necessity and not let it go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. - Annie Dillard
If we indeed possess light we shall never be afraid to go and face darkness anywhere, any-time. - Sunday Adelaja
The key to happiness is to listen to campy Parisian music and smile at a bird. It hinges on insanity, but it works. - Erica Goros
Tunasema uongo kwa sababu hatuna ujasiri wa kusema ukweli. Ukweli hautupi uhuru, unatupa upweke. - Enock Maregesi
God cannot be everywhere; that's why he had created Philanthropists(Volunteers and Donors). - Sabiha Hasan
I hope they understand that I'm not angry, I'm just saying... Sometimes goodbye is a second chance. - Shinedown
By standing respectfully and faithfully at the borders of another’s solitude, we may mediate the love of God to a person who needs something deeper than any human being can give. - Parker J. Palmer
Only our imagination has the power to create the world you want and whatever gives you true joy. Beware of those who tell you to face reality and let go of your imagination. All they may truly ask for is that you shift your imagination from what you want to what they want. - Franco Santoro
I was going to buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and then I thought: What the hell good would that do? - Ronnie Shanks
Mostly good is enough. Mostly good produces healthy kids who know they are valued and either forget the other parts or turn them into funny stories. - Jen Hatmaker
God's people are the stage upon which His forgiveness becomes visible. They are never more authentic than when they ask for forgiveness and forgive others. - Matt Chandler
Fashion is something that goes in one year and out the other. - Unknown
It looks all good until a person awakens to feel that the people around him/her are there in support only for cooking their own food. - Anuj Somany
Once you can let go of illusion and draw upon a more universal source of motivation then you will re connect with your true purpose on Earth. - Gary Markwick
It seems it doesn't pay to be good anymore, when people are short-changing you for evil. - Anthony Liccione
I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go. - Langston Hughes
God has written His divine guidelines for your life right in the Bible. - Elizabeth George
Being at one with everything just means accepting that the future is always going to be unsure and learning to find ways to be okay with the uncontrollable sequence of events. - Mohadesa Najumi
I think we have underestimated their Gods; they have made millions stupid, and we are even not able to get one out of that stupidity. - M.F. Moonzajer
Poor people have been voting for big government liberalism for 50 years... and they are still poor. - Charles Barkley
lIf someone tries to steal your watch, by all means fight them off. If someone sues you for your watch, hand it over and be glad you got away so lightly. - John Mortimer
We all forgot how it is being a human, but human is not a noun, it's a verb. - Alexander Zalan
The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of the common man. - Lord William Beveridge
In effect, the poor person is a rich person left to fend for him or herself, without the support of institutions that help the person to take 'good' decisions. - Daniel Cohen
I am doomed to an eternity of compulsive work. No set goal achieved satisfies. Success only breeds a new goal. The golden apple devoured has seeds. It is endless. - Bette Davis
When fully united, without ego or weakness, we become the greatest invisible force this world has ever witnessed. - Luis Marques
Diligence is the mother of good luck. - American Proverb
Some people are more interested in making good on a promise—rather than in doing what they promised. - Clifford Cohen
God created sages because He wanted to leave the light on in the universe. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The way to achieve your goals is step by step, you just need to build enough track, to be ahead of the train." ~ - John Milton Lawrence
i'm not able to concentrate like others doing i'm lagging day by day ! when you got this in your mind this represents you are leading not lagging. - DINESH DEVIREDDY
If half the onion is black with rot it is a rotten onion. A man is good, or he is evil. - George R. R. Martin, Clash of Kings
Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience. The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. - Leo Tolstoy
Be as successful as a Smith. - Gregory C. Dugger
Don't stare at the past or you'll walk right by today's opportunity. Today is God's gift to you. - Benjamin Lotter
In the pursuit of goals, you cannot give up anytime you feel uncomfortable. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Wisdom dwells in the heart of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Redundancy is like a plug being pulled out in a bath tub. Everything goes down the drain, your livelihood, your dreams, your car, your house, and your family. - Tania Gardana
A new day is here! yesterday is gone! tomorrow is preparing to come! but why is today here? - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
It is not the path that you have trouble finding. You knew your path since your first daydream. It's courage you're searching for - courage to trust yourself and stop searching for a travel partner who knows better than you where to go. And courage is only built in action. - Vironika Tugaleva
Beware of giggle grins; they are highly contagious. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Maybe the ultimate wound is the one that makes you miss the war you got it in. - Sebastian Junger
You are safe master nothing can harm you now - S GOEL
God reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists. - Albert Einstein
Happiness is a spiritual concept and its source is hidden in God. - Sunday Adelaja
When will you stop doing what you’ve always done and start doing what you can to begin to live the life you deserve?It’s Time. You’ve got this. - Colleen Ferrary Bader
And whoever will take that motto and live by it will be likely to succeed. There's many a way to win, in this world, but none of them is worth much without good hard work back of it. - Mark Twain
Until we face the war within ourselves, the world will never change. - Dana Gore
We forget the good people do, but remember the not-so-good they might have intentionally or intentionally done !Be Brave and Forgive ! - Sham Hinduja
Success is getting through defiance, adversity and difficulties, feeling hopeless and defeated but never giving up until you achieve your goal - Rodrigo De Saro
Right from the beginning, we were born into a world where the ego rules, but when we came to God and received the new birth, we entered a world where love rules - Sunday Adelaja
I've often told people who ask if there is a God: Get around enough people with horses and see what happens. See how they survive in spite of all the things they do, and you'll become a believer! - Buck Brannaman
We were fair game but we have kept out of the cesspool. We are strong. We are the good ones. Do not discover us for we lie together all in green like pond weeds. Hold me, my young dear, hold me. - Anne Sexton
I think everything should have an end, an end of the brutal stuff happening home. ENd for the song, end of the film, end of the evil... This how it must go and it will go, if you think that evil has gone it's still here. If you believe in god, that's means that you believe this evil. - Deyth Banger
No self is of itself alone. It has a long chain of intellectual ancestors. The "I" is chained to ancestry by many factors… This is not mere allegory, but an eternal memory. - Erwin Schrödinger
Don't think of God in terms of forms, because forms are limited and God is unlimited. - C.S. Lewis
Life is amazing gift from God to mankind. - Lailah Gifty Akita
[American] liberalism today sees no realm of human life that is beyond political significance, from what you eat to what you smoke to what you say. - Jonah Goldberg
Truth and facts are woven together. However, sometimes facts can blind you from seeing what is actually going on in someone’s life. - Shannon L. Alder
It is supposed to be true that those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it. I dont believe knowing can save us. What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood and this is a thing that even God - who knows all that can be known - seems powerless to change. - Cormac McCarthy
In terms of the Internet, it's like humanity acquiring a collective nervous system. Whereas previously we were more like a [?], like a collection of cells that communicated by diffusion. With the advent of the Internet, it was suddenly like we got a nervous system. It's a hugely impactful thing. - Elon Musk
When you've got nothing, you've got nothing to loose. - Bob Dylan
Everyday take one optimistic calculated risk to find out how far you can go. - Debasish Mridha
Ne smijemo biti neodgovorni i egoistični, nikako, a posebno ne u prezentaciji Islama. Islam nije samo naš! On je univerzalna ljepota, poslata svakom čovjeku na zemlji. - Sulejman Bugari
GOD is foolishness and GOD is wisdom all at the same time. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
21Most food goes to waste in affluent societies. When we throw leftovers into the garbage, it goes to waste. When we eat more food than we need, it goes to waist. - Earle Gray
Above all things you've got to be yourself, and if some rule or guideline excludes you because of who you are, then you are obligated to change the rules.
Dreams are like holding on to a good book in your hands; you have the full story in your palms, but no matter how much you want to get to the end of the story, you have to go through all the pages first; and you are the writer. - T.H Maloa
Seek the gold in any situation. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God alone knows the future, but only an historian can alter the past. - Ambrose Bierce
There's nothing to took forward to any more if you don't have dreams," he said. "Because dreams are goals and John might have run out of goals. So he died. - Melina Marchetta
There is no happiness where there is no wisdom;No wisdom but in submission to the gods.Big words are always punished,And proud men in old age learn to be wise. - Sophocles
The biggest criminals that I have met in life are working for the government. They make mass murderers look like amateurs. - Steven Magee
So I figured I'd leave the area, because I had no ties there anyway except for this girl I was seeing. We had conflicting attitudes: I really wasn't into meditating and she wasn't really into being alive. I told her I knew when I was going to die because my birth certificate has an expiration date. - Steven Wright
As I read the Gospels, I never saw a time when Jesus was a doormat. Jesus found a perfect balance, and for me it has been an ongoing search to find the line to walk between making people happy and giving up too much in order to do so. - Shawn Michaels
Do something: be it good or evil, if they ask why you did it, tell them you're different. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Be Encouraged:The things that sometimes disqualify you in life will qualify you for God’s service. - Stephen D. Matthews
There Is A Fine Line Between A Man of God And One Who Serves The Devil. - Chris Mentillo
Funny how things work themselves out. Things happen that split up family and friends, then things happen that bring them back together. Everyone is in your life for a reason. My hope is for all the reasons to be good. Those who love you never lose touch, are always consistent, and unquestionable. - April Mae Monterrosa
If we do not read the word of God, how could we know His thoughts? - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you enjoy peace now, remember it is out of the toils of those who were gone before you. The question is "will you leave peace behind you when you are gone"? - Israelmore Ayivor
Nothing great was ever achieved without a personal sacrifice. You have to pay the price to realize your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Indifference to ideas is a sign of good health. - Marty Rubin
For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel:Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar loved him!This was the most unkindest cut of all - William Shakespeare
Philip Roth is a good writer, but I wouldn't want to shake hands with him.
Books have a complete disregard for your feelings. They don't care if you are crying. They are going to continue making you cry. - Love The Stacks Bookstore
A good book should leave you....slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it. - William Styron
Maybe iT Goes Sometimes not so fast in nature, but it show us every time again that it never will give up and how powerful it is. - Jan Jansen
Stop opposing the truths.The truth is truth no matter how you take it. It is not going to be changed for your inconvenience. - Bikash Bhandari
When life gives one trouble,God gives hope and ten solutions - Mohammed Sekouty
I once complained to my father that I didn't seem to be able to do things the same way other people did. Dad's advice? 'Margo, don't be a sheep. People hate sheep. They eat sheep.' - Margo Kaufman
There is a journey that’s waiting for you, you will make great discoveries, you will find treasures and hidden powers, it’s a journey divinely design just for you, Today be brave in self-love and start the journey within yourself, There God is waiting to show you his masterpiece of love. - Micheline Jean Louis
Congratulations.You've just been demoted from the "pity" sector to the "apathy" sector.To check the validity of this offer you can ask if anyone cares.To cancel your subscription, go get a life.Thank you. - Sanhita Baruah
The smile is civilization’s finest adornment. It signifies the willpower and duty to fashion mankind’s coexistence as quietly and agreeably as possible so that it will always appear friendly. For it is all a matter of appearance. The smile is culture’s diploma: it is the diplomat’s badge. - Iwan Goll
She called herself an angel, and wandered the world from girlhood till death. She lived every kind of life and dreamt every kind of dream. She was wild in her wandering, a drop of free water. She believed only in her life and in her dreams. She called herself an angel, and her god was Beauty. - Roman Payne
Because everyone uses language to talk, everyone thinks they can talk about language. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
One should be known for a kind heart,because you are not just a so and so person,you are an identity who is part of the almighty god,who above all likes kindness,because he is the bestower of all desired attributes,but is benevolently looking for kindness from his creations - Jaspreet Kaur
I love drugs, but I hate hangovers, and the hatred of the hangover wins by a landslide every time. - Margaret Cho
Nature's first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold.Her early leaf's a flower;But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides to leaf.So Eden sank to grief,So dawn goes down to day.Nothing gold can stay. - Robert Frost
This would go a lot easier if you'd stop screaming in pain,' Zoe told the muscular man lying beneath her. - Jaime Rush
America... goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. - John Quincy Adams
I like eating Tahu and Tempe. So what. I don't care what people said about them. They taste good in different way~! - Eka Prasetyani
Imagine what it would be like if TV actually were good. It would be the end of everything we know. - Marvin Minsky
When you meet a person as good-hearted as a child, don't ever be selfish, just give them your best and you will become great friends. - Diana Jaber
You are spiritual, blessed, and god-like when you have realized that God and all humans are alike. - Debasish Mridha
Richard Papen: As it happened, I knew Gartrell. He was a bad painter and a vicious gossip, with a vocabulary composed almost entirely of obscenities, gutteral verbs, and the world "postmodernist. - Donna Tartt
If from infancy you treat children as gods, they are liable in adulthood to act as devils. - P.D. James
When the media is controlled by people who runs the world, you are only going to get news that they want you to know. They will paint anther's man country's hero a tyrant, a dictator or a murderer and favor the next just to divide and conquer the people. - Henry Johnson Jr
Be good to the people on your way up the ladder cause you'll ,meet them on your way down. - Robert Junior
When a man sees you are happy with him but you can be just as happy having nothing to do with him, that’s when he won’t want to leave your side. When you are happy, you are sexy. - Sherry Argov
... walk in the footprints of his ancestors. This land is a museum of man's ancient history. The American has gone to the moon and found dust, he's going farther away to look for other planets, very good. But know thyself first. That is what I would tell my American friend. - tsegaye gebre medhin
If I don’t believe in your god, it means he was incapable to manipulate me. - M.F. Moonzajer
As an artist, my talents are not mine alone to just keep. My creations have to touch lives, spread love and let my skills be used only in good things but should be selfless not through selfish motives. In this manner, I am giving the gift back to my Master Creator." - Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
For life to go your way, you must equip yourself with the power of change. - Sunday Adelaja
...Catholic versus Protestant, essentially. It's that kind of fight. ... And it goes on to this day. Will we never learn? Who knows? Religion. Shit it. - Stephen Fry
No more shooting from anyone. Or I am going to get seriously cranky with everyone. Suddenly, and violently and all over the place. - Simon R. Green
Any ordinary favor we do for someone or any compassionate reaching out may seem to be going nowhere at first, but may be planting a seed we can't see right now. Sometimes we need to just do the best we can and then trust in an unfolding we can't design or ordain. - Sharon Salzberg
[When asked by a student if he believes in any gods]Oh, no. Absolutely not... The biggest advantage to believing in God is you don't have to understand anything, no physics, no biology. I wanted to understand. - James D. Watson
To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart. - Phyllis Theroux
People have said, ‘Don’t cry’ to other people for years and years, and all it has ever meant is, ‘I’m too uncomfortable when you show your feelings. Don’t cry.’ I’d rather have them say, ‘Go ahead and cry. I’m here to be with you. - Mr Rogers
If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The most common lie uttered without thought, sincerity, resolve, or guilt: I love you. - Richelle E. Goodrich
It is not enough to profess the word of God; we must partake in good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Worry notif you are in darknessand the void sucks you in further.This is not the place we go to die.It’s where we are bornand our stories begin. - Kamand Kojouri
. . . anyone who wants to elaborate relevant liberation theology must be prepared to go into the 'examination hall' of the poor. Only after sitting on the benches of he humble will he or she be entitled to enter a school of 'higher learning. - Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff
Keep your finger on the pulse of society, take controversies with a grain of salt, lick your finger and then lift it to the wind; always know what is going on, my friend, so this world can never steer you wrong again. - Criss Jami
Two things are needed to raise awareness: education and love. And these go hand in hand because we can be taught to love. - Kamand Kojouri
The larger the bricks your enemies throw at you the larger the palace you are going to build. - Matshona Dhliwayo
In a democratic society freedom of expression and information are protected and government lack of concern in protecting them is a serious issue. - Arzak Khan
...and you will hold me with your wondering eyes in the serenity of purest mind at the dreams edge of my quiet golden shores accompanied by the melodies of emerald blue rippling waves where I will always remain voicing harmony in the over the rainbow soothing memories of your heart... - Oksana Rus
Promise me no promises, So will I not promise you: Keep we both our liberties, Never false and never true: Let us hold the die uncast, Free to come as free to go: For I cannot know your past, And of mine what can you know? - Christina Rossetti
Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer. - W.C. Fields
The surname of an atheist is compound unfortunate plus being, therefore unfortunate-beings, making all atheists unfortunate beings because human beings are created by God and not products of big bang atoms undergoing evolution. - S. E. Entsua-Mensah
If a man hasn't got plenty of good common sense, the more science he has the worse for his patient. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Let go of yesterday, you made it! Don't use yesterday's state of mind to make today's decisions. - C. Nzingha Smith
No matter how long the preparation, you will never feel ready to write an exam, to start a business, to be parent or even to die. Just go for it. - Moffat Machingura
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. - Ben Jonson
I believe writing is a gift God gave us to share His thoughts poured out upon us! Writing is a talent needing care and comfort; open up and let the Lord inspire you! - Mary Kate
Every time I go away from home seems first time..... - Ankit_pandey
[David] Maraniss sees [Barack] Obama as a man with "a moviegoer's or writer's sensibility, where he is both participating and observing himself participating, and views much of the political process as ridiculous or surreal, even as he is deep into it. - Jane Mayer
One who has reached a goal no longer travels the road"(Pauline Christianity, p. 111) - John Ziesler
Accept me for who iam or leave me the the way iam, for a true image of God needs no Photoshop and the core of who i real am has no settings - Morgan Chabane
Words -- so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
You have dreamed too well, O wise archdreamer, for you have drawn dream's gods away from the world of all men's vision to that which is wholly yours,...
Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful - Stephen King
‎God remains silent so that men and women may speak, protest, and struggle. God remains silent so that people may really become people. When God is silent and men and women cry, God cries in solidarity with them but doesn't intervene. God waits for the shouts of protest. - Elsa Tamez
If I go back home to Wittenberg, I'll lie down in a coffin and give the maggots a fat doctor to eat. - Martin Luther
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. - Joan Crawford
Trying to be like me as a person is not a good idea. To have the same interest, to talk about the same and so on and so on... it's kind time waste! - Deyth Banger
Sometimes healing comes after helping someone that is going through the same trauma you went through. Help yourself by helping others. - Ace Antonio Hall
If you have the creative urge, it isn't going to go away. But sometimes it takes a while before you accept the fact. - Hugh Macleod
Many find in sex and economics the meaning of life and the reason of it all. The consequence of this is that the goal of life for many has become a relief of tension. - Sachindra Kumar Majumdar
Just being around her made me feel better. She had an amber shade aura to her that filled any cracks and brokenness I hadn't yet fixed. I could be myself around her, knowing full well she held on as I let go. - Hubert Martin
One does not need to be a good fighter to put up a good fight. - P.K. Shaw
Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is? - Frank Scully
Nobody ever committed suicide while reading a good book, but many have while trying to write one. - Robert Byrne
There but for the grace of God goes God. - Sir Winston Churchill
I have no help to send, therefore I must go myself. - J. R. R. Tolkien
The ABC's success by Bob Proctor is one powerful book, such books are rare. Even sometimes it's hard to find a book which is based on somebody's experience... fantasy??For god sake, one drop truth which is about from 10% up to 20% and the other from 80% up to 90% it's a lie. - Deyth Banger
Your relationship or lack of relationship with God through Jesus Christ continues after your last breath on this earth. - Alisa Hope Wagner
There are few things more discomfiting than a spontaneous outburst of genuine decency from someone you’re determined to dislike for no good reason. - Gregory David Roberts
The chief enemy of creativity is good sense. - Pablo Picasso
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. - Mother Teresa
How can the creation challenge and control the Creator? Oh mortal man, know that there is an immortal God with an immortal power! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Eventually your little choices are going to become habits that affect the bigger decisions you make in life. - Jim George
We have to believe in a God who is like the true God in everything except that he does not exist, since we have not reached the point where God exists. - Simone Weil
It's all right letting yourself go as long as you can let yourself back. - Mick Jagger
To have mercy and truth requires love, good understanding and respect. - Auliq Ice
Go slow, my life, go slow. Let me enjoy the beauty of silence, serenity, and solitude. - Debasish Mridha
When you are overwhelmed by your circumstances and it seems things are getting tougher, remember that God is still faithful and His faithfulness endures forever. - Benjamin Suulola
Justice is the cardinal virtue of peace. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Those who claim to be on the side of good yet do nothing to fight evil are on the side of evil. - Joyce Rachelle
Schools kill time and creativity. Find ways to workaround these limitations - Gossy Ukanwoke
I think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself there. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I miss you so much! And while this hole in my heart will never be filled again, I find comfort knowing that you are nestled within the loving embrace of God… and that I was blessed to know you… even if only for a little while. - Steve Maraboli
We want big results-sooner rather than later. And we've forgotten that God showers his extraordinary gifts through ordinary means of grace, loves us through ordinary fellow image bearers, and sends us into the world to love and serve others in ordinary callings. Michael Horton, Ordinary, 14 - Michael S. Horton
Fake is the new real,You gotta keep a lot a shit to yourself. - Genereux Philip
Be undeniably good. - Steve Martin
I learnt to test the size of my brain..by trying this simple thought ! Look out for the good things, not the faults.It takes a good deal bigger sized brain to find out what is not wrong with people and things than to fins out what is wrong!!! - Abha Maryada Banerjee
Good heart does not produce science or even art, but knowledge does, intellect does and absolutely expertise does. - kambiz shabankareh
All types and levels of art are beautiful, because art is beautiful, creativity is gorgeous and the artist itself is a masterpiece already. - Kelly Palmen
There have been men before now who got so interested in proving the existence of God that they came to care nothing for God Himself. As if the Good Lord had nothing better to do than exist! - C.S. Lewis
The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. - Thomas Jefferson
A good End cannot sanctifie evil Means; nor must we ever do Evil, that Good may come of it. - William Penn
I can all have all the money in the world, hold all the power, or be worshiped like a god but all are meaningless without love. - Joyce Guo
If you wish to befriend someone, look for a person who loves first God then themselves. If they love God, they will be able to love their neighbor, too. - Petar Dunov
Feeling bad is not the problem.The problem is that we feel bad about feeling bad.Once you begin to let go of feeling bad about feeling bad,and start feeling better about feeling bad,then pretty soon you'll just feel better.And then you'll feel awesome. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless. - Nicholas Chamfort
It is ever true that he who does nothing for others, does nothing for himself. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Her whole existence was calling his name and she had no clue where SHE actually was... He continued his path on achieving his goals because he knew that was the source of her scream... Secretly or not she was the biggest of them all - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Write against patterns. Go against the devils. Write what you never write. Lie. Validate what you don’t validate. Indulge what you don’t like. Wallow in it. Write the opposite of what you always write, think, speak. Do everything against the grain! - Deena Metzger
Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in. - Napoleon Bonaparte
One cannot worship the false god of nationalism and the God of Christianity at the same time. . - Martin Luther King Jr.
To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark. - Victor Hugo
Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly armed. - Nathan Cooper
The attitude you pose is greatly influenced by the links of friendships you bookmark. Good friends, good attitudes; best friends, best attitudes. Guess what for toxic friends...! - Israelmore Ayivor
I have forgotten my umbrella. - Friedrich Nietzsche
when you came you cried and everybody smiled with joy; when you go smile and let the world cry for you. - Rabindranath Tagore
The secret of true happiness lies within unwavering devotion to God - Radhe Maa
Amicus scientia est amicus Deus: Friend of science is the friend of God! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time. - Edith Wharton
The lot of the brideto be wed before beddesired until rotten.The lot of the authorto be read before bedadmired then forgotten. - Roman Payne
Rationality and common sense never goes out of fashion. - Amit Kalantri
At the beginning Earth was a hell; then it became a heaven! Hell is the road leading to heaven! Chestnut tastes good after roasted! When the sand lives through hell, it becomes a beautiful glass! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If we were able to distill all human experience to its essence, it would be a question on the lips of a man named Jesus. As he asked Peter, he asks all mankind, "Who do you say that I am?" "Our idea of God," observed Thomas Merton, "tells us more about ourselves than about Him. - Ron Brackin
I think a man's "wordplay" can be so fucking sexy!!! I love a good mind fuck!! - Junnita Jackson
Por querer volar contigo aprendí a caer, y al tocar fondo comprendí que gracias a ti hoy lo que no quiero. - Alejandro Ordóñez Perales
I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us. - Charles Dickens
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth," the long out-of-print science fiction writer went on. - Kurt Vonnegut
You don't have to know where you're going to get exactly where you need to go. - Marilyn A. Hepburn
Maybe she loved me,maybe not –who knows?Not even the godscan see intoa human heart –it’s that dark. - Gregory Orr
Life doesn’t always go our way. But one thing we know and can stand upon. Jesus has burst open the gates of LIFE. So we look ahead with great joy. The Story of God is one of hope, promise and life eternal. - Anusha Atukorala
As the genuine religious impulse becomes dominant, adoration more and more takes charge. 'I come to seek God because I need Him', may be an adequate formula for prayer. 'I come to adore His splendour, and fling myself and all that I have at His feet', is the only possible formula for worship. - Evelyn Underhill
Look not mournfully into the Past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the Present. In is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear, and a manly heart. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
...Material goods have gained an increasing and finally inexorable power over the lives of men as at no previous period in history. - Max Weber
God is short of responsible men which explains why he said who shall I send and who would go for us? - Sunday Adelaja
If you’ve got an idea, act on it up to its perfection. - Debasish Mridha
I'm a believer and I believe there is a more knowledgeable supreme being who created earth. I'm not surprise when I read the bible Psalm 14:1 which said ~ the fool says in his heart there is no God. - Uzoma Nnadi
If you achieve good results using a poor method, isn't that a much greater achievement than starting from better methods. - Gen Urobuchi 虚淵 玄
With consistent determination, commitment , persistent, handwork, and faith in God we can make our dreams come true. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Let me remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me also remind you that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. - Barry Goldwater
Go to God with your coal, and He will set them to blazing fire. - Anthony Liccione
I cannot now evaluate the events that, at the end of those thirty years, made me discover the necessity of religious belief. I was not reasoned into my disposition. Though I admire the structured thought of theology, it is to religion no more than counterpoint exercises are to music. - Igor Stravinsky
It is both relaxing and invigorating to occasionally set aside the worries of life, seek the company of a friendly book...from the reading of 'good books' there comes a richness of life that can be obtained in no other way. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Poets create gods, philosophers destroy them. - Marty Rubin
A government which is not liked by the artists is certainly a bad government, because artist sees very well what is behind the masks! - Mehmet Murat ildan
First, know where you want to go. Then, go where you want to go. You are your own pilot and you can choose your Destination. - RVM
Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. - Clarence Thomas
The memory should be specially taxed in youth, since it is then that it is strongest and most tenacious. But in choosing the things that should be committed to memory the utmost care and forethought must be exercised; as lessons well learnt in youth are never forgotten. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Do not be afraid of defeat. you are never so near victory as when defeated in a good cause - Henry Ward Beecher
God’s decision to reach out in such dramatic fashion as to lay all rightful privilege aside and be born into abject destitution tells us that His passion for us exceeds our desire for Him. And maybe we should commit to evening that up a bit. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
What should a good children’s book be like? If you ask me, I can tell you after thinking long and hard: It must be good. - Astrid Lindgren
Nowadays the job of the judge is not to do justice. The judge is more of a functionary . He's like a civil servant whose job is to interpret words written down by another branch of the government, whether those words are just or not. - Stephan Kinsella
Delighting in the Lord, knowing His Word, and committing yourself to Him are ways to ensure that your plans and desires for yourself match God’s plans. - Elizabeth George
What I want, it is my ego’s demand. What I get, my ego is not satisfied with that. - Debasish Mridha
RAZOR, n. An instrument used by the Caucasian to enhance his beauty, by the Mongolian to make a guy of himself, and by the Afro-American to affirm his worth. - Ambrose Bierce
I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details. - Albert Einstein
...Why the hell are we conditioned into the smooth strawberry-and-cream mother-goose, Alice-and- Wonderland fable, only to be broken on the wheel as we grow older and become aware of ourselves as individuals with a dull responsibility in life? - Sylvia Plath
A study can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea. - Victor Hugo
Letting go is not getting rid of memories. Memories will stay, they always do. Letting go is making sure that the pain associated with the memories goes away. - Arti Honrao
Great art is always a way of concentrating, reinventing what is called fact, what we know of our existence- a reconcentration… tearing away the veils, the attitudes people acquire of their time and earlier time. Really good artists tear down those veils - Francis Bacon
Is everything forbidden us except to fold our arms? Poverty is not written in the stars; under development is not one of God's mysterious designs. - Eduardo Galeano
Once Trump got his hands around this promising idea, he basically strangled it. - Joe Nocera
Good to know we're all twelve years old mentally. Keeps things in perspective. - Alexander William Gaskarth
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. - Golda Meir
To safeguard democracy the people must have a keen sense of independence, self-respect and their oneness, and should insist upon choosing as their representatives only such persons as are good and true. - Mahatma Gandhi
That is what a shadow is, and empty space, a hole in the light. Evil is this - a hole in the goodness of God. - Ann Voskamp
I miss you but can’t see you. So I go crazy. - M Y
I got out on the street and started crying the kind of hysterical tears made justifiable only by turning off one’s cell phone, putting it to the ear, and pretending to be told of a death in the family. - Sloane Crosley
Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society.
But to go to school in a summer morn,O! It drives all joy away;Under a cruel eye outworn,The little ones spend the dayIn sighing and dismay. - William Blake
You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do. - Henry Ford
People who aren’t in that space will be like ‘So how was your trip?’ and you don’t even go into it. ‘I guess it was pretty good.’ And then you talk to other people who have been there and they know exactly why your eyes are glazed over. - Jimmy Chin
Once we’ve savored the goodness of a hundred years until the final drop, only the fleeting memories of intoxication is left behind. Between you and me is it too much to ask for a bottle to begin with? - Xue Yun
In life, if a door closes, all you need to do is move to the window; as long as your whiskers can clear the space you will move through effortlessly. quote by T.G. the "Feline Goddess of Everything and Everyone - R. Rose
Beautiful people are blessed by god and those who love them.Beautiful people are loved by everyone.Beautiful people love and Forgive.Beautiful people don't Sin by heart.Beautiful people are beautiful from within.I am Beautiful, Strong and Proud Forever..! - Chitralekha Rathore
God promises neither good life nor good health but live your life the way it is planned by you and fate. - Bashir F. Biodun
[Murder] doesn't concern the victim and the guilty only. It affects the innocent too. You and I are innocent, but the shadow of murder has touched us. We don't know how that shadow is going to affect our lives. - Agatha Christie
Check your ego at the door and check your gut instead. Every right decision I have ever made has come from my gut. Every wrong decision I've made was the result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself - Oprah Winfrey
Some people are so talented that they have the millions that they are chasing for within, blinded by the chase. - Goitsemang Mvula
Sometimes, the word SOMETIMES sounds like OFTEN in a thought especially that has got innate truth in it. - Anuj Somany
God shall shine through the person you are and not the mistakes you made. - Chris Burkmenn
At work, or anywhere in life, people should be a team, working for the best of all, not protecting individual egos. - Jay Woodman
Many love humanity only in order to forget God with a clear conscience. - Nicolás Gómez Dávila
And he writhed inside at what seemed the cruelty and unfairness of the demand. He had not yet learned that if you do one good deed your reward usually is to do another and harder and better one. - C.S. Lewis
Even sheep should have brains enough not to follow the wolf. - Joseph Goodfield
Moments come & moments go, but can last a lifetime in your heart. Make them count! - Mark Hewer
When we age we shed many skins: ego, arrognace, dominance, self-opionated, unreliable, pessimism, rudeness, selfish, uncaring ... Wow, it's good to be old! - Stephen Richards
Regrets are a terrible thing to live with but, if we take a good look at them, some are not regrets at all, they’re situations that taught us a valuable lesson. Don’t be so hard on yourself it’s not a perfect world. - Ron Baratono
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher. - Socrates
Grace is all that God is free to do for you, in you, with you and through you only because of the finished work of Jesus Christ. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
I hang around kids so people will assume when I act like one it's because I'm babysitting. - Richelle E. Goodrich
... I told him I was so happy that I had nothing else to pray for. 'Why,'says I, I've got prayers to sell. - Sandra Dallas
There is nothing like dream to create the future. Utopia to-day, flesh and blood tomorrow. - Victor Hugo
The lover knows much more about absolute good and universal beauty than any logician or theologian, unless the latter, too, be lovers in disguise. - George Santayana
I’ve never been bothered with my conduct. I’ve only been bothered by people that don’t get it correct when they gossip about me. - Shannon L. Alder
You will certainly not be able to take the lead in all things yourself, for to one man a god has given deeds of war, and to another the dance, to another lyre and song, and in another wide-sounding Zeus puts a good mind. - Homer
I used to think of them as prolegomena for a book; now I would see a book as prolegomena for the notes. - Jeff Nunokawa
ohmygoodNESS! - P.C. Cast
Here is my first principle of foreign policy: good government at home. - William Ewart Gladstone
The most hardest thing in life is letting go of the person whom you dearly love. - Luffina Lourduraj
The man who practices the prophet's art is a fool; for if he happens to give an adverse answer, he makes himself disliked by those for whom he takes the omens; while if he pities and deceives those who are consulting him, he wrongs the gods.
It is the body-complex that eats and one just does the egoism of ‘I ate.’ He is not aware that there is another entity. One simply takes on the suffering of another. - Dada Bhagwan
Man has only wisdumb to gain knowledge but God alone has wisdom, for he possesses all knowledge past, present and future and there is not one iota of knowledge that he does not possess or will not possess." C. R. Lord - C R Lord
You think you're lost but you're not lost on your own. You're not alone. I will stand by you, I will help you through when you’ve done all you can do.If you can’t cope, I will dry your eyesI will fight your fight, I will hold you tight and I wont let go - Rascal Flatts
It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known. - Charles Dickens
I have too much respect for the idea of God to make it responsible for such an absurd world. - Georges Duhamel
The one whose egoism is gone, he becomes God. One is a mortal (jivatma) as long as there is egoism and if his egoism goes away, he becomes the eternal Absolute Supreme Soul (Paramatma). - Dada Bhagwan
We have a disharmony in our natures. We cannot live together without injuring each other. - William Golding
Cutting out drama... Healthy mind and body choices... Intent followed by action... Keeping real friends and letting go of the pretends... Livin' clean for Twenty Seventeen! - Steve Maraboli
The right relationship won't distract you from God. It will bring you closer to Him. - Jason Evert
Check out Suicide Bunny's great range of premium e-juices with Official UK retailer of Suicide Bunny gourmet e-liquids. Same Day delivery on Suicide Bunny orders over £25. - Magnifecig Online
A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.
A lot of people desire to go to their next level but only a few are determined to grow to their next level - Saji Ijiyemi
Vision, even for a dragon, is woefully unreliable. What you can see with great clarity may not be real; what you cannot see may be the ultimate reality. - T.A. Barron
Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. - Mason Cooley
Even though I was fairly certain God wasn't Ted Bundy, I kept an open mind, since this phone call was getting a bit confusing. - Scott Buckel
I’ll never speak to God again. - Sylvia Plath
I got this to say. You're acting like a crowd of kids. - William Golding
Great future through ignorance often ends in great regret because God often times gives us what we need in a package we do not want. - Peter Isekiigbe DE Rock
We should manage our fortunes as we do our health - enjoy it when good, be patient when it is bad, and never apply violent remedies except in an extreme necessity. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Today my spirit is going to school while my body stays in bed. - Bill Watterson
A good book is enjoyable. A great book sets off a bomb inside of you. - Ned Hepburn
Everything we do really is just a little marker on the long road to death. And sometimes that’s overwhelmingly depressing to me, and sometimes it makes me feel kinship and forgiveness. We’ve all got the same ending to the story. The way we make that story more elaborate, I got to respect. - Joss Whedon
May righteous God guide you on a right path. - Lailah Gifty Akita
But in case you can’t find her let me draw you a map with some crayons, you go past leave us the fuck alone, and turn right at fuck off, and oh look you're in slut country. - J.L. Beck
I'm going to go where my heart takes me, even if it's a messy road. - Ha Myung-hee (writer), said by Dr. Jung YoonDo, Doctors (닥터스)
the important people in our lives leave imprints. they may die or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart - Jules Renard
A bad job is drudgery; a good job is slavery. - Marty Rubin
Economics has made good on its promise to deliver prosperity and democratic freedom to much of the world, but in doing away with the age-old problems of humanity, it has opened up a crisis of an entirely new variety. - Philip Roscoe
I would rather go out of politics having the feeling that I had done what was right than stay in with the approval of all men, knowing in my heart that I have acted as I ought not to. - Theodore Roosevelt
Long time ago I had this thing called hope, but like I said it was long ago - JJM
Each of us will be able to see God if we can ignite the spiritual light. - Debasish Mridha
I am just an Accountant who love God. - Evans Biya
You're only as good as your last article, so make it memorable. - Morgan Amos
Surely your longings and feelings arise from the God who created you. They were created in order to be filled, not crushed. Surely we shall find peace not by eliminating desire, but by finding its fulfillment and satisfaction in the One who created it. - Sundar Singh
Our goal should be not to redefine masculinity, but to abolish it. - Robert Jensen
There are things that humans cannot stop a human's will, dream, and the change of an era. As long a humans long for freedom he surely cannot stop these things - Monkey D. Dragon
PAIN, n. An uncomfortable frame of mind that may have a physical basis in something that is being done to the body, or may be purely mental, caused by the good fortune of another. - Ambrose Bierce
Live life daringly. In one moment in time, you will be gone. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Understand that friends come and go. But a precious few, who should hold on. - Baz Luhrmann
then suddenly one day he awake to find that time had gone; the house completed, the imortelle tree cut down, his mother dead. - Earl Lovelace
If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow. - William McFee
I don't know why I can't let the insults go, but I can't. I'm the product of every hurt that's ever been laid on me. - Julie Anne Peters
Humility is the acknowledgement that without God you wouldn't have made it thus far. - Gugu Mona
Scars show us where we have been, they do not dictate where we are going. - David Rossi
You've got to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight. - Bruce Cockburn
When a person comes to know God, the Spirit of God revives his spirit and his essence. - Sunday Adelaja
Don't stop til you get to the top. And then break out the sledge hammer and keep on going - Juliet C. Obodo
God gives us songs in our sleep - The book of Job
We all have days when we say that we are gown-ups, that we are mature, have a lot of experience and don't need advise from others.But it is our mom and dad we turn to when we're in trouble or can't find the answer to a question. - Maurice J. Dubois
So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good. - Helen Keller
Therefore we will not listen to the source itself in order to learn what it is or what it means, but rather to the turns of speech, the allegories, figures, metaphors, as you will, into which the source has deviated, in order to lose it or rediscover it—which always amounts to the same. - Jacques Derrida
We advance on our journey only when we face our goal, when we are confident and believe we are going to win out. - Orison Swett Marden
You see many stars in the sky at night, but not when the sun rises. Can you therefore say that there are no stars in the heavens during the day? Because you cannot find God in the days of your ignorance, say not that there is no God. - Ramakrishna
As you begin to look deeply into the mystery of your own evolution, in place of good and evil you will find only stories, finished or unfinished. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
If God made anything better than women, I think he kept it for himself. - Kris Kristofferson
Read, read, read. Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it.Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window. - William Faulkner
No es que escribir me produzca un gran placer, pero es mucho peor si no lo hago. - Paul Auster
Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Good People bring out the good in other people. - Anonymous
She was always at her best with him, with a delightful feeling of being understood. To love is easy and therefore common - but to understand - how rare it is! - L.M. Montgomery
But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. - John Adams
Pain is inevitable in life; you can’t avoid it. You can only feel it. Realize its true nature without emotional attachment and then transcend yourself and your emotions beyond that level. Pain will not go away, but you find that it is not hurting you that much. - Debasish Mridha
Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is beyond our reach. The best time to write is now, in the present. - M. Kirin
Thousands of years ago--in times we are fond of calling "primitive" (since this renders us "modern" without having to exert ourselves further to earn this qualification)... - Thomas Szasz
Christmas; silence breathed childlike anticipation in your heart. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around Him. - Joyce Meyer
If you're afraid of everything out there, you quit going out there. - Jesse Eisenberg
Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined. - Samuel Goldwyn
Grown up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do. It is much easier to skip it and go from one childhood to another. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The world is proof that God is a committee.
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.
All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness. - Tennessee Williams
É preciso que todos os que lidam comigo se convençam de que sou assim, e que exigir-me os sentimentos, aliás muito dignos, de um homem vulgar e banal, é como exigir-me que tenha olhos azuis e cabelo louro. - Fernando Pessoa
All good and evil, whether in the body or in human nature, originates in the soul, and overflows from thence, as if from the head into the eyes. - Plato
Stop thinking about the easy way out,There's no need to go and blow the candle outBecause you're not done,You're far too young. - Nickelback band
After coming to God and being revived spiritually, every person should grow spiritually - Sunday Adelaja
GOD made you a masterpiece, stop treating yourself like a shattered piece. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Knowledge and the study of God's Word is voided by the folding of unwilling hands. - Joshua Roman
The Word of God is our measuring stick against all deception. - Brian Reynolds
God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. - Steve Jobs
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. - Reinhold Niebuhr
Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
It is essential to know that to be a happy person, a happy family, a happy society, it is very crucial to have a good heart, that is very crucial. World peach must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just the absence of violence but the manifestation of human compassion.
Y por que el sol es tan mal amigodel caminante en el desierto?Y por que el sol es tan simpaticoen el jardin del hospital?And why is the sun such a bad companionto the traveler in the desert?And why is the sun so congenial in the hospital garden? - Pablo Neruda
Stress is a dragon.Believe in it and you’re toast.Slay your stress. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
My political position springs from my being a novelist. In so far as I am concerned, politics and the novel are an indivisible case and I can categorically state that I became politically committed because I am a novelist, not the opposite. - غسان كنفاني
A woman's flattery may inflate a man's head a little; but her criticism goes straight to his heart, and contracts it so that it can never again hold quite as much love for her. - Helen Rowland
G - God’sR - RedemptionA - AtC - Christ’sE - Expense - Paul Silway
At the core of the universe, the face of God wears a smile - Loren Eiseley
You can't become a star just by watching one on TV. Dream big and go for your goals! - Koltn Burbank
If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream. - Martin Luther King Jr.
All religions, in their pure form, will tell you God is Love. And power, fear, division, judgment, oppression, hatred and self-righteousness are the opposite of Love. So going to war, for example, in the name of religion, is a complete contradiction. No pure religious leader would ever support this. - The Truth
No busco la fama, no busco agradar a nadie, busco sentirme bien conmigo misma por hacer lo que amo y aquello que me llena: Escribir - Manne Van Necker
People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar. - Thich Nhat Hanh
I thank God today she found the courage in her heart to love me enough so that someday I could tell you that even a black ex-con from Angola that stabbed a man could maybe someday do some good in the world if he gets a chance. - Ron Hall
No demigod can heal your heart."Aphrodite to Reyna, at Charleston - Rick Riordan
the decision to stand unapologetically for the gospel has been tantamount to a new conversion. It brings peace; it dissolves fears; it snaps fingers at ridicule. - Elton Trueblood
It is quiet at home today. I got my wisdom tooth extracted. - Andy Paula
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present. - Bil Keane
Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are many kinds of smiles, each having a distinct character. Some announce goodness, and sweetness, others betray sarcasm, bitterness, and pride; some soften the countenance by their languishing tenderness, others brighten by their spiritual vivacity.
As people do better, they start voting like Republicans- unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.
God is the only book that can never be touched, open and seen. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Stay committed and dedicated to your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at. - Jimmy Demaret
Good novels are not written by orthodoxy-sniffers, nor by people who are conscience-stricken about their own orthodoxy. Good novels are written by people who are not frightened. - George Orwell
The least among the sadhus, saints and monks and other people of God is worthier than you. Never speak ill of them - Radhe Maa
The end of a melody is not its goal: but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end it would not have reached its goal either. A parable. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Every journey conceals another journey within its lines; the path not taken and the forgotten angle. These are the journeys I wish to record. Not the ones I made, but the ones I might have made, or perhaps did make in some other place or time. - Jeanette Winterson
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - Voltaire
Bibo, ergo sum. - I drink, therefore I am
Few things in life are more embarrassing than the necessity of having to inform an old friend that you have just got engaged to his fiancee.
Beginning a novel is always hard. It feels like going nowhere. I always have to write at least 100 pages that go into the trashcan before it finally begins to work. It's discouraging, but necessary to write those pages. I try to consider them pages -100 to zero of the novel. - Barbara Kingsolver
had almost forgotten the wet brush of your kisses… soft as April snowflakes - John J. Geddes
When both partners strive for a marriage that honours and pleases God, they can be assured of an everlasting joy and peace. - Gugu Mona
Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me. - Ambrose Bierce
Once you can laugh at your own weaknesses, you can move forward. Comedy breaks down walls. It opens up people. If you're good, you can fill up those openings with something positive. Maybe... combat some of the ugliness in the world. - Goldie Hawn
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. —GALATIANS 6: 7 - Paul the Apostle
Every act has both good and evil results. Every act in life yields pairs of opposites in its results. The best we can do is lean toward the light, toward the harmonious relationships that come from compassion with suffering, from understanding the other person. - Joseph Campbell
Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it. - Ann Landers
I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music.
When I was fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have him around. When I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years. - Mark Twain
If a black cat crosses your path, it signifies that the animal is going somewhere. - Groucho Marx
Enjoy the beauty of simplicity and slowness of life, let go of urgency, stress, and anxiety of life. - Debasish Mridha
In accordance with our principles of free enterprise and healthy competition, I'm going to ask you two to fight to the death for it.
Sometimes our Biggest Nightmare turns out to be our Biggest Gift. And it all comes down to our attitude. Life will throw us curve balls and disappointments, even heartbreak. But ultimately we can choose if we're going to be Bitter or Better for the experience. - Kathryn Orford
Naar jeg kommer i Mænds Selskab, presenteres mig enten et Glas Viin eller en Pibe Tabac, som aldeeles ikke er min Ragout. Udi Fruentimmer-Selskab derimod faaer jeg Thee, Café og jævn Pølse-Snak. - Ludvig Holberg
Those who are truly beautiful go out of their way to make life beautiful for others. - Elle Sommer
It doesn't pay to be good at something unless you are the absolute best at it. - Josh Lieb
Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age, and The Dreams of the People. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, these things will never cease to be!" - Gol D. Roger - Eiichiro Oda
Writing is the flip side of sex - it's only good when it's over. - Hunter S. Thompson
Love has many names including compassion, caring, concern,friendship, kindness,goodwill, altruism and benevolence. - Independent Zen
Guys like him, the ones who grip the Bible so tight they leave fingernail grooves, they're the ones who are the most scared of their dark side. Always going too far the other way, fighting for the Lord, often just because it gives them an excuse to fight. - David Wong
Financial and Personal success, come your way faster when You work each weekday and night at realizing your dreams to be successful, such achieving a personal goal and dream, OR your dream of running your own business and being your own boss. - nick catricala
If I knew where poems came from, I'd go there. - Michael Langley
At the beginning of a great national change, the patriot is a scarce man: scorned, ridiculed and forgotten. When his cause succeeds, however, all men will join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. - Mark Twain
God’s Word is the tool the Holy Spirit uses to change our worldly thinking to heavenly thinking. - Elizabeth George
When a leader is at their limit the last thing they want to hear is that they need to change even more. Maintaining good rhythms of rest, exercise and fun create more energy for a leader to be willing and open for change. - Gary Rohrmayer
The downside of my celebrity is that I cannot go anywhere in the world without being recognized. It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The wheelchair gives me away. - Stephen Hawking
Que grande vantagem o recordar intrasigentemente!Agora tenho pena de nunca mais ter visto a outra raparigaE tenho pena de nem sequer ter olhado para esta(...)Porque todas as recordações são a mesma recordação,Tudo o que foi é a mesma morte,Ontem, hoje, quem sabe se até amanhã? - Álvaro de Campos
Jon me enseñó qué quiere decir nostalgia. Nostos en griego, me dijo, es 'regreso', y algia, 'dolor', así como mialgia es dolor de los músculos, así mismo nostalgia es el dolor del regreso. Todos los viajes, todos mis viajes, son viajes de regreso, así dijo un poeta de mi tierra". - Héctor Abad Faciolince
There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government. - Benjamin Franklin
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. - Bertrand Russell
Talent finds its models, methods, and ends in society, exists for exhibition, and goes to the soul only for power to work. Genius is its own end, and draws its means and the style of its architecture from within. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever your problems may be, they pale in insignificance in the light of eternity. No matter how great your failures, God's grace is greater still. Lift up your heart and face life head-on. - Prince Akwarandu
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. - Golda Meir
Sometimes, I try in the exercise of the rainbow and bring a little color in our world. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
We did a variant of the intern thing. We hired people as consultants for a specific thing and then if they were good, offered them a job. - Joshua Schachter
I guess in this culture of ever-shortening attention spans, it's good if a song can lift us out of the madness, even if only for a few minutes. - Peter Bradley Adams
In the end, just three things matter:How well we have livedHow well we have lovedHow well we have learned to let go - Jack Kornfield
There is no such thing as a perfect person in this world. We all must become the main characters or the stars of our lives. We are all different and start differently. But from whatever is our circumstances, it is very important that we find the opportunities to try out what we want to do. - Goo Hye Sun
If three steps are taken without any other motive than the desire to obey God, those three steps are miraculous; they are equally so whether they take place on dry land or on water. - Simone Weil
To the moralist prostitution does not consist so much in the fact that the woman sells her body, but rather that she sells it out of wedlock. - Emma Goldman
You gained experience from your past action. Set goals for the future; act now with imagination. - Debasish Mridha
Long ago we stated the reason for labour organizations. We said that union was essential to give labourers opportunity to deal on an equality with their employers. - US Supreme Court
Let lessons learnt be like fingers burned. Gentle reminders imploring us to stay away from fire. - karan godara
Dance like you're stamping on a human face forever, love like you've been in a serious car crash that minced the front of your brain, stab like no one can arrest you, and live like there's no such thing as God. - Warren Ellis
God has to work in the soul in secret and in darkness because if we fully knew what was happening, and what Mystery, transformation, God and Grace will eventually ask of us, we would either try to take charge or stop the whole process. - San Juan de la Cruz
A daydreamer is a writer just waiting for pen and paper. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman
What goes up must come down. Which is why we invented Viagra, to make it stay up a little longer. - Carroll Bryant
Sow good services; sweet remembrances will grow them. - Madame de Stael
Whatever you sow, you shall reap. It is better to sow good deeds; love, goodness and kindness. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I'm going to tell you a secret:You don't have to believe every thought that pops into your head. - B. Dave Walters
One of the (many) problems with government is not that power corrupts or even that it is magnetic to corruptible people; rather, it is that we have been conditioned to tolerate corruption in power, and so we don't even try to hold our politicians accountable. - Michel Templet
Let the love of the moon kiss you good night, let the morning sun wake you up with loving light. - Debasish Mridha
Maybe she would have done more good as a playwright than as a doctor, after all clichés were like plaque in the arteries of the imagination, they clogged the sense of what was possible. Maybe if enough people had worked to demolish clichés, the world wouldn't have ended. - Charlie Jane Anders
The first and most important thing that God requires of a man is to bear responsibility for future generations - Sunday Adelaja
Thank God I have seen an orange sky with purple clouds. How easy it is to forget that we have the privilege of living in God's art gallery. - Erica Goros
Dead parents are gruesome, yes, but anyone who’s anyone in children’s literature has either been orphaned or abandoned; well-adjusted kids from stable two-parent homes don’t go on hero quests. - Lynn Messina
Keep a relentless eye on your goals! Perseverance, joyful dedication, and unwavering focus will get you there! - Amy Leigh Mercree
Vigilantes who executed some of the most vicious and ignoble acts of lawless brutality in U.S. history nevertheless considered those very acts to be the work of citizenship and in many cases elicited wide popular approval. - Linda Gordon
Sometimes the closer we got to a situation, the less clear it looked. - Wally Lamb
If I had to sum up in one word what makes a good manager, I'd say decisiveness. You can use the fanciest computers to gather the numbers, but in the end you have to set a timetable and act. - Lee Iacocca
Love in your heart is better than gold in your hands. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Wouldn't if be nice if our government, could make things beautiful because everybody cares! - Robert Armstrong
While death and darkness girdle meI grope for immortality. - Lionel Pigot Johnson
Golf is a game in which you claim the privileges of age, and retain the playthings of childhood. - Samuel Johnson
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36 - Gospel of Mark
Elizabeth's barreness and advanced age--a double symbol of hopelessness--became the means by which God would announce to the world that nothing is impossible for Him. - Charles R. Swindoll
God is a great illustrator especially when I look at the humankind; different races, different genders, different heights, different weights and different shapes.His illustrations are simply breath taking, full of details and very inspiring. His creativity is beyond great and He's a mighty God. - Euginia Herlihy
The government of the United States is a device for maintaining in perpetuity the rights of the people, with the ultimate extinction of all privileged classes. - Calvin Coolidge
We are determined to answer evil with GOOD, slavery with FREEDOM, rape with hope!We are against slavery, rape, beheading, torture, violations of human rights, corruption and misuse of religion! - Widad Akreyi
...for years the first of May was the day all leases expired, and on that day mass migrations would take place, with families lugging eiderdowns and ancestral portraits through the streets, as if in parody of the march of the wagon trains. - Luc Sante
Capitalism is not a form of government. Capitalism is a symptom of freedom. It is the result of individual rights, which include property rights. - A.E. Samaan
Time passes: yesterday has gone for ever but tomorrow never comes. Let's make the most of today. - Robert Ashby
When you understand who God is, you can see beyond a shadow of a doubt why your weakness is nothing to be feared, because it just leaves more room for him and his strength. - Hayley DiMarco
Who gossips to you will gossip about you.
Good ideas alter the power balance in relationships, that is why good ideas are always initially resisted. Good ideas come with a heavy burden. Which is why so few people have them. So few people can handle it. - Hugh Macleod
Are we biology or God or something higher? I know my heart beats and I listen to it. The beat is biology, but what is the song? - James J. Frey
She was pleased to have him come and never sorry to see him go. - Dorothy Parker
God is dead, but fifty thousand social workers have risen to take his place.
Vile deeds like poison weeds bloom well in prison air, it is only what is good in man, that wastes and withers there. - Oscar Wilde
oh god i live in sea of shallow people ..i hope someday find who really deeper than every book i read it.. - angham
I wondered if there was anything [the doctor] could do to to make the pain disappear and my arms work again. I wondered if I was going to get any worse than I already was. If so, I wondered if he could fix that, too. - Jennifer Starzec
In reality, the outer instruments (hands, feet, eyes, etc) are not the hindrance (for liberation); it is the inner instrument (mind, intellect, chit and ego) that is obstructive. - Dada Bhagwan
When you understand the internal process of life, first time, you realize that the personal identity that you carry in your mind, exists only at the time of momentary experience, and as the experience is forgotten, so the personal identity gets forgotten with it. - Roshan Sharma
Every woman should be treated like a queen, worshipped like a goddess, love like there's no tomorrow, and complimented at least 5 times a day. - Kristov Burgh
It's amazing how nice people are to you when they know you're going away.
Don’t just pray, but reach out in prayer to get an understanding of God’s plan, of His revelation and vision for your life. - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
Hate cannot live alone. It must have love as a trigger, a goad or a stimulant - John Steinbeck
I think nature's imagination Is so much greater than man's, she's never going to let us relax - Richard Feynman
I have never been good at saying goodbyes to people. What else can they offer rather than a reciprocal desolation? - Aishah Madadiy
The wild is where you find it, not in some distant world relegated to a nostalgic past or an idealized future; its presence is not black or white, bad or good, corrupted or innocent... We are of that nature, not apart from it. We survive because of it, not instead of it. - Renee Askins
True love is jealousy in disguise: A man cannot restrict his lover from going to the club because he hates her, he actually hates the men who would come around and touch her. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't try to create the world in your image-that was God's mistake. - Marty Rubin
Never compare your love story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters, yours is written by God. - Efren Peñaflorida Jr.
There is no knowing that does not begin with knowing God. - John Calvin
Nothing revives hope and confidence like a good fantasy. - Marty Rubin
Chemistry is great, but eventually your relationship moves out of the laboratory. - Tim Fargo
Men come and go. They lie, or die, or leave you. - George R.R. Martin
By the deficits we may know the talents, by the exceptions we may know the rules, by studying patholgoy we may construct a model of health. - Laurence Miller
So of cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more it remains. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug. - John Lithgow
You are doing the best you can, and that best results in good to yourself and to others. Do not nag yourself with a sense of failure. Get on your knees and ask for the blessings of the Lord;then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do. - Gordon B. Hinckley
WHEN SIN HINDERS YOUR WORSHIP.God will never delay His promise.You have delayed Him."..However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8b - Mac Canoza
A good presentation = Conviction + Story + Message. Subject does't matter. - Aayush Jain
I write out of revenge. - William Goldman
The truth is that the world is full of dragons, and none of us are as powerful or cool as we’d like to be. And that sucks. But when you’re confronted with that fact, you can either crawl into a hole and quit, or you can get out there, take off your shoes, and Bilbo it up. - Patrick Rothfuss
A good book is a true friend who never betrays. - Debasish Mridha
Man has three friends on whose company he relies. First, wealth which goes with him only while good fortune lasts. Second, his relatives; they go only as far as the grave, leave him there. The third friend, his good deeds, go with him beyond the grave. - The Talmud
drill one hole after another into [language] until that which lurks behind, be it something or nothing, starts seeping through I cannot imagine a higher goal for today’s writer. - Samuel Beckett
It's curious that people go wrong so often between inferiority complex and self-confidence. Pitiful isn't it? - Öykü Yelkencioğlu
Relaxation is good, holidays are necessary, but there is nothing as rewarding and healthy as doing what you love and loving what you do. Our honest toil should inspire and satisfy us. - Ogwo David Emenike
Antagonizing people when you don't have to is like casting your garbage on the waters. One day it may come floating back, smelling worse.
God is merciful cant we all be on the right track of faith but just using different roads? - Ali Al-Ahmed
Learning from our mistakes is important to be able to make better choices in the future. - Greg Gordon
Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success. - Brian Adams
I Don't Write Because God Gives Me A Fresh Word Everyday, I write Because of The Words He Has Already Spoken Yesterday That Changed Today. - The Prolific Penman
If God be near a church, it must pray. And if he be not there, one of the first tokens of his absence will be a slothfulness in prayer. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
A good reading strengthens the soul. - Toba Beta
If you could be God's worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose? - Chuck Palahniuk
Stories aren't facts, Cait, they're not details. Stories are feelings. You've got your feelings, haven't you?""Too many," I said."Well, that's all you need." He put his hand on mine. "Cry yourself a story, love. It works. Believe me."So that's what I did, I cried myself a story.And this is it. - Kevin Brooks
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Men should not try to overstrain their goodness more than any other faculty. - Samuel Butler
You are more likely to find three TVs inside a randomly selected house than you are to find a single book that is or was not read to pass an exam, to please God, or to be a better cook. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If you're not hated by many, you're not good enough yet, because God hates and always hated the majority for good reasons. - Daniel Marques
If you laid all of the lawyers in the world, end to end, on the equator ---- It would be a good idea to just leave them there. - Unknown
Nothing is more likely than that [the] enumeration of powers is defective. This is the ordinary case of all human works. Let us then go on perfecting it by adding by way of amendment to the Constitution those powers which time and trial show are still wanting - Thomas Jefferson
If You have a good reading habit, then you become a good thinker - Muhammad Hassam
An ethics of desire is good news for those of us who have become allergic to an ethics of law. - Jean Vanier
If you would not step into the harlot's house, do not go by the harlot's door. - Thomas Secker
How you ever gonna reach the starsIf you never get off the ground? - Big Time Rush
If God were mortal and had but one life to give, he would have been more careful about how he created the world. - A.E. Samaan
My tears were wiped away, my heart was strong, I saw the way of healing…I said, God help me now to preach the Word to all the dying around, and tell them how ‘tis Satan still defiles, and Jesus still delivers, for He is just the same today. - John Alexander Dowie
No kid in the world, no woman in the world should ever raise a hand against a no-good daddy. That's already been taken care of: A Man Who Destroys His Own Home Shall Inherit the Wind. - Dick Gregory
Socialists seem to think George Orwell’s 1984 is a suggestion, or at least are unashamed of mimicking the methods of the totalitarian state Orwell depicted. Libertarians know it to be a warning, and a government that micro-manages all aspects of humanity an intolerable reality. - A.E. Samaan
Îl zăpăcise pur și simplu mulțimea aceea nespus de pestriță, de parcă diavolul fărâmase lumea bucăți și le adunase apoi la loc, fără niciun sens, fără niciun rost. - Nikolai Gogol
"If the victor had the gods on his side, the vanquished had Cato."
The descent to Hades is the same from every place. - Anaxagoras
A good traveler leaves no tracks. Good speech lacks fault-finding. - Lao Tzu
I never dream to become someone important for myself. The truth is that I- I really don't have a personal ambition. My ambition, my dream, it's about the people. It's all about the people. It's for the people. It's all for the people. That is my ultimate goal. - Nurudeen Ushawu
Truth is the common thread of all Religions.Practice truth -which ever path you choose to Realize God .Truth is the Sacred Thread close to God's Heart . - Ashok Khurana
If you find yourself craving approval, you are low on self-love. Stop grasping for a few scraps wherever you can. Go home and make yourself a feast. Love yourself deeply today. - Vironika Tugaleva
Reality is what won't go away when you stop beliving in it.
It's good to know there are people in the world much sicker then I am.
Greed is taking more than you need to feed. Avarice is hoarding, and stockpiling stolen, rotten goods. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
When you forgive, you love. And when you love, God's light shines on you.. - Jon Krakauer
Fighting with your fate is equal to fight with God. - Sher E Yazdan
Voy a hacer un rompeolascon mi alegria pequena. No quiero que sepa el mar que por mi pecho van penas. - Julia de Burgos
Being there when things are easy is one of the benefits of being a good friend. Being there when things get difficult is one of the tests. - Nina Guilbeau
There's nothing like good and bad; It depends on the one who defines it. - Deepak Sunil
Define your business goals clearly so that others can see them as you do.
I don't have pet peeves, I have whole kennels of irritation. - Whoopi Goldberg
But as in ethics, evil is a consequence of good, so, in fact, out of joy is sorrow born. - Edgar Allan Poe
Leadership embodies a spirit of encouragement. It is difficult to lead people where they are not enthusiastically encouraged to go. - DeWayne Owens
If one has egoism without my-ness, he will go to moksha; all this entrapment is there because of egoism with my-ness! - Dada Bhagwan
Anger is the ego’s way of cloaking fear to make what is frail seem formidable. - Alan Cohen
Good habits are formed; bad habits we fall into.
Only dedication to God’s calling can make you say a firm no to everything that is in the way of its fulfillment. - Sunday Adelaja
True saddness is when someone still thinks your the same person after all these years. They brand you because of their own ego, fear and lack of spirituality. What's sadder is when they are Christian. - Shannon L. Alder
There was going to be a spot for me in this joint, the earth, after all. It was never going to be a great match for someone as bright and strange as me, but books were going to make it survivable. - Anne Lamott
When a person thinks you are too good for them, they create a wall without even taking a chance. The best life that God has in store for a person is often thrown away because of what he or she thinks they deserve. True love is not the life you had, but the life you never realized you could have. - Shannon L. Alder
The Puritans turned work into a virtue, evidently forgetting that God invented it as a punishment. - Tim Kreider
If God had really intended men to fly, he'd make it easier to get to the airport. - George Winters
Don't wreck a sublime chocolate experience by feeling guilty.Chocolate isn't like premarital sex. It will not make you pregnant.And it always feels good. - Lora Brody
A quote is merely a dream unseeded. - Susan Segovia Munoz
In most people, the term consciousness identifies with that socially conditioned Ego. At a number of people this identification is so powerful that they are unaware that their life is governed by a socially conditioned mind. - Frank Wanderer
Big government = oligarchy. Simple equation. Big government = loss of representation. - A.E. Samaan
God is light. - Lailah Gifty Akita
There are two ways of knowing how good God is: one is never to lose Him, and the other is to lose Him and then to find Him. - Fulton J. Sheen
Sometimes the only way to hold on, is to let go. - Jacqueline Simon Gunn
To be effective the preacher's message must be alive; it must alarm, arouse, challenge; it must be God's present voice to a particular people. - A.W. Tozer
God ,Supper Supper Love is You. God First First Love is You. - Dariush Youkhaneh
Greatness, whether athletic or otherwise, doesn’t come from those content on just being but from those who seek being the difference. - Kirk Mango
Have faith, let go, and gravitate towards. - Stefan Emunds
The most complete gift of God is a life based on knowledge. - Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib
NGOs have a complicated space in neoliberal politics. They are supposed to mop up the anger. Even when they are doing good work, they are supposed to maintain the status quo. They are the missionaries of the corporate world. - Arundhati Roy
(1)BEING A POETis like opening a car door& exposing yourself.(2)BEING A GOOD POETis like opening the door& exposing the passengeras well. - Chocolate Waters
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. - Augustine of Hippo
listen: there’s a hellof a good universe next door; let’s go - E.E. Cummings
But the wild things cried, Oh please don’t go - we’ll eat you up - we love you so!And Max said, No!The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws but Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye. - Maurice Sendak
Just about ANY personality trait or skill can be learned: simply find it in someone you know and copy it. Then watch what happens. - Steve Goodier
Goodbye worry, fear, doubt, and guilt. Hello grace. - Tamara L. Chilver
After that I went home and Sally put what was left of me to bed; next day, being a Christian family, we saluted the happy morn with the Hell and Hades of a row because I wouldn't get up and go to early service, my sister being quite determined that even if I didn't get up. I shouldn't sleep. - Dion Fortune
We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A difficult journey is spiritual rewarding.There is a more dependence on God, His supernatural power, grace and divine favour long the travel. - Lailah Gifty Akita
My arms are too short to box with God. - Johnny Cash
He who wants to go to moksha (Final Liberation), he will have to realize his own self. Otherwise no matter how much of anything else he does, he will not attain moksha (liberation). - Dada Bhagwan
I always have the feeling we are merely fearfully trying to save room for God; I would rather speak of God at the center than at the limits, in strength rather than weakness, and thus in human life and goodness rather than in death and guilt. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I'll never know. - Groucho Marx
Your ultimate goal should be partners with your ultimate fear. - Lionel Suggs
My coming brought no profit to the sky,Nor does my going swell its glory;My two ears have never heard anyone that could say,Why I came here and why I will go away. - Omar Khayyám
When you come to a point realizing what is going on in the society, then you will also come to a point in need to fight back. - Nadair Desmar
Mathematics began to seem too much like puzzle solving. Physics is puzzle solving, too, but of puzzles created by nature, not by the mind of man. - Maria Goeppert Mayer
Writing is a profession that has no real career structure and your best advice when you hit a difficulty is probably going to come from another writer one or two rungs on the career ladder ahead of you. - Sara Sheridan
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. - Douglas Adams
Why are you going to choose failure when success is an option? - Jillian Michaels
The Word of GOD is Superior to the inferior words of men and the words of every false prophet and the teachings of every false religion. - Errol Anthony Smythe.
Every struggle in your past has shaped you into the person you are today. Take God's hand and step into your future without fear. - Surgeo Bell
I believe books should be like a prime rib steak ~ good and thick. - E.A. Bucchianeri
Love is God, and the one that believes in love, believes in God. - Radhe Maa
The Only God left standing 'There' is Oneness and Unity of Everything. And not a fancied man-like god - yours or mine. Get 'IT'? - Fakeer Ishavardas
In all things it is a good idea to hang a question mark now and then on the things we have taken for granted. - Bertrand Russell
A good many things go around in the dark besides Santa Claus. - Herbert Hoover
Everywhere is home, let is go home - Dzuco Huỳnh
God, unity, meaning, transcendence all belong to the imagination. - Marty Rubin
You know, people can't fall in love with me just because I'm good at what I do. - Robert Plant
If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain as he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought and could be. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Passion for what you do goes hand in hand with style.You can say I'm a passionista - Janna Cachola
Goths do not hate the world. They just learned to accept the world that refuses to understand them. - enna snow
We ain't what we oughta be. We ain't what we want to be. We ain't what we gonna be. But, thank God, we ain't what we was. - Martin Luther King Jr.
An epigram a day keeps the mind from going astray. - Dr Steven Bottomley
Nothing ever invented provides such sustenance, such infinite reward for time spent, as a good book. - David McCullough
There is an old joke that went around- it goes, in the beginning God made man in His own image, and since the fall, man has been seeking to return the compliment. - Alistair Begg
The ego camouflages itself like a fox born and raised in a hen house. Its only worry is that you fail to notice its presence every so often and start acting without fear - Dean Cavanagh
Even on the most solemn occasions I got away without wearing socks and hid that lack of civilization in high boots - Albert Einstein
A spiritual journey is becoming what one has always meant to be-come and always was. One with God's Spirit. - Jazz Feylynn
A great many people are trying to make peace, but that has already been done. God has not left it for us to do; all we have to do is enter into it. - D.L. Moody
I appear at times merry and in good heart, talk, too, before others quite reasonably, and it looks as if I felt, too, God knows how well within my skin. Yet the soul maintains its deathly sleep and the heart bleeds from a thousand wounds. - Hugo Wolf
Take a good book to bed with you—books do not snore. - Thea Dorn
Respect is a one way street, it goes from bottom to top - Kamran Niazi
I'm going to enjoy this.What? I asked. Hell? - J.X. Burros
Perhaps God is not dead; perhaps God is himself mad. - R. D. Laing
If you surround yourself with the good and righteous, they can only raise you up. If you surround yourself with the others, they will drag you down into the doldrums of mediocrity, and they will keep you there, but only as long as you permit it. - Mark Glamack
Government is build on secrets. - Deyth Banger
A lo largo de la historia de México, veremos, que los hombres cuando actúan, muchas veces encubren bajo el velo del patriotismo las razones egoistas que los empujan en sus decisiones - Luis Chavez Orozco
Your brain needs plenty of rest to function at it's optimal level. Go to sleep! - Lalah Delia
History that is presented only as ink-embalmed data is as a flower pressed in a book. Although the dry petals still hold all the elements of the original flower, they cannot show us how it looked blooming in the field. The color and fragrance - the true reality - or the flowers are gone. - Rex Alan Smith
He who spares the wicked injures the good. - Seneca
Cocaine is God's way of saying you make too much money.
All that is in this world is vanity, but to love God and to serve only Him.
Begitu seseorang mengenal konsep uang, maka ia menjadi seperti taksi yang ditancapi argometer. Mendadak ia mulai menghitung, mengukur, dan menaksir apapun yang dilewatinya - Dee Lestari
Religion is a monumental chapter in the history of human egotism. - William James
Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.
Fear is never a good counselor and victory over fear is the first spiritual duty of man. - Nikolai A. Berdyaev
I didn't know when I told God that I wanted to be a mother that I needed to be more specific. Instead of asking to be a mother of my own children, I now realize that I was given the responsibility to be a mother to all of God's children. - Monika Zands
Some jokes are stupid and useless, if you can't get it. It's to stupid to go in it, but whatever!- Make your choice! - Deyth Banger
First crush, first kiss, first time I saw the oceanAnd dug my toes in the sandBaseball and summer nights, casting out when the fish first bite,First time I got a Chevy in my handsI thought nothing can touch that by a mileI thought nothing can make that moment seem so worthwhile - Scotty McCreery
Rather than wasting time on yesterday that is gone, it is better to invest your time in Tomorrow that is not yet born. - RVM
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God - 1 John 4:7 Bible
Ask not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive... then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman
To live in joy and fully manifest our true potential, we must let go of our desires and attachment to the past and the future and be excited about living in the unknown. - Mada Eliza Dalian
The pain of dying will surely be nothing, for the pain of love is so much stronger and agonizing. - Marilena Mexi
The good man, though a slave, is free; the wicked, though he reigns, is a slave, and not the slave of a single man, but - what is worse - the slave of as many masters as he has vices. - Rubianne Wood
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy. - George Horace Lorimer
Teach them [your children] in such a way that they could not misunderstand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - Gordon B. Hinckley
The central struggle of parenthood is to let our hopes for our children outweigh our fears. - Ellen Goodman
Whatever you’re not telling me, let it go. Emotion leads to poor decisions. Poor decisions lead to scrutiny. Scrutiny is our greatest threat. - Ken Cruickshank
She wore her battle scars like wings, looking at her you would never know that once upon a time she forgot how to fly - Nikki Rowe
¨Someday, I'm going to have to break some of your rules, Mom.¨¨I know,¨ she said. ¨Try to do it behind my back, will you?¨¨You can bet on that, Mom.¨We both sat there and laughed. - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost. - J. R. R. Tolkien
i never give up, i'l try and try when my goal reaches. - Sanjeev Murukan
If you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here by me. - Alice Roosevelt Longworth
God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. - David Nicholas
No man who worships education has got the best out of education... Without a gentle contempt for education no man's education is complete. - G.K. Chesterton
I always go for confident girls! - Kenny Wormald
Go away from your comfort zone to feel the beauty of life. - Debasish Mridha
Instead it is the Church hierarchy that is rather teaching congregation to be afraid of darkness, instead of teaching them to go with light to overcome darkness. - Sunday Adelaja
I'm on a missionWinning Novel / Screenplay written in HollywoodGoogle for updated info - Fayton Hollington
Others are not born bad or good... and neither are people, by the way. - Sergei Lukyanenko
Go to the ant, thou sluggard, learn to live, and by her busy ways, reform thine own.
As I empty my head, I feel wonderful and alive. Sometimes my creation is as beautiful as the feeling it produces, but most often it has to go through many changes before it is considered good enough for public consumption. - Faye E. Robinson
Sleep is not on good terms with broken hearts. It will have nothing to do with them. - Christopher Pike
Wisdom with an inheritance is good, but wisdom without an inheritance is better than an inheritance without wisdom. - Anne Bradstreet
He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave. - Sir William Drummond
The truth is in Jesus and it leads to the fullness of truth about God, man, creation, history, sin, righteousness, grace, faith, salvation, life, death, purpose, meaning, relationships, heaven, hell, judgement, eternity, and everything else of ultimate consequence. - John F. MacArthur Jr.
Ladies, it is NOT in your DNA to be a CHASER!!! You are chosen, hand-picked and peculiar pearls.Know who you are in the True and Living God. You are a Royal Diadem. - Prophetess Dina Rolle
Probably it's true, The Purge works for the government, who knows? - Deyth Banger
Sylvie wishes the anti-depressants had been around when she was in her early twenties, not only to rescue her from the dark tunnels that came when her brother first got sick, but also to keep her from fucking all those assholes. - Francesca Lia Block
Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. - Roy Bennett
Nature hath no goal, though she hath law. - John Donne
Years ago this was just a place where I was assigned to work. Today looking at this place represents the opportunity that God allowed me to see the beauty of His works. The difference in then and now - I guess our views are a representative of our growth. Thankful. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
When you ain't got nothin', you got nothin' to lose. - Bob Dylan
Liberty is the act of making the Government Fear what you KNOW! - Faith Brashear
Come what may and hell to pay. - Gregory Maguire
Comfort without action is only discomfort and dissatisfaction in latent action. It always seems we shall have a good tomorrow until a bad tomorrow comes - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Many times dealings in crime and corruption are done with more honesty and trust." -From' Foiled. - RR Goswami
People who made their dreams come true didn’t simply go after it. They changed the person they were, in order to fit the type of person that would live that type of dream. - Shannon L. Alder
Don't worry about meaning. If a story's any good, it can't help but have meaning. Let the PhDs tell you what your story means. - William Kittredge
A clear conscience is a good pillow. - American Proverb
We are all imperfect. We cannot expect perfect government. - William Howard Taft
...What you fear will not go away; it will take you into yourself and bless you and keep you. That's the world, and we all live there. - William Stafford
An idea is a feat of association, and the height of it is a good metaphor. - Robert Frost
Without trust, words become the hollow sound of a wooden gong. With trust, words become life itself.
The highest manifestation of life consists in this: that a being governs its own actions. A thing which is always subject to the direction of another is somewhat of a dead thing.
God bless thee; and put meekness in thy mind, love, charity, obedience, and true duty! - William Shakespeare
Talk is cheap. Let's go play.
I Grew Up In A Family With No Prejudices. My Father Always Believed There Were Good And Bad In Every Ethnic Background, And Nationality. - Chris Mentillo
When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by; When the air does laugh with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it. - George Gordon Byron
Somehow they fail to see that for someone aggravated by depression, self-help will be useless, indeed, it is precisely the self that needs to be forgotten. - Geoffrey Wood
Drug-pushers, God-pushers, sex-pushers, art-pushers-all kinds of pushers. - Marty Rubin
There is that moment in time where you have to realize you have to let go of the rope... - K. Farrell St. Germain
We live, we love, we let it go. - Kevin Dalton
God gives great treasures. - Lailah Gifty Akita
With a stop light, green means 'go' and yellow means 'slow down'. With a banana, however, it is quite the opposite. Yellow means 'go', green means 'whoa, slow down', and red means 'where the heck did you get that banana?' - Mitch Hedberg
Nos volvemos importantes para alguien y luego dejamos de serlo, y dejar de serlo es tan doloroso que se nos ocurre que hubiera sido preferible no serlo nunca. Si vas a ponerle muebles a un cuarto vacío, luego no los quites - Rodrigo Hasbún
Lucretia Jane Price. A sweet name for a sweet lady that smelled of roses, spoke with a sweet drawl, and was surely made of all the sweet country things a man who hadn't eaten a good meal in a long time could imagine -- molasses, sweet peas, sweet corn, freshly churned butter. - Linda Leigh Hargrove
Chimpanzees have given me so much. The long hours spent with them in the forest have enriched my life beyond measure. What I have learned from them has shaped my understanding of human behavior, of our place in nature. - Jane Goodall
Ayame: "Yuki, let's deepen the bond between us brothers!"Yuki: "Before you can do that I'll drown you in the deepest part of that lake."Ayame: "As long as we spend time together."Yuki: "On second thought, go drown yourself. - Natsuki Takaya
You are placed on this earth to represent God. - Jim George
The wondrous God is the author of souls. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The devil attacks you today, because you have got a future. He wants to destroy you for that very reason, because he is scared of your future acts and exploits. - Sunday Adelaja
Time goes fast, the world is one paradox full of answers and questions. - Deyth Banger
All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their own peril. Those who read the symbol do so at their own peril. - Oscar Wilde
By now I have come to feel that the fact of being a ‘child’, of being wholly subservient and dependent, of being seen by older people as a mixture of expensive nuisance, slave and super-pet, does most young people more harm than good - John Holt
We, peopling the void air, make gods to whom we impute the ills we ought to bear. - Titus Lucretius Carus
As far as my experience of matrimony goes -- I think it tends to draw you out of, and away from yourself. - Charlotte Brontë
The fear of God reigning in the heart is the beauty of the soul. - Matthew Henry
It will be God that brings out the peace in your life and calm in your heart each and every day. - Ron Baratono
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning. - Christopher Morley
Trust more in God. Believe that He who created you will maintain you.
Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion - Steven Weinberg
wait until god call u , but don't wait forone's helping hand because god given utwo hands - yakoobkhan
Knowing the self is the biggest truth. If we find the truth within, we have found God. - Gian Kumar
Just let go of the need to care about whether it happens or not, then you are free from fear and can then concentrate on focusing. - Stephen Richards
Hospitality is the practice of God's welcome by reaching across difference to participate in God's actions bringing justice and healing to our world in crisis. - Letty M. Russell
An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid. - Carl Sagan
You only go broke when you allow the devil to steal your joy as long as you have God you are rich . - Brynelle K Brown
JOY goes against the foundations of mathematics: it multiplies when we divide. - Paulo Coelho
Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control. - Epictetus
If you're going to live your life as if it exist something like "meaning" and something like "goodness", you might as well believe it. - Diego Uribe Xacur
We have nothing to fear and a great deal to learn from trees, that vigorours and pacific tribe which without stint produces strengthening essences for us, soothing balms, and in whose gracious company we spend so many cool, silent, and intimate hours. - Marcel Proust
Robe Moj, ti zelis jedno, Ja drugo, a uvijek se desava onako kako Ja hocu. Pa ako se prepustis onome sto Ja hocu, pruzicu ti i ono sto ti hoces. A ako se ne pokoris... Mojoj odredbi, namucit ces se sa onim sto hoces, a ipak ce biti onako kako Ja hocu! - Hadis
If it is true that one gets used to suffering, how is it that as the years go one always suffers more? No, they are not mad, those people who amuse themselves, enjoy life, travel, make love, fight—they are not mad. We should like to do the same ourselves. - Cesare Pavese
Good literature is one key to peace. When we stop reading each other, when we stop paying attention to each other's words and stories, we too easily oppose one another. - Dave DiGrazie
You're a good example of why some animals eat their young. - Jim Samuels
Good is good and bad is bad, and nowhere is the difference between good and bad so wide and so fateful as in human character. For character makes destiny in the individual and in the race. - Edward O. Sisson
Children's reading and children's thinking are the rock-bottom base upon which this country will rise. Or not rise. In these days of tension and confusion, writers are beginning to realize that books for children have a greater potential for good or evil than any other form of literature on earth. - Dr. Seuss
The condition upon which God has given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.
Dreading dusk, fearing night, praying for dawn. - Gregory J. Saunders
Der Schlaf, den wir ersehnen, der vollkommene Schlaf, ist traumlos. Wir werden von Träumen heimgesucht, sobald wir gelernt haben, uns zu erinnern und Reue zu empfinden - Golo Mann
Be so good they can't ignore you. - Steve Martin
When you are here, God is near. - Kamand Kojouri
Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat. - Mark Twain
Even this is paradoxical because even though the ego does all the spiritual practice in the beginning,it’s the Truth that has orchestrated it all. - Maria Erving
Allow yourself to let go, surrender, and breathe in the beautiful world that is waiting for you just outside of your comfort zone. - Leigh Hershkovich
I never joined, but I used to go to church now and then. I liked it, because they always passed out plates of money at the end. - A. Whitney Brown
All movements go too far. - Bertrand Russell
Is there any pleasure on earth as great as the circle of Christian friends by a good fire? - J.R.R. Tolkien
These temple destroyers, devotees of ravaging commercialism, seem to have a perfect contempt for Nature, and, instead of lifting their eyes to the God of the mountains, lift them to the Almighty Dollar. - John Muir
Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. - William Shakespeare
...and frankly speaking, I don't give a damn. - Yuvika Mathur -Gone with the time.
, But the streets need cleaning, brother," Gromph said. "That is why the gods gave us magic, brother," Jarlaxle replied in the same smug tone. "To perform the mundane tasks of life. - R.A. Salvatore
A Man Without A Goal Is A Man Without A Future. - Godfrey Orateng
I try to make the music give people a chance to become engrossed with what they hear enough to possibly experience things they've probably experienced on their own but don't normally let themselves go so as to feel them fully. - Oliver
If at anytime this life of ours grows feeble, or low, or lonely, I know no other remedy than to return to its Eternal Source, to God Himself; and through Him all the means of grace become again living and true; and through Him all His creatures become again near and dear and accessible - Elizabeth Rundle Charles
Women are going to form a chain, a greater sisterhood than the world has ever known. - Nellie L. McClung
I like a cook who smiles out loud when he tastes his own work.Let God worry about your modesty; I want to see your enthusiasm. - Robert Farrar Capon
Work like a slave; order like a king; create like a god. - Constantin Brancusi
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis. - Thurgood Marshall
Your tragedy is God’s opportunity to show Himself faithful. - Jim George
I wanted to say all these things about how you just have to hold on to the things you love and let go of all the rest. - Charlotte Eriksson
Courage comes from a surrendered heart,a prepared mind, and a good conscience. - Deborah J. Johnson
Soon we shall discover that the temple of all humanity is nothing less that the Temple of the Living God!" ~ Chapter One, "The Awakening" ~ Discovering the Bliss of your True Divine Reality - Linda De Coff
Damnnnnn. No need to be serious all the time, for we are only dust and to dust we shall return. Just enjoy life to the fullest. Take responsibility for your actions whether good or bad. Just keep moving forward, take a break if necessary but don't ever damn stop, you fool. - I am Night Owl
We teachers can only help the work going on, as servants wait upon a master. - Maria Montessori
Whenever you come to a 'Y' in the road always remember that you have a third choice of path: And that is right down the middle, where no one has gone before.
Most people have fear to compromise with life.You got to take the reins of your life in your own hands, and direct it yourself.You decide how you use your time. - Kristin Ketelslegers
The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them. - Denis Waitley
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. - Holy Bible - 2 Timothy 1:7
It has been said that although God cannot alter the past, historians can --it is perhaps because they can be useful to Him in this respect that He tolerates their existence. - Samuel Butler
Traditions are the guideposts driven deep in our subconscious minds. The most powerful ones are those we can't even describe, aren't even aware of. - Ellen Goodman
Even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons can be a wrong decision.
You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. . . . Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. - Aldous Huxley
They fuck you up, your mum and dad', and if you're planning on writing that's probably a good thing. But if you are planning on writing and they haven't fucked you up, well, you've got nothing to go on, so then they've fucked you up good and proper. - Alan Bennett
Oh! dear; I was so miserable! I am sure I must have been as white as my gown. - Jane Austen
Motivation is the desire to do things. It's the difference between staying in bed and getting up in the morning. It's the crucial part of setting and achieving goals. - Graham Speechley
In order to live a life of purpose, do not focus on the size of your audience; focus instead on the circle of influence God has given you. - Rosette Mugidde Wamambe
Wonders demonstrate the power of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Deep feeling doesn't make for good poetry. A way with language would be a bit of help. - Thom Gunn
Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. - Charles Dickens
Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around wondering about yourself. - Katherine Hepburn
I believe that God left certain drugs growing naturally upon our planet to help speed up and facilitate our evolution. - Bill Hicks
And we ask ourselves, if there is a God, how can this happen? Better to ask, if there is a God... must it be sane? - Lucien LaCroix
The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God's love for us does not. - C.S. Lewis
I think it's not particularly necessary to lead a religious life. People progress just as well in music, or art, or math or science or gardening or whatever. It all seems to work as well and the process is good. - Jim Henson
Loneliness is the worst pain that human can go through specially the period time when technology that is design to keep people away from each other and that period is now (21-Century). - Nadair Desmar
I never dreamed the sea so deep,The earth so dark; so long my sleep,I have become another child.I wake to see the world go wild. - Allen Ginsberg
What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish. - W. H. Auden
The feeling is the voice of the words, so the people speak out loud their intention, good or bad, even when they try to keep it under wrap in their said or shared thoughts. - Anuj Somany
One needs to be either more brave or more good, because if courage is lacking goodness can substitute, while cowardice is the deficiency of both. - Neel Burton
Goblin tea resembles a nice cup of Earl Grey in much the same way that a catfish resembles the common tabby. They share a name, but one is a nice thing to curl up with on a rainy afternoon, and the other is found in the muck at the bottom of polluted rivers and has bits of debris sticking to it. - T. Kingfisher
With a modest amount of looks and talent and more than a modicum of serendipity, I've managed to stretch my 15 minutes of fame into more than half a century of good fortune. - Robert Vaughn
A good writer refuses to be socialized. He insists on his own version of things, his own consciousness. And by doing so he draws the reader's eye from its usual groove into a new way of seeing things. - Bill Barich
No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. - Plato
We all have the same root, and are connected...To tap into this connectedness we must go within. - Summerlyn Guthrie
Let us go forth and unconquer the world! - Tom Althouse
God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars. - Elbert Hubbard
Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. So suffering must become Love. That is the mystery. - Katherine Mansfield
Most countries have only few honest politicians and this is just like having a body with only few good organs functioning! - Mehmet Murat ildan
In life I've learnt to CHERISH the moments with those I meet in life, CONQUER my fears, CLIMB the ladder of opportunities, COUNT my blessings, and CARE for the needy. - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go. - Robert Burns
The present is the feed-back of your past, the future is always a feed-forward of your present. Beware and take note of what you feed your mind in your present-future and learn not to feed your mind ingredients of feed-backs. - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
I don’t want to beone of those easily forgotten people, so important at the time, so special, soinfluential, and so treasured, yet years later just a vague face and a distantmemory. - Cecelia Ahern
But no sooner had morning broken than he took hold of his whip and ceremoniously stepped out to address his slaves. Each blow was liberating, it was like unshaking proof of the great lie of God’s existence. - Juhani Peltonen
Learn from your failures & go on to the next challenge. It's okay to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing. - H. Stanley Judd
For one who knows not God Mighty and Glorious!- silence is imperative, and for one who knows God Most High silence is prescribed. - أبو حامد الغزالي
Nothing deters a good man from doing what is honourable. - Seneca
The quantity of civilization is measured by the quality of imagination. - Victor Hugo
If mistakes determine our worth, then we're all worthless.Thank God that's not the case. - Andrena Sawyer
He missed her, a longing that tore deep into him. He resented her He wondered endlessly what might have happened. He changed, curled more inwardly into himself. He was, by turns, inflamed by anger, twisted by confusion, withered by sadness. - Chimanda Ngozi Adichie
Do not despair. Do not give up. Look for the sunlight through the clouds. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Don't you want me to kiss you goodbye, sweetie?""Kiss a cow farm boy - Nora Roberts
We ascribe to God. We don't add to Him. - John Piper
Look after goodness and truth, beauty will look after herself. - Eric Gill
Its imposssible stopping to reaching our goal If our Heart full want it - Jan Jansen Easy Branches
If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience. - Woodrow Wilson
God is trustworthy—He always keeps His promises. - Jim George
Always remember, no matter how big you get in life, God is still bigger; when you feel to be at your lowest point, Satan is still at the bottom. - Anthony Liccione
Hutaweza kufikia malengo yako kikamilifu bila msaada wa wataalamu Hata kama una kipaji au ujuzi kiasi gani. - Enock Maregesi
As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' -- probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on. - Woody Allen
There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. - Socrates
The goals of true education are to teach acceptance, tolerance, and nonviolence. - Debasish Mridha
God.Hoe kan er ook maareen fractie van u zijnin deze blasfemische willekeur? - Anna Jae
One can pass on responsibility, but not the discretion that goes with it. - Benvenuto Cellini
But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men, it is impossible. But not with God. With God, all things are possible. - Mark 10 27
God has not created the earth for your entertainment, He has created the earth to take your help to increase the beauty of the universe. - Tanmaya Guru
Must it so be that whatever makes man happy must later become the source of his misery? - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Because you have to just go with the flow. Your life is not your own, with people coming in and out all the time. You get mellow because you have to. - Sarah Dessen
When we can't dream any longer we die. - Emma Goldman
You know, I think that if parents would spend less time worrying about what their kids watch on TV and more time worrying about what's going on in their kids' lives, this world would be a much better place. - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
The art of living lies in a fine mingling of holding on and letting go. - Havelock Ellis
We are advised to meditate on things that are true, lovely, noble, gracious and bring good report. These should form the basis of our thought pattern. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
With love, when you let it go, life finds the ways and means to grow. - Debasish Mridha
Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. - H.L. Mencken
Tentei não fazer nada na minha vida que envergonhasse a criança que fui.Quando me for deste mundo, partirão duas pessoas. Sairei de mão dada, com essa criança que fui. - José Saramago
In physics, you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you. - Frank Wilczek
How far you go in life and in your career is dependent on how far you can think good thoughts! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Despite the sorrows of sin, you can count on God’s faithfulness and forgiveness. - Jim George
Freedom's just a word todayFreedom's just a wordWhen someone takes your word awayIt's seldom ever heardSo take a sentence full of things you're not supposed to sayCarry on, but don't write them down or you'll be gone - Stone Sour
Different creeds are but different paths to reach the same God. - Ramakrishna
We can't control our destiny. We can't go back into our past history and make changes. But we can begin this moment by setting a goal and pursuing it for a better life with a greater purpose. - Ellen J. Barrier
You have to grab the goal, visualise your vision, excel in excellence and then become distinct in distinction. - Onyi Anyado
Every time government attempts to handle our affairs, it costs more and the results are worse than if we had handled them ourselves. - Benjamin Constant
Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. - Spanish Proverb
She's the original good time that was had by all. - Bette Davis
We do not die because we have to die; we die because one day, and not so long ago, our consciousness was forced to deem it necessary. - Antonin Artaud
It's harder to make something good when you can't curse all the time. - Tina Fey
God is infinitely beautiful in himself, and his beauty ought to attract you like a magnet to him. - Thomas Goodwin
A man is what he is, not what men say he is. His character no man can touch. His character is what he is before his God and his Judge; and only he himself can damage that. His reputations what men say he is. That can be damaged; but reputation is for time, character is for eternity
The pursuit of the crucified crown follows the performance of the crucified King such that both performances go against the power structures of the world that think victory and power come only through aggressive and violent means. - Matt Farlow
A leader is he who has a great vision and can inspire others to go along to pursue it with all great passion. - Debasish Mridha
God won't chastise us, so the satirist must do it. - Marty Rubin
When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of (his) faith. So let him remain conscious of God regarding the remaining half
The eye which turns from a white object in the light of the sun and goes into a less fully lighted place will see everything as dark. - Leonardo da Vinci
When writing a novel, that's pretty much entirely what life turns into: 'House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day. - Neil Gaiman
I have suffered through enough illnesses, trauma and heartbreak to finally understand that life will keep moving forward inexorably, if terribly at times. I am starting to realize that it can be delightful too, if I let it. My love is not diminished if I let go of sorrow. I almost believe that. - Jenny Qi
I'm not into writing many more books or more pages. My goal is to increase the value of each sentence I write. And for that, I have to just erase my past and bring only forward what matches the new me, things I can easily rewrite and adapt to my new perspective. - Robin Sacredfire
It's the same with [my wife] -- when she goes out, guys are macking on her. I'm not worried with the kind of relationship we've got. Most people, they don't leave room for mistakes in their relationship. - Wyclef Jean
All I wanted for Christmas was a New Years Eve party that I would never forget. Too bad I got too drunk to remember it. - Carroll Bryant
I am far too often the author of terribly poor decisions. Yet I must rest in the unalterable fact that God says I am far better than what the sum total of those decisions would ever suggest. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The main source of our wealth is goodness. The affections and the generous qualities that God admires in a world full of greed. - Alfred A. Montapert
We can forgive you for killing our sons. But we will never forgive you for making us kill yours. - Golda Meir
One's suffering, one's melancholy is, in itself, really only looked upon as failure or as punishment, as detestable or sinful or socially unacceptable in the eyes of man; but this is not so in the eyes of God: for He is close to the broken-hearted. - Criss Jami
We have many goals, but only one ultimate purpose of life. That purpose is to be happy. - Debasish Mridha
We can learn so much from nature by simply observing how it works through a flower. The flower knows it is part of nature' we have forgotten that. - Thomas Sterner
The only way to find peace is to face the unknown and trust that God has heard your tears. - Shannon L. Alder
[As a young man ] I came to the conclusion that the church was just a bunch of fascists that supported Franco. I stopped going on Sunday mornings and watched the birds with my father instead. - James D. Watson
The most successful businessman is the man who holds onto the old just as long as it is good, and grabs the new just as soon as it is better.
QUILL, n. An implement of torture yielded by a goose and commonly wielded by an ass. This use of the quill is now obsolete, but its modern equivalent, the steel pen, is wielded by the same everlasting Presence. - Ambrose Bierce
Writing a novel is not merely going on a shopping expedition across the border to an unreal land: it is hours and years spent in the factories, the streets, the cathedrals of the imagination. - Janet Frame
Grace (the Gospel) is under attack today simply because it reveals the GOODNESS of God. Nothing reveals the GOODNESS of God more than grace. - John Paul Warren
Iron helmets will not save/Even heroes from the grave/Good man's blood will drain away/While the wickid win the day. - Heinrich Heine
I hate telling people this. I never know exactly how my voice is going to sound saying it, and I hate the stricken looks they get on their faces when they don't know what to say back. - Kendra Blake
Your eyes gave it away. You don't want the old stuff. You want to have the new and improved Well-being, go with the right people and they'll be right for you. - Auliq Ice
ENOUGH, pro. All there is in the world if you like it. Enough is as good as a feast -- for that matter Enougher's as good as a feast for the platter. Arbely C. Strunk - Ambrose Bierce
Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends, for it is one of God's best gifts. It involves many things, but above all, the power of going out of one's self, and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another.
Happiness is possible only to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values and finds his joy in nothing buy rational actions. - Ayn Rand
In this business (showbiz) it takes time to be really good and by that time, you're obsolete. - Cher
The ultimate purpose of our life is to be happy. We are born for happiness, we are going toward happiness, we like to live in happiness, and we like to vanish from this universe for eternal happiness. - Debasish Mridha
A non-religious person when awaken would make others sleep. Therefore his sleeping is good. A religious person when awaken will awaken others. Therefore his awakening is good. - Lord Mahavira
Best (male-female) friends hardly differ from lovers, but not too many lovers are best friends.It's just ironical that you are in love and want to spend the rest of your life with someone who is not good enough to be your best friend. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
Nothing factual that I write or say will be as truthful as my fiction. - Nadine Gordimer
The weirder you are going to behave, the more normal you should look. It works in reverse, too. When I see a kid with three or four rings in his nose, I know there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about that person. - P. J. O'Rourke
A good story is always written with the tears of tragedies and triumphs, and the love and kindness of our lives. - Debasish Mridha
The greatest obstacle to liberty is not the existence of evil rulers, but the belief in the existence of good rulers. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
There's plenty of money out there. They print more every day. But this ticket, there's only five of them in the whole world, and that's all there's ever going to be. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common money. Are you a dummy? - Roald Dahl
For almost 18 years you’re taught to sit down, shut up, and raise your hand. Then you have to decide what you’re going to do for the rest of your life. - Lavon Curtis
Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. - Oliver Goldman
God desires to use you is to use you in the best possible fashion. - Sunday Adelaja
Mr. Jennings is the one who trapped the fairies here to begin with. If they’re back and wandering around, if they’re loose, then, well, it’s not good. - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
I mean, reality sucks. The world is a cancer, and shits so bad it’s scary. Everything’s filthy. But you know what? One day, it’s not going to be here. So be glad you know what life is. You’re alive. Live. - Mitch Lucker
Question with boldness even the existance of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. - Thomas Jefferson
If you don't know to the second when a drunk's gonna vomit on you, you don't survive as a strip club bouncer.
I feel the gods are pretty dead, though I suppose I ought to know that however, to be somewhat more philosophical in the matter, if atheism means simply not being a theist, then of course I'm an atheist.[Letter to Max Otto] - John Dewey
If you want to love God, love the less-fortunate one. If you want to see God, look through the eyes of a hungry child. - M.Padua
Go be who you were meant to be, explore your mind, understand you are free. - Goodmorning Gorgeous
If God didn't make men equal, Samuel did. - Colt
Curse it when it is there.Miss it when it is gone.Human being being human. - Anjali Prabodh
If we preach God, it means we preach light. Consequently we preach freedom from ignorance. - Sunday Adelaja
Marriage is the golden ring in a chain, whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is eternity. - Kahlil Gibran
No ceremony that to great ones 'longs, not the king's crown, nor the deputed sword, the marshal's truncheon, nor the judge's robe, become them with one half so good a grace as mercy does. - William Shakespeare
Some books mirror reality while others are entirely fantasy. My favorite are those that manage to weave both into a world. - Richelle E. Goodrich
There is so much power in not been easily fazed and having the will to go on no matter what. I pray for "bottomless tenacity". - Bashiru Ismail
I know you love how I make it all go away: all the joy, all the pain, all thoughts in your brain.For the price of your soul, I will hold your heart in my talons. For three summers straight you've been my sweet eye candy;and no one will ever, ever, take you away from me. - Say Anything, Skinny mean man
What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness. - Leo Tolstoy
Relish what is good and expedient. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Ideology follows the money.""Governments don't protect people, people protect governments.""To accept the legitimacy of the state is to embrace the necessity for war. - Lawrence Samuels
God wants to be seen on earth through His devoted servants. - Sunday Adelaja
The sun has goneTo bed and so must I - Oscar Hammerstein; Richard Rodgers
Inspiration creates a never-ending Power that makes you go on and on and on and on! - RVM
The mind thinks thoughts that we don't plan. It's not as if we say, 'At 9:10 I'm going to be filled with self-hatred. - Sharon Salzberg
In deep suffering, I got to know divinity within my soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
She was never going to get used to how much the Faeries seem to stare at her, as if dissecting her and examining the little pieces inside her like a science project.~Ever Fire: A Dark Faerie Tale #2 - Alexia Purdy
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. - Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Whenever people say "we mustn't be sentimental", you can take it they are about to do something cruel. And if they add, "we must be realistic", they mean they are going to make money out of it.
God is another word for Love. - Stacy Snapp-Killian aka StacyK
Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories. - John Wilmot
Don't cheat when you got the most beautiful woman by your side - MG
With God, all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 - Anonymous
No one can sum up all God is able to accomplish through one solitary life, wholly yielded, adjusted, and obedient to Him. - D.L. Moody
Now he found out a new thing--namely, that to promise not to do a thing is the surest way in the world to make a body want to go and do that very thing. - Mark Twain
Sparkles make the world go round. - Owllover
When we worship, we ascend, when we ascend we gain revelation from God. - Chuck D. Pierce
If you are going through hell, keep walking until you reach heaven. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not. - Eric Hoffer
A good human being can still be molded from bad clay - Levon Peter Poe
You will die like a dog for no good reason. - Ernest Hemingway
Life is always going to be stranger than fiction, because fiction has to be convincing, and life doesn't. - Neil Gaiman
A writer creates many lives, changes lives, and with that lives forever. - Jen Golembiewski
Good and evil, reward and punishment, are the only motives to a rational creature: these are the spur and reins whereby all mankind are set on work, and guided. - John Locke
If you do not have the strength to forgive,then compel themselves and continue in that, do not write bad words.For all that you write, is your own burden, you're gonna wear.So just write nice! - Sanel Alić
Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. - Steve Maraboli
In god we trust.. everyone else will and shall be judged.. make peace with it - Prabhu Subramanian
While we thank God for them and their efforts, we must also know that our generation of believers have the responsibility to take the gospel a bit further - Sunday Adelaja
Dear Jesus! you are so precious to me. I thank God that even if I went through so much loss in life, I still have you. - Gugu Mona
Can we go back to using Facebook for what it was originally for - looking up exes to see how fat they got? - Bill Maher
Find 100 reasons to laugh. You are bound to feel better, you will cope with problems more effectively and people will enjoy being around you. Besides unhappiness, what do you have to lose? - Steve Goodier
People who truly serve God actively look for darkness in order to chase darkness away, they run after darkness, they search for darkness in all its ramifications and destructive consequences. - Sunday Adelaja
Nothing was so likely to do her good as a little quiet cheerfulness at home. - Jane Austen
The Christmas spirit will elude you'til a selfless love consumes youand the joy of giving moves you. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The world has come to such a state that one can no longer find anyone who does good. - Girolamo Savonarola
You smell so good,""No, I don't, I smell like death.""You're crazy, you're not dead. You do not smell like death.""I was dead a long time.""And now you're not. Hence the alive smell. - Amy Tintera
In the United States, doing good has come to be, like patriotism, a favorite device of persons with something to sell. - H. L. Mencken
I don't stand for the black man's side, I don't stand for the white man's side, I stand for God's side. - Bob Marley
That's the scent of dude! When you get a good stink on, you are at one with the cosmos!
I've learned through experience that faith moves mountains, hope moves choices, and, more importantly, that love moves you a step closer to God. - Maribel C. Pagan
Going to work every day was like my hair was on fire and all I had to put it out was a hammer. - Bethany McLean
Whatever you do, do with integrity. Wherever you go, go as a leader. Have courage to lead. Whenever you serve serve with caring. Whenever you dream, dream with your all. And innovate, never give up. ~, America's Richest Families: A Forbes Compendium Of Stories Since 1977 - Curt Carlson
Realize this your anger with God does not drive a wedge between you and Him. It is your silence that drives the wedge. - Prodigal Life - Pauline Creeden
Bravery is not found in getting knocked down. Rather, bravery is found is getting back up knowing that you’re going to get knocked down again. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We too can repair our cracks with goldAnd glow again.Crazed by life,More beautiful than ever before. - Scott Hastie
We were the most humiliated people on earth and God gave us honour through Islam. If we ever seek honour through anything else, God will humiliate us again. - Umar ibn Al-Khattab
When God is driven to the periphery of the public square, the human spiritual capacity longs for exercise, and it often finds it in the suspension of disbelief and activity of the imagination that are available in novels and movies. - John Granger
The popular idea that a child forgets easily is not an accurate one. Many people go right through life in the grip of an idea which has been impressed on them in very tender years. - Agatha Christie
From social intercourse are derived some of the highest enjoyments of life; where there is a free interchange of sentiments the mind acquires new ideas, and by frequent exercise of its powers, the understanding gains fresh vigor. - Joseph Addison
Reading a good book keeps me awake all night. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Once the lotus of your inner divinity gets full-blown and you reach the mental state where all the religious giants of human history experienced the all-encompassing sense of godliness, the exuberance of the human mind turns infinite. - Abhijit Naskar
Money does not go only to those who go to church, it goes to those who know and comply with the laws of money - Sunday Adelaja
I am no nihilist. I am not even a cynic. I am, actually, rather romantic. And here’s my idea of romance: You will soon be dead. Life will sometimes seem long and tough and, god, it’s tiring. And you will sometimes be happy and sometimes sad. And then you’ll beold. And then you’ll be dead. - Tim Minchin
Hobbes: Do you think there's a God?Calvin: Well, somebody's out to get me! - Bill Watterson
I liked this God very much because you hardly had to talk to it and it never talked back. Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality - Donald Miller
Marriage is like a three-speed gearbox affection, friendship, love. It is not advisable to crash your gears and go right through to love straightaway. You need to ease your way through. The basis of love is respect, and that needs to be learned from affection and friendship. - Peter Ustinov
What is the value of the Gnani’s [the enlightened one’s] feet? It is a value that is immeasurable. The Gnani’s feet is one & the only solvent to dissolve egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
We are good souls with good heart for good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Everyone in your life gives you something. The bad ones give you experience, the worst ones a lesson; the good ones give you memories, the best ones, joy. - Jeffrey Fry
I will always appreciate those who made me go through rough times because without those, I wouldn't have the wisdom and power that lies within me now. - Gugu Mona
The mature man lives quietly, does good privately, takes responsibility for his actions, treats others with friendliness and courtesy, finds mischief boring and avoids it. Without the hidden conspiracy of goodwill, society would not endure an hour. - Kenneth Rexroth
Your heart plays a song like a broken music box, but nothing ever sounded quite so beautiful to me. Together, in the dance of wounded-wing swans we’ll rise above the ruins, melting into the golden light. - John Mark Green
Care for her. He was unworthy of such a gift. Unworthy of her blind trust and her sparkling, slightly crooked smiles, let alone her heart. But he wanted her, selfish fool he was and had always been. Care for her? Ah, God, she consumed him. - V.S. Carnes
Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know He is. - Jean Anouilh
The great object of life is sensation- to feel that we exist, even though in pain. - George Gordon Byron
When you have two people who love each other, are happy and gay and really good work is being done by one or both of them, people are drawn to them as surely as migrating birds are drawn at night to a powerful beacon. - Ernest Hemingway
Act as if you are going to live for ever and cast your plans way ahead. You must feel responsible without time limitations, and the consideration of whether you may or may not be around to see the results should never enter your thoughts. - Hyman George Rickover
Redheaded women buck like goats. - James Joyce
The most dangerous madmen are those created by religion, and ... people whose aim is to disrupt society always know how to make good use of them on occasion. - Denis Diderot
Be the God or goddess of love and love everyone. - Debasish Mridha
Ladies and gentlemen, let us hear the demand of life and adhere to it. It would do us good - Sunday Adelaja
In every age 'the good old days' were a myth. No one ever thought they were good at the time. For every age has consisted of crises that seemed intolerable to the people who lived through them. - Brooks Atkinson
God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters. - John Henry Jowett
You can all go to hell; I will go to Texas - David Crockett
Anger is a rough water; if you can canalize it into a watermill, you can benefit from it. Anything bad can be transformed into good. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Trials are a measure of your faith, so be courageous when going through trials in life. - Gugu Mona
Maybe you should've let God do the planning, rather than doing it yourself. - C.B. Cook
If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank. - Woody Allen
A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch. - James Beard
All in all, I am not surprised that the people who want to unravel the social contract start with young adults. Those who are urged to feel afraid, very afraid, have both the greatest sense of independence and the most finely honed skepticism about government. - Ellen Goodman
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem. It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so. - Ronald Reagan
When beautiful woman attracts money , she can't achieve a good end. - Kishore Bansal
One thing that's good about procrastination is that you always have something planned for tomorrow - Gladys Bronwyn Stern
A religious man is a person who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times, who suffers harm done to others, whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and defiance of despair. - Abraham Joshua Heschel
And all I could see would be stars. And stars are the places where the molecules that life is made of were constructed billions of years ago. For example, all the iron in your blood which stops you from being anemic was made in a star. - Mark Haddon
Whoever said you can't buy Happiness forgot little puppies. - Gene Hill
There's no such thing as a mistake. There are only experiences. Some are good, and some are bad. Either way, it is an experience we learn from. - Jenna Alatari
Love in you is God in you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Don't work only hard to make i in life.Always work smart. Because people who work hard only end up with that. - Uchenna Durugo
Little sleep's-head sprouting hair in the moonlight,when I come backwe will go out together,we will walk out together among,the ten thousand things,each scratched too late with such knowledge, the wages of dying is love. - Galway Kinnell
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling. - Arthur Brisbane
When I write fiction, I struggle to decide the fate of two people created by my mind and spend countless hours to give them a happy ending. God, the Almighty has created infinite human beings till date and runs all our lives with such ease. He is the BEST WRITER of all. - Shahla Khan
God long ago defined what it means to do evil. It is for violations of His standards that we are to be afraid. - The Liberty Book
To do no evil is good, to intend none better. - Claudius, Roman Emperor
I don’t know What else to say I’ve said it many times Oh you’re your gorgeous eyes Are my greatest prize ………………… - sami abouzid
Give winter nothing; hold; and let the flake Poise or dissolve along your upheld arms. All flawless hexagons may melt and break; While you must feel the summer's rage of fire, Beyond this frigid season's empty storms. Banished to bloom, and bear the birds' desire. - James Wright
I am reminded that the children we birth do not belong to us. They belong to God. We are simply the vessel through which they arrive on this earth. We are appointed to care for and guide them; however, we must recognize when the time comes for them to govern their own lives. - Nancy B. Brewer
Success come only through high ambition, good guidance, strong will, determining and effort. - Santonu Kumar Dhar
Sir, I am a true laborer. I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness, glad of other men's good, content with my harm and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck. - William Shakespeare
Craving for the top of the mountain is a feeling to yearn for, an endurance we learn from. - Goitsemang Mvula
It does not always follow that good men are good fathers. - Kathryn L. Nelson
It takes a great man to be a good listener. - Calvin Coolidge
He who walks with the wise goes farther than he who runs with fools. - Matshona Dhliwayo
And I got to thinking about the moral meaning of memory, per se. And what it means to forget, what it means to fail to find and preserve the connection with the dead whose lives you, or I, want or need to honor with our own. - June Jordan
Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account. - Oscar Wilde
I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. - J. R. R. Tolkien
Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. You just leave a lot of useless, noisy baggage behind.
On stage, I make love to 25,000 people, then I go home alone. - Janis Joplin
Max: "You'll never be good enough to deserve her, you know."Ash: "God doesn't always give you what you deserve," Ash said quietly. "Sometimes he gives you what you can't live without. - Teresa Medeiros
Ignorance is sacred and im an atheist. - Xristos Grigore
Do not pursue a life that looks good. Pursue a life that is good. - DeWayne Owens
For a more than miffed Midnight, fate was for emperors, fools and soppy lovers: - fate was the self-important egotism of those doing well, the sheer unbearable arrogance of the living and loved. - Tom Conrad
What if it becomes less about how we look and more about how much we care? What if it becomes less about how much money we earn and more about how much we share our good fortune? Imagine a world where who we are in our hearts is the ultimate status symbol. - Amy Leigh Mercree
I don't guarantee you to be a good man,I promise you will be a better man - Unbekannt
Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. - Dale Carnegie
We make choices every day, some of them good, some of them bad. And if we are strong enough, we live with the consequences. - David Gemmell
You can never go back to a specific moment. That's why it's important to live in the present and not the past. Don't let foolish memories get in the way of the makings of new ones. - Emily Coussons
It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is from the top. - Arnold Bennett
Put even the plainest woman into a beautiful dress and unconsciously she will try to live up to it. - Lady Duff-Gordon
Snowflakes fall from high.Flurries lift and twirl below.The world has turned white. - Richelle E. Goodrich
It feels good read but greater to write. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Les sentiments de l'effort, correspondant à l'accélération, le sentiment de la fatigue correspondant au freinage, le sentiment de souffrance ou d'angoisse qui correspond au recul, enfin le sentiment de la jouissance qui correspond à l'arrêt avec décharge. - Pierre Janet
People are always trying to [mess] up other people's live's by telling lies about 'em. You wanna really [mess] somebody's life up? Tell the truth about 'em. They ain't never gonna be the same. - Brian Buckner
We will go far away, to nowhere, to conquer, to fertilize until we become tired. Then we will stop and there will be our home. - Dejan Stojanovic
Our problem right now is that we're so specialized that if the lights go out, there are a huge number of people who are not going to know what to do. But within every dystopia there's a little utopia. - Margaret Atwood
Preaching a man a sermon with a broken head and telling him to be right with God is equal to telling a man with a broken leg to get up and run a race. - Richard Baxter
Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot. - D. H. Lawrence
Some fool aims to go to heaven; some clever knows that there isn’t any; and some intelligent tries to create one with his own effort! Be intelligent! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We live in a time when to reject the idea of an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful government is to be viewed by that government as being anti-government. - Dave Champion
Deregulation is a transfer of power from the trodden to the treading. It is unsurprising that all conservative parties claim to hate big government. - George Monbiot
He realized without being aware of it that he had had the possibility to know her, before had he known her? but now that had changed. The possibility was gone. Now no one would know her unless she herself willed it. And there was nothing quite like the will he sensed in her now. - Amanda Coplin
War is the biggest ego trip of all time.
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. - Edward R. Murrow
As many opinions you bound about a person, if you let go of them, you will attain a natural state. For whomever and for whatever matter, you have bound opinions, those opinions will continue to sting you and when you let go of those opinions, you can become natural. - Dada Bhagwan
One goes into the darkness to bring some light. - Marty Rubin
I refuse to put God into a little box I can handle, for that would insult us both. - L.M. Fields
I would be dreadfully remiss not to think that God would painstakingly craft something an intimately ingenious and inexplicably intricate as my life, and that by virtue of such sheer brilliance I should not examine it with the greatest precision and unleash it with the fullest abandon. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I don't believe that life is supposed to make you feel good, or make you feel miserable either. Life is just supposed to make you feel. - Gloria Naylor
For a peaceful world, the golden rules to live by are mutual understanding, respect, tolerance, forgiveness, and love. - Debasish Mridha
Flowers wither away when put through harsh conditions. Humans, on the other hand, have a choice. A choice to wither away or blossom. - karan godara
There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. - Vincent Van Gogh
If a story is only what it seems to be about, then somehow the author has failed. - Edward Gorey
-Hát még a pusztán sincs egyenlőség?-Amíg emberek lesznek a világon, soha nem is lesz az... - Mór Jókai
Wars bring the best out of men, it can b good for some, bad for others but it is the best that man can offer - Nauman Khan
The moon is considered a relatively easy object to land humans on, everything else is much harder by orders of magnitude. It is the reason why we have not been to Mars and will likely never go there successfully with humans. - Steven Magee
A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love. - Pearl S. Buck
Think and feel yourself there! To achieve any aim in life, you need to project the end-result. Think of the elation, the satisfaction, the joy! Carrying the ecstatic feeling will bring the desired goal into view.
What the world needs today is a definite, spiritual mobilization of the nations who belive in God against this tide of Red agnosticism. ...And in rejecting an atheistic other world, I am confident that the Almighty God will be with us.
I would have made a good Pope. - Richard M. Nixon
Goddammit! How does the world keep spinning with women on the planet?"Ian St. John in THE POMPEII SCROLL - Jacqueline LaTourrette
Whatever they say about it, but being altruistic is not so simple for everyone. Not to look and sound like despotism, altruism must be learnt, and it’s a long way, which in fact begins from our egoism, for really, a human can’t love others if he doesn’t love himself first. - Lara Biyuts
Through work, we serve, minister, and become God’s stewards on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
After that, he tried to go upstairs through the broom cupboard, and then the yard. This seemed to puzzle him a little. But finally he discovered the stairs, all except the bottom on, and fell up them on his face. The whole castle shook. - Diana Wynne Jones
The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos. - Stephen Jay Gould
Of course , if I am nothing but an ego, and woman is nothing but another ego, then there is really no vital difference between us. Two little dolls of conscious entities, squeaking when you squeeze them. And with a tiny bit of an extraneous appendage to mark which is which... - D.H. Lawrence
God knows the WHY , we only receiving the wisdom. - Dariush Youkhaneh
Once us feel loved by God, us do the best us can to please him with what us like. - Alice Walker
Humans are probably the only creatures who know that they will die. They know for certain and yet they keep going. A resilient spirit and a need to survive does not make for cowardice.Salma to Merrick in Simple Conversation - Sonia Rumzi
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch
The animals known as human beings live in humongous condominium blocks, just going about their daily lives. I've come to realize that it's just a modern jungle. And I'm the girl who's wandered into the forest. - Inio Asano
Choosing the right career is the most difficult task for a person who is multi-talented and versatile. Because its hard to decide what field to go into, when you are good at too many things. - Saad Salman
God is like an umbrella of illusion and belief, In rainy days we use him, in sunny days we forget him. - Debasish Mridha
Never stand in the way of letting God use people’s actions, in order to solve a greater issue in the world. - Shannon L. Alder
He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself. - Philip Massinger
Sometimes you’re going to shine like the sun; sometimes you’re going to crumble to pieces. Either way, it’s okay. - Sheila Burke
Everything I've written up to this point is crap. Now I'm going to write the real one - Ted Dekker
He must needs go that the devil drives. - William Shakespeare
You’ve got to have confidence in the very thing that makes you unique then wait for the world to catch up - Lindsey Stirling
Friendship is a disinterested commerce between equals; love an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves. - Oliver Goldsmith
Before you go out and occupy Wall Street, occupy your own brain! - Tai Lopez
Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power. - Charles Caleb Colton
Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group—whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called the common good. - Ayn Rand
What God says I am is what I am: great soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that dares not reason is a slave. - William Drummond
Teamwork is good netiquette. All good users can work together to accomplish goals. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing,you got to admit that each party is worse than the other.The one that's out always looks the best - Will Rogers
I'm not going to bed after all. Somebody around here hath murdered sleep. Good for him.
I am a practical person. Always believed in multi purpose tools, good education and limited conversations .... and then I saw her! - Soban Arif
Books—all books—are complicated things, muttering at us in different contradictory voices, refusing to stay the same when we go back to them. Tying them down too much robs of them of the magic. - Andrew Rilstone
Awkward silences rule the world. People are so terrified of awkward silences that they will literally go to war rather than face an awkward silence. - Stefan Molyneux
Life is like sex. It’s not always good, but its always worth trying. - Pamela Anderson
Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back. I’m going to help you forgive the things that you won’t let yourself forget. - Jennifer Elisabeth
Where can we find a worshiper who envy a sparrow or a swallow just because of their uninterrupted access to God's altar (Psalm 84:3). Our Genuineness in worship is not revealed by our physical presence in the church but by our desire of being in His Presence always and behold Him (Psalm 84:10). - Santosh Thankachan
Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together. - George Santayana
The discovery of what is true and the practice of that which is good are the two most important aims of philosophy. - Voltaire
Only the best thoughts is good enough to carry you throughout today's journey. - Auliq-Ice
The contest is not between Us and Them, but between Good and Evil, and if those who would fight Evil adopt the ways of Evil, Evil wins. - Thomas Jefferson
Making new good memories -possible,Going back in your good memories -impossible,Do possible and don't think about impossible -happiness. - omer dar
The worldly comforts are not for me. I am like a traveler, who takes a rest under a tree in the shade and then goes on his way - Anonymous
Jealousy - that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive. - Havelock Ellis
Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today. - Tim Fargo
Unless she scares the hell out of you, blows the cobwebs from your mind, scorches your heart with passion, melts your chains with goodness and lights a fire in your pants...then she is not the one. - Shannon L. Alder
When you are discouraged, do not look down. Hold your head up high and you will see the face of God shining a light into your dark place. - Janet Autherine
Unconditional love is one of the greatest gifts of God's to mankind. - mukasa ronald
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.
You will never say goodbye to the past, until you understand why the flashbacks haunt you. - Shannon L. Alder
On any given day, you will reach to the state of realization; you will never find any other God, except you. You are the God, you are searching for, either externally or internally. - Roshan Sharma
The world is broken he said, how will you fix it? I don't think anyone can fix it but we can teach ourselves & eachother to focus on the good and the important and maybe little by little this place won't feel so heavy. - Nikki Rowe
I'm going to memorize your name and throw my head away. - Oscar Levant
In God you come up against something which is in every respect immeasurably superior to yourself. Unless you know God as that-and, therefore, know yourself as nothing in comparison-you do not know God at all. - C.S. Lewis
To require God to prove that He is able and willing to fulfill His promises would be proof positive that one does not trust Him. - Charles R. Swindoll
Grace is never wanting. God always gives sufficient grace to whoever is willing to receive it. - Francis de Sales
I guess this thing we call faith is a climb. I always wanted to think of it as a big slide straight into the arms of God who waits at the bottom to catch us. But instead, He's a God who's on top of things - & like any mountain you climb, the closer we get to Him, the steeper the terrain. - Lisa Samson
An educator...a good one that is, inspires others to be even better than herself. - Jill Telford
It is good that war is so terrible, or we should become too fond of itRobert E. Lee - Greg Seeley
If I loved someone, I could never let him go away from me. I would be too miserable and lonely. - Valerie Tripp
We must not let go manifest truths because we cannot answer all questions about them.
In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not the man to whom the idea first occurs. - Sir Francis Darwin
We most often go astray on a well trodden and much frequented road. - Seneca
Being grateful does not mean that everything is necessarily good. It just means that you can accept it as a gift. - Roy T. Bennett
Maintain focus on what God called you to do. - Sunday Adelaja
I won't forget when I couldn't go to bed with the lights offWhen I heard that voice call me in for the nightI remember when love was just a word and not a fightAll I had to worry about were broken bones and being left alone - Real Friends
I guess you were not my friend then, that's okay. I can see my true self, I can see yours, now. I guess that you did not look hard enough at mine. Or you would never have let me go. - Tina J. Richardson
Misperceiving that there is one correct choice is a common mistake. Coming to understand that there are usually a few good choices--and then there's the one you pick, commit to, and make great--is the best way to make flexible, optimal, good decisions in life. - Katie Couric
Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song, A medley of extemporanea; And love is thing that can never go wrong; And I am Marie of Romania. - Dorothy Parker
Humanity is composed but of two categories, the invalids and the nurses. - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Unto you is bornin the city of Davida Savior for all. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Something in me whispered that I needed to stop thinking, that I should above all not go too farwith thinking. But that never worked; I always thought things through to the end, to their mostextreme consequence. - Herman Koch
I can live two months on a good compliment. - Mark Twain
The thing women have got to learn is that nobody gives you power. You just take it. - Roseanne Barr
Ya sabes que intentar mantener las distancias conmigo no va a cambiar mis sentimientos. - John Green
Beauty shouldn’t be about changing yourself to achieve an ideal or be more socially acceptable. Real beauty, the interesting, truly pleasing kind, is about honoring the beauty within you and without you. It’s about knowing that someone else’s definition of pretty has no hold over you. - Golda Poretsky
You talk to leadership in China, and THEY are all the engineers. They get what is going on immediately. The Americans don't because they're all lawyers. - John Doerr
Enjoy the rainbow while it lasts and don't chase it when it's gone. - Marty Rubin
Admitting the weighty problems and staggering disappointments, Christianity affirms that God is able to give us the power to meet them. He is able to give us inner equilibrium to stand tall amid the trials and burdens of life. He is able to provide inner peace amid our outer storms. - Martin Luther King Jr.
To a materialist life is nothing but a complex self-sustaining pattern, easily disrupted and gone when destroyed. - Auliq Ice
And Charlie, don't forget about what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted. He lived happily ever after. - Roald Dahl
I'm not afraid of facts, I welcome facts but a congeries of facts is not equivalent to an idea. This is the essential fallacy of the so-called "scientific" mind. People who mistake facts for ideas are incomplete thinkers; they are gossips. - Cynthia Ozick
See the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin Williams
A golden spoon is useless when the soup bowl is empty. - Matshona Dhliwayo
We at Apple had forgotten who we were. One way to remember who you are is to remember who your heroes are. - Steve Jobs
I don't want to base my life on a symbol," he said resolutely. "I want reality, and the Christian faith has always been rooted in reality. What's not rooted in reality is the faith of liberal scholars. They're the ones who are following a pipe dream, but Christianity is not a pipe dream. - Gregory A. Boyd
saying goodbye isnt hard, but saying it to something you care about is whats hard, because you dont want to forget the emmotional pain and happiness they caused in you're life. - Annoymous
To be good, according to the vulgar standard of goodness, is obviously quite easy. It merely requires a certain amount of sordid terror, a certain lack of imaginative thought, and a certain low passion for middle-class respectability. - Oscar Wilde
What good is money if it can't inspire terror in your fellow man? - Matt Groening
Sow the right words! Think the good thought. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
CHANGE is not to expect, it is certain -have Food and go to Bed - Praveen Chenna
In a fallacious world where we live; it is much easy to create a God rather than pretending to find one. - M.F. Moonzajer
Life is your own movie. Not Gods. - Max Basstanie
It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not. - James Gordon
Jews don't go camping. Life is hard enough as it is.
We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further. - Richard Dawkins
I entrain myself (when I remember to)by tuning in to higher frequenciesin the ether, in my soul, everywhere I go,always accessible, always helpfulfor obtaining a higher perspectivein a matter of minutes. - Jay Woodman
Humility is not just declaring that you are not God. It is deciding daily to not be God. - Darrin Patrick
ADVICE, n. The smallest current coin. "The man was in such deep distress," Said Tom, "that I could do no less Than give him good advice." Said Jim: "If less could have been done for him I know you well enough, my son, To know that's what you would have done." Jebel Jocordy - Ambrose Bierce
God is patient and act in His timing. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Nikada necu nauciti da izgovaram tvoje ime bez osmeha na licu. - Tamara Stamenkovic
The road to wealth is sown with false starts and failures that should in no way discourage the poor who make good or our neighbors with new found riches. We have to give it our all. - Roberto Bolaño
Good food ends with good talk. - Geoffrey Neighor
It's not having what you want It's wanting what you've got. - Sheryl Crow
What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary. - Stephen Hawking
If you're going to give me something, give me something I'll miss.excerpt from: freefalling - Darlenne Susan Girard
That money talks, I'll not deny, I heard it once: it said, 'goodbye - Richard Armour
Progress is the only road going there. - T Jay Taylor
Christians should never have a political party. It is a huge mistake to become married to an ideology, because the greatest enemy of the gospel is ideology. Ideology is a man-made format of how the world ought to work, and Christians instead believed in the revealing truth Scripture. - Charles W. Colson
God is never angry for His sake, only for ours. - Thomas Aquinas
God is alive, real, and wants to heal you in every aspect of your life where you are hurting. - Robert A. Schuller
If God is your pilot, do not fear any turbulence. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Mankind is a melody, every being around you is a note you have to mix in the right order in your life - Freedom Goodbird
Free time is death to the anxious, and thank goodness I don't have any of it right now. - Jon Stewart
To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever.-Albus Dumbledore to Harry Potter, page 299 - J.K. Rowling
Good wins in the end because evil is a self-destructive, cannibalistic force that Inevitably engorges upon itself. - Ken Poirot
Often success goes hand-in-hand with the sum total of sexual activity in your life. - Stephen Richards
The successes and failures of yesterday are gone, today is a new day. - Noel DeJesus
For years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone? - Anne Graham
A writer's partner should be a good reader...otherwise she/he will get bored what's happening around. - Vikash Shrivastava
You've only got three choices in life: Give up, give in, or give it all you've got. - Unknown Author 954
The glorious gifts of the gods are not to be cast aside. - Homer
Often people that settle in life are those that only do what they can with what they have and where they are. Never settle for someone that didn't know your worth from the beginning, or build a life without God in it. Live beyond your low expectations. - Shannon L. Alder
Sex and politics are a lot alike. You don't have to be good at them to enjoy them. - Barry M. Goldwater
The government are tightening up on ID for sales of tobacco and alcohol so I recommend that young people take more drugs. - Robert Clark
Long Live the '90s" Internet Explorer - http://www.goodnet.org/articles/856
In the world of dogma, you become free the day you decide to go to hell. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
I will to my dying day oppose, with all the powers and faculties God has given me, all such instruments of slavery on the one hand and villainy on the other, as this Writ of Assistance is. - James Otis
A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. - John Maxwell
Every poem is an infant labored into birth and I am drenched with sweating effort, tired from the pain and hurt of being a man, in the poem I transform myself into a woman. - Jimmy Santiago Baca
Ithink we all experience the same thing. We resent thethought that anything can please us when someone we loveis no longer here to share the pleasure with us, and we almostfeel as if we were unfaithful to our sorrow when wefind our interest in life returning to us. - L.M. Montgomery
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - Plato
We need to clean our own yards before we go looking for -shit- in someone else's. - Andrea L'Artiste
You don't need to be rich to have high confidence, all you do need is to be proud of yourself and there you'll go with confidence. - Auliq Ice
Guilt's just your ego's way of tricking you into thinking that you're making moral progress. Don't fall for it, my dear. - Elizabeth Gilbert
Love is an inspiration. It moves you. It motivates you. It keeps you going. - Dee Dee Artner
He felt, in a way so familiar as to be almost dreary, the chosen victim of the gods, the self-admitted traitor, the one destined for judgment. - Iris Murdoch
Nothing is as certain as that the vices of leisure are gotten rid of by being busy. - Seneca
When writing a novel that's pretty much entirely what life turns into: 'House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day.' - Neil Gaiman
If heaven was hot and hell was chilly, tell me, why would you go to heaven? - Michael Bassey Johnson
The glory of a good tale is that it is limitless and fluid; a good tale belongs to each reader in its own particular way. - Stephen King
Go oft to the house of thy friend, for weeds choke the unused path. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
‎Mark it down: God loves you with an unearthly love. You can't win it by being winsome. You can't lose it by being a loser. But you can be blind enough to resist it - Max Lucado
There are two ways of opening the eyes of people. The first is by way of preaching the Word of God and the second is prayer - Sunday Adelaja
Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure. - Thorstein Veblen
God has been pushed aside by the non-Self complex. Vibrations have arisen from vibrations. ‘We’ now give you the Knowledge of how to stop the vibrations. - Dada Bhagwan
Kemampuan membaca itu sebuah rahmat. Kegemaran membaca; sebuah kebahagiaan. - Goenawan Mohamad
Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end. - Roy Bennett
Whatever my powers--feminine or the contrary--God had given them, and I felt resolute to be ashamed of no faculty of his bestowal. - Charlotte Brontë
Don't let the sun go down upon your anger; forgive each other, help each other, and begin again tomorrow. - Louisa May Alcott
Listen, there is no way any true man is going to let children live around him in his home and not discipline and teach, fight and mold them until they know all he knows. His goal is to make them better than he is. Being their friend is a distant second to this. - Victor Devlin
Good and Bad shape your soul like the Light and Shadow shape the tree's - Urbanky Aurel Petru
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him will believeth in anything. - Hitchens 3:16 - Christopher Hitchens
Good poetry reveals the beauty of joy and tragedy. - Debasish Mridha
Teach that God is, not was; that He speaketh, not spake. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The usefulness of a man or woman of God relies on the ability to remain distinct. - Kevin Thoman
A long time ago I learned that an atheist and a believer trying to have a discussion about God and religion is like shooting the breeze and having it shoot back. - T. K. Decker
God doesn't bless us just to make us happy; He blesses us to make us a blessing. - Warren W. Wiersbe
Remarriage is an excellent test of just how amicable your divorce was. - Margo Kaufman
Probably all laws are useless, for good men do not want laws at all, and bad men are made no better by them.
Everything we do really is just a little marker on the long road to death. And sometimes that's overwhelmingly depressing to me, and sometimes it makes me feel kinship and forgiveness. We've all got the same ending to the story. The way we make that story more elaborate, I got to respect. - Joss Whedon
The truth is that you are innately good, wise, and powerful. You were created in and for good. - Deborah Day
Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.
May you grace for good deeds. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Not every good thing in life will remain forever - kayser U
How awesome is the awe God! - Lailah Gifty Akita
A badly written novel can always be shortened to a poem. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
Oh, this is the most TRAGICAL thing that ever happened to me! - L.M. Montgomery
Trust me if there will be any heaven after life; I am sure we humans are going to fuck it too. - M.F. Moonzajer
A good marriage is good because one or both of them have learned to overlook the other's faults, to love the other as they are and to not attempt to change them or bring them to repentance. - Debi Pearl
Prayer indeed is good, but while calling on the gods a man should himself lend a hand. - Hippocrates
It's going to come true like you knew it, but it's not going to feel like you think. - Rosie O'Donnell
Be a good guide, tell me what you see, are sure is that?Please try to describe the picture as much vocabulary as possible! - Deyth Banger
All those windows, and not a cat in them. All that light to bask in, wasted. - Lissa Warren The Good Luck Cat
I think housework is far more tiring and frightening than hunting is, no comparison, and yet after hunting we had eggs for tea and were made to rest for hours, but after housework people expect one to go on just as if nothing special had happened. - Nancy Mitford
A certain amount of impatience can be good to do the good works excessive patience delays to do, but sometimes, it is good to have a little amount of patience, for a little amount of patience can be a big antidote to a big woe of impatience - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
As if one could do what one wanted with one's own body! - Louis Aragon
When you're young, faith is often a matter of rules. What you should do and shouldn't do, that kind of thing. But as you get older, you realize that faith is really a matter of relationship - with God, with the people around you, with the members of your community. - Rhoda Janzen
You are the greatest temple in the universe; God dwells within you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Sales can never be done with 'good' skills or 'good' communication or 'thorough' product knowledge.. It can only be done with PASSION and U gotta be a people loving person, to be alive in sales... - honeya
Joy come and go like pleasant breeze. It's the miseries that stick in you like thorns - until you realize that it's all your doing. - Sadghuru
We don’t ask any people to throw away any good they have got; we only ask them to come and get more. What if all the world should embrace this Gospel? They would then see eye to eye, and the blessings of God would be poured out upon the people, which is the desire of my whole soul. - Joseph Smith Jr.
At my core, I know this: God is God. All that lives and breathes flows from him in both original and ongoing states. - Nicole Nordeman
In many instances, the failures of my greatest schemes ultimately lead to the fulfillment of my greatest successes. Therefore, God will allow our most cherished dreams to perish so that we might turn and seek out His most cherished plans. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. - Robert Jordan
When I look back to where I come from, I realize it's for a good reason that God changed my life. - Gugu Mona
A good sense of humour combined withself-distance always make the world a better place. And my hundred-year-old, Allan Karlsson, would probably add a bottle of vodka to complete the picture. - Jonas Jonasson
There's iron, they say, in all our blood, And a grain or two perhaps is good; But his, he makes me harshly feel, Has got a little too much of steel. - Anonymous
I learned what research was all about as a research student [with] Stoppani ... Max Perutz, and ... Fred Sanger... From them, I always received an unspoken message which in my imagination I translated as 'Do good experiments, and don’t worry about the rest. - César Milstein
Necessity never made a good bargain. - Benjamin Franklin
When I got untethered from the comfort of religion, it wasn't a loss of faith for me, it was a discovery of Self. - Brad Pitt
When someone says you can't do something because of XYZ, is that true? Or are they playing with your life with their good intentions to keep you safe? - Richie Norton
It's frustrating to witness how popular Fairtrade bananas, coffee and tea have become with shoppers and supermarkets while plenty of unfair trade goes on, largely unnoticed, in our own back yard. - Rose Prince
I went to Maui to stay a week and remained five. I never spent so pleasant a month before, or bade any place goodbye so regretfully. I have not once thought of business, or care or human toil or trouble or sorrow or weariness, and the memory of it will remain with me always. - Mark Twain
Take your ego out of your story. - A.D. Posey
He's a grand, ungodly, god-like man. - Herman Melville
The passions are the seeds of vices as well as of virtues, from which either may spring, accordingly as they are nurtured. Unhappy they who have never been taught the art to govern them! - Ann Radcliffe
Before you go to bed think about what you left behind in the wake of the day… - Nanette L. Avery
Greatest quality of money is whether coming or going leave tears in the eyes of beholder. - Kishore Bansal
You are exactly what God had in mind when He made you. - Gregory Boyle
when you have no spirit to seize the day, find it behind the music, between the flowing leaves, beneath the sun rays, and just within yourself. Talk to yourself, be the best friend for yourself, and do not hesitate to ask God help - Maria Magdalena
When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching -- they are your family. - Jim Butcher
You are young, my son, and, as the years go by, time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters. - Plato
It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen. - Aristotle
Las lágrimas que no se lloranesperan en pequeños lagos?O serán ríos invisiblesque corren hacia la tristeza? - Pablo Neruda
God plan the best pathways for every sacred soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Success is not certain until you are obsessed by your goal - Vijay Dhameliya
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke
Many people consider the things which government does for them as social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism. - Earl Warren
When the whole world starts behaving like a big family, protecting and caring each other, the world will become a good place to live! - Mehmet Murat ildan
And that you seek forgiveness of your Lord, and then turn to Him. He will provide for you a goodly provision until an appointed term. And He will grant His grace to every one possessed of merit. And if you turn away, then surely, I fear for you the punishment of a dreadful day. - Anonymous The Quran
God exists and he is an atom. So he exists in every thing and everywhere. An atom is a unit and example of life. It is constantly moving. It knows all the information that ever happened in this universe. So it is the source of life. - Debasish Mridha
I don't know if God exists, but it would be better for His reputation if He didn't. - Jules Renard
I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am - John Newton
What is ominous is the ease with which some people go from saying that they don't like something to saying that the government should forbid it. When you go down that road, don't expect freedom to survive very long. - Thomas Sowell
The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic, and self-complacent is erroneous; on the contrary, it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant, and kind. Failure makes people cruel and bitter. - W. Somerset Maugham
It is sobering to reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. - Charles A. Beard
If you have a big ego put it to wide and wise use so that it benefits and enriches everyone not just you - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one and the same-one in seeing, one in knowing, and one in loving. - Meister Eckhart
God does not require that we be successful only that we be faithful. - Mother Teresa
Have a choice, learn the process and then go for the success. - Debasish Mridha
Being socialized female and spending my life "othered" by this world gives me a unique perspective. In the past, this has felt like shit. In the present, it feels pretty good. In the future I hope somebody loves me enough to watch me age ungracefully. - Harvey Katz
God does not ask your abilityOr your inability.He asks only your availability. - Mary Kay Ash
A critic is a gong at a railroad crossing clanging loudly and vainly as the train goes by. - Christopher Morley
TO GROW OUR MIND- We must learn new things. We must CARE for more things. We must TEACH more things. We must SHARE more things. We must RETAIN more things. To grow our mind - We don't need education, We need a good memory. - Lorenzo Victory
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: I was watching an old western and started thinking the Good, the Bad and the Ugly are present in all of us. What determines which one dominates is the one that is fed. Which one are you feeding? - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
To be a manager, one must be able to manage her own relationship with the people around her, as well as the relationships among his subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations does not make one a good manager. - Sophie Rose
When you're silent, your silence condones it. Thus, whatever you believe in goes down the drain. - Jennifer Tindugan-Adoviso
A positive attitude influences our behavior and dictates a successful approach. - Brian Michael Good
Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way of selling goods, especially if the goods are worthless. - Sinclair Lewis
I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate. - Vincent van Gogh
Just what is it that America stands for? If she stands for one thing more than another it is for the sovereignty of self-governing people. - Woodrow Wilson
The bliss of the elect in heaven would not be perfect unless they were able to look across the abyss and enjoy the agonies of their brethren in eternal fire. - Gregory the Great
Love means never saying goodbye. - Harley
There you go. That ego of yours getting in the way," I teased."Of what?""The perfect package."He snorted. "Let me tell you, I have the perfect--""Don't be gross. - Jennifer L. Armentrout
It takes ten good decisions to make up for one disastrous one. This is why it is better not to make nine good decisions than to make one bad one—which is what happens most of the time. - Neel Burton
It is not trying that is ever going to bring us home. All this trying leads up to the vital moment at which you turn to God and say, ‘You must do this. I can't. - C.S. Lewis
Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made. - John Godfrey Saxe
People come to me for the solution of their problem, if my knowledge and experience is not enough to solve the problem, I go to my library read the relevant book and provide the solution. - Amit Kalantri
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. - Albert Schweitzer
Every woman is as bitter as gall. But she has two good moments: one in bed, the other at her death. - Palladas
Lying in small doses makes a good storyteller great. - Bryan Way
When one may pay out over two million dollars to presidential and Congressional campaigns, the U.S. government is virtually up for sale. - John W. Gardner
We often confuse determination with its evil twin: fixation. While determination is our ability to stand our ground while pursuing our goals. Fixation, on the other hand, is an unhealthy attachment to an ideal. - Venugopal Gupta
No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.
Don’t try to make life fair, instead, be on the side where life is extra good. - Sarvesh Jain
Ultimately a hero is a man who would argue with the gods, and so awakens devils to contest his vision. The more a man can achieve, the more he may be certain that the devil will inhabit a part of his creation. - Norman Mailer
The good poet sticks to his real loves, to see within the realm of possibility. He never tries to hold hands with God or the human race.
What we consider too good to be true, is truth; all else is fallacy - Oshetha Shakoor
Being passionate and doing good things for the community is always a good choice. - harry vested, harry s vested, harry s vested jr., harry vested lawsuit, harry vested gravity collect
You don't talk dirty to make him hot. You "talk dirty" to communicate what you need. And most guys, if you go, "Yeah, yeah, just like that, a little more to the left," they'll do it. - Nina Hartley
God can pick sense out of a confused prayer. - Richard Sibbes
As more good comes your way, your belief will increase, until you move past it into the realm of conviction. - Stephen Richards
The sacrifice ‘of’ self for the greater good is the greatest calling imaginable, and it is the bedrock of the greatest nations. The sacrifice ‘for’ self is the most pathetic calling imaginable, and it is the quicksand within which nations perish. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Have you wondered what our ego is?Our ego is a reflection of our life conditioning.It is no more than a mask (of our outer surface).It is not the inner of who we truly are and what we can truly be. - Alice Bacon
The good, the admirable reader identifies himself not with the boy or the girl in the book, but with the mind that conceived and composed that book. - Vladimir Nabokov
God doesn't call us to mediocrity. He calls us to a greater standard that doesn't teach us to tear people down to reach him, but to lift others up. Be the type of person that when people walk away from you, they know who you represent! - Shannon L. Alder
A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals the secret of some hidden treasure. - Dalai Lama XIV
...a murder of crows gormandized until they were satiated. - Rex Curry
Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall they be saved. - Jane Goodall
He has every attribute of a dog except loyalty. - Thomas P. Gore
Delayed gratification hints that something terrible is going to happen, and then delays the resolution. It’s that interval between the promise of something awful and it actually happening, where suspense resides. - Sandy Vaile
An act of charity by the citizens questions the worthiness of the government. - Amit Kalantri
God hasn't called you to walk in someone else's shoes (purpose). He wants you to walk in the shoes that fit you, for which He made you. You aren't going to succeed walking in another woman's shoes. - Beth Moore Jones
I choose not to fight against but to stand for. Not to go against but to go for. - O. Stephen Peart
Treaty with Tripoli, Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; - U.S. Congress
Three out of every one hundred people set goals. Even fewer write them down… You can be someone who does have goals—A Goal Getter! - Beverly K. Bachel
Could be I've finally gone crazy, but men crazier than me have done greater things than I've ever dreamed, so we'll see where it takes me." ~ Tom Parker, Imagination Stone - Drew Bankston
Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult. - Charlotte Whitton
The only comfort comes in thinking about how nice it was to know them, and how nice it was to brush against goodness for a season. - Gordon Atkinson
Be good to yourself. If you don't take care of your body, where will you live? - Kobi Yamada
With courage, always go where you fear to go. - Debasish Mridha
As we approached each other, the noise and the students around us melted away and we were utterly alone, passing, smiling, holding each other's eyes, floors and walls gone, two people in a universe of space and stars. - Jerry Spinelli
Don’t let less-than-perfect circumstances keep you from trusting God. - Jim George
We Create God, Mankind's Nature. - MRDisperatti
Almost all absurdity of conduct arises in individual, when displayed ego and self portrayed images are not recognised by anyone. - Aditya Ajmera
If triangles had a god, he would have three sides. - Charles de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu
Do not consider painful what is good for you. - Euripides
The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object. - Thomas Jefferson
If you think it can be done, then go ahead with boldness. Don’t listen to those who do not believe in your dreams. - Debasish Mridha
The idea that one can go to the fossil record and expect to empirically recover an ancestor-descendant sequence, be it of species, genera, families, or whatever, has been, and continues to be, a pernicious illusion. - Gareth J. Nelson
Go for the desire you dare to dream. - Debasish Mridha
If you feel like your life is under control, you're just not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti
If ‘one’ really were the sufferer or the enjoyer, then he would get tired. But the Self in reality is not experiencing anything. He simply does egoism only. - Dada Bhagwan
Keep a clear picture of your goals in mind.The power of imagination is unlimited. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Today is a special day for you and for the universe. Today you started your life’s journey and the universe got a precious gift and that is you. I am wishing you a day of joy to fill your life with pleasant surprises. - Debasish Mridha
No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish. - Kin Hubbard
​On top of the government-hierarchy you need an unpolluted group of scientists to give a nation the best direction. - Abhijit Naskar
Think of your mother and smile for all of the good precious moments. - Ana Monnar
I am an atheist and I consider religions to be a form of collective neurosis. I am not an enemy of the Catholics, as I am not an enemy of the tuberculars, the myopic or the paralytics; you cannot be an enemy of the sick, only their good friend in order to help them cure themselves. - Diego Rivera
Intercession is prayer we pray not for ourselves, but for others for country government, or any other person - Sunday Adelaja
That is because no one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, okay? So any mean thing someone's gonna think of to say about me, I've already said to me, about me, probably within the last half hour. - Lena Dunham
I'm not saying it's going to be easy; I'm saying it's going to be worth it. If it were easy, you would've done it by now - B. Dave Walters
Tis well to borrow from the good and the great; 'Tis wise to learn: 'tis God-like to create! - John Godfrey Saxe
Radite na tome da budete elokventni.Vecina njih zna samo da prica,mnogo vise nego sto treba. - Tamara Stamenkovic
You can try to reestablish your connection to Heaven - the connection we all have available to us but have forgotten, or are afraid to use. Then trust the wisdom and guidance that comes forward. - Paul Stefaniak
However smart and determined you are, your life is always going to consist of light and darkness, joy and sadness, good or bad, up and down, yang and yin. - Gary Hayden
I want to figure out how people can go on with their lives when mine has changed so much. I want to relearn how to breathe without carrying this big, empty cave inside me. - Edwidge Danticat
The concert we give is winning. And if all the people in our organization whose instrument is scouting of player development or major league scouting or player knowledge, all play well, we're going to have the most beautiful symphony of success. And I think we have. - John Schuerholz
People are far more sincere and good-humored at speeding their parting guests than on meeting them. - Anton Chekhov
There is no great love than the love of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Am I going with time slowly or is time going with me? - Debasish Mridha
There is an old illusion. It is called good and evil. - Friedrich Nietzsche
He that planteth a tree is a servant of God, he provideth a kindness for many generations, and faces that he hath not seen shall bless him. - Henry Van Dyke
Once the tugboat takes you out to the ocean liner, you got to get all the way on board. Can't straddle both decks. - Katherine Patterson
Do not envy the success of any person. But set your goal on a successful guy. Then this will make you succeed. - Fahim Khan
They think the government shows people everything —how to work, study, eat, sleep and that’s it. They are afraid of change. They do not understand that if you want to do something, you should do it. You are free, people, free! - Anton Krotov
Smile wide to receive many smiles in return. But if you want a good laugh, smirk like a wicked, little imp and watch the range of expressions you're flashed. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Self-discipline is the ability to organize your behavior over time in the service of specific goals. - Nathaniel Branden
People forget that there's two sides to every story. Of course somebody is going to tell the side of it that makes them look good and exaggerate the rest to make everyone else look bad. - David Reeves
I’m a short woman with a pretty good body and large breasts that’s not what I think of as sexy. - Adrienne Barbeau
With pain and perseverance my day will come! - Susan Segovia Munoz
The orthodox tend to think that people who, like the postmodernists and me, believe neither in God nor in some suitable substitute, must feel that everything is permitted, that everybody can do what they like. - Richard M. Rorty
Perseverance, secret of all triumphs. - Victor Hugo
I always wondered why God was supposed to be a father," she whispers. Fathers always want you to measure up to something. Mothers are the ones who love you unconditionally, don't you think? - Jodi Picoult
... just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul. - Pope John XXIII
Since when did Christians started fearing ghost, witches and wizards, demons, sicknesses and Death ? Don't you get it? these things are far below you. What did Jesus die for ? ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR YOUR GOOD - Mary Tornyenyor
Der Tasawwuf ist das Zusammensitzen mit Gott ohne Kummer im Herzen. - Imam asch-Schibli
Today you are lifted higher. Understand that you can go further and be better than you ever thought possible. Start by saying yes to all good things. Doors will open for you filled with unlimited opportunities. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Our flag is red,white, and blue. But our nation is a rainbow-Red,Yellow,brown,black, and white-and we're all precious in God's sight.
There is nothing particularly wrong with salmon, of course, but like caramel candy, strawberry yogurt, or liquid carpet cleaner, if you eat too much of it you are not going to enjoy your meal. - Lemony Snicket
...Since in the centre of the soul there is a mansion reserved for God Himself... - Teresa of Ávila
To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future. - Plutarch
God gives hope to the hopeless. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If a man isn't willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he's no good - Ezra Pound
After I see a painting, I go into a room, I close my eyes and I slowly escape into the beauty of the painting. I reflect on the painting, the nuances of the artwork, it's theme, mood and highlights -until the magic of the painting flashes before me. - Srinidhi.R
When one is down due to trials on earth evil sees an opening to attack. You with God are more powerful than satan ~ every time. - Paula Dickerson
I heard death had a name, but I forgot what it was. - Anthony Liccione
Troubles are usually brooms and shovels that smooth the road to the good man's fortune; and many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away hunger.
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." - Charles M. Schulz
Every week I read about myself in a magazine, about something that I haven't done or some place that I've never been or don't even know. It's just gossip, rumors, egos, and politics. - Hilary Duff
What difference does it make if you live in a picturesque little outhouse surrounded by 300 feeble minded goats and your faithful dog? The question is: Can you write? - Ernest Hemingway
Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune. - Walt Whitman
the loss is transformative, in good ways and bad, a tangle of change that cannot be threaded into the usual narrative spools...It's not an emergence from the cocoon, but a tree growing around an obstruction. - Meghan O'Rourke
There are people who dislike you because you do not dislike yourself. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Letting go of the past, is like opening the flood gates of healing to be set free. - Asa Don Brown
Gospel music is nothing but singing of good tidings -- spreading the good news. It will last as long as any music because it is sung straight from the human heart. - Mahalia Jackson
I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities. - Whoopi Goldberg
He did not have anything on him except her thoughts, except the good times he had once shared and the bad times he so desperately wanted to forget. - Faraaz Kazi
I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president. - Hillary Rodham Clinton
Good talent needs a showcase to prove its worth.There are many cases across the world across arts where good and talented artists have disappeared bcz no one saw them. - Chetan katigar
You can buy education, but wisdom is a gift from God.
Experience suggests it doesn't matter so much how you got here, as what you do after you arrive. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Some say God is living there [in space]. I was looking around very attentively, but I did not see anyone there. I did not detect either angels or gods....I don't believe in God. I believe in man - his strength, his possibilities, his reason. - Gherman Titov
Because God is a rational being and the universe is his personal creation, it necessarily has a rational, lawful, stable structure, awaiting increased human comprehension. This is the key to many intellectual undertakings, among them, the rise of science. - Rodney Stark
Liberty don't work as good in practice as it does in speeches. - Will Rogers
Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside remembering all the times you've felt that way. - Charles Bukowski
Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty? - Patrick Henry
Confidence is good, but confidence with humility is far better. - Debasish Mridha
We need to let our family and our friends know this truth—God is love, and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him. —2 Nephi 26:33 - M. Russell Ballard
The goal of all learning is to repair the ruin of our first parents. - John Milton
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. - Groucho Marx
Tall and thin, Mademoiselle Baptistine was a pale and gentle person. She was the incarnation of the word 'respectable,' whereas to be 'venerable,' a woman should lso be a mother. - Victor Hugo
Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life. - Gregory Peck
Have the imagination, create the vision, go with passion, and take the action; you will achieve all of your goals. - Debasish Mridha
Awakening into the God state makes all the perceptual limitations of the mind disappear, just like a bucket of muddy water turns crystal-clear once poured into the ocean. - Abhijit Naskar
We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
The highest goal of a leader is to help others fulfill their purposes in life. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
The more we thank God, the less we ask of him. - Ron Brackin
If you are sure that you're going to heaven when you die, you ought to make the most of today. Why live below God's standards when He has so many wonderful things planned for you? - Jose Zayas
A writer is very much like the captain on a star ship facing the unknown. When you face the blank page and you have no idea where you're going. It can be terrifying, but it can also be the adventure of a lifetime. - Michael Piller
Dreams last so long, even after you're gone - Jewel
If suffer we must, let's suffer on the heights. - Victor Hugo
God heals, and the doctor takes the fees. - Benjamin Franklin
And it was darkSo dark at nightAnd we held on to each otherLike brother to brotherWe promised our mothers we'd writeAnd we would all go down together - Billy Joel
Without goals we are nothing more than drifters, drifting where? - Marilyn L. Rice
According to the strange mathematics of the god of mutual affinity, the shadows that clouded their pasts when united became only half as dense instead of darker. - The World And The Door - o.henry
Never scheme with a conniving dragon! - Becca Mann
We make versions, and true versions make worlds. - Nelson Goodman
Sebab Tuhan selalu punya cara untuk kita menemukan takdir kita sendiri -forgotten - Nay Sharaya
The soul of him who has education is whole and perfect and escapes the worst disease, but, if a man's education be neglected, he walks lamely through life and returns good for nothing to the world below. - Plato
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. - Anonymous
The most beautiful is to see the joy in your eyes. - Gregor Golob
Even the most powerful enemies who threaten or oppress God’s children will one day fall. - Jim George
Let's start with what we can be thankful for & get our mind into that vibration and then watch the good that starts to come because one thought leads to another - Bob Proctor
All that we go through only happens to raise our vibrations. If we learn, we are raising it, the more we fight it, the lesser we learn, the more upset and unhappy we are. - Poonam Dhandhania
We live by faith. Our fate is in the hands of the faithful God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
An honest government is the childish dream of the gullible men! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If I can't stay where I am, and I can't, then I will put all that I can into the going. - Jeanette Winterson
I should kill you, Kallan whispered, and watch your blood run with the cries of my people. If I kill you, all my troubles end. And I go home to Lorlenalin, my father’s death avenged. - Angela B. Chrysler
I live very normally, I go out with my friends, we go to the movies, I queue, we go to restaurants. - Catherine Deneuve
Thou art all the comfort, The Gods will diet me with. - William Shakespeare
Sometimes it is one step at a time, and things don’t always work out the way we would like them to, but as you allow God to direct you He will bring you to a place of peace. - Anna Stevens
Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold. - Bob Marley
You should always say goodbye to the people you love before you walk away. Hug them and hold them tight like it is the last moment you have, because it just might be. - Jenna Alatari
I read anything that’s going to be interesting. But you don’t know what it is until you’ve read it. Somewhere in a book on the history of false teeth there’ll be the making of a novel. - Terry Pratchett
You are either growing up or going down - Saji Ijiyemi
I have a duty to speak the truth as I see it and share not just my triumphs, not just the things that felt good, but the pain, the intense, often unmitigated pain. It is important to share how I know survival is survival and not just a walk throught the rain. - Audre Lorde
The God that humanity so keenly seeks, lives within the human biology, yet they wander hitherto searching for it. - Abhijit Naskar
The sole social evil is darkness; humanity is identity, for all men are made of the same clay. - Victor Hugo
Not always majority are correct sometimes it goes with a lack of understanding - Chief Justice Moalusi Tlotlo
Despise no new accident in your body, but ask opinion of it… There is a wisdom in this beyond the rules of physic. A man’s observation, what he finds good and of what he finds hurt of, is the best physic to preserve health. - Francis Bacon
It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail. - Gore Vidal
I am going to concentrate on what's important in life. I'm going to strive everyday to be a kind and generous and loving person. I'm going to keep death right here, so that anytime I even think about getting angry at you or anybody else, I'll see death and I'll remember. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
If you have fallen down, you cannot go further down, so pick yourself up and aim high, you've got nothing to lose. - Unarine Ramaru
Goodness is an open gate to a great life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Being on the fringes of the world is not the best place for someone who intends to re-create it: here again, to go beyond the given, one must be deeply rooted in it. Personal accomplishments are almost impossible in human categories collectively kept in an inferior situation. - Simone de Beauvoir
When we see a lonely fisherman, we ask where the boat is; when we see a lonely boat, we ask where the fisherman is! We love to see the good friends always together! - Mehmet Murat ildan
In the world of lovers, there is no fear. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now. - A.W. Tozer
Some thirty inches from my noseThe frontier of my Person goes,And all the untilled air betweenIs private pagus or demesne.Stranger, unless with bedroom eyesI beckon you to fraternize,Beware of rudely crossing it:I have no gun, but I can spit. - W.H. Auden
In temples you find religion, but in hearts you find God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
God is love—He is gracious and forgives. - Jim George
This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers.... There is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance, or death. - William Shakespeare
When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home. - Sir Winston Churchill
In that moment, Dan was reminded why he wanted to write in the first place. It was the same reason anybody does anything -- to impress women.(Jeremy Goodwin, Sports Night) - Aaron Sorkin
Never doubt in the DARK what God told you in the LIGHT. - V. Raymond Edman
I just got out of the hospital. I was in a speed-reading accident. I hit a bookmark. - Steve Wright
It is better to sow good deeds; love, goodness and kindness. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The worst mockery God can make of a moralist is that He compels him to be asolipsist. - Kedar Joshi
I didn't want to be an immigrant. I was forced to be an immigrant. Alexis de Tocqueville, the French writer, said that the powerful and the happy never go into exile. He was right. - Jorge Ramos
I had an epiphany a few years ago where I was out at a celebrity party and it suddenly dawned on me that I had yet to meet a celebrity who is as smart and interesting as any of my friends. - Moby
What man seeks, to the point of anguish, in his gods, in his art, in his science, is meaning. He cannot bear the void. He pours meaning on events like salt on his food. - François Jacob
A broken mirror means good luck if you want it to. - Marty Rubin
Prayer is knowing that what I ask for is always far bigger than what I could ever articulate, but it is never too big for God to understand nor is it ever too vast for Him to deliver. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When the government and electrical utility company jointly harass an electrical fraud researcher, it confirms that the research is progressing in the right direction! - Steven Magee
At the very crisis, when Satan seemed about to triumph, the Son of God came with the embassage of divine grace. - Ellen G. White
Shijun, we can't go back. - Eileen Chang
Devotion to God brings great delight. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If I'm able to use my voice to do good in the world then I definitely want to do that. - Demi Lovato
There are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, and the third is useless. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Our humanity is trapped by moral adolescents. We have too many men of science, too few men of God. The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom and power without conscience.
Live in the moment! Yesterday is gone forever, tomorrow is yet to come, but you have right now. Live in the moment! - DeWayne Owens
The moment you have to recruit people to put another person down, in order to convince someone of your value is the day you dishonor your children, your parents and your God. If someone doesn't see your worth the problem is them, not people outside your relationship. - Shannon L. Alder
Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man? - Friedrich Nietzsche
Idols aren't just stone statues. No, idols are the thoughts, desires, longings, and expectations that we worship in the place of the true God. Idols cause us to ignore the true God in search of what we think we need. - Elyse Fitzpatrick
Don't let them beat down your spirit and the spirit of your ideas go with reality and what seems natural to you ...transpire within this Universe and together we shall have a goal. - Auliq-Ice
There's a club, if you'd like to goYou could meet somebody who really loves you.'So you go, and you stand on your ownAnd you leave on your ownAnd you go home, and you cryAnd you want to die. - Morrissey
Find the gifts of goodness or service you have agreed to bring forth to the world and then start sharing those gifts as quickly as possible with as many souls as possible. - Molly Friedenfeld
I realized that all my life, my values were based upon typical middle-class American values: hard work, doing good, living well, owning things, following the rules & being the best I can be... but God clearly says, "those are not MY values. I value justice, mercy & humility. - John Green
Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to get to the best. Keep moving forward. Be patient. - Karen Salmansohn
As a Texan, I say ma'm and sir to my age contemporaries and open doors for anyone that I can. This goes for men, too, though it is appreciated when they beat me to it and disappointing when they don't. - Tiffany Madison
But I've bought a big bat.I'm all ready, you see.Now my troubles are goingTo have troubles with me! - Dr. Seuss
To be alive is to be dizzy and not to know exactly where to go. - Ander Monson
Music is the soundtrack to every good and bad time we will ever have. - Alex Gaskarth
Rudy, please, wake up, God**** it, I love you. Come on, Rudy, come on, Jesse Owens, don't you know I love you, wake up, wake up, wake up... - Marcus Zusak
A sense of accomplishment comes when you have completed the tasks for the goals you have set for yourself. - Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Love is the key to the mystery. Love by its very nature is not selfish, but generous. It seeks not its own, but the good of others. The measure of love is not the pleasure it gives-that is the way the world judges it-but the joy and peace it can purchase for others. - Fulton J. Sheen
And I remind you of your mother now? I have got to look into a manlier cologne. - Cassandra Clare
If I could repeat it,people passing by would be enlightened and go free. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Pride, cowardice, and miserliness are bad for me but good for women - Ali R.A
Eventually everything connects people, ideas, objects...the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se...I don't believe in this 'gifted few' concept, just in people doing things they are really interested in doing. They have a way of getting good at whatever it is. - Charles Eames
The nearer a man lives to God, the more intensely has he to mourn over his own evil heart." -Charles Spurgeon - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I want you to grab hold of the brass spindles and don’t let go. When she did as he required, he spread her legs wider. Hold tight, baby. This is going to feel so good. - Maggie Adams
Always look up to the better. They tell you where to go but never look down upon inferior because you know, you were once there. - Prashant Balan
There is no limit to how good you can get in pursuit of perfection. - Sachin Kumar Puli
Peace is natural.Every human begin is a living element of Peace. Peace has many faces and forms those need to be identified, accepted, promoted and celebrated everyday. It is first a personal responsibility and then collective. Failure of doing that is root cause of violence not conflict. - William Gomes
Mama is beautiful, I said.Mama is strong, he said. Beauty comes and goes. Strength, you keep forever. - Lawrence Hill
Creation is always an act of affirmation, a lust for life or activity, a restlessness accompanied by art. That art is what pleases and invigorates and mystifies me. - Jean Moreau, Abbey of Kervennec, France
There is nothing quite so tragic as a young cynic, because it means the person has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing. - Maya Angelou
There are those dreamers who make excuses for why they aren't passionate about or creating anything to match their desires and then there's those dreamers who stay up late just to finish a goal that will get them up the next set of stairs. We all have dreams but not everyone makes it a reality. - Nikki Rowe
Be ordinary, but bring a quality of awareness to your ordinary life. Bring God to your ordinary life introduce God into your ordinary life. Sleep, eat, love, pray, meditate, but don’t think that you are making or doing something special—and then you will be special. - Osho
If we are put here on this earth for our learning, then it's safe to say that life is a school and there are going to be tests. - Kayko Tamaki
God created sex. Priests created marriage. - Voltaire
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. - Mother Teresa
Jesus kept it simple. The lesson wasn't complicated. 'I speak; you believe My word; your son will be fine.' We complicate what God has made simple by seeing the world through human eyes. We want to see in order to believe and presume that our limitations are His. - Charles R. Swindoll
If you need a guide for your ongoing relationship with God, read Psalms. - Jim George
Do you still do the clubs?Jake shakes his head. You do the clubsbecause you can’t find what you need at home. I’ve got everything I need. I’ve got the answer to needs I didn’t even know I had. - Josh Lanyon
Every sweet has its sour; every evil its good. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
God doesn't need me to believe in Him. Believing in myself satisfies him just as much. - Euphoria Godsent
All our good is apparently from God, because we are first naked and holy without any good, and afterwards enriched with all good. - Jonathan Edwards
Watch for good times to retreat into yourself. Frequently meditate on how good God is to you. - Thomas a Kempis
Think deeply about things. Don’t just go along because that’s the way things are or that’s what your friends say. Consider the effects, consider the alternatives, but most importantly, just think. - Aaron Swartz
For every question, there is a book. - Robert Goolrick
You and I have been created with a DNA that drives us to want to live a life with good experiences, forces us to human growth and leads us to the contribution of something beyond our understanding. - Yovanny Alfonso
The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government is to live under the government of worse men. - Plato
Consistency is good, but progress is better. - Amit Kalantri
They call good evil and evil good. There are those who are so easily offended that they lose their ability to ever discern any truth, and this is often derived from a sort of frenzy by way of their own masked prejudice. - Criss Jami
It's awkward how some people refuse to be humans regarding their behaviours! Isn't that against God's will for he created them as humans? And yet, they at night hold hands up and ask God for forgiveness and to grant them their wishes; when he created animals sinless. - Mustafa SULTAN
Peace is not a goal to achieve; peace is the way we desire to live. - Debasish Mridha
Men are good when they get lost in the beauty of love. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
If your children asked you about your honesty with God, Let them look at the pictures with the person you married and was the reason they're alive...and they will understand. - RSCruz
This is perhaps the hardest truth of any to grasp. Do we wake up every morning amazed that we are loved by God? - David Ford
True prayer does not seek God’s help, but it focuses on what is good for everyday life and all of humanity. - Debasish Mridha
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. - Maria Robinson
There is no better Eraser for the past than a good use of the present. - Seun Ayilara
What separates a great dream chaser from a good one is the volume of value that is given. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
The beautiful is as useful as the useful. ... perhaps more so. - Victor Hugo
Dancers are the athletes of God. - Albert Einstein
A good reputation is better than great riches. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If I had to make a general rule for living and working with children, it might be this: be wary of saying or doing anything to a child that you would not do to another adult, whose good opinion and affection you valued. - John Holt
When we're all alone, it might be to frightening to bear... but we're all right beside each other. We've got our friends close by! Now, there's nothing to fear! Because we're not alone!!! - Hiro Mashima
A good listener is usually thinking about something else. - Kin Hubbard
I think it's always a good move to listen to that inner voice, if it doesn't lead to a crime. - Lisa Kudrow
Our business is to be free of anything that separates us from God, who has created us to simply be happy and to progress. - Toni Sorenson
Never does our good God leave us save to hold us better; never does He let go of us save to keep us better; never does He wrestle with us save to give Himself up to us and to bless us. - Francis de Sales
The cost you will pay to achieve the goal is worthwhile. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People who have experienced limited amount of success could be intimidated into thinking that it is not the will of God for them to increase - Sunday Adelaja
Qualsiasi persona normale di tanto in tanto prova la tentazione di sputarsi nelle mani, issare la bandiera nera e cominciare a tagliare le gole. - H.L. Mencken
When you have got an elephant by the hind leg, and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run. - Abraham Lincoln
The only road to good shows is bad ones. Just go start having a bad time, and if you don't give up, you will get better. - Louis C. K.
It is necessary to fall in love the better to provide an alibi for all the despair we are going to feel anyway. - Albert Camus
Use the talents you’ve developed to create goodwill, to ease the burdens of those who are not as fortunate and to seek truth humbly, without insisting that you hold the only keys to it. - Laura Burroughs
When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?' - Don Marquis
It's not that I feel that school is a good idea gone wrong, but a wrong idea from the word go. It's a nutty notion that we can have a place where nothing but learning happens, cut off from the rest of life. - John Holt
God endlessly fails to extend his blessings. That is because he no longer sits on the throne. - Lionel Suggs
A good meal soothes the soul as it regenerates the body.From the abundance of it flows a benign benevolence. - Frederick W. Hackwood
Knowlege of God without knowledge of man's wretchedness leads to pride. Knowledge of man's wretchedness without knowledge of God leads to despair. Knowledge of Jesus Christ is the middle course, because by it we discover both God and our wretched state. - Blaise Pascal
What brings a real and lasting joy is our relationships with God, and our love for His other children He has put in our lives. It's people; friends and family that fulfil us. All else, fame, popularity, beauty, is so fleeting. - Lindsey Stirling
Know you not that a good man does nothing for appearance sake, but for the sake of having done right? - Epictetus
I have accepted fear as part of life specifically the fear of change... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back.... - Erica Jong
In a real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read. It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.
Do not ever doubt God, he knows what he is talking about - Farid F. Ibrahim
I don’t know if this happens in all relationships, but I just got so sick of his all too familiar stories. I had heard these stories so many times that I could have recited them myself. - Brenda Perlin
Money will make you more of what you already are. If you're not a nice person, money's going to make you a despicable individual. If you're a good person, money's going to make you a better person. - Bob Proctor
We need to take things personally. We need to stop putting profits above people. We need to stop putting greed above need. We need to stop putting the rule of gold above the golden rule. We need to treat people as people and not as problems. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
Never tell anyone that you're writing a book, going on a diet, exercising, taking a course, or quitting smoking. They'll encourage you to death. - Lynn Johnston
I can't think of a case where poems changed the world, but what they do is they change people's understanding of what's going on in the world. - Seamus Heaney
If the pocket goes dry but the mind is fertile, awake and plant something noble in the mind and you shall surely reap something noble in the end, no matter what! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Create always: As God has seen fit in His perfection to give you such abilities, work and share of your gifts. - Duane Hewitt
The greatest imagination in all of existence is one that would be able to take ‘nothing’ and imagine ‘something’ from ‘nothing.’ And that is God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I like manual labor. Whenever I've got waterlogged with study, I've taken a spell of it and found it spiritually invigorating. - W. Somerset Maugham
Victory is possible, sisters, not by figuring out how to make this an easy process, but by choosing - over and over and over again - the absolute power available through God's truth. - Lysa TerKeurst
Clear skies, cousin". Good luck, he means. There are never clear skies on Avon, no blue, no stars. But we don't give up hope, and we use those words to remind ourselves. Clear skies will come, one day. - Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Money is like a child—rarely unaccompanied. When it disappears, look to those who were supposed to be keeping an eye on it while you were at the grocery store. You might also look for someone who has a lot of extra children sitting around, with long, suspicious explanations for how they got there. - Lemony Snicket
May God have mercy for my enemies because I won't. - George S. Patton Jr.
Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises; for never intending to go beyond promises; it costs nothing. - Edmund Burke
PHOTOGRAPH, n. A picture painted by the sun without instruction in art. It is a little better than the work of an Apache, but not quite so good as that of a Cheyenne. - Ambrose Bierce
Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
i found god in myself& i loved her/ i loved her fiercely - Ntozake Shange
I've been working on my craft for a long time. People never want to let go of the whole 'Glitter,'... I'm like, 'It's eight years later, people. Let's move on. - Mariah Carey
Your mission: feel good about who you are, what you do, how you think, and how you look--without needing anybody's approval! - Karen Salmansohn
Dreams are rough copies of the waking soul Yet uncorrected of the higher will, So that men sometimes in their dreams confessAn unsuspected, or forgotten, self; -Since Dreaming, Madness, Passion, are akinIn missing each that salutory reinOf reason, and the grinding will of man. - Pedro Calderón de la Barca
I keenly desire to know God and to keep His ways. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Ah, you big Nancy, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Seen it many times before. They come and go, boy, never change. It’s the same type from the very beginning. Nothing’s changed except the clothes and technology. - William Elias
I couldn't imagine my life without getting to know God. He knows me, He created me. He should be known. - Robin Caldwell
Wikipedia is the first place I go when I'm looking for knowledge... or when I want to create some. - Stephen Colbert
The only justification for looking down on anyone, is that you're going to stop and pick them up. - Quincy Jones
Life is not about our personal missions through God, it's about God's mission through our designed purpose. - Wayne Chirisa
Art is about going a little nuts and justifying the next sentence. - Young-Ha Kim
Who do you spend time with? Criticizers or encouragers? Surround yourself with those who believe in you. Your life is too important for anything less. - Steve Goodier
The government of my country snubs honest simplicity but fondles artistic villainy, and I think I might have developed into a very capable pickpocket if I had remained in the public service a year or two. - Mark Twain
She needs to make one phone call, and she wishes she could make it into her past. Into last year. Or two years ago. - Adele Griffin
I never wanted to be a God fearing person. I wanted to grow up and be a person that was fearless for God. There was a difference. - Shannon L. Alder
We praise God, not because he needs our praise (for all glory resides in and on him), but in order to see him more clearly, enlarge our soul, and relieve our spirit. - Ron Brackin
The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success. Talent is only a starting point in this business. You've got to keep on working that talent. Someday I'll reach for it and it won't be there. - Irving Berlin
Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal. - Vince Lombardi
I feel sorry for those who do not drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra
A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. - George S. Patton
Tongues in trees, books in running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
Never let those who say it can't be done obstruct you from pursuing your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. - Edith Sitwell
I am not a fairy godmother or anything of that sort, but I hope to give you a happy home and a good education, and to send you out into the world true, brave, generous men, prepared to serve God truly all the days of your life."~Aunt Persis - Constance Savery
We've got this weird dysgenic situation where we're basically just paying idiots to breed and taxing intelligent people to stay away from each other with anything remotely resembling fertility. - Stefan Molyneux
Good memories are meant to stay in our hearts forever... - - Geena L. Davis
If you are not afraid of the voices inside you, you will not fear the critics outside you. - Natalie Goldberg
Look what pressure(cooker) does to Rice. It makes the hard and tough rice go soft. - gaurav rao
Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. - Bible
I love only the god whose religion is kindness. - Debasish Mridha
wealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth and every other blessing, both to the individual and to the state - Socrates
You told me once that too much good in a person's life will stunt their growth. You said pain is necessary, because in order for a person to succeed, they must first learn to conquer adversity. And that's what you do... you deliver adversity where you see fit. - Colleen Hoover
What good is having an imagination if you don't use it? - Miss Lore
One becomes bad himself when he sees or calls others bad. When others appear good to him, he will become good himself. - Dada Bhagwan
God sells us all things at the price of labor. - Leonardo da Vinci
Unless a person understands God’s laws, he will not have long-lasting success - Sunday Adelaja
Shall ignorance of good and ill Dare to direct the eternal will? Seek virtue, and of that possest, To Providence resign the rest.
In this age, in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions. - Abraham Lincoln
you realize how good your network is when you try and use it for something - Alice Gray
Be purposeful in your actions. Be mindful to keep your behavior in alignment with your goals. Remember, you can refine, improve, and enhance yourself; all other control is illusory. - Steve Maraboli
Aspirations don’t make poets, perseverance does. Flow with the emotions, let your imagination soar, find what ignites the fire within and let it go wild. - Balroop Singh
You will never be satisfied until you are completely satisfied with God. - Jerry Kinard
A good resolution is like an old horse, which is often saddled but rarely ridden. - Mexican Proverb
The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live. Breathe before it's gone. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Spread your courtesy across the door posts of everyone you know, but reserve your intimacy with the little trustworthy friends who are going where you are going. Get it simply: wide courtesy, narrow intimacy! - Israelmore Ayivor
I would rather serve God and displease my flesh than serve my flesh and displease God. - Mandy Fender
My words fly up, my thoughts remain below.Words without thoughts never to heaven go. - William Shakespeare
Tonight is going to be a big night, like any other night, because certain 10 million Americans will not be able to sleep well tonight. - Pawan Mishra
Tiho, o tiho govori mi jesen;Šuštanjem lišća i šapatom kiše.Al zima srcu govori još tiše.I kada sniježi, a spušta se tama,U pahuljama tišina je sama. - Dobriša Cesarić
A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good. - Colbie Caillat
If God really valued loyalty, He would have blessed every single believer before He even considered blessing a single nonbeliever. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Kristo yubahirije inshingano ze z'ububyeyi yiyemeza gutanga ubuzima bwe kugIrango tubeho - Paul Gitwaza
Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. - Thomas H. Huxley
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. - Plato
Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. - Charlotte Whitton
To oppose something is to maintain it... You must go somewhere else; you must have another goal; then you walk a different road. - Ursula K. Le Guin
I make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes. - Sara Teasdale
...space flight still had a long way to go to catch up with the safety record of the milkshake industry. - Kevin Fong
Good deeds must be rewarded by the system and crimes be punished - this is the essence of meritocracy. - Imran Khan
First, stop making formula films that people have already started rejecting.This year, several big budget films haven't been entertained by the audience.Still stars continue to dictate terms.The youth wants new good content.From htcafeSaturday,Dec.20,2014 - Anurag Kashyap
No matter the life-shattering circumstance that delivers the devastating blow to our spirit, God is bigger. He is faithful and unchanging, merciful and consistent with His offer to us, that through it all, we will be comforted, we will be loved, we will be HELD. - Henri J. M. Nouwen
Prayer is our yearning for God, the cry of our poverty and misery, stretching out toward the throne of His divine mercy. - Emmanuel D'Alzon
Just the omission of Jane Austen's books alone would make a fairly good library out of a library that hadn't a book in it. - Mark Twain
When the political columnists say 'Every thinking man' they mean themselves, and when candidates appeal to 'Every intelligent voter' they mean everybody who is going to vote for them. - Franklin P. Adams
I keep telling you that feeling is not selective. You can't feel pain, you aren't gonna feel anything else either. - Judith Guest
When life gives you lemons, throw them back and grow your own, 'Organically'. Those are the good ones. - Andrea L'Artiste
Sometimes things will not go as planned, but don't lose hope. Stay focused on whatever you are trying to accomplish. There will be a breakthrough soon. Understand that all things take time. You may not be there yet, but you're on the right path towards success. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Good fiction often gives us characters in extremity, which ironically gives us a clearer mirror in which to see ourselves. - Sarah Van Arsdale
Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds. - Gordon B. Hinckley
I can retain neither respect nor affection for government which has been moving from wrong to wrong in order to defend its immorality - Mahatma Gandhi
Whosoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god. - Aristotle
Real change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone. - Roy T. Bennett
Virgo is the smell of nature, but in a sexy way. - Robert Black
Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. - Unknown
Being a woman is of special interest to aspiring male transexuals. To actual women it is simply a good excuse not to play football. - Fran Lebowitz
The choice [is} a familiar one; stop making excuses and shift [your] perspective. - Andrea Goeglein
I’m an atheist and I thank God for it. - George Bernard Shaw
When you use life's curve balls to create positive energy, you cultivate a Don't Die® spirit that powers you through moment by moment so that you live your life to the fullest until the very end. - Andrea Goeglein
It is enough if God approves of me and all are against me. - Lailah Gifty Akita
never put all the good people in one plane, ship, train ..... - Jay Woodman
If you do not lend your car, your fountain pen or your wife to anyone, that is because these objects, according to the logic of jealously, are narcissistic equivalents of the ego: to lose them, or for them to be damaged, means castration. - Jean Baudrillard
To Make Something Good, You Must first Make it Bad - Look Im A Cat
Those who find themselves in the "You are going to miss my loving" section Without LOVE are the ones who abused their relationship by not appreciating the person who was giving them the love they no longer have. - Ellen J. Barrier
As long as we confider failure as an option, success is not going to be the only one choice. - Ahmed Alibage
eat whatever you meet along the way.If you come late don't eat but wack yours with hers. - christian Thogolith
It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to be coming up it. - Henry Allen
Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
I don't understand the sizes anymore. There's a size zero, which I didn't even know that they had. It must stand for: 'Ohhh my God, you're thin.' - Ellen DeGeneres
En ningún momento de la historia, en ningún lugar del planeta, las religiones han servido para que los seres humanos se acerquen unos a los otros. Por el contrario, sólo han servido para separar, para quemar, para torturar. No creo en dios, no lo necesito y además soy buena persona. - José Saramago
Never stop acquiring the commonsense, it is as good as the knowledge. - Amit Kalantri
One god, one truth, one vision for humanity is tyranny. - Marty Rubin
Got no checkbooks, got no banks. Still I'd like to express my thanks - I've got the sun in the mornin' and the moon at night. - Irving Berlin
Part of my soul goes into each quote I write. A book of my quotes can be yours for just $19.99. - Ryan Lilly
Don't plead with anyone if you were not at fault, you'll only look inferior, stupid and funny, bolster your ego by doing the undoing. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Wisdom of the Ages: "Brian Williams" This guy gets around more than Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys, but this time, I think he's gone too far. Unfortunately, I can't put a cover of my book My Year in Oman with Mr. Williams' picture on the cover. - Matthew Heines
I plan to live my own way. Hopefully, it is as per God's Way. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Writing a novel is agony. - George Orwell
I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living. - Anaïs Nin
If you've got a dollar and you spend 29 cents on a loaf of bread, you've got 71 cents left; But if you've got seventeen grand and you spend 29 cents on a loaf of bread, you've still got seventeen grand. There's a math lesson for you. - Steve Martin
- Government -Free Shit for Idiots - Stefan Molyneux
A strict belief, fate is the worst kind of slavery; on the other hand there is comfort in the thought that God will be moved by our prayers. - Epicurus
The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy! (The best laid schemes of Mice and Men oft go awry, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, For promised joy!) - Robert Burns
There is an important sense in which government is distinctive from administration. One is perpetual, the other is temporary and changeable. A man may be loyal to his government and yet oppose the particular principles and methods of administration. - Abraham Lincoln
Reading is the multiplier of success. Reading instantly gives you access to a treasure trove of wisdom and experience laid out by those who have gone before you, especially those who have already walked the road you’re walking on right now. - Kevin J. Donaldson
In Art canvases DRAW answers and withdraw the silence of hidden lamps, illumination. - Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
The only way to overcome fear and doubt is to go against them. - M. Kirin
God is the creator of love. He demonstrated His love to you through the sacrificial death of His Son. The closer you draw to God the more you will demonstrate your love for others by becoming a living sacrifice by putting others before yourself. - DeWayne Owens
If a couple isn’t following God’s guidelines for life or being led by the Holy Spirit, disagreements and misunderstandings skyrocket. - Elizabeth George
Fasten your belts and sharpen your arrows, we're going for a hunt! I'm single again! - Hamidreza Bagheri
To do the work of others is slavery. To do the work of God is true liberation. - Anonymous
My sense of God is my sense of wonder about the Universe. - Albert Einstein
Do you imagine the universe is agitated? Go into the desert at night and look at the stars. This practice should answer the question. - Lao Tzu
Chaos is what we've lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existence is defined in terms of control. - Terence McKenna
A good orator must be a good listener - Aman Srivastava
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. - John Stuart Mill
Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear. - Dave Barry
I have everything now I had 20 years ago except now, it's all lower. - Gypsy Rose Lee
No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country. - George S. Patton Jr.
It may seem demeaning to the vanity of some individuals, but like all elements of the mind, God and all its correlated sensations of divinity are the majestic creations of neurobiology. - Abhijit Naskar
If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were. - Kahlil Gibran
They had learned nothing and forgotten nothing. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Life...as God intended it enables us to live above the drag of fear, superstition, shame, pessimism, guilt, anxiety, worry, and all the negativity that keeps people from seizing each day as a gift from Him. - Charles R. Swindoll
Time is a curious thing. When you have it before you, it's something you take for granted and it moves slowly. Then, as you get older, it accelerates. When I look back, it seems such a long distance travelled, so long ago, so dream-like. - Bernard Sumner
... nothing that happened could ever hurt the most important part of her, nothing that happened outside herself could ever make her less than what God had meant for her to be. - Klavan
Love God and trust your feelings. Be loyal to them. Don't betray them. - Robert C. Pollock
Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad: whether from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors of a world no one else has ever seen. - John le Carre
You can be confident and secure and know that you do a good job at what you do but you don't have to be arrogant about it. - Ruben Studdard
Good deeds, good life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
i know you will come back to me one day,the day I've built my kingdom, the day when all my dreams are changed.and it will be better that you go back to your home, i will be in progress and you will be just an expatriate. - Nabil TOUSSI
Thank you for sharing such a hilarious post! I had tears rolling down my face & my poodle was pawing at me thinking I'd gone mad with my laughter. - Blog reader
When the chips are down, you are giventhe chance to find the strength you never knew you had and put it toward the greater good. Or go over to the dark side. You know, if that’s how you roll. - Jessica Lave
দুই বিঘা জমিআমি শুনে হাসি আঁখিজলে ভাসি , এই ছিল মোর ঘটে —তুমি মহারাজ সাধু হলে আজ , আমি আজ চোর বটে ! - Rabindranath Tagore
To a good approximation, all species are insects. - Robert May
Failing conventionally is the route to go; as a group, lemmings may have a rotten image, but no individual lemming has ever received bad press - Warren Buffett
The Puritan ethic of marriage was first to look not for a partner whom you do love passionately at this moment but rather for one whom you can love steadily as your best friend for life, then to proceed with God’s help to do just that. - J.I. Packer
Understand that legal and illegal are political, and often arbitrary, categorizations; use and abuse are medical, or clinical, distinctions. - Abbie Hoffman
If you're gonna burn a bridge behind you, make sure you've crossed it first. - Quentin R. Bufogle
And if love is life,live it.for God is love. - Seyi Ayoola
The ego says, win the world to find peace. The spirit says, win yourself over to find peace. - Debasish Mridha
Reading takes you places; it is all up to your imagination. The world (or in this case book) is your canvas, go paint it. - BOB
The important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself. - Gore Vidal
We need to make a game out of earning money. There is so much good we can do with money. Without it, we are bound and shackled and our choices become limited. - Bob Proctor
If there are trust issues during the dating period, marriage is not going to solve it! #Tip - A.H. Carlisle III
When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. - Elayne Boosler
Journalism is just a gun. It's only got one bullet in it, but if you aim right, that's all you need. Aim it right and you can blow a kneecap off the world. - Warren Ellis
Ego is the central figure of our personal history, based upon the past and looking into the future. Ego is the deepest dream of the Consciousness. - Frank Wanderer
The most #happy is he to whom #ALLAH has given a good #wife. - Ali R.A
When we think we're multitasking we're actually multiswitching. That is what the brain is very good at doing - quickly diverting its attention from one place to the next. We think we're being productive. We are, indeed, being busy. But in reality we're simply giving ourselves extra work. - Michael Harris
My prayer is that God would continue to love me enough to refuse to answer the prayers I'm praying that I shouldn't be praying. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A little more moderation would be good. Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation. - Donald Trump
Go often to the house of thy friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path. - Scandinavian Proverb
Past and Present I know well; each is a friend and sometimes an enemy to me. But it is the quiet, beckoning Future, an absolute stranger, with whom I have fallen madly in love. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I think the stigma attached to mental illness will disappear just like it did for cancer years ago. - Sally Graham
The best way to get a good idea is to have a lot of ideas - Linus Pauling
Many of us can't go home again, whether home is Seville, Cabo Sur, Nastas, Havana, or Kansas City. Thus, we must recognize that home really lies in the eternal peace, dormant or conscious, that dwells in each human heart... Quote from "Ms. Quixote Goes Country", a truthful novel. - LEVega
He got off on Lincoln and slavery and dared any man there to deny that Lincoln and the negro and Moses and the children of Israel were the same, and that the Red Sea was just the blood that had to be spilled in order that the black race might cross into the Promised Land. - William Faulkner
Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. - Bible
To succeed, No one's going to make way for you. You must find the light and make way for yourself. - Auliq Ice
I chase goals, not girls. - Amit Kalantri
Are we Pakistanis, children of a lesser God? Is there one law for the west and one for us? Is our democracy supposed to be only democracy if you give us a no objection certificate? - Imran Khan
examination of its own history and of the forms of thought given the name philosophy indicates that philosophy has itself borne many fundamentally different meanings through the years, and from one school or movement to another. - Gregory B. Sadler
Don't leave anything for anyone who is eventually going to leave you. - omer dar
A strange marriage that had been, though most marriages appear strange to spectators. - Ellen Glasgow
Radiation has properties of both God and Satan. Like God as the correct exposures give excellent health. Like Satan because too little or too much will make you sick and may lead to disease and premature death. - Steven Magee
A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with.
They are in you and me; they created us, body and mind; and their preservation is the ultimate rationale for our existence. They have come a long way, those replicators. Now they go by the name of genes, and we are their survival machines. - Richard Dawkins
How very odd, to believe God gave you life, and yet not think that life asks more of you than watching TV.
Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God. - Martin Luther
God created man and, finding him not sufficiently alone, gave him a companion to make him feel his solitude more keenly - Paul Valéry
Oh my eye Betty Martin! Aren't I glad it isn't me that's going to school! It looks just like a prison. - Henry Handel Richardson
There are several paths to success; We are given multiple opportunities to achieve our potential throughout our lives. Some get there a little faster than others. But one thing is for sure; NO ONE gets there without first having a goal then taking action and LOTS of it! - Rachael Bermingham
Go not for every grief to the physician, nor for every quarrel to the lawyer, nor for every thirst to the pot. - George Herbert
A temple, first of all, is a place ofprayer; and prayer is communion with God. It is the 'infinite in manseeking the infinite in God.' Where they find each other, there is holysanctuary--a temple. - B.H. Roberts
To give advice to a man who asks what to do with his life implies something very close to egomania. To presume to point a man to the right and ultimate goal to point with a trembling finger in the RIGHT direction is something only a fool would take upon himself. - Hunter S. Thompson
Oh thee! Lets fill my mind with joy of kindness to make joyful me.Let me see the sufferings and agony.Let me feel the sadness and misery.Still be kind to thee. - Debasish Mridha
Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to be controlled by good people, by people who love you. - Orson Scott Card
I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will. - Clint Eastwood
That's the trouble with good writers. Only the bad ones make you want to do the human thing and look away. - Nick Hornby
Big egos usually overlook genius! - Joe Buberger
There are few things better than losing yourself in a book. And if you're lucky enough to have that adventure continue in a series, it's like chocolate ganache on the icing on the cake. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Others' Notions may make you 'Good' but your own notions will make you "Great. - Rajesh Walecha
Kesuksesan ada karena sebuah perjuangan yang besar. Dengan begitu kau butuh pengorbanan yang besar pula. - Ferly Arvidia
When you feel in your gut what you are and then dynamically pursue it - don't back down and don't give up - then you're going to mystify a lot of folks. - Bob Dylan
The mandate of God to man, believers and unbelievers alike is that they should manage the earth for God. - Sunday Adelaja
To realize your imagination, go with trust in the direction of your destination. - Debasish Mridha
Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him. - James Hudson Taylor
People who actually have good advice seldom give it voluntarily, instead others seek them out for it. They do not shove it down people's throats just to boost their exaggerated sense of importance. - JJ Matebesi
The faster you go, the idler you get. - Ferreira Gullar
When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began. - Rita Mae Brown
More light! Give me more light! - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Maybe, long ago, we used to be good. Maybe all little girls are good in the beginning. - Nova Ren Suma
The goal is World and Inner Peace, Love, and Happiness for everyone. And a higher standard of living. No one can make it happen alone. But we can all think globally, act locally and try to act like a team. We don’t know unless we try to make this happen. - Saminu Kanti
Lessons echo until you let go. - Jennifer Sodini
If you wanna take the fucking island burn your fucking boats; and you will take the island 'cause people when they're gonna either die or succeed, tend to succeed. - Tony Robbins
Good laughter, or even a smile. It makes everything grow. It makes people Love you. - Angie karan
Love in action puts a mind at ease. It creates wonders and good feelings. Such is the magic word that when you allow it to flow freely, it awakens every human heart, and uplifts every human spirit. - Rita Barnes
If you are a dreamer, come sit by my fire. For we have some flax-golden tales to spin; come in! Come in! - Shel Silverstein
Life is God's Novel. Let Him write it. - -Isaac Bashevis Singer
Hair on a man's chest is thought to denote strength. The gorilla is the most powerful of bipeds and has hair on every place on his body except for his chest. - Anton Szandor LaVey
Silence is not only golden, it is seldom misquoted. - Bob Monkhouse
Even though human spirit always enjoys the peace, the human ego drives joy from war. - Debasish Mridha
Change is not always easy, but with patience and perseverance, we can find the good in change. - Kim Yannayon
The consciousness of an embryo is the universal consciousness. What we learn after birth is awareness and egocentric consciousness that we call the mind. Everyday we learn to conform to the beauty, tragedy, and adversity of this world and that forms our judgmental mind. - Debasish Mridha
If we want to DRAMATICALLY impact the world for the better than we need our hearts and minds to be DRAMATICALLY impacted by God's Word. - Jayce O'Neal
Corrupt and incompetent police officers have a long history of being protected by their colleagues, police internal affairs and the government. - Steven Magee
You show me a teenager who doesn’t like to be flattered and I’ll show you a teenager who’s got a steady source of sex. - Dale Peck
In this delicate and unpredictable life, the future is unwritten. Do not take someone for granted today, for once tomorrow dawns upon the indigo night the only remaining trace will be tracks in the sand... - Virginia Alison
Creativity is an endless source that comes from above, from the most high source of creation[God]. - Euginia Herlihy
All governmental intervention has as its object a forcible altering of what people would do were they unrestrained.
You can use songs, scriptures and godly pictures to chart your thought-course in the right direction. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Those who try to kill the body violate God's law. Those who try to kill the soul also violate God's law, even though their crime is less visible to others."By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept - Paulo Coelho
My eyes hurt... but there is something more... I can't stop listening to horror.... now I am going to be in darkkkk. - Deyth Banger
Turn up the lights--I don't want to go home in the dark.
Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography. - Paul Rodriguez
I've broken an arm before, but no one wanted to shoot me!' Suzie says. 'I mean, when you go to the emergency room I hope to God the doctors don't decide it might cost too much to care for.' -Suzie Schwab co-owner of East Maui Animal Refuge - Toni Polancy
The thing that grieves the heart of the Lord is when God doesn’t see men who stand in defense of the truth - Sunday Adelaja
Human consciousness arose but a minute before midnight on the geological clock. Yet we mayflies try to bend an ancient world to our purposes, ignorant perhaps of the messages buried in its long history. Let us hope that we are still in the early morning of our April day. - Stephen Jay Gould
Sure, he that made us with such large discourse, looking before and after, gave us not that capability and god-like reason to fust in us unus'd. - William Shakespeare
I have really good instincts about friends. - Nicole Richie
Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messengers. - Brenda Ueland
Great things are done by a seris of small things brought together. - Vincent Van Gogh
If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married. - Katharine Hepburn
...whatever God found worth creating we can find worth studying. - David G. Myers, Malcolm A. Jeeves
The psychosphere, the logosphere, is permeated by concepts, ideas, verbalizations, a whole apparatus devised, or rather evolved, to form some sort of mental contact with reality--or to block it off. That is, a large circle of the "thinking," "educated" class take ideas as more veridical than facts. - Robert Conquest
Living in a godless universe is our freedom, our salvation, not our tragedy. - Marty Rubin
When asked why I don't believe in God I reply, quite simply, "vaginas". - Robert Clark
A good speech is like a miniskirt--long enough to over all the vital parts, short enough to entice and captivate listeners. - Naa Shalman
Yahya related to me from Malik that he heard that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "I have left two things with you. As long as you hold fast to them, you will not go astray. They are the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet. - according to the Muwatta by Malik ibn Anas
a relationship without trust is like a car without gas..you can stay in it all you want, but it won't go anywhere... - Michael J Herbert
Because if I let myself feel the pain and the anger, I think it might kill me. Or I might kill someone else. I know it's wrong to feel that way about God and I know its's wrong to not feel anything. I hate it. I don't hate God. I hate not loving Him. - Susan Beth Pfeffer
If someone gives you so-called good advice, do the opposite; you can be sure it will be the right thing nine out of 10 times. - Anselm Feurbah
We fear men so much, because we fear God so little. - William Gurnall
There's nothing wrong with you, there are just more assholes in this world than good people. - Travis Simmons
To be claimed as a good, though in an improper style, is at least better than being rejected as no good at all. - Jane Austen
When the poverty comes in the room automatically love go from room windows. - AbdulNasir
One of my favorite things: good conversation with good friends. - Karen Salmansohn
Curiosity is always good if it is aimed at learning. - Unarine Ramaru
Why is it that good always has to fight an uphill battle?"I thought for a moment, then said, "I don't know. Maybe that's the point. Good things are higher up. - Richard Paul Evans
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. - Vincent Van Gogh
We became God’s carriers because of the sacrifice of Jesus. - Sunday Adelaja
It’s true that laughter really is cheap medicine. It’s a prescription anyone can afford. And best of all, you can fill it right now. - Steve Goodier
Don’t be afraid when you have to pray fervently because of your circumstances. God is wanting to do something great through you! - Stormie Omartian
Humor, motivations, moral,gods,energy,secrecy - Albert Einstein
Yüksek ego kendini evrenin kralı gibi görmeni sağlar, hâlbuki gerçekte hiçbir şeyin kralısın! - Mehmet Murat ildan
They say life is a highway and we all travel our own roads, some good, some bad, yet each is a blessing of its own. - Jess "Chief" Brynjulson
If you are a student you should always get a good nights sleep unless you have come to the good part of your book, and then you should stay up all night and let your schoolwork fall by the wayside, a phrase which means 'flunk'. - Lemony Snicket
Air, Food, Water, Shelter, Love and Godis what we all need to live.If one more thing is missing, it's being wise.WISE enough to consume them well. - Bradley B. Dalina
Too much of a good thing is wonderful. - Mae West
When men exercise their reason coolly and freely on a variety of distinct questions, they inevitably fall into different opinions on some of them. When they are governed by a common passion, their opinions, if they are to be called, will be the same. - Alexander Hamilton
Liberty should be understood as freedom from the government, specifically, freedom from the initiation of physical force by the government. - George Reisman
If you have a big destiny, you're going to have to meet and face some big demons. But the good news is that your strength and power is big enough to conquer them all. You are strong enough to overcome all obstacles in your way and to fulfill your Destiny. - Jeanette Coron
Be blind to people who mock at you,Be deaf to people who gossip behind you. - Luffina Lourduraj
I think your hair could blow every which ways in a high wind and still look pretty," he answered, then dropped his gaze and cleared his throat. "Uh, well, are you ready to go?" he added in a brisker tone."Joshua - Werner A. Lind
Life is hard. Find some really good people to walk through it with. It makes things a little easier. - Andrena Sawyer
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it. - Thomas Paine
your gonna meet new people, but be careful most of them are 2 faced. But remember the most important people is God and family aren't 2 faced so look up to the ones that are important in your life. - Carley Sutherlin
There is No Greater Satisfaction God greater then mother. - Suraj Dahal
The idea of all-out nuclear war is unsettling. - Walter Goodman
When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy. - Samuel Goldwyn
Every now and then I have to take a backward step in giving in. Not because of expecting something in return. But because I want to see how far God has changed me from what I used to be. I guess this is the only pain of humility! To offer your own heartbeat every single day! - Carvic Valdellon
Saying honestly and making most people understand as what is good for them and who is good to them , is like banging head on the floor or wall and hurting oneself only. - Anuj Somany
This is why God invented network television.
People are going to break promises, and they will have every right to till the point you realize that you don't change plans based on someone else's words. - Sanhita Baruah
A goal is a written plan.Write your dreams and visions. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I cheated on my fears,broke up with my doubts,got engaged to my faith,and now I'm marrying my Dreams.Soon I will be holding hands with Destiny! - Eddie A. Rios
Jesus promises a life in which we increasingly have to stretch out our hands and be led into places where we would rather not go. - Henri J.M. Nouwen
There is so much trouble in coming into the world, and so much more, as well as meanness, in going out of it, that 'tis hardly worth while to be here at all. - Viscount Henry St. John Bolingbroke
Dream extravagantly, for God has imbued us with ample imagination to dream out to and across the very periphery of the impossible. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night: God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.
A heart is a fragile thing, that's why we protect them so vigorously, give them away so rarely, and why it means so much when we do. Some hearts are more fragile then others, purer somehow. Like crystal in a world of glass. Even the way they shatter is beautiful.
Better the occasional faults of a government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
The hardest part is setting the camera on the tripod, or making the decision to bring the camera out of the car, or just raising the camera to your face, believing, by those actions, that whatever you find before you, whatever you find there, is going to be good. - Sally Mann
Reason and emotion are not antagonists. What seems like a struggle is a struggle between two opposing ideas or values, one of which, automatic and unconscious, manifests itself in the form of a feeling.
A picture might be worth a thousand words but a good sentence is worth a thousand windows - Mati Klarwein
I challenge a man to a duel before allowing him near me, and then I take an arrow, dip it in poison, and drive it straight through his heart...But that's on a good day...when I purr and feel delightfully amorous. No need to mention what I'd do on a bad one. - Donna Lynn Hope
Respect everybody you meet either Rich or Poor | Cute or Ugly | Locally or Internationally | Famous or Infamous.. afterall we're all sand - Goals Rider
Social engaged intellectuals must accept reality as they found it and shape it toward positive social goals, not stand aside in self-righteous isolation. - John Dewey
We may think of ourselves as static anti-heroes, but in reality we're dynamic protagonists just waiting for our courage to kick in. - Justin Alcala
I don't go in for ancient wisdomI don't believe just 'cos ideas are tenacious it means they're worthy - Tim Minchin
most people don't understand what process can do or can't do, chattr it's one of many way to show whoever you're root. Boss still boss and God still God. - creatorbe
Närrisch, dass jeder in seinem FalleSeine besondere Meinung preist!Wenn Islam Gott ergeben heißt,Im Islam leben und sterben wir alle! - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There is nothing so nice as doing good by stealth and being found out by accident. - Charles Lamb
Sometimes new opportunity means new opposition. Not everything God asks us to do will be comfortable. - Joyce Meyer
Humanism is my Religion, Good is my adoption , Bad is my Elimination, Acceptance is my Decision, Love is My Gift , Relation is my Affection ,Truth is My Strength, Help Is My Credit , Knowledge is My Treasure - jagan kumar
I pray moms will use ... [my] book[s] as a reference to arm themselves with God's grace and His Word to break away from the enemy's bondage and begin to experience peace and freedom in their homeschool journeys right away. - Tamara L. Chilver
And maybe that's all a ghost is, in the end. Regret, grown legs, gone walking. - Nicole Kornher-Stace
Letting go isn’t about having the courage to release the past; it’s about having the wisdom to embrace the present. - Steve Maraboli
The Bible is the voice of God, calling out to everyone. - Sunday Adelaja
Leave. Just leave while I am still strong enough to let you go. - Perky Peppermint
Knowledge is God, respect it to get respect. - Chiranjit Paul
Nothing is more honorable than a man or woman with a good reputation. - DeWayne Owens
Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Love them. Startwith what they know. Build with what they have. But with the bestleaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people willsay 'We have done this ourselves. - Lao Tzu
For though, I walk through the valley of shadows of Death, I will never fear. For You are in Me and I know You will never let me Go. - Jestoni Revealed
There but for the grace of God go [I]. - John Bradford
Whenever you find a man who says he doesn't believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later. - C. S. Lewis
God is only a word dreamed up to explain the world - Gustave Flaubert
Tick Tock Tick Tock...The clock strikes two ... still haven't got a clue. - Knisztina
Many species reciprocate, but only humans gossip, and much of what we gossip about is the vale of other people as partners for reciprocal relationships. - Jonathan Haidt
Personal relationship with God is the main condition for quality in life. - Sunday Adelaja
Societies where there are worthy men and women of God, not necessarily preachers or religious men, but men that know the ways of God, they stand up against the collapse of equity in their land - Sunday Adelaja
Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. - Rabindranath Tagore
PRESBYTERIAN, n. One who holds the conviction that the government authorities of the Church should be called presbyters. - Ambrose Bierce
Sometimes am so worried,i complain to God that He's not been listening to my prayers,and then my son comes and says,"hey dad,why are you not mom?"ilook at him and say,God.you've already answered my prayers with the best..who knows whats on the way for me?. - Matovu Jonathans Eriah
The best lessons I’ve been taught is that you should definitely have a plan. Try to imagine yourself six months in advance, and always save your money. Because there are always going to be unintended expenses that are going to come up. Surprises always happen. - K. Guillory
Your life is up to you, You only be what you want to be - GoalsRider
EPITAPH, n. An inscription on a tomb, showing that virtues acquired by death have a retroactive effect. Following is a touching example: Here lie the bones of Parson Platt, Wise, pious, humble and all that, Who showed us life as all should live it; Let that be said -- and God forgive it! - Ambrose Bierce
Your responsibility is to not question God’s actions or what looks like a lack of action. Your obligation is to count on God’s character. - Jim George
Beliefs divide us, values unite us." from Godless Living a Valuable Life beyond Beliefs - Jeff Rasley
Let your passion serve as your energy source to keep you going. - Anna Agoncillo
The Key to Heaven; Live a peaceful life. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Bigotry dwarfs the soul by shutting out the truth. - Edwin Hubbell Chapin
Of all the gods, Death only craves not gifts: Nor sacrifice, nor yet drink-offering poured Avails; no altars hath he, nor is soothed By hymns of praise. From him alone of all The powers of heaven Persuasion holds aloof.
So I left words of forgiveness to God and liars and I enjoyed my hatred. - Jennifer Mardoll
I want to be with God all the time. But I don't want to be a monk, or totally give up worldly pleasures. I guess what i want to learn is how to live in this world and enjoy its delights, but also devote myself to God. - Elizabeth Gilbert
In today's globalized world nothing is sure. Routines are falling; stereotypes are breaking. Life has never been as piquant as it is now. So go out of your way; leave your cocoon. Do that crazy thing and be happy you did it. - Ogwo David Emenike
You can't restore anything you've previously done, but you can face up to it. You can enlighten the reality. You can entreat forgiveness. And then let God decide and do the rest. - Nehali Lalwani
...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough? - Vincent Van Gogh
You gotta know that People will say a million negative things about you before they mention 1 good thing, don't be surprise if they never said that 1 good thing about you. - Werley Nortreus
Whenever evil befalls us, we ought to ask ourselves, after the first suffering, how we can turn it into good. So shall we take occasion, from one bitter root, to raise perhaps many flowers. - Leigh Hunt
If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values -- that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control. - Martin Luther King Jr.
The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish. - Robert Jackson
Y te extraño, pero no se puede revivir a un muerto... aún más cuando ese muerto ya está con vida. Y sigo preguntándome dónde esta ese chico maravilloso aquel que escapaba de sus sentimientos y escondía sus palabras. - Vivencias de Juana
Sometimes you must stand still in order to get moving to where GOD wants you to go. - D.A. McBride
The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good. But nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity and until they do (and find the cure) all ideal plans will fall into quicksand. - Richard Feynman
Life and all that is in it is a gift from the infinite mind / God;And the only way that life can go wrong is by the limited finite mind / Man. - Eric F. Saucier
At the point that it dawns on me that I am not God I have finally made room for God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
There's more than one way to be a person. Actually, there are more than two or three ways. You'd think that was obvious, but I find that often it is not. The world is essentially a collection of teams. Life is a process of deciding which ones we're going to join. - Meghan Daum
If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god. - Napoléon Bonaparte
God's silence is an answer itself. - Paul Gitwaza
They ate my humanity but no humanity in beginning humans Earth dust atomsClever microorganisms defy godsBut defy nothingPhantom of truth Beneath reality's facade - A.R. LaBaere
We care about moral issues, nobility, decency, happiness, goodness—the issues that matter in the real world, but which can only be addressed, in their purity, in fiction. - Orson Scott Card
Loneliness is a good education. You learn the things no crowds can teach and you discover the things no crowds can give. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Religion has a good place and it has its good people. - Garry Marshall
The government cannot give to anybody anything that thegovernment does not first take from somebody else. - Adrian Rogers
You will always find [hatred] strongest and most violent where there is the lowest degree of culture. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
You can always find hope in the truth that our God reigns & He will take care of His own. - Jim George
[ memorial at Paine Hall][He turned] the strait-laced Boston of sixty years ago [into] the enlightened Hub of today, . . . to 'destroy bigotry and uproot the evils of superstition. - Josiah P. Mendum
Don’t let them fool you and tell you goals has to be unified before any partnership agreement. Be carefully concerned about unifying your values and principles, after that all will run smoothly. - Sameh Elsayed
When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;The flame shall not hurt thee; I only designThy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. - John Rippon
Think about it. If I say to you, "Oh! I wrote a 500-page book on that!" Don’t your eyebrows go up? - Dr Margaret Aranda
Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! - Anne Frank
A plan is the transport medium which conveys a person from the station of dreams to the destination of success. Goals are the transport fees. - Israelmore Ayivor
Blue skies or dark night, one truth still holds: God has you. And this is the promise He has made to you: He will never let you go. - Angela Thomas
In this lifetime you're nothing more than you appear to be: a stupid, selfish, ignorant, spoiled little girl who thinks the world lives or dies on whether she gets to go out with some good-looking boy at school...I'd still relish this moment...killing you. - Lauren Kate
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
There is a huge difference between those who follow Christ by words only and those who do so by action. The latter will always let you experience the steadfast love of God whenever you come into contact with them. - Gugu Mona
government is legitimate not so much because it represents the 'general will', but because its policies are, ideally and counterfactually, the result of the public deliberation of all who are concerned by the decision - Frédéric Vandenberghe
The goal of intellectual life should be to see and understand what is true, not merely to adhere to a prevailing orthodoxy. - Jeffrey Tucker
Voor de mengeling van volken die onze aarde bewonen, zal het steeds belangrijker worden dat we elkaar respecteren en tolereren, alleen al omdat we door de technische vooruitgang steeds dichter op elkaar worden gedrukt. - E.H. Gombrich
The future goes in incredible speed! - Deyth Banger
Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Gratitude is a sign of maturity...Where there is appreciation: there is also courtesy and concern for the rights and property of others. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Curiosity may get you started, but conviction will keep you going. - Benjamin Lotter
We can allow our ego to react and sabotage or we can let our spirit run free in love. We are always in control of our actions. - Karen A. Baquiran
Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. - Oscar Wilde
You want to raise your child in such a way that you don%uFFFDt have to control him, so that he will be in full possession of himself at all times. Upon that depends his good behavior, his health, his sanity. - L. Ron Hubbard
It's good netiquette to get to know someone in social media before giving out your phone number. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
I used to wonder if it was God's plan that I should be alone for so much of my life. But I found peace. I found happiness within people and the world. - Lana Del Rey
It's a strange sensation to pick up a book you read and enjoyed just a few months ago and discover you don't remember it. - Daniel Keyes
Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. - Martin Luther
Sometimes I am all right. Is this what they call letting go? I have let go, if letting go means I am all right sometimes. - David Sheff
The days of the future stand in fornt of usLike a line of candles all alightGolden and warm and lively little candlesThe days that are past are left behind - Constantinos P. Cavafis
If I left any good or planted any flowers among thorns, the credit goes to God and my many substantial friends. - Reverend Ada Caston Slaton Bonds
…the blogosphere is the friend of information but the enemy of thought. - Alan Jacobs
I see America, not in the setting sun of a black night of despair ahead of us, I see America in the crimson light of a rising sun fresh from the burning, creative hand of God. I see great days ahead, great days possible to men and women of will and vision. - Carl Sandburg
We all carry around so much pain in our hearts. Love and pain and beauty. They all seem to go together like one little tidy confusing package. It's a messy business, life. It's hard to figure--full of surprises. Some good. Some bad. - Henry Bromel
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone. - Dorothy Parker
If you go through life expecting nothing chances are you'll be content most of the time. - Mark W. Boyer
Sometimes standing alone makes you stronger than hiding in a group. When you choose to stand when those close to you are sitting down, it speaks volumes about your integrity and character. It's when those who stand alone come together that the opposite is true. - Lori Goodwin
If from morning to night we just took care of one thing after another, thoroughly and completely and without accompanying thoughts, such as I’m a good person for doing this or Isn’t it wonderful, that I can take care of everything?, then that would be sufficient. - Charlotte Joko Beck
I’ve always said, ‘I have nothing to say, only to add.’ And it’s with each addition that the writing gets done. The first draft of anything is really just a track. - Gore Vidal
Improvements are invented only by those who can feel that something is not good. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Sensitive people care when the world doesn't because we understand waiting to be rescued and no one shows up. We have rescued ourselves, so many times that we have become self taught in the art of compassion for those forgotten. - Shannon L. Alder
Sometimes you gotta take a break from all the noise to appreciate the beauty of silence. - Robert Tew
Life is all about experiencing the good and the bad part of life. Good part gives you good memories and bad part teaches you good lessons in your life. - Sujish Kandampully
Love is ill-mannered; it can knock on your heart early, stay late, and leave without saying goodbye. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I'm gonna go put my earplugs in and practice piano for hours until my fingers bleed. I practice the piano with the focus of Helen Keller—and nothing can distract me from the scent of the music.- and Jarod Kintz - Karen Quan
The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. It’s got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet. - Theodore Hesburgh
Our faith institutions have the best product that God can offer; but we have the worst customer service imaginable. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that's no reason to give up. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it. - Louis Sachar
People's rejection can be God's direction for you. - Farshad Asl
Every morning I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work. - Robert Orben
The way I see it, God put me on Earth to achieve a certain number of things. By now I'm so far behind, I'll never die.
The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry.
Most of us go through each day looking for what we saw yesterday And, not surprisingly, that is what we find. - James A. Kitchens
The secret of all success is to know how to deny yourself. Prove that you can control yourself, and you are an educated man; and without this all other education is good for nothing. - R. D. Hitchcock
Do not stop pursuing your dreams in the midst of all the difficult situations you find yourself to be in. Instead, set your goals in faith. - Auliq Ice
Corum knew that he was mad, in Vadhagh terms. But he supposed that he was sane enough in Mabden terms. And this was, after all, now a Mabden world. He must learn to accept its peculiar disorders as normal, if he were going to survive. - Michael Moorcock
Perhaps we are wiser, less foolish and more far-seeing than we were two hundred years ago. But we are still imperfect in all these things, and since the turn of the century it has been remarked that neither wisdom nor virtue have increased as rapidly as the need for both. - Joseph Wood Krutch
When you are open to living and trust the process of life and ready to face all your fears, and not afraid to go astray with life, life definitely comes and talk to you, in its own language. - Roshan Sharma
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow, hope lies in dreams in imagination - Irak. ibrahim Hussain Didi
Everything good is good because of the love it contains. - John K. Brown
God created each of us with different traits and characteristics, but regardless of what they may be, know that He made you perfect and has equipped you with every tool to accomplish your purpose in life. Aim High and Dream Big! - Augusta DeJuan Hathaway
Whatever is good to know is difficult to learn. - Greek Proverb
It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party. - Nick Hornby
The arrival of a good clown exercises a more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than twenty asses laden with drugs. - Thomas Sydenham
We go where our vision is. - Joseph Murphy
If the bombs go off the sun will still be shining, because I've heard it said thatevery mushroom cloud has a silver lining. - Adam Young Owl City Cave In
The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others. - Vincent Van Gogh
God's judgment is not like man's judgment. It is not a suspension of His Love but an extension of His Love. His justice is always righteous, so His judgment is always Love. - Criss Jami
There are two kinds of science: The black science and the white science. The science of weapon production is the black one. Working in this category of science is a great betrayal to humanity! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Education Is the key to life don't let anyone stop you from reach your goals. Because everyone have potential to accomplish their #1 Goals. - Mike "The Sweet One" Desert
Think a thousand times when you get a bad though, but not once when you get a good one. - Dreamer
My friends are my enimies, my magi, my gods, my life... - Mykyta Isagulov
Ladys Never Depend On A Man To Make Your Money , Make Your Own Hustle ! - Audreanna Hidalgo
When truth becomes like a football that is kicked and tossed around by passers-by. That grieves God’s heart - Sunday Adelaja
Kushirikiana na maadui wa nchi yetu ni hatia ya kosa la uhaini. Adhabu yake ni kifo, au kifungo cha maisha. - Enock Maregesi
Modern scientific findings harmonize with revelation through the ages. No conflict exists between the gospel and any truth .... All true principles are a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no principle that we need to fear. - Spencer W. Kimball
Causes for attachment are created at the very time abhorrence occurs. Familiarity (acquaintance) up to a certain point will result in attachment and if it reaches ‘ridge point’ & goes past further, it will result in abhorrence. - Dada Bhagwan
Don't put too much trust on your education level, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, bank account, because they will fail you. Only put your 100% trust on God, you will succeed ! - Werley Nortreus
In short, do you keep pace with those around you, or do you decide yourself just how you will live your life? The truth is...only you are qualified to set your standards. Only you can determine how you should live and what you will finally expect from yourself. - Steve Goodier
There are no accidents. God's just trying to remain anonymous.
Who is considered as reputable in God’s language? The one who can do ‘world’s salvation’ just through his eyes! - Dada Bhagwan
One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good, Than all the sages can. - William Wordsworth
Let me not fear defeat or death,Let me not fear being forgotten,Let my defiance sustain my soul,Let it remain with me ever after.Poem: Prayer to the God of Rebellion, in ‘Chameleon Lights - Ayushman Jamwal
A goal ensures progress. But one gets much further without a goal. - Marty Rubin
Golf is a good walk, ruined. - Mark Twain
To be a prophet, Knox emphasizes, requires living in and looking at the present, at what is really going on around you. - Anne Carson
Throughout the house one could detect the good sense and care of a woman whose feet were planted firmly on the ground. - Gabriel García Márquez
It's no use going the extra mile if people don't expect it. You will never get extra credit for it. Just invest it on something else. - Sartika Kurniali
Do not ask God the way to heaven; he will show you the hardest one. - Stanislaw J. Lec
Success is really about being ready for the good opportunities that come before you. It's not to have a detailed plan of everything that you're going to do. You can't plan innovation or inspiration, but you can be ready for it, and when you see it, you can jump on it. - Eric Schmidt
My mother said my father had a drop of dragon blood.Two drops. That, or a cock six feet long. - George R.R. Martin
You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles. - C. JoyBell C.
Pizza tastes as good as being skinny feels. - Lauren Leto
Do you wanna play? Everyone's dead, so I got bored. Did you come to play with me?--Wrath - Hiromu Arakawa
Leah: I want those gubs Mommy.Kate: They're not 'gubs' they're 'gloves'Aaden and Leah try and say glovesLeah: Gloves!Kate: Good job!Aaden: Gubs!Kate: No - Kate Gosselin
You are like a narcotic plant..." #TimothySvetlov. #ItalianPassion - OlgaGOA
God is the creator, so for that human creativity is a work of Divine. - Petra Remes
Which should be an excellent reminder that when God tells you to do something, you’d better do it; He always has a reason. - Charles R. Swindoll
There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare
If you look at how the federal government spends our money, it’s an insurance conglomerate protected by a large, standing army. - Ezra Klein
If you do not want others to laugh at your inherited god and faith, then, do not follow a hateful and stupid, a man-made sod and ism, mate. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Don't go the distance trying to fit in the crowd and be accepted by others. Accept and respect yourself first. Loving thyself also goes with this."-Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
. . . I'm not pretty, not close up anyway. Generally, the closer people get to me the less hot they find me. - Margo Roth Spiegelman
Sometimes in your life, you will get to the point where you are not even trying or worthy even taking a step a head of you, but you will have to go to the next step without thinking more. - Auliq Ice
When things don’t add up, either you don’t have a calculator or you forgot to use commonsense by simply asking. - Shannon L. Alder
Trust, like the lubricant in an engine, is noticed only when it is gone and the motor has seized up. - David Hurst
I never married, but if I had done so, I'm sure I'd have divorced the sod a long time ago. Life is simply too short to hang around with annoying people. That may be why I have so few friends. I'm sure my daughter concurs. - Pansy Schneider-Horst
On the morning in question, she wore white shorts and a pink T-shirt that featured a green dragon breathing a fire of orange glitter. It is difficult to explain how awesome I found this T-shirt at the time. - John Green
Nothing is lost that cannot be refound" she says in a voice infused with otherworldly authority "this is the Dark Goddess's promise to guide you back to your deepest self and soul. If you choose this Sarah, so will it be. - Karen Clark
God predetermines the pathways. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Life Teaches You Several Things,It says 'Hi' & Gives You 'Good',It Says 'Hello' & Gives you 'Better',It says ''Wait" & Gives You "The Best - Pritam Ganguly
Egoism [Ahamkar: Aham=I; kar=did] means ‘I did’. Where one is not the doer and he says, ‘I did’; that is egoism. To do egoism and to walk around with an inflated chest is pride (maan) and then to go on telling others ‘I did it myself’, is known as pride with my-ness (abhiman). - Dada Bhagwan
Your expectations of other people should never be greater than what you expect of God. Why is it that you can patiently wait for him to make your life better, but you won't consider he is patiently waiting for you to be better? - Shannon L. Alder
Literature is where I go to explore the highest and lowest places in human society and in the human spirit, where I hope to find not absolute truth but the truth of the tale, of the imagination, and of the heart. - Salman Rushdie
One possibility is: God is nothing but the power of the universe to organize itself. - Lee Smolin
God calls each person individually. He said that a man and his wife were one flesh, but not one spirit - Sunday Adelaja
Few people know how to take a walk. The qualifications are endurance, plain clothes, old shoes, an eye for nature, good humor, vast curiosity, good speech, good silence and nothing too much. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only thing a closed book is good for is a table that wobbles. Be an open book. - A.D. Posey
Ignore the awful times, and concentrate on the good ones. - Kurt Vonnegut
Who gives fuck... does one die or one win... both in the end are in the graveyard... as for now I will focus on if you don't understand me probably is for good. - Deyth Banger
Grliti znaci postati apsolutan,Dati sve od sebe, cak i mnogo vise. - Tamara Stamenkovic
You are priceless— fearfully and wonderfully made. God shaped and modeled you in your mother's womb. God created you in his own image. You were created, redeemed, and are deeply loved and valued by God. Therefore, the man who wants to be involved with you should have to count the cost. - Michelle McKinney Hammond
Priceless virtues are love, peace, joy, kindness, gentleness, goodness, long-suffering, patience faithfulness and self-control. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You don't have to be old in America to say of a world you lived in: That world is gone. - Peggy Noonan
I didn't find you .. I just got tripped in your destiny ... - Rim Rafei
Anybody who says "I know how to get to God and you don't, do this and do that and go here and go there" is going to become 1. very powerful and 2. very rich. The simple truth is, if I am with God, no less can you be with God at the same time as I am. - C. JoyBell C.
Es ist nicht genug, zu wissen, man muß auch anwenden; es ist nicht genug, zu wollen, man muß auch tun. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The story of Sodom is God's reminder to the modern world. - Sunday Adelaja
I make no apologies for you. After all, each one of us is little more than the meager residue of the infinite unrealized possibilities of our lives. - Gregory Frost
Everyone has a gift for something, even if it is the gift of being a good friend. - Marian Anderson
It is only necessary to make war with five things; with the maladies of the body, the ignorances of the mind, with the passions of the body, with the seditions of the city and the discords of families. - Pythagoras
Death is the enemy. I spent 10 years of my life singlemindedly studying, practicing, fighting hand to hand in close quarters to defeat the enemy, to send him back bloodied and humble and I am not going to roll over and surrender. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
God is looking for people to use, and if you can get usable, he will wear you out. The most dangerous prayer you can pray is this: 'Use me. - Rick Warren
The only secrets that are good are the ones with an ending. Keep surprises instead of secrets in your home. - Carolyn Byers Ruch
Usted puede ser tan pesimista, o en su defecto tan existencialista como quiera. Sin embargo también se ha enamorado. Cómo cualquier idiota. - Emil Cioran
God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I’m working on doing things better, and the wisdom to know that You already love me just the way I am. - Eleanor Brownn
The spark of consciousness is reflected in the river, where a dance of infinite faces lined in profane lights. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. - Rabindranath Tagore
I believe this nation should commit itself, to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. - John F. Kennedy
He who wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. - Edmund Burke
Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup. - Ludwig van Beethoven
God will certainly care for all His creation. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If only we'd stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time. - Edith Wharton
Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. - Bob Marley
The customer doesn't expect everything will go right all the time; the big test is what you do when things go wrong. - Sir Colin Marshall
Grateful thanks to good friends, who lifted us, when we fall. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You will know who wants you to succeed by the way they see the good in you before they ever see your flaws. - Adam Smith
Consistent, Timely encouragement has the staggering magnetic power to draw an immortal soul to the God of Hope. The one whose name is Wonderful Counselor. - Charles R. Swindoll
All good things are wild, and free. - Henry David Thoreau
The hardest period in life is one’s twenties. It’s a shame because you’re your most gorgeous, and you’re physically in peak condition. But it’s actually when you’re most insecure and full of self-doubt. When you don’t know what’s going to happen, it’s frightening. - Helen Mirren
Harboring bitterness against people is actually confessing their sin to myself, over and over again. Anger is akin to confessing their sin to God, dissatisfied that he hasn't done something and placing myself in his position as judge. - Paul David Tripp
Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness. All other travel is mere dust and hotels and baggage and chatter. - John Muir
Evil is the starry sky of the Good. - Franz Kafka
Ego destroys everything that love has built. - Pradeepa Pandiyan
Ill gotten power, money knowledge and qualifications will vanish faster than realized - Dr.T.V.Rao MD
In terms of doing things I take a fairly scientific approach to why things happen and how they happen. I don't know if there's a god or not... - Bill Gates
Das Leben flieht wie Sand dahin,Doch schwer umkehret sich der Sinn. - Hugo Von Hoffmannsthal
I've never been able to understand 'faith' myself, nor to see how a just God could expect his creatures to pick the one true religion out of an infinitude of false ones - by faith alone. It strikes me as a sloppy way to run an organization, whether universe or a smaller one. - Robert A. Heinlein
I'm appalled with description of "Sex Criminal" as recreation. Just responded to "20 minutes of action" by father of Stanford rapist. Lots of women at Goodreads, what are you thinking? - Bawb Cawx
All topics should be studied through the lens of the Gospel. - C.J. Mahaney
The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms. - Thich Nhat Hanh
Art is bad when ‘you see the intent and get put off.’ (Goethe) In Tolstoy one is unaware of the intent, and sees only the thing itself. from the book, On Retranslating A Russian Classic Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy - Joel Carmichael
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. - Andy Warhol
So long as tyranny exists, in whatever form, man's deepest aspiration must resist it as inevitably as man must breathe. - Emma Goldman
When I travel, people say ‘Yet another place in this world’. But I see ‘Another world inside every place I go - Vivek Thangaswamy
There are 613,806,639 men in the world. Statistically, God has got you covered! So, never worry about one person not caring about you. Someone up to the challenge will always take his place. - Shannon L. Alder
You have to let go of what is holding you back. - Celso Cukierkorn
I looked at the people, then, and I saw how busy they were - how much industry and energy described their lives. - Gregory David Roberts
Life is like a game if you fail try again until you master and accomplish, but remember if you accomplish it glorify God who created you and gives you strength. - Daniel Habil
When you face a new challenge, remember the skills, talent, guts and resources that got you through before. - Lynn A. Robinson
He’s weak, afraid and dumber than your dog. Besides, you gonna bet the farm on a pig?The Alien Club - trel sidoruk
Dreams and goals must come from the heart, not fom ego, - Isa Zapata
Excuses are great, they come in handy in life. Except when they come between a relationship. - lauren gould
My mission is to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature. - Jane Goodall
All earthly desires are but streams, but God is the ocean. - Jonathan Edwards
We gotta start teaching our daughters to be somebodies instead of somebody's. - Kifah Shah
We look at mountains and call them eternal, and so they seem... but in the course of time, mountains rise and fall, rivers change their courses, stars fall from the sky, and great cities sink beneath the sea. Even gods die, we think. Everything changes. - George R.R. Martin
If a quote changes your life in a good way, keep it in your mind and in your heart to give it to someone else too! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Intercessory prayer is exceedingly prevalent. What wonders it has wrought! The Word of God teems with its marvelous deeds. Believer, thou hast a mighty engine in thy hand, use it well, use it constantly, use it with faith, and thou shalt surely be a benefactor to thy brethren. - C.H.SPURGEON
A girlfriend is called a CRUSH of a boy because after marriage that woman is only going to crush to make juice of that man. - Anuj Somany
How little we really know about the life all around us. Would we be so cavalier and ruthless with it if we understood it better? - William Longgood
Your single not because you are not good enough for one, it's that you're too good for the wrong one. - Chris Burkmenn
To write simply is as difficult as to be good. - W. Somerset Maugham
Religion is a good time pass, better than philosophy, and a million times better than love; love is a wastage of an era. - Aporva Kala
Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still. - Chinese Proverb
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does, the better. - YourLeo
Human beings are born for peace; they like to grow up in peace. They like to raise their children in peace, and they like to say goodbye to this beautiful life in peace. Then why are we always preparing for war? - Debasish Mridha
The fact that we see something as evil may not necessarily make that thing evil. Evil cannot contest good; succeed and persist - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play at it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf. - Bob Hope
To be a human being means to be lonely.To go on becoming a person means exploring new modes of resting in our loneliness. - Robert Hobson
One day in your prayers, maybe once a month or week, lie back and thank God for the things not given to you. - Rajwant Singh Bachhal
Where we go is not determined by where we want to go. - Marty Rubin
A man is only as good as what he loves. - Saul Bellow
There's a powerful transformative effect when you surround yourself with like-minded people. Peer pressure is a great thing when it helps you accomplish your goals instead of distracting you from them. - Po Bronson
God, how I still love private readers. It’s what we all used to be. - J.D. Salinger
I am one of those who think, like , that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries. Marie Curie - Nobel
God created everyone to love and to be loved; If you will not take care of people, just leave them as they came...DON'T SCRATCH THEM with your actions. - Israelmore Ayivor
It doesn't matter where you've been, only where you are going. - L.M. Fields
The person who understands that God is the only One who builds, becomes His beloved. And to that kind of pastor God will give sleep. - Sunday Adelaja
Qui que vousw soyez qui voulez cultiver, vivifier, édifier, attendrir, apaiser... mettez des livres partout. [Ouverture du congrès littéraire international de 1878)] - Victor Hugo
All phone calls are obscene. - Karen Elizabeth Gordon
He passed through her with his soul caressing hers goodbye. And in that final hour he was with her one last time. - Donna Lynn Hope
There’s a big difference, I discovered, between wanting to die and not wanting to live. When you want to die, you at least have a goal. When you don’t want to live, you’re really just empty. - Brian Hugh Warner
It is no idle phrase that man was made in God's image. There is something worth saving in the worst of us, and out of this something a new man may be fashioned. - Philip José Farmer
I believe that the government that governs best is a government that governs least, and by these standards we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq. - Stephen Colbert
There is no good envy, except the one that motivates us to reach higher goals and be better than the person we were yesterday. - Ogwo David Emenike
Darkness is the world governed by SatanLight is the world governed by God.Which world will your live in ? - Lailah Gifty Akita
When you are focused on what you're doing, you are not going to miss the next opportunity ... it's more likely that you get more! - Stephen Richards
I am an Agnostic because I am not afraid to think. I am not afraid of any god in the universe who would send me or any other man or woman to hell. If there were such a being, he would not be a god; he would be a devil. - Clarence Darrow
If in doubt, Google. - C.S. Woolley
Maybe it’s not good trying to answer the question ‘What is my purpose in life?’ Maybe the better question is: ‘How can I make someone’s life better TODAY? - Steven Aitchison
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done. - Steven Wright
We all suffer ills at the hands of others; however, reactions to these injustices differ like night and day. Many seek to punish the world for their suffering, but some work hard to save the world from experiencing similar grief. - Richelle E. Goodrich
To love is to let someone live in the goodness of your heart. - Debasish Mridha
We don’t have to be fast; we simply have to be steady and move in the right direction. Direction is always going to trump speed. - Toni Sorenson
Pursued by grace and supernatural power from God, I will passionately pursued my most cherished dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Enlightenment is the Goal - Love is the Game - Taking steps are the rules! - - Allan Rufus
If you are going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy. God will forgive you but the bureaucracy won't. - Hyman G. Rickover
Do not let any question goes out of your mind without doing something about it. - Hamzat haruna Ribah
One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government. - Ron Paul
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue! - Barry M. Goldwater
The only people I am aware of who don’t have troubles are gathered in peaceful, little neighborhoods. There is never a care, never a moment of stress and never an obstacle to ruin a day. All is calm. All is serene. Most towns have at least one such worry-free zone. We call them cemeteries. - Steve Goodier
There's no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. - Jill Churchill
I'm not naive or innocent, and neither are you, folks! We all know, to win in politics, you can't just be on the right team, fighting for the right thing and wanting to do a little bit of good for your fellow citizens. You've also got to be able to afford to compete. - Radwan Chowdhury
How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em. - Shel Silverstein
I saw a few Sligo people at Mass in Gardiner Street this morning and the omens seem to be good for them, the priest was wearing the same colours as the Sligo jersey! 40 yards out on the Hogan Stand side of the field Ciarán Whelan goes on a rampage, it's a goal. So much for religion. - Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh
if god had intended us to follow recipes, He wouldn't have given us grandmothers. - Linda Henley
Try to live your life so that you wouldn't be afraid to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. - Will Rogers
My Message is already out, what has left is to go and to do your part of the work. - Deyth Banger
God sends meat and the devil sends cooks. - Thomas Deloney
Leadership is the bridge of integrity that connects goals, desires, and actions. - Steve Maraboli
They had long ago forsaken the war of newspapers for the one they carried everywhere with them, and which had no colors, no sides, and which could be fit neatly to any new opportunity that presented itself: ambush, pillage, torture. - Taylor Brown
Saying that you are moral because you believe in a god is like saying you are an economist because you play monopoly. - Robert W. Cox
Fiction though it is a fiction, should be written in a way that it feels like a reality, a reality every reader willingly or sometimes unwillingly goes through, until the reader finishes reading and sometimes even after that. - Arti Honrao
You forgive me coz you are great; I'm too bad coz I still love you. - Navnath Godse
Leaving what feels secure behind and following the beckoning of our hearts doesn't always end as we expect or hope. We may even fail. But here's the payoff: it can also be amazing and wonderful and immensely satisfying. - Steve Goodier
I acquired courage from the masterpieces of sages. I came of age by their instructions to keep going, even in hard times. Then I learnt not to despair, even when it seemed that my world is falling apart. I learnt to possess fortitude. - Ogwo David Emenike
..mengoleksi itu seperti dahaga, dan memiliki satu buku lagi tidak memuaskan dahaga untuk memiliki buku lainnya. - Allison Hoover Bartlett
To understand remotely the omnipotence of God is to understand wholly the beauty of Christ. - Criss Jami
Never stop the vibe of parenthood. It just makes you see life in a more meaningful level. - Karl Gornal
If you cannot do it without money, its passion exists in unknown galaxies than earth's core. - Goitsemang Mvula
It is the possibility that keeps me going, and though you may call me a dreamer or a fool or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible. - Nicholas Sparks
Children live in a world of dreams and imagination, a world of aliveness… There is a voice of wonder and amazement inside all of us; but we grow to realize we can no longer hear it, and we live in silence. It isn’t that God stopped speaking; it is that our lives became louder. - Mike Yaconelli
Anger is the fire of ego which tries to burn the beauties of heart and soul. - Debasish Mridha
God designed life to be enjoyed by all, but human being turned things around and made it to be endured. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
Te pido, tan solo, que veas en ese granamor que dices tenerme algo suficiente, algo que pueda llenarnos a los dos sinnecesidad de recurrir a la imaginación enfermiza. - Carlos Fuentes
There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done.' - C. S. Lewis
You talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic. - Doris Egan
Religion grants its adherents malign, intoxicating and morally corrosive sensations. Destroying intellectual freedom is always evil, but only religion makes doing evil feel quite so good. - Philip Pullman
Okay we both know... what happens... with sex... different places... different time... different date... different rooms... the biatch is still bitchy.... very bitchy as pitchy.... The agony - DOOOOOO YOU FEEL IT?- wE JUST PREDICTED THE FUTURE! - Deyth Banger
Leadership potential is in everyone; we all have it, but we all don't know it until we have a direct individual encounter with the Holy Spirit of God. The principal source of leadership influence is the Holy Spirit. - Israelmore Ayivor
If you can't reach your dreams,If you can't achieve your goals,If you can't meet your plans,Least be happy each daySuccess is not an annual achievement,It's a daily achievement. - Bradley B. Dalina
The phrase timing is everything is never more true than in your walk with God—HIS timing is everything. - Stormie Omartian
If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home, and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here! It's wondrous...with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid. - Q
We have to remember that no matter how much hardship we go through in Nigeria there is always going to be a success place in our Country. - Saminu Kanti
PANTHEISM, n. The doctrine that everything is God, in contradistinction to the doctrine that God is everything. - Ambrose Bierce
Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.
I hate metaphors. That’s why my favorite book is Moby Dick. No frou-frou symbolism. Just a good, simple tale about a man who hates an animal. - Ron Swanson
Start Now, close your eyes for few minutes and then open them... so far it's going great... Now just think your three favourite things which you enjoy watching, like for example I like True Crimes, True Stories and so far Suspense. - Deyth Banger
the government tends to act like a corporation treating the public as its consumers rather than its citizens - Fairclough Norman
At the end; I will say, I think, I have really loved. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
I remember one desolate Sunday night, wondering: Is this how I´m going to spend the rest of my life? Marrid to someone who is perpetually distracted and somewhat wistful, as though a marvelous party is going on in the next room, which but for me he could be attending? - Suzanne Finnamore
There are no good or bad people in this world; only choices. - David Seller
Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place. - Abigail Van Buren
Through all the world there goes one long cry from the heart of the artist: Give me leave to do my utmost. - Isak Dineson
When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal. - Napoleon Hill
The purpose of our activities on earth must go beyond bread and butter or merely surviving. - Sunday Adelaja
Seasons change, so do cities. People come into your life and people go, but it's comforting to know: the ones you love are always in your heart and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away. - Michael Patrick King
seeing a woman cough today made me sense a vague fear of death - Brandon Scott Gorrell
The gods help them that help themselves. - Aesop
We have to let go of fears of things we can't do anything about and move forward with clarity, focus on positives. - Jay Woodman
The problem with setting goals is that they can be limiting. Perhaps we're asking for something good when God's will is that we be given something great. - Marianne Williamson
A man isn't as good as his word, he's as good as his Actions. - James Miller
If Prophets and Messengers are the closest to godliness as any human is capable of being, and yet even they fail, how the fuck can anyone, less than perfect, be so arrogant as to expect they will do better than a Prophet, or Messenger of G-D. - Alejandro C. Estrada
Without a relationship with God, it is not possible to have order in your life. - Sunday Adelaja
When the stakes are this high- when calling God by the right name can make the difference between eternal happiness and eternal suffering, it is impossible to respect the beliefs of others who don't believe as you do. - Sam Harris
And He watched over me before I knew Him and before I learned sense or even distinguished between good and evil. - St. Patrick
Alchemy is the process of changing lead into gold. Inner alchemy (personal transformation) occurs when we clear our clutter—internal and external—and let go of things that no longer serve us well. This creates balance and space, a place that nurtures contentment, which I believe is true success. - Laurie Buchanan, PhD
There are so many things in this world. If we put it in short (succinctly), then what will remain? The ‘pure Soul’ and ‘circumstances’. Moreover, to disperse is the nature of circumstances. Therefore, the Pure Soul will not have to tell them to go away. - Dada Bhagwan
All good writing is persuasive writing; persuading the reader to buy what you're selling, to side with you, to believe the tales you tell. - Ramsey Isler
The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it? - Aldo Leopold
Please do not become so hurt by life that when someone loving comes along, or something good happens, you resist allowing the love and joy in. - Karen Salmansohn
The privilege of struggling artists is ... the life being buried in what we can't really afford of* what a gorgeous life!! - Hiroko Sakai
The gods never let us love and be wise at the same time. - Publilius Syrus
It's a good thing I'm not the president, because I would prosecute everybody who was involved in that torture, I would prosecute the people who did it, I would prosecute the people who ordered it and they would all go to jail! Because Torture is against the law! - Jesse Ventura
We don't love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we have done them - Laurence Sterne
Si uno, para que otro le guste, tuviera que esperar a conocerlo, no le bastaría la vida entera. - José Saramago
Thought is a dead end; language is a merry-go-round. - Marty Rubin
Bunkum and tummyrot! You'll never get anywhere if you go about what-iffing like that. Would Columbus have discovered America if he'd said 'What if I sink on the way over? What if I meet pirates? What if I never come back?' He wouldn't even have started. - Roald Dahl
Let go of your worries and focus only on the task at hand.The future will be what it will,and fretting about it will only make your fears more likely to come true. - Christopher Paolini
(From Boulez, an authorized biography by Joan Peyser)At the chapel door he [a priest associated with a school Boulez attended] asked me if what he had been told was true: that Boulez no longer believed in God. I said it was... - Pierre Boulez
The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way. - Henry David Thoreau
He(Prophet Muhammad) laid the foundation of a universal government. His law was one for all. Equal justice and love for everyone. - B. Margoliouth
Do not just believe in God and neglect the fact that He has an unprecedented belief in you. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Let go of all hate, love one another deeply. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you ask an Irishman for directions, he might be quick to answer, Well if I were going there, I would not start here. - Steve Stockman
You can't really succeed with a novel anyway; they're too big. It's like city planning. You can't plan a perfect city because there's too much going on that you can't take into account. You can, however, write a perfect sentence now and then. I have. - Gore Vidal
It is a better to have your own plan to make it happen; Since something is going to happen either way. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
I guess each of us, at some time, finds one person with whom we are compelled toward absolute honesty, one person whose good opinion of us becomes a substitute for the broader opinion of the world.
Don’t live in the past you’ve already been there. And don’t live in the future, either. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. Live in this moment now it is sacred and unrepeatable. This moment alone holds valuable gifts that should not be missed. - Steve Goodier
Too often, people are trying to fill the God-size hole in their heart with a person instead of God. A person is too small and too imperfect and will never be able to do it. Once God fills it, then there's plenty of room for the right person. - Laurel Hawkes
The right to "liberty" and "pursuit" of happiness is incompatible with a government that makes choices for you. - A.E. Samaan
Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. - MORIARTY
A daughter of God knows that insecurity is not an excuse for doing evil to others, nor will God rest until caring for everyone is a lesson you learn. - Shannon L. Alder
Anyone who can handle a needle convincingly can make us see a thread which is not there. - E. H. Gombrich
Father God, we thank You for Your Marvelous, Creation! We are Fearfully and Wonderfully made. We give You praise, honor and glory! - Pazaria Smith
Philosophy is the toil which can never tire persons engaged in it. All ways are strewn with roses, and the farther you go, the more enchanting objects appear before you and invite you on. - Mary Wortley Montagu
It's not enough to be nice in life. You've got to have nerve. - Georgia O'Keeffe
Gold may shine; but it has no true light. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Selfishness and foolishness go hand in hand ; and its quantity in a person's life only decides as what quality of people s/he has as her/his friend. - Anuj Somany
It’s a journey and the sad thing is you only learn from experience, so as much as someone can tell you things, you have to go out there and make your own mistakes in order to learn. - Emma Watson
A bit of adviceGiven to a young Native AmericanAt the time of his initiation:As you go the way of life,You will see a great chasm. Jump.It is not as wide as you think. - Joseph Campbell
I'm going to find whoever is responsible for me sleeping out side with outside without pillows and kick them in the shins!-Enna - Shannon Hale
Whenever you jump off a cliff at GOD's command, be sure that you will fly! Either by soaring on the palm of His hands or on the parachute of that command or you will suddenly have wings pop out and sustain you in the air. Either way, you will be flying and He'll be the one behind it all. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
The favour of God forfeits the failure of men. - Gift Gugu Mona
The wise learn from the experience of others, and the creative know how to make a crumb of experience go a long way. - Eric Hoffer
Accept criticism. If you do not offer your work for criticism and accept that criticism, meaning give it serious thought and attention, then you will never improve. - Theodora Goss
The whole universe is but a huge Symbol of god". - Thomas Carlyle
On the third day God created the beautiful Earth, and on the fourth day his favorite and dearest of all, your gorgeous smile. - Nedzad N. Alihodzic
They may talk of a comet, or a burning mountain, or some such bagatelle; but to me a modest woman, dressed out in all her finery, is the most tremendous object of the whole creation. - Oliver Goldsmith
To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. - C.S. Lewis
We follow the ways of wolves, the habits of tigers: or, rather we are worse than they. To them nature has assigned that they should be thus fed, while God has honoured us with rational speech and a sense of equity. And yet we are become worse than the wild beast. - John Chrysostom
Gender is not only women and sexual orientation has multiple choices. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
We require from buildings, as from men, two kinds of goodness: first, the doing their practical duty well: then that they be graceful and pleasing in doing it; which last is itself another form of duty. - John Ruskin
...What's more, I live in Berkeley, California. If princesses had infiltrated OUR little retro hippie hamlet, imagine what was going on places where women actually shaved their legs! - Peggy Orenstein
There is no good reason why we should not develop and change until the last day we live. - Karen Horney
i'd rather be beautiful on thee inside where it is never seen by the world but always seen by the one true living God - Samone Sherrell
Mythology is composed by poets out of their insights and realizations. Mythologies are not invented; they are found. You can no more tell us what your dream is going to be tonight than we can invent a myth. Myths come from the mystical region of essential experience. - Joseph Campbell
Holiness grants us access to God's blessings, for without it,ACCESS DENIED!!! - Seyi Ayoola
Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau
Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different. Life would undergo a change of appearance because we ourselves had undergone a change in attitude. - Katherine Mansfield
Authority is just and faithful in all matters of promise-keeping; it is also considerate, and that is why a good mother is the best home-ruler. - Charlotte M. Mason
One good wish changes nothing. But one good decision changes everything. Your power to choose, to make a good decision, spells the difference between wishing and making real life changes. - Steve Goodier
Pride is a human nature and it's good for people to be proud of themselves, achievements, etc. but too much of anything is not healthy. Humble is pride exhibited through humility, so be humble and prideful about being humble. - Uzoma Nnadi
You can know an animal - or a person, for that matter - in an instant, really, though your understanding can go on unfolding for years. - Mark Doty
I dream of a planet where the science of the mind, brings the Bible, the Vedas, the Quran, and all other scriptures together and binds them with the golden twine of harmony. - Abhijit Naskar
God’s way of thinking should become our way of thinking - Sunday Adelaja
The moment that all these myths were brought together in so-called 'holy books'has -without any doubt- to be seenas the most disastrous point in timein the history of mankind.From: "Gesels van een imaginaire god"(Scourges of an imaginary god) - A.J. Beirens
No man is a great man if he used violence to achieve his goals! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Loveless work, boring work, work valued only because others haven't got even that much, however loveless and boring--this is one of the harshest human miseries. - Wisława Szymborska
and there were times when i felt lost,but that did not stop me,for the further i went ,the more i collected myselfas i walked awayand the more i walked awaythe closer i got it to all,,,and in the end, i became the journey,and like all journeys,i did not end, i justchanged my directions. - r.m drake
When life hands you a lemon, say, 'Oh yeah, I like lemons! What else ya got? - Henry Rollins
Woman is a delicate creature with strong emotions who has been created by the Almighty God to shoulder responsibility for educating society and moving toward perfection. God created woman as symbol of His own beauty and to give solace to her partner and her family. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
This day and every other day, listen from within, GOD lives there. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
How do you govern a country which has 246 different kinds of cheese? - Charles De Gaulle
If left to my own simplistic devices and the sorely scant limits of my abilities, would I not die a death of the blandest sort imaginable? And should I not thank God that He graciously gifted me with an imagination that renders such a death entirely unimaginable? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
It’s hard to do a really good job on anything you don’t think about in the shower. - Paul Graham
...eating is the purest mode of consumption. Our purchases are statements about our social class, our friends, and our beliefs. Buying something as continually necessary as food is an ongoing act of self-definition. - Evan D.G. Fraser
a dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. a man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker. - Gautama Buddha
Why is it that none of the things I construct ever make me feel safe? The answer lies in the fact that safety can’t be created. It can only be found. And the only thing I've found that’s never been created is God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The purpose of all the major religious traditions is not to construct big temples on the outside, but to create temples of goodness and compassion inside, in our hearts. - Dalai Lama XIV
Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate; now what's going to happen to us with both a Senate and a House? - Will Rogers
I believe if I Piss God off one more time. I'll be eligible to win a free Bible - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Cocaine is God's way of saying that you're making too much money. - Robin Williams
It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful? - Mahatma Gandhi
I'm a realist, I'm not an optimist. I don't want false hope. I don't know where this is going for me.
It took me 25 years for me to realize who I am. Now I'm going to use the next 75 years to focus on how I want to be remembered. One quarter down, three to go! - Tyconis D. Allison Ty
I have my welcome mat turned around backwards so when people leave they think they’re going to a better place. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The truly noble heart sacrifices itself for others’ good, to defend the weak and the good against evil. To a heart like this, a heart devoted to chivalry, courage is a matter of form. - J. Aaron Gruben
But I assure you, a government that is willing to put their own children in danger, their own future, just to see their potential, is twisted. We do not grab babies, newborns, and throw them out of windows just to see if they sprout wings. - S. Elizabeth Dover
We have our stories, and we speak of them, and weave them into other people's stories - that's how it goes, does it not? - Susan Fletcher
Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good. - Alice May Brock
This is the story of a girl gone mad while trying to find a little bit of love. - Charlotte Eriksson
For wicked people to do evil requires money, and good people superstition. Combining these elements and we get organized religion, but to achieve the worst of all evil conflate politics to the compound and the tragedies are endless. - Sean S. Kamali
How exquisite that gaze of yours would be if you were being whipped to death, in the last agony.
Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. - Bob Marley
If the ultimate goal is lasting love, women are going to have to become comfortable with sacrifice and capitulation. Because those are the underpinnings of a long-term marriage for both sexes. - Suzanne Venker
Your VISION and your self-willingness is the MOST powerful elements to conquer your goal - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked. - Mark Twain
Don't ever quit pretending. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I am a storyteller, for better and for worse. I suspect that a feeling for stories, for narrative, is a universal human disposition, going with our powers of language, consciousness of self, and autobiographical memory. - Oliver Sacks
A good story feels both surprising and inevitable, fresh and familiar. - Adam Johnson
I do not believe in God, because I believe in man. Whatever his mistakes, man has for thousands of years been working to undo the botched job your god has made. - Emma Goldman
The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination. - Voltaire
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as eternity; speech is as shallow as time. - Thomas Carlyle
The irony is that while God doesn’t need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don’t really want Him most of the time. - Francis Chan
Believe in yourself and have faith in GOD"! - Irene McCullum-Hines
Be kind. It's worthwhile to make an effort to learn about other people and figure out what you might have in common with them. - Viggo Mortensen
Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do. - Voltaire
[Advise] the ruler to govern the state as one cooks a small fish -- that is, don't turn it so often in the pan that it disintegrates.
In some way or another we are all agnostics. We don’t believe in ninety-nine percent of Gods, and we don’t know the ultimate reality. - Debasish Mridha
I have always had the greatest respect for students. There is nothing I hate more than condescension—the attitude that they are inferior to you. I always assume they have good minds. - Mark Van Doren
Y un amor así estaba destinado a eclosionar en todos los universos, aunque su número fuera infinito. No podía ser de otro modo. Le resultaba imposible creer que existiera en alguna parte una realidad donde algo tan milagroso, un sentimiento tan grande e inevitable, no hubiera surgido entre ellos. - Félix J. Palma
Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of.
May God sanctify every soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I loved to read when I was a kid, and as soon as I realized that an actual person got to make up the books I loved so much, I decided that that was the job for me. - Margaret Peterson Haddix
Be a person that radiates happiness with her every movement and enlightens every place she goes with her smile. - Debasish Mridha
No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets. - Edward Abbey
One has to decide to know the nature of the Soul. Will one not have to know that? Nothing is attained by just saying, ‘I am the Soul, I am the Soul.’ The Soul has to come in to one’s experience, until then the worldly problems will not go away, will they? - Dada Bhagwan
I simply hate the people who have no good words for anyone, who is impolite & who don't respect anyone. - Prathima Bhandary
Reason is God's crowning gift to man. - Sophocles
When you think no one sees you and you are so clouded in your messy state that you begin to think maybe just maybe even GOD is fed up. Know this: He sees the tears, collects them, pays you double for them, fortifies you with encouragement even through them and He will lift up your spirit. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
As for me horror is the genre which makes my life more interesting, mysteries my life to be something like a riddle which people go and hard go outside...But the music build my personality! - Deyth Banger
God wants the whole person and He will not rest till He gets us in entirety. No part of the man will do" (101) - "The Pursuit of God - A.W. Tozer
lack of sound mind and judgment the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions, is a matter of frustration and disillusionment to God - Sunday Adelaja
The antagonists of finance’s future, the diaboli ex machina, may have no face at all. - Usman W. Chohan
That was when it became abundantly clear to me that simply eating in a way that avoided hurting others was never going to be enough if my eating habits were still hurting me. - Jasmin Singer
That's the thing about magic; you've got to know it's still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you. - Charles de Lint
If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin
I don't believe fine young ladies enjoy themselves a bit more than we do, in spite of our burned hair, old gowns, one glove apiece, and tight slippers that sprain our ankles when we are silly enough to wear them. - Louisa May Alcott
At first cock-crow the ghosts must go Back to their quiet graves below. - Theodosia Garrison
We can strive to put the past behind us, serve God to the best of our ability now, and look ahead to the glorious future! - Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
No gift unrecognized as coming from God is at its own best: therefore many things that God would gladly give us, things even that we need because we are, must wait until we ask for them, that we may know whence they come: when in all gifts we find Him, then in Him we shall find all things. - George MacDonald
But what is Hope? Nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of. - George Gordon Byron
Police Officer Angry Aggression Theory (POAAT) is why you need to video record the police before they shoot you. Always start the video camera at the first contact, as it can go sour at any time and without warning. - Steven Magee
Our parents were our first gods. If parents are loving, nurturing, and kind, this becomes the child’s definition of the creator. If parents were controlling, angry, and manipulative, then this becomes their definition. - David W. Earle
Most bad people are good people that don’t know how to think critically. These people become the blind weapons of a society. - Debasish Mridha
GOD is determined on you. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Our way is not soft grass, it's a mountain path with lots of rocks. But it goes upward, forward, toward the sun.
It's a dangerous business going out your front door. - J. R. R. Tolkien
When a day goes by and I haven't written anything, I better have been doing something worth writing about. - P.S. Bartlett
That’s the biggest purpose of religious gathering: permission to look terrible in public. We used to go to church to confess our worst behaviour, to be heard and forgiven, then to be redeemed and accepted back into our community Chuck Palahniuk - Chuck Palahniuk in interview with TMO
You were placed there by God for a reason, which is to possess the land for the glory of the KING! - Sunday Adelaja
Some may call me a vigilante. I think i've got problems to fix. - Matt Hilton
One I love is taken from me, we will never walk together over the fields of earth, never hear the birds in the morning. Oh, how I have lived with you and loved you, and now you are gone away. Gone where I cannot follow, until I have finished all my days. - Victoria Hanley
Management should have goals. - Sunday Adelaja
It is a downright brilliant art to be ,successful quiet, in a bright noisy world. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
and after everything had been said and done I realized, you cannot keep people no matter how far you go to do so. You don't have any control over what they choose to do. Even if they choose to leave you on your own.Even if they choose to make you hate love - Simran.M.Anthony
Such things happen. - Robert Goolrick
In stories like Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, they always say the heroine is 'as good as she is beautiful.' I wondered if people just wanted that to be true, wanted the beautiful to be good. I wondered if they wanted the ugly to be bad because then they wouldn't have to feel bad for them. - Alex Flinn
I always wanted to know what it is right. Maybe we know each other from time immemorial, if you know that in you is the eternal energy of goodness, which is most important for you. - Gregor Golob
The God who delivered Hezekiah and the children of Israel is the same God who is eager to act on my behalf. - Lori Hatcher
There is no good lighting that is healthy and for our well being without proper darkness. - Roger van der Heide
How could I feel something when... I always get screw up... good people get killed and bad people just make suicides. - Deyth Banger
Suicide is man's way of telling God, 'You can't fire me - I quit! - Bill Maher
A dog is grateful for what is, which I am finding to be the soundest kind of wisdom and very good theology. - Carrie Newcomer
There are great virtues in a conservative attitude towards structural features of government. The sudden abandonment of institutions is an act that reverberates in ways no one can predict and many come to regret. - Alexander Bickel
Initiative is doing the right thing without being told. - Victor Hugo
Everything in the world may be endured except continued prosperity. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You cannot forget, despite the effort to block the memories. These horrific remnants of your past will still remain in your brain, they will follow you wherever you go. They are the things that have scarred you. - athena_griffinclaw_erudite
Let me tell you the one thing I have against Moses. He took us forty years into the desert in order to bring us to the one place in the Middle East that has no oil! - Golda Meir
America is so rich and fat, because it has eaten the tragedy of millions of immigrants. - Michael Gold
To put others in front of ourselves is to put God in front of everything. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Limited in his nature, infinite in his desires, man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens. - Alphonse de Lamartine
The hardest thing to do in this world is to have a steadfast mind & will to be who God called you to be. - Okisha Jackson
We've gotten to the point where everybody's got a right and nobody's got a responsibility.
The dripping blood our only drink,The bloody flesh our only food:In spite of which we like to thinkThat we are sound, substantial flesh and blood--Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good. - T.S. Eliot
Why can I never go back to bed? Who's is the voice ringing in my head? Where is the sense in these desperate dreams? Why should I wake when I'm half past dead? - Emilie Autumn
Sometimes you can be touched by God, but not healed. Often when this happens, he is using your pain for a greater purpose. - Shannon L. Alder
Be calm...calm as a calm lagoon, then you will look beautiful as a beautiful calm lagoon crowned by the Moon and sheltered by the brilliance of the stars reclaiming your royalty of regal life... - Oksana Rus
Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy. These pure and spontaneous pleasures are ‘patches of Godlight’ in the woods of our experience. - C.S. Lewis
We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices.... Government has to make those choices for people. - Hillary Rodham Clinton
God has hewn out a hidden path more glorious, tantalizing and adventuresome than the path trod by most, and it is a path seen only through the eyes of our wounds, felt solely through the heart of our losses, and singularly traversed by those with a limp in their step. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I Remember Years Ago, Someone Told Me I Should Take Caution When it Comes to Love, I DidSo Tell Them All I Know NowShout it From the RooftopsWrite it On the Sky LineAll We Had Is Gone NowTell Them I Was Happyand My Heart is BrokenAll My Scars Are OpenTell Them What I Hoped Would BeImpossible - Shontelle
Good prose should be transparent, like a window pane. - George Orwell
Storytelling keeps life going. - A.D. Posey
Being skeptical is a balancing act; it doesn't mean being dismissive. - Evan Gough
The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization. - Robert Anton Wilson
Ho! Ho! Ho! To the bottle I goTo heal my heart and drown my woeRain may fall, and wind may blowAnd many miles be still to goBut under a tall tree will I lieAnd let the clouds go sailing by - J.R.R. Tolkien
Once in a while, life gives you a chance to measure your worth. Sometimes you're called upon to make a split-second decision to do the right thing, defining which way your life will go. These are the choices that make you who you are. - Perry Moore
I saw the same dynamic in our family - a dysfunctional family - mirrored in the country in the 1980's. If you take this family, and you put them up there as the First Family - if you look at what the dynamic is in the family - you might have a pretty good sense of how it's going to trickle down.
Little faith sees God's hand in great things. Established faith sees God's hand in little things. - Ralph Bouma
The serenity of the lulling ocean is a wondrous thing to behold..more precious than the gems coveted and covered in platinum or gold... - Oksana Rus
GOD begins where you end and takes you beyond where you thought was impossible - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Ndani ya sekunde moja baada ya ulimwengu wetu kuumbwa, miaka bilioni kumi na tatu nukta saba tano iliyopita, chembe zote ndogo zinazopatikana ndani ya atomu zilitengenezwa. Zote hizo zimeshapatikana isipokuwa 'Higgs Boson', na 'Higgs Boson' ndiyo ya muhimu kuliko zote. - Enock Maregesi
One of the (many) problems with government is that they are usually so preoccupied with whether or not they can do something that they fail to consider whether or not they should. - Michel Templet
I haven't understood a bar of music in my life, but I have felt it. - Igor Stravinsky
I just know Maycomb. I'm not in the least sensitive about it, but good Lord, I'm certainly aware of it. - Harper Lee
The greatest fear dogs know is the fear that you will not come back when you go out the door without them. - Stanley Coren
Censorship of anything, at any time, in any place, on whatever pretense, has always been and always will be the last resort of the boob and the bigot. - Eugene O'Neill
When something seems wrong in your life, the only way to have resolution with it is to let it go. Trying to make it right keeps it wrong. - Beth Johnson
Life is a weird place, what gonna happen next? No one knows and nothing is permanent here. - Rahul Rawat
And like a good neighbor, Alpha Centauri is there.Touched by an Alien - Gini Koch
I don't want any "yes-men" around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs. - Samuel Goldwyn
Prayer and fasting is what every Christian needs because prayer empowers you while fasting humbles you to be a better child of God. - Gugu Mona
What I've learned about writing is that sometimes less is more, while often more is grander. And both are true. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Thanksgiving is not only being aware of the abundance of good in the world but embracing it. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Authors are the closest thing man would come to understanding God. It is a remarkable thing to conjure up a life and create its story. - Palle Oswald
You know it makes one feel rather good deciding not to be a bitch.""Yes.""It's sort of what we have instead of God.""Some people have God", I said. "Quite a lot.""He never worked very well with me. - Ernest Hemingway
Today evolution of human intelligence has advanced us to the stage where most of us are too smart to invent new gods but are reluctant to give up the old ones. - Ruth Hurmence Green
Violet sighed in the way you do when you know something bad is going to happen, but hope against hope that it won’t, but it does anyway and you realize that you always knew it would and were stupid for having made yourself believe that you could stop it. - Victoria Forester
Diplomacy is to do and say, the nastiest thing in the nicest way. - Isaac Goldberg
They told me Islam is peace.Later messaged me and said. they are going to kill me. #strangepeople - Arash Tabish
Can you believe we still around?after so many hit the ground and we ain't gon' stop now until we get that wisdom - knight mayor
The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I'm not going to let myself pull me down anymore. - C. JoyBell C.
She gave life a meaning. She was art, dressed like a painters pallet, bright and unaware of how goddam beautiful she could be turned into; with the right touch, her smile was the brush and her story was the canvas. - Nikki Rowe
Each of us has a vulnerability like Edmund's that Satan is eager to exploit. It may be something addictive like drugs or alcohol, or it may be something seemingly harmless and perhaps even good like food, friendship, or work. - Discovery House Publishers
A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest, honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.
My goal is that Julie and Brody do not become the other's half. They should be two wholes that become a greater one. That is the only way to overcome evil in the end. - Melissa D. Ellis
For me, concept of death works as a liberator from anxiety -- no matter whatever is happening, its all going to end when we die. - Shon Mehta
Human history is full of great men, great women, individuals, with the will for power - all of them with governesses like her. - Daniel Nayeri
- Ya que Antonio Machín lo hizo antes pero no tengo más remedio que preguntártelo: ¿cómo se pueden tener dos amores a la vez y no estar loco?- Facilísimo: estando loca. - Eduardo Mendicutti
When you understand that faith is God’s muscle at your disposal, moving mountains doesn’t seem so extraordinary. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If you work your hardest and you do your best, then the rest is not in your control, but in God's Hands. - Christopher Morris
Men have such a good opinion of themselves, of their mental superiority and intellectual depth; they believe themselves so skilled in discerning the true from the false, the path of safety from those of error, that they should be forbidden as much as possible the perusal of philosophic writings. - أبو حامد الغزالي
The best thing about America is that it gives you space. I like that. I like that you buy into the dream, it's a lie but you buy into it and that's all that matters. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Divine has created this moment in time. It is a very powerful moment, where there is only one way and that way is that you completely let go. Completely let go of what is known, what is safe, and move into the space of beauty. - Tony Samara
Religious nuts, atheists, theists, as too most scientists fail to "get" IT - the Ultimate Reality - because they seek it through ego. - Fakeer Ishavardas
There is some magic in wealth, which can thus make persons pay their court to it, when it does not even benefit themselves. How strange it is, that a fool or knave, with riches, should be treated with more respect by the world, than a good man, or a wise man in poverty! - Ann Radcliffe
We all care intensely for the narrative of our own life and very much want it to be a good story, with a decent hero. - Daniel Kahneman
I am confident in my FAITH because I know the character of God and am assured by the love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ - Karen Gibbs
He - and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever fuck things up this badly. - George Carlin
When we forgive others, we give ourselves permission to let go of our own suffering. - John Bruna
May be you are gone,but that doesn’t make me come back - Munia Khan
I'm an artist. I'm an artist and I'm going to make art! Art arty art art. - Andy Beirsack
Don't be humble, you're not that great. - Golda Meir
Intolerance itself is a form of egoism, and to condemn egoism intolerantly is to share it. - George Santayana
I was born at the age of 12 on a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lot. - Judy Garland
The future belongs to the competent. It belongs to those who are very, very good at what they do. It does not belong to the well-meaning. - Brian Tracy
Set Goals, not Limits. - Manoj Vaz
Let go of certainty. The opposite isn't uncertainty. It's openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow. - Tony Schwartz
Yes, love your family, and also love your friends. For some friends are truly family. Love the people in your life. Love them without measure. And don’t worry about spoilage. Potatoes spoil, people don’t spoil. - Steve Goodier
The sign of a good conscience is for a man to be in support of basically everything that Westboro Baptist isn't. - Luke Myer
They say golf is not a contact sport. Not the way we play it.
The Judgement is not a question, it's a sure answer, as to a clump of dough, that will yeast and rise, or go in the oven and burn to crust. - Anthony Liccione
The wisdom of man can only produce works on a human level. Only the Wisdom of God can realize things divine, and it is to divine heights that it destines us. - Father Jacques Philippe
Allowing yourself to forgive will fuel your goals and life vision with new energy. - Eileen Anglin
A difficult journey is spiritual rewarding.There is a more dependence on God, His supernatural power, grace and divine favour along the travel. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We must be ready to learn from one another, not claiming that we alone possess all truth and that somehow we have a corner on God. - Desmond Tutu
God is the creator of all good plot twists! - Shannon L. Alder
I don't like the darkness but I want to live in it, I don't want to have pains but I always have it, I want to live in good way, happy and very normal life but I just can't. Because it's not that thing which some one gave me and I didn't took from anybody or anything that's just my destiny. - Shayne Azad
There are some people who may be good yet toxic for you, so be careful of who you surround yourself with. - Gugu Mona
I was raised to believe that God speaks in the language of sacrifice," he told me, "You are expected to sacrifice because it is the measure of the depth of your belief... - Neil Abramson
You don't need a vacation when there's anything to escape from... - El Fuego
Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God. - Maria Mitchell
The supreme end of education is expert discernment in all things--the power to tell the good from the bad, the genuine from the counterfeit, and to prefer the good and the genuine to the bad and the counterfeit.
On the horizon, he saw the full moon. God dropped it there, he was sure, as a reminder of our small place in the world. A reminder that what is beautiful is fleeting. - Ben Sherwood
A new week means new goals. New goals means new success. No goals mean no success and no success means a wasted week. - Onyi Anyado
Mankind, not womankind, has slaughtered more humans in the name of God and Religion than for any other reason. - Abhijit Naskar
You know you are starting to love her when you are starting to go against your principles. - Rhodrigo Tesoro
Opportunity is rare, and a wise man will never let it go by him. - Bayard Taylor
It wasn't the "I love you" she heard that made her let him go. It was the "Come with me" that she didn't. - Meghan O'Connor
Wisdom lies at the edge of intelligence.Joy lies at the edge of happiness.Faith lies at the edge of boldness.Love lies at the edge of kindness.God lies at the edge of righteousness. - Matshona Dhliwayo
People that have been consistently hurt by others in life will only see the one time you hurt them and be blinded to all the good your heart has to offer. They look no further than what they want to see. Unfortunately, most of them remain a victim throughout their life. - Shannon L. Alder
A closed mind is a good thing to lose. - Anonymous
What goes around comes around""the word you are looking is (Karma)meaning what bad you have done to someone else. Be careful it will come back in another way at its own time and you wont even realize it. - RICARDO RANDY RAMNATH
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessings. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence. - A.A. Lewis
no doubt that evil is more contagious than good, therefore, it's more powerful. - Anonymous
The sound of life, Everyone has got their own song playing in the background of their life , some has melody and some has depressing music and some extra ordinary people are standing their choosing the type of music that they want to play - Be that kind of people. - Alamvusha
Give me kisses! Nay, 'tis true I am just as rich as you; And for every kiss I owe, I can pay you back, you know. Kiss me, then, Every moment, and again. - John Godfrey Saxe
It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity. - Mahatma Gandhi
Sometimes in your life you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have ever taken. It is the journey to find yourself. - Katharine Sharp
People are going to say what they want to say and think what they want to think, and I can't change their minds. - Hilary Duff
Yet the ivory gods, And the ebony gods, And the gods of diamond-jade, Are only silly puppet gods That people themselves Have made.- - Langston Hughes
God invented man, man invented the metric system.
There but for the grace of God go I. - John Bradford
What is it about our specific belief in God and His wishes that makes us so angry at the specific beliefs of another? What is it about the teachings of our respective deities that makes us more right than the next person? Or more wrong? - Chuck Austen
Man is certainly stark mad. He cannot make a worm, and yet he will be making gods by dozens. - Michel de Montaigne
If you want your Demons to go away quit using the words they taught you to say - Stanley Victor Paskavich
If you really want to eat, keep climbing. The fruits are on the top of the tree. Stretch your hands and keep stretching them. Success is on the top, keep going. - Israelmore Ayivor
Art is the refreshing source of existence. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Your future is dependent on your thought today, therefore think good and lovely thoughts now! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. - Mae West
Contemporary poets got so obscure that poetry kind of fell out of favor, - Paul Ruffin
Those who claim to be hurt by words must be led to expect nothing as compensation. Otherwise, once they learn they can get something by claiming to be hurt, they will go into the business of being offended. - Jonathan Rauch
What makes you think children like childish things? Don't tell them how to be children. They want to grow up. - M.B. Goffstein
It really doesn't matter if the person who hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you want to move on. - Gordon Atkinson
You’re here, I continued. At least you look as if you’re here. But maybe you aren’t. Maybe it’s just your shadow. The real you may be someplace else. Or maybe you already disappeared, a long, long time ago. I reach out my hand to see, but you’ve hidden yourself behind a cloud of probablys. - Haruki Murakami
Your heart will always go where your mind wanders. - Shannon L. Alder
Just like waves in the ocean come and go, no challenge is permanent. Problems will come and go too. We must enjoy the Challenges just like we enjoy the Waves. - RVM
Whatever you do or wherever you go in life, after a while everything you did will look like a dream to you! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Americans adore me and will go on adoring me until I say something nice about them. - George Bernard Shaw
I think there's a god and I know it's not me. - Michael J. Fox
We often misunderstood between having good number of friends and having number of good friends. - Vijay Dhameliya
Moments come & go, but special moments last a lifetime.Make them count! - Mark Hewer
For every woman, there is that one man who could get her to go anywhere he wanted her to go, do anything he wanted her to do—reach into her soul and turn her whole world on its ear—challenge everything she thought she believed. Highlighted by 24 Kindle users - Lenore Wolfe
People are afraid of change. Change is inevitable to life. Change actually has the mask of pushing us out of comfort zone. Every time we learn, go through life experiences our perception/Emotional chemistry is changing. Embrace change because we are becoming a more polished version of ourselves. - Matthew Donnelly
We will continue to chase rainbows unless we recognize that they are rainbows and there is no pot of gold at the end of them. - Diane Ravitch
Democracy is, first and foremost, a spiritual force, it is built upon a spiritual basis - and on a belief in God and an observance of moral principle. And in the long run only the church can provide that basis. Our founder knew this truth - and we will neglect it at our peril.
A child is not likely to find a father in God unless he finds something of God in his father.
The blend of fiction, bigotry and jingoism became known as 'yellow journalism.' Later, the phrase was shortened to 'journalism.'
I've always been spiritual but I've never had a proper context, and it took me a while to find the proper context. It's hard to realize you can have any kind of relationship with God you want... and so I now have a punk rock relationship with God - Billy Corgan
Our enemy attacks the conscience little by little seeking to wear us down and then wears out a leader's resolve to fight the good fight. - Gary Rohrmayer
No matter what... don't give up. Don't stop believing in yourself and in what you can do, because you are strong and you are capable. Prove them wrong! Don't let them win! Remember when you are at your lowest low - there's only one way to go now... and that is UP! - Steven Wolff
Life is not easy and comfortable, with nothing ever going wrong as long as you buy the right product. It's not true that if you have the right insurance everything is going to be fine. That's not what it's really like. Terrible things happen. And those are the things we learn from. - Madeleine L'Engle
The great Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa said that to be an artist means never to avert your eyes. And that's the hardest thing, because we want to flinch. The artist must go into the white hot center of himself, and our impulse when we get there is to look away and avert our eyes. - Robert Olen Butler
Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take you eyes off your goal. - Henry James
My blood boils when I see people going back to the same person who hurt them like a million times. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
It is of the greatest important in this world that a man should know himself, and the measure of his own strength and means; and he who knows that he has not a genius for fighting must learn how to govern by the arts of peace. - Niccolò Machiavelli
If peaceful protesting really worked, the need to peacefully protest would have subsided to almost zero a long time ago! Instead, the thing that has subsided to almost zero are the number of complaints filed against police officers that are actually upheld. - Steven Magee
Did he know that God loved him from the foundations of the earth? With a power far exceeding the immensity of the cosmos, He turned all His attention to creating that man and declared, "You are My child. I love you. - Nabeel Qureshi
I have made good judgements in the Past. I have made good judgements in the Future. - Dan Quayle
I can’t… It’s not possible… I’m not good enough... ~ These are lies the demons of your past use to scare away the possibilities of the present. - Steve Maraboli
As I like to put it, we have hit pay dirt. The effort to cure the resource curse is a good example of what private foundations working with NGOs can accomplish. - George Soros
When one heated exchange (in English) led a commenter to write "Go fuck yourself!" in Lojban, it turned into a lengthy discussion of why he hadn't said what he meant to say, and what the proper Lojban expression for the sentiment might be. - Arika Okrent
It is not possible to be intellectually honest and believe in gods. And it is not possible to believe in gods and be a true scientist. - Peter Atkins
It is in descending in the humble silence of prayer that we are able to ascend to the greatest heights of true human fulfillment in union with God. - Mac MacKenzie
Then I had to decide if I needed to wear shoes that kicked ass or were good for ass kicking, on account of there's a difference you know. ~ Finger Lickin' Fifteen - Janet Evanovich
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder. - Bible
When the messenger arrives and says 'Don't shoot the messenger,' it's a good idea to be prepared to shoot the messenger, just in case. - Howard Tayler
Life was mostly made up of things you couldn't control, full of surprises, and they weren't always good. Life wasn't what you made it. You were what life made you. - Sara Zarr
I'm the most important person in the lives of almost everyone I know and a good number of the people I've never even met. - David Sedaris
Let us say goodbye to winter to welcome the beauty of spring. - Debasish Mridha
The more you can escape from how horrible things really are, the less it's going to bother you...and then, the worse things get. - Frank Zappa
Sometimes I hear the echo of your voice in an empty hall and it reminds me that you're gone. - Sylvain Reynard
Once God wrote a story that shook the heaven to the very core.Love was the only language used;You and I were the only characters. - Subhan Zein
On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good and not quite all the time. - George Orwell
If beauty is relative, then any and everything when compared to the beauty of God is absolutely hideous. - Criss Jami
All are one unless and until they are asked to work together to achieve a noble goal one. - Anuj Somany
Let go of the mistakes and the sins of others. You'll have plenty of time to make your own mistakes, the rest of your life to commit your own sins. - C. JoyBell C.
Some friends gladly stay, some move away. Some come and go, but their affections grow. While some, I recall, are not friends at all. - Primadonna Angela
I’m good when I’m alone. I’m comfortable when I’m alone. I can sit and do lots of things all by myself. Sex included. - Johnny Weir
The upright are richer in deeds than the wealthy are in gold. - Matshona Dhliwayo
That girl will rain destruction down on you and your ship. She is an albatross, Captain. Way I remember it, albatross was a ship's good luck, 'til some idiot killed it. (to Inara) Yes, I've read a poem. Try not to faint. - Joss Whedon
Asking someone to deny their own inner reality causes further rupture. - Elaine Margolin
International politics is never about democracy and human rights. It's about the interests of states. Remember that, no matter what you are told in history lessons. - Egon Bahr
When your intuition speaks, listen. When your ego speaks, shut it up. - Dee Duncan
Maintaining a fair and accessible justice system should at all times be the overarching concern of Government - Abdullah Reslan
Sometimes the mind, for reasons we don't necessarily understand, just decides to go to the store for a quart of milk. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
The spiritual response is too often a simplistic one: we abandon God or we blame God for abandoning us. - Joan D. Chittister
Most USA citizens never realize that the systems of public protection are essentially useless until they try to use them. At that point they learn the hard way that government agencies like OSHA, FCC, FDA, police internal affairs, disability, and the like do not work for them. - Steven Magee
I don't stand for black man's side, I don't stand for white man's side, I stand for God's side. - Bob Marley
You must never forget that greatness does not guarantee happiness but goodness always does - Sri Chinmoy
Just continue to "walk in the light" you have been given, and leave the future in God's hands. If He is calling you to do a job, He will make it possible for you to care for your family and overcome any other barriers to that responsibility. - James C. Dobson
It was possible that he was making some progress in his mental health condition by seeing me. - Holly Goldberg Sloan
Ugly or beautiful, it is the little creatures that make the world go round. We should celebrate and appreciated them in all their wonderful diversity. - Dave Goulson
There is a very thin line between- Gobar(cow dung) and Go-Uber!!!! - Kshitij Bhatia
To all, to each, a fair good night, And pleasing dreams, and slumbers light. - Sir Walter Scott
If one does die taking these drugs, the death is likely to be very peaceful. Morphia is, after all, the goddess of dreams. - Philip Nitschke
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. - Kate Moss
Amy: Pond and her boys . . . my poncho boys. If we're going to die, let's die looking like a peruvian folk band. - Simon Nye
? If you are not awed in the presence of a Holy God, then I say you may be like the crowds we have been observing in the Gospel of Mark and think of Jesus as no more than a winning lottery ticket to solve your immediate problems. Once the ticket is cashed, you take the money and go your own way. - Jonah Books.com
Every day and every night, I dance with Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad & all personal Gods: Krishna, Shiva & Buddha. You are welcome too ! - Santosh Kalwar
I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in God's thought, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest and most precious thing in all thinking. - George MacDonald
I was going to buy a book on hair loss, but the pages kept falling out. - Jay London
Worry is the greatest seed [cause] for the worldly life because worrying is the greatest egoism. If the egoism leaves, then worries will go away. - Dada Bhagwan
God cherish and value our prayer more profoundly in our days of abundance instead of distress. - Aditya Ajmera
Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness in another. - Eustace Budgell
Never be afraid of darkness, it is only temporary. Have hope, have the courage, be cautious, walk and continue your journey. Life is not always a fairy tale but like a rolling stone we need to go up and down until it stop. - Glazl Bugaoan
Real love, true love is not like the shooting star that makes you go, "ooh, aah". Real, true love is like the constancy of the sun that comes up slowly every morning - sometimes too hot; sometimes hidden behind the clouds, but always there. Therefore, often take for granted. - Lucille Anderson
Besides your mouth, your mind is a powerful tool given to you by God. Use your mind; control your mind, don't let it control you! Your imaginative power is your creative ability. - Paul Silway
If heaven is going to be full of people like Hardie, well, the Almighty can have them to himself. - Sir Winston Churchill
Judgement immobilizes, only hopeful love leaves an opening for God's alternative future. - Jürgen Moltmann
God will only push you off a cliff if He's going to give you wings to fly. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. It is too good to waste on jokes. - C.S. Lewis
A passionate look, touch or a hug on a plant is enough to open your inner eyes than going for a serious yoga and other therapies - Karthikeyan V
God does not play dice, bankers do. - Greg Curtis
When we feel lost, we can always find our way because God is the way, the truth, and the life. - Charleen Goombs
We don't have to go back to my place, Angel. I can take you home, if that's what you want. Or, if you decide you want to sleep at my place, on opposite sides of my bedroom with a Do Not Cross line drawn down the middle, I'll do it. I won't like it, but I'll do it. - Becca Fitzpatrick
I said to my girl, 'Was it good for you too?' And she said, 'I don't think this was good for anybody.'
Nafasi yako peponi itapotea iwapo utamruhusu Pluto (kiongozi wa ahera) akukaribishe bazarai (makao makuu ya ahera) kwa kuchukua maisha yako mwenyewe. Kujiua ni kujipenda zaidi kuliko unaowapenda. Anayejiua hujifikiria zaidi yeye kuliko wengine. - Enock Maregesi
Mathematical Knowledge adds a manly Vigour to the Mind, frees it from Prejudice, Credulity, and Superstition. - John Arbuthnot
I wanna show that gospel, country, blues, rhythm and blues, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll are all just really one thing. Those are the American music and that is the American culture. - Etta James
A goal shouldn't be limited to a title. - Unarine Ramaru
Why certainly, words possess power. They do! But releasing their magic requires combining and arranging those words in the right order. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Successful people use failures to sharpen their intuition by acknowledging mistakes for what they truly are - feedback. - Gordana Biernat
I make a rule for myself. That if I am going to buy a book, and have it on my bookshelf, I am going to someday read it. - Mekiah Johnson
Life always sucks. It's just that sometimes that feels very good.
The point to remember is what the government gives it must first take away.
To think what is true, to sense what is beautiful and to want what is good, hereby the spirit finds purpose of a life in reason. - Johann Gottfried Herder
Until you can leave the matter of forgiveness to God, you will not have acquired true humility. - Colleen McCullough
God listens through the atomic door of love. - Santosh Kalwar
If God had wanted us to be concerned for the plight of the toads, he would have made them cute and furry. - Dave Barry
An unbridled imagination is the fountain of youth; it's what keeps us young at heart. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Don't let the day go by without a handful of fun, for only those we'll be memorable and even intensified through time - A.M.M Alusi
If you want to go somewhere, goto is the best way to get there.
A feeling of real need is always a good enough reason to pray. - Hannah Whitall Smith
If you review on GoodReads - make sure you review on Amazon as well!! Help out an author and leave an Amazon review! - Aimee Brown
It's love that makes the world go round - otherwise it would be flat. - Jay Woodman
Riches and power are but gifts of blind fate, whereas goodness is the result of one's own merits. - Heloise
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. - Bob Dylan
To insure good health: Eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. - William Londen
Maybe I've forgiven him, but I just haven't forgotten - C.C. Hunter
We live in a vastly complex society which has been able to provide us with a multitude of material things, and this is good, but people are beginning to suspect we have paid a high spiritual price for our plenty.
Happiness being surrounded by good friends and family at a BBQ. - Richie Norton
Sometimes saying goodbye to the ones you love can be the most appropriate thing to do in order to help them understand there are consequences for each and every choice we make. - Raphael Zernoff
If a rat is a good model for your emotional life, you're in big trouble. - Robert M. Sapolsky
My understanding from the Word of God is that I am supposed to preach for the maturation of the believer with a view that lost people are there. - Matt Chandler
Take your well-disciplined strengths, stretch them between the two great opposing poles, because inside human beings is where God learns. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all. - William Goodman
Nobody cares much whether you write or not. You just have to do it - Natalie Goldberg
The closer one approaches to God, the simpler one becomes. - Teresa of Ávila
A way to a man's heart is through his stomach, that shit true as gold. You put some love in your food and a fool can taste it. - Raelle Tucker
Years ago a black man spoke about love and was crucified. Then Martin Luther King spoke about equality and was shot. Can you SEE why? - Daniel Marques
Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all. - Adam Smith
One of the things I’ve learnt about goals is people will write them or wrong them. - Onyi Anyado
Men forget everything; women remember everything. That's why men need instant replay in sports. They've already forgotten what's happened. - Rita Rudner
I imagine music sitting in a chair across from me saying "and how does that make you feel?". - Clayton Montgomery
You sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve - J.K. Rowling
The moment you think you know something inside out, is the moment you stop listening. That's when you go backwards faster than you progressed - Hadi Farnoud
I wouldn't underrate the power of regret. It doesn't feel good... But it's hard to learn anything important without it. - Joe Hill
My wisdom absent of God’s wisdom is nothing more than a best-guess. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Let us liberate ourselves from any form of control. Let us focus at the inner drum, where the rhythm aligns with that of our heart. The measure of responsibility, equals to the need for evolution. Just listen, the inner child, let it whisper in your ear. - Grigoris Deoudis
If god created man in his own image, how come I'm not invisible? - David Powers
No matter how against your conditions are, never divert yourself from your life goals. - Aishwarya Shiva Pareek
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitudefrom achieving his goal.Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong attitude. - Thomas Jefferson
The Afghan government is as corrupt as a prostitute with a law degree. - Craig Ferguson
Change is neither good nor bad. It only creates a different situation. - Daniel Egger
Sometimes I'd yell questions at the rocks and trees, and across gorges, or yodel - "What is the meaning of the void?" The answer was perfect silence, so I knew. - Jack Kerouac
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost. The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Goodness without knowledge... is weak and feeble, yet knowledge without goodness is dangerous.... Both united form the noblest character and lay the surest foundation of usefulness to mankind. Many men went a walking and many crippled men, did not. - John Phillips
Our fates are locked together. It would be foolish of me to anger God by leaving you. - Mark Tompkins
every good artist paints what he is - Jackson Pollock
Patience is seeing each step as a journey rather than seeing a journey as a thousand steps. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Reading is the royal road to intellectual eminence...Truly good books are more than mines to those who can understand them. They are the breathings of the great souls of past times. Genius is not embalmed in them, but lives in them perpetually. - William Ellery Channing
Those roads provided breath-taking views. There's something special about an empty road going on and on and on to the horizon where the sun burns the world away into a dancing, shmmering heat haze that reflects the crystal blue sky, literally blurring the line between heaven and earth. - Dave Gorman
Unless you have a crystal ballyou don’t know how thefuture is going to unfold.Focus on the things you caninfluence and don’t fretover the rest. - Domonique Bertolucci
Some piously record 'In the beginning God', but I say 'In the beginning hydrogen'. - Harlow Shapley
We expect God to be an angry father who demands justice, but through Jesus, He gives us love and grace when we don't deserve it. - Kyle Idleman
I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white dude would come into my neighborhood after dark. - Dick Gregory
When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Man invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.
God helps those who help themselves. - Anonymous
In God's economy, nothing is slag, nothing is wasted. Every relationship we build is a teacher, every experience we have is a coach. In every scar there is a lesson. In every memory there lives potential to make more. - Toni Sorenson
When you write about justice, you better forget who is going to be hurt. - M.F. Moonzajer
Spiritual warfare is the unseen battle God wages on your behalf. - Jim George
Each day is a good daybecause it's a day, not a night,each flight is a good flight. - Rohvannyn Shaw
God is not coming to fix any nation. The most he could do is to raise up a man or a woman who would take responsibility to fix the nation. - Sunday Adelaja
...atheism is not a conscious act of turning away from all gods. It is simply the final destination for those who think. ...you will be pleased to discover that the sky does not fall down on your head. ... if you still want to pray, you can (the success rate of your prayers is unlikely to change). - Guy P. Harrison
I didn't want him to be the one I avoided because he'd hurt me. If I was just his friend, then I would still be blessed. If that meant swallowing my pride and being his shoulder when he got hurt, or being the one he ranted at when he was angry; I was prepared to do it and to do it with dignity. - Jessica Thompson
We can never know who or what we are till we know at least something of what God is. - A.W. Tozer
Change takes time, forethought and knowledge, as well as an envisioned goal. - Obiora Embry
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
Pure Soul and circumstances; there are only these two; but the disturbance of egoism does not allow it to be at peace. - Dada Bhagwan
Must we do not know all the good that a simple smile can do - sandy Khoury
For all works and things, which are either commanded or forbidden by God and thus have been instituted by the supreme Majesty, are 'musts.' Nevertheless, no one should be dragged to them or away from them by the hair, for I can drive no man to heaven or beat him into it with a club. - Martin Luther
The one, whose worldly entanglements have gone, is called the ‘Absolute Person’ (Sampoorna Purush). - Dada Bhagwan
My Existence is To Praise God and Help Others! - Marie Claudine MUKAMABANO
We all are manufacturers in a way - making good, making trouble or making excuses. - H. V. Adolt
Theory is like a book.It's full of meaningless words, a few want to read it and where stays the movie. - Tim Goossens
If God took a selfie, it would look like you. - Eleanor Brownn
If God wanted the sky to be empty, He would not have given birds wings to fly. - Matshona Dhliwayo
My path was predetermined by God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God hides treasure in dirt, so that only those humble enough to dig through it find it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When you are down to nothing, God and the universe are always up to something!!! Be strong in your faith, that place within you where love is found. Those powerful forces within you and with out are working it out for you! Be encouraged and know everything will be okay again soon - Angie karan
Books are carnival rides for your imagination. - Richelle E. Goodrich
A word of encouragement goes a long way. - Ashley Ormon
Perhaps it is the language that chooses the writers it needs, making use of them so that each might express a tiny part of what it is. - José Saramago
There’s a small window of opportunity to apologize sometimes after you’ve terribly wronged someone. It closes. Sometimes forever, but it never opens wide enough again for a good breeze. - Darnell Lamont Walker
If you don't stop fear, fear will stop you. Somebody's gotta stop. My advice? Don't let it be you. Whatever IT is. Do IT afraid - Saji Ijiyemi
Authors always carry a means for scribbling and an excuse for pausing, often inopportunely, to record those fleeting sparks of creative fancy that might otherwise vanish like a wisp in the wind if ignored. Writing is a jealous and needy lover. - Richelle E. Goodrich
A philosopher is a mathematician, who might not be good at solving mathematical problems but knows 'which one' to solve and 'why' to solve it... - Victor Ghoshe
I thought about one of my favorite Sufi poems, which says that God long ago drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now. I was never not coming here. This was never not going to happen. - Elizabeth Gilbert
The Bible is God's vision bank where you can withdraw raw materials to design your destiny. - Prince Akwarandu
When we get our spiritual house in order, we'll be dead. This goes on. You arrive at enough certainty to be able to make your way, but it is making it in darkness. Don't expect faith to clear things up for you. It is trust, not certainty. - Flannery O'Connor
Karma, simply put, is an action for an action ... good or bad. - Stephen Richards
The pencil sharpener is about as far as I have ever got in operating a complicated piece of machinery with any success. - Robert Benchley
In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one part of the citizens to give to the other. - Voltaire
A man may study because his brain is hungry for knowledge, even Bible knowledge. But he prays because his soul is hungry for God. - Leonard Ravenhill
A good listener is one who always pays attention, not to gain, but to learn. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Promptitude is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners; it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness; a little attention and energy will form the habit, so as to make it easy and delightful. - Charles Simmons
Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different. Life would undergo a change of appearance because we ourselves had undergone a change of attitude. - Katherine Mansfield
When we prepare not our hearts for the things of God, evil things take over. - Sunday Adelaja
No man can walk out from his own story. - Rango
Stop worrying about what tomorrow may bring. Focus on what you can control. Stay positive. Enjoy today. Expect good things to come. - Karen Salmansohn
When we deny the spiritual dimension to our existence, we end up living like animals. And when we deny the physical, sexual dimension to our existence, we end up living like angels. And both ways are destructive, because God made us human. - Rob Bell
Do not depend on good motivator!Find your words of self-motivation! - Toba Beta
The more I know about God, I am convinced He likes to read books and authors are His librarians. Every soul is a story waiting to be read. - Shannon L. Alder
As much as we want God to explain Himself to us, His creation, we are in no place to demand that He give an account to us. - Francis Chan
It's a season of life, if your granted peace, freedom and you got the right person to love. - Auliq Ice
Have you achieved your goal today? Fantastic! Set a goal for tomorrow, next month, next year, and years from now. - Debasish Mridha
If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses. - Lenny Bruce
And Englishmen like posing as gods. - E.M. Forster
Et in Arcadia Ego - Numerous Evelyn Waugh
People do not have to be dreary to be good. - Sally Holmes
Above all, never think you're not good enough. Never think that. In life people will take you at your own reckoning. - Isaac Asimov
The Wild Wood is pretty well populated by now; with all the usual lot, good, bad, and indifferent - I name no names. It takes all sorts to make a world - Kenneth Grahame
How you define an event produces emotionand determines how you feel going forward - Derric Yuh Ndim
If love was a crime, God would encourage us all to go to prison. - Matshona Dhliwayo
What's the feeling everyday somebody to say right in your face lie... ( like a woman which sucks your dick and your semen goes right in hermouth) and you can't do anything on this problem??And what to tell you move on, soon or later?? - Deyth Banger
Just keep being true to yourself, if you're passionate about something go for it. Don't sacrifice anything, just have fun. - Blake Lewis
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.
Policeman says, "Son you can't stay here"I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snowsIf she changes her mind this is the first place she will go - The Script
And sometimes both of them forgot that what they were undergoing amid the clink of cutlery and crockery was a mutual interview that might decide whether or not they would own a common set of those items some time in the whimsical future. - Vikram Seth
After all, a woman didn't leave much behind in the world to show she'd been there. Even the children she bore and raised got their father's name. But her quilts, now that was something she could pass on. - Sandra Dallas
After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box. - Italian Proverb
Challenges aren't always fun. But guess what, I WAS FUCKING BORN READY!!! LET'S GO!!! - Mekiah Johnson
As we change, our writing changes too. You cannot write the same poem twice. And that's a good thing. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
Look its very simple: You're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. You dare to be bad, I've got good reflex. Can go to bad bitch mode in no time. - Shreya Gupta
No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.
You know how the Eclipse of the sun shows it? Christ's strength eclipses your powerlessness in God's likeness, and there is total darkness on your weakness. - Israelmore Ayivor
They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program. - George W. Bush
When I stood there, looking out the window at the raindrops and thinking of everything I lost, I forgot everything I have. When I remembered everything I have, I forgot everything I lost. - Jenna Alatari
[The answer of to the question 'Which is the most perfect popular government?']That where the least injury done to the meanest individual, is considered as an insult on the whole constitution. - Solon
The human person finds his perfection "in seeking and loving what is true and good. - Pope Benedict XVI
Only elves and trolls had survived the coming of Man to the discworld: the elves because they were altogether too clever by half, and the trolley folk because they were at least as good as humans at being nasty, spiteful and greedy. - Terry Pratchett
Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficial. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding. - Louis D. Brandeis
One changes, as a writer, fairly quickly; what you wrote six months or a year ago might not sound right anymore. - Keith Gessen
Though you may hear me holler,And you may see me cry--I'll be dogged, sweet baby,If you gonna see me die. - Langston Hughes
Life and all that is in itis a gift from the infinite mind;And the only way that life can go wrongis by the limited finite mind. - Eric Foley Saucier
Thank God I have the seeing eye, that is to say, as I lie in bed I can walk step by step on the fells and rough land seeing every stone and flower and patch of bog and cotton pass where my old legs will never take me again. - Beatrix Potter
We must all cultivate our own creativity because we each have a God-given imagination that has the ability to bless generations and eternity. - Alisa Hope Wagner
I reverse the phrase of Voltaire, and say that if God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish him. - Mikhail Bakunin
Before joining the bandwagon to vouch support for the ‘Women Empowerment’, let’s all make sure that our laws are free from flaws so that the men are not implicated in the fabricated cases. - Anuj Somany
You were made by God and for God and until you understand that, life will never make sense. - Rick Warren
Some memories never heal. Rather than fading with the passage of time, those memories become the only things that are left behind when all else is abraded. The world darkens, like electric bulbs going out one by one. I am aware that I am not a safe person. - Han Kang, Human Acts
If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
If there is anything good about nobility it is that it enforces the necessity of avoiding degeneracy - Boethius
Impassionate gods have never seen the red that is the Tatsuta River. /ちはやぶる 神代も聞かず 竜田川 からくれなゐに 水くくるとは - Ariwara no Narihira
I knew I was different. I thought that I might be gay or something because I couldn't identify with any of the guys at all. None of them liked art or music. They just wanted to fight and get laid. It was many years ago but it gave me this real hatred for the average American macho male. - Kurt Cobain
The difference between God and the historians consists above all in the fact that God cannot alter the past. - Samuel Butler
The people can always be brought to the bidding of their leaders. All you have to do is tell them that they are in danger of being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. - Hermann Goering
A lie's true power cannot be accurately measured by the number of people who believe its deception when it is told, it must be measured by the number of people who will go out after hearing it trying to convince others of its truth. - Dennis Sharpe
Knowledge is light.God is light.God is knowledge. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Property may be destroyed and money may lose it's purchasing power; but, character, health, knowledge, and good judgement will always be in demand under all conditions.
Heaven goes by favour. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain
God doesn't act like the Church. No, instead, the Church must act like God. - Kim Clement
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - E.M. Forster
Night-time is being brushed aside like so much cobweb. The day is wound up and begins even before the last haunted dreams, the last of the fog, those spectral and evanescent residues, have faded away. - Gregory Maguire
Nothing conquers the chaos around me like the calm assurance that I am at peace with God. - Ron Brackin
In some ways, art is the most terrifying of human inventions. It preserves the right to undermine all the categories. The history of art is the history of iconoclasm, the history of some new voice saying that everything you know is wrong. - Richard Powers
Don't worry about how something is going to happen, just know that it is all unfolding perfectly, whether you can see it or not. - Mike Basevic
God has awesome plans for your life. So get excited! - Anna M. Aquino
Laughter is the hand of God on the shoulder of a troubled world. - Grady Nutt
I do think that art that doesn't communicate is useless. - William Golding
As an instructor, my goal has always been to use Jiu Jitsu as a vehicle to help our students achieve their goals, whatever the case may be. I have yet to find a better vehicle for growth, and the moment I do I will certainly pursue it with the rivaled fervor that I approached Jiu Jitsu. - Chris Matakas
God makes his gospel attractive through people…that is the point of the gospel; it is trans-formative in nature. - Gary Rohrmayer
Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued. - Socrates
When ready to settle down: women are more interested in where the man is going; men are more interested in where the woman has been. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. - Confucius
In the darkest times of your life, your praise to God should be the loudest. Let the enemy know you’re not afraid of the dark. - Stormie Omartian
Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his consciousness objectified.– - Neville Goddard
A person with a big ego usually knows very little. - Eraldo Banovac
The human worker will go the way of the horse. - Wassily Leontief
The Kingdom of God is an earthly experience which manifests in an unearthly manner. - Abhijit Naskar
It seems wise to spend time and energy on fixing the problems we see out there - but if we don't take a step back and see the OVERALL big picture - the real CAUSE of all of these results that we're focused on - our efforts will only go so far. - Dana Gore
Men promise freedom while establishing laws; God promises laws while establishing freedom. - Criss Jami
The kosmos works by harmony of tensions, like lyre and bow. Good and evil are one. On the one hand God sees all as well, fair, and good; on the other hand a human being sees injustice here, justice there. Justice in our minds is strife. We cannot help but see war makes us as we are. - Heraclitus
The irony of life is a twisted game; but my god you learn fast, the ins and outs of how to play your part the best you can. - Nikki Rowe
It is good to be imperfect so that we retain our joy to work hard to rise to perfection! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Do according to your capability.Act according to your capacity.Go according to your curiosity.Be according to your possibility. - Debasish Mridha
Radical feminism is working for the eradication of domination and elitsim in all human relationships. This would make self-determination the ultimate good and require the downfall of society as we know it today. - Cellestine Ware
.أن يكون لديك هدف -ولو بسيط- أفضل دائمًا من أن تكون بلا هدفHaving a goal, even though it is simple, is always better than being aimless. - Khaled Ibrahim
Concerning the gods I cannot know either that they exist or that they do not exist, or what form they might have, for there is much to prevent one's knowing: the obscurity of the subject and the shortness of man's life. - Protagoras
All of us sport an invisible sign around our necks -- AS IS. It means, take me as I am. I may not become what you want me to be. And I’m far, far from perfect. But I have some great qualities, too, as well as my share of faults. You will have to take me AS IS and I’ll take you that way, too. - Steve Goodier
In the scriptures there is no such thing as righteous pride—it is always considered a sin. Therefore, no matter how the world uses the term, we must understand how God uses the term so we can understand the language of holy writ and profit thereby. - Ezra Taft Benson
Love is the overflow of joy in God that meets the needs of others - John Piper
Never underestimate the woman that holds God's pen. - Shannon L. Alder
A good example is like a bell that calls many to church. - Danish Proverb
We are Not Our thought , return to being in You and enjoy the Love that shared by the God(infinity). - Sushil Singh
A man who tosses worms in the river isn’t 't necessarily a friend of the fish. All the fish who take him for a friend, who think the worm’s got no hook in it, usually end up in the frying pan. - Malcolm X
The past is no good if you can't learn from it; therefore, no sense in dwelling on it. - Arians Karlovičs
You ever noticed how people who believe in Creationism look really un-evolved? You ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day". Yeah, looks like He rushed it - Bill Hicks
If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke. - Brendan Francis
Asking, "If there is no God, what is the purpose of life?" is like asking, "If there is no master, whose slave will I be?" If your purpose of life is to submit as a slave, then your meaning comes from flattering the ego of a person whom who should detest. - Dan Barker
Keep Moving...Move forwardLet go Give inDecideand just DoProgress every dayAnd make one step forward no matter what's in your wayKeep moving, till one day you wake up and you're there. - Emma Daley
By becoming the embodiment of His will, we make God real in the world - Sunday Adelaja
Culture does not make people. People make culture. if it is true that the full humanity of women is not our culture, then we can and must make it our culture. - chimamamanda Ngozie Adichie
We are all different. God made us that way. Drawing a line in the sand due to that is indeed unfortunate. - Jill Telford
God created the institution of marriage for mutual happiness and pleasure. - Sunday Adelaja
Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again. - Andre Gide
He is not great who is not greatly good. - William Shakespeare
I sometimes think that God, in creating man, overestimated His ability. - Oscar Wilde
It is pleasing to God whenever you rejoice or laugh from the bottom of your heart. - Martin Luther
At last started to play and she gestured to dance with me. As we slow danced I couldn’t tell what day or year it was. For all I know, Etta could have been singing it live. We danced like lovers do and as the song neared it’s melodic end, she whispered in my ear—I just got lost with you. - Kayko Tamaki
Hope and faith goes hand-in-hand, because without hope there is no faith. The same goes with want and needs, without any wants, there no need to have a need - Temitope Owosela
We cannot infer from prosperity that God is pleased with us, nor can we infer from adversity that he is displeased with us. - Wilson Benton
But that inadequacy, or feeling of inadequacy, never really goes away. You just have to trudge ahead in the rain, regardless. - Lorrie Moore
Celebrate every moment of your life. In one memorable day, you will be gone. - Lailah Gifty Akita
We are a pluralist civilisation because we allow mosques to be built in our countries, and we are not going to stop simply because Christian missionaries are thrown into prison in Kabul. If we did so, we, too, would become Taliban. - Umberto Eco
There was no one innocent amongst us, I realized then. We were all sinners, one way or the other. We hurt with our hands, with our mouths, or with our minds. But what matters was the ‘why’.~Eyes of a Goddess - Ukamaka Olisakwe
Long novels written today are perhaps a contradiction: the dimension of time has been shattered, we cannot love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes off along its own trajectory and immediately disappears. - Italo Calvino
We are bits of stellar matter that got cold by accident, bits of a star gone wrong. - Sir Arthur Eddington
When writing a novel that's pretty much entirely what life turns into: "House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day." - Neil Gaiman
Putting heart & soul & contributing to what you are good at... is only for that movement. All is forgotten & people sitting far a distance knowingly wouldn't accept the same. Ultimately we make no difference & ground zero reality is never taken into account. - Stephen Manoharan
Powerful words that penetrate the psyche are not forgotten while silence is. - Donna Lynn Hope
Trust God without limit! - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Wonders and signs are miracles of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The number of those who have nothing to recommend them and of those in whom nothing but good can be found is probably equal - Murasaki Shikibu
If 90% of the people, go straight to the hell.So, where do we live now. 11.05.12 - VicDo
My gosh, I love food. If I wasn’t an actor, I could be a completely different body shape right now. - Hugh Jackman
Every man ought to be supposed a knave, and to have no other end, in all his actions, but private interest. By this interest we must govern him, and by means of it, make him cooperate to public good, notwithstanding his unsatiable avarice and ambition. - Alexander Hamilton
Look too on this poor planet of ours,Torn by the storms of mysterious powers,Evil contending with good from its birth,Wrenching in battle the heartstrings of earth,—Ah! what infinities circle us here,Strangeness and wonderment swathing the sphere! - Martin Farquhar Tupper
Legislating morality grows big government immensely, and helps fashion the noose the government will use to ultimately hang you by. - A.E. Samaan
You are sitting! Want to be there? You can’t reach there by not going there! Sitting is the enemy of your dreams! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A foe to God was never true friend to man - Edward Young
No matter how good you are at planning, the pressure never goes away. So I don't fight it. I feed off it. I turn pressure into motivation to do my best. - Benjamin Carson
Human sin is stubborn, but not as stubborn as the grace of God and not half as persistent, not half so ready to suffer to win its way - James MacDonald
We keep hoping in God while reality keeps knocking at our door. - Shina Charles Memud
‎"If there is no discipline, there is anarchy. Good citizenship demands attention to responsibilities as well as rights. - Joe Clark
I love revisions…We can’t go back and revise our lives, but being allowed to go back and revise what we have written comes closest. - Katherine Paterson
Have you ever stopped to realize the disrespect that is afoot in our society? From the White House to God's House, and even Mom's house... Just remember that disrespect creates distance. How far have we strayed from home? - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
You cannot negotiate art. - Amit Kalantri
it is good to have wealth. It is great to leave in comfort. It is awesome to obtain possessions but, don't be too eager for material possessions for the same material possessions that bring joy are the same possessions that bring sorrow and pain and also leave a big had I know on our minds - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The Yogic scriptures say that God responds to the sacred prayers and efforts of human beings in any way whatsoever that mortals choose to worship - just so long as those prayers are sincere. - Elizabeth Gilbert
Youth is something very new: twenty years ago no one mentioned it. - Coco Chanel
Without a doubt, the most ingenious plan I could ever hope to devise would be to trade my plans for God’s. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
You breathe.You feel.You seeand hearand smelland tasteand thinkand moveand laughand weepand healand danceand singand love.Thank your mother. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Dirty politicians, corrupt leaders and thieves are sent to the Ugandan parliament and state house by lazy Ugandans who don’t go to vote. - Allan Amanyire
Resolutions: So many will fail; NOT because they didn't set goals, but because they didn't set behaviors. - Steve Maraboli
I don't get that, I mean, what's power? Let's say he suddenly becomes king of the world. What is he going to do with it that he can't do now? Is his food going to taste better? Is the weather going to be nicer? Will love feel better? I just don't understand that mentality. - Richard Paul Evans
Nothing beats effective communication because it clears all doubts, misunderstandings, accusations, rumour, insecurities, gossip, hearsay, etc. - Uzoma Nnadi
Out of the seven billion people sharing the planet with her, not one of them knew what was going through her head. Not one of them knew she was lost. Not one of them asked. - Amy Zhang
The world is governed more by appearances than realities, so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it. - Daniel Webster
As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefit of it? It liberates you from convention.
Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. in the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of better ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education. - Whitney Griswold
Remember, you are training your mind. You are either training to look for things to go wrong or you are training it to look for anything to go right. Train yourself to think only positive thoughts. - Karon Waddell
Good things don't happen to "good people"; good things happen to happy people. - Vivian Amis
Everybody's got plans...until they get hit.
If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library. - Frank Zappa
We owe God a "double debt" incurred by our passive receipt of Adam's debt but also by our active disobedience. The extent of our depravity is such that we also owe a "daring debt" because we challenge not only God's Law but His very grace as we blame Him that He has not done enough. - Foppe Vander Zwaag
The purpose of the gospel is to make bad men good and good men better, and to change human nature. - David O. McKay
If your eyes dwell in your heart; then your inner voice will be your congenial Guide. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Governments stand because people sit; if people stand, governments will sit! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good intentions and earnest effort are not enough. Only Jesus can make an otherwise futile life productive. - Charles R. Swindoll
Things which are accidentally the causes either of hope or fear are called good or evil omens. - Baruch Spinoza
The very places that we presume God not to be are the very places that are filled with His footprints and littered with His fingerprints. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A well-composed book is a magic carpet on which we are wafted to a world that we cannot enter in any other way. - Caroline Gordon
A thought, no matter how small and forgotten, always has an eternal impact on the Cosmos. Most times, we can only see the material and just about beyond the immediate, but if we could trace this thought through all Creation... well, it would be a whole universe in itself. - Adriano Bulla
Don’t ever feel bad that someone couldn’t give you all of their heart. Be grateful that you can take the least complicated part of their soul with you, wherever you go. This is more than some people will ever have. - Shannon L. Alder
In my life, I have but one anchor and that anchor is my God. I think if you look closely enough, you can even see it in my eyes, you'll see a strong place, an anchor. That is God. - C. JoyBell C.
Cakes have such a terrible habit of turning out bad just when you especially want them to be good. - L. M. Montgomery
Whenever you looked forward to anything pleasant you were sure to be more or less disappointed . . . perhaps that is true. But there is a good side to it too. The bad things don't always come up to your expectations either . . . they nearly always turn out ever so much better than you think. - L. M. Montgomery
Most people like to be rich, but they don’t know that the rich people are the unhappy bunch. Always marrying at least 3 times, always having drinking or drug problems and always think they are smartest one around, when in fact they can’t name 2 capitals from Europe without a Google search. - Mircea Popister
There is no elegance in hate, but there is tremendous beauty in the unintended revenge of living well and being happy. - Victoria Malin Gregory
So what we are right now is a pair of dickweeds in a hotel room in Sydney. My life is royally fucked up right now and from where I’m sitting, your life is even bloody worse. - Dave Gorman
Whoever is going to listen to the philosophers needs a considerable practice in listening. - Epictetus
Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. - William Feather
Do you have to regret spending money when you earn money? And when it is time to spend, you should be strong that you got the opportunity to pay off your debt. Income is one’s responsibility and expense is the means to clear off the responsibility. - Dada Bhagwan
Although it's good to have talent, character is so much important because bad character is an enemy for great talent. - Gugu Mona
There is no tomorrow and there was no yesterday; if you truly want to accomplish your goals you must engulf yourself in today. - Noel DeJesus
You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. - Charles Austin Beard
God is the light bulb, to where faith is the light switch. - Anthony Liccione
There is no joy in the soul that has forgotten what God prizes. - Oswald Chambers
If literature does one thing, it makes you more empathetic by making you live other lives and feel the pain of others. Ideologues don't feel the pain of others because they haven't imaginatively got under their skins. - Yann Martel
Live A Healthy Lifestyle By Creating Time For Good Nutrition - Dave Shepp
There is no book so bad it does not contain something good. - Pliny
Righteous indignation calls sin what it is. Bigotry is sin. Racism is sin. Oppression is sin. Control by fear is sin. Violence is sin. The quicker we can all admit that, the quicker the healing will begin. - Andrena Sawyer
Your heart is your life. What keeps you going and what gives you hope. So wherever it leads you, whatever or whoever it lives for. Keep the beat. - Robert Vanleeuwen
Unless we can predict the future, we shouldn't be worrying about things that haven't happened yet. We can place these thoughts in God's hands then let them go. - Ron Baratono
Best-selling horror fiction is indeed necessarily conservative because it must entertain a large number of readers. It’s like network television. I’m your local cable access station. - Thomas Ligotti
Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense.
When the mind stops searching, when it stops wanting refuge, when it no longer goes in search of security, when it no longer craves more books and information, when it ignores even the memory of desire, only then will Love arrive within. - Samael Aun Weor
So when it comes to Elvis and Joe, I have to trust my instincts, because they’ve gotten me here. And I have to write what I believe in, what I find moving. - Robert Crais
I got the bill foe my surgery. Now I know what those doctors were wearing masks for.
The good writing of any age has always been the product of someone's neurosis, and we'd have mighty dull literature if all the writers that came along were a happy bunch of chuckleheads. - William Styron
GreenHollyWood asked me "How I sleep?", after all, after this horror and terror. The truth is that I close the one eye 1-2 seconds go and then the other... and I sleep. To to don't forget, if we will be friends I enjoy the horror..., I like to see myself scared!? - Deyth Banger
Love without truth and honor is licentious in nature. Love without commitment is promiscuous and fleeting. Love without virtue and understanding is savage and selfish. Love without respect is short-lived. Love without these conditions is without God. - David W. Stevens
Worship the work not the God, because work is God. - Amit Kalantri
Hitch your wagon to a star. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
PENITENT, adj. Undergoing or awaiting punishment. - Ambrose Bierce
In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. - Anne Frank
How many good ideas have you let go because you didn't believe in yourself? You have to believe to achieve! - Tony Curl
Go for your goal, be ambitious. Do what you dream, unlock your wishes. - Aaron David
Jesus is God's way of refusing to give up his dream for the world. - Rob Bell
Reading leads to good conduct - Lailah Gifty Akita
Even if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, keep to your own side; it's where you belong. There you can plant your own grass and tend to it. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Word of the day- kakistocracy. From the Greek meaning government by the worst persons, least qualified or most unprincipled. - Peggy Noonan
In the world we live in, you will be warned ironically when you kill yourself, but will be killed literally when you heal yourself - Goitsemang Mvula
Let it go to have it forever. - Debasish Mridha
The good times are killing me - Modest Mouse
You're who you are and if people don't like who you are, all they're going to get is who you are. - Avril Lavigne
A ritual becomes the match that lights the kindred celebration candle of sacred moments long ago… tantalizing these entombed spirits to surface again. - Wes Adamson
God always exalts the humble. - Sunday Adelaja
Putting in effort is like riding a bicycle on train tracks, you will get to where you want to go but you will feel every bump along the way. - Davis Levy
I can understand companionship. I can understand bought sex in the afternoon. I cannot understand the love affair. - Gore Vidal
When one does a thing, it appears good, otherwise one would not write it. Only later comes reflection, and one discards or accepts the thing. Time is the best censor, and patience a most excellent teacher. - Frédéric Chopin
Remember the good hours when the words are flowing well. And never mind the bad hours; there is no life without them. - Herman Wouk
I truly understood the meaning of hope. It is something much bigger than anything physical we may desire. It’s about raising our eyes from a point on the horizon to the heavens and into eternity. And it’s about relying on God’s grace to do it, no matter what the cost. - Laura Sobiech
Once men sang together round a table in chorus; now one man sings alone, for the absurd reason that he can sing better. If our civilization goes on like this, only one man will laugh, because he can laugh better than the rest. - G.K. Chesterton
Trials are used by God to teach you dependence on His grace rather than on your strength. - Jim George
The most important question I ever asked a priest was where are the Bingo Dobbers at? - Stabley Victor Paskavich
Seek God, but you will not find Him with your eyes;you will find Him with your heart. Listen to the wise, but you will not hear them with your ears;you will hear them with your heart. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You can't expect a boy to be depraved until he has been to a good school.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. - C. S. Lewis
Let us grant that the pursuit of mathematics is a divine madness of the human spirit, a refuge from the goading urgency of contingent happenings. - Alfred North Whitehead
Twitter is a serious writing distraction. As are grapefruits. The two have nothing else in common. - Richelle E. Goodrich
... It's the rareGod who needs less stroking that a rockStar or poetician ... - Alice Fulton
Sailboats with they were stars, floating softly through the sky, among our dreams that pay goodbye. - Adam Young
Some children were lucky enough to have their Potter novels banned by witch-hunting school boards and micromanaging ministers. Is there any greater job than a book you're not allowed to read, a book you could go to hell for reading? - Ann Patchett
Every work you do should be done unto the Lord and your love to God must show in the quality of your product - Sunday Adelaja
Speech is the mirror of the mind. (Imago Animi Sermo Est) - Seneca
There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit. - Ronald Reagan
It is not about doing what we feel like. It is about doing what God says. - Joyce Meyer
With your own hands you can achieve much;with God's hands you can achieve countless. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The game of life is not much in holding a good hand, as in playing a poor hand well.
A year ago, you fell into my arms and I felt some crazy connection to you. I'm sure as hell not good enough for you, and I'm sure as hell not making any promises, but I'm damn sure you were worth waiting for. - Victoria James
Marriage is a very good thing, but I think it’s a mistake to make a habit of it. - W. Somerset Maugham
love same body who love you - Parragon Publishing
And then we ease him out of that worn-out body with a kiss, and he's gone like a whisper, the easiest breath. - Mark Doty
Just go on reading, as well as you can, and be sure that when the children get the thrill of the story, for which you wait, they will be asking more questions, and pertinent ones, than you are able to answer. - Arthur Quiller-Couch
God gave us the gift of life. It is the most precious gift ever. To be unarmed is to be helpless to protect that gift; that is outright irresponsible. - Ted Nugent
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Begin with a new goal and with a new enthusiasm to create abundance in your life. - Debasish Mridha
To respond to anger is to attempt to slay a dragon with a wet noodle.The best you can do is hope the anger remembers the love.~ - Bluenscottish
Do you feel that? It is a calm shift in the wind. Do you hear that? It is a soft whisper of hope. Do you see that? It is the divine hand of guidance, mercifully extended to aid our good fight. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Not upholding a persons legal rights is a form of abuse. Unfortunately, USA government abuse of the general public is a normal state of affairs in many areas. - Steven Magee
A goal without action is like a late night dream. - Debasish Mridha
Saat memutuskan buat jatuh cinta, lo juga membuka kemungkinan cinta kelak akan berbalik nyakitin lo. - Good Fight - Christian Simamora
Good friends are divine instruments. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The ceiling is not a good limit;it prevents you from reaching the sky.The sky is not a favorable limit;it hinders you from reaching the stars.The stars are not an acceptable limit;they impede you from reaching the edge of the universe. - Matshona Dhliwayo
We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck... But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness. - Ellen Goodman
I like to read fairytales. They make my imagination go wild, and I wander in fairyland. - Debasish Mridha
Me too. Do you want to meet me at the golf course after you get off work tomorrow? Then we can see each other all afternoon.""That sounds good."Which it did. But even if she'd said "Do you want to meet me at the surface of the sun?" I'd still have agreed to it. - Mindi Scott
God isn't about making good things happen to you, or bad things happen to you. He's all about you making choices--exercising the gift of free will. God wants you to have good things and a good life, but He won't gift wrap them for you. You have to choose the actions that lead you to that life. - Jim Butcher
As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task.
Beauty exists not in what is seen and remembered, but in what is felt and never forgotten. - Johnathan Jena
One day people will come back. they won't be able to help themselves. People need music and dance and beautiful things. They forget sometimes, but not forever. You'll see. One day, this will be a magical place again. With music and dance and good times and people celebrating. - Nadia Aguiar
Everybody’s gotta learn, nobody’s born knowing. - Harper Lee
What can you expect from a stupid government? Anything good? Anything useful, anything clever? Anything just? No! You can expect nothing but stupidity, nothing but mistakes, nothing but injustices and tragedies! All a stupid government can do is to produce wrecks and debris! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A life live with God in the center of our being, overflows with joy. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The name of the regime where media is on the side of the government is undoubtedly fascism, a regime of the sick minds where freedoms are drowned in the cold waters of oppressions! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Donald Rumsfeld. Love him or hate him, you've gotta admit: a lot of people hate him. - Jon Stewart
We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everyhwere. - Tim McGraw
As a writer, I see the saga of your life in a single glimpse. It may be inaccurate, but my version doesn't lack for creativity. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Who do you need to forgive? Letting go of what you have been holding onto will bring energy to everything good you want to bring into your life. - Eileen Anglin
The God who loved us enough to die for us when we cared nothing for him is not about to shortchange us in life. - Paul E. Little
Beware of the half truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half. - Unknown
I believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and in honest competition. I believe there is something doing somewhere, for every man ready to do it. I believe I'm ready, RIGHT NOW. - Elbert Hubbard
You realize how much you love someone once that someone is gone…gone forever, and you are filled with regret and sadness. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
Gods do have their divisions thanks to man. Jesus Christ is the Christian God, Allah the Muslim and so on. As a convent student, I thought God was English till the Sanskrit mantras became somewhat comprehensible. - Andy Paula
As long as anyone believes that his ideal and purpose is outside him, that it is above the clouds, in the past or in the future, he will go outside himself and seek fulfillment where it cannot be found. He will look for solutions and answers at every point except where they can be found--in himself.
We can only find those faults in others that already exist within us, and the same goes for those things we admire about them. - Stephen Richards
Even those, who some time ago believed all the stories about God, that is who believed that divine power exists, have now come to be so ashamed of their own belief, hiding their ignorance, they are now struggling hard to prove those stories as scientifically true. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
I think music is what language once aspired to be. Music allows us to face God on our own terms because it reaches beyond life. - Simon Van Booy
No state, no government exists. What does in fact exist is a man, or a few men, in power over many men. - Rose Wilder Lane
The longer she spent in America, the better she had become at distinguishing, sometimes from looks and gait, but mostly from bearing and demeanor, that fine-grained mark that culture stamps on people. (Chapter 17) - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Every good thing in the Christian life grows in the soil of humility. Without humility, every virtue and every grace withers. That’s why Calvin said humility is first, second, and third in the Christian faith. - John Piper
We are all poor in the face of God's majesty. Not all of us realise it. - Radhe Maa
In your clothes avoid too much gaudiness; do not value yourself upon an embroidered gown; and remember that a reasonable word, or an obliging look, will gain you more respect than all your fine trappings. - Sir George Savile
Expectations ruin the pleasures of life. To overcome every bad and appreciate every good, consider every day your last and take no one for granted. - Nael Gharzeddine
If any man's money can be taken by a so-called government, without his own personal consent, all his other rights are taken with it; for with his money the government can, and will, hire soldiers to stand over him, compel him to submit to its arbitrary will, and kill him if he resists. - Lysander Spooner
Focus on your goals, not your fear. - Roy Bennett
...a revolution of government is the strongest proof that can be given by a people of their virtue and good sense. - John Adams
Dictatorship is without a doubt the most satisfying form of government...as long as I'm the dictator.
On the sixth day god created man,on the seventh day man created god.Now we are even. - A.J. Beirens
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost. - Dalai Lama XIV
There is something deep within us that sobs at endings. Why, God, does everything have to end? Why does all nature grow old? Why do spring and summer have to go? - Joe L. Wheeler
I used to tell young preachers, in order to preach you've got to have the power of God on your life. Now I tell them, in order to tie your shoes you've got to have the power of God on your life. - Paul David Washer
Anticipating death and calling it gain, Christians are evangelists of the grotesque. The very hope of the Gospel rests directly upon our ability to imagine a world in which suffering serves as the soil from which resurrection springs. - Ben Palpant
I have never known a novel that was good enough to be good in spite of its being adapted to the author's political views. - Edith Wharton
Look! A trickle of water running through some dirt! I'd say our afternoon just got booked solid! - Bill Watterson
remember when God has answered you, it no longer matters who has been against you but for Him to answer you and change your story, you have to make up your mind to disobey the wrong order, change the status quo and BE DIFFERENT! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
A good song should life your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good. - Colbie Caillat
I think you’re just as emotionally unavailable as I am. I avoid men because I’m afraid I’ll lose my heart, and you go from girl to girl to keep from giving yours away. - Ann Everett
Irony of life GOD will always make you do things which you never want to. - Aman Jassal
Waves in an ocean remind us that just as they come and go, we too will. What matters is did we make a good splash before leaving? - RVM
Are you going to come quietly, or do I have to use earplugs? - Spike Milligan
All we’ve got left to protect here is a system that’s set up to promote the meanest possibilities in human nature and make them look good. - William Gaddis
We are bound to meet wrong things for wrong things are bound to meet us but, when things go wrong, don't be wrong, let things be wrong - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If you are a dreamer come inIf you are a dreamer a wisher a liarA hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyerIf youre a pretender com sit by my fireFor we have some flax golden tales to spinCome in! Come in! - Shel Silverstein
Church was never meant to be a place for gods to gather, but for devils wanting to shed their horns for halos. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Poverty was not created by God. It is we who have caused it, you and I through our egotism. - Mother Teresa
Hey, I write fiction. I just make this stuff up, unless I get my hands on some good juicy truth. You know the kind I'm talking about ... that stranger-than variety. - Dick Peterson
While police officers who blatantly shaft the common people believe that they are God, they are the Devil to those that they wrong. - Steven Magee
Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
It seems to me, Golan, that the advance of civilization is nothing but an exercise in the limiting of privacy.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I have never heard anyone say, 'Oh, ick! A horse! - Elinor Goulding Smith
The more a nation gets into darkness, the more it's going to hate the light. The more it's going to run from the light. And we have a generation of people who have given themselves to darkness, and they've embraced atheism, because it gets them away from moral responsibility to God. - Ray Comfort
Your RELIGION does not make you a good person. Your BEHAVIOR does. - Tanya Masse
As my creator, God knows better than I do what will truly make me happy. - Paula Hendricks
..And i can't get you out of my mind,God knows how hard I've tried - Toni Braxton
Do you know whether or not you are in God's grace?Joan: If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me. - Jeanne d'Arc
Remember, your goals are your goals. People may not want to go as far as you. - Troy Gathers
Fear leads to death as the window to the courtyard. Jump! - Grigoris Deoudis
REJECTION is kind of your negative ILLUSION which has no value but it’s give you a CLUE to go for next level of your ACTION. - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
A dream can be remarkable and alluring, that is why I chase it hoping that one day something good would happen! - Maddy
What in your life is calling you,When all the noise is silenced,The meetings adjourned...The lists laid aside,And the Wild Iris bloomsBy itselfIn the dark forest...What still pulls on your soul?—RUMI - Robin Gregory
A Spaniard and a Pole worked in the barbershop where we got our hair cut. An Italian shined our shoes. A Croat washed our car. This was America. - Ilya Ilf
It is impossible to go through life without trust: That is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself. - Graham Greene
A gun is to your head and you have one phone call. If they answer, You die. If they don't, you're free. Who are you calling ? - -uchenna Durugo
Government succeeds by failing. - L.K. Samuels
Better a good journalist than a poor assassin. - Jean-Paul Sartre
Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow. - Anita Desai
God is merciful to those who want to love Him and who have placed their hopes in Him. - Francis de Sales
A positive attitude leads to a positive action, which then yields a positive result. That’s how the cycle always goes. Nothing seems to be too difficult for people blessed with positive mindsets. - Kevin J. Donaldson
God is knowledge. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions. - Thomas Jefferson
The man who cannot obey God cannot say that he loves or trusts his Master. If God knows best then how dare we interfere with His will? - Alan de Jager
It doesn't matter if the water is cold or warm if you're going to have to wade through it anyway. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Be knowledgeable, but not realistic! - Goran Spasa
Nobody can keep on being angry if she looks into the heart of a pansy for a little while. - L.M. Montgomery
I came trusting them. They beat me with rods of dullness. They don't know, they don't understand how agonizing their complacent dullness is. Like ants and August sun on a wound." - Carol Kennicott - Sinclair Lewis
To love life is to love God. - Leo Tolstoy
Home is where you can go and rest and be nothing - Marty Rubin
The past is our definition. We may strive with good reason to escape it or to escape what is bad in it but we will escape it only by adding something better to it. - Wendell Berry
Pray as if everything depended upon God and work as if everything depended upon man. - Francis Cardinal Spellman
Spiritual pain is when you can’t stand another moment not knowing the real truth, and when you finally do know you can’t let go. - Shannon L. Alder
In the midst of the vagaries of life, they provide us a trip to the land of goodness and fairies, of imaginations and possibilities.A childhood that wasn't spent watching cartoons or reading comic strips, no wonder, seems too dull to imagine. - Sanhita Baruah
Who makes you Storyteller? You do. You are. Go play. - Will Hindmarch
Life itself has an incomparable ability to test your wits that you won’t require anything extra or don’t have to go anywhere outside your space to get them tested. Aniruddha. - Aniruddha Sastikar
They have a special confidence in Christ, plus thoughtfulness plus faithfulness plus humility: for there are no things, in all creation, more beautiful, more rare than the so very disciplined and free, joyful and principled daughters of God. - Criss Jami
Story is more akin to the lines on your palm. No matter what your fortuneteller claims, the lines are not maps of your future. They are side effects of the flexion of the hand. - Jonathan Gottschall
There is love in holding and there is love in letting go. Elizabeth Berg, The Year of Pleasures - Madelon Phillips
Genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. - Charles Spencer
Stephanie, I'm begging you. Eat some doughnuts. I can't keep going like this." - Morelli - Janet Evanovich
As that great philosopher, Mary Poppins, once said, 'A spoonful of sugar makes the feminism go down. - Irene Ziegler
A good conscience is an epitome of good life and a true standard of living - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The name of the new religion," said Rumfoord, "is The Church of God the Utterly Indifferent. - Kurt Vonnegut
I know there is only oneGovernorOfDeities. - Toba Beta
When I'm good, I'm very, very good. When I'm bad, I'm better. - Mae West
Most people that I know who go to church actually go there to twist the arms of God so that he can get all the discomfort away from them. - Sunday Adelaja
You will never get the same from people you expect, Better ask to god he will you more than that, Because in his world ego and attitude doesn't mean anything. - Paul karan
[about a hat] You can put it on and say, "Hey you, person without a hat! I've got something you don't! How did I get it? Probably by being worth more to society. - Alice LeGrow
That's all I wanted to do as a kid. Play a guitar properly and jump around. But too many people got in the way. - Syd Barrett
Beware of the man whose God is in the skies. - George Bernard Shaw
If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest need was forgiveness, God sent us a Savior.
Aerodynamically the bumble bee should not be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway. - Mary Kay Ash
Dear God, you created us in your likeness, our hearts are uneasy until they find you - From the film - Sophie Scholl
Among the great struggles of man-good/evil, reason/unreason, etc.-there is also this mighty conflict between the fantasy of Home and the fantasy of Away, the dream of roots and the mirage of the journey. - Salman Rushdie
My father always used to say that when you die, if you've got five real friends, then you've had a great life. - Lee Iacocca
Sometimes all we have to do is make the simple choice to stop being angry or fearful in order to discover the infinite wonders of the Universe that await us behind a door we shut long ago. - Molly Friedenfeld
A good editor can make a respectable writer remarkable, just like a good parent helps a child become amazing. - Justin Alcala
Your life can't go according to plan if you have no plan.
The soul hardly ever realizes it, but whether he is a believer or not, his loneliness is really a homesickness for God. - Hubert Van Zeller
Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated. - G.K. Chesterton
God seemed to be having a hard time killing him, and he'd be damned if he was going to make the job easy for mere mortals - Mario Puzo
When it comes to politics, "the facts far exceed our curiosity.""...A few executives here and there read them. The rest of us ignore them for the good and sufficient reason that we have other things to do.... - Walter Lippmann
It turns out that knowing how loved we are by God makes all the difference in the kind of people we will become. - Jonathan Martin
Books are like blind dates; some good, some not, some leave you wanting more - Nanette L. Avery
If you don't take care of this the most magnificent machine that you will ever be given...where are you going to live? - Karyn Calabrese
A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENTStomach-ache can be a curse;heart-ache may be even worse;so thank Heaven on your kneesif you've got but one of these. - Piet Hein
God gave us the grace and ability to work, because it is only through work we can resolve national issues. - Sunday Adelaja
We're the most aggressively inarticulate generation to come along since, you know, a long time ago! - Taylor Mali
Let's dispel a little myth. Working hard is NOT the key to success. It may be an ingredient, but it isn't the main one. - Tim Fargo
If all of our sins, bad habits, and poor choices were permanently inked into our skin like tattoos, we would all dress quite modestly. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Tourism, human circulation considered as consumption is fundamentally nothing more than the leisure of going to see what has become banal. - Guy Debord
What is history? An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past. - Victor Hugo
Life is a miracle and your most important goal in life is to protect this miracle. You have one more goal which is as important as this one and that is to protect the other miracles, the lives of others! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Did you see the frightened ones,Did you hear the falling bombs,Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter in the promise of a brave new world unfurlled beaneath the clear blue skies.Good bye blue skies. - Roger Waters
Do we always do the things that God would take pleasure, or that we do things we think God would take pleasure. - Jestoni Revealed
I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle. It wasn't mine. - Rita Rudner
Che significa che devo avere l'approvazione di qualcuno? Io sono qualcuno. Io approvo. Quindi do il permesso a me stesso di andare avanti con il mio pieno supporto. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I believe that there are parts to human nature that cannot be reached by either legislation or education, but require the power of God to deal with. - Stephen R. Covey
Look here, said Will. When a man comes to me for advice about an idea, I know he doesn’twant advice. He wants me to agree with him. And if I want to keep his friendship I tell him his idea isfine and go ahead. But I like you and you’re a friend of my family, so I’m going to stick my neck out. - John Steinbeck
A non government sites has been launched by Kumar and I am the founder of the jobinos.in websites. I collect latest various Govt jobs vacancy opening news from Newspaper,Magazines,Govt employment Agency and other third party sources, this would be by online or off line. - Rajeev
The cure for writer's cramp is writer's block. - Inigo DeLeon
The triune God exercises total government over all things, and He requires us as His image-bearers to exercise government in Christ in our own spheres in terms of His law. - Rousas John Rushdoony
Enjoy good moments while they last, then make sure they're not the last - Constance Friday
A real woman's blood pressure will go up when another man touch her, in anger of me losing my dignity and not because she likes it. - Unarine Ramaru
Thank God I have seen an orange sky with purple clouds. - Erica Goros
I'm gonna sit around here, stay away from there I'm gonna make pretend I just don't care. I could get up, go get her back or maybe I'll just let her go.Something beyond Love...lines from Love Vs Destiny... - Atul Purohit
I play the fiddle....I'm not much to listen to yet, but we got no mice in our house. - Annie Proulx
The Christian worldview, contra-postmodernism, understands language not as a Self-referential, merely human and ultimately arbitrary system of signs that is reducible to contingent cultural factors, but it has the gift of a rational God entrusted to beings made in his own image and likeness. - Douglas Groothuis
Those who will not reason are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.
A relationship isn't going to make me survive. It's the cherry on top. - Jennifer Aniston
The more you can have control over your ego rather than let it run amuck, the more successful you’ll be in all areas of life. - Roy T. Bennett
Dreams are tawdry when compared with the leading of God, and not worthy of the aura of wonder we usually surround them with. God only doeth wonders. He does nothing else. His hand can work nothing less. - Jim Elliot
the government bailed out the corporate sector. while the people thay supported the government financally, were ignored and left to fend for themselves. is this what you call democracy? - Jeffrey Fischer
For me, it's that I contributed, ... That I'm on this planet doing some good and making people happy. That's to me the most important thing, that my hour of television is positive and upbeat and an antidote for all the negative stuff going on in life. - Ellen DeGeneres
Poets and intellectuals...are the ones the tyrants go after first. - Frederick Smock
Best memories never hurt, with good memories an individual can pass his whole life without depending on others... - Ritesh Shrivastav
A man who smiles when he falls gives the Devil a good slap! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I took a breath and let it go and suddenly the air was crisper and my lungs lighter and suddenly there was him saying my name in different ways and I catch myself throwing glances in the mirror, seeing someone I don’t know quite yet but I can’t wait to, and that is the start of everything. - Charlotte Eriksson
All of us learn to write in the second grade. Most of us go on to greater things. - Bobby Knight
I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves. - August Strindberg
The goodness you receive from God is a treasure for you to share with others. - Elizabeth George
Single Ladies Tip: No man is too busy to go after a woman that he really wants, he will make time even if it is 2 minutes. #NoMoreCrumbs - Samantha Gregory
I have rightfully no other business each day but to do God's work as a servant, constantly regarding His pleasure. May I have grace to live above every human motive, simply with God and to God. - Henry Martyn
What you choose to do in this life will surely affect you in the next... Just do good, even when it's very hard to do so. It's your soul that's on the line. - R.D. Gennari
Cogito ergo dim sum. (Therefore I think these are pork buns.) - Robert Byrne
Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours.
do something good...rape your self before your lifes next attempt....! - Rahul Ghosh
Show me an objective worthy of war and I will go along with you. - Otto Von Bismarck
You have to work at having quality in your church, because people that are influential in your city may be God’s instruments for resolving all kinds of problems that will most surely come up in the future. - Sunday Adelaja
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. - Thomas Carlyle
Question with boldness even the existence of aGod; because, if there be one, he must more approve ofthe homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. - Thomas Jefferson
I suspect that in every good marriage there are times when love seems to be over. Sometimes these desert lines are simply the only way to the next oasis, which is far more lush and beautiful after the desert crossing than it could possibly have been without it. - Madeleine L'Engle
Challenges lead to Growth,Grow matures ones daily living,Living a good life expedites....Wisdom - Vernetta Norman
Those who take responsibility for their actions are the real winners in life. Winners meet life challenges and head on, knowing there are no gurantees, and give it all they've got, and never think it's too late, or too early to begin. - Anonymous
Join hands with other protagonists of love and peace and become a love commander. - Pooja Ruprell
mankind is resilient: the atrocities that horrified us a week ago become acceptable tomorrow. - Joseph Heller
The art of civil conversation begins at birth. Then goes from the dinner table to the schoolroom, to interaction among friends, to the work place, and on to other places where all manner of social interactions are required. - Cindy Ann Peterson
Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser. - Donald Trump
A thousand years ago, everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, they knew the Earth was flat. Fifteen minutes ago, you knew we humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow. - Tommy Lee Jones
Además no es tan malo vivir solo. Yo la paso bien, decidiendo a cada instante lo que quiero hacer, y gracias a la soledad me conozco; algo fundamental para vivir - Facundo Cabral
Envision in your mind what you expect from life, focus on your plan... whether good or bad you can anticipate its arrival. The choice is then yours to accept it. - Mark W. Boyer
We have inexhaustible resources to achieve the goal. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The Sufis advise us to speak only after our words have managed to pass through three gates. At the first gate we ask ourselves, Are these words true? If so, we let them pass on; if not, back they go. At the second gate we ask, Are they necessary? At the last gate we ask, Are they kind?
People don't believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. - Seth Godin
There is a system alright, but the actual element of education has long gone. - Abhijit Naskar
Let's take off the masks and get real so we can get it right with God. - Undena Y. Leake Jackson
Good novel are written by people who are not frightened. - George Orwell
Ill fares the land, to hast'ning ill a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay; Princes and Lords may flourish, or may fade: A breath can make them, as a breath has made; but a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyed can never be supplied. - Oliver Goldsmith
To know what should be going on in a household: spend a few minutes with the wife, or, the husband. To know what’s really going on: spend a few minutes with their kid(s). - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Christians sometimes make themselves into elephants afraid of mice. You have the Creator of the universe on your side; not to mention, you've been given eternal life. 'Whom or what shall you fear?' To be afraid of anything other than God himself is like an insult to God. - Criss Jami
Just as good and virtue, sin and evil can only be given in vigil. Who sleeps, sleeps; for the asleep there is no sin, just as there is no good, nor virtue. There is only sleep. - Judas Iscariot The Flight of the Feathered Serpent
I'm fully aware that some of the stuff I write is going to offend people or p*ss them off. They should be fully aware that I don't really care. - Briana Blair
When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers. - Oscar Wilde
When you let go of past pain, believe in yourself, and follow your dreams—you can find true happiness! - Casi McLean
When standing face to face with myself, I far too often refuse to look in the mirror. When standing face to face with God, there is no place where a mirror is not. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We always desire peace yet we prepare to go to war. - Debasish Mridha
The world, control phones, don't you think??? But not only phones everything, the world time and how is build make you angry and nerves. Good moments pass fast, bad pass slow, but WHY?? It's th right question? - Deyth Banger
We may say that the characters in fairytales are ‘good to think with’…[and that] the job of the fairytale is to show that Why? questions cannot be answered except in one way: by telling the stories. The story does not contain the answer, it is the answer. - Brian Wicker
Destiny and efforts both go hand in hand. - Nausheen Khan
MANICHEISM, n. The ancient Persian doctrine of an incessant warfare between Good and Evil. When Good gave up the fight the Persians joined the victorious Opposition. - Ambrose Bierce
The hobgoblin of a little mind may be the genius of a great one. - Hermester Barrington
Love is the substance with which God created the omniverse. - Stefan Emunds
In spite of where we were, how we had gotten here and why we had come, I felt that at this moment of our lives, this place was exactly where we belonged. We were not drifting but rising, rising toward something right and of significance. - Dean Koontz
BOTANY, n. The science of vegetables -- those that are not good to eat, as well as those that are. It deals largely with their flowers, which are commonly badly designed, inartistic in color, and ill- smelling. - Ambrose Bierce
Even though God rules in the affairs of men, yet the earth is not God’s jurisdiction. - Sunday Adelaja
Where once I prayed for forgiveness from a father God who held up huge palms and said Thou shalt not, now I find peace with a sister god who takes my open hands in hers and says, You will. - Betsy Cornwell
What then remains, but well our power to use,And keep good humour still whate’er we lose?And trust me, dear, good humour can prevail,When airs, and flights, and screams, and scolding fail.Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll;Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul - Alexander Pope
Behold, we know not anything;I can but trust that good shall fallAt last -- far off -- at last, to all,And every winter change to spring. - Alfred Tennyson
Most talk of a catholic spirit but it is only till they have been brought into the pale of their own church. This is downright sectarianism, not Catholicism. How can I act consistently, unless I receive and love all the children of God, whom I esteem to be such, of whatever denomination they may be? - George Whitefield
So when the moon's only partly full, you only feel a little wolfy?" "You could say that.""Well, you can go ahead and hang your head out the car window if you feel like it.""I'm a werewolf, not a golden retriever. - Cassandra Clare
We do good works, not in order to be saved, but because we are saved; not in order to earn God's favor, but with the favor of His help. - Alex Brett Harris
When you do a good job, you'll feel like people are bothering you. If you have a product that's interesting enough, then people will come to you. - Joanna Angel
You can never go wrong by doing what’s right. - Paul T. Clark
Just you wait till I’m a vampire! I’m not going to be sitting on the sidelines next time. - Stephenie Meyer
It is not solely or chiefly in virtue of the divine image that man effectively resembles God, but in virtue of his consciousness of being an image and the movement whereby the soul, passing in a way through itself, avails itself of the factual resemblance in order to attain to God. - Étienne Gilson
A kind word will never replace the conversation that God has prompted you to repeatedly have. - Shannon L. Alder
Oh judge! Your damn laws! The good people don't need them, and the bad people don't obey them. - Ammon Hennacy
Access to unlimited funds by a government, not surprisingly, leads to an unlimited government. - Orrin Woodward
Progress and motion are not synonymous. - Tim Fargo
There's nothing so contagious in a boat as rivets going. - Rudyard Kipling
You've got your phenomenon on one hand. Concrete and knowable. On the other hand you've got the incomprehensible. You call it God, but to me, God or no, it remains just that, the unknowable. - Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
What is the end of our revolution? The tranquil enjoyment of liberty and equality; the reign of that eternal justice, the laws of which are graven, not on marble or stone, but in the hearts of men, even in the heart of the slave who has forgotten them, and in that of the tyrant who disowns them. - Maximilien Robespierre
I've always been led to believe that the ultimate goal for an author is the movie deal. Now I understand that the movie deal is merely a MEANS TO A MUCH HIGHER END: NAIL POLISH. - Kristin Cashore
Disregard for the past will never do us any good. Without it we cannot know truly who we are. - Syd Moore
When an idea is wanting, a word can always be found to take its place. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What makes the engine go?Desire, desire, desire. - Stanley Kunitz
Men trust God by risking rejection. Women trust God by waiting. - Carolyn McCulley
It's true. I've seen it when the crescent moon shone bright on a cold, dark night. The darker the night, the brighter God's smile. - Anusha Atukorala
Why wait to forgive and let go only after you have sufficiently wallowed in your despair? Why not forgive and let go now? - Kamand Kojouri
Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo
She got icing all over her face. I think that's why I like her. For the good stuff, she's willing to get icing all over her face. Who wouldn't want a girl like that? - Laura Ruby
The world is right because I feel good.p. 83, Awareness, copyright 1990 - Anthony de Mello
But sometimes the lies we let ourselves believe are for our own good. - Rob Thomas
If Waterboarding is okay, then why don't we let our police do it to criminals so they can find out what they know? Because it's against the law. If we're not going to be a country that stand's for the rule of law, when it's convenient or inconvenient, then what DO we stand for. - Jesse Ventura
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . Then he said, "Let there be light." Which means he made the entire universe in the dark! How fucking good is that? He's brilliant. - Ricky Gervais
Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts. - James Beard
Thank God for daily grace. - Lailah Gifty Akita
People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take. - Emma Goldman
Good heart, good spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Memory results from a process of continual re-categorization which, by its nature, must be procedural and involve continual motor activity and repeated rehearsal. - Gerald Edelman
Some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, but that does not always mean they are supposed to get it back. - Stephan Labossiere
My wallpaper and i are fighting a duel to death. One or the other has to go. - Oscar Wilde
Love is not blind because God is not blind and God is love - siphesihle manzini
If I can trust the word of a friend, why do I question the word of the God of the universe? Go figure. Sin is truly bizarre." [Running Scared, p. 111] - Edward T. Welch
Good manners sometimes means simply putting up with other people's bad manners.
For nature does things in good order: And birds and butterflies recognizeNo man-made border - Ruskin Bond
Your Sacrifices Create The Run Way For Your Blessings, It Has To Be A Sacrifice From You To Attract God's Attention - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Sanity is a madness put to good use. - George Santayana
With the world's fate resting on your shoulder - you're gonna need someone on your side.You can't do it by yourself any longer - you're gonna need someone on your side. - Morrissey
Good fiction’s job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. - David Foster Wallace
Slang is a language that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands and goes to work. - Carl Sandburg
The Gospel is not a mere message of deliverance, but a canon of conduct; it is not a theology to be accepted, but it is ethics to be lived. It is not to be believed only, but it is to be taken into life as a guide. - Alexander MacLaren
Sometimes we are so caught up in the disappointment of plans gone astray that we fail to recognize the potentially new options that might now exist. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Wisdom is better than an inheritance;knowledge is worth more than gold. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good. - Robert Graves
Engineering is an activity other than purely manual and physical work which brings about the utilization of the materials and laws of nature for the good of humanity. - R. E. Hellmund
Anger is never without Reason, but seldom with a good One. - Benjamin Franklin
Quiet Days, they look at you, and you will become one with the holy river - nature forms a symbiotic relationship - absolute infinity, truly found, in harmonious caressing arms. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
I go to seek a Great Perhaps. - François Rabelais
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. - George Washington
The true voice is a good spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
To accomplish your goals and purposes in life you must be constantly refreshed by Him. - Sunday Adelaja
I fear one day I'll meet God, he'll sneeze and I won't know what to say - Ronnie Shakes
the serpent if it wants to become the dragon must eat itself. - Francis Bacon
I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center. - Kurt Vonnegut
Stop and say something good about yourself! Believe what you have just said! Pray for what you have just believed! Have faith for what you just prayed for! Work out that faith! ...and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you! - Israelmore Ayivor
I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day. - Abraham Lincoln
Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! - John Wesley
You just go on your nerve. - Frank O'Hara
Angka dua untuk daya yang dikenal sebagai Yin dan Yang - setara dan berlawanan; mereka menyatukan alam semesta ini bersama-sama (Putri Yangxin-Garden of The Purple Dragon) - Carole Wilkinson
You cannot teach creativity—how to become a good writer. But you can help a young writer discover within himself what kind of writer he would like to be. - Mario Vargas Llosa
I'd rather die fighting over great poets than over gods. - Salman Rushdie
The great danger... in believing yourself especially chosen is that it becomes easy to view those who are not your people as God's especially unchosen.
Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Memory The tick tock tick tocks goes the clockThe memory in my heart not aged but I am aged,As the tick tock tick tock goes on. - Sarvesh Murthi .D.D
A psychic reading is not just about career opportunities, good fortune or meeting tall, dark strangers. It is a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny. - Anthon St. Maarten
Somos o que pensamos, e dizemos aquilo que pensamos com palavras. Se as palavras são tão mal usadas, deturpadas, mal pronunciadas muitas vezes, que pensamento podem expressar? Isso é frustrante. - José Saramago
all his prayers of the past had been simple concrete requests: God, give me a bicycle, a knife with seven blades, a box of oil paints. Only how, how, could you say something so indefinite, so meaningless as this: God, let me be loved. - Truman Capote
It wasn't until I was 37 that I grasped the great truth that you've got to write your own books and nobody else's, and then everything followed from there. - William Golding
Sometimes doesn't mean behaving nice, means you will got the same answer, it never means that everything done in positive = returns positive.... sometimes comes and negative. - Deyth Banger
Feed your self-esteem; not your ego! - Deborah Brodie
He’s a scientist. He’s never cried. He flips through Googled image searches of burn victims while he touches himself. - Christy Leigh Stewart
Don't take life to seriously, its not like you're going to get out alive! #Life - Hazim Bangwar
All a good letter has to do is make you feel special.
Those that have lost their lives to suicide were good people, who were in deep, deep pain. Keep speaking about mental illness and keep it out of the darkness. - Mariel Hemingway
I was brought up Christian, then I was agnostic and then I realized I was atheist... This movie [Agora] is about fundamentalism and hate. - Alejandro Amenábar
Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Have you ever found yourself saying, "There ought to be a law against this," or, "Somebody should do something"? Well, here’s the good news - you can be the one to do something. You can be the one to make the law. - Victoria Stoklasa MA
I'm of the age and immaturity level that I cannot give you my respect solely because you are older or ranked higher on an imaginary totem pole. I give you my respect because of your actions. - Erica Goros
After the barter system money was introduced to the world and it had a limited value, but as the time passed it's value increased and now in 21st century money is given the value of GOD. - Neymat Khan
A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. - Albert Schweitzer
You shouldn't say it is not good. You should say, you do not like it; and then, you know, you're perfectly safe.
Today we are afraid of simple words like goodness and mercy and kindness. We don't believe in the good old words because we don't believe in good old values anymore. And that's why the world is sick. - Lin Yutang
Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones. - Bertrand Russell
It is worth to not waste time in chasing a prospect who makes the vendor wait for a long time in the first meeting, as perhaps he could never be converted into a loyal client/good customer. - Anuj Somany
Parenting is a giant responsibility forever, so we need to learn how to drop the guilt and go easy on ourselves when we mess up. - Rachael Bermingham
Why, 'inspire?' As y'all can see I love things with the word, 'inspire!' Well, let me remind you that all inspiration comes from God, and my prayer, is that He will lead me, to inspire you to find the true inspiration that He will freely give to you! - Mary Kate
Understanding moulds the life of a man and governs it. - Sunday Adelaja
Accept suffering as a part of God's tenderizing process. - John F. MacArthur Jr.
Tis a good thing to laugh at any rate, and if a straw can tickle a man, it is an instrument of happiness.
Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter. - Max Beerbohm
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I’d sooner go to Middle Earth. - George R.R. Martin
If you believe, don't worry. If you don't believe you will get all dressed up with nowhere to go. - Lyn Johnson
Cleave to the common good. We are all responsible for bringing about the time of great suffering, for its continuing. - Compton Gage
If your hands don't find something they can do, they will find a reason to find that which they can't do - Goitsemang Mvula
You have to work on it. You have to meditate on God’s Word, which itself will change you and transform you into the image and character of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Forever Going Forward, Never Looking Back, Always, Against The Circle - M. Mrqz
Long live the pioneersRebels and mutineersGo forth and have no fearCome close the end is near - X Ambassadors
It's tragic that extremists co-opt the notion of God, and that hipsters and artists reject spirituality out of hand. I don't have a fixed idea of God. But I feel that it's us - the messed-up, the half-crazy, the burning, the questing - that need God, a lot more than the goody-two-shoes do. - Mike Doughty
When you can maintain continual awareness of where you are and hold onto the vision of where you want to go, you transform your life from wandering to wonder. - Andrea Goegleinlein
A good listener is not someone with nothing to say. A good listener is a good talker with a sore throat. - Katharine Whitehorn
One’ is not a doer in this world. Where he believes that he is the doer, there is ‘charging’ (of karma). When one tastes egoistic pride of, I did this samayik, I did these activities, he will ‘charge’ (karma). The taste of egoistic pride is very sweet. - Dada Bhagwan
The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever - Westminster Shorter Catechism
God would seem to indicate to us and not allow us to doubt that these beautiful poems are not human, or the work of man, but divine and the work of God; and that the poets are only the interpreters of the Gods... - Socrates
It's funny how love can fit inside a brown cardboard box. With relationships, people often think that things pile up. But when it ends, they're surprised how few these things turn out to be. Or at least, how few things they are willing to let go of. - Juan Miguel Sevilla
What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story, And the greatest good is little enough: for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.
Knowledge stimulates mental faculties - Freedom Goodbird
Because you can't be as in love as we were and not have it invade your bone marrow. Our kind of love can go into remission, but it's always waiting to return. Like the world's sweetest cancer. - Gillan Flynn, Gone Girl
We are not going to always agree with each other, but we should have the dignity to always respect each other’s freedom of speech and of choice. Democracy is practiced when we have respect for human rights. - Ellen J. Barrier
Seek ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will either be supplied or its loss will not be felt. - Sir Francis Bacon
Hardly a competent workman can be found who does not devote a considerable amount of time to studying just how slowly he can work and still convince his employer that he is going at a good pace.
God is not interested in your ability. He isinterested in your availability. When you availyour ability to God, you become a faithful leader. - Israelmore Ayivor
The biggest power play in the world is understanding your own power and then unleashing it to reach your goals and follow your dreams. - La La Anthony
To say, I’ve been converted and that’s that, is to say you have decided to quit growing. If life is about anything, it is about growing. The day I quit changing and learning is the day I die. - Steve Goodier
May your GodExtend to youThe same LoveAnd CompassionYou have ProvidedTo Others. - Kent Forrest
You are either the person you were or the person you are, eventually you have to let go of one - Saahil Prem
God made them as stubble to our swords. - Oliver Cromwell
To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself once in a while. - Josh Billings
All things are true. God's an Astronaut. Oz is Over the Rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live." - Peloquin - Clive Barker
Though it sounds absurd, it is true to say I felt younger at sixty than I felt at twenty. - Ellen Glasgow
If you build the faith to trust a friend as God, then your heart can never be broken. - Michael Bassey Johnson
To finish the moment, to find the journey's end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's Not How Good You Are... But How Good They Think You Are - That Matters! - Dan Blaze
Believe in yourself, because God's angels sure do. - Eileen Anglin
Brothers and sisters, if your spouse doesn’t feel good about something, show respect for those feelings. When you take the easy way out by saying and doing nothing, you may be enabling destructive behavior. - Larry R. Lawrence
Time flies by so fast, I wish I can go back - Donna Liu
Knowing your true self will help you work more effectively to reach your goals. It will lead you down the road to success. It will bring you a calmness that will improve your attitude and your relationships with others. - Auliq Ice
What is Divine duty compared to the kiss of a women...what is Destiny compared to the soft touch of a lady....what is the will of a God compared to the eyes and voice of the one you love. - Takini
Putting a piece of you in your protagonist adds depth and merges the worlds of fiction and reality. - Adam Steven Page
It takes a lot of courage to let go of things that hurt us. But when we finally do - we are free. - Kiran Shaikh
Life is a consequence of our moral choices. - Miriam Defensor Santiago
[representative government is] deciding once in three or six years which member of the ruling class was to misrepresent the people in Parliament, - Karl Marx
Helping a parent makes you their child, helping a sibling makes you a brother or a sister, helping a friend makes you a good friend, but helping a stranger; that is what makes you human - Evy Michaels
I don't know much about gods, but I think the river is a strong, brown god - T.S. Eliot
The only way to make a spoilt machine work again is to break it down, work on its inner system and fix it again. Screw out the bolts of your life, examine and work on yourself, fix your life again and get going. - Israelmore Ayivor
It hapens very often that parents think they are worred about the progress a boy is making. they do not realise that all boys are numskulls with o branes which is not surprising when you look at the parents really the whole thing goes on and on and there is no stoping it it is a vicious circle. - Geoffrey Willans
My love is of a birth as rareAs 'tis, for object, strange and high;It was begotten by DespairUpon Impossibility. - Andrew Marvell
No matter how hard you try, there are times when things just don't go as planned. And, it's not because you are doing something wrong. It is because the thing you are after is not designed for you. It is not a part of your destiny. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
A devil on being caught for his evil thought and wrong doings gets the help sought of his buddies asking them to go into public with a mask of a civil to rebuke him first virulently and later on revoke all allegations and aspersions cast on him to give him a clean chit. - Anuj Somany
You let go of my hand to hold on to my heartDistance grasps us tightnow that we are apart - Munia Khan
The way you’re talking… Tears were shining in Kian’s eyes. It sounds like you don’t think you’re coming back. Kian to Bree, Spring Frost (Frost Series #7) - Kailin Gow
Good lovers are not good fuckers; because they cannot bear hurting their beloved. - M.F. Moonzajer
Honesty is the best policy; but he who is governed by that maxim is not an honest man.
Prosbly is for good that you can't understand me. - Deyth Banger
The beauty of the cross and our crucified Lord cannot be easily fathomed by human mind or by barely reading scriptures in bits, but by careful reading of entire scripture in the spirit which will in turn engulf one with wisdom and love. - Henrietta Newton Martin -Senior Legal Consultant & Author in law. (B.Com,LLB-goldmedalist, LLM-GoldM
A good Christian, never take advantage of other people - Beta Metani' Marashi
The whole drift of my education goes to persuade me that the world of our present consciousness is only one out of many worlds of consciousness that exist. - William James
I'm going to work so that it's a pure guts race at the end, and if it is, I am the only one who can win it. - Steve Prefontaine
Your dirty past somehow puts GOD's grace on blast; it amplifies the great grace of GOD over your life. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Looking for a wife is like fishing; before you go, make sure you don't have a hole in your net. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There's always a parallel story. The paths not taken go on in our heads. - Elisabeth Eaves
I was walking after opportunities in my life, but I forgot that every second of my life is an opportunity. - Rishad sakhi
Many of us have heard opportunity knocking at our door, but by the time we unhooked the chain, pushed back the bolt, turned two locks, and shuts off the burglar alarm - it was gone.
My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. - Stephen Hawking
A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of creation. - Friedrich Nietzsche
We must return to optimism in our parenting. To focus on the joys, not the hassles; the love, not the disappointments; the common sense, not the complexities. - Fred G. Gosman
In order to live a fulfilled life, do not focus on the size of your audience; focus instead on leaving an impact on the circle of influence God has given you. - Rosette Mugidde Wamambe
Had I known that coffee could taste so good, I would have gotten drunk on it every day. - Rabih Alameddine
If God would have wanted us to live in a permissive society He would have given us Ten Suggestions and not Ten Commandments. - Zig Ziglar
I’m proud of them, in a way. My little gold stars for surviving. For thriving. They aren’t just mistakes. - A.R. Kahler
Let us not dwell into past thoughts, worn out ideas, false beliefs. Let them go so that you can create a new self by emptying your mind and filling it with new thoughts, ideas, and visions. - Debasish Mridha
When a woman miscarries, the experience of the father is often forgotten. But men grieve pregnancy loss too... - Various
Take heart. You're not alone. Every broken heart breathes again. That's life. It goes on. In loss, and in gain. - Fakeer Ishavardas
One of the best things that I wanted to become a teacher is that; I don't want to be forgotten. - Adoniemar
Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.
Was I sorry that I chose to come by hand cart? No. Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Hand Cart Company. - Francis Webster
Music is, for me, like a beautiful mosaic which God has put together. He takes all the pieces in his hand, throws them into the world, and we have to recreate the picture from the pieces. - Jean Sibelius
No good deed ever goes unrewarded - Chinonye J. Chidolue
If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority. - Yugoslav Proverb
Success never goes on sale, but most spend their whole life dickering over the cost, never making the purchase. - Orrin Woodward
Keep on going and the chances are that you will stumble onto something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling onto something sitting down. - Charles F. Kettering
Because that's what it is, boy, it's a fight, or it'd better be. Because if there's something in me that's trying to kill me, maybe I can't get rid of it, but I don't have to make it welcome, and I'm sure not going to pretend it ain't there. - Cruce Stark
The human being is so complicated in some ways, and yet so simple in others. Sometimes, we need complex medication regimens. Yet, sometimes, we just need a good cry. - Vironika Tugaleva
Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or evil---the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is simply the radiation of what man really is, not what he pretends to be. - William George Jordan
Whom the gods would destroy, they first subsidize. - George Roche
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
To govern is to correct. If you set an example by being correct, who would dare remain incorrect? - Confucius
When people go through something rough in life, they say, "I'm taking it one day at a time." Yes, so is everybody. Because that's how time works. - Hannibal Buress
For now, let us simply observe that the assault on human dignity is one of the prime goals of the visitation of fear, a prelude to the domination of the mind and the triumph of power - Wole Soyinka
PIETY, n. Reverence for the Supreme Being, based upon His supposed resemblance to man. The pig is taught by sermons and epistles To think the God of Swine has snout and bristles. Judibras - Ambrose Bierce
THe soul of most conservatism is sentimentality, and sentimentality, and sentimentality preserves the good and the bad with indiscriminate relish.
temes el mañana, sin embargo el ayer es igual de peligroso. - Idries Shah
Are people innately altruistic?" is the wrong kind of question to ask. People are people, and they respond to incentives. They can nearly always be manipulated--for good or ill--if only you find the right levers. ~ Levitt & Dubner, "Superfreakonomics - Steven D. Levitt
You will face hard times in life. Sometimes they are supposed to come, sometimes not. Get through them no matter what, 'cause the good life is always on the other side. - F.C.
The person who keeps God’s commandments will always abide in peace and rest. - Sunday Adelaja
Don't settle for less, always go for more! - MP Mapida
All the higher values in life get redefined on a regular basis for good; there is no static meaning as such. - Harshit Walia
Do not forget to be good to yourself. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A good teacher does something more than teaching; he makes you start learning. - Raheel Farooq
Remaining aware of awareness, witnessing it thru every experience within without one, is the way and the goal both...Be Happy and keep smiling... - Satish Kumar
We have a government of limited power under the Constitution, and we have got to work out our problems on the basis of law. - William Howard Taft
The other day, when I was deciding where to place a mountain range, how to make a river's flow detour around underground stalactite caves, and what precise color to give the sky at sunset, I realized I was God... or an artist and a writer. - Vera Nazarian
Like go for a walk, say a little prayerTake a deep breath of mountain airPut on my glove and play some catchIt's time that I make time for thatWade the shore and cast a lineLook up a long lost friend of mineSit on the porch and give my girl a kissStart livin', that's the next thing on my list. - Toby Keith
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. - Socrates
The important thing is to know when to laugh, or since laughing is somewhat undignified to smile. But the smile must be of the right kind must have understanding in it, and friendliness, and a good deal of patience. - Roderic Owen
It was once said that the moral test of Government is how that Government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped. - Hubert H. Humphrey
I needed someone to tell me how God could allow someone He loved to suffer so much when I wouldn't do this to someone I hated. - Sarah Thebarge
Church leaders may get disappointed in ministry if they do not know God’s time. - Sunday Adelaja
The world is dyed with the color of blood. It will never be able to go back to the way it was before. - Matsuri Hino
I write because I'm afraid to say some things out loud. - Gordon Atkinson
I am getting nowhere with you and I can't let you go and I cant get through. - Ani DiFranco
Sometimes a hero is unbelievably good for so many but terribly bad for someone else. - Amit Kalantri
Labākais veikals ir godīgums. - Rainis
When one is too old for love, one finds great comfort in good dinners. - Zora Neale Hurston
The most glorious moment you will ever experience in your life is when you look back and see how God was protecting you all this time. - Shannon L. Alder
Splošni odgovor, ki ga daje življenje na vsa najbolj zapletena in nerešljiva vprašanja je: živi za potrebe dneva, potem boš pozabil. - Leo Tolstoy
They have a saying in Chicago: 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action.' - Ian Fleming
It is time for us to move on to our promised land!!! It’s time to begin to believe that with God on our side we can build a prosperous nation and continent - Sunday Adelaja
it was impossible to confine a Government to the exercise of express powers; there must necessarily be admitted powers by implication, unless the Constitution descended to recount every minutia - James Madison
Good food warms the heart and feeds the soul. - A.D. Posey
Change is good, but dollars are better. - Anonymous
It's said that if you can't say something good about a dead person, don't say it. Well, I consider him dead. - Thurgood Marshall
If you have a good light inside you, you will get a good light from outside! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion. - Edmond de Goncourt
What?" I asked."Nothing," he said."Why are you looking at me like that?"Augustus half smiled. "Because you're beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence. - John Green
Live for the present, as the past has gone and the future as yet to arrive. - LadyTiara
The best thing to learn from any government is that it does not get affacted by what other people talk or think about it. - Amit Kalantri
Through every rift of discovery some seeming anomaly drops out of the darkness, and falls, as a golden link, into the great chain of order.
It is a mistake to suppose that God is only, or even chiefly, concerned with religion.
The best part of the gospel is you get to take it with you wherever your heart lands. - Shannon L. Alder
Youth is no protection; in the end, life scars us all. - C.W. Gortner
Thank God, the greatest things are freely giving; life, love, joy, smiles, hugs, inner peace, blessings, family, friends, nature….! - Lailah Gifty Akita
You know what these God Bless America people oughta do? They oughta check with that Jesus fellow they’re so crazy about. They’re always talking about What would Jesus do? They don’t wanna know so they can do it they just wanna know so they can tell other people to do it! - George Carlin
Between the Bible and the Holy Spirit, you have everything you need to grow spiritually. And the more you grow, the more God can use you. - Elizabeth George
The internet can be many things, of course. Too often it's a cesspool of distraction, a place we indulge in the modern sport of snark and schandenfrende, building the case for our own bigotries, where we mock and thereby dismiss the suggering of others. - Strayed, Cheryl
There is no separation between the gospel and culture, between how we live in society and how we live in our private lives, between the lordship of Jesus inside the four walls of a church building and outside that building. - Michael Brown
The yardstick that we frequently use to determine if something can be restored is based on the handful of inches that we bring to the process, when God shows up with an infinite amount of miles. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If your paramount concern in life is to make sure everyone likes and approves of you, you’re going to find yourself running in circles for the rest of your life. - Ali B. Moe
... I hadn't been paying attention to things like the sunrise, but that old sun had been coming up anyway. It didn't really care how I felt, it was going to rise and set regardless of whether I noticed it, and if I was going to enjoy it, that was up to me. - Jeanette Walls
This life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been an actual life, you would have received further instructions as to what to do and where to go. - Unknown
Egoism devours all the energy, and in addition it makes one suffer. - Dada Bhagwan
That’s great, Grace, but in case you’ve forgotten, we’re supposed to kill vampires, not play nice and have lunch with them. - Archer - K.A. Last
Do not limit your Sacred Space to the literal, such as a small room or office. Allow this energy to flow from deep within, so that every where you go, no matter what the circumstance, you will always be immersed in the divine - Gary Hopkins
One of the delights known to age, and beyond the grasp of youth, is that of Not Going.
I suggest that the only books that influence us are those for which we are ready, and which have gone a little further down our particular path than we have yet gone ourselves. - E.M. Forster
The wolf was sick, he vowed a monk to be - But when he got well, a wolf once more was he - Walter Bower
Ultimately evil is done not so much by evil people, but by good people who do not know themselves and who do not probe deeply. - Reinhold Niebuhr
Entrepreneur, if your going to start up, make sure you start up with excellence in mind. - Onyi Anyado
Each one's no longer consciousOf the high wall, or the rest:Since the one enduring fortress,Is the soldier's iron breast.If you’d live unconquered,Quickly arm, and fight the real foe:Every wife an Amazon bred,And every child a hero. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
She longs for fresh air and common sense, and is not willing to be a dolt for the sake of being called a deity. - Kate Gordon
men are undoubtedly more in danger from prosperity than from adversity. for when matters go smoothly, they flatter themselves, and are intoxicated by their success - John Calvin
...I thought, God, I promise to stay a virgin, just please don't let anyone probe me. - Stephanie Tromly
Rifangi hanya menawarkan sehelai pembalut putih yang steril, tapi manusia bukan cetakan tunggal mumi Adam di atas bumi, yang ditaruh dalam gelas, tanpa sejarah, tanpa ketelanjuran kebudayaan. - Goenawan Mohamad
Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anyway. - Lady Gaga
If a friend starts behaving silly because you bother him so much, don't worry, you're not the first person, he has got a sting in his stomach, an hunger that causes an epidemic hatred. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Evil is an ungodly master;wisdom is a heavenly liberator. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When you hear the right teaching about God your lives will be changed and then you can change the world. - Paul Silway
There is nothing so pitiful as a young cynic because he has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing. - Maya Angelou
The Klan as an Order stands behind Pure Womanhood and it is an inspiration to look into the face of one of your sex occupying the sacred desk and administering the Word of God to this people. - James Brice Klan, No. 28 Realm of Louisiana
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer? - George Price
Nalaman kong habang lumalaki ka, maraming beses kang madadapa. Bumangon ka man ulit o hindi, magpapatuloy ang buhay, iikot ang mundo, at mauubos ang oras. - Bob Ong
If we agree that God did not create poverty then, in my opinion, it came in to being as a consequence of human rights violations. - Q.M. Sidd
Wisdom got sound. It is called silence - Sameh Elsayed
If anybody tries to penetrate the past with the knife of the present will always act in vain. The past is invulnerable. Such attempts can only cause the present or the future to bleed." - Gregor Brand - Simon Schwartz
The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made. - Jean Giraudoux
He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Vladimir: That passed the time.Estragon: It would have passed in any case.Vladimir: Yes, but not so rapidly. - Samuel Beckett
On having a backup plan: "Always a good plan anytime you want to follow your dream - I love writing, acting, and psychiatry - there are crazy people everywhere which means I can take my career anywhere my dream needs to go. - Samantha Steele
God wants to bless us in many ways that require faith. We must trust that He is answering our prayers even when we can’t see it. - Stormie Omartian
Everything bad in the Old Testament (and there's a lot) is there to point out our sin, while everything good in the Old Testament is there to point us to our Savior. - Martin Luther
Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good; its only necessary that, if they do fail, they do so in an interesting way. - Robert Rosen
The police are often as corrupt as the corporate government that employs them. - Steven Magee
But when on shore, & wandering in the sublime forests, surrounded by views more gorgeous than even Claude ever imagined, I enjoy a delight which none but those who have experienced it can understand - If it is to be done, it must be by studying Humboldt. - Charles Darwin
Me pediste que no te olvidara, que pensara en ti si me faltabas porque solamente tu recuerdo me alegraría el ama... Pero si te imagino sonriendo, al vacio caigo pero lento porque este dolor que llevo dentro no se parece a nada... Ni a tu olor, ni a tus besos ni al amor que me dabas... - Dulce María
I have been a believer in the magic of language since, at a very early age, I discovered that some words got me into trouble and others got me out. - Katherine Dunn
Good things you have to make happen. Bad things happen all by themselves. - Oliver Gaspirtz
long ago said, 'who dares not speak his free thought is a slave.' I nominated myself as an 'infidel' as a challenge to thought for those who are asleep. Luther Burbank - Euripides
On this Mother's Day and every day before and after, I thank you God for the precious gift of my three children. I love them unconditionally. - Ana Monnar
Falsehoods, rob the good in the hood, of the good wood. The good wood, that the good in the hood are descended from, is their birthright. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
You glorify God with gratitude. - Corey M.K. Hughes
It is only the man that has done his best that qualifies to ask for God’s protection and blessings. This message must return to our pulpit. - Sunday Adelaja
Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me? - Annie Dillard
There aren't any GOOD guys. You realize that, don't you? I mean: there aren't EVIL guys, and INNOCENT guys. It's just - it's just... It's just a bunch of guys. - Jake Kasdan
If you have to choose between your self-respect & ego and other person; choose your self-respect & ego.Because other person may leave you at their will but your self-respect & ego will always support and carry you even in toughest situations. - Nikita Dudani
Why can't a tree be called Pluplusch? - Hugo Ball
[Mankind] is governed by minorities, seldom or never by majorities. It suppresses its feelings and its beliefs and follows the handful that makes the most noise. Sometimes the noisy handful is right, sometimes wrong, but no matter, the crowd follows it. - Mark Twain
The good thing about problems is that they all have solutions. - Tag Cavello
As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love. - Pythagoras
Long ago, before I had ever seen a diamond, I read about them and I tried to imagine what they would be like ... When I saw a real diamond in a lady's ring one day I was so disappointed I cried. Of course, it was very lovely but it wasn't my idea of a diamond. - L.M. Montgomery
If we let go of the past, we will never learn from our mistakes. - Sarah van Waterschoot
Writing became such a process of discovery that I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning: I wanted to know what I was going to say. ~ - Sharon O'Brien
God is but a supernatural spirit. He resides dormant in you, until you awaken to liberate yourself from this ignorance that you are body and mind. - Gian Kumar
So we don't believe that life is beautiful because we don't recall it but if we get a whiff of a long-forgotten smell we are suddenly intoxicated and similarly we think we no longer love the dead because we don't remember them but if by chance we come across an old glove we burst into tears. - Marcel Proust
What are you good at?" asked the owner."Going after what I believe in." That was the only possible reply; she had spent her life in pursuit of what she believed in. The only problem was that she believed in something different everyday. - Paulo Coelho
Nothing in life is as good as the marriage of true minds between man and woman. As good? It is life itself. - Pearl S. Buck
Think back to the oldest era your mind can fathom, back beyond everything we can remember, when gods were still men who had not yet lived the deeds that would deify them. - Angela B. Chrysler
You set goals in order to become the person it takes to achieve them - Linda Deir
Cieszy mię ten rym: „Polak mądr po szkodzie;Lecz jeśli prawda i z tego nas zbodzie,Nową przypowieść Polak sobie kupi,Że i przed szkodą, i po szkodzie głupi. - Jan Kochanowski
Love takes just a moment, it is the ego that takes days, months and years. - Himanshu Chhabra
Clever people enjoy saving gold and declares themselves as wealthy or very rich, but a wise person gives away and keep well away from it and declares themselves far richer than those people who saves it. - Darren Paul Thorn
The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood. - Voltaire
In the joy of others lies our own,In the progress of others rests our own,In the good of others abides our own,Know this to be the key to peace and happiness - Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Good taste is the flower of good sense.
Be inquisitive. Open your eyes, open your minds to things you don't necessarily know even exist. I think that's an important part of learning and growing. The more [you]'re willing to ask, the more [you]'re going to get out of it. - Jay Rinaldi
No longer do I sing, dance or draw pictures; but God has granted me the gift to do them all in my stories. - J'aiti
Nothing good happens after dark... -Daire in Betrayed - Lauree Waldrop
I don’t even pretend to believe I know everything; I just believe in arguments God told me I had a pretty good chance of winning, while I was traveling through hell. - Shannon L. Alder
Anything we fully do is an alone journey. - Natalie Goldberg
Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant. - Victor Hugo
It is not a god that makes us more human, it is we human that make Gods. - M.F. Moonzajer
The way things are supposed to work is that we're supposed to know virtually everything about what they [the government] do: that's why they're called public servants. They're supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that's why we're called private individuals. - Glenn Greenwald
Your life is not a simulation; it's the real game. Play wisely. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Live as if your life has become an example of goodness for others to follow. - Debasish Mridha
I'm not a real movie star. I've still got the same wife I started out with twenty-eight years ago. - Will Rogers
A good character is not only about the good person people know you to be. Your ability to tell the truth about how bad you had been is also a good character. - Israelmore Ayivor
People lack morals, good moral character is important in every aspect of your life. Honesty and Integrity opens the door. Your character allows others to see you for who you truly are. Make your first impression a lasting impression. Ironically it may be your last impression - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Some party hack decreed that the peoplehad lost the government's confidenceand could only regain it with redoubled effort.If that is the case, would it not be be simpler,If the government simply dissolved the peopleAnd elected another? - Bertolt Brecht
I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an army of 100 lions led by a sheep - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Our constitution works. Our great republic is a government of laws, not of men. - Gerald R. Ford
I'm not a political Christian; for the most part I allow people even their vain, earthly rights. And I certainly don't see anti-Christians as bad or evil (as if they actually have the power to pose any kind of threat against God Almighty), but rather complete idiots I was commanded to love. - Criss Jami
Let's go on a road trip and like it, not dread it! There are no barriers, there is no fear. - Wayne W. Dyer
Oh, God of Dust and Rainbows,Help us to seeThat without the dust the rainbowWould not be. - Langston Hughes
Start with your heart, and only good can follow! - Ocean
Writers live twice. - —Natalie Goldberg
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg
Everything has been thought of before, but the problem is to think of it again. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Doubt births negative confessions; it hinders God’s promises and it spurs thedevil into action! Don’t give the devil any propelling force against your life!God is able in all situations; only when you believe! - Ayobola Olusegun-Emmanuel
God really must have had a sense of humor, because if I had to name my biggest turn-on, it was literature. And he had just recommended a book that I didn’t know, that wasn’t taught in school. If I were single, there would be no better pick-up line. - Kody Keplinger
but it seems that the most beautiful women always go for the most horrible shits, the most obvious fakes. - Charles Bukowski
Above all others I pity the homeless: where can they go to masturbate? - Robert Clark
Infinite striving to be the best is man's duty, it is it's own reward. Everything else is in God's hands. - Mahatma Gandhi
God draws near to the brokenhearted. He leans toward those who are suffering. He knows what it feels like to be wounded and abandoned. - John D. Richardson
Go where thou wilt, seek what thou wilt, and thou shalt not find a higher way above, nor a safer way below, than the way of the holy Cross."- Thomas A Kempis (The Following of Christ) - Thomas à Kempis
Christmas is God deciding to become what He never had been, so that we can become what we never could be. And so, God does the most improbable thing imaginable. He orchestrates His own birth. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half. - Gore Vidal
The voice incessantly quelled in the chorus of human voices will always be the voice of God. And given a reality of this magnitude, I would be well advised to cease my babbling and encourage those around me to do the same. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Some of us will be long forgotten before we are even dead. Most will never be remembered at all, not even by family. - Paul Bamikole
Aberrant is not abhorrent - Matthew Goldfinger
God will bring people and events into our lives, and whatever we may think about them, they are designed for the evolution of His life in us. - Thomas Keating
Like a sneeze, sin feels good at first, but it leaves a huge mess. - Craig Groeschel
When you see no present advantage, walk by faith and not by sight. Do God the honor to trust Him when it comes to matters of loss for the sake of principle. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The Owl goes who, who, the Dove goes coo, coo, humans go you! You! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately defeat him. - Russell Baker
How sad it would be to get to the end of life and realize God gave you wings, but you never used them. - Khrys Vaughan
The thing about love is that you will never run out of it. It's an ever-flowing river. So go ahead and LOVE. What are you saving all this love for death? - Kamand Kojouri
Without God all things are permitted. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Another one of them new worlds. No beer, no women, no pool parlors - nothin'. Nothing to do but throw rocks at tin cans and we got to bring our own tin cans.
A mans manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right. - Sherrilyn Kenyon
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? - Epicurus
Doubt everything except your conscience, even then test the waters, for much brainwashing has gone out into the world - Dara Reidyr
God made certain people part of your life because he knew his purpose for your lives will be achieved through your bond. - Unarine Ramaru
I often asked Laplace what he thought of God. He owned that he was an atheist. - Napoléon Bonaparte
If your relationship is draining your energy, making you lose yourself and taking your attention away from God, then you are not in a relationship but a cult. You are busy creating an idol (mini-God) for yourself. - Kemi Sogunle
The greatest justice in life is that your vision and looks tend to go simultaneously. - Kevin Bacon
One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best. - Jane Austen
There’s something tightly woven throughout the fabric of our humanity that runs entirely opposite to the baser instinct of looking out for our own good. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Always keep your stereo bumping,no matter what ya going through.Because life is like a puzzle and music is the only clue. - Khan Shamim
Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you've got an audience.
The thing about rabbits, sir, is that everybody has one. I'd like to see you step up to the goat-class where I feel you belong. Frankly you look more like a goat man to me. - Philip K. Dick
... the Wisdom of God ... rules all things, because it is infinitely more powerful and more loving and, above all, more merciful than ours. - Father Jacques Philippe
You can count on God’s faithfulness even when you are unfaithful. - Jim George
Art is one thing that can go on mattering once it has stopped hurting. - Elizabeth Bowen
It must be remembered that the forty hour work week until age sixty five was designed by governments and corporations and not the medical profession. - Steven Magee
Be good to your work, your word, and your friend. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The size of a challenge should never be measured by what we have to offer. It will never be enough. Furthermore, provision is God's responsibility, not ours. We are merely called to commit what we have - even if it's no more than a sack lunch. - Charles R. Swindoll
When I stood there, looking out the window at the raindrops and thinking of everything I lost, I forgot everything I have. When I remembered the things I have, I forgot I lost anything at all. - Jenna Alatari
He that cannot endure the bad will not live to see the good. - Greek Proverb
The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive. - Thomas Jefferson
God sovereignly controls every detail of your life, which should be a great comfort to you. - Jim George
I keep going;I keep writing because I know something good will happen, and I want to see it when it happens. - Millicent Ashby
Ghosts of women are the worst. Years go by and they don't leave you be - Katherine Boo
The charity that hastens to proclaim its good deeds, ceases to be charity, and is only pride and ostentation. - William Hutton
Never take the goals and aspirations along with your corpse. Rather execute... they doth entertain and enthrall the world around you! - AnilChandra
Somedays I ask myself why do I spend hours in the gym, then I look in the mirror and think "Damn I look good! - Augusta DeJuan Hathaway
In matters of good-lookingness, we writers are the ugliest of the bunch, and normally our appearance is akin to that of someone investigating a crime scene; though the women in American writing keep producing world-class beauty in droves, and there are many breathtaking writers among them. - Pat Conroy
Dieu me pardonnera. C'est son m'etier (God will forgive me. It's his profession) - Heinrich Heine
Bishops move diagonally. That's why they often turn up where the kings don't expect them to be. - Terry Pratchett
Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. - Bible
No man likes to have his intelligence or good faith questioned, especially if he has doubts about himself. - Henry Adams
I do not put much stock in "believing in God." The grammar of "belief" invites a far too rationalistic account of what it means to be a Christian. "Belief" implies propositions about which you get to make up your mind before you know the work they are meant to do. - Stanley Hauerwas
Cleverness is egocentric, dramatic, gives you an illusion of success. We are always running behind it and ultimately suffer. Whereas simplicity is spiritual, blissful, not dramatic, simple but joyful and gives inner peace. Which is our ultimate goal. - Debasish Mridha
GORGON, n. The Gorgon was a maiden bold Who turned to stone the Greeks of old That looked upon her awful brow. We dig them out of ruins now, And swear that workmanship so bad Proves all the ancient sculptors mad. - Ambrose Bierce
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin Williams
Christianity has from its beginning portrayed itself as a gospel of peace, a way of reconciliation (with God, with other creatures), and a new model of human community, offering the 'peace which passes understanding' to a world enmeshed in sin and violence. (1) - David Bentley Hart
Love is like God- either you believe it or you don’t… - amfreespirit
A broad and ample road, whose dust is gold,And pavement stars—as starts to thee appearSoon in the galaxy, that milky wayWhich mightly as a circling zone thou seestPowder'd wiht stars. - John Milton
The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago, had they happened to be within reach of predatory human hands. - Havelock Ellis
I'm the biggest critic of my own work, but sometimes you nail a chapter so good that you have to take a step back and admire that bitch. - R.D. Ronald
Happiness comes in many forms in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It’s okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be. - Lucas Scott
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. - Jack Handy
Spare no expense to save money on this one. - Samuel Goldwyn
I don't think about risks much. I just do what I want to do. If you gotta go, you gotta go. - Lillian Carter
The piano ain't got no wrong notes. - Thelonious Monk
Despite countless prayers for Joseph to be safe, God said no. His plan remains a mystery. I have had to accept that mystery and trust Him in the dark. - Shelley Ramsey
Joy comes when you turn it over to God to deal with. This is when you will feel the true release from it's weight. - Shannon L. Alder
Learn good things from professionals but do not change like professional,it doesn't mean on what position they are.. - Raghava
Good QUOTES have been often used by the bad people better than the others, but to their own best advantage only. - Anuj Somany
Agnes walked in with a tray of gorgeous raspberry tortes, fruit sorbet, and pistachio ice. - jessic lawson
Faith is where they learn about their God; but Prayer is where they explore Him. - Geoffrey Wood
Gen-Ys are delusional; Most people are not special—otherwise special wouldn’t mean anything. Even right now, most of Gen-Ys reading this are thinking, Good point. But I actually am one of the few special ones—and this is the problem. - Tim Urban
Feast, and your halls are crowdedFast, and the world goes bySucceed and give, and it helps you liveBut no man can help you die - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Good evening and good night. - Dracula Bela Lugosi 1931
bad days makes you stronger, those are the best days because God is talking to you. you just have to listen closely. Don't let your tears become louder than his voice. - Les Simple
I believe that truth is the glue that holds government together, not only our government but civilization itself. - Gerald R. Ford
If the gods listened to the prayers of men, all humankind would quickly perish since they constantly pray for many evils to befall one another. - Epicurus
To enhance your experience and consciousness, your mind is always trying to understand everything that is going on around you. - Debasish Mridha
Don't ask for directions if you're not going to start the car. - Rob Liano
When a goat likes a book, the whole book is gone,and the meaning has to go find an author again.- The Trouble With Reading - William Stafford
Take man's most fantastic invention- God. Man invents God in the image of his longings, in the image of what he wants to be, then proceeds to imitate that image, vie with it, and strive to overcome it. - Eric Hoffer
If it turns out that there is a God...the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever. - Woody Allen
Don't listen to people who say something isn't feasible. Just go out and do it. - Jacob Plaut
If I'm going to spend a lifetime writing my story, I want it to mean something. - Mari Serebrov
When you GIVE under compulsion or Grudgingly you are giving under the LAW of giving and NOT the GRACE given for giving. God loves a cheerful (thankful) giver, which is giving under GRACE. 2 Cor 9:7 - John Paul Warren
Life of any real value or substance is not formed during good times merely enjoyed. - John Paul Warren
Always have there been great numbers of individuals who were very much eager to fight for good causes. Always there were these, but then there were even greater numbers of trendies who would then become wholly and completely misguided in the efforts. - Criss Jami
I have an inferiority complex, but it’s not a very good one. - Steven Wright
Think of God and not religion, of ecstasy and not mysticism. The difference between the theoretician of faith and the believer is as great as between the psychiatrist and the psychotic. - Emil Cioran
The beauty of the cross and our crucified Lord cannot be easily fathomed by human mind or by barely reading scriptures in bits, but by careful reading of entire scripture in the spirit which will in turn engulf one with wisdom n love. - Henrietta Newton Martin -Senior Legal Consultant & Author in law. (B.Com,LLB-goldmedalist, LLM-GoldM
Sometimes we find ourselves wanting to impart the life of the gospel without telling a person that he or she is dead. - Pazaria Smith
Master Plato once said that Lux est umbra Dei; light is the shadow of God. I say this way: Light is the god of shadow! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you desire to be rich with joy, you have to be truly dedicated to God and His work. - Sunday Adelaja
There is nothing so asinine that governments will not proclaim it as official doctrine.
When we can say "no" not only to things that are wrong and sinful, but also to things pleasant, profitable, and good which would hinder and clog our grand duties and our chief work, we shall understand more fully what life is worth, and how to make the most of it.
Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors. - Dr. Jonas Salk
Girls at war opt for a quieter cruelty than fistfights and drive-by shootings. Girls circumvent the corporeal and go straight for each other's souls. The bleeding is harder to stanch. - Jillian Lauren
I think we might be going a bridge too far. - Sir Frederick Browning
She's had a long life of experience in noticing evil, fancying evil, suspecting evil and going forth to do battle with evil. - Agatha Christie
Retirement isn’t a goal; it’s a sentence. - Ari Gold
My death granted immortality.With one look, I knew he’d be my undoing… Forgotten, book #1 of the Fate Trilogy - Sarah J. Pepper
Pandering candidates often promise that they can make the pain go away. - Gail Collins
What's good about growth? Why is it intrinsically good? - Yahya Madra
If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude. - Charles R. Swindoll
Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. Scraps of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well informed man is the most useless bore on God's earth. - Alfred North Whitehead
Love is letting go of fear.
I know that we shall meet problems along the way, but I'd far rather see for myself what's going on in the world outside, than rely on newspapers, television, politicians and religious leaders to tell me what I should be thinking.
It seems my heart is made of tissue paper; I wish the world would handle it more delicately. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Do what you feel is right and good. There will always be haters and naysayers..and their problem..is just that..their problem! - Akiroq Brost
My feelings would never change, but... now she was gone, and this thought meant more to me than the impending destruction of the world.
Do you remember what I forgot? - Erica Goros
No matter how good you are to people, you will always have barriers and enemies on your way to success - Auliq Ice
Coca cola and McDonalds is spreading. Just like hunger and poverty. - Tim Goossens
I am relentlessly determine to be occupied with Jesus Christ and His Glorious Gospel and nothing else. - John Paul Warren
To be ignorant as God is ignorant, knowing only what is real. - Marty Rubin
If you have firm trust in God, the success that comes to you will always be that which is most useful for you whether it appears good or bad in your private judgment. - Francis de Sales
In the part of this universe that we know there is great injustice, and often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying. - Bertrand Russell
You've got to vote for someone. It's a shame, but it's got to be done. - Whoopi Goldberg
Many may have stopped believing in you, but God hasn't. - Anita R. Sneed-Carter
The religion that empowers you to lie on god's behest is the most powerful weapon one can ever find. - Vishwanath S J
Humility is no substitute for a good personality. - Fran Lebowitz
Atheism is a crutch for those who cannot bear the reality of God. - Tom Stoppard
The fragile nature of youth is at last hardened by the agony of experience. - Joel T. McGrath
Every day is a good day when you run. - Kevin Nelson
Always beware of the fact, that the only thing hindering an all out revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you.--Twitter post, July 29, 2012 - Gore Vidal
Never give up never give in to anything that does not seems worth it because good has a plan for every little thing. - Neiko Travis Burrowes
Lord if this would be the right thing for Joannie and I, that I would see a bald eagle right here as confirmation from you that this will be a good thing for us. - Michael Richard Stosic
Read. Read anything. Read the things they say are good for you, and the things they claim are junk. You'll find what you need to find. Just read. - Neil Gaiman
God's will has to be done, in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that. - Sarah Palin
It took me a long time to learn the difference between working on a healthy relationship and wasting my time on a long goodbye. Never again! - Steve Maraboli
The Valkyrie’s heart was wrought of dazzling gold full of the most finest and firmest of loves, this being the secret of her many moods and akimbo inspirangular mercies. —On Kari, Ch. Fifteen Valley of the Damned - douglas m laurent
A sense of calm came over me. More and more often I found myself thinking, "This is where I belong. This is what I came into this world to do. - Jane Goodall
Eating more consciously now feels like a way of being. I actually think about how my food got to my plate. - Oprah Winfrey
I couldn't loose somebody else like that, without even the chance to say good-bye. Not again. Not her. - Stacey Kade
There is nothing worse than being broke and having your woman leave you. Nothing to drink, no job,just the walls, sitting there staring at the walls and thinking. That's how women got back at you, but it hurt and weakened them too. Or so I like to believe. - Charles Bukowski
I sit next to you and the world stands still; eternity has become a timless unit of time. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
I could go and buy one of the islands in theBahamas and turn it into my personal fiefdom, but I am much more interested in trying to build andcreate a new company. - Elon Musk
Don’t approach a dragon from the front, a jakkar from the back or a norn from any side. Annuan saying. - Taylor Grace
Bidden or unbidden, God is present. - Desiderius Erasmus
Women forget all the past moments of the most intimate moments and the good sex when they have the next level of best sex with someone else. They just need someone to take out their hidden fantasies. - Himmilicious
No matter how many people give me advice, I am going to do what my heart tells me to do - Lana Del Rey
The entire Nazi war machine was only possible because of past, present and future violations of the non aggression principle (achievable only through government). - Stefan Molyneux
If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank. - Woody Allen
The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only advise his client to plant vines - so they should go as far as possible from home to build their first buildings. - Frank Lloyd Wright
It's a well known fact that computing devices such as the abacus were invented thousands of years ago. But it's not well known that the first use of a common computer protocol occured in the Old Testament. This, of course, was when Moses aborted the Egyptians' process with a control-sea..."
The best time to plant an oak tree was twenty-five years ago. The second best time is today. - James Carville
I may not beleive in God, but I believe in guilt and no one wants to dick around with eternity, even if it isn't there. - johnathon trooper
If fretting was an Olympic sport, I’d own the gold medal - Lori Hatcher
Next to the bestowal of life itself, the right to direct that life is God's greatest gift to man. - David O. McKay
If you feel that you have boy feet planted on the ground, then the university has failed you. - Robert Goheen
If any man wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his thoughts; and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a noble soul. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Moreover, if great men are the only hope of the Evolutionary Process, they are morally bound to rule over the masses for their own good -- we are all here on earth to help others: what on earth the others are here for, I don't know -- and the masses have no right whatsoever to resist them. - W.H. Auden
I guess you go too far when pianos try to be guitars.
Under a government which imprisons unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison. - Henry David Thoreau
Seeking Intimacy with God and desiring Fellowship with Him, will make our calling in Christ sure. - Santosh Thankachan
The difference between darkness and brightness is how you thrive on those moments and how you use such circumstances with goodwill in your spirit. - Angelica Hopes
Success is not about impressing and pleasing everyone, but setting your own goals, and achieving them in your own time. - Auliq Ice
If it’s not gonna matter tomorrow, it shouldn’t matter today. - A.D. Posey
I am ambitious. I set goals; not because I am ungrateful for what I have, but because I am happy with who I am. I enjoy the experience of rising above my perceived limitations and discovering new levels of my capabilities. - Steve Maraboli
A strong realization hits me. Any of us could die at any minute. In a second... we could die. Fall apart. Gone. - Simone Evanadet - Shadow Dream by Kylee Carrier
We are what we imagine. Our very existence consists in our imagination of ourselves. Our best destiny is to imagine, at least, completely, who and what, and that we are. The greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined. - N. Scott Momaday
The best way to live in this real world is to free ourselves of demons and tribal gods. - Edward O. Wilson
I can be a better me than anyone can; I am me. Good or bad. I am myself. I'm no carbon copy of no one else. - Diana Ross
Be a goal getter; go get your goals! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
i want to be in love with youthe same wayi am in love with the moonwith the lightshiningout of its soul. - Sanober Khan
Nothing could add to the horror of hell, except the presence of its creator, God. While I have life, as long as I draw breath, I shall deny with all my strength, and hate with every drop of my blood, this infinite lie. - Robert G. Ingersoll
To succeed in life you must believe and take first step in working towards your goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
With God, there is no such thing as a lost cause. - Jessica Landmon
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott
What hinders me from hearing is that I am taken up with other things. It is not that I will not hear God, but I am not devoted in the right place. I am devoted to things, to service, to convictions, and God may say what He likes but I do not hear Him. - Oswald Chambers
Courage is very important. Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use. - Ruth Gordon
Was it hard?" I ask.Letting go?"Not as hard as holding on to something that wasn't real. - Lisa Schroeder
Great difficult is the dogged bedfellow of great wealth, which always renders great wealth as less than great. Yet, great wealth as bequeathed by God is robustly free of such travails, which always renders it greater than great. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God’s passion is to increase and multiply. - Sunday Adelaja
You may kill a fire. And everything you know falls to dust and ash. Yet the remarkable treasure in this seemingly hopeless pile, is hidden deep within. The burning embers incarnate the perpetual desire to go from spark to flame. - Akilnathan Logeswaran
Goals that are not frightening are not worth having. - Tina Brown
I have been heartbroken once and it has affected all of my relationships from there on. But now I look at it as an occupational hazard. If you are in the meat market at some point you are gonna get mad cow disease. - Dominic Monaghan
Colors are light's suffering and joy - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God to the medical profession. - George Bernard Shaw
Sometimes we forget how important it is just to show up and take care of the good friendships that we have, or might like to have. Good friendships are hard to come by. - Lik Hock Yap Ivan
Imagination releases power to achieve goals. - Kishore Bansal
The instant formal government is abolished, society begins to act. A general association takes place, and common interest produces common security. - Thomas Paine
A good teacher is one, that never stops listening; a good listener is one, that never stops teaching. - Anthony Liccione
Every single man who is too stupid enough to realize how beautiful is God's creation through WOMEN and continuously lay his hand on them, he is not man enough to be classified with the rest of us. - Unarine Ramaru
Happy memories are fool's gold. - Marty Rubin
If you write in the Old World, and against it, your work must die, go missing, be veiled, before it can live the life for which it was destined in the New World. - Patrick Nowell-Smith
Not a day goes by, without thinking, that books are our future, not technology. - Arianna Ruby
God will give me the place where I don't know, but I want to go to heaven because there is my friends are waiting for me. - Tanmaya Guru
Live in the mysterious. Accepting and being fully at peace with not knowing what's going to happen in the future will allow us to be fully present and more peaceful in the present. - Matthew Donnelly
Come! our world is done:For all the witchery of the world is fled,And lost all wanton wisdom long since won. - Lionel Pigot Johnson
Happenstance is the myth of the simple mind, for it is the deliberate genius of God that what appears entirely disjointed always reveals itself to be stunningly seamless. And it is in reflecting on such stunning ingenuity that our faith becomes seamless. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Don't take the bull by the horns, take him by the tail; then you can let go when you want to. - Josh Billings
I feel sorry for people who do not drink. When they wake up in the morning it is as good as they are going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra
I have to keep going, as there are always people on my track. I have to publish my present work as rapidly as possible in order to keep in the race. The best sprinters in this road of investigation are and the Curies... Ernest Rutherford - Becquerel
I swear to God . . .God doesn’t come to this part of the house, so swear to me. -Liam C - J.J. McAvoy
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. - Bible
We carry on not by letting go of the worries that burden us; but by staying true to our hearts & the meaning that surrounds us. - Robert Vanleeuwen
I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven. - A.W. Tozer
God has sent us with treasure of thoughts, we just need to explore that - Samar Sudha
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. - Linus Pauling
Learn to wait on the Lord! That will help you to walk your pathway in life in the power and glory of God. - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good. - H.L. Mencken
Get books, sit yourself down anywhere, and go to reading them yourself. - Abraham Lincoln
Humans have been doin’ awful things to each other throughout history. Humanity’s not as great as you make it out to be. I do what needs to be done, and that’s that. We’re about to go to war, Earl. There ain’t no humanity in war. - http sheamagazine.com fiction-afterlife-chapter-24
Learn to let urgency go. Nothing is urgent. Stress is the product of uncertainty and urgency of life. - Debasish Mridha
If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
[Prayer] is the link between God's inexhaustible resources and people’s needs...God is the source of power, but we are the instrument He uses to link the two together. - Charles F. Stanley
God is the tangential point between zero and infinity.
To be agreeable in society, you must consent to be taught many things which you already know. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Sometimes, falling back on or using an old method or habit, is like sliding into a pair of worn running shoes and a corset. Doesn't make sense to others, but it's not for them. It's what keeps you together, what keeps you going. - Alyse M. Gardner
The month of May is the pleasant time; its face is beautiful; the blackbird sings his full song, the living wood is his holding, the cuckoos are singing and ever singing; there is a welcome before the brightness of the summer. Lady Gregory, Finn, Son of Cumhal - Lady Gregory, “Finn, Son of Cumhal”
When you are at your lowest God speaks the loudest. - Joanne Wilson-Edwards
That liberty [is pure] which is to go to all, and not to the few or the rich alone. (to Horatio Gates, 1798) - Thomas Jefferson
A closed book will lie there like a dead horse. But an open book will kick, buck, and bolt through perceived adventures like a wild and free stallion. So hold on. - Richelle E. Goodrich
That’s the way it is with dreams. They scratch at your door. You see them through the peep hole: a stray dream looking for a home. You think it might go away if you ignore it. Wrong. It’s still there when you open the door, smiling. Wagging its tail. - Monique Duval
Just because a poet said something didn't mean it was true, only that it sounded good.
If you look back, you'll soon be going that way. - American Proverb
Spiritual authority is the direct result of God doing a greater work in the deeper areas of a leader’s life. - Gary Rohrmayer
Healing comes through God's work, and God deals differently with us when we deal differently with him. - Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
Learn to be true to yourself, and everything good will follow. - Abhijit Naskar
be lawful for the Queen, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and House of Commons, to make Laws for the Peace, Order, and Good Government of Canada - The British North America Act, Article 91
A man with a finite life can only dream to have an infinite journey and the good news is that any dream has the potential to turn into a reality - Mehmet Murat ildan
Kid's books should be just as good as any other books. No. They should be held to a *higher* standard than other literature for the same reason that we take extra care with children's food. - Patrick Rothfuss
The problem with our society today is that when things fall apart we do remember to call upon the Lord, but when God answers our prayers we are too quick to exclude Him from those answered prayers. - Gugu Mona
If you can't please yourself some of the time, how do you expect to please people all the time? Not everyone is going to appreciate you for your efforts and deeds. - Anthony Liccione
Gleaming shell of an outworn lie; fable of Right divine—You gained your crowns by heritage, but Blood was the price of mine.The throne that I won by blood and sweat , by Crom, I will not sellFor promise of valleys filled with gold, or threat of the Halls of Hell! - Robert E. Howard
Politeness is half good manners and half good lying. - Mary Wilson Little
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.
Life makes two promises, one, it promises to be good, and two, it promises to be bad. Cherish the good and be strong during the bad. - Meena Sarine
She isn't like any of the girls I ever knew, or any of the girls I was myself. - L.M. Montgomery
Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down. - Charles F. Kettering
OSTRICH, n. A large bird to which (for its sins, doubtless) nature has denied that hinder toe in which so many pious naturalists have seen a conspicuous evidence of design. The absence of a good working pair of wings is no defect, for, as has been ingeniously pointed out, the ostrich does not fly. - Ambrose Bierce
If you have not known love, then the only reason not to die is that life will get better or god exists. If you don't believe in either, perhaps it is time for you to go. - Amit Agarwal
Good science is always humanity’s best friend! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Some writers need to sink in order to feel what their characters feel; in order to write their characters with the truest feeling possible. Those closest to those writers end up feeling the effects of that process. It takes a strong person to be with an emphatic writer. - Lori Goodwin
The perfection preached in the Gospels never yet built up an empire. Every man of action has a strong dose of egotism, pride, hardness, and cunning. But all those things will be forgiven him, indeed, they will be regarded as high qualities, if he can make of them the means to achieve great ends. - Charles de Gaulle
Every time when it rains it stops raining... After darkness there is always a light... Every time you sleep you get up fresh.. Never Give Up at your tough time. You are successful if you have ability to handle your nervousness and go on with confidence.. - Ahad Aadi
In life; good behavior is more worthy much money. - Auliq Ice
Good books get praised, bad books get praised. Good books get ignored, bad books get ignored - Vikram Seth
God is a creation of human brain - Durgesh Satpathy
Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life. - Mortimer J. Adler
Once I finished reading a good book, it gives me a hard time coping up with reality. - Nathalie M. Llanto
Good order is the foundation of all things. - Edmund Burke
Most people do a good deal of whatever they do motivated by love. For me, few stories are truly complete without it. - Sara Sheridan
How much you can learn when you fail determines how far you will go into achieving your goals. - Roy Bennett
Thoughts, by their nature, come and go endlessly in you. But you are not the thought; you are the one seeing the thought, so any thought of who you are cannot be the truth of who you are. - Enza Vita
Good fantasy fiction: ... explores real human conditions through fantastic metaphors which universalize the characters' individual experiences to speak personally to us all. - Laura Resnick
People will doubt you, but do you doubt your own self? People will insult your integrity, but do you trust yourself? If you are at peace with yourself and with God, you can be at peace with the world. - Nana Awere Damoah
Good things happen in your life when you surround yourself with positive people. - Roy Bennett
When you leave,weary of me,without a word I shall gently let you go. - Kim Sowol
Yes I am weird, weird is good. Normal is overrated. - Mad-D
If our democracy is to flourish, it must have criticism; if our government is to function it must have dissent. - Henry Commager
Third, it is helpful to seek advice from those who are spiritually mature and solid in their faith. A godly counselor or pastor can assist you in avoiding the common mistakes that confuse many young people. - James C. Dobson
When we find that we have been aroused to anger we must call for God's help like the apostles when they were tossed about by the wind and storm on the waters. He will command your passions to cease and there will be a great calm. - Francis de Sales
All men are Prophets or else God does not exist. - Jean-Paul Sartre
In journalism, there has always been a tension between getting it first and getting it right. - Ellen Goodman
God desires your increase in your leadership, stewardship, relationship, and business - Sunday Adelaja
One day a week I seek to rest from earthly toil and sorrow.Revitalized, I find the strength to battle new tomorrows. - Richelle E. Goodrich
One day I realized, I am what I'm looking for. The love I've been searching the world for. When I devoutly love myself it's fulfilling, and it attracts others. They fight to love me twice as much. - Euphoria Godsent
Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death. - Tom Robbins
Oh, readers. If only you knew what we've gone through for you. - Harry Olsen
In the high tide or low tide, I'm gonna be your friend... I'm gonna be your friend! - Bob Marley
God’s discipline has nothing to do with rejection but more to do with refinement. - Gary Rohrmayer
When we aim for Holiness and a true fellowship of God in our own personal lives, then only we really understand what we actually stand for in our Christian life. - Santosh Thankachan
Don't you notice that there are particular moments when you are naturally inspired to introspection? Work with them gently, for these are the moments when you can go through a powerful experience, and your whole worldview can change quickly. - Sogyal Rinpoche
Don't go getting offended my friend, I have much worse things to say to you.-Ad'Dam, Journey from Atremes - Riley Amos Westbrook
Lets be sheep of God, not sheep of men. - Kristy Robles
Learning to let go of anyone that does not add to your progress is affirming your inner sense of purpose. Just Keep moving! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
I believe in the sun even when it’s not shining. I believe in love even when not feeling it. I believe in God even when he is silent... - Anonymous inscription left in the wall of a German internment camp
I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom. And even when that desire is crushed by tyranny for decades, it will rise again. - George W. Bush
Many existing top 20 Scottish writers have flourished in part because of good turns done by institutions, arts community, libraries and bookshops. - Sara Sheridan
Tears are God's gift to us. Our holy water. They heal us as they flow. - Rita Schiano
It's quite sad that so many children go through life unsure whether their parents love them or not. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
What happens when the future has come and gone? - Robert Half
A thing is not proved just because no one has ever questioned it. What has never been gone into impartially has never been properly gone into. Hence scepticism is the first step toward truth. It must be applied generally, because it is the touchstone. - Denis Diderot
He thought: Because when you tell a lie it must be to keep from saying a worse thing. Then lying is not a Sin and God will not punish you. (But what if God is one of them?) - Davis Grubb
Dear God, she was getting turned on in the middle of a roadside emergency. This had to stop. - Miranda Liasson
Two turtle doves will show theeWhere my cold ashes lieAnd sadly murmuring tell theeHow in tears I did die - Nikolai Gogol
I speak my mind. If it offends some people, well, there's not much I can do about that. But I'm going to be honest. I'm going to continue to speak my mind, and that's who I am... - Jesse Ventura
You’re going to show up to a duel, in the street, wearing Come F—k Me Heels?" Bats 2015 - Fred Barnett
Why, then 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so: to me it [Denmark] is a prison.
The happy do not believe in miracles. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A good man cares about others. A good man has not only selfish desires. He is not only centered in himself. A bad man has no concern for others. He has only selfish concerns. He is centered in his own world. - Swami Dhyan Giten
The thoughts that you think define your life that you live. So have good thoughts to have a great life. - Debasish Mridha
When you sit down to write, write. Don't do anything else except go to the bathroom, and only do that if it absolutely cannot be put off. - Stephen King
I do not punish my enemies with arrogance; I punish ,them, undoubtedly more subtle - with devoted respect. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity. - C.S. Lewis
Crawling out of the flophouseI saw the mayor stealing my junkI doth protest, citizen's arrestNow my body's in his trunkWhere's the shadow government when you need it?Where's the shadow government?It's a bad, bad world! - They Might Be Giants
A good book is not the same as a successful one. - Johnny Rich
Worlds of my own creation are erected with walls that are within but a few scant paces of each other. The world that God creates for me has no idea what walls are. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Peace with God brings peace with each other. - Evangelist Jordan Wells
No man is perfect but God is. What do you think? - Koyel Mitra
Many of us live that life where we are only happy when there's a good day passing by, instead of being sad when there's one bad day passing leaving us confused. - Auliq Ice
I miss those childish days of long ago, when one day was as long as twenty are now ... - C.J. Heck
Our gods, if we choose to believe in them, must be forced to live up to ethics that far surpass our own human standards. If they fall short of the ethical conditions we place upon ourselves, what use are they to us - except to rationalize our own failures? - Stifyn Emrys
I think there were times when I was so afraid of losing you that I forgot I even had you at all. - Ashly Lorenzana
No complete son of a bitch ever wrote a good sentence. - Malcolm Cowley
A pessimist is someone who has forgotten the joy of beginning. - Marty Rubin
Anger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about, and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed. - Carl Sandburg
The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark. - Barbara Hall
Step into my shoes follow my journey my mountains my valleys my surprise potholes and if you can keep going the way I keep going perhaps you'll understand my choices & strength. - Karen Salmansohn
You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly. - Jalaluddin Rumi
You know you’re writing well when you’re throwing good stuff into the wastebasket. - Ernest Hemingway
It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom. Without this it goes to wrack and ruin without fail. - Albert Einstein
Modern fanaticism thrives in proportion to the quanitity of contradictions and nonsense it poures down the throats of the gaping multitude, and the jargon and mysticism it offers to their wonder and credulity. - William Hazlitt
It is very important not to mistake hemlock for parsley; but not at all so to believe or not in God. - Denis Diderot
Our faith in freedom does not rest on the foreseeable results in particular circumstances but on the belief that it will, on balance, release more forces for the good than for the bad. - Friedrich Hayek
Un golpe de luz me cegó, o fue mi intuición que falló... Tal vez elegí recorrer el camino más largo, el caso es que fui trás de ti... No supe jugar y perdí. - Dulce María
Believe in God.Believe in Jesus Christ.Believe in the Scriptures. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you see only goodness in people, then people will be good. - Debasish Mridha
Maybe we should Create a 'Happy God Day' and make it the one day of the year you can't kill each other. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The key to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate me away from those who are still undecided. - Casey Stengel
It is faith among men that holds the moral elements of society together, as it is faith in God that binds the world to his throne
The rash assertion that "God made man in His own image" is ticking like a time bomb at the foundation of many faiths. - Arthur C. Clarke
The love of God is all I need. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you don't know where you're going, you might not get there. - Yogi Berra
Suffering can bend & break us. But it can also break us open to become the persons God intended us to be. It depends on what we do with the pain. If we offer it back to God, He will use it to do great things in us & through us, because suffering is fertile... it an grow new life. - John Green
Ninety percent of everything you believe you can achieve in life you will. - Gregory C. Dugger
Whereas I would argue that style is morality: morality detailed, configured, intensified. It’s not in the mere narrative arrangement of good and bad that morality makes itself felt. It can be there in every sentence - Martin Amis
Hope is the foundation for which all successful goals are built upon. - Ellen J. Barrier
No one likes incomplete story, so does the God :-) - Raj Vanjara
If he makes me laugh,he's got well...half of my heart. - S G
I value loyalty more than money - Goals Rider
Last night, I spoke to God.I told Him my plans. He started to cry.I thought I was great to move The Greatest to tears.He said that He was crying only becausemy plans were very differentthan His plans for me. - Kamand Kojouri
The Suicide, as she is falling,Illuminated by the moon, Regrets her act, and finds appallingThe thought she will be dead so soon. - Edward Gorey
Lord Perrin. He would never get used to that, but maybe that was a good thing. - Robert Jordan
When a friend leaves you, you move on. When a best friend leaves you, part of you is gone - Misti Hemlock
Woman was God's second mistake. - Friedrich Nietzsche
You cannot escape God's call on your life. He will pursue you to the ends of the earth! - Jim George
The guy who takes a chance, who walks the line between the known and unknown, who is unafraid of failure, will succeed. - Gordon Parks
Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Books and doors are the same thing. You open them, and you go through into another world. - Jeanette Winterson
I remember every good thing about you. Every sweet and perfect thing. And nothing else. He touched her chin, tipped it up to look into her wet brown eyes. Even smudged, they were gorgeous. The dawning light in them filled his heart, and healed it. Nothing else. - V.S. Carnes
How can we win souls for Christ? We must continue to preach the gospel of salvation. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession. - George Washington
I want to forget myself in you..." #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion - OlgaGOA
Freedom is to stand naked at the moment, having no expectations, nothing to lose or to gain. The empty then is fulfilled, just to be emptied again at the next moment. The Absolute Freedom is, to become every path, at any given moment. - Grigoris Deoudis
There is a deep and undeniable sadness in all this: whenever we see the dawn of an eternal good that will never be overcome by evil an evil that is itself eternal but will never succeed in overcoming good whenever we see this dawn, the blood of old people and children is always shed. - Vasily Grossman
Everyday we can't connect but good things connected... - Hitesh Chorada
The best way to see majesty is to strip away everything that pretends to be majestic so that which is fake wholly collapses in the face of that which is majestic. And God in a manger is likely the most remarkable example we have of such a monumental truth. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We are the things we don't remember,the blank spaces, the forgotten words. - Cecilia Ruiz
I have with me two gods, Persuasion and Compulsion. - Themistocles
My God can do it! My God will do it! My God wants to do it! My God has done it! - Kathy Degraw
If you think you can kiss her, you probably could have ten minutes ago. - Mark Manson
There is more treasure in people than in all the gold and mineral mines of the world. - Wesam Fawzi
...required for good fiction: character, conflict, change through time. And if you're really blessed, you get resolution. But life doesn't usually work out that way. - Ted Conover
God is the designer of the family. - Gordon B. Hinckley
I love clean sheets. It's the simultaneous reminiscence of how they got dirtied to begin with, and hopeful anticipation of what stories they will live to tell next time you are standing fatefully in front of the washing machine. - Kristie LeVangie
Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are a subject to a good many different ailments, but I have never heard of one who has suffered from insomnia. - Joseph Wood Krutch
It just be life, that's all. Ain't nothin' happened to you, ain't happened to most women whether they care to admit it or not. You strong, Babygirl. You a woman. You gotta be. - Marilyn Fullen-Collins
Government should protect people and regulate corporations, not protect corporations and regulate people. - Anthony Sloan
Every man has his follies -- and often they are the most interesting thing he had got. - Josh Billings
"I want to know Gods thoughts.... all the rest are just details - Albert Einstein
If you don't have a common set of values in life, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. Your values must be alike.
You either limit the government, or you limit the scope of your life. Why is the government that precious to you in the first place? - A.E. Samaan
In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better. - Ellen DeGeneres
The ‘Gnani’ is in the form of an instrument to attain the goal (Experience of Pure Soul). The goal is the scientific form of Soul (vignan swarup atma). - Dada Bhagwan
To present a whole world that doesn’t exist and make it seem real, we have to more or less pretend we’re polymaths. That’s just the act of all good writing. - William Gibson
Do something that surprises yourself cause if you don't surprise yourself, you're not going to surprise anybody else. - Logan Henderson
I could go to a dozen houses, scrape away the dirt, and find his footprints, but my own prints evaporated before I ever looked back. - Brenda Sutton Rose
Habits are good if you have the habit of the best. - Amit Kalantri
There are those who wish to read everything. Do not try to do this. Let it> alone. The number of books is infinite, and you cannot follow> infinity...For where there is no end, there can be no rest; where there is> no rest, there can be no peace; and where there is no peace, God cannot> dwell. - Hugh of St. Victor
In making up the character of God, the old theologians failed to mention that He is of infinite cheerfulness. The omission has caused the world much tribulation.
Few things come to shake us up and few things pass to teach us how to let go then many things come and remind us what it's all about. It's life and the only person who will control how you feel about all the guts and glory in its path is you. - Nikki Rowe
This next song is about when you get your heart broken and you try your best to glue it back together and you wake up one morning and you’re so happy because you realize, Oh my God, the tape’s holding! - Sara Quin
If you make anything a higher priority than God, you are worshiping it and not God. - Jim George
Corporations and their government minions are capable of anything...just look at the frauds the recent wars became known as. Hundreds of thousands killed in the name of corporate "liberation". - Steven Magee
What-what do you want?" Annabeth asked, trying to maintain a tone of confidence.The voice cackled maliciously.'To curse you, of course! To destroy you thousand times in the name of Mother Night!'"Only a thousand times?" Percy murmured. "Oh, good...I thought we were in trouble. - Rick Riordan
She doesn't give directions but there is a pot of gold at the end of her rainbow...Find it. If you can. - Donna Lynn Hope
He who carries out one good deed acquires one advocate in his own behalf, and he who commits one transgression acquires one accuser against himself. Repentance and good works are like a shield against calamity. - The Talmud
Life is like playing the violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on. - Samuel Butler
Hallelujah songcarries on a gentle wind,heralding a king. - Richelle E. Goodrich
My biggest question was how to get rid of desire while going after your dreams? Dreams are desire in some way, shape or form. My answer is go after your dreams but don't get lost in your actions by staying present as often as possible. - Matthew Donnelly
It really sucks when good things are being hated over the bad one. - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
I am a man, and I will be treated as such. I answer to only one king and His kingdom will come, His will be done. We have chosen sides and we choose God. America as a nation must do the same, as well. - Glenn Beck
You don't need my testimony to know God is Good. I pray u have a testimony for yourself. - Kingsley ofosu-Ampong
Your imagination, my dear fellow, is worth more than you imagine. - Louis Aragon
We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey; - John Hope Franklin
Holiness is God's "special gift" to His people who believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Holiness is the everyday work of the Holy Spirit in the heart and life of believers. - Pazaria Smith
It is good to work for your living. - Lailah Gifty Akita
One of the greatest challenges is not going to the mattresses with someone who criticizes your novel. - Elizabeth Ann Patterson
Consciousness blooms with the expansion of the heart. - Lindsay Godfree
I don't want to oppress men or demand to be given rights beyond what's held by them, but neither do I want men to oppress women. As God's creations, we should be held in equal esteem. - Kim Vogel Sawyer
A woman is a loving mother, a gorgeous daughter, and beautiful angel of imagination. - Debasish Mridha
God is an author, and we are His best story. - Cier Galla
Hit the ball over the fence and you can take your time going around the bases. - John W. Raper
I don't think much about guys from the past. I'm glad I knew them, but there's a reason they didn't make it into my future. - Lorraine Zago Rosenthal
In some of our life projects we just never sit down to ask ourselves where we need to be going with it and so our 'ship of the project' wanders at the dictates of the waves rather than directed by the motor of our purpose - Gbenga APAMPA
That place is happy over which a holy man builds a house, with fire, cattle, wife, children and good followers - The God
If your heart is pure nothing or no one can stop what God has destined for you. They can but for a moment slow you down, but God will make a way. - Spirit Rain
In life, you don’t have miracles, you don’t have anything but whatever you can hold on to. - Nandanie Phalgoo
Threats don't work with the person who's got nothing to lose.
To govern is always to choose among disadvantages. - Charles de Gaulle
Anytime you feel like you don't have any work to do, just look around. Look for what God had started doing and ask for his permission to assist him in doing it. - Israelmore Ayivor
Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in. - Katherine Mansfield
George Macdonald said, 'If you knew what God knows about death you would clap your listless hands', but instead I find old people in North America just buying this whole youth obsession. I think growing older is a wonderful privilege. I want to learn to glorify God in every stage of my life. - Elisabeth Elliot
Someone is always going to try to knock you down and take your place. It is up to you to fight for what you want. - Teresa Mummert
There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.Ephesians 4:4-6 (King James Version) - Anonymous
CALVIN:As usual goodness hardly puts up a fight. - Bill Watterson
There are plenty of good five-cent cigars in the country. The trouble is they cost a quarter. What this country needs is a good five-cent nickel. - Franklin P. Adams
You can buy a pretty good dog with a lot of money, but you can't buy the wag of its tail. - Josh Billings
If you're going to hit a car, try to be sure that it's not a cop car - Judy Gold
Laughter is a gift from God that opens the heart. - Eileen Anglin
Governments neither help us to get out of poverty and hunger, nor let us die. It is time that we must pick one. - M.F. Moonzajer
those who have loved are those that have found God - Guru Nanak
Vulgarity is, in reality, nothing but a modern, chic, pert descendant of the goddess Dullness. - Edith Sitwell
I've never been in love. I will die without knowing what it feels like to need to see one person's face when you go to sleep at night, to crave seeing it when you wake up. I wish I knew. - Libba Bray
Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. - Albert Einstein
That's the news from Lake Woebegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average. - Garrison Keillor
The fullness of God’s grace fills us with power for every good work. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone. - Mitch Albom
Good humor is a paradox. The unexpected juxtaposition of the reasonable next to the unreasonable.
For every Gospel action, there is an opposite and devious demonic reaction. We see this in the book of Acts. It appears in church history. We experience it in our personal journeys. - Daniel Henderson
My whole life changed after I drowned and died in the flood. - Kerry Alan Denney https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29618820-marionettes
Where the rich are concerned, the law goes begging. - Marty Rubin
I am bound by conscience and the word of God. Therefore I can and will recant nothing, because to act against one's conscience is neither safe nor salutary. Here I stad. I can do no ether. So help me God. - Martin Luther
we have faith to sit in a chair, and continue to believe in its foundation that holds us up. If we have faith in God, the foundation will hold us both up, so its our decision to take the seat and trust him. - Trae R. Miller
You get married at twenty, you're going to be shocked who you're living with at thirty. - Peter Blake
Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
A good story cannot be devised; it has to be distilled. - Raymond Chandler
I'm not a bad guy! I work hard, and I love my kids. So why should I spend half my Sunday hearing about how I'm going to Hell? - Matt Groening
A conviction borne of God amply possesses the potency and power to brazenly reach beyond the possible in order to topple the impossible. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If a person starts neglecting the blessings of God and takes all God has given him as his own, then pride is inevitable - Sunday Adelaja
How you try is more important than how hard you try. - Tim Fargo
I prefer friends who walks with me in the shade - because friends, who constantly splendor in the glow of the flash of photographers, and sometimes accompany me - at every turn in times of success, this species of friends are suspect to me. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
GOD is faithful and that is true. But I'll tell you what, GOD is even more faithful to the faithful. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
If I wasn't so phenomenal. I would go back to you. - Coco J. Ginger
A role model is a person whose roles can be modelled. If the roles you conceive and give birth to today cannot be adopted by anyone in your absence, you are no good model. - Israelmore Ayivor
I have known the joy and pain of friendship. I have served and been served. I have made some good enemies for which I am not a bit sorry. I have loved unselfishly, and I have fondled hatred with the red-hot tongs of Hell. That's living. - Zora Neale Hurston
Goodnight - Lord Byron
Govern thy life and thy thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and read the other. - Thomas Fuller
The rather difficult antagonists towards the Faith consist not nearly of the cruel and heartless, nihilistic intellectuals who hate God and humanity, but the well-meaning spirits who for the most part lack Spiritual understanding. - Criss Jami
Thank God I didn't get what I deserve.
Since the dawn of time there have been those among us who have been willing to go to extraordinary lengths to gain access to that domain normally reserved for birds, angels, and madmen.
God through Prophet Hosea is explaining to us reasons for destructions, calamities, failures and devastations among the people of God. That reason is not seen in demonic activities nor is it seen in prevailing economic situations of the land - Sunday Adelaja
We all want to go there something awful, but to stand there takes some grace. - Rich Mullins
For every action there is an equal and opposite government program. - Bob Wells
Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get. - Tom Hanks
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. - Bible
You have not got birth here neither you will get death....only thing you will get here is experience. - Kapil kumar Bhaskar
Either let me love more or let me go. - Debasish Mridha
The good Lord gave me a brain that works so fast that in one moment I can worry as much as it would take others a whole year to achieve.
What people are ashamed of usually makes a good story. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Where have all the Fembots gone? - Ren Garcia
Koliko god ljubavi nosimo u sebi,moramo biti svesni da ljubav nije dovoljna. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wishes to die. The same could be said about success. Everybody wants to achieve it but few are willing to pay the price of success. - Michael A. Contés II
Lies are living beings; once they get hold of you they never let go - rassool jibraeel snyman
I know that men are so eager to be one among the stars.I feel that damaged earth will never let men go off hand. - Toba Beta
If you're not gonna go all the way, why go at all? - Joe Namath
God has already provided all you need to live this one day His way! - Elizabeth George
I am wealth, prosperity, and abundance. God multiplies this and I give thanks I AM receiving more and more money everyday. - Ron Barrow
As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport. - William Shakespeare
Get God and get everything. - Evans Biya
To write good history is the noblest work of man. - John Dickson Carr
Being sad and glum makes life go quicker, like a life that quickly gets lost to a bullet.Being happy makes life go slower, like a sloth eating a gargantuan piece of cake excruciatingly slow, one nibble at a time. - Mekiah Johnson
Trivia are not knowledge. Lists of facts don't comprise knowledge. Analyzing, hypothesizing, concluding from data, sharing insights, those comprise knowledge. You can't google for knowledge. - Elaine Ostrach Chaika
If I could go back would I do it differently? Well, I can't go back. - David Mamet
A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. - Bruce Lee
See to it that you stand truly alive in the wonderful Creation of your God! - Abd-Ru-Shin
If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. - Roald Dahl
The realm of God is dangerous. You must enter into it and not just seek information about it - Archbishop Anthony Bloom
Behind the facade of elected government are a bunch of corporate controlled gangsters running the country. - Steven Magee
Good Morning! Wake up and smile like the morning sun. - Debasish Mridha
All the truth of God are discoverable through every day life. - Compton Gage
Wit and puns aren't just decor in the mind; they're essential signs that the mind knows it's on, recognizes its own software, can spot the bugs in its own program. - Adam Gopnik
When I was foolish, I detested sagacity. I ate the fruits of my foolishness and ignorance. I thank God because I was once foolish. It was from my foolishness that I learnt and understood the true savour of sagacity. - Ogwo David Emenike
Before we can forgive one another, we have to understand one another. - Emma Goldman
I like the moment when I break a man's ego - Bobby Fischer
A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her. - Max Lucado
The Protestant teachings caused people to view their work as a way of proving their love to God so they tried to do their best and give the best quality to God by giving the best quality to man. - Sunday Adelaja
Nonviolence is power, but it is the right and good use of power. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Remember: There's a reason the fairy godmother gave Cinderella two glass slippers. - Michael Callahan
I think that the Internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. - Milton Friedman
Gathering your own reference materials, sketches and using your own imagination is going to help you grow as an artist far more than stealing someone else's work. - Bonnie Hamlin
The coach who goes home and doesn't think about the game he just lost is bound to repeat his mistakes. - Keith Cooper
One of the qualities of liberty is that, as long as it is being striven after, it goes on expanding. Therefore, the man who stands in the midst of the struggle and says, "I have it," merely shows by doing so that he has just lost it. - Henrik Ibsen
I guess All that glitters really isn't gold....Sometimes it's just 'paint'. - Andrea L'Artiste
Far too often, it is at the moment where we finally stand on the very precipice of some great thing that we turn and abandon it, for it is at these seminal moments that fear wins and greatness dies. The beauty of Christmas is that God steps over precipices. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Those who are critical of my goals and dreams simply do not understand the higher purpose to which I have been called. - Andy Andrews
I don't know what love is,But i know what true love is,It is when two people encourages each other to grow ,Who will let you go out the world and trust that you will come back. This is what true love is about. - Lyza Matociños
Anyone who loves money loves a good thing,but anyone who is in love with money is an evil man. - Crystal Wolf
The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself - something that's in all of us, I think, a little piece of God just waiting to be discovered. - Tina Turner
Life is a book that someone else is reading—and you, a key character—hence the need for continual conflict and resolution. We can't have any boring books. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Look, the thing that's going to make Disneyland unique and different,' he insisted, 'is the detail. If we loose the detail, we loose it all. - Neal Gabler
You taste like heaven, and I’m going to prove it to you. - C.D.Reiss, Hardball
Appreciate the people & good fortune within everyday life, this, is the quality of life, experienced. - Bob Armstrong
An INDEPENDENT Mind......is a terrible thing to waste - Dana Gore
Life is mostly froth and bubble,Two things stand like stone.Kindness in another's trouble,Courage in your own. - Adam Lindsay Gordon
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.... I advice keep singing peacefully "GO NAWAZ GO - Abdul'Rauf Hashmi
You cannot wish for happiness but you can work towards your life goals and create lasting happiness. - Roopleen
If I give you and apple and ask you, What is that?You reply, An apple.How do you know it’s an apple.Because it just is.How did it get to be an apple?It came form an apple.Exactly. So when I ask you, ‘What are you?’ You can honestly say, ‘I am a child of God because I came from God. - Toni Sorenson
We've all got our own brand of crazy. - Meg Mitchell Moore
You go to church to respect God, not the priest. By not going to church, you disrespect God, not the priest. - Don Camillo - Giovannino Guareschi
A guy who is equipped mentally and educationally doesn't need a confidence check. He is positioned and prepared to GO. Are you? - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
You have control over yourself. You are the master of your destiny. You're the captain of your ship and YOU are the one who'll decide where to go... - Ane Krstevska
To know who you are without any delusions or sympathy is a moment of revelation that no one experiences unscathed. (Brom, Eragon) - Christopher Paolini
God’s peace and perspective are available to you through His Word. - Elizabeth George
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' - Ronald Reagan
Once you have listened to the gossip for some time, you will soon feel as if you know everyone, even if you have never met them. - Monica Fairview
What makes us brave isn't lacking the good sence to be afraid; it's looking back at what we've lived through and seeing if we've faced it well. - Caitlín R. Kiernan
The only way to ensure democracy functions correctly is to question its governance constantly. Fail to do so and you may awake to find yourself living in a police state. - Stewart Stafford
Pathology can indeed cause experiences of the Kingdom of God, but not all God experiences are caused by pathology. - Abhijit Naskar
You are educated. Yourcertification is in yourdegree. You may think ofit as the ticket to the goodlife. Let me ask you to think of analternative. Think of it as yourticket to change the world. - Tom Brokaw
You're a survivor because everyday you make a choice not to be governed by their harsh words or actions. No one has the right to take away your happiness. - Assunta Harris
If you want people to do a good job, give them a good job to do. - Frederick Herzberg
Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten. - B.F. Skinner
If you're going to make a science fiction movie, then have a hover craft chase, for God's sake. - Joss Whedon
If our goal is not to "succeed" or avoid failure or mistakes, but to learn something, we will never fail. - Jami Gold
This is the theory… that anything that is art… is presumably about some certain thing, but is really always about something else, and it’s no good having one without the other, because if you just have the something it is boring and if you just have the something else it’s irritating. - Edward Gorey
Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius. - Comte de Buffon
While struggling with all the loss in her life, she mournfully thought, "If only I could forget..." But that would be too easy, wouldn't it? However, she did with most; she never got too close and she never stayed too long, but there she was...struggling with all the loss in her life. - Donna Lynn Hope
The French have the right respect for dogs--in France we chiens get to go to lunch and dinner anytime, anywhere. - Sheron Long
I'm sure for that comming there was a reason, but what's going to happen with that reason and Gotham? - Deyth Banger
In America everything goes and nothing matters, while in Europe nothing goes and everything matters. - Philip Roth
What's the rush? Recognise that with the time at our disposal, there is only a limited number of good books you can read, a few really good movies worth seeing, and a finite number of hours, days, years to enjoy them! - Ken Puddicombe
Men are not generally sufficiently aware of the distinction between the law of God and his purpose; they are apt to suppose, that as the temper of the sinner is contrary to the one, so the outrages of the sinner are able to defeat the other; than which nothing can be more false. - John Witherspoon
If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men. - Francis of Assisi
Rare and precious gifts,gold and myrrh and frankincense,to offer a king. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I will not glory, even in my orthodoxy, for even that can be a snare if I make a god of it... Let us rejoice in Him in all His fulness and in Him alone. - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
If there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love. - Michel de Montaigne
But we don't have to react. That's what I'm saying. A police force, like a government, should be above that. Just because we're provoked doesn't mean we have to act. -- Still Life - Louise Penny
You may slip but God isn't going to let you down. His loving arms will always be there to catch you. - Auliq Ice
God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving. - Randy Alcorn
I found God, he lives in an atom. - Debasish Mridha
Błogosławiony ten, co nie mając nic do powiedzenia, nie obleka tego faktu w słowa. - Julian Tuwim
Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good. - Thomas Sowell
Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of the government. The history of government is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of government, not the increase of it. - Woodrow Wilson
When God is ready for you to move, He will make your situation uncomfortable. - Germany Kent
Without grace, we can do no good deed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
He was guilty of nothing, except that he earned his own fortune and never forgot that it was his. - Ayn Rand
When you are kind to someone in trouble, you hope they'll remember and be kind to someone else. And it'll become like a wildfire. - Whoopi Goldberg
You have to look in the mirror and do one of two things; love or hate who you see. So, be good to yourself - it's all the esteem you have. - Stacy Snapp-Killian aka StacyK
I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and there is purpose and worth to each and every life. - Ronald Reagan
¡Ah, los '90, años de sufrires sencillos tan alternativos! cuando entonces las guerras del crimen organizado (gobierno y narco) aún hibernaban. - Darbo Scalante
When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying one night and realized I was talking to myself.
YOU might be limited by a life situation, but GOD is never hampered. Praise Him! - Elizabeth George
Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse. - Thomas Szasz
Any time gone by was better. - Jorge Manrique
I can get on with someone really, really, really well… and if they’re no good at having sex with me, it really upsets me, because I think, oh God, this is someone I’d really like to spend the rest of my life with, but I cannot face having bad sex for the rest of my life. - Lily Allen
I must say that acting was good training for the political life that lay ahead of us. - Anthony Burgess
Visions and words go together only when inspirations connects them! - Rossana Condoleo
Humor is laughing at what you haven't got when you ought to have it. - Langston Hughes
The purpose of life is soul growth. We are here to become transcendent and to become one with God. There is no more to life than this. In other words, we are here to love. - Sara Wiseman
Whether we like it or not, one day science will take God from us! This will be especially a great destruction for the weak minds! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The sin both of men and of angels, was rendered possible by the fact that God gave us free will. - C.S. Lewis
They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we’re gone. - Nehali Lalwani
At school we learn the theory to do the practice, but they didn't teach you that in real life you learn from the practice to know the theory - Goitsemang Mvula
God gives out good gifts of wisdom, talent, beauty, and skill 'graciously'--that is, in a completely unmerited way. He casts them across all humanity, regardless of religious conviction, race, gender, or any other attribute to enrich, brighten, and preserve the world. - Timothy J. Keller
For life, it doesn’t matter how much you earn and how you hold your different relationships, but what’s important for life is, what kind of progress, you have achieved from inside, while going through different aspects of life. - Roshan Sharma
God is as real as mind and the mind is as real as nature. - Thiruman Archunan
Do not give in too much to feelings. A overly sensitive heart is an unhappy possession on this shaky earth. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The more you concentration on God, the longer your conversation with him lasts and the holier his consacration will be on you. Let your communication with him be controlled by your committment. - Israelmore Ayivor
Sometimes you do not need a particular destination to go, you just need a travel; the place you want to go is the travel itself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
What I say is, if a witch can't look after herself, she's got no business calling herself a witch. - Terry Pratchett
The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
The teaching goes on - Mitch Albom from "Tuesdays with Morrie"
I think it would be a good idea. - Mahatma Gandhi
If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further. - Mahatma Gandhi
The value of a person’s quote or post is not determined by the number of online LIKE vote that it has got, but by the trustworthiness of the people who come truly in its support. - Anuj Somany
Always think and always dream. Wonder what’s around the next corner for yourself, and don’t be afraid to go there, but most of all Love. Loving yourself and the people around you is the easiest path through life. It will bring you around that corner, and places you’ve never been. - Ron Baratono
There's always something coming. Good or bad, it's going to force you to grow. - Robert Tew
Beyond your wildest imagination, there is something worth working for. - Gordon Attard
I've always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up. - Beverly Sills
Walking thru this graveyard, I realize times were never really hard. We live, we love, we let it go. The world ain't changed me at all. - Kevin Dalton
The wonderful wizard of Oz - when was a child I loved the movie and I read the book when I got older and made me amazing - L. Frank Baum, W.W. Denslow
Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster. - Weston H. Agor
Appreciation is a better stimulant than money. Money boosts the ego while appreciation touches the soul. - Debasish Mridha
To have loved, to have lost and to be so empty when love is forgotten and not shared is an empty heart that's always whispering "fill me"~bns - Bluenscottish
I really think the range of emotions and perceptions I have had access to as a black person and as a female person are greater than those of people who are neither.... So it seems to me that my world did not shrink because I was a black female writer. It just got bigger. - Toni Morrison
Religions are often state-protected nurseries of pseudoscience, although there's no reason why religions have to play that role. In a way, it's an artefact from times long gone. - Carl Sagan
Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories. - John Wilmot
I have learned that when sadness comes to visit me, all I can do is say I see you. I spend some time with it, get up, and say goodbye.I don’t push it away, I own it. And because I own it, I let it go. - Carolina Zacaria
I'd ask [God] why he keeps trying to kill us all with disease, pestilence, and natural disasters. I'd ask why 99% of all species there ever were are now extinct -- if God works in mysterious ways, that way is mysteriously genocidal. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational. - Charles M. Schulz
Good spiritual habits and routines turn into better lives. - Amanda Penland
If there was a God, he'd guide the winds, let them blow for me so that, with a tug of my string, I'd cut loose my pain, my longing. - Khaled Hosseini
The emotional states are liberated inside water, we calm down emotionally, we become more sensitive, we are able to "touch" deeper ourselves and other beings. Empathy is echoing back to us giving subtle vibrations from the realm of the senses. Find your water ~ - Grigoris Deoudis
It is GOOD to cherish your yesterdays; It is BETTER to dream your tomorrows; but it is BEST to live your today's! Remember to hold fast to your dreams, for if your dreams die, then your life is like a bird with broken wings that cannot fly. - Donald Pillai
Contrary to popular belief, going shopping is really about stopping afterward for cheesecake. - Bonnie Jensen
Remember that whatsoever you desire, God is the most dependable provider. - Gugu Mona
Grammar school never taught me anything about grammar. - Isaac Goldberg
Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body - Elizabeth Stone
I believe that the only way that the human race is gonna survive is to start colonizing space and setting up colonies on the moon, and then space stations. - Ace Frehley
That which enables us to know and understand aright in the things of God, must be a living principle of holiness within us. - John Smith Jr.
Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened. - Thomas Hardy
It is ignorance or at least lack of consideration of heavenly things that make the temporal things of this world, whether good or evil, greater than they really are. - Tom Patton
My goal is simple. It is to take the human civilization with me on the path of sweet general harmony. - Abhijit Naskar
When the demons start coming out— that's when you're nearing the light! It's hard for cockroaches to stay put without all the shadows. So in that case, keep on going! - C. JoyBell C.
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress. - Mahatma Gandhi
I didn't go to college at all, any college, and I'm not saying you wasted your time or money, but look at me, I'm a huge celebrity. - Ellen DeGeneres
If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're more than lucky. - S.E. Hinton
The light of God's love makes us unique personalities - Sunday Adelaja
I’ll never second guess the things that I have done. I’ve got too much left to say and too much to become. - Alex Gaskarth
Every person is a project, God's project, I want to be the most profitable one. - Amit Kalantri
God gives absolutely everybody the opportunity to be successful in life. - Sunday Adelaja
The artist has a duty to be calm. He has no right to show his emotion, his involvement, to go pouring it all out at the audience. Any excitement over a subject must be sublimated into an Olympian calm of form. That is the only way in which an artist can tell of the things that excite him. - Andrei Tarkovsky
It doesn't take a man to have a child, it takes a man to raise a child. - GonzoBilly
Quote from Frontiers:"Regardless of what happened, it was definitely going to be an exciting time for everyone, the day humanity first reached out to touch the stars. - Jeff W. Horton
GOD is super intelligent - says GO & DO GOOD things, if not I may pick you as an ODD human & like a honest DOG knows what to do next! - Ningraj
Supposing is good, but finding out is better. - Mark Twain
You cannot call a man as a good person just because he is treating you good! He should treat everyone good to be good! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Key message to all patients: Let go of all negativity and empower your body through your positivity. - Widad Akreyi
Setting a good example for children takes all the fun out of middle age. - William Feather
If you want to find a way, you have to go - Tagor Manroo
...luxury is the enemy of observation, a costly indulgence that induces such a good feeling that you notice nothing. Luxury spoils and infantilizes you and prevents you from knowing the world. That is its purpose... - Paul Theroux
Total confusion, disconnected nothing, absolute bewilderment. It's an enigma wrapped in a mystery, stuffed in a burrito, and smothered in taco sauce. - Russ Gregory
Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it. - Groucho Marx
...no moment cares, and the ones you wish could stretch out like a hammock for you to lie in, well, those moments leave the quickest and take everything good with them, little burglars, those moments, those hours, those days you loved the most. - Catherine Lacey
you've got to cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice
New Year's Eve, where auld acquaintance be forgot. Unless, of course, those tests come back positive. - Jay Leno
If you want to go to places worth going, you have to be open to personal growth. No matter how much your job pays you, if it doesn’t offer you the opportunity to grow, your efforts would only go to waste. There are really just some things that money can’t buy. Never stop learning! - Kevin J. Donaldson
The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The opposite or pessimistic spirit drags men down and away from God, looks on the dark side, murmurs, complains, and is slow to yield obedience. - Orson F. Whitney
I was just walking around saying We’re all gonna die! I never got over it. I went to class, I did what I had to do, but I was a gibbering idiot. It never went away. I never again felt the same way about life and death. - Anne Rice
Perpetual optimism is good for the mind.Perpetual hope is good for the heart.Perpetual faith is good for the heart. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Work towards a goal, but try not to visualize the successful result: if you don’t achieve success, you will be disappointed; if you do achieve success, you will already have experienced it in your mind’s eye. - Clifford Cohen
I believe that death should not be feared instead we should endure life and give our best even though life isn't always fair we shall always enjoy life the way it comes and if death is upon us its cause its time for us to go knowing that there is something better for us..... - Miguel Angel Puma
There is nothing training cannot do. Nothing is above its reach. It can turn bad morals to good; it can destroy bad principles and recreate good ones; it can lift men to angelship. - Mark Twain
Love is an involuntary gift that manifests unplanned. - Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi
As a general man I tried watching movies, playing sports, going to picnics and other entertainments but I still got bored, then I tried heroism and now I am hero, and I never get bored. - Amit Kalantri
Don't you ever wonder if this life has just gotten old and stale? When suddenly faced with my possible demise, I can't think of one thing I would miss, except you." - Vampire, Michel Baptiste - Denise K. Rago
Grace equals ability. God gives us grace to match our call. When we do our own thing, we do it on our own. When we follow His leading, He always supplies the grace and the energy to do what He's calling us to do. - Joyce Meyer
I won’t ever tell someone to never hold on for what might be gone; because if they don’t see it for themselves, my words will be just words. - Rayvon L. Browne
Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased by tales, so is the other. - Sir Francis Bacon
The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or a new thing in an old way. - Richard Harding Davis
I had forgotten. Disgust shadows desire.Another life is never safely envied. - Robert Wells
God is good, and I love Him. Right now, God is permitting a very hard thing. Why, I don't know, but I still trust Him. - Dee Henderson
A goal will always tell you where you don't want to be. - Shannon L. Alder
The inquiry of truth, which is the love-making, or the wooing of it, the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it, and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it, is the sovereign good of human nature. - Francis Bacon
Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation. - Jane Austin
Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave.
Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple. - Barry Switzer
A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape of the universe, helps to extend everyone's knowledge of himself and the world around him. - Dylan Thomas
Sometimes it's the simplest things we should most long for. - C.W. Gortner
By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity. - Vernon Howard
Asking me why don't I think Gods exist, is one thing. But asking me why don't I "Believe" Jesus is real, is you pushing your luck. - Andrea L'Artiste
What sense is there in pain at all—however we contrive it for ourselves as we cast about for ways to bind up the wound between us and God? - Anne Carson
Kalo gue bener-bener mencintai lo, gue juga harus belajar melepaskan lo.... - Good Fight - Christian Simamora
I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. - Thomas Jefferson
Stvari se rađaju. Stvari se raspadaju. A elementi tih mrtvih stvari postaju nešto drugo. Ništa ne traje vječno, a ništa ni ne nestaje u potpunosti. Samo ponstane nešto drugo. - Simon Toyne
You want to move on, but to do that you have to let her go, and you don't want to let her go, so you don't move on. - Jonathan Tropper
Silence then, and the scent of apple trees, and the nightmare sense of grief that comes when a man wakes again to feel a loss he has forgotten in sleep. - Mary Stewart
Atheists say that religion is like wearing shackles. Religion sets forth laws that govern how we act, and countries set forth laws that govern how we act. Yet only one is like wearing shackles. - S.G
She don't only believe in Shoes & cars.... She do believe in Super Star. That's the kind of girl you need bro, the girl that will believe in you & support your career. - GoalsRider
Candle needs darkness to show its talents. Good shines only beside the bad; it disappears when the bad disappears. Where there is no darkness, candle is forgotten. - Mehmet Murat ildan
History, Geology, Psychology, Philosophy, Chemistry, Physics, Theology, Mathematics, Technology, Sociology, Biology, and the list goes on and on. If all this body of knowledge exist for human consumption, why would I specialize in only one field? - Allan Amanyire
Train yourself by blessing those who treat you badly and you will take on the nature of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Knowing that an asteroid is going to hit the earth is not really useful if you are not planning to launch missiles to knock it out of the sky. You have to work massively overtime on the belief that innovation or massive change is going to happen.' Tom Martin, former VP of marketing - Heather Simmons
Hold back the edges of your gown, Ladies, we are going through hell. - William Carlos Williams
Like sin itself, Satan appeals to the senses. He originated and perfected the art of disguising evil as good. - Charles R. Swindoll
When unity of the mind, speech and body occurs, God has called that the ‘foremost’ religion. If they do not remain in unison, you should maintain the intent of ‘I want to keep them in unison’; then some day it will come into fruition if this resolve is there. - Dada Bhagwan
I shall know but one country. The ends I aim at shall be my country, my God & Truth. I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American. - Daniel Webster
Our lives are the Journey we take to find our true selves! - Alyssa Gonzalez
Born on straw at nightunder low stable rafters,Baby Jesus cried. - Richelle E. Goodrich
There is no Gnan (True Knowledge) where there is ‘egoism’ and where there is Gnan, there is no ‘egoism’. - Dada Bhagwan
Within her presence, I had once been usedto feeling—trembling—wonder, dissolution;but that was long ago. Still, though my soul,now she was veiled, could not see her directly,by way of hidden force that she could move,I felt the mighty power of old love. - Dante Alighieri
I believe the difficulty that lies in growth, is the struggle of letting go of all you know to learn about the unknown. When in all actuality the unknown that you're learning about is yourself. - Turcois Ominek
Don’t wait to receive until you feel worthy. Your self-esteem will go up as a result of receiving. ~ - Amanda Owen
More people have died in the name of religion than have ever died of cancer. And we try to cure cancer... What makes us take up arms against those who pray to the same God with different words? - Chuck Austen
A few people of integrity can go a long way. - Bill Kauth
My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. - Winston Groom
Hazte cargo de mí, ayúdame a sacar lo mejor de mismo, dame tu tiempo que es para mí; dame a ti mismo, respondiéndome con tu amor. - Cf. Mèlich
When you thank GOD for what you have, it means you appreciate and value what's in your hands. And when you value what's in your hands, it will open up its wonder to you. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
When you judge others you reveal your inability to see them through God's eyes. - Carlos A. Rodriguez
It is easier to write an indifferent poem than to understand a good one. - Michel de Montaigne
The government is unresponsive to the needs of the little man. Under 5'7", it is impossible to get your congressman on the phone. - Woody Allen
Any death prior to the heat death of the universe is premature if your life is good. - Nick Bostrom
My constant prayer for myself is to be used in service for the greater good. - Oprah Winfrey
The hands of man can manufacture many things both penetratingly brilliant and utterly astounding. Yet, despite their amazing dexterity and profound skill they cannot manufacture hope. Such a masterpiece as that is left for the hands of God and a manger crafted by those hands. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Self-improvement and practice are the golden tools for earning the award of excellence. - Mark F. LaMoure
Anything you fully do is an alone journey. - Natalie Goldberg
Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers. - Socrates
when you’re the first in your family to go to college, you never truly feel like they’ve let you go. - New York Times Staff
Everything God created is good, with the possible exception of cats. - Michael Wittmer
If you dreamed to have a tranquil life then do not bother either exasperate or infuriate other's life. Dreaming a tranquil life is good but you cannot surmount it if you have a lot of foes indeed. - Albert Subrado
The art of life is to live in the present moment and to make that moment as perfect as we can by the realization that we are the instruments and expression of God himself. - Emmet Fox
Ninja Mom's can't be all their called to be, if their so stressed out about how their going to pay their Mastercard bill - Anna M. Aquino
God's love and mercy are for all people. - Jim George
Every once in life everyone has one time opportunity. So take your best shot or go to your mama and cry your ass off. - Revaz Eristavi
When I see God I see Beauty, I see Love, I see Joy, I see Peace and I see You. God loves us let us love one another. - E'yen A. Gardner
Wisdom is God’s handwriting.Love is God’s signature. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You haven't seen god but god is always an invisible one to show you the way to understand yourself. - Bikash Bhandari
To satisfy a want or a need, you must first go for it - Martin Powell
We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength. - Charles F. Stanley
Good conduct arises out of good doctrine. - John R.W. Stott
To a lot of children, school is currently mostly a place to learn what you aren’t any good at. - Danny Mekić
There are many going afar to marvel at the heights of mountains, the mighty waves of the sea, the long courses of great rivers, the vastness of the ocean, the movements of the stars, yet they leave themselves unnoticed! - Augustine of Hippo
It goes without saying that you should never have more children than you have car windows - Erma Bombeck
You will never get what you want if you believe that you are not worthy of having it. God doesn't create us to be defeated. - Shannon L. Alder
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience. - John Cage
Nights without beginning that had no end. Talking about a past as if it'd really happened. Telling themselves that this time next year, this time next year, things were going to be different. - Raymond Carver
May God have mercy on your soul! from Annabelle, as far as now the film reminds for Chucky. - Deyth Banger
Solitude became, for me, an interesting mosaic of broken pieces, a place where the neglected parts of myself get collected—for better and for worse, sometimes barely tolerated and sometimes arranged into lovely patterns. - Laurie A. Helgoe
What will I do when you're gone?" said Alasdair, with a faltering voice.Bryeison placed a hand on his shoulder and said, with raging tranquility, "Do what is good and what is right. - Michelle Franklin
The masters and overseers were so good at employee development, in their absence, the employees still achieved the company's mission - Darnell Lamont Walker
It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar.
Goto, n.: A programming tool that exists to allow structured programmers to complain about unstructured programmers.
Your dream is to feel good; God’s dream is for you to do good. - Shannon L. Alder
We have to believe in free-will. We've got no choice. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. - Friedrich von Schiller
The assumption that the gospel can be reduced to a note card is already off on the wrong track. - Scot McKnight
If you're going down the wrong path, speeding up isn't going to help. - Orrin Woodward
All sects are different, because they come from men; morality is everywhere the same, because it comes from God. - Voltaire
There are no ordinary people. The blur or everyday reality has created a world in which most of us have forgotten our unique and sacred existence...it is [our] true self, once discovered, that enables us to understand more clearly the nature of our world, and our own existence. - Kim Chestney
Where lowland is, that's where water goes. All medicine wants is pain to cure. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Prayer, to the patriarchs and prophets, was more than the recital of well-known and well-worn phrases. It was the outpouring of the heart. Beset by perils, persecutions, pain and privations, they naturally turned to God in their need, believing that He was able to redeem them out of their troubles. - Herbert Lockyer
I'd rather be befriended as an aimless lost soul than be befriended for adornment, gain or goal. - Donna Lynn Hope
Well, history isn't ever going to end, happily or unhappily. And history is ending every second - happily for some of us, unhappily for others, happily one second, unhappily the next. History is always ending and always not ending, and both ways there is nothing to wait for - Tom Robbins
God is our teacher,life is His rod,and eternal life is our reward. - Matshona Dhliwayo
People think kindness is a soft, weak, submissive influence when in reality it is the most potent, persuasive force in existence. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Those who fear the imagination condemn it: something childish, they say, something monsterish, misbegotten. Not all of us dream awake. But those of us who do have no choice. - Patricia A. McKillip
Egos clash. That's the nature of egos.Treat these outbursts as sneezing fits. - Hugh Prather
I don't pray really, because I don't want to bore God. - Orson Welles
EGO means attachment to layers of our unexamined thoughts and illusions.We avoid self inquiry because it shatters our belief system and false image. - Aditya Ajmera
If there had been an exercise I'd liked, would I have gotten this big in the first place? - Jennifer Weiner
When we are in love, we are convinced nobody else will do. But as time goes, others do do, and often do do, much much better. - Coco J. Ginger
Success certainly isn’t achievement of popularity. Success in God’s kingdom is loving God, loving one another, and being faithful to what He’s called us to do. - Gabriel Wilson
God always gives his hardest battles to his strongest warriors. - Shannon L. Alder
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals. - Brian Tracy
As it is I'm a dated novelist, whom hardly anybody reads, or if they do, most of them don't understand what I am on about. Certainly I wish I had never written Voss, which is going to be everybody's albatross. - Patrick White
To be good, we must do good; and by doing good we take a sure means of being good, as the use and exercise of the muscles increase their power. - Tryon Edwards
A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. - Lao Tzu
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but those well-arranged words are worth a multi-million-dollar motion picture. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Anticipation tingled in my stomach: the kind of tingle that at first you don’t know if it’s a good tingle or a bad tingle just a tingle. - Terry Weible Murphy
Most new books are forgotten within a year, especially by those who borrow them. - Evan Esar
It can be argued that the computer is humanity’s attempt to replicate the human brain. This is perhaps an unattainable goal. However, unattainable goals often lead to outstanding accomplishment. - Zubair Saleem Fazal
Can't make a life and death decision when you are fighting off what I call choice-vertigo - Kaleb Kilton
A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad. - Samuel Goldwyn
If you try to buy love, you will go bankrupt trying to possess it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
That God had a plan, I do not doubt.But what if His plan was, that we would do better? - Mary Oliver
Prayer is the best resort and God will guide you to feel beautiful moments even if you're weak or strong, bury your soul into the arms of the love of God. - Grats
Your refusal to forgive one who has sinned against you us a manifestation of hypocrisy - a telltale sign that either you have not experenced God's forgiving grace, or that you take such grace for granted. - Joe Thorn
When you eat too much chocolate, you get sick of it.When you drink too much champagne, you get sick of it.Gorge yourself on fear. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels he is worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him. - Abraham Lincoln
My business is not to remake myself, But make the absolute best of what God made. - Robert Browning
I think fearlessness and stupidity go together.
You can never out-give God. - Anonymous
Quotes is just quotes, cannot change your world if you not do think in that quotes, so just go and do anything... - Libiyanto Dwi Cahya
Being snappy is a symptom of an argument we forgot to have some way back. - Alain de Botton
They say this soul hunting will cost me my sanity,i say i'd go insane if i stop. - Anjum Choudhary
You can make excuses or you can achieve your goals, but you can't do both. - Andrea Gogelein
Emotions and feelings don't come out of the blue they're always triggered by memories good or bad. Males and females must process both. - Mayra Mejia
God, I don't really understand You but I know I can hug YOU.. - Maria Gregory
Stab me in the heart; once, twice, more. For it is your own you are stabbing; I gave you mine to hold long ago. No pain will be greater than you leaving with my heart in your hands. Rip me apart or hold it for eternity, in the name of love. - Anonymous
You can never know what it is that you have forgotten. - Upasana Saraf
If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies are legalized. - Lysander Spooner
Whatever your passion in life is; always set a goal for yourself and never allow the guy next door to hold you back from achieving it. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
It's easy to be independent when you've got money. But to be independent when you haven't got a thing - that's the Lord's test.
In choosing a mate, don't pick the tallest and most handsome or the most beautiful. Don't choose one just because that person raises your physical passions. Look for the person who is good from within, the one with substance and worth. - Helen Quist Milligan
It is not in the storm or in the strifeWe feel benumbed and wish to be nor more,But in the after-silence on the shoreWhen all is lost except a little life. - George Gordon Byron
One difficulty that someone who has been in military/government service during war has, is reconciling his/her pride with their horror. - Kari Martindale
Reckon your weakness as praise of God’s power, endure suffering in joy, risk your life on the veracity of Christ, count your loneliness a means of grace. - William Stringfellow
We will go away and nothing will remain except what we shared and gave away with love. - Debasish Mridha
Love is the only way to go toward happiness. - Debasish Mridha
If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today.
The way I see it if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.
Cream always rises to the top...so do good leaders". - John Paul Warren
We really learn only from those books that we cannot judge. The author of a book that we were able to judge would have to learn from us. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Realmente el amor es algo maravilloso: es más bello que las esmeraldas y más raro que los finos ópalos. - Oscar Wilde
Scientists or thinkers who try to discover the truth cannot find that higher life by thinking alone, but their own life, spent in search for the truth and neglecting the physical living, is just that higher form of human existence. - Alija Izetbegović
They wonder much to hear that gold, which in itself is so useless a thing, should be everywhere so much esteemed, that even men for whom it was made, and by whom it has its value, should yet be thought of less value than it is. - Sir Thomas More
It is a far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known. - Charles Dickens
Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings. - Publilius Syrus
Sometimes a slow gradual approach does more good than a large gesture. - Craig Newmark
It feels good not to think about anything that wears on me. We all need that kind of of room in our lives. - Ron Baratono
The past is gone, and tomorrow is an illusion. There is only now. - William Donelson
Jesus Christ is coming back because God's divine plan for humanity involves a second exodus; a supernatural exodus. - Felix Wantangntang
Gossip and reputation make sure that what comes around-a person who is cruel will find that the others are cruel hack to him, and a person who is kind will find others are kind in return. Gossip paired with reciprocity allow karma to work here on earth, not in the next life. - Jonathan Haidt
If you want something to happen, you must make it happen, because if you really don't want it, it's not going to happen without you. You can't make other people do things for you. You can't wait for people to come and give it to you. You must go out and get it. - Olga Custodio
[From a New York Times biography from May 27, 2010 entitled Introduction to 's 'The Second Sex']Beauvoir herself was as devout an atheist as she had once been a Catholic, and she dismisses religions even when they worship a goddess as the inventions of men to perpetuate their dominion. - Simone de Beauvoir
You know what? I'm an artist. I'm an artist and I'm gonna make art, arty art art! - Andy Biersack
Building a trust to a friend or to anyone else is like sewing a an elegant gown, once betrayed the string or needle breaks and gonna need to replace them.The relationship will go on but it will never have the same treatment. - Bradley B. Dalina
I say that good painters imitated nature; but that bad ones vomited it. - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Thanks God that he created me dumb and crazy enough to believe that I can create and invent in other than what i studied in and what they want me to be. - Hisham Fawzi
The truth knocks on the door and you say, 'Go away, I'm looking for the truth,' and so it goes away.
We are all trying to find a path back to the present moment. And good enough reason to just be happy here... Mindfulness meditation is just a trick for doing that. It's a trick for setting aside your to-do list, if only for a few moments, and actually locate a feeling of fulfilment in the present - Sam Harris
Stay focused! Know where you are heading towards in life with your life! People going somewhere don't just go anywhere! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If you don't feel it, flee from it. Go where you are celebrated, not merely tolerated. - Paul F. Davis
It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones. - Calvin Coolidge
Here were we wretched creatures of men making for each other's throats, and outraging the good earth which God had made so fair a habitation. - John Buchan
Ridicule is generally made use of to laugh men out of virtue and good sense, by attacking everything praiseworthy in human life. - Joseph Addison
Everybody likes to go their own way--to choose their own time and manner of devotion. - Jane Austen
No one wants to die or even plans to die, at least not when you are young and living life on top of everything, stepping on gold, running the miles with hot chicks on tow, but even if I wasn’t a rock star, and just a normal civilian, I still wouldn’t plan to die young. Death is so boring. - Sofea Shah
Alvin didn't cry, didn't curse, didn't holler.... He was too far gone to roar on that day or even to crack. Only I did.... Only I cracked, alone, later in the one place in our house where I knew I could go to be apart from the living and all that they cannot not do. - Philip Roth
I am simply a 'book drunkard.' Books have the same irresistible temptation for me that liquor has for its devotee. I cannot withstand them. - L.M. Montgomery
When I leave this earthly home and go up to God to dwell, someone will look on the heaped up grave and whisper, "She tried to do well. - Reverend Ada Slaton Bonds, Cumberland Presbyterian
Respect when earned, should be protected because when lost, it would be hard to recover it. When one trusts and relies on you so much and you take it for granted, the day such a person would take a decision to disrespect you, forget it, you are a goner - OMOSOHWOFA CASEY
O words of love, O words divine! The silver thought, the golden line! Of all men's words, there's none so fine, As these three words: 'I've got mine!' - Hagar the Horrible
You can do anything that you wanna do. All you gotta do is to put your brain into it. Take your time and educate your mind.
It takes your knowing to decide on your going. If you know where you are going, you will keep going because you have already seen yourself gone - Israelmore Ayivor
Racism in impenetrable. Staying in America means always fighting. For our own sanity and safety, we must go. - Darnell Lamont Walker
God cannot remove the burdens of your heart, but he will prompt you where to go, what to say and what to do, in order to free yourself from your chains. - Shannon L. Alder
I hope I can never trust my wife. If I trust her it means I know her. If I know her it means I understand her. If I understand her it means I can control her, and if I can control her it would make her boring and uninteresting… Dear god I hope I can never trust my wife… - Ben Mitchell
Go beyond the boundary of conformity to find the true joy of life. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Life goes on and off - darkCwalker
It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others. - Cornelius Tacitus
Every heart needs a cutting part sharper than a blade to stab agony - Munia Khan
When plan doesn't work do not change the goal, Change the plan ! #beingemployee - Stella Morey
Goodbyes are on of the hardest things about life. One way or another people were always leaving... Always moving on. - Karen Kingsbury
Oh darkness, I feel like letting go. - Sarah McLachlan
The hardest battle you are ever going to have to fight is the battle to be just you. - Leo Buscaglia
Don't just conform; ask questions.Don't just believe if it isn't your truth.Don't follow dogma; it is blindness.Just love; don't kill to go to heaven. - Debasish Mridha
Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do. - Walter Bagehot
Big writers become a kind of shared climate. - Adam Gopnik
Des Menschen Kraft, im Dichter offenbartThe human power is revealed by poetIl potere dell'umanità si rivela nel poeta - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I could go into their reality any time I chose to, but they could never come into mine. This is what I called 'helping' them. - Agnostic Zetetic
Well when my death is in front, I just want to turn back to my life, And say the last thing, looking in to its lens that, Life oh my life, Nobody would have ever painted this life as beautiful as i did. Good Bye- - Ravi
Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince:And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! - William Shakespeare
Creativity is...seeing something that doesn't exist already. You need to find out how you can bring it into being and that way be a playmate with God. - Michele Shea
In life there is no road to go back; we can only go forward. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
When your will is God's will, you will have your will. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
What's gone and what's past help Should be past grief. - William Shakespeare
The real value of intellectuals is not just the value of their intellect but the impact. The distinctive footprints they are able to leave on minds with their wit whilst they live and how such footprints give latter days minds something to ponder over long after they are gone! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I've got 99 problems and I won't let you have the honor of being my 100th. - Angelina Sedlacek
Most times, my mind is just an ongoing, present-tense, first-person monologue. It's like I'm writing a novel, constantly, but only in my brain. - Andrew Shaffer
By fulfilling our divinely appointed jobs as parents, we can be God's tools that define and refine our children as they are sculpted into the individuals that He wants them to be. - Tamara L. Chilver
Beautiful places are not just a joy for the moment, while you’re there. They will become homes for you, spaces of solace and comfort, where you can close your eyes and go to. Nothing you experience will ever go away. It belongs to you now. Just feel. Don’t be afraid to feel. - Charlotte Eriksson
Of course, things will go wrong. Move on! Don’t let the little snags affect the progress of your life. - RVM
Authenticity is the seed of your identity and you can't go wrong with it in life. - Euginia Herlihy
So much of personal development and growth comes down to the decisions you make when you hit a wall. Do you spend your time feeling bad for yourself, or do you invest your time in continuing to build toward your dreams? - Andrea Goeglein
Of course, errors are not good for a chess game, but errors are unavoidable and in any case, a game without errors, or as they say 'flawless game' is colorless. - Mikhail Tal
I saw that all things I feared, and which feared me, had nothing good or bad in them save insofar as the mind was affected by them. - Baruch Spinoza
My music is best understood by children and animals. - Igor Stravinsky
Any day above ground is a good day. - Robert Gerus
Positive emotions, such as the feelings of love, kindness, self-worth, confidence and optimism, produce a better person and a good destiny. - Auliq Ice
Even in climes/without snow/one cannot go/foward sometimes./Things test you./You are part of/the Donners or/part of the rescue:/a muleteer in/earflaps; a/formerly hearty/Midwestern farmer/perhaps. Both/parties trapped/within sight/of the pass. - Kay Ryan
In my view, any government whose state is perpetually at war, and remains so in spite of initiatives to make peace, is incompetent and unfit and should resign. - Christina Engela
Quran‬, ‪Bible‬, ‪BhagwadGita‬ are your (as an follower's) way of life and not every-ones way of life, so don't force people to change. These Holy books teach you to change yourself (for good) and not others. - honeya
One day, Dane snarled, I’m going to put your nuts in a grinder and make a testicle salad sandwich. - Gena Showalter
God is a symbol of imaginative power; he has as much power and love as you can imagine. - Debasish Mridha
...and said with the softness of repressed violence, 'I am not one to stick his neck out; it is a bit of a reach. I was waiting for the smallest sign that you could love me... I never got it.' --Laertes, Count of Samothrace - Rebecca Ashe
Do not become more useful than God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Sometimes in life you've got to Ctrl, Alt, Delete and let go. - Marilyn Devonish
God is silent. Now if only man would shut up. - Woody Allen
There is no use trying to do Church work without love. A doctor, a lawyer, may do good work without love, but God's work cannot be done without love. - D.L. Moody
Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God. - Thomas à Kempis
Intuition is a woman’s gift that comes packaged in responsibility. If we don’t change the world for good, who will? - Toni Sorenson
Every good tree shall bear fruits in the sacred season. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Wearing a condom is like eating an icecream cone with a sock on your tongue. - Mark Gungor
If God did not exist, He would have to be invented. But all nature cries aloud that he does exist: that there is a supreme intelligence, an immense power, an admirable order, and everything teaches us our own dependence on it. - Voltaire
You've earned the right to grow. You're going to have to carry the water yourself. - Cheryl Strayed
Someone was going to die; of that he was perfectly sure.The only question was who. - Caroline Lawerence
A hundred years ago, the electric telegraph made possible - indeed, inevitable - the United States of America. The communications satellite will make equally inevitable a United Nations of Earth; let us hope that the transition period will not be equally bloody. - Arthur C. Clarke
We ought to be silent and listen to the voice of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God wants us to delight in living His purpose for us, which is why our passion plays a huge part! - Paige Omartian
Do not imagine that the good you intend will balance the evil you perform - Norman Mac Donald
Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
He who knows all the answers, but none of the questions is like a large gobbling bird on Thanksgiving. - Jayce O'Neal
I never really hated one true godBut the god of all the people I hated - Marilyn Manson
The world must be all fucked up," he said then, "when men travel first class and literature goes as freight. - Gabriel García Márquez
A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. - Paul Dudley White
The existence of God is not subjective. He either exists or he doesn’t. It’s not a matter of opinion. You can have your own opinions. But you can’t have your own facts. - Ricky Gervais
Steampunk is nothing more than what happens when Goths discover brown. - Charles Stross
Don't you believe that the punishment should fit the crime? Isn't that what justice is? Letely, though, I wonder if we've gotten more into vengenance than justice. - Whoopi Goldberg
Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies. - Voltaire
God must become an activity in our consciousness. - Joel S. Goldsmith
And those people should not be listened to who keep saying the voice of the people is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness. (Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, Vox populi, vox Dei, quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit.) - Alcuin
I don't think you're a very good friend if you're always being supportive. You also have to add criticism. - Jason Kottke
There appears to be value in getting past a mentality that good things can only rest in good things. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A Godless life is a goalless life. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
True poverty does not come from God. - Yiddish Proverb
Humans are the villains, they are the killers. That's the truth.... for god sake! - Deyth Banger
Monty Python's usual schoolboy humour is here let loose on a period of history appropriately familiar to every schoolboy in the West, and a faith which could be shaken by such good-humoured ribaldry would be a very precarious faith indeed.
The world makes you into a bitch, no matter how quietly you go, so you may as well go kicking and screaming. - Roseanne Barr
Look for strengths in people, not weakness; for good, not evil. Most of us find what we search for.
I don't exercise. If God wanted me to bend over, he'd put diamonds on the floor. - Joan Rivers
La gloire, c'est comme la gouache, ça prend très vite puis ça part à la première goutte de pluie. - Olivier Weber
God has abandoned you. Fear does not serve you. Your heart has betrayed you. Only the music can guide you. - Noah Levine
The essence of life: be good to all souls like you seek them to be good to your soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Outsource your anxieties to God. This 'outsourcing' will help you in such a way that you will become only a witness to adverse situations, without becoming a part of the problem yourself. - Sanchita Pandey
Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. - J.K. Rowling
U begu od nesreće, doživljavao sam skup razočarenja koji su je svojom snagom prevazilazili, čak i u toj meri da mi se činilo da je bolje da sam nesreću sačekao raširenih ruku. Ali, kako da se predam zlu kad osećam da postoji dobro? - Slaviša Pavlović
me ... no me .. gone is gone , and i'm gone .. alone is alone .. it's so bad to feel alone , but i'm alone .. me , no more .. no more exist , but i don't exist , not anymore ! Good morning - Mahdi Khmili
To base the unexplainabilty and the immense wonder of nature onto an other miracle (God) is unnecessary and not acceptable for any serious thinker.[Diary entry, 1971] - Fritz Zwicky
Nothing is as misleading as time just think about it and you've alreadygotten old. - Eraldo Banovac
You know the horrible life of the alarm clock it’s a monster that has always appalled me because of the number of things its eyes project, and the way that good fellow stares at me when I enter a room. - Jacques Vaché
There's not one good thought in that place. There's nothing but waste and want. I can feel his selfish cravings and an abyss of secrets I hope to never know. - Steve V. Cypert
There’s only one power in the world great enough to help us rise above the difficult things we face: the power of God. - Stormie Omartian
Words cannot do justice to the pleasures of a good bookshop. Ironically.( Trafalgar Square) - Waterstones
I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world. - Tupac Shakur
Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. - John D. Rockefeller
Action is the pulse of any good story, but the character is the heart. If the action has no consequence to the character, the story loses heart. - Linda W. Yezak
Full spectrum lights should be used in all daytime offices for good health. - Steven Magee
There is more experience on the field of justification than on the camp of training. Sometimes, you got to take actions to learn more. - Israelmore Ayivor
The healthy should be reminded that we are all dying because it is through our own reminder of mortality that we accelerate our good intentions, into actions people can see. - Shannon L. Alder
The range of human knowledge today is so great that we're all specialists and the distance between specializations has become so great that anyone who seeks to wander freely between them almost has to forego closeness with the people around him. - Robert M. Pirsig
Ich mögte beten wie Moses im Koran: Herr mache mir Raum in meiner engen Brust. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You don't have to be good at something to be liked. - Stephen Richards
If men were born free, they would, so long as they remained free, form no conception of good and evil. - Baruch Spinoza
Do good and don't worry to whom. - Mexican Proverb
Writing is like life: it goes on. - Marty Rubin
Ingratitude is a crime more despicable than revenge, which is only returning evil for evil, while ingratitude returns evil for good. - William George Jordan
you dont know what you got till its gone - Joni Mitchell
It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are still alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them. - George Eliot
I wanted to do something new. The world is becoming a global village and we have to understand these different cultures. There is a Danish culture, an Israeli culture and so on. So if you want to go to Denmark, then read the book. - Enock Maregesi
Obviously crime pays, or there'd be no crime. - G. Gordon Liddy
Negative people offer no hope to the person who wants to pursue their goal. They are a hinder to positive thinking and plans for a brighter future. - Ellen J. Barrier
Stop fighting yourself and accept where you are in life. Let this time in your life motivate you to let go of all of the things that are holding you back. - Robert Tew
It's not enough merely to believe there is a God. You must believe in the God who is there. - Charles R. Swindoll
It takes a long time to wake up. That's why it doesn't happen to people who are in a hurry. - Robin Gregory
~In motivating people, YOU've got to engage their minds and their hearts. I motivate people, I hope, by example - and perhaps by excitement, by having productive ideas to make others feel involved~ - Rupert Murdoch
Mere talents does not give glory to God but a humble heart. - Mac Canoza
Knowledge is acquired by diligent study. But wisdom is given by the revere of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
That’s going to be your trouble judgment about yourself.(Tender is the Night) - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Nothing is so good as it seems beforehand. - George Eliot
Fidelity to commitment in the face of doubts and fears is a very spiritual thing. - Gordon Atkinson
God is in need of godly servants to send to the religious world to bring back his kingdom there - Sunday Adelaja
For friends' reviews, sample chapters and more pictures go to my website - Leni Goodman
Often we don’t see the majesty of God’s design because we’re caught up in the mediocrity of our own designs. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Darling, when things go wrong in life, you lift your chin, put on a ravishing smile, mix yourself a little cocktail... - Sophie Kinsella
America's racism is among their own fellow whites. That's where sincere whites who really mean to accomplish something have got to work. - Malcolm X
Repentance is not merely turning away from your sin but turning to the Lamb who takes away your sin. "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". 1 John 1:29 - John Paul Warren
You can live each day in the confidence of God’s promises. - Elizabeth George
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. - Isaiah 43:2
Eat, Sleep,Dream, and Live your passions until they become realities. - Susan Segovia Munoz
This is biblical ethics. It has little to do with the middle-class ethics of avoiding a few things which are supposed to be wrong and doing a few things which are supposed to be right. Biblical ethics means standing in ultimate decisions for or against God. - Paul Tillich
Dear and most respected bookcase! I welcome your existence, which has for over one hundred years been devoted to the radiant ideals of goodness and justice. - Anton Chekhov
Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. - George Washington
The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire. - Richard M. Nixon
Don't go downhill just because it's easy. The view is only visible from the top. - Destiny Booze
If you're going to do something, strive to do it better than anyone else. Do it all the way. If you're going to half-ass it, why bother? - Ashly Lorenzana
Today I got the answer why we keep on believing that the person who left us, is still in love with us, if we don't we will never be able to love again. - Tushar Chauhan
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always enjoyed feeling afraid. I think it is the most delicious feeling there is - Domingos Monteiro
Golden Arches' are the gateway to the afterlife. - Gasmaskman
Human race should have a common goal and that is to establish infinite peace in this world which we call home. - Debasish Mridha
God can be realized through all paths. All religions are true. The important thing is to reach the roof. You can reach it by stone stairs or by wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole. - Ramakrishna
Romans, never forget that government is your medium! Be this your art:-to practice men in habit of peace, generosity to the conquered, and firmness against aggressors. - Virgil
No matter the circumstances, I encourage you to go forward with faith and prayer, calling on the Lord. You may not receive any direct revelation. But you will discover, as the years pass, that there has been a subtle guiding of your footsteps in paths of progress and great purpose. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Only those who are brainwashed and foolsbelieve in the existence of a god.Those who are indifferent just pretend. - A.J. Beirens
I love to see the sunshine on the wings of the Dragonflies... there is magic in it. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one. - Cavett Robert
You are a victorious ninja because God created you that way! - Anna M. Aquino
...all the horrors of war are soon forgotten in the pomp and circumstance of show and parade. - James Henry Gooding
Human Beings are just good enough to make democracy possible...just bad enough to make it neccessary. - Reinhold Niebuhr
It would do me well to realize that the path that has led me to where I am was mapped by those who taught me and paved by what they taught me. Therefore, if God is not my teacher and His truth is not my topic I will find myself where I don’t want to be, having trod a path I didn’t want to take. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
While there is Ego, you will never be one with the universe... Or love your fellow man. - Solange nicole
A soulmate is a direct pathway to God. - Kamand Kojouri
Maybe there’s a God aboveBut all I’ve ever learned from loveWas how to shoot at someone who outdrew youIt’s not a cry you can hear at nightIt’s not somebody who has seen the lightIt’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen
Learn how to pray with all your heart, applying all your energy to concentrate on one specific goal - Sunday Adelaja
Be sceptical, ask questions, demand proof. Demand evidence. Don't take anything for granted. But here's the thing: When you get proof, you need to accept the proof. And we're not that good at doing that. - Michael Specter
Choices can help create the human desire for their future. But there are some, who's fate has already been decided. - Michelle Goncalves
Les meilleurs esprits ont leurs fétiches, et parfois se sentent vaguement meurtris des manques de respect de la logique. - Victor Hugo
A question for Christians who accept evolution: When did we gain a "soul"? Did Homo habilis have a soul? Homo ergaster? Did God only spontaneously add a soul when we evolved into Homo sapiens? - David G. McAfee
Vampires were myths, childhood stories– as were werewolves, mermaids and dragons. I believed none of it. - Ashley Madau
I like the fact that kids are willing to be imaginative and go along with me when I'm telling strange tales. - Margaret Peterson Haddix
If there is anyone who owes everything to Bach, it is certainly God. - Emil Cioran
Does the word "ice cream" taste as good as ice cream? Not even the poets think so. - Marty Rubin
But he was one of those weak creatures, void of pride, timorous, anemic, hateful souls, full of shifty cunning, who face neither God nor man, who face not even themselves. - H.G. Wells
. . .the young man who rings the bell at the brothel is unconsciously looking for God. - Bruce Marshall
Go past the insecurity. Go past the little voice that says doing that thing will hurt you. Instead let the pain flow through you, and just hold on. At that very point, you will find yourself invincible. - Rishank Jhavar
Fear less, hope more;eat less, chew more;whine less, breathe more;talk less, say more;hate less, love more;and all good things are yours. - Swedish Proverb
To him who prays, and as he prays, the hour is sacred because it is God's hour - E M Bounds
It was once necessary to go from somebody to nothing to become everything. - Darnell Lamont Walker
The only thing you take with you when you're gone is what you leave behind
As our country increasingly relies on electronic information storage and communication, it is imperative that our Government amend our information security laws accordingly - Jo Ann Davis
Why do I write? Out of fear. Out of fear that the memory of the people I write about might go lost. Out of fear that the memory of myself might get lost. Or even just to be shielded by a story, to slip inside a story and stop being recognizable, controllable, subject to blackmail. - Fabrizio de André
If you want to kill yourself, kill what you don’t like. I had an old self that I killed. You can kill yourself too, but that doesn’t mean you got to stop living."-, Archie’s Final Project - Vargus
How would this world be if there was not God? The answer is simple: it would become itself God. - Sorin Cerin
All was shattered, and all but memory lost, and one memory above all others, of him who brought the Shadow and the Breaking of the World. And him they named Dragon. - Robert Jordan
We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that allow us to put our mental strength to good use. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A beast is always going to enjoy the feast in a land full of sheeps and wolves doing the hard work the least. - Anuj Somany
Was he he handsome?" she asked with a sly smirk."Very. He is still, I think.""The devil, they say, goes about in finery.""And if you believe Beelzebub is as cunning as he is attractive, then I think we have found him. - Nancy E. Turner
If you're going to be a narcissistic schmuck, kid, don't bother studying Faulkner. Go straight to Brett Easton Ellis. He's the role model you need. - Arinn Dembo
Hunting, works for conservation like slavery works for economic growth. A guaranteed but morally awful way to achieve a goal. - Peter Allison
What good the eyes without anything behind them ? (A quoi bon les yeux - Sans rien derrière eux ?) - Charles de Leusse
If you often feel alone, ignored, or forgotten, think about this: closing the door and locking yourself in won't change anything—literally and figuratively. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons. - James Thurber
Magic!' cried an old man. 'Tis sorcery, and we are undone!' 'Not so,' I told him, 'Sorcery cannot harm good Christians.' 'But I am a miserable sinner,' he wailed. - Poul Anderson
I do not fear of death because my world had lost it's colour and I had lost my happiness. But life goes on. So, I decided to cover the pain I suffer with a shiny,bright smile.I might look happy but you do not know what's going on inside. It's scary what a smile can hide, right ? - Anonymous
I go to movies expecting to have a whole experience. If I want a movie that doesn't end, I'll go to a French movie. A movie has to be complete within itself; it can't just build off the first one or play variations. - Joss Whedon
Whoever you are, go out into the evening,leaving your room, of which you know every bit;your house is the last before the infinite,whoever you are. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Every human desires peace and happiness, but only a few have the goal to attain those. - Debasish Mridha
Even though fairy tales are fictitious, they made us believe that dragons exist and you can overcome them. - Ane Krstevska
There is an exuberance in good fantasy quite unlike the most exalted moments of realistic fiction. Both forms have similar goals; but realism walks where fantasy dances. - Lloyd Alexander
Los dos estaremos presente en el leve perfume de los árboles en las mañanas, nos desmoronaremos lentamente en las mañanas de lluvia, en las mañanas de sol, y luego cuando pasen los días no tendremos ni las mañanas, ni la lluvia, ni el sol. - Rafael Chaparro Madiedo
Letting go of your desires will allow them to come to you much quicker - Steven Aitchison
When you are obliged to make a statement that you know will cause displeasure, you must say it with every appearance of sincerity; this is the only way to make it palatable. - Paul De Gondi
Why does humankind love to seek the glory of one another instead of the glory of God? - Lailah Gifty Akita
There but for the... good choices I've made, genetics, psychological conditioning, and 10K random elements, go I. - Daniel Ionson
If you wish to be happy,Eragon, Think not of what is to come nor of that which you have no control over but rather of the now and that which you are able to change" ~Oromis to eragon ,Brisingr~618 - Christopher Paolini
A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means. - Sallust
O que você fez pela ciência hoje? Pare de fazer coisas por Deus, ele se intitula todo-poderoso, não precisa de você. Faça algo pela ciência, pelo amor de Deus! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Cynicism is when a small mind and a hurt heart rejects the hope, love, and truth of a big and caring God. - Jayce O'Neal
Love is that splendid triggering of human vitality... the supreme activity which nature affords anyone for going out of himself toward someone else. - Jose Ortega y Gasset
It is clear that the protective functions of workplace health and safety have transferred to the workers through the process of corporate government deregulation and reduced funding of relevant government departments. - Steven Magee
denAExThose to have left before us are "Gone, but only until we get there. - Jo Royston
Those who believe in quality produce quality goods. Those who love quality buy quality. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Smile carry your magical fragrance and vibrations which sooth the surroundings where you go. - Kishore Bansal
The deeper you go in ministry, the more the enemy wants to be an irritant in your marriage. - Kevin Thoman
God runs electromagnetics by wave theory on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the Devil runs them by quantum theory on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. - Sir William Bragg
Death was a quiet evil, unavoidable like the dark night and defenseless sleep and tearful sorrows. It had hunted her down and slithered close, wanting only to smother every last flicker of life."—from "My Aquarius - Richelle E. Goodrich
A writer writesregardless...even though...notwithstanding...despite...at any rate...anyhow...nevertheless...in the face of...undeterred by...heedless of...and because.The true writer simply continues to write. - Richelle E. Goodrich
My love, wherever you are - whatever you are - don't lose faith. I know it's gonna happen someday to you. - Morrissey
Her death...brought me as nothing else could do to know and end my jealousy of God. It saved her faith from assault. - Sheldon Vanauken
Usuluhishi ni dawa ya uhusiano mwema miongoni mwa watu. - Enock Maregesi
Enlightenment is ego's ultimate disappointment. - Chögyam Trungpa
The enemy stays in the hearts of friends. Watch what your friends know about you and watch what you tell your friends, remember, egoism breeds jealousy and ends a relationship in discord. - Michael Bassey Johnson
What has he found who has lost God?And what has he lost who has found God? - Ibn 'Ata'illah al-Iskandari
The bigger the bricks critics throw at you the bigger the palace you are going to build. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If it sounds good, it is good. - Louis Armstrong
My favorite thing is to go where I've never been. - Diane Arbus
What a grand thing, to be loved! What a grander thing still, to love! - Victor Hugo
I was in love with everything- I wanted to look with love at the angry people so that their eyes would be forced to respond; and I wanted to bring gifts to the envious and tell them that I am worthless. - Egon Schiele
He’d mesmerized her, held her soul captive. And she couldn’t move.Unless you want more than a dream, he said.She did.Will you stay? he whispered. Or will you go?She stayed. Heaven help her, she stayed.And Michael showed her just how romantic a library could be. - Julia Quinn
God fights for us even we are in the wrong and he deals with us afterwards, what a gracious Father. - Euginia Herlihy
Find mentors to help you out. Always be on the lookout for friendly allies, willing to help and support you. Be willing to help others out too, when asked. What goes around, comes around. - Mark F. LaMoure
Forget yourself and go to work. - Bryant S. Hinckley
Brutality and injustice made us raise our hands towards the sky for years; God didn’t respond us, but drones came to our rescue. - M.F. Moonzajer
Hell’s got IT?Yes, of course. Who do you think invented Candy Crush? - Gwynn Marssen
We know how to work hard. We know how to go for the goal. We know how to achieve, achieve, achieve but we don’t know how to enjoy the journey. - Suzette Hinton
The horror of Hell is an echo of the infinite worth of God's glory. - John Piper
If God the Father and God the Son use light, knowledge, insight, understanding and wisdom to function on the earth, it means that is the greatest power in existence. - Sunday Adelaja
Don’t set a goal to avoid pain or escape suffering; set a goal to live in joy and bliss to make this world joyful and blissful. - Debasish Mridha
I don't enjoy talking about what I am going to do. I prefer just letting folks just find out what I've done. - -Nanci McGraw
Who needs sleep when you have a good book? - Elizabeth Ann Patterson
Knowing one day, I will be gone, makes me live fuller life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I'd like to go with you, but I wanna stay home with you - Jordan Hoechlin
The mind is an instrument made up of universal consciousness, egocentric consciousness, societal consciousness, along with education, values, virtues, judgment and wisdom. - Debasish Mridha
Never underestimate a good sleep. - Zoe Kazan
For God's sake, have some self-respect and do not run off at the mouth if your brain is out to lunch. - Anton Chekhov
Authentic joy is not a euphoric state or a feeling of being high. Rather, it is a state of appreciation that allows us to participate full in our lives. We train in the rejoicing in the good fortune of self and others. - Pema Chödrön
Treasure the love you have received above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. - Og Mandino
Close friends are truly life's treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty, they are there to guide and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that we are never really alone. - Vincent Van Gogh
Should you wish to pursue the infinity of truth, you must make yourself humble as ashes and vigorous as the wind. - Abhijit Naskar
True Love never says good-bye, and this is why: True Love last forever. - Ellen J. Barrier
A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever. - Shigeru Miyamoto
The principle of God is every human created for the help of other human to survive the journey of life but the principle of God gonna wrong way, as now human are the main cause of destruction of other human. - Arbab Jehangir
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. - G.K. Chesterton
Ideas matter—and philosophy is the art of thinking about them rigorously. In my view, that should be done in as public a forum as possible. - Sam Harris
I tried to make my life colorful with basic colors Red, Green and Blue....... ohh god... my perfection in blending made it white !!! now again confused…. should go with :( or :) - Saket Assertive
Repentance is the first step on the path back to your relationship with God. - Jim George
wherever you go,wherever you live, still the stars up there will remain the same, as they were when we were together. - Jaymin Panchasara
I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them are trash. - Sigmund Freud
The devil depends on a dark secret chance, but God does it now before your own eyes. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The desire for connection with the Divine and our formless inner self is at the foundation of all desire for human connection. - Donna Goddard
Spirituality is not about being fixed; it is about God's being present in the mess of our unfixedness. (Messy Spirituality) - Mike Yaconelli
Wise men come to seea child of greater wisdomand honor divine. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If one can know how good a city is by its smell, one should know how good a society is by the women's status. - Santosh Kalwar
A good character will be recognized by a goodcharacter.September 8, 2016 - Petra Hermans
My vigor, vitality, and cheek repel me. I am the kind of woman I would run from. - Nancy Astor
The Self, when finite, is Human and when infinite, is God. - Abhijit Naskar
Trouble cannot be avoided, you either go looking for it or it will come looking for you. - Constance Friday
This mysticism, whose mysticism? This belongs to this body. See, God is nothing, this human being is all and within this human body there is infinite power. Man is all, nothing beyond it and we could not fathom of the infinite power of a human body. - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Life presents many challenges...Temptation is one of them.. And free will govern us all. We have the power to choose. - Lee Monroe
Feeling grateful is good; showing appreciation to those you feel grateful to is sublime. - Andy Lacroix
Before undergoing a surgical operation, arrange your temporal affairs. You may live. - Ambrose Bierce
Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man.
Hope for the best,brace yourself for the worst and no matter what you’re faced with, make a plan to KEEP GOING! - Tanya Masse
I hold a little fundraiser every day. Its called going to work. - Stephen Colbert
Life is never as complex as ego would want you to believe. - Aditya Ajmera
We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government." [Osborn v. United States, 385 U.S. 323, 341 (1966) (dissenting)] - William O. Douglas
When Christians sing about the wrath of God, we are singing about ourselves. - Russell D. Moore
For a permanent solution to easing tension and soothe the rough waters of the world that cause people to go to drugs, drinking, gambling, pornography, overeating, or anything that will give them some temporary relief, you can’t beat the support and encouragement of a friend. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
whenever the sun is going up, it's not going down - Bram Bertels
Life is Ambition, not for Survive but for Be Better each second, for Superate your Records and to Get your Goals.All the rest is a Redundant Speech & a Boring Literature.You Decide the Direction of your Life, but remains Inspired and Assume all the Consequences.Complacency is Death. - Fernando González y Lozano
In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office. - Ambrose Bierce
I believe that everything that you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer from it. But in my mind, I believe what I'm doing is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven - Tupac Shakur
When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies. - Ron Paul
Oh. My. God.’ she said, pointing out of the window. ‘Do you know what that is?’I nodded and said, ‘I think I may have seen it before.’‘That,’ said Florida, ‘is the Moonyouidiot. - Frank Cottrell Boyce
All natural laws retain the balance contained within the scope of that law, no man made law can do this. It is better to understand the natural laws that govern society then to create man made laws that will not work. - R.A.Delmonico
No the first day, man crea tee God - Daniel Delgado F.
If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way. - Terry Goodkind
So learn how much you're worth to God. Revel in that information and then walk in it. - Michelle McKinney Hammond
What you want let it go., if it is truly yours, it will come back to you. - Debasish Mridha
Life has to go on............... - Ruby
I want to stand on the truth that God has designed us to stand, and that the opportunity to stand is the opportunity to live exuberantly and gloriously. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Like all fancies, fancied gods too do not last. All a 'One' is - this the Ultimate Reality does. Get 'It'. Before you breathe your last. - Fakeer Ishavardas
If God were suddenly condemned to live the life which He has inflicted upon men, He would kill Himself. - Alexandre Dumas
If you feel like you're under control you're just not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti
Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise. - Sigmund Freud
Government does not solve problems. It subsidizes them. - Ronald Reagan
You learn more from your mistakes and failures than from any degree of success. Success can only be grasped for a moment before it becomes a distant oasis not to be found again unless you thirst for the knowledge found in the well fed by your mistakes and failures. - Brian Michael Good
There is beauty laced within this day… be courageous enough to find it, be kind enough to share it, and at the end of the day, be wise enough to let it go. - Steve Maraboli
I cannot create greatness as I can only create weak facsimiles. And in sorting through the innumerable facsimiles around me, I will only happen upon true greatness when I happen upon the true God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness. - John Wesley
In secret we met -In silence I grieve,That thy heart could forget,Thy spirit deceive.If I should meet theeAfter long years,How should I greet thee? -With silence and tears - George Gordon Byron
Why haven't I got a husband and children?" mused to the Dutchess of Windsor, "I never met a man I could marry. - Greta Garbo
You're just being cryptic again. It's like soap opera sex. Lots of boring dialogue and when they finally do go to bed, everything's dark and covered by blankets. - Ragnar Tørnquist
Looking at the Blessed Mother, Kevin felt the pull of a special allegiance with her. To Serve God, to honor Mary who speaks to my soul, sending me messages I cannot know the meaning of? Is this what my life is about? - Peter J Tanous
Liberty is the proper end and object of authority, and cannot subsist without it; and it is liberty to that which is good, just, and honest.
Slay Goliath and the army behind him scatters. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Humility and repentance are necessary to restore your relationship with God. - Jim George
Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, develop water systems, subdue the power of the ocean and thereby give glory to God almighty. - Sunday Adelaja
Be happy. Be happy for no reason at all. Believe it or not, you have the ability and free agency to make that choice. - Richelle E. Goodrich
God’s Word is the ultimate beauty treatment for every woman. - Elizabeth George
God is Love, be careful what you say about Love. - Evans Biya
We have too many cellphones. We've got too many internets. We have got to get rid of those machines. We have too many machines now. - Ray Bradbury
Just like going to the moon made us learn more about earth, achieving your goals will make you learn more about yourself and get fascinated. - Samer Chidiac
Politics [is] the art of achieving the maximum amount of freedom for individuals that is consistent with the maintenance of social order. - Barry Goldwater
Can one desire too much of a good thing? - William Shakespeare
I believe every minister of the gospel is called to this ministry first of all. The ministry of light, the ministry of destruction of darkness, the ministry of setting people free from ignorance. - Sunday Adelaja
God know that a mother need fortitude and courage and tolerance and flexibility and patience and firmness and nearly every other brave aspect of the human soul. - Phyllis McGinley
If colleges are going to justify themselves, they are going to have to thrive at those things that require physical proximity. That includes moral and spiritual development. Very few of us cultivate our souls as hermits. We do it through small groups and relationships and in social contexts. - David Brooks
People must understand that science is inherently neither a potential for good nor for evil. It is a potential to be harnessed by man to do his bidding. - Glenn T. Seaborg
You are God's chisel; it is you He uses to create masterpieces. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The only way to survive eternity is to be able to appreciate each moment - (fallen) - daniel grigori
Bombs on my backpack lunchbox full of fivestar crackers pockets loaded with rockets im gonna spit fireworks explosive rhymes connected like judas belt here comes my ride a mother rocket fly so high reach and bursts into the night sky - patrick cruz
This grace of God is a very great, strong, mighty and active thing. It does not lie asleep in the soul. Grace hears, leads, drives, draws, changes, works all in man, and lets itself be distinctly felt and experienced. It is hidden, but its works are evident. - Martin Luther
When I think of the number of disagreeable people that I know who have gone to a better world, I am sure hell won't be so bad at all. - Mark Twain
My God, my GodMay there be no endTo the sea, to the sand,The splash of the water,The glow of the sky,The prayer of man - Hannah Senesh
The artist must forget the audience, forget the critics, forget the technique, forget everything but love for the music.Then, the music speaks through the performance,and the performer and the listener will walk togetherwith the soul of the composer, and withGod. - Mstislav Rostropovich
If one evil thought, if one evil word, if one evil action, deserves eternal damnation, how many hells, my friends, do every one of us deserve, whose whole lives have been one continued rebellion against God! - George Whitefield
We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better. - C. JoyBell C.
If you value your relationship or friendship, your ego won't stand in the way of a meaningful apology. - Unarine Ramaru
Truth is something you stumble into when you think you're going someplace else. - Jerry Garcia
A good exercise for the heart is to bend down and help another up. - Anonymous
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.
God is our Father and loves us, even when his silence remains incomprehensible. - Pope Benedict XVI
The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. - Plato
You boys going to get somewhere, or just going?" We didn't understand his question, and it was a damned good question. - Jack Kerouac
The Pentagon still has not given a name to the Iraqi war. Somehow 'Operation Re-elect Bush' doesn't seem to be popular. - Jay Leno
Gravity. It keeps you rooted to the ground. In space, there's not any gravity. You just kind of leave your feet and go floating around. Is that what being in love is like? - Josh Brand and John Falsey
I realized, I'm never gonna be a Brad Pitt, so get over it, be happy with yourself, and move on.
Adventures are to the adventurous. They abound on every side; but only the chosen few have the courage to embrace them. And they will not come to you; you must go out to seek them. Then they meet you half-way, and rush into your arms, for they know their true lovers. - Allen Grant
Divine Love is the key to all of existence. Without it, nothing can survive. Every one of us is only seeking one thing. Though it is called by many names (God, Alpha and Omega, Allah, etc..) it's ultimate name is Divine Love. - C.Michelle Gonzalez
I wondered how a man ever got an English girl into bed. What did they do with her hockey stick? - James A. Michener
I like looking nice, but I always put comfort over fashion. I don't find thin girls attractive; be happy and healthy. I've never had a problem with the way I loo. I'd rather have lunch with my friends than go to the gym. - Adele
When I stay in one Place, I can hardly think at all; my body had to be on the move to set my mind going." . - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
No matter what happens i choose to value the memories of the good times, grow from the lessons of the bad times because i don't regret a single moment of it, every detail made me who i am. - Tilicia Haridat
In Nature there are no good or bad outcomes -- only consequences. - Dr.Mani
Never once, did Christ ever utter, "I came here to start a religion"Early Christians did not worship items, relics, wars, or governments. - Justin Kyle McFarlane Beau
When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret. - Shannon L. Alder
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." - Vince Lombardi Jr.
Sad that there is books that are based on bad events that has happened. But there is books that has been based on really good events. I like to read the ones that are based on both. - Dawn Huntsman
The real duty of a motivational speaker and an inspirational writer must be to inspire lives to live and leave distinctive footprints which shall qualify such lives to eternal eternity in the Kingdom of God notwithstanding how minute or great the footprints might be - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Never reject your dark side for it is part of you. Accept it and learn how to use it for good deeds, then you will be able to find inner peace. - Vitali Zverev
Is it not necessary to eat? Is it not necessary to go to the toilet? They are necessary. In the same way, money is also required. Just as one does not have to think about going to the toilet; it happens automatically, in the same way, money comes without you having to think about it. - Dada Bhagwan
Love people, not places. Places don't miss you when you're gone. - Marty Rubin
Sledi nam epidemija ogorcenih strasti, kao i vrela srca u ledenim nocima. Nespojive stvari koje se na kraju spoje. A sta sledi nakon toga? - Tamara Stamenkovic
People tell me I shouldn't smoke because it is makes you look like a tit. I use exactly the same argument when people tell me they go to the gym. - Robert Clark
A good judge is not one who is impartial, but one who has prejudice for good. - Raheel Farooq
Good and quiet do not connote weakness. - Ogwo David Emenike
If you want to be lied to, all you have to do is believe everything that the government tells you. - Steven Magee
WORK like everything depends on you. PRAY like everything depends on God. - Troy Clark
We have the wolf by the ears; and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other. - Thomas Jefferson
INTERREGNUM, n. The period during which a monarchical country is governed by a warm spot on the cushion of the throne. The experiment of letting the spot grow cold has commonly been attended by most unhappy results from the zeal of many worthy persons to make it warm again. - Ambrose Bierce
We slew the goliath of raciism,but, we now must contend with his offspring.
Every morning I wake up and thank God that I don't believe in him. - Mike Malloy
Thank God for the grace to work. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I almost thought that marriage was a cure to loneliness, alas! so many are lonely inside marriage. Then I realized it's not marriage that takes the loneliness away, but when both within marriage honour God and the vows made before Him. - Gugu Mona
God generously helps to those who try to do their best without asking God’s help! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Faithfulness and character are noble qualities that God honors. - Jim George
The most tragic consequence of our criticism of a man is to block his way to humiliation and grace, precisely to drive him into the mechanisms of self justification and into his faults instead of freeing him from them. For him, our voice drowns the voice of God. - Paul Tournier
I do not believe in God. I believe in cashmere. - Fran Lebowitz
God Father (the Creator) geometrizes, God Mother (Nature) fractalizes. - Stefan Emunds
There are more than enoughto fight and oppose;why waste good timefighting the people you like? - Morrissey
A sacrifice is not about expecting God to break the bond you have with another person. You make the sacrifice on your own because God is more important than the bond. - Shannon L. Alder
There is no force in Earth or Heaven above,No, not even the damned of Hell can stop relentless Love. ---Kari, The Valkyrie, Chapter Sixteen,Valley of the Damned Epic Martial Poem/Allegory - Douglas M. Laurent
There are many good seeds in you. Therefore you must avoid every bad soil in the world. - Israelmore Ayivor
The destiny of a man is determined by his daily action, God won't allow you go anywhere, if you don't make an attempt to move. - Michael Bassey Johnson
If your success is not amazing to your critics, it disturbs, infuriates, and frustrates them, and if they're not careful; may go hang themselves and go to hell. - Michael Bassey Johnson
We need space to be productive, we need places to go to be free. - Laure Lacornette
Be grateful for everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Our entire life is a precious gift. It’s all part of our path. - Dawn Gluskin
People who have outrageous skills and abilities are the gold nuggets in the river bed of human history. - Michael Pryor
said:"Early to bed and early to riseMake a man healthy wealthy and wise"Lately I have read the advice given to William Randolph Hearst, when a young man, by his father:"Go downtown at noon and rob the other fellows of what they have made during the morning. E. Haldeman-Julius - Ben Franklin
Do your best and let God do the rest. - Ben Carson
The USA government states that the New Mexico Trinity nuclear bomb site is still highly radioactive and 'harmless'. It is interesting to note in the era of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) that it is USA government policy that radio frequency (RF) and electricity are also 'harmless'. - Steven Magee
It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. - Mark Twain
We believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God.
In order to have success, you have to concentrate on your goals. - Sunday Adelaja
Our atheist thoughts go out to his family following their loss. - Brian Spellman
The only thing I’ve loved is nothing at all. The only thing I’ve desired is what I couldn’t even imagine. All I asked of life is that it go on by without my feeling it. All I demanded of love is that it never stop being a distant dream. - Fernando Pessoa
If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be. - John Heywood
When you have a good romance, find ways to make their lives miserable and hellish...Do you think 'Titanic' would have been so popular if they had both lived? Not a prayer. - Orson Scott Card
The distance a goldfish swims is not controlled by the bowl. - Les Coleman
And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than our goodness that the world's healing hinges, but on HIs. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command the love itself. - Corrie ten Boom
As long as there exist stupid people supporting stupid governments in their countries, people living in those countries will continue fluttering badly in the cesspool created by this utter foolishness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying or meditating or endeavoring something for the public good. - Thomas a Kempis
If you are going through hell, keep going. - Winston S. Churchill
You don't have to own something for it to be you. Haven't you ever gone into a gallery and seen a painting and said 'that's me'. Or had a piece of music capture something deep down you didn't even know was there? You realize it's always been part of youl you've just never heard it before. - James L. Rubart
If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room. - Anita Roddick
Color has got me. I no longer need to chase after it. It has got me for ever. I know it. That is the meaning of this happy hour. - Paul Klee
What can you say about a society that says God is dead and Elvis is alive? - Irv Kupcinet
Men write Bibles. God doesn't. God writes in stars and worlds and seasons and Hudson Rivers and beautiful women. Creation is the good book. - Mark Siegel
Jesus has to become real to us. We need to court him and get to know him better. Go on some dates with the Lord. - Sandra M. Michelle
Women are almost two thirds more likely than men to believe in God, a major study of attitudes among middle aged Britons has found, says The Telegraph. Well, men are twice more likely than God to believe in women! (At least that was so in the Garden of Eden) - R. N. Prasher
He who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself. - John Milton
We've got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you don't fight racism with racism. We're gonna fight racism with solidarity. - Fred Hampton
To tell the truth, my dear count, I must own that of all nauseating human emanations, literature is one of those which disgust me most. I can see nothing in it but compromise and flattery. And I go so far as to doubt whether it can be anything else. - André Gide
Fear is more pain than is the pain it fears - L.M. Montgomery
I don't think the heavy stuff is gonna come down for quite a while! Bill Murray character in Cadyshack - Mark Buff
Everyone makes me happy some people when they come into my life, others when they go. - kambiz shabankareh
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)I've got news for Mr. Santayana: we're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive. - Kurt Vonnegut
Everywhere I go, I am asked if I think university stifles writers. My opinion is that it doesn't stifle enough of them. - Flannery O'Connor
Too often, people are trying to fill the God-size hole in their heart with a person instead of God. A person is too small and too imperfect andwill never be able to do it. Once God fills it, then there's plenty of room for the right person. - Laurel Hawkes
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. - Laurence Binyon
Smile puts a smile on all the good things in the world - Munia Khan
I will blame no enemy that is a good man, nor yet praise a friend that is bad - Theognis
If I were to complain about complainers. Am I a culprit comparable conveyor? Let go of the anger. It’s crimping my colossal contentment. - JT Sanz
You might lose battles in your life time. However, every person that stands bravely on the side of justice, for people that have no voice, wins the true battle---Gods. - Shannon L. Alder
Talih onun göğsüne bir ruh koymuş kiOnu hep çılgınca yönetir ara vermeden,Ve acele eden ve hemen buyuransaAtlar yeryüzünün sevinçlerini ve doğanın yasalarını. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The agony of man is always longer than the fleeting moments of bliss. The trick is to reverse those two. - Ben Midland
The grace of God transforms the good soul into great soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
There's such a difference between saying a thing yourself and hearing other people say it. You may know a thing is so, but you can't help hoping other people don't quite think it is. - L. M. Montgomery
Every night I go to sleep with the hope to wake up next morning. How do I call it? Trust maybe? - Manasa Rao Saarloos
mis manos comenzaron a sudar mis latidos a acelerar,¿que era eso? luego vi y pense "que hermosos ojos tiene - matias silva
I NEVER KNEW YOU.Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God.1 John 3:6No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him. - Mac Canoza
There is no such thing as a "just" war. It's just war. And it's antithetical to the Gospel. - David D. Flowers
In protesting for your rights in any form you may, but it's only good, If they can understand your problems and feelings and not only to judge you. - Auliq Ice
Mars One has the power to show people around the globe what is possible if we just all work on one goal. No human has left Earth’s orbit since 1972 and no one ever ploughed beyond the moon into deep space. It’s finally time to inspire the world and make the next giant leap for mankind. - Nico Marquardt
Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire.
Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. - Ronald Reagan
Golden lads and girls all must, as chimney-sweepers come to dust. - William Shakespeare
Find yourself!!!You will find God... - Sadashivan Nairna
Like the 'good' characters in literature, the sane don't have any memorable lines. - Adam Phillips Going Sane
I won't change anything because I think the most important thing is being yourself and that's what I'm going to continue to do. - Avril Lavigne
Many have exchanged the touch of God for the applause of men - John Paul Warren
Right person, wrong timing doesn’t mean God was wrong. It means you were there at the right time to fulfill something else. Look for it. - Shannon L. Alder
As we try to change society to fit our standards and bring about the sense of peace we long for, it is only when we turn inwards, clean our own backyards and serve as a source of inspiration that society will improve on its own. - Dana Gore
You did anything to bury me, but you forgot that I was a seed. - Dinos Christianopoulos
life is full when you know where you are and where you are going. - Ijaz
Our potential is determined by God’s potential. His potential is unlimited - Sunday Adelaja
PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it. - Ambrose Bierce
Scientific prayer makes God a celestial lab rat, leading to bad science and worse religion. - Michael Shermer
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength - Jake Bible
She felt about her zester the way some women do about a pair of spiky red shoes--a frivolous splurge, good only for parties, but oh so lovely. - Erica Bauermeister
Live among men as if God beheld you; speak to God as if men were listening. - Seneca
There is hardly anybody good for everything, and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing. - Lord Chesterfield
A good person always find the goodness in a bad person. - Debasish Mridha
Loss is only temporary when you believe in God! - Latoya Alston
The secret belongs only to the Maker of good and faithful dogs. - John Buchan
[W]hen you try too hard to hold on to something, you break it. Sometimes, we need to let go so that other people can have their chance at the magic. - Cassie Beasley
You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it. - Goldie Hawn
Parker: She believed, absolutely, that each person, each heart, had a counterpart—had a mate. A rightness. She’d always believed it, and understood that unshakable belief was a reason she was good at what she did. - Nora Roberts
It feels good to know that if I died tomorrow I would have absolutely no regrets about things I wanted to do in life but did not try. - Karen E. Quinones Miller
The longing of my soul is to know and obey the Supreme-being,God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Remember to have a little faith. When you die, I believe, God isn't going to ask you what you published. God's going to ask you what you wrote. - T.M. McNally
Integrity, undivided loyalty, love. The pure in heart have a special blessing. Because there is no limit to how good life can become. - Angie karan
Man trims the hedges, God lets them grow. - Marty Rubin
I could not say I believe. I know! I have had the experience of being gripped by something that is stronger than myself, something that people call God. - Carl Jung
I go with the flow but I write against it. - Tamara Jasmine Burrell
Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God. - Jim Elliot
Dear Influencers: Trolls will lurk under the bridges you build to gobble you up. They are hangry for attention. Build bridges anyways. - Richie Norton
It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It matters what you think of yourself and what your children think. So if anyone is going to ask my advice, I'd say, do what is right for you and don't give a shit what anyone else thinks - Gwyneth Paltrow
I am by nature an optimist and by intellectual conviction a pessimist. - William Golding
I got a rock. - Charlie Brown
Popularity? It is glory's small change. - Victor Hugo
Don't show a friend your gift, or your bag of money if you still want to maintain your relationship, but if nay, go on, and all you'll see is hate and jealousy, and you'll fight with him in the street like a dog and all you'll feel is regret. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego - Soke Behzad Ahmadi
God can give or take away, Well who would make such an awful rule. - Josh Ritter
Social ascendency, innocently disguised as high fashion, good taste or prestigious expenditure, was the same the world over. - John Keay
People who cannot distinguish between good and bad language, or who regard the distinction as unimportant, are unlikely to think carefully about anything else. - B.R. Myers
Most people are not going after what they want. Even some of the most serious goal seekers and goal setters, they're going after what they think they can get. - Bob Proctor
You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. - Paul Sweeney
What is life but being conscious? And good and evil are manifestations of consciousness. If you reject one, you're not getting the whole thing that's there to be had. - Jerry Garcia
We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good. - Carl Sagan
Happiness is not a goal...it's a by-product of a life well lived. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Aubrey - "Apparently she wears a black leather catsuit and a golden mask."Irene - "Any details on the mask?"Aubrey - "I think people are usually too busy looking at the black leather catsuit. - Genevieve Cogman
We need money not only for meeting our own needs, but also for fulfilling God’s plans. - Sunday Adelaja
You came so that you could learn about your dreams," said the old woman. "And dreams are the language of God. When he speaks in our language, I can interpret what he has said. But if he speaks in the language of the soul, it is only you who can understand. - Paulo Coelho
Are we willing to shun vain repetition and keep our prayers out of an unchallenging rut by asking God to make us more sensitive to our own sin? - John Pereira
Poetry is not for poets, poetry lovers or perceived poetic persons only. Poetry is in yourself, others and everything of nature and man-made.Poetry may not be a solution, yet it can reveal or ease challenges faced.Poetry is capable of affecting any heart. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
I, a woman, find wearing high heels agreeable only on the very rare occasion that (1) I will be ferried between destinations upon a palanquin or (2) I am going to a cocktail party and, at five feet two, don't want to spend the evening discussing the latest movies with somebody's nipples. - Lauren Collins
I feel good about taking things to Goodwill and actually, I do like shopping at Goodwill. It's so cheap that it feels like a library where I am just checking things out for awhile until I decide to take them back. - April Foiles
A life without goals is a bird without wings - Sharfaraz Ahmed
Be happy, be fun, let your hair down and be AGELESS! - Margo Vader
A big part of dealing with depression is realizing that you are in control of your own happiness. - Brian Michael Good
Any good music must be an innovation. - Les Baxter
If I have learnt anything, it is that life forms no logical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return? - Margot Fonteyn
When you bring all your doubts and fears to God, you’ll find the reason to trust Him. And as you trust Him, you will draw closer to Him. Best of all, no one who draws closer to God can possibly remain unchanged. - Pauline Creeden
I love vast libraries; yet there is a doubt,If one be better with them or without,Unless he use them wisely, and, indeed,Knows the high art of what and how to read. - John Godfrey Saxe
In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. - Ayn Rand
She realizes she doesn't know as much as God but feels she knows as much as God knew when he was her age. - Dorothy Parker
By and by we shall say goodbye - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I have come to value liberated minds as the supreme good of life on earth. - J. Frank Dobie
Few great men could pass personnel. - Paul Goodman
I wish I had been born a storm. No heart, no tears, just a terrible gale'd been good. - Kohta Hirano
Friendship, like the immortality of the soul, is too good to be believed. When friendships are real, they are not glass threads or frost work but the solidest things we know. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
You are what you post. Proper netiquette makes you a good user. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
A fake friend is someone that ridicules your feelings, steps on your emotions and gossips about you behind your back - Karon Waddell
I love my country, not my government. - Jesse Ventura
People who have character follow through. They don't lie to themselves or anyone else. They don't start something, ten give up because it's "hard." People of character set a goal and stick to it. - Nancy S. Mure
The bullshit detector is the biggest enemyof every religion."From: "Gesels van een imaginaire god"('Scourges of an imaginary god') - A.J. Beirens
I am staring into eyes so dark and compelling that I feel as if I could easily lose myself within them. He moves me slightly away from his body but doesn't let go. Energy, just like in the forest a few nights ago, ebbs and flows betwen us. - Jennifer Sucevic
In their churches the Protestants taught believers to go out of the four walls of the church to demonstrate their love for God by how they serve fellow humans - Sunday Adelaja
To all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. - Barack Obama
The only thing that can destroy ur destiny is God and Yourselves! - Kadiri Nurudeen
The most destructive thing we can possibly do in life is to make another person doubt his worth and identity as a child of God. The very most productive thing we can do is to help ourselves and others realize that as children of God, our worth is infinite. - Toni Sorenson
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it. - George Bernard Shaw
Art is to console those who are broken by life. - Vincent Van Gogh
A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen. - Winston S. Churchill
Vigorous let us be in attaining our ends, and mild in our method of attainment. - Lord Newborough
God did not create humans to be confused about God, Humans confused humans about God - John LaFaver Sr
Whatever you do, He [God] will make good of it. But not the good He had prepared for you if you had obeyed Him. - C. S. Lewis
To make an action honorable, it ought to be agreeable to the age, and other circumstances of the person; since it is circumstance and proper measure that give an action its character, and make it either good or bad. - Plutarch
A good writer is one that can see the goodness in others and helps them to be better. - Debasish Mridha
Follow your heart,,,Go wherever it takes you and Whatever it takes. - pavankumar nagaraj
I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this Government: 'I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." - Sir Winston Churchill
All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring. - Chuck Palahniuk
The sky and the sun are always there. It's the clouds that come and go. - Rachel Joyce
It’s highly virtuous to say we’ll be good, but wecan’t do it all at once, and it takes a long pull, a strongpull, and a pull all together before some of us even get ourfeet set in the right way. - Louisa May Alcott
Do not go for conformity that breeds mediocrity! Choose instead to stand for transformation that does not only transforms lives, but true purpose and living as well. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Overall Bush's European trip has been an overwhelming success. Not once has he gotten separated from his group. - David Letterman
The Christian religion asks us to put our trust not in ideas, and certainly not in ideologies, but in a God Who was vulnerable enough to become human and die, and Who desires to be present to us in our ordinary circumstances. - Kathleen Norris
Success goes to the ones who do. Get up. Show up. Throw up if you have to. Do it afraid, but do it no matter. - Toni Sorenson
There is something pagan in me that I cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything. - George Gordon Byron
Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:God said, Let Newton be! and all was light. - Alexander Pope
THE BEST people are the good old wrinkled people with a sparkle in their eye, a wink when you walk by or a toothless smile saying you are doing just fine ... - Robert Wesley Miller
She was broken from moment to moment, watching her world collide she felt lost inside herself. She fell apart for a passion that flamed beneath her. She waited and died a hundred times, it dripped from her pores. The moment she let go, she soared over the stillness like the star she was born to be. - Robert M. Drake
Every man's life is a fairy-tale written by God's fingers. - Hans Christian Andersen
Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. - Mario Andretti
While we thank God for them and their efforts, we must also know that our generation of believers has the responsibility to take the gospel a bit further. To conquer some more territories and to expand the influence of the kingdom to a higher horizon - Sunday Adelaja
My first words, as I was being born [...] I looked up at my mother and said, 'that's the last time I'm going up one of those. - Stephen Fry
Evil is committed without effort, naturally, fatally; goodness is always the product of some art. - Charles Baudelaire
If we can't, as artists, improve on real life, we should put down our pencils and go bake bread. - Barbara Kingsolver
When sex was something godlike, Lust was the profane curiosity that killed many a straying cat. Now, having removed mystery, Lust is less a long-standing, overpowering yearning, more a sudden craving of the appetite. Less quest, more impulse buy. - Geoffrey Wood
He looked like a sexy ninja. Or a tiger ready to pounce on his prey. She just looked like she was sitting sideways on an invisible toilet. Curse the male species for making danger look so good! - Leia Shaw
Avid readers are the most authentic creatures on the face of the earth, and their hearts and minds are not for sale at any price. "Mysteries for the Inspired Traveler" Goodreads blog - Kopman-Owens
The problem isn't a shortage of opportunities; it's a lack of perspective. - Tim Fargo
The only cure for a real hangover is death. - Robert Benchley
Today every city, town, or village is affected by it. We have entered the Neon Civilization and become a plastic world.. It goes deeper than its visual manifestations, it affects moral matters; we are engaged, as astrophysicists would say, on a decaying orbit. - Raymond Loewy
First, come to the point where you realize you are alone, completely and utterly alone in the vastness of the universe and all of time.Then realize you are not alone. Look back on your life and see the people who stood by you. There were some. Realize the God of your understanding cares. - Christopher Hawke
If we want to go Fast than go Alone but if We want to go Far, lets go Together..adopt the "We" spirit..Life isn't all about "Selfie - Kalon Jackson
It was one of those days when I was thinking too much, too fast. Only it was more like the thoughts had a mind of their own and going all by themselves at a hundred miles a second, and I was just sitting back, feeling the growing paranoia inside of me. - Sasha Mizaree
The problem is not religion or God. The actual problem is authoritarianism, mixed with the desire to angrily impose one’s personal apparently idealistic beliefs on others. - Abhijit Naskar
Take time to define your own goals and stay focused on achieving them. You're your own competition. - K.J. Kilton
We are women, and my plea is Let me be a woman, holy through and through, asking for nothing but what God wants to give me, receiving with both hands and with all my heart whatever that is. - Elisabeth Elliot
It is far more comforting to think God listened and said no, than to think that nobody’s out there. - Mitch Albom
God will walk beside us in hell if he wants us to remember the type of the people he needs us to help. Our suffering is our training for the hardest job he could ask us to do. - Shannon L. Alder
Your blindness to my downfall,Has gone too far to be a joke,As I stand ablaze before you,And you tell me you smell smoke. - Erin Hanson
A goal should make you feel excited when you think about it. - Debasish Mridha
You shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house and if you got a glass jaw, you should watch yo mouth: cause I'll break yo face. - 50 Cent
If for every well-intended prayer uttered in hopes of making the world a better place, there was instead a good deed accomplished, the world might look as though those prayers had been answered. - David G. McAfee
I know most people want others to have good lives, and, when they understand the situation, they will do what they can to steer the world back toward kindness. This is when human beings, I believe, are most admirable. - Daoud Hari
Hope, like the gleaming taper’s light, adorns and cheers our way; and still, as darker grows the night, emits a brighter ray. - Oliver Goldsmith
If God is so concerned about the state of truth in any society, I think that should begin to concern us as well. - Sunday Adelaja
To know myself as woman in the image of God to know God as Mother and to know my own mother as a window into God: these three are inseparable.If one is implausible to the heart the other two are as well. - Roberta C. Bondi
Like an energy even an opportunity cannot be destroyed, if you don't accept, it goes to someone else. - Amit Kalantri
Go on your way , use you brain , be innovative, achieve your dreams and don’t turn back, because you left so many envious people behind you !! - Ibnoulkhatib Yahya
It’s okay. It may not seem like it right now, but you are going to be fine. I know it’s scary, but don’t be afraid. You are who you are, and you should love that person, and I don’t want anyone to have to go through 22 years of their life afraid to accept that. - Connor Franta
Go as far as you can see and you will see further. - Zig Ziglar
True Love Never Can Say Good-bye.My Love for you is Forever - Ellen J. Barrier
Hearts of gold are heavy. - Jenim Dibie
Expect much more from God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
..it has always been so much my desire to paint for those who don’t know the artistic side of a painting. - Vincent Van Gogh
There are too many windbags in this world. Speak only when you are competent in a subject - It produces dignity." - L. R. W. Lee Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury - L.R.W. Lee
WINE, n. Fermented grape-juice known to the Women's Christian Union as "liquor," sometimes as "rum." Wine, madam, is God's next best gift to man. - Ambrose Bierce
I feel more human when I compare the cuteness of a lizard to a newborn child's sweetness. Both are God's creations filled with precious innocence - Munia Khan
You wonder sometimes how our government puts on its pants in the morning. - Jon Stewart
... vampires are like gourmet chocolate - oh, so tempting, but overindulgence is a killer. - Sharon Ashwood
Kids need to find someone going the same direction by the same methodology and try not to fall in love beforehand. Toby Willis - The Willis Clan
God doesn't respond to your tears and emotions, He responds to your faith! - Paul Silway
But trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home. - William Wordsworth
Plants die off when their roots have no water to sustain them. May your tears feed the roots of love in your heart and bring healing to your soul. May God grant you the strength to move on, knowing there's so much ahead of you. - Kemi Sogunle
My dear Scipio and Laelius. Men, of course, who have no resources in themselves for securing a good and happy life find every age burdensome. But those who look for all happiness from within can never think anything bad which Nature makes inevitable. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
...don't be afraid of going by a way you've never gone - that's the way we're all going... - John Geddes
I'm a believer, I believe in God, I believe in truth, I believe in righteousness. - Nurudeen Ushawu
When you are down to nothing, God is up to somethng. It is up to you to reach out to find what God is up to for you. - Robert Schuler
If that poem idea is in your head NOW, write it down. Right now. Or lose it. For when it's gone, it's gone forever... - Nick Armbrister
When something really bad is going on in a culture, the average guy doesn’t see it. He can’t. He’s average. And is surrounded by and immersed in the cant and discourse of the status quo. - George Saunders
There's that moment every day when you look in the mirror: Are you committed, or are you not? Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed you are to winning? How committed you are to being a good friend? To being successful? - Ebelsain Villegas
We are all special in God's eyes because He has designed us to carry His treasures. - Euginia Herlihy
I don't trust humans that always go out to take calls, the way i don't trust humans that hang around bars and refuse to drink. - z.g.barwa
Actually, there are countless ways to live upon this tremorous sphere in mirth and good health, and probably only one way - the industrial, urbanized, herding way - to live here stupidly, and man has hit upon that one way. - Tom Robbins
Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along. - Napoleon Hill
Teaching kids is like a 5 year old box of chocolates: You never know what you're gonna get, but you can bet your ass it ain't gonna be good. - Zany Madcap
With yoga, you go back to your source to bloom again with joy and inner peace. - Debasish Mridha
Old age doth in sharp pains abound;We are belabored by the gout,Our blindness is a dark profound,Our deafness each one laughs about.Then reason's light with falling rayDoth but a trembling flicker cast.Honor to age, ye children pay!Alas! my fifty years are past! - Pierre-Jean de Béranger
Never let your failures go to your heart or your successes go to your head. - Sōichirō Honda
Why did you leave? Am I not good enough? Where did you go? When did it happen? ..Who are you? - Ade Santi
Mad and sad is a good mix for poor decisions. - Hart of Dixie
Confrontation is not bad. Goodness is supposed to confront evil. - Fred Shuttlesworth
Fear no one nor kneel before themFor many seek to be your god and masterAnd you sacrificial lamb in their fevered plansAnd insane ambitionsKhoiSan Book of Wisdom - rassool jibraeel snyman
The mind-is not the heart.I may yet live, as I know others live,To wish in vain to let go with the mind-Of cares, at night, to sleep; but nothing tells meThat I need learn to let go with the heart. - Robert Frost
Why destroy this Morn, by a Past that is dead & Gone and a Future not yet Born!- - RVM
Is it a good idea or not?? Were we build for that or not??We know to much so let's remove us?? - Deyth Banger
It is always the best policy to speak the truth--unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar. - Jerome K. Jerome
Do not turn back when you are just at the goal. - Publilius Syrus
Family connexions were always worth preserving, good company always worth seeking. - Jane Austen
Religion is based on the idea that God is an imbecile. - Noam Chomsky
To be good, just do good. - Debasish Mridha
...You won't age? I promise you this - your hands will go shiny and transparent and at the slightest bruise they'll bleed... - John Geddes
Life is one big lesson, you learn as you go. - Auliq Ice
The Gospel takes away our right forever, to discriminate between the deserving and the undeserving poor. - Dorothy Day
Great books live longer than people.They are gonna bury us all. - Patricia Nedelea
No one is a doer in this world. To claim, ‘I am doing’ is egoism. Illusion continues to prevail under the umbrella of egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
We do not want to be haunds, teacher. We just want the haunds to go elsewhere for easy prey. - Maureen F. McHugh
And right action is freedom from past and future also.For most of us, this is the aim never to be realized. Who are only undefeated because we have gone on trying. "The Dry Salvages - T.S. Eliot
I was going to sue for defamation of character, but then I realised I have no character. - Charles Barkley
If you don't keep challenging your mind and your self, you're going to loose the ability to grow as a human being both physically and spiritually. - Lateef Abader
Celebrate who you are and what you stand for. Give wings to your dreams and live your aspirations. You've got only one life- live it in the best way you possibly can. - Roopleen
if you just go on dreaming then it stays a dream and becomes stale and dead. But first to dream and then to do isn't that the way to make a dream come true - Meindert DeJong
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. - Groucho Marx
The thought cross his mind that he ought to have married her and not gone rambling. If he had, he wouldn't be in such a fix. But he felt little fear; just an overpowering fatigue. Life had slipped out of line. It was unfair, it was too bad, but he couldn't find the energy to fight it any longer. - Larry McMurtry
If you are going to be a doubter, I don't need your negative energy. - Stephen Richards
You can't help it but you were born without a heart. At least you tried to believe what the people with hearts believed so you were a good man just the same. - Kurt Vonnegut
If you think you need to forgive anyone....you got it all wrong. - Vivian Amis
Maybe we ran out of words, maybe we don't know what to say, maybe we both want to go our separate ways, maybe we want to speak up but we're afraid. All I know is this feeling isn't fading away. - Dalal Gebara
My task is set before me, girl My mission clear and true There’ll be black knights and dragons, girl But I will always come for you… - Emme Rollins
Happiness is a good business these days, more you talk crap about happiness the large number of crowd you will gather. - Santosh Kalwar
The game of life is not so much in holding a good hand as playing a poor hand well.
The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holders lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately. - Bertrand Russell
People in general would rather die than forgive. It's that hard. If God said in plain language. "I'm giving you a choice, forgive or die," a lot of people would go ahead and order their coffin. - Sue Monk Kidd
Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten, you'll still have your stars. - Jeanette Walls
I do not like to repeat successes I like to go on to other things. - Walt Disney Company
Life can get tough, but it's never impossible with a good attitude to your latitude. - Mary-Ellen Peters
Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not. - Oprah Winfrey
Poor is the man whom is not content with what he has. - Rita Gonzalez
Stay hungry, stay young, stay foolish, stay curious, and above all, stay humble because just when you think you got all the answers, is the moment when some bitter twist of fate in the universe will remind you that you very much don't. - Tom Hiddleston
Some day soon," Lance said, "you'll walk out of here and have to decide how you're going to live the rest of your lives. Will you be defined by what other people see, or by the essence of your soul? - Andrew Davidson
The world admires wealth and velocity—these are the things for which everyone strives. Railroads, the post, steamboats, and all possible modes of communication are the means by which the world overeducates itself and freezes itself in mediocrity. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth
How can I escape a cage build by man? - PureDragonWolf
The beauty he saw in her was the beauty she forgot to see in herself and what a beautiful reminder, that love is what will see us all through. - Nikki Rowe
Too many people think only of their own profit. But business opportunity seldom knocks on the door of self-centered people. No customer ever goes to a store merely to please the storekeeper. - Kazuo Inamori
Closed books are like closed eyes—you must open them to see anything. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Her capacity for love overshadows the stars, lightening crackles malevolently in the wake of her wrath and for all the tangled mess woman brings to man, in her glory, she is the divine Goddess. - Virginia Alison
All sin is ultimately irrational. Though people persuade themselves that they have good reasons for sinning, when examined in the cold light of truth on the last day, it will be seen in every case that sin ultimately just does not make sense." Wayne g - Wayne A. Grudem
and our few good times will be rare because we have the critical senseand are not easy to fool with laughter - Charles Bukowski
Later," Amos said, "when you're wishing we had this stuff, I am going to merciless in my mockery. And then we'll die. - James S.A. Corey
Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good; try to use ordinary situations. - Jean Paul Richter
Husbands never become good; they merely become proficient. - H. L. Mencken
It’s the sensation that gives rise to ego or personal identity. All the external and internal experiences of life are experienced only with the sensation. - Roshan Sharma
The answer to growing complexity in the social sphere is renewed efforts at participation by each one of us, or else a progressive decline of inert and unquestioning masses submitting to government by an elite which will have little regard for the ultimate interest of the common man. - Gordon W. Allport
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. - Henri Bergson
We might give God our tithing, our material possessions, even our time and talents, but those are not really ours to begin with. They are gifts on loan. What is ours is the only genuine sacrifice we can lay on the altar—total submission. - Toni Sorenson
I'm going to treat myself to one of these as a reward for not knocking himself unconscious with a skillet. - Nora Roberts
The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid. - Jane Austen
Stripped of its arrogance, its desire to make off with half of the patrimony and never be seen again, history belongs at the family table. If theology, the older brother, pretends not to need or notice him it will be a sign that he has forgotten, after all, who his father is. - N.T. Wright
. . .then his face changed suddenly, as if his skin had been torn downward. Surprise, then shock. His skin gone gray. - Kimberly Cuttler
I really feel that people who have problem with Lesbians‬, Gays‬ and Transgenders‬, should be blessed with any one of them Only to realize that they are human beings too..Let them live peacefully for gods sake! - honeya
As a teen, you're constantly trying to figure out who you are... But it's okay not to know right now. Your whole life you're going to be growing and changing.
Faith changes us - faith in something intrinsically good, something other than ourselves, something bigger than ourselves. - Donna Goddard
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. - John Stuart Mill
The lesson of the ages have proved that success is more than just the accumulation of wealth and by contract no one can be a complete failure when you work towards goals and services of others, your goals must be fulfilled. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,Love like you'll never be hurt,Sing like there's nobody listening,And live like it's heaven on earth. - William W. Purkey
Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough. - Zig Ziglar
No government ought to be without censors; and where the press is free no one ever will. - Thomas Jefferson
Operationally, God is beginning to resemble not a ruler but the last fading smile of a cosmic Cheshire cat. - Sir Julian Huxley
They blame the low income women for ruining the country because they are staying home with their children and not going out to work. They blame the middle income women for ruining the country because they go out to work and do not stay home to take care of their children. - Ann Richards
The poet is a faker / Who's so good at his act / He even fakes the pain / Of pain he feels in fact. - Fernando Pessoa
Once you know what you want, narrow the options, make your choices, and go for it. But until you do, embrace not knowing. - Jen Doll
You can't judge a man by the way he reacts when things go right, but by the way he reacts when things go wrong. - Richie Norton
God heals the human heart from any brokenness. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Good government has to mean less government. - John Stossel No They can t
Don’t let affluence make you impoverished of God. - Jon Bloom
behind each breakaway movement is a breakaway demagogue who will set up his breakaway demagogue government. - Frank Zappa
it is always yesterday, tomorrow, and 3 years ago today. It is always your birthday. It is always the future, the present, and the past. It is always eternity that will last. - Antonia Perdu Millie Farquoix
Goals doesn't leave you like men, goals wait, they wait for their achievers. - Amit Kalantri
If you keep your emotions locked in a box, then when you want to open it one day you'll find that they're gone. - M.D. Arnold
A conscience is like a baby. It has to go to sleep before you can.
OWE, v. To have (and to hold) a debt. The word formerly signified not indebtedness, but possession; it meant "own," and in the minds of debtors there is still a good deal of confusion between assets and liabilities. - Ambrose Bierce
The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor. - Michael Patrick King
Blessed are the people whose leaders can look destiny in the eye without flinching but also without attempting to play God - Henry Kissinger
Trauma is hell on earth. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods. - Peter A. Levine
My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right. - Abraham Lincoln
Cultivate the habit of setting clearly-defined written goals; they are the road maps that guide you to your destination. - Roy Bennett
Mustard's no good without roast beef. - Chico Marx
Never be ashamed of madness, instead be ashamed of people that are ashamed of madness. Without a little bit of insanity, we would have never had the Theory of Relativity, electricity, airplanes, cars or your beloved iPhone. Madness got you that. - Shannon L. Alder
Writing is a lonely business, which if allowed publicity and socializing it might deteriorate. Supportive people understand the need of a writer to withdraw to the solitude of oneself. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
Most people think that if you do not love yourself fully, no one else will. That is not true. People are perfectly capable of giving love even if they feel less confident about themselves. - Anna Agoncillo
It's all nonsense. It's only nonsense. I'm not afraid of the rain. I am not afraid of the rain. Oh, oh, God, I wish I wasn't. - Ernest Hemingway
Hun trodde kjærligheten skulle gjøre henne godt, men det den gjør, er å servere smerte, slite og rive i henne, skyve henne ut i noe ukjent og noe farlig. - Tore Renberg
The best game ever played was in Monday 3/21/2016, 2 games were played for 40 minutes class sport and in both I win and I and my friend we were going on the 3 game, but unfortunately we didn't finished it. But from here it can be see that I'm the winner! - Deyth Banger
It's your life. What are you going to do about it? - Andrea H. Gold
Writing fiction is a way of expressing feelings and revealing a certain truth about life, goals, dreams and desires. - Ann Marie Aguilar
I don’t wish to be successful but I definitely wish to be successful in helping someone, sometime for something good. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good. - William Shakespeare
We rarely think people have good sense unless they agree with us. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
This is the team. We're trying to go to the moon. If you can't put someone up, please don't put them down. - NASA
...you'll find that being a friend is to like a person for who they are, even the parts you don't understand. You don't have to understand, or do the same, or live their lives for them. If you truly care for them, then you want them to be who they are; that was why you liked them in the first place. - Terry Goodkind
A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is visible labour and there is invisible labour. - Victor Hugo
The moment when you realize no one understands, no one ever did, no one ever will.You were alone, you always will be.But may be, just may be, someone will look up to you someday. And when they do, remember to hide those tearful eyes, to smile and to say - "look, life's so good. - Sanhita Baruah
Regret is good. It proves you have a conscience. - J.R. Young
The markets make a good servant but a bad master, and a worse religion. - Amory B. Lovins
The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made. - John Schaar
A good attitude is the best attire. - Debasish Mridha
Said the Sun to the Moon-'When you are but a lonely white crone,And I, a dead King in my golden armour somewhere in a dark wood,Remember only this of our hopeless loveThat never till Time is doneWill the fire of the heart and the fire of the mind be one - Edith Sitwell
Hatred of enemies is easier and more intense than love of friends. But from men who are more anxious to injure opponents than to benefit the world at large no great good is to be expected.
God used the element of faith to construct the earth and its inhabitants. Whatever he said, it came to pass, then dropped these elements in us to say whatever we want to also come to pass, but sin and disbelieve has murdered the faith in us and need to be ressurected by purity and strong will power. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Give up isn't going to helpKeep going on will help - Kristopher Raines
Your worship is proportional to your communion with God and how you are free with Him. - Paul Gitwaza
What if today you gave yourself permission to be outrageously kind? What if you extended as much good will and kindness as you can possibly muster to every person you meet? And what if you did it with no thought of reward? I'm sure of one thing: it will be a day you will never regret. - Steve Goodier
En mi trabajo había aprendido que cuando deseas que alguien te facilite una información y puede negarse a ello, la mejor manera de intentarlo es con una petición algo más que educada. - Vicente Gramaje
But music-good music-was by nature an intimate act. - Cinda Williams Chima
Don't you worry child see heaven's got a plan for you - Swedish House Mafia
When you settle for anything short of the best life God wants to offer you, then you have been tempted to remain safe and the accountability for not changing your life becomes your prison of regret. - Shannon L. Alder
If I see darkness in men of God I bring light to them. - Sunday Adelaja
A lot of childhood effort, worry, and whispering goes into cracking the codes of adult life. Children have to be accomplished spies. - Vera B. Williams
It's as if my footprints were already on the road before I even got there.I walk into them, my waiting footprints. - Jackie Kay
If a thing goes without saying -- let it. - Jacob Braude
Be good, or good at it. - Belo Miguel Cipriani
Spring, the snow must go; fall, the leaves can't stay. - Marty Rubin
We are chained to the earth by a chain of gold, but we dare not sever it; for fear of what lies beyond the drop. - Ciel Phantomhive
if u think thaat achieving ur goals is the true measure of ur potential then u dont neeed us but if u think that u have the will to go beyond the limits of glory then come lets join us,,, after all u r what u want to be.... - Indian Navy
Find the good, and praise it. - Alex Haley
Recently, my personal advisors have beeen telling me to go to America. Actually, people have been walking up to me in the street and telling me to sod off, but that's the same thing, isn't it?
After I leave the earth my work is anyway going to belong to the world for centuries but till that time I want to work freely. - Amit Kalantri
Do not think of knocking out another person's brains because he differs in opinion from you. It would be as rational to knock yourself on the head because you differ from yourself ten years ago. - Horace Mann
Done is better than none. You could have all the ideas in the world, but without execution, you will go nowhere. - Sue B. Zimmerman
Authentic Christian living has its own order of priority in our lives: God first, others second, self third. - Billy Graham
Don’t just GO through life, GROW through it. For Life comes to you only once . . . never to return! Climb the Ladder of Life, step by step. - RVM
She feels lonely all the time, she wants to be accepted, by anyone, on any terms, but she feels apart. As if nobody who really got to know her would trust her. - L.J. Smith
If God lived on earth, people would break his windows. - Jewish Proverb
An apparent misfortune of man is that neither good nor evil is an agency itself; both are equally passive choices. Man himself is the ultimate agency. He has the power to realize and activate the dead options. Only then, that is, by the action of Will, good results in good and evil in evil. - Raheel Farooq
Dance as if you got lost in the mystery and beauty of life. - Debasish Mridha
Nobody stumbles into godliness. Ever. - Matt Chandler, Jared C. Wilson
The knowledge of God that a person has, influences not only his own life, but also the lives of his children. - Sunday Adelaja
The dumbest thing you could ever do is lose a good person - Stoney G
The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in reading a good novel, must be incredibly stupid - Jane Austen
Never go to excess, but let moderation be your guide. - Cicero
ALLAH, n. The Mahometan Supreme Being, as distinguished from the Christian, Jewish, and so forth. Allah's good laws I faithfully have kept, And ever for the sins of man have wept; And sometimes kneeling in the temple I Have reverently crossed my hands and slept. Junker Barlow - Ambrose Bierce
No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. - Leo Buscaglia
Just give me a thousand words and you may make your own pictures. - Erica Goros
If the Good Lord meant men to use percussion caps, he wouldn't have strung flint all over the ground. - Taylor Anderson
When I see a garden in flower, then I believe in God for a second. But not the rest of the time - Svetlana Alexievich
Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going. Travel is glamorous only in retrospect. - Paul Theroux
....it is of the very essence of Christianity to face suffering and death not because they are good, not because they have meaning, but because the resurrection of Jesus has robbed them of their meaning. - Thomas Merton
If heaven is within you, everywhere you go you will find heaven! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A country where women are not free has no chance ever to be something good and respectable! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If I never get to see the Northern lights. Or if I never get to see the Eiffel Tower at night. Oh, if all I got, is your hand in my hand, baby I could die, a happy man. - Thomas Rhett
All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened and after you are finished reading one you feel that it all happened to you and after which it all belongs to you. - Ernest Hemingway
If a god had made the world, might world always be right, that would be so wise, we'd be spared so much suffering. But we made the world - out of our smallness and weakness. Our lives are awkward and fragile... - Edward Bond
Let us be silent, that we may hear the whisper of God. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank God I've wasted my youth already. I don't want to do that again. - Greg Deane
If your leadership is truly grounded in love, you’ll always land in the category of a good leader. - Glenn C. Stewart
If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place. - Nora Roberts
While you are going through your trial, you can recall your past victories and count the blessings that you do have with a sure hope of greater ones to allow if you are faithful. - Ezra Taft Benson
Reality is only a dream, based on values and well worn principles, whereas the dream goes on forever. - Ian Thomas Curtis
Have we ever thought to consider that God allows things in our lives to die so that in that death we might come to the precious realization of how little we’ve actually lived in the first place? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Struggle for Your Goals, because its too much better than Struggling for Your Life. - Fahad Rashiq
The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of past centuries. - René Descartes
In my youth, it was my good luck to have a few good teachers, men and women, who came into my head and lit a match. - Yann Martel
Through tattered clothes great vices do appear; Robes and furred gowns hide all. - William Shakespeare
When we live holy we will glorify self but when we glorify God we will live holy - indonesia123
God has given us more than fourteen billion cells and connections in our brain. Why would God give us such a complex organ system unless he expects us to use it? - Ben Carson
That's just the way things go. We meet people, get to know them and then they get up and leave us behind.
Be willing to walk with God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Because zombies can’t go out into the sun, most of them tend to be afraid of anything that can go into the sun and live to tell the tale. - M.C. Steve
Because if being a badass was easy everyone would do itLexy of Ankh(The Dragon)"Enlightenment - Kim Cormack
As many numbers of people as are there, there are that many varieties of egoisms. - Dada Bhagwan
Flowers are fragile and ephemeral...Even if you meant to protect them with a surrounding fence from wind and rain, they would die without sunlight...and a spindly fence has no power against a strong wind. - Haibara Ai - Gosho Aoyama
Life is filled with all goods and bads around each one of us,It's our rights to choose the path and we are responsible of all our deeds and consequences. - OctavE Life
A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us. - St. Anthony the Great
Paradoxically, however, a story ceases to be like life on its last page. Life goes on, but the story does not. Its characters have no vitality outside the first page and after the last is only good as the next reader's. - Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren
You have All it takes to be Great, See the unseen, Give the Good in your hand now to Activate that Great Grace for Greatness. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Haste is good only in catching fleas. - Alla Yaroshinskaya
The ruling classes use broken and smashed up childhoods as weaponised instruments of domination around the world. This is why the government has no incentive to end child abuse; because the government needs abuse victims as enforcers. - Stefan Molyneux
Forms come and go. You, the quantum non-entity behind your human identity, comes nor goes. - Fakeer Ishavardas
No man by mere high human wisdom would dare undertake a step for Jesus’ sake unless he knows that the Holy Spirit has directly spoken to him; and until He comes, I shall not go. - Oswald Chambers
True compassion comes by living in the shoes of another, providing a perspective closer to that of God. - Jason Micheal Ratliff
There never yet have been, nor are there now, too many good books. - Martin Luther
Everybody should have one goal: to be happy. - Debasish Mridha
you can't be value free when it comes to marriage - Al Gore
Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. - Richard Bach
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him - John Piper
Under the United States Constitution, the federal government has no authority to hold states "accountable" for their education performance...In the free society envisioned by the founders, schools are held accountable to parents, not federal bureaucrats. - Ron Paul
Always trust your gut instinct. There will come a time when you will understand, but for now trust God has a plan greater than you have ever imagined. - Shannon L. Alder
To go where no one else has ever gone before is the secret of heroism. - Dejan Stojanovic
Just like the way you date in relationship and become convinced before you give a partner your heart, you got to date your PASTOR to know he can be your MENTOR before you give him your ears! Test the Spirits...and don't be a religious fanatic! - Israelmore Ayivor
If you think your boss is stupid, remember: you wouldn’t have a job if he was any smarter. - John M. Gottman
Your job is to focus on my personal happiness, she said, & I've got big plans, so break time is over. - Brian Andreas
Remember. It's called a soulmate. Not an egomate. Not a walletmate. Not a lustmate. - Karen Salmansohn
It it not good to see people who have been pretending strength all their lives lose it even for a minute. - Lillian Hellman
Engineering is the practice of safe and economic application of the scientific laws governing the forces and materials of nature by means of organization, design and construction, for the general benefit of mankind. - S. E. Lindsay
Gods not looking for the next great Preacher or worship leader he is looking for a BROKEN PERSON WHO WILL BE FOUND IN THE PLACE OF PRAYER!!!!! - Joe Joe Dawson
The blues are intent and watchful. You’re trying to get me to change my mind, aren't you?Lilah, I constantly hope that you are going to change your mind, but I know you well enough to know that you won’t. I just nod at him. - Anna Bloom
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
She who leads with her heart is never forgotten. - Turcois Ominek
Up ahead they's a thousan' lives we might live, but when it comes, it'll on'y be one. If I go ahead on all of 'em, it's too much. You got to live ahead 'cause you're so young, but—it's jus' the road goin' by for me. - John Steinbeck
There were never going to be any happy ending for me. I know that now. But that is all right. That is all right. - S.J. Watson
It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age; but, if so,it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that gaurds the door,and this dragon is religion - Bertrand Russell
I would have gone to bed with him that night. If he had asked. If he had come and kissed me. Not for his sake, but for being alive's. - John Fowles
human eyes know to converse well in many a languages & human smiles know well to conceal many a things !!! - pro moods pramodh govindan
Who you gonna believe, bitch? Me? or your lying eyes? - Richard Pryor
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me. - Ralph Wreck-it-Ralph
Dubito ergo sum - I doubt therefore I am
Writers leave a trail of magic everywhere they go. - Jo Linsdell
Everyone is their own, though they are so alone. They all sit on their imagined thrones, made only of their own bones. Ego and pride make exquisite delusional cushions. - Hubert Martin
God has given you all you need to fight against the enemy. - Jim George
Resentment is often a woman's inner signal that she has been ignoring an important God-given responsibility - that of making choices. - Brenda Waggoner
...ultimately it come down to, are you making or are you destroying? If you try very hard to create ways of living, create dreams of what is possible, then you win. If you don't, you may make a fortune in ten years, but you're not going to be read in twenty years, and that's that. - John Gardner
I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge in innumerable spheres and enjoyed it as an always ready instrument for exercising the mind and penetrating further and further. Best of all, mine has been a life of loving and being loved. What a tragedy that all this will disappear with the used-up body! - Richard Goldschmidt
A liar should have a good memory. - Quintilian
All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying,losing, cheating, and mediocrity are easy. Stay away from easy.
Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. - George Bernard Shaw
You’re talking about gold and silver, cash and securities. I’m talking about the sheer beauty of the land, the value of unpolluted parkland made wild and staying wild forever. - Jasper Fforde
At the back of my mind I wanted to be a journalist when I grew up since I didn’t seem to be getting any better at goalkeeping. - Ian Colquhoun
Humans are the most inhumane of all creatures. - Gregory Lovvorn
Even those who want to go to heaven would rather kill than be killed. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The biologically harmful effects of man-made environmental radiation was a jigsaw of existing information that needed to be assembled by a group of independent researchers that had a broad range of knowledge and were free of corrupt corporate government influence. - Steven Magee
I don't know how often opportunity knocks, but temptations to make foul decisions bang on my door all day long. And smelly decisions make for smelly problems later on. A few little decisions, good or bad, can make a big difference in a life. Better to run from those skunks than with them. - Steve Goodier
Make someone feel something and you will never be forgotten. - Charlotte Eriksson
A cynical modification of letting go doesn't bring forgiveness, it's when, once you forgive, will you be able to let go. - Anthony Liccione
When you know the inside stories, no matter how good looks the cover, you just cannot appreciate it... - Sanhita Baruah
To feel loved again feels good, but to know they don't love you make things worse. - Ishmael Emmanuel Balfour
Life in the Kingdom of God is accepting and knowing Jesus Christ, it is studying and applyingHis teachings to your life. - Sunday Adelaja
Ohana means family - no one gets left behind, and no one is ever forgotten.' <3 - Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois
When I lay these questions before God I get no answer. But a rather special sort of 'No answer.' It is not the locked door. It is more like a silent, certainly not uncompassionate, gaze. As though He shook His head not in refusal but waiving the question. Like, 'Peace, child; you don't understand. - C.S. Lewis
You can go everywhere, but in the end you run back into yourself. - Constance A. Dunn
Question is not whom I am going to love, but question is whom I am going not to love. - Debasish Mridha
A Parting GuestWhat delightful hosts are they—Life and Love!Lingeringly I turn away,This late hour, yet glad enoughThey have not withheld from meTheir high hospitality.So, with face lit with delightAnd all gratitude, I stayYet to press their hands and say,Thanks.—So fine a time! Good night. - James Whitcomb Riley
you're Worth More Than Gold - Britt Nicole
And it did me no good to recall particular conversations (if indeed these were particular conversations I was remembering so vividly, rather than inventions of my uneasy brain). Remembering clarified nothing. - Emma Donoghue
It was going to be a long, dark night but not quite as dark as it was in the abyss of his heart where there was nothing but hollowness, yet it felt heavy, almost as if someone still resided there. - Faraaz Kazi
To love another person is to see the face of God. - Victor Hugo
You don't just get over it. And it doesn't make any difference if you're supposedly a grown-up. It never goes away. - Sophie Kinsella
Whenever the cloud of ego threatens to engulf me, I remind myself of my roots. It helps keeping my feet on the ground. - Faraaz Kazi
When your heart is dancing with love, you are with God, and that is your love. - Debasish Mridha
Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there. - Zig Ziglar
Free love, man, Free Love! Which, by the way, was the single greatest concept a young man has ever heard. About three years late, women got wise an my frustration returned to normal levels. - Steve Martin
How can you wonder your travels do you no good, when you carry yourself around with you? - Socrates
Love is there when one lives in the beauty and goodness of others. - Debasish Mridha
He's simply got the instinct for being unhappy highly developed. - Saki
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy T. Bennett
Some things can't be taught; they can only be discovered. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Only a foolish child would go swimming in the river that swallowed his father. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
it’s that sense of powerlessness that destroyed my soul. i cannot be as good as i would like to be.nor as bad as i think i need to be.i think you have the same doubts that your goodness was not rewarded - Paulo Coelho
The biggest challenge in business isn’t your competition, it's what goes on inside your own head. - Barbara Corcoran
If a dog will not come to you after he has looked you in face, you should go home and examine your consicence. - Woodrow Wilson
When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you. - Stephen Richards
The character of God is an unchanging Northstar five which to find our way through a world of moral complexity. - Kirby Anderson
Education is every day and everywhere, the only thing you have to pay is attention. - Tim Fargo
Belief in God meant belief in the old tribal idol called Jehovah; and I would not pretend I did not know whether it existed or not. - George Bernard Shaw
It's a power that I can't explain. As it flows and it grows and it shapes my faith. There've been hundreds of moments I can't deny. When it brushe against the fire or dwelt in the Fire of God. - Kenneth Copeland
Tis skill, not strength, that governs a ship - Thomas Fuller
God, I want to give You every minute of this year. I shall try to keep You in mind every moment of my waking hours....I shall try to let You be the speaker and direct every word. I shall try to let You direct my acts. I shall try to learn Your language. - Frank C. Laubach
History doesn't remember gardens.…You forgot the wise administrators, those who kept the peace, those who brought prosperity. You needn’t feel embarrassed, though. So did history. - Andrew Ashling
Give us this day our daily Faith, but deliver, dear God, from Belief.
There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible. - Henry Ford
When you wake up each morning with a burning passion to accomplish a goal, you've already won the day. - George Alexiou
I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been born in God's thought, and then made by God is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking."This is a prayer of contentment - C.S. Lewis
The backbone of success is...hard work, determination, good planning, and perserverence. - Mia Hamm
Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand-in-hand. - Unknown
Humanism is the only - I would go so far as saying the final- resistance we have against the inhuman practices and injustices that disfigure human history. - Edward W. Said
Every time life calls to us, it is the voice of God and the voice of our very hearts. When we listen, we thrive. When we don't, we do what we must to survive. - Tehya Sky
Goals are important but what you become to achieve goals is much more important. - Debasish Mridha
God is in control of all events and is able to protect and provide for you His child. - Jim George
A good word will brighten your day. Keep a list of good words. - Brenda J. Flinn
Mankind’s biggest flaw is the fact that he believes that something needs to change in order for him to feel good; it’s his biggest hurdle, his largest demon, his one and only true enemy. - D.S. Luca
A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on. - Carl Sandburg
Thus have the gods spun the thread for wretched mortals: that they live in grief while they themselves are without cares; for two jars stand on the floor of Zeus of the gifts which he gives, one of evils and another of blessings. - Homer
I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life. - Ronald Reagan
We can have a friendly and intimate relationship with God. - Stefan Emunds
Instead of giving money to found colleges to promote learning, why don't they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as good as the Prohibition one did, why, in five years we would have the smartest race of people on earth. - Will Rogers
You can't love anyone until you understand that you can't love everyone. - Gordon Atkinson
God gave the day, God gave the strength. - Leo Tolstoy
Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. - George Washington
Our dreams will always tell us what we are missing in our lives. The smaller we make them tells God how little faith we have in him to make them come true. - Shannon L. Alder
To travel is to live. Breathe some life into your life and go outside! - Richie Norton
We got life to live, not to survive, do the things you always want to & be the person you always desire to be. don't let other people deal with it..!! - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
Human says time goes by -Time says human goes by - Anonymous
But try to remember that a good man can never die. You will see your brother many times again-in the streets, at home, in all the places of the town. The person of a man may go, but the best part of him stays. It stays forever. - William Saroyan
If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing. - Benjamin Franklin
Whenever God wants to intervene in the affairs of the earth, he intervenes through light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom - Sunday Adelaja
Sometimes the very things that we’re expending our lives to sustain are the very things that are killing our ability to live. And against our blind and frequently raging protests, these are the very things that God let’s die so that we can live. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Promoting own good thought is entirely different from Praising oneself only a lot ,and a sensible netizen can easily make the difference between the two from the big photo that the quote poster has got. - Anuj Somany
God has taken you from something in order to get you to something. - Chris Burkmenn
He cannot have God for his Father who will not have the Church for his mother. - Augustine of Hippo
When you carry resentment towards another, you are effectively strengthening your relationship with that person. Let go of the resentment and you break the ties that bind you. - Steven Aitchison
Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
Be ahead of all parting, as though it already were behind you, like the winter that has just gone by. For among these winters there is one so endlessly winterthat only by wintering through it will your heart survive. - Rainer Maria Rilke
The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not - Charles Barkley
What's God saying to you now? "All things are possible to him who worries?" No. "All things are possible to him who attempts to work it out?" No. "All things are possible to him who believes. --Man to Man: Chuck Swindoll Selects His Most Significant Writings for Men - Charles R. Swindoll
There are a thousand things to hear about, informationally, daily, but the thing that doesn't go away is the one to pay attention to. - Antonya Nelson
No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. - Maya Angelou
No matter how old you are, there's always something good to look forward to. - Lynn Johnston
If he is a God of sound judgment, that sound mind must be revealed in people who identify themselves with him on daily basis - Sunday Adelaja
Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, water systems, subdue the power of the ocean thereby give glory to God almighty - Sunday Adelaja
The only thing sillier than believing in gods is arguing against their existence. - Marty Rubin
Helping people and putting smiles on their faces is a great, great thing. God only knows why more people don't do it more often. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
It is up to you to cultivate your field of mind in order to grow golden crops. - Debasish Mridha
It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge and my job to love. - Billy Graham
For a long time, I thought I was good at relationships because I was charming. - Donald Miller
It’s gotten far easier to allow ourselves to hate than it is to choose to love. - Sam Killermann
Njia rahisi ya kujua maana ya ndoto zako ni kurekodi ndoto zako kila siku asubuhi, au kila unapoota, kwa angalau majuma mawili. Baada ya muda huo ndoto zako zitaanza kuleta maana. Lengo lake kubwa ni kukufanya ujitambue. - Enock Maregesi
You can't have a goal without determination, because without the determination the goal will die. - Patrick L. Turner
Algún día cuando hayamos dominado los vientos, las olas, las mareas y la gravedad, aprenderemos a utilizar las energías del amor. Entonces por segunda vez en la historia del mundo, la humanidad habrá descubierto el fuego. - Teilhard de Chardin
Do good or bad people will always have something to say; be happy or sad you will always have a reason to pray - Wrushank Sorte
What I hate is the thought of being under a man's thumb," I had told Doctor Nolan. "A man doesn't have a worry in the world, while I've got a baby hanging over my head like a big stick, to keep me in line. - Sylvia Plath
If you have not learnt anything, but have learnt one thing that the Goal of life is to be Happy, you have learnt everything!- - RVM
I think it is very good when people suffer. To me that is like the kiss of Jesus. - Mother Teresa
Jargon allows us to camouflage intellectual poverty with verbal extravagance.
If we were truly created by God, then why do we still occasionally bite the insides of our own mouths? - Dara Ó Briain
The principle of democracy is a recognition of the sovereign, inalienable rights of man as a gift from God, the Source of law. - Fulton J. Sheen
The Ego uses the mind as a means of spiritual search. It is through the mind that the Ego intends to understand what is beyond mind and forms. The mind in this way prepares the mental image of enlightenment, seeking, happiness etc. - Frank Wanderer
But if they had learned anything together, it was that wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good - Gabriel García Márquez
Beauty is one of the rare things which does not lead to doubt of God. - Jean Anouilh
Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks. - Johann Gottfried Von Herder
Thank God I was hit by a truck. It seems that God was trying to get my attention for years but I was so stubborn it took knocking me square out of my body to see him for myself. Next time I will be way more specific when I ask for help to slow me down. - Monika Zands
It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back. - Mick Jagger
Goodness is funny because it draws you to it while curiously possessing you with the untrammelled desire to turn it into something bad. - Sophie Villalobos
What is human beauty based on? It is based on how much egoism one has. Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) is without egoism so his beauty is beyond words! - Dada Bhagwan
Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts. - Mother Teresa
This world is your mirror. Wherever you go, you see a reflection of your thoughts. - Debasish Mridha
Not so long ago we were all a tightly knit group of friends. Too bad someone had ripped apart the stitches that held us together, unraveling the cozy blanket of our friendship and leaving just enough strands to hang ourselves with. - E.J. Stevens
When religion becomes so involved in a future good "over yonder" that it forgets the present evils over here it is as dry as dust religion and needs to be condemned. - Martin Luther King Jr.
The pug is living proof that God has a sense of humor. - Margo Kaufman
When Roseanne read the first script of mine that got into her hands without being edited by someone else she said, 'How can you write a middle-aged woman this well?' I said, 'If you met my mom you wouldn't ask'. - Joss Whedon
The angels will help get you where you need to go. - Eileen Anglin
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. - Thomas A. Edison
There are few sorrows in which a good income is of no avail. - Logan Pearsall Smith
The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works. - Augustine of Hippo
When things become insurmountable, some people quit, some keep goingfor no other reason than to continue. Because that’s all there is to do. - Robert Redford
But love does not mean marriage, a baby, forever. Love means you make me happy until you don't. - A. Igoni Barrett
The scariest part of discovering that you have the power to change your life, is not doubting if you can do what it takes to achieve your goals: it is the realization that you are now responsible, and there’s nothing out of yourself to blame. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
Rekla je: " Ja i on imamo proslost ",odgovaram: " Ja i ti imamo buducnost ". - Tamara Stamenkovic
I am a living breathing word of GOD. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Dont give up because you are not getting much.Keep shining ur light no matter how small.God makes all things(small/big)beautiful in his time - Peter Isekiigbe DE Rock
Abortion is not allowedbecause apparently it is against the law of god.Yes, that butter-wouldn't-melt deitywho ordered babies to be slaughtered,killed all the first-born in EgyptAnd caused an entire human race to drown.From: "Gesels van een imaginaire god"(Scourges of an imaginary god) - A.J. Beirens
We do not need such things to help us to see God, I countered. We have His Word, and that isenough. - Tracy Chevalier
Never pray to be a better slave when God is trying to get you out of your situation. - Shannon L. Alder
...but God fears woman even more than He fears the devil -and is right to. She, with her power to bring life into the world, was truly made in the image of the Creator, not man... - Joe Hill
God has so made the mind of man that a peculiar deliciousness resides in the fruits of personal industry.
Selling eternal life is an unbeatable business, with no customers ever asking for their money back after the goods are not delivered. - Victor J. Stenger
While there may not be a book in every one of us, there is so often a damned good short story. - Jeffrey Archer
I hope that you mothers will realize that when all is said and done, you have no more compelling responsibility, nor any laden with greater rewards, than the nurture you give your children in an environment of security, peace, companionship, love, and motivation to grow and do well. - Gordon B. Hinckley
One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love, and to long life. - Alexander A. Bogomoletz
Say little, and love much; give all; judge no man; aspire to all that is pure and good. - White Eagle
Israel's first king, Saul, looked like he was born for the role. He was tall, handsome, intelligent, and sensitive to God's leading. But he eventually lost most of his attractive qualities, the most important being obedience. - Charles R. Swindoll
One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop.
Anyone who is going to be a writer knows enough at fifteen to write several novels. - May Sarton
Im not going to change my ways, just to please you or appease you, inside a crowd five billion proud willing to punch it out, right, wrong, weak strong, ashes to ashes all fall down. - Dave Matthews Band
This is not a dirty little secret which was discovered just yesterday. But, if you follow the Golden Rule, good things happen to you and those around you. - Michael A. Contés II
Authenticity is not a metaphysically distinctive way of being human; it is just a way of taking responsibility for what one has already been given. - Peter E. Gordon
A good deed that follows upon another is the reward for the first one, and an evil deed that follows upon another is a punishment for the first one. - Junayd
Sabeis como é, s'o pai é uma plantinha, quer logo qu'o filho seja árvore. S'o pai é uma pedra, o filho tem que ser uma montanha. - Alfred Döblin
Good taste is the enemy of comedy. - Mel Brooks
If you don't have anything good to say to yourself, don't say anything at all - Eric Nwachukwu
If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer? - Steven Wright
Unafraid, Unashamed, Lord we know who we are,We are the people and we won't be silent.Unified hear us cry at the top of our lungs,You are our God and we will not be shaken! - Hillsong United
When knowledge and education reach you, you have an whole new world of opportunities to be free, happy and healthy. - Vinicius Montgomery
You can't understand where you should be going until you understand what you were created to be. - Norma Gail
Arise,awake and donot stop until the goal is reached. - Swami Vivekananda
Something will work out tomorrow, I thought. And if not, then tomorrow I'll do some thinking. Ob—la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on. - Haruki Murakami
You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater. - Joss Whedon
He who finds Fortune on his side should go briskly ahead, for she is wont to favor the bold. - Baltasar Gracian
Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted. - Fred Allen
Any government is potentially the worst client in the world you could ever possibly want to have. - Thomas Heatherwick
This Diwali… Don't just light up the Sky, but stop someone Cry. Don't just eat Sweets, but share your Love on the Streets. Don't just buy Gold, but help someone who is Helpless and Old.-RVM - R.v.m.
Love is like a good cake; you never know when it's coming, but you'd better eat it when it does! - C. JoyBell C.
The knowledge that God is in control should give you confidence for the future. - Jim George
If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce. - Winston S. Churchill
Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity I mean the true simplicity of a rightly and nobly ordered mind and character, not that other simplicity which is only a euphemism for folly. - Plato
The sun is rising with a bright golden glittering glint. Let us wake up to enjoy the joyful battles of light and darkness. - Debasish Mridha
A man's plumbing is like his mind: simple, very few surprises. You ladies, on the other hand...well, God put a lot of thought in making you. - Khaled Hosseini
To attempt to increase the wealth of any country, either by introducing or by detaining in it an unnecessary quantity of gold and silver, is as absurd as it would be to attempt to increase the good cheer of private families by obliging them to keep an unnecessary number of kitchen utensils. - Adam Smith
That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. - Amos Bronson Alcott
I might be President by now if it weren't for this 'queer' thing - Gore Vidal
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows - Itzik Amiel
Never regret losing time on reading good books - Kowtham Kumar K
I have discovered," he said to Charles Dewy, "that when a man marries, peace of mind and freedom go out of the window.""Well, old boy," said Charles comfortably, "that's the price we have to pay for having company in our old age and for ensuring that we have heirs to follow us. - Colleen McCullough
Abba, Father, I adore You, I exalt You, I glorify You, I bow down before You. I worship You O God! I can't live without You. Jesus, Daddy, I You with all my heart. - Pazaria Smith
Its weird how i dream things that are worth writing.Its like God is writing them into my mind while i am sleeping and the moment i woke up i know i have to write what i dreamt - Tebogo Phakedi
I remember sitting and meditating beside a slow flowing river in India, and I got the feeling that this river could teach me all the secrets of the mystery of life. If we learn to surrender to a stone, a flower, to a man, to a woman, or a river, it becomes a door to the Whole. - Swami Dhyan Giten
Let lessons learnt be like fingers burned. Gentle reminders imploring us to stay away from fire. It is a mark of folly to make the same mistake twice. - karan godara
The life of man is like the life of a blade of grass. Death comes, the grass withers, and behold life ends, and the flower falls of all greatness and all worldly goods. - Alfonso Maria de Liguori
People always come and go but at least love the way it was meant to you. Let's burn the love light. Happy valentine! - Manula Withanage
So… die!?When is going to die this guy or that woman in series!????Kind of fucked up… knowing the answer and continue watching.( Dexter, Person of Interest, Breaking Bad - On thoughts) - Deyth Banger
life is what u make it,if you want yours to be a cake just go ahead and bake it - mthavalover
Simply to render oneself able to understand what other Christian thinkers have themselves come to understand and to more or less felicitously communicate requires that one's mind not be a blank slate but already properly formed, disciplined, and exercised. - Gregory B. Sadler
How did sex come to be thought of as dirty in the first place? God must have been a Republican. - Will Durst
INDIGESTION, n. A disease which the patient and his friends frequently mistake for deep religious conviction and concern for the salvation of mankind. As the simple Red Man of the western wild put it, with, it must be confessed, a certain force: "Plenty well, no pray; big bellyache, heap God." - Ambrose Bierce
Just because those around you do not constantly tell you what they are going through in their personal life, it does not mean they are living in a fairytale. - Auliq Ice
Whenever the government is involved, there is an element of coercion. - Dinesh D'Souza
It feels good to read book. But it is grander to write book. - Lailah Gifty Akita
And how will you afford to buy them in the first place?""I shall save up.""But that will take you years and years and years," said the twins."I've got years and years and years," said Sophie. - Dick King-Smith
Our assumptions of playing "gods" could lead to our own ignorance. - Henry Johnson Jr
The crack in your heart allows light in. ~ GOOD FORTUNE page 238 - Leslie Bratspis
The inner emptiness is the door to God. - Swami Dhyan Giten
My goal is not to have everlasting fame, it is simply to write the stories that are asking me to write them and to share them with the people that want to hear them. - Elizabeth Hernandez
As long as it comes from the heart, in the end, it will be good. - A.D. Posey
When I write, it feels like there are two little creatures that sit on each of my shoulders. One whispers, "You can do this. You've got what it takes." The other sounds like my mother-in-law. - Carla H. Krueger
Man is the only animal on earth intelligent enough to invent God and foolish enough to believe in Him. - Manoj Vaz
It's funny. No matter how hard you try, you can't close your heart forever. And the minute you open it up, you never know what's going to come in. But when it does, you just have to go for it! Because if you don't, there's not point in being here. - Kirstie Alley
My two favourite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything. The perfect day: riding a bike to the library. - Peter Golkin
Faith and beliefs are the common things in all religion, so God is the faith and the belief without exception. - Debasish Mridha
What did the soup say to the tea plate? "You're too shallow for me. I like deep dish to dip right into!" I still keep my British humour in good taste. No room for egos or rumours. - Ana Claudia Antunes
Even when your heart is blue, I'll safely hold it. I really don't mind these indigo-stained hands. - John Mark Green
You despise books; you whose lives are absorbed in the vanities of ambition, the pursuit of pleasure or indolence; but remember that all the known world, excepting only savage nations, is governed by books. - Voltaire
I stopped at a red light, feeling foolish as always for stopping at an intersection at an hour when the streets are deserted, just because a colored lightbulb told me to. Society has got me so fucking trained. I rubbed my eyes and groaned and felt utterly alone in the world. - David Wong
I am a diamond But people see me as goldHonestly, I wanna be silver - M
As the currency denomination goes up and its availability increases in the market, it helps only the privileged class not the rest mass of the population simply because of the affordability criteria. - Anuj Somany
A mother`s job is not complete till she has taught and imbibed God`s Words, and principles into her kids. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Some people have goodness and merit buried deep inside and we glimpse it and see its value but ultimately it's covered by so much dirt that it's a 24/7 exercise in archaeology. - Kelli Jae Baeli
if that can't be your let that be remain for you but please keep your ego with you - romance bam
Deliver me from writers who say the way they live doesn't matter. I'm not sure a bad person can write a good book. If art doesn't make us better, then what on earth is it for. - Alice Walker
It’s when you acquire the knowledge to listen to your inner voice and patiently chase your goals, that all that you were afraid of can be seen in different shining colors. - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Once more into the fray...Into the last good fight I'll ever know.Live and die on this day...Live and die on this day... - The Grey
If you are setting a goal without understanding the reason for it, then maybe you should reevaluate the goal in general. - Tina Brown
The quality will remain when the price is forgotten.
It's a good thing I was born a girl, otherwise I'd be a drag queen.
When weight loss becomes a goal in your life, eating right and exercising are just two pieces of the puzzle. Figuring out why you've put on the extra weight is the hardest part. - Ali Vincent
We are in God’s hands. We can’t come up with a surprise big enough or a sin vile enough to thwart His plan. If we allow Him to refine us we will inevitably end up free from the impurities that separate us from Him. - Toni Sorenson
If you’ve gone to travel to have fun, you will most likely have no new choices to make. But if you have gone travelling to grow, then you are bound to have to make that choice—that of making a new home and welcoming people in it regardless of how different they are from you. - lauren klarfeld
You should go to a pear tree for pears, not to an elm. - Publilius Syrus
Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I'm born with wild horses in my head..With an imagination to conquer this world..I will not settle for comforts of a golden cage. - Jasz Gill
The emphasis of the churches were not in how much work or home keeping is done in the four walls of the church itself, they rather told the Protestants to go prove their love to God at their work places through the quality of their works - Sunday Adelaja
Water and a bubble on it are one and the same. The bubble has its birth in the water, floats on it, and is ultimately resolved into it. Likewise, your consciousness is born in your brain, goes through various states in your lifetime and ultimately resolves into the brain. - Abhijit Naskar
Netiquette starts at home. Family values are a good frame of reference for netiquette rules. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
What you can't go through on your own, God will help you fly over. - Woodrow Kroll
Unless we do something and do it quickly, we may be going back to an economic stone age. - Kenneth Eade
I've never had a humble opinion. If you've got an opinion, why be humble about it? - Joan Baez
a man in earnest finds means, or if he cannot find he creates them. A vigorous purpose makes much out of little, breathes power into weak instruments, disarms difficulties, and even turns them into assistances. Every condition has means of progress, if we have spirit enough to use them. - William Ellery Channing
Anything good has a magical power! Say something good; it travels around the world without legs; do something good, it flies around the world without wings! Everything good has a mystical power! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The key for me was to have faith and trust in God to transform me. This was scary because the foundation that once kept me safe and secure was being taken from me! - Michael Barbarulo
Love itself starts with the desire for something good. - Fulton J. Sheen
In all the works on pedagogy that ever I read and they have been many, big, and heavy I don't remember that any one has advocated a system of teaching by practical jokes, mostly cruel. That, however, describes the method of our great teacher, Experience. - Charles Sanders Peirce
The recipe for great art has always been misery and a good bowel movement. - Don Roff
The journey Is No Fun, If You Know Where your Going. - Shokugeki No Soma
Don't think you are going to conceal thoughts by concealing evidence that they ever existed. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
An nescis mi fili, quantilla prudentia regitur orbis? Dost thou not know, my son, with what little wisdom the world is governed?
Seeing the faults of others is indeed an echo of our own fault; the biggest fault is our own fault. That is known as the mad ego. - Dada Bhagwan
If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and 'with malice toward none and charity for all' go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail. - Henry A. Wallace
If God sets your speed limit high, don't be afraid of your life-car being crashed. - Munia Khan
God can have our money and not have our hearts, but He cannot have our hearts without having our money. - R. Kent Hughes
God cannot resist love for He cannot resist Himself. - Matshona Dhliwayo
At the center of each human heart is goodness, layered over with hurt, confusion, and mistaken ideas. Our task is to gently peel off layer after layer until the unfettered heart can shed its love upon the world. - Sue Patton Thoele
During these times, when crazy people are running the government, all you can do is laugh.
What is a man, if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more. - William Shakespeare
Shepherds lift their heads,not to gaze at a new lightbut to hear angels. - Richelle E. Goodrich
You are a good counter...T-Man (......You used the F word 31 times.......) - Deyth Banger
It’s only the ego that wants to surrender the ego; the real meaning of surrender does not involve anything external. It means to surrender to your true nature. - Enza Vita
A regénykönyvek már nem mulattatnak, mert magam szebbeket tudok elgondolni. - Gyula Krúdy
Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. - Bob Proctor
God has created you, not your future. - Amit Kalantri
Home is where you go to find solace from the ever changing chaos, to find love within the confines of a heartless world, and to be reminded that no matter how far you wander, there will always be something waiting when you return. - Kendal Rob
Hemos enterrado a Cercamón en la punta del cabo, junto a la ermita. Allí donde la tierra se acaba. El juglar más viajero del gremio no podía descansar en otro lugar.Mattius nomrespondió. - Laura Gallego García
Talking about unpleasant things during a meal is not good for digestion, not good for health. - Betty Jamie Chung
It is born in mind that the tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching the goal. The tragedy of life lies in having no goal to reach. - Benjamin E. Mays
No one speaks for God - not even the prophets (who speak about God) - Reza Aslan
The earth therefore is not Gods jurisdiction. It is man’ jurisdiction. The earth is man’s domain. Man therefore is responsible for what transpires here. - Sunday Adelaja
I'm going to do something bigger and better,bigger and betterand bolder, but first,I'm going to do somethingsmaller and worse. - JonArno Lawson
Life should be like a good Tweet - short, pithy, convey a message and inspire others to follow. - Ashok Kallarakkal
Freedom is the absence of influence. - Hugo Embleton-Black
In would rather die of passion than of boredom. - Vincent Van Gogh
Groans that words cannot express are often prayers that God cannot refuse. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The best way to make children good is to make them happy. - Oscar Wilde
The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas [and] the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
The architect should strive continually to simplify; the ensemble of the rooms should then be carefully considered that comfort and utility may go hand in hand with beauty. - Frank Lloyd Wright
We must be loyal to the truth, not to our words! Change your words if they are not compatible with the truth; go back on your words, throw them to the bin! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Loving someone isn’t a hard task, it’s not a chore, you don’t wake up one day and decide to break their heart because you got all hot and bothered, that doesn’t happen! he boomed. - Holly Hood
A good tree bears good fruits. - Lailah Gifty Akita
God doesn’t care how well you can preach about forgiveness… what He looks at is your behavior when presented the opportunity to practice it. - Steve Maraboli
Begging would have been the best option if God had given talents to only a selected few. Fortunately, He gave us all our compactible gifts respectively, so it is an offence to be a chronic beggar. - Israelmore Ayivor
When you meet your antagonist, do everything in a mild and agreeable manner. Let your courage be as keen, but at the same time as polished, as your sword. - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
That's the difference between me and the rest of the world! Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!
REVERENCE, n. The spiritual attitude of a man to a god and a dog to a man. - Ambrose Bierce
I was against the Iraq war I was against the Afghan war I was against bombing Libya and Syria but to be quite honest and with a heavy heart because more innocent people are gonna be killed....We have to step in and help wipeout ISIS! - Cal Sarwar
The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan value and ends is the source of all religious fanaticism. - Reinhold Niebuhr
Pain will leave you, when you let go - Jeremy Aldana
Self-love is a good thing but self-awareness is more important. You need to once in a while go ‘Uh, I’m kind of an asshole. - Louis C.K.
Hope doesn't disappoint. God is FAITHFUL to His promises. Being delayed is a part of God's plan for our lives. So don't lose hope everything will come forth at the appointed time. - Prophetess Dina Rolle
Do not let us mistake necessary evils for good. - C. S. Lewis
Setting a goal is like to set your destination point in your life GPS which could take you to your desire position as you dreamed about... - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don't try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present. - Lao Tzu
To enter your true self,check your ego at the door. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
Once the entrancement (Infatuation; Deluded state), in material objects, is gone; the loss in spirituality stops! - Dada Bhagwan
Fate would have no divinity if we were wise: it is we who make her a goddess and place her in heaven. - Juvenal
The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. - John Stuart Mill
Good to see you too, Otto." -Sydney Rose - Monet Polny The Lincoln Spy
The truth came to me-a great revelation, showing me that I have a child to the Jones whole and perfect mind, created to express the health that God with. - Myrtle Filmore
Writing is the only art form where a good number of the artists make a slice of their living criticizing one another in print, in public. - Christian Bauman
No olvides que lo que llamamos hoy realidad fue imaginación. - José Saramago
If you can see the invisible, God will do the impossible. - Joel Osteen
Love is proved the moment you let go of someone because they need you to. - Shannon L. Alder
I may not know who you are, where you are, or where you will be after I have gone, but I still love you. I came to this world to serve all of you. - Debasish Mridha
Was Du in Dir nährst, das wächst. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I wish all those who've found God, would tell the rest of us where he's been hiding. - Quentin R. Bufogle
Men love women who are courageous for it means they can go all the way with him in his pursuit of his good dreams and intentions. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
To take this one shot at life and live it with God is to take this one shot and have it reverberate across and around my world as if it were a million shots and more. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If I had to choose a companion to be at the return of eternal darkness with, I'd choose you.'No offence, but I'd choose someone massive and really good at magic. - J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
If Spirituality is that you're humble in the face of forces greater than you and you believe those forces are more inclined toward being good than being bad, then I'm a spiritual person. - Michael J. Fox
Then let's cheat god!!!!!Let's cut the cycle of Rebirth, let's Distort Nature!!The Himan technique that challenges the second law of thermodynamicts head on!!!!Thai is know as Medicine!!!!!As if i'd give my precious friend away to some god!!! - Syun Matsuena
A boddhisattva is someone who is on the way to becoming a buddha. All of us become boddhisattvas as soon as we start to take our Zen work seriously and the work we do contributes to creating a world in which all good actions become more efficacious. - David Brazier
Spare minutes are the Gold-dust of time; the portions of life most fruitful in good and evil; the gaps through which temptations enter.
Are you going out after the truth, or are you going out after something you believe?
Harmony and Peace do not rise from any church, temple, mosque or synagogue. They can only rise from individual human conscience. - Abhijit Naskar
Food is part of God's creating. A right relationship with food points us toward Him.... The table is not only a place where we can become present to God. The table is also a place where He becomes present to us. - Lauren F. Winner
Something of God... flows into us from the blue of the sky, the taste of honey, the delicious embrace of water whether cold or hot, and even from sleep itself. - C.S. Lewis
Keeping the momentum going is not easy but God will make it ease if we put all our trust in Him; He is in control of everything and He has the keys; He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. - Nur Sakinah Thomas
Oops Typo!" - When God created humans. - Saleem Sharma
Sometimes there’s a fire in your life and you ask God,Lord, let me go around the fire. And God says, No.Then you ask, Lord, then let me go over the fire.And God says, No. Then you ask, Well Lord, please let me go under the fire. And God says, No. Go through the fire and I’ll be with you. - Lydia Thornton
Do you think that God would separate me from my husband if I killed myself? I feel as though I am going out of my mind at times. Wouldn’t God understand that I just want to be with him? - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
NEPOTISM, n. Appointing your grandmother to office for the good of the party. - Ambrose Bierce
A great magician is as divine as God and his stage is as majestic as the paradise. - Amit Kalantri
Books should go where they will be most appreciated, and not sit unread, gathering dust on a forgotten shelf, don't you agree? - Christopher Paolini
The major work of the world is not done by geniuses. It is done by ordinary people, with balance in their lives, who have learned to work in an extraordinary manner. - Gordon B. Hinckley
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on. - Robert Frost
I write to taste life twice; to savour the flavour of sweet times gone by, or spit out the bitterness before it multiplies. - Aisha Mirza
We all have a god and a poet inside us. The poet, the human; the god, the divine.It is by the grace of our god that we can find the divine inspiration with which to wax poetic about our human experiences. - Michele Jennae
The harder you fight to hold on to specific assumptions, the more likely there's gold in letting go of them.
I was used to being the smartest guy in the room, and then God dropped me in a place that was well beyond me. It was painfully awesome. - Matt Chandler
Today is the day to stop, look around, realize where you are in relation to where you want to be, change direction if needed and move forward with faith in God and in yourself. - Toni Sorenson
Lukewarm is no good - Oswald Dahl
I’m sorry, my lady, said Geric, rubbing his arm. But I failed to force an apology out of the offending goose. - Shannon Hale
Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. - Jack Welch
I am also praying for you, my beloved partner. God has a miracle breakthrough for your life. - Mike Evans
Libertarians make no exceptions to the golden rule and provide no moral loophole, no double standard, for government. - Murray N. Rothbard
The free animalhas its dying always behind itand God in front of it, and its wayis the eternal way, as the spring flowing.Never, not for a moment, do we havepure space before us, where the flowersendlessly open. - Rainer Maria Rilke
A good friend is someone who can love you like a dog and talk to you like a human. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
For 1,300 days of Sarajevo's drama, important people in the world who were supposed to act kept their eyes closed, ... But not you. You were not silent. Your voice was clear. - Alijia Izetbegovic
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. - Bible
If love was a sin, God Himself would be in the hottest part of Hell. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Where dreams may take you fathoms deep within the soul of the forest. Mists close in around your feathered visions, floating phantoms of days gone by, and days to come, their twirling tendrils tempting your thoughts blossom with the unbound less love and passion you hide within..... - Virginia Alison
The Gospel is not a sermon title or the name of a book in the Bible. The Gospel is the person of Jesus Christ and it is the power of God to bring people to salvation. Romans 1:16 - John Paul Warren
Too many people spend too much time trying to perfect something before they actually do it. Instead of waiting for perfection, run with what you go, and fix it along the way… - Paul Arden
No, I don't have a heart of gold. It's normal - the one that gets hurt by rude words and broken promises. - Saru Singhal
God’s warriors don’t avoid conflict. They fight through it with communication and a positive outlook. - Shannon L. Alder
While explaining God to his granddaughter Daska, Horace Dade Ashton said, 'God was everything she breathed and walked on, everything that lived, everything she saw, touched, and felt. God was in every one of us. - Marc Ashton
We have no peace because we have forgotten that we all came from the same mother. We are brothers and sisters. - Debasish Mridha
When I am with you, we stay up all night.When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.Praise God for those two insomnias!And the difference between them. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Ojalá hubiese aprendido a leer en el ocaso de tu sonrisa que algo no iba bien. - Alejandro Ordóñez Perales
Life is a story. - Sagar Gorijala.
One can search the brain with a microscope and not find the mind, and can search the stars with a telescope and not find God.
What alarms me most is the fact that, even when God has now raised up a voice to speak on these issues, many sincerely believe that I am in error or at worst that I am doing something utterly wrong - Sunday Adelaja
Good thinking makes you more attractive to yourself and others. - Auliq Ice
Humility is recognizing we can't give anything to God that He hasn't already given to us. - Benjamin Lotter
It is not easy to keep silent when silence is a lie. - Victor Hugo
It all goes so fast, and character makes the difference when it's close. - Jesse Owens
It's pathetic how we can't live with the things we don't understand. How we need everything labeled and explained and deconstructed. Even if it's for sure unexplainable. Even God. - Chuck Palahniuk
DRAGOON, n. A soldier who combines dash and steadiness in so equal measure that he makes his advances on foot and his retreats on horseback. - Ambrose Bierce
Striving for successful goals will have a tendency at times to be discouraging, thankless, and mentally draining. You are entitled to these feelings, however you are not entitled to give up. - DeWayne Owens
The trouble was, love was such a strong emotion. It made everything else unimportant. It grabbed you and imprisoned you in the moment."Deathsworn Arc 4: The Temple of the Mad God - Martyn Stanley
Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again. - Vincent Van Gogh
Madame Kovarian: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules.The Doctor: Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many. - Steven Moffat
The small wisdom is like water in a glass:clear, transparent, pure.The great wisdom is like the water in the sea:dark, mysterious, impenetrable. - Rabindranath Tagore
Organized force alone enables the quiet and the weak to go about their business and to sleep securely in their beds, safe from the violent without or within. - Alfred Thayer Mahan
I’ve gotta get out of the basement. I’ve gotta see the world. I’ve gotta make a difference - Gerard Way
Either you're going to shoot us or you're not. The ball always lands on red or black, never both. - V. Alexander
I Think The Fact That A Human Being Created "Dettol" ... A Product Which Protects You 99%You Should Learn That Nothing In This World Can Do It 100% Except God. - Cyc Jouzy
We attacked a foreign people and treated them like rebels. As you know, it's all right to treat barbarians barbarically. It's the desire to be barbaric that makes governments call their enemies barbarians. - Bertolt Brecht
Faith in God is an opening up, a letting go, a deep trust, a free act of love - but sometimes it was so hard to love. - Yann Martel
You never feel good when you lie. It doesn't matter how much you want something, if you lie to somebody you love, and they actually, sincerely believe you, you feel like a cockroach that needs some serious Raid action. - Randa Abdel-Fattah
You are the only common denominator in everything that has happened to you in life, be it good or bad. To learn/grow from these experiences, you must accept the role you played in each of them. - A.C. Anderson
Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday. - Fulton J. Sheen
For students of every ability and background, it is the simply miraculous act of reading a good book that turns them into readers. The job of adults who care about reading is to move heaven and earth to put that book into a child's hands. - Nancy Atwell
Smile, when you don't want to.Give, when you feel you have nothing to give.Go for a walk, when you don't have the energy.Listen, when you feel you can't listen.Play music, when you need to hear the news.Take five, when you don't have the time. - Charles F. Glassman
You can't please all men, but you must desire to please God and love Him forever more. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
When someone reacts violently and aggressively, it only goes to demonstrate the lack of truth, trust and confidence in oneself and issue that we are defending. It rather portrays the guilt, shame and self anger for defending the indefensible. - Vishwas Chavan
Don't overthink yourself out of something good! - Akosua Dardaine Edwards
If God were willing to sell His grace, we would accept it more quickly and gladly than when He offers it for nothing. - Martin Luther
Time is exactly the amount of wealth God gives to each and every one of us on a daily basis - Sunday Adelaja
Denial is a seductive ruse of our own making, force-fitting our agendas by forcing out truth all because we bent to fear rather than bowed to God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Nothing in this life will bring true meaning and happiness apart from God. - Jim George
If money is a curse, may God smite me with it, and may I never recover! - Fiddler on the Roof
Where's the man that could ease a heart like a satin gown? - Dorothy Parker
If you think you can stand to know what you’re made of, try kneeling before God. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Much of our time is spent just maintaining our emotional lives and physical conditions. To move ahead, we often have to clear a trail as we go. Progress and development do not occur without change in our motivations and actions. - James H. Bae
The most valuable gift you can give to humanity is a good example. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
​Many times your emotional feel-good state or frustrated state is woven into dreams with the use of picture-metaphors. - Abhijit Naskar
Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through Music. - Martin Luther
It's no use saying, "We are doing our best." You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. - Winston S. Churchill
This country would not be a land of opportunity, America could not be America, if the people were shackled with government monopolies. - Calvin Coolidge
If all the rich people in the world divided up their money among themselves there wouldn't be enough to go around. - Christina Stead
One minute you've got a lucky star watching over you and the next instant it's done a bunk. - Salman Rushdie
...she is careful who she sleeps with, because only those willing totreat her witht he same reverence are worthy of her attention....you are the Goddess, and "all acts of love and pleasure" are your rituals - Dianne Sylvan
I ain't got no money, I ain't got no car to take you on a date, I can't even buy you flowers, but together we'll be the perfect friend. - Genereux Philip
A verbal contract is worth about as much as the paper it's written on. - Samuel Goldwyn
A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night. - Marilyn Vos Savant
God gives strength to the weak souls. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Virtue springs from love.Love springs from God. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The atheist staring from his attic window is often nearer to God than the believer caught up in his own false image of God. - Martin Buber
Having a goal and having a dream are different. - N.N. Porchezhiyan
Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway. - Mary Kay Ash
Trust one who has gone through it. - Virgil
The bad end unhappily, the good unluckily. That is what tragedy means. - Tom Stoppard
The most part of all princes have more delight in warlike manners and feats of chivalry than in the good feats of peace. - Thomas More
We make people into Gods, desperate that they never leave us and hopeful that someday, if we ever deserve it, maybe they’ll love us back even half way. - Jennifer Elisabeth
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. - Anne Frank
A multitude of rulers is not a good thing. Let there be one ruler, one king. - Homer
If there's one thing I know it's God does love a good joke. - Hugh Elliott
A New Year has tiptoed in.Let’s go forward to meet it.Let’s welcome the 365 days it brings.Let’s live well with love in our hearts towards God and all people.Let’s walk through it’s corridors with praise songs on our lips. - Anusha Atukorala
Your theology won't always work toward your obedience, because your use of theology is dictated by the condition of your heart. If your heart is not submitting to the plan of God, you will actually use your theology to justify things that should not be justified. - Paul David Tripp
A husband and wife honor God when they love and honor each other. - Jim George
If I have done anything, even a little, to help small children enjoy honest, simple pleasures, I have done a bit of good. - Beatrix Potter
To get what you want, you better learn from the experience. - Andrea Goeglein
God in his infinite wisdom has deposited in everything the potential for growth and multiplication. - Sunday Adelaja
Oftentimes people expect Christians to be perfect but the reality is...Spiritual perfection is imperfection! God then does His best work. - Sanjo Jendayi
O God, what offering shall I giveTo Thee, the Lord of earth and skies?My spirit, soul, and flesh receive,A holy, living sacrifice. - Joachim Lange
HISTORIAN, n. A broad-gauge gossip. - Ambrose Bierce
Each would treasure going to hell if it would keep the other safe! - Sidney St. James
[Bill] Clinton was a pretty good president for a Republican. - Michael Moore
To get to a destination, you have to know the address. To find your purpose in life, you must set a goal, draw a map, and start the journey. - Debasish Mridha
Love is like a knife. It can either hurt you or it's too dangerous to hold on too. - PureDragonWolf
You build a confident: "Can Do Attitude," by practicing to be excellent. Since you earn success by being determined, higher willpower is earned. Be the best. Raise yourself to excellence, by writing your goals and working hard on them. Drive yourself to success. - Mark F. LaMoure
Don't let a corrupt Media and Criminal Government continue to Brainwash You. THINK FOR YOURSELVES JAMAICANS WHILE YOU STILL CAN! - Alecia Thompson
A good businessman must have nose for business the same way a journalist has nose for news. In places where people see a lot of obstacles, I see a lot of opportunities. A good businessman sees where others don’t see. - Orji Uzor Kalu
The first and most important thing an individual can do is to become an individual again, decontrol himself, train himself as to what is going on and win back as much independent ground for himself as possible - William S. Burroughs
Opportunities are rare in this life, and fairness, rarer still. So, when you discover a fair opportunity, go after as if it were your last because it very well might be. - Joel T. McGrath
We're doing it wrong, absolutely wrong! Miss Universe should be about Space Exploration, Miss World about Science and Miss Earth about Going Green! - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark. - Jay Danzie
No person may enjoy outstanding success without good health. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
Harvey, Harvey, Harvey, I always wanted to be a hero in my life but i knew people won't let me to be a hero they only let you to be a villain, you know a villain, with a knife because these cheap maggots always want you to hurt them, hurt them badly." the joker said angrily. - Neymat Khan
People are of 3 categories;Some dream with an opportunity.Some pursue it and some create it - Mohammed Sekouty
Where the human knowledge ends, God's wisdom and power begins to manifest in abundance. - Gugu Mona
A flag is supposed to represent everything that a country does. It doesn't only represent the good things. If you burn the flag, you're burning the flag for what you perceive to be the bad things the country has done. it's only a symbol. It's only a piece of cloth. - George Carlin
Knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste. - Lucille Ball
A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go but where they ought to be. - Rosalynn Carter
Mnogo je skrivenih radosti koje čekaju istigfar da ih otkrije. - Hajrudin Ahmetović
A favorite song or tune may stay on your mind for hours. A good book will stay on your mind until you find another. - F. Haywood Glenn
Love is divine ink: miracles are God's signature. - Matshona Dhiliwayo
Vampires are slicker than goose shit on a glass window. - Chuck Wendig
Nothing exists without an atom. The atom is the beginning and the end. It carries all the information. So the atom is God and everything else are just disciples. - Debasish Mridha
I challenge every one of you who can hear me to rise to the divinity within you. Do we really realize what it means to be a child of God, to have within us something of the divine nature? - Gordon B. Hinckley
If you want the windows of opportunity be opened for you, Do not neglect to create a goal. - Dariush Youkhaneh
If you truly love someone, have the faith to 'let them go.' Encourage them to be the fullest measure of themselves, and you will be overwhelmed by the love that your spouse returns to you. - Seth Adam Smith
That is the key to history. Terrific energy is expended - civilizations are built up - excellent institutions devised; but each time something goes wrong. Some fatal flaw always brings the selfish and the cruel people to the top and it all slides back into misery and ruin. - C.S. Lewis
If you fall down to the ground, you're in the perfect position to pray. It definitely humbles you and if you're humble it's easier for God to get Closer to You. - Jeanette Coron
It is not only the unit vote for the Presidency we are talking about, but a whole solar system of governmental power. If it is proposed to change the balance of power of one of the elements of the solar system, it is necessary to consider the others. - John F. Kennedy
Because each of you has his or her own death, you carry it with you in a secret place from the moment you're born, it belongs to you and you belong to it. - José Saramago
Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. - Marston Bates
Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Get thee to a nunnery, go. - William Shakespeare
If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning. - Vincent Van Gogh
Four things to learn in life: To think clearly without hurry or confusion; To love everybody sincerely; To act in everything with the highest motives; To trust God unhesitatingly. - Helen Keller
One act of beneficence, one act of real usefulness, is worth all the abstract sentiment in the world. Sentiment is a disgrace, instead of an ornament, unless it lead us to good actions. - Ann Radcliffe
Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of man will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint. - Alexander Hamilton
We must remember that science is a way of using empirical evidence to better understand our world. We are all scientists, just many of us are not very good ones. However, we are all capable of exercising our intellects in a purposeful, linear pursuit of knowledge. - Chris Matakas
I am discovering that I can live far better without cynicism than I can without trust. - Steve Goodier
Bigotry lives not just in our words, but in our actions, thoughts, and institutions. - DaShanne Stokes
Libertarianism holds that the only proper role of violence is to defend person and property against violence, that any use of violence that goes beyond such just defense is itself aggressive, unjust, and criminal - Murray N. Rothbard
Live with Fulfillment, Serve with Passion so in this Lifetime you will have the ablility to Die with NO Regrets. - Randy Gonzales
I have zero respect for knowledge, that’s what computers are for. Imagination is the kicker because imagination can extrapolate, create and solve, Knowledge is just facts and shit. Mostly irrelevant.Kego O'Grady in The Navigator By - Steve Merrick
With an attitude of gratitude, you can't go wrong. You are already putting it out there into the universe that you are ready to receive more. This is the universal truth. Be thankful for what you have. Your life is already abundant. - Karen A. Baquiran
Love pouring out of you is evidence of God pouring into you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If you can look at one of these waves and you don't believe that there's something greater than we are, then you've got some serious analyzing to do and you should go sit under a tree for a very long time. - Laird Hamilton
If you want to grow spiritually, the place to start is with God. - Elizabeth George
The mystery of government is not how Washington works but how to make it stop. - P. J. O'Rourke
Never go to another woman about your woman. Not unless you want an insidious form of advice. - Donna Lynn Hope
He is dripping such good feelings that he slides over. (Il dégouline de si bons - Sentiments qu'il glisse dessus) - Charles de Leusse
I will Basquiat the canvas of your body like a Broadway Junction wall…and Gordon Parks you for those dark midnights when your scent fades. - Brandi L. Bates
My life is the story of a man who always wants to carry too much. My spiritual quest is the painful process of learning to let go of things not essential. - Gordon Atkinson
Some people feed your ego, but starve your soul. - Steve Maraboli
My squad was my family, my gun was my provider and protector, and my rule was to kill or be killed. The extent of my thoughts didn’t go much beyond that. We had been fighting for over two years, and killing had become a daily activity. I felt no pity for anyone. - Ishmael Beah
From bigots who hawk their goddoor-to-door, preserve us. - A.J. Beirens
As Wade Clark Roof noted in his study, "the 'weightlessness' of contemporary belief in God is a reality...for religious liberals and many evangelicals. - Mark Galli
The difference between a good man and a bad man is the choice of cause. - William James
You show God what you want by showing God who you are. - Steve Maraboli
Sorry I'm late, I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life-Kakashi Sensei - Masashi Kishimoto
we are like puppets synchronized by god........ - mayank prasad
The general public of the wireless western nations are very tolerant to the radiation poisoning of the next generation of children by their corporate controlled governments. - Steven Magee
Albeit i may die sleep not in the coffen of gold and even beer no fruit; but my impact after depart is my particular to paradise. - oladosu feyikogbon
Though the road's been rocky it sure feels good to me. - Bob Marley
Go ahead and be ordinary. Eccentricity is extraordinary. - JT Sanz
Feel nothing, know nothing, do nothing, have nothing, give up all to God, and say utterly, 'Thy will be done.' We only dream this bondage. Wake up and let it go. - Swami Vivekananda
You're going to have dreams, but it's not all dreams are meant to come true - Kayla Davis
Live a virtuous life, help everyone and spread joy wherever you go. - Radhe Maa
Remember that good poets too can write bad poems! Talent has also a talent to be untalented! - Mehmet Murat ildan
a good friendship is beneficial to both, a bought friend is a free enemy that no one can afford. - Antwine Huffman
What can I say? I'm Irish, I love a good potato. - Sophia Tallon
Trust yourself, then you will know how to live. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faith in the ability of a leader is of slight service unless it be united with faith in his justice. - George Goethals
Religion is pickled God. - H. G. Wells
What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace - Paulo Coelho
When you loved someone and had to let them go, there will always be that small part of yourself that whispers, "What was it that you wanted and why didn't you fight for it? - Shannon L. Alder
Far from idleness being the root of all evil, it is rather the only true good. - Soren Kierkegaard
While the heart beats, hope lingers. - Alison Croggon
We traveled long and forgot why poetry was invented. - Dejan Stojanovic
Always take massive imperfect action towards your goals because the timemight never be just right. - Derric Yuh Ndim
A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at. - Bruce Lee
I'm not out of touch with reality;I've just got my eyes on eternity. - Daniel M. Cobb
The world's a stage and I'm on it. Better make a good impression out there! - Shannon Mayhew
Spending time alone with God gives us victory over the flesh. - Sunday Adelaja
The most tried and true way to put God first is to read His Word, the Bible, and obey it. There are no shortcuts to spiritual growth. - Jim George
We are living in a time when flowers are trying to live on flowers, instead of on good rain and black loam. - Ray Bradbury
You cannot be a good writer of serious fiction if you are not depressed. - Kurt Vonnegut
With acting, you gotta wait until someone gives you a role in a play or movie. With writing, you're not dependent on others, you don't have to wait. You can sit down and just create. - Donal Logue
In this world of change naught which comes stays and naught which goes is lost.
The day is always good, you just have to ignore the bad and look for the good. Remember it takes more muscle to frown then it does to smile, so smile for another day. - James Jean-Pierre
People in this civilization are starving in the middle of plenty. This is a civilization that is going down, not because it hasn't got the knowledge that would save it, but because nobody will use the knowledge. - Idries Shah
Nothing can stop you from achieving your goals if you have a deep driving persistent desire. - Debasish Mridha
I just there for two days and that thought of what last words I could say to the firing squad. As good a pastime as any. - Ayn Rand
Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal.
Those who would deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, cannot long retain it. - Abraham Lincoln
The elevator to success broke a long time ago, the problem is too many people are too lazy to take the stairs. - Jacob Maldonado
I am forever an advocate of books, both the reading of them and the writing. There is something sacred to me in that community. Because writing--and reading--is a solitary business. And it’s good to know I’m not alone. - Shannon Celebi
You have the power within you to make your world a reality. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
Those trying moments teach us to desire greatness in ourselves and wider humanity. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
A good short definition of grace is "one-way love. - Justin S. Holcomb & Lindsey A. Holcomb
By these things examine thyself. By whose rules am I acting; in whose name; in whose strength; in whose glory? What faith, humility, self-denial, and love of God and to man have there been in all my actions? - Jackie Mason
Death is a part of Life, they are dancing together the dance of infinity in front of the gates of Time. We can live our dreams as we are dreaming our future. Time is the Endless Consciousness - Grigoris Deoudis
There is never a traffic jam created from people going the extra mile - Jeff Dixon
If Children are God's Gift then adopted are God's child. - Revathi Sankaran
God is the one who always remembers those whom history has forgotten. - Bartolomé de las Casas
All the three monotheist religions (Jewish, Christianity and Islam)claims that their God (Yahweh, God and Allah) created humans in a similar way: this indicates that creationist have not yet established the creator. - Ajay Kansal
The only thing worse than a man you can't control is a man you can. - Margo Kaufman
Would you have left a guy being beat up to go find a teacher?' I asked.My father, he wiped his hand across his face, and what was left behind was a smile.Really, a smile.'Not in a million years,' he said. - Gary D. Schmidt
Un día habré dormido con un sueño tan largo que ni tus besos puedan avivar el letargo. Un día estaré sola, como está la montaña entre el largo desierto y la mar que la baña. - Alfonsina Storni
Why not have a God in your back pocket for when you need Him? That’s all most of them mean by 'Christian. - Geoffrey Wood
And that is the problem with a society that doesn't read books. The most painful form of censorship does not come from a centralized, repressive government. It is a cast, black cloak of a nation's indifference. - Lourd de Veyra
I was also going to give a graduation speech in Arizona this weekend. But with my accent, I was afraid they would try to deport me. - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Science is not a heartless pursuit of objective information; it is a creative human activity. - Stephen Jay Gould
You can never be truly happy in a life unless you have known a sorrow. All terrible things we have gone through in life have created spaces inside us where happiness can live Not to mention love. - Lisa Kleypas
When you take a man as he is, you make him worse. When you take a man as he can be, you make him better. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Don't try moving mountains God ordained you to climb. - Matshona Dhliwayo
What is a fantasy map but a space beyond which There Be Dragons? - Terry Pratchett
If life seems jolly rotten, There’s something you’ve forgotten. - Graham Chapman
Whenever possible, choose peace. - Donna Goddard
I sometimes think it is because they are so bad at expressing themselves verbally that writers take to pen and paper in the first place - Gore Vidal
To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell. - Marquis de Sade
Lincoln, considering a Cabinet nominee: "He is a Radical without the petulance and fretfulness of many radicals. - Doris Kearns Goodwin
Nothing stays the same and nothing changes. What is old today will be new tomorrow. What is new today will be forgotten tomorrow. - Harley King
When people encounter the free market and they recoil or react negatively to it, they're merely confessing that voluntaryism, trade and negotiation are foreign and threatening to them, which tells you everything about how tragically they were raised. - Stefan Molyneux
We fear men so much, because we fear God so little. One fear cures another. When man's terror scares you, turn your thoughts to the wrath of God. - G.K. Chesterton
ab Americo Inventore ...quasi Americi terram sive AmericamFrom Amerigo the discoverer ...as if it were the land of Americus, thus America. - Martin Waldseemüller
On the first day, man created God - Daniel Delgado F.
My godfather sad that story was abut taking the chaotic jigsaw of life, making it into a picture and putting a frame around it so that we could look at it, have control over it. Story and art are the humanizing elements of us. - Emma Thompson
I saw my real gods . . the gods of most men. Food, drink, and security in conformity. - Anne Rice
We may have to struggle to achieve our goals, but our struggles may yield as much growth as our learning. The strengths we develop in overcoming challenges will be with us in the eternities to come. - Dallin H. Oaks
Oh, brothers and sisters, families can be forever! Do not let the lures [or the irritants] of the moment draw you away from them! Divinity, eternity, and family--they go together, hand in hand, and so must we! - Spencer W. Kimball
Go ahead and point out my flaws and weaknesses to me. In doing so it's just something to get excited about! Knowing there's a flaw that my Heavenly Daddy wants to make beautiful is rather exciting! - Melissa Bradley
And when all your faith is gone let it be me, if it's a friend you need let it be me - Ray Lamontagne
God is the one subject of reality. Take away the one subject and there is nothing real. - Compton Gage
Never underestimate the power of good but never ignore evil lurking in the hearts of men.Rose of Life - Sonia Rumzi
First, I blow a hole in your face; then I go back inside, and sleep like a baby... I guarantee you. - Clint Eastwood
God uses imperfect people for impossible tasks - John Paul Warren
It's too good, she is. She wants to find the good in others, and sometimes her way of finding that is to trust them, hoping she'll not be disappointed but she sometimes is. - Claire Keegan
The children of the 1960's that you call the 'Manson Family' wanted to stop a war and turn the government and world to peace. They gave their lives when they took lives and they knew it. - Charles Manson
Nobody in Colonial America, to be sure, believed that society owed every child the ultimate in education, but intelligence, industry, and thrift combined with ambition got many a poor man's son into the colonial colleges. - Louis B. Wright
Artaud decía que escribir era una marranada, que todos los escritores eran unos cerdos, sobre todo los de ahora. Lo suscribo. Sin embargo, pese a todo, continúo admirando a los jóvenes escritores. De la misma forma que admiro a los jóvenes boxeadores - Roberto Bolaño
People we met or going to meet have their own role in our life!!! - Rupesh Sreeraman
On a basic level, he had seen first-hand how his government used the element of fear to accomplish its objectives; the same element of fear that had been used as an excuse to engage its huge war machine in conflicts for the profits of America’s oligarchy. - Kenneth Eade
The chief contribution of Protestantism to human thought is its massive proof that God is a bore. - H. L. Mencken
We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God is constantly calling us to be more than we are. - Madeleine L'Engle
Learning is more than the acquisition of the ability to think; it is the acquisition of many specialized abilities for thinking about a variety of things. - Lev S. Vygotsky
Don't you think saying goodbye to your child will make your death more painful?""Wouldn't it be great if it did?" I said. Lucy and I both felt that life wasn't about avoiding suffering. - Paul Kalanithi
smile..smile..and smile. i mean- just smile, and everything else will follow. - Anne Jane Gone Lopez
God does not exist everywhere. Not in the temple, not in the mosque, not in the church and not everywhere. GOD was just there in your heart, in your mind. - Handi Priyono
The breath of life is divine grace of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It's not that people are mean to each other; it's just that they haven't forgotten the times when being selfless brought them loneliness & pain. - Saurabh Sharma
Your traits are not good or bad. What you do or don't do with them is what determines the result. Give your traits a useful role. Recognize and utilize all parts that make up you. Love and empower yourself as you are. - Akiroq Brost
Life is always good, if those who are living a round you are happy with what's going on. - Auliq Ice
To be honest, as this world goes is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.Hamlet Act II, Scene II Lines 178-179 - William Shakespeare
You're going to come to a lot of intersections in your life, Natalie, roads and otherwise, and you can't always just turn around. You have to summon the courage to go forward. - Priscilla Cummings
let this be our beautiful departure from stagnation; let our minds come alive; enter another dimension; go beyond the stars eagerly struggling to find that... which our naked eyes did not know existed; rise like a falcon born to soar and not be alone but be present amongst others. - Muhammad Iqbal
Men, you'll never be a good groom to your wife unless you're first a good bride to Jesus. - Timothy J. Keller
Magic is seeing wonder in nature's every little thing, seeing how wonderful the fireflies are and how magical are the dragonflies. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.
He preferred to give in the light,because whenit was dark, he was afraid his giving would go unnoticed - Charmaine J Forde
I may be 65 tomorrow, but i have no plans to 'let go.My psychiatrist asked me the same thing. He said he wanted to give me a pill so I wouldn’t obsess so much over momentary things. I told him I don’t want a pill. I want an answer. - Yuvika Mathur
Wherever you see an empty life, or an empty page or an empty mind, add something good to it! - Mehmet Murat ildan
1 Corinthians 3:18-19Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become 'fools' so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. - Anonymous
Let go of the past and cling to the future. - Dr. Reverend Garry A. Scheuer Jr.
Always write to change society for the better.You will go, but it will live as a treasure forever. - Debasish Mridha
We are to point saints to look to Christ, and then to deny themselves and follow Christ, obeying Christ above all else. Not pointing them to ourselves, nor following us, nor obeying us. Our ministry has got to be about them following our Lord Jesus Christ. - brother Billy
Both the mind and "presence" can work beautifully together, in the absence of ego. - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
The real direction of your vision is as important as your vision. Notwithstanding how large the goal post might be, the power behind your shots least matter as its direction, for it is more of the direction that will determine the goals you shall score and the final score in the end - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I have known men to hazard their fortunes, go long journeys halfway about the world, forget friendships, even lie, cheat, and steal, all for the gain of a book. - A.S.W. Rosenbach
In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him. - Jethro Tull
When Mother Nature speaks, even the Gods hold silence. - Abhijit Naskar
One day we both are going to realize that our Friendship was worth the fight. - Elena ristic
America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. - Alexis de Tocqueville
True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie. - A.W. Tozer
Honesty is a good thing, but it is not profitable to its possessor unless it is kept under control. - Don Marquis
I was going to buy a copy of "The Power of Positive Thinking", and then I thought: What the hell good would that do? - Ronnie Shakes
Only God is able. It is faith in Him that we must rediscover. With this faith we can transform bleak and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of joy and bring new light into the dark caverns of pessimism. - Martin Luther King Jr.
God has witnessed everything done to you. Those that love God will feel shame for what they did. Those that don't ....do not know God or have a concept of repentance or forgiveness. - Shannon L. Alder
The thing about being powerful is that it may be a limited edition... as the source of the power goes you go; but becoming empowered will last a lifetime. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
A romance book is designed to tell you something about love–its ability to endure, forgive, go the extra mile, care about someone, put someone else first. - Dee Henderson
Those who become enamored of practices without science are like sailors who go aboard ship without a rudder and compass, for they are never certain where they will land. - Leonardo da Vinci
One should go invited to a friend in good fortune, and uninvited in misfortune. - Swedish Proverb
Oh, how terribly backwards, and yet sadly common, it is to sit scowling at family all the day long and then quickly put on a smile for strangers who drop by. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The world and humanity were created by God and are therefore divinely inspired and intrinsically holy. - David R. Hawkins
Vacation time is something we all accrue, but only the wisest of us recognize its importance. - Andrea Goeglein
Wisdom of the Ages: "Humility" If you don't have it, you're gonna get it. - Matthew Heines
Leadership always benefits the greater good. - Mark Sanborn
Love is the ultimate Wonder lamp, anything you touch with love become gold. - Debasish Mridha
One can enjoy existence, not life. - Jean-Luc Godard
If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there - George Harrison
The problem is, that no matter where you work there's going to be people that are so dumb you wonder how the hell they remember to breathe every morning. - Lillian Strange
I knew that I did not want to go to that juvenile diversion program because I had an intuitive sense that it would turn me irrevocably into the kind of character that I was now only rehearsing to be. - Gabrielle Hamilton
I am not going to leave this land, I will die as a martyr at the end I shall remain, defiant. Muammar is leader of the revolution until the end of time. - Muammar Gaddafi
Television is the first truly democratic culture - the first culture available to everybody and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what people do want. - Clive Barnes
if you gone come in second, you're just the first loser! - Tiger Woods
An economist's guess is liable to be as good as anybody else's. - Will Rogers
Good writing takes more than just time; it wants your best moments and the best of you. - Gordon Atkinson
God has chosen to make the heavens his jurisdiction while at the same time he himself makes it very clear that the earth has been given to man as man’s sphere of influence. - Sunday Adelaja
Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something, and it is only such love that can know freedom. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
What's done is done. What's gone is gone. One of life's lessons is always moving on. It’s okay to look back to see how far you’ve come but keep moving forward. - Roy Bennett
I am happy Because, IFound someoneTo BlameFor mistakesThank God &You mate,You endedMy suffocation.Amen - Rajesh Nanoo
Depression is a prison. For some it is easy and short, for others it is difficult and long. For some the days go by easier than most and for others the days are eternity. But it is your choice to try and escape. - C. Shultz
Quinn wanted to make her see that people didn't live like this; but what was the use. No one was going to get her away from Bird Man out there. - Thomas McGuane
He is the God of everyone. But Not everyone accepting Him as the God. - Dariush Youkhaneh
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that money cannot buy; therefore value it, and be thankful for it. - Izaak Walton
My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher. - Socrates
Do not wait, there will never be a right time, start from where you stand. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
Have you ever wondered why there are so many Gods and so many religions? It is because in the Land of the Gods, there is not a single hand to guide the Gods on a proper path. - Lionel Suggs
General assumptions often lead to erroneous conclusions, but one cannot go far wrong in always assuming that whatever one's government is saying is a lie. - Michel Templet
Every pedagogical situation can be thought of as a kind of triangle among three parties: the student, the teacher, and the world that student and teacher investigate together. - Aaron Hirsh
Her heart broke. Because of sorrow. Because of guilt. Because of repressed dreams, visions and fantasies. Because almost nothing in her life had gone as she'd hoped. - Jonas Jonasson
The best source of information to use as frequently as possible......is your own bullshit meter. - Dana Gore
Don’t get all gothic and emo on me now. - Tory - Matthew Leeth
Good thoughts without actions are like a ship stuck in a port. - Debasish Mridha
Twists, turns, virgins and bad boys. I love a good YA read. Do you? - Jennifer Bardsley
I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. - Thomas Jefferson
Kashays [anger-pride-deceit-greed] will not leave by suppressing them, they go away through Gnan (Enlightened Knowledge). - Dada Bhagwan
Good soldiers never pass up a chance to eat or sleep. They never know how much they'll be called on to do before the next chance. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Someday they're gonna write a blues song just for fighters. It'll be for slow guitar, soft trumpet, and a bell.
The truth knocks on the door and you say,"Go away, I'm looking for the truth," and so it goes away.
We must make time to reflect on life.Someday this life will be gone. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It's the business of your life...and you're the CEO! - Dr. Gala Gorman
Out of the people that ever were, almost all of them are dead. There are way more dead people, and you're all gonna die and then you're gonna be dead for way longer than you're alive. Like that's mostly what you're ever gonna be. You're just dead people that didn't die yet. - Louis C. K.
He that loves reading has everything within his reach. - William Godwin
Idolatry means turning a good thing into the ultimate thing. - Timothy J. Keller
I dare say that if you aren’t showing up as you, you aren’t showing up at all. You are sending a phony, a counterfeit. It isn’t you. You might even reach a goal and have happiness, but the day will come that you’ll need more. - Suzette Hinton
You and I have the decision to decide what we are going to be with our life! Or we can let the paradigm control us and march along in lockstep type fashion. - Bob Proctor
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways--I to die and you to live. Which is the better, only God knows. - Socrates
O God! I ask You for the means to do good, to avoid evil and to love the poor.
It takes the trust of God for things that exist, to wait on him for the evidence of things that do not exist. Faith and hope make you to thank God for the invisible things by looking at the visible things which were once invisible too. - Israelmore Ayivor
It is time at last for all the gods to be silent. - Marty Rubin
A woman who gives any advantage to a man may expect a lover -- but will sooner or later find a tyrant. - George Gordon Byron
Where there's love, gossip won't strive or thrive. - Kemi Sogunle
We have come to the determination to die, all of us, rather than abandon our God, and our religion. - Jeanne D'Albret
The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes. - Dave Barry
Roots creep under the ground to make a firm foundation. Shoots seems new and small, but to reach the light they can break through brick walls. - Jane Goodall
We’re making decisions right now that shape our lives. Even indecision is a decision. What’s going on today is a result of the choices we’ve made in the past. - Toni Sorenson
God built lighthouses to see people through storms. Then he built storms to remind people to find lighthouses. - Shannon L. Alder
You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you. - Frederick Buechner
Out of humility I label not myself or others. All I can say is this; God is my Father. Jesus is my Savior. And the Holy Spirit dwells in me. - Tom Krause
That's a good attitude. You should hate me more, curse me more, and detest me! Then you should take the power of that hatred and use it to survive this rotten world. - Hideaki Sorachi
Laughing is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one spot. - Josh Billings
My wife is always trying to get rid of me. The other day she told me to put the garbage out. I said to her I already did. She told me to go and keep an eye on it. - Rodney Dangerfield
I didn’t like how my body seemed to be intent on sabotaging my brain, especially since my brain was so good at sabotaging itself. - Penny Reid
Our generation thinks only about where they are going not how they are driving - Prabakaran Thirumalai
Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience. - Hymann Rickover
I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work. - Pearl S. Buck
Never does the human soul appear so strong and noble as when it foregoes revenge and dares to forgive an injury. - Edward Chapin
Bad news goes about in clogs, Good news in stockinged feet. - Welsh Proverb
There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so -now- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it. - Abraham Hicks
If the soul is immortal then it is one with the Godhead. - N. K. David
I'm the boss. I gotta pretend to worry. - Code Black
The only thing good about it is you're not dead. - Lillian Hellman
When Millennials face turmoil, they don’t just need answers from God, they need God. - David Kinnaman
You can go as far as you think, imagine and dream. Anything is possible. - Lailah Gifty Akita
No engineer can go upon a new work and not find something peculiar, that will demand his careful reflection, and the deliberate consideration of any advice that he may receive; and nothing so fully reveals his incapacity as a pretentious assumption of knowledge, claiming to understand everything. - John Bloomfield Jervis
God needs to bless the works of our hands, but you still need to do some work for God to bless it - Sunday Adelaja
A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. A woman must do what he can’t. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
Describing current human mindsets reflecting our ignorance and cowardice and non action-oriented mentality:"I'm going to do nothing but escapist drugs and hop from one party or festival to another. I will dance my way out of the harsh realities of Planet Earth. - Mark Passio
There is no good or evil: only power and those too weak to seek it. - J. K. Rowling
When God laughs at the soul and the soul laughs back at God, the persons of the Trinity are begotten. When the Father laughs at the Son and the Son laughs back at the Father, that laughter gives pleasure, that pleasure gives joy, that joy gives love, and that love is the Holy Spirit. - Meister Eckhart
Live Each And Every Moment as it will never come back when its gone. - Taara
You are born to be magical, gorgeous and beautiful inside and out. So express your beauty and fear not. - Debasish Mridha
You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live now. - Joan Baez
Some men can be good ' horse whisperers ' and many dogs can be wonderful ' man whisperers '. - Erik Pevernagie
A good writer sees the world, not through his own eyes, but through his reader's mind. - Debasish Mridha
Finding your bliss can make survival seem like a joyous journey. And a strange thing happens along the way when you love what you are doing: you become good at it. - Sharon Law Tucker
There is no better deliverance from the world than through art; and a man can form no surer bond with it than through art. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The golden door of harvest for the planet, it felt so ready to be opened ... - Tahira Amir Khan
No matter what you do each day…or in life…doing things God’s way is a matter of the heart. - Elizabeth George
When we find out an Idea, by whose Intervention we discover the Connexion of two others, this is a Revelation from God to us, by the voice of Reason. - John Locke
When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensible of duties. - Marquis De Lafayette
A half-dead thing in a stark, dead world, clean mad for the muck called gold;While high overhead, green, yellow and red, the North Lights swept in bars?-Then you've a hunch was the music meant...hunger and night and the stars. - Robert W. Service
A mighty fortress is our God, and in Him we are safe for time and for eternity. Shall we murmur if we have less of time than we expected? The less of time, the more of heaven. The briefer life, earlier mortality. - Edith E. Searell
Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk of you as they please. - Pythagoras
Life is Temporary, and in life everything is temporary - Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash G Sivaprakash Gopal, sivaprakash sidhu, sivaprakash, sivaprakash, siv
If an apology is followed by an excuse or a reason, it means they are going to commit same mistake again they just apologized for. - Amit Kalantri
Step-parents, those fairy tale villains,Have been given a bad name.They're easy targets.When the family goes awryHow easy to blame them.I was blessed by the right steps... - Eileen Granfors
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra
I decided I would fill the emptiness in me with God and with paint. - Kimberly Novosel
It takes a lot of courage to push through hard times. Never give up. Good things are coming your way. - Robert Tew
[...]eu nunca tive porra de ideal nenhum, eu queria era salvar a minha, veja que coisa mais individualista elitista capitalista, eu queria era ser feliz, cara, gorda, burra, alienada e completamente feliz. - Caio Fernando Abreu
Remember! When you tell a woman that she cooks something very good; you will be fucked by eating it three times a day. - M.F. Moonzajer
The best standard of living will be attained when your house will be filled with God's blessings. - Moazzam Shaikh
I'm goin past factories. Boxes of metal with people inside. Souls bein ripped apart. - Ian Ayris
This is not a Black problem. It is not a white problem. It is not a police problem. It is a WE problem. We the people, for the people. It is going to take all of us being transparent in order to transform. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
There are plenty of good reasons for fighting, but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you, too. - Kurt Vonnegut
In God’s hands, the ingredients of our lives will always work out ultimately for our good and, even better, for His eternal purposes. - Elizabeth George
Never go tapping into the lives of others like you know them and their story! Their story is not yours, tell yours, for that is all you know. - Auliq-Ice
Good work, like good talk or any other form of worthwhile human relationship, depends upon being able to assume an extended shared world. - Stefan Collini
Humbleness, modest and down to earth that recognize the real power and true sense of values towards the achievement of good life and enduring everlasting qualities. - Chris Salamone
Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. That is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil. - Albert Schweitzer
Good writing should help us see the world in new ways, it should crack open our generosity towards each other. That's what I hope my work does anyway. I want someone to read it and know that they aren't alone in the universe. I want my words to act as connective tissue. - Patrick Hicks
If all it takes to motivate you is a quote then this quote has nothing to say except to go soar with the freakin’ eagles. - Ryan Lilly
Trust is like a valuable antique, once gone, it can never be replaced. - Mouloud Benzadi
Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world. - L. M. Montgomery
There are two Newman's laws. The first one is "It is useless to put on your brakes when you're upside down." The second is "Just when things look darkest, they go black. - Paul Newman
Silence is golden but too long a silence an imitation junk - Amit Abraham
Prayer is good but unconditional love is better. - Debasish Mridha
Good leadership consists in showing average people how to do the work of superior people. - John D. Rockefeller
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, until it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the time and place that the tide will turn. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
It takes a lot of strength to hold onto and care for the things we love, so why is it that god seems to have made humans unable to conjure up that degree of power and love? - Ai Yazawa
Let a good man do good deeds with the same zeal that the evil man does bad ones. - The Belzer Rabbi
You have gone through enough theory, now it's time to take actions. - Amit Kalantri
Reading a good book helps us to feel un-alone. - John Green
In the fullness of artistic life there is, and remains, and will always come back at times, that homesick longing for the truly ideal life that can never come true. - Vincent Van Gogh
There are souls in this world who have the gift of finding joy everywhere, and leaving it behind them when they go. - Frederick William Faber
Heirlooms we don't have in our family. But stories we've got. - Rose Cherin
Now call your old lady and tell her to come out here. Go ahead and don't try no funny stuff. - Lois Charles
Simply put, That Which Is - what most of us call God - is not a physical person nor a this or that spirit etc. Is the Quintessence of All That Is. - Fakeer Ishavardas
A silent street always welcome a good music! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It turns out the simplest choices have been far more important in the long run than I ever imagined. - Richelle E. Goodrich
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task. - Virgil
Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books; but love from look, toward school with heavy looks. - William Shakespeare
Whenever you take a step forward you are bound to disturb something. You disturb the air as you go forward, you disturb the dust, the ground. - Indira Gandhi
Shame control us and our lives, it makes the choices we just state in spec and watch what's doing... as far as now it goes like a bot... auto! - Deyth Banger
I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. - Carl Sandburg
WHEAT, n. A cereal from which a tolerably good whisky can with some difficulty be made, and which is used also for bread. The French are said to eat more bread _per capita_ of population than any other people, which is natural, for only they know how to make the stuff palatable. - Ambrose Bierce
I'd rather work with someone who's good at their job but doesn't like me, than someone who likes me but is a ninny. - Sam Donaldson
Ish #109 "If MapQuest says make a right, go straight. You'll get there quicker. - Regina Griffin
Whatever is a reality today, whatever you touch and believe in and that seems real for you today, is going to be, like the reality of yesterday, an illusion tomorrow. - Luigi Pirandello
Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught. - George Savile
Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent. - William Shakespeare
Peace is not God's gift to His creatures. It is our gift - to each other. - Elie Wiesel
Communism is what happens when, in the name of Mind, men free themselves from God.
Never give up on your dreams! When you’re good at something, and there’s love in what you do, passion will always bring success. - Ron Baratono
Emotional states are fairly quick bursts of neuronal gossip. Traits, on the other hand, are more like the neuronal equivalent of committed relationships. - Yongey Mingyur
Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good fucking life. - Chuck Palahniuk
I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you, and that you will work them, water them with your blood and tears and laughter 'til they bloom, 'til you yourself burst into bloom. - Clarissa Piakola Estes
If nations could overcome the mutual fear and distrust whose somber shadow is now thrown over the world, and could meet with confidence and good will to settle their possible differences, they would easily be able to establish a lasting peace.
Why in the world have we never found what we’re really looking for? Because what we need is often the very thing we won’t accept. And sadly, in turning away the God we need, we need to understand that we have chosen to live without everything we need. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Wealth mostly ignored the real reality. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Identity the greatest thing that ever happened to all humanity on earth. Identity the source of knowing who you are and where you come from. Identity the source of understanding yourself and makes you proud to be the person who you are, the daughter, the son of the Most High God. - Euginia Herlihy
Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery. - Erma Bombeck
Okay, I said. As long as I've got you here, we're going to use and appreciate this present moment. Because I wish, and I've wished a thousand times since you went, that we'd known it was the present, and that we were living in it. - Ali Smith
Please don't ask me to remember things that are going on around me... I have a dozen other lives I do that for every day in my head. - Jennifer Byars
Kusanagi tuvo la impresión de que estaba vomitando su alma". - Keigo Higashino
Armed with positive thoughts, it becomes easier to focus on your goals, while the opposite also holds true. - Stephen Richards
I do believe God gave me a spark of genius, but he quenched it in misery. - Edgar Allan Poe
We come and go just like ripples in a stream.
With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt... because love is an amazing feeling. - Britney Spears
I don't want the demons taken away because they're going to take my angels too.
Open your arms to CHANGEbut don’t let go of your VALUES. - Dalai Lama XIV
My perfect day is sitting in a room with some blank paper. That's heaven. That's gold and anything else is just a waste of time. - Cormac McCarthy
All paths lie together in the hand of god like a web endlessly woven, and yours and mine are no greater or less than the beetle's or the squirrel's or the sparrow's. All are held together. - Daniel Quinn
A broken mirror is good luck if you want it to be. - Marty Rubin
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and repair. - Douglas Adams
I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone. - Edmund Burke
If we seem to get no good by attempting to draw near to Him, we may be sure we will get none by keeping away from Him. - John Newton
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy T. Bennett
SMS love Esfahani : ege gonjish peridan yadesh bered . ege shirin farhad yadesh bered . ege mahi darya yadesh bered . man puli in ye smsa ke be shuma dadama yadam nimired !!!! - m-r
Everybody said, "Follow your heart". I did, it got broken - Agatha Christie
A heart has its multiple facets of daily music. Respect a genuine good heart. - Angelica Hopes
Either we are adrift in chaos or we are individuals, created, loved, upheld and placed purposefully, exactly where we are. Can you believe that? Can you trust God for that? - Elisabeth Elliot
People make moves like the Pawn.(Let's go in the real world, look how they walk, from one up two max blocks they can take... so far it's sounds like the moves of pawn. People can be the king and the queen...) - Deyth Banger
If religion is the cornerstone of morality, how come I so often find myself explaining why I don’t hate god to someone who’s expressed hatred for atheists, scientists, feminists, gays, intellectuals, and all other forms of infidels? - Lindsey Brown
I bought salvation from a man on the street. He said, "Go down to the beach and let the waves wash your feet. - Gabriel Rheaume
She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind. - Toni Morrison
GOD blesses you so that He can do for others through you;it is not always about you. - D.A. McBride
God’s Word tells us that God has spoken of old in many portions and in many ways through His servants concerning His heart’s desire and that He loves us. But man did not understand. Therefore, God had to personally come to this world and become a man. This man is Jesus, the Christ, whom we know. - Watchman Nee
The umbrella won't stop the rain, but it will help you to get out during rainfall. As well as confidence is not going to guarantee your success, but it will give you the opportunity to achieve it. - Eyden I.
I would fight every angel between us until God said, "Yes. - Shannon L. Alder
Becareful about what you say , do not be happy when a gossip talks about someone to you..for he/she talks about you to others - delahosi
Good science fiction starts with a question "what if...? - Franklin Clermont
Go, and never darken my towels again. - Groucho Marx
I think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to gods who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right. - Cato the Elder
Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. - Raymond Lindquist
Properly understood, then, the scriptures counsel us to be virtuous not because romantic love is bad, but precisely because romantic love is so good. It is not only good; it is pure, precious, even sacred and holy. - Bruce C. Hafen
Success is mesmerizing, and blinding. Sometimes you need good old fashion failure to open your eyes. - Noel DeJesus
There are tomorrows on their way worth the struggles of today. Never give up. - Richelle E. Goodrich
This was all in the making, a long time ago. You had as much control over these events as a leaf does in the time of its falling. - Colin Meloy
I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell. - William Booth
God is not sitting in heaven thinking about how to make you comfortable. Your comfort might actually be his least concern. - Sunday Adelaja
The simple solution for disappointment depression: Get up and get moving. Physically move. Do. Act. Get going. - Peter McWilliams
God is the Master Author of your life. He has written every page of your life story in His eternal book. It's up to you to turn up the pages and move on with the next chapter or just get yourself stuck in the same content over and over again."- Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
Those who suffer great adversity and sorrow and go on to serve their fellowmen develop a great capacity to understand others. Like the prophets, they have acquired a higher understanding of the mind and will of Christ. - CARLOS H. AMADO
Why are they like that?' I asked Cico. We skirted Blue Lake and worked our way through the tall, golden grass to the creek.'I don't know,' Cico answered, 'except that people, grown-ups and kids, seem to want to hurt each other - and it's worse when they're in a group. - Rudolfo Anaya
A species to consider the rich soil to be poor than the refined Gold, Humans - Goitsemang Mvula
The truth is, if I were going to lose weight successfully, I would have to think about what I eat constantly. I cannot imagine a life more boring and a more time-consuming obsession than being preoccupied with what I eat. - Mindy Kaling
in order to do evil, must first believe that what they are doing is good, otherwise they can't do it. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
It’s just proper for old people to die. Otherwise, they’d go insane in a world too different from the one they knew. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it. - Mark Twain
Es posible que tenga algo que ver con el trópico, aquí todo madura y se descompone con facilidad. Nada persiste. - Edmundo Desnoes
The great majority of people are wandering generalities rather than meaningful specifics. The fact is that you can't bit a target that you can't see. If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. You have to have goals. - Zig Ziglar
I don’t know what it is but every time I see you I feel such a strong urge, to be near you, to protect you, to hold you in my arms and never let you go. Luke Nero - The Witchlings-Midnight curse - Amanda Turner
True love is a word found by a madman to make the people who believe in it go mad. - Luffina Lourduraj
The pain of aloneness and pointlessness is piercing. It demands relief. That single fact that the pain of living apart from God is unbearable exposes our sinfulness as horribly grotesque and foolish. We insist on finding relief without coming to God on His terms. - Larry Crabb
America seemed like a place for honest people. The United States of America. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The most righteous, politically correct and awesomest country in the world. It even says "in god we trust" on the dollar bills. God bless America. - Carlito Sofer, Nik Krasno
Going to war to establish peace will not bring peace. It will just kill you. - Debasish Mridha
Never settle on a life you don't want when God is trying to give you a better life. - Shannon L. Alder
We all have the best laid plans for our children, and they go and ruin it all by growing up any way they want to. What the hell was it all for, then? (Real Life and Liars) - Kristina Riggle
All you have is today. Never mourn for tomorrow that is past and gone. You don’t deserve to starve today of its pleasure and treasure. Feel happy! - Israelmore Ayivor
You know, I went out on a normal amount of dates in my early 20s, and I got absolutely slaughtered for it. And it took a lot of hard work and altering my decision-making. I didn’t date for two and a half years. Should I have had to do that? No. - Taylor Swift
I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will not ask, 'How many good things have you done in your life?' rather he will ask, 'How much love did you put into what you did? - Mother Teresa
God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into its nest. - J. G. Holland
The future is uncertain... but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity. - Ilya Prigogine
Circumstances makes a thing poison or nectar. There is nothing absolute good or bad. - Amit Ray
I don't think anyone can give you advice when you've got a broken heart. - Britney Spears
The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty. - Seneca
A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
The OakLive thy Life, Young and old,Like yon oak,Bright in spring, Living gold;Summer-rich Then; and thenAutumn-changedSoberer-hued Gold again.All his leaves Fall'n at length,Look, he stands,Trunk and bough Naked strength. - Alfred Tennyson
Don't make noise, rather give people good reasons to make noise about you. - Unarine Ramaru
We love our dear ones a lot but God love them more and them them from us,Worst feeling is that we can't meet or talk with them ever and this feeling kill us from inside. - Jaiendra Puri
Your lovin' gives me a thrillBut your lovin' don't pay my billsI need money That's what I want. - Berry Gordy
I can be patient, but I am not God! Don't take me for granted, or you will spend your life gathering my scattered self! - Shilpa Sandesh
Pragmatism is good prevention for problems. - Amit Kalantri
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. - Tony Robins
The disease of intolerance is not communicated only in religious groups. I’ve seen it infect racial groups, economic groups and even whole nations (where it is often cleverly disguised as patriotism). Intolerance always fences people out. It creates one group we call US. And the rest we call THEM. - Steve Goodier
The story of grace is the Gospel of not just forgiveness, but also of redemption. God uses the weak, the ones who have failed and the ones who had run out of second chances long ago. - Kristen McNulty
You might be an introvert if you were ready to go home before you left the house. - Criss Jami
Through all of living have much joy and laughter, life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Morality is good when we use it to live our lives but not to hurt anyone. - Debasish Mridha
I can never be perfectly certain whether Helen was got with child by Leonard Bast or by his fatal forgotten umbrella. All things considered, I think it must have been the umbrella. - Katherine Mansfield
The bible when taken metaphorically, provides us the truth about god; but when taken literally, the bible provides as the truth about man. - Joey Lawsin
Time spent in meditation is as precious as gold. - Amma
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. - Mother Teresa
Love is the highest prayer; as God is love, God cannot ignore Himself. - Matshona Dhliwayo
To those of you who are yet to plunge into the zygote pool and want to know what both plumbless horror and pure love feels like, have yourself a baby... - Conrad Williams
For there is no respect of persons with God. - Anonymous
You know, some people say life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment and that you have to live each day like it's your last. Bullshit. Life is long. You're probably not gonna get hit by a bus. And you're gonna have to live with the choices you make for the next fifty years. - Chris Rock
Whether the Bible is Law or Gospel depends on the spiritual condition of the one hearing it. If someone is regenerate and loves God, then the whole Bible is Gospel to him. If someone is unregenerate and hates God, the whole Bible is Law to him, the whole thing condemns him. - Douglas Wilson
Fear is to begin with the end in mind. There is no end. Life is eternal. Live life knowing that the end was your past, and the future is only full of beautiful beginnings through an eternity built around God’s love. - Shannon L. Alder
Having a good connection with people is health and happiness itself. - Auliq Ice
The language of marriage is often a language of ownership, not a language of partnership. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Man vill bli älskad, i brist därpå beundrad, i brist därpå fruktad, i brist därpå avskydd och föraktad. Man vill ingiva människorna något slags känsla. Själen ryser för tomrummet och vill kontakt till vad pris som helst. - Hjalmar Söderberg
What God says to His Church at any given period depends altogether upon her moral and spiritual condition and upon the spiritual need of the hour. - A.W. Tozer
The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. - Mark Twain
Government is too big and too important to be left to the politicians. - Chester Bowles
Be such a man, and live such a life, that if every man were such as you, and every life a life like yours, this earth would be God's Paradise. - Phillips Brooks
Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forego an advantage. - Benjamin Disraeli
God has the Power to make it happen. You have the Authority to make it happen. So stop complaining, get up, & manifest your destiny. - Tony Warrick
It shall greatly help ye to understand the Scriptures if thou mark not only what is spoken or written, but of whom and to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances, considering what goeth before and what followeth after. - Miles Coverdale
God's extraordinary work is most often done by ordinary people in the seeming obscurity of a home and family. - Neal A. Maxwell
A lover goes toward his beloved as enthusiastically as a schoolboy leaving his books, but when he leaves his girlfriend, he feels as miserable as the schoolboy on his way to school. (Act 2, scene 2) - William Shakespeare
According to the reality, I assume that we are not going to meet again. Yet, I do believe that we have met for a reason - Ahmed Alibage
I told my three sons stories about germs more than fifty years ago as fanciful bedtime tales. - Arthur Kornberg
it seems that man has learnednot to seenot to knowfor he's found the potof goldbut lost the rainbow... - Barry DeCarli
But I don't believe that life is supposed to make you feel good, or to make you feel miserable either. Life is just supposed to make you feel. - Gloria Naylor
Pink is supposed to weaken your enemies, make them go soft on you, which must be why it's used for baby girls. It's a wonder the military hasn't got on to this. - Margaret Atwood
God in his infinite wisdomDid not make me very wise-So when my actions are stupidThey hardly take God by surprise. - Langston Hughes
Every thing's for sale out here. Anything you want. About the only thing you can't buy is my dignity and self-respect, cause those were the first to go. And I gave them away for free. - excerpt from: freefalling - Darlenne Susan Girard
A confident women is the most beautiful piece of art created by god;she doesn't need a man to glorify her. - Rajkeen
I try my best to create a good quote while sitting alone. But I can never create it. Only on talking to you I get lots of lines - Pawan Mehra
When you are standing in the middle of a storm you have two choices: Pray to God that it goes away. Or, start praying to God that he gives you the wisdom to figure out why you're standing in the middle of a storm. - Shannon L. Alder
Oh my dear from a distant fantasy land! I love to be in your dreams as a fairy of love with wings of flowers and golden glowing flowing hair. - Debasish Mridha
What did I hope to gain from my game and from putting my parents through all this? The truth is that I loved to play. My body was fit and my mind raring to go. But I also hoped that I would get a government job through the sports quota. - M.C. Mary Kom
A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. - Theodore Roosevelt
Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths. - Jalaluddin Rumi
It is not God that is worshipped but the authority that claims to speak in His name. Sin becomes disobedience to authority not violation of integrity. - Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
I write so others might contemplate things that are out of the ordinary. I write to make people feel—to cause laughter and tears and anger at injustice. I write so the world will imagine and wonder at crazy, incredible truths. I write to have a tiny bit of influence on a universal conscience. - Richelle E. Goodrich
There is a time for departure even when there is no certain place to go. - Tennessee Williams
If you knew you were going to lose your memorybut you could choose five things you’d never forget, what would they be—a certain face, a taste, a scent,a touch; how deepin this, the middle of your life? - Kristen Henderson
A good friend enjoys with you, a best friend cries with you. - Debasish Mridha
I'm going to stay in show business until I'm the last one left. - George Burns
Be who you are; go where you belong - Debasish Mridha
What goes on in our heads solely determines the level at which we function in society, our physical health, and the degree of our mental and emotional stability and maturity. - Renee Cefalu
We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
... People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds, people who possess strong feelings, even people with great minds and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls. - Lev S. Vygotsky
Whenever justice to ordinary men, widows, orphans, poor, disadvantaged and the general mass is delayed or denied, that leads to God’s frustration. At a time like that, God laments, WHERE IS A MAN - Sunday Adelaja
I need to find out if I'm as good at peace as I am at war - Orson Scott Card
It’s not God who gave us moral laws, but this doesn’t make them less important - Margherita Hack
The same sun that rises over castles and welcomes the daySpills over buildings into the streets where orphans playAnd only You can see the good in broken thingsYou took my heart of stone, and You made it homeAnd set this prisoner free - Bethany Dillon
I really think I write about everyday life. I don't think I'm quite as odd as others say I am. Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that's what makes it so boring. - Edward Gorey
A little of God will not move the hand of God. - Teresa Odden
One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child. - Randall Jarrell
Surviving is good, but overcoming is better. - Shelley Hendrix
In order to pick something up, you've got to put something down. - Todd Stocker
Even Karma rewards generosity. The good that you do must surely catch up with you! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Sometimes when I am driving I get so angry at inconsiderate drivers that I want to scream at them. But then I remember how insignificant that is, and I thank God that I have a car and my health and gas. That was phrased wrong - normally you wouldn't say, thank God I have gas. - Ellen DeGeneres
Svaki novi ajet koji naučiš napamet, ti si ustvari sebi kupio deredžu u džennetu. - Dževad Gološ
The world needs to see Christians burning, not with self-righteous fury at the sliding morals in our country, but with passion for God. - Kevin DeYoung
No era mi brazo lo que ella buscaba, sino el brazo de alguien. No era mi calor lo que ella necesitaba, sino el calor de alguien. Entonces sentía algo rayando en la culpabilidad por ser yo ese alguien - Haruki Murakami
The very term ‘public utility’ is an absurd one. Every good is useful ‘to the public,’ and almost every good may be considered ‘necessary.’ Any designation of a few industries as ‘public utilities’ is completely arbitrary and unjustified. - Murray N. Rothbard
Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life changes as seasons change. And with each season, we, like the farmer, have a job to do in the cultivation of our Don't Die® spirit. - Andrea Goeglein
If there is heaven then there must be hell too, don't think that The God is merciful, he didn't create hell for himself. - John Art
We all come out from Gogol's 'Overcoat'. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
If there's going to be pain anyway, I'd rather it be the pain of growth rather than the pain of staying stuck. - Suzette Hinton
God is in the healing, not the pain. - Tom Krause
All God's giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reackoned on God being with them. - James Hudson Taylor
Quanto mais gosto da humanidade em geral, menos aprecio as pessoas em particular, como indivíduos. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
You you think you need to forgive someone...you got it all wrong. - Vivian Amis
Prayer is the secret weapon that restores your trust in God. - Jim George
That said the conspirators:Tell us your secret and we will have betrayed you for a lifetime. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
It is healthier to see the good points of others than to analyze our own bad ones. - Francoise Sagan
Sleep is good, he said, and books are better. - George R.R. Martin
Saddest thing nowadays is that words can kill - Freedom Goodbird
To be alone is to be different, to be different is to be alone. - Suzanne Gordon
We are eager to teach our children to go in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6) but sometimes so much unwilling to go that way first. - Santosh Thankachan
One who trusts God at all costs will be rewarded at all costs. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Unclutter your life. Unclutter your home. We feel best when everything and everyone around us is in harmony and in balance.The peace and the beauty of your home will raise you up, and give energy to your goals. - Eileen Anglin
If you make money your god, it will plague you like the devil. - Henry Fielding
Experience is what you got by not having it when you need it. - Anonymous
Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature. - Benjamin Franklin
Human knowledge is but a ripple on the water's surface. To go deeper, we must accept the fact that we don't know everything - Stewart Stafford
when god did something it become Natural Disaster. when man did the same thing it become TERRORISM! Where is consistency Bitch! - Vishal Singh
Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better. - William Shakespeare
God is not against money, He is against the money being used outside His purposes. - Sunday Adelaja
We are all materialistic. There are different levels of materialism! Some aspire to a fancy car, others only wish to go to bed at night with a full stomach. - D.J. Jouett
I don't think people are meant to be by themselves. That's why you actually find someone you care about. It's important to let go of the little things, even if you can't let go all the way. Because nothing sucks more than feeling all alone, no matter how many people are around. - Scrubs J.D
God is always willing to give you the best life possible. If you change your mind at any time you are free to go back to enjoying hell. - Shannon L. Alder
And then I got what she was saying. In the paranormal world, everyone was your enemy. - Jayde Scott
Part of the fruit of the Spirit is self-control. Once you get married, however, a good defense is frequency and freedom. - Mark Driscoll
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti
Women have more to offer this world than just a fallopian tube. Nothing is going to change until you quit looking at us as just sperm receptacles. - Barbara Hall
If you want to be a writer, you have to write every day... You don't go to a well once but daily. You don't skip a child's breakfast or forget to wake up in the morning... - Walter Mosley
Naming can satisfy a need, it can shorten a conversation that otherwise might go on for hours. - Nihad Sirees
God reveals future events through dreams, vision and the sacred voice. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down. - Ray Bradbury
I guess staying up late is good preparation for sweet dreams.
Do good.Spread love.Embrace all.Hurt none. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The overriding reason why we should take other people's cultures seriously is because God has taken ours seriously. - John R.W. Stott
One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passersby see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. - Vincent Van Gogh
If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
If you were destined to be a poet, then you won't brainstorm for lines that rhymes. If you were destined to be a celebrity, then you shouldn't start searching for fans. If you are truly a god, then let others worship you! - Michael Bassey Johnson
One should have expected some terrible enormities charged to those who are excluded from heaven, as the reason; but no,—they are condemned for not doing positive good, as if that included every possible harm. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
[Home educator] sometimes teaching and parenting is tough stuff. That is the reality of the calling. I hope ... [do] not quit or give up hope but keep moving forward on the path where God guides you. - Tamara L. Chilver
Whether voting Republican or Democrat, the result is the same: A corrupt corporate government. - Steven Magee
There's only one thing in life more dangerous than a bad idea, and that's a good one. - Greg Curtis
Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love. - Spanish Proverb
We are all instruments pulling the bows across our own lungs. Windmills, still startling in every storm. Have you ever seen a newborn blinking at the light? I wanna do that every day. I wanna know what the kite called itself when it got away, when it escaped into the night... - Andrea Gibson
A man’s main purpose in life is to find his ground, till it and care for it, bringing the Kingdom ofGod there and establishing the Lordship of Jesus Christ over it. - Sunday Adelaja
What makes a good book? Simply put, a good book is one that you enjoy reading. - Carmela Dutra
The goal of meditation is awareness, not relaxation. - Eknath Easwaran
He that speaketh against his own reason speaks against his own conscience, and therefore it is certain that no man serves God with a good conscience who serves him against his reason. - Jeremy Taylor
Don't get me wrong, magic is cool. But a nervous mother singing to her child at night while something moves quietly through the dark outside her house? That's a story. Handled properly, it's more dramatic than any apocalypse or goblin army could ever be. - Patrick Rothfuss
For Christians do not place their hope in their children, but rather their children are a sign of their hope . . . that God has not abandoned this world. - Stanley Hauerwas
Try to see the good in all things... - M. Howson
Focus on keeping faith and growing your roots of light so strong and deep that no one, not even yourself, can make you believe something about yourself that is not good for your soul. - Molly Friedenfeld
Relate to a life situation in the deepest sense: not from the standpoint of the ego that bemoans its fate and rebels against it, but from... the greater inner law that has left behind its small birth, the narrow realm of personal outlook, for the sake of renewal and rebirth. - Max Zeller
If you must tell me your opinions, tell me what you believe in. I have plenty of doubts of my own. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The best part about being my age is in knowing how my life worked out. Sure, there's a lot more living to go, but there isn't much doubt that I'll always be the 'Dilbert guy.' Unless I go on a crime spree, in which case I'll be 'that stabbin' Dilbert guy.' - Scott Adams
Anywhere , Anytime , Just Keep any thing good alive - Elhachemi Sabi
What await you; golden treasures of risks taken. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I’ve drawn this as a circle because the seasons will come and go. Joy always leads to another season of romance . . . which always leads to another season of trouble . . . which always leads to disillusionment . . . which always leads to more joy— if you hang in there. - Kurt Bubna
Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards. - Diogenes of Sinope
Funny... I still can't believe in God." "Does that matter now?"..."He believes in you. - A.J. Cronin
This land of ours cannot be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in. - Richard M. Nixon
We've got everything we need right here, and everything we need is enough. - Jack Johnson
Entrepreneurship isn't about luck, it's about vision, time management, creativity, determination and goals. - Onyi Anyado
When God lays His finger on your heart it cannot help but be filled with love for others; if that doesn't happen there is nothing wrong with God's finger there is something wrong with your heart - rassool jibraeel snyman
The goal of all life is death. - Sigmund Freud
Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success. - David J. Schwartz
To achieve great things, we must live as though we were never going to die. - Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues
If one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of creation it would appear that God has an inordinate fondness for stars and beetles. - J.B.S. Haldane
A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell. - George Bernard Shaw
i asked God to give me a love via synchronicity so when it was my time to allow someone into my heart ~ he entered my world, as if by magic. - Nikki Rowe
The grace,faith,love and power of God will uplift you to greater heights. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A leader must be a good listener. He must be willing to take counsel. He must show a genuine concern and love for those under his stewardship. - James Faust
[While writing history], I've kept the most interesting company imaginable with people long gone. Some I've come to know better than many I know in real life, since in real life we don't get to read other people's mail. - David McCullough
We are all goofs of ourselves no matter how perfect the lives of some may seem. But when we embrace our flaws and work with it, sometimes, just sometimes, we get it right. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Love and knowledge have one thing in common; both live on giving and sharing, more you share more it will be and make impacts over impacts, influence one to another. Love will not get lesser by giving and same goes to knowledge too.. - Baris Gencel
Emptiness is like air. It floats around unseen but you know it's there. - PureDragonWolf
We can never know the impact a simple smile has on another. Smiling is one of the easiest things we can do. Is there a simpler, more effortless way to give everyone you meet a moment of joy, even a sense of worth? - Steve Goodier
At the side of Enjolras, who represented the logic of revolution, was Combeferre, representing its philosophy. The difference between logic and philosophy is that one can decide upon war, whereas the other can only be fulfilled by peace. - Victor Hugo
Something or someone is always waving goodbye. - Marty Rubin
Look for something good in each person, even if for some people you have to look a little harder. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You stop worrying about things, just go with the ones you like, and there you'll find happiness and joy. - Auliq Ice
You're very beautiful, dear', she said, 'what nationality are you, Indian?''No', I smiled, 'I'm Aboriginal.'She looked at me in shock. 'You can't be,' she said.'I am.''Oh, you poor thing,' she said, putting her arm around me, 'what on earth are you going to do? - Sally Morgan
Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory. - Franklin P. Adams
I don't exercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor. - Joan Rivers
Create your own god in your mind whom you can love, trust, and follow. - Debasish Mridha
It is a mistake to think that moving fast is the same as actually going somewhere. - Steve Goodier
Despite all the sadness, violence and misery, I still believe in universal peace, goodness, and beauty of humanity. - Debasish Mridha
He lived decades ago,she lives at the moment.A very saddening reality for her. - S G
The good news is that every morning we have the choice; not to be controlled by circumstances nor our past but by purposely designing our day, hence our lives better. Not to react to life but to respond with love. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Setting sail using different moral compasses causes a relationship to go in circles. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
A great leader acknowledges his or her finitude, and depends fully on the mighty powerful arm of strength of a Great God, to execute equity and justice for all. - Josephine Akhagbeme
Don’t waste a minute fretting over the infinite destructive possibilities of The Singularity. Think of all the fun we’re going to have along the way! It will all be one glorious adventure, start to finish! - Richard Long
Conventional names define a person's past: ancestry, ethnicity, nationality, religion. I am not who I was ten years ago and certainly not who I will be in twenty years - FM-2030
I spend my nights thinking the worstAnd telling myself that everything's going to work outI keep kicking myself in the mouthOpening up every cut that should be a scar by now - Real Friends
You just go a little crazy, you know. Sometimes. And why? Well only because your soul is just too big for you, it flies away somehow. - C. JoyBell C.
But now the other half of "us" was gone and, lying there in my shadowy room, I'd be struck with this realization that I had no clue how to be just me again. - Jennifer Brown
Long as I can spell G-o-d I got somebody along. - Alice Walker
Use the powerful tool of thought and develop your mindset to believing and knowing you can change anything to your favour; yes, you have God`s Word so fashion your thought according to God`s Word. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Prayer is a heart exercise. It’s an act of communicating with God about what’s most important and pressing in your life. - Jim George
Rudeness, abruptness, gory tales of blood and thunder, and coarse language usually show up the greenhorn or counterfeit, and certainly the ill-bred. "The bravest are the tenderest; the gentlest are the daring. - Kenneth W. Estes
My goal is to write every day. I say it is my ideal. I am careful not to pass judgment or create anxiety if I do not do it. No one lives up to his ideal. - Natalie Goldberg
The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Low self-confidence can be viewed as a good thing; it reminds us to be confident in Christ! - Stacy Navarro
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. - Benjamin Franklin Wade
Sometimes it is hard not to say, 'God forgive God.' Sometimes it is hard to say so much. But if our faith is true, He didn't. He crucified Him. - C.S. Lewis
Guy’s don't usually cry, but when they do, nobody can realize that what they have been going through. - kamal parvez
It's silly to go on pretending that under the skin we are all brothers. The truth is more likely that under the skin we are all cannibals, assassins, traitors, liars, hypocrites, poltroons. - Henry Miller
God may create us but we Define - shashidhar sa
The things you let go will someday teach you how to fly. - Jenim Dibie
Learning to read is one of the most extraordinary gifts you'll ever receive, so open up God's Word and read the most extraordinary book ever written. - J.E.B. Spredemann
Moderation has never yet engineered an explosion - Ellen Glasgow
I really don't want to go in a place and to repeat the stuff like to watch Limitless all day, one moment I get bored I need to focus on something else. - Deyth Banger
Good morning is such a beautiful song; it begins the magic of a wonderful day. - Debasish Mridha
I was born a heretic. I always distrusted people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows. - Susan B. Anthony
The Bible is instruction, it is light, it is the Word of God that predicts future events, warns of dangers and holds us back from falling and getting hurt. - Sunday Adelaja
If you’re dating a writer and they don’t write about you whether it’s good or bad then they don’t love you. They just don’t. Writers fall in love with the people we find inspiring. - Jamie Anne Royce
Humor is reason gone mad. - Groucho Marx
True expectations never ever go unnoticed. So expect happiness and expect abundance. - Debasish Mridha
The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life. - Jane Addams
Good books makes good life.Great books makes great life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Emotions tend to get in the way of a good argument. - Steve Hague
The first half of your life goes in selecting the best and odd ones, the second half in getting used to the other.The first half of your life you dream how best you can live, the second half in getting accustomed with the other. - Ramana Pemmaraju
Remember your created limits. So much of workaholism is a defiance of the physical limitations that God our creator has imposed upon us. - Tim Challies
Without trust and respect, only fear and distrust of others' motives and intentions are left. Without trust and respect between parties, it is nearly impossible to find good solutions to effective communication. - Deborah A. Beasley
Don’t be afraid to have goals and dreams. Even in the face of haters and those who do not believe in you, don’t stop dreaming. - Auliq Ice
Do not just go through the day without pausing to ponder! You shall only retire wondering. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Those moments are painful when our loved ones leave us and say that we should not cry,although they know how we are feeling and what we are going through... - Amit Aarav
In my errant life I roamedto learn the secrets of women and men,of gods and dreams.I lived in wealth and poverty, in fame and calamity.I saw every country of our world,I lived a thousand lives.Many lives I spent, other lives I squandered,for in my life I never traveled, all I did was wander. - Roman Payne
no time agoor else a lifewalking in the darki met christjesus)my heartflopped overand lay stillwhile he passed(asclose as i’m to youyes closermade of nothingexcept loneliness. - E.E. Cummings
Confidence that one's impressions are God-given is no guarantee that this is really so, even when they persist and grow stronger through long seasons of prayer. Bible-based wisdom must judge them. - J.I. Packer
Talk without action is like a car without petrol. Positive talk coupled with decisive action can make a major difference in not only your life but as well as of those around you - Katlego Semusa
Good laws lead to the making of better ones; bad ones bring about worse. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
God saves a man that he may accomplish his purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
Acknowledgement of the prevalence and impact of trauma challenges psychological theories that localize dysfunction within the individual while ignoring the contribution of social forces on adjustment (Brett, 1996; Ross, 2000). - Rachel E. Goldsmith
Your presence is enough to go through life. More and more you observe life, more and more you can let lose yourself with the free flow of life. - Roshan Sharma
Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible. I believe you can retain certain things from your childhood if you protect them - certain traits, certain places where you don’t let the world go. - Johnny Depp
Time is really the only gift we receive from God that we can give to others. - Homer Hickam
she will change the world someday, her cure of love in a world gone mad; is the gentle kind of touch that will teach women to grow and men to rise. - Nikki Rowe
I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious idea of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God. - Thomas A. Edison
Izgledamo zdravije nego ikad,a izutra krvarimo.Kap po kap. - Tamara Stamenkovic
People are stupid, because of watching the same over and over and over and over - which goes as far as I can tell hell. - Deyth Banger
Never cheat on someone that is good to you ,Karma is a bitch. - Surgeo Bell
I prepared excitedly for my departure, as if this journey had a mysterious significance. I had decided to change my mode of life. "'til now," I told myself, "you have only seen the shadow and been well content with it; now, I am going to lead you into the substance."
The first time I read an excellent work, it is to me just as if I gained a new friend; and when I read over a book I have perused before, it resembles the meeting of an old one. - James Goldsmith
said that his quest is simply "trying to understand the mind of God". - Stephen Hawking
Do good and inspire others to do good - Bhupendra Pratap Singh
The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief—call it what you will—than any book ever written; it has emptied more churches than all the counterattractions of cinema, motor bicycle and golf course. - A.A. Milne
With stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain. - Friedrich von Schiller
I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. - Edgar Allan Poe
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. - Marianne Williamson
If you don’t have the time to do something right, where are you going to find the time to fix it? - Stephen King
Do not be scared of the dead,Least they can not drop an ole bomb on your head. - Michelle Magorian
People who know God truly change the life of their nation, and not the government. - Sunday Adelaja
Riches do not delight us so much with their possession, as torment us with their loss. - Dick Gregory
The Pythagorean ... having been brought up in the study of mathematics, thought that things are numbers ... and that the whole cosmos is a scale and a number. - Aristotle
It's rather disconcerting to sit around a table in a critique of someone else's work, only to realize that the antagonist in the story is none other than yourself, and no one present thinks you're a very likable character. - Michelle Richmond
God will never give you anything you can't handle, so don't stress. - Kelly Clarkson
What excites us the most or likewise scares us the most is when something is exactly what it says it is. And when it comes to Christmas, we’re going to end up finding ourselves on one side of that line or the other. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Go to school to make a living. Learn about yourself to define your life. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
my dearest agony let us be together, i am not seasoned for this solitude. - Nation C White
She ignored my observation. This generally happens with me. Show me a woman, I sometimes say, and I will show you someone who is going to ignore my observations. - P.G. Wodehouse
God is writing His story on the pages of our lives. - Rick Anderson
Sometimes we have to do the work even though we don't yet see a glimmer on the horizon that it's actually going to be possible. - Angela Y. Davis
Fear only what you lost from not sharing - Freedom Goodbird
Life is like a Sunset and Sunrise, when sun goes down it will raise back again next day, life is also same way, sometimes we have to face good as well as bad situation which will help us to learn new things which we never excepted that will happen. - Madhu
You will never overcome your self righteousness if you continue to believe that God prefers you over other people. The moment you feel entitled is the moment you feel superior and distance yourself from a humble heart that believes God knows what he is doing. - Shannon L. Alder
Good judgment comes from experience, and experience - well, that comes from poor judgment. - A.A. Milne
A man who walks with God always gets to his destination. - Henrietta C. Mears
When our embarrassment level is exceeded by our desperation level, we are a good candidate for God's grace. - Peter Lord
A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett
At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year. - Thomas Tusser
The general will rules in society as the private will governs each separate individual. - Maximilien Robespierre
I don't try to imagine a personal God; it suffices to stand in awe at the structure of the world, insofar as it allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it. - Albert Einstein
The true Christian can nurture a trustful optimism, because he is certain of not walking alone. In sending us Jesus, the eternal Son made man, God has drawn near to each of us. In Christ he has become our travelling companion. - Pope John Paul II
If therefore you shall be remembered for what you did with what you had more than what you had, use what you have to do something distinctive now and leave a notable footprint before you go - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Strength we think to be a virtue in government, but we do not find our defense against disintegration either in arbitrary or in very great power. Indeed, we are inclined to see in both these the symptoms of an already advanced decay - Michael Oakeshott
I ain't got no Visa, I ain't got no Red American Express, We can't go nowhere exotic, It don't matter 'cause I'm decent and Loyal. - Genereux Philip
True love come from God, accept the worse part of it, endure the pain,true love never fade. - Uche Daniel Oluwaseun
I don't know where I'm going to be in three years. Because I have the feeling that the future is so full of possibilities, to stop being an actress, to do something else... for me, the future is just a huge bunch of discoveries. - Audrey Tautou
Never be fooled that you are not number one, they got it wrong, because you beat a bunch of sperms to be alive. - Unarine Ramaru
Jesus Christ has already come to suffer in the hands of men and He shall least entertain anyone who will disturb Him in eternal eternity in the Kingdom of God! If you want to join Him, ponder! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. - Mae West
Between ourselves, there is no such thing, abstractly, as a 'good' book. A book is 'good' only when it meets some human hunger or refutes some human error. - Christopher Morley
The big news of the Bible is not that you fight for God but that God fights for you. - Max Lucado
Good things happen, bad things are done... - Ramana Pemmaraju
No matter where life takes me, you'll find me with a smile. Presumed to be happy, always laughing like a child. I never thought life could be this sweet! It's got me cheesing from cheek to cheek! - Mac Miller
It's a secret deal. On some days, the sun shines bright on you. On some days, you've got to shine brighter than the sun. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' But eating too many, is quite enough-plenty. And you'll have to go see the good doc anyway. - Solange nicole
The minute you start talking about what you’re going to do if you lose, you have lost. - George P. Shultz
So they crucified their Messiah? Well can I believe it. That He was a Son of the Living Spirit would be naught to them, if indeed He was so.... They would care little for any God if he came not with pomp and power. - H. Rider Haggard
There's always Gold amongst Silver but they don't know it and there's always Silver amongst Gold but they don't show it. - Goitsemang Mvula
It was a slow fall, through warm experiences and good laughs. It didn't even feel like love until I got to the end. Even then, it was not the hard surface of rock, but the scorching embrace of more. - Hubert Martin
To understand what's happening in the U.S. presidential election of 2016, you need to know what's going on in the year 2024! Soundscape: Where hearing is believing. - Royce Flippin
Pray like it all depends on God, but work like it all depends on you. - Dave Ramsey
Love is everything we can have because God is everything we have. God is love. - Israelmore Ayivor
To find the deep meaning of life, you must get lost in the blue sky and go beyond your comfort zone. - Debasish Mridha
Mother Earth taught me that my angertoward nature was unfounded.And she therefore invited me to open my heart to thispossibility: so too may be my anger toward man. - Anasizi Foundation Good Buffalo Eagle
I hope my forgiveness reminds you,Of the part you forgot to break in me. - Jenim Dibie
The view from above is always beautiful. Strive to go there, but never forget to be kind. - Debasish Mridha
Do not rest on your laurels when you get to the top; you risk losing your edge once you let success go to your head. - Roy T. Bennett
The world is a garden of philosophy. God is its gardener; Man is the visitor.And any tree that does not bear fruits of philosophy either does not belong tothat garden or is yet to be grown. - Kedar Joshi
Made a decision. I will never let a sunny day happen without me again. Darkness is almost always guaranteed unless some strange thing happens. But the sun...?! Go get some. - Robin Caldwell
I knew you would do me good in some way, at some time--I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you. - Charlotte Brontë
We all have a childhood dream that when there is love, everything goes like silk, but the reality is that marriage requires a lot of compromise. - Raquel Welch
Avoid fear because it will blind you from seeing God’s purpose about your life and limit your potential. - Gift Gugu Mona
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr
Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. - Sybil Stanton
[Sleep is] the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. - Thomas Dekker
The Preacher, the Politicain, the Teacher, Were each of them once a kiddie. A child, indeed, is a wonderful creature. Do I want one? God Forbiddie! - Ogden Nash
Νο... He won’t consume energy to light his path... His path is alone and in the dark. Not because of bad intentions but cause his goals will make the fuss - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
until it is taken out of your mind, it is never lost and it is never gone - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The gospel messages you share will be accepted more readily if your Christlike example is evident in the ongoing pattern of your posts. - David A. Bednar
Empowering children through the Word of God so excellence is the standard not the exception - Jacqui Wilson
Men who know God and his heart, would not hide behind their pulpit when justice is been ridiculed in their society - Sunday Adelaja
And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
An open Facebook page is simply a psychiatric dry erase board that screams, Look at me. I am insecure. I need your reaction to what I am doing, but you’re not cool enough to be my friend. Therefore, I will just pray you see this because the approval of God is not all I need. - Shannon L. Alder
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and have the two as close together as possible. - George Burns
Man kept control over the machines he created, I wish God would have done the same with the man he created. - Amit Kalantri
I'm not going to have a husband anyway," said Laura. "I'm going to live by myself in the garage. - Margaret Atwood
Remember that everything that is happening around you, good or bad, is in some way conspiring to help you. - Debasish Mridha
The end always passes judgement on what has gone before. - Publilius Syrus
New light in the skyannounces a sacred birth.Shine brightly young star. - Richelle E. Goodrich
If you write to impress it will always be bad, but if you write to express it will be good - Thornton Wilder
It's a persons ego that leads them away. So I should say, let your mind be open to those things that affects your ego. Learn how to accept your mistakes and learn how to understand mistakes of others. - Jayson Engay
Sacrifice demands the surrender of things we cherish above all else. Only out of the agony of those loses can a new resolution be born. An undying devotion to a cause greater than one’s self, and a moral duty to see a journey through to its absolute completion. - Emily Thorne
The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that each worker no matter the level, knows he is participating in the process of creation with God hence the dignity. - Sunday Adelaja
There's a whole generation growing up thinking...the government exists to care for them. - Dave Ramsey
Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Do you feel loved by God because you believe he makes much of you, or because you believe he frees you and empowers you to enjoy making much of him? - John Piper
One day, while life is being incredible and interesting, I’m going to die. - Agnostic Zetetic
Destiny has got the rope round my neck and I feel it. - Wilkie Collins
So-called intellectuals have ego-power; Fools have willpower. - Saurabh Sharma
<…> God is a person; godliness is a quality. You cannot become God, but you can be godly. <...> - Osho
Unlike the world that points out your flaws to ridicule you, when GOD point out your flaws, it's because He want to walk you out of it. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Solitude I seek. In solitude, I live. - Borgohain J.
We donot qualify as humans going by our acts, but we surely prove through our vulnerability and sufferings! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Sometimes, the scariest thing you will ever have to do is trust God to fight the battles you can no longer fight. - Shannon L. Alder
Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living. - Miriam Beard
Though music oft hath such a charm to make bad good, and good provoke to harm. - William Shakespeare
Mannequins can't dress themselves. Stones go wherever you throw them. - Marty Rubin
One of the reasons God did not make a lover for Himself when He made one for Adam is because He knew that fewer people would take Him seriously once He had an ex. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Always trust your instinct! If you just close your eyes, talk to God and listen you can always hear the truth - Tammy Johnson
For it is better to drink a wholesome draught of truth from the humble vessel, than poison mixed with honey from a golden goblet. - Nennius
Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intelligor illis.(In this place I am a barbarian, because men do not understand me.) - Ovid
The insights we receive when going silent, it's our gift to ourselves. Returning and living them, sharing them, that is our gift to the world. - Kamal Ravikant
Courtesy and kindness cultivate confidence with good Netiquette. Doing things right makes you feel good. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
Be bold. Don’t wait. Go ahead. - Debasish Mridha
For an entire wing of the G.O.P., a dysfunctional government, whose only visible activity is mismanaging crises, is not an embarrassment but the vindication of a worldview. - Amy Davidson
I have faith that all is well, that all good things come to me in Divine timing. I can relax and surrender to the truth that I am divinely guided and cared for. - Eileen Anglin
If you find yourself wondering if you can go on, remember how much you’ve accomplished. Then raise your head high and be proud. YOU GOT THIS! - J.D. Crighton
Without books, God is silent, justice dormant, natural science at a stand, philosophy lame, letters dumb, and all things involved in darkness. - Thomas Bartholin
My friends, it is wise to nourish the soul, otherwise you will breed dragons and devils in your heart. - C.G. Jung
If you're waiting for the right time...Time never comes, Time only goes. - Azereth Skivel
Not everyone stays forever. You have to learn to let go. - Anonymous
New Zealand has the best government money can buy. - Grant McLachlan
It’s easy to thank God and to be happy when you live a sheltered life and have no concept of suffering; Suffer and then do all of the above. - Donna Lynn Hope
Life is something that really cannot be explained. It got to be experienced! For experiencing life to its fullest an attitudes of openness, gratefulness, happiness, flexibility are required. But most of all 'being in love' is crucial to live life to its fullest potential. - Vishwas Chavan
Of course we're Christian. The very name of the church declares that. The more people see us and come to know us, the more I believe they will come to realize that we are trying to exemplify in our lives and in our living the great ideals which (Jesus Christ) taught. - Gordon B. Hinckley
The Word of God bares weight on all ages always. - Matt Chandler
America's one of the finest countries anyone ever stole. - Bobcat Goldthwaite
Dream no small dreams. They have no power to stir the hearts of men. - Victor Hugo
Being a good leader does not require you possessing a fancy title, no more than possessing a fancy title makes you a good leader. - Mark W. Boyer
Creating life with words is my favorite magic to weave. - Jen Golembiewski
God writes love and speaks poetry. - Criss Jami
A miracle is when you take action on your written goal, and create reality by working to make it happen. Transform your dreams to the material world by writing your goals, taking action and by being determined to make them happen. - Mark F. LaMoure
A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor. - Victor Hugo
Gossip about a person and his shadow will appear. - Japanese Proverb
Man goeth to his long home. - Bible
I simply would not accede to being forced into this, and would frequently be kept out of classes because of irreverent comments and mocking this religious stuff. Frankly, it stayed with me to this day. In fact, don't get me going. I'm almost as bad as Richard Dawkins on this issue. - Richard E. Leakey
The fortune of us that are the moon's men doth ebb and flow like the sea, being governed, as the sea is, by the moon. - William Shakespeare
It is not good for man to cherish a solitary ambition. Unless there be those around him, by whose example he may regulate himself, his thoughts, desires, and hopes will become extravagant, and he the semblance, perhaps the reality, of a madman - Nathaniel Hawthorne
...most people unconsciously dream themselves out of their goals. They dream so far past their current reality—or what's currently possible—that they end up abandoning their goals and damaging their own self-esteem. - Lisa Nichols
If you don't know what to do, just be kind. You can't go wrong. - R.J. Palacio
He judged the instant and let go; he flung himself loose into the stars. - Annie Dillard
It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it. - Arnold Joseph Toynbee
You know what a storyteller is, don't you? It's a person that has a good memory who hopes other people don't. - Sandra Dallas
Nearly every parent on earth operates on the assumption that character matters a lot to the life outcomes of their children. Nearly every government antipoverty program operates on the assumption that it doesn’t. - David Brooks
That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw. - Hesiod
If you're thinking of debt, that's what you're going to attract. - Bob Proctor
To overcome evil with good is good, to resist evil by evil is evil.
You can't understand where someone's going unless you understand where they've been. - Jerry B. Jenkins
What the hell is wrong with you?" Westin growled as they entered the house. Lia twirled a bit."I am in a good mood. Is that not allowed?""For most people, yes, it's preferred. On you, it's creepy. What's up? - Abbie Chandler
Figyeld meg, vannak ilyenek; vörösre bőgik a szemüket a moziban valami gennyes marhaságon, és tízből kilenc a szíve mélyén aljas barom. - J.D. Salinger
Some things cannot be taught; they must be experienced. You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey. - Roy T. Bennett
Sometimes a policeman must confront people about lying. No one likes to be called a liar. But it is what it is! A fact is a fact! If someone is a liar, put them on notice. You should not be punished for doing the right thing. It is the job of a good investigator to get the truth. - C. Snyder
In Hollywood, no one knows anything. - William Goldman
My God, these Feeling types! ... Sensitive people are just tyrannical people - everybody else has to adapt to them. - Marie-Louise von Franz
What the new mate, sports car, or unexpected check could never do, Christ says, "I Can." You'll love how he achieves it. He reconnects your soul with God. - Max Lucado
It's odd, isn't it? People die everyday and the world goes on like nothing happened. - Kyoko Kirigiri
Zonder poes komt het nooit helemaal goed - Midas Dekkers
It takes faith to find personal significance in your relationship with God rather than how much money you earn, how beautiful you look, how many toys you own, how many trophies you collect, or how much territory you conquer and control. - Charles R. Swindoll
In suffering, I got to know my soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I hope somebody cares because I sure don't. I sure don't. Not anymore. I'm ashamed to go around my family. I'm too embarrassed to confide in my friends. Outside of work I don't have a life. - Mary B. Morrison
The healthy man is the thin man. But you don’t need to go hungry for it: Remove the flours, starches and sugars; that’s all. - Samael Aun Weor
Eventually, there will not be enough prisons if there are not enough good homes.
Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain. (Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens) - Friedrich von Schiller
The power of the bleeding love of God is stronger than the power of Caesar, of the law, of Mars, Mammon, Aphrodite and the rest. This is the point that Paul grasped. And that is the reason for the Colossians' gratitude. The battle has been won. - N.T. Wright
Sometimes memories follow you wherever you go-you don't need to take them with you. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we can see the good in other people. - Roy T. Bennett
But we can't go back. We can only go forward. - Libba Bray
One shouldn't envy another person's Destiny!As the fate written for everyone is not the same but surely a good one. - raja shakeel mushtaque
An elephant is almost a unicorn! - Laura C Goodwin
Severed and gone, so many years! And art thou still so dear to me, That throbbing heart and burning tears Can witness how I cling to thee? - Anne Brontë
Keep walking on the path of bravery. Keep walking on the path of your passion. Keep walking, and do not stop until you reach your goal. - Abhijit Naskar
Beauty is being who God made you to be. Make the most of what you have. He gave you what you are. Nothing about you is by accident. The right people will love you unconditionally, just as He does. - Kate McGahan
Evil does not exist; once you have crossed the threshold, all is good. Once in another world, you must hold your tongue. - Franz Kafka
Government is like Junior High. Your status depends upon whom you're able to persecute.
Seeing a murder on television can help work off one's antagonisms. And if you haven't any antagonisms, the commercials will give you some. - Alfred Hitchcock
Thinking about working out burns 0 calories, 0 percentage of fat and accomplishes 0 goals! - Gwen Ro
The value of a quote is not determined by the number of online LIKE vote that it has got of the people, but only by the worth of a person who in its support is true to own nature. - Anuj Somany
I sought to hear the voice of God and climbed the topmost steeple, but God declared: "Go down again - I dwell among the people. - John Henry Newman
God’s Word transforms you into someone who reflects His glory. - Elizabeth George
Friendship with the world removes God’s protection and His covering from us. - Sunday Adelaja
Consult your dragon before you wager his hide.
And so faith is closing your eyes and following the breath of your soul down to the bottom of life, where existence and nonexistence have merged into irrelevance. All that matters is the little part you play in the vast drama. - Gordon Atkinson
You can never know everything. Part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of knowledge lies in going on anyway. - Robert Jordan
My first word for the New Year was "exsanguinate." This was probably not a good omen.
The aspiration to attain goals overcomes death - Sunday Adelaja
To the degree you experience God's love towards you - seeing you as beautiful and radiant - to that degree sex won't ruin your life. - Timothy J. Keller
Love your work. Such disposition prays God bless such a 'love - Priyavrat Thareja
When you move like a jellyfish rhyth don't mean nothing. You go with the flow, you don't stop. Move like a jellyfish, rhythm means nothing.You go with the flow you don't stop. - Jack Johnson
Were Gods love is present there is always hope. - Evangelist Jordan Wells
Maybe we're all ongoing stories, defined at various stages of life, or whenever people oblige us to declare ourselves. Fiction is marvelous for studying this, allowing the writer and reader to leap decades in a sentence. No other art lets you bend time as much. - Tom Rachman
A good name is seldom regained. When character is gone, all is gone, and one of the richest jewels of life is lost. - J. Hawes
The trouble when people stop believing in God is not that they thereafter believe in nothing; it is that they thereafter believe in anything. In this century, 'anything' has included Hitler, Stalin and Mao, authors of the great genocidal madnesses of our time. - Charles Krauthammer
To be or to do? Which way will you go? - John Boyd
Whether you realize it or not, your ongoing battle with unbelief drives all your sinful thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions. - James MacDonald
I can bow to fear and flee the pursuit of great things. I can bow to God and engage in the pursuit of making things great. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
And one fine day the goddess of the wind kisses the foot of man, that mistreated, scorned foot, and from that kiss the soccer idol is born. He is born in a straw crib in a tin-roofed shack and he enters the world clinging to a ball. - Eduardo Galeano
Power is the ability not just to tell the story of another person, but to make it the definitive story of that person. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Earthly goods deceive the human heart into believing that they give it security and freedom from worry. But in truth, they are what cause anxiety. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The real frienship is like fluorescence, it shines better when everything has darken. - Rabindranath Tagore
If you're wrestling with some sort of decision, reflect for a moment and ask yourself, Am I being brave, or am I being safe? In the end, it depends on whether we think God can be trusted. - Gary Haugen
What I learned in Rwanda was that God is not absent when great evil is unleashed. Whether that evil is man-made or helped along by darker forces, God is right there, saving those who respond to His urgings and trying to heal the rest. - James Riordan
Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find - nothing. - Aesop
A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. - C. S. Lewis
God’s purpose for money, differs completely from the world’s purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
You got one guy going boom, one guy going whack, and one guy not getting in the endzone. - John Madden
I could prove God statistically. - George Gallup
I love that sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realize assumptions that we didn't even know we had and realize that the opposite may also be true. - Derek Sivers
I would love God even if he damned me, because he was so gracious to others. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
If you want to live a godly life, then choose to put the things into your mind that lead to living a godly life. - Life Management for Busy Women
Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater. - Gail Godwin
Authentic empowerment is the knowing that you are on purpose, doing God's work, peacefully and harmoniously. - Wayne W. Dyer
Your thoughts are your truth, so make them good, be good, do good. - Akiroq Brost
Nobody sees anybody truly but all through the flaws of their own egos. - Tennessee Williams
Care keeps his watch in every old man's eye, And where care lodges, sleep will never lie; But where unbruised youth with unstuff'd brain Doth couch his limbs, there golden sleep doth reign. - William Shakespeare
As long as there is the egoism of ‘I-ness’ (hoonpanu) and the partiality towards ‘my-ness’ (marapanu), how can there be liberation till then? - Dada Bhagwan
…all that goes under the name of science is not necessarily scientific, and that all that goes under the name of health-care will not necessarily care for your health. - Neville Mandy
Joy is a deeply felt contentment that transcends difficult circumstances and derives maximum enjoyment from every good experience. - Charles R. Swindoll
People want to know how I know so much. But trueth is .Inlife I have asked more questions than the answers I gave. Its good to ask when you dont know something. Than to assume you know to find you dont know anything. - De philosopher DJ Kyos
For god sake to live in awesome,cool place you should have rules in your right hand and on the left hand you should have a program which can run based on this rules. - Deyth Banger
Many talk about flowing against the wind, but its only fools, who goes against the wind. The wise one’s, simply adjust themselves with the flow of the wind. - Roshan Sharma
Walking on the path I met my Master, known by a million names in different cultures and places yet people have forgotten the way to HIM. - Maitreya Rudrabhayananda
The only abyss that exists is the demonic sphere of consciousness created by the erroneous ideas and beliefs of the collective ego. - Carol Anthony
Any healthy man can go without food for two days - but not without poetry. - Charles Baudelaire
It does not take God one second to re-write your ugly past . - Osunsakin Adewale
In music, in the sea, in a flower, in a leaf, in an act of kindness... I see what people call God in all these things. - Pablo Casals
Life for a child of God isn't about your successes or failures; Christ IS your success. - Jenari Skye
The very fact of having fixed conclusions to strive for in orthodox belief does not render the Christian philosopher dogmatic but rather intellectually fruitful, willing to take and follow reason further than the putatively undogmatic unbelieving philosopher - Gregory B. Sadler
By the river of forgetfulness, I found honesty. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Can't look at the damage that's been done, it's not healthy. Have to look ahead of it. Can't change what I've done, only what I'm gonna do. - Jordan Ghere
Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God's incomprehensibility. You can be competent in many things, but you cannot be competent in God. - Henri J.M. Nouwen
People talk about egos as if it were objects. - Bob Dylan
The cloud is free only to go with the wind. The rain is free only in falling. - Wendell Berry
Abhorrence is the cause for conflicts. God has said, ‘Do no abhorrence. If you don’t like it, ignore it’. - Dada Bhagwan
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances.The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them. - Kirk Mango
Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear. - John Lennon
Being a lone wolf is sometimes better than being in a pack. - PureDragonWolf
Girl or boy, we fight our battles. But the God's let us choose our weapons. - George R.R. Martin
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be. - Douglas Adams
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
All governments eventually lean further and further towards aristocracy. - Frank Herbert
Unless you know where you are going then you will not know how to get there. - Stephen Richards
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. - Mark Twain
The more ‘life’ a story has the more readily will it be susceptible of allegorical interpretations: while the better a deliberate allegory is made the more nearly will it be acceptable just as a story. - J.R.R. Tolkien
A man can do what he ought to do; and when he says he cannot, it is because he will not. - Johann Gottlieb Fichte
God has permitted the great lie for a short time only. That time is now coming to an end. Believers in the lie! You have been raised on the milk of your concrete beliefs. Now it is time for you to be weaned to partake of the solid food of the new age, the "New World Order. - Compton Gage
f you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A product is only as good as the process it passed through. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
When you view yourself through the lens of God’s Word, you will better understand God’s love for you and the worth you have in His eyes. - Elizabeth George
Ego is the complete identification with form. Physical forms, thought forms, emotional forms. - Eckhart Tolle
Memories should fade with time but I do not understand why they become clearer as days go by. - Auliq Ice
Are you brave enough to live your DASH: birth year death year? - andrea T Goeglein
There is a reason for every blessing that God gives a man. - Sunday Adelaja
Don’t think too small about what God could do in your life—be prepared for God to do a big thing. - Stormie Omartian
God is not interested in your art, but your heart. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
A house from which nobody ever went away without feeling better in some way. A house in which there was always laughter. - L.M. Montgomery
One's writing is good only when the intelligence and the imagination are in equilibrium. As soon as one of them overbalances the other, it's all up; you may as well throw it away and begin afresh. - Leo Tolstoy
Forgive to be free, let go to grow like a tree. - Debasish Mridha
Fear is like an illusion of a dangerous wall between you and your goal. - Miao Potirutch
How like God's love yours has been to me- so wise, so generous, and so unsparing!" exclaimed Pancratius. "Promise me one thing more- that is, that you will stay near to me to the end, and carry my last legacy to my mother. - Cardinal Wiseman
Her grandfather's books [...] opened before Ada, a world whose colours were so dazzling that reality paled in comparison and faded away. Boris Godunov, Satan, Athalia, King Lear: they all spoke words charged with meaning; every syllable was inexpressively precious - Irène Némirovsky
An infinity with God has always been a circle, not a straight line past all your mistakes. - Shannon L. Alder
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. And however undramatic the pursuit of peace, that pursuit must go on.[Address before the United Nations, September 20 1963] - John F. Kennedy
Good advice is not often served in our favorite flavor. - Tim Fargo
An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard only one side of the case; God has written all the books. - Samuel Butler
Life without a pasta machine is like life without music! - Margo Vader
Don't mire up in self despair of your losses, learn from them and move on to other good things in life. Don't stop allowing the sunshine in because of the fear that winter will come and engulf the warmth. Hold it close to you to help you through those cold winter days. - Belinda Taylor on "Loss"
Well, the gold fish in the bowl lay upside down bloatingFull in the sky and the plains were bleached white with skeletonsVarious species grouped together accordingTo their past beliefsThe only way they ever all got together wasNot in love but shameful grief - Don Van Vliet
Is there any forgiveness? If somebody does something wrong, we now have copped this "off with the head" attitude, which, I confess, feels great sometimes, but come on. Why do we paint everyone with the same brush? Why does it seem more & more we want people ruined rather than rehabilitated? - Whoopi Goldberg
Arabic science throughout its golden age was inextricably linked to religion; indeed, it was driven by the need of early scholars to interpret the Qur'an. - Jim Al-Khalili
No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good. - C. S. Lewis
You have got to discover you, what you do, and trust it. - Barbra Streisand
Don’t go to Men about God. Go to God about Men. - Todd Stocker
I don't always believe in God, but, I believe something is amiss. - Angel M.B. Chadwick
The ones who close the path for peacefull revolution, at the same time open the path for violent revolution. - Hugo Chávez
If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated. - Voltaire
You'll never fly, if you're too scared of the height,You'll never live if you're just too scared to die,Everybody wants heaven, I knowBut darling freedom ain't free, it's a long roadYou'll never find your place up there in the skyIf you never say goodbye. - Hardwell & Dyro & Bright Lights
It's rather simple. God deliver us from people who know so little that they will kill for what little they know. - R. Joseph Hoffmann
How—I didn't know anyword for it—how "unlikely". . .How had I come to be here,like them, and overheara cry of pain that could havegot loud and worse but hadn't? - Elizabeth Bishop
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant. - Saadi
When life hands you a lemon, say 'Yeah, I like lemons. What else ya got?'
If God wanted the woods to be quiet, He would not have given birds songs to sing. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Liberty, with all its drawbacks, is everywhere vastly more attractive to a noble soul than good social order without it than society like a flock of sheep, or a machine working like a watch. - Johann Schiller
It’s perfectly understandable, in my opinion, to find good things in the teachings of Jesus Christ or any other figure, mythical or otherwise. But to base your life on the teachings of Jesus as they are portrayed in the Bible and claim that you are not religious is disingenuous. - David G. McAfee
God has called His creation to find satisfaction in a personal relationship with Him, and stop trying to manage the world by conforming it to our expectations, and to allow Him to govern His creation. He continues to say through an ancient Hebrew worship song, "Be still and know that I am God! - Charles R. Swindoll
Sometimes God must confine us in order to free us. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
One of the most amazing things that we often forget is this: God never forgets us! Face it; you could hide under a rock, BUT, God will still be beside you saying, "Rock bottom, already? - Mary Kate
It may be that no religious reconciliation with the absolute totality of things is possible. Some evils, indeed, are ministerial to higher forms of good; but it may be that there are forms of evil so extreme as to enter into no good system whatsoever… - William James
My only sin in this world has been that I have been truthful and honest and God has blessed me for this earthly sin. - Amit Abraham
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. - Mother Teresa
When people sleep, others stay awake to effect changes in the world. Every other person wakes up in the morning to a totally different world - Gossy Ukanwoke
A good novel tells us the truth about its hero, but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. It does much more than that, it tells us the truth about its readers; and, oddly enough, it tells us this all the more the more cynical and immoral be the motive of its manufacture. - G.K. Chesterton
Sometimes you have to look past a person’s mistakes to see God’s presence. - Shannon L. Alder
Nature is my manifestation of God. I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day's work. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Burn God's words into your heart, His thoughts into your mind and His ways into your actions; and you'll have a Spirit-filled life. - Alisa Hope Wagner
Fantasy, abandoned by reason, produces impossible monsters; united with it, she is the mother of the arts and the origin of marvels. - Francisco de Goya
Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind. - Samuel Johnson
Courage is always greatest when blended with meekness; intellectual ability is most admired when it sparkles in the setting of modest self-distrust; and never does the human soul appear so strong as when it foregoes revenge and dares to forgive any injury.
i was going to kick my ass if i hurt her in a dream - Kelly Elliott
Who made you Queen of Literacy? Go sit in your car! - Jackson Pearce
You only have to do one good thing to be in somebody’s lifetime of prayers. - Sanober Khan
Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day! - V Duwane Ledbetter
I got a garage door opener. It can't close. Just open. - Steven Wright
May we never forget the faithful God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Life is cocktail of all things- pain, pleasure, enjoyment, exploration, breaking up & healing up.The moment when you decide what to hold on and what to let go in life, the life will be more like that. And one can enjoy this cocktail only when you learn to let go things easily. - raja shakeel mushtaque
Drizzle happiness wherever you go. - A.D. Posey
You've got to dig it to dig it, you dig? - Thelonious Monk
Take the challenge of your life.Reach out to your goals.There is no limit to what you can achieve. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The domain of God is primarily heaven. That is where he has limited himself to. - Sunday Adelaja
You said, 'They’re harmless dreamers and they’re loved by the people.' 'What,' I asked you, 'is harmless about a dreamer, and what,' I asked you, 'is harmless about the love of the people? Revolution only needs good dreamers who remember their dreams. - Tennessee Williams
Don't wait for a future moment; the time is NOW! The life of your dreams awaits... UN-ASS the couch and go get it! - Steve Maraboli
The beauty of collaboration between older and younger generations is that we combine strength with wisdom—a surefire way to accomplish more for the glory of God. - Brett Harris
I decided that if I was never going to sell anything as long as I lived, I might as well do what I want to do 'cause then at least I would've done what I wanted to do in life. What's that worth? - Janet Fitch
Let's hope that for every time that we get hurt or break our heart, there is something somewhere being written to make up for it, to make the happiness due even bigger and laughters even merrier, for after all good things must happen to good people. - Mansi Soni
Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent. - Sophia Loren
Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe. - Galileo Galilei
Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance and shimmy, and you've got an audience! - Diogenes Laërtius
My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hate on ice, and wait for the sun to show. - Gabriel García Márquez
A sense of humor helps us to get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times. - Steve Goodier
The pale water which goes away along paths of silence. - Georges Rodenbach
Dear God, I am only what you made me and I appreciate everything that you gave me, but like, I don't want to do it any more, sort of lost sight of what I'm doing it for. - Nicki Minaj
Not one of the boys like me. I’ve put their noses out of joint.Well, they were never good-looking lads. - Luggs
If I had lost everything and was out on the streets with no money I would go sit in the library and read and meditate for weeks at a time. - Matthew Donnelly
Many of the stars in the universe are thousands of times bigger than the earth. God focuses on the earth, a little speck of dust in the galaxy, and even loves each of us intensely as if each of us are the only person who exists. - Paul Silway
Tomorrow go out and do one good deed something you would'nt normally do, then make it a habit and add another each and every time you've owned and mastered the one before and then even you can turn Iron into Gold - Lateef Abader
Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions. - T.S. Eliot
The pen is my true salvation. God is not. - Khali Raymond
A man can stand anything except a succession of ordinary days. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We can only get to God through God. Every other possible avenue is a dead-end before it even starts. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Our spiritual history is the history of God-ventriloquists! The truth is that the voice of God is the voice of cunning Man, the ventriloquist's voice! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you have learned to be good by yourself you will always be. - M.F. Moonzajer
If you don't smell good, then you don't look good. - Katy Elizabeth
The man least dependent upon the morrow goes to meet the morrow most cheerfully. - Epicurus
Embrace today! Embrace the new day! Yesterday is gone forever. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. All we have is now and a great day to look forward to. Today is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it! - DeWayne Owens
She wondered why they didn't understand that their true selfs were good enough, and if they weren't, then the someones they weren't good enough for, were really the ones not good enough. - Lynsay Sands
And I swear, she tasted like the sun. - S. Gregory
God became man; and the love, woman. (Dieu s'est fait homme; - Et l'amour, femme.) - Charles de Leusse
Gosh that takes me back... or is it forward? That's the trouble with time travel, you never can tell. - Doctor Who
You don't pay back your parents. You can't. The debt you owe them gets collected by your children, who hand it down in turn. It's a sort of entailment. Or if you don't have children of the body, it's left as a debt to your common humanity. Or to your God, if you possess or are possessed by one. - Lois McMaster Bujold
You know what's just as powerful as a good cup of coffee in the morning? Starting your day with some good, loving thoughts. It can change how your whole day unfolds. - Karen Salmansohn
If your fancied god hates those you hate, then, this bumbling idiot is as little, and as buggered, as you are, O' little one. - Fakeer Ishavardas
The good psychic would pick up the phone before it rang. Of course it is possible there was noone on the other line. Once she said "God Bless you" I said, "I didn't sneeze" She looked deep into my eyes and said, "You will, eventually." And damn it if she wasn't right. Two days later I sneezed. - Ellen DeGeneres
Keep me heaven my soul has holes, leaking good morals, I once had control over dark matters of the world, give me courage and strength for my Lord, and sew the holes that hold you near. Keep me heaven my soul has holes. - Anthony Liccione
You have to choose the best, every day, without compromise...guided by your own virtue and highest ambition - Philippa Gregory
There are two different categories of love. The first category is called a fairytale. The second category of love is called just another lesson - Taylor Swift
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