Talk not of wasted affection, affection never was wasted, If it enrich not the heart of another, its waters returning Back to their springs, like the rain shall fill them full of refreshment; That which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills. - Minna Thomas Antrim
Within everyone there is a place, hidden deep inside, which yearns for 'that' kiss. You know the one I mean, the one that sends your senses reeling, leaving you breathless and when you break away, and finally regain your senses, you know you will never see the world in the same light... - Virginia Alison
Turn over the rudder in God's name, and sail with the wind heaven sends us. - Catherine of Siena
God sends meat and the devil sends cooks. - Thomas Deloney
It is a kind of geisha containment, a shutteredness, a withdrawal and negation. It's as if she is capable of sensing when people are on the point of knowing who she is and she sends them a subliminal denial. - Deirdre Madden
The Lord sends rain due season. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When you ask God for a gift, Be thankful if he sends, Not diamonds, pearls or riches, but the love of real true friends. - Helen Steiner Rice
If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes. - Corrie ten Boom
Every beat of your heart sends the message of love over the boundary of infinite time. - Debasish Mridha
God is gracious to always give a warning before He sends judgment. - Jim George
I knew it was going to hurt. No one sends such a long text, using so many words just to say "I love you. - Katherine Intac
That dip in the road- that sends your belly to your throat... that's how it feels when you kiss me. - Kellie Elmore
God sends someone for each and every one of us to help with our loss. We just have to accept it. - Saim .A. Cheeda
There are joys which long to be ours. God sends ten thousands truths, which come about us like birds seeking inlet; but we are shut up to them, and so they bring us nothing, but sit and sing awhile upon the roof, and then fly away. - Henry Ward Beecher
Invisible God sends His messenger in the form of a stranger to a kind passenger to guide him to the true path through the mirage of a life's journey. - Anuj Somany
A kind word sends vibes of love, if we are perceptive, if we know how love permeates and proliferates with this little gesture of giving. - Balroop Singh
While people pray in temples, God sends prophets with unacceptable appearances and by doing so easily selects the elect - Daniel Marques
Each time someone stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. - Robert F. Kennedy
Sleep is a daily reminder from God that we are not God. Once a day God sends us to bed like patients with a sickness. The sickness is a chronic tendency to think we are in control and that our work is indispensable. To cure us of this disease God turns us into helpless sacks of sand once a day. - John Piper
There comes a time when one suddenly discovers that there will never be a time for the coming of the perfect person, or believe that God sends people from heaven, so one finds a random fellow, either righteous or unrighteous, excellent or Impaired, and in no time become what God had ordained. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Sometimes, God doesn’t send you into a battle to win it; he sends you to end it. - Shannon L. Alder
I will never let you fallI'll stand up with you foreverI'll be there for you through it allEven if saving you sends me to heaven - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
We want big results-sooner rather than later. And we've forgotten that God showers his extraordinary gifts through ordinary means of grace, loves us through ordinary fellow image bearers, and sends us into the world to love and serve others in ordinary callings. Michael Horton, Ordinary, 14 - Michael S. Horton
There isn’t a viler creature on earth than a politician who sends the children of others to the war but not his own children! - Mehmet Murat ildan
For each new morning with its light,For rest and shelter of the night,For health and food, for love and friends,For everything Thy goodness sends. - Ralph Waldo Emerson