Quotation Explorer - 'Pilot'

Are you a passenger on a ghost ship or are you the pilot? - Chris Hardwick
An unstable pilot steers a leaking ship, and the blind is leading the blind straight to the pit. The ruler is like the ruled. - Saint Jerome
My gad," one of them, warrant officer pilot, captain and M. C. in turn said to me once; "if you can treat a crate that way, why do you want to fly at all? - William Faulkner
Success flourishes only in perseverance--ceaseless, restless perseverance. (1892-1918); Former Fighter Pilot - Baron Manfred von Richthofen
If God is your pilot, do not fear any turbulence. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I have one dream: I want to get my jet pilot license, and take my jet to 40 000 feet, look down, and realise how small we are. Not for the kick of the G's but just to get the feeling of just for once flying above humanity. - Wouter Van Gastel
You can curse the moonCurse the day your’re bornBut the pilot of your plane is youWe’re all in this world, by a greater plan Look up, lift your wings, Because you canThe Light Said (The First Song album) - Phyllis Wheaton
Knowledge is the eye of desire and can become the pilot of the soul. - Will Durant
It is now possible for a flight attendant to get a pilot pregnant.
Every pilot needs a co-pilot, and let me tell you, it is awful nice to have someone sitting there beside you, especially when you hit some bumpy air. - Eric Wald
First, know where you want to go. Then, go where you want to go. You are your own pilot and you can choose your Destination. - RVM
A writer who can't follow submission guidelines is like a pilot without a plane... ain't gonna get very far! - Jo Linsdell
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